#Because everyone needs to see how good my angry whiskey gal looks
Do you think Loki or Bucky would ever be into a plus size girl? Feeling a little down right now and could use a drabble (SFW or NSFW) I hope your move goes well and safely and that you enjoy your holiday, you definitely deserve it!
Love What I See
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC  |  Word Count: 2110 (so not a drabble)
Warnings: Angst, self-hate, body image issues, swearing
No one had seen her since last night, and Bucky was getting worried. He hated prying into her business, but she’d been getting more and more withdrawn lately, and he didn’t like it. “FRIDAY, locate Becca.”
“Becca is in her room, Sergeant Barnes,” the AI responded. 
Becca had come to them because of her powers, but Bucky had been instantly drawn to her because of her name. Becca was short for Rebecca and Rebecca had been his sister’s name. That was where the similarity ended, however, as the Becca of today looked nothing like his sister, nor did she act like her. 
Today’s Becca was tough. She was a powerhouse. She was a woman to be reckoned with. She wasn’t like anyone else, and she had such incredible self-esteem it was mind-boggling. 
He’d heard other people call her plus sized and had finally googled what it meant, not understanding the connotation when he’d thought it meant her big personality only to snort in derision when he’d realized it had to do with her physical shape.
A size larger than the normal range.
Normal range. Even now the idea of it made him roll his eyes. Who the fuck got to decide what normal was? By their definition, he was plus sized. He didn’t fit the same clothing as everyone else. He was far too wide across the chest and back to wear some shirt off the rack in just any old store. He was bigger than Tony, bigger than Sam. Did that make him plus sized? Was Steve? 
No. No one would ever even consider it. 
Plus sized. It was insulting. She was a fucking gorgeous woman. He loved her curves and would give nearly anything to get his hands on her hips, or her pillowy ass, or have those thighs wrap around his head while he-
Bucky shook his head to clear the image from his mind. That was not a thought he needed to be contemplating when he finally saw her face to face, or he’d turn into a blithering idiot and not for the first time.
Arriving at her door, Bucky knocked on it quietly. “Becca?” There was shuffling from within, but no answer and he frowned. “Becca, c’mon, darlin’. It’s Bucky. I know you’re in there.”
“Please… go away, Bucky.” 
Her voice quavered, the sound of tears caused his heart to stop. “Becca. What’s wrong, doll? Look, I’m coming in.” He pushed open the door before she could either lock it or tell him not to. What he found when he entered had him staring at the room in shock.
There were clothes everywhere. It appeared as if everything she owned was strewn around and had been thrown there with seeming abandon. 
“What… happened?” he asked. 
She tugged the robe she had on tighter around her body and turned away from him, thrusting the heel of her hand over her face. “Nothing. Please, just go away.”
He took three long strides across the room and clutched her by the arms. “No, no, I’m not leaving. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I hate…” her breath hitched, “I hate myself.”
“What?” he whispered, completely stunned.
“I’m fat, Bucky. I’m hideous. I hate what I look like and nothing I do to lose weight works.”
His heart plummeted, shocked by her announcement. “What… why would you say that?”
“Because it’s the truth. Tony’s got that stupid party tonight, another one, another chance for me to feel horrible and ugly and huge standing beside Nat and Wanda and Pepper dressed like a joke.”
Bucky’s fingers flexed involuntarily on her arms. “Becca… no.”
“Yes,” she whispered, looking at the ceiling with a tear-streaked face. “I wouldn’t go, but Tony makes it mandatory.”
“You’re being foolish.” He spun her around and shook her by the shoulders. “You’re in no way fat!”
“Look at me, Bucky!”
“I am looking at you!” he bellowed. “Dammit! You’re one of the finest dames I’ve ever seen.”
“Stop it!” she hissed. “Stop lying to me!”
“I ain’t lying!” He shook her harder. “I look at you, and all I see is a fucking gorgeous woman. One warm and bright and so confident.”
“I’m not confident,” she jerked away and sat on the edge of her clothing strewn bed. “I’m just really good at pretending. I’ve done it all my life.”
Bucky scrubbed his hand over his mouth, unable to believe half of what she was saying. He sat slowly down beside her and watched her play with the tie of her robe. “You know,” he started softly, desperate to get through to her, “I don’t like being called a liar, especially when I never have and never will lie to you, Becca. On my way here, I was thinkin’ what a shame it was that people gotta label everything nowadays. I didn’t even know what plus sized was until I googled it.” She cringed away, but he took her hand and tugged her back. “A size above normal. That’s what it said. Well, my question is who the fuck decided skinny as a stick was normal?” He gave a disgusted snort. “Steve and I don’t fit in “normal” sizes. Does that make us plus sized?”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be stupid. Plus size means fat, Bucky. It’s a nice way of saying obese. I’m a big ol’ Butterball. Thick, chunky, fat, and flabby. I’ve battled my weight my entire life. I’ll never be one of them, and I’d been good with it until I wound up here where everyone looks like they stepped off the cover of fucking Vogue magazine.” She got up and marched over to the rack of dresses he’d not even noticed and jerked one from the hanger. “You see this?”
He shrugged at what looked like a bit of cloth. “Yeah?”
“It’s designer. Pepper has them sent to all of us. Do you know what size it is?”
He shook his head, heart breaking for her as angry tears fell down her face. 
“Too damn small, that’s what size it is. That’s what size they all are. Designers don’t make clothes for big girls, and this happens every time Tony throws a party. I wind up with nothing to wear because this,” she slapped her ass, “and these,” she grabbed her breasts, “are too damn big to fit into something designer!”
She broke then, dropping the dress to the floor to bring her hands to her face and sob like he’d never seen. 
“Oh, dollface,” he sighed, getting to his feet to go and wrap her up in a tight hug. 
“I hate my body!” she cried, clinging to him.
“I don’t,” he murmured, rubbing his hands up and down her back. “I adore your body.”
“What?” she gasped, freezing in his hold.
“I think you’re sexy as hell, baby girl. I always have.”
“Shut up,” she whimpered, tucking her face into his shoulder.
“I won’t. I think you’re beautiful, tempting, and lush. You have this juicy ass and the best thighs, god what I wouldn’t give to-” He bit his lip, realizing what he’d been about to admit to.
“What?” she whispered, her lips brushing his throat.
The unintended caress made him shudder, and he knew it was now or never. “Have them wrapped around my head while I made you scream my name.”
She inhaled sharply and drew back to stare at him in utter amazement. “You’re… not serious…”
“I meant every damn word,” he murmured, placing his flesh hand on her cheek. “Baby doll, where I came from women were curvy and full figured and could drive a man wild with nothing more than a twitch of her plump ass. You’re one mighty fine bombshell. I’d love a chance to prove it.”
She bit her lip and searched his eyes. Eventually, her beautiful smile began to break upon her lips and she asked, “Prove it how?”
He grinned big and wide. “By letting me take you to the party.”
“Bucky,” she sighed and made to look away. 
He caught her by the chin and drew her eyes back to his. “Say yes and leave everything else up to me.” She appeared about to protest, her teeth worrying her bottom lip, and he couldn’t take it any longer, finally dipping his head to press a sweet kiss to her lips. “Just say yes,” he said softly when he lifted his head.
“Yes,” she whispered on a sigh as her eyes gradually fluttered opened. 
“I’ll take care of everything. You just worry about putting your closet back together,” he chuckled and kissed her again when she groaned. “Trust me.”
“Always.” She smiled shyly when he kissed her a third time because, Christ, she had the sweetest lips before he finally headed for the door. “Hey, Bucky?”
He paused to grin at her.
“I think you’re pretty sexy, too.”
His grin got all the wider. “Don’t go anywhere.”
He waited nervously in the lounge with Steve and fiddled with his tie, hating the damn things still but wanting to do this right. 
“You did good, Bucky,” Steve said, tapping his fist on the top of his shoulder. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Pepper that mad. Or heard her yell in Italian before.”
“Well, when Becca told me about the designer stuff, I knew Pepper wouldn’t have been involved in that. If she’d known they were purposely excluding Becca, she’d a done something about it.”
“Sharon said Pepper was practically in tears herself when she went to talk to Becca.”
“Crying dames was never my strong suit, pal, but… I really like Becca.” He tugged at his tie a second time. “The shit she said about herself… it was so weird to hear it from her. She always seems so self-assured.”
“Hopefully tonight will be the start of helping with her self-esteem. She’s a great gal, a fantastic addition to the team, and I think you two would be good for each other.”
Bucky made to say more but the elevator announced its arrival and he swung around in time to watch the doors open. His jaw dropped like the glass of whiskey he was holding. Thankfully, Steve’s reflexes didn’t let him down. “Damn,” he whispered staring at the vision blushing between Sharon and Pepper.
The dress was a black sheath which left her shoulders bare, while the body of it was covered in geometric patterns of sparkles. She absolutely glowed and looked radiant with her hair curled over one shoulder.
“Told you he’d be speechless,” Sharon snickered as she made her way over to Steve. 
Pepper gave Becca a hug. “Remember, we are going shopping for you tomorrow. No exceptions.”
Becca nodded. “Thank you, Pep,” she whispered, tears choking her voice.
“I should have noticed. I never meant to make you feel…”
“You didn’t. They did and I let them.” She sent Bucky a glance and a smile. “I should have said something.”
“Well, they will no longer have me as a client, so there is that. Have fun on your date,” Pepper giggled, heading for the party and Tony a few floors away.
Bucky gave an appreciative whistle as Becca got closer. “Damn.”
“You said that already,” she teased.
“It needed to be said twice,” he murmured as he pulled her closer. “Please, please tell me you can see how drop dead gorgeous you are tonight?”
She smiled and nodded. “Yeah, surprisingly I can.”
Bucky brought his flesh hand to her cheek. “And just so you know, I think you’ll be even sexier should that dress find its way to my bedroom floor.”
“Down boy,” Steve snickered from across the room.
“Shut up, punk. I’m talking to my girl.”
“Yours, huh?” Becca murmured, tugging his tie.
“If you’ll have me,” Bucky said just as quietly.
“I’d love to have you,” she whispered and drew him closer. “Especially if you’d like to fulfill that wish from earlier.”
“I’d suggest skipping the party, but you’re way too good looking to keep all to myself. Come dance with me in public.” He leaned down to brush his lips feather light along her cheek to her ear where he whispered, “Then we can dance together in private.”
A flush lit up her cheeks but happiness sparkled in her eyes. “Thank you, Bucky.”
“For what, darlin’?
“For seeing me, even when I have trouble seeing myself.”
“Baby girl, I love what I see.” He tilted her chin up and kissed her with every ounce of his admiration.
-The End-
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general-rusty · 4 years
Paradise City Stories: The Other-Side
[INT. a Rundown House in Motor City. Noon]
Danny and Virginia open the door to the old dirty home.
“So this is where you grew up?”
Starting to tear up.
“Oh babe, I didn’t mean to come off rude. It’s just… you know a lot to take in for the first time. You know I grew up a better life, and I wish I could’ve brought you there. But-”
“It’s not that. It’s... You wouldn’t know.”
Danny put his arm around Virginia and sat her down on the old couch.
“V’ please tell me.”
“It’s... This is the last place I saw my dad before the police took him away. When I was 10 the police took him away from me and Ace, for a crime he never committed. They said he was wanted for manslaughter. When he would never do something like that. He was a caring man, he was sweet. But they were dirty cops, and when a reporter is doing a piece about how dirty the police is they’re going to frame an innocent man.”
She starts to break down.
The Door opens.
A male voice.
“Sweet Pie?”
Looking up to see her father, a tall fox with a brown parted to the right haircut, he was wearing a brown blazer, tan pants, and a tan shirt.
She ran up to her father and hugged him tightly.
“How did you get out of jail dad?”
Virginia’s Dad
“They found out that I was framed, and the murder was from the commissioner.”
“Please don’t ever leave us again dad.”
Virginia’s Dad
“I won’t Sweet Pie. I won’t.”
Danny [O.S.]
[INT. Apartment 3c. 3 AM]
(Wakes up)
“Danny what’s going on.”
“Your brother is being a fucking creep!”
She removes her sleep mask to see Daryl and Ace.
“Go back to sleep Danny, he does that every night.”
She put the sleep mask back on and lay back down.
“I can’t, Daryl wants me for some reason!”
Get back up.
“Daryl what do you want?”
“Yeah I need Danny night now.”
“Okay sounds good, take him.”
Lay back down.
“And I need one of your beers.”
“Yeah yeah, take one. Just let me go back to sleep.”
Danny got out of bed and went into the bathroom, while Daryl went into the fringe.
Ace went over to Virginia
“You had the same dream.”
“Just close your eyes for now.”
“I wish I could close my eyes forever.”
“He will get out someday Virginia. Someday.”
Virginia drifted back to sleep.
[INT. Apartment 3c 9 AM]
A loud thud followed by Katrina screaming woke Virginia up.
“Ace let her go.”
Ace let Katrina go.
“Jez why are you so rough with me, and not Darry?”
She takes her sleep mask off.
“He doesn’t trust you yet.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means he thinks you’re going to harm me.”
“He thinks you’re going to hurt me.”
“Why would I do that?”
“You ask too many questions.”
“Well sorry I just wanted to take my gal pal out to the town.”
“Katrina, I don’t feel like shopping.”
“Oh come on V’ there is nothing like getting new stuff to make yourself feel better. Plus they just released some films from the Tinsy Vault, and I’m not leaving without them.”
“Okay let me get dressed.”
[EXT Apartment 3c. 12 PM]
“Virginia hurry up!”
Gets out of her room.
“Sorry, but this hair isn’t something you can do in 5 minutes.”
“It took you 3 hours, oh god they’re all probably sold out!”
“Katrina, it’s fine, they'll probably have more.”
“No they won't!”
“Why do you care? They’re going to release it in theaters within a year or two.”
“Well I want to watch it anytime. Maybe I want to watch it at 3 in the morning in my underwear.”
Virginia [O.S.]
“I did not need that image in my head.”
Gets out of her room in her usual Red Leather Jacket.
Comes out of the next-door room.
“Hey guys, where are you going?”
“The Mall.”
“Yeah, what she said.”
“Oh… You do know it’s my birthday.”
“Oh my god we forgot! Virginia we have to bring him please!”
“Okay Damon you can come.”
“Jesus Katrina calm down.”
(Deep Demontic Voice) “I won’t be calm, give me some Tinsy Movies!”
[EXT. Paradise Parkview Mall Parking Lot. 1 PM]
Virginia parks her car into a spot.
The 4 got out of the car.
“Okay Ace me, Katrina, and Damon are going to be in the mall, you going to get some Whiskey for us. Here’s a 20.”
Virginia gave Ace a 20 dollar bill.
Ace walks across the street to the Mexico Gas Station.
“Calm on and go already guys!”
[INT. Mexico Gas Station.]
The store had 4 people in it, a cashier, a little old lady getting the paper and a scratch-off ticket, a Teenager trying to pull a slick one with the fake I.D. and some sorry sorrow of a man in the Liquor section.
Ace walked into the store and went into the Liquor section.
Two guys in Sky Mask come in. One had a piston and a leather vest with the Painkiller badges on it, while the other had a Rifle and a Denim with the Confederate Flag on it’s back.
Painkiller Robber
Fire a round into the ceiling
“Get the fuck down!”
Everyone got down.
Everyone but Ace.
Dixie Robber
Poke the rifle at Ace’s back.
“Hey Fucko, are you deaf he said, “Get down”, now do it or I will shoot.”
Turns around with a Whiskey Bottle in hand.
“You know shooting me in the stomach increases my chances of survival right? Let me help you out.”
Pulls the Rifle and aims it at his own Chest.
“How about a hole in the chest?”
Dixie Robber
“What the fuck?”
“No wait, the Brain Stem.”
Aims the Rifle into his mouth
Painkiller Robber
“Shoot him!”
Took the Rifle out of his mouth.
“What, not your style?”
Dixie Robber
“You’re crazy.”
The Painkiller Robber comes over by Ace to help Finish the job after getting all of the cash out of the resistor.
“You know for a man who acts all big and mighty you sure don’t act it. Now fucking shoot me already!”
Painkiller Robber
“Shoot him!”
Dixie Robber
“I-I trying to-”
Ace smashes the bottle over the Dixie Robber’s head.
The Painkiller Robber stumbles back.
Ace takes the Rifle out of his hands and breaks his nose with the butt of it.
“You should’ve taken the shot.”
The Painkiller Robber slowly walks away.
Ace points the Rifle at him.
“Now where do you think you’re going?”
Painkiller Robber
“Woah, watch where you’re pointing that thing. I’m just getting money for my family.”
“Your family? Going off by your jacket, your family is a bunch of inbred fucks who terrorize innocent people for sick kicks.”
Painkiller Robber
“Hey stop or I’ll-”
“Or you’ll what. Dance? Are you going to dance for me, well then do it.”
The two stood in silence for a sec.
“I said Dance!”
Ace fires into the Robber’s right leg.
Painkiller Robber
“You fucking half breed!”
(Sarcasm) “Oh no, you’re insulting my species.”
Steps on his arm.
The Robber pulls out a knife and tries to stab Ace’s leg.
Ace whacked the Knife out of his hand with the barrel of the Rifle
“Buddy, you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. Speaking of which, where is your little pea shooter? Did you only have one bullet? You didn’t have enough to get more because you’re wasting your life on drugs?”
Painkiller Robber
“Your sister is a whore.”
Ace lost it at this.
Ace put the Rifle down. He then proceeds to stomp on the Painkiller Robber’s wrist, breaking his wrist with a loud crack.
Ace then grabs his other arm and breaks it over his knee.
The Painkiller Robber was screaming in pain.
Ace put the Painkiller Robber down, grabbed the money from the Painkiller Robber’s bag, and a new bottle of Whiskey and went over to the Cashier.
Puts the money, the bottle of whiskey on the counter.
He then took his wallet out and pulled out 20 bucks.
“This should pay for the bottle I broke.”
“Are they okay?”
“Yeah, he’s just knocked out, and he’s going to be in shock, in 3. 2. 1.”
The Painkiller Robber stops screaming.
“Is that all?”
Looks around and picks up a small bag of Beef Jerky.
“And this too.”
The Cashier rings up the jerky.
“Okay your total is $11.66.
“Keep the change.”
Ace went back to the car.
[INT. Tinsy Store]
Katrina was searching for a VHS of any Tinsy movie.
“Come on Katrina we don’t have all day.”
“Where are they? Where are they?!”
Katrina grabbed a Teenage Employee by the collar
“Where are they?!”
“Lady look we sold out earlier.”
“You got to have more!”
“Yeah in the back, but-”
(Deep Demontic Voice) “Give me them!”
The manager comes out.
“Get out.”
[EXT. Tinsy Store]
The two walked out of the store, Virginia looking really disappointed, and Katrina was bummed out.
“I can’t believe you’re acting like a spoiled child Katrina.”
“It’s the Tinsy Vault, who knows when it will come out again Red.”
“Probably not too long, I mean they will just be released in theaters within a year or two.”
“But you have to go to the theater, and I don’t want to do that!”
Across from them is Rats in red Lesure Suits Weekend at Bernie’s it with Damon.
“What the hell? Katrina you’re seeing this?”
“I can’t believe those bastards didn’t have enough.”
Slaps Katrina.
“Those guys are taking Damon!”
“Why didn’t you say anything! Go get them! I got to stay here. For reasons.”
She wanted to say something, but there is a way more important thing to worry about.
Virginia ran up to the rats.
“Hey what are you doing sir?”
One of the rats punched Virginia in the face, giving her a black eye.
(In pain)
“Ah what the hell?!”
The rats ran off into the crowd.
Katrina was thrown out of the shop, right in front of Virginia.
“You just lost a valued customer!”
Virginia sighs.
[EXT. Apartment 3c. 6:30 PM]
The 3 enter the room to see Danny on the bed, and Daryl trying to comfort him.
Virginia sat down on the bed next to Danny.
“Hey babe, how was your day?”
“I saw people die.”
“Yeah… We lost Damon.”
“Hold up what?!”
“They were there.”
“Who was there?”
“The Romano Mob. They were there.”
“The Romano Mob ran Motor City back in the game, looks like they went south for the drug game.”
“I thought the Mob would stay away from drugs.”
“They normally don’t. Now my question is. Why did they take Damon?”
Andrew parked outside and ran up the stairs into the room.
“What the fuck did you morons do?!”
Everything aside for Danny and Virginia went fuzzy
“What the fuck did we get ourselves into V’?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know.”
“You think there is a way out?”
“I don’t know.”
Everything went back to normal.
The door slowly opens.
“May we come in-”
Ace pulled Lilith in.
Dodge came from behind her and grabbed Ace’s wrist.
“Ace stop it’s me and Lilith!”
Ace let go of Lilith.
“What do you want, Golden Boy?”
“Daryl. It’s Dodge you know that, and we just wanted to give Damon’s his cake. Where’s Damon?”
“He was kidnapped.”
“The Romano Mob took him.”
Started to break down.
“We don’t know.”
“Dodge, May I call you Dodgy. Dodgy your brother is messing with the Dixie Mob-”
“I don’t care about Daryl. He was trying to kill himself for years now.”
“Thank you my lovely brother.”
Grabs Andrew by his shirt.
“Where is Damon.”
“He is with the Romano Mob, Ace already told you that.”
“I know you have something to do with his kidnapping.”
“I have nothing to do with his disappearance.”
Dodge let Andrew go.
“Alright I will let you go, but if I find out you had something to go with his kidnapping, I will end you.”
“Okay, now can I show you our new toy!”
“What are you talking about?”
Open the door.
“Oh I will show you.”
[EXT. Parking Lot]
The gang was standing back while Daryl was setting the Shine up.
Daryl put a Jar down on the trunk of a 1976 Roosevelt Queen.
“Now duck!”
Daryl jumps away.
The ‘Shine explodes, shattering the windows to the car.
Everyone stumbles back.
The Car’s Alarm is going off in the background.
“Holy hell in a handbasket, that did something!”
Got up.
“What did you get into!”
“Some really explosive moonshine.”
“Jesus Christ.”
Off-Screen Guy
“My car!”
“We should go before the cops come.
The gang runs back to the room.
Andrew ran back to put a card under the windshield wider and then ran back to the room.
And then fade away to Credits.
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