#and even though sylvain is the one who respects dedue
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bastart13 · 2 years ago
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I might have controversial opinions on the "Faerghus Four." Mostly that it doesn't exist, and at worst, it exists to exclude Dedue.
Yes, Dimitri, Ingrid, Sylvain, and Felix grew up together, but that was as children. While that history is significant to their relationships, it ignores everything after. With the tragedy of Duscur, Dimitri and Dedue became inseparable while Felix was sickened by them, Ingrid couldn't overlook Dedue's connection to the tragedy, and Sylvain's apathy grew.
Past the age of ~15, you can't ignore how Dedue and the tragedy affects their relationships. I don't see just the four of them as a friend group, especially not without him because he's so important to Dimitri and the themes of Faerghus.
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xenonsdoodles · 1 year ago
felix h. fraldarius
    First impression:
I’ve been informed by multiple independent sources that I am going to like him and I don’t get a choice, so like, let's see how that turns out
Asshole (affectionate?) (maybe?)
    Impression now:
OUGH he’s a mess and I love him a lot. His personality reminds me of my horse and I think he’d hate to hear that but I mean it as a compliment (specifically that he’s a loyal, intelligent, determined and extremely trustworthy friend who is no less a rude and stubborn little bastard man for it). I frequently wish I could hug him even though I do not think he would let me, realistically. Half the time when I start talking about him I make myself sad but that’s just how it is with bitches from Faerghus :)
    Favorite moment:
I think it’s funny that almost every time he actually tries to be nice (or at least not openly rude) to someone for the first time, the person he’s talking to is like “what do you mean. you bastard. you evil little man. what ulterior motives do you have.” Annette, Bernie, Lysithea, it keeps happening.
Alternatively, the time in my og run when I had him solo the Fraldarius soldiers in that one training mission while everyone else just followed him around cheering him on the whole time. I like to think he knew a lot of those guys and it was very satisfying to beat some of them.
    Idea for a story:
Same one I mentioned in the ask about Dimitri. dies
    Unpopular opinion:
 I could pick him up I bet. idk I don't know what counts as unpopular
    Favorite relationship:
Ok I feel obvious saying Sylvain but they really are very extremely. I’ve gotten two of their endings so far. One of them made me die (positive) and the other made me die (dead). I’m also, maybe predictably, compelled by whatever the hell his situation is with Dimitri (side note, in my first run I kept putting them on stable duty as the Get Along Or Else activity and they kept getting perfect results and he complained every time, which. yeah). I love his Sword Bros friendship with Byleth. And I did not expect it, but his A support with Dedue was one of my favorites in the route… him being all “you shouldn’t risk your life because strategically etc etc etc” and Dedue like “love you too” lmao get read idiot
    Favorite headcanon:
I sometimes forget he isn’t canonically a trans man. Relatedly, I think that Glenn helped him pick his name not long before he died—Felix chose it himself, of course, that was important to him, but Glenn gave him suggestions and talked through it with him while he was working on it. I also think Rodrigue wants to accept him as his son, but Felix has a pretty clear mental image of the kind of man he thinks his father would respect and he Does Not Want To Be That. And sometimes when he looks in the mirror he looks more like Glenn than he did the last time. And it’s a mess. :)
it's him .
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childofaura · 2 years ago
Since I asked about your favourite 3H characters, who are your top 10 least favourite characters or characters that you absolutely hate?
Uhhh I’mma go ahead and tag this one out as discourse, because yes I do hate Edelgard. But at the same time I usually do my best to either not just spam Edelgard hate (besides my anti-Edelgard posts for FEH, which I actually feel is pretty valid because I’ve had so many people agree with me that Edelgard gets a stupid amount of favoritism in FEH; even people who LIKE Edelgard agree with me), and I do respect people’s opinions for liking Edelgard, even if I vehemently disagree with it.
So with that being said, I’ll list my least favorite/hated characters for 3H. Some I hate for character/story reasons, and at least one I hate for gameplay reasons (though I like him as a character). These will also be in no particular order but number one is definitely number one.
Edelgard. Won’t elaborate because I’m not here to start arguments.
Kronya. She killed Jeralt so she can eat shit >:(
Hubert. I get he’s filling the role of retainer, but man the shit he pulls and how he treats other people… he’s the exact opposite of Dedue.
Yuri. I admit to probably over-exaggerating how bad of a person Yuri is, but he still comes off as super annoying to me. He’s just not very personable or friendly, which isn’t a problem by itself but it’s more that you’re SUPPOSED to like him despite being all nonchalant all the time. And I really don’t.
Byleth. Yes, I don’t like the main character of Three Houses themselves; Shez was better executed as a character. Byleth is quite fully a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Everyone’s infatuated with them, they’re practically undefeatable and don’t really have much to learn or grow from, they almost never make any kind of mistake, and they carry Sothis’s blood and crest; these aren’t necessarily an issue on their own, but altogether it makes for an incredibly boring character. And they’re so bland and expressionless.
Gilbert. I don’t hate him for his story, or his character. I think he’s great in those regards!… No, it’s because THIS MOTHERFUCKER is an IDIOT in Chapter 5. Runs right in range where the archers are located without moving into a safer position. There is no plausible way to keep this dipshit alive in Maddening Mode.
Sothis. I don’t HATE her, but I am definitely sick of her “incomplete” form. We should have had her regain her memories and become an adult again, that could have resolved SO many plot issues that were left open-ended, like with Rhea and maybe Nemesis and TWSitD. Maybe someday we’ll get Ascended Sothis in her original form from the mural.
Mathias. I ENJOY his story. I ENJOY the role he plays. Between the stalwart nobles and royalty that is Lambert, Rodrigue, and Gilbert, Mathias is the exact dark underside of the crest system that Dimitri believes is unjust. That being said, it’s still pretty fucked up how he treated both Sylvain and Miklan, and he’s decently responsible for how Miklan turned out (not to say that Miklan deserves no blame for his choices, he absolutely does. He willingly made his own choice of being a brigand and treating Sylvain like shit).
Dorothea. This one I’m mixed on because I don’t hate her or even strongly dislike her. But if there’s one thing I really don’t like about her, it’s how she gets really creepily seductive, especially in the Byleth supports. And in Ingrid’s support she straight up tells Ingrid she’s gonna physically sexually harass her (and she’s already verbally harassed her). Which is kind of stupid considering how gross she feels when people only view her for her physical beauty. So yeah, to some degree I dislike her enough to put her on this list.
Monica, actual Monica from Three Hopes. I’ve already mentioned how her character is poorly written into being yet ANOTHER character who ass-pats Edelgard for no plausible reason in the other routes. If Dimitri or Claude are the ones who save her in their respective routes, why is she so strictly loyal to Edelgard? Especially considering how Edelgard was fully aware of the Kronya plan in Three Houses which means she essentially let her die for her cause. I’ll never understand it.
That’s pretty much my whole list, this time I had to include Three Hopes because I actually wouldn’t have had ten characters otherwise for the list. And it goes without saying but this is obviously my subjective opinion and I respect that these are people’s favorite characters.
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agirlinsearchof · 2 years ago
Some things I noticed playing Crimson Flower, with spoilers for it and Azure Moon below:
The very first thing I noticed was that Onset of a Power Struggle has its position flipped compared to To War. Makes sense, considering that you’re the invading army. It’s also much more difficult, not only lying about the objective (defeating all commanders, not rout enemy, though the displayed objective changes when Rhea shows up), but featuring multiple commanders instead of just one. Crimson Flower often features multiple commanders. It’s a very interesting and, on other routes, very underutilized concept.
The Bridge of Myrddin chapter was also made drastically different. In The Rose-Colored River, you have to take out three commanders who are pretty far from the starting position, with another coming in on turn two, while Beyond Escape has one commander fairly close to it. As such, Beyond Escape is considerably easier. The position flipping was rather interesting! It also makes sense. The bridge connects the Alliance to the Empire, and since you’re controlling the Empire and invading the Alliance (as opposed to passing through Alliance territory into the Empire), it makes sense.
Derdriu had you in the same map position as Azure Moon, except you’re supposed to take out Claude instead of helping him and Arundel doesn’t show up. So effectively the direction your army takes gets flipped, even if your starting position doesn’t. Fun fact, Claude mentions Almyran reinforcements even if you beat the chapter before any even showed up!
Protecting Garreg Mach is also considerably easier than on other routes! It was definitely a difficulty spike for my second Azure Moon and my Silver Snow playthroughs, what with being a rout map, but in Crimson Flower, you instead take out the commanders. Flayn doesn’t show up unless you saved Seteth for last, so it’s easier if you take him out first or second.
That chapter is also where I found out that the generic replacements for Church-affiliated characters are called Knights of Seiros (as opposed to Imperial, Kingdom, and Alliance Generals).
You know how I mentioned Seteth is carrying in my Silver Snow playthrough? He’s an even tougher mfer as an enemy. I actually had to use Raging Storm here to have Edelgard take out the sniper boss and then attack Seteth without killing him, because I wanted to spare him and the only way to do so is to defeat him with Byleth. He was also very difficult in Onset of a Power Struggle.
Lady of Deceit is much harder than The Silver Maiden, again because of the multiple commanders. I had to use Raging Storm again. Edelgard took out Gwendal, Ingrid, and Cornelia, while Byleth took out Rodrigue and Hubert and Constance worked together to defeat Felix. When Paths That Will Never Cross played, only to be cut short by Felix and Ingrid’s echoing screams? That felt like a punch to the chest.
Field of Revenge was also difficult because of the multiple commanders. It also hurt to kill Dimitri and Dedue. Killing the Kingdom General that replaces Mercedes was anticlimactic sandwiched between the deaths of Sylvain and Dedue, so next time I probably won’t recruit Mercedes. It helps my decision that I got all of her support conversations with Jeritza.
The music also felt unfitting. The Long Road feels more like an auxiliary battle track than something fitting of the penultimate battle.
To the End of a Dream may use Fhirdiad as its setting, but it sure as hell ain’t the same level as The King’s Triumphant Return. For one, Fhirdiad is on fire this time around, and it is far from an easy one-turn unless you have a fully-repaired Aymr and a willingness to spam Raging Storm and rig critical hits. Aymr was at three uses, so I had a squad of Edelgard, Byleth, and Jeritza charging for Rhea, while Hubert helped clear out a few enemies and Lysithea warped Jeritza forward when he fell behind Edelgard and Byleth (a Wyvern Lord and Dark Flier, respectively).
Overall? I really enjoyed Crimson Flower. I kind of wish you actually got to go to Shambhala (heck, the nuking of Arianrhod was the perfect opportunity for Hubert to find it!), but other than that, it was a fun time! It was certainly a fun challenge to try to clear the chapters in as few turns as possible! Hehe. I may actually become seriously interested in LTC-ing other Fire Emblem games, now that Azure Moon minimum deaths has altered my very playstyle regarding this game.
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marahuyos · 4 years ago
anon asked: If requests are still open, I'd like to request claude, edelgard, dimitri and maybe yuri (pre or post timeskip) from fe 3h having to deal with an impulsive s/o who is overprotective if you don't mind me asking
*:・゚✧ i may have messed up the request so sorry sksks
tw: spoilers for all post timeskip routes
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✧ Claude von Riegan
• He feels exhilarated and curious all at the same time. He’s never met anyone that piqued his interest as hard as Byleth and... they were Byleth. He hasn’t seen anyone who was as outspoken as you are even when he’s seen a lot of common folk. Hell, even when you two are together, he feels like he hasn’t cracked you down even though you bare your heart to him so easily. He hates the feeling but at the same time he would revel in the risk of leaving him vulnerable for someone that wasn’t himself.
• Speaking of laying bare, he’s not used to this-to have someone else care for him. All his life, he had only himself to depend on, not trusting the words from Almyra and Fodlan alike. He keeps everyone at a respectable distance from his heart and he was content with that.
• But when you came along, everything changed for him.
• He still remembers the day that he first saw you; he was assigned weeding duty from Byleth due to another prank caused by him. Alongside Claude, they picked you, a random student who wanted to be an armored knight at some point, so you always asked Byleth to assign you in weeding. Not the best type of training for your calves and spine but at least it's something productive for Garreg Mach.
• Of course, Claude wouldn't want to pick out weeds so his next scheme is to see how far he could annoy you. Not that he bared any resentment towards you but hey, a man has to kill boredom somehow. Before he could try and see if he could get a beetle to drop in your clothes, other students strolled by. Faceless ones that Claude won't probably remember but he knows that they were the types who mutter under their breath on anything that they find hilarious.
     • "Look at that," one of them says to their friend, "a rat and a loudmouth doing the church's work."      • "Honestly, what were they thinking of letting trash like them in Garreg Mach?"
• Claude could care less about petty words, he's grown past them. But he was taken aback when you raised your voice at the two. "Don't call me a loudmouth if I wring you both by the necks in the next mock battle!"
• And after disposing the beetle, disarming the possible fight that was happening in a weedy field, and convincing Seteth that no, it was not Claude who started the fight this time, he's found an interest in you. He hasn't had this impulsive person in his life other than Judith and it scares him. It scares him that he places his trust in you, knowing that you would say what ever is on your mind and that you might find him repulsive like a street rat.
• But you never do. Past your brazen personality and iron fists when it comes to defending Claude, you still treat him like a person ("Because you deserve it, dumbass. Don't go making a spiel on how mysterious you are.").
• Even when he became the King of Unification, people would remember how he stares at you in absolute reverence whenever you tell him that the new Leicester Alliance is making your head spin harder than Lorenz's pick-up lines.
✧ Edelgard von Hresvelg
• She's grown an interest in you. She's never met anyone who ever spoken their mind so freely compared to you. Sure there was Dorothea, but even the girl has secrets that she keeps to herself. To you, listening to your random spiels about everything that you've seen, Edelgard is not even annoyed. In fact, she looks forward to listening to your daily ramblings.
• Even when people began to talk behind your backs, she still invites you to tea time as you talk. She doesn't mind them but she knows when you hear them as she sighs through her nose when she hears your insults to them. It was another fight that she has to dismiss and another apology towards Seteth.
• Still, she wouldn't change it for the world. Not when you tell her that she was the stupidest person alive to issue a worldwide purge, when she could've headed towards a less bloody path, when she didn't have to waste what little is left of her precious life. She could only let a tired smile stretch across her face as she cradles your bloodied hands.
     • "Maybe so," she said, "but at least... I am somewhat sane when I have you to bring me back to reality."
• Despite this, you never detached from Edelgard's side. As dutifully as her personal guard and lover, you defended her from outlandish cries, from assassination attempts, from her own demons that plague her mind. Your brash words and physical strength is what kept the woman grounded and like hell is Edelgard going to let you go.
• Even when going down in history, historians depicted Edelgard as a ruthless ruler clad in red with her lover holding her like she was their world.
✧ Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
• He's met his fare share of impulsive people such as Sylvain and Felix. But he hasn't met anyone such as yourself. He practically had heart eyes already when you started spewing how awesome he was a throwing his spear and how he was practically cool in general. He's never met anyone so honest as you that it scares him.
• It scares him how easily it must be to break your heart should he reject you (but thank Seiros he didn't, he'd be a damn fool to do so). But he sees that you were tough as nails. He sees that you don't break as easily compared to plates or the sewn items Mercedes had made. He can't help but be thankful for someone who's as solid as a rock, for someone he can rely on when he feels the winds of change course.
• ... Is what I've described but it's really just holding Dimitri's hand while he blushes so hard you fear he might pass out while you were staring at him with a dumb smile.
• It doesn't help that both of you are overprotective of each other. It wouldn't be long for either party to brandish their weapons at any foreseeable threat. It takes the likes of Dedue, Felix, Raphael when he's available, and Rhea herself to pry you two away from causing mass genocide.
• ... Yeah about that. See what happened in the Azure Moon route. But hey! You weren't the one committing genocide!
• Even if he pushes you away, threatens you, confesses that a monster like him doesn't deserve you, you've returned to becoming Dimitri's anchor. You were the one who slapped some sense (figuratively or literally is up to your interpretation) when the rest of the Blue Lions came back. You've become his anchor and now, his next spouse to lead the new Fodlan in a time of peace.
✧ Yuri Leclerc
• In this case, you were someone in the Abyss just like the Ashen Wolves are. Yuri isn’t the type to let anyone close to him; he only places his trust to those who aren’t savages like Dimitri or Edelgard. In fact, he seems to trust you more than anyone else because of how honest you are even with the rocky start.
• The rocky start being that you were way too honest for your own good. There was no way you survived in the Abyss letting your mouth run like that. He’s always at a complete stand-still when you’re picking fights against his men who questioned his leadership. He hasn’t met anyone who honestly cares for him, the last time he remembers was his own mother. He clenches his fist each time he remembers but it wasn’t anger. He felt... happy knowing that you got his back.
• With you being your honest self, Yuri feels like he can be at ease. He doesn’t have to make multiple personas to talk to you, he’s already seen your true persona. He can let the tension off his shoulders when you say that his current make-up looks like hell and that you wanted to try and fix it for him (and he’ll always let you with a small smirk on his face).
• He’s appreciative of you being overprotective, even when there was a war for Fodlan. Yuri knows that you have his back no matter what and that he’s glad that he has someone like you to lead the Abyss amidst this war. Even if he hasn’t revealed his true name to you, the amount of trust you put on him makes him exhilarating and sick at the same time.
• He hopes that he shouldn’t write your name on his notebook someday soon. But maybe one day, in a Goddess Tower maybe, he would confess to you his true name with your hand in marriage.
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omgkalyppso · 3 years ago
The Unforgotten King
A Dimimari drabble that fits into Fae's post canon.
The icy winds pouring down from the frigid Fraldarian mountains were starting to upset the horses with how cold they were. Many roads this far north were impassable for carriages; even the main roads, which in many cases were the only option, were made to constrict the approach of enemies and allies alike, venturing to and from the historically chaotic northern border, and the capital to the south.
They had come first by boat and then followed the trade routes carved out by the fishing villages on the eastern coast.
Marianne held her scarf against the chill, wincing and shaking her head about Dimitri, with his scarf pulled down around his smile as he spoke about his homeland. He'd long ago let his hat fall back around his shoulders, secured by a cord about his neck, and his bound hair was a tangle as a result of the gales. He was going home, and it was as clear in his person as it was in his temperament. His nose and cheeks were pink and frozen, and his beard was gelid with frost, but the Faerghan climate suited him. Marianne even suspected that the temperature might have been harsh on another man's injuries, but Dimitri was only livelier by the mile.
Some might have said he was as a boy gone to the fair, but she knew him too well now, and could see the flit of his eye as he watched the forests. He was fighting his hauntings and his memories of war, and trusting her and their guard with his insecurities. A vast improvement when compared to the dreary state of his heart and mind during the year or two past.
Marianne had worried that despite Dimitri's growth, that returning to Faerghus was going to upset him and his friends, when he and they found him without the crown, without the armour and attire one expected of a king, and with the continued trauma of never having achieved his vengeance. She was overjoyed that it was nothing so simple.
"Do you see how the trees have turned from green to blue here?" Dimitri asked, gesturing to the evergreens, brightening as Marianne nodded. "They say the Goddess took pity on the verdant evergreens of Fodlan after her first ice storm, and blessed all the trees north of Conand River with a piece of her home on the Blue Sea Star, that they might from then on weather the storms."
Marianne held her scarf from her face as she replied, "They're quite beautiful. I hear they house wildlife too? I would have expected we'd only find migratory birds out in these temperatures."
"It would be wonderful to hear an owl at night," Dimitri mused. "You are right, though. There are a variety of creatures in the underbrush."
"As stubborn as any Faerghan," Marianne joked. "Although I suspect, in regards to your tale of a blessing, that similar accounts are told of the seas themselves, rather than only of Faerghan forests. Anything blue."
Dimitri had blushed and laughed awkwardly at Marianne's initial declaration, knowing that it was true that sailors in Faerghus were revered and worried perhaps even that he had misremembered his own short yarn, but then he'd smiled and contributed softly, "It is a color dear to my heart."
"Because of your house banner?" Marianne asked as if to confirm, offering Dimitri no space to argue. "Perhaps a square or kerchief could be sewn in one of your pillows? Or some other secret space? I am sorry that you're only clad as one of my guards."
Dimitri shook his head. "An honor. I am glad to ride beside you, Mari— my lady, and ... maybe with the right materials, I could try to award myself with the gift you suggest. It would be a small and challenging project for a man of my extremely limited skill."
Upon their arrival at the manor in Fraldarius, they were escorted to the entrance hall, where Dimitri embarrassed Rodrigue with a bow and an embrace.
"Dimitri," Rodrigue said softly, as a reprimand and a prayer, testing the name, free of title and ornamentation. "It is good to see you again. If Felix had not seen you himself, I would have assumed a ruse or extortion." He pulled away, a hand still on his once and fallen king's shoulder. "To bury you, would be as burying another son—"
"Rodrigue—" Dimitri said, meaning to interrupt.
"Humor me," he begged. "Hear me. Not only am I proud to host you, in secret, in public, but should you ever need a home in Faerghus, we will never turn you away." Rodrigue swept a tear from his eyes, "Hm. I think you'll find my lack of decorum is your fault, for hugging me first—"
"My sincerest—"
Rodrigue chuckled. "Don't apologize. Just know that I intended to be more reserved, for the sake of Lady Marianne, if not for that of my son."
"Where is Felix?" asked Dimitri, as a door to the entrance hall opened at the top of a far stair, and Felix, Annette, Sylvain and Ingrid rushed out of it.
Although Felix had been to visit him in Margrave Edmund's territory three times, Dimitri could not suppress his joy at his friend's reveal, and after Rodrigue's admission, he could either hope that Felix too thought of him more fondly, or else worry that he needed to apologize to the younger Fraldarius for what he'd inspired in his father. "Felix!"
Dimitri spared a glance for Marianne, who waved him off delicately so that he could rush to his friends at the base of the stair. She shared a far more respectable greeting with Duke Fraldarius.
"Wait—!" Felix started to object, but too late or with too little conviction to keep Dimitri from fitting his arms around him and Ingrid and squeezing them to his chest.
Ingrid laughed happily, and Felix scoffed when Sylvain was greeted with only a joined hand and a clap on the shoulder, though Annette then jumped into Dimitri's arms.
"I half worried it was an exaggeration," Dimitri said softly. "That you all could make it."
"Mercedes and Dedue's boat is expected tomorrow," Sylvain said to assure him.
"Ashe won't be here for a week," Annette lamented as her feet hit the floor, "but I hear that will be long enough to see you?"
"I won't leave before," Dimitri promised. "It would break my heart if his journey from Gaspard was fruitless."
"Did you know that he needed to wait for Linhardt to take up residence in Gaspard?" asked Ingrid. "To deter the Adrestians from overreaching — even now."
"As well as general rebellion," Felix supplied. "Things aren't exactly settled that far west."
"You're helping him?" Dimitri confirmed, and a part of his heart stirred to be able to have this conversation with Felix in person, rather than over a period of days by letter.
"Fhirdiad's helping him," Felix said and then frowned when the others around Dimitri looked at him more directly, and corrected himself. "Yes, I'm helping him."
Fhirdiad had been Felix's home and his charge these past few years. He had taken up the title of Archduke and wielded his role with purpose. He always intended to return to Fraldarius, imagining that there would be an opportunity to suggest another lord be honoured with the capital region, but some days he worried he had sealed his fate. His father, and Sylvain, were less subtle in their matching inquiries about his return, but it seemed all others were slowly becoming accustomed to him sitting in that place of kings in the more temperate south.
"I appreciate it," Dimitri said carefully.
"There'll be plenty of time to worry about the shadow of dissent tomorrow," Sylvain said, looking to change the subject. "What are you wearing?"
"Oh," Dimitri said in surprise, looking down at himself, dressed as a Leicester soldier in wool and armour.
"Are you warm enough?" asked Annette, turning over a side of his cloak to assess its thickness.
Dimitri chuckled. "I'm plenty warm, I—"
"How many layers is that?" Ingrid inquired critically.
"Do the rest of Marianne's escorts have hats like this?" asked Sylvain, propping Dimitri's upon his golden hair.
"Four. No, most have wool lined leather caps."
"Four? Like this? That's not enough," Ingrid worried.
"We'll warm him with drink and games," Sylvain suggested. "Maybe dancing if Annette feels like singing?"
Annette squeaked in protest, but Felix spoke first.
"You're being ridiculous. Dimitri's had a long ride—"
Dimitri's lips tightened to hear Felix call him by name, and he spoke gently, worried he might break this simple spell of friendship when he spoke in favour of Sylvain's suggestions, "I think it would be nice to drink with everyone, but I might like to bathe first. I fear as soon as I loosen my collar my sweat will thaw from where it's frozen upon me."
Three exaggerated tongues of disgust extended in sympathy.
"Do you want to stay inside?" asked Felix. "Wood fires can heat baths in the lower levels."
"Oh, no, lets show Marianne the hot springs," Annette said, as if pleading with Dimitri, though he would have agreed without any provocation.
"I would like that," he agreed, looking at Felix for permission.
With an expression of vague annoyance, Felix nodded, and then he and Dimitri each glanced to where Marianne continued her conversation with Rodrigue.
There was a social element to the hot springs that Marianne feared, but Sylvain made a joke that set her at ease, and challenged her to try the new experience.
Dimitri half expected Felix to return home after dutifully guiding their group to their destination, and thanked him for his continued company and conversation, such as it was, while they sat together in the steaming water. Sylvain was kind and assertive, inspecting Dimitri's right side as he stretched his arm and took advantage of the heat, to massage strong fingers into his shoulder.
Elsewhere, Ingrid and Annette had Marianne giggling as the trio raced from the spring to the snow and back again each time they grew over-red from being boiled together.
Later, they drank and reminisced, and Ingrid pulled Dimitri aside, to reaffirm that she would have been his knight and protector ... and that she still would, if he wanted to pursue his place in Fhirdiad. She saw no reason to defer to the law in Garreg Mach when Faerghus could still have its own king, and if not that, then at least he could be recognized, as the rest of them were, within Fodlan's nobility.
The shock that overtook Dimitri frightened her, when she had only meant to offer him his ancestral home, and the respect many had died to get him.
Sylvain and Felix were in listening distance, and Ingrid had known that; the four of them looked to Marianne, weaving Annette's hair in a five strand braid, while they spoke of seals and bears and other creatures that plagued the harbours.
Felix hissed about how Ingrid would throw them from one war into another, reminding her that Dimitri was hidden away precisely to avoid what she was suggesting: that there would be people willing to die for their rightful king to reclaim his place in Fhirdiad.
Everything would change if Dimitri returned, and they'd lose the trust of the Adrestians, especially Ferdinand, when they had already been caught in another lie.
"You can't come back," Felix said to finish his argument. Aggressive, nervous, cruel.
"Dimitri should be given a choice now that he's recovered," Ingrid said, firm.
"He's recovering," Sylvain insisted.
With a great expression of self control, Dimitri maintained his volume as he declared for his friends' forgotten benefit, "I am right here." He waited for the shame to silence them before he went on. "And things are not ... how I envisioned them — how I wanted them? My mind and upbringing feel ... wasteful, at times; and yet I have been consulted," he sighed, "on strategy and trade, customs and etiquette — by Felix and Marianne both. My input is heard in Faerghus and Leicester, and if I willed it, I am sure that Garreg Mach is within my reach ... even Almyra."
Sylvain raised his tankard in salute as he walked away then, seeing that a fight wasn't about to break out, and that Dimitri had their conversation well in hand. He complimented Annette's hair, and strove to further distract the ladies from the dark turn of that other corner of the room.
"If Faerghus was threatened, I would find my way back here, lance in hand. But I trust the peace that's been building. And the crown, as it was, only invited duplicity and massacres. Faerghus will thrive without me." With one arm he embraced Ingrid, pressing a kiss to her temple. "And Sylvain is right, I have been recovering. I would not risk all of Faerghus' progress, all of your work," his eyes drifted to Felix for a moment, "because I could not accept the truth of what a minister said. I still struggle. I am more comfortable with smaller challenges ... and I would appreciate your reassurance of our friendship as I am."
"Of course, Mitya," Ingrid insisted.
"Thank you."
"I miss you," Ingrid clarified. "I miss... The lives I thought I'd have by now."
"Change is painful," Felix agreed, sharp and forgiving.
"Yours is a life worth celebrating," Dimitri promised. He drank at the same time as his old friends, and then fumbled after, worried about sounding too much like his healers, but still he added, "Take time to recognize success."
Their quiet conversation was interrupted by Marianne and Annette hollering with laughter, and Dimitri could not even imagine Marianne's disappointment in him if in returning to Fhirdiad he brought a new conflict to her doorstep. He could not imagine his own heartbreak if their peoples ever returned to bloodshed. Sadly, he had imagined his horror with the possibility of witnessing another day like the tragedy, his blue love desecrated, their hypothetical children screaming, and him again, a lone survivor.
He would not speak of this in casual conversation with his friends, though perhaps in private with Marianne at some later time.
He was grateful for his anonymity.
It was late in the night when they made for bed, and Marianne was as drunk as he, and Dimitri worried between her state and their locale that he shouldn't have followed behind the door of her rooms. They had lain together a handful of times, but not for weeks now, yet she pressed him against the door like it was a casual thing, delicate fingers curving over his hips.
They leaned close as if they might kiss, and then she turned her face away from him with a sigh.
"I hope I haven't made a fool of myself. Did you have a good night, Mitya?"
"Beloved," Dimitri beckoned, curving a large hand around the side of her face, his scarred fingers had been mended and shattered an embarrassing number of times in the early use of his Crest. He guided her to look at him, his shining blue eye, deep as the ocean in the dark of the room.
"Thank you for bringing me here," he said, his tone deep and sincere. "The snow, the culture, my friends... I missed them more than I realized. I've had a very good night."
His last sentence was near whispered upon her lips, his thick lower lip tickling against her mouth.
Eyes closed, Marianne hummed her approval, bumping her nose against Dimitri's; narrow and then bulbous, a pretty princely feature that somehow he still maintained despite the violence in his life.
He bent to kiss Marianne, his hands finding her upper arms, her shoulders, her neck, and her twin braids, a gift from Annette that extended nearly to Marianne's waist.
"I should let you sleep," Dimitri whispered, though he felt how Marianne's hands wandered, pressing his shirt against the muscles on his chest and stomach.
Marianne looked from her bed to Dimitri. "Let me sit," she requested, "and I'll untie your hair. Stay with me a while longer." She swayed a little and Dimitri worried he would have to catch her. "Your friends are kind," Marianne confided, "but it felt a little strange as the night wore on, and maybe it's just me, and maybe it's just the building, but I know I can rely on you. Say you'll stay."
"A while longer," Dimitri agreed, drifting a thumb through her bangs as his hand rested on the side of her tightly bound hair again.
He sat between her knees while she pulled the ribbon from his fine hair, carefully carding through it with her fingers around the strap of his eye patch, and then allowing her hands to find the muscles of his neck, thick from stress and training.
One dainty foot made it's way over one of Dimitri's monstrous shoulders, and he brought the opposite one over his other side, leaning back into Marianne's space so her skirt ballooned out around him. They shared a soft laugh.
"Did you have any trouble today?" Marianne asked, gentle in her approach of his occasional visions.
"I thought of Glenn," Dimitri confided, "but I am uncertain if I saw him or imagined him today. There are many memories of him here. And ... at the gates, I ... I saw some violence that was not there, but I could not hear it. I'll write it down tomorrow."
"Tell me about Glenn? There must be a happy memory tucked into what came to mind."
"He would have made you feel welcome," Dimitri insisted with a smile. "He was very personable, and I was always glad to be in his company — though I was always closer with Felix, and so thought, like Felix, that I was in contest with him. Unless my Crest activated, I was always left embarrassed, and regardless of whether my Crest activated, I always lost. Felix was often disappointed in both of us."
Dimitri spoke of friends like family until well after Marianne curled up on her side. He stayed on the floor, and spoke with less frequency, though the memories didn't fade. He could picture Glenn on the opposite side of the room, a macabre spectre of the self from his memories, but it wasn't a hallucination this time, just a horrible imagining, the loss of a friend.
Dimitri kissed Marianne's forehead, and she mumbled that she was still awake, despite sounding as if she were miles away. Still, Dimitri smiled and kissed her lips, just in case, and then left for his own chamber.
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raspberryranpo · 4 years ago
Happy pride month! Can I ask BL with a s/o who is asexual? Ty! 💙
with an s/o who is asexual
fire emblem three houses: blue lions
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it’s me i’m the asexual
also happy pride month!! i know it’s basically the end but i’d like to say that you’re all extremely valid all year!! unless you like children
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oh he totally gets it. he knows where you’re coming from
he’s not really up to date on all of these terms so you’ll have to explain them, but he’s very interested and eager to learn!!
he’s very happy and supportive with whatever you choose to identify as
has no idea what the word means but he’s happy that you’re happy :)
after you explain, he agrees & says that he kind of feels that way too !!
will scare off anyone that dares suggest anything wrong with you without hesitation
one of those people who make a huge deal out of it (in a good way, obviously) even though it doesn’t need that
throws an asexual themed party where the colour scheme is the flag
well, he almost does - you have to stop him before it gets that far. he just wants you to celebrate it :(
just nods & gives a thumbs up. he doesn’t particularly care about that kind of thing, just as long as it doesn’t effect your relationship
doesn’t make a huge deal out of it and completely accepts you
also one to beat up anyone who’s mean to you because of that
gives you the biggest, sunniest smile ever & cheerfully tells you how proud he is of you
thinks that you’re beautiful inside + out and makes sure to tell you that every day
would never judge you no matter what you come out as, his love knows no bounds
thinks it’s wonderful that there are so many fun words to identify yourself with & is fully supportive of every single one !!
anyone who is mean to you because of whatever sexuality you are is given the disappointed treatment. that may not seem like much, but a disappointed mercedes is terrifying
will be very respectful of your sexuality & wouldn’t be mean to you for the world
is also very happy!! she’s laughing and jumping but in reality she has no idea what that word means
when you explain it to her, she gets where you’re coming from & is even more happy that you’ve told her
won’t tell a soul unless you let her. she might accidentally bring it up to mercie, but mercedes also won’t tell a soul
thinks you’re very cool. she’s not sure if she’s supposed to give you special treatment or not though
when you assure her that that isn’t necessary, she nods and tells you that she’s very supportive
doesn’t have that much of a reaction but is very proud of you nevertheless
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aegisheart · 3 years ago
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✧ ; Sexuality.
spent  most  of  his  days  during  the  academy  &  during  the  war  swaying  USUALLY  between  TWO  love  interests  .  both  of  them  are  MALE  .  that  being  said  ,  the  heir  of  the  fraldarius  bloodline  has  NEVER  questioned  his  sexuality  .  not  once  .  rather  ,  he  simply  AVOIDED  the  discussion  due  to  WHO  he  was  interested  in  .  between  syvain  &  dimitri  ,  one  always  made  him  ANGRY  ,  while  the  other  TERRIFIED  him  .  this  created  a  bit  of  FEAR  for  him  in  regards  to  crushes  &  dating  .  but  ,  again  this  had  nothing  to  do  with  his  sexuality  .  he  wasn’t  AFRAID  of  his  preferences  .  it  was  the  PEOPLE  that  he  took  an  interest  in  &  their  actions  that  caused  discomfort  .
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this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like females . i think the better discussion to have here is that his sexuality is just not anything that he has thought about . he couldn’t tell you his preferences , mainly because he doesn’t particularly care about labels . he will like an individual for their qualities & traits . it is the BOND that he makes with them . 
which is WHY he adores bernadetta , lysithea , ashe , annette , & mercedes .  he DOES take an interest in claude , dedue , leonie , flayn , & dorothea . 
genuinely it just takes TIME for felix to open up to others . & people need understand that felix isn’t simply just being an asshole to others . that’s just who he is . it doesn’t help that he still is grieving for his dead brother & that he suffers from a mood disorder - which he is completely unaware about . many people do genuinely take note of that though , & learn to interact with felix in ways that is helpful for both parties . 
but bottom line is . felix is bisexual . male - leaning sexually , but definitely bi - romantic . 
now , before anybody starts to say , well didn’t you say that the MAIN two individuals that felix likes are people that causes felix great discomfort ? well , yes , i did . but that is MAINLY due to what they have done or are doing . 
for sylvain . sylvain ACTS like a skirt chaser often times . though felix KNOWS better than that , he doesn’t know why one of his best childhood friends is acting the way he is . he KNOWS that sylvain has more respect for others than that , but its also the fact that sylvain has no respect for himself that bothers felix . unfortunately felix also just doesn’t have a lot of energy to deal with having a decent discussion with him either . but that is mainly due to felix’s OWN trauma anyway & mood disorder anyway . 
in regards to dimitri though . its moreso having to do with how he’s seen dimitri act . felix has seen dimitri on the battle field . & he has absolutely NO idea what is going on with him . he doesn’t KNOW . all he sees is some blood thirsty individual that shows NO mercy . but even worse , felix has witnessed dimitri just have absolutely no emotion . so he fears that dimitri doesnt CARE anymore & that what he is doing is putting on a facade . now , WE know that this is untrue , but felix does not . he doesn’t understand that . but thats also because mental health simply isn’t TALKED about either . so felix is absolutely terrified of his OTHER best childhood friends . 
hence why he has great discomfort in who he is interested in . he KNOWS both of them , & has a great amount of history with both of them , but he just doesnt know what is happening or what has happened to both of them . but he still truly & GENUINELY cares about both . 
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lochnessies · 4 years ago
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I guess my discomfort with the AM route could actually be summed up as
“I went straight from playing The Gayest House to the Most Heteronormative and Patriarchal House and even though it makes sense from a worldbuilding and storytelling standpoint, it still made for a very uncomfortable experience for me, the player.”
i’m not here to say what can and cannot make a person uncomfortable since that’s so heavily subjective and i personally also don’t like patriarchal undertones as well so i completely get it. however, i have always found it weird when people refer to the black eagles as the ‘gay house’ and act like that makes it superior to the others. i mean… i like edel, dorothea, and linhardt but their sexualities don’t make or break them for me as characters. and the ‘gayness’ of these characters only happen if you happen to s-rank them as the same sex and has no impact on the story. plus you can recruit 2/3 of them out of house and marry them there so it’s kinda irrelevant. the only house that doesn’t have canonically lgbt characters is golden deer and i’ve never seen people use that as a reason as to why they don’t like them. hell, i’ve seen people call them the ‘gayest house’ before. also blue lions does have a canon bisexual… mercedes. plus a lot of endings for the characters have a lot of homoerotic subtext… mercedes/annie, dedue/dimitri, dimitri/felix, sylvain/felix, dedue/ashe. opening an inn together, living together, being buried together, dying on the same day, loving a man more than his wife…. last i checked these are not very heteronormative things. quite the opposite actually lol
as for patriarchal…. are you sure you wanna say that about the kingdom rather than the empire? what makes the kingdom more patriarchal than the place that has a man drill into his daughter how to be the perfect wife, the emperor has lots of concubines, daughters are thrown to the streets, women are desperate for husbands bc it’s the only ways to gain stability, a woman used as a broodmare till it kills her, a noble woman with a crest can’t inherit her house and her daughter is almost forcibly married and raped to have children by her step father.
is it because a lot of the main characters for the plot are male rather than female? that’s not patriarchal it’s just slightly lazy bc patriarchy is systemic not a a problem of plot structure. once again, the golden deer only has judith as a female general/essential npc and the rest are men but i don’t see people get upset about that.
Imagine if I only played AM and I came away thinking this was a typical medieval fantasy where the men are all in leadership roles,
not all the men are leaders and some women are too. such as cornelia and edelgard and they hold a lot of it.
the women are all relegated to support roles and struggling against forced marriages,
no they are not. once again, edel and cornelia are major characters and definitely not supporting roles. also, nobody is being forced into marriage in the blue lions. ingrid’s father suggests suitors but she has complete control over saying yes or no. and in her endings she gets to be a knight. however, we do know forced marriages are a thing in the empire.
men act out their feelings with violence,
yeah, dimitri does get violent but it’s seen as extremely negative and as a sign of his poor mental health and lack of ability to rule at the moment. if this was a typical fantasy game then his violence would be praised and a sign of a warrior and king. dimitri has to let go of his violent impulses in order to become a good kings and as shown in ss/vw he will die if he continues down his self destructive path.
in azure moon byleth and everybody else is constantly telling dimitri to get his shit together where as cf everybody just vapidity nods along to edelgard’s violent impulses.
women in power are inherently suspect,
women are not inherently suspect due to their sex. they are suspect bc the main female characters are suspicious and they do shitty things that hurt the other characters and they are rightfully angry. hell, even male characters are suspect. for example thales and even dimitri himself is seen as suspicious during the academy arc.
hints of flirtation between women are aggressively shot down,
i assume this is about ingrid? i hate to tell you but rejecting somebody’s romantic advances isn’t homophobic and if you don’t respect people’s boundaries then i don’t want to be around you. all other female relationships are treated very well and the female characters admire and respect each other.
hints of feelings between men are treated awkwardly and uncomfortably.
once again, with feeling this time, opening an inn together, living together, being buried together, dying on the same day, loving a man more than his wife are not examples of feelings between men being treated awkwardly. hell, most of the deep and loving relationships are between men. some are strictly platonic (rodrigue/dimitri & gilbert/dimitri) and other are much more 👀. dimitri was even critiqued by some straight men bc he was so open about his feelings with bylad and many people read him as bisexual (my sister even hcs him as completely gay). he literally calls another man ‘irreplaceable’ and ‘cherished’ while he’s apparently shirtless.
Not knowing there’s a whole other route where multiple women are in charge,
just because a woman is in charge doesn’t mean she’s good at it and we know edelgard isn’t a good leader and is willing to stoop to the lowest of the lows. just bc she’s a lady doesn’t make her horrific actions suddenly #girlboss and #feminism
men pay women respect and never degrade them,
women are not above critique. and men don’t violent degrade women for no reason on blue lions (you could say felix and his ingrid supports but he’s a dick to everyone and sylvain whos a rampant misogynist regardless of route and the same could be said for lorenz on golden deer). also hubert does degrade petra and that’s a cf exclusive.
nobody ever suggests that there are inappropriate roles for any gender,
and i have good news! neither do blue lions! ingrid is wholeheartedly supported by her male peers and dimitri (by op’s definition a violent man) even wants her to be his knight and serve in his guard.
men are allowed to be soft,
dimitri, dedue, and ashe??? hello?!??
women are allowed to be aggressive,
ingrid and catherine??? hello????
everybody has at least one potential gay ending and it’s not treated as a shameful secret. 
i hate to be the one to tell you but none of the characters from any routes have explicate gay endings outside of the few with byleth. you can read into something all you want and make headcanons but that doesn’t change what is provided in canon. i find all the same sex endings in azure moon to have romantic undertones (outside of gilbert of course go home to your wife dude). and NONE of the endings are treated as a shameful secret. homosexuality is never talked about as being shameful in the game and that sounds like you projecting.
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agent-cupcake · 4 years ago
Hey AC! I love your blog and was wondering if I could get your opinion on something. I've seen some people complaining that Ingrid and Hilda are treated by the fandom, with Ingrid stans saying that Hilda is also racist towards Almyrans (which, granted, she is) but doesn't get nearly as much hate about it as Ingrid does. But personally I feel like their attitudes and the way they react towards Dedue/Cyril are wildly different and Hilda generally seems less hateful/irrational about it. Thoughts?
This is... kind of a touchy topic... I like it though! It’s worth discussing, especially since I feel like it’s broke criticism to simply deflect blame onto a character in order to prop up another.  Full and obvious disclosure: I very much dislike Ingrid and very much love Hilda. That said, I don’t think it’s fair to compare them for the sake of which is worse. I fall into the trap of character criticism through comparison far too often and it's not really valid unless you can fully explore each character in their own right beforehand. Which is why, while writing this, I came to the conclusion that the ways these two characters are interpreted and the reason people view their racist tendencies differently has far more to do with the characters themselves than their actual beliefs.
From first impressions to subsequent playthroughs, this is pretty much how I feel about Ingrid: she brings up her hatred of the Duscur people and Dedue unprompted and uncontested several times at the very beginning of the game, putting it front and center to her character. This is important, it sets a foundational component for how I could come to view her. According to her introduction, she is honorable and respectful, a model lady knight trope. But, as mentioned, she's really racist. Literally standing around thinking about how awful it is that Dimitri would trust a man of Duscur because they are all bad people. Yikes. And nobody calls her on it. Again, this is very important for perception. People judge Sylvain for his bad behavior in a much more harsh way than they do Ingrid for her vitriolic loathing for another classmate who we have seen as nothing but respectful. It's weird. And then, despite the fact that her close friend Sylvain was able to reason out that it’s not possible for the Duscur people to be at fault for the Tragedy, despite the fact that the prince of the country she supposedly hopes to serve with unwavering respect and loyalty has made it clear that he does not believe that Dedue or Duscar are responsible for the Tragedy, and despite the fact that Dimitri, her close friend and the one most affected by the Tragedy (seriously, she lost a guy she might have married and he lost his best friend, mother, and watched his father be killed in front of his eyes) continuously insists that neither Dedue nor Duscur are at fault, she loudly and openly believes that the ensuing massacre of Duscur was deserved and Dedue is inherently culpable simply because of his race. Her motivations for this hatred feel even more cheap considering her dogged hero worship for Glenn was born out of the fact that she was promised to him, making the fact that she’d use his death as reason enough for the destruction of countless innocent lives even more unsympathetic in my eyes. I mean, seriously, she was around 13 and he was older than her, how close could they have truly been? Dimitri says they were in love, but she was a child. Abandoning my modern sensibilities about age of consent or whatever, kids at that age don't have the emotional or mental capability. Maybe this is just nitpicking, but I have a very hard time caring about that relationship. But, if her actual justification is because of what happened to Faerghus as a result of the Tragedy and feels duty-bound as a knight to find justice through the systematic destruction of the Duscur people, then it just circles back to confusion considering the future leader of said country doesn't hold Duscur or Dedue responsible. The importance of perception comes in because despite these paper thin excuses and her seemingly willfully ignorant hatred, she is never challenged on her racist beliefs. The reason she seems to change her mind about Dedue and consider that maybe excusing a genocide is wrong stems from guilt that Dedue continuously comes to her aid in battle at the potential cost of his own life. I can understand, to a certain extent, why she might feel the way she does. But, again, I have such a hard time with any justification when nobody that she's close to is even nearly as hateful as her, there is plenty of evidence (evidence that the people close to her have found!) to provide a very reasonable counterclaim to Duscur's guilt, and that none of that even matters when it would require her to openly contradict the prince of her country to make the claim that Dedue was in any way complicit in the Tragedy. Which would be fine if she wasn't established as the model Lady Knight archetype, which also brings us into Ingrid's moral high horse. Admittedly, I hate the Lady Knight trope. I have a significant bias against these types of characters. However, I really do think that this moral crusade is where she lost me completely. Without even a shred of empathy or self awareness, she lectures Sylvain about his shitty behavior even though their circumstances are at least somewhat similar and he has his reasons (bad ones, maybe, but ones worth understanding if she actually cares about him), she lectures Felix about not being interested in knightly endeavors (an aspect of his character that is born of the trauma she has appropriated), and she lectures Claude about behavior that is befitting of a man in his position. Not because she cares about the girls Sylvain is hurting, not because she thinks there are any grave stakes from Felix choosing to do his own thing, and not because she knows that Claude's behavior affects his ability to lead, but because she doesn't like these behaviors and thinks they should be fixed. Yet, at the same time, she believes Dedue deserved to lose his family, country, and culture based on his birth and nobody ever does anything to morally correct her, it is something she eventually is forced to acknowledge on her own. It's frustrating, infuriating even, that the game lets her get away with being so grossly hypocritical. And, all the while, she is being painted as sympathetic. Again, I have a hard time feeling sympathy for her about Glenn, and I certainty don't feel sympathetic towards her issues about marriage because there's never any actual tension there. Of course she won't be forced to marry, she's a Lady Knight. Beyond being unsympathetic, I also find her massively unlikable. Awful design, poor voice direction, food-loving-as-a-personality-trait, the fact that she's written as one of those stock "feminist" characters who hate makeup and girly things until it benefits them, and constantly butting in on other characters to give her opinion without taking any criticism herself are all aspects that I just personally dislike. Ultimately, Ingrid being racist is only a symptom of the many reasons her character is one of my least favorites. Most of these points can be countered by someone who doesn't take issue with the things that annoy me and to point out that Ingrid DOES get over her racist beliefs. It's not fair to say that she doesn't change but, for me, the damage was already done by the time she became tolerable so I still have a hard time appreciating her. My assumption would be that there are a lot of other people who feel similarly to me regarding their dislike of Ingrid so they focus on one easy character flaw, her being racist at the beginning of the game, as a reason to validate their dislike of her overall.
On the other hand, Hilda's racism isn't a main trait of her character. It's related to her overarching character flaws, but she doesn't bring it up unprompted and can actually be pretty much missed without the Cyrill supports. Like you said, Hilda does seem less hateful and irrational, it doesn't take willful malice and an active rejection of reason for Hilda to dislike the Almyrans, they pose a genuine and provable threat to her family and territory, seemingly senselessly testing the borders and throwing away lives for the sake of conquest. To be clear, her "you're not like those OTHER Almyrans" schtick is legitimately nasty. Her behavior is gross and condescending and it really underscores the fact that Hilda is ignorant, lazy, inconsiderate, and incredibly comfortable in her privilege. She accepts what she's been told at face value because she's too lazy to look into it further. Cyrill does tell her she's stupid to think that way, though. Which is satisfying because Hilda in those supports is insufferable, it really highlights the worst aspects of her character, dismissive, manipulative, and very selfish. However, for me, she's also very likeable. I'm not interested in going over my opinions on her like I did with Ingrid as I don’t feel it’s as important to my point but a few reasons I really like her is because I think Hilda has a fantastic design, cute supports, amazing voice work, and is secretly sweet in a way that absolutely tickles my fancy. I am sure many people do not agree with me, which is fine. Additionally, just as Ingrid grows out of her racist beliefs, so does Hilda. They both end the game as more tolerant and caring people. Still, for the same reason a person could argue that Ingrid is actually great and I'm being unfair, they could argue that Hilda is terrible and I'm too biased. That's fair and true..... but I think the fact that Hilda is more generally appealing in conjunction with the less obvious nature of her racist attitude makes people less likely to dismiss her as a racist in the same way they do Ingrid. Unless they dislike Hilda, in which case, it’s all fair game.
Anyyyways, a main takeaway from this is that I highly doubt people are truly arguing on the individual basis of who's more racist, but that they're engaging in the age old waifu war. As with many characters in this game, it's easier to argue moral superiority when you can't quite articulate what you like or don't like about a character. Or, even worse, when you're arguing opinion. Even now, as is clear by reading this, I am arguing my opinion of why I don't like Ingrid. Not because she's racist, but because of the character traits and writing choices that make her unlikable to me. I like Hilda because, flaws and all, I find her to be compelling and enjoyable. From the people that I know, at least, that is basically how the Ingrid stans v Hilda racism argument is structured, even if they dress it up in different language.
By the by Hilda never talks about how the Almyrans deserve to be wiped out. I think that probably sours a lot of people's opinions of Ingrid no matter what happened afterward but that’s fine we can just pretend that didn’t happen
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fe-semi-decent-scenarios · 5 years ago
FE3H Love Language Series: Blue Lion Edition
[What love language would each fe3h character dominantly express?]
Check out the previous submission!: {Golden Deer}
Dimitri: Words of Affirmation, Giving Gifts, & Physical Touch
When Dimitri is happy, he shines like the sun. When he’s angry, he’s feral as a predator. The same applies for when he loves! When Dimitri cares for someone he glows when they’re near. They’re magnetic pull yanks at him to follow wherever they go despite his desperate grasp at some sense of self-control. His long for close proximity grows more intense the morfe he resists. With his life as cold as it is, if there’s any sign of warmth he will latch onto it desperately. If they’re bonds are close enough, he might occasionally slip them a present, all of which are homemade. He isn’t a materialistic person in the slightest, but what he does like is to see the joy on someone else’s face when they receive something. His heart rarely allows him to hide his emotions (good and bad), so often he’ll vocalize his feelings. In short, Dimitri is an overall open book.
 Dedue- Acts of Service & Quality Time
Dedue is a man of modesty who treats those that he cares for with integrity and respect. He may not be verbal with them, but his sentiment shows through his actions. It’s a known fact that being a retainer to the future king does not leave him much free time. He also prefers to use his time wisely, and hates being unproductive. If he cares for someone then he’ll show it by sharing his time with them. He’ll accompany them on errands, help with tasks, engage in conversation, and join them in their hobbies (or offer for them to accompany him). It’s all a matter of choice with Dedue since he won’t give up any of his responsibilities despite Dimitri’s insistence. So, if he chooses you over being alone -everyone knows he works more efficiently by himself- then the action speaks for itself.
 Felix: Acts of Service
If there’s one word to describe Felix, it would be ‘dependable’. He may not be the nicest, he may not be emotionally expressive (aside from anger, determination, and annoyance), and sometimes he’s downright just an ass. However, once someone breaks past his walls, they’re stuck with him for the long run. It’s what makes his affection special. On the outside it might appear to onlookers that he hates everyone and everything, but when the going gets tough he’s the first one you can call. It is not simply over large issues either. Albeit begrudgingly at first, Felix will never turn down a request from someone he cares about. He may make a stink over how it’s a ‘pain,’ but he won’t say no. Loyalty, honesty, and dependability are what he uses to show he cares.
 Sylvain- Giving Gifts & Words of Affirmation
 ‘Truth’ is what defines Sylvain’s affections. Everyone pegs him as the smooth-talking Gautier heir that would probably use wind magic to send skirts flying up. While it may be partially true, he doesn’t have the confidence that everyone assumes he does. Sylvain can be a smart mouthed brat, and if he cares about someone then he’ll show it. Not because he’s comfortable but instead to see if they’ll accept it. That they won’t try to change him. With those he cherishes his heart is on his sleeve and they get to see all sides of him. Angry, happy, sad, and loving. Sylvain values communication and affirmation because he’s seen what negligence can do to someone. He can and WILL remind the people he cares about of how he feels.
Ashe- Acts of Service & Words of Affirmation
Ashe likes to help, everyone knows this. He loves to see people happy and to hear laughter. It reminds him of what he’s been working towards while at the same time proving that the world is still worth living in. You don’t have to be someone he personally cares about for him to help you but connecting with him on a personal level does change the situation. The hurt of people he cares for is his own. Their wounds sting him just as much, and in addition to helping he will offer moral support. When Ashe loves he does so with his whole heart and won’t hesitate to remind people of all their good qualities. He’s as open as his books even though his communication skills sometimes flop on him.
 Mercedes- Quality time & Giving gifts
The best way Mercedes knows how show people that she cares is through simply spending time with them. She’s the person who will stay awake through the night to help someone. She could be lost in the hottest desert and still offer her last ration of water to another person. There is only so much time one can live, and Mercedes plans to use her time to live for others. If she cares for someone, they are always a priority. If she doesn’t have time, then she will make it somehow. At bare minimum she will be sure to greet them whenever their paths cross, no one will ever feel as if they’re alone or ignored with Mercedes by their side. She’s aware that being with everyone always is impossible, and that there will be times that she might be too late. However, her thoughts are and always will be with those she cares about.
 Annette- Words of Affirmation & Physical Touch
She’s a touchy-feely person in general. Annette is always open to give out free hugs, high-fives, etc. at the drop of the hat. If there was a personification of optimism in Fodlan is would be Annette-hands down. She’s the type to offer encouragement when someone needs it most, and to stick by their side when the going gets rough. While she has her down moments, everyone does. Though during those times she’ll remember all the people in her life that she cares for, and all the happy moments that they’ve shared. When Annette cares for someone, she does her best to be a driving force. They won’t have time to feel down because she’ll always be there to pick them back up. There will be plenty of laughs, much encouragement, and more than enough hugs to fill her quota. She’ll link her arms with them when walking and talk about anything and everything. There’s never a dull moment with this clumsy ball of sunshine involved.
 Ingrid- Physical Touch
 Despite her rough exterior, Ingrid is human. She’s not the most verbally eloquent with expressing her feelings. Some believe it’s pride, but she is just as embarrassed over being expressive as the next person. Hence why her tells can mostly be found within her actions. How far away she stands, her posture, etc. When it comes to body language Ingrid is one of the most expressive lions because she rarely lets her guard down. She only will act casually with those she trusts and cares for. A hug from her may seem like it’s miles away, but they’re not that rare to those she is close with. In addition to this, her teasing side shines through the stone exterior strangers see when Ingrid is with people she cares about.
Up Next? : Some eagles that make even the goth kids seem pop culture
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fe-husband-heaven · 5 years ago
Dimitri x Wife!Reader - Commission (N/SFW)
@queenofthespacesquids has graciously commissioned Dimitri smut from me :') and has been an absolute angel during this whole mess of a pandemic!
This reader is a general female reader and the commissioner wanted to share the Dimi love so they've allowed posting here!💖💕💖
Thank you once again for commissioning me! I hope everyone else enjoys it too!
The twelfth sigh that day fell from Dimitri's lips. Drooping shoulders accompanied the heaving huffs he gave as his horse trotted along the roads of Fhirdiad.
"We'll be arriving soon, boar. Contain yourself."
Felix travelled afoot alongside Dimitri's white steed. A frown on his face, he shot Dimitri a judgemental look.
Dimitri paid him no heed.
"Awww, c'mon Felix. Give the guy a break. He's a man separated from his lady, doesn't it break your heart?"
Sylvain rode up to the two on his own horse, sticking to Felix's left.
"The only thing it breaks is my patience. I'd understand if this was his first time away, but he does this every time."
Sylvain laughed, his swordsman friend only deepened his scowl.
"Well...They've only been married for a little while..can't imagine they've had too much time alone considering he's the freaking King."
Felix scoffed,
"Y/N's with him all the time, they're attached at the hip, it's a miracle they haven't fused together yet."
Both of them turned to face the blonde man when he gave another longing sigh at the mention of your name.
Sylvain trotted his horse closer to Dimitri, which forced Felix to move to his left. Felix gave him a "Tch." in response.
Sylvain patted Dimitri's shoulder,
"Think of it this way, I'm sure your lady was very lonely. When you get back, she'll probably want lots of-"
Felix stomped on the ground near Sylvain's horse, spooking it and causing it to rear up before it sprung forward, Sylvain, fumbling to stay on and regain control.
"That absolute fool…Don't listen to his inane..."
He trailed off when he looked back to Dimitri, who looked extremely troubled.
"..Lonely..?..My wife is..lone...ly..?"
Dimitri's expression quickly went from yearning, to worry. Felix slapped a hand to his forehead in defeat.
"Ugh, you two are absolutely impossible…"
The gates of Fhirdiad were in sight not long after that. The soldiers standing guard alerted their fellow knights about the return of the king.
Many thought that Dimitri should remain on the throne and not step foot out into danger, it was  a great risk to have the king out and about after what happened to the previous one.
But Dimitri firmly believed in being involved with the people, and seeing for himself what his people needed. The Kingdom was still recovering from the war, constant patrols were necessary.
Unfortunately, this meant that he was often forced apart from you. He would take you with him but it was not the most intelligent of ideas to have both the King and Queen away at the same time. 
He wondered...were you really lonely? He knew Dedue had stayed behind as your guard but did you miss him the same way he missed you?
He sighed again, he wanted his wife.
"We're here, boar. Quit moping."
Dimitri looked up, they were in fact in front of the gates. But he honed in on something much more important.
His wife.
She was waving. Smiling and waving at him from just a little bit inside the gate. He could see a couple of advisors begging her to come back inside where it was safe. 
Felix and Sylvain essentially watched a man be reborn right in front of them. Dimitri perked up and a bright glimmer found its way into his blue eye, he kept his gaze on her. He knew he was to remain cordial and in line with the rest of his troops but...his wife.
The moment he was able to, Dimitri clambered off his steed and headed straight to you. You stood, adorned in blues and whites, the colors of Fhaergus. Laughing lightly as you held your arms open for him. He did not hesitate to jump right into them and return the hug you gave him.
He squeezed tightly, and pulled back far enough to pepper a couple kisses on your face.
He remained completely unaware of the dozens of eyes watching the two of you. Many of them simply civilians who had come to witness the return of their king. They smiled at the scene, Fhirdiad was well aware of the King's love for the Queen.
This was not the first time he had arrived absolutely starved for his wife's company. The people found it soothing, King Dimitri did not seem so far out of their reach when they saw how very much like them he was. Many were quite fond of the two of you and those of older generations would have a couple "Ahh to be young again.."s when the two of you were spotted together.
Once again, a royal advisor came along to try to usher the local King and Queen back into the palace.
"Please, your majesties-" Cut off by the firm grip of a hand on their shoulder, the man who was about to plead the resident King and Queen to please for the love of the goddess head back inside, turned towards the source of the sudden looming shadow.
He came face to face with a less than pleased Dedue.
"Do not interrupt their Majesties…"
Dedue had not meant for the man to apologize and run away but...he could not help the pleased feeling that ran through him at having protected the precious time their Majesties had together. The Queen doted on him and The King never failed to remind him that he was family. He was extremely grateful, he thought it to be the least he could do.
He quite enjoyed seeing them happy.
Briefly pausing his barrage of affection, Dimitri's lips pulled down into a frown accompanied by what can only be described as puppy dog eyes.
"Were you… lonely..?"
You...weren't sure how to respond. Of course you wanted him home but were you lonely? Dedue and the others had kept you company and they made it difficult to be lonely.
Your attention was caught by a redhead casanova standing a few feet away from the two of you. He was nodding, giving you a thumbs up, and mouthing "Say yes". You then watched as Felix jabbed his elbow into his side before dragging him off by the collar, probably off to go train.
Turning back to your giant lion of a husband, he was still awaiting an answer. You don't know what possessed you to trust Sylvain but between not knowing how to respond and his look of confidence, you threw caution to the wind.
"Of course..!.Isn't it natural to miss my husband?" 
For a moment he looked even more saddened, like it was somehow his fault that you had been lonely. You smiled softly at him and laid a gentle hand on the side of his face, cupping his cheek.
"Hmm, didn't you miss me too?"
Leaning into your touch, Dimitri's frown dissipated, and a serene expression was left behind in its departure. Your hand was tenderly covered by his own as the other arm wrapped around your waist tightened just a little.
Smiling at each other, it seemed as though no one else existed around you. Just a husband and wife who were reunited.
"Your majesties."
Dedue stepped forward.
Dimitri turned to look at him, keeping you in his arms as you did the same.
"Please Dedue, call me "Dimitri". You know you're family to us, Y/N and I would love nothing more than to drop formalities."
Dedue smiled tenderly, his heart warmed.
"Yes, your majesty."
You couldn't help the giggle that escaped you at the way Dimitri was rendered speechless. You doubted that Dedue would ever move past the habit, Dimitri would have to settle for having his name used in private!
Giving your husband a comforting pat, you turned your attention back to Dedue when he continued speaking.
"Your majesties, there are no matters that require your assistance urgently. Please, take this time to rest...both of you." he added.
You smiled and thanked Dedue, who with a bow, went off to the kitchens. His cuisine had grown quite popular among the people and he was often requested for cooking duty in spite of his status as Dimitri's right hand man.
Shooting Dimitri a bright grin, you wrapped your  arms around his as his hold on you loosened.
"Shall we go?"
His smile softened further, your lips parted to tease him about being handsome but before you could, a surprised yelp escaped your lips as you were suddenly pulled off of your feet and into strong toned arms.
You heard a couple whistles from onlookers as you collected yourself, Dimitri had already begun moving and walking off towards your room as if he wasn't carrying an entire human being in his arms.
You stabilized yourself by wrapping your arms around his neck, marvelling up at him briefly before laughing.
"Hmm, this is familiar!"you chirped.
Dimitri's strides slowed just a little as he focused on you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, not noticing the respectful bows of passing attendants.
He laughed lightly,
"Ahhh,yes, our wedding night, you nearly tripped on your own dress when I set you down."
You made an offended sound but felt your heart warm. Dimitri used to be nothing but proper to you, now he was comfortable teasing you.
"Yeah well, you cried when you saw me in it."
Dimitri sputtered,
"T-that is not..!..I-.."
He stopped walking, locking eyes with you as red burned on his cheeks and tips of his ears.
"That is unfair Y/N...you were beautiful.."
You smiled contently at him, sighing softly. Somehow, you had netted yourself the sweetest man on the planet. Tooth-rottingly sweet. You wondered if he knew how charming he was.
"How did I get such a precious husband again..?"
You leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. Not satisfied with a peck, Dimitri careened his neck to return the kiss. A wave of warmth ran through you as the sound of lips melding together slipped into your ear.
You pulled back just enough to murmur against his lips,
At probably the fastest speed you'd ever seen him move, Dimitri barreled through the castle halls at breakneck speed. You couldn't help but laugh at his eagerness as he neared your room. Barely getting the door open and crossing through, he was back at engulfing your lips, shifting you in his arms so you pressed against him.
Pulling away reluctantly, you patted his shoulder.
"Set me down here."
He seemed unwilling to let you go but the ever obedient husband he was, he voiced no complaints. Though he did look like he was itching to snake his arms around you again.
Locking the door, you watched with amused eyes as Dimitri's face went crimson the moment you got on your knees in front of him.
"M-my love…!.you don't have to..!.please let me-"
Dimitri moved to help you up but you simply grabbed a hold of his hands and brought them to your cheeks.
"Dimitri…" you locked eyes with him, taking in the flustered expression he wore, "You're always spoiling me...let me take care of you too…!"
There were a lot of things in life Dimitri could handle. Being king, fighting in arduous battles, even the most extraneous of labors. But seeing his wife kneeled in front of him, eager to please him in such a lewd manner was not one of them.
"Y/N...if it is what you wish…"
You frowned, you wanted him to enjoy it too…
Looking back in front of you, you were surprised by the bulge protruding from his pants. You couldn't help the cat-like grin that enveloped your lips.
Reaching out to tug at his belt, you purposefully brushed against the swell, not missing the soft intake of breath from him. You looked up and smiled cheekily at him,
"What I wish,huh…" teasing evident in your voice.
Maybe it was a little mean, but the way he buried his face in his hands as his blush travelled down his neck was well worth it. He was so cute it was almost unfair. This was most definitely not your first time doing anything intimate so to see him flustered even after all the other nights he seemingly couldn't be satiated…well, it was adorable!
You decided to give his heart a bit of a break and turned your gaze away. Working his belt and tugging his pants and undergarments just low enough for his length to slip out, you swallowed thickly as you were reminded about how well endowed your husband was…
Placing a hand on his thigh to stabilize yourself, you curled your fingers around his member and gingerly began pumping its length. Dimitri's hips lightly followed your hand as you rubbed and teased the tip. You thought you wouldn't tease him more but the slow pace you took was probably his greatest enemy right now.
"Y/N..please, this is torture.."
You laughed but indulged him. Tongue wet and warm, you gave a long drawn out lick before taking his cock in your mouth. Head beginning to bob up and down the thick throbbing length of your King, you didn't fail to notice the way Dimitri's hands clenched as he leaned against the door for support.
Struggling to maintain himself, Dimitri watched as he disappeared in and out of his beloved wife's mouth, the lips that kissed him so sweetly, wrapped around him and sucking with such rhythm and heat that he had to fight his own wanton need to buck into your mouth.
It seemed that despite how fervently he had pounded you into the mattress so often after your wedding, he would still be a blushing mess when at your mercy. But he couldn't help it. His wife, his precious wife...full of nothing but love for him..there were times where he was unsure of whether he deserved such devotion.
He knew he shouldn't doubt your decisions but he couldn't help but wonder why him. You told him often about everything you loved about him but the question lingered. What exactly had he done to be blessed with you? Perhaps it was pointless to mull it over, he couldn't let you go either way.
Still...his wife..his wife...Y/N Blaiddyd…
His length twitched in your mouth, and your pace stopped as gentle hands reached down to brush hair out of your face, tenderly caressing your cheeks. You looked up to meet loving blue eyes, Dimitri's expression was soft, and you weren't sure what insighted it. 
But it didn't matter, letting your eyelids flutter shut, you nuzzled a little into his touch before continuing. His body responded to your affection with a slow roll of his hips, and a soft breathless moan of your name.
Encouraging him to keep moving, you pulled him a little closer. His breathing was growing rapid and the wary slides into your mouth were building into broken thrusts, desperate to keep feeling the inviting heat of your tongue.
Your jaw was getting sore but the face Dimitri made as he got closer and closer to release was too great of a reward to stop. Burning the image of your King panting and losing himself to pleasure into your mind, you couldn't help but feel a little pleased with yourself. 
"..!..Y/N..!!..I'm going to-..!"
Expecting you to let him go, Dimitri was helpless against your increasing speed. Bucking into your mouth while his fingers dug into your hair, he shut his eyes tight as the ache and throbbing of his cock was finally rewarded with the white pleasure of release.
Driving him in as deep as you could, you enjoyed watching him as the rush of warm cum spurted down your throat. Making a show of swallowing, you let his member slip from your lips.
But before you could make a comment that would net you a cute blush and a stammer from the golden haired man, you were pulled up carefully and wrapped into a tight hug.
After a split second moment of surprise, you returned the hug, one hand reaching up to stroke and play with Dimitri's tousled hair. Burying his face in the curve of your neck, Dimitri murmured a soft but bashful Thank you. You would have laughed if it wasn't so sweet. 
He was still so polite…thanking you for sucking him off...heh.
"Hmm, don't thank me yet. I'm not quite done with you!" You sing-songed.
Dimitri pulled back just enough so you were facing each other, you admired the color on his cheeks. He kissed your forehead softly, 
"May I..?"
Now it was your turn to be putty in his hands, it was hard not to be when he was asking with such decorum to undress you. Your face matched his as you turned around, giving him access to the lacings and buttons on your dress.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the back of your neck as he worked on freeing you from your clothes. 
You busied yourself with a mantra reminding you not to pounce on him, but that internal chant was disrupted by the sudden sound of fabric tearing, followed by something dropping on the floor, rolling to a stop in front of you. Looking down, you saw a button.
Silence filled the room and nobody moved a muscle as you stood, feeling a little colder than when you had first walked into the room.
"Did you rip my dress?"
He didn't respond immediately.
"...I..will acquire a new one for you…"
He knew you wouldn't chide him, but he still felt guilty. Expecting you to laugh it off, he was caught by surprise at the sudden barrage of peppered kisses on his face accompanied by you latching onto him through arms snaked around his neck.
He hugged your waist reflexively and though he was extremely happy to be at the receiving end of so much affection, he wanted to know what he had done to deserve it.
You cuddled into him, full of glee, having the dam holding you back from smothering him in as much love as you could muster, broken. 
"Dimi, you're so cute! Hnnng, why is my husband so cute??"
Dimitri was unsure of what to say but he was happy he was being complimented,
"Two seconds ago, while I was doing something sinful to you, you were absolutely gentle and careful with me but now that you try to be the same to my dress, you go and tear it!"
It was amusing, but also so endearing that you couldn't help the swell of blatant affection that had welled up in your chest. Dimitri was much too kind, handsome, adorable, strong, and intelligent all in one. You were often teased about how much your husband fawned over you, but you were very much the same.
He made you very happy and it's all you wanted for him as well.
Leaning forward, Dimitri captured your lips in a drawn out loving kiss before resting his forehead against yours.
"..Of course...I could never hurt you.."
That netted him a return kiss from you. 
Being even just a little rough during sex constituted as hurting you to him. He knew you weren't helpless, and you could very much handle yourself, but he couldn't help but treat you like you were fragile. He always believed you had to protect the things you love. 
Boy, he really took the priest's "to love and cherish till death do you part" seriously…
"My apologies for tearing your dress..I'll replace it, I promise."
And the sweet man was still concerned over something so trivial...You reaaaaaally loved your husband.
You pecked his lips before leaning forward to purr in his ear,
"It's okay. I like it when you tear my clothes off."
It was not but a split second after that you were carried off to your bed, the sound of fabric being torn off your body, music to your ears as an impish grin rested on your lips. With his immense strength, it was an easy task.
The chill from the sudden lack of coverage was ignored as you relished in your riled husband fumbling to take off his armor. When the plates of steel had hit the floor, Dimitri was quick to sink the bed with his weight and hover over you.
"W-would you like me to do the same..?"
Even when he was eager, he was polite.
As sure as you were that he was skilled with his tongue, you had no more patience left to spare.
Shaking your head, you pulled him down so you could let your lips meet, murmuring against them,
"No...I don't want to wait anymore...I just want you, Dimitri."
Making a sound that was strangled by the way he smothered your mouth with his, you felt the hardened tip of his cock align with your entrance, ready to slip into you.
"I-it's wet..." Dimitri noted against your lips.
For as much teasing as you had given him earlier, you were certainly getting your dues at how torturously slow he was sliding into you.
You knew you couldn't rush it but feeling every inch of Dimitri's length filling your core and being unable to have him just pound you into the mattress..it was unfair.
Feeling Dimitri's hips meet yours, you were relieved that you didn't have to wait much longer. The kisses that Dimitri was making to your neck were growing to be too much when coupled with the feverish groping of your chest.
Filled with him, your hips moved on their own and rolled up onto his cock, wanting for him to move. 
The slippery inviting heat of his wife's insides mixed with his wife's needy hips spurred Dimitri into slow drawn out thrusts. Thrusts much too leisurely for you.
Maybe it was the way you breathed it out next to his ear or the fact that he was always quite obedient in bed but Dimitri did as he was asked.
Building up to a strong steady pace of deep rams of his cock into you, Dimitri wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you close and in place as he slammed himself in and out of you.
Finally being given what you wanted, your legs wrapped around him as little cries of his name escaped your lips. It had been much too long since the last time you'd done this.
"I-..missed you..!"
You panted out, digging your fingers into his hair as your stomach burned from the pleasure.
Dimitri hugged you tighter against him, almost in comfort and agreeance. It was all he could do, he couldn't trust his mouth to form any words at the moment.
He had missed you so dearly, he did every time he had to leave you behind or when you left his side. He loved you more than anything else in the world and it pained him to think you might've felt lonely all on your own. 
He was always elated upon his return to find you smiling and welcoming him back, he found comfort in having a home to return to and being able to do the same for you whenever you travelled to neighboring territories to maintain peaceful relations.
Every time you parted, he felt a piece of him was missing. The nights he spent away from you, wondering what you were doing and whether you were faring well, were torturous. Quiet nights, missing you and your company would lead to the shameful pumps of his cock into his own hand, imagining it to be his wife's heat he was plunging into.
He missed you, this, everything.
Maybe it was unbecoming of him, the King of Fhaergus, to love sex with his wife so much but the mutual wanton need to be together and be one was much too enticing to him. Being as close as he could be to the person he vowed to share his life with..it was precious to him, and he was sure you were the same.
"I..!.love you, Y/N-"
Garbled words in between frenzied thrusts somehow still clutched at your heart. You're not sure why, maybe it was just hitting you how much you truly missed him but your eyesight blurred with sudden tears.
Maybe it was just Dimitri. So full of love and so willing to offer it to you despite him sometimes wondering whether he deserved yours. You just wanted to seal away all those worries.
"Dimitri-..!..Dimitri..!!..I love you-..!.I love you, I love-"
Your cries of his name and declarations of love were muffled by desperate lips melding with yours, tongues slipping against each other as the bed creaked with each jut of his hips. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin and the wet squelch of you clenching around him burned into your ears.
Hips bucking up wildly, the building white heat that pooled in your stomach finally spilled over the edge as you shook and trembled against him, vision blurring momentarily. All at the same time as your husband's erratic thrusts grew jerky before you felt the hot spill of his seed inside you.
Panting and settling against each other, you ran shaky fingers through Dimitri's hair, smoothing away any strands plastered to his forehead.
Ignoring the wet feeling of cum slipping down the curve of your ass.
You sighed contently as your breathing evened out, a feeling of serenity taking its place. Your husband peacefully rested against your chest, eyelids fluttered shut as he let you caress his face and play with his hair.
The two of you stayed quiet for a long time, just basking in the afterglow of your affection. Dimitri silently relished in his wife's gentle tender hand, enjoying the coolness of your wedding ring when it touched his skin.
He listened to the calming beating of your heart, the same heart that was so open and devoted to him. The same heart that loved him back with as much fervor as his own. The heart that his beloved wife promised belonged to him, just as he had promised his to her.
He moved slightly, indicating he was listening. 
"..Welcome back."
Shifting, he faced you, joining your mouths in a soft sweet kiss.
"I'm home."
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theeeveetamer · 4 years ago
Also in line with the mean crazy fans in chef dedue au: how do they react when they piece together that Sylvix is happening? Idk if you’ve answered that but I feel like it would really get to sylvain people saying shit about their relationship not necessarily things about him but thinks about how Felix could do better (cuz he already thinks that I’m all for sylvain having some self loathing angst). Felix is not having it and threatens to quit if the fans don’t back off
Oh pure chaos.
Since it’s been awhile I’ll do a rundown of the basics: in Chef Dedue AU Felix is Dedue’s co-host for his show Not!Kitchen Nightmares, mostly as a business consultant though he is of course also knowledgeable about food (he brings a little sass and a lot of drama to the show, which is exactly why he was hired on).
Sylvain went to art school or film school or something and long story short he works with the camera crew on the show as a cinematographer.
And for the record they were already together before they started doing the show. They’ve been together for a long while.
Of course Felix being Felix, he’s is mostly off of social media and never posts anything about his life, and Sylvain more or less respects that by not including him in pictures or tagging him in anything. When the show started getting really big they mutually decided that it would probably be best to keep their relationship out of the public eye, since Felix begins accumulating a bit of a rabid fan base.
There’s two kinds of Felix fans, the “HE’S MINE!” fans and the “WHO IS HE FUCKING!” fans.
The latter type have been combing through episodes of Not!Kitchen Nightmares for years trying to figure it out. Because like obviously he’s not banging Dedue, since Dedue is happily married to Dimitri (though there is a subset of fans determined to prove that either this is a throuple situation or Dedue is having an affair... but they are a small group).
Occasionally there’s footage of Sylvain coming in and calming Felix down after a particularly heated bit of drama, though it’s not lingered on in the final cuts of the show and everything between them shown on camera is strictly non-romantic. Prevailing theory is that Felix is probably banging the red headed camera guy they occasionally see, but no one can prove it. And yes there’s fanfic. And no, for awhile no one knew Sylvain’s name so they’d just make up names for their fanfic. And yes, Sylvain did occasionally used to look these fanfics up and do dramatic readings to annoy Felix, making all kinds of jokes like “gee who’s this Mark fella you’re sleeping with? You’re not cheating on me right?~”
The self-shippers are content to shriek about how cute Felix is and how much they wanna bang him... for a time.
Anyways they go a loooooooong time before anyone figures out that they’re married (or well basically married? They might not officially get hitched because someone could probably dig up their marriage license). Like several years. Felix even hides a whole ass pregnancy from the public eye.
When it finally happens (that’s a whole other story, I believe involving some leaked footage of their son on set) the chaos happens. The shipper fans are screaming about how they were right! Felix/Camera Dude is canon! And the self shippers are devastated to have their fantasy crushed.
As for Sylvain... I think Sylvain is more relieved than anything? I mean the crazy fans are a lot but Felix has always had crazy fans. I think he’d feel more insecure constantly hiding their relationship than he would about anything mean anyone says about him. He’s kind of used to that by this point in his life, anyways. So finally having it all out in the open would make him pretty happy. I mean they can seriously go out in public together again! Felix can take his last name (if he wants) now! Sylvain can post dumb candid shots of Felix sleeping to Insta!!!
Felix on the other hand would go scorched earth. Dimitri and Dedue have to physically restrain him from responding to mean comments or yelling at fans that give Sylvain shit. I think Sylvain would have acquired a creepy stalker or two and Felix would have absolutely no qualms about sitting those fans down and being like “I am not going to fuck you. I don’t know you. Leave my family alone.” (Except you know he’s like 10x meaner about it).
He’d probably also lose quite a few fans that were mad at him for “lying” or “being a tease” but that doesn’t really bother either of them. Felix is like “well guess they can piss off then.”
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sarenhale · 4 years ago
Out of curiosity, do you have any ships for the Silver Snakes? If you do, could you name them and elaborate on why you like them? I love your art style btw it just looks so smooth to me!
I do, IN FACT!!!! I wonder if you mean couples within the silver snakes only (oc x oc) or with fe3h canon characters as well? Well, I’ll write about both and the ideas I have here... brace yourself, It’s gonna be a long ask cause you unleashed my love for couples....
Nicolai and Leon is one of my faves, basically brother in arms that become closer as time passes. Nicolai can’t socialize and deal with people for shit so having someone like Leon that has a very sunny and patient personality around is very comforting. Plus Leon has a lot of energy and will to live, and with time manages to... uh... maybe influence Nicolai with it a little? Or, at least, grab his skinny ass when he’s about to sacrifice himself in battle AGAIN and save him. Nicolai has an ardent desire to die and Leon is just not gonna let him, you know? When war starts Leon promises him he’ll bring him to his village in Dagda to meet his family.... and then when war is over they move there and fuck off forever, living in peace for the rest of their days. Nicolai finally has the opportunity to be who he wants and not have to pass down his crest or being haunted by his family legacy anymore.
Nicolai and Kristjan, they’re both very quiet and not exactly socially adapt, but that’s kind of what they enjoy from eachother, the possibility to just enjoy eachother’s presence without pressure or having to talk/break the silence. Incredibly enough, I think that when confronted with another shy person, Nicolai would be the one to step up and be more protective and supportive. I think that this relationship would bring out the protective / chivalrous side in him..... yeah....... I don’t know I just imagine how quiet, peaceful and swee those times would be 
Nicolai and Bernadetta, reject humanity, return to being social recluse... I feel like they have similar personalities and kinda vibe together well, after of course the trials and tribulations of Bernie trying to escape everytime she sees him because she thinks Nicolai is the spectre of death that was sent to kill her or something. But that just adds to the fun part of it and ridicolousness of the couple edhjfcghjdgfh. Plus Nicolai likes reading edgy poetry and novels so he would be really supportive of Bernie’s books. 
Nicolai and Sylvain... hee hoo you know me, I do enjoy a sprinkle of Sylvain content here and there... basically Sylvain is the only one from Blue Lions that doesn’t hate him after they discovered the Haandrastsz family had a part into killing Dimitri’s father. The Haandrastsz family terriroties were also near the Gautier's, so they knew eachother when they were little. (I cannot escape the childhood friends trope I am sorry) After the war, before rejoining with the other Silver Snakes, Nicolai retires to Sreng (where him and his uncle were exiled to by the Kingdom) and stays there, commanding a small army and gaining the trust/leadership of the local warlords. One time he leads an attack on Gautier territory and Sylvain is like ‘Oh hey Nico- HEY WHAT THE FUCK’  And I don’t know... I just think it’s kinda funny... Also Sylvain is the only one in Blue Lions from the original group of childhood friends that doesn’t really... judge people for who they are, you know (that’s why I love him), so it feels realistic that he wouldn’t think less of Nicolai for what his family did. Knowing the guy, he would probably try to find a peaceful solution to the situation, and even if Nicolai usually doesn’t give a shit about people, he would be like “Yeah okay I GUESS I can try talking to Sylvain instead of just brutally murdering him”. So yeah, the sheer contrast between personalities, and the similar trauma from crests/ families... I just think it makes for a cool combo.
Cassandra and Esther, another one of my fave couples, Esther grew up in poverty in the Empire’s capital and hating nobles for the huge power imbalance in Fòdlan, so seeing Cassandra’s objective to completion is one of the most important things in her life. Despite the big differences in their upbringing, they discovered that they shared a lot of things in common, and felt very comfortable and safe in the company of the other. Cassandra always felt like an outcast even between her family, so she finds Esther’s point of view on life very important and close to her heart. Cassandra loves how much of a free spirit she is, and wants to eventually be free and feel like she’s allowed to be herself, two things she can really experience when she’s with her. Esther’s story is part of why Cassandra feels like she needs to succeed and bring a change to Fòdlan, and made a promise to her that if she ever loses sight of her original dream and becomes yet another swayed ruler, Esther has to kill her  👀  Also, that good old “ruler and their right hand” kind of ship... you know? 
Cassandra and Mithra, another good ruler and their right hand ship... Mithra has trust in Cassandra as a leader and person, and is willing to do anything to help her achieve her dream! I think Mithra is a very silent person that doesn’t share her feelings and emotion easily because she’s always on high guard, expecting an attack from every direction, and focused on her duty almost too much to allow herself to be human and not only a soldier. That why it’s really cute when i think about how she would open up and eventually fall in love... YEAH
Cassandra and Sayid, this is a bit of a ‘what if’ kind of ship because Cassandra is gay, so I see this couple as more of a “platonic soulmates” kind of situation. Sayid and Cassandra’s relationship is one of my favourites because it starts from childhood friends, then changes to rivals, to frenemies, and then grows to trusted friends who will never be able to leave eachother. Cassandra was promised to marry one of Sayid’s older brothers when she was little, so he often jokes about how Sayid lost to his brothers even to that. (”Yes, but I was the one that had the honor to be right next to you” he would probably reply) They are eachother’s most trusted person, and Sayid grows from wanting Cassandra’s spot as leader and thinking she is inadequate to the role to being her most trusted advisor, that wholeheartedly supports her. It’s mostly the growth of the relationship that does it for me.
Mithra and Dedue...OKAY No joke I made Mithra Duscurian also because so Dedue could have a friend from the same country... so they can share Duscur stories and culture. Mithra left Duscur when she was little so she feels like she’s missing a part of her culture, and I just feel like her supports and relationship with him would be an amazing opportunity to both expand more on Duscurian culture and allow both to enjoy their home country and bond over it! And then maybe at the end of the war they can move back to what’s left of Duscur and start to rebuild together. 
Mithra and Felix, this is a bit of weird one, especially because of Felix’s shitty views on Duscur, but I’m mostly looking at the promise for a good character development and how cool an idea of a ‘warrior couple’ is. They start off as sparring partner, Mithra shares Felix’s dedication for battle and training, so they often find eachother at the training grounds until they start to train together. They develop a kind of friendly rivalry over wanting to beat the other, and being the two strongest students at the monastery. Felix gets his ass handed to him a couple of times, and his mental process is ‘holy shit how > fuck you > groagrhaprfgakdfgh > okay but she’s strong, I can learn from her if i continue to fight her’ to eventually respecting her skill and position. Mithra recognizes his strenght and unparalleled ability on the battlefield, but comments on his lack of teamwork and how fighting alone and not following orders is going to get him killed someday. (Being that she’s lived her life in the military, diligence is a very important value- and a way of life to her) Their rivalry/competition translates to keeping the other safe in battle (”you’re not allowed to die before I beat you” kind of deal) and eventually... uh... wow... emotions???
Sayid and Ferdinand, dhsgchdgsh To be honest this is boys being fancy and bisexual... They do share some values and morals, Ferdinand’s view on nobility are akin to Sayid’s, even though Sayid is a bit more like ‘earning what you and your family have’ rather than simply inheriting a role. I do like that they mirror eachother by being a leader’s right hand man, and growing their rivalry into a frienship with them, so I feel like they’d have that in common, and some interesting conversations could spark from that! Plus yeah have I mentioned fancy bisexual boys...
Leon and Hilda, okay this one too is like... nothing too deep stort wise, I just feel that they’d be such a cute good couple?? Mostly because of how they both have sunny personalities and how Leon would indulge Hilda and protect her... and they also give me some big domestic vibes?
Esther and Annette is just... listen... I don’t know exactly why I can see the two of them so well together, I just think their personalities would align really well and would lead up to some really cute support conversations and eventually relationship...
Kristjan and Linhardt is an interesting couple because while I think they have similar interests on magic/ crest studies, they have very opposite personalities. I like that Lin is very blunt and unapologetic about his interests and peculiar way of life, while Kristjan feels like even his presence is a bother and something he needs to apologize about. I think they could bond over their shared interests (you know Lin wouldn’t resist to analyze the peculiar crest situation Kristjan has going on) but also count as interesting opposites to eachother. Lin would definitely be a positive influence over how insecure Kristjan is, and have a role in him accepting himself. Also.... cute nerdy boyfriends who love to read and study together??? Yeah...
Kristjan and Lysithea another cute couple, but this time based on how interesting it would be to see them interact and talk about their similar stories with crest experiments. I feel like they would both benefit from being able to talk honestly about the trauma and experience of it all. And I also like that two individuals that feel like their life is not in their hands anymore- CAN grow and create their own life together.
Kristjan and Olympia is... one of the first couples I thought about back when I created the silver snakes! I really like how they’re polar opposites (again) and how well they mesh together. One of the consequences of the experiments done on Kristjan is that he can channel the power of his crest stone to enhance his abilities, and eventually, also to get really physically strong for a short moment of time. I imagined that it would be really cool and unexpected if the one person that managed to beat Olympia in a duel is in fact not even someone who’s an expert with physical combat! Olympia  is a very romantic and affectionate person, and I just really like the idea of Kristjan being showered with the love he deserves. (Plus I love the ship dynamic of mage/studious male character with strong/warrior female character a lot AHAH)
Olympia and Lorenz are... there to be fancy, cute and gorgeous together?? Despite some parts of his ideologies (that luckily he works and grows on), Lorenz’s ‘romantic’ idea of chivalry is very fascinating at the eyes of Olympia, and he kind of represents the idea of the ‘knight in shining (purple with roses) armor’ that she always looked for! They also both love fashion, art, drinking tea and little things like that... and I, AGAIN, love the idea of a couple where the woman is the strongest in the relationship dhgchjdsgcdsh There’s something really cute and powerful about her living her romantic fantasy with someone.
Olympia and Dorothea... JUST GALS BEING PALS... or not. They’re bisexuals together. I think they’d start to bond over Olympia’s idea of romance and research for someone that could beat her in a duel/ win her heart, and eventually really come close due to their experiences in dating/ finding out what they really want from love and relationship. And then they find that together!!!
I think you could sum up the types of couples I like with ‘similar personalities’ and ‘complete opposites’ AHAHAH It’s something that intrigues me with people in real life too! I discovered I tend to feel as fascinated by people that are similar to me, as much as people who are really different from me. This was a LOOONG response, but I loved to think about these couples and write down their dynamics! I hope you’re ready for a very detailed and long response! Thanks again for the compliments on my art and for asking about my babies <3
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omgkalyppso · 4 years ago
Number 4 for the romance lyric prompt for any variation of the ot4!
4. ‘Cause girls like you run 'round with guys like me 'til sun down.
The lyric is from Girls Like You by Maroon 5 (idk how obvious this is without me saying it), and was added to the playlist specifically for Claude x Hilda though a lot of the lyrics have to be taken at face value because it could be interpret extremely negatively, though not that line, and not my intent. I'll try writing a few words of the stage-production au.
I didn't read over this when I finished.
Here's the first post of the stage-production au: [HERE]
Most of the cast were gone for the day, though the actors who had agreed to go out afterwards had lounged in the audience. Dimitri and Edelgard stood on opposite step ladders, as crewmen held them in place, going over the lines of their final battle with a choreographer and the director.
Dimitri would be atop a large dragon puppet someday, and Edelgard would be in her Hegemon construction, but for now, they were in t-shirts and jeans and trying their best to imagine what the final product might look like.
Hubert and Dedue stood by their sides, and had stopped crouching after the fourth recitation of their lines. By now had been brought chairs to sit upon, from which they each spoke their one line, to be shouted in production, as they supported the song shared by The Rightful King and The Flame Emperor in their epic moment.
From the orchestral pit, the production's vocal coach, Yuri, played an upright piano to guide their tune and tempo.
Hilda sat between Claude and Ferdinand in the audience. Each man whispering along with the song with a bounce of his head while she sunk into her seat, amused, and embarrassed by the prospect of joining them.
It was the most genial cast Hilda had ever worked with, and when Ferdinand, Edelgard, Manuela, Seteth and Lorenz had spoken of not drinking for seven weeks before a show, the bulk of the cast had agreed to go sober for the duration; though when they'd spoken of different dietary restrictions in the week leading up to production, there'd been very little consensus. Regardless, tonight would be the last hurrah for those who drank, as Hilda didn't anyway, and they were waiting to take their friends out for the night.
It was still relatively early as far as nights went, barely seven o'clock, but that was still late enough that people were missing dinner. Hilda could hear the crinkling of a paper bag from behind her, where Mercedes and Dorothea snacked on sweet and sour chicken balls.
After three more runs of the scene, Sweetpea, their stoic mint-haired director, declared, "I think that's it." They did their best to turn to address the rest of their team, in the wings and in the audience. "I'll see most of you in four days when we join Yuri for a, hopefully less chaotic, rendition of The Storm of Myrddin. Great work."
Hilda whistled loudly in support of her castmates, while her friends applauded and hollered. Dimitri bowed to their audience, and Hubert bowed to Edelgard who rolled her eyes and laughed as she exaggerated with one hand thrown skyward as she and Dimitri made their way down their respective stepladders.
"Thank you, Yuri," called Edelgard.
"Yes, thank you, Yuri," Dimitri agreed.
"We'll practice those low notes next time," Yuri answered, before waving up out of the pit to soften his implied criticisms. "You're welcome! We're getting there. There's a lot of range to cover."
Dimitri was still insecure by the time he joined his castmates in the aisles as they marched to the exit, "Did it sound that bad?"
"No," Claude snickered.
"It's Yuri's job to strive for perfection," Dedue observed.
Hilda held her hand in front of her lips for a moment, considering her contribution. Once they were outside, she jut her elbow into Dimitri's stomach so he grunted in surprise, stumbling back into Felix.
"Hey, watch it!"
Hilda shrugged. "Just remember that sensation?"
"Don't be mean," Sylvain exaggerated with a whine, giving Dimitri his sweater he'd been holding onto.
"No, I—" Dimitri tried to mimic the same position his mouth had been in, tongue drooping forward in his mouth as he sought the pitch of his exclamation.
"You broke him," Hubert declared, his brow furrowed, at the same time that Claude, Edelgard and Dedue were following Dimitri's example and carrying a deep monotonous tone.
Edelgard even turned it into a line that Yuri had probably been concerned with, that she would sing below The Rightful King's pleas, "So that none will suffer I must forfend—"
Dorothea answered her with The Rightful King's following line, "Living and dead, I will not forget those whom I defend."
"We're not doing that," Felix said, flat.
"Right," Annette agreed, which seemed to surprise him. "Resting voices."
"Resting voices," several people echoed.
They followed Dedue to a Duscur place for dinner, and wolfed down their wraps as they waited in line at a club that might be large enough to accommodate their large group.
"You didn't bring your date?" Lorenz asked Felix.
"We're not dating," Felix said, as if on instinct. He thought a moment. "Wasn't this just for cast?"
Lorenz shared a frown with Hilda before he assured Felix, "I doubt anyone would have complained even if you'd brought someone unrelated to the production. We'd have been happy to—"
"Don't listen to him," Claude said, turning from Leonie so he could wrap an arm around Lorenz. "Or I mean, do, because you could have brought anyone you'd wanted, but also don't because Lorenz just chickened out of asking the other make up artist to join us and hoped they'd have tagged along with Mia."
Felix snorted.
"That's not what happened," Lorenz objected.
"Oh, sweetie," Hilda contributed with a pout. "That's exactly what happened."
"We just got to talking, and I got distracted," Lorenz contributed.
"You forgot?" Felix asked, aghast. Hilda brought her hands to her lips, failing to hide her amusement.
"It didn't come up," Lorenz countered.
"That's not better," Claude said, shaking his head. Lorenz shrugged him off and flicked his chest with all four fingers.
"Fat lot of good friends like you are."
The second floor of the club was open to the elements, archways acting as windows to the brisk wind of evening, and the bright shine of sunset. The breeze and drinks were welcome, Mercedes, Dorothea and Hilda taking turns sitting with their pitchers, yellow with alcohol and pink without, to protect them just in case.
Hilda found herself distracted throughout the night, watching Claude as he dipped Lorenz, and nearly dropped Dimitri, and joined Dorothea in a samba that she and Annette were soundly better at.
They danced together only twice, the first time early in the evening before the dancers and the night had hit their stride, when there was more laughter and embarrassment in their fun than indulgence. The second time had been later in the evening, when he was flush and tipsy, to a ballad that had them swaying slowly with his hand politely between her shoulders. She'd thought about stepping closer into his space, resting her head on his chest, facing the brunt of his sweat and his cologne, but hesitated — partially because of their working relationship, but mostly because Sylvain and Mercedes had whistled about the way Hubert had held the small of Edelgard's back and she'd stretched back in a smooth, flowing dip.
It was maybe an hour later that Claude found Hilda seated at a table by a south-facing archway, the dim red of the western horizon a memory of the now fallen sun, the deep blue to the east twinkling with a few visible stars over a small lake and parkland.
"You having a good time?" Claude seemed more sober now than earlier, unlike some of their friends, and Hilda smiled softly, glad of his attention.
She nodded and ran her fingers under her eyes. "Just tired. Worked early before practice, and will again tomorrow."
"I'm glad you made it," Claude said sweetly, and Hilda rolled her eyes as she sucked on a straw from a cup that was mostly ice.
"No one would have missed me," she contributed, her gaze darting to where most of their colleagues were gathered, some of their friendships spanning years and others only as long as auditions, but generally they seemed to feel closer to each other than she really felt to them. So far, anyway.
She felt slower at forming these deep friendships that others seemed instinctually born with. She wondered if she'd know any of these people long enough for that to matter.
"I just said I would've," Claude insisted, crossing his arms as he leaned into the table. His hair was wilting around his face, framing thick eyebrows and dark lashes that half-hid his green eyes. He needed to curl them, Hilda thought idly.
She blushed and pushed at the ice in her glass with her straw. "You just owed me a few drinks for improvising with you in your audition."
Claude chuckled and hid his smile in his elbow for a moment. "That was kind of you," he allowed. He looked at her directly, and promised, "But it's not just that."
"No?" she peeped, half teasing, waiting on the joke or the reveal.
"No," he said at a whisper. "Would you want to come over to my place on one of our free nights? I could make you dinner? We could just run lines, or...?"
Claude blushed and they both snickered softly. He shifted back and forth against the table, forcing himself to sit up, running a hand over his chin, clean shaven for his part in their production.
"Or whatever you like."
His smile widened as she considered it, and she wondered if it was because he wasn't facing instinctual rejection or because he could tell that she was interested. When she nodded, his shoulders fell, as if suddenly relaxed. A lot of people had rules about not dating people they worked with, the risk of rejection and the pain of a breakup always had a chance of hurting a production, but she could see the value of taking a few moments of flattery too far. Even if Claude tucked his heart away from something more, even if they only ran lines, she was looking forward to it.
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nanigma · 5 years ago
Blue Lions Translation Chapter 3
Okay, these things take a long time for me to put out, because I mostly get my translation vibe on in the evening. And I work most evenings these days.
If you really enjoy my work and can afford to throw some spare change my way, here is a link to my ko-fi account.
My comments in italics
Starting out with the Exploration Dialogue, cause the mission briefing scene is the exact same for all houses.
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Dimitri: Even when there's no chance to win, there are situations where you simply have to draw your sword and fight.
Dimitri: However, this case seems far too excessive... Lord Lonato is not that much of a fool.
Dimitri: … If he had enough allies to make his rebellion a decisive one, it would be a different matter of course.
[Choose: Allies?] and [Choose: What do you mean?]
Dimitri: … Ah, no.... it was an idle thought. It's just, there's definitely something suspicious about this.
Dimitri: Even if we are only dealing with the aftermath, something unexpected can always happen. Please make sure to be thorough in your preparations, Professor.
English has Dimitri refer to some vague preparations already being in place in his first sentence, whereas the Japanese more clearly refers to them only being supposed to be there for the aftermath. 
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Dedue: His Highness is strong. However, no matter how skilled, if he takes to the front lines, anything may happen to him.
Dedue: … He is a great man that Faerghus absolutely cannot afford to lose.
Dedue: I wonder if the church understands this.
Two things to point out here about how Dedue refers to Dimitri here. First he uses あの方 (ano kata) for him, which is very polite and respectful way to talk about someone in the third person. 方 (person, in this case) is the more polite form of  人 (hito), which can also mean person, but usually in a more human/man/woman kind of way.  Now Dedue uses  方 twice in this sentence and that is to refer to Dimitri also as an お方 (okata), which again is a highly respectful term. Suggested translations are often gentlemen/lady, though the connotations obviously don’t fit in this case. Too bad the English translation didn’t incorporate this moment of fanboyism. :(
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Felix: … Catherine, huh? Her excellent technique, the sword she wields....
Felix: Hm... Apparently, she hides her past so thoroughly, it seems not even fragments of it are known.
Felix: I suggest you also make her your sparring partner. She is strong... likely stronger than even you.
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Ashe: …...
Ashe: Professor, there has to be some mistake. The thought that Lord Lonato would be raising an army is simply...
Ashe: … He didn’t say anything even to me.
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Sylvain: Professor, did you see Felix around? He's always had a habit of vanishing the second I take my eyes off him.
[Choose: I saw him at the training grounds] +Support with Sylvain
Sylvain: Well, just as I thought. Sorry, Professor. Thanks for helping me out!
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[Choose: I saw him at the dining hall]
Sylvain: Oh, is that so? Sorry, Professor. … At any rate, he must be eating there by himself, I am sure.
English is simple (which just has him go “Right, it’s meal time”), but I feel the Japanese line implies that he was planning on inviting Felix to eat with him and is disappointed to be told he already went ahead.
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Mercedes: I heard rumours regarding Lord Lonato. They say he is a very kind and gentle lord.
Mercedes: I really wonder why such a kind man would suddenly raise an army...?
Mercedes: Ah, by the way, Professor. Didn't you work late again yesterday? Pushing yourself isn't good for you.
Mercedes: People who stay up late will have a ghost rise up from the bottom of their well and... Just kidding.
I am sure everyone is familiar with Japanese ghosts and their association with wells. Most famous of the older stories is probably Okiku.
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Annette: This time we have to help out the knights, correct? Could that mean...
Annette: … Ah, no, I am sorry! It's just, someone I am looking for might be among the knights.
[Choose: Is he a knight?]
Annette: Yes. If he is here, most likely... it's just a possibility, he might also be among the monks.
Now I am imagining Gilbert with a tonsure.
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[Choose: It would be nice if you could meet him] +Support with Annette
Annette: Thank you so much, Professor! I'll definitely catch him someday...!
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Ingrid: I simply cannot understand why His Highness would allow someone from Duscur at his side.
Ingrid: 4 years ago, they committed treason by killing the king and slaughtered all of the innocent soldiers and knights accompanying him.    
Ingrid: Even if His Highness forgives them, I cannot do so... ever.
Ingrid interestingly uses the term 弑逆し (shiigyakushi) here, which refers to killing your own lord or father. This would imply Duscur was already some kind of vassal state to Faerghus, but from what we know Duscur was independant before the Tragedy. (I checked the books in the library on this in Japanese) Feels like a weird inconsistency.
Scene: Into the Fog
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Dimitri: Being able to accompany “Thunder Catherine”, famed for her bravery... haha, it is quite an honour.
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[Choose: Thunder?] and [Choose: Thunderbird?]
Okay, this is a bit of a word joke that the English decided to skip out on entirely rather than come up with an alternative. So Catherine's relic is simply named “Thunder” (雷霆 raitei) in Japanese, netting her the nickname “Thunder Catherine”. The first response would simply be Byleth wanting to clarify this. The second response implies they also didn't even listen too closely to Dimitri and heard something different: Thunderbird ( 雷鳥  raichou)... or better known to us as the real life bird species “ptarmigan”, whose Japanese name uses the kanji for thunder and bird. Sadly, this slip up doesn't change any dialogue and the localization didn’t have a joke here..
Catherine: Hm, you don't know? This is “Thunder”... It is one of the Heroes' Relics.
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Catherine: A very long time ago, the goddess granted her power to ten heroes... It took the form of these Relics that were passed down to their descendants.
Catherine: Although tempting, there won't be a chance to swing Thunder this time. After all, our duty is to deal with the aftermath.
Sidenote, but Catherine uses the pronoun “atashi” for herself, which is typically considered extremely girly or even childish. It is also written in katakana, which makes it stand out more and implies a “rougher” pronounciation.
[If Ashe is alive]
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Ashe: … Why would Lord Lonato start such a reckless uprising?
Catherine: Shouldn't you be the one with more details on this, Ashe?
Ashe: I don't understand. He didn't tell me anything about this...
Dimitri: … I am sure Lord Lonato didn't want you to get involved in his revenge.
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[Choose: How are Ashe and Lord Lonato related?]
Ashe: Lord Lonato adopted me and raised me like he would a true son.
Another interesting side note: Japan didn't do what we consider adoption for a big part of it's history. Rather, it was mostly common to do for those without a male heir. One way had them finding a suitable husband for their daughter (usually one without an inheritance of his own), then adopted their new son-in-law into the family, so their name could be passed on. The other way involved adopting a distant relative.
What this means is that Japanese media often handles adoption plots a bit weird from what we know. So Ashe is super formal when talking about and to his ostensible father figure, as well as his role as a commoner being far more emphasized than his adoption by nobility. Japan really isn't as gung ho about “Blood doesn't matter” when it comes to family as the western world is. The relationship between adoptive kids and parents often feels more like a benefactor with his beneficiary.
Ashe: He was also a kind, great man. And yet still... This must have something do with my adoptive brother...
In relation to the above, the term Ashe uses to refer to Christophe here is more commonly seen when adressing one's brother-in-law.
[Choose: Revenge?] or [Continuing]
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Catherine: Hey, Byleth. Do you know about the Tragedy of Duscur?
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[Choose: I've heard about it] and [Choose: I have no idea]
Catherine: Well, it's the name of an incident from 4 years ago, where the King of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus was killed by the people of Duscur, but...
Dimitri: ...I do not mind. Catherine, please continue.
Catherine: Lord Lonato's son, Christoph, was executed by the church on charges of being involved in the incident.
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[Choose: The church executes criminals..?]  
Catherine: From the church's perspective,  in place of the still chaotic kingdom, we passed judgement that did not exceed the doctrine.
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[Choose: Why was the king targeted?]
Dimitri: …......
Catherine: It was known that King Lambert planned to implement large scale reforms and he had a lot of political enemies.
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Catherine: … Whatever the truth, since then, Lord Lonato has held a grudge against the church.
Catherine: No... it would be more accurate to say that he has a grudge against the church and the one who handed him over to the church...
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Church Soldier: Report! The enemy is drawing closer! There is no way to avoid them!
Church Soldier: The enemy forces were much greater than expected and because of the mist, they managed to slip through the knights' siege on them!
Catherine: Oh... Byleth, our mission has changed. Everyone, prepare for battle!
During Battle
Skipping most of Catherine's dialogue
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Dimitri: There's shouting coming from within the fog... it appears the knights have already started the battle.
[Reacting to killing militia]
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Ashe: Even the townspeople were sent to battle...!? Lord Lonato... why would you...!
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Dimitri: Ugh... I am sorry... This is not something that can be forgiven... !
In English Dimitri seems to target this last bit at the civilians, but to me this here sounds more like he is directing it at Lonato for sending them into battle.
Ashe vs. Lonato
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Lonato: Ashe... stand aside. I have to defeat the wicked ones! Without fail!  
Ashe: Lord Lonato... please stop this now! Why would you do something so reckless?
Lonato: Rhea is an infidel that deceives the people and blasphemes against the goddess. With a cause this great, we surely possess the divine protection of the goddess.
Ashe: Even if you say that, all of this is wrong. How could you mobilize even the townsfolk!
Lonato: … In that case, turn your blade against me without hesitation! I cannot turn back at this point!
Dimitri vs. Lonato
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Lonato: I deeply apologize, Your Highness... To think I would come to cross swords with you...
Dimitri: … Lord Lonato. I sympathize with your resentment to an extent.
Dimitri is being extremely formal here, using the pronoun “貴公" (kikou) to address Lonato. It's a very archaic term (aka. Samurai old), normally used by men to refer to other men that are equal or below them in rank. He is already pretty formal usually, but this shows he turns it up a notch when dealing with kingdom affairs.
Dimitri: I have no wish to take you down, but... I apologize.
Lonato: Your Highness... For my son, for the sake of the people, I simply cannot stop here.
Lonato: If it is your wish to stand in my way, then I can only force you aside...
Scene: A Harsh Reality 
[If Ashe is alive]
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Ashe: ... Why did something like this happen. Even though Lord Lonato used to be such a kind man.
Ashe: The townsfolk were all such good people too... And yet, these people... I killed them.
Ashe: There was nothing... There was nothing else we could do. I know that, but I... !
Dimitri: ... Please, don't push yourself, Ashe.
Ashe: ... I apologize for making you worry.
Ashe: ... I will take a moment to assess the situation in town. I just hope my younger siblings are okay...
[He leaves]
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Dimitri: … For me this was also the first time I fought against citizens. I did it, even though protecting them is my duty.
[If Ashe is dead]
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Dimitri: There were militiamen among the enemies. … For me this was the first time I fought against citizens.
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[Choose: It was an unavoidable sacrifice] and [Choose: That's just reality]
Dimitri: … These people were neither knights nor soldiers! They were not just people to be... killed.
Dimitri: No... I am sorry. It is not right to blame you.
Dimitri: Indeed, if we had not killed them, many more citizens may have lost their lives in the future.
Dimitri: I can understand this logically. But still... Hey, Professor.
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Dimitri: In any era, the people in power always fight and howl at each other for the sake of some greater cause or to avenge the lives that were trampled upon.
Dimitri: Still... can any loss of life be forgiven, so long as you hold up the two words saying “Greater Cause”?
In Japanese, it's 'the two characters' that make up the word 'taigi' (greater cause).
Dimitri: Lord Lonato did not raise his blade out of self-interest, but for the sake of the justice he dedicated himself to.
Dimitri: Maybe if we didn't cut them down like that, we might have found some other way together...
Dimitri: I ... have to think that. Though maybe you’ll just tell me I am downplaying it and laugh at me.
[Switch back to Catherine with some dialogue common to all routes]
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