#and defend it to the death lol
tabithatwo · 1 year
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(this is a pls stop blaming juliette lewis for nat’s arc and death post <3)
#regardless of whether you loved the death or hated it YOU CAN STOP BLAMING JULIETTE NOW OKAY??#like even people who liked it overall but had qualms the party line is well I’m sure it was juliette leaving early so that’s why xyz#no! it was not! this was the plan <3 and idc if you hate love or nothing it I just think like making these excuses for things is weird#like do I get why some people might have assumed juliette might have left early sure yes but also idk like PEOPLE ARE FALLIBLE#showrunners are fallible! and that’s OKAY! they’re PEOPLE! and you CAN love every choice they make but jumping through hoops#to find *reasons* for the things you didn’t like is so interesting to me cause like…it’s okay!!! they can do a little thing you didn’t love!#you can even SAY you didn’t love it if you want and that’s okay too! or not! but stop blaming juliette lewis for whatever you didn’t like#also the rest of the article is an interesting read!#now I’ll do conjecture and tell you it is CONJECTURE for sure okay disclaimer#but after reading this article I think it is even possible Juliette’s anger with nats arc was partially BECAUSE she knew her death was soon#like maybe! who knows! not us! but I don’t even know how I became this hardcore juliette defender bc honestly I dosagree w her on a lot lol#but like I’ve seen people say oh she’s difficult and she made them do this and she’s a problem and she always does this#HELLO??? stop blaming women for shit baselessly??#(if you casually wondered if maybe she wanted to leave and didn’t say it like it was fact or use it to pin blame on her for stuff…#…this isn’t directed at you)#but some people got VICIOUS#juliette lewis#natalie scatorccio#yellowjackets
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aimomin · 8 days
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They're my sons btw
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o-wild-west-wind · 8 months
tumblr algorithm stop feeding me takes that this show is just a silly goofy comedy that shouldn’t include death or that Izzy is the token disabled elder queer on the show where an actual disabled elder queer is literally the romantic lead or that Lucius and Pete being called “mateys” is diluting their gayness because it’s not “husbands” or that it’s sexist that Zheng lost her fleet and later prioritized her love for a man or that Ed is Izzy’s abuser because we conveniently forgot all of season 1 or that trauma is never followed through with because sometimes actions are used instead of words or that Ed learned nothing because the inn was apparently a whim as if he hasn’t been obsessing over retirement from day 1 I swear did we even watch the same show?? I literally feel like I’m in backwards land?
I have a really novel concept for y’all complaining about character’s arcs not being fully resolved or healed and that’s called there is supposed to be another season of this show
I also have another really novel concept as to why every single character did not have a one on one trauma apology session and so much time was spent on Ed and Stede and that is because this is literally the Ed and Stede show and also sometimes parallels are meant to be inferred and extrapolated because that is what efficient storytelling does instead of spoonfeeding you
And my most novel concept of all as to why some beloved characters had less screen time is because Max is a massive jerk and cut the budget
Y’all this wasn’t personal and maybe this show was never about Izzy maybe the show called our flag means death is actually about death maybe sad does not equal homophobic letdown maybe the brown gay character introduced as the love interest from day 1 gets to outlive the angry white guy that had a redemption arc after actively bullying and trying to break up every gay couple for a season I don’t know what to tell you just can you please let non-white people have this arc for once without assuming it’s an attack on you I’m BEGGING y’all
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magpiesketchins · 2 months
OOHH I KNOW I KNOW what i want to see drawn by you the most is Mort! I know you haven't reread his book yet but like, maybe you have some memory of how you imagined him, maybe you've even drawn him before 🥺
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A boy for you!
Another character I didn't have a design for yet! It's been a while since I've read beyond the first few pages but I imagine him all gangly - hasn't grown into his limbs, his features or his clothes yet 😂
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dramadramallama · 6 months
deadass about to fight people defending the core message of death's game like there's nothing to criticize about suicide being straight-up presented as this Great Unforgivable Sin™. personally, i think it could have been such a powerful journey if the preachy tone was completely removed, if the personification of death was utterly neutral, and the main character, yi-jae, wasn't shamed and guilted into Understanding, after going through other people's lives.
i loved the show (!), but the punitive aspect coupled with the literal guilt-tripping and torture simply does not align with the feel-good moral i've seen pleople try to apply to it. the problem is it loses almost all meaning if the character goes through that development under the threat of rotting in hell forever. he's basically reduced to being a rat in a maze, fighting tooth and nail to survive vague, impossible rules, and being absolutely disdained and berated for it.
people do not commit suicide because they don't love their family/loved ones enough. i feel as much empathy for the ones left behind as i do for the ones who choose to leave.
how can we reasonably expect him to experience "illumination" when he's put into increasingly difficult situations where death is basically unavoidable?
i am glad yi-jae came to regret and to feel remorse, i am glad he was amazingly able to see past all the pain and torture he was put through, i am glad he was given a second shot at life (?)... but at what cost? the man basically ends up living his twelfth life alone, and empty, and broken. what a way to show him life is worth living. he did not deserve what lead to his suicide, and he certainly did not deserve what followed.
he tried. he was full of love. he did good. he was good.
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anti-ao3 · 1 month
i genuinely hate how my "progressive" peers will always use muslims as primary examples of misogynists/homophobes, as though we don't already live in a christian country that kills women and lgbtq+ ppl every single day.
i ESPECIALLY hate this considering what's happening in palestine. it feels to me that ppl just want to find "reasons" to justify the genocide.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 26 days
obviously i understand people being emotional and upset (even though i'm delighted, personally) that's totally cool. but folks who think they can't come back from this, that one or both of them reacted so horribly and said/did something unforgivable etc. i just don't understand.
Stolas and Blitz are both very fucked up people! Blitz is horribly self-loathing and covers it constantly with bravado and flippancy even though he cares deeply and longs for connection. Stolas is isolated, naive, and insecure and doesn't know what he's doing a good chunk of the time
of course their communication is not going to be great. they are not going to use therapyspeak or hear each other out properly the first time around. They've never come anywhere near close addressing these issues before, hell, they haven't even acknowledged them to each other, and barely to themselves in some cases. of course Blitz acts flippant, then lashes out, and of course Stolas gets overemotional and runs away. none of this is unexpected, all of it makes sense
if relationship drama is not what you're interested in with this show, that's one thing, but, it's also been a huge part of the fundamental premise of the show from day one. I will always shout to the rooftops that this is a romance we're dealing with, because the plot is heavily driven by the main character's romantic relationship and their character growth to develop into people who can be in a relationship is the fucking show! if they had one single conflict addressing things that have been bubbling under their interactions from moment 0 and it was resolved easily and nicely, well, that would not be very good or interesting writing in my humble opinion.
obviously, whether you think the conflict was handled well and whether they are redeemable as characters or as a couple is fully subjective. lord knows i've been annoyed by the trajectory of romances that other people loved. however the way i see it is this show is very clear about what it's about from the start, including how the romance would likely shake out.
what constitutes as good writing, good art, etc., is also fairly subjective too so it's not going to be the show for everyone. but i personally love what it is and am very satisfied with how this conversation between the romantic leads went
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chronicallyfckd · 4 months
I really need you all to understand the damage you're doing by continuously perpetuating the stigma around cluster B personality disorders. And I need you to understand that we are just as deserving of love and compassion, and especially respect, just like everybody else is. We are not monsters!
Did you even know that research has proven that we develop our disorders through genetic predisposition AND environmental causes, most notably repeated childhood trauma through abuse? Did you? The same abuse you claim all of us are actively partaking in by showing symptoms of our disorders. That abuse. Which are symptoms. Which are, inherently, trauma responses. But hey! That's right! Trauma responses Like That are only okay if the person has (C-)PTSD only. What? There's an extreme overlap between PTSD and cluster B PD's? No. That can't be! Cluster B is just abusive monsters and definitely not victims and survivors themselves!!! (/sarcasm) OH! And did you know that there's also a huuuge overlap between all of cluster B and autism? Especially BPD (but let's be real, all four fit...). Did you know that a lot of people are misdiagnosed with BPD, for example, when really they're only autistic? And vice versa. And some of us have both! (Like me!) Is every autistic person an abusive monster now, too? By your logic, they must be. But no. Autistic people are just big babies. They're so pure! Couldn't hurt a damn fly. (/sarcasm, again... Infantilisation of autism also needs to go.)
As if it isn't already shitty enough that this stigma is actively sabotaging our attempts at healing from our traumas and changing our reactionary behaviours... Because guess what - mental health "professionals" largely believe in the stigma and refuse patients for having any of these PD's. So, we can't even get the help we need and want. Therefore, we don't even get a chance at getting better.
Thanks for nothing. </3
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rayssyscourse · 1 month
public service announcement!
wanna know what? I'm rejecting origin-discourse labels now. I am actually surprised at just how juvenile and petty you ALL are.
i refuse to align myself with anybody of any label who thinks doxxing people, sending death threats, hounding and harassing people, or anything else like that is in any capacity acceptable or justifiable. those are not valiant efforts to defend your truth and justice, those are crimes. doxxing is a crime. death threats are a crime. why do I have to specify that I do not support violent/malicious crime?
you are not middle schoolers. I should not have to remind you of this.
normally I'm all for different opinions, but if your "opinion" is that you should get to behave like an uncivilized three-year-old because someone on the internet made a post you didn't like... that's not an opinion, that's a one-way ticket to the alt-right. I'm sure you'll be very popular over there, and we'll be glad to see you off!
so yeah. in light of all the chaos unfolding in the syscourse tag recently, I'm dropping the 'endo critical' label entirely. I'll still have all my same outlooks and perspectives and discussions, but I'm so over origin discourse labels, lol. please feel free to keep talking to me about origins and origin discourse!! i just don't want to be put under any of those labels anymore.
behind every label, there is a person with their own perspectives and beliefs. and if labels are really SO important to you that you're ready to head off to war (and crimes! doxxing is a crime! death threats are a crime! shocker, I know!) over them... the problem isn't the labels, the problem is you.
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ladyluscinia · 8 months
Very few people bothered to find out what S1 Izzy / complex Edward enjoyers were interpreting differently than the "Izzy is Kylo Ren / Ed's his victim" crowd that made us like him in the first place, so it figures that now very few people are bothering to understand what a lot of us are criticizing in S2 while the - shockingly - exact same crowd leads the discussion on how it was a beautiful season and Izzy enjoyers are just incapable of decentering their problematic fave.
And it's once again leading to a barrage of posts lecturing us about why the takes they imagine we hold are wrong and supporting the same toxic fandom atmosphere that aimed to harass us all out for a year and a half. Cool. Glad to see no lessons were learned whatsoever.
Only difference is now we actually might leave, on account of you don't generally put up with extended harassment to support a show you don't even think is being written well. 🤷‍♀️
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starofhisheart · 8 months
So much of the "bad" behaviour in ofmd are trauma responses and i love that they show how yeah sometimes we dont respond in the most healthy of ways, we fuck up and we hurt those closest to us, but we still deserve love and kindness at the end of the day
Just so important to me
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fasttiger · 8 months
izzy in no way needed to die for ed’s character development like be fr
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Do you think that terfs will calm down with hating on trans women once womb transplants are a thing? Because their whole argument is that "trans women aren't women because no womb uwu"
No, because that frankly isn't their whole argument. They don't argue against trans women solely because "no womb," and if womb transplants were a viable and safe measure, that would absolutely not be a good argument to calm their grievances - a transphobe doesn't deal in a genuine care for others, it a disgust response.
Transphobes already have issues with trans women getting FFS, vaginas, and hell, they even have issues with trans women being fem (or masc), even if they say, "we're okay with gender nonconformity!" as a cover. Because, again, it is a disgust response that blooms in response to their own transohobia, it isn't about being able to debate them, really.
Additionally, with my experience of dealing with that kind of extreme reactionary transphobe, they don't fucking care if they're wrong. Like, do you know how many times I've talked to a TERF who tells me I only transition because of misogyny, only to then talk in circles once I say, "misogyny against me had only increased since I have transitioned to male, plus, I never faced misogyny before I transitioned," because again, it isn't about the trans people themselves per se, it's about this viseral disgust response. It is them trying to reason with their discomfort with hatred. That isn't going to go away when trans care expands or becomes even more advanced.
I really want to stress how important it is to not whittle their whole argument down to "[trans women*] don't have wombs," because you will end up missing a lot of trans people who are affected by this type of extreme reactionary transphobia.
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amazon-me-bitches · 1 month
I am forever scared of the idea that Janus manipulating Roman is going to be "solved" by Janus simply saying it was 'necessary to get his point across' and then Roman admitting he understands or some horseshit like that.
I want to believe eventually he can feel an ounce of genuine remorse and actually realize he has HURT people and honestly acknowledge what he did and why it was so fucked up without that underhanded annoying ass snarky condescending tone... BUT he is so well liked in the show/fandom (for some reason) that I fear he won't have to face accountability for his actions at all. BUT I trust Thomas and Joan and I trust the whole team to wrap this up nicely where at some point Janus and Roman can both apologise ((Janus first of course)) and maybe we can all heal from this and everyone can be friends. God I just don't see what everyone else sees but to be honest I also hate that personality type and always have.
Sarcastic /bitchy/slay queen yes mother, overly flamboyant drag queen esque "you say bitch like its a bad thing'/tough love is the only way/people who call others 'sweetie' in a cocky tone, superiority complex having, self appointed mom friend, manipulative assholes are my absolute least favorite type of people. so that is probably it. This being said I agree 100% with Janus reason for the callback and most of what he said about putting yourself first sometimes. however being that he was a dick the whole time I still hate him. I firmly believe you can get your point across in any situation without having to lie and manipulate and hurt/step on others while doing so. there was NO excuse for it and no one will EVER convince me otherwise so I just hope and pray that they don't make Janus/ everyone else gaslight Roman into thinking the way Janus treated him was ' for his own good' or something.
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wildmelon · 2 months
i haven't engaged w percy jackson media/fandom since i was 14 but i have such a fondness for it that now when i occasionally look something up to see how things turned out i get so emotional... it feels like my heart is on a platter and i'm poking it... nostalgia for when those characters were so dear to me + the tragedy of how some of their stories ended up...
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rosenecklaces · 9 months
even if elain didn't apologized to feyre, didn't killed someone, had no seer powers and voiced clearly she didn't want to be with lucien it wouldn't ever be excusable to fucking trash talk her as the Other Side do
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