#dedue x byleth
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chiyu-japanese · 1 year ago
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fe-fictions · 2 years ago
Any soft Dedue perhaps ? Like maybe just the morning after with Byleth ? I crave stories for him and other faves of mine ☺️😭
(How about Papa Dedue taking care of the baby while you're off to a meeting? :'D )
It was another late night of meetings, go figure. Dedue assured you that he could handle the little one, so you needn’t worry about returning to your quarters until everything was taken care of.
It was a landmark council meeting, after all. The union of the former Adrestian Empire and its subjects was coming to a head, and if this talk went well, then Fodlan would finally be united, once more.
Your one trouble with going to this meeting so late was your son. He was still so new to the world, only a few weeks old, and you worried that leaving him without your care would be difficult for Dedue to handle.
He was busy enough as the captain of the Knights of Sothis. What would happen if he came home exhausted and had to care for the baby, too? Of course your husband dismissed this passionately. It was his son, after all; he would take care of him as long as he needed to in order for you to get your work done.
So with a lingering kiss goodnight, and the promise of a swift return, you left your dear son in the hands of your beloved knight. 
He was more than happy to spend the time with his little one. The child was still so small, barely bigger than his father’s hand, and was asleep more often than not.
Dedue held his son while he read in bed, baby snoozing happily on his father’s broad chest.
It had been a peaceful night, as he thought. After all, he was an observant man. He knew full well how his child would act, he’d known him his whole life (three weeks).
Eventually though, Dedue felt the lull of sleep pulling at his own eyes, and knew it would still be a while yet before you returned to him.
“Come, son.” He carefully shifted out of bed, deftly moving to sit up and then from bed to the bassinet just a few feet away. “It’s time to go to sleep, for both of us.”
He rocked the baby a little while, humming a Duscurian lullaby softly. The rumble of his father’s voice soothed his son, guaranteeing a good night’s sleep for at least the first few hours.
Once the child was mumbling no more, Dedue swaddled him up in his blankets (knitted by the captain), and nestled him into his bed.
“Goodnight, little one. Papa will be here when you wake.”
Dedue beamed at the baby, his heart swelling with pride. How could one human being be so very perfect? It defied all logic and sense.
But his visage of perfection didn’t last long. Dedue barely took a step away from the crib when a sharp cry rang out. 
He was wide awake, all of a sudden.
Brow furrowed, Dedue returned to his boy, finding him struggling in his blankets and his face scrunched and pink with distress.
“My, my...what’s happened?” He wondered aloud, quick to scoop up the child and bring him back to his chest.
He rubbed his son’s back soothingly, humming the lullaby again, waiting for the crying to subside. Little hands were clinging to his nightshirt, which was precious and meant the baby wanted to be nowhere but in his father’s arms.
Who was Dedue to deny him?
“There, now, no need to cry. You were sleeping so soundly, before. You mustn’t wake up so suddenly. What if Mama was here and you woke her up? She needs her rest too, son. Especially after tonight.”
All he received in response were muffled sobs, slowly giving way to sweeter mumblings. Dedue continued his comforting ministrations until the sounds came to a stop once more.
Convinced that he was asleep, for certain this time, Dedue returned to the bassinet. He held the baby to his chest as long as he could until he was completely leaned over the bedding, then settled the boy back in once more, making sure he was still warm and snug in his blankets.
His hand lingered on the baby’s chest, feeling the steady breathing of a child fast asleep.
Mission accomplished.
He straightened back up, turned to go back to bed, and-
Dedue cringed when a louder cry erupted from the bassinet. Now he was just confused. He quickly returned to the child’s side and scooped him back up; what was he so upset about? Going from sleeping so soundly with his father one moment, to angrily crying the next.
“What’s gotten into you?” He asked with a far gentler tone than he’d have used with anyone else. The baby was quieted quickly once more, put back to sleep...but this time, Dedue watched him.
He set him back down in the cradle, and leaned over its side, watching and waiting for the baby to cry out.
Sure enough, the second Dedue’s hand was off him, that boy was crying.
He was starting to piece together the culprit.
“Little one…” He lifted the baby once more, hugging him to his chest. “Could it be that  you won’t sleep without me?”
Dedue warmed at the thought, though it did present a few issues. How was he to sleep if his child couldn’t without him?
He couldn’t very well fall asleep while holding the baby, and risk turning over or smothering him by accident.
You definitely wouldn’t let him live if such a thing happened.
But if his son wouldn’t sleep without him, then…
“Ah, perhaps this is what parental sacrifice is all about.” He smiled to himself, snuggling the baby close as he returned to bed. He sunk back into the pillows once more, drawing the blankets up to cover the baby properly, and warm himself back up.
“If it helps you sleep, darling...I will forgo rest for the night.”
Dedue kissed the top of his little head, relishing the child’s cuddling into him and seeking out that warmth only a parent could provide.
Sure enough, that baby boy was out like a light in no time. 
It was a sight you never thought you’d see, coming into the bedroom and finding the candle sputtering, almost out, but illuminating your husband, dozing off in bed with a baby cradled in his arms and fast asleep.
You wished you could encapsulate that moment forever. 
Dedue woke with a groggy noise when you gently lifted the baby from his arms. You resisted the urge to laugh; such a protective father.
“Go back to sleep, my love.” You whispered, kissing his cheek.
Dedue hummed, rubbing at his eyes. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep...it’s not safe for the baby.”
“You didn’t move a muscle, not to worry. He’s just fine.” You assured him, gently tucking the baby in to his bassinet once more. 
“I tried to put him to bed a few times,” Dedue yawned, “But he would cry if I wasn’t holding him.”
“It takes a few tries, sometimes. I think he just loves his Papa so much he doesn’t want to leave you.”
“Ha.” Dedue blushed, touched by the mere thought.
“It’s late, dear. We both need to get some rest. He’ll be up in a few hours, anyways.”
“I’ll take the first watch.” He welcomed you into bed after you changed, resting his head atop yours. It was far more comforting to sleep with the warmth of someone he held dear, in his arms.
“You’re a wonderful father, Dedue. He’s lucky to have you.”
“I’m lucky to have both of you.” He murmured into your hair. 
You fell  into blissful sleep together, everyone sound and quiet in the Archbishop’s quarters. When you did end up waking again, it was a whopping six hours later (the most you’d slept in weeks), when Dedue informed you the baby was in need of a proper feeding. 
Something that he was  unable to provide, unfortunately.
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rorah · 5 months ago
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Blaiddyd Family | Addams Family AU
Dimitri is a cursed man who can speak with ghost and is married to a demon.
Byleth is a demon summoned by Dimitri's uncle and Corny to get take Dimitri's soul to hell. She instead, marries him (and also glows in the dark 👁️-👁️)
Edelgard is Dimitri's stepsister who can't remember to be part of this family and dislikes to be there (yet, stays because she has access to "stuffs" to do "stuffs").
Rufus is Dimitri's uncle who very much hates his nephew and tries to get rid of him passively (ie, poisons and traps). Dimitri still loves his fam members very much.
Cornelia is a witch and Rufus partner (Only interest because she wants something the Blayddids have). She very much tries to get rid of everyone of this family.
Dedue is Dimitri's Best and most loyal friend but decided to serve him. He doesn't talk much.
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fiction-box · 1 year ago
Blood From A Stone
Blue Lions Boys X Fem!Reader
Hello, my lovelies! I wrote this in an attempt to psyche myself up for these next few days as I will be traveling for a job interview. I hope you all have been staying warm these past few weeks (the temperature has been consistently negative where I am now). I will attempt to start working on my inbox once I return. This work was not originally going to go this far in-depth, but this is where the story wanted to go. Nonetheless, please enjoy!
Requests are open. The story will continue under the cut.
After what might have been a ten minute walk, Professor Byleth halted her Blue Lions in the middle of the woods surrounding the monastery. You felt the warmth of the late spring sun shining through the trees; an experience made more pleasant by the soft breeze rifling through your hair.
You and Ingrid had been speculating what exercise you might be coming outside to do, taking an opportunity to make conversation during the walk. Each Friday, the professor enforced some group activity - shopping relays in town, competitive hunting, blindfolded sparring matches - to let everyone better learn the strengths of their classmates.
Sure enough, you watched the former mercenary pull the infamous blindfolds out of the satchel sitting on her waist. A hefty exhale resounded next to you.
“Aw, come on! Not this again…” Annette whined.
No one could blame her; Dedue had hit her uncharacteristically hard in the confusion of his blindness during their match. She might even still be sore from last weekend.
“Now, now - repeating the same exercise two weeks in a row wouldn’t be much help to us. This is meant to build our sense of camaraderie, not our dread for the end of the week,” Byleth corrected. “Line up, please.”
You did so, shuffling into a spot between Annette and Ingrid as your teacher scrutinized the class.
Dimitri caught a green bandana in the same second Dedue was handed a brown one. Green for Ashe and Mercedes, brown for you and Annette.
“Teams,” Dedue noted.
“Please tie them around your foreheads. I’ll explain in a moment.”
A brown scrap of fabric landed in Felix’s palm, the bluenette bringing it to his forehead before Ingrid and Sylvain received their green cloths. Silently cheering, you watched Professor Byleth fix the final brown textile to her own head.
“Today’s activity focuses on both stealth and strategy. Everyone received a color responding to their team. Your objective is to steal all of your opponents’ headbands - the first team to lose all of which will lose.”
Immediately, Sylvain reached over Ashe’s head to pull Felix’s bandana off his head, dangling it in the air.
“One down, everyone!”
“You know damn well we haven’t started yet!” the swordsman snapped.
Dimitri grinned, “I must say Felix, I never saw you as someone to be so easily caught off your guard.”
Ingrid hardly held back a snicker, Ashe’s body practically trembling with a similar sentiment as he reflexively moved out of the way of the two nobles.
Felix clenched his hands into fists, “I’ll tear that cloth into tatters while it’s still wrapped around your insolent-”
“That’s quite enough.”
Professor Byleth eyed Sylvain, prompting him to quickly return Felix’s band. Not without receiving a moderate punch to the arm in retaliation, of course.
“The forest will be split down the middle in regards to starting positions. Those with green bands will begin on the east while brown will start on the west. Each team will be given one minute to conceal themselves, come up with a plan, and do anything else they see fit before I sound the whistle.”
“Your opponents’ accessories can be taken by any means necessary. While use of stealth is encouraged, feel free to use weapons and other advantages as you see fit. The goal is to win, first and foremost. Once you are eliminated, you are to return here until we finish.”
“Prepare to sit on your ass for fifteen minutes, boar.”
You couldn’t help the sound that came out of you at that. Dimitri’s eyes flashed over to discern your reaction before his face promptly flushed a light hue of pink.
“Wh- Sylvain took your headband, not me!”
The redhead frowned, lightly ghosting his hand over his new injury, “Throwing me to the wolves so quickly, your Highness? Maybe-”
“Oh, enough already,” Byleth huffed. “Off to the woods with you all. Right now. Sixty seconds!”
Newly motivated by the time constraint, everyone shifted to group up before rushing to their respective sides.
You weaved between the trees, Professor Byleth following close behind as you trailed Dedue and Annette. Not long after you reached a central-western location, Felix instantly pulled the two in front of you aside.
“...-ce at the northern end of the forest where the dirt is…”
A bit confused, you shifted your eyes to meet those of your professor. Apparently, neither of you were invited to this strategy meeting.
That meant you weren’t needed then, right?
It was all the same to you. Better than the same, actually; an archer flying solo on a stealth mission in the woods didn’t sound like a terrible assignment in the least.
To top it all off, Professor Byleth on her own elsewhere in the forest at the same time? The anticipation would surely kill you. Maybe you would even see her skills more personally than you had on the few traditional battlefields your class fought on so far.
You were brought back to the present as your professor turned to you in real life, nodding at you before slipping into the shadow of a thick tree.
Sticking around just a little longer, you gathered enough snippets of Felix’s conversation to understand his plan. He wanted to make a hole in the ground on the northern side large enough to hold as many members of the opposing side as possible. It sounded a bit ambitious, but you supposed that was nothing new concerning the second son.
In any case, your team seemed to masquerade as the better part of a mess. You wondered how things were with Ingrid…
…45, 46, 47…
After a moment, you strengthened your resolve. The best way to see what the other team was up to would be to go see for yourself, right?
Swiftly working your way counterclockwise around the forest, you snuck over to the eastern side, crossing over only upon hearing a shrill note knocking against the trees. It was now imperative to stay hidden in whatever darkness would conceal you. Having a bow certainly made this easier in terms of mobility since you could just sling it across your body.
Even the animals seemed quiet. Accordingly, you were on high alert. Your movements became more careful, more deliberate as your heart began to race in anticipation. No stepping on branches or leaves; just grass and dirt. No bumping against the trees or sudden movements; just liquid flow and shady cover. Soft, swift, and silent.
Once you believed yourself to have rounded the terrain far enough, you stopped, climbing the tree with the best vantage point in the area and scanning the shady path where your opponents must have started. That is, if the ruined leaves on the ground served as any clue. Prepared for action, you took your bow off your back and pulled an arrow out of the slim training quiver you had been given. Patience was a game you were sure to win, especially in such a good position.
Nothing happened, though. You detected no movement, no flash of colors, and you eventually concluded that the other group must have had a similar idea. After all, most people are right handed, so they might have felt more comfortable countering on the northern side than from the south.
You were somewhat discouraged at your failure to help, but it was no big deal. Especially not when you heard the sound of branches snapping back the way you came. Felix’s strategy must have worked - there was nothing else you could imagine that might make that kind of sound. It must have been effective, too; you recalled an offhanded comment he made about Leonie teaching him something about traps.
Resigning yourself to picking off any stragglers that might have strayed from the group near Felix, you lowered yourself from your tree. Perhaps enough time remained for you to return to your side and assess the damages to see who was left.
Progressing back the way you came would be simple enough. Although you were intent on remaining undetected, you heard several branches snapping and some shouting up ahead.
Felix must have really gotten to them.
You grew close enough to the commotion to recognize Dimitri and Ashe’s voices as the ones yelling, but it made no sense. You had hardly moved a few paces past the tree you were in, and you were still circling the southern side of the forest.
Why were they being so loud? Did they lose, or did they forget this was meant to be a stealth exercise?
But that didn’t make sense, either. They were the best listeners in Professor Byleth’s class, barring Annette; there’s no way they would slack off now of all times.
Silently, you crept toward their shouts until you were brought to a wall of greenery. If you went through…
You didn’t have enough time to hide before they came barreling through the bush.
“Woah!” an ambush? And you fell for it, no less?
Ashe’s eyes widened, his natural agility allowing him to dodge you just in time. Dimitri, with no such skill, slammed into you. The two of you crashed into the ground, the prince scrambling to the weapon you knocked out of his hands as Ashe pulled you onto your feet.
“Come on, get up!” the archer begged you.
 Dimitri frantically shot off the dirt while Ashe started to guide you in the direction they were running. You didn’t have a moment to collect your thoughts or ask questions.
The crown prince’s longer legs carried him past you before he grabbed your left arm with his free hand. Your right hand still connected to Ashe, the three of you formed a chain for a moment as Dimitri lent you his momentum.
A terrible roar emanated from the bush where the boys appeared, prompting you all to detach and pick up the pace. The sounds of three sets of feet slamming against the dirt bounced off the trees in the forest. 
Two crest beasts barrelled through the shrubs, snapping branches in their pursuit of you and your friends.
“How?” you pleaded, your legs moving impossibly faster with the new adrenaline rush.
“No clue,” Dimitri weaved between the trees, his breath heavy, “where they came from.”
A wave of terror pulsed through you. All you felt were eyes on your back, on your friends, and there was nothing you could do about it. They approached, so much larger and covering so much more ground.
Naturally, your smaller size and unfamiliarity with the area caught up with your group. The demons pursuing you could simply demolish the forest in their path, but Dimitri could only get so far before his height forced him to fumble through a group of low-hanging branches.
Unable to slow down, you crashed into him, sprawling to the forest floor. Ashe had once again been attentive and agile enough to change course, but you and the prince lied prone on the ground.
A sound of anticipation came in the form of an unearthly squeal from one of the monsters trailing seconds behind you. If you did nothing here, you would surely die. 
Upon noticing Dimitri had again dropped his lance in his fall, you snatched it and flipped over to face one of the beasts, contesting a well-timed snap of its jaw by holding the weapon up and angling it to act as a pike. It worked just well enough to force the creature’s mouth open…
…until the beast’s maw clamped down on the training weapon, struggling over it with you before it splintered and snapped.
Knocked backwards, your shoulders never got the chance to hit the ground. Dimitri had been given enough time to stand, placing his hands under your arms and dragging you back while Ashe shouted from another direction.
The archer’s cries were enough to split the horrific hunting party, though the only thing you and Dimitri did was continue running.
This is hopeless. All our weapons are meant for training, Ashe is on his own, there are no other fighters with us…
“We can’t keep running,”  you breathed, looping around a tree to throw the monster off your trail, “something has to change.”
You curved around the forest, switching to head back to your group, “Follow me.”
The two of you determined that zig-zagging was the best way to outrun the monster, though if you slowed down, you would no doubt be back on the ground again.
Intuitively, you followed the path you were fairly certain Dimitri’s teammates must have taken to get to the western part of the forest. All the while, you silently prayed that your legs would continue to carry you at a pace fast enough that the beast wouldn’t gain too much ground.
Not that it could be helped; you took two strides for every one of the beast’s.
“Felix! Felix, where are you?”
“Felix!” Dimitri followed your lead.
A figure appeared in the distance, his fair skin and blue hair giving him away, “Why the hell are you two-?”
The shriek from the beast trailing you and the prince drowned out the rest of his sentence.
“Felix, where’s the trap?!”
“Shit,” he cursed, though you couldn’t hear. “This way!”
Pushing yourself just a bit further, you forced your mind to ignore the screams of protest from your body. Felix sprinted just ahead of you, his lack of fatigue allowing him to match pace with your adrenaline spike before he rounded a bush.
“Get the professor!” your teammate ordered someone you couldn’t see.
Dimitri rushed past you to follow the bluenette. Upon leaving the beast’s line of sight, however, he was yanked into the large shrub. You recognized Felix’s hand wrapping around your arm before you stumbled into him, entering the branches as well.
“Thank you, Dedue,” you heard Dimitri’s voice next to you, the phrase uttered out between gasps for air.
It was in the split second before the beast rounded the shrub that you turned your head and recognized the trick. The covering on the pit was placed in the path next to the bush you four were in. If someone hadn’t known to stop and take a route through the hedge, they would have fallen through the dirt.
And upon seeing Professor Byleth appear at the other end of the pit, creator sword drawn to lure the crest beast toward her, you recognized how smart your teammates really were.
The pit wasn’t big enough to hold a crest beast by any means, but it certainly did the trick to immobilize it as the monster lost its footing. A well placed strike to the crest stone on the back of its neck shattered the source of its power. You could only stare at the crumbling animal, its bony limbs reduced to dust. The only thing lying in the crater at the end was…
“A person?” Dedue balked.
You moved to get a closer look before realizing Felix still had his arm around you.
Absentmindedly, he released you, throwing an apology over his shoulder before going to examine the woman lying dead in what very much could have been her grave.
Unbeknownst to you, your body was beginning to shut down. Running all that way left you exhausted, and having done so at a sprint certainly didn’t make matters any better. Yet the second you sank to the ground to truly catch your breath, you remembered.
“P-Professor,” you coughed, “...Ashe-”
“Damn, we left Ashe in the forest!” Dimitri agonized.
Byleth’s eyes sharpened, “Understood. I’ll go find him.”
“I’m coming, too.”
“What?” Felix questioned. “No, there’s no way - you’re way too tired.”
“Dimitri and I are the only ones who know where he is!”
At this, the prince attempted to rise from his position bracing on his knees “Then I’ll go.”
“Are you kidding me? You’re a worse candidate than I am - you’re still bleeding from the trees!”
“Bleeding? I’m not-”
“Your highness,” Dedue cut him off, “your chest.”
Certainly, his uniform was ripped in places, blood pooling out from the cuts he received when he scraped himself on the branches, earlier.
“You must not have felt it due to the adrenaline. We should get you to Mercedes.”
Sure of yourself, you began to walk backwards in the direction you came from, “Professor, there’s no time! You have your sword, so if push comes to shove, I’ll be fine. Ashe doesn’t have a proper weapon, though, and he must have been running for a long time!”
Professor Byleth wasted no words, “Fine then. Lead the way.”
As the two of you picked up the pace, she turned to call out, “Be sure to clear that girl out of the pit! Get her to Mercedes!”
The dull ache in your legs became impossible to ignore once you ran back into the forest. Still, through a mix of retracing your steps and following the sounds of roaring and trees snapping, you managed to get close to where you and Ashe had parted ways.
Sure enough, several trees had been reduced to splinters and fallen trunks. The damage created a small clearing, through which you could see your friend. He looked really out of it, the forest around him a mess from the beast’s rage. 
“Ashe! Over here!”
The professor hit the creature a few times with her sword, extending its reach to divert its attention to herself. Recognizing her attempts to hurt it, the beast reared its head and focused its efforts on Byleth.
She had provided enough of a distraction that Ashe could make it to you. Allowing himself a moment’s respite, he braced himself on his knees similar to how Dimitri had earlier. Breathless, the two of you watched your mentor’s skills at work.
The creator sword would wrap around the wild creature’s neck; Byleth’s obvious attempt at trying to break the stone. Each time, the tether was countered by a snap of the beast’s teeth, or her attack missed entirely. The angle was impossible from where she was standing.
“Fall back, you two - I’ll be right behind you!”
Ashe began to protest, “But-”
“You’re both tired, you’ll need whatever headstart I can give y-ngh!”
Her opponent had grown impatient, swiping its claws at the chain of her sword before her next attack could connect. The weapon was yanked to the side, knocking the professor off balance for a moment and sending the weapon flying out of her hand.
“Just go! I promise I’ll be right there!”
Willing your legs to move, you grabbed Ashe’s wrist and pulled him up, guiding him the first few steps of the way. Once he managed to find his footing, you took a position to lead him back to the group in the west.
You didn’t think you would be able to do much of anything tomorrow, after this. The taste of blood stained your every breath, your throat felt dry to the point it hurt, and you were surprised you could even lift your legs anymore. The adrenaline had worn off by the time you left Dimitri with Dedue.
The noise increasing behind you cut off your train of thought. The pounding of paws much heavier than your own feet thundered against the forest floor. Leaves crushed so loudly you could have sworn they were snapping logs, and the veil of the safety you thought you still had was quickly torn away.
What about Professor Byleth? She should have been on her feet, should have caught up to you and Ashe by now if-
“Keep moving!”
The voice next to you startled you almost enough to make you lose your footing, but a steady hand at your back and the sight of a flash of green hair at your side kept you upright.
“Over here, Professor! This way!”
Annette waved her arms over her head, signaling a new location nearby. They must have created a separate trap in the time you had been away.
But why…?
A snap at your backs inspired the three of you to round this new shrub at record speed. This time, you were ready when Dedue pulled you into the bushes.
You supposed you had forgotten to warn Ashe.
Sure enough, everything else was the same story, just with different people. The Professor pivoted out of Sylvain’s hold in time to pull the sword she retrieved from her hip. The beast fell in the trap upon rounding the hedge, giving her a more advantageous angle to properly fracture the stone, reverting the creature to the body of a young man.
“I don’t understand,” Felix’s brow furrowed, Ashe ducking out of his hold and falling to the ground to finally breathe.
You were beginning to feel similarly. Were it not for Dedue, you doubted you would be standing. Your classmate seemed privy to this knowledge, as well.
“I will bring you to Mercedes.”
A nod was all you could muster while Dedue bent to put an arm beneath your legs, lifting you off the ground. The air you were practically drinking filled your lungs with more oxygen than you thought they could hold, and your resulting breaths sounded almost raspy. Respectfully, you ensured that your head was turned away from Dedue (though it was also to ensure you could get as much air as possible).
Even still, you managed to catch the final words of those behind you.
“Why didn’t you just take that girl to Mercedes and reuse the last trap?” Professor Byleth wondered.
“Well…” Sylvain, “there wasn’t really a point...she was already dead.”
“...then…this boy…?”
You tried not to focus on the silence that followed her final question.
A few paces later and Dedue had made it to the outskirts of the woods. It was where you all met at the beginning of the exercise.
Mercedes approached the two of you before you cleared the trees, guiding Dedue to set you down on a patch of soft grass in the shade next to three green scraps of fabric. She must have anticipated your arrival.
“Will she be alright?”
“Oh, yes,” Mercedes assured him, though her light tone didn’t match the furrow of her brows. “She’s mostly dealing with fatigue, but the strain on her lungs should be soothed before she tries to go anywhere.”
A moment of silence.
“Where is his Highness?”
The glow of soft magic hovered over you before you felt inclined to close your eyes. You tried not to focus on the strange feeling coursing through you - you still weren’t used to healing spells, yet.
“He and Ingrid went back to the monastery to consult Lady Rhea about all this.” She sighed, and you felt a pause in the flow of her enchantment, “I don’t really understand everything that happened today. It all feels so wrong.”
“I agree. There should not have been any crest beasts this close to the academy. The knights should have noticed.”
Another pause led to a stronger wave of magic passing through your lungs; it was all you could do to focus on breathing next to this weird feeling, but you opened your eyes just to make sure you were still okay.
 “I will head back to the monastery as well.”
The healer nodded, “I’ll let the professor know.”
“Let me know what?”
It seemed the rest of your class made it out of the forest. Professor Byleth approached at the lead, followed close behind by Annette, and finally by Felix and Sylvain supporting a pale and winded Ashe.
As Dedue filled your teacher in on everything, Mercedes abandoned you to go help Ashe. Annette replaced her, kneeling where her friend sat just a moment ago to continue her work. Fortunately, you didn’t feel like there was much left to do.
“Right. You can head back. Take some of the training weapons with you, please - I have a feeling everyone else will have their hands full by the time we head back.”
Dedue removed the brown band wrapped around his forehead, adding it to the pile lying about a meter away from your feet. Picking up the discarded wooden lance, bow, and sword lying in a pile closer to the woods, he turned and wordlessly took the path leading back to Garreg Mach.
“My bow…” you remembered, testing out your voice from your position on the ground, “I think…I dropped it somewhere in the forest?”
Felix scoffed, “With the amount of trees those beasts managed to fell, I don’t think a bit more wood lying around would hurt anyone. The Church can just buy a new one. They replace training weapons all the time.”
“Take it from Felix, they’re used to broken weapons,” Sylvain grinned. “Repairing a broken bow can’t be much different than replacing a missing one.”
A small huff of air came from the swordsman’s nose at his classmate’s remark. Rather than respond, however, he just turned back to you.
“How the hell are you still awake after all that? I expected you to have passed out by now.”
“Me? Shouldn’t you be more worried about Ashe? Whatever running I did, he ran and then some.”
“He did pass out.”
Turning your head to where Mercedes knelt, you found your friend sleeping on the grass, uneven breaths heaving from his chest.
After everything he went through by himself, you could only think that he deserved to rest.
“Professor? What is it?”
Annette’s inquisition immediately led your mind to drop the subject, turning instead to see Professor Byleth lost in thought.
“I’m just…trying to understand something. Those people that came from those monsters - did I kill them, or were they already dead? How did this happen so close to the monastery without anyone coming to help us? And…”
No one knew what to say. You hadn’t recognized the people that died, not their clothing or their faces.
“Nevermind. We need to head back in case anything else unexpected is looking to find us.”
“That should be just fine, Professor,” Mercedes agreed. “I’ve made sure these two are stable. The best thing for everyone now would be to rest.”
“Very well,” your teacher began circling around to everyone, collecting their headbands to place in the bag she had left here earlier.
Annette extended her hand out before Professor Byleth made her way over to the two of you. Taking it, you attempted to get up only to be frustrated by the fatigue of your legs. A sharp inhale followed by a hiss of pain accompanied the feeling of Annette lowering you back to the ground.
“Yeah…might not be ready for that yet…” you gritted your teeth.
Byleth walked over, tugging the brown textile off your head in a fluid motion, “Sylvain, please help her get back to the monastery. Felix, you can carry Ashe.”
Sylvain barely contained his laughter, approaching you with easy footsteps and lifting you off the ground bridal-style.
“You’re sure you want Sylvain of all people carrying the woman that can’t walk? Or fend for herself right now, for that matter?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of experience with this sort of thing.”
“...with carrying people?” you raised a brow.
Sylvain winked, “...with carrying women that can’t walk.”
Professor Byleth hit him on the back of the head so hard that Sylvain dropped you on the ground.
You landed, reeling with a small squeak and a light curse. Your breath came labored through your teeth from the incidental blow to your legs. Not that it could have hurt as much as whatever she just did to Sylvain.
“Agh- What the hell, Professor?!”
“You and Felix have done an excellent job of changing my mind. I think we would all feel better if you volunteered to carry Ashe back with us, instead.”
Now it was Felix’s turn to fight a smirk, though he was hardly trying. After making sure you were okay from your slight fall, he picked you up in much the same way Sylvain had mere moments ago.
Meanwhile, Sylvain seemed to be making a point to carry Ashe over his shoulders.
The seven of you headed back to the monastery together, Professor Byleth calling off her lessons for the beginning of next week just to make sure everyone was well rested. Annette tried to reason that taking the weekend off would be plenty of time for most of the Blue Lions. After all, you, Dimitri, and Ashe were the only ones that really suffered any fatigue. Your teacher countered that if she were holding class, you three were the most likely suspects to insist on attending regardless, no matter how badly you were injured.
Perhaps you left too good of an impression on the professor today for her to think such things of you. Regardless, you agreed with her, if only to save Annette from the pointed glares of Felix and Sylvain at the idea of rejecting a day out of class.
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pistachio-pierrot · 5 months ago
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CRINGETOBER DAY 10-- Ship Dynamic
If I had a nickel for every ship I have that's exactly like this, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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To the A x C or B x C shippers: I see you; I totally understand where you're coming from-- but A x B just calls to me.
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justrandomselfships · 9 months ago
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Commission status is in my pinned post!
taglist utc!
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blehbet-arts · 9 months ago
Hi! I know it's old, but I just stumbled upon your fe3h x genshin au recently. It seems really interesting, so I was wondering if you could elaborate some of the lore 👉👈
oh!! of course!!
this will be a lil long because of how character focused it is, so feel free to look at whichever one interested you the most. the yapperning, shall now commence :3
Byleth Eisner - ☆☆☆☆☆
Vision: Anemo Delusion: Pyro Weapon Type: Sword Region: Sumeru (formerly Snezhnaya) Affiliations: The Akademiya, (formerly the Fatui)
An ex high ranking Fatui officer, Byleth escaped the clutches of the Fatui upon the discovery that their father was killed by one of the Fatui Harbingers (feel free to guess who did it...). Finding easy mercenary work in Sumeru, they worked their way up from an escapee to a trusted hired sword for the Akademiya. On request, they're also willing to teach scholars basic combat. Because of them and their strange, but effective teaching methods, there's unsubstantiated rumours flying around that the Sages are considering the implementation of a new Darshan.
Currently in their possession is the Sword of the Creator, a heroes' relic passed down into their grasp from civilisations of old - an object in which they stole in the midst of their retreat.
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd - ☆☆☆☆☆
Vision: Cryo Weapon Type: Polearm Region: Snezhnaya Affiliations: The Fatui
Adopted by the Tsaritsa under mysterious circumstances, Dimitri was raised in accordance of the Fatui's ideals. Growing up to be a capable fighter, he'd then take on the role as one of the Tsaritsa's military generals and plays a critical role in her personal vanguard. As of now, he is currently on the hunt for traitors of the Fatui, and that just so happens to include a certain professor...
Currently in his possession is Areadbhar, a heroes' relic once wielded by upstanding Khaenri'ahn soldiers. It was given to him by the Tsaritsa.
Edelgard von Hresvelg - ☆☆☆☆☆
Vision: Pyro Weapon Type: Claymore Region: Mondstadt Affiliations: Knights of Favonius, (Khaenri'ah)
Born and raised amidst the Mondstadtian uppercrust, Edelgard has led an uneventful life as a Knight of Favonius. However, beneath this seemingly unshakable visage is a secret that even she is yet to fully grasp. In her spare time, she can often be found surveying ruins, most of which have been prescribed to the ancient civilisation of Khaenri'ah. Her curiosity is sourced by her dissatisfaction with the current ways of Teyvat.
Currently in her possession is Aymr, a heroes' relic that she found on one of her personal expeditions. Even so, she can't help the feeling that its placement, upon being discovered, was notably purposeful.
Claude von Riegan - ☆☆☆☆☆
Vision: Anemo Weapon Type: Bow Region: Sumeru, Fontaine Affiliations: Corps of Thirty, Temple of Silence
A free spirit - Claude takes to new environments well and is rarely seen stationed in one place for too long a time. As a dedicated member of the Corps of Thirty, he maintains Sumeru's security, albeit in his own unique ways. While relations between the Akademiya and the Temple of Silence have improved, he also secretly acts as an undercover agent for the Temple should this bout of trust prove misguided on the Akademiya's part. As of now, he is currently on vacation leave, which he is using to travel around Teyvat. Residing in Fontaine, he is accompanied by one Hilda Valentine Goneril and Lorenz Hellman Gloucestor.
Currently in his possession is Failnaught, a heroes' relic that was gifted to him by his grandfather. Though mysterious, he trusts that he'll wield it well should the time of its use come.
Yuri - ☆☆☆☆☆
Vision: Electro Weapon Type: Sword Region: Inazuma Affiliations: The Shuumatsuban
Like many Shuumatsuban ninjas, Yuri's past is shrouded in mystery, but this fact has never hindered him from his job. Specialising in undercover work and assassinations, Yuri is thorough while maintaining a casual air that would ease many away from suspicion. Even so, there is a part of him that yearns for a better life for him and his fellow ninjas.
Currently in his possession is the Fetters of Dromi, a heroes' relic that was salvaged from Fatui supplies on one of his missions. While its use is unknown to him, he keeps it close in the case that it one day becomes useful.
Seteth and Flayn - ☆☆☆☆☆
Vision: Geo and Anemo, respectively Weapon Type: Polearm and Catalyst, respectively Region: Fontaine, (formerly Liyue) Affiliations: Adepti
In the wake of Rex Lapis' death, Seteth and Flayn took to travelling, which eventually led them to Fontaine. In the current day and age, they live a quiet life in the Fontainean countryside, caring for the surrounding wildlife and tending to their farm. In the past, however, Seteth and Flayn were devout Adepti who fought by Rex Lapis' side during the Archon War.
While not much has occurred in the peaceful life they currently lead, Seteth senses an incoming global change. Any measures made to further seclude themselves is for the sake of Flayn's safety.
Shez - ☆☆☆☆☆
Vision: Electro Weapon Type: Sword Region: No set region, encountered in Sumeru Affiliations: Treasure Hoarders
A prolific member of the Treasure Hoarders, Shez is renowned for his many escapades in locating and finding treasure. While being a Treasure Hoarder often gives people a bad impression of him, those who know him are well aware of his intentions. Likewise, his past is also shrouded in mystery. Not even Shez himself is fully aware what landed him in this position as a notable Treasure Hoarder.
Currently in his possession is the Asura Blades, a heroes' relic that Shez found (stole) from Khaenri'ahn ruins. Upon closer inspection, he too found it suspicious how it was positioned - as if the intent was for it to be found.
Dedue Molinaro - ☆☆☆☆
Vision: Geo Weapon Type: Claymore Region: Sumeru Affiliations: Aaru Village Guard, (the Fatui)
Reliable and steadfast, Dedue is a formidable member of the Aaru Village Guard. In truth, he also harbours a secret connection. Taken in by the Sumeru division of the House of the Hearth at a young age, Dedue was raised and eventually recruited by the Fatui. Proving his worth, he was then brought into Dimitri's vanguard, which then led him to being stationed out in Aaru Village for the sake of tracking down 'the professor' and maintaining safe passage for fellow Fatui personnel to pass through.
Hubert von Vestra - ☆☆☆☆
Vision: Electro Weapon Type: Catalyst Region: Mondstadt Affiliations: Knights of Favonius
Earning quite the repute as a Knight of Favonius, Hubert has often been questioned for his motivations. Though he makes it clear that his loyalty is solely towards the Knights and Edelgard herself, there are some who still cannot shake the feeling of something else beneath that cold visage of his. But others yet chalk this up to his role as an undercover reconnaissance mission soloist.
Ferdinand von Aegir - ☆☆☆☆
Vision: Pyro Weapon Type: Polearm Region: Mondstadt Affiliations: Knights of Favonius
A noble, but only in name, Ferdinand is determined to re-prove the worth and mettle of the Mondstadtian nobility in light of the many controversies that have come to darken the region's past. This is spurred further on by his father having gone missing, the trail of evidence leading itself outside of Mondstadt's borders. Right now, he is at a crossroads; should he stay and take on his role as the last remaining Aegir noble, or should he leave Mondstadt to uncover the mystery of his father's disappearance?
Hilda Valentine Goneril - ☆☆☆☆
Vision: Pyro Weapon Type: Claymore Region: Fontaine Affiliations: Spina di Rosula
Hailed as a master of her craft, Hilda is known for her work as a jeweller in Fontaine's fashion sphere. She is also a trusted member of the Spina di Rosula. That all being said, she is also just as well-known for her habit of leaving her projects to the very last minute, if not outright asking her employees or other members of the Spina di Rosula to complete projects for her.
Lorenz Hellman Gloucestor - ☆☆☆☆
Vision: Electro Weapon Type: Polearm Region: Fontaine Affiliations: Spina di Rosula
As an upstanding member of the Spina di Rosula, Lorenz's family has a long history serving the presidential line of the organisation and have often been seen supporting them by way of sponsorships. Though he may hold some qualms over how the Spina di Rosula currently runs, one can trust him to be loyal as a thoughtful confidant to whoever sits at its current head.
Ignatz Victor - ☆☆☆☆
Vision: Dendro Weapon Type: Bow Region: Sumeru, (formerly Fontaine) Affiliations: Akademiya
A Vahumana scholar that was sent to the Akademiya because of his merchant family's encouragement and desire for him to become well educated, Ignatz is reluctant but willing to learn in due thanks to the financial trouble it took for him to travel and apply. As much as he is determined to learn about Teyvat's history, his heart lies in the arts. Secretly, he's a widely renowned artist, known for his landscape and candid painting work. He works under the pen name of 'Verdi'.
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emblemxeno · 6 months ago
If we're being honest, I got a lot of issues with Ingrid because I feel like she has the wrong character development
Her support with Dedue is realizing that she shouldn't apply her negative view of Duscur onto every Duscurian indiscriminately
That kind of thing works for Oboro because Nohrians really did kill her parents
But, Duscurians didn't actually cause the death of Lambert or Glenn, so her development should've been to learn that all those years of hatred were misdirected, and she hated them for no reason
It also didn't help that Dimitri states multiple times that Duscur didn't commit the crime, and Ingrid is still ignorant about it
I have this unhinged hatred of the Faerghus Four as a concept because every time, it's like they're consciously refusing to acknowledge the importance of Dedue in Dimitri's life in the present "Oh, these are Dimitri's childhood friends. Of course, they're close." Yeah, sure.... They're totally closer to Dimitri than Dedue is in the present.... *Internal screaming*
Combining these because my answer to both is similar!
In my opinion, it showcases how 3H's writing philosophy is ultimately shoddy in its foundation. The backstories, supports, and character-to-character dialogue itself is great in theory, but execution it clashed with what both FE usually tries to do and what 3H desperately wants to do.
FE typically has characters join chapter to chapter, with important ones having plot moments, while side characters fall to the background once their designated chapter is up. But this isn't at the cost of character interaction, pre-established relationships, and the micro-to-macro worldbuilding precisely because they're not overly important. You can have canon romances, friendships, familial relationships, etc. because that's all supplemental side material.
3H was written in a way in which the characters were all connected to its grandiose world, to the point where Fodlan itself can be almost considered a character. Multilayered backstories that infer key points in the narrative, each character no matter how trivial having opinions on how the world works, shifting dynamics, etc.
The problem though is that these two philosophies clash already at base, but also run into the problem of FE's gameplay integrated story elements.
None of the Faerghus Four can meaningfully comment on their relationship with Dimitri during a story cutscene because they can die. Ingrid can't meaningfully change her perspective on Dedue or Duscur beyond her supports because she can die. Therefore, all you get are (admittedly pretty good) supports, the monastery dialogue, and other tidbits intentionally disconnected from one another so as not to be important enough to write around potential death. The comments they do get in cutscenes were intentionally written in a way to be surface level and easily replaced. Look at the FEdatamine site for example, where conclusions are reached by Byleth, the lord, the unkillable retainer, and other important story figures, with numerous possible instances of "if X character is alive they comment this, but if X character is dead this line is skipped."
That is proof of how sloppy 3H's writing is in foundation when you think about it long enough. The game that has such an intricate world, thorough details, and fascinating story beats, is actually extremely bad at delivering a story, especially an FE story. Being the judgmental and petty cunt that I am, 3H gets a pass most of the time a) most don't care or bother to care about actual stuff like this and b) the game has the aesthetics of being a down to earth, gritty, serious narrative. The foundational issues don't matter when you have Edelgard yapping about "THE CREST SYSTEM", dark character circumstances, and intriguing mysteries to solve in part 1.
People want the appearance of sophistication, especially after Awakening and Fates bent a lot of rules to fuck around with their respective stories. It's why Engage, despite not having nearly as many basic issues at conveying its plot and is actually extremely good at being a Fire Emblem story (e.g. more character being able to actually die, pre-established relationships, chapter to chapter joining, not nearly as much centering on Alear as the ultimate decider on a character's fate compared to Byleth), is panned because... why? Its bright aesthetic? Its good dragon vs evil dragon plot? Its softer or humorous moments?
Hell, even its call backs to past FE games is called cheap, soulless, or a gateway to gacha (one video I saw even described it as something like "when art becomes obligation" or some such nonsense), despite it LITERALLY being the prime anniversary title. The main character is the Fire Emblem, and the writers-through Lumera-wish a happy birthday to Fire Emblem!!! What about that is lacking heart and soul?
But yeah, again, I preface that I'm a judgmental asshole who proudly proclaims that the audience (at least the western one) has for years been too obsessed with yearning for darker serious aesthetics of FE's past (despite said past being wackier than they remember), that when a new game has them in overflowing spades, the many fundamental video game writing issues do not matter as much anymore.
Aesop for the day: Serious tones and aesthetics are not automatically better than lighter, heartfelt, or funny ones. You still have to write well for a story to be good.
EDIT: Funny enough this is also why Three Hopes is a more comfy environment for the Fodlan cast's in terms of tangible development, because the things the writers want to do with that game's story complements its gameplay. Because KT is better at making Warriors plots than FE plots.
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omgkalyppso · 13 days ago
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @recurringwriter <33
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
98! I should do something special for 100 but just finishing / posting anything is something special with my slow writing pace...
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
649,983 uwu. I wonder how many years it would take me to catch up to your million...
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
5. As Many Problems As There Are Stars - BG3, Astarion x OC, rated M, 1.6k Fluff - 82 kudos (insane) 4. I Can't Seem To Pull Myself Away - FE3H, Claurenz, rated E, 12.3k Soulmate AU - 89 kudos (this is crazy) 3. But How Bad Of An Idea Was It Really? - FE3H, Sylvain x Felix x nb!Byleth, rated E, 1.3k Smut - 96 kudos 2. Burning Through - FE3H, Claurenz, rated E, 13.7k Spies and Secret Agents AU - 108 kudos (shocked tbh) 1. Please Don't Leave - Overwatch, M/cH/anzo, rated M, 1.2k Hurt/Comfort - 153 kudos
4) what fandoms do you write for?
Short answer: Currently it's Love and Deepspace, Fire Emblem and Baldur's Gate 3.
Long answer:
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5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I haven't really the past few years because I feel guilty, I don't know why. I feel like I especially owed people who commented more or better quality fic than whatever I provided and I feel guilty for not having replied to the people I didn't get to. I tell myself that when I feel better I'll go back and reply to everyone but then I wonder if people want a reply from an author five years late and I just /:
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Horror of Honor . Which is mostly just a poem, but is also Rodrigue going through his late son, Glenn's things.
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Two come to mind: Trust Or Something Like It is an FE3H Syldue fic which could have been 16 chapters long but I crammed the story into a thousand words so it's only 1 chapter and most of it is smut where the relationship is secure and the future is bright. Similarly, Expanded Epilogue is an FE3H Claude x My Unit OC 6 chapter fic with Some tension that ends in a wedding. Trust Or Something Like It's tension builds in a way that I feel the happy ending isn't guaranteed, whereas I feel Expanded Epilogue's ending can be seen from miles away but there's something about each of them that feel more cemented than happy-and-hopeful-but-uncertain endings that accompany a lot of my fics.
8) do you get hate on fics?
I've deleted three stupid comments that I can think of.
9) do you write smut?
I write smut. I haven't posted smut since 2022. I know this needs to be rectified.
10) do you write crossovers?
Not really. I can enjoy crossovers, and I like thinking of my oc's / blorbos interacting. The closest I might get soonish would be stealing some Fire Emblem characters to be Faedolyn's friends in the Love and Deepspace universe (Dedue, (Dedue's sister oc) Luzia, Linhardt, Caspar, Lysithea, Seteth, Flayn and Basilio are on my short list).
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't, no.
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I've collaborated with oc owners while writing fic, and I've written gift fic and zine fic where I received guidance / support; but not really.
14) what's your all time favourite ship?
I guess Vegebul? In terms of longevity.
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Don't put this curse on me.
16) what are your writing strengths?
I pray it's dialogue and characterization.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
I think they are keeping tension and atmospheric descriptions of like the setting / objects in the setting.
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's fun as a narrative device, like if the pov character reflects on what was being said or the character speaking in another language translates themself at another point in the story as a fun twist or inside joke, but otherwise that it makes more sense to keep the fic in a singular language with descriptors for which language the speakers are speaking in and is less enjoyable to only have translations in authors' notes.
Two examples from my own fics:
Nader pointed beyond to a diamond block sitting on its side. “Hadduh?” Claude brought a hand up to the base of his neck and shared a look with Hilda, though whatever had touched him had only confused her. She squinted in response before turning to watch the scene play out. “Hadha, Nader?” Fae corrected, stretching to roll the blocked closer to them with a finger. “This one?”
[Claude] tossed his head back, and exclaimed in Almyran, “Mama?! What the hell is this?” “It’s just your brother,” she said in Fodlani, pouting. “You love your brother.”
19) first fandom you wrote for?
Archie Comics: Betty and Veronica
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
It's probably still Sacred Dedication which is a Gen FE3H fic; 2.9k Dedue Molinaro character study.
I'll tag @lucius-the-sinful, @thedragonagelesbian, @the-eldritch-it-gay, @razrogue, @bladesandstars and YOU.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year ago
Permission to ask about your favourite three houses ships?
Absolutely! My absolute favorite ship from Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes is Claude x Lorenz. I know a lot of people hate Lorenz, but I love him, and if you put in the work, his supports with Claude are just everything. They really seemed to lean into it for Three Hopes too. I mean just look at them.
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LIKE?!?!?! How can they have this much chemistry and not get married?!?!? I didn't originally ship them, but there's some excellent fanart and once I started thinking about it, it felt so obvious and now it's my OTP.
But I have other ships! My other favorites are Dimitri x male Byleth, Caspar x Lindhart, female Byleth x Mercedes, Rhea x Catherine, Catherine x Shamir, Shez x Arval. And this might sound weird but I also ship Hilda x Dedue (because I wrote a fanfic once where Claude and the golden deer teamed up with Dimitri and saved him before the time skip and Hilda wound up harboring Dimitri and Dedue in her house secretly and me and the person I was writing with wound up loving the dynamic we created for her and Dedue,) and Felix x Holst but not as he is in Three Hopes (because that same fanfic was written prior to the release of Three Hopes so I'd invented my own version of Holst and he and Felix hit it off.)
Also I casually like the ship between Dimitri and Sylvain, Caspar and Ashe, Caspar and Ferdinand, Dorothea and female Byleth, and Leonie and Seteth.
So yeah, very few of them have supports where they wind up officially married, but I love them all the same. Also almost everyone in this game is queer and the only reason why only like four of them are canonical is because the writers are cowards.
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frickingnerd · 10 months ago
all the lies we've told them
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pairing: dedue molinaro x gn!reader (+blue lions)
summary: dedue and you try to hide the fact that you hooked up. but your friends are smarter than to believe your lies…
tags: silly & wholesome fluff, friends with benefits, smut/suggestive, reader wearing dedue's shirt, blue lions (+ blue lions!reader), academy phase, secret relationship exposed
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“by the goddess… wake up, we fell asleep–!”
your slumber was put to an end by dedue, who shook you awake in a hurry. it took a moment before you remembered how you ended up in this situation and why it was so bad that dedue and you had fallen asleep. but when you did, you were wide awake!
“w-what time is it–!?”
you looked around the room, trying to remember where you had thrown your clothes. after dedue and you snuck away to your room, you hadn't really paid attention where you threw your clothes when you were stripping down. but now you wish you had!
“it's almost two! we'll miss professor byleth's class if we don't hurry–!”
finally, you spotted some clothes on the floor. with a blanket wrapped around you, you hurried to pick them up and put them on, as dedue did the same. in the distance, you heard the bell ring. your time was up!
“i can't find the rest of my clothes…”
dedue looked around the room, shirtless. but no matter how hard he looked, his shirt was nowhere to be found.
“we don't have any more time…”
“fine, i– i'll take the window, you take the door! i'll pass by my room and put on a spare shirt!”
you nodded silently.
“see you in class!”
you arrived on the training grounds shortly after the clock struck two. everyone else was already gathered there and you joined your classmates, trying not to let anyone notice how out of breath you were from running late.
“oh, there you are! we thought something happened, when you didn't show up earlier…”
annette smiled at you, as you joined the group. the other blue lions had gathered up already and dedue was the only one missing now. you hoped that it wasn't too suspicious that the two of you were both late…
“is that shirt new? it feels familiar, but i don't think i've seen you wear it before…”
with an innocent smile, mercedes pointed at your shirt. or rather, dedue's shirt! as you looked down on yourself, you realized that you had put on his shirt, without realizing it. both were white and part of your uniform, so you hadn't noticed, while hurrying to get dressed…
“you're right, it is familiar! i think dedue has one just like that–!”
dimitri pointed out, smiling as he pointed at the little details on the shirt. dedue was his retainer, so of course dimitri would know what his clothes looked like. but you wish he hadn't said it. while dimitri might've not noticed the implications of what he said, sylvain, felix and ingrid certainly had!
“is it a shirt that looks like dedue's shirt or could it be that this is–”
before sylvain could finish his sentence, ingrid and felix both slapped his arm, causing the redhead to wince.
and as if matters couldn't get worse, dedue joined the group at the worst time possible.
“apologies for being late! i spilled a drink on my shirt and had to get a new one. what did i miss?”
the other blue lions slowly but surely put together the pieces. and as you could see each one of them have a moment of enlightenment, your face got more and more red.
“d-did i say something i shouldn't have…?”
dedue noticed the tension, his voice quiet, as he glanced at you. slowly, you nodded and sighed.
“i think you did…”
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chiyu-japanese · 1 year ago
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tinnictheguardian · 3 months ago
Immortal Santamitri Dimileth & Tragic future Dimilix
So here's a plot I just thought of that blends some ideas I have about the future of Fodlan.
So, in the Azure Moon verse, Dimitri becomes an immortal being because Byleth is immortal, and he chooses immortality to be with her. He becomes something like Santa because one thing he started doing before his death was handing out gifts on his birthday, and he continues to do this after he becomes immortal.
He only gives out gifts to poor or otherwise neglected children. But over time, like in our own world, parents dress up as Santa to bring gifts to their kids or pretend X gifts are from Santa because they want their kids to feel the magic of Saviour King's Day.
Now here's where the fic gets dark. Because Dimitri never died, he was taken out of the reincarnation pool. But all his friends have been reincarnated. Also, and this is the dark side of immortality, Dimitri and Byleth have been alive so long that they have forgotten the details of their friends. I mean, they have their diaries and the history books. So they can remember the gist of it but they don't remember the details and their feelings have dulled with distance.
So Dimitri remembers he had three childhood friends who remained with him for all his life. Also that they were later joined by Dedue who was also a great friend to Dimitri for the rest of his life but he doesn't exactly remember what Felix, Sylvain, Ingrid of Dedue looked liked. There are pictures but with hundreds of years between when they died, and now, Dimitri often has difficulty associating names with faces and more importantly, feeling.
However, his friends have been reborn and they constantly feel like they are missing someone. Especially Felix who keep dreaming of this tall blond man for whom he feels such strong emotions that he's developed self-destructive tendencies because he just cannot get over the fact that something important is missing from his life.
This has an impact on Felix's love life. He tends to go for tall blonds, both men and women, but not in a healthy way.
Eventually he encounters immortal Dimitri and Byleth and... this is as far as I have gotten. But I like the idea of immortality having profound consequences not only for those who become immortal but those who remain mortal!
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calamari-inari · 10 months ago
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Playing this game (without the likes) 🫶
1. enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, lord and their knight ❤️
2. Not sure if these are tropes, but yandere lover (just not a very big fan of yandere), obsessive love (treating their partner as a possession), misogynistic attitudes or abusive power in a relationship (basically a partner defining what their partner, whether it be a woman or man, should do or behave, and the victimized partner finds it hot???)
3. Gradual mutual understanding for one another! I also learn more about the characters' personalities this way!
4. One or both partners experience withdrawal when they're being separated from each other lol. True feelings often emerge from such situations and it's adorable...
5. Multiship! So far, the only ships I really think about now are from FE3H and a few from Engage and TGAA. Here's a list of several multiships I enjoy!
FE3H (Apparently Dimitri is very shippable to me LOL)
Hubert x Ferdinand
Hubert x Edelgard
Sylvain x Felix
Sylvain x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Felix
Dimitri x Dedue
Dimitri x Claude
Byleth x any lord
Alear x Alfred
Alear x Diamant
Diamant x Ivy
Kazuma x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Kazuma
Barok x Herlock
6. I like both rarepairs and mainstream! Most of the rarepairs I like don't have any canon interaction, so I like to explore the "what could've been" situations.
7. Monogamy. Not much to explain here. It's just my preference lol
8. Using my favorite pair ferdibert, they are reversible, but I have a really strong preference for dom Hubert and sub Ferdinand. However!! I'm not a big fan of where Ferdinand is written or drawn very femininely. This applies to any MxM pair. I'm not against the concept of femininity in males, but when used in a stereotypical fashion, it rubs me the wrong way. Just a subtle depiction of their relationship dynamic is perfect to me! I'm alright with seeing SFW artwork of the reverse and reading said fics, but NSFW is where I draw the line
9. Thinking about the games I've played, I can think of at least one pair I like to see romantically, so yes 😂
10. Not at all important! After all, my favorite is romantic fluff 🥺 Depending on the intensity of my liking for a ship, the NSFW aspect becomes more bareable since I'm still personally embarrassed consuming such content lol. I am vanilla. Ferdibert is highkey the only one I consume NSFW for
11. A lot of my MxF and FxF pairs are platonic to me! This is likely due to my aegosexuality, which is the closest explanation I can identify with. Not everything needs to be romantic. I find close friendships very heartwarming too 🥺
12. My top favorites right now are ferdibert 🖤🧡, sylvix ❤️💙, and diminand 💙🧡!
13. My favorite pairs from fandoms that I'm not really engaging in now are:
Madeleine Cookie x Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Victor x Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Link x Zelda (Skyward Sword version)
Reyn x Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Chrom x M!Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
14. Domestic fluff is really cute, but the official legal bonding of two partners isn't on my "must have" list for any romantic pairing. I really love seeing creations of my favorite pairs marrying though! Gives me the tingles every time and I just feel so happy 😍
15. As someone that made OC fan kids in the past, yes that is totally fine and I love seeing other people's interpretations for the same pair (if they don't have canon children). I've even made some for ferdibert before but I never fully flushed them out lol
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fiction-box · 2 years ago
To End Where You Started
GN!Reader x Dimitri
This is a response to a request for a GN!Reader who was childhood friends with Dimitri before switching sides once it came time for the war. This one took me much longer to write because I wanted to better establish the circumstances of the work. Hopefully, you love it all the more! If you like this, there is another I wrote for the same prompt with Felix on my page!
Requests are open. The story will continue under the cut.
You’ve always valued human life. 
So when you saw Dimitri in the Holy Mausoleum, his mind lost and his lance bloody, you weren't sure what to do next.
It seemed no one knew what to do next. Felix was standing in front of Annette, glaring daggers at the blond. Mercedes slowly shifted toward her friend as Sylvain and Ingrid exchanged worried yet knowing looks. Dedue stepped forward, though he had no words. Even the professor seemed to be at a loss.
Dimitri, however, just began laughing again and shouting nonsense.
“No one will rest until Edelgard and the rest of the Empire force are burning in hell.”
“Your Highness-”
“Did I stutter, Dedue? Or perhaps you are considering turning your back on me now?”
 “Snap out of it, Boar!” Felix growled. “We’re not going to-”
“Then leave! If you no longer see me as your leader, why not go join her?’
You could only watch as Dimitri’s eyes scanned the faces of your allies, daring your friends to take a step in either direction. No one spoke, but there was a palpable tension in everyone’s body. In the way that Mercedes and Annette clung to each other, in the way that Felix kept his hand by his sword, Dedue kept silent and steady, and Professor Byleth did not intervene. In the way that Sylvain grit his teeth, Ashe pursed his lips, and Ingrid practically strangled the pole of her lance.
In the way that you stepped forward, quiet yet resolute.
“I won’t be treated like this.”
Dimitri scowled, “You’re a soldier, aren’t you? You signed up for this the moment you joined the Blue Lion house.”
“I signed up to fight in the hopes of protecting Faerghus and its people! I signed up to honor my family and keep the ones I love safe!” you shouted over him before bringing your voice back down. “There is no honor in this.”
“And you would not serve your future king? Where is your honor in running away?”
“I would not bow to those corrupted by their emotions! No one who would act in such a manner ought to represent Faerghus!”
“Then go to her! Run off and join the scum of the earth that march under that woman’s name!” he spat. “But mark my words, when we do meet again, I shall meet you with the fate of a traitor. There will be no mercy even should you beg for it. Do not expect remorse from any of us when your head, too, rolls upon the dirt.”
You did not allow your face to betray any emotion at all. You would show no sign of anything, despite the way his words cut through you. How could someone you practically exalted, someone you had become so close to over the past several months, turn around and talk to you like this.
Maybe your friends weren’t strong enough to stand up for themselves. Maybe they had too much to lose; people to protect and family to remain with. Ideals, relations, and possessions that could only be secure if they sided with Dimitri. A few had said as such, declaring their belief in Dimitri as their future king.
You loved them dearly, but there wasn’t a single one among them that you would allow yourself to be treated this way for. Especially not now, when none cared to stand up for you.
Finally, you clenched your teeth. If that was how he really felt, and if your friends were letting him speak for them, then that truly was the end of it.
“Maybe I will go. Edelgard would at least pretend to care whether I live or die, and the Black Eagles are actually bold enough to stand up for what they believe.”
Spinning on your heel, you left the Mausoleum alone. 
In truth, you had no intention of joining the empire. At least not at first. Once you arrived back home, you informed your parents of the prince’s delusion. They seemed to be proud of your decision, and as proof of their support, chose to become a neutral faction in the war. 
The amount of prestige and connections that came with that sacrifice…you were torn between being moved and remorseful. While it was true that your family had not lost too much power, as crest wielding houses tended not to do, there was still a great sacrifice made in keeping you safe from the Kingdom’s demands.
That was not the only change, however. It turns out that news travels fast when the family of a veritable noble house defects from their allies. People were stopping by left and right, bargaining troop stations, land usage, resource management, and all the other things that would keep your mother and father busy. You chose to focus on defending your land, though it did not consist of much work while both the Alliance and the Empire found it so valuable.
Needless to say, you were more than curious the day your mother called you into one of the drawing rooms to meet with one of her guests.
“Mother, what is this about? You know I prefer not to attend these sorts of things.”
“Oh, I know very well, darling. This one is a bit different, though. Someone has requested to confer with you directly, and I would have been in a bit of a tight spot to say no.”
“What do you mean?”
“It is no secret that we have been both opening up to and prospering from negotiations from several sides of this war. There have been enticing offers to nullify our neutrality and pledge allegiance here or there. You know this.”
“Oh,” you were beginning to catch on. “So then someone must have made an offer that you liked?”
“Just…promise me you’ll keep an open mind.”
“Of course.” 
With an odd tension about you, you braced yourself for whatever would be found in that room. Your mother was not usually one to be so cryptic. A quiet sigh left your lips as you turned around.
The doors opened in front of you.
“Ah, I see you made your way here without much trouble.”
“Lady Edelgard? What are you-...Shouldn’t you be heading the war effort somewhere?”
What was this, really?
Remembering yourself, you lowered yourself in greeting, “Forgive me, your Imperial Majesty.”
You rose, trying to process the image in front of you. The Emperor of Adrestia sat poised on the sofa with a cup of tea your mother had no doubt been the one to offer. At her side stood Hubert, dutiful as he was so often described.
Soundlessly, she set down her cup, “Everything I do is for the future. For this war to end. I took notice that you were not among your former classmates’ ranks and grew curious. Needless to say, I did not need to look far to find you.”
“It was not my intention to run and hide,” you stated, taking a seat on the couch across from Edelgard.
“I never meant to imply as such,” she began. “On the contrary, I believe you still have a place in this war. If you left for the reasons I believe you did, that is.”
The conversation that followed consisted of platitudes and ideals; the type of which you both seemed to agree upon. You found your own ideas of the values of talent and human life to be eerily similar. It was decidedly reassuring that she had come to you directly, so that you could see them reflected in the leader of the Empire firsthand.
In time, you would join the Empire’s ranks under a woman named Cornelia while your house remained neutral. It would not have been in the best interests for a house so distant from the Empire to declare fealty, after all.
Several years later, you would be uncertain of your decision.
After everything you had witnessed Edelgard do up to this point, you weren’t so sure she viewed your ideals in the same light. Crest beasts, experiments, secret treaties, and deals made in the dark of night…you couldn’t get behind it, but your family had already made its decision.
Even so…
I agreed to fight for the empire, you reminded yourself, not for this woman.
Right now, you were being assigned to defend the Kingdom’s capital in an effort led by Cornelia. Ironically, the sorceress seemed to be the epitome of everything you stood against, yet here you were as her ally.
How far you had come from home.
She had positioned you between a pair of horrifying machines; two technological terrors known as viskam.
How low you must have come from your initial meeting with the Emperor.
You watched as your previous house leader’s army dispersed. Some soldiers veered left, others went right, but Dimitri’s main force charged up the middle, directly at you and the mechs Cornelia had placed.
Watching diligently, you noted how the Kingdom soldiers would take on multiple of Cornelia’s fighters while Dimitri would sneak past.
Well, as sneaky as someone with a bright fur cape and a target on his back could be.
A thought came to mind with every step forward he took. It came slowly, not sudden in the slightest, but sure.
If I were to kill Dimitri, all of this would end.
It was true, you knew. You were unsure how you felt about it, though you deduced that part of that uncertainty came from your past friendship with the prince. But had he truly reverted from the monster you left in the Holy Mausoleum?
There was only one way to find out, you supposed. You would face your past friend head-on. If he turned out to be the same man you saw that day, you would not hesitate to kill him. Anything to end this war.
Just as he made his way to the staircase, you walked forward, blocking off the top.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Dimitri’s eyes went wide, but you didn’t buy it. He had a clear view of you positioned just below Cornelia since the moment he walked into her sight.
So what, then? Were you to believe his surprise came from the idea that you were actually trying to stop him? You’d be lying if you said that wasn’t the slightest bit insulting.
“It’s you…but why-”
You threw a dagger at him, which whiffed as he sidestepped, “That’s all I get? It’s you? After all those years, not to mention the amalgamation of everything you said and did once the Flame Emperor unmasked herself, you cannot even say my name?”
His eyes softened as though hurt, “I didn’t think I had the privilege, anymore.”
“Then fight me! You have always given yourself the privilege to take the lives of others,” another dagger, this one closer to hitting its mark before Dimitri barely moved out of the way, “Do not let mine be any different.”
“I’m sorry,” he approached you, climbing the stairs, “I understand why you left, but know now that I do not wish to hurt you. Just step aside so-”
“And then what? Let you kill Cornelia? Condemn thousands of others in some future conquest?”
What were you doing? This version of Dimitri was worlds apart from the boy you left in the Holy Mausoleum.
So why were you still fighting him?
A loud noise disrupted your thoughts. You turned to face it, noting that Dimitri paused, as well. Farther away, Cornelia let out a dark cackle.
“Wonderful job getting the poor princeling right where I need him. Your death will not be in vain.”
You did not allow yourself to fully process her words as a bright light shot out of the viskam that had made that awful noise, earlier. With the future king just paces away, you could guess where it was going to land.
But Dimitri had turned to face Cornelia.
It appeared you had a choice to make.
“Don’t resist,” you closed the distance between yourself and the Kingdom's rightful heir. He had grown since your last encounter; holding this grudge could only do more harm than good.
Maybe that meant you would not survive this, but in that moment, what was your life next to his?
So, in the second before he could react and before the viskam struck, you pushed Dimitri down the stairs.
And it was when the world went from bright white to pitch black that you knew your death would not be in vain.
“I bel…sh…wake up in…!”
Everything ached, and you couldn’t move. It would probably hurt if you tried, anyway.
At least you could feel something, right? At least you were alive. Though if you had to go through life like this, then perhaps you were better off dead.
But then a cooling sensation began to make itself known throughout your body. It was strongest in your head, torso, and legs, though you could feel it spreading and connecting in your arms and neck.
Tentatively, you allowed your eyes to open.
“Oh, thank goodness! Mercie, we did it!” Annette beamed from her position at your head.
Felix scoffed, “About time.”
“How do you feel? Are you alright?”
“I can’t feel my legs,” you managed, surprised at the strength of your own voice, “and…I cannot move.”
Scanning the area with your eyes, you realized you hadn’t been moved, either. You were still lying on the floor by the stairs; exactly where you remember being struck down.
“Is Cornelia…?”
“Dead,” Felix confirmed.
“And I remember pushing his Highness down the stairs. It was the best I could do with my own strength…” you had known you weren’t strong enough to normally push him far enough out of the way nor to pull him far enough before he instinctively resisted, ”but he isn’t hurt too badly, is he?”
“Oh goodness, no! Annie told me she saw the whole thing. Apparently, Dimitri caught himself rather quickly.” Mercedes reassured you.
Annette frowned, “I’ve never had to spend this much time on an injury, and certainly not while working with others. I’m surprised it’s taking this long.”
“I’m surprised you’re alive.”
“What? You and I both saw that thing,” he turned from Annette back to you. “If you had sustained any other injuries before getting hit by that thing, you’d have been dead on the spot.”
Annette and Felix continued their banter as you shut your eyes and listened. Finally, you began to feel your body coming back to life; stronger and back into your control.
“Okay, I think that should do it! How does that feel?”
Annette waited another moment for your response before calling your name in confusion.
“Oops,” Mercedes giggled, “I think the magic might have lulled them to sleep. We did go a little overboard, I suppose.”
“Is everything alright?”
The group turned, looking up at the new voice that joined them.
“Prince Dimitri! Yes, everything is fine. They should be all better upon awakening.”
“Ah, that’s good. I am sorry to have left you all here for so long. Sylvain, Ingrid, and myself were working on reconciling with the remaining soldiers.”
Felix raised a brow, “Then where are they?”
“Once the issue of alliances was out of the way, Ingrid told me they could handle the rest,” Dimitri directed his eyes down to you. “Sylvain…said it might be best if I came to check on them.”
The swordsman’s expression didn’t change, “Well that doesn’t make any sense. There’s already three of us-! Hey!”
Dimitri balked as he watched Annette get up and drag Felix with her. Mercedes followed close behind, smiling back at him. 
“Let us know if they need any more help!” 
“Y-Yes of course…” he stammered, confused.
“Of course what?”
Shocked to hear your voice, the Blue Lion’s leader dropped his gaze unto where you had been resting on the floor, “Ah! You’re awake!”
You made a small noise, blinking against the light of the sun as you began to sit up.
“Mercedes told me to fetch her if you were having any issues. Are you alright?”
Methodically, you tested each of your limbs, “Yes…Yes, I think so.”
“Good,” he sighed, and you swore you saw him relax the slightest bit.
The ensuing silence was uncomfortable, to say the least.
“Forgive me for this. I know you’ve just recovered, but I’d like to thank you for saving my life.”
“You're welcome,” you said, “but why are you apologizing for that?”
He maintained eye contact with you, “Because I would also like to ask you why you did that.”
At first, you didn’t really have a response. The more you thought about it though, the more clear everything felt in your head. There was really only one answer.
“I just did what I thought was right.”
“But I was terrible to you!” Dimitri didn’t hesitate, “I said horrible things to you, and I treated you like…”
“Like I was worthless?”
It was as though all the words left Dimitri's mouth. After another moment of silence, he finally averted his gaze, “I do not deserve your forgiveness.”
“No, you really don’t, do you?”
…no reaction. So he was telling the truth.
“But, if you were to apologize, I might forgive you.”
He looked to you slowly, a look of timid surprise written on the blond’s face, “Surely, it would take more than that…”
“It should not take more than that if you are genuine,” you painted your face with a small frown, in conflict with yourself, “You’re not the same person you were 5 years ago, Dimitri. I am not about to make a habit of forgiving people just because some time has passed, but I know that many more people can be helped if we clear the air right now.”
“Right,” he swallowed, extending his hand down to you. “In that case, know that I am truly sorry for the way I treated you, both within the Holy Mausoleum and the several days before. I also apologize for the effect it has had upon both you and your family, though it seems you have found a way to make the most of your situation.”
You laughed a bit at that, accepting his offer to help you to your feet, “I suppose you could say that.”
Now it was the prince’s turn to frown, “I am being serious. This will not happen again. I promise to respect and honor both you and all that you do for the Blue Lions.” He paused, suddenly unsure, “If…you do choose to come back, that is.”
Turning away to hide the small blush that appeared at his phrasing, you looked at the stairwell, “It would be thoughtless not to join, seeing how I almost died for you.”
At the feeling of his hands on your arms, you turned back to him, surprised.
“You must promise to never do that again. Do you understand me?”
“I…you know I could never promise that. You’re too important.”
“Swear it anyway,” he pleaded. 
How uncharacteristic, you wondered.
“Really, Dimitri-”
“I don’t care if it’s a lie,” he let go of you, taking a step back while never wavering his gaze, “Just…”
He seemed to have run out of words, and all the two of you could do was stare at each other. Eventually, you broke first with a sigh. You couldn’t bear to maintain eye contact knowing you could never rely on your words alone to determine your future. Regardless, you spoke.
“...I…promise…that will not happen again.”
A grimace appeared on Dimitri’s face out of the corner of your eye, but the two of you spoke no more after that. Wordlessly, you left to go find Mercedes and the others. Where Dimitri went in the moments following, you had no clue, but the conversation would stay in your mind throughout the rest of the war.
Only time would tell if your promise was kept.
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pistachio-pierrot · 7 months ago
Missed Dedue week, still "rendering" fanart, ruining my sleep scheduel, coming in two hours late with a belated birthday fic
Want Something/Want Something (4197 words) by LemonsBitter Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dedue Molinaro/My Unit | Byleth, Blue Lions Students & Dedue Molinaro Characters: Dedue Molinaro, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Mercedes von Martritz, Annette Fantine Dominic, Felix Hugo Fraldarius Additional Tags: Post-Azure Moon | Blue Lions Route (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Oblivious, Pining, Man Unable to Comprehend Feelings, Bydue but Byleth only shows up at the very end, Happy Birthday Dedue Molinaro, couple hours too late oops, Mentioned Blue Lions Students (Fire Emblem), Dedue Molinaro-centric Summary: It's one year after the war. Dedue has turned 26. Dimitri has asked him what he wants for his birthday. He doesn't know how to answer.
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