#and every time he looks at me waiting for affection is like a dagger through my heart
marmotish · 2 years
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walking down the street and somebody’s cat comes out to say hello - only a monster wouldn’t say hello back.
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fanficsformyfaves · 7 months
Or What?
Rhea Ripley x Uso Sister!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, ANGST, Enemies To Lovers, Confessions, Semi-Public Sex, Use of Nicknames, Oral Sex (R Receiving), Fingering (R Receiving), Orgasm Denial (R Receiving), Degradation and Praise Kink (R Receiving), Mommy Kink, Choking Kink (R Receiving), Strap On Sex (R Receiving), Choking (R Receiving)
PREFACE: Reader has always known Rhea to be arrogant, callous and mean, so it only made sense that she despised the eradicator, especially after what she did to her brother...but what happens when they find themselves in a broom closet alone together?
A/N: Jey and Rhea are feuding in this A/U
Announcer's Dialogue In Bold and Colored!
Texts in Italic, Colored and Bold!
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As I waited for Jey to finish up his match, I hear the sound of boot heels clicking from down the hall and when I turn my head to see who it was, I was immediately vexed.
Rhea fucking Ripley.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. She was easily the most smug-faced asshole I'd ever met and not only that, she had the audacity to make my brother look stupid in front of the entire world.
I stuff my phone into my back pocket, before crossing my arms over my chest.
"Well, if it isn't little (Y/N) Uso. What's a cute thing like you doing out here by yourself?", she teased.
I simply looked away, ignoring her comment.
"Hm, never took you for the shy type", she said,
Taking a step closer towards me.
"From what I've seen, you're quiet the firecracker", she brushes a hair from my face.
I grab her wrist, staring daggers into her eyes.
"Never...touch me"
She lets out a dark chuckle, using the grip I had on her to yank me closer. Our faces were now merely inches apart.
"Or what, princess?"
"Mhm, use your words", she whispered,
Leaning down closer to the point her breath brushed against my bottom lip.
What was happening? And why was I not pulling away? I should've...but I just couldn't.
Just as I was desperately trying to regain my composure, the crowd outside goes wild and the speakers go off.
Announcer: And here is your winner...Jey...USOOO!
My brother's theme song began playing and I knew he was just moments away from bursting through the doors.
Shit, if he sees me causing trouble, I'm gonna be in for it. I could already hear him and some guards just around the corner. With seemingly no other option, I push Rhea and myself into the closet directly behind her and close it shut.
"What are you doing?"
"Saving both of our asses", I whispered,
Stepping away from the door. The footsteps were getting closer with each passing second and my heart was pounding so hard, I could barely breathe.
As if getting caught in the hallways wouldn't have been bad enough, I could only imagine what would happen if Jey found us in a literal closet together.
The shadow of his feet stop right in front of the door and I was panicking like I never have before.
"Have y'all seen (Y/N)? She said she'd be waiting right here"
"No, sir, not since before the match started"
"Hm", he hummed dismissively,
Before carrying on towards his dressing room.
Once he was finally gone, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"Jesus, that was close"
"You're telling me", she replied.
That's when I finally noticed her towering figure hunched over behind me, with an arm around my waist and her hand flat on my stomach.
I turn to face her and there we were again.
Her lips almost meeting mine, as our eyes found one another in a tense exchange. I couldn't comprehend much of anything that was happening, but mostly, I was confused at why I wasn't pulling away again.
She humiliated my brother and betrayed him. I had every right to hate her...right?
"You know", she breaks the silence,
"You're awfully adorable, when you aren't staring daggers into me"
There was that stupid smirk again, only this time it affected me differently.
Instead of becoming agitated, I felt a second heartbeat I didn't feel before. Every inch of my skin was overheating at her touch and she knew it.
"Oh...you like this, don't you?"
"What? No-"
"Such a cliche, falling for your brother's enemy"
"I don't-"
"Then how come you aren't shoving me away and telling me to fuck off like you usually do?", she questioned,
Gently turning my body to fully face her, before pinning me to the wall by my arms.
"I think we both know the answer to that question, darling", she whispered,
Ducking her head down on my shoulder, whilst trailing kisses up my neck.
"Just say it. Say you want me and put a rest to this tiring act of pretending like you don't"
Was she right?
Have I just been in denial about the attraction I felt for her and hid behind anger all this time?
I couldn't quite focus on finding a proper explanation, as she reached the lobe of my ear, nibbling on it and forcing a whine out of me.
"God, even the sounds you make are sweet. Wonder if you'll taste as sweet as you sound", she mumbled against me,
Running her hand up my thigh.
"All you have to do is tell me to stop and I will. Is that what you want?"
I contemplated for a moment. This was wrong. Getting involved with someone like her would only ever end in chaos, especially with the bad blood she had with Jey...but in that moment, any voice of reason was no match for the way she was touching me.
"No", I ultimately answered.
Not wanting to waste any more of the limited time we had, she finally presses her lips against mine.
They were soft and gentle, which surprised me the most.
One of her hands let off my waist and trailed up my skirt, brushing against my bundle of nerves through the underwear I had on.
I whined against her mouth, which curled up into an excited grin.
"Sensitive, are you? Let's see how long it takes till I have you cumming on my tongue"
Just then, she drops to her knees, flipping up my skirt to take a good look at the mess she was already making of me.
"God, I barely touched you yet", she mocked,
Before pulling my thong to the side and licking up my slick entrance.
"Mmm, so fucking sweet", she praised,
Throwing my thighs over her strong shoulders, so I was sat on top of her. It didn't take long for her lips to wrap around my bundle of nerves, as the grasp she had on my hips tightened with each passing lick.
I intertwined my fingers in her hair, whilst her name repeatedly spilled out of me like a prayer that would never be answered.
Eventually, I feel the tip of two digits press against my slit, before slipping themselves completely inside me with no resistance to stop them.
Her momentum immediately fast and relentless.
Already, the knot in the pit of my stomach began to tighten and threaten to snap. I could tell by the way she smirked over my clit that she knew it too.
"Not so tough when I have you at my mercy, are you? Maybe I shouldn't let you cum", she teased,
"No! Please, don't stop!", I pleaded,
"Good girl", she says,
Continuing her unletting efforts to bring me over the edge, but before she could, voices on the other side of the door interrupts us.
I immediately let out a gasp, causing Rhea to slap a hand over my mouth.
"Jey's looking for (Y/N)"
"Wasn't she just here earlier?"
"Yeah, but I don't know where she went"
The security guards eventually move past the closet and I let out a sigh of relief.
I get off of her, arranging my skirt and she eyes me up in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"This was a mistake"
She scoffs, getting up and dusting her knees.
"You didn't seem to think this was a 'mistake' when my tongue was wearing you out", she tested,
Pushing my head up with a hooked finger.
"Now...what did you say about me never touching you again?"
I roll my eyes and push her hand away.
"Wait five minutes before I leave", I instructed,
"Whatever you say", she smiled,
Looking down at her feet.
I carefully opened the door, whilst peaking my head out to make sure the coast was clear and once it was, I step out and close it, when I turn back around and was ambushed by my brother.
"Fucking Christ, dude!", I exclaimed,
As my hand went over my chest.
"Aye, language", he warned,
"Where were you? I've been looking for like twenty minutes"
"For twenty minutes?"
"Yo, what's with the interrogation, dawg? Woman business", I snapped,
"Alright, alright. I was just asking", he throws his hands up in surrender,
"I wanna grab food on the way back, come on", he says,
Putting an arm over my shoulder and walking me out. I quickly glance back at the closet door and prayed it stayed closed till we were out of sight.
Once we got into the car, I was finally left to my thoughts.
The guilt that overwhelmed me was all consuming and burdensome. I had just slept with my brother's nemesis. The person he hated most and here I was, pretending like it didn't happen, as he went on and on about his current win.
In that moment, I get a notification on my phone and I go to see who it was. I didn't recognize the number, but once I saw the text, I knew immediately.
Unknown Number: We should talk about this
Me: There's nothing to talk about
Unknown Number: Oh please, spare me, are you really going back to being in denial?
Me: Denial about what?
Unknown Number: Whatever
Unknown Number: But, when you do come to your senses, you know where to find me, beautiful ;)
I lock my phone and shove it inside my purse with a sigh.
"You good?"
"Yeah, just tired"
"Well, you look tired", he says,
Mimicking the sweat dripping down my face, causing me to hastily swipe it off.
After stopping by at a pizza place for dinner, we head to the hotel and made our way back to the suite.
"That was scrumptious. We needa head back before going home", Jey emphasized,
Opening the door and letting the both of us inside.
"I call the shower first"
"Dude", I go to argue,
"Ah! Winners get special privileges", he mocked.
I roll my eyes and he chuckles at my response, before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.
I lay back against the bed by the window and looked over the entire city.
As breathtaking as the sight was to behold, I was still hung up on Rhea. Why? Why her? Of all the people I could've hooked up with, it had to be fucking Ripley?
As disappointed as I was with myself, I couldn't help but look back at the encounter with a certain sense of reverie.
I'd never been touched like that.
None of the people I'd been with before had ever gotten me that close...I wonder what would've happened if I had just stayed there in that closet with her.
Before I could delve any deeper into my thoughts, I hear my phone go off once again and I already knew who it could be.
Unknown Number: Can't stop thinking about you, precious
God damn it, again with the nicknames.
Me: Rhea, please
Unknown Number: Please what?
Me: We can't do this
Unknown Number: Oh yes, we can
Unknown Number: The only person saying we can't is you
Me: You hurt my brother
Unknown: Hey, he decided to attack Dom, I couldn't just sit idle and let him
Me: Yeah, after the fact he slammed Jimmy with a chair
Unknown: Listen, I have no control over what the boys do
Unknown Number: Nor do I have control over who I want
A frigid chill run up my spine.
Unknown Number: What happened wasn't ideal, I get it
Unknown Number: So allow me make it up to you
Me: How?
Unknown Number: By picking up where we left off of course
Unknown Number: When I had you on the brink of cumming, before we were so rudely interrupted
It was getting harder and harder to resist her tempting.
Me: This is wrong
Unknown Number: Did it feel wrong? When you were begging me to make you unravel on my mouth?
Me: Rhea
Unknown Number: Tell me, when did the regret set in? Was it before or after my fingers found themselves inside you?
The pulsing sensation in my center began to intensify with every text she sent.
Unknown Number: You can lie to yourself all you want, darling
Unknown Number: But we both know that you want me just as much as I want you. I'm just making it easier by admitting it first
Unknown Number: Ball's in your court now, Uso
It took all the strength I had to resist, but it still wasn't enough. I ultimately caved, needing to feel her against me again.
Me: Where are you?
I just knew she was grinning like a wildcat on the other side of the phone.
Unknown Number: Location📍
The hotel she was staying at was only ten minutes away.
Me: Room?
Unknown Number: I'll be in the lobby to let you up. See you, beautiful ;)
I facepalm my forehead.
What was I doing? Once could've been a mistake, but twice? Now, this was betrayal.
Jey steps out of the bathroom, drying off his hair.
"Shower's free"
"Actually, I gotta go. Naomi wants to have a girl's night"
"For real?"
"Mhm", I hesitated,
He contemplates for a moment, before shrugging.
"Aight, just text me when you get there"
I let out a sigh of relief, before grabbing my phone and leaving.
Besides the obvious thoughts going through my head, all I could think about was how conflicted I felt. On one hand, family meant the world to me and out of all of them, Jey was who I was closest with...but on the other hand, there was Rhea. I didn't know what could transpire from this, but I guess I was just gonna have to find out.
Eventually, I got to her hotel and tried my best to avoid any paparazzi by keeping my head down and speed-walking into the lobby. I allow myself a moment to scan the room, before my eyes finally landed on her.
She was sat on one of the couches with elbows resting on her knees and scrolling through her phone.
With one last deep breath, I made my way towards her.
"Hello, there", she grinned,
Looking up at me, as she stood up.
"Hi", I greeted,
Avoiding her piercing gaze.
"I appreciate eye-contact, whilst speaking", she says,
Using my cheek to make me face her. I was already melting into her touch and blushing a bright red hue.
"D'you enjoy the ride?", she questioned,
Causing my eyes to widen.
"The car ride, darling", she teased,
She knew what she was doing.
"How about we get you upstairs?", she suggests.
I nod, as she took my hand and lead me to the elevators.
Once we were inside and the doors close us in, she pushes my hair aside and ducked her head into the crook of my neck, leaving wet kisses lingering on my skin.
"Couldn't stop thinking about earlier. I've never tasted anything better", she murmured,
Gripping my waist.
"R-Rhea", I whined,
Holding onto her shoulders. If the elevator doors hadn't opened just then, we would've had our way with each other right there. We rush towards her room and she uses my body to slam the door shut.
My hands creeping up into her hair, as her teeth tugged on my bottom lip.
I pull my sweater over my head, leaving me exposed to the cool air.
"Goodness", she exhaled,
Cupping the bottom of my breasts and licking my hardening buds. My skin was ablaze and my jaw drops with every moan that fell past my lips.
I go to pull my skirt down, when she stops me by my wrists.
"The skirt stays on"
Fuck, was I dripping.
"But...these need to go"
She reaches up and hooks her fingers around my waistband, yanking my underwear off and helping me out of them.
"I've already gotten a taste, now I need the whole show", she says,
Undoing the buttons of her jeans and revealing the toy already strapped around her waist. My eyes widen and she chuckles at my reaction.
"Like what you see, princess?"
She bites back a smile and carried me to bed, before laying me out against the soft comforter.
"You're such a good girl when you aren't running your mouth", she praised,
Shoving her thumb into it, as I gladly accepted.
She then pulls it away and pressed it against my clit. A gasp rips out of me and my legs clench together, to which she pushes them apart and keeps them in place with her broad shoulders.
"Don't try escaping me now, you wanted this"
As she began rubbing firm circles on my bundle of nerves, my core dripped onto her ready palm.
"You are such an easy brat. All those time of you screaming at me, when you should've been screaming for me. All I had to do was put you in your place", she mocked over my moans.
Eventually, she pulled away and left me whining at the loss of contact.
She trips herself of her pants and tank top and the sight before me was something straight out of my wildest dreams. From her ample breasts, perfect waist and the sweat collecting on her fair skin, I was growing more and more desperate.
"As much as I love seeing you gawk at me, I think we should switch gears"
With one swift motion, she flips me onto my stomach and drags my ass into the air by my hips.
"This ass, babe. God", she mumbles,
Leaning down to place a gentle kiss on one cheek, before biting down hard and smacking the other.
I scream out, gripping the sheets.
Just then, I feel her rubbing the tip of the toy up and down my entrance, furthering the torture.
"How badly do you want this?"
"Please, I need you", I whined,
"Oh...you need this, huh? Think you've earned it?", she challenged,
Yanking me up against her by my throat, squeezing tight.
"Y-Yes, Mami, please!"
With one more wicked grin, she fills me to the hilt. The stretch burning, as I cried out into the air.
Her pace was immediately brutal and relentless, like the grip she had on my neck.
"Such a precious little thing", she praised,
Pounding repeatedly on my g-spot and causing stars to cloud my vision.
She'd been teasing me since the night began, so it should've come as no surprise to me when my walls had already begun pulsing around her.
"So good for me. So fucking good", she growled against my ear.
"I'm gonna cum, Mami, please!"
"Not till I say so"
"Keep whining and I'll make you wait even longer", she threatened.
Not wanting to face those consequences, I bite my tongue and held onto her hips for dear life, digging my nails into her flesh.
By this time, the room was nothing, but the smell of sex, sweat and tear-filled moans. The orgasm that I'd been chasing was now hounding me down and threatening to overwhelm me. It was getting harder to fight it off with each of her harsh thrusts.
I was just surprised we didn't get a noise complaint.
Once she was satisfied with how weak she had me, her hands reaches for my clit once more.
"You look so good this way. Fucked out and drenched in sweat and tears for me. Cum for me, darling. Show mami just how good she makes you feel"
That was the last thing I could make out, when the knot in my stomach finally snapped and pushed me over the edge.
All I could see was a rush of pure white, before falling limp on my stomach, out of breath and gasping for any air my lungs would allow.
She then pulls out of me and discards the toy from her hips. I was then picked up and placed delicately onto her bare chest.
"You did so good, darling", she muttered sweetly,
Wrapping her arms around me and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
Maybe...this wasn't such a bad idea.
I snuggled deeper into her embrace and she welcomed me in with a satisfied chuckle.
"Who knew beneath all that cold exterior was a soft little angel?", she jested,
Making me roll my eyes.
"I'm really glad you came. Well, in that sense, yes, but also you making the trip here", I interrupt with a playful smack to her shoulder.
"I wasn't too rough, was I?"
"It was perfect", I reassured,
Craning my head up to meet her lips.
"About your brother-"
"We don't have to talk about that"
"But we do"
She sits up, as I did the same, covering myself with the comforter.
"It’s always so easy to get caught up in messes, but that doesn't excuse what I did or let happen"
"I love my friends and I'd do anything for them...but not at the cost of someone like you. I've admired you since the day we met. Your passion, your drive and not to mention your everlasting beauty, it seems"
I couldn't help, but blush at her confession.
"Though I'm used to your fiery, protective side, I've also caught glimpses of your heart when I see you care for the people you love...I couldn't deny that"
"So I thought the best way to keep myself away from you was to make you hate me", she continued.
"Because I knew letting myself fall for you was betraying The Judgment Day, when lo and behold, you felt the same all along. We were always so consumed with putting other people first, that we forgot that our own happiness mattered too"
The more she spoke, the more it all made sense.
"And at some point, I couldn't hold back anymore...so I just let it happen. You can tell me that I'm wrong and that nothing that I said made sense, but I know, by that look in your eye, that I'm not"
By the end of her speaking, I was in tears, having felt so seen and understood. I gently cup her face in my hands, kissing her once more.
"You're not wrong", I sniffled,
Pulling back.
"I don't think I would've ever had the courage to say those things to your face"
"Of course, you would've. You're braver than you think"
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saetoru · 2 years
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scaramouche is pouting—you can practically feel him sulking from across the room. 
and you’ve tried a good number of times to coax the reason out of him, but he’s every bit as stubborn as he’s always been. you can feel the daggers he stares into your head even with your back facing him, and you can feel the waves of his petulance radiate like they’re meant to aim at you. 
scaramouche is entirely too difficult for his own good—he always says one thing and means another, leaving you to read between the lines to really figure out what he says. he grumbles and protests at every chance possible, and sometimes you wonder if it’s on purpose to make your life harder. you think if you go left, he’ll always surely go right, but in the end, he always finds his path back to you—and even though you know he doesn’t like to admit it, he enjoys the warmth of your body next to his, feels almost incomplete without it. so, with a soft sigh and a calculated risk, you make your way over.
“alright,” you hum, poking his cheek—if it were anyone else, he might consider slicing the appendage off. but the gentle prod of your finger is one you get away with, only making his lips curl further, earning you a huff as he angles his body away from you. “c’mon, just say what’s wrong already.”
it’s kind of cute, the way he glares at you—it’s not very menacing when he’s got pouty lips and crossed arms, almost resembling a child told no more than an ex-harbinger that once turned god.
“nothing,” he mumbles, “quit asking.”
“c’mon, kuni,” you sigh, sinking beside him, leaning your cheek against his arm as he grumbles under his breath. “i know it’s not nothing. did i say something?”
“did someone else say something?”
you contemplate for a moment, staring at him from the side, watching the light cast shadows on the perfectly sculpted ridges and dips across his face. he’s beautiful—as is expected of something created from means so divine. he’s as close to perfect as you think you’ll ever see…and yet, he’s more beautiful like this, in moments where he’s less than pleasant and more than difficult.
you hum quietly before finally nodding. “okay.” 
it’s not the response he’s looking for—that much you can tell when he raises a brow, finally glancing at you from the corners of his eyes. and you try to fight back the small grin threatening to tug across your face, trying to keep it hidden under a neutral expression as he stares at you bewildered. 
“okay?” he furrows his brows, staring at you with slightly widened eyes as you make your way to stand up. for a moment, you faintly register the slight panic on his face as you make an attempt to move. it makes you hold back a giggle—it’s endearing the way he craves your attention under the front of indifference, how he waits for you to notice him even as he ducks away from your gaze. you hope he doesn’t notice the amusement in your eyes as you simply shrug and nod.
“yeah,” you say casually, “if you say it’s nothing, then i believe you. i’ll leave it—”
and suddenly, you’re dragged back down beside him with a tug of your wrist, his arms wrapping around you tightly and his body twisting to hide his face in your neck. you can’t see it, but you don’t think you need to in order to know that his face is warm in the crook of your neck with a soft blush. 
“ah,” you grin, “so there is something wrong, isn’t there?”
“no,” he insists again stubbornly, making you snort as you thread your fingers loosely through his hair. 
“you’re so difficult,” you chuckle, pressing a small peck to the side of his head. and if he relaxes a bit in your hold, you don’t mention it—and he’s grateful. “what’s wrong? you can tell me.”
there’s a touch of delicateness in your voice now, a softer note to your tone that makes him clutch onto you tighter. the world has not ever been very delicate with scaramouche—there have never been sweet smiles or careful words, no thoughtful touches that graze his skin with affection. he’s used to harsh blows, of being ripped apart over and over, of watching the backs of every figure retreat slowly, leaving him behind.
but you stay. you take one step closer even when he shoves you two steps back, you keep your arms outstretched for him to fall into. and just when he thinks you’ll turn to face your back to him too, he meets your chest instead, pulled into your embrace where your arms are warm, tight, home.
“i don’t know,” he admits after a while, trying to figure out what he wants to say before settling for the same words once more. “i…i don’t know.” 
“it’s okay,” you hum, nails raking over his scalp as you scratch gently, “we all have bad days.”
“yeah? try a bad life,” he grunts. you chuckle, and he can feel the slight rumble against your chest. he wonders for a moment if you ever feel the same comfort he does when your body is slotted against his—if the hollowness of his chest feels as homely as the slow rise and fall of yours. 
“well, you still have the rest of your life to make up for it. that’s nice, huh?”
scaramouche wants to scoff, maybe call you naive, perhaps even stupid. he knows that would land him a huff of disapproval and maybe a gentle smack to his shoulder, but it doesn’t stop him from rolling his eyes (from where you can’t see it, of course.) and he’s sure that you’ll always be in this constant tug of war between whether or not the glass is half full or half empty—but he thinks as long as you don’t stop pulling, he won’t either.
and that’s okay. in fact, it’s more than okay.
“that’ll suck too.”
“you don’t know that.”
“i do,” he insists, letting you adjust his body so that it sprawls over yours. he’s laid against your chest now, cheek pressing right against where your heart should be.
it rises. and falls. and rises again, just like each breath is a new day—a new chance to start new. he thinks for a moment, you might be right, that perhaps there’s hope for him to have something good. 
to have you.
“i don’t think so,” you hum thoughtfully, “cause now you have me.”
he snorts this time, rolling his eyes again with a fond smile tugging at his lips. he can’t remember the last time he smiled at something with affection laced into the cracks, but he thinks maybe things aren’t so bad if he gets to now. 
so he lets himself hope—lets himself trust that tomorrow will be good and the day after that too, that maybe next week and perhaps even next month will be one he can enjoy, that maybe—just maybe—he’ll have the whole rest of his life to look forward to. 
because you’ll be there. you’ll press those soft kisses to his head and you’ll reach for his hand. you’ll crack those stupid jokes and you’ll laugh that stupid laugh. you’ll stick your tongue out after you tease him and he’ll smile fondly as he always does before he hides it with a scoff. 
“aren’t you a conceited one?” he muses, making you laugh. you poke his cheek again, and he lets you again. 
“i make your life the best, kuni. don’t lie.”
“as if,” he scoffs, but he presses against you closer, arms pulling you tight against him.
scaramouche thinks maybe today wasn’t as bad as he thought—and maybe tomorrow will be better. for now, it’s enough.
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do not repost, translate or plagiarize
he’s a lil muffin top :( i love my baby :(
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simplyholl · 1 year
Out of My System Pt. 1
Summary: Loki doesn’t understand Thor’s attraction to Midgardians. Until he meets you.
Pairing: Avenger Loki x F. Avenger Reader
Warnings: Eventual smut.
W/C: 1K
See my Masterlist here
You were sitting beside Loki just like you did every movie night, a large bowl of popcorn perched in his lap for sharing. You jumped and screamed so loud, when the monster grabbed the woman on the screen that it even startled Loki, who almost dropped the snack in the floor.
You reached for his hand, entwining your fingers with his long skinny digits. He stayed still for just a moment unsure of how to react to your touch. You felt him relax against you, accepting the affection. Each time, a scary part came on you would hide your face against his arm. He began to anticipate it. He wrapped his arm around you snuggling you closer. Now you could press your face against his broad chest.
You laid your ear against him, listening to the rhythmic sound of his heart beating. You had only been this close to the mischievous god while training. Otherwise, your friendship never crossed any unspoken boundaries. You were surprised how he had welcomed your touch. He wasn’t huge on affection, shying away from hugs, shoulder pats, even handshakes which surprised you. He only shook the hand of business men Stark needed him to schmooze, and only when necessary.
The movie was over too soon. The loss of warmth his body provided made you shiver as you walked to your room. Hurrying to your bed, your mind ran wild with thoughts of the creature from that horrible movie waiting for you underneath, grabbing your feet as you walked by and dragging you under there with it. You got under the blankets covering up every inch of skin. You were an Avenger for crying out loud. You had fought villains way scarier than the monster in the movie.
Still you couldn’t help the thoughts of it waiting to get you as soon as you peaked out from under the blanket. You heard the floor creak and you swear you stopped breathing for a second. Relax! It’s probably somebody walking in the hall. You squeeze your eyes shut willing yourself to fall asleep.
You convince yourself you feel someone staring at you. You give yourself a little pep talk slinging the heavy blanket off your face and retrieving your phone off your nightstand. You get back in your cocoon. You pull up the contact on your phone praying he answers.
“H..hello?” his groggy voice comes over the line and you’ve never been more grateful to hear anyone. “Loki, I need you to come to my room right now.” your voice barely comes out as a whisper. You are trying to stay quite just in case that creature can hear you.
“Darling, it’s three in the morning. I can barely hear you. This is not a good prank.” Click. He ended the call before you could ask for help. You dial his number again. He answers on the third ring. You decide you better make this call count so you start frantically yelling into your phone. “Loki, please don’t hang up! I know it’s three AM, but it’s the witching hour! That means this thing is gonna be that much stronger!! I need you to get in here right now before it kills me!”
You hear your door fling open. You stick your head out from your fortress. Loki is standing in your room, daggers in hand assessing the situation. “Where is it?” he growls. You can’t help the giggles erupting. He looks at you, confusion clearly eating him up.
“Promise you won’t be mad?” “I will make no such promise. Tell me what is so funny about your life being in danger.” You take a deep breath trying to suppress your laughter. “I kept thinking about that movie and I freaked myself out. I convinced myself it was in here with me. So there’s no real danger.”
Loki sighs heavily, running his hands through his slept on curls. He sets his daggers on your nightstand. “You said it was going to kill you.” “Sorry, I was being dramatic. I just didn’t want to be alone because I was scared. I didn’t expect you to burst in here like that. But since you’re here, do you mind staying with me? I know I’m safe with you here.” Loki agrees walking toward your couch.
“Can you sleep in the bed with me, please? I really freaked myself out and I just need to know that you’re right here if I need you.” He gets in beside you, and every fear fades into the darkness as you press your back against his chest. His arm rests against your stomach.
Loki planned to leave right after you fell asleep. He was sure he wouldn’t rest well, if at all. So he was surprised when the sun light peaked through your window and woke him the next morning. He was shocked to find your warm body still snuggled in so closely to his. He had only wrapped his arms around you to comfort you. He didn’t think he would be so reluctant to remove them.
He took the time to study your features. How your hair was a tangled mess even though it seemed like you hadn’t moved at all through the night. How the sun light made your face look almost angelic. He took note of how comfortable he was beside you. And that terrified him. That thought alone was enough motivation for him to go back to his own rooms.
Loki was sure he would never share Thor’s love for Midgardians. He didn’t understand his attraction to them. After Thor and Jane broke up, Thor had successfully seduced every woman he came across. It made Loki sick. He and his brother were gods. Midgardians were beneath them.
Loki waited until their trips to Asgard to sleep around. Those so called models paled in comparison to the goddesses back home. He had never thought highly of any person from Earth, until you.
You stumbled into his life and turned it upside down. You weren’t repulsive. You were beautiful. You weren’t ignorant, but intelligent. You were kind to him, when the rest of the pathetic planet either feared him or hated him. Loki had quickly offered you something he didn’t give lightly to any other person on Earth - his companionship.
Part Two
Tags (as always if you want to be added or removed let me know!)
@lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @cindylynn @potter-puff007 @cakesandtom @eleniblue @muddyorbsblr @marygoddessofmischief @coldnique @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @lokisninerealms @wheredafandomat @peaches1958 @freegardenbanananeck @chantsdemarins @lokidokieokie @anukulee @sheris532 @multifandom-worlds @lokixryss @javagirl328 @assemblingavenger @lilibet261 @lemonadygirl @joyofbebbanburg
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mochinek0 · 10 months
Daminette December 2023: 14-Poisoned Dagger
Marinette watched the gleam off the dagger as it plunged towards Damian. Call it hero's instinct or you could call it love, but Mari moved quickly and pushed Damian out of the way. She felt the cold steel of the blade dig into her and then get yanked out. Before she could react, she heard a man swear under his breath . The next thing she felt was pain radiating from her cheek. Then, it got dark.
"You ruined the plan, You Stupid Girl!" the man shouted, after backhanding her, "No one else was suppose to get hurt!"
Damian watched as Marinette writhed on the floor, unconsciously. Quick to his feet, Damian disarmed the guy and brought him to his knees. He placed the dagger to his throat.
"I will spill every drop possible unless you inform me of what is happening to her, immediately!" Damian demanded.
"Poison." the guy mumbled, "Mother."
Out of pure rage, Damian broke his arm. As the man screamed in agony, Damian scooped up Marinette's limp form and took her outside the building. He saw the cops and Batman arrive, in the Batmobile. He quickly made his way over to his father.
"The ambulence-" Batman began.
"Mother did this." his son hissed back.
Batman scooped her up from his son's arms and unlocked the car. Damian quickly jumped into the back as his father placed her carefully in the front seat. They quickly drove back to the cave. The cops watched as the drove off, confused. When they got in, they found the perpetrator had a broken arm. The man saw them and stabbed his thigh.
"I'll never speak." he whimpered before passing out.
Marinette laid on the BatConsole. They were waiting for her blood work to finish scanning and tell them how the poison was affecting her. Damian knew the formulas to the League poisons and was waiting on the results. He slammed his fist on the console.
"New batch." He growled.
"Damian." Bruce spoke.
"Give me time." his son answered, "I'll figure it out."
The Waynes looked at each other unsure. Bruce nodded and the began to head upstairs. Bruce knew more than anyone how complicated the league was and his son's entire childhood was there. Damian was right, he knew more than they did.
Talia entered the Batcave through one of the secret routes that Bruce had once shown her. Her son was passed out in front of the computer. She looked at the screens and saw he was waiting for another analysis on the girl's blood and tox screen.
'Seems my son is infatuated with this one. I should have sent ten men to pick him up. We'd be on our way back to the camp by now.'
Talia walked over to Marinette and looked at her.
'Why my son chose her-'
Talia reached out and felt the air around her become heavy. She quickly pulled away and felt the air return to her lungs.
'Interesting. Damian chose a weilder of magic. I don't expect Bruce will be too happy when he finds out.'
Talia left a small vial with the antidote by her son.
Damian sat up, feeling a rush of cold air by his side, and looked around. Next to him was a small vial.
"Mother." he growled.
Damian quickly inserted a drop of the vial on Marinette's blood and watched as the contents of the vial destroy the poison. He quickly set some off to the side to run analysis on why getting an IV drip ready for his angel. A ping from the computer pulled his attention. It was a match! He quickly started the drip.
"I'm so happy you're okay, Damian." Mari spoke, once she woke up.
"You scared me." Damian replied, before kissing her forehead, "Never again, Habibiti, do I want to see you like that."
"I can't let you get hurt, either." Marinette responded.
"You got hurt because of me and that I cannot forgive." Damian declared, "We've already stitched you up. Relax and let the medicine work. Get some sleep, Angel."
Marinette nodded and closed her eyes, keeping her hand on Damian's.
Talia watched from the distance.
'Yes. She's a good choice for you, Son.'
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events@animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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elfwoodfae · 4 months
This is a small continuation to this, and this is how i personally imagine the relationship DU Drow and Orin had before, and a lot of this details come from @meanbossart and i cannot thank you enough for sharing Drow with us, and alas you have inspired me to write my little stories again, and so i made this for you. I hope you enjoy this little snipped of how i see them. @meanbossart
And Orin knows,
She knows she has him in the palm of her hand, eating out of her every word, every thought. But his own arrogance shall be his downfall, his own dagger will stab his wound. The favorite of father, the scion of Bhaal, his precious prince, so oblivious to his own personal demon coming to hunt him, he never saw her coming, never saw her climbing through the ranks. Always believing she worshipped him as all of them did, ready to fall on his feet and kneel in front of his seat.
But he didn’t see her coming, didn’t think her a fool enough to try and take what he had as a right, he was made from the flesh of Bhaal, she was for a mere imitation, he was everything she wanted to be. She could feel it, as his cold hands gripped the rope pulling at her neck, his lower body pushing against her backside showed her just how excited he was at the prospect of her death at his hands, teaching her the lesson she had thought herself the master of.
“Orin..” he growls, a warning, and she should know better than to keep pushing past this point, but the promise of pain comes harder than survival instincts, there’s nothing that brings her more joy than punishing him. Its a game they both play, a game he invented but she became the master of. A sibling fight, a tough pull of the rope to see who breaks first; she knows it will be him, who will end up storming off to kill something or fuck something or perhaps both.
And what angers her the most is how easily he turns a blind eye to Sarevok, to his abuses, to his pushing and prowling for her to accept his affections, how its the will of Bhaal, how there wouldn't be a purer spawn breed ever before.
"Blood-kin" She calls for him, a knife hidden behind her back, under her clothes. "Come to me, it is time we continue our work in you. and perhaps if you behave, I shall reward you." She teases him, taunts him, and he is too fool or too brave too see behind her mask. behind her hate, as he approaches her, a smirk on his face because perhaps this time she wont pull away when his hand lingers slightly too long on her back, or when his fingers dare move lower than her neck. perhaps she has finally understood how he would be perfect for her.
He sights as he lays down and Orin, radiant, sinister, enticing as she walks to him, as she stalks to him, dagger clutch in a hand she will never admit is shaking, and tears of joy gather in her eyes as she asks like good girls do.
"Don't you think we should finally start in your back?" She grins and rejoices when he agrees, not without first waiting for her to sit on his waist and his hands feel the fire to lay on her legs but he resist and turns around, if he pushes he fears she may simply withdrawn this pleasures from him again, as she has been doing so often lately.
His scream fills the air, like the war drums of blood in the temple when her blade finally collides with his head. and the crack of his skull as she has to use her strength to push and break, to open him, to prowl in and she feels his hands pushing back to hit at her, her time is limited as she keeps stabbing, pushing, and his blood covers her hair, her skin, her mouth and no satisfaction ever compares to the look in his eyes as he realizes just how wrong he had been, how life slowly fades from them. At last, she has won the price she had always deserved.
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WIP Weekend
Weekly WIP upate:
Currently working on ch 4 of The King's Gift. This is where the plot will slowly start to pick up, and I'm looking forward to getting some action and drama in.
@cuips-not-cute has already gotten started on some first sketches for Updraft, and let me tell you, I am in LOVE! Planning on getting chapter 4 done by the end of this month.
18 out of 29 celebration requests are done, with more coming early next week, once I finish my ficlet for this month's pop-up round of the @steddieholidaydrabbles
Send me an emoji and I'll write and share three sentences from that project.
🏰The King's Gift
⚙️Updraft (my @steddiebang2024 fic with art by @cuips-not-cute)
🥳Celebration ficlets/holiday drabble
Snippet from 🏰
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Speaking of Max, she’s already in the yard when he arrives. She's holding two horses by the bridles - a large and imposing-looking black one and a slightly smaller one with a beautiful, light tan coat - and deep in conversation with a scowling Eddie.
“I don’t care about your excuses,” he hears her say as he approaches. Since she has her hands full with the horses, she can’t poke a finger at Eddie’s chest, but Steve has an inkling that she absolutely would if she could. “I want you to return them in top condition. Not a hair out of place, you hear me?” 
“You wound me, Red,” Eddie slaps a hand to his chest, all dramatic affront. “When have I ever handled your precious animals with anything but the utmost care?” 
She measures him with a withering look, jerking her head at the black horse, which moves its ears nervously, almost like it’s sensing they’re talking about it. 
“Yeah? Was or wasn’t he practically caked in mud the last time you brought him back?” 
Eddie scowls, suddenly very interested in the tips of his boots. 
“‘s not my fault he likes rolling in it.” 
“Oh, so it’s mine? Is that what you’re saying?” 
“What? No,” Eddie groans, raking a frustrated hand through his mop of curls - sloppily tied back with a string of leather today. “C’mon, Max, you know that’s not what-” 
She talks over him. 
“You know what, I don’t care. But if you bring him back looking like a pig, you can clean him up yourself. No running off on important king business, no urgent matters suddenly demanding your attention. You take care of your own messes, do you-” 
“Steve,” blurts Eddie, who has finally spotted him standing a few feet off, following the argument with wide eyes. “You made it! Robin found you then!” 
He flounces over, leaving Max to glare daggers into his back, smile wide and overjoyed as every time they see each other. 
“Yeah, obviously,” Steve retorts. He shakes his head exasperatedly, but can’t quite help the fond little smile that tugs on his lips. When Eddie entwintes their fingers to pull him over to where Max is still waiting with the horses, he doesn’t flinch or pull back his hand. He’s slowly starting to get used to Eddie’s very physical ways of showing affection. “What is this about? She said you had some sort of surprise for me?” 
“Couldn’t keep her mouth shut if she tried, that one, huh?” Eddie huffs good-naturedly, and Steve resists the urge to point out that he can’t talk, exactly - not with the way his own mouth tends to go a mile a minute when he gets into a topic he’s really excited about. “As a matter of fact, I do. C’mon, let me introduce you.” 
“Can I go then?” Max asks as they approach. Her face is set into her usual, annoyed frown, but when Steve smiles at her in greeting, she cracks a toothy grin in reply. “I have better things to do than watching you two being all lovey dovey.” 
“Hey, we’re not-” Steve starts to say, but Eddie pushes past him, taking the bridles out of her hands and shooing her off. 
“You go ahead, I’ve got it.” 
Max flashes Steve an obnoxiously smug grin as she skips off into the stable buildings. 
“Have fun,” she says. “Don’t let him roll in the mud.” 
“For fuck’s sake, that was one time,” Eddie groans. 
“I was talking to Steve,” Max calls over her shoulder, and then she’s gone, the stable door slamming behind her.
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simplydannie · 8 months
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The twins have been 6 months in prison. They begin to go through the waves and motions of it all… for a moment, they think they’re safe…. Until a familiar person pays them a visit…. Then they realize… They’ll never be safe…
She sported her orange RAGEOUS DETENTION CENTER uniform. Her hair tied up its usual ponytail, silver, diamond cuffs around her wrists.
She had just gotten out of “therapy”… so they called it. Hours of being shocked, needles being poked in you… all because of the so called Troll poison.
She pulled and pulled on her cuffs.
“Wait till I can get my hands on that Troll.” She said aloud.
“Vels?” She heard a familiar voice coming through the vent that connected to the other room. “Vels was that you?”
“Veneer?” She called back. What the heck was her brother doing in an isolation room too?
“Yeah it’s me! What the heck is going on?” He called out to her.
“I don’t know. They just brought me in here. I thought you were going to therapy?” She asked.
“I thought so too…. But they shoved me in here…..I- I’m scared Vels.” She heard her brother say… she didn’t respond. Velvet was never the affectionate one… that was always Veneer. The way she showed affection was but rough play and talk.
“Well suck it up! Anybody sees you afraid, they’ll kick your butt.” She replied. The grey metal door of the room opened up, a woman walked in….. one look at her… and Velvets heart dropped. What is she doing here, she thought to herself.
“Wait for me outside.” She said over her shoulder… there they were… the two giant Bergen body guards…. Gruff and Tuff… These two were the first two Bergens Velvet had ever met… they were big and they were mean. They shut the door behind her.
“…. What the hell do you want?” Velvet asked.
“Oh, feisty one for being in jail….. I am came to deliver a message and collect a few things…She’s not happy one bit. The Mistress. She’s especially peeved at your brother.” The woman said. Velvet didn’t answer, she just stared at her with dagger eyes… if looks could kill.
“Veneer went rogue there. So what? You guys knew he would buckle eventually.” Velvet crossed her arms. “What can she do now? We’re here. Our contract has ended.”
“Why do you think I’m here? I did say I’m also here to collect a few things.” The woman said.
“Wait…..Like bail us out? I think I’d rather do my time than spend another moment of hell with her. Besides, we admitted to everything, there’s no escaping it. We’re done.” Velvet crossed her legs and arms.
“Oh really? You’re telling me that fame… that glory…people loving you left and right…. Your’e done with that?” The woman saw she hit a nerve….A pink pigmentation started glowing around Velvets eyes….So it is true, there is such a thing as Troll poison…Velvet stayed silent, voices began to fill her mind…..Stop it, stop it, she thought.
“Remember how they all loved you? They all wanted you? They all ADMIRED you, they wanted to BE you.” The woman kept talking.
“…..They did…..They did…..” Her eyes glowed brighter, a madness came across her face. “They all loved me.”
“And they can love you again. The Mistress can forgive you, she’s willing to give you another chance.” The woman added. A viscous smile grew across Velvets face…..she had her…..until….
“Don’t listen to her Vels!” Veneers voice boomed from the vent…. He was listening to every word they had said. The woman saw how Velvet broke out the trance…So her brother was the key, he was the temporary cure…Velvet stayed silent a moment…
“No. I’m done I’m not going back. I’ll take my chances here.” Velvet stayed her ground.
“Very well then.” The Rageoun woman said.
She slowly knocked on the door. One of the Bergens entered, standing guard by the door. Velvet was confused…. Where was the other one?…. That’s when she heard comotion through the vent….in the room beside her…
“Stop it!” She heard her brother say. “Let me go!…. STOP IT!” Veneer screamed. Velvets eyes widened in horror.
“Hey!….” Velvet said. She could hear him scream… he cried in some sort of pain. “Leave him alone!” She attempted to run towards the door, but the Bergen was in her way. She continued to hear beatings and cries of pain through the vent. “Veneer!”
“Your little brother owes us for the stupidity he pulled…. Besides, we need you to comply.” The woman had a wicked smile. Blow after blow, she heard her brother cry in pain.
“We’re done just leave him alone! Please! You don’t have any more use for us!” Velvet continued to try and break through the Bergen. The Bergen pushed her back with force. Velvet fell to ground….
“Just leave me alone…..please….” She could hear her brother cry…she could tell from his voice he was broken, hurt… any more hits and surely he would be beaten to death. Velvet eyes the woman. The woman had no intention to stop the Bergen from continuously beating Veneer. She just stared at Velvet with a grin on her face.
“He’s replaceable… The Mistress truly only sees potential in you…. So what’s it going to be?” She asked.
“OKAY! ….. Okay…. I’ll do it.” Velvet complied.
“Thought so….. THATS ENOUGH!” The woman called out…. There was complete silence now in the other room….truthfully, they had no intention in killing Veneer…. Not yet. He was there leverage to get Velvet to comply…. No. Not until she was fully under the Mistresses control….. then she would kill the boy. The woman and Bergen moved out of the way. Velvet ran from her room to the next…. She found her brother laying unconscious face down.
“Veneer.” She ran to him. Flipping him around she saw his face was badly beaten… he gasped for air. “….. Vennie?” A nickname she hadn’t called him in the longest time. The woman and her two Bergens appeared in the doorway again.
“A few broken ribs… He’ll heal. That’s what happens if either of you try to break away again…. There’s no running from this…. She owns you.” The woman smiled. “Now get him up….. we’ve kept her waiting long enough.” They left the twins to themselves. Velvet looked at her brother.
“I know it’s going to hurt… but you have to stand up.” She said. Veneer felt the pain shoot through his body. He nodded. Through clenched teeth and hidden cries of pain, Veneer stood up…. He couldn’t breathe, he could hardly walk… his broken ribs caused him so much pain. Velvet swooped one of his arms over her shoulder as she helped him walk……
They were trapped. Veneer had hoped telling the truth and admitting their fraud would have gotten them away from all this. But it wasn’t enough. They were back… they were alone again….
“I miss Floyd..” Veneer murmured.
“I know…. I know.” His sister replied… but they messed that up didn’t they? Floyd had been a father figure to them after the death of their parents…. But they betrayed him, kidnapped him… tortured him….Floyd would never come back to them, let alone forgive them….They both began to think that perhaps death…. It wouldn’t be so bad… compared to this…
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courtofthrones · 1 year
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x reader
Summary:What happens when two people who are the opposite ends of a thread of fate try to get the other end of the thread to burn knowing they would burn too. Because he was the throne but she will see the throne burn.
A/N: This is my first time writing smut so don't hate me if it's bad. feedback is appreciated. Reblogs too. Enjoy reading.
Eris greeted you with a kiss to your hand but this time all you felt was disgust and pure rage. "Let us take to the floor my lady." Before you could protest your eyes met with Beron Vanserra and you knew of his cruelty.Not wanting to put it to test from your earlier outburst you accepted your fate and let yourself be dragged to the space that had been cleared for your dance with the prince.
A smirk danced on Eris' lips but you couldn't help but notice the indifference in his countenance. He did not want this marriage. He did not even want to breathe the same air as you, so why go along with this farce and make both of you miserable. And it made you hate him even more, with every corner of your heart.
"You seem very happy with this engagement princess." he sarcastically exclaimed as the song drew you both closer to each other.
"I am not a princess."
"Not yet" he teased as he bent himself to whisper on the skin of your neck.
You wanted to bite back but your eyes locked on to your parents faces and the words died in your throat at your father's stern eyes as if telling you to not blow this up but it was your mother's teary face that made you return your eyes to Eris. But you couldn't bring yourself to look at him so you settled on looking at his auburn hair.
Best behaviour.
"Are you so intimidated by my beauty that you cannot even bring yourself to look into my eyes?"
Mother help you.
"Forgive me, your grace. Your repulsive nature that is truly reflected in your eyes flusters me too much." was your reply as you spun in a circle.You let yourself feel a sliver of glee at insulting the crown.
Eris though shocked, let out a chuckle. The sound honey-dipped but you knew better than to believe in that sweet poison.
"You are bold I take it. Though I suppose it is necessary to reach the heights you have managed to reach despite a traitor's filthy blood running through your veins, princess." His words were like a dull knife on skin trying to cut through flesh.Painful enough for you to wish your flesh to be cut and done with.But the image of your mother's tears stopped you from choking the life out of him.
Best behaviour. You will be at your best behaviour.
"My brother's name was Elias. Elias Tarsa"
You met his eyes and held your chin up, all the lessons from your priestess coming into effect.
" All right but riddle me this princess.How did your ruinous family manage to arrange an engagement as beneficial as this for you ?" He pulled you flush against his chest as the music neared it's climax.
"You might find it difficult to believe but I despise this engagement with my whole heart and I am as clueless as you about the intricacies of this matter, your grace."
He peered at you as if you trying to solve the puzzle that was you.You don't know what conclusion he reached but it couldn't be in your favour as you watched his eyes harden.
The music stopped and you could feel every single fae's eyes on you as they waited to see if you would crumble under their stare.
"Well then I can't wait to explore our mutual disgust for this doomed relationship for the rest of our married life my lady."
He bowed his head as you both curtsied in your place. Then he did the unexpected as he bent his head down to place a searing kiss on your head. A sign of devotion and affection. But you knew for what it was - a promise of pain.
As soon as you reached your family estate you ran upstairs despite your parents' calls of your name.
You couldn't get out of this suffocating dress any faster. Ripping your jewels from your neck you got into a comfortable shirt and pants. Grabbing a cloak you climbed down your window and ran towards the stable. In the dark autumn night you rode your horse away from the High lands and all your problems for a night.
As you walked down the cobblestone path your breath came out in puffs of cold air. You could hear the boisterous laughter coming from Mell's tavern before you even entered the alley it resided in. Drawing the hood of your thick cloak further over your head to cover your face, you push open the door with a sharp sound from its rickety hinges. Inside the tavern the pungent smell of fae wine and vomit wafted into your nose and almost gave you a whiplash. Though you suppose the warmth from the burning fireplace was a good change from the rather chill night.
You walked to a table in a dark corner, not wanting rumours of you in a common tavern to float the grapevines of the court and creating further shame for your parents. As you sat down and listened to the musician playing "Bones for those who don't grow old" a folk song passed down generations in your lands, you couldn't help but let your thoughts run wild about your impending nuptials. But before you could immerse yourself in your musings a cup of wine was put in front of you with a thud.
"I didn't expect to see you here tonight y/n."
As you looked up your eyes met Mell's face, lined with the result of years of hardwork.
"Well I can't blame you because I too didn't expect to see myself here tonight" was all you could bring yourself to say in reply.
"Is something wrong?" came her worried query.
Mell was a sweet old lady. She and her husband Briar were mates and had owned this tavern for the last 500 years.You and your brother always had your dinner here after your little horse riding contests at the end of the week and you were always welcomed by the couple despite knowing your true identities. It had been your little secret from your parents and overly strict priestesses who took great pleasure in beating you into becoming the proper submissive member of the court.
When Elias died you couldn't even bring yourself to step foot at Mell's for years. But you couldn't keep yourself away for long because they had always been one of the few people who truly cared for you.
"Even I don't know Mell if something is wrong so this is something I must work by myself" was all you could say.
"You know you are always welcome y/n"
"I know" and you smiled your first genuine smile of the night.
"Well then I hope the wine is of help to you and I will bring your food right out as you talk with Myhir"
"I am not meeting him tonight Mell"
"If you are not meeting him sweet y/n then why is he coming towards you with that stupid smile on his face" came Mell's cheeky reply.
The tavern sounded as if it would collapse from how loud the jeers and the buoyant hollers of the drunk fae were but you couldn't care less.
Myhir walked gracefully between the tables with a cloak covering him but being between all these drunk males who wouldn't remember a thing about the night gave him the confidence to pull his hood down to reveal his charming smile to the dim light of the room.
Myhir with his dark hair and black eyes was beautiful in a way that made even faes who were known for their beauty turn their heads to have a glimpse of him.
"Hey! I couldn't find you at the esta- " but he cut his words short as he saw the look on your face.
"What's wrong my love?"he muttered with a serious tone.
Time has never been kind to you both and his worried face only brought tears to your eyes.
"I am betrothed" you managed to get out of your throat. If your words hurt him he did not show it but the smile on his face did disappear into the night.
"That much was expected, given your status in life. But I can't say I am not upset about it."
"Myhir I am promised to Eris Vanserra" you said with tears of anger and helplessness welling up in your eyes.
After Elias' death Myhir had been your rock in an endless ocean of despair. You both had found each other broken to pieces and soaked to the bone in pain that would put the world to shame. You had helped each other rise from the ashes despite the pain from your own burn scars and thus falling for him had come as natural as breathing to you.
"Do you want to leave y/n?"
"Yes that shall be for the best"
He grabbed your hand in his rough ones and said goodbye to Mell and Briar before opening the door into the cold night.
Darkness had embraced the sky long ago. The stars twinkled reminding everyone about the might of the cauldron.As Myhir began readying his horse you looked around yourself. The Autumn Court was breathtaking during the day with its crimson leaves bathing the lands in eternal beauty but not many people appreciated it for the beauty it was at night. Soft glowing lanterns from houses illuminated the streets leading down to the Red forest. It was truly a glimpse of happiness in your otherwise miserable situation.
Myhir's hand found your hips automatically as he hoisted you atop his horse before getting on himself. He grabbed the reins of the horse before riding into the night.
After riding deep into the Red forest you both found yourselves at the molten lake.The banks of the lake had always been your and Myhir's getaway place as you both took a break from your mother and he from his duties as your father's trusted advisor. The lake glittered under the stars, looking like liquid fire but it had always felt cool to touch.
"Are you okay love?"queried Myhir but you were unresponsive.
"I don't know how this arrangement didn't come to my knowledge but your father must have really wanted this if he kept it under wraps."
Still no response.
"Do you want to talk about it y/n?"
"No I want my mind to forget about it and talk about anything but that "
"Oh then, I uh I was looking for you at the estate because I wanted to give this to you. " Myhir went to fished something out from his bag on the horse before returning to sit by you near the lake.
In his hand was a beautiful dagger with a red stone embedded on its hilt.
"Steel from the night court" you whispered in disbelief at the mark of a star etched on the dagger. The sharpest of weapons in all of Pyrthian maybe even in the world.
"When Niyam travelled to the night court I asked him to purchase it for you on my behalf " he said handing it over to you.
"Oh god Niyam. We have to tell the others about the engagement"
"Forget about that for now. I can tell them on your behalf if it is difficult for you, love"
"No this is something I must face myself but thank you dearest for this"
" I want you to accept it as a token of love from me and as cruel as the time is, it would give my heart some peace if you had something to protect yourself with at all times.It is not as grand as your other swords but-"
But you put an end to his ramblings with a "Nonsense, I shall cherish this with my life."
He smiled at me as if you had gifted him all the wonders of the mother. And you couldn't help yourself from asking "I wonder if you would ever take me for all I have to offer Myhir."
He was stunned and his whole body went as still as the undisturbed waters of the lake.
"F ..forget it I don't know what came over me."
But you couldn't finish your next words as Myhir kissed your lips shut. His hands cupped your face as he pulled you flush against his chest. His minty scent and a hint of sweat flooded all your senses and all you could think of was him and only him as heat coiled in your stomach. He kissed like a man starved.
Needy and fervid.
He gasped his swollen lips from your incessant kisses, "Do you truly want this? Because I don't think I would be able to hold myself back if we go further"
"Then don't for I am all yours" you whispered on his lips.
You kissed some more until all your doubts turned to ashes. He eagerly wrestled you out of your clothes before getting himself bare.
Laying you down on the damp wood, he pressed hot kisses down to your chest. He was breathless by the time he came up to your lips for another kiss and hovered over you before placing himself where you could feel your ceaseless throbing and wetness.
A silent cry escaped you as he breached your walls and held you as close as possible. He left no part untouched as he worshipped your body.
You cared for nothing else in the world as pleasured cries escaped your lips in response to Myhir's thrusts.You could only moan his name like a prayer to keep yourself sane from the onslaught of pleasure and embraced him as though he was your last lifeline.
As your mind clouded with lust and endless pleasure was the only feeling in your, you reached your pinnacle as Myhir finished inside you. You felt like you were on top of the world.
So under the moonlight two lovers embraced each other because in some corner of their heart they knew time would tear them apart at the first chance it got.
Part 4
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baldursgrave69 · 8 months
Only You
Summary: Agnes (the Dark Urge) tries to end things with Enver Gortash. She can’t focus on anything with his influence clouding her judgment. But in her hour of need, Agnes realizes she has no one. Only him.
Pairing: Gortash x fem!durge (named)
Word count: 1.2K
Tags: angst, mentions of violence
While writing this I was listening to: lovely by Billie Eilish
Find me on Ao3 here
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“I can’t do this anymore,” Agnes said quietly, looking down at the marble floor beneath her. She couldn’t bear to look Enver in the eyes, knowing all too well the wounded expression his face would be carrying.
“I just don’t understand, Agnes. Just yesterday things were fine. What’s changed?” He asked, his tone exasperated.
“Have you looked at me recently, Enver? Really looked at me? I’m a mess,” she said, finally looking up at him. His eyes widened as he studied her, finally looking at the details. Her face was sunken in, deep bags like bruises under her eyes. She was looking so gaunt it was almost as if she was a walking corpse, her complexion was always pale but she looked almost like she was decaying.
“When was the last time you slept?” he asked, approaching her. Agnes took a step back, her hand falling on the dagger at her side.
“I don’t know, Enver! I don’t know when I last slept or ate or prayed. I spend every waking second worrying about you and waiting for the moment that my body is taken over by the Urge! And it’s your fault!” Agnes barked, her hand now wrapped around the hilt of her dagger.
“How is this my fault?” he said, taken aback by her tone. Agnes pulled her dagger from her side, pointing it at the Baneite and walking in his direction.
“You did this to me. If I had never indulged in your little affections I would still have my shit together. But you are just so selfish, you see something you want and you just take it without considering the consequences for anyone else. You never think about anyone but Enver Gortash,” Agnes continued to walk towards him, her movements becoming erratic and uncontrolled. He quickly scrambled behind his large oak desk, trying to put distance between himself and the bhaalspawn.
“Agnes, just stop and think a minute. Don’t do something you’ll regret,” he said, trying to remain calm.
“I already have,” she spat, spinning the dagger in her hand and sheathing it at her side. “Leave me alone, this is your only warning,” Agnes said in a low growl before walking out of his office. 
Agnes’ head pounded as she trudged through the sewers back to her temple. She held her dagger in her hand as she stumbled along the Undercity, hoping she would come across some poor soul in the sewers to sacrifice to the Urge. Her head ached, her vision was fuzzy, the bile in her stomach was unsettled. Agnes stared blearily at the entrance to the temple, not quite remembering how she had gotten there.
“Aah, master, master, master!” a sing-songy voice echoed through the temple as Agnes stumbled inside.
“Fuck off,” Agnes snipped, her hand coming up to rest on her temple.
“Tsk, it’s seems master is not feeling well. Shall I fetch you a nice young man to kill? That always makes you feel better, my dark Lady,” Sceleritas Fel trailed behind Agnes as she stumbled down the stone stairs towards her bed chamber.
“I swear Sceleritas I am going to rend the skin from your bones,” Agnes grumbled, suddenly too dizzy to keep walking. Agnes dropped to her knees in the middle of the temple, her dagger still in her hand as she tried holding her body up. She looked up to see the eyes in the statue of Bhaal glowing red, the air in the temple growing even more stale. “Oh fuck,” Agnes breathed, closing her eyes and hoping the room would stop spinning.
“Don’t avert your eyes from me, Child,” a deep voice boomed through the temple causing Agnes’ attention to snap up to the statue.
“Yes, Father, I-“ Agnes began, but a shooting pain through her head caused her to scream out.
“You deny your Urge, why?” The voice boomed louder, rattling Agnes’ bones.
“I’m not trying to, I just-“ Agnes could feel pressure growing behind her eye, it felt almost like it was going to pop out of her skull.
“You have been given a gift and you dare to squander it? If you continue to deny your heritage I will create another who is worthy,” The voice of Bhaal boomed in Agnes’ ears, her head was now pressed to the stone floor of the temple.
“That won’t be necessary Father, I am worthy!” Agnes felt her head begin to swim, her eye now felt like it was on fire.
“Prove your worth, Child, show me your devotion,” Bhaal’s voice boomed in a final message before everything went black. 
Agnes awoke with a gasp, trying to orient herself. She was lying on the cool stone of the temple, staring up at the ceiling. As she blinked, she realized her vision felt off.  Agnes felt a torturous pain in her eye, pulling a groan from her. Her hand came up to assess the damage, and she immediately felt wetness on her fingers. As she pulled them into view, she noticed a black liquid running between her index and middle fingers.
“What in the hells,” Agnes brought her hand back up to where her eye had been, feeling around to find the socket empty. The pain subsided, giving way to an even worse feeling. Emptiness. Agnes panicked, trying to scramble to her feet. The lack of vision in her right eye left her stumbling, falling down onto the stone floor.
“Naughty, naughty, master. You mustn’t deny who you truly are,” Sceleritas made his way over to Agnes, offering her a mangy, clawed hand.
“Touch me and die a thousand deaths, worm,” Agnes spat, trying to steady herself on her feet.
“Oh, master, I could only hope to be so lucky as to die by your hand,” Sceleritas sang, bowing before Agnes as she stood. Agnes felt the liquid coming from her eye socket running down her face. She lifted her hand up once again, feeling the warm substance between her fingers. She investigated it, feeling it in her hand. It felt like blood, it smelled and tasted like blood. Why was it black? Agnes became dizzy as she tried to identify what was coming from the wound on her face. If it was blood, she needed to stop the bleeding.
“Sceleritas, fetch me a rag from my chambers,” Agnes said, leaning against the altar in the center of the temple. She held her palm over her eye socket, trying to keep conscious as pain seared through her. “What the fuck am I going to do,” Agnes mumbled to herself. She couldn’t go to a healer, no cleric would touch this injury with a ten foot pole. Agnes came to the realization that she had no one, not really. The Bhaalist’s that worshipped at the temple were all useless, not a thought to share between them. She knew she couldn’t rely on her sister, Orin, to help her. Orin would surely see this as an opportunity to kill her and take her place as Bhaal’s Chosen. 
“Here you are, oh terrible one,” Sceleritas said with a flourish, handing Agnes a rag.
“I need to get to the city,” Agnes said, raising the rag up to her injury.
“Master, would it not be wise to rest?” Sceleritas asked cautiously, ensuring he was out of range of her fists.
“You’re lucky I’m hurt I swear to the gods,” Agnes growled, pushing herself up off of the altar and taking a swing at the butler. Her head spun as she tried to orient herself, the pain where her eye used to be was searing and unwavering. “Gods below, I’ve really done it this time,” Agnes said under her breath as she grabbed her dagger off of the floor of the temple. Agnes gathered herself, the rag to her eye, and made her way towards the exit to the Undercity. 
“Open up, Enver,” Agnes pounded her fist on the door to Enver Gortash’s office, leaning against the door frame. She was dizzy, barely able to keep herself upright as she waited for him to open the door. She could hear the click of his boots on the marble as he made his way towards her. He stood on the other side for a moment, not opening the door.
“Enver, I-,” she began in an angry tone before breaking down. “Please, I need help,” she said quietly, a hand resting against the door. Enver opened it in time to catch her as she fell into his office.
“Agnes, what in the hells is going on?” He asked, holding her up.
“My eye, it’s… I, um,” Agnes couldn’t get her words out, the searing pain in her eye socket clouding her abilities to articulate what she needed. Agnes collapsed to the floor, keeping the now soaked rag over her injury. Enver got down on her level, a hand coming up to remove the rag covering her eye.
“Let me see,” he said, pulling the rag away. His expression remained even, he was always able to keep a calm demeanor, even in horrifying situations.
“I don’t know what happened, He made me do it,” Agnes babbled, beginning to lose touch with reality from the blood loss.
“I can fix it, I’ve got you,” he said, pulling her close. Agnes collapsed into his arms, slowly losing consciousness. “Hey, stay with me,” Enver said quietly, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. Agnes’ good eye fluttered open as she tried to focus on the face in front of her.
“I have no one. Only you,” she said quietly, her eye threatening to flutter shut again.
“Focus, Agnes. Keep that eye on me, you’re going to be fine,” he said, scooping her up in his arms. 
“No, no…” Agnes whispered against Enver as he carried her over to his desk. “Things will never be okay again,” she said quietly as he lowered her to the oak surface, trying to keep her calm. “It’s all your fault, all of it,” Enver pressed his forehead to hers as she continued to mumble, her body swaying.
“Agnes, please. Just try to stay with me. I’ve got you, until the end“
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acerathia · 1 month
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pink camellias || Chapter 4: sweet william
Chapter Summary:
sweet william: gallantry
Wordcount: 2.4k
Read on AO3 || Masterlist
Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
royalty au, inspired by Mulan, war and its consequences, violence, childhood friends to strangers to companions to lovers (i am sorry), Angst, Acts of Service, Character Death (Major, and Minor), swordfights, misogyny, f!reader, kidnapping, implied torture, let me know if I missed anything lol
this has been sitting in my drafts for way too long. so im gonna post the chapters i have o7
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The next day, the actual training started. And you honestly didn’t expect the Captain to wake everyone at the crack of dawn, which was too early, even for you. But you prepared yourself for the training with no complaints, you were too tired to voice any of them anyway. So you washed your face and put some fresh clothes on, before heading to the training space.
The masses of people were filled with complaints and remarks. Denki had made his way to stand beside you, too groggy to say something just yet.
The Captain immediately raised his voice to get the attention of everyone, telling them to start the rounds, the same amount as the day before, and the last ones have to run a good amount more. Instantly everyone took their legs in their hands and hurried along the track. And you knew you could just start running and overtake them all, but you’d rather not end up too exhausted for the later exercises because there were surely other things you would have to absolve. So you stayed in the middle, with no risk of ending up last, but also not exerting yourself more than you usually would have.
After completing these rounds, and walking yourself down, you began to stretch before the rest of the group was done. Surprisingly the Captain even waited for the losers to finish their extra rounds, before he started the next portion: intense physical training.
Following the shouted instructions, you got into the positions, stretching, pulling, stemming. And for some reason the Captain always seemed to find something wrong with your form, often taking your arms between his and correcting the way you’re holding stuff. His hands were warm and you could even feel the callouses through the fabric you’re wearing. The worst thing about his help was the way he seems to trample on your dignity, a scoff ready on his face every time he walked past you, and just for that, you were barely affected with the way his breath felt on your neck, or how big the size difference between you both was.
At some point, it almost felt like his hand was fixed to your back, with the amount of correction he seems to be doing. And it was starting to grate on you, because he made you look incompetent with every push of his, with every remark. But you persevered, you put more effort into everything, fully aware that nothing would truly satisfy him, yet you challenged that boundary, pushed against it every day, with every task, with every straining muscle.
So once he announced that the first phase of training had been successfully carried out, you stood tall amongst the survivors, as many have given up during the borderline torture the Captain called training. Now the rest of you had the true honor of finally starting phase two, the phase where everyone would be sharpening their skill.
Days after days everyone honed their skill in hand-to-hand combat, preparing you for the last desperate attempt to save your life. And gradually the Captain allowed you to use weapons, one by one. Daggers with poison on their blade, swords, claymores, and even archery. Everyone found the right weapon for themselves, despite having the basic amount of training for each mastery.
You stayed loyal to the sword, always on the high ground in terms of skill due to your years of training. At first, being better in that skill gave you the feeling of superiority, but after a while it turned into dull boredom. So, you decided to finally try something new, to achieve a new skill with a new weapon. That was how you choose your new weapon, purely out of spite, as the others suggested you take up archery, and you couldn’t help but notice the condescension in their tone. Still, you thanked them for their suggestion, only to grab an ax, letting the weight sink into your palm before you simply walked past the group of trainees.
And at first it was difficult. The center of gravity differed from the one of a sword, impacting your accuracy, while the weight pulling down on one side made the lifting of the weapon much more difficult. But you prevailed. You continued to hone your skills with the ax, to strengthen your muscles, to get used to the balance of it, and you learned how to throw the ax, so that the blade always hit the target with proper might, how to swing it against a bigger opponent, how to use the knowledge of weak points to the advantage of this different blade. And of course, you trained to be able to switch between the two weapons without a break to adjust.
As much as you wanted to claim this achievement as your own, you had to admit that the Captain's advice did help you occasionally. He had helped you at the beginning with your stance, standing behind you, his palms barely touching the back of your hands as he showed you how to hold the ax to stabilize it as much as possible, and how to have the best grip. His breath fanned over your face as he slowly told you how to swing. Suddenly you were too aware of his presence, but you guided your focus back to your swing, taking a couple of them to get a handle of the motion, before the Captain stepped back and you finally threw the weapon towards the target. Whirling through the air in a smooth motion, it didn’t actually hit dead center, but close enough, so you couldn’t help the little celebratory jump at achieving this hit. But then you made eye contact with the blond, and you immediately stiffened up, trying to regain your appearance by simply thanking him and turning away to get your ax.
“Hold on, princess, let’s cross swords,” he calls out to you, and for once this didn’t seem like a command and more like a request.
And at first you ruminated the thought of straight-up refusing him, but you couldn’t let the opportunity to duel with another skilled swordfighter slip between your fingers. So, still not wanting to give him the satisfaction of outright agreeing with something he said, you just shrug and change your direction to grab your sword. With your sword in hand you returned to him, his own weapon ready in his hand, in a fighting stance before you even arrived close enough for any of you to attack.
For a moment you both just stared at each other, measuring the opponent, their stance. His footwork was solid, heavy yet light, ready to dodge, attack whenever needed. You doubted you could throw him off-balance with any of your swift tricks.
Your gaze shifted, grazing his slim waist to focus on his broad shoulders and his trained arms. He was used to applying force, yet seemed to know how to manage it. A flicker at the back of your mind wondered what else he could use that strength for, and you quenched it before it even had the possibility to ignite into something more fierce.
And then you looked at his face, his tense jaw, and his sparkling red eyes, resembling the depth of the fire, of explosions wracking the enemy line. Making eye contact a smirk formed on his face, plush lips stretching to flash his canines. Then he swung.
Only your reflexes saved you from being cut, shallow, yet a sign-off to your victory. His blade clashed with yours and he pushed. The sword scarred each other, enticing sparks, and you dug your heels into the ground.
His breath fanned over your face, barely avoiding the blades in front of you, and you scowled, staring right into his eyes full of fire and crunching autumn leaves. Honey seemed to outline them in daring lines, dripping down his forehead only to get brushed aside by the slight breeze.
And you were well aware of the grin resting on his face, despite the swords hiding the lower half of his face, despite your own scowl mirrored by the blade, fitting itself over his features. He was so sure of this victory, so sure of your loss, the glee is filling his eyes. The glee about finally putting you to your place, about showing you how you don’t belong to this place. And this glee pumped steam through your veins, melting your muscles, but reinforcing them the same.
And you returned his push with one of your own, noticing the furrow of his brows, the smirk sliding into a scowl. But now your own grin forms, showing you a warped picture of him smiling at you.
With a sudden movement he thrusted you away from him and you stumbled. Before you had regained your balance, he already hooked his sword with yours, like a knot, pulling it tight and away from you.
So you couldn’t do anything but raise your hands in surrender as the tip of his blade pointed towards your throat.
No matter how much you despised him, you acknowledged his mastery in swordsmanship. The way he swung his sword with precision and almost seemed able to predict the movement of his opponents just entranced you. Not that you would ever admit that outloud.
That was why you snarled at him, pushing the blade away, carefully only touching the flat side. And yet he suddenly jerked it away.
“Don’t be foolish, have you no knowledge about swords, or is your head filled with straw?” he barked, acting as if you just put your fingers around the sword without reason or rhyme.
But you were well aware of how swords work, and his words only aggravated you. With a grumble you waited until he put his sword away to jump at him, grabbing his hair between your fingers.
You wanted to kick your knee into his stomach, but he managed to block that hit with one of his palms, grabbing your leg and yanking, taking your balance away.
You simply tightened your grip on his head and swung your other leg to hit his right side, where it was supposed to hurt the most. This time he wasn’t fast enough to block that hit, and a groan escaped him, trying not to twist with pain, not to give you more leverage. But no matter how much he had tried, he lost his balance and toppled over.
In this fall, he saw the opportunity to grab your wrists, as your grasp on his hair had weakened with your surprise. Twisting your fall he managed to pin you under him, but with a twist of your body you easily threw him off.
This time you were the one pinning him to the ground, but due to the difference in strength he overpowers you once again. And you both continued to tumble through the dirt, your nimbleness winning over his strength, but his strength overpowering yours.
At some point you both just flopped onto the ground beside each other, tiredness winning this contest. Didn’t mean you stopped yourself from sending a light kick his way, as a way to still claim victory if anyone asks. And he didn’t kick you back, rather he drove his elbow into yours with purpose, hitting the funny bone.
A groan escaped you and you held your arm close to your chest, glaring at his satisfied smirk.
“Looks like I still won, princess,” he declared and sat up with a swing.
“You only won because you fought dirty.” You acted as if you weren’t the one who had initiated this whole brawl to begin with, as if you weren’t the one playing dirty in the first place.
“Tch, keep thinking that, you’re just mad you didn’t win,” he shot back. He stood up and had started doing stretches to cool down, and you couldn’t help but to watch the way his back bends, the way his muscles shift smoothly underneath his linen shirt, grime plastered all over it. “And, there is no dirty fight in a war, m’lady.”
You scoffed because despite the form of address, he was making fun of you for being naive, in his opinion. You were aware of that, yet there was nothing you could do to convince him otherwise, because for some people your skills didn’t matter, no matter how much you tried. Everything ran the same course, the same way. To them you were nothing but a pretty face, an asset to keep. Even if you had hoped it would be different once you proved yourself. But alas, the situation didn’t change, so you had to act like always.
Standing up, you began to go through your cool-down routine too, your back turned to him, because you didn’t know if you could school your facial expressions if he said anything again. Once you made sure your body had cooled down, you bowed down to pick up your sword, which was stuck in the mud a couple of meters away. Taking the weapon into your hand you quickly assessed the blade, considering cleaning it later before sheathing it. So with your sword in hand you walked the rest of the distance to the target to also pick up the ax you had thrown before the fight had broken out. This one you had to return.
Turning around to return it to its rightful place, you made eye contact with the Captain, whose face for once wasn’t etched in a scowl, but more calm, and you couldn’t help but frown at this rare sight. Your reaction seemed to break him out whatever stupor he had put himself into, and the used scowl returned, even if there was something different about it. But if you were going to be honest, you had no desire to discover what might have elicited that change in him, so you simply walked past him to the little hut where the weapons were stored, putting your ax back where you found it.
After you emerged from the storage, the Captain was gone already, you couldn’t help but look for him the moment you stepped out. You simply sighed at the disappearance, not understanding why it mattered that much, letting your gaze wander to the sky, to the evening blooming across the sky. And the red reminded you of a certain sparkle, of a certain intensity. Your heart shook inside your rib cage. You frowned, was your cool-down insufficient? With that you tried to distract yourself from the blazing fire, from the honey dripping.
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eiloveir · 3 months
looking out for you.
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pairing: haruno sakura x yamanaka ino
warnings: none, except that I inadvertently criticized Sasuke here, and I deeply apologize for that rawr
a/n: this song randomly appeared on my spotify, and it immediately made me think of Ino and Sakura. i’ve been wanting to write about them for a while now. I have several drafts, but they lack a cohesive plot, and I worry that I’ll never improve (sike)
Ino’s heart ached as she watched Sakura weep over Sasuke. Memories flooded her mind—memories of her own infatuation with the Uchiha. It now seemed like a dream—a childish crush driven by attention and validation.
She recalled those days of friendly competition over Sasuke, the rivalry that had bound her and Sakura together. Ino knew that, deep down, her feelings for Sasuke were always second to her affection for Sakura.
“I once dreamed of Sasuke. I chased his attention, thinking he was what I wanted. But as time went by, I realized it was never about him. It was about Sakura.” She mused silently.
She was caught in the crossfire of her feelings. She dreaded that Sakura might mistake her concern as mere jealousy over Sasuke. But the truth ran deeper. It wasn’t Sasuke that she wanted; it was the attention and affection Sakura showered upon him.
Her stomach churned, a knot gnawing at her insides. A hopelessness washed over her as she looked at Sakura, her vulnerability laid bare. Ino longed to reach out, to take Sakura's hands in her own and pour out the torrent of feelings that surged within her. But fear held her back.
“Ino, you love Sasuke, right? Then you must really know how I feel.”
‘No, I’m not.’
Ino’s heart clenched as Sakura’s words cut through her like a dagger. She desperately wanted to correct the assumption, to tell her the truth. But the words remained lodged in her throat. Instead, she forced a light, teasing tone into her voice. “Maybe I’m jealous of you, Sakura. You always get to spend so much time with him.”
She averted her eyes, the lie stinging her tongue.
“Idiot. Sasuke will never like me.”
Ino sighed deeply, turning away to hide her emotions. Her hands balled into fists, nails digging into her palms. She wanted, more than anything, to be the shoulder Sakura leaned on when she needed comfort.
Sakura’s voice, gentle and tinged with concern, broke through Ino’s thoughts. “Is something wrong, Ino?”
Ino bit her lip, her heart thudding in her chest. “No, nothing.” she managed to say, her voice betraying the lie.
She pushed all her thoughts aside, putting Sakura’s needs above her own. With an “I’ll say it” expression, she turned towards her friend, “Sakura, I want you to listen to me.”
Sakura’s tear-stained face lifted to meet Ino’s gaze, her eyes still glimmering with sadness. There was a surprise in her expression, but she said nothing, waiting for Ino to continue.
Ino took a deep breath, knowing this was their moment. “I know you’re hurting right now. Sasuke can be such a jerk,” she paused, searching for the right words. “But listen to me. You don’t need him to see how incredible you are. You’re strong, beautiful, and kind.”
Her voice softened. “And you deserve someone who recognizes that all the time, not just when they're convenient.” Ino closed her eyes briefly, gathering her courage. “I want you to know, no matter what happens, no matter who comes into your life, you will always have me.”
“Thanks. I’m really glad to have you as my friend.” Sakura looked at her with relief.
“I’ve got your back, every time,” Ino swore, her words holding a double meaning that she hoped Sakura would never catch onto. “I’m your best friend, after all.”
Ino could feel the weight of her own feelings—pushing against the barriers she’d built to keep for herself. She glanced at Sakura, her heart clenching at the sight. She wanted to reach out, to hold her close, to offer her comfort. But she couldn’t—not in the way Sasuke could.
“Sasuke is a man.” Ino thought again, a hard pill to swallow.
She knew that Sasuke could give Sakura the things she couldn’t—he could offer her a future that Ino never could. He was the one Sakura truly wanted, not the friend standing silently beside her.
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zehglitch · 7 months
The Fallen Angel
Ezephr's backstory
— 3
Content Warnings: Human experimentation, child experimentation, kidnapping, violence, toying with people, mentions of death, abuse/starvation, mentions of children killing each other, dehumanization, bullying, some harsh language
Chapter 3 — A Strong Girl
Today, he’d made his final decision. X1 was far too valuable to risk losing so early on…he needed to implement one of their tests prior to any contests. He was fairly interested in seeing what would happen to it inside of a growing body, but his main motive was preserving the subject. If he got to have a show from doing so, that was just a bonus. He had begun preparations early on, taking any children that managed to survive in the pit so he could perfect the project, test the limits of it. At this point, they had an abundance of important data.
Currently, he’d sent one of the cloaked to retrieve the angel, allowing him to sit back in the office chair and scan over the data. There couldn't be any mistakes in this experiment--none. He wouldn't allow his precious, rare chance to slip away from him so easily. Not now. Finding anything even close to the results he desired this early on in their project was exceedingly uncommon, to the point of never actually happening. He had his doubts, yes, but he’d also never had an angel before. This could very well open new opportunities for them.
He would like to get another one, but they lived in massive groups referred to as flocks. Each and every one of them was a threat on their own, but in their swarms you might as well accept your inevitable death. The only creature with no base element that developed any sort of unlisted magic you could dream of. He wasn't certain what led to them always varying in their power, seeing as inheritance had no affect, but had no way of confirming the cause. To him, that was detestable, but unavoidable. Not much he could do about it.
The doctor smirked. Well, until now anyway. He had an angel in his grasp for the first, and possibly last, time. It was exhilarating. Throwing about the possibilities in his mind for now, he spun the chair and pushed it over to the line of chemicals, double checking the process they were going through. The liquid was still coming out black, despite the many efforts made to keep it the same hue as blood. He hummed, moving on with a shrug. Oh well, that didn't change the quality. Color wasn't quite as important as the function. He looked at a bubbling tank. The implant was ready.
He heard the telltale sign of the laboratory door sliding open with a hiss, bringing him to swivel the chair and face who entered. Perfect, they brought the angel. Maintaining a faux smile, he calmly stated, “Ah, welcome, X1.” He crossed his legs, setting a hand on his knee while the other gestured around the room. “I’m glad you could get here unharmed.” He caught the barely suppressed flinch from his words and nearly lost himself. Mind on the matter, doctor. “Please, lay down over here.” He waved to a silver table.
His cloaked man set the wary child down before moving to block the door, arms crossed behind their back. Exactly as instructed. The doctor watched how the boy looked around the room, wondering what he thought of the items he'd never seen before. Patience…he could pick the boy’s brain as much as he desired later. What caught him off guard, however, was the defiant, closed fisted stance X1 took while staring daggers at him. “Why? Father, what do you want from me after abandoning us?” That was fairly surprising.
He felt both the outrage of his subject questioning him, and the absolute delight over the tenacity shown from a frightened five year old. Gorgeous. He tilted his head. “Whatever do you mean? I never abandoned you, I am simply waiting. Now, lay on the table and I will answer all your questions.” X1 clearly didn’t want to listen, but the doctor watched with satisfaction as the child gave in and approached the table. He didn't approve of someone simple minded, but he did enjoy someone who resisted, but still bent to his will in the end.
Once the angel was situated, having done so slowly and cautiously, the doctor rolled his chair over and offered the boy a smile. He was met with vague disdain. “Stay still, alright? This won't hurt a bit.” He hit the switch and watched with glee as the metal bars came up to restrain him. They snapped down quickly and almost painfully tight, preventing any form of real resistance without causing pain. Of course, the boy panicked…that wasn’t the best response he could've gotten, but it was expected. That's why the doctor frowned.
It was a tad disappointing to have the angel react how any child would, though he’d give credit for the unnatural silence. He turned away from the struggling child, only for his attention to be brought back when the boy spoke up. “You said you’d answer my questions. All of them.” The doctor gave the angel a cursory glance before waving for the boy to ask. “...why did you move us? What sound was mother making when you did?” He seemed to hesitate, as if he needed to think his questions through. “Why am I in here?”
The doctor turned only to retrieve the vial of anesthetic, filling his syringe. “You were moved simply for turning five years old. You had to relocate for the new batch of children and for your graduation. Your mother…I assume she must’ve been growling. It’s a nasty habit of critters, you see.” He tested the function of the syringe and went back over to the boy. “As for your being here…it’s simple, really. You’re better than the rest and I’m giving you my personal care.” To the point he planned to do this operation himself rather than delegate it.
X1 had such a fascinating expression over this information, but in the end he looked the doctor in the eye. Interesting…the subjects usually avoided that. “If…I let you do whatever, will you keep X4 safe and teach me more?” The man blinked in surprise, then gave a soft laugh while shaking his head. That was simply absurd. The boy had such a serious, yet hopeful expression, but he had no clue. The fool. He’d do whatever he liked to this boy…although it could be worth offering a reward. The doctor decided to make note of what had been asked for.
He clicked his tongue. “Ridiculous. As if you had a choice in the matter.” He swiftly injected the anesthetic in the boy’s pinned arm, then reached up and tapped the bar that was over his neck. “You’re just a useful product I’m improving. Don’t be mistaken. Perhaps if you win in the pit, I’ll consider your requests.” He watched the child fade away, patiently waiting for the medicine to take hold. When it had, he undid the restraints and removed the clothes, pulling the container holding the organ closer. “You certainly don’t need all these organs…”
It…wasn’t that surprising they were being treated this way. From the beginning, trust didn’t exist in that strange home of theirs. Not for her. X4 readjusted, waiting patiently for her brother to come back and trying her best to not look around this place. It was full of screams, crying, begging…and not from her cellmates. She knew her change was bothering X1, but how could she explain the dark shape following him around ever since he got hit for their food. For her food. Why couldn't she just bring herself to move and get it without his help?
Guilt was eating away at her more and more as time passed in this cage. She let him heal her, but she failed to protect him. Instead, he used his body as her shield while she did what? Nothing. Nothing at all, except stare at the floor to avoid what she saw present in this cage. X1 was her brother, why couldn't she help him like she used to anymore? When he was taken away from her, she didn't even try to grab for him and…she saw the way his face twisted and tears formed in his eyes. But the worst part was his following resignation.
Did she…do something wrong? X4 chanced looking around their shared cage, trying to understand the situation. She was alone with that girl…and the others, but that girl was the scariest. Reaching up to fuss with her dirty, tangled pink hair, she attempted to distract herself. Would she get to eat with him gone? Probably not. She shook her head, then hurriedly avoided their eyes when that drew their attention. No, please just stay away and continue ignoring the quiet girl. She wasn't going to cause any trouble, they didn’t need to watch her.
She squeezed her eyes shut, wanting to block out the world as the voices flooded her mind again. No, please be quiet! Her hands went over her ears to block it out, but that never seemed to help. With a very soft whimper, she pushed herself further into the corner and wished she was hidden. She never asked to be able to see these things, to hear them…they were scary and loud and violent. X4 suppressed her shaking as best she could while biting her lip. She wanted X1 back, finding all her thoughts focusing on that gentle, kind boy. Yeah. She depended on him far too much.
She finds herself woken up by a heavy force slamming into her shoulder. Dully, she hears someone shouting at her as well, but…she had a hard time focusing after coming out of sleep. The scary things were all screaming and cackling and making a raucous loud enough to disorient her. Then a dark foot came hurtling towards her face. With a gasp, X4 shoved herself away, sitting up and scrambling back from the attack. Her heart beat wildly, abandoning the thought of the stones digging into her skin in order to dodge another strike.
Focusing on her surroundings, it took her a considerable moment to distinguish between her cellmate and the strange, creepy things she could always see. What? Her cellmate was attacking her? She was never attack liked this before--oh. X1 wasn't here this time. In a hurry, she shoved her tired body off the ground and moved away from the older girl. Why was she being attacked anyway? The thought briefly occurred to her that she’d slept and X1 was still gone--where was she? Rather than allow her time to wake up, a new attack aimed for her and landed right in the gut.
Can't breathe. She clutched her stomach weakly, looking up at the angry girl and just staring at her. What did she want? X4, with a part of herself returning, managed to stand up and stare the hostile girl in the eyes, of course, she couldn't speak at all, but she wasn't backing down anyway. The girl sneered at her. “What? Just because that dumbass protects you, you think you're safe?” She waved around the cage. “He’s not here.” Her claws jabbed at X4 when she roughly poked the young elf. “And I’m tired of your smug face in my corner.”
X4 just continued to stare, but unlike X1 she couldn't hide the wince when a claw pierced her skin. However…she stepped forward, causing the claw to go in deeper. She wore a glare of her own as she rode through the burn. Faintly, she was aware of something cool streaming down her face, but she didn’t stop. All of this ended when the older girl slapped her, the force throwing her back to the floor. There was momentary silence in their cage, all of them taking in the situation. X4 was much smaller than the other girl, so it hadn’t been interesting in the slightest at first.
Now, they were curious. The older girl growled quietly at the elf. “You…are you just copying that crazy bastard now? I’m calling your bluff, right now.” She gave no time between her threat and swiping at the younger child with her claws fully poised for the attack. X4 bit her lip painfully hard when those claws ripped through her skin and clothes, then tried to kick her attacker. She stepped on her legs, stopping that effort before it hardly began. Her blue eyes, lacking a pupil from her race, stared at the other girl with contempt.
Of course, her attacker wasn't stopping, but the room suddenly exploded to life around the two. X4’s eyes were glowing as she shoved at the girl, shocking herself when an unknown force sent her flying. The elf sat there stunned, watching the creepy and scary things she’d always seen…protecting her. Her gaze darted to her cellmates, finding the angry girl already standing, but not approaching, just staring. Could none of them see this? She didn't stand, dully aware of a horrible ache in her legs from being stepped on, but she scooted away from everyone.
Momentary silence, then the girl shouted, “I’m the strongest here, you can’t do that to me!” X4 had never understood why all the older kids in the cages were obsessed with being stronger than everyone else. Still, that didn't change the fact that she was now being charged. With a nervous sound, she threw her hands out in the hope of defending herself…and watched as the scary things rushed for the girl. A gasp escaped her, seeing that girl being slammed against the bars of the cage. X4 blinked, catching sight of the name on her neck. Y12.
Her long, dark purple hair had always hidden her name and she never answered if asked about it. X4 studied Y12 for a long time, hoping she was okay but too scared to go over and check. If she did, she’d get hurt, right? And if she didn’t get hurt, then Y12 was hurt a lot more than she thought. She really hoped not. That would be really, really bad. X4 didn’t want to hurt her…well, she didn't, the scary things did. The elf looked at the creepy beings, stiffening when she caught them all staring directly at her, as if waiting for something.
She shuddered, a cold chill trailing down her spine. Before she could dwell on it, Y12 groaned and pushed herself up. As if she’d never been knocked down, her dangerous red eyes boring a hole through the child. Everything about her behavior screamed danger, causing X4 to roughly shove herself against the wall. There was an immediate response from the creatures around her, all of them swarming to be in front of her. There was a breeze inside the cage from their movement, and Y12 was studying it closely.
In the end, the girl clicked her tongue and turned away, storming back to the single bed available. “This ain’t worth it. You’re a breakable freak just like that other one.” She whirled around though. “But I control this space. You got that?” X4 didn’t supply a response, merely shrinking into herself and earning a scoff from the older girl. She watched the other lay on the bed, then hugged herself. Did this…mean she was safe? Was she going to be hit more later? Did she get hurt too? X4 squeezed her legs tightly. She didn’t like hurting people.
In the end, she was back to wishing her brother was here for her. Whether she did it or not, she felt like those things had hurt that girl because of her. She was the only one who could see them, after all. Where was he? Was he coming back? If he didn’t come back…she didn’t know what she’d do. She glanced at her other two siblings, catching them staring at her. Weakly, she offered them a smile, the same one she gave all her siblings back home. They both pouted, their bottom lips poking out and their eyes getting teary.
She shook her head slowly, knowing they might get hit if they came over to her. And yet…despite the bad situation, she was happy to see that they were still who she remembered. X2 and X3 were both so kind…whatever the others had been doing, they looked so scared. She wasn’t fully aware of what all had gone on in the very beginning. She could recall zoning out or covering her ears and eyes when the others would scream, but she also knew X1 had always been right in front of her throughout all of that. She wished he would’ve helped them too.
X4 turned away from them, wincing as the movement both brought pain and the sound of quiet whines from her siblings. She touched where it hurt, grimacing at the sharp feedback it earned. When she raised her hand, it was covered in blood. That…probably wasn’t good. Remembering something their mother had taught them, she ripped off the already torn part of her clothes and tried to wrap around the area. Turns out, getting fabric from clothes was really hard if there wasn't already a tear. Having learned that, she used the rip to get more when needed.
Every motion hurt, but she made an effort to get herself patched up. X1 could heal her when he comes back…she held onto that thought desperately. He will come back. She can do this badly and he’ll help her. He’s not gone. She tried to keep her mind off how two people would leave, and only one came back. That wouldn't be him. Her brother was strong…he was kind, but he wouldn't leave her. He told her so. She pulled the fabric tight and winced, but didn’t stop. Mother had told them it had to be tight. While finishing it up and barely maintaining conscious, she wondered again where her little brother went to, and…when he’d come back to her.
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Taglist: @nobodywritingao3 , @dragooned-speaks
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goldentangerines · 1 year
manuscript search tag
(belatedly) joining an open tag from @talesofsorrowandofruin :-) it took me a few days to translate everything adequately haha
the given words are: sleep, south, sword, saint and summer. all found in my wip willows in gold!
Sleep eludes her like smoke from a burning house. Asja spends her nights at the window — the gardens are as neatly trimmed and dark as usual for the season — and the days, which are even longer than the darkest hours, at court. The Queen's days are, in times of peace, filled with idle walks across the palace's estates, musical hours and lyrical recitals in the various inner courtyards. And by extension, her entourage's days are, too. And by extension, Asja belongs to her Majesty's entourage, because Yemele does. If only she weren't so tired.
The Golden Queen's court is held in the west wing today; the sunset spilling through amber windowpanes and across miraculously white marble lives up to the Queen's title. As they enter — Yemele and Olande up front, curtseying, Asja behind them with Damian's hand in a sweaty, bone-creaking grip — the Queen is laughing about something her lady-in-waiting had said. "Oh," the Queen smiles, her bright, cold eyes setting on their party. "The delegation of the South?" A dark-skinned man with long locs in a blue robe leans over her shoulder from behind and whispers in her ear. "Ah, I see," she says and claps as if to prepare for a children's rhyme. "The dreaded descendants of the God in the Hill are sending the runt of their litter."
sword & summer
But she cannot tell him the truth - she can't, because he's only a boy. He doesn't even count sixteen winters yet. She looks over to where Damian is sitting in a peach tree's shadow, reading. Sunlight filters through the leaves, painting everything softer than it is. She can't tell him — that with every movement of his thin silver chain she sees the blade dance across skin. That every turn of the page sounds like a sword, cutting. That looking at him, here, now, on the brink of summer, hurts more than a golden dagger to her lips.
The Queen of the Wall refuses to rot. The wound in her stomach — where she had been impaled with the wretched spear — doesn't decay. Her hair isn't frail and breaking. Not even her ancient gown is affected by time. The flowers beneath her are still in full bloom. The Queen of the Wall doesn't look alive, she doesn't look as peacefully asleep as the people of Fonadír tell their kids. The Queen is dead, and it's painfully obvious to everyone who lays eyes on her. Her face is gray, her legs broken, her cheeks and lips blank, bloodstained. Even the faint dark bruises on her wrists would be visible if one were to strain their eyes. The Queen of the Wall, the most revered saint in all of Cithane, murdered during prayer, has been frozen in timeless death for three thousand years. But the story of Queen Lyeann and her healer Caleides is alive.
open tag for everyone, please tag me and show me your wips, i'm slowly trying to get back to writeblr :)
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a court of wards and shadow
chapter nine
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series overview
summary: aelis and azriel's mission starts off on the wrong foot which leads to some unexpected confessions
length: 6.2k
warnings: (18+ mdni) angst, violence, descriptions of injuries, attempted assault, azriel's being moody again, kissing, no actual smut but azriel and aelis are starting to get horny for each other
disclaimer: this fic in no way represents any of sarah j. maas' work or ideas, it is for purely fictional/personal entertainment purposes
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the next morning i rise to find my leathers laid out across the top of a pack. i slip them on before sifting through the bag to find a change of clothes, some rations, and a few other things i’ll need for our several day mission. several days. with azriel. alone. i can’t help the little thrill that courses through me at the thought but quickly rein it in when i remember the way he wouldn’t look at me yesterday. 
i don’t know what shifted between us the other afternoon when i cried during our conversation, but a sinking feeling settles in my gut as i recall the way he’d been avoiding me. is that how he’s going to be for the next few days? the bit of excitement that filled me moments ago morphs into one of dread.
i try my best to shake it off as i lace up my boots and strap the sheath for my sword down my spine. by the time i secure the dagger that was also left for me to my thigh i have built a thick wall around my emotions, determined to not let them affect me. the mission is what’s important right now, not whatever seems to be going on with azriel.
i make my way to the training ring where i find azriel waiting with a pack similar to my own and adorned with his own selection of deadly weapons. he tilts his head slightly in greeting and simply asks “ready?” as he extends his hand to me. i take his hold, his rough callouses scraping lightly over my palm and offer him an affirmative nod. his shadows wrap around me in a gentle caress and a blink later i find myself standing in a forest i assume to be just outside the reaches of the day court palace’s wards.
dropping my hand without a word, azriel strides off, leaving me with no other option but to follow.
* * *
the day passes on in pained silence, the only words spoken between us being questions about directions and reminders to drink water. 
sometime around midday it starts to rain and despite the leathers keeping me somewhat dry, i feel as though the chill in the air has settled in my bones. or maybe it’s coming from this awkward distance that has developed between azriel and i.
by late afternoon, i can’t take it anymore, the silence suffocating me further with every passing breath. i stop in the middle of the narrow trail we stumbled across and shout in order to be heard over the pounding rain. “i’m sorry!!”
azriel freezes in his steps before whirling around to face me, eyes wide with alarm. after a quick scan of the surroundings reveals nothing, his expression shifts into one of confusion.
i continue as i walk towards him, my voice lowering as i draw closer. “i’m sorry for making you uncomfortable, especially right before our mission.”
“i’m sorry, i really am. i just thought….well it’s just that…..i thought we were friends, azriel.” i finally manage to blurt out. “and i’m sorry for making assumptions and for crying, but please don’t ignore me any longer. i can’t handle three more days of silence, i’ll go mad. it doesn’t even matter what we talk about, it can be about rocks for all i care, as long as you talk to me. please.”  
“aelis, i--”
“i just don’t get it,” i cut in, not allowing him a chance to speak. i know i should stop before i make everything worse than it already is, but between the freezing rain and the crushing silence i have suffered through all day, i’m just too weary and worn down to care right now. “when we talked the other day you were so encouraging….so caring. but then it was like…..it was like you just shut it off. one minute i thought we were friends, i thought we might have even--” i cut myself off before i say something i will truly regret. “but then you just, stopped. and you’ve barely looked at or spoken to me since. why azriel? why?” my voice cracks on the last word and i have to fight to keep the tears at bay. 
he opens his mouth to respond, but then catches himself. my frustration and devastation transforms into anger at his lack of a response and i close the remaining distance between us, shoving his chest as hard as i can. “why? tell me why az?!” i practically scream at him, the rain washing away the tears that are now flowing down my cheeks.
i go to shove him again, but he catches my wrist, holding my hands tightly to his chest. “because i care for you.” he murmurs.
“what?” i say, my brain not able to truly process what he just said.
“i care for you aelis. i care for you so damned much that i have been plagued with worry since you insisted we do this mission. i know you are strong. i know you are capable. i know that you need to do this for yourself. and i would never get in the way of that. in fact, i am so fucking proud of how far you have come.”
i choke on the sob that fills my throat, trying my best to remain quiet during his confession. whether he notices or simply feels compelled to, azriel strokes his thumb along the line of my wrist in a comforting gesture.
“but that doesn’t mean i have not spent every hour since absolutely plagued with worry. i have stayed up each night thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong, every possible way you could be hurt. and all for a mission that might not even be successful. i pleaded with rhys, begged him to find another way, but there isn’t one. so instead, i have to just be okay with subjecting you to countless dangerous situations on the off chance that you will be able to retrieve that damned book. and i can’t stand it. i haven’t felt like this, thought like this, acted like this since…..aelis, i feel as though i’m going mad.” i can feel his heart pounding beneath my hand that is pinned to his chest, but he continues on. 
“you were right when you said i turned it off. because i had to. i can’t think straight around you. and i can’t jeopardize this mission, i can’t jeopardize you because i can’t get my feelings in check. so i’m sorry that i’ve been distant, that i shut you out. it’s been killing me to not be able to talk with you. but if that’s what it takes to keep you safe, then i will remain silent until the flames claim me once again.”
i don’t respond, words failing me as i simply stare at him. his hair is slicked to his forehead from the rain and his eyes are filled with raw, unbridled emotion as he holds my gaze. finally, after an eternity that lasts only a moment, i find my voice.
“az.” his hold has loosened on my hands and i slip one free in order to reach up to his face. his skin is warm despite the rain and i can’t help but run my thumb gently across his cheek. his eyes flutter shut at my touch and i repeat the motion, reveling in the feeling of his smooth skin beneath my hand. 
“az,” i repeat and his eyes slowly open once more, immediately capturing me with his gaze. “thank you. thank you for protecting me, for always keeping me safe. thank you for allowing me to do this. for pushing me and encouraging me and reminding me that i am capable over and over again until i got to this point. and thank you for caring for me. thank you for caring for me in a way no one ever has.” the tears are flowing freely down my cheeks now, but i make no effort to stop them.
his eyes glisten as he stares at me, whether from the rain or unshed tears, i’ll never know. releasing his hold on my other wrist, he slowly reaches up to cradle my jaw between his hands. “aelis,” he whispers, his voice almost lost amidst the sound of the storm.
and then, before i can even blink, his mouth is on mine. his soft, plush lips press against my own for a moment before they part, inviting me deeper. i lose myself in the feeling of his mouth moving slowly with mine in perfect harmony. his tongue traces the seam of my lips and i breath out a moan at the sensation. 
thunder cracks loudly overhead and he pulls away, glancing around quickly before settling his gaze back on me. he rests his forehead against mine, chest heaving. after his breathing has settled he murmurs into the space between us, “i suppose we should try and find somewhere a little more dry.” his lips brush ever so lightly across my forehead and then he takes a step back, my body immediately growing colder at his absence.
i nod in response, my mind spinning too wildly from our kiss to form words. he gestures over his shoulder and we continue on down the trail in search of some sort of shelter from the rain. as we walk, i feel his fingers brush against mine every so often, momentarily chasing away the cold better than any fire could. 
* * *
after an hour or so of walking with no signs of any cover, we pause for a few minutes to rest and hydrate. the rain has let up significantly, but my leathers are soaked through by this point. i cannot wait to slip into my spare clothes that have been kept safe and dry inside of the charmed pack i’ve been lugging around all day.
i excuse myself for a moment before we continue on and slip off into the woods to find some privacy to relieve myself. i am just headed back when i hear a noise behind me. spinning around, i find two large males stalking towards me. i turn to run back to where i left azriel only to find two more males boxing me in. i try to scream, but a hand clamps over my mouth before any sound is able to come out.
“well, well, well, look at what we stumbled across here.” a voice hisses in my hear and my skin crawls at the sound. my pack is pulled away and tossed to one of the other fae before the male pulls my back against his chest, his arms wrapping around me in a tight band i cannot escape, no matter how hard i struggle.
“got anything valuable in here?” one of the others sneers before flipping my pack upside down and dumping its content across the wet grass. when his search comes up empty handed he tosses the pack to the side, kicking my belongings into a mud puddle in frustration. “not even a single copper to make it worth our time!”
“well i’m sure she has something that will make this worth our time,” the man behind me murmurs and i fight harder against the vice grip he has on me when i feel his hand start to slither beneath the collar of my leathers. one of the others approaches and begins running his hands down my body, laughing cruelly at my muffled cries. just as his fingertips brush my waistband, he is suddenly thrown backwards by a shadowy force. i am pulled from the male’s hold and before i can ever register what is happening, azriel has already slaughtered all four males and is standing before me panting, his expression one of pure rage.
“are you okay?” he drops his sword in order to grab both my arms, his eyes rapidly scanning my body for any signs of injury. “aelis, are you okay?”
“y…yyy…yes,” i stutter, adrenaline coursing through my veins. “i’m fine.” my voice comes out more steady the second time. i can feel him teetering on the edge of control with the way his hands grip my arms just a little too tightly and the way his eye flit wildly across the landscape behind me, searching for any other attackers.
“hey,” i meet his gaze and muster the most reassuring smile i can manage. “i’m fine now. i promise.”
i watch as his eyes close for a moment and he inhales deeply, his breath stuttering slightly as he lets it out. fear and rage still cloud his stare, but he nods in response before turning to help gather my supplies and put them back into my now soaked pack. 
he gives me an assessing look and mutters, “come one, let’s find somewhere for you to rest.” he hesitates for a moment before dipping his head to brush a whisper of a kiss to the top of my head. without another word he hands me my pack before retrieving his own from where he had dropped it to draw his weapons.
* * *
the rain that had settled down to a light mist picks back up into a heavy downfall over the next hour as we trudge through the forest. i am convinced we are going to have to spend a wet night on the freezing forest floor when azriel suddenly picks up his pace.
“follow me this way! my shadows found….” i don’t hear the rest of the words azriel yells over his shoulder at me as the pounding of the pouring rain drowns them out. i simply hug my soaked bag closer and rush after him, hoping that whatever his shadows found has a roof. we quickly reach a break in the dense woods and i spot a little cabin nestled amongst the trees on the other side of the clearing. i nearly cry in relief and pick up my pace, hoping whoever lives there will let us in, even if for just a few minutes of respite from the rain.
as i get closer, i notice the overgrown garden on the side of the house and the way the front door is ajar, hanging crookedly on its hinges. the cabin must be abandoned. azriel reaches the door a few paces before i do and holds up his hand, signaling for me to wait while he checks it out. as much as i don’t want to spend another second in the icy downpour, i also don’t have the energy to fight some cracked out faerie who might have found the broken down house before we did. azriel ducks his head as he walks through the doorway, disappearing into the shadows of the cabin. barely a minute passes before his head pokes back out and he waves me inside. 
i sigh in relief as i step inside and no longer feel the beating of the rain on my back. i glance around the small interior, noticing the cabin only consists of two rooms. the one i’m currently in has a stove tucked in the corner, some cupboards, and a single chair next to a space where i imagine a kitchen table would go. next to the fireplace that makes up the other half the space is a small hallway that leads to what i would guess is the bedroom. the lack of furniture and layer of dust covering everything confirms my suspicion that no one lives here. in fact, it looks like no one has lived here for a very long time. 
“it’s not much, but it’s out of the rain and clearly forgotten so we won’t have to worry about someone discovering us.” azriel says when i finish scanning the room.
“as long as i don’t have to spend the night out in that deluge i’m happy. tell your shadows thank you for finding this place.” a surprised look crosses his face and he stares at me strangely for a moment before giving me a stiff nod then turning to rifle through the cupboards. 
while he searches for anything left behind that might be useful, i stand and stare at the empty fireplace, unsure of what i’m supposed to do. after a few minutes i realize that all that walking had been the only thing keeping me even remotely warm for the last few hours. despite the roof over my head, my leathers are already soaked through and a chill settles deep into my bones from the lack of warmth in this room.
i wrap my arms around myself and try my best not to shiver. despite my efforts, azriel quickly notices my discomfort. 
“oh, i’m sorry. you’re absolutely soaked and the temperature is only going to keep dropping. i should have went and looked for something to start a fire with before rummaging through the house. i apologize. i’ll go right now. forgive me.”
he turns towards the door, but i grab his elbow to stop him before he can open it. “wait! please don’t apologize, it’s not your fault that it rained today and it’s certainly not your fault that it’s so cold out. we could have never predicted such a fierce storm so early into the fall season.” 
i hear a soft chuckle and my gaze skips across his face, finding a small grin and a slight twinkle in his eyes. “do you really think i view myself so highly that i believe i can control the weather?” a dimple appears on his cheek as his grin widens ever so slightly and i find myself transfixed by it. “i was not apologizing because it rained, i was apologizing because you must obviously be freezing and it was thoughtless of me to not consider how to remedy that first.” 
“also…” he pauses, his expression transforming into something much more serious while his eyes search my face. “nevermind,” he says after a moment, pulling his gaze from mine. “i’m going to go try and find something remotely dry to start a fire with. you should change out of those wet leathers while i’m out.” 
i nod politely, but my eyes betray me by glancing quickly at the sodden bag in my arms and azriel immediately notices.
“oh, right. of course.” he says stiffly, as if remembering the circumstance of how my belongings were thrown into the mud and rain.
“not a problem.” he strides across the room to where his pack rests against the wall. “here.”
he pulls a bundle out and extends it towards me. it takes me a second to understand his meaning, but when i do, i immediately resist. “no! azriel, those are yours.”
“so? you need to get out of those freezing clothes before you make yourself sick from the cold.”
“so do you!” i argue back. “you’re not giving up your only dry clothes for something that was my-”
“it was not your fault.” i take a step back at the tone in his voice and the darkness in his eyes. i know azriel is intimidating and cold, i’ve seen it before and i saw it again earlier when he slaughtered my attackers with no hesitation. but, i have never been on the receiving end of it. the ice in his voice is colder than the freezing rain and i can’t suppress the chill that rushes through me. 
his glare softens and some warmth returns to his voice, although a harsh edge still remains as he continues. “whatever conclusions you seem to have drawn that make you think that whatever happened earlier was in any way your fault, get rid of them. immediately.” the command in his voice is impossible to ignore and i find myself subconsciously obeying his instructions. 
“and as for the clothing situation, i have a solution for that. as long as you can give me one minute to explain without arguing.” his face has entirely transformed from just moments ago, the cold expression completely erased and replaced with humor and teasing. 
i open my mouth to respond and he raises his eyebrows slightly, a smirk tugging on the edges of his lips. i close my mouth and simply nod, glaring playfully but keeping quiet so he can explain. 
his smirk widens ever so slightly at my mock indignation. “i always bring several spare pairs of socks, so no worries there. and you can wear my shirt. i figure you’re small enough that it should be plenty long on you. and i can just wear my spare pants while my leathers dry.” my eyes widen slightly at the thought of az with just pants on and he chuckles softly as if he knows what just crossed my mind. “will that work for you?”
i swallow, erasing the mental image of him shirtless and quickly nod. he smirks playfully before handing me the bundle he attempted to earlier. “good. now you change and i’m going to find something to burn.” and with that he moves past me and out the door, trudging into the pouring rain.
i head to the back room and shut the door behind me. the room is bare except for a bed with a threadbare quilt on it and a small dresser with a broken handle. i begin to peel off my wet clothing, struggling as the soaked material clings to my skin. when i get down to my underwear i hesitate, unsure if i should leave it on or not. a draft moves through the house and i shiver, quickly deciding i will never stop freezing if i don’t remove all my wet clothing. 
a faint scent fills my nose as i pull az’s shirt over my head. it reminds me of a rainy forest, but not like the one we just spent our day traveling in. no, it’s like a forest right after a summer rain, everything smelling fresh and clean with just a hint of cedar and pine clinging around the edges. the dry cotton helps to ease the chill of my skin almost immediately. he was right. the shirt is so large on me it reaches past my mid-thighs and i have to roll the sleeves up several times in order to free my hands.
i pull on the wool socks and then gather up my soaking clothes before heading back into the main room. i’m surprised to find him already back inside, kneeling in front of the fireplace with a stack of wood next to him. 
“well that was quick,” i comment quietly, suppressing the urge to fidget as i realize that although the shirt covers plenty, i have more of my legs exposed than i have ever intentionally had out before.
“i found a woodshed out back. it has plenty of wood and almost all of it was still dry. i don’t know who built this place, but whoever did knew how to build a solid roof because both the house and the woodshed-” he stops talking as he turns to address me. i notice his nostrils flare ever so slightly as his eyes quickly rake over me, lingering on my legs for a moment.
i feel a blush creeping up my face as he stares. a rush of heat washes over me as i notice the look in his eyes. no one has ever looked at me like that. camden always looked at me like a possession, something he deserved simply for existing. but azriel is looking at me with what seems like awe, and maybe something else. i avert my gaze to the floor, embarrassed by his attention and feeling unworthy of the reverence in his eyes. 
after a moment that feels like an eternity, he clears his throat and continues speaking. “both the house and the woodshed are completely dry, not a single leak anywhere.” when i look at him again, his attention is fixed on the fireplace in front of him, his body turned slightly away from me as if he is using it as a physical reminder not to look at me again. 
“i’ll have this fire going in just a minute or two. it shouldn’t take long for the cabin to warm up.”
“thank you,” i mumble quietly while padding across the floor to sit in the lone chair. the wood is freezing, even through the shirt, but it’s better than standing awkwardly in the hallway while he builds the fire.
true to his word, the fire is blazing in no time at all, its bright flames illuminating the rapidly darkening room. 
i move over to the fire, taking the chair with me. i drape my wet clothes over the back of the chair to dry, while azriel digs through his bag for his dry clothing. i watch as he turns back towards me, clothing in hand. his gaze moves towards mine, but stops and fixates on the chair. an emotion i can’t identify passes over his face before his features harden. 
“i’m going to change.” azriel quickly moves past me to head to the bedroom and closes the door, never once looking at me. 
i sit on the floor, too stunned to do anything else. what just happened? i thought we had sorted through our issues earlier? did what happened with those nasty males set him off again? i sit and ponder in silence for a long while until i hear the bedroom door open again.
i shake off my confusion and unease and try to act normal.
any sense of normalcy immediately flies out the window the second i turn and see az. he enters the room and all i can do is stare. he’s wearing loose cotton pants that hang dangerously low on his hips. my eyes greedily scan the smooth expanse of his broad chest and lean abdomen, noticing every line and dip of his defined muscles. when he walks past me and lays his leathers out to dry, i watch the muscles of his back ripple as he moves. 
i need to stop staring before our situation gets more uncomfortable and weird than it was before he changed. i pull my eyes off of him and stare at my hands, unsure of what i’m supposed to do. 
i hear more movement and rustling, but refuse to look, knowing i won’t be able to resist the urge to stare at his body. after a moment a hand appears before me holding bread and cheese.
“it’s not much, but it will at least tie us over until tomorrow when i can find us something more substantial to eat.”
“thank you,” i reply softly while risking a glance up to his face. i find him staring at the wall, not looking at me and my heart drops. 
we eat our food in silence.
a little while after we finish i hear azriel clear his throat. “well we should probably get some sleep so we can get an early start tomorrow. hopefully the rain will let up by then. the room is probably warmer now that the fire has been going so hopefully you shouldn’t freeze while you sleep.”
i nod and then stand and start to head back to the bedroom, but pause when i don’t hear him following. i turn around and watch as he pulls the thin blanket out of his pack and begins unrolling it on the floor. 
“you’re not sleeping out here are you?” i ask, horrified by the thought of him having to sleep on the dirty, hard floor. 
“well, yes. i was.”
“no. no. absolutely not.”
azriel gives me a confused look before responding. “why not? i’ve slept on the floor plenty of times before.”
“you’re not sleeping on the floor when there is a perfectly good bed here!” 
“and let you sleep on the floor?” 
yes! i think to myself, knowing full well he would have been able to make it to a comfortable, dry inn tonight if it weren’t for me slowing him down.
“absolutely not! i can’t believe you think i would let you sleep on the floor while i take the bed!”
“well it only seems fair since-”
“i swear to the cauldron if you try to blame yourself for this too i am going to lose my mind.” the visible tension in his jaw reveals how hard azriel is trying to keep his frustration under control. 
“stop! just stop. i will not argue with you about this, aelis. whatever reason you have concocted in your head as to why this situation is your fault is silly. and i won’t listen to it. so just stop.” 
“okay,” i watch the tension in his body lessen slightly as i comply. “but i’m not sleeping in that bed if you’re sleeping on the floor.” his shoulders immediately lock back up again. 
“well i’m not letting you sleep on the floor.”
“fine, i guess we will both have to sleep in the bed then.” the second the words come flying out of my mouth i wish i could take them back.
azriel’s eyebrows raise questioningly for just a moment before he replies, “fine.”
i search his face for any signs that he is joking, but he’s completely serious. my heart starts pounding at the thought of both of us in the same bed. i have never ever under any circumstances slept in the same bed as anyone before, much less a male. i can’t believe i suggested it. almost as much as i can’t believe that he agreed. 
not wanting him to see the embarrassment written all over my face, i quickly turn and head into the bedroom. i hear him rise from the floor, grab the blanket, and follow.
unsure of what to do now that i have reached the bedroom, i stand awkwardly next to the bed and turn towards azriel as he also enters the room.
“after you,” he says while gesturing towards the bed, the edge of a smirk playing at his lips as he senses my unease. 
i stiffly turn and crawl onto the bed, moving as close to the wall as i can. the bed looked plenty large enough when i was standing next to it, but now that i’m in it, the space next to me looks much, much smaller. 
without hesitation, az joins me on the bed.
i watch as he struggles to position himself and his wings on his half off the bed. i never realized what an inconvenience having wings must be until now as he moves them yet again. after fumbling and readjusting for several minutes he finally settles on laying on his side, facing me, with his wings draped over the edge of the bed. 
"sorry," he says quietly, "sometimes it takes me a while to find a comfortable position when i'm not in my own bed." 
my eyes quickly scan his body. i notice how his feet hang slightly off the end of the bed clearly not made for someone of his stature. i look at his shoulders which are visibly tense from the weight of his huge wings hanging with no alleviation since there is no room on the bed for him to rest them. 
"you still don't look very comfortable," i say as my gaze returns to his.
“i’ve slept in much more uncomfortable places before.”
“so you admit you’re not comfortable.”
“well, i don’t exactly have a lot of options with wings and a bed this size.”
“i could always just sleep on the floor, that would give you more room to position your wings.”
“no.” his answer is entirely predictable, but i figured i would at least try one last time. at least this time i was able to get out my entire request without interruption before he shot me down. 
“well, still. i’m sorry you’re not very comfortable.” 
“like i said, i’ve slept in much more uncomfortable places. i’ll be fine.” and with that he spreads the threadbare quilt and thin blanket across us. they won’t do much to keep me warm, but they are better than nothing and the heat from the fireplace has warmed the room slightly. regardless, i doubt the chill in my bones will fully leave me tonight.
due to his wings, az has no other choice than to lay facing me. after just a few minutes, i roll over to face the wall, unable to lie there with him staring at me any longer. changing position does little to help as i can still feel the weight of his gaze on my back and the presence of his body so close to mine. i’m convinced i’ll never be able to sleep knowing he’s right there, but somehow, i eventually drift off.
* * *
the first thing i notice is the warmth. i’m so warm. i don’t know if i can remember the last time i was this warm. it definitely wasn’t anytime on this journey. i smile softly in my drowsy state, content at last now that the cold i couldn’t seem to shake from my system has left. 
after dwelling in the bliss of warmth for a few moments i start to notice other things. like how the surface beneath my head is hard. i must have rolled off my pillow at some point in the night. i start to slide my hand up to find the pillow, but freeze the instant my hand slides across bare skin.
my eyes fly open and all i see is smooth, tanned skin broken up by dark swirls and shapes in ancient patterns. my mind whirls as it tries to catch up and….shit. shit. my head is resting on az’s shoulder and my arm is thrown across his waist and, oh gods. somehow during the night, my leg ended up draped over the top of one of his thighs while his wing ended up wrapped around me. no wonder i’m so warm, i’m literally laying intertwined with az!
my only saving grace is that his shirt is so long that whenever i decided to roll on top of him during the night, it tucked between my thighs so my bareness isn’t pressed directly against him right now. 
i don’t know what to do. i can’t stay like this. if he wakes up and finds me practically straddling him i’ll die of embarrassment and humiliation. but if i move and he wakes up, same result.
after steadying my breathing for a moment, i slowly begin the process of removing myself from az’s body. i move slower than i thought possible, watching him for any signs he might be waking up. 
after what feels like an eternity i finally manage to get myself completely off of him and quickly roll over to face the wall again, letting out a sigh of relief as i do. my relief is short-lived as i feel the mattress move beneath me a moment before a strong arm wraps around my waist and az pulls himself closer, his chest flush with my back and his wing curling in around us.
my breath catches in my throat. what is happening. i listen carefully, not moving until i notice his breaths haven’t changed. he’s still breathing steady and slow. oh, thank the cauldron, he’s still sleeping. he must have just moved unconsciously like i did. i begin breathing again, but try to remain still, not wanting him to wake and experience the same fear and embarrassment i just did moments prior.
after a while my muscles relax as i settle into him, secretly enjoying the feeling of his arm around me and the warmth of his chest against my back. we continue to lay like this for several more minutes and i feel as though i might fall asleep again when he moves.
just slightly, nothing more than him readjusting. but, the movement pushes his hips tighter against my ass and my heart skips a beat. a moment later, he does the same movement again, but more purposeful. another moment later, again. warmth builds low in my core at the sensation. as he does the movement once more, i feel him harden against me and a rush runs through me.
i’m fighting every urge in my body to move against him, both thrilled and terrified by what is happening. 
all of a sudden i feel his entire body go tense behind me, like he’s frozen. i hear his breath catch and an almost silent curse leave his lips before he goes silent once more. i try to keep my body still and my breathing steady, not wanting to give away how awake i am in this moment. slowly, he pulls his arm off of me and carefully pushes himself away until the only thing touching me is the wing that remains slightly curled around me.
my back feels suddenly cold without his chest against me. confusion begins to cloud my mind as i run through everything that just happened. i have never reacted like that to a male. ever. i have always wanted to distance myself, to get it over with as quick as possible. and yet, when i felt az against me, i wanted nothing more than to move closer, to continue whatever he had unknowingly started.
i continued to ponder these thoughts and feelings over and over until sunlight breaks through the small window, signaling the start to our day.
thanks for reading and lmk what you think! i love hearing all your feedback!!!
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taglist: @lennaleen @mis-lil-red
©️ the-shadowsingers-whore - plagiarizing, reposting, and translating is not permitted
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aristrocrat · 2 years
Upside Down Feelings 2
Chapter Ten: The End of the Eddie Era
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summary: the aftermath of Eddie seeing Y/N and Steve dancing together at the Winter Ball
word count: 1650 :,(
“Oh shit,” You muttered, pulling away from Steve as you watched Eddie spin on his heels and leave. Steve followed your eyes, catching sight of the familiar curly haired mane making its exit. His lips part with guilt as he saw you run towards the now closing doors. “Eddie! Eddie! Jesus, could you just wait up?”
The boy continued to quicken his pace to his van, ignoring your calls and pleas. You managed to catch up just in time to put your hand on the driver’s door, preventing him from opening it.
“Can you just listen to me for a moment?” You breathed, feeling your heart break more with every second that he avoided looking into your eyes. “It was just a slow dance, alright? I need you to trust-“
“Trust?” He chuckled bitterly as his tongue slid across his teeth. “You expect me to trust you? You skipped my concert last month and showed up with Harrington, covered in scratches and slices a-and bruises. You told me to trust you then, and I did. That there wasn’t anything going on between you and The King,” He spat out the nickname, poison dripping from his words as he continued. “Yet he’s the only one who knows what really happened that week. And then I fucking dress up in this stupid tux to surprise you and you’re dancing in his arms?!”
“It wasn’t like th-
“Oh, don’t give me that fucking bullshit!” He rolled his eyes. “He’s the one who you look at with these-these fucking eyes of adoration- and you expect me to trust you?! You don’t even trust me enough to tell me where the fuck those scars came from, Y/N!”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Eddie!” You shook your head quickly, taking a step towards him only watch him step back. “There’s a lot I’m not telling you but it’s for your safety-“
“My safety?!” His eyebrows shot up. “My fucking safety?! Jesus, wh- are you part of the FBI? You can’t honestly expect me to believe you when-“
“Eddie, I wish I could tell you more! I want to-“
“When you can’t even tell me you love me, sweetheart!” He shouted over you, ignoring the glares of the people walking to and from their cars.
There it was. There it fucking was. He knew your stance on love, and your inability to allow yourself to fall in love. You made it perfectly clear from the beginning that you couldn’t offer him that. It was never a matter of exclusivity, you stayed loyal through it all.
It had absolutely nothing to do with him; he was a phenomenal man and boyfriend. And you made sure to vocalize that. Often. Your appreciation, your adoration, your affection- those were the words that constantly fell from your lips. During dates, concerts, lazy nights on his couch, late nights in his arms- during kisses and love making. You always let him know how you felt about him.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you processed the words that shot through you like daggers. He watched as your face shifted from one of desperation to one of betrayal. He knew he was wrong to hold it against you, to bring it up as a topic of an argument. But couldn’t help it anymore. He couldn’t only have half of you. Not if he was meant to trust you.
“You know why I can’t fall in love,” You lowered your voice to an unrecognizable tone. “I saw what it did to my mom. I felt what it was like to lose the people I love. Eddie- I…” You took a deep breath to collect your anger and speak levelheadedly, empathetically. “It’s not you, Eds. It’s me. It’s my problem. And I was fully open about it before we-“
“Wanna know the craziest part of all of this?” He blinked away his tears as he finally looked deep into your eyes, showing you the raw, unadulterated emotions behind them. You couldn’t help but feel the knot in your throat build to the point where you had to hold your breath to hold in the sob that teased under the surface. “If you could just tell me those three little words, I’d let this all go. I’d drop to my knees and beg for your forgiveness.”
He sniffled, his tears now pouring down his face like the water of a river flows: desperately falling down, tracing the high and low points of his cheeks, and dropping by the dozen off of his chin. “I’d give up every good thing in my life just for the honor of calling you mine. And not just half of you, Y/N. That’s just not enough for me anymore. I mean-.. How can I trust you to be careful with my heart if you can’t even grant me the same?”
Your breath quivered as you drew in a breath, only for it to be interrupted with a sob.
“It’s not you,” You pressed your hand to your stomach, hoping to relieve some of the overwhelming tension that built up there. “Eddie, I want to. You have no idea how badly I want to. But I can’t.”
He let out another scoff, wiping his tears aggressively before he spoke up in a different tone. No longer was it the soft, anguished pleading tone. It was now empty and emotionless.
“You say you can’t love but I’m not blind. I see the way you look at him. The way you smile when you’re around him,” He looked up as he shook his head, somehow damming the waterfall that previously occupied his red and puffy face. “I hear the way you talk to and about him-“
“Eddie, you’re wrong-“ You frowned
“The hell I am!” He shouted before lowering his voice again. “It’s not a matter of whether or not you can love. You obviously can! You just surround yourself with people you can’t bring yourself to fall in love with so that you can keep your heart guarded! But what about mine? Huh?!”
“Eddie, please don’t do this,” You sobbed, letting your face fall into your hands as he continued to shout.
“No, you don’t get to do that. Look at me, Y/N!” He placed his hands gently but firmly on your cheeks. “You dragged me along a fucking year, telling me you weren’t able to fall in love and completely disregarding the fact that I am head over heels for you, Y/N! I was perfectly fine having you as you were. But then you started to hide things from me and sneak around with Steve. You can love. Hell, you ARE in love. It’s just not with me.”
“Can we just talk this through?” You stepped forward, grabbing his arms as you looked up at him. Your heart shattered on the spot when he looked at you. It was like he was looking at a stranger. All of the love that was previously there was gone. “Please. P-Please, I don’t wanna lose this. Lose you! Just-“
“Don’t touch me,” He stepped back from your embrace, not being able to look into your hopeless eyes. You both stood in silence, nothing but your soft sobs and his sniffles filled the air around you. Somehow, even the music from the gymnasium seemed to be a million miles away.
“You have it all wrong, you know,” He finally said, fishing his keys out of his pocket. You looked up at him with confusion, the wet mascara still running fresh down your cheeks. His voice broke as he said his final words to you, “Because no matter how much I hate you right now and how much my heart hurts.. I wouldn’t take back a single moment I had with you… Do yourself a favor, Y/N. Tell him how you feel.”
“But I never want to see you again,” He said firmly as he stepped past you. He opened his door. “Have a nice life, sweetheart.”
And with that, you watched the boy drive off into the night. Your knees gave out from under you, allowing them to hit the concrete below you as your head fell into your hands. You sobbed into them, not being able to lessen the tight feeling in your chest.
It felt like the air around you suddenly lost all traces of oxygen. Your ears rang from the sheer force of the crying. It was the first time you’d felt like this since..
“Y/N? Oh, my God! Y/N!” You heard the familiar voice call before it’s owner’s footsteps picked up to a run. “Hey, hey, hey. Woah! What happened? Are you alright?”
You simply shook your head as you felt those warm arms pull you into a tight embrace. It was your turn to crumble into Steve’s arms as his hands gently rubbed your back.
“It’s alright, let it out.” He muttered into your hair as you weeped into the crook of his neck. He shrugged off his jacket before wrapping it around you, seeing as it was freezing and you were in a strapless dress. “I got you.. It’s alright, I got you.”
You didn’t know how long he held you for. Easily for much longer than you held him on Halloween. But he just let you cry into him, rubbing your back and whispering reassuring words into your ear as your sobs slowly came to a halt. He didn’t dare pull away until he felt you sit up.
“Want me to take you home?” Steve smiled softly, wiping the black tears from your puffy cheeks. He wanted so badly to ask what happened. He wanted to grab those bats from his trunk and show up at Eddie’s house to show him a lesson for breaking your heart.
But he didn’t.
He simply helped you up, wrapping a supportive arm around you as he walked you back to his car. He started it, blasting the heater to warm your shivering body, before he jogged over to Joyce and Hopper.
They asked what happened to you, having heard your sobs from the distance, and Steve explained that you got your heart broken by a freak with curtain bangs. They nodded and agreed to take the kids home, telling him to take good care of you.
And he did just that.
Season Three ->
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