#edit: I FORGOT SHEZ..... WTF
blehbet-arts ยท 3 months
Hi! I know it's old, but I just stumbled upon your fe3h x genshin au recently. It seems really interesting, so I was wondering if you could elaborate some of the lore ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
oh!! of course!!
this will be a lil long because of how character focused it is, so feel free to look at whichever one interested you the most. the yapperning, shall now commence :3
Byleth Eisner - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Anemo Delusion: Pyro Weapon Type: Sword Region: Sumeru (formerly Snezhnaya) Affiliations: The Akademiya, (formerly the Fatui)
An ex high ranking Fatui officer, Byleth escaped the clutches of the Fatui upon the discovery that their father was killed by one of the Fatui Harbingers (feel free to guess who did it...). Finding easy mercenary work in Sumeru, they worked their way up from an escapee to a trusted hired sword for the Akademiya. On request, they're also willing to teach scholars basic combat. Because of them and their strange, but effective teaching methods, there's unsubstantiated rumours flying around that the Sages are considering the implementation of a new Darshan.
Currently in their possession is the Sword of the Creator, a heroes' relic passed down into their grasp from civilisations of old - an object in which they stole in the midst of their retreat.
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Cryo Weapon Type: Polearm Region: Snezhnaya Affiliations: The Fatui
Adopted by the Tsaritsa under mysterious circumstances, Dimitri was raised in accordance of the Fatui's ideals. Growing up to be a capable fighter, he'd then take on the role as one of the Tsaritsa's military generals and plays a critical role in her personal vanguard. As of now, he is currently on the hunt for traitors of the Fatui, and that just so happens to include a certain professor...
Currently in his possession is Areadbhar, a heroes' relic once wielded by upstanding Khaenri'ahn soldiers. It was given to him by the Tsaritsa.
Edelgard von Hresvelg - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Pyro Weapon Type: Claymore Region: Mondstadt Affiliations: Knights of Favonius, (Khaenri'ah)
Born and raised amidst the Mondstadtian uppercrust, Edelgard has led an uneventful life as a Knight of Favonius. However, beneath this seemingly unshakable visage is a secret that even she is yet to fully grasp. In her spare time, she can often be found surveying ruins, most of which have been prescribed to the ancient civilisation of Khaenri'ah. Her curiosity is sourced by her dissatisfaction with the current ways of Teyvat.
Currently in her possession is Aymr, a heroes' relic that she found on one of her personal expeditions. Even so, she can't help the feeling that its placement, upon being discovered, was notably purposeful.
Claude von Riegan - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Anemo Weapon Type: Bow Region: Sumeru, Fontaine Affiliations: Corps of Thirty, Temple of Silence
A free spirit - Claude takes to new environments well and is rarely seen stationed in one place for too long a time. As a dedicated member of the Corps of Thirty, he maintains Sumeru's security, albeit in his own unique ways. While relations between the Akademiya and the Temple of Silence have improved, he also secretly acts as an undercover agent for the Temple should this bout of trust prove misguided on the Akademiya's part. As of now, he is currently on vacation leave, which he is using to travel around Teyvat. Residing in Fontaine, he is accompanied by one Hilda Valentine Goneril and Lorenz Hellman Gloucestor.
Currently in his possession is Failnaught, a heroes' relic that was gifted to him by his grandfather. Though mysterious, he trusts that he'll wield it well should the time of its use come.
Yuri - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Electro Weapon Type: Sword Region: Inazuma Affiliations: The Shuumatsuban
Like many Shuumatsuban ninjas, Yuri's past is shrouded in mystery, but this fact has never hindered him from his job. Specialising in undercover work and assassinations, Yuri is thorough while maintaining a casual air that would ease many away from suspicion. Even so, there is a part of him that yearns for a better life for him and his fellow ninjas.
Currently in his possession is the Fetters of Dromi, a heroes' relic that was salvaged from Fatui supplies on one of his missions. While its use is unknown to him, he keeps it close in the case that it one day becomes useful.
Seteth and Flayn - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Geo and Anemo, respectively Weapon Type: Polearm and Catalyst, respectively Region: Fontaine, (formerly Liyue) Affiliations: Adepti
In the wake of Rex Lapis' death, Seteth and Flayn took to travelling, which eventually led them to Fontaine. In the current day and age, they live a quiet life in the Fontainean countryside, caring for the surrounding wildlife and tending to their farm. In the past, however, Seteth and Flayn were devout Adepti who fought by Rex Lapis' side during the Archon War.
While not much has occurred in the peaceful life they currently lead, Seteth senses an incoming global change. Any measures made to further seclude themselves is for the sake of Flayn's safety.
Shez - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Electro Weapon Type: Sword Region: No set region, encountered in Sumeru Affiliations: Treasure Hoarders
A prolific member of the Treasure Hoarders, Shez is renowned for his many escapades in locating and finding treasure. While being a Treasure Hoarder often gives people a bad impression of him, those who know him are well aware of his intentions. Likewise, his past is also shrouded in mystery. Not even Shez himself is fully aware what landed him in this position as a notable Treasure Hoarder.
Currently in his possession is the Asura Blades, a heroes' relic that Shez found (stole) from Khaenri'ahn ruins. Upon closer inspection, he too found it suspicious how it was positioned - as if the intent was for it to be found.
Dedue Molinaro - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Geo Weapon Type: Claymore Region: Sumeru Affiliations: Aaru Village Guard, (the Fatui)
Reliable and steadfast, Dedue is a formidable member of the Aaru Village Guard. In truth, he also harbours a secret connection. Taken in by the Sumeru division of the House of the Hearth at a young age, Dedue was raised and eventually recruited by the Fatui. Proving his worth, he was then brought into Dimitri's vanguard, which then led him to being stationed out in Aaru Village for the sake of tracking down 'the professor' and maintaining safe passage for fellow Fatui personnel to pass through.
Hubert von Vestra - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Electro Weapon Type: Catalyst Region: Mondstadt Affiliations: Knights of Favonius
Earning quite the repute as a Knight of Favonius, Hubert has often been questioned for his motivations. Though he makes it clear that his loyalty is solely towards the Knights and Edelgard herself, there are some who still cannot shake the feeling of something else beneath that cold visage of his. But others yet chalk this up to his role as an undercover reconnaissance mission soloist.
Ferdinand von Aegir - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Pyro Weapon Type: Polearm Region: Mondstadt Affiliations: Knights of Favonius
A noble, but only in name, Ferdinand is determined to re-prove the worth and mettle of the Mondstadtian nobility in light of the many controversies that have come to darken the region's past. This is spurred further on by his father having gone missing, the trail of evidence leading itself outside of Mondstadt's borders. Right now, he is at a crossroads; should he stay and take on his role as the last remaining Aegir noble, or should he leave Mondstadt to uncover the mystery of his father's disappearance?
Hilda Valentine Goneril - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Pyro Weapon Type: Claymore Region: Fontaine Affiliations: Spina di Rosula
Hailed as a master of her craft, Hilda is known for her work as a jeweller in Fontaine's fashion sphere. She is also a trusted member of the Spina di Rosula. That all being said, she is also just as well-known for her habit of leaving her projects to the very last minute, if not outright asking her employees or other members of the Spina di Rosula to complete projects for her.
Lorenz Hellman Gloucestor - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Electro Weapon Type: Polearm Region: Fontaine Affiliations: Spina di Rosula
As an upstanding member of the Spina di Rosula, Lorenz's family has a long history serving the presidential line of the organisation and have often been seen supporting them by way of sponsorships. Though he may hold some qualms over how the Spina di Rosula currently runs, one can trust him to be loyal as a thoughtful confidant to whoever sits at its current head.
Ignatz Victor - โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†
Vision: Dendro Weapon Type: Bow Region: Sumeru, (formerly Fontaine) Affiliations: Akademiya
A Vahumana scholar that was sent to the Akademiya because of his merchant family's encouragement and desire for him to become well educated, Ignatz is reluctant but willing to learn in due thanks to the financial trouble it took for him to travel and apply. As much as he is determined to learn about Teyvat's history, his heart lies in the arts. Secretly, he's a widely renowned artist, known for his landscape and candid painting work. He works under the pen name of 'Verdi'.
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