#artemis being always so calm and amiable and The Shopkeeper but secretly being like near OP and randomly showing it in bursts when
bcneheaded · 2 years
still at work but.....Artemis....... Artemis getting mad at ur muse or at someone else in FRONT of your muse...... Artemis getting genuinely offended or pissed...... Artemis not yelling but adjusting his volume to that low, steady, slow warning sort of tone. Artemis' warning being ignored and him standing there for a moment simply staring at them with those little dots of light eyes, possibly orange. possibly red. staring and waiting for a few seconds too long, just to see if X will change their mind and apologize or backtrack on w/e happened. Artemis laying hands on X person and physically removing them from his store, practically throwing them out on to the street, leaving them to the demons that wander the city at night <3
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