#like he’ll just ever so gently lean on me or rub his cheek on my leg i just 😭
marmotish · 2 years
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walking down the street and somebody’s cat comes out to say hello - only a monster wouldn’t say hello back.
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suempu · 5 months
Looooving the Laios content!!!! If you have any nsfw headcanons for him we would love to hear those too👀
<3 i tried to keep it as gn as possible. reader is on the receiving end
laios wouldn’t really be interested in sexual things unless you ask him about it.
getting intimate with him would have to happen at random or unplanned.
he’s really just content with kissing and hugging you, he’s never once thought of sex. one kiss is enough to get him so high and happy.
please makeout with this man, it gets him going. he loves your lips, the way you hum into his mouth, and the gentle caresses you leave on his arm while you do.
your first makeout session gets him hard. normally, you two only exchange sweet kisses and touches, so he was shocked when you decided to crawl over his lap to hold his face better.
his mind explodes from there.
he’s a whimperer, please guys agree with me on this. a lot of quiet gasps and surprised voice cracks are gonna come out of him.
“mmf… nghh… mMph-!”
he loves it when you tug on his hair, when your fingers dig into his roots and firmly pulling it back while you grind down at him.
laios likes putting his hands around your body, he embraces you while moaning into your mouth, eager for more of your taste.
dont get me started with the whole “taste” thing.
this man loves to eat, we all know that. but he loves to eat you.
the first time is awkward, as he’s not sure where he’s allowed to touch you and he’s quite hesitant.
“i just… don’t wanna make you uncomfortable.”
“laios, i’ll tell you if i don’t like it, okay?
you’re both learning each other’s bodies, and after much reassurance he leans in and nips at your neck.
he’s a… mouthy person. loves sucking on your skin, biting your ear (gently of course), moaning into your shoulder. one thing he loves to do, which isn’t inherently sexual, is to wrap his arms around you while nosing and kissing the skin between your jaw to your shoulder.
he trails his lips all over you, making you giggle and moan at the same time. he just likes feeling you out tbh
laios is def girthy, nothing extreme, just a bit thicker than you’d realize. he’s kind of shy at first, no one has ever seen him like this so he doesn’t know if he’s considered “sexy” or attractive
until now, he paid no mind to his body, didn’t care if people found him hot or anything, but he’s suddenly embarrassed when its you.
“i-is it good enough…?”
“you’re literally bigger than 4 of my fingers combined.”
but yes, please praise this man. tell him you love him and that he’s beautiful.
laios eats up the praise, he has a dopey smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. he loves knowing that he can satisfy you, it makes him feel fulfilled.
once you actually get to it, his body was trembling from the heat and warmth. he moans shakily while nuzzling his face into your hair, murmuring about how good you feel and how much he loves you.
he’s really loud. he’ll moan in your ear with no hesitation and you tease him about it afterwards.
aftercare with him is comfy and cozy. you both are spent as you cuddle into each other, basking in the afterglow.
he has such a loving gaze, he looks so much like a big puppy that it makes your heart melt.
“that… was really good.” he sighs, lips nuzzled into your hair. pulling back from his chest, you rub his cheeks as you relax into the pillows, staring up at him with a smug face. “i can tell. with the way you came after 10 seconds.”
“please don’t.” he groans.
don’t worry, after a few times he will memorize all the sensitive spots in your body and get you to cum a thousand more.
laios has good stamina and he can go for at least 2 or 3 more rounds. if you’re too tired, he’ll use his remaining energy to carry you to the bathroom and wash you both off.
will unintentionally get hard while he’s cleaning you, so please forgive him for that. he’s just really attracted to you lmao
“next time maybe you can try pulling my hair.” you lean back against his chest in the tub. “or maybe a tug?”
“i don’t know… i wouldn’t wanna accidentally hurt you.”
“laios are you hard right now?”
“i’m sorry.”
after that, you both will have a relaxing routine of drying each other’s hair and brushing your teeth before sleeping.
laios is eager to learn more about your body and he’s genuinely excited to figure out what gets you going. 100/10 lover, he can’t wait to go again.
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saetoru · 1 year
contents. baths + non sexual nudity, established relationships, tired toru :(, lots of kissies and praise for the babie :(, solid proof in the form of writing of how embarrassingly lovesick i am for this FOOL
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it’s past midnight when satoru walks into your bathroom. he doesn’t even question why you’re in the bath so late—just gives you a lopsided grin tiredly as you smile.
“you’re home,” you brighten.
“look at you,” he coos, staring down at you with amused eyes, “waitin’ for me?”
satoru is tired—you can tell from the way the his shoulders are slouched and his blindfold is clutched in his hand. “i was,” you hum in agreement, “c’mere.”
it’s all it takes. he’s stripped down and waiting for you to move up so he can slide behind you in seconds, hand waving to motion you forward. but you’re stubborn—you shake your head as you hold an arm out for him.
“baby,” he whines, “c’mon i was out fighting big bad curses all day. jus’ lemme hold—”
“no. just come here, toru,” you insist.
there’s something about it—something about the way your voice is so gentle, so insistent, so knowing. it’s like you can read him more than he can, sometimes. satoru is tired, you can see it, you can feel it. you can’t carry his burdens, but you can hold him while he holds the weight of the world for a night.
maybe it’ll do for now—maybe it’ll even be enough and more.
“what? feelin’ like pampering me today?” he teases, “aren’t i a lucky guy,” he hums—but he climbs into the tub anyway, settling between your legs, leaning his back against your chest as his head falls back against your shoulder.
instantly, two gentle kisses plant themselves against his head, and his eyes flutter shut. he’s starting to feel the beginnings of a headache form—the gentle thump in his skull just barely there, but persistently present.
your thumbs rubs along the sides of his head, enough pressure to soothe the pain like you know it’s coming—he thinks you must.
“you are a lucky guy,” you giggle, “look at me. such a catch.”
he grins, chuckling that boyish chuckle of his freely in your arms as he relaxes. it’s been a while since he’s relaxed, you think—it’s half past midnight and he’ll be up with the sun in a bit to head back to the school, but it’s nice to know he’s relaxed. even just for this short, rare moment.
“oh yeah,” he nods, lips curled into a grin as he cracks an eye open and peers up at you, “s no catch like my pretty ‘lil baby. i’m living it up.”
“glad you know your privileges,” you murmur contently, shaking your head in amusement as you wrap your arms around his body. one hand rubs over his abs—he wants to tease you about feeling him up, wants to make a sly comment about missing his body more than him while he was gone. but there’s something about it, about the way it’s so slow and soothing and soft—it’s so painfully soft, satoru swallows.
finally, he lets his body go slack against yours, sliding down so his head rests against your chest and the water soaks more of his body. it’s warm. the water and your arms. it’s all so, so warm and forgiving.
“aren’t you gonna tell me how lucky you are too? i’ll listen, don’t worry. no interruptions.”
“yeah?” you chuckle, threading fingers through his hair and pulling a soft sigh from him, “wanna know how lucky i am?”
“course,” he murmurs, “well, i already know you’re lucky. it’s me after all—but i’m not opposed to hearing it.”
“how humble of you, satoru,” you snort.
he grins wider—he hasn’t had a chance to smile all day. not properly, at least.
“feel free to start any second,” he says with a wink. then his eyes flutter shut again as your thumb traces his cheek, ever so gently running along the soft angles of his face.
it’s pretty—everything about him is pretty. there are no ugly parts to satoru. just the parts painted from cruel hands. they’re beautiful too, you like to think, in their own, fragile little ways.
“okay,” you whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his head, “i’m very lucky,” you murmur into his hair.
he hums, mumbling a quiet, “knew it.”
“lucky i have such a handsome face to greet,” you pepper kisses along his forehead and find his cheek, giving it an affectionate little bite that makes him huff out an amused chuckle. “and he’s so tall too,” you add, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“that all he is?” he pouts, “just a pretty face? you’re breaking my heart, baby.”
“no,” you say quietly, grabbing his hand and brushing a thumb over his knuckles, “he’s also kind. too kind, sometimes,” you say quietly, “he comes home a bit later than usual every once in a while because he took his students out to eat. he loves them a bit too much, i think.”
“no such thing as too much love,” he hums, squeezing your hand.
you smile, admiring him as he lays against you, small in your hold even with the larger than life weight he carries.
“and he’s strong,” you add, “really strong. it’s not fair sometimes,” you whisper, “he’s got so much on his plate.”
“he handles it fine,” he assures, “he always does.”
“and then he still makes time for little old me,” you say fondly, kissing his shoulder, “never lets me feel lonely. he’s too good to me.”
“there’s no such thing as too good for you,” he gasps offendedly, pouting like you’ve insulted him, “he’s definitely not—”
“and sometimes, he comes home tired. and he tries to act like he’s not because he’s a bit of a prick who doesn’t let me help, but i’m smart and i know him well so i’ve figured it out. and if i’m extra lucky, i might get to hold him for a bit like this and help him relax.”
you squeeze him gently for emphasis, holding him closer as you press your nose into his neck and breathe in his smell. it’s like cologne that’s rudely expensive and that sweet smell only satoru has—it’s all you want to breathe in for the rest of your days.
you hope he’ll allow you that much. something tells you he will.
satoru swallows thickly at that, rubs a thumb over your bare thigh as he rests his free hand over it, the other still in your grasp.
and then, quietly, “maybe he’s fine just coming home to you,” he shrugs, “who can stay tired with such a sweet face waiting at home?”
“i don’t know,” you say thoughtfully, “he’s got a lot to take care of. wonder how he does it.”
“he’s probably the strongest,” he shoots with an easy grin, “sounds like the strongest to me.”
“he is,” you nod, “he’s a lot more than that too. i’m lucky he’s mine.”
“oh yeah?” he drawls—there’s something a little shaky about his voice though.
you choose not to mention it, pressing soft, delicate kisses along his jaw as you murmur, “yeah. he makes me feel really, really lucky. love him so much.”
“love you too,” satoru breathes, “guess we’re both really, really lucky.”
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don’t talk to me i don’t want to be perceived. that’s enough softness for a lifetime so the next time i write him he’s getting hit by a bus
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crybaby-bkg · 11 months
new dad Bakugou who’s going back to work full time almost a full year after his daughter his born and he now has to grapple with the fact that….goddamn, he’s spoiled the shit outta her.
well, he doesn’t think it was spoiling her. in actuality, he just created a routine with her, gave her every bit of his attention, held her when she cried, scolded her (yes just at eight months) whenever she’d babble for more puffs even though she’s had enough already. it wasn’t spoiling, it wasn’t. he vowed to never be that dad, to raise a snot nosed brat, one similar to himself.
but here he is, on a Tuesday morning three weeks after her first birthday. he’s standing halfway between the front door and the living room in full uniform, with his still sleepy baby and her even sleepier mama. she’s gripping his neck like he promised to abandon her, wailing and crying so loud and dramatically, that you can’t help but chuckle at her antics and how he wavers ever so slightly.
“You promised you’d go back to work,” you scold him gently, rubbing at your daughters quivering back when she whines again the moment he acts like he’s gonna pull her off. Bakugou frowns at you, and you shrug, smoothing her unruly blond curls away from her sticky forehead.
“But you guys need me.” He pouts, eyebrows downturned as he pulls her away enough to wipe at her wet face. she blubbers again, whimpering out a small dadaaaa noooo, that absolutely breaks his heart.
“And so does the world.” You smile at him, gently pulling your daughter away from the matching glassy red eyes who watch her go. “We’ll be fine, my love. Promise.”
Bakugou looks unconvinced, especially since your daughter reaches for him with another cry of his name. you don’t say anything when he sniffles discreetly, quickly reaching down to the coffee table to snatch up his utility belt that he dropped when she waddled out of her room in tears. he snaps it on wordlessly, and you go to turn to the kitchen when he wraps you both up in his arms.
“Love you,” he whispers against your forehead before pecking it, leaning down to kiss your lips next, and then your daughter’s fat little cheeks. He whispers another love you to her, and wipes away at her rosy cheeks when she pouts at him.
“Rub you.” your daughter pouts, the both of you freezing in shock.
“Oh my god,” you whisper, grinning. “She said I love you back!” Bakugou matches your grin, laughing under his breath as he presses another torrent of kisses all of her face. for the first time since she’s opened her eyes today, she laughs, loud and joyous and familiar. he thinks that maybe going back in today won’t be so bad after all. not if this is what he’ll be coming home to.
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straylightdream · 1 year
I don't give a fuck about your friends - 𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢
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𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭: lee minho x f.reader
friends to lovers
↳ Oh baby, take a look around I'm the only one that hasn't walked out, Im right here.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: angst, smut warning below the cut.
𝐚𝐧: part of a series called ohmami of short one shots inspired by Chase Atlantic songs. This one was inspired by Right Here. If you would like to be tagged in all stories for this series or a specific boys please fill out this form.
𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬.
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: unprotected sex, soft dom minho, rougher passionate sex, creampie, size kink, dirty talk, minho calls the reader the name Pretty.
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It’s been a rough night to say the least. A night out with your friends went wrong. A bunch of drunk girls in the club is never a good mix, followed by watching a so-called friend makeout with your ex who you thought at one point you were gonna marry him. The sight of them kissing was like a bucket of cold water being dumped on you. Tears well in your eyes as you rush off to the hallway near the bathrooms. You fight back crying as you call the only person you want to see at that moment.
Walking back to the table where a few friends were, you let them know you were heading out. The buzz you had has faded away as a feeling of sadness takes over. Walking outside the cold air catches you by surprise. Taking a deep breath you wrap your arms around your body trying to find some warmth. You stand outside alone for all of five minutes when you see the only person you want to see walking towards. He’s dressed in gray sweats with a hoodie underneath and coat over the top.
You practically jog towards him, wrapping your arms around him, throwing yourself into his chest. There is a moment of silence as you cling to him. His hand gently rubs your back making you feel warmer.
“Thank you for saving me.”
“That’s what friends are for,” he presses his lips to the top of your head.
Pulling away he takes off his coat and holds it out for you. You know he’ll probably be cold walking back to his car but there is no use in fighting him. Pulling his coat on you immediately notice his eyes are focused on you. He steps closer to you resting his hand on your cheek. Ever so slowly be wipes away the stray tear that had slid down your cheek.
“You’re too pretty to be sad,” his voice was calm and gentle.
Arriving at his car he helps you in the passenger side before shutting the door. The drive back to his apartment is quiet. You can feel him looking over at you every so often as you wipe away the stray tears that keep falling. He hasn’t really asked you what’s wrong but you know he will.
You arrive at his apartment he shares with Jisung and you notice right away there is no sign of his roommate. Without thinking the moment he shuts the door you lean forward to kiss him just like you always do. You’re caught off guard when he pulls away the moment your lips touch. The small feeling of rejection stings but you know it’s because he knows you’re upset.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He seems frustrated. You can’t blame him though. Recently anytime something has gone wrong in your life you always call him. He never tells you he can’t come to your rescue. He always does and every time no matter if it’s day or night it always ends the same way with you naked and spread out underneath him. He normally doesn’t say anything when you throw yourself at him. Peeling away your clothes as you desperately cling to him trying to make yourself feel better.
“Mae was all over Hyunwoo at the club. I looked out on the dance floor and saw my friend making out with the guy that broke my heart.”
He doesn’t say anything, he just takes a deep breath and steps closer to you. Minho hated Hyunwoo and after you got your heart broken he hated your ex even more.
“She’s not your friend if she would do something that she knows would hurt you.” His hand rests on your side standing close to you.
“I’m probably just being sensitive,” you sigh, wiping away your tears. “I have that trip with them next weekend. I know she wouldn’t intentionally do something to hurt me.” You're an absolute fool and you know it. Mae and a bunch of the other girls are selfish and you know deep down inside you need to cut them off. Minho has told you over and over again he doesn’t like most of your friends in that group and you know why. He doesn’t say anything for a moment instead he moves away from your hand and gently rests his hand on your cheek. His thumb swipes away the tears that are staining your cheek.
“Come stay with me next weekend. I don’t think you should go on that trip.” From the moment Minho heard that you were supposed to have a girls weekend he was instantly against it. He thought most of the girls that you had started hanging out with since college were fake. After seeing one of them make out with the man that broke your heart led you to believe he might be right.
“They’ll be upset if I cancel on them,” you sigh.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“‘Min they’re my friends. It does matter.”
“I don’t give a fuck about your friends. I’m the one who is always right here. They don’t treat you right. If they were true friends they would have seen you were upset tonight and wouldn’t have let you leave crying.”
“Min,” his words catch you off guard.
“I’m being honest. I don’t give a fuck about your so called friends. I just want you to be happy and I think being with me instead of them would make you happy.”
Even though your head is telling you that you should go on this trip, you want to listen to your heart and stay with Minho.
“What happens if I stay here?”
“We’ll figure out whatever we are.” He pushes his figures through your hair tilting your head back. His face softens as your eyes lock.
“We’re not just friends?” You’re not dumb you know you’re more than friends. If you were just friends you wouldn’t throw yourself at him any chance you get. If he was just your friend you wouldn’t daydream about kissing him.
He pulls back from you shaking his head. “I don’t fuck my friends.” He starts walking away from you heading off to his room. You’re caught off guard by his bold statement but it lets you know he feels the same way you do. Without thinking anymore you follow him. Walking into his room you notice the light on in the bathroom connected to his room. You wait sitting on his bed for him to walk back in. Walking back into his bedroom he pulls off his shirt tossing it in the hamper by his closet. He strips down to his boxers. You silently sit there watching him. You should have known at some point or another things between you and Minho would come to a head. You couldn’t go on sleeping together without talking about how you really get.
“Are you going to skip that trip?” He finally breaks the silence.
“I want to know what it’s like to be more than friends with you.” This is your way of telling him you aren’t going on that trip.
“Stand up for me,” he says walking towards you. You listen to him standing at the foot of the bed. “Those girls aren’t good for you. They don’t care about your feelings and I don’t like that.”
“I know they don’t.” You get sad again thinking about how your night went.
“Strip down to your underwear please.” He doesn’t normally boss you around when you sleep together. He’s always had dominant energy about him, but when you have sex he always lets you do what you want. Every time you’ve slept together it’s been when you’re upset or want a form of stress release. You realize you’ve been selfish and never really asked Minho what he likes or what he wants.
Standing there in just your underwear you reach out resting your hand on his cheek, “what do you want from me?” You ask.
“Anything you’re willing to give me. I want every part of you.”
“Minho I mean what do you want if you don’t want to be just friends?”
His hand rests on your bare side pulling you close to him. You take a deep breath taking in his closeness. “Pretty, I want to be your everything. I want to make you happy and show you what it’s like to be loved.” Leaning in closer he rested his forehead against yours.
“I want you to be my everything.” You didn’t want to just be friends. You wanted so much more with him.
His lips crash against yours and he kisses you like he needs you to breathe. His hands grip your soft sides as your lips move together.
Pulling away you both removed the rest of your clothes. Laying on his bed completely bare he sits between your spread thighs as he rubs his hardened length through your folds.
“Min put it in,” you practically whine wanting him inside you.
A smirk tugs at his lips as slowly pushes his length into you earning a moan. He moves at a slow pace letting you adjust to his girth. The groan that passes his lips as he bottoms out is intoxicating. Your hands reach for his wanting to hold on to him. He thrust into you at a firm but steady place. The blissed out look on his face makes you weak.
“Pretty, you’re so tight. Is my cock too big for you?” He loves to make you feel small. You weren’t a tiny girl by any means but the way he talks about his size makes your head spin.
With one particularly hard thrust makes you practically scream his name. A soft laugh passes his lips as he thrust hard again causing your breast to bounce.
“Min-“ you moan.
“Do you like it when I’m rough?” You just silently nod your head, unable to fully respond. He grabs one of your legs, putting it over his shoulder before he continues his pace. His finger toys with your clit knowing just the right way to touch you to make you scream his name again.
He keeps his steady pace leaving you a panting mess. One of your hands grip the cotton sheets next to you while the other grasp your breast. Your thumb drags across your sensitive nipple adding to the overwhelming sensation taking over your body.
“Fuck you look good touching yourself while you’re taking my cock,” he groans. His dirty words come close to pushing you over the edge.
“I’m so clo- clo close.” He’s left you a stuttering mess.
“Does pretty want to come?”
“Fuck,” you whine nodding your head.
“Do it then,” he says, thrusting harder.
Pulling your leg off his shoulder he quickly changes his position so he is hovering right over you. He keeps his pace as he leaves a trail of open mouth kisses from your chest up to your lips. The moment your lips together you moan into his mouth as you fall apart. Your walls flutter around him as a white hot wave crashes over you. He thrust into you over and over again as you ride out your high.
His thrust gets sloppier as he chases his own release. He comes painting your walls white moaning your name. He stays plastered on top of you riding out his release. Ever so slowly he pulls himself away from you. He sits back on his hunches watching for a moment as his release drips out of you. Reaching over to his nightstand where he keeps a box of tissues he always wipes his release before laying on the bed next to you. You’re absolutely exhausted and feel like you’re on the verge of falling asleep.
“Pretty?” He says pulling your sleepy body close to his.
“I meant what I said. I’ve always been right here, and I don’t want to be just friends.”
You smile nuzzling close to him, “Minho we’re definitely more than friends, and I’m glad you’ve always been right here.”
His lips gently press to the top of your head before you fall asleep in his arms.
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Regarding taglist:
If you aren’t interacting with my writing outside of liking the new post I’m gonna have to remove your name from the taglist. You will also be removed if I try to tag you and your blog is listed as "invisible". If you've changed your URL and didn't let me know I will also be removing your name. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but my interactions outside or likes feels like it’s nonexistent right now. All of my taglist are still open though. If you request to be added to one via this form, I kindly ask for interactions in the form and feedback and reblogs. To be quite honest, those really encourage my writing.
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lild00td00t · 1 year
What are the Marine Admirals like when they kiss ?
I just finished Dressrosa and Fujitora has me in a choke hold I’m sorry guys - These men genuinely make me happy, silly light man, Gravity Grandpa, Magma D00d and Ice Cube, they make my little heart go brrrrrrrrrrr <3 Anyways Enjoy! ~
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora
Akainu | Sakazuki
Chaste Kisses
• Doesn’t do PDA, all of your kisses are private, and only between the two of you
• After a long day he’ll come home, slipping his shoes off and hanging his coat, taking his hat off as he travels deeper into the house while savoring the smell of the dinner you’re currently making
• When he’s in the doorway you share a kiss, a brief, but meaningful one as you listen to him talk about his day, or atleast the parts he’s allowed to talk about
• He’d give your hand kisses when you reach for him, pulling him in for one final kiss before bed
• He mostly kisses your temples, cheeks and lips
• A majority of his cheek and temple kisses are chaste and when he’s in a hurry. But, he takes his time with a kiss on the lips <3
Kizaru | Borsalino
Needy Kisses
• When Kizaru kisses you, you can feel the desire behind it
• His hands travel from your face to your shoulders, gliding down your back to squeeze at your hips, pulling you to press firmly against him
• When you wrap your arms around him and pull him closer he wishes you could stay like this forever.
• He’s so tempted to pick you up and carry you around in his arms so you can’t walk away or break the kiss easily
• When taking breaks from your kissing he rests his chin on the crown of your head, or the crook of your neck while the tips of his fingers glide up to your deltoids then slither back down to your wrists, encasing them in his hands to bring to his lips for soft kisses
• He loves leaving small kisses along your neck and shoulder too, if you ever wear a sleeveless dress or shirt he will kiss up your arms starting from your wrist and ending at your neck, Kizaru is such a flirt <3
• Loves to pepper kisses too, all over your face before you sleep or in the morning, he has moments where he’s so gentle and playful it’s quite sweet
Aokiji | Kuzan
Lazy Kisses
• You mostly have to initiate kisses, unless he’s already up
• The sweetest way to wake him up is by kissing his face, starting from his outter cheek then moving to his lips, you’ll start to see the corners of his mouth twitch before they slightly curl upwards into a languid smile
• If you go to work before him please kiss this man, or he will sulk and ALWAYS bring up the ONE time you didn’t kiss him -
• He loves kissing the tips of your fingers, mostly to hear the small giggles that erupt from you due to how cold his lips are
• He kisses wherever his lips are closest to. If you’re laying down beside him he’ll kiss all over your cheeks and face at the pace of a snail. Once he’s placed a kiss he’ll slowly maneuver to place another, ignoring how frustrated you’re getting with his sluggish movements
• Feel free to pull his head band over his eyes and suprise him with kisses, just don’t be shocked if he leans back on you and won’t let you leave, looks like you’re both having a small nap then..
Fujitora | Issho
Sweet Kisses
• Soft, sweet kisses are his speciality
• It’s never small, impersonal kisses. Instead, passionate, long, and tender ones.
• He doesn’t like when you’re far away, so he pulls you in close. He brushes any hair from your vision, cupping your face gently while his thumbs brush across your cheek bones.
• When he kisses it’s soft and warm, and he is fully present in the moment. He’s pulling you closer and rubbing your back, letting you know that he’s there, and not going anywhere
• When your lips part he pulls you into his chest, only embracing you further, leaving kisses on the top of your head.
• Such a sweet kisser, sometimes you wish you never had to have air so it would never end <3
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smoshyourheadin · 6 months
Sunshine and Soda Cans
Part 3 - Refreshing
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“oh my god tell me EVERYTHING”
angela runs up to you as she hears your keys in the door, practically tackling you for information.
“okay! okay! so, well, we were editing, and then we streamed, and then i drove him to his apartment, and we kissed, and i dont know!” you retort, flopping down on the couch. “also wheres that ice-cream?” you ask her with puppy dog eyes.
“oh shoot yeah! ill grab it,” she scurries off for a minute, and returns with two bowls of vanilla ice-cream topped with strawberry slices. “here you are m’lady”
you hiss as your skin touches the cold bowl
“okay, so, how did it happen? was it good? do you think he likes you?” she begins to spew questions at you.
“one at a time jelly, jeez! okay so , it happened when we were outside his apartment, yes it was good, and i think so? maybe? i hope so at least.”
“well,” she says with a huf “if he doesn't like you he’s missing out!”
you giggle at her, and turn on tangled for the hundredth time this month, it’s your guys’ favourite. you curl up together under a blanket, and drift off.
the weekend goes on pretty smoothly, you and angela just hanging out. then monday comes around.
“cmon (y/n/n) wake up! we’re gonna be late!” you feel the mattress dipping, and rub your eyes.
“huh-“ you reply groggily, and then you realise whats happening
“ANGELA STOP JUMPING ON MY BED!” you laugh at her energy, as she flops down beside you. managing to hoist yourself out if bed, you throw on a sweatshirt and linen pants. on the way to the office, you guys stop at coffee bean for smoothies, which angela almost spills everywhere.
walking into the office, you spot spencer and give him a sweet smile. but he freezes up and just walks away.
you shrug it off, and continue on through the day.
at around 2, you’re about to start shooting an aitah video with spencer and, obviously, shayne. but spencer is being really avoidant, not looking at you while kiana tells you about the shoot. so you chase him up just before the shoot, because you don’t want that tension on screen
“spencer hey,” you jog up to him in the kitchen as he grabs a mt dew kickstart. “whats up? why are you being weird with me? have i done something?” you look into his eyes as you ask him, and you can see his sadness.
“no, i just, i don't know…” he starts to trail off “i just feel like i forced you to kiss me when you didnt want to and i feel really shitty about it and i-”
“hey,” you gently grab his hands “it’s okay, it was nice. i liked it” you smile, and kiss him on the cheek, turning away to go get ready for the shoot. you feel the heat in your cheeks.
during the shoot, you and spencer share the chunky knit blanket as shayne reads you some of the most outrageous stories you’ve ever heard, and you wonder how people online are comfortable enough to say this kind of stuff
afterwards, as you begin to leave, spencer catches up with you.
“(y/n)!” he shouts, catching up with you at your desk while you pack your bag “so um, i was wondering, and obviously feel free to say no, um, if you’d want to go to the fair with me on friday night?” he looks nervous, almost as if he feels he shouldn't ask you.
“yeah, yeah that’d be nice” you smile at him, and his eyes light up at your statement. he thanks you, and says he’ll text you about it later. walking outside, you meet angela and hop in the car.
“what’s got you in a good mood? you’re only ever this quiet when you’re happy. what happened? DID SPENCER-” she begins to interrogate you as you pull out of the lot
“yes, it’s to do with spencer. he asked me on a date.”
angela gasps so loud you swear she could break glass.
“OHMYGOD FINALLY!! I THOUGHT HE WAS IGNORING YOU THIS MORNING BUT HE WAS PROBABLY JUST NERVOUS OH MY GOSH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” she bounces in her seat, rattling the car. you laugh, leaning away from the hyperactive puppy of a best friend you have.
over the next few days, you and spencer start hanging out a lot more and get a lot closer. you find yourselves sharing longing gazes across rooms, staying up late into the night just talking about life, and discovering things about each other you didn't know. each moment you spend together feels like a lifetime, the bond between you two deepening with every laugh. and then you realise something. you wanted to spend all you time with him.
friday evening rolls around, and you’re sat at your desk finishing an edit, and waiting for arasha to bring you a coffee, when spencer walks over to you. his hair is messy, and he’s wearing a plaid shirt tucked in his worn in dickies, with a denim jacket over the top. he looks beautiful.
“you ready to go?” he says, cocking his head slightly
“just give me a minute, im just finishing up this edit and arasha’s bringing me coffee. but feel free to hang out here while i finish up!” you say looking up at him with a smile.
you finish the edit, and arasha walks over with courtney and shayne, and coffee in her hand.
“sup lovers! (y/n) here’s your overly sweet coffee,” she sets it down on your desk, then taking a sip of her own “so, big plans tonight spencer? you’re dressed up…” arasha says slyly, raising an eyebrow
“i mean if taking (y/n) on a date is big plans then, i guess so” spencer smiles at her
“HA! I KNEW IT! IAN AND YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS EACH” courtney fist pumps the air, and shoves shayne in the shoulder
“ugh why do you always have to be right! you suck!” he dejectedly pulls a 10 dollar note out of his back pocket, and she pinches it with a “thank-you!”. you just look at them all, mouth agape.
“you placed bets on this!?” you look at courtney in shock.
“i mean, obviously. i knew you liked him, but we placed bets on how long it would take for anything to happen. my guess was a month and a week and hey, here we are”
“huh, weirdly specific but… go you!” you smirk at her, standing up to slide your jacket on.
“well, if you’ll exuse us, we have oversized bears to win” spencer smirks and holds his hand out for you to take, as you walk out the office together.
“awh,” tommy says, walking up to the three of them who were lingering near your desk “they’re so cute together!”
“sup nerds, what are we talking about?” ian jumps in
“ian give me my 10 dollars, spencer and (y/n) are going on a date as we speak” she grins at him
“ughhhhhh, fineeeeeeeee. you’re the worst court”
you and spencer hop in the car, and drive off to the fair, and as soon as you arrive, you run and buy a tub of cotton candy.
as you walk around, arms linked with spencer, you drag him to all the shitty games that you’re convinced are rigged.
“what!! no i definitely hit that one!” you stomp your feet like an upset child at the coconut shy, frowning because you didn’t get the giant giraffe teddy.
“watch this” spencer says confidently, and you gawk at him as he hits all the targets perfectly.
“how the hell did you manage that!” you say in amazement
he just laughs and passes you the giraffe “years of playing video games sometimes pays off”
you take the giraffe, and decide to call it amanda. so obviously, you send her a picture
amanderp 😚
you: [picture of you and the giraffe]
you: guess what i named it
amanderp 😚: giraffey?
you: nope, meet amanda ;)
amanderp 😚: omg i love you!! can she live at your desk? i want to meet her 😆😆
you: of course! i’ll bring her in on monday :))
you and spencer continue to sort of just walk around, giggling with eachother. as the night comes to a close, you get on the ferris wheel.
“its so pretty up here” you look out across the fair, the lights dancing over peoples faces as you sit at the top.
“yeah, makes you realise how pretty other things are” you turn to look at him, and he’s already looking at you. he looks at your lips, then back into your eyes. you close the distance between you both, pressing your lips together sofly, bringing your hand up to his hair and gently running your fingers through his curls. you break it apart, foreheads presses together, and he giggles
“hey whats funny!” you pout, sitting up and looking him in the eyes
“you taste like cotton candy. you taste like you. just overly sweet.”
you cant help but smile, leaning on his shoulder and lacing your fingers together. he looks down at you, and in that moment, you became his sunshine.
a/n: AHHH ITS FINISHED!! thank you all so much for the love on this series, it was so fun to write and it’s been so nice seeing your guys’ comments 💛💛 requests are open <3
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shadowbriar · 9 months
Matt Murdock - Waste My Time
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Pairing : Matt Murdock x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 2.7k Warning : (18+) Short smut. A bit of non-con in the end? Angst. Kinda not liking Matt here tbh. Also not proofread as my laptop is still whack. Synopsis : He feared the true nature of her heart. He fears that the hanging question of their situation was only felt by him, that the growing fondness was only flowing one way. Notes : There should be a prequel for this but idk when I could write it. Please nag me for it so I'll have the motivation to write. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
The air smells sinful.
Their bodies were pressed together, separated only by the thin layer of their sweat. Her body was aching, nearly cramping from all the jolts of electricity surging through her veins. She’s lost count of the many times the sense of warmth pooling in her lower stomach bursted like a tidal wave yet she couldn’t find it in her to ask him to stop. There could never be enough of Matt Murdock in her, ever.
Matt’s muscles were tensing on top of her. His grunts were becoming louder in her ears as he tried to suppress them by leaving a trail of wet kisses around her neck. He was close, she could feel it.
“I know,” She croakes, finishing the words he couldn’t continue as he falls deeper into ecstasy “Let it go.”
Matt lets out a small chuckle as the bed squeaks with each of his thrust, “We’re really gonna break this bed soon.”
“Well, thank God it’s yours and not mine.”
He didn’t waste any more energy in talking as he kissed her deeply. Matt closes his eyes tight, trying to find and commit to the best rhythm to reach their climax as soon as possible. He was close, but she was a few thrust behind and it wouldn’t be very chivalrous of him to finish without her.
With his right arm supporting his body weight, Matt’s left hand reaches down to her clit. Her feet buckled when his callous thumb rubs her throbbing bud. A small smirk forming on his face as he feels her heartbeat quicken. As much as he loves their intimate session, he really couldn’t hold his release any longer and he’ll swear he’ll explode any second now from the tension.
“Matt—,” She squeals “I can’t take it.”
“Yes, you can, baby. Just— One more,” He breathes, his grunts getting louder as his thrust becomes sloppier “One more for me, please.”
And that’s when she feels it, another rush of ecstasy building inside her. She pulls him tighter, nails digging into the muscles of his broad shoulders. The mark certainly feels like nothing compares to the injuries he’d often sustain from his delinquent nightly activities, but it made him groan nonetheless.
Matt’s face now hovers over her, mouth agape as he tries to keep his sanity as they’re reaching their orgasm. A couple more thrust and Matt could feel her whimpering under him once more. He follows not long after, sinking into the crook of her neck as energy completely flush out of his body.
“That was good cardio.”
Matt chuckles, “Who would’ve thought we’d be such health conscious people, huh?”
She laughs in response, her fingers finding their way to play with the soft strands of his hair. 
Their breathing slowly calms and so do their hearts. Matt now pulls away from her neck, still on top of her as he adjusted his weight to his arms so that he wouldn’t crush her for much longer. He could feel her staring. He wonders what she might be thinking right now. Was she pleased? Is she happy? Does she want this to last as much as he does?
Instinctively, Matt leans in for a kiss. It was a much softer kiss than the one they shared a couple minutes ago. His lips touch her gently as if they were fragile petals of rose. His right hand finds its way to cup her cheek, thumb caressing her jawline gently.
“Matt,” She says, pulling away and looking away so that he’d stop kissing her “I think I want to clean up now.”
And there it is again, the strange thump in her heartbeat. He’s noticed the change of her pulse lately, especially when he kisses her more softly than he usually does. She would let him kiss her for a while, returning the gentle gesture before pulling away as if someone’s poured her with a bucket of cold water.
“Uh, sure. Of course.” He says instead, slowly moving to the side so that she could get off the bed “Do you want some help with that?”
“No, I’m okay.”
The sound of her footsteps leaving the bed becomes louder in his ears as she gets further away. A bitter sense of resentment builds in his heart. What happened? What went wrong? Does she not like it when he kisses her that way? 
Matt knew that from the get go that they’ve agreed to keep their ‘affair’ clean of feelings. That they would just waste each other’s time but it was certainly easier said than done. They’re just friends, sure. She’s the one person that could topple Foggy for a friendship battle in his heart, but lately it’s been much more than that. It’s been much more than stolen minutes of holding her close after their shared nights. It’s been much more than marking her skin and hoping that it could actually mean something more than just bruises of love. It’s been much more than friends who waste each other’s time by kissing in dark rooms.
The sound of water trickling from the shower head is now heard. Matt knew that if he wanted to, he could focus his hearing through the noise of the water to hear her true feelings, but he chose not to. He feared the true nature of her heart. He fears that the hanging question of their situation was only felt by him, that the growing fondness was only flowing one way. What was he supposed to do then if that was certainly the case? He’d rather lose a limb than to lose her, be it as a friend, a sex partner, or perhaps a lover.
It was one of those rare nights when Matt chooses to actually socialise and put the mask down for a couple hours. The place was packed with friends and loved ones. Foggy and Marci’s engagement party is certainly lavish with expensive champagne and grand decoration. Marci must have certainly bent over backwards to make sure everything went perfectly tonight.
She was standing by the sofa on the patio, watching Matt being so immensely interested in whatever discussion he’s having with one of the guests. Must be someone he knew back in Columbia from the way he looks so at ease. His brilliant wide smile never leaves his face. She was sure that his cheekbones must be threatening to fall anytime soon from all the grinning he’s doing.
“You must be Matt’s new nurse.”
She turns to see a beautiful woman, smiling brightly at her, “You must be Claire.”
“I am, indeed.” Claire nods “Matt has told me so much about you.”
“I hope he’s not complaining to you about how unskilled I am with stitching his wounds,” She groans, rolling her eyes “It’s not even my fault that his scars are never healing. Everytime I stitch one up he’ll manage to rip it open that very night whilst gaining a new wound. How am I supposed to work my healing magic if he’s so determined to hurt himself like that?”
Claire chuckles, nodding in understanding, “Why do you think I quit?”
She smiles, appreciating Claire’s company.
In no time the two women were talking and laughing together. It pains her to know just how charming Claire truly is. Matt had told her about Claire and why she chose to leave Hell’s Kitchen and ultimately him. She wonders if he ever had any regret not letting his walls down for her.
“Claire, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, anything.”
“How did you do it?” She asks, hesitation evident in her tone “How did you leave Matt?”
The kind smile on Claire’s face faded a little. Her brows furrow for a while before shaking her head as a sign of confusion. It was certainly the least expected question she was hoping to hear from someone Matt has been boasting so fondly about.
“I know you care about Matt deeply, don’t get me wrong,” She explains fast “I just— Matt told me that you two had.. Something. I just wanted to know how you could get yourself out of it.”
Claire’s expression turns into an understanding one, “I hope I’m not understanding your question wrongly but Matt could be.. Quite hypnotising at times. I’m sure you know that best, being one of his childhood friends.”
She flashes a small smile.
“I guess, I just didn’t want to be sucked into the blackhole that is Matt Murdock.” Claire sighs, a satisfied smile lingers on her lips “It would be practically inevitable for you to get out of his grasp once you’re wrapped around his fingers and as you know, he’s not one to have ‘back down’ in his dictionary, ever.”
She rolls her eyes, “Tell me about it.”
“Well, Matt also has so many layers to himself. As much as he pulls you, he would push you away and I guess I wasn’t looking for that kind of relationship.” Claire continues “You can love Matt as much as you possibly could, beat yourself black and blue just to keep him, but in the end, the only one who knows what Matt Murdock wants is Matt Murdock.”
Claire’s words sink into her brain. None of the things she uttered were news to her. She knew Matt better than anyone and it was all true. As much as Matt pulls you, he would push you just as strong. He’s a complicated man with a complicated history. Yet with all the knowledge she has of him, with all the years they’ve spent as friends, with all the understanding they have for each other, she still couldn’t decipher his true motive.
Matt’s sudden change of action scares her. He becomes more attentive, more gentle and spends more time with her after each of their ‘cardio’. He would cuddle with her, staying in bed until the sun started waking. His kisses no longer feel needy but longing instead. The way his hands dance around her body feel much more calculated, much more cautious as if he’s afraid of making mistakes.
Now if the reason for all of these changes were of what she hoped for, that a certain sentiment was growing for her just as much as she yearns for him, then this would certainly be their happy ending, but Matt is known to be quite the womaniser. He has that charm that he never shied to use around women. Though she loves him with all of his brilliance and mischievous traits, for once she fears of what he might truly have at heart.
“Is everything alright between you two?” Claire asks, snapping her out of her thoughts “Is there something you wanted to share with me?”
She shakes her head, feigning a smile, “Nothing. I just wanted to know what happened between you two so I can nag him later about it.”
Unbeknownst to the two ladies, Matt has heard all of their exchanged words. His grip on his white cane was borderline destructive, knuckles white from how much he’s trying to bottle his emotions. Is she planning to leave him? Is that what’s happening?
Is that why she always avoids his gentle touch? Because she doesn’t want to be that attached to him? Does this mean that he truly has been barking up the wrong tree? That his feelings really flows one way?
“How did you even get this drunk, Matthew?”
She stumbles to help him get to his apartment. Some time after her lovely chat with Claire, she finds Matt pissed drunk in one of the rooms in Marci’s apartment. He was hammered, slurring words that could barely be understood. His glasses were tossed to the floor, white cane laying feet away from where he was slumping at. Something was wrong.
Closing the door behind them, she puts Matt’s arm around her shoulders as a means of support. She knew that she could barely offer any stability for him, but it would be better than having nothing, she reckons. He surely can’t lean on his white cane to navigate.
But before they could get in further inside the apartment, Matt pushes her to the wall. He was pining her in place. He licks his lips, listening to her heartbeat that’s starting to thump harder than it did a few minutes ago. She was scared.
Before she could finish her words, Matt leans in and kisses her hungrily. He pushes his body to come in contact with hers, pressuring her to keep still as his hands now hold her wrists.
“Matt, let me go.” She says between the kisses “You’re hurting me.”
Matt didn’t stop. He kisses her, nibbles on her lips until he could feel the foul taste of iron. He wasn’t sure whose blood it is he’s tasting but he couldn’t careless. His left hand now cups her cheek as his elbow pins her hand still. It was practically impossible for her to move.
“Matt, stop!”
Only then did he finally pull away. He lets her go, taking a few steps back as he pants from the adrenaline and anger poisoning his blood, “Leave.”
She blinks, completely confused as to what is happening to him, “What?”
“Leave this apartment and never come back.” Matt says coldly “I don’t want you to ever come back to my place, do you hear me?”
“I— What are you talking about?”
“I said, leave!”
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on!” She yells back. She was afraid, her heartbeat must have told Matt about her true feelings but she wouldn’t run out of this place without getting any explanation. Not after that rude and forceful kiss he gave her just now.
Matt’s lips were locked in a thin line. He couldn’t piece the words he wanted to utter. There’s so many things he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to shout, but all he could think about was the heartbreak his chest was concealing. His heart was aching and it pains him even more that she was oblivious about it.
“What happened, Matt?” She asks once again, this time with a softer tone though the state of her heartbeat was still erratic.
“This isn’t working.”
She blinks, hardly understanding his words, “What isn’t?”
“Us, this! Whatever this is.” He says as his hands do all the gestures of his frustrations “It’s not working anymore.”
“That’s certainly not what you said last night when you fucked me on the sofa.” She scoffs “What is wrong with you? What happened at that party?”
Matt’s breathing was uneven. His chest heaving up and down in the most foul way that he just wanted to grab his mask and find someone he could actually beat into pulp. He was frustrated. The aching in his heart amplifies with every ticking second and the fact that he’s put himself in this situation infuriates him even more. She was clear as the sky about what she wanted from this ‘relationship’. Matt has got no one else to blame about his burning fantasy than himself.
“I used to think that we can do this to waste some time,” He breathes in a low growl “Now I realise that you’re just wasting my time.”
“I’m wasting your time?”
Matt went tight lipped.
“I’m wasting your time,” She repeats, still in disbelief “I’m not the one who begs the other to stay till morning, Matthew. I’m not the one who texts the other every fucking night like a clingy boyfriend. If anything, you’re the one who’s wasting my time!”
“Well, then leave! What are you still doing here? Leave!”
There was a hint of salty taste in the air now. Matt knows that he’s crossed a line he’s never done before. Her heartbeat was still racing, but this time it was caused by a completely different reason. Before she was afraid and unsure, but now she was angry. So angry that Matt knew it wouldn’t be the kind of dispute that would subside in a week or two. This is the kind of anger that would leave marks that only time and the Universe could heal.
“Fuck you, Matt.”
A loud slam of the door was heard as she left him all alone in his apartment. The silence that follows was deafening. Matt could feel his apartment growing as his body shrinks down to the void he’s slowly drowning in. He’s burned all the bridges they’ve ever built before. As of tonight, it was certain that he’s lost a friend, a sex partner, and perhaps a lover.
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chrisevansonly · 10 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: the day has finally come, and as a parent, you’ve never felt this amount of nerves before in your life…
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of anxiety, but other than that, fluff and cute family moments
𝐀/𝐍: AHHH here is chapter 7! You’ll notice there is a time skip as Matteo is now 7 years old, i did this because i don’t anticipate this series being SUPER long, so i hope that’s okay and you enjoy, im sorry if it’s bad, my writing has been bothering me lately🫶🏻
𝐖𝐂: 1K
There was no pep talk, family meeting or even conversation that could prepare you for today. Matteo had been restless all-night waiting for today, and now as you watched him with Charles and Arthur checking over his custom kart, a recent gift from his uncle Max, you couldn’t stop the slight smile that tugged at your lips. Matteo was looking more and more like Charles every day that passed, there were each others twins.
“How are you feeling?” A voice caught your attention from beside you, when you turned you saw Lorenzo had gotten back from finishing up all the paperwork
“Anxious…but seeing him so excited, it helps to keep those feelings aside”
“Maman felt the same when Charles and Arthur started as well, he’ll do great though, I just know it”
Never was there a doubt in your mind that your little boy would be amazing, you couldn’t wait to see him go out onto the track and race his heart out. Matteo was tenacious, he always had been, you see it at the track with Charles when he wants to help and sit in on meetings, and you see it now, helping his uncle and father make sure his kart is ready to go.
“Maman, es-tu prête à me regarder piloter mon kart!?”
Matteo was quick to run up to you, race suit on, helmet in hand, his eyes wide and bright with excitement 
“Oui petit prince, tu seras incoryable, je le sais!”
“Merci Maman!”
Leaning down you smiled, kissing his cheeks gently, bringing a hand up to fix his hair, Charles coming over to get his helmet done up and ready 
“Be careful and be safe okay my love? I don’t want anything to happen to you”
Matteo nodded 
“Maman don’t be scared, you shouldn’t be worried!”
“Matteo laisse maman s’inquiéter, ça montre qu’elle tient à toi, ce n’est pas une mauvaise chose, n’est-ce pas..”
The young boy looked up at his father and nodded, still learning that it was okay to show feelings and emotions. Ever since he’d turned five, there had been a few issues with hiding and being scared to talk about how he was feeling, so the three of you had been working together to remember that 
“Oui, c’est normal, je suis désolé maman”
Cooing gently at Matteo you pressed another kiss to his cheek 
“C’est bon bébé, amintenant va finir de te preparer avec ton oncle Arthur.”
Watching him run back to Arthur by his kart you stood to hug Charles, his hands rubbing up and down your back soothingly 
“He’ll be okay baby”
“I know.. I just-”
Charles nods, always knowing exactly what you’re thinking and where your thoughts are going, he’d always been extremely good at reading you 
“I understand, I’ll be with you the whole time, he’ll be great my love I just know it”
If you didn’t choose to think of the positive and agree with your husband, you think you’d spin out and think of every single worst possible option that could happen today, so you settled to agree and held Charles close as you both watched Matteo get into the kart and head out for his warm up lap.
The last lap of the race came faster than you anticipated, Matteo had fought hard and raced clean throughout the entirety of the competition, your hands were holding onto Charles’s arm almost in a death grip, but he was doing the exact same, especially when you saw him come around the last corner, in second, but pushing for first.
“Vas-y bébé, vas-y bébé!!”
You found yourself yelling, heart pounding out of your chest 
“Poussez Matteo, poussez-le, attrapez-la!” 
Charles yelled from beside you, both of you inching closer towards the barricade of the track, and moments later, Matteo pulled out and flew past the first-place kart, just in time to cross for the number one position. The feeling of pure elation spreading throughout you instantly, overshadowing the anxiety you felt before. 
Matteo had won his first karting race. 
“He did it, Char he did it!!” 
Charles couldn’t have taken you into his arms faster than he did in this moment, holding you tightly to him, never wanting to let you go, only pulling back after a few minutes to wipe his eyes gently 
“Oh my love, you’re crying!”
Bringing your hands up to wipe at his tears softly he smiled, leaning into your touch 
“I’m just so proud of him…and-and so thankful for you, for everything.”
Butterflied erupted in your chest as you leaned forward and press a kiss to his lips
“I love you so much, forever.”
“Forever.” He answered back softly, both of you snapping our of your little bubble when Matteo ran to you both screaming in happiness
“I won papa!!”
Stepping back in time for Charles to catch him as he jumped into his arms hugging him tightly. The three of you would have to head towards the podium within the next few minutes for Matteo to receive his trophy, but for right now, this was absolutely perfect. No one could take this moment away from your family, and knowing his grandma, uncles and your close friends were waiting just around the corner, made this moment even more special. 
Right here right now, as the three of you stood at the track, you knew this was where Matteo was meant to be, he wanted to be just like his father, and just like him he’d be. 
ʚlittle karter taglist
@goldenalbon @goldenmclaren@a1leexxa@treehouse-mouse @therealcap@wintfleur @lovrsm
english translations:
Maman, es-tu prête à me regarder piloter mon kart!? - Mom are you read to watch me drive my kart?
Oui petit prince, tu seras incoryable, je le sais - Yes little prince, you'll be incrediblem I know it
Merci Maman - Thank you mom
Matteo laisse maman s’inquiéter, ça montre qu’elle tient à toi, ce n’est pas une mauvaise chose, n’est-ce pas.. - Matteo, let mom worry, it shows she cares about you, that's not a bad thing right?
Oui, c’est normal, je suis désolé maman - Yes, it's normal im sorry mom
C’est bon bébé, va finir de te preparer avec ton oncle Arthur - It's okay baby, go finish getting ready with your uncle Arthur
Vas-y bébé, vas-y bébé - Go baby, go baby
Poussez Matteo, poussez-le, attrapez-la - Push Matteo, push go get him!
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
BksvajabJksbaja I love your Wilbur writing
Would you be able to do headcanons on random things Wilbur does that give you BUTTERFLIES or make you flustered (e.g. the sidewalk rule, leaning on you randomly etc.)
Totally alright if not.
I love this so of course i will do it! I hope you like it!
this is cc!wilbur
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
-early morning kisses before he has to go to the studio/or the office. You’re on the cusp of waking up and potentially falling back to sleep, cutie will kiss your cheeks and lips so softly to wake you up.
-when you’re hanging out with friends, whether it’s at dinner or when your sitting side by side he’ll put his arm around your shoulders. Sometimes laying his hand over your arm, or if he senses you’re uncomfortable he’ll rub his knuckles up and down your arm for comfort, letting you know he’s there.
-he definitely dose the side walk rule. he feels so protective of you to begin with You feel so safe with him wherever you go especially since he’s so tall, dude will probably scare off anyone who gets any ideas.
-Wilbur is chivalrous, he opens doors for you, gives you his sweaters when its cold, holding things for you, giving you flowers every date you go on. the list goes on.
-if you have hair in your eyes or he gets the urge to tuck your hair behind your ear get a better view of your face. You won’t notice it when he does it since you’re lost in conversation but when you do best believe you’ll be a blushing mess because he’ll admire you so lovingly when he sees more of you.
-if he’s out at the store and he sees your favorite snack or drink he’ll get it to surprise you. especially if he knows you’re having a bad day.
-sends you messages throughout the day to check in on you. and checking in when you guys are just hanging out together. if you’ve been suspiciously quiet for too long he might think something’s wrong and ask. “you okay darling?” you’d hum, nod your head and smile softly at him. “yes thank you for asking.” prompted by a kiss to his check.
- casually boops your nose at random moments. yes he makes the noise too.
-lays his head in your lap when he’s tired. (might write a little fic base on this ^)
-plays you songs that remind him of you and makes you playlists of songs he’ll think you would like.
- he’ll rest his arm on top of your head to annoy you. (i honestly hate when people do this to me because it does happen. but i would love it if wil ever did it to me lol)
-intense eye contact. you would be rambling about something totally random or telling him something funny that tommy did and he’ll just get lost looking into your eyes and listening to your voice. eyes so big and brown, so full of love. You know in these moments he’s listening to you so intently and it makes you feel so loved.
-taking your plate to the sink for you after dinner and helping you clean up.
-coming up behind you while you’re talking to someone else, wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder indicating he wants attention from you. is 100% jealous of the other person you’re giving it too.
-tells you he loves you at random times during the day or night. sitting together quietly doing your own respective things, he nudges you and tells you; “i love you.” instant butterflies.
-kisses your knuckles when you or him have yo separate for whatever reason, even if its for a few minutes. like he has to go do soundcheck hell throw his head back with a groan and lift your hand up to his lips and leave a lingering kiss against them. all while making eye contact with you.
-when he goes on walks he will find random little things like, pebbles, acorns, flowers that make him think of you. you have a trinket box full of these kinds of things from him.
-gently squeezes your hand three times when he holds it.
i need to stop before i do too much lol
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abiomens · 4 months
So...this ain't fluff but hear me out:
Massage Therapist!Noah who gives you a full body massage and ends up finger fucking you and railing you into oblivion afterwards until both your brain and body melted 🥴🥴🥴🥴
(i got rly carried away with this. nsfw bellow the cut 😭)
cuz yeah !! okay i cant do this
nvm jm back.
cuz he has really nice hands, right? you can’t help but stare at them for a little too long when he’s running his hands up your thighs or massaging the muscles in your shoulders. and he take notice to this.
he noticed looonnggg ago, a few months actually- he’s a TEAAAAASSEEEEEEE. like like like purposely lingering on your waist a little too long, or squeezing your thighs a little when you’re in a session. he knows it makes you squirm and he loves seeing you squirm. so one day when he’s wearing a specific turtleneck sweater and has the sleeves rolled up on his forearms, you suddenly feel very hot under your clothes.
half way during him massaging your legs and you talking about your day, you notice his hands reaching a little higher up your thighs, and then they’re at your inner thighs, squeezing and kneading at the plush flesh there. it’s distracting, you keep trailing off or completely forgetting what you were saying cuz you were too busy looking at his hands and how his cheek is pressed against your knee.
then his fingers run underneath your jean shorts and he keeps squeezing so softly, and when you just. stop talking. he looks up at you like he doesn’t know what he’s doing (he knows.) and is giving you the most innocent eyes ever. “you okay sweetheart?” as his fingers are literally tugging on your shorts and fishnets.
he’s suddenly rising up and hovering over you, dipping his fingers under the fabric and rubbing at your clit. you’re already crumbling under him, gripping his shoulders and whimpering into his neck. and before you know it he has 3 fingers buried in your cunt. you’re whimpering and moaning and grinding down onto his hand, his other holding your face and kissing you so deeply.
he made you cum twice on his fingers cuz he’s evil and wants you pliant and dumb and docile and mindless. then he’s so so gently tugging down your shorts and tossing then next to your bag, then your fishnets and pretty lace panties come next. he’s rubbing at your thighs again and leaving love bites all over them, you barely realize he’s buried his face in your cunt cuz you’re already so dazed. he’s moaning into you and gripping your hips, groaning when you tug at his hair and grind on his face. the glasses he wore were somehow still sitting on his face perfectly fine-
and when you cum again? he happily scoops it all up and sucks it off his fingers, literally moaning at your taste and praising you for doing so well for him, he’s so sweet :(((
he’s kissing you so softly now, cradling the back of your head and unbuckling his belt, then tugging on the waistband of his pants. you were already sat on the couch in his office, so he laid you back and you nearly drooled at his size. he let out a little laugh and suddenly his hands were at your waist and he was pushing himself inside so slowly. you were already in another plane of existence, and being so full of him added to that? darling you’re gone.
he’s leaning over you and cradling your face in his hands, checking in and making sure you’re okay. sweet boy :((((((
“yeah? feels good sweetheart?”
“shh, i know baby, i know. its so much, isnt it?”
“hng- ‘s big-“ “you can take it pup.”
“doing so good for me, sucha good girl.”
and before you know it, he’s got you folded in half and fucking you like he’ll never be able to again. (this happens at least one a week afterwards.) you’re too fucked out and dazed to realize you’re drooling and being so loud until his hand is clamping down on your mouth and he’s murmuring against your ear.
“gotta be quiet baby, can’t let everyone hear how good you take my dick, hm?”
“cock feels that good baby? yeah?”
okay ill shut yhe fuck up now-
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lil-binuu · 3 months
Elias headcanons
my personal head canons for elias :))
tried to make it open and non specific for everyone! lmk if there’s anything else you want me to add for you?
~ back. hugs. BACK HUGS!!! Elias would def come up behind you and wrap his arms around you
~ similarly, NECK KISSES. I feel like if Elias was with a shy listener, he’d give them little kisses on their neck and cheek
~ when he wakes up in the middle of the night or when he can’t sleep, he just looks over at you sleeping peacefully and it makes him feel so much calmer knowing you’re there and safe.
~ would always notice when you’re feeling a bit down or depressed and does everything he can to cheer you up: trying to make you laugh, putting a loving arm around you and letting you lean back into him, making you a nice drink, etc
~ if he wakes up before you, Elias will make you breakfast and surprise you
~ every time he wakes up in the night, he has to make sure you’re there beside him.
~ Elias strikes me as the type of person to immediately know if you’re not okay
~ 100% would play fight with you, and give you kisses when he has you pinned down (which, trust me, happens every time)
~ i don’t think he’d get shy, at least not very often, but sometimes he just can’t stop blushing because of you (and it would be the cutest thing ever)
~ would suggest all kind of new things to bake, new games to play and new movies to watch to keep you happy and entertained in the safe house because he understands how depressed you feel, and feels a bit of guilt that he brought you into this so he tries his best to make it up to you!
~ remembers all the things you tell him you like, a childhood favourite food or a specific kind of jewellery, he’s buying everything for you once you’re out of the safe house
~ likes to subtly flirt with you, not just a cheeky comment, but he’ll make sure to walk around the house shirtless or place a hand just a little too far up your thigh because he likes how you try to hide your blush
~ i feel like Elias would really value your opinion, asking you what you think about stuff and actually caring what you think
~ Elias would definitely respect if you wanted tl keep your relationship private, especially because of the gang and the wrong people finding out, but i can imagine him being excited to introduce you to his friends
~ skincare buddies. He’d already have his own skincare routine, he is a pretty boy after all, but he would definitely enjoy doing skincare face masks and stuff with you
NSFW: (minors look away lmao)
~ no matter what position, he’d be holding your hand to squeeze it gently and rub his thumb back and forth
~ always wanting to tell you how good you feel
~ not shy about being vocal
~ you don’t even need to ask him for a condom, he’s already ready to respect your boundaries
~ motorcycle sex. he has a motorcycle for a reason, no?
~ LOVES IT when you grab and tug at his hair when he goes down on you
~ he’s a thigh guy. always wants his head squished between your thighs
~ with a shy or inexperienced listener, he’d make them feel completely comfortable before doing anything
~ always takes a moment before sex to love every part of your body, kissing all over your skin and murmuring little appreciations
~ would def get carried away in a make out session, things with him stuck in the safe house get heated pretty quickly, you can trust on Elias to sneakily leave hickeys on any part of your skin that his mouth can reach
~ sex in the safehouse consists of him shushing you gently, making sure you don’t get uncomfortable or embarrassed making noises the cameras can pick up
~ i feel like he would be a praise guy? like that he would be praising you or talking you through it. (there is also a little part of him that loves to be praised too)
~ would love to hold you close to him as he fucks you, an arm around you waist or hands on your hips, or squeezing your thighs, Elias just wants your body close against his
~ but at the same time, likes to lean back and just let you make him feel good
~ would reposition every so often to make sure he hits that spot inside of you
~ would make bets with you about winning card games or video games, guess what happens if you lose. (and trust me, he’s doing absolutely anything to win)
~ literally could never get enough of you. he wouldn’t be demanding when it comes to sex, any kind of physical affection he would love
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pinejayy · 1 year
╰┈➤ Bratty Little Human || Demon Slayer Headcanons
including: douma and muzan
summary: reader talks back and they deserve a punishment from their demon boyfriend. // reader is afab // also both douma and muzan are gonna be rude, they are demons so what else do you expect from them uwu
warnings: biting, choking, blood, slapping, curse words, spanking and implied blowjob at the end (muzan’s part)
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✦┈⋆┈⋆┈ ⋞ 〈 Douma 〉 ⋟ ┈⋆┈⋆┈✦
How cute!! He finds is quite adorable how bratty you can get. He loves the way you talk back to him, and he’s quite impressed by your courage because no one would ever dare talk back to him.
But the second you do talk back to him, he’ll grab you with a quick motion and pin you to the nearest wall. “Oh my, aren’t you a naughty little human. Talking back to your master.”
He would lean in as he has you against the wall, gripping onto your wrist quite roughly, not caring if he’s hurting you. He’ll lean in and kiss your neck gently. As you’re enjoying yourself he would dig his fangs into your skin.
Biting hard enough to break the skin causing you to bleed. Making you cry out, struggling to push him away but he wouldn’t budge. At all. Douma is just going to laugh at your pathetic attempt. Blooding dripping down to his chin, he moaned softly as he tasted your blood. He loved it…
As you’re pinned against the wall you would beg out, and that’s what he wants. For you to beg. “Please..Douma. I’m sorry.” And this would make him smirk, he would drink your blood and soon after he would pull away. Dragging his cold tongue against your bite marks.
He would laugh, and grab your face quite roughy. Forcing you to look him in the eyes. Looking into his colorful eyes. “Hm…since you’re my favorite pet I’ll go easy on you. But as for now follow me to my chambers, your punishment isn’t over my little Pet.”
And with that he walked away and you quickly followed him from behind. He stopped and looked over at you. “And who said you can walk?” You were quite confused and as you were about to speak up he snapped his fingers at you and pointed down at the floor.
“You wanna behave like a bitch, then I’ll treat you like a dog then.” And you were quick to follow orders. Getting on your knees and he smiled and patted your head. “Good little Pet. Now come on, your punishment is waiting for you.” He said and walked off and into his room.
You followed him, on all fours. You followed him as you crawl and you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. Oh god…
Douma treated you more as of a pet rather than a partner. And Douma was only punishing you because that’s what owners do to their dogs right?
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✦┈⋆┈⋆┈ ⋞ 〈 Muzan 〉 ⋟ ┈⋆┈⋆┈✦
The second you talked back to him he was very angry, how dare you talk like that to the Demon King. Not even his loyal Demons or Upper Moons even dared talking back to him. His cold eyes stare at you, and as your talking back to him he suddenly raises his hand.
Slapping you quite hard, and hard enough to turn your head to the side. “How dare you speak to me like that! Do you know who am I! The Demon King!” He yelled out.
Rubbing your cheek, and you quickly look at him. And without thinking you spoke back. “I’m not stupid! I know who you are…you’re selfish Demon who thinks about himself and not me!”
And he was stunned, even by his slap you still had the guts to talk back, Muzan looks at him. As if he was looking into your soul and he started to laugh. As he laughed you felt a cold shiver run through your spine. His laugh was very unsettling…
He began walking towards you, and you backed up. Muzan growled under his breath and grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him. Leaning in, he whispered against your ear. “Wow, look at you. A little human speaking back to their Demon King.”
He decided that you needed to be punished. So he dragged you to his room, once he got there he opened the door and pushed you inside. And your body fell onto the floor making you cry out softly.
Muzan just walked over you and sat on the bed, he patted his thigh. “Come over here.” He said in a deep voice and not wanting to make him even more upset you went over to him.
“I’m going to spank you. Ten times and I want you to count them. Got it.” He said, you nodded and laid on his thigh. Your butt facing him. He couldn’t help but eye your bottom, he slowly licked his bottom lip.
He raised his hand and slapped you hard, making you cry out. “ONE..” You whimpered out, he just smirked. And began spanking you 9 more times. And you sobbed through the whole thing. “Two…Three…Four…Five…Six…Seven…Eight…Nine… TEN!”
As you sob softly, he rolled his eyes and pushed you off. “Now, let’s put your mouth to good use, hmm?” He said, you nodded and got on your knees and got in between his legs and started to undo his pants. Muzan looks down at you, a huge smirk was across his face.
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Right Here Waiting Part 2
Part 1
Pairings: Wolffe x Fem!Reader
Howzer, Gregor, Rex, Cody and Echo make an appearance too. Howzer picks out reader’s wedding dress because I feel like he’d be good at that.
Warnings: tears. Lots of tears, angst and a lot of fluff. Wolffe and reader are head over heels for each other. Wedding fluffies. No use of y/n.
Tagging @high-ct5555 who requested the original and @alegendoftomorrow who seemed interested
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Your hands are shaking as your heart thumps wildly in your chest.
The love of your life is on the other side of that wall and you've never been more scared to face him.
You're not afraid of him, at least. Rather, you’re afraid of the differences that will come because of the chips and order 66.
You flinch as the door to the makeshift medbay slides open…and there's Wolffe, looking so broken. Maker, what happened to your Commander?
“I uh…guess we should probably talk, huh?” He says, absentmindedly rubbing the bacta patch covering the surgical incision.
You nod. You want nothing more than to throw yourself into his embrace; but not yet. You both need answers.
After sitting down in the storage room, he recounts everything that happened after he left. The battle, the order, the general. He starts to break down a little at that point. You lean forward to take his hand in yours. Something clinks on the dainty chain around your neck and Wolffe's mismatched eyes go wide when he sees the two alloy bands that you never got to exchange. His face twists into an expression of guilt and grief.
“Oh kark. I know…I screwed up—” he starts.
“Wolffe-” You try to stop him but he keeps talking.
“What kind of di'kut proposes to his girlfriend and then doesn't come home to her for a year?”
You've had enough, as hot tears roll down your cheeks.
“One who never had a choice!” You cry, gripping his hand to emphasize. “Who would have been killed if he'd refused. Who came back to me because I told him to. And who gets a kriffing second chance because I still love him.” You punctuate the last statement by gingerly cupping his face in your hands. His own tears slide down and meet your palm.
His voice cracks and his lip quivers.
“Will you still have me, cyar’ika?”
You smile sadly.
“I will always have you, Wolffe.”
He surges forward to catch your lips, a hand tangling in your hair and gently tugging you closer.
You all but curl up in his lap and cry for hours. Later, when Rex finds the two of you sleeping—though uncomfortably—he smiles and knows better than to tell.
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“Do you think they'll like it?” Rex asks nervously as he checks the makeshift decorations for the hundredth time.
“Relax, vod.” Gregor laughs, setting down a simple white cake with the words ‘just married’ written in dark icing. “Anyone would think that it’s your wedding with the way you keep fussing over everything.”
Rex rolls his eyes. “Well excuse me for wanting to make my adoptive batchmate’s wedding as nice as possible while we’re all fugitives of the Empire!”
Cody and Echo snicker at Rex’s outburst when Howzer strides into the room, a smug smile on his face.
“The bride looks stunning. Turns out the dress fits perfectly.”
Wolffe is the last to enter the room. He looks nervous as he seeks out Rex, hands shaking uncontrollably.
“Rex.” He mutters under his breath, eyes wide.
Rex frowns and takes his brother by the shoulders. “Hey, easy vod.”
“Do I look okay?”
Rex smiles reassuringly. “You look great, Wolffe.”
Everyone’s attention turns to the opening door where you stand, aglow in your white dress with a bouquet of wildflowers in hand.
Wolffe lets out a shaky breath and manages a smile. He doesn't think he’s ever seen anything more beautiful in his life and he can’t wrap his head around the fact that you chose him.
The others take their seats while Rex stands with you and your soon to be husband.
Through the whole preamble, all you can focus on is Wolffe. He’s barely holding his emotions in check. You just know that as soon as he begins his vows, he’ll break.
And break, he does. Tears are flowing before he even gets three words in.
“Cyare. I don’t know how I got so lucky with you. You’ve made my life better in so many ways and now with these uncharted waters that we’re in, I’ll still have you. I promise to respect you, to always have your back, and support you in everything that we may face.” he squeezes your hands gently. “I love you so much.”
Tears prick at your eyes as you clear your throat. “Wolffe. How can I put into words the love I’ve found with you? Or the warmth that I have in your arms. Or the hope that I see in your eyes. I’m so, so thankful for the second chance that we have. I can’t begin to imagine what my life would be like without you. I promise that whatever happens, my heart belongs to you, as does my trust. I love you more than words can describe.”
At some point, both of you began crying your eyes out, wiping each others tears with shaky hands.
Cody hands you Wolffe’s ring, and Wolffe your ring. The last of the ceremony goes by in a blur and before you know it, you’re sharing your first kiss with Wolffe as husband and wife.
His calloused hands gently cradle your face as his lips claim yours in a sweet and reverent kiss. When it breaks, he pulls you into his chest with a shaky breath.
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. Ner kar’ta.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics and reblog banners by @dystopicjumpsuit
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cloveroctobers · 5 months
JOHNNY COCO CRUZ — Spring Writings 🩵
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A/N: Thank you to all those that voted on that poll and it has been awhile since I last wrote for coco so why not? This is definitely AU based for how I envision a better life for our coco bean and there’s no need to explain it any further. It’s spring and most of us are coming off that S.A.D. so we want happiness around here, so that’s what we’re damn well gonna get! This was also inspired by some events that happened last Friday 🤭
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE & I’m using: 6. Hanging a porch swing together + 7. I don’t think she noticed my new cut.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of blood and body injuries + Letty’s smart ass mouth—the usual.
⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀
Getting back home was the best part of Coco’s day. The big move from Santo Padre to Ojai was the best choice all of you made years ago.
(Coco and Letty more recently.)
This was home.
A awful green ranch built in 1955 with .42 acres of land was not something coco ever really saw in his future. He never had a place that truly felt like his and all that hard work along with time finally paid off. In fact he didn’t think he’d actually be alive this long to showcase what a home should feel like. Day by day his purpose was still something he was trying to figure out without realizing that he’s been living it.
He rides up the curvy slope of the driveway, waiting for the gate to open up wide enough for his bike to fit through. The dark eyed man glances to his left towards the front door, sensing something even before he cut the engine to his bike. He’ll move it to the garage later, leaving it behind next to your car before carrying up the pathway to the front door.
Coco enters the home, tv on from his left showing some rerun of a reality show that Letty was binge watching. The mushroom play tent that blocks the front window of the home is bare and does not hold your three year old daughter, Haven. He thinks nothing of it until he makes that right down the hallway where the bedrooms sit, hearing crying from Haven and barking from your tosa.
His nostrils flare, hands going to his waist as he cautiously makes his way into the main bedroom. He immediately spots Letty bouncing a crying Haven on her knee as her other hand is moving rapidly against the screen of her phone.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Coco asks as he spots the dog still barking and scratching at the bathroom door.
Letty snaps her head up to look at him, “thank fu—fudge you finally got here! I’ve been texting and leaving you messages.”
His eyes are still locked on the door, which is now missing a door knob as he gently rests a hand down on Haven’s head to kiss the vitiligo patch on her temple. She makes grabbing motions for him which he obliges, tears streaming down her round cheeks, while he brings the toddler into his chest who rests her head there and seems to calm just a bit as she heaves to subside her cries.
Coco pats and rubs her back soothingly as Letty gets back to her feet, using her foot to nudge Jody the Tosa out of the way, “I went to a meeting after work, I sent that in the group chat before I shut my phone off.”
“Yeah newsflash, maybe you shouldn’t do that when you have a very vocal fucking baby at home.” Letty bites as she knocks on the door leaning downwards, “y/n, coco’s here!” She tells before whipping her head back to her father, “Now fix the door.”
He’s confused as he makes his way over to the bathroom door, spotting a stain of blood dripping from the outside of where the doorknob was supposed to be. “What the fuck did you do Leticia?”
“Me?! I didn’t do anything!” Letty yells while her brows immediately frown, “your girlfriend somehow locked herself in the bathroom and has been in there for I don’t know maybe an hour or an hour in a half? She managed to punch the knob out after I loosened it.”
Coco shakes his head, eyeing the tools tossed all over the floor and hands Haven back to Letty, “take your sister and go feed her, she’s probably hungry and it’s past dinner time.”
“Shit, I lost track of time.” Letty stands up straight and scrambles to leave the room but not without calling back out to you, “if coco doesn’t get it y/n, I’m calling the locksmith!”
Coco sucks his teeth as he shoos the girl out of your shared room, “I am the locksmith.”
Letty widens her eyes with a scrunch of her nose, “we don’t need anymore injuries in this household thank you, we have a baby in the house.”
Coco rolls his eyes as it’s his turn to go into a squat position and peer through the gap, it’s slightly blocked by the remaining latch bolt. He peeks in just enough to see you laying on your back on the rug, bandaged hand cradled to your chest as you’re staring up at the ceiling.
Completely over it.
“Hey, mamita. What happened?”
Your head lolls to the side to meet coco’s dark eye, “I went to unlock the door and it wouldn’t budge. Took Letty fifteen minutes to realize I was stuck in here since she’s so deep into Shahs of Sunset and I didn’t have my phone on me. I managed to punch the knob out.”
“Why not kick? Now you done fucked up your hand I see.”
“Rather that than my foot.” You wiggle your toes, “you gonna get me out of here soon right, johnny?”
A crooked smile appears on Coco’s lips then, “I’ll think about it.”
Jody growls at him from his left, making coco suck his teeth while you can be heard laughing from inside the bathroom. “I know this fool isn’t trying to raise up on me?”
“He likes me better.”
“‘Cause he likes to hump your leg.”
“Ew, shut up Johnny!”
Coco laughs and looks at the tools that were previously used: a hanger, a screwdriver, and some hair oil. He analyzes the door, then the mechanism and just shrugs grabbing the hammer to knock the latch clean off the door. It flies towards you, lying about an inch away from where your shoulder lays.
Coco instructs, “You might want to cover your face for this next part.”
“What?” You start just as Coco lunges the claw side of the hammer into the side of the gap, yanking it back with such force he thought the claw would snap. Thankfully it didn’t as it gave way, leaving him to keep swinging the claw into space before switching back to the flat side to knock out the edge of the cheap door.
The door creaks open as he pushes it back once a good chunk of the door is missing. Rolling back to face the door with an arm tossed over your forehead, you meet your boyfriend’s eyes.
“Hey,” he greets almost like a mad man as he’s breathing harshly now at that work he just put in.
You slowly get to your feet to meet both of Johnny’s dark eyes this time, “hey, we’re gonna need a new door.”
You grip the sides of his torso as you peck his jaw in thanks while he just scoffs, “fuck that door. It was a cheap piece of shit and I’ve got a better idea anyway.”
Which could mean anything.
He reaches down to pick up your wrist, examining your injured fingers, “think you broke any of ‘em?”
“Probably that middle finger but the rest im thinking a bad sprain,” you inform while Coco nods his head, figuring you would know better than anyone being a middle school nurse and all.
Coco shakes his head, a signature crooked smile playing on his lips, “Guess you won’t be giving nobody the bird for a little while, huh?”
“I’m left handed anyway.” You remind Coco who nods his head in realization, “thanks for getting me out. How did today go?”
Johnny gives a sharp inhale with a lift of his shoulders, “same shit everyday. We talk about feelings and shit. It’s the anniversary of Hope’s death and I was talkin’ to one of the sponsors there, he gave me some info to look into for Leticia.”
Letty losing not only one but two of her friends tragically was enough to mess with anyone’s mental. She already had a lot going on before that and the move out here steered her in the right direction somewhat. She openly talked about starting her own business after quitting (and being fired) from numerous of jobs. So far being a instructor that provided swimming lessons to toddlers seemed to be the one that stuck while creating a webpage for her upcoming house sitting business.
She was much like Johnny, not wanting to open up and when she gave just enough she didn’t want to be seen as weak. You had enough experience with that yourself, growing up with caregivers in the military that had their own battles which ultimately left you to be raised and adopted by your godmother who was far from rough around the edges. You learned to love Johnny and Letty through it all but you were also firm in letting them both know that you wouldn’t be their punching bag.
You completely changed the trajectory of Johnny and Letty’s life, making them often forget what life was like before you walked in. Yet there were always reminders in the black of their brain and sure you could hold them down but you couldn’t be their sole savior.
They had to find that within themselves.
That’s that deep shit Coco had to hear plenty of times and knew Letty wouldn’t want to but would eventually have to.
“That’s good, babe.” You offer a smile as you squeeze his upper arm, “we’ll talk about it some more when we put that swing up out front.”
You’re getting ready to exit the bathroom when Coco grips your wrist causing you to look back at him.
“The swing? Nah we’re not gettin’ into that with your hand all fucked up.” Coco already decided.
“I’ll supervise.” You beam, “c’mon I’ve been wanting that thing up since the first day of spring and summers approaching in the next few weeks!”
Coco blinks, “and I said I’d get to it.”
“Just like the emissions for my car when I was pregnant with Haven, got stranded and ended up with minor carbon monoxide poisoning?” You pointed out while the tatted man rubs his jaw in annoyance.
Which was enough indication for you to laugh and wrap an arm across his waist, knowing that you won, “fine but like you said, supervise. Not be in my fucken ear like a flea.”
“I know you like to get into your zone when you’re working but what we’re not gonna do is compare your girl and mother of your beautiful baby to an insect.” You yank on his earlobes making him hiss.
Smiling sweetly at him after, you quickly peck his crooked nose and bite his jaw before taking your leave, “glad you’re home, papa.”
Coco rolls his eyes and tossed the hammer into the toolbox, knowing he would get to it later before joining his family in the kitchen.
‘I don’t think she noticed my new cut,’ Coco finds himself thinking as he watches you move around the kitchen, working on heating up the leftovers while he’s tasked with making sure Haven doesn’t start throwing any vegetables she doesn’t like around again and Letty is screaming at the tv.
“Aye, who we yellin’ at?” Coco questions from the dining room which has three views: a sliding door that leads to the backyard to the left, straight ahead the kitchen can be partially seen, and then to the right flows into the living room.
Letty huffs as she tosses her phone down on the couch glancing in Coco and Haven’s direction, “fu—freaking Reza! He’s so annoying!”
“Then cut the shit off and go help y/n warm up the food.” Coco tells Letty who side eyes him.
She snipes, “I already took care of Haven and set the table…what’re you doing coco?”
“Paying bills.”
You twist your lips around in the kitchen, thankful the twenty-one year old couldn’t see your facial expression right now, not that you were ever scared of Letty but you also weren’t in the mood to deal with her mouth, especially being locked in the bathroom for forever.
“And I would be too if y/n didn’t give me a break!” Letty argued.
Finances became really rough once Coco got struck with addiction. Not that it was ever the greatest when Letty lived with Celia but she was the main one who had to hold it down once Coco got infected with the disease. So she didn’t appreciate Coco throwing that in her face when he should have been the adult who paid bills to provide for her and it was always a ongoing argument between the two, which is why you remained quiet once you sensed that starting to brew.
Thankfully with the progress of being sober and getting a job down at the shooting range as a range officer, Coco was on the path of being financially stable and you were the best at managing funds although Coco often clowned you for considering shopping for the house and the girls as “errands,” you were good at having a balance with money and into numbers a bit after living in a transformed school bus turned home (illegally if you want to be technical) with your god-mommy. She was a free-spirited woman who was into protests, loaded with money but still chose to park the bus/home out in the woods on some land that rightfully belonged to her ancestors before the law colonized it. It was sacred land and after her passing you did everything in your power to gain rights to that land yourself, later transforming it into a garden in honor of loved ones lost.
Life was forever blossoming and you always wanted to continue experiencing that growth. When coco came back into your life, it was unexpected but meant to be—you’d like to think. It’s like that saying, “if it comes back around then it’s meant to be.”
The both of you knew each other back in school and lost touch until he moved out here to Ojai. By then he was already in a program, leaving behind the Mayans to better his mental health. You already knew he was in some type of biker gang, thanks to being friends with Gilberto Lopez on Facebook. Curiosity always got the best of you and you didn’t have much to go off of since you couldn’t locate him anywhere on Facebook but found Letty through Celia’s page.
He was barely on Letty’s page too after spotting a comment where she went off on some lady who was friends with Celia, for making inappropriate comments on a picture the twenty-something year old shared for his birthday. It was causal lurking not anything stalker-ish and you didn’t want to reach out to Gilly about coco either since you didnt want to appear desperate—despite your besties begging you to just shoot your shot through Gilly.
That didn’t happen until coco came here.
It was like the universe knew to give you two a second chance and the both of you didn’t want to miss it. However you were content on just being friends but that wasn’t in Coco’s plans once he truly got to know the version of you now. Eventually he got you out of your own stubbornness and wasn’t one to beg but Coco knew you were worth it.
When you’re zoned back in on the conversation, bringing the food out to the table you spotted Letty now sitting in her usual seat resting her cheek into her fist while Coco shoved her shoulder with a snort, evoking the girl to shove him back with a smile just in time for them to start playfully throwing hands but you warn them to, “cut the crap you two, you’re at the table now act like you have some sense please.”
“My bad, mamita.”
“He started it.”
You playfully glare at them as you take your seat, lifting the silicone bib to wipe at the corner of Haven’s mouth before waving your hands along signaling for everyone to start serving themselves.
Johnny and Letty did not hesitate, which led to chatter at the dinner table, making Coco further grateful for this little life.
Later that night with the crickets chirping, the both of you have quality time as you’re seated on the grass while coco is drilling the chains to the swing into the brown beams out front.
“Hey babe, meant to tell you this earlier but I’m feeling the new look.” You announce after putting your phone down from taking many pictures of the process.
Coco glances over at you from the ladder, “yeah? I didn’t think you noticed.”
“Oh I definitely did,” you smile, “loved the Brazilian loose waves just as much as the Gretchen Grundler pigtails but hair grows back and it always fun to switch it up ya know?”
You don’t miss coco rolling his eyes at your attempt of dragging his hair but knows you’re joking nonetheless. He can also tell by the way you’re looking at him from the ground that you’re really a fan of the cut, “I’m almost finished here so you can show me how much you’re digging the hair up in our room, huh?”
Sighing you pout, “only if we weren’t getting up early to hang out with Bruno and Luis.”
That’s right ever since he got with you, he was able to reconnect with his two other kids. It took a lot of fight from Bruno’s mom for coco to be in Bruno’s life—who was now fourteen—threatening back child support out of pettiness (she honestly thought he died because of what Celia once told her after he got locked up) and Luis, who was ten and acting out way before coco came back into his life was still trying to get a feel for this stranger of a man who happened to be his father. Luis was quiet but there was a fire behind the shared eyes he has from his father.
Life was always a timely journey and you taught Coco patience.
“Look at it like this, I’ll have you out by midnight.” Coco smirks, checking his own phone for the time and to see a text from Bruno’s mom to confirm if you guys were still coming out to Montecito.
Bruno and Luis’s mom became good friends, often allowing the boys to spent the night at each other’s houses. Although Luis lived out in Carpinteria with his mother and siblings; which was nowhere from Montecito the two women made it their jobs for the siblings to have a relationship. Which was shocking on Bruno’s mom’s part to be honest. Bruno’s mother was still shady towards you, not liking the fact that coco picked you to spend forever with although she had a new man, she still felt a type of way but you knew not to take that personally…yet you were no punk and wouldn’t always bite your tongue.
You mockingly yawn, stretching your arms above your head, “you know I can’t get into the groove with open doors.”
Coco sucks his teeth, “well you better get used to it mamita, that doors not comin’ back.”
“That open concept shit you always talk about when we’re watching that home channel…well you’re gonna get it for the bathroom.” Coco double checks that the swing is secure before he starts climbing down the ladder, “and I get a show every time you get out the shower. So everybody wins.”
Scowling at the smirk on your boyfriend’s face, you push off your ankles to your feet, making your way over to the cute farmhouse like swing, “You’re no better than Jody.”
“I’n the fucken man of the house, not the dog.” Coco tells as he slips a hand over your waist as you go to sit on the swing.
“Don’t think I know the difference,” you joke once more as Coco bumps his nose against your cheek, now sitting beside you as you softly sway into the night.
With your good hand, you run a hand over coco’s shortened hair with a smile before resting your head on his shoulder with another yawn, “seee, this is nice isn’t it?”
“Yeah it’s cool but now none of us are going to be in the house.”
All of you were always out and about. If it wasn’t work, coco was out riding or tuning up the bike or doing woodwork, letty was sunbathing and used to be in the hot tub a lot until you two took over and that was enough for her not to want any parts leaving her to run the streets with the car along with Jody in the passenger side or fix up the car coco let her keep. You just liked being in the backyard to be “corny,” in the Cruz’ words one with nature birdwatching or with Haven who liked running around letting you and coco know that she would probably grow up to be involved in some sort of athletics one day. However once those bugs wanted to be seen by you? Then it was time to wrap it up and go right inside.
“We’ll get to enjoy the inside more once we’re old as hell.”
“I like my own personal granny already,” coco laughs while you elbow his gut, “ow, what? You were the one crying about your back the other night?”
“That’s because you left one of your stupid chains to your jeans in the bed.”
“My bad, thought you were into bondage.” Coco felt his lips twitch in humor until you lifted your head to glare at him.
“Y/n,” he says back in a warning tone but teasing, “aye show me some love, I got you out that bathroom and put this grandma shit up. You don’t got to bring up old shit, you know?”
“That was two days ago but whatever,” you respond yanking his jaw to turn his lips to brush against yours, “love you papa, now sssh and let’s enjoy the warm night.”
Coco lets out a sigh, squeezing your waist as you get comfortable back against his shoulder. “You better, brat.”
“After you…butt sniffer.”
“Always got to have the last word, don’t you?” Coco sucks his teeth, ready to nudge your head off him if you didn’t look so cute relaxing against him, aware that you were comparing him to a dog yet again while you laugh, tossing your knee over his, intertwining your fingers (the good ones) with his as you sink into the freedom of the night together.
⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀
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vodika-vibes · 11 months
I don't know if you're alright with these types of asks but I haven't been having a good time lately and I also don't know if you've ever written Hardcase before I don't have anything in particular to ask for aside from forehead kisses and cuddling while like petting the head to soothe. Just some fluff. You don't have to do this if you don't want to. Sorry for the ramble.
Comforting Presence
Summary: You have a bad day, luckily Hardcase is there to help.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Hardcase x Reader
Word Count: 957
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: It's not quite what you asked for, but I hope this is good too. This is my first time writing Hardcase, so I hope I did him justice. And I absolutely take these kinds of asks. I just find it easier to get people to send me stuff if I reblog writing prompts.
Divider by Saradika
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There are many things that Hardcase loves about you. The way you smile at him, the way you laugh at his bad jokes, the way you cling to him at night when you’re sleeping next to each other.
The way that you so effortlessly made space for him in your life, in your home. The way that you love him, even though all he can offer in return is his protection and his presence. 
He loves you. He’d give you the galaxy if you asked.
So when you come home from work, and you don’t immediately shout a greeting to him, he grows concerned. There’s a routine, after all.
You come home from work, and you stay by the front door while you remove your boots, and you shout a greeting to him, and he’ll get up from wherever he is in the house, and make his way to you, and then you’ll fling your arms around him in a tight hug and he’d kiss you until you’re smiling all dreamy-
But you’re not doing that.
He hears you drop your bag on the floor, and hears you drop even heavier onto the bench by the front door, and he gets to his feet. He walks through the apartment to the hallway leading to the front door, and he leans against the wall.
You didn’t notice him. That was his first hint that maybe something was wrong. The second hint was that you hadn’t started taking your boots off. He scans you thoughtfully, your shoulders are slumped, and you just look exhausted and drained.
“Bad day, cyare?” He asks, his voice soft as to not startle you.
You jump anyway, and his brow furrows in even more concern. “Oh…Hardcase,” You stare at him for a moment, and then you rub your forehead, “We’re supposed to go out tonight, I…give me a minute and I’ll…”
Hardcase pushes off the wall and walks over to you. He drops a kiss to the top of your head, and then he sinks to his knees and starts untying your boots, “Don’t worry about it, cyare. We can order food.”
“I promised-”
“Hey,” He pauses and reaches up to lightly touch your cheek, “We can go out some other night. Tonight all you have to worry about is if you want to wear your blue pajamas or your green ones.”
You close your eyes and lean into his touch, “I had a bad day,” You whisper.
“It’s okay, baby. I’ll take care of you.” He gently pulls his hand away and goes back to pulling your boots off, and setting them neatly on the shoe rack. “There we go. Step two, a shower.”
You sigh and nod, “Yeah. Okay.”
Hardcase hums thoughtfully, his fingers lightly tapping a rhythm on your knee, “A bubble bath?” He offers. Some of the tension drains out of your shoulders at the offer and he takes the minor win. “Bubble bath it is.”
You smile at him, “I love you.”
“I am pretty lovable.” Hardcase jokes lightly, and is relieved to see a smile cross your face, “Arms around my neck, little love.” You immediately do as he asks, and he effortlessly lifts you into his arms.
You bury your face in his neck and hug him tightly, drawing comfort from his presence, and then you tilt your head to look at his face, “How was your day?” You ask.
“Uneventful. I think I slept until noon,” Hardcase admits as he carries you through the apartment and into the fresher, where he sits you on the counter. “Now, do you want to bathe alone, or do you want company?”
“‘Case, I-”
“I’ll just be there, baby. Nothing more.” He brushes his thumb against your cheek, “I can see how exhausted you are. I’m worried you’ll fall asleep in the tub.”
You’re quiet for a moment, “Stay?”
“Of course. Just let me start the bath and grab your pajamas.”
“The blue ones?” You ask quietly, “They remind me of you.”
“A fine choice,” Hardcase kisses your forehead, and then the tip of your nose, and only then does he back away and turn to start the water. And then he dips into the bedroom, and returns only a moment later with your silky blue pajamas, which he carefully sets on the towel warmer. His own dark blue sweatpants get tossed much more carelessly next to your pajamas.
You offer him a bottle of bath mix, “It’s lavender,” You offer.
“Your favorite.” He turns and adds a capful to the water, and then another one, and then he sets the bottle back on the rack. And then he peels his clothes off and steps into the water and carefully sits down.
You hop off the counter and tug your work clothes off, taking the time to toss them in the laundry hamper, before you carefully step into the water and allow Hardcase to pull you down onto his lap. You settle your head against his shoulder and your eyes drift shut.
“I might fall asleep,” You warn him.
“That’s okay,” Hardcase’s voice is low and soothing, and he kisses the side of your head, and then your shoulder. “If you fall asleep, I’ll just end the bath, and put you to bed.”
“I’m sorry-”
“Shh.” His voice is even more soothing, “You take care of me, baby. I don’t have a problem taking care of you when you need it.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” You ask.
“Hm…you were the most amazing person on Coruscant and for some reason you chose me.” Hardcase kisses your shoulder again, “Now, would you like to hear about the movie I watched today, my love?”
You sigh in contentment, “Yes, please.”
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