One Piece Writings
51 posts
Hi! Welcome to my One Piece Blog! ——— Lil Doot Doot | 20 | She/Her | Bisexual |🇺🇸 ——— Hi! I’m Lil Doot Doot ! This is my One Piece writing blog where I will upload imagines, head canons and hopefully stories. ———Requests are OPEN! See my pinned post for the Rules! ———
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lild00td00t · 1 year ago
Hi everyone! I just want you to know I am getting your asks and kind thoughts on my writing, thank you so much for being here and supporting me <3 but as of right now I am sick with a stomach flu, and will need some time to recover. I am promise I am writing things, I’m just struggling with going to school and fighting through being sick. :,) Please be patient, I’ll be back.
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lild00td00t · 1 year ago
Hi, I hope you are doing well! Can I request headcanons on how Crocodile, Buggy, Mihawk and Doflamingo would propose to their s/o or how they would react if their s/o was the one to propose to them? (Which ever you feel like is fine! :))
Have a great day!
One Piece War Lords: Proposing to their S/O
This was so adorable thank you for requesting the War Lords!! I’ll have to write a part 2. Buggy was honestly my favorite for a bit… 👉🏻👈🏻 but these are gonna be so HELLA friggin cheesy. I’m a hopeless romantic.. so please… COURT ME LIKE WE’RE IN PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.
• He’s so nervous, his hands are clammy, even on the inside of his gloves sweat is lining along the fabric of them. He’s talked it over to himself multiple times, rationalizing the best and worst case scenario.
• He can’t help but melt when he sees you with the promise ring he gifted. He sweats bullets when you tease him about getting married… at dinner he nearly choked, and poor Mr.3 nearly had a heart attack just trying to dislodge the food that got caught in his throat. But he felt like that a majority of the times you discussed it. Like something was lodged in his throat and cutting off his air.
• So when you’re watching the crew bring a haul back on the ship, hands on your hips in a relaxed stance, you barely notice when he slips a ring on your finger, and he discreetly prays you don’t say anything about it until you screech and throw your arms around him, his body probably splits in 2 out of shock- this poor man -
• “ How does it feel knowing you’re going to be married to the future pirate king ?! Flashy ?! As it should feel?! “ Then the second you romanticize over the idea he practically hemorrhages 🥲
• The most poetic. God - he probably leaves you little poems every where, and they’re all based on you <3
• Your dates are so adorable. Like picnics, or going on row boats. It’s so quiet on the water, so you don’t notice when he slips down on one knee, clasping your hands in his while presenting a ring.
• You nearly flip the boat when you finally comprehend what’s happening but luckily your better half is much more calm and collected.. he was prepared for this reaction.. atleast he thinks he was -
• He kisses your knuckles, then overlaps your hands with his and holds them to his heart
• “ It seems as though the love saga of my poems will continue until death do us part…“
• Posessive..
• He truly is materialistic and is telling the truth. You genuinely will get what you want. But he can see it in your eyes that you’re not after his money, or his valuables or even his status. He can see the way you adoringly look up to him when he talks. And he’s not used to such an innocent form of love you offer.
• He feels that you must be protected, for what you make him feel is vulnerability. Which scares him. Because no one has ever made him feel that way before. So when the time is right, most likely on a starry night when you’re on a walk he’ll stop, just long enough to kneel and pull out the box, just long enough for you to realize what he’s doing. And with that, he confesses his love
• “ With this ring, you are mine.. whatever you want you can have. You will always be treated with my respect and my love, nothing will ever be enough to satiate how I feel for you. No amount of gold compares to that ring on your finger, for it holds the greatest power in all the world.. my promise to you. “
• Like crocodile he’s possessive.. but with a sweet?? Spin ?? To it ???
• The moment he slips the ring on your finger he brings your hand to his lips for a sweet kiss, giving you that bone chilling smile while keeping his lips pressed to your skin.
• He doesn’t make a big, fancy show out of it. Because he knows that you don’t need everyone to know. It’s obvious that you’re his
• You listen when he talks. You’re never put off by his nightmares or bad moods. You urge him to talk about his brother and family. You talk about starting a new one… as a second chance.
• “ A second chance for the Heavenly Demon.. “ he thinks to himself, lost in thought. You weren’t scared to say that he was flawed, but it didn’t matter, because you could work on it together
• “ As long as you are mine, you will be taken care of and no one, I mean no one, will ever mistreat you ever again, lest they want my wrath… “ And he means it. He means every word of it. He would wage wars in your name, bring cities to the ground, and split the ocean in two if he could, unlike crocodile, who is alittle more materialistic with his promises. <3
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lild00td00t · 1 year ago
Hi! Just want to say, as someone who adores Fujitora, I really love your writing! From the fluff prompt list you reblogged, how about a mix of prompts 8 & 9 with Fujitora and a gender neutral reader? Like him and his s/o would be waking up together in the morning and in the tenderness of the moment, he couldn’t help but tell them how much he loves them.
Hope you’re having a great day!
Fujitora x GN! Reader
Prompt #8 & #9
Thank you so much for requesting and being here, I’m so glad you’re enjoying my Fujitora content. Be safe and enjoy <3 ALSO! These are still open !! I would be so happy to write more of these so please request !!! <3
Mornings were typically cold when Fujitora left. Your bed felt huge at the absence of your lover, and only made you long for his companionship more. Normally, you would wake when the bed would dip at his weight and leave an indent, one that made your heart twinge at the thought of him being gone.
But this morning you woke up in his warm embrace with his face buried in the nape of your neck. His arms remained secured around your waist and you felt surrounded by the warmth of his body. It only made you feel compelled to be lulled to back sleep in the comfort of his arms.
As you turned to face him he stirred, his eyes barely opening as he cupped your face.
“ Good morning. “
Your voice was still ridden with sleep, actions sluggish as your hand crept to his face to cup his cheek. His smile grew, and his hand encased yours before he brought it to his lips for a chaste kiss.
“ I would love to wake up like this for the rest of my life. “ His voice was gravelly, and like yours sleep still clung onto every word he spoke. The warmth of his hand traveled up and down your arm and pulled you closer to his chest, so close you could hear the steady beat of his heart.
A small laugh bubbled from your throat as you absentmindedly drew shapes on his pec, smiling lovingly up to his face at the peaceful expression he wore. You couldn’t help but cherish his presence, practically savoring every bit of the moment you could.
“ I love you doesn’t begin to express what I feel for you,” He began to speak, resting his hand on the back of your head while the other rubbed your back.
“ You are the reason I wake and breathe, the reason I eat and sleep. You’re my reason for living, my dear blossom. Please, never forget your importance. “
You felt your eyes become damp at his words, the consistent beat of your heart then skipped, causing it to miss a beat and make you feel short of breath in the best way possible. The sensation you felt was nothing short of absolute love and adoration for him, and you couldn’t have said it any better than him.
“ I live for you. “ He reiterated, only making your heart beat wilder. You clasped your hands across your lips, giggling profusely.
“ I live for you too, now please, hush before you give me a heart attack. My heart can’t take so much at once. “
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lild00td00t · 1 year ago
Bringing an animal home without their permission series: Marine Admirals
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Fujitora
No Aokiji for this one 😔 But Akainu would have SUCH a soft spot for puppies, you cannot tell me he wouldn’t-
Akainu | Sakazuki
• Yknow the dads that “hates” the pets you get ? That’s him
• that dog/cat is his. Sorry, I don’t make the rules but the animal will LOVE him. The second he gets home from work and sits down the animal is by his side.
• They wake up together, eat together, and sleep together, he simply “ tolerates” the animals presence
• Buys them treats and toys and pretends it’s just “simple pet care “, he really does love them.
• He’s a dog person hands down
A permanent scowl was etched on Akainus face as he trudged his way home, the echoes of his steps as harsh as the expression he wore. He had a particularly challenging day. Akainu simply wished to go home, tend to his bonsai and have a nice dinner with you.
As he dug into his pockets for his keys he couldn’t help but cherish the sound of your laughter from inside your home. His gaze softened and he couldn’t deny the relief he felt from finally being home with you.
Once he unlocked the door and opened it he removed his hat, kneeling to slip his shoes off. He noted you went silent the moment he stepped in the door, and before he could call out to you a puppy ran across the living room and directly for him.
His face went blank and he pulled his hands away, watching as the shiba puppy went for the laces of his shoes. Without a word he gingerly grasped its scuff to pull it away, watching as you peeked from the doorway, sheepishly blinking.
“ ..… Can I keep it ? “
“ No. “
“ But Sakazuki she loves you ! And I already named her and got her a bed beside ours and- “
You stopped talking when he handled the puppy with both hands, watching as it’s tail wagged faster, licking at his nose and cheeks. He couldn’t help but barely lift the corners of his lips, almost invisible except to the trained eye as he set the puppy down and watched it scamper over to you.
“ Are..… Are you smiling?! Does this mean we can keep it ? “
“ .. If it’s good. “
From that point on, you had a new puppy and a secretly happy dog loving husband. <3
Kizaru | Borsalino
• Much like Akainu, that pet will immediately bond to Kizaru
• He naps just as much as the cat I would imagine him having, and they both really appreciate laying in the sun unbothered so it’s a win win!
• Totally a cat person, he loves the purring and meowing, he LOVES cats periodt 💅
Kizaru normally worked late into the evening, coming home without eating dinner and sometimes falling asleep with his uniform on the couch as not to disturb you. This particular evening however, he found himself getting off early and couldn’t wait to suprise you.
He hummed lowly to a tune that had been stuck in his head, distracted by the bouquet of flowers he was currently fiddling with, making sure they looked perfect for you. Much to his suprise, the door was unlocked when he climbed the steps. As he slipped his shoes off he crept in, his signature lazy smile curling upwards as he silently stalked towards you, busy washing what he presumed to be vegetables in the sink.
“ What are we having for dinner tonight my dear ? “
“ Borsalino! You’re - home early !! “ You exclaimed as you looked over your shoulders with wide eyes. You couldn’t help but momentarily swoon over the flowers he bought, watching as he meandered to the cabinet to get a flower vase.
“ I am.. did I surprise you ? I hope I did.. that’s what I was going for.. my love may I fill the vase - “
“ NO ! “ You shouted unintentionally, watching his brows raise and his head slightly tilt.
“ Er.. not.. right now I’m washing dishes !! “
Suddenly a shrill mewl filled the room, and he leaned past you to gander at the pitifully soaked orange kitten in your hands. His mouth formed an ‘O’ as he set the vase and flowers down, enthralled with what you had been hiding.
It was small and scruffy looking, and very angry due to being in the water. Kizaru couldn’t help but grab a dish towel to dry it, completely smitten with the kitten !
“ Soo cuuute, are you having a baaath ? Yes you aarree ! ~ “ He cooed at the kitten as you stared, enamored by his sudden liking to the scruffy animal.
“ So.. can I keep him ? “
“ Oh yes.. this is a fine gift indeed my love thank you. ~ “
“ Wait he’s mine too ! “ You called out as he coddled the kitten to his chest, completely flabbergasted that he took the kitten that YOU found. Oh well, atleast he said yes !
Fujitora | Issho
• He LOVES the kitten because of its constant purring, it’s so reassuring to him
• He would probably gift you one if you asked, but if you secretly brought one home he wouldn’t be mad either, I think he may be alittle upset that you snuck it by instead of asking him first since he’s usually lenient-
• But he spoils the LIFE out of that cat
On his way home, Fujitora passed a small ramen stand. The smell wafting from the small shop lingered in the air and tempted his heightened sense of smell over to the area. He stubbornly turned his head away, telling himself he must make it home first to get you, then come back out to enjoy dinner together.
Once he approached your shared dwelling he carefully climbed the steps and navigated cautiously into your home, the smile he wore slightly fading when he wasn’t greeted by your presence at the door. He could hear you faintly however, in the living room accompanied by the rustling of a blanket. As he rounded the corner he remained silent, listening to your steady breathing as you lay resting on the couch. He felt his heart twinge with guilt at the thought of waking you, but he knew you would appreciate the ramen just as much as he did.
“ My dear, let’s go get some ramen for dinner tonight, I passed by a place not too far from the house and it smelled delectable. “
He frowned at your lack of response, so he outstretched his hand to wake your sleeping form. Instead he was met by a small purring bundle that was curled atop of your chest, and making biscuits on the blanket that was pulled up to your chin.
The small tuxedo kitten perked up at his touch, greeting him in a shrill mewl while seeking Fujitoras hands out for more affection. A gruff chuckle rumbled in his chest as plucked the delicate kitten from your chest to hold it to his cheek and nuzzle it.
“ Oh my.. you’re not my spouse. Would you like to get ramen with me kitty ? “ He spoke gently to the kitten, chuckling as it mewled in response again. Fujitora couldn’t help but melt at purring that vibrated his hands, whisking the kitten away as he sat down beside you.
“ Let’s wait for them to wake up.. then we can all go get ramen. “
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lild00td00t · 1 year ago
Hi!! First, I love your work. Especially for the Marines.
Second I saw requests were open so I decided to shoot my shot.
Admirals (any admiral you want to write for) trying to get their s/o to return Sengoku’s goat, like reader of fed up not getting cuddles from their busy admiral partner so has stolen the goat for cuddles and is refusing to give it back.
I just thought it was a cute idea. And now that I think about it I can’t remember the name of Sengoku’s goat.
Anyway, you are amazing, stay hydrated and I hope you have a nice day.
Marine Admirals React to You Harboring Sengoku’s Goat
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Fujitora
Taglist: @portalzoneschaos
This was so adorable to think about, I hope it wrote it right though. Thank you so much for being here and requesting, Have a nice day and be safe. <3
Akainu | Sakazuki
• At first he would disregard your reasoning behind stealing Sengokus goat, his first instinct is to chide you and get you to return it but much to his surprise, you don’t listen, and simply turn away to coddle the animal closer to you.
“ I said you need to give it back. “
You could feel heat of his devil fruit begin to fill the room at your refusal of his command. He stood with arms folded over his chest, the tightness of his teeth clenching together creating a grating noise.
“ And I said no! Just because you don’t get lonely doesn’t mean I don’t! “ The brash tone of your voice as you asserted yourself shocked him, and briefly his brows unfurled before he knelt down. He was silent, watching as you hid your face and only held the animal closer and coiled into a tight ball on your bed.
“ Use your words. Tell me what’s wrong. “ He spoke in a firm tone, but you knew he was trying to decode your behavior. Sometimes he was just emotionally constipated..
“ I’m lonely. You’re always gone and.. I miss you. “ Your tone dropped at the end and transitioned to a mumble, barely audible which made his frown deepen. You fought not to make eye contact when he didn’t respond, but got sidetracked when his hand softly pushed through your locks as he leaned down to leave a kiss.
“ I know I don’t have much time on my hands. There’s not much I can do about it. So how can I fix it? “ He sat attentively in front of you now, legs crossed and hands resting on his knees as he watched you sit up.
“Well.. maybe you could make allotted times to call me.. I miss your voice a lot.” You timidly spoke as your hands fidgeted at the request, bracing yourself for another excuse only for him to briefly nod.
“ I’ll look at my schedule and work it in. That way, it’s not impacting work and we have some form of time together. Is that fair ? “
“ … Yes. “
“ Good…. Now please get the goat off of our bed and out of the house. “
Kizaru | Borsalino
• Gets jealous of the goat-
• He would profusely apologize to you for being so busy, and obviously he would feel alittle guilty, but his Justice means that when he’s told to do something he does it. So in many ways work comes first, however….. he offers you something to help ease your anxiety about being alone.. ;)
The house was dark as usual when Kizaru slipped in, his coat slung over his shoulder and hand grazing the back of his neck as he rubbed it in fatigue. He almost managed to sit on you until a warning bleat startled him from his thoughts, and you from your slumber.
“ Shh !! “ You soothed the goat, rubbing its neck as you looked up to the source of its panic. Kizaru stood motionless, sighing deeply as he pushed the glasses back up that slipped to the tip of his nose from gazing down at you.
“ Why is there a goat on the couch? “
“ Because he was wandering around and looked lonely, and he pays more attention to me then you do. “ You muttered the last part, smiling when Kizarus hand playfully ruffled your hair.
He took a seat beside you, his smile growing when you curled into his side and hugged him, relieved at finally getting to feel him next to you. When you did manage to get attention it was in the later hours of the night, only to wake up again to the vacant spot next to you in the early mornings. It wasn’t easy being an Admirals spouse, in fact it was alittle lonely at times. But there were tid bits of moments where you were inseparable, and all you could do was appreciate each others presence.
This was one of them.
“ I miss you so much throughout the day. It’s so.. lonely here, the house is huge and it feels like I’m just some tiny bug.. “ A sigh breezed past your lips and you leaned into the warmth of his shoulder as he hummed in response, wrapping an arm around you as he leaned in to kiss your head.
He remained silent, his hand absentmindedly stroking your hair until he spoke.
“ … I could always get you pregnant- “
“ BORSALINO ? “ You shouted in confusion and astonishment, immediately pulling away which had startled the goat who bolted from the couch. A low, sultry chuckle escaped his lips as he rested his head on the back of the couch agian and closed his eyes, spreading his wing span along the top of the furniture.
“ Just a thought.. “
Fujitora | Issho
• I feel he would honestly be alittle sad that he let you get so lonely, his poor heart would break at the thought of you feeling so alone that you needed to focus your attention on something else.
• His solution would most likely be buying a pet <3
When he arrived home he noted how quiet it was while slipping his shoes off. As he traveled deeper into your home he heard you stifle a small sniffle, which immediately broke his heart in two.
“ Oh my poor dear, “ He reached out to touch you only to feel horns and a soft furry face that began to snuff at his fingers. You couldn’t help but laugh when he retracted quickly, his eyes opening with a visibly disturbed look appearing on his face.
When you made room for him to sit he instead pulled you into his lap and cupped your face. The feeling of the course pads of his thumbs running along your cheeks made them flush and you unconsciously leaned into his touch, tears subconsciously falling and collecting on his hands.
“ Poor thing.. I know I haven’t been home in so long.. how did you even manage to get uh… did you get a pet ? “
“ It’s Sengokus goat.. I’m not gonna give it back until you promise me I won’t be lonely anymore.. “ You shakily spoke, eyes still closed as he leaned in to kiss your forehead and wipe the tears that flowed away.
“ … Well.. I can’t guarantee that you won’t have moments alone.. So how about this, let’s go buy a pet. That way, when I’m away, you have someone to wait with. “
“ Any pet I want ? “
“ Any pet you want… just not Sengoku’s. “
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lild00td00t · 1 year ago
I might do a few of these, send in some asks and I’ll start working on them <3
Prompt list: Fluff #2
Like always feel free to use these for whatever~
I am also realizing I have a thing for people doing nice/sweet things while in the rain or while it is raining.
“I hope that in every life, you are there with me.”
“You’re beautiful, you know that right?”
Person A going all out for person B’s birthday.
“What are you doing up?” “My personal heater went away.” 
Person A kissing person B in the rain.
Person A buying person B their favorite snack just because they saw it while shopping.
Person A stealing person B’s sweater/clothes.
Having a tender moment in the early morning.
“I love you doesn’t begin to express what I feel for you.”
Person A helping person B patch up their favorite shirt/sweater/jacket.
Person A noticing person B is getting overwhelmed and helping them out.
Person A helping person B have fun at a party.
Person A and person B accidentally giving each other flowers at the same time.
Person A’s brain short circuiting at how good person B looks.
“I wouldn’t trade you for all the stars in the sky.”
“How are you so comfy?”
Person A falling asleep on person B
Person A noticing person B is cold and giving them their coat.
Person A joining person B in the rain.
Person A telling person B a story to help them fall asleep.
Person A singing person B a song.
Doing each others hair.
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
Now for the moment you have all been waiting for..
I have an NSFW blog ! This means from this point on this blog is strictly SFW! Thank you guys so much for being here and supporting me <3
@nastyd00td00t <— so come on over and start sending on asks or requests >;)
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
Hi guys, it’s Doot ! I’m so sorry I haven’t been active, I just started university and I’m living away from home so I’m not mentally doing the best, but I’m getting through it! I just wanted to let you all know I do have many works in progress, and I will share them, I’m just going to be a tad slow but I will still talk and be interactive. Thank you so much for being here and supporting me <3
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
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POV: you’re a certain Straw Hat kid with a 3B beli bounty and you’re about to attempt a devious lick at the company picnic
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
Silly geese
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very informative cross guild meeting
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
Fujitora x GN! Reader
Pillow fighting with them (Short Story Series)
As you crept across the tatami flooring you carefully shifted your weight and calculated your next step, eyes glued to the marine admiral that left his back exposed to you, a mistake that would surely be his last..
“ Admiral Fujitora, you have exposed your back to me, a rookie mistake that will cost you not only your life, but your soba as well. Do you have any last words ? “
You could hear the rumble of a low chuckle start in the depths of his stomach before he gave a hearty laugh.
“ Oh dear, I didn’t offer you any did I.. Here, let me-“
Before he could finish his sentence you leapt forward, arms deftly hauling the small pillow above your head before coming down with a hard thwump. His laughter rung out in the room, the small decorative pillow hardly phasing him as he fought to stand amid your barrage of pillow attacks.
“ Please, have mercy on a blind man ! “ His cheeks began to glow red from his incessant laughter as he swatted back at your swinging. He grasped at the back of your knees in an attempt to gain support to stand. It only made them give out, causing you to fall into his arms. The sudden weight of you against him caused him to lose his footing. He began falling back, landing with stifled gasp while securely wrapping you in his arms.
The two of you sat in shock, the room silent before you burst into laughter, clinging to the fabric of his clothing. Your form shook with laughter as you buried your face in the crook of his neck, smiling at the feeling of his arms creeping around you to pull you close.
“ Next time, I promise to share. “
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
I loved your headcanons of the Strawhats with a shy s/o!! Are you able to do headcanons of the admirals with a shy s/o? I enjoy how you write them!
Marine Admirals with a Shy!S/O
I LOVE HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN REQUESTING THE ADMIRALS! THEY MAKE MY HEART SOOOOAAAARR ! ~ Anyhow please enjoy, I’m SO happy this series makes you happy, I’m thrilled to be making something you like <3 Thank you for being here!
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora, Sengoku
Akainu | Sakazuki
• I feel Akainu would get frustrated sometimes, especially if you have problems with people walking over you or being slow taking time with a response
• He doesn’t have a problem being assertive, he screams confidence and has no problem getting what he wants (demands). So if you’re a shy person that needs someone to be a mouth piece he’s more than willing to be in control and help you
• He would definitely teach you how to be more assertive and bold, though he’s not patient he still wants to you to do things on your own despite his preference for being in control
• He wouldn’t order for you, or make calls, he simply wants you to learn to do it on your own, and his methods are that of a birds. Push it out of a nest and hope it flies, if not, oh well :( however, if he’s not in a terrible mood he’ll order his food first, and want you to mimic his body language and mannerisms in order to get better
• If you find yourself becoming frustrated or scared he will tell you to simply take a moment to prepare yourself, I imagine he would watch you write out a script and tell you if it’s good or not, and he’d monitor how you deliver it
• If you need comfort after messing up he’ll simply give you a pat on the shoulder with a “practice more, it gets easier when you do. “
• Id give him a 6/10 just because I don’t imagine him being the best with someone shy, but at the same time with his controlling nature he manages
Kizaru | Borsalino
• God help you, this man will tease you non stop
• “ ooohh can you repeat that my love ? I didn’t heaaar youu ~ “
• In all seriousness, he simply fawns over how shy you are, and finds it endearing. He’s always pinching your cheeks and rubbing your head, you’re simply adorable to him
• He would do anything for you, including ordering for you and making calls on your behalf, yknow how you always have your mom go with you to doctors appointments? Kizaru is now your mom, and will gladly hold your hand while you get a shot but that’s a story for another imagine- don’t expect him to not tease you though
• 10/10, he’d take great care of someone shy !
Aokiji | Kuzan
• He’s definitely drawn to you. Whether it be your quiet nature, or your bashful exterior around others, you’ve gained his attention
• You’re both quiet around each other, over time you’ve learned to communicate with just looks alone, it’s quite humorous
• Aokiji is lazy. Like, this is a known fact, do NOT expect him to make phone calls or even order, because he can’t even get his own work done on time -
• He supports from afar, so if you need reassurance, the most you’d get is a pat on the back and a “ you’ve got this baby “ * insert eye roll here*
• He won’t tolerate people walking over you though and at that point WILL urge you to say something
• Aokiji does his best to show you that he’s supportive, the problem is, he didn’t fear people in a way that you do, so he doesn’t particularly understand why you do better in some situations then others-
• Definitely voices how proud he is of you though, he always praises you <3
• id give him a 7/10 with a shy partner
Fujitora | Issho
• The absolute sweetest of all the admirals, he already loves when you hold his arm when you walk, so if you feel nervous, link arms with him, guide him, he’ll gladly follow and make you feel so safe
• Is ALWAYS patient with you and memorizes your orders, if you want him to order first or for both of you he’ll gladly do so with no complaints. While you order he’ll have his hand rubbing up and down your back or simply on your back to show his support <3
• He always sticks up for you and reassures you that being shy/quiet is perfectly fine, but letting people walk over you because of your failure to voice your opinions or requests is not, he lets you know that what you have to say is important, just like anyone else
• He, like Kizaru, finds you simply adorable and cannot resist squishing your face and kissing you when you’ve done something successful, he’s so over the moon and beyond proud of you !
• 10/10 with a shy partner <3<3<3
• Sengoku would do pretty good with a shy S/O, I think he would love having someone to definitely balance him out personality wise
• Garp brings out his goofy/childish side, and you bring out his calm and collected side
• your quiet/shy nature makes him feel like he has to provide and stick up for you, it gives him a protective feeling over you, he’d be a mouth piece if needed but he doesn’t want to undermine you
• Much like Akainu, he likes to be in charge, so ordering the food or making calls is definitely up his alley much to your relief, though if you want to try he’d be more than happy to help you !
• his goat is your emotional support animal
• In all seriousness though Sengoku can be very supportive and loving, he never lets anyone talk over you and definitely lightens your mood with jokes if you’re feeling nervous or overwhelmed
• I’d give him a 9/10 with a shy S/O
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
Straw Hats with a Shy! S/O Part 2
Sorry this took so long guys, but here is the final part for the Straw Hat Pirates, I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for being here <3<3<3
Characters: Nami, Robin, Franky, Jinbei
• She finds it so endearing to have a Shy partner, she loves to talk to you and show you things because you’re a great listener <3
• She gives you a new found confidence when trying on clothes, she manages to find a style that makes you look so refined and comfortable
• If you’re scared to talk on the phone she would definitely write up a small script for you and stay close by the help you, she would be so encouraging honestly <3
• No one will ever tell you that you’re being too quiet or that they can’t hear you, she’s looming behind you, staring at them with the most threatening look on her face-
• Holds your hand or pulls you to her side if she feels you’re getting uncomfortable, she wants you to know that she’s there for you not just emotionally but physically, you can lean on her for support and she will gladly provide it <3
• Id give her a 10/10, strawhat women just hit different <3
• Besides Sanji and Jinbei, she is the BEST with a shy S/O
• She brings such a calm energy with her, if you’re ever feeling nervous or scared she’ll coax you to a quiet space and calm you
• Loves reading to you when you’re panicking or need something to ground you
• She would definitely offer to practice getting you out of your comfort zone, she doesn’t want you to stay shy forever, but she would never force you, if you’re not ready that’s fine with her, she’ll continue to support you until you are
• If you get uncomfortable she simply hands you a book, winking and saying:
• “ If you have a book, they won’t bother you since you look preoccupied.. plus, you’re cute when you look concentrated~ ”
• Has all of your orders memorized, AND remembers all the foods you don’t like
• Robin breaks the scale with an 11/10 -
• I want to say Franky would be awesome with a shy s/o, but he can definitely be overwhelming like Luffy
• Like Sanji, he sends food back for you, and has no trouble telling them what’s supposed to be on it
• He also orders for you if you’re feeling timid, if the waiter/ess keeps coming back to ask then he’ll tell them you need a moment, just for you to decide so that you can tell him your order and he gets it down pact, he really is the sweetest <3
• The reason Franky isn’t absolutely perfect with a Shy Significant Other is that he sometimes hypes them up at inconvient times, say you’re walking down the street to meet him-
• Gets confused when you walk into the nearest store to scramble away from all the eyes that turned your way, hes a sweetheart, just..… kinda dumb sometimes <3
• 8/10 with a shy partner
• He is the epitome of a Shy Persons dream partner
• Feeling nervous ? Hold his hand, he’ll give you reassuring squeezes and swipe the knuckles of your hand with his thumb reassuringly, letting you know he’s there for support
• Knows your orders by HEART like Robin, if you’re feeling something different he’ll memorize it on the spot -
• If people ever tell you to speak up or that they can’t hear you in a demeaning way towwards you he’s ending the conversation, not in an impolite way, god no not Jinbei, he just has to move you to a different area so he can knock someone’s teeth down their throat -
• If you start feeling uncomfortable around people hell pull you close to his side, rubbing up and down your arm as he presses you to him in a comforting manner, feel free to hide your face in his chest, he’ll gladly conceal you and rub your back soothingly, everyone needs a place to feel comfort and safety, yours just happens to be in his arms <3
• He’s 10/10 <3
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
Hi guys!! I wanted to tell you the next works in progress to expect so that you guys know when I’m uploading, I don’t know when they’ll be up exactly but expect them sometime this week and next!
These are the following ideas:
- One Piece Admirals the morning after (Implied Explicit Content)(Request)
- Pillow Fight HCs with the Admirals
- Strawhats with a Shy! S/O Part 2
- After an Argument (Monster Trio)
- Kizaru x Fem! Reader (Short Story)
I really want to make after an argument a series with different characters you guys request, let me know what you guys think of the idea! Also for the poll, Fujitora and Kizaru tied, I consulted my sister who chose Kizaru, but don’t worry Fujitora fans I have content coming for him <3<3<3
As always if you have ANY requests, feel free to message me, request in my inbox, or comment on my works. Thank you so much for being here and supporting me!! - Doot
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
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Totally normal smoke break that’s definitely not an excuse for Sanji to spend more time with Luffy
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity ❤︎ (you don't *have* to, but I'm giving you a star cause I want to)
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lild00td00t · 2 years ago
Hello! I hope this is an okay request. can you do headcanons for how the admirals would comfort their fem! s/o when she is on her period?
Marine Admirals when you’re on your period: Fem! Reader
Hi Anon!!! Thank you so much for the request, I enjoyed writing this, I hope you enjoyed it and that I wrote it the way you liked <3<3<3
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora, Sengoku
Akainu | Sakazuki
• Akainu would expect you to be able to handle these things on your own, but he’s not cruel. He simply feels since you’re a grown woman he doesn’t really feel the need to “ hold your hand “ in this situation
• Unless you make it very clear that you’d like his support, more so than normal, he wouldn’t be very involved because again, to him this is a normal thing for women
• That being said, he will always have medicine and analgesics at your disposal, that being hot water bottles or ice packs to alleviate cramps, he tries to leave you hot tea in the morning to reduce cramps and will offer to draw you a bath before you go to sleep
• He’s not a very affectionate person, but if you need to be held he’ll hold you in bed, and try to comfort you, which doesn’t end the best since he’s silent and awkwardly rubbing your back- but hey, he’s trying right ?
• You’ll start to notice people checking in on you more, most likely Akainus doing so he can keep tabs on how you’re doing through the day, though he can’t see you id imagine he would send a cup of tea your way, but anonymously, he’s not openly affectionate outside of your home
Kizaru | Borsalino
• Offers period sex to help with cramps
• In all seriousness, he’s definitely worried, but knows that this is a monthly ordeal, and you’ve made it just fine before, except now you have his help and he’s over the moon to be a helping hand
• Very comforting presence, if you’re the type to get mood swings or have a depressive episode before your menstration he handles it like a champ, he understands that it’s a painful and natural process you’re going through so he holds absolutely no grudge or malice
• Besides Fujitora I imagine he’s probably one of the most patient partners, he’s very affirmative of you and acknowledges that you’re in pain and he’s there to help, he’s very aware of your needs and wants as well
Aokiji | Kuzan
• also offers period sex
• He’s gonna get lost in the pad aisle, and I mean genuinely lost.
• Imagine walking into an aisle and seeing this tall, lanky man, staring blankly at all the options before him, a shopping basket loosely hanging from his arm, his brain is probably resetting itself from how hard he’s thinking
• Buys a TON of different products, you can’t help but laugh at how confounded he is, staring at everything laid out before him, still confused
• You never have a shortage of ice or even a need for a cold compress, he prefers holding you and comforting you, after all he is an ice man <3
• He wants to constantly be near you so he offers naps a lot as a temporary solution of pain relief
Fujitora | Issho
• To me, he would understand this situation whole heartedly and do the best
• If you wake up to cramps or start crying his heart will absolutely break, and the first thing he does is comfort you, he’ll rub your back and give you soft kisses on your head while reassuringly telling you he’s there to help
• Since you’ve been seeing one another he keeps pads and tampons religiously stocked in his bathroom for you, he ALWAYS has medicine and is fully prepared every month for you <3
• He loves to offer you sweets or nice savory food, he’ll slip you a chocolate bar or some cookies if he sees you around but can’t stay long
• Fujitora seems like the type of partner to keep track of when his partner would get her period, like he has it marked on a calendar and knows when to start preparing, he’s so SWEET I cannot stress this enough
• Will buy you SO many snacks, whatever you want to eat is what he’s eating as well, if you like to binge snacks on your period then he’s your man
• You’ll have to do a errand run with him just to make sure he doesn’t forget your products, afterwards when you come home he implores you to take a nice warm bath with him <3
• Handles most of the house work and making dinner if you’re someone who feels fatigued during your period
• His goat LOVES to snuggle up to you or follow you around, that’s a tell tale sign to him that your period is coming, his goat WILL NOT leave you alone it’s adorable
• I imagine Sengoku to be a very physical person, so he has no problem giving you a massage if you don’t feel well or need a distraction from cramps
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