#and even then as a child bro was angsty let him be happy
no1ryomafan · 11 months
it’s the way I’m mixed about kikaider and don’t wanna think about it too hard-both in thinking about what I hated about it but also remembering it in general-yet I proceed to go “I am going to steal how mitsuko and masaru are characterized for my big upcoming fic that has michiru and genki in it just because they are better biases to use to expand upon them more then what fucking canon has for us and are just the same family dynamic”.
Needless to say the autism is winning and this might be one of those “this isn’t even that good but I fixated on it” interests fml.
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Hello, just wanted to say I love your writing and that you're amazing ☺️ I loved the splinter headcanons with child reader and the other ones as well. So I had an idea for sibling headcanons (or one shot if easier) but with rise boys !
Ok so here's the deal
‼️ angsty time‼️
The boys and reader were having A BIG FIGHT with draxum, everything around them was destroyed or on fire, each boy was occupied fight against draxum vines (i can't exactly remember what they were), so nobody noticed draxum going behind reader and giving them a fatal injury (no need to describe it if your uncomfortable), when the boys noticed it was already too late, they hold their dying sibling reader in their arms, telling them to hang in there, but the last thing the reader says before passing is :
"Make sure to protect the family for me...give them the happy future that I won't be able to give them"
And then their gone
You can do Headcanons for each brother in this situation or a one shot, whatever you're comfortable with. And if you don't want to do it then it's completely fine, it's your choice sweetheart
Love your blog and you, have a good month 😚🌸💞
Bro I literally cried writing this, but like, IT'S SUCH A GOOD PROMPT 😭
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You dodged and weaved through Baron Draxum's vines alonside your brothers, laughing confidently when you just barely missed one.
"Focus up, (Name)!" Raph shouted, cutting through the new wave.
"Sorry, Big Guy! focusing!"
You swung your axe, chopping through a vine headed straight for your heart, both you and any of your brothers failing to notice the Baron creeping up behind you.
A sharp pain shook your body and you screamed out in pain. The vine that had previously lodged itself through your stomach retracted and you fell to your knees...
He heard you scream and his heart dropped so low he might have lost it.
He spun to see you on your knees and the Baron fleeing in the opposite direction.
You looked up at him weakly as he rushed to you side, "Raph-" you croaked out.
"No, no- shhh, hold on, (Name)- hold-, oh man-"
Raph held you tightly, trying desperatly to stop the bleeding,
But it wouldn't stop.
His breathing had become erratic, he was panicing and you knew it,
So you placed a hand on his plastron, "Raph?"
"Y-yeah, (Name)?"
"Do you remember when we were kids and I had a nightmare? You sang me to sleep remember?"
Raph nodded, his big arms holding your smaller form tight, "Of course, I remember." his voice was shaky, and you started to rub circles into his plastron.
"Can you sing me to sleep one last time, Big Guy? please..." you looked up at him teary eyed and weak.
Raph gulped back the sob that was building up, "Su-sure thing, (Nickname). Sure I can."
"We we're playing in the sand," his voice cracked, but he kept singing,
"And you found a little band,"
"You told me you fell in love with it hadn't gone as I planned."
"When you had to bid adieu,"
You hummed weakly alonside the tune, still rubbing slow circles into his plastron.
"Said you'd never love anew,"
"I wondered if I could hold it and fall in love with it too." Raph felt his chest constrict as your circles came slower and slower, knowing you didn't have long left,
"You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you."
You sighed softly, "Thank you, B-big Guy. Hey take care of our baby brothers, yeah? T-they're gonna need you even more n-now..."
A lone tear fell down your face and your hand fell with it.
Raph let out a choked sob as he held you closer.
"(NAME)!" Leo shouted, rushing to your side.
"No, nononono, (Name). Please be okay. Please, please."
You chuckled weakly, wincing as Leo moved to hold you, "H-hey, Leo. It don't look that bad, right?"
Leo scowled at you through thr tears that had started to fall, "D-don't joke right now. D-don't..."
"Just trying to lighten the mood..."
Leo shook his head and frantically began to try and stop, or even just slow, the bleeding, you grabbed his hand.
"Hey, hey. It's ok, Leo. It's not gonna work." you sqeezed his hand in your own.
He stopped and looked you in your eyes, tears freely falling down his face, "No, (Name), i-it's not ok. You can't go, you can't." His voice cracked, and you cupped his with your other hand.
"I don't have a choice, Leo. But I need you to make me two promises, ok?"
Leo nodded, pushing his heek further into your weak palm.
"Don't blame yourself. Please don't do that. It'll make me upset. And take care of the others, you guys are gonna need each other-" you coughed weakly.
"Ok, I- I promise, I-"
You nodded, smiling softly, "Good..."
Your hand fell from his cheek, and Leo felt his heart drop.
You were gone.
Donnie rushed to your side, goggles down and already assesing your wound.
"(Name)! Hold still, I can- I can fix this."
He started to reach for the wound, attempting to stop the bleeding, but your hand caught his wrist.
"Donnie... you can't fix this. There's nothing t-to fix."
Donnie shook his head, "No! I c-can, I can fix this! I just need-"
His eyes met your own as you moved his goggles back up to their place atop his head.
You smiled softly at your younger brother, "It's ok... not everything is fixable, would you try to put a toaster back together if it was smashed to peices?"
He shook his head slowly, eyes not leaving yours.
"Exactly," you said, "T-this isn't fixable. I'm not fixable, and that's not your- your fault." you felt your tears begin to fall faster than before, "I need you to promise me something, Donnie. Take care of the family for me, give them the future I wasn't able to..."
"I will, (Name), I promise. I- (Name)? (Name)!" Donnie felt the panic and anger set in as your hand fell to your side.
He pulled you closer as the overwhelming sensation of his own tears falling took over his senses.
"(Name)!" he gasped out as he rushed to your side.
You smiled weakly as he pulled you into his arms, "H-hey, Mikey. looks like I'm in quite the pickle, huh?"
"Don't- don't joke about this, (Name). Hold on please, y-you'll be okay, you're gonna be ok, right?"
You shook your head sadly, "Not this time, Mikey. I- ." you were cut of by a throat wrenching cough,
Mikey's breathing became uneven, as he looked around frantically for the others, "RAPH! (NAME) NEEDS HELP! (Name) needs help..."
You placed a gentle hand on his cheek, turning him to look at you, "Mikey, you're my baby brother, I- I don't want to leave you. But I don't have a choice. B-before I- I go, I need you to promise me something, yeah?"
Mikey nodded slowly, sniffling quietly as the tears fell faster,
"Take care of the others, they'll need you, and you'll need them, protect each other-"
You whimpered lowly as a bout of pain flared from the wound.
"Ok, (Name) I-I promise..."
You smiled softly, but it faded slightly when you felt Mikey's tears hit your face. You moved your hand to wipe them away,
"Please don't cry, dumpling. It makes me s-sad..." your sentence trailed off as your hand fell and your body went still.
Mikey pulled you closer, quiet sobs racking his body.
Writing angst hits different at 3am, woke up my sister cause of my sniffling.
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Have a good day Anon!
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The crazy Sacrilege fan here ! I LOVE THAT DRABBLE MIKASA IS SUCH AN UNHINGED FREAK I ADORE HER THANK YOU LYS THANK YOU !!! And Eren cares about her , « might even love her, just a little » LMFAO MR COP IS SO BUSTED !! If I may ask, how do you think they would react to a pregnancy scare ? I think crazy ass Mika might even like it, think it’s the Lord’s Will for them to be with child . Eren is head over heels for his little gf so he woudn’t mind giving her a child but he doesn’t want her to regret it later, she needs to go to college and start a career first!
omg okay, i can totally see this going like both ways, mostly bc I'm so anti religion bc of how much fucking shit it can create. So me, being a little shit, i'd love to go against the grain here and have Mikasa just be pRO CHOICE GIRLY !! Altho I do think she'd be like a little thrilled to have a child with Eren lol. LETS WRITE IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!! bro tell me why they're so cute tho i like this drabble lol
Mikasa stares at the pregnancy test blankly, head knocked back against the bathroom cabinet of Eren’s apartment. Two little red lines to seal her fate, she should be thrilled.  
She isn’t. 
Contrary to her mother and every other girl in her church, Mikasa feels nothing but dread, cold, inescapable dread and suffocation. Because yes, a baby is cute, a baby is sweet, a baby would be the perfect embodiment of her and Eren’s love. They’d be the picture perfect happy family, the one people see on instagram, and she could be a stay at home mom and do all that ridiculous mom-fluencer stuff she sees.
The entire idea makes Mikasa want to throw up, and she’s not so sure it’s the pregnancy, because she isn’t that far along at all yet. 
She slumps, dropping the test to the floor beside her and blinking back stubborn tears, she wonders if this is God’s plan. Because surely, it must be? She wouldn’t be pregnant if it wasn’t His will. Hell, she’s already gone against the church by using birth control, condoms and the pill. 
So there’s really no other way she could have possibly gotten pregnant, right? Nothing else other than pure divine intervention would have allowed this. 
Mikasa sniffles meekly, a tear sleeping down her cheek despite her attempts not to cry and she wipes it away with her sleeve. Drawing her knees up to her chest, she crumples in on herself because what the fuck is she going to do? She’s not married, not yet at least, not in school yet –will probably have to drop out now actually– and her parents will most certainly withdraw what little support they were willing to provide her. She can hear it now, they’re going to call her sweet little baby a bastard, the church will gossip, her youth group will turn on her, and the pastor will look at her with eyes full of disgust at every turn. The tears flow faster now, slipping down her cheeks freely, and before she realizes it, she’s sobbing alone in Eren’s apartment bathroom, utterly alone. 
And there’s that too, isn’t there, how Eren will react. She doesn’t know, doesn’t want to lose him, but what if it’s too soon? Eren isn’t that old, only 24 and still working his way up in the force, he probably doesn’t want a baby yet either. 
He’s certainly never talked about it, and it has Mikasa tearing up all over again, because she’s going to lose him, and her parents again all at once. And she can’t lose him, she just can’t, she loves him. What had started as pure angsty rebellion had turned into love so quickly she doesn’t even know when it started. But he’s so supportive, hot, and so fucking good for her if she thinks about it, had told her just to fucking move in when her parents had gotten fussy over their break-up. He’d shrugged like it was no big deal, “Don’t worry about rent, Mika, just as long as you sleep in my bed.” Then, he’d left for work with a wink, and Mikasa for the first time in her life had real fucking independence, the very thing she’d been yearning for, begging for when he’d fucked her on that alter. 
And now here she is, about to lose it all again, her shackles renewed by the responsibility of a child and all the pressures that come with being a mom before she’s financially ready or responsible in the slightest. 
There is a click outside and Mikasa inhales sharply, glancing at her watch, because how long has she been in this bathroom moping? It’s 9:00 am on the dot, Eren is home, having just gotten off an overnight shift, and she can already hear him stomping around, seeking her out. “Mikasa,” He calls, and she slaps a hand over her mouth to keep quiet, for what she doesn’t know, he’ll find her eventually. “Baby where are you, I can see your shoes by the door, come out.” She doesn’t, fear paralyzes her, this agony of what to do, to tell him, not to tell him, to just run away and give it up for adoption, show up again in nine months and hope he doesn’t hate her. But Eren is a cop, surely he’d find her no matter where she went? And he does, just like he’d find her if she ran away, sweeping the apartment methodically before coming to the bathroom door, just off his bedroom. 
He knocks, “Miki, what are you doing?” She doesn’t answer, just grabs the pregnancy test, holds it closer as the two positive red lines blur together, tears flowing freely again. It takes Eren one attempt, one fucking shot to jimmy the lock open, and he’s leaning against the door frame like an avenging angel as he looks her over. He’s terrifying, clad in his police uniform, black cargo pants with so many pockets and that tight long sleeve shirt that goes under his body armour. 
He quirks a brow up at her as he notices her tears, eyes scanning her over, and she can pinpoint the exact moment he notices the pregnancy test, his teeth coming down to bite into his lip, his only nervous tic. “So,” He asks casually, “Pregnant?” She nods meekly, a sob working its way up her throat, all she can think to do is apologize, because obviously it’s her fault, “I’m so sorry Eren.” 
She should have never slept with him, never disobeyed God like this, it’s her punishment, and she just spirals, ugly crying in her boyfriend’s bathroom at 8 am on a wednesday. “Oh Miki no, it takes two, okay,” Eren half laughs as he kneels down next to her, tucking a strand of hair out of her eyes. He wipes the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs, cupping her face with more love and affection than she’s ever known in her life, “It was definitely more me if I recall correctly, in the back of my squad car, in the kitchen,” He smirks, looking down at her, “Yesterday morning in the shower.” Mikasa smacks him for that, choking out a laugh, “Stop it, I’m sad right now.” Eren chuckles, sitting down next to her and grabbing her hand with the pregnancy test to look at it himself. “You don’t have to be sad Miki, it doesn’t have to be a big thing you know.” 
She leans into him, her head on his shoulder as she thinks about it, “Eren I’m gonna get huge and fat, it’s definitely gonna be a thing and people are definitely going to notice.” He bumps her with his shoulder lightly, “Nah you’d be cute pregnant, and fuck,” He groans as if he’s thinking about it, “Your tits would definitely get even better.” Mikasa gasps, smacking his arm again, and before she can stop him he’s going in for a squeeze that has her yelping because yeah, she’s already a little more sensitive. He smirks, more smug than he has any right to be in this situation, ten minutes ago she was crying her eyes out. 
“So does this mean you want it, then, that you’ll support me?” Mikasa asks hopefully and Eren squeezes her thigh, looking down at her with more intensity than she knew him capable of, “Mikasa of course I’ll support you in whatever you decide to do, this would be my kid too.” He pauses and Mikasa waits, looking up at him earnestly, ready to accept whatever else he has to say, because he’s Eren and he so obviously loves her. “I know it’s a little taboo in the church community, but have you thought about getting an abortion?” Mikasa cracks, heaving out a great sob, and before she knows it she’s in Eren’s lap with him shushing her as she whispers all her fears into his neck, “You don’t want it, you’re lying you just- you just want to appease me and –” “Mikasa,” Eren kisses his way up her neck, voice right at her ear, “I’m not lying, but look at me.” He cups her chin roughly, tilting her head up so she’s forced to look into those pretty green eyes, “Baby you’re in school, you haven’t even started yet, and I’ve heard you, fuck baby I’ve heard you talk about school so many times and how much you want to be a nurse.” He leans down, so their foreheads touch, and he leans into her, “And as much as I’d love to see you pregnant, how fucking pretty you’d be, cute as hell waddling around my house knocked up with my fucking kid, it would also suck a lot because I know Mikasa that you’d be miserable, would be delaying your dreams for several years at the very fucking least and I could never ask you to do that.” Mikasa inhales shakily, relaxing into him now, the hand on her thigh, the other at the nape of her neck, how warm and solid he is against her, Eren. 
She tilts her head up for a kiss, something soft, chaste, comfort. 
He kisses her softly, all gentle affection, his hand rubbing over her thigh to keep her calm and when she pulls back she’s calmer, more stable in his arms. 
“Is it allowed?” She whispers, almost nervously, afraid she’ll be shot down by the universe at the mere suggestion. Eren laughs, his hand drifting up to her hip to tug her closer in his lap, “Of course it’s allowed Mikasa, no one has to know we have free health care you know, we’ll just you know, schedule you an appointment, I don’t think it’s that hard.” “Really?” she mumbles, “Just like that?” “I think so, I mean obviously I haven’t had one, but I don’t think it’ll be that difficult, we can call in a minute.”
“Okay,” she mumbles and Eren kisses her again, nipping her cheek as he demands her attention, “But I want to know you’re doing it for you, not because of me or anything else, this has to be your decision Mikasa and I’m just along for the ride.” She sighs, “I think you’re right, I just didn’t want to be the one to say it, but before you got here all I could think about was how much it was going to fuck up my life.” Eren gasps, and she looks up, suddenly afraid, does he think she’s disgusting, a worthless human being because of it? His eyes are alight with amusement, “You swore, what a naughty little church girl you are.” 
She smacks him and violently, which has him cackling, and he uses his leverage to go in for another kiss, which she accepts gratefully. “As long as it’s your decision Mikasa, I don’t care, hell I kind of agree, I’m not sure if I’d be a great dad right now, I’m too selfish. I wanna keep you to myself for as long as I can.” Mikasa laughs, “Then maybe we’d better start using better protection.” “Yeah, we’re also scheduling you for an IUD appointment, because fuck are you bad at taking those pills.” She winces, “I took it this morning.” Eren looks at her in disbelief, “Miki you’re already pregnant.” “Well, I tried not to be,” She tells him poutily and Eren pinches her waist, “You did a shit job.” “We just agreed it was your fault!” 
Eren smiles deviously, “Yeah it is, and it’s about to be my fault again.” 
He yanks her down against him, a devilish gleam in his eyes, and she can feel his very obvious erection right against the soft of her cunt, separated only by the thin layer of her pyjama pants. 
“Have you been hard the entire time?” “I’m not a monster, just since you swore, it just does things to me, it’s not my fault, really it’s yours.” “Oh my God,” Mikasa groans, and she can feel Eren below her, grinding her down against his cock, that guilty look on his face, “Holy fuck does it turn you on when I’m like bad?” “Is that blasphemous of me?” 
“God yes,” She tells him and then she’s kissing him, because no one else but Eren Yeager has ever made being bad feel so good.
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theoldoor · 3 months
I sometimes ask myself (WIP FOR THE REF SHEET BELOW)
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“Khang!! Why don’t you ship Aventio/Raturine/Golden Ratio??? Theyre literally YOUR kinda trope! You’d die for the same troupe and you cried over multiple other ships that has the same dynamic!!”
And i do ask myself what is it about aventurine and dr ratio that separates them from the other ships of the same trope that i would defend with my life, but after months and months of wondering “why do i feel like theyre awfully platonic” “why cant i see them romantically like the other ships of the same trope” i have come to an conclusion that dr ratio and aventurine hits too close to home w me and that one bro that i love with my life platonically and i am projecting onto the two of them
And also Dr Ratio is ugly
But anyways back to oc x canon shit ft. My genshin oc from 2020 - prof. Solias lehto of engineering. He was made for sumeru before the region was released…. …
Sol is basically borderline ruan mei, he dgaf, he is putting himself in 20 pounds of radiation if it means he makes a new weapon for fun. He wanted to ascend to an archon-hood through mechanical works or some shit, fucked up humanity and is working for the fatui, making them weapons yadayada for the fun of it and they allow him to.
He occasionally visits the quarters to distribute his silly little gadgets for testing (he made sure it was safe before putting to test) and thats when he met childe and they became best buddies because makes weapons x uses and breaks them and theyre both insane so it works i guess. And he learn first aid + pursuing medicine in Sumeru just so that he can tend to childe’s wounds because test subject + he cares for him.
Despite this, he doesnt agree with Dottore work ethics as he has a personal moral code for humans. He would never test dangerous things on others, he would do it on himself. (Learnt it the hard way after he accidentally lobotomized his twin brother)
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Same pose… same almost dynamic… two different games… im cooked….
Ok back on rambling, here’s some post-talia fenrir.
He was Dr Ratio’s student to gain the elementary foundation before heading off to pursue linguistic and literature. He would earn a doctorate pretty soon after cuz he lowk a freak with languages and now he’s teaching alongside Dr Ratio too. They are not in the IPC together, but the organization that Fenrir is in often collab with the Intelligentsia Guild so basically, he’s the honorary IPC member.
Fenrir sometimes nag the doctor to let him join the Guild, even threatening with the invitation from The Riddlers (he did join them but Dr Ratio doesnt know yet)
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The students under Fenrir does noticed a competitive undertone/tension between the two doctors, but not many knew about their past together. Its a funny thing. They would often compare their students achievements for fun too.
the strict teacher x the teacher people thought were a student
God i want them dead too theyre like evil eifenturine
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As a token of thanks, Fenrir dedicated almost 89% of his research to the Avgin-Sigonian dialect for Aventurine and chose to study the language as his dissertation. It was a little funny thing as people keep seeing ihm around the strategic investment department trying to butter up aventurine and was like “what the fuck is this guy doing here bro” and bawm in like 4 months or smth a piece of linguistic and archeology research was birthed
I dont know if i want it angsty or not, but for this i’d want aventurine to be happy that his heritage is finally being recognized and. He’d often tease Fenrir by repeating some of the rambling that fenrir always repeats when talking to Aventurine in Avgin-Sigonian, like little mumble
“okay so avgin sigonian has two diphthongs… from the way he’s speaking they’re normally in stressed syllables… hmm…. And they make morphological alternations with the mid vowels /e/ and /o/….”
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This is a joke doodle, THIS IS A JOKEEEE
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qapsiel · 7 months
Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
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I'm more than happy to spread positivity and love, and I'll totally ignore the audacity to only give me 5 blogs and just do more hehe
I'm gonna start with @ruinedmyself because Kas was one of the first people to talk to me when I ventured into the spn fandom, and they've done nothing but make me feel incredibly welcomed <3 I love our silly little chats and also the pain we inflict on each other regularly. We really do share one (1) braincell, and I wouldn't want it any other way. You've got such a fantastic grip on Sam, on his badass-ery but also his softer and goofier side, and I scream excitedly whenever I see I got a reply from you!
No Sam without Dean, obviously, so I gotta yell about @bloodsalted a bit. Dixon is an extremely friendly person, and I'm still glad I managed to sweet-talk force you into joining me in hell. Or heaven, I suppose, is the better word, because our interactions are truly GREAT. Whether it's sexy times or angsty shit, every reply is magnificent and makes me giggle. You write Dean in all facets that make his character so lovable: his fears and passions and his silly times and also his anger. I love him to pieces!
Who doesn't love the king of hell? Cas, probably, but I adore every interaction with @murderdeals because it enables me to use all the pissed-off Cas icons. When you write Crowley, I can hear Mark yell into my ear. And honestly, I would have never guessed that Cas and Cain could become such good buddies, and yet they somehow ended up being the bestest bee bros, and that's largely due to your fantastic writing and your excellent grip on a character that can easily be branded the villain without second-guessing.
@singersalvaged should always be included in my rant about lovable people because she's just so chill to talk to! A truly great person who has an amazing view of Bobby Singer and writes him in a way that makes me believe the guy is standing behind me muttering idjit whenever I read a reply. And Allie! Let me gush about Allie, who's Cas' weed friend and brothel companion, and every single interaction just makes me howl with laughter. They're absolutely unhinged and dumb, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
While Crowley makes Cas want to eat glass, @eyeless-smiles makes him want to tear his own ears off because Corinth is such a fucking asshole (affectionate), a True Nightmare, and I love seeing him annoy Cas in every single paragraph. It's just hilarious, and they never hold their muse back, which is refreshing these days!
Cas loves to steal kids (just look at Jack), so it didn't take long for him to steal @innerwar 's Homelander when he was still a child with Vought. And honestly, I just adore this verse and you, friend? It's so funny and yet also sad, and I'm just so unbelievably happy that Homie gets a better life with this and that Cas gets to be a Dad again, and your writing is just SO FANTASTIC and catches Homelander's young voice brilliantly. 
I gotta yell about @nightmdic really loudly for a second because she is a FREAKING MAGNIFICENT OC and both Cas and I love her to pieces. She's kind and nice and helps Cas through his forced humanity without finding him (too) weird, and Paige just casually managed to write one of my favorite OCs here on Tumblr with her eye for detail and well-chosen words 
And last but not least, a big shoutout to @bleakfated who writes a lot of different spn muses (among others) and yet manages to hit that nail (= the voice of every single muse) square on the head every time! I hear Balthazar's funny-ironic voice when I write with him, I see Jody being Mom when I interact with her, I get the British Mick Vibes when it's his time to shine. I'm in awe of how someone manages to juggle so many muses and give everyone their own little voice. Kudos!
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quodekash · 1 year
i once again went to sleep instead of watching an episode but im here for the first vice versa episode now! (and depending on how im feeling, i might watch the second episode when it airs tonight, but no promises)
i love puentalay so much and THEYRE GONNA BE DADS and im also desperately hoping for some aoufuse because i love them so so much and their child who is a dog
aoufuse were parents before puentalay. they adopted a dog together. they beat you, puentalay. hah.
ANYWAY im gonna watch it now, wish me luck, ill probably cry
im also gonna try to not go over the 30 image limit again cos i keep doing that
i love how they put summaries at the start of these as though we havent aggressively rewatched each show in the week preceding the os2 episodes
talay singing happy birthday to puen? this feels familiar. except its actually puen's birthday this time. not pakorn/tun's.
"and as i wished for every year" HOW MANY YEARS HAS IT BEEN?????
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i know its gonna be fine, this is gonna be like entirely fluff for two episodes because CHILD and they look really happy in the preview
my prediction is this sadness will last three minutes at the most
but also WHYYYYY
honestly i love this acapella intro song
"since weve come back to this universe" okAY, COOL, GOOD A SUMMARY
"it's already the fifth year" W H A T
i know the questions will have answers probably very shortly
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bro puen youre so tired. go to sleep. please.
altho i would like to point out the mug that says "the cat's favourite"
does that imply that they have a cat
please answer my questions
"i really want to drink the coffee made by you, talay" dude i know youre deeply in love with him but you need to stop drinking so much coffee and GO TO SLEEP FOR CRYING OUT LOUD
"it's 9pm already???" is this adhd time blindness i am smelling
or perhaps an autism trait
bro what is it with our skyy 2 and birthdays
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they literally havent said either of their names this entire time
looking at talay's phone and im just now realising: how the hell did they unlock their phones in the other universe? they dont know tun and tess' passwords. how could they have gotten into their phones?
there are many things to do with the lore and logistics of the universes that dont make sense and we'll probably never get answers to, but its still fun to wonder and speculate
awwhhhhh poor puen feels unloved and forgotten
akk felt unloved and forgotten because aye had a surprise for him
talay is just neurodivergent and cant figure out time and so he genuinely did forget about it being puen's birthday
in both situations there is still the love
now i wanna talk about neurodivergence for three hours and justify talay and stuff but i wont because i need to actually watch this episode before it gets too late
why are they being sad and angsty
theyre supposed to be happy and in love and fluffy
"so lets change from a birthday to a hug day" YES PLEASE
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honestly it rly does feel like its been that long since the show aired
its only been like one year
but it feels like five
but also feels like three months
time is weird i dont like thinking about time
lets stop talking about time
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i love the concept of hug day
just hug your loved one/s at any random point in the day because ITS HUG DAY
i mean you can also do that any day (as long as theyre fine with hugs ofc)
but i think the hug feels more special on hug day
now i want a hug day
why isnt hug day a thing everywhere
i feel like i could probably talk about hug day for hours
hug day is good
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good. good good good. a man of fine taste.
unlike some people (MAITHEE) who DONT LIKE SPAGHETTI because its "too cheesy"????
mi dispiace, maithee not liking spaghetti because its too cheesy is a cause for anger in the minds of the little italians that live in my brain
anyway. spaghetti is good. its pasta. è un pasta meraviglioso
good job talay
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"day 2: flirting day" OH MY GOODNESS I NEED THIS
this is what i needed for soundwin after episode 9
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huge props to this guy, damn
i love that puen's nickname for him is "Lay" its so sweet
this is incredible so far but i have one question: when the hell is the child introduced and also WHY and also HOW
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come on bro, not again
why do you shower yourselves in chips
you did it with popcorn last time
and then you presumably had to clean it all up
now you have to clean up all the chips
why would you do that
why does he keep doing this
this is a really weird habit of his
puen, you confuse me
"confession day" why is that so funny
massage day, nice
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its the fact that "memory day" means to both of them the place they fell in love; the universe they dwelt together; the friends they made; the friends theyll never see again; the memories they created together; the lands where they wandered side by side, hand in hand, arm in arm, heart in heart.
im fine.
ooo going out day
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"honk the horn if you want me to hug you" GHERIUJDFGHKREJBFN
theres too much fluff
too much fluff for my sad little heart
a buttload of fluff for the eclipse, and now a buttload of fluff for vice versa
hey google, how to deal with happiness
theyre so freaking cute what the hell
ooo day 30: surprise day
two things to say about that
1. aye apparently thought it was day 30 on akk's birthday
2. does this mean the child is gonna appear today? is this very un-subtle foreshadowing?
ah shoot puen is ✨choking✨
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i sense merch
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i love them
probably too much
theyre so sweet
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that rly shows how observant i am, doesnt it
"but i fell in love with you when you wore glasses" IM GONNA CRY ITS SO SWEET
im rly hoping someone has a full translation of the calendar because its a lovely idea
"thank you for joining me in doing this crazy stuff" bro if im right, its about to get a WHOLE LOT crazier. youre about to have a child.
puen's final surprise: "im pregnant"
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oh no this child is cute
why must the child be cute
i hate children
its one of my defining personality traits
i despise children
(there are some exceptions)
why must i be immediately attached to the child
"is he another surprise from you" lmao yeah he just popped out a child for this specific day
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jigsaw and his four dads raising him
tup is also autistic i decided, and i love him
what if jigsaw is from the other universe.
its possible.
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had to have dinner but im back
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usually people are like "the feeling of responsibility for someone elses life" like its a good thing and im always like 'um no thanks i dont want to be responsible for that i can barely take care of myself' but now my brain is like LET ME BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS CHILD I WILL CARE FOR THIS CHILD AND DO EVERYTHING FOR THIS CHILD i hate this so much
i think its because the child's name is Jigsaw
its entirely bc of the funky name
"you bought a lot of stuff, so you're well-prepared" PUENS LITTLE SHRUG OMG
the shrug says 'what can i say, ive always wanted to be a dad but never wanted to tell you because i didnt know if you wanted that or not'
that could also not be the case, that is entirely possible
but the way puen's been acting since the child appeared makes me think hes either always wanted to be dad (or maybe wanted to be a dad since falling for talay) or the child awakened the dad-need inside him
omg i cant wait for puen's dad jokes
"i think jigsaw fits right into our lives, like a missing piece of us"
i swear if he doesnt say that at some point, im leaving
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kind of like an 'oh' mixed with an 'aw'
why is the oh-aw happening for the child
i dont like this feeling
they cant figure out whose kid it is. take the kid for a dna test you idiots
"does this mean jigsaw is my son? ...i dont have any savings. How am i gonna raise him???? i need to call my mum" BROOO HIS DAD INSTINCTS ARE KICKING IN AS WELL, I LOVE THIS
oh my goodness i think i might be dying
these scenes are too cute
theyre raising a child
theyre dads
and the child is DESPICABLY cute
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side note: both of them have such pretty hair
anyway. see you in like. a few hours. (that is, if i stay up, which i probably will)
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hiiii!! i saw that you said you liked angst and i loved your dad ingo series, and so i thought of something to request. could you do a scenario with dad ingo with a (non hisui'd) child who gets taken/kidnapped right in front of his eyes? like he tries to save them but cant?? and then the kid just gets taken away. i though that would be pretty angsty hehe
Ingo's kid!Reader Gets Kidnapped in Front of His Eyes
nony… just, thank you. thank you for sharing your incredibly intelligent idea with me. this prompt gives me great happiness. i’m sorry it took so long to get out, but i binged Collar x Malice and i did not stop until i reached 100% of all endings, cgs, and such. i’m currently playing Collar x Malice Unlimited but not as unhealthily as i did the original game lol… i’m such a simp for otome games and visual novels like bro, it’s an addiction. okazaki kei my beloved. but here it is!! more dad ingo angst!!
“I don’t understand what’s such an issue. I’ve been training for years, I know the region, I have a phone to stay in contact with you, I have a strong starting Pokémon, and I’m already 14. I don’t understand why I’m not allowed to start the gym challenge yet!”
Ingo was tired of this conversation. It was one he had with you a few times in the past years, but it was becoming more frequent by the week. You had already discussed this two days ago, you knew his answer wasn’t going to be different.
“My child, it just isn’t your time yet.”
“Didn’t you go on your journey with uncle Emmet when you were eleven? Why can’t I go now?”
Ingo pauses, scratching the side of his face as irritation bubbles up within him.
“We were ten.”
“And at 14, you don’t think I should be going?"
“You just aren’t ready yet.”
Your father cuts your off with a sharp and harsh sigh. He inhales deeply before unleashing his exasperation on you.
“But nothing! There are far too many trainers out on the challenge right now, there is far too much change with the restructuring of the gym order, and there is far too much uncertainty with Team Plasma on the prowl. You are not going on a journey until you are older, and that is final!”
Despite his answer of no being the same as all the conversations before, this time distinctly hurt you.
You feel awful. Did he not trust you enough? Were you not strong enough? Were you not smart enough?
There was a silent lull in the conversation as you stared up at your dad, looking straight into his eyes.
You spoke, but the dimples in your chin and wavering voice spelled out your emotions.
“What did I do wrong?”
There was nothing to say.
You combat his silence with another question, words failing you.
“…what’s wrong with me, dad?”
Ingo has nothing to say.
At his lack of a response, you scoff, turn around, and grab your partner’s Pokéball from the counter.
“I need some time alone. I’m going to the boardwalk.”
And you slam the door.
Ingo doesn’t protest your sudden leave. He respects your desire to take a breath of fresh air. And besides, the Nimbasa boardwalk is only a few minutes walk away.
You'll be fine.
It’s already early evening, so Ingo turns to the kitchen to start making dinner. If he makes you your favorite, he knows you’ll think he’s pitying you. But that’s not it. He’s just concerned.
Only a few minutes after you left, Ingo’s chest begins to feel heavy. He sets down the utensils he was using and grips the ledge of the counter, head filling with fog.
Haxorus scratching at the door is what breaks your father from his stupor. When he makes eye contact with his dragon Pokémon, it begins to whine, its large tail thumping the ground.
“Do you feel it too?”
Haxorus responds by batting the door with its tail and letting a harsh huff of air escape its nose.
The Pokémon matches Ingo’s emotions. Something is wrong.
Ingo and Haxorus make their way to the boardwalk, moving at a speed just below a jog.
With every step, his stomach twists in knots. He doesn’t know why he feels like this--but it’s an emotion he can’t describe with words.
He could say it’s similar to dread, but it more feels like inevitability.
You’re standing at the end of the dock, leaning on the railing and watching over the horizon. The Marvelous Bridge looms in the background. Your Boldore is pressed up against your legs, its blue gems shining in the slowly setting sun.
Ingo slows his pace, breathing a sigh of relief. You seem alright, what was he so worried about?
Even from the opposite end of the boardwalk, Ingo sees a man in black and gray clothes approach you and start to gesticulate at your Boldore. You smile and begin to have a conversation with him. It’s no surprise. Your partner attracted a lot of attention, after all.
It looks innocuous, but the interaction makes Ingo’s stomach lurch. He turns to look up at Haxorus, who simply snarls in the direction of you and the stranger.
Just as he’s about to take a step forward, a fast shadow flies overhead and slams into the docks in front of him. It catches everyone off-guard, and people start to scream.
Standing before him is a Salamence of monstrous size, grinning down at him with viciously sharp teeth. A woman is on its back, dressed in red with a long black coat and a dark visor over her eyes. She smiles at him.
“Sorry, Subway Master Ingo! But I can’t have you interfering in the collection process!”
Ingo’s heart stops. He doesn’t know what’s going on, he doesn’t know why this person is speaking to him, he doesn’t know what she means by collection.
Two people flank his sides, each holding a Pokéball in their hands. 
The only thing Ingo notices about them, however, is that they’re both dressed in the same black and gray outfit.
Wait, isn’t that—
“What are you doing?! Hey! Let go—!”
Your voice is cut short.
For a moment, the blood stops pulsing through Ingo's veins, the waves stop crashing against the boardwalk, the wind stops flowing, and all he can see is you.
You aren’t strong enough to fight off the man attacking you and the one who captures your Boldore. 
Ingo watches as you’re sent to the ground, head bouncing off the dock. Blood rushes down your forehead and dribbles onto the wood beneath you.
Your body stills.
There’s all kinds of commotion around him, but Ingo can’t seem to process any of it.
Regular citizens rush past him as Hunter J’s Salamence uses flamethrower on the dock, effectively separating the boardwalk in half. The two lackey’s on his sides send out their own Pokémon, but Ingo doesn’t even look to see what they are. His feet are planted in the floor.
Ingo can’t move. He doesn’t even command Haxorus to do anything, but it protects him anyway. It dispatches the henchmen’s Pokémon easily.
He can’t see you clearly now, hidden behind a wall of fire.
Through the chaos, he hears J laugh.
“Alright, wrap it up. Maybe the client will pay us extra if we bring the kid?”
Suddenly everything speeds up.
The edges of his vision go dark as his sight tunnels. His heart thumps so rapidly it threatens to break through his ribcage. Adrenaline spikes through his blood so sharply that he can feel his hair stand on end and his pupils shrink.
“Get your hands off my child, you bastard!”
As if sensing its trainer’s actions, Haxorus uses dragon tail on the ground. The energy surges forward and extinguishes a section of the flame wall, allowing Ingo to run through.
Passing through the gap, Ingo’s eyes fall onto the trainer who’s holding your unconscious body in his arms. 
At his side, another hunter is tying the net that has entrapped your Boldore. Behind them are two Noiverns, each preparing to take off. 
With no other Pokémon on hand, Ingo rushes at the two. 
He doesn’t know what else to do, he doesn’t know what he can do. All he knows is that he doesn’t have the time to hesitate.
But, even without hesitation, he comes crashing to his knees.
Behind him, he can hear the screech of an Ariados and feel webs tangle his legs.
The head of the operation, Pokémon Bounty Hunter J, walks over to Ingo’s collapsed body, Ariados at her side. She stays just out of reach of his arms in case he attempts to swing at her. He does.
“I hope you understand that this isn’t personal, your child was just unlucky. It’s just business.”
After mocking him, J walks away towards the end of the dock.
Ingo turns his head to see Haxorus grappling with Salamence. Both seem evenly matched, trading blows mercilessly. However, with Salamence’s wings, it has the advantage.
“Stop! No! Please!”
His voice rings through the air so loudly both Noiverns turn their heads to face him. They don’t waver to his pleas, however.
Ingo can barely move. He uses all of his strength to prop his upper half with his arms, eyes set on your body in the hunter’s grasp.
A large splash sprays the dock as Salamence sends Haxorus flying into the water. At that, the adrenaline leaves his body and a warmth stings the back of his eyes.
Fear and helplessness take root in his soul. The crushing sense of failure nearly makes him throw up.
Copper stains the back of his tongue from screaming his throat dry, but he doesn’t know what else to do.
“Stop it! Stop it, stop it, STOP IT! PLEASE I’LL DO ANYTHING!”
Not a single person even turns to look at him.
J mounts her Salamence and her henchmen board their own flying types. One of the Noiverns takes the end of Boldore’s net in its claws, prepared to carry it in flight.
You’re trapped in the arms of some random minion, eyelids shut with hot red blood dripping down the side of your face and lingering along your jaw.
There’s nobody left who can save you.
At the call from J, the hunters take to the skies and into the horizon. They’re heading far away from Nimbasa.
Ingo lets himself fall along the wooden dock, not having the willpower to stay up.
He notices flashes of red and blue lights from the corner of his vision, the sirens of police officers arriving fill his head. They do nothing to comfort him.
For the first time in a long time, Ingo weeps.
He lost you. He lost you.
oh yeah, angst time. for those who don't know, hunter j was an antagonist in the pokemon gen 4 anime. i've always remembered here from watching the show, and so i finally had a perfect time to use her in this post! hope you liked!! comments, likes, and reshares are always appreciated <33
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izusun · 3 years
Headcanon: Izuku is into DIY.
Hot Take: Izuku would create a long furby. He has a collection of various eldritch creepy long furbies. Katsuki absolutely refuses to go into his room because of them. He would've exploded them by now but that would make Izuku cry.
Other CursedTM Things that Izuku does that makes Katsuki die inside and that Katsuki tries to hide from the rest of Class 1-A:
He's a part of the Vulture Culture community and collects roadkill and dead animals to turn into bones.
He has a collection of shitty All Might hawaiian shirts.
He has a collection of stuffed animals. They all have names ripped from Lovecraft such as "Yawgsathoth" and "Mother of Pus"
He writes fanfiction of the heroes.
He has a giant worm on a string plush, and his room is also decorated with Worms on Strings (you have no idea how much Katsuki had to bribe him not to add worms on strings to his uniform blazer)
He does have a plague doctor mask and will regularly just go out in a cloak and his mask
He cosplays exclusively female heroes, and crossdresses the worst dresses
He basically does art makeup, on his face and the face of Katsuki
"Hey what are you reading?" "Oh, this book on how to cook frogs."
He will eat anything. Including stuff that is on the ground. He has an iron stomach.
The actual reason Izuku hangs up All Might everywhere (it used to be a mix of all heroes) is because once in middle school Katsuki accused him of being straight, so he put him up everywhere and continued the habit, Katsuki hates his room now
- Goblin Anon (otherwise known as Goblin anon projects everything she does or wants to do onto her fav)
even i would not want to enter the beloved’s (izuku’s) room because of his shit.
i’ve searched up long furbys and i am, simply put, traumatized. i had a collection of furbys when i was a kid but we had to give them away because there’s too much of them. but long furbys? i am very much scared.
there’d be a picture of a long furby under the cut, and i’m genuinely terrified of the fucker.
also, can i just say that izuku writing fanfictions is the least cursed thing that he does? because like, reading the rest is like looking at that picture where you can’t decipher a single thing because, again, wtf izuku.
but they’re also funnier? creepier? because i can genuinely see izuku doing those dhekdoowks
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this shit would probably be snaking around the frames of izuku’s door. or he probably has one at the corner of his wall, the one that meets with the ceiling, and when a visitor looks up, they’re greeted by the sight of this centipede looking furby that has additional four eyes that izuku lovingly and carefully sewn on. it’s so nightmarish :’)
the vulture culture part started when they were young. his interest started when he saw a documentary on how to pin butterflies and he was like, “you know what? thats actually something i want to do!” but! BUT!! he cannot catch a butterfly, thus he settled for mounting dragonflies which he collected in the nearby stream (where katsuki fell).
fun fact about mounting dragonflies: they lose colours when they’re dead. you can use acetone to not only help preserve its colours, but also to stop its decay. they decay so quickly, it’s terrible.
anyways, izuku does not know that and instead followed a youtube video of how to mount dragonflies, using an old picture frame as the case.
inko comes home, sees his son doing his stuff and is just happy that izuku’s not rewatching that loud all might video. she helps him pin the other wings and they are fascinated at how pretty they look. well, the next day, the wings are now transparent and the belly side of the dragonflies are black. it also stinks so they had to throw the whole thing plus the case.
izuku’s fascination grows from there.
a failed experiment, after all, instigates the desire to right them.
so that’s where he starts: butterflies, moths, beetles, another dragonfly case.
katsuki is fascinated and disgusted because, “why would you want dead insects in your room, deku?”
the rest began when the bakugou’s and the midoriya’s have road trips. inko doesn’t have a car so the bakugou’s drive along with them, and it’s a good day. the kids are having fun and getting along, and the parents are chilling and enjoying their vacation. life is good.
then on their drive home, izuku, who is sitting sandwiched between katsuki and inko, lets out this blood-curdling scream. it wakes katsuki up and almost had masaru swerving the car out of the highway.
“maru-san (because my boy izuku cannot say masaru) can you please stop the car! i wanna get that!” he screams, pointing at something indecipherable by the side of the roads.
masaru does anyways because it’s so rare for izuku to request something, but also his heart’s still pumping so fast after izuku’s scream.
masaru wasn’t even done stopping the engine when the car doors are opening, and katsuki and izuku are tumbling out, hand-in-hand. masaru and inko follow them closely, while mitsuki stayed to watch over the car.
katsuki’s excited for an adventure, but then izuku just. stops them. in front of a skull.
masaru chokes from behind them and katsuki lets go of izuku’s hand so fast, running back to his dad because, again, “deku what the shit?”
izuku ignores him and gestures at the deer skull, one that has moss growing by the teeth and around the jaw, turning to inko to ask, “mama? can we bring that home?”
masaru feels very faint, but doesn’t say anything when inko easily agrees, laughing at her boy and patting his untameable hair as if your child asking you for a carcass’s skull is normal.
inko picks it up and they go back to the car. mitsuki does a double-take on what inko’s holding, but shushes up when she saw izuku bouncing happily. katsuki hesitantly sits beside izuku, but when izuku began yammering about all might, he forgets about the skull and nerds out with izuku.
inko explains to mitsuki and masaru about her son’s newfound interest, telling them that it’d go away in two years, don’t worry.
it didn’t. instead, his interest and his collection grew. so for his subsequent birthdays, along with hero merch, he has vulture culture collections gifted to him.
when he moved to the dorms, they��re more packaged than his hero merch and katsuki wants to get angry because he’s been looking for those limited hero merch and yet there they are, chilling beside izuku’s many many skulls and bones.
he ransacked for the very first edition, often saving his allowance just so he can buy the retro versions of the all might hawaiian shirts. sometimes he’d barter, but that’s only when he’s really desperate for the shirts. usually he’d just be in an auction site and buy just those.
he’d take katsuki with him and katsuki is very careful in what to buy, often researching the things and having a very long pros and cons list to narrow down what he’d buy, then his best bud izuku just out there buying all might hawaiian shirts.
funniest thing too is that those are the first to go because they? don’t value much? and they’re ugly, tbh, and yet izuku’s slurping them all up.
the first time class 1a were talking about plushies, izuku dropped the names and they’re confused because-
“bro did you name your plushies with lovecraft names?” OR “bro? do you perhaps have personalized lovecraft toys?”
it’s the earlier one but izuku would want to buy personalized lovecraft monster toys.
ok but? he names them as per the appropriate lovecraft characters? like:
a purple octopus plushie is called azathoth.
a green gecko plushie is called bokrug.
a fish plushie (literally nemo) is called dagon instead of nemo.
a pink jellyfish plushie is mother of pus.
he has other plushies that have normal names (well, as normal as naming a plushie “cheese grater”), but he has a collection of specific plushies that align with lovecraft beings.
he writes all might x reader fanfictions, i’m sorry ;v;
he only writes them because he doesn’t want other heroes with all might, but also the reader pairing gets more views than all might with other heroes.
katsuki caught him writing a slowburn, enemies to lovers all might x reader fanfic and proceeded to proofread it for him.
synopsis of the fanfiction: reader is a villain with a sound quirk (tailored to present mic’s quirk) and all might met them in a hero gala where the reader pretended to be a worker so that they could infiltrate the gala’s holder’s office for a specific banking access that is linked to the world’s bank. all might manages to sniff them out and proceeds to fight them, but when a beam is about to hit the reader, all might swoops in and saves them. cue the reader developing unwanted feelings for their greatest foe, all might.
aND THEN!!! all might knows the reader outside of their villain persona and is actually very much taken by them. so it’s a painful surprise that the reader is a villain. but he is willing to save them.
it is still incomplete despite having 102 chapters. by chapter 78, katsuki asked for payment because shit was too long and too angsty.
he genuinely likes them but creating the door curtain kind of extinguished that interest because that’s just too much worms and too much strings for a single curtain, and it was very much tiring.
he has a tiny one stitched on his blazer and inko heaved this really big sigh when she saw that her son’s crisp UA uniform got a worm by the chest pocket.
aizawa eyed it once and was so close to expelling izuku just because of that.
shouto, when they became friends, sends a box of them to izuku because he thought that those are izuku’s favourite. katsuki had not stopped cackling when he saw the huge box of them.
to punish katsuki, he made a furby with worm hair and left it by katsuki’s door. katsuki’s scream woke everyone up.
the moment he walked out with a plague mask, tokoyami was exiting his dorm room too and they made a long eye contact.
tokoyami does not know if he is amazed by izuku’s plague mask or he is terrified because why does it look authentic.
for halloween, he was a plague doctor.
he stowed them away after saving eri.
his first women hero cosplay was in third grade when they had a play about different heroes. the girl who was playing ragdoll got sick and everyone’s already strapped in as their hero and unwilling to change. izuku, himself, is present mic (katsuki’s all might).
the girls don’t want to give up their heroes and izuku, the bestest boy, goes and says he will become ragdoll.
their teacher agrees and helps him strap in as ragdoll and you know what, izuku loves it.
from then on, he tries to cosplay as much women heroes that he can afford. inko loves helping him and katsuki thinks he is adorable but! dont tell deku!!!
OK BUT he wore the dress that broke the internet once and katsuki almost exploded the dress off him. almost because izuku dodged and warned him that if he ever breaks that dress, katsuki will have to pay (either monetary or revenge, katsuki doesn’t know so he behaved).
izuku painting star freckles on his face!!!! or heart freckles!!!! or flowers!!!!
izuku in fairy makeup, pleaseee!
he also loves giving katsuki his own freckles because something about blonde hair and red eyes with pale cheeks kissed by freckles is making izuku gay panic.
izuku putting concealer on his own freckles once and his classmates are looking at him weirdly, wondering why he looks off?
like he still looks amazing, but something’s missing. it’s fucking them up and katsuki isn’t helping them so they’re trying to piece what’s up.
it takes monoma sneering at izuku and asking where his eight freckles are that 1a realizes why he looks different.
ok but denki asking monoma why he knows how much freckles izuku has and monoma spluttering, bright red and embarrassed, until he just walks away.
(answer: he’s crushing on green bean).
i dont know how to explain it but my friend has this specific book about poisons, detailing recipes and ingredients.
it also talks about the use of frogs, lizards, snakes. the benefits of different flowers (ones with toxins) and how to use them during tea time.
it’s bizarre but the book looks pretty so i think izuku would have a handful of those in his room.
izuku eating grass? flowers? trying dandelions and complaining that it’s furry
izuku wandering what a twig tastes like so he just sucks on it like a lollipop.
inko gave up on stopping him because her son would just eat anything but his broccolis, and she’s very much tired of thinking if izuku would have an upset stomach. he never had.
first time mitsuki saw izuku do that, she forced him to drink cola and eat candy to cleanse his palette.
katsuki goads him on eating more.
izuku’s favourite is chewing on maple leaves. he’s just a weird boy.
izuku wanting more all might figurines than posters. he only has some chemistry stuff (periodic table) on his wall, a little tapestry that matches inko’s, a canvas of monet’s water lilies (again, matching inko), and some cosmic facts that he bought online.
and yk katsuki sees those and thinks that it’s so weird that izuku has those posters but not all might?
his first thought was, “he doesn’t like all might as much as i do.”
the following one is, “he’s straight so he doesn’t want a guy’s face on his wall.”
katsuki’s mouth so happens to say the second one and the next week he visited izuku’s room again, each surface of the wall that is not taken by pinned insects and his frog-book stuff, plus his other existing non-hero posters, is covered in just all might posters.
he belatedly realizes that his own face is also on izuku’s wall, but that’s for later musings because for now he’s jealous that izuku managed to scourge the limited all might posters, but also is disgusted a bit because that’s too much all might.
katsuki walks out before his interest in all might plummets.
ps to my beloved: ﹤୨♡୧﹥
GOBLIN I LOVE YOUR AUS ALL THE TIME AND IM SORRY FOR RESPONDING SO LATE! YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME SMILE AND I LOVE U!!!! you’re genuinely so precious pls dont stop your ramblings!!!!
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dangan-tiki-bar · 3 years
HI mod tsumiki, Can you do taka, fuyuhiko with a little sister in the killing game? Of course you don't have to. 💞
kiyotaka and fuyuhiko with a younger sibling in the killing game
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Cute!! I'm not the absolute best with sibling relationships (only child problems 😎/hj) but I will certainly try my best!! Not gonna lie, this got kinda angsty! W h o o p s !
- Mod Tsumiki
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• Kiyotaka is a very protective person in general. As much as like a big brother to pretty much his entire class, he's even better towards you. You are his darling little sibling, after all. He is a bit stricter on you, of course. He doesn't want you getting a bad reputation! You deserve to be treated well, and there are no exceptions!
• Once the killing game is announced, Taka tries his hardest to stay calm. He has to be calm for everyone else! But, once he sees you begin to panic, he has to step away from his moral compass duties for a while. He carefully takes you back to his room and sits you down on his bed, gently rubbing your back and listening to your worries. He's pretty stiff, since he doesn't have much experience with this kind of stuff, but he's sincerely trying.
• If anyone starts to pick on you for any reason, it doesn't matter, he will come to your aid. He will hide behind the excuse of bullying, but that's not really the reason. You mean a lot to him, and he wouldn't want to see you hurt. So, he will give a stern talking to them!
• Once his bond with Mondo begins, he is sure to include you! He wants his bro to hang out with his sibling, of course! It's usually extremely fun, watching Mondo tease him and Taka getting mad that it's in front of his sibling. He wants to look strong for you, of course! But, he's happy that Mondo treats you like a little sibling as well.
• If you happened to pass away during the killing game as a victim, Taka would be ... not exactly the most sane. Staring at your dead body would put a bit in his stomach, and he would simply drop to his knees. It took him a while to actually get up, but once he started investigating, he couldn't be stopped. He needed justice. For your sake. You deserved so much better than this fate.
• If you became a blackened, well ... the trial would have a similar fate to Mondo's. Begging for Monokuma to take him instead, sobbing violently as you're dragged away. However, it would be even worse. He wouldn't leave his room for days, not daring to eat, sleep, or even move. He doesn't have an alter ego of you. He doesn't have most things of you. And he's so, so broken from it. The only person that could probably get him out is Mondo.
• Overall, Kiyotaka is a very protective and loving big brother. He makes sure you're well taken care of, making sure you eat correctly, sleep correctly, and take care of that hygiene. It's just his way of showing he truly cares. Because he does. He cares for you so, so much.
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• Fuyuhiko is a protective soul at heart, being set on keeping you safe. It doesn't matter where you are, how much danger you're in, he's by your side as much as possible. That's what you get for being a Yakuza's sister. You get treat with respect, or just thrown into the dirt. Fuyuhiko will kill a bastard who throws you into the dirt, however.
• Once he sees you worrying about the killing game, he fucking loses it. He starts cursing at Monokuma, absolutely livid about the whole thing. He did already lose one sibling to death, her certainly doesn't want to lose another. But seeing you worry was just the nail in the coffin. You didn't deserve any of that. You deserved to be happy and free, not confined to the fear of being in a Yakuza clan and on top of that, in a killing game.
• If anyone even looked at you the wrong way, Fuyuhiko went off on their asses. You were going through enough as it is, and he wasn't going to stand for it. They had no right to hurt his fucking sibling! Not on his watch. He was insanely protective of you, but if asked enough times, he would back off a VERY TINY bit.
• Your relationship with Peko is a sibling-like bond as well. She takes care of you a lot of the time if Fuyuhiko needs to be alone or is feeling blinding rage. She's like your big sister, and will do anything for you. Of course, you're not young master, but you're the closest to him. You deserve to be treated well. It doesn't matter if Fuyuhiko ordered Peko to or not, she'd still be there.
• If you happened to be a victim of the killing game, Fuyuhiko would not be well. Seeing your dead body, he can't believe the shit that he's seen. Another one of his siblings are dead. Another person close to him is dead. He cries, holding onto your dead body. He doesn't care about the blood, he just needs you. But ... you're gone. So he's going to avenge you. He works tirelessly on the investigation, honestly to the point where it was unhealthy. The guilt of letting you die on his hands, like Natsumi, was eating him alive.
• If you happened to be a blackened, it would be very similar to Peko's trial. Him dashing in to save you and getting hurt in the process. But, if we're being honest, he'll fight until he's dead. Yes, he fought so hard for Peko, but losing you as well? He can't handle this. He'd rather be dead fighting for you to survive, then living without you. If he survived the execution, he'd be stuck in a hospital bed for a longer period of time. It was take a while to feel better. Mentally and physically.
• Being Fuyuhiko's sibling is full of challenges, of course, but you're loved. He truly cares about you in every way, shape, and form, and he wouldn't dare let someone hurt you. He's your big brother, after all.
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kawaiijohn · 3 years
prompt: Jazz vibing with Quizz and chatting about their younger siblings
OKAY NGL I WENT 👀 AT THIS ONE. They'd be friends so here we go.
CW: mentions of death, death of a child, mention of misgendering? kinda??
"Does it ever get easier?"
Quizz hums in response, his mug floating down and landing with a small clink. "Y'gotta specify- does what get easier?"
Jazz looks away, nervously chewing on her nails- a habit that not even bitter polish could break. Quizz waits patiently for her to speak; the few false starts makes a shiver of anxiety race through his Core, especially paired with her grim expression.
"Does it get easier? Knowing you could have been there for him- er, them in your case- like, knowing they'd died- and yeah! They got better! But the mere concept that they went through that sort of trauma and kept going? Without any sort of help from anyone?!? Without parents or adults?!? Without..."
'Without you' remained unspoken, but they both get the gist.
"It doesn't sit with me right, and I feel selfish for wanting to have known earlier. I deal with it every day, and then there's the lying to our parents thing, and-"
Quizz puts his hand up, stopping Jazz in her spiraling tracks. "First things first, you gotta breathe, kid. Okay? Ya good? Cool! Now, second thing second- you're doin' great with the boy, you're a tried and true ally for him and it's what he needs. You're doin' whatchya can to keep him kickin', and that's all ya can do as a big sister, trust me."
Jazz finally sets her mug to rest with the other. She takes a few minutes to think it through before speaking again. "Was it the same for you and Stuffie then? The anxiety, the secrets?"
"Hell no! Stuffie passed in a house fire when they were younger than Danny! It's similar but not the same, y'know?"
"Oh uh... I'm sorry for- I never asked how I guess?" Jazz backtracks.
Quizz scoffs and offers her a smile. "No, you did the right thing in not askin'. Ghosts don't like talkin' about it- their death or death in general, but you're practically a younger sister to me through your dork of a brother, so it's all good.
"I think I was like, your age-ish when it happened, and I don't remember the full of it, but ever since I found the blog I kept while I was still alive I can pretty much taste the guilt from how angsty my teenaged ass got. And sister, what you have is kinda similar to mine- but mine? It ate me away for years. Even now it kinda eats at me, but I promised to never let someone I care about down like that again.
"S'why I do what I can for Stuffie now that we're both miraculously too stubborn to pass on. Like, what I went through? It was a different beast of burden and guilt 'n shit compared to yours. And again- I've done the whole 'guilty big sister' thing enough for one lifetime, s'why my afterlife is 'protective big bro' hours all day, every day."
"So... it might get easier?" Jazz finally speaks up, eyes sad and full of hope.
"Well, yeah! You gotta repeat the mantra that the past is the past n' you can't really change it... unless you got powers or some shit? But like- you didn't do anything malicious. You're a kid, and it ain't your responsibility to parent your little bro, even if your parents make you feel it sometimes. You're doing what you, at your current age and ability, can handle emotionally n' financially. Just be there for Danny so you won't miss anything else."
Quizz crosses his arms and huffs in accomplishment. He was never the best at giving pep talks, but with Jazz's happy tears he feels a bit accomplished.
He's about to grab his coffee when wiry arms wrap around his waist and squeeze.
"Thank you- it just gets hard when there's no real adults that can help us."
"Not a problem kiddo, just don't try to be Atlas with your bother's issues, you got a wicked tight-knight support group, after all."
Quizz hugs the girl tight, wishing he could have spared more of her pain, but growing up is never easy. Neither is having an undead younger sibling who loves to cause chaos.
Jazz pulls away, wiping a stray tear from her eye with a smile. Quizz watches as her expression changes to her standard 'baby psychologist' one and smiles back nervously. "So... big sister, huh?"
"Listen, as someone who transed their gender after death, I can only be described as the omni sibling- both brother n' sister at the same time. Quizz, the blue hair n' pronouns ghost, as your bro calls me when he wants to piss me off!" they laugh heartily.
"It don't bother me to talk about my pre transition shit, hell my body was buried in a dress since I wasn't out yet- which is HILARIOUS to me, since this is what I look like now. Got them with my transgender genjutsu so hard I didn't even remember what I looked like before. So go on, Jazz- let those gears in your head run wild, I can talk gender bullshit until Danny gets here."
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peachiimilquetea · 3 years
something angsty with tenya leaving fem reader for the event? ty! prompt: “you can’t leave me. i don’t know how to survive without you.”
“𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞. 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐤𝐧��𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮.” + tenya iida
a/n: bro… i don’t really like angst without the potential for a somewhat happy ending so i hope you’re ok with the fact that it’s not completely sad. i did pull on the heartstrings quite a bit tho, i hope you enjoy! check out the event here
contains: angst (obviously), iida being heavily influenced by his family, tensei to the rescue lowkey, crying, insecurities, mentions of alcohol, ambiguous ending, miscommunication
length: 2.0k
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at first things had started off small.
iida worked long hours as the work of his brother’s hero agency fell on his shoulders. he tried his best to make time for you, but it always felt like your schedules could never line up just right.
you tried to work something out, quick calls on break times and cute messages around the house to remind you of one another, but most efforts fell flat.
then things started to get worse.
long and empty nights were spent building up resentment towards the man you had married. he was always doing something, something that took precedence over the vows you made when you walked down the isle no more than three years ago.
you knew his family didn’t like you that much, feeling that a marriage for love was a waste of such a powerful commitment. a commitment that could built them an empire, and boost the rank of their hero agency, solidifying a legacy for them.
tenya defied them for you, boldly declaring that he would marry whoever he wanted and that you were in it for the long haul. you were the girl of his dreams, he said, and anything that got in the way of his happiness was not something he would subscribe to. that only made them hate you more.
so when his texts of encouragement grew shorter and more sparse, and he began to have more special responsibilities bestowed upon him by none other than his father, you knew it was on purpose.
unfortunately, it was an effective strategy to chip away at a young and unseasoned marriage.
“tenya can you please just check your schedule? i really want to spend more time with you.”
he sighed and rubbed his temples as he sat in his office. why were you bothering him with something so insignificant? you knew how important this transition of power was for the iida family, for the legacy of ingenium, but you still persisted.
he could feel the anger beginning to build until he looked in your eyes and saw the sadness brimming in them. his heart squeezed in his chest as he watched you, his wife, plead with him to spend time together. when had things come to this?
“i’ll try my best, but i cant promise anything.”
at this point, that was better than anything you could’ve hoped for.
with a kiss to his forehead you left him alone to get the heaps of paperwork he had to do, spirits lifted at the prospect of spending time with him again. just like the way it used to be.
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you checked the time on the microwave for the 9th time. fifty-seven minutes had passed and your husband was officially late.
you should have seen it coming really, empty promises were becoming more and more common amongst the two of you. he would promise to try harder and you would promise to cut him more slack, the constant push and pull never being enough for either party.
getting up from the barstool at your kitchen island you made your way to the wine cooler to get a drink. not even bothering to pick up a glass you slumped on the couch, kicking off your shoes and splaying yourself out, just wanting the cushions to swallow you whole and dull the aching in your heart.
he wasn’t coming.
he was never coming.
you laid passed out on the couch when iida finally came home 2 hours later. he was only stopping by for a quick break, then going back out on patrol and he completely forgot about the things he said, smiling through tired eyes as he thought, this time i’ll make it up to her.
at the very least he could clean you up and tuck you in. he could brace himself for the impending fight later, but he was concerned about you. you never drank, not unless there was something wrong.
iida easily hoisted you up over his shoulder, discarding the various wine bottles and taking you to your shared room, although he wasn't sure if it was still considered shared anymore.
he laid you on the bed softly, changing you into one of his old shirts. his fingers ghosted over your cheek as he watched you sleep, the reality of where he was sitting heavy on his heart.
he loved you and yet there was nothing he could do to help at this moment. he had to leave for night patrol. he had to leave you.
his gentle touches roused you from your sleep and your eyes felt heavy as you tried to blink them open.
“you came?” you breathed, voice sounding foreign even to yourself.
iida gave you a small smile, “im sorry.”
your demeanor did a 180 at his apology. he was sorry. he was always sorry. but sorry couldn’t fix this. not when it had been so broken.
you winced and sat up, “sorry for what? sorry that you broke your promise for the thousandth time or sorry that you’ve been such a shit husband for the past few months?!”
“no tenya. you do this every single time! every time i want to spend time with you theres always something more important! what could be more important than your wife?!”
“______ you know my father-”
you laughed bitterly at the mention of his dad. he always had to be such a good little iida child, always on daddy’s beck and call. it made you sick.
“your father doesn’t even want us to be together! cant you see that he’s doing this on purpose! youre a grown man! not a child permanently tied to his mommy and daddy!” you spat
“hes giving more responsibility for the sake of the agency! for the ingenium legacy! why are you always so selfish when it comes to these things?”
“selfish? selfish?” you asked, incredulous. you couldn’t believe your ears.
“yes selfish. do you know how much i sacrificed to be with you? how much i already have on my plate on top of trying my best to make time for you?”
you stared in astonishment.
what had he sacrificed for this relationship? he got to do what he wanted, come and go as he pleased with virtually no regard for how you felt or what you did. what sacrifice was there in that way of living?
“fuck you, tenya.”
tenya took a deep breath and ran his hand down his face. he chose his words carefully before finally saying, “i cant do this. im leaving.”
you could hear a pin drop in the room. you felt your blood pound in your ears as you stood up quickly, dizzy from the alcohol but still trying to process the words you had just heard.
“youre leaving?”
“yes, i have to go. im not doing this with you, not now.”
your heart felt like it had been smashed by a sledgehammer, as you tried to regulate your breathing. leaving. he was leaving.
“w-wait,” you feebly attempted to cling onto him as he gathered a few of his things.
“tenya you cant leave me.”
“_____ i do not want to do this right now,” he sighed, easily shaking you off and moving to collect more things. his words were buzzing around on the inside of your skull. he was leaving.
leaving without so much of a second thought. he had been planning this. still unsteady on your feet you hobbled after him as quickly as possible, desperation taking over every fiber of your body. you didn't want to lose him, you just wanted your husband back, you happiness back.
“y-you cant do that! you cant leave me! i dont know how to survive without you, tenya, please-”
“_____, just go to bed. you’re drunk.”
you trailed him around the house,“no, you don’t get to decide when this is over. i'm the one whos been hurting for months you cannot just leave me by myself.”
iida spared you one last glance before grabbing his bag, “goodbye, _____”
crushed, you sank to your knees, leaning on the couch for support. you felt like you were dying., hell, you probably were dying. you had never had so much to drink in your life, and you were desperate to make the pounding pain in your chest stop.
you cried yourself to sleep that night, waking up to the sunlight coming through the window with a splitting headache. you felt like your skull was trying to crack itself open from the inside but you shakily got to your feet, remembering bits and pieces from your fight with iida.
you could tell he didn't come home last night; everything was exactly the way you had left it last night. the house alarm was still on, and his shoes were gone.
he actually left.
anger bubbled in your chest as you thought about what had actually happened. you would not let him get the last laugh, or be the last one left, the one waiting on him patiently to pick up the pieces after trying to keep it together. you would leave too, as much as it hurt, and show him just how selfish you could be.
in a flash, you haphazardly packed a bag with essentials and had texted your friends that you needed a place to stay for a few days. you didn’t get into specifics- your heart ached too much to relive the events of the previous night- but you told them you had reached your limit and you needed to take some time to cool off.
alternatively, iida did not sleep that night. after finishing patrols, he stayed at his brother’s apartment out of pure convenience, not feeling prepared to face you after everything that had transpired between the two of you.
the dark-haired man laid staring at the ceiling of tensei’s guest bedroom, wracking his brain and trying to pinpoint how things had gone south so fast. he wanted to fix things, but really didn’t know how. he couldn’t even tell you what was broken, let alone how to begin to fix them.
his brother had tried to give him advice after listening to the entire story, but there was only so much he could do. he knew that you were right, their father was keeping him from you on purpose, slowly making tenya think that he was in the right in an attempt to break you up, but he couldn't be the one to tell him.
tenya had to come to that conclusion himself. he needed to be the one to set boundaries and save your relationship, but from the looks of it, soon any attempts would be futile.
“_____? darling?” iida called as he came into your home. immediately noticing your missing shoes, he moved to the bedroom in a flash, checking to see if you had just moved them or something.
the room was a mess, drawers left open and clothing strewn across the bed and floor. the bathroom had been cleared of almost all your essentials, and a note was left on the dresser. gingerly, iida picked it up and read it, offering up a silent prayer that it didn't say what he thought it did.
i don't know when you'll see this, or if you ever will. if you're reading it, that means you came back home but you will not find me there.
im tired, tenya.
im tired of always being the one to extend the olive branch or bend over backwards for you.
i refuse to be in that position any longer. i love you… i love you so much it hurts sometimes because i know this isn't the way things were supposed to be. but you left, and so i decided to leave too.
if a way to fix things exists, i want us to find it, but right now i need some time to reevaluate us and what that means. i hope you understand, i know you will.
if you want to reach out, im open to talking about this further, but for right now i need to think.
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benevolentbirdgal · 4 years
Purim: a Jewish holiday and wild ride from start to finish
So let me tell you about the absolute soap opera that is the Jewish holiday of Purim. The scene is set in ancient (appx. 4th century B.C.E.) Persia during the first Jewish Diaspora, in the city of Shushan (typically identified in secular sources as Susa, a now-abandoned ancient city in what is now Iran). I’m telling you, as a work of literature (even beyond theological implications for Jewish people), this book has everything: love, drama, royalty, intrigue, ego, plots, irony, mystery, and a strong female lead. 
[some non-slur swearing below]
Ahasuerus, party-loving king of Persia executed or exiled (translations argue) his wife Vashti, and had to find a new queen. Why did he do this, you ask? Well, it really starts with an 180-day party across his kingdom for all his subjects to celebrate the third year of his reign. After that absolute rager, party-bro KA has another one immediately after for a week, this time just for the capital city of Shushan. Vashti was having a woman’s party in her quarters, presumably living her best life, when party-bro sends his top seven yes-men to deliver a message to Vashti. This sleaze-ball wants her to appear at his party in front of everyone, wearing her crown, with the clear implication being only her crown. Vashti more or less tells him to pound sand (I mean, not the literal translation, but that’s the sentiment). 
KA’s advisors convince him that this is not only an offense against the king but also against all the men in the country (ah, the joys of ancient patriarchy and toxic af masculinity). KA writes a degree that women must respect their husbands so he has an official reason to get rid of Vashti. Vashti is soon thereafter out of the picture and the king is short a queen. Whether she was a Wise Lady With A Point Who Got Screwed Over or a Vicious Jew-Hating Adulteress Who Had It Coming has been a matter of furious debate for over two millennia (the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud vociferously disagree on her). In any case, KA regrets it pretty quick and wants a new queen. 
At the behest of his advisors (you know, since their last advice worked out soooooo well), KA had a big contest/forcible gathering of young women from around his kingdom and a Jewish woman, Hadassah, was the winner.  Hadassah was an orphan raised by her cousin Mordechai in the city of Shushan. Hadassah is more commonly known as Esther, because she changed her name to hide her identity as a Jew (at the behest of Mordechai). In any case, KA decided he liked Esther best and she became queen (it’s specifically mentioned both that he loved her most and that the palace staff liked her because she was nice to them-it’s unclear how much of an influence the latter was). 
Concurrently, a wicked man named Haman was the top advisor to the king and the king would basically rubber-stamp whatever Haman wanted. Haman was a raging Jew-hater-this will be relevant later. 
Some time into Esther’s reign as queen, Mordechai, who has taken to hanging around the gates of the palace to keep in touch with Esther, overhears a plot by two guards, Bigthan and Teresh, to kill the king. Mordechai alerts his cousin, and she tells the king. It’s recorded in the book of deeds and life keeps moving. 
Some time later, Haman decides (after a promotion to head lackey) that he wants all to bow to him as he passes. Mordechai refused to bow to Haman every single day (citing that as a Jew he bowed to no man), and that did not sit well with Haman. So despite being prime minister and presumably having more important things to do, “genocide the Jews” made it to the top of to-do list. He didn’t like them before, and Mordechai refusing to treat him like a special snowflake was something he took really, really personally (totally can’t think of any modern politicians like that, nope). He told KA, who frankly doesn’t seem to ask enough questions, that there was a people disrespecting the king and his laws throughout the land, and could he pretty-please exterminate them. As a bonus, Haman would “donate” 10,000 silver kikar to the royal treasury (modern conversion vary, but all agree this an absurd amount on money). 
KA handed him the royal seal to do so. Haman was feeling lucky I guess so he decided the best course of action was to draw lots to pick the day for the massacre. [Purim is lots in Hebrew, so that’s where the name of the holiday came from]. The message went out to all the provinces that on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, that they citizens and leaders should murder all of the Jews, young and old, man, woman, and child, rich and poor and take their possessions as spoils. 
As this wasn’t exactly a state secret, the Jews knew and were quite distressed. The planned slaughter was like a year out, but what the actual fuck were they supposed to do? If you lived in Persia at that point that, the empire was functionally your entire world, unless you were fabulously/ridiculously wealthy and well-connected. Having several months notice the other locals and your rules were going to slaughter you and take your stuff isn’t particularly useful when there’s really nowhere to go. 
In Shushan, Mordechai (who, although not explicitly in text, is in oral/Talmudic tradition a leader of the Jewish community) goes into mourning. He dresses in sackcloth and ashes, he weeps, and he fasts at the gates of the palace, as Jews throughout shushan and the kingdom are doing. Esther hears of her cousin’s mourning behavior and tries to send along nice clothes through a messenger, which he refuses. It is then that she learns of the decree. Mordechai (through the messenger) implores her to go ask the king if the Jews not getting murdered could be a thing. Esther explains that she could be killed for approaching the king unsummoned. Mordechai stresses the severity of the situation. Esther agrees to ask the king and tells Mordechai to have the Shushan Jewish community fast day and night (as opposed to just day as prior) for three days, and she and her handmaidens will fast too (no word on what the handmaidens thought of this).
On the third day, Esther bravely approached the king, asked him if she could request something. He said anything, up to half his kingdom (which implies to me that homedude, for all his flaws, was actually into her). Esther invited him to a party, where he and Haman would be the only guests. At the party she asks if she can another request. KA is open to it and she invites him to another party the next night. Party-bro king is obviously down and Haman is tickled to death at this second invitation. 
He goes home to brag to his wife, Zeresh, about the invite and also to bitch about how angsty he is Mordechai is still alive (this angst reignited by passing him on the way home). Zeresh suggests he have fifty-foot gallows built to make Mordechai an example on, with the king’s permission, ASAP. Haman orders the building of the gallows, feeling secure in the knowledge that his bestie the king will execute Mordechai on them. 
Back at the castle KA can’t sleep. He demands a bedtime story from the his records, because those will presumably put him to sleep. The story that gets read, ~coincidentally~, is of Mordechai saving KA’s life. Haman had sidled on up to the castle to speak to the king about killing Mordechai, and the king called him in. KA asks Haman, if he were to honor someone, what should he do? Haman is thinking “this is obvi about me” and tells the king that the honoree should be donned in royal clothing, and ride through the streets on a fancy horse with people someone shouting how great he is. KA is like great, love it, perf, go do that for Mordechai. Haman is not a happy camper but does the thing. After that, he goes home and tells Zeresh about it, who warns him that this is a very bad sign. 
Finally, that night is the night of Esther’s second soiree. Haman and KA attend. The latter offers to Esther anything she wants, up to half of his kingdom. Esther asks that her life, and the life of her people be spared. KA is like “whomst” and Esther revealed it was Haman. At this point Ahasuerus.exe stops working and he takes a walk to the gardens. He comes back to see Haman begging Esther for his life, and KA thinks Haman is assaulting her. Haman was seized by nearby guards.
One of the chamberlains is then like, hey, KA, coincidentally there’s these super high gallows Haman just had built. Why not take care of the problem that way? (The fact that the random nearby chamberlain was like yup, that dude, hang ‘em in the morning, probably says a lot about how Haman treated most people around him, even more than forcing all to bow to him). KA orders it be done. 
Not that Haman was around to be sad about it, but what happened next would have massively pissed him off, as his old job then went to Mordechai. Esther then implored of the king that the degree to allow the massacre of the Jews be reversed. The king couldn’t Cntrl+Z the order to murder-all-the-Jews, but he could issue an order that they could fight back. The proclamation was sent throughout the land, and the Jews were able to prepare. Since the royal decree had been amended, the governments (princes, governors, satraps) largely reformulated their plans accordingly, but plenty of Jew-haters still wanted to use the opportunity. The ability to self-defend meant that the communities weren’t massacred. In most of the kingdom, the Jews were now safe. Outside of Shushan, the fourteenth of Adar became a feast day. 
Shushan was still not safe though. Antisemites were still out and mad (and apparently had not learned from the previous day), so Esther asked the Jews of Shushan to be allowed to defend themselves once more. Her wish was granted, and the Shushan Jews were able to defend themselves once more (so Purim is celebrated a day later in walled cities). 
The story ends with the decision to write it down, and although there some debate on authorship, it is traditionally attributed to Esther herself cowriting with Mordechai. 
Nowhere in the book is God mentioned. Nowhere is there divine intervention (at least not explicitly). Just Jews sticking up for themselves, being brave in the face of mortal peril, and a metric fucktown of chutzpah. 
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Ok so I've been coming back here to reread all of your work and I never get tired of it (the NSFW alphabet one is low-key my favorite one 👀) and let me tell you that you're one of my favorite writers and love all of your work.
You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but do you have hc of how Billy Russo would react/ be when he finds out that he's going to be a father? Based on your NSFW alphabet you did for him, you described him as a (extremely) sweet and caring person and I couldn't help to think about how he would be if he ever had a kid of his own.
(Once again, feel free to ignore this if you want to or feel uncomfortable doing it. It's a thought that hass been in my head for a while and wanted to get it out of my system lmao 😂)
First off, thank you! I really appreciate that 🥺🖤🖤🖤
Also, I love talking about headcanons, never worry about asking me about them lmao
So I just wanna say since I did write a multi chapter series about how Billy walked away when he found out that like, the idea for that happened because the first part, his letter to you, is what came to my head. And I wanted to write something sad and angsty. I feel like he's much more likely to stick around in all honesty but the boys got so many issues who even knows loool
But I just wanted to point that out because this will be different and I don't want people to be like; 'But Thalia... you did a whole thing where he left...' 😂
So yeah lmao
Remember, this is my Billy. AU, still bros with Frank Billy 👀😂🖤
I've split this into a few scenarios because I feel like there would be small differences depending on the context.
One night stand:
You had a one night stand with Billy. An amazing, ruin you for other men, kind of one night stand. But then you found out you were pregnant and went to Anvil to tell him. Of course when you turn up there he has no idea the bomb you're about to drop on him. Instead, he gives you a filthy smirk as you enter his office.
"Couldn't stay away?"
When you tell Billy you're pregnant, there's a long moment where he just blinks at you and you're pretty sure you might have broke him.
He cycles through a million and one emotions before it settles on a mix of sheer terror, shock and happiness.
He tries not to get offended when you blurt out that you'd understand if he didn't want to be part of his baby's life. He didn't want his kid to grow up feeling like he didn't love them. He's not his mother.
You're not offended when the first words to leave his lips are asking if the baby is definitely his. Its a valid question since you'd slept with him just hours after meeting him in a bar.
He tells you he wants to be there and of course he takes care of all medical bills and even tries to convince you to let him buy you a better place to live. Somewhere closer to him so you and the baby will be close by.
It wasn't planned or expected by any means but he wants to be there.
Casual sex/friends with benefits:
Billy comes over expecting to get some great sex and instead has you thrusting a pregnancy test in his hands. You're scared and upset and have no idea how he'll react. You've been sleeping together for a while but been friends for longer than that. His commitment issues are exactly why you're worried.
He sits down and stares at it, letting his brain try to absorb the fact he's going to be a dad. He feels the shot of anxiety run through him, wondering if he can do it. What kind of dad could he be? His own mother never loved him, would he be capable of loving a child?
But he knows the answer is yes. Because despite not even being in a relationship with you and this coming out of the blue, he feels excitement welling inside of him and he doesn't even realise he's smiling at the test in his hands.
When he looks back at you, sees how scared you are, he feels a pang of something in his chest that feels an awful lot like panic. He asks what you want to do, scared of the answer you'll give him. But of course you scoff and tell him you're keeping the baby.
Relief and happiness flood his body then as he gets up, hugging you tightly and stroking your hair.
"You don't gotta worry. I'll take care of you both, I promise."
And he means it. Once again he pays all the medical bills and he shockingly tells you he'd like to make a real go out of what you two have.
He buys a house for you and the baby but doesn't pressure you about him living there too. He let's you set the pace for what's happening between you.
He cries. Like a lot. Planned or not, the news has him weeping like a little girl. You're living together so he notices when you're feeling unwell. Notices that you haven't had your period since he normally gets you ice-cream and also gets you pads and things if you need them. He doesn't say anything though until you do.
So he gets the test for you. The pair of you sit on the bed after you did what you needed, a timer on his phone. The test is on the dresser across the room. Both of you are silent. Overwhelmed by what might happen. He really wants it to be positive. (If this wasn't planned then when you told him you might be, he started to really think about it and found he wanted a baby with you).
When the timer goes off you both jump up comically but hesitate near the dresser. Billy ends up being the one brave enough to look. You watch his reaction for a moment and you're startled when his eyes water, the way he looks at you with a beaming smile as the tears fall without him even noticing.
"We're havin' a baby!" He grins like a mad man, picking you up and twirling you around.
He's so excited that the second your feet hit the ground, he's on the phone to Frank telling him the news. Still crying, mind you.
Once he's made his phone calls, he tells you the penthouse is being left behind. He's buying a house near the Castle's for your new little family.
Both he and Frank fix it up and decorate it.
No matter which scenario it happens:
Billy goes to every appointment with you, every ultrasound. The first time he sees his baby, he cries. When he finds out if its a boy or girl, he cries. When he first feels the baby kick, he cries. When the baby's born, he's a mess. He attends every class with you and reads all the books he can get his hands on. And of course he asks Frank for advice about anything and everything.
He frequently talks to your bump, regalling the baby with tales of his life or reading from a book. He takes good care of you, anything you need, he gets you. You want pickles and a donut at 4am? Don't worry, Billy's got you. You need crazy good sex because the hormones are driving you up the wall? Billy's got you. You're sobbing because you feel like a beached whale and none of your clothes, even the pregnancy ones fit you? Billy's there. Telling you that you're absolutely beautiful. Radiant even. He gets one of his guys to buy you a bunch of clothes that fit and he cuddles you until you feel better. He dotes on you constantly, always calls and texts if he's not with you to make sure you're okay.
When you go into labour, he's there holding your hand and cheering you on the whole time. And the second the babys there, he's sobbing and smiling like an idiot. When he first holds his baby, it's a feeling he's never felt before. He feels complete in every way. So full of love he just might burst from it. And while a tiny part of him grieves for the baby version of himself that didn't seem to ever have that, he's overwhelmed by the pure happiness and love as he gazes down at his little ones face.
"Shit... you're so perfect."
He vows to be the best damn father he can be and the baby will never feel unloved for even a second.
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raining-inmidgar · 3 years
@celebistarz thank you so much!
“please anything post advent children... there isnt enough of "zack comes back to life/is discovered to actually be alive and shakes cloud out of his angsty funk" content
adding to this, bonus points if barret/cid/some other oblivious avalanche member thinks "huh have you seen cloud lately? he seems a lot happier all of a sudden. why is he looking at zack like that? they must be really close as bros :)) must be great having such a good bro friend come back like that :))" and is completely exasperated once someone points out "i think they like each other... in a more than bros way"”
Let me know what you think!❤️ and if anyone has any more ideas I’d be happy to to write more!
The bell above the door to Seventh Heaven jingles, and heavy boot steps approach the bar. Tifa spins on her heel away from the sink, and heads out of the kitchen to greet the customer.
But the person waiting at the counter is not just any old customer. Her breath is gone from her lungs at the sight of the one and only Zack Fair.
“Is Cloud here?”
It’s been three weeks since Zack showed up at the bar, and honestly, Tifa can say with confidence that she’s never seen Cloud in a better mood.
The first day had been rough. Cloud had immediately fallen into a stupor; unsure if anything was real, angry at Tifa for playing along with his mind’s games, and convinced Sephiroth was just around the corner. He wouldn’t even go near Zack, wouldn’t let him explain. He locked himself in his room, and every time Tifa knocked, she would hear the rattle on the mechanisms of the Fusion Sword.
But on the fifth day, with Zack still waiting patiently, he finally accepted that it wasn’t just one of his hallucinations. He allowed himself the healing he so desperately needed.
Tifa had walked up the stairs with a glass of water and hopes to coax Cloud out of his room, and instead saw the door swung wide, and Cloud sobbing hysterically into Zack’s chest.
From that day, things only went uphill. Cloud would join the crew for dinners at the big table downstairs, he would hang around and help instead of running off at every opportunity on a ‘delivery’, and he would smile. Really smile.
Zack was at his side most of the time, but when he wasn’t, he was usually helping whoever was running the bar. He made the place warmer, with his dad jokes and upbeat attitude.
Marlene and Denzel were in love with him. Marlene would always beg him to carry her around on his back, and Denzel would follow him around, asking random questions only a curious child would ask.
Tifa was concerned, at first, that Cloud would be upset at their new favourite person. But he seemed perfectly content. Even he knew the gravitational pull Zack had about him.
It wasn’t until the second week of Zack’s reappearance that Tifa had decided to ask the question that was on everyone’s minds.
“Zack…” Tifa had began, hesitant. She thought back to Cloud’s reactions at her questioning his past; she’d since learned to steer clear of certain topics, and it had just become natural over time. So it felt foreign and selfish to even be bringing it up. “Can I ask you something?”
“Hm? Of course. Shoot.” Zack smiled brightly at her.
“I— well… how are you here…?” She struggled to phrase the question.
Zack blinked, his smile fading from his face. Tifa’s stomach turned.
“Aerith.” He said, simply.
Tifa’s confusion only increased with that. “What do you mean?”
“Aerith sent me back. Being a Cetra and all, she can do some pretty crazy stuff, even from the lifestream. She knew Cloud was… she knew Cloud needed me. So she sent me back.” He leaned his hip on the counter, crossing his arms.
“Are you going to have to… leave? When he’s okay again?” Tifa’s mind filled with anxiety. She couldn’t imagine Cloud having to deal with losing Zack for a second time.
“No! That’s the great part!” Zack suddenly exclaimed, face lit up again with happiness. “I get to stay, live out my life like I was supposed to. Here, with Cloud.”
Barret’s at the bar, sipping at a glass of whiskey. Tifa’s wiping the counters quietly. There’s no customers, it’s late on a Tuesday. The only sound is the radio playing some old song in the background.
“Say, Tifa?” Barret says, swirling his glass around on the counter. The ice clinks.
“Hm?” Tifa abandons her cloth, the counters are clean anyway.
“I just… noticed the merc… he seems a lot happier since his SOLDIER buddy came back. Is that just me?”
Tifa smiles. “No, it’s not just you. I agree. He’s been in a bad place for too long. I think he deserves something good like this.”
“Nothin’ like seein’ old friends.” He muses.
Tifa smiles, and ducks her head to try to hide it, but Barret catches it.
“Whatchu smilin’ about?” He grunts, pointing his finger at her, eyes narrowed. But a smile is playing on his lips too.
“I think… uh. I think they’re a little more than friends, Barret.” She coughs into her hand.
“I—wha— you mean… they ain’t sparring in their room at night?!” Barret exclaims. His eyes go wide and his face reddens. “Shit… I asked Cloud if they could take their nightly training outside. Now I know why he was lookin’ at me all funny…”
Tifa can’t stop the laughter.
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d0llpie · 4 years
hey can i request prompt 47 with tanaka also super angsty like i want to cry
tanaka x reader
Prompt: “i lost the baby”
Trigger warnings: miscarriage, heavy angst, like really a whole lot of painful angst just angst
a/n: thanks for the request, i hope you cry <3 I will be making a part 2 btw
wc: 2.6k part 2
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You were arguing with Tanaka, again. It started when he came home around an hour ago, three hours past when you planned a date with him. It had taken ages for you to convince him to go on a proper date since he was always ‘busy’. You needed to tell him you were pregnant, wanted to celebrate with him. Instead you were left with 50 unread messages and Tanaka waltzing in the house as if nothing was wrong. When he came and kissed you on the cheek “hey baby” like nothing had happened you snapped. “Where the fuck were you Ryu?” you stood up from the kitchen bench and begun throwing accusation after accusation at him while he just stood shocked, belittling you for ‘overreacting’ at his ‘simple mistake’.
“Oh you want me to apologize for being stood up? Hm?” You throat felt raw from the screaming, desperately just wanting him to apologize and tell him about the baby so you could make up and move on. Tanaka, stubborn as ever, wouldn’t let that happen. “I never said that, you’re working yourself up, stop stressing yourself out.” His calm tone only irked you even more, he could at least pretend to care. “What were you doing that had you so pre-occupied? Or should I ask who?” he snapped his head towards you, visibly annoyed, at least you finally caught his full attention. “What the fuck y/n? Are you seriously accusing me of cheating because I forgot about your stupid date? You know we can go on a date any other time why are you acting like such a bitch right now? Fuck sake you’re so dramatic.” You fought back the tears in your eyes, slamming your fist down on the table “When was the last time we went on a date- a real one? I wanted to spend some time with you ALONE for once to talk to you, but instead you can’t even tell me why you were soo busy to even send me a text cancelling.” A few stray tears slipped out in frustration, but you continued to glare at him, egging him on further. “I was out with some friends Jesus y/n, why do you have to bring your insecurities into everything.” You were hit with a wave of nostalgia, he’d said that line to you when you started dating in high school.
“Tanaka, hey baby, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my class to eat lunch today, I want to tell you something” You smiled up at your boyfriend as he smiled back “Of course baby! I gotta go to practice, want to come watch?” he pecked your cheek quickly, smiling widely at you proudly “Oh sorry, I have to study for a text next period but I’ll see you at lunch!” his face dropped but the bell rang, signaling your next class “Bye Tanaka!” you waved cheerily as he walked back towards the gym.
y/n: Hi, I’m in my class for lunch now :) see you soon <3
You frowned holding the homemade lunch you had wanted to give him. After around 15minutes you realized he wasn’t coming. You went to the gym to see if he was there with Noya, you entered the gym and found them both watching Kiyoko with lovesick expressions on their faces, spewing out compliments profusely. “Tanaka.. hey” he looked over to see you in the doorway “Y/N, hey! What’s up?” you stood there in shock for a minute before clearing your throat “Um can I talk to you?” he looked over at Kiyoko who was ignoring Nishinoya before reluctantly making his way over to you. “How come you didn’t come to lunch” you frowned lightly and he sighed “Its not like you came to my practice either, plus, I was hanging out with my friends, don’t bring your insecurities into this I told you Kiyoko doesn’t like me.” He pouted and you felt your heart clench. “Do you still like her?” you whispered and although he heard you, he pretended he didn’t. You plastered on a fake smile before retreating to the classroom, ignoring his texts and calls for the rest of the day until he brought you a bouquet of roses the next day. It was your first of multiple fights over his obvious crush on his manager. Eventually you got sick of the fighting and sappy make-ups so you just ignored it, knowing he could never have her and was with you because he loved you. Right?
“Fine. I’m sorry for accusing you, I’m not sorry for everything else, why won’t you just fucking talk to me!” The exhaustion from fighting was catching up with you and you began to feel light-headed. “Because it’s not a big deal y/n! Wait-what’s wrong?” you sighed, leaning against the wall “It’s the fucking baby and this stupid fight what do you think.” You spat at him and he stopped thinking for a moment. “Baby?” you looked up to see him smiling nervously at  you “Yeah you’d have known if you hadn’t stood me up.” He pinched the bridge of his nose “we’re having a baby, can you let this go?” you scoffed, done with this fight you stormed up to your shared bedroom, crawling into bed and staying as far from his side as possible. You placed a hand over your stomach, softly crying into the pillow while Tanaka stayed downstairs, opting to sleep on the couch.
Noya: Yoo how’d y/n take it?
Tanaka: she’s pregnant
Noya: oh shit, what’re you gonna do
Tanaka: what do you mean what am I gonna do? Raise a baby I guess, fuck idk man
Noya: that’s tough, Kiyoko is staying at mine😍 pray for me bro🙏🏼😩
Tanaka: lucky, i’m on the fucking couch
Noya: sucks🥶
He sighed before turning his phone off, fuck.
The next day you woke up to breakfast in bed and a very happy Tanaka smiling at you, “good morning, how are my babies feeling?” you wanted to roll your eyes and stay mad but you couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered when he referred to you and your child as his babies. “good morning ryu..what’s all this?” you were expecting an apology like usual, or at least for him to acknowledge what happened “You’re eating for two now I guess! When’s your next appointment?” he seemed really freaked out so you placed a hand over his “next week, are you feeling okay?” you pressed the back of your hand against his forehead, he felt fine just a little sweaty. “I’m good, want to go out for dinner after work?” you were hesitant but nodded “You’ll come right?” it’s like his mood did a 180 when you said that “What’s that supposed to mean” he spoke through gritted teeth, trying to remain calm and collected. “You know…yesterday?” he scoffed “still hung up on that huh? You gonna berate me for every mistake I make when this baby pops out of you?” you were wide awake now “woah wait, I didn’t say that-“ “you accuse me of stuff, why can’t I do the same?” his tone was growing angrier by each syllable he spoke. You looked down in your lap, feeling your eyes well up with tears again. “Tanaka please stop” you whispered and he snapped “Yeah doesn’t feel great when you just want to stop but they keep going huh?” you don’t even remember why he was getting worked up, because you didn’t want him to stand you up again? You fiddled with your fingers and zoned out while he continued yelling.
You finally looked up when you heard the bedroom door close, breathing in deeply before hunching over as a sharp pain in your abdomen stopped you from making any big or sudden movements. You groaned out in pain, stopping Tanka immediately. Tanaka ran a hand over his head stressfully “are you okay? Shit. Uh, I’m going to call an ambulance” you groaned again “Call Yachi, she can take me I think we need some-“ tears pricked your eyes and you started to sweat “space, I’ll call you when I’m there.” You could see his eyes well up with tears. His hands were opening and closing, wanting to hold you but knowing better than to do that.
Yachi came over shortly after and lead you to the car. Tanaka saw the blood on your shorts and held his breath, letting a few tears roll down his cheeks. You were silent in the car over, crying softly and groaning in pain every few minutes. Yachi looked over worriedly at you, holding your hand and letting you squeeze her hand for reassurance. “Y/n don’t move ill get a nurse to help you out.” You arrived through the emergency section of the hospital and texted Tanaka
y/n: I’m going into the emergency room now
tanaka: okay, let me know what’s happening
He shut off his phone with a shaky breath, deciding to call his friends over.
Tanaka: Noya?
Noya: hey bro what’s up
Tanaka: Y/n’s in the hospital, can you come over?
Noya: What happened? Kiyoko is here man..
Tanaka: Bring her here, I don’t know what happened she started bleeding and crying
Noya: wtf? Did you hit her?
Tanaka: You know I’d never do that. I think it’s the baby…
Noya: We’re on our way, we have whiskey
Tanaka heard knocking and made his way to the door, he opened it to see Noya and Kiyoko there. “Hey, thank you both for coming.” he stepped aside to let them enter “So how’d the break-up go, is she okay?” he looked quizzically at Noya “You didn’t tell her?” he shook his head “sorry, we were watching a movie..” Tanaka looked unamused by Noya before turning to Kiyoko “We started fighting about me hanging with you guys instead of our date and she told me she was pregnant” Kiyoko looked at him disappointedly “You left a pregnant girl?!” it was unusual for Kiyoko to raise her voice but she felt horrible your you, she knew how much you loved Tanaka and she always felt guilty in high school for what you had to put up with, because of her. “What? No! I didn’t break up with her because she’s pregnant but now...I don’t know, she was bleeding and in pain and she’s in the emergency room now..” Kiyoko was restraining from slapping him, digging her nails into her palms. “Why aren’t you with your pregnant girlfriend, it’s bad enough you don’t love her and now this? You know a baby requires actually raising a human?” He dropped his head down, “I know, I already feel horrible…what if something’s happening to the baby?” he sat down on the couch, taking the bottle from Noya’s hand and taking a swig. “You can still raise a baby and not be together…” Noya spoke up, sitting down next to him while Kiyoko turned the tv on. “It’s not fair on you guys or the baby if you stay together.” He knew he was right, he’d been putting this off for too long, he settled for you and got comfortable with the live you showed him that eventually he stopped showing it back. He can’t remember when he fell out of love but he didn’t want to leave you, he loved you still he just wasn’t in love with you. Deep down you knew, you never let yourself think that for long though. Afraid you’ll end up leaving him, Yachi had tried to get you to leave before but you could never stand the idea. Lately it was like you were already broken up, two awkward college roommates. The idea of raising a baby with him scared you, you were so stressed and sick of overthinking that you passed out in the hospital after a few hours, forgetting to call Tanaka.
You stepped out of the car, hesitating to close the door as you breathed in deeply. It was around 4pm the next day and you had just been discharged from the hospital. “Do you want me to wait here?” Yachi asked from the drivers seat, her eyes were red and puffy, she’d been up all night holding your hand and crying with you. “I think it’ll be okay…why is Kiyoko’s car here?” your eyes stuck to the black car in the driveway that you knew was Kiyoko’s “y/n, i’m gonna wait here you should go inside hes probably worried…” you nodded before approaching the front door. Your legs felt like lead as you stepped up to the door, taking your key out and unlocking the door.
“Ryu?” you moved further into the house, seeing a passed out Tanaka on the couch across from a passed out Kiyoko. “Tanaka.” You said a little louder, making him stir.
Noya came into the living room from behind you “hey y/n, how are you?” he looked hungover and that’s when you noticed the empty bottles on the floor. “Hi noya- Tanaka!” you yelled this time, waking up both Kiyoko and Tanaka. “Y/n? heyyy, how was the hospital?” he yawned and sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes. You wanted to run to him and hold him, but you stopped yourself, trying not to focus on how tight your chest felt and the tears building up in your eyes again. “Y/n?” you heard Kiyoko’s soft voice from beside you and you broke down into tears, she caught you before you fell and moved you to the couch, rubbing your back. “I lost the baby.” You continued to cry as the other three in the room sat frozen. “Y/n, i’m so sorry, i’m so so sorry, I’ll come back later but I think we should go…Noya?” Kiyoko hugged you tightly before grabbing Noya and exiting the house.
Tanaka was silent, tears rolling down his cheeks. “What happened y/n?” he avoided looking in your eyes “they said it was because of stress…Tanaka I can’t take this anymore..” you sniffled looking in your lap. He looked up to see how tired and broken you looked, feeling his heart clench. “Y/n, I swear Kiyoko and Noya came over to hang out, I don’t have feelings fo-“ “It’s not about your feelings for her, it’s about your feelings for me…I need you to be honest” he gripped your hand, his lip quivering “I don’t want to lose you y/n…” “You aren’t in love with me Tanaka, i’m not stupid” you chuckled softly, rubbing the rest of your tears away. His silence said enough and so you stood up. “Y/n, don’t go” you scoffed “you can’t keep doing this to me, making me stay with you like this” you commended yourself on the way your voice didn’t waver. “I know, I know, but I-“ he stopped himself, knowing he couldn’t stop you. “I still care about you, I always will.” You nodded, cupping his cheek softly “I know baby, I love you Ryu.”
You walked back outside and sat in the passenger seat of Yachi’s car. You put on some music and she looked over at you before driving away, not asking any questions.
Tanaka sat on the floor of his lounge room, staring into his hands and crying, you were really gone and he couldn’t fix it, it was him who pushed you away anyway. It was him who had to deal with it now.
   a/n: sorry for writing this, i might make a happy ending part 2, send me ideas if you would like to see that <3
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just-day-dreami-ng · 2 years
So uh,,, wanna here me info dump abt my cuphead ocs?? No?? Well too bad im doing it anyway!
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So I have an oc named Azazel that's devil's sister and basically rules over a distant, smaller area of hell, and she has two kids, sunny(left) and tempest(right). I don't have there whole story figured out, but basically they get sent to live with their uncle because too many demons in their homeland want them dead for a variety of reasons so it's like not safe for them any more? Idk I'm still figuring stuff out.
Anywho, here's a lil info about the kids:
The younger sibling (11)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 157 lbs
A total sweetheart
Always happy
Like literally one on the nicest ppl- er, eldritch creatures you'd ever meet
Has heterochromia
Right leg is slightly malformed, but it doesn't slow her down much and she doesn't let it get in her way.
Fathered by a mortal, making her half-mortal
More fragile than a pure blood demon, so Azazel was always super protective of her
Is kind of a baby about small wounds or cuts, because her mother would always freak out about any little scrape
Very clingy
No concept of personal space
Talks alot
Loves everybody
Tries to be friends with everybody, thinks everybody is her friend
Naive and easy-trusting
Loves to eat
Loves and admires her big bro. Looks up to him in every sense but literal
Def a momma's gurl
Never met her father, he's not in the picture
Mating with a mortal is considered an atrociouty in the demon world, and all the other demons were, uh, not very happy when Sunny was born. An overwhelming amount hate Sunny just for existing, though she has some die-hard stans who act like she's their literal god and savior, there's almost no in-between
Devil was pretty pissed when he found out his sister was pregnant with a mortal's spawn, but he still offered support. He and King Dice suggested Azazel get an abortion, it seemed like it would be the most painless option, but they still supported her when she decided to have the baby. They actually genuinely care about Sunny, now that they know her. Devil's actually really glad she exists now, even if the circumstances weren't great
Sunny acts kinda helpless in a lot of ways, it's just something Azazel grained into her. Her mother never really wanted Sunny to have to look out for herself or do anything alone(over-protective mama tryin to keep her mortal baby safe.) Azazel figured Tempest would take the throne after her since she's her oldest living child(kinda unrelated but she had a daughter she'd adopted that would be her oldest but she kinda died years ago as a young teenager trying to protect Sunny), and Sunny could live her whole life protected, looked after, and shut out from the dangerous outside world.
Her mom isn't the best at comforting her when she feels lonely or left out, so when Sunny ever felt down about not being able to play outside much or do most of what the other kids do, she'd just shower her with gifts. They'd distract Sunny in the moment, but never really filled the void
Sunny never really got to play with or really see other kids around her age (besides tempest) until they went to live with their uncle, was lonely for most of her childhood
Devil gets that Sunny's more fragile than pure-blood demons, and is reasonably protective over her and Tempest, but not nearly as much as Azazel. He feels like they should be living and experiencing things like normal kids do, it's important for their growth, he's basically like, 'for the love of hell children, go outside and play in the dirt or something, you've clearly been deprived of actually living'
Sunny like immediately incorporated cuphead, mugman, and chalice into her found family
The older sibling(13)
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 95 lbs
Just an edgy lil man
Very angsty rn
Cautious and contemplative, unlike Sunny.
Protective older brother™ to Sunny and the cup siblings
His father was an imp Azazel was close friends with but kinda had a one-night stand with a few times. Azazel didn't stay in a relationship with the imp(i wanna call him Obsidian I think), but they remained very close friends, and Obsidian was a very involved father while he was alive. He even acted like a father to Sunny and Azazel's other daughter, even tho they weren't biologically his. Actually died protecting Sunny.
A lot of the higher ranking demons were extremely ridiculing toward Azazel due to her son's father(most consider imps lower beings, being caught in a relationship with one is considered a huge scandal, even worse Azazel had a kid by him).
Many demons question if Tempest is really a legitimate heir to the throne due to his parantege. Azazel tells them to stfu.
Back home he was allowed to do a lot of things sunny generally can't, like going outside(with an escort ofc) and hang around other kids his age, since even tho he's a lot smaller than his sis, he's a full-blood demon and therefore less breakable. Although Azazel is very protective of her son, for this reason she's not as worried about him as she is sunny.
Loves his mom, but their relationship is a little strained atm
The reason tempest is much less bejeweled than his sister isn't about favoritism or whatever, he just doesn't like to wear a lot of jewelry, and Azazel respects that. He prefers to get books and stuff like that for gifts.
Sunny only remembers glimpses of their older sister, but Tempest was old enough to have some coherent memories of her. He thinks a lot about her, and wonders what she'd be like now if she'd survived.
Loves his sis but can sometimes get very annoyed with her
Gets frustrated/angry easily
Tempest really does love his friends and family, he just isn't always good at expressing it, and is definitely not as straightforward with his affection as Sunny is.
He's upset Azazel sent them away, but is genuinely looking forward to spending more time with his uncles and having more freedom.
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