#and end up taking him on a trip to see some beasts before his dad finds out he left
tiredbitchposts · 3 months
Ok, but Shen Jiu being Shen Yuan's father is so funny in a very tragic way. Shen Jiu is a ball of traumas and all types of issues and i truly believe there's not a single one that man doesn't have, so, you give him a baby!Shen Yuan, a little ball of life that depends on him for survival, cannot walk away from him and is culturally wired to pretty much love him and if not, to at the least respect him above all else, you cannot tell me that this man would be normal about him. Also, imagine Shen Jiu, who'd be the type of parent to project traumas the way only a mother could, having a child that looks like him but with a "sweeter" personality (which, by the way, is bullshit, they just have never seen that boy rip into a book he disliked but wouldn't stop reading) that has the effect on men Shen Yuan has, he'd lock that boy up in a tower to "cultivate" and consequently create a rumor about the Qing Jing's beauty who was so bewitching their peak lord father locked them in a tower because that's just his luck. Loving Shen Yuan wouldn't fix him, but it'd create a whole new set of issues that'd cancel out the other ones
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moosemonstrous · 9 months
(both this and previous chaper on AO3 - we're getting into some of Eli's less charming personality traits here, so, yknow. Proceed at own risk.)
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - internal monologue
It’s T plus twenty one and Robbie never wants to pilot a jaeger again.
He readjusts his (the jaeger’s) grip on the deep gash in the demon’s hide and punches it again, and again. He’s fairly sure his eardrums will never be the same again from the deafening scream it makes when The Charger’s (his) fist connects with it’s ugly snout. Logically, he knows the spray of corruption hitting the outer hull isn’t actually touching him, that it’s being immediately washed away by the ocean waves, but if it was up to him he’d be dropping the beast and backing away as quickly as he’s capable of.
Oh, get over yourself. He pulls his arm back, The Charger following suit less than a thought later, and throws the length of the chain that serves as The Charger’s primary melee weapon over the demon’s head. It wraps around its thick neck and Robbie has to dig The Charger’s feet into the ocean floor not to be dragged along when it bucks. This is the fun part!
He’s not having fun. He was supposed to be taking pot-shots at the beasties swimming ahead of the demon. He wasn’t supposed to even see actual combat. Captain Danvers told him to stay back. What the hell is wrong with him? Can you not just enjoy something for five goddamn minutes? Focus, it’s going for a bite—
Razorback roars and swerves left. It's not a conscious decision to raise his arm and bring the jaeger’s elbow down on its flat head, but the resounding crack feels extremely satisfying. Coyote Tango is right there to take over, grabbing the demon’s tail to fling it deeper into the ocean, the chain going taunt in his hands.
“Charger, stand clear,” he hears. Clear of what? Fuck that, you’ve got it. Reel it back! “Charger, move before you get hit!”
Robbie drops the chain in panic – move where? Before he can even begin figuring out the display screens, he’s already moving, pulled along in a wave of the grey-blue memory. He’s looking at his dad – he knows it’s him in the other console, even with the helmet covering his face – and barks pull left, now! The jaeger trips, its shoulder hitting the water before he manages – just – to right it. He has no idea what’s the protocol for collecting a jaeger from underwater, and by this point LOCCENT might just leave him there.
He did dodge a laser beam from Romeo Blue’s reactor cannon by a hair though. It hits Razorback directly in its open maw, its black blood spilling into the ocean like an oil slick. Show-stealers.
Fuck you, he thinks to himself. You’re not a hero, you don’t know what you’re doing and you shouldn’t. Be. Here.
Hey, the demon came at us! If the heroes were doing their job—
There it is. He can feel something shift in the drift, like a pebble in his boot rolling somewhere he can’t ignore it. It’s so much harder to chalk it up to exhaustion when he’s one hundred percent, absolutely sure that if he turned his head to look, he would see someone else in the empty console on his right.
Now that’s crazy talk. Go on, look. No one’s there.
I know!
“Charger, status report.”
He looks up from the water; Eden Assassin is grappling the demon in its dying throes, Coyote Tango reading to deliver the final blow. “Uh.” His eyes move to the status display of their own volition. If he can read it, can’t they? They’re checking you haven’t fried your brain, dumbass. Haven’t I? “All systems functional. Minor damage to the right hand—” he bites down on ‘from all the damn punching’. His voice is all wrong, like he’s trying to put on an accent.
There’s some crackling on the other end of the comm, as if the hardware itself could tell he was about to make a terrible joke. “Copy that. Try to find that chain before it winds up on a beach somewhere, huh?”
Razorback’s head sinks under the surface of the ocean. Is it dead? Oh God, it’s dead. Please be dead. Coyote Tango grabs it by the spike on the back of its head – it must be dead.
Oh yeah it’s dead. He doesn’t feel the intense satisfaction radiating from that sentence, but when he glances to the second console, it’s still just empty rigging. Give it a rest, would you?
Robbie must be going insane.
Well, what else is new.
It’s T plus twenty four, or rather T minus however long until the next predicted arrival.
Most rangers go up into the helicopters for extraction – with the drift shut down after the fight, nobody wants to spend six hours flying back to Hong Kong when a military aircraft can take you there in two – but Robbie decided to stay put.
“I can come down if you need help detaching,” Cho offers. Robbie didn’t realise until then he came along rather than staying behind on LOCCENT bridge.
“It’s fine,” he says after a moment to make sure it’s him speaking. Really? “Can you, uh, mute me?”
“Ah,” there is a pause. “Look, if you need to freak out—”
“Can you mute me or not?”
“Sure, sure. I’ll be back in half an hour to check on you, though.”
You don’t actually believe he won’t listen.
There’s a soft click in his comm link, then static. Good enough. He reaches to pluck it out of his ear, then turns to look at the second console – empty.
“What,” he asks, feeling faintly ridiculous, “the fuck was that.”
Silence. He’s tempted to pull his helmet back on, to get back into the drift and dig into one of those flash-and-gone memories that can’t possibly be his. There is no way to hide that from mission control, though, and you can’t risk them knowing you’re losing the plot.
There. If he pays attention – and he’s definitely paying attention now, even though every bone in his body feels like it’s on fire – it’s not him. Thorough the fight, he’s been more and more aware of it with every decision he made just before he had any way of knowing it was an option. The chain – he knew about the chain, he saw it’s containment unit on The Charger’s blueprints, he saw it in the old footage from when his dad was piloting – but he didn’t practice with it. Brooks was going to pull out some ropes in training after his first run. There is a perfectly functional extendable staff in the jaeger’s arm he was supposed to have used instead.
Maybe you have superpowers.
What are you?
Does it matter? We saved the day together.
Robbie remembers every questionnaire he’d filled out over the weeks. Do you, or have you in the past, heard someone speak despite being alone in the room? Something cold spills inside his stomach.
You’re jumping to conclusions. You’ve heard the doc, your brain drifts a little, that’s all.
I don’t know how to fight like the rangers do. I don’t know how to account for water currents when charging at a fucking demon. You’ve been training day and night for weeks. Not enough! I shouldn’t know any of these things! I shouldn’t remember what dad looked like when he was drafted!
No response. He concentrates on the sliver of presence he’s been feeling, but it’s like looking at one of those optical illusion pictures – the harder he tries, the less sense it makes.
He needs to– there must be someone he could ask. The head tech, Canelo, he said he was around ten years ago. And Ivanov–
Let me lay this out for you. He can’t help but glance to the empty console. Remember that time you were fifteen, and little Gabriel wouldn’t eat his fucking dinner?
Robbie freezes. It wasn’t about Gabe.
Of course not. Nobody cared how hungry you were, or how hard you worked to pay for it. You lose control, you get put away. Think this time it will be any different? Think the wonks in R&D care what happens to you if you don’t perform to specification?
How do you– I am you. He barely saw Gabe for a year. And here they have a whole place set up for kids like him. They don’t need you to take him off their hands. They barely need you to be doing this. Show one crack, see how long until they find a less… troublesome test subject.
Robbie stares at the status displays for a long moment. Drift inactive, it says. He reaches for his comm link.
“Cho?” It takes a moment before his ping gets an acknowledgement. “I changed my mind. Get me out of here.”
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yourwinchesterbros · 2 years
Old Habits Die Hard - Part Two
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Word count: 5.8K
Pairing: Opie Winston X reader
Summary: Will this be a night of restoring relationships? Or uncovering history? 
Authors Note: My apologies for the delay on Part Two, work got a little bit crazy for me but! Alas, It’s finally here, and it’s looking like Part Three will be underway. You know what they say, save the best for last 😉
Warnings: Use of y/n, foul language, sexual innuendo, talk of death, fluff and some aggressive manhandling?  
BIGGG shoutouts to @spaghettificationandpretzels for creating my new banners! This saves me precious time with each fic I write, and fits my theme so damn well! Thank you! *Kisses*
And as always, many many thanks to my editor @alohomorasomnium for reviewing everything I write, I couldn’t do it without you *kisses*
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You bounce your knee in anticipation as you sit on the wooden steps outside your mom’s house. It’s half past ten, and the stars are glistening brilliantly. The night air is crisp, leaving traces of goosebumps on your skin. You’re glad your leather jacket is warm as it doubles as your fashion and safety gear for the Harley. Your old helmet that once sat in the garage, collecting dust, now sits beside your feet. After a quick dusting and a brief try on to ensure it still fit, you were then, all ready to go for your night ride with Opie. You chew on the inside of your lip, thinking about all the possibilities this night could be or how it could end. Maybe it’ll offer as an opportunity to reconcile or put together the missing pieces of what happened with your family when you were away. The unseen relationship between your dad and Opie still didn’t make sense, and you demanded to know more.
You can hear the crackle of your Marlboro cigarette as you take a sharp inhale; A last-minute purchase you made on your way home from the clubhouse earlier this evening. You needed something to control your nerves, or were they butterflies? Who knows.
Earlier in the day you spoke with Declan, filling him in on your trip. Well, minus a few minor details such as this arranged bike ride with your ex you were about to encounter. He was glad to hear from you, but frustration lingered in his voice, understandably. You hadn’t maintained close contact with him since you arrived here in Charming, and it was evident to him. He was worried, and anxious for you to come home before the “poison” of your hometown, consumed you. He asked about the funeral, about your mom and with hesitation he asked about the club. You lied about being there, about seeing the boys, as you promised him before leaving, that you wouldn’t hurt yourself like that again. So much for that. You silently push away at the guilt that you feel creeping over you once again.
I’m just seeing my old friends again, is that so wrong? Yes, with Opie but… nothings going to happen.
You shake your head at yourself, knowing full well this is wrong. However you convince yourself that your intentions don’t reside about your feelings around Opie… no, it’s strictly about getting details surrounding your father.
As you took another drag, you wondered if the club still threw ragers like they did back in the day. You wondered, would Opie stick around you? Would he do shots with you? Play pool? Or is this just a ride to the club to catch up with your pals from the past. Either way, you were okay with the latter.
Your chest suddenly flutters, your blood rapidly starts coursing through your veins, the arrival of the much-awaited Harley, has sounded.
You watch the amber spotlight grow brighter as he pulls closer to the house from the gravel driveway. He’s here.
You can’t help but bear a grin, as you stand up to greet him, holding your helmet on your hip.
He slows down, placing his boots on the gravel to stabilize the bike. He leaves the engine running, ready for you to hop on.
“Hey! Need a ride?” He shouts over the rumble of the beast below him. His smirk burns into your skin.
You giggle “Now that’s an uber I can’t turn down.” You move towards him as he pats the backseat.
You slip on your helmet then reach your hands to his shoulders to brace yourself, swinging one leg over the bike. Unexpectedly, Opie reaches behind him and cups your thigh. Somewhat of an attempt to help secure you, as you place your feet into the nooks of his bike. He peers over his shoulder, his gaze causing heat to spread through your body, making you squirm behind him. As you adjust yourself in the seat, you look up at him, embarrassed at the fact that you’re already blushing from one look. Thank God it’s dark. You catch a glimpse of his dimples, a result of him smirking, as he turns to grip the handles.
He most definitely saw you gushing.
Without any warning, Opie fires the throttle and the two of you speed off into your own time zone, a world that is just itself. You quickly move your hands from gripping the leather of his jacket to wrapping your arms around his waist to brace yourself. It’s been a minute since you’ve been on a motorcycle, a Harley at that. Your body vibrates from the sheer adrenaline at the speed of his machine, and you love every second of it.
The frigid air slices your face, causing numbness to invade your senses. You press your forehead against Opie’s back in an attempt to block it out. You’re conscious of how tight your arms are wrapped around his waist, not wanting to make it obvious at how familiar and comfortable it all felt. Yet, you couldn’t ignore the difference you noticed in his size. He’s gotten substantially larger since the last time you saw him, but large as in, punch packed full of steroids. His stomach felt like a god damn brick wall, but you certainly don't mind it.
Your mind starts to wonder… how many croweaters has he gotten with since the breakup? How many girls has he pinned up against walls. Would he flirt with them tonight?  Surely those sluts hunt him down, especially with what he’s carrying below the belt, and you’re not talking about his side blade.
Without warning, Opie wreaks on the throttle harder, creating a bit of a wheelie. You yelp and grip your grasp tighter. Despite your heart skipping a beat due to the scare, you can’t fight the smile that works it’s way across your face. You know why he did that. It’s what he used to do before, as he loved the way you death gripped him. You feel the rumble of his laughter underneath his heavy leather causing you to giggle yourself. You bite your lip in surprise when you feel one of his gloved hands softly rest on yours. Caressing it. You slowly wriggle your thumb back, desperate to show him how much you’ve missed this, but you stop as you quickly remember what you’re here for. Not him.
Your eyes drift down at the pavement beneath you, the speed causing the yellow lines to zip by in a blur. The post lights become halos above you, when he surpasses each one. The silence is palpable between you two, regardless of the city noise. You forgot how peaceful riding can be.
You recognize the street; the clubhouse is close. A little bit of disappointment rises within you as you don’t wish this moment to end just yet.
Soon enough, Opie is backing his bike up to the railing, next to several of the other iconic parked Harleys. The clubhouse is alive with music, shouts, laughter and sounds of crashes. Opie is first to slide off his bike after kicking out the bike stand. He towers over the Harley as he reaches a hand out to you. You accept his assistance and slide off next. The two of you unbuckle your helmets, Opie grabbing yours to plant onto the seat of his bike, like he wanted the world to know that his back seat would forever be yours.
“You ready to face the music?” He questions with a smile “They’ve gotten worse over the years, can’t handle their alcohol as well as they used too, so… you’ve been warned” He chuckles, licking his bottom lip.
“Honestly Ope, I can’t wait” You see his face fall slightly as he wonders exactly what you mean.
The two of you stride towards the club door, walking in harmony. Just being next to him makes you feel powerful. You pass the fighting ring which is buzzing with commotion, yet you don’t recognize many of the faces around.  
“Hit him in the left nut Rat, he’s only got one!” Opie hollers at the boxers in the ring, bearing a full smile. Laughter ensues from the crowd.
You push the heavy door open, entering a scene straight out of a biker’s dream, a nun’s worst nightmare. The picture frames on the walls rattle due to the boom box emitting old rock lullabies. A grey hue lingers near the ceiling, evidence of heavily smoked devil’s lettuce and those addicted to Marlboros. The floor is sticky underneath your heeled boots, from several spilt alcoholic beverages.
Its hot, crowded, yet glorious all at the same time.
“Y/N!” You hear your name coming from the bar side.
There they are, the oh so familiar faces of your favourite biker crew. Juice and Chibs are in deep conversation, well, mostly Chibs nodding, listening to Juice’s thoughts or latest rants. Jax is charming some sweet butt, thriving on her thirst for validation but plans to eventually leave without her. Happy is bandaging his knuckles, his brows furrowed in such concentration. He must be next in the ring. Tig reaches over to help tape, but Happy pulls away, “I can do it” he grumbles. Tig rolls his eyes, bringing his attention to you. His jaw slightly drops before his face breaks out into a massive grin. His eyes growing dark. Oh Tig.
”I was starting to think you weren’t going to show!” Tig cackles as he pulls you into a hug. You squeeze him tightly, missing him more than you realized.
“I was starting to think Ope was getting some” Jax laughs at his own joke, causing a few to chuckle but left Chibs wheezing. That didn’t take long. Jax smirks at you, his eyes sparkling with what seems like gratitude for showing up with his best friend.
“Aye, the night is still young for these lovebirds” Chibs chortles, before taking a massive swig of his Power’s whiskey.
“Settle boys, she’s married” Opie states leaving you with a tight lip smile. Opie takes a joint from Jax’s hand.
“Awwwkward” Juice drawls in a loud whisper, thinking he’s subtle when he’s painfully not. You fully expected this. To be playfully teased at by this crew of assholes, but not this soon. You’re still way too sober.
“Alright, lets get this show on the road, get those shots lined up eh!” you yell, ready to get obliterated and move this night along to get past the tension residing in the air.
“Thatta girl!” Chibs hollers, waving over the croweater Jax was charming, to get drinks prepared.
Opie quietly leaves your side, to sit next to his president. You briefly watch them interact, and it makes you feel nostalgic seeing these two grown men still act like children. It’s nice to see that their relationship never changed.
Chibs and Hap motion you to come closer to the bar, asking you questions about your stay, how your mom has been doing, and why you weren’t staying in Charming. As if revisiting the clubhouse would be the source of all your answers in life, a solution for all your problems. How could you ever leave?
You laugh as you explain meeting Declan and how the two of you fell into an engagement last year. That a wedding and family was in the near future and that you are happy with the life you have built over there.
“Well sweetheart, tell me then, why isn’t he here with cha? A man shouldn’t leave his girl during such a time” Chibs leans over the counter, striking up a smoke, keeping his eyes on the lighter.
The bartender places a pint in front of you. With a big gulp, and a lick of the beer foam off your lips, you answer Chibs.
“Well actually I told him I wanted to come here alone; it wasn’t his choice…” You start to explain.
“Why?” Happy speaks to you for the first time tonight, his tone deep and blunt, his eyes dark with curiosity. He lifts his toothpick to his lips waiting on your answer.
“I just... I just needed time to myself. It’s complicated and hard to explain but I felt that I needed ... space... I guess” you shrug, feeling yourself shrink as you fail to provide any real explanations.
Chibs raises his brows before looking up at you “Y’ know sweetheart...” You wait for his words of wisdom to come out with his Scottish slur.
“It doesn’t sound that complicated to me” he pursed his lips, his dimples deepening into his scars. You see Happy slowly nodding in your peripheral vision.
Your jaw drops and your brows crease, your eyes widen due to the shock at the audacity that this man has to call you out. You pause briefly then with a scoff; you shake your head at him. You grip your drink, taking a considerable gulp as you finish the last bit of your beer and slam the empty glass down on the counter. With a clunk, the sound echoes, grasping the attention of Jax and Opie, their heads turning in your direction.
You take Chib’s tequila shot from his hand and dump it down the hatch, wiping your mouth clean of the burning sensation of your drink’s residue, with the back of your hand. You stare down Chibs, his eyes looking back at you hazily.
“It’s good to be back” is all you can manage to say. You see Opie raise a brow, assessing the situation. You swear he silently debated whether he needed to intrude or not, but you’re not sure if he actually would.
The boys continue watching you, waiting to hear what you’ll say next.
With a raised brow, you break the silence “Can we save this therapy shit for another time? I’m here to forget my demons for one night, unlike you guys, it’s every dusk to dawn”
You look at Happy, surprised to see him bearing a grin. He pats Chibs on the back “She’s still charming as ever” He swiftly approaches you, removing his toothpick before planting a kiss on your cheek.
“If you can keep up like you used too, then you won’t remember a thing, so hurry up before the sun rises, Cinderella” he says lowly, before disappearing into the crowd towards the doors to the fight ring, ready to draw blood.
“It’s hurry up before Midnight, ya fucking wanker!” Chibs yells across the room before chuckling to himself.
As more glasses clink on the counter, Juice and Tig are with you at the bar. Asking all about your life over in Ireland. You told them vaguely about Declan, showed them your engagement ring and shared stories about your little world in Dublin. The boys exchanged some stories about the club and all the dramas they had been roped into. Of course, being careful with how much information they exposed. They gave you a brief summary of their current situation - dangerous. That’s really the only thing you heard.
You braved a face, or maybe the liquor had finally hit, causing your expressions to become numb, but you contained your inner thoughts. In the back of your mind, you couldn't deny how terrifying each day must be for those wearing the kutte. The heaviness that must linger with each waking morning, facing the promise of an expecting bullet that lives in the arms of the clock, indefinitely. The way these boys probably struggle to drift off into sleep at night. You wondered how many of them have turned to substance, alcohol, or pussy for some form of comfort to help them sleep away the nightmares. You shudder at the thought.
As you’re immersed in a whirl wind of drunken laughter of those around you, you look over at Opie.
Your heart tightens at the sight of him laughing with Jax, rosy cheeks forming due to the whiskey, his eyes crinkling from smiling so hard. Of course, he would still be here after all this time, of course he’d be Vice President of this club. Why you ever thought he would be any where else, was naive. He’s loyal, reckless, he’ll face the devil any day. He’s always stood his ground and somehow showed no fear. Even in the past, when you thought he would finally reveal the fear of loosing you, such a thing did not exist. No, the only thing that was revealed, was how cruel he really was. Is he still the same?
Tig approaches you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Hey doll, bottoms up” He smirks as he hands you another shot. You two clink the glass and shoot back the tequila. You wince at the hard alcohol, burning your throat. He takes the glasses and fumbles with putting them down onto the counter.
With a spin, his narrowing gaze lands on you “Let’s go” Tig holds out a hand, his eyes lidden with drunkenness. You giggle as you feebly hand yourself over, knowing a dance is in order. Maybe I am Cinderella after all.
The two of you push your way through the crowd underneath the dimmed lights. The floor vibrating from the boom boxes, the men in kutte dancing with their croweaters of the night. The two of you let yourselves loose, swaying and swinging to the sounds of rock and roll. He reaches for your hand, gripping you tightly and twirls you towards him. You laugh as you stumble against him, feeling so free due to the carelessness that is the club. Simply, because no one cares. No sinner judges another. At least not during a SAMCRO party like this.
“You better bless these wicked hands, cause they got a mind of their own… Don’t go downtown!” You and Tig sing in harmony, yelling the chorus to each other, bearing full smiles. Without warning, Tig pulls you close, resting your hand on his shoulder, his hand finds your waist, rocking you back and forth as the song slows down. He whistles along with the musician, so accurately that it almost pulls you into a trance. You feel your face warming up, yeah, the liquor had definitely made an appearance and time seems to have slowed down. The fact that Tig has you feeling such a way, his big hands on your little figure, has caused you to dampen. You rest your head against his chest, hiding your sudden arousal. Jesus.
He sings “This time is different, not like the times before” ... You feel him pull back looking down at you with those striking, hypnotizing blue eyes. You stare up at him, hardly rocking yourself. Tig bear all your weight and swayed you with him. You watched him scan your face, his eyes heavy with a mixture of substance and lust. You knew what was coming. Fuck it.
Just like that, Tigs lips interlock with yours, and you weren’t pulling away. He cradles your face as his tongue dips into yours. Your fingers slide into his curled hair, gripping handfuls, pulling yourself deeper into the kiss. You feel his hands lowering from your waist until they brushed over the hem of your jeans, cupping your ass.
“Oh god” He moans into your mouth. You lean into him, wanting to feel his hard on. It’s been way to long since you’ve been with a bad boy, a man that posses such dirty secrets, a man that has the ability to make one disappear. It excites you, makes you feel reckless and wild. You trail your hand down his chest –
Tig is suddenly ripped from your lips, all that feverish contact, gone. You blink hazily, realizing Opie had Tig’s shoulder by his kutte in his hand.
“What the hell are you doing?” Opie questions through gritted teeth. By the look of his glare, he was questioning you. He looks down at the drunken mess before him.
“She’s fucking married Tig, have some god damn restraint!” Opie shouts down at Tig, who was defeated, slumped lazily in his grasp. With a shove, Opie releases him.
“It’s the song man, it sucks me in every time” He shrugged, rubbing his eye with his palm, clearly obliterated.
“Sorry doll, I got carried away, but damn you sure know how to kiss” Tig says as he sways away. You grin at him, shrugging it off. It wasn’t all his fault.
You turn to face the giant who stood there before you, his jaw clenching “Wanna tell me what the hell you’re doing?” He speaks lowly, angry.
“I didn’t realize I had a babysitter” you respond, crossing your arms, still in a crowd of those unaware of what’s going on.
“I didn’t realize you were up for grabs tonight, especially when you’re wearing that diamond on your hand, I figured that would actually mean something to you.” He responds sharply, not missing a beat.
“I guess you also didn’t realize that what I do, is none of your damn business” you spit back. His face shifts, harder now. He didn’t like that.
“What you do in my club, makes it my business” He basically growls the words. “Get a grip, I’m taking you home.” He grabs your arm, pushing you to the doors.
“Fuck that” You argue like a kid, panic rising at all the fun coming to a swift end. You pull your arm out of his grasp.  "I didn't think you'd care about what I do" you stare him down.
"I never said I cared" the words come out as a sharp slap across your face. "But I'm starting to realize that bringing you here was a mistake" his eyes darken with anger. Yep, he’s still cruel
You grit your teeth, trying your best to suppress the burning sensation rising in your eyes. You blink to clear your vision; this interaction was one that was sobering you up quickly. 
"Oh, right? Since I am enjoying myself for one God damn night here in Charming, you can't stand the sight of me happy, that's a mistake to you? Well fucking tough Opie"
You jab your index at him, his body flinches with pure anger “You don't get to control me anymore, and you don't get to make me leave this time, so fuck you". You spit the words at him before turning to leave, to go to any place that doesn't accompany him. 
"That's it" you hear him growl behind you.
With a smirk, you feel a sense of pride as you realize you've finally put him in his place. He's most likely standing there, dumbfounded, feeling so stunned, looking so stupid to think he could still control you and shit, there's really no better feeli- 
The air gets knocked out of you when you're suddenly picked up -  no, more like scooped up as if you're weightless. Like a play doll, you're flung over Opie’s shoulder. Too stunned to fight, you look down at the crowd beneath you, cheering him on as if you're some sweet butt he snagged to shag for the night.
His beard tickles the side of your waist as you attempt to squirm out of his grasp. You see the crew catching on, locking eyes with yours and seeing the frustration and pure shock on your face.
"About time they start figuring their shit out!" Juice yells, slapping Chibs on the back. Chibs glares back at juice, unappreciative of his make-out session being interrupted as his tongue was throat deep in some girl. Once catching on, Chibs hollers at you before you descended to the rooftop by the mounted wall ladder. 
"Aye! You lovebirds be nice to each other!" He guffaws before returning to engulf his lady of the night.
"Opie, put me down!" You scream at him as he nears the rooftop. He gently bumps your head on the opening "oops" he sneers. 
"Ow, you're such a dick" you roll your eyes. He refuses to release you until his feet are planted on the rooftop. Once putting you down he closes the hatch and reaches into his pockets pulling out his smokes. He pulls out two cigarettes, handing you one. 
You murmur "thanks" as you take it. He lights up his and starts puffing for a steady pull, before handing you his bic. You lightly yank it from his thumb and index. You hear him take a deep inhale; he’s trying to calm down.
As you ignite your smoke, he breaks the silence. 
"Listen, I didn't mean to be as harsh as I was down there, but you're clearly going through it, I know you that much" You pretend as if you could care less about what he has to say as you slide his bic into your pocket. Your attitude gets pettier by the minute.
"You're not getting this back" you mumble as you try to ignore his point, tucking the lighter deep into your jeans. He continues, not caring about the bic.
"Your dad just passed away; you're tied down to some fool in Ireland" you look up defensively. Okay, maybe he’s the one being petty.
"And your mom is now on her own, so I understand why you're doing the things you did tonight, hell I probably would have done worse" As he pauses, you watch him carefully. "Actually, I did"
You see the pain across his face as it becomes clear he's thinking about his own losses. You're about to speak when he shakes off the memories. 
"But Tig?" He says with one brow raised "I gotta draw the line somewhere" he looks at you with concern and what seemed like a hint of jealousy. You let out a huff.
"Yeah the tequila took over the wheels there for a minute but... I have my reasons". You narrow him down, bringing your cigarette back to your lips, demonstrating that you're still cautious around the man you once loved. You aren’t in any condition to start explaining your life story to him especially when he’s the one responsible for the changing the course of your path years ago. 
As always, he read you so well. He gazes over you, admiring your resilience. He knows the hidden meaning in your words. He also knows that it was partly his fault for the lifestyle you live today. 
His eyes trace the rooftop, thinking about what he should say... If he should say it. God knows he had plans to address some of the issues that lay between you two and reveal some sensitive history. He knew he had to address the elephant in the room. It's what you both were waiting for. It’s why this stupid game of dance was still pursuing.
However, he couldn't brave it just yet. 
He cleared his throat, flicking his dimmed bud over the side of the roof before sitting himself down on one of the raised cubic vents. 
"Clubs kinda different than it was before, yeah?" He asks feeling idiotic as he couldn't think of anything else to say. 
You weren’t sure if Opie was going to bring up the past, but a part of you was relieved he didn't. You weren't ready yet either. You point at the space next to him, he shifted over watching you sit beside him. You could feel his eyes on you as you look out into the darkness, scanning for bright sparkles. 
You took another drag before exhaling, "Kind of? More like completely. Not just the club but your members too. You" you look at him.
He exhales sharply "yeah, things have progressed. We grew bigger along with our responsibilities which means the threat grew bigger too" he looks down at his calloused hands. “Clubs changed us all in a way, and dark shit keeps happening” he pulls his toque off, revealing his man-bun while running a palm against his hair “hoping things will turn around with Jax as pres now … but I doubt it” he whispers as he puts his beanie back on.
“Shit” you murmur “I’m sorry...”
You contemplate on asking about his wife, his dad, but as you realize the last thing you’d want to talk about were your own losses, you figure he'd feel the same. You also had intentions of asking him about your dad’s letter, if he read it. If he would tell you a little bit about their relationship. However, tonight has been a lot. You decide to put it on the back burner... for now. You change the subject. 
"Some fool in Ireland, eh?" You quote him, he burst out loudly. "What makes you think that huh?" You smile at him, thoroughly enjoying the sound of his laughter. 
"Cause he's some teacher at some college" he speaks through his devilish grin. 
"Part time surgeon that teaches medical at a university, actually" you correct him, tilting your head so matter of factly, still grinning at his laughs.
"Right right, well either way, he’s... not your type" he shakes his head, his chuckles slowing.
"I never pictured you with someone like that" He quickly regains that persona he’s been wearing this whole visit, realizing he may have let his vulnerability slip out. His face hardens back to being serious, as if he's ashamed he relaxed for one fucking second. 
"I didn't either" you whisper, looking down. His breathing deepens, getting louder in the still, cold night air. You catch him looking down at your ring. 
"Guy definitely could've done a little better with the hardware" he says unimpressed.
"What! You think so? I don't think it's so bad..." You fawn over the diamond "I mean... It is a little .. girly" you bite your bottom lip, trying not to laugh as you hear him chuckle. 
"Gimme it" he commands, his voice gravelly.
With confusion you look at him, unsure what he means.
"Yeah, that, take it off" he waves his fingers motioning you to remove it. You hesitate, then carefully pull it off your finger. You look at him, then to his open, awaiting hand. You drop your ring into it. He looks upon it again, but this time you swear he was fighting back the urge to absolutely launch your ring off the roof. 
He tightly grips his fist securing it, whilst removing his own sterling silver, weighted, reaper engraved ring from the other. 
"Here, give me your hand" he says sternly. You rest your fingers on his palm as he swiftly slid his way too big ring to your briefly naked finger. You start to giggle. What is he doing?
"Now that's a ring you'd want, a ring that matches you y/n" he says, looking at it. His cheeks get rosy again.
You're not sure why, maybe it's because it's the first time he's said your name since you arrived here, but it gripped your heart ever so tightly, that it hurt. You swallow hard, forcing a smile, struggling to get words out as you start fighting the tightness in your chest. You don’t trust that you won't tremble or reveal weakness. You clench your jaw, and exhale heavily, quivering. Fuck. 
"Its really heavy" You manage to breathe out, smiling. 
You turn to face him, to notice he is already looking at you.
Right there, you swear that he's about to do something he shouldn't. You stare at him, your body frozen, anticipating what's going to happen next. Your heart flutters when his hand reaches up to your face – “Opie” you stir -
"Yo VP!" Jaxs voice startles the both of you out of whatever trance that was. The two of you quickly stand up to the ledge, to see the President down below.
"I'm heading home, just making sure you guys aren't bloody!" he chuckles as he strides backwards to the parked Harley's. 
"Don't worry Jax, He shouldn't be too bruised by the time I'm done with him, he'll make it to work tomorrow!" You yell to him, grinning. 
"I knew he was in good hands! By the way, the suites are a lot more comfortable than up there, take my word for it!" he shouts across the compound, putting on his helmet. 
You blush immediately at the words. 
"This is cleaner than those bedsheets, but thanks brother!" Opie hollers back, smirking.
"I'll take your word for it!" Jax winks. 
"Oh my god" Opie mumbles to you "I swear I don't hangout in the suites" he starts to reassure you, but you can't stop laughing. 
"Sure Ope, Suuuuure" you drawl, loving every second of his embarrassment. "Who doesn't love sleeping with a little bit of Bobbies body fluids" you cackle. He responds in groans but is unable to repress his smile at your silliness. 
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                                                                          You're not sure when, or how but sometime throughout the night you and Opie fell asleep underneath the blanket of stars. The two of you shared memories and learned some new things about each other, which were harmless for the most part. Constant laughter echoed into the night.
Being up there on that rooftop, away from the chaos, you guys unfolded just enough to be yourselves again. No walls, no judgment, no anger, no resentment. This night, in a silent agreement, you both turned off the switch that held grudges in exchange for some time into the past, where you guys were friends again, and maybe a little more.
 You blink hazily, your eyes immediately pinging with soreness at the welcome of bright sunlight. It takes you a minute to adjust and recollect where the hell you are. 
"What the fuck..."  You groan to yourself as you realize you slept on a roof. Your body aches as you shift yourself upwards off your back. To your surprise, Opie lay there beneath you.
The memories come rushing in. You swiftly turn your head to look up at the snoozed beast, in a deep sleep snoring ever so lightly. You had fallen asleep, resting your head on his lap, with his back up against the vent as you both sat down below it to get comfier last night. You feel the weight of his heavy Kutte and leather jacket that he had sprawled over you, to keep you warm. You vaguely remember this. As you perch yourself up, you check to see how many Harleys remained.
Still a few, which means few are still in last nights reverie, passed out in the suites or on pool tables. 
You rub your eyes, taking a deep breath of that California air. You take another glance around the compound, your heart filling with utmost joy. This used to be your home, and it still feels like it.
You quietly lean back down onto Opie, just a few more minutes of this moment before you leave this place for good.
Sudden panic flourishes within you as you shoot back upwards, you realize your mum is probably up worrying about you. You quickly check your phone –
three missed calls from Declan.
Shit, that too. 
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  Tag list @danzer8705 @lauraashley93 @jvalentinesworld-cokes-hyna @colereads
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Fluffcember Day 15: You (Don't) Choose Family
Today's prompt was Wool Socks.
Fandom: The Owl House
Characters: Amity, Hunter, Edric, Emira, Alador, Darius
Genre: Fluff and Humor
Length: 983
[Ao3 Link]
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The logic of the world was still not quite clear to Amity. How had Emperor Belos trying to kill all the witches ended her in this situation.
“Just take an extra pair of socks,” her father beckoned. “It's cold out at the Knee.”
“Dad.” She groaned, her fingers at the bridge of her nose. “I've been out at the knee before. You remember. With Ed and Em?”
Her father blinked, looking at her with an empty expression. He did not remember. Of course, he didn't. But until everything had gone down, he had barely ever noticed anything going on outside of his laboratory, did he?
Now Darius walked through the living room, too. “Ah, don't worry, Alador. The kids will be fine!”
This prompted her father to mirror her expression, fingers at the bridge of the nose. “The kids will get themselves in trouble. I am telling you. The next thing we'll know…”
Darius came over to him, putting a hand onto his shoulder. “Relax, Alador. The kids will be just fine.”
“We will be out there for only two days. I mean, come on, dad. I can fight for myself.” And she would make sure that this time nobody would accidently wake any wild beasts while they were out there. No, this was just a little excursion. Just her, Luz, Gus, Willow – and Hunter of course. Speaking of which. “Where's Hunter?”
“Still packing,” Darius replied with a shrug.
Amity groaned. One should think one additional brother would not make that much of a difference, but somehow it did. While Hunter had the appearance of a teen maybe a year or two older than her, he was still like a child in many regards. Leaving her dad – and whatever Darius was meant to become – alone, she stormed off to Hunter's room, only to find her worst fears confirmed.
Hunter was sitting there on a bag way too big for a two day trip surrounded by the twins, who were now leaning onto him, brabbling along.
“See, Hunter,” Emira said, “if you want to win the heart of a lady, the best way to access it is through her stomach! So what you want to do…”
Edric interrupted her. “Quite literally, actually. So if you try to go and open up her mouth.”
“Ugh. El. Now you're getting disgusting.”
Edric laughed. “I am just saying. There is more than one way to win a heart.” He cast another illusion, summoning a beating heart into his hand.
Even Emira chuckled at this. “What I was saying, Hunter. You need to woo her. Somehow. Like, just bring her some nice food. Or maybe, I don't know… That girl, Willow, she likes flowers, right?”
Amity cleared her throat. “Hunter, we wanted to leave now, didn't we?”
He stared at her, his eyes wide with desperation. “Uhm. Err. Yes. Leaving. We wanted to…” He tried to hoist up his bag – and failed.
Seeing his desperation Amity went over to him. She cast a simple spell as well, changing the bag into a much smaller one. “You won't need all that stuff. Trust me.”
“Are you sure? I mean, what if something happens and we end up…”
“Don't worry.” She put a hand onto his shoulder and smiled.
There was still glee on her sister's expression. “Don't forget what I was telling you! To win her heart…”
Amity turned around to her. “He'll figure that out on his own.”
 A little sigh escaped Hunter, as they made their way down the stairs. She was not even sure what to say to him. After all everything was quite new for him, wasn't it? So she just put one hand onto his shoulder. “I know Em and Ed can be a lot, but you'll get used to this.”
His smile was faint, but still there. “I guess I will.”
“Are you sure you don't want to pack an extra pair of socks? I had the abominations make two pairs just for you!” Her father got out two pairs dripping with abomination goo, just as they were crossing the living room.
She stopped herself from sighing as well, thankful for Darius' hand on her father's shoulders.
In a way she got it. Her father was trying to make up for the time he had been mostly an absentee dad. But still… This was a bit much. She went over to him, taking his hand with a smile. “Really, dad. We will be fine. We will just go out there, have a nice evening around the fireplace, enjoy nature and sleep in tents.” She would share a tent with Luz! “Nothing major is going to happen.” She gave him an encouraging smile. “Or how big do you think the chance for another egomaniacal maniac trying to destroy the world just showing up months after the last one is?”
Her father frowned. “Well, I do not quite know the exact formular, but with probabilities there is always the thing that even one beneath 1% is never quite zero. So…”
“I think she was being hyperbolic, Alador,” Darius muttered.
“I was,” Amity replied and smiled at her father. “Really, dad. Nothing is gonna happen. You just... relax and build some new abomination or something. And we will be back by tomorrow evening, alright?”
A deep and tired sigh came over her father's lips. “Yes. Yes. Alright. I am sorry, Amity. I am just…” Now he put both hands onto her shoulders. “Take care, will you?” He looked over to Hunter. “Both of you.”
Even now Hunter did clearly feel awkward about their little family. “Sure,” he muttered.
Now she allowed herself to break apart from her dad, picked up her own back and turned towards the door. “You take care as well.”
“We will.”
With that Ghost turned into her staff, allowing for her and Hunter to sit on it. Before they both took off.
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flightlessribbons · 2 years
KRIS: The daughter of a retired Pokemon ranger, and the sister to Solana, a pokemon ranger in the Fiore region. Because of this, she was raised with a deep care and respect for nature and wild pokemon. Cousins with Lyra, and is one of 3 grandchildren to the daycare couple in the Johto region. Could come off as a bit awkward to people and tends to be a wallflower in most social settings. Hardworking and determined, but her perfectionist tendencies could stress her out a bit. Has insane luck that she's oblivious to.
Childhood friends with Ethan, and gave him the nickname "Gold" because of an old inside joke. Both her and Ethan looked up to Professor Elm, and aspired to be great pokemon professors when they were older. Works hard to be where she is in battling, after growing up being known as weak and not capable of being a strong trainer. Studied a lot for pokemon battling, and sees it as a very technical thing compared to Silver and Gold. Determined not to let go of her childhood dream even after she became champion, she doubled down to become a pokemon professor. She defends her co- champion title at various points of the season, but is constantly worrying about if she's doing a good job at both dreams. Studies pokemon relationships and works at Professor Elm's lab with Ethan. The two of them also live down the street from the lab together.
THE LEGENDARY BEASTS: Saw Suicune briefly multiple times throughout her journey, but had the chance to battle her in the tin tower- to which after defeated, the water pokemon approached her and stood in front of her. Kris tried to leave, but Suicune blocked her path- shaking her head until Kris got the hint to throw a PokeBall. Battled Raikou randomly while doing some research. After she won the battle, Raikou refused to leave her side, even with his injuries, so Kris caught him just to heal him in the pokemon center. After his wounds were fixed, she tried to release him from the PokeBall, but the electric beast didn't want to leave. In a trip to the burned tower, she saw Entei standing alone, not even instigating a battle with her like the other two- even as she walked up closer to him. She released the other two from their Pokeballs to greet their old friend, and sat down next to them while they played for a while. Eventually, the three calmed down and Entei sat next to her until she offered a PokeBall his way.
ETHAN: Son of Professor Elm, Childhood friends with Kris. Social butterfly and makes friends wherever he goes. Followed in his dad's footsteps and became a pokemon professor- and studies breeding patterns and shiny Pokemon. Helps out at the daycare a lot, and always treats any pokemon with kindness and compassion. Has a knack for pokemon battling, and Kris comments he could easily take on the elite four if he really tried- which Gold always shrugs and tells her me might one day. Has also picked up his dad's habit of talking to Pokemon like human children- especially the baby Pokemon. Kris teases him endlessly for it but finds it very endearing. Spends most of his days out on the field when he can. Enjoys photography, and makes pokemon documentaries on the side.
HO-OH: Accompanied Kris and the beasts to the Tin Tower one day, and as the three beasts roamed outside of their Pokeballs, Ho-Oh appeared before them, shaking the tower and causing something to fall over and injure Raikou. Ethan made his way slowly to Raikou under the Ho-Oh's stare, but helped him out of the debris and healed his wounds. After Raikou was alright, the three beasts gathered around Kris, but Ho-Oh kept their attention on Ethan before flying away. A rainbow wing was left in its wake, which Ethan kept. He ended up visiting the tin tower with the feather many times over the next few months, all leading to encounters with Ho-Oh. Ethan talked to the bird like an old friend, never making moves to catch it, until Ho-Oh refused to let him leave one day while motioning to his bag. The ball only shook once after he threw the PokeBall.
SILVER: Lost contact with his father years ago, but has long since given up trying to find him again. In a relationship with Lyra, and gets teased endlessly about it from his best friends. Became an elite 4 member at Kris's persistence and actually enjoys the challenge. Isn't arrogant and rude as he was when he was a kid, but has retained his sharp tongue and low tolerance for bullshit. Mentored a trainer from Alola once, though Kris and Ethan never met his trainee.
LUGIA: Not long after Kris won the champion title, Silver challenged Bill's sisters for the tidal bell, and traveled to the Whirl islands to challenge the beast that was said to live there. Managed to weaken and catch Lugia, and forced Kris to a battle with the legendary. He ended up losing anyways, and ended up trying to release Lugia- apologizing for using it to gain satisfaction for his own goals. The legendary didn't leave however, and stayed next to him until Silver told Lugia it was time to go home.
LYRA: Kris's cousin who lives with their grandparents in the daycare. Works at the daycare and never cared much for battling. Her optimism and determined nature in contrast to Silver's pessimistic views or dragged on realistics is what Lyra claims makes them work so well. Friendly and lively but can be a bit of a chatterbox even though she may not mean to be.
CELEBI: Found her beat up red Celebi in the Ilex forest, but mistook it for a weird Oddish. Took it back to the daycare and nursed it back to health, and even after Celebi left after its rehabilitation, visited Lyra constantly. Lyra offered it a PokeBall- which it happily took- and (still thinking it was an Oddish) showed Ethan and Kris her new friend. Kris nearly fainted at the sight of the mythical Pokemon, and Ethan couldn't stop laughing at the fact Lyra kept referring to it as an Oddish.
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May i request some Headcanons beauty and the beast au with Risotto?
But reader is actually pretty chill to be kidnapped since they were suppose to marry some asshole a la Gaston, but dosent have a cool dad like Belle, so they are fine to be in a fancy castel. Maybe even too much fine.
"haha how tall are you??"
"...2 meters? 2 meters and 30 with the horns?"
"With the horns, haha, you are soooo funny...wanna fuck?"
Sorry but im a sucker for awkard big monster and their freak monsterfucker s/o
God i love the trope where character A kidnaps character B and then finds out that B is just totally fine with it and throwing A for a loop because they didn't see it coming. Its just so fucking funny to me. Oh and monster fucking is great too! Okay but for real, I love this prompt.
I uh, don't think I made Risotto as awkward as you were looking for here, though I hope you still like this! I've actually never written anything like this before so any feedback would be great! 😃
HCs with Monster!Risotto/gn!Reader, Beauty and the Beast AU...Sort of?
Kinks/Warnings: "kidnapping", Risotto's failed attempts at being intimidating or scary in any way, oral sex & face sitting, monster fucking, size kink, knotting, cream pie, belly bulge.
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✂️ You had gone out to the woods with the flimsy excuse of foraging for mushrooms and other herbs so you could be as far away from the man who was just not taking the hint you didn’t want anything to do with him. The number of times you turned down his marriage proposals has to at least be somewhere in the double digits by now. So busy thinking of ways to avoid this man you don’t notice the shadow of something lurking behind you until its massive form is nearly on top of you, and by then it’s too late. Your escape attempts don’t get you very far, tripping over a tangle of raised tree roots you land face first into unconsciousness.
✂️ You wake up in a bed with throbbing pain across the side of your face. That’s not as important to you as the hulking beast looming over your bedside. Your gaze begins at the sight of abs chiseled by the gods, blanketed with a dusting of silver-white fur that's thicker along the flanks of the torso. Held up by thighs that look ready to burst the trousers they’re covered up with at the seams from how thick they are. Hairy arms rest at the sides, ending with black claw-tipped fingers on giant hands. A thrill shoots through your gut as you tilt your head back to look further up at the bare chest, the dusky brown nipples almost mesmerizing. You clench your thighs hard when you tilt back even more to look at the face of the one all this beauty belongs to. Oh god, he has horns too.
✂️ “What were you doing trespassing on my property?” The man-beast asks with a growl, like he’s annoyed to be dealing with you. His unique eyes tell you differently, peer down at you with a curiosity that makes the flares of heat inside you crackle. In your flustered stupor at taking in his appearance you start to giggle, and his lip curls just enough for you to peak at the sharp teeth hiding behind them. There’s no mistaking the leer on your face as you look over his body. His expression falters, and is that a blush you can see? You bite your lip as his deep voice grits out with a bit of bewilderment, “Who are you?”
✂️ An awkward series of introductions and explanations go on from there but Risotto is unmoved by your honest mistake of wandering onto his lands, “There’s been a group of hunters trying to kill me for the better part of a year. I can’t let you leave and risk you telling someone I’m here in this castle.” Risotto's tone holds an authority that leaves no room for argument, “You have two options: Live here the rest of your days, or die.” You grin at those choices, causing Risotto to take a step back. Either one is a death sentence in his eyes and here you are happy about it?! When you tell him you’d like to stay it confuses him even more, “But...why?”
✂️ “Well, if you’d wanted to kill me you could’ve done so to begin with,” You slide out of bed to size yourself up next to his towering form. Risotto has to be a little over two meters from what you can tell, more if you count his horns. It's obvious he’s someone used to having his orders obeyed without question, clearly not accustomed to the type of attention he’s receiving from you, “Something tells me though, that you don’t wanna do that,” He growls low as you get closer but doesn’t make any efforts to stop you from pressing yourself up against his front. “I get the feeling you want company and are just looking for an excuse for it.” You trace your hands along the divots of his hairy abs, through the coarse fur to press your palms against his nipples, “Tell me, Risotto, how long have you been alone in this castle?”
✂️ Risotto doesn’t bother to restrain himself, he lunges for you with a breathy growl of: “Too fucking long.” Next thing you know you're thrown onto the bed on your back, legs wrapped tight around his torso and big mouth covering your own in a sloppy kiss. A clash of tongue and teeth and Risotto lets you adjust the angle of his head with a chuff so your lips slot together better. It tugs at your heart how content Risotto seems to be with just a simple make out session, making you wonder if he’s been without even normal touch for this long as well as intimacy. When Risotto’s kisses start to taper out into soft pecks and licks down your neck, you reach for the trousers housing the massive outline of his cock. The change in scenery as he shows off his strength to lift you and roll you both over is dizzying with how much raw need it sends through your gut.
✂️ You’re arranged to sit on his chest and the sound of your clothes ripping apart brings you back to the present. “I need to prepare you. It’ll hurt if I don’t.” Risotto grunts, straight to the point. He tosses aside the frayed remains of your clothes and you flush under the hungry gaze of his red-black eyes. “Hm, can’t use my fingers, either.” He emphasizes that with the light brush of his claws over the tops of your thighs. There’s a brief silence that Risotto uses to think of how to proceed, before you watch his wide shoulders shrug and he takes you by the hips to let your thighs cage his head in between. “Is this okay?” Your crotch is just inches away from his mouth, the light puffs of his breath on your sex sending shivers through you. When you nod he hums out, “Don’t let me hurt you.” and well, that's the last thing he says for a long, long while.
✂️ Risotto eats you out like he’s starved and you have to hold onto his horns to keep balance. Your grip at the base of them makes him moan against your entrance, his hands on your waist pushing you forward to encourage humping his face with abandon. Risotto opens you up with his long, thick tongue for what feels like an age. Lets you ride him until his face is soaked with release after release. Until your inner walls hug soft and comfortable around the slick intrusion of his tongue. As satisfied as you are right now, you still want more. You turn to find his cock already out of his trousers. Watching the thick vein along the shaft pulsing makes your mouth water. Hard and blurting out a downright obscene amount of precum onto his abs. Risotto grunts when you take him in hand and god, you can’t even get your grip completely around it. You circle the head of his cock with your thumb, causing it to twitch.
✂️ Only after triple checking with you that this is still what you want Risotto lets you shuffle backwards until the tip of his cock brushes against your hole. Risotto quakes underneath you as you start to sink down on his cock, yet still his hands massage along your hips and thighs in an effort to distract from any discomfort. Large knuckles drawing circles against your sex and you think there will be no end to your descent until you suddenly bottom out with a gasp. Risotto hands shootout to take the bedding in a death grip. Sharp claws digging into fabric with an audible rip. The soft, desperate noises Risotto makes as you shift around to get comfortable around his cock would seem adorable if you weren’t feeling the same as he is right now. Both you and Risotto look down to see the faint outline of it along your lower body and the moan Risotto let out at the sight vibrates throughout your body hard enough to make you see stars.
✂️ Your efforts to ride his cock are admirable, but Risotto can tell you’re struggling. With shaky hands he takes you by the waist and begins to move you up and down his length, the size of you worth nothing in the face of his inhuman strength and need. Your moan of relief morphs into a reedy whine as Risotto’s girth slides along all the right spots inside of you to draw out your cries. It’s only a few moments later Risotto shamelessly murmurs out a gravelly, “‘M close,” and tries to pull you off his cock only to stop when you dig your hands into his fur to stay in place, “Nngh, you don’t understand. I don’t, ah! St-Stop squeezing around me like that! I don’t cum like a normal human!” He half shouts, half moans, “If my knot inflates inside of you I could rip you apart!”
✂️ “I think I can handle it,” You’re not so naive to be ignorant of what Risotto speaks of. You read to an obsessive degree, of equal amounts fiction and educational texts. The veterinary illustrations you’ve seen were only intellectual curiosities that now serve in a way you didn’t think would be possible, “Now stop being such a gentleman and take what you want—whoa!” Risotto flips back over to press you into the mangled bedding, folding you in half to do exactly what you’ve instructed. The angle has your eyes rolling back and clenching around him just so that it only takes a few more thrusts until he’s pumping thick ropes of cum inside of you. Risotto doesn’t stop until his knot well and truly ties you both together. It swells faster than you anticipated, but Risotto’s hand returns to your sex to mix the pain with your pleasure to make you a twitching, crying mess as you cum around his cock.
✂️ Risotto grunts and trembles from above, cock twitching hard inside of you. No doubt cumming again from the grip you currently have on him. So much of it that you can feel it leaking out of you from around his knot. Slowly he arranges you on your sides and stuffs pillows around your exhausted body to support you as you sag into his chest. There is a strange noise filling up the space of the room, realizing it’s a purring sound emanating from deep within Risotto’s chest you can’t help but giggle. He chuckles in turn, wrapping a comforting arm around you, “I’m sorry but you’re going to be stuck to me for a while, so try to get some rest. We’ll figure out where to go from here...after.” You hum in response. As the comfort of his purring starts to make you drift off to sleep, you wonder if this castle has a library.
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🥓 “Keep searching, there has to be clues about what happened to them!” Prosciutto shouts to the search party he’s accumulated to help find you. He refuses to believe you would so willingly vanish without a trace, cursing himself for not stopping you from going into the forest in the first place. He’s warned you again and again about the monster that skulks this part of the woods. Prosciutto saw that thing with his own eyes, a horned, wild hybrid of man and beast that had to be spawned from the womb of the devil themself. He should’ve cleaved his sword into its skull then and there.
🥓 Pesci calls out to him from not far off, and he races to the clearing where minor shreds of your clothing and specks of your blood stains a gnarl of upturned roots. Prosciutto spits out more curses before commending Pesci on such a great find. The only explanation for this is that the monster got to you before he could, and stole you away to its lair which he’s yet to find. While it’s something to start with, Prosciutto won’t be satisfied until he’s either found your remains, or you’re safe and whole in his arms.
🥓 He will save you. He will save you. Once he’s brought you back to the village and killed the beast that dared lay its hands on you, you’ll finally see that he’s worthy of the title of husband. No one could possibly turn down a proposal from the one that saved their life from such horrid circumstances. His place by your side is all but guaranteed. Making sure that monster won’t hurt anyone ever again will just be a nice bonus. Prosciutto’s already wondering where he’ll display its horn in his den.
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I wanted to talk about some ideas I had with this AU. I’m probably not ever going to write a full blown fic so anyone reading this feel free to take these ideas and roll with them in your own story! 
Risotto and Prosciutto’s family had a generations-long feud for reasons that have since been lost to time. Risotto & his cousin were some of the few remaining members of the Nero family left. Risotto’s cousin was like a father/older brother (or mom/sister) to him. His cousin is brutally murdered during negotiations to marry the rival families sons/daughters so as to bring an end to the feuding for good. Risotto goes on a long, bloody, bitter revenge quest. He almost wipes out the entire rival family—many which had nothing to do with or knew of plans for the murder, including children—before Prosciutto’s grandmother (this part of the AU takes place during her generation when she’s a young woman, and she’s a secret witch!) places a curse on Risotto to change him into a beast. With his cousin dead and Risotto forced into seclusion because of the curse the Nero family dies out and falls to ruin.
Instead of loving and being loved like in the Disney film the only way to break the curse is for Risotto to let go of the bitterness, the hate and vengeance in his heart. Not just the hate for Prosciutto’s family but the hate he has for himself and for the things he’s done in the name of revenge. He also has intense depression, survivor's guilt and PTSD from watching his cousin be murdered. For decades Risotto stays in hiding, those negative feelings keeping him numb on the inside. A beast that wants to die but for some reason keeps on moving forward.
Until the Reader shows up of course! 😁
Prosciutto isn’t exactly a Gaston insert in this AU and not an outright misogynist (as the Reader is gn in this story), he is more just someone that feels entitled to the Reader’s love because of either his high standing in the village or noble status. I can’t decide which explanation is better. Either way, he was raised a bit spoiled as one of the handful of children in his generation and very entitled because of it. Prosciutto is completely ignorant to the feud and what happened during his grandmother’s time, she told him that illness almost ended their line.
He thinks Risotto to be some horror story come to life and nothing more. Risotto is equally as ignorant to which family Prosciutto belongs to, only seeing Pros as nuisance to his quiet days of brooding while taking long walks through the forest. Risotto just wants to be emo in peace goddamnit!
Prosciutto’s grandmother is now the matriarch of the family, and holds deep shame over what transpired between them and the Nero’s. She becomes head of her family a few years after cursing Risotto and vows to lead them to be better than their ancestors who started this pointless feuding. Watching how her only grandson acts, she now worries she did not do as good a job as she had hoped.
And that's all I got! If you read this far I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for sticking it out through such a long post! 💖
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
The Bakugou Kids - Bakugou Katsuki
(Dad)Bakugou x (Mom)f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Cursing
Summary: Bakugou and Y/N love their son with their entire beings, but sometimes, parents need a break. Especially when those parents are responsible for creating a literal demon spawn. He is kind, well behaved, and cute of course! But he does have Bakugou blood in him. With Y/N already away on a girls trip, Bakugou has to find out how he’s going to deal with his (now) many, many kids.
A/N: You passed down your duplication quirk down to Katsuo.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” You asked your husband as you stood at the doorway. “Katsumi may be a calm baby but she’s still a baby. And Katsuo’s quirk just kicked in and it is mine. I would know how difficult it can be to manage.”
“Stop worrying, Babe. It’s just a duplication quirk. And he’s only 5, how powerful can it really be?”Katsuki said, wrapping his arms around you. “Just go on your little girl’s trip with Ponytail and Racoon Eyes. I can handle the brat.”
You looked at your husband with a raised brow and smile before rolling your eyes and giving him a kiss. “Alright then. I’ll see you in a few days!”
With that, you walked out of the house and into the cab to meet your friends at the resort. Katsuki chuckled before walking back into the house to find his son napping on the couch. His spiky, blonde locks were all messed up with bed head while his E/C eyes he inherited from you remained shut. Katsuki walked over to his newborn daughter and picked her up while he took a seat next to Katsuo’s sleeping form, rubbing at his soft hair until he woke up.
“Can’t be all that bad, right Katsumi?”
The baby girl merely cooed with sparkling ruby eyes that mimicked her father’s.
Wow. Wrong. He was so wrong! It had only been 2 days since your departure but things had already gone so wrong! When you said your quirk was difficult to manage, Katsuki thought it would be difficult for Katsuo to manage. Not him!
Katsuki should’ve known his son would’ve taken the opportunity to act out while his mother was away. He had always been your little angel while Katsuki saw him as his little gremlin. With Y/N gone, Katsuo has been pushing all kinds of limits. Limits that had Katsuki beat.
Katsuo had been fortunate enough to inherit a quirk. And not just any quirk, but your quirk. Duplication. Basically, he can create copies of himself. When you were his age, you could only create 4, max. Katsuo was different though. He had Bakugou blood flowing through him. He was advanced the second he was born. So now, Katsuki was stuck looking after Katsumi, Katsuo, and Katsuo’s 16 other copies.
“Aye! Number 15, you’re gonna break that lamp! 11 and 8! Don’t wrestle in the mud! Go take a bath! NUMBER 3 GET OFF THE KITCHEN ISLAND! KATSUMI!” The adult blond screamed, looking for his infant daughter, eventually finding her sleeping in her little rocker on the living room floor. “Oh right, you don’t talk yet.”
Katsuki sighed as he slumped down next to his daughter, and leaned his back against the couch. He looked around the room and saw the 17 Katsuo’s making a ruckus around the house. All he could do was question how the hell is 3 month old daughter could possibly sleep through all this.
Katsuki almost lost all hope for humanity until a knock was heard on his front door. Knowing exactly who was there, he quickly got up from his place on the floor and ran to the entrance. “You idiots are finally here!”
Katsuki pulled in his 3 friends, the boys of the Bakusquad, and slammed the door shut. The 3 friends all stood in shock at the sight of the house. Not that it was overly messy or anything. It’s just that there were about 16 more figures in the house that aren’t usually there.
“You gotta help me!” Katsuki said, running infront of them, shaking his best friend’s shoulders. “I love my kids! I do! I love Katsuo, I swear! BUT I DIDNT SIGN UP TO BE A FATHER OF 18 FREAKING DEVILS!”
“Okay! Okay, relax man. We’re here.” Kirishima said, patting his friend’s shoulder as he wept. “How the hell are we gonna take care of 17 little Bakugous?”
“Right? We thought 1 Kacchan was a lot. Then you brought another one into the world, who apparently brought some unannounced friends.” Kaminari joked.
“They’re demons!” Katsuki exclaimed. “This has to be some fucking Karma for the shit I did. I knew I should’ve listened to my old hag better. Now shits came back to bite me in the- HEY! PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN! SHE’S NOT A FOOTBALL!”
Katsuos number 7 and 5 placed a sleeping Katsumi back in her rocker with an annoyed pout before running off to play something else.
“Welllll, there’s nothing that 3 cool uncles can’t fix!” Sero enthusiastically said. “Hey kiddos! Who’s ready to have some fun?”
All the mini blondes stopped their movements, some freezing mid-air, and looked to the slim man. They all shouted in joy at the sight of their uncles and ran to pounce on the 3 men, including their father. From the point of view of the boys in the Bakusquad, it looked like a Bakugou stampede.
“Run, run, RUN, RUN, RUUUNN!!!!” Kaminari screamed as the boys all ran for their lives to escape the herd of Katsuos. This was going to be an interesting day.
Safe to say after the day had passed, the boys of the Bakusquad were completely exhausted. Sero had half his clothes torn, Kirishima’s hair fell from it’s great spikes and even lost some red hues, Katsuki’s eye bags had never been heavier, and Kaminari was just straight knocked the fuck out. They were all thrown across the couch as Katsumi rested in Katsuki’s arms.
“What do we do?” Kirishima exclaimed.
“I don’t know.” Katsuki said, looking at his scrambling son(s). “There’s just too many.”
“And we’ve already lost a soldier.” Sero said pointing to Kaminari’s sleeping form. Katsuki and Kirishima followed his gaze and bowed their heads in respect towards the defeated Kaminari.
“Well now what? Is Bakugou just supposed to live like this for the next 3 days?” Kirishima asked.
“Hell no. If I do, there’s not gonna be anymore Katsuki. I’ll just be some body without a soul because my damn gremlins sucked it outta’ me.” Katsuki said with his head dropped down.
“Well how do we get them to calm down?” Sero questioned.
“I don’t know. They’re all mini me’s. Nobody could get me to relax.” Katsuki said in defeat, but that’s when Kirishima had a lightbulb go off for him.
“Except for Y/N!” The red head said, popping up from his seat on the couch.
“Uh, if you haven’t noticed Shitty Hair, this all started because she’s away on her trip.” Katsuki said with sarcasm as he looked at his friend as if he was an idiot.
“I know that! But Y/N wasn’t the only one to tame you, Bakugou!” Kirishima said in excitement.
“So then who else?” Katsuki asked.
“You know,” Kirishima smirked. “Denki’s favorite person. Y/N and.........”
It took Katsuki a second before his eyes popped when he finally got it. “No!”
“Yes!” Kirishima said.
“No way! We’re not going to her!” Katsuki complained.
“Who?” Sero asked.
“Nobody!” Katsuki screamed.
“Oh it’s somebody alright! Somebody who was able to tame the beast in Bakugou the second he was born!” Kirishima said.
“Who?” Sero asked. Katsuki finally sighed before he gave in, realizing this was his only hope for sanity. He grabbed his phone and made a quick call before explaining to his dark-haired friend.
“The demon of all demons...”
The door opened to reveal a tall standing brunette and an elder feminine blonde.
“...My mother.”
The boys of the Bakusquad all sat lined up on the couch as Mitsuki stood at Katsuki’s end and smacked her son’s head.
“You idiots! Y/N leaves for 2 days and all hell breaks lose?!” Mitsuki screamed at the 3 young men.
“You old hag! Quit hitting me! Ima’ grown man for crying out loud!” Katsuki screamed as he rubbed his head. Masaru simply bounced the sleeping Katsumi in his arms as he watched the scene play out.
“Well if you’re such a grown man then why can’t you manage your own kids without your wife’s help?!” Mitsuki argued, leaving Katsuki silent as he grumbled. The eldest blonde sighed before continuing. “Alright listen, I’ll watch these little devils for the next few days until Y/N comes back. I’d love to spend some time with my grandbrats. Why don’t the 3 of you go take a break and-“
“THANKS! Let’s go losers!” Katsuki said dragging his friends to the exit. Mitsuki and Masaru only laughed at their son’s behavior as they began tending to the kids.
The boys of the Bakusquad all quickly walked out of the house and headed for their cars as they all walked together.
“So, where to?” Sero asked.
“We could go head up that new resort in Tokyo!” Kaminari suggested.
“Naahhh. That’s where Y/N’s having her girl’s trip. Wifey would kill me if she saw me there instead of at home with the kids.” Katsuki said with his hands in his pockets. Kirishima raised his brow at this.
“Oh? So then, maybe we should go back and-“
“You know, on second thought,” Katsuki said with wide eyes once Kirishima made the suggestion. He took his hands out of his pockets and placed them behind his friend’s backs to keep them moving. “Maybe she won’t kill me..if I’m lucky..and wish..upon a shooting star....a million times over. Hah.....yeah. TO THE RESORT!”
As they walked, Kaminari attempted to look at the house once more, prompting Katsuki to turn his friend’s head back around. “No, no, no, don’t look back, they can smell fear.”
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blackestnight · 2 years
15: invasion of the supper snatchers
Prompt: Row
Word count: 1216
Loosely follows Feast of Famine, although you don’t really need to read that one. Mune’s Eorzean adventures continue, this time into the realm of culinary exploration.
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“And you managed to catch this sea serpent of legend by accident?” Aymeric said.
“Dad was the one who hooked it,” Mune told him, “but yes. It took both of us and the ferry captain to actually reel it in, too, it was big. They had to call someone from the fishing guild to come look at it and he kept asking Dad questions about the bait he had used. I think most of the people were not sure it was a real thing?”
He wasn’t actually sure if Uncle Aymeric was interested in fishing at all, but Mune figured catching sea dragons—well, not really dragons—was cool enough to talk about even if he wasn’t. And he’d kept nodding and asking questions about every story Mune told about their fishing trip in La Noscea, but Uncle Aymeric was really nice so he might have done that anyway even if he was bored.
“I wonder what they did with the beast afterward,” Aymeric said, returning to the bowl in front of him on the counter and scooping out more dough.
“I think the guild person said they were having some…uh—” Mune paused in his own work, fork dangling from his fingers; the word ended with -ologist but the first part had been such a strange word he couldn’t even guess at it—“research people? Look at it. Because of the Calamity and how it made the animals weird.” It was always strange to him to think about Eorzea before the red moon fell. At home there were fish almost as big as the sea dragons, but they were just very, very old, not warped by aether or anything. Dewah-otousan said it was because things gathered more life energy the longer they were around, which was how they sometimes ended up with auspices.
Hopefully Seiryu wouldn’t be upset about the sea dragon.
“Well,” Aymeric said, dropping another dollop of dough on the tray and offering Mune a smile, “I am honored to be in the presence of both a master fisherman and a valued contributor to science.”
“Um,” Mune said, and ducked to look at the sheet tray again. “Thank you.” He wasn’t, he’d just helped, and caught a couple smaller serpents, but Dad always said it was rude not to take a compliment. He pressed the fork into the cookie in front of him again, careful to line up the cross-hatch pattern—Uncle Aymeric had said the angle didn’t have to be exact, but it was relaxing to see the lines make neat little squares—and blinked at the lumps of dough that Aymeric kept putting down. “This is…a lot of cookies.”
“It is,” Aymeric said, still scooping up dough and scraping it into ragged balls. “But they’re quite small, and they don’t rise or spread in the oven, so they tend not to be more than a mouthful. Regardless,” he added, ducking to plant his elbow on a second sheet tray and drag it closer, “I’ve an office full of hungry knights who will be quite happy to demolish whatever we don’t eat before you can say ‘confection.’”
“You had better make sure Handeloup gets some,” said another voice, and Mune almost dropped his fork.
“Welcome back, Auntie Hana!” he said; when he turned around she was already halfway across the kitchen—her socks were so quiet on the stone floor. Her hair looked wet from snow.
Aymeric stopped, too, resting his empty hands on the edge of the bowl. “Welcome home,” he said. “Hopefully you had a fruitful adventure?”
“We found everything,” Auntie said, and dropped the bag slung over her arm on the kitchen table; she pulled out onions and leeks and scallions and peppers and lots of what looked like long green leaf-covered vegetables—millioncorn, Mune realized, though when he’d seen it in Thanalan it hadn’t had the covering on it—and what must have been some kind of sausage, which she moved to put in the icebox. “We had to teleport down to Ul’dah to get some of it and when we came back Haruki fell on his ass in a slush puddle. He went to take a bath. Hi, tanpopo,” she finished, nudging the icebox closed with her knee and standing on her toes to ruffle Mune’s hair; he ducked to hide how hot his face was, because his hair wasn’t that bad and it was a silly nickname for little kids, but he didn’t really want to ask her to stop, either. “What are you making?”
“Peanut butter cookies,” Aymeric said, scooping the dough again, though he paused to let Auntie fix his sleeve where it was falling off his elbow. “I’ve not had the excuse to make them in some time.”
Auntie hummed. “Mune, you will like these, they aren’t too sweet.” Mune nodded—he liked sweets more than Auntie Hana did, but the sweet foods in Ishgard were really strong; the last time they had visited, Uncle Aymeric had let him try a bite of a Sohm Al tart, and his teeth had felt sticky for the rest of the day. Auntie leaned forward so she stood between Mune and Aymeric, although Mune had to lift his arm so he wouldn’t hit her with his elbow—he probably could rest it on her shoulder, but then she’d tickle him, and he didn’t want to knock anything over.
“They smell really nice,” Mune said, and then—“Hey!”
Auntie Hana had snatched one of the un-pressed dough lumps off the tray and popped it in her mouth. “I am a grown-up, I can spoil my dinner if I want to,” she said, one hand covering her mouth. When she reached for another cookie, though, Uncle Aymeric swiped at her hand with his wooden spoon.
“You,” he said, “are being a terrible role model.” But he was smiling, even when Auntie Hana held up her dough-covered hand and made a rude gesture at him, so Mune just giggled.
“What are you laughing at, huh?” she said, and tapped Mune on the nose; he yelped when she smeared dough on him and reached for a towel to scrub it off. She left the cookies alone, though, and leaned forward to grab a knife from the block by the wall with her clean hand. Mune and Aymeric both leaned backward to let her move past.
“What are you making, Hana-obasan?” he asked, once he’d cleaned his nose. She pulled one of the tall stools next to the table and climbed up to kneel on it before she finished wiping her hand clean and cut one of the onions in half with a sharp thunk.
“Corn soup,” she said. “They usually make a cold version in Ul’dah, but I like the hot one better—what is that face for,” she said, and Mune blinked, but she was pretending to glare at Aymeric.
“Nothing at all,” Aymeric said, even though one of his eyebrows was raised while he looked at the pile of vegetables.
Auntie Hana rolled her eyes and kept chopping. “These aren’t even hot peppers, they will not kill you. And if they do, you deserve it.”
Mune laughed again—Uncle Aymeric was really bad at eating spicy food—and went back to pressing neat lines into the tops of the cookies while his aunt and uncle kept pretending to fight behind him.
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elden-schwing · 2 years
HC Hour
It’s that time again. So I’ve been turning human!Morgott, or more accurately numen!Morgott, or even more accurately half-numen-half-whatever-the-fuck-Godfrey-is-but-that's-a-little-verbose-even-for-me-so-let's-just-go-with-numen!Morgott[1] (aka the de-cursified version of him we see lying on the ground after his Leyndell fight, except, like, less shriveled and dying) around in my head for more than a month now and I am way overdue to post some relevant content. Baby steps, though, or like my dad used to say “eat the elephant one bite at a time” (???) so let’s begin with some quick-and-easy headcanon: After a long, convoluted side-quest[2] that makes Ranni’s deal look like a fatpants trip to the gas station, you unlock the bestest and most secretest ending wherein you ascend Morgott to godhood and become his Elden Lord (and also his shadow in a total power couple move, but I digress). This ascension happens as he lays dying at the foot of the Erdtree, right before the game’s final boss(es). Why is Morgott dying at the foot of the Erdtree, right before the final boss(es)? Dramatic effect, my friend. We're taking a fresh approach, here. Maybe he leapt in heroically to save his beloved (that’s you) from Godfrey in an epic father-son duel and got clapped as a result. Maybe he stepped on a Lego. Who can really say? I mean, you, probably, since you were there, but whatever the case, you have a tender, heart-wrenching scene where you cradle his newly-numen form in your arms because The Greater Will has finally rewarded him for his centuries of faithful, utterly selfless devotion with the ultimate dick move of removing his omen curse only once he’s too dying to notice.[3] That’s right, best boy isn’t even aware of the change to his body—in his final moments, all he sees is you. It’s so fucking sad the sky itself starts crying, otherwise known as rain. Anyway, Morgott dies and you are understandably upset, but instead of coping with your grief in a healthy manner you choose violence and proceed to absolutely wreck Radagon’s shit and then use his man-skirt to spank the Elden Beast like that pudgy kid at the pool. You Win. You win and in a moment of pure self-indulgent petulance you punt Marika’s head off into the dark somewhere because Fuck That Bitch.[4] Then you carry(?) the Elden Ring back to the tragically handsome corpse of your husbando and jam it in there somehow and sit back to enjoy a miraculous-revival cinematic so dazzling and formulaic that it puts Disney to shame. You understand, now, where the budget for the boss tuning went, and why we couldn’t afford a quest log. And Godefroy. “Worth it,” you breathe in quiet awe. Congratulations. Morgott has become Hot. Actually, he was always hot, but now he’s a god so it’s capitalized and also he’s not an omen anymore. Tears run freely down your face and you can’t tell if they’re tears of joy or tears of abject sorrow as the monster fucker in you mourns the loss of his horns and tail and thirteen-inch knotted penis. In fact, that internal wailing that you assumed was your soul is actually the Midsommer-esque communal cry of monster fuckers everywhere. But don’t despair, I’m sure we can make up some bullshit reason why he’s able to shift back and forth like a big old skrunkly werewolf. So exactly how Hot is numen!Morgott? Well, if you’ve ever started a brand new save file, speedran to Leyndell and fucking murdered him just so you could use the Spread Out gesture next to his cadaver for the purpose of comparing model sizes, you’ll notice the man is still huge. He may not be omen-huge, but he towers over you all the same. Furthermore, ascension to godhood has rejuvenated him. Somewhat. His physique is neither swole nor spindly, and while athletic and firm, he certainly isn’t shredded enough to have a six-pack (unless that’s your kink in which case absolutely go off based king). His body retains the faintest hint of old man droopiness that he had as an omen, along with a proliferation of hair (treasure trail stans rise up) which, like the lush mane on his head, if compared against a sheet of paper, is revealed not to be wholly white, but a very pale shade of platinum blonde. You know what, though? Let’s just go ahead and say he has greys sprinkled in there too because gotta fuck geezers. Anyhow, the real question we should be asking here is: Does Morgott manscape? To which I can only reply: I don’t know my friend, does he? You tell me. [1] Oh my gosh what if we called him NuGott? Which sounds vaguely like nougat? Which all good-taste-havers know is objectively the best candy? [2] More on this later. [3] Now that I think about it if he dies in your arms as an omen we can just straight-up lift that dope transformation sequence from Beauty and The Beast (1991). I don't know which I like better. Shit. Fuck. [4] Once he’s done freaking out about his new body, Morgott, ever the dutiful son, will want to put his mum’s head back on her body. What happened to it? You have no idea. It’s not here? So weird. You help him look for it, though.
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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ITYH (Visual Novel)
Created by: Amiralo
Genre: Horror/Romance
To be honest, I wasn't really sure what to expect with this visual novel, but man, did it surpass my expectations. The story is quite long (I think it's like two hours long for the longest route) and it's a pretty tragic love story. It seems to be around the concept of Beauty and the Beast or Phantom of the Opera, but I think it does a good job of making a tragic story of love.
The story starts out with a flashback of the main character Camille talking to her dad about his lover, and then to her best friend, Ivy's new boyfriend. Between both of these interactions, Camille starts to dream about finding the perfect guy for her, believing that she was just too picky about the guys she dated before. She ends up finding a guy that she falls for immediately, and tells Ivy about it. The two talk about the previous relationships Camille has had before and Camille attempts to invite the boy, Osgoode to sit with him. He refuses and Camille continues to pester and talk to him until he's forced to agree to go on a date. Camille also spends some time with Ivy to hang out and we see that Ivy has been stalking Osgoode and trying to take pictures of him. Camille waits at the cafe where the date will show up, but he never does, leaving Camille's heart shattered. Her classmate comes to her house to deliver one of Osgoode's notebooks under the assumption that the two are close and Camille ends up having to go to his house to give it back. His house is a huge mansion on top of a huge hill and upon getting there, she goes in and sneaks about, only to find an amputated person in the kitchen. Freaked out, she attempts to hide and escape from Osgoode, but unfortunately her phone goes off and she gets kidnapped. She's forced to call her guardian and has to lie about going on a trip with Osgoode for the summer before he drives her off to an unknown location.
When Camille awakens, she's chained to a bed and trapped in a room. She hears the piano playing and Osgoode comes up with food to keep her alive. While she attempts to talk to him multiple times, nothing works and she slowly gets more anxious as time goes on. Finally, Camille decides to seduce him by taking off her clothes, causing Osgoode to get flustered. At some point, Osgoode leaves the body of the other person she saw in the kitchen, dead and disfigured, stating that she will be next. Instead of panicking, Camille decides to stay calm and ask for a dignified death, asking Osgoode to bring her things to enjoy her last couple of days. Osgoode seems to be surprised by this, but complies, giving her more food and other items to keep her from boredom. Eventually, Osgoode and Camille talk about a trashy romance novel that she has been reading, which he seems curious about. Slowly, the two develop a relationship with each other, with Osgoode and her doing puzzles together and talking a bit more about their pasts. It seems Osgoode has two older brothers, and both of them have left him missing, causing him to become worried. Camille attempts to comfort him and the two eventually have sex with each other. During this time, Camille goes into a trance like state, and when she wakes up, one of her hands gets eaten. Screaming, Osgoode comes over to apologize for eating her hand and Camille gets extremely aggressive over him intruding on her. At some point, Osgoode leaves for a bit, leaving Camille alone but stocked with food. Camille becomes isolated in the house for a long time, until Osgoode comes back with another body. He explains that his diet consists of humans and that the reason he ate Camille's hand was because he hadn't eaten for a month. We learn that he's been worried that his older brother is dead since he hasn't contacted him for a month. Camille seems to still be agitated, so Osgoode comes with a gift for her, in the form of essentially slashing him to release her anger. Camille forces him to stop, stating that he doesn't want to hurt him and wondering why his blood is pink. He explains that his body and fluids can serve as painkilling, making it easier for him to hunt and his blood smells sweet as to attract prey. Camille asks him if he will eat him and he admits though while at first he was, he has grown attached to her.
We eventually get a backstory for both Camille and Osgoode. Osgoode is described as a "monster" with his two brothers and the story revolves around him taming a dog only to have that dog be killed by his brothers. Camille on the other hand has a backstory of her parents, specifically of her mother that gave her away to her father and her father who, while was loving, couldn't spend a lot of time with her. It also mentions why she became so attached to her friend Ivy, envying a life of a rebel. Camille and Osgoode have a movie night to watch the Phantom of the Opera and Camille asks if he will ever release her to his reply was no, as he now as grown attached. Camille eventually is able to email her friends and guardian before running into the woods with Osgoode chasing behind her. She ends up at a dead end with a cliff, and she sees Osgoode's true form and cries out due to stress. Osgoode apologizes for what he's done, but he refuses to let her go, stating that no one out there has reached out to find her, and making it seem like no one cared. Tired, Camille accepts her fate and Osgoode plans on moving to a different area with her where its easier for him to get humans. Unfortunately, while Osgoode is preparing, the police come and blow up the entire place. Osgoode uses his last minutes of life to protect Camille and dies. Camille confesses to the police with what happens (and is strangely calm about it) and she ends up holding on to a picture of Osgoode, despite hating him, locking her into the feeling of Stockholm syndrome.
Like I said in the beginning, this story is actually really surprisingly dark and long. I wasn't really sure what I was expecting in the story, but it certainly wasn't this and that's a good thing. I initially wasn't that big of a fan of Camille, because while she was different than a lot of MCs I've seen in this story ( she's very straightforward in the type of guy she likes and goes out to try to get with him ), she was very overly naïve in the idea of love. As the story went on though, I really admire how she was able to survive in such a situation and how she changed because of the entire encounter. We also see why she is so infatuated on the idea of love, which is likely due to her upbringing, especially considering her mother threw her away while her father had a more unstable love life. She had a hard time attempting to please her father's lover, which is why she ends up trying so hard for Osgoode. In the end, she does sort of get what she wants, but at that point, her love for him is tainted and while she's not angry at him as much as she was initially, she is tired of trying to run away.
Osgoode himself is an interesting case of a yandere since he doesn't start out as one. If anything, you could argue Camille was more like it since she was far more persistent in trying to get Osgoode's attention for most of the game. Osgoode seems disinterested and annoyed in Camille initially and only really kidnapped her because he had made a mistake in letting her see what he had done, and even in kidnapping her, only really kept her alive possibly out of pity or to feed his next meal. However, as the story goes on, Osgoode actually becomes more interested and infatuated with Camille, especially since he's able to learn more about the outside world. Their relationship is pretty messed up considering he ends up eating Camille's hand and he thinks the best way to make up for it is to make Camille slash his body. Considering what happens in the story, with him training his dog, only to have it killed, along with his general non-humanness of being a wendigo. He basically gains Lime syndrome towards her and in one ending, tries to talk her off from jumping off a cliff saying that the two will be together forever, and that they will run away together. I think while partially it's because if Camille does escape, she will end up exposing Osgoode, but it's also because he's developed strong feelings for her, and thus won't let her escape.
The story overall is just a really unfortunate thing to happen to two naive individuals. While they both have their flaws, it doesn't feel right to say that they deserve most of these endings, especially considering their backgrounds and circumstances. Still, this game was really fun to go through, and it definitely hit the nail on the head with the horror romance that it's depicting. I would highly recommend playing it.
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Hellooo, how are you? So, ive been looking through winter soldier fics and i would like to read some stiles kidnapped and brainwashed(?) fics, you know take away and comeback like hunter, like THE hunter, cause he is really talent. It can be sterek, steter. Happy ending or not.
Thank you🥰🥰🥰
For sure.
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Where the wild roses grow by AlphaSara
(1/1 I 905 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles made a mistake five years ago. Curiosity didn't kill a cat but it did leave his brother in a coma. Five years later, Scott is still in the same hospital and Stiles is on the same mission: Find and kill Derek Hale.
The monster that mauled his brother will fall by his hand. Even if it's the last thing he does.
But faced with the creature he hunted for so long, hunched over his bleeding beta, protecting her , Stiles' hand hesitates on the trigger.
Monsters shouldn't be willing to die for other monsters, right?
Not Who You Think I Am by GrimReaperlover11
(1/? I 1,439 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles Stilinski is the new kid at Beacon HIlls HIgh. Derek Hale finds himself wanting to be friends with the new student. however, will these feelings change when Stiles reveals himself to not be exactly who he says he is?
Mortala. by SoapyPasta
(1/? I 2,561 I Teen I No Pairing)
6 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, that's how long it takes to break him. Now he bends at their will. Kills when they ask him to, no questions asked.
He's their best soldier and doesn't hesitate, not until he ends up back in a familiar town, with a target he swears he's seen somewhere before.
Or, what will the pack do when one of the hunters tracking them down looks shockingly familiar? And when did Stiles get so good with a gun?
There Are No Wolves In California by kitsunequeen
(1/1 I 7,579 I General I Sterek)
Hunter!Stiles accidentally hits a wolf with his car and can't bear to leave him in the road to die. It's not till he gets the wolf home that he sees its eyes glow red... ------- Even everyday roadkill is upsetting, but this thing… Moments ago it was probably a majestic beast, and now it’s a mangled pile of soon-to-be rotting flesh. He presses a shaking hand to the only part of its chest left intact, not even thinking about whether it'll give him rabies or some other awful disease.
He’s about to pull back when something even crazier happens.
He realizes the wolf is breathing.
become the beast by sterekhale
(1/1 I 17,276 I Explicit I Sterek)
Former FBI agent, Stiles Stilinski, puts his skills to use hunting and killing werewolves. It’s exactly the kind of lucrative and dangerous career he wants, which is why he can’t say no when given his next job: Abducting the Hale alpha for $1,000,000 — even if it may be the last job he ever does.
Ride by wolfbeater
(1/1 I 34,758 I Explicit I Sterek)
The howlers emerged after the war that stripped the world of its colour. All Stiles knows is the wasteland and he calls the road his home, hunting the mutants wreaking havoc on what’s left of humanity. But when he becomes the hunted, he has to team up with the very thing he kills. And it’s possibly the worst road trip he’s been on.
Vindicated by Firenation
(1/1 I 39,363 I Mature I Sterek)
After Stiles' dad died in the Hale fire, the Argents took him in, left Beacon Hills and trained him to be a Hunter. They give him weapons and tell him the family business- Hunting- is a lifestyle, not a job. Especially for them. Argents are Hunter royalty, as it turns out, so Genim has a lot to live up to, even though Allison- his sister, of sorts- won’t find out until later on. She’ll lead them, in her time, whereas Stiles will fight for them, a soldier. Stiles always did like Captain America, it has to be said.
Or the one where Stiles is a good Hunter that manages to fall in love with Derek Hale. This... is not his day.
Red Riding, at your service. by SA_SA
(25/? I 58,166 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles had never wanted to be a hunter. The more Gerard had pushed the more he'd done the complete opposite. So when Crazy evil old Gerard decides he's had enough of him, all there is left to do for Stiles is run but not without a little present which may or may not lead to a bounty on Red Riding's head, a long ass stroll through the woods and an encounter with a very hot and broody Alpha.
Kelev Ra by Moku
(9/9 I 114,350 I Mature I Sterek)
Considering he was a sixteen year old hunter, who basically relied on folklore and myths for research ‘cause his granddad was a lying selfish bag of douche who’d rather get him killed than share their family bestiary with him, Stiles Stilinski’s life was surprisingly uneventful. Sure, there was the occasional preternatural stuff he had to deal with. And maybe some temporary lapses into insanity. But apart from that, life was a piece of double fudge chocolate cake.
Until Peter Hale woke from a six year long slumber like Sleeping Beauty and decided upon awakening to kill his niece.
Killing a newborn Alpha wasn’t really on Stiles’ to-do-list for that night but hey, who was he to argue with fate? Turned out Peter wasn’t even that much of a challenge anyway. Problem solved. All was fine with the world.
Enter Derek Hale, who suddenly started to lurk on every corner, snooping around to gather information on the unknown hunter who had supposedly killed his sister and uncle. And as if that wasn’t bad enough there was a creepy cheap-ass imitation of a Silent Hill nurse out to kill him. And a skulking shadow around his house he was confident was Derek stalking him
Well fuck.
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lunarthedragon · 3 years
Idea for Luca sequel, titled “Alberto”!
So a few years after the events of the first film, Portorosso has become a secret haven for sea monsters looking for safety and acceptance.
Alberto, meanwhile, is flourishing as the local life guard who helps his dad in the pizzeria, but something has been bothering him. He’s antsy and hungry for SOMETHING, but he doesn’t know what. He assumes he’s excited about Luca and Giullia returning for the summer in a few days…
Wanting to surprise his friends (and hoping to make some of this antsy-ness go away), he’s been saving up and he goes to buy a fresh, new Vespa! As he’s driving around the new Vespa, getting used to it, and showing off to Massimo, a visitor enters the city on a motorcycle, catching people’s attention with the noise.
Turns out she’s a migratory sea monster that is dropping by for gas, food, and a place to rest for a few days before heading out. She draws Alberto’s intrigue but the Paguro family warns to avoid her, claiming migratory sea monsters are dangerous and uncaring.
Still, Alberto tries to speak to her but she’s flippant and claims she’s only passing through. He says this place is a haven for sea monsters and she should enjoy herself, but she insinuates it’s not a haven for all sea monsters, and she loves travel too much anyway.
Finally! The train comes into town and Luca and Giullia are back! The welcome is so exciting and warm and happy! Alberto’s so happy to have them back and listen to them talk about school and show them his Vespa! Giullia keeps mentioning having to research colleges while Luca is still considering what he wants to do.
The three eventually go out on the Vespa to have some fun, and it’s fine at first, but Alberto keeps getting bored too quickly and isn’t as excited about everything. Giullia is too excited/college-worried to notice immediately, but Luca does, and the two boys have a heart-to-heart in the water or on the island.
Alberto explains his issues and Luca says he wants to help but he doesn’t know what’s up either. Alberto thinks he should be happy, he finally has a family and support system, and he doesn’t want to be ungrateful, but somethings wrong.
Unknown to them, the migratory sea monster, let’s call her Noemi, is swimming around nearby and overhears. She calls that Alberto sounds stir crazy. That having a home base is the first step to discovering oneself. Then she leaves.
Luca suggests that he was able to figure out what he liked and enjoyed when he left, but he knew he had his family and Alberto always waiting for him. Thus, maybe it is Alberto’s turn. Maybe now is the time for them to finally go on their Vespa adventure!!
They rush to pack, trying not to wake anyone, and leave a note to explain that they’re going on a quick trip and they’ll be back soon. They also don’t take Giullia, since the original plan had always just been them so they want to do this themselves. They’re both still a little reckless…
Problem is, something happens to the note, maybe the cat tears it up or something, so no one knows where they went. Giullia, however, finds a torn piece of the note or she remembers some conversation and she suspects they’re somewhere nearby. So, she hurries to catch the train but misses. Instead, she runs into Noemi on her bike, about to leave, and somehow convinces her to take Giullia along.
I’m not sure about the finer points of the rest, but basically the boys end up on a cross country journey, followed by Giullia and her new “gal pal,” and through the journey they meet other sea monsters that are different. A lake monster from Scotland whose grandpa accidentally mooned the humans and the picture taken of his butt and tail became the Loch Ness Monster photo. A river monster from the Nile that looks like a crocodile and gets snippy when people call her a gator. A swamp monsters that can never seem to dry off and is a little gross. A snow monster that is “technically” water related and is fluffy when cold and has a heavy Russian accent. They’re all different and treated poorly even by the “plain” sea monsters.
The main baddie is also a sea monster who hates humans because a hunter took his leg, but he also looks down on the “lesser sea beasts” because he claims they don’t know what the real sea monsters have been through, sighting his leg. Baddie attempts to recruit Alberto, seeing the harpoon scar on his arm, but inevitably he realizes that the baddie is a hypocrit and they should all be supporting each other as sea monsters, even the more obscure ones, and he, Luca, and Giullia manage to save the day somehow.
It closes out the trio plus Noemi returning to Portorosso to worried but happy families. Alberto is so relieved to be home and hugs Massimo and Giullia together. Noemi says, however, that this is a good feeling, returning to home base, and is essential, but she’s pretty sure Alberto is migratory too and it’s okay to crave the world.
Alberto comes to terms that he’s finally comfortable and happy enough to go out into the world and explore (a bit more safely than the unplanned road trip he just took) similar to Luca going to school. So, he starts properly planning and getting ready to go, Noemi helping him plan while the Paguro’s and Massimo help him pack and plan his locations.
Finally, as he’s getting to his Vespa and wished everyone bye, he notes that there are more baggage than he needs. He turns and finds Luca lugging one, final bag over, all smiles, and says that he’s going to take a year break before looking into college, and that they need to give this whole adventure a second go.
Alberto smiles at him, hugging him tight, and the two best friends hop on their Vespa and are off to see the world.
(The credit art probably shows the Vespa unable to handle the distance and Noemi has to help them get a motorbike instead lol)
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Mi Reina Bree. I must know, if you haven't done this already, Ethan and Lilac and their babies go to Disney World hcs? Would they bring someone to babysit while they get some alone time? Ethan in mickey ears after his babies ask? What rides? Queen Lilac and her babies and big baby 😏 fav activities? The fireworks? Only if you have time/energy my lovely. I cant get enough of my 🐰🐰s and their 🐰🐰🐰🐰s. X
My queen, dklfjkdjfksdjlkfjdlkf YOU KNOW ME SO WELL. 
I adore Disney so much. Thank you so much for sending this in! I had so much fun! 
Happiest Place (Disneyland HCs)
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Ethan is 100% going to end up on the “DILFs of Disney” Instagram page (edit at the end)
They are going to Disneyland in California with Lilac's family for Jonah’s eleventh birthday
Her sister, Laurel, made him a shirt that says “Birthday Boy” in Disney font
And she made everyone else shirts that say “Tia/Auntie”, “Abuelita”, “Abuelito”, “Mamá/ Mom”, “Papá/ Dad”, “Hermanita/Little sister”. They are a bilingual family ftw
Ethan is grumpy about wearing his shirt that morning in the hotel room.
When his mother-in-law greets him outside the park, she looks a bit disappointed that he’s not matching with everyone else.
Ethan hurries to throw the shirt on because he cannot stand to disappoint that kind woman
Lilac rolls her eyes and texts him: “Kiss ass.”
Because they don’t curse in front of the kids
The first thing their overly excited children do is drag everyone to the nearest store for Mickey Ears.
Jonah gets a Goofy hat, Dolores gets unicorn Minnie Ears, they get Minnie Ears hair clips for the twins because their heads are too little
The kids spot the Bride and Groom Mickey and Minnie ears and beg their parents to wear them
“It's not our wedding.” Ethan tells them.
“Yeah, but we weren't there to see the real thing. Dad, pleaseeee.”
They do it.
They ride a few attractions, the twins staying outside with their grandparents for the ones they are too young for.
After Big Thunder Mountain, Jonah immediately notices his dad barely reacts
“He doesn't scream or anything.”
“I am. Internally.”
So it becomes their mission to make Ethan scream during a ride.
Aunt Laurel mutters something to Lilac that no one else hears. 
Lilac slaps her sister's arm and says through gritted teeth, "Keep it PG”
They go on every single ride, even It's A Small World. 
Ethan almost got out of going on that infernal thing, but a single pleading look from his daughters made him agree to it.
He might as well kiss his free will goodbye for the rest of the trip
They also do Meet and Greets with the characters.
Everyone taunts Lilac for being a tad bit jealous when Belle takes an interest on Ethan and informs him he reminds her of her prince.
“You do realize who her prince is, right? She essentially called you a beast.” Lilac tells Ethan much later. So much later he almost forgot what she was talking about.
He leans in, careful no one is around to hear, and whispers, “I prefer it when you call me that.”
Jonah makes a Lightsaber at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. He makes his father get one too for their epic battles at home. Dolores makes a cute little droid. The twins each get a Porg. 
The ride that finally makes the reticent and ever stoic Ethan Ramsey break is Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission BREAKOUT.
Though that is still, to this day, a disputed fact.
It is difficult to tell with certainty if Ethan was screaming since there were over twenty people in the gantry, all shrieking while free-falling repeatedly from several stories to the tune of Give Up the Funk by Parliament.
Jonah insists they go again to get a different song (they get Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar that time). 
But really, he wants to see if Dad was really screaming.
He was.
They also take Dolores to see the stage adaptation of Frozen, which everyone ended up enjoying.
Right before sunset, Aunt Laurel and their abuelitos offer to take the kids to Pixar Pier so that Ethan and Lilac can have some alone time.
It works out perfectly because Ethan has a surprise planned.
They stop at the hotel room to change
Takes longer than anticipated because they are taking full advantage of this rare moment of alone time
They take advantage of their alone time twice
When they finally make it out, Ethan leads them to the exclusive Club 33 for dinner
(Yeah, the same one that has a waitlist of over 10 years, a joining fee of $33K, and an annual fee of $15K)
Ethan doesn’t fuck around. 
“How did you—” Lilac begins to ask, but stops. At this point in their marriage, she doesn't question her husband's influence anymore.
“A friend of mine is a member.”
After a luxurious five course meal and some drinks, they meet their family outside the castle just in time for the fireworks.
The twins are long asleep in their stroller, but both Jonah and Dolores grin with barely controlled glee as they wait for the show to start
Ethan hoists Dolores on his shoulders
Lilac does the same with Jonah, even if she's not as tall as their father. Her son doesn't seem to mind.
Ethan glances at his wife, looking ecstatic in the excitement of the warm night.
Right there with his perfect little family, right before the first firework bursts against the sky, he is happier than he has ever been before.
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Note: LOL! that DILF page is so stalker-y 
Thank you again, Queen Preet, for sending me this! Thank you to everyone for reading. Also, thank you to everyone who sent me requests! I have two done and scheduled for when I’m on vacation :)
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miraculouswolf99 · 3 years
Forest Wolf Academy Idea
I formed this idea after I read a Miraculous fanfiction where Marinette transferred to a school for magic along with Chloe, Nathaniel, Marc, and her brother. At the school already is Felix and the Quad kids. The magic schools are actually for those that are members of witch covens and you must be a member of the coven to join the school. Luke and Juleka are also witches but in a different cousin. Marinette and the other transfer because of Lila. Adrien soon joins them at the school as well. I also got inspiration from the anime Fairy Tail.
I loved the concept of it so much that it gave me my own idea. My idea if an Adrien-focused story since he is my favorite character and always will be.
My idea started after Miracle Queen. Because of Chloe working with Hawkmoth and because Lila had turned so many of Marinette's friends against her, her parents transferred her to an art school so that she can focus on her designing. The only ones that stayed her friends were Adrien, Nathaniel, Kim, Alix, and Juleka. Outside of the class, she had a lot more friends, but her parents wanted her away from Chloe and Lila.
Adrien's dad still makes him model with Lila despite how Adrien and the staff are always telling him that she is the worst model ever. She never shuts up with her lies, never poses as she is told to do, and is basically also sexually harassing Adrien as well. She drives them all crazy.
But then one day during another photoshoot, Adrien hears some music and is drawn toward it. The music is like a siren song that he does not notice that only he can hear. When he arrives at the source of the song, he finds an old friend of his, Lyon Garden. Lyon and his twin sister Vallia are friends of his that he met in Greece when their family hosted a charity fashion show at their family's nature and animal sanctuary. Adrien had gone there with his parents a year before his mom vanished and he kept in contact with them the entire time.
Lyon and Adrien are happy to see each other, Adrien spilling his guts about everything bad going on. Especially all the things with Lila and Chloe. And Lyon gives him an extraordinary opportunity. The reason why Adrien was able to hear his magical song was because he was magical as well. A fellow witch. So, he was able to offer him a place at his school, Forest Wolf Academy.
The two of them went to Gabriel and he actually let Adrien go to the magic school. It turns out that Adrien's mom had also been a witch and that was why he was allowing Adrien to go so easily. Adrien is more than happy to accept the offer.
When Adrien goes to Forest Wolf Academy, he is amazed to see such an incredible school. Forest Wolf is not the only magic school in the world. Each school is hidden in a pocket dimension where they can be entered in any place in the world through the use of a magical key. But each school still has a main magical doorway in the home of the founder of each school. Forest Wolf's main door is in Athens, Greece.
Adrien only lets his real friends know that he is transferring. He would have told Nino, but he no longer considered him his best friend since he turned against Marinette. But given that magical people can hear Lyon's magical song, there are more teen witches in Paris than Adrien knew about. So, even after he transfers, he is actually soon joined by a lot of his true friends. Luka, Kagami, Nathaniel, Marc, Juleka, Kim, and Alix. And each of them would have their own powers that Lyon and Vallia help them learn to control.
Lyon has siren song magic. He is a real-life siren with the added abilities to control sound and music, not just being able to use his voice as a weapon. Vallia has rainbow aura magic. She is also to surround herself with different color light auras that give her other abilities like how sky blue gives her flight and ruby red helps her shoot fire like a dragon.
Adrien would find out that he has light magic, being able to control all forms of light and even be able to change into it like a human shooting star. Luka would have enchanted instrument magic, being able to do all types of things by playing different instruments while still having his natural ability to hear a person's inner song. Juleka would have a similar ability called music spirit magic, where she is able to turn into magical creature spirits that are hybrids with music like harp playing fairies or werewolf drummers. Kagami would have Requip magic, where she is able to store weapons and armor in a separate dimension that only she can access. Nathaniel would have art-to-reality magic where he is able to bring his drawings to life no matter what they are. Marc would have Fairy Tale magic where he could read from a magical storybook that he has and summon any legendary or mythical creature from it. Kim would have were-beast magic where he is able to turn into any were-creature version of any animal like a werewolf or cat creature. And Alix would have time magic, where she would be able to manipulate time around her while also being able to travel through time on her own.
All of them actually have a great time at Forest Wolf Academy and learn to appreciate and covet their magical lives even if Hawkmoth is still a problem. But he would actually have become less active lately as if he is losing motivation for trying to gain the miraculous.
Vallia would actually gain a crush on Kim and the two of them would eventually start dating. The same would go for Juleka and Alix as well as Luka and Kagami. Nathaniel and Marc would be an already established couple since they are too adorable to break up. Adrien would also find himself gaining a crush on Lyon, something he never expected to have on his old friend.
But, as per all good things, their peace had to come to an end. Magic itself was not hidden, just the people that used it. It was why heroes and villains like Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Hawkmoth all had masks when they used the miraculous.
But, the schools have come under some fire with people thinking that they were secret evil cults that wanted to take over the world. So, they all had to open their doors to people. To politicians, school field trips, and even some tours of powerful world leaders just to show that they were all perfectly normal schools that just happen to teach magic to their witch students.
Only, one of the schools that request to tour Forest Wolf Academy is Dupont High, which puts the new students on edge. Especially Adrien and Juleka because of Lila and Rose. It did not help that Lyon and Alix were very protective of their partners and would hurt anyone that tries to hurt them.
But since they have to keep up appearances as a "normal" magical school, they have to accept the field trip request. Luckily, it is the whole school and not just Bustier's class. So, there are still good students like Aurore, Mireille, and Zoé. It is only Bustier's class that believes Lila, anyway.
Adrien and the others do their best to avoid Lila and her attack dogs. They have their jobs to stop the more temperamental students from attacking the annoying group with how they obviously bully almost everyone around them. Not to mention all of the lies that keep coming out of Lila's mouth that she is related to so many powerful witches, how she is a descendant of Merlin, how her grandparents run the best magic school in the world.
There are a lot of students that wanted her head. Especially since it was known through Adrien and Lyon that she had not heard Lyon's magical song, meaning that she had no magic at all. And since magic was passed down from parent to child, that also meant that no one in her family had magic either. Not unless they were one of those families that had been stripped of their magic for crimes against the magical world.
And if it wasn't Lila causing problems with her lies, Chloe was causing problems with her attitude. And how she kept trying to force the students to do as she says and make them her slaves. Like she would go to those with ice magic and demand that they get her a cold drink. Or she would go to the students with gem and crystal magic and demand that they give her the biggest diamond that they can make.
Once the former Dupont students are found by the group is when things really go downhill. There is a lot of yelling about how they abandoned their friends, that they should not be so jealous of Lila's accomplishments, how they needed to get over themselves, how they needed to stop being bullies. And the group fires back that they can not abandon friends that abandoned them first, that they can not be jealous of accomplishments that never happened, and that they never talk to Lila let alone bully her.
Meanwhile, Adrien is trying hard not to be seen by Lila or Chloe since he does not want either of them hanging off his arm like they usually do. But, Lila soon locks her eyes on him and down try and latch onto him, crying her crocodile tears about how much she missed him and how she wanted him back since he "promised to date her."
That is where Lyon steps in and would be so close to using his sonic scream on the annoying liar. Adrien uses his powers to turn into light and get back to Lyon's side. That is when the two of them go into a big "why Lila sucks" speech and reveals that the two of them were dating and that Adrien would never EVER date Lila.
She is not exposed, but a new demonstration of the more dangerous powers from the students, low key threats against the annoying class, makes them never come back after they leave.
Lila hopes to be akumatized over her rage about not being able to lie her way into dating Adrien, but she does not know that Gabriel gave Marinette the butterfly miraculous and the peacock miraculous already. He gave up once he saw how truly happy his son was and did not want the wish to change his son into any other version of him that would never be this happy. It also helps that a few witches from the school that could heal offered to help him restore his wife.
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jypbae7 · 4 years
Could you do a breakdown natal chart for Kun from Wayv?
Kun was one the most requested I got which was a pleasant surprise!!❤️❤️
(Not claiming to be an expert this is just for fun please don’t take anything too seriously!) Hope this is helpful and that you enjoy it 🥰❤️
Personality: Capricorn Sun, Leo Rising, Taurus Moon, Capricorn Mercury, Capricorn Mars
Clearly a LOT of Earth sign placements but nicely broken up by the fire sign rising
Capricorn Sun has serious and long term plans for the kind of future they want for themselves and once they set out for it they seldom give up. Stubborn to a fault, but also consistent enough to actually persevere. They want the perfect job, reputation, partner, house, family, etc.
Leo rising is a bright, warm and outgoing personality. Lots of energy, creativity and flair. They enjoy having a strong core of friends that they feel understand and enhance their experience and effect on the world. Leo’s are known for being hardworking and as a fixed sign it offers a lot of consistency and determination. They are extremely devoted and loyal once they develop a bond and trust with someone. Though the passion can fizzle out quickly if they aren’t feeling the kind of attention and passion they want.
Taurus Moon is a very grounded person with more social charisma and approachability than Capricorns are known for. They also have a tendency to like bold styles, they have big dreams and goals and you’ll be surprised at how well they can attain them if they’re focused enough (Kun is a Capricorn Stellium so yes this boy KNOWS how to get shit done when it needs to be done) Taurus is also a fixed sign which along with the stubbornness everyone knows about also comes with patience and consistency making them really good leaders when added with their natural friendliness and perseverance
Capricorn Mercury indicates a strong preference for structure, somebody who tends to follow rules and feels uncomfortable breaking them. They tend to have authoritative energy and demeanor. Big ambitions and determination to succeed and excel in their chosen career. Spend more time thinking than they show with a generally very logical mind which can sometimes lead to a black & white perspective
Capricorn Mars - responsible, organized, secretly a thrill seeker, can come off as aloof or guarded when they are around new people or people who they really want to make a good impression on.
Non-Romantic Relationships: Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Capricorn Mercury, Capricorn Mars
Trustworthy and dependable - the “dad” of the friend group who everyone calls when they have something serious to deal with
Platonic love languages: acts of service and quality time - he loves spending time with people with shared interests especially music. Also loves going out to different places such as different trendy cafes, movie theaters, museums - you name it.
Likes other thrill seekers who push and motivate him to get out of his comfort zone
Sense of humor is a lot more childlike and playful than one would expect from his serious and strict side
Capricorn energy is NOT to be crossed or messed with. These are the ones who are calm af and calculated when angry - this is when you know you are screwed. When Capricorn is calm and collected while enraged, ohhh boy, do they figure out ways to hurt you in the smoothest and most effective ways without so much as lifting their finger. Spare yourself the trauma and DO NOT LIE to him no matter what.
Romantic relationships and preferences : Aquarius Venus, Capricorn Mars, Capricorn Juno, Aries Eros
Aquarius Venus is outgoing, friendly and charismatic. They are attracted to interesting and unique people who stand out of the crowd. They like bold and spontaneous gestures and they will do them back for their partner as well.
Aquarians also dislike overly clingy/needy partners which Capricorn also isn’t a fan of either. These signs are all about independence, individuality, personal expression and achievement. Meaning that while they do yearn for a partner (especially Capricorn placements) they want a partner who is self sufficient and independent with their own hobbies, careers, dreams, goals, etc.
Capricorn Juno implies they’ll be a tough to nail down for very long because Capricorn wants only the best of everything and they’re always busy trying to excel at things and scoping out their options. So you’ll have to prove your worth to them before they are willing to commit because once they do it’s for the long haul
Capricorn likes natural ethereal beauty while Aquarius likes the bold - my guess is healthy mix of both. Natural looking and soft featured with some bold/unique traits like bright/bold hair or fashion style, a bit of spice/sass here and there is another secret pleasure
Be prepared for endless serenades and songs made and sent to you like love letters - whether he’s singing or composing a warm ethereal instrumental for you, his whole heart is in it
Love languages (most to least) - words of affirmation, gift giving, physical touch and quality time
Words of affirmation makes him feel really wanted and needed, he’s also really really good at giving it out to people he loves so if he’s doing it one sidedly it would hurt him and make him feel insecure.
Gives either unbelievably beautiful luxe gifts or unique/fun gifts and loves to surprise his partner with them often especially after time apart
Capricorns HATE wasting time they are hyper aware of how many hours in a day and how much can be done in a day. So, if he’s spending a lot of time with you, you’re very very special and important to him and he prioritizes this time very highly
Star gazing dates, beach dates, camping trips - this man will go out of his way to make sure every date is an experience. He is PREPARED, he has an itinerary in his mind, he’s looked up the travel routes and picked the best one. When you go camping he will FLEX with his efficiency and ability to handle the labor heavy tasks. This man will purposely wait till you’re looking to start chopping wood (not that ANYONE is complaining), put the tent up and have it filled with blankets and pillows galore in 2.00034 seconds because he practiced in the dorm living room with the others like a drill routine. (Lucas taught him how to chop the wood & still look hot while doing it)
Is the MOST polite and endearing person to your family and friends. Goes above and beyond to be the perfect partner around your family and they are unable not to LOVE him. Is especially soft and doting of any children or elderly relatives. And none of it is phony at all, he doesn’t know anyway else to even think. Respect, manners, and family are extremely important to Earth signs. They’ll probably end up liking him more than you but honestly you can’t even blame them
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(None of y’all ungrateful people better ever slack on Zaddy Kun’s visuals ever again!! If I don’t get to see his happy trail during 2021 I’m burning the SM building down once and for all)
18+ Preferences:
Aries Eros ooof - passionate, possessive and steamy. Pick their partners off instinct and energy - once they really like you they become infatuated and want to STAY that way. If it’s not the “I need you so fucking bad I’m gonna lose my mind” type of love they DON’T want it.
Leo Rising is a possessive as fuck placement thankfully when they get riled up or jealous they have the confidence not to get angry with you or insecure about it. BUT.... you‘ll still be awakening a whole new type of beast and quite frankly he will let you know that it’s all your fault as he holds you down and uses you like the stupid toy you are till you remember who you belong to
If he sees you doing anything even remotely domestic his Taurus Moon and Capricorn Juno will have his mind go from soft and warm thoughts to bending you over the kitchen counter and taking you right there without a care or second thought spared
Positions where he feels in in control are his favorite - he likes being on top of you, behind you and if he can pick you up and carry you while ramming into you best believe he will.
His favorite is position is missionary - likes to feel big and dominant he also wants to be able to see as much of you as possible and kissing you as much as possible from your lips to just about anywhere else he can reach. Will be staring at you 99% of the time with big smoldering eyes that don’t waver in the slightest. In fact if you give him eye contact back he’ll just be even more turned on
Now...this might be controversial but... Capricorn Mars usually suggests power play/dynamic kink - think rich powerful CEO who secretly fantasizes about being tied up and blindfolded. Not to say that is exclusively his main kink bc it’s definitely not, he is 100% mostly dom BUT with the right person he’d be more than willing and very excited to try it out - probably because they are always in control so it’s an adrenaline rush for them to relinquish it to someone else. Doesn’t necessarily mean an extreme level of being submissive even just simple restraints can feel very extreme for a bossy and in-control Capricorn
Aquarius Venus also likes breaking relationship “norms” and trying out new things. They are super fun and bright when happy so when he’s in love he’s in LOVE. Wants to sing about it 24/7 but is too stubborn to be clingy or needy. The type to smile during sex, especially when he’s on top of you or drunk. Don’t even get me started on drunk handsy Kun whining in your ear about how he just wants to sneak out of the party early.....bc I will genuinely never recover
Very vocal in the bedroom - gives his partner tons of praise. Completely loses his mind and is loud af when you kiss your way from his neck down to below the hips
Most of the time sex with him is more passionate than kinky, not lightening fast jack rabbit thrusts instead hard and deep rhythmic ones that make your whole body shake - Hungry makeout sessions, sneaky little hickeys where no one else will see, massages than turn into hours of love making, takes his time to hit deep and hard inside you, handfuls of your hair, gaspy whispers
When he is feeling more kinky it’s usually spur of the moment. In the car in the middle of a rainy night during a cancelled schedule or after an especially steamy date night where he decides to take you to a hotel afterwards
KING OF AFTER CARE (NOT up for debate) - cooks you an amazing meal afterwords or orders up a feast if he’s too spent to get up too, cuddled up in blankets watching a movie for the rest of the night afterwards.
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Stoneheart AU: Steve Headcanons
I know it's been a long time since I have been able to post anything for the AU, but that is actually due to the fact that I have been working on multiple Halloween based projects as of late and they have really been eating a large portion of my time and I apologize for that. Still I managed to write down some Headcanons for everyone's favorite Coven Scout Steve and the role he has in the AU.
Enjoy! :)
-Admittedly, joining the Emperor's Coven was not something Steve initially wanted to do, but he pursued it to please his father. Who prided himself on how he was one of the first to be accepted into the EC upon it's founding by Belos.
-Steve loved his father but they were not very close, due to his father rarely being home.
-Steve's mother was a chronically ill woman and was very frequently bedridden due to her various illnesses.
-In spite of her situation, she was always a happy and sweet woman who always did her best to look at the positive things in life.
-Its directly due to his mothers influence that Steve is the happy-go-lucky fellow that he is now.
-Steve would often care for his mother when she was ill. Due to this he does have some knowledge of healing magics, even if it is not his specialty.
-His mother passed away the day after he joined the Emperor's Coven...
-When Steve's father retired from actively being in the EC, he would often warn his son about a monster that tried to take the Emperor's form and would randomly run over the guards and pretty much anyone else in the castle who got in its way...
-They were unaware that this beast actually WAS the Emperor.
-Steve, like his father before him, has been run over by Belos multiple times and he retains several deep scars from these incidents.
-Steve was actually aware of Hunters presence in the castle before anyone else was. As he had seen on several night shifts a young gargoyle wandering the halls. He tried several times to talk to the kid or even find out why such a young boy was even in the castle to start with.
-Since nobody else ever saw the aforementioned gargoyle, the other guards and Lilith assumed that Steve was either crazy or just making it up.
-Steve thought he was going a little crazy after a time as well.
-He did learn that he wasn't crazy when he had stashed a few bottles of Apple Blood for a party he was invited too in one of the refrigerators used by the other Coven members... Only to for him to later go and retrieve them only to find a very intoxicated 11 year old gargoyle being held by a FURIOUS Belos.
-Steve was blasted clean out through a window and managed to survive what would have killed anybody else.
-Nobody else witnessed this so they continued to think Steve was just a crazy.
-While not entirely understanding anything about what had just happened, he did come to the conclusion that the young gargoyle he was seeing may be the Emperor's ward or something along those lines.
-After that day he never saw the young gargoyle again.
-Well, not until several years later anyway...
-The Golden Guard eventually became a member of the Coven when he was roughly 13 or 14. Something that is very unusual, even if the boy is supposed to be some incredible prodigy. Even more unusual given that he is a gargoyle as most gargoyles don't seem to be as skilled with magic as witches and demons are.
-Hunter had very lackluster social skills at this time and also was at odds with Lilith due to his supposed favor with Belos.
-Steve went out of his way to be nice to Hunter, as he could understand the kid lacked people skills.
-Through this, Steve helped Hunter learn how to better interact with other people.
-Steve has several hobbies, but his favorites are hiking and fishing and he takes at least one hiking trip every year.
-It was as he was explaining what he does on this trip to Hunter that the teenager stated he had never been camping like that before and how it sounded like so much fun... He invited Hunter to come with him if he could get the time off.
-So Hunter asked if he could go with Steve.
-Belos said no...
-Kikimora said yes...
-There was a 'heated' discussion between the Emperor and his house demon.
-It ended with Belos relenting and letting Hunter go on the trip.
-Hunter met up with Steve without his uniform or helmet and while Steve immediately recognized him as the young gargoyle he had encountered before, he didn't comment on it.
-The week long trip was one of the best times Hunter has ever had.
-Although the one low point was when Hunter accidentally called Belos Dad when talking with Steve.
-Hunter was initially afraid that Steve would tell everyone and that it might change their friendship.
-Reality was Steve explained how he had assumed something along those lines to start with, given how he recognized Hunter from the Apple Blood incident... But if Hunter wanted to keep this a secret he was fine with that.
-Scouts honor
-Due to this Steve is truly one of the few people Hunter trusts outside of Kikimora and of course Belos himself.
-And due to some of Hunters stories, Steve is one of the few people who truly holds a positive view of the Emperor.
Well that's about it for now. Hopefully I will get some of my workload done and I will be able to post more fics and art soon.
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