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pinkikiwi · 9 months ago
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@marichatmay 2024 Snow in may + Angelic/Demonic
Kissing statues under the snow...
I thought a lot of possible scenarios for this paiting, like why chat noir is a stone? why is snowing in may? Marinette know Chat Noir before he was turned into a stute and she love him but never confess, you know, the kind of stuff you think while paiting a posible AU.
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marichatmay · 10 months ago
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We're back! And stronger than ever <3 We know the wait is excruciating every year, so no beating around the bush: Let's make 2024 the year where we show canon what it fumbled!!
Be sure to put #marichatmay2024 in the tags and to tag us @marichatmay so we can be sure to see your post and reblog it.
Don't forget to add the prompt title in the tags so mods can sort all posts.
Reminder that we will not be reblogging anything age-restricted/nsfw, though you are welcome to make any type of content you feel inspired to create!
S5 and the Special are no longer considered spoilers, there is no need to worry about spoiler tagging. However, leaks such as those from s6 and the upcoming special are NOT ALLOWED, tagged or not. Please respect those of us who do not want to be spoiled.
Please don't spam DMs or Asks with reminders to reblog your post unless it has been more than 48hrs since your post goes unnoticed. We aren't ignoring you, remember that mods aren't constantly online and this is for fun, not a full-time job.
You are, however, welcome to add your post to submissions if you want to share your art/fic/edit that way.
Most importantly, enjoy yourself! Don't stress over this fun event! If you fall behind, no worries, post it whenever. Marichat runs all year in our hearts, so why not post it whenever you complete it at your own pace? Take care of your health <3
Calendar in text:
First Sight
Protective Marinette
Cheek Kiss
Movie Night
Hide Place
Snow in May
Secret Relationship
Ice Cream
Vintage Clothes
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oli-vear · 10 months ago
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Marichat May day 19: Anniversary 🧁
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adrienagresteminou · 1 year ago
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Height Measurements
Submission for @marichatmay
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fabseg-creator · 10 months ago
Miraculous fanart: Marichat (Marinette and Chat Noir/Cat Noir)
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After the Adrienette, it's Marichat turn.
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir belongs to Zagtoon.
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aalissy · 10 months ago
First Sight
Andddd welcome to the first chapter of Marichat May :). I hope that you like it <3. I'm still upset about how short the reverse love square was tbh!!
Marinette had practically fallen in love with Adrien Agreste at first sight. That was a universal fact. He gave her his umbrella and that had been it for her. She had been his.
Except for when she wasn’t...
Because she hadn’t fallen in love with Chat Noir at first sight. No. The love she had for her partner had grown slowly. So slowly, in fact, that Marinette hadn’t even recognized it until that day at the museum where they faced Manipula together.
Marinette sighed as she pulled her knees up to her chest, swiveling on the chair she was sitting in. She nestled her chin on her legs, glancing down sadly at her bedroom floor. 
But, it just seemed different now. He didn’t seem to have the same feelings for her. No matter how hard she tried to get closer to him as Ladybug, Chat seemed to be pulling away. Almost like he had lost feelings for her.
Marinette clenched her eyes shut tightly, shaking her head rapidly. She didn’t want to think about that. That was just a terrible thought.
A small tap on the trapdoor above her bed had her suddenly grinning from ear to ear, however. That was at least one thing that hadn’t changed. Chat still continued to pay visits to her. Instantly her mood was lifted as her eyes fluttered closed, listening to that familiar tap on the trapdoor above her bed. 
In just a few more moments, Marinette grinned, springing up, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Chat's visits always managed to brighten her day, no matter how down she might have previously felt about the fact that his feelings may have changed for her.
With a swift motion, Marinette sprang up her bedside ladder, opening the trapdoor. There he was. Her partner. Her Chat Noir, grinning mischievously as he descended gracefully into her room. "Good evening, purrincess," he greeted her with a bow, his emerald eyes sparkling with excitement.
It took everything in her not to positively swoon at the nickname. Had he always called her princess with that intonation? How had she never freaked out about that before?! Oh, she was very much so going to be gushing to both Tikki and Alya later tonight.
"Hey, Chaton," Marinette replied, trying to sound casual despite the warmth spreading through her cheeks. "What brings you here tonight?"
Chat’s grin widened as he approached her, his cat-like grace evident in every step. "Oh, just wanted to check on my favorite civilian," he teased, leaning in closer to her. She almost thought she imagined the humorous glint in his eyes, however, when they suddenly softened, and he murmured, “I missed you.”
Marinette felt her heart race at the comment. She felt dizzy. Like she was floating on a wonderful bed of clouds. It felt just like old times. She hadn’t heard Chat talk like this for years.  
Clearing her throat, she attempted to keep from fainting on the floor below. "Y-your favorite, huh?" she retorted, a playful glint in her eyes. “But I missed you too.”
Chat chuckled, a sound that never failed to make her stomach flutter. "Well, seeing as how we were both missing each other, purrhaps I should consider stopping by more often," he quipped, his tail swishing behind him. 
He seemed almost... anxious? Was that even possible? Marinette didn’t think she had ever seen Chat look this anxious before.
With a small smile, she nodded. “Yes. Yes, please. You, um, you’re always welcome here, mon Chaton.”
Marinette's heart raced as she watched Chat, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her at his words, at the familiar banter that felt like a comforting embrace.
Chat’s eyes lit up at her response, and for a brief moment, Marinette thought she saw a hint of relief flicker across his features. The anxiety seemed to melt away as he replied, his voice soft and sweet, "Thank you, purrincess. You know I always feel at home when I'm with you."
Marinette's cheeks flushed at the sincerity in his tone. It was moments just like this that reminded her of why she had grown to love her partner so deeply. Despite the masks and the secrets, there was a connection between them that went beyond words. They just seemed to understand each other. Even without the use of words.
With a motion of her head, Marinette led him down the ladder into her bedroom. It was time for her to defeat him in a game of Ultimate Mecha Strike III just like usual. He bounded after her, his eyes sparkling as he knew exactly where they were headed.
She pulled up the game, and as they talked and laughed while playing, she couldn't help but steal glances over at Chat, noticing the way his eyes sparkled with genuine happiness whenever he was with her. It was a side of him she positively cherished, one that was making her heart skip a beat.
The night wore on, and eventually, even Marinette who was used to going to bed late, was yawning in the middle of their matches. Chat paused their game, causing her to frown over at him. She was not ready for their night to be over yet! She still wanted to continue talking with him!
“Hey!” She pouted. “I was winning!”
“And you can win again tomorrow,” he said, bending to brush a kiss against her forehead. “I’ll see you then.”
“O-okay.” A dizzy smile spread across her lips as Marinette lifted her hand to wave up at him. He had just kissed her! The top of her forehead was still tingling! 
He bid her goodnight with a lingering smile, his eyes filled with something that she couldn’t quite identify. She watched him bound up onto her balcony, falling back against her chair with a contented sigh. He was coming back tomorrow! How crazy was that?! He didn’t usually pay her visits two nights in a row. 
Maybe... maybe... it was possible that he still felt the exact same as her. With another yawn, Marinette stood up with a stretch. It was time for her to go to bed. Climbing up her ladder into her bed, she was ready for dreams of Chat Noir to greet her.
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misty79 · 10 months ago
☘️ Marichat May 🍓
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Day 10: Sleepover
Chat Noir is lying on Marinette’s bed, her arms wrapped around him. They’d fallen asleep during the movie like every other movie night, and like every other movie night he tries his best to leave without waking her. “Mhmm.. don’t… Don’t go..” Marinette says while tightening her grasp on him. “I have to,” He says begrudgingly, he didn’t want to leave the comfort and company for his cold and lonely room. “Tomorrow” yawn “is Saturday.” She says, squinting her eyes to look at him, “Why can’t you sleepover?”
He sighs, “I-have work tomorrow.” she lays back down on his chest, “so? call out sick of smthin.” He places his arms around her, “There’s nothing I can say to get you to let me go, is there?” She shakes her head and he curls up next to her again. “Goodnight Princess.”
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zepetostoryverse · 10 months ago
Marichat Dance
Submission for @marichatmay
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pinkikiwi · 9 months ago
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@marichatmay 2024 Prince + Lullaby + Cat Nap
And this is my last day, it was fun and I'm looking forward the next marichatmay 😺🌸
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pinkikiwi · 10 months ago
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@marichatmay 2024 Vintage + Dancing + Roses
First entry for Marichat may! Today suppose to be day 20 (dancing) but I combine promps to cover more days lol
This one ends up being like a musical number, maybe for "cats don't dance" or something like that ❤️💚
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oli-vear · 9 months ago
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Marichat May day 31: Soulmates
And with that, the Marichat May comes to an end.
See you next year and thank you @marichatmay for organizing this event. I enjoyed exploring ways to represent them 🥰
now I'm going to give my hand a rest 🥲
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oli-vear · 10 months ago
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Marichat May
Day 9: Movie Night
Day 10: Sleepover
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oli-vear · 10 months ago
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Marichat May
Day 21: Catnap || Day 22: Lullaby
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marichatmay · 11 months ago
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Who's ready for Marichat May 2024?! Get ready for the Calendar drop very soon~
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oli-vear · 10 months ago
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Marichat May day 12: Promises
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oli-vear · 10 months ago
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Marichat May day 7: Cheek Kiss
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