#and by ‘lol’ I mean I’m eating glass about that line
grapesodatozier · 2 years
the essays I could write about how frustrated I am that taylor swift fans have not taken on the responsibility of holding her accountable for her co2 emissions… like. I like her music. but I like public health and having a habitable planet way more!!!! that’s not difficult math folks!!!!! just hate this cultural idea that in order to be a fan of someone you need to defend them? or like there are so many people and taylor fan blogs I see just ignoring it?? and it’s like… you don’t owe her that? you already give her money and fame and praise and you can and should take that away from her if she’s doing something as morally objectionable as catapulting climate change forward this drastically. and it is that serious. it’s so frustrating to see her new album still breaking records, it’s frustrating to follow so many blogs whose posts get so many notes and who clearly could have so much influence over taylor’s fan base completely ignoring this when there could’ve been a whole boycott of this new album. even not listening to it for just the first day it was out would’ve sent a very clear message, right? maybe someone did try to start something and it just didn’t take off or I just didn’t see it but I didn’t see anything (and I looked!) idk I guess now I’m just rambling about missed opportunities and things I could’ve put out there earlier but it’s just really frustrating to see so much celebration of her when the people who give her money and fame should be the loudest voices telling her to find alternatives that don’t kill the planet yknow? I mean like she’s gonna keep putting stuff out so hey not too late to rally people to not listen to the next one ig? but this is super rambling now so I’ll leave it here and open ended/ongoing etc
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nereidprinc3ss · 2 months
kiss it better
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in which spencer notices your bruised knees and tries to make it up to you
18+ (fluff, allusions to past intimacy) warnings/tags: gn!reader i believe, reader has bruised knees lol, guess why, implied intimacy, hurt/comfort, sorta implied d/s dynamics maybe?? spencer is so smart and not very smart, but forever my no. 1 cutie pie a/n: why do i love writing about smut like before and after smut way more than i actually like writing smut LOL anyways here is this cause i haven't been posting very much!!! (also ik I said I don't like babe as a pet name but shhh) and GIF :D
“Hey,” you grunt as you flop on the bed in your pajamas, rumpling the neat covers. “Pay attention to me.”
Spencer holds his Sudoku off to the side and watches, eyebrows raised, as you scoot closer, tossing your leg over him. Soon he’s abandoning the book and pen on the bedside table in favor of hooking his fingers under your knee and stroking your leg, much to your delight. 
“Okay. What kind of attention would you like?”
You allow him to put his other arm around you and settle your cheek on his shoulder. 
“This is pretty good.”
“Oh, good,” he says with only a hint of teasing, leaning down slightly to kiss your lips and then the tip of your nose. 
When he pulls away you can’t help smiling up at him like a lovestruck idiot. Obviously he’s perfect all the time, but in his glasses, with his hair messy, wearing a navy crewneck instead of a button up and tie… he’s just… he’s just so…
He’s just so alarmed?
“Honey, your knee.”
“My knee?” Your own brows furrow and you track his eye line, craning your neck to look down to the blotchy sprawl of purple and red marring your skin. “Oh.”
The pillow is soft under your head where it falls, unconcerned even as Spencer gawps at you, baffled by your nonchalance. 
“What did you do?”
You snort. 
“What did you do, Spencer?”
It’s cute, the way his lips move as he silently repeats the sentence, trying to discern the meaning of your words. 
“What do you mean? I did something?”
The knot between his brows has not loosened any—in fact you’re worried he’s going to give himself a headache. Or at least make himself dizzy, with the way his eyes cycle between your own. You try again, covering his anxious hand on the bend of your leg with your own. 
“When we got back from Penelope’s thing, the other night?”
Slowly the understanding seeps into his expression—soft guilt in his eyes, and a deep red stain in his cheeks. At least his face relaxes. 
God, he’s so cute. He can’t hold eye contact, looking down once the shock of embarrassment has faded and swallowing, a little frown twisting his features once more. You reach up, brushing his cheek with a thumb and adjusting his glasses. 
“What’s wrong?”
The question comes out too smiley, but you can’t help it. 
“I hurt you,” he says, quietly, utterly ashamed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“I kinda think you did,” you tease, and Spencer says your name with a serious edge. You try to quit grinning so much. “Baby, it’s fine. You didn’t hurt me. Don’t you ever get mysterious bruises?”
His eyes are wide and honest on yours when he meets them again. 
“No. My iron levels are optimal.”
“Okay, well, lots of people do. Sometimes I get a bruise and I have no idea what it’s from because it never hurt. These,” you look down, gesturing to your knee, “never hurt. It’s just what happens when your knees hit the floor.”
“Well you shouldn’t have been on the floor,” he scolds, countering with a sweet touch on your cheek. “I’m never letting you touch the floor ever again.”
Your shit-eating grin is back and better than ever. “Oh, so you’re going to carry me everywhere we go?”
“If that’s what it takes. I don’t like seeing you bruised up.”
“It’s okay. I bruised myself doing something I love.”
At this Spencer rolls his eyes and kisses you once more before gently pushing your leg away and getting out of bed. 
“Where are you going?” You ask, all smugness gone and more concerned than you ought to be as he flicks the bathroom light on. For a moment you receive no answer, but then he reappears bearing a white tube. 
“Give me your legs,” he says, sitting next to you on the bed. You swing your legs over his lap and watch on in mild interest as he dispenses lotion from the bottle and tosses it aside, carefully rubbing it into the bruised skin. Every few seconds he glances up to gauge your reaction, and though it’s definitely tender, you avoid wincing. “You don’t have to do that. I can tell it hurts.”
You laugh. 
“Yeah, well, it didn’t until you started trying to fix it.” The ointment is pungent and you make a face. “What are you rubbing all over me?”
“This is vitamin K and Arnica. It will make the bruises go away faster.”
“Aw. You don’t think they’re pretty on me?”
He sets the bottle on the nightstand and retrieves the pen he’d been doing Sudoku with earlier, uncapping it. Your heart swells as he draws tiny sad faces by the bruises on your knees, glasses slipping down his nose as he focuses intently. 
“I always think you’re pretty. I just never want you to be hurt, ever.”
“Are you done taking care of me now?” You ask, reaching out for him. The pen joins the bottle and suddenly he has no concern for your bodily health, practically crushing you with a hug. When he speaks it’s muffled by your shoulder. 
You hum, nose tickled in his hair and forming a dastardly plan. 
“You could kiss them better.”
Spencer laughs and presses his lips briefly to your neck. 
“I might just do that.”
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meraki-yao · 7 months
Now I'm curious to know all the "candies" between Nick and Tay 👀 lol I don't ship them but I also find it interesting that some fans really ship real people together and gather evidence or proof of it. If its fine with you to share it pls do 🙏 but if not its also fine :)
Actually, sure! I kinda wanted to share some of these at times but again I understand that rps is a complicated subject.
A couple of quick prefaces though:
1, If you’re uncomfortable with the subject, again, please don’t read under the post
2, I don’t have all the candies because I really just view them in passing, so I’m just gonna write/translate the ones I’ve seen, remember and find at least a logical speculation
3, I need to reiterate this in case my position in this gets misunderstood: Me writing about “candies” isn’t because these are MY opinion or things *I* found or *I* believe in them being evidence. I am just a translator and messenger.
4, (this one is gonna sound a little academic lol) Two things I realized when thinking about this “candy eating” culture is that Chinese people have a very difference understanding of platonic/romantic affection/relationships with the Western world, and that they look at the candies with rose-tinted glass. Chinese/Asian people are generally a lot less affectionate with their personal relationships, for example friends wouldn’t say “love you” to each other if they’re just friends, nor would they expand their friend group to the others easily or other stuff. And these people who look for candy go into their “investigation” already with the belief that “they are together”, everything remotely resembling a close relationship will automatically be interpreted as romantic. I thought about it a lot, and honestly among the “candies” I’ve seen, most of them are a matter of interpretation: yes those are things couples will do, but it wouldn’t be weird if friends did it too. So they’re not that seriously or up for further speculation. There is I think only one “candy” that I can’t quite say the same, which I will explain and elaborate on in this post. 
5, Please remember that the people who do this do it in good nature: something I didn’t make clear in my post yesterday, which is on me, is that the fans do want them to be together, but they’re not like… yandere level or something. If they’re just friends the fans won’t be upset or betrayed or anything, they just prefer to see them as romantic. They don’t mean any harm, and they don’t cause any harm because China is physically and digitally too far away for them to actually fuck shit up, and they understand the lines of parasocial relationships: those who met with Taylor during his China trip in December know to, and didn’t bring up this in front of him. They know where to draw the line, and whoever doesn’t and starts becoming a problem gets kicked out of the community. This is meant for fun.
6, Ok Future Meraki here, turns out, there’s a lot to translate, a lot more than I anticipated Jesus Christ and I do want to get this post how within today and make it a reasonable length, so I’m just gonna do two events and the one that I mentioned in 4. If yall want a part 2 let me know.
Ok with that being said, the main event under the cut:
In December they made a whole article about “candies” from December, and to quickly summarise (again noted that all of this is speculation, I didn’t and can’t fact check them, and I’m just a translator) (also this ended up way longer than I anticipated so for photo reference if you can please go to the link of the original article):
Academy Gala:
Nick and Taylor both attended the gala: Since the strike ended up to that point, the two times Nick attends a public event, Taylor’s there too (GQ men of the year and Academy Gala), and for both times he’s wearing Cartier’s Tank Must Watch (remember this watch, I’m gonna elaborate on it later because it is the only candy that even I can’t say it’s a matter of interpretation)
In various pictures of the night’s party that other people took, the boys can be seen together in the background
How the photography worked that night was magazine photographers wandered around the venue and randomly found people to take some relatively candid photos: so people who were walking/sitting/in any way sticking together would be photographed together. So best friends and married couples would be photographed together, which is what happened to Meryl Streep, Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan, and Christopher Nolan, Cillian Murphy and their wives. With that logic, Taylor and Nick were caught by the photographer together TWICE, in clearly different places. Later Korean fans (with the same “candy-searching” mindset) read the time on Taylor’s watch in the photos: one was 8:30, one was 9:50. The implication is that they were together for at least that period of time (nearly 1.5 hours)
In both photos of the boys together, Nick’s elbow is…straight up leaning into Taylor's chest. In a photo with Kaia, Nick’s friend and co-star from Bottoms (Brittany), there’s visible space between Nick and Kaia but none between Nick and Taylor (… okay I’m gonna pop in with my own opinion on the latter one real quick: I really think that one is just Nick being a gentleman)  
During that night, Taylor re-posted an Instagram post from July onto Little Red Book: but the things is in the comment section of the original Instagram post, Taylor teasingly pretends to not know Nick; and according to the posting time and the time calculated in 3, Nick would have been watching him post that to Little Red Book.
Nick got a photo with Taylor’s friend Jay Ellis (Jay and Taylor follow each other on Instagram, and Taylor comments under Jay’s post), even though Nick and Jay don’t seem to have any direct connections. Kaia and Taylor started following each other on Instagram after the event.
While other people who got photos with Taylor posted them, in Taylor’s Instagram Post for the night: He only included his photo with Nick, the rest are all solo portraits of himself. Not only that: he edited the background of the photo so it’s just them, and proceeded to put the photo in the middle of the post.
a bunch of Taylor's good friends, including Taylor’s cousin went to like Nick’s post for the academy gala night. Taylor’s sister Ash shared Taylor’s post to her stories: 2 photos of Taylor himself, and the one photo of Taylor and Nick. Taylor mentioned in a past interview if he had any emotional or relationship (I don’t know which one is the right translation, the original wording is 感情) issues, he would talk to Ash. (please note that I didn’t not and don’t know how to fact-check any of the things mentioned above except for Ash’s Instagram)
Conclusion/ Speculation (okay the academy gala part alone took me 40 minutes what the fuck): I cannot reiterate this enough: THIS IS JUST SPECULATION DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY but under the assumption that Taylor and Nick are a thing, the serious of shenanigans that happened that night, especially with the family and friends stuff in 6,7,8, was interpreted as they announcing it to their personal social circle. AGAIN THIS IS SPECUALTION DON’T TAKE THIS SERIOSULY 
Taylor’s China Trip
On 7th December, Taylor had a photo shoot at the GQ gala venue, but spent the rest of the afternoon taking photos and signing things for fans. Among those, one was the photo of him and Nick from the academy gala just three days ago. He was visibly extra happy and showed off the photo to the crowd, unlike the other photos which he simply gets it, signs it, and then gives it back.
This day was also the start of “Taylor giving Nick/Henry a moustache”: throughout the trip, he drew on four photos of the two of them
(This one is a … really big stretch) among the four, one of them was the GQ magazine shoot, and he first drew the moustache on Nick’s face, giggling “I’ll sign on Nick’s face”, signed his own signature, then just when he was about to give the magazine back he suddenly changed his mind and said “wait wait I wanna do something on my face”, and then drew a crown on his head while muttering “crown prince”. And the thing is… historically, George Villers had a moustache. And then he drew a moustache on Nick and a crown on himself. Also, one of the most popular Chinese RWRB fic on AO3 is called “The King’s Palace”, and the premise is putting Henry in George place as the social climber and the Duke of Buckingham (it is literally George’s character with blonde hair and a different name), and Alex as the crown prince who ascended to the throne and is also utterly infatuated with Henry. So… yeah.
When he drew the fourth photo, which was the piano scene, the fan who asked said “Oh you’re so nice to Nick!” and according to their description (there’s no video), Taylor blushed a little and said “yeaahhhhh” with a big grin
While Taylor was in China people were stirring shit up on Twitter about him, and during the Twitter drama, Nick liked Taylor’s Academy Gala post.
The boys liked the same video on Instagram but from different accounts (a video about a pony in the snow)
During the trip, Taylor was seen wearing a white button-up with blue stripes. Nick has been seen wearing a shirt that looks identical before.
Cartier Watch (aka the one that makes me do a double take)
Taylor used to wear a lot of Cartier watches until he started wearing Tagheuer last July due to a commercial partnership
Nick likes wearing Omega watches. In fact, Henry’s watch in the movie is Nick’s own omega watch. He also has a commercial partnership with Omega.
But then starting last year, both of them were seen wearing matching Cartier’s Tank Must Watches (the silver on with a black surface and a sapphire crown): Taylor can be seen wearing it in the 5th photos of his September post, while Nick can be seen wearing it during the GQ gala, the Academy Gala, in Milan during fan interactions, and last weekend in his TIOY co-star’s Instagram story.
And the thing about this watch is (and here is where I need to reiterate that I’m just translating, I didn’t fact check this) 1, watch is a typical thing to give a lover, and you must be familiar with their wrist size 2, Cartier is a pretty romantic brand 3, the price of this watch is closer to what Taylor’s used to wearing but much cheaper than Omega 4, This specific watch is a popular watch to give a partner/lover, 5, David and Victoria Beckham’s relationship was discovered because paparazzi saw the Cartier watch he gave her and connected dots together
Jesus Christ at this point I should consider getting a part time job in translation
This was fun but this took me so much time, it’s ~2000 words long
Again, all of this was found and speculate for fun, and mean no ill will, and haven’t, and won’t harm the boys, please understand that and don’t take this took seriously. If you find this interesting and want a part two, let me know.
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zepskies · 2 years
Never Say Goodbye - Part 8
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 5,000 Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort and feels, alcoholism lol
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Part 8: Long Distance
Sam stayed back at Bobby’s while Dean accompanied you back home, now that it was no longer a crime scene. When your dad finally got off of work, he greeted you in the living room with relief in his eyes and a warm hug.
That warmth diminished when he noticed Dean standing behind you.
“Dean’s a friend of Bobby’s,” you explained. Dean introduced himself and shook Jack’s hand.
“Yeah, wanted to make sure she got here okay,” Dean added.
Jack scrutinized him as they shook hands. Maybe he suspected that you and Dean weren’t telling the whole truth, but Jack seemed to accept things.
For now.
“I think we’ve got frozen pizzas for dinner if we don’t want to order out,” you said. You went over to the kitchen to check, but without you realizing, that brought you right to the spot where you were assaulted just two days ago. 
The blood had been scrubbed off the tile floor. There were still small, suspect stains in the grout, though. You looked up and saw your reflection in the microwave. It wasn’t unlike that night, when you had looked up and seen your bloody face, then looked down and seen Danny Schmitt lying dead on the floor.
You flinched when a hand came to rest on your shoulder. It was Dean, and you gave him a small grateful look. You briefly covered his hand with yours, but you took a breath and forced yourself to move past the spot, and continue toward the fridge. 
Jack watched the small moment between you and Dean. Dean knew that Jack had caught it, while you remained oblivious as you puttered around in the kitchen.
The three of you made somewhat painful small talk while waiting for the pizzas to cook. When it was done, Dean helped set the table and you cut out the slices. Jack took an opportunity to grab a beer and approach you.
“So why’s Skater Boy still in my house?” Jack asked. You could only assume he meant Dean.
“Dad, please don’t be rude,” you warned. 
“You seein’ him or something?” 
You set down the pizza cutter and gave Jack a pointed look. “As a matter of fact, yes.”
Dean could hear you and Jack talking from the dining room. He took issue with your dad’s phrasing. It was a little more than “seeing,” but at least now he understood what you’d been talking about with your dad. The guy was a hard-ass. 
So Dean would go along with however you wanted to play this. It was only fair. 
The problem was, this mostly left you to keep the conversation going once the three of you sat down to eat. For forty-five minutes you did your best to fill the silences, but Jack was a man of sparing words. 
“So yeah, I should be able to finish my thesis in time. I’m looking to have a job lined up after I graduate next semester, but the only thing I’ve really been seeing is teaching positions,” you explained.
“Teaching’s acceptable,” your dad said, after finishing his second beer. “And doable, for you.”
You glanced at your dad with a telling press of your lips. 
Dean understood your annoyance. Doable for you? 
What was that supposed to mean?
“Well, I’m not sure I want to teach,” you said. “I’m thinking of applying to the natural history museum here in Sioux Falls.”
“And do what, dust off wax mannequins?” Jack remarked. 
You set down your glass of water a bit too hard. “If you’re going to say something, say it.”
Jack gave you a look of exasperation. “I’m just sayin’. You went to college without a real plan, now it’s bitin’ you in the ass. And it ain’t been cheap—”
“For you it has, because I put myself through college,” you countered. 
“What I’m saying is, now you’ve limited yourself—”
Jack actually reminded Dean of his dad in a lot of ways. But he had a feeling this man didn’t know his daughter very well. Dean wasn’t normally one to meddle in things that weren’t his business, but you were stressed out enough. He didn’t like the way your shoulders were tightening. He could feel your upset through the soul bond, and your eyes were dangerously close to frustrated tears. 
He touched your knee beneath the table and looked over at Jack.
“Look, maybe we could just take things down a couple notches here,” Dean suggested. 
Jack turned to him with an angry frown. “Now would be a very good time for you to butt out. Dean, was it? Matter of fact, why don’t you get the hell out of my house—”
“Okay, that’s enough!” you shouted. You clenched one fist on the dining table, the other on your knee beneath the table.  
Both men looked at you with mixed reactions of surprise. 
You turned to your dad. “The difference between you and me is I pursued what I was interested in. You went after what you were good at.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Jack asked, after his shock wore off.
“Nothing,” you said. “But neither is what I did. I’m proud of where I am so far, what I’ve accomplished. I’m sorry if you don’t think that’s worth much, but I do. You don’t have to agree with my choices, but you can at least respect me.”
Silence fell across the table.
Secretly, Dean was proud of you, and he tapered down a smile. He knew you sensed it when you glanced at him.
“I respect you,” Jack said, pulling your attention away. “But I’m still your father.”
You shook your head. “You don’t, Dad. If you did, it wouldn’t be so hard to tell you that I’m not dating Dean. He’s my soulmate.” 
Once again, shock made the air tense. Jack’s eyes were open wide, looking from you, to Dean, and back again. His brows furrowed.
So Dean, ever the tension breaker, offered you and Jack a resigned grin. He pointed to his and Jack’s beer bottles, which were empty. 
“Well,” he said, “I’ll get the whiskey.”
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When your father’s shock finally wore off, he had plenty of questions for Dean. About where he lived, his job, his life in general—most of which Dean couldn’t answer honestly. Jack was a police detective by trade. As such, he was a perceptive man who knew he wasn’t getting the whole story, but eventually you cut off the inquisition.
You showed Dean up to your room, where you two were able to get some privacy. 
“I’m proud of you,” he said, once you both sat on the edge of your bed. “I could tell that, uh…that conversation with your dad was a long time coming.”
You nodded, but you couldn’t quite smile. “When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow,” he replied. 
Tomorrow. You sighed, but you also tried not to let him sense your darkening emotions. Instead, you sat up straight and gave him a decisive look. 
“Okay, then I’m staying with you at Bobby’s tonight,” you said. One more night together.
Dean’s lips raised into a grin. “Yes, ma’am.”
You spent that night mostly playing cards with Sam, Dean, and Bobby as they taught you how to hustle poker. You drank and ate and laughed, and at night, you and Dean continued to learn each other’s bodies.
In the morning, you hugged both Sam and Dean goodbye. 
“I’m sorry,” Dean apologized again while he held you. “I’ll call you later.”
Holding back your tears, you nodded and kissed him one more time. He tucked a finger beneath your chin to keep your head up. You tried at a smile, which he appreciated. 
Then Sam and Dean climbed into the Impala. You watched them leave, and Bobby laid a supportive hand on your shoulder. 
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The next year was torturous for you both. 
Dean updated you after various hunts. Not on a regular schedule, but often enough. Sam started calling now and then with historical questions—some you could answer off the top of your head, and some you actually put in some effort into researching. Dean didn’t like it at first, but soon he started calling you for information himself. 
You were smart, quick on your feet, and realistically, a convenient resource since you had access to a university library. You enjoyed it though. You were happy to be helpful to them, but you also liked the research. Often they were interesting topics in the mythologies of different cultures (if you took out the whole hashing and slashing of innocent people and monsters out of it). 
But that part too was gratifying; you felt like you were helping them save lives, in whatever small way you could offer.
You also visited Bobby more often. It was your last semester of college and he helped you with your thesis, actually giving you good notes. Dean, bless him, was encouraging, but really only helped you with the movie references. Bobby actually gave you feedback on your writing and added tidbits to the historical aspects as well.
You learned that Bobby was actually really smart. Maybe that was where you got your affinity for history and language arts.
One day though, your uncle noticed that you weren’t as into it as usual. You had a half-drunk beer in your hand while the two of you working in the living room—on the final draft of your thesis.
Bobby had asked you a question about a certain line, but you hadn’t heard him. 
“Hey, you awake over there?” he asked. Jolting in your seat, you looked over at him apologetically. 
“Sorry, what?”
Bobby smiled wryly. “Let me guess. Dean ain’t called you?”
You shook your head. “I talked to him yesterday. They’re investigating a cursed painting in New York somewhere.”
“So what’s with the face?” 
You shrugged. “Nothing.” 
After you didn’t give Bobby anything to go on, he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “Okay…”
You two spent an extended moment in relative silence, where only faint music from the radio played in the background. Plus, the occasional turning of pages from Bobby’s book.
“It’s just,” you started to say. Bobby closed his book with an expectant look on his face. 
“I’ve waited twenty-four years to find him,” you said. “Twenty-fucking-four. And now I still have to wait. How long will it be until I can start my life?”
“Well first of all, you’ve been living your life long before Dean,” Bobby pointed out. “You have your own thing going, and right now, so does Dean. When he finishes dealing with his past, he’ll be able to start thinkin’ about his future.”
That was fair, you considered. It made you feel a bit immature when he put it like that. Nor was it realistic of you to expect Dean to drop everything else in his life for you…
You and your uncle had gotten closer over the past few months. So you felt you could ask him something that had been on your mind for a long time.
“Feel free to ignore me, but, about Aunt Karen…was she your soulmate?” you asked. 
 Bobby looked over at you after sipping at a fifth of whiskey. He seemed reluctant to even say her name.
“She was,” he admitted.
You knew this would be a sensitive subject, but you took a chance. “What happened to her, Bobby?”
At first, he was quiet. You just waited to see what he would say, if he was willing to trust you. After a short while, slowly, he told you. 
She’d been possessed by a demon. 
Not one exactly like Sam and Dean were hunting, but close enough. However, Bobby didn’t know then what he knew now. 
She’d been coming at him with a knife, and before he realized what he was doing, he was defending himself with the same knife. But she just kept coming. It took your father, Jack, to pull her off of him. And Rufus, who had been tracking the thing, broke into Bobby’s house and exorcised the demon.
Then, a black spirit drained out of Karen’s body. She had enough awareness to look down at her three stab wounds before she fell to the floor. Finally, she bled out.
She was gone before either Jack or Bobby could get her to a hospital.
Jack had reluctantly helped cover up the scene by saying she’d suffered a psychotic break and attacked her husband. Bobby’s case was self-defense.
You could relate to that, at least. 
By the end of his story, you were trying in vain to stifle your tears. When you were able to speak, you asked another question.
“Then…why does Dad hate you so much if it wasn’t you fault?” 
“Because I killed her. My own wife, my…” Bobby sighed, a heavy, sharp exhale. “His baby sister. I can’t blame him.”
Because he still blamed himself. In the end, it was blood all over him and the body of his soulmate in his arms.
You didn’t know how to comfort him, but you tried. Still silently crying, you rested your hands on his arm while he couldn’t quite bring the whiskey back to his lips. 
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When you graduated in May, you didn’t expect Sam and Dean to come. You’d told them about it, but when the ceremony came and you stood on that stage, you didn’t see the brothers in the crowd. You saw your dad, Bobby, some of your colleagues from the university, and a couple of your best friends from high school.
You forced your disappointment down and accepted your diploma with a smile. You were now finished with school, complete with your master’s degree in Greek and Roman Studies. And in two weeks, you had a job lined up at the local museum. You would be giving exhibit tours, and you already had a script you had to memorize by your first day. 
Maybe it was basic, but there was a path for growth there for you. In a few years you could work yourself up to museum curator! 
The point was, you felt it was a step in the right direction.
Later at home that night, your dad congratulated you while you cut up the cake he bought for you in the kitchen. He set a hand on your shoulder, subtly asking you to pause what you were doing. You turned to him with a smile.
“I’m proud of you, darlin’,” he said. “You’ve got drive, and you did what you set out to do…so much of you reminds me of your mom that way.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes. Thinking about your conversation with Bobby a few weeks ago, you looked at your dad a bit differently. You had compassion for him. Like Bobby, Jack had lost his person. He was just a man who couldn’t let go.
“I get why you have a hard time remembering Mom,” you said. “Now that I have Dean, I can’t imagine how I would feel if I lost him.”
But it was still a monumental fear. Every day that you didn’t hear from Dean between hunts could be nerve-wracking when you thought about what he was doing. Especially when you didn’t know how much he left out for your sake.
So when Jack nodded, you looked up and saw rare emotion in his eyes. 
“How’s Dean?” he asked. 
“He’s on a job in South Carolina,” you lied, and felt a twinge of guilt doing it. “Severe rat infestation.”
“Okay. And he couldn’t take a couple days off the rats to be here today?” 
Your lips pursed at the question—mainly because it was the same one you had. You just didn’t want your dad to know that.
“He’s working hard,” was all that you could think to reply. You knew it totally didn’t convince your dad, but you handed him a slice of cake to shut him up about it.
Later in your room, you laid out your cap and gown on your bed. You debated keeping them in your closet, or just donating them. It wasn’t like you were ever going to wear this again. 
Hey, beautiful.
You gasped when Dean’s thoughts startled you. You whipped around and there he was in your doorway, dressed in his usual jeans, shirt, and leather jacket combo. He smiled and held a bouquet of flowers for you.
“Congratulations, Professor,” he said. 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you went to him. You actually almost bowled him over by jumping into his arms. 
“Whoa!” he said with a laugh. He gripped your thighs tight around his hips but lost a few steps, crashing against the wall and disturbing some of your frames. You both laughed and kissed deeply. 
After a while, you slid back down to your feet and he stroked your cheek in affection. He offered you the flowers again, and you accepted them with a pink blush. They weren’t just basic roses. Most of them you couldn’t name, but there were daisies and large orange flowers, thin springs of small white and green ones, white and red flowers that greeted you with soft blooming petals. 
“Thank you, these are beautiful,” you said. 
His smile fell. “Sorry I’m late.”
Your excitement dimmed, but you shook your head. “It’s okay.”
Dean noticed your cap and gown on the bed and gestured to them.
“Mind modeling that little number for me?” he teased.
Your mouth twitched. “What, really?”
“Yeah, why not? I wanna see the full package of the college grad.”
With another little blush, you obliged him. After setting down the flowers on your dresser, you slipped on your large, silky graduation gown first, then the cap. You adjusted the tassel so it wasn’t directly in your face. Then you grinned and struck a pose for him in the shapeless gown.
“Real sexy, huh?”
Dean smirked. “Absolutely. College girls are always sexy.”
You laughed and dropped the pose. Both of you sat down on the bed while you took off the cap. Dean fixed your frizzy hair as a result.
“Well, officially I’m not a college girl anymore,” you pointed out. “I’m starting at the museum soon, I think I told you.”
Dean nodded. “That’s okay. Hot nerds are even better.”
You giggled and took his larger hand in yours. “Where’s Sam?”
“Chillin’ at Bobby’s.”
“Ah…you saw my dad?”
“Downstairs. Wasn’t exactly happy to see me,” Dean said. “I, uh…I am sorry I couldn’t make it to the big ceremony.”
You shook your head with a smile. “I’m just glad you’re here.”
Soon, you fell into the pull of him as he guided you into a kiss. You held his face in your hands, and he tugged you into his lap. 
“Up for a sleepover?” you asked between heated kisses. Though it was difficult to think at the moment, Dean hesitated. 
“What about your dad?” He groaned when your nails dragged down the back of his neck. You gave a nipping kiss between his neck and shoulder. 
“You can be quiet, can’t you?” you said against his skin. Normally you wouldn’t dream of doing this when your dad was in the house, but it had been months since you’d seen Dean. Months. 
One of your hands moved down between your bodies to palm at the growing bulge in his jeans.
“Well,” he said with a grunt, “I’m always up for a challenge.”
He left you on the bed, just long enough to get up and lock the bedroom door, before he all but tacked you back onto the bed and made you squeal. 
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Meanwhile, downstairs, Jack heard your bedroom door click. He sighed, trying his damnedest not to think about what might be going on upstairs. 
He could storm up there and break down the door (like he was itching to do). You might be an adult, but this was still his house… 
But he also didn’t want to disturb the newfound peace he’d found with you today. 
Time for a drink, he decided. He grabbed his keys and headed out to the nearest bar.
Jack loved his town. He’d lived here most of his life, met his wife here, started a family and a career and all the rest here. But there was only one good bar, and that meant he was liable to run into his brother-in-law, AKA the town drunk. 
Jack spotted Bobby down at the end of the bar with a young man, dark-haired and likely in his early 20s. Jack knew that your Dean was staying at Bobby’s house. Jack also knew that your Dean had a brother, Sam. This dark-haired beanpole was most likely him.
Jack didn’t know much about Dean, or his family, but he wanted to. He wanted to know more about the man in his daughter’s life.
So instead of heeding his instinct to sit at the bar alone, he made his way all the way down and greeted Sam and Bobby civilly. 
“Your Dean’s brother?” Jack asked. Sam’s handshake was firm as he nodded. Jack detected the strength behind that loose-fitting flannel.
Hmm, not so much a beanpole, Jack thought.  
“Yes, sir. I’m Sam,” he replied.
Jack nodded at their whiskey glasses. “Let me buy another round.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Bobby said.
“It’s all right,” Jack said. “I’ve got it.”
Bobby wasn’t sure what Jack was aiming at. They hadn’t spoken directly in a few years. But he could assume it had something to do with Dean dating the man’s daughter.
Jack turned to Sam and asked mild, probing questions. He learned that Sam had gone to college: pre-law at Stanford. He had been all set to go to law school and become a successful lawyer. Sam sounded like the kind of guy Jack would’ve preferred you end up with.
“But instead, you became a traveling exterminator,” Jack said. “What happened there?”
Dean had evaded this question before, but Sam told him something different.
“Well, uh, to be honest…something happened that kind of derailed things,” Sam said. 
“Which was?” Jack asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
Sam met his gaze steadily, but Jack saw something deep there, held behind polite bar conversation. 
“My girlfriend died,” he confessed. 
Jack set down his bourbon on the counter. A tendril of guilt licked down his spine for pressing. “I’m sorry.” 
Sam nodded. “After that, I spun out for a while…but Dean, he didn’t let me crash. He got me back working with him on the job. Something…constructive. It kept me going.”
Jack considered that with his glass back up to his lips. 
“After my wife died, I had my work and my daughter,” he said. “That’s it. That’s my life. It’s honest.”
Sam inclined his head. The conversation continued from there, on and off while they drank. Bobby interjected every now and then, but he kept nursing his second whiskey.
Eventually though, Sam bowed out with one last shake of Jack’s hand and a pat to Bobby’s back. It left the two older men to finish their drinks.
“They’re hunters, aren’t they? Like your friend Rufus,” Jack said. 
Bobby glanced at him. Then he sighed.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “But they know what they’re doing.”
Jack shook his head. Goddamn hunters.
But the more he considered his brother-in-law, your conversation with him earlier resonated in his mind. 
“I get why you have a hard time remembering Mom,” you had said. “Now that I have Dean, I can’t imagine how I would feel if I lost him.”
Jack looked over at Bobby. As much as he hated to admit it, they were living the same life, more or less. He’d just had you to keep him somewhat anchored. Approaching sane and respectable. Bobby had been alone.
“It doesn’t get easier, does it?” Jack asked. 
“What doesn’t?”
“Life,” he replied. “Without her.”
Bobby paused. Once he realized what Jack was really saying, he sighed once again.
“Nope,” he agreed. 
“I don’t know Dean Winchester,” Jack said. “You do. Should I be worried?” 
“He’s a good kid. Got some rough angles,” Bobby conceded. “But you’ll never find a more loyal man in Creation. He’d break his own neck before he’d hurt that girl.”
Jack nodded. “Good. Saves me the trouble of breakin’ it for him.”
Bobby chuckled and finished his whiskey. Jack ordered him another.
Bobby looked over at him again. “Thanks.”
Jack nodded. They drank in companionable silence until the bar closed.
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The next morning, you and Dean stood outside your house on the driveway. The Impala shone next to you in the bright day’s sun. Soon, you’d have to watch the car peel away. In a way, it was harder the second time.
Dean held your cheek and kissed you nice and slow. You knew he could sense what you were feeling right now, but you tried to hold it back from your connection as much as you could.
You let your hand drift down from his shoulder to his chest, over his heart. 
I love you, you wanted to say. It was poised on your tongue, but you were afraid of being the first one to say it. Maybe it was silly, but you wondered if you had gotten attached to him more quickly than he had to you.
Meanwhile, Dean sensed your anxiety and worry, but he didn’t hear your thoughts and insecurities that you were holding back. So he just chocked it up to the fact that he was leaving. Guilt nagged at his heart.
“I’ll call you,” he promised. He always promised to call, and he always did. This time, it just didn’t make you feel that much better.
But you still faked a smile and bent to grab the bagged up containers you’d put together for Sam and Dean. It was some homemade chicken parmesan and garlic rolls, which would probably last for all of a couple of hours, knowing Dean.
“Share with your brother this time,” you reminded him. Dean smirked and took the bag from you. 
“No promises.”
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The next few months were spent with you and Dean each focusing on your jobs. You talked on a frequent non-schedule basis: phone calls on your lunch break, on your commute before or after work, between Dean’s hunts, on long drives across state lines. 
When you didn’t have time to talk, you sent emails. Yours were often longer and more detailed than Dean’s, but that was just how he spoke. Direct and to the point, albeit with one or two dirty jokes thrown in. 
Sometimes all you two had time for was a brief text here and there. Dean would wish you a good morning. He’d tease you, asking what you were wearing. 
“Yoga pants and a ratty old shirt,” you’d replied once. 
He’d said: “Hmm, yoga pants.”
You laughed. “You’re ridiculous. I’m literally eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s right now.”
“Ooh, what flavor?”
You’d rolled your eyes. The only thing that distracted his dirty mind was his stomach. 
Sometimes you would send him a new song to listen to (which he would complain about, if it was anything past 1989).
But then that day came.
That dreaded day when Dean didn’t answer your call. It wasn’t just that he didn’t answer right then. You had finished your last tour of the museum for a class of second graders and were walking out to your car. It wasn’t unusual for Dean to hit you back later if he was mid-hunt. 
So you waited until the evening without a response. A warning bell trilled in your mind, but you tried not to get worried just yet. You decided to text him. 
Hey, just checking in.
You went to bed that night still waiting for his reply. 
Then the morning came, and you went a little crazy. You called him twice, then Sam. 
When Sam didn’t pick up, that little bell in your mind was a screaming fire alarm. It was a Friday though. You still had to go to work. 
So you got ready for your day as usual, though even your manager Jerry noticed that you were distracted. You had been working at the museum for around six months now, and you had proven yourself to be a dedicated worker and enthusiastic about your work. So Jerry knew when you were having an off day.
“You all right?” he asked. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you said. “It’s nothing.”
“Okay, well, you’ve got another tour in five minutes,” he reminded you, before he tsked and rushed over to a group of teenagers who were messing with the neanderthal exhibit. 
You sighed. The moment you thought about checking your phone again, it rang in your pocket. 
Quickly you checked who it was, your eyes widening. You answered, “Sam? Is everything okay? I’ve been calling—”
“Listen,” Sam said. “I…I need to tell you something.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach when you heard his tone. Whatever had happened, it wasn’t good. 
“What happened?” you asked. 
“We found our dad,” he said. “And the demon.”
You gasped and moved to a corner of the museum for some privacy. “You did? That’s…that’s great! But what—”
“We got into an accident,” said Sam. “My dad and I are okay, but Dean, he’s…”
Your breath stilled in your lungs, even as your heart started to pound.
“Where are you?” You started toward the back offices to grab your purse and fished for your car keys. While Sam told you the hospital and the city, your heels clacked on the shiny tile as you booked it to your car. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Jerry asked. 
You put Sam on hold for a moment and said, without hesitation (and tears in your eyes): 
“I’m sorry, I have a family emergency. My boyfriend just got hit by a truck.”
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AN: Aaand another cliffhanger. But I'm sure you know where this is going next...
2.01 "In My Time of Dying," in which the reader finally meets John Winchester, but she could end up losing Dean for good this time.
(Also, there are just a few more chapters after this. I promise I won't go through the entire show lol.)
To keep reading: PART 9
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Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
@curlycarley @buckywenal24 @jamerlynn @iprobablyshipit91 @globetrotter28 @deamus-liv @irgendwas122 @deans-spinster-witch @dogbarkbark4445 @my-proof-is-you @vera0124 @deans-baby-momma @lacilou @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @happygoodvibe @theonlymaninthesky @spnexploration @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @imagineteller1ller1 @icequeen1371 @mininjageek @tiredqueen73 @bitchwitch1981 @abbigaleelizabeth @ohgodthebogisback @where-the-river-bends @loveprof6 @thespnlover
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fandomwritingbit · 1 year
Hi there cutiepie
Thought I'd jump in to request
I was thinking like Michael Afton X reader after a fighr reader sleeps on the couch (sfw)
Ofcourse if your comfy writing that!! I did read rules so I'm hoping for it to be okay. (Also reader can be either female or gender neutral I don't mind either so I'd leave it up to you to decide with what you prefer writing)
Anyways darling have a nice day and don't forget to eat (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Ee this request is cute as hell. No one's ever called me cutiepie before, got me blushing over here 😘 Thank you so much for such a lovely ask.
I hope this is alright, I can never judge if this kind of thing is actually decent lol.
Anywhooo, michael x gn reader - Sleeping on the sofa (sfw angst with fluff)
"What do you mean 'no'- it's your turn!" your boyfriend interrogated, he looked more than annoyed, mocking how you spoke the word no.
You snigger as reflex, a little taken aback at how angry he was already, you'd only just walked in the door. You let your shoulder bag slide off and on to the floor, shruging sarcastically, "Mike I called you and said I was going to be late - I've had Hell on at work - you really haven't made plans for dinner?!"
"It's your turn." He reiterates, taking his eyes off you as he realised that he probably was in the wrong, but stubbornness making him double down.
"You could have ordered something- you really expect me to cook right now?!" As you spoke, you approach your boyfriend irritated, holding your watch up for him to see, "It's half ten, Mike. Half fucking ten."
He scoffed, "So what am I-"
Keep reading
"Find something, Mike. I swear to God." you hiss. You have to walk away from him to stop this from escalating because if he keeps talking to you so entitled you're going to snap. Well, snap more than you just did.
Storming upstairs, you go in a shower which does nothing to calm you down. In fact it does the opposite, making you more heated, replaying the look of 'hard-done-by' on Michael's face. By the time you're done and hop out, you decide you can't even look at him, grabbing your pillows and a blanket off the bed.
He appears whilst you’re mid action, opening his mouth to say something but it dies in his throat when you throw him the dirtiest look he's ever seen. "Fine." he mutters, walking straight past you into the bathroom.
You make yourself a nest on the sofa downstairs, hoping Mike knows to keep away right now, and eventually fall asleep with some tv show blaring in the background.
Laid in your usually shared bed upstairs, Michael tosses and turns. He felt guilty. Which he supposed was just, really. You had a long day and he didn’t even ask you how it was, just went off on you, took his stress out on you. And now the hunger-fueled anger had subsided, he was sober to that and the guilt wouldn’t let him drift off. 
So he got up, didn’t bother putting a shirt on and went downstairs as quietly as he could, trying not to disturb your sleeping form snuggled on the sofa. But seeing you there, you looked so sweet, your brows not furrowed like they had been earlier, your mouth not pressed into that tired hard line, he smiled a little just at the view before going into the kitchen and getting a glass of water. 
You woke up to the tap running in the adjacent room, the sound obnoxiously loud in the quiet of the house, you peer over your blanket waiting for him to walk back in, “Really? I was-” you start, but he puts his hands up in surrender, one holding the glass. 
“Look I’m sorry... About waking you up but also… earlier, I don’t know why I-” 
 You cut him off, sitting up to talk properly.“You were being a prick, Mike.” It was hard to keep your tone as mean as you wanted it at seeing the sheepish look on his face. 
“I know, sorry.” 
You crack, his apologetic voice working. And so, you scooch back on the cushions, making some room for him and lifting up the blanket for him to get in. Instead he scoops you and all your belongings off the piece of furniture, somehow making it look easy, and bundles you in his arms. 
You giggle, his arms tickling you. Though to be honest you’re glad to not be arguing anymore, even more glad to be able to sleep in your own bed.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 10 months
a/n: hi ! this is the first part of hopefully a series ! it’s the plan that multiple characters all get their own series :)
for reference, I’m never going to use actual plot lines for fics so that we can avoid spoilers. i hope my writing is in character- and good lol. Prologues will always be shorter than actual chapters- think of it as getting into character lmao.
Enjoy + please leave your thoughts !
chapters 1 and 2!
Kendall Roy x Reader
Something Sweet; Prologue
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5:30 A.M.
You stare at your alarm clock as it beeps- you swear that thing has grown eyes and is staring at you. You drag yourself out of bed, and before you know it, you’re flitting about your bakery getting ready for the day. The night before, you’d made a perfect batch of Eclaires that you’re sure will sell well today. When it finally hits seven, you flip the sign hanging on the bakery’s front door from ‘closed’ to ‘open’.
You normally don’t get that many people in the early mornings, and today is no different. A few people come in and buy some of your Thanksgiving themed cookies, a few others the seasonal peppermint coffee. It being Thanksgiving, you don’t see anybody in your store at all after nine.
Until it hits noon, anyway.
When the bell fastened above the front door tinkles, you’re in the way back messing around with some dough for a prospective holiday pastry you’ve been thinking about. “Coming!”
When you round the corner, you’re a bit surprised to find who’s looking back at you. His eyes wrinkle in exhaustion, and he’s subtly fidgeting with his fingers. He’s wearing a smoothed out sweater vest, crisp dress pants, and a watch that looks like it cost more than your bakery. You wonder why he isn’t wearing a coat- November in New York was by no means warm. You feel like you’ve seen him somewhere before- online? On the street, in the news? Before you can open your mouth to ask how you can help, he begins.
“Why are you open on Thanksgiving?”
Again, he takes you by surprise, but you don’t miss a beat. “Why are you here on Thanksgiving?”
“Touché. Sorry. I’m drunk. And high. I think.” He drops his head into his hands. “I just needed to get inside. Sorry,” he repeats, attempting to wipe the weariness from his eyes.
At first, you don’t know what to say. You don’t really dabble in the world of drugs, nor do you drink, but you feel for him. There’s just something about him- some part of your subconscious that knows something you don’t. He looks like he’s been through it, anyway. It doesn’t hurt to be kind.
“Why don’t you take a seat? Stay in as long as you like. I’m not exactly busy.” You gesture to the various booths and café tables that line the walls and sit throughout your store.
He ducks his head down, pinking slightly. “I’m really sorry.”
You sigh, and feel a tinge of pity. “Go sit. I’ll get you a glass of water.” Reluctantly, he shuffles off, and you fill a glass with bottled water then open your pastry display.
You round the counter and sit in the chair across from him, sliding him the water and setting a prettily decorated cupcake on the table.
“Drink up.” You look at him expectantly. He stares back, then looks down into the glass. “Like you said, you’re drunk and probably high. It’s best you start flushing it out.”
He mumbles a quick ‘thank you’ and takes a dainty sip of water.
“Come on. You have to drink more than that.” I peel the wrapper on the cupcake back and push it into his hands. Hesitantly, he eats.
“This is really good,” he says quietly. “You made it?”
“Of course I did. I bake everything here.”
Eventually, he finished both the water and the treat. With what you read as shame, he thanks you profusely again before being interrupted by someone entering the shop. Before you get up, he says softly, “Let me pay.”
“What? Absolutely not. It’s on the house.”
You go to help your customer, but when they’re gone, you realize that so is the man from before.
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alwaysahiccupandastrid · 11 months
🪓 Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Some Thoughts 🪓
I decided to rewatch NPMD (second day in a row 🙈) and wanted to write down some random thoughts and reactions because why the fuck not 😌
I loved this show from the second it started omg I love things about murder 🤭
“Riiiiichie… Riiiiiichie…” — kind of gave off IT vibes ngl
They really killed off Jon Matteson’s nerd character in the first 35 seconds 💀
“They twisted his nipples off 🤣” - WHY WAS HE SO HAPPY ABOUT IT
“🎵I’m dead…the blood is arbitrating from my head🎵” needs to become a trending TikTok sound or something oh my fucking gOD
LAUREN YOU QUEEN 🙌🏻👏🏻 also living for that fucking wig
Definitely felt the “High School is Killin’ Me” “I’m so fucking dead” in my soul even though I’m a full ass adult now
“I was deep in a Twitter fight about a problematic puppy” ROFL OMFG
Joey as Peter Spankoffski 😭👏🏻
We all knew someone at school who snitched to the teachers lbh 💀
“So you don’t wanna be bullied?” “No, I wanna be invisible.” “…then why do you come to public school dressed in suspenders and a fucking bow tie?” - PLEAAAASE 💀🤣
Joey taking off his glasses and going “oh god” under his breath, “IT’S NOT ACTUALLY A MICROPENIS”… oh he ATE the role, R*bert who?!?
“My titties are tenderised” - I MEAN SAME BUT-?!?
“I didn’t know you were funny.” “Neither did I.” “I like funny guys.” — I AM SORRY BUT IM ALREADY SHIPPING HARD
Actually obsessed with Richie’s hair and outfit like I can’t explain it other than I’m obsessed
“Ohh well there’s a difference between intent and impact - I learnt that at an anti bullying assembly last month, FUCK NUGGET” took me off guard tbh like I know I’m tired and easily surprised but still 🤭
Jägerman is literally the archetype of the school bully jock who peaked in high school like omg but also he’s into Grace?!?!
“I run laps in the gym and I don’t want to slip on any SPUNK” - FUCKING HELL
“Can I carry your books for you?” “Carry my books? 🤢 I don’t think either of us are ready for that, I mean we’re only 18!”
“My little dirty girl.” — 😳😲😮‍💨
“I am only one man’s girl, Max, and his name is Jesus Christ!” — IM FUCKING HOWLING ANGELA KILLED THE DELIVERY OF THAT LINE I CANT-
“I’m a literal monster!” - oh so Max is self aware then 🤔
“This is politics, Stephanie 🙄 learn to multitask!”
I love that Starkid keep casting Corey as Mariah’s dad?!?
Stephanie is apparently her father’s “October surprise”… so her birthday is in October, like Hannah Foster’s? 🤔
“Stephanie, please, I’d like to have an intelligent conversation with you - in other words, shut up” - DAMN WHAT A BURN
NOOO NOT HER PHONE 😰 (I am also addicted to my phone so I get it lol)
Mayor Lauter really said “I don’t give a shit if you lie, steal or cheat to get your grades up, just don’t get caught” - spoken like a true politician
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?!?” probably should not have resonated with me like it did 🤭
Peter trying to make a joke and Richie and Ruth not getting it is so relatable tbh
I’m obsessed with Ruth’s mushroom jumper tbh
“I just want someone to touch me… anyone, PLEASE” — ROFL (same girl)
“What was it like when she touched your arm?… DID YOU CUM?!?” — 💀💀💀💀
“You and Steph, it’s a fantasy - like a boy and his anime love pillows. It’s a beautiful dream, but I’ll never hold the real Rei or Asuka in my arms.” — I AM PISSING MYSELF LAUGHING JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
“I’m such a loser, telemarketers hang up on me” 💀😭
Richie and Ruth climbing Pete like a tree and demanding to know what Stephanie is saying is so ridiculously funny 😆
“Really, Ruth? A Star Wars analogy? Need I go into why Attack on Titan is superior in every possible way?” — STARKID UNDERSTAND THE NERDS I LOVE IT
“You’re telling me I gotta be funny again?!? I didn’t do it on purpose the first time!”
“Pete, you’ve been given a once in a lifetime opportunity - someone’s willing to tolerate your presence for a whole evening! This may never happen again!” — damn wish that would happen to me 😭🙈
Not Pete getting a boner during “Cool as I think I am” 🙈
Nooooo not Max finding Pete before he could go into the restaurant to meet Stephanie 😭
“I’m sick of your ssshhhhit!” — YES PETEY STAND UP TO HIM
The fact Max said “Rendezvous” as “Randay-Voose” 💀
The way it transitioned from “say your prayers” to the Chasity family going “AMEN” was PERFECTION
Grace’s father referring to his wife as “mother” is…something 💀
“He came up to me in the hallway and he asked if he could carry my books.” “Oh, Mark - I didn’t know that sort of thing happened at Hatchetfield High! Do you think you should call the boy’s father?” — ?!?!?!
“Mom, will you pass the butt stuff? The butter. Butter. Will you pass the butter? (Chuckles nervously) I just want some head and butter. BREAD! Bread! Bread and butt-sex to go with this big shaft of meat I’m gonna choke down. Oh boy…oh criminy!” - THE SCREECH I GAVE WAS UNHOLY
“I’ve just got some butterflies in my tummy; and they’re flying REAL low today” 😭💀🙈
“Brewing up a big ol’ pot of dirty girl soup” - ABSOLUTELY NOT 💀
“Everyone’s got their secrets, and this one’s mine. I love… Jesus! 😃” - this was when I definitely knew she was fantasising because ain’t no fucking way-
You see, if Christian parents didn’t repress their teenager’s hormones and sexuality then MAYBE their teenagers wouldn’t resort to murder 🙃
Grace’s dad saying he’s going to get the plunger when she said she was doing a big poop 😭💀
Grace really thinks that impure thoughts only happen after marriage and I almost envy her innocence
“Money isn’t everything… looks are.” - yeah no that about sums people up in this day and age 😑
“We thought you were waifu material, but you’re just a bully” — NOT WAIFU MATERIAL 💀
Grace is kind of a psychopath and I’m loving that for her tbh
“I’m not comfortable with the plan if it involves that kind of language” but she’s comfortable with filming someone getting terrified and pissing their pants 💀
The “the place is not structurally sound” comment was DEFINITELY foreshadowing
“I get pus in my pits!” Jesus ☠️
🎵🤌🏻we’re gonna bully the bully🤌🏻🎵
“We’re gonna cut off his nips!” - what is with the obsession with n!pples in this show 😳
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“You’re like super nice to me 😀” “…not really. I’m just doing the bare minimum here.” “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” “Oh, that’s sad!” — 😂😅🤣
“Okay, Richie, be honest… Am I reading as ghost or Lin Manuel Miranda” — OH FUCKING GOD IM CACKLING
“You kinda look like that homeless guy from downtown” 💀 FOURTH WALL BREAK?!?
Max must be VERY drunk because ain’t no way he thought Pete was a ghost or Ruth was actually a skeleton 💀
“Grace, we gotta abort the plan, it’s not working!” “It’s working for me, he’s so violent! 😍”
Not Max actually being touched by them putting this whole thing together for him 💀 very much giving off himbo vibes and I love him for that
“NERDY! PRUDES! MUST! DIE!” — oh hey it’s the name of the show! 😃 And also it was written on the wall in… oh 😳
“I did get a lot of incriminating footage of us luring him here with malicious intent!” - uh oh
“My god! We’re going to jail! And with my luck, no one will even bother making me their bitch!” — PLEASE 💀
“It wasn’t murder, and it wasn’t an accident… it was an act of God! 😇” - Grace is UNHINGED
“No more tickling in our mommy spots!” - OUR WHAT SPOTS?!?
“🎵🤌🏻 We’re gonna bury the body! 🤌🏻🎵”
“Oh no she’s snapping again”
“I just cut off his nips 😌” - again with the nips?!?
“Two weeks of heartache” - cut to all of his classmates happy without his influence 💀
“Ya know, this is really your C+.” “Oh Steph… you can keep it. It’d really bring down my GPA.”
Steph asking Pete out to the football game 🥹😁 we love to see it!
GO GO NIGHTHAWKS! 😃🦅 (I know it’s an eagle emoji there’s no hawk emoji 🙈)
“N, I-G, H-T… *squawk squawk* Ks!” 👏🏻🙌🏻
Richie is the team mascot and they wanted/needed him in the huddle 🥹
They apologised for bullying him 😭👏🏻
“And we’d like to apologise in advance for if Max ever comes back, ‘cause we’ll probably go right back to doing it”
“Fuck Clivesdale! Fuck ‘em straight to hell! Assholes!” — AGREED! 👏🏻
I’m 90% sure Jon actually struggled with taking that mascot top off but it worked well with the scene so 😌
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“I love being alive! 😃” — oh he’s so about to fucking die, isn’t he?
“Should’ve joined the smoke club you nerdy prude” — ANOTHER SMOKE CLUB REFERENCE
Every song on this soundtrack fucking slaps I LOVE IT
There’s not very many men that can pull off being absolutely absolutely fucking terrifying while dancing and singing across the stage but Will Branner managed it so kudos to him
The bit where Richie was repeating what Max said (“who will pray for me? When I’m gone?”) was INSANELY GOOD
“What did they find? You don’t say…you don’t say!” “What’d they find, dad?” “They didn’t say” - 💀
“Oh heck… I’m so hecking fudged”
“*relieved* Oh well we don’t know anything about that one!” “Or ANY one!”
“Maybe it’s a coincidence. People tell me to die every day!” — Okay why is Ruth kind of me 😭
“Ohhh I remember before the lockdown” - yeah me too 😅
Ruth walking onto the stage and into the spotlight 🥺 literally she was me this whole scene omg I relate so hard to most of what she said ASDFGHJKL
Lauren ATE that song up by the way
Him telling her to “project” so those in the back row could hear her triggered me so bad as an actor omg 😳
Grace really accusing the entirety of Clivesdale 💀
As soon as the WWJD bracelet was brought up I KNEW what was going on 😭
“Who’s plan was it, Grace?” “It was God’s plan! And now he’s leaving me out to dry! Do something, you son of a bitch!” 💀😅🤣
Grace has lost her fucking SHIT and I fully support that for her
“Show Me Your Hands” musical refrain?!
“Cup of roasted coffee” refrain too?!?
🎵”Don’t need a lover boy need a lover man / sure I’m a sapiosexual and you’re intellectual but I’ll cut my lover losses when I can” 🎵 — this song goes so hard omg
Grace pushing between them and shouting “leave room for Jesus!” 💀
“Do we need to get ahold of Ruth?” “Good luck getting ahold of her. Does your phone pls cover calls to hell?” “…Hell?” “She’s bisexual and dead, where else would she be?!?” — 💀
Grace whipping out the gun and telling Steph to cool her beans was so iconic of her
“(Canadian accent) ‘Cause if I’m going down, you hosers comin’ with me, eh” — OH MY FUCKING GOD
Doesn’t shock me a cop would arrest Paul for zero fucking reason, fuck the police 💀
“All I wanted was to be a regular girl with no sexual desire until she was safely married 😭” the FUCK-
“Don’t comfort her, she’s fuckin’ weird” 💀
“I don’t give a shit who you kill - but you just had to go and do it in that house, didn’t you?” — Mayor Lauter really said “murder is fine but NOT in that specific house, you fucking idiots”
“She gave me head in her car - check it out!” *throws Miss Tessburger’s head onstage* — BRO THE FUCK
“Detective Shapiro, are you a woman of faith?” “Catholic.” “I’ll take that as a no” — THE FUCK GRACE 😑
They’re really about to summon five otherworldly entities who are evil I’m-
The Summoning screams CRACK and I’m living for it
“Pay the price or fuck off” 💀
Can I just say that I need would love a show specifically just about the Lords in Black fucking about and it’s Jon the whole time as Wiggly exactly as he was during the Summoning scene because that was AMAZING IM SHAKING-
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The fact Pete cherishes Steph and she cherishes him oh my hEART 😭
“Hey Steph, if things were different, would you wanna come to homecoming with me?” “I’d like that, Pete. I’d really like that.” - SHUT THE FUCK UP NO 😭😭😭
Not Max saving Pete from being shot 💀
“So you do know the Bible!” — GRACE OMG IM SCREECHING HELP
“But Jesus never threw a football like you, Max” - WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING
Max being confused about what dirty girl soup is and then being turned on when she explains 😭💀
“Take me, Max, right here on the 50 yard line!” — oh dear gOD
Max’s struggle over whether to kill Steph and Pete or whether to bang Grace omfg 😭😅
Grace got Max kicking his feet, twirling his hair, after one shag, just like a teenage girl 💀 I’m crying so hard with laughter I can’t cope with it-
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Grace choosing not to get the dance cancelled and she brought a date?!? That’s character development! 😀
She let Jason walk her home?!? O_o and then asked him to kiss her?!?!
“That was… absolutely disgusting! Really, Jason?!? Kissing on the first date?!?” Oh noooo 💀
“You’re a dirty perv, Jason”
Anyway, 11/10, immaculate, amazing, incredible, show-stopping, would recommend to everyone of course and will definitely be rewatching it a LOT 🪓
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captainsophiestark · 10 months
ok because i currently have big dimension 20 brainrot (and i’m so excited to have a mutual who knows it!) what are some of your favorite moments from fantasy high sophomore year? i have so many it’s insane 😂
Oh my GOD okay this is an amazing question Tori thank you for asking, I’m also glad I have a mutual who’s super into it!
If it’s not obvious SPOILERS BELOW for D20 Sophomore Year!
So my absolute all-time unbeatable favorite is “It’s Gorgug. Keep going.” I shit you not I cry basically every time I think about that moment and the subsequent description from Brennan of everyone alone and scared in the woods having a moment of relief and strength and calm because their friend is out there for them I mean COME ON 😭😭😭
#2 is DEFINITELY Hilda Hilda, holy shit I made the mistake of watching that episode while doing a treadmill workout and I COULD NOT breath. That bit almost killed me and it would have been worth it.
#3 is probably everything to do with the shrimp party bit lmao, that was SO wild and so funny 😂
#4 (because I decided to do a ranked top 5 to keep myself from just ranting endlessly lol) has gotta be “When you’re here, you’re family. It’s called being gay” lmao, I want that on a poster and a t-shirt and a hat and everything in between
And there’s literally so many other amazing moments that I could rant about forever, but for now I’m gonna say #5 is probably when Brennan went “alright let’s go down the line and everybody say what your greatest fear is” or however he worded it, it was SO funny and such a nice break in the middle of some very very serious stuff for the characters. Like what a fucked up, DM-specific question 😂😂
(Also extra special bonus for when Ragh says he eats glass. Especially because it’s not totally clear if he’s saying that to support Fabian or if he actually, canonically does that by accident sometimes 😂)
What are your faves???
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I just finished the first episode of Heartstopper, so here are some of my thoughts in no particular order.
The opening song is cool (will probably look up the shows soundtrack like I did with XO, Kitty).
Why did the camera focus so much on Charlie's bag & Elle's drink? Is it product placement?
Wow, no hate to the actor, but Charlie's eyebrows are THICK!!!!
Tori is beautiful but also kind of looks like a ghost (I think she’d be great for the role of  Violet Baudelaire from A Series Of Unfortunate Events) & why was she so pushy about the "dream guy" thing? Like let the poor boy breathe.
Is Nick's actor that much taller than Charlie's? I hadn't noticed.
I’m sorry, but knees are so weird to me lol. Also obligatory, 🎵 she's a runner she's a track star🎵.
Wait, is that PE teacher that will later interrupt the team theorising about Nick & Charlie's relationship? It's crazy how they’ve found actors who look so much like the characters in the graphic novels (other casting directors should take notes).
Ok fair enough about wanting your team to be good & wondering if the quiet, skinny, nerdy, boy is even into sports but the shit about him being gay is so stupid (bet it was Harry that said that).
Glad Charlie didn't get injured learning rugby, lol.
Nick's shorts seem a lot smaller than Charlie's ones do, but maybe that's the costume designer's way of helping Charlie’s actor look more skinny?
Omg Stephen Fry, what are you doing here lol?
Wow, people weren't kidding. Olivia Colman really did show up just to say one line. What a legend, lol.
Ben, did you really make Charlie walk all that way for such a lame ass kiss? Also, let him talk about his Christmas, you jerk!
I don't think that Form tutor is very good at his job (while Nick thankfully turned out to be nice) it’s usually not a great idea to put the skinny, gay, nerd that has already been bullied with the bigger, popular, seemingly straight, athlete, especially at an all boys school!
Ben, you dick. Like I get wanting to keep your relationship secret, but you did not need to pull the 'who the hell are you!' card. All you had to do was say hi in a confused/uninterested tone (then apologise later). If anything, your reaction came off more weird than what Charlie did.
I'm sorry, but I don't get the leaf animation. I mean, I GET it, just why leaves? Why not flowers or hearts or something? It just doesn’t seem that impactful to me, but maybe they have a deeper meaning that I'm just not grasping yet? If so, please let me know.
Ok, so I'm torn over the gay teacher. Like artistic? That's cool. Those glasses? Cute. Him giving Charlie a safe space to eat lunch? Great. Him being worried over Charlie potentially being bullied again? Awesome (take notes, Form guy), but his advice to Charlie seemed slightly lacking. Obviously, honesty & communication are important in relationships, but I'm a little surprised that possible safety concerns weren't addressed at all, especially from a fellow gay guy. Like I get that he doesn’t know the kind of guy Charlie's "dating" & that just because someone doesn't want to come out yet doesn’t mean they should be labelled as dangerous but internalised homophobia can make some people lash out & after everything Charlie's been through his clearly more likely to be vulnerable to situations like that.
Nick is a golden retriever in human form, they're 100% correct 😊.
Isaac? What happened to Aled? I hope he still shows up. He may be quiet, but he was so cute during Charlie's 15th birthday in the graphic novel.
Interesting to get to see Elle's time at Higg's (fuck that transphobic teacher & whoever was throwing sandwiches at her). Sad she doesn’t have any friends but I'm sure that'll change when she meets Tara & Darcy. Wow, is it strict over there, though, like you can't even be on your phone at lunchtime? Damn! Surprised they did it this way, though, as I was assuming they'd just make Truham co-ed so all the characters could be in the same place.
Tao, my guy, the drink thing is sweet but that hair is.....certainly.....a choice 😅.
The shots of Charlie looking at food, without eating, make me ☹️.
I gotta be honest, the montage of Nick & Charlie saying hi to each other was a little cringy to me compared to how it came across in the graphic novel, but they're meant to be teens, so I'll let it slide. It's also an effective way to highlight how differently Charlie's "boyfriend" treats him compared to an acquaintance.
Ben's hand covering up Nick's smiley face got me like ☹️/😠. They're not even together yet & I already felt like telling him to get off Charlie, like that boy is not for you! It’s ridiculous, lol.
Ben what you did was fucked up but it's hard to be scared of someone who looks so much like a meerkat in a wig (no hate to the actor) also did it seem like he just....skidded away when Nick pulled him off Charlie? Like, was the actor wearing Heelys lol? Or had someone just mopped the floor without telling anyone? Also, it's lame to wear a coat when you're cold? What in the toxic masculinity are you fucking on about Ben?
Omg the bathroom scene was so adorable, but I wanna know what kind of pen Nick was using because being covered in that amount of ink is crazy 😆.
Overall, it's very cute. I like Nick & Charlie. It’ll probably take a bit longer for me to really care about the other characters. Ben can catch these hands! And I’m looking forward to watching the Narlie relationship develop.
So while not overly ground breaking (though obviously important for LGBTQ+ rep) it's definitely enjoyable in a comforting sort of way which (considering medias fascination with marginalised suffering) is obviously important for queer youth but also must be quite healing for queer elders. Because you deserve wholesome, cheesy, romance just as much as anyone else.
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wanderingblindly · 10 months
PLEASE give me rules of engagement director’s cut. i need it biblically
AAAAAH thank you!!!! I haven't gotten to talk about this fic before, I think, so let us commence the info dump <33333
The Origins
I've always been a fake dating trope fan, but I've never had an idea that made it feel like my story, you know? But I've always wanted to try!
While I was procrastinating on cleaning my apartment, I randomly thought of this dialogue, directly copied from my planning document:
“If we do this, we need to make some rules” “Max we live together, I’m sure it’ll be fine” “WE NEED RULES CHARLES”
My brain immediately latched on to it, and the fic was born like... two hours later hahah
My Favorite Bits
Ok so this is one of my favorite lines for the DUMBEST reason:
“Are women not…? Is it these women, or?” His voice sounded tight. They hadn’t discussed Max’s sexuality before. Actually, if Max thought about it, they never really discussed Charles’s, either. He was pretty sure Charles stayed the night at a few different women's’ flats during uni, but that was little more than speculation.  ... “That’s fine, of course. Anything is. Fine, I mean.” Charles stuttered, his cheeks still slightly pink.  “Doesn’t solve the problem though, does it?”
Was it vaguely inspired by BBC's Sherlock? Yes it was. Would anyone have noticed if I didn't confess to my sins? No.
More seriously, I also really enjoyed this little scene:
They always ate breakfast together.  Max always woke up first to get started on washing the fruit, and Charles always stumbled out of his bedroom in a state of total disarray about fifteen minutes later – hair sticking up, sweatshirt off one shoulder, pajama pants low across his hips, glasses nearly askew. They would eat breakfast together, Max happily talking about his to-dos and Charles diligently humming and nodding along as necessary. They’d get dressed, they’d walk out the door together. Max always locked it, Charles always lost his keys in the depths of his bag before he left the house.   It was easy and understandable. It was theirs. 
While the rest of the story, up until this point, has hinted at the routines baked into this domesticity, I loved how this scene used that to highlight why Max found the situation so alarming. They have a distinct rhythm -- an easy cadence that I tried to mimic in the very basic structure of the paragraph -- that's so noticeable when it's disturbed.
It also shows how much Max notices about Charles, even before he realizes why. To know someone well enough that even the slightest change in timing throws a red flag is just hmmmm I love it lol
And finally, one of my last favorite scenes:
“You’re still wearing your ring,” Max pointed out rather unhelpfully. Charles let out a bleak laugh, devoid of his usual eye-crinkling warmth.  “You picked it out for me,” He shrugged, leaving something unspoken in the air. Max didn’t do well with unspoken, with reading between the lines. He tried to breathe it into his lungs, find the meaning Charles left out. Speak it. 
The confession was just so full of "Max is trying his best and he doesn't entirely understand what he's done wrong but he'll do absolutely anything for him and Charles to just go back to the way it was before please please please". This line in particular highlights how much of this is Max desperately trying to understand what Charles really needs from him -- even though the answer ends up being nothing he expected.
Random Fun Lore
As always, this fic is full of random things from my actual life (for no real reason other than I'm unoriginal and boring). Some examples are:
Max's MD's summer party in the countryside: YES I have to go to this every year, YES I do get splashed by my coworkers, and YES there is far too much alcohol lol (although I do not partake like Max did but hey)
Full Recovery Mode: the very specific mug and the very specific tea that Max puts together for Charles is absolutely based on my real life (liter sized Japanese mug my beloved)
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dawnagustd · 2 years
the lonely mayor || jhs
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The queen has made her list and checked it twice. She’s visiting those who have been naughty, and punishing them in ways that are oh so nice.
- Part of the Unholy Night Series.     
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➻ title: the lonely mayor  ➻ pairing: mayor!hoseok x f!reader  ➻ genre: fantasy | holiday | magic | smut  ➻ word count: 1.1k  ➻ rating: 18+  ➻ warnings: dom!hoseok | sub!reader | unprotected sex | exhibitionism | controlled orgasms | pain kink | hair pulling | window sex | back shots/standing doggy | partially clothed sex | cum eating | cum shots | rough sex | temperature play? | dirty talk | a lil degradation | no aftercare(she does not need it) | pet names | panty sniffing | gagging/panty stuffing | crying (the sexy kind) | a touch(i mean it.. just a lil) of longing | a line from Home Alone (because i’m lame lol) ➻ author’s note: Part one is here !!! I hope y’all like it!! Thanks @taechwitaaah​​ for beta reading!! You saved the day as always. I love you!!
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Your first stop is the town hall. You must ask the mayor for permission to spread a little holiday cheer in his town. Mayor Jung Hoseok could talk a skirt up or a pair of pants down at record speed.
He’s a “people” person with a lot of charisma, but he does have a wild side… And sweet tooth for exhibitionism. However, sometimes there is no one to call when he’s craving a late-night snack at the office.
Mayor Jung loves his town, deeply. One look at your agenda had a bright smile spreading across his charming face. But as the dashing blonde looked over your naughty list, he realized his name was right at the very top. It was then that the bright ray of sunshine that illuminated this town turned into an unforgiving dark storm.
Strap in tight… Because Mayor Jung has retired for tonight, and Hoseok has come out to play.
“You really thought you’d come here and suck me dry in five minutes?” 
The mayor’s lips are pressed against your ear as he grunts and moans sinfully sweet noises of pleasure.
Initially, you did, but Hoseok’s been ramming his cock inside of you for all of twelve minutes straight. There’s no question that you’ve met your match.
Your exposed flesh is pressed against the icy cold window. The nipping frost from outside penetrates through the glass and stiffens your sensitive nipples. Skirt bunched around your waist, panties stuffed in your mouth to avoid waking his sleeping secretary downstairs, your muffled response is barely coherent through your makeshift gag.
Your voice breaks and crack. He chuckles at your lust-driven cries.
His right hand is wrapped so tightly in your hair that your scalp burns and tingles, sending waves of raw pleasure to your leaking cunt. Juices flow and gush out onto Hoseok’s eagerly throbbing scrotum. From there, your slick drops to the floor, creating lewd sounds and fueling the drive in his powerful thrusts.
Your palms are flat against the window and held high above your head. Hoseok’s hands soon slip from your waist and hair to join them in their position. Your fingers intertwine as he fucks you from the back, your ass jiggling and clapping from the impact of his hips slamming into you.
While arching your back, you allow him to drill deeper into your pulsing heat. Your faint sobs sound like music to his ears, so he pounds you from an angle and begins hitting your g-spot with precision.
“Well, look who’s about to come all over my cock. I guess you didn’t think I’d feel you clenching around me, did you?” 
His breath makes the hair on your skin tingle as he speaks against your neck.
Your eyes begin to roll back, and your teeth dig into your red lace panties. You try to fight the urge, but the challenge is proven to be too great. Hoseok’s laughter fills the room, and commands you to come before he pulls out of you, denying you of any more of his attention.
The mayor’s office flashes white as you lose sight and sense of reality. Your vision grows blank as you accept your pending orgasm with much gratitude, thick salty droplets roll slowly down your cheeks. Both your moans travel through the air. You go from solid to liquid, causing him to wrap his arms around you securely, so you don’t fall face first.
His dick still pulses inside of you, patiently waiting for its turn for relief.
“Shit, you’ve got some tight pussy. You know that?” he grunts. “But unfortunately… I’m going to have to wrap this up and pass you on to the next lucky cock.” 
Hoseok’s teeth attack the skin of your neck and shoulder one last time before he prepares to reach his high. “This was fun, baby girl. Now where can I leave your present?”
He snatches your panties out of your mouth, then carelessly throws the fabric across the room, allowing you to speak for the first time in minutes. You can barely recognize your voice when it enters the air; it’s so raspy from the amount of screaming.
“Come all over my ass, and lick it off… Don’t want you to leave a single drop.”
“My god, you are so hot. Fuck!” 
Hoseok quickly pulls out of your pussy before he releases a generous load of hot sticky cum all over your ass.
He hisses as he milks himself dry. You lean against the window looking at the town below. When the mayor drops to his knees and cleans up his mess, you give him a small hum of approval, patting his blonde strands for good measures.
After he’s done, he rises to his feet to look for your discarded underwear. However, by the time he finds them, you’ve already freshened up. His eyes widen with shock, and his mouth falls open. You don’t provide him with any answers as to how you’ve replaced an outfit in under a minute because some things are better left a mystery. A man can only handle so much in one night.
“Keep them, love. I won’t be needing them anyway.” 
You toss him a wink as you head towards the door, but the sound of his voice stops you before you can depart.
“I don’t think I even want to know how you did that. But umm… Aren’t you cold? It’s freezing outside,” the mayor points out.
You walk over to him and cup his perfectly chiseled jawline in your hands.
“There’s something you should know, Hoseok. This pussy could face a damn blizzard, and it still wouldn’t get cold.” 
You then place a gentle kiss on his cheek, and his long lashes flutter. 
“Noted,” he whisper. 
He watches you leave the room in silence, not the least bit startled when you disappear to the right at the door frame.
However, a bright smile appears on his face when you suddenly reappear.
“Mayor, do you mind pointing me in the direction of the elementary school?”
“Of course! It's right in the center of town. Mr. Park should still be there, so the lights will be on,” he replies as he redresses and collects himself. He turns briefly to grab his tie.
“Perfect,” you beam. “Goodnight, Mayor Jung.”
“Yeah, I wish you’d at least stay for a drink—”
However, his invitation never reaches the recipient, because you are no longer standing there when he turns his head around. 
Just like all of his hopes of seeing you again, you’ve vanished into the cold December night.
The lonely mayor then whispers to himself while he takes a whiff of the red lace panties you’ve gifted him.
“Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.”
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toomuchracket · 1 year
i’m baking banana bread!! 🤩🤩 (in my head i’m making it for my boyfriend birthday partyverse!matty)
stop this is so sweet!! also i have not had banana bread in the longest time. i should really rectify that. anyway! i think even before you and matty are a Thing you're like "i am extremely jealous of your kitchen wtf mine in my flat is so tiny lol", and matty's just incredibly simpy and obsessed with the idea of you just kicking about his house so he's like "use it anytime!! even when i'm on tour. i will literally give you a spare key"; you're like "omg no i appreciate that a lot but i don't want to intrude", but whenever it's your turn to host your friend group's Every Other Month dinner party, you do end up using matty's house as the venue simply because you can't fit everyone in your flat lmao. and matty always goes a little bit insane when he sees you take plates out of the cupboard without a second thought as to where they are, just thinking about how comfortable you are in his space and how well you know it, letting his brain wander into daydreams that both of those things are because you live with him and fall asleep in his arms every night. delulu king. but back to the banana bread - one of the mornings after you have actually fallen asleep in his arms because you live in the house too, matty gently kisses your head and whispers "sweetheart, i'm just going to take mayhem for a walk, yeah? but you go back to sleep, baby, i know you're tired. we won't be long", and you're like "mhmm love you" and matty laughs quietly and says "god, you're so cute. i love you too" before he leaves. and as sleepy as you are (matty, um, kept you up for some time last night), you can't drift back off without your boyfriend there; you toss and turn for a few minutes, before you pull yourself out of bed and grab one of matty's jumpers and your glasses, go and wash your face and brush your teeth, then head downstairs. as you make your way to the fridge for some juice, you notice the bananas in the fruit bowl are starting to ripen a bit too much, and you're like "hmmm. i'm going to make banana bread". so you do! you grab all your ingredients and assemble it, and it's quite lovely doing it with the sunshine streaming through the windows and the radio on. anyway, the bread is in the oven (so you KNOW the whole house smells good) and you're putting the mixing bowl and all your equipment into the sink when you hear the front door open and close and paws scrambling over concrete; a few seconds later, mayhem bounds into the kitchen and starts nuzzling at your legs so you'll pet him, followed a few seconds later by matty, who probably wants to do the same thing. you coo "hi, my baby!" at mayhem, scratching his ears until he gets bored and goes off to the living room, and then you coo "hi, my other baby!" at matty, who laughs and kisses you sweetly. he's like "thought you were going back to sleep, sweetheart", and you're like "that's too hard when you're not next to me" - matty gives you a shit-eating grin and goes "awwwwwwwww. simp", and you roll your eyes like "pot, kettle", and he laughs again like "true" before saying "you're making banana bread? smells amazing". and you're like "mhmm. just something sweet for my sweet one", and matty blushes then says "oi, that's my line! you're the sweet one, i'm the big strong boyfriend lol"; like any sane person would, you take the opportunity to feel up matty's biceps at that point like "i mean yeah. but you're also very sweet to me. and i love it", and matty kisses your hair like "i love YOU. loved how sweet you were for me last night, too. will you do it again for me, darling?", and you kiss him like "once the banana bread's out of the oven and we've had a little bit - cos i'm starving - i'm all yours". very cute but also very flirty <3
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fwwm · 2 months
heehee some of these are Silly but do whichever ones you want!!!!
Serpico: 7 (lol)
Delano (in or out of kayfabe): 5, 9
any of The Thems: 30, 33, 34
MW: 17, 28
7. favorite animal? Why?
Delano (in kayfabe!):
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
All black, silver, and neon or dark blue. He wears a lot of leather and spandex pants. He has his little bra thing but I think he’s also a fan of crop tops, both with sleeves and without. Knee high black boots!!! He has semi functional knee and elbow armor. I think he would be down to wear actual leg plate armor. He has a bunch random studded belts and silver chains. Finally he has his bayonetta glasses :3. I think there’s probably just a bunch of random wires on his glasses and his clothes (and inside of him) at any random time. The funny thing is I don’t think he actually thinks about what he’s wearing ever. Like the Computer turned him into big tough guy and now he just kinda spawns in at places looking like That.
9. favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
I mean he’s a Computer so I’m not sure if he can eat. He would probably chew on wires in a weird cannibalistic sex ritual way.
30. do they smell like anything notable?
Roses because I’ve been watching too much Utena. Possibly chemicals depending on when you find him.
Ohhhhhh okay.
Love Interest sees him like she sees the skyscrapers in east Deisoph. Beautiful, clean, shining, a promise of something better, impossible, and most of all, untouchable. She literally views Twink as a statue of what he could be rather than what he is. All of his kindness and cruelty towards her might as well been the judgement of God. There are times maybe when the barrier between them fades, and for a moment they act like childhood friends (equals) rather than a prince and his knight. But always one of them breaks this illusion before the other can, and they once more resume their roles.
Boy. Boy simultaneously sees him as both the worst of the slums of west deisoph, and the best of the east. I think boy very much has a primal sort of jealousy towards twink. Boy feels like twink has something he lacks and desperately wants. (he is lacking something. He found it a ditch. He doesn’t want it.) is it intelligence? Is it status? Is it wealth? I don’t think so. Twink is in some ways a god to deisoph. Boy wants that, he wants people to recognize him as such. Boy hates twink for being a false prophet, and loves him for being a prophet at all. Twink is both great and terrible indeed .
Girl see through him. Or at she thinks she does. Sometimes. Girl sees the filth in Twink because she was born in it. She knows there a ditch (or moreso a bottomless hole) inside of him where something important (something human) should be. She wants this Twink DEAD!!!!!…… But for real she hates him. So much. But her hatred towards Twink might be one of the few times she doubts herself? Is there something so *wrong* with him? Or is it just that he taking away her literal other half? Does she hate him because Boy is looking for something in him that’s in her. Idk.
I’m not sure how this turned into a Twink = Deisoph thing but *wrench watch dogs 2 voice* arent we *all* Deisoph when you really think about it?
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
He has surpassed being self aware. He literally does not think about himself ever because, in his mind, he does not exist in the context of other people. Everything is him. He is everything. There may be hiccups along the way, but everything will succumb to his will eventually. He’s goal oriented, always looking ahead. I don’t think he will ever be satisfied until Deisoph is a reflection of his face in a pond.
17. how’d they spend her free time as a kid?
Alexa play “when will my life begin” from tangled. She did all of that stuff.
28. Affection stuff (too lazy to copy and paste)
Very stiff. You will get a head tilt and a very stiff hug. The snakes will lick and hug (more like strangle but they have good intentions) u tho.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
HIII I love your writing I just wanted to say 😭 also, if you have time, I’d love to participate in this shipping ask thing?
I’m a 23 year old mixed bi trans guy, I’m 5ft3 with glasses, short brown curly hair, a Taurus, an infp who unfortunately is too forgiving, submissive and passive (although I can hold a grudge like a mf), Im quiet usually but an ambivert when it comes to my friends, and told I’m weird, awkward and funny (it’s the autism, I also like making ppl laugh). I like writing and drawing, I always wanted to be an author or comic book artist, I like reading graphic novels best. My favorite season is spring, my favorite color is black, my favorite food are french fries, my favorite movie genres are action/horror/comedy/cult (I also love kids movies lol), Im a rat/cat guy but I love all animals. I have favorite hoodies and will wear them even if the weather doesn’t call for it. I love listening to music and I like all kinds but my favs are rock/pop, I love musicals too, I like going on walks and people watching. Haven’t gone to college yet, still thinking on a career. I have a small immediate family. My love language is food and physical affection.
I can be shipped with homelander, butcher, soldier boy, hughie or annie, I prefer homelander 👉👈
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Hi my love! I ship you with: Soldier Boy!!!! He loves that you can hold a grudge despite being so sweet. There's something feisty and defiant in that act and it definitely caught his attention. He's definitely not expecting it and loves making jokes at their expense, especially if it's against Hughie who he swears is making up all types of things like Wifi and Bluetooth. He also loves your humor. Everyone else whose part of The Boys takes things waaay too seriously. They can't laugh or joke around, they definitely don't find him funny, but you do. He likes that. He enjoys when he can make you smile even in the worst situations. You love how entertaining he is. Ben has absolutely no shame whatsoever. He is unabashedly himself no matter the situation. He is crude and impulsive and stubborn and you adore it. He says what's on his mind which can be pretty startling given that he'll say just about anything about you and your relationship in front of your friends. It can get pretty raunchy, too. It's like he's putting on a one man show. There's never a dull moment with him. Your relationship is protective. Ben would do anything to protect you. As soon as he realizes he's caught feelings for you, it's over. He doesn't let you out of his sight and he definitely makes sure Homelander doesn't get anywhere near you. He hates when you bicker with Butcher, when you argue with anyone, immediately coming to your defense. He's an old fashioned guy: he likes seeing you in his clothes, especially in his sweatshirts. He allows a cat in his presence, but he draws the line at rats. For now. He adores your cat even though he was grumpy and adamant that you wouldn't have a pet for a few more years. Underneath the sexual jokes and all the drugs he smokes, he's actually a pretty okay boyfriend. Your first date isn't actually a date, more like you've been placed on babysitting duty while the rest of The Boys figure out what to do with him. You guys eat snacks and watch TV and talk. Ben doesn't admit that he likes you, but he gets pretty cozy pretty fast, so you sort of assume what this means. When Hughie calls and says your shift is over, you tell him you can stay a little longer, you don't mind. Hearing this brings a smile to Soldier Boys face. You two hang out and talk and get to know one another much better. Everyone assumes you must've suffered sitting there with him, but you had a great time. Relationship Headcanon: You introduce Ben to a lot of modern music. He definitely has strong opinions about each song, but he listens the whole way through before ranting about how much he hates it, how silly modern music, how you can barely understand what the singer is saying, etc. It's all the same stuff you've heard from old people about modern genres. Still, there are a few he likes and he's grateful you showed them to him.
Hope you like it my love!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜
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angstyaches · 11 months
hello friend, i hope you’re doing ok even though writing has been hard lately. your stories have been a comfort to me when i’m not in a good headspace, so i have a little gift for you :) i hope it’s not too terribly out of character!
“Charlie,” Shayne mumbled, cheeks heating with embarrassment.
Charlie hummed distractedly, glancing at him as he opened the cupboard and stretched up to reach the wine glasses on the top shelf.
Shayne’s fingers found the hem of Charlie’s t-shirt and curled around the fabric nervously. “My stomach hurts,” he whispered, keeping his voice down in case Ingrid was listening from the dining room.
Charlie lowered his arm, setting a glass on the counter. “Are you sure you’re not just hungry?” he asked, taking Shayne’s hand and squeezing.
“I-I don’t know,” Shayne said, staring down at their joined hands so he wouldn’t have to meet Charlie’s piercing gaze.
“You haven’t eaten much today, lovely,” Charlie murmured.
“I wasn’t hungry,” Shayne said quickly, eyes darting up to Charlie’s face, wanting to be sure he knew he was telling the truth.
“You should try to eat a little something,” Charlie insisted.
There was a guilty weight settling in Shayne’s chest, starting to clog up his throat. “Uhm.” His voice broke and he coughed. He shouldn’t have said anything. He didn’t even know what he wanted Charlie to do about it.
Charlie was quiet for a moment and when Shayne raised his head to look at him again, his boyfriend’s eyes had softened considerably. “Do you want me to tell her you’re not feeling up to dinner?” he asked.
Shayne shook his head immediately. “I’m fine. It’s fine.” God, he was being so fucking needy.
“You don’t seem fine, lovely,” Charlie murmured, giving his hand another squeeze. “You’re shaking.”
“I’m…” not, he wanted to say, but Charlie was right, he was shaking.
“Do you want me to tell Mum I’m not feeling up to dinner?” Charlie asked. “We can take a plate to my room and share.”
Shayne started to shake his head again, but Charlie had already let go of his hand and started toward the dining room.
He stepped through the door, leaving Shayne to wonder why he’d bothered asking in the first place. But despite his tummy ache and Charlie’s stubbornness, there was a small smile tugging at Shayne’s lips.
I couldn't tell you how many times I've read this since it landed in my inbox. I don't even have the words for how good this is... I even have multiple ideas of where this scene would slot into the overall story lol and holy shit how scarily accurate some of the details are? Did you break into my head while I was sleeping?
Charlie simultaneously worrying about Shayne whilst trying to get his other tasks done.
Shayne being okay with telling Charlie he doesn't feel well but dreading letting Ingrid find out.
My favourite one: Shayne is constantly worried that Charlie will think "I wasn't/I'm not hungry" automatically means he's trying to avoid eating, and that Charlie won't think he's being genuine about having a stomach ache/no appetite, so the line about him wanting Charlie to know he isn't lying was just 👌💯🔥
Kicking himself for complaining without really thinking about what he wants Charlie to do about it.
Shayne's bad self-talk.
Charlie being stubborn about doing the right thing by Shayne, to the point where Shayne's protests mean nothing to him.
"Leaving Shayne to wonder why he’d bothered asking in the first place" - I LOVE this because it shows the shift in his mood from guilty/paranoid to mildly pissed off/impatient, which I personally feel is so on-brand for him, and which only Charlie and his fussing can induce.
Thank you for this gorgeous, gorgeous gift, I'm going to treasure this forever.
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daydadahlias · 4 months
19, 32, 35 for the writing prompts! :D
hi!! thank you for asking :D i talked a lot in this warning in advance <3
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
Ooo how fun!! Now i get to tell you my life story lol <3 well, I’ve always really loved writing and I honestly can’t think of a time in my life that I wasn’t writing in some form? I was always writing weird short stories or poems in elementary school and I wrote little (horrible) picture books from about 1st through 3rd grade. And then I wrote my first “full book” when I was in 4th grade (it was called One Wolves World <3 because I didn’t understand plurals <3 and it was like 80 pages). And then I started a bunch of books I never finished (mostly about personified dogs because I was a Warrior Cats kid). Then, I wrote my fantasy novel (as all young writers must) when I was in 6th-8th grade. And that ended up being 80k and it was dogshit. So I wrote my next book (50k) in 9th grade and I actually had some fun opportunities with that one! For a little while, I sold self-printed copies of it at two local bookstores and I sold about a hundred copies of it :) which is NOT a lot lmfao but to a freshman in highschool it was a super big deal! And from there I wrote two more original books in 10th grade. And during that time, I started writing fanfic! Originally, I wrote a few unfinished fics on Quotev (which are still up and you can find them if you really dig lmfao) when I was in middle school. And my first fic on ao3 was a stucky one (which I wanna say I posted in, uh?? My freshman year?? Maybe 8th grade… I can’t remember tbh, I took it down years ago at this point). In 10th grade, I wrote this original novel called “Sorrow or Silence” which was soooo bad oh my godddd lmao but I liked the premise so I ended up entirely rewriting it as a ryden fic (panic! At the disco was my original fandom on ao3) and that ended up being a whopping 270k which is crazy in hindsight!! Like 16 yo me really wrote that in just a few months!! That’s crazy in hindsight!! Anyway, from there, I was writing original fiction and panic! Fic at the same time (I posted 4 fics for panic!, one of which was chaptered that i never finished uwu and I’ve since privated all of those). I ended up getting into 5sos during quarantine in 2020 and started posting fic about them!! And now I’ve been here for four years lol! I still write original stuff (creative writing minor woo) but not so much fiction anymore. A short story here and there but I’ve been largely into poetry during college! And in terms of where I’m going now it’s finally the era of my life where I’m going to start pursuing publishing eek. This year, I’ve started actually submitting things to journals/magazines so… here’s to hoping! I haven’t heard back from any yet (I submitted in March and it takes a long time for them to get back to you) but I’m gonna keep submitting where I can and, hopefully, things will stick eventually!  
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
Ooo i love this. Honestly, this isn’t a written material, but that line from Bojack Horseman “when you look at people through rose tinted glasses, all the red flags just look at flags.” I just think it’s so powerful. I also love that line I have in my bio!! “Too groovy to be so goddamned grave” is from a poem by Patrick Rosal who I had the opportunity to introduce at a reading he did on his tour and also meet! He’s really fantastic and I just love that poem and the concept of being too groovy to be grave. It just eats. 
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Hmmm. Well, you’re told not to use “purple prose” in creative writing because it muddies the meaning. That’s, like, overly flowery writing for no reason. But to be honest! I love a metaphor! I love a simile! I love consonance! I’m going to use fun words because they sound nice! A sonic experience is just as valid as, like, an experience of just understanding something idk if that makes sense. But yeah, I like to use flowery language more than some writers recommend.
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