#and generally I rarely seriously ship
unsafe-chikku · 8 months
I really have a hard time personally enjoying seriously thinking about hlvrai as a setting where it’s real instead of a special edition of half life in vr with AI powered characters streamed by Wayneradiotv.
Like, for one, if it’s Real then all these characters are incredibly morally bankrupt murderers. They killed a lot of innocent people. Lol.
Plus- the way the other npcs behave, the playcoins, Dr Coomers entire character arc, and many other jokes and ideas simply can’t be translated into Real very well without changing stuff so much you lose a lot of what makes the original great.
I also like to think on some level all the AI know that the non-AI npcs are not people on some level, whether consciously or unconsciously. They treat each other much differently than the non-AI for a reason.
Another thing one misses out on in Not a game settings besides the great jokes and gags is one of my favorite kinds tragic aspects of the series- Gordon isn’t real, he’s just a guy, The Player.
There is no fridge Gordon !
I mean, in the lore of the actual series he is Wayne
He’s Wayne in the sense in that he’s the same Wayne where Slump is an actual elf made with Wayne’s dna that killed Santa and not a cardboard cut out, Joshua really was his computer son that looks like a melon that was brought back in a seance and then run over by Creed, he was actually kidnapped by Homer from Simpson, was actually killed by I.M. Mean, actually became besties with a talking gnome prop in half life alyx and paid the price, etc
…it sure is hard to be a streamer these days.
Anyways, “Gordon” is in too deep to admit to these AI that are his friends that they are inside a video game. He does a little under stress in a vague way when Dr Coomer asks him directly, but refuses to break Kayfab and character otherwise.
All that to say is that while I can see the appeal of those sorts of It’s Real AUs they really aren’t for me.
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p4rty4nim4l · 4 months
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toxic yuri be doomed
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reel-fear · 2 years
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ೃ⁀➷ look at me! look at me!
↳ ❝ ¡love and deepspace idol! au headcanons! ❞
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·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
linkon city, the hotspot for new and upcoming talent. the city is restless, many calling it “the city of dreams”. ambition and passion are what fuel the city, it’s vibrant culture making it alluring to many. you and your best friend tara are debuting in the most anticipated girl group of your generation, hunt:ress. with your manager caleb and your groupmates by your side, this journey should be smooth sailing…
fans tend to pit boy groups and girl groups against each other— it did not take long before your group hunt:ress was dragged into that mess. specifically with a particular boy group— after a clip of the recently debuted group brushing past yours without a second glance at an award show went viral, the boy group eVOL was never far when hunt:ress was mentioned. hell even variety and award shows were humoring the spectacle by having the two groups up to announce awards or interviews. that’s where you met the group’s maknae, xavier.
when i tell you— y’all looked at each other like ONCE and the masses were making edits, making blogs and analysis videos, writing fanfiction, whole nine yards
but of course with the people who thought y’all were cute (despite never actually having a conversation with one another) came his fans who gave you unnecessary hate, they’re ruthless
with the way your group was pitted against eVOL, other fans just thought y’all had beef (think the alleged jeongyeon v. jimin beef type of level LMAOOOOO)
no but seriously eVOL fans conspired with hunt:ress fans about you and xavier being together so much that caleb had to give the company your phone to search through just to make sure
rumors get so bad that they put you on house arrest shortly after some rabid xavier biases run you out of a cafe (it made the news)
eVOL’s company reaches out to yours with a half hearted apology, however they won’t won’t release a public statement because “that would only feed into it” and hope that the situation blows over
unbeknownst to both companies— xavier finds a way to reach out to you through your old phone (that you hide because you didn’t want to give up your old life just to become an idol) and apologizes for his fans behavior
the two of you actually start to talk since you’re not exactly allowed to go out the dorms save for group outings and music/award shows, he’s been the first person you’ve been able to actually talk to, it was refreshing
you find out despite his baby face— he is not the maknae and is actually the oldest member but his company’s trying to keep that public perception of him (yeah they’re weeeeeird)
you start to confide in each other and talk about idol life but also just random things, he’s a comforting presence in a world where everyone’s eyes were on you
you sometimes text him all night coming to practice absolutely exhausted, tara’s the first one to suspect something is going on
tara actually runs one of y’all’s ship pages LMAOOOOO
when your group wins an award for best new music, he’s the first person who congratulates you (the footage is clipped and before the end of the night it’s viral)
one of the reasons why hunt:ress was so well received was because of their visuals. the girls were pretty, sure— but whoever their stylist was? they were working overtime. there is not a single ‘flop outfit’ compilation or blog about any of you girls. one of your group’s performance outfit goes viral however everyone can’t stop talking about how it captured your aura and stage presence perfectly, it went viral catching everyone’s attention— including someone interesting. your company had ties to a famous designer who rarely showed his face, seemed like he’d just design clothes and have them modeled and call it a day, did not bother to even go to fashion showcases where his work would be the main event. but then he saw a clip of you in his work go viral— he had to see it for himself. that’s when you met rafayel.
when you heard that the designer of all your performance outfits wanted to meet you specifically you were nervous, after all this had to be some respectable man
let’s just say you were a bit confused when you showed up to his studio that looked like a tornado had ran through it— everything was strewn around
in its wake? an attractive young man who was probably the last person you’d think would be the person responsible for your group’s outfits
he’s an audacious man, skipping all pleasantries to immediately ask about your measurements
he asks for your chest size first and you resist the urge to chuck a nearby thread spool at him
you start to interrogate him, there’s no way that he’s the decorated designer that’s well respected in the industry… right?
but despite his demeanor, you can’t argue with his skill when he pulls out a dress that immediately catches your eye— you’re itching to try it on
he snickers at your wide eyes and tells you to change into it (he makes a joke about how he wouldn’t mind dressing you himself and you give him the craziest look)
once you’re all dressed up you step away from the changing room, doing a little twirl as you showed off his work
he was in awe, videography did you no justice compared the real deal— he shamelessly asks you to drop your idol career to be his model, his muse
and just when you thought you couldn’t give this man any more crazy looks
you really couldn’t deny it though, it was almost as if his work was made for you— the dress complimented you deeply
but alas you had worked extremely hard to get to where you were now, no amounts of flattery would coax you out of it
no matter to him, he wasn’t one to give up so easily. in a sea of fish, you were quite the catch
eventually he convinces your company to “lend” you to him as his model— the company agrees because not only is the versatility of idols really important but also free promo lolz
he now starts to attend these fashion shows so he can bask in your presence showing off his work, people whisper about the man who manages to get the best seat every time wondering who he is
at the end of every show he’s waiting for you with a bouquet of flowers, you always accept them joking about how it was just another failed attempt at him trying to get you to be his permanent model
little did you know that that wasn’t the only thing he was gunning for
whenever the question “who’s the most hardworking?” would arise in group interviews, without a doubt your fellow members would answer your name. your trainee days were rough, strict diets, endless hours of practice, appointments with vocal coaches, promo— you took it all in stride with no complaints. nowadays as a debuted idol in a well performing group, you still couldn’t help but watch what you ate, practice until your muscle ached, finding every opportunity to better yourself. tara often tried to reassure you that you already were good enough and that it was alright to be gracious and lenient towards yourself. you appreciated her words but you were fine, it wasn’t nearly as bad as being a trainee. that mindset eventually landed you in trouble causing you to collapse at a pre rehearsal for a music show. fortunately with no footage, rumors of your company potentially mistreating you only had the questioned credibility from word of mouth. eventually coming to with an iv connected to your arm and caleb scolding you for never taking breaks, your company insists that your group does the next few music shows without you so you can rest. before you can protest, a doctor that’s introduced to be your primary care walks in. that’s when you’re reunited with zayne.
you’re still a bit groggy but you recognize those pensive green eyes anywhere
he tries to not cross the line of a patient doctor relationship but the minute caleb leaves he gives you an exasperated look
he makes a quip that despite all these years later you still are inadequate in taking care of yourself
you grew up in the same small town as him and went to school together, of course he left for medical school while you perused your dream— who knew that you’d reunite in the big city
despite being in for mild dehydration and being treated for it with the iv, he insists on doing a full exam which gets you nervous and rightfully so, he’s very thorough
and lo and behold— he unravels your secret that you’ve kept from your company, your chronic illness
when auditioning and being signed on as a trainee the medical records you had submitted were from a shoddy doctor who never ran any tests
you beg him not to rat you out, after all you had made it this far with not a single person suspecting a thing
he’s very adamant about letting your company know, he tries to reassure you that the more room for accommodation for you the better but you cut him off pleading
he didn’t know how ruthless the industry was— you’ve seen plenty of popular groups put members in indefinite and unfair hiatuses for something beyond their control, if it wasn’t your company than the general public would know you as the sickly idol
you had worked too hard for it to come crashing down like this and his cold eyes softened in realization
he let out a sigh before begrudgingly agreeing to keep your secret, reminding you that you had been lucky that he was employed by the hospital rather than your company who by under contract he’d have to tell
he also makes a condition, you would have to start taking care of yourself more— if you ever landed in a hospital bed with another iv in he wouldn’t hesitate to let your company know of your state
you thank him profusely, you had worked far too hard for this. he knows because this had been your dream since you were children
you offer him to lunch in the upcoming weeks as a means to catch up, he only agrees under the guise that he can keep an eye on your condition while making sure you actually eat
❀° ┄───╮
a/n: wowza that was a lot 😵‍💫
y’all i love this game so much it’s not even funny— zayne my beloved pookie bear oml
i hope y’all enjoyed this fr, maybe i’ll write something(s) inspired by this au and hopefully expand on some of the headcanons ‼️
if y’all get some inspiration off of this pls tag me i wanna read yalls work so badlyyyy okay bye guys mwahhhh 🫶🏾
╰───┄ °❀
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g1rlr0b1n · 4 months
Any headcanons about Jon Kent and/or Damian Wayne?
I'm gonna focus some older damijon headcanons so that this post doesn't go on forever 😅
Sleeping Habits
Jon sleeps best when he focuses in on Damian's heartbeat. He still has night terrors about his time as Ultraman's prisoner but if he can listen to Damian's heartbeat until it lulls him back to sleep, he feels safe. This continues on into his adult life.
Damian inherited Jon's old Superboy jacket after Jon came back aged up and he sleep with it next to his pillow like a security blanket (but if anyone asks, he'll deny it). Damian stops doing this when Jon begins sleeping over because now his pillows smell like Jon and that's all he really wanted, that feeling of knowing he's around.
Dating History
Jon dates a lot in his youth, he dated Irma, then Jay, then several more people before finally dating Damian in his early 30s. He likes dating, he likes the thrill of a new relationship but after the cliché feelings of romance have worn off, he has a bad habit of becoming distant until the other person just ends things with him. This hasn't happened with Damian because Damian doesn't let him get bored lol...also because their love is stronger than feelings of passion. It's a genuine love and friendship.
Damian didn't start dating seriously until after college. He'd had crushes but they weren't really a sexual thing, more like something he thought he was supposed to do and wanting to feel loved. He tried to give it the ol' college try with Maps but even she knew it wasn't going to work out; they're still really good friends though (and only two years "wasted"). Honestly, she figured out his preferences before he did and convinced him to ask Jon out. Silver lining is, Damian introduced her to Colin and when they got married they fought over who got to have him as their best man...she won. (yes Maps and Colin are one of my crack ships lol)
Damian actually convinced Jon to give college another try, which he does. They end up going to Star City University together (because it's neutral) and were even roommates. It was awkward for Jon at first since he was an older freshman but he's a people person so the age gap didn't stay weird for long. It did get tiring telling the freshman, "no, I can't buy you alcohol. I'm not trying to get expelled". He ends up getting a PhD in Biochemistry.
Damian had not been excited to continue his education until he managed to convince Jon to do it with him. He decided to go the Veterinary route because "people get on his nerves" and he wanted to save on his own vet bills (practical). When their majors took them in separate directions they still stayed as roommates. Damian and Jon didn't date in college so it did get under Damian's skin to see Jon date other people, but at the time he didn't really understand why (retrospect is 20/20).
Jon had been nervous about not following his parent's footsteps but with Damian's encouragement Jon goes into applied research and gets a job at S.T.A.R labs. He writes articles of his findings frequently, so it's not like the ol' writing genes went completely to waste. His parents do like to joke "where did we go wrong with you?" about his very different career path but it's all in jest, they are very proud of him.
Damian gets his veterinary medical degree but later decides to go back to school to get a general medical degree (he has a change of heart in his mid-30s). He is still primarily a Vet but he wanted to be able to help his family out as well since Alfred was gone and...so was Leslie now too. Damian also does a lot of extra research regarding alien biology on the side, he can't get a degree in it, but he's currently one of only a handful of people on Earth that would be able to operate on Jon or any other Kryptonian should they need it.
The Multiverse
Damian and Jon are a rare phenomena within the Multiverse; that are what is regarded as, "True Soulmates". Even on Earths that do not have both a Damian and Jon their fates are still intertwined. A world without both spells loneliness for the the other and more often than not, catastrophe for that world. (I'm actually in the process of writing a whole series about this. The first preview was posted earlier this month. Earth 3: Into the Owls Nest)
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carionto · 11 months
Hyperbrake Racing
Everything in Human ships has a manual override. They love automating all processes and reduce any workload to nothing, but also have this compulsive need to be able to take direct control if so desired.
They also have emergency off switches for everything. Yes, including life support. Don't ask, you'll just get a variant of:
"But What If!?"
Obviously, this applies to things you should never under any circumstances shut down preemptively, such as a Hyperspace Jump.
The earliest space-faring civilizations quickly discovered that if a Hyperdrive has a power interruption even for a nano-second your atoms will get dispersed across a few light months. This is why all Hyperdrives have an internal chargeable uninterruptible power supply unit.
Humanity, however, did not allow "Not having any reason whatsoever" to stop them from figuring out a way. Utilizing their ridiculous quantum computer speed and the ability of their fusion reactors to charge a Hyperdrive mid-jump, and with an injection of a disgusting few million lines of hack code that manipulate all related pieces of hardware in just the most nauseating sequences, they created the Hyperbrake.
Also, not a metaphor - braking literally causes Humans to feel nauseous, sometimes throw up, rarely even pass out. Not a single volunteer crew member aboard joint vessels from any of the other Coalition species has dared to "test" what happens to them.
As with nearly all things Humans come across or invent, they will find a use for it should one not occur normally.
Near Neptune
Daniel, Samantha, and Nicholas Schreier were three siblings ages 17, 19, and 20, respectively. Today they had "borrowed" their dad's General FordStar mark 980-MZ HaulerHound, a civilian grade transport typically used by small business owners. Dad, however, was an enthusiast, and had modified the "Hound Dog", as he calls it, with a military grade reactor and computer core. He's always been that guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who can get the thing legally enough.
There is a nearby research station that the kids often visit due to their mom working there, but today she was not. Instead, what they are doing, is racing against each other to set the best record. Well, technically the opposite of racing - coming to a halt.
Using the Hyperbrake, they are competing to see who can stop the closest to the stations outer point-defense range without entering it or you automatically lose. After Samantha's turn, they were suddenly contacted by the station. It was Yakovskii, one of mom's colleagues and a frequent guest at dad's barbecues, so they were on sorta good terms. Not by the tone voice coming through the comms rights now though:
"What in the Hell are you thinking!? At first I thought you were just messing around and accidentally did that, but TWICE now!?! I checked the trajectory, if you had stopped a half-second later, you would've ended up mere meters from Neptune's upper atmosphere! Did you account for the possible sudden gravitational pull? Can you maneuver that lumbering ship fast enough to not get pulled down? Not to mention Hyperbraking severely impairs your cognitive abilities for a moment? A moment that you need to be clearheaded for or risk DEATH!?!"
The three siblings could only hang their heads in shame and mutter out some weak apologies. After a moment of silence and reflection, Yakovskii speaks in a warmer tone:
*sigh* "Look, I understand it's a fancy new toy and you want to see what you can do. I get it, I really do. Me and my brother used to play vertical hockey the first time we got our hands on a surplus gravity field generator. But we first figured out how to make sure we didn't break our bones in case it failed. Seriously, never forget to consider your own safety first before you try out new things in a peaceful environment. You're not being chased by pirates or trying to avoid the law or whatever.
Take your time, pick a starting position that's further away and keeps Neptune and any of its moons to the side of the station, then aim for an area of space that only has the outer range of the defenses and empty space ahead from your point of view. And please set the regular Hyperjump destination within Sol, don't just pick a random place. The Hyperbrake sometimes loops in on itself and never executes the brake and can only be reset once out of Hyperspace. You don't want to get stuck in a pointless jump for hours do you?"
After this admonishment, the siblings apologized more energetically and took his advice to heart. They spent the next hour competing until all three were down to single meter differences and kinda got bored, so they docked at the station and hung out with the off-duty staff, played some poker, but then dad barged in and dragged them all home. They were not invited to the barbecue gatherings for two weeks, but only because mom told him to. Personally he was excited about all the data his kids had unknowingly given him with all their jumping and braking, a real stress test for his beautiful Hound Dog.
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thewulf · 4 months
Love Strikes || Dallas "Dally" Winston
Summary: Request - ok so wild idea but could u do dallas winstin x fem reader who is in the middle of finals and shes really stressed bc shes getting slammed by school work, is tired and her parents keep giving her like hella chores before and after school, so much so shes getting really behind from an straight a student to b's and c's and shes just been bottling up untill she punched a wall and broke her hand- also could her and dallas be in a pre existing relation ship?
A/N: Another one for the sweeeeeetest boy! Hope you guys enjoy
Pairing: Dallas "Dally" Winston x Female Reader (Buck Merril Cousin)
Word Count: 2.7k +
TW: talks of abuse (mental), punching, threats of violence, general Outsiders warnings
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The day you started working at the local diner, you immediately caught the attention of the regulars. The group known around town as the greasers. But it was Dallas Winston who couldn't keep his eyes off you. His reputation as a tough, unflappable rebel made his obvious interest in you all the more intriguing. The other greasers noticed it too and they quickly adopted an unspoken rule: you were off-limits because you were Dally's girl, even before a single word had passed between the two of you.
Months passed with stolen glances and the occasional smoldering look from across the room, but Dallas never made a move, and you wondered if his reputation had made him hesitant. Then one quiet Tuesday afternoon when the diner was almost empty, and you were wiping down tables you decided to break the ice.
You approached him, heart pounding but armed with a casual smile. “You know, for someone who doesn’t talk much you sure do say a lot with those eyes of yours,” you teased trying to keep your tone light.
Dallas, usually so sure of himself, blushed a deep, unmistakable red that made him look unexpectedly vulnerable. He stumbled over his words. A stark contrast to the smooth, confident persona he projected. “I, uh... yeah, I guess I do. Sorry ‘bout that.”
It was so endearing. So contrary to everything you’d heard about him that you couldn’t help but laugh. “No need to apologize. I find it kinda sweet.”
Dallas looked up locking his eyes with yours. “Yeah?” he asked, a hopeful, almost shy tone in his voice.
“Yeah,” you affirmed with your own cheeks heating up.
From that day on Dallas made a point of talking to you whenever he came in. The other greasers teased him relentlessly seeing his awkward attempts at flirting, but Dallas didn’t care. His buddies ribbed him one evening as he left the counter with a grin after a particularly long chat with you. “Look at Dally, all love-struck and stumbling!” Johnny called out making the others laugh.
But Dallas just flipped them off casually. His eyes never leaving you as he walked back to his seat. “Shut it. She talked to me,” he said with pride in his voice undeniable.
Soda can't help but laugh. The sound echoing around the diner as he watches Dallas's rare display of affection. He shakes his head with wide grin plastered across his face and leans across the table to give Dallas a gentle shove. "Look at you. All tough and scary but you melt just like butter when she talks to you," Soda teases, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You're one lucky guy, Dal," he adds more seriously as his tone softened. "Don’t screw it up, okay? Because honestly it's good to see you smiling for real."
Dallas just snorts trying to maintain his tough exterior. But the corners of his mouth betray him, curling up ever so slightly. Soda’s approval means the world to him and it's clear that your interaction has lifted his spirits in a way that the rest of the gang rarely sees.
That was the beginning. Despite the rough edges and the chaos that sometimes surrounded him Dallas showed you a side of himself that few ever saw. He was protective, surprisingly sweet, and more loyal than anyone you had ever known. As your relationship deepened those moments in the diner became your cherished memories. The foundation of a love story that defied expectations.
Now, months later, the dynamic of your relationship had comfortably settled into the quiet routine of your evening study sessions. The small lamp on your desk casts a warm glow over your textbooks and papers. The quiet of the evening interrupted only by the soft scratch of your pen against paper. Dallas lounges on your bed with a copy of a car magazine balanced on his knee, but his attention isn't really on the articles. Instead, he watches you sensing something was off. His gaze occasionally flicking to the window where the last streaks of sunset are disappearing.
You pause in your studying feeling his eyes on you. You look up with a sigh. “Dad’s been on my case non-stop,” you confess sensing his eyes on you. Dally missed nothing. The weight of the words heavier than the textbooks in front of you. “Ever since my brother started getting into trouble… it’s like he’s taking it all out on me. More chores, more rules. I can barely keep up.”
Dallas sets the magazine aside. His expression turning serious as he shifts to sit more upright. “That’s not fair to you,” he says, his voice low and steady. “You shouldn’t have to pick up slack for things you didn’t do.”
You nod at him while rubbing your temples. “I know, but I don’t know how to make him see that. It’s like, the more I try to explain it to him the less he listens.”
Dallas’s brow furrows. He swings his legs off the bed before coming to sit beside you. He takes one of your hands. His touch always so reassuring. “Maybe you don’t need to make him see anything right now,” he suggests. “Just focus on what you need to get done, for school and for yourself. I’m here, okay? I can help with whatever you need. Chores, dealing with your dad, anything.”
The simplicity and sincerity in his offer bring a small smile to your face. “Thanks, Dal. It means a lot, really.”
He squeezes your hand gently, then glances at your books. “Let’s tackle this together tonight. You study, and I’ll quiz you. And hey, I can even stick around to help with the chores your dad wants done. Might make him ease up a bit if he sees you’re not handling it alone.”
Grateful, you scoot over to make room for him at the desk. As Dallas picks up a set of flashcards you’ve prepared, his presence makes the pile of work seem a little less daunting. You dive into your studies together with the occasional question from Dallas punctuating the evening. His efforts to lighten your burden evident in every word he speaks.
As the night progresses the shared tasks and his unyielding support make you feel less alone in your struggles. Dallas was usually so rugged and distant with others. But he’s do different with you. He’s with you in this—completely, undeniably supportive. It’s in these quiet moments that you truly see the depth of his care for you.
As you try to focus on your calculus homework your bedroom door flies open with a force that makes you flinch. It’s your father. His face flushed with anger. “Why haven’t you cleaned up around the house yet? I asked you hours ago!” he demands, his voice sharp and piercing.
The words strike deep, exacerbating the stress already coiled tight within you. “Dad, I’ve been trying to keep up with finals,” you stammer. Your voice laced with desperation. “I need to study to maintain my grades. I have to get into the University of Oklahoma.”
But your father is relentless. Dismissing your worries with a wave of his hand. “There’s always some excuse with you, isn’t there? You need to learn some responsibility,” he snaps before slamming the door as he leaves.
The silence that follows feels heavy, suffocating. You stare blankly at your textbook. The numbers and equations blurring before your eyes. Dallas moves closer, concern etched across his face. “Hey,” he starts softly, trying to catch your eye. “Don’t listen to—”
But his words fade into the background as a torrent of frustrations and fears overwhelm you. Tears start to prick at the corners of your eyes. Your voice trembling. “I just can’t do this anymore!” you blurt out. The dam finally breaking. “The grades, the chores, everything! They expect too much! I’m trying so hard, and it’s never enough. I’m never good enough. I’ll never be good enough. What if I don’t get into college? What then, Dallas?”
Dallas leans closer trying to make eye contact. “Hey, listen to me,” he urges softly. “You are enough, more than enough. Don’t let them—”
But you can barely hear him over the roar of your own insecurities. Your words tumble out, one over the other, each thought darker and more desperate than the last. “I'm drowning, Dallas. It feels like no matter how much I try, it’s just never enough. They don’t see me struggling—they don’t even care. And every day, I feel like I’m losing a piece of myself just to meet their expectations.”
Desperate to reach you, Dallas grabs your shoulders gently, trying to ground you. “I see you, I’m here for you, and we’ll get through this together,” he says firmly just hoping his words break through the storm inside you.
But his words meant to comfort only seem to amplify the pressure. It feels like another expectation to meet, another standard you fear you're failing. "You don't understand," you murmur. The desperation in your voice breaking through. "It's never enough. I’m never enough."
Seeing your distress Dallas softens his hold on you. His concern deepening. "I'm trying to understand. Just talk to me," he urges gently.
But the space around you feels constricting. The walls of your room closing in as each second passes. Overwhelmed, you instinctively step back, shaking your head. "I need... I just need space," you gasp out. A plea for a moment to breathe. To let the tightness in your chest ease.
Turning away from him you face the wall. The cool plaster seemingly the only thing not demanding something from you. You shut your eyes trying to shut out the world, but the silence of the room echoes the loud chaos in your mind. With a surge of frustration that feels bigger than you. Your emotions spill over. Before you can stop yourself, your arm swings out, your fist connecting with the wall. The impact is jarring, pain exploding in your hand as it meets a wooden stud behind the plaster.
"Damn it!" you exclaim. The shock and pain momentarily overwhelming you. As the reality of what just happened sinks in a fresh wave of tears starts to fall. You cradle your injured hand close to your chest feeling utterly defeated. Each sob shakes you harder and between gasps you mutter despairingly, "Can I do anything right?"
Dallas is by your side in an instant. His face filled with concern. "Oh no, no, no, baby," he coos gently. His voice soft and soothing. He carefully wraps his arms around you making sure not to jostle your injured hand. "You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s alright, it’s going to be okay," he reassures you. His tone utterly tender.
As he helps you sit down making sure to keep you close, his presence a calming force. You nod but a new worry creases your brow. "Dallas, please... don't tell my dad," you whisper. Your voice shaky. "I'm terrified of how he'll react."
Dallas looks into your eyes, filled with a mix of concern and determination. "Of course, baby. I won't say a word. But we really need to get that looked at," he assures you as he carefully observes your swelling hand.
He gently guides you to stand and leads you toward the door. His arm protectively around your waist. As you lean into his strength, despite the pain and the overwhelming emotions, Dallas’s steady support offers a small comfort. His presence and protective assurance help you gather the courage to face the immediate challenge.
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In the starkly lit hospital waiting room you and Dallas sit side by side. The hum of the fluorescent lights overhead only adding to the tension. You shift uncomfortably, cradling your bandaged hand close, the pain a constant reminder of the day's frustrations. Dallas watches you with a mixture of concern and determination. As you both wait for your name to be called, he leans in, his voice low and serious. "Look, when we get outta here, maybe I should have a talk with your old man," he suggests. His tone suggesting he's already settled on the idea.
You look at him completely surprised by the suggestion. "You think that would help?"
Dallas nods with his expression resolute. "Yeah, I think it could. Your dad and I get along alright, and maybe he'd listen if I explained how tough he’s been on you. It’s worth a try, ain’t it?" He pauses before gauging your reaction. "I can handle it, don’t worry sweetheart."
The idea of Dallas intervening on your behalf brings a mix of relief and anxiety. "Are you sure? I don't want to cause more trouble," you say. The worry evident in the cadence of your voice.
Dallas gives a short, reassuring chuckle. "Trouble’s my middle name, isn’t it? But this is the good kind. I’m not gonna let him keep pushin’ you around like this. You need your space. Especially now with everything you’ve got on your plate."
Feeling a bit relieved you nod slowly grateful for his offer. "Okay, if you think it'll help. Thanks, Dal," you say feeling a bit more hopeful.
"Always got your back," Dallas responds with a firm nod, a slight smile breaking through his usual tough demeanor. He opens his arms invitingly and you slide into his lap, seeking comfort in his embrace. Dallas wraps his arms around you securely. As the the nurse finally calls your name he gently kisses your forehead. "Let’s get you fixed up," he murmurs softly. With Dallas’s support you stand up together ready to face the treatment and whatever challenges lie ahead. His protective presence reassures you that no matter what, you truly were not alone.
After the hospital visit you and Dallas return to your house. The lights are dim, and the house is quiet. Your parents are already asleep, seemingly unaware of the turmoil you've endured today. The lack of concern from them stings but Dallas's presence offers a soothing counterbalance.
He helps you into the house. His hand gently touching your back, holding you with care. Once inside Dallas guides you to the sofa and helps you sit down. He disappears into the kitchen for a moment and returns with a warm cup of tea and a soft blanket which he drapes over your shoulders. "You should rest," Dallas says. His tone laced with a protective warmth. "I'll handle everything else around here for tonight."
You nod, grateful for his thoughtfulness. Watching him move around your living room, picking up a stray magazine or straightening a cushion, you feel a profound sense of gratitude. Despite his rough exterior Dallas shows an unparalleled tenderness and care that fills the gaps left by others' indifference. As he sits down next to you his proximity is comforting. He doesn't say much. But he doesn't need to—the steady rhythm of his breathing, the occasional touch of his hand against your back, speaks volumes.
"Dallas?" you whisper, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Yeah?" he responds, turning to look at you.
"Thank you... for everything today. For being there when it felt like no one else was," you say, your voice thick with emotion.
Dallas gives a small, sad smile, a rare crack in his tough façade. "I wish they cared more. You know? But as long as I'm around you won't have to go through anything alone."
Your heart swells with a mix of emotions. Gratitude, relief, and something deeper that has been growing stronger each day. Moved by his words and his unwavering presence you find the courage to express how deeply you feel. "Dallas, I love you," you say softly. The words feeling both monumental and profoundly right.
He looks at you, his eyes softening and filled with affection. "I love you so much, my sweet girl," he replies tenderly. He leans over and kisses the top of your head before gently pulling you into his side. "Now close those pretty eyes," he murmurs. His voice soothing after your long night.
Leaning back against the sofa, nestled against Dallas, you feel the weight of the day's events begin to lift. It was replaced by a deep, comforting peace. The room is quiet, save for the soft ticking of the clock and the gentle presence of Dallas beside you.
As the night deepens, the chaos of the day finally settles down. With Dallas by your side the challenges ahead seem less daunting. In this quiet moment your bond with him strengthens. Grounded in a profound understanding and mutual care that promises to endure whatever comes next.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!) : @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @kenn-spencerswifey @guacam011y @illisea @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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routersims · 2 months
president mind situation my take AND WHY I WAS WRONGLY BANNED!!!! (and why you shouldnt hate me!) TW/CW: mentions of shipping (sorta) and nsfw (chonny jash
this gonna be a long wall of text just sayin.. but pleeaaase read im tired of people slandering my name when im not bad.
im way better than the people who got me banned i was literally a scapegoat bro.. cordial and corey and all them mfs are so weird but thats a whole different thing
OK!! FIRST: Addressing the things i was banned for.
i was banned for hms sex jokes and erp yea true there is literally proof of the sex jokes but they're nothing but jokes even ppl who are told of the incident laugh at the screenshots because its so obvious that i WAS KIDDING. and being banned for erp? with no proof? really? yeah whatever literally none of what i did wrong was in the rules. especially for out of server stuff YEAH. IT WAS OUTSIDE THE FUCKING SERVER… IT WAS ALL IN A PRIVATE GROUP CHAT AND SOMETIMES (RARELY) DMS. everyone in the group chat was completely and 100% fine with EVERYTHING happening! everyone had said so. (let me clarify: there was no out of server rules when we were banned, they added them so they can fucking control their server members over shit like this like bffr.) stuff in the rp wasnt supposed to make anyone uncomfortable or be serious in anyway when it came to sexual stuff, the rp itself actually existed outside of the groupchat with extensive lore but it wasn't really sexual at all. the rp was kept private SO PEOPLE WOULDNT BE UNCOMFORTABLE.. even so, it being private wasnt enough apparently because some little rats had to jump into a place they didnt belong and build a whole ass story off the shit I did wrong?? when i literally did NOTHING against the rules. sure you can be like "oohh you were sexualizing chonny jash" sure! hms were there but we never mentioned chonny himself. we treated all three of them like our own ocs and completely unaffiliated with him, we thought it was fucking weird to sexualize chonny in anyway. (soul wasnt sexualized and anyone else in the rp were just OCs).
i never meant to make anyone uncomfortable, I never meant to make chonny uncomfortable i never meant to do ANYTHING wrong. I didnt think i was doing anything wrong. I didnt do anything wrong by the rules. IT WAS ALL PRIVATE. it was all JOKES. other people (CORDIAL) literally make hms nsfw jokes (AND JUST NSFW) about HMS in PUBLIC and get less backlash than i did? like are you serious? what is this favoritism? what did i even do wrong against the rules or in general if we just fucking allow this stuff?
you all act like im a piece of shit and problematic for what I did. but, I wasnt sexualizing chonny jash. I wasnt making anyone uncomfortable. I wasnt being weird in public. I was just a stupid kid bro, I know what I did was wrong. I'm sorry if you want to hear. i havent erped or done anything sexual since that whole thing.. ESPECIALLY NOT WITH CHONNY JASH!!! i dont even rp HMS in general AT ALL and avoid it outside of my roblox group + youtube channel.
Seriously guys It's been a fucking year I'm tired of you dragging my name when you dont know the whole story. you only know the things said by sal and the people who got me banned and they're ALL FUCKING WEIRDER THAN ME.
they fucking ran into something that wasnt their business, they stole screenshots from a groupchat they werent even in and fucking plotted getting us banned for like a week or two? like how odd are you? cordial's weird. cordial did / does the same shit i did that got me banned BUT WORSE. cordial does even more weird shit I can't disclose because the person who came out to me asked me not to. i quite literally was a scapegoat for this fucking weirdos and im so tired of having my name dragged because of them.
now, Sal?? sals a fucking weirdo too. like how are you the owner of a fucking huge fan server and when your server member gets wrongfully banned you continuously TALK SHIT IN PUBLIC CHAT ABOUT THE WHOLE SITUATION? what kind of a fucking owner are you? you really sat there telling EVERYONE about the situation, dragging my name, and for what. because you were bored? you're a fucking adult and im a minor. need i bring up the weird shit you say in general chat too? i remember seeing you saying weird shit about a server member wearing a collar. fucking creep. now lets talk about the other admins!
who are you—fucking adults when the whole situation was with minros—to ban us out of fucking no where when it wasnt against the rules and private. then fucking drag our names with it. YOU ARE ADULTS. WE ARE KIDS. WE WERE DUMB KIDS. mind your fucking business instead of making it a whole big deal and making everyone hate us for over a fucking year.
HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO STRESS THIS? WE. WERE. DUMB. KIDS. I'M SORRY! I AM. If i made you uncomfortable, tell me! i will personally respond and give you a fucking apology and im 100% serious bro just stop treating me like im a fucking monster.
all I ever wanted to fucking do was make you people laugh and have fun with you then you fucking get me banned and drag my name and call me problematic when the shit i did WASNT EVEN BAD.
i dont care, if you forgive me i'll forgive you and we can forget everything but you have to fucking see my side of the story. you have to look me in the eyes and understand where im coming from; if you're even willing. i dont hate any of you, I still love the community (maybe not chonny jash as much just because I still feel guilty..) and I just wish I could come back and be accepted for the funny gal I once was known as.
I didnt know I was doing anything wrong, not until I was fucking banned out of the blue without being asked my side of the story. until I got that banned message with no context, without a fucking explanation without ANY reasoning or reaching out to me. suddenly everyone I loved in the server where I met all of my friends hated me and thought I was problematic?? i was so fucking sad and confused and nobody gave a SHIT about me.
ur server died and sucks since u banned me btw should've minded your FUCKING BUSINESS. but thats besides the point,
you mods suck. the people who got me banned, suck. the people who slander my name when you dont understand, SUCK!!! and im sorry. im sorry for everything, im sorry for making you uncomfortable and upset, even if I was wronged. I dont know how many times I have to say it or beg to be understood or how many CJ fans I have to re-meet and tell me im really cool and didnt deserve what happened until you actually fucking understand and let me back in, because Im not a piece of shit! im probably the nicest person you'll ever meet, if you even fucking bother to meet me.
i forgive you, please just forgive me and recognize the fact that i aint a monster or problematic.. im just a stupid kid who didnt mean to do any wrong and ive grown since then.
I'll clear up one more thing, because as you know I'm dating mortis (THE MORTIS) and shes a lot more problematic than me:
mortis does her own things and when we started dating she didnt act like this and I know there's kindness in her thats why I dont leave her for her actions. I dont support all the stuff she does, not at all. I'm afraid to talk to her about it (hi mortis you're definitely reading this!) I love her, even though she does the stuff she does.
I'm pro-Palestine, and I love and support everyone regardless if I know you or not. in order to function, we have to all see eachother eye-to-eye. I don't think any of you are insane, or "mentally ill freaks", I love everyone. except you cordial fuck you but I do love everyone else. even if I have a differing opinion, or think a certain way about you or your behavior, I'm not gonna hate on you or go out of my way to bully you like she does and I apologize on her behalf for the things she has said.
separate me from her actions please, I love her and I could never bring myself to leave her unless she actually does physically hurt someone or do something else insanely bad (p.s. shes also pro-palestine she just um is weird about it. clearing that up)
I like chonny jash still (mostly CCCC), I like the community still, I love my girlfriend, I love everyone and I just want to make everyone happy and smile so please stop dragging my fucking name. I. AM. SORRYYY!!! I have so many people that can vouch for me in the community and outside of it, please for once just listen to me and them.
sorry for bad grammar/formatting and repeating myself I'm really trying to get my point across here and just thinking as I type.. (no this is not president mind returning, he wont ever be this is just routersims here and im trying to get people to like me again, maybe!!! maybe even unban me!!!!!!!! im fucking innocent!!!!!)
yea thats about it guys
this is for mortis: hi if you;re reading this / still reading this I didnt mean to hurt you in any way by that I really really love you but a lot of the things you do are really evil and youu probably shouldnt be doing them.. everyone is a person, it's everyone's first time living. we're all scared and confused and hurting people for how they are or the things they like really isnt helping anyone.. i love you so much and I always will but lets be nicer okay? you can bring this up in vc if you're still worried about me being mad at you and stuff but im not and I love you
ok bye
ps. adding chonny jash tag cuz my friends are telling me to, im not trying to get chonny to see it.. just adding this little note!
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evilminji · 11 months
The House of Mysteries is Arguably Sentient Right?
(O.O ) I sit here... contemplating the... WEIRD Ghosts Danny might come across. The true Haunted Houses. Planets. Theaters. Boxes bigger on the inside. Living ships and A.I.s, Etc.
All things can die. If the house of mysteries is someday utterly destroyed? Is that not death? If the Planet and Green Lantern Mogo is broken to pieces like non-sentient Krypton was, has he not perished?
Do they not stand equal chance of become Ghosts?
Are.... Are Haunts even created? Or are they a symbiotic ghost relationship? The dual fulfilling of Obsession. A house, properly haunted and taking care of someone. And a Ghost, watching TV or organizing stamps or living out the fantasy of their Perfect Life.
All behind purple doors.
Houses are demolished all the time. Or lost to war or disaster. An old enough house? Enough people living and dying in it? Could arguably start to accumulate ectoplasm. Become, not sentient, but a touch more. And in dying? Like any animal, leave behind that Idea of who they were. That ALMOST and Instinct.
Certain places though? That are alive? That have seen far too much death? They seem to carry over. Castles and long burned libraries, coliseums, and frozen hills. The places life was lost, over and over or all at once.
Floating islands from long dead planets.
I bet we could find Kryptonian flora on some of them. If we looked in the right area. It must be a strange mix. Down right bizarre. Facing just about anything and wondering if it's sentient.
With Ectoplasm? It could be.
But at the same time? Imagine the RELIEF? Of, after the stress and fear of dying, waking up CHANGED, somewhere new and alone... searching desperately for something, anything, to ground your self? The relief you'd feel... when a door seems to drift right into out of nowhere. Just? Gentle bonk.
And yeah, it's purple. Looks like every generic door that's ever been. But? It has this VIBE. Like you're staring at the door to your first shit apartment, but it's YOURS and YOU paid for it and you're... you're home now. You open it.
And it's like some crammed every inspo board you ever had and all the parts of every room you ever loved, together. Familiar, new, and best of all? NOT a vast swirling green void. You drift inside.
If you're like so many ghosts? Probably never leave. Why would you? It's spooky and loud and crazy out there. Everyone's nuts. In HERE it's nice. No fights, art and food the way you like it, time feels muted and far away...
You only really snap OUT of your happy Vibe Sesh with your House Haunt when someone intrudes.
There us probably a whole flip side of the Zone that we never really see. Haunt politics. Competition for the really GOOD Ghosts. Haunts that don't want a ghost because they are waiting for somebody who may or may not come.
Other fuckin MOGO'S. Seriously. Sentient planet. That may be rare, may even be the sole example IN THEIR UNIVERSE, but the Zone is Multiversal. Literally Infinite.
Which means there ARE at least a handful or more of SENTIENT PLANET GHOSTS. How do you?? Cope? "Oh this is my buddy, the PLANET EARTH." But possibly BIGGER.
Fuck that's a lot of Ectoplasm. Thank Zone their Obsession's are usually "Be Prosperous Planet" and "orbit and protect this Star, which is sentient and my frient".
Oh? They forgot to mention the SENTIENT FUCKING STAR? As in giant ball of fire and death? Whoops! :T
Don't worry! THEIR Obsession is their planets! It's a full circle thing. Just leave that little system alone and they won't annihilate you and everything you've ever loved! Easy.
Lookin a little pale there, your Majesty. You need to lay down?
(And to think, all this... because Pariah's Castle got into a literal land war with other castles over who gets the New King.)
(Accusations of being a Greedy Bitch were thrown. Suggestions to Get Good and stop being A Loser Crybaby were offered. Somehow, there were cannons? Danny is still unclear but has been told under NO circumstances is he to step foot in ANY ghost building until mediators can be brought in. It could be seen as declaring a preference.)
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
I just saw a post about Buggy and Galdino being a rare pair despite the chemistry and had the wildest concept ever to formulate in my teeny lil peanut brain.
Buggy and Shanks? Yeah, it's complicated, but the answer to if they're together is neither yes nor no, just dreamy sighs (Shanks) and frantically cursing, blushing and rage (Buggy)
Buggy and Gaimon? Long distance situationship built on mutual respect, growing adoration, relatively chaste, all things considered.
Buggy and Galdino became an incidental ship during the Impel Down fiasco. They both would have eagerly and happily sold one another out for a corn chip, but eventually they build a really solid foundation and Buggy falls first buy Gal falls harder. Alvida is sipping her margarita, watching them sass-flirt each other and making disgusting goo-goo eyes. She's debating locking them in a room for them to either get right with their hearts or at the very least, give her a break.
Cross Guild happens, and Buggy is hurt by Galdino flocking back to Crocodile, yeah, but somehow he isn't surprised (self fulfilling destruction his beloved).
Hawkeye is the first to really look at Buggy - he's had to listen to Shanks wax poetic so often that he is still struggling to reconcile the Buggy-As-Described-By-Shanks with this Buggy before him. The math isn't mathing and he's wondering WHY. In doing so, he eventually starts clocking all these little things - Buggy dropping random, highly insightful and sharp comments that would solve a problem at hand succinctly and easily. Buggy is cautious, perhaps in some ways too much so, but he is also alarmingly good at resolving conflicts without... well, conflict. He's capable of manipulation tactics that most would find impossible without conquerors. Conquerors Haki which the clown most definitely does not have. He may... be understanding of where Shanks is coming from.
Crocodile and Daz, meanwhile, are slower to come around. Daz is stoic, uninterested, he does not care. Crocodile becomes... tolerant of Buggy, finding the idiot to be less of a nuisance than originally accounted for. Okay. Sure. Whatever. Then the boss man Notices some things. Galdino specifically. Mr 3 has always been rather mouthy, though much less to him than to his peers. But something about the ways Gal is interacting with the others speaks of more than idle proximity and general surliness. There's familiarity, a spark there, a thoughtlessness to the ways Galdino turns his back to them, trusting of all things. Then he catches a glimpse of Galdino and Buggy after dark, both tired and closer than most would be in that situation, curled together on a couch while Gal tries to convince Buggy to eat, and "no, baby blue, coffee does not count as food - no, I don't care about how many calories it has, you need something not-liquid, okay, damn-"
Buggy is... quiet when he's tired, Crocodile realizes. He takes away many thoughts and realization from viewing that interaction, but that is something that sticks out to him. The clown is so emotive and bombastic, pun unintended, but he... can be quiet.
He's... pretty, when he's quiet.
He swears he will take that thought to his grave.
Upon realizing though, suddenly it's like either the subtle PDA has skyrocketed or he's just hyperaware of it for what it is now. He sees the way Galdino's hand lingers on Buggy's shoulder; the way Buggy fiddles with his fingers before a wax-formed fidget toy is shuffled into his hands. He sees the smiles Gal shoot to Buggy, the quick flashes the clown shoots back in turn; he sees so much, and it's... not bad? But certainly not good.
Then he sees Mihawk slowly falling into the orbit as well. What? No, seriously, what the fuck?? Of all things, that is what sets his nerves on EDGE.
Daz, attuned to his boss as he always is, always will be, notices. He then turns to the source. Romance is not his thing, he is unapologetic about that. It serves no purpose and he himself is certain he is incapable of such feelings. He can identify it in others, obviously, a skill which he has honed in order to identify threats, allegiances, etc. He can see the veritable solar system this clown has amassed. He too can see how his employer is ferociously resisting the pull of it himself.
Daz doesn't get it, not really.
Daz does however get that the clown can, in fact, be rather cute and funny and witty. He also smells like vanilla, lavender, and the afterimage of the circus he so seems to adore. It shouldn't work. It works.
A blade man and an uncuttable man - truly the things they could get up to would be entertaining at the very least.
Crocodile and Mihawk, upon realizing DAZ HIT THAT BEFORE EITHER OF THEM (Croc's in denial still and Mihawk was going for the wine and dine gentlemanly thing with a strict schedule of expectation to allude to on his end for Optimal Performance), are absolutely FLABBERGASTED. Poor Galdino just has to awkwardly debate between patting their shoulders and trembling at the idea of initiating contact with two upset powerhouses. He settles for awkwardly going, "he... does this, sometimes? But he's insatiable, so really you'd be doing all of us a favor if you wanted to do anything too.... maybe.... pleasedon'tkillme-"
Just. Silly awkward hypersexual clown with his polycule having to trade off and also the sillies of Buggy attracting the most emotionally constipated men in the fucking Seas, nobody is straight or neurotypical, it should NOT work out and yet by the power of carnivals, balloon animals and the audacity of a koala on every drug imaginable, they make it work.
The government is having twelve attacks of a variety of natures with every tip about the clown having a new beau. "is he collecting them??? Making a harem armada????? How does that even work, there's so many - wait I don't wanna know-"
I think this might be the best thing I've ever read because ohmygod- Buggy just pulls literally every possible man. Can you even imagine the gossip nights he has with Alvida? That girl is so done with him and yet they still do these things together because he's the most fun around. Alvida doesn't even know how the hell he does these things. He doesn't even know either. You forgot to mention that he might pull literally everyone but he's the biggest failguy ever and if you ask him about his flirting tactics he won't know what to say.
And I agree completely tbh Buggy and Gal should be more of a popular ship. Despite all the scenes they have together I'm still amazed that they don't have many shippers (me included, I mean, you literally just opened my eyes right now).
This clown has the biggest and some-fucking-how most stable polycule in all seas. Everyone just keeps falling for him when they hated his guts at first and he doesn't even realize until they directly tell him because he just assumes everybody wants to kill him or use him or whatever- But suddenly he has a whole harem and he can't even believe it. You know who can't believe it? Alvida. Biggest Buggy supporter but also the biggest Buggy hater. MLM/WLW solidarity but she won't hesitate to also talk shit about him. How beautiful.
I think the marines have a bet going on tbh. Like a Bingo for Buggy's polycule. They just keep asking themselves who's gonna be next. That's what they do on their breaks.
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more-better-words · 18 days
fic author interview
Yoinked this from @ladytharen because it looked like fun. Hope that's not presumptuous of me. <.<
Tagging @deadheaddaisy, @phoenixflames12, @butcharondir, and anybody else who'd like to play.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
60! That's a nice round number.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Currently 593,580 - though in fairness, nearly a third of that is a single fic.
It was a different time back when I wrote that.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The four fics of my Built to Last series (though not in order, lol)
What We Build Here
For the Duration
From the Ground Up
The Place We Call Home
And rounding out the top 5, a Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency fic!
Lay Down the Beat 
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! And because I have very little self-control, I will often do so within minutes of receiving them! 😅
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. I don't really do angst - I mean, I'll write stories where angst happens, but that's rarely the point of the story. If the plot demands a dash of angst, then, much like a chocolate recipe that needs some salt, it will get its angst. But I don't really set out to write A Series of Sad Events in Which the Characters Are Sad; that's just not my style or my taste.
So I can't really say that ANY of my stories have an angsty ending. Oh well.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
With the above in mind, happy endings are basically a guarantee, at least up to a point. 😆 I let my darlings be happy, I let them get married and have things work out, because it's fiction, dammit, and I can.
That being said, probably the happiest of all would be just about any of my Trip/T'Pol fic, because I let them get married and have kids and successful careers and be surrounded by friends and family who love and support them because SCREW YOU CANON.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No, I don't think my brain's wired for that. I just...can't seem to.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Never on AO3 (okay, I once got snippily told I'd mistagged something, but that wasn't hate). I have gotten hate here on Tumblr, though never anything specific, just general "u suck" which...whatever.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
For a long time, I did not.
That answer has since changed.
As for what kind...the sweetest, fluffiest, most loving, happy, vanilla, tooth rotting smut ever.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and I seriously doubt I ever would. I'm rather niche.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, niche. Haven't yet, doubt I will.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Years ago, I worked on an AU fic project with a friend that was very cool and a lot of fun. None of it ever got published, though.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Which ever one I'm writing right now. 😁
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I wouldn't mind finishing my Shadowrun: Dragonfall fic The Haven. Maybe some day.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, baby! I can have two characters sit and talk to each other FOREVER.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and physical description. Even when I can clearly see a room where action is occurring in my mind, I have real trouble describing it on the page.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I used to not have any, then I started making up words and phrases in my own version of Andorian for my Trek fic.
And I still don't really have many thoughts, because I'm sure I'm doing it wrong.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Hmmmm. Pretty sure there's some BtVS fic of mine still existent on LiveJournal. 😅
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I'd love to write Discworld (I adore Carrot/Angua), but Discworld is already so perfect. It would have to be an absolute gem of an idea.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Whichever one I just finished. 😄
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tranquilskies2 · 5 months
Lord Shen X Fenghuang Headcanons
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*takes deep breath* These two were my 2nd most favorite kfp ship with Tipo ofc being my most favorite. I started shipping them bc of a few fanfics & became obsessed with them since! I can't really explain what got me to stil be fond of this ship for years, but it somehow clung to me. It's the second rare pair I ever made fanart for. It's a shame that I could only find one Shenhuang fanart tho. At least I have the skills to do it now!
How slow is this slow burn? World's largest burning candle slow. Seriously, you have two stubborn deranged tsunderes who are heavily deprived of love & affection. There is no love at first sight between them. It's more like love at first fight-
They didn't like each other at first. Due to their unhinged, similar but clashing personalities, they initially fought and bicker frequently. These two could be mistaken for sworn enemies who despise each other for over a century. At one point, they have to separated from each other because they almost engaged in an altercation together.
Most of the time, whenever Shen is paired with someone (OC or canon), that someone submits to him and hey, ofc Shen would always want to be the dominant one in the relationship. However, Fenghuang would NOT take being beneath someone. This woman is a fierce free spirit who canonically destroyed & broke free from the owl-shaped cage that was built SPECIFICALLY JUST FOR HER (btw, Oogway built that cage). She can see right through Shen like he's crystal clear water in a glass.
Fenghuang will not put up with Shen's spoiled princely demeanor (which is why she gave him the nickname:"Prince."). In fact, she'll have the guts to call him out on his bs & put him in his place. She doesn't sugarcoat things, she delivers the truth on a cold silver platter. For sure Shen's ego took a massive hit like a tsunami due to being humbled for the first time.
However, Fenghuang is not without her own faults or blindspots. In can on, she lived in a mountain in isolation (I'm surprised she didn't go cuckoo) for who knows how long because she picked a fight with her own master (Oogway) & is too cowardly to face him again. Despite being humbled by Fenghuang, Shen is highly perceptive. So much so, he can easily pick up on Fenghuang's own arrogance & can swiftly knock her off her own high horse with one kick at the right opportunity.
They never publicly announced that they're dating. In fact, it took quite a while for their loved ones & those acquainted with them to realize they're dating due to being used to witnessing the two being at each other's throats. Most of their interactions consists of them quarrel like an old married couple. Understandably, it's easy for outsiders to see this as a toxic relationship. Despite displaying zero PDA, they prefer to be intimate in private.
Again with Shen being observant, he can easily take note of what Fenghuang likes & dislikes. However, the first time he tried picking out a gift for Fenghuang, he's in complete shambles due to being worried about whether or not she'll like & accept the gift. Doesn't help the fact that Fenghuang wouldn't be easily swayed by flashy gifts & gestures and that she generally is difficult to impress.
Has to be an accessory since he doesn't know her measurements (yet). Aha! This silver peony hairpin! No, not her favorite flower. Perhaps this tree branch hairpin? *shakes head* Unimpressive. Maybe this sun hairpin instead? *groans as he chucks the 30th hairpin in the discard pile*
One of their favorite things to do together is training. As they got closer, the sexual tension between them rises like champagne in a bottle with the cap eventually popping off like a rocket. Both wouldn't outright say it out loud, but they do admire each other's skills & abilities in combat. Shen is mesmerized by Fenghuang's flash flight speed & precise agility with her feather knives. In return, Fenghuang is captivated by the deadly elegance of Shen's tail feathers & use of his guan dao. It's a gradual build up to accept each other's feedback for their own skill sets.
In due course, they come to love playing with knives together...
Their favorite date locations are almost anywhere with little to no people. Private restaurant reservations, vip theatre seat access and flights across the vast skies (Fenghuang usually carries Shen). It's almost a 50/50 on who plans the dates. It took a while for Shen to not get carried away with overly grand gestures since he's an all or nothing type of person. In comparison, Fenghuang is more casual.
Without a doubt, these two love taking hot baths together. The bath will be smelling like a perfume shop due to fragrances & bath products they'll use & borrow from each other. They'll be conversing with one another as they wash each other's backs & tail feathers. The first time Shen saw Fenghuang drenched in water, he let out a howl of laughter before being splashed with water by her.
Do they get intimate during this time? Of course do! How intimate? That...will be left to your own imagination ;).
Who's more clingy than the other? Shen for sure. He's more demanding for attention than Fenghuang is. If he wants affection, he wants it now. Whenever he finds Fenghuang alone & he's certain that no one else is around, he'll walk up to her & wrap his wings around her. He loves it whenever Fenghaung strokes his neck gently.
Sometimes, Fenghuang is in need of attention too. Whenever Fenghuang has hunger for affection, she'll silently cling onto one of Shen's wings & nuzzle her head on his shoudler. She's quite pleased when Shen strokes her head tenderly as a response.
Since they are both birds, they can't really kiss like how most other animals could. As an alternative, they'll gently nuzzle their beaks in target areas. Shen's favorite area is his neck while Fenghuang prefers the upper back.
Who opened up to the other first? Fenghuang since she isn't as stubborn as Shen. As I said before, they despised each other at he beginning. As time goes on, they'll slowly come to realize that they don't differ much in character & empathize with each other's struggles & flaws. They have each other question their own character & motives. They test each other in a way no one else ever could. They gradually came to understand each other in a way not perceivable by others.
They almost broke up at one point. Yet, strangely, their psyches synchronize together in a strange but alluring pattern. Once they both do their own self-reflection & come to a great understanding, their love will become unbreakable like the blades they wield. Even though they never say:"I love you." to each other, they
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Alphalord 🙏 🙏 🙏
Seriously though you guys have genuinely done something special with this ship. I’ve never been so invested in a pairing. It’s really interesting to me that Tom Riddle is almost always shipped with someone who’s ambitious, competitive, energetic, politically involved, and intent on setting him on a better path (like Harry or Hermione) when it makes total sense that he would be compatible—maybe even more compatible!—with someone who’s subdued, cerebral, non-competitive, kind of apathetic towards people and politics, and a bit amoral. They compliment each another—and often make each other worse—and I think that’s beautiful. It’s generally kind of rare to see this relationship dynamic (as opposed to opposites attract/power couple) in fiction, which is a shame.
Look, @therealvinelle, very high praise for our pairing!
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musicalmoritz · 23 days
A more positive take on fanon Aoinene
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I’ve talked extensively about the problems with how Aoi and Nene are characterized by fans of the ship, and I’m not here to take it all back. However, upon reflecting, I realized I may have contributed a bit towards fandoms’ negative perception of femslash. That was never my goal, my point in all my Aoinene-critical posts is that femslash ships deserve to be treated with just as much nuance as slash ships. This includes criticizing them without needlessly bashing them. I’d say I’ve been successful in my journey to make the TBHK fandom take Aoinene more seriously, so today I’d like to celebrate that progress by talking about the things I love about Aoinene shippers!!
First off, Aoinene is among the top 10 most written for ships on TBHK ao3. It’s above multiple canon pairings like Aoi/Akane, Sakura/Natsuhiko, and Sumire/Hakubo. Whether you think it deserves to be above those ships or not, it makes me happy to see a femslash ship be so popular in a fandom. It’s still the only popular femslash ship in this fandom (as much as people talk abt Aoi/Mei, there’s still very little creations for it), but baby steps. Aoinene has so many fan fictions, edits, fan arts, fan accounts, etc. It’s rare for femslash pairings to be so popular in fandoms dominated by male characters. I think it helps that the women in TBHK are generally well-written and important, but I’d say the male characters still outnumber them slightly. So just seeing a fandom so invested in two women getting together is enough to make me smile
I know I’ve critiqued their characterization a lot, but I’ve seen some major progress lately!! Both with how they’re written, and with how the fandom talks about them. It’s not as often nowadays that I see people bashing the canon ships to put them down, and most of their fans seem to be capable of acknowledging their flaws. There are some exceptions ofc but I see Aoinene mischaracterization way less than when I first got into the fandom. I’ve seen an increase in people depicting them as “toxic/doomed yuri,” aka the term that lowkey saved sapphic ships in fandoms lol. Keep in mind that when TBHK first came out, femslash was not nearly as popular as it is now (and we’re only just beginning, there’s still a long way to go). It was common, and still is, for femslash ships in shonen fandoms to be depicted as the fluffy, unproblematic side pairing. Fans saw femslash as a way to take a breather from all the angsty men. Aoinene was turned into another boring ship among dozens, but they haven’t stayed that way. With femslash gaining popularity, I’ve seen improvement in how femslash ships are characterized all across the board
Onto the fics themselves, I have never read an Aoinene fic I disliked!! (Besides the weird ones I skimmed for shock value). The vast majority of them are super cute and written so prettily. When I talk about their mischaracterization, I’m pointing out trends I’ve noticed rather than the fics themselves. The reason you don’t see me talk this way about Teru/Akane and Mitsuba/Kou is because I simply don’t read that much slash fan fiction, even for mlm ships I like (not anymore at least, I used to be way more into slash). I’ve read through the ao3 tags for p much every TBHK femslash ship, but if I’m reading a fic that’s mlm or mlw it has to be suited to my tastes. I could definitely talk abt how Mitsuba and Kou are mischaracterized by the fandom but I don’t really bother with fics that write them that way so it’s not gonna nag me to the extent that Aoinene mischaracterization does.
I'm saying this because I don’t want it to seem like I’m targeting them unfairly compared to other ships, I point out room for improvement because Aoinene is my favorite and I want to see more diversity in the way they’re written. Hear that? Diversity, the problem isn’t the fics themselves, I just want to see more where they’re written in a way that explores their conflict. Fics like this already exist but they’re not as common. My gripe isn’t wanting to see less of a “bad” thing, it’s wanting to see more of a really good thing
And also…not everyone has to agree with me. There are some sapphics that just want to see completely fluffy wlw content, or that want to limit the angst to “it was one-sided :(“. And ykw? I may want to see more than that, but if other fans want to keep writing or reading them a certain way then that’s great. There are also shippers who wish Aoi and Nene had been written differently, and I agree. I wish their friendship was given more depth than the crumbs we get in canon, though I still hold out hope that AidaIro will give them development. Some shippers specifically wish Aoi had been a lesbian, and that Nene had been the one to understand her rather than Akane. I disagree with this take- well okay I would love a canon lesbian character but I’m happy with Aoi and Akane being canon + I like that Aoinene have their own set of struggles. But if other people wish the manga had gone in a different direction then they’re perfectly entitled to that opinion. I don’t have to agree with them, and they don’t have to agree with me
Now I want to talk about some Aoinene fanon tropes I love because I don’t see people do that with them that often:
• When Aoi gets all flustered over how strong Nene is…the reverse is cute too but I have a soft spot for damsel in distress Aoi. Let Nene carry her girlfriend!!
• Fics that have Aoi open up to Nene and let them talk about their problems. THIS is the thing we need more of omg I love it. This is what Aoinene is all about guys
• The flowers!! There are so many flowers in Aoinene fics!! Ahhhhh I love it sm. That one Beecalm fic where Aoi owned a magical flower shop and Nene took one home…it lives rent free in my mind
• Them having constant sleepovers, it feels so biblically accurate
• When they’re always going out and doing things together like going to the beach or shopping; again it feels very true to their dynamic
• Aoi pining is great and all but when people turn Nene into the pining one it’s so galaxy brain. Obviously mutual pining is superior but Nene being down bad for her best friend is so real
• I’m a big fan of fics that acknowledge that Aoi only gaf abt two ppl lmao, when they show her obvious bias towards Nene is makes me giggle
• Any fic that includes Aoi’s mommy issues
• The theme of seasons in their fics!! Omg it’s so creative. “my summer, my winter” by novaselic is a personal fave of mine (in addition to Beecalm, novaselic is also on the Aoinene Mount Rushmore btw)
• I know it’s overused in sapphic fics but I love when they go on picnics
• Nene showing up late to class and Aoi being early
• I love when fics lean into the extroverted side of Nene’s personality or in general have her act like an awkward ball of energy. Yes she’s very insecure and angsty but she’s also so funny and it makes me happy when I see writers capturing both sides of her personality. This girl befriends ppl so easily in canon, we should talk abt it more
• Whenever they simp for Sakura. Idc which one of them it is, it could even be both of them, it feels so canon. Sakura being the Teru to Aoi’s Nene is something that can be so personal
• When their friends know they like each other and tease them/try to wingman. Wingman Akane you will always be famous
Okay I’m gonna end it there because I could yap abt Aoinene fics forever. I might need to reread some, or find some ones I haven’t read yet. Every now and then I go through the tag and find some I’ve missed. Orrrrrr I might write Aoinene fan fiction, I should see if I can finish the Snow White au this weekend. No promises tho
Anyways I wrote this as a love letter to the Aoinene community; I love you guys, keep up the good work. If it weren’t for ya’ll I’d be alone in my hyperfixation so I’m glad others enjoy them as much as I do <3
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marvelstars · 2 months
Vader really wanted both death stars gone
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I was remembering all those scenes from the original trilogy and Rogue One in which Vader makes quite clear his distate for the Death star and I have come to the conclusion that while he definitely wasn´t a double agent, as much as I love fics like those, he definitely wanted those two technological terrors gone and I am a little surprised Palpatine trusted him with both projects as much as he did.
Lest star with Rogue One, Vader´s scenes are short but they tell a lot about his general mindset about the death star.
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In Rogue One Vader´s makes a point of calling to his castle Director Krennic, who is been in charge for years of the death star, Vader´s is quite aware of Krennic´s competitiviness with Tarkin as well as his thrist for greater power which didn´t concern him too much and didn´t seem to care to intervene between the two of them, that´s until Jedha´s main city was destroyed. For many high ranking imperials Jedha was just a small sacrifice neccesary to probe the death star capabilities, for Vader jedha was a civilian city, uninvolved with the galactic civil war and also an old holdout of force knowledge neutral to both the Jedi and the Sith a rare thing indeed, that was destroyed without much thought about it. Vader is pissed off and until Krennic admitted it wasn´t his call but Tarkin, the current favorite of the Emperor, Vader changes the subject and tells Krennic to clean his mess with Erso, protect the plans and also a version of the events on Jedha that hide the Death Star existence from the Senate. It´s very interesting for me to see that of all imperials involved, Vader seems to be the last one who cares about the Senate oppinion on anything, the same happens at the beggining of ANH.
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Next time we see Vader, Rogue One has managed to send the signal of the plans for the death star to Leia´s starship and Vader gets to the place of the battle just in time to see Tarkin, again, sacrificing an imperial world and military base for the small chance of stopping the rebels from getting the plans, which is already too late, Tarkin doesn´t acomplish anything besides destroying an imperial intelligence center, soldiers and all.
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Tarkin has officially become tigger happy with the death star, has killed Director Krennic, his main competition and now holds sole authority over the death star, with the exception of the Emperor himself, who is on Coruscant and as far as Vader knows, wasn´t consulted on those decisions and neither was him , Tarkin feels confident enough in his position to do bassically, whatever he believes is neccesary to do with this new found power.
Vader technically, isn´t Tarkin´s underling but he isn´t in charge of the death star either, the DS is the Emperor´s baby project but Vader is getting more and more furious over what Tarkin and the other high ranking Grand Moffs are doing with it.
It´s an interesting situation because Vader can´t accuse Tarkin of being unfaithful to the Emperor but he seriously has stopped asking for orders either and he is going tigger happy on the galaxy with the new death star.
Then we have the famous Hallway scene in which Vader does his best to get back those plans, only there´s something curious happening here, Vader is certainly taking matters into his own hands but for someone who has the force, he took a bit more time than neccesary in getting the data disk with those plans. It´s almost as if he expected the rebels to get them.
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Then in A new Hope, he doesn´t get the data disk either, thanks to Leia´s quick thinking but when she proves to be resistant to his interrogation, he tries to convince Tarkin not to execute Leia, he tells his soldiers to use non-lethal force on all people from Leia´s Ship in case they know something, Obi-Wan could feel on hyperspace Alderaan´s destruction, can you imagine how Vader and Leia felt in close range as two strong force sensitives?
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Later Vader convinces Tarkin to let Leia escape with the plans and in this way, get access to the location of the rebel base, which he does but admits it´s a big risk, Leia was aware of this, she knew they allowed her, Han,Luke and Chewie to escape and knew their only hope was to destroy the Death Star before they destroyed the rebel base.
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Then Vader does something very interesting, he decides to attack the rebels on his own, with only two imperial soldiers flanking him a mission that´s frankly below his rank but makes sense for his personality, this takes him out of the death star,maybe because he was already aware of the flaw on the Death Star? after all he is a great engineer even if weapon building isn´t his especiality, why allow the rebels to get so close to the trenches of the death star? plausible deniability? or was he aware of the danger and did meant to try to stop the rebels before they destroyed the death star? In fact moments before the Death Star destruction, Tarkin receives the report that there´s danger in the attack the rebels made agaisnt the death star and some soldiers and high ranking officers are evacuating while Tarkin decides to stay because he feels they are close to victory.
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This ends with the death star destroyed, the rebels celebrating, Tarkin dead and Vader alive if chastited and degraded by the Emperor for losing the death star even if he keep his place as leader of the imperial military forces, so Vader could see this as an aceptable sacrifice.
Mind you, this doesn´t mean I am impliying Vader was coming back to the light side of the force at this point but even as Vader, part of his self given mission after losing bassically everything that mattered to him was "Order in the Galaxy" and as a force sensitive, something like the death star probably was seen by him as a cancer that needed to be taken out to preserve Order.
Just some food for thought.
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en-chi-la-da · 10 months
Any head canons of Hinadam and Hinasoda (with all 3 of them together obvi)?
we talkin' a souhinadam (souda>hajime<gundham) situation here? or do you mean like poly with all 3 of them dating each other?? alright fine i'll try to think abt soudam seriously for a hot minute HRMMM
despite my general neutrality towards soudam they do share some similar traits (they both have these "personas" that they present themselves with, both dress funny, both wear eyeliner and have daddy issues lol they're both cringe) so you would think i would be more open to shipping just the two of them 😔 too bad they freaking hate each other too much SIGHHH
speaking of dressing funny, i love the visual of seeing a sharp-toothed mechanic who dresses bright and loud, a breeder goth dude who dresses dark and will wear a scarf in 90-degree weather, and then a regular guy in a tie and button up shirt :) like what are THOSE guys up to lmao
whether they're standing, sitting, lying down, it's preferred that hajime remains in between the two of them. it's a bit more civil that way making gundham and kazuichi interact NICELY is like trying to make the same poles of a magnet touch, there's that repel between them. BUT it's similar to having kaz hang out with sonia + gundham. they CAN come together but you still have to force it lol
whenever gundham goes OFF on one of his incomprehensible spiels, hajime is used to it and understands a majority of what he's trying to say but kazuichi's brain still melts a little bit each time he attempts to decipher gundham's ramblings. he doesn't bother half of the time, he'd rather just have haji decipher it for him
handsy clingy bf vs bf who rarely likes to be touched... nippy puppy dog + moody stray cat energy.. cuddly koala bear + skittish horse energy... quite the spectrum of affection for our boy hajime it seems..... is this anything lmao
✨ bi + pan + ace solidarity ✨ (can you guess who is who)
aaand this got longer than i meant it to be. now here's a shitty doodle
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