#and even if I did start working to be one
sooniebby · 15 hours
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W.C › 12k
Warnings › bottom male reader. Reader is a bit immature. If you wanted an example of the bands music: Love Countdown vs Black Rose. Translations at the end. Some homophobia with a slur but very light. Unhinged OC, he’s crazy
Plot › This post I had but expanded.
Kinks › size difference, pain, possessive, lite spanking, toxic, dacryphilia, dubcon
Words to know › maknae (막내) — youngest. Hyung (형) — a term a younger male with call an older male. Jagiya/Jagi (자기야) — “sweetie/baby.” Seonbae (선배) — title of respect for someone in a higher position of you, usually work/school. Dongsaeng (동생) — little brother/sister, doesn’t have to be a biological sibling/can be a friend.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
안녕하세요, 러브카운다운입니다!
Leader, 1997, Bassist, main vocalist
1998, Guitarist, lead vocalist
1999, Drummer
2000, keyboardist, lead vocalist
2002, guitarist, sub vocalist
초 (Name)
Maknae, (B.Year), guitarist, violinist, main vocalist
Festival performance this Friday at Yellow Wood University, 8 PM KST
A giddy grin spread on your lips as you looked at the social media post your company posted not even an hour ago. There were mainly positive comments, everyone excited to see you all live after listening to the debut album.
You debuted into Love Countdown just five months and your band was already getting love most bands would kill for.
Your music was certainly good but it did help most of your band mates were practically model material. Any type of fans were fine with you, even if all they cared about was one of your band mates abs.
The sound of the front door opening caught your attention as you exited out of Twitter and looked up. As with most groups, you lived in an apartment with your band mates. Lucky for you, your company wasn’t inhumane and forced six men to group in one small apartment.
You roomed with Junho and Young-Jae. While Dohyun, Yuki, and Won-Shik roomed together right next door.
“Hey, Hyung. You bought any dinner?” You asked, watching as Young-Jae only had to walk two steps to get into the kitchen. Hey, your company wasn’t that rich.
“Just pizza because I’m not buying your picky ass anything else ever again.” He said, placing it on the kitchen countertop. “Can’t believe you didn’t even attempt to eat the expensive Italian food I bought last time.”
“No one told you to buy me Italian food.” You rebutted, walking over to grab a slice.
“Ungrateful brat.”
“Love you too, Hyung.”
You grabbed two pizzas slices as Young-Jae put away the groceries he bought.
“Hey, is your violin tuned? Dohyun Hyung was on my ass because of what happened last time.”
Last time meaning you pulled out your violin to play a song from your album and it sounded like absolute shit. You were lucky the crowd found it cute and were just laughing as you hurriedly tried to tune the violin. The perks of being the cute maknae!
“Of course, I wouldn’t want Dohyun Hyung to spank you again.”
“He did not spank me, stop being weird.” Young-Jae rolled his eyes, reaching over to deliver a smack to the back your head. You cried out in pain as you glared at him.
“Do you know who else is playing at the festival? I didn’t pay attention when Manager Nayoung was talking.”
“Of course you didn’t. Mostly solo artists. I think a rock band is playing there… can’t remember their name. Starts… like uh…” Young-Jae sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Le..? No… Uh. Damn. It was something edgy.”
“Yeah. Their music is all rock and emo. The made the OST to that crime kdrama you watched. Seriously… their name isn’t long, why can’t I remember?”
“You’re getting old.”
Young-Jae looked up at you, his eyes narrowing. “Say that again?”
You both stared at each other as a slight smirk pulled on your lips.
“You fucking……!”
“I’m home.”
The door opened just before Young-Jae could attack you. You shrieked and immediately ran to your savior, clinging to Junho. Junho was unfazed as he wrapped his free arm around your waist and tugged you close, closing the door with his foot.
“Pizza for dinner? Thanks.” Junho said, placing his bags down on the kitchen counter.
“Stop protecting that little shit, Hyung. I need to give him a spanking.” Young-Jae glared at you with a murderous intent in his eyes.
You giggled. “Oh~ so kinky Hyungie~! Should I pull my pants down?”
Junho maneuvered you away just as Young-Jae made an attempt to grab you. You wrapped your arm around Junho’s neck and grinned, sticking your tongue out at Young-Jae as a sign of victory.
“Hm, Junnie Hyung, do you know that emo band that’s playing at the festival this Friday?” You asked, looking up at Junho.
“Hm. Black Rose?”
Black Rose? Hm… Why did that sound familiar?
You were about to think more until your stomach growled.
Forget it. It’s probably nothing important anyway.
“Looking good boys. Your first ever festival performance. Let’s do great okay?! Fighting!” Manager Nayoung said as she patted you on the back.
You gave her a smile as you glanced at yourself in the mirror. There were hearts drawn over your nose, almost like freckles. Being the maknae meant you usually got the more cutesy makeup compared to the others.
Dohyun was always… more naked compared to everyone else. You glanced over at your leader and couldn’t help but stare at his ass. He was wearing a crop top with no sleeves, a waist chain and sinfully tight leather pants. You were almost jealous of his abs but also wanted to touch them again.
Your eyes flickered over to Young-Jae and you almost laughed to see him unabashedly staring right at Dohyun’s ass. You sauntered over to him and smacked his head.
“Hey, are you trying to burn a hole through his pants?” You whispered, snickering as Young-Jae’s face practically turned red.
“Shut it!” He weakly retorted, turning his attention to the mirror to fix his dyed red hair. “I was just looking at his outfit. The stylists love putting him tight clothing. What if he’s uncomfortable?”
You hummed. “Dohyun Hyung!”
“Yes,” Dohyun looked up from the book he was reading, smiling over at you. He had red lipstick with dark eyeliner that brought out the blue colored contacts he wore. He’s lucky he’s handsome, blue contacts just freak you out.
“Are you uncomfortable in your pants?”
“Hm, no? I won’t be moving much anyway.” He answered. “Why?”
“Just asking!”
You turned back around to see a furious Young-Jae staring at you. You only giggled. “See? He’s fine. You’re just enjoying his ass.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you too, Hyungie~!”
A tap on your shoulder caught your attention as you turned back to see Yuki behind you. He was wearing a more tamed version of Dohyun’s outfit with lighter makeup. “Some snacks I stole from the staff table.” He handed you a chocolate bar, a bag of chips, and a soda.
“What about me?” Young-Jae asked.
“What about you? Love you, (Name).” Yuki patted you on the head before walking away to join Junho on the couch. Favoritism. You loved being the maknae.
You smirked. “Maybe try being cuter. Then your hyungs will want to take care of you.”
“I’m going to smother you in your sleep.”
Young-Jae rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the mirror, fixing his collar. “I’m not even sure why we’re dressed like this. Our concept isn’t this dark.”
“It’s just for the event. Manager Nayoung was telling me that the event organizers wanted a darker theme.”
“Our songs are literally all about being in love and being happy. We have no emo or rock songs.”
“Stop complaining. At least they still wanted us. We’re first for a reason. We just need to get everyone upbeat.”
You glanced over at Young-Jae, taking in his outfit. It was similar to yours. A white lace shirt with black detailing. Basic black slacks with combat boots. Except he had a choker while you had a necklace. The hearts across your nose were red, brightening your face in comparison to the dark eyeliner.
Won-Shik and Junho had similar outfits as well, an inverse of yours and Young-Jae. You preferred the more colorful clothing you wore during your regular performances but it is what it is. As you flicked at a lint on your cheek, the door to the dressing room opened.
“You’re going to preform in twenty minutes, boys. Get going!”
As your band mates got ready to set up their instruments, you saw the next band come in to get dressed. And to your horror, a familiar face walked right in.
Kim Ye-Jun.
You felt your heart drop to your ass as you stared at him. He didn’t seem to notice you at first, busy directing his band mates to get dressed. It wasn’t until he turned around that he froze at the sight of you.
“Let’s go, (Name)-Ah.” Young-Jae said, grabbing your arm as he began to pull you out of the room. Your gaze was still locked on Ye-Jun before you quickly turned away, the memories of him flooding your brain.
That fucking dick. He’s in that band?!
Shit. You wanted to delete their OST off your playlist stat. Why were they even playing at such a small event, they weren’t mainstream by any means but they were big in the band scene.
“Violin tuned?” Dohyun suddenly asked as you assumed your position, fixing the mic to your height.
“Yea. It’s tuned…”
“You okay? You look like you saw a ghost.”
You wished he was a ghost.
“I’ll be fine. Just a little nervous.”
Dohyun took your word for it and simply patted you on the back, turning his attention back to his own mic. It only took a few minutes before the MC was announcing the band and the yells from the crowd increased.
You stood tall, clutching the guitar to your chest just as the lights shined on you all. Dohyun began his usual speech while you couldn’t help but smile at attention. A few girls were screaming your name!
Yuki tapped his drumsticks together before starting off the beat. You were only going to be performing five songs so you weren’t worried in the slightest. Of course you forgot you were the one that started this song off.
Despite the slight hiccup and Dohyun’s swift glare at you, you continued on, earning a few giggles from the crowd. As you played, you didn’t notice the pair of eyes watching you from the side of the stage.
“You were great, boys! I think you gained some new fans,” Nayoung said, handing each of you a bottle water. “Go get changed and enjoy the rest of the festival! Do anything to get fans.”
Won-Shik smirked as he wrapped his arm around your neck, “anything?” You grinned, rolling your eyes.
“Absolute not! Get your mind out of the gutter!” Nayoung yelled, glaring at Won-Shik. “Yuki, watch him! I don’t want a scandal before you’re even a year old yet! Matter of fact, stick with one other person.”
Young-Jae groaned. “Guess I’m stuck with you,” he said, glaring at you.
You smirked before glancing over at Dohyun as he began wiping off his makeup. “Well… Dohyun Hyung!”
“What do you—!”
“—Can you pair with Jae Hyung? I wanna hang out with Junnie Hyung!”
“You little—!!!”
“—Sure. You okay with spending time with me Jae-Ah? I don’t think I’ll be much fun.” Dohyun laughed, turning over to face you and Young-Jae. His makeup was smudge now—lipstick off completely. His eyes resembling deer eyes by how round they were. Boba eyes, that’s what Won-Shik called them once.
Because of how perverted you were, you couldn’t help but imagine if that’s how he would look after having sex.
A quick glance at Young-Jae told you he was thinking the same thing.
“C..Course, Hyung!! You’re great, amazing even! I mean… you’re great to hang out with… Yeah… I’ll go change.” Young-Jae grabbed his duffle bag and quickly sprinted to the bathroom.
“What’s with him?”
You shrugged, “Dunno. Maybe he has diarrhea.”
“Oh no… I’ll get him some tea.” Dohyun said, taking you seriously. Before you could even tell him it was a joke he already left the dressing room. You sighed and rubbed the bridge of your nose. He was so weirdly naive sometimes.
A tap on your shoulder caught your attention as you looked over to see Junho smiling at you. “You gonna change or go out like that?” He was already changed—dressed in a black t-shirt with washed out jeans. His styled hair purposely brushed out, now just a brown mop on his head.
“No, I’ll change. Wait for me, Hyungie!” You blew him a kiss that he quickly caught, laughing.
You and Junho seamlessly blended into the crowd of college students as a the next band began to play. Black Rose had already played while you were getting undressed so you ended up missing it.
You tried to ignore the odd feeling in your stomach at the disappointment you weren’t fast enough. But you didn’t care! You didn’t…
Certainly not.
“Shots?” Junho suddenly asked, leaning down to rest his chin on your shoulder. You hummed in agreement. He left and was quick to come back with two shots. About an hour passed on you just listening to each act perform before the DJ came out and everyone started dancing.
The cool October breeze made you shiver as you felt Junho wrap his arms around you. You grinned and turned around to press your chest against him. Junho was not only taller than you but muscular in comparison—having worked out religiously with Dohyun and Won-Shik.
He was warm so you eagerly pressed as close as possible against him, burying your face in his chest. Junho simply swayed to the upbeat noise music. If the music wasn’t there, people would’ve assumed you both were slow dancing to a ballad.
“Feed me a shot?” You suddenly asked, tilting your head back.
“What are you, a baby?”
“Yup, your baby.”
Junho simply hummed as he used his free hand to grab your face, keeping it still as he slowly tipped the plastic cup’s rim against your lips. You squeezed at his shirt as the cool liquid rushed down your throat, causing you the cough once you swallowed.
“Wow… again!” You laughed, ignoring the judgmental look Junho gave you.
“You’re so weird, (Name)-Ah. I’ll be back, stay right here.” His hand trailed down your waist before he pulled away, poking you on the cheek as he walked away. You hummed and swayed slightly, feeling a bit buzzed from the amount of shots you took by now.
You subconsciously began to whisper the lyrics to one of your songs when a hand wrapped itself around your wrist. The words couldn’t even leave your mouth before you’re tugged away from the crowd. You whined and was about to scream when one of the street lamps illuminated your attacker.
Kim Ye-Jun.
A groan left your lips, no longer feeling the need to put up a fight. At least it’s not a saesang.
Ye-Jun dragged you all the way back go where the dressing room was. You assumed he was going to drag you in there but he suddenly took a sharp left turn and pulled open the storage closet, shoving you inside. A gasp left your lips as you bumped into the wall, groaning in pain.
Your eyes felt heavy, especially with the bright ceiling light shining down on you. “Seriously..? I was about to get another shot!”
He didn’t say anything, his eyes narrowing at you.
You bristled, standing up straight. “What?! I’m of legal age, dick. Anyway, I need to go back before my friends start worrying about me.” You moved to push past him but he grabbed your shoulder and slammed you right back against the wall.
The force knocked you sober as you stared at Ye-Jun in shock. “What.. What the fuck is your problem?!”
“I thought you wanted to be an Idol.” Ye-Jun suddenly said.
You tilted your head. “Wha..? The company thought I fit the band aesthetic better. Besides, I can’t dance well anyway. Why do you even care? You could’ve asked me this in front of everyone else..”
Ye-Jun stared at you for a moment, as if he was thinking about what to say. You took the moment to really take him in. He was taller than you, his buzz cut had grown out from university, though still short and spiky. A worn out leather jacket with a wife beater. Leather pants that hugged his thighs. Wow, he was working out.
You shook your head. Nope, you weren’t about to fall back into his arms. “Well, if you’re just gonna stare at me, you can follow our band’s instagram. I post on there. It’s TheRealLoveCountdown.”
A bitter laugh left Ye-Jun just as you were about to push him. You wanted to ask what’s his problem was when he surged forward and slammed his lips against yours. A strangled gasp left you and your hands quickly moved to push him away. But he was stronger, grabbing your wrists as he slammed them against the wall.
He kissed you hungrily, pressing his crotch against yours. You couldn’t help the soft moans that left your throat as he bit your lip. The pain sent a shockwave through your spine. His hands released your wrists and shoved themselves into your jeans.
“Kim Ye-Jun!” You managed to stutter out as you pulled away from the kiss. He paid you no mind, grabbing a fist full of your ass. An embarrassing whine left your lips as finger teased your hole.
“Why are you speaking respectfully?”
“Aren’t you my seonbae now? You debuted first.”
Ye-Jun looked down at you, his grip tightening on your ass. “Seonbae? I told you to call me Hyung.”
“You lost that privilege, Seonbae. We aren’t friends.”
“Mhm,” Ye-Jun hummed. “Yeah, you weren’t ever a friend. You’re mine.”
You shivered and felt your hips buck against his, your bulge rubbing against his own. Ye-Jun smirked as he pulled you, hands gripping your waist, as he turned you around. A grunt left you as you’re pushed against the wall.
The feeling of cool air touches your lower half before you can even complain. He pulled your fucking pants down. You gasped as he pried your ass open and you felt a puff of air tease your hole.
“You… Yah, what the hell do you think you’re doing, bastard?!”
The air stilled in the closet as your lips pressed into a tight thin line. Oh god. You really said that.
“Sae…kki…ya?” Ye-Jun whispered, his grip loosening on your skin. You were grateful that your back was facing him so you couldn’t see the face he must be making.
Young-Jae was right. You really needed to work on having a filter.
“I’m a son of a bitch? I’ll fucking show you a son of a bitch, Cho (Name).”
It was silent for a moment—you almost believed Ye-Jun was getting ready to leave when you felt two fingers shove themselves inside your hole. The fingers were slick so it wasn’t in there dry but the intrusions felt like it was the worst thing you could ever experience.
Ye-Jun waited for a moment before slowing flexing his index and pointer finger inside. You grunted and gripped at the wall for some type of purpose. What the hell was he looking for?
A guttural scream left your throat as his fingers rub against your prostate. You whimpered, rubbing your thighs together as you looked behind to try and get a look at Ye-Jun.
His head was down so you could only see his hair. He patted your ass before leaning forward and pressing his lips against your right ass cheek. It felt oddly sweet—it almost made you short circuit.
Until you felt teeth sinking into your skin.
“Fuck!” You cried out, pressing your head against the wall as his fingers began to repeatedly press against your prostate. His teeth felt sharp on your skin as if he was biting to break skin.
Ye-Jun didn’t allow you to breathe or take in the pleasure, pumping his fingers to attack and abuse your prostate. He moved to your left ass cheek and left a matching bite mark—you were sure that one broke skin.
You weren’t even sure how long it had been. Your legs were shaky as you had to use your hands to keep yourself help. The leaking from your dejectedly cock made you whimper at being unable to bring yourself to true pleasure.
There were bite marks not just on your ass but on your thighs. You had weakly tried to keep him off but he easily stopped you with a painfully slow rub against your prostate that sent you into a frenzy.
It was building—the tell tale sign of you reaching your peak. Your toes curled as you hiccuped. You didn’t even notice you were crying.
Just as you felt the orgasm coming to its peak… Ye-Jun pulled away.
You whined, looking back at him in shock as he wiped his fingers on your t-shirt. He looked unbothered as he fixed his clothes. His eyes flickered over to you when you made another pathetic whine to get his attention. It almost hurt to talk. He only smirked.
“You can take care of the rest, right?” He asked, his lips moving into a slight snarl as his eyes narrowed. “Or maybe call that band mate of yours. You were practically on his dick earlier.”
Your eyes widen as you watched him leave, slamming the door shut behind him. You slid down the wall and could only just sit there in pure shock.
The dryness of your throat was beginning to affect you as you reached down to pull your boxers up.
You just wanted to go home.
❝ 목이 메어 ❞
It had been two weeks since the “incident” and you had made a clear effort to never listen to Black Rose. You blocked them everywhere—going as far as to block them on your other members phones as well.
Yuki and Won-Shik didn’t seem to care that much.
Young-Jae called you insane.
While Junho and Dohyun were the only two that seemed worried about your behavior.
Which led to now. You were curled up on Dohyun’s bed as he sat at his desk, working on some lyrics for your comeback that was four months away. He always liked getting ahead in work. The band wouldn’t start recording until December. It was only November 3rd.
The lyrics were technically done and approved by the company but Dohyun was always a perfectionist so everyone had let him be at this point.
Junho was beside you on the bed, occasionally giving Dohyun some of his opinions on the lyrics.
This album was going to be more ballad heavy. Focusing solely on heartbreak and toxic relationships. You almost scoffed to yourself.
You had so many lyrics you wanted to put but knew they would end up being too personal so you kept them in your journal for safe keeping.
“Oh, we’re trending on Twitter…” Junho suddenly said, earning both yours and Dohyun’s attention.
“What? What did we do?” Dohyun questioned, quickly moving to sit on the bed. You sat up and curled close to Junho, worried that someone on a random forum made an insane rumor that the Korean netizens would eat up in a heartbeat.
“Oh, it’s mainly (Name)-Ah and that guy from Black Rose.”
Your heart dropped to your ass. “W..Why?!”
Junho glanced down at you curiously before showing you a Twitter post that had almost 20k likes. He soon clicked on the link of the forum posts that was talking about it.
@_Dohyungotafatty (↑4599 ↓235)
↳ guys, have yall seen who’s been liking (Name)’s posts on Instagram??
Below the text was a collage of your Instagram posts on the band’s account. You and Yuki were the only ones that really posted selfies religiously. But it wasn’t the pictures that caught people’s attention.
No it was the fact that the account that seemed to like every single one of your selfies was no other than fucking Kim Ye-Jun.
You balked. You didn’t think he had a public Instagram account that didn’t belong to the company. Fuck, you should’ve checked!!! Of course an older group had more freedom than your own.
You couldn’t even try to assume it was someone else. The next reply to the post was someone clicking on the account and lo and behold, Ye-Jun’s face showed up in the accounts posts.
They even showed that the official band account was following him—as well as his other band members.
Yeah… that was him.
@BRkim_yejun — 589k followers, 6 following
The video checked his following and he was even following the band’s account. You groaned, rubbing the bridge of your nose in annoyance.
“He likes Yuki’s posts too right..? It’s not just me!” You muttered, scrolling to see the other accounts.
@junhoswhore (↑239 ↓26)
↳ if (Name) was a girl, netizens would’ve started a dating rumor ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@jaesflatass (↑102 ↓34)
↳ he doesn’t even likes Yuki’s posts. He wants him so bad ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@yukiwukii (↑20 ↓2)
↳ aren’t they alumnis from the same university??
@lovewonshiik (↑1020 ↓125)
↳ girl they’re college dropouts ㅋㅋㅋ
@_loveandfear (↑409 ↓89)
↳ Ye-Jun doesn’t even like his own members posts. He must really like Cho (Name). I wanna see them interact!!
@freakfundashi (↑2987 ↓3082)
↳ I wanna see them fuck on stage
“Okay that’s enough.” Dohyun suddenly said, grabbing Junho phone as he exited out of the forum. “You shouldn’t pay attention to them. They’re just weirdos. What does ‘Dohyun got a fatty’ even mean?”
Junho glanced over at you. You both tried to hold in your laughter.
“I’m not sure, Hyung. I can ask around.”
Dohyun shook his head. “I don’t think I even want to know. Anyway, do you know Kim Ye-Jun, (Name)-Ah? He seems to know you.”
“Yeah, why would you block the Black Rose account if you know him? You aren’t friends?”
You blushed slightly as you tried to come up with an excuse. “We.. we did go to the same college but I dropped out to pursue music. I lost contact with him after that! I wouldn’t even say we were friends.. we were just both music majors!”
Junho and Dohyun didn’t seem too convinced but they got the message that this was all you were going to tell them at the moment.
“If you do feel uncomfortable around him, I can block him, y’know? I want my maknae to be comfortable.” Junho said, leaning over to caress your cheek. You leaned into his touch and hummed in appreciation.
Ye-Jun’s words suddenly got to you. The hyung he was talking about had to be Junho. But you don’t remember ever being on his “dick.” You didn’t like Junho romantically. Besides, you were pretty sure him and Yuki had something going on despite their attempts of being discrete.
Won-Shik seemed to be the resident straight man of the band.
“Manager Nayoung can always speak to Black Rose’s manager and make them get Ye-Jun to back off as well. Just tell us, alright?” Dohyun said, rubbing your head.
You gave him a grin that wasn’t forced and cuddled closer to Junho’s touch. Ye-Jun would probably back off sooner or later. It wasn’t like you would have to see him again any time soon.
Oh how wrong you were.
❝ 매달려 봤는데 상처 발더러고 ❞
The memory is hazy by now, but you still remember the exact date, time, and weather when you first met Kim Ye-Jun.
November 3rd, 20XX. 5:30 pm. Heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms.
You had just came from school, wanting to just plop down on bed and cry. Your future uncertain with your parents refusal to allow you to try out at a company to pursue your dreams on being a musician.
Your umbrella was big, a bit hard to hold upright because of how old it was. There was a hole in it that allowed small drops of rain to drip on your shoulder. You couldn’t even afford to pay for a new one. The wind suddenly picked up just as you were getting to cross the street.
“Shit…!” Your grip loosened as the wind folded your umbrella upwards. It slipped from your grip and twirled across the crosswalk. You made the step to run after it until a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you right back onto the curb.
A car breezed past you, splashing water over you and your savior. You coughed as the savior pressed you against their chest. They were saying something but it wasn’t hard to hear anything in the heavy rain.
You looked up, pushing away the wet hair that clung to your face. There he was: Kim Ye-Jun. A shaved head while dressed in a Korean military uniform. He looked young but you knew lots of boys your age that were going to do their Korean service before college to get it over with.
The first meeting hardly meant anything to Kim Ye-Jun while it meant everything to you. He released his grip on your waist and bent down to grab your backpack, handing it over to you.
Before you could even say anything else, he handed over his umbrella. You tried to refuse but he forced your hand open and wrapped it around the handle. You watched with wide eyes as he reached up and wiped something off your face before pulling away.
You were so happy that the rain hid the fact you were crying just a few minutes earlier. But judging by the soft smile he gave you, your red eyes must’ve given it away.
Your eyes flickered to his name tag just as he was leaving, sprinting away to what you assumed was the nearby convenience store.
❝ 김예준 ❞
You would see him again at your college welcoming party. He was also a freshman just like you despite being twenty years old. A few freshman teased him about it while he just laughed it off, saying they’re gonna wish they got their service over with.
You didn’t originally want to seek him out, worried he wouldn’t even remember you. But he ended up speaking to you first. Those first nine months you spent with him almost felt like a dream.
He wasn’t your first kiss but he was your first boyfriend, your first time, the first boy you believed you could spend a lifetime with.
But it seemed you were the only one who thought that.
“Cho (Name)? Is he your boyfriend or something? He’s so clingy with you.”
“I don’t know how you do it! He acts so childish, it’s gross. Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you need to act like a fag. I’m gay and I act fucking normal.”
“Does he even know about the band you got accepted in? Whenever I see you guys interact, it’s literally all about him! He hardly lets you speak.”
You expected Ye-Jun to say something in your defense.
“Yeah… He’s clingy. I didn’t expect him to be when we started hanging out.”
“—Hanging out? You’re not even dating him? You’re fuck buddies?”
“Well it’s only been nine months. We’ve only been fucking. He just whines a lot about his parents before I can even talk. The only way he stops is when we fuck.”
“Really? Why do you even keep him around?”
“Nine months is a long time, haha. It has to be sex, right??”
“He makes me feel good about myself. Plus he is cute despite how annoying he can be—”
“—How is he in bed? Whiny? Bet he’s a slut—”
You couldn’t take it anymore, walking away from the wall as you rubbed at your face. Fuck buddies. You were Kim Ye-Jun’s fuck buddy.
A bitter laugh left you as you pulled your phone, opening website you were on earlier. It was auditions for a new company. If Ye-Jun thought all you did was complain, you would show him you have drive.
You blocked his number and signed up for the audition, dropping out of school the next week. Your parents disowned you but you pushed through, staying at your aunt’s before you got the acceptance call.
It’s just a shame you had to see him again after four years.
‘ COMEBACK ’ 러브카운다운 - Love’s Fool
After an intense music video recording, it was released three hours ago. It was your groups first comeback so to say you were nervous was an understatement. The music video was different from the debut’s sunshine and happy vibes from the single debut album.
This 1st mini album, named after the title track, was darker and certainly more depressing. Though it seemed the fans were eating it up. A few even saying they cried to the song.
You straightened your back as the hair stylist pulled at your hair. It was the first performance at a music show. Online so many fans were staying they were going to get the band its first music show win so you couldn’t help but feel giddy at the thought.
Switching the phone onto the camera, you held it up and smiled, taking a few pictures. You immediately posted them onto Instagram, choosing the ones where you looked the cutest. It was only a second before the first like came in.
@BRkim_yejun liked your post
You almost threw your phone. But that wasn’t the worst. He actually commented. In the past three months that’s he’s been religiously liking your posts, and only yours, he’s never commented on it.
@BRkim_yejun commented : 귀여워, 자기야… 셀키 더 찍어 주세요… 뽀뽀하고 싶어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Kiss?? You almost passed out as you reread his comment over and over again. You couldn’t believe he was asking for more selfies! You’re just happy he didn’t use “키스” as that would’ve been too romantic. But the nerve to call you jagiya was pissing you off. You haven’t been his baby in few years now!
@TheRealLoveCountdown responded : 꺼져
Sure, it’s petty to tell him to go away but you weren’t feeling generous to be nice right now. You turned off your phone and placed it on the table in front of you. The hair stylist had finally finished your hair as she walked away. Dohyun came up to you, smiling slightly.
“(Name)-Ah, you okay? That’s the first time he commented on your post right?”
“Yeah… But it’s fine, I told him to go away. Maybe he’ll listen.”
Dohyun only chuckled in response. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around you as he rubbed his cheek against yours. You giggled and basked in his warmth, sighing in relief.
But you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering about how Ye-Jun used to hug you just like this. Especially when you were slaving away on your assignments and he wanted you to take a break.
He’d press kisses on your neck before your cheek, inching close to your lips before pressing a wet slobbery kiss on your lips. Because that would always disgust you and make you chase after him to deliver another wet slobbery dog kiss on his cheeks.
Then he’d always hug you close on the couch and force you to watch tv. He’d always get you. And you’d always fall asleep in his arms.
“Are you method acting again? No one’s expecting us to cry on stage, dumbass.”
You flinched as a napkin taps at the edge of your eyes. You glanced over to see Young-Jae gently dapping the tears away before they have the chance to fall and ruin your makeup. Dohyun just tightens his hug and comfortingly rubbed your shoulders before pulling away.
“Thanks, Hyungie~!” You grinned, moving to pull Young-Jae into a hug that he swiftly dodged.
“You’re not messing up my outfit! Stay back!”
“Hyung… I want to hug you!!! Come here!!”
“Stay back, Cho (Name)!!!”
The performance was great if you had to toot your own horn. This was one of the first songs that you played the violin for entirely—the other time it was sort of a gimmick. You even had a violin solo with Junho’s keyboard.
Now it was wining down time. You took another selfie, even one with Won-Shik and Young-Jae. Young-Jae practically never posted so you usually forced him to join your selfies for his starving fans.
You tried to ignore the weird feeling in your heart when Ye-Jun didn’t immediately like your post. You didn’t care! Nope… You did not.
But you didn’t stop yourself as you typed in the Black Rose Instagram to check the account. You had unblocked a month ago at the request of Nayoung since it looked weird on your part when there’s no history between you and the band.
There wasn’t much pictures beside promotional material. Photos for their comeback. It was only five members, Ye-Jun as the leader but he wasn’t the oldest. You wondered if this was the band he was talking about back then.
(블랙로즈) 4.9M Followers 6 Following
Six following? You clicked on it and sat up straight on the couch to see that the account was following Love Countdown! Though the fact they were so close to five million followers shocked you. They really were popular. Love Countdown only reached 320k followers just recently.
Did Ye-Jun make the account follow you? You tried to push away the giddy feeling in your chest. Deciding you had nothing to lose, you checked the band members account.
(박시온) 518k Followers 5 following
(임로하) 538k followers 6 following
(서민지) 515k followers 5 following
(황한빈) 529k followers 5 following
“Roha..?” You muttered, confused on why he was following the account as well.
“Who’s Roha?”
You jumped, looking up to see Yuki sitting down beside you. “Yuki Hyung! Ah.. I was just..”
“Snooping?” He chuckled, leaning over. “Im Roha? Oh, he’s cute.”
“Who’s cute?!” Junho suddenly asked, turning his head abruptly from his phone. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“You’re cuter, Junnie.” Yuki placated, snickering. “Very Kawaii.”
“Oh! Yuki, can you still teach me Japanese? I want to be confident in my pronunciation for our Japanese debut!” You asked, subtly trying to change the conversation.
“Yea.” He said, pushing back his overgrown bangs. “But I still want to know what you’re doing. I thought you hated Black Rose.”
“I do! I really hate them…”
“Or do you hate Kim Ye-Jun? Did he do something to you?”
You frowned. The word hate next to Ye-Jun’s name made you upset. Despite everything, you couldn’t hate him. Fuck, you were pathetic.
“He just… We just ended things badly. But it’s mostly my own fault. I thought we were something special—he didn’t think the same.”
Yuki blinked for a moment as if he was taking in your words. “Oh. You dated him?”
“Wha?! How’d you?!”
“What else could you have meant?” Yuki chuckled. “Do you wanna stay at Hyung’s tonight? We can have a movie marathon.”
You grinned, nodding your head. “Mhm. I would like that.”
The door to the dressing room opened as the next group to preform came in. Dohyun and the others had already gotten ready to leave so they moved to the side so the group could get ready. Much to your shock, it was the Black Rose.
Your eyes stopped on Roha. He was tall, slim, with dyed purple hair. Your body flinched when his eyes fell on yours and a grin pulled on his lips as he waved to you.
Roha looked so familiar but you just couldn’t put your finger on it. Was he from your university? It’s been five years at this point. You shook your head, deciding it wasn’t important.
You grabbed your bag and stood up, looking over at Junho. The others were already leaving.
“Junnie Hyung—”
Your body froze as a voice was heard behind you. Junho looked up confused at who else would answer to your call. You didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was. Before Junho, you had called someone else “Junnie Hyung.”
Yeah, Kim Ye-Jun.
“You call him my name?” Ye-Jun suddenly said, walking right up in front of you. Your eyes quickly looked down. Embarrassment swirled in your stomach as you felt Junho’s and Ye-Jun’s eyes on you as they waited for you to speak.
You took a deep breath and managed to look up at him. “Yeah… he’s my hyung.. and his name is Junho. So, Junnie Hyung. You’re not the only man named Jun.”
Ye-Jun laughed, a smirk playing on his lips. “I don’t remember allowing you to do that. His name is Junho, yeah? So call him Junho Hyung.”
“Uhm,” Junho muttered, a look of confusion on his face. His brows furrowed as his lips pulled into a frown. “I don’t like how you’re speaking to my dongsaeng.”
“Dongsaeng?” Ye-Jun tilted his head before turning his attention back over to you. “Cute. That’s real cute. (Name)-Ah, my number hasn’t changed. I’ll be waiting, Jagiya.”
He gave a slight nod at Junho before walking away to join his members to get his hair and makeup down. Junho looked more confused than angry as he glanced over at you.
You blushed. “He’s just.. teasing me! Yeah.. he didn’t mean it.”
A tap on your shoulder caught your attention. You looked over to see Roha grinning at you.
“(Name), my number is the same as well, okay? Talk to you later.” Roha lovingly patted your head before walking away.
Junho blinked. “Wow. I thought you didn’t know anyone in Black Rose.”
“Me neither…”
You were so fucking screwed.
Why was your heart beating so fast?
❝ 진지하진 않잖아 가벼운 간보기잖아 ❞
You unblocked him. Mainly because you had no back bone. You laid on Yuki’s bed, wondering if you should text first. Yuki had some Jpop song playing as he folded up his laundry. He had dumped it on his bed a few days ago but didn’t really do it until you were now gonna stay the night.
“Is it normal to still have feelings for your ex..? Oh well, ex fuck buddy.”
“Yeah. If you really loved him.” Yuki said, muttering something to himself in Japanese before putting away the last of his clothes. He turned off his music and sat down on the bed.
You frowned and sat up. “I’m so confused. He hurt me. He.. He said I complained too much. I was clingy… I didn’t let him speak in our relationship. Said I only shut up when he fucked me…”
“Maybe he was right. Maybe you weren’t the best boyfriend.”
Yuki gave you a small smile. “Even if you weren’t, he should’ve talked to you. He should’ve told you instead of bad mouth you to your friends. And.. maybe you should’ve spoken to him about how you were feeling instead of just ghosting him.”
“I… Well he embarrassed me in front of his friends.”
“He was wrong for that. But how can a relationship work if you let one problem ruin it?”
You frowned. Yuki was making sense and you didn’t necessarily want that right now.
“You don’t have to get back with him. He did hurt you. Not everyone can forgive something like that. But how old were you when you dated him?”
“First ever relationship?”
“Well, I hope in those five years you know that you can’t just go silent during a relationship problem. You had the right to cuss him out but to also see if you could fix the problem he was feeling.”
“Man… I was hoping you would’ve just let me complain. I didn’t want this philosophical shit.”
Yuki grinned. “You should’ve went to Won-Shik Hyung if you wanted to complain. Do you want to text him?”
You glanced over at your phone, sighing. “Maybe.. But he was acting really weird before we left. He got mad at Junho Hyung because I called him Junnie Hyung.”
Yuki smirked. “He’s just jealous. Then he really does still like you. Wah, you have yourself a possessive boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You whined, biting your lip.
“He probably doesn’t think that way. I’ll pick the movie while you text your honey.”
You glared at Yuki but still grabbed your phone, staring at the contact of Kim Ye-Jun. It still had a heart on the name. The name proudly written in as “주니형.” You exited out of his contact and went to look at the other blocked numbers you had. It was mostly spam until a familiar named showed up.
Im Suyoung.
A gasp left your lips. Suyoung was Ye-Jin’s friend, they were practically brothers. You had gotten close to Suyoung by association but soon felt as if he was the big brother you never had. There was a distant memory you had when he said he wanted to change his name to something cooler.
Ah. You unblocked his number and saw the loads of messages that didn’t end up going through to you. It had stopped four years ago. But before, it was loads of them asking where you were, if you’re okay, if something had happened to you.
The last message made you laugh at how stupid it was.
↳ Ye-Jun’s worried. He’s going crazy over a nine month relationship, what did you do to him? ㅎㅎ He’s gonna find you one day, (Name)-Ah, be ready.
Find you? Be ready? What the hell was Ye-Jun gonna do to you? You were mainly shocked that he was even going crazy over you being gone. Why would he care when he himself said you were “hanging out?”
You sighed, sending a quick message to Roha to tell him he’s unblocked. Your fingers moved on their own and you found yourself on Ye-Jun’s contact. The profile picture was of him and you, faces pressed together as you grinned at the camera while Ye-Jun looked as if he was mid grimace, eyes squeezed shut from the flash.
You scrolled up to five years ago, to the day you had blocked him. It was tamed for a moment until Ye-Jun seemed to notice his texts weren’t going through.
It was panic after that. Multiple texts with spams if you’re dead, if you’re okay, that he’s freaking out. You couldn’t help but laugh. It felt surreal to see this side of him. After a few months, he only kept sending hello, as if checking everyday to see when you’d unblock him.
A few times he’d type a message. Asking if you ate, if you’re doing okay wherever you are. The next year, he started sending pictures. It was of him and the band. He was talking about how nervous he was being the leader.
Ye-Jun never took selfies, he hated pictures which was why most pictures of him he had a grimace or frown.
But the ones he was sending you, he smiled. Well, as best as he could. It looked forced but you still felt giddy that he was trying.
You scrolled through the messages until finding one on the day of the festival at the university.
↳ you didn’t move on, right? You wouldn’t move on, Jagiya… put cream on the bite marks, I don’t want you to scar. Don’t get so close to that bean pole with the fried hair again, okay? It made me upset ㅠㅠ
↳ you know how to piss me off, Jagi. I wanna keep you locked up so you won’t ever run away from me again. Hah, Love Countdown is a cute name. I wish I went to your debut performance. I think I’m insane at this point, Jagi. Nine month relationship and I’m acting like this ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
↳ it’s weird, I liked seeing you cry. Back then, when that bastard called you a slut I almost killed him ㅋㅋ … I like putting you in your place. If it’s just an act, it’s okay right?
“Back then… Did he… Did he defend me after I left?” You whispered, shame suddenly rose in your heart.
“Hm?” Yuki asked, looking back over at you.
“Nothing… Nothing. Did you find the movie?”
“Not yet.”
You scrolled down, the rest of the messages going back to being little tidbits on his day to date life. It wasn’t until you made it to today that you tried to read what he sent.
↳ Junnie Hyung to another man? Jagi, are you trying to piss me off??? I’ve been staying calm these past for months when all I’ve wanted to do was drag you home and punish you for abandoning me for five years
↳ don’t do that again… you are always mine, no man should be touching you again like he did. I don’t know what made you leave me, but I hope you know I’m never letting you out of my sight ever again
↳ …Those pants you wore on stage were nice. can you buy your own pair, Jagiya? I wanna tear them off you.
↳ you unblocked me?
A gasp left your lips. What the fuck? How did he already know that? You watched as he began typing, the three dots causing unnecessary panic in your heart.
↳ Did you eat?
Huh? You waited to see if he’d send anything else but he didn’t. It took a moment but you soon replied with a sort yes. The anxiety was building within you and you wanted to just block him again. But your heart wanted him back. Even if the messages he was sending you were insane to the normal person.
It was radio silence before he sent a picture.
It was of him in what you could assume was his bedroom. He was lying on his bed and an LED light illuminated his face. His hair messy while a slight smile pulled on his lips. You couldn’t help but smile.
You wanted to ask about that day. If maybe after you left, he realized he wanted you. That maybe he just didn’t know how to word his feelings properly.
But you felt as if it would be better in person. So, you did what you thought was the best response. You sent a selfie to him, making sure to smile.
It didn’t even take a minute before he started sending hearts. He usually never reacted like this before whenever you sent selfies. Did he change when you were gone?
Roha was right. He did go insane when you left him.
“Found the movie. You better leave before you even think about sexting him.” Yuki suddenly said, laying down on the bed.
You blushed. “What?! I wasn’t going to sext him!!”
Though you were feeling giddy at the thought of being close to him again. You couldn’t help but feel a bit worried about how… odd Ye-Jun was acting.
He really did change. And you weren’t sure if it was for the better.
❝ 이러면 안 되는데 머리론 아는데 ❞
It had only been a week and you had kept a small conversation going with Ye-Jun—he texted you every morning and night. He was more confident as well. Leading to the incident that happened a few days ago.
Black Rose had won on the fan voting for the music show win. Everyone on stage was clapping as Black Rose came to the center to grab the reward. You and your band mates were close so you were right in arms reach when Ye-Jun came over to you.
“Thanks to all of our fans for voting. I’m happy I get to make my dongsaeng proud with our twentieth music show win on our four year anniversary.” Ye-Jun said, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulled you close.
He kept his attention on the camera recording him. “Please send some love to my dongsaeng’s group, Love Countdown!” He squeezed you tightly before pressing a quick peck on your cheek, earning yells from the crowd.
Your band mates, and Black Rose themselves, looked absolutely shocked to say the least.
Including Korean forums not even a day later.
@_Dohyungotafatty (↑645 ↓320)
↳ dongsaeng my ass.. they fucking ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@jaesflatass (↑236 ↓67)
↳ he wanted to call him Jagiya so bad…
@junhoswhore (↑127 ↓378)
↳ I know skinship is normal but I’ve never wanted to kiss my homies
@_loveandfear (↑564 ↓24)
↳ you not a real homie then. I love kissing my boys good night. Tongue action too
@yukiwukii (↑764 ↓203)
↳ he’s so gay, i wanna call him the f slur ㅠㅠ
@lovewonshiik (↑389 ↓27)
↳ college drop out and gay, pick a struggle ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@freakfundashi (↑386 ↓867)
↳ everyday I get closer to seeing Cho (Name) get creampied on stage
@_Dohyungotafatty (↑433 ↓189)
↳ you’re insane ㅎㅎ but Cho (Name) is definitely the bottom
@jaesflatass (↑330 ↓219)
↳ Kim Ye-Jun makes Cho (Name) bounce on his cock… wonder if it’s big ㅎㅎㅎ
@freakyfundashi (↑3980 ↓340)
↳ I have fanfics of them on AO3. Here’s my username ******
“Is Kim Ye-Jun your boyfriend or something? He keeps commenting on your posts.” Young-Jae asked, sitting down beside you on the couch. You glanced up from your phone and shook your head, blushing slightly.
“What are you even talking about? Kim Ye-Jun is just my seonbae. Don’t be so rude, Hyung.”
“Rude? Look at this.” Young-Jae pulled up on your more recent selfies, one you literally took not even an hour ago. It was of you in the fitting room, getting dressed in a fluffy white sweater and white trousers.
Today the band was doing a photoshoot for your upcoming Japanese debut.
@BRkim_yejun commented : 나는 너를 먹고 싶어…!! 왜 그렇개 귀여워? ㄷㄷ
“Dude, he likes you. He literally called you cute,” Young-Jae said, shaking his head. “If you were a girl, knets would’ve exploded with dating rumors already.”
@BRim_roha replied : 죽을래, 새끼야!!! GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND PICK UP THE PEN!!!
@BRpark_shion replied : 떨 떨?? I’ll give you something to tremble about
@BRhwang_hanbin replied : don’t you guys think you’re as weird as him for spamming the Instagram account? Everyone can see this, you stupid fucks.
Young-Jae looked over at you. “His band mates are as equally as insane. They deserve each other.” He turned off his phone and placed it on the coffee table in front of you both.
You only forced a tight grin. “They’re just eccentric people. Though Roha Hyung wasn’t like this back in university.”
“Hyung? You call Im Roha Hyung but not Kim Ye-Jun? Special treatment.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“I heard that.”
You and Young-Jae sat up straight as Dohyun walked over to you both. He shook his head in disapproval before pulling out his phone. Your gaze flickered over to Young-Jae to see him ogling Dohyun. It wasn’t shocking. Dohyun was in a cropped t shirt once again with tight jeans.
Someone on the stylist team wanted to fuck Dohyun so bad at this point.
“Anyway,” Dohyun muttered, frowning at a text message he read before turning his attention over to you and Young-Jae. “The company is holding a birthday party after this for Manager Nayoung. Make sure to come.”
You gave him a quick thumbs up, “course, Hyungie~!”
“Yeah I’ll be there.” Young-Jae muttered.
“To stare at your ass.” You coughed out, earning a swift glare from Young-Jae.
Dohyun raised an eyebrow. “Stare at my slacks? When did you start using the work slacks, Jae-Ah? I can give you the website I buy them from.” He said, smiling.
Young-Jae sighed. “Sure…”
You gave a comforting pat on Young-Jae’s shoulder. Poor guy.
Party. You couldn’t help but briefly wonder if he’d be there…
❝ 거기 멈춰 줄래 빠지기 싫어 싫어 싫어 ❞
The party, of course, was nothing big. Manager Nayoung had asked for something small and chill. So the DJ was playing more 90s and 2000s Kpop. You were glued to Young-Jae for the most part until he got too drunk, somehow, and had to be taken home by Dohyun.
Won-Shik was being weirdly flirty with the older female staff who were enjoying his attention.
Yuki was somewhere, you remembered him saying he wanted to speak to someone.
That just left you and Junho together. You leaned closer to him and sighed, glancing up at him. Junho was staring straight ahead, watching the older people dance as much as their bones could handle before his eyes flickered down to you.
A soft smile spread on his lips. “Enjoying the party?”
“It’s cool.” You giggled. “I know how old people party now.”
“Hey, don’t judge. This is gonna be you in a couple of years. Just you wait.”
You snuggled closer and hummed, reaching up to wipe something off Junho’s cheek. Junho leaned in closer so you didn’t have to stand up on your toes to reach him. It was only a second, just a split second to where it almost looked like you kissed him when an hand grabbed your arm.
A shocked wince left your throat as you looked over to see who your aggressor was.
“Kim Ye-Jun? You were invited?” Junho asked, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of him.
Ye-Jun’s upper lip was pulled into a snarl as he glared at Junho but turned his attention over to you. “What did I tell you, Cho (Name)? Did you forget?”
“What..? I’m just talking to Junnie Hyung…?” You whispered, glad that you were all in the corner of the party so no eyes could see this altercation.
“Excuse me?” Ye-Jun tilted his head, his eyes narrowing as he leaned close to you. His hand tightened its grip on your arm. You felt an odd sense of dread as you shut your mouth, staring up at him with wide eyes.
Junho reached over and grabbed your free arm, tugging you back over. “Yah, I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m not going to allow you to manhandle my dongsaeng. Speak to him nicely.”
“Who I think I am?” Ye-Jun turned his attention over to Junho, standing up tall to look straight in the eye. Junho was only two inches taller than Ye-Jun but was carrying more muscle mass in comparison.
It wasn’t even that Ye-Jun didn’t have muscle. Junho was just a bit too buff for his own good.
You knew deep down in your heart Junho would certainly win the fight but judging by how unhinged Ye-Jun has been… you wouldn’t put it past him to act dirty.
“Junho Hyung…” You whispered, catching his attention. “It’s okay… I’ll talk to him in private.”
“I don’t think it’s smart to be alone with him.”
Ye-Jun scoffed. “Why? And you’re safer?”
“Yeah, I am. You haven’t been in his life for five years and only had him for nine months. What claim do you really have over him, Kim Ye-Jun? Do you really know him? Do you know Cho (Name)?”
You balked, wondering how Junho knew that but realized Yuki must’ve mentioned it in passing. It makes sense, Yuki told Junho everything. You should’ve been a bit angry at that but couldn’t help but be happy that Junho was indirectly speaking what you felt deep down inside.
Why was Ye-Jun so set on keeping you as if you’d known him for years?
Ye-Jun’s jaw clinched. “I know how it feels to be without him.” You looked over at him as he tightened his grip on your arm. “And I’m not going through that again.”
“You’re being pretty selfish, Kim Ye-Jun. Did you not even make him your boyfriend? You only realized how much you came to love him when he left?” Junho released your arm, frowning slightly.
“I am selfish. I never said I wasn’t. I want him for myself. It just took for him daring to leave me to truly realize that I can’t be without him.”
“Uhm.” You squeaked out, causing the two men to look down at you. Gosh, it felt so awkward being shorter than them that you only reached their chests. “I’ll be okay… Just let me talk to him so we can resolve our issue.”
Junho sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Okay. You’re an adult. Call me if he does anything.”
You glanced over at Ye-Jun, seeing a slight smirk tugging on his lips. Can’t have him think you’re crawling back so easily.
“Thanks, Junnie Hyung!” You grinned, enjoying the sight of Ye-Jun’s smirk dropping in a millisecond. “I’ll have you on speed dial!”
Once you got the okay from Junho, Ye-Jun practically dragged you out of the building. You waved goodbye to Junho before trying to make Ye-Jun slow down.
Maybe Junho is right.
Kim Ye-Jun doesn’t seem safe in the slightest
❝ 단지 너의 외로움을 단래긴 싫거든 ❞
“A hotel? What? Am I not worthy enough to enter your home?” You laughed, allowing Ye-Jun to push you inside the hotel room. The room was fancier than anything you were used to. Black Rose must be making money.
Ye-Jun slammed the door shut behind him. He tugged off his jacket and tossed it on the ground, his feet heavy as he walked over to you.
“I didn’t take you home because I didn’t want to bother Roha with your screaming.” He said, grabbing your waist.
You blushed, staring up at him with wide eyes. “Screaming? You’re overly confident… Who’s to say I was going to sleep with you?”
Ye-Jun didn’t answer, leaning down as he began pressing kisses against your neck. You whimpered. Your hands gripping at his shirt as he nipped and bit at your skin.
“I don’t need to be confident. I know your body. I know I’m the only one who gets it.” His hands reached down and tugged at your shirt. You stared at him before raising your arms, letting him take off your shirt.
You tried to ignore the hungry look he gave you as he practically clawed at your jeans. Your voice was barely above a whisper, as if you were a bit too nervous to say it. “You act like you’re the only man that’s fucked me.”
His body froze, his eyes narrowing in on your face. You couldn’t help the cockiness that began to build within you at the look on his face.
“What? It was five years. Did you really think I was going to turn celibate because my first ever boyfriend… no, first ever fuck buddy allowed his friends to call me a slut? When asked what you liked about me, all you said was that I made you feel good about yourself.”
Ye-Jun’s eyebrows furrowed as he pulled away, tilting his head as if he was thinking about what you were saying. You sighed, rolling your eyes.
“You forgot? Forgot that you wouldn’t even call me your boyfriend? That I was annoying?!” You couldn’t help yourself, the past anger beginning to bubble up, ready to spill out. “Did those nine months mean anything to you? Or was I… was I just romanticizing our relationship?”
You sighed, rubbing your head. Your throat burned. Shit, were you really about to cry?
A laugh caught your attention as you looked up at Ye-Jun. “You’re laughing…?” You whispered, eyes widening. “You’re laughing after I just poured my heart out?!”
Ye-Jun hummed nonchalantly, tugging off his own shirt. “Yeah. You left me for that? For five years I thought I did something wrong but it was just you getting emotional.”
“Getting emotional?! Yah, Kim Ye-Jun—!”
“—Cho (Name).” His voice sharp. “That day, November 3rd, when I first saw you—I thought you were cute but stupid. Who would run head first into a busy intersection for a stupid umbrella? It was my luck that when I finished my service and you were at my university.”
The calm atmosphere around Ye-Jun made you feel uneasy as you watched him pull off his bracelet. He looked over at you and grinned.
“That first day I got to truly know you, I thought you were the most selfish annoying little shit ever. Me, Me, Me. That’s all you talked about—didn’t ask me any questions about myself.”
You frowned, throat tightening as you tried to fight back the tears welling in your eyes.
“But you know what made me come back? Guess, Jagi.”
“Jagiya… Don’t sell yourself so short.” Ye-Jun laughed, shaking his head. His hand reached over and grabbed the belt hoops of your jeans, pulling you flushed against his chest. You let out a shocked gasp. “I saw you. Outside at the college park, crying your eyes out. You looked so cute.”
You shuddered, glancing down as you felt his hand move to your button, pulling it loose.
“You saw me and then immediately ran over to me. Jumped into my arms without even asking me and just cried, begging for comfort.” Ye-Jun chuckled as if he was remembering the moment. “I almost pushed you off but you were cute… So cute. I liked seeing your face ruined with tears.”
“I don’t understand.” You whispered, unable to stop him as he slowly pulled down your zipper.
“I wanted you after seeing you cry and cling onto me. I’ll be honest, I was going to stop seeing you after we first fucked. But then you suddenly said I was your first time… that you didn’t want any other man to touch you.” He laughed. “But you didn’t seem to keep that promise, did you?”
Ye-Jun pushed you onto the bed, grabbing your jeans as he pulled them off. You whimpered, unable to move as you watch him stand tall over you. A small smirk pulled on his lips.
“Everyday, you practically threw yourself at me. So cute and innocent. Whiny in bed as you begged me to fuck you. Slowly you ruined me, Jagiya. I liked how overly dependent you were on me.”
A strangled gasp left your lips as the sound of fabric tearing filled the room. You looked down to see Ye-Jun’s hands tearing open your boxers, creating a hole right at your ass. It was practically ruined.
“I didn’t think at first to make us ‘official.’ My mistake, huh? I didn’t think you’d run off so quickly without speaking to me just because of other people.” His hand gripped at your thighs. “When you didn’t immediately text me back I knew something was wrong. But I tried to think that it’d be good to not have you up under me.”
He laughed, looking down at you. “It was lonely. The first night without you made me never want to be alone again. But you left me alone for five years. Jagiya, did you not think about how I’d feel?”
“But… You didn’t…”
“Didn’t what? Defend you? Is that what you want from me? To be your knight? I’ll be him. Anything to make you stay.”
You gasped, clutching the bedsheets as you’re suddenly flipped onto your stomach, back arched. It was silent for a moment before you felt something cool coat your ass. Your body flinched, a pained whimper leaving your throat.
“Who was it?”
“H..Huh..? Ngh!” You cried out, feeling two fingers sink inside your hole. There was no build up or even a second for you to get used to it. Ye-Jun began to pump his finger in and out, using his free hand to deliver a smack to your ass.
“Who was it? Yang Junho? Did he get to touch you?”
“N..No! No, never..!” You whined, crying at the repeated thrusting against your prostate. The fact he was able to find it so easily scared you. Why could he remember stuff about you after five years?
“Then who, Jagi?”
“Ngh…! It… Mmh!! Ah… Hah.. Y..Young-Jae Hyung…”
“Lee Young-Jae..?” Ye-Jun whispered, his thrusting suddenly slowing down. “You had sex with him?”
“Mhm…” You whined, missing the feeling despite the tears threatening to fall. “We.. We were bored during our trainee years and we couldn’t date so we just became fuck buddies for about a year or so.. Ngh.. We stopped when we met Dohyun Hyung because Jae Hyung caught feelings for him…”
“Only him?”
“No… I… I slept with someone after that. But then I couldn’t do it anymore because I got so busy with our debut.”
“You wouldn’t know him. Why do you even care? You probably slept with people during these five years!”
Ye-Jun chuckled. “Mhm. I didn’t. Well, I tried at least.” His finger slipped out of your ass, both hands now spreading you open. “But no one could compare to the pretty face you make whenever you cum on my cock.”
You gasped as you were forced back onto your back and dragged so your lower half of your body hung off the bed. Ye-Jun tilted his head as he drank you on, a slow smile creeping on his lips.
“I missed see you like this. Scared and complainant to my touch. You didn’t fight me at all, Cho (Name). You still want me, don’t you?”
Your hands gripped at the bedsheets as you turned your head to the side, clamping your eyes shut. He only laughed.
“Keep pretending you hate me. I heard sex feels good with hate.” The sound of the zipper and his belt buckle made you flinch, legs instinctively clamping together. You were scared but made no real attempt to move away.
A strangled gasp left your throat as he began to slowly thrust inside of you. It had been up to a year at this point—you almost forgot how much it hurts the first time. Forgot about how big he was.
Ye-Jun groaned, his hands reached up to grab your wrists as he brought them together over your stomach. “Mhm. You still feel so good, Jagiya. How can I live without this?”
You whimpered, eyes shut tight as you feel tears threatening to fall. It was silent for a moment. Your hole repeatedly clenching around his cock as you tried to get used to the feeling. Just as you were about to feel just a smidge of calmness, Ye-Jun slammed into you.
The sound of skin slapping filled the room in tandem with your hiccuped gasps. Tears were freely flowing as your lips parted, trying to say something. You couldn’t even remember what you were going to say.
Your toes curled as the repeated thrusting got you to finally open your eyes and glance down.
Ye-Jun looked downright sinful. His gaze never left your face as his hips slammed into your ass. Hands tightening around your wrists. A smirk pulled on his lips when he noticed you were finally paying attention to him.
“You really are so cute.” He muttered, a crazed look in his eyes as he took you in. “You’re crazy for trying to deprive me of you, Cho (Name). I shouldn’t have let you leave so easily.”
“Ngh… Wh..! Mhm, you act… hah.. act like you could’ve stopped me..!” You managed to finally speak, though it was short lived when his cock finally grazed against your prostate. Ye-Jun moved his hands so only one held both your wrists while the other held your right leg up.
“Oh, you’re still able to talk.” He said, completely ignoring your comment. “Can’t have that.”
He pulled out, much to your dismay, and released his grip on your body. You looked at him with wide eyes, tears staining your face as you wondered what he was going to do. Ye-Jun hummed as he maneuvered you to rest on your stomach once more.
You grunted at the force. “Stop…! Manhandling me!” You whined.
Ye-Jun ignored you again, forcing you to bend your knees on the bed so he could force your ass up high. His hand slipped underneath your boxers and gripped the band. You wondered if he was going to finally just take them off when he thrusted his cock inside your slick hole.
A stuttered high pitched gasp left your throat as he began to repeatedly slam his hips against your ass. He tugged at the hand of boxers, forcing your body to move back on his cock whenever you attempted to pull away just for a second of clarity.
It was repeated attacks on your prostate. The squelching from the lube and the sounds of skin slapping together with the sound of your high pitched moans filled the hotel room. Shit, you were so sure you would be getting a complaint tomorrow.
“I have so many things I want to do to you, Jagiya. To make up for lost time. Because you aren’t ever leaving me again. But I’ll be nice tonight… You have a Japanese debut to prepare for.”
You only whimpered, trying to form some type of words but could only rest your head against the bed.
“But after, I’m going to make you feel the pain you made me feel when you left me for those five years. What happened at the festival was only a taste.”
Ye-Jun delivered a harsh smack to your ass as you let out a shocked gasp. You couldn’t think clearly anymore—just babbling nonsense as your cock rubbed against the bedsheets dejectedly.
You were so close… You hoped Ye-Jun would be kind enough to let you cum tonight.
It seems your prayers were answered as a hand suddenly wrapped itself around your cock. A appreciative mewl escaped you as he began to pump your cock in sync with his thrusting.
The pleasure became too much as a long cry left you as your body began to slump. Your cock squirted against the covers, messing up your stomach in the process. But Ye-Jun didn’t stop, he continued fucking you despite your whines of overstimulation.
His grunting got louder as his hand gripped your ass. You gasped when he slammed deep inside one last time, hips flushed against your ass you began to feel something hot coat your inner walls.
He didn’t wear a condom… You hadn’t even noticed. This was the first time you ever had sex without a condom. Your first ever creampie.
Of course, Kim Ye-Jun was the one to do it.
Your body slumped against the bed, falling onto your side as he pulled out. You couldn’t even complain, too tired to do anything beside sleep.
Ye-Jun leaned over your body and leaned down, pressing a kiss on your cheek. “Don’t sleep yet. You can’t sleep on the sheets.” He wrapped his arms around your legs and upper body, easily lifting you up.
You were in and out as he got a bath ready. Your eyes fluttering close just as he lowered you into the water. He flicked your forehead, jolting you awake as you whined.
“Wha…tsthatfor?” You whispered.
“You can’t fall asleep. I don’t want you to drown in the bath.”
You must’ve ended up falling asleep anyway because you awoke on the bed, dressed in a fluffy white bathrobe. It was dark in the room, only a little light shining through the cracks of the shades from the street lamps.
A hand tightened its grip on your waist as you looked over, seeing Ye-Jun’s face buried in your neck as he clung to your body. You managed to free one hand and reached over to check your messages on your phone.
Roha Hyung
↳ make sure that homosexual is back by 10 am, we have practice in the morning
Jun Jun Hyung
↳ Are you safe? Please make sure you’re safe. Text me in the morning.
Ki Ki Hyung
↳ when did you leave? Are you okay? You better be in your room by 8 am when I visit
Dohyunie Hyung
↳ please don’t come home until after 10 am!!!!! Stay in my room tonight!! PleSjheja!!!
Wonnie Hyung
↳ was I the only one that didn’t know Yuki and Junho are fucking?!? wtf??? Am I only the one who likes girls in this damn band?!??
Jae Hyung
↳ anyway don’t come home, we’re gonna fuck all night ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You shut your phone off and gently placed it back on the nightstand. You’d deal with that mess in the morning.
Your body shifted as you glanced down at Ye-Jun.
Surely you didn’t think he was serious. He couldn’t be this obsessed with you after nine months.
Poor, naive Cho (Name).
❝ 시작해 버린 순간 못 헤어나올 걸 아니까 ❞
He thought he was seeing things that day.
Love Countdown’s Cho (Name). You stood right there in front of him. He almost ran over to you and hugged you so tight, hoping it wasn’t just a dream. You looked so cute with those heart freckles.
He didn’t think you’d debut in a band. He didn’t remember anything about you being able to play any instrument.
Roha would tell him of course he didn’t. He only knew you for nine months. That wasn’t enough time to get to know someone that well. Especially someone like you who seemed unable to talk about anything besides your family drama or love for Ye-Jun.
Ye-Jun almost thought you just looked oddly similar to his (Name). Until Lee Young-Jae called your name. Until he saw how you looked at him with fear but also some type of love? Like you also wanted to just run into his arms.
No matter.
He was used to having total control of the relationship. He should’ve never allowed you to just take control so suddenly. You broke the relationship without even talking to him.
He’d get you back. No matter what. Because you were his.
Even if you didn’t know that.
@BRkim_yejun started following @TheRealLoveCountdown
❝ 점점 멈추기 힘들어 갈 수록 중독돼 ❞
…. Don’t make fun of me, this wasn’t supposed to be so long lmfao. Anyway don’t even ask, I’ll be using Ye-Jun again and make a part two in future. He’s too toxic to pass up on
Tag list: @the-ultimate-librarian @chill-guy-but-cooler @kiiyoooo @star-3214 @tehyunnie @flurrina @ofclyde @iwishtobeacrow @love-kha1 @mooncarvers-world @smellwell @tomoeroi @remdayz @cherry-blossoms-187 @rhetorical-conscience @mello-life25
ㅎㅎㅎ (하하하) — hahaha
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (크크크크) — LOL
ㄷ ㄷ (떨딸) — trembling
❝ 목이 메어 ❞ — my throat is tight
❝ 매달려 봤는데 상처 발더러고 ❞ — I clung onto that person, and I ended up getting hurt
귀여워, 자기야… 셀키 더 찍어 주세요… 뽀뽀하고 싶어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ — cute, baby. Please take more selfies!! I wanna kiss you, lolol
❝ 진지하진 않잖아 가벼운 간보기잖아 ❞ — you’re not being serious, it’s just a test, isn’t it?
❝ 이러면 안 되는데 머리론 아는데 ❞ — I shouldn’t be like this, I know in my mind
나는 너를 먹고 싶어…!! 왜 그렇개 귀여워? ㄷㄷ — I wanna eat you. Why are you so cute? *shaking*
죽을래, 새끼야!!! — do you wanna die, son of a bitch (this is where sae kki ya came from)
❝ 거기 멈춰 줄래 빠지기 싫어 싫어 싫어 ❞ — please stop right there, I don’t don’t don’t want to fall for you
❝ 단지 너의 외로움을 단래긴 싫거든 ❞ — I don’t only want to soothe your loneliness
❝ 시작해 버린 순간 못 헤어나올 걸 아니까 ❞ — because from the moment it starts, I know I can’t break free
❝ 점점 멈추기 힘들어 갈 수록 중독돼 ❞ — it’s getting harder to stop, I’m getting more addicted to you
Songs used — 121u by Day6 and sOng Of ice and fire by OnlyOneOf
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suiana · 2 days
yandere! cheater and gn! reader who's in their villain arc...
you've suspected that something was up when your boyfriend started to get busy with his work, coming home late, hiding his phone from you...
of course you just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he really was just stressed from his work. he was yourboyfriend after all. you had to trust him, didn't you?
well everything was shattered when you found one of his side chicks under your shared bed. she was naked, only wearing a pair of undies while holding in her pee.
"wtf why are you hiding under here?"
"your bf doesn't want u to know that he's cheating. told me that he'd kill me if i came out."
yeah, so the girl was an asshole to get with your man when she knew that he was in a relationship but at least she told it to your face straight up. also she pissed herself while getting out from the bed so there's that.
meanwhile, your boyfriend was sobbing and crying when he came home. you had found out of his side affairs, a side he never wanted you to find out about. to be honest, your boyfriend didn't know why he he got with others in the first place. he had everything he could ever want in you. you made him feel alive, all the good things you know. being with you was like a dream come true and he constantly felt like tearing out his skin from how happy you made him.
you were his god.
oh, yeah, thinking about it now that's probably it. he felt that you were too good for him and didn't want to taint you. which... was why he resorted to sleeping with others.
shitty move, yeah he knows. don't need to repeat it.
but you... why were you so forgiving? you welcomed him back with open arms, sobbed a little and told him how hurt you were! he thought you'd have up and left by now!
but you didn't.
he knew you were too good for him, he had to treat you better now. he just had to, this was obviously you giving him a second chance, right? oh he just loves you so much!
unfortunately for him, it wasn't a second chance. no, you were about to absolutely ruin this man.
it started with the small things. small rumours about him ranging from how he had a small dick to how he's a pushover... you needed to start your plan slow, you know. tear his reputation of a good and sensible man bit by bit. gotta build up that tension teehee >w<
then from the rumours, you started manipulating the people close to him. crocodile tears, white lies, and a whole pity party for yourself... telling his friends and family members how your boyfriend was an absolute shit of a boyfriend, how he didn't treat you right and how he was the worst an alive... well, it wasn't much of a lie. he did spoil you and treat you like a deity but if he really treasured you why would he cheat in the first place? there's no space left in your life to pity him.
the most important part was to constantly reassure him that you loved him and to make sure that he never finds out that you were the one ruining his life from behind the scenes. can't let him find out that his angel lover is the one that's bringing him to social death now!
by this stage, your boyfriend was completely dependent on you. everyone around him was looking at him like he was the absolute scum of the earth. where did the rumours come from? why was everyone avoiding him? he couldn't even go to work without his coworkers side-eyeing him like he grew an extra head! he's just lucky he didn't get fired-
oh and what do you know. he got fired.
he comes home crying, an absolute mess and a shell of the man that he used to be. what was once a confident and charming man is now a desperate and pathetic boyfailure.
"baby i got fired, i'm so sorry. i don't deserve to be with you."
his arms wrap aorund your legs, tears staining your pants as he seeks comfort from the only person still left by his side. yes, you're the only person left dying for. even his own parents desserted him, yet you stayed. he's so thankful-
"yeah, you're right. you don't deserve me."
it's like time stops the second the words fall from your lips. he slowly looks up at you, eyes widening in horror as his tears dry up. what? was he growing delusional? he must've heard you wrong. no way his beloved god just said that!
"haha... you're so sweet baby. joking around in a time like this-"
"i'm not joking. you don't deserve someone like me."
you slap his hands away, looking down at him as he remains on his knees on the floor. you had a smug smile, expression all cocky as you even started to laugh.
"haha! did you really think i wanted to stay with you? fuck no! i have standards okay? i really didn't want to stay with a cheater!"
your boyfriend didn't know what to think. what were you saying? he doesn't understand. is this a late april fools prank? the way his heart was clenching and the way he felt his face paled shows just how much he doesn't like your words.
"babe stop-"
"i hate you god damnit. i really thought you'd be the one for me but no! you just had to go ahead and cheat!"
but you didn't listen to him.
"let's break up."
oh yeah, you hear that? that's the sound of his heart shattering.
he quickly crawls over to you, face pale as he grips onto your pants tightly. his hands shook with each word he uttered, tone desperate as tears streamed down his cheeks once more.
he never thought he'd start begging for someone to stay when it was usually the opposite but... you were his god. the one he's devoted his entire life too.
so he'll gladly get on his hands and knees for you if he has too. you can't leave him. he doesn't want to be alone.
"please! forgive me! i know i did something wrong but i'm trying! you can't leave me too!"
he looks up at you, face completely flushed as he continues to turn himself into an even bigger pathetic mess. he doesn't care what he looks like now. he's practically lost everything. he has nothing left to lose.
"i promise i'll be better! i haven't cheated since you found out last time! d-doesn't that count for something?"
he gives you a shaky smile, as though that would convince you.
it wasn't.
in response to his words, you could only give a disgusted expression, kicking him away before walking past him to the front door. what a pathetic man he was.
"you know, you look best when you're like this."
you state, glancing at him with a smile before turning to leave his house. well, there's that. your plan was complete and your now-ex boyfriend was absolutely destroyed.
so why did it feel like... something bad was about to happen?
you quickly look back at him, keeping your cool and remaining nonchalant before you feel the blood drain from your face. your best friend?! where did they come from?! and the fact that your crazy ex was holding a knife to their neck-
"no... don't leave me... you can't leave... i have no one else but you..."
what were you supposed to do now that he was holding your best friend hostage?
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hoe4hotchner · 2 days
Bakery owner reader x loyal customer hotch
Something with the team finding out about reader and seeing hotch all happy and smiling and whipped for her.
Later them finding out they’re actually dating and penny freaking out 😭😭
Love, Freshly Baked | [A.H]
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Bakery owner!reader
CW: Nothing but tooth rotting fluff
WC: 1k
A/N: Forgive me for having this drafted for ages!!! But here it is, and it's super duper cute!!!
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           The smell of fresh pastries and brewing coffee filled the small bakery every morning, a cozy retreat nestled on a quiet corner of the bustling city. You had been running the shop for a couple of years now, getting to know every regular by name, but there was one customer who had quickly become your favorite.
           Aaron Hotchner.
           He’d been coming in almost every morning for months, ordering the same thing - a black coffee and a croissant - but it wasn’t just the simplicity of his order that caught your attention. It was the way he always seemed so calm and composed, even when the stress of his job was written all over his face. You weren’t sure what he did - all you knew was he had to wear a suit for the job - but you could tell it wore on him. Still, every time he walked through the door, his shoulders relaxed just a little, and a small smile would tug at his lips when he saw you.
           What you didn’t know was that Hotch’s team had noticed this change in him. It started small - an extra cup of coffee in the morning, a slightly brighter demeanor after breakfast - but it wasn’t long before the rest of the BAU picked up on it.
           “Anyone else notice how… happy Hotch has been lately?” Emily asked one morning as they gathered around their desks, waiting for the next case.
           Morgan leaned back in his chair, raising an eyebrow. “You’re right. I haven’t seen Hotch smile this much in… well, ever.”
           "Maybe he’s just found a new way to deal with stress. Meditation, perhaps?” Spencer didn't look up from the book he was reading as he answered.
           Penelope scoffed, twirling a bright pink pen in her hand. “Please, Reid. Hotch isn’t meditating. Something - or rather someone - has got him smiling.”           
           The rest of the team exchanged looks, curiosity piqued.
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           A few days later, their suspicions were confirmed.
           It was a slow day at the office, so Hotch decided to take a longer-than-usual lunch break. What he didn’t realize was that his team had quietly followed him to the bakery, determined to find out what - or who - was behind their boss’s newfound cheerfulness.
           “Look,” Penelope whispered excitedly from across the street, pointing toward the bakery window. “He’s smiling! He’s actually smiling!”
           Sure enough, through the glass, they could see Hotch leaning against the counter, his face lit up in a way they’d never seen before. And then there was you, standing behind the counter with that same soft smile you always gave him.
           “Oh my god,” JJ whispered, her eyes wide. “Is that the bakery he always talks about?”
           “Looks like it,” Derek said, grinning. “And it looks like our boy is whipped.”
           Inside the bakery, Hotch had no idea he was being watched. He was too focused on you - on the way your eyes sparkled when you talked about your latest recipe, the way your hands moved with such care as you worked on rolling out the dough. Every morning spent in your presence was like a small respite from the chaos of his job, and he found himself craving that peace more and more as time went by.
           You handed him his coffee, and for a moment, your fingers brushed his. The simple contact sent a warmth through him that no amount of caffeine ever could.
           “You know, Aaron,” you said softly, your voice carrying the warmth that always made his mornings a little brighter, “you’re going to start running out of excuses to come here if you keep this up.”
           Hotch chuckled, a rare sound that you loved hearing. “I’ll think of something.”
           As he turned to leave, he glanced back one more time, catching your eye and giving you a smile that was just for you.
           Meanwhile, across the street, Penelope was practically bouncing with excitement. “You guys! He’s totally into her! Did you see that smile? We have to find out more.”
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           A week later, the team got more than they bargained for.
           It was a Friday afternoon, and Hotch had just returned to the office after lunch. He was in a good mood, his smile lingering longer than usual. That’s when Penelope burst into the room, holding up her phone like it was a trophy.
           “Guys, you are not going to believe this!” she exclaimed, her voice high with excitement.
           The team gathered around, eyes wide as Penelope pulled up a photo she’d found online. It was you and Hotch, taken outside the bakery on a sunny day. He had his arm around your waist, and you were looking up at him with a smile that could melt hearts.
           “They’re dating!” Penelope practically squealed. “Hotch is dating the owner of the bakery!”
           The rest of the team was equally stunned.
           “Okay, now it all makes sense,” Emily said, grinning. “The extra coffee, the smiling, the mysterious bakery trips.”
           Morgan shook his head, chuckling. “Never thought I’d see the day when Hotch would be this smitten again. It’s nice to see him happy.”
           Penelope, however, was still in full freak-out mode. “Oh my god, we have to do something! Maybe throw them a surprise party or - wait, no, that’s too much. But we have to celebrate this somehow!”
           As they brainstormed, Hotch walked back into the bullpen, completely unaware of the chaos his relationship had caused among his team. But when he saw the knowing smiles on their faces, he paused.
           “What’s going on?” he asked, eyebrow raised.
           Penelope couldn’t hold it in any longer. “We know about the bakery, Hotch! And about her!” she blurted out, practically glowing with excitement.
           For a moment, Hotch was silent, his eyes scanning the room before he finally let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. “I should’ve known you’d find out eventually.”
           The team erupted into laughter, and for the first time in a long time, Aaron Hotchner didn’t mind being the center of attention - because, after all, it was all for a love that made him happier than he’d ever been.
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bunnis-monsters · 23 hours
Always with you
Male!Slime x Fem!Reader
Bunni’s Monstertober Event
Oct 4th
Oct 5th
warnings: he’s inside you in public, portable and pocket sized bf, trying to hold back moans while he’s wriggling inside
summary: Every day when you go to work, your lover ends up so lonely! So he decides to come with you, even when you say to stay home…
Your lover was being pretty pouty today. The two of you were different species, him a slime, and you a human, and sometimes that brought along… certain problems.
“Baby, I said you can’t come you work with me…”
He shined at you… a grown man, huffing and pouting. “But you’re gone all day! I barely get to see you…”
The wet, gooey feeling of him burying his face into your neck made you sigh softly. “It’s just one more day… then you’ll have me all weekend.”
He held onto your hips, trying to bite and nip at you so your neck was covered in hickeys… but he was much too soft. It was aggravating, being such a wobbly and gooey thing!
But in remembering the shortcomings of his species, he got an idea…
You left for work early the next morning, your boyfriend curled up next to you with the blanket over his head. Honestly, you did feel bad leaving him alone every day, but you had to make sure the bills were paid and food was in the fridge.
“I’m off, sweetheart… love you…”
It was a little hurtful when he didn’t respond… but you told yourself he was just asleep.
You didn’t see a little ball of goop following after you, giggling quietly and hitching a ride on your pants leg.
As soon as you sat down in an important business meeting, you felt a very familiar slimy sensation move up your leg. You couldn’t really do much about it, this meeting had high stakes!
But you couldn’t help but let out a whimper when you felt the slime sink into your cotton panties, surrounding your pussy.
It wasn’t long until you were being stuffed full of it, your legs held apart by sticky slime on either side of your chair.
To keep yourself quiet, you bit your lip, trying your best not to moan as your lover moved in and out of you, pressing against that special spot that had you coming around him almost instantly.
He absorbed your cum, swelling inside of you and spurting out cum of his own into your womb.
When the wriggling started, you had to hold onto the armrests of your chair to ho back a moan.
This was going to be a long meeting…
A few hours later, you held onto your pocket sized boyfriend, pouting at him. “Was all of that necessary? You could have just ridden along in my purse…”
“B-but I wanted to show everyone you’re mine!” he said, his voice high pitched and squeaky due to being separated from his main body.
And when the next person went to sit in that chair, they were surprised to find a wet, sticky mess there…
He certainly showed them.
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljra @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @filthybunny420 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @blubearxy @omglovelylaila @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat
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kateschi · 2 days
surprise delivery: husband edition!
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synopsis: when you're just chilling after a rough mission, your husband makes an appearance to make your day better.
pairing: timeskip!bakugou katsuki x f!reader
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the day is brutal. patrols, villain takedowns, and media interviews—being a pro-hero means long hours with little time to breathe.
as you finally step into your shared apartment, all you want is to crash on the couch and shut out the world for a while. the second you close the door behind you, your hero jacket hits the floor with a thud.
just as you start making your way to the kitchen, the front door swings open, and in walks bakugou katsuki, your husband, still in his full hero gear.
his mask is off, revealing that ever-present scowl, though you can tell by the slight sag in his shoulders that he’s had a long day too.
"hey," he grunts as he kicks the door shut behind him, his sharp gaze zeroing in on you. in his hand is a plastic bag, the familiar sound of crinkling bringing a small smile to your lips.
"katsuki," you greet, raising an eyebrow. "didn’t expect you back so early. thought you were still on patrol."
he throws the bag onto the kitchen counter with a huff. "got a break. figured I’d check in on you. heard your last fight was a pain in the ass."
you smile despite yourself. "it was fine. nothing I couldn’t handle."
he shoots you a look, his eyes narrowing. "yeah, yeah. you say that every damn time, but you look like you’ve been through hell."
"you’re one to talk," you shoot back, gesturing toward his own disheveled appearance.
his hero suit is scuffed, his gauntlets still covered in dust from whatever explosion-filled chaos he’s left behind. "looks like you weren’t exactly on a peaceful walk yourself."
"I handled it just fine," he says, waving off your concern. "anyway, shut up and look in the bag."
amused, you walk over to the kitchen and peek inside. to your surprise, it’s packed with your favorite snacks—energy bars, flavored drinks, and even a bag of those chips you always crave after a tough day.
you pull one out, giving him a teasing look. "you got this for me?"
he crosses his arms, looking away with a grunt. "don’t get all mushy on me. you’re not invincible, and I’m not gonna let you crash and burn because you’re too stubborn to take a break."
your heart warms at his blunt words. it’s such a katsuki thing to do—care deeply but cover it with his tough, no-nonsense attitude. "thanks," you say softly, popping open a drink. "I needed this."
he glances at you out of the corner of his eye, his cheeks tainted a barely noticeable pink, "damn right you did."
you both lean against the kitchen counter, sharing a quiet moment as you sip your drink. the silence isn’t awkward—after years of working as pro-heroes and being married, you’ve grown comfortable in these rare moments of peace together.
still, the concern for each other is ever-present, unspoken yet deeply felt.
"how’s your arm?" katsuki asks suddenly, his sharp eyes scanning over you. you look down, realizing he’s talking about the burn you got in your last battle.
"it’s nothing," you reply, brushing it off. "just a scratch."
"bullshit," he mutters, stepping closer and taking your wrist gently, though his grip is firm. he inspects the burn with a scowl, clearly not pleased. "you’ve gotta be more careful."
you smile up at him. "and you’ve gotta stop blowing up everything in your path. not everyone can walk away unscathed like you, mr. dynamight."
he grunts, letting go of your wrist. "I’m not the one who got singed." his brow furrows slightly, a rare moment of softness crossing his features. "you know I hate seeing you hurt."
the sincerity in his voice catches you off guard, and for a second, the busy world of pro-hero work melts away. in moments like this, it’s easy to forget how explosive and brash he usually is.
beneath all of it, he’s someone who cares deeply for you, even if he has a funny way of showing it.
"I know," you say gently. "but I can handle it."
he scoffs but doesn’t argue, leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed. "I know you can."
just as you’re about to make another playful comment, his phone buzzes, breaking the peaceful moment. katsuki glances at it, his expression darkening in annoyance.
"damn it. I’ve gotta head back."
your heart sinks a little, though you know this is just the reality of being heroes—time together is always cut short. "already?"
"yeah," he mutters, slipping his phone back into his pocket. "heroes don’t get long breaks." he hesitates for a moment, his eyes flicking back to you. "but listen, don’t go out on any more patrols tonight. you’ve done enough. rest."
you raise an eyebrow. "you know I don’t need you babying me, right?"
"yeah, well, too bad," he shoots back with a smirk, pulling you closer by the waist. "I’m your damn husband, and I say you’re staying home."
you roll your eyes, leaning into his chest. "bossy."
"it’s for your own good, y/n; you know that," he mutters, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. "so, take a break. eat the snacks. watch some tv, I don’t care. just… don’t go bein’ reckless while I’m not around."
you smile, warmed by the concern under his rough words. "fine. but don’t come back looking like you’ve been through a war zone, okay? I’d like my husband in one piece."
he smirks, his signature cocky grin spreading across his face. "please. it’ll take more than a couple of lowlife villains to take me down."
with that, he steps away, grabbing his gauntlets and heading toward the door. but just before he leaves, he turns back, his voice softer but still carrying that familiar bite. "save me some of those snacks, yeah?"
you chuckle, nodding. "yeah, yeah. go be a hero."
he huffs, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "try not to miss me too much."
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kofi — navigation — masterlist
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do not copy, translate, or plagarize
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kunazz · 2 days
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WEEK ONE: TOJI FUSHIGURO — [nipple play]
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tags: nipple play, sub toji, mentioned megumi (once), top male reader, lower case intended
summary: toji didn’t even realise his nipples were this sensitive.
a/n: IM TRYING TO MAKE SURE I GET EVERYTHING OUT ON TIME LOL, I have a system set up where I’ll write it one day then post on the next to keep myself from overworking and stuff! This is shorter than the one before and is more like a drabble than anything lol, I hope that’s ok :(
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“fuck- oh fuck” toji groaned, his eyebrows furrowing as he felt your fingers tease his chest, twisting and pulling at his sensitive nipples until his body was jerking upward, thighs clenching around nothing and causing his cute cock to leak a perfect stream of precum. he was sensitive, you could tell, every time you put a hand on toji’s thigh he’d flinch a little, thighs twitching and his cheeks flushing a little, he could get so wet from feeling your hands on his skin or over his clothes, it was heavenly. but he didn’t think he was this sensitive, the way your fingers brushed over his nipples made his whole body fill with need, fingers fisting at the sheets before he let out a stuttered breath, eyes glossing over as he tried his best to hold himself back — to keep the moans threatening to spill from his tongue, inside his mouth.
“you like that baby?” you groan right by his ear, and toji’s eyes inevitably roll back, his body quivering as he fails to answer you straight away, his mind too dazed to do so — but one tug at his nipples sends him into overdrive, and he’s suddenly nodding, eyes flying open. “yes! fuck- yes sweetheart i fuckin’ love it” toji whines, and the nickname brings a smile to your lips, your fingers still twirling the bow hardened but between your thumb and index.
it’s nice to whittle toji down sometimes, he’s always so obnoxious and almost brat-like when it’s daytime and when there’s people around — especially when megumi was. however, when you’re in the comfort of your own bedroom, when nighttime falls upon the world, toji isn’t as big as he makes himself out to be, he’s small. he’s pathetic. and he’s nothing but at your mercy, ready to be taken apart piece by piece until he was screaming for you to stop.
toji’s cock twitched when your head dipped down, allowing his arm to be thrown over your shoulders as your tongue flicked over his nipples, eyes widening when the wet muscle works around the bud, they were so pink and cute looking, you almost cooed at them. your other hand played with the left nipple, lips wrapping around the right and sucking as hard as you could, like you were trying to get milk out of him — and with how big toji’s pecks were you wouldn’t be surprised if some did end up leaking out.
“oh!- oh god baby, s’too much” toji whined, his fingers threading through your hair, despite his words he made no effort to move you away, just keeping your head close to his chest, leaning into the wet touch of your mouth as his cock was on the verge of exploding any second — tip leaking copious amounts of precum whilst also being an angry red colour.
you smirked against toji’s skin, tongue licking all over his chest before you looked up at his wrecked expression, eyes half lidded and cheeks flushed, mouth hanging open.
“oh baby..we’re just getting started.”
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hoshifighting · 3 days
Okay, bear with me cause this might be a strange one, but, how do you think seventeen would react if their s/o wanted to like ‘play’ with their dick.. but like not in the way of ‘here’s a handjob’ but sorta ‘so what happens if I rub your balls like this ?’ Like they just want to poke and prod and maybe lick it
More from like a ‘I don’t have a dick and I wanna know what happens’ kind of perspective. I guess? Sexual scientist s/o vs seventeen lol
sexual scientist s/o x seventeen
warnings: smut, cock/balls play(?)
seungcheol’d try to act all strong and everything, like it’s no big deal, but the second your fingers graze his balls? yeah, he’s groaning like a whoooore. “b-baby, what are you doing?” he’d ask, voice shaking, but honestly, he’s not telling you to stop—he’s curious to see what you’ll do next.
jeonghan smug idiot omg hes a menace stoooooop. he’s laughing at first, all “you really wanna know what happens?” then you start rubbing, and his eyes go wide, mouth falling open as his cock twitches. “oh fuck, okay, maybe— maybe you’re—oh!”
joshua would be a blushing mess. he’s trying to act polite about it, like, “uh, baby, what are you—ohh…,” but the second your hand gets anywhere near his tip (or perineum cof cof), he’s gasping, hips jerking up into your touch. “oh, wow, okay, that feels… good? actually, too good, if you keep going—” he’d definitely let you experiment more, though, no questions asked.
junhui’s all for it. he’s watching you, a little too excited. when you start touching him, he’s moaning loud, throwing his head back. “fuck, you really don’t know what you’re doing to me.”
hoshi would be confused but... why not? “uh, is this like… a game or something?” he’d ask, until you start rubbing, and then he’s losing it. his breath hitches, and he’s trying not to make a sound, but it’s not working. “holy shit—okay, NO DONT SQUEEZE IT.”
wonwoo’d be a little shy about it at first, wondering what you’re up to, but he’s not stopping you. “what are you trying to figure out?” he’d ask, half-laughing, until you hit the right spot, and then he’s gasping, eyes fluttering shut. “shit… yeah, keep doing that.”
woozi’d act like he’s too cool for it, smirking down at you, saying something like, “you’ trying to conduct an experiment? there's nothing special about it” but the second your fingers slide down, his breath catches, and he’s shifting his hips, trying to play it cool. “ah, ah, fuck, okay, yeah, I get it now.”
minghao’s laughing softly at first, kinda enjoying watching you be all curious about his body or male body. “you wanna know what happens if you touch there?” he’d tease, but then you do it, and he’s biting his lip, trying so hard not to moan. “oh… okay, okay is enough.”
mingyu, poor baby would be so confused at first, blinking down at you like, “baby, is not even a pretty thing like, balls? really?.” the second you touch him, his body reacts on instinct, hips bucking up into your hand, and he’s gasping, eyes wide. “oh my god, you better be quick…”
seokmin would be giggling at first, thinking you’re messing with him. “are you serious right now?” he’d ask, when you start rubbing, his laugh dies, and he’s groaning, voice all shaky. “babe… do that again.”
seungkwan’s so embarrassed, blushing bright red, trying to make a joke out of it. “oh, you’re really gonna…?” and when u touch him, he fucking whimpers eyes fluttering shut as he grabs at the sheets. “yeah yeah, you can do it again…”
vernon = blank stare. he’s so confused at first, like, “why would do something like that? oh, a research?” but once your hand moves lower, he’s gone. his voice catches in his throat, and he’s gripping your wrist. “wait—what the fuck, that feels… so good.”
chan “you’re really gonna try that?” he’s all talk until you actually do it, and then his mouth falls open, a shaky moan slipping out. “oh shit, that’s—its sensitive! what the fuck did you do? b-but don't stop…” he’s 100% into letting you experiment all you want.
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amirasainz · 1 day
Can you do one where there was a large breed dog in the track that’s a stray and everyone is trying to catch it, but then driver reader started talking to it in a baby voice and she begs to keep the dog once she caught it.
Of course I can. That is such a sweet request. 🥰
Enjoy reading and send some requests
- xoxo, Babygirl💋
Just Ken
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It was a bright and sunny afternoon at the Brazilian Grand Prix, and the atmosphere in the paddock was electric. The teams were getting ready for the final practice session before qualifying, and the tension was rising. Everything was running smoothly until, out of nowhere, a large dog—a stray by the looks of it—ran onto the track during the break between practice runs.
"Is that... a dog?" Lando squinted from the McLaren garage, pulling his visor up and pointing toward the track.
Charles laughed nervously, leaning on the pit wall next to him. "How did a dog get in here?"
The dog, a huge, scruffy breed that looked like a German Shepherd, darted across the track with a sense of urgency, weaving between the garages and cars. The engineers and staff tried to shoo it away, but it was too fast, dodging everyone and barking wildly whenever anyone got close.
The Red Bull garage, on the other hand, was a bit calmer—until Y/N, the youngest driver on the grid and currently Red Bull’s rising star, noticed the commotion.
"What's going on?" she asked, standing up in the car she had just parked in the garage.
Max shrugged while watching the chaos. "Apparently, there’s a stray dog running around the track. Everyone’s trying to catch it, but... it's not going well."
Y/N’s eyes widened, a glimmer of excitement flickering across her face. "A dog?!" She hopped out of her car faster than anyone expected.
"Wait, you’re not seriously going to go after it, are you?" Max raised an eyebrow, half-amused, half-concerned.
But Y/N was already gone, heading toward the pit lane with a bounce in her step, her Red Bull racing suit fluttering behind her.
On the track, engineers were stumbling over each other, trying to catch the stray with nets, ropes, and even pieces of food. The dog growled low and deep, showing its teeth whenever anyone got too close, sending them scrambling back.
Lewis was the next to try his luck, cautiously walking toward the dog with a water bottle in hand. "Hey, buddy, come on... let's not make this difficult, okay?"
The dog barked sharply, making Lewis back off. "Yeah, no. That's not happening." He quickly retreated, shaking his head.
Meanwhile, Y/N, standing a few meters away, observed the situation with a thoughtful look. She pursed her lips and bent down, resting her hands on her knees.
"Who's a good boy?" she called out, her voice soft and high-pitched, almost like she was speaking to a baby.
The dog’s ears perked up immediately, and it stopped barking. Slowly, its head turned toward Y/N, who was still crouched down, wiggling her fingers in the dog’s direction.
"Come here, buddy! It's okay!" Y/N cooed, her voice dripping with sweetness. She gave an exaggerated pout and made soft kissing noises, as if she was calling a puppy.
The dog—who moments ago had been terrorizing a group of terrified pit crew members—calmly turned and padded toward her, tail wagging slightly. It stopped a foot away from her, tilting its head.
Everyone was frozen in disbelief.
"Is she... talking to it in a baby voice?" George whispered to Carlos, who stood beside him, equally shocked.
"Mate, I think she is," Carlos replied, eyes wide. "And it's working!"
Y/N extended her hand slowly toward the dog. "Hi, sweetheart! You're such a handsome boy, aren’t you?"
The dog, much to everyone’s amazement, gently sniffed her hand, then leaned in to nuzzle her palm, tail wagging now in full force.
Y/N grinned brightly. "Oh, you’re just a big teddy bear!" She wrapped her arms around the dog’s massive neck and started scratching behind its ears. The dog licked her face in return.
The entire pit lane was silent, the drivers and crews staring in stunned silence. No one could believe what they were seeing.
"Is this real?" Oscar muttered, blinking as if he expected the scene to dissolve like a dream.
Even Christian, who had been watching from a distance, couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief. "I’ve seen a lot in Formula 1, but this... this takes the cake."
After a few minutes of cuddles and praise, Y/N stood up, still holding the dog's collar. "What’s your name, buddy?" she asked, looking into its eyes as if it might answer her.
The dog barked softly, wagging its tail even harder.
"I think I’ll call you... Ken!" she announced, looking around at the crowd with a proud smile on her face. "He looks like a Ken, don’t you think?"
The dog barked again, as if in agreement, making Y/N laugh.
At that point, a track official hesitantly approached, clearly unsure of how to handle the situation. "Uh, Y/N, we’ll need to call animal control or find the owner. It’s probably a stray."
Y/N immediately pouted, pulling Ken closer to her side. "Noooo, but he’s so sweet! Look at him!" She scratched behind his ears again, and Ken looked up at her with adoring eyes.
"Ken doesn’t like anyone else, see? He chose me!" she continued, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Max, who had wandered over with a bemused smile on his face, crossed his arms. "I mean, she’s got a point. Ken’s not exactly warming up to anyone else."
As if on cue, Ken snarled at the track official when he took a step forward, causing the man to back off immediately.
"Whoa!" the official exclaimed. "Okay, maybe he’s... protective of you."
Y/N beamed and looked down at Ken. "See, he’s just being a good boy!"
Christian walked over, clearly weighing his options. "Y/N, you can’t just adopt a dog from the track," he said, though his tone was far more amused than strict.
"But why not?" Y/N asked, giving him her best puppy eyes. "I’ll take good care of him! Look at him, he’s perfect for the team. We can put a little Red Bull jacket on him!"
"Ken, the official Red Bull dog?" Max smirked, clearly enjoying the chaos.
At this point, even the other drivers were gathering around, fascinated by Y/N’s new friend.
"Can’t believe it," Charles muttered, shaking his head. "She’s like the dog whisperer or something."
"Yeah, and he’s only nice to her," Pierre added, eyeing Ken warily as he stood close to Y/N but growled whenever someone else got too close.
Y/N grinned as she stroked Ken’s fur. "See? He loves me! He’s just a big softie."
Christian sighed, rubbing his temples, but there was a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Fine, you can keep him... for now. But he’s your responsibility."
"YES!" Y/N cheered, pumping her fist in the air. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Ken barked happily, as if sensing her excitement, and gave her another slobbery lick on the cheek.
The drivers watched in disbelief as Y/N led Ken back toward the Red Bull garage, already making plans for his new life in the F1 paddock.
Max clapped Christian on the back as they both watched her go. "Well, looks like Red Bull’s got a new mascot."
Christian just chuckled. "I suppose we do. Let’s hope Ken likes the noise of the cars, or we’re in for some trouble."
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hvllevator · 3 days
roses [jeong jaehyun]
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MDNI, 18+
SUMMARY | think i should text my ex (fwb)? what happens when jaehyun sees his ex-fwb with another guy?
PAIRING | ex fwb!jaehyun x afab!reader (with reader x jungwoo)
CONTENT | ex fwb to ?, college!au, unprotected sex (on pills), oral (f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, creampie. (probably more that i missed but its just smut)
WORDS | 4.3k
A/N | im so bad at giving summaries but it’s basically roses by jaehyun :D not proofread
you knew how to get under jaehyun’s skin. well, not on purpose, but he sure as hell was sending daggers in your direction as he saw you all cozied up with a tall blond-haired guy at his frat party. jaehyun scoffed as he took a sip out of the red cup in his hand. how dare you bring a boy into his house in the first place.
jaehyun’s gaze never left you as you laughed at something the french fry guy said. “bet it’s not even funny.” he muttered to himself, rolling his eyes as you placed your hand on the guy’s arm.
“dude, what is the matter with you?” mark pulled him out of his trance, hitting him lightly on the arm. his best friend followed his gaze and smirked when he figured out what he was so worked up about. “isn’t that y/n? didn’t you use to date her?”
“we did not date.” jaehyun moved his sight to glare at the younger boy instead. “i could care less about her.” “couldn’t.” mark corrected him with a cheeky smile, “but you already knew that, so i’m guessing you do care a tiny bit.”
you and jaehyun met at university when you were freshmen. you accidentally walked into the wrong room at your first college party when a certain someone was changing out his clothes and flashed you with his penis on your first week. you screamed and ran as fast as you could. moments later, mystery penis guy found you amidst the crowd and apologized profoundly, which left you confused because you were so sure you should be the one apologizing. nonetheless, you both decided to put it behind you and start fresh.
“jaehyun.” mystery penis guy introduced himself to you while handing you a red cup that was most likely filled with booze.
“y/n.” you accepted his cup, inspecting it. “you’re not trying to drug me because i saw your dick, right?”
jaehyun laughed, and you smiled as he shook his head. that was the beginning of a new friendship.
until during your sophomore year, you were drunk crying over your ex, and you had jaehyun over because you needed a friend. he was awkwardly trying to pat your back while trying to keep a distance between the two of you. don’t get him wrong, he found you attractive as fuck, and he would fuck you the moment you let him. but he was somehow scared to ruin the year-long friendship between the two of you, so he never acted on what his dick and heart told him to.
this night was different, though; you were vulnerable and needed to feel better about yourself. “he said i couldn’t suck dick properly!” you whined, which made jaehyun freeze. “who breaks up with someone over that!”
jaehyun had to fight every bone in his body not to jump on you and kiss the living hell out of you. he felt apologetic that you were crying over a dumbass, but he couldn’t help but find you cute. your cheeks flushed, makeup messy with tears. you looked perfect. “i think that’s what they call an ick.” he tried lightening up the mood, but this just made you glare at him.
“i’ll bite your dick off.” you punched his arm, which did little to no damage.
“ouch, is that what you did while you were sucking his?” he rubbed his arm, but had the biggest smile on his face.
“you’re not helping!” you covered your face with your hands.
jaehyun didn’t know what possessed him then; he spoke without thinking about his words. “i could teach you a thing or two about giving…” he immediately regretted what he was offering. he coughed before ending his sentence, looking everywhere around the room but at you. he let his dick do the talking as if you were stupid enough to agree–
“teach me.”
needless to say, you knew how to suck dick (even a few pointers on how to kiss and fuck) that night.
jaehyun tried to pull his eyes away from you as you whispered something in the guy’s ear before disappearing into the crowd and heading upstairs. now he was frustrated. you ended your year-long arrangement just merely two weeks ago, and you have already found someone new? you just moved on and had enough. god, he sounded so pathetic; he got it bad.
you lay in bed that night, chewing on your lip as you scrolled through your phone. you just left the party an hour ago after sleeping with another man. you felt weird. like what you did was wrong, but you couldn’t exactly point out why.
as if the universe decided to play tricks on you, your phone vibrated in your hand. the contact “PLS DONT ANSWER” on full display. you glanced at the time to see it was 2 am. you ran your fingers through your hair and sighed. closing your eyes, your finger swiped to answer the call.
“you answered?” his voice echoing through the phone, surprised you picked up the phone.
“don’t make me regret it.”
“i saw you today.”
“… okay?” you knew he saw you. in fact, you made sure he saw you with jungwoo, aka the guy you fucked an hour ago.
“with another guy.” mission success. you were being petty, but you were doing it for a reason (so you convinced yourself).
the very reason you broke off your arrangement with jaehyun was because you saw him with another girl’s tongue down his throat in a not-very-discrete section in the library two weeks ago. you could tell he enjoyed it by the way his hands were firmly gripping her ass. the sight made you sick to your stomach.
your agreement was strictly for physical reasons — you fucked, nothing more and nothing less. you were good friends who were having fantastic sex.
you don't know why the thought of him sleeping with other girls upset you. you both agreed to keep it physical. no strings attached, especially since you're both juniors and have to focus on finishing your degrees. yet why did it bother you he was out kissing girls?
“congrats, you can see.” you cringed at your attempt to seem like a cool girl.
“cut the bullshit, y/n.” jaehyun rolled his eyes even though you couldn’t see him. “you broke up with me, then you slept with somebody else just two weeks after?”
“i wasn’t aware we had a relationship that even allowed us to break up.” you opened your eyes. realizing how long you last talked to jaehyun, you hated to admit that you missed the sound of his voice.
“called it off, ghosted—whatever you call it! you know what i mean.”
“i did not ghost you.” practically mumbling against the phone.
“a text saying “let's stop this” is not an explanation, y/n. plus, that's besides that point!”
“i really don't want to talk about this right now, jaehyun.”
“fine. meet me tomorrow at the café you like at 2 pm.” and with that, he hung up on you.
jaehyun sat in an easy-to-spot area at the café you loved. how did he know? because you used to have little study dates in this very coffee shop (if you could even call it a date). his heart was beating out of his chest. he didn’t know why his heart was beating so fast while he anticipated your presence. maybe he drank too much caffeine? he shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind. he wanted to believe that was the reason why he could not sit still.
the tiny bell at the front door rang, indicating a new customer. the sound made jaehyun whip his head up. there you were. a brown coat hugging your body, your hair in one of those clamps that held it up neatly. you were in the most basic clothes, yet you looked so beautiful. jaehyun smiled at the sight of you until he saw a dozen roses you had in your hands, the smile was replaced with a slight frown.
“hi, jae.” you breathed out, taking a seat on the empty spot in front of him. placing your belongings on the table, which included the bouquet that jaehyun was glaring at.
“aww, y/n, you didn’t have to.” jaehyun took the bouquet from the table to inspect it, trying to catch a glimpse of a card with the sender's name on it.
“shut up.” you mumbled, snatching it from him. cheeks turning red, you avoided his gaze.
“i’m assuming it's from lover boy last night?” jaehyun huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. he looked absolutely silly right now.
“it’s none of your business.” you fought back. leaning against your seat, “why’d you want to see me anyway?” 
“i didn’t.” he lied through his teeth, but you didn’t know that. “i just think i deserve some kind of explanation as to why our,” he paused to think how he would label your relationship, “friendship ended.”
“you’re so annoying.” glaring at him, you contemplated why you even showed up in the first place.
“you love me.” he grinned at you, flashing his damned dimples, to which you let out a snort. “was he better than me?”
“very much.” you smiled as he lost his grin. “bigger too.”
“we’re telling lies now?” jaehyun raised his eyebrow. “you said your shit ex had a big dick, too, so i don't really trust your judgment.” you chewed your lip in annoyance, wanting to slap his irritatingly beautiful face.
it had been a week since your last interaction with jaehyun.  your little café meet-up didn’t lead to anything as you still refused to tell him why you no longer wanted to see him. you would be lying if you said you had not thought of him at all. you missed him.
in the midst of doing your university work, your phone buzzed, a text message popping up on the screen.
PLS DONT ANSWER: are u awake
you stared at the message, with no intention of replying.
PLS DONT ANSWER: busy fucking french fry boy?
PLS DONT ANSWER: what position he got u in
you rolled your eyes at his last message. truth be told, jungwoo gave you the flowers as an apology. he apologized for sleeping with you that day, telling you how he was drunk and not over his ex, and he hoped that you would not take it the wrong way. you felt incredibly stupid and annoyed at how even in your attempt to forget jaehyun, you still failed.
the phone rang a few seconds later, but this time, you didn’t pick up. not knowing what to say to him. missing the call, he didn’t send anything after, making your heart sink.
you knew what you signed up for when you agreed to keep things physical between the two of you. although there were moments when it would seem like you two were a couple, you knew he would never like you like that. he was jeong fucking jaehyun for fucks sake. he could have any girl he looked at if he wanted to. you hear how women talk about him in the bathrooms, most of them very lewd. everyone wanted a taste of him. you couldn't blame them, even after having a taste of him, you still craved and came back for more.
a knock on your apartment door pulled you out of your trance. curious, you stood up to open it. there at your door was one very soaked jaehyun with a flower–that looked like it was picked out of a bush–in hand. his white shirt sticking to his chest, giving you a very slight peek of his toned body which gave you flashbacks to the nights you would spend together.
“jaehyun,” raising a brow, “why are you soaking wet?” you were sure there was not any weather forecast about rain tonight.
“it was raining and–” jaehyun let out, catching his breath, “wanted to see you.” pushing what looked like a rose in your direction. “here.”
eyeing the rose, you carefully scanned his face as you took it from his hand. you stepped aside to let him in your apartment. he stepped inside, careful of spreading rainwater all over your place. “stay here, i’ll get you something dry.” turning away from him, you walked towards your bedroom with your thoughts all over the place. why was he here? what was this rose about? and why did he look so fucking hot?
with a clean sweatshirt (that you were pretty sure was his) in hand, you walked back into the living room where you were greeted by jaehyun’s bare back faced to you as he looked at the pictures you had hung around. you bit your lip at the sight. feeling sparks shoot throughout your body.
you cleared your throat, which made jaehyun spin around to face you, shooting you a smile. you extended your arm to hand him the sweater, but he grabbed your arm instead and pulled your body against his. he was hugging you. you froze in place as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, feeling him inhale against your skin.
“missed you.” feeling him mumble against your skin, “it was killing me knowing there’s someone out there buying you roses.”
“jaehyun, are you drunk?” placing your hands against his bare chest to push him away and look him in the eyes.
he shook his head, “i’m not. i’m serious, y/n.” he took a step closer to you, “why do you not want me anymore?” his breath fanning on you, lips dangerously close to yours, making you feel hazy.
“you know that’s not true.” your voice was so tiny he barely heard what you said. his hands landed on your waist, rubbing on it softly.
“tell me what i did wrong, please.” his voice soft.
“jaehyun..” you warned, feeling him close the gap between the two of you, to which you shut your eyes as you waited for the soft feeling of his lips. but it never came, so you opened your eyes to see him staring at you with a teasing smile on his lips. you glared at him, scoffing. you pushed him away, chucking the sweater at him before retreating and heading to your bedroom.
you heard him call out for you. feeling your cheeks burn from embarrassment. you were about to slam the door behind you, but his strength prevented you from doing so.
“go home, jaehyun.” you sternly said, wanting to bury yourself under the covers. you walked towards the bed, sitting on the edge.
“if you wanted a kiss that bad, you could have just asked.” jaehyun welcomed himself into your room. standing a few feet away from you, this time with the sweater you gave him on your body. he has been in your room plenty of times, so he has grown very familiar with where you keep everything.
“maybe i’ll ask jungwoo instead.” lie. but he doesn’t know that. crossing your arms against your chest. not missing the way his eyes fell on your exposed chest. you were wearing a tiny tank top and lounge shorts since you were just planning on studying all night.
“not fucking funny.” he walked over to you, stopping in between your legs before cupping your face with his hand. “maybe i should remind you who you belong to.” his words making you dizzy.
“i don’t belong to anyone.” you reminded him which made his eyes turn dark; he licked his lips, scanning your face. a sadistic grin forming on his face. he could tell you were trying to convince yourself of what you said, too.
“i thought you were supposed to be smart, princess.” he said, leaning down and planting his lips on yours. the kiss was hungry with the intention of reminding you of what you have been missing. you reciprocated his passion, arms flying to wrap around his neck. his tongue glided over your bottom lip before pushing it into your mouth, exploring your mouth, making you moan lightly. his other hand sneaked down to your clothed core and cupped it, which made you gasp and pull away from the kiss. “look at you, already so wet, and i haven’t even done anything.”
“yeah, and if you don’t do anything about it soon, you know who i’ll call.” teasing him, but he wasn’t having any of it. he grabbed you by your thighs, which you instinctively wrapped around his waist. he laid you down on the bed, your head against your pillows. in a swift motion, your shirt and shorts were pulled away from your body and discarded somewhere in the room.
“I can’t believe you let that asshole touch what’s mine.” jaehyun groaned once he took in the mouthwatering sight in front of him. his intense gaze made you lose all your tough facade, wanting nothing more than to be engulfed by him. he climbed in between your legs, leaning down to kiss you once again, but this time, it was more passion than hunger, savoring your taste.
“i’m not yours.” you whispered against his lips, and you could tell he had enough of your teasing.
“i’ll make you want to be mine.” kissing your jaw, leading down to your neck (making sure to suck on the spot he knew you loved), your chest before engulfing your nipple with his mouth. you whimpered as he sucked on the sensitive bud, his other hand circling the other nub with his thumb and index finger. his tongue exploring every inch of your tits, making you squirm under his touch. your hand flew up to his hair, lightly tugging on it, feeling the slickness from the rain. he pulled away from your chest after flicking his tongue against your nipple one last time. he sat up, grabbing the hem of his sweater and pulling it off him.
you bit your lip at the sight of his toned chest that you absolutely loved. you loved that he took care of himself in every way, especially his body. catching your gaze, he smirked. he, too, loved his own body.
jaehyun pressed a quick kiss on your lips before he went down on your body. your pussy in his face, he wrapped his arms around your thighs, pressing soft wet kisses against your skin. “god, you smell fucking amazing.”
“jaehyun.” you cried out as he licked your wet folds. your hips thrusting, trying to get more, but his arms held you down. pressing a tiny kiss on your clit, his tongue darted out, licking your entrance, lapping around the area. moans spilling from your lips as he fucked you with his tongue. his hand sneaking around to rub your clit, which made you curse his name. “oh my god!” arching your back at the sudden sensation.
“mine.” jaehyun grunted against your pussy, retracting his arm from your thigh, circling around to glide his fingers up and down your folds. “my pussy.” he said before inserting two fingers into your hole, making you gasp. his fingers easily slide in and out of you due to your wetness. the entire room fills up with the sounds of your pussy squelching as he continued to finger you, curling his fingers ever so often, which drove you insane. he attached his lips to your clit, sucking on the sensitive nerve as he continued the motions with his fingers.
“fuck, jaehyun, i can’t–” you barely got the words out as he inserted a third finger, making you gasp, and grip the sheets beneath you. your legs attempted to close but his grip on it prevented you from doing so. you felt the familiar coil gather in your stomach.
“say it, say you’re mine, then i’ll let you cum.” his breath fanning against you, fastening his pace as he fucks you with his fingers.
“mhm, fuck! i’m yours, jae.” your hips bucked upwards as you felt your orgasm coming. “please, let me cum.”
“see, was that so hard?” jaehyun rubbed your clit with his thumb, pushing you over the edge. you screamed out his name, body trembling as you came hard on his fingers. the sight of you arching your back went directly to his dick, hardening against his pants. he pulled his fingers out easily, covered in your cum. he sat up, bringing his fingers to his mouth. “so sweet, so pretty.” licking his creamy fingers clean.
chest heaving as you tried to recover from your high. you met jaehyun’s gaze, seeing him already staring at you. your eyes darted down, seeing his cock begging to be free from his jeans. arm extending, you palmed him through his jeans, hips bucking to meet your touch. “take it off.”
“eager to finally get good dick?” jaehyun smirked, undoing the buttons of his pants.
“get out.”
“taking my pants off right now.” he slid out of his jeans and boxers, cock springing out and bouncing off his stomach. your mouth watering at the sight. your hand reached out to grab his shaft, pumping it before gliding your fingers over the slit, spreading the precum that was leaking out. “fuck, baby.” he moaned, rutting his hips to meet your hand. “you look so good holding my cock.”
“i’d look even better when you finally fuck me with it.” frustration crept up your voice which made him chuckle. he grabbed hold of your hand, holding your wrists above your head while his other hand guided his cock towards your entrance.
“no one will fuck you as good as i do.” ramming his cock into you without warning. the sudden contact made you yelp, wanting to grab hold of him, but his grip on your wrist prevented your movement. “what a dirty little slut. remember, this fucking pussy is mine.” his thrusts were intense, his words laced with venom as he relentlessly fucked your cunt. you could barely let out your words as your breath kept getting knocked out of you.
“o-oh god, jae.” jaehyun was absolutely losing it at the sight of you crumbling beneath him. the pretty noises that were coming out of your mouth were like music to him. sweat trickled down your body as he increased his pace. he let go of your wrists, and your hands flew to grip his shoulders. he grabbed your thighs, pushing them close to your chest. his cock perfectly hitting your sweet spot with every thrust.
“you feel so fucking good.” his hands reached out to pinch your nipples, making you curse out his name.  “you take my cook so fucking well.” you rolled your hips out to meet his pace, leggings shaking from him as he hit all the right spots. your reactions were fueling him even more; he pulled his cock out entirely before slamming it back into your pussy. he gripped your waist as your back arched from the intense sensation, moans getting louder. “you like that, huh? remember who owns you, pretty girl. not that fucking jungwoo, me.”
tears sprang to your eyes from the immense pleasure. not being able to speak coherently, you nodded at his words. nails digging into his shoulder blades as you felt your second orgasm forming in your abdomen. he leaned down, burying his head in your neck, placing kisses on your skin as he continued to rock his hips into you. “i’m so close.” you managed to moan out, legs wrapping around his waist, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
“shit,” jaehyun pulled away from your neck, watching as your tits bounce from his trust, his hand snaked up your clit, rubbing it which built up the pressure in your stomach even more. “cum for me, baby.” his thrusts getting sloppy as he felt his own orgasm creep up.
“oh my god!” you cried out as your insides exploded from pleasure, your walls clenching around his cock as you came.
the feeling of your pussy tightening around his cock brought his orgasm out. his warm cum leaking inside you. “so fucking beautiful.” he groaned, pulling his cock out. your mixed cum spilling out of you. he collapsed beside you.
breaths heavy, you closed your eyelids, wanting to doze off for the night, feeling jaehyun’s arms wrap around you. peeking at him, but his eyes were already trained on you.
“hi.” you whispered.
“be mine.” he mumbled, pulling your body close to him.
“what?” looking at him in disbelief.
“be mine, y/n, be my girlfriend.” he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. you knew jaehyun was not one to do relationships. this was one of the reasons why you agreed to keep it physical in the first place. hearing the word girlfriend from his mouth was indeed a new experience, especially since he was saying it to you.
“is my pussy that good?” you giggled.
“yes.” he placed a kiss on your forehead, “and i want to be yours. only yours, and i want you to only be mine.”
“will you stop making out with other girls in the library if i say yes?”
“in the libra–? is that why you left!” he looked at you in shock, “i’m so sorry, i didn’t know you saw that. i promise you she meant nothing to me. i don’t even know her name.”
“wow, that makes me feel so better.” sarcasm rolling off your tongue.
“what about you and that blond bitch! who does he think he is giving you flowers. i fucking hate him.” he sulked, making you snort and laugh. “not funny. i cried, true story.”
so you explained to him what the reason behind the flowers was. his cocky ass got even more cocky when you admitted that it was your attempt to forget him. but you had the last laugh when you found out that even his friends could see that he was miserable without you. you eventually did give him an answer to his previous question, you indeed wanted to be his.
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jiniretracha · 2 days
ꕤ 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 '𝟐𝟒 - 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟑 ꕤ
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Bang Chan x fem!reader: daddy kink
summary: You wouldn't have known that your boyfriend had a certain thing for a certain word...
warnings: smut, the d word usage, jeongin being a little shit...
word count: 1.2k
kinktober masterlist // masterlist // ko-fi
You were on your hands and knees, on Chris’ bed. He was moving inside of you, in and out, from behind you. His hands laid on your ass cheeks, gripping tightly. 
Chris’ hand came onto your ass to swat your cheek, making you mewl, muffled by the pillow under you. 
“You like that?” Chris asked you, his voice toned down due to Jeongin’s asleep form next door. 
You nodded your head and Chris angled his hips, hitting your spot harder, making you arch your back and moan brokenly. 
“I asked you a question, babe” he whispered to you.
“Y-yes, daddy” you moaned, your brain too much of a mush to actually think about what you were saying.
His hips came to a halt all of a sudden. 
Your eyes widened at the word that slipped past your lips.
You fucked up. It only slipped up, you didn’t mean to actually call him that. 
Why did I call him that? Now he’s probably weirded out, he’s gonna break up with me, he’s gonna kick me out of his apartment, probably block me-
“What did you just say?” he asked you.
You bit your lip and clenched your eyes, wishing with all your might that the ground would just swallow you up whole. 
“Say that again” Chris demanded you.
Oh… oh?
He liked it?
Chris surprised you by grabbing you by the hair, making your back hit his warm chest. The action made you yelp and grab his arm that was holding your hair, and the other one came to clutch his back. 
His free arm came to wrap your waist, holding you tightly.
“I told you… to say that again” he said slowly and dangerously. 
You gulped and looked back at him. “Chris… I…” you stammered, unsure of what to do.
“Come on… what did you just call me?” he smirked at you, making you squirm in your place. 
You blinked a couple of times, feeling dumb that your brain couldn’t seem to work properly. “D-daddy?”
You saw him clench his eyes and exhale through his nose. “Fuck, again” he moaned. 
“Daddy” you called him again, with more certainty this time. 
He started thrusting once again, with more force this time, punishing your spot with his tip. You almost fell back on your arms but Chris kept you in place, while his mouth was nibbling at your ear. 
“Keep calling me daddy, baby, come on” he urged you, and then grabbed your neck, applying slight pressure. 
He continued hitting that spot that made you see stars and slight white spots clouded your vision. “Da-daddy” you blabbered, the coherence in your brain inexistent as your nails dug into the back of his hand that was holding you in place. “Daddy, harder, please” 
Chris growled and pushed you down on the bed by the back of your back, his hands grabbed your hips and set a furious, punishing pace that had you screaming onto the pillows, not caring anymore about waking up the whole floor. 
He planted one of his feet on the bed and thrusted even deeper inside you, if it was even possible. 
“Daddy, daddy, I’m close” you whimpered, your fingers close to ripping the sheets to threads from how hard you were gripping them. 
“Fuuuck, babe, me too” he whined, his thrusts getting sloppier and slightly uneven, but still hard and fast nonetheless. 
You clenched around him as you felt the familiar burn on your lower stomach. 
“Daddy!” you whimpered loudly when you felt his fingers start to rub tight circles around your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. 
Your toes curled and legs shook as you felt the orgasm crash all over you, feeling like your body was about to pass out. 
You didn’t even notice Chris’ hard thrusts as the shallow noise of skin slapping on skin stopped when he stilled to let his cum fill you up completely to the brim. He panted loudly as he fell next to you on his back. 
His head turned to look at you while a hand brushed over your arm. “You okay, sweetie?” he asked you, worry lacing up with his tone as he saw how erratic your breath had become.
“I can’t feel anything… am I dead?” you asked him, making him chuckle out loud. 
He smiled widely and your heart flipped. “No, you’re alive, baby” he said, and grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him. “What was that earlier?” 
You blushed crimson red and hid your face on the pillow. “Nothing” you said, your voice muffled by the sheets. 
He giggled like a little kid and poked your side, making you squeal. “Yeah, what was that that you called me? Daddy?”
You looked at him in the eyes and bit your lip. “You sure seemed to like that shit?”
“Like it?” he asked and pulled you on top of him, making you wince due to the soreness in between your legs. The mixed juices from both of you were oozing out of you, hitting his leg but Chris didn’t seem to care at all. “I loved it, baby” he replied to you and you bit your lip. 
“I should call you that more often then” you said, raising your eyebrows teasingly.
“Oh, yeah, please” he said, kissing your lips. “Do it any time you want”
── .✦
Chris and you woke up the next day, and took a shower to start the day refreshed and clean from everything you did last night.
You dressed up in some loose jeans and a fit top, and put on some cute boots. 
“Do you wanna go out for lunch later? I have to hit the studio at three and I’m afraid I won't have much free time for us” he pouted.
“Of course, baby” you smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He arched his eyebrows after you pulled away.
“I’m not calling you daddy now, Chris, save that for later”
“Aww” he pouted and you laughed at him, grabbing his arm and pulling him along with you. 
You both got out of the room and found Jeongin washing the dishes from the breakfast he had. 
You sat down with Chris next to you and the youngest turned around and smiled at you. “Hey, guys” he chirply greeted you.
“Hey, Innie” you said with a smile.
“How did you guys sleep last night?” he asked curiously.
You choked on your own breath when you recognized his knowing smirk.
“Knock it off” Chris warningly said to him.
“Why should I… daddy?” Jeongin said slowly. 
Your eyes widened and your face blushed deep red.
“Jeongin!” Chris yelped, standing up abruptly “Shut up, and certainly don’t tell the others”
“Oh, no, I definitely won't’” he shook his head, feigning innocence. 
Chris looked at Jeongin smiling to himself as he shut himself inside his room. 
“Do you think he said something?” you asked him, watching him plop down on his seat once again.
Chris sighed and didn’t say anything, grabbing his phone. His eyes visibly widened when he clicked on the group chat he had with his eight children. He dropped the phone on the table and stood up again, walking towards Jeongin’s room. 
“I’m killing that son of a bitch”
── .✦
taglist: @annhearttihaehe // @frequentlykit // @alexisfeliz // @jeonginsleftcheek // @minghaosimp // @lixies-favorite-cookie // @yn-x-them // @chrizrizz // @madkati // @starzystay // @pancake-freckle
i apologize if i can't tag u :(
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lilislegacy · 3 days
Okay, I’m so gonna get hate for this. And it will probably get about 4 notes. This is, by far, the most opinionated thing I have ever posted on here. If you can’t tolerate criticism towards Rick Riordan, the books, or the TV show, please keep scrolling. My goal is NOT to change your mind or start arguments.
I also want to preface this by saying that I love and respect Rick Riordan (even if I disagree with him on things and don’t like some of his choices) and fully acknowledge that he has the right to do whatever the hell he pleases with his own series. I also want to say that I love Annabeth Chase (both the book and tv show version) with my entire being and you will never find me being an Annabeth hater. She’s my girl.
We good? Okay cool. So here’s the thing: I’ve seen a lot of people on here saying things like “If you didn’t like the books, you just don’t know how to have fun,” and “The new book haters are just mad that they aren’t the target audience anymore,” and (my personal favorite) “Nothing in the books has changed, only the readers have.”
And while I see your points, and I respect you, allow me to show you something. Because of the 10 picture limit, I am only going to focus on one specific change: Annabeth’s view of Percy.
WOTTG: Annabeth is surprised to be comforted by Percy
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Past Books: Percy is constantly comforting Annabeth
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WOTTG: Annabeth is shocked when Percy is smart
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Past Books: Annabeth often points out that Percy is intelligent
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WOTTG: Annabeth thinks Percy can’t do anything on his own, and Rick communicates that Annabeth is always saving his ass
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Past Books: Percy is ALWAYS watching her back, and saving her ass just as much (and Annabeth admits that)
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I could put a hundred quotes in here. I could go on and on and on. But I can’t, and I won’t.
My problem with this new book is NOT that it is more goofy than serious. My problem is NOT that little things have changed. My problem is NOT that it’s just for fun. My problem is NOT that it’s much more childish. (And by the way, I’ve read PJO and HOO as an adult, so it’s not like I was a child when I read everything else and am now an adult reading the new ones.) I really did like and enjoy many parts of this book.
My problem is that the characters (especially Annabeth) have flat out changed—in bad ways—and we have no choice but to accept it as canon. My problem is that Rick, while trying to merge his books with his new TV show project, is changing the entire personalities and past behaviors/ tendencies of the characters.
I loved Chalice of the Gods. You know why? It was fun, goofy, and showed the characters that we know and love being happy and adorable. I strongly dislike Wrath of the Triple Godess because the characters—no matter how adorable and happy they might be—are no longer the ones we know and love.
My problem is that Rick Riordan fully admitted that he no longer considers the old book characters when he writes the new books. He is now purposefully incorporating his own personal mixture of the book characters and tv characters and writing those versions instead. Because of his desire to change and transform the series, I doubt he’s even read the original PJO or HOO books in years, which is why everything is so inconsistent. The old book characters—the ones who made the series what it was—are gone. And that is not my opinion. Rick fully admits that he doesn’t imagine them when he writes anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the tv show actors. I adore Walker and Leah and Aryan with my whole heart, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. But the fact is: they will never be exactly like the book characters. It’s impossible for actors to become the words on a page. They’re their own unique version! And likewise, you cannot turn actors into print. It doesn’t work! And why would you try? The books versions were perfect as they were. And the disney kids need to make the characters their own. The two versions can exist side by side, equally as wonderful, and still be gloriously different. We should celebrate the uniqueness of both. But instead, Rick is attempting to merge them into one. And in my opinion, it’s just hurting them both. And I’m gonna get real brave by saying this, but do you want my honest prediction? If he keeps doing what he’s doing now, the TV show is going to get cancelled and the books are going to turn into a joke. I so, so badly hope that this doesn’t happen! I have loved Rick and PJO for many, many years. I badly want both to thrive. But what is going on right now… it is not working, no matter how much we all want it to. And speaking as someone who knows people in the TV/Film industry, I am sadly not the only one who thinks the show is gonna flop. Which is devastating, because Rick Riordan deserves a redemption on the big screen, and the incredible actors deserve to bring this series to life in a new way.
I am not trying to force my opinions onto anybody. You are welcome to disagree with me and move on. I am not saying that I’m right and you’re wrong. If you disagree, that’s okay. If you agree but you don’t have a problem with it, that’s okay. In fact if other people have literally no issues, that makes me somewhat happy. And if you loved the book, I’m honestly so stoked for you. Feel free to just keep on scrolling, my friend.
But me? I’m sad. I’m really, really freaking sad. And I’m a little angry too, even if I don’t have a right to be. I can’t help it because I’m only human. But this is how I—and a lot of other people—feel. And you know what? That’s okay too. Because the fact of the matter is:
Annabeth isn’t the same Annabeth anymore. And Percy isn’t the same Percy anymore. And it’s not because they went through trauma, or because time has passed. It’s because Rick Riordan doesn’t have any interest in writing those versions of them anymore. And I think the comparisons between the old and the new show that fact pretty clearly.
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your-spider-bro · 3 days
about robot hands and human bones
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Everybody has seen the picture, right? ↑ It's by AstroMonster312 from twitter btw
First I thought: "Why in the world does Sun have such hands..? Giant thumb and pinky, elongated bottom phalanges?". I thought it was an odd design decision.
Yesterday I wanted to draw DCA with a certain hand pose, made the pose with my own hand and went: "wait a minute... human hands are squishy"
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excellent job, Sherlock
Plenty things that we can do are tied to our thumbs that change their positions under the skin and are parts of our palms, all while the attendant has metal and plastic nonflexible palms.
Was he given biblically accurate human hand proportions, his fine motor skills wouldn't be so, ehm... fine.
He wouldn't be able to connect his thumb and pinky, barely would be able to connect ring finger and thumb.
Thumb movements in general would be very restricted and you know how much of a loss that would be.
Our hand looks like this:
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well, approximately
to keep fine motor skills (which are crucial for for someone who's assigned to daycare) designers did this:
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what exactly did they do?
Well, imagine your thumb was cut off (bottom segment that is a part of your palm included) and placed where it originally started (aka the second segment joint)
What does it give? It saves the opposed finger function (still think they could place some hinges inside his palm and it would work beautifully) as now the thumb has wider range of rotation
Made the pinky longer
Probably as a part of solving the inability to connect thumb with pinky problem. Or maybe they decided that short fingers are useless. Or accidentally made another ring fingers instead of pinkies and just installed them (I don't understand if they're the same length or pinkie is slightly shorter)
Made the top segments longer than ours (comparing by proportions. And for further when I say "bigger/shorter than humans' I mean the proportion). DCA's top segments are bigger than middle ones
For, uhm, reasons..?
Overall this makes an odd compromise between trying to keep the design human accurate and failing and making decisions that would just serve their function
More thoughts under the cut because the post is getting inexcusably long (and also a version of DCA hand but it's just broken human hand skeleton with a floating thumb, for it looks so dumb that it's even a bit funny)
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^ the broken hand
Funfact: our thumbs (with the bottom segment taken in account) are slightly longer than our middle fingers.
DCA's fingers came to the same ratio but they got there the hard way:
Thumb was made bigger than humans' and the tips of fingers were also made bigger as I've mentioned before and thus the ratio was achieved (huzzah)
↑ yet another attempt to stick to human image
edit: I lied, his thumbs are slightly shorter than middle fingers (alas)
While as I said the bottom phalange of thumb is a part of our palm, DCA still has the "original" shape of palm and the giant external thumb (this one actually makes sense, because it would be inconvenient if he had a concave)
He has smaller palm than we do.
the top tips of what would be metacarpal bones (the lowest long bones) are given for hinges. That makes the palm smaller.
Plus, with how his thumbs are generally bigger and his other fingers are made longer at tips (and pinkies made longer in everything), that makes his palm smaller too.
Also the bottom joint of our proximal phalanges (the base of fingers) is a part of our palm if you look at from inner side but attendant has them separately from palm (for obvious reasons - he wouldn't be able to move them under the casing)
I mentioned (on the picture) how the positions of fingers are a bit jambled for the attendant. Let me clarify more: the most inaccurate finger would be index one (since it's on the peak of the "ladder") and the most accurate are middle (except the tip needs to be a tiny bit longer but I've reached the border of my canvas), thumb and probably pinkie.
so the position of index finger is off but in otherwise the proportion more or less works for the attendant.
Yes, I might had edited it so it would be more ideal but I thought about it too late, plus my main focus was on the opposed finger problem
The conclusion? Yeah, they have solved the problem with hand movement. Given that the hinges, I assume, rotate at all angles, attendants have more than fine motor skills.
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corroded-hellfire · 3 days
Could we perhaps get a blurb/chapter of when Eliza was born - maybe Eddie thinking back that this is so different than how Brittany was, when Y/N got into labor, where they were and how they reacted?
+ could you write about Eliza being born? I would love to see their reactions and eddie helping reader out plss
+ Please, let us in on the labor with Eddie and Reader from "As you wish". Did Y/N curse Eddie out, threatening to kick his ass or did Eddie do a prince Harry (God I hope not) and use all the gas?
I thought this would be a good chance to tell the story of two births of two very important Munsons, ten years apart 💕
Warnings: childbirth and all that comes with it, Brittany, not a warning but the italic sections are flashbacks/in the past
Words: 7.5k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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The blaring wail of Eddie’s alarm clock wakes you up from your night of fitful sleep. It’s hard to remember the last time you had a full peaceful eight hours. The soreness in your lower back and the increasing pressure in your pelvis have been your loyal companions for the past few weeks, determined on not letting you have a moment of comfort. 
Next to you, Eddie smacks his hand against the clock. The whining stops and the bed shifts as Eddie rolls over and presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Morning, gorgeous.”
Your answering groan makes your husband let out a soft chuckle as he pushes himself up into a seated position. Figuring it’ll be better to get up than continue to lay there so uncomfortably, you roll onto your side and shove yourself up until you’re sitting. A look down at your feet reveals that your ankles are swollen. Again.
“Know what today is?” Eddie asks as he opens his underwear drawer. 
“Uh huh,” you hum. The mattress springs squeak as you stand up. 
“Think she’ll make her grand entrance today?” he asks.
“Doubt it,” you say through a yawn. “Babies are never born on their due date.”
Eddie strips off his shirt and comes around the bed to give you a proper good morning kiss. 
“How you feeling, baby?”
“Peachy,” you grunt. “Gonna go get the boys up.”
Luckily, neither Ryan nor Luke gives you any trouble waking up or getting ready for school. They know how you’ve been feeling lately and have been great about helping you out when they can. 
“Bye!” Ryan says as he slips his backpack on. 
“Have a good day,” Eddie says, ruffling both boys’ hair.
You press a kiss to the top of their heads and Luke rubs a hand across your swollen belly. 
“Be good in there, Eliza!”
A smile grows on your face at his words. They head out the door to the bus stop, Ryan giving you one last wave before you close the door.
“Alright, I’m gonna head out,” Eddie says. He walks over and cups your face in his warm hands. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“I will,” you assure him. 
He nods and presses a sweet kiss against your lips. 
“Relax and get some rest.”
“Okay.” You give him another kiss in return. “Have a good day at work.”
“Love you, baby.”
“I love you, too.”
Not even two minutes after Eddie walks out the door, you plop down in front of the television with the remote. The only thing on at this time of day are soap operas, which have started to become an addiction of yours since there’s nothing else for you to do. 
Fortunately, one of today’s plotlines is so boring and you predicted the identical twin brother twist a week ago, so you manage to fall asleep. It’s only a cat nap, but you’ll take anything you can get these days. 
A different kind of discomfort awakens you this time. Your stomach growls so loudly it feels like it rattles the windows. You rally the strength to get up from the couch, and with a little help from the arms and back of it, you’re standing. 
An infomercial for some Chuck Norris Total Gym blathers on as background noise as you walk–or more like waddle–into the kitchen. A peanut butter and banana sandwich has been a go-to for you during this pregnancy—after Luke happily introduced it to you one day over the summer. There’s something about the rich nuttiness and the sweetness of the fruit together between two pieces of bread that makes Eliza very happy in your womb. 
Once you’ve got peanut butter spread on both slices of bread, you move to grab a banana from the fruit bowl. The moment your hand touches the yellow peel, you feel a twinge of pain shoot from your lower back, through your tummy, and down into your pelvis. Your hand braces you against the counter as you breathe through the pain. 
What the hell was that? You think to yourself. That fucking hurt.
You take a deep breath and grab the banana. As you turn back to your sandwich and peel open the piece of fruit, it hits you.
Were those…contractions? No, you tell yourself, shaking your head. It had to be something else.
“No one ever actually has their baby on the due date,” you say into the quiet kitchen. “Maybe I have to pee again. I swear, this little girl thinks my bladder is a trampoline.”
Once you’re finished up in the bathroom, you head back to finish making your sandwich. But the minute you pick up the butter knife, another stab of pain attacks.
“Oh boy,” you say, one hand dropping the knife and going to your lower back, while the other rests on your bump. “You’re ready to come out, aren’t you? You heard that doctor say ‘October 7th’ and you made a note on a calendar, huh?”
The mental image of the baby in your belly marking the date off on a calendar makes you smile as you waddle over to the phone hanging on the wall. The line rings twice before someone picks up.
“Scott’s Auto Body, this is Mark speaking. How can I help you?”
“Hi, Mark.” You breathe through another twinge of pain. “Is Eddie there?”
“Yeah, let me go grab him for you,” Mark says.
It feels like an eternity as you hear the phone being put down, shuffling noises in the background, then low murmuring voices, until finally the phone is being moved again and you finally hear your husband’s voice.
“Hey,” you say. “I, um, think I’m having contractions.”
“You are?”
It’s hard to tell if that’s excitement or urgency in his voice. Probably both.
“Yeah, the first one I just waved off as a fluke. But they’ve happened a couple of times now.”
“Alright, I’m on my way home, princess,” Eddie says, and you can already hear him moving around, starting the process. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you assure him. “They’re quick and not too close together yet. I’ll start counting when I feel the next one.”
“Good.” The sound of his keys jingling comes through the phone. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I love you.” 
A hint of giddiness is already creeping into his tone. He’s wanted a baby girl for so long, and she’s finally ready to make her appearance. You make a mental note to think of Eddie’s excitement anytime a contraction overwhelms you. Of course, you have your own excitement, and lots of it, but seeing Eddie be so truly happy is one thing that could get you through all the pain in the world. 
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Eddie unsheathes his sword as the azure dragon flies overhead. Too far for him to even reach if he threw his sword. The blood red skies cast a purple shadow on the giant winged creature. But Eddie’s almost there. He can see the tower in the distance, normally not a rough journey, but there’s bound to be something guarding the locked-away maiden.
As he gets closer, Eddie sees that it’s a female Cloud Giant tasked with keeping people like him away. Only the most noble who dare to help the poor young thing locked away. 
Eddie picks up speed, his sword at the ready as he approaches the giant, then—bam! Something lands against Eddie’s cheek. He looks up, seeing if the dragon perhaps swooped down to swipe the knight with his tail. But the skies are clear. So, Eddie continues forward. Bam! What the hell is—
Eddie is jolted back into consciousness by his own pillow smacking his face. 
“What the…” Eddie grumbles in a scratchy, sleepy voice. “What’s going on?
He rubs his bleary eyes and sees that Brittany is sitting on the edge of the bed, her back to him.
Eddie stumbles to his feet and clicks on his bedside lamp before walking around the bed to check on his wife. The first thing he notices is that the crotch of her nightgown and the sheets below her are wet. 
Wow, this baby must really be messing with her bladder if—wait. 
“Your water broke?” Eddie's voice suddenly has no trace of sleepiness in it. 
Brittany isn’t looking at him. Instead, she looks down at her hands resting on her large bump. 
“Come on, let’s get you changed,” Eddie says, gently slipping his hand beneath one of her arms so he can help her up. 
Brittany groans once she’s on her feet and Eddie hurriedly turns towards their dresser and digs for something she can change into.
“Contractions?” Eddie asks as he grabs a pair of sweatpants.
“It’s okay,” he assures her. 
Eddie quickly helps Brittany into her clothes and grabs her already prepared overnight bag from the closet. He slowly leads his wife into the living room so she can rest on the couch while he grabs Ryan. 
The twenty-two-month-old is sleeping soundly in his crib. Eddie hates to disturb him, but the ball is already in motion. 
“Wha?” Ryan croaks as Eddie scoops him up and holds him against his chest.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” he tells his son. “Go back to sleep.”
Ryan thunks his head down on Eddie’s shoulder and immediately begins lightly snoring. 
The soft whistle in his ear makes Eddie smile as he steps into the kitchen to use the nearest phone. He quickly dials a number he knows by heart and waits for someone to pick up at the plant.
“Yeah, hi, is Wayne there? Yeah, Munson,” Eddie says into the receiver. He hikes Ryan up a little higher on his chest while he waits for the phone to get passed.
Eddie’s never been happier to hear that gruff voice.
“Hey! It’s, uh, me. So, Brittany’s water broke and Ryan needs—”
“I’ll punch out right now and meet ya at the trailer.”
God, Eddie loves his uncle. 
“Okay, see you there.”
Eddie heads back into the living room and helps Brittany up with one hand while the other keeps a good hold on Ryan. Somehow, Eddie manages to get them both in the car, all buckled and ready to go. 
“Whew.” Eddie takes a deep breath in the driver’s seat. He takes one more before he starts the car. “Here we go.”
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The moment Eddie walks through the front door, he makes sure you’re sitting down and comfortable. Sitting down? Yes. Comfortable? Not so much. 
But you’re content with your peanut butter and banana sandwich as your husband presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“Nine minutes apart,” you inform him through a mouthful of peanut butter. 
Eddie chuckles at the muffled words.
“Okay. I’m gonna get changed, then call Wayne so he can be here for when the boys get home.”
You nod and take another bite of your sandwich. 
Eddie comes back just as another contraction is starting. You set your plate down on the couch to your right and Eddie takes a seat on the other side of you. One of your hands braces you against the cushion you’re sitting on, and Eddie slips his hand into your free one. 
“Just squeeze my hand, okay? And breathe.”
The pulsating wracks your body as you focus on taking in a large lungful of air. You hold it for a few seconds, counting time by the number of gentle squeezes you give Eddie’s hand, then let it out. 
“Ugh,” you groan when the pain releases you. You flop back on the couch, tipping your chin up as you try and catch your breath. “That was the longest one so far.”
“We’ll start timing that too,” Eddie says. 
He presses a kiss to your cheek before pressing a few to the back of your hands. His hands stall when you let out a deep sigh.
“Do you not want me to be touching you? What do you need?” There’s a shake in his voice that angers you, because you know exactly why and who made him unsure of how to comfort a woman in labor.
“Yes, I want you to touch me,” you say, grabbing his hand in both of yours. “Your touch calms me.”
It doesn’t escape your notice that his shoulders sag in relief before he wraps an arm around your shoulders. 
“Just let me know what you want me to do,” he says.
“This,” you reply, leaning into his arms. Your eyes slip closed as you snuggle up to the warmth of his body. “Want you.”
“I’m not leaving your side, princess,” he assures you. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
You nod against his neck and Eddie swipes up the remote. He flips through the channels, but it’s the middle of a Tuesday, so there’s not a whole lot on.
“I can grab a tape or a DVD?” your husband offers.
You shake your head, holding onto him even tighter.
“Don’t want you to move. Whatever you find is fine.”
“Alright, well…I guess we’ll watch The Scarlet Pimpernel.”
Eddie feels your chuckle rumble against his chest.
“That’s fine,” you say.
It’s only seconds before another contraction starts, and Eddie can tell by the way your fingertips dig into him. This one lasts about as long as the previous one, and you’re able to get semi-comfortable against your husband again.
The house is quiet, the two of you on the couch, watching a movie that neither of you have any real interest in. The low volume only makes the loud pop that echoes through the room even more pronounced. 
“My water just…”
“Yes, it did.”
A heavy pause hangs in the air as the two of you stare at one another. It’s obvious you have to get up and get going now, but the realization that this is really happening is sinking in for you both. 
“Holy shit,” you breathe out in a whisper.
This breaks Eddie out of his trance. He starts to laugh and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Here we go, sweetheart.”
He helps you up off the couch and into your room so you can change clothes. With your husband's help, you slip into a dry pair of sweatpants, an oversized Ghostbusters t-shirt Luke got you when you complained that there were no comfy maternity shirts, and one of Eddie’s hoodies on top of it—even though you can’t zip it up. Your old college backpack has been filled with supplies for weeks, all in preparation for this moment. Eddie slides onto one of his shoulders and walks with you to the front door.
Just as the two of you step into the living room, the door opens. Wayne steps inside and it takes four seconds for his eyes to go from you to Eddie, to the bag hanging on his shoulder, then back to you.
“Thank God you’re here,” you sigh in relief. 
If for some reason he hadn’t arrived here before the boys got home, you knew they’d be okay for a while, but you’ll be able to relax more knowing that their grandpa is here with them. 
“Heading out to the hospital?” Wayne asks.
“Yeah,” Eddie answers with a nod. “Her water broke.”
A smile graces the older man’s features, and it softens him.
“You got this, darlin’,” he says as he opens the front door wide enough for you and Eddie to get through.
You shoot him a grateful smile as you step outside.
“We’ll call when we have any update,” Eddie tells his uncle.
Wayne just nods and pats Eddie on the back as he passes. The two of you walk to your car together and Wayne watches from the entryway, not wanting to go inside yet in case he can help in any way. 
Once you’re securely in the car, Eddie waves to Wayne before slipping into the driver’s seat. As he adjusts the rearview mirror, his eyes catch on the car seat that’s been installed for the past two weeks. It brings a smile to his face as he starts the engine.
“Let’s have us a baby,” Eddie says as he shifts the car into reverse. 
As soon as you arrive at the hospital, it’s very quick work when Eddie alerts them you’re in labor. You’re brought right to a room and hooked up to lines and so many wires you’re not even sure what they’re all for. 
Your doctor shows up not too long after you’re settled into your bed and says you’re not quite ready to push yet. Your contractions are getting closer together, but they’re not quite at the active labor phase yet. 
Now after being hurried up to this room and all set up to go, there’s nothing to do. The flurry of activity kept your mind off the pain that was creeping up in intensity each time it snuck up on you. But now that there’s nothing to occupy your mind, it feels like it’s all that fills your head.
“Do you want some pain meds, baby?” Eddie asks, slipping his hand into yours.
He must’ve noticed the way you were gritting your teeth hard enough to wear them down to nubs. 
“I can have some?” you ask.
“Sure, sweetheart. Let me go get the nurse.”
Eddie is right and the nurse is able to administer some medicine that allows you to relax a little. It takes enough of the edge off that you’re able to focus on and appreciate Eddie’s attempts to distract you from the pain and boredom. 
Your husband had prepared ahead of time and had slipped his battered and well-loved copy of The Two Towers into your overnight bag. He now brings the story to life for you, reading with such passion, and doing different funny voices for the different characters.
“‘Beren now, he never thought he was going to get that Silmaril from the Iron Crown in Thangorodrim, and yet he did, and that was a worse place and a blacker danger than ours,’” Eddie reads to you. “‘But that’s a long tale, of course, and goes on past the happiness and into grief and beyond it – and the Silmaril went on and came to Eärendil. And why, sir, I never thought of that before! We’ve got – you’ve got some of the light of it in that star-glass that the Lady gave you! Why, to think of it, we’re in the same tale still! It’s going on. Don’t the great tales never end?’ ‘No, they never end as tales,’ said Frodo. ‘But the people in them come, and go when their part’s ended. Our part will end later – or sooner.’” 
Then it’s time for the doctor to check how dilated you are and the timing of your contractions. It’s still not time, she tells you with a sympathetic smile before heading out to attend to other patients. 
Now, Eddie finds a pile of old magazines and newspapers strewn about a small table in the corner. He picks up an outdated print of the Washington Post at random, sits in the chair he’s positioned near your head, and begins to read a news article in an over-the-top news anchor voice.
“The first musical number epitomized the kind of commercialized outrageousness that MTV has perfected in recent years. It featured Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, decked out in white wedding ensembles in a homage to Madonna, who famously wore a wedding dress on MTV's first Video Music Awards broadcast in 1984, when she performed ‘Like a Virgin.’ Madonna appeared dressed as a groom, and the number, which also briefly featured Missy Elliott, provided the evening's first gyrating rumps, as well as a truly yechy moment: The sight of oversexed old Madonna tongue-kissing oversexed young Spears. It didn't seem outrageous or sultry; it smacked of desperation.”
“Such outrage,” you joke with a shake of your head. 
“Kids today,” Eddie says with an over dramatic sigh. “All their music is just noise.”
You giggle and reach for his hand. He gladly takes it and laces his fingers with yours.
“How are you feeling, princess?”
“I’m good,” you tell him, giving his hand a squeeze. “My wonderful, loving husband is doing a great job of keeping me entertained.”
A smile that can only be described as adoring grows on Eddie’s face. He leans forward and presses kisses to your knuckles.
“Anything for you.”
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By the time the hospital staff gets Brittany up to her room and hooked up to all the equipment, the doctor says it’s not long before she can start pushing. Which also means that there’s no time to give her any drugs—no matter how much she begs. 
“Ugh! This sucks,” Brittany complains once it’s just her and Eddie in the room. 
“I know,” Eddie says. 
“Do you?” she snaps back.
“I mean, I…” Eddie stutters over his words. “I was there when Ryan was born. I know the pain you were in then.”
“At least they were able to give me something for pain then. Now I can’t even get a fucking Tylenol.” 
“Do you want to talk about something to keep your mind off it?” Eddie offers. He scoots his chair up to the edge of the bed and rests a hand on Brittany’s blanket-covered thigh. 
“Fine,” the blonde grunts out. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Um…what about middle names? We haven’t decided yet.”
“Didn’t we?” Brittany sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“No,” Eddie replies. “Just first names. Luke for boy, Lucy for girl.” 
“Fine. So, Ryan’s middle name is after your uncle because you just had to do that,” Brittany rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders. “What about from my family?”
“What names do you like?” Eddie says between clenched teeth. She's having my baby, she’s having my baby, she’s having my baby, he reminds himself over and over again. 
“Anatoly,” Brittany says. “For a boy.”
“Luke Anatoly Munson.” Eddie wrinkles his nose at how the name sounds out loud. “I don’t think that goes.”
“Fine.” Brittany’s silent for a moment as she considers other names. “Andrei?”
Eddie internally sighs. He’s always thought it was cool that much of Brittany’s family emigrated from Russia, but the land’s native names don’t flow well with “Luke Munson.” 
“Aleksandr,” Brittany suggests, pulling Eddie out of his own head. 
Eddie leans back in his chair, letting the name roll around his brain. It's a good one, he thinks. But…
“Should we use the American spelling?” Eddie asks.
“Why, so he can be named after your dad?” Brittany bites out.
The room is silent as Eddie furrows his brow. He shakes his head in confusion as a nurse steps in to check on the monitors Brittany is hooked up to. 
“That’s not…Britt, that isn’t my dad’s name.”
“What?” Brittany stares at her husband as if he has three heads. “Of course it is.”
“People called him ‘Al’, yeah,” Eddie starts. “But his full name is Alan. Not Alexander.” 
“Oh.” Brittany waves a hand dismissively as if not knowing her husband’s dad’s name after years together is nothing—a common mistake, even. 
Eddie shakes his head, shoving the irritation to the back of his mind for the time being. There will be plenty of time later to be annoyed by Brittany’s ignorance and apathy. After the baby is born.
The tension grows in his neck, so Eddie rolls his shoulders and leans back in his chair.
“So, Luke Alexander Munson for a boy?” Eddie checks.
“Sure,” Brittany says as another contraction washes over her. The way her eyes squeeze shut so tightly and her teeth clench with a vengeance pangs Eddie’s heart. 
“And for a girl,” Brittany grits out, obviously trying to talk through the pain in an attempt to ignore it, “Lucy Alexandra Munson.”
“That’s pretty.”
Eddie goes to take his wife’s hand as her body relaxes from the fading contraction. But Brittany snatches her hand back.
“Please, just don’t…touch me.”
“Okay. Sorry.”
Eddie barely has time to feel the sting of rejection before the doctor is back in the room to check on Brittany’s progress. 
“Good news,” the doctor announces. “You’re dilated enough. It’s time to start pushing.” 
“Oh boy,” Brittany mutters, trying to garner strength from her exhausted body. 
The room is a flurry of activity as nurses prepare everything the doctor might need. 
Eddie stands and goes to reach for his wife’s hand before remembering she doesn’t want to be touched. But as another contraction wracks her body, Brittany reaches up and grabs his hand. It brings a small smile to Eddie’s lips, despite how hard she’s gripping it because of her pain. 
“Alright, Brittany,” the doctor says as he gets into position at the end of the bed, “we’re going to try pushing now.”
“We?” Brittany barks out in a strained and breathless laugh. 
“Well, mostly you,” the doctor teases as a nurse goes to stand on Brittany’s other side, opposite of Eddie. 
“Alright, honey,” the nurse says, putting one hand on Brittany’s shoulder. “Push when the doctor counts to three.”
“One, two…”
He doesn’t even get to three before Brittany starts squeezing the life out of Eddie’s hand. Eddie just clenches his teeth and takes it though, willing to soak up any pain that he can from his wife. 
“Jesus, fuck!” Brittany shouts through her pushing. Her face is already sweaty, matting hair to her forehead. Eddie’s quick to brush it away with his free hand.
“You’re doing so good, Britt,” Eddie encourages. “You’ve got this.”
Brittany nods, either in acknowledgment of his words or just because she wants him to shut up. 
“Almost there, Mrs. Munson,” the doctor says.
Eddie’s eyes widen in surprise. When Ryan was born, they were at it for a while before he decided to make his grand entrance into the world. People had told him that second babies tend to come out quicker, but Eddie didn’t know this one was practically banging down the door to get out. 
“This one’s got some mettle,” Eddie says. 
“Just like Dad,” Brittany grits out and it takes Eddie a second to get her joke. 
Mettle, metal? He got it. 
Eddie huffs a laugh, honestly impressed by her ability to come up with a joke while she’s trying to pass a human being through her body. 
“Okay, now just one more biiig push,” the doctor says. 
“Come on, hun,” Eddie cheers, bracing his hand against Brittany’s as she channels everything in her to push. 
“Almost there, almost there…” the doctor repeats. 
Suddenly the shrill sound of an infant wailing fills the small room. It’s the most beautiful sound Eddie has ever heard. 
“It’s a boy,” the doctor announces, holding the newborn up enough for the parents to see. 
Brittany drops Eddie’s hand out of pure exhaustion, but there’s a smile on her face as she drops back against the pillows. The baby is handed to a nurse for initial cleanup. 
“I’m so proud of you,” Eddie says softly to Brittany. 
She tilts her head up and gives him a sleepy smile. 
The softness in her gaze has Eddie leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. Surprisingly, she kisses him back. 
“Would you like to cut the cord, Dad?” the doctor asks.
“Yes,” Eddie responds before the doctor can even finish the question.
He walks down to the foot of the bed and takes the pair of scissors to the umbilical cord, snipping it in two. Eddie hands the scissors back blindly, as his eyes never leave his newborn son. No detail escapes his notice as he watches a nurse gently take him and lay him on Brittany’s chest. 
“Oh, hi,” Brittany says, one hand covering the entirety of his little back. 
Eddie comes back up to the head of the bed and beams down at his wife and baby. Brittany glances up at him, then back down. 
“Look at this beautiful boy,” Eddie coos. 
Brittany chuckles and Eddie leans down to kiss her head, then the newborn’s.
“Beautiful little Luke,” Brittany says. 
A nurse takes him back to fully clean him up and swaddle him in a soft white blanket. 
“You want to hold him?” the nurse asks Eddie.
“Yes.” Eddie nods emphatically and holds out his arms. 
The moment the gentle weight lands in his arms, Eddie’s eyes fill with tears. 
“Hi, my boy.”
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“To place a call outside of the hospital, please press nine.”
Eddie does as the automated voice tells him and leans back in his chair. You let your head loll to the side, the scratchy pillow brushing against your cheek as you watch your husband. This brief respite from contractions allows you to smile when you hear the echo of Ryan’s voice come from the phone.
“Hey, you,” Eddie says, grinning as well. “How was school?”
“Good! Isthebabyhereyet?” 
His eagerness makes Eddie chuckle. 
“No, no baby yet. Just figured I’d check in with you guys.”
“What he say?!” Luke shouts in the background. 
“No baby!” Ryan tells him. 
The phone shuffles back and forth before Luke says, “Just share it!”
“Uh, you both there?” Eddie asks. 
“Yeah!” they say at the same time. 
“Did you ask—”
“Not yet, I—”
Eddie tilts his head to the side as they bicker. He somehow deciphers that they want to talk to you.
“You can talk to her if you hush up and behave.”
Both boys fall silent at that. There’s a small pause before Ryan says, “Okay.”
“Good.” Eddie nods and hands the phone over to you.
“Hi!” two young voices call at the same time. 
“How do you feel?” Ryan asks.
As if his question summoned it, a contraction rears its ugly head. Your forehead furrows as you try to ignore it and focus on the conversation with the boys.
“I’m doing okay.”
“Do you hurt?” Luke asks. 
Your free hand bangs against the bed rail in an attempt to keep from shouting in pain. Eddie sits up straighter in his chair, concern filling his eyes. He motions to the phone, silently asking if you want him to take it back. 
“Little bit,” you grit out to answer Luke while shaking your head to answer Eddie. 
“Did they give you any medicine?” Ryan asks.
“Yeah, a while ago. So, uh, what did you guys do at school today?”
“Nothing really,” Luke says. “Oh, you and Dad have to come down to the school and get the meat thermometer.”
“The what?” you ask. 
“The meat thermometer.”
“Luke, what are you talking about?”
Eddie looks at you, questioningly, and you shrug your shoulders. 
“Me and my friend Kevin wanted to test the temperature of the cafeteria hot dogs, so I brought the meat thermometer. But then we got caught and the lunch lady took it. So now you need to get it.”
“You did what?” You hear Wayne’s muffled shout. 
“We wanted to make sure it was safe!” Luke defends. 
The contraction finally releases you and you’re able to relax as much as you can in the lumpy hospital bed. 
“What about you, Ry?” you ask.
“I didn’t care how hot the meat was,” he says, completely serious.
You laugh and it helps your body wash away that lingering whisper of pain.
“No,” you say. “What did you do at school today?”
“We have to write papers for history class, and we started today.”
“Oh yeah? What’s the paper on?” you ask, trying to think of anything except the next contraction. 
“Everyone got assigned some kind of job we have to study. I got dentist.”
“And what did you learn today?” As much as Luke’s shenanigans can keep you entertained, they can also stress you out. But Ryan loves to go into detail about what he’s working on at school and this shall hopefully provide you with a relaxing distraction. 
“Uhh…” Ryan hums as he thinks. “The first dental school in America was founded by Horace H. Hayden and Chaplin A. Harris.”
“When?” you press.
“1840. In Maryland, in case you were gonna ask!”
It’s impossible not to smile at how well the boy knows you.
“Good job, Ry,” you tell him. “I’m proud of you.”
The beginnings of a new contraction appear, and your fingers tighten around the phone receiver. You spy your doctor out in the hallway and use it as an excuse.
“Alright, boys,” you start, “my doctor is coming so I gotta go, okay? Daddy will call when there’s an update.”
“Okay,” Ryan says.
“Love you!” Luke adds.
“I love you both, too. 
Eddie hangs up the phone for you just as your doctor actually does walk into your room. 
“How are we feeling Mrs. Munson?” she asks you. 
You’ve been “Mrs. Munson” for eight months now but it still gives you butterflies every time you hear it.
“Contraction-y,” you tell Dr. Hahn. 
She chuckles and nods her head in understanding. 
“That makes sense, you know, with the contractions and all.” She tugs two medical gloves out of the box marked “medium”. “Alright, I’m just gonna check how your dilation is going.”
As you lay back to let the doctor do her thing, Eddie leans forward and raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Should I be concerned about whatever it is that Luke did now?” he asks. 
“I think it’s okay,” you say with a chuckle. “Apparently, you just have to go to school to pick up a meat thermometer he brought to check the temperature of the school hot dogs.”
Eddie stares at you, his face almost as blank and emotionless as you’ve ever seen it. You can practically see his brain attempting to digest this information, but it thinks it’s reading the data incorrectly. 
“He what?” Eddie finally asks.
Luckily, Dr. Hahn saves you from admitting you have no idea what goes on in the mind of Luke Munson. 
“Well, Mrs. Munson,” Dr. Hahn says, “the time has arrived. You’re fully dilated now; time to start pushing.”
You’ve known all along that you’d have to do this—hell, you’ve known it for about eight months now—but the reality of actually pushing a person out of your body is sobering. How did this moment finally arrive? Weren’t you and Eddie just sitting on the bathroom floor, waiting for the results of the pregnancy test? And now you’re supposed to start pushing? You feel as if you’ve had no time to prepare. Prepare for this labor, prepare for taking the baby home, prepare to be a fully-fledged mom to a newborn. 
A moment of serenity washes over you as your mind reminds you of one important factor, though: this is your and Eddie’s baby. You are bringing a child into this world that is half you and half the man you love. A baby who is the product of the love that you both easily fell into and fought like hell to make work. Suddenly, labor doesn’t seem so bad. It may hurt, but to you it is a privilege and honor to bring this little girl, and everything she stands for, into the world. 
“You alright, sweetheart?” Eddie asks. 
“Yeah,” you assure him with a small smile. “I’m ready to meet our baby.”
The infectious grin that spreads on Eddie’s face warms your heart and gives you a boost of strength to get this show on the road.
Eddie stands up as Dr. Hahn gets everything situated. He slips his hand into yours and leans down to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“I’m right here with you, princess,” he says softly. “You’re the strongest woman—no, person I know.”
His words have your eyes filling with tears and the hormones certainly aren’t helping. 
“I love you so much, Eddie.”
“I love you, too.”
“Oh, here comes another contraction,” Dr. Hahn says, looking at the monitors that you’re hooked up to. “We’re gonna try pushing on this one, Mrs. Munson, okay?”
The wobble in your voice is clear. Eddie presses a kiss to the back of your hand. Just as his lips brush your skin, you feel the now-familiar pressure that precedes a contraction. 
“Oof,” you groan as the intensity increases.
“Alright, now…push,” Dr. Hahn instructs. 
You take the deepest breath that your pain will allow, grit your teeth, and clutch your husband’s hand as you begin to push.
“Great job, Mrs. Munson,” Dr. Hahn praises. “Keep it going.”
And it does keep going. And going. And going. 
But fifty-three minutes later, you hear the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard in your life. 
Shrill, high-pitched wails fill the room, and you immediately begin sobbing. 
“Here she is,” Dr. Hahn says, holding her at an angle you can see. “Congratulations, Mom and Dad.”
Even covered in vernix and blood, your new daughter is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. A nurse places her on your chest, and the moment you feel that skin-to-skin contact with her, you’re done for. She already has you wrapped around her little finger.
The newborn continues her cries, escalating to a new pitch every time she gets another lungful of air. It’s as if she’s a royal, informing all her subjects of her many woes. 
Eddie leans in and kisses your lips, the tears on your face mingling with the ones on his. When your husband pulls back to stare at his baby girl, his face is filled with awe and adoration. 
“She’s here,” he whispers to no one in particular. 
“Do you want to cut the cord, Mr. Munson?” Dr. Hahn asks.
Eddie reaches for the scissors a nurse is holding out to him and he has them in his hand before you could say “Ryan and Luke’s new baby sister.”
This is Eddie’s third time doing this, so he knows right where to line the scissors up even before Dr. Hahn instructs him. Eddie severs the cord and a nurse takes the baby so she can have a proper cleaning. 
Neither your nor Eddie’s eyes leave the newborn as she’s swaddled up in a nice warm blanket.
“Do we have a name yet?” The nurse asks as she slides a pink hat onto the tiny baby’s head.
“Eliza,” you say proudly. Tears fill your eyes at the sound of her name out loud. Out loud now that she’s here. This precious little bean that’s been growing inside of you for so long is finally here, a real little person you get to hold and love on. 
“Eliza Marie Munson,” Eddie says, the same emotions that you’re going through reflecting in his voice. 
“Well, Dad,” the nurse says as she picks up Eliza and turns towards Eddie. “Would you like to hold your baby girl Eliza?”
Your husband nods emphatically, reminding you of Luke when he’s asked if he wants to go to the toy store. The nurse gently transfers Eliza to her father’s arms, and you watch as his face morphs as he holds his daughter for the first time.
“H-Hi, Eliza.” Eddie sniffs and clears his throat, trying to shove the tears away. “I can’t believe you’re finally here. I can’t believe that I actually have a daughter.” Slowly, Eddie leans in to press his lips to her soft, smooth forehead. Eliza coos and her face scrunches up adorably. “You wanna know something, Eliza? You have the best mommy in the world. And now I have the two most perfect girls in the world.”
Eddie looks up at you with a gentle smile. Tears are falling down your cheeks so rapidly that it feels like you’re playing whack-a-mole as you try to wipe them all away. 
Your husband stands next to the bed and nods at you, signaling for you to ready your arms for the baby. You gladly accept the warm little bundle, and more tears begin to cascade as you gaze down at her gorgeous little face. 
“Hi, baby girl. I’m your mommy.” Saying the words aloud sounds odd to your ears. Sure, you’ve basically been a mother to Luke and Ryan for years now, but you never introduced yourself to them as “mommy.” But that’s what you are, from Eliza’s first breath, you’re her mom for her entire life. 
“You okay?” Eddie asks. He reaches down and rubs a warm hand against your shoulder.
“I’m wonderful,” you say. “It’s weird, though. Having Eliza from this very first moment of her life, I now wish even more that I could’ve known the boys as soon as they came into the world.”
Eddie lets out a soft chuckle and places a kiss to the top of your head.
“Trust me, princess. This has been the least dramatic and stressful of all the kids’ births.”
You chuckle as well, and the sound seems to tickle Eliza. Her tiny head moves from side to side slowly, as if she’s shaking her head no in slow motion.
“I can’t wait for them to meet her,” you say.
“Guess I need to make a phone call home.”
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The door to the hospital room clearly needs some oil as it squeaks open. Wayne steps inside, a curious Ryan in his arms. The almost-two-year-old gazes around the room with wide eyes, taking in all the unfamiliar equipment.
“Hey, you!” Eddie says as he takes the little boy from his uncle. “Did you have a good day with Grandpa?”
“Yep,” Ryan says, still taking in his new surroundings. “Play catch.”
“You played catch?” Eddie asks, his pitch rising in that faux excitement adults use when talking to young children.
“Uh huh!”
“That sounds like fun. Guess what?”
“You’re a big brother now,” Eddie tells him. 
“Baby?” Ryan asks.
“Yes! Mommy had the baby. Do you want to meet him?”
Ryan nods enthusiastically, trying to look around his dad’s head to catch a glimpse of his mother. She comes into view as Eddie turns and walks towards the hospital bed, where Brittany is cradling a sleeping Luke. 
Eddie gently sets his older son down on the bed next to his mom.
“Hi, Ryan,” Brittany says softly. “Come here, look at the baby.”
Cautiously, Ryan shuffles forward and peers at the blanket-wrapped bundle.
“This is your little brother, Ry,” Eddie says. “You guys are going to be best friends.” 
“Do you want to hold him, Wayne?” Brittany asks, fighting back a yawn.
Brittany carefully hands him over, and Wayne looks down at his new grandson in absolute wonder.
“Well, aren’t you the sweetest baby?” Wayne says to Luke.
As the older man cradles the baby, Ryan stands up and taps his dad’s arm. Eddie hums in question and raises his eyebrows at the toddler.
“Up, up,” Ryan says, holding his arms up.
It melts Eddie’s heart that Ryan wants to be held up next to his new brother. The room is quiet, save for the echoes of hospital sounds drifting in. 
Luke starts to squirm, unable to move much in his swaddled state. 
“Britt?” Eddie looks over his shoulder at his wife. “Do you have the pacifier?”
“Oh, yeah.” The blue pacifier that Luke has already shown an affinity for is on the bedside table, and Brittany hands it to her husband, who pops it into the baby’s mouth. Immediately, Luke calms back down, sucking furiously as he slips back into sleep.
Ryan leans over as far as he can in his dad’s arms, peering down at his brother in awe.
“My baby,” Ryan declares.
The adults in the room chuckle. 
“Can you say hi to Luke, Ryan?” Eddie asks, rubbing his hand up and down the elder boy’s back.
Ryan grins, his adorable baby teeth on display. He’s mesmerized by the new family member, and it fills Eddie with a warmth he’s never felt before. Ryan tries to lean over even more, wanting to be as close as possible.
“Hi, Luke!”
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The comfortable quiet in the hospital room cocoons you, your husband, and your daughter as you all lounge in the bed. Your head rests on Eddie’s shoulder while Eliza sleeps soundly in his arms. Both of you are just staring at her, already completely wrapped around her little finger.
“She’s so beautiful,” you whisper. 
“Just like her mom,” Eddie replies, just as quiet. 
“Her mom needs a shower,” you say. “Badly. I feel all gross after getting all sweaty.”
“You still looked gorgeous, even giving birth.” Eddie turns his head and presses a kiss to your hair. 
The slight movement causes Eliza to fuss, wiggling like a little worm in her father’s grip. Her whines hurt your heart.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Eddie coos. He lays his head against yours.
Eddie begins to hum, and you quickly recognize the song as Sweet Child O’ Mine. All it takes is a minute of her dad’s soothing tone to lull the baby girl right back to sleep.
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itneverendshere · 2 days
Bartender!reader reacting to rafes buzz cut for the first time.
made it extra fluffy and flirty bc i've been writing too much angst 😭thank you for the request, hope you like it💗
it's buzzcut season anyway - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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You were in the middle of counting your tips when the door creaked open again. You didn’t even look up this time. The lunch rush had finally slowed, and you were way too focused on making sure some old man’s cash hadn’t gotten stuck together. 
Your break started in two minutes. Your plan? Grab something to eat with Rafe and maybe—if you were lucky—convince him to give you one of those neck massages he was so good at. You’d earned it after dealing with the entitled club members all morning, and he always liked giving you a hard time about being stressed when he came to visit you at work.
If you could just survive until your break, you could—
“Hey, baby,” a voice drawled, warm and familiar.
Your heart did that stupid little thing it always did when you heard his voice, and you couldn’t help but smile even before you looked up.
“Hey, ba—” Your words caught in your throat the second you actually saw him.
Your hand stilled on the cash. He was standing in the doorway, all long toned limbs and that easy charm you’d fallen for over a year ago. But something was off. You squinted, your brain trying to catch up to what you were seeing. It wasn’t the way he was standing or the fact that he had on a backwards cap—he always did that. It was what wasn’t under the cap. Something was missing.
Your eyes went straight to the top of his head.
“Wait—what the—” You blinked, abandoning the tips on the counter as you stepped around it and walked toward him, your eyes locked on the top of his head, trying to figure out if you were seeing things. “Did you buzz your head?”
He just grinned, casually leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, totally unbothered. “Yeah. What d’ya think?”
You gawked at him. “You shaved your head. You literally shaved your head.”
You stared at him, eyes wide. His cap was covering most of it, but you could see enough—enough to know that his thick, messy hair, the hair you’d spent countless hours running your fingers through, was gone. 
“Oh my God. You buzzed it? For real?”
Rafe straightened up, lifting his cap and running a hand over the buzzed length, showing it off like he was some kind of model. “That’s the second time you’ve said that. You don’t like it?”
Your fingers itched to touch it, but you hesitated. You were trying so hard not to freak out. He’d just gone and buzzed his head without even telling you.
“Like it? I—” You sputtered, waving your hand in the air. “Baby, your hair! You just... did this? No warning? No ‘hey, baby, I’m thinking about going full buzzcut, what do you think?’”
His grin turned cocky as he reached out to pull you into him by the waist. “I thought I’d surprise you. Didn’t expect you to get all worked up over it.”
You gave him a playful shove, but he didn’t budge. “I’m not worked up! I’m just... shocked. I thought I was gonna get to lunch with my boyfriend and his hair, not—” You gestured to his head, still half in disbelief. “—this.”
He chuckled, leaning down so his forehead almost touched yours. “So... you hate it?”
You gave him a look, trying to stay mad or at least a little indignant about the whole thing, but it was impossible with him looking at you like that.
“You thought I’d like you going from ‘beach boy’ to ‘buzzcut’ overnight with no warning?”
“Pretty much.” He leaned in, “You gonna tell me you don’t like it?”
You bit your lip, pretending to think about it.
Truth was, you were already starting to like it. You liked that it was new, that it was him, and that it made him look a little rougher, more rugged. But you weren’t gonna tell him that right away. You hadn’t expected to be into it, not at all. Rafe’s hair had always been one of your favorite things about him—the way it’d curl up when he got all sweaty in the summer or how it’d fall into his eyes when he was being serious.
But... the buzzcut? You weren’t expecting it to be hot. But it was. So hot.
“I didn’t say I hate it...” you said, letting your voice trail off as you finally gave in and ran your fingers over the buzzed hair. It was soft, like velvet, and you couldn’t stop yourself from grinning.
He chuckled, one hand coming up to cup your chin as he tilted your face up toward his. “Knew it.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“See? Told ya,” he teased, his hands still gripping your waist as he watched your reaction. “You can’t keep your hands off me now.”
“I never said I couldn’t,” you shot back, your cheeks heating up. “It’s just... I wasn’t expecting to like it this much.”
“Uh-huh.” His eyes darkened, and he leaned in closer, his breath brushing against your cheek. “Admit it. You think I look hot. You’re lookin’ at me like you can’t wait to get me alone.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you playfully pushed at his chest, trying to cover up how much he was getting to you. “Shut up,” you laughed. “You’re so full of yourself.”
“I know you love it.”
You groaned, finally giving in to a full laugh. “Okay, okay. Fine. You look hot.”
Rafe grinned, clearly pleased with himself. “Knew you couldn’t resist.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling him in for a quick peck, unable to help yourself now. “You owe me lunch for this, though.”
“I brought you lunch,” he said, lifting the bag you hadn’t even noticed in his other hand.
“Oh, did you now?” You raised a brow. “You’re really tryin’ to get on my good side today, huh?”
“I’ll grow it back, don’t worry,” he murmured, leaning down to brush his lips against your neck. “But for now, you’re stuck with this.”
As you both sat down at one of the tables near the back of the bar, you couldn’t stop sneaking glances at his head.
It wasn’t just the look of it that was getting to you—it was the fact that he’d done something so out of the blue, just like that. He always kept you on your toes, never predictable, and surprisingly, you loved that.
He caught you looking for the millionth time and shot you a smug smile. “I can tell you wanna say somethin’. Spill.”
You reached over and ran your fingers through the nonexistent hair again, giggling. 
“I just can’t get over it, baby. You look like a whole new person. A sexy, buzzed-head guy.”
His smile softened, his hand finding yours on the table. “Yeah?”
You nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. “I mean, I miss your old hair, but I’m into this. You look hot.” You bit your lip, your gaze dropping to his mouth.
His eyes darkened a little, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Careful or I’m not gonna let you finish your lunch before I drag you outta here.”
Your heart raced, “Rafe Cameron, if you ruin my lunch break, I swear—”
He cut you off with a low chuckle, leaning across the table to press his lips to yours again, not caring that you were still technically on the clock. You melted into him, all thoughts of food forgotten for a moment. When he pulled away, his forehead rested against yours, both of you breathless.
“I can’t believe you buzzed your head,” you whispered, still grinning.
“I can’t believe you’re this obsessed with it.”
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thinkinonsense · 22 hours
old man!logan howlett x young fem!reader
cw: cheating, heavy flirting, smut, kinda dark
authors note: i have no idea what came over me and i cannot explain it. also! gif credit to the amazing n talented @silverskyeline <333
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he never should've gone to the bar. never should've let you run your pretty mouth. most definitely never should've bought you that martini. every weekend he watches you seduce the men at the bar until one of them falls into your trap.
logan would scoff, mumbling something under his breath about how stupid that bastard must be. despite the fact that the only thing holding him back from your advances was the thick gold band on his finger, reminding him of where his loyalty should be.
"lovely seeing you here again, logan."
he loathed your wicked smile and how your voice sounded like rain fall. trying his best to avoid staring into the eye of the storm but your presence demanded to be seen. practically ripping his hazel gaze off the wooden table and over to that tiny dress you were wearing. dark navy tight against your skin in a way that could make any man sin.
"missed ya' last weekend." you purr. "where were you at?"
"home." he states, gruffly.
"that's boring. why were you at home?"
"wedding anniversary."
the words made your tummy flip with excitement. you didn’t know much about logan outside of his favorite brands of alcohol, but you did know that he had a wife at home. he never mentioned her by name. sometimes, she would call the bar if it was “too late” for him to be out but other than that, she was a ghost.
“cute. you should bring her here one weekend.” you propose, almost making logan choke on his whisky. “bet she would love to see where you run and hide at night.”
“it’s not her kinda scene.” he responds.
“aw, i’m sure we would be friends.”
“and why’s that?” you fake pout.
logan leans in close before whispering, “don’t think she would appreciate you beggin’ for her husband to fuck you in a dirty bar bathroom every weekend.”
“i didn’t say we would stay friends.” you giggle, making his cock stir in his work pants. “also, the invite is still open if you miss fuckin’ someone younger.”
the second you are out of sight, off in the pool room next door annoying some other asshole, he groans under his breath. logan hated how well you read him. you knew he wanted you but you were smart enough to make him come crawling to you if he wanted to feel your tight cunt wrapped around him.
after a couple minutes, a few men left the room and logan got up to take their place. when he walked inside he saw it was empty except for you sitting in one of the chairs on your phone.
“glad you decided to join me.” you smile up at him.
logan ignores you instead going over to get a stick and start playing. you finish your martini and join him as he sets up the balls. catching you off guard, he tosses you a stick too.
“if i win, you leave me alone for good.” he huffs in your face.
“sure but what do i get when i win?” you smirk.
logan ignores your question and growls, “ladies first.”
it's dead silent as you bend over the pool table to line your stick up to the diamond. logan's far too busy staring at the wet spot on your light blue panties. he never admit it, even if you knew for sure that's where his eyes were. it wasn't until he lost sight of the spot that he realized you already took your shot.
"your turn, old man." you tease, moving out of his way.
the two of you go back and forth for a bit but you were growing tired of this game. instead you decided to make things even more interesting.
"so when i win, are you going to finally fuck me?" your bluntness always left logan speechless.
"you already know the answer to that, sweetheart." he replies, trying to focus before shooting.
"sure, blah, blah, blah, something wife." you mock with an eye roll that almost made logan chuckle. "but seriously? when was the last time you two had sex? you probably got cobwebs in there."
that got a small smirk out of him. one that you count as a win.
"it's just a band. it comes off, see?" you lean over and take the ring off of his finger, placing it on the table.
logan stared at it for too long. feeling the distance of his commitments. you turn his head towards you with a light hook on his grey bearded chin. the lust in his eyes told you that you had won.
"you know what else comes off that easily?" you whisper, lips inches from his. "my panties."
a good man would've walked away. a good man would've returned home to his wife. but logan wasn't a good man. never had been and never would be.
an animalistic urge fell over him, grabbing you with the ease of a rag doll and bending you over the pool table. the wedding band was inches from your parted lips, moaning prettily as logan spread you open with his thumbs and licked a wide strip up your cunt, burying his face in your arousal and letting it coat his beard until he could only taste you.
"f-fuck me." logan groans, pulling back to catch his breath. "taste better than i imagined."
"knew you wanted me." you smirk, feeling his middle finger circle your entrance before pushing in. a loud moan is pulled from your throat as he hits that spongey spot with ease.
"weren't lying 'bout being tight." logan marvels, watching the way you suck in his finger.
he attempts to push in his ring finger as well and you wish you could've seen his face while he struggle to get it in. quickly, you reach for the wedding ring next to you then grab his hand from inside you. fumbling to get the ring back on him before he questions you.
"what are you—"
"go on." you coax, looking back at him with dark eyes. "try it now."
logan shouldn't have been so turned on from the image of his wedding ring coated in your slick; but here he was watching it disappear and reappear inside of you.
"right—fuck! r-right there..." you pant, arching farther back to meet his thrusts.
"does it turn you on being a homewreaker?" logan asks, back up on his feet and nibbling at your ear. "knowing that you have a old married man fucking you with his wedding band on?"
"mhm..." you mumble against the table. he takes the opportunity to pick up his pace, feeling you clench down. "d-don't stop..."
within seconds, your gushing around his fingers and dripping down his hand. right when he pulled out of you, you turn around and push him back into one of the plush chairs to undo his belt. falling to your knees, you begin to stroke him, tracing his veins with your tongue and tapping the tip on it.
"always knew you had quite the mouth on ya', princess." he grunts with a fist full of your hair.
you smile, taking him all the way until his tip hit the back of your throat and the hairs at his base tickled your nose. logan was finding it harder and harder to control his animalistic urge while your gagging and drooling all over his lap. quickly, you release him with a pop and stand up to straddle him, lining him up to your entrance and sinking down slowly.
"shit, you're so fucking tight." he says, gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises.
"only for you, logan." you whine, grinding down on him, rocking back and forth.
roughly, logan pulls the rest of your dress off of you, throwing it on the floor somewhere behind you. large hands touching you all over in ways you've only dreamt of. meanwhile, your attacking his neck like a madwoman. biting and marking him up like he's yours.
desperately, logan fucks up into you, needing more. his tip nudges that sweet spot within you, making you moan loudly in his ear, encouraging him to go faster. so focused on the squealing of your soaked pussy. he captures your lips, kissing you tenderly. you can feel his high approaching, twitching inside of you, and you needed to do one last thing before it hit him.
carefully you pull away, gripping his chin and pulling him face to face with you. his eyes are blown out with desire as he stares at you.
"tell me your mine, lo." you whisper against his lips.
logan can feel you clench tightly around him, waiting for him to give into you completely. he presses his thumb down on your button, moving in fast circles to get you there with him.
"f-fuck, i'm yours, baby." he moans, coating your walls with spurts of his release. "i'm yours."
"t-that's right." you moan, kissing him roughly as your high washes over you.
"you look so pretty like this." he coos, watching the pleasure run over you.
for a moment the two of you sit still, trying to catch your breath. logan's mind races, not meaning to cum inside of you but it's far too late now.
"lets keep this a secret between the two of us, huh?" he says while you play with his hand, mischievously. before he can notice, you pocket the ring.
"sure thing, baby." you reply. "i'll gladly be your little secret but have fun explaining those marks to the old ball and chain."
logan looks down at you and that wicked smile of yours, only to realize just how fucked he is.
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tarysande · 3 days
There are a couple more Garrus-Vakarian-related hills I'm willing to die on.
Maybe this particular bit of fanon has faded over the years, but there used to be a lot of insistence that Garrus is young and somehow inexperienced when he meets Shepard. Canon doesn't really support this. Turians start their mandatory service at 15. Garrus has at least a decade of experience. Even if he's 2-4 of years younger than Shepard (according to Patrick Weekes), he's got at least as much field experience as she does by dint of the difference in turian and human "enlistment" ages.
Garrus is really damn good at his job at C-Sec. You don't give the Case of Investigating the Rogue Spectre to a greenhorn. You give it to your best, most tenacious agent. Pallin may not always approve of Garrus's actions, but that doesn't actually stop him from putting Garrus on the tough case. Also, we don't know much about how C-Sec works but we do know a bit about how the turian hierarchy works, and we know C-Sec was essentially a turian initiative. That means it's a meritocracy where failure reflects on the superior, not the one who failed. So, in roughly a decade (Shepard's 29 in ME1; I always think of Garrus as about 27), Garrus has not only done shipboard military service, but he's also risen to be one of C-Sec's top investigators; Pallin wouldn't risk having Garrus's "failure" reflect poorly on HIM otherwise. I'd say that actually makes Garrus as remarkable in civilian law enforcement terms as Shepard is considered to be within the ranks of the Alliance military.
Of course Garrus was scouted by the Spectre program. And honestly, if his dad hadn't stepped in, I think Garrus would have become a Spectre, no problem. Especially for a turian, he's cut from precisely the cloth the Spectres would be looking for: extremely skilled, extremely capable, and--most importantly--he's a turian not just able but willing to work outside the chains of command that turians are taught from birth to revere and be loyal to above all else. This is the reason Pallin is leery about Spectres: he's a good turian. Good turians follow straight lines; they don't carve out their own paths.
Garrus's dad's not dumb, and he's not cruel, and he, too, rose to the top of the C-Sec hierarchy. He took one look at his kid, I think, and said, "I love my child, but I'd say it's a 50-50 chance he ends up a shooting-first-asking-questions-later Spectre like Saren Arterius, and I don't want to see that happen." Yeah, he uses his parental influence to try and jam square-peg-Garrus into round-hole-C-Sec and Garrus resents him for it, but there's no way he did it just to stop his son from getting his way or because he doesn't like Spectres. I expect Vakarian Sr. had to clean up more post-Spectre-interference messes than we can possibly imagine. But we also know he and Alec Ryder were pals later.
So the importance of what Garrus learns from a Paragon Spectre Shepard is this: You can't just do what you want and claim the ends always justify the means. That's what Saren does. Over and over again. Garrus's code and his idealism and his sense of justice and his ability to work alone should make him a great Spectre, actually, but he needs Paragon Spectre Shepard's actions to show him the lesson he tells her he's learned during ME1: "If the people I'm sworn to protect can't trust me... well, then I don't deserve to be the one protecting them." (And the seed of Archangel was planted.) I think for the first time he realizes that even though he believes his sense of justice to be correct, it doesn't matter for shit if he can't show others why that's so. And that's where the trust comes in. (Also, ow, the extra level of importance this gives their exchange where she tells him she trusts him and he tells her she's about the only friend he has left is... a lot. Cool, cool. I'm totally fine. Nothing to see here.)
When Shepard asks him what happened on Omega, he replies, "My feelings got in the way of my better judgement." Something tells me that this never happens to "good" turians, which just makes the line so much more devastating. And although the lesson some might take away from this is "feelings bad; no feelings ever," the "grey" that Garrus has to learn to deal with is precisely the grey of recognizing feelings, validating them even, but not acting on them until they've been examined. (Which is why my Shepard stands between him and Sidonis; she doesn't give a shit about Sidonis. But Garrus has refused to process his own feelings of failure and self-loathing, so they have to take the therapy session to the Citadel and deal with it there.)
Ahh yes. The mountain range of character analysis.
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