#no? just me? okay imma have that coffee now its worth a potential flare
savage-rhi · 2 months
Them: babe wake up
me: don't talk to me. i visited several universes as alternative versions of myself a la Avatar again, then helped a deceased relative time travel on their own timeline to fix an anomaly by ensuring certain puppies from a litter survived because they are a cornerstone keeping the fabric of that universe together, communicated with this cosmic machine entity called CABAT or C11419 who you can only ask 1 question of and said relative asked it "what do you want?" and it ominously replied "what's half of yours is half of mine. 5 dogs. 5 chickens. 5 souls. That is my toll for being." then traveled to a world where I'm 7 years old laying on the floor of my grams house thinking about death and how fast time flies and feeling like I've been here before, closed my eyes and then woke up as an energy source thing in a field that was on a different plane of existence and the souls of "the tribe" were there and we talked about how we're destined to do this again in other forms and my "mom" jokingly said "probably means you're gonna die soon wherever you came from its nice you popped in for a moment" and we all laughed about it, then I blinked and was in a bookstore where there were these mini books I was eyeballing--fantasy and pagan titles, I could read them but now that I'm awake its fuzzy and the place smelled like cinnamon and touch was realistic and I thought maybe I dozed off for a bit and this was the real world but then I heard a song that I heard before in another universe that I know doesn't exist in our reality but is popular af in this world and once the lyrics came to an end my brain rapidly downloaded the lived experience of those other lives I had and I need you to not touch me or acknowledge you percieve me because I feel like my soul got tossed like a ragdoll and I need to recalibrate cause holy shit a lifetimes worth of experiences from several different lives is a cluster fuck to untangle and it felt so real that I'm feeling spooked that I'm here right now and not elsewhere omg this has been happening a lot so many mes out there and so many people living as me and me living as them
Them: okay hon do you want coffee today?
Me: oh yes please just hold the sugar
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