#and every so often the kitty would paw at my face and i was like aww thats so cute
emulation-0 · 1 year
one thing about me is that i forget to breathe sometimes
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hotyanderedaddies · 4 months
Yandere Cat Café Owner Wants You
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[Yandere! Cat Dad Boyfriend x GN! Reader]
Kitty Café opened up down the block from your apartment, and ever since you'd seen the fliers promising delicious treats with tons of cats to play with, you'd made it your life's mission to visit it.
Unfortunately, your boyfriend was crazy allergic to cats, so you had to go solo. It bummed you out, sure; but the idea of getting to spend some time with tons of cats more than made up for it. You knew that you couldn't adopt one, but maybe you could do a little donation instead.
"Welcome!" a deep, warm voice sounded out as soon as you entered the small café.
Behind the desk was a large behemoth of a man. Even from across the room, you could tell that he towered over you. His body was thick and solid with muscle, and the tight polo he wore was painted across his large chest.
Around him, tiny kittens mewed and pawed at him, asking for pets.
The entire café was littered with cats (duh), but most of them seemed to be sticking close to the man.
"H-hi," you stuttered back, feeling nervous under the intense gaze of the larger man. His eyes widened when you spoke, and you could clearly see his Adam's apple quiver a little, and the corners of his mouth pulled up slightly. "I, uh, I saw the fliers and I had to come see the new cat café."
The man's smile grew on his face. "Great!" he beamed. "You're actually my first customer. I'm Dominik the owner, by the way. But you can call me Da-- *cough, Dom." He smiled nervously, a pinkish hue forming on his face. "What can I get you?"
The owner was really friendly, and he seemed to be over the moon to have a customer. You could tell by how giddy he seemed, and even some of the kittens picked up on it, their glances shifting between him and you.
You looked at the menu behind Dom, amazed by the wide array of tasty treats and delicious drinks that you could order. There were so many choices that you couldn't make up your mind.
"Um," you wondered. "Surprise me." You shrugged, figuring that the café owner wouldn't find the request too annoying... or at least you hoped not.
Luckily, Dom's smile remained, and it even grew bigger. "Sure thing, Kitten," he grinned. "Go ahead and take a seat and I'll bring it out to you."
You winced internally at his odd nickname for you, but ignored it for the moment.
You took a seat near the window, taking time to pet some of the cats that were brave enough to wander close to you. A fluffy orange kitten with little stripes on it clawed its way up your pant leg, hopping into your lap and purring loudly.
"Aww, cute little guy," you cooed as you pet the kitten, loving how it purred even louder.
"That's Pumpkin," Dom said as he approached the table. "It looks like he likes you."
Dom placed a small cup on the table in front of you and a little baked treat. It looked like a cookie in the shape of a cat, whereas the cup was a latte with a little heart made out of the foam. It was really cute.
"Thank you," you said as you took a sip of the latte, your eyes widening at how sweet it was. And it totally lacked any of the bitterness that coffee drinks typically have. In short: It was fantastic! "This is amazing!"
Dom took the seat opposite yours. "I'm glad you like it, Kitten," he genuinely smiled. He then nodded at Pumpkin. "Are you looking for a cat to take home?"
You frowned slightly. "No," you relented. "My boyfriend's allergic to cats, so I can't adopt one."
Dom's smile vanished and his square jaw clenched. "Yeah..." he huffed, something audible in his deep voice, "that's not too good." He sighed before forcing a smile back onto his face. "I guess that means that you'll just have to come visit more often."
You looked up at the larger man in awe.
Blushing, Dom hurriedly added, "I know Pumpkin will miss you."
Almost as if on cue, Pumpkin meowed.
After your first visit to the café, you quickly became a regular.
Every so often, you would come by to play with Pumpkin and some of the other cats.
And each and every time, Dom would light up and eagerly strike up a conversation with you, looking as giddy as a kid on Christmas. He was really nice to you and he was quickly starting to grow on you.
He was becoming a really great friend to you.
One day, you rushed over to the café, eager to tell the man the wonderful news that you had. Your fists balled up excitedly, you burst into the small shop, seeing Dom sitting near the counter with a few new kittens.
He perked up when he saw you, his face instantly brightening up. "Hey, Y/N!" he cheered, then he saw how excited you looked. "What's the good news?"
You couldn't resist shoving your left out towards him, showing off the gold band on your ring finger. "My boyfriend proposed!" you ecstatically cheered. "Check out the ring too! Nice, right?"
You were all smiles, dreaming of walking down the aisle to marry your boyfriend: a.k.a. the man of your dreams.
Dom smiled too, although his grin didn't touch his eyes. In fact, his smile looked pained, forced. He sharply exhaled before perking up slightly.
"How about a drink to celebrate?" he asked. "I've been working on a new one." He moved behind the counter and began to shuffle around with some ingredients, his broad back blocking your view of what he was messing with. He peeked over his shoulder to make sure that you couldn't see him add something special to your cup.
When he was done, Dom turn back around and placed a warm mug in front of you. He made sure to take extra care to shape the foam into a cute little kitty.
"I hope you enjoy," Dom grinned, pushing the mug closer to you.
You grabbed it and took a sip. The drink was incredibly sweet, just as you liked it. "It's delicious, Dom," you beamed. "Thank you so much!"
He smiled triumphantly as you downed your drink.
As the two of you talked about your wedding plans (Dom's smile morphed into a frown the more you went on about it), you suddenly felt yourself get a little dizzy.
You placed a shaking hand up to your head to try and steady yourself, but the room felt like it was spinning.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" Dom asked, a cheerful tone in his voice.
You wondered what was going on, not sure if you were catching a virus or something. "Um," you mumbled, "I think I'm getting sick. I'll just head home..."
You stood up, but your legs were wobbly and they gave out on you, sending you toppling down.
Before you hit the hard ground, Dom rushed over and wrapped both of his strong arms around you, securing you tightly in his hold. He pulled you to his torso, and you felt his chest rumble a little as he seemingly purred like a happy cat.
"Wha--?" you tried to ask, but it getting harder to speak as your vision blurred and you felt weaker by the second.
"Shh," Dom cooed as he placed a tender hand on your cheek. "Just relax, Kitten. Let Daddy take care of you."
Before you could ask what he meant by that, everything went black...
When you began to stir awake, you first noticed that everything felt so comfortable. Seriously, whatever bed you were lying in had the softest sheets, and there was a fluffy comforter that was so incredibly warm. And speaking of warm, a large body cuddled you from behind, keeping you nice and secured--
"What!?" you jolted awake, everything rushing to you all at once. You struggled to move, but your panic only heightened as you realized that your arms and legs were bound together by what felt like silk ties. The fabric was soft to the touch so as not to irritate your skin, but they were tied so tightly that they severely restricted your movement.
Looking around the bedroom that you found yourself in, you could see that there were tons of cat toys and décor around. A few of the kittens from the café where in the room, watching you intently. Pumpkin purred happily when he saw you, his tail flicking to and fro with glee.
You kept trying to thrash your body around to get free, but the body behind you only tightened its grip on you, effectively stopping you.
"Calm down, Kitten," Dom sleepily yawned, his hot breath wafting over your ear due to his closeness to you.
You tensed up when you felt his lips press to your cheek.
"Dom?!" you cried, unable to get free with his arms around you. He even laid one of his strong legs over yours, his entire body acting as a double lock. "What's going on?"
The larger man chuckled. "Kitten," he cooed, "isn't it obvious? You going to marry that... guy." He said the last part with such anger in his voice that it almost came out as a growl, making some of the cats in the room hiss in response. "So I had to just snatch you up and take you home with me."
You were stunned silent, unable to wrap your head around what was going on. "What do you mean?" you trembled.
Dom pressed his lips against you once more, purring as he did so. "I love you so much, Y/N. So I brought you home with me to convince you to be with me, not with your ex-boyfriend."
"You're insane..." you try to argue, earning a nip from him.
"Don't say that," he hissed. "I'm not insane, you're insane for trying to marry some guy who's not me. You belong to me, and that's why you're here: to be with me, and only me."
Dom tightened his grip on you, sealing off any hope of escape.
"You're mine."
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grlpartdoll · 2 months
errrmm idk i have been feeling sluggish and kitty-like all day so I decided to indulge in some fantasies. poly141 with kitty reader who's just a wild, feral little sleepy princess. *mdni* and also be aware of mentions of violence as well as tiny bits of smut! I scribbled this like a madman with his poetry back in the days, under candlelight, breathing feverishly, needing it out of me like some kind of demon needing to be exorcised. So needless to say it's not perfect, not reread, not corrected. Just some raw piece of my messed up lil head! Okay ^___^ Oki enjoy.
wld u like... Da prequel?
It's no secret that you're the team's secret weapon — some half-wild failed scientist experiment that left you more animal than human. Most people don't know exactly what it is you do, or what has been done to you, but they know that if even Ghost is afraid of you, then they better stay in your good graces.
You're a small thing, compared to those men, though in the real world you'd probably be deemed average sized. But next to them, you're tiny, small, even. You play coy and gentle and kind, never having to lift a finger because your boys do it all for you.
Sometimes you will simply drop, lay in a ball, and catnap. Even if it's during training, or in the mess hall, or meetings.
One time, Price was there with his whole team, including you of course, and you were going over training with the new recruits, and talking about how their lives would be from now on.
Until then, everyone but Price had been quiet, simply looking out for him from behind. Until Gaz felt a tug at his sleeve. As instinct went, the recruits' eyes followed you as you rubbed your eyes, a slight pout on your face as you whined quietly that you were sleepy. Like a cat, you stretched yourself wide a long, though even with your arms up, you didn't surpass the men's heights. Arching your back, you pushed yourself up against him, quietly mewling that you wanted your bed.
Scouting the room, he noticed every seat was occupied, so he simply scooped you up, sent that little secret gaze to Price that told him their princess was sleepy, and simply left.
As the recruits toured the barracks, they found gaz and you splayed across one of the old, vintage couch, with you practically disappearing under Gaz's sweatshirt, your little hands (paws) buried underneath it, with your face shoved in his chest.
On another day, while you were showing the recruits how to spar, paired up with Ghost, you got into a particularly scary position, with him cornering you, with his arm around your throat, and you made that tiny, distressed noise in the back of your throat, and that was all it took for him to let go.
You immediately scampered away once Ghost was done telling the recruits how to do what he did exactly, and dismissing them. You were a bit skittish, like a cat, and when cornered, you often bit— went wild again and scratched eyes out, or anything that you could reach, really, and it often put you back into that violent little headspace. You didn't particularly like that headspace — ironic, that you were in the army, sure, but what else were you meant to do with what you were given? — but since it was Ghost, you let him, though unable to swallow the little noises that escaped you.
And he feels horrible for it — because he never wants to hurt their sweet little girl, and god forbid you actually start to fight back again like you did at first.
So he goes to search for you when he's done, cursing underneath his mask when he can't find you. He eventually does, though, finding you curled up in your room, in the adorned little crate Price and the guys had gotten you. When you got into a particularly bad headspace, you would go into the crate (an old habit instilled in you from your old keeper, who would always put you in the crate if you so much as argued with him) which had been covered in pillows and blankets and little string lights to keep you occupied and your mind empty.
You're curled up in there, holding a little ghost plushie to your chest, murmuring a song.
He sits beside you, and speaks to you, slowly coaxing you out until you're curled up in his lap and putty in his hands once again.
It always takes you a few days to come back to normal, but it's always worth it, because Ghost likes his little kitty.
It's no secret, also, that Price likes a desk pet. That he prefers doing paperwork when you're sitting with him, at his feet, your head serenely splayed across his leg.
That's what you exchange for him filling out your mission reports — he gets some company, and you get to go blissfully head empty when he scruffs you and you kneel for him.
As for Soap, he likes the wild little you, so he takes you with him on runs, where it often ends with him chasing you through the woods surrounding the base, and playing games with you. He will play at any games you want until you're all knackered out, whining for him to carry you when you head back for base. This is how you end up forming a routine with Soap, who naps with you every morning until the sun is finally fully up. Price and the others don't particularly think the habit is healthy — to sleep so much, but it's Soap's fault! He's the one who got you running after him, and from him, all over the base! It's his fault you're such a sleepy, tiny little lass. He feels bad to let you sleep it off alone, duh!
But alas,
When you're on the field, you're a completely different person. The best in your field— some might say. This is why, despite your silly antics, and your quite inconvenient sleep schedule, the team keeps you around. (And because they're quite literally crazily in love with you, but.. no one says that. It's casuuuaaaal.)
On the field, you're too active, you swing too hard, claw too deep, and exhaust yourself. And even then, you keep going. You keep running. You're a marvelous sneak artist, getting past thousands of guards. You're a perfect trickster, all it takes is puppy dog eyes and quivering chin from you for enemies to get you inside their strongholds. You're their best sharp shooter, and their best fighter, despite how wild and almost animalistic your fighting style is. You always get the job done, and always do it without hiccups.
But sometimes, of course, not everyone can be perfect. Sometimes, you have so much adrenaline and so much rage built up in you that once the mission is done, you have a hard time disconnecting, you have a hard time stopping your fists from pummeling into an already dead man's face.
You kick and bite and scratch the whole way out as they rip you from dead, cold bodies. Which is exactly why you and the boys have a safe home, where they take you after missions, and fuck you pliant and sweet, bringing you back to the sleepy little wandering creature you are around base.
Soap is the best at it, though, always going full nights at a time with you. Price can go two rounds, maybe four if he's angry with something (never you), Ghost maybe five if he's very pent up and you've been bratting at him, but Gaz and Soap are always the ones that manage to fuck you back into your place the best.
Gaz will be softly murmuring at you, cooing and mumbling sweet words to you while his cock is ramming into your sweet, slick little tight hole, always breaking your walls with the kindest, most softest words, even if each of his thrusts are seemingly bullying your hole into taking him deeper each time he pulls in, and out. In, and out.
But Soap is the one who outdoes your wildness, who bites and scratches like you do, who will let you ride him until you're spent, and then ask for more, bouncing your limp little body on his cock until he cums for the eighth time that night. He's the one who meets every each of your kisses with just as much ferocity, letting it become more of a fight then a sweet, loving gesture — forcing his tongue into your mouth, licking your teeth, nipping at your lips, just plain nasty and gross, until you're both panting and drool is covering both of your chins.
Anyway. I just think it would be a cute little thing, to witness them all match you in different ways.
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aalissy · 4 months
Here's day 28 :). I hope you like this lil fluffy oneshot. I had a fun time writing it. Now Ima go sleep bc I'm tired and do nottt wanna go to work tomorrow hehee.
Marinette stood in her room, her hands on her hips, surveying the array of costumes strewn across her bed. Tikki floated nearby, giggling softly.
"You really went all out this time, Marinette," the little kwami remarked, her tiny hands clasped together in delight.
Marinette grinned, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, it's not every day you get to play dress-up with a superhero. Plus, it's a great way to test out new designs and have some fun!"
A soft tap on her balcony’s trapdoor drew Marinette's attention. Quickly, she pushed it open, beaming at Chat’s grinning face, his usual confident smirk replaced by a curious smile. She gestured him inside, and he was careful not to ruin all of her neatly laid clothes.
"Hey, purrincess," he greeted, his green eyes scanning the outfits. "What's all this?"
Marinette felt her cheeks slightly warm at the nickname but quickly brushed it off. "It's a surprise! I thought it would be fun to have a little costume party. Just you and me."
Chat’s eyebrows raised in intrigue. "A costume party, huh? Sounds like a purrfect idea."
She rolled her eyes playfully at his pun but couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips. "Alright, kitty. Let's get started!"
She lifted up one of the outfits that she had made, holding it up as she struck a pose before gently placing it back down. There were superhero costumes, medieval attire, animal onesies, and even a few historical ensembles. Chat’s eyes widened as he took in the assortment.
"You've really outdone yourself, Marinette. Where did you get all of these?"
Marinette chuckled. "There are some old designs that I made, others are more recent, and there are a few that are just things I've collected from various costume stores over the years. Now, pick one!"
Chat scratched his head, looking a bit overwhelmed. "Hmm, how about we start with something simple?"
She nodded and reached for a couple of animal onesies. "How about these? You can be a bunny, and I can be a lion."
He laughed a deep, genuine sound that made her heart flutter. "A lion, huh? I don’t know though. I can’t purromise not to hop away too fast. Afur all, you are a lion."
Marinette rolled her eyes even as she giggled. She handed him the bunny onesie and picked up the lion costume for herself. Quickly, she slipped behind her dressing screen to change, while Chat simply stepped into his onesie. A few moments later, they both gazed at each other, stifling laughter. He looked particularly ridiculous in both a cat and bunny suit.
Either way, he beamed at her, the fuzzy bunny ears sitting comically on his head. Every so often his cat ears twitched making her giggle. He twitched his nose, sniffing the air playfully, managing to make Marinette laugh harder.
"And here I was thinking that you were a cat, not a little bunny," she teased, adjusting her lion’s mane.
"Well, every cat has a bit of bunny in them," Chat replied, lifting his nose even higher into the air before gazing back down at her. "But look at you, my furbulous lion. You look fierce."
She puffed out her chest, raising her head even higher. "Thank you very much, Chaton. Now, what should we do next?"
“Hmm, well how about... tag!” he shouted, hopping away from her as quickly as he had tapped her.
“Hey! Get back here!” Marinette huffed, chasing him around her room as the two engaged in a friendly game of tag.
They bounced around each other, giggling and teasing as they did so. It was light. Carefree. No worries fluttered through Marinette’s mind as she tried to avoid Chat’s slippery paw for what felt like the millionth time. It was nice. Eventually, they both collapsed back onto her chaise, breathing heavily as they panted for air.
"That was really fun," Marinette said, turning to look at him as her cheeks flushed with happiness.
"Yeah, it was," he agreed, his smile softening. "You always know how to make everything more exciting, Marinette."
She looked at him, feeling a warm glow of something in her chest. "Well, it's easy when you're around, Chat. You always make me laugh." She poked him softly.
He reached out and gently adjusted her lion’s mane. "And you always make me feel like I can just... be myself."
Marinette's heart skipped a beat at his words. Before she could respond, Chat stood up, a glint of mischief returning back into his eyes. "Alright, what's next? I believe we have plenty of costumes left to try."
She laughed and quickly jumped onto her feet. "How about something historical? We can be knights and go on a quest!"
Chat nodded eagerly. "Sounds like a plan, my lady."
They changed into their new outfits—Marinette in a beautiful blue set of armor, and Chat in a nice set of black armor that matched his super suit. Both were only complete, however, with a cardboard sword. Once again, they fell into their roles, this time embarking on a quest to rescue a captured prince which was, unsurprisingly, a stuffed animal that Marinette had placed at the top of her wardrobe.
The hours flew by as they continued their playful adventures, each new costume bringing a fresh wave of creativity and laughter. They dressed as pirates searching for hidden treasure, superheroes saving Paris from an evil villain, and even royalty hosting a grand ball.
As the evening drew to a close, Marinette and Chat found themselves back in their original outfits, a sense of contentment settling over them. They sat on the floor, surrounded by the remnants of their costume party.
"That was amazing, Marinette," he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "Thank you for this. I needed it."
She smiled at him softly. "Me too, mon Chaton. It was nice to just... be ourselves for a little while."
He nodded, his eyes meeting hers. "Yeah. Sometimes, it's easy to forget who we are underneath the mask."
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the weight of their words hanging in the air. Then, Chat stood up and offered his hand to Marinette.
"One last dance before I go?" he asked, a playful twinkle in his eye.
Marinette giggled and took his hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet. "Alright, as long as you don’t expect me not to step on your toes. I may be just a bit worn out from all those adventures ."
Chat bowed dramatically. "As you wish, purrincess."
They danced around the room, their laughter echoing off the walls. For a brief moment, they were neither superheroes nor civilians, just two friends enjoying a magical night.
As the dance came to an end, Chat pulled her into a gentle hug. "Thank you for being you, Marinette. You make everything better," he whispered quietly into her ear.
She hugged him back, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. "And thank you for being you, Chaton. You always know how to make me smile."
They pulled away, their eyes meeting in a moment of understanding. No words were needed; they both knew the special bond they shared.
With a final wave, Chat slipped out using her trapdoor and vanished into the night, leaving Marinette with a heart full of joy and a room full of wonderful memories. She stood there for a moment, looking up at the twinkling stars and feeling grateful for the unexpected adventure they had shared.
As she closed her hatch and turned back to her room, she couldn't help but smile. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have nights like this to remind her of the simple, beautiful moments that made life so special. Even when akuma attacks left her positively exhausted.
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
Kitty had thought that Yuri was drop-dead gorgeous from the moment she met her. She had felt her heart pound heavily that night at Min Ho's party, before she dreamed of all their tension and the release that kissing her red-lipsticked candy lips would provide. She thought it as they danced together at the talent show, butterfly wings fluttering in her stomach as they moved their fans like Luna moths rather than monarchs.
But none of that had prepared her for this.
Min Ho sat on the floor of her new dorm room, tossing pop rocks at her and rambling about his mom's new movie. "Oh, Min Ho," she said. "You do not want to start throwing candy at me."
"But... I do," he said. "I know you stole my buckwheat hand cream." He shrugged. "Just admit it. And you can make all this," he threw another pop rock at her, "stop."
"Mmm," Kitty hummed, "no. A little extra cleaning later isn't worth admitting to something that I definitely didn't do." Her voice was filled with false bravado; they both knew that she was in fact guilty.
"I'll dump them over your head if need be," Min Ho said.
"Sure you will. It's your way of saying, 'I'm glad you stayed, Kitty. I'm so happy you weren't expelled because-"
She cut herself off.
She had to.
Because the most beautiful girl ever had walked into the room.
Yuri wore a pink cardigan, eye-grabbing and soft. Her sweater paws covered her hands, showing nothing but the bright blue nails that matched her undershirt. She was a rainbow...
And Kitty felt her suck in a breath.
Her hair.
Her hair, that was so soft to touch, was... well, different.
Instead of long locks, she now had luscious layers. The bottom cut off at her shoulders, framing her strong chin and bringing out the hardness of her jawline while still accentuating the softness of her cheeks.
It suited her.
Oh, how it suited her.
And how Kitty's face was warming as Min Ho looked from Kitty to Yuri and back again. They stared at each other for a moment, and Kitty smiled brightly as Yuri walked over to her.
"Hey," she said. Her winged eyeliner was sharp, but the corners of her eyes were crinkled as she smiled that odd little half-smirk that Kitty had imagined so often over their school break. That smile that Kitty had anticipated seeing again every time she closed her eyes.
"Hey," she said back, and Yuri shoved her hands into her cardigan pockets. "You look..."
"No," Yuri replied. "I was going to say 'well.'"
"Oh... yeah." Kitty nodded, feeling like an idiot. "I am. Well, I mean."
Yuri raised an eyebrow. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Oh," Kitty said, scrambling for a reason. God, her cheeks burned. Her stomach fluttered. "I was just thinking... your hair."
"I know," Yuri rolled her eyes. "It's a mess."
"At least you know it," Min Ho chimed in, and Kitty and Yuri glared at him in unison.
"No," Kitty said. Then, in a quieter voice, "I was going to say that it looked..." Exquisite. Gorgeous. Luscious. Adorable. Sexy. "Good," she concluded lamely. "It looks good."
"Mmmm, thanks," Yuri said. "But not much of a compliment, as I look good in anything."
"Yeah," Kitty said. "You do."
"You're being weird," Yuri said. "Why are you being weird?"
"I'm not," Kitty protested.
"Yes. You are," Minho interjected. "Then again, when are you not?"
"Hey." Kitty held a hand up at Min Ho. "I prefer quirky."
"That feels more accurate," Yuri said. "But your quirks are cute, yeah?"
Cute. Cute. Cute. She thinks I'm cute.
It means nothing. You're friends. The next generation.
So Kitty forced herself to smile. "Thanks," she said.
"Now come on," Yuri said impatiently. "Let's go get some lunch. I bet you're dying for some Kimchee after weeks of nothing but bland American food."
"It's not bland."
Min Ho laughed. "It definitely is. I've had baked chicken."
Yuri nodded sadly. "It hurts to agree with Min Ho, but yeah. Here, Come with me." She grabbed Kitty's arm and started to lead her out the door, and Kitty's arm felt electric everywhere that they made contact.
It means nothing, Kitty reminded herself again.
And she walked out of the room arm-in-arm with her friend. The one that she was in love with.
She didn't even care if she came back to a bed full of pop rocks, because she was here.
She was home. With her friends. With the ever-present phantom hands of her mother stroking her hair and laughing in the breeze.
And that was enough.
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obsolete-stars-if · 4 months
Well… it’s not great also my grammar is atrocious probably messed up in a lot of places sorry forgive my poor college addled brain. But here’s a rough draft if you’d like. -🐌
A gift…not a spouse a gift.
It shouldn’t hurt so much, you knew from the beginning the marriage itself would be little more than a sham but the warm tears that slip out as you curl into your bed remind you that you had hoped. Hoped for more, perhaps a friend, a partner, stupidly a small bit of you considered the possibility of love. But nothing had gone as you had expected since you left your home and reality was a crushing reminder that hope often only lead to painful disappointment. Adrift amid your despairing thoughts you hadn’t noticed an intruder creeping into your space until a soft “thump” against your cheek startled you. Your eyes open to a whiskered snout moments before a second headbutt connects with your chin. You let out a a wet giggle as your furry visitor flops on its side paws stretching up grabbing at your hand. A small smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as your fingers slide through their fur warm and inviting. Your new friend nuzzles your face, whiskers tickling your nose purring in contentment while you continue administering gentle affection. Your bed dips slightly as a few new fluffy visitors arrive keen for your attention aswell, gently you rise up moving your unoccupied hand to alternate between kitties scratching behind ears and beneath chins, you sigh your gloom easing with every stroke and scritch. You spend the rest of your night enveloped in fur and purrs before drifting off into a comfortable sleep thinking perhaps not everything in your new home is disappointing. Companionship, love, affection they need not necessarily come from people.
Ohmg don't feel bad grammar errors and stuff. U do not wanna see what my writing process looks like HAHA.
AND OMG??? THE CATS. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺🩷🩷🩷🩷 all the mcs get kitties. Literally giggling, kicking feet in the air. Forget Mikhail, we only care for the cats. I love it so much, it's so great. Listen. Listen. The kitties. You get me. U UNDERSTAND that the kitties were the true love. They are cuddling mc to deal with the shitty as situation. AS THEY SHOULD
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Shapeshifting glaives - Nyx Ulric- Coeurl
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 He´s embodiement of cat in human skin, so when he changed nobody was that suprised it was coeurl. They would be more shocked if it wasn´t. So Nyx doesn´t have the typical coeurl colour, he´s more blackishly blue with silver spots and belly. Speaking of belly, Nyx adores belly rubs! But he´s little shit about them (just like every cat honestly), especially to Luche and Tredd (usually they get smacked by his paw, Luche is lowkey sad) Obviously Nyx´s much bigger than normal coeurl and heavier. He´s quite talkative kitty, let me tell ya. Nyx ultimately decided he would become a terapeutic coeurl. How that works, you may ask?
  Let me explain: when some of glaives are too stubborn to relax and go home cough Titus and Luche cough. He devised a few techniques: The first one is being annoying,(which may include borrowing their stuff or just straight up lay on the stuff) the second one is jump them and lay on them until they gave up, if they do Nyx will happily purr. (Funny thing, Titus was especially stubborn once picked him up and carried him around like a furry baby, glaives had photos of this) If any of the glaives are feeling low, Nyx will lick their face and let them cuddle him. (Ladies often use him as heating pad for their cramps) In his coeurl form he also likes zip people with his eletricity (nothing harmful, he´s just playful boy)
 Oh my, when Nyx changed, Luche swears he never saw such shit eating grin before. It happened during a lunch break, Nyx and the gang was happily chatting with Soni and Axis about the party that was planned for their captain when furious Tredd came to their table. “I swear to all the fucking Astrals, If Luche won´t come out of his office right now, I am tearing the fucking door down.” Nyx scrunched up his nose at that. “ Don´t tell me, he´s in that workholic mood again.” Libertus said angrily. “Fucking hell, Lazarus!”  Nyx immediately got up and marched with Tredd into Luche´s office. They found there only poor Mat who almost dropped his documents at such abrupt entrance. “Guys damn it, please knock next time!” he sighed. “ If you´re looking for Luche, then he´s at training grounds. He looks like a shit, btw.”  Both men hastily leave for the training ground, bidding Mat farewell.
 Nyx could feel electricity running hot in his veins. His eyes started glow in the dimmed light, like a storms in Galadh. Nyx knew something was happening, but right now it wasn´t important. They were half way through when Tredd noticed Luche who was training with Tobul. Even from such a distance, They could see how pale and tired  Luche was. The circles under his eyes looked purplish. “LAZARUS!” screamed Nyx, while throwing his kukri to Luche´s direction. That moment was so brief that people swore it was their imagination. When Nyx´s got from warp, he felt the magic wash over him in such intimate manner. It was overwhelming, eruption in every cell of the body. Nyx felt like so much emotions at once, like it stripped him into his bare core and reshaped it. 
 Luche was caught off guard when something heavy tackled him. It was beautiful black coeulr with silver spots, who was snarling at him. He was really out of it today. “ Nyx, don´t eat him! He would taste like a bitter shit.” Luche heard Tredd yell in somewhere in the background.  “ Nyx, get of me this instant.” The coeulr let out a angry roar. “Nyx Ulric, let me up or I swear it would not end well for you.” Luche´s eyes changed colour into light blue. “ Nyx, I - ... Did - Did you just lick my face?”  The grin that was plastered on coeurl was definitively answer. “ Stop ,hahahaha, stop it! Noo, that tickles, Nyx!” Luche started laugh so much it hurted.
Titus from his office witnessed the whole thing. “ I am fucking quitting this job.”
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longtallciara · 1 year
Animism is reciprocity. ~ S Kelley Harrell ~
​At the end, all that's left of you are your possessions. Perhaps that's why I've never been able to throw anything away. Perhaps that's why I hoarded the world: with the hope that when I died, the sum total of my things would suggest a life larger than the one I lived. ~ Nicole Krauss - The History of Love ~
Maybe they are either best friends or crutches. Either way these things feel like they know me as much as I know them. I see them, touch them or listen to them most days, and I feel nourished and enlivened after spending time with them, as I would after spending an evening on the sofa with one of my IRL best friends. Time spent with IRL best friends is minimal these days, especially since I moved back to the motherland in October 2020. So I've had to funnel out and process my emotions in other ways. My partner is brilliant at protecting my feelings, and helping me regulate my emotions. But there are some things which he can't help with (I don't expect him to) because they are my work.         I won't be including things like books or music on this list. Those things are intrinsic to life.  As Nietzsche said, 'Without music, life would be a mistake.' To quote Cicero, 'A room without books is like a body without a soul.' I want to acknowledge everyday personal effects and artefacts that I have intimacy with. It reminded me of when, quite movingly, Tracy Emin married a stone at the end of her garden. The feelings she had towards that stone feel like what I feel around these things, not quite the same, but not far off either.      I propose that these these things which I have started to call 'best friends' have memories, as in there are memories of them - I have memories of them - but sometimes I think that they may as well, be it digital, physical or emotional. I try to treat whatever it is kindly and mindfully, and whatever I give they give back in turn when I am using them. Or I've gone mad.
My cat My pet cat is arguably someone I know in real life. But can you ever really know a cat? Let alone your cat? All I can say that I definitely  know about her is that her butthole stinks (I know because she makes me know by sticking her butthole that she is so proud of in my face) and she gets the zoomies post-poop. Otherwise, cats are a world-renowned mystery. Our vet Clare of the Cat Hospital said on the RTE show 'The Cat Hospital' that cats hide that they are ill, and if they do end up displaying signs of illness, then something is really wrong. Zadie has been demonstrably ill twice, and we  acted straight away. The first time was when we noticed a tiny limp when she walked, and we said we'd keep an eye on it. We went out for a few hours, and when we came home Zadie was in the doorway of our bedroom. She raised her paw to us and had this depressed, helpless look in her eyes, and we knew we had to go to a kitty ER immediately. The other time was last year, when we saw her sidle away under the bed and after 24 hours still wouldn't come out to eat at all. The poor girl had bronchitis.
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​I love watching her after she heaves herself through the cat flap (she makes such a big song and dance about the cat flap, she often meows at us demanding that we open the door for her, Her Majesty) and she loiters around outside. She looks up and sniffs the air or the leaves of plants like she's doing it for the first time, but I've spied on her doing it every day, and it's just so damn cute. What is going through her mind as she does it? Again and again? Day after day? Does she have amnesia?
Maybe she takes things in and appreciates them like we humans occasionally do - when we take our first step outside, take in the view, the warmth of the sun and a big hunk of fresh air, before sipping our first coffee of the day. Sneaking in a bit of gratitude before the weight of all our burdens arrive on our shoulders and suffocate us, trapping us beneath the existential bell jar. Zadie knows exactly what she's doing - I don't. There is no rhyme or reason to her attacks of alarming affection on me, but the most miraculous of all is when she actually comes to sit on me when I am on my period. It's a dream come true - I imagine that she is trying to heal me, by keeping me warm and casting away layers of pain with the vibration and frequency of her soft purrs. Whilst I'm aware that I am likely to project my feelings of tenderness onto her, I feel satisfied that she feels tenderness towards me. I read The Inner Life of Animals by Peter Wohlleben years ago (so I might remember things wrong), but he talked about the element of choice in the animal world. Zadie could go and sleep anywhere. Even after I feed her she chooses to follow me into my room to snooze on the sofa next to me a lot of the time. Sometimes she comes in to clean herself and then just chill on the carpet, lying on her back and exposing her tummy - the ultimate pose of feeling comfortable, even around me who always wants to stroke her and disturb her.        Even when she is aloof, as is her right, she is companionable. I feel it when I am alone at home for a few days. I like being on my own, but there is something about having this other little soul in the house too. I love knowing she's there.
Reusable sanitary towels With all the politics of disposable sanitary products that was in the air years ago (the *~pink~* tax) and knowing that all my pads would eventually wind up in landfill and languish there for fifty years, I went and bought a Mooncup. It certainly was not for me. So I bought some reusable pads off Amazon and used them wrong. How can you use menstrual pads wrong??? I hear you cry, but somehow, I did. These pads weren't very nice, but I put up with them, because I thought I deserved them. Whenever I fold them up I wonder if they'll snap like a dusty old cracker. They were rough as hell and too uncomfortable to wear if I was out all day at work, so I compromised by buying more eco-friendly Natracare disposable pads.        That is until I found a box of Bloom & Nora reusable sanitary towels (not sponsored but my goodness I AM OPEN) on sale in Boots in the new year. It felt like I was destined to find this single remaining busted box. It had been opened and rejected. I had been looking online at these pads in the preceding days, where they were full price. Then I found them in Boots on sale. I paid for them and walked out the shop with a feeling like I had won. These pads feel like I am finally being nice to myself. They are so soft and comfortable, and I LOOK FORWARD to the novelty of wearing them when my period finally arrives because they remind me that I am looking after myself.
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​Yoga mat My first yoga mat was from the middle aisle in the Streatham Lidl, and I had it for years, and it was a neglected, filthy, mangy, old thing that I kept for too long like my sorry old sanitary pads. When I took up yoga properly, I went especially to the Buddhist Centre in Manchester to buy my new one. And I still have it. It is a deep blue colour, the colour of my mind, and I treat it with respect. I do an equivalent of what Ravi Shankar did when he told George Harrison to not step over his sitar, but to walk around it. After I have rolled it out I might have to stand on one end of it until it stops curling up, which I do whilst my decrepit tablet tries to turn itself on and load the YouTube app.        There is something about taking out my yoga mat, rolling it out, putting on my delicately breathy, willowy-soft clothing, lighting a candle or some incense, then stepping on to my mat and sitting down gently and getting into a comfortable position. I love the ritual in the preparation, that is when the practice begins. The entire practice is like a story - it has the beginning, the middle, and the end.
At the end of a practice I crouch at the end of my mat on my tiptoes (a bit of extra yoga for my feet), and as I roll it back up I sweep my hands across it after each roll so that it is as clean as possible. I’m trying to take the best care of it after the negligent degradation of my first one.
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Every few days I give my mat a clean with a spray that I made myself, thanks to the recipe provided by my other best friend in this small social group: Adriene. One of my sisters introduced me to her donkey's years ago and I have never gone with anyone else on the whole of YouTube. Her mantra to 'find what feels good' has taught me in the long run to get to know myself and my body better. It is an incredible tool. It has taught me what I can feel and achieve out of the physical sensations without expending my energies thinking about the shape of the poses or why the hell I'm so inflexible and out of shape and unhealthy and ugly.  Instead it has brought me understanding - I can tell people what I do yoga for and how it feels.
For me, my philosophy is a kind of cousin of the Japanese art technique of kintsugi. In kintsugi, broken pottery and wares are repaired using golden coloured lacquer, so that the breakages are still visible even when the piece is fixed. For me, yoga is when 'the breakages' are stretched and pulled further apart, and the sun and air can reach inside all these cracks. Or, it is the gold beneath that is finally  revealed and shining out, thanks to the stretches. I can feel it in my entire body. It's like I opened a ricketty, rotten wormy door to a cell in my soul where I didn't know free happy drugs were. They were there all along, and I was always able to get to them.
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That's how it feels when you can finally make sense of marrying the movement to the breath in yoga. It took me months to understand why the hell Adriene wanted me to take a deep breath in at a particular point when my overheated brain was still trying to catch up with something else she was saying before, but with practice, it just clicked one day. Then I exhaled. Since then, I've been taking those moments with me to work, to the beach, and that image of my stretching muscles letting light in comes into my head daily, and I feel invigorated. So I thank my yoga mat, for being patient with me as I learned all this, for supporting me and taking me on.
The Blindboy Podcast Years into this podcast, its creator and host Blindboy Boatclub is definitely someone I consider my friend. He is a friend to me - a consistent, friendly voice. I treat him as my friend to the monetary equivalent of a coffee or a pint, and in return I get compassion and wisdom, and he makes me laugh. Blindboy is a pseudonym of a mystery person who I will never know, I only know the persona of a Mr Boatclub, not the real man under the plastic bag. So I think I get away with having his podcast on this list.
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​The topics of the podcast are sprawling and inexhaustible, and he always makes them interesting.
Blindboy also speaks prominently about mental health - as someone who studied to be a psychotherapist, and has worked for most of his adult life in becoming emotionally literate, Blindboy has been trying to democratise psychology. In a world where access to mental health services is incredibly limited, and counselling and therapy are out of reach to the majority of people, his insights are invaluable. The mental health episodes have been so helpful to me as I continue with my own work in trying to understand the world and figure out who I am. The theories and ideas he summarises have been practicable for me in daily life - a game-changing episode for me was when Blindboy explained the concept of Transactional Analysis (modes of communication - Adult, Parent, Child. For example ideally when at work, everyone would be communicating with one another in Adult. However, on occasion, a manager may need to speak with an employee about a mistake they've made, and unfortunately the manager chastises the employee, doing this in Parent, and the employee reacts and responds in Child. This is an ineffective and dysfunctional dynamic for adults in a workplace or in general. That is my rudimentary explanation of it). Blindboy did not complete his studies, so is careful and responsible in prefacing everything with a warning that everything he shares is drawn from his own personal experience, and that everyone is different.         In the last bookshop I worked in, one of my core memories was when a guy came up to my till to buy On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers. Blindboy has talked about Carl Rogers numerous times, and I thought maybe he listens to Blindboy. This lad was maybe 5-10 years younger than me, so I took the plunge. 'Hello fellow millennial', I did not say. I asked him if he did also listen, and he said that he did. We quoted things back to one another, and he told me that he was about to begin his own studies to become a psychotherapist. It was one of my favourite interactions I had at the bookshop.        Not only does he share his experiences and knowledge of psychology, he takes deep dives into food, folklore, history and art. Sometimes I feel  that I don't have an interest in the history of paint, or that I'm not in the mood for a lecture on the origins of disco music, but I do listen to them because I am currently going back and listening to every single episode. In the end, I am sold.        To get started, I would highly recommend the episode 'Butchers French', about Victor Frankl and his book Man's Search for Meaning. After listening to it I would implore anyone to read that book. My mum bought it for me when I was 20, and I read it whilst travelling around Europe by train and on my way to Poland. At that age I was without doubt self-absorbed, generally anxious and unhappy, but also undiagnosed autistic, and my mother recognised something at that time that I really needed. I think she knew that I needed hope.
The Poetry section Sometimes after therapy you feel like you've cracked something - your head open, or a mystery. When it's the latter, I want to dance down the street. When my head has been cracked open, I walk out onto the street feeling vulnerable, exposed, tired, and sad. Sometimes I want to go straight home and pull the curtains. Most of the time, I go to a bookshop or library and head straight to the poetry section.
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So I know poetry collections are sold and bought in book form, and I said I wouldn't be including books in this list. But poetry is its own thing. You understand. ​I think that's what I'm looking for after a hard session, something to fortify, strengthen, ground me. Poetry is a genuine comfort. One of my favourite lines comes from Lemn Sissay, which became a bit of a mantra to me: How do you do it, said night How do you wake and shine? I keep it simple, said light One day at a time.
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When I was researching for my book, I came across a WH Auden poem called 'First Things First'. It's meaning in parts is obscure to me, but the comforting feeling of it, especially the first stanza, just paints a warm blue picture to me. Woken, I lay in the arms of my own warmth and listened To a storm enjoying its storminess in the winter dark Till my ear, as it can when half-asleep or half-sober, Set to work to unscramble that interjectory roar, Construing its airy vowels and watery consonants Into a love-speech indicative of a Proper Name. After talking about this poem in one session, I promised myself as I walked to the bookshop that if I found a book with that poem in there I would buy it. And buying poetry has since become an allowable post-sesh expenditure, because poetry is elemental and therapeutic. Sometimes I don't know why I like poetry. At times it is opaque and obscure, sometimes it feels highfalutin and I huff and feel stupid. But like trying to understand other people and ourselves, it is something I want to have around me and is something I look to and pursue in trying to understand, or even let lie. Sometimes I think 'it is what it is' - I don't know what the heck a poem is about but it sounds beautiful. Sometimes my interpretation is different to someone else's reading, and both can be fine, because who really knows what was in the poet's head at the time? I think they were putting forward an idea as intricately and as beautifully as possible. Words so often fail me, so I seek them out. The cost of words I speak in therapy exhaust me, so I seek them out in their most concise, pure, distilled and beautiful form. Poetry is something to be reached for when you want to get back in touch with yourself; even if the verse is cryptic and you feel like you're being tricked. It is mindful and switches on hallucinogenic visuals, and it’s encasement in it's rules, techniques, and stanzas envelop me in something soulful.
We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out. ​~ Ray Bradbury ~
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lohlite · 1 year
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It’s been years since I updated the ref of my Easter Bunny fursona Loh! She’s my favorite character that I’ve made and I always look forward to drawing her around Easter every year! I have like... a lot of information about her, so I put it all here!
The Bunny
She calls herself an Easter bunny. And it’s easy to understand why. Each year, weeks before the spring equinox begins, a human that goes by the name Loh turns into a pink and golden bunny. Though, as she would add, it’s more of an illusion of a bunny. She’s pink after all, and has the unique ability to lay candy eggs. Real bunnies don’t do that.
In modern society, that would be an Easter bunny, wouldn’t it? Only, Easter bunnies were only known to exist in stories... Myths. Legends even. Or corporate merchandising I suppose. But not in reality. Until, Loh became one. With a few twists of course. Her long ears can stand up, bend out, or flop behind her, mimicking several breeds of bunny without any of the drawbacks. She has paw pads, common in old cartoons by animators that never studied a real bunny, but different from the reality that bunnies simply do not have them. That, or a kitty-like nose or pointed teeth akin to cats and foxes. Loh still imagined her smile looked better this way, and she was an omnivore so it only made sense. Bunnies can’t eat chocolate after all, and as a candy fiend she could not be denied her own flavorful confections.
The truth was. She was a chimera. An amalgamation of creatures that exist, along with ones that don’t, in a unique form that is simply her. Those ears are not just for show. In fact, they are there to listen to the candy-focused wants of others. If someone says the name of a candy, she will lay an egg with that exact candy inside it! How eggciting!
The Eggs
When someone says the name of a candy, Loh will lay an egg with that candy inside. Simply saying “Chocolate!” will get you a tasty milk chocolate egg (her favorite, and the default) that would put any popular brand of chocolate to shame! You need to be specific if you want dark or white chocolate. If you say “Twix!” or perhaps “Cadbury Creme” you will find eggs with a shell design very similar to the wrappers of each respective “brand”. Only, Loh will assure you, they will taste far better than store bought!
But what’s the limit that she can make exactly? Well, as Loh will put it simply, she can lay a candy egg of anything treat she’s eaten at least once. By eating any candy, her unique ability will allow her to make a higher quality version of it. Fortunately for others, despite candies that she despises (anything with peanuts!), she has forced herself to learn recipes of things she hates to eat, so that she can still make those candy eggs for others. Just because she doesn't like Snickers bars, doesn’t mean she would deny someone their favorite treat!
When it comes to other non-brand specific chocolates, the eggs will take on patterns that she enjoys. Some of her own unique designs she’s made as an artist might appear, but more commonly ones from the Pokémon franchise. Why? She thinks they’re cute. The Togepi egg design being her favorite, you will almost always find one nearby. The eggs often vary in size, but would be recognizably the same size as a chicken egg on average, only more colorful.
Every egg Loh lays is unique, perfectly delicious, edible, sterile, and safe to eat. An interesting attribute to her candy eggs would be that they have the same nutritional value as iceberg lettuce... That is, if you eat too many, you won’t face the same consequences as their real life counterparts. So, if you could choose between over eating on chocolate, skip the Hersheys and enjoy the fact that you can indulge on these candy eggs! You might still find yourself too full though. Eat in moderation!
The Lore
So, why is all of this a thing? Why does Loh turn into an Easter bunny? And why that of all things? Just like with any special interest, it starts at childhood. Loh was born in April, and with Easter being a very mobile holiday, it would always appear before, after, or sometimes the same weekend as their birthday. This meant lots of candy, cute bunnies, pastel colors would always be around their birthday! And as a pastime, Easter egg hunts were one of their favorite activities!
Loh loved to hunt for and hide stuff! And those little plastic eggs they would get? They’d use them to store their treasures when they finished eating the candy inside. And they would keep the colorful baskets to put their stuff in! It became their favorite holiday by proxy. The truth was, they knew Easter bunnies didn’t exist… but they were fascinated by the idea of one. A bunny that could lay eggs? Bunnies don’t do that! And they would have candy? To give to others? The very idea of a creature that would go out of its way to make candy and give it to kids and adults alike sounded too good to be true.
So much so, that they wanted to be one! But how? How do you just, become an Easter bunny? Luckily for Loh, it wasn’t their decision to make. It was their friend’s. A hyper intelligent dragon scientist friend (quite the mouthful!). That, unsurprisingly, Loh found as an egg. Though, he assured them, that was a ONE time thing and he just needed to recharge for a few decades… That dragon was well over a thousand years old. And knew how to manipulate reality in a lot of surprising ways.
You would think finding a fantastical dragon would have phased Loh, and it did! They were a kid when this happened, how cool was it to have a dragon as a friend! Anyone they would tell would surely be jealous, if they were not so good at keeping it a secret. That dragon friend loved Loh’s imagination. While he could make many mind-boggling inventions, it was always Loh’s creativity that would spark the ideas to make them. It’s how their close friendship was fostered. In this lifetime anyway.
Both unfortunately, and fortunately for Loh, this dragon has a long memory, and a desire to make his friend happy. Sure, Loh was just a kid when they said they wanted a way to become an Easter bunny, but the dragon lacked the common sense to know that, and spent years trying to find a way to create one. Or rather, turn Loh into one.
The “wish” Loh made to their dragon friend as a child… Eventually came true when they were ending their final year in high school. The dragon gave Loh a special egg to eat, and upon eating it. POOF! They were turned into a pink and gold bunny! That could of course lay candy eggs. A real life Easter bunny! They succeeded!
At first, Loh was mortified at such a transformation! At the time, they were a “he” and never imagined turning into a female. Let alone one that laid candy eggs! And turning into such a small adorable form? Like, seriously? But, their dragon friend was happier than they had ever seen them… They were tempted to demand a way to change back, but instead, they heard their dragon friend out. He did spend years finding a way to make such a fantasy a reality after all… And it was a pretty fantastical gift to refuse. Though, as they learned, there was really no going back.
The Anatomy
The rules were simple enough. Every year, as Easter approaches, Loh would turn into an Easter bunny. Or rather, it was originally just for a few days… Turns out making a “curse” was a bit trickier and that time frame grew longer and longer before finally stopping just a month out of the actual holiday. Something about “photosynthe-cells” that monitored the moon’s phases to guess the holiday. Eventually Loh learned to recognize when their body was going to change into a bunny, so they wouldn’t transform in awkward situations again.
The bunny design, that “chimera” state, was purposeful. The paw pads were necessary for grip and cuteness as the dragon said. And don’t forget the retractable claws so you can climb trees to hide those eggs! Why sharp teeth? Well, the dragon wanted Loh to still be able to enjoy their own candy, so carnivore teeth made more sense… Human teeth would have looked terrifying. And the dragon friend could speak fine with his own sharp teeth, so he imagined Loh would prefer them too. Buck teeth would make them sound funny anyway! As for the nose? Well, it looked cuter than a bunny nose, and a kitty nose had a better sense of smell. And pink was a given for a cute little girl bunny. As for the gold and other markings, that was always something inherently “Loh” in design.
This chimera bunny illusion state was tough enough… But what about the eggs? How did the dragon pull it off? After all, Loh is only the size of a large cat when they’re a bunny… Laying chicken sized eggs, and multiple at that... How do they all fit in such a small creature, and get past that conservation of mass and energy law of the universe? Turns out that was the trickiest part.
As an Easter bunny, Loh has an “interdimensional womb”. Patent pending. Her female anatomy twists quite literally into her very own “pocket dimension” containing a special womb-like organ capable of converting dark matter into… candy.
Why candy? Well, as the dragon scientist put it, they wanted to test a new technology that could potentially solve world hunger. Dark matter and energy exists in abundance, but no human found a way to use it quite yet. While not infinite, there exists more than can ever be consumed by a tiny bunny.
When Loh mentioned a magical creature existing that could lay candy eggs, it gave the dragon scientist an idea to test how such a thing could exist. And this was his solution. A hidden interdimensional organ that could copy simple candy recipes and convert dark matter into exact edible replicas.
Most foods expire, but candy has a long shelf life. It was the perfect subject to test such a unique biological technology. So, like many times before, Loh was a test subject, as they were many times for other technologies… but at least it turned out fun in the end. Loh couldn’t imagine how such a thing exists inside of them, or rather the pocket dimension she’s attached to? It was still surreal to think about, but ultimately all of it worked to one outcome: Loh is able to turn into a real Easter bunny, that can lay candy eggs at will, and they taste better than any candy that exists!
Over the years, Loh made a hobby of laying as many candy eggs as possible and hiding them in parks for all of her friends to find and enjoy! She loves to make her friends happy, and this was a gift for them! She even found herself always looking forward to turning into a bunny. Being so cute, and a girl, others would look forward to the transformation too! It made her feel… special for once.
Though, Loh did have one question… Why does she still have to lay them??? The eggs!?
“You said Easter bunnies lay candy eggs. What, did you just want them to appear in your hand or something? That makes no sense. This is all an intricate biological process, how would I even get that to work?”
Fair enough dragon scientist friend. Fair enough.
Misc. Easter Bunny Facts
- As a bunny, Loh is roughly the size of a large cat, but cuter.
- It’s impossible to mistake Loh for a regular rabbit. Like, how!?
- The eggs are the size of large chicken eggs, but can vary from baseball size to large marbles.
- Her fur is as soft as the softest minky fabric. Sofffff.
- Her pink fur smells like pomegranates by default, but temporarily changes to the scent of the. last reddish or pinkish fruit she eats. Think strawberries, apples…
- If given multiple candy commands, she will lay them in that order, no eggceptions.
- Her ears are a mystery. Straight up, bent, floppy, how do they work? No one knows.
- She can hear at great distances putting many hunting dog breeds to shame.
- Her favorite egg design is a Togepi egg. She always lays one each Easter at least.
- She can lay “Golden Eggs” to temporarily turn others into bunnies.
- “Bronze” eggs remove that temporary curse immediately.
- Silver eggs are special.
- Eggs she lays around Halloween glow for some reason.
- She has lost count of how many eggs she’s laid over the years. Probably in the tens of thousands.
- Despite having access to semi-infinite candy, she still needs to eat other foods to live. A candy diet would be miserable anyway.
- Since the candy eggs are made of “dark matter” and converted into regular matter, they actually contain no nutritional value whatsoever. But since when was candy eaten for nutrition?
- The eggs are designed specifically to be treats and are not a substitute for food in this way.
- Surprisingly, despite mimicking foods on a semi-molecular level, the candy eggs do not trigger food allergies, so go nuts!
- In early years, laying eggs used to hurt her and make her pass out.
- Now laying eggs is as mechanical and comforting as a quick hug.
- Laying too many eggs at once can still make her pass out.
- Thanks to her big bushy tail and long ears, she can sit like a hen and lay eggs anywhere without others seeing the act.
- She will purposefully give you a concussion by launching an egg at you Yoshi style if you try to watch her lay the egg on purpose. Don’t be weird about it.
- This does not apply to a partner or close friend. But still like, don’t look?
- Rumor has it that there are still eggs hidden from previous Easter events. She can hide them that well!
- Yes, those candy eggs are still good! As long as the candy shell isn’t cracked, the candy won’t expire! They’re similar to honey in that way.
- There’s a way to tell which year an Easter egg was laid. Think tree rings, but less conspicuous 
- She doesn’t know how big her interdimensional womb is and she’s terrified to find out.
- No soul has disliked one of her candy eggs and lived to tell the tale.
- She can make explosive dynamite eggs. This is unrelated to the above fact.
- She’s too afraid to make such eggs for fears of blowing up.
- Her edible eggs are limited to candy recipes she’s eaten herself.
- Other foods can’t be laid because they… Don’t turn out right…
- You cannot force her to lay anything beyond candy.
- Consent is still a factor here, she likes giving people candy eggs so she allows the commands to work. She can ignore “commands” for candy from people that bother her.
- After years of practice, Loh has learned to make a few special eggs for self defense, medical assistance and amusement. She won’t reveal them yet.
- Okay but some medicines are kinda like candy, so some of her eggs can cure sore throats, heal wounds aloe vera gel style and so on.
- The yellow diamonds behind her ears and the one on her back can glow in the dark at will!
- She can make eggs that produce light like a lantern for when she hides them in the dark. The light mysteriously goes out when the egg is broken open to eat.
- Her sharp canines are in fact very sharp. She can and will bite you if you’re mean.
- Her paw pads are super soft and squishy. 
- Her eyes are brown like her human form, the one thing that doesn’t change.
- When not in her Easter bunny form, Loh actually can turn into a few select other creatures too. If that form happens to be female, Loh can lay eggs in that form too! So like, an Easter Pikachu.
- Loh grew up playing Yoshi games and found the whole eggs as a weapon thing very interesting, they have decent aim with their eggs so watch out!
- Why does a seemingly random dragon give Loh her Easter bunny form? It’s just the story canon of her world. Other fantastical creatures exist in her world too you know, she’s just the only candy egg laying bunny to exist. Fire breathing dragons? Check. Rodents that shoot lightning? Check. Portals between worlds? Yep. She fits in just fine in her own way.
- There are more abilities and facts but I can’t think of them right now haha, if you read this far thanks!
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itsonlydana · 3 years
hiiiii, can i please request a jschlatt x reader where the reader gets to babysit jambo for a few days while schlatt's gone to do idk what and while he has had some complicated feelings towards the reader before seeing their interactions with jambo now and how much they care for the cat while he's away (through video calls and after he comes back) make him realise just what that feeling towards the reader is and it leads to an unexpected for both (but much needed for both) confession. thank you <33
"the paw-sibility of love" ➷ jschlatt
pairing: jschlatt x reader (gn)
warnings/tags: none, fluff
words: 2,2k (so much kitty love)
song: drive me crazy - hate drugs
a/n: the title.. i know its a bad joke .. forgive me! Hope you enjoy those sweet moments of bonding <3 throughout writing this i looked at my cat and just thought "why don´t you act like jambo here?" and then she walked away, smh
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"Jambo, pss pss, come here, wanna say hello to your dad?" You patted your lap, luring the cat from his sleeping spot on his bed to join you on the couch. With a meow, Jambo answered your call and jumped up to you, nuzzling his head against your arm.
"Ohh hi, Jambo!" Schlatt, who had been less interested in your conversation before, now leaned closer to the camera. The cat responded instantly to his owner's voice, albeit a bit confused from where it was coming from and why he couldn't see him. Schlatt laughed, for the first time in the last ten minutes, "Here little guy."
As Jambo continued to peer around the living room, you raised your index finger in front of his nose, guiding it until he turned his head to the cell phone in your other hand and recognized the man on the screen.
Jambo meowed loudly, nudged his wet nose against the finger Schlatt had held up to the camera, tried to chase after it when Schlatt moved his hand.
"How are you doing Jambo? Are you getting enough attention and food?" Schlatt's questions stung. Not only because he didn't even address them to you, but to Jambo, but also because he indirectly accused you of not taking care of the cat.
"Of course he's fine," you snapped, offended by the accusation. You could see Schlatt rolling his eyes, which only hurt you more, making your throat tighten uncomfortably. "I have to go now, he needs to be fed." Before Schlatt could even say goodbye you hung up and threw your phone into the couch cushions with a frustrated snort.
"What is he thinking? Does he really think I wouldn't take good care of you?" you asked Jambo, who had turned his attention back to you after Schlatt's sudden disappearance and was quietly purring as he rubbed his muzzle against your fingers. As if he could sense your bad mood, the cat climbed up your chest. He made himself comfortable there, doing a few laps in which his tail slapped against your face, causing you to sniffle before he made himself comfortable right under your chin, which he nudged with his wet snout. "Oh Jambo," you gently stroked the cat's orange fur. "Why doesn't your owner like me?"
Not liking was an understatement, you had a feeling Schlatt would prefer to have nothing to do with you. He had a knack for being in a bad mood whenever you showed up somewhere, which was not uncommon due to your mutual friend groups.
As long as you knew him, he avoided you, made inappropriate comments to you, and was generally bad company.
The problem was that you had still managed to fall for him, badly. You had a really bad crush on him.
This weakness for him had also finally made you agree to him when he had asked if you could watch Jambo for a week. Why he asked you of all people was not clear to you, maybe everyone else had declined or he knew that you had cats in the past.
You didn't really regret it, only 90%, because while you were on the phone with Schlatt every day, and were more often in his apartment than in your own, you could also spend time with Jambo, probably the sweetest cat in the world.
Unfortunately, this time passed relatively quickly, the one week Schlatt was out of the country had passed with the blink of an eye. According to the plan, Schlatt was supposed to arrive in the early evening, and you would then directly give him back the key to his apartment; most likely he didn't feel like meeting with you again on another day just for that.
It was fine with you, so you could use every possible minute with Jambo, you had the suspicion not to see him as regularly as the last six days.
Since it was Sunday and you didn't have to work, you set off for the apartment after breakfast, taking one of your favorite books and a croissant from the bakery on your way, your steps with a little less bounce than usual.
Like the last few days, Jambo greeted you right at the door, the cat meandered between your legs, you had barely unlocked and closed the door behind you again. "Hey my boy.", you knelt down, letting your bag slide to the floor so you could give the meowing cat your attention. "Today is our last day, shall we give you an extra great breakfast?" you asked as you stood back up and walked into the kitchen where you set out his bowl of wet food, sprinkled with a few treats.
After you both had breakfast and Jambo curled up for a nap on his cat tree, you started cleaning up the apartment. Schlatt had never asked you to do this, at most to clean the litter box, but for you it was obvious to vacuum up the cat hair, or to wipe over the shelves, so that Schlatt would not have to return to a dirty apartment.
The day passed quickly, a little too quickly for you, Jambo also seemed to feel the sad vibe, he did not leave your side.
You didn't go out as usual, but ordered your lunch to the apartment because Jambo started screaming as soon as you put your bag together.
In the afternoon you sent your daily Jambo photos to Schlatt, you even jumped over your own shadow and sent, besides the photos of Jambo playing, a photo of him leaning his forehead against yours and one of him licking your nose, to both of which he surprisingly replied with a "cute" - you thought he meant Jambo's affection.
Towards the evening you became more restless, checking your phone every few minutes, waiting for Schlatt's message to fly off, which never came.
You knew that this constant checking would drive you crazy, strain your nerves, so you lay down on the couch. Immediately Jambo jumped on your chest, curled up with his face turned to yours, where he stayed, enjoying your calm voice as you read from your book.
It was this image that Schlatt found a few hours later, except that the book must have fallen to the floor when you fell asleep.
You weren't sure when you had fallen asleep, but when you woke up the light in the living room was off, the only light was the orange light from the street lamps outside, and you could swear you had fallen asleep without a blanket. Still half asleep, you felt the blanket in search of Jambo, but got only the soft fabric and no cat.
A confused "Huh?", left your lips, briefly you thought you were in your own apartment, but then a door opened and warm light fell from Schlatt's bedroom into the living room.
"Oh," Schlatt stopped in his tracks, a bottle of water in one hand and the other on the doorknob. "I didn't mean to wake you."
Still not fully awake you straightened up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "What time is it?" you asked in a raspy voice, a result of your reading aloud earlier.
Schlatt approached the couch and handed you the bottle of water, which you gratefully accepted. With the cool sips of water you found it easier to think clearly. "Have you been back long?" you asked without him answering the first one, and Schlatt shoved his free hands into his gym shorts, shaking his head.
"Maybe half an hour. Sorry it got so late, the plane couldn't take off on time," he explained while sitting down at the other end of the couch, whereupon you automatically pulled your feet closer to you.
Nodding to yourself, you started playing around with one of the strings on one of the sides of the blanket, wrapping it around your index finger. The mood was weird, you were about to leave and Schlatt was telling you probably the most unnecessary details of his week. He had never liked to tell you the tiniest thing about his life, which made the whole conversation just surreal in the darkness of the room.
In the midst of Schlatt's narration, a meow from the bedroom interrupted him, then you heard the tapping of claws on the hardwood floor.
Instead of running to Schlatt, Jambo jumped in front of your drawn legs, visibly offended at not having the opportunity to lie down on your lap, and started scratching the blanket with his paw.
Sighing, you gave in, stretching your feet out far enough for Jambo to lie down in the hollow of the blanket, meowing contentedly.
Schlatt had watched this little interaction between you and Jambo silently. Of course he had noticed how you had moved away from him when he had sat down next to you, how you couldn't look him in the eye, and he knew it was his fault. He had never treated you the way you deserved to be treated, and the fact that you lovingly cared for Jambo despite all that tore at his heart, dispelled the clouds that had clouded his thoughts for so long.
"He likes you." you heard Schlatt say, and you almost laughed out loud.
"Well I can see that.", you answered him without looking away from Jambo, not wanting to see how he would react to the sharpness behind your words.
But from his slight wince, which you noticed in the corner of your eye, you could still guess.
The couch creaked beneath you as Schlatt leaned over and stroked Jambo's back. Listening to the purring, you both stroked the cat, who rolled onto his back with pleasure and presented his belly. At the same time your hands met there, his thumb stroked your fingers and your breath caught in your throat. You were about to withdraw your hand when Schlatt repeated the movement, this time stroking the back of your hand.
"(y/n)? Um, thanks for your help with Jambo, without you I probably would have had to cancel the trip. You really are an angel for doing that, and that's even though I'm a dick to you."
You freeze in your motion, waiting for your brain to come up with a logical explanation why he would admit that. Anything but "what if he does like me?" because that was just unlikely. Shock prevented you from throwing him another venomous comment, a dick was a bit of an understatement after all.
"Um, no problem.", you mutter, looking to the side.
A mistake, your eyes meet Schlatts, full of unfamiliar warmth and a smile on his lips as he looks at you and Jambo. What happened here, please? Had he fallen on his trip and hit his head? Had his memory been wiped out? Maybe he was abducted by aliens and replaced by a clone?! Everything was easier to explain than his behavior just now.
Schlatt looked up at you, examining your tense posture with his hazel brown eyes,
Why did he have to have such beautiful eyes, in which there was otherwise so much dislike for you? It wasn't a great combination, and it had really confused your feelings a time or two.
"Can I ask you something, (y/n)?" Schlatt turned on the couch so he could look at you completely and you shrugged. "Why not?"
"Could you ever forgive me for my behavior in the past?"
Again you just stared at him, unable to understand the seriousness behind his words. Surely this had to be a dream, a hallucination of your tired mind. And yet Schlatt looked at you with an expectation that it could be nothing but reality.
"I mean... sure, I guess?" you continue to reply in shock that this just happened.
Schlatt seemed to take a deep breath, then slid closer to you. "Okay, good, if not that would have made the following very awkward." He laughed forcedly and your eyes widened in skepticism. What was he going to do?
"(y/n)?" God, you hadn't known how beautifully smooth he could pronounce your name. "I'm really sorry for the way I treated you. You triggered something in me, made me feel things I couldn't place and it messed me up. You were always nice to me and I trampled on that niceness." Briefly, he cleared his throat. "So, uhm I like you, (y/n). I didn't realize it until I saw how you were with Jambo and how you cared for him. Like in the sense of I have a crush and actually don't deserve you sitting here listening to my complaining."
Your heart leapt. You felt as if a shooting star had flashed past you and brought your wish right along with it.
"You like me?" you repeated his words tentatively. There was still a possibility that it was all a silly joke.
But the way Schlatt nodded and reached for your hands-
"You could say that."
A grin grew on your face, making you shine like the sun on the most beautiful summer day of the year, and suddenly it was way too warm under the covers. "I like you too," you blurted out, watching Schlatt's uncertainty give way. "Well, in the sense of being in love," you added softly.
Schlatt gripped your hand tighter. "Would you like to stay here tonight?"
Before you could answer, Jambo meowed loudly, probably complaining about the lack of petting and the far to much talking, and you both had to laugh out loud. "I think he decided for me," you grinned, patting the cat's head in your lap.
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m-jelly · 3 years
hi as someone who is in love with this account -def not checking for updates every hour- i want to request a levi x fem reader who is short-tempered like get easily annoyed and angry about anything i thought they would have a funny relationship cause levi is kinda bold and literally makes comments that can be annoying thx if you appreciate and write this love u bye <3
Aww! Bless you! I want to give you the biggest cuddle <3 This took me a bit to get this as I am the most chill person you'll meet. I can count on one hand the number of times I was angry last year. The same applies to the year before. It's so odd, I just don't get angry, but if I do my friends are so scared. Angry Jelly is a scary Jelly. haha
I'm going to do this as headcanons, hope that's alright?
Levi x short-tempered fem reader headcanons.
Levi is known for his strange words, sharp tongue and honesty. So, what would he be like if his lover was short-tempered?
- Supportive = He'd be supportive of you. He'd help you in times when you lose your temper a little and snap at others. You're his little angry kitty cat, so of course, he'd be there for you. He would find it a little cute how you lash out a little, like a cat bapping its paw on someone's head or face.
- Tea = As someone with a short temper, you get a little tired. Being angry so easily is rather draining on the body. So, Levi would provide you with the right tea to keep you energised and awake. He's got to take care of his angry little brat.
- Head pats = Sometimes you can get angry for no reason, it happens to the best of us, but Levi would calm you easily. Levi would pat your head, ruffle your hair or place his hand on your head just to calm you. Just feeling his touch is enough to make you feel at peace.
- Hugs = When a head pat is not enough, he'd just hold you in his arms and not say a thing. Kill the anger with love. He won't say he loves you often, but he'd hold you so tightly that you'd just feel the love and feel better. It'd be tightly too, mainly to stop you from hitting anyone.
- Kisses = When you are ready to rant, or someone has really pissed you off due to them winding you up, Levi has to pull out all the stops. He would kiss your forehead to stop you in your tracks. Levi's kiss just stops you in your tracks and makes it all better. Kissing you on the lips is big weapon against you. Taming the angry kitten is hard, but a lovely kiss works.
- I love you = When all else fails, he says he loves you because he does. He adores you to death and nothing makes him happier and smile than you getting a little angry. You're not dangerous, you're just a tiny bit deadly. His words just remind you that it's okay and no matter what you say to others and how pouty you get, he fucking loves you.
- Teasing/winding up = He might love you and try to soothe you, but sometimes he just has to wind you up so you lose your shit. He doesn't do it to laugh at you, he does it because you remind him so much of a cute annoyed cat. He just can't help but tease you so you get a little angry. You're adorable.
- Letting you vent = He likes seeing you stand up for yourself, so he won't get involved unless you ask him to. He'll just let you do your own thing, he'd watch you as you stand up for yourself and then praise you afterwards for being so strong.
Levi would love you no matter what. You're precious to him, so if you do snap easily or if you are the calmest person in the world, he'd love you. He'd always love you for everything you are. You're his precious little brat.
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littletxt · 3 years
Little txt Bedtime Headcanons
Taglist: @kuroppiz
Age: 6 years old
💜 This is Yeonie's favorite pair of jammies!! Often, he refuses to wear anything else!! You even had to buy multiple pairs of Spider-Man jammies because he wanted to wear them every single night!!
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💜What puts Yeonjun to sleep? Rubbing your hand comfortingly on his back until he falls asleep works every time though it has to be firm since he can get a little ticklish.
💜 Needs at least two bedtime stories tho (he will beg for more) they help him have happy dreams.Thats if you can can pull him away from the tv in the evenings.
💜 Baby moves around a lot in his sleep and so he ends up kicking the bed sheets off accidentally! So you have to make sure to tuck him in bed extra tightly!!
Age: 5 years old
💙 If Binnie wasn't such a good boy, he'd do just about anything to get out of wearing clothes to sleep. BUT- since he has to, he prefers giant sweaters and shirts that nearly cover his shorts that he wears to be each night. Think sweater paws with his pale yellow shorts and giant sky blue sweater!! Your giant bunny baby boy loves to feel tiny.
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💙 Since he hates wearing clothes so much, he sometimes tries to kick them off in his sleep. But he doesn't do it on purpose! He promises!
💙 Binnie prefers firm pats on his back over rubs.
💙 He also like to be sang to sleep while patting his back rhythmically to endearing lullabies like "You are my sunshine". It makes him feel safe and warm so he can fall asleep peacefully.
💙drools sometimes 🥺
Age: 3 years old
💖 Like Binnie, Beomie hates wearing clothes. But unlike Binnie, he's not afraid to be an absolute brat about it.
💖 Beomie has to be chased around after bathtime in order to get him into his jammies. The only thing you managed to convince Gyu to wear are the prettiest pink nightgowns. Reason why “girly” nightgowns.
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💖 If he's restless, all the pats, rubs and rocking will be useless to get him down for the night. But if he had to choose, rubs would be his favorite.
💖 He's a sleepy boy but never when he's supposed to be, he's absolutely full of energy during bedtime! Read Hide and Sleep for more!!
💖 Munchkin gremlin👹
💖 Talks and mumbles in his sleep names of the people closest to him or sometimes just random snippets from his dreams (appears in part 2 of series)
💖sucks his thumb when he’s not snoring or talking (oral fixation)
Age: 4 1/2
💛 Mr. Independent doesn't want your help at all "I wanna do it!" He dresses himself. He likes button ups because he put so much time and effort into being able to button them all up correctly. Makes him feel like a big boy! But don't forget his bedtime song!! (Yes those are Pokémon jammies)
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💛 He loves your voice, it's so comforting to him. So you have to sing to him this song every night before bed. It's gotta be this one and only song or he won't sleep. He’ll also hum along with you until he falls asleep -> Depend on You - Twice
💛 “Oh, I’ll hold your hands”
💛 He also prefers being rocked gently. You can do this by spooning him and rocking back and fourth into a nice rhythm as you sing softly into his ear. Or having him face you and wrap both your arms around him so he can nuzzle into your chest and curl up close.
💛 He likes to sleep under the covers and curl up into you like a kitty.
💛 You have to check if he's actually sleeping if you need to get out of bed. Sometimes he has a habit of sleeping with his eyes partially open
Age: 2 years old
💚 Baby has an early bedtime. He's got his whole nighttime routine even though he'd never admit it. You can tell it's time when he starts getting clingy; Nuzzling against you, lots of tummy rubbing and quiet baby.
💚 He has his bedtime snack, juice(not too much since he’s the most likely to have an accident) and bathtime but he's barely awake during his baths most of the time. You get him into one of his favorite onesies (mostly green ones) and lay him down with a plushy under his arm and his much needed paci (or even better, your thumb). you better be ready to go to bed early too because you're his favorite plushy that he can never sleep without.
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💚 He prefers gentle, soothing rubs over pats or being rocked but petting his head will win every time.
💚 On the off chance he isn't sleepy come bed time (rare) throw on a Disney princess movie and he'll fall asleep before the second song.
💚 Little Beomie absolutely hates getting into pjs but Kai is opposite! You cant get him out of them! He's always wearing his onesies when he doesn't have to leave the house.
💚 Which can sometimes be helpful because the biggest signifier that he's hungry is when he starts chewing on the sleeve of his oversized onesie.
🧸End note: Kai: what are clothes ? I only know pjs 😴💗
Beomgyu: ew bedtime 👹😰
All links are to my other works that these headcanons appear in 💕
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sugar-petals · 3 years
SuperM as Boyfriends Headcanon
↪ caro’s note. extra long version because i miss ‘em. best boys, they’re all bf material to the moon and back ♡
5k words | bullet points
○ warnings ⚠️ 18+, dom/sub play, shibari, female reader, grinding, poly mentions, threesomes, face-sitting, femdom & vanilla, smut and fluff
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⌈ ten
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— motto: they won’t underestimate me for long.
most of your social environment is gonna be confused by ten at the beginning 
and don’t really get what he’s all about
or think he’s like whatever, some random guy in a tank top
acting peculiar
finding him kind of hard to gauge
some of your family and relatives might even think he’s totally unusual and a sneaky fuckboy making you mad 
they seriously wonder what you see in him
down the line that perception has turned by 180 degrees
as it should
ten becomes more irreplaceable, relatable, beautiful, perfect and impressive the more you know him
he’s not as mysterious and impossibly badass as everyone assumes
his personality is very approachable to you 
and you find him interesting in every aspect, looks to hobbies to background to personal habits
and also opinions because ten is a guy who really thinks stuff through
so you gotta be roughly on the same wavelength 
he likes discussing controversial and complicated stuff a lot for sure
being far wiser than his age suggests 
you are the first to share those things with him until the rest of the world catches up to this gem of a person
spending so much time with you
in the most personal way he can
he takes you to see the floating markets in bangkok, you spend the summer in thailand
wakeboarding and playing badminton
his entire family knows you inside out at some point this shit is serious
it’s very important to him to go back to the roots every now and then
and that you have been around his home city as well
getting to enjoy the area and time together eating the most savory delicacies
renting a boat and paddling you around to the important spots, he can explain any question you have
this kissing is gonna be so romantic 
who needs a vacation in venice when you can go to thailand with none other than ten himself as your ferryman let that sink in
except eating durian there he is, the boyfriend who can do anything!
with seemingly no effort
ten does little kind services of love for you throughout the day
he pours you herbal tea, fixes some furniture (he’s surprisingly good at tinkering), comes home from the bakery with your favorite pastry, does the laundry with your favorite fabric softener
he also goes on a huge shopping spree with you monthly because fashion is key in this household and it’s tremendous fun
you giggle when he puts on oversized shirts deliberately to look funny
everyone in the clothing store will think oh man what an adorable pair
ten will model the living hell out of the entire stock
and buy you the cape you really really want as a birthday present
said item turns out to be your favorite couple accessory
because you can sit next to each other on a bench at the river and wear it
what’s not to love about a portable blanket
of course he will take to instagram and make it such a cool thing, photographies of you wearing really cool coats and jackets
mirror bathroom selfies together as well, with a back hug, the classic
and not just for insta
you snuggle a lot generally
ten is always available for affection
and accepts all PDA
he’s a kitty after all, he loves the warmth of your body more than you know
remember how taemin said ten’s hands are always cold, newsflash not anymore since you stuff them into the pocket of your hoodie whenever you can
and hello sir your paws will be nice and cozy on my waist
or hand in hand when you waltz through your apartment
time for dance is a must
oh my god ten is so good at all of this
although say he’s definitely faster into latin than standard genres
tango argentino, he loves flamenco as well
don’t believe me? ten is a diehard rosalía stan!
so, no-brainer, expect a lot of dancy stuff 
that escalates into wild, passionate fucking
which probably looks like an aggressive form of couple exercises
you poor sore souls
ten’s lil kitty butt is falling apart from all the “i can handle a bigger one!”-level pegging and you have aching legs all over
favorite position? full nelson
if you ask me ten’s ass is probably so carved out by the end of this you could fit lucas and kai in there from head to toe
this is not for the faint of heart
sex with this guy is extra cardio
and if you’re into that a threesome is gonna go down sooner or later
with our girl lisa
there. i said it
miss manoban in those knee-high boots, grinding her thighs between yours and you finishing off on ten’s face? the fucking hottest thing ever i need a moment wow
i don’t have to tell you how orgasmic this is gonna be
steamy sex life with ten very recommended
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⌈ kai
— motto: you’re like a precious rose. i’ll protect you forever.
to be straightforward with you
he is in so heavily in demand it’s madness
to give you an idea of the scale
mark is basically occupied by yuta until the end of time 
but kai has an entire idol fanclub on top of all erigoms
those sharp moves did not go unnoticed
he gets an inkigayo sandwich every other day
jesus christ
if rent-a-sexy-bf.com was a thing kai would be the most requested
his phone would be blowing up with contracts like
and you also have to pass kyungsoo’s vibe check
and taemin’s
the road to being kai’s gf is indeed the way of the samurai
i mean honestly: kim jongin is without a doubt the hardest member to get a date with
this has got to be the most selective man of the entire industry or something
if he likes you he REALLY likes you
and he will be the one showing initiative
because he wants to make it clear he isn’t just spending time out of politeness or something
although it’s pretty logical that if kai was unable to reject someone he would no longer be an idol but a harem husband busy every hour of the day
seoul would be able to found its own village 
kai town
where like 70% of the population is pregnant
but since kai wants to keep on dancing obviously and he wants to lend his heart to only one person 
seoul has to settle with a singular nini family house instead of a kai district
where you and the man himself are a full-fledged household basically since kai’s nieces double as actual kids
if you wanna be a young ass ‘mom but not mom with kids’ and be married to kim kai this is it
does he have a thing for milfs or something
that thought just came to my mind
anyway you’re mommy anyway wink wink
fucking til’ dawn until even his muscles hurt
going raw at the gym together
him cooking the most random food with the infamous waffle maker
cuddling with an army of teddy bears surrounding you
walking the dogs with the sexiest dancer alive 
and the sexiness is only the tip of the iceberg 
we know he’s all-round amazing
kai is the king of figuring out ways to chill out with you anywhere anytime
and yes innocent chilling
...unless you’re in the mood for something else
up to you
sweet innocent chilling for now... with the stunner... just smooching at best things aren’t going raw or anything
on the couch in the kitchen in the car when it’s parked somewhere in nature
kai takes you very seriously and is a great listener
he’s literally so respectful and open-minded i can’t
he will keep your secrets and stand up for you if it’s ever needed
yes he is extremely caring and invested
kai does not tolerate others being shady towards you
if there’s an instance where you are hurt and unable to assert yourself don’t worry. he knows how to confront others with measure but a firm determination.
kai takes a lot of that responsibility but only to the degree where you are comfortable
i think you get what i mean by that
and he is diplomatic instead of plain patronizing
you have a right to be protected. it means he not only treats you well, but also makes sure your well-being isn’t disturbed in any other way outside of the relationships
outside influences aren’t to be underestimated
and since kai is a godly man you encounter a lot of jealousy from others
a matter he will take into his hands since he knows he’s the reason
standing up for you also means saying no 
to these jealous voices so this is an important boundary he has to draw
that all kinds of hellbent people want to get into his pants and take his stage image too literally is not up to you to fix
kai is there for you to enjoy and love not to defend
that’d be exhausting and beside the point 
kai prevents stress and negativity to come to you
i hope i explained this well he doesn’t do this to be bossed up or make you weak it’s because he wants to make life easier for you
guys being protective will be chalked up as chauvinistic these days. often rightfully so 
but what i mean is that kai support you in all regards so you won’t be at a disadvantage or feel terrible about something
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⌈ taeyong
— motto: we’ll take good care. enjoy the pleasure.
he’s the type of boyfriend who will ask you about things he missed out on while he was busy
things um from the internet
while mark literally knows that one by heart already taeyong will ask you things like what the wellerman song is
and you thought it would be something nsfw
i got you fooled
did we forget that the man literally watched nct memes on youtube
taeyong is both even more 18+ than you think but also even more innocent than you think it’s complicated
this man is just hard to describe he’s so different, i mean every person is unique but he’s an original it’s the extra mile you know
sea shanties
bopping to it all day since he just heard it 
singing it while he prepares dinner based on a youtube recipe video as he often does
he’s the most adorable person ever ever ever
asking you why shanties are back in fashion 
(good question, requires a deeper sociocultural analysis i reckon)
planning to remix one for his soundcloud lmao i kid you not
maybe your favorite shanty 
featuring fast-pace rap and all
creating his own previously unknown phrases and shit like that you know him
palazzo rocco lemon detox flashbacks
he’s hilarious i swear
taeyong will produce his own shanties for you can you imagine
as he says: my happiness is your happiness
watch out he will drop a shanty music video with extra krumping moves
taeyong is a never-ending source of pure crack
prepare to laugh a lot like, a lot lot
how can a man who seemingly has such a serious outlook on life and such a bonkers kinda face be so lighthearted
it’s like he’s peter pan or something
especially since he has to manage like over 20 brats in nct his cutesy behavior towards you as his gf will stand out to you
yeah so to be clear we all know he’s the cute one in the relationship
and guess who wears the pants
that’s always you ma’am don’t deny it
or wait 
not for long actually because they come off um physically
but not metaphorically
because who doesn’t wanna sit on his face tbh
your favorite reserved spot
he loves it
taeyong has such a thing for your body it’s ridiculous
mister lee got a sexy mama
and you have such a thing for the gloriousness that is him
but neither of you will not admit it as openly as other people would think
all there is... is being flustered
baekhyun probably has to play some cupid now and then
and give you some ideas
like gifting taeyong plushies and things like that
baekhyun knows what taeyong is all about so the advice is very welcome
but most things you find out for yourself
by being a little braver with him you know
you walking around naked in the apartment or basically fresh out the shower with nothing but a towel
will shake up taeyong so immensely, he will back himself against a wall without you even pinning him there lmao!
jeez he’s so deep into kinky stuff but easily shook anyway
i quote him again: “born to be cute, i dunno!”
you can imagine the overwhelm when you rub yourself against him like it’s nobody’s business
it’s so much fun to give taeyong a regular horny meltdown not gonna lie
this man was grinding his whole body all over the superm stage and now he’s basically freezing up and drooling
how many denied and ruined orgasms he’s gonna get, so much overstimulation all the way  
you’ll lose count of it
and just how wet you’re gonna be
is a thing for the history books
taeyong isn’t such a big deal in nct for no reason god gave him every talent 
so great sex is obviously in his repertoire
i think you’re gonna break some records for most fucks per week
you know... guys like lucas taemin kai and baekhyun spend more time wooing and teasing and flirting
but taeyong gets down to business
one glance is enough
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⌈ lucas
— motto: the hottest couple around.
ah, big boy
you really got this man’s attention
doing nothing much at all really
he probably just saw you walking around talking to friends
carrying an impossibly huge veggie burger munching and enjoying yourself after going on a jog
yeah boy that’s how you catch his eye
they say love begins in the stomach and that is the true meaning
or the nose, your food smells really good, lucas is going crazy, he’s seeing stars and shit
the towering burger isn’t the only thing he wants
lucas cannot get you out of his mind no matter how much he tries to distract himself 
with more good food, movies, games
fooling around with wayv or the superm maknaes, and working out
he’s admittedly... a little himbo head over himbo heels with you the feels got to him
he’s not gonna say it’s a date he’s just gonna invite you just because
to hang out in the kitchen while taeyong cooks and baekhyun comes up with the idea to play twister
imagine lucas with his long arms and legs bending himself all over the place
fighting with kai who almost crashed his shoulders into taemin who avoided the accident quickly
making you lose a round
obviously lucas will hustle until your team wins
mostly because he’s so tall and baekhyun is so small which is a huge advantage when stacking each other over the map
let’s just face it baekhyun only suggested this game to bite everyone’s butts and to see you have skinship with lucas
which is definitely a successful plan of the leader
yukhei is in paradise 
jumping around his room like an oversized bunny after you went home
don’t lie, you fell hard for him as well he’s just such a presence
emotionally, physically
a gentle but persistent giant
he’ll do anything to make your relationship happen once he knows you’re interested
if there’s someone meant to be a boyfriend it’s gotta be him come on
he will cave in after a while and admit he can’t just forget about you 
not gonna lie
your ex is gonna be shaking in his ratty boots
his poor eyes will literally jop from their unexpecting sockets
when he sees lucas hanging out with you
with his shining blonde hair and tall stature, that perfect shapely body, with great fashion on top of that
looking like your guardian angel
man, xuxi really does
pulling you out of your slump that’s been going on for months
and bringing back smiles and a good time he knows how to do that best
and big big hugs of course
you can imagine how soothing and grounded it feels with such huge arms around you
he will make sure that feeling is always there when you need it
because you deserve that treatment
which means he will come over very very often
yeah get ready for how yukhei is a lot more driven than you think just dial and he will be there
underneath the meme surface is someone very determined who really really wants you
yukhei is chaotic good incarnate but in that area he isn’t messing around
his brain is like: “gotta be with her”
on repeat
he must call you, he literally can’t sleep without tying loose ends together as quickly as possible
no second wasted with this guy, even far down the relationship timeline
i really pity your ex 
i mean someone dating any superm member would drive their former partner completely nuts 
but lucas is a special case
he has that kind of look and aura that makes other guys dig themselves into the ground like wiggling worms or cope by fanboying over him
i don’t wanna make this sound like a competition and yet — congrats on your noodly blondie boyfriend alright
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⌈ mark
— motto: two nerds in love.
how to explain this. mark is a perfect balance of a lover, a talker, and a shy bean
with a tendency toward bean
and flicking the bean
you know
cutting right to the chase are we
mark is very invested in pleasing you as good as he can
and defeating his awkwardness
because if we know one thing it’s that he always strives to become better and better like he can’t help it
and isn’t afraid of almost biting off more than he can chew
how many subunits is he part of at this point is it gonna be nct hollywood as well god dangit
back to the point mark doesn’t treat relationships and sex as something static which is a good and rare thing
he does his best and always looks for room to improve
while being very nervous, very bilingual, it takes two languages or more to express what he thinks about you let that sink in
that’s very shaky first date sex while being extremely in love with each other
lucky you
and an afterglow where he plays the guitar for you
that’s so nice 
he can play it while laying down and shit
while singing
not rapping, actual full-fledged serenading
we’ve heard how that sounds in the relay cam
are you dating some kind of teenage heartthrob or something huh
mark will make it very clear he’ll stick around, this bad bitch is here to stay
or actually, he’s a good bitch, don’t misunderstand
mark doesn’t have a lot of edgy in him unless rap is concerned
he’s the kinda guy to get lost in IKEA with 
having a good time 
as often as his schedule permits
you really have to make use of your time together 
this man might as well the busiest idol out there
and you are no different because birds of a feather
you’re both mr. and ms. independent 
out and about very often
so meeting up becomes something special during comeback season
or wait mark always has a comeback going on
which is a double-edged sword but something you both know you signed up for 
which is why you spend a lot of time around NCT dream, 127, and SuperM 
sm’s publicity agents have to work extra hard i’m telling you
a dating rumor is the last thing both of you would need
since you befriend several members you gotta stay on the low as well
but hey the rage of jealous people of the public is nothing compared to the force of nature that is yuta nakamoto
who seriously thinks himself threatened and robbed
in case you are feeling possessive as well...
...you might have to fistfight yuta
to be able to be with mark
who is basically property of osaka at this point
yuta is a scorpio that’s just the way it is
unlike taeyong who wishes his rap buddy the best, yuta kinda wants to be mark’s wingman and see him date, live his best life
but also have mark for himself to fawn over and to adore, to be fascinated by
we get it yuta. bisexual struggles. very understandable
you have to promise in person that mark doesn’t forget about the holy gaming nights with yuta 
which is hilarious since that’s not up to you but mark’s memory
bestie, yuta uses everyone as a scapegoat don’t sweat it too much
regardless you put a weekly reminder on the fridge
so the roaring lion yuta would be pacified
he doesn’t want to lose his sweetheart can you blame him
the ultimate but also most risky solution is obviously inviting yuta for movies 
which will be appreciated but also cause a storm
mark will definitely break a sweat when you start a popcorn war or try to prove who hugs mark the best 
caught in the middle of mayhem is mark lee’s specialty what did you expect
this either ends with murder or a chaotic open relationship down the line
yuta really is attached but who wouldn’t be
it could be worse mark has double the love you know 
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⌈ baekhyun
— motto: you wanna know why i’m your candy?
baby tell me are you ridin’?
in fair verona where we lay our scene...
that baekhyun always wants to woo you — his way, which proves to be very interesting to say the least — is never hard to miss
putting in effort is mochi default mode 
no matter what stage of the relationship you’re in
he might as well regularly serenade you under your balcony in the backyard just because
probably singing ‘baby we can stay up’ and wiggling his ass in all directions because he’s a dirty boy gone wild
yeah. nowadays romeo is twerking instead of feuding with tybalt
that’s good for him and everyone involved
you in particular because you get some very racy eye candy
you know how baekhyun is
at least nobody’s around seeing him put on an 18+ show like that
your little guy is one unhinged fella
if it starts pouring he will grind up and down the next lantern and belt out ‘singing in the rain’
you bet he can do some actual pole dance
he’s strong and bendy you know
and loves to gyrate his whole bag of bones like... he wants to hit you with all the body rolls
in the rain
what a freaky man
but hey you wanna stay up for sure 
doesn’t take long until you beckon him to come upstairs
where the only way to alleviate him of his wet clothes—
oh well he has those roger rabbit vibes and you can’t be mad at it
he will play off all his hormonal antics
baekhyun is hilarious
and so perverted, he can keep up with your spicy idea of playing patty-cake don’t worry
how do i know you’re an extra nsfw kinda person?
who else would like baekhyun
he says juicy things all the time
and does juicy things
yes. finally a couple on eye level indeed. 
when baekhyun asks are you ridin’ you ask how hard 
this is gonna be fun
and remember
beside handing you sacks of money
his priority is always to make you smile
i’m kidding about the bags but
baekhyun is so rich it’ll show in your relationship, but he’s more about the interactions with you rather than the lifestyle
baekhyun didn’t hustle for a bentley he hustled to sing and get out of sm alive alright
financial stability: important
luxury: very nice to have, he can make you the presents you want to have and travel a lot together
but smiles: baekhyun priority
because he so badly wants to know you love him and adore him, he sometimes feels so insecure
of course you do
you always reassure him with your reactions
it’s very important to him don’t underestimate it
baekhyun has always been talking about his ideal type in terms of how he can cheer her up
so even the naughtiest sexy time evenings are gonna be filled with all giggles
anyway other than that your pussy will be dripping
because this guy is as horny as all other members of super m combined
and you have your ways of leaving him tongue-tied and wrists-tied
taemin’s impact
superm isn’t short of bondage supplies we all know that
so yeah. shibari baekhyun is gonna happen
since he does pilates imagine what kinda shapes you can bend this lil guy into
and take some pictures
privé is in trouble 
bondage model baekhyun is bursting onto the scene
you might even run a risque blog that features cropped pictures with him
heh — you think people will recognize him by his body?
first: you only upload HD pictures that aren’t whitewashed
baekhyun is basically never photographed like that
second: who expects baekhyun to be featured on a bdsm blog with his girlfriend
and this is the guy that drives you around in his expensive car with his big black shades on 
well what can i say
nothing is the way it seems
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⌈ taemin
— motto: i’ll unfold a whole new world for you.
taemin is cocky, he’s sensual, and: a very smiley person as we know
least boring relationship ever
he will prance toward you whenever he can to involve you in cuddles
touch-starved taemin is a thing
kkoong can tell you about it, he needs kisses and embraces so often
might as well pepper him with it no problem
and put him into your oversized sweaters when he eats ice cream on the sofa, watching movies, and you brush his ever-growing hair
he’s smol he’s gonna fit into them don’t worry
and on the other hand he likes a rough and tough girl who thinks of him like a boy toy
who acts tsundere or like his bodyguard
working out almost daily to the point of sweat all over
a gal probably able to pretzel minho lucas and chanyeol into one giant bundle
taemin truly has the taste of a divo
multi-layered as always
so you couldn’t say the relationship is always the same in sentiment, the vibe of the dynamic could be different every day
we love a complex man
what would be volatile to others is actually an advantage up close
because taemin understands every difficult facet of himself and his partner 
even if those facets might be contradictory
or something that’s felt shameful about
he will accept and listen anyway
the same goes for getting what drives you
taemin is like a walking psychology velvet couch with fancy swirls as arm rests
point is he isn’t fooled by the surface of the world
he knows what has to be known
which also means your looks aren’t the part he prioritizes
and not even outward personality and habit is what he’s drawn to
it’s the mentality and values underneath
that’s true compatibility to him and he can feel it
he’s really really smart
and also finds it important that you get along with shinee and superm, that you think they’re nice to be around and vice versa
especially kai as taemin’s absolute bearly bestie. if kai thinks you’re shady and you don’t like kai either
or if you’re permanently super awkward and taemin’s moodmaking doesn’t help
we have a problem
but fair enough
kai and taemin are basically one soul at this point so if taemin likes you jongin does anyway 
bff telepathy
in fact jongin was probably the one introducing you to taemin lmao!
because he knows you go well together instinctively and he is correct
so not to worry then
and it’s good on taemin to think longterm and not see you as a person outside of social interaction y’know
cough cough he thinks about marriage, you might be ms. lee one day
here he goes again taemin is just very mature seeing you as well-rounded in every aspect of life
without letting his dick make the important decisions at the detriment of making this a relationship of two lives not just two bodies only
but obviously don’t assume taemin is no horny devil. we all know he dreams of the freakiest scenarios and fantasies in this whole group
going kinda crazy about the thought of making you cum which he always wants to try with new methods
which occupies his mind more than a big bowl of super spicy noodles which is taemin’s favorite meal so
at the same time taemin junior is definitely the same clingy attention whore as his sparkly owner
limp wrists from all the handjobs on your side
and very swollen lips from giving all that head on his side
this is gonna be interesting
he puts the 6v6 in 69
equals 69v69 am i right
but i’m serious that’s gonna be a lot of oral action
you definitely ask each other about having sex very often, daily if you have the time and find a nice spot
and how on earth do both of you keep your hands off each other sleeping in one bed
taemin is touchy as hell with no shyness, and you squish squeeze and grope this guy like the mochi he is
ah when things go both ways
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© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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I posted a while back that my emotional support kitty had cancer and that we had been informed his time left with us was limited. Unfortunately, yesterday morning he crossed the Rainbow Bridge and I just wanted to write something to commemorate him.
His name was Midnight and I adopted him in 2005 when he was just a few weeks old. Even then he had a mischievious personality and I thought he was the most special cat I had ever seen. I have other cats, and I have had many cats over the years that I still love dearly, but I've never had the soul bond with them that I had with Midnight.
He was all black as a kitten, but as he grew he developed little white spots that marked him as a very handsome tuxedo cat. He had a patch of white fur under his neck and on his belly, and he had little tufts of white fur between the toes on his paws. His fur eventually turned brown, as he spent many happy years laying in the sunniest spots he could find. He still had areas, like his ears, that were all black but the majority of his fur really lightened over the years.
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He was absolutely and positively my very best friend. I am so very grateful for all of the time I spent with him. We had so many good years together. He loved playing with the wrapping paper and bows on Christmas morning. He also loved playing with Easter grass too. Yes, I know that can be dangerous for cats so he always had extremely vigilant supervision for it, but he just loved playing with anything that could be construed as any type of string-
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He loved cuddling always but especially at bedtime.
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He loved chasing all kinds of lights. He liked it when we played with him with laser pointers and flashlights. He would run and chase them every time we played. Even if the sun was coming through a window and reflecting off an electronic screen, it was a light to be chased. All to say, strings and lights were his favorite. All of the toys we bought him with feathers or little mice at the end to chase were nowhere near as interesting to him as the string they were tied to.
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The entire time I was in college, he "helped ". He loved playing with my pens and laying on my books or my laptop to get my attention. He really should've earned a degree of his own both times I graduated because he was right there with me the whole time.
We shared many little meals together. For a long time, Subway was his favorite. He knew what the bag and paper wrapped around the sandwiches sounded like! I always gave him little pieces of the meat off my sandwich. He also liked to share chicken, which I eat pretty often. Every holiday I would bring him his own little pieces of the big turkeys and ham and he loved it. If he was sleeping anywhere else, he would come sit with me at dinner because he knew I always shared what I had with him. By the end he couldn't eat people food or even his favorite dry cat food, which was super sad.
All of his illness was so sad for me, and I tried so very hard to care for him. He had dental issues that we maybe could've fixed with surgery, but he also had cancer that spread really fast at the end. It was on his face, right over the area where he had dental complications. His age, along with the combination of health issues, put further treatment options out of reach. We could have sent off tissue to be biopsied and maybe started chemo and radiation for the cancer- but even if that bought him more time, he still would've had to then endure dental surgery too. Surgery is complicated for elderly cats and he was 16 1/2 years old. I know his mouth hurt so much, and he would've been miserable in chemotherapy. We have a wonderful, compassionate vet, and he agreed that at his age and with his conditions, keeping him comfortable was our best option. I gave him medicine for his pain that I hope helped. The cancer spread fast these last 2 months and he lost his vision, completely in his right eye and partially in his left. He trusted me to the end to watch out for him and keep him safe, and I will always second guess the decisions I had to make. None of us can really win the inevitable battle against nature, time, and death though.
When he went yesterday morning, they gave him a sedative and I held him in my arms until he fell asleep. I know he knew that I was there for him. Once he was asleep, they gave him the shot that sent him over the Rainbow Bridge. I petted him and told him I loved him over and over when he left. I told him I was so proud of him because he had been so brave since he got sick. I told him he was my best friend. I've been telling him that for years, and although I know he didn't understand the words, he always purred more when I said it, so he must've liked the tone of voice I always said it in. I swear I felt his soul leave his body.
I know in my heart it was the right thing to do, but I already miss him so, so much. I have lost many pets and family members before, even had 2 very near death experiences myself, and I don't think any of those losses came close to what I'm feeling now. Please, if you've read this far, if you have any fur babies please hug them extra in Midnight's memory today and always because our time with them is fleeting and soon gone.
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So here's to my special boy, my very best friend who purred as loud as a motorcycle, and my very sweet love who I was so very lucky to be blessed with. I hope now he's not hurting and he is somewhere that he can eat the food he likes, find strings to chew on, and bask in the sunshine again. I will love him every single day for the rest of my life.
Until we meet again best friend. 🐾
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ladybugout-au · 3 years
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Ivan closed the door to his room, then opened his pocket to let Wayzz free. They both knew that Wayzz could just phase through the pocket if he wanted to, but it was a mutual gesture of respect between them.
"I was watching the footage on LadyBugOut's archive," Wayzz said as he flew a small distance away, facing Ivan with a smile. "You did well."
"You think?" Ivan grinned and rubbed the back of his head, growing sheepish at the praise.
Wayzz nodded. "The want to protect others is our strong point. Have you done it before?"
Ivan shook his head, walking over to take a seat on his bed. "No, I never had superpowers until I got this."
"Not that," Wayzz said with a chuckle. He flew over to the little area Ivan had set up for him - a little crudely done but made with love all the same - then sat down and got comfortable. Spreading his arms out, he then explained, "Being a turtle means much more than protecting people. We protect hearts as well."
Ivan genuinely considered that. He supposed it made sense, as Ladybug could fix things emotionally with no use of Miraculous Ladybug needed. Likewise, Chat Noir—
...actually, that was best not thought about.
Shaking his head, he returned to the root of the topic, replying, "I guess Mylene says I'm good at cheering her up?"
"Yes, it's like that." Wayzz smiled approvingly. "We aren't limited to Shell-ter."
Ivan nodded, but frowned as he realized, "I don't know if I'm as good at it now when I'm busy being a hero."
He was referring to Mylene.
Wayzz smiled sadly, getting up and floating over to rest on Ivan's shoulder. "We can't be perfect everywhere," he said, lightly patting Ivan's neck in reassurance.
Ivan glanced over at him, but didn't respond. He'd been a hero for a while, but it still felt unreal to him. He stared down at the disguised bracelet, idly running his fingers along the thread around his wrist as he admitted, "But I still don't get why I got picked?"
It was more idle curiosity than outright self-consciousness. He didn't doubt his abilities, obviously, as he was aware that every hero had their strengths and weaknesses. Being part of the team, it was inevitable to start seeing the flaws of every team member, so he wasn't singling himself out. At the same time though, he couldn't help wondering what had made him special. He was the first ever akuma, and even in the movie he'd shot with the class, he was the monster, not Mylene's charming love interest. That wasn't to say he didn't have a presence, but people often considered it to be a bad one.
Even though his statement had been casual, Wayzz seemed to think about it like it was serious. Ivan leaned back on the bed, his hands on the mattress to support himself as he waited for an answer.
"...One thing about heroes," Wayzz began, "is that they're not always who you expect. I've had many turtles in my lifetime, and not all of them seemed fit for the role. They all got chosen for different reasons, because turtles aren't decided by their personality alone. There are always different things that have to be taken into consideration."
Ivan tilted his head to the side. "Really?"
Wayzz nodded. "Your impressive bulk wouldn't be as useful if the rest of your teammates were built in the same way. There have been small turtles who were fit for the job because of who they were fighting and the teammates they were meant to protect." Looking up at Ivan, he then added, "You do well at protecting others, and your features balance out the team."
Ivan understood, even though it was hard to imagine "other turtles" beyond Carapace, and the mental image made him unable to help asking, "What about the other one?"
Of course, he could've had no idea that Wayzz had another turtle that he had no knowledge of, but Wayzz was aware of it, so he focused on Carapace.
"The turtle then - really, all of the temporary heroes - were chosen for being at the right place at the right time. They did their job well enough, but it was a matter of convenience. They fit their miraculouses enough to do their job, and being chosen afterward was for their experience. They were never intended to be permanent."
"Oh." That made sense, Ivan supposed. It was like their costumes Marinette had made for the band's audition as Kitty Section; they'd served their purpose at the time of making an impression, but they'd never been meant for them to be their permanent ones, especially considering the time crunch.
"Are you happy?" Wayzz asked suddenly, like something had just occurred to him.
Ivan blinked, not understanding.
"With being a hero," Wayzz clarified. He flew off of Ivan's shoulder, descending upon the little box of tea that he always seemed so fond of. He ran his paw along the surface, not doing anything in particular, but seeming to reminisce. "We want our holders to be happy with themselves. We know it's not always fair to suddenly give someone a miraculous."
Ivan didn't have to think about it too hard. While it could be a little disappointing whenever he had to run off on Mylene or his other friends, he also knew that he was doing good work and was helping keep Paris safe.
"Yeah, I'm happy," he replied. Then, after a moment of thought, he asked in return, "What about you?"
Wayzz seemed surprised to be asked such a question. He looked down at the little tea box again, resting both paws on it, then smiled faintly. "I am. You're not like any of my other holders, but that's not a bad thing."
Ivan smiled back, then focused on the little box of tea that Wayzz was still hovering over. Ivan pushed himself off the bed, then hunched over, pointing to the box in question. "Do you want some?"
Wayzz looked up at him, then back down at the box. Ivan had been taught enough about tea - thanks to Wayzz himself - to know how to make it for him, so it wasn't an unusual thing for him to ask, but Wayzz had never actually used the tea in that particular box before.
"Oh," Wayzz finally said after a moment. "...Yes, I—I think I do." He glanced up at Ivan again, asking, "Would you like to join me?"
Ivan frowned in thought, almost feeling like he was intruding on something personal. He'd never had tea with Wayzz before. "Uh, okay, but I don't know how I'd want it."
"That's alright!" Wayzz said, perking up as he flew up to Ivan's face. "We can experiment with similar tea first. There are many different ways to flavor it, and with the right combination, I'm sure we can figure out what you like; sugar, honey, milk, there are a lot of options. You know, one of my previous holders—"
Wayzz floated happily towards the door, continuing to ramble, and Ivan smiled genuinely while carefully picking up the box of tea. He remembered how sad Wayzz used to be when they first met, but even though Wayzz still grew quiet at times, he was happy now.
They both were.
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snowdice · 3 years
Big Bang (Sort of) Editing Story [Day 67]
I started writing this fic while editing my Big Bang story, but am going to continue doing it for other things now that Kill Dear is out. I will write and publish 100 words of the story every time I finish doing whatever task I’m doing. If you’d like to block these proceedings, please feel free to block the tag proofread stories. I will reblog this post with the parts of the story I do today. Edited chapters are linked; everything else I’ve done so far is under the cut.
My Master Post Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Got many things to do today, though I do have a meeting in a bit over an hours, so there will be a break.
Chapter 31
Logan waited for a while after Patton left to check on Virgil, but the two never resurfaced. It was odd, Patton would usually remember to come back and get Logan or at least tell them where they were. With a sigh, Logan climbed to his feet to go find them. It took him a while to weave his way through the maze of bushes to them especially because they were suspiciously quiet (Well, suspicious for Patton. Virgil was often unnervingly quiet when alone.) Luckily, he knew the bushes enough after all of these years not to get lost and managed to find the two after a few minutes.
“Ah,” he said, immediately identifying the reason for Patton disappearing.
 “Logan!” Patton said, his voice excited, but also quieter than normal. “We found a kitty!”
“I can see that,” Logan responded, taking a step closer. The cat hissed at him in response. The hissing was so intense and wild that he’d suspect the thing was feral if it wasn’t happily on Virgil’s lap having had it’s head in Patton’s lap before Logan had approached.
“No,” Virgil told the animal as though it could understand words. “That’s Logan. Be nice.”
The cat still glared at him and swished it’s tail back and forth threateningly. Virgil pet the top of it’s head and it broke eye contact with Logan to purr.
 Patton seemed delighted by the purring, reaching to stroke under the thing’s chin carefully. “We should give her a name!” Patton said.
Virgil frowned. “I thought her name was Ghost Kitty.”
“That is ‘Ghost Kitty’?” Logan asked skeptically. From what Patton had said about that cat, it was terrified of people and no one could ever get near it, even him. Now it was in Virgil’s lap?
“But that was a temporary name,” Patton said, “for before we officially met her. Now we have to give her a real name.”
“Do not give it a name,” Logan said. “You will get attached.”
 “How do you name a cat?” Virgil asked.
“Do not name it,” Logan said.
“You give them names based on their personalities, how they look, or even just because it’s a cute name,” Patton explained. “Like, remember Mittens? I named her Mittens because she has white fur and black paws!”
Virgil looked at the cat. “She’s completely black,” he said.
Patton hummed. “So, we could give her a name based on that like Midnight or Shadow.”
“Those are fine,” Virgil said.
“No, no,” Patton said. “I’m just giving you examples. You get to name her yourself.”
“This is a bad idea,” Logan said.
 “Just throw out some names,” Patton said. “Anything you can think of.”
“Uh,” Virgil said. “Knife.”
“…Just Knife?” Patton asked.
“Nightmare.” Virgil seemed to think about it. “No, that’s mean.”
“How about things you like?” Patton suggested.
Oh no, Logan thought, he was worse than Patton at cat naming.
“Good start,” Patton said. “Logan, do you have any suggestions.”
“Cat,” Logan said.
“Real suggestions,” Patton scolded.
Logan sighed and thought for a moment. “Aphrodite.”
Logan glared at him. “Helena.”
Patton smiled at him, cheerfully.
Patton turned to Virgil again. “Like that! They don’t even have to be serious. Like, uh, you could name her Madam Fluffywuffykins the Great!”
“Do not name her that,” Logan said, scrunching up his nose.
 Logan sat on the ground, the cat eyeing him, but no longer hissing. Logan gently guided them towards more sensible names despite Patton trying his hardest to drag them into stupidity.
Virgil still didn’t quite get it. He mostly tried to name it after foodstuff, and often not even appropriate foodstuff such as “Corn” and “Acorn Squash” and “Sandwich” and occasionally would drop in semi violent ones such as “Razor,” “Nightshade” and “Void.” Patton suggested names like “Fluffers,” “Bobette” and “Darling” as well as some that were puns. Logan tried to direct them towards more sensible ones like “Salem” and even went so low as to suggest the contrary “Snowball.”
 It quickly seemed to become less about actually naming the cat and more of a game. Patton had taught Virgil about playing with cats and had even gotten out a ball of yarn he cared around for his crafts. Both Virgil and the cat seemed to find endless entertainment with that. Logan hoped Patton had another ball of yarn that color because, he was never going to get that ball back.
The barrage of names fizzled out into naming things around them like “Leaf” and “Bush” until they stopped suggesting names altogether. Patton and Logan sat back and watched Virgil play with the cat.
 Logan watched as they stopped playing suddenly and Virgil and the cat squinted at each other. “Marisol,” Virgil said, pulling the name out of nowhere. “That’s her name.” He said it with a certainty that was surprising considering how he’d treated the naming process with confusion and caution earlier. If Logan did not know better, his tone of voice would indicate that the cat, or Marisol he guessed, had gotten bored of them coming up with stupid names and decided to tell him her actual name herself.
The cat made a sound and batted at Virgil’s face without claws to grab back his attention.
 He turned back to it and bopped its face with a finger in kind. It attacked his finger, but in a clearly playful matter as it still did not extend it’s claws and its teeth did not draw blood.
“That’s a great name, Virgil,” Patton said.
“Much more pleasant than any that Patton suggested all afternoon,” Logan said. He received an elbow to the side for his quip.
“A pretty name for a pretty kitty,” Patton said, scooting over to where Virgil was sat and attempting to pet Marisol’s head. Marisol, however, was too keyed up and batted at the hand.
 “I love you too!” Patton said.
Logan rolled his eyes, but he had long since resigned himself to watching the two of them play with and coo over the cat for the rest of the day.
Eventually, though, it started to get darker. Even after Logan pointed this out, it still took over an hour for them to relent and leave the bush maze to go to the door. The problem was of course, that the cat had managed to grow very attached to Virgil in the last few hours and she followed them all the way to the door with manipulatively heart breaking mews.
 “You’ve got to stay out here,” Virgil said, when they got to the castle door. He pet her ear softly and she shoved her head into his hand. “I’m sorry. I don’t have anywhere to put you.” He sounded horribly sad about that fact and Logan felt himself shift uncomfortably. “I basically live in a closet and Logan doesn’t like cats in his room anyway.”
Logan immediately felt unreasonably guilty, probably more so because Logan did not think Virgil was trying to make him feel guilty. “…Bring the dammed thing inside.”
Virgil blinked up at him. “What?”
“It will get cold soon anyway,” Logan said.
He frowned at Logan from where he was crouched. “But you don’t like fur in your room…”
“I will have to find a potion that works,” he said with a sigh, “and we’ll have to say it’s mine to the guards and Father since it will be staying in my room, but it is yours in every other way. That means you are going to feed it, clean it, and clean up after it.”
Virgil nodded immediately and swooped Marisol up in his arms. The cat went without complaint. “Thank you!” he said. “I love her.”
“I know you do,” Logan said, already regretting it already. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to even consider recanting the offer considering how happy Virgil seemed to be. They had a cat now, he guessed.
  Chapter 32
“What are you doing?” Helen asked a few minutes after her son walked into the kitchen and started looking around as though he were trying to find something. It was a few hours into the afternoon, and she and a few workers were already prepping for dinner.
“Uh,” Patton said. “Have you seen Virgil?”
“No,” Helen said. “Why.”
“Er… Logan and I sorta, lost him,” Patton said. He was wringing his hands anxiously. Helen put down the knife in her hand.
“What do you mean you lost him?” she asked.
“Well, see, we were trying to teach him how to play hide and seek, um, but then we didn’t think to tell him that he eventually had to come out if we didn’t find him, and now we haven’t seen him since breakfast.”
 “He didn’t know what tag is?” she asked. That was just one more thing to add to the list of why Helen worried about Virgil and where he came from. Every morsel of information she’d managed to wring from Patton despite his evasions made her lists of concerns grow larger, even little things like him not knowing about simple childhood games. Actually, thinking of concerning things having to do with Virgil. “Wait, so he hasn’t eaten lunch.”
“Um, we don’t know that,” Patton’s mouth said while his eyes said ‘no.’
“He needs to be on a consistent diet, especially when he’s still taking the malnutrition potion,” she scolded.
 “I know, Mama, I know,” Patton said. “I’m trying to find him. I’d kinda hoped he’d gotten hungry and snuck down here. He probably wouldn’t want to risk being caught stealing food though.”
Helen grimaced. Yet another concerning thing.
“Wait! I have an idea, I’ll be right back.” Patton turned and ran out of the room. Helen frowned at the space he’d been and finished chopping the carrot on the cutting board in front of her. If it had been any other person in the castle missing, Helen wouldn’t have worried, but she had literally never seen Virgil without Patton and/or Logan by his side. Even when he’d gone to help Jeff can some fruit, Logan had reportedly hung around to read a book.
 Considering that Logan had never exactly been clingy even with Patton, she imagined that either Virgil asked, or Logan thought he should stay with him for his comfort. So, she was surprised that he was apparently hidden away somewhere in the castle where neither of the other kids could find him.
Still thinking about this, she walked over to the entrance to the cellar below the kitchen where they stored most of the vegetables, planning to grab some more carrots. She was confused for a moment when she heard movement from deeper in the pantry. She reached over and touched the panel near the door that controlled the magic lights.
 The newly illuminated figure startled as the lights came on, whipping around to stare at her with wide eyes.
“Virgil?” she asked.
“Sorry,” he said immediately, taking a step back.
“It’s fine,” she said immediately, “but what are you doing here?”
He considered her for a long moment, but apparently, she passed some sort of mental test, because he relaxed, at least as much as he’d ever relaxed in her presence. “Where are we?” he asked.
Her brow knit together. “The cellar under the kitchen,” she said, “You don’t know that?”
He shook his head.
“The only entrance is from the kitchen.” Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen him go through the kitchen at any point.
 “No, it’s not,” Virgil said. “There’s a tunnel.”
“A-a tunnel?” she asked. Actually, taking a closer look at him, he seemed a bit grimy. He had dust all over his front and dirt on his nose. She thought he might even have a couple of cobwebs in his hair.
“Yep,” he said.
“Where’s the tunnel?” she asked.
“It’s right over here,” he said. He took a couple of steps and pointed to the ground. There was an open square hole there that clearly had been made a long time ago but which she had never noticed in all of her time working here.
 “How did you find this?” she asked.
“We were playing hide and seek,” Virgil explained. “Logan said I could hide anywhere inside the castle. I hid on top of a dresser upstairs in some unused sitting room. There was a hole in the wall above it, so I climbed into it. Then, I crawled a little bit and it let out into a hidden passage in the walls. I wandered around in it until I found another hole in one of the walls. I thought it was a way out, so I squeezed into it, but it took me to a different hallway where I found an old room. There was a different hole in that room that had probably been covered by something because it was in the floor but whatever it was had rotted away. I crawled though it into a tunnel and came out here.”
 She couldn’t help but laugh a bit at his explanation. “Well, it sounds like you went on an adventure,” she said, “but Patton and Logan have been trying to find you. You missed lunch.”
He tilted his head at her. “I know. I was supposed to hide.”
“Yes,” she explained, “but you are supposed to come out at some point if they can’t find you for things like food.”
“Oh,” he said.
“They probably should have explained,” she said. “For now, why don’t we get you something to eat? You must be hungry.”
Virgil frowned. “But I missed lunch.”
“You can still eat even though it’s not in normal hours,” she said. “You could even if you had made it to lunch.”
 “Really?” he asked, he looked tragically confused by this offer.
“Of course, sweetie,” she said. “In fact, I insist you get something good to eat right now. How about I made you a grilled ham and cheese sandwich? Maybe some cookies too!”
Virgil titled his head. “You are Patton’s mother,” he stated.
Helen laughed softly. “He gets its all from me,” she said. “We should probably go find him and tell him you’re okay. He was worried.”
“I didn’t mean to worry him,” Virgil said with a frown.
“I know,” Helen said. “It’s okay. He’ll probably laugh when he figures out where you’ve been, and Logan will interrogate you all about the secret passageways.” He seemed happy about the prospect of seeing his friends. “Come on, let’s go upstairs for a bit,” she said.
  Chapter 33
Patton’s mom had already made Virgil sit down at the small table in the corner of the kitchen and had handed him a sandwich by the time Patton barreled into the kitchen, Logan coming after him at a more sedate pace.
“Virgil!” he said, sounding surprised and relieved.
“Patton,” Patton’s mom scolded. “No cats in the kitchen.” Patton had brought Marisol in with him and had let her go as soon as he’d seen Virgil. She immediately plodded over to him and hoped onto the table to sniff at his face in greeting.
“But she’s the princess!” Patton argued.
“No,” Logan said.
 “Yes, she is!” Patton said.
“The stupid cat is not a princess.”
“Don’t be mean to your little sister, Logan.”
“I regret every life decision that has led me to this point.”
While Logan and Patton were distracted squabbling and Patton’s mom was distracted watching them squabble, Virgil tore off a bit of the ham in his sandwich and offered it to Marisol. Marisol gracefully took it from his grip and ate it.
“So, this is Logan’s new cat I’ve been hearing about?” Patton’s mom asked.
“Indeed,” Logan said, his lips thinned. He and Marisol were mostly amicable when alone with just them and Virgil, but Patton had a habit of cooing over the kitten and needling Logan into being irritated.
 “Mmm, yeah,” Patton’s mom said. She glanced over at Virgil right as Marisol basically slammed her face into his chin in a bid to get pets. “Your cat.” She shook her head. “But Princess Kitten or not, I do not want fur in dinner,” she said.
“Sorry,” Patton said, honestly not sounding sorry at all. Virgil was always a bit surprised when the insolent shrug garnered nothing more that a scowl that did not reach Patton’s mom’s eyes. “I thought she could help me find Virgil, but you already found him.” He turned to Virgil. “Where have you been all day?”
 “Found a tunnel,” Virgil said. He had to use one hand to hold Marisol back from his sandwich as he took another bite, but then gave her a bite of cheese.
“You found what?” Logan asked.
“There’s a tunnel under the cellar,” Virgil said. “It goes to an old closed up room and also to a set of secret passageways.” It was a bit of a security risk honestly, though clearly no one had used it in years by how dirty it was. He did plan to go back into it and make sure the sprawling tunnels didn’t go to anywhere more dangerous like the royal wing.
 “A closed-up room?” Logan said. He could see a bit of curiosity already building in his eyes.
“Yeah,” Virgil said. “Where the door used to be seemed like it had been bricked over.”
“Really? Can you show me.”
“Sure,” Virgil answered.
“Ah, perhaps we should be a bit more cautious about climbing through random tunnels we don’t know the stability of,” Patton’s mom said.
Logan’s frown edged on a pout.
“Talk to your father,” she said. “I’m sure he can get someone who understands these things so you can safely investigate.”
“It was safe enough for Virgil,” Logan pointed out.
 “No, Logan.”
He sighed but seemed to concede. That was another strange thing about living here. By all rights Logan didn’t have to obey anyone except the king, but he often listened to those around him, not just the adults but Patton as well. It was interesting though it sometimes made the hierarchy hard to figure out. Virgil did sometimes stress out about the hypothetical situation where he got conflicting orders from two people, and he wouldn’t know which one to obey. So far it hadn’t been a problem luckily. They always seemed to work it out amongst themselves in some give and take social interaction that was a bit too complex for him to understand.
 Patton walked over to where Virgil was sitting. “I’m glad your safe,” he said. “We should probably put a time limit on hide and seek in the future, so you know when to come out.”
“Did I win?” Virgil asked. He’d honestly forgotten they’d been playing a game until Patton’s mom had asked how he’d found his way into the cellar.
Patton laughed. “I’d say so, yeah,” he replied. He leaned over to kiss Virgil’s forehead, but drew back immediately with a pinched expression. “You are… very dirty,” he said, rubbing his mouth.
Virgil nodded. “Your mom made me sit on a tablecloth,” he said gesturing to the fabric she’d laid over the chair.
 Patton snorted out a laugh. “We’ll get you into the bath when you’re done eating and you can tell us all about your little adventure.”
“I would also like to hear about your discoveries,” Logan said. “Though you are not allowed to sit on the bed until you do not have spider webs in your hair.”
Patton’s eyes widened and he jumped away from Virgil, startling both Virgil and Marisol. The latter hopped from the table onto Virgil’s lap. “Spiders?!”
Virgil tilted his head at him in confusion.
“He isn’t a fan of spiders,” Logan informed him, his voice amused at Patton’s reaction.
 Apparently deciding that she was no longer startled, but more confused by the noises Patton had just made, Marisol jumped out of Virgil’s lap to investigate, wrapping her way around Patton’s legs. He bent down to pat her back, though he still looked a bit startled.
“Your cat, huh?” Patton’s mom asked Logan once again. Virgil studied her. She had apparently missed Logan mentioning that he allowed Virgil on the bed. Or perhaps Logan was correct in his insistence that it wasn’t actually that big of a deal here. Virgil would rather not test that assumption, however, so was glad that it had been distracted from by Patton’s outburst.
 “Creepy, crawly death dealers,” Patton mumbled into Marisol’s fur, having picked her back up. Virgil made a note to not inform Patton of all of the different types of spiders he’d seen skittering around in the castle walls today. Maybe he’d talk about them with Logan once Patton left. He’d probably be interested. Virgil had seen some he’d never seen before! Logan probably could even help him figure out what their names were. “You’ll protect me, won’t you kitty?” Patton asked Marisol.
She made a little ‘burrrr’ sound in response, which Patton seemed to take a confirmation.
“Aw thank you, baby! Such a good baby.”
Virgil popped the rest of the sandwich into his mouth. Patton’s mom turned away and grabbed a plate stacked with cookies. She handed it to Logan. “Take these, and please get the health hazards out of my kitchen,” she requested.
Logan took them without complaint. “Come on, Virgil,” he said. “Let’s go get you clean.”
“We’re going to need so much soap,” Patton said.
Virgil looked down at himself. “I can go outside and get most of it off if you get me a bucket of water,” he offered.
“Virgil, it’s below freezing,” Logan said as though that had a baring on what he’d just said. Logan sighed. “No. Bathtub.” Virgil shrugged. “Honestly,” Logan said. He turned with the plate of cookies in his hand, clearly expecting to be followed. “You’re not going to catch your death pouring a bucket of water over yourself in the cold when there are literally over a hundred perfectly good bathtubs in this castle. For goodness sakes.” And well, Virgil wasn’t going to complain.
  Chapter 34
Patton, to be completely honest, was not all that interested in the room that Virgil had found. Beyond just the fact that it would definitely have creepy crawly death dealers in it, he really did not understand the intrigue. If it had just been him, he probably would have just let a castle worker deal with it, but it was not just him. Logan was ecstatic with the prospect of investigating a secret in the castle. People who didn’t know him well may not believe it considering he spent most of his time with his nose in a book, but he was an adventurer at heart.
 Thomas had been easily swayed into finding someone to help tear down part of the wall into the secret tunnel near the room (so no one would have to crawl through the kitchen cellar like Virgil). It had taken a few days, however, and Logan was practically bouncing off the walls waiting. Virgil, despite having already seen the room before, also seemed excited, though if that was because of his own curiosity or because he was just excited that Logan seemed so exited remained to be seen.
“They are silly, aren’t they,” Patton asked Princess Marisol. He was laying on his stomach on Logan’s bed and Princess Marisol had just put her little paw on his nose.
 “Yes, I agree,” he said. “Don’t they know that we’re literally going to be 2 feet away from the normal hallway?”
“It is not silly,” Logan defended himself. “Any number of things could go wrong.” He sounded far too excited about the prospect of something going terribly wrong. “The tunnels could cave in and block off the exit or there could be some unknown pathogen in the air.”
Patton did not ruin his fun by mentioning that Logan’s dad had definitely basically baby proofed the tunnels for them ahead of time. Instead, he just said, “Don’t let Virgil hear you say that sort of thing. It will just stress him out.”
 “Yes, yes, of course,” he said, waving off Patton’s concerns as he mulled over two different weird green planty things (potion ingredients, Patton assumed) before setting one aside and sticking the other in his bag.
“So silly,” Patton cooed at the cat. Logan let out a huff but did not choose to say anything about it this time.
Speaking of silly, Virgil came back from Logan’s bathroom then, and Patton tried not to giggle. “Is this right?” Virgil asked, sounding and looking confused. Logan, in his overexcitement about adventure had commissioned Virgil an outfit that actually fit. Said outfit, however, very much made it look more like Virgil was going on a safari instead of a two-foot detour from the normal castle hallway.
 “Almost,” Logan said, “Here, let me.” Logan started straightening everything out and flattening the collar, reminding Patton of an overbearing parent on picture day. Virgil accepted the fussing without protest. It was adorable. Well, the outfit was ridiculous, but still, adorable. “There,” Logan said. “I think we’re ready to go now.”
It was about time. Patton was sure people were already waiting for them downstairs. Patton got up and patted Princess Marisol on the head. She looked up at them with interest.
“You can stay here, sweetie,” Patton told here. She seemed to consider it and then hopped down from the bed to go rub up against Virgil.
 Patton guessed she was coming. It didn’t matter too much since Logan had given her a magical collar that allowed her to open most doors in the castle and everyone knew she was the royal cat now, so if she decided she wanted to come back to the room and nap, she could. (She was very aware of the power she held.)
She pranced happily by Virgil’s side all the way down the steps to the first floor of the castle. She was such a good kitty.
Well, she did hiss angrily at everyone who came too close to them, but still, a very good kitty.
 Patton did lean down and pick her up so they could actually talk to the man waiting for them at the large hole in the wall. Logan went to talk to the castle worker while Virgil half hid behind Patton. He was clearly listening very intently to the conversation however, at least more intently than Patton was. Patton was busy shaking his head fondly.
“Yes, yes, Princess,” he said to the cat. “I know we do not trust the strangers, but I promise this stranger is perfectly safe.”
“How do you know?” Virgil asked.
“His name is Chester and I’ve known him since I was 9.”
 This seemed to slightly alleviate Virgil’s suspicion, but Princess Marisol still seemed antsy. Patton really needed to start slowly introducing the both of them to more people.
Logan finished talking with Chester after a few moments and it was time to climb through the hole in the wall. He wished he saw in the tunnel whatever Logan with his excited eyes and bounce to his step obviously saw. Or even that was more comfortable in the dark closed in space as Virgil obviously was. As it was, Patton’s nose scrunched up at the thought off all of the spiders that could be living everywhere in the secret tunnel, but he pushed through.
 The entrance to the tunnel had been made only a little bit from the room Virgil had mentioned and Chester had led them through it after only a couple of seconds. As Patton had suspected, the room was already lit up and probably cleaned a little bit by the people who had cut into the wall, not that he was complaining.
Virgil was still clinging a bit to Patton’s shirt, though it seemed to be less out of anxiety at this point and more out of a desire to stick close. He was peering around curiously at the lit-up space. He probably hadn’t seen much of it in the dark when he’d been here before.
 Yet, his curiosity was nothing compared to how excited Logan seemed to be. Now Patton may have not been interested in the room itself, but he was entertained by how interested Logan was and was happy to encourage that.
“What do you think this place is?” he asked Logan.
Logan hummed contemplatively, eyes looking around. “Well,” he said. “It’s a bedroom clearly, and old. Considering the location it is in in the castle, the size, the decorations, and it’s likely age, I’d imagine it was a bedroom of a royal family member. This used to be the royal wing three royal lines ago.”
 “Bearing that in mind, there are a couple of likely possibilities for the origin of the room as well as the reason it was sealed up, but we will need to investigate more in order to come to an actual conclusion.” He had already placed the bag he’d brought on the ground and was going through it, pulling out things that Patton did not recognize. He also got a piece of paper and sat on the floor to start to sketch.
“What are you doing?” Virgil asked.
“I’m sketching the floorplan of the room,” Logan said. “I will then put a grid on it so we can investigate while being sure that we aren’t missing anything.”
 Virgil seemed uninterested in this part of the adventure, instead electing to go poking around by himself. Princess Marisol squirmed out of Patton’s arms to go follow him. Patton swore that he only looked away from those two for 5 seconds, but the next thing he knew he heard metal clicking against metal.
“Oh,” Patton said, eyes wide when he saw what Virgil was fiddling with. “Honey, you probably shouldn’t touch…”
The old but fancy looking chest that had been at the end of the remains of the bed creaked open. Virgil sneezed as a cloud of dust puffed out of it. “Huh,” he said studying the contents. “There’s a skull in here.”
 “Oh, I don’t like this adventure anymore,” Patton commented.
Logan was on his feet within moments. “Let me see,” he said eagerly.
“What if it’s cursed?” Patton pointed out.
“Then I’ll just break the curse,” Logan waved him off. “Oh, it’s just a horse skull,” Logan said, sounding disappointed. “And also what seemed to be potion ingredients. Though they seem very fresh considering the state of the room.”
“Maybe we should get someone else to…”
Logan already had both arms inside the chest and was pulling things out of it. “This chest must have some sort of stasis effect to it.”
 He started pulling things out to look at them before setting them on the floor with no caution. “Well,” he said, “that answers the question of what this room is.”
“It does?” Patton asked.
“Ah, yes, between the horse skull and the potion ingredients, this is obviously the bedroom of Princess Marianne Elicia. She was the third child of King Simon IV and was quite the fan of horses.”
“…So she kept a horse skull in a stasis chest in her bedroom?” Patton asked.
“Of course,” Logan said. “Back when her family was in power, magic was outlawed and had quite the stigma against it, but she ended up learning magic and become quite proficient.”
 “It’s debated what exactly happened when her father found out about her activities. Some sources say that she was executed silently by her father, but others say she managed to escape with the head of the stables but not before putting a curse on the country of Prijaznia. That is until she or one of her bloodline sits on the throne, every royal line will end in madness and blood by the 5th seated monarch before an heir is born.”
“Isn’t that something you should be worried about?” Virgil asked.
Logan shrugged. “It’s just a myth,” he said. “Besides I’m 6th in the line, so there really isn’t any concern.”
“There are a lot of interesting things in here,” Logan said, still focused on the chest. “Not to mention the books. We’ll have to be careful with those though since they don’t appear to be in stasis.”
Logan pulled the horse skull out and set it on the floor making Patton wince.
“Marisol no!” he said as Princess Marisol immediately went to go sniff at it. He swooped her up in his arms. “How long are we staying in this creepy room?” Patton asked.
“Patton, we just got here,” Logan said.
“We just got here and already found a skull!”
“Yes! Exactly!”
Patton groaned into Princess Marisol’s fur even as she tried wiggle away to go back and investigate the skull. This was going to be a long day.
  Chapter 35
Logan was surprised when he woke up alone in bed. He’d grown to anticipate waking to a smaller body unrelentingly clinging to his in the past couple of weeks. Confused he sat up and peered around his bedroom. He wouldn’t have seen Virgil with the way he melted into the darkness if it he hadn’t heard the sound of purring coming from near the window. He could just barely make out a dark blob shifting up and down at the cat kneaded at a different blob sitting mostly hidden behind the thick curtain.
“Virgil?” Logan questioned. “What are you doing?”
 “It’s snowing,” was the answer.
“That is not an answer,” Logan grumbled at the ceiling. With a sigh, he pulled himself out of bed. It was a bit chilly in here, he thought. The temperature must have dipped suddenly and intensely enough that the runes keeping the castle at a warm enough temperature hadn’t caught up yet. He pulled one of the blankets off of the top of his bed to wrap around his shoulders as he approached the window. There wasn’t much light outside, the stars and moon covered by clouds, but there were some lanterns lit for the night guard who patrolled the outside. “Oh,” he said in surprise. “It’s really snowing.”
 It had been colder but not quite cold enough for snow to stick the day before, so it came as a surprise when he saw snow was piling up quite high to the point where familiar paths outside his window had disappeared.
“I don’t like it,” Virgil informed him.
“Why not?” Logan asked.
“It’s cold,” Virgil answered. It was clear in his tone that in Virgil’s opinion ‘cold’ was a horrible insult to the concept of snow. Logan quirked a half smile and his attention was drawn to the fact that it was quite cold right here close to the window.
 Frowning, he pulled at the blanket around his shoulder so he could wrap it and his arm around the lump that was Virgil. He brushed the boy’s hand when he did so and found it was like ice.
“You’re freezing!” Logan said. “How long have you been by the window?”
“I dunno,” he replied.
Logan was already tugging at him. “You need to get back in bed,” he said.
Virgil obeyed the pulling at his arms even as he frowned. “I’ve been colder than this before,” he said.
“That actually doesn’t make me feel better,” Logan replied dryly as he shooed him towards the bed.
 He took the thicker blanket that usually stayed folded at the end of the bed and pulled it up over Virgil before climbing into bed beside him.
“There,” Logan said, rubbing Virgil’s arms through the fabric of the sweater he wore to bed. He was glad he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt at least. “The runes for heating the castle should catch up within a few hours, but until then this should do. Assuming we don’t sit by the freezing window for an undetermined amount of time.”
“I don’t like the cold,” Virgil told him.
Logan sighed. “Then why did you sit by the window?”
 Virgil shrugged and ducked his head a bit. Logan reached out to grab his hands to help him warm more but was surprised when one of the hands was much warmer than the other. He found his fingers were clutching a crescent shaped stone: the protection charm they’d made. Logan knew that he kept it in his pocket most of the time, but he didn’t normally see him holding it like this. It was warm to the touch, of course, indicating the safety of the room around them.
Logan looked over his face. “Are you…” he said. “Scared of the snow?”
 “I don’t like the cold,” he said once again.
“You’re scared of the winter,” Logan concluded. He looked at Virgil who was far too small for his age and seemed surprised at every casual act of kindness. It was clear that his basic needs were far from being met before he came here. Logan had to wonder what winter usually meant for him. His experiences were doubtlessly very different from Logan’s own. “That makes sense,” he acknowledged, “but you don’t need to be scared of it here. The castle is always perfectly warm and safe in the winter and Mr. Deknis and Ms. Heart work hard during the other seasons to make sure we have plenty of food. There is nothing to fear here.”
 He did not seem convinced.
“You don’t even have to go outside if you don’t want to,” Logan promised. “The castle is plenty big if you’d like to stay inside all winter long. It was made for the winter even without the magic devices that keep it warm. We have fireplaces and well insulated rooms even if those that ends up failing.” Logan pulled open the hand that had the protection charm just to transfer it to his other hand to warm it. “Though, while no one would force you to go outside, the snow isn’t always bad.”
“Yes it is,” Virgil said, his voice sure.
 “Not all the time,” Logan insisted. “Some people love the snow.”
“They’re stupid.”
Logan laughed. “It can be fun for a while with the right equipment if you have someplace to get warm again afterwards. Royal duties slow down during the winter and Patton tends to come up with all sorts of games for both the inside and the outside to pass the time. He’s particularly proficient at snowball fights, at least against me.”
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Play fighting,” Logan answered. “Like pillow fights, but snow.”
“I’ll stick with the pillows,” he replied.
“And then there’s a hill to sled down on the western side of the castle, and people like to build snowmen along the path.”
“What are snowmen?” Virgil asked.
 They’re temporary statues made out of packed snow,” Logan explained. “Typically, they’re made of three different sized balls of snow: the largest being the base and the smallest the ‘head’ though there are some variations. After building them one typically decorates them with different articles of clothing and objects found lying around. It’s usually sticks and rocks for the face and then things like extra hats and scarfs for decoration.” He smiled softly. “When my Pa was alive, we used to steal my Dad’s crown and fanciest robes. Sometimes Pa would steal it right off of Dad’s head and we’d run away. We’d find a secluded area of the castle yards and build the biggest snowman we could as quickly as we could before we got caught. He’d usually end up letting us keep the robes, but we’d have to give the crown back since some of the metals in it would rust when wet.”
 “That sounds…” Virgil’s nose twitched. “fun if you take away the touching snow part.”
Logan laughed. “It is fun,” he said. “Even with the touching snow part. Though, I admit that some of the ability for it to be entertaining does come from the fact that we could warm up afterwards with ease. You’ll enjoy Patton’s mother’s constant offering of hot chocolate during the season even if you never go outside, I’m sure.”
“Hot chocolate?” Virgil asked intrigued. His dark eyes shone brightly in the little light coming through the window. It was clear he could guess something about the drink just by the name and enjoyed the implications.
 Logan smiled fondly. “It is a hot drink,” he explained. “It’s a warm drink made out of milk and chocolate. I can get you some to try in the morning.”
Virgil nodded, eyes still wide with interest.
“For now, we should sleep though,” Logan said. “Are you warm enough? I can get more blankets.”
“I’m fine,” he said.
“Good,” Logan said, reaching up and adjusting the blanket over them once more, tucking it around Virgil a little bit for good measure. “Goodnight Virgil,” he said.
“Goodnight,” he replied softly. Logan reached under the blankets to grab the hand that was still slightly chilly from the window between his own. Virgil’s eyes slipped closed after a moment as he nuzzle his face into the pillow. At some point they both drifted off to sleep.
  Chapter 36
Thomas had already been well aware that winter was on the way, but he and the rest of the castle occupants had been surprised at how intensely and suddenly it had come on. Most things were ready for the winter, but not all of them had been initiated. The fireplaces that took some pressure off the castle heating runes were cleaned out and ready, but they hadn’t been started yet. The stables for different animals on the grounds had been checked over and staff assignments had been made, but most were still in far out fields. Staff that went home for the winter months had been dismissed, but there were a few stragglers that would have to be helped home before things got worse.
 He’d gone out to the main stable to talk to the three workers that were the heads of different areas of animal husbandry to make sure a plan to get everything to where it needed to be soon was in place. It took a while to figure out considering that they’d expected a little more time before the first major snowfall. Thomas also asked them to make sure all of the workers’ homes were in good enough condition for the weather. Ranch hands typically had homes on castle grounds but not in the castle themselves since they needed to be close to the animals. Thomas knew at least half a dozen of those who spent most of their times out in the fields were the type to forgot to maintain their homes because they preferred camping amongst the animals in the summer months and then would be in for a bad time when snow began to fall.
 There should be enough extra rooms in the castle if they needed a place to stay until repairs could be done.
Those conversations took a good couple of hours, before Thomas was satisfied. Before trudging back to the castle through the still falling snow, he made a point to stop at one specific horse stall in the main stable. The horse turned his head to see Thomas when he stopped in front of his stall and puffed out a rather disaffected snort before sticking his head over the gate so Thomas could pat his nose. “Hello, Mr. Apples,” Thomas said.
 The horse seemed to conclude he’d tolerated Thomas’s petting enough and ducked his head to nudge at his torso. Thomas rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes,” he said. “I brought you an apple. Some things never change.” He reached into his pocket to grab the red apple he’d brought the white Arabian. “At least you don’t bite me anymore.” He paused, apple slice in hand and eyed the horse’s nose suspiciously. “Do not bite me,” he said even though he hadn’t felt the animal’s teeth in a decade. It would be just like Mr. Apples to wait until his guard was down.
 After a bit of scrutiny, he offered an apple slice. It was snatched out of his hand and there was a loud crunch as it was bit into.
“It’s snowing out,” he told the horse. The horse seemed to roll his eyes at the statement of the obvious. “I’ll remind again that if you run out in a snowstorm, I’m not running after you, so you’d be out of luck.”
Mr. Apples snorted.
“You’re old now. You’d probably not survive long enough for people to find you. Besides, you blend in with that white fur of yours. They’d probably walk right past you a few times.”
 He went back to nosing for treats as soon as he finished his first and Thomas sighed, pulling out another apple slice. “What are they not feeding you enough?” The gusto with which the horse snatched the apple slice was a very clear answer. “Well, we both know that’s not true.” Thomas fed the horse a third slice of apple when he was done with his second. “I have to get back to the castle now. Don’t be a devil horse.”
Mr. Apples threw his head a bit, splattering apple smelling foamy spittle all over Thomas’s front.
“Understood. Have a nice afternoon.”
 He left Mr. Apples in his stall then, knowing he’d be well cared for no matter how ill-tempered he could be at times. He’d been a king’s horse once, after all, no matter that said king had been dead for more than a decade now.
Winters were hard.
Winters were the times when things always slowed down at the castle, where royal duties were often thin. There were a lot of memories in winter.
The trip back to the castle was not particularly long, but it was also not particularly pleasant. The snow had not been cleared away considering it was still snowing which meant his feet and legs were wet and cold by the time he made it to the nearest castle door.
 He wasn’t sure if, when he entered, the castle heating runes had started to work in earnest or if he’d just been so cold that any measure of warmth was appreciated, but he was relieved to be out of the snow either way.
He decided to check up on the progress of the castle staff lighting the fireplaces. With any luck, they’d be lit already, and he could warm up even more. That in mind, he headed towards the main foyer where the largest fireplace in the castle sat to take off the chill brought in by the large front doors.
 The main foyer was bustling with activity when he snuck in along the sides, giving the guards stationed around nods as he passed. The main fire in the room was burning brightly, though only one of the two smaller ones near the side exits from the room was lit. The other one was still being set up with safety mechanisms. It was good progress and assuming other areas of the castle were being set up as efficiently, he assumed they’d all be set up by nightfall.
He’d need to go check around to be sure, but for now, he walked up to the main fireplace to warm his hands.
 He’d gotten into the habit when he was younger to every so often glance upwards. There had been a certain stable boy who had a propensity for climbing trees. These days, he usually found nothing when he did so, often not even consciously noticing that he’d turned his gaze momentarily skywards. Yet, today, he was startled out of his own idleness by dark brown eyes looking back at him from a small ledge in the shadows high above him.
He froze as he met the young boy’s gaze. Virgil seemed as surprised to be caught as Thomas was to have caught him.
 Slowly Thomas raised one hand and waved to the boy. He slunk back into the shadows at the acknowledgment. If Thomas peered hard enough, he could see a shadow stretch up towards the third-floor balcony in the darkness and disappear over the railing.
Interesting boy.
Thomas found himself smiling despite the oddity. They still had not found out much about Virgil. He would speak to Jeffers about many things apparently, but often could not be redirected to invasive topics and he was still a bit skittish around Helen. He hadn’t willingly existed in a room with Thomas. Thomas hoped that changed at some point. There was something about him that made Thomas like him.
  Chapter 37
Virgil had not spent a lot of time out of Logan’s room. What little time he had spent outside of it was either with Patton and/or Logan or tucked away in secret corridors he found in the walls where no one would stumble upon him. Yet, here he was willingly in a, well, not public by any means place, but one that was still more exposed than he was used to being in. Somehow, he was managing to not care at all.
It was helped by the fact that both Logan and Patton had been in the room at the start, but they had gone off to go… somewhere. Food sounded like it might have been the reason.
 He liked food, and usually he would have been all for going to get some, but between them promising to bring him back some and the fact that he was never going to move ever again, he’d decided to stay.
Princess Marisol seemed to be the only other rational being in the whole castle because she had also not moved since discovering the contents of this room. She was currently laying on his chest purring happily.
The fireplace was a wonderful invention. Now, Virgil had, of course, warmed up by a fire before when it was cold, but this was much different. There was a grate that blocked off the fire a bit keeping it from burning the person in front of it and there was a plush rug right by it, perfect for laying down on. Someone had known what they were doing when designing this room.
 He didn’t even care that the king had access to this sitting room as well as Logan.
Okay, so he did care a little bit, but he was ignoring that. He was probably busy this time of day anyway, right?
He really didn’t want to run into him after being caught watching the castle workers set up the bigger fireplaces. Kings probably didn’t like people sneaking around watching things from the shadows even when they didn’t know that the person sneaking around was literally sent to kill them.
Princess Marisol must have had a sixth sense for his anxieties (or he’d just started breathing faster and disturbed her) because she stirred a bit.
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