#and degeneration abounds
barbariankingdom · 2 years
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"The earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching." - Assyrian tablet, c. 2800 BC
In other words same shit, different day
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fevotinggauntletreal · 7 months
Year of the Dragon Opening Round - Match 3
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(pictured: haaa, let's go one by one... a Wyvern Lord's mount from Awakening; a wild wyvern from Mystery of the Emblem; a Malig Knight's mount from Fates; a Dragonmaster's mount from Radiant Dawn; a Wyvern Knight's mount from Genealogy of the Holy War; a Wyvern Rider's mount from Blazing Blade; a Wyvern Rider's mount from Three Houses; a Wyvern Knight's mount from Engage; and a Wyvern Knight's mount from Sacred Stones.)
you can still see like one little bit of the arena backdrop, ain't that something and a half
associated lore under the cut
wyverns are a staple of Fire Emblem worlds, almost always figuring as the war mounts of the renowned Wyvern Riders. sometimes, there's substantial lore behind it; other times, yeah, there are just huge flying lizards that people ride into battle, what are you gonna do about it?
a point of note is that modern fantasy tends to distinguish "wyverns" from true dragons, characterizing them specifically as two-legged, broad-winged, pointy-tailed, serpentine beasts. this distinction is first of all ahistorical, but in the context of Fire Emblem it's also the subject of some translation oddity. in the japanese text, wyverns are usually referred to as "flying dragons", and are not otherwise radically distinguished from other dragons in most settings where they appear. this also accounts for them having largely appeared as regular four-legged dragons in older titles, although newer titles have increasingly designed them to look more like the ideal "wyvern" form. it's likely that the "wyvern" terminology stems from Blazing Blade being the first internationalized Fire Emblem game, and Treehouse not quite wrapping their heads around the apparent contradiction of "flying dragons" still appearing in Elibe after the Scouring was supposed to have driven away all the dragons.
archanean wyverns are one of the dragon clans that once reigned supreme over Archanea. none are known to have survived the degeneration of dragonkind, but feral specimens thread the skies from Dolhr to the Mamorthod Desert. of particular note is that humans enslaved by Dolhr have managed to tame the bestial wyverns in the island and use them as war mounts; this proved crucial to a successful slave rebellion which led to the formation of the kingdom of Macedon.
jugdrali wyverns inhabit the rocky wastelands at the southern side of the Thracian peninsula, and have become the feared steeds of the Thracian mercenaries. their existance is odd when considering that the Jugdral games take place in the same universe as Archanea, but before the degeneration of dragonkind earnestly kicked in, and the fact that dragonkind doesn't generally dwell in Jugdral is an important factor in its backstory. it is thusly hard to tell if Jugdral's wyverns are at all supposed to be of a kind with Archanea's.
elibean wyverns are the only dragons generally known to have remained in Elibe after the Scouring (although other exceptions abound, such as the denizens of Arcadia). they used to fly over the entire continent, but since the Scouring, they've been confined to Bern, where they're used as war mounts.
the "wyvern knight mount" that appears in Sacred Stones marks a very odd point in the flow of the idea of what exactly our here wyverns/flying dragons are supposed to be. the English version of the game never distinguishes it from the original wyverns, despite it looking blatantly different. in Japanese, though the class that rides them is called "Wyvern Knight" (unlike the usual Dragon Knight that tends to get localized as Wyvern Rider), they are in text referred to as a term that could be translated either as "snake dragon", or "evil dragon". this is, in fact, the same term that would appear in later games and be translated as "Fell Dragon"!
the malig knight mount is described as an "evil dragon" that the Malig Knight is able to tame, and the japanese name of that class, "Revenant Knight", implies that they are undead dragons. to the best of my knowledge, though, nothing else is established about these mounts, including the extent to which they are or are not of a kind with regular wyverns.
and now for a lightning round of continuities where the most depth that wyverns get is being associated with particular locations: magvel wyverns are typical of Grado; tellius wyverns are ridden by the senatorial guard of Begnion, although a substantial force has defected to Daein; ylissean wyverns are typical of Plegia, and Rosanne in Valm also houses a substantial wild wyvern population; nohrian wyverns are, well, typical of Nohr; and although fódlanite wyverns are not typical of any particular region, the neighboring Almyrans are considered masters of wyvern warfare, and have in particular refined the art of wyvernback archery.
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kassymalone · 3 months
A mouse drags in a notebook hoping for your secret fanfiction knowledge.
A dangerous thing to do in a house full of cats, little mouse. Alright, grab your pen, let me give you the lowdown on an Undertale fic I'll probably never write, but I do think about from time to time.
You are a murderer. The courts may call it 'self defence', but you know what you did, and you ain't sorry. You're a criminal, just another degenerate chewed up and thrown out by the system with no education, no prospects, and no future.
What you do have - unbeknownst to you - is a twin. Not identical, but close enough looking that it's obvious you came from the same womb, finally reunited by a rare gene flagged up by the prosecution to link you to the scene of your crime. Maddie's parents are pissed - pissed that you were kept from them during the adoption procedure, that they were denied the opportunity to raise two kids.
One day in court later, and your delinquent ass is on the other side of the country in a Norman Rockwell vs Stepford Wives nightmare, all white picket fences and mowed lawns and assholes wearing pastels. Your new foster parents are far from the worst you've had, and it's cool to have a blood relative for the first time in your life. You've got the opportunity to finish school, even if you're going to be older than everyone else, and as long as you keep your nose clean while on parole you can stay out of actual-adult prison.
Not that anything is that simple. You're not an easy person to deal with for your immature sister, her unprepared parents and the pathetic school bullies not expecting a convicted criminal in their class. As much as you're trying to do good and fly right, some days you just really want to stab a fucker...
Jealous that you're more 'mature' than she is, Maddie gets herself a job at a bakery/café, some place named 'Muffets', run by a couple of skeleton monsters that are pretty common around here. You think she should be focusing on school, since this is her second time repeating the final year, so take it upon yourself to be as much of a nuisance as legally possible to get her fired.
Too bad for you, Black and Blue - who aren't twins even though they look like they could be - are a lot more difficult to rattle than the other middle class weaklings around here, and send you to sit at the kiddie table with the delivery boy, a tall skeleton who sleeps most of the day. It ain't such a bad place - Blue is a nice guy, and Black is tough, but fair, and they treat Maddie pretty well for a part timer who keeps making idiot mistakes. They won't even let her work weekends unless she can prove her homework is all done, so shit might just work out.
Besides, Black is real fun to tease. You'll never get tired of the way he blushes, how his eyelights disappear when you say something 'naughty', the way he flounders when you 'accidentally' touch his arm. He'd never do anything - the guys too straight to even consider fucking someone still in school - but you can still play.
But as you well know, the good times don't last forever. Between the creepy neighbour that's way too interested in your sister, the bad influences from your old life determined you drag you back down, and the assholes in the new one that don't want you to be a better person, your stress and hackles just keep rising.
Questions abound - why weren't Maddie's parents told about you when you were babies? Who is this Matthew kid in the family photo's, and why does he look just like your sister? Are Black's boundaries as hard and fast as you thought? And who the fuck is lurking in the bushes at night?!
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letmeliedown · 2 years
"none of these words are in the bible" is so stupid like... hee hoo christianity is the only relevant marker of linguistic legitimacy and morality! degeneration abounds in our sinful world! like bestie it just makes you sound like a catholic school religion teacher
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The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found in 1038, and Cristes-messe in 1131; in Latin, Dies Natalis.
Early Celebration
Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church.
Saints Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their lists of feasts. Origen, glancing perhaps at the discreditable imperial Natalitia, asserts that in the Scriptures, sinners alone, not saints, celebrate their birthday.
Arnobius can still ridicule the "birthdays" of the gods.
The first evidence of the feast is from Egypt.
About A.D. 200, Clement of Alexandria says that certain Egyptian theologians "over curiously" assign, not the year alone, but the day of Christ's birth, placing it on 25 Pachon (May 20), in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus.
The December feast therefore reached Egypt between 427 and 433.
In Rome, the earliest evidence is in the Philocalian Calendar, compiled in 354, which contains three important entries.
In the civil calendar, December 25 is marked "Natalis Invicti."
In the "Depositio Martyrum," a list of Roman or early and universally venerated martyrs, under December 25 is found "VIII kal. ian. natus Christus in Betleem Iudæ."
De Santi (L'Orig. delle Fest. Nat., in Civiltæ Cattolica, 1907), following Erbes, argues that Rome took over the Eastern Epiphany, now with a definite Nativity colouring and, with increasing number of Eastern Churches, placed it on December 25.
Later, both the East and West divided their feast, leaving Ephiphany on January 6 and Nativity on December 25, respectively.
The earlier hypothesis still seems preferable.
Origin of Date
Concerning the date of Christ's birth, the Gospels give no help.
Upon their data, contradictory arguments are based. The census would have been impossible in winter: a whole population could not then be put in motion.
Again, in winter, it must have been, then only field labour was suspended. However, Rome was not thus considerate.
Authorities, moreover, differ as to whether shepherds could or would keep flocks exposed during the nights of the rainy season.
Natalis Invicti
The well-known solar feast, however, of Natalis Invicti, celebrated on December 25, has a strong claim on the responsibility for our December date.
For the history of the solar cult, its position in the Roman Empire and syncretism with Mithraism have collected the evidence for the feast, which reached its climax of popularity under Aurelian in 274.
In 1700, Filippo del Torre first saw its importance.
It is marked, as has been said, without addition in Philocalus' Calendar.
It would be impossible here to outline the history of solar symbolism and language as applied to God, the Messiah, and Christ in Jewish or Chrisian canonical, patristic, or devotional works.
Hymns and Christmas offices abound in instances; the texts are well arranged by Cumont.
Liturgy and Custom
The fixing of this date fixed those too of Circumcision, Presentation, Expectation, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Nativity, and Conception of the Baptist (cf. Thurston in Amer. Eccl. Rev., December, 1898).
Till the tenth century, Christmas counted, in papal reckoning, as the beginning of the ecclesiastical year, as it still does in Bulls.
Boniface VIII (1294-1303) restored temporarily this usage, to which Germany held longest.
The Crib (creche) or Nativity Scene
In 1223, Saint Francis of Assisi originated the crib of today by laicizing a hitherto ecclesiastical custom, henceforward extra-liturgical and popular.
The presence of ox and ass is due to a misinterpretation of Isaias 1:3 and Habakkuk 3:2 ("Itala" version), though they appear in the unique fourth-century "Nativity" discovered in the Saint Sebastian catacombs in 1877.
The ass on which Balaam rode in the Reims mystery won for the feast the title Festum Asinorum (Ducange, op. cit., s.v. Festum).
Hymns and Carols
The degeneration of these plays, in part, occasioned the diffusion of noels, pastorali, and carols, to which was accorded, at times, a quasi-liturgical position.
Prudentius, in the fourth century, is the first (and in that century alone) to hymn the Nativity, for the "Vox clara" (hymn for Lauds in Advent).
"Christe Redemptor" (Vespers and Matins of Christmas) cannot be assigned to Ambrose.
"A solis ortu" is certainly, however, by Sedulius (fifth century).
The earliest German Weihnachtslieder date from the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the earliest noels from the eleventh, the earliest carols from the thirteenth.
The famous "Stabat Mater Speciosa" is attributed to Jacopone da Todi (1230-1306).
"Adeste Fideles" is, at the earliest, of the seventeenth century.
These essentially popular airs, and even words must, however, have existed long before they were put down in writing.
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filmista · 2 years
The Shining (1980)
“The most terrible nightmare I ever had. It's the most horrible dream I ever had.”
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A large, snowbound hotel built on a Native American burial site with a labyrinth next to it and a family inside that takes care of it during the winter. There is a mother, a father who comes to write and their son, Danny, who hears the voice of his imaginary friend Tony.
The latter warned him about the hotel. Danny knows that voice was right as he traverses the long corridors on his tricycle. Waves of blood streaming from the elevator shaft, sudden apparitions, forbidden rooms. In another room, a typewriter is ticking. The father also begins to hear voices. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, types the writer who begins to lose his mind. Endlessly repeating the same sentence. He sees things and hears voices telling him to slaughter his wife. And his son.
Stephen King grabbed his pen and, as is his cold-blooded habit, terrified his readers. Stanley Kubrick turned it into a major horror classic in 1980. King, incidentally, was not pleased with Kubrick's adaptation, which did not follow the book at all. The image of Jack Nicholson grinning broadly at his victim through the door that he has just chopped to pieces, on the other hand, is burned onto many retinas. Just like the naked woman who degenerates into a rotting corpse in his hands and like his terrified wife who runs for her life. The actors, Nicholson in the lead, are simply sublime and manage to portray complete madness and frantic terror. In the case of Duvall.
This isn't just about the transition from sane to crazy. The duality, after all, is always there. Nicholson lives in the past during the film  when he visits the bar full of former hotel guests, and in the present. There are the two twin sisters who appear to Danny (Come play with us. Forever and ever and ever.). 
There is the double image due to the many mirror effects. When Nicholson talks to his son, for example, or when he's holding the corpse, we always see three characters, one Nicholson and the other. So this is an intriguing horror thriller pur sang. Kubrick chases the viewer until he has gnawed the cuticles off his nails. But there's more. Kubrick wants to tell the viewer something about himself. After the movie, with a photo of Nicholson at the party with the hotel guests as the last image, keep watching the credits.
The moment the viewer is supposed to have found his breath again and starts chatting, you suddenly hear other chatter. You realize that it is the sounds of the hotel guests. Kubrick compares us to them. We are the guests of the Overlook’s 4th of July ball. We have always been there and we have lost sight of something. We stand on it, on the Indian burial ground and yet we look over it. This film is about the American colonials, who massacred the native Indians en masse. This is a film about murder and at the meta level about genocide.
The references abound. From the start, in a beautiful panoramic view, the writer and his family drive towards the Overlook hotel in a yellow Volkswagen. They are talking about snowbound colonials who practiced cannibalism. Upon arrival, their guide literally says that in order to build the hotel, a few Indians had to be slaughtered. Before swinging the hatchet afterwards, Nicholson calls his drink the white man's burden. And Danny, who escapes into the labyrinth by retracing his steps. Winnetou couldn't have done better.
Horror, double entendres, social criticism. And we all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun.
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So I'm gonna do a little science experiment. Ready?
I have a HYPOTHESIS, see... that the 2020 election in America was fraudulently altered, hastily called, and disastrously implemented..
. . .
Does research...
Experiments & tests...
Compiles evidence...
Analyzes data...
. . .
In conclusion- the data shows that widespread faults and other deliberate human errors, as well as numerous digital tampering events and other physical discrepancies from state to state exist and abound quite readily enough to declare the results of the "landslide" 2020 election as a sham, and rightfully call for a more closely scrutinized recount of every single vote...
However, due to ongoing human interference in what should otherwise be a natural and ordered tally of yays vs. nays to decide administrative seats and other candiate offices, and almost in direct contravention to the clear and present conclusions revealed through the overwhelming data provided through rigorous testing and application of the scientific method, the election has been called for the clearly-projected loser and absolute worst person for the job- with the ostentatious and even gaudy show of force and repetitive phrasing of "trust the science," "trust the plan," and various other pleas to simply, blindly trust the same humans shown to be in overwhelmingly clear error, and blatant violation of the Public Trust. . .
In further conclusion: clearly there is a disconnect and fault somewhere in 'the science,' given that the results do not properly reflect the actual scientific study, nor the evidence presented. This can only mean one thing- 'The Science' itself must be arraigned and discounted for its reliability given that the same science now insists that 1 + 1 always equals any result from 3 to infinity, but NEVER 2... or else you're some degenerate racial ghoul and wealth supremacist.
Right? Has anyone else recreated this experiment? I'm curious if your repeat of my own experimentation and research results in different results in your labs... after all, it's not science if someone else can do exactly what you did and NOT come up with the exact same results...
If it can't be confirmed, it's not indicative of any such scientific truth.
That's GOOD science, or at least what it's supposed to be . . . But I think what we're dealing with here is in-fact, BAD science...
The kind not based in fact or even reality at all...
But rather the kind that exists in name only, but not in substance...
Anyways, please drop your input, I'm curious what y'all's data is showing!
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greysfic · 2 years
The Glorious Necrocommunist Union of Kaer
On the eastern coast of Imeria, on the inland bulk of the Kromsian Peninsula, is the military bureaucracy of Kaer.
For centuries, they have been at war with their neighbours to the north. While that war has now cooled due to international intervention, they remain committed and ready to annihilate the entire Kromsian people and their living god.
To follow the vagaries of their history and beliefs, it is first necessary to understand something of their modern context.
The Central Party Administrative Council
Kaer is ruled by this council, comprised of the duly elected heads of each Bureau, elected Senior Comrades, and Post-Senior Comrades - the preserved ghosts of dead Council members, forever bound to serve the People's State.
Everyone in Kaer has both the right and obligation to vote on positions of power, excepting the ranks of the military who are naturally appointed by veterancy and merit. But the dead will always outnumber the living. The legion of ghosts who manage the sprawling bureaucracy can be influenced by the Necromancers who keep the state working, and who coincidentally are always voted to the Central Party.
This must be subtle, of course. Despite the best efforts of the Committee for Morale, the living soldiers may yet rebel, and every Senior Comrade is constantly watching for chances to denounce other comrades before they are caught for their own corruption. Paranoia, hypocrisy, and clandestine decadence define the upper ranks of the Central Party.
The Commissariat
Necromancers form the bulk of the Central Party, being the most common Pattern born in Kaer, but the other prominent type of Magi are Conflagrants. Passionate manipulators of fire, the Commissariat are technically outside the Bureaus and election system, charged with ensuring ideological adherence. They bolster the courage of living soldiers, and incinerate Necromancers found to be engaged in counter-revolutionary sedition.
The Bureau of State
In time of peace, this is perhaps the most powerful bureau. They are responsible for international relations, day-to-day administration beneath the Council, internal communications, and intelligence gathering. They are also the most corrupt and fractious bureau; they interact most with the outside world, they hold the purse strings, they are most vulnerable to the lure of power. The Sub-Committee for Forensic Accounting is actually their internal intelligence outfit, a nest of spies and murderers seeking to protect key assets from discovery by the Commissars or other bureaus while also maintaining the state. The Sub-Commitee for Foreign Studies is the external intelligence wing, who spy on allies and neighbours, and control the spread of imported 'degenerate luxuries' like alcohol, narcotics, music, art... things reserved for the upper echelons of society, in secret. There is a constant shadow war of departments trying to scapegoat, unmask, or ally with each other both internally and their rivals in Information.
Despite their corruption, they are still vital to ensuring the function of all organs of state, and protecting Kaer from external pressure.
The Bureau of Information
The closest rival to the Bureau of State, this office is responsible for education and research. There are subcommittees for every field of science, and the Sub-Committee for Dialectics acts as an internal espionage wing, observing the other bureaus. The Sub-Committee for Field Research acts as both a genuine external research office and does some espionage outside the state on the side.
In addition to the predictable corruption of the upper ranks, many comrades in this bureau also compete for research resources. Secret labs and prisons abound where dangerous experiments are conducted. Sinister materials are imported secretely. A classified and remote research facility on a frozen northern island observes a throbbing tumour the size of a house, freed from ancient ice.
In addition to their influence as the education institution, they are able to influence most other committees as research teams may be attached with absolute authority over secondments and military units. 'Classified state secrets' has become a darkly humorous euphemism for 'ask another question and someone will get shot'.
Departments within the bureau are as vicious as the BoS, looking to steal research or resources from each other, to inform on each other for terrible experiments and breaches of protocol.
The Bureau of Warfare
Once the most prominent bureau, the BoW has fallen in prominence as the war has ground to a ceasefire. Every Kaeri is expected to serve a tour of duty in the naval, infantry, armour, or aerial divisions. Mostly this involves drilling, sitting on your arse, and assisting the BoP with logistics. Sometimes they have a chance to conduct battles in other lands, repel rare assaults on the west border, or venture into the Exclusion Zone between Kaer and Kroms. The no-man's land where blood-starved bioweapons from the last battles lie in fitful slumber or breed in the swamps. Kroms claims they cannot control these creatures now, nor find them - not least since hunting them would require them to violate the treaties keeping them out of the EZ.
Some soldiers stay for a career, some are sent other bureaus after a five-year tour. Various clandestine offices recruit from decorated units. Some, serving in foreign lands, fake their deaths or desert, become mercenaries or try to settle down in new places.
The Bureau of Production
This Bureau is considered a cushy appointment. Far, far from any battlefield even when the war was raging, this Bureau handles agriculture, mining, and manufacture. Machines of bone and metal run the farms, overseen by Necromancers. Bone machines automate factories; ghosts inhabit bonework automata to perform more precise crafts alongside living workers.
Almost every official here, especially the necromancers, is corrupt from boredom as much as anything else. They feed the state, and so they can forge alliances with other bureau to sneak contraband to their offices. They can likewise sneak contraband around as part of provisioning.
Contrarily, perhaps some of the least corrupt and fulfilled necromancers can be found here, too; working happily on the design and building of ever more advanced bonework machines.
In general, this Bureau is considered a reward for veterans, a plum retirement that allows them to continue contributing to the war effort.
Alleged History
The Kaeri version of history is this; hundreds of years ago, they were under the yoke of the Kromsian vampires, but overthrew them and drove them north along with those who remained loyal to the monsters. But even the eldest Post-Senior Comrade does not recall the origins of the war, only the party line that the Kromsians struck first after being forced out, and so the Kaeri were left with no choice but to exterminate them.
Around twenty years ago, the Kaeri had actually confined the Kromsians to their last citadel, The Iron Tower. There they conducted a massacre of civilians, an insult the Vampire priesthood would not tolerate. Vampires being very individualist creatures, two of their number took two different approaches.
One, now known as Bright Martyr Issanitaius, slipped behind Kaeri lines in broad daylight, found the officers who had ordered the massacres, and turned their muscles to cancers. As many as sixty more Kaeri were slain before the Vampire went down under sheer weight of bullets and was burned. It was, by all accounts, a young and hot-headed example of their kind.
The other, name unknown, beseeched Imperus, the Dragon-Emperor, to end the genocide. To quote Giacomo Isley's Brought To Light: A History of Kaeri-Kromsian Hostilities:
"Imperus charged House Lezek with forcing a truce.
The Lezekim approach was swift and decisive. Heralds arrived in advance of the main House, attempting to negotiate before hostilities began. Gabriallus hovered over the Temple of Eternal Night at Towerpeak, because the Lezekim could not resist the opportunity to insult the Kromsians, and the Kromsians tolerated this because they had no choice.
Predictably, negotiations failed. While there are dissenting accounts, in general the records are clear; the Lezekim provoked Kaer by attempting to force a duel to which Kaeri command would not consent.
The Kaeri cordon around the Iron Tower was decimated; the Lezekim were very precise. One in every ten soldiers killed in a single blow, and any attempting to intervene maimed for their trouble.
Just reparations, the Lezekim said, and then prosecuted their war in earnest. Sixty Lezekim, united in purpose, with their full panoplies, personal troops, lovers, and a cohort from Imperus’ Talon.
Two months later, a broken nation accepted the armistice. Even today, the dead outnumber the living in the corridors of Kaeri garrisons.  Kroms remained confined to the peninsula, and with tightly limited airspace, but receive fresh converts every year."
While Kaer does not have the strongest navy at sea or in the sky, their ground forces are the standard by which modern militaries are judged. Their infantry employ combined arms; rifles, flamers, Necromantic drones piloted by ghosts. Undead form the forward ranks while the living soldiers rain hell on targets. These infantry are supported by heavy armour; soul-blasting artillery pieces, and the infamous Kaeri exoskeleton.
The exoskeleton is in part literal - a humanoid suit made of bone and plated with steel, containing a pilot sarcophagus for a living operator, bonded to a ghost, and subsystems controlled by the ghosts of animals linked to the pilot through their bonded soul for semi-automous function.
At war, the Kaeri establish a cordon of artillery pieces for initial bombardment. Then the exoskeleton brigades target strategic assets, accompanied by infantry units intended to screen the exoskeletons from lesser targets, sweep buildings, and in general maintain the ultimate flexibility of the Kaeri armed forces.
There are no records of exo-pilots surviving to retirement.
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Latest Degen News For Those Who Engage In High-Risk, Speculative Trading
In the world of cryptocurrency, the term 'degen' is short for 'degenerate' and refers to people who engage in high-risk, speculative trading.
Degens' are commonly associated with the newer trends in the crypto space, like Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a term for various financial applications in cryptocurrency or blockchain geared toward disrupting financial intermediaries. Despite the inherent risks, these traders play a big role in the crypto economy, often acting as liquidity providers and participants in new project launches.
Check out the latest Degen News by Block Matra - Our task is to support a global community of crypto enthusiasts with reliable information: news, articles, blogs, and reviews.
This term gained popularity as the hype around crypto and NFTs went up. Increasingly, as the crypto industry expands, it attracts more people seeing crypto as a shortcut to getting rich overnight.
This is perhaps because when crypto came off as the big new thing in the market, people were a little apprehensive about it. But those who truly did believe in it had the guts to try something new thus they invested big chunks of their money.
Despite the risks, numerous "degen" success stories abound in the crypto Degen news world:
On January 1, 2022, a 22-year-old student from Indonesia minted his first NFT artwork on OpenSea, the world’s largest marketplace for crypto collectibles. Named Ghozali Ghozalu, he had spent the last four years taking a picture of himself (almost) every day, and now he was ready to cash in on the long-term project.
The images, which date back to his teenage years, were listed for 0.001 ETH (or just over $3) each.
The images listed by Ghozali did eventually sell out, and thanks to a bunch of high-risk crypto traders, or degens, their price has now gone through the roof. As listed on OpenSea, the floor price — AKA the entry point for new buyers — is 0.29 ETH as of writing, which translates to around $900. The collection’s total traded volume stands at 374 ETH (more than $1.1 million).
Block Matra collects latest Degen news from the top crypto bases in the industry and curates the news that is simple and easy to comprehend.
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percyywilliamsonn · 3 months
Latest Degen News For Those Who Engage In High-Risk, Speculative Trading
In the world of cryptocurrency, the term 'degen' is short for 'degenerate' and refers to people who engage in high-risk, speculative trading.
Degens' are commonly associated with the newer trends in the crypto space, like Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a term for various financial applications in cryptocurrency or blockchain geared toward disrupting financial intermediaries. Despite the inherent risks, these traders play a big role in the crypto economy, often acting as liquidity providers and participants in new project launches.
Check out the latest Degen News by Block Matra - Our task is to support a global community of crypto enthusiasts with reliable information: news, articles, blogs, and reviews.
This term gained popularity as the hype around crypto and NFTs went up. Increasingly, as the crypto industry expands, it attracts more people seeing crypto as a shortcut to getting rich overnight.
This is perhaps because when crypto came off as the big new thing in the market, people were a little apprehensive about it. But those who truly did believe in it had the guts to try something new thus they invested big chunks of their money.
Despite the risks, numerous "degen" success stories abound in the crypto Degen news world:
On January 1, 2022, a 22-year-old student from Indonesia minted his first NFT artwork on OpenSea, the world’s largest marketplace for crypto collectibles. Named Ghozali Ghozalu, he had spent the last four years taking a picture of himself (almost) every day, and now he was ready to cash in on the long-term project.
The images, which date back to his teenage years, were listed for 0.001 ETH (or just over $3) each.
The images listed by Ghozali did eventually sell out, and thanks to a bunch of high-risk crypto traders, or degens, their price has now gone through the roof. As listed on OpenSea, the floor price — AKA the entry point for new buyers — is 0.29 ETH as of writing, which translates to around $900. The collection’s total traded volume stands at 374 ETH (more than $1.1 million).
Block Matra collects latest Degen news from the top crypto bases in the industry and curates the news that is simple and easy to comprehend. Connect with us: https://blockmatra.com/
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solardick · 5 months
Здравствуйте versus привет.
Hello versus hi.
Formal versus informal.
Subject’s birth point on “classical/modern” Waite’s version of the high priestess versus my own variant. The bearer of language and structure.
“Formal” english is a meek point. It barely exists anymore. The more formal an english speaker is the queerer they sound.
May I? Versus. Can I? Proves the degeneration of language. Which isn’t a far off shoot considering the vast amount of imaginative corrections needed to be made between spelling and pronunciation, it comes built it. And predisposes the mass to live an untrue nature. If i worded all that the way i intented. A Bow’s bow. Cant tell the difference between what word means what the contextual fails to the bias.
Yeah. It must be Santa clause. Definitely.
Truth is here. One may easily change the devil card for satan. Uh, i mean santa.
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The russian’s dont technically have a Santa. Its soemthing else. Which serves as a near point.
Its makes the man’s job alot easier considering he doesnt have to fly over and deliver presents to the largest country in the world.
But on track. The high priestess of waites variety, makes a luke warm connection to the biblical holy church of king David or who ever. Part of the old testement. Ehich is primarily the school of gard knocks. Without saying the BJ on the pillars are suppose to represent boaz and joaz or whatever. Like anyone cares. But, those familiar witb the tarot cards would agree. That thise pillars stand for the magician and the chariot. Too bad though that BJ stands for something completely different on the perverted side of society. No one is going to make a connection to the church based on a BJ.
Its the tora or rota. Or whatever BS. The circle of “life” go around and come around the BJ. Getting sick of it yet. Well too bad.
Curiosity abound. What is the difference between C, see and sea? How to spell the letter C? Speaking of meekness. I beleive this is here.
Wholy mother of mary. Damned girl. Dont stop now.
But, oh well, my ass is going to keep me up all night again. I don’t want to be alive anymore. Right in the “erogenous” zone. Never goes away. Always gassy. Always sensitive. Always swollen.i dotn think im going to work again inwamt a fucken ciggarette. Diet doens tfuxken matter. Just life fucken with me since my first memeory.nothing to learn except being raped by existance. Doems tmatter if im an asshole or a savoir. Its always the same. Welcome to life man. Here a staircase. Push. Been that way ever since. For experience. Im hoing start smoking again pop a couple pills maybe ill sleep. And no one to talk to excspt degenerates criminals, foreigners that dont speak english and fags. The only thing i did different today was buy a couple snokes off some fucken cocksucker asshole that talks crap all the time. Like most of them. Probaly drugging me again as usual. Been beeing drugged since forever. Its apart of their warcraft. Been super nice to me today too. Even offered coffee. But fuck you. Last time its fucked me up. Side wffect aof the pills the guesswork doctors gave me. Are. No operating machinery and Psychosis.
Suicide is the only sin god doesnt forgive. No fuck cause you fucken dead. Wait another half hour see if the pills work and if not. Save the rest for when i get wasted and hang myself. Being muscle relaxants or some shit. The fuck if i know. Back to
Pills worked. Mostly. Just felt warm. And now my vission is a little blurry. Doubled the dose he gave me. So 20ml is just a little too little. Last time i took a dose he gave me. It didnt do anything. I dont want ot go to work anymore. I want ot go bsck to being wnemployed and and suicidal. Less stress that way.
Oh well guess ill never know what it feels like not being abused.
Oh gid sent me a rabbit. Still dont knwo what thise mean. A croh flew past earlier.
Want people to quit smoking? How about you make them illegal and stop fucken manufacturing thr fucken things. Maybe we do need a fucken dictatorship. Anout the jobs the jobs. Fuck the job hiw many fucken immagrant do y’all invite over here and they go straight to welfare. Fuck your bs.
I fucken hate this continent. I can eat an wntire large bag of doritos and have no symtoms. Had chicken and homey yestweday. No symptoms. Had so again the next day. Was up all night. . If its at the end of the GI track. Then it can take up to 36 hours to reach that point. But apparently it can take on 15 mins to 4 hours. At leat i grt my proteins worth with a litter of yogurt everyday.
So i checked my hororscope for my birthday next year. Spyche return. And eros. Pluto sqaure pluto. Neptune sayrts in aries. Mean. Wonder if its a comming out celebration. Oh, there goes a croh. Ita ganna be a shitty day
Anyway. Excuse the insanity and despair. So for the rabbit portent. Or omen. It’s attached to lost and found. Easter bunny. This coupled to the crohs. Lost ans found something negative. But also dor the positive. For the rabbit. Seems to be. A neutral character. But, this is going off a single happening. And will need to be looked into to see if it’s a constant. Like that of the croh.
…uh. He told me his name was BJ.
I cant do it man. I cant look at an image of a woman with nig bold letters saying B J and keep a straight face.
Though inget it. It was definatally a magician chariot converstion. Empowering and all. Can’t say that it didn’t wake me a bit. Even though ive heard it all before. My own priestess. Has innocense written all over her. With a power of a logos looking over her. The magician to the empress or the emperor. As number 4. Nature and rule. Its akin to my gamma card being connected to the star. But i dont like callingnit the star. Its misleading. As there is no wish. Its retirbution. Because the falling star as it is sometimes depicted as. Is a moment to wish. A moment in the future to come. But asnit plays out. It is that moment of the future being breed from temperance. The eight pointed star is the connecting clue to the justice card. And is the calm and quiet of the night from upheaval and unease. It being a woman. Suits it perfectly.
As temperanve is a balancing of Accounts of something that shouldnt be. Waite’s version shits all over these connections. Replaces the eight pointed star connection to strength instead. Mother nature wrestling a lion roar to caressing it. Not my experience.
… ghost busters: frozen empire?
Is this to say that the summer is going to be mild and cool. As aquaman: the lost kingdom, was to the unnaturally warm winter? So, jo “intense heat this summer? The preview looked like some horrible acting. But ant-man. Isnt a greta actor anyway. Funny but. Not very good. I dont know if i should order books. I never read them. They just sit there. But i like having a library. University edition of english grammar. And the evolution of the russian language. Which is pricy. But, tarot books are inadequate and unreliable.
And what happened to my symptoms? Severe again last night. Popped a couple pills fell asleep. Instead of binging anime. Woke up the next morning and all but gone except for the very mild by comparison. Didn’t do anything different even ate a large bag of Doritos. The Polypropylene and thermoplastic resins are delicious.
Whichc must be why when people have a hard time saying something, or looking for the roght word. Most people will comenin a correct them or say “ja, i get ehat you mean.” But, i havent even pooped yet.
Erin on attack on titan finally found the ocean. The ocean and the perils within and withon. Not so different from the perils on the night. Which works as a star card. And the letter V the russian war machine placed upon their naval fleets.
Wow, women are particularly pretty today. Told you V stands for vagina.
What? They’re objects. Blame the english language.
But its monday now. Pains back. And why move away. Looks like the condition is permanent. And if i do. Ill just be forced out of where ever i land ahyway. Its a life theme. Been that way since my first memory. Seems to dissapear mostly on saterdays. I get born, tied to a higjlt toxic relationship to some plutonic fucken cocksycker that treats me like shit. Enjoying the feeling of superiority over me. Litterally. And i get tossed around from place to place for ither peoples convinience. 39 years and counting nothings changed and it has nothing to do with me. . The entire fucken plabet may burn. And i font give a fuck.
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pinky67756 · 6 months
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Unlocking the Power of Nature: The Top 13 Foods Rich in Nutrients
Nutrition is essential to living a healthy lifestyle, and some foods have been dubbed "superfoods" because of their high nutrient density and several health advantages. Packed with crucial vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these superfoods provide a comprehensive approach to health, assisting in the prevention of numerous illnesses and fostering general energy. The 13 foods that are highest in nutrients on Earth will be discussed as we dig into the realm of nutrition. These foods provide an abundance of nutrients that support both physical and mental well-being.
Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart health, lower inflammation, and boost the immune system, salmon is the ultimate fatty fish and nutritional powerhouse framework. Salmon is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with protein, vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12, D, and E, as well as potassium and selenium. Its many advantages range from helping with weight loss to improving cognitive function.
Kale stands out as one of the most nutritious leafy greens; it is packed with vitamins C, K, A, and B6, as well as minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, and manganese. A mainstay of any well-balanced diet, kale is high in antioxidants and fiber that supports bone strength, immunity, and digestive health.
Legumes: Rich in fiber, plant-based protein, and complex carbs, the legume family, which includes beans, peas, lentils, soybeans, and peanuts, offers a plethora of health advantages. A low glycemic index as well as Rich in minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium, as well as vitamins and antioxidants, beans provide long-lasting energy and promote metabolic health, making them an essential food for both vegetarians and carnivores.
Eggs: Known as nature's multivitamin, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse that include protein, healthy fats, iron, selenium, phosphorus, and iodine, among a wide range of other vital minerals. Eggs, being high in lutein and zeaxanthin, protect against age-related macular degeneration and support eye health. Eggs deserve their proper position as a nutritional mainstay because of their advantages, which include blood sugar regulation and weight management.
Hailed as a superfruit, avocado is prized for its creamy texture and high nutrient density. It provides an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Rich in vitamins B2, B3, B5, C, E, and K Avocados deserve their coveted place on the superfood podium because they improve digestion, boost cardiovascular health, and strengthen the immune system. They also include vitamins B6, folate, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese.
Berries: The jewels of nature, berries abound in color and powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative stress and inflammation. Brimming with minerals like copper and manganese, as well as vitamins C, K, and folate, berries support heart health, improve brain function, and contribute to glowing skin. Berries stand out as a delicious and wholesome treat because of their low glycemic index and ability to decrease cholesterol.
Nuts include monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins K and E, folate, thiamine, magnesium, and potassium are just a few of the many nutrients found in nuts like walnuts, pistachios, and almonds. They also give a symphony of aromas. Nuts, which are rich in carotenoids and antioxidants, are a great snack for long-term energy and vitality since they lower inflammation, promote general wellbeing, and support brain function.
Garlic is widely recognized for its culinary diversity and therapeutic qualities. Its main ingredient, allicin, contributes to its impressive array of health advantages. Garlic is a powerful ally in maintaining longevity and vigor because of its antimicrobial, anti-cancer, and cardiovascular advantages. Garlic gives taste and nutrition to food. Packed with vitamins C, B1, B6, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, and selenium.
Chocolate Dark:
Savor the rich pleasure of dark chocolate, a nutrient-dense treasure known for its cardiovascular and antioxidant advantages. Rich in fiber, copper, magnesium, manganese, and manganese, dark chocolate enhances heart health and blood pressure, and improves mental performance, providing a guilt-free treat that satisfies cravings and replenishes the body.
The potato:
Loved as a mainstay in cuisines all over the world, potatoes offer a multitude of health advantages and a varied canvas for culinary creativity. Potatoes are high in potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, and vitamin C. They also help with digestion and support healthy skin and cardiovascular health. Potatoes are a pleasant and nutrient-dense side dish that adds a range of nutrients and substantial fiber to any meal.
Livestock Offal:
Organ meats—like liver—are frequently disregarded, although they are nutrient-dense powerhouses, full of iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, and high-quality animal protein. Moderation is essential owing to the risk of even with their nutritious density toxicity of vitamin A. Women who are expecting should use cautious because taking too much vitamin A could harm the developing fetus.
To sum up, nutrient-dense meals that harness the power of nature to promote vitality, longevity, and well-being are the first step towards achieving optimal health. You set out on a revolutionary journey towards radiant health and vitality by introducing these 13 superfoods into your diet. You embrace the riches of nature's abundance to nourish and nurture your body from the inside out.
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Muscular Dystrophy in India: Navigating Challenges, Seeking Hope
 Muscular dystrophy, a group of genetic disorders characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness, poses significant challenges for individuals and families across the globe. In India, where healthcare continues to evolve, managing muscular dystrophy involves navigating a complex landscape of diagnostics, treatment options, support systems, and research initiatives. In this exploration of muscular dystrophy in India, we delve into the current scenario, challenges faced by affected individuals, and the strides being made in research and healthcare.
**1. Prevalence and Genetic Diversity:
Muscular dystrophy in India is not a single disorder but a group of genetic conditions, each with its own characteristics and prognosis. The prevalence of different types of muscular dystrophy varies, and India, with its vast and diverse population, reflects this genetic heterogeneity. Various forms of muscular dystrophy, including Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD), are diagnosed in individuals across the country.
**2. Diagnostic Challenges:
Timely diagnosis is crucial for effective management of muscular dystrophy. However, diagnostic challenges persist in India due to factors such as limited awareness, lack of accessibility to specialized healthcare facilities, and the genetic complexity of the condition. Efforts are being made to enhance awareness among healthcare professionals and the general public, promoting early detection and intervention.
**3. Access to Specialized Healthcare:
Access to specialized healthcare for muscular dystrophy in India is a critical factor in ensuring optimal outcomes. In India, major cities host leading healthcare institutions equipped with specialized neurology departments, genetic testing facilities, and multidisciplinary teams focused on neuromuscular disorders. However, addressing healthcare disparities and ensuring access in rural areas remain ongoing challenges.
**4. Patient Support and Advocacy:
Patient support groups and advocacy organizations play a vital role in providing resources, information, and emotional support to individuals and families affected by muscular dystrophy. In India, several such organizations work tirelessly to create a supportive community, raise awareness, and advocate for the needs of those living with muscular dystrophy.
**5. Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies:
Rehabilitation services, including physical and occupational therapy, form an integral part of managing muscular dystrophy. In India, efforts are being made to enhance rehabilitation infrastructure and promote the use of assistive technologies, such as customized wheelchairs and orthopedic devices, to improve mobility and enhance the quality of life for affected individuals.
**6. Research and Clinical Trials:
India actively participates in global research initiatives focused on muscular dystrophy. Clinical trials exploring new treatment modalities and therapeutic approaches are conducted in collaboration with international research teams. This involvement in research contributes to the advancement of knowledge and potential breakthroughs in managing muscular dystrophy in India.
**7. Government Initiatives:
The Indian government has recognized the importance of addressing rare genetic disorders, including muscular dystrophy. Initiatives aimed at improving healthcare infrastructure, raising awareness, and supporting research are underway. However, continued efforts are needed to ensure that these initiatives translate into tangible benefits for individuals and families affected by muscular dystrophy.
**8. Challenges and Opportunities:
Challenges such as economic constraints, societal stigma, and the need for increased healthcare literacy persist. However, opportunities for progress abound. The collaboration between healthcare professionals, researchers, advocacy groups, and the government creates a foundation for a more comprehensive and effective approach to managing muscular dystrophy in India.
Muscular dystrophy in India is met with a dynamic interplay of challenges and opportunities. As the healthcare landscape evolves, concerted efforts are being made to improve diagnostic capabilities, enhance access to specialized care, and foster a supportive environment for affected individuals and their families. With ongoing research, advocacy, and a commitment to holistic care, India continues to strive towards providing hope and improving the quality of life for those navigating the complexities of muscular dystrophy.
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lullabyes22-blog · 8 months
Lullabye are you finally letting your inner feral hyena out? 😈 You've been so nice so far.
Sweet anon :')
My inner feral hyena has always been alive and well. Fandom is just a different space now, compared to my prehistoric LJ days, and many young 'uns abound everywhere.
Actual young 'uns, not degenerate black-hearted manticores like the rest of us back in the day.
tldr: I keep it clean-ish where possible, but feel free to be as filthy/feral as you please in my inbox<3
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The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found in 1038; Cristes-messe in 1131; in Latin Dies Natalis.
Early Celebration
Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church.
Saints Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their lists of feasts. Origen, glancing perhaps at the discreditable imperial Natalitia, asserts that in the Scriptures, sinners alone, not saints, celebrate their birthday.
Arnobius can still ridicule the "birthdays" of the gods.
The first evidence of the feast is from Egypt.
About A.D. 200, Clement of Alexandria says that certain Egyptian theologians "over curiously" assign, not the year alone, but the day of Christ's birth, placing it on 25 Pachon (May 20) in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus.
The December feast therefore reached Egypt between 427 and 433.
In Rome, the earliest evidence is in the Philocalian Calendar, compiled in 354, which contains three important entries.
In the civil calendar, December 25 is marked "Natalis Invicti."
In the "Depositio Martyrum," a list of Roman or early and universally venerated martyrs, under December 25 is found "VIII kal. ian. natus Christus in Betleem Iudæ."
De Santi (L'Orig. delle Fest. Nat., in Civiltæ Cattolica, 1907), following Erbes, argues that Rome took over the Eastern Epiphany, now with a definite Nativity colouring and, with as increasing number of Eastern Churches, placed it on December 25.
Later, both the East and West divided their feast, leaving Ephiphany on January 6, and Nativity on December 25, respectively. The earlier hypothesis still seems preferable.
Origin of Date
Concerning the date of Christ's birth, the Gospels give no help; upon their data, contradictory arguments are based.
The census would have been impossible in winter: a whole population could not then be put in motion.
Authorities moreover differ as to whether shepherds could or would keep flocks exposed during the nights of the rainy season.
Natalis Invicti
The well-known solar feast, however, of Natalis Invicti, celebrated on December 25, has a strong claim on the responsibility for our December date.
For the history of the solar cult, it would be its position in the Roman Empire and syncretism with Mithraism.
(See Cumont's epoch-making "Textes et Monuments" etc., I, ii, 4, 6, p. 355.)
Mommsen (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, 12, p. 338) has collected the evidence for the feast, which reached its climax of popularity under Aurelian in 274.
In 1700, Filippo del Torre first saw its importance. It is marked, as has been said, without addition in Philocalus' Calendar.
It would be impossible here even to outline the history of solar symbolism and language as applied to God, the Messiah, and Christ in Jewish or Chrisian canonical, patristic, or devotional works.
Hymns and Christmas offices abound in instances; the texts are well arranged by Cumont.
Liturgy and Custom
The arrangement of this date also fixed those of Circumcision and Presentation, Expectation, Annunciation B.V.M., and Nativity and Conception of the Baptist (cf. Thurston in Amer. Eccl. Rev., December, 1898).
Until the tenth century, Christmas counted, in papal reckoning, as the beginning of the ecclesiastical year, as it still does in Bulls.
Boniface VIII (1294-1303) restored temporarily this usage, to which Germany held longest.
The Crib (creche) or Nativity Scene
Saint Francis of Assisi in 1223 originated the current crib by laicizing a hitherto ecclesiastical custom, thus extra-liturgical and popular.
The presence of ox and ass is due to a misinterpretation of Isaias 1:3 and Habakkuk 3:2 ("Itala" version), though they appear in the unique fourth-century "Nativity" discovered in the Saint Sebastian catacombs in 1877.
The ass on which Balaam rode in the Reims mystery won for the feast the title Festum Asinorum (Ducange, op. cit., s.v. Festum).
Hymns and Carols
The degeneration of these plays, in part, occasioned the diffusion of noels, pastorali and carols, to which was accorded at times a quasi-liturgical position.
Prudentius, in the fourth century, is the first (and in that century alone) to hymn the Nativity for the "Vox clara" (hymn for Lauds in Advent).
"Christe Redemptor" (Vespers and Matins of Christmas) cannot be assigned to Ambrose. "A solis ortu" is certainly, however, by Sedulius (fifth century).
The earliest German Weihnachtslieder date from the eleventh and twelfth centuries -- the earliest noels from the eleventh and the earliest carols from the thirteenth.
The famous "Stabat Mater Speciosa" is attributed to Jacopone da Todi (1230-1306).
"Adeste Fideles" is, at the earliest, of the seventeenth century. However, these words must have existed long before they were put down in writing.
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farzanatradingcompany · 9 months
Freshness and healthfulness abound in Tomatoes.  
With their bright red color and juicy flavor, tomatoes are not only a staple in our kitchens, but also a powerhouse of nutrition. To satisfy the demands of the local market, Farzana Fruits & Vegetables Importer in the UAE specializes in finding and importing a wide variety of premium fresh produce from around the globe. This ensures a regular supply of premium fruits and vegetables.In this blog post, let's explore the incredible freshness of tomatoes and the countless health benefits they provide.  
A symphony of freshness: Tomatoes are a gift from nature and give a fresh feel with every bite. Whether sliced into salads or mixed into sauces, the rich, tangy flavor of ripe tomatoes adds freshness to any dish.  
Full of antioxidants: Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, which have been linked to reducing the risk of chronic disease and promoting overall health. Ally for heart health: The potassium in tomatoes helps regulate blood pressure, and the antioxidants contribute to cardiovascular health, making them great for heart health.  
Supports skin radiance: The high water content and vitamins A and C in tomatoes hydrate the skin and ensure a youthful and glowing skin. Rich source of vitamin C: Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that boosts the immune system and supports collagen production for healthy skin.  
Promote bone health: Tomatoes contain vitamin K and calcium, which support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.  
Weight management miracle: Tomatoes are low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. It's hearty, nutritious, and can be added to weight-conscious meals to support weight management. 
Visual support: Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, tomatoes contribute to eye health, reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, and support overall vision.  
Natural antidote: The water content and compounds such as sulfur in tomatoes contribute to kidney health and act as a natural detoxifier, promoting the proper removal of toxins from the body.  
Versatile and delicious: From salads to sauces to soups to sandwiches, tomatoes' versatility makes them a kitchen staple, allowing for endless culinary creativity while reaping their health benefits.  
Incorporating fresh tomatoes into your daily diet will not only improve the taste of your meals, but it will also provide you with countless health benefits. From promoting heart health to supporting glowing skin and strengthening your immune system, tomatoes are the epitome of freshness and health. So incorporate the benefits of tomatoes into your cooking, knowing that every bite will be bursting with flavor and benefit your overall health. 
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