#and bkdk will always be one of my OTPs of all time
arirovi · 2 months
Now that BnHA is coming to an end, i feel like this eight years being a fan has passed so intensely, and not just for BnHA in general, but as a Bakudeku-Dekubaku fan in particular.
The problem for me, right now, is how much of my perceptions of the series and of Bkdkbk i've been maintained as close i can to my mind and heart.
I dont know how much people, other fans will read this, but now i want to take some of this thoughts out of me, and look if some of this resonate with someone else.
First of all, at the beggining i was an anime only, but at the final of season 2 i cant resisted the anxiety and i run to read the manga. That was a kind of revelation for me. The way Horikoshi showed us his history was so detailed; how he draws the expressions, how much care he puts in the narrative order, how important were the use of the languaje for each character... that was the point of no return to me. And then, i was trapped in this history full of emotions, representation of trauma and a psicologycal insight i dont know i needed to read.
I'm grateful for this history and what represent for so much people that lived so diferent problems, included me.
The Izuku's internal conflicts, the Todoroki plot line, Bakugo's character development, Uraraka's achievments as a hero, AFO plans, Shigaraki's tragic and cruel and preconstructed past, all of this deserved so much analisys that i never can do... i just wanted to said i want to write for them some day, maybe in english or maybe in my native languaje (spanish).
I hope I still have time to dare to do it and then, if anyone would be interested in reading it, it would make me very happy.
Otherwise, I will simply speak to the void full of ghost readers, the same as I was and will be again.
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neonscandal · 9 months
Thanks for your posts and metas, @neonscandal .... Before I found your blog, actually I ship tododeku and kiribaku. But thanks to you, I became bakudeku shipper (until now). Your metas are amazing and always based on canon. Sorry, I'm not good with words, but I hope you know how great your blog is (you are definitely one of my favorite tumblr blog). 💐🌷
And WOW these last 10 - 15 chapter, really are the best. Even my mutuals who are anti-bkdk can't deny Bakugou and Midoriya's bond anymore. Also, love Uraraka and Toga's bond....
Do you think it's possible that at the end of BNHA, Bakugou and Midoriya have ambygous relationship (kinda like Tiger and Bunny)....? I know it could be hard to be canon in shounen series.....
P.s Do you think SatoSugu (from JJK) is queerbaiting?
⚠️ Vague spoiler warnings through chapter MHA 410 at best. Covers JJK S2 with a vague mention of a character who pops up later in the manga.
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It's funny you say that because I also love a good tododeku or kiribaku situation. Like yea, people have their OTP but... realistically? Characters should be just as messy as people in real life. ✨ They're going to date around before things fit together with that OTP, right? At least that's how I look at it. So I love exploring offshoots.
You are far too kind in these rough times but I appreciate you saying that (and reaching out). The swarm of asks lately have been so funny. I tend to carve out time to address them quicker than some of the other things bouncing around my head (literally, the exact opposite happens with fic updates 🥺) so I'm just happy I'm writing something. If someone else enjoys it then that's the whipped cream and caramel on my sundae.
DUDE. I hadn't read 409 or 410 yet because holiday chaos but I feel like we're beyond allegations at this point haha ALTHOUGH, I didn't see the cliffhanger from 410 coming at all so I wonder what that means for the larger story.. Got any theories?
Regarding endgame... honestly the last two chapters gave me a little anxiety. "This is our tale?" Too good to be true. Especially when we know from chapter one "this is a story of how I became a great hero". Also, I've had some thoughts since 406 about how their connection is being framed up which I haven't had time to write but it feels like a lot of fanservice for Horikoshi (and subsequent editors, etc) to not commit. Additionally, in all the ways this story subverts the typical formula for shonen, it would also feel like a fumbled opportunity to turn everything on its nose with such a wildly popular series. So I'm holding out hope but conservatively preparing for one of them to just... not make it even if we get a confession *shudders in Supernatural flashbacks*.
I hope this makes sense as I struggled to recommend stories where this wasn't the case when asked about BL. In my opinion, good representation in mainstream stories (gender identity, orientation, race, religion, disability, etc.) is when, whatever makes a character different isn't their whole identity. Specifically in the context of more traditional stories (not centered on BL for instance), they should be involved if not just as integral to the plot as any other character wherein their diversity isn't sticking out like a sore thumb. But even that characterization requires nuance which is what makes it so hard to articulate? Maybe it's simpler to say that their character arc shouldn't just be based around identity. As a short answer to your question, I don't think that SatoSugu is queerbaiting. I think they are authentically and intrinsically coded to one another in subtext and out loud straight from Akutami but that, sometimes, relationships don't work out or love is unrequited. They may not have had the same feelings despite their inherent complement to one another and that's okay.
As above, characters should be just as messy as real people and that's what makes what didn't happen between them all the more tragic because it's heartbreaking in how relatable it is (not the cult leading and murder though). Seems like a convenient answer from a delulu shipper unless you take into consideration how Kirara Hoshi's identity is given the same level of subtlety. They aren't defined by their identity nor are the characters jarred by some particularly grandiose reveal nor are they perturbed by the nature of their connection to Hikari. I'm by no means an expert but I think that these characters are executed well in the sense that they have a complexity that doesn't hinge on what would otherwise make them different. They aren't "othered", it's just a fact of who they are and the story continues. It's a facet of who they are without cheaply being all they are. With Gege Akutami's own pronouns not expressly confirmed, perhaps that informs the care around those with differing identities.
I haven't seen Tiger & Bunny yet but now I know what to check out next!
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hoe-doroki · 3 years
Okay, okay! So I’ve finished my rewatch of the bnha anime and finally read up to that point in the manga, and I’ve decided it was time to do a character ranking (site here). Now, I did one of these back in September--a week after starting this blog and only weeks after finishing the anime. So I thought it would be interesting to do it again now (since the anime starts up again tomorrow), having consumed this much of the story a couple more times and spent 6 months  reading and writing in the fandom, and see what’s changed! Spoiler: it all has.
This is the original from 6 months ago:
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This is interesting looking back, because I don’t remember being particularly taken by Mirio, but he’s pretty high on the list! And obviously fandom had influenced me towards Shinsou, but not as strongly as it has by now. You’ll notice someone missing, though. First time around, a certain Boom Boom Boy was sitting pretty at 20th place.
Let’s go again, shall we?
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I have not abandoned my love for Shouto. I swear to god, I haven’t. But the thing is...the thing is two fold. First of all, my love for bkdk has taken over my whole life and soul. It might very well be my otp now, even above the ships I’ve had for Pokemon for half my life. More than Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl. And some of y’all might not know this, but I will always put ships before self-ships. Do I enjoy self-shipping myself with Shouto and Katsuki? Sure. But it a is nothing like my love for ships. I’d drop self-insert in a skinny minute for my ships.
The second thing is that I, generally, just like whatever characters we spend the most time with and get the most story from. The truth is that Shouto, post-Hero Killer Arc really falls out of the story and we just spend more time with Katsuki. And, look, I’m demisexual: I love the people I spend the most quality time with.
That is also to say that I’m certain that this will change as I keep reading the manga. First of all, Hawks is already higher because I’m a couple chapters past the anime and getting to know what’s up with him. Endeavor is higher. Miruko might get higher--I just don’t know her rn, haha. Shiggy will probably get higher.
But this was fun! The only thing that didn’t change is that Deku is my #3. But it’s in a totally different way now. Those three boys are so far above everyone else at this point. The bottom of the list is different too! The first time around, I rated Gentle Criminal below Mineta 😂 I went ahead and put Mineta at the bottom this time.
I can’t wait to see what changes in another 6 months!
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jestdrabbles · 4 years
[throws open your askbox's front door] my boys Izuku and Sokka
Thank you for your impeccable taste and this delicious food 🙏💕
do I like them: I SURE DO. second main son after shouto.
5 good qualities: his compassion, willingness to do what’s right even if it’s outside the rules, his resourcefulness, his courage to stand up for others, and his refusal to accept fate
3 bad qualities: self-sacrificing fool, absolutely reckless, and he doesn’t value himself
favourite episode/etc: I really love his scene with All Might when All Might tells him the truth about what Nighteye saw in his future and how he’s convinced he’s going to die soon. The panels where Izuku’s processing that information made me cry, and I think about it a lot.
otp: izushou baybee!!
brotp: because of current aus, he and tenko are really fun. but in canon, i love izuku and hatsume or he and kirishima! (ochako friendship is a given so just like Otherwise)
ot3: again, todoiideku fun
notp: bkdk
best quote: I know it’s simple, but “I will twist fate!” is one of my favorites. It really just sums up his whole approach to the world around him and how stubborn he is to save others. It captures both his strengths and flaws, and I just love that for him.
head canon: He’s handy! He loves working with his hands, so he’s into crafting and cooking and doodling and just anything to keep those hands busy.
do I like them: Hell yeah
5 good qualities: he’s that laid-back genius type that’s so fun to watch, he’s open to growth, resourceful, he’s reliable, and obviously always great for a laugh
3 bad qualities: initial misogyny (but he learns quickly), he’s Smart but also throwback to the time he tried to forge a letter from Toph, and he can be cynical or pessimistic
favourite episode/etc: Love when he gets some sword training and gets his own unique weapon. Good shit, and a great display of his individuality and creativity. Boiling Rock is a very close second though.
otp: zukka
brotp: he and aang or toph
ot3: zukki (zuko/sokka/suki)
notp: uhhh he and toph
best quote: the classic “My first girlfriend turned into the moon.”
head canon: If it’s not already canon, then my headcanon is that he uses his plethora of weapons for really mundane things. Catch him slicing his food with his space rock sword.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My 12 Favorite BKDK Meta Posts
by mysterylover123
So you might have picked up, if you’re following my posts, that I like BKDK. Katsudeku. Bakudeku. Izukatsu. Whatever you call it. Shipping Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo. I love this freaking pairing so much, but it’s always difficult to explain to people why that is. That’s why I often will point to meta, written by far more eloquent and organized people than me, to explain what about it interests me so much. So here’s a list (not comprehensive, I can’t read every BKDK meta ever written) of my favorite meta on the two’s relationship, and a shout out to my other lovely tumblr posters, organized in order of when the incident they’re covering takes place, how many spoilers there are, etc.
1. Ryokure  “Deku vs Kacchan”
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Ryokure is one of my favorite BKDK meta writers - great at correcting some of the early mistranslations and analyzing most of the early arcs. The Ryokure meta only go up to about the training camp arc, and for some reason stopped after that. I picked this one as my favorite Ryokure BKDK meta, it’s a rare one that covers the Battle Trial Arc. My favorite line from the meta is the ending:  “On this point I’m like 80% sure that Mineta’s existence, Yaoyorozu‘s stupid costume (come on, she’s fifteen! it’s too early to be objectified!), etc are there so people wouldn’t think that this is shounen-ai.”
2. PunkBakugo: “Deku and Bakugo’s subconscious understanding: A Sports Festival Analysis”
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I’m currently rewatching the sports festival right now, and despite this being the big Tododeku and Izuocha arc, it’s pretty impressive how subtly pervasive BKDK still is in this arc anyways. This meta is very impressive, pointing out small details throughout the SF arc that showcase how central BKDK still is to the narrative, the ways in which Deku takes inspiration from BK, how BK fixates on Midoriya, and how they think in similar manners. It’s also quite well-written, and I recommend this poster if you’d like the POV of a non multi-shipper tumblr.
3. The-nysh “Episode 37 Commentary”
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The-nysh is another great BKDK poster, and I have at least 2 from them. The first is their very in-depth and image-heavy commentary on Episode 37 (they have another one on episode 61 that’s just as good), which provides some nice analysis of BKDK in this arc. The second is this one: https://the-nysh.tumblr.com/post/171252060116/whats-your-opinon-of-kiribaku-and-tododeku , which while it’s mostly about the poster’s opinions on the other two ships, has a few choice snippets about BKDK that I find helpful - one is also in connection with Ryokure, to quote: “Deku is such a super special case that if a fanfic has him and Kacchan in it - no matter the parings - and they don’t have some case of mutual obsession, I actually consider that OOC.” Definitely another good meta writer worth checking out.
4. Osakakitty “Vol 10 Katsudeku thoughts ramblings”
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This one is a good analysis of the Training Camp Arc and Hideout Raid. Osakakitty has some very sweet BKDK meta and generally writes very close analysis of them, taking a more emotional stance on the pairing than some of the meta before. There’s a very raw quality to these, a feeling of reacting in time to the story as it unfolds and getting your heart broken. This one does a good job of outlining how deeply personal the Hideout Raid is to Deku, because it was Kacchan who was taken. Definitely worth a read. 
5. KiraElric’sInsanity: “What is your favorite Headcanon about Izuku”
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KiraElric was one of the first meta writers I encountered with BNHA, and really helped me get a grasp on the series. She has tons of great meta on the series and a really fine grasp of BKG’s character. There are lots of them worth reading, but this is one of my all time favorites because of how thoroughly in depth it is about Izuku’s feelings on the matter. Since Deku is unquestionably my favorite BNHA character, it was very important for me early on to determine who I shipped him with, how I perceived his relationships. And something about this meta helped me understand exactly why I liked BKDK so much. But if you want more of the other side of things...
6. KiraElric’sInsanity: “My Best Friend’s a Fxcking Nerd and an idiot God he pisses me Off”
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This is BKG’s side of the coin. This meta helps contextualize a lot of BKG’s actions, in a way that made a ton of sense to me. This, and the one before it, both contain spoilers up to DVK2, so if you haven’t caught up just be aware of that. This meta does a great job of spotlighting how important Deku is as a force in BKG’s life, as someone to talk to and admit to feeling weak around, who cares about him unconditionally. These two meta together are great to read for getting an all around feel for each side of the relationship.
7. KrisPNatz “What’s in an OTP? Bakudeku”
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OK this one’s a video, not a tumblr meta, but it’s still an analysis on the relationship so I count it. It’s more of a funny one, joking and goofy in tone, but with a very sincere and passionate discussion of the relationship, what it means to ship something, how their interactions have evolved over time, and why the creator of the vid ships them. This one’s less analytical than the others, but still has some good insights into the duo.
8. Makeste reads BNHA: “Chapter 120 A Secret Among Three”
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Makeste is my favorite BNHA liveblogger, going over the entire manga (she just posted Chapter 221 today, it’s pretty great). This is her reaction to Chapter 120, which she proclaims right away is her favorite chapter of the series. While it’s mostly a reaction post, it’s also interrupted with a few mini-essay meta on the nature of this relationship, going into some deep analysis of both characters’ feelings from a very attentive and clever reactor, whose absolute favorite character is Katsuki Bakugo. I recommend makeste to BNHA fans, the reactions are absolutely fantastic.
9. CuteIzuku “Izuku Midoriya’s Image of Victory”
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This is a good meta on Deku’s classic “image of victory” comment from DVK2, going into some more depth about how Deku perceives Kacchan and what that means for the narrative. It also helps compare Deku’s perceptions of Katsuki and All Might, how Deku feels towards both, and what the differences are. It’s a nicely written piece and not particularly biased about the ship.
10. Mujoe-girl “The Way They Look at each other 
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Another one that looks at both sides of the equation, parcelling out first how Deku looks at Kacchan, then how Kacchan looks at Deku, and acknowledging both sides and how they’ve changed over time. It’s pretty subtle and touches on various extreme expressions (one of my favorite things about BNHA: how expressive the characters are) from each character and what they mean. Certainly worth a read.
11. Riruru “The Choice of Wording Here”
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OK, this one is getting into really recent manga spoilers - avoid looking over this, anime onlys. Basically this is a brief, but effective meta about Chapter 210, written after 210 came out and before the reveal about OFA. It talks about Deku’s reaction to Monoma’s dissing Kacchan, and puts it quite well exactly why this is significant to their relationship. This is a really recent development, and something that went over my head the first time I read it - certainly helped me understand more what’s going on here.
12. Makeste “The New BKDK Status Quo”
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Another one from makeste to finish us off - this one discussing the current status of BK/DK in the manga, up through Chapter 217. So again massive spoilers. Makeste, responding to a comment, talks about how the relationship is so much healthier these days, how the two have improved and how much better a friend BKG is to Deku now, post DVK2. It’s very sweet and a lovely place to end things off for now.
So yeah those are my 12 favorite BKDK meta out there so far. Any recommendations for more are welcome. I hope you guys enjoy reading these, and special nod to all my fellow posters for being so clever.
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ariadcalfine · 4 years
About EndHawks and DabiHawks - and other BNHA ramblings
The lockdown/quarantine due to coronavirus had given me time to rewatch HQ seasons 1 to 3, as well as to fully catch up on BNHA. I stopped watching the anime at season 2... episode 15 I think? When Deku started his internship at Gran Torino’s place? At that time, that was the latest episode available. And after watching that episode, I went on to read the manga... the latest released chapter at that time might have been Bakugou’s kidnapping. Anyways, now I had finished watching season 4, and read the latest released manga chapter of 271.
In the early days of BNHA, my favourite character was (and I think still is) Todoroki Shouto. Because he’s an ikemen, surely (laughs) but also because I’ve always found the Todoroki family drama somewhat more interesting than the fighting against LOV. I’m glad that the plot is getting more intricate - that LOV isn’t a one-dimensional antagonist and the story goes deeper on things fundamentally wrong in BNHA’s setting (be it morally grey HPSC, ranking heroes and treating them like celebrities, discrimination on villain-like quirks or quirklessness, and so on) - but the Todoroki family drama still holds a bright candle in my heart. So of course I fully jumped into the ship that was ‘Dabi is Todoroki Touya’ theory.
Even when I wasn’t watching canon BNHA, I still stayed in the fringes of the fandom. I saw it shifted from ‘TodoDeku is life!’ to ‘BakuDeku for the win!’ and kinda got on board with BKDK even. Still finds TDDK sweet and fluffy and such a balm to the kokoro, but the dynamism of BKDK endears me too. The fandom also had a way of portraying Kacchan as less of a jerk and more a Tsundere Pomeranian. As the manga went along, glad that Kacchan is shown to have a depth of emotions but was misguided and could not really express himself well.
MOVING ON to Hawks. I like his character design, and seriously Kadeart’s Hawks as well as other fanartists’ drawings of Hawks just made me love the guy more. Casting Yuuichi Nakamura was just... pure gold. Perfect fit for ‘secretly intelligent lazy boy’ too-cool-for-school persona. Just... Kuroo Tetsurou all over again.
When I was watching the end of S4, of course I noticed Hawks was a huge Endeavor fan, and in my mind I thought, ‘uh-oh, the fandom is sure gonna ship that...’ with some queasiness. Sure enough, the fandom does. I notice in particular the Japanese fandom is more on board. There are only 4 DabiHawks doujinshi titles in Toranoana today but 36 EndHawks titles. #荼毘ホー (DabiHawks) tag in Pixiv also only yielded 2 pages of search results, compared to 7 pages of #炎ホー (EndHawks) tag. The Japanese fandom has a history of being more accepting of a ship with big age difference - case in point, ReigenMob / MobReigen from MP100 (Western fandom is more comfortable with SeriRei). 
Daddy kink doesn’t really appeal all that much to me. And I admit the size difference is hot, but InaShou fulfills the kink better in my opinion. However, age difference is not really the source of my queasiness.
It’s Endeavor’s history of domestic abuse.
I love a good Endeavor-redemption fic. The two that I’m following now are:
1)  The Return Of Superman by kummibear
2)  Where your love has always been enough (for me) by classicequinox
I suppose I’ll feel more at ease with EndHawks only after Endeavor fully makes amends for his wrongdoings and goes public with them. Whether he has to serve time or can just pay damages doesn’t really matter to me. Only after he has closure with Rei, Natsuo, Shouto and Touya (if he’s Dabi), can he move on to a relationship with Hawks. It’s only fair for Hawks as well.
Sure, Dabi is a villain that canonically has kidnapped a teenager and killed people by burning them. He is not a good person. But 1) I don’t think he’s mentally all that sane, 2) his crimes are public knowledge and if he’s caught, he will have to serve time (either in Tartarus or maximum security rehab facility). Why I need Endeavor to go public with his abuse is because right now the populace doesn’t really know about the abuse and Endeavor continues to be lauded as Number 1 Hero. That doesn’t sit right with me.
I also don’t really like fics where Dabi is being rough or abusive to Hawks. I prefer HawksDabi to DabiHawks, actually. I don’t like fics where Hawks is uke-fied because the HPSC abused him too much. Both Touya and Hawks are victims of abuse, true... but they deserve to be portrayed as complex human beings who are strong enough.
I’m guilty of viewing ‘bad guy’ character in a sympathetic light because I want an antagonist character to turn good (case in point, Harry Potter’s Draco Malfoy; HPDM is my OTP). Besides, if Endeavor deserves a redemption arc, why not Dabi?
(Erm, Shigaraki and AFO are another matter tho. It’s like... nobody quite expects Voldemort to be redeemed.)
All of the above being said, I don’t think I will invest time in reading a good, healthy slow-burn EndHawks. It’s just not my OTP. Of course, I will not crash EndHawks’ fanfics or fanarts just to say EndHawks is ‘bad’ or ‘disgusting’. 
Shipping has always been: to each, his own. Let’s just stay out of each other’s way and have polite communication if we do cross path.
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bakuqou · 6 years
Bkdk tododeku bktodo kirideku krbk kiritodo
this is a lot :o
heres tododeku, and bktodo
when i started shipping: 
bkdk - since s1, especially after their fight at ground beta! definitely after kacchan v deku 2! 
kirideku - hmm this isnt one i shipped while watching/reading bnha, but found out about the rarepair online maybe a couple months ago?
krbk - i thought they were cute as a brotp in s1, but i saw people online shipping them alot (before i read the manga). i liked em, and really liked their friendship in s2! the kiribaku in my heart LAUNCHED after i read the rescue arc though!
kiritodo - idk much about em? i normally ship them in poly ships like kiribakutodo! i wont include them in the rest bc i actually am not too sure about them
my thoughts:
bkdk - controversial ship but i like them! they have so many complicated feelings about each other in canon and theyre true rivals. they mirror + parallel each other pretty well, and grow with each other!
kirideku - theyre cute! i dont actually remember many of their interactions but i theyre both SUNSHINES who deserve the world and more!!
krbk - UGH WE LOVE CANON KINGS! hori puts so many implications about them.. im shaking. their relationship is the most amazing thing in the entire show 
ill put the rest under a read more since its so long
what makes me happy:  
bkdk - their healing relationship! they started really horribly, but as they grow older, they mature and learn to accept each other!
kirideku - all their cute interactions and fanon! theyre uber fluffy and sweet
krbk - a long list.. them saving each other so many times… kiri literally saved bakugou’s LIFE twice (rescue arc, bnha movie) and he didnt hesitate to do so! BAKUGOUS WORDS being what motivates kirishima, and helps him survive and win a mission? BAKUGOU REASSURING KIRI THAT HES A GOOD HERO? them fighting together in the USJ attack? just all their interactions aare so good??? the way they unconditionally and so obviously love + care about each other!
what makes me sad:
bkdk - how controversial the ship is.. i agree they make not have the healthiest relationship since they have so many complicated feelings, but their relationship is mending and maturing!
krdk and krbk - n/a
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
bkdk - anything with toxicity or unhealthy relationships.. bakugou being too mean or arrogant, deku being a doormat
kirideku - i dont read kirideku owo
krbk - their characterization is generally really good but when they treat bakugou as horrible mean character that kirishima has to “fix” 😷
things i look for in a fanfic:
bkdk - future fics! them being top heroes together, after they mature and get over their feelings. hurt/comfort is huge with them, and anything to do with them and how they know each other so well since childhood.
kirideku - n/a
krbk - honestly i read basically all kiribaku!! i love canon compliant ones, and hurt/comfort + trauma after the rescue arc! them building each other up, being an unexpected but totally obvious ship to the rest of 1A!
who i’d be comfortable then ending up with, if not each other: kiribaku is my otp of all otps, but here are my other ship for em all
deku - tododeku, dekuiida, izuocha, shindeku, alot of people tbh
kirishima - kirikami, kirisero, kirimina, kiritetsu
bakugou - todobaku, bakukami, bakusero, bakumina, bakucamie, and like every bakugou ship
my happily ever after for them:
bkdk - being the #1 pro heroes together, power couple of the century
kirideku - uh no idea?? i see them being really popular with kids! theyd be good teachers at UA together
krbk - heroes together, they open a hero agency together, they adopt kids and are super domestic. they never lose their spark and theyre always the ultimate partnership.
big spoon / little spoon:
bkdk - little spoon deku big spoon baku
kirideku - little spoon deku big spoon kiri
krbk - switch! but mainly little spoon baku n big spoon kiri
favourite non-sexual activity:
bkdk - theyve known each other so long, they love slow casual domestic stuff. cute things they missed in their childhood + while being teens because they were too busy having a rivalry and stuff
kirideku - no idea
krbk - ughhhhh they love doing everything together :( but they like hiking together and studying together (kiri doesnt like studying though, he just likes spending time with bakugou)
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That ask about people not liking bkdk even though it's normal rival shipping maybe cause of the canon bullying and suicide-baiting Izuku got from Bakugo. I myself aren't comfortable w/ it (so I read fics where they become friends instead). imo most rivals have an MC who feel like they were less bullied and more like just insulted cause they can usually talk back and stuff so it feels less... terrible, I guess? That said I don't hate the shippers and I just ignore the fics and stuff like I (p1)
(p2)always do w/ ships I don’t like. I’m sad though as I would love to discuss about this w/ others (I know Deku doesn’t need an apology but I still wants to see it for personal reasons + wanna see them acting as friends) but most are anti & I don’t like how they act. It also make me feel terrible for not shipping it cause I feel like my reasons are petty bec. my reasons are kinda like theirs. I want to try liking the ship cause it does seem cute + I don’t ship Izuku w/ anyone but I just can’t.
(I’m the anon who doesn’t like bkdk) I forgot to say that I’ve only seen the 1st season of the anime and is still trying to catch up and I don’t read the manga. Anything about Bakugo changing and stuff from later I only knew through spoilers.
There’s nothing wrong with not liking it! It’s totally understandable why the relationship would rub someone the wrong way. I think ~B-non was mostly referring to people that are like, flabbergasted and offended at the very idea that people would ship them, because they are the main rival pairing in the show and as we all know, rival pairings will always get shipped.
Now, you’re only on s1 so let me tell you, I Did Not Like BakuDeku for a long time. I wasn’t like actively against it but if I were to only judge their relationship by the first season I wouldn’t even be shipping them, never mind having them be one of my top OTPs. Bakugou himself is pretty one dimensional season 1, at least on the surface, and I didn’t care about him for a while either. He gets better and better as the series goes on and by proxy so does BakuDeku. S3 in particular is where things take off with Bakugou getting a very good arc under his belt, but s3 ep 23 “Deku vs Kacchan part 2” is where I officially fell head over heels for both the character and the ship. It takes a bit but it’s good, very good, so I’d say getting to that point might help you sort out if you could ever like bkdk or if it’s just not for you. (and again, never feel bad for not liking a ship! I dislike tons of ships, there’s nothing wrong with it!)
And if you wanna talk about stuff I’m always down for it! While I don’t think we’re going to get a proper apology, and I don’t think Deku needs/actively wants one, I would loooooove for it to happen. Top Ten Dream Interactions. Fuel for my raging BakuDeku fire hehehe.
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mcr-teetlez · 6 years
Y'know, even though bkdk is my otp in Bnha (and my second fave otp of all time), I always put Bakugou Katsuki first, he's one of the main reasons why I got so into the series, his character, his development, everything about him is very important to me and to the series' story, cuz he's oh I don't know the deuteragonist, it really gives me a massive headache that the fandom cares more about shipping fodder than the actual gen content especially with it's characters, because as long it's with their fave character who has no importance what so ever to the storyline, they won't give a shit about a character who has actual relevance to the plot ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 
(Also yes, I care very much about Izuku and his character as well, I just wanted to talk about Katsuki mainly because a). he's my favorite character and as I said one of the main reasons why I got into the series and b). he's, in my opinion at least, the number one character that gets the worst treatment from the fandom)
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aomitois · 6 years
3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 47, 48, 50 for the fanfiction question please?
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Mystic Messenger, i think. there’s barely any drama here.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? naaayi see a lot of people say some dumb shit, especially in some fandoms, but just ignoring them is fine enough, i won’t let it hinder my content enjoyment
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. oh boy oh boy i’ve been in so much fandoms xD i’ll list only the ones where there’s at least one ship i like(there are also other ships, but for things that i didn’t involve myself with its fandom)
DTB - Heiyin
Ladybug PV - Feligette
Mystic Messenger - Zenhee, Vmc
Naruto - Sasusaku
Bnha - Izuocha
Voltron - Sheith
Vampire Knight - Zeki
Bleach - Ichihime
Fairy Tail - Jerza
One Piece - Zotash
Owari no Seraph - Mikayuu
Pmmm - Madohomu
Assassin’s Creed - Arlise,Altachali (okay i’ve made up that name, idk if anyone else ships it??)
Kuroshitsuji - Cielizzy
Snk - Eremika
Drrr - Shizuona
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 
DTB - that detective and widow from eps 3-4. big cringeee
Bleach - Ichi//ruki. the ship isn’t a big deal for me per se, but its fandom is unbearable
ML - never understood the popularity of nat/chlo
Avatar - Mai/ko
Mysme - V/rika
Naruto - Jira//tsu, Kaka//saku
Fnaf - literally any ship here, jfc they’re souls of murdered children why would anyone ship that
Dishonored - Daud//Corvo (yes i’ve seen ppl ship it and??)
Bnha - bkdk
Voltron - sh//lav, also at first klonce was a notp for me but gradually i started to tolerate it, and now don’t mind it (hell, i even ship it in some fics)
Teen Titans - bb/rae
Fairy Tail - cat ships
Opm - all ships
Snk - Ere/ri
Drrr - Shi//zaya
Inuyasha - Miro//sango
Kuroshitsuji - Seba//ciel
Soul Eater - Blackstar and tsubaki
Toradora - don’t remember ship name, the main characters
Hq!! - Iwa//oi
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? hmmm i think my latest is DDLC. i just saw a lot of posts about it on my dash and wanted to check it out, since i like otome games and indie horrors. but not actually play them since i’m big coward xD so i just watched Manly’s gameplay. then i just went on tumblr to scout for some fanarts lol
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? there’s sooo many talented artists!
11. Who is your current OTP? currently i’m drowning in sheith hell, other that i remember put me in angst coma for good month were heiyin and zeki
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? mmm hard to recall bc they don’t put me thru that much roallercoaster of emotions, and i liked a lot of friendships in many media. just few that i can think of atm: Corvo and Outsider, Altair and Malik, Sakura and Sai, Sakura and Naruto, Fairy Tail guild as a whole (seriously the jokes about nakama power are funny but they’re willing to go so much for their friends, their family, i spent few days crying about it)
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? already listed in notp question yo, like half of them are pretty populari always reject what’s most popular in fandom before checking thing out and have to judge it myself. i won’t ship something just because it’s popular. i ship only things that pull my hearstrings. which for some reason are usually second most popular ships, that are at war with #1 fandom’s fav lmao
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? as a kid i remember having really, REALLY strong feelings about couples in tv shows and wondered what the fuck is wrong with me, it wasn’t until over 10 years later that i discovered what is shipping and that i’m not alone xD earliest i can recall is Bloom and that blonde dude from Winx. boy i was really hardcore shipper, had headcanons, made tattoos on my dolls with their initials, couldn’t sleep at night thinking about their relationship. they’re no longer my fave, since i’ve long forgotten about them and heiyin is my absolute fave.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? oh yes a lot!! there are tons of really cute ships with good chemistry, that really suit each other, but i just don’t feel anything about them?? so i’m like oh yeah i like this, it’s sweet, but i don’t ship it. mostly bc they just didn’t have any romantic interaction even hinted, and usually i ship pairs that are intended to be canon. anyway the examples are idk, ships in sport animes like hq or knb, nejiten. also Sokka and Suki, Kataang.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? yeah, ships where i don’t like the character or didn’t like at first. like i couldn’t stand Vorona at first, but later she was more likeable and Shizuona had such nice chemistry?? damn (and he’s my boy so i wouldn’t like just any ship) also still in drrr i reeeealy dislike Iza//ya, but with Namie (which i also dislike lol) they have such an interesting relation, like she’s the only one who can keep up with him, who’s equal in cunning schemes. that’s the only ship i can think of where i like paring but hate characters lmao
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? can’t post if i don’t write anything ^^” well there is one original story that i roughly drafted the universe, but i plan to make it a comic, not write. and no idea where i would post it tbh.as for reading i don’t really visit neither ao3 or ff, i read only what i spot on tumblr, or on the two sites if some tumblr post redirect me there.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? i liveblog whatever i think about it as i read xD otherwise i’d forget everything at the end. that is when i read Wolfy’s fic. when i read something on tumblr i write review in tags, but it’s not really vast, since i keep all weird analogies to myself this time. and generally i don’t have much to say so i keep it short.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?can’t say i did, i don’t read it too often. i only read if it happens to show up on my dash and summary got me interested enough. i got really invested in Wolfy’s fics after he described one au, its world, the story. the more chapters i’ve read, the more i got fired up for next ones xD it’s just amazing, like i’m watching some good tier show in my head. mostly bc it’s not centered aroud the ship, but it’s the action story with slow burn in the background. hhhhng 10/10 my taste exactly 👌👌👌  i actually can’t seem to enjoy any other fanfics anymore bc it’s not the same style?? 😦
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 62 “A Season for Encounters”
aka The One with the Tintin Wall 
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Uuh….did I accidentally change the channel? When did this turn into My Noir Academia?
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Ooh man, this is some interesting setup for stuff later on in the manga. Season 4, man. Can’t wait.
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OK let me freeze frame those searches. “Endeavor’s kids” is pretty high. I guess everyone needs those TodoroKid pics.
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“20-40 male demographic” haha ooh boy that’s some real Truth in Television. I guess All Might had more fans in the 14-80 female demographic. Though Endeav would probably have fangirls if he didn’t wear that stupid fire mustache all the time. I’m just saying. Todoroki’s looks didn’t come from nowhere.
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This other perspective thing is interesting. That “here’s how those words strike those on the wrong side of the law” idea.
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Wow that was lame. These Pro-heroes really are kinda subpar compared to the average Class 1-A student, aren’t they? We need them to hurry up. 
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“Reservoir Dogs” Good God how much American pop culture is Horikoshi aware of?!?! That one’s a little more obscure than Spider-Man. 
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Ooh, Giran and Twice! The most recent arc of the manga turned them into a ship, and a totally plausible one, so nice to see.
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Todorokis, man. Don’t do anything halfway (Still not confirmed, dammit.) 
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Twice’s backstory. is pretty interesting, in how it plays on that whole theme of Imitation. 
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Trying to be exactly like someone else is always a doomed enterprise, because you can never truly be the original, and a copy is always less durable. Hence the dangers of excessive imitation as such an over-arcing theme.  
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OVERHAUL. THE OST. Season 4 is gonna be intense, ya’ll. 
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“Knowing who you are is important. Amen to that Hori. 
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Ooh Deku is looking good as usual. And look, he didn’t break his arms this time! Fighting Kacchan is so good for him. 
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Class 1-A again! You know, we’ve kinda developed this habit in the manga of cutting away from them for a really long them, and then seeing them again for like, 2 chapters of cameos. I’m starting to really miss them, every time they do this.
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Haha Monoma lol. Just wait for the Joint Training Arc, Class 1-B. You won’t be laughing so hard at Kacchan then. 
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Shinso! Yay! Also Sero says basically “wow, have you been working out?” which makes me think he’s as attracted to Shisno as I am. 
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No place to sit? Throughout the whole opening ceremony? Wow, that sucks.  
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I feel for them. Presentations where people don’t get to the point really annoy me. 
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Good thing Deku and Kacchan skipped this presentation, actually. Neither one of them needs yet another guilt trip about taking All Might down (or so they think). 
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It turns out it’s just a means to segue into introducing Mirio to the audience. (My first thoughts on this scene: Oh boy someone else to make my Best Boy feel inadequate. Well, I guess we just defanged Kacchan, so someone has to take over.) 
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Oh, speaking of the lovers’ spat… 
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Hey Momo, way to be considerate of Deku and Kacchan’s feelings.  
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Nejire ships Mirideku. 
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Ashido! Always great to see her. (Next season, ya’ll. She’ll get her due) 
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All Todoroki is doing is watching Momo while she talks and I still think this is a Todomomo scene. 
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“WHY DID I WORK SO HARD AT THE SPORTS FEST THEN?” Cause it was awesome, Uraraka! Why else? 
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I kinda think they should’ve just let the agencies come to them anyway. I mean, the agency offers meant there was tons of competition anyway, so why not cut out the middleman?  
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I feel ya Deku. Always feel this way whenever I miss a class.
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Aizawa could not have devised a more perfect punishment for these two overly diligent students. They will never break curfew again. 
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Mirio is such an eccentric oddball in this scene. He isn’t really like that anywhere else as far as I can tell, so I guess this was just to give him a memorable introduction. 
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Wow he’s really incorporating that angry Kacchan energy into himself isn’t he? 
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GODDAMIT MIRIO WHYD’YA GOTTA GO STEALING MY OTP’S OST FOR YOUR INTRO? Seriously, I’m a little confused. Why does the Big 3 get the “Katsuki and Izuku” OST for their intro? 
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Buff Tintin, Nice Sasuke and Blue Elf will now apparently show our kids how it’s done.
Episode 62 is an interesting choice, since it takes a scene from an earlier Manga chapter and puts it together with later ones (the Twice stuff popped up right in the middle of what, in the anime, is episode 60. But they wanted to get to DVK2 ASAP). As a result, it’s a little oddly paced, but still decent. In some ways, I think DV2K should’ve been the season 3 finale, with the events of the Big 3 being the wrap-up (just like in Season 2), but i’m fine with how it is.
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They’re so domestic here it’s not even funny. Straight out of a fanfic I swear to god. 
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Look at that lingering look. Take a good look, Kacchan. You’ll be missing him for about 40 chapters after this.
(I probably won’t be able to do the corner for the Internship arc in Season 4, sadly, unless they throw in some filler. I’ll have to wait for S5 for more animated BKDK antics, besides that one moment in between arcs in Chapter 168.)
Best Girl of the Episode: Pony Tsunotori!
RANKER: The Big 3 Ranked
3. Nejire Hado - I love her personality, but we don’t get to see a lot of her quirk in action, sadly.
2. Mirio Togata - He’s lovable for sure, but he’s held back from my goodwill for being Deku’s supposedly better replacement.
1. Tamaki Amajiki - Adorably sweet and no downside to looking him + good quirk + what Sasuke probably should’ve been? YES.
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