#and come back calm and collected
anethum-etcetera · 1 year
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sp00pypumpkins · 6 months
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Got busy this weekend and couldnt draw much so today I did this silly thing :3
Something sweet about the Prototype qwq I find it endearing those two would get so happy when the prototype is near while other toys would feel intimidated by them XD I will make more silly doodles about why Zero thinks so high of the Prototype in the future :D
Au by @asamary You should check their stuff :D!
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Also Zero chirps when they are very happy (The only one who got to hear them is 1006 till now, Zero is a bit embarrased because he cannot control it but with 1006 he lowers his guard but also acts childish around him too HAHA)
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gogethelp123 · 2 months
McLaren fucked it up today, there’s no doubt about that. To give the driver in p2 preferential stops and then act shocked that the undercut that almost always works, worked, is insane. And with such an insane strategy blunder, they put themselves in a lose lose situation.
Oscars say back whilst Lando gets the preferred strategy on multiple occasions and never pushed it or questioned it. Maybe he would’ve asked to swap places back had McLaren never mentioned it, but it would seem out of character.
Let Lando win the race and they’d have tons of people calling them out for blatant favouritism and saying they robbed Oscar of his first win. Let Oscar win and you’ve got the current situation.
Oscar has shown immense consistency and incredible performance for a driver who’s only in his second season, the fact he is that close to Lando and is capable of winning races is a testament to his skill and talent. Don’t let McLaren’s mistakes distract from the incredible driving we witnessed from both of them today. Both drivers are Grand Prix winners, both drivers are capable of maximising points and if they continue like this there’s a genuine shot at the constructors, but maximising points relies on both drivers trusting each other and trusting the team around them.
McLaren fucked up, don’t use that to take away from the drivers.
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10thmusemoon · 4 months
yue qingyuan, my beloved princess with disorders...
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
exploration of the data
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Overall, 2003 and 2012 seem to be much more well-known than 1987 or mutant mayhem. 2003 is almost twice as popular as 2012. Something to keep in mind, though: my biases as the poll maker are bound to show, people who follow me are the ones likely to come across it, and I definitely post the most about tmnt 2003. That said, I probably post the second most about tmnt 1987.... I think the main thing we're seeing here is what we already know: 1987 is an older show that a lot of people haven't seen, and mutant mayhem is still pretty new, hasn't had time to capture hearts yet. Possibly in a perfectly unbiased poll 03 and 12 would be closer. This mainly shows us the 'bias' of the voting poll to help us analyze
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Oh, look at that, 03 and 12 are closer. Very close in fact. There are less votes for favorite Leo than for fave tmnt, so possibly some 03 Leo lovers didn't vote in this one. With less votes the difference between MM and 87 shows a lot more clearly. One thing that's coming to my mind: anxiety and being a total goofball are traits of all these Leos, but 12 and MM leaned into it more explicitly, which I'm sure resonated with a lot of people.
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Wow! 12 and 03 are even closer. And 87 juuuust beat MM. 87 Raphael is probably the most well-known even to those who haven't seen the show for his fourth wall breaks. 12 and 03 Raphs are probably the most similar to each other of any Raphs, so a tie makes sense. Keeping in mind the base of the first poll, though, and the number of votes being almost the same, it looks like 12 Raph won over some 03 fans. 12 does focus more directly on Raph's struggles, gives him some pretty significant angst arcs that he doesn't get in 03.
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Donny takes more than half! My guess is 12's handling of the love triangle really didn't do 12 Donnie any favors here. The differences are also showing more starkly because of the lower number of votes. 03 is also a bit different in how based he is in Mirage, I mean with more focus on being the introspective turtle and a little less on being the reckless scientist. This definitely had to do with him being my favorite, and I was gonna say I'm surprised reckless scientists aren't more popular but again, we have to keep in mind my biases are bound to show in the data
Also I do just wanna say, 87 and 12 Donnie both have that gentleness and deep inner life as well, it just isn't as much the focus, if that makes sense
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87 ties with 12! Exciting! Hm, in an interesting way I think my Donny bias is showing in the Mikey polls? Do you think a voting pool that so heavily favors 03 Don would also tend to favor Cinnamon Roll Michelangelo over Pranksters Michelangelos? I believe this is quite possible, especially since out of all of them, this poll had the smallest reach. Even so, 03 pulls ahead (voting pool does have a 50% 03 bias as well).
Some General Takeaways:
When rise wasn't there to vote for 03 took it's place as the one to beat. Rise does have a lot of parallels and ways it honors 03, thought it also does with 1987. I think we're seeing two things: Rise fans voting 03, and 03 being the runner up even in polls that include rise. Second biggest fan base
1987 is so underrated. It does have 10 seasons so it can be intimidating to get into. The good news is, I've never had trouble finding it on YouTube or Internet Archive. And, you don't have to go in order, it's monster-of-the-week style. I highly recommend it
Leo really stood out among the mutant mayhem turtles. He was very sweet with his bros! I am once again recommending 1987 if y'all like to see Leonardo loving his brothers so much and trying to be a cool leader while kinda knowing that he's a bit of a dork.
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tiredassmage · 5 months
what type of villain are you?
your honor, i do love a good uquiz diagnosing the diseases and problems of my fictional characters and also i might be slightly procrastinating a final paper. saw this one from @sasslett and simply could not resist :3 quiz link! for those who'd like.
swtor edition first!
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tyr deckard - then let me be evil
You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
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alucren ellery - the betrayer
You like to do things up close and personal. As personal as you can get. You are an excellent actor, and you do adore putting on a smile knowing your worst enemy, the one you hate the most, doesn't suspect a thing when they tell you their deepest secrets. Your only motivation is revenge, and revenge you shall get. Perhaps you loved them once, long ago, but any fondness for your target you once felt has long since warped and twisted into perverse obsession, laced with malice and venom and seething hatred. Good or evil does not matter to you. All that matters is they get what they deserve.
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leo ashold - the coward
You didn't have another choice, honest! Have these people SEEN what the heroes are up against? It'd end you in an instant, whether that be a lovecraftian abomination with a hold on your soul, a rampaging monster that's destroying more than a hurricane and an earthquake could in one fell swoop, a shadow organization that has tabs on everyone you love and will end them in an instant, or just a particularly grumpy boss that might yell at you if you don't fall in with his excessively tyrannical methods, you can't go risking your neck for the poor saps that think they can stop it. No way, you're staying on the bad guy side, where it's SAFE.
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rhyst delavast - for the greater good
Perhaps you do not believe what you are doing can truly be classified as evil. Perhaps some people will be hurt from the immediate consequences of your actions, but what the masses fail to see is the immense good that will come of your plans. Maybe you act in the name of science, or for your people who have fallen on great tragedy. Maybe you see cracks in a failing system and want to uproot it through chaotic, destructive means to avoid greater tragedy down the line. Maybe you're just in with a bad crowd, but you can't leave them, no matter how unsavory their intentions, because they're your only ticket to your ultimate goals. No matter what, your goals are noble, and you take no joy in wreaking havoc or hurting those in your way, but the evils you partake in are necessary. If you need to play the bad guy to ensure a better future, then you are willing to play that part.
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savosta - no moral compass
You are cold, analytical, and you strive to be as objective as a person of flesh and blood can be. Either don't understand the concepts of good and evil, or you understand it perfectly and think it's a load of bull. Some may call you selfish, some may call you unfeeling, but you're just doing what you believe will yield the best results, plain and simple. Why bother with petty ideals of right or wrong when you can do what will actively help those you give a fuck about? Your goals may be selfish or noble or anything in between, but you will not let anyone make you feel like garbage for going after them. You couldn't care less about what people brand you as. You just care about getting shit done by any means necessary.
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cartoonnerdygoat · 1 year
well my N x Uzi x V is gone out the window in terms of canon adherent UNLESS V comes back somehow. If she does, I've got more fuel because she showed she cared for them.
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blimbo-buddy · 2 years
Never forgiving the Warriors Fandom for making SnowFur a "kind and gentle and caring mother who is able to calm down her lovely husband". Genuinely what the fuck was that dude. Have we progressed past that as a fandom, please tell me that's the case
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
kobeni is best character because i too understand the pathetic nature of being put on a spotlight and just... failing
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sayheykid · 2 years
i love zegras as much as the next guy but i truly think that mason mctavish is the most interesting young talent on the ducks right now. mark my words, within the next five years we will see him get an A, and he will become captain within his career
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scattered-winter · 2 years
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bcneheaded · 2 years
still at work but.....Artemis....... Artemis getting mad at ur muse or at someone else in FRONT of your muse...... Artemis getting genuinely offended or pissed...... Artemis not yelling but adjusting his volume to that low, steady, slow warning sort of tone. Artemis' warning being ignored and him standing there for a moment simply staring at them with those little dots of light eyes, possibly orange. possibly red. staring and waiting for a few seconds too long, just to see if X will change their mind and apologize or backtrack on w/e happened. Artemis laying hands on X person and physically removing them from his store, practically throwing them out on to the street, leaving them to the demons that wander the city at night <3
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seokmins · 2 years
So sending this on anon to not like completely dox myself lol but I’m from a country (not Korea) that has mandatory military service and like it’s really not as deep as 4rmy are making it seem like I guess I can’t fully speak on the experience in Korea but in my country celebs that are doing their service do like office jobs not going out to war idk maybe I’m biased but I just like don’t see what the big deal is lol, like yeah it sucks for fans that they can’t promote but it’s not like they fall off the face of the earth we still see male idols during their service occasionally
You're exactly correct, it really isn't that deep. From what I've gathered, a lot of armies speaking abt it have 0 idea how any of it works and a good majority have gotten so codependent upon the group that they don't know how to function and instead seem to be lashing out or smth. Really it's truly mind boggling to me! Like, I'm not invalidating anyone's sadness or even disappointment but for me, it's the being malicious to other groups and even the country/what is life going be like now kind of mentality that bugs me.
And you're right! No one really goes to combat from my understanding anyways and either Baekhyun or Shownu or both or someone else just did the public service kind of duties. And like some of that is for health reasons while others DO wanna do the whole physical training thing. To each their own! Like istg bts aren't going to be dropped on a deserted island for 2-3 years w/o any outside contact 😭 it'll just be quieter and slower for them which I think is actually gonna be really, really healthy for everyone involved.
And just imagine like being an office intern/worker and Namjoon walks in and says hi 😭 ALSO A PSA FOR INTERNATIONAL ARMIES TO JUICE AND OIL THEIR BRAINS AND NOT ROMANTICIZE ANY OF THAT PLS 😭 I beg of u. I'm actually gonna start being scared when army catch on to how tasty men are in their natural state 😩
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neon-angels-system · 2 months
fuck it tumblr is the best place to vague about this actually
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savage-rhi · 2 months
Them: babe wake up
me: don't talk to me. i visited several universes as alternative versions of myself a la Avatar again, then helped a deceased relative time travel on their own timeline to fix an anomaly by ensuring certain puppies from a litter survived because they are a cornerstone keeping the fabric of that universe together, communicated with this cosmic machine entity called CABAT or C11419 who you can only ask 1 question of and said relative asked it "what do you want?" and it ominously replied "what's half of yours is half of mine. 5 dogs. 5 chickens. 5 souls. That is my toll for being." then traveled to a world where I'm 7 years old laying on the floor of my grams house thinking about death and how fast time flies and feeling like I've been here before, closed my eyes and then woke up as an energy source thing in a field that was on a different plane of existence and the souls of "the tribe" were there and we talked about how we're destined to do this again in other forms and my "mom" jokingly said "probably means you're gonna die soon wherever you came from its nice you popped in for a moment" and we all laughed about it, then I blinked and was in a bookstore where there were these mini books I was eyeballing--fantasy and pagan titles, I could read them but now that I'm awake its fuzzy and the place smelled like cinnamon and touch was realistic and I thought maybe I dozed off for a bit and this was the real world but then I heard a song that I heard before in another universe that I know doesn't exist in our reality but is popular af in this world and once the lyrics came to an end my brain rapidly downloaded the lived experience of those other lives I had and I need you to not touch me or acknowledge you percieve me because I feel like my soul got tossed like a ragdoll and I need to recalibrate cause holy shit a lifetimes worth of experiences from several different lives is a cluster fuck to untangle and it felt so real that I'm feeling spooked that I'm here right now and not elsewhere omg this has been happening a lot so many mes out there and so many people living as me and me living as them
Them: okay hon do you want coffee today?
Me: oh yes please just hold the sugar
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ijzermansdriesen · 2 months
Your sobbe reactions drive me craaaaaazy
Anon lmaooo 😭😭😭 not us being in this together after all these years WHAT💘🥲 I'm happy my crazy found your crazy ily 🫶🏼🫶🏼❣️❣️😭😭
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