#and eventually I take a breath that brings relief and I breathe normally for a few minutes
whimsyprinx · 2 years
i can’t tell if my breathing gets more difficult when it starts getting colder or if I’m just psyching myself out
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champagnefountains · 3 months
Secret(s) — K. SATO
Prompt: Kenji finally decides to come clean with his feelings and (sort of) confesses to you...except, it doesn't go the way he planned.
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Word Count: 2.9k+ words [Damn, I lowkey popped off on this one...] Pairing: Kenji Sato [Ultra-Man: Rising] x Fem! Reader Genre/s: A tiny bit of angst with fluff. Misunderstandings. Mutual pining. Warnings: Swearing. Maybe OOC Kenji (?), not sure tbh...also, I sort of change perspectives weirdly in this one but I tried to make it work the best I can ;-; Plus, I feel like the pacing's weird ;-;
KENJI SATO HAD TWO BIG SECRETS. Number one; he was none other than the Ultra-Man, begrudgingly taking over the momentous mantle after his father was injured. Unlike his booming baseball career, the whole 'superhero' thing was honestly a humbling experience, as Kenji realised the numerous beatings and immediate danger that comes with the spotlight. Though, after what was the unique experience of baby-sitting a kaiju and finally mending his relationship with his father, did Kenji come to terms with and welcome this responsibility. Gladly, Kenji finally found that much needed balance in his life that was necessary and soon, his life didn't seem as bad as it was before. It wasn't lonely anymore either, he thinks.
And number two; he has a massive crush on you. The both of you knew each other since you were little kids, growing up and going to school together like true best-friends did. Initially glued to the hip, you were then forced apart when he had to abruptly move to America with his mother. The transition was difficult to say the least, as little Kenji was thrown into what seemed like a whole new world. Other kids would talk constantly about the way he looked and acted behind his back—about how different he was, and whilst Kenji eventually grew out of it, he couldn't help but miss home. You, included.
When Kenji returned to Japan after many, many years, his feelings for you resurfaced when you surprised him during one of his baseball games. Amongst the crowd, you had been sitting by the front row when Kenji suddenly locked eyes with you as he entered the batting field. He had to do a double-take because God, the years treated you so damn well (And you were even wearing his jersey. His jersey). Whilst he wanted nothing more than to run to and scoop you into his arms, Kenji had a game to play. He had a strong urge to show you his best performance and damn it, did he deliver. He was the Ken Sato, after all. He never disappoints.
The both of you had your heartfelt reunion after the game as he held and spun you in his embrace, in all his sweaty glory (it was honestly a bit gross, but you let it slide this once for the sake of celebration). Excited, you both decided to catch up at Tonkotsu Tonki after he washed up. And to his relief, it was like you never changed. You were still the amazing, humble and kind you — and even though he thought you of beautiful then, you were practically glowing now.
Despite the piling stress he was enduring then — with having to juggle between being Ultra-Man, baby-sitting Emi and some career troubles — your presence alone was like a breath of fresh air. Whenever he was with you, whether it be on the phone or in person, he wasn't the famous celebrity, Ken Sato, or the beloved Japanese super-hero, Ultra-Man. He was just Kenji. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
So with that all being said, with months-full of excruciating pining, Kenji finally made the big decision to confess to you. Today. He invited you out to Tonkotsu Tonki for dinner one spontaneous night, booking a private space away from watchful eyes and any possible distractions.
"So, [Y/n]...I have something to tell you," he suddenly brings up after you finished your meals. His hands start to feel clammy as you avert your attention from your phone, staring up at him with curious eyes. Kenji was normally confident with most things, but vulnerability wasn't exactly his strong suit. He was usually flirtatious and a tease in nature, always flashing a dashing smile and blowing kisses towards the camera and his fans. But today was different. Heck, he couldn't even look at you right now without his head turning into complete mush.
On the other hand, the tone of his voice surprises you. It was noticeably a stark contrast to the light-hearted conversation you had just minutes prior. It must've been important, you think to yourself. And it made you nervous. "Oh," you lamely say, blinking at him, "uh, sure. Shoot." You clasp your hands together to keep them from fiddling too much, your nerves tingling at your fingertips. The thing is, you had an inkling of an idea as to what he was going to say, which was something you've been itching to hear for the past month. '...Was he actually going to follow through?' You think in quiet anticipation.
"Right. So, um..." Kenji throws some gestures in the air in attempt to gauge the right words, "...well, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. It might be a bit...surprising–heavy, even. And I'm worried that it might change a lot of things between us–which I really hoped it wouldn't, but I guess it's inevitable."
He keeps an attentive gaze on you, studying how your features slowly became more tense. Funnily and strangely enough, he thought you looked a bit constipated and perhaps in another circumstance, he would've laughed at you. Though, he knew he wasn't doing any better himself – the restaurant suddenly felt like a sauna and his heart was practically pounding out of his chest as if he were in a game.
Kenji unknowingly continues to babble on. "I-I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn't want to scare you off. But now, since I've come back from America–and am planning on staying here for good– and-and we've been given a chance to reconnect these past couple months...I think it's a good time to finally come clean and tell you the truth—"
"I already know," you suddenly intervene, surprising Kenji and even yourself. You mentally reprimand yourself for abruptly inserting yourself in the midst of his dialogue, cursing your lack of patience.
"You...you already know?" He asks sheepishly, clearly taken aback, "what–what do you mean you already know? Like, was I being too obvious or something?" He couldn't help the nervous chuckle that escapes his lips. He felt like he was going to implode at any minute as the embarrassment rapidly crept up his neck, dusting his cheeks.
You wince a little. "W-Well, no. But I guess I already had my suspicions. I noticed that you've been acting kinda weird recently and I sort of just...y'know, connected the dots," you shrugged, looking apologetic. He honestly didn't know how to feel about that.
"Oh...right. I forget how perceptive you can be sometimes. It's kinda scary," he attempts to flash you a smirk but it comes off as an awkward smile instead, as he raises a hand to rub his nape. You notice this and try to offer some consolation, reaching out to grab his hand. The action alone causes butterflies to flutter erratically in Kenji's stomach and for a moment, he feels hopeful.
"Hey, for what it's worth I'm actually glad that you told me, Ken. It must've been hard keeping it to yourself," you say warmly. Kenji scoffs in response – that was an understatement. "Oh, God. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to get this off of my chest," he huffs incredulously, unconsciously melting into your touch.
There was a brief second of pause and soon, Kenji couldn't help but feel as though there was something...off about this whole exchange, especially with how casual you were being at the moment. After all, Kenji literally just confessed (well, kind of) and you just sat there, smiling at him without giving him a definitive answer. Was...he forgetting something? Was he even doing this right?
"Y'know, you seem a bit...nonchalant about all this," he points out, "because if I'm being completely honest with you, I feel like I'm about to pass out." Brows furrowed, you straighten up in your seat. "Wait, Ken, I didn't mean to make it seem like I don't care or anything," you attempt to affirm with the wave of your hands, "i-it's just...slowly sinking in right now. Even though I told you I knew, hearing it from you straight is still overwhelming."
Overwhelming? At that, Kenji frowns. "Well...I did warn you, didn't I?" He says disheartened, letting out a deep sigh whilst running a hand through his hair. "Look, [Y/n]. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, nor do I want to pressure you for an answer right now. I just thought I'd tell you–"
"Woah, woah. Wait a minute. Pressure me?" You question with raised brows, now acutely confused, "pressure me into what?" Kenji rapidly blinks and tilts his head to one side, almost gaping at you, "Uhm, pressure you into reciprocating my feelings?" Crickets. Literal crickets. It was only after a few passing seconds that the both of you realise that you were talking about very, very different things.
"Y-You have feelings for me?" You gawk as you point to yourself, a bright blush now evident across your cheeks. Kenji wanted nothing more than to disappear into thin air. "I–Yes! Yes, I do–I thought I made that super clear?!" He panics, balling his fists, "what the hell were you talking about then?!"
Ah, shit. This was awkward, but there's no point in turning back now, you think to yourself, grimacing. You look around the both of you in caution and thankfully, the cook behind the counter was nowhere in sight, presumably having gone back of the kitchen. You leaned close towards Kenji. "I was talking about you being Ultra-Man!" You harshly whispered between your cupped hands, and it causes Kenji to bang his knee against the countertop, eliciting a loud thud.
You gasp. "Shit, Ken, are you okay—" "Fuck-What the actual fuck?!" He whisper-shouts, his eyes growing as wide as saucers as he aggressively rubs his knee. "how-how did you know about that?!" Maybe Kenji should've initially tried to deny the accusation, but his better judgement was severely trampled on, alongside his ego, by his failed attempt of a confession.
Now it was your turn to fumble. "W-Well, first of all, every time you would abruptly leave when we hang out, Ultra-Man would just appear out of nowhere and it would always be when there's a kaiju in the city! Like, come on, the timing was always coincidentally impeccable!" You explain, your arms messily flailing in the air, "And don't even get me started on the lame-ass excuses you make! What? You needed to water your plants? You couldn't even conjure a single sprout, let alone a pot plant even if you tried—"
"I–Okay, first of all, that is so not true–"
You raise a digit, causing him to halt mid-sentence, "And not only that, but maybe you should–I don't know, work on being more discreet with your identity because I literally saw you transform near a freaking construction site!"
Kenji's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. "Shit, you saw me? When did you–"
"Over a month ago, with that pink dragon-looking kaiju." You were referring to Emi. At that, Kenji squints his eyes at you, "You knew for a whole month and didn't tell me!?"
"Shh, lower your voice, Ken! Someone's gonna hear us!" You hush, "And I was planning on telling you at some point! Believe me, but I-I just didn't know how to bring it up! It's not exactly the smoothest conversation starter, y'know?" You look at him guiltily, your voice growing quiet, "I was kinda hoping that you'd tell me over time...when you were ready."
Kenji was now sporting a migraine, his mind trying to wrap around all the information you've just spewed at him. "You...you didn't tell anyone else about this, right?" He then asks anxiously. You were quick to shake your head, "No, of course not, and I wasn't planning to. I know how dangerous that information would be if it landed in the wrong hands—"
"And you do realise that you knowing all this would put you into danger, right?" Kenji says seriously. His own comment causes him to slump over at the counter, sighing heavily as he holds his head in his hands, "...it's why I never wanted you to know in the first place."
A small pang of hurt hits you as he admits this, but you decide to let it slide, knowing where Kenji was coming from. "Hey, come on, I'm stronger than I look, Ken. At least give me some credit over here," you attempt to liven up the mood, nudging him with your elbow. "Apart from kaiju, there are some really dangerous people out there, [Y/n]. You and I don't know what they're capable of," he mumbles into his arms, his gaze remaining on the table. Having you roped into his Ultra-Man business opened a lot of opportunities for danger to strike at any angle. Kenji wouldn't forgive himself if something were to happen to you, knowing that it could've been avoided in the first place. Heck, look what happened with the KDF.
Your eyes soften at his concern, pressing your lips into a thin line as you let out a small huff. "Look, we'll figure something out. But in the meantime, it'll be okay. I'll be fine, Ken."
"But—ow!" Kenji winces as you flick him on the forehead. You click your tongue in mild annoyance, speaking once more to reiterate as he rubs the reddened spot on his head, "I said, I'll be fine. So, enough with the brooding, Ken. What's done is done, okay? Nothing's going to chance the fact that I already know, and there's no point in entertaining the 'what if's." You then cross your arms against your chest, before softly muttering under your breath, "...and plus, you definitely gotta work on that transforming gimic of yours. You're gonna give yourself away with that clumsy technique."
Kenji initially gave you an unimpressed look, but he couldn't help the small grin that grew on his face as he spotted the mischievous glint in your eyes. You were definitely poking fun at him now. He lets out an audible scoff in response. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try. I bet if you were in my place, your identity would already be headlining all the news outlets within minutes!" You roll your eyes at this but you end up joining in on his laughter, chuckling alongside him.
Soon after, there was a brief and quiet moment of contemplation, and you found yourself staring at Kenji's profile. His confession wasn't left forgotten as your mind slowly picked up the pieces from earlier and soon, you found yourself growing increasingly flustered at the memory. The thing is, you did in fact reciprocate his feelings. With his success, you didn't think he'd even so much as spare a glance in your direction, expecting him to settle for someone of his calibre. You always thought that he was way beyond your league, so of course, you had your insecurities. But now, even if it was only for a brief moment, they all seemed to have dissipated and was now replaced by a warm, fuzzy sensation.
"Hey...so, uhm...about your confession," you quietly muster, unable to look at him straight in the eye, "...I guess I should give you my answer, huh?" Kenji's posture straightens in response as an uneasy expression takes over his features, having been reminded of his humiliation, "[Y/n], wait. Like I said, you don't have to say anything right now if you don't want to—" You didn't really comprehend what he was saying at that point, distracted by the loud thumping of your heart against your ears.
You bite your lip nervously, adjusting yourself in your seat to face him properly as Kenji continues to waffle on about your regard. Before your nerves could've forced you to back down, you were quick to dip forward and place a small peck against his cheek, just at the corner of his lips — you also made sure to have it linger a bit to send your message across better. Kenji stiffens as a result, shutting him up completely as a dumb-struck look strikes his face. "I like you too, Ken..." you say when you pull away, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
It takes a few moments for Kenji to fully comprehend what just happened, before a shy, boyish giggle escapes his lips. "Well...I did not expect this to go the way it did," he airly says in a mixture of shock and amusement. You smile widely at him, finding his expression very endearing. "Oh, yeah? Then what did you have planned for me then, hot-shot?" You tease lightly with newfound confidence, leaning against the counter as you rest your chin on your hands. Kenji smirks. "Well, I was planning on serenading you and sweeping you off of your feet, and then carrying you off into the sunset," he jokes lowly, mirroring you. At this point, your faces were just centimetres away, and Kenji could practically feel the warmth radiating off of you. His eyes then dart towards your lips, thinking about how plush and inviting they looked, before looking back up towards your face. You also found yourself doing the same.
It was magnetising, the way you both naturally closed the gap between yourselves. His lips perfectly moulded itself with yours as his hands found its way to your cheeks, pulling you closer towards him. Your own fingers crept its way up the base of his neck, interlacing them as you also tugged him into you.
Ans so, after this eventful aftermath, and at the end of the day, Kenji (begrudgingly) had no more secrets to hide from you.
A/N: YALL...the absolute chokehold this man has on me is INSANE...but otherwise, thank you for reading! As always, constructive criticism is much appreciated!!
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moonstruckme · 5 months
The James first time fic was so cute!! Maybe could you do a part 2 where it’s like the aftercare? Maybe readers kinda sore? If not that’s fine. Your my favorite author on this app have a lovely day/night🫶🏻
Thank you lovely, hope you have a lovely day/night as well !
cw: mature themes, nudity, reader experiences soreness from penetrative sex
the prelude (mdni)
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 683 words
James is smearing kiss after kiss onto your neck and shoulder, one after the other like it’s all he plans to do for the rest of the night. He’s got his hand splayed flat on your abdomen, your back pressed to his front and one of his legs sprawled over your hip. Your breathing has slowed, and now despite the newness of the night’s events and the dull ache blooming between your legs, you’re halfway to drifting off from the steady comfort of his warmth. 
“How are you feeling?” James asks, lifting his lips from your shoulder.
You chuckle softly. “I’m feeling pretty good at the moment, thank you. And how are you?” 
“Come on.” He squeezes the pudge of your stomach, but you can hear the smile in his voice. “You know what I mean. Turn around, sweetheart, look at me.” 
There’ll never come a day when you’re not happy to oblige that directive. James’ hand slips to your back as you roll over, rubbing back and forth a couple of times while he studies your face intently. James can actually be quite perceptive when he puts his mind to it, and you know he’s trying to put that skill to use now, scanning you for dissatisfaction or hidden hurt. You kiss him on the chin. 
“I had a great time,” you reassure him. 
“I wasn’t too rough with you?” He strokes the underside of your breast with a gentle thumb, looking troubled. 
You bite down on a grin at the memory of his far less delicate treatment of that breast a few minutes before. “Not in any way I didn’t like.” 
James’ smile is almost sheepish, his head dropping onto the pillow as his eyes look into yours honestly. “Yes, well,” he says, humor lightening his tone, “be that as it may, it would still be normal for things to be a bit sore afterwards.” 
“Would it?” 
Unintentionally, some of the levity has sapped from your voice. James’ expression softens. “Yeah, angel. I mean, not always, but it was only your first time.” He glances down your body. It’s a bit thrilling how casual that’s become. “Are you hurting?” 
“Only a little,” you admit. You use your gentlest tone, but your boyfriend’s eyebrows bunch sympathetically nonetheless. “I don’t think it could have been helped, though. It was…” You look away from his eyes, face heating slightly. “It was a tight fit.” 
James chuckles. His lips find your forehead, warm and soft. “M’sorry, m’love,” he says. “Do you want to have a bath? Warm water could help.”
You sigh, shifting closer and pressing the bridge of your nose to his neck. “I just want to stay with you.” 
“That can be arranged.” He pulls away, and when you protest: “Two minutes. I’ll be right back.” 
It’s undoubtedly more than two minutes, but James eventually makes good on his promised return. You won’t let him carry you to the bathroom, but you take the hand he offers to climb into the tub, and then he’s settling in behind you, your body between his legs and your head pillowed by his chest. The warm water is an instant relief, muscles you hadn’t even realized had been activated by the night’s activities uncoiling. James helps them along. His big hands migrate down to your thighs, massaging carefully underneath the water. 
“Oh my god.” You turn your head up to his, kissing him reverently on the cheek. “Jamie, I mean no insult to your skills in the bedroom, but I think I can say with some confidence now that this is better than sex.” 
James’ laughter shakes the both of you, his hands stilling on your legs so as not to hurt you. He brings one out of the water, taking your chin and angling your face so he can kiss you back properly. 
“I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong,” he says, lips curved and chest still bumping with laughter beneath you, “but let’s remember to keep things in perspective, sweetheart. There’s plenty more sex to be had, I might change your mind yet.” 
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The Morning After
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Summary: Reader and Spencer are waking up after a big fight the night before.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Angst, Comfort
Content warnings: Relationship troubles
Word count: 1k
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You woke up not convinced you had slept. Your eyelids sticking together and sore from the stark morning light must indicate otherwise, right? It stings no matter how often you blink. It’s a similar sting to chlorine and your body clears it out. But no matter how many times you blink, the pain remains.
Normally, Spencer’s hogging the bed, his arms pressed against your back like he was in a casket but sideways while you grip the edge and hope you don’t meet the floor with your nose. Stretching your arm out to feel the other side feels unnatural. No hand ready to grab you and smack your knuckles with a kiss. No grinding teeth that you’ve told him is a sign of stress and he should get checked out.
This all felt worse. Even though Spencer was just in the living room, he still felt too far away. But what’s the right way to deal with that? How does one bounce back from such a brutal night?
Well, you don’t bounce back. You take it slow. You pick yourself up from the pillows, your body aching like a hangover. Sitting upright did not help your headache; the pain between your eyes is strong, recovering from scrunching so violently in the midst of sobbing and yelling. You’re both lucky the neighbors didn’t call the cops.
You sway around the bed, left to right like a stiff pendulum. In the doorway, you see your boyfriend. His hair is a moppy mess. He's got a fresh dark roast in his hands, and it takes all his concentration to bring it to his lips. It’s almost precious if you didn’t remember you’re partially responsible for putting him in that state. You watch him sip slowly, the heat hits his skin and he remains unfazed. He pulls it away.
“Morning.” You croak out. You push yourself out of the doorway as you wrap yourself tight in your robe.
His face turns to you as he considers another sip. “Morning.” He puts his cup on the end table. “There’s… uh there’s plenty more. If you want any.”
You nod, crossing your arms close to your chest. Even though you don’t waste time grabbing the hot pot and plenty of creamer, your mind concentrates on the feeling of eyes pressing into your back. The sound of the leather shifting with his weight, maybe he was watching to make sure you weren’t walking out (like you may or may not have threatened to do last night). When you turn around though, he does too, he knows you saw it.
Because you know what to do.
You walk to the couch, taking the side opposite as you take two gulps of your beverage, ignoring the semi-sweet liquid’s heat. You settle in with your cup close by while Spencer occupies himself with his own hands like he’s been called to the principal’s office.
“Do you… want to talk about it?”
A third sip. “Yeah, probably best.” You eventually put your cup down after another eager drink. Your magazines were arranged on the table in front of you, labeled by issue. And not just that, but the books that were once sprawled on the floor were put back neatly on the shelves, in their intended alphabetical order. You pause at the sight. “You… wait, you cleaned up last night?”
Spencer coughed to pretend he wasn't so tired, saying "Yeah. I couldn’t sleep, so I figured, you know, why not?” He equipped the rhetorical question with a shrug.
You rub your face. It all hurts. “I didn’t mean to back into the shelf. I hope you know that.”
“I know.”
“Good, okay.” The silence is thick. Expected, but still daunting. The chest pain that comes with holding your breath so sternly is not something you thought of before. And you wish it would go away. So you start it. “Do you want to go first, or would —”
“I’m sorry.” Spencer interrupts.
“I’m really sorry. What I said, it was out of line.”
You sigh. The relief of it all (or part of it, the rest will come in time) pours out with one exhale. Your lungs still feel the ache, but again, in due time. “Me too. I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have retaliated the way I did.”
Spencer’s lips pull into a smile as his head falls back. “Okay. Good.” He swallowed. “Good.”
You don’t waste time taking up space between you. Your knees touch as you reach out to brush his cheekbones with your knuckles. You move further up and rub the redness around his eyes. They match yours. So you know the area is sensitive. Spencer, however, looks up at the ceiling as you touch it. Soon though, he takes your hand and presses a kiss to the skin. “Not as sloppy as I usually am."
“It’s okay.” Your grip tightens in his. “I think we both need to rehydrate.”
“And sleep more,” Spencer said.
“That sounds nice.” You slip out of Spencer’s hold and comb his hair back with your fingers, clearing them from his face. “Want to go back to bed?”
Spencer’s face scrunches and readjusts in his seat, rubbing his shoulder blade against the couch’s back. “I don’t think I can. It’s not easy to turn comfortably here.”
“You don't have to sleep on the couch.”
Spencer looked back at you. “Really? You sure?”
“You deserve a decent sleep in your own bed.”
Before Spencer has a chance to protest, you’ve picked yourself up from the couch and started pulling him up by the wrists. Despite his weary state, he followed you and stood up himself. You tugged his arm to the bedroom, to the sweet relief of a mattress, pillows, and potential cuddles. Spencer however tugs back, and he brings you into a soft hug. His head on your shoulder, his arms linking together to cage you into the warmth of his body. You gladly (and sleepily) follow by putting your arms around his neck. And you stay there. For a while.
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deargojou · 7 months
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You pressed your hand gently against Megumi’s forehead, frowning at the intense heat radiating from his skin. His normally porcelain complexion was flushed pink across his cheeks, and his eyes were glassy and unfocused.
“Your fever still feels really high,” you murmured worriedly, brushing his dark bangs back from his face.
Megumi gave a small nod, the slightest grimace crossing his face at the movement. “I’ll be alright. Don't worry about me too much.” His voice was hoarse and lacked its usual composed strength.
You clicked your tongue disapprovingly. “Of course I’m going to worry when my boyfriend is sick. Now hush and let me take care of you.”
He opened his mouth as if to protest, but quickly shut it at the stern look you gave him. Even in his weakened state, he knew better than to argue with you when you had made up your mind.
You had only been dating Megumi for a few months, but you cherished every moment together. Beneath his stoic, aloof exterior lay a kind heart and fierce loyalty. And though he was always composed around others, you delighted in slowly coaxing him out of his shell.
While Megumi had initially been shy about intimacy, your patience and affection eventually helped him open up. You lived for the small smiles he would give you, the way his pale cheeks would flush when you complimented him. He was still easily flustered by overt shows of romance, but you found it hopelessly endearing.
Now, as you tenderly cared for your ailing boyfriend, you were reminded of just how vulnerable Megumi allowed himself to be with you. He obediently swallowed the medicine you gave him to bring down his fever, though he insisted he could feed himself the hot soup you had prepared.
You just smiled knowingly, recognizing the subtle, prideful streak in Megumi. Compromising, you allowed him to eat on his own but remained close by in case he needed assistance.
After eating what little he could manage, his energy was spent. You helped him change out of his sweat-dampened shirt into a fresh one, taking care not to look directly at his bare torso―though the tempting glimpse of smooth, toned muscle made your face grow warm.
Once he was settled back against his pillows, you placed a cool cloth across Megumi’s burning forehead. He released a small sigh of relief at the sensation.
“How are you feeling now?” you asked softly, gently sweeping his bangs off his face.
“A bit better, thanks to you,” he murmured.
Your heart fluttered at even that small, precious smile. “I’m glad. Try to rest, okay? I’ll be right here if you need anything.”
His eyes drifted closed, though you could tell he was still fighting off sleep. You began carding your fingers lightly through his hair, soothingly massaging his scalp. After several moments, his breathing grew slow and even, his body relaxing into much-needed sleep.
You gazed down at his peaceful sleeping face. Megumi worked so hard taking care of everyone else, but was reluctant to rely on others in return. It made you happy to be able to care for him while he was vulnerable, proving he could depend on you.
When he awoke a few hours later, the flush had faded from his cheeks somewhat. But upon seeing you sitting dutifully by his bedside, a new bloom of pink blossomed across his pale skin.
“You’re still here,” he murmured, sounding quietly surprised.
You gave him a soft smile. “Of course. I want to make sure you recover properly.”
You reached out to feel his forehead again. “Mmm, still a bit warm. Are you feeling any better though?”
“Yes, much better thanks to your diligent care,” he said again.
You grinned. “Well, aren’t you quite the flatterer when you’re sick and defenseless.”
His blush deepened at your playful ribbing. Even now, after months of dating, he was easily flustered by your affectionate attention.
“Here, you should eat a little more,” you said gently, handing him a bowl of rice porridge. “This will be easy on your stomach.”
Megumi accepted the bowl with quiet ‘thanks’ before picking up the spoon to feed himself again. After a few bites, however, his arm drifted down weakly to rest.
Wordlessly, you retrieved the spoon from his slender fingers. Scooping up a small amount of porridge, you brought it to his lips.
His eyes widened slightly, “I… I can manage,” he protested half-heartedly.
“Shh, just let me help,” you insisted with a smile. “What kind of partner would I be if I didn’t spoon-feed my sick darling?”
At the open display of affection, Megumi looked utterly flabbergasted. But he obediently parted his lips, allowing you to feed him the porridge.
You weren’t sure if the renewed flush to his cheeks was from embarrassment or his lingering fever―likely both. But you relished being able to care for him so tenderly.
Once he had eaten his fill, you helped settle him back against the pillows once more. As you gazed down at him, you couldn’t resist reaching out to caress his cheek.
“You’re going to spoil me rotten if you keep this up,” he murmured, though he nuzzled ever so slightly into your touch.
You smiled, heart brimming with love for this boy who tried so hard to hide his softer side from the world. “Good,” you whispered. “You deserve to be spoiled sometimes.”
His gaze softened, his hand coming up to cover yours against his cheek. The simple intimacy of the moment made your breath catch.
“Get some more rest,” you eventually managed, reluctantly pulling your hand back. Already you missed the warmth of his skin.
Megumi’s eyes drifted closed again, his body relaxing into the mattress. As you watched over his sleeping form, you hoped he knew just how much you cherished him.
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wonysugar · 9 months
sorry | yoo jimin
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synopsis : her hands were always warm.
pairing : childhoodbff!karina x fem!reader
genre : all of us are dead au, angst (i’m sorry), childhood friends to lovers (?), high school au?
tags : zombie apocalypse, spoilers to the show?? it’s better if you watched it, so you get the refs ykyk, flashbacks, the entirety of aespa are in this, only karina is relevant tho
warnings : blood is mentioned, injuries are mentioned, implied dissociating i think, gross zombies, eating humans and stuff, you get it
word count : 2.4k
a/n : this was so self indulgent LOOK I FINISHED THE SHOW TODAY AND I SOBBED I NEEDED TO GET IT OUT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER💔💔also not proofread uhm looks around if you see any mistakes no you don’t! :]
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“y/n, barricade the door.”
you stared at aeri as she yelled from across the classroom, fighting off another braindead zombie, barely winning and almost getting bitten. as a result, ning groaned, gathered up her courage and threw a chair at the walking dead that lunged at her friend. then, she stabbed the being’s neck before it got the chance to get up.
eventually, once she was spared a few moments to inhale and exhale, the japanese girl’s gaze met yours, eyebrows immediately furrowing afterwards.
“what are you staring at— barricade the fucking door, you dumbass?” she yelled, somehow louder this time, before having to stab another zombie in the neck with her pocket knife.
as if snapping out of a trance, you mentally slapped yourself, quickly looked around and rushed to grab the nearest desk, despite struggling to pick it up. then, you pushed it towards the sliding doors of the classroom afterwards. minjeong, the incredibly athletic girl she is, while also having heard the dozens of zombies running towards your location, quickly slid the other door shut and stacked another desk on top of the one you put.
you both reluctantly backed away, glancing at each other as if to seek reassurance from the other’s stare. you both listened closely for the sound of the impact from the zombies hitting the door, then unconsciously sighed from relief when you did hear it.
“thanks, sports girl.” you teased the short girl, snickering when she hit your shoulder playfully (which kinda hurt considering the strength she had, despite being seemingly petite.)
you felt the tension in your body fade away with each breath that was taken, you crumbled to the ground and allowed your body to get rest.
“also,” minjeong turns to look at aeri before addressing her, “you didn’t tell me you knew how to fight, who taught you?”
the girl in question runs her fingers through her hair as she groans, seemingly annoyed by the stupid question, before cheekily smiling, “i guess when you have to fight bitches every once in a while, you end up learning a few things.” 
you all laughed, glad to be finally able to breathe and take a break from the constant amount of attacks you’ve endured up until this point.
“wait—“ placed ning before any of you said anything, readjusting her glasses nervously as she stumbled on her words, 
“where’s jimin?” 
“fuck fuck fuck fuck—“ she mumbled to herself in panic as she ran at full speed through the different hallways of the school, carrying the hard metal rod she found on the ground as a weapon whilst also escaping the army of things chasing after her, occasionally hitting unexpected obstacles left and right as hard as she could. 
she felt her legs slightly giving out on her as she sprinted, the numerous injuries on her body bringing her a clear and not at all appreciated disadvantage. in a normal situation? she’d probably be limping and be annoying about it, asking her friends to carry her to class and whatnot,
however, this was a life or death situation, about 15 different zombies were behind her trying to devour her and half of her friends were probably a part of that same pile,
limping and being annoying to her friends wasn’t really an option right now.
“what do you mean she’s still out there???” you shot up, your blood running cold upon hearing that your best friend might’ve ended up being a 5 star course meal for the zombies, “you couldn’t have made sure she was with us before closing the door??”
“i couldn’t have done anything, genius, calling out to her while she’s trying to draw the attention of those fuckers from the other side of the school would just defeat the whole purpose.” sternly said the japanese girl, giving you back the same energy, also panicking for jimin in the process.
you walked back and forth in the room, pacing and trying to figure out where she possibly could have went, eventually groaning and stopping in front of the mean girl again, grabbing her shoulders, “so what?? she’s just dead now?”
“look, y/n, she’s probably just hiding in some classroom safe and sou—“
“i’m going after her. i’ll bring her back, you guys stay here.” you declared, immediately rushing to the backdoor.
“no, y-y/n—“ is what ning said, stuttering, before you bolted out of the classroom at full speed.
“okay well.. she’s definitely dying.” concluded minjeong before getting hit by a worried ning. “don’t say that—“ responded the latter.
“die you stupid fucking bitch diediediedie—“ exclaimed jimin, hitting the zombie that was clinging onto her foot and hissing at her with the same metal rod that she was carrying for what felt like several hours, grunting desperately with each hit, using every fibre of her body to kill it, until all of its blood splattered onto her. 
after a while of it being unresponsive, she shakes its hand off of her shoe and watches its lifeless hand hit the ground. then gripping onto her femur injury trying to stop it from abundantly bleeding, shutting her eyes closed in hopes of making it somehow less painful. somebody on the level below her was screaming for their life, so all those braindead whores were away for a while. she was contemplating on how to run if they ever came back faster than expected, now that her brain has actually acknowledged the pain in her limbs, it was gonna be harder. 
during that time, jimin couldn’t help but think about you, wondering if she was gonna be able to see you again, wondering if you were even alive. wondering if—
that was your voice.
she recognized it better than her own.
she immediately turned her head to look at the source of the noise, not being able to keep her flinch contained upon hearing it. then, upon realizing that you seemed fine, she couldn’t help sighing from relief. 
but then she noticed that you were crying.
and you noticed that she was hurt.
rushing towards her, you quickly put your arm under hers for support and help her walk to near safety before the undead figured out you were here. you could think about the rest later, all that mattered was that she was okay. 
walking into a seemingly empty classroom, you waited until something potentially jumped at you. after watching out for a couple of seconds, you set jimin down onto the ground carefully as you closed the door behind you. before you could even turn around, the older girl spoke,
“how did you even know where i was?” she asked, still huffing from the sprinting she’s been doing while trying to survive.
“your shoes are covered in blood, footsteps are not hard to follo—“
her nose.
blood.. was dripping from it.
it was bleeding.
her nose was bleeding.
she curiously raised her eyebrow at your sudden change in expression, “what happened? did a zombie scare you or something? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” she giggled.
“what? seriously y/n, you’re scaring me. what is it?” she continued giggling only nervously, this time, in hopes of making you feel better, whatever it was that suddenly got you like this.
“y-your.. your n-nose..” you said, your voice barely above a whisper, 
“it’s.. bleeding.”
“oh come on.. tell mee. your secrets are safe with me, i promiseee—” she pleaded with you, making a joking hand rubbing motion as you subtly laughed at her unfunny attempts to try and win you over. you could never let her know that she was funny; her ego would be too flattered.
“we’re in the middle of some sort of a zombie apocalypse and you’re still somehow managing to be annoying.” you joked with her, to which she pouted in response.
“ugh you’re no fun..“
“sorry that i’m trying to survive, jimin??” you said back using a sarcastic tone. she groaned and rolled her eyes before speaking again,
“look y/n, we’re probably gonna die anyway, okay? might as well die knowing everything about the other, don’t you think?” she tried reasoning with you, and yeah, while it did make a little bit of sense why she’d think that way, just in case you did survive, you had a dignity to keep.
you couldn’t just tell her that you’ve had a crush on her ever since you were kids.
“…what?” she said, her voice suddenly matching the volume of yours. blinking at you as her smile drops, distraught from the piece of information you just gave her, you can see a small nervous smile forming again as she approached her hand to her nose. “come on, you can’t make jokes like that they’re not funny at all man—“
was that blood? 
no, no, it couldn’t be. of course it wasn’t.
when she looked back up at you, she noticed that you slightly backed away from her, still staring at her with nothing but pure fear in your eyes.
you weren’t scared of her, were you?
why would you be?
“man that doesn’t even taste that bad.” you affirmed, still not done chewing the fresh bibimbap, the taste of the absurd amount of wasabi you put on it not having fully hit you yet. she simply looked at you with hooded eyes, nodding at your claims like they completely made sense. she was patiently waiting for it, she was waiting for you to jolt at the actual taste.
and god was it funny when you did.
“f-fuck?? jimin oh mai fuck— jimin wawer— path me the wawer oh my—“ 
the sound of her own laughter resonating in the food court, everybody was staring at you two like you were crazy, and it was fortunate you physically weren’t able to laugh.
cause your two laughs mixed together sounded like one incredibly loud laugh, people knew you for it.
“next time, maybe don’t claim to tolerate something spicy when you’ve never even tasted it, got it?” she advised you, digging her hand into her bag as she looked for her water bottle, watching you eagerly nod. at that point? you needed to consume something that wasn’t wasabi.
“y/n i swear i didn’t get bitten i promise you it’s— it’s probably my blood pressure. yeah! m-maybe it’s too high or something i’m— i’m sure running was the c-cause.“ 
you quickly grabbed her hand as she was still sitting down.
it was cold.
“why are your hands always so fucking warm all the time? like— it could be -10 degrees celsius outside and your hands would still be warm.. i just don’t get it.” you questioned, holding onto her hand and observing it like it was some sort of rare object that needed to be analyzed.
your hands were always cold, it was no fair.
“maybe it’s just cause i have a really warm heart.” she said in a dramatic manner, naturally making you roll your eyes at her. then, when your eyes went back on her, you noticed something.
“hey jimin?” she hums in response, indicating you to continue, “where’d your name tag go?” 
she chuckles, “oh, i was supposed to give it to someone, but then i ended up just losing it somewhere.” 
you giggled as a reply, “fucking idiot.”
you choked back tears as she tried justifying herself, backing away further as she eventually got up from her seat on the ground. you heard the bones in her limbs slightly crack in the process, and you know she heard it too,
she just wanted to pretend like she didn’t.
tears rolled down her face as she stumbled on her words and her steps, the struggle to get air in her lungs growing bigger by the second, “y/n i swear— please listen to me i— i’m fine i-i just—”
how did she get infected? she didn’t even get bit.
“i-it’s impossible.” she thought aloud, “i didn’t—“
then she remembered,
the blood that splattered.
the injury on her leg. 
“jimin.” you whispered, the tears that you were holding back finally dripping down your face as you saw her. her veins slowly popping out as blood came out of her mouth, slightly drooping.
you saw her turn right in front of your eyes, and there was nothing you could do.
you just had to leave her there. 
her eyes were bloodshot by this point, and she was fighting back only god knows what to not let her neck crack in front of you. she couldn’t see anything anymore, the only thing she thought to do at that moment, before anything was too late, was to reach into her skirt pocket, grabbing something small, you couldn’t tell what it was. you didn’t know what it was,
until she deployed it onto your palms. 
“oh stop it.. not my fault nametags are so small, it’s a pain in the ass trying to find something so tiny, so i kinda just stopped looking for it.” she tried justifying, but you just kept laughing at her.
“who were you even planning to give it to, anyway?” you added, trying not to seem too hurt about her having a crush. you had to be supportive, because jimin wasn’t just the person you loved,
she was also your best friend.
“now you’re doing a little too much.. i’m so obviously not telling you that.” 
“w-what are you..?” 
yoo jimin.
“m-my nametag. it’s yours n-now.” she said, eyes twitching from the pain she felt, her bones cracking with each movement she made.
her nametag?
“i’m s-sorry i couldn’t— t-tell you sooner.” she stuttered, clutching onto her bloodied up shirt like it was gonna help her feel better. “i p-pussied out.” she giggled, still sobbing.
“sorry.” was the last word she could muster up.
you stared at her.
and she stared at you back, smiling before leaving the room and sliding the door shut behind her.
it all went by so quick.
you didn’t even get to say goodbye.
wasn’t this all just a bad dream?
you were gonna wake up right? 
the zombies running, they weren’t running.
the screams in the hallways, they weren’t hers.
they weren’t even real to begin with, right?
the zombies weren’t eating her.
you stared at her bloody nametag, tears falling down onto it.
yoo jimin.
yoo jimin.
the zombies don’t even exist either, do they? 
you made all of it up, right?
“ugh lame.. i’m your best friend, you should be telling me.. booo tomato tomato..” 
she laughed, hitting your shoulder playfully before laying her eyes on you, smiling tenderly as she watched you pout. 
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k3n-dyll · 5 months
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On A High [Sevika Drabble]
||Men, minors, and ageless DNI
Masterlist | Divider Creds | Palestine Links!!
CW: 18+, wlw, not proofread, dom!Sevika x fem!reader, oral (S!recieving), drug usage (Shimmer), squirting
A/N: "You've written a drabble and a fic about Sevika fucking readers face and squirting all over it already!" Hey, maybe it's time to consider I'm projecting my desires onto you! Hope this helps! <3
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Sevika, high on a more experimental dose of Shimmer, pushing you down to the floor of her office because she can't force herself to wait any longer. Her flesh hand is wrapped in a tight fist around your hair as she shoves your face into her pussy without much regard for your airway. Ever since she injected it, she's been heated, and taking down the dumbasses that had tried to smuggle a supply of the glowing purple liquid drug out of the factory to sell for themselves wasn't enough to calm her down.
She was just meant to be testing it out. It was a much smaller dose than she normally takes - barely half a vial, and yet she can still practically feel her own blood coursing at rapid speed through her veins. Each muscle in her body feels tense, the tips of her fingers are buzzing and it's all she can do to not start clawing at your scalp just to push your face harder against her dripping cunt, guttural grunts and moans escaping her throat through bared teeth
"C'mon baby, there you go....fuckin' take it, jus' like that" "Look so good strugglin' to breathe - fuck"
You try your absolute best to keep up with her, but her thrusts lack a true rhythm, her hips bucking back and forth against your tongue, which you eventually just leave flat and tense on the surface of your bottom lip. Deep down she knows she's probably hurting you a little, and she can hear how much of a struggle you're having in your attempts to take a full breath but she can't stop herself if she tried, and she knows how much you like being used.
"My little fuckin' toy, aren't you?" She taunts from above, her brows knit together in almost anger the longer it takes her to just fucking cum already. Though it hasn't been much longer than it normally takes, it feels like it's been an eternity to the point where she's on the brink of tears. The irritation only makes her go harder, sliding her cunt against you, forcing your nose to bump up so nicely against her puffy, impatient clit over and over again.
"C'mon c'mon c'mon, fuck, please"
Of course, the first time you hear the woman break down and beg for something is when she isn't even begging you. Instead, she's just begging her own body to let her get there. There's no sense of broken pride within her, no feeling of lost dignity, just the insatiable need to let go.
And when she does, it's fucking explosive.
Her thighs shake, then tense up hard on either side of your head, abs flexing, toes curling against the floor. She can barely keep herself upright, her wobbling forcing you to bring your hands up to her ass to help her stay in place. Sevika isn't normally a loud one but at the moment she can't help it, damn near whimpering in pure ecstasy as her juices squirt out all over your face in light bursts.
Sevika looks down at you, breathing still ragged and heavy and she just laughs watching the makeup run down your wet face. Her grip loosens around your hair and her irises transition back to their normal silver tint as she calms down, breathing out a sigh of utter relief as she feels her once tense and overwhelmed muscles relax.
Her body officially gives out, flopping down on her desk chair, taking a moment to gather herself before lazily patting her still twitching thigh.
"C'mere, let's get you cleaned up, hm?"
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Wanted to put out more Arcane stuff since I feel like I've been more focused on my TLOU girlies lately
Reblogs are appreciated | Taglist: @archangeldyke-all, @delinthecut @sevsbaby, @half-of-a-gay, @porcelainmystery
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b3ach-bunn7 · 8 months
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Jason Todd is the most beautiful boy in your lecture. Luckily, fate lands you a seat next to him
college!au, fluff, pining, happy ending
This has to be some form of epic karma.
You’ve never been late to a lecture before. At least, not this late, where you’re sure Professor Levine will not hesitate to slam the two double doors in his face when you eventually make it there.
You’d overslept horrifically. After a night spent with your roommates over board games and shitty wine in cracked mugs, you’d been too tired to remember to turn on your alarms. You didn’t regret it. It was hard to find time to spend together, and even if it was just a couple of hours of UNO, it was nice to catch up. Unfortunately, the drinks your friend Wendy had kept pouring into your mug had lulled you into the best sleep you had in a while. Which, unfortunately, was interrupted by a confused knock on your door, a concerned friend wondering why you were still in bed so late.
Now, without a shower and the outfit you’d worn yesterday, you were practically running to the hall to try to make it in time. Feverishly checking your phone, watching the minutes go by, as you finally stop outside the doors.
You pause for a second. Do you knock? Just walk in? Professor Levine wasn’t necessarily strict. He’d never kicked anyone out before, but you’d never seen him angry. Would he even be angry? You didn’t know. God, you were being so dramatic.
You push open the door. Immediately, a couple dozen eyes lock on you, dishevelled and anxious at the door. You could die. Really and truly, just drop down on the floor and die. You glance at the professor. He just nods slightly, and you take that as a sign you’re in the clear. You start walking to your seat, relief flooding your veins, to see that it’s taken.
Your second dosage of karma. You’re not sure what you’ve done to deserve such cruel treatment. You sat in the same seat every say. Far enough front the front that you didn't get picked on, and far enough from the back that it didn’t look like you were hiding from Levine. You quickly scan the room and see the only spare seat is right at the very back. Right next to Jason Todd.
You knew who he was. Everybody in your literature class did, everybody at your university did. He was six foot tall, with hair that curled perfectly over his brown eyes, and a body that looked like it had been carved by the gods. As if that wasn’t enough, he was also nice. Boys that attractive were usually paired with a big ego and an obnoxious personality, but he had neither. He kept to himself, was polite and respectful. Jason Todd was like every guy you’d spent hours reading about and analysing for your English classes, the perfect man in every way.
Which, of course, meant he was also horrifically out of your league.
You take the awkwardly long walk to the back. You drop your things on the floor, and sit down. He flashes you a small smile and your knees feel weak. You hope the one you give him back makes you look normal. You fiddle around with your things, bring out your laptop and books, and sigh.
Crisis averted. You made it in one piece. You tap the power on button, turning your laptop to face you. Wait a little bit. And nothing.
It's out of charge.
You tap furiously on the button, as if it will somehow make something happen.
“Fucking shit.” You whisper, digging in your bag for the charger, that you know is not there.
You feel eyes on you, and you look to your side. Jason is watching you, an amused smile gracing his lips. You feel heat rise to your cheeks and you look away.
“Sorry, I just- I forgot my charger. And my laptops out”
He hums under his breath, low and deep in his chest. “Not your day, is it?”
“No, it’s really not. It’s where I take all my notes.” You slump in your chair, rubbing a hand over your face.
He slides a piece of paper over to you. “It’s okay. Professor Levine won’t call on you if you sit this far back. He takes offence. Makes him think you’re avoiding him.”
“Surely that would make him want to call on us.”
Jason shrugs. “He’s different like that.”
You huff. You open your anthology. You’re studying Keats, one of your favourites. Despite the constant reminders that your chosen degree would get you nowhere, you love literature, evident by the copious amount of annotations you’d done. It wasn’t part of the syllabus but you thought it was fun.
A hand reaches over, hovering over your book. Jason’s, bigger thank yours, with a large watch around its wrist. Not that you were checking.
“Can I look?”
You nod. You try not to watch his deft fingers slip between the pages (try not to think about where else they could slip) and write meaningless things on the sheet of paper he’d given you. You can’t focus on the lecture, only your need for his approval of your work.
“This is incredible. You did this all on your own?” His eyes don't leave the paper as he continues to flick through.
You laugh nervously, “Yeah, I’ve got a lot of free time.”
“Oh, I love this one.”
He points to Modern Love. You smile, nodding excitedly.
“Yeah, that’s my favourite! I don’t know why, but there's something so cool about one of the best Romantic poets ever writing a poem about how people put so much pressure on romance, you know? Especially in the era he was in.”
You mouth shuts. You laugh nervously.
“Sorry. I'm rambling.”
“Don’t be sorry. It’s cute.”
You don’t have time to try and dignify a response through the shiver that runs down your spine, because Professor Levine clears his throat loudly from across the room. You look over and he’s staring right at the two of you (who are considerably closer than you were when you’d sat down).
“Is there something more interesting you two are discussing? Like perhaps how to show up to my lectures on time?”
Jason snorts and you duck your head. “Sorry, professor.”
The rest of the lecture is spent like something out of a high school classroom. He scribbles notes in the margin on your paper, and you draw little stars across the page. You’ve not spoken before, but you spend the whole time whispering to each other. He shows you his favourite poems, and you pretend they aren’t yours too.
It’s a shame, really. Deep down, you wish you didn’t get along with him so well. If not for the way he looks right at you when he speaks, breath fanning over your face as he leans down to say something, but for the fact you’ll never speak again. The two of you will pack your things and part ways, and you’ll spend the next lesson in your usual seat with a fully charged laptop, thinking about him. He’ll just be another story your friends will drag out of you over a glass of wine, the day when you sat with the sexiest boy on campus.
The lecture ends, and the two of you leave side by side. You avoid eye contact with your professor and pause outside the door.
“Thank you for the paper. And letting me sit next to you.”
Your hands awkwardly grasp at the straps of your bag. Of course today of all days you’d look so messy. You’re not wearing makeup, and you know your shirt is wrinkled. He looks effortless in a shirt that curls over his biceps oh, so perfectly.
“It’s no problem.”
Silence spills between the two of you. You nod once.
“Well. Bye, Jason.”
You turn to walk away, but you don’t make it far. A hand grabs your arm. You look back, and it's Jason, all smiling and nervous. He drops your arm, and shoots you another one of his boyish grins.
“Do you want to get some coffee? We can go over our notes. Get you back on Levine's good side.”
You should probably say no. Boys like Jason are the kind that could ruin you.
“Yeah. I’d love to.”
my first oneshot!! I hope you all like it, and plz leave requests or if u want a part two 🩷
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ijustwanttoreadangst · 9 months
Never forget
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Summery : he will never forget and he will regret the choices he made until his last breath.
~ Aemond Targaryen x fem-OC-Reader ~
8 hours earlier
After everything we have been through why has it come to this? why wasn’t I good enough? I gave him heirs I gave him my body, my soul, my happiness, my life. Why has it come to this? Does he know even know I know if his sins does he even care? Obviously not as he got the woman pregnant.
I get out a half scoff half laugh as tears sting my lower lash line. Shaking my head I stare into the fire that warms this unnervingly cold room and wait, wait on this uncomfortable chair I had told him time and time again to get rid of but was constantly ignored. Has it always been like this? I filling his needs while he ignores mine?
I have to stop my mind from going to the past not wanting to drive myself crazy with everything that has happened. Taking a deep breath I let my tears disappear from my eyes as my face take a new form a look of nothing, void.
It was hours that I waited to hear the unmistakable roar of vhagar but eventually I did, what normally be a feeling of relief and happiness has turned into rage and dread.
It didn’t take him long to rush into our shared chamber concerned with myself and the babe I carry as I did not greet him upon his return. As soon as he set his sights on me he could tell something was wrong.
“My love, are you well? Is it the babe?” He asked concerned but was it really concern or just false pleasantries I did not know anymore. My face still voice of emotion I stood up my large belly making it a difficult but manageable.
“You call yourself a man of duty and honour correct?” I ask getting a confused ‘of course’ in reply making me let out a hmm as I whisper. “Liar.”
“What?” He asked still confused with my hostility towards him. “Alys rivers is with child, I was surprised to hear as she is a bastard but you will not believe what surprised me even more, husband.”
I finally turn to him, his eyes flashing many emotions I knew I had got my answer but I wanted him to admit it admit his infidelity. “What, my love?” His voice cracking trying to conceal his true emotions.
I let out a laugh making his eyes widen. “Oh you will not believe this my heart, a man with white long hair has been spotted numerous times entering and leaving her chamber oh and here is the part that gets me every time I think or hear it whispered that man had an eyepatch.”
My smile wild smile slowly fades into something murderous. The man who prides himself with being untouchable is now backing away from me a girl smaller than him. “Tell me husband doesn’t that discerption sound like someone I know?” I ask finally stopping in my tracks watching him open and close his mouth like the fish from the dock when they get pulled out of the water.
“My love, you must believe me that’s not me! I would never betray you like that.” He tries to convince me.
“How long?” I ask knowing it’s going to bring me heart ache. The white haired man stays silent looking at his shoes. “How fucking long.” I yell wanting the answer I deserve now.
He mumbled a reply but it was so quiet I couldn’t make out what he said. “What?” I ask. He finally looks up to meet my eyes. “From the start.” He said his voice shaking as tears began welling in his eyes.
Realisation dawned on me in that moment the missed birth and name days were because he was fucking her instead of being here with his wife and child. “I hope that when you’re finally happy with this alys rivers and ur bastard child daemon comes and takes it all away.” I said with so much hate in my voice I saw him flinch back. “Get out, go back to your whore for all I care I want you out of my sight.”
His footsteps quickly approach me and before I can pull away the taller man take my arms in his hands. “my love my life please I can fix this. Please don’t push me away. I will do anything, I won’t ever see her or meet the child please I love you.” He begged over my shouts from him to let go of me.
When I finally got free him his iron grip made my way to the chamber door before turning around looking at him. “I am daenyra Targaryen, daughter of daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce. The next time you touch me will be last time you have hands.”
And I left leaving him crumbling in the mess he had created.
4 hours earlier
“Hop up my little love. You can do it.” I encourage my son as I helped him on my dragon before getting up myself. I tightened the saddle straps around baelor and myself before I start giving commands to the black dragon under us.
“Serve me, cannibal. Fly.” I command as he descends off the grown and into the sky. “Take us to dragonstone.” He lets out a growl in acknowledgment as he flys into that direction. It was difficult getting out of the keep without being seen but surprisingly I did it.
I move try to move my body to a angle so I could see the look plastered on my sons face but it being difficult as my pregnant belly in the way but I manage to get glimpses of the wide eyes and the smile that could light up the seven kingdoms.
We weren’t far from dragonstone as the dragon let out a happy roar happy to be going home after all this time. But the happiness was short lived from the thing i have been dreading being followed.
“Daenyra stop please. This doesn’t have to be difficult.” Aemond yelled out as him and his dragon gained on us. My eyes go wide as I start commanding cannibal to fly faster and lose them. Understanding my commands the dragon lets himself drop lower in a way to get them off our tail.
But it didn’t works it made the man chasing us angry as he starts to yell making vhagar return his feeling of anger. But as we fly faster hope filled my heart thinking we lost them.
Oh how wrong I was.
Without warning vhagar flew up in front of us making baelor scream and cannibal turn away from dragonstone and closer to storms end. It felt like déjà vu. The sudden rain hitting my skin like little knives making me hold my son closer to try and keep it from hitting him.
I could tell all of this was scaring my little boy. “Close your eyes my sweet boy, you will be alright mothers got you, you don’t need to be scared while I’m here.” I whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Holding him so tightly as he lays his head back onto my chest while tears flow down my cheeks mixing themselves into the rain. “I love you my sweet boy and you my sweet girl, I will love you forever.”
It felt like forever before it was over. The cries of terror the screams.
Cannibal is a wild dragon and his rider his first rider was threatened he had to protect his rider and the children. the two dragons attacked each other Aemonds and my pleas for the dragons to stop fell on deaf ears. It wasn’t until the wrong move was made Aemond let his anger before consuming his dragon just like what he had done with the tragedy of Lucaerys.
The last thing I saw was the unforgiving sight of dragon fire before it was over. I held my child and covered his eyes not wanting the last thing he sees being so upsetting but at least I can still be with my children just not in the way I wanted.
The sound of cannibals loud pained roars shook the walls of dragonstone.
Daemon stood across the field from the black dragon that is wailing at the loss of his rider and his riders children.
Daemon had never felt like this before the rage and depression that he feels as he gazes at the burnt corpses of his baby, his little girl and grandchildren wasn’t like anything he had ever felt. He knew one thing and one thing only.
Aemond Targaryen will pay and his little girl
Will be avenged
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hugsandchaos · 5 months
Sleep When You’re Dead
Summary: Frostbite finds Danny falling asleep outside and decides to bring him to his village. Was what was supposed to happen, but I made two bonus bits to make it more interesting.
I’m gonna vanish now. Byee!
Word Count: 3,280
Frostbite had been taking another one of his simple walks outside of his village when it started. A brief break from duties as a chief, and one of the many activities to keep his mental health as good as his physical health. At this time, the sky was slowly going from the bright green color to a darker shade and covering the Far Frozen in a calm blanket of darkness, and it was nice to see the different shades, no matter how many times he’d seen it.
The ghost zone has a unique day-night cycle that was pretty much the sky brightening and then getting darker over the course of several hours. Sometimes, it would actually shift unexpectedly and suddenly from one to the other instead of permanently sticking to the routine, but it would eventually go back to normal. Thinking about these events, Frostbite couldn’t help but exhale sharply through his nose like a brief laugh as he remembered the first time the Great One experienced this.
The young halfa looked around as if he’d never seen it and exclaimed “Who turned off the sun?!”, sounding very confused and fairly worried. It took some explaining from both sides to understand the confusion, but Frostbite and other ghosts who were nearby got the joke after Danny gave a brief explanation about the sun.
Since then, it’s turned into something of a running joke for the Great One to sometimes say that the sun turned off or on when these sudden shifts happened. It was quite the day. Or night.
Frostbite smiled. His gaze was kept on the sky as he continued, every step sure that he wouldn’t stumble or fall. He knew this place like the back of his hand. Perhaps that’s why he hadn’t noticed the black in the snow and was startled when he touched it with his foot. Frostbite stopped the moment he felt it and pulled away. He looked down and was shocked to see the Great One laying seemingly unconscious in the snow.
Immediately, he knelt down and gently grabbed the young halfa’s hand to check for his pulse. He was relieved to feel a smooth, slow vibration mixed with a steady beating, something that was normal for the Great One. After that, he carefully moved his other hand to pick him up and check him for any injuries. Nothing, surprisingly.
Some visits, the Great One would have stitches that he and his best friends, Sam and Tucker, tried to do themselves almost like a routine after doing it for so long. The most obvious sign was that during these visits while the trio was all together, the two humans would keep an eye on Danny Phantom.
The Great One stirred in his arm, then rolled over and relaxed again. Frostbite breathed a sigh of relief when he realized what was happening. He was asleep. But outside? Why? The chief shook his head. Regardless, he’s already made a decision. Frostbite began to fix himself to better carry Danny Phantom, who was now reminding him of the younger ones in his village, when the amount of movement caused the young halfa to stir again.
Every bit of Frostbite told him to stop, to not wake the child, but it was too late. Danny Phantom let out a tired groan and lifted a hand to rub his eyes, but then stopped and placed it back on his arm. Suddenly, he was wide awake. He woke up rather quickly, forcing himself up almost too fast and almost falling back down. He managed to catch himself and quickly looked around almost frantic.
“I’m Frostbite! I mean, awake! Hi, Frostbite.” Danny said. He calmed down from whatever fear caused his core to spike up and smiled seeing the chief, which made his core briefly swell up in joy and a bit of pride, but there was something more important right now.
“Danny Phantom, what are you doing asleep outside?” Frostbite asked.
Danny gave him a confused look as he started to stand up, but stumbled and almost fell back down. Frostbite reached out to catch him, but Danny caught himself.“Huh??” The Great One muttered, completely puzzled as if he hadn’t understood Frostbite.
“Oh, um... Last I slept? Yesterday, I think?” Danny said. The uncertainty in his voice and pause before he could deliver his answer was more than enough to get Frostbite to make up his mind, and the answer itself only made Danny’s case worse.“No, wait... No, that was...” Danny trailed off. He looked as if he was hardly there anymore.
“Come with me.” Frostbite said. Without a second thought, he finished adjusting his arms and stood back up. He turned around and began heading back to the village. By now, the green light was almost gone and most of the sky was dark, but bright enough to clearly be green. The village had probably lit its lanterns already.
“Where are we going?” Danny asked, yawning right after he spoke and covering his mouth with a hand.
Frostbite was pleased that he wasn’t putting up any sort of fight like some of the children of his village, or when Danny tried to insist that he could fix his wounds on his own.“Somewhere warmer so you can rest.” He replied.
“M’kay.” Danny mumbled. He stretched his arms and legs out, then relaxed. Frostbite hadn’t gone too far from the village. He would bring Danny there in no time.. a pleasant breeze flew past them, and while Frostbite found it pleasant, but Danny pushed himself further against him. He always preferred warmth over the cold.“Hey, Frostbite?” Danny muttered after a while.
“Yes?” Frostbite replied, taking on a similar tone as the one he used with the children of his own village. He kept looking ahead as he walked, the snow crunching beneath his paws.
“Are there stars in the ghost zone? I haven’t seen any.” Danny asked.
“No, there are not.” Frostbite replied. Truth be told, he hadn’t even known about them until the Great One told him about them, describing them as giant spheres of plasma so far away that it took light itself years to travel to Earth, and even the light of the sun took about seven minutes to reach Earth. At night, when they were visible, they were described as some of the greatest things the halfa had ever seen.
“Then I’m gonna show you the stars.” Danny said. The way he said it made it sound like a promise. Knowing the Great One, it was a promise.
“Perhaps after you get some rest.” Frostbite said. He rounded the cliff and instantly saw his village down below.
Danny nodded in agreement, brushing his head up and down against Frostbite’s fur.“Mhmm.” Danny muttered something, but Frostbite didn’t understand it. He looked down to make sure he knew where he was stepping down the steep cliff, but paused. Danny was suddenly fast asleep. Perhaps he was more tired than the chief originally thought.
It was honestly a little frustrating and disgraceful how Frostbite often had to force himself to remember that despite all his strength and accomplishments, Danny Phantom was still a child. He wasn’t a young adult yet when he turned into a half ghost, and he hasn’t had his ghost half for a year yet. With how long ghosts typically live, it was no wonder that he was called “ghost child” several times in the past, and even now.
For this reason, Frostbite was grateful for the moments when the young halfa would do things that reminded him of the young ghosts of his village, like right now. Another example of this was when Frostbite taught him how to use his ice powers, when he successfully hit all of the targets and looked at the chief with pride and excitement, the same way many children would. To be honest, Frostbite was surprised how quickly he’d gotten the hang of it.
Perhaps his favorite memory was when Danny first told him about the stars of his world. He’d been making an ice replica of the “solar system” and Frostbite asked what it was once he was done with it after three hours. Danny seemed very eager to tell him, but the sad part was that he thought any rants about the topic would bore Frostbite. Of course, Frostbite continued to ask. He was genuinely curious, and he didn’t want to snuff out the fire that was burning to talk about it. He’d never seen the Great One get so excited about something.
The first time Frostbite realized all that he must’ve gone through at such a young age, his core felt like a heavy weight and he made sure to remember that Danny still needed guidance and someone to help lift the burdens he insists on carrying more often. On the bright side, at least he’s opening up more, and there are more moments where Danny seems completely relaxed. Frostbite smiled to himself as he walked towards one of the warmer houses. He knew Danny would sleep more comfortably with a hot fire nearby, a nice blanket that would suffocate him like last time, and a pillow.
Bonus Bit!
“Let’s go!” Danny said, holding Frostbite’s hand and practically running towards the portal he made. He had to move faster than just walking to keep up with Frostbite when he wasn’t flying, but that wasn’t the only reason he was moving so quickly. He was also very excited.
The ghost yeti smiled as he was almost pulled along by the excited halfa.”I’m coming.” He said. He’d be lying if he said that the Great One’s behavior wasn’t amusing.
As promised, Danny scheduled a night when he would bring the chief to see the stars of his world. They both had to wait a while due to it being the warmest season when Danny first made the plans, and the temperatures were more than enough to give Frostbite’s people a heatstroke and possibly even begin to melt their core. Frostbite was surprised the Great One could survive and even have fun in such weather, even though he’d been taught the different ways human stay cool.
Now it was the coldest season of the year, which was called “winter”. It made Danny’s comment about the Far Frozen being stuck in a constant winter when he was visiting as a term of endearment make sense. This time of the year was cold enough for Danny to be sure that Frostbite wouldn’t suffer from heatstroke, which was greatly appreciated.
Danny Phantom made the portal by flying above Frostbite’s height, grabbing at seemingly nothing, and tearing one open. He brought it all the way down to the ground and stretched it out for the chief, then turned to him and grabbed his hand to start pulling him through.”You might feel a little dizzy at first.” Danny warned.
Frostbite nodded in acknowledgment and stepped through the portal.
Like he’d been told, Frostbite suddenly felt dizzy. He’d been unsure of where exactly to step at first, but he still followed the hand guiding him and stepped onto more snow. At first, he saw nothing, but then he saw a color that wasn’t very common in the Far Frozen, a reason why it was the color of the chief’s clothes.
Dark blue. The sky was a very dark blue.
A nice coat of fallen snow covered the ground and the trees that seemed to be surrounding them like an army. The snow was oddly illuminated in a way that gave it a beautiful white, almost light blue color. It made the branches of the trees much more visible. It was like the Far Frozen, except that trees like the ones on Earth didn’t grow much, let alone in big groups like this, and the snow looked a little green at night instead of blue.
The trees were as tall as he was, some taller even, and covered in snow like blankets. Some bore no leaves, but others were still green beneath the pale snow. Frostbite raised his icy arm and pointed at one of the greener trees.”Are these the evergreen trees you’ve mentioned?” He asked.
Danny Phantom let go of his other hand and flew up to be more at eye level.”Yep. The leaves kind of looked like needles.” He said. Frostbite carefully brushed some snow off and looked closer at the branches. They did indeed seem sharp, but they didn’t feel sharp. Just very rough.
“So where are these stars?” Frostbite asked. Danny Phantom flew backwards in a way that looked as if he was leaning into some invisible force that wasn’t himself carrying him away from the bigger ghost.
“Up there!” He exclaimed. Frostbite turned around and looked up at the sky.
Frostbite didn’t need to breathe, not like Danny Phantom and his friends did, but now he believed he understood the phrase “leaving one breathless”.
In the sky were hundreds — no, possibly thousands or more — of glowing dots. Not only that, but there was an almost circular object glowing white so beautifully that Frostbite found it hard not look at it. Danny pointed at the object in the sky, which was likely responsible for the snow practically glowing.”That’s Earth’s moon in its gibbous phase. It looks even nicer in its full phase, but it’s still really neat.” He explained.
“…This is amazing.” Was all Frostbite felt he could say, although it didn’t come close to this beautiful feeling. He hadn’t even spoken properly, as it came out more under his breath than not. He didn’t fail to notice the happy and proud emotions that briefly burst outwards in a wave from Danny’s core.
“I know!” Danny said, barely containing himself. He flew down to the ground and sat down on the snow so he could observe the night sky, soon followed by Frostbite, who had yet to shift his gaze from the sky.
The majority of the sky was pitch blank, and so were most of their surroundings, but the glow of the stars and the moon reflecting the sun’s light made it almost look blue. Danny Phantom had told Frostbite how big everything in outer space was, but looking at the celestial bodies now, it was harder to believe that they were truly massive than he expected. The stars appeared tiny, like he could scoop up millions of them in one hand if the sky was liquid. As for the moon, it was like an object that a child could fit in one hand. Yet they were so much bigger than he was, and it was simply the amount of distance that made them appear small.
It left the chief in such a state of awe and wonder. He believed there was a word for it. “Novalunosis”, was it?
Frostbite glanced down at the young halfa, who looked to be in just as much of a trance as he was.“Thank you for showing me this, Danny Phantom.” He said. Without thinking, he lifted a hand to ruffle Danny’s hair. Because of the size difference and the fact that Danny hadn’t expected it, he was moved a little bit by his hand before righting himself. The action also earned a noise of surprise and a laugh from the young halfa.”I can see why you like it so much.” Frostbite added.
Danny turned his head and to look at Frostbite“I’m so glad to hear that.” He said. The both of them resumed their stargazing for quite some time before Danny created another portal so they both could go back to the Far Frozen.
Bonus Bonus Bit (I couldn’t resist it, I’m sorry!)
Jack watched in utter shock and disbelief as the large green portal opened up by Phantom closed. Once all ends met and formed a thin line, it practically evaporated. He felt as if he couldn’t process what he’d witnessed over the course of an hour, but he’d managed to record the whole thing just incase. He was going to show the footage to Maddie later.
When the green portal suddenly appeared, Jack quickly got the camera out. He didn’t have any weapons on him, thinking this walk was going to be completely peaceful, so observing was the next best thing. The portal was huge, around 10 feet high and 7 feet wide.
It took on the shape of a rectangle that flickered and swirled around at the edges. Phantom walked out and looked at the portal as he moved further away from it. A huge smile was plastered across his face as if excited, but that didn’t seem right. Ghosts didn’t have emotions like happiness, right? But what caught Jack’s attention was that he was holding something.
A large clawed finger covered in white fur that was almost as big as the ghost kid’s arm.
As Phantom walked further, the claw followed until it revealed the rest of its hand. Then the arm. Then its owner. A massive ghost covered in white fur that closely resembled a yeti with its horns made of ice and bipedal stance.
Its tail reminded Jack of marsupials, but it didn’t look nearly as long or strong enough to hold the ghost, only there for balance. Its other arm was completely made of ice, save for the bones inside, but didn’t ghosts not have bones? And was the ice meant to act as a sort of prosthetic or similar to one?
Its eyes were a sharp yellow, and when its mouth opened seemingly in awe as it scanned the area, Jack got an unsettling glimpse at the big, sharp teeth inside. It looked to be between 9 and 10 feet tall. When it spoke, all that Jack heard was jumbled up words, static, and backwards noises. Phantom, who seemed to be the only ghost capable of human speech thus far, understood it all and replied only in English.
Was the ghost kid capable of speaking only in human speech? Jack doubted he’d ever heard him say anything in ghost speak. If that was the reason they always understood him, why? Why were his language skills more restricted than other ghosts?
Jack may not have understood a bit of what the ghost yeti had said, but its actions and expressions, along with Phantom’s, have him all the context he thought he needed.
The way the ghost yeti pointed at the tree and brushed off some snow to look at the branches, and Phantom nodded and said that they were evergreen, suggested that curiosity was a natural thing ghosts feel, not just rage and bloodthirsty. Just like humans. Then Phantom excitedly told him to look up, which left the yeti in a state of awe when he did. It was as if he’d never been outside the Ghost Zone, or perhaps just not in this kind of climate.
If the thick, white fur meant anything, the new ghost was from a much colder climate like the arctic and antarctic. Still, had he never seen stars before? Maybe there weren’t stars in the Ghost Zone? But that would mean no sun. How do they experience daytime? Do they even have days?
The two simply sat for a while before the ghost yeti said something and did something that almost made Jack want to gasp, as it reminded him so much of him and Danno and went against all that he thought he knew of ghosts. It was a small action, but one that left a big impact.
The ghost yeti ruffled Phantom’s hair, and Phantom laughed. Just like a dad and child.
Of course, with the little information he had and how most of that information said otherwise, Jack couldn’t help but wonder. Was this ghost yeti somehow, in someway, Phantom’s father?
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angelsdxmise · 1 month
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Request: Hi! I love your writing so so much it is so good! I was wondering if you could do a bakugou x fem! Reader where the reader makes sweet treats (like cookies, brownies, stuff like that) and everyone loves them except bakugou, so she makes him a special batch that are semi-sweet (or like kinda spice idk) and he starts to develop a crush on you? If you can't it is total okay! Can't wait to read more of your work, it's fantastic!!
Contains: fluff fluff fluffff
a/n: wc is 0.9k, made this right after the pt2 for orphic, and thank you so much for this request! Enjoy 💕
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“Guess what I’ve got!”
Your fellow classmates rushed into the kitchen at the sound of your voice. You baked another tray of cookies which many of them drooled over. 
Many except Bakugou. Unfortunately, he didn’t care for your sweet treats and often walked right past them. Anytime you made an effort to give him some, he’d deny it and forcefully shove it back into your hands. 
You sighed as you didn’t catch sight of Bakugou anywhere within the crowd, instead, he had stayed seated on the couch. Kirishima did make an effort to get him to try some, but he yelled in his face saying, “I don’t like that sweet shit!”
Oh, right. He doesn’t like sweets. You focused back on your friends as Sato tasted one, praising you for your baking skills. You left the tray with them as you took one and headed back to your dorm. 
You did love baking a lot, and everyone seemed to love what you managed to stir up. It struck confusion in you when Bakugou didn’t even want to taste it. Mina did always yell about how it was sugary and delicious, so maybe he doesn’t like overly sweet pastries?
You got the idea to ask Kirishima since he was the closest out of everyone to Bakugou.
As it got later into the night, you hopped up off your bed and made your way to Kirishima’s dorm. A yawn left you as you stepped out of the elevator. Eventually, you made it and you raised your fist to the door, gently knocking.
It didn’t take long for him to open the door. He peeked through the crack before opening it, his eyebrows raised in a sort of surprise. “Hey, L/n! Didn’t expect you to be here. Did you need something?” He questioned as his head tilted down quite a bit to look at you.
“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind! I see you always take a liking to any pastry I bring down, but I can’t help but notice that Bakugou never does. I was wondering if you knew why that is?” You reasoned, and he seemed to be in thought as he placed a hand on his hip. 
“I know Bakugou does enjoy a lot of spicy food. He's never really been spotted eating sweets. Sorry, L/n.” He sighed for you, as you blinked in disappointment. “That’s alright, thanks Kirishima!” You gave him a wave as you walked off, and he returned it as he was closing his door.
Kirishima had done just enough for you as by the time you reached your dorm, you knew exactly what to make him. You had some leftover ginger and frosting, so why not just add a little more extra than what a normal person would be able to call enjoyable.
By the time you finished, you really didn’t want to taste the cookies as if they were a success, your head would blow off at the spice rate. But again, anything for someone to have a delicious pastry.
You made sure to have two water bottles on standby as you carefully picked up the ginger cookie, letting out a short breath in preparation. “I can do this.. I can do this..” You muttered affirmations to yourself.
You carefully took a small bite of the cookie, and as soon as you began to chew it a tear came trailing down your cheek as you spit it out. “This is definitely ready!” You cried out as you chugged the water bottles, one after another.
A grin didn’t leave your face not once since you woke up. You wrapped the cookies in a dark red baggie and made your way to class. As soon as you opened the door you let out a sigh of relief that Bakugou wasn’t here yet. 
You quickly made your way over and placed the baggie on his desk. “Hey, what’s that?” Kaminari asks from behind you, scaring you a little. “Oh, I’m glad you asked! I made special cookies for Bakugou since he never took from my usual pastries I bake for you guys.” You explained, and Kaminari seemed to get envious.
He sighed and dramatically rested his cheek against his palm, “Why don’t I get special cookies..” You chuckled as he came in, and immediately set his eyes on you. Kaminari shivered as he made his way over. “What the hell is this?”
He picked up the baggie and opened it, “I don’t want your stupid cookies.” He sneered at you which emitted a frown. “Come on, please just try them! I’ll never make any cookies ever again if you don’t like them.” You heard gasps from behind you as Mina and Kaminari were watching with intent, seemingly begging Bakugou to at least pretend to enjoy them.
He slumped into his seat. “Whatever,” He grabbed a cookie and put it in his mouth, reluctantly taking a small bite. His eyebrows rose as he chewed, and he took another bite. This made you beam with happiness. He totally likes them!
“Tsk, not half-bad extra,” he praised, “Make some more later, four isn’t enough,” he demanded as he shoved the last cookies in his mouth. You were positive he loved them since he scarfed down four cookies in nearly fifteen seconds.
Mina and Kaminari gave each other a high five while thanking Bakugou for liking the cookies, and scolded you a little for your proposition. You giggled and turned back to Bakugou. “Sure, I’ll make you some more tonight!” You exclaimed as you walked away to your seat.
As Aizawa came in to begin teaching, Bakugou’s face was getting warmer and warmer as he thought about what happened. Unfortunately for you, you didn’t get to see any more reactions from him.
The only person who noticed was Kirishima, and he assumed your cookies were a success from the blush on Bakugou’s ears and cheeks. He made a mental note to tease him later.
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pls dont post anywhere w/out my permission ❤️
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sitkowski · 3 months
in the night hours (jolly x f!reader for ladyveronikawrites)
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a prompt request for the absolutely wonderful @ladyveronikawrites!! 💜 it comes from the domestic fluff prompt list: #18-brushing your hair
cw: 18+ MDNI ⚠️ subby!Jolly, slightly dominant f!reader, aftercare, hair brushing, angst, post tour burnout, praise kink, oral sex (m receiving), vaginal fingering.
title comes from "war of hearts" by ruelle. divider by @saradika-graphics
word count: 1.8k
⇉ masterlist | taglist signups
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When you get home from work, there’s a pile of luggage in the foyer, and that’s your only indication that he’s home. You feel the slightest hint of dread, because he didn’t even text you like he normally does. Tours can wear him down, especially the longer ones, but he always texts if you’re not home when he gets there. You think about calling out to him, but decide to just find him instead.
He’s in the overstuffed chair in your bedroom, asleep. His head is tilted to the side, hood of his favorite hockey hoodie pulled up. He has his arms crossed over his chest, legs sprawled out. As you get closer to him, you see that his phone is on his leg, still open to your text message thread. He couldn’t even stay awake long enough to send you the message he intended.
“Jolly,” you call softly, patting his cheek. He stirs almost immediately, exhaustion in his eyes giving way to relief of seeing you. “Hey love, why didn’t you just go to bed?”
“I wanted to be up when you got here…” Jolly yawns and pushes his hood off, sits up a little straighter in the chair and starts to pull you into his lap. “I missed you.”
You miss him, always, when he’s on the road. The few visits you get to make aren’t enough and you have to hold yourselves over with phone calls, texts, video chats. You live for the days he gets to come home, but he’s always run down and half catatonic the first few days. Eventually, he’s able to perk up, especially when the breaks are longer.
He frowns a little when you resist letting him pull you down, and you shake your head. “What you need is a shower. Wash off the plane. Get in comfy clothes and get into bed.”
“That wasn’t a suggestion, Joakim.” You try to make your voice as stern as you can, knowing the only way he’ll take care of himself is if you make him.
“When you’re done, I’ll brush your hair for you, if you want.”
The suggestion brings a look to his face you can’t really decipher. But he just nods, setting his phone aside and going towards the bathroom, shedding his hoodie and t-shirt along the way. Once he’s gone, you let out a shuddering breath. You go and drag his suitcases into the laundry room to have something to do. You plug in his phone to charge so he doesn’t forget. When you come back into the bedroom, he’s already there waiting on the edge of the bed, dressed in a pair of sweats and a ratty t-shirt—the same one of his you’d wear to bed most of the tour while he was gone—and holding his brush.
“I’ve…” he clears his throat. “I’ve never had someone brush my hair before.”
You knew that, it was why you offered. You just wanted to do something nice for him that no one had ever done before. Taking the brush when he holds it out, you gently put a hand on his shoulder and nudge him just a little so he turns his back to you. You gather his hair, bringing it all over his shoulders, running your fingers through the damp strands and scratching the nape of his neck affectionately. He lets out a little sigh, head tipping forward.
“Ah,” you reach forward and put your hand beneath his chin. “Head up, love.”
Jolly does as you ask, and you run your fingers down his throat before straightening up and starting to brush his hair. You take your time, working section by section, from the crown of his head to the ends. You treat it as if it’s the only time you’ll ever be able to do this, and as if it’s a gift you could give him.
He leans back into you, just enough that you feel his shoulders moving with each breath he takes. Each soft sound he makes as you bring the brush through pulls at something in your chest. Finally, you set the brush down, letting your chin rest on top of his head for a second.
“Think you could sleep now?”
He tips his head back until your eyes meet. “Not really.”
You do your best to hide your smile, trying to at least remain a little stern. “You’ve got to be tired, love. We don’t do anything tonight—”
“I need…” Jolly takes a breath, your name leaving his lips on the exhale. “I need you. Just…”
“Okay, okay,” you put your finger over his lips, cutting him off. “I’ll always take care of you, Joakim, you know that.”
He looks up at you with relief and when you take his hand and pull him up, he goes willingly. You guide him back to the chair you found him in when you got home, giving him a gentle shove until he sits. It’s like this sometimes too, when he comes home. You’re more than happy to give him what he needs, take the edge off for the night. Bracing your hands on the arms of the chair, you lean in, brushing your mouth across his teasingly. When he tries to lean into the kiss, you raise your eyebrows and wait until he settles before pressing your lips to his more firmly. The needy noise he lets out travels right through you, and you squeeze your thighs together.
Pulling back, you sink down between his spread knees. He stares down at you in awe, and it makes you feel powerful. You run your hands up his thighs, hooking your fingers beneath the waistband of his sweats, and Jolly lifts his hips obligingly. You weren’t going to make it obvious that you knew he’d been hard since you started brushing his hair, but his cock twitches in your hand the second you’ve barely touched him and he lets his head thump back against the chair.
“Eyes on me, love.” you whisper, before you rise up further on your knees to take him in your mouth.
He does what you ask, always. And when he curls one of his big hands around the back of your head, it isn’t to push you down or pull, it’s to keep himself grounded. You draw in a breath, keeping your eyes locked with his as you dip your head and take him down as far as you can, until your eyes water and your throat constricts. His hips twitch up, just once, but you pull back just enough. He murmurs your name, an apology, slips back into that controlled space you know he keeps to so well when you want him to. Wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock, you bring your mouth down to meet your fist, eyes fluttering closed.
His fingers brush your cheek, feeling himself there, and you revel in each breathless plea that he makes. You know that he won’t last long, and it’s not your intention to drag this out. He doesn’t seem to mind in the least that you’re working him over so quickly. When his fingers wind into your hair, you nod a little, letting him know it’s okay to pull. You relax your jaw and let him guide you, and he chokes out a grateful sob above you.
“I can come in your mouth right?”
You nod more insistently, raising your eyes to his to find him still watching you like you told him. Bracing your hands on his trembling thighs, you press yourself down, feeling him hit the back of your throat. Instead of lifting back up, you stay where you are, knowing that will be his undoing. Your name is tangled up in the hoarse cry he lets out when he comes, and you swallow it all.
When you lift off, he starts pulling on your hands insistently, trying to get you closer. Rising to your feet, you tug your panties from beneath your skirt and kick them away, letting him pull you into his lap. His mouth collides with yours desperately, chasing the taste of himself across your tongue and you soothe your hands against the sides of his face, trying to get him to settle. After a few moments he does, pulling back and brushing kisses across your cheeks, your forehead, the tip of your nose. He traces his fingers over your bottom lip and you give him a coy look before opening your mouth to him, letting him ease the digits in until you feel the edges of your mouth ache again. Your tongue slides between them, and it makes your stomach twist pleasantly.
“Let me make you feel good, please,” he begs, moaning when your teeth dig into his middle finger. “Please…”
Wrapping your hand around his wrist, you pull his fingers from your mouth and guide them under the hem of your skirt. You’re soaked and his wet fingers slide between your folds easily, making your eyes roll back as he immediately slips two inside and nudges his thumb against your clit.
“Oh, good fucking boy,” you gasp out, rocking up on your knees.
His mouth curves up in a knowing smile as his fingers curve inside you, hitting that spot that makes your eyes roll back in your head. You grind down against his hand, fingernails digging into the chair on either side of his head. Jolly knows you as well as you know him, inside and out and everything in between, and before you know it, you’re chasing your own orgasm, your face pressed into his chest, teeth catching on fabric and the skin beneath to muffle the noises crawling from your throat.
“I wanna make you come,” he says into your hair. “I’ve been good for you, please, baby, come for me, that’s it…”
He trails off as your hips stutter and you lift your head to kiss him again, letting him swallow the wail you let out as you come on his fingers. Collapsing into his chest, you laugh breathlessly and press your mouth to his neck above his shirt collar, hips twitching as his fingers tease into you a few more times before he pulls them out and they leave a wet trail on your thigh.
“Someone might need a second shower.” You observe, sitting upright and looking at him. His nose wrinkles at the prospect. “C’mon love, we’re a mess and those sheets are clean.”
He huffs out a breath, but relents, rising up with you still astride his hips so he can pull up his sweats before he stands up suddenly. You squeal in surprise, trying to protest through your laughter as he carries you into the bathroom.
Tomorrow, you’ll call out of work to stay close to him all day, and it’ll be worth it.
⇉ taglist:
@malice-ov-mercy @ladyveronikawrites @circle-with-me @baddestomens
@deathblacksmoke @collapsedglasshouses @collidewiththesavannah @thatchickwiththecamera
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coldfanbou · 1 year
TM IS Side Story: An Addiction to You
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Short smut filled side story about Tzuyu getting addicted to OC
“Daddy!” You turn around and see Tzuyu jumping toward you; you act quickly and catch her. Tzuyu’s legs wrap around your waist as you struggle to stay standing as her weight comes crashing into you.   “Daddy, I want to do it again.” The others pass you by as they enter the room, each one snickering. 
“Tzuyu, be honest. Did we do it on a risky day?”
“I was kidding, Daddy. Mommy told me to take some pills after, too.” You breathe a sigh of relief. “So, can we do it?”
“Later, Tzuyu. Let’s rest.” Tzuyu pouts at you, but you repeat yourself. She gets off you and starts walking away; reaching the doorway, she turns around. 
“I’m bringing you to my room tonight!” She says, determined to have you. You spend your time getting some rest. You had just returned from the Bangkok concert and would get a couple of days to yourself before you had to travel again. There is a knock on your door. Tzuyu quickly pushes the door open and takes you by the hand, dragging you to her room. “Daddy, Daddy. I get to have sex with Daddy.” Tzuyu sings as she walks the room she shares with Chaeyoung. She walks in front of you, making sure you can see her body. It’s only now you notice she was completely naked. When you reach her door, Tzuyu turns around quickly and pushes herself forward onto you. You feel her hard nipples poke your chest. “I want Daddy to put it inside me before we walk in.”  Tzuyu pulls down your pajamas before you can say anything. Your already hard cock is an easy target for her. You groan; Tzuyu’s soft hand strokes your cock as she inches closer and aligns her cunt with you. You grab the back of her upper thigh and lift her. 
Once she’s ready, you push your head in slowly. Tzuyu’s lips spread apart, and she tried to stifle her moan by covering her mouth. It partly works, but as you slide more in, she struggles to keep herself quiet. You push her door open, kicking it closed as you enter the room. Chaeyoung stirs from her sleep; her hair ruffled as she lifts it from her pillow. You start thrusting into Tzuyu, unaware of Chaeyoung’s presence yet. Chaeyoung, though, watches as you fuck Tzuyu. Wishing it was her in that position. It had been a while since you had used Chaeyoung. Tzuyu knew that having sex with you would make Chaeyoung jealous; she purposely moaned louder than normal just to make a point. While Tzuyu was focused on that, you attacked her small breasts, gently biting her nipple and making her shout an unplanned moan. You pull Tzuyu closer, moving your hands under her legs around her back, folding her in half. You thrust wildly without a thought in your head. Tzuyu’s body is wracked with pleasure, and she grimaces as she nears her orgasm. 
Tzuyu uses her weight to start dragging you over to Chaeyoung’s bed, eventually bringing you down. You land on top of Chaeyoung, who’s revealed by Tzuyu. From the corner of your eye, you spot her naked form masturbating. You get harder inside of Tzuyu., continuing to thrust until Tzuyu screams, “I’m cumming!” Tzuyu’s body spasms, and she tries to recover quickly. You pause and turn your head toward Chaeyoung; Chae stares at you like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“Um, it’s not what it looks like,” 
Tzuyu slides her hand along Chaeyoung’s stomach until she reaches her cunt. “Daddy, I think she was masturbating to us. She’s all wet.” Chaeyoung moans and the younger woman’s fingers slide inside her, curling and rubbing her walls.
“Oppa, I want your cock too.” Chaeyoung moans as she reaches for you. 
“Oh, you both want me?” You pull out of Tzuyu slowly, her juices covering your cock. “Why don’t you both get a taste?” Chaeyoung and Tzuyu lay on their stomachs; you grab their heads and slide your cock between their lips. Their small tongues move up and down your shaft as you slide it between them. Chaeyoung eagerly moves her tongue and starts to push Tzuyu away. You let it happen, her lips stretch around your cock, and you feel her tongue swirl around you. Chase side-eyes Tzuyu as if to say, “This is how you do it.”  You put your hand on the back of your sleeve’s head and push her to your pelvis. Chase gags from the sudden movement. You moan her name as you hold her there for a second. When you start thrusting, Chaeyoung places her hands on the bed, letting you use her throat. Tzuyu fingers herself, watching Chae be used like a toy, her throat expanding as your cock thrusts into it. Tzuyu’s other hand moves to her lips as she imagines you doing the same thing to her. In the back of her head, Tzuyu makes a note of how you like to use Chae. 
Chaeyoung looks at you with worry as she starts to run out of breath. You continue thrusting, your orgasm coming closer. Chae starts to slap your thigh, and tears run down her face. “Just a little more.” You moan. You push Tzuyu next to Chae and pull out just as you cum. It spews onto their faces, coating them in a thick layer of cum. Chaeyoung moans as she feels the warm liquid hit her. Tzuyu is stunned by the amount; it takes her a moment to come to her senses and open her mouth as she tries to catch some. You cup Tzuyu’s cheek, rubbing your thumb across it. “My beautiful baby is all dirty.” 
“I’m happy to have your cum on me, Daddy,” Tzuyu says, collecting some before tasting it. You then turn to Chaeyoung, who’s recovering and looks to be half-conscious. You slap her face with your cock, and she puts on a lazy smile.  
“I think you’re losing your touch, Chae. I might need to retrain you.” You scoop Chaeyoung’s small body, bending her over the bed. You strike her ass, leaving an imprint. You spread her cheeks apart and look at her puckered asshole. You miss the feeling and decide to take it. You press the head of your cock against it and feel that familiar resistance. You thrust half of your cock into Chaeyoung. That wakes her up, and she shouts, “Fuck! Oppa, wait! I need time to ah!” You ram the remaining part of your cock into Chae, her asshole stretches to fit you, and her walls are trying to push you back out. Tzuyu watches in amazement as your cock disappears into Chae’s small body. At the same time, Tzuyu is determined to train her body to be able to do the same at some point. For now, though, she fingers herself, watching and enjoying the sight of Chae’s small body being ravaged by you. Your thrusts are strong and quick; Chaeyoung’s pained groans soon become full of pleasure as her body remembers its owner. You pull back on Chae’s shoulder and lift her by her legs. Her leaking cunt is in full view of Tzuyu as you use Chae’s weight to push your cock deeper. Chaeyoung puts her hands behind her and around your neck, “N-no, Oppa. I don’t want Tzuyu to see me like this.” She mutters as you drive your cock back into her.
“You didn’t have this problem with Momo.” You respond. “In fact, I can feel you getting tighter.” Chaeyoung whimpers as she feels your cock slam into her body; she’s nearing her orgasm quickly. “Come on, Chae. Show Tzuyu the face you make when you cum…or I won’t cum inside you.” 
“N-no, please.” You feel Chaeyoung’s legs stiffen in your arms. You’re nearing your climax, too. You continue to bury yourself inside Chaeyoung’s ass. “Oppa, I don’t want to cum in front of Tzuyu.” 
“That’s too bad.” You say, throwing Chae back against the bed. Your thrusts grow rough, and you hear Chae’s roar as she cums. She tries to bury her head in the sheets, but you grab her hair and pull her back. Tzuyu gets a good look at Chaeyoung’s face as it becomes filled with ecstasy. You unload your second orgasm in Chaeyoung’s ass, filling her up. You pump your cock a few more times in her ass before pulling out; a loud pop sound bounces off the walls as you do. Cum gushes out of Chaeyoung’s ass, flowing down toward her cunt. Chae’s head falls forward as you let go of her head. Chaeyoung is out cold, and when you look at Tzuyu, you see a large wet spot where she’d been sitting. Her chest is heaving as she looks to have had her own orgasm. You step toward Tzuyu and give her a soft kiss, “Was this your plan?”
“I just wanted to show off to Chae.” She says while pouting. “I didn’t plan on sharing you, Daddy.” You smile at Tzuyu before moving Chaeyoung back onto her bed.
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pianokantzart · 2 months
The Super Mario Bros. Redux (Pt. 8)
What would happen if, in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, after Mario and Luigi are separated, Mario was the one who ended up in the clutches of Luigi’s eventual arch nemesis, while Luigi teamed up with some of his own close allies to go rescue him?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 ________
Following the map on his Dual Scream and going deeper into the mountain, Luigi stops when he encounters a giant metal facade shaped like E. Gadd's face, whose mouth forms a shut door that blocks his path.
"H_ld on," the static-muffled voice of E. Gadd assures over the DS, "I'll g_t th_ do_rs open."
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Sure enough, the metal mouth opens up, but as Luigi walks down a long, dim hallway, he grows nervous about the worsening signal between him and the professor, and he begins slapping the side of his device to try and fix it.
"Easy th__re son_y. Just k__p f_llowing the map. The s_gn_al sho_ld clear up right ab_out.... now" E. Gadd's crackling voice assures. On cue, the professor's voice and picture becomes crystal clear as Luigi emerges from the illuminated tunnels into a large laboratory.
"Normally, signals can't travel that far underground," the professor explains. "Luckily, I built a frequency booster into my lab. If I hadn't, all communication and teleportation in and out of Thwomp Mountain would be impossible."
"Teleportation?" Luigi asks while prodding at the large satellite dish in the corner– what he assumes to be the frequency booster.
E. Gadd chuckles. "See that large green monitor on the east end of my lab?" Luigi's attention shifts enormous glowing green tv screen on the opposite end of the room. He approaches it as the professor continues: "That's the Pixelator, Kiddo! And that's exactly what we're gong to use to get you into King Boo's mansion.
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"How do I use it?" Luigi asks, looking around in awe of all the technology around him. E. Gadd replies: "Just stand in front of the monitor. I'll use my Dual Scream's remote access to set its destination. Give me one second."
While Luigi is waiting for Professor E. Gadd to activate the Pixelator, he notices the atmosphere in the room begin to change; the lights dim, and the air grows cold to the point that Luigi can see his breath.
"Professor, I'm not one to tell you how to use your own technology, but I think you accidentally turned off the lights... or the thermostat?" The professor responds to this comment with a long moment of thoughtful, anxious silence.
"Luigi, did anyone follow you into my lab?" E. Gadd eventually asks. This question intensifies Luigi's growing fear. He pulls out the Poltergust flashlight and looks around the darkened lab while saying that he didn't see anyone following him, to which E. Gadd shakes his head. "Just because you didn't see anyone, doesn't mean you weren't followed!"
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Suddenly, glowing etherial bars block off the doors and the exits. Three greenies, a hider, and a slammer materialize and start wreaking havoc, frightening Luigi to the point that he runs off to take cover behind a lab desk.
Pulling out his Dual Scream, Luigi tries to ask E. Gadd what to do, as he has never seen these types of ghosts before, but to his dismay the professor's voice and image have been replaced with an alert that reads "signal lost."
Luigi peeks out from his hiding place, and sees the greenies are egging on the slammer as he tears large chunks out of the frequency booster.
Luigi, yelling for the ghosts to stop, leaps into action with Poltergust in hand. A fight breaks out, and while Luigi gets knocked around at first as he struggles to figure out his attackers, he eventually makes effective use of the strobulb and gets the upper hand.
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Soon, the atmosphere of the room returns to normal and the bars disappear from the doors, but this brings little relief to Luigi. With the frequency booster broken he has no ability to contact E. Gadd., and E. Gadd has no control of his lab. Even the large metal door out of the lab refuses to budge, leaving Luigi trapped in the heart of the mountain.
Luigi sits down amidst the wreckage, struggling to hold it together. Bruised and exhausted, he takes off his hat to wipe the sweat from his brow, when who should appear but Polterpup who... seeing the hat up for grabs... snatches it away and runs off.
Luigi impatiently chases the dog around the lab until he trips over an overturned cabinet full of journals and schematics, scattering papers everywhere.
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After finally retrieving his hat, Luigi begins to pick up some of the scattered documents, when he stumbles upon a file for the frequency booster, filled with blueprints and schematics.
Luigi thumbs through the file curiously. He looks at his useless Dual Scream, then at a box of tools in the corner. He takes a deep breath, and gathers up the broken pieces of the machine to see what he can do to repair the damage.
A montage ensues of him slowly and carefully fixing the frequency booster. With polterpup overlooking his progress in mindless, playful curiosity, Luigi manages to get the machine running after after a few tries.
Opening his Dual Scream back up, Luigi is pleased to see the "signal lost" alert has disappeared, but as he tries to call the professor he is surprised when Princess Daisy answers the DS in his stead.
"Hey! The Green Wonder lives!!!" the princess laughs, "What happened, man!? E. Gadd said he lost contact!" "Ghosts." Luigi said with a meek shrug, "they damaged the machine that lets signals leave the mountain, but I got it fixed."
"Brains and brawn? You're just the whole package, aren't ya!" Luigi smiles shyly at the complement, but before he can thank her he is interrupted by a heavy thud and the sound of commotion on Daisy's end of the line.
"Are you okay?" Luigi asks. "Oh yeah! We just entered Evershade Valley airspace and there's this stupid purple mist that makes it impossible to see." Daisy explains, "Luckily, The Professor has pinpointed the main locations of The Darkmoon fragments, so that should make navigation a little easier. Oh! Speak of the devil-"
E. Gadd suddenly arrives, and interrupts by pulling the Dual Scream from Daisy's hands. Luigi overhears a brief scuffle between the princess and the professor, but E. Gadd eventually wins out on the argument that Daisy needs to focus on the controls before she drives the entire ship into the side of Snowcap Mountains.
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"Luigi!" E. Gadd says once he has hold of the Dual Scream. "You had me worried!" "Sorry. I–" "It's okay Sonny, what matters is I've regained a signal connection with my mountain lab! I assume you made quick work of those ghosts?" "Y-Yeah! I–" Luigi tries to explain, but the professor impatiently waves him off. "Well, we've lost too much time as it is. Get back to the Pixelator so I can get you out of there!"
Luigi goes to the Pixelator, and though he remains mesmerized by the machinery he grows a little nervous upon reconsidering the idea of being teleported. "You' sure this is safe?" he asks.
"Well, none of the mice I tested it on had any complaints!" E. Gadd. says, "however, you might want to hold as still as possible, just in case." Before Luigi can reply, the machine activates. With a terrified yelp Luigi flies apart into pixels and is sent hurtling through the vortex of a shining green TV screen.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
End Game #7 (volleyball captain!gojo x you)
summary: you wrap the captain's fingers before the semi-final match and reassure an uneasy player.
wc: 1.3k
cw/tags: established relationship (fuckin' finally, right?), tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff, mentions of eating
note: shorter update because i forgot this was supposed to be a series of drabbles (and then i wrote 3k words on one part lmao).
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“I didn’t think quarter finals would give you this much trouble, Satoru.”
“Me neither, and then that captain looked at you for too long and I saw red.” The corner of your mouth turns up and you glance at him to see his eyes shining proudly. He liked having an excuse to go all out, especially if it meant defending you from dirty-gazed players. “I think I overdid it a bit, though.” He shrugs apologetically while you finish wrapping the gauze around the joints of his right pointer finger. 
“It’s okay. I like taking care of you,” you reassure him and he leans down to press a kiss to your hairline, whispering how much he adored you. That morning, you offered to help him tape his fingers after he could barely wrap them around his coffee cup without flinching in agony. In normal Satoru-fashion, he attempted to play it off with a forced smile and a self-effacing joke about being clumsy; but, you were already suspicious of something being off when his face contorted after blocking a particularly powerful spike. It scared you and you were tempted to ask Yaga to call a timeout, but the pain on your boyfriend’s face vanished just as quickly as it appeared. You’d been extra careful after that match when you held his hand and he sighed deeper in relief when you gently caressed his knuckles. You’re just about finished reinforcing his joints when Megumi and Yuuji come back from the bathroom. 
“Will he be alright?” Yuuji asks you and you nod, kissing Satoru’s fingers one more time before setting them on his lap. Megumi eyes you two oddly, sticking his tongue to the side in disgust when Satoru murmurs that he loves you. You shoot him a pointed look and he apologizes under his breath. 
“He’ll be fine. It’s a precaution for when your captain inevitably goes all out and we need to make sure his body can keep up.”
“Mhmm, you definitely know about my body keeping up–” 
“Okay, you’re done.” Megumi and Yuuji’s eyes expand to the size of pool balls and your face suddenly feels like it’s burning. You push away Satoru’s smug face, abandoning him on the lobby bench to fetch the wagon with the jerseys, water bottles, and other items Yaga told you to bring. Yuuji takes the moment to ask Satoru about how his gameplay has been during the matches up to that point. 
The team remained steady through all preliminary matches, bypassing the first qualifier round and eventually making their way to the semi-finals. They were playing well, but so were the rest of the prefecture’s teams. If the close victories affected Satoru, he didn’t show it; he showed up to every match with a self-assured grin and would only drop his smile to stare daggers at the other team. It helped that he was a master at getting the underclassmen fired up to the point where Megumi and Yuuji were scoring just as much as him and Suguru. With Inumaki holding down the team’s defensive power, Satoru encouraged the others to try different plays and, if they didn’t work, immediately got the point back with an infuriatingly reliable ace. Often, between plays, he shot you a smile and made a little heart with his hands that made your stomach flutter. 
Megumi follows you to the wagon with his hands in his pockets, much quieter than his usual indifference. You fish around the wagon to find the box of team jerseys and set it near the top where it’s easily accessible, resting the handle on your hip while Megumi continues to look uneasy. If you didn’t know the boy as well as you did, you might have mistaken his silence for calm focus; but, his eyebrows were ever so slightly dipped in concern and it worried you. 
“What is it, Megs? You feeling okay?” 
“People are looking at us again. Some guys tried to pick a fight with Itadori and me in the bathroom.” Your eyebrows shoot upward in alarm and he’s quick to explain that though nobody got hurt, it still made him feel slightly anxious. It wasn’t uncommon for the team to be subject to funny looks or snide remarks, but you noticed the frequency with which they occurred increased exponentially this year. 
Not that your boyfriend cared in the slightest. 
“I think it’s because you’re a third year now, ‘toru,” you muttered into his chest one night. You both were on the verge of sleep after an exhausting prefecture-wide workshop day filled with conditioning, yelling, more conditioning, and more yelling. He’d snuck through your window and crept into your bed, pulling you naturally into his chest and claiming that he missed you too much to sleep alone. But, you couldn’t get off your mind the wary stares you received from managers of other teams when you told them about your team. 
“The other teams–they’re scared of you.”
“As they should be. I’m at my best right now ‘cause you finally came to your senses.” He flashes you a sleepy smirk, blue eyes droopy. 
“No, that’s not it,” you decide. His features abruptly drop into a stubborn frown as you contradict him. If there was one thing he hated more than his family, it was when someone told him he was wrong.
“Yes, it is.”
“No, it’s not me. It’s you; all of it is because of you.”
“This sounds scarily like a breakup, sweetheart. Don’t tell me you’re already sick of me.” You ignore him and keep verbalizing the thoughts finally clicking into place. 
“Baby, you’re a third year captain of a powerhouse volleyball school sponsored by the Society. Kyoto’s the only other team that can take that title. You basically have everything to lose if you don’t put in your all this year, not to mention you’re a Gojo…” 
Your words trail off when he stiffens next to you at the mention of his family name and you apologize for bringing it up. He despised talking about his family, how they’d been in control of the organization for decades and how people assumed he was a wealthy brat who paid his way to success. That couldn’t be further from the truth, and you’d spent hundreds of nights awake with him convincing him being a Gojo wasn’t his entire identity. It hung like a dead weight on his shoulders, being the prized son of the Jujutsu Volleyball Society. Many schools across the nation tried in vain to infiltrate the institution, but the archaic bloodline-centered system made it nearly impossible for outsiders to participate. Bitter schools tended to whisper in the hallways about your team, calling them monsters, beasts…
“Just ignore them, Megs. They’re scared because we haven’t been this much of a threat in decades. You’re breaking their status quo by knocking out the usual Tokyo rep.” 
“Do you think we’ll actually be able to do it this year? Get to Nationals?” You pause, looking over at your team. Suguru has Satoru in a tight headlock, scolding him for who knows what while Yuuji and Yuta try to calm their upperclassman. Satoru’s head wiggles like a bobble head while he tries to bite Suguru’s arm. Nanami hides his face in his hands and Yu sympathetically pats his back; their faces are grave like they were taking mugshots. Inumaki and Panda observe the scene with the rest of your players, munching on onigiri you packed as snacks. It was an entertaining picture and you wished you could capture the sincerity of the moment in a jar to keep forever. 
The team was a little stupid, sure, but they had spirit and heart you’d never seen before that made you want to stay. 
You finally look back at Megumi and nod determinedly before starting to roll the wagon to the warmup area, smiling when you hear Satoru’s yelp of alarm, a loud crash, and his stern captain-voice loudly instructing the team to follow you.
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When the new year began, the days seemed to breeze past them the closer they got to Winifred's due date. By March, she had outgrown most of her clothing, only being able to comfortably fit into her new maternity gown, but she hardly seemed to mind too much. Her only concern these days was the baby coming into the world safely and with Millie's promise to stay and help, she was confident everything would be alright.
As the baby began to migrate south, the discussion of whether or not they would be welcoming another son or daughter became a daily topic of conversation. They'd banter back and forth playfully, insisting they were right and the other wrong, but Lawrence never told Winifred why he was uncertain he was ready for another little girl.
Before Lawrence went off to work each day, he would tell their little one, "now you wait until I'm back, alright?", speaking to the fact he feared missing the birth. To which Winifred would tell her belly, "you come when you're ready."
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When the day finally did arrive, Lawrence was off at the pub working his late shift and Winifred sent Beth along to retrieve him. She had almost forgotten how painful labor had been previously, even without the same complications as last time.
Once it started becoming almost unbearable, Millie wrapped her arms around her and began humming softly in her ear while they slowly rocked back and forth. Nothing could truly reduce the discomfort within Winifred's lower abdomen but Millie's soothing presence helped to put her mind at ease while she spoke in gentle voices, guided her breathing and tried to help relax her body.
Eventually though, even the sweetest of lullabies couldn't distract from the pain and sweat began pooling on Winifred's forehead.
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Lawrence finally came bursting through the door nearly three hours after Winifred's waters had first broken. He smiled ear to ear at first, excited to meet the newest Baudelaire. But when he saw Winifred's face writhed up in pain, he rushed to her side immediately. "Oh, my wife! I'm terribly sorry, I came as soon as I could!"
"You came just in time," Millie reassured him, "but we can't delay any longer. Winifred, it's time to start pushing." Millie directed them into their places, remaining calm the entire time as they prepared to bring this new little one into the world.
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"One more good push, honey, you're almost there." Millie assured her after hours of pushing.
With all her might, Winifred used what remained of her strength to follow Millie's instructions, gripping Lawrence's hand with her own and gave what she hoped would be the last push they needed to deliver this baby.
Over the echo of blood pumping in her ears, she finally heard it, the heartwarming sound of a newborn taking it's first breaths of life; their little one crying in Millie's arms. Relief washing over her, Winifred settled back against Lawrence's chest while her heartbeat slowly began to steady itself back to normal rhythm.
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Millie coddled the baby in her arms, counting ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes as she began preparing to bring him over to the washbasin to clean him off. She had helped bring hundreds of babies into the world, but none had ever felt quite like this before.
Nearly overcome with emotion, she turned to face the Baudelaire's and informed them that Lawrence had been right after all - they were welcoming another son. After processing what Mille had said, Lawrence couldn't help but to notice the way his body let out a breath, not even realizing he'd been holding it in.
Silently, he wondered if Winifred felt any disappointment in the news.
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If she did, she didn't show it. After dressing him in a white, laced gown and warm bonnet, Millie passed the baby over to his parents. Winifred was beyond exhausted, but her readiness to hold her baby seemed to outweigh any fatigue she felt.
Both of them were immediately charmed, unable to stop smiling between kissing the little one's head and booping his tiny nose.
"Welcome to the world, Atticus Baudelaire." Lawrence whispered.
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