#etc pp i hate tagging so much <3
goldentangerines · 1 year
manuscript search tag
(belatedly) joining an open tag from @talesofsorrowandofruin :-) it took me a few days to translate everything adequately haha
the given words are: sleep, south, sword, saint and summer. all found in my wip willows in gold!
Sleep eludes her like smoke from a burning house. Asja spends her nights at the window — the gardens are as neatly trimmed and dark as usual for the season — and the days, which are even longer than the darkest hours, at court. The Queen's days are, in times of peace, filled with idle walks across the palace's estates, musical hours and lyrical recitals in the various inner courtyards. And by extension, her entourage's days are, too. And by extension, Asja belongs to her Majesty's entourage, because Yemele does. If only she weren't so tired.
The Golden Queen's court is held in the west wing today; the sunset spilling through amber windowpanes and across miraculously white marble lives up to the Queen's title. As they enter — Yemele and Olande up front, curtseying, Asja behind them with Damian's hand in a sweaty, bone-creaking grip — the Queen is laughing about something her lady-in-waiting had said. "Oh," the Queen smiles, her bright, cold eyes setting on their party. "The delegation of the South?" A dark-skinned man with long locs in a blue robe leans over her shoulder from behind and whispers in her ear. "Ah, I see," she says and claps as if to prepare for a children's rhyme. "The dreaded descendants of the God in the Hill are sending the runt of their litter."
sword & summer
But she cannot tell him the truth - she can't, because he's only a boy. He doesn't even count sixteen winters yet. She looks over to where Damian is sitting in a peach tree's shadow, reading. Sunlight filters through the leaves, painting everything softer than it is. She can't tell him — that with every movement of his thin silver chain she sees the blade dance across skin. That every turn of the page sounds like a sword, cutting. That looking at him, here, now, on the brink of summer, hurts more than a golden dagger to her lips.
The Queen of the Wall refuses to rot. The wound in her stomach — where she had been impaled with the wretched spear — doesn't decay. Her hair isn't frail and breaking. Not even her ancient gown is affected by time. The flowers beneath her are still in full bloom. The Queen of the Wall doesn't look alive, she doesn't look as peacefully asleep as the people of Fonadír tell their kids. The Queen is dead, and it's painfully obvious to everyone who lays eyes on her. Her face is gray, her legs broken, her cheeks and lips blank, bloodstained. Even the faint dark bruises on her wrists would be visible if one were to strain their eyes. The Queen of the Wall, the most revered saint in all of Cithane, murdered during prayer, has been frozen in timeless death for three thousand years. But the story of Queen Lyeann and her healer Caleides is alive.
open tag for everyone, please tag me and show me your wips, i'm slowly trying to get back to writeblr :)
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music asks:
heyeyyyyyy scarletttt!!
O- Name four bands/solo artists you wish would stop playing music
addison rae. i don't know her music status as of rn but JESUS FUCK. PICK A FIELD AND GET GOOD AT IT. DON'T BE A TIK TOK GIRL, BE IN ONE HALF ASSED MOVIE, MAKE ONE SHIT SONG, AND THEN LEAVE. COMMIT!!! also obsessed made me want to tear my eyes out /neg <3
kanye west. i'm sorry i just. this one feels like it should be self explanatory, and i kinda feel about him the same way as i feel about jkr. like, you've told us about your political beliefs, good job, thats one reason to hate you, but i never liked your content anyway, bubyyeyeyeye.
doja cat. i actually haven't listened to any of her music, but i think she should stop releasing 'music' and her next album should just be cat sounds like she did all night at the met. why? because it would be really, really, really funny.
harry styles. im sorry i cant. i just. i hate this man so much. i dont know what it fucking is. but i cant. stand. him.
Q- Name one band/solo artist that you think is VERY underrated
i feel like the ones i think are underrated are kind of mainstream or talked about a lot, like verified artists on spotify or whatnot, so i don't think any of my favs can count as underrated.
buuut im going to say girl in red (even though they're talked about all the time) i think girl in red is kind of written of as like 'hahah lezzbiennss,' and yeah there's a lot of wlw kind of themed (??) songs, but there's also some that are really introspective and stuff (like serotonin)
so not underrated, but kind of... pideonholed wrong? maybe? like how mcr is like 'haha emos' but anyone that's into mcr will tell you. no. not hahah emos haha black parade.
R- Name one band/solo artist that you think is VERY overrated
okay this one's going to put me in hot water in the byler tag especially buuuut
taylor swift.
i just... don't see the appeal? like she has a handful of really really really good songs, idk, seven, invisible string, cruel summer maybe, and i do think midnights is a good album. but like. it's good. her music has never made me like feel. deeply feel. i don't see why she had such a cultural impact, like her music is so middle tier to me.
ps. i saw a girl in my legal studies class playing taylor swift 2048 the other day sooo that is what i mean by overrated. i think her music is playable, but i like her in the way that i'll put one song on one playlist and call it a day.
pps. no hate at all to people who love taylor swift, she's their favourite ever, etc etc. this is not a criticism of people liking 'basic' things or whatever, whenever i see people specifically hating on taylor swift fans i get so fed up, just let people like what they fucking like. i personally just don't get what's so special about her music. there's a reason i put her in here and not in 'please stop making music'
S- Favorite music “fest” (Warped, Mayhem, Bamboozle, Lolapalooza, etc)
uh. idk. i've never been to one? i feel like i can't really say the difference or anything. sorry, thats such a bs answer but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lycanthropesbian · 2 years
What’s up bitches I’m Tricker (he/her) and I’m a 16 year old mixed (black/white/indigenous) + Jewish butch (intersex) aspec lesbian (happily taken!).
I’m a fictive and apart of a prof diagnosed DID subsystem. I also am the swaggest autistic + adhd + psychotic weird boygirl werewolf girl you’ll ever meet. If you’re weird to me about any of this I’ll kill you <3.
I like brown + green, movies/tv (Ginger Snaps, Hannibal, Jennifer’s Body, The Cabin In The Woods, An American Werewolf In London, Reanimator, Teen Wolf [yeah I know], Merlin, general horror, etc.), the woods, games (Minecraft, TLOU, The Path, Sonic, Resevil, and DND), werewolves + dogs, history (especially about medieval times and weapons), punk things, cartoons (Amphibia, TOH, Looney Toons, EAH, etc.), more I’m probably forgetting, and the most important thing I’m passionate about is my source (dimension 20).
Basic dnfi criteria (especially fuck off and eat shit if you’re a t*rf, pr*sh*pp*r, and/or mcyt/dream smp liker. I hate y’all so much and will tear you limb from limb and eat you for breakfast 😁). Ask to follow if you’re over 20 (unless I follow first). Also no discourse or kink/nsfw/18+ blogs (nothing against sex workers they just make uncomfortable since I’m a child) okay byeeeeee.
P.S. beware my activity can be all over the place cause being in a system is weird as fuck! Also I’m horrible at tagging shit so be careful if you follow + hard block if you want to break mutuals cause my memory is literally dog shit.
Credits | Must Read These if you’re a singlet | Links
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[ID: a gif of red text on fire that says “autism spectrum disorder” in all lower case letters. END ID]
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writeforfandoms · 2 years
Tumblr Writers Q&A
Thanks for the tags @grogusmum @javierpinme @insomniamamma
1) How many complete fics/one-shots do you have that you have not published (yet)? Oh gosh. Uhhhhh. Two one-shots and four combined chapters of fics.
2) How many WIPS do you have right now? Ahaha. Haha. Ha. ...nobody look at me. 
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both? I have a few requests left from my 500 celebration, but mostly I write original ideas. I have been known to continue or expand on original ideas on request, though. 
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have? 5.
5) How many fandoms do you write for? Largely just the PP fandom with a sprinkling of Star Wars thrown in.
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for? ...SIGH. Yes. There are. No I’m not telling you. It was long, long ago.
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other? Now I write mostly reader inserts. But I’m open to writing anything and everything. 
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for? I don’t think so? 
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? Oh yes. So much fic. I never stopped reading fanfic, and I started a looooooong time ago.
10) What is your favorite genre to write for? Soft. Soft is a genre. Soft with a side of steamy. 
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)? SOULMATES. Gimme all the soulmates. I love that. Writing and reading both. I also like some of the other tropes: there was only one bed, huddling for warmth, idiots to lovers. 
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? Uhhhhhh that’s a great question! I’ll go back and reread what I’ve written if I’m trying to finish a fic/chapter. Or I’ll read. Or watch the source material. Or watch something completely unrelated. Or have a dream...
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? More explicit smut.
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? Not really. I mean, nobody’s asked about Javi G yet, but he’s in my lineup. I think I’ve had a request for every other character that I write for.
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction? ...It’s been a long, long time. I started way back as a young teen posting on FF.net. Stopped for a while. Started posting on here back in March of 2021. 
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? Oh yes. I started reading fanfic probably at least a few months before I started writing, originally. And I never stopped reading, even as I took a break from writing to focus on writing original stuff. But fanfic has been a part of my life for more than half my life. 
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well? Mostly Tumblr. I do have an AO3 as well but I am very bad about updating it. 
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of "Drabble", "One shots" and "fics"? Drabbles are generally under 1k. One shot is a single chapter fic of any length. Fic is everything that is written out in story format, regardless of length. 
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other? All of the above. I don’t do HC often but I love them, same with drabbles. I write... far more multi-chapter stories than I meant to. But here we are. 
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? Nope! Nothing had been discontinued/abandoned. Put on hiatus, yes. But not abandoned. 
21) What is one of your main "pet-peeves" as a writer on Tumblr? Anon hate. Lack of engagement. Lack of engagement on SFW fics. A lot more attention is given to both one-shots and NSFW writing, and it is what it is. But that doesn’t mean that any less work and love goes into the non-smut fics. 
22) Do you write a particular time of day? ALL THE TIME.
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc to write or do you need silence? Usually I’ve got music, but sometimes it’s silence, or the ambient noises of the office (shhhh no I don’t type out stories on my phone while I’m at work, no, of course not...)
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? Hahahahaha no. 
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? I have stuck to a schedule for a couple fics... But never for more than 3-4 weeks a time. Otherwise? Stuff gets thrown out. I try to at least wait a few days in between posting things, though. 
No pressure tags: @jazzelsaur @radiowallet @chaoticgeminate @beecastle @green-socks @mandocrasis @asta-lily and you! 
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bbparker · 7 years
Authors Honesty Hour
Rules: Answer all 21 questions, let the one who tagged you know you answered and then tag your writing pals😜
The Works:
1. Which is the imagine you're most proud of?
Honestly? When the Night Was Full.(Bucky Barnes) I feel like I put a lot within that OR Headache (Peter Parker) because it's such a dorky imagine aha
2. Which is your least favourite?
Probably Stars and Sweaters (Loki) aha it wasn't very well put together in my opinion
3. If you to recommend one to read to your mum/mom?
Headache, again, it's not too suggestive or cringe idk I just feel like she would like it ahah
4. Which one would you consider re-writing?
Either Beautiful Boy (Bucky) or my Umbrella (Steve) because I could have put so much more in and made it flow better.
5. Biggest regret in an imagine?
Well I check my work but then I see mistakes after posting that I always forget to fix and end up leaving them. I tend to type too fast for my comp, so yeah I regret not changing the structures and grammar etc (still won't)
6. Biggest success with an imagine?
My first part of my Loki series, I Found You is at 960 notes but I consider my Steve Rogers so imagine 'Let Me Know' because of my reader's reactions consisting of " I'm royally fucked up and I want to thank you for that."
7. Your imagine with the most notes?
Loki Series, I Found You, but it's declining with more chapters so oops aha
8. Your imagine with the least notes?
Riddle Me This (PETER parker) at 56 notes and Echo (PP) at 59 notes but they were legit one of my first imagines and are pretty trash aha so I'm not too worried...
9. What do you think makes a good imagine? Tips?
Good structure and knowing how your characters function so they don't go all over the place and do something that the reader would see and be like wtf? For marvel writers, I guess trying not to write too much out of an MCU characters personality and behaviour. That's just a personal preference though, everyone's different!
10. When's the next update on your works?
Lmaooo when my mental health chills and work isn't killing me!
11. Number of followers before you started writing and after?
In the BEGINNING, I was stuck on 200 - NOW I have 1,436 (I love y'all 😍)
The Writer:
1. Which character do you love writing for?
I love writing for Bucky but I almost always insert some kind of Steve x Reader relationship (some platonic and some hateful) in the imagine because i’m always down for Steve...
2. Which character do you dislike writing for?
Probably, Pietro and Sam, I don't mind writing for them but I can only feel and relate to like brother feelings towards them and not romantic ones but it doesn't mean I can't write it 😝
3. What's your favourite AU to write for?
If it isn't obvious, soulmate AU always, I want to be the GO TO account for soulmate AU's like @caplansteverogers is for Mob AU’s
4. What's your least favourite AU to write for?
I'm not exactly sure I haven't explored too many yet so...
5. What do you hope never gets requested?
Peter Parker smut....
6. What do you wish was requested more?
Tony or Steve :) OR Other AU's ( I have a few in my inbox thanks fam for sending them!)
7. Thoughts on writing Smut/POC/Curvy/MxM/FxF?
Don't mind as long as someone requests it otherwise I just stick to characteristics similar to myself OR barely anything that describes body type/skin colour.
Also, I want to write POC but idk if I'll do them justice ☺
SMUT I will do but not Peter Parker, and it would be in a different section to my master list for my young followers to avoid ❤
8. Which account is your biggest inspiration in writing?
Okay so my three big ones are - @a-splash-of-stucky @ugh-supersoldiers and @invisibleanonymousmonsters
9. How long have you been an imagine writer for?
Since I think September last year? Only a couple of months
10. Any upcoming secret works? 🤔
A lot of updates on series BUT I'm currently working on a structure for a very big OC x Bucky Barnes soulmate story which will even be posted on Wattpad as well! She has been present in my works before as well so it’ll be fun. I also have a little team with @arrow-guy to work with this story! (Erin's very patient with me, thanks boo ❤)
Tagged (sorry if I forgot some of y'all)
@bxchananbxcky @shamptain-shmerica @ugh-supersoldiers @a-splash-of-stucky @invisibleanonymousmonsters @avengersimaginepreferences @pctemaximoff @skymoonandstardust @dorkychris @emilyevanston @ellana-ravenwood @enterprisewriting @flossskull @goingknowherewastaken @hufflepuffholland @hellomissmabel @imaginesofeveryfandom @imagine--loki @justauthoring @lowkeybxrnes @papi-chulo-bucky @pietropeterimagines @ugh-supersoldiers @v-writings @virgintony
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lootbear · 5 years
CS:GO & Dota 2 Skin Comparison
Skins, skins, skins. And even more skins. Oh, whats that? You want more skins? Well lucky for you popular game developers can’t seem to stop pumping them out.
At the top of the ladder in regards to skin markets are the two esports giants - CS:GO and Dota 2. Both of these games have thriving and ever-growing skin economies with the value of some pixels rivaling that of many cars or even houses in some cases.
In this blog we will go over some interesting stats comparing the two markets in an effort to conclude and compare some facts - 
The most expensive CS:GO Skin ever sold
The most expensive Dota 2 Skin ever sold
How many CS:GO skins are there?
How many Dota 2 skins are there?
How much is the in-game item economy worth in total?
So lets get into it.
What is the most expensive CS:GO skin ever?
It should not come as a surprise that the most expensive CS:GO skin ever sold is of course, a Dragon Lore. But there are a lot of factors that come into play when dictating the final value of an iconic ‘D’lore’. Similar to other skins, the wear and float value definitely have an impact on the value but the variation of stickers (and their placements) also come in to play.
In 2018 a Cobblestone Souvenir package was opened containing a Dragon Lore with the combination of  ‘PGL’, ‘G2 Esports’, ‘Cloud9′ (the team that won the major) stickers and a signature from ‘Skadoodle’ (MVP of the winning team) -  which went on to be sold for a ridiculous $61,000. 
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What is the most expensive Dota 2 skin ever?
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to those of you familiar with the Dota 2 skins scene that the most expensive skin ever sold was a courier (AKA, an in-game item delivery man). 
It’s a record that was set way back in 2013 (if anyone knows of any more recent and more expensive skins please let us know as we can’t find any!).
The ‘Ethereal Flame Pink War Dog’ courier was sold for a whopping $38,000. But what could possibly warrant this kind of price tag? A Redditor explains - 
"The War Dog is the most sought after courier type, ethereal flame is the most sought after effect, and the shade of pink is very sought after. This combination makes it extremely rare, and one of a kind."
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How many CS:GO skins are there?
At the time of writing this blog post there are currently 1680 different skins on CS:GO. This is inclusive of different Phases on Doppler / Gamma Doppler skins. For those of you interested in knowing how many different skins there are for each weapon, I got you - 
AK-47 - 30 AUG - 24 AWP - 26 Bayonet - 35 Bloodhound Gloves - 4 Bowie Knife - 26 Butterfly Knife - 25 CZ75-Auto - 22 Desert Eagle - 26 Driver Gloves - 8 Duel Berettas - 22 FAMAS - 20 Falchion Knife - 25 Five-Seven - 26 Flip Knife - 35 G3SG1 - 23 Galil AR - 24 Glock - 27 Gut Knife - 35 Hand Wraps - 8 Huntsman Knife - 25 Hydra Gloves - 4 Karambit - 35 M249 - 11 M4A1-S - 24 M4A4 - 28 M9 Bayonet - 35 MAC-10 - 26 MAG-7 - 21 MP5-SD - 5 MP7 - 24 MP9 - 23 Moto Gloves - 8 Navaja Knife - 26 Negev - 14 Nova - 26 P2000 - 19 P250 - 33 P90 - 26 PP-Bizon - 25 R8 Revolver - 10 SCAR-20 - 18 SG 553 - 21 SSG 08 - 17 Sawed-Off - 25 Shadow Daggers - 25 Souvenir Tec-9 - 1 Specialist Gloves - 8 Sport Gloves - 8 Stiletto Knife - 26 Talon Knife - 27 Tec-9 - 28 UMP-45 - 25 USP-S - 23 Ursus Knife - 26 XM1014 - 23
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How many Dota 2 skins are there?
Oh boy... When I first looked at the list of weapons and skins for CS:GO, knowing I had to count them for this blog I thought to myself ‘well, this is going to be boring.’ And guess what, It was. I wouldn’t lie to you.
Now, when I got to this section... Knowing that there are over 100 different heroes on Dota 2, each with their own skin sets, individual items and arcana’s, different terrain packs, voice packs, wards, couriers, towers skins, gems, pins, cases and so on for ETERNITY. I knew I had my work cut out for me...
... So much work in fact that I simply didn’t do it (Sorry vicious LootBear bears, please don’t eat me). It’s safe to say that the number of individual purchasable in-game items for Dota 2 exceeds that of CS:GO by a LONG shot.
For any of you that wish to count for yourself and let us know, you can find a full comprehensive list of all Dota 2 items here - 
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How much is the in-game item economy worth in total?
I want to preface this final section of the blog post with the confession that exact stats on this is impossible to obtain. The information gathered is purely speculation from passionate members of the in-game skin community as a whole.
It has been estimated that the CS:GO skin economy is valued at around 500 million dollars alone. Bare in mind that this estimation is now a year or so old and was estimated based on stats and figures given by popular marketplaces at the time. 
Take into consideration the size of Dota 2 in comparison to CS:GO, the addition of smaller games that have open skin markets (Rust etc), and the number we are looking at is EASILY over one billion USD (that’s $1,000,000,000). If you include games with closed-off marketplaces such as Apex Legends and Fortnite then that number sky-rockets even higher.
We currently live in a world where virtual items in games can be valued higher than your car or in some cases even more than your house. An entire market and economy has spawned around items with no value other than a gamer’s desire to own it. This economy has in turn led to businesses being created (such as LootBear) that provide jobs and security for people all over the globe.
Love them or hate them, skins and in-game items are here to stay and we at LootBear can’t wait to see what the future has in store.
We hope you found this article interesting. If you think we miscounted the CS:GO skins, or if you are brave enough to take on the task of counting the total number of Dota 2 skins in existence, please let us know!
Until next time, 
The LootBear team 
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justdrifting · 8 years
Tagged (like over a week ago oops) by: @agentdenvers <3 <3 Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nicknames: rarely anything :( :( my family sometimes calls me ‘else’ and i do have one friend who calls me ‘elsa-pops’ lol Star sign: sagittarius Height: 5′9 and i haaaaaaaate it Time right now: 10.40 am Last thing you googled: “time moving faster on mars” (m’gann fic?????? alas, not enough to fit the premise i wanted) Fave music artist: haha fuck choosing is so impossible, but i think currently tied at number one: allo darlin’ and the old 97s [listen | listen] Song stuck in my head: finding you by the go-betweens Last movie I watched: H I D D E N   F I G U R E S Last tv show I watched: supergirl because how much do i miss m’gann? What I’m wearing right now: summery dress because do i ever wear anything else? no. When I created this blog: 2011 i think? once LJ was pretty much dead The kind of stuff I post: everythinggggg. fandom stuff! (supergirl, poi, greys, elementary, etc), queer and social justice things, chronic illness/disability things, my dog! Why did I choose my url: i am so in love with joss and only like 3 other people have URLs about her and she deserves so much more. Gender: cis woman Hogwarts House: well pottermore sorted me into Ravenclaw but i think i’m too insecure in my intellect for it and Hufflepuff fits better. Pokémon team: lol being physically chronically ill and playing pokemon go? not a thing i could do. Bulbasaur is my fave original starter though. Favorite color: bluey/greeny Average hours of sleep: 8-9 Lucky number: 2 Favorite characters: ooft so impossible. adelle (dollhouse), callie (greys), joss (poi); addison (greys/pp), raven (the 1OO), lorelai (gilmore girls), joan (elementary), regina (ouat), maggie (supergirl), and the only man i’ve ever loved john reese (poi) Number of blankets I sleep with: a doona!
Tagging: argh i hate this part. everyone!!! anyone who wants to!!! but also how about @heyscience​ @wittyeagle @yearof76 @stormysameen @lesbiannsanvers @p-ilot @thegayparis @maggiesawyrer
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