#and creating confusion around the final product
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headfullofdolls · 2 years ago
Friendly reminder (or intro explainer) that show bibles are reference documents that evolve with a series and get updated as the writers make changes. Despite what the name might make it sound like, nothing in them is set in stone. They're guidelines for focus and consistency, and getting writers on the same page.
Actually writing the script leads to an evolving understanding of the story, plot, characters, etc., often in unexpected directions. So the writers update the show bible to compile new insights and account for changes, again to keep everyone on the same page.
Nothing is confirmed until the finalized show.
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gothwineaunts · 4 months ago
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Well hello there, readers!!
So, I have been lurking on our socials and in the webtoon comments of Nevermore's finale episode and have picked up some very subtle hints that y'all want to know when we're going to drop Season 2. Firstly I do want to let all the smarties who guessed we'd come back on Halloween based on our Ulalume quote know that they were onto something. When we originally left that hint for you, we were indeed planning to return in late October, but some unforeseen setbacks over the summer pushed our production schedule back. Still, I wanted to say congratulations for getting the hint right! We were impressed so many of you figured it out.
As for the updated launch of season two? While I don't have a specific date to share yet, I can tell you it'll be in January.
I know, I know. Trust me, I wish it was sooner too. I can't tell you how much Flynn and I miss updating weekly. Y'all make creating this series so exciting for us with your energy and excitement and creativity!! The talent I've seen in this community is off the charts. We feel unspeakably lucky to have readers like you along for the ride, and can't wait for you to see the episodes we've been working on.
If you're new to Flynn and I, it might not be common knowledge that we always do the absolute most all the time, compulsively, without stopping ever (save us, ahahhaa). And let me assure you that the opening episodes of season two? Are very most. A lot of most. Super long. Really, extra pretty. I wish I could post them now but I think webtoon might um. Be upset with me if I did that, so. Just trust me, ok? One thing I can share in th emeantime is some of the S2 character concepts. A few characters are getting minor glow ups. See if you can spot the differences!
Okay, well! We'll see you in January!! Or before, if you hang around our socials. I mean we're not disappearing. We'll be here, just. Plodding along on buffer in the background. If you're dying to spoil yourselves with wip streams you can hit up our patreon but I almost wouldn't recommend it on account of. You'll be so confused, at this point. Lmfao. Like. Wow, it would be a really weird time to join a wip stream with no context. This sounds like a shameless plug but I'm being serious when I say it's probably best you don't hop in at this particular moment?? But I mean. I'm not a cop. I'm just your weird goth wine aunt. 🍷
Cheers, Kit Trace
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storiesforallfandoms · 8 months ago
the bad room ~ homelander;the boys
word count: 2654
request?: no
description: in which a ghost from his past returns when he needs her the most
pairing: homelander x female!reader
warnings: swearing, use of y/n, lil bit of angsty angst, mentions of death and violence, mentions of threatened suicide, mentions of what homelander and reader went through in "the bad room", the boys typical stuff, spoilers for 4x04, reader was also raised in "the bad room" but is not homelander's sister we'll say she created using another supe's dna
masterlist (one, two, three)
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The name that just moments ago made him so angry he saw the brightest of reds, brought him to a halt. It wasn't the name, but rather the voice. When he turned and saw her there, he was almost certain it was a hallucination.
He hadn't seen her in years. Since she somehow escaped The Bad Room before he was set free of it. Before he became Homelander. But it felt like she hadn't changed at all. Not her eyes, watching him with care and concern. Not her face, just as beautiful as he remembered. Not the fuzzy feeling in his stomach just being in her presence.
He was tempted to take her in his arms and never let her go, but then he remembered the blood soaked super suit and the thick liquid still dripping from his face and hair; the blood of the people who tortured them both.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
A wry smile twisted on Homelander's face. "Visiting home."
Her eyes flickered to the building behind them. "Did you leave anyone alive?"
(Y/N)'s face darkened. "Should've killed her first, very slowly and painfully."
Homelander chuckled, humorlessly. "That's quite the thing to say about your mother."
"That woman was never a mother to me."
"She raised you."
"If that's all it takes, then Vogelbaum was your dad, right?"
Homelander scowled at her. "Point taken."
(Y/N) looked him up and down. He suddenly felt very self conscious and small, even though he stood a few inches over her. They were emotions he thought he wouldn't feel anymore; human emotions. He was supposed to have left those behind in The Bad Room. That was the whole reason he had come back to this nightmare.
But he realized he wasn't feeling this way in a negative way. Well, he definitely felt ashamed that (Y/N) had to see him like this. But he realized he felt small because he was remembering every moment he and (Y/N) had in The Bad Room. She was the only good thing about that place. They kept each other going; they kept each other sane. When she suddenly disappeared, he thought the worse. He wanted to escape himself, to burn the whole place down, to burn himself with it. But he was still young, not yet The Homelander.
He later found out she was alive and had just managed to escape. He would've been angry that she didn't take him if he wasn't so heartbroken by it.
"I live nearby," (Y/N) said, breaking the silence. "You can come over and get cleaned up."
It took him a moment, but he finally registered what she had said. "Yeah. Okay. Lead the way."
(Y/N) seemed confused. "Um...I drove here."
Now it was Homelander's turn to look confused. When he realized she was being serious, he said, "Oh...okay. Well...you drive and I'll follow your car."
"You think it's a good idea to risk people seeing Homelander flying around covered in blood?"
He knew she wasn't wrong, but he hadn't driven in a car since...well, maybe ever.
"I'll clean the seats later, and it'll be less risk for your image," she said. "John...please?"
She wanted him to come over. She wanted to spend time with him. In her space. How could he say no?
That's how Homelander found himself stood under a stream of hot water in an unfamiliar bathroom. The blood ran from his face and hair, staining the water red as it ran down the drain. He found himself looking at the products she had there - her body washes and shampoo. He tried not to think too much about the fact that there were no men's products there. Although, he would've appreciated some men's body wash at the very least. He wasn't sure if he could handle using her body wash and smelling so much like her.
Eventually the water went from red to clear, so he shut it off. He wrapped one of the towels (Y/N) had left for him around his waist. He had left his suit on the floor, but now it was gone and any blood that had dripped onto the floor was cleaned. Homelander found himself blushing at the thought of (Y/N) coming into the bathroom while he was showering without him knowing, but then the blood moved from his face to a lower area.
He walked out of the bathroom and into (Y/N)'s living room. She was sat on her couch with a glass of wine in hand. He could smell bleach trying to be masked by the smell of hand lotion, which told him that she had cleaned her car while he was in the shower.
"Does that stuff get you drunk?" he asked, even though he knew the answer.
"Of course not," she responded. "I drink it for the taste at this point."
He noticed her looking him up and down again, and he suddenly became very aware of the fact that he wasn't wearing any clothes.
"My suit..." he started.
"The cape is in my washer, but I wasn't sure how to wash the rest of it. Especially with those shoulder pads you have."
"That's okay. I can get someone back at the tower to dry clean it for me. They won't ask any questions."
(Y/N) winced and took a sip of her wine.
"I have some clothes you can borrow," she said, placing her glass down and standing from the couch.
"I don't think any of your clothes will fit me," Homelander said, a smile tugging at his lips.
She gave him a look, but he could see she was smiling as well. "They're men's clothes."
His smile suddenly fell. "Oh."
"They're my brother's."
He should've been happy for that clarification, but it only made his brow crease more. "Brother?"
"Foster brother, but I see him as an actual brother," she explained. "He stays over whenever he's in New York so he's left some clothes here. They should fit you."
He dressed in the clothes that (Y/N) gave him, but he was filled with more questions. She had a foster brother, did that mean she had a whole foster family? It would make sense, she was still a minor when she had escaped. He guessed she couldn't just live on her own under the age of 18.
But couldn't she? She had powers. She was raised to be a Supe just as powerful as himself. She could've taken care of herself, gotten whatever she wanted.
But maybe what she wanted was a real family.
But they weren't her family. They were just posing as one.
He was still turning these thoughts over in his head as she entered her living room again. She was back on the couch with a second glass of wine. He didn't drink alcohol. He was told he couldn't before. He had an image to uphold. But who cared about that image now? He literally killed a man and got away with it.
He sat next to her. She took a sip of her own wine before looking at him. "You have questions."
That was an understatement.
But she was opening the floor for him to ask everything on his mind, and he had a lot of things he wanted to know.
The first thing out of his mouth was, "Why were you there tonight?"
She seemed almost amused by this being his first question. "Barbara called me. She said there was a breach."
"What are you, their bodyguard?"
"That's what she thinks. Or...thought, I guess."
"I didn't kill her. I left her with the bodies of the people who tortured us."
(Y/N) looked at him, almost in disbelief, before a laugh slipped from her lips. "Jesus, that's worse than death. That's what she deserves."
"Why does she still have your number? You escaped, why would you want any connections to her or-or that place?"
She sighed. "It's...complicated."
"Then uncomplicate it for me."
When (Y/N) looked at him, there was no fear in her eyes. Not like most people who get this close to him, who know what he's done and have to deal with him after the fact. Instead, he saw sadness. And with it, any ounce of anger that was growing in him evaporated.
"I didn't escape, I made a deal with Barbara and Vogulbaum. I told them either they let me go and stop trying to train me and make me into their next Supe princess, or the second they let me leave the facility and put me on camera I would reveal everything those people did to us. And then...and then I'd kill myself on live television so the world knew what Vought did to us."
Homelander watched her as she took a sip of her wine. Well, a gulp more like it. She finished the contents of her glass and reached for the bottle to get herself more. He reached for his own glass and swallowed it all in two gulps. He winced at the taste and suddenly was glad he never drank before.
(Y/N) started to refill his glass when he asked, "Why didn't you take me?"
She paused. He could hear her heart rate picking up, and he could see the tears welling in her eyes.
"They wouldn't - " she started, but choked on her tears. She cleared her throat and tried again. "They wouldn't let me. I tried to negotiate it with Barbara, but she said no, and she said even if she agreed Vogelbaum never would. She said the deal was only me, and if I didn't take it then...then that was it. I had to stay, continue all the training and...experiments. Neither one of us would ever get out if I agreed to that, so...I took their deal. They rushed me out in the middle of the night so that you wouldn't know, blindfolded me so that I wouldn't know where the facility was, and then dropped me in the middle of nowhere to fend for myself. I was hitchhiking for hours when this family drove past and found me."
"What did you tell them?" Homelander asked.
"I lied and said I had no idea what happened to me. I said bad people took me and I couldn't remember who they were or where I came from. Only that I remembered my first name, the only name that Barbara gave me. They looked into missing persons and couldn't find me anywhere here or in any other state. So - "
"They took you in," he finished. "They fostered you."
(Y/N) nodded. "They wanted to adopt me officially, but that's a whole process. They became like my family anyways. Like I said, I'm still in contact with them."
"Do they know you have powers?"
She shook her head. "I haven't used my powers since I got out of there. Not on purpose, anyways. There's always the odd slip up, but that's bound to happen."
Everything she said just resulted in more questions in his head. He wanted to ask her why she never disclosed to her "family" that she had powers, but he figured the answer to that was pretty simple: she wanted to be normal.
But she's not normal. She's never been normal. She was made to be a God, like me.
Instead of saying that, he said, "You never...called. Or came by the tower or...anything. You never tried to contact me."
"I did once, remember? When you asked me to be in The Seven."
Oh, he remembered. It was just after Lamplighter had announced his intention to leave, before they put out a nation wide search for a new member that resulted in Starlight joining the team. He asked Stillwell to wait on putting out word on a search because he had someone he wanted to ask first. Reluctantly, he turned to Vogelbaum, because he knew they must've had an idea of where (Y/N) ended up. Even when he thought she had just escaped, he knew they never would've let her truly be free of them. He asked Vogelbaum to send her a message: "Please come join The Seven. It would mean the world to me if you did."
Almost immediately, Vogelbaum called the tower to let Homelander know she had responded. "She said I'm sorry, but I can't."
He was locked in his room for days after that.
Now, he scoffed at her bringing up that memory. "That's not trying to contact me. That's responded to me trying to contact you, and having to go through Vogelbaum of all people to do it. You basically fell off the face of the Earth to me, but I was readily available to you if you ever gave enough of a fuck to reach out."
"You think I didn't care?!" (Y/N) snapped, standing from the couch. "You think I wasn't thinking of you every second after I got out of that hell hole?! That I wasn't trying for years to figure out where the hell they had you hidden so I could come save you, too? I tried everything John! I looked everywhere that I could, but I was too late. They were already parading you around on TV as the next Soldier Boy! The second they announced you'd be the leader of The Seven, I knew I was too late. They had already corrupted you too much, you were already another Supe pawn in Vought's attempts at global domination. I couldn't handle that. I couldn't try to pry you away from that when I knew you would never leave the spotlight. How could you? You're the world's greatest superhero, you had everyone at your feet. And I was just the girl who ran away from that life and stopped using her powers. How could you ever choose me over that?"
"I would've chosen you every time!" Homelander snapped back, getting to his feet as well to stand over her. "That's why I asked you to join The Seven!"
"But that's not what I wanted, John! I didn't want to be a hero. If I took you up on your offer, I would be letting Barbara and Vogelbaum and all of those other fuckers win. I just wanted to be normal! I wanted me and you to be normal!"
"But we're not fucking normal!"
Tears were running down her face as she backed away from him. He realized then that he was crying, too. So much built up emotion between the two of them was finally coming out. They both needed it, but goddamn, Homelander felt his heart breaking all over again.
Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
Suddenly, (Y/N) was throwing herself at him. Her arms were around his neck, holding onto him for dear life, and her lips were on his. He was surprised at first, but quickly wrapped his arms around her to hold her to him. He could taste the salt of their tears mixed with the wine they had been drinking. It was messy and far from the perfect kiss, but neither of them cared. It was the cultivation of years of emotions between them.
(Y/N) pulled away first. She rested her forehead against his, looking into his bright blue eyes. "I can't be your perfect Supe counterpart. I can't be a Supe, John, you have to understand that."
"I do," he said. "Whatever you need, I won't push you. I just want you back."
"You can have me," she said, her voice a whisper but he could still hear her plain as day. "You always had me."
He leaned in to kiss her again, picking her up in his arms as he did so. He never wanted to let her go again, so he wouldn't.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 5 months ago
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pairing: hyunjin x gn!reader
genre: smut, fluff
a/n: just a drabble about worshipping hyune's pretty hands (turned out longer whoops - 1.9k)
warnings: finger sucking, handjob, cum eating
(this is for you @jehhskz 🥹🩷)
You eagerly awaited for your boyfriend to come home after preparing everything you needed to pamper him.
He was running a bit late, probably getting hung up at the studio.
You hear the jingling of keys and him unlocking the door a little bit after 10pm.
"Darling, I'm home!" Hyunjin yells from the door and you chuckle excitedly, making your way to him.
"Hey." he smiles softly when he sees you.
"Hey there." you whisper back as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest, your head on his heartbeat.
He caresses your hair softly and you revel in the feeling of his hands on you.
"Are you hungry?" you ask.
"No, I ate with the guys." he mutters into you, inhaling your sweet shampoo and pressing a kiss to your head.
"Good, I need you to close your eyes." you add and he chuckles, looking back at you. "I have a surprise for you."
"What did you do?" he asks with a sweet smile, excited to see what you had prepared for him this time around.
"You'll see. Just close your eyes." you nudge him and he leans in closer to your face.
"Give me a kiss first and then ask more nicely." he smirks and you look at him with a playful smile.
"Fine." you huff in fake annoyance, leaning in to kiss him.
Hyunjin's pretty hand wraps around your neck, holding you in place as he pushes his tongue in, kissing you until you're almost breathless.
"Close your eyes, please." you say after parting and he looks at you with lust blooming in his eyes.
"Of course, darling." he smirks and finally closes his eyes as you lead him to the living room.
You make him sit on the couch, his legs spread slightly, making room for you to kneel between them.
"Am I getting a blowjob?" he chuckles, his eyes still closed but you guess he heard the thud of your knees as you landed on the carpet.
"Not exactly." you smirk even though he can't see you.
You pull the coffee table closer to you and your boyfriend's eyebrows come together in confusion.
"Can I open my eyes now?"
"Yeah." you say and when he does, the confusion doesn't leave his face.
"What's all this?" he points to the coffee table which holds a small basin filled with water and some kind of nice smelling soap, a bunch of nail products and almond oil.
"I want to worship your hands." you bite on your lip and his cheeks become rosy at the thought.
"What does that entail?" you can hear that his breathing has picked up now, no doubt that his imaginative mind has already ran through different things you could do with his hands.
"You'll see." you wiggle your brows at him and he chuckles, shaking his head.
"Alright, love. Do whatever you want." he smirks.
You gently take Hyunjin's right hand in yours, bringing it to the basin filled with warm water, hovering it above the liquid before you scoop some of it with in your palm, letting it drop on the top of his hand.
Hyunjin is silent as he observes you, both of you holding eye contact as you submerge his hand into the water, gently washing it with the soap, massaging it into his hand, bubbles appearing on his skin.
Some low piano music plays somewhere in the background, your favorite scented candle creating a tender and quiet atmosphere where only the sounds of sloshing water follow the piano notes.
After washing the soap off, you grab a fluffy cloth, gently drying his hand before you grab his left one and repeat the process.
Hyunjin's pupils are dilated and he stares at you quietly, admiration evident in his eyes as well as arousal at seeing you on your knees, being so pretty for him, handling his precious hands with such gentleness and love.
After you dry off his left hand, you bring it to your lips, pressing kiss after kiss into his knuckles, continuing onto his right hand and Hyunjin visibly melts at the sweet gesture.
You bring your attention only to the right hand now, kissing the top of it before you take the almond oil and pour some in your hands.
You gently stroke the top of his hand with your palm, applying the oil from the base to the tip of his fingers, listening to his breathing and the sweet piano in the background.
You flip his hand over, pressing the tips of your fingers gently into his, working the oil into his skin towards the wrist then back up to the tips.
Hyunjin's eyes flutter, his cheeks become redder and his lips pouty as you keep repeating the motions, relief and arousal washing over his body at something so simple yet so intimate.
You keep watching his reactions, every single twitch on his face is noticeable and you continue your ministrations before ending it with a kiss to his palm.
His left hand gets the same attention, and by now you can clearly see that Hyunjin's pants are getting tighter right before your eyes.
He doesn't acknowledge it, only keeps his focus on you as you pinch the tip of his pinky firmly before starting to massage his fingers with your thumb, going from the base up.
His lips are parted and eyes hooded as he stares at you with so much love that you feel like your heart and your core will burst into fireworks.
You give attention to every finger, repeating the motions on his other hand, watching Hyunjin subtly nudge his middle forwards and you smirk at him.
He still doesn't say anything, lulled in the soft and quiet moment as you press your thumb to the back of his hand, sliding it towards his wrist slowly, pressing into him and a little gasp escapes his lips.
You work your way to his thumb, massaging the webbed area between the thumb and index finger in circular motions, making Hyunjin bite on his lip and pull himself even closer to you.
Still holding eye contact, you bring his hand close to your face and start pressing gentle, lingering kisses to his fingertips and Hyunjin slowly but surely starts losing it.
But, you're nowhere near done as you do the same to his other hand and then go back to massage the back of his wrist.
Hyunjin tries to let you do your thing, ignoring his hard cock now leaking in his boxers, twitching and begging for attention, but it proves too difficult, his free hand coming up to cup himself through his sweatpants.
"Want some help, my prince?" you say in a sultry tone and he whines, nodding quickly.
You take both his hands in yours, peppering kisses all over his smooth skin before you let them go and hook your fingers in his sweatpants.
He lifts up as you pull them down with his boxers and your eyes immediately fall on his hard member, the tip leaking with excitement.
Your hand comes up to cup his balls, massaging them gently and Hyunjin whimpers, pushing into your palm as you run your hand on his length to the tip, dipping into his slit and playing with the pre-cum, smearing it before you capture his tip between your thumb and index finger, giving it a few teasing and slow strokes.
The pad of you thumb presses into his slit again, running against it and Hyunjin can't helping pushing into you again.
You lean over him, gathering spit in your mouth before you let it drop and coat his head, making him gasp and twitch.
His hand cups you cheek as you wrap yours around his cock, with slow languid strokes you spread your spit all over his length, making it slide more easily as you continue effectively massaging his throbbing length.
You wrap your other hand around him too, making the strokes more purposeful and heavy as Hyunjin keeps gasping and breathing hard, his eyes fluttering between staring at your face lustfully and being closed in pure bliss.
His thumb makes his way to your lower lip, and he presses into it slightly.
Your lips part immediately and Hyunjin slides his thumb into your mouth, sliding it across your wet muscle until it's all in and he presses it into your tongue, making you whimper quietly around him.
A small smirk appears on his lips as you continue stroking him, gently twisting your wrist at the head of his cock, your lips wrapped around his thumb as you start sucking on it.
"My beautiful lover. Is this what you envisioned when you said you'd worship my hands?" Hyunjin's smirk becomes bigger as he slowly moves his thumb like he's fucking your mouth with it.
"Mm." you moan around him, your eyes hooded and your middle throbbing with need.
"Look so pretty like this. But maybe you need more." your hands stutter on him as he pulls his thumb out, coated in your saliva and presses the tips of his middle and ring finger on your lips.
You give in immediately, letting him push them in slowly until they're deep inside your mouth, tickling you and making you choke a little as you lean your head back slightly.
"Yeah, this is what you like." Hyunjin nods to himself with a cocky grin and you whimper, cupping his balls with one hand while the other continues stroking him, a little faster than before.
At the same time, you start bobbing your head on his fingers, sucking on them and matching the pace of your hand on his cock.
"Fuck, darling." Hyunjin gasps, his hips jolting into your hands, his fingers meeting your movement as he fucks them into your mouth.
"So good for me." his other hand wraps gently around your throat, holding you in place as he moves his fingers faster inside your mouth, your spit coating them and dribbling down your chin.
Hyunjin's cock twitches in your hold and you know he's close with the way his balls tighten in your other hand, he's throbbing all over for you, so close to sweet release.
The hand that was holding your neck now tangles in your hair as he grips it and you push your face down on his fingers, choking on them as you suck, your hand speeding up sloppily jerking him off and driving him wild as he moans loudly.
"Gonna cum for you, ah!" Hyunjin whimpers, pulling your head closer and you release him, letting him take control as he jerks himself off while looking down at you darkly.
With a whine, he pulls his fingers out of your mouth, pressing your lips down to leave you open so he can bring his cock on your tongue just as he starts cumming, spurts of the warm liquid land on your lips.
He pushes it in as he's cumming, replacing his fingers and pushing his release down your throat as you whimper and choke, swallowing every last drop of his essence.
"Are you okay?" he grabs your face immediately after he pulls out and you cough a little.
"Yeah, perfect." you chuckle and turn your head to kiss his palm.
"You're amazing, you know that?" Hyunjin smiles fondly at you. "Thank you for loving me." he leans down to capture your lips in his as you lift up to meet him half way.
"Thank you for letting me love you." you whisper against his lips before indulging in another loving kiss with your precious boyfriend.
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @hwanghyunjinismybae @jehhskz @porangporangmeong @laylasbunbunny @laughatdanger @jeonginslefthand @sapphirewaves @simpforleeknaur @s3ungm1nxxl0ve @painterhyunjin @starlost-mochi-x @saintcosette
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sunseed-fandump · 13 days ago
I need more backstory on bad batch wizard!! What do you mean my baby boy was almost devoured 😭
(Also totally not cus he's my fav and im biased to want more content of him no wayyyy 👀💧)
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(An old picture sits in Vampire Cookie’s desk drawer. A reminder of a happier time, back when he and his sister used to live in a place very far away…)
Tell me, what are you willing to do for the sake of survival?
When Wizard was first baked, he was lucky he got away when he did. The life powder in his body had kicked in very late. When he awoke, it wasn’t to crackling flames, burnt cookies, and oven walls; he woke up on a plate, the only cookie in his batch to have come alive at all, stuck under the weight of inanimate dough. He didn’t even fully comprehend what was going on until the entire pile had shifted from the Witch taking one of the cookies from the top, offering him a wonderful view of her biting off its head.
He panicked, kicking and flailing in an attempt to free himself and run. The hard porcelain beneath him, the crushing weight above him, and the looming threat beyond that was all too much. He didn’t even know his own name yet and he was already afraid of losing what little life he had.
His struggles had caused the pile to shift slightly, gaining the Witch’s attention. Before she could discover him, the sound of glass shattering and the cat screeching heralded the arrival of a blessing in disguise. With the Witch preoccupied, Wizard was able to wiggle his way out from under the pile and flee to safety.
Like I said, he got lucky.
He wandered the Castle alone for a time, piecing together an identity for himself as he went. However, he didn’t discover his love for knowledge until he stumbled across the Witch’s library. With every book he read, (and he taught himself how to read very very quickly) he understood things a little bit better. The world around him suddenly seemed less scary. Those stringy things in the tunnels? Just cobwebs. Strange-looking shadows? Just a trick of the light. The thunder that crashed beyond the castle walls? A by-product of lightning from the expansion of rapidly heated air. Simple!
Then he found the magic books and Wizard discovered a whole new thing about himself.
He loved magic. He loved the very concept of it. He loved the idea of being able to use it. He wanted to shoo away the cobwebs by conjuring a gust of wind. He wanted to illuminate the shadows by creating light from nothing. He wanted to call the lightning from the heavens and have the thunder clap at his command.
(He wanted - needed - a shred of control over his own fate, lest the Witch find him.)
So he studied, and he practiced, day in and day out, using twigs and common quartz as foci. They weren’t strong, and would break if he tried anything too advanced, but he managed.
Then he met Alchemist Cookie.
At first they didn’t think much of each other. Wizard preferred the Arcane Arts while Alchemist stuck with her potions and elixirs, both considered their chosen path to be superior to the other. Yet, after a few encounters, the two found companionship in one another. It was refreshing finally being able to meet someone just as passionate about magic. It was thrilling to engage in academic discussion and not have to be met with blank confused stares. They became friends.
She introduced him to other castle residents who were just as passionate about magic. She was willing to share her lab with him so he could practice in a safer environment. She showed him the safest paths through the castle walls and all the settlements to find the best reagents. He was very lucky to have met her.
And then came the day his luck ran out.
If you were to ask the two of them whose idea it was to sneak into the Witch’s Lab that day, Wizard would blame Alchemist, while Alchemist would blame Wizard. The truth is, neither of them remember, and by this point it doesn’t matter.
The rarest reagents and best supplies in the castle could be found in that lab, but while Alchemist had plundered the cabinets, Wizard had found something of interest in a display case. A staff, relatively simple in design, with dragon wings carved from amethyst, and a small flickering azure ember hovering above it. Despite his better judgement, despite knowing the Witch would notice such a thing going missing, despite the red flag of repressing runes surrounding the artifact, Wizard Cookie took the staff.
The minute his little hand lifted it from its display, the tiny ember burst into a strong flame and a bright blazing eye slid open. Wizard had been scared at first, almost putting the staff back, but then it spoke to him. It thanked him, it told him it had been trapped for so long, its last master had been killed and it had been waiting for a new wielder worthy of its powerful secrets ever since.
It asked if Wizard would like to know those secrets…
But before the boy could give the staff his answer, Alchemist Cookie had returned from the cabinets. She scolded him for being so reckless and told him to return the staff where he had found it, but Wizard refused. After all, if this staff was as powerful as it boasted, perhaps it could be used for the good of the cookies back home? Besides, the other scholars would probably love to study it. It was such a good find!
Alchemist eventually relented, and the pair left the lab, reagents and staff in hand.
They didn’t know that they were being followed.
When they had returned to the settlement nestled in a crawlspace, the two were wholly unaware of what else they had brought back with them until it was too late.
The Reaper, one of the Witch’s faithful servants created from a hollowed out pumpkin and vines, had followed them back home. She, like the other familiars, had been tasked with capturing the sweetest creatures they could find, especially Cookies. She descended on the town with ruthlessness, spreading seeds that grew into brambles and swinging her scythe with deadly grace.
The town was in complete chaos. The militia scrambled for control, spells did nothing as The Reaper grew back whatever damage was done to her plant-composed body too quickly, nobody could escape because the town had been sealed in by the thorns. That did not stop Wizard and Alchemist from trying to find a way out or helping the other desserts hide while searching for Alchemist’s brother, Vampire Cookie, to make sure he was safe.
Unfortunately, the Reaper found them first.
Two of the many vines that made up her body had caught them, plucking them up like a fresh harvest.
“Oh goody, more cookies!” The Reaper had said with a cackle, but then paused and raised them higher for closer inspection. “Wait... Oh, I know you two! You’re the little thieves I followed! I’m sure The Witch will reward me handsomely when she finds you on her plate tonight!”
Now, as a plant, the Reaper had no need for real food. All of her sustenance came from planting her roots into soil and absorbing whatever sunlight filtered in through the castle’s windows. Because of this, her large empty head was used as a prison for whatever creatures she caught. It was a perfectly harmless holding space. Wizard knew this, of course, because he had done extensive research into as many of the Witch’s minions as he could. (Unlike the cobwebs, shadows, and thunder, the more he learned, the scarier they became.) Despite this knowledge, however, when the Reaper had raised him to her mouth in order to stash him away inside her head, Wizard felt a terribly violent spike of fear for his own life.
His first memory had returned to him, unbidden. The vision of the Witch biting the head off of a cookie flashed in his mind, and that combined with his fear, caused the irrational thought of “I am going to die. She is going to eat me.”
And then the staff, still clutched tightly in his hands, spoke to him once again.
It told him it could save him. It told him it knew a spell that could stop the Reaper once and for all. He needed only to ask, and it would happily whisper the words into his ear. After all, it would hate to see Wizard wind up on a plate like its last master.
All Wizard had to do was listen closely…
The words of the spell felt vile on his tongue, but the Azure Flame Staff assured him that he would get used to it. He was mere inches from the Reaper’s face when the blue flame at the top of the staff burst.
A massive inferno consumed the Reaper and soon the flames spread to the brambles. The force of the explosion had shook the foundation and support beams, causing the old castle stones to collapse which resulted in a cave-in that buried some of the town.
It was complete and utter devastation.
Wizard and Alchemist had been flung from the Reaper’s grasp when she flailed around in a desperate attempt to put the fires out. The azure flames ate away at both her plant-like body and the magic that fueled her life-essence. It was a weirdly beautiful sight, though Wizard didn’t have a chance to see what became of her as he and Alchemist crashed into a fountain, the water just barely broke their fall.
They hauled themselves out of the fountain, soaking wet and trembling, but alive. They were alive. Wizard had done it. He finally had the power to change his fate however he wished. He’d done it!
Laughter had bubbled out of his chest at the revelation, the hand that wasn’t clutching the staff had flown up to his hair. (He had lost his hat in the fall. Pity.) All the stress and fear melted into an emotion he couldn’t quite describe, but it gave him butterflies in his stomach and a lightheaded feeling that just made everything suddenly seem so funny. He could barely contain himself as he leaned back against the edge of the fountain and released all that pent up emotion through cackling laughter that could only just barely be heard over the sounds of crackling blue fire.
“I did it!” He had said with joy in his heart. “We’re safe, Alchemist, we’re–!” But his joy melted into concern when he looked over to his friend. Where he had been expecting her to be just as relieved and happy as he was, he saw fear.
It took him a moment to realize that it was directed at him.
“Alchemist?” His brow furrowed.
“Wizard…” Alchemist began slowly. “Put the staff down.”
The staff almost seemed to hiss at her suggestion, and Wizard found himself clutching it tighter. “Why?”
“Please, I just need you to trust me, okay?” She slowly got to her feet, approaching him like one would a scared animal.
With the Reaper no longer an immediate threat, the townscookies had begun leaving their hiding places in favor of getting the inferno under control. The square was suddenly full of noise, cookies shouting orders and rallying others to shift through the rubble. Wizard didn’t hear any of it as he stared at Alchemist with confusion.
“But, Alchemist, it’s fine. See?” He held it up and she cringed away, as if expecting him to cast that same explosive spell at her. Why did she think he would hurt her? They were friends!
“Th-That’s great, now put down the staff.” Her insistence made annoyance flare up in Wizard’s gut. They had just escaped certain death and this was what she was focusing on?! He wasn’t a threat, so why was she acting so weird? She knew he’d been looking for a strong foci for a while now, so why was she trying to take the staff away from him?
Wizard narrowed his eyes. “... No.”
“We finally have a means of defending ourselves against the Witch and her minions and you want me to just let it go?” The boy rose to his full height, taking a step forward (and ignoring her taking a step back).
“Wizard, that thing is dangerous!” She flung her arms out to the side, gesturing at the burning town all around them. Wizard scoffed.
“I have it under control!” He didn’t, but that wasn’t important right now.
“You call everything that just happened control?! You just killed one of the Witch’s familiars and buried half the town!” Alchemist was getting visibly hysterical, but Wizard was too angry to notice. She was treating him like a child! He knew what he was doing!
“I just saved your life! A ‘thank you’ would be nice!” He put a hand on his hip, offended at the lack of gratitude.
“Thank you? You want a thank you?! There are cookies buried under there, some of them might have even crumbled, and you want me to THANK YOU?! My brother is over there and–!” She stopped short, as if surprised by the words that had come from her own mouth. The color drained from her face as realization set in, her eyes were wide and she spoke with a soft trembling voice, “Vampire Cookie….”
She had spun on her heel, anger towards Wizard forgotten in favor of fear for her brother. “VAMPIRE COOKIE!”
“I’ll help!” Wizard’s own anger simmering into concern over the lax cookie’s well-being. Yet he was stopped by a spear impacting the ground in front of him.
“I believe we’ve all had enough of your ‘help’,” spat the militia-cookie who had gotten in his way before he extended a hand toward the boy. “You’re under arrest for use of dark magic. Come quietly.”
“Wha–?!” Wizard jumped back, looking from the armored cookie to Alchemist Cookie’s back. “You-You can’t be serious! You’re joking, right? It was just the one spell, how does that make me a criminal?! Alchemist, tell him he’s wrong! Alchemist!”
The girl said nothing for a long moment, refusing to look at him. Her hands were clenched into fists at her sides. When she finally spoke it was a whisper, “Leave…”
Wizard cringed as if he had been struck. “B-But–”
“I said LEAVE!” She whirled around on him, tears and fire in her eyes. “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!”
Wizard Cookie felt numb. This couldn’t really be happening could it? He had just defeated the monster attacking the town, and now they were treating HIM like the monster! All he did was cast a spell! A spell that saved them from the Witch’s dinner table!
A stone had gotten thrown at his head, and it was only now he realized the scene had amassed quite an audience.
“The only crazy one here is you!” shouted one of the cookies in the crowd.
“What were you thinking?!” cried another.
“This is so much worse than what the Reaper would have done!”
“Get out!” Another stone was thrown, which Wizard was able to avoid this time.
The boy began to feel overwhelmed. Despair settled in his gut and made it feel like heavy stones had been tied to his feet as he looked around at all the cookies who were angry at him. He gave one last pleading look to Alchemist, who stared at him with a cold look.
Without another word, she turned her back to him and left.
Wizard scrambled back when a few more militia-cookies began advancing on him. Outnumbered and heartbroken, he fled. The militia probably would have caught him if the staff hadn’t whispered a teleportation spell into his ear, which he used without a second thought.
And the minute he left town, the azure flames blew out.
Wizard was on his own for a while after that. The experience made him bitter, especially when word spread throughout the castle of a cookie of his description practicing the forbidden arcane. A menace, a mad wizard, a twisted child who could destroy a whole town and laugh about it. He hated those rumors. He despised the vile things everyone said about him, especially since most of it wasn’t even true! But nobody asked for his side of the story. They only ever pointed and called him a monster!
And after everything he’d done for them…
Did they expect him to have just let himself be taken and eaten by the Witch? Did they want him to just rely on luck like everyone else? Did they want him to just accept whatever fate the Witches designed for him?! No, he refused. He wanted to live. He wanted to learn. He wanted to paint his own destiny and leave a mark on the world that no one would ever be able to erase.
Wizard Cookie did not want to be lucky, he wanted to live.
So, I ask again.
What are you willing to do for the sake of survival?
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thatsdemko · 2 years ago
without you there’s nothing to live for - l.norris
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pairings: lando norris x fem!reader
warnings: jealousy + insecurities + fluff + build up(kinda long I’m sorry about that) + some errors here or there
a/n: while I had bits and pieces of this work in millions of other lando drafts I think I have to give credit where it’s due to @userlando and her anons ☺️🫶 I’m in such a shit mood so i figured posting this might make me feel better. enjoy xx
Lando Norris was annoying. a childhood friend of yours that somehow stuck throughout the years and never seemed to vanish. he was like a a piece of gum stuck to your shoe, he just never left.
and while you’re thankful he’s the longest lasting friendship you have; did you fail to mention he could be annoying?
his hands drum against the kitchen island, a distraction worthy of you flicking your pencil in his direction, but he’s too quick the pencil would just end up behind him, so you result in throwing him a very pointed look that shuts him up.
“is that pencil up your ass too today?”
you give him another look before staring down at the empty grocery list you failed to create, because lando has claimed your flat as his flat. the lavish lifestyle penthouse was abandoned at the instant call of your arrival to Monaco, and now all of his expensive taste clutters your space.
“did you put eggs on the list? I need eggs. it’s good protein—“ he shuts up to the sound of you breaking the pencil in half, another annoyed look tossed his way.
lando could be a lot. but there was no one who could keep up with you. there was no one like him in your corner, and while he pushed your buttons you were eternally grateful for his loyalty despite your rather jaded friendship.
“let’s just go to the store? I’ll drive.” he says like there’s another alternative to the store. ever since he got his license and moved in, you’ve never even put your foot on the accelerator. you’ve almost forgot the thrilling feeling of driving.
“eggs have been added to the list.” you finally say, typing up your notes of a grocery list once you were finally able to think straight without lando tapping away or chatting your ear off.
god was he annoying, but you loved him for him.
his wallet funds are bigger than what you have. you feel guilty every time he buys, but it’s not like you have the funds to do so. he knows that guilty look across your face when he ends up paying for 10% groceries and 90% female hygiene products. he doesn’t mind, just shoves his card in the machine and says a thank you for the person who bags your things.
“you have to let me pay you back—“
“no, nonsense.” he cuts you off, the conversation goes like it always does. you beg, and beg, to try and wiggle in a payback, but he refuses. all those years of your parents giving him shelter, taking him to races, or letting him play in your backyard it’s the least he could do.
“but the price adds up, and you’re paying for most of the rent—“
“I won’t have this conversation with you. just get in the car.” he says it without letting you have another word in. it’s his turn to shoot you down with pointed looks every time you try to mention money.
“y/n?! is that you?”
lando’s heart nearly drops to his stomach at the sound of that voice—that voice, being your ex boyfriend. he came out of nowhere, like the stalker he is, and finds himself walking around lando’s spiffy mclaren with wide eyes and confusion at your presence with the formula one driver. he must’ve forgotten lando was your best friend.
“you going to introduce me to your new boyfriend?”
before you can protest lando shakes his hand. you can tell by the grip lando has on him it’s a firm hard handshake. one to prove a point about the 2 a.m calls of you crying to your best friend from across the world. he was a shitty man, and maybe showing lando off like that would put him in his place.
“this is lando, you guys met awhile back.” you say.
you watch the two of their eyes glimmer in the sunlight with hatred for one another. lando was the guy you told him not to worry about— and he still was— and he was the guy lando was desperately wanting to kick ass.
“don’t remember that.”
“I actually remember, didn’t you spend half the night snogging another girl?” lando’s gentle reminder makes your ex’s face flush pale. you watch a little smile lift to lando’s lips before you both excuse yourselves to head home.
“my new boyfriend is so cool.” you say in a sarcastic tone once it’s just the two of you in his car.
lando let’s out laugh, and just puts the car in reverse. the simple act makes your head spin. his hand reaching behind the head of your seat, the way his eyes quickly glance on you before he looks back to ensure no one is coming. these thoughts were never present until this run in. would lando be a good boyfriend?
you can’t help but explore those thoughts in the twenty minute car ride home in pure silence.
your mind wanders to the idea of waking up to him in your bed. his legs tangled with yours, lazy soft kisses pressed your cheeks. you could melt at just the thought of it.
or maybe he’d make you eggs. you’d wake to the smell of bacon grease and him shirtless—like he always is in the kitchen— creating a masterpiece meal that you devour in minutes.
what switch has suddenly changed in you? because now when you look at lando, your heart does things it never did before. your head spins of ideas of him as your boyfriend and it’s so sickening you could throw up.
“I’m going to unload the groceries, you’re more than welcome to sit and stare into space for as much as you need.” his words spook you. a little yelp escaped your lips that he’d caught you. your eyes bug wide—like they always are when you get into your daydreams— and mind so full you lose track of time and often forget your surroundings. you had no clue you’d been sitting in the driveway this whole time.
“where do you want the tampons again? I seem to forget.”
“under the bathroom sink please.”
you wonder if you can shove your thoughts under there too. a nap is needed to clear your mind of whatever seems to be boggling it all about lando.
a nap certainly did help, however, waking up to lando shirtless in your bed also napping? yeah, all that hard work of suppressed thoughts came right back.
you think about taking your finger and running it all over the divots, curves, and muscles of his body. you think about how much stronger he’s been looking lately and how the little hair on his chin is growing onto you. what is going on with you?
it was common for lando to come in your room and sleep with you. nightmares were rare for you, but they happened more often than you expected and lando always wanted to be there for it. but this was just a nap? why did he have to come in and sleep with you? he could’ve just slept in his own bed, that certainly would’ve helped your heart if he did.
you roll out of bed and tip toe around your bed, until your heart makes you stop. you stare at his peaceful state. the way his curls fall over his forehead, the thick long lashes you desperately want, the soft smile on his lips— his eyes are opening, shit, you think to yourself.
you quickly book it out of the room to save yourself from the embarrassment of him catching you watching him sleep. what a creep you were becoming in the matter of hours. this is why you shouldn’t like your best friend. hell, this is why you shouldn’t let your man best friend live with you. it was destined for one of you to fall in love.
but it was also destined for you to most likely get your heart broken.
lando doesn’t date women like you. you’ve seen his roster of women rotating in and out of your place, none of them looked like you: an average woman with average looks. who’d want that?
a little part of hope lingers in your chest when you see him enter the kitchen. his lips press against your temple as he mumbles a good morning.
“how was your nap?”
“not long enough.” you admit watching him type away on his phone. his elbows are pressed against the granite counter tops, his fingers work vigorously against the screen. a little smile appears on his lips that make you nauseous. it could just be max, but it could be another girl.
almost two hours ago this wouldn’t of mattered to you. you wouldn’t of cared if lando invited a girl over and you stayed locked up in your room, but now all of a sudden it’s bothersome.
“what’s got you all smiley?” you ask, partially out of curiosity but partially to just kill your heart with his response. he sets his phone face down on the counter resting his chin in the palm of his hand, “max is coming over, and so is pietra.”
“exciting.” you grin, though the words disagree with your expression making his face drop with worry.
“are you worried max is going to take your best friend spot? he could never, y/n.”
best friend. yeah, that’s all you’ll ever be when girls like ria and pietra exist. deadly beauty that could put a man in his place. when was yours ever going to show up?
you’re tipsy off the expensive bottle of wine max brought. your body is pressed against lando’s for support as you all laugh about something max said. you can’t help but wrap your arms around his strong bicep, resting your head against his shoulder listening to pietra expose Max’s recent mess up.
lando doesn’t take notice in the way you’re seated. he knows you’re beside him based off the heat that radiates off your body. you always got overly warm when drunk, and sometimes a bit too affectionate, but he didn’t mind. he actually loved it when you wanted to be beside him.
“so when did this happen?” pietra points her finger between you two, a bright smile pressed against her lips as she cozies herself up to her own boyfriend.
lando clears his throat. he practically yanks his arm out of your grip leaving you to fall back against the cushions beside him. you hide your face into his back out of embarrassment suddenly becoming aware of how you two look. “oh umm—“
“oh gosh! I’m so sorry. I think it’s the wine talking in me.” she quickly apologizes, a blush filters her face similar to yours.
“it’s not the first time today that’s happened.”
“do tell,” max sits on the edge of his seat listening to lando explain the run in, your face is still pressed into his back. you’re hoping that maybe if you just stay there you would disappear into thin air or end up in your bedroom sound asleep away from all of this.
“I still want to kick that guys ass—“
“wait,” pietra cuts off max, her voice demands all the attention in the room. you pry your head from out of lando and peer behind him at her, “you didn’t even tell him you are just friends? you let him assume that you’re dating?”
lando’s mouth opens and closes. nothing seems to come out making max throw his head back in a laughing fit, “oh god! I owe ria money for this, you like y/n!”
Lando’s face is flushed red, a similar color to the glass of wine in his hands. there was nothing he could say. he couldn’t even protest it when it was true. he hadn’t even realized he never corrected your ex boyfriend, because truth be told, he wanted to be shown off as your boyfriend.
“come on pietra, let’s leave these two alone.”
they leave as quick as they came, leaving only the half full bottle of wine for yourselves. you both sit in silence, no one musters up the courage to speak.
you both get ready for bed like nothing happened. the awkward silence eats you up. you want to speak up and tell him you feel the same, you want things to go back to normal. you just want annoying lando back.
when you finally finish your nighttime regiment, you’re ready for bed. you turn the corner into your bedroom and see the silhouette of lando reflecting against the wall. your night light was on, and he was laying in your bed, cozied up under the covers.
“sleeping in here tonight?” you ask slipping under the covers beside him, he moves himself closer to you occupying the middle of the bed.
“you don’t mind, do you?”
you shake your head curling your body against his, “I like it when you sleep with me.” you say making a sense of pride soar through his chest. he likes the way your body molds against his.
“your new boyfriend will protect you.” he smiles down at you, carefully place a kiss to your forehead before reaching over and turning off your lamp.
“thank goodness he’s here, I can’t sleep without him.”
“you know I’m talking about myself right?” he lifts his neck up, face looking down at you, your eyes closed practically half asleep already.
“goodnight, boyfriend.”
“goodnight, girlfriend.”
tags: @oconso @xcicix @imsorare @weasleyswizardwheezes-blog @monzabee @lpab @frreyaa @motorsp0rt @lovelytsunoda @smoothopz
want to be apart of my tag list? let me know here!
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sleepw-me · 4 months ago
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Jujutsu Kaisen SFW
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, previously he was in prison probably for some robberies and illegal business, when he finally got out he was completely alone. He spent his days in cheap places with food, wandered around the city scaring people with his big build and tattoos all over his body and making little children who looked at him start crying. He only worked in odd jobs because nowhere would take him for his past, so he never had much money and sometimes it led to him not paying the rent promising that he would pay next month.
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who finally met a girl who could truly love him no matter what his past was. They wanted to build a good future and create a family, they decided to have a child. Sukuna's beloved died in childbirth, leaving him alone with the newborn child.
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, was so distraught by the whole situation, he felt alone in this world again. At first he wanted to give the child away because he knew he wouldn't be able to cope on his own, especially since he was poor and didn't have the perfect conditions to support a small child.
dad!sukuna⭑.ᐟ, he was confused and didn't know what to do anymore because everything he had built was ruined, but when he looked into your big round eyes smiling at him radiantly as if you had taken away all the evil and sadness from his soul, it made his heart melt and he wanted to kill himself at the thought of giving up his one and only child.
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who promised himself that he would never leave you and will finish what he planned with his beloved. The home that his child deserves.
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who at first left you to his neighbor, an older woman who had a kind heart who agreed to look after you while he went to work. After you were born, he became a bit more responsible. He looked for work wherever he could, sometimes even working double shifts to feed his little family and to pay for toys and diapers for you.
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who read guides for single fathers on the internet to take better care of you. He went to stores and bought products needed for the child, holding two similar products in his hands and wondering which to buy.
dad!sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who played dolls with you on the living room carpet, raising his voice to sound "girly" because you told him to while playing princesses.
dad!sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who was never rich and sometimes didn't have enough money for food or electricity, always tried to pamper you regardless of the money, he would take you to the park and playground, sitting on a bench and watching you shout at him to look in your direction and see you going down the slide.
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who when you had a nightmare or couldn't sleep, would take you to his place and you would quickly fall asleep on his chest, which became a bit of a routine and you started to get under his blanket every night and fall asleep next to your dad who would surround you with his strong arms in which you felt safe.
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who simply stood leaning against the railing on the small balcony and almost cried when he realized that you were growing up too fast because a moment ago you were a small toothless child who drooled on his shoulder when you fell asleep while he held you, rocking from side to side to lull you to sleep, and now you're finally going to school and meeting new friends.
dad!sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who yelled at you for skipping class for the first time, telling you that he used to do the same and that you shouldn't repeat his mistakes and study hard as much as you can, you don't have to be the best but don't cause trouble.
dad!sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who when he finishes work early, just waits for you to come back from school so he can listen to his little creature chirp about his day at school while he makes dinner.
dad!Sukuna⭑.ᐟ, who always kisses your head at night when you fall asleep, you don't even know how proud he is of you and himself that he managed to raise you the best he could even though sometimes it wasn't easy. He smiles at the grave of his beloved telling her that he managed to finish what they planned together and he hopes that she is proud of him too.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year ago
Kaneki, Haise, Shalnark, (both eras) Dazai, Yuuji, Sukuna and Gojo's reaction to getting a gift from their darling ?
Tags: @naeho @flaming-vulpix @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama @shumidehiro @izanami78
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, toxic relationship, manipulation, stalking, isolation, abuse, abduction
S/o gives them a gift
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📱Much to his dismay he spoils the surprise for himself by actively spying on your online activities and for that witnesses how you buy something online. So when you hand him one day shyly a gift wrapped up in some pretty wrapping paper, he has already a very good idea of what is inside due to the short time that passed by between the delivery of the bought product and your gift. Nevertheless, he's still quite happy as he unwraps your gift with a happy smile on his face. It is a bit of a letdown that he has ruined himself the enjoyment of surprise due to his frequent stalking but he knows he'd never have it any other way but spying on you so intently. For your sake he pretends to be surprised though, he can't let you realize that he knows about your present already after all. You're wrapped up in muscular arms shortly after as he gives you a sweet and long kiss, thanking you for the surprise. After another quick peck on your nose he promises you with a bright grin on his face that he'll buy you something nice in return too.
Ken Kankeki
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🔲​Preparing a gift for Kaneki is going to be quite a challenge. Not only because you are essentially stuck all the time in his apartment but also because he is like your shadow, he's everywhere you are. You have to tell him that you wish to be left alone as you try to create a gift for him yourself and he takes it obviously the wrong way. He automatically assumes that you don't want to see him and amidst all his pain he just tells himself over and over again that obviously you wouldn't want to see a creep like him around. It's almost funny that the thought that you might just make something for him never crosses his mind, so low is his self-esteem. He actually sheds a few tears when you finally hand him your gift. Kaneki never thought you'd give him a present but he's delirious with joy that you wasted your precious time for him. Honestly, it almost weirds you out how stupidly happy he seems to be because your gift isn't that special but you've gotten somewhat used to his antics. He has to give you something back in return! Or else he'd feel absolutely useless.
Haise Sasaki
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🔳​Luckily despite Haise's occasional stalking and obsessive tendencies, you as his darling are still free to go around by yourself. So getting him a gift is easy in comparison to Kaneki. That doesn't change the fact that he seems quite puzzled upon receiving the gift at first. He just stares at you sort of baffled before he glances at the wrapped object in his hand before almost comedically confused asking you if this is for him. His heart flatters in his chest as soon as you nod and urge him to open it and he carefully unwraps the gift wrap paper, your anticipating eyes on him making him a tad bit nervous for some reason. Initially he just stares at your present in silence as soon as it is unwrapped and for a few seconds you fear that he doesn't like it. That is until a faint blush appears on his cheeks as he mumbles in a quieter voice that he loves it. He gives you a soft peck on your cheeks and you find it somewhat funny how he seems to be too bashful to even look you into your eyes. You're definitely getting a home-made meal from him later on.
PM! Dazai Osamu
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🤎​Trying to hide a gift from Dazai as a Port Mafia is about impossible because he never leaves you alone. Where he is, you have to be too so you have no choice but to confess to him that you want to get him a gift but find it impossible to do so with the way he isolates you and never leaves you without his presence close to you. He's strangely curious to why you'd want to gift him something even despite his obvious obsessive and possessive behavior and the abduction and your answer that you want to do something nice for him seems to entertain him. Miraculously he allows you some alone time to get him something as he's interested to see what you would gift a Port Mafia member like him. He's pleasantly surprised when he receives your present, chuckles when he notices your almost anxious look as you observe him eying your gift. You flinch when he grabs your neck and pulls you closer as bad memories flash inside your mind only to be met with a passionate kiss as he thanks you for your gift, his eyes sparkling happy as he looks at your gift again.
ADA! Dazai Osamu
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🤎​Your frequent shopping trips haven't gone unnoticed as Dazai enjoys stalking you as often as he can. It's adorable to see you acting so carefree, unaware that he's always trailing behind you. He has to wonder why you have recently spent so much time entering store after store without buying anything though. You seem to search for something, what it is you're looking for you appear to not even know yourself. So it's a present for someone then? For him, perhaps? He really hopes that you're looking for something for him because he would be quite jealous if you were to pick a present for someone else. He decides to wait, stops stalking you as much for a while in case you really are buying a gift for him because he wants to be surprised. He's over the moon when his hopes are fulfilled and you gift him something a few days later. He's already unimaginably joyful, gushing and giving you lots of kisses before he has even opened your gift. He knows that you spent a lot of time picking a gift for him to make sure that you'd find the right present so he's all the more happy to know that you invested that much time and care for him.
Itadori Yuji
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🩷​Yuji has bought you so many small gifts already that you almost feel pressured to pay him back somehow. You want to do it all by yourself too so you don't even ask for Nobara's or Megumi's help as you start searching for something to gift your boyfriend. Your heart is pounding when you surprise him with the gift. At first he seems really flattered as he takes it from your hands with a grin on your face and gives you a few quick kisses. When he sees what's inside though, his eyes widen as he asks you how much money exactly you spent on this for him. You try to avoid his question but perhaps that's answer enough as Itadori starts freaking out a bit. Don't get him wrong, he's really happy that you gifted him something but he feels a bit guilty that you spent so much money on him. Obviously he doesn't accept your arguments that he's spent a lot of money on smaller presents for you because if he does it it's of course not that bad. He accepts it because you prepared it for him but he makes you promise him that you won't spend so much money the next time.
Ryomen Sukuna
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🗾​Sukuna isn't always with you because he has sometimes important stuff to do but is confident enough to know that you'd never escape. Even if you would, it's not like you could get very far away. It isn't uncommon for Uraume to watch over you if Sukuna isn't with you so you beg them to help you to get a gift for Sukuna. Somehow you manage to convince them as they even give you some advice on what you should get him which is why you try your talents in making a hand-made gift for Sukuna in his absence. Sukuna knows you're hiding something but decides to let it pass for now as he even realizes that Uraume seems be in on it and that makes him curious. He looks almost confused as you hand him your hand-made present, carelessly rips it open and twirls the object curiously around in his four hands. Eventually his eyes meet you but instead of thanking you, one of his four hands starts petting your head as he admits that you've done well which is about the highest praise you can get from someone like Sukuna.
Gojo Satoru
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🩵​You agonize over what to gift Satoru because he is so rich that you feel like whatever you buy won't be anything special as he could have just bought it himself. So you decide to try to make something hand-made for him too. Keeping this hidden from Satoru is a pain in the ass though as the man is too clingy for you to comfortably work. Worst of all seems to be that Gojo has a hunch that you try to keep something a secret from him and he doesn't appreciate this at all. So he bothers you about your secret as often as he can and as much as you're sometimes tempted to just yell it at him, you pull through somehow until you've finished what you had planned to prepare for him despite all the delays due to Satoru. He acts like an excited child when you hand it over to him as he quickly unwraps it. He's taking pictures of it, tells you excitedly that he'll share them with his students and co-workers before suffocating you in a hug and smothering you with kisses. He literally won't shut up about it for the next few days, whether he's with Yuju, Nobara and Megumi or Nanami.
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ratretro · 4 months ago
So because I'm not normal about them I kind of wanted to look at a specific page of this comic:
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Buckle up this is gonna get long
I think it's very interesting that Till isn't in his own art piece, to start with, but also how this scene is portrayed. Throughout the 4nakt Garden pages you see a different side to Till. The side where you get an idea about how serious music is to him and how deeply he loves it (maybe even because it's one of the last connections to his mom that he has). You see how deeply he loves to create in the way he draws. Almost as if he wants to leave pieces of himself behind, to show he was in this world and that he had lived.
In his biggest artwork, while he's not in it, the other 4nakt are a centerpiece of it. You have Mizi (she's a bit more detailed and so a bit more noticeable right off the bat) underneath the tree, wind blowing through her hair and it feels very free. Like she could do anything, be anyone, lead everyone around her.
Behind her is Sua at a slight distance which we've never seen before. Where Mizi is, Sua will always follow, but here she seems to hang back. She's not showing movement as if she means to follow like Ivan who's walking.
Now, Ivan is separate from the other two, but he's walking forward with what feels like intent to me. Who knows what he's up to or where he's going. We just know he's moving forward. But this is often how Till felt about Ivan anyway. Till has always said he doesn't understand Ivan; Has even called him annoying lol but it's the gap between the 3 that has me curious.
Maybe Till was wondering if that was where he should be. Maybe I'm delusional because he was consistent in his affection for Mizi (whether it be seeing her as his god or just having a boy crush) but I'm thinking about the way he hesitated in the meteor scene. I'm always thinking about the meteor scene it's my roman empire.
What if Till isn't in the piece because he doesn't know where to be. Is he moving forward with Ivan or staying behind with Sua to always be behind Mizi but not dare to be near her? What if this piece holds his slight confusion.
He hesitated before leaving Ivan behind in the meteor scene. Art portrays the emotions of the artist is what I've been told and Till is at his core very emotional. Till feels with his entire being. And that has always seeped into his work whether it be songs or sketches. Examples: drawing Mizi on his music sheets, drawing Ivan on the Cure lyrics after he died. A mixture of music and the things he's thinking or feeling in that moment.
Now, I'm sorry to be delusional it's my fatal flaw
But in the scene where we get to see the finished work it says that the 'product' was not left to be lonely and Mizi is clearly in front of him but he's not interacting with her; he's interacting with Ivan. This page that's putting emphasis on Till not being lonely does have the people he cares for in his art and Mizi does have a clear place in that, but physically he's hanging back with Ivan.
Everything is always a bit too late with those two but maybe Till had finally made a choice to walk forward with Ivan.
Anyway thanks for reading my delusional take on ivantill
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kingskyless · 2 months ago
thoughts on natlan's arc in genshin🌋
tldr: i'm pissed off!! watch me rant about storytelling under cut. please take your storytelling seriously and with love, jesus christ
this is long btw! this is what happens when you piss me off with your poor writing choices! i crave blood!
these are thoughts i wrote on my private twitter but i'll put them here too, why not.
i really, really don't like being negative towards anything anymore, chosing to embrace the silliness of poor storytelling and just grab what i do love, but man did the final act for natlan piss me off
I've been waiting for Natlan since the game came out because we knew it was going to be inspired by pre-hispanic America. Aztecs. México. (i'm mexican for context) and it was!!! with the inclusion of Maori, Peruvian, Lakota, Hawaiian and Yoruba. and it was done Horribly
Natlan is still mostly inspired by México though, I made a whole video on genshin's mexican rep, when it comes to overworld, food, names, music and lore inspiration yeah, the Mexican rep is done well and very fun! but it's still mixed with the cultures previously mentioned which is bad!!
and it gets WORSE because you look at the characters, be it playable or NPCs and nothing about them is mexican (or any of the previous cultures) nothing at all, and that's when the issues start.
I literally made a tumblr post a few days ago how I didn't think Natlan's story was bad, we just didn't connect with the characters due to character design. And while it still holds truth, this final act just undoes all the build-up it had in the previous acts, leaving no true conclusion and, therefore, ruining the story as a whole. a lá game of thrones.
Natlan in its first 3 acts was actually really well done, presenting the different tribe cultures, character personalities and how they mix with one another, and they had very strong set up for more world building and Very Important Lore Reveals (the Abyss having a "heart", dragons, THE SHADES, FALSE SKY?) I really enjoyed myself playing the first acts!
But the marketing makes you distance yourself from the characters, devs decided to push back the culture of the tribes in game and delay the next acts of the story, and you disconnect!!!
going back to the first acts and it's wonderful set up, then what is the point of having all this beautiful set up, only to just - not explore it in the CLIMAX OF THE ARC. and it was very very important lore and conversations to move the story forward and raise the stakes!!!
and they ignored it or barely mention it!!! yes having all the answers shown at you is not fun, and they can totally explore these aspects of the lore later on, but by the way Natlan was written from the start it was 10000% expected to have those conversations in THIS arc.
there's also the set up that's been there since the games release. None of this is explored, we don't know who "he" is, who's the crossed out name, what was the secret of the god of war. there's nothing, this is never explored.
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NOTE: that it is true the story was revisited or straight up rewritten way after this material was released, it is something that can happen during production, it partially happened with sumeru already. the thing is when you make changes like these, if you already established in previous trailers or manga certain lore, you have to be extremely careful, as the audience is already expecting something like this to happen in the story. when you rewrite this and there's no pay off it causes confusion and frustration among the audience, as you are no longer following what you set up and it creates plot holes a throw away line about the muratans or murata would've done to connect the manga with the current natlan, but there's not even that.
They establish very important new characters, but don't explain their true role in the story beyond "evil" . What is Gosoythoth? why can it become a dragon? why are there voices around it? why are the former archons so negative? . Sure, we as an audience can make headcanons about it (and some answers were partially told, not nearly enough though) but it's information that needs to be talked about in the story, but the characters never question this and it's never explored.
and we KNOW they can write compelling characters and stories because Fontaine is right there!! it explores very important lore and intertwines it perfectly with the cast and their own personal struggles, what the fuck happened in Natlan.
it just pisses me off and makes me very sad, I was excited for natlan for many years because, for better or for worse, that's my culture they're taking to tell this story, and seeing them fuck up both frustrates me.
i'll keep playing because i still want to see how they wrap it up but aaaaa, i haven't been this mad since Inazuma, and i dont think Inazuma pissed me off this bad.
the following is things that bothered me personally and not something i can criticize from a storytelling standpoint:
the entire traveler parade after beating gosoythoth made me uncomfortable to no end. really really giving white saviour. it draaaged and everyone was kissing their feet and i was PRAYING for more depth in that but no! fuck me!
if you wanted to have the corny ass parade, okay, have it, but maybe show the traveler not being as happy? or carrying mental wounds after the battle??? GIVE THEM DEPTH OR SOMETHING?????????
you couldve expanded on the four shades, expanded on the abyss, expanded on the angels, expand on xiuhcóatl, expand on fucking gosoythoth since it was literally right there???? flesh out paimon, flesh out the main cast????
and totally flesh out capitano, he did absolutely nothing and he's the first of the harbingers, we just saw him get his ass beat by mavuika in the first act and then nothing??? (cutscene was great!) im not mad at the ending he got, it was very in character, i just wish there was more to him
natlan was set up as a nation of dragons and we learned nothing of them in the main arc, it set up the abyss having a personification and we learned nothing of it
this is mostly something i wouldve loved, but they set up the shades and time manipulation as we saw from mavuika, and no mention of istaroth??? hello???????????
also how did ororon know about nahidas power????
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elliescove · 11 days ago
Good evening, I loved your blog!!! Sorry if my English is strange, it's not my first language. I would like to request a request, from a fem or neutral reader, with Edward Cullen<3 The Reader arrives in Forks to live with his mother, as he is old enough to study and delve deeper into his inherited mystical and sensitive talents. Edward realizes that he can't read his mind, and also the slight influence that y/n has on events in the weather, and on people's decisions. Note: In the future he discovers that he just can't read your mind, because of a protective necklace he wears, but y/n takes it off, so he can read your thoughts, and see how much the interest and passion is reciprocal. The reader's thoughts are visual styles. (Please let the reader be stylish❤️) Kisses, I hope I'm not bothering you!!! :)
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Unseen Heartbeats⋆˚࿔
summary: gn!reader x Edward Cullen, he want's to read their mind
A/N: I tried really hard on this so I hope you like it!! plz send more reqs I love writing!! warnings: none!! word count: 1,141
Arrival in Forks. The rain hit the windshield in steady, rhythmic taps as you pulled into the small, mist-covered town of Forks. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and pine trees, and the clouds hung heavy above, creating an atmosphere that felt as if it belonged to another world. It had been years since you last visited your mother, but now, at 18, you were finally old enough to study on your own terms—and to embrace something far deeper than you ever had before: your inherited gifts.
Your mother’s voice had come over the phone when she invited you to live with her. There was an excitement in her tone, a hope that this change would mark the beginning of something new. But there was more to it than that—something you couldn’t quite explain, yet something you could feel.
You were different. Your talents weren’t just the product of a curious mind; they were woven into the very fabric of your being. Mystical, sensitive abilities ran through your veins. You could sway the weather with just a thought, influence the smallest of events—nothing too grand, nothing too noticeable… yet. And Forks, with its strange ambiance and mist-shrouded forests, felt like the perfect place to delve deeper into your studies. Little did you know, Forks harbored a secret of its own—and one that would soon intertwine with your own.
Edward Cullen had always been able to read minds. It was one of the many quirks of his vampiric existence, a gift that often made things easier—understanding people’s intentions, their desires, their thoughts. But when you arrived in Forks, something about you stirred in ways that made him uneasy, though he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.
He watched you from across the room in your first class together at Forks High School. You were stylish in an effortless way, dressed in a flowy jacket with subtle silver accents that caught the light as you moved. Your dark hair cascaded around your shoulders in soft waves, a natural contrast to your sharp yet elegant choices in attire. You didn’t look like you were from Forks. No one did—but you seemed to stand apart even more. Your eyes, dark and perceptive, held a depth that hinted at secrets, things beyond the ordinary.
As you sat down, Edward immediately tried to focus on your mind—something he’d done countless times without a second thought. But there was… nothing. A blankness. A quiet void that he couldn’t pierce. He narrowed his eyes, confused. How could this be?
You met his gaze once, your lips curving slightly as you wondered why this strange man was looking your way—yet, there was something you were causing, something beyond his understanding. The air around you seemed to shift. The light from the window dimmed slightly, and the temperature dropped by a fraction, just enough for the others to notice the change. Your presence was undeniable.
“Is something wrong?” you asked, your voice light, but with a hint of confusion, as though you wondered what was on his mind.
He snapped out of his focus and gave you a tight smile. “Nothing at all.”
But deep down, the truth was much more complicated than that.
Over the next few weeks, Edward’s curiosity grew. He tried every trick in the book—focusing on your emotions, your body language, anything to get a sense of your thoughts. But no matter how hard he tried, you remained an enigma. Not even the smallest flicker of thought seemed to surface. In a town like Forks, where people were so easy to read, it was unnatural to find someone who resisted.
The more he watched you, the more fascinated he became. You were always so controlled, so self-assured. But there was something else—something far more intriguing. He began to notice subtle changes in the weather around you. On days when you seemed particularly deep in thought, the sky would cloud over, and the temperature would drop, as if the very world reacted to your mood. It was as though you could command the elements without even trying.
One evening, after school had ended and everyone was heading home, Edward finally found the courage to approach you. The forest was quiet, the only sound being the rustling of leaves. You were standing by the edge of the woods, seemingly lost in thought as you gazed at the horizon.
“You’re not like the others,” he said softly, not quite a question, but more of a statement.
You turned to face him, your expression unreadable. “What are you saying?”
He hesitated, searching for words. “I can’t figure you out.”
Your brow furrowed at his words. “I’m sorry?”
“You... you aren’t like the other people here.”
You scoffed lightly, raising an eyebrow at the strange man in front of you. “Yeah? Maybe I’m different.”
As you spoke, the clouds began to lighten around you, catching his attention. His eyes darkened slightly, though he tried to mask it.
It wasn’t long before you grew closer to Edward. He was a really helpful study partner (probably because he’d been repeating high school for decades).
It was only a matter of time before you started to figure out what he was exactly.
You weren’t naive, and your curiosity pushed you to question him often until he finally came clean.
In the woods with him, his skin shone like diamonds, each tiny fragment a million sparkling lights that danced across his body. It was beautiful.
“A vampire,” you said, almost to yourself. “Right in front of me.”
Edward’s voice was calm, yet there was an undercurrent of something deeper as he spoke. “I could never read you. That’s why I needed to get close to you—to figure out what you truly are.”
Your eyes flickered down to the necklace around your neck. You knew why he couldn’t read you. Slowly, you undid the clasps of the beautiful ruby-red pendant, letting it fall into your hands before looking up at him.
He stared back, his golden eyes filled with curiosity and understanding. His mind was finally open to you, reading every inch of your thoughts, every secret, every flicker of emotion. It was as if you were one of his favorite books, and now, he could flip through the pages, reading each one in vivid detail.
You held the pendant loosely in your palm, watching as his gaze softened, feeling the weight of the truth settle between you both. The air around you seemed to hum with the newfound connection, the energy shifting in a way neither of you had expected.
He walked up to you, his skin still sparkling in the sunlight, gently cupping his hand in yours. He glanced down at the pendant for a moment before looking you in the eyes, and in that moment, you knew—you weren’t so alone after all.
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38sr · 2 months ago
I know this is gonna be a strange one, but I do have an industry question;
I've been looking for a job for the last 4 years post-grad, I've tried every bit of advice I've gotten over my 6 years in school and 4 years out. Is it too late for me?? Or more so what advice would you have at this point?? I'm starting to feel really negatively about this venture, and getting a day job has been just as difficult;;
Hello Sky! Hope it's okay to call you that. Ah post-grad job hunting.....I don't miss that period of my life at all. Before I begin, just want to preface that what I say going forward is strictly from my perspective/experience. I am not the absolute of the animation industry so if what I say doesn't align with you, you do not have to follow it haha. Alright, advice for post grad job hunting.... Well, I think I want to start off giving a bit of context for the animation landscape these past 4 years that has been rough for everyone (trust me it'll come back around to your question): 1.) COVID Pandemic
This one might be a confusing for some people because when COVID hit in 2020, the only facet of entertainment that was able to keep going was animation. If you remember, during this time streaming numbers went up because people were stuck at home, every studio was launching their own streaming platform (HBO Max, Disney+, Peacock, etc.) and celebrities were given animated shows because live-action had stopped dead in its tracks. This period allowed artists outside of California state to get hired because what's the point of capping the talent to the local area when we're already working remotely? In short, it was a boom. But an exponential boom rather than a gradual boom. You never wanna grow too fast because you'll crash out quicker (and harder) which leads us to our second factor.... 2.) Netflix's first ever round of layoffs in summer 2022, streaming actually isn't profitable?????
In short, this year is when Netflix's growth finally stopped and was the beginning of The Great Animation Contraction. Other studios who were looking to Netflix as a the new model of distributing/creating entertainment had realized Netflix wasn't invincible. As well as their business model. So naturally, they got scared and and take action (aka layoffs). I was affected by these layoffs while working at Marvel Studios and many artists got laid off at studios to save face from the mistake that was streaming (though at this point studios were still double downing on it). Also, around this time live-action was slowly restarting thanks to vaccines and social distancing protocols. So those celebrity studded animated productions dwindled down (and also they caused so much havoc for us animation workers because most of those celebrities had no animation production experience). Which now leads us to...
3.) Mergers everywhere! Yeah, uh, mergers fucking suck. People kept losing their jobs because companies kept absorbing into each other and multiplying their debts to ungodly dollars amounts! Apparently no one took a math class and understood if you multiply any number by zero you will always get a zero. These merger also caused more shows to get shelved and canned, making the job market even slimmer. And by then we get to 2023 and the....
4.) WGA, SAG and TAG Contract Negotiations By now, studios have realized that streaming is losing them money because it costs a butt load of money to not only create a streaming site, but also maintain it, update it, create new media for it, acquire established franchises for it, and maintain the current library. Streaming shows aren't being advertised like they used to on cable so shows don't last beyond one or two seasons. Worker contracts are becoming shorter and shorter (I had a co-worker who had a 3 month contract! Isn't that insane?). And what happens in the midst of this streaming meltdown?
WGA, SAG and TAG are gearing up for their contract negotiations. And as we know SAG (actors) and WGA (writers) did strike which good for them! But now there are no live-action jobs and once again, animation (TAG) is the only one running because our negotiations don't officially start until 2024. At this point, so many animated productions have been cancelled left and right for the sake of "saving money and cutting costs". And the effects were very much being felt in the animation work force. Some animation workers were starting to leave the state of California to more affordable cities, some getting day jobs as baristas, hell some leaving the industry all together. It didn't help that studios were kind of withholding production greenlights 'cause 1) they're greedy corporations 2) these strikes were putting pressure on them. And when we did enter 2024 for our contract negotiations, that contraction was at the tightest. The job market for animation had become so bone dry that you have director-level talent taking entry level jobs to stay afloat. But because of that new, emerging artists are blocked out from breaking in. Anytime a job listing would go up people would go in a frenzy and try every thing they could to get the job. That's how little shows were in production this year specifically. Of course, by now it is public that TAG has ratified the contract (meaning we will not strike). But up until then, studios were quite literally waiting with baited breath for the duration of negotiations. A ton of stuff was in development but nothing was getting a greenlight in fear of a strike. So many animation workers at this point have been laid off for at least 2 years, got priced out of LA county, or got so burned by the industry that they left for a more sustainable paycheck. At this point of the post you're probably thinking, "Why is she talking about all of this and not answering my question?"
And the reason for that is because I what to highlight you didn't miss your chance. You unfortunately graduated at a time where the circumstances were not good for breaking in for the past 4 years.
I'm not saying this to deter you from animation either. I just want to be transparent and honest about the current state of animation because it really has been bleak for the past 4 years. So it's not your fault but rather the industry was just in a seriously bad drought. Both emerging and veteran artists have been struggling to find work and when they do it didn't even last for 6 months. Hopefully, with the renewed contract studios will start greenlighting productions again so everyone isn't fighting for one job opening. But I can't tell 'cause I am not Raven Baxter haha. But what advice can I give during this tough time? Start developing your own projects. Things may be pretty dry right now but now is the time when you can create and develop your own original stuff that can be used in your portfolio. Short or long form, showing progress videos, just create. Because once you start working it's gonna be hard to find that personal project time (trust me I'm going through that right now haha). Also, you'd be surprised how just doing your own thing can garner the attention of someone who does have the power to hire you. How do you think I got to work on the shows I have in the animation industry? Almost all of my jobs happened because I was just creating my own thing and it just happened to match the sensibilities of a show produced by a Hollywood studio. And if I had any additional advice... it would probably be don't think that Hollywood is the only way you can tell your stories.
This one is more of....a recent revelation I've had after going through a pretty bad work experience but Hollywood isn't the only way you can be a storyteller. Whether it's comics, games, streaming, animation, or film....the Hollywood system isn't the end all be all. And by Hollywood system I'm referring to breaking into a big studio like Disney, Nick or something and trying to get your own movie/tv show to win an award or something. That system often works for a certain group of people and fails other groups. That's why I say develop and create your own thing because you might find something that fits your creative voice more than Disney or any other Hollywood studio. Maybe that's inconsiderate of me to say as someone who's been incredibly lucky to work in the animation industry for almost 8 years now....but I still wanna be honest that there are other avenues that isn't the Hollywood way. All in all, please don't give up or beat yourself up. The current state of animation within America was out your control and resulted in many artists struggling to find a job. You aren't too late. In fact, I would say now is your time to do your thing in preparation for when that hiring boom comes again (or you can just take another route to tell your stories). I hope that answered your question!
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sirians-dragon-blog · 5 days ago
Pick a Card Reading🎴
🌟What Changes are coming forward after the Planetary Alignment (timeless reading)🌟
An empowering message from the Universe
Hello! I'm inspired to do a reading for you since there's an important astrological event happening soon. However, if you see this after the event, know that it is your time to experience this powerful change and alignment even though you are in the future.
Know that this is a general reading, so take what resonate with you.
Lets dive in, my feathers~
Pick a card intuitively from below.
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Your reading is below
Pile 1: Lily of the Valley
Crystals: Amethyst, Pearl, Citrine
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Greetings Pile Lily of the Valley, you have been stuck on analysis paralysis for a while. It shows that you are unsure if you have the capabilities or attribute to work on a project, to join a team, make friends, or enter a relationship, etc. The Universe is asking you to let go of the worries and unworthiness to move forward. Know that you are very capable and intuitive so do not let the over-thinking cloud you. This planetary alignment is going to help you drop the negative mind chattering and the conditionings making you doubt and see yourself small. You are coming into trust of yourself and realizing how worthy and great your soul is. You will be steering the ship with wonder and confidence. The change coming forward to you is personal empowerment, this strong and firm foundation knowing who you are. You will finally make the first step toward this thing in your mind. Projects and ideas finally will have progress when you trust in yourself, in your intuitiveness and intellect.
Pile 2: Willow
Crystals: Pyrite, Blue Calcite, Tiger's Eye
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Hello, feathers from the Willow pile! You have been working on a passion project steadily. The Universe is cheering you up and telling you that this is the right path. For the majority of the this group, the only distraction is your own mind. Thoughts that "what if it doesn't work out," "have I done something wrong," "maybe it needs to be perfected more..." etc are the biggest energy drainer. For a small group of people within this pile, it could be someone who's nagging or opposing against you simply because they could or because of their outdated beliefs. Whatever the case is, the Universe wants you to be still in the mind, don't interact and give energy to these negative talks. You are on the right path, keep having fun and rejoicing every success whether big or small. After the planetary alignment, you will be coming back to your power knowing your worth and path fully. You will also be given a leadership role. It can be a promotion in a job, starting to share your story, knowledge, and work on social media, or simply stepping into leadership of your life. The world is your oyster when you know who you are. I see you will be utilizing this quality very well after the planetary alignment to create your life and continue on with the goal at hand.
Pile 3: Oak
Crystals: Lemon Quartz, Orange Calcite, Rose Quartz
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Hello, the feathers from pile oak. The first thing they want to say is that you have the potential to become an Oak tree that everyone admires and looks shade for, so does your project. It is steering toward a good direction. You are capable of great things. However, there are people around giving out confusing and sometimes, counter-productive advices and help. They are great and kind-hearted people, such as your friends, families, loved ones, but they are not experts in this field. You know the best what to do and how you want to do it, so be confident in yourself! I feel you can discern good supports from bad ones in your mind, but it is the lack of saying no to people causing you uneasiness and conflicts even. The Universe wants you to know it is okay to point out what's flawed even though it comes from someone you loved. They love you. They will respect your decisions. You are advised to tune into how you feel and think to see the clear picture. By doing so, you will know clearly your steps toward making this project or goal come true, instead of mingling with those who don't necessarily know what they are talking about. This planetary alignment will help you be emotionally mature to reject people in a compassionate way. You have the Oak spirit in you, be firm and determined in this endeavor.
Pile 4: Chickweed
Crystals: Merlinite (dendritic opal), Apatite, Hematite
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Hello, the feathers from pile chickweed. You are celebrated by the Universe! Your soul and Spirit Team are very delighted what you have overcame, an intense karmic learning. You finally let go of a toxic situation, environment, or even a person. The storm and chaos has passed. Not only you know your worth, but also the Universe is lining up rewards one after another for you. I see the prizes are both physical and energetic. Kind and loving people are coming into your life. Great opportunities occur. Inspirations emerge easily. The road forward is glorious and joyful. One of the greatest rewards is your confidence and empowerment. You know what you want in life, the qualities of people, a lifestyle you desire, where you want to be. And the best of all, you know you CAN achieve it. The passed trial allowed you to learn how to turn tides and manifest all that you desire. It is a very auspicious era after the Planetary Alignment for you. Great job feather of the chickweed pile! Remember to celebrate and have fun.
That is the reading for you, thank you for your presence. I will see you next fearthers~ Sending you lots of love and light.
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dreamsandstars24 · 6 months ago
To gain your trust...
SUMMARY: Going to the house of the wind to heal an injured fae is more strange than expected. *Warnings: Stalker!Azriel, OFC with name (I need my character to have a name, but you are free to use another one!), Healer!FC, Rhysand and Cassian are annoying; FC is confused and mentions a slight fake injury. That's it I think, but let me know if I missed something. A/N: Just a little fic I had on my mind. Let me know how I do because this is my first time writing something so long. Enjoy!
In the dawn court, everything was made of gold.
During dawn, the streets sparked and created a shine that would never be found anywhere else; the skin of the fae sparked just as gold did, as if they had glitter spread over their cheeks. The streets were filled with music that couldn't be found anywhere else, and there was so much wonder in the sky when the sun was setting. The sight was so beautiful it made her want to cry.
That's what Iris missed the most about home,
Well, that and not having to climb all these stupid stairs.
Usually, Madja was the one who came to the house of wind when a healer was needed (it was the house of the General and his mate, so they wouldn't allow a stranger in). The high Lord was usually the one who winnowed her or flew her in, but considering that the inner circle and Iris had no connection or relationship whatsoever, she had no one to ask for a ride.
So she suffered as she climbed, cursing the creator of the stairs as her legs shook and she questioned her existence. Why was she in the night court again and not in her beautiful court? Oh yes, because she wanted to learn from Madja.
Best and worst decision of her life, if she was being honest.
But still, she climbed the stairs wishing she had the ability to winnow, fly , or teleport or just...do something instead of climbing. Lady Nesta was strong, but she clearly was not.
When she finally reached the top of the stairs, a painful moan left her lips just as her knees gave out. She fell on the floor with a thud and stayed there wondering how she would survive going down. Perhaps she would jump from the side of the house, it seemed more productive.
"Not to interrupt your train of thought, but you are needed a bit closer to the sparring ring." A low voice mumbled behind her, causing her to jump startled and almost fall forward in fear.
Something cold wrapped itself around her waist as a yelp left her mouth; the thing around her waist pulled her back and away from the stairs. "BY THE MOTHER AND HER CAULDRON!" She shouted, being moved away against her will. Once she was a few feet away, the feeling around her waist disappeared, and she was left looking terrified while she clutched her bag close to her chest, eyes wide.
Her eyes turned to a male with long hair and a smug grin on his face, his eyes bright with contained laughter. "Hello, Iris." He acknowledged her.
Iris swallowed and gripped the bag tighter. "Lord Cassian." She mumbled softly, trying to put on a brave facade but failing due to her early near death.
Cassian smiled at her, a bit brighter. "You were too close to the stairs," he noted.
Iris felt herself blush in embarrassment. "Yes, thank you for saving me." He should have left her fall and saved herself from this moment.
Cassian chuckled softly and shook his head. "Your gratitude is misdirected, Iris. You should thank our shadow singer."
Iris's mind reeled. The shadow singer? Azriel?
Cassian seemed to notice her confusion, and he also seemed to enjoy it. "Azriel sent his shadows over when he noticed you; they are the ones you should thank."
Iris merely blinked at him, cursing in her mind at herself.
"Shall we? You are expected." His hand motioned for her to walk ahead, so she tightened her grip on her bag and started walking.
After a few seconds, she stopped in her tracks when she noticed Lord Rhysand and his shadow singer on the ground; Lord Rhysand was staring at the shadow singer with a smile as the winged male clutched his hand on his chest. When he heard her, he gave her a smile, his starlight eyes shining in amusement.
"Oh, Iris. You're here," He said happily, standing up. "We were waiting for you."
Iris frowned slightly at the High Lord, confused. Since when was he so happy to see her?
"High Lord." She mumbles with a nod, still confused at his happiness.
The High Lord smiled brighter and moved away, standing beside Cassian. "Our shadow singer seems to have broken his wrist, and we were wondering if you could, perhaps, give him a hand?"
For some reason, Cassian started laughing, and Rhysand chuckled darkly. Iris looked between both males, wondering what they were laughing about.
"Enough." The dark voice of the shadow singer snapped from the floor, clearly not amused at whatever his brothers were laughing at.
Iris turned her head to him, only to find his eyes on her, analytic. Her body tensed up, noticing how he caught the change of mood.
Her reaction was natural, of course. After she had arrived at the night court a year ago, she had expected to be welcomed by Madja only to have been winnowed into an interrogation cell in the Hewn city, the shadow singer staring at her coldly and asking her why she would go to the night court.
Iris had been confused and scared, but she had answered sincerely; her answer, however, had not pleased the inner circle, and she had been kept in the cell for two days, the same question being asked over and over and over again until her High Lord had gone to confirm her identity. Yes, she was a healer with exceptional healing magic. No, she was not a spy. Yes, he was sure. He had no reason to send a spy to the night court. No, he wasn't lying. Yes, they could look into his head. No, he had never seen her before.
After two days, she was released from her prison and taken by Thesan, who took her to a suite in the Sidra and taught her how to use mind shields to protect herself from the daemati. Afterward, Thesan walked her to Madja's house, only to announce that the shadow singer would trail her for a few days.
Seeing him reminded her of the awful ten months of having eyes on her back, and she didn't like the feeling of being there again.
"Shadow singer." She mumbled coldly.
"Iris." He said, tilting his head, shadows like waves around him.
She wanted to bash his head to the floor.
But she would heal his wrist first.
She got on her knees, placing her bag beside them. "May I see your hand?" The question left her mouth sharply, angrily, but the shadow singer listened and stretched his hand towards her so she could inspect it.
Once she saw his wrist, her frown deepened. Turning to the High Lord, she spoke, "My apologies, High Lord, but what am I meant to heal?"
The High Lord's grin widened. "His wrist, of course."
Iris wanted to smack him. "His wrist seems perfectly fine." the words left her calmly. She had dealt with complex patients back home and would do it here too.
"Is it? I could have sworn it was broken. Isn't that right, brother?" The question was directed to Cassian, who only grinned wider and nodded.
"Yes it was. Horrible thing to see."
"He seems to be fine now," Iris stated, turning her gaze back to his hand.
"Oh, you should still check if it's okay. Bones, you know, no way of telling when they are broken." Iris was sure she had made a face when the High Lord made his comment. She had seen enough broken bones to know they had a tendency to made themselves painfully known.
Her ears catch a soft chuckle, which causes her to bring her eyes up to meet the shadow singer, noticing the slight grin on his lips. What was so funny now?; he noticed her look, and quickly erased the smirk, looking back down at his hand.
Counting mentally to ten, she grabbed his hand, noticing how he tensed up at the sudden touch; even the High Lord and his general had stopped chuckling behind them.
Carefully, she traced her fingers over his wrist, feeling the ridges of his scars but paying them no heed. Her magic wrapped itself warmly around his wrist, inspecting it and then retreating when she found nothing. Her hands let go of his softly.
"His wrist is not broken," Iris mumbled, turning to her bag. "Neither are the tendons. Are you in any pain?" Her words seemed to echo in the empty space, which made her nervous. Had she done something wrong?
"A bit." His voice came out slightly lower and raspier than usual as if a river were rushing through stones. For some reason, it caused a tingle in her spine.
She opened her bag and fumbled with some glass jars, finally pulling one after a few seconds. "Here, this should help." She turned back to the shadow singer, holding the jar out to him.
He eyed it, suspiciously. "What is it?"
"It's devil's claw, an anti-inflammatory," she grabbed another bottle. "And this is passionflower, to help with any pain. It seems your syphons did all the healing, but I will give you this just in case."
The shadow singer grabbed both bottles uncertainly. "Why not use your magic to heal me entirely?" He questioned, pocketing the jars.
Iris closed her bag. "I trust plants as much as I trust magic, if not more." He seemed curious about her explanation but nodded, not questioning her. Careful with his massive wings, he stood up and stretched his hand out to her.
"Allow me to help you."
Iris eyes his hand warily but decides to grab it. His hand was soft due to the scar tissue, warm as he helped her stand up; once she was up, she released his hand and turned to the High Lord and the general, both males looking at her with interest.
"Is there something else you require, High Lord?" She hoped he would say no. She wanted to go home and keep working on her herbal remedy.
"No, Iris. I am grateful for your help." The High Lord gave her a soft smile which was enough to send Iris over the border and make a run for it.
"In that case, I'll leave." With another nod, her feet took her to the stupid stairs.
"Iris." The shadow singer called out behind her, stopping her in her tracks. When she turned around, he was holding her bag on his hands. "You forget this."
Her cheeks flamed in embarrassment, staring at how the shadow singer made his way to her, her bag on his hands, his shadows pooling at his feet.
She cursed at him for being so handsome, then cursed at herself for thinking that. "Thank you." Her fingers wrapped themselves around the straps, taking them away from his hand.
The shadow singer eyed the stairs behind her. "Let me take you to your home." He offered, his hazel eyes going to hers, a strange brightness in them. Iris, however, felt sour at the reminder that he knew where he lived due to his stalking.
"I think I will brave the stairs, but thank you." Azriel arched an eyebrow, and the motion was so smooth that she stared at him in awe for a few seconds, her heart picking up speed.
"It's a lot of stars," he noted. "Allow me to do it, as repayment for helping me."
Iris wanted to say that she had only done her job, but considering how badly her legs were shaking and how -due to the climb, not to the shadow singer, of course- hot she was, she decided to accept.
"Alright then," she uttered, trying to put on a brave front. "I would appreciate it."
Azriel smirked at her and stretch his hand out for her to grab, his eyes a bit dark. "Shall we?"
For some reason, Iris felt it was a test but she couldn't comprehend why. Still, she didn't wanted to fail, so she grabbed his hand and nodded.
"Take me home, please."
And with a small, soft smile, shadows twisted themselves around her body. and a strong grasp on her hand, they winnowed away.
After successfully -and awkwardly- dropping Iris at the front of her suite in the Sidra, Azriel went back to the house of wind where his brothers awaited for him with smiles on their faces.
"She gave you medicinal plants!" Cassian exclaimed as soon as he landed on the floor. "Isn't that the same as food offering?"
"If it were the case, then I'm afraid she's been accepting many." Rhysand laughed, a distant looked on his face. "Feyre is wondering is she can come for dinner tonight."
"No," Azriel answered for her. She wouldn't be near any of them any time soon.
"You wound me, brother." Rhysand purred. "We won't harm her."
"I'm aware, but she doesn't trust me just yet." He said shamefully.
"I wouldn't trust you either, if we are being honest." Cassian whispered, laughing at the look Azriel gave him. "You can't blame the poor girl for her behaviour, brother. You stalked her for almost all of her stay."
"I was doing my job." Azriel defended himself with no conviction.
"No, you were being an idiot." Rhysand declared. "Feyre and me asked you to watch her for a week, no more."
Azriel had to agree on that. They had only said a week but then he had just become so obsessed with her, her life, and how she was settling in. enjoying...once he realized what he was doing, he stopped but it seemed Iris still remembered.
"I'll fix it." Azriel smiled confidently.
"Oh, you will, brother," Cassian laughed. "I wonder how long it will take before your mate accepts you."
Tag list!: (Literally the shortest tag list ever but I love you for being part of it) @rcarbo1 @tele86 @lilah-asteria
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emotionalsupport-ljh · 8 months ago
:・゚✧:・.☽˚。 ・゚✧ Woozi World :・゚✧:・.☽˚。 ・゚
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Sometimes Jihoon zones out.
Fluff - woozi x reader
Based on my favorite Woozi Quirk™ (ft. some of my favorite pics of Woozi World)
AO3 link
Word Count: 642
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
A gentle melody played from the speaker as you sat on the white couch in the Universe Factory. You played a game on your phone and let the music sink into your mind, easily enjoying the new production made by your friend. Jihoon faced you in his desk chair with his eyes closed and head bobbing, lost in the melody. He wanted to gauge your reaction as his test audience, but he got distracted enjoying his own creation a little too much.
You had noticed this behavior in him before when he listened to music; you found it endearing how it seemed like the entire world would seemingly fall away to him, leaving him alone with the bars and measures. Music was often the catalyst for his little zone-out sessions, but sometimes he was lost in his own thoughts. In those moments, he would stare out into space with blank eyes and an expression stuck on his face. Sometimes he looked cutely and stupidly happy, and sometimes he looked lost and confused. During those moments, you would indulge a little bit in being able to look at him freely before pulling him back to reality. His little quirk only deepened the crush you had on him.
As you both sat in his studio and absorbed the new music, you watched as Jihoon floated into Woozi World bit by bit. His hands tapped out every beat which led to his head following the rhythm until he closed his eyes and hummed out possible melodies for the song it would soon become. You put your phone down and enjoyed the show a little longer before finally calling out to him.
"Hey," you started in a small voice trying to coax him slowly from his reverie. It didn't work. "Hello…” you trailed, “...Jihoon." You got a little closer to him and snapped your fingers in front of his closed eyes. All it seemed to do was create a new syncopation that he held onto with his tapping fingers which had him falling deeper into the song flooding his senses.
Frustrated, you cupped your hands around your mouth and half-shouted, "Earth to Woozi World! Don't leave me behind!"
With a sharp inhale through his nose, Jihoon opened his eyes wide and stared at you. You were smiling at him like you were going to start laughing at him. A blush washed across his face as he realized that he zoned-out again. He swiveled in his chair quickly to turn the volume down to a nice ambient sound that the two of you could talk over. When he faced you again, he couldn't quite meet your eyes.
You giggled and spoke first, "You let the song loop like five times."
"I'm sorry." Even in the blue and purple lights of the Factory, you could see the blush deepen in his cheeks.
"Don't apologize," you laughed out, reaching one hand for his knee, "The song was so good; I hardly even noticed."
He finally met your adoring gaze and smiled, calming down. “Tell me what you liked about it. I wanted to gauge your reaction.”
As you started the long list of praises you had about the work and comments on potential concepts and vibes for the piece, Jihoon had relaxed into his chair comfortably, looking completely calm. You tried to recreate some of the melodies with your own voice, only to be excited when you noticed the part playing softly in the background. Your input was precious to Jihoon; he watched and listened intently to all your ideas. His face stilled in a soft smile and his eyes were locked on the stars that sparkled in your eyes as you continued to talk about his music. He fell back into his own mind where the only things in his world that could ever exist were music and you.
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sensualnoiree · 4 months ago
astro notes: daily transits & horoscopes 11/17
Sunday’s celestial setup amplifies the flow of information, with a Mars–Jupiter semi-square igniting sensationalism and an insatiable curiosity among the public. The Gemini Moon’s early opposition to Mercury and conjunction with Jupiter drives an intense hunger for knowledge and connection, though clarity wavers by nightfall as the Moon squares Neptune, creating mixed messages and foggy perceptions. With high energy early on and haziness in the evening, the day calls for discernment in navigating facts versus exaggerations.
Rising Sign Delineations:
Aries Rising With Mars in your house of communication, the Mars–Jupiter aspect stimulates bold ideas but may also lead to overstatements. The Moon’s early morning aspects heighten curiosity, especially around learning or travel, though the evening’s Moon-Neptune square may blur the lines between fact and fiction. Taking time to validate information today can prevent misunderstandings.
Taurus Rising The Mars–Jupiter influence activates your financial sector, stirring ambitions around resources, though there’s a risk of impulsive decisions. The Moon’s interactions with Mercury and Jupiter inspire ideas for income or budgeting, yet the evening’s Neptune square may cloud financial clarity. Double-check plans and avoid major investments until clarity returns.
Gemini Rising Mars–Jupiter energizes your self-expression, making this a day for sharing your thoughts with conviction. Early lunar aspects enhance your charisma, but with the Moon-Neptune square tonight, personal intentions could be misinterpreted. Communicating with extra clarity, especially in relationships, can help ensure that your message lands as intended.
Cancer Rising Mars–Jupiter stirs up subconscious restlessness, especially regarding old beliefs or hidden desires. Early morning insights may arise, yet the Moon-Neptune square in the evening blurs personal boundaries, making introspection more valuable than action. Today is best spent journaling or reflecting rather than drawing final conclusions.
Leo Rising With Mars–Jupiter lighting up your social sector, this is a day of heightened interactions with friends or communities. Conversations flow early on, sparking ideas for group projects or collaborations, though Neptune’s influence by evening suggests mixed signals. Stay mindful of boundaries to avoid misunderstandings in social dynamics.
Virgo Rising Mars–Jupiter activates your career, fueling ambitions and public communications. Morning lunar aspects bring clarity to professional connections, but Neptune’s influence at night may obscure workplace dynamics or goals. Today favors clear articulation of ideas and holding off on big decisions until there’s greater clarity.
Libra Rising The Mars–Jupiter aspect energizes your thirst for knowledge and broader life perspective. Travel or study plans may come into focus, and morning’s lunar aspects enhance learning, though Neptune’s influence by night introduces confusion in beliefs or plans. Engage with curiosity, but avoid firm commitments until details become clearer.
Scorpio Rising Mars–Jupiter stimulates your transformative eighth house, stirring intensity around joint resources or deep conversations. Early in the day, the Moon’s contacts with Mercury and Jupiter support insights into shared values, though Neptune’s influence by night calls for caution in emotional discussions. Approach sensitive topics with care.
Sagittarius Rising With Mars–Jupiter in your partnership sector, conversations with loved ones or colleagues can feel charged. The Moon’s early opposition to Mercury highlights communication, though Neptune’s influence later may create confusion in close relationships. Being clear and open-hearted in dialogues will help mitigate any evening misunderstandings.
Capricorn Rising The Mars–Jupiter influence energizes your routines, sparking ideas for productivity or wellness goals. Morning lunar interactions support practical communication, though Neptune’s influence by evening may blur daily details. Focus on grounding tasks, and reserve major decisions for when clarity returns.
Aquarius Rising Mars–Jupiter activates your house of creativity and romance, bringing excitement to self-expression and personal connections. Early on, conversations flow easily, but Neptune’s influence by night could introduce mixed messages in love or creative projects. Staying grounded in your intentions will help avoid misunderstandings.
Pisces Rising The Mars–Jupiter aspect energizes your home and family dynamics, amplifying household discussions. Early interactions feel inspired, though Neptune’s influence by evening may bring emotional fog. Clarifying intentions within family dynamics today will ensure mutual understanding amid shifting perspectives.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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