#and dehumanisation
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justplainwhump · 5 months ago
Meet B's opponent in his first big fight.
[Dany: Fighting Ring Arc]
This is adapted from an RP with @hackles-up, my beloved B (Beast) is her character.
Content / warnings: illegal fights, forced to fight, threats of noncon, humiliation and dehumanisation, broken bone, shock collar, whumpee x caretaker, bad guy pov. BBU setting implied.
Today's arena was impressive; even though it was as improvised as they all were. Set in the old sports area of an abandoned factory's rooming house, the organizers had invested in quite a bit of equipment and service to make the venue memorable.
Large stage lighting systems were installed on the long sides of the pool, spotlights that would later illuminate the fighting pit on the bottom of the empty pool now dancing over the expectant audience, the caterers flitting between them, and the fighters preparing in a cordoned-off area opposite the entrance.
Bull stood in the fighter's area with crossed arms, his back to the wall, the size of the empty half circle around him a good indicator for the respect he'd earned himself over the past years. He was a favorite; his owner's, but also, the crowd's. Every now and then one of the guests in their suits or evening wear would step in closer to the cordon, look at him, and nod contently before they pulled out their wallets and turned towards the betting stations. He allowed himself a short smile. More money meant more clout, meant more rewards. Bull had started as a desperate street fighter, but he had worked himself up to his own room in his master's house, his own chef, his own physical therapist.
Only thing he'd ceased getting, something other Dogs had, were Chewtoys.
Bull went through them too quickly, Master had said. He'd have to wait for the fights. It was an unspoken law, that everyone who set up an opponent for Bull, everyone who wanted to challenge the champion, added a prize for him as well. He hadn't seen tonight's one, yet. Not that it mattered much. He'd win. He always did. And after, there'd be someone scared and warm waiting for his cock.
Usually, these prizes were runaways, gathered from the street, or discount pets after a third or fourth refurb. Skinny, scarred, pathetic. Most weren't even Romantics. Didn't matter. Bull didn't want to be seduced.
They rarely made it long. Sometimes, spectators of the fights would pay Bull's master extra, to let them watch the aftermath. In those cases, they did last longer. Bull knew how to give a spectacle.
He figured they'd want a spectacle tonight, as well. Bull was the headliner, scheduled for the last fight of the night - as always -, but this time, they pitted him against fresh meat. One of Hank's, this place's head operator's, latest findings. The man was good at spotting potential; but setting his latest toy up against Bull in his very first fight? Risky, to say the least.
From the corner of his eye, Bull saw one of Hank's trainers pointing at him. Ryder. Arrogant, overpriced ass who wouldn't last a second in the pit himself. Only thing he could achieve was mess with WRU products conditioned minds. His Master had brought Ryder in as a trainer for Bull once, because he was meant to be the best. Hadn't worked out well. Bull didn't fight because of weird WRU drugs messing up his brain. Bull fought because he wanted to. Because fighting opened doors for him. Because he couldn't just do whatever he wanted, but was celebrated for it, revered even. His Master had a claim on him, sure, but both Bull and him knew, he could walk away whenever he wanted. He just didn't want it.
Bull's gaze rested on the Dog next to Ryder. Curious, that Hank let Ryder train the newbie. Quite the investment into someone who'd be obliterated. He watched the new Dog with a glint of lazy interest. Big, just like Bull himself. Lot slimmer around the waist, though. Built to be not only strong, but pretty, too. He was younger than Bull, but far older than the usual fresh meat they'd throw on the market.
And obviously pumped on drugs. Bull smirked and gestured at his trainer. Well then. He'd match that. His trainer raced to his side with a drinking bottle. Filled with the good juice. Bull took a big gulp. "What's that guy's story?"
"They call him the Beast. Runaway WRU they found on the trash and built up again."
"Guessed as much."
"There's more though. Something you should know."
"Bait's his girlfriend."
Bull chuckled. "Pathetic. Dogs don't do relationships." 
"Maybe he's an unusual one. He's going to want to defend her."
Bull watched the pet from hard eyes. "I'll keep him alive then. Let him watch."
The trainer tilted his head, but his reply was drowned out in booming music, tuning over into an announcement.
“Ladies and gentlemen! We have a great line up for you tonight, so get those bets in and let’s get this show on the road!”
The new Dog startled at the noise and the following roar of the crowd.
Bull chuckled half to himself. This would be easy. Still. He could make it easier still.
"Where is that prize?" Bull asked, over the cheer of the audience, unfazed by the noise. It would grow a lot louder, when he came up, later. "Get her here. Pay someone if you must. Gonna push some buttons before we're on."
His glance followed the trainer, wandering over the spectators, who cheered as the first fighters of the day were let down into the ring.
There he was, the ring's manager, Hank, standing next to his boss in the first row.
By their side, kept on a short leash, knelt a young woman in a tight black catsuit, her face pressed against Hank's leg.
From the distance, Bull saw Hank shake his head. His boss put a hand on Hank's arm, saying something into his ear, that caused Hank to lift his arm and throw an with an indignant gesture at Bull.
Bull grinned. He always got what he wanted. He made the money tonight, after all.
It was thrilling, to see the bristling Hank stomp towards him, the bait dragged behind him, struggling to keep his pace as she crawled on all fours.
The girl could've been conventionally attractive, Bull guessed, if that was what one was into. Tall, skinny, soft, cute little cat ears nestled in her short hair. She was also humiliated, terrified, and drugged just enough to make that terror plain obvious but render her unable to do anything. That certainly was something Bull was into. He smiled, flashing all his sharpened teeth.
"Don't do anything stupid, Bull." Hank kept the girl on a tight leash, as he arrived just on the other side of the cordon. It wasn't only rope keeping them in, though.
Circuits were embedded in the floor, that would set off the collar of any Dog who crossed it before the time for their fights. Bull knew precisely where these are, and how to avoid them when he sauntered towards her.
He grinned, ignoring Hank's speech.
He could swear the bait was shivering already.
"So, Kitty," he snarled instead, making sure the new guy overheard. "I hear you're used to taking Dog cock?"
It was enough already. From the side, he heard an animalistic roar, alarmed screams from the handlers.
The new guy was lunging forward, gnashing his teeth together, all but dragging the two handlers desperately trying to pull back his leash.
"Dany!" His voice was harsh and raw.
"Dany," Bull all but purred. "They give names to the fucktoys? What a waste."
"Beastie! Stay!" Ryder was running towards his charge.
"Catch poles! Get the catch poles-" Hank yelled orders at the handlers.
The commotion in the fighters' area had stirred the audience, enough for their attention to shift from the fight down in the pit to tonight's main contestants. Murmurs and laughter erupted, even a cheer or two for Bull.
He grinned, taking in his surroundings.
Hank had pushed himself between the Fighters and the girl.
Not far enough though.
At the other end of the area, the WRU pet had shaken off the handlers trying to pull him back and charged towards Bull, letting out a guttural roar.
Bull knew exactly where he could step, and his arms were long enough. His left arm pushed Hank away, his right wrapped around the girl's leash and yanked.
The whore wouldn't have been any match for him in any state. Drugged as she was, she all but fell right into his arms with a hoarse scream, just as he spun back towards the charging idiot, the girl pressed firmly against his front, right in the Beast's path.
The other stopped dead in his tracks, inches in front of them.
"Easy, buddy," Bull taunted. "We're not on yet."
It sounded like the fight had been interrupted down in the pit. All eyes were on them now. Perfect.
Bull fastened his hold of the fucktoy, acknowledging the press of her warm, tense body against his, her frantic heartbeat against his chest, that caused a pleasant stir in his groin. She'd be fun, later. He leaned in the slightest bit, licked a slow, long strip over her neck, making sure his sharpened teeth caught the light just right.
"You've fucked her before, too, haven't you? Don't you think I too deserve a taste of what I fight for?"
"Bull," Hank hissed. "Step down."
Bull ignored him easily. Hank would acknowledge the rustle of bills around him just as much as Bull did. And even if he didn't - Hank's own boss sure did. All attention was good attention.
The other Fighter took another slow, predatory step towards Bull.
Behind him catch poles were silently, hastily being snatched up. Fingers hovered over controllers. Nobody dared to make a move though. It seemed as if everyone held their breath.
Then, the wannabe-Beast lunged forward, eyes glaring with unbridled fury, his first crashing towards Bull's face.
He had no idea what he was getting himself into. Too bad for him that Bull did.
The bitch screamed, when the pet's fist came crashing towards her. Bull had to leave it to his opponent - he was fast. Good to know. No chance for Bull to wrestle his girl in the line of attack, just to throw himself back and dodge. The "Beast"'s fist brushed over Bull's cheek, but failed to fully connect.
Before he could even withdraw his arm, his eyes widened. His body spasmed. He fell over like a felled tree.
For the tight fracture of a second, Bull expected a shock of his own. None came. So he just watched his opponent crumble in front of him. The whore's heart against him was racing, her shiver a tantalizing distraction on Bull's skin. He gently lowered his mouth over her neck, pulse under his enforced teeth. Her breath stilled. As did the audience's.
"Intermission," the announcer's voice crackled over the speakers. "We've decided to interupt tonight's program, and pull forward our main fight. Please, refill your drinks, adjust your bets, and be ready to see Bull vs Beast, starting in no less than five minutes!"
Bull locked gaze with his Master, in the first row, slight panic in his eyes, gesturing for him to let go. Bull rolled his eyes. Idiot. As if Bull would risk disqualification like that.
He slowly pulled back from her neck, felt the tension of the audience dissolve, just like his Master's.
"I'll finish with you soon enough," he murmured into the whore's hair, loud enough for those spectators around him to brighten up in anticipation.
"Fighters, step back," another announcement cracked.
Bull nodded his head in faux deference and set the prize down to her feet, ready to toss her back to Hank.
Not without a little signature, though.
A slight twist of his arm was all it took.
He felt her bone shift under her skin, heard it crack, just as he let go of her with a swift push.
She landed in a heap in front of Hank's feet, screaming in pain.
The audience slowly retreated, ushered back by Hank's security. Handlers rushed in to look after Hank's sorry ruffled Beastie, already sitting up, pale from the shock's aftermath, rendered unable to do anything but growl. What a throwback for the upcoming fight these shocks would prove to be.
Bull's own trainer appeared by his side with a bag of ice for his face, and he reached out to take it. 
His gaze rested on Hank though, and he relished the way the manager's lip formed an asshole. He'd never say it out loud, though. Hank knew where his boss' money came from.
And so he seethed in furious silence as he signalled for a medic to look after his pathetic fucktoy's broken arm.
"Waste of time," Bull mouthed, grinning at Hank and lifting a finger to draw a line across his throat. "She's done. They both are."

Dany tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @distinctlywhumpthing @Whumping-on-the-ridge @queenofthenoobs @ocean-blue-whump
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zairaalbereo · 1 year ago
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wojtekaneko · 6 months ago
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That's how it went
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months ago
Five Types of Living Weapon Whumpees
The guard dog -> loyalty has been ingrained into their bones, following their handler around like their shadow. No one dares stand against the organization because of the legendary dread surrounding this living weapon. They hardly say a word but every movement is calculated, eyes always darting, always watching. (“You always were their lapdog.”)
The loose cannon -> dangerous for both sides. Always talking back and never predictable, their value is dependent on their skill. If it wasn’t for that, they’d be dead a long time ago. Their loyalty is earned, not bought. No one wants to be on their bad side, walking on tip toe whenever they show up. And they enjoy it. (“What’s everyone looking at? Aren’t you happy to see me? I even brought my rifle!”)
The broken down -> most common type of whumpee I’ve seen. They’ve been overpowered and forced into the commission. They hate their handler more than anything else but see no way out. When they’re told to shoot, they don’t even blink. It’s always “yes, sir” this and “yes, sir” that. If they feel any sympathy, they don’t show it. They’ll do anything to avoid punishment and flinch at quick movements. Nothing they face on the field is worse than the cards they’ve been dealt. (“I understand, sir/ ma’am. I-I’m sorry.”)
The dissenter -> Usually recruited into the organization or joined as a last ditch option. Not necessarily against using their abilities or skill, they just hate being told what to do. As time goes on and their disobedience is punished over and over again, they grow reluctant. Bitter. With every order, they slip in a snarky comment. Roll their eyes. Anything to assert their own identity. Or what’s left of it. (“ah ah ah, you didn’t think i’d notice? The middle finger was a bit much. I’m afraid it will have to go.”)
The ghost in the machine -> known only by their codename by outsiders and by their number in the organization, they’ve been stripped of all humanity. They live, breathe, and think by their handlers orders. They’ve been told over and over again that they are just a weapon. And a weapon does what it’s told. Their anonymity is attached to the organization in the same way a gun is simply an extension of their arm. But at night they still stare up at the ceiling with a blank stare— did they ever a life before this? They can’t remember. (“It’s not like it’s a person. It doesn’t have feelings like that.”)
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pineconnie · 9 months ago
magnus podcasts are just “what if we put together a bunch of people who really need human connection and are fundamentally really similar and deeply care about each other then make it so none of them ever communicate”
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sprnklersplashes · 7 months ago
once again being reminded of how weird being a taylor swift fan on this website is because the people who claim to hate her just clearly do not listen to her. I saw someone say "does taylor swift even know she's been turned into a brand and stripped of her humanity? is she aware of the fact she lives in a gilded cage where she can't be imperfect?" like my sibling in christ that's what her past two albums have been about about. what exactly did you guys think anti-hero was?
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qualityrain · 1 month ago
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(joshua voice) have fun neku!!!!
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sugusatodyke · 11 months ago
Pillow princesses do nothing in bed except take my strap, look pathetic, and moan like a bitch what is there not not to like about that? They're like a cute fleshlight!
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sayruq · 1 year ago
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cluelessbees · 1 year ago
Reminder that almost no western country even recognised the State of Palestine
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And yet, we’re supposed to believe they want a two state solution?
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raptorrobot · 1 year ago
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i feel like i'm fighting for my fucking life here
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solar-eclippse · 7 months ago
Whumpee locked in a cell, without clothes.
It's a classic, but for good reason. Stripping someone of their clothes is such a simple and effective way to strip them of their dignity, warmth, safety and even part of their identity.
And if you want to dehumanize them even further? Make them wear a collar and nothing else.
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krissi-klown · 3 months ago
i want to talk about the mouthwashing fandom because... jesus christ. warning for talk of assault and dehumanisation.
yeah, curly was a bystander to anya's assault and certainly made a mistake by not acting sooner, but are you normal about him post-crash and disabled? are you treating him as a person, or just a funny meat man, or a fucking dog? youtubers use post-crash curly in their thumbnails as the horror, instead of the actual villian of the game... i wonder why.
yeah, you hate jimmy and your glad he's dead, and you make funny versions of his name, but are you normal about anya's assault and pregnancy? are you normal about whether people depict her in AUs as getting an abortion, or miscarriage, or giving birth? yeah, you want to fuck up all rapists of the world, but do you want to be there for the victims and uplift them and spread awareness?
additionally, do you know to block the people who don't share your views and upset you about these themes? when somebody talks about jimmy as a character openly and recognises that hes a very well-written character, or like him as such, are you sending them death threats and actively upsetting yourself over it?
also, "im so sorry you had to draw/write/show jimbo!!!11!!1!" my guy its their... post? the comments were funny for a little bit, but its EVERY OTHER comment under amazing mouthwashing artwork.
and the hate jimmy cosplayers recieve. holy fuck. people cosplay villians all the time, it doesnt make somebody immoral/disgusting to cosplay him and act out scenes as him. i feel it's hypocritical to thirst over a depiction of your favourite childhood disney villian, yet comment "🤢🤢" under one of jimmy.
listen, of course jimmy is an asshole, of course curly [and swansea, really] should have acted sooner, of course anya and daisuke deserved so much better. but can we please, PLEASE have more mature conversations about this story, these intricate characters?
that's my opinion. i love this game a lot.
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artistoons-blog-thing · 1 month ago
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I hate this thing (/affectionate) @ggalpalb
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whump-in-the-closet · 8 months ago
whumpee characterizations ? and what it takes to break them
thief whumpee: silver-tongued/ can't keep still/ uses humor as a coping mechanism-> gagged/ stress positions/ a casual whumper whose indifference immobilizes whumpee
royal whumpee: stoic/ proud/ seeks revenge after their imprisonment-> forced to kneel/ public humiliation, dragged around like a trophy, collared, branded etc/ enough scars to look like a constellation on their skin
healer whumpee: kind/ keeps up an image for the sake of others/ skilled in their trade-> pushed to the edge/ others have to take care of them/ hands or fingers so badly damaged they'll never be able to help anyone else again
innocent whumpee: naive/ trusting/ hopeful-> "no one is coming for you"/ left to die/ a whumper who twists whumpee's anger against their friends
bitter whumpee: apathetic/ shrugs off what they've been through/ exhausted-> "I'm fine." followed by collapsing/ vivid flashbacks where they wake up screaming/ refuses to fall asleep after their ordeal
leader whumpee: independent to the point of isolation/ tries to protect everyone/ mentally well-adjusted (mostly)-> set up to fail/ forced to hurt their teammates/ they come back changed, and everyone avoids them
villain whumpee: defiant/ insults whumper every chance they get/ so many failed escape attempts-> non-con drugging, left a shadow of their past selves/ conditioned to obey/ kneeling next to whumper at a press conferences
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blubushie · 3 months ago
Coming back briefly.
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I NEED perisex people to stop fucking doing this shit. I need perisex people to stop defaulting to "it" when discussing intersex people/characters, like the medical system and general society doesn't already dehumanise us enough. Like we aren't already mutilated and medically abused for the crime of not being "properly" male or female but instead an "it" that needs correcting. Like we aren't already dehumanised and objectified and treated as defective humans enough.
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