#and diet culture in general
can I just. shriek. over the way smoothies are marketed so strongly as for weight loss and how oh no we should not put one (1) gram of sugar in it because we MiGhT gEt FaT because I'm just. I'm here looking this stuff up as a way to trick my silly little brain into eating more. I do not need this to be any harder than it already is
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spacedocmom · 1 year
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom If everybody ate exactly the same food in exactly the same amounts and exercised exactly the same, we'd all still have very different bodies. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 1:07 PM · Sep 1, 2023
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thepeacefulgarden · 8 months
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And that includes yourself. Also, be mindful that the person whose body you're criticizing might never hear you, but other people will.
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banyanas · 1 month
man if i had an actual plot structure to use as scaffolding (because i can’t really do slice of life or things like it) i could write so many N and Uzi words that are just the actual practicalities and obstacles (varying in size and some seen, some unforeseen) of an interspecies relationship
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donnapalude · 1 month
crazy how you can loose weight due to having so much anxiety about money that you cut down on groceries and people will still tell you "oh but you look so much better now!" as if that is a normal thing to think let alone say
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Diet culture life hack: Learn to pronounce and understand the chemistry behind those long, complex names on the ingredients list of food.
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monstersinthecosmos · 9 months
out of absolutely nowhere this morning I had the realization that, growing up, my mom constantly let me know that I'm the reason she's fat, that she never lost the baby weight after me, and it always made me feel terrible, and yet I realize now that I've got a similar physique to her, without ever having children, so maybe it was just genetics the whole time and she should've kept her fucking mouth shut lmao
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I know the general consensus is that hyperaestheticizing your life to social media standards is like... bad but I definitely started eating better when I started analyzing everything under the lens of if it lived up to my aesthetic standards rather than its relative health factor
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measureyourlifeincake · 6 months
was talking to a customer about possibly getting a cookie we were selling and she was like "well it's a holiday so i feel like it's a cheat day :)" and i didn't know how to tell her that i neither believe in jesus nor dieting as a concept
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nubs-mbee · 1 year
Look up the history of calories as a nutrition tool though. Its bad science. Maintenance phase has a good episode on it. Also basing myself on what the dietician at the ed clinic told me (the most advanced in the field in the country where I was). Kcal are pretty much worthless in terms of nutrition guides, and the ways they're established for specific ingredients is also bad science. Its not anti science to point out terrible methodology and atrocious reasoning.
I’m agreeing with that, I don’t think people should count calories or use them as an indicator of health. They might be a useful tool for some people with very specific medical problems, but overall they’re not something we should be obsessing over. The anti science part of that post I disagree with is implying calories are made up and that all nutrition science is bullshit. That’s a wrong conclusion to draw.
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kaleidoscopic-quiddity · 10 months
vegan moral opposition to leather is so fucking stupid like, listen, that animal is gonna be killed anyways, you are quite literally never going to convince everyone to stop eating meat/dairy/eggs/etc, and even if you somehow did it'd be ecologically disasterous, humans are an omnivourous species that can have a symbiotic relationship with the animals around them, but thats been fucked over by industrialisation, urbanisation, and capitalism, which are all things we can fix, instead of magically expecting most or all of the population to somehow abanon entire food groups that provide multiple nutrients and let both livestock and predator populations go wholly unchecked, which in turn will wreak havoc on agriculture and the ocean and the rest of the environment, so like if we're gonna be killing animals to eat them anyways, since its pretty damn important for us and them that we do at least sometimes, the fucking least we can do is use as much of the animal as is possible, which includes making leather out of it, which need i remind everyone is also far more sustainable and enviromentally concious than that microplastic pleather bullshit that barely lasts 5 years
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spacedocmom · 11 months
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom If you have a "goal weight" that requires you to starve yourself and/or push your body past pain thresholds with excessive exercise, that "goal weight" is neither a healthy nor a sustainable weight for you. Say no to toxic diet culture. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 1:55 PM · Nov 2, 2023
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 years
This Thanksgiving, remember...
You are allowed to take shortcuts.
You are allowed to do less.
You are allowed to ask for help from your family, friends, or partner.
You are allowed to (graciously) accept any help they give you.
You are allowed to leave the table when Uncle Bob gets up on his soapbox.
You are allowed to have seconds.
You are allowed to have fats and carbs.
You are allowed to have dessert.
You are allowed to have an imperfect holiday.
You are allowed to skip Thanksgiving with the fam and practice self care.
You are allowed to spend Thanksgiving with people other than your family of origin.
You are allowed to grieve, and to make space for that grief.
You are allowed to have dinner catered, instead of making it yourself.
You are allowed to use prepared foods instead of making everything from scratch.
You are allowed to make it a potluck instead of doing everything yourself.
You are allowed to boycott Thanksgiving on principle if you wish.
You are allowed to express gratitude in ways meaningful to you.
You are allowed to attempt to steer conversations in more appropriate directions.
You are allowed to change the subject.
You are allowed to drink, or to skip the alcohol, as you see fit.
You are allowed to not answer nosy or judgy questions.
You are allowed to set boundaries with your family and friends.
You are allowed to have big feelings, and to make space for those feelings.
You are allowed to leave early.
You are allowed to take care of your mental health.
You are allowed to honor your family in ways meaningful to you.
You are allowed to spend Thanksgiving by yourself.
You are allowed to go no-contact or low-contact with your family of origin.
You are allowed to let it be just another day.
You are allowed to feel things other than gratitude, alongside it or otherwise.
You are allowed to absolve yourself of the responsibility for educating or enlightening Uncle Bob or Aunt Karen.
You are allowed to not participate in family drama.
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cogito-ergo-amo · 10 days
Saw a post of gowns from some fashion week or other that were very in keeping with what my child self wanted to wear when I grew up
And the thought "heh, these are exactly the kind of dresses I used to fantasize about wearing if I managed to be skinny enough as a grown up"
I just never really thought before about how fucked up and depressing it is that by age 7 I was already aware that I was not "thin enough", that my value as a human was directly tied to weight, and that not being "thin enough" meant I would never be "allowed" to dress however the fuck I wanted.
None of this is revolutionary, nor are any of those fucked-up ideas about body size news to me. I'm still doing the work of unlearning this stuff, as are so many of us.
But realising that I was already putting limitations on my future self based on body size, at an age when I was still grappling with the finer points of the five-times-table, is a heavy (none intended) thing. I already have enough things to be sad about wrt my child self. The scrappy li'l thing deserved better than early-90s diet culture.
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not-gray-politics · 1 year
My dad likes to watch a lot of diet youtubers (using the roku youtube app so it's blaring across the living room at all hours), and I know no amount of talking it out is going to get him to change, so I made something to entertain myself if I'm gonna be forced to listen to it :')
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diet culture i fucking hate you die
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