-finger gun-
Due to dumb reasons that’ll only make me feel better, I’m remaking Brielle’s blog. Or, did. This one will be archived, because I’m still moving some stuff over.
Still the same Breton. Still the same old, dumb antics of hers. Autumn festival stuff will be happening over there.
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-finger gun-
Due to dumb reasons that’ll only make me feel better, I’m remaking Brielle’s blog. Or, did. This one will be archived, because I’m still moving some stuff over.
Still the same Breton. Still the same old, dumb antics of hers. Autumn festival stuff will be happening over there.
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-kicks down door-
I only work 4 hours today, which in itself is a miracle because it means I’ll have a lot of down time and probably won’t feel like dying in my bed.
Freakin’ yell at me if you wanna do somethin’, yo. Because I need to flex my TES writing muscles again.
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Guest name: Brielle Roux.
Race: Breton.
Gender: Female.
Date: Bart, if he’s willing to go (if not, then she’d end up going with friends).
Outfit: A white/cream colored, short sleeved dress that was gifted to her from her parents. It is patterned with floral designs (red, blue, green, yellow, and pink in color). Hair will likely be braided and, if it gets to be too chilly, she’ll wear a cream colored shawl.
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kissy sentence starters.
“ is it bad i really want to kiss you right now? ” “ do me a favor, kiss my ass. ” “ they can all just kiss my ass. ” “ i kissed someone today. ” “ i kissed a girl/boy and i liked it. ” “ kissing burns calories you know. ” “ my lips really want to meet yours. ” “ so are we going to kiss or not? ” “ i sent you a bunch of kiss emojis. ” “ don’t talk, just kiss me. ” “ i really enjoyed our kiss last night. ” “ you make me want to kiss you. ” “ you owe me a kiss. ” “ pucker up. ” “ read my lips, no. ” “ your eyes say no but your lips say yes. ” “ i just want to kiss you. ” “ i miss your lips. ” “ give me a kiss. ” “ blow a kiss my way for good luck. ” “ ever kiss in the rain? ” “ ever kiss under water? ” “ it was just a kiss, that’s all. ” “ a kiss doesn’t mean anything. ” “ i love when our lips meet. ” “ where do you want me to kiss you? ” “ i want to either kiss you or kill you right now. ” “ did you really just kiss him/her? ” “ friends aren’t allowed to kiss one another. ” “ kiss me one more time. ” “ want to make out? ” “ you’re a terrible kisser. ” “ teach me how to kiss? ” “ i remember our first kiss. ” “ your lips are calling my name. ” “ let’s just kiss already. ”
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While I try to dip my toes back into TES (and figure stuff out for Brielle), have a trouble-loving Skaal gal.
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“Get down, Mordecai!”
The cat didn’t move, of course. This meant that she had to set the broom aside and pick him up, which caused the large cat to release a disgruntled meow. He wiggled until she loosened her grip. He ran past a sleeping Nettle and jumped onto the chair beside the fire, his back facing the Breton.
With the cat now sulking away from the uncleaned corner of the cottage (and after undoing, then restraining her hair in a ponytail), Brielle returned to her cleaning.
It’s been too long since it’s had a good cleaning. And, with the fast approach of cooler weather and important holidays, the cottage will need it.
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Greetings, fellow TES role-players! 
If you’ve become stuck in a rut with your muse lately, unsure of how to get them to interact with other muses, or if you’re simply bored and would like to devote your time and energy into a little project, well then, allow me to present: THE ELDER SCROLLS RP COMMUNITY AUTUMN HARVEST FESTIVAL!
What is it?
This community festival will be a one-week IC event that takes place between the 1st of Frostfall and the 7th of Frostfall! {October 1st through October 7th.} The event entails a large festival that all of the TES rp characters {both oc and canon alike} are welcome to attend! There will be food, dancing, games, contests, and other forms of entertainment all for the purposes of celebrating this year’s Autumn Harvest!
Do I have to participate?
Your muse is not obligated to attend this event, though they are highly encouraged to! There will be absolutely no discrimination on who is allowed to attend the festival! Whether your muse is good, evil, or somewhere in between, they are welcome!
How do I join?
If you decide that you would like to have your muse attend the festival, simply reblog this post. Then, at some point before the festival takes place, make a separate post with all of the details below filled out:
Guest name:
Date: {Optional – if your muse so chooses, they can ask another muse to be their escort to the festival.}
Outfit: {Description or picture works.}
And please make sure that you tag all of your ongoing posts related to the festival with the appropriate tag: #tes autumn festival.
What sort of activities will be held at the festival?
There will be plenty of things to do at the event! At the moment, I am still coming up with ideas on what all will take place, but so far, I’ve come up with:
– a talent show
– a riddles game
– an art contest
– races {both on foot and on horseback}
– sparring
– an archery contest
If you would like to make a suggestion to add to this list, feel free to PM me!
As of now, this is the most I can concoct for this little project. Please, if you’re interested, reblog this promo {or reblog it simply to spread the word}, and I sincerely hope that I see your muse attending the festival!
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-blows dust off blog, again- Hey, I’m not dead. I’ve been busy with work and hanging around the Fallout scene (still). I’m trying to get back in the swing of TES writing, so I might be trying to do things on this blog or reboot my Skaal girl, Ylva.
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If anyone has a Discord and wants to chat, hit me up (I’d just like to know who you are).
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My muse is feeling touch-starved.
Send one of the following touches for my muse’s reaction. Bonus points for a description/context of some kind to make it easier for your partner to respond!
❤ - gentle or loving touch (romantic or platonic!), such as face caressing, holding your muse, rubbing their back, petting their hair, hugging them tightly, etc
ღ - kisses of any kind (romantic or platonic) such as cheek kisses, hair kisses, mouth kisses, kiss to the hand/fingertips or eyelids, etc. feel free to specify a body part!
☕ - reassuring touch, such as holding their hand, gripping their shoulder, guiding them by the arm or by a hand on the small of their back, etc
❥ - rough, violent, or dominant touch, such as gripping the back of their neck, holding them down, shoving them into a wall, digging their nails into them, grabbing their jaw, etc
❣ - add this to any of the above to make it sexual. 
¿ - write your own touches!
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"May he have mercy on us all." [From Haaki?]
Outlander Sentence Starters
Brielle watched, amused, as Nettle explored the market. Henever wandered far, and always returned to her side for a short moment, butthen he would return to his exploration.
And, unfortunately, this time he managed to knock over abasket of Carlotta’s produce. “He won’t, unfortunately,” she replied. “I’msorry. I’ll be right back.”
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It’s been horrible. He forced me to mend his socks and to fetch his meals.
Outlander Sentence Starters
The comment had been unexpected, and it nearly causedBrielle to choke on her drink with laughter. “Oh, it must be terrible,” shejoked, her voice a little rasp from before. “Bo is a horrible man.”
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No, I said I won’t have you dying for nothing. 
I won’t be. I’ll be dying with you.
Look, you told me that you could never get close to your mother, that she lived in another world. Well, maybe she’s trying to show you that world.
It’s not important if I believe it. She believes it. I’m just saying, we need to keep an open mind.
Only two people know what the truth really is, and one of them is dead. Too bad it wasn’t you.
Can I ask you something? How do you do it? Finally say goodbye to that one person you loved most in all the world?
Truth is, I’ve never been very good at saying goodbye.
But that’s the hell of it, isn’t it? Whether you want to say goodbye or not, they’re gone and you have to go on living without them. Because that’s what they would want.
Well then maybe we’ll all get to watch her slam her head into a five ton slab of granite.
May he have mercy on us all.
What kind of god creates a world where monsters thrive and beauty and purity is rewarded with poverty and death?
The same kind of god who also offers an opportunity for redemption.
I’ve been dying for years. It’s a wearisome process. I welcome its conclusion.
It’s like you read my mind.
I kept my word. I lay my vengeance at your feet.
I must say, this is a damned inconvenient time to be conciliatory.
Why did you pretend not to recognize me? I was afraid you would just blurt out my real name.
I know what you did. You championed me and exiled me both at the same time.
What am I to do with such a bloodthirsty barbarian?
Is your thirst for slaughter not quenched yet?
Surely there’s another woman you could have kiss you goodbye?
Fortune drops out of the sky and onto our doorstep. Convenient, is it not? 
Why should we waste time with all this Shiite?
It’s been horrible. He forced me to mend his socks and to fetch his meals.
I think I know a wee bit more about this than you do.
So, will I be allowed to join you at dinner tonight?
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
We may have to rethink our decision not to lie to one another.
And you, witch who sucks the cock of the devil. I’ll see you in hell.
You’re not what I ordered. But, you’ll do.
You should have trusted me with that knowledge from the beginning.
Every now and then it is OK for you to lie to me, you know, just to put my mind at ease.
Aye. I’ll remember that for the next time.
I’ve been thinking. Remember you said I owe you a life because you saved mine? Well, I saved yours as well at least as often. Seems to me we’re even.
Ashamed. Like I’m a different person now, and I’ll never be the same.
So you had to start yourself up with a whore before you could stand to be with me?
This is wonderful news. Why did you wait until now to tell me?
The way I see it, we’re doing a bad thing for a good reason.
Isn’t that what all bad people say?
Well, I am an unusual lady. At least I used to be.
Told you that dress would bring us grief.
How can you save a man that doesn’t want saving?
I lie here feeling I will die without your touch, but when we do touch, I want to vomit with shame.
If you take away the one last thing that makes sense to me, then I will die with you, right here now.
You think I cannot control the darkness I inhabit? One way or another, I will get a response from you.
Love forces a person to choose. You do things you never imagined you could do before.
Go get the shovel.
You might want to remember who has the pistol.
It looks like I’m going to a fucking barbecue.
I want you ____. I want you so much I can scarcely breathe. Will you have me?
You are my home now, ____. 
It’s often something like this. But, no, this is unusual. It’s different.
Take off your shirt. I want to look at you.
I’ll never forget when I came out of the church and saw you for the first time, It was as if I stepped outside on a cloudy day and suddenly the sun came out.
Doesn’t it bother you that I’m not a virgin?
You control your nerves. Your nerves do not control you.
It doesn’t matter where you come from. You’re here.
Sometimes I wonder what I did to make the devil punish me like this. 
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I don’t have to work until 5:00 pm tonight and I need to mix in other stuff with the Fallout stuff in order to not get burnt out, so I guess this means y’all get to deal with my dumb TES characters again.
I’m going to empty the inbox and drafts folder (sorry to those might have been waiting for replies, but I feel that it’s been... too long) on Brielle’s blog. And if I have time, I might tentatively reintroduce Ylva and introduce Solvi to the scene.
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So... let’s say that I’ve been thinking about a new TES character. To, you know, write.
Would that be good?
(And if I have time this weekend -glares at work for making me spend my weekend in a lab- I’m going to force myself to do TES stuff, because I miss it.)
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I gave in to my selfish, money spending side and got a commission from @baasama, and I love it.
Thank you again, baasama, for letting me commission you!
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“Are you suggesting my style is outdated?” ((idk what this is but hi!))
Animal Crossing Starters
She had been nervous before, but the feeling has doubled.The last thing she intended to do was insult the woman. “No! That isn’t what Imeant at all! It’s just… not a style of attire I’m used to seeing.”
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