supercrav · 4 hours
Loving gym bros extended version
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supercrav · 5 hours
Here comes the muscle baby, here comes the muscle.
Remember when I resized and cleaned the morph earlier?? Well... LumaAI was overshadowed by KlingAI.
I made much more, but Tumblr can handle only 1 video per post.
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supercrav · 5 hours
I met the twins in a small village in Bulgaria. I offered them some money to lead me to a good fishing spot, and, well, we became friends.
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supercrav · 5 hours
Ron and Jake had found out the real secret for muscle growth : complete intimacy with your training partner, and completely embracing the love for the muscle, openly, shamelessly.
Hesitant at first, they both dumped their girlfriends and embarked in a journey that would, in just a few weeks, multiply the effects of steroids on their muscle growth.
It was as simple as that. The secret for muscular excellence was love. And a lot of hard work.
Happiness is reserved for those who are prepared, so sweet kissing
Amazing image from @muscles-and-suits
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supercrav · 2 days
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supercrav · 2 days
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supercrav · 2 days
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supercrav · 2 days
Then welcome to the Muscle Love Resort, Sir. My name is Hank, I'll be your personal butler for the duration of your stay. Glad you chose the "shirtless' option.
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supercrav · 2 days
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supercrav · 2 days
Hey, welcome to Colombia!
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supercrav · 2 days
- Excusez-moi monsieur, est-ce que ça vous dérange si je prends vos muscles en photo ?
- Mais non pas du tout mon ami. Tu veux voir mon biceps ?
- Oh merci, c'est magnifique.
- Ca me fait plaisir. Merci à toi. Je m'appelle Nasser, et toi ?
- Hervé...
- On a six heures de vol à faire, autant se faire copains. D'autant que je prends pas mal de place, je suis désolé. Alors Hervé, tu aimes le bodybuilding ?
- Vous avez un physique très impressionnant... Et en plus vous êtes super gentil.
- Bah, j'aime beaucoup mes muscles, je suis fier de mes muscles, et j'adore quand un petit gars comme toi me fait des compliments sur mon physique ça me fait très plaisir.
- Et bien... Oui je suis très impressionné vous êtes vraiment très beau. Je suis heureux d'être assis à côté de vous, c'est vrai que vous prenez beaucoup de place mais ce n'est pas un problème, vous êtes si large c'est bien normal.
- Merci mon gars. En général j'ai plutôt droit à des réflexions désobligeantes et des regards en coin. Tu as l'air de dire que tu te trouves chanceux d'être assis à côté de moi, mais c'est moi qui suis chanceux de faire le vol avec un gars super cool comme toi.
- Mais vous... Enfin, tu... es vraiment super gentil.
- Le bodybuilder violent et aggressif c'est un cliché. Comme l'autre truc qui m'énerve, comme quoi un bodybuilder est forément... "mal équipé"... Tiens passe-moi ta main discrètement tu vas voir.
- Mais je... Ah oui...
- T'as vu, la main bien pleine, hein ? Mais enlève-la, c'est grillé.
- Impressionnant... Quel homme.
- Mais quelque chose me dit que c'estplutôtmesmuscles que t'as envie de palper, mon copain.
- ...
- Demande-moi d'enlever mon t-shirt, assez fort.
- Comment ça ?
- T'as envie de me voir torse poil, non ? Pour toucher.
- Ma foi...
- Si je le retire de moi-même ça fait m'as-tu-vu, mais si tu me le demande ça fait le mec sympa.
- Pas trop fort non plus, mais voilà !
- Mon Dieu que c'est beau
- Merci gars, je déteste porter un t-shirt, je suis tellement mieux les muscles à l'air. va-z-y tripote mon copain, c'est là pour ça.
- C'est ouf, c'est ouf...
- Et je vais rester tout le vol comme ça ! Tu vas te faire plaisir mon copain. Si heures à me faire tater et complimenter, je kiffe. Rapproche-toi Hervé.
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supercrav · 2 days
Hehe I saw that fag ogling my arm when I parked... I was sure that if I took off my shirt he would end up filming me...
Let's give him some material... He looks quite scared but I'm nice... I'll make him break a sweat with a little grin and wink... God I love these puny worshipers... If I didn't have these two girls in my car I'm sure he would have given me fantastic head...
"Hey, little bitch. Yes you. Pump #2. Go pay. Now."
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supercrav · 2 days
After eight years of studies, and ten years of research, in biology, I finally made my dream come true : I created a powerful muscular growth steroid, which is also very addictive, but doesn't cause any "roid rage" - in fact, just the opposite. It makes the user very friendly and mellow, even, obedient. Especially towards the provider of said product.
I didn't take it myself, no, I haven't commercialized it, not yet at least, no, what I did was buying an abandoned factory, as close as possible to one of the most hardcore bodybuilding gyms in the country, and opened a night club.
Of course, practitioners from the nearby gym flocked to get hired as bouncers. So, I took my pick on trial, and on my little miracle drug.
The results were spectacular, they bulked up like crazy. I don't pay them all that much, and they behave very well in fear of not having their next dose, or worse, getting fired.
Every time I walk down the street bodybuilders throw themselves at my feet, hoping to get hired, and to get their hands on, what they call "the stuff".
So, I've got my little kingdom now. With way more bouncer than needed, but also bodybuilders bartending, coat checking, and so on.
Not just bodybuilders, but the most absurdly muscular, adorable, servile bodybuilders steroids can buy.
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supercrav · 2 days
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supercrav · 2 days
The miracle of love happens on www.bodybuilder4billionaire.com
Register now, it's quick and easy ! You just need to either pay a $100"000 fee, or have 90+ biceps to enter.
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New Year's Eve Party Muscle
Bing AI Image Create
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supercrav · 2 days
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You know, Sergei, I think the moment I hired you as my bodyguard, I already was in love with you. I love you Sergei, with all of my heart. Do you like the watch ? It is the most expensive watch I could find. Nothing can be too beautiful for you, my love.
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supercrav · 2 days
Hey buddy here I am. See, I told you I'd be there by 4. When I had you on the phone this morning I heard how bad you felt and I thought "Hey, that's a job for Michael." I told you you can always count on me, and I'm there for you. I left work and jumped on the first train as fast as I could. Haven't packed anything - hell, I didn't even put my shirt back on.
What? Well that's fair, yes, I loved the attention too, you know me I'm vain.
So tell me what's wrong. No, first, give your big Michael a big hug. I missed you buddy. I missed you so much. Now Michael is here to solve all your problems.
Let's hug some more. Look at me. I love you bro, I'd no anything for you, I'd move mountains to make you feel better. Don't you worry about anything, your Michael is here.
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