#and damian is just like 'you hold no authority over me white man' before him and jon run off to eat the mini finger food
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stressedoutcanary · 4 years ago
Hold On - Jason Todd x Batgirl!Reader
"Hey! I see a vent inside, maybe if we get to the roof-"
"Of course, just shoot open the lock and alert whoever's inside. What a great strategy! Why didn't I think of it?! Oh I know, because it's dumb!"
Warnings: Language, Canon typical Violence, Occasional Angst lets be real it's Jason we are talking about, Kidnappings..?
Word count: 1.6k
A/N:- I...should be studying right now buttt I had fun writing this and yes, I took the title from the song Hold On by Chord Overstreet, I think it fits this perfectly.
I wasn't going for a series but here we are.
Part 2, Part 3
It was a quite night for Gotham. Every person was busy with their own work and so were you, even if it was a little different from what people down below on the streets were doing. As of yet, you had stopped two muggings, busted a few armed two-face goons trying to rob a bank and were currently running across rooftops.
'Maybeee I can get off easy today, go home, microwave the pizza that has been waiting for me in the fridge, get a nice, warm shower and then straight to bed'
You hummed to yourself at the delightful thought as you sat on a gargoyle overlooking the city. You were enjoying the feeling of the light breeze on your face. It was soothing in a way. Not long after, you were startled by your comms crackling to life out of nowhere as you heard Oracle's automated voice in your ears.
"Batgirl I am going to need you to check out the area near Gotham Central Park for any visible strange activity. There are several missing persons reports filed this week that I have tied up to that particular region."
'So much for a warm bath and a good night's sleep, way to jinx yourself (Y/N), you dumbass'
"Isn't that park under construction or something? You know after the whole Justice League fiasco last month?", you questioned.
"Yep but people still go there, in the mornings for walks and at the nights for certain activities."
"Of course they do, I swear, people here are on a whole different level." You sighed. "Alrighty then Babs, I am on it."
After climbing up a couple of fire escapes and swinging off of numerous rooftops you finally reached your target destination. There was a deafening silence when your feet landed on the damp grass. You took in the misted surroundings and decided to look around for something out of the ordinary. There was a broken bright neon sign by the corner of the street which caught your attention, you could only make out the last bit, it spelled Parlor.
'That seems awfully familiar. Something about it is odd but I can't quite place my finger on it'
You were lost in thought when you felt someone move behind you, there was rather little time for you to react so you choose the 'hit first ask questions later' option. You clenched your fist, twisted your upper body and delivered a quick, staggering blow to the shady figure lurking behind.
Sure enough, Jason was on the ground clutching his ribs looking like a hurt puppy.
You moved your hands up and massaged you temples. You do not want to deal with him. Not today and if possible not ever. Even though you never let it show, you always avoided a run in with him. He may have become a part of the family again but you were far off from forgiving him.
You watched with narrowed eyes as he got to his feet and and dusted off the grass from his jacket.
"So on a Scale of one to Demon brat, how much do you hate me?", the smirk on his face and the way he wiggled his eyebrows at you almost made you want to smack him with a crowbar yourself.
"What? Dami?! I don't-- I don't hate Damian, he just gets on my nerves sometimes, something you do all the time.", you enjoyed, maybe a little too much, the way Jason's smirk turned into a small pout. You smiled a bit as you shook your head at his childishness.
"Before you start chucking batarangs at me I want to make this clear; No, Oracle did not send me here to be your backup or whatever, I just happen to be investigating the same thing which obviously led me here to you. So how about we work on this together and watch each other's back", Despite the uncertainty of your rejection, he sounded hopeful. It seemed as if he was ready to build the old, worn out bridges of your relationship back up again. It sent an unexpected warmth through your chest.
"Just like old times?"
"Just like old times.", Jason repeated as you both did a rather unsuccessful fist bump and grinned like idiots.
You walked up to the seemingly abandoned building, Jason examined the door for traps whereas you decided on taking a look through the glass window.
"Hey! I see a vent inside, maybe if we get to the roof-"
"Of course, just shoot open the lock and alert whoever's inside. What a great strategy! Why didn't I think of it?! Oh I know, because it's dumb!", you whisper shouted with a scowl. Jason just shrugged and tilted his head to the side, pointing towards the now open door.
"Ladies first, so lead the way, unless you're scared.", it was a playful challenge on Jason's part, one that you were more than ready to accept.
"Oh you're on Red."
You stepped inside and it was all business from there on. You took in the condition of the room; dusty desks, broken glass, oddly placed mannequins and footprints leading up ahead into a long hallway.
"They seem recent enough", Jason gave a slight nod at your discovery.
Considering the darkness of the hallway, you and Jason shared a look and switched on your night vision lenses. You both started taking cautious steps, the occasional soft thud of your boots being the only sound in the vicinity.
The end of the hallway was forked up and there were two rooms at the end of each passageway.
"How is this place so big! it didn't seem this huge from the outside", you could hear the exasperation in Jason's voice. You figured not getting to hit someone might be getting to him or that he was just bored.
"Look I will take the right, you take the left, our comms are already connected, if any one of us finds anything we tell the other and remember we do not engage in a fight alone. Am I clear or do you want me to write that down for you"
"Yes ma'am, but just so you know you are starting to sound like The old man", you rolled your eyes at his comment and went on ahead towards the right as he went the other way.
You scrolled through the torn down bookshelf kept in one of the rooms and you were making a mental note in your mind that there were a lot of medical journals in the bunch, when your comms buzzed.
"I am sorry", Jason whispered in a soft voice and you froze for a spilt second, eyes widening.
'No (Y/N) don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he is saying, just focus on finding those missing people and get this over with'
With that thought you tried continuing your investigation as if you had heard nothing.
"I said, I am sorry (Y/N). I know you heard me. I also know you've been avoiding me, cutting me out and you don't have to reply if don't feel like it but...I just wanted you to know..."
"Now is not the right time for this Hood and...for what it's worth I am not looking forward to a forgiveness session with you...", you felt awful for cutting him out the way you did, your heart clenched at the harshness of your words as you clicked off your comms, but you refused to have this discussion right now. If you were being more honest to yourself you just couldn't bear the emotions it would bring, so you chose the easiest way; completely shutting him out.
It was few minutes after the highly uncomfortable talk with Jason that a wall poster had caught your eye. You moved your hand over it, somewhat wiping off the dust, there was something scribbled on it making it harder for you to read the actual text. You squinted, trying to make out the words
"The people need...perfection...and that is what Pretty Dolls Parlor strives to achieve."
You scanned the area near poster for fingerprints and clicked your comms back on.
"Hood, get over here, I found something and I think this is the make or break kind of information", you were waiting for scan to complete, concern creeping up your mind when there was no reply from the other end.
"Red Hood? can you hear me?"
"Red?! Answer me Damnit!!"
A whole lot of Nothing.
As soon as you heard the chime of the scanner signaling its completion, you sped the other way towards the left corridor, towards Jason.
'Jay please be okay, please be okay, please be okay.'
By the time you reached Jason's location you were panting from the lack of breath and were already cursing yourself for bringing Jason along. To say that the man can take care of himself might be an understatement, he is basically a lone wolf, but still the thought of something happening to him while he was with you hurt like hell.
You looked around frantically and almost jumped out of your skin when you stepped on a gun. You heart almost stopped, it was Jason's. To make matters worse, there was no other sign of him or of were he went. You picked up the gun holding it securely in your hand. You could literally hear your heart pounding in your ears.
Suddenly, through the reflection from the glass window in front of you, you caught a glimpse of a man wearing a blank white face mask, you turned around, immediately switching to a fighting stance but that only did so much for you. A flashlight was switched on and shoved near your face, the night vision of your lens intensified the light, blinding you completely.
Before you could react, a metal pole connected straight with the back of your head and just like that you were lights out on the ground.
Author's cute little extra Note:
*wiggling my eyebrows rn*
I might be a little too obsessed with the Arkham Knight game hehe.
Well that ended well for you, didn't it?? Jason's gone missing and you get a nice concussion to garnish your anxiety level? No? Okay I will stop talking now.
Tell me if you want to be tagged for the next parts.💕
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soulmate-game · 5 years ago
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
Day 1: Meeting for the first time
Not my best work, but decent. I hope you enjoy!
Mari was intelligent. That much could not be disputed— and despite her dislike for the sciences in general, she was fully capable of comprehending them when she wanted to. She just usually didn’t care enough to try. But genetics? That was kinda cool. So, when she was ten years old and they began their short unit on it, she was obsessed. And by obsessed, she dove in head first. Like, the fact that her eye color didn’t match either of her parents or grandparents. How could she have blue eyes when none of them did? She delved in deeper and deeper until she uncovered a truth her parents hadn’t wanted her to figure out quite so soon.
She was adopted.
Mari never told her parents about her discovery, the epiphany only managing to sate her curiosity. Who needed blood relation when her parents loved her like real ones anyway? But as the years passed and certain life changes came up, she couldn’t help but feel intrigued by the mystery of where her DNA came from. The heroism thing had to have some root in genetics, right? Okay, so maybe she was just looking for someone to be mad at besides Master Fu. But still, could she be blamed?
So, when Marinette was thirteen years old, she traced her DNA back to her biological parents. And for a while, that was it. She had once again sated her curiosity. She didn’t need anything else. Her mother was dead, and she doubted her biological father knew a thing about her. So Marinette forgot about her discovery, or at least let it sink into the recesses of her brain. And there it stayed, until she was eighteen.
—* — * — * — * — *
It had to be one of the most accidentally dramatic days possible. Top floor of Wayne Enterprises, in one of Bruce’s massive conference rooms with every member of his large family in attendance. Even Kori and Mar’i were there, and Jason’s boyfriend Roy. Everyone was getting fairly restless, considering that Bruce had only informed a few of them (Read: just Dick, who was vibrating in his seat and not soothing anyone’s nerves) about what they were even all called in for. In their civilian identities, no less. It was very odd. Damian, not least of all, was sitting beside Bruce with his jaw clenched but eyes scanning the room in curiosity. He had come a long way from the surly ten year old, and he hadn’t even killed anyone in four years. He had well and truly become a Bat, and with that progress came the lessening of his old temper and brattiness.
Make note: lessening. Not erasure.
It wasn’t long, maybe ten or fifteen minutes of Bruce checking his phone and grinning secretively without answering anyone’s questions, before a businesslike tap-tap-tap sounded on the door to the conference room. Immediately, everything went silent. Kori, Tim, and Jason stopped trying to get Dick to say anything intelligible and went instead to just keeping the man in his seat at all. Bruce let out a rare, soft chuckle before raising his coffee mug to his lips. He called out:
“Come on in, miss MDC. We’re ready for our meeting,” before taking a long sip.
And as soon as the door opened all the way, admitting a short woman of asian descent with navy black hair brushing the bottom of her shoulder blades and piercing (familiar. Too familiar) deep blue eyes, he promptly choked. Trying his damndest not to get coffee everywhere, Bruce devolved into a coughing fit even as his eyes continued to flitter up to the figure just admitted into the room. The woman pretended not to notice his suffering, closing the door behind her and walking forward towards the side of the rectangular-set-up ring of tables that was closest to her and also unoccupied. She plopped a heavy bag down onto the table, reaching in and pulling out a large red and white polka-dotted journal from within, along with a black pen. But despite her businesslike movements and her silence, nobody missed the way that her far too familiar stunningly blue eyes twinkled in suppressed mirth. She didn’t seem surprised at all.
That was the last time Bruce was ever gonna let Tim do someone’s background check on his own. He should have at least looked at the file Tim had made, but of course not. Tim was capable, he trusted the boy with half of their entire family’s company. One background check on one highly reputable designer? Of course he could trust Tim.
Except apparently not. This is what Bruce got for keeping secrets.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” Bruce spoke once he got a handle of himself, pushing back his chair almost hurriedly and standing. Damian followed suit, laser focused on his father along with everyone else who knew just how out of character the older man was being just then. It was hard to fluster Bruce at all those days, let alone make him choke and hurry to stand. “I— Welcome to WE. I’m—“ Bruce was cut off by a soft chuckle.
“Bruce Wayne, my biological father and employer for the next few weeks. I know,” Marinette interrupted, sending a sly smile his way. “I had a feeling somebody didn’t actually tell you my name. I was planning on coming to Gotham later this year after I graduated Lycee and demanding to get to know you, but it looks like you did the hard work for me without even knowing. But,” her smile widened in good humor as she walked up closer to Bruce, holding her hand out for a shake. “I do have to say, now that I’ve seen you in person I feel a bit cheated. With how tall you are, you’d think I would have inherited at least a couple more inches.”
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are, claiming to be a Wayne?” Damian asked, tone sharp and his emerald eyes glaring straight towards her. Bruce just took Marinette’s hand, shaking it gently from surprise, but his foot gently kicked his son in the ankle.
“Damian,” Bruce said simply, the single name laced with warning as it came out of his mouth. He turned his attention back to the girl in front of him. “It is nice to finally meet you in person, Marinette. I admit, I did not know of our relation until a few years ago, and I wasn’t in the right mindset back then to welcome another child. Besides, I had it on good authority that your adoptive parents are more than wonderful to you.”
Marinette shrugged. “I don’t mind. I didn’t look into who my biological father was until I was thirteen, anyway. I don’t think things would have ended well if you had just shown up in Paris one day asking to be involved in my life. Enough of that though,” Marinette turned to the sixteen year old by Bruce’s side now stiffened and wide-mouthed. His entire expression, subdued as it was, still managed to clearly telegraph betrayal. And then those eyes locked on Marinettes, and the emerald simmered into something much more vile and acidic. Marinette was not perturbed, merely giving the younger boy a smile and holding out her hand for a shake.
“You must be my half-brother, Damian. I expected someone carved out of stone, with how the tabloids paint you as unfeeling and cold,” she joked. Damian glared harder. She raised an eyebrow. “You seem pretty heated and angry, like a hissing cat, to me. And by the way, I never claimed to be a Wayne. My last name is Dupain-Cheng, and I don’t plan on changing it anytime soon. Having the same blood relation as you does not mean I plan to throw away the name given to me by the ones who actually raised me. But, it does mean that I will get to know you one way or another. I’m not easy to get rid of, and I’ve always wanted a sibling or two.”
That was when the room couldn’t hold it any more; everyone bar the three in the center of the room burst out laughing. It wasn’t too raucous, confusion dampening the hysteria that usually would have taken over, but there was a good round of chuckles and laughter. When it settled down, Damian’s shoulders had slightly relaxed but he still hadn’t taken Marinette’s hand. Instead, he turned to his father again.
“Explain.” He demanded. Bruce sighed, his gaze connecting with Marinette’s own identical one. He searched her for any hesitation, but only got a flash of a bright smile in return. Bruce straightened his shoulders, clasping his hands behind his back and turning to face Damian and the rest of the room.
“I found out about Marinette shortly after Damian was
 introduced to the family,” Bruce admitted, resisting the urge to glance at Marinette after the hedged mention of how he met Damian. “I decided to scour every resource I had to make sure I couldn’t be surprised by another biological child. And, lo and behold, I found out that I was right to do so. Her biological mother passed away in childbirth however, so she was adopted by a couple in Paris. I did not see any need to contact her at the time. A friend of mine did happen to be in Paris back then though, and hung around to make sure Marinette was being treated well before leaving again.”
“You sent a friend of yours to spy on me?” Marinette asked, but she just sounded thoroughly amused. “Geez. Now I know where I get it from. When I was thirteen, I had a bit of a bad habit of spying on my friends when I was worried instead of confronting them head on. It took a while to grow out of, and even now I can easily slip back into the habit if I’m not careful. But, as great as this reunion is, it isn’t what I’m being paid to be here for,” Her grin turned downright wicked as she snapped open her sketchbook and clicked her pen.
“I am MDC, the owner and CEO of the up and rising fashion label Spotted Designs, where every look will turn heads and ensure confidence. Monsieur Wayne,” her grin turned into a sly smirk when she said his name, which visibly made Bruce twitch. “Has hired me today to design all of you a new outfit for his gala in four months time, as well as a casual outfit of your own choosing should you want one. Before I get started, I would like to ask you to please sign your NDAs, which my assistant and best friend will bring in for you in a few minutes, before we conclude this meeting. I go by an alias for a reason, I value my privacy, and I would prefer it if word did not get out about my being MDC just yet. Being CEO of a business I started from scratch when I’m only eighteen right now will garner attention that I am not patient enough to deal with right now.”
The silence was near palpable until Jason huffed in amusement and remarked: “Yup. I can see the resemblance.”
“Resemblance?” Duke asked, leaning forward with an incredulous look on his face. “It’s like seeing a tiny, genderswapped, innocent copy of Damian. Is anyone else terrified right now?”
“Tt,” Damian tutted, letting a heavy breath out through his nose before shoving his hand forward. He didn’t look pleased, but neither did he look venomous or betrayed anymore. “Miss Dupain-Cheng. I am Damian Wayne, and I look forward to working with you.” He greeted as if the past few minutes hadn’t happened at all. Marinette beamed, letting out a short belt of delighted laughter before clasping his hand firmly with hers.
“My competence always wins people over,” she teased.
“Only if they don’t see you trip over empty air first,” a new voice joined in, lightly joining the teasing. It belonged to a tall, blond haired green eyed man that looked about the same age as Marinette herself. He came carrying a large two-foot stack of papers as easily as if he was only carrying one sheet. Closing the door behind him with his foot, he went around the large square of tables distributing NDAs to everyone who hadn’t already signed one. “Mari’s the clumsiest person I’ve ever seen, but I’ve also seen her hand sew a double sided ball gown with a layer of knife-resistant fabric in less than thirty hours and still threaten anyone to come near with a needle to the eye, so I’ve learned to just not take anything about her at face value anymore.”
“Oh shut up,” Marinette snapped back cheerfully, rolling her eyes. “This is my best friend, assistant, and business partner Adrien Agreste.”
“I deal with all the paperwork and spotlight that she doesn’t want to handle,” he agreed, nearly blinding everyone with his beaming smile. “Now. Please sign these NDAs, and you can experience Marinette’s skill firsthand.”
After papers were signed and Adrien left, Bruce tried to start another conversation with Marinette.
“So, when did you find out—“
“I’m going to start with taking all of your measurements, if you don’t mind. You first, Monsieur Wayne.”
Bruce blinked, not used to being interrupted. “Ah. We can do this tomorrow, I wasn’t expecting—“
“That’s not my fault, Monsieur Wayne. I came here knowing exactly who I was going to deal with, and you want me to make a quite frankly horrifying amount of clothing in a very short amount of time. Any designer lesser than me would be completely incapable of meeting your deadline. I plan on sticking to my schedule, which means that we are going to get everyone’s measurements and a baseline of the kind of designs you all want done today before the end of our scheduled appointment.”
“Marinette, I would really like to talk about—“
“Arms out. And take your suit jacket off, I can’t get an accurate measurement with it,” she once again interrupted, businesslike and efficient as she took her measuring tape and lined it up against various parts of his body, jotting down the results. She didn’t entertain any of his attempts at conversation in the meantime, instead using the dead time to grill Damian on what he wanted for his suit design.
And, like a partnership that never should have existed, Damian merely smirked and played along with her game. He answered her questions thoroughly but precisely, never allowing their father a chance to make actual conversation. Next thing the poor eldest Wayne knew, Marinette had already taken everyone’s measurements and almost an hour had passed. No less than ten pages of her notebook were already filled with neat lines of notes and numbers.
“You really take this whole thing seriously, don’t you?” Tim asked, in the middle of describing his ideal suit to Marinette. She hummed, grinning up at him mysteriously. As if she was in on a joke he hadn’t heard.
“Designing is my life, Monsieur Drake. This company is something I’ve been building from the ground up since I was thirteen, I’ve made my own clothes since I was ten. Of course I take it seriously. Now. I believe that is everything I need,” she stood up, asking a few last second questions as she gathered up her things. Seeing his chance, Brucie walked her to the door.
“Really, Marinette, I would like to talk to you more. Would you like to come to the Manor tonight, for dinner maybe?”
Marinette smirked, opening the door before Bruce could and turning her head to say over her shoulder: “Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow. Do me a favor though, and try not to get too injured on patrol. I need you all in good enough shape to stand while I do your initial fittings later this week. Gotham might need it’s vigilantes, but you will all regret it if you break a bone before I can fit my prototypes to you.”
Nobody was able to say a word before she closed the door behind her and continued briskly to the elevator. Bruce stood, dumbfounded. Tim, Jason, and Dick, after a moment, started cackling.
“Oh yeah. That’s Damian’s sister.”
“Tt. At least this proves it.”
Bruce, suddenly very exhausted, turned to his son while rubbing his forehead. “Proves what, Damian?”
His trademark razor sharp smirk overtook his face as Damian replied: “Your blood children really are much more competent and effective than the strays you took in.”
“You didn’t have a full conversation?” Adrien guessed, looking exactly like the cat who caught the canary. Marinette had her head in her hands, her entire face red.
“I didn't know how to have an actual conversation with them, Adrien! You should have seen it, Monsieur Wayne—“
“You can just say your father, you know.”
“—Wanted to talk about feelings. Emotions! Gooey, family stuff and probably sentimental things. In front of so many people, too. I panicked!”
“You panicked and went full Business Empress mode,” Adrien agreed, patting her back in both comfort and condescension. “It’s okay. You at least agreed to dinner tomorrow night.”
“Fuuuuuuuuuck, I diiiiiid. Quick, let’s come up with a way to fake my kidnapping.”
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nxrthmizu · 4 years ago
| honoured | day 16
@daminette-december2019-2020 ​
prompt | Royalty AU
pairing | Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng 
words | 1.7k 
author’s note | Hi watch me indulge myself in this because it’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a royalty au 
“You’re all pathetic.” Damian hissed, twisting the sword out of yet another knight’s grip. “How are you supposed to protect me when you can’t even beat me in a duel?” His sharp words glared at the line of knights that had applied to be Gotham’s prince’s personal guard. None of them lived up to his expectations, and at this point Damian wasn’t even surprised anymore. 
He huffed impatiently. “Is that all you lot have got?” 
“May I try, sir?” Spoke a knight that was way too short and way too small in comparison to the line of other silver-clad men. A pair of bluebell eyes met the prince’s emerald ones, a spark of determination and confidence glinting in them. 
Damian sighed, eyeing the spark in the bluebell eyes, a smirk overcoming his features. How naive, he thought. He couldn’t wait to smite out that light in those bluebell eyes. 
He didn’t. 
The room was completely silent as Damian’s sword flew across the room with a clang, twisted quickly out of his grip as the small knight surprised him with the sudden attack. It was so quiet that the failed knights could hear the prince’s shallow, panting breaths that hurried to pay off the oxygen debt in his muscles. 
“... What is your name.” The prince’s voice was deadly quiet as he stared into the blue eyes. The knight slid the helmet off, dark blue hair tied up in a ponytail, flushed cheeks painted red from the ten continuous minutes of unending parrying. 
“Marin Cheng, sir!” 
The failed knights watched with bated breath as the prince stared down coldly at the shorter knight. They had underestimated the knight greatly- No one thought that the small midget stood a single chance against the prince, who was one of the best swordsmen known throughout the kingdom. 
“...” He surveyed Marin with a careful eye. “Very well. See Mr. Pennyworth about your new living arrangements.” The words were unspoken, but the whole hall was clear about what the prince had left unsaid. 
You are my personal guard. 
Marin never left Damian’s side, per his request. His personal guard’s job was to follow him around to ensure he was never outnumbered in an ambush- And he had to admit, Marin’s presence was rather enjoyable. The small knight was not made out of a lot of muscle- But certainly had the wits and deftness to make up for the lack in size. 
The knight quickly learnt that there were times when Damian wanted the air to be filled with chatter, and when he did not. During the times that he wanted to rid of the silence, the blue-haired knight would begin talking animatedly, chatting about anything and everything around them- The bushes around the royal garden, the new bakery that opened downtown, the new uniform for cadets. And when the prince valued his silence, the blue-haired knight would keep quiet and simply follow the emerald-eyed teen around. 
The knight was sitting on the floor of Damian’s private library, flipping through a book with the prince’s permission. Blue eyes glanced up instantly, the book forgotten quickly as the knight waited for the prince’s instructions. 
“I’m bored.” Damian pushed the documents he was supposed to read aside. “Fence with me.” 
The two of them were in the palace courtyard in a while, both their swords drawn as the prince stepped forward with the first move. The metallic ringing of sword on sword rang through the courtyard, the blows consistently repeating as the prince parried his knight’s attack. 
“You’ve gotten better, my prince.” Marin commented with a slight smile, blocking another of Damian’s attacks. 
A smirk slipped onto the prince’s features. “Of course.” 
Months flew by uneventfully, Marin moving seamlessly into the prince’s life, getting used to the daily schedule of the emerald-eyed teen. Marin would be up at 5am, training alone in the empty courtyard until 6, when a shower and a quick pop-in to the kitchen would be needed. At 6.30, the knight would accompany Damian to breakfast and the rest of the day would be spent in the study or in the courtyard. 
Of course, Marin’s appointment as the prince’s personal guard brought a lot of attention in the form of jealousy and hate in the knight’s direction- But most of the time, these glares were simply dismissed by Marin. The other knights started trying to find any sort of dirt on the personal guard, knowing there was no way they could outmatch Marin in skill. 
And fortunately for the other knights, (And unfortunately for Marin), the blue-haired knight had a giant secret. 
The blue-haired knight shrieked in terror as the other silver-clad men dragged her into the middle of the king’s court, wrapped in only a white towel, all of her secrets laid out after they ambushed her in her morning bath. 
“Sir!” One of the knights said with a scoff. “We have an imposter among us.” 
It was clear now, without the wall of her silver armour to hide in, that Marin was actually a Marinette. Her long, dark blue hair covered her bare shoulders like a curtain of ivy, her bluebell eyes sharp in fright of the king’s reaction. 
“Prince Damian’s personal guard...” The knight continued, eyeing her hatefully and with a glint of victory. “Is a woman.” 
Before anyone could express their surprise at this discovery, the doors of the hall slammed open, as loud as a thunder clap across the kingdom’s skies. The furious prince stood in the middle of the doorway, marching to the centre of the court with narrowed eyebrows and a displeased frown. 
“What is this?” He demanded, eyes flitting over to the nearly-naked woman sitting in the centre of the hall.
“Damian,” King Bruce begin slowly. “It seems that your personal guard is... A lady.” 
‘Infuriated’ didn’t even begin to describe the prince’s expression. “And?” He snapped, turning to point his glare at the knights that surrounded the blue-haired knight. “She’s more than competent at her job. More competent than you lot, actually.” 
“My prince, with all due respect, don’t you think it’s inappropriate to have a lady as a knight?” One of the silver-clad men spoke up with a raised eyebrow, his fellow knights murmuring their agreements. 
The prince sucked in a deep breath before sharpening his ice-cold glare. “I am to be the future king of this country.” Hissed the emerald-eyed prince. “And if the knight, whether a she or a he, is capable of holding he or her ground in a duel against me, which, may I remind, you lot weren’t, then I would be nothing less than honoured to have her fight by my side.” 
Silence rang deafening volumes in the courtyard as men registered the fact that Prince Damian- The ice prince himself- Just admitted to be honoured to fight in someone’s else company- Never mind the fact that the someone happened to be a woman. 
“Father.” Damian said in an icy tone, shedding off his cloak to wrap around Marin- No, Marinette’s shoulders. “These knights clearly have no concept on respect and privacy. They dragged out a woman in nothing but her towel into the centre of a hall. Father, surely you don’t believe that these people here deserve to be knights?” 
The king hummed thoughtfully. “You do have a point. I don’t suppose they do.” 
“Your majesty-” 
“Alfred, have these men be removed from the palace premises and be stripped of their knight titles, please.” 
“Father, if I could make one more request?” 
Damian stood up, a cold fire burning in his eyes that would later lead him to be a fair and just ruler. “I would like to allow capable women to join knight ranks officially.” 
The court was so silent that you could hear the pen scratching of Mr. Pennyworth, who was busy making arrangements and smiling proudly at the emerald-eyed prince’s request. 
“That is an interesting request, Damian.” The king smiled thoughtfully. “Have your proposal on this new law finished and on my desk by tomorrow afternoon.” 
The prince nodded his head, gripping his personal guard’s shoulders as he helped her stand. “Thank you, father.” He said, emerald-green eyes glinting at the now former-knights as he guided Marinette out of the hall, the doors slamming close as if nothing had just happened. 
 “Did you know this whole time?” Marinette asked quietly, now decked out more comfortably in her knight gear. The prince and his personal guard were seated on the stone steps of the courtyard, the sun beating down into the ceiling-less area. 
“... Ever since you beat me. Yes.” Came the prince’s answer as he watched the blue-haired woman wipe his sword clean. “You were too small-built to be a man. Your shoulders aren’t wide enough.” 
“I see.” 
Silence resumed as the blue-haired knight fidgeted awkwardly on the step, her hands moving quickly to make the metal shine under the glow of the sun. 
“You don’t have to always wear your armour around me.” Damian mused quietly, leaning against one of the pillars comfortably. “You can just wear a shirt. It would be easier for you to move around. And since everyone knows anyway,” He shrugged. “No point in you trying to cover up with your armour anymore.” 
Marinette blushed at the prince pointing her out blatantly. “I... Yes, my prince.” 
“Go change. I want to duel for a bit before I have to draft up my proposal.” He said lazily, flicking his hands at her. “I’ll practice on my own first. Hurry up.” 
He watched her retreating back, the clanks of her armour gradually getting softer as she returned to her room, which was only a corridor away from his. His mind flickered back to the day he first met her- Damian thought he’d never lose to a man in swordplay. 
And he was right. 
He lost to a woman. 
A woman by the name of Marinette Cheng. 
taglist. @maskedpainter @animegirlweeb @starmist19 @myazael @stainedglassm @user00000003 @toughluna @nickristus-dreamer @missmadwoman
send in an ask to be added to Cady’s Daminette December taglist! 
also I feel so sorry for everyone waiting for me to update never knowing which dates I’ll write for lol 
Oh oh and I'm pretty proud of this because I didn't use she/her at all before Marin's gender reveal :)
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starkatana · 5 years ago
All You Need to Know
Jason Todd X Female Reader
WordCount: 2813 (it’s long!~)
Summary: Jason proposes to you and you two have a smaller wedding with the BatFam in attendance at your Vegas wedding.
Author’s note: So, here begins my various one-shots of Jason Todd/Red Hood x Reader//y/n AKA my current obsession. I may compile all of them into chronological order once everything is done. I just really wanted to write and post something. I just have too many WIP’s right now that I need to focus on.
They aren’t exact ages. This is just a world that I made using these characters because I can. In this AU, Jason has died and come back to life. You two broke up and you dated Peter Parker (Spider-Man) for a little bit. At this point, you and Jason are 24-ish?
You are a dancer who works at a dance studio.
Sorry if its a little out of character, this is just based on my knowledge that tumblr has given me.
I used this post from fandomneeds!
Jason’s vows is the song: All You Need to Know by Gryffin
Hope you enjoy!
Jason scratched his head and crumpled up the vows he was working on.
Roy peeked into Jay’s room, “Having a hard time?” He cocked a sarcastic smile at his best friend.
“Fuck. Every time I try to write something it seems just so stupid and cookie cutter.”
“Aren’t those what vows are? Just telling the person you want to spend the rest of your life with them sickness and in health blah blah.”
“Yeah.” Jason shrugged, “I have basic vows for the Gotham wedding, but for the wedding this weekend, I just want them to be different and less like everything else.”
“Well, what do you want to say?”
Roy laughed. “You’ve read a million books you’re telling me that you can’t string the most romantic scenes and moments together?”
Jason sat back in the chair.
“What does she need to know? What are you confessing in front of the hardest people you need to impress? Me and the rest of your siblings.”
“It's not for you guys. It’s for us.”
“Then what do you want to tell her?”
Jason sat back in his chair with his hand behind his head, remembering the evening he asked you to marry him.
It happened to be a night that you and Jason didn’t have patrol, so you two made a date night out of it. The two of you are sitting in a booth at your favorite local diner. You two managed to keep it a secret from everyone else in the Batfam so they wouldn’t just show up and surprise you two. It’s late at night and you two had been there so often that the wait staff had your orders memorized. He was sitting across from you with his arms outstretched over the back of the booth as he listened to you talk with a half-smirk on his face.
You were sitting back in your booth just going on about your students from the dance studio. He loved how passionate you were about your job and how much you cared for other people. You two had been through so much, even when he had been an ass to you. You somehow took him back after everything he said and put you through. He was grateful for that. Life made sense with you.
“Hello? Earth to Jason.” You were waving your hand in his face snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Are you even listening?”
“Yeah! You were saying how you had to help some of your kids with their science and math homework and how you don’t miss science and math homework. Then you told me about the puppies you saw on your way to work today. And no, I still don’t think getting a dog is a good idea.”
“Okay, so you were listening,” you chuckle, “Sorry you just looked zoned out. I thought I was just rambling.”
“No.” Jason sits up leaning forward in the booth putting his hands on the table. “I like listening to you talk.”
You smile and instinctively lean into him as he takes on of your hands and with the other, you stir your milkshake. He gently rubs over your thumb. Basking in the comfortable silence and the background noise of the diner. Still holding his hand you sit back in the booth and close your eyes. If only every night could be this comfortable.
“Hm?” You respond without opening your eyes. He squeezes your hand.
“Will you marry me?”
You open an eye and take a peek at him. He was still sitting across the table from you. He hadn’t moved and was looking right at you.
He couldn’t possibly be serious. You chuckle. “Shut up.” You respond closing your eyes again.
“No, I’m serious.”
You take your hand back and sit up in the booth and stare at him half confused and half suspicious. You narrowed your eyes trying to gauge his reaction. Almost expecting him to go “Haha. Gotcha.” Or “I’m kidding.” You don’t know why he’d joke like that but you don’t know why he’d be asking you to marry him.
Marriage was something you two talked about but it was also something you two would just let happen when it felt most comfortable. You knew you wanted to be with him and he with you. So, you weren’t sure why you thought he was kidding.
“I know I don’t have a ring and I know I’m not down on one knee but I want to spend the rest of my life with you and after everything that happened I know you’re the one I want to spend my life with. I’m planning to get you a ring but I wanted to get you something with my money, not Bruce’s.  I couldn’t wait to ask you.”
“Do you want me to get on one knee? I will if you want.” he begins to stand up.
“No.” You grab his hand and set him back down, “No it’s okay. I’d love to marry you. I’ll happily marry you. No ring needed. No need to get on one knee.”
He squeezes your hand.
“Should we just run away?” He teased.
“And have Roy be our witness and third wheel forever?”
“And always.”
You two share a kiss across the table.
“I got it.”
You two decided to elope to Vegas. You two were going to have a real wedding soon where paparazzi would be “invited” your mom would be there and all your business colleagues, Wayne enterprises, socialites, and other Gotham elite it would be a wedding for everyone. But you and Jason wanted a smaller ceremony for the two of you first. What started small as in you, Jay, and Roy. Turned into a Batkid affair. So you, Jason, Roy, Dick, Duke, Tim, Damian, Cas, Steph, and Babs all flew out to Vegas. Your first day in Vegas while everyone was out walking around together around the Vegas strip. You and Jason decided on a small stage space close to the end of the “Venetian” river.
It was Vegas wedding day. Roy stood beside Jason. They weren’t wearing tuxes but they were dressed nicer. Jason had on black pinstriped pants, a red button-up with the sleeves rolled up with a black-tie done loosely with a black vest on. Roy had on black dress pants with a yellow dress shirt rolled up like Jason’s and unbuttoned near the top with suspenders on.
The two of them were making small talk, to help calm Jason’s nerves. The plan was for him and Roy to be there with the photographer before the impromptu wedding. Then the rest of the family would appear shortly after. Jason had his hands in his pant’s pockets and laughed at Roy’s joke.
“You’re in a good mood.”
“It’s not every day, I get to marry my best friend.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t let you cheat on y/n with me.”
Jason rolled his eyes at Roy. When Roy gave him a big smile and pointed behind Jay.
Jason turned around and Dick was leading the train of the Batfam. Jason tried to look past them all to get a glimpse of you, but they had you perfectly hidden behind them.
At this point, the passersby that were minding their own business began to stop and hang around, some kept minding their own business, while others were interested in the show. Dick greeted Jason first, he patted his shoulder, “Congrats, Little Wing.” Jason gave his brother a light punch in the arm and Dick moved aside. Following Dick was Tim who also gave him congratulations. Then there is Duke, where the two shared a hug. Cass was after and gave him a fake one-two punch in the gut followed by a hug. Next was Steph and then Babs, who he shared a hug with both of them.
“You’re in for a treat.” Steph teased.
Babs blew Jason a kiss and the two stood next to Cas.
Jason looked over at his family to the side of him. A lot has happened and they stood by him through it all. To have them all here, he was grateful. Then everyone looked over to where they came in. Little Damien, who is now 13 much more mature than the 8-year-old you had originally met. Damien loved you and thought of you as a big sister.
You planned to walk down the aisle yourself, but when Damien asked if he could give you away to Jason who were you to deny him.
You always knew Damien thought highly of you but one day after you and Jason had gotten back together after your hiatus apart. Damien lectured you left and right about how if Todd is ever a dick to you again he’d take care of Todd himself.
“Not if I handled him myself first.” You joked with Damien.
Then one day, you’ll never forget you were looking for Damien, but couldn’t find him in the manor. You walked outside onto the manor’s patio where Dick and Jason were sitting.
“Hey, do you know where Damian is?” you ask taking a seat next to Jason, “I can’t find him.”
“Yeah,” Dick nods, “Hold on, I got this.” He clears his throat. “DAMIAN! JASON IS BULLYING Y/N!!!”
Jason shook his head and looked at Dick, “Wait, what?!”
You and Jason looked around and then up as Dick nodded proudly. Damien opened the window from the second floor in the manor and jumped out of it with a fighting stick. “TODD!”
Jason gets up from where he’s sitting and quickly runs out of the way, “GAAHH!!!”
You look over at Dick who nods and is giving you two thumbs up.
Back to the wedding:
Jason’s jaw dropped and he couldn’t believe that he was so lucky to have you. You were in a short spaghetti strap lacy white dress it hugged your body and your curves it had a slight v neck to it but wasn’t revealing. You wore your hair down nothing too fancy, just some soft waves and a baby’s breath crown on your head with your hair resting on your left shoulder.
You had a small light pink and black bouquet. Your shoes were a metallic white pearl shoe with skinny heel with a buckle around the ankle. It took everything in Jason not to just run over to you, sweep you off your feet and shower you in kisses. He was the happiest and luckiest man alive. The photographer was snapping pictures like crazy. When you left Alfred just asked for some pictures of the wedding, if Alfred wanted photos he was going to get them. No questions asked.
Roy nudged Jason. Jason nudged him back and couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
Damien walked you up to Jason.
“Thanks, Dami.” And you two shared a hug.
Damien turned around and glared at Jason. “Todd.”
“Demon spawn.” He cracks Damian a half-smile.
“Don’t mess this up, again.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t.”
Damian nods and steps aside letting Jason know that he’s approved of you two together again. You give Damien your bouquet. He walks over next to Babs and Steph. Jason offered you his hand. You take it and he leans into you as he helps you up, “You look absolutely gorgeous.” He stands up straight as you two take each other’s hands.
“Everyone is staring at us.”
“Everyone is staring at you.” Jason gestured, down to what you were wearing, giving you an ‘it’s definitely not me, it’s you’ kind of look.  You smiled at him as you moved your hair out of your face and then take his hands again. He couldn’t stop smiling as much as he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Looking at you like this was like falling in love all over again. This was happening.
“Hello, friends and family.” Roy began, “We are gathered here for the marriage of our beloved Y/f/n/   y/m/n   y/l/n and our shit-eating boy, Jason Peter Todd.”
Everyone chuckles at Roy and Jay playfully flips him off.
“Now, the couple would like to say their vows.”
“Jason Peter Todd.” You began, “Where do I even begin with you. With us? Since my first day at Gotham Academy when you kept spilling coffee on me. We’ve unfortunately been best friends since. You’ve been my first choice always since we’ve met and since I’ve been with you I’ve never safer. From the highs and the lows you’ve been with me through it all.” You wipe one of your eyes, “I couldn’t imagine going through life with anyone else except for you. So, take me as I am because I have already taken you. I promise to always be by your side through anything the world may throw at us. I’ll protect you through it all.”
He brings your hands to his lips and kisses them.
“I guess it’s my turn.” He rolls his shoulders back while he stands up straight with your hands still in his. “Y/n.”
He looks around him, his brothers, and his sisters. The crowd that had gathered during your ceremony. The perfect weather and the beautiful bride he has. You were breathtaking. Looking at you, his heart skipped a beat.
Every. Single. Time.
He takes a deep breath before beginning.
“I’ll keep it as simple as I can.” He bites his lip, “Shit.” He wipes his eye. “How’d you do this without balling?” he joked.
You chuckle, “It was hard.”
“Ok,” he gives your hands another squeeze, “Y/n, you don't have to listen carefully, because I will tell you a thousand times. With your hands in mine, look at this thing we found. I have everything I need and I promise to give you everything you will ever need because you make me not want to die.”
You let out a chuckle and Roy rolled his eyes. Before you and Jason would say ‘I love you’ that’s what you’d say to each other, when you first started dating and when you guys got back together.
You’d be leaving the safe house for dance practice and Jason called after you, “Y/n!”
He’d tilt his head and give you a soft smile, “you make me not want to die.”
You crack a smile and flip him off as he flips you off in return. You continue walking away and Jason can’t help but keep his eyes glued on you as you left.
“You two have the weirdest relationship.” Roy pretended to be disgusted.
“When you get sad like you do sometimes. Anything you feel. Put it all on me. All of your thoughts, I want everything. I’m letting you know, I’m going to be around.”
It had been months since you and Peter broke up and since you have decided not to take Jason back. You opened your eyes and started to cry. He was standing in front of you. “What happened to us?” You ask wiping away your tears.
He goes to step towards you and you back away making yourself smaller.
“Y/n.” He hesitates and puts his arms back to his side.
You don’t look at him.
“I’m sorry.” You look at him. Now he was crying, “I was wrong. You were right and I shouldn’t have done the things that I did but I did and I hurt you and I’m sorry. I don’t want to be apart from you anymore. I’m better with you than I am without you.”
“Jason...” you feel your chest tighten as more tears begin to fall.
“All I want to do is love you and if you don’t want to be with me. At least let me be around...again. I miss my best friend.”
You get on your tiptoes and wrap your arms around his neck. Where he wraps his arms around your body in a tight embrace.
“I never stopped loving you.” You cried. “I’m so scared and lost I don’t know what I want.” You begin to hiccup and Jason rubs your back.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. Sincerely. I promise I won’t ever be the reason you cry again.”
“I'll lift you when you're feeling low. I'll hold you when the night gets cold. Your fears and your thoughts, give me all of it. You'll never have to be alone and that's all you need to know.”
You wipe away your tears.
“I’m sorry.” Jason apologized.
You shook your head no, “Good tears.” He smiles at you and you both look over at Roy who smiling at them softly. He nods and breaks the silence: “Jason Peter Todd, you may kiss your bride.”
Jason cups your face as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss on the lips as the audience that has since gathered clapped and cheered but not louder than his and your family only a few steps away.
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spooky-z · 5 years ago
Field Trip
Maribat is from @ozmav​
I want to make two things very clear:
Near the end there are homophobic and racist lines. So, please, be careful.
This is almost 9K.
That was D-Day. The day of the field trip at Wayne Enterprises.
Marinette knew she shouldn't be so excited, because please, she knew that place like her palm. But that didn't stop her from being excited to be able to introduce her friends to the employees there.
Every time she promised to take them to meet each other, but there was never a good enough opportunity for that to happen, since Adrien's father, Gabriel, was the biggest problem of the equation.
She was in the bathroom, finishing getting ready and had shared the hotel room with Alix, who from what she could hear, was jumping on the bed like crazy.
“Al, don't you get tired?” Marinette sighs as she leaves the bathroom.
The pink-haired girl - dressed in denim shorts, a black shirt with Batman logo, jacket tied at the waist and a black hat - stops jumping. Laughter ready to go out.
“It depends.” She replies. “Will you stop letting the rest of the class step on you because of that snake?”
"Al..." The warning tone clear in her voice.
Alix rolls her eyes and gets off the bed. She, like Kim, kept debating that Marinette should stop bowing her head to the class antics because of Lila. The girl had arrived in Dupont and destroyed the brunette's reputation just because of Adrien.
“Okay, I get it. I don't say anything else
” She says grumpy and Marinette smiles “For now.” And laughs at her best friend's frown.
 I don't know why I still try. Really. You guys are a pain in the ass.” Marinette complains.
"It's love." Alix countered. "Let's go now. Those losers must be waiting in the lobby.”
Marinette picks up her bag from the bed, ready for the trip.
She was wearing black jeans, sneakers (they would walk a lot) and a big white long-sleeved sweater. Her hair was messed up on purpose.
Alix put on her old traditional all-star and opened the bedroom door for her friend.
When they were inside the elevator, Marinette turned to the girl. The high finger, like a mother lecturing her children.
“Remember: no trying to compete with Kim inside the building. If you don't behave, I will end you.” She warns. “And you know I can handle it.”
The pink-haired girl rolls her eyes but nods in agreement.
“I will behave myself. Promise."
"... You are unbearable." Alix says.
"I know." Marinette winks and they both burst out laughing.
They keep laughing until the elevator arrives in the lobby and bump into their friends, separated from the rest of the class, talking about something.
Alix pulls Marinette into the group, catching the attention of the rest of the class.
They ignore the scornful glances cast.
"Hey, losers." Alix nods when they get to them.
"Good morning, guys." Marinette smiles.
Adrien looked like he'd been kicked out of bed - his hair was messier than usual, a black sweatshirt with little cats, ripped jeans and the orange all-star he wouldn't let go of - his eyes barely opening to nod in acknowledgment, almost lying upright in Kim's arms.
Kim dressed similarly, except for the sweatshirt, which was several bats and the jeans were black, as were the sneakers. His hair was like Adrien's. Soft.
“Good morning!” He replies, holding Adrien with his right arm and waving his left hand.
"It's about time." Chloe complains. "I thought I would have to send Mr. Robot here to wake you up."
She was wearing light jeans, caramel UGG boots. The yellow jacket was open, giving a view of the white - which Marinette was sure was Alix's – shirt with Wonder Woman print underneath. Her blond hair was loose and her makeup minimal.
Max was wearing something Marinette never thought she'd see him wear before. A large hoodie - from Adrien, we should make clear - with Naruto print, black jeans and black vans too. He had the dreadlock — had grown since he was twelve — pinned to the top of his head.
"We took so long because Marinette was getting ready for her sweetheart." Alix teases.
Marinette feels her face burn.
Sabrina laughs. "Good morning, girls."
She wore a long green pleated skirt, white sneakers without a sock, a white shirt and an open button-down denim jacket. Her hair was tied in a braid on the side of her head and her makeup was minimal too.
Max looked like he was going to say something when Ms. Bustier appears, a man by her side.
“Class, let's go. The bus has arrived. This is the driver, Philip.” She points at him.
Marinette glanced quickly at the class and her eyes met Lila's. The smile the Italian sent her was freezing her blood.
“It looks like today is going to be interesting.” Adrien, who seemed much more awake, says.
The seven friends couldn't help but agree.
The bus ride had been fun.
As they were many, someone would be left to sit with someone in the class and that was something that Alix did not allow to happen. Then she squeezed herself between Marinette and Sabrina, while Max sat next to Chloe and Adrien continued to use Kim as a pillow.
Marinette was wiping out her cell phone memory by taking pictures.
Proof, she says. Blackmail, replies Chloe, who was also taking pictures.
Alix and Sabrina were busy with the landscape, Max was studying about WE and Kim was playing something on his cell phone.
As the bus pulled up in front of the huge Wayne building cluster, Marinette felt anxiety bubbling in her stomach.
She had promised Dick she would not pretend to know anyone - Marinette didn't like to draw attention - so when she saw any of them, she would have to act like herself.
It had been a long and tiring conversation. The Wayne complaining that she never introduced them to her friends or that she always pretended not to know them.
Jason had even teased that she was ashamed of Damian and Damian retaliated by saying he was ashamed of his brothers. The two started fighting and it took Selina to intervene for them to stop.
Anyway. She had promised and Marinette Dupain-Cheng was not someone to break her promises.
She just wished her classmates were quiet and said nothing... graphic. Otherwise, she couldn't defend them from Wayne's fury.
Caline Bustier gets up from her seat and turns to the class, still sitting in their seats.
"We're here," she begins. “But before we get in, I want to make some things clear. IW has tough rules that should not be disregarded for anything.” Says “I know many should not have read the permission paper I gave their parents to sign, so I will warn them: they signed an NDA along with the permission. If you break this agreement, you can and will be sued. They don't care if you're seventeen.”
She looks each other in the eye, serious. Wanting them to understand the seriousness of the situation.
“Now I'll go over the rules.” She takes a piece of paper from her purse and starts reading it. “It's not allowed to take pictures, walk around the building without the guide or someone authorized, enter forbidden places and most importantly: do not disclose anything you saw inside. If a person breaks any of these rules, they will be banned from any Wayne buildings and prosecuted.” Caline lowers the paper. "Let's go now! We have a lot to learn.”
And get off the bus, followed by the excited class. The seven friends right behind, putting a certain distance.
"I'll finally meet the famous Timothy Drake." Max says, his face serious as if on a mission.
Marinette feels the warnings ring in her head. Max had built a rivalry since Tim figured out in a day how to solve a riddle that had left Max sleepless for months. That had been almost a year ago, but the flame of rivalry still burned in the boy's chest.
"Look, I don't know if the boys will be here." She says "I know Dick will be here, because he told me he would be the guide, but I don't know about the others."
Kim pouting, Adrien joins him and Alix too.
"But I thought I would meet Jason in person."
She shudders thinking about this meeting. No. Nope. That would not happen. Otherwise, she thinks Gotham wouldn't be whole.
"Neither Duke?" Sabrina question.
“I really think it's just Dick today, guys. I'm sorry."
The five sighs in dismay. Marinette sighs with relief.
"Let's go. They're leaving us behind.” Chloe says and points to the group ahead of them, already entering the building.”
And they run to catch up.
As much as Marinette has spent much of the past two years walking these corridors, getting into the WI building was always breathtaking. The architecture was out of this world.
 Thank you so much for getting this tour, Lila!” She hears Rose squeal excitedly.
Adrien snorts at her side, annoyed. He knew very well that the one who had made the trip had been Marinette. Lila was lying again and Ms. Bustier made no effort to dismiss the girl.
Marinette tightens the blonde's hand, trying to distract him from class.
“It was nothing!” Lila brags. “When I told Brucie that the class needed a trip as a graduation gift, he offered it to us. You know, he likes me a lot, since I'm his daughter-in-law.”
The class begins to praise her as a strange kind of cult and Marinette rolls her eyes at the familiar scene.
“What a nasty little girl we have here.” A voice purrs in Marinette's ear.
The girl jumps in surprise, a little scream escaping her lips. Everyone turns to look at her and she turns to find out who she was.
“SELINA!” She shouts excitedly.
The latin-looking woman smiles. Black hair in a pixie cut, plump lips and green eyes. She wore a black pencil skirt, a white blouse with lace at the shoulders and Louboutin high heels.
"Hello, kitten." Marinette hugs the woman.
They had not seen each other for a long time. Selina and Bruce were traveling a lot on their honeymoon, to make up for the times the marriage had been postponed.
“I missed you.” She pulls back, the firm smile on her face. “How was the honeymoon?”
“Wonderful.” Selina responds. “And how have you been?”
“Great.” She turns to her friends. “Guys, this is Selina Kyle.”
And then turns to Selina again.
“Selina, these are Adrien Agreste-” He smiles. “Chloe Bourgeois-” She waves. “Sabrina Raincomprix-” She says hello. “Max KantĂ©-” He waves. “And LĂȘ Chiáșżn Kim. My friends.” He winks charming.
The woman analyzes each one, nodding in approval in the end.
"They seem to be good people, kitten." She says. "I hope they can come to dinner with us tonight."
Marinette's smile gets impossibly bigger.
“Who is this, Marinette?” Lila's voice cuts the girl off. And the good mood of before changes to a sour one.
Selina looks away from the girl and looks at the rest of the class with Lila.
The girl had a despicable look on her face, a fake smile and sharp eyes. The class around her wasn't much better, since they didn't even pretend for politeness.
The woman observes the situation. At how once happy friends came together as if they were forming a barrier between Marinette and the other girl. How tempers became exalted.
Selina takes the lead, wanting to avoid a scene.
“Selina Kyle.” She replies. “And you? Who is it?” Question. The sharp tone leaves no gap for jokes.
Lila takes this as an opportunity to lie. Again.
“Lila Rossi. Damian Wayne's fiancĂ©e.” She extends her hand. “I’m the one who arranged the class trip.” Selina squeezes her hand.
"Damian's fiancée?" She hisses in displeasure. "Interesting."
Caline Bustier watches the commotion, unsure what to do.
She was sure the intrigue in the class would calm down over time, but it had only gotten worse. Worsened to the point that the Dupain-Cheng threatened to sue the school and report to the council, as no one seemed to see the toxic situation that became the classroom.
They were being dark days for Dupont. For Caline
All were under investigation. Mostly her, since she was the one that suffered the most accusations not only from Marinette's family, but also from Max, Kim and Sabrina as well. This trip had been an excuse for everyone - her - to get away from Paris and the rabbit hole they had gotten into.
A man dressed all in black - button-down shirt, slim-fit pants and oxfords - with styled hair appeared with the driver.
Caline guessed it was Richard Grayson, the guide they had informed her.
He smiled at her and held out his hand to greet.
"Good morning, I'm Richard Grayson." She squeezes the offered hand, feeling her cheeks heat up.
She could be a teacher, but she wasn't dead.
“Good morning, Richard. I'm Caline Bustier, the teacher.” She drops his hand, kind of disappointed to have to.
Ms. Bustier turns to the class and catches everyone's attention. She watches the Latina woman kiss Marinette's cheek and leave the building. The security guard waving respectfully at her.
“Guys, please.” And their attention turns to her.
Marinette's group still distracted by something the girl said.
"Good morning, Dupont." The man says. "My name is Richard and I will be your guide on this field trip."
The class cheers up again and Marinette turns her head so fast that Chloe is sure she heard the bone crack.
The whole class chokes. Lila takes the opportunity to make a scene.
“Oh my god, Marinette! Have a little decency.” She whines shrilly. “Apologize to Richard right now or I will make arrangements.”
Dick raises an eyebrow at the Italian.
“Now there is no need-”
“There is a need, Mr. Grayson.” Lila cuts off the man. “She's being disrespectful to you and as I am the most influential person around, I must place order.
Alix and Sabrina snort, hands over their mouths trying to hide their laughter. Chloe doesn't care about hiding. Kim and Max were obviously filming. Adrien had such a big smile on his face that Dick knew it must be hurting.
Marinette was frozen. He knew that expression.
"... not necessary, Miss." He says again. Already losing patience with the girl. “Minette didn't disrespect me. She just called me by my nickname.”
Lila looks like she's just been slapped. Bewildered.
"The what?"
“Do you know Marinette?” Alya asks, her nose twitching with the scent of an exclusive.
Dick tilts his head, his arms crossed and a teasing smile on his mouth.
"Of course. She is my sister in law."
... What?
Adrien was right. That day would be interesting.
"This is where Wayne Technologies starts." Dick says, pointing to the floor where the elevator stopped. “You'll see our specialists at work, so avoid distracting them.”
The class walked the floor marveling at the technology and the scientists at work.
Adrien was practically drooling next to Max.
"Dude, close your mouth." Alix jokes.
The boy's cheek burned in embarrassment and he closed his mouth in a loud snap. The hand rubbed his face just to make sure there was no drool.
Marinette laughed at her friend, but stopped abruptly as she watched the red tuft of hair in one of the tech rooms. That was when she remembered that she had promised Adrien to introduce him to one of the smartest people she had ever met. And a physics freak like him.
She takes the boy's wrist and drags him away from where Dick was leading them all.
“Come, Adrien. I want you to meet someone!”
“Wait-Don’t you need authorization-” He doesn't finish, as Marinette puts her palm on the hi-tech lock and the light flashes green before the door opens. "Oh."
The brunette pulls him into the room until she comes across a woman, not much older than 30, who was fiddling with a metal plate.
"Carmen." She calls and the woman looks at her, a lively smile appearing on her face.
“Mari! How long!” She gets up and gives the girl a quick hug.
“Yes, yes!” They laugh. “Remember I commented on a friend of mine who was a physics nerd?”
Adrien protests softly. He wasn't a nerd... just very passionate.
Carmen looks away at the boy and he nods shyly.
"I suppose this is the physics nerd?"
"Himself. Adrien Agreste.” Marinette replies. “Adrien, this is Carmen Leonhart, WI's head of technology research.”
As they begin to talk about numbers, statistics and many other things Marinette didn't care to know, she turns around, ready to leave the room.
Just to face the whole class, Ms. Bustier, her friends and Dick, standing in the doorway. Dick with the biggest fucking smile on his face.
"... what?" She asks. Confused with the audience.
Chloe gives a mocking smile.
"I didn't know you were allowed into these rooms, Dupain-Cheng."
Marinette realizes what she has just done and the embarrassment only gets worse.
She had been so excited to introduce Adrien and Carmen to each other that she had not thought about what she was doing in front of her classmates. Sure, she had promised not to hide her relationship with the Wayne family, but that didn't mean she liked to show off like this.
Lila doesn't seem to like the attention Marinette was getting at all. Her face in a sour frown and the fists clenched.
She sent Marinette a warning look before masking her dislike with a sweet expression.
“Oh, that's no big deal.” She says waving her hands in disdain. “I asked Brucie to authorize our class. He was generous enough to include Marinette on this list.” The scorn barely masked by the disinterested tone.
The class seems to take this as truth (as always) as Nino puts his hand on the girl's shoulder. A proud expression on his face.
“Thanks so much for all this, dude.” He says. “You didn't have to go that far for us.” And the class agrees. Raining compliments on the Italian.
Chloe doesn't disguise the grimace and Alix rolls her eyes so violently that for a moment, Max fears she was injured.
The class leaves the room, following Lila like sheep being herded, leaving the group of friends and Dick behind. Ms. Bustier didn't take long to leave either, which left them finally alone.
"Ok... Now where is my hug, Minette?" He turns to the girl and she runs to hug him. "Much better."
Marinette laughs, the hug lasting a few more seconds before they let go. Dick turns to the other five - Adrien and Carmen too distracted by whatever it was - and extended his hand in greeting one by one.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."
"The same." Sabrina smiles.
“Now we have to go. There are a few more things to see and a surprise.” He winks at Marinette and the girl feels the danger in that expression.
One thing Marinette was sure of: There was no anxiety to know what this surprise was about.
Anyway, getting Adrien out of the room had been difficult because the blonde didn't want to leave. Carmen had to promise that she would give him a free pass so he could visit her while the trip to Gotham lasted.
The friends had no doubt that the blonde would live in the building and never leave the scientist alone.
Going on.
The rest of the tour had been less dramatic around Lila and her minions. Of course, she continued to lie about everything. How Bruce Wayne and his wife Selena loved her; the fact that Ricardo Wayne - the eldest son - had died in an attack on Wayne Mansion by the feared villain, Clown; that Jackson - the middle child - was an award-winning scientist; Thomas was unfortunately an addict, but Bruce tried with all his might to rehabilitate; and finally, that Damian was an angel in love with her, very sweet and romantic.
Marinette never thought she would have trouble controlling herself, but it was hard not to laugh at the Dick’s expressions and her friends laughing openly.
But apart from The Tales of Lila, the class left them alone.
As they passed the corridors of WI, Mari was being recognized by the staff and she made a point of introducing her group of friends excitedly. That didn't include the rest of the class and Lila, of course, could make some excuse for them.
Honestly, Marinette was surprised that no one showed distrust in the Italian. It was obvious she was lying.
But that didn't last long. Someday the lies would have to be revealed, and apparently that was the day.
They took a break to eat in the cafeteria.
Dick had gone out with Ms. Bustier to talk somewhere which, in Marinette's opinion, would not be a very good conversation. Or happy.
Adrien, Sabrina and Mari with a classic burger and fries; Max settled for a fettuccine; Kim, Chloe and Alix got pizza (not very healthy, but one day just wouldn't hurt). They were seated at a table separate from the rest of the class, but close enough to hear a word or two.
Marinette was chewing on her burger lazily while her friends talked when Jason Todd and Timothy Drake showed up. Both with expressions that said everything but good intentions.
"Oh my god." She whispered; the eyes wide. The cheeks full of food.
They scanned the cafeteria, probably looking for Marinette, and when they turned toward her, Mari used Adrien's height as a shield. Trying to keep them from seeing her. Which didn't work, since Adrien was shaking (laughing) and the conversation at the neighboring table (her class) had been cut short.
“Why are you hiding, Maribug?” Jason asks, his voice malicious.
Marinette sighs before surrendering to her destiny.
She stepped out from behind Adrien, face was red.
The girl swallowed the food.
“Hi Jay. Tim.” A smile appears on her face despite the embarrassment.
Tim raises an eyebrow at her, clearly amused. Jason doesn't disguise the shitty smile growing on his face.
"She hid, but at least she didn't pretend not to know us." Tim points out.
Marinette rolls her eyes, the shame already forgotten.
"I don't break my promises." She says.
She pushes Adrien aside to make room and points them both.
"Sit down and introduce yourself to those you didn't know yet."
They waste no time quickly pulling two chairs off an unoccupied table and placing them in the open place. As they sit down, Jason throws his arm around Marinette's shoulders in a hug.
“We miss you, Nette.” He says. “Demon spawn has been unbearably unbearable.”
She elbows his ribs for talking about Damian and he groans in pain.
"Even though you're a pain in the ass, I missed you too, Jay." Marinette laughs at the offended face he made, before squirming so she can look at Timothy. "And you too, Timmy."
Tim winks at her before turning to the rest of the table. The family (but Selina, since she spent more time traveling than at home) already knew Adrien, Kim and Chloe from past visits, but this was the first time they had met the other three: Sabrina, Max and Alix.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Timothy Drake, Damian's brother.” He reaches out first for Sabrina to shake, then Alix and lastly Max, who narrowed his eyes defiantly and squeezed his hand a little harder than usual.
Tim knew that the boy had a certain rivalry against him over the puzzle. Which was good, since he enjoyed a good and healthy competition.
Jason throws his idle hand on the table, startling the others.
“I'm Jason Todd. The best boy.” He says excitedly. “Nette's favorite!”
Chloe seems to be offended by the man's words.
"I doubt it." Sneers. "Everyone knows I'm her favorite."
Adrien chokes around a fry.
"Now, we know I'm the favorite." He chews loudly.
It was kind of gross, being honest.
"Oh, shut up, Agreste!" Alix throws a potato at the boy. “It is common knowledge that I am everyone's favorite.”
The boy looks scandalized at her, but doesn't take long to throw the fry back at her in revenge. Alix dodges and the food ends up hitting Kim in the forehead.
He narrows the eyes irritably, Tim and Jason laughing, Marinette wanting nothing more than to go back to her hotel bed and sleep 12 hours straight.
Damian chose that moment to appear with Titus and Dick. And as much as Marinette was happy to see him, this was the worst moment ever.
She knew her friends. Knew well enough to know that the cafeteria had become a war zone and that they would be bombed at any moment.
As soon as he opened his mouth to greet her, Kim got up ready to pounce, but before he could, Titus ran and jumped on Marinette. Almost making the girl bang her head against the table by his strength and weight.
There was a general panic at their class table, probably afraid of the dog, but she ignored everything in favor of giving all the attention and love Titus deserved. Because he was the best boy, not Jason, thank you very much.
"Who's the handsome boy, huh?!" She pampers the dog excitedly, which licks her face. "I missed you too." His tail looked like a whip.
Tim and Jason turn to the brothers.
"Yo, Dick." Jason nods lazily.
"Demon spawn." Tim says.
Damian frowns in annoyance, but doesn't respond to Timothy's provocation. The attention fully turned to Marinette with Titus. Dick waves back.
"What are you guys doing here?" He asks.
"We came with father and Cass." Tim replies.
Marinette jumps at the conversation.
“Are your father and sister here?” She shouts.
God! She was not prepared to handle all Wayne and the class at the same time.
"Duke too." Jason adds.
Marinette moans in pain and buries her face in Titus's soft fur. She would not come back alive to the hotel or Paris.
Damian approaches the girl, ignoring the prying eyes of her class. From what he managed to find out (both from Marinette's friends and what he investigated) if he had to interact with any of them, the no-kill rule would probably have to be broken.
"Angel." He calls, crouching in front of her and placing his hands on hers in Titus.
Marinette looks up to look at him.
"Hey, Dami."
She stretches over the dog (who was calm, almost asleep in her arms) and kisses Damian's lips tenderly.
"I missed you. Too much.” She whispers against his lips before pulling away.
"Me too." Damian answers and pecks her lips. "And-"
"Marinette, aren't you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?"
Alya's voice scares Marinette, who jumps away from Damian and Titus. Which makes both Wayne and the dog growl in irritation.
He gets up and Marinette follows him. Her friends comfortable in their seats, Dick standing (without Ms. Bustier) and the class waiting for an answer.
She sighs and turns to face the class. Damian was firm by her side and she also knew her friends would be supporting her.
Alya had her arms crossed. The rest of the class was not much different and Lila's expression soured, since everyone's attention was solely on Marinette.
"This is D-"
"Mari!!!" A shriek interrupts the girl.
They all turn to the source of the voice, only to find Bruce Wayne, a black man and an Asian girl running toward them. More specifically towards Marinette.
The little girl's hair was black, combed into familiar pigtails. She was wearing a red, black polka dot dress, with a black bow around her waist. On the feet were ballet shoes.
She jumped into Marinette's arms, which squeezes her into a warm hug, grinning.
"Hey, young lady." The little girl squeaks as Marinette kisses her cheek.
They watch the brunette put the girl down and start a... peculiar conversation. Where the child signed and Marinette responded verbally.
"You're so cool, Cass!" Kim compliments excitedly, apparently understanding what the girl was talking about. She smiles proudly at the compliment.
They (Marinette and co) continue to talk to the little girl while most of the class remain stunned by Bruce Wayne's presence.
Alya jumps excitedly and looks at Lila.
"Girl!" She practically screams "Did you get Bruce Wayne to meet us?!"
The Italian loses at least half the blood on her face. Increasingly pale with the situation. Her lips were almost sickly and her eyes wide. She swallows hard before letting out a clumsy laugh.
 very kind of him!” The voice comes out weak even to her ears. “B-but let's not disturb his conversation. You know how important he is.” Mumbles.
Lila's hands were shaking. She needed to get out of there, needed a plan urgently.
Alya's excitement diminished, taking Lila's words into consideration, but she kept staring at the men, holding back not to scream.
“Guys, I'm not feeling-”
“Papa, Duke!” Cass shouts again, the dog barking along and Bruce Wayne, with the other man, looks at her. “Mari!” She points at Marinette, jumping and twirling her dress.
Both Bruce and Duke(?) smiled before approaching them and Lila panics. Everything could go wrong at any time!
She turned to the class, making the most innocent expression and trying her best not to let despair overtake her body.
“Guys, please, I'll pretend I don't know him so as not to attract unwanted attention from the staff.” She whispers. “It's something we always do when we're around strangers, so don't be scared.” No one noticed Timothy's disgusted look toward them.
"Stay calm. We get it.” Nino soothes her, the class nodding in agreement.
She sighs with relief, having managed to avert a catastrophe.
"Good afternoon, Dupont." Bruce greets, the serious stance of a businessman. "I'm Bruce Wayne and this-" He points to the other man. "It's my protégé, Duke Thomas."
Duke nods in acknowledgment, then soon mutters something in Richard's ear, laughing at the other's disgusted expression. He made no attempt to approach the class to introduce himself.
Nathaniel felt that what has been said to the guide, was not something minimally pleasant. He felt that the class was the subject of comment and did not like it at all.
Rose, being the most outgoing, reaches out to greet Bruce Wayne.
“It's a pleasure, Mr. Wayne. It's a dream to be here!” She says. “We were very lucky to get this trip.” And tilts her head to wink at Lila, who smiles secretly.
He shakes her hand and waves seriously, pretending not to see the exchange between them. When they release their hands, Bruce turns to Marinette, a soft look on his face.
"Hello, Maribeetle." His tone softened before smiling.
"Hi, Dad." The obvious laugh on her face.
There are choking sounds, but neither pay attention.
She doesn't wait for him to say anything more before she comes closer and hugs him. He returns the hug, making the girl disappear into his arms and kisses her forehead.
"I see you had a welcome committee." He raised an eyebrow, looking his sons.
Dick is the only one who looks minimally embarrassed, while the other three (Jason, Tim and Damian) pretended the issue wasn't with them, looking around.
The class (without Ms. Bustier, who was missing) frozen in shock. Lila was about to pass out. She could hardly believe what was happening.
"Hey, Mr. B." Adrien nods.
"Bruce, what's up!" Kim says.
"Hello, Mr. Wayne." Sabrina greets.
“Wow, B! You look soft.” Alix teases.
"By my calculations, Alix is right, Mr. B." Max straightens his glasses. "You've lost some muscle."
“Congratulations on the adoption. Cassandra is a sweetie.” Chloe says.
Bruce snorts and releases Marinette, who bends down to take Cass in her arms again.
The boys not even trying to hide their laughter. He could see the tears in Jason's eyes, Tim was bent over Dick while they both laughed, Damian had the hand over his mouth hiding a smile and Cassandra imitated the two older ones.
Duke bit his lip trying to contain himself.
"It's good to see you again." Bruce says, hands firmly on Marinette's shoulders. "I remember the last time, Adrien and Jason got into a fight with the police and were almost arrested."
Adrien feels his cheeks heat up and Jason stops laughing, feeling attacked.
"I really thought it was a fantasy." The blonde mutters.
The class begins to whisper, clear confusion on their faces.
Alya was choking on surprise; Nino looking at Adrien as if the boy had grown two heads; Rose had retreated to Juleka's side, not liking the situation and Juleka was the same; Nathaniel bit his thumb uncomfortably; Mylene and Ivan looking lost; and Lila... Lila could see her world crumbling slowly and with frightening rapidity.
The dog barks once more, waking Alya from her mental confusion.
She swallows hard, her throat aching from the action.
“What's going on?” She asks, her voice breaking through the dryness in her throat.
Everyone stares at her. The confused Wayne family, Marinette and friends with the neutral face and Duke... Duke was fiddling with his cell phone.
“Why do you know Bruce Wayne? Why did Marinette call him ‘dad’? What's up with everyone greeting her and who is this boy she kissed?” She looks straight at the girl, her eyes accusing.
Damian frowns at her, his fist clenched, ready to say something that Marinette or his father probably wouldn't approve of, but Bruce stops him.
"What don't you understand yet, Ms. CesĂĄrie?" The question was blunt. "I think if Marinette was kissing Damian, that means the two are together."
Alya gets annoyed with the answer.
"And why did she call you ‘Dad’?"
Chloe sneers in the background. Alix rolls her eyes, Adrien tilts her head, Kim swears under his breath, Max stares in disbelief and Sabrina was busy talking to Timothy.
"They can't be so dumb, can they?"
Jason's attempt to whisper didn't work, as everyone listened to what he said.
Alya's cheeks burn with humiliation.
“That's a fair question!” Nino goes to his girlfriend's defense and Damian rolls the eyes sarcasticallyy.
"Answering your question, Ms. CesĂĄrie, Marinette calls me that because she's engaged to my son." Bruce says. "My son Damian." He adds as he notices the confusion.
Lila sucks air between her teeth. Panic rushing through her body.
” Mylene looks at Lila. “Damian Wayne isn't dating Lila?” She asks.
The Italian freezes when everyone looks at her.
“Lila? What Lila?” Damian asks venomously. "I don't know anyone by that name."
Alya grit her teeth. The anger clear in his expression.
“How not? She grew up with you in the mansion. Bruce Wayne practically adopted her!” She shouts. "Explain it to me!"
“Wow! This is kind of impossible, since demon spawn came to live with us only after he turned ten.” Timothy says.
Alya feels a dizziness start in her muscles.
"But Lila said that..." She mumbles. “She said Selena Kim, Bruce's wife, was her aunt. That you were a family!” Exclaims exalted.
“Look, I'm sorry you and your friends were fooled, but that's the truth: We don't know her. Selina Kyle has no nieces, Jason is not an award-winning scientist, Timothy is not an addict, Damian is anything but a sweetie. And the main thing is, I didn't die and the Joker never attacked Wayne Mansion.” Dick ends a little breathlessly.
The class is at varying levels of shock. No one daring to say anything, Lila wondering how to get out of that mess and beside her, Alya looked like she'd been slapped.
Marinette wanted to feel sorry for her classmates, but failed. She had tried, so had her friends, but no one would listen.
"So, you mean everything was a lie?" Nino asks. A dangerous edge in his tone.
Lila shudders, moving away from the class and almost falling in the process. She was afraid she wouldn't lie about that, but the class had a murderous expression in her direction.
“N-no! Of course not!” Babbles. "Can't you see this is Marinette's plan to make me look bad?!" She points to the girl, who was playing with Cassandra and Titus, no longer paying attention to the drama.
The class seems to believe at least a little, as they turn to the girl, probably to fight.
Adrien, Alix, Kim and Damian form a human barrier to stop them. The look on Adrien's face was no less deadly than Damian's.
"Don't even try." Adrien says. “I'm sick of you. Mostly from you, Alya.” He looks at her. “You can be worse than Lila and her lies. I thought you were smart enough to figure it all out, but it seems I was wrong.”
The girl's eyes was wet with tears, but she kept her posture steady, noting that her friends were no better off.
“You only say that because Lila didn't want you!” She screams. "You who can be worse than Marinette, Agreste!"
Sabrina and Chloe chokes before bursting out laughing. Max and Kim not far behind.
"Oh my god!" Sabrina moans "Is that what she said?" She sighs trying to control herself but failed and laughed again.
"That's the most hilarious thing I've ever heard!" Chloe says, wiping her eyes.
Nino is offended on behalf of Alya.
"What?" He asks.
Adrien feels his cheeks burn because he didn't want everyone to know, but if it was to help Mari, he would do that.
"Mm..." He begins. "I've been dating someone since the first year."
Lila looks shocked. More than their classmates.
“What?!” She shouts, forgetting the situation she was in.
The blonde scratches his head uncomfortably.
"Did you finally surrender to Chloe?" Ivan asks.
Both Adrien and Chloe made a face of disgust.
"Ew, no!" Chloe protested. "I'm fine and happy with Kagami."
“So, who is it?” Lila demands. "Who are you dating, Adrien?"
"Me!" Someone says.
And everyone turned to look.
Was a tall, well-built young man. Hair was black and messy; the eyes were incredibly blue. He was wearing torn jeans, a red vans, black Star Wars shirt and prescription glasses.
He was behind Bruce, probably coming in during the mess.
“God damn it, this became an event and I didn't know?” Duke whispers to Bruce, but the man doesn't respond.
"What the fuck are you doing here Ken-"
“Jon!” Adrien cuts off Damian and runs to Jonathan, who picks him up.
They kiss passionately and Marinette puts her hands in Cassandra's eyes, trying to protect the little girl's innocence. The group of friends moan in disgust. The Wayne family too.
"OK! I think everyone already understands.” Marinette says. “Now let go. Cass is here too!”
"That was horrible." Max mumbles.
Adrien releases the boy, his face red. Redder than Ladybug's uniform. And the other boy smiled, not at all embarrassed.
“Are you gay?!” Lila asks, the accusative tone clear in her voice.
"I can't believe I did this all because of a fa*got!" She snarls, venom dripping from her words. “You owe me three years of my life, Agreste!”
There is a shocked silence from everyone. Even from Marinette and friends. They didn't think Lila could be so rotten and ugly inside.
Marinette puts Cassandra on Damian's arms and walks slowly to the Italian. She seemed to be marching to war.
"What the hell did you say?" The voice came out dangerous.
"What? That he's a fag—” A slap popped on the girl's cheek before she could finish.
The force of the blow caused her to become unbalanced and fall to the floor.
They all walked away giving them both space.
"I dare you to repeat that."
She approaches once more, but Damian stops her. Cassandra in Dick's arms.
"Don't do anything you'll regret later, angel." He whispers and she sighs, moving away from the Italian on the floor. “Drake, do something useful as a CEO and call security. I want this person out of here as soon as possible.”
“You'll pay for it, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!” Lila growls, the hand gripping her bruised cheek. "If you think you're going to get rid of it, you're very wrong!"
Bruce, who remained quiet, bent down to pull the girl by the arm. Fed up with all the drama.
"Enough!" He says. “Ms. Rossi you will do nothing. Otherwise, I will be required to report you.”
Lila snorts offended and tries to release her arm from his grasp.
“Do you really think that just because you have money, will you get away with it?” She attacks, the eyes wide and crazy. “I have diplomatic immunity! You just became complicit with this disgusting muso giallo*!”
Marinette notices Bruce's knuckles go white from the grip and decides to separate the two.
“Dad, please let her go.” She grabs his arm, stepping between Lila and Bruce. "If you keep going, it might be worse later." But he doesn't even blink. Lila begins to moan in pain.
Five security guards enter the cafeteria, all huge and serious.
“Father, the security mans are here. You can let her go.” Damian puts his hand on the man's shoulder and only then does he move again, releasing the Italian's arm.
She drops to the floor, crying while holding her arm.
"I'm sorry, I blacked out for a second there." Bruce sighs, patting his head.
Marinette hugs the man, comforting him. She knew he had some problems after years of fighting crime, especially fighting the Joker. Sometimes he was a little more blunt and rude, unaware of it. It was sad for her to see him in this state.
But unfortunately, it was a side effect of having to save the world every time.
"Mr. Wayne, we were asked." One of the security guards says. "Who would be the person to be escorted?"
Timothy points to Lila who was still on the floor, but this time Alya was by her side, helping her.
"She." Answer. "The sausage hair."
The security guards do not hesitate to pull Lila away from Alya, dragging the Italian out when she strained and stood still.
"HEY! Let me go!” She leaves screaming. WI employees don't even look twice at the scene, seeming used to it.
"You can't do this to her!" Alya complains. "Where is Ms. Bustier?!"
“We can and are doing it. It amazes me that you're defending her after finding out that besides being a liar and a racist, she's homophobic.” Jason says, no humor in his tone. "And your teacher is already on a plane to Paris."
The whole class chokes on surprise. The whole class.
“What?!” Adrien shouts and Titus cries at the loud noise. He quickly caresses the dog, apologizing. "Sorry buddy." Jon smiles, in love with the blonde.
“She had to go back to Paris for an audience with the minister of education.” Tim replies. “She and Dupont's principal have been charged with negligence and cover-up. If they are found guilty, both will face the law “
"And they'll be fired." Damian adds. The morbid pleasure shining in his eyes.
"But why? She did nothing!” Rose complains. Her face was red from crying.
“Exactly, Tinker Bell. She did nothing.” Duke says. “She saw bullying, witnessed it and never did anything to help or try to stop. She just threw all the responsibility on one person thinking she was making the choice of the year.”
"And what does the principal have to do with it?" Nino asks. He was the only one who seemed to have understood the gravity of the situation, but was slow to believe.
“Dupont's principal has been a coward for a long time. He left a lot behind the scenes because he didn't want problems with people bigger than him and that was his mistake.” Bruce replies.
Everyone in the class is silent for a while. Each in their own thoughts, digesting everything that had happened. Meanwhile, Marinette and her friends were talking animatedly to Jonathan, who had his arms around Adrien like a koala.
 did Lila really lie to us all this time?” Mylene asks, her voice barely coming out.
"Unfortunately, Ms. HaprĂšle." Bruce says. The solemn face.
Nathaniel puts the hands to his mouth, the eyes wide with dread and everyone looks at him.
“I-I didn't send my portfolio to the university I wanted to get into because Lila had promised me an interview with a famous comic book author!”
And there is a mass reaction of the same kind.
Apparently, Lila had promised to help them in their careers, with their supposed connections in high places. Which now, they saw how fake it had been, since Lila had promised to introduce Nino to Steven Spielberg since Dupont's sophomore year, but it was years and she always made an excuse for not having happened yet.
Alya fell to her knees, devastated.
"T-that's why they turned me down." She says tearfully. “They said they couldn't accept someone who published gossip and lies, but I never understood what they meant. Until now. "
Marinette felt bad for them. She didn't think Lila had clenched her claws so deeply that it would damage their future. She knew Alya would have complications to be taken seriously, but she didn't think it would be to the point of refusing her university entrance.
"I-" Alya mumbles and looks up at Marinette. "Mari."
Marinette shakes her head.
“No.” She says. “I'm so sorry for you guys. Really. I hope you can follow your dream, but I don't want your apologies.”
“But-” Juleka protests.
“I spent years being trampled and scorned by you because someone you barely knew accused me of bullying and being a jealous bitch. I will not accept your apologies. I'm glad you finally opened your eyes, but that's all.”
“Are you going to throw years of friendship in the trash just to punish us?” Nino attacks.
“What friendship?” Marinette says. “All I remember about this supposed friendship, is to do everything for you and you not repaying even 1% of it.”
"You forgave Chloe after all she did, so why not us?" Nathaniel points out.
“Because she was honest with me. Because she sought help. Because she got better and was genuine for it.”
"And we're not?" Rose whimpers.
"No. You're apologizing because you saw your golden ticket was false.” Growls and everyone shuts up.
They shut up because she was right. They were not genuinely sorry for what they did. They didn't feel guilty about it because it was Lila's fault! Only hers. She deceived them, she who lied. Not them. So why feel guilty about something they didn't do?
But they were guilty. Lila only gave the wick, but they came with the lighter, set it on fire and sat down to watch the candle melt. She didn't force them. They did it willingly and with unprecedented excitement.
"I think we're done for today." Bruce Wayne interrupts the moment. "They'd better be taken back to the hotel." He was talking to Duke, who quickly put the phone to his ear and spoke to someone.
"Come on, I'll take you back to the bus." Dick says, helping Alya to her feet.
The class begins to move, following him out of the cafeteria, but they notice the absence of the others.
"Mr. Grayson, aren't Marinette and the others coming too?” Ivan asks.
Dick glances over his shoulder before looking forward again.
"No. They will stay with the family for the rest of the trip.”
Because Bruce Wayne was so protective of those he loved and Dick doubted he would let Lila Rossi get close to Marinette again. Not when he had the power and influence to prevent it.
But then he would have to face Damian in the witch hunt. Dick was sure the young man already had at least two plans underway. One fatal and one less fatal.
Because that was how their family was.
And Lila Rossi was nothing more than a gum stuck in the sole of their shoe.
"Okay, whose idea was it to bring everyone to WI?" Marinette questions idly.
"Dick." Damian replies without bothering to toss his brother under the bus.
“DAMIAN!” The eldest complains.
"What? I'd rather you angry than Marinette.”
"Okay, fair." Dick sighs. “But the idea was not mine. I just passed it on.”
Marinette raises her eyebrow, demanding.
"And who did?"
"WHAT?! I'LL KILL TIKKI!” Marinette shouts and everyone runs away from her fury.
In Paris, more precisely in the box of the Miraculous, the kwami of creation stops playing with others to sneeze.
"Wow, I think I'm getting sick."
"Or maybe someone is talking about you." Mullo answers.
“But who-” She widens her eyes in panic.
Plagg begins to laugh wildly.
“Looks like we'll have kwami barbecue soon.”
They didn't have kwami barbecue, but it was pretty close.
"Do you think she would have gone crazy right there if I said you're not my only boyfriend?" Adrien asks.
"... It would have been awesome!" Jonathan responds dreamily.
"Can you pay attention to me? I'm feeling left out." Luka complains.
"Sorry sweetie!" Jonathan smiles.
Adrien thinks he wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. Not even if his lady showed up asking him in marriage.
... Which would not be a bad image. The four together.
Probably Damian would kill him if he accepted.
But still a good image.
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Muso giallo – literally "yellow muzzle". It is an offensive term used to refer to Chinese people, sometimes to Asian in general, with intent to point out their yellowish complexion as an indication of racial inferiority. The use of the word "muzzle" is in order not to consider them humans, but animals.
I searched for racial slurs, but I was so pissed off at what I found that I needed to scream at the pillow.
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@spicybelladonna​ @mystery-5-5​ @captainmac6​  @theatreandcomicfreak  @politelyvicious  @thepeacetea  @violatiger8  @vixen-uchiha  @officiallyathiana  @beautym3  @slytherin-heartthrob  @bluerosette23   @g-arya  @sassdowflame  @sunkenshipsanddreams @magicalfirebird @miraculous786  @emjrabbitwolf 
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red-winters · 5 years ago
*Batfam fic-recs
*Some are Tim Drake Centric
**Some links are not working in mobile (and ONLY mobile) for some reason? And some titles that were bolded in the original post are ALSO not displaying on mobile correctly. Idk what to do about that, but you can still look up the fic, I guess.
The Bat’s Crest - livierambles
Note: I will always keep recommending this fic. It’s epic, thrilling, and hilarious and sometimes angsty. Also, everyone is confused, including the ones doing the confusing. Maybe especially the ones doing the confusing. Also, some Tim and Damian bonding, which is always nice.
Summary: Tragedy strikes the hero community when Bruce Wayne commits a crime so heinous even the best start asking for blood. However, as the heroes try to recover from the hit and carry out justice for their friends, a random assortment of people start acting oddly, including the current Speedy Tim Drake, a child hostage in Gotham, and a young man from an unremarkable circus amongst others. All of them seem intent on saving Bruce Wayne from the grasp of the Justice League for no apparent reason, going as far as betraying their previous allegiances.
Unknown to the Justice League, these people are equally confused. Clearly they're stuck in another dimension, but how do they get back? How did they even get here? Who else is stuck in this world? And how long will Tim's patience last? Back home, the Bat was a planetary symbol that struck fear in the hearts of criminals. In this new world, it has no meaning, save for the handful of stranded souls.
In the Shadows - Kieron_ODuibhir
(shortened) Summary:
“I’m not like you.”
The cowl still looked like something he was wearing, but Clark knew it was not. It flexed like skin when Batman narrowed his blank white eyes and said, “I can see you know that.” 
Chirp - AmariT
Summary: Every piece of the signal Tim unlocked revealed more locks, and by the time he broke through the last one, he was already mentally rehearsing his many upcoming talk show appearances. 'Yes,' he told the interviewer, 'it was difficult for me, a ten-year-old genius, to break open the worldwide alien conspiracy. That's why it took a whole hour.'
When the crackling audio started, he expected some weird alien language. Maybe squawks and high-pitched squeals mixed with musical woofs. Maybe they wouldn't talk at all, and images would beam directly into his mind. Maybe they'd talk in practiced English with a Midwestern drawl like their other resident alien.
Instead he heard a low, guttural voice growling out of his computer speakers. "Robin," it said. "Are you in position?"
A Better Cage - Mangaluva
Note: I was absolutely DELIGHTED to see a Young Justice Crossover with the Justice Lords (Earth-50) from the animated Justice League series, which is near and dear to my heart. I admit I haven’t really had much time to hunker down and read this, but even skimming, it’s an intriguing piece of work. Also, Justice Lords.
Summary: Wally's grateful to have woken up at all, really. He just doesn't know what to make of the world he's woken up in. At least they want to find a way to his world as much as he does, if not exactly for the same reasons...
Common People - AmariT
Note: The Bat boys are all Bruce’s blood sons, but it still feels very much like a found family. I haven’t really read everything in this series, but I feel the author has an amazing grip on all the characters. Lovely and heartwarming.
Summary: His whole life, Jason’s mom had told him his dad was Bruce Wayne, but he’d never been dumb enough to actually believe it. They lived in a rundown, one-room apartment in the worst part of town, and in every single picture he’d ever seen of that rich bastard he was wearing a suit or sipping champagne worth more than everything they’d ever owned.
But if he wasn’t Bruce Wayne’s kid, then what the hell was he doing sitting outside the man’s office in Wayne Towers?
Red Robin and the Hood - momoejaku
Note: Haven’t read this in a while, but it made an impression. Though it’s a fic set during the Red Robin arc, it very much is about both Tim and Jason. Plus, it fleshes out the Pru and Z a bit more, too.
Summary: Bruce Wayne is dead. Superman brought back his body, and the family mourned him, holding a quiet funeral in secret so that the legacy of Batman could live on. But not everyone has been able to put him to rest.
Reeling from the loss of Bruce, his identity as Robin and his trust in his family, Tim Drake sets out on a personal quest that will take him across the world to prove what he knows in his heart: that Bruce Wayne is alive.
Though intending to make his way alone, Tim reluctantly accepts help from his predecessor, Jason Todd, who knows from personal experience that death is not always as final as it seems.
Together, they are Red Robin and the Hood.
Liminal Spaces - Calamityjim
Note: Skimmed this only since I’ve been busy, BUT it does look well-written, and I’m always a sucker for alternate dimension/dimension travel intervention-type of fix-its. It’s a very specific trope.
Bruce's habit of collecting strays is not limited by dimension.
When Young Justice Batman comes across an angsty, seemingly abandoned by his Batman Tim Drake, he decides to step up to the plate and parent the crap out of him.
Little Bird’s Vengeance - KatHarkness-Katara
Note: Crossover with Avengers. Awesome fic with Tim and Jason and some Outsider POV (via the Avengers) of these dimensional stragglers. I think Tim’s team shows up in the later chapters, too. If you’re reading on mobile, it’s still very much worth reading despite FF.net’s horrible format and abundance of advertisements in the mobile version.
Summary: Why is life never simple? Red Robin's ended up worlds away from home once again, and now what's he to do? What do the Avengers want from him; do SHIELD have another agenda; and is there any way back? Pre-New 52. No slash. Rated for inevitable language/violent themes.
A Displaced Red Robin - dragonprincess1988
Note: Worth reading despite FF.net’s horrible format and abundance of advertisements in the mobile version. Well-written fic! EMOTIONS! I love them. Younger Dick Grayson is adorable, Tim is a competent fixer-upper for other people but not so much himself. He’s kind of angsty and making YJ Dick want to keep him (and YJ Bruce, too, if you read between the lines). On the plus side, seems like he’s making good friends with Young Justice Roy. This fic was written before certain episodes of YJ came out, though, and the fic reflects/will continue to reflect that. Still, I give it five stars.
Author’s Summary: Tim gets transported to the cartoon Young Justice world, and he's not sure he knows how to deal with it. Attention: If you want to know about Artemis or people from Tim's world the final note on my profile is for you. Also, a special thank you to angel-gidget over at Tumblr, who made the wonderful cover art for this story.
The Till-then From the Ever Since - Keiron O_Duibhir
Note: Fandom classic. Definitely a must-read for Batfam fans, in my humble opinion.
Summary: It began, or seemed to begin, with Jason.
Usually that would have meant something in the order of fire and explosion and probably at least one gunshot wound, but for once (as Tim said, sourly), it wasn't actually Jason's fault.
The Wayne Family Ghost - pupeez4eva
Note: Please read this. Especially if you’re sad or anxious or just have time. I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s my go-to cheer-up fic. Absolutely hysterical.
Summary: In which Bruce realizes that having a legally dead son, who regularly hangs around the family, might be slightly problematic. 
Bloodline - chibi_nightowl
Note: Complicated family dynamics, this time centering around Tim, Selina, Bruce and, surprisingly, Damian. Jason and Dick make an appearance as supportive big bros, too. It works. Take a read, it isn’t that long.
“Mr. Drake, I can’t think of a better way to say this, so I’ll just be blunt. This file is for your first adoption. By the Drakes.”
Tim blinked. “My what?”
“You were adopted as a newborn by Jack and Janet Drake.”
“Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?”
Talon!Tim AU Series by keeptogethernow
Note: Found family, from a different angle. Cool fic and well-written.
Summary of Tso’ape Mumbichi, first in the series: Ten years ago, two people made a deal with the devil--unlimited funds in exchange for their child. And now it's time to pay up. But there's no way to ensure that the child will cooperate.
Shutterbug Series by goldkirk
Note: Exactly what it says on the tin! Found family.
Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you.
Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird next door neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there.
Thursday’s Child - anthalogia
Note: Well-written and has found family and Tiny!Tim? Automatic win.
He’s not the first child with nowhere else to go that Bruce Wayne has taken in. Dick Grayson was the first and the most high-profile – because no one would have thought Bruce Wayne was interested in ever raising a child, let alone the orphaned son of circus performers – but Jason was maybe just as much of a shock to society for being a street kid who came out of seemingly nowhere. Tim Drake is ordinary by comparison – his parents died in a plane accident. He can’t think of anything very special about him except that he met Bruce a few times when his parents hosted parties to keep in touch with Gotham society.
Or, tiny Tim Drake is adopted by the Waynes a little earlier than scheduled.
We’re Not Driving (How did we get here?) - TimTheToaster
Note: Short and sweet, a little angsty, and then very sweet.
Tim stared at his phone, as if that would change what was on the screen.
Dick Grayson @FlyingDGrayson
It took some doing, and in some cases a little blackmail, but we've finally got the whole family together for a movie night! #WayneManor #movienight #familytime #schedulingisanightmare
15 minutes ago
Take It Back Now Y’all - TimTheToaster
Note: And Tiny!Jason has made his appearance. Also, Tim, I am begging you to please take care of yourself—ah, Bruce has made his appearance. Interesting. Also, I gotta say this author is good.
There was absolutely no way this sunshine was from Gotham in April.
Not possible.
Which meant, Tim was no longer in Gotham, in April.
(In which Tim finds himself in the past, and tries to do the right thing. It's more complicated than he'd like.)
Takes a Little Time, Takes a Lotta Twine (To Get Us Back Together) - TimTheToaster
Note: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, beginning of reconciliation, and brotherhood. A satisfying, cathartic moment during the Red Robin arc to soothe your heart.
Tim was in Gotham.
Tim had pretty specifically been avoiding thinking about Dick as much as possible for the last few weeks.
For the last year, really. No need to open that can of carnivorous worms.
Dick had other plans.
Everybody’s Heard (Bird is the Word) - TimTheToaster
Red Robin Era ANGST, but like, deliciously well-written. Also, protective Dad Bruce is always epic. Light bashing of Green Arrow and BC, though. But considering the situation (in this fic), kind of warranted.
5 times Batman heard other heroes talking about his wayward brother,
And 1 time they were talking about his son.
A Choice to Make - scorbusfics
Note: fresh and interesting premise! Cool world building, too.
Summary: They have to choose. Dick and Bruce have to choose one person each to save, and one to disappear through the door.
“Send one of us,” Dick says fiercely, not for the first time. His face is dark and angry and desperate, eyes flicking from brother to brother. “Send one of us instead. I won’t choose.”
“Neither will I,” Bruce says.
But Tim knows.
Secret Places - RenaRoo
It’s ANGST, but the author knows how to use it well. Also, Jason’s line at the end killed me. Damn.
Summary: Tim Drake goes missing. The search to find him begins.
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whereflowersbloom · 5 years ago
Shadows and thorns.
Part III
‘Let them talk’ Those were the words that echoed in her mind, over and over, and in many different ways. In panic, fear, delight, thrill, in many others she couldn't put a finger on. When she reached the castle, panting, she took a deep breath and tried to find composure. ‘Let them talk’, with his his deep, smooth voice her mind screamed, and she closed her eyes tight to expel the thought.
As a daughter of Azarath, Rhachel has been told all her life she must do everything to fulfill her duties. Including marrying a High Lord or Prince and bear his children. It also meant leaving her homeland, wed a man she did not know, she may not even like. That was her destiny. Wed Wallace West that was the arrangement. Not Prince Damian Al Ghul. Never in her six and ten years of life she had experienced so many emotions in a short period of time. She closes her eyes, telling herself to get a grip. No matter her name, her title, she will always be a Roth, brave, noble and true. There’s no reason to be afraid.
“I was growing concerned about your absence.” Constantine muttered quietly, his blue eyes asking silently for the reason behind her noticeable absence. His presence had caught her asleep at the wheel. She couldn’t tell him the truth.
“You worry too much. I was at the stables with Melchior.” she replied, unable to control her shaky voice, her bottom lip quivers as she tries to force a smile. She wasn't fine. She was struck to the bone with a feeling, the very same one that she felt when she first laid eyes on the prince. It burned and delighted her all at once. She was filled with breathless wonder and overwhelming sorrow that both brought tightness to her chest and a lump in her throat. “I thought he might be agitated in this foreign land.”
Constantine raised a brow in disbelief. “Be mindful of your words and actions. This place is a bloody pit of vipers.” John breathed to her ear, only she could hear his voice, firm and wary. It took her several minutes to tranquilize herself. Entering the grand dining hall, the guests were engaged in raucous conversations, men laughing and drinking wine of the finest quality, couples dancing. She finally found a place to sit with other noble ladies, as far as possible from the royal family’s table. Away from him.
Rhachel averted her gaze to look at Wallace a few tables over, drinking and laughing with his friends. He hadn't spoken to her since the feast started, she couldn’t blame him, though she may have purposely made herself unavailable. She observed him, everything about him emanated masculinity, strength and youthful arrogance. Prince Damian though was completely...no. Those intrusive thoughts again.
Damian was gentle, alluring, tempting. Yes, he was all that and much more. His hair shone softly with the color of the night sky. It was shorter and not nearly as curly as Wallace’s red locks. He had prominent cheekbones, high on his face, and lips as inviting as any Rhachel had ever seen. Lips that could that make her soar the sky, with the lightest brush against her skin, whispered kind and inviting words. Perhaps the most striking of all his features were his eyes. They were a vivid shade of green, resembling emeralds, that sparkled with intelligence and depth and darkened with desire and mischief.
Damian sat gracefully with his face leaning against his hand as he tried not to look as bored as he felt. He just came back more than a couple of minutes ago yet, he was already bored, which made his mind wander to Rhachel Roth. He closed his eyes, remembering, feeling the sudden urge to see her and hear her daring, charming voice. The white Raven soon to be his if her guardian agreed to break off the betrothal to the West heir. His eager eyes searched for her in the dining hall, until they found her.
She was staggeringly beautiful in her long gown, a lovely garment of lavender silk whose bodice was chased with dainty silver filigree and some precious stones. The neckline was low enough to bare the swell of her cleavage, and it hugged the deep curve of her waist so that every man, lady could see her body had developed, completely, wonderfully. She was only sixteen he had heard, but she had already possessed a woman's figure. His thoughts already ran wild with what that young figure may look like under all those silks.
A bold idea emerged in his mind, as a boyish smirk appeared on his face. Impatiently he rose from the table, not caring to give a proper explanation to his grandfather or Lady mother. He walked confidently across the dinning hall, towards a corner of it, where she was sitting with other ladies he couldn’t identify for the time being. His mind deliberately set on asking the Azarathian princess for a dance.
The white haired girl was too occupied, thinking of ways to avoid the audacious prince when she heard the ladies at the table tattling, ‘he’s coming’, sighing in awe. She didn’t have to look up, she felt his peculiar and magnetic presence. She silently prayed for Azar to give her strength to remain collected. She raised her head to meet his gaze.
"Lady Roth.” Damian said expectantly, voice rolling over the words like silk. “Would you honor me with a dance?” He bowed gallantly and stretched his right arm to her.
Her eyelashes fluttered as nervousness seeped through her veins. The table went silent, numerous sets of eyes focused on her. She had to reply. She couldn’t decline his offer, it could be seen as an offense. She nodded faintly. “Of course, Your Grace.” she whispered weakly. She hesitated for a minute, but reached for the hand he offered to her cordially, letting his wrap his warm fingers around hers and draw her into the dancing crowd.
“Your Grace. I do not understand your intentions.” She cleared her throat and spoke nervously, gazing at him as she frowned.
He surprised her, when his other hand, found her waist, bringing her body closer to his. He started to twirl them gently around the room, attracting the attention of other couples dancing. Rhachel had tried to shut down her heart. Explaining the feelings Damian Al Ghul had awakened within her with that one single heavy word that filled her with anxiety and dread. No, she wouldn’t dare pronounce it.
"I cannot help but feel that we are fated to meet more than once, my princess of thorns.” He confessed solemnly and Rhachel flinched. "When I first laid eyes on you. I wished to speak to you. The gods allowed me that moments ago at the royal stables, but I fear I cannot get enough now.” His words knocked down her walls, and she suddenly felt very vulnerable. "Rhachel, May I call you by your name?" He breathed urgently and huskily close to her ear, she went weak at her knees and could barely remain standing.
“It’s not appropriate, Your Grace.” She breathed, turning her head away slightly. Her name sounded so poetic on his tongue. Her mouth was suddenly dry, and she had to swallow in order to wet her lips.
Damian ran fingers ran through her moonlight hair, feeling it soft as silk against his calloused fingers. He bent forward, taking a deep breath of the lavender she seemed to have bathed in. The touch was electric, sending a warm tingle coursing through her frame. A fluttering sensation which spread its wings like a butterfly, journeying in a flight until it settled somewhere in the lower part of her belly.
“They say that before the tournament ends. The King will announce your betrothal to Lady Troy.” The words slipped out of her mouth unconsciously. It was not something she had intended on bringing up. It was not her concern who the prince married, shared his bed with, fathered children or anything he did. Yet the thought of the distinguished Amazonian princess on Damian’s arm or any woman, made her stomach clench.
“They don’t get a say in my betrothal. It is for me to decide who will be my bride.” He raised his voice, declaring indignantly, resolutely, with an air of authority he wore like a second skin. His face had hardened. Certainly, she could see Damian Al Ghul becoming a wise, righteous and admirable ruler of Nanda Parbat.
“Besides, I already have another lady in mind. She’s thoughtful, assertive, bewildering as lovely. She has brought indescribably joy into my life.” He looked at her with a playful, confident smirk, as he spun her in an exhilarating waltz.
She cleared her throat. “This all sounds scandalous, Your Grace. It seems to me you wish to kiss this lady.” she had whispered, feeling emboldened by his words. The suffocating feeling grew strongly inside her, constricting her chest tightly. All she wanted to do was to push him away, right there, in the middle of the hall. Run away from him.
“Rhachel.” He pronounced her name slowly, tenderly, pressing his body against hers. "Did you feel it too? When you first saw me, were you struck breathless, as I was?" He was dangerously too close. She could perceive his fervent and overwhelming desire emanating from his figure. Yes, she wanted to say. A million times, yes. Yet, she buried her yearning for him. It was forbidden, even if they wanted to cancel the betrothal. She can’t.
He expertly twirled her across the room. To describe Damian as ordinary would be a terrible injustice. He was holding her steady, knowing exactly when to turn and when to slow down. He was in complete control, he has mastered the art of dancing.
She then closed her eyes, and breathed in deep. When she opened them, she looked down at her feet, gathering courage before saying. “I cannot give you the answer you wish to hear, your Grace.” Delight and sorrow seemed to blend together in her heart, brewing a poisonous mixture.
“You can’t or is it fear stopping you?” He grasped her tiny wrist carefully, calculating his force, he did not want to hurt her, his brows knitted questioningly.
Rhachel smiled at Damian, beginning to take a liking to this enigmatic prince, but her smile faded as he stopped dancing and she broke away from his arms. It felt strange to suddenly be separate from his body despite only embracing for a short while. Rhachel shook her head, denying her own feelings. Her dream was, she knew deep down, a mere fancy, a remnant of a desire that would forever remain unspoken. “I have to retire to my chamber, Your Grace.” She muttered quietly, broken. A lump forming in her throat, teary eyed.
“Call me Damian. At least grant me that wish.” Damian didn’t want let her go. He debate to take her in his arms, keep her close and safe, taste those pink lips. Her soft pearl like skin. The scent of her essence, it was mysterious, floral and pleasant. He wanted her urgently. His desire for the princess went beyond reason. “Please” he never pleaded but for her, he’d put his pride aside, just to hear articulate his name with her melodious, soft voice. “Good night, Damian.” She whispered only to him, dropping into a curtsy, unable to hold his gaze, before leaving for her chambers.
“Rhachel Roth, I will make you the next Queen of Nanda Parbat.” Damian promised to himself, he clenched his fists and remained where he was. Determination and fire running through his veins.
New update sorry it’s so slow. 😭😭😭😭 @lunastar92 @xxitzmikoxx @chromium7sky @quoth--the--raven đŸ’œđŸ’œđŸ’œâ€ïžâ€ïž
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bluebirdwrites · 5 years ago
j stands for joker; batfam
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warnings; language, violence, injury, non-consensual touching (nothing extreme), descriptions of death.
author’s note; so,, this is based off of Arkham knight slightly where jason gets branded by the joker. except!!! in this universe, the normal thing where jason died happened, and it’s batsis that this happens to during an unexpected situation.. if that makes sense? hopefully this isn’t too sucky :’) fem!reader too, btw (: here’s my dc masterlist in case you wanna, you know, check it out! requests the opennnn ;)
summary; with time, you hope that Joker will burn. that he will be marked by death the way that he has branded your skin.
Being held up in the bank with your brother on the way to get lunch is not how you expected the day to go. Not to mention, being Wayne kids had massive targets immediately on your backs in the case of bank robbers.
If only they knew Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Fuck’s sake,” He drags a hand down his face, palming at his cheeks looking rather like a spoilt child with an angry pout on his face at a time like this. “Of all the times that I don’t carry my guns. This shit happens.”
You glare at him over your shoulder, making sure to thump him up the side of the head watching as the white strands mix with black, “Not the time when we’ll probably be the ones offered up as rich people bait Jason.”
It’s not the people that turn you in surprisingly enough, it turns out to be the white streak of hair that flops over your brother’s forehead that gives him away as the a Wayne boy, and in turn you as a Wayne girl.
The thugs parade around you both in a circle making sure to taunt you both, roughly shoving your brother to the floor even as he glares up with such a ferocity you know he’s itching to lose it. So, stupidly- bravely maybe, you step in, completely ignoring the glare that is now focused on you.
“Well aren’t you boys just precious? Look,” you let out a whistle and press the emergency button on your necklace that would alert the whole family. “How about you take your hands off of my brother and shove them up your ass so I don’t have to do it for you.” It is said lightly, even as Jason continues to give you a look of exasperation that says to shut up, it’s too late now.
The men laugh as the leader- seemingly a member of Jokers crew by the white clown makeup he wears- steps toward you and lifts your chin with a gun. “Listen rich-bitch, I don’t want to mess up that pretty face of yours,” the gun stays put as the man grabs your waist and brings you towards him by the hips. “That and I always like a woman with a mouth. I think I’ll take you with me sweetheart. Make everyone else leave, let’s keep the girl here for when the boss arrives.”
You can see three guys grab Jason and struggle to hold him as the guy turns you so your back is to his chest. “Everyone out,” the guy rubs the gun in circles on your temple and cocks it as you give a fuming Jason a hard look telling him to go. “Or her brains paint the wall a nice shade of red.”
Everyone leaves, and you’re sure your family will be here soon as the guy feels you up. You growl low in your throat and drive your elbow backwards as his hand grazes over your ass.
“Touchy, touchy,” the guy ties you up on a chair in the bank ripping your shirt from your torso. The gun is still pointed to your temple and your impatience grows. “The boss is here rich-bitch, and he’s going to have some fun with you.”
The clown is pasty white and scarred as always. Still wearing a purple suit and an orange plaid dress shirt. Still a psycho with green hair and an unflinching smile; this is your first time meeting him in civilian clothes.
“Well, well, well. Whatever do we have here? You wouldn’t happen to be Miss Wayne would you? My, my, my,” the Clown’s cackles bounce off of the walls as he claps his hands in glee. “Now you’re all mine, mine, mine, to do with as I please. Can’t harm that pretty face can I? I’ll have to get creative.”
He turns to the thug in the room, gun still hesitantly trained on you. The clown smiles, mouth gleaming yellow and bared as he purrs approaching his henchman holding out his hand expectant. “Such a good boy, give me the gun,” the goon is wary as he gives Joker the gun. “Time for the fun, pull my finger.”
The sound of the bullet ripping though the man’s skull is wet, spraying blood and brain matter from the impact of the bullet. The henchmen’s eyes are glazed as his body dully falls to the floor and pools with red. The clown cackles and jumps with glee, clicking his heels and shimmying around the fallen body.
Soon after, Joker brings forth a battery and generator that one would use on a car from a storage closet. He unhurriedly connects a wire to each arm and each leg and steps back chittering to himself as you wonder what in the hell is taking your family so long.
“Now pet, I’m not going to kill you! Of course not!,” his voice lowers an octave as the first circuit of electricity goes through you with the press of a button in his palm causing a loud groan to escape you and buzzing noises to fill your ears. “I’m just going to hurt you. Really, really, bad.”
A mere few minutes later, he stops the surges of electricity, seemingly frazzled as he approaches you with a metal rod and an unfaltering grin and twitching, deranged eyes. You begin to struggle, as it looks akin to that of a branding iron with its red hot end at one end of the metal.
“It seems that we’ve run out of play time dear, I’ll leave you something to remember me by until our next play-date since we’ve had so much fun together.” The clown lifts the iron poker for you to see, red hot with the letter ‘J’ held close to the side of your neck.
You’re straining in your chair as you think you can feel the buzz of your necklace on your collarbones, alerting you that they are coming. They’ll be here soon is all you can think as you try and stall.
“Go to hell you” it is said, and it is said with venom lacing your voice. It makes the clown all the more eager as he pushes the brand into the side of your neck. The pain is searing and it makes your toes curl as a scream rips through your throat as you become branded with him. His name on your body forever.
He soon stands back and claps his hands as he reheats the brand placing the mark multiple more times against your bare torso, becoming increasingly gleeful as you scream and cry. “You’re mine now girlie, got me all over you.”
The sound of glass raining from above like a hurricane is reassuring as the pain throbs and your body is searing and sizzling where his brand has been. The clown stands behind you, lifting your head by your hair. He’s leaning over your shoulder as he shows you off like a sick prize to your family in costume.
“Look at how pretty she looks all marked up,” he yanks your head to the side showing one of his brands and slides his hands up and down your torso where the rest of the brands lie. “Now she’s all mine, mine, mine. I had fun with her today, we’ll have to do it again sometime! Tell her daddy I say ‘Hi’!”
Tears are in your eyes as you look at the members of your family currently in front of you. Varying levels of anger are displayed, as they all twitch and glare looking ready to rip the clown behind you to shreds. Joker leans down to rest his head on your shoulder and wrap his arms around your neck and giggle as the lights go out and he is gone. Just like that becoming a ghost.
There is a beat of silence where your head rolls harshly to the side as you stare blankly with silent tears. There is a beat of silence as they realise that Joker is gone and of the pain that you are in and the state of your body. The beat of silence is the calm before the storm. In that beat of silence you are scared, utterly terrified. Not of the clown but of what he has done to you.
You don’t move and neither do they, too paralysed and too numb and in that moment you just want your family. The tears come faster, they come in fat salty rivets that cover your cheeks and drip off your jaw. The panic and the pain sets in next, overwhelmingly so, and it crushes you.
Your dad is there first, not as Batman but as Bruce Wayne- he must have come through the front entrance judging by the wide open door and police escort- as he reaches you, his daughter. The restraints are gone as you fall forward into him as he allows himself to run his hands through your hair and kiss the crown of your head.
“Dad,” you cling to your father and you are aware as he picks you up and wraps you in his suit jacket being careful of the brands that cover your torso. “Can we go home?”
Your brothers are in costume you realise, as they vanish in quick succession, one after the other. When you get outside, there is press and police and sirens. There are flashing cameras and yelling. The police force a barricade around yourself and your father make press leave.
The next thing you remember you’re in an ambulance and there are four people rushing towards you and your dad. Damian reaches you first, where an out of character hug happens as he leaps on you minding the bandages on your torso. He has his head resting on your shoulder and all you can think is, ‘I’m glad it was me and not anyone else.’
“I’ll kill him,” it’s said as a snarl and you know he means it. There’s no playing around with what he’s saying, with the sincerity of it. “He hurt you. Branded you, and I know you are not okay before you even say it. I was worried and I am glad that you’re okay.”
With glassy green eyes, he gently lets go of you standing slightly to the side and then Dick’s there, half picking you up and still being careful with you. But you can feel the anger bubbling in the trembling of his arms and the ticking of his jaw, the familiarity of the dangerous temper hiding under the surface. You can see the fear too, within the tears ready to drip down his cheeks and the shaky breaths he takes.
“Had us worried there pretty bird,” and he’s letting you sit back down fully and kissing your temple. “Don’t taunt the guys holding you hostage again please. Don’t take after Jason. Cass, Babs and Kate are going after Joker at the moment.”
He now stands to the side with his jaw locked talking to Damian. And Tim’s looking at you with tired, worried eyes as he takes large steps forward to hug you. He’s hugging you as tight as he can; so tight you can feel the racing and stuttering of his heart in his chest. He seems beyond relieved that you’re okay.
He’s pulling back to look you in the eye. “When I saw you before, I-,” he’s now gripping your shoulders forcing your eyes to meet the smouldering steely blue of his own, that show the distress within them. “I thought he was going to kill you y’know? I thought that- well, I’ll tell you later. Just know that I’m glad you’re safe pretty bird.”
As Tim joins your other brothers, it is only Jason with you now. You can see it in his eyes- he’s tearing himself to bits. He looks like he’s been crying, his face is puffy and his cheeks and nose are flushed pink. He strides towards you until he’s standing so close he’s towering over you wringing his hands looking like a kicked puppy.
“Why did you talk back to that thug in there? I had it under control! You were hurt by him, it should’ve been me! Why the fuck? I will kill that son of-“ he’s ranting and running his hands through his hair, mussing it up beyond belief. His eyes are blue green and darkening with his anger, and his lip is beginning to wobble the way it always does before he either explodes or is about to cry.
And you’re the one pulling him to you this time, tired arms around broad shoulders. You’re the one making him cling to you as he hugs you as tight and as tenderly as he can while his eyes water and he’s shaking like a leaf. Only when he’s ready, he’s pulling back and silently asking to look at the brand on your neck.
When he sees it, he looks green and he gags. Not because the wound is that bad, but because of what it stands for. Because of who had branded you, of the promise Joker made, of the fact you both knew Joker would be back for you.
The ‘J’ covers the entire column of the left side of your throat, it looks red and angry and painful. Jason is tentative as he runs a finger over it and you look each other in the eye. It burns. And with time, you both hope that Joker will burn too.
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ragingbookdragon · 5 years ago
How Rare And Beautiful It Is That We Exist
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The super angsty collab with the lovely and beautiful @livia-art​ PS, go follow her ‘cause she’s AMAZING :)
A Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Story
Word Count: 2,100 Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst, Death Author’s Note: Based off Sleeping At Last’s ‘Saturn’. Cry like Liv and I did drawing and writing it. -Thorne :)
He stood in front of the mirror adjusting the tie, fingers slipping up and down the silky fabric. Hesitation drilled into his mind as he paused, taking in his reflection. It had been years since he’d put on a suit that wasn’t made of Kevlar and tri-weave titanium. Years since he’d attended any type of higher-class function. Jason inhaled deeply, pulling the tie up the base of his throat before he tugged at the bottom of the suit jacket, satisfied that this was the best he was going to look. About that time, the doorbell rang, and he turned, making his way to the front door. His hand curled around the doorknob and he twisted it, pulling it open to reveal his father, lightly smiling at him. “Jason. Good to see you.” Jason offered him a grin in return, accepting the hug Bruce gave him.
           “Good to see me? You saw me two days ago?” Bruce laughed as he released his son, watching him close the door, then begin their walk down the hallway and stairs.
           “What can I say? I miss my sons. Even my favorite one.” Something warm spread through Jason’s chest, but instead of commenting on it, he returned,
           “Don’t let Dick and Damian hear you say that
they’ll get jealous.” Bruce stopped in front of the door, holding it open for them.
           “Isn’t Tim included in that?” His son gave an amused grunt as he stepped through the door, waiting for Bruce to follow.
           “Tim knows he’s not the favorite by a longshot.” He watched Bruce frown momentarily before murmuring,
           “I’ll need to remind him he’s my second favorite when I get home then.” They climbed into the waiting car, sliding into the backseats. As Jason fastened his seatbelt, he glanced at Bruce and asked,
           “How come you didn’t bring along the rest of them anyway? Shouldn’t this be a family event?” Bruce paused, hands slowing over the seatbelt he pulled at; a moment passed by, then he replied,
You and I haven’t spent any time together unless it was on patrol
I think we’re long overdue for some father-son time
” He looked at Jason, doubt running through steel-blue eyes as he hesitated, “
Does it bother you? If it does, I can call Dick and the others. I wouldn’t want-” Jason reached over, placing a hand on his shoulder, an easy smile on his lips as he reassured,
it’s okay.” He squeezed his shoulder gently, adding, “And it is long overdue.” The relieved look that crossed Bruce’s features almost made him chuckle, but he swallowed it down, pulling his hand away and quipped, “Just please don’t tell me that I’m gonna have to suck up to the socialites
god, I hate doing that.” Bruce snorted, shaking his head.
           “Don’t worry. The theatre box we’ll be in is just us.” Jason raised an eyebrow at that and questioned,
           “We’re going to the movies?” His father hummed, gaze drifting out the window as he absentmindedly replied,
           “Theatre. We’re watching a play.” The reply made Jason roll his eyes and he mocked lowly,
           “Theatre. We’re watching a play. Should’ve said music hall instead.” Bruce gave no answer other than a quiet chuckle, and a few moments later, they were stepping inside the theatre, climbing the steps to the box. Jason lagged Bruce a few steps, hand tightening around the railing as he asked, “So, what are we watching?” They stepped into the box, taking their seats, gazes shifting to the stage; something in Bruce’s expression made him apprehensive, then Bruce disclosed,
           “The Mark of Zorro.” Jason’s expression went slack as the words failed him, and when he finally found them, he whispered,
Are you sure you want to be here
to see this Bruce?” He watched Bruce’s jaw clench slightly, and after a minute, he nodded.
Despite the tragedy that I faced that night
it was one of the best nights I’d ever had
with both my parents
” He looked over at Jason, eyes sad, but warm all the same. “I want to share this with you
son.” Jason blinked, the lump starting to grow in his throat, and tried to speak, but instead managed a simple nod. Bruce smiled in return, and the theatre began to darken, guiding their eyes back to the stage.
A Few Hours Later:
POETIC CINEMA!” He couldn’t help the snort that come from him, and as Jason’s head whipped his way, he raised a hand to his mouth, coughing to cover it. “ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME?!” Bruce grinned, shaking his head.
           “I’d never laugh at you Jason. Never.”
           “YOU’RE LYING RIGHT NOW! YOU JUST SNORTED! THAT COUNTS AS LAUGHING!” The longer he ranted, the more humorous it became, and ultimately, Bruce broke down, laughter flowing from him. Jason watched, ranting a few more times, but eventually joined him. When they finally calmed, they were wiping tears from their eyes with one hand, the other rubbing at their stomachs; Jason sucked in some air, letting out a breathy chuckle. “I haven’t laughed that hard in forever.” Bruce nodded, reaching up to rub his aching jaw.
           “Agreed.” Jason reached over, elbowing him in the side.
           “I forgot you could laugh Bruce.” His father stopped, the joyful expression quickly replaced with a heartbreaking, sorrowful one.
I didn’t laugh a lot after you were gone
didn’t feel like it.” Jason’s face dropped as well, the memories of a darker time coming back to the surface. He shifted his weight between his feet, eyes staring downwards so he didn’t have to look at Bruce; he didn’t want to see the pain etched across his face. “Things got easier after Tim came along
but he always saw himself as stand-in
never the son I thought he was.” Jason inhaled deeply, gathering the courage to look back at his father and say,
           “Things are better now than they were Bruce.” His father tried to smile, but could only form a grimace, nodding along.
They are
” Bruce took a breath, looking up at the sky before he shifted his gaze back down, a small smile on his face; he tipped his head to the side. “Let’s get out of here and go home.” Jason nodded, feet beginning to shift in the direction of the entrance when a shadow fell across them. A glint of silver shone in the moonlight, the sharp snap of the hammer followed by a bright flash rocked their senses, and Bruce reacted, sliding between the bullet and Jason.
You taught me the courage of stars before you left. How light carries on endlessly, even after death. With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite. How rare and beautiful it is, to even exist.
           Everything shifted as time distorted, and Jason watched, teal eyes widening with each passing second as Bruce jerked backwards, knees beginning to collapse under him. Jason first instinct was to apprehend the fleeing shooter, but the more pressing matter of Bruce collapsing outranked it; he caught Bruce as he dropped, arms winding around his chest, hands seeking out wherever the bullet had entered. They hit the ground, Bruce’s shoulders pressed back against Jason’s chest, head resting against his clavicle. Jason stared in horror as the crimson liquid spread, staining the pristine white shirt Bruce had on. He reached forward, fingers splaying against the center of Bruce’s chest, hissing, “Shit. Shit. Shit.” He looked around, voice panicky. “Bruce where’s your cellphone? I need to call an ambulance.” Bruce groaned, shaking his head, voice soft as he teased,
           “Left it in the car
not polite to bring cellphones into
theatres...” Had the situation not been so dire, Jason would’ve laughed, but the reality was beaming down on him, the alley walls closing tighter and tighter around them and he spat,
           “Oh, come on! You’re always prepared! You’re gonna tell me the one-time you’re shot you’re not carrying a phone?!” The blood started to slip between his fingers, making his grip weak as he pressed harder, and he angrily continued, “What were you thinking?! Why would you do something like this?!” Bruce shook his head at Jason’s words, and he let out a low curse, sighing, “Look, someone must’ve heard the gun go off. Help is gonna find us, Bruce. Don’t worry.” His father gave a weak chuckle, steel-blue eyes catching Jason’s for a moment before he glanced upwards to the sky and murmured,
           “Look at all of them Jay
the stars
how courageous they are to keep shining even after they’ve died.” His gaze drifted back to Jason’s and he praised, “Just like you...so strong-willed and-” Bruce’s voice faltered, breathing heavily and swallowing thickly as he pushed the words out. “Passionate
everything is everlasting Jason
life and death are just terms
stages of existence
but rarity and beauty
comes through living
through existing
” He paused, smiling at Jason, pearly white teeth stained red. “Your existence is up there, Jay
with the best of them all
and all that greatness out there? The universe and all it has? That’s all for you to see Jay
for your eyes
I couldn’t help but ask, for you to say it all again. I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen. I’d give anything to hear you say it one more time, That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes.
           Jason sucked in a breath, but it didn’t do any good. His lungs were on fire and his chest burned as if he’d inhaled smoke from a wildfire. He could barely see Bruce’s face anymore, vision too blurred by the endless number of tears streaming down his face. He choked on his breath, stuttering out, “Stay-stay awake old man. Help is coming.” Bruce’s breathing had quieted, no longer the heavy puffs in and out he’d taken just moments earlier; he hummed lowly.
restin’ my
eyes Jay
” Jason groaned, curling his arms tighter around his chest.
           “No-no-no. Don’t do that.” He formed a smile, breathing out, “Tell me again about the universe. How it’s all for me to see.” The corners of Bruce’s lips turned upwards, and he murmured,
Got a
pen?” Jason shifted his hands, right pressing tightly to the wound, the other searching his suit pockets. After a moment, he frowned and whispered,
           “I can’t find one.” He dropped his head against Bruce’s, chin propped on his head. “C’mon old man
tell me again
I’ll give anything for it.” He clenched his eyes shut, the pressure forcing more tears down his cheeks, then he felt a hand brush in his hair, and he shifted, opening his eyes to look down, seeing Bruce smile faintly at him.
           “It’s all for you Jay
all the universe
” His lips wobbled as he nodded and acknowledged,
           “Thank you
dad.” As if he’d been given a few seconds more of life, Bruce’s smile grew and he breathed gently,
           “I’m proud
of you
always have been
will be
” The hand softly patting his hair began to slip, and Jason’s heart stopped as he heard, “
Love you
” Jason’s hand shot forward, gripping Bruce’s, the words tumbling from his mouth like a cascade of rapid waters.
           “Dad don’t go. Please don’t go. I love you too dad. Please just
don’t leave me here by myself.” This time, his pleas sparked no response, and Jason shifted, pulling Bruce against him, one arm crossing Bruce’s chest, the other cradling his head. His fingers brushed against his father’s temple, pushing the hair from his sweat-slicked forehead. Warmth spread across his fingertips, but Jason didn’t feel any of it
all he felt was cold
and freezing. His jaw clenched, the air restricting in his lungs as he tried to take a breath in. Warmth flowed down his cheeks as he shut his eyes, grip tightening as he began to rock slightly. Too many emotions built up at once: anger, hurt, pain, sorrow, but all he could manage were silent tears. Another flash of light surrounded him, the piercing shrill of a siren in his ears, but he heard nothing, felt nothing.
           Jason opened his eyes, tipping his head up to the sky, gaze attended by the billions of twinkling stars above him, as if they would save him.
With shortness of breath, I’ll explain the infinite. How rare, and beautiful it truly is, that we exist.
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theforeverbattles · 5 years ago
Shadow AU
Will be 18+ but for now you babies are safe.
“I do not need a bodyguard.”
“This has been the fourth attempt on your life this month, and the ten in the past year. Despite you being capable of protecting yourself these precautions are being put into effect.”
Damian Al Ghul stands in defiance against both his mother and grandfather, his teeth gritting together. “Some third party guard isn’t going to stop them. We need to find the source of these attacks, that should be the priority.”
“This isn’t up for debate Damian, we merely are giving you the courtesy of telling you before a shadow begins to follow you.” Talia, his mother stares him down, her expression showing almost no emotion.
The heir clenches his fists in frustration, “this is unnecessary in all aspects. Neither of you have guards and attempts have been made for your lives as well. I can handle myself.”
Ra’s Al Ghul clears his throat, “you are the heir to this empire. Your life is the most important, again this is not up for discussion this is a warning. Now, leave me be, I have business to attend to.” He turns swiftly on his heel and walks away down the long hall.
Damian looks to his mother to find she too is leaving the space, allowing him to now stew in his thoughts.
A body guard is the last thing he needs. How can’t they see that?
What should be happening in a hunt for whatever imbecile that is selling information. However nobody seems concerned about that.
Damian stares blankly at the portal opening before them, his arms tucked behind himself. His face is a mask, hiding his true irritation.
A massive figure emerges first, red skin and horns, white hair. The second set of eyes is what catches Damian, surprised by the piercing gaze. He makes sure to keep himself completely composed as Lord Trigon makes his entrance. His grandfather moving to shake hands.
Damian propels himself forward, knowing he should as well.
The demon king stares down into his soul it feels, his skin like coals searing against his own. Words are spoken but he only partly hears them, they aren’t directed towards him.
“Damian.” When his name is spoken he looks up, “yes?”
“Your guard will be one of my own children, they are a shadow.” Trigon steps to the side and another figure comes from the portal. They’re small, covered from head to toe in black, the only skin showing around their eyes.
Despite the small stature Damian can’t actually tell if they are female or male. Can’t see their build or muscle structure. They are just as Trigon said, a shadow. A figure not to be seen ever.
“What is your name?” He asks but the demon lord holds his hand up.
“They do not have a name, none of my children do, they are there as a shield and that is all. If you must call them anything this one is Rae.”
Damian nods, his grandfather continues to speak with Trigon leading him from the room toward the dining area. Most likely to get drinks. He stares at the figure that is now his personal guard, they are silent.
“I do not need protection nor do I want it. It will be best for both of us if you just stay away from me. Your presence here is a waste.” He snaps.
Without another thought he turns and walks away, waiting for the figure's footsteps to follow him. When he doesn’t hear them he’s shocked. Peeking back he finds Rae is gone, as if they hadn’t even been there.
He turns around fully, confused as to where they went so quickly.
However he’s quickly greeted with Rae in his space, their violet eyes close to his. But only for a moment.
“How did you
” he whispers, thrown off for a second, “do not do that.” He then growls, turning to the figure with anger in his eyes.
They back up and bow slightly, hand going into the robes their in. They then produce a scroll of paper, Damian snatches it from their grasp.
‘My duty is to serve.
My master has been assigned as Ra’s Al Ghul.
My service is to protect Damian Al Ghul.
This contact can not be broken, if so death shall befall the servant.’
“Do you think I care if you die?” Damian narrows his eyes, “I can protect myself.” He throws the scroll down and storms off.
Albeit in a toddler fashion.
Damian is a proud man, he’s nearly twenty now, he does not need the help of some servant. All of the attempts on his life he has fought off, he has protected himself and he will continue doing so.
His main thought now is to find the traitor or traitors amongst the members of the league. He’s set on discovering them and ending them. His family is being made a mockery become of it.
A few days pass and Damian isn’t able to shake the shadow that has been following him non stop. They are silent always, footsteps not even audible.
He currently is in his room, studying through countless books and reports he’s gathered.
Damian is sure the guard is with him, somewhere within his space. He has started to adapt to their aura always around already, and he hates it. He has that subconsciously he has accepted this, it feels like a punishment.
He leans back and reads over a file, tablet in hand, normally this kind of tech isn't authorized within the sanctions walls. But he has pulled strings in order to get what he needs.
So far he’s come up with nothing, however is feeding their secrets to an outside source is hidden. And hidden well at that. They haven’t caused any alarm or suspicion.
While reading he sees the shadows shift and realizes that they’re here. His watchdog.
“Come out.” His voice is stern.
Slowly they creep from the darkest corner of the room, head bowed down as usual. “I told you to leave me alone, these are my private quarters.” He snaps angrily.
They don’t say a word, “do you speak? Are you incapable of basic conversation?”
Again silence.
“Get out, I will not tell you again.” Damian growls, ready to pounce on the figure. Entirely fed up with being constantly watched.
The shadow backs up and ends up out of his room, in frustration he throws back where it had previously been standing. Anger coursing through his veins.
In order to curb the fury he gets out of bed and grabs his sword and cloak. It only being dusk, he just needs to leave for a bit.
Damian goes to the stables to his horse and in mere moments is out of the sanctuary and down the dirt roads. Small villages litter the area, all poor, all suffering.
Silently he gets off his horse and walks into one of the small pubs, needing a drink without the prying eyes of his grandfather and mother to see.
He takes in the surrounding villagers and keeps his head down, knowing he sticks out like a sore thumb.
Surprisingly Damian doesn’t feel the lingering of his guard. He can’t sense their aura and certainly didn’t see them follow him. Maybe finally they got the message to fuck off.
The other patrons stare into their mugs, despair on their features. That and something else. He can’t pinpoint what though. It could be just because he is there, it’s no secret the villages around the compound hate them.
Damian supposes they have every right to, given they bring death. But that being said, the compound was there first, they have every right to be there.
He orders his drink and downs most of the contents, not wanting to seem like a mop at the bar after all. And he certainly does not want the towns working girls to approach him, he would be, embarrassed to say the least.
Trained to kill yes.
Trained in emotions no.
Once finished with his drink he leaves in a rush, money on the bar top. Outside he stops in the doorway, eyes locked on his horse, or more so the individual petting his horse.
She wears all white, lace covering her arms, a tight bodice, the same delicate lace along that. Flaring out to a skirt, just barely touching the ground. He swallows not prepared for the woman in the slightest, slowly he approaches.
“Excuse me.”
“Oh, I'm Sorry, does she belong to you?” The woman turns, revealing a face created from gods and goddesses. Her lips a pretty heart shape, cheekbones high, but her face a little hollow. He feels a blush creep up his neck and instantly feels shame.
He should not have this kind of reaction.
“Yes...It’s unwise to touch things that aren’t your property.” Damian clears his throat, trying to regain his composure. He can’t for the life of him keep his eyes off her though. She has violet colored hair that seems like an impossible feature, the small waves landing to the middle of her back.
“Are you going to punish me for petting your horse? That’s a bit cruel, wouldn’t you think?” Her voice sends shivers down his spine in a way he didn’t think possible.
“I didn’t say that.”
The girl smiles and turns to face him completely, “you don’t seem to be from around here. This looks far too expensive.” She takes a step and gestures to his armor.
“I could say the same for you.”
“Well that’s because i'm not, from around here that is.” Her dress shifts slightly and he sees dark marks on her chest. Lines swirling along her collarbone and down under the lace of her arms.
“I can tell. What is your business here?”
“What’s yours?” She counters with an almost devilish smirk. Damian moves now, approaching his horse, moving past her. He needs her out of his field of vision so he can concentrate.
“I asked you first.” He turns and catches her wrist before she can touch his armor.
Her face doesn’t change in the slightest, “I’m passing through if you must know. I’m on, a business trip.” She smiles now and pulls her arm from his grasp, “and if I was to guess, you’re from the secret society of assassins in the mountains right?”
He keeps his face a mask, “you’re playing a dangerous game little bird.”
“Little bird? Moving to pet names already?” Her eyes light up in a way that makes Damian feel weak. She leans up and grabs his armor, tugging him down before he can say a word.
Their lips crash together and the world practically stops for the assassin. Never in his life would he do this.
But here he is.
Not only kissing a complete stranger but grasping into her like a dog in heat.
Where did his control go? His will?
She tugs on his hair softly and he nearly melts, as soon as it happens however it’s over. Her lips gone from his, her entire body removed, he stands in shock, mind, body everything short circuiting.
“Thanks for the ride pretty boy. No hard feelings right?” She winks and kicks off.
His horse galloping away, “hey!” He shrieks getting his sword out. Only to stop, what is he going to do? Slaughter them both right here? Bad idea.
Instead his shoulders sag. This is why he doesn’t associate with others.
After walking back to the compound in minor defeat he goes to the stables, knowing his horse won’t be there. But it wouldn’t hurt to look, and also possibly hide the fact they’re now missing an animal.
He can still feel her lips on his, and smell the faint vanilla and sage scent of her hair. Shaking his head he opens the stable up and nearly drops dead.
Standing, where he got her from is Stila, his black mere. Looking at him as if she hadn’t been horse napped only hours before.
Damian approaches her slowly, looking around the fit wench that took her. His sword at the ready and ears trained for the slightest sound of movement.
Nothing however happens, not a single speck of dust stirs.
“How did you
?” He murmurs to himself walking up to her, his fingers brushing along her coat.
The realization hits him suddenly, she knows how to get in the compound. Know who he is. She could be a threat, could be someone sent for him.
“Rae!” He calls quickly. In seconds the shadow appears, head bowed as usual.
“Have you been with me the entire time?” He snaps, realizing now that if they had they didn’t stop him from being robbed. Which is their job.
They nod yes, “you allowed me to lose my horse.” Damian narrows his eyes, is he throwing a fit? Yes yes he is. Sometimes it’s inevitable with how bottled up he’s forced to keep himself.
“Search the ground for the girl in white, she was able to get in without any of us knowing.” The shadow nods again but doesn’t move.
They stay still, shifting only slightly, their hand comes from the black robes, holding a crisp envelope.
Damian snatches it from his guards grasp, angry with himself. Pissed that he let himself get distracted. By a girl no less.
The envelope reads in pretty handwriting, ‘Pretty Boy’.
“Where did you get this?”
The figure just backs up, making Damian even more irritated. He rips it open and reads the letter inside.
‘Your shadow friend is quite quick on their feet. While you mopped they stopped me, a shame. I’m writing this letter in thanks. Mainly to your guard of darkness for allowing me to live, but also to you. You’re not as legendary as they say Damian Al Ghul, but I won’t tell. We all have our off days. I’ll consider myself lucky I wasn’t killed on the spot, that being said you should consider yourself just as lucky. It’s unwise to go around kissing witches.
I hope to see you again someday pretty boy, I think we’d get along.
-Little Bird’
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chromium7sky · 6 years ago
Damirae week day 2: fake relationship | I'm a sucker (for you)
"You suck, like seriously. "
Jason told Damian as soon as Damian explain the situation that become tangible. Oh how he did wish to turn back time and said NO but... This time,  he said yes. Especially to a girl who seems to come out of nowhere.
But seriously,  he involved in deep shit and know it seems all the media and reporter are trying to smell some scandal from the Wayne Family, especially from him,  the blood son of Bruce Wayne.
"That all you have to say? " Damian raised his brow.
"Well, there's much more of that, Dimwit but I was wondering. Why her?  Just because she has an animal and to specific,  a bird name, you fall head over heels for her? " Jason smirked as he teased the young heir while smoking at the open window.
Damian,  annoyed as always, took the cigarette from Jason's hand and put out it by pressing the lit against the window panel. "Where did you get that stupendous theory?" he sneered at the white streak lad.
"Come on,  Damian. The Bat and co. knows it. Tim,  Barbara, Cass, not to mention Dick and Steph keep screaming when they see both of you together. " Jason shrugged idly with annoying face as he remember the noise Dick and Steph made during their 'Stake out' for the young man.
"It wasn't even a real date!" Damian exclaimed.
"Well by the look of your face at that time, you seems enjoy it. " the red hood huffed as he show the picture where taken.
"You... Dare! " Damian were about to snatched but with Jason quick reflexes he quickly store in his jacket inner pocket.
"So tell me, little D. What is it? "
"It has nothing to do with you. " Damian grumbled as he sending death glare to Jason which the older brother seems to immune with it.
"Yes it does because I would really like to meet a girl who could make a brat fall head over heels for her. " Jason smirked and what he's really impressed is this haughty assassin prince seems to act gentlemen towards her like it was almost natural.
"So,  care to talk? " Jason played the good cop.
Damian sneered at him and lost in the end. "Fine. We talk at the balcony." as he quickly paced towards the area followed by Jason Todd.
As Damian sit at the chair in the middle of the balcony, he put his hands together and close his eyes as he tried to retrieved some information store in big brain of his.
"It was about a criminal I was after, rather a peculiar one. His name is Eric Forrester. I've been trying to track him for months after serial incident happen at rural area nearby Jump city. " As Damian explained.
"And? " Jason with his armed crossed as he listen his story.
"I've found the exact same pattern case nearby. Until.. "
"Until you met Raven? "
Damian silence for a while as the flashback playing on his mind like it was happen yesterday.
####flash back####
"Help me! "
"What?! " Damian were kinda busy at time when a girl suddenly appear as he walked down the street with coffee and bagel on his hands.
"Something happening to my roommate. " The girl mumbled and shivers. She pull his arm and ran towards a flight of stairs and God knows, the girl is really terrified.
As soon as they reached her apartment,  the door were wide open. Damian pulled the girl's wrist behind him incase something bad happen. As they slowly pacing in, they saw the girl's roomates,  blonde with attractive build now facing down and with bluish color skin.
Both of them were horrid and Damian quickly call 911.
"I'm sorry about your friend. " said Damian as he stood besides the girl who is now, hand shaking while holding a cup of tea and space out.
After the interrogation session it seems that the dead girl were died but unnaturally. There's no trauma or force that apply on the corpse.
"Caroline...she has a bright future.  But why... " she cried as she used her sleeves wiping her tears.
"What happen actually?" as the young man sip his coffee, to warm his body in this cold weather.
"I was just gone back from art exhibition party at my college and as soon as I reached my floor. The door were wide open!  I thought,  it was burglary!! But nothing was taken,  and I found my roommate lying on the living room." as the scene still freshly painted in her mind.
Damian sighed as he sip down the black coffee. Well,  he tried to bite down his curiousity,  questioning her alibi and finding evidence because this, this is exactly the same case happen at the Jump city where the woman found dead unexplained in their home.
"I was hoping if you know more about what happen, i mean,  is there anyone your roommate met recently like colleague,  friends?" Damian stared at the blue haired girl.
She took a couple of sip and as if something came up on her mind. "Well,  there is someone she's kinda close in her workplace. I think that was her boss. " the girl rubbing her chin as she refreshed her memories.
"I did  stumbled some flower gift outside of our apartment. " she paused. "and its say from a guy name Forrester. I bet that's his name. "
Damian jolted as soon as he heard the named quickly turn to her. "Forrester?"
"Yeah. Probably a well-known playboy somewhere. His name kind of familiar. " she mumbled.
Damian has found his lead for the case. Quickly he finished his coffee and throw the cup into the paper recycle bin.
"Well,  I hope after this you need to move away from the apartment. I think you might in danger. " Damian turn to her as he advice her.
"I can't. This is the only apartment i could afford. " she cluthes her cup.
"Still,  your life is on the line,  miss." as his stared at her.
"I know. I'll just becareful. " she sighed and throw her empty cup to the recycle bin. "Anyway,  thank you for helping me. " she give out her faint smile.
"By the way,  I'm sorry to be rude for not introducing myself. I'm Damian. " as he held out his hand towards her.
"Raven Roth.  But you can call me Rav-" as she grab his hand she jolted and so as Damian. It was like a surge flowing between them.
What he sees in his mind is something sinister,  a clue,  ANOTHER murder. Quickly he pull of the hands and both of them gasping for air.
"What the hell was THAT?! " he spit out. What he felt is new and mystical, also prophetic.
"You,  felt it too? " her indigo eyes went large as if it was new to her.
"What do you mean you felt it too? " As Damian furrowed his eyebrows wanting some explanation about what happen.
"Who the hell are you? " Damian start to feel hostile. His suspicious grew towards this girl name Raven.
"Please do understand me. I didn't cause any harm to anyone." Raven kept her cool face as she held both of her hands as the sign to pacify the current situation.
"I've seen horrible image in mind. Are you -" before he finished his sentence Raven snapped out as she knew what he going to say.
"I'm not what you think it IS! "
Both of them took time to breath in and out calming down themselves.
"What? " Damian still puzzled.
"I had a forecast about what happen to Caroline and rush towards the apartment. " her shaky hands at her sides. "I fail to save her. " again her tears rolled down.
Damian sees her vulnerable and somehow it reminds of him when he tried to save the children from Dr. Pyg in his old case. It's frustrating and guilt.
"Why didn't you tell to the police about that? " he was curious with her ability, this forecast thing.
Raven scoffed as she heard that. "They probably put me in asylum,  Mr. Damian."
"Just call me Damian."
"Damian... " as she corrected her last sentence. "But you saw what I saw just now..." her lips formed a solemn smile. "Its more than enough to prove that I'm not crazy. "
Damian silence as he heard her.
###flash back ends###
"Wait,  wait!"
Damian sneered at Jason.
"I haven't finish yet,  Todd. " Damian grind his teeth in annoyance.
"So,  both of you had the Zap thing and you guys dating each other because of that?! " as Jason try to understand the chronological of the event.
" We are not even dating! Its just a cover!  For her!" Damian sighed as he ruffled his hair.
"You're saying she's not your type? "
"Bullshit!  It was for her safety.  There's a maniac keep harrasing her in the college!"
"So you do like her! "
Damian just can't get with Jason who always on his nerve.
"By the way,  how about the maniac that makes THIS happen? "
"Already take care of it. " Damian crossed his arm.
"You kill him? "
"No. "
"Send him to authority? "
"Worse. "
"A 20 years sentences? "
"I ensured it. "
Jason pursed his lip in approval and nod slightly as he heard it. Don't mess with little D's girl.
A standard ringtone  breaking the silent atmosphere and Damian quickly pull out his phone. He glanced at the scene and answer the phone.
" Any new Forecast?"
Oh, that question made Jason grew excited! Damian were talking to HER! Quickly on his impulse he grab the phone from his little brother.
Damian wanted to protest but Jason quickly put his hand on the angry boy's mouth as he speak to the mysterious girl on the phone.
"Hey,  Raven right? "
At first there's silence but then she saying yeah to confirm her identity.
"Well, this weekend Damian is kinda having dinner at his house, Don't you mind joining in? " Jason casually invited her through the phone. Damian's 'What? ' at the background can be heard the moment Jason said dinner at their house.
"Uh,  I don't know. Who am I speaking to?"
"His Father. " Jason lied. He could hear she gasp on the speaker.
"Sorry to disturb you discussion between you and your son,  Mr..."
"Mr.  Wayne. "
"Mr. Wayne?"
"Yes. " Jason heard the conversation been cut off in a sudden. Jason then seen the screen shows call ended. "She hang up?"
"What did you do?! " Damian quickly snatch his phone back and saw the screen. Then he set his infamous death glare at Todd. "You scared her!! "
Jason amused with his reaction, the spawn of satan really like this girl.
The phone ring again, quickly Damian answer it. "Look, I can explain." Todd quickly at the other side trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.
"Sorry to make you worry,  i was shocked that I dropped my phone. Did I annoyed your father for sudden hang up? " Raven's voice faintly heard.
"That fine.  He just need to go somewhere minding his own business. " Damian sneered at Jason then gesturing his hand to buzz off. "Anyway,  about the Forecast,  i got one about 1 hour earlier. And I could make out the name of the place,  Jackal's Sanctuary."
Damian pull out a pen and write on his palm Jackal's Sanctuary name. "Great. We'll met there within one hour. "
"On it! " Both Raven and Todd answer it. Damian then looked at Todd who has walked toward the door while holding the his phone. He sneered deducing that his brother is up to something.
"Damian,  is your father still there? "
"No...no. He went somewhere else. "  as Damian continue to glare at Jason who has gone inside.
Meanwhile,  Jason text on his phone about Damian meeting the girl at Jackal's Sanctuary on a group chat call The soaring Birds that has Dick, Babs, Steph, Cass, Timbo as active member. Duke tries to stay out of it but of course, Dick won't let any Bat and Co. left behind and sometimes Duke follow their investigation about the girl who Damian said having "fake relationship".
The picture of the group made Jason cringe sometimes. It was a picture of Damian and Raven capture from a far,  with motto written in cursive neon coloured "Make it come true."
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nxrthmizu · 4 years ago
| the detective and the blue-eyed fox | ch.4
title | denial will be your downfall 
prompt | detective and criminal AU (Oh my god how did I go from that prompt to this) 
pairing | Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng 
words | 1.9k 
author’s note | I enjoyed writing this so much! :3 ppl out there on ao3 being like ‘omg I can’t wait to see what happens’ and I’m here like ‘yeah I can’t wait to see what happens too I haven’t figured it out yet’ 
| beginning | previous part | ao3 | 
What, exactly, had Marinette been expecting, you ask? 
Anything except Damian Wayne somehow uncovering her alter-ego (Both of them, might she add) and acquiring the miraculous of the black cat under two days. She had to admit, she knew he was something- That's why she recruited his help in her desperate search for Chat Noir's former miraculous- But in under two days? That was just appalling. 
And if you had told Damian Wayne three months ago that he would, three months later, be sitting in his apartment across his coworker, who had been moonlighting as Gotham’s newest vigilante, Lan, and also happened to be Paris’s former superhero who fought villains induced by butterflies (Of all things), accompanied by two practically-god creatures that were the size of flying mice, he would’ve called the mental hospital. Not to mention that they were discussing the murder of her former partner slash newly appointed CEO of Agreste Enterprises. Throw in the fact that the murderer happened to be a musician who probably had a crush on her civilian identity and wanted to use magic jewellery to bring back his crush’s parents, and the whole thing just sounded like a fifth-grader’s vivid imagination. 
He had considered admitting himself into the mental hospital, but at that point he was way too invested in the ‘case’. 
“Luka?” Denial was a clear ring in her voice, disbelief a close second in volume. 
For weeks, the one thing she wanted to know was the name of her partner’s killer, and now that she knew it, she wanted to give it back. Luka, sweet, kind-hearted, generous Luka- A murderer? 
Plagg nodded grimly in confirmation. 
“I don’t believe this.” Marinette shook her head defiantly, refusing to believe the truth that the god of destruction laid out for her. “He would never...” 
“We literally have an eye witness.” Deadpanned Damian, straight-forward as ever. The bluenette sucked in a breath, lowering her head to avoid her coworker spotting the tears that pricked her eyelids like ice needles. Everything hurt- She had lost her parents in a final battle to win Paris its’ normality back, then she lost her partner, and now she was faced with the truth that the one man she thought she could trust- Was a killer. 
The detective’s eyes softened. “I know it’s hard to take in, and I know I shouldn’t ask you for this- Especially after everything you’ve sacrificed- But Couffaine probably isn’t the same person you knew anymore. You need to stop seeing him as your friend, and hard as it is- You need to start looking at him as the man who killed your partner- And wants to kill you. If you keep going like this, denial will be your downfall.” 
A droplet of blood formed on the bluenette’s lip as she bit down hard to hold in her pain, her agony, her tears. How much longer did she have to suffer? How much longer did she have to be brave? How much longer did she have to endure what the world threw at her? 
“... You know, you can cry if you want. I can’t say I understand, but being in your position now must be pretty hard. You’ll only hurt yourself if you keep everything inside.” 
Damian had seen victims. Too many. He knew and saw first-hand the overwhelming emotions that could surge over one, the unstoppable tsunami of feelings that could wipe out the legs you thought were strong enough to hold you, the wave that could destroy everything and leave you with a broken wasteland as it receded. 
He knew the harm of pent-up emotions. Pent-up emotions were like a jar filled with explosive gas, waiting for the slightest spark to trigger an explosion. And when it did explode, you would find shards of glass digging in to your skin, digging into the skins of the ones around you. He knew the harm of pent-up emotions, because he had felt it first-hand. Because as cold, as uncaring and blunt his exterior could be, Damian Wayne was a human, and he knew what it was like to hurt. 
“You don’t have to hold it in just because you want to hold an image of a strong person in front of me.” He continued. “No matter what happens from here on out, you’re already very strong to me. Emotionally and physically. You were thrust into the role of a superhero with no guidance, made to deal with all the pressure with no one to confide to due to the risks it made to the ones around you. You fought without pause ever since you were a teen, only to lose so much when everything was over. You tried to start again, only to be faced with more pain. The fact that you’re still standing, that you’re still doing something to fight back- That’s amazing in itself.” 
A dry, choked-out sob of a laugh startled him. “Of all people. I never expected that you to be the one that would understand.”
“Hmm.” Damian shrugged, leaning back into his chair with an air of looking unbothered. “I have a rather high standard for what I consider to be strong- Emotionally, anyway, and you just so happen to have been through enough to pass that standard.” 
She cracked a small smile at his feeble attempt to shrink back into his ‘I’m-cold-and-I-don’t-care’ shell. “Back to business- Since you’ve found the ring and the person behind this...” Luka’s name stung the tip of her tongue, and it was too soon and too painful to say- But much to her gratefulness, Damian didn’t bring up her avoidance of his name. “I better contribute by telling you I think I know where he’ll be.”
The green-eyed detective perked up instantly, moving from his relaxed position to one that was leaning forward, eyes wide in curiosity. 
“I don’t where he is now, per say, but I know where he’ll be.” She continued with a smile. “Have you ever wanted to visit the City of Love?” 
What was formerly the City of Love was now a mourning city, shrouded in rain clouds and misery. The murder of Adrien Agreste tightened like a noose, gradually strangling and suffocating the city below. Rain pattered onto Paris’s black cobblestone roads, the streets empty with the exception of one or two pedestrians, walking as quickly as they could to avoid being alone with the deafening silence of post-war Paris. 
The silence was accented by the steady splash of rainwater as a lone figure walked slowly down the street, a black hood shielding his face. Turquoise eyes gleamed as the man approached the house of the woman expecting him, raising his hand to press the doorbell once. 
Chloe Bourgeois stood in the doorway of her apartment, eyeing the drenched man with a purse of her lips. “You are not stepping into my apartment like that. If you get a single splotch of mud on my carpet...” She glowered at him, unsatisfied until he grumbled, removing his cloak and muddy boots. 
The deceased mayor’s daughter scrunched her nose in disgust, handing the man a towel to dry off with. 
“Wipe your feet on the towel until they’re clean. Don’t step all over my house with those dirty feet of yours.” Chloe scoffed, leaving him in the entrance of her apartment while she strolled back inside, her golden silk robe fluttering behind her movements. 
“Any progress?” Luka asked gruffly, looking as uncomfortable as he could be, seated on the pearl-white couch inside the blonde’s luxurious apartment. The mayor had left his daughter quite the fortune. 
Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Chloe rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her tea. “Luka, my answer will be the same as the one I gave you yesterday.” 
The man resisted the urge to slam his hands on the glass coffee table in frustration. “You’ve been searching for Ladybug for weeks. What is taking you so long?” 
“Excuse me.” Chloe cleared her throat, looking rather offended. “If I’m not mistaken, you had three months ever since Ladybug left, and you didn’t find anything, either. I don’t think you’re in the position to criticise my progress.” 
He shot a glare in her direction, displeased with her jab at his failed attempts to locate the holder of the Ladybug miraculous. “Find her,” He hissed, standing up abruptly. The blonde wasn’t fazed at all, taking another sip out of her tea with a bored expression. “Find her if you want to bring your father and butler back.” 
The heavy footfalls belonging to the impatient man made Chloe scoff, the loud slam of her front door causing an angry ‘Hey! Watch it!’ from the blonde. She sighed softly, reminiscing of the days when things weren’t so complicated and everything was alright. Across her living room sat two framed pictures, sitting next to each other serenely. 
The first was a photo of herself, Mayor Bourgeois, and the butler, Jean, the three of them standing in front of Le Grand Paris, in all of its’ golden glory. The second was a photo of 5-year-old Chloe, smiling toothily with her arm slung around another blonde- Adrien Agreste, with his soft green eyes and his shy smile. 
“I won’t let you be forgotten.” She whispered to no one in particular, still staring at the two framed pictures. “That’s a promise.” 
Meanwhile, in the dreary corridor leading to Paris’s highest-security-prison, was a displeased woman, glaring daggers at the guards who were denying her entry. 
“You morons.” She hissed, her French slanting off with a clear American accent that resounded even clearly in her anger. “For the last time, I’ve told you, I work for the FBI, and I need to talk to him.” 
“Ma’am, we’ve received no sort of alert that an agent was coming to visit.” The guard defended, baring her from highest-security-cell in the whole building. There had been at least five other gates before the one she was at, and at everyone of them she had been throughly questioned and checked for anything that could result in an outbreak of disaster. 
A dry laugh echoed off the grey cement walls of the holding. “Well, then you go ahead and tell my superiors that I’ve come here for nothing and that they have to pay for a second flight.” The woman smiled when sparks of fear alighted inside the two guards’ eyes- She had come so far, and she wasn’t going to let two measly guards stop her when she was just one wall away from her target. 
“I... Alright miss. You should know the rules, don’t get too close to him.” One of the guards said reluctantly, sharing hesitating looks with his partner, but they opened the heavy metal door for her nonetheless. The woman, dressed in a black blazer, a white blouse, and a dark-coloured pencil skirt, nodded her appreciation, heels clicking as she stepped into the holding. 
A two-inch thick glass separated her and the grey-haired man, who looked up in surprise, eyes flashing in recognition of his visitor. 
“Mr. Agreste.” She addressed politely, dark red hair tied up in a formal bun. 
The man that was formerly Hawkmoth glanced at her up and down, and then at the closed metal door. “I have to say, I’m impressed you managed to get in here.” A low laugh rumbled from his throat, cracking out of the speaker by the side of the glass wall that allowed the man to communicate. 
She smiled at his compliment. 
“It’s been a while, Lila Rossi.” 
taglist. @demonicbusiness @animegirlweeb @roselynfey @2confused-2doanything @insane-fangirl-of-everything @promiswords @galaxylightmoon @fusser90 @ira-sairain @liquid-luck-00 @glastwime859 
gen. daminette taglist. @maskedpainter @animegirlweeb @missmadwoman
*rubs hands together* I have soo many plot twists for this baby planned *cackles evilly* everything’s coming together... Also the story has strayed so far away from the original plot but eh whatever 
| next part | ao3 | 
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damijon-supersons · 7 years ago
“We’re friends, aren’t we?” - a Damijon fic
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 Author’s Notes:  Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this somewhat angsty fic that suddenly popped into my mind one day. This also coincides with the DamiJon week 2018 makeup week, so I’m putting this under Day 4: Confessions...or rather...the lack thereof...
This is also my what if reaction to the various rumors that with Bendis coming over to write Superman, unsavory things might happen to our best boy...even the threat of him being scrapped...
Summary: Jon always asked Damian that one question whenever he wanted to ask for something. As the boys got closer, Damian’s answer kept changing...except he never managed to say the only answer that actually mattered.
Okay,  hope you have fun :D
“Hey, Damian, we’re friends, aren’t we?” Jon asked timidly. He turned to look at his best friend with his bright blue eyes, his lips trembled, and his face was almost that of a child that knew he was due for a scolding.
The question rang like a haunting echo in Damian’s mind. There was a mixture of hope, sadness, hesitation, and fear, all enveloped in a high-pitched boyish voice. There was a smile there, one that you could only hear. It was a shy smile that was piercingly honest and sincere.
“Why do you sound like you’re about to beg?” Damian groaned in reply.
It was simple questions like these that he could never answer simply. He could’ve said ‘yes’, because that was what his heart said. ‘Yes’ a thousand times over. But his heart was but an infant given a picture of its mother—it can only gurgle out affection because it hadn’t yet learned how to speak. His voice tried its best to sound tired, but there was that slight pause, the barest hint of preparation, that made it obvious the disinterest was a lie—just another wall that Damian had put up on instinct, and one of the many he’d yet to cast away in front of his closest friend.
“I’ve got a favor to ask
” Jon began. The favor was as simple as it was impractical. Jon had accidentally broken his parents’ curfew while super-heroing on his own. While this wasn’t that much of a big deal, this time it was because he’d broken it by about twelve hours.
“Long story,” Jon offered. “There was this tentacle guy, and I had to act like I was the engine and rudder of the refugees’ boat and my phone got wet, and that’s when the eagle man came
He wanted Damian to be with him as he faced his parents and explained, as a sort of moral support and witness to Jon’s sincerity. Jon had hoped that Damian’s presence would temper his extremely worried parents, and that they’d punish him a lot less. After all
.Clark Kent and Lois Lane were too polite to utterly devastate their son in front of his friend, right?
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Damian rolled his eyes. It was a stupid plan, and it was also pointless. He knew that his presence wouldn’t stop Superman from super-grounding his son, and an angry Lois was too dangerous for even Damian to handle. But he’d do it anyway. He’d never admit it, not even to himself, but he wanted to help Jon. Mostly because it made his head feel light, his mouth dry, and his spine all tingly to know that Jon needed his help—needed him.
That night, Damian went with Jon, and instead of being backup, argued with Clark that Jon went alone because of his advice, because he’d taught Jon to follow so and so lead and such. Clark thanked Damian for the explanation, judged both of them culpable, and both the boys’ dads had grounded them that night.
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“Hey, Damian, we’re friends, aren’t we?” Jon asked excitedly. His hands were at his chest and balled into expectant fists as though grabbing onto an invisible lifeline, and his feet were hovering several inches above the floor, his legs folded as if he was getting ready to leap for joy.
The question hung like one half of a solemn vow. The silence after the words was a pregnant moment where every second was an answer unto itself. There was hope in the boy’s voice, pulsing, shining, and you could almost hear the vibrant colors in his face—shocking blue in his eyes and perfect white in his teeth.
“I mean, you’re practically the only person I talk to on a daily basis,” Damian replied as casually as he could. It still wasn’t the ‘yes’ that he’d meant to say, though his level of aloofness wasn’t as bad as before, and was really a force of habit more than anything else. Jon could tell—if it were anyone else, Damian would never be so comfortable with the way he talked, the way he walked, and the way he breathed as if he could worry about nothing at all. Damian flashed Jon a smirk as they walked out of the school grounds, and that was all the answer Jon needed.
“Hold on!” Jon said enthusiastically as he dragged Damian by the hand.
“H-hey!” Damian protested, but only half-heartedly, as both of them ran, their bags making dull thuds on their legs with every step. Jon’s fingers were firmly entwined with his own with no signs of letting go. Jon’s hand was warm, but it was a familiar, almost comforting sensation. Damian almost admitted to himself that he liked it.
Once they were suitably alone, Jon wrapped Damian in a hug.
“Wha—Jon!” Damian gasped, breathless and surprised. His instinct was to push off, act cold, react the way people knew he’d act. But he was frozen even as the younger boy’s warmth seeped into him, and his heart beat wildly and irregularly.
Of course, with his super-senses, Jon knew the effect he had on Damian. He allowed himself a satisfied grin. “Okay, now, really hold on.” He tightened his grip on Damian, one hand on his hip and the other supporting his back.
Before Damian could do anything other than gasp again, Jon kicked off the ground and zoomed skyward. The only evidence of their departure was a faint ring of displaced dirt that marked where they’d stood.
In a matter of minutes, the pair arrived in Hamilton County in the Kents’ old farm. Damian was quite familiar with this place, because he’d visited and slept over here with Jon more times than he could count. That, and Jon loved taking Damian here whenever they’d needed some relaxing place to talk and think.  
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Jon set Damian down on the roots of his favorite oak tree, its old and gnarled roots bulging up from the soil like natural benches. Damian’s hair, which was usually pristinely spiked in his usual style, had transformed into a windswept mess that covered Damian’s forehead. He sullenly blew a mouthful of air at his bangs, but it just flopped uselessly back down and tickled his skin.
“Okay, take your coat off,” Jon said excitedly, still hovering a few inches off the ground.
“Why? What’s this all about?” Damian asked, thoroughly confused.
Jon threw his own school coat to the grass as he adamantly insisted, “C’mon, Dami!”
“Tt, fine
” Damian sighed as he did as he was ordered. Of course, the reluctance was just another reflex. He could never refuse Jon, especially when the boy’s face was so bright and earnest like it was right then.
“Okay, now take your shoes and socks off!” Jon directed as he did the same.
Damian didn’t bother to complain—he’d just do it either way. He tugged his leathers off and kicked them to the side, joined by Jon’s own shoes and socks.
“So, what exactly do you have planned that could possibly need us to be barefoot in the countryside, where all manner of dirt, insects, and pathogens can get lodged under our toenails?” Damian asked finally.
Jon stuck his tongue out as if to say ‘gotta deal with it, Damian!’ It was so utterly childish, and yet so perfectly aligned with who Jon was—a boisterous, giddy, happy boy—that Damian couldn’t help but shake his head and smile.
“You’ll love it, I promise!” Jon declared gleefully. “Now, be back in a sec!” He sped off to the distant horizon in a blur.
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It actually took him six seconds.  When Jon returned, Damian’s eyes were locked onto the thing Jon held carefully in his arms. His pupils dilated and his mouth hung open in wonder and affection. Jon had brought the cutest calico kitten he’d ever seen, its coat a mixture of white, brown, black and olive. Its snout was a rosy pink hue, framed by long white whiskers. Damian instinctively reached out, but Jon playfully hovered out of his reach.
“Nya!” the kitten squeaked as it flailed its tiny little limbs under Jon’s grip.
“Kathy found it alone one day and decided to take it in,” Jon explained as he lightly scratched the kitten’s head, making it yawn adorably. “We can play with him whenever we’re here. I’m sure you’ll love him!”
Damian wordlessly got up and reached for the kitten again, but Jon hovered out of his reach again, obviously teasing from the looks of his mischievous grin. He landed gently on the ground, his bare feet trampling the grass with a faint rustling sound—it gave Damian the mental image of lush, green growth, a cool breeze, and cloudless skies. Incidentally, that described almost all of Hamilton County.
“Nu uh, Damian,” Jon mock scolded. “If you wanna pet Mister Cat, you gotta catch me first!”
And even before Damian could reply that ‘Mister Cat’ was an incredibly stupid name, Jon took off running, giggling all the way with Mister Cat raised above his head as if the kitten was training to fly.
Damian sprinted after Jon, and he was grateful the latter didn’t use his super speed. Despite his reservations, he couldn’t help but smile. He ran after Jon without a care in the world. He ran after the kitten. No, he ran after Jon. No, he was running for the heck of it. There was no one to catch, no one to fight. There wasn’t a villain to chase or a city to save. There was just the sun shining on the greenery and making it sparkle, the silky sensation of the green grass sliding in between his toes and tickling his soles, the cool refreshing breeze that ruffled his ruined hair, and Jon’s euphoric, almost melodic laughter. It was all so infectious that Damian started laughing too.
For once in his life, Damian felt a degree of freedom he’d never thought he’d ever wanted. Right then, he wasn’t Robin, and Jon wasn’t Superboy. They weren’t crimefighters—they weren’t heroes. They were just two boys running and playing across the green grassy plains of Hamilton County.
Was this what every day was like for Jon back then? Damian asked himself. Jon had once asked him if he ever wanted to just go outside and play. It seemed like such an absurd question back then, and Jon had asked it over the phone while Damian was in the middle of brawling with criminals. Playing was for children
and truth be told, Damian had never been a child, had never learned how to be one. And all at once he realized that this was the point of it all. Jon was teaching Damian how it is to be a child. It was pointless, it was irrational, but Damian didn’t care. He liked it.
Damian Wayne, by nature, does not indulge in frivolous endeavors such as aimlessly running across grassy plains. But then, Damian thought, he didn’t need to be that Damian Wayne all the time. At least whenever he was with Jon, he could smile like no one was watching, laugh like the world was deaf, and be someone else entirely—with Jon, he could be a child.
At some point, he’d caught up to Jon, and the two sweaty boys fell on top of each other on the ground. Their bodies were cushioned by the tall grass, and it was almost like they were lying in a bed of green leaves and soft earth. Mister Cat elected to skip after a flittering blue butterfly, and he was largely free to do as he pleased as the two boys stared into each other’s eyes.  Damian and Jon pulled each other close and shared emotions, moments, and experiences of such intimacy that it was quite fortunate the field was out of the way of any unwanted witnesses.
Mister Cat gave up on chasing the butterfly, and instead curled up underneath the pile of clothing that the boys had discarded as they continued their own silent playtime hidden among the tall green grass.
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 “Hey, Damian, we’re friends, aren’t we?” Jon asked solemnly. There was a sad smile on his face, the kind that foreshadowed an inevitable future that promised nothing bright. His hands were still and lifeless on his lap, but his eyes were focused on Damian, studying his friend intently and anticipating the older boy’s reaction.
They were sitting at the edge of a random apartment building in Metropolis, their legs dangling over the precipice of a thirty-storey drop. The lights of the city’s nightlife glowed beneath them and cast a wan palette of whites and yellows to the sky’s deep indigo. The weekend traffic skittered as tiny balls of red, orange and beige. A cacophony of sound and noise thrummed in the atmosphere—a few blocks away, a mother was yelling at her son for not taking out the garbage, somewhere below were two cats arguing about whatever cats like to argue about, off in central street a digital billboard of Vicky Vale droned about the new perfume she’d been endorsing, and off in the distance, a passenger jet cut across the clouds with a booming roar.
Damian tensed up. His fists instinctively balled into fists, as if he expected a fight. He’d always react that way when he was anxious, when he sensed danger. His senses were rarely mistaken, and through Jon’s resigned look, a sense of foreboding came over him. They’d just finished their patrol for that night, and he couldn’t shake off the feeling that Jon was more subdued than usual. Jon liked to have fun during their patrols. Tonight, he was thoughtful. Oh, he still smiled, he still laughed, but there was a tinge of longing, of regret, a bittersweet joy. Jon very much acted like he was savoring every second as if he’d never get to do this again.
“You sound like you want that in writing,” Damian teased as a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Again, it wasn’t the overwhelming ‘yes’ that he’d have wanted to give, but simplicity never came easy for him. Making matters worse was that the ‘yes’ had mutated into something bigger, something more. No, they weren’t friends
not anymore. Not to Damian. They were definitely something greater, something better
something that Damian was at a loss to describe.
“Maybe I’d like that, for once,” Jon replied with a smirk.
Damian lightly punched his shoulder. Jon punched him back. They both grinned at each other—a grin that tried to say so much but lacked the words to make it tangible.
“So, I assume this is another favor that’s bound to get us both in trouble,” Damian began, but he knew in his heart that from Jon’s expression, it was a graver matter than that.
Jon shook his head. “No, but I guess you could call it a favor. I just
want you to promise that you’ll take care of yourself. And well
I hope you remember me.”
?” Damian blinked in bewilderment at Jon.
“I said, remember me,” Jon repeated with a wistful look on his face. He added a tune that was all too familiar to Damian. “Though I have to travel far
“Don’t you dare sing it!” Damian barked. It was from a recent Disney movie that Jon had begged him to go watch, and it was the last movie they’d seen together. The song was a message of a heartfelt farewell, longing, and separation. Jon was saying goodbye.
“Jon, what are you on about?” Damian asked again, this time not bothering to hide his worry. His brows were furrowed and knit together and his frown turned his lips into a severe, thin line.
“You heard about the last battle my dad had?” Jon said as he stared at his jeans. His bony knees poked out of the intentionally ripped holes. He absent-mindedly began pulling and twisting at a loose strand of blue denim.  
“Yeah, but I thought your dad won and just needed rest?” Damian had heard about Superman’s battle with an alien invader that had disturbed central Washington D.C. No one knew much about it other than that it posed a threat to the safety of the population. Superman had engaged the mysterious alien, which apparently had the power to bend the man of steel’s mind and perception of reality. Superman had been dazed as if hit by a powerful invisible cannon of pure force. But just as mysteriously and unexpectedly as it had come, the mind-bending intruder had disappeared. Damian, like the rest of the world, assumed that Superman had won.  
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“Dad didn’t win,” Jon said, the pain evident behind his calm. “Whatever that thing was, it just came to mess with him, and then left. Dad is
Dad’s changed. He’s acting like he’s from another time—an older time. He doesn’t even recognize my mom
or me.”
I’m sorry, Jon.” Damian had no trouble being sincere this time. He knew all too well what it felt like to have his father exist but live a different life not knowing his children ever existed. He put a comforting arm around Jon’s shoulders, and Jon gladly leaned into it.  Damian wished he could hold Jon in his arms until the hurt in his voice went away.
“There’s a way,” Jon said after a while, but his hesitation mounted. “The fortress of solitude said that there might be a way to get my dad back to normal
but it’ll be risky.”
“What way? Damian asked warily. “And at what cost?”
“Mom and I have to go away for a while to search for the cure,” Jon explained morosely. “Part of the thing’s power is that we have to be the ones to get it, so that dad will remember us again.”
“And the catch?” Damian asked, steeling his gut for the inevitable dreadful answer.
“I don’t know where it is exactly. I think it could be in space, or maybe even another dimension. And also
I don’t know how long I’ll be away. Could be a few weeks
or a few years.”
“Oh,” Damian said simply. The air seemed to leave his lungs all at once, and his stomach felt like it dropped to the street hundreds of feet below. The city’s sounds suddenly became muted as if Damian was hearing them from a thousand miles away. All the color in the lights faded to a garish gray.
Jon sensed the drastic shift in Damian’s emotions. It was all he could to weave his fingers in between Damian’s and hold his hand. “Damian, this is what I wanted to ask you today. I’m going away, maybe for a long while. I need to know that even without me around, you’ll be okay, that you’ll take care of yourself and just keep on being the friend I know and
” Jon gulped as if his breath hitched on the next word he was about to say. “The
the friend I care about.”
“Do you know what you’re supposed to do?” Damian asked, as though he was pleading Jon wouldn’t and that he’d need more time to plan things. He’d stay so that he could plan. He would need months for planning. Maybe years. Jon would stay. He had to.
“Aside from leaving and seeing where the fortress portal leads us, I don’t know. I’ll do what I have to.” Jon replied, but there was a stoic resolution in his voice. Then to Damian, he asked more gently, “How about you, what are you gonna do in the meantime?”
“What I have to,” Damian repeated in what seemed like an admission of defeat.
Jon wrapped Damian in a quick hug, and he was glad that Damian didn’t resist—he didn’t even click his tongue in disapproval. “You’ll be okay,” he said confidently. “I know you will!”
“I sometimes wish I knew as much as you did,” Damian replied dryly.
“C’mon, don’t be so glum, Damian. It’s not like I’m not breaking up with you!” Jon teased playfully. But then suddenly his eyes went wide with embarrassment when he saw Damian’s appalled look. “Oh man, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to imply anything—we’re not like together or—I’m really sorry—“
“—Don’t be,” Damian cut him off gently. He tightened his grip on Jon’s hand. The pair of them stayed like that, sitting on top of an apartment ceiling and quietly holding hands for what seemed like hours, even though it was really just a few minutes. Neither of them broke the silence. Jon had said goodbye after that, and flew off into the night. Thunder had just begun to rumble and line the murky purple clouds overhead.
It was so stupid, Damian thought, that even after everything that he and Jon had done together, everything they’d done for each other and everything they’d done to each other, they had only been just friends. Or rather
there was a tacit agreement that they were only just that, because Damian had never said otherwise. He’d always wanted to, but he never did. He’d never be able to. It was the last he saw of Jonathan Samuel Kent.
As the days passed, and as his cape grew longer and darker, and his head started bearing the weight of the cowl, a single thought had haunted Damian in his every idle moment. It was always the face of the sunny, cheerful boy that he could’ve had if only he’d just said something. Anything. He’d have given up all the fortune his father had passed down to him if it meant that he could hear Jon ask that question one more time, that one question, that always rang in his ears.
“Hey, Damian, we’re friends, aren’t we?”
Because now, Damian was ready to answer with all the words he’d ever wanted to say, words that took years to ever reach his lips.
“Yes, I am. And 
I love you. Dear gods, I love you.”
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princessbelix · 6 years ago
Who Killed Mark
Episode 1
You’ve been invited to Markiplier Manor for a night full of poker, social situations, and fun. Nothing suspicious. None at all. Anyway, we home to see you there!
Hi! It’s me! It’s been a while since I wrote anything. This story was a school assignment. It might be a little later to jump on the train. Oh well. Enjoy!
    You started to walk up towards the Manor. You paused for a moment as you noticed a man standing in an arch way before the door. “Oh, Bully! And here I thought I was gonna be the last guest to arrive.” He gestured to himself, “My friends call me the Colonel. You’re welcome to do the same, but uh, after you.” He opened the door and held it open for you.
   You walked into the entry room. It had a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a wide mirror on the wall opposite from where you where standing. A man dressed in a vest and tie walked up to you. “Ah! Bonjour!” The Butler exclaimed, “Welcome to Markiplier Manor. Your invitation, please.” You hand the Butler your invitation. “Very good, very good. Right this way.” He gestured for you to follow him, “Good luck at the table tonight.” He bowed and said “I shall fetch you a drink forthwith.”
    You walked a bit further into the Manor. When you noticed Damien, an old friend of yours standing off to the side. “Oh! There you are, old friend. How are you settling into your new office? Now, I know it’ll take some getting used to, but there’s no one I would rather have alongside me to protect this great city of ours.” He looked at his watch as he spoke. “Now I’ll see you at the table soon,” he chuckled a little, “but try not to rob me blind again; we’ll catch up.”
    You decided to kill time by trying to find the dining room, where you have been told the poker game will be had. “If you’re looking for hors d'oeuvres,” you turned around as soon as you hear this man's deep voice. The man had on all white clothing and a chef’s hat. You were caught off guard when he held up an knife. “I’ll get them when I’m good and ready!” the chef stated. You scrambled to leave the room you have accidentally wandered into, “And stay out of my kitchen!”     The Butler walked in at the perfect time, “Now, now. Let’s not be rude to our guest.” He walked with you to what you assumed was the dining room. When you arrived he bowed and said, “So sorry about that; here’s your champagne. Enjoy your evening.”    The Butler exited the room as Mark entered from a staircase, rather dramatically, “Welcome, welcome, one and all! My name is Mark,” he gestured to himself.” “Thank you for joining me on this auspicious evening. So good to be surrounded by such close and trusted friends.” He swept his arms in front of him. “Now, this evening, it’s not all about the poker, it’s not all about me. It’s about me, it’s about you. So drink up and be merry! Life is for the living! And who knows, I could be dead tomorrow.” Mark starts laughing maniacally as you take a drink from your glass.
    You wake up the next morning at 8:30 and get attacked with flashes of what happened last night. Everyone playing poker happily, Damien doing a handstand over a barrel, the Colonel and Mark playing Russian Roulette where no one died, lastly the
Detective punching you and seeing an alarm clock next to your bed reading 1:30am.
    You climbed out of bed and decided to head out for some food. You opened the door and was meet with the gaze of the Butler. “Ah, good morning.” He smiled as all morning people, “Hope you had a good night’s rest. I’ve prepared you a Seltzer. Best thing for the morning after, if you ask me.“ He set the glass he was holding on the table in front of you. You walked forward and downed the nasty-tasting Seltzer. You looked in front of you and noticed Damien standing.     “Ah, there’s our little monster!” He said, mock punching your shoulder. “You really knocked ‘em dead last night. I haven’t seen you go wild like that since our days at university. Good to let the beast out every once in awhile, eh, old friend?” he smiled as he remembered the good days. That smile quickly turned into a frown as he thought about something, “Then again, I’m still not exactly sure as to what we’re supposed to be celebrating here. I mean, it’s good to have the gang back together,” he spread his arms wide, “but out of the blue like this seems
” he trailed off. He shook his head clearing that thought from his head. “Anyway, now is not the time to become conspiratorial. Life is ours to choose as I always say. I have some work to finish, but I’ll meet you at breakfast. We’ll all catch up later.” He headed past to you to what seems to be the Colonel’s room.
    You headed down the curving staircase. You looked at anything that caught your eye. The painting on the wall and the suit of armor at the bottom of the stairs were interesting. You turned back to the living room to grab your jacket you think left last night. All of the sudden, Mark comes falling out of nowhere and you heard the sound of him hitting the ground. You stand there shocked into silence. The detective walks in,“Did anyone hear that lightning?” He noticed Mark’s body laying on the floor! “OH MY GOD! There’s been a murder!” A loud boom of thunder sounds.
    The Butler walks in next, “Excuse me. Did you hear lightn- oh my god, murder!” Another clap of thunder sounds off, shaking the house a little.     The chef saunters in with a ladle in hand, “Did you-“ he pauses for a moment when he sees the body before screeching “MURDER!” One more clap of thunder shakes the house as you look around, trying to find the source of the thunder . Finding none, you turn back to Mark’s body.     “What the hell happened here?” The detective asked. When no one answered he asked another question, “Who’s in charge around here? Trick question.” He pointed at the body, “That guy.”     The detective threw his hands up in the air before saying, “And he’s dead now, which makes me in charge. So you better listen up good, bucko.” He sticks his finger out and pokes your nose while he accuses you, “‘Case you haven’t been paying attention, there’s been a bit of a killin’. And you’re my prime suspect! So you better get to explaining right quick as to the what, where, when, and why you happened to be here upon this man’s death.” You opened your mouth to defend yourself, when the Butler spoke up.     “Sir, the body is cold. He’s been dead a while.” The detective rolled his eyes.     “A likely story. That I happen to believe completely.” He took his finger off of your nose finally. The detective folded his arms together, “Alright, you’re off the hook for now, but I’m a detective.”     The chef wasn’t convinced, “Oh yeah? Prove it”
    “Here ya go,” The detective unfolds his wallet and some pictures fell out of the wallet. “Those are my old partners. Don’t ask me about them.” Everyone stayed silent. “Fine!” He exclaimed, “I’ll tell you. Each one of them died. Each death more tragic than the last. A few of them even died in ironically hilarious ways. Which made it all the more tragic.” He looked up from his photos and stared you straight in the eyes, “But hey, you look like you’re up to the task. You’re my new partner.” You violently shake you head. The detective just laughed, “That’s what all my old partners used to say
” he looked back down at his newest photos, “Right before they died.” The detective looked up at you and had a sparkle in his eye, “Alright. Hand me that detective kit behind you, partner.” You turn around to grab the kit but was slightly confused to find nothing.     “Thanks, partner,” The detective says. He drops the bag that all the objects supposedly came from.     Damien walked into the room and saw the sheet covered body, “What the hell happened here?”     The Butler noticed the Mayors arrival, “Oh! Mr. Mayor. I’m so sorry. There’s been a murder.” A boom of thunder rattled around the house. “A murder?” More thunder shook the house. “Who?” He questioned.     “It’s Mark,” the Chef replied.     “I’m afraid he’s telling the truth,” The de te five told Damien. “Mark’s been killed.”     “Why?” Confusion crossed his features. “Who would do this?” He asked the detective.     “That’s exactly what me and my new partner,” The detective gestured to the both of you, “here are here to find out.”     “Um, excuse me.” The butler raised his voice a little. “I feel like we should call the authorities for them to handle this matter.” You thought was a smart idea and was about to agree when the detective interrupted you.     “Look, buddy. As far as you’re concerned, I am the authorities,”he looked around, “I believe the killer is right here amongst us in this very house. With that freaky lightning storm outside, none of us would get very far anyway.” Everybody took a moment to understand everything that he just said.
Chef spoke up, “I’ll get back to cooking. All this death made me hungry.” Everyone gave the chef an awkward side glance as he wandered back to the kitchen. “I
” Damian started, “I-I need to talk to the Colonel about this.” He backed out of the room in search of the Colonel.     “All right, partner,” The detective began, “It’s time to get to work. Judging by the temperature. I am sure Mark was killed around 1:30 am last night.” The detective turned to you, “So what were you doing at 1:30 am last night?” You get a small flashback of right before you went to sleep. You saw the image of when you were lying in bed with the clock flashing 1:30am.
    “It checks out. So, we need to figure out where everyone was and what they were doing around that time or, at the very least, who saw Mark last. You need to get out there. See if you can piece together the story of what happened last night. I’ll stay here and make sure nothing gets moved.”
    You decide to start with the Mayor and start in the direction that he walked to. You saw a door that was cracked open and decided to snoop. You hear Damien yelling, “How can you be so flippant?”     “Flippant?” A man, you assume the Colonel, says calmly, “I’m taking this matter very seriously!”     “Oh, don’t give me that bull! I know you hated him, but, god damn it, he reached out to you!”     “Oh, what do you want from me?”     “Well, I want you to care!”
    “Just because I’m not weeping like a child doesn’t mean that I don’t care.”
    “I can’t believe you. You come and find me when you pull your head out of your butt!” The door violently jerks open as Damien steps out of the room. “Excuse me.”     You enter the room and the Colonel speaks up, “Damien, I don’t-!” He turns in his chair and notices that it is you and not the Mayor, “Oh! Ah, good to see you again! You were quite the rapscallion at last night’s festivities. But you’re probably here to help the detective with his “investigation of murder”.” You nod your head as you feel the thunder shake the house yet again.     “Anyway, I’ll help you;I’ll tell you what happened to our dear friend Mark,” he says in a sarcastic tone.”Oh! Look at me! My name is Mark, now!” He begins to mock Mark as he recall what he remembers from last night. “Forget all my friends or the people who helped me along the way! Just look at my money! Oh, I need to pay people to be my friends! Ha-ha-ha! You like me? Too bad. Oopsie. Gotta go off to the little boys’ room. Who wants to join me? I’m gonna go there upon my stairs. My house has more than one staircase. Oh, look at me and how great I am! Oh no, I’m falling. Aah, I’m dead.” He ends his narration by throwing his arms to the ground. “And that’s what happened,” he paused, “Probably, anyway. Go now, I’ll be here when you’re done.     Since you were obviously finished there, you decided to head to the kitchen for some food. Skipping breakfast was taking a toll on you. “I thought I told you to stay out of my kitchen!” You jumped yet again as the chef snuck up behind you and threatened you. “Oh. You’re helping with his little investigation, huh? Let me tell you something.” He paused to catch his breath, “Last night, after I got rid of all of the evidence
 Of that delicious meal I prepared, and wiped down all the fingerprints
 From those filthy dishes, and sopped up all that blood, I retired to my room at 1:00 am, and left my little buddy in charge like I always do. He sees everything
 Why don’t you ask him what happened last night?” The chef said as he took the garbage and left.     As it is the chef’s “little buddy” is a surveillance monitor. You checked the monitor and saw nothing out of the ordinary. So you decided that a clear mind would help and fresh air would help with a clear mind. You walked outside and saw the Mayor leaning against the railing. As you approached he looked up at you and spoke, “Look, I’m sorry you saw that argument with the Colonel,” he started. “I lost my temper, and it wasn’t right and
 He must be in shock.” He paused for a moment as if he was thinking, “But he’s my friend, and
 So was Mark. I’ve known Mark for years, since we were kids
 And he’s just gone? I don’t have any answers right now. I just need to be alone
 To process all of this. We’ll all talk soon.” Damien walked back into the house.
    You got a few moments outside to destress yourself before the detective came running out, “Partner! Get over here, now! Hurry up! You’re not gonna believe this, I can barely believe this. The body. It’s gone. It’s just disappeared. Look.” You look down but there was nothing but the police outline.
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teen-titans-imagines · 7 years ago
East of Eden pt 9
Jason Todd & Daughter! Teenager! Reader
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A/n: ANOTHER INTENSE PART. LET’S GOOOOOOO. BTW, this part was heavily influenced by the song Duet, which you can find on the playlist!! Thanks!
Comments are appreciated, and are key. Please comment. It helps with motivation and efficiency. Thank you!
Part One / Part Two  / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine [Here] / Part Ten / Part Eleven [Final]
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Drama, Action, Fluff Rated: Mature Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Blood and Gore, Swearing, Graphic Depictions of Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Graphic Injuries, Nightmares, PTSD, Trauma, Just read with caution please
Author: Teen-Titans-Imagines
Jason couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten this much exercise. His legs were burning, his sides were aching, and he was sure his stomach was churning. His breaths were coming out in small puffs, and Dick, the clear example of what it meant to not be apparently human, chuckled. 
“Come on, Jason. Don’t tell me you’re tired!” 
Damian scoffed in agreement. 
“I’ve climbed mountains without stairs and higher than this at four years old, Todd.” 
Jason snapped, glaring at the two. 
“I’m old, I’m hungry, and stressed. What more do you two want from me? A fucking gymnastics routine going up?”
Dick grinned, and Jason rolled his eyes. They should have just taken the jet up, and had Hasan drop them off. Tim didn’t seem to be doing any better than him, his sweat running down the side of his face in waves. Bruce, who was ahead of them all, gave them a stern look. 
“Stop bickering, you three. This isn’t going to be easy for any of us.” 
Damian rolled his eyes, and Jason huffed. Tim slipped slightly, and Jasons’ hand shot out to grab one of the red wings of the suit. 
“Are you alright, Tim?” 
Tim panted, and he mumbled. 
“I haven’t worked out this much since training...I guess I’m a little out of shape.” 
Jason hooked his arm between Tim’s legs while grabbing his arm, Tim gasping and protesting, before throwing the man over his shoulders in a firefighter hold. While the weight was a bit much for Jason, he wasn’t going to leave his own brother behind. Tim, though embarrassed, murmured as he relaxed. 
“Thanks, Jay.” 
Jason hummed as he looked on up at the stairs. 
“I got you, Tim.” 
Dick, who had fell behind after pausing for a bit, smiled softly at the sight. Damian, who had fallen in step with Dick, whispered softly. 
“(Y/n) made him soft.” 
Dick shook his head, patting Damian’s back. 
“No...she made him happy.” 
Dick began walking again, and Damian, shocked by Dick’s words, shook his head before rushing to catch up. 
A gentle shaking awoke you from your slumber, and upon opening your eyes, you spied the beautiful gaze of Na’ila, her comforting gaze upon you soft. 
“Wake up, my dear, it is time.”
Stretching, you noticed the water was still a bit warm. Slipping out, you found that your knees were weak, almost slipping to the ground hadn’t it been for Na’ila holding you. She chuckled and soothed as she sat you on the ledge of the tub. 
“Coming out of a spiritual bath is always weak on a person. Do not worry.” 
You nodded tiredly, rubbing the back of your neck as Na’ila instructed, holding up a long, white piece of cloth. 
“Arms up. I am going to be wrapping your chest.” 
You asked, voice hoarse and laced with sleep. Na’ila raised her eyebrow, smiling slightly as you raised your arms anyway. 
“This is for when your journey begins. You are not supposed to wear anything that might hold residual energy, for it could disrupt the purification process. Men would usually do this with nothing, but Nazeem didn’t want to go down that road, if you understand. He wants you to be as comfortable as possible. These cloths have been blessed, so they shouldn’t harm your journey.” 
As she finished wrapping your chest, the cloth covering your whole torso and belly, she slipped your legs through a skirt, fastening the leather cord tightly in the back so it would stay up. The skirt was long, a pristine white that was almost blinding, and covered your feet when you stood. With an arm within yours, Na’ila began to guide you. 
The door with the strange glow behind it came up to you, and Nazeem was waiting for you beside the door. He smiled and patted your shoulder gently. 
“Are you ready to begin your journey?” 
You shrugged, looking at the man tiredly. He chuckled and turned to Na’ila, saying while bowing his head. 
“Thank you for caring for her.”
Na’ila smiled and nodded. Nazeem announced, his hand waving before the door. 
“Behold, my dear, the road to your salvation.”
The door opened, and your eyes widened as light blinded you.
Hasan was freaking out. The batfamily was already halfway up the mountain, and he didn’t want to risk trying to climb up. What was he going to do? He couldn’t warn Nazeem at all, and if the batboys disrupted the process, it could very well mean the end of (Y/n)’s soul.
Pacing, Hasan ran a hand through his hair before taking a deep breath. Looking up at the sky, he called. 
“If you even think about smiting me, I’ll come up there and fight every last one of you! You hear me? I’m too old for any of this.”
Hasan raised his foot, his heart dropping, before placing it on the step. His breath left his lungs in a relieved puff, and Hasan lifted his other foot to place it on the next step. However, a shock went through him, and he yelped, falling backward.
“Oh, come on! Haven’t I done my part?”
Lightning shot down beside him and Hasan screamed in surprise, jumping back before stomping the ground. 
“By the Light, why the fuck not?! Why do they get to go but I can’t? This is bullshit!”
Thunder rolled, and Hasan pouted, crossing his arms as he stared at the staircase. 
“Fine. I didn’t even want to go anyway.”
As he turned to leave, a gust of wind pushed him back to the stairs, and a crack of thunder hit the sky, making Hasan widen his eyes as he was pushed to the stairs. Getting the memo, Hasan muttered before bounding up the stairs.
“You all need therapy. I didn’t sign up for old people fighting over who gets to go up the stairs and who doesn’t.”
Jason panted as he placed Tim down, hands on his knees as he hunched over. Dick was rubbing his sore legs, and Damian was checking his weapons, making sure none had fallen off on their ascent to the top. Bruce turned to the boys, saying. 
“We’re at the top. Be quick about the break, I’m doing scans of the temple, and I’m not getting much.”
Jason asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Are you saying that we came here for fucking nothing?”
Bruce shook his head, taking his cowl off with a deep frown. 
“No, I’m saying my equipment is malfunctioning. There seems to be something here preventing any of my thermal imaging to work.” 
Tim muttered, pressing buttons on his arm. 
“Same here. I guess we gotta search the old fashion way.”
Jason frowned deeply before they began to enter the courtyard. Followers of the Elder Temple were nowhere to be found, and Damian announced. 
“It’s quiet...I don’t like this.”
Jason nodded in agreement, before a voice caught their attention. Hasan, showing up on the staircase on the left, hunched over, panting. 
“Oh...my god. I am never...ever doing that again.”
He ran over and put his hands in front of the family, warning.
“You guys cannot go in there. (Y/n) has begun her journey to salvation. If you disrupt that, you could possibly destroy her soul. You cannot be in there. Not right now.”
Jason snapped, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt, yanking him up to Jason’s level. 
“Listen, you fucking prick, and listen good. My daughter is in there, the daughter that you took from me. I’m not gonna let some god-kissing man thwart me from seeing my daughter. You’re going to stay out of my way, or I’m gonna put a fucking bullet in your head, you understand me?”
Hasan frowned and retaliated, holding Jason’s wrist. 
“Jason, I know she is your daughter, and I’m sorry that it came to this. If I could have healed her myself, I would have, but I do not have that capability. High Priest Nazeem has sensed a darkness within her that could mean the destruction of the world.”
Jason slowly lowered Hasan, his frown softening. 
“If you go in there and disrupt the process, any error could set that darkness off. Her soul will break, succumb to the darkness, and she will not be the same (Y/n) you once knew. I’m not trying to stop you because I don’t want you to see your daughter. I’m trying to stop you from being the ones to kill her.”
Jason felt anger roll through him, but he knew that Hasan was right. Why would Hasan lie to him? He had been truthful with him during their whole arrival, and he seemed to genuinely care about (Y/n). Stepping back, Jason shook his head. 
“I’m not leaving. I need to see her, Hasan. I can’t just fucking stay out here when I know my daughter is within reach.”
Hasan’s eyes saddened, and he held Jason by the shoulders. 
“Jason, I understand. If there was a way I could change the rules, I would. I am but a man, and cannot change the celestial rules.” 
“No, but I can.”
They all turned to spy Nazeem, his blind eyes soft. Hasan widened his eyes and whispered. 
“High Priest Nazeem...”
“My apprentice, it is lovely to see you again.”
They bowed at each other before Nazeem approached Jason.
“The heart of a man is strong, but the heart of a father has the strength of 10,000 gods and suns, my son. The gods know of your true intent, and have allowed you to come here. I cannot fight their judgement. You being here upon this ancient stone is for reason, not mistake.”
Nazeem then frowned. 
“But, that does not mean that what Hasan says is false. If you disrupt the process in anyway, there will be no telling what will happen. If you are to witness the trial, you must learn to keep your tongues still. All of you. Do you understand?”
Bruce immediately replied, nodding his head. 
“You have our word.”
Nazeem nodded before gesturing for them to follow. 
“Come. The journey has already begun, but it will be a lengthy process.”
Jason followed Nazeem, following him through the long corridor to a door with a strange glow beneath it. Nazeem turned to Jason, his blind eyes stern.
“Your tongue will be still from here on out. Do I have your word, Jason Todd?”
Jason widened his eyes, wondering how he knew his name, before nodding. 
“Yes, sir.”
Opening the door, Jason’s eyes widened as his breath left him.
The room was filled with the Followers of the Elder Temple, surrounding a large lagoon-like pool, the waters glowing as the followers chanted. Behind the pool, it opened up into huge archways, showing the cloudy skies as the sun shone through the windowless archways, almost seeming celestial in its own way. The light from the sun reflected off of the water, casting glows of gold across the room. 
In the middle of the pool floated a pod-like cocoon, (Y/n)’s form within the pod. Her eyes were closed, and her knees were brought to her chest, her arms holding them to her chest. Her hair floated around her, as if in water, and Jason briefly wondered if the cocoon was just water. As the boys piled into the room, Jason couldn’t take his eyes off his daughter. 
She looked peaceful, as if nothing had happened to her, and Jason wondered what Nazeem meant when he said she was going through a journey. Jason bit his lip, tears stinging his eyes. She was so close, literally just about thirty feet from him, and he couldn’t go over to hold her.
The girl twitched, her head shaking slightly, and Jason noticed her veins were glowing a soft gold, the water-like cocoon rippling. Hasan’s breath was lost to him, his eyes wide as he stared on, and Jason couldn’t help but inwardly chuckle. Glancing back at (Y/n), he wondered what was going on with her.
There was a brief moment of darkness, nothing feeling different, before a light shot through the dark, blinding you once more. When you uncovered your eyes, You widened them when you noticed you were at a table. Specifically, the dinner table at the apartment. 
Your father sat at one end, digging into his food as he read something on his phone. A voice caught your attention, and you felt tears prick your eyes.
“Jason, you know the rules! No phones at the table while dinner is in session!”
Your mother walked into the room, her beautiful (e/c) eyes amused. Jason perked up and awkwardly coughed, slipping his phone from the table. 
“Phone? What phone? I don’t see a phone here.”
She giggled before teasing.
“Right, so that’s why I just saw yours?”
Jason blushed and shook his head. 
“You didn’t see anything.”
You noticed that your arms were reaching for more food, and realized that this was a memory. Jason looked over at you, smiling brightly.
“I think she’s enjoying your turkey, Momma.”
Mom chuckled before sitting beside you, causing you to look at her. Her eyes were bright, amused by your five-year-old you’s antics.
“You like the food, babygirl?”
You nodded, your actions completely uncontrolled, and Mom laughed, nuzzling her nose with yours. 
“You’re so sweet.”
The scene rippled and changed, now changing to when you first went to school. Your mother was holding your hand as you sobbed, and your father knelt before you, his blue eyes soft. 
“It’s ok, baby girl. It’s only going to be for a couple hours!”
“I’m scared!”
 Mom chuckled before kneeling beside Jason, encouraging. 
“Your father is right. Plus, this is a great opportunity to make friends, baby girl!”
Looking between the two, you shook your head. 
“I don’t want to go. I wanna stay with you and Daddy.”
Your mother chuckled before running her hands through your hair. 
“It will be alright, sweetie. How about Daddy and I walk you in. Would you like that?”
You nodded, and your parents took their places on either side of you, holding your hands and swinging you back and forth to make you happy once again.
As the scene rippled, you could feel your heart twist slightly in yearn. The scene changed, and you noticed it was a memory from when you were much older. You were sitting against the door, listening to your parents fighting with a hollow heart.
“I don’t understand why you can’t just stay home and be a father!”
“What the fuck do you think I’m doing here, (M/n)? I’m fighting crime to keep her safe, not because I don’t want to be here!”
“Jason, she constantly wonders why you’re never home! What the fuck am I supposed to tell her? That her father is a vigilante of Gotham and doesn’t have time for her?”
“You know that’s not fucking true.”
Your mother’s voice raised, something shattering as she screamed.
“Yes it is! Jason, you missed the god-damn Father-Daughter dance! I had to be there for that! Do you know how many looks she got when parents noticed that it was just her and I the whole fucking night?!”
“That wasn’t my fucking fault, (M/n)! I was on a mission that I couldn’t get out of!”
“Exactly! Jason, you are choosing being Red Hood over being her god damn father!”
Your father screamed. 
“Stop making it seem like I don’t want to be with her, (M/n)! You know that I can’t give up being Red Hood! I’m doing this to keep her safe!”
“No you’re not. You’re doing it because you like the thrill of it.”
“Yeah, maybe I fucking do.”
It was quiet for a moment before your mother snapped.
“You have a week to start acting like a man and a father! If you don’t...if you don’t improve, then you are done. You are getting out of this house.”
“You can’t do that! I enjoy being both! You can’t take away the things that I love from me. That’s unfair!”
“Then find a way to do both! Because if you don’t, you’re fucking done and out of this house!”
Their voices faded as the scene did, and it jumped to when your mother had gotten sick.
Your mother coughed as she searched for a cup, her skin pale and eyes ringed in a sickening red. You were concerned as you sat at the table, munching on cereal as she swayed slightly.
“Mom, is everything ok?”
She sighed slightly, her head resting on her bicep as she grasped the ledge of the cupboard.
“Yes, dear. I’m fine. Just a bit tired, I suppose.”
Sweat ran down the side of her face, and her eyes fluttered before she collapsed, causing you to gasp and shoot out of your chair.
“Daddy! Mom just fainted! Dad!”
Your father ran in, his blue eyes searching and widening when they spied your mother on the floor. Quickly, he knelt beside her and tried to get her to wake up.
“Baby, can you hear me? Sweetheart, wake up!”
When she didn’t respond, your father turned to you.
“Call an ambulance. Make sure to do everything they say and answer their questions as quick as you can, alright?”
Crying, you nodded before grabbing the phone.
The scene faded, and you sighed. That was probably the hardest moment in your life, something that you hated reliving. Every single time you dreamed of that, you never failed to wake up in tears and wishing that your father had noticed her sickness sooner. That you had noticed it sooner.
You held your mother’s hand, sobbing as she smiled softly at you, her sunken face sweaty and paler than before.
“Don’t cry, baby girl. We’ll be alright.”
“No, mom...Mom please don’t go. I need you here with me. I can’t do anything without you.”
You mother chuckled as she caressed your face.
“My dear, you can do anything the world asks of you to do. You’re so strong...and you’re so kind. You can do this, my lovely girl. You can fight through this. I’ve seen you do it...and I know you.”
“But I can’t...I can’t do it without you, mom!”
Your mother smiled
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be with you...I’ll be the wind that blows in your ear...the trees you pass...the road you walk upon. I’ll be the rain...the sky...the sun that shines upon you and the moon that illuminates the night for you. I’ll be the stars in the night sky that twinkle down at you.”
You sobbed hard as she coughed, straining to stay awake for just a while longer.
“You...you have so much power and talent, baby girl. You are going to change the world one day, maybe even save it...and I promise I’ll be watching the whole time. I’m proud of you, baby.”
You cried into her chest, screaming in agony as she gently pet your hair.
“I love you, and I am so, so proud of the woman you are becoming...and the woman you will be.”
With that, her hand paused, and you knew. Within an instant, you knew. You didn’t even need to hear the monotone frequency of the heart monitor to know she was gone. Your father leaned over you, holding you to him as you sobbed.
Why were you being shown these memories? Why were you being shown all the things you had tried so hard to forget about? What was the purpose of this?
The pain was the only thing you could really feel. Punch after punch, taunt after taunt, it just seemed to never end.
“You’ve gotten quiet. You finally realizing that Daddy Dearest isn’t coming to save you?”
You growled and glared at the man, snarling out.
still have..my faith.”
Black Mask grinned.
“You know, your determination to keep believing is quite admirable, if not amusing. Holding onto just that one little thread of hope, just hoping that your father will come and save you from your imminent death. It’s cute.”
You muttered.
“You want cute-”
You spat blood and saliva in his face, leaning back afterwards.
“-how’s that for cute, jackass?”
He growled and backhanded you, your face snapping to the side, a grunt leaving your lips as more blood rushed from your nose and busted lips.
“Insolent girl!”
You were trembling as you remembered; wishing it would end. What was the purpose of this?
“Why? Why are you showing me this? Stop. Stop!”
“I was
I was
Jason squeezed your hand.
At one
I even
I even gave
in. I didn’t
.I didn’t think you
were coming.”
You turned your head to him slowly, despite the pain, and smiled softly, Jason’s blue eyes filled with hot, fat tears.
but you
did. You saved
and I
love you. My hero.”
You chuckled a bit, but Jason was crying hard at your heartfelt words, holding your hand to his forehead as he sobbed. Jason whispered to you, holding your hand in a tight yet gentle grip.
“I love you so much, so, so much. I don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve
more than
You ran a hand through your hair as you watched, screaming in emotional agony. What was going wrong?
“Wow. I’ve
never flown before
and never been on a private jet before. Are you sure this is ok? I’m not that important.”
Hasan looked at you sadly throught he sunglasses, though you couldn’t see it.
“You have more worth than all the stars in the sky, Ms. Todd.”
You huffed before sinking down into your seat. Looking at him, you noticed he was wearing an earpiece and heard a voice counting down, presumably to when the cameras on the streets would turn back on.
“So, do you have people you know in high places that just give you these expensive things or are you really that rich?”
“I guess you could say I have friends in higher places.”
You nodded before sighing, crossing your arms. As your eyes turned to the streets, your mind began to wander again. Were you making the right choice?
You paused. Where was this going? What were they trying to show you? What was he trying to tell you?
His knife dragged across the skin of your rib cage, pressing in deep with a harsh bite like a vicious animal that hadn’t eaten for weeks. You whined out, biting your lip so hard that you could taste blood, and Black Mask cackled.
“And now here I am with his little bitch of a daughter. A fighting spirit reduced to nothing but a pile of shaking bones. Look at you. So pathetic and weak, quivering at my touch like a rabbit before the fox.”
He leaned down, hissing into your ear as he dragged his fingers down the length of your spine.
“Can you feel it? The sharp pain of knowing that no one else will believe you if you tell them of my presence? To you, I am real, but to them? The people outside? They can’t see a thing. They can’t help you, and that must be more painful than anything in the world.”
It was. The fact that nobody else could help you from this conscious nightmare was a killing factor to your mental health. While your body was starting to take its toll from the wounds Black Mask had inflicted on you, your mind was in another world. A darkened reality that you were beginning to think that you could never escape from.
Another memory ran through your mind, and you began to understand.
The lights disappeared, and the room became dim, save for the torches that seemed to never stop burning. Nazeem turned to you, and asked.
“Are you satisfied, or do you wish that you never knew?”
You shook your head.
“I am glad that I know. Now that I know what’s wrong, now I will be prepared for what is ahead of me.”
You were confident, and Nazeem smiled, resting his hands upon your shoulders.
“Your strong will and determination to persevere never fails to amaze me, my dear. I have a feeling that one day, when you perish, you will have a place among the gods. Come, we must start the preparations.”
You weren’t being shown these memories as punishment. No...these were reminders. Reminders of why you were here. Why you kept fighting. It wasn’t about salvation to you. It had never been about that. 
It had been about healing. About the want for everything to be better. It had been about your parents, specifically your father. This fight you were fighting...it wasn’t because you were stubborn and didn’t like to go down without a fight. It was about the fact that you were continuing on, no matter what happened. That you always braved the challenges you were put through. 
This wasn’t about salvation. This was about knowing who you were and why you were. This was about growth, about healing, about remembering why you were even here in the first place. 
And with that, you opened your eyes.
Permanent Tagging List/East Of Eden Tag List (these have honestly just turned into the permanent tag list laksdf;alksdf whoever was tagged for JUST east of eden, please tell me so I don’t mistakenly tag you in anything else I post): 
@amnahs9695 @cuddlysteven @voltaiire @shuris-wakanda @@euphoricgukk @prancingdestiel @frida-marie (it’s not letting me tag you) @rcbinwcrld @thatawesomenerdygirl @hi-this-is-my-blog (It’s not letting me tag you) @addicted-to-dc @crazyfreckledginger @jasonsredhoody @conspiracy-teen @an-all-write-life @maroongoon
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secondgenerationnerd · 7 years ago
Forever and Always
Author’s note: So this is a super duper late Christmas present for one of my best friends in the world, @tinyseawarrior . I love her so much and am so grateful that she is in my life and that she introduced me to all the characters that I now love. There’s not really a whole lot of Superstar artwork or Fanfics out there (if you find some, PLEASE SENT IT TO ME!!) So I wrote this for her! Love ya Girlie!!
Rating: Teen (mild swearing)
Words: 3726
         Mar’i smiles into the mirror. Her curly black hair falls down her back, a stark contrast to the white silk. While she adores the halter top and long skirt, she’s happy she’d gone with the Tamaranean touches. The metallic collar matches the metal belt around her waist. A green jewel rests against her throat embedded into the collar. Her make up is perfect. The stargazer lily bouquet resting in a vase is perfect. Today is perfect.
         “Night star? Can I come in, baby?” Her father voice floats into the room.
         “Sure, Daddy!” She rarely calls him that. Dick Grayson walks into the changing room and his heart nearly bursts. Mar’i smiles- no, beams- at him. He tears up at the sight of his little girl in her wedding dress,” Daddy
         “Sorry, Starshine,” He says accepting her hug,” Just
I didn’t think this day would come so soon.”
         “I’m sure you weren’t banking on me getting married at almost 19,” She teases. Dick smiles. It’s true. He didn’t think she’d marry so young. But, at the same time, he couldn’t be happier. She’s been with her fiancĂ© since they were 14. Almost 5 years of hugs, missions, dance recitals, galas, kisses, fights, make-ups, holidays, and more. Five years she had been in love and a lifetime to go.
         “No, I wasn’t,” He looks at her with a soft smile,” I’m so proud of you, Mar’i.”
         “Dad- “
         “I mean it. I am so proud of how well you have done for yourself. You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman with a kind heart and sharp mind. I am so, so, so proud of you. Your mom would be too.”
         Mar’i smiles to herself,” Is it weird to say that it feels like she’s here with me?”
         “No, baby,” He kisses her forehead,” Your mom is here with you. She wants to see her Night Star get married.”
         “I miss her.” Mar’i’s voice is soft.
         “I know. I do too, but you know what she’d say right now?” Dick smiles down at her,” She’d say, ‘on a day so happy, there is no place for sad tears.’”
         Mar’i laughs. She knows her mom would have said that exactly. Dick hands her the bouquet and then holds out his arm,” Ready?”
         “More than I’ve ever been.”
         Jon bounces on his toes. The boy of steel stands in front of nearly 300 people, but his normal nerves are gone. He hasn’t lost the massive smile on his face since he woke up that morning. Damian, Collin, and Jai stand next to him. Damian and Jai as best men. Irey, Milagro, and Lian are opposite to them on Mar’i’s side. All six of them couldn’t be happier for their friends. Now all they needed was the bride.
         “How much longer?” Jon whispers to Damian. Before the smaller man can answer, music begins to play. Mar’i had forgone the traditional wedding march for something more modern.
When we're born into this world We don't really get to say Little boys and little girls handed the brand-new families There comes a time in life  When we finally get to choose And I choose you, I choose you
Everyone stands as Mar’i and Dick enter the room. Jon’s eyes immediately flood with tears at the sight of her.
We can't give our two cents  Of how tall we want to be We don't get an opinion  On our ethnicity But the one we spend our life with That we get to choose And I choose, I choose you
         Mar’i appears to float down the aisle, already misty-eyed. Dick tries to slow her roll. Everyone there knows that given the chance, she’d fly down the aisle and into Jon’s arms. Jon steps down from the platform. He shakes Dick’s hand and takes Mar’i from him. Together, hand in hand, they step up in front of everyone.
I choose you, to be by my side I choose you, to hold me at night It's the biggest decision I'm about to get right I choose you, I choose you
         Mar’i hands her bouquet to Irey and takes Jon’s hands. They beam at each other as if the whole world had faded away and they were the only two left.
         “Dearly beloved,” Their pastor begins,” We are gathered here today, to celebrate the union of Mar’i Grayson, daughter of Richard Grayson and Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran, and Jonathan Kent, son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane-Kent.
         He looks up at the crowd,” We are here to celebrate the love these two have for each other and have been so fortunate to find so early in life. Though young in age, they have faced enough challenges together that many couples face in a lifetime. I have had the privilege of getting to know them over the last few months. Both of them are miracles by birth, yet many out there would not view them as such. More than once, they have cried, and the other was right there to wipe the tears away. To provide whatever comfort and strength they can. I can go on as to why these two are meant to be together, but I believe the way they’re looking at one another and the number of people here today says it all.
         “Now, to get the formalities out of the way. Does anyone here have a sound reason as to why these two should not be wed?” If Jon and Mar’i could look away from each other, they would see their bridal party glare at the audience. Daring someone to speak up. When no one objects, the pastor continues,” I believe the couple has prepared their own vows. Mar’i?”
         Lian hands Mar’i a few notecards. Taking a deep breath, she starts,” I remember the day I met you. It wasn’t a good day to start. The kids at my school were jerks as usual and my dance class had been canceled. When I got home, I went to the cave to see if my dad was around. You were there with your dad, talking to Damian. The minute our eyes met, it felt like my heart said ‘oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.’ Then you smiled at me. Like it was the most natural thing in the world. Like you were already my best friend.”
         They’re both crying a little. Jon wipes her eyes with his thumb. Her voice cracks,” You have been my best friend for almost 9 years. We have fought and gotten jealous and almost lost each other more times than I want to count. But for every bad memory, there’s so many good. For every nightmare, there’s a time I’ve woken up in your arms. For every bully, there’s been a friend. Hundreds of afternoons spent talking, kissing, cuddling, and spending time with one another. I can’t wait for all the afternoons to come. And I have some things I want to promise you. I promise that I will always support you and offer my advice. I promise to always flirt with you like we’re 15, just to see you blush,” Jon chuckles,” I promise to always kiss you good morning and good night. I promise to always come home happy to see you. And most of all I promise that no matter where I am in this universe, my heart will always be at home with you.”
         There’s not a dry eye in the house. A few of the more seasoned heroes silently wipe tears, while others are barely holding back sobs. Jon wipes her tears away.
         “Mar’i, I remember the day we met.” He has no notecards, instead looking deep into her eyes,” I remember seeing you and thinking ‘wow, she’s really pretty.’” A laugh ripples through the audience,” I fell in love with you that day, but I didn’t realize it until years later. I actually figured it out when you did that dance for my 13th birthday. ‘One Call Away’ by Charlie Puth. I laughed at the line ‘Superman’s got nothing on me’ because my dad pretended to be offended. I just
Watching you do what you love, seeing you smile, knowing how much work you put into that dance, I knew that I was in love with you.”
         Mar’i wipes his eyes this time. He turns his head to kiss the palm of her hand,” I am so lucky to have you in my life. I am so lucky to have been your boyfriend, your partner, and most importantly your best friend. I know how lucky I am to become your husband. I need you to know that I will never forget that. I will never let you go to bed feeling unloved and alone. I will never let you face hardship alone. I will always let you cry when you need to and hold you as you do. I will always listen to your worries. I will always hold you when it’s 3 am and we’ve had nightmares and we want to talk about them. I will always dance with you at 3 am in our pajamas because we had nightmares and we don’t want to talk about them. I will always love you. You are my Shooting Star, my Mar-Mar, my best friend. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life by your side.”
         The pastor gives them a moment to compose themselves,” Well, I don’t believe there’s anything I can say to that.”
         “’I now pronounce you husband and wife?’” Mar’i suggests. The crowd roars with laughter at that. Even the pastor chuckles.
         “How about this? Do you, Mar’i Grayson, take Jonathan Kent to be your husband? Do you promise to honor him, to cherish him, and love him? In good times, in bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”
         “I do.” Mar’i beams at Jon.
         “Jonathan Kent, Do you- “
         “I do,” Jon interrupts. The crowd laughs.
         “I have to finish,” The pastor teasingly scolds,” Do you take Mar’i Grayson to be your wife? Do you promise to honor her, to cherish her, and love her? In good times, in bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”
         “I do,” Jon’s eyes don’t leave Mar’i’s.
         “Do you have the rings?” Jai and Lian hand the couple their wedding bands,” Mar’i, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”
         “With this ring, I thee wed.” Mar’i slips the white gold band onto his finger.
         “Jon, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”
         “With this ring,” Jon slides the silver ring up to her engagement ring,” I thee wed.”
         “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss- “
         Jon and Mar’i can’t wait. She throws her arms around his neck, he wraps his around her waist, and they kiss each other as if they’re dying. The room explodes with laughter, cheers, and whistles. More laughs as the happy couple begins floating in the air, still kissing. Mar’i pulls away first, her eyes closed. Jon rests his forehead on hers. He whispers,” I love you, Mar-Mar.”
         “I love you, Jon-Jon,” She kisses him again, not caring about the 300-people watching.
         “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor and pleasure to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kent,” Jon takes Mar’i’s hand. They land and walk down the aisle, through the cheering crowd and handfuls of confetti.
         Jon and Mar’i take a moment just outside the church to hold each other. Mar’i smiles up at him,” You’re my husband. I’m your wife.”
         She giggles with giddiness at that. Jon smiles and kisses her softly,” My wife. My beautiful, wonderful wife.”
         “My husband. My handsome, amazing husband,” Mar’i smiles against his lips.
         “Are you two done yet?” The couple turns to see their families, bridal party, and photographer. Jason raises an eyebrow,” Well?”
         Mar’i blushes, but Jon does something none of them would ever expect. He grabs Mar’i, dips her and kisses her full on the mouth. Both of them hear a click from the camera, but neither cares. The kiss only lasts a few seconds, but it’s enough to leave her flustered. Jon looks up at Jason, calmly saying,” Now we are.”
         Her family roars with laughter. Jason slaps Jon on the back, impressed at the usually timid man’s boldness. The next two hours or so is filled with pictures. Each of them with their families and ones with their parents. Them with each family together. One of their friends. Hundreds of just the two of them. Jon hugging her. Them kissing. Jon picking her up, Mar’i kissing his cheek. A few of them just standing with each other, between shots, just enjoying the other’s presence. If they were upset or panicked or irritated, they didn’t show it. Eventually, they’re let go.
         Mar’i and Jon walk into their reception hall, meet with a loud cheering. Jon keeps one arm around her waist as they walk, greeting people. They’d gone with a buffet, so people could get whatever they wanted to eat. More than a few people are taking advantage of the open bar. Jon and Mar’i walk around, greeting people, checking in with old friends, and ignoring a few people that they can hear making comments about the ‘real’ reason they must be getting married so young. Well, Jon ignores them. They take a second to eat before the speeches are supposed to start.
         “Remind me to never invite those people to anything ever again.” Mar’i tells him, taking a bite of Mac and cheese.
         “They’re just being ignorant, beautiful.”
         “They think we’re getting married because I’m
” Mar’i can’t bring herself to say it. Jon understands why the comment hurts and kisses her hand.
         “If they can’t see that I’m marrying you because I love you and I can’t spend another one of my adult days without you by my side, then they need to get their eyes checked.” Mar’i smiles at the bad joke. She kisses him, and they continue to eat. There’s a little panic in the couple when they see their maids of honor and best men walk up on stage. Years of teasing and threats of embarrassing stories they’d sworn tell come rushing back. Jon leans over, whispering,” This might have been a bad idea.”
         “Hello, everyone!” Lian grins into the microphone,” So we are here to celebrate Jon and Mar’i, or as I call them Superdork and Falling Star.”
         Irey pulls the mike from Lian,” As Mar’i’s maids of honor and Jon’s best men, we are supposed to give speeches about them. We decided to write them together, making sure no one was too mean.” pointed look at Lian and Jai who grin,” As we were writing, we realized that all of our speeches were pretty much the same. Because no matter who you are or where you come from, these two will welcome you with open arms.”
         “Jon is the kind of guy who will give you the shirt off his back and help you up when you get knocked down,” Jai grins at his friends,” Mar’i? She’ll buy you a shirt of your own and tell you to stay down, she’ll handle it. Jon and Mar’i have been in love longer than any of us can really remember. I think we had a betting pool back when the team first started on who would kiss who first. Irey made a pretty penny that day if memory serves right because she was the only one that thought it would be a mutual kiss.”
         “Of course, in our line of work, there’s been a few fights. Mostly dealing with Jon being overprotective and Mar’i is too stubborn for her own good. Must be genetic,” Most of the room laughs at Lian’s joke. The Bat family does not,” Here’s the thing. When the two powerhouses of the team fight, it’s terrifying. We actually have a saying ‘if the eyes are glowing, get the hell out.’ But they can’t stay mad at each other. We’ve timed it. The longest they’ve gone without talking after a fight is four hours.”
         Damian clears his throat,” Neither of them has an easy task living on Earth. The simple pleasure many of us take for granted, are difficult for them. They cannot enjoy a concert as the rest of us can. They cannot appreciate a walk in the woods or along the beach without being overloaded with information. Yet they don’t allow this to limit their lives. They find different ways to enjoy themselves. Watching the stars together has always been one of their favorite activities. Reading to one another, finding different genres to discover and explore. More than anything, they find time to be with one another. Even as simple as doing the dishes together.”
         “If we were asked to define true love
 Ok most of us would say we have it. But Jon and Mar’i
they are it. So, everyone, raise your glasses and let’s toast the bride and groom.” Everyone lifts their drinks. Mar’i and Jon hug their friends as they walk back to the head table.
         “That wasn’t as bad as I was expecting,” Mar’i admits with a laugh.
         “Irey wouldn’t let me and Jai play our video of all the times we’ve caught you making out.”
         “Irey, I love you,” Jon laughs. They continue to eat, listening to a few people give speeches. Her family does not take the same courtesy that Irey did and tries to cram as many embarrassing stories in as possible. Mar’i looks ready to die when her dad tells the story of her getting tangled in a safety net when she was 7 and spent two hours trying to get out. By the time they found her, she’d been hanging in defeat, with her hair hitting the ground.
         “Alright,” Dick says as the laughter dies down,” Now is the time I’m sure most of you have been waiting for. Jon, Mar’i, It’s time for your first dance.”
         Jon leads Mar’i to the dance floor. She giggles as he bows to her. She curtsies. They had decided to go for one of their favorite songs for their wedding song. ‘Can I have this dance’ from High School Musical 3.
Take my hand, take a breath Pull me close and take one step Keep your eyes locked on mine And let the music be your guide
Mar’i makes Jon look at her, smiling up at him. Jon pushes a little hair from her face. They sway together before Mar’i makes them move. Jon should have expected that. He married a dancer after all.
Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget) We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) Wherever we go next
Jon gets into the song, spinning Mar’i, making her laugh. They start to float. But much like their kiss, neither notices. It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do And with every step together, we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance? (Can I have this dance?) Can I have this dance? Jon spins Mar’i in the air. Mar’i moves her feet as if they’re still on the ground. Neither of them can stop smiling at each other. Once again, they are the only two left in the world.
Take my hand, I'll take the lead And every turn we'll be safe with me Don't be afraid, afraid to fall You know I'll catch you through it all
Jon holds Mar’i in his arms, singing in her ear. She smiles, pressing her face into his suit jacket. And you can't keep us apart (even a thousand miles can't keep us apart) Cause my heart is (cause my heart is) wherever you are Mar’i shrieks with laughter when he picks her up bridal style and spins her around in the air. Jon loves her laugh. He loves her smile. Her eyes shining at him. God, he loves her.
It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do And with every step together, we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance? (Can I have this dance?) Can I have this dance? Oh no mountains too high and no oceans too wide Cause together or not, our dance won't stop Let it rain, let it pour What we have is worth fighting for You know I believe, that we were meant to be Oh It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding Someone like you (like you) It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do (way we do) And with every step together, we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance? (Can I have this dance?) Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance?
          Jon kisses Mar’i as the song ends, neither of them wanting to land. When it’s just the two of them in the air, nothing else matters in the world. Jon looks at his wife and kisses her nose.
         “My shooting Star
         “My hero
         They do have to land eventually. Dick and Mar’i have fun with their father-daughter dance. The look of complete utter surprise from their guests when “Little Wonders” changes into “Uptown Funk” makes Jon laugh. The day fades into the night as they dance, eat cake, and talk. Jon loses count of how many times they dance together, only that he hopes it never ever ends.
         But end it must. Jon and Mar’i leave before their guests, kissing parents and hugging friends goodbye as they head off to their honeymoon. Jon takes a moment as they fly through the air to stop them. He can see the worry lines on her face and knows they don’t belong anywhere on his wife’s face. Not today.
         “What is it, Star?”
         “I’m just thinking
What happens next
” Jon takes her hands, squeezing them gently.
         “I don’t know. But whatever it is, I can’t wait to face it with you at my side.”
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