#and my friend literally flipped on a fucking dime lmfao
That ask about people not liking bkdk even though it's normal rival shipping maybe cause of the canon bullying and suicide-baiting Izuku got from Bakugo. I myself aren't comfortable w/ it (so I read fics where they become friends instead). imo most rivals have an MC who feel like they were less bullied and more like just insulted cause they can usually talk back and stuff so it feels less... terrible, I guess? That said I don't hate the shippers and I just ignore the fics and stuff like I (p1)
(p2)always do w/ ships I don’t like. I’m sad though as I would love to discuss about this w/ others (I know Deku doesn’t need an apology but I still wants to see it for personal reasons + wanna see them acting as friends) but most are anti & I don’t like how they act. It also make me feel terrible for not shipping it cause I feel like my reasons are petty bec. my reasons are kinda like theirs. I want to try liking the ship cause it does seem cute + I don’t ship Izuku w/ anyone but I just can’t.
(I’m the anon who doesn’t like bkdk) I forgot to say that I’ve only seen the 1st season of the anime and is still trying to catch up and I don’t read the manga. Anything about Bakugo changing and stuff from later I only knew through spoilers.
There’s nothing wrong with not liking it! It’s totally understandable why the relationship would rub someone the wrong way. I think ~B-non was mostly referring to people that are like, flabbergasted and offended at the very idea that people would ship them, because they are the main rival pairing in the show and as we all know, rival pairings will always get shipped.
Now, you’re only on s1 so let me tell you, I Did Not Like BakuDeku for a long time. I wasn’t like actively against it but if I were to only judge their relationship by the first season I wouldn’t even be shipping them, never mind having them be one of my top OTPs. Bakugou himself is pretty one dimensional season 1, at least on the surface, and I didn’t care about him for a while either. He gets better and better as the series goes on and by proxy so does BakuDeku. S3 in particular is where things take off with Bakugou getting a very good arc under his belt, but s3 ep 23 “Deku vs Kacchan part 2” is where I officially fell head over heels for both the character and the ship. It takes a bit but it’s good, very good, so I’d say getting to that point might help you sort out if you could ever like bkdk or if it’s just not for you. (and again, never feel bad for not liking a ship! I dislike tons of ships, there’s nothing wrong with it!)
And if you wanna talk about stuff I’m always down for it! While I don’t think we’re going to get a proper apology, and I don’t think Deku needs/actively wants one, I would loooooove for it to happen. Top Ten Dream Interactions. Fuel for my raging BakuDeku fire hehehe.
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