#and before you can even reply they go “hotdog”
jakkenpoy · 1 year
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shushmal · 22 days
Eddie sits and watches Steve’s kitchen clock slowly count closer and closer to their movie time—closer, then past. It’s 30 minutes gone from showtime when he hears the bathroom door upstairs close and shut, and Steve’s bedroom door quietly doing the same.
Wincing, Eddie counts down slowly from 100, lets Steve wallow for a bit, before he gets down from his stool to head up.
“Hey,” Eddie murmurs, sitting beside the lump under Steve’s blankets. The lump does not reply. “Baby, you okay?”
“No,” it whines, and Eddie’s glad Steve has shoved his head under his pillow because Eddie can’t help cracking a smile. “I’m dying, and I’m a shitty boyfriend, and you’re going to dump me.”
Eddie scoffs. “The day I dump you is the day you send me to the funny farm,” he says, mock serious. “You do shit a lot though, babydoll.”
Steve whines louder. “It’s not fair! You eat expired hotdogs! Raw! Straight from the fridge!!”
“Guts of steel, Stevie! Your upper middle class suburban tummy would shrivel and die in the face of things I’ve eaten.”
“It’s shriveled and died already, thanks.”
Eddie laughs, and rubs his hand along Steve’s arm. He knows better than touching him anywhere else when Steve’s stomach is upset. But the fact that he’s in bed, under the covers, must mean the worst is over.
“You want me to get you anything?”
“New organs and a surgeon to put them in.”
“I was thinking more like water? Toast? Pepto?”
“A quick and painless death?”
“I’m afraid I can only offer you kisses and cuddles when you feel up for it. And the aforementioned consumable items.”
Steve’s head comes out from under the pillow and he squints at Eddie. His hair is standing up in wild spikes, and Eddie chews his lip to keep himself from laughing.
“Who the fuck says shit like aforementioned, you absolute dork.”
“You love me,” Eddie says, grinning.
Wrinkling his nose, Steve sighs, flopping back down on the bed. “I guess,” he admits, looking up at Eddie through his lashes with a little, miserable smile, and taking Eddie’s breath away. Even when he’s miserable and whiny, Steve remains the prettiest person Eddie’s ever had the luck to lay eyes on. “I guess I’ll take a water. And a kiss, if it’s not too much trouble.”
Eddie grins, leaning down. “Anything for you, princess.”
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year
𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚
part 1
“You look pale,” Jeff comments making Eddie snort loudly.
Of course he looks pale, he’s got vampirism, doesn't he? But then again, so does Jeff and he looks great.
“When was the last time you fed?” He asks.
Eddie sighs heavily trying to reign in his bad mood. He knows Jeff’s just worried and wants to help, and he’s grateful to have run into an old friend from high school as soon as he moved into the big city. 
Because he’d be utterly lost without him.
He doesn't know where anything is, he gets lost in the subway, and he has no idea when he’s being charged too much for a muffin or suspiciously too little for a hotdog, or where all the blood markets are.
“Like, two weeks ago,” Eddie finally answers.
Jeff looks surprised but it’s not actually that bad, people with vampirism can go up to 4 to 5 weeks without blood. 
It’s not the same as those vampires from movies and books, they still eat food and they can stand in the sun with just minor cases of sunburn. There’s also the light sensitivity, making them all look like assholes wearing sunglasses everywhere.
Also, they are not allergic to garlic. Which, thank the heavens because Eddie loves garlic, a lot.
There’re a couple of side effects that do come in handy sometimes, like augmented hearing and smell. And the healing spit is super weird but nifty. No super strength regrettably, that would’ve been awesome.
Anyways, it’s like they have super anemia or something.
“I went to a blood bar, hooked up with some dude but. I didn't have a good time, at all. I kind of don't want to go back to bars for a while,” He elaborates and when Jeff frowns worried, he shakes his head,
“No, not like that. It’s just… the dude was like way too into it, you know? It kinda freaked me out.”
“What do you mean? Don't you find it hot? When you feed?” Jeff asks him, curious. 
Eddie nods quickly, “Yes, of course I do! It can be really sexy with the right person, but this guy, he was like- like way too loud and like, he was faking it? I don’t for who, though. And halfway through it, I started getting worried I’d accidentally hired someone instead of just hooked up and I didn’t have any money, and then I started thinking about money and my dick-”
“Ok! Ok, I get it.” Jeff thankfully interrupts him. “Dude, why didn’t you say something, I know of a place. I didn’t mention it before because it’s kind of boujee and handles itself a little differently.” 
“Oh? Do tell” Eddie tells him excitedly, he loves going to new places, especially if they are weird.
“Well, it’s real private, like ‘can’t get in unless you are on the list’ private. And it’s run by this girl. Blonde little thing, super cute. Scary as fuck. Everyone calls her ‘The Boss’” he says doing air quotes.
“Dramatic, I like it.” Eddie smiles.
Jeff chuckles, “So the gist of it it’s you go there and just hang out normally, like any other kind of bar. The place is beautiful, the music is good, and the drinks are delicious. But what's interesting about this place is the hostesses,” he says and even does a little pause for effect before continuing, “Similar to a blood bar there’re people there willing to be fed on but what’s cool about it is they get to choose.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows, “That sounds kind of fun, actually.”
“Right? And it feels, safer somehow? For them?” Jeff agrees and Eddie nods and smiles at him, waiting for him to keep going.
“Anyway, the hostesses choose and then you get to go upstairs and talk through what you want to happen, just feeding, sex, talking, anything they agree to, it's on the table. I once ended up just playing a game of Uno with the girl I fed on and two other hostesses that hadn't picked anyone that night.” he finishes and Eddie laughs delightedly.
“Ok, this place sounds amazing, what’s the catch?” 
“Well, you have to pay an entry fee, the drinks are expensive and there’s always the possibility you’ll leave empty-handed. The first time is free though,” Jeff says.
“Like drugs,” Eddie replies and Jeff nods solemnly, 
“You know the hostesses can be kind of addicting.” 
That night, on the way there, Jeff tells him they have to sign a guest list at the entrance,
“No one uses their real name, not because the place is shady or anything! But because they want to leave that choice to us and the hostesses if you ever get too close with one. It's not like, frowned upon.”
Eddie nods listening intently, he feels kind of nervous in a way he hasn't in a while, but he’s not sure why.
“Also, secret nicknames are fun! I’m known as Jay there. So please don’t dox me. Or yourself.” Jeff tells him.
After careful consideration, Eddie smiles and says, “I’ll be… Strider”
“Shut up, you are just jealous you didn't come up with it yourself”
Jeff laughs, “You got me there,” he says, and then, “We are here” and he opens a big glass windowed door and vows to Eddie, inviting him in.
Eddie chuckles and enters and immediately almost runs into someone—a tall, massive guy with short curly hair and the shadow of a beard.
“Hey freak,” Jeff greets calmly, “He’s with me,”
Eddie cringes at the nickname, bad memories from high school bullying. But the dude just nods and gives Jeff the tiniest of smiles, so he figures it’s the nickname the bouncer chose for himself.
They enter and sign their name in the guest book, a girl about their age with dirty blond hair and hundreds of freckles on her nose and cheeks is there and she asks Eddie a couple of questions. Not in a weird way, but in a ‘you are new and I’m curious’ kind of way.
Eddie feels comfortable and excited as they go in.
Jeff was right, the place is beautiful. The lobby leads to a big room with high ceilings and fake candle-lit lamps. The chairs and tables are antiques and all different but roughly the same time period so they look good together. There’re old signs and posters from all kinds of drinks and different products adorning the walls. And the music is instrumental and oldie too, sounds like probably 40s or 50s.
It is incredibly boujee. But in a fun way, cozy and warm.
They get a seat at a small round table in a corner and Jeff lets Eddie look around for a while before asking,
“So? Weird right? It’s like stepping into another time,”
Eddie snorts, “Yeah, one that has no idea which time period it wants to repre- who is that?”
Jeff looks at where Eddie is looking and sighs, “Of course you noticed Sunshine,”
“Sunshine?” Eddie sighs.
“That’s what they call him. Because apparently he smells like flowers and summer and tastes like orgasms or something,” Jeff says amused rolling his eyes.
The guy, Sunshine, is probably the prettiest person he’s ever seen in his life, definitely the most beautiful man in this room. His face is a contradiction of sharp and round angles that is just absolutely perfect, and he’s wearing a black suit that clings to his body like a second skin, showing off his big shoulders and his tiny waist. He’s looking around the room with big, brown eyes that look bored as he leans against a wall like he’s above it all, he’s a fucking dream.
Eddie swallows audibly and looks smirking at Jeff for a second before his eyes drift back to the man, “Tastes like what, you said” he teases and Jeff snorts.
“Not that anyone would know, as far as I know, he’s never taken anyone upstairs,” he tells Eddie in a conspiratory tone.
That makes him incredibly curious, “Really? Why is he still here then?”
“I don’t know for sure, mostly rumors but he’s the boss’s favorite, that’s for sure. Oh!” Jeff exclaims and then nods his head to a girl sitting on the other side of the room, in a big fancy-looking chair that looks more like a throne than a simple piece of furniture.
She’s got blonde hair up in a ponytail and she’s wearing a flowery dress but there's something about the way she looks around the room, something about the way people walk around her and look at her, with respect or fear, or maybe both. She’s fucking intimidating.
While Eddie’s looking, the girl from the front desk, with the freckles, comes to sit on a small stool beside the “throne”, there’s another one on the other side that’s empty. The blonde girl moves her hand towards freckles and she kisses it and then her shoulder and smiles as she leans in closer and starts whispering to her.
It’s kind of surreal. 
“That’s The Boss, and the girl from the entrance, that’s Sparrow. She’s her girl.” Jeff explains.
“Respect for looking scary in a sundress,” Eddie comments.
And Jeff nods, “Anyways my theory is, Sunshine is actually just a bodyguard and not a hostess but the people that come here like to think they actually have a chance with him, so no one says anything to the contrary.”
Eddie snorts and nods, it makes sense. It's actually very good marketing, just like the ‘the first one is free’ thing. That boss girl is really smart with her business.
Jeff and he get a few drinks and they chat calmly, Jeff isn't looking to go upstairs tonight, he only came by to accompany Eddie and Eddie knows he should be looking around, trying to make eye contact with someone, but he can stop staring at Sunshine.
He even looked at their table at one point, and Eddie thought he was going to faint. He was scanning the room as he apparently does every couple of minutes when he caught Jeff’s eye and Jeff lifted his hand in greeting.
And Sunshine’s face completely transformed, his bored calculating expression changed into a beautiful smile that made his eyes shine. He wiggled his fingers at Jeff cutely before going back to looking like fucking Droopy Dog. If Droopy was the sexiest motherfucker alive. It was amazing to see.
Eddie’s jaw almost hit the table and he turned to look at Jeff stunned and he just shrugged,
“Sunshine was one of the hostesses I ended up playing Uno with. He’s fucking vicious,” he says smiling at the memory.
Eddie chuckles as his eyes follow Sunshine moving across the room, he just can't. Stop. Looking.
But the thing is, Sunshine is looking back now. Keeping eye contact with him obviously and unashamed. It’s thrilling and it makes shivers run down his spine.
He watches as Sunshine sits on the stool on the other side of The Boss’s throne and grabs her hand and holds it, intertwining their fingers. 
The Boss and her girl turn and look at him and the three of them start whispering, looking at him.
“Dude,” he says and turns to Jeff to see if he’s seeing what he’s seeing.
Jeff looks from him to the whispering party, “Un fucking believable, first time here and tonight is the night Sunshine is taking someone upstairs” he says looking fed up, but clearly in a joking manner.
“Is that what you think it’s happening? No way,” Eddie shakes his head as Sparrow says something that makes The Boss chuckle but Sunshine speaks up and she sobers up immediately. Curious.
“He’s looking right at you, he probably went to ask Sparrow about you,” Jeff insists.
“Maybe he’s looking at you”
“He’s seen me before,” Jeff scoffs.
He’s about to reply but their conversation gets interrupted by someone shily clearing their throat. A girl, a hostess, is looking at him with curious eyes, and shit… she’s cute and looks like a nice person but, Eddie can’t- he needs to know what those looks from Sunshine meant.
He needs him.
He looks back at the group quickly to see Sunshine and The Boss in deep conversation and Sparrow… is she glaring at him?
He rejects the girl, as nicely as possible and Jeff scoffs and murmurs ‘unbelievable’ under his breath again as Eddie turns to look back at Sunshine.
Who is walking toward them, holy shit.
“Holy shit,” Jeff says and then moves to stand. Eddie grabs his wrist and tries to pull him back.
“Wait what are you doing, dont-” But Jeff frees himself and starts walking away,
“Good luck!” He sings songs and then leaves him alone.
part 1: you are here
part 2: 👄
part 3: 🩸
bonus content: ☀️
ao3: 🌙
art: 🦇
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geotjwrs · 4 months
baby fever
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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The Ortega family backyard was buzzing with laughter, the sizzle of the grill, and the mouthwatering aroma of grilled delicacies. It was a warm summer evening, perfect for a family BBQ. Jenna and Y/N sat together on a picnic blanket, soaking in the atmosphere. Jenna's niece, Mya, was particularly enamored with the couple and had spent most of the evening glued to their sides.
"Mya, do you want another hotdog?" Jenna asked, smiling at the energetic little girl who was perched on Y/N's lap.
Mya spoke in gibberish, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Y/N chuckled, handing her another hotdog. "Here you go, kiddo. Just make sure you leave some room for dessert." Mya grinned and took a big bite.
Jenna and Y/N exchanged amused glances. Mya's affection was heartwarming, and they both adored her.
As the evening progressed, Jenna's mom, Natalie, approached them with a camera. "How about a picture of my three favorite people?" she suggested.
Jenna and Y/N nodded, and Natalie stepped back to capture the moment. Mya sat happily between them, a big smile on her face. Natalie snapped a couple of pictures, capturing the trio's joy perfectly.
Just as they finished, Jenna's sister, Aliyah, joined them. She looked at the picture on her mom's camera and teased, "You know, you two look so good with Mya. When are you planning on having a baby of your own?"
Jenna blushed slightly and glanced at Y/N. "Oh, it's too early for that," she said with a nervous laugh.
Y/N nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we're still figuring things out. There's plenty of time for that in the future."
Aliyah raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her face. "Well, just saying, you two would make amazing parents."
Jenna's blush deepened, and she felt Y/N's hand gently squeeze hers. "Thanks, Aliyah. We'll keep that in mind," Jenna replied, trying to steer the conversation away from the topic.
The night wore on, filled with delicious food, stories, and games. Mya continued to follow Jenna and Y/N around, her adoration for them clear as day. At one point, she insisted on playing a game of tag, pulling Y/N into the fun.
"Tag!" Mya giggled, tapping Y/N's shoulder before running off.
Y/N laughed, chasing after her with exaggerated slowness, making sure to let her have the upper hand. "I'm gonna get you, Mya!"
Jenna watched them with a smile, feeling a warmth in her chest. Seeing Y/N play so naturally with her niece made her heart swell with love and gratitude. She knew that, one day, they would make wonderful parents.
As the night drew to a close, the family gathered around the fire pit, roasting marshmallows. Mya, with sticky marshmallow fingers, sat next to Jenna and Y/N, her head resting against Y/N's shoulder.
"Can we do this every night?" Jenna asked sleepily.
Y/N kissed the top of Jenna's head. "Maybe not every night, but we'll definitely have more fun nights like this."
Jenna nodded, wrapping an arm around Y/N and Mya. "Absolutely. We're family, and family means making memories like these."
As they all sat together, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories, Jenna felt a deep sense of contentment. She leaned into Y/N, their closeness a comforting reminder of the love they shared. The night was perfect, a testament to the joy of family and the strength of their bond.
After a while, Mya's eyes began to droop, and Jenna's mom offered to take her inside to bed. "She's had a big day," Natalie said with a smile.
Jenna and Y/N stood up, helping Mya to her feet. "Goodnight, sweetheart," Jenna said, kissing her niece's forehead.
"Goodnight, Auntie Jenna. Goodnight, Y/N," Mya murmured sleepily.
"Goodnight, Mya," Y/N replied, ruffling her hair gently.
As Natalie led Mya inside, Jenna and Y/N found themselves alone by the fire pit. The stars twinkled above them, and the warmth of the fire wrapped around them like a cozy blanket.
Y/N turned to Jenna, a soft smile on his face. "Tonight was really nice," he said.
Jenna nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, it was. I love seeing you with Mya. You're so good with her."
Y/N chuckled softly. "She's a great kid. And you're amazing with her too. It's easy to see why she adores you."
Jenna smiled, her heart full. "I'm really glad we're here together, Y/N. Moments like this make everything worthwhile."
Y/N kissed the top of her head. "I feel the same way. I can't wait for all the moments we'll share in the future."
Jenna lifted her head, looking into his eyes. "Me too," she said softly.
They sat there for a while longer, enjoying the peace and quiet, their hearts intertwined with love and hope for the future. The night had been perfect, a beautiful reminder of the strength of family and the promise of what was to come.
As they finally stood to head inside, Y/N took Jenna's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Ready to go in?"
Jenna nodded, feeling a warmth spread through her. "Ready."
Together, they walked back into the house, the love they shared glowing brightly in the night.
Back inside, the house was quieter. Most of the family had started winding down for the evening, but a few were still chatting in the living room. Jenna and Y/N headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. As they stood there, enjoying the stillness, Jenna's mom walked in, smiling warmly at them.
"Did you two have a good time?" Natalie asked, pouring herself a cup of tea.
"We did, Mom. It was perfect," Jenna replied, leaning against the counter with a content smile.
Y/N nodded in agreement. "Thank you for having me. Your family is wonderful."
Natalie's eyes twinkled. "You're part of the family now, Y/N. We're glad you're here."
Jenna felt a surge of emotion at her mom's words. She looked at Y/N, seeing the gratitude and love in his eyes. He really was part of the family, and she couldn't imagine her life without him.
As they finished their drinks and headed toward the guest room where they were staying, Jenna's sister Aliyah intercepted them one last time, her playful smirk back in place.
"Seriously, though, you two would make such cute parents," she teased, giving them a wink.
Jenna rolled her eyes but smiled. "Goodnight, Aliyah."
"Goodnight, lovebirds," Aliyah said with a laugh, heading off to her room.
Jenna and Y/N entered their room, closing the door behind them. Jenna sat on the edge of the bed, pulling off her shoes, while Y/N flopped onto the mattress with a sigh of contentment.
"What a day," Y/N said, stretching out.
Jenna nodded, lying down beside him. "Yeah, it was. But it was a good day."
Y/N turned to face her, his expression softening. "Jenna, I meant what I said earlier. I can't wait for all the moments we'll share. You make everything better."
Jenna's heart swelled with love. She reached out, caressing his cheek. "You do the same for me, Y/N. I love you."
"I love you too," Y/N replied, leaning in to kiss her softly.
They lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, the warmth of their love and the promise of their future enveloping them. The night was quiet, the only sounds the gentle hum of the house settling and the soft whispers of their shared dreams.
As they drifted off to sleep, Jenna felt a deep sense of peace. She knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, their love a beacon guiding them through any storm.
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seikosas · 2 months
JellyCat Worker!Ellie hcs + scenarios
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sypnosis: ellie works at a jellycat diner
contains: fluff , sfw, ellie x reader, jesse & joel mentioned, ellie is a college student and so is reader, reader is a babysitter
a/n: I got this idea bc I've been seeing so many jellycat worker vids on my fyp and I thought it'd be cute if ellie worked as one! I hope yall know the tiktok vids I'm referencing :,)
jellycatworker!ellie who decided to take this job because Joel told her she needed to get a real job to learn more about 'being responsible'.
jellycatworker!ellie who begged jesse to apply to the jellycat diner with her because she didn't wanna do this alone.
"I'll finally give you Dina's number if you work with me."
"..... alright."
"fuck yeah!"
jellycatworker!ellie who actually ended up enjoying her job, but doesn't admit it because she thinks it's kind of embarrassing.
"All right, Here you go! One pizza for you, next customer!"
jellycatworker!ellie who's face went completely pale when she saw you. the girl from her english lit class, and also the girl she's been pining over for months, coming in with a kid.
"Hi! What can I get for you tod- today?" ellies voice squeaks at the last word of the sentence, and you bit your lip, in hopes to surpress your laugh. God, this was off to a great start.
"Amelie, honey. What do you want?" you say to the kid, which ellie now knows name is Amelie. "uhh, I want a hotdog please!" the kid says with a beaming smile. "One hotdog for Amelie, coming right up!"
jellycatworker!ellie who got right to pretending to cook the hotdog on the imaginary grill, determined to make this a fun experience for the kid. And hopefully... for you too.
jellycatworker!ellie who started getting nervous because she realized your eyes never left her from the minute she started 'cooking'.
When she was done, she finally made eye contact with you giving you the bag, "Here you go! One hot god- HOT. DOG." her eyes widen at her mistake, and you laugh loudly while taking the bag from her hands. If her whole body wasn't already burning before, it definitely is now.
Even though she was embarassed she couldn't deny that your laugh sounded like honey to her ears. You give the bag to the kid who excitedly grabbed it from your hands. "Thanks so much, Ellie!" you say as you reach out the payment for the toy.
"Yeah, no problem- Wait. You know who I am?" she asks confused. "Of course, we go to the same class right?" you knew who she was? Whatever God is up thtere she was thanking them for this moment. "Uhmm yeah, I just didn't know you knew who I was." she shyly rubs the back of her neck. "I always see you. I've just been... too shy to approach I guess." She stares at you in shock for a long minute, then you finally say something.
" well, it was nice talking to you, Ellie. Thank you again!" And before you turn around she freaks out and grabs a jellycat, "Wait! Uhh, you forgot this." You turned around to see her reaching her hand out with the pink macaron-shaped plushie.
"Oh, uhh, her mom actually only gave us enough money for the hotdog-" she interrupts you before you could even complete the sentence "It's on the house, uhm, For you." she doesn't even look at you while she says this.
You smile at her awkwardness, taking the plushie as she continues to avoid eye contact. Then she feels you slip something into her fingers, a card. She finally looks at you, then the card. It was your number, "Text me sometime. If you want." you hastily add that last part, "I want too." you're smile widens even more when you heard her reply with such speed.
"Well, okay. Bye, Ellie!" you wave your hand and so does Amelie, "Bye, Emmiee!" She lets out a chuckle at the kid getting her name wrong.
When you're finally out of her peripheral vision, she lets out the breath she didn't even know she was holding in, "Oh, wow. What the hell was that." Jesse laughs. Ellie turns around to find where the voice is coming from, "The fuck? How long have you been watching."
"Oh, I watched the whole thing." He grins while ellie hides her face from embarrassment.
jellycatworker!ellie who held on to the business card you gave her with your number on it for the rest of her shift.
jellycatworker!ellie who definitely texted you immediately after her shift ended.
a/n: I hope you guys enjoyed this! This is my first headcannons-type post so idk if its good🥲🥲 also idk if someone already wrote about the idea of ellie working at a jellycat diner so pls tag the user if someone already did!!
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fanficwriters-posts · 7 months
Ahhh, I'm so excited you take requests :D
Anywho, I'd love to see a oneshot/some headcanons (whichever you are more comfortable with) of a beach day w/hiro if possible :3
Of course i can! 🤗
Beach day w/Hiro
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Gif not mine
This is if it's his first time at the beach. Idk if he likes the beach because i haven't been watching the series for so long 😔
Let's just say that it was somewhat a blast.
Hiro is not a fan of going outside, especially during a very hot day in the summer.
Honey Lemon or Fred would be the first to suggest everyone into going to the Beach.
Of course, Hiro would say no. But not to you obviously.
You wanted to spend time with everyone at the Beach and Cass will definitely be invited if it weren't for her working at the Lucky Cat Cafe all day.
Hiro wanted to spend time with everyone, too. Especially you.
If he wanted a study date, it'd be you and him in his room or at the library in the campus.
It'll take a bunch of convincing for you to ask him to agree to the fun Beach day and it works.
Since he hasn't been outside in a while, his swimming trunks is too small to fit so you guys went out shopping for swimming suits and stuff.
Honey Lemon and Gogo are on food.
Wasabi on... Literally anything that protects you from getting a sunburn or from drowning.
While you, Hiro and Fred went into Sports store to buy swimming equipments.
Just in case if there are any danger, Hiro already prepared their underwater supersuits.
Hiro will definitely wear something red or purple to go with his tanktop or white t-shirt.
You even bought Baymax a red one.
And you'd find something to match with him because you guys like to match things.
Fred will probably buy a monster themed swimming tube... Or two.
Once everyone are done shopping, It's time to head to the Beach!
When i tell you Hiro flinched when he set his bare foot on the hot sand, he did.
He jumped right into you with his foot up. It takes a couple of minutes before he gets used to the hot sand.
Honey Lemon will definitely carry a camera around to capture any wholesome or memorable moments of all of you together.
Wasabi will be the first to put on sunscreen and prepare the layouts for the best beach day.
Fred will have his butler put his sunscreen on for him with the monster themed swimming tube on him already.
Gogo will either lay back on the beach chair under the umbrella or go out swimming with the rest of the group.
Honey Lemon and you will be ready for an underwater adventure or collect seashells together.
Hiro will sometimes be mischievous and would scare you while you're underwater. But he made a laugh out of it.
Sometimes, you find Fred swimming gracefully in the background and wonder if he ever take swimming lessons or not.
You guys would play Chicken fight together. You on Gogo, Hiro on Fred.
You guys would playfully splash each other or throw each other into the water for fun. Don't worry, no one got hurt.
When it's food time, Wasabi and Gogo are behind the griller, making hotdogs and burgers. Honey Lemon will bring the cooler full of beverages and soda from the car.
All seven of you settle down and eat before it was time to hit the water again and have fun.
But, it wasn't all fun for Hiro after a while.
He worries that a villain might strike at any moment since it's a warm, sunny day and everyone has their guards down.
You'd most likely be the first to notice and reassure him.
You laugh wholeheartedly as Fred tackle Wasabi into the water and they both swim together. You're holding a drink in your hands and just finished eating your hotdog. You watch as everyone have fun but a certain raven haired boy did not. You turn to your left and saw that Hiro was in deep thoughts while he gaze into the warm sand. You stand up from the beach chair and approach him. "Hey, you alright, Hiro?" You ask him softly. He perks up at the sound of your voice and look up to you, his eyes squinting to block the sun. "Yeah. It's just... I don't know. I'm worried i guess." He replied reluctantly as you sit down beside him on the sand. "Why? Is something wrong?" You ask again, setting down your soda/juice on the sand. Hiro watches you sit down before he look down to his feet. "We're out here having fun. Don't get me wrong, i love that we are having a blast. But isn't it just weird that no one has attacked, yet?" He tells you. You could only smile warmly and place your hand on his shoulder. "It's summer and a very hot day, too. I doubt that any villain would attack in broad daylight under a hot sunny day like this. Noodle burger boy would probably overheat, Globby would probably melt, and High Voltage would be super tired dancing under the sun all day. The rest? They're too pro to attack in the daylight. So, you don't have to worry." You chuckled as you spoke to him. He chuckle in amusement and nod his head in agreement to your statement. "You're right. I guess i shouldn't worry too much. Thanks, (Name)." He says, grinning from ear to ear. "You're welcome, Hiro." You say.
After that, you guys join the other to swim while Baymax had to stay back to watch your stuff.
The sun was almost setting and the sky is almost orange.
You and Honey Lemon grab your buckets and little shovels to find any seashells you can find before you guys leave.
When Hiro watch you and Honey Lemon find seashells, he couldn't help but admire your beauty.
The way the crashing waves and wind make your slightly damp hair sway, your calm and soft expression while you dig a seashell out of the sand, and the way the sun compliments your complexion and your figure. It almost as if you're giving out this warm aura.
He'll definitely take you on Beach dates from now on. Just not everyday, once a month or once in two weeks.
In order to capture this moment, he grab Honey Lemon's camera and took a picture of you from where he sit.
After everyone are pleased with their quality time with each other, they call it a day and pack everything up before driving back to their homes in Wasabi's car.
He'll demand everyone to clean their sandy feet before going in though. He doesn't want any to get into his car.
Hiro, Baymax and you are dropped off at the Lucky Cat Cafe and you three went inside, clearly exhausted.
Aunt Cass must've slept early since she didn't appear to greet but at least she made dinner for you guys.
The three of you went into Hiro's room and put Baymax in his charging station. The two of you, exhausted and sorta tanned from the sun.
Thankfully, you guys already took a shower and changed in the communal shower at the Beach.
Girls first and then the boys, of course.
Once your bodies lay on Hiro's bed, you two went straight to sleep while Honey Lemon sends you two copies of the photos you guys have taken together.
Let's just say that, Hiro really enjoys his first time at the Beach with his group of friends.
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awoogayanderes · 2 months
➪ sypnosis : the nine of you come together for the first time to discuss the basics of this game
➪ other notes : i’m so sorry for the very late updates, it’s just been so hard to balance out my life lately and find inspiration to write, BUT I REFUSE TO LET THIS STORY DIE OUT !!! ( non edited sorry :P )
➪ between the floors masterlist
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“sorry, do any of you know where I might happen to find a bathroom here ?” 3rd floor k-pop guy said. you didn’t need to go yesterday but right now, being able to just urinate would mean everything to you. “there’s no pisser,” 2nd floor blondie says. your eyes widen, do they just expect all of you to hold your bladder ? 2nd floor goes to the hot dog stand throwing a hotdog at third floor, but it was plastic.
2nd floor blondie goes to tap the other stands. “nothing is real, everything is plastic,” you walk up to the several stands just to confirm, she was right, everything was just fake, like a movie set. everyone checks a different area, no other doors opened, there was just nothing. “so does this mean the bathrooms are fake too ?” 3rd floor k-pop guy says. “i’m afraid so,” 7th floor glasses responds, sighing.
“It seems they must have removed the existing plumbing.” he continues. “what’s the point of putting so much effort in all of this if they can’t even provide basic plumbing for us,” you say, crossing your arms. “same goes for our uniforms, they look classy at first, but there's no real substance,” 7th floor says. “they could've at least given us real pockets, it’s so silly. they’re just outlines,” 5th floor says.
“i didn't know where to put my key so I thought maybe... sticking it in my boxers was the best choice for now.” you can’t help but smile at 3rd floor’s honesty. you had put your keycard in the strap of your bra.“but, uh, what do we do without toilets ?” 4th floor white knight asks. “you know, i figured we'd just be here for a day. So I bought those waste bags that campers and truckers use.” 1st floor says.
“You leave it in your room ?” 4th floor asks. “well, we can't take anything we buy in our rooms outside, so I guess so. so that means we'll just be buying them each day. plus, they all cost way more than normal,” that’s when your eyes widen. “wait you already bought stuff ?” you ask. “you haven’t ?” 8th floor ray of sunshine asks, his face in surprise. “no, i didn’t want to risk anything,” you respond.
there’s a sense of embarrassment you have, thinking that you had this game figured out, obviously not. “nevertheless, we might not have to follow that course of action. there is another way.” 7th floor says, looking at the clock behind him. "’items to be used outside the room can be purchased in the square via the intercom in the common area. a special rate will still apply.’ rule book, second paragraph, somewhere on the fourth page.” 7th floor continues.
did he…did he memorize the rule book ? “are you sure we should buy stuff together ? what if it's even more expensive in the square ? what’s the rate ?” 4th floor asks, it was a bit nerve-wracking. “we know that the rate in our rooms is multiplied by a hundred, which means the showrunners don't want us to access too many resources.” 7th floor replies, it’s almost eerie how he has this figured out.
“anything we buy in our rooms has to stay there, or we'll be penalized. and there's a big delivery chute here. therefore, i’m going to assume they want us to buy things together.” yeah, for sure eerie. “well, maybe we should buy something, then. it’ll be like a test.” 5th floor suggests. “do we have to ? i’m kind of scared. what if we pay a ton, but we don't realize it ?” 4th floor white knight replies.
“we could try something small, something you can find at a corner store,” you suggest. “how about we all take a vote on it ? it’s only fair. what do you think ?” 7th floor says, you nod in agreement. “why waste time doing a damn vote ? let’s just try it.” 8th floor ray of sunshine says, before any of us could react, he walks up to the phone. “malboro reds, down to the square. a lighter, too.” he says.
“what the hell ? the fuck you think you're doing, dude ?” 2nd floor speaks up. “what ? we were gonna buy shit anyway.” 8th floor ray of sunshine replies. you suck in a breath, scared of the outcome. just a few seconds later, the chute opens, revealing a lighter and a pack of cigarettes.“oh ! the time just went down. as soon as we got the pack, the scoreboard blinked, and it changed.” 1st floor says.
“how much did it go down ?” 7th floor asks. “it was 30 minutes, now it’s 28.” only two minutes ? “that means in the square, we purchase items with time itself, not money, like in our rooms.” 7th floor says. you partially regret not buying anything your first night. “how much do a pack of Marlboros and lighter ?” 7th floor asks. “five thousand. malboro reds are 4,500 won, a lighter is 500 won, so 5,000.”
3rd floor’s response was quick, he was probably a heavy smoker to remember the exact prices. well you had no right to judge. the group then discusses whether or not your personal money was spent. 4th floor white knight runs down the stairs, screaming “the price money’s the same !” you wonder if it would have made a huge difference, there was a ‘special rate’ but you hadn’t bought anything.
“then, using the share chute, we can buy everything we need,” 1st floor says. “and when the time runs out ?” 8th floor sunshine says as he started smoking his cigarette he had just bought. “i don’t think they’ll give us more time on a whim once we run out of it,” you say. “if we blow it all on shopping sprees, it’ll go too fast and the show’ll be over,” sunshine states. “that’s correct,” 7th floor says.
“…but when i look around and see the size of this place, and the prize money…i doubt they built all this just to kick us out after a day or two,” he continues. “rich people hate spending money, though.”whilst 2nd floor was right, money creates money. “but once you have everything you need and want in the world, what else can you spend money on ?” you ask. “shit. my ass is too poor to think that way,”
“first off, i think we should sit down as a group, and discuss what to buy, only the essentials okay ?” 7th floor diverts the attention back onto what’s important. seems like he’ll be the brains here. you want to die during the long minutes you guys discuss what to mutually buy. body lotion ? no. pillows ? no. pens and paper ? no. sanitary pads ? well that’s a necessity all women need.
“what about buckets ? they can be like makeshift toilets,” you propose. 7th floor looks at you before nodding. “i agree,” finally, you all decide the products you’d buy together. nine plastic buckets, nine rolls of toilet paper, five packs of pads, five garbage bags, five packs of cigarettes. “then these are our toilets ?” third floor asks. “yeah,” third floor runs off frantically.
and with that everyone scatters to their business, you’re immediately relieved when you urinate into the bright colored bucket. when you open your door and peek out, there’s no one outside. there’s almost an eerie feeling to it, none of you really knew what was going on. how is the group supposed to get more time ? you close the door, sighing. you look at your increasing scoreboard, time is money.
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taglist : @thepinktiredfreak @xdarkestdesirex
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merrybloomwrites · 2 months
Spencer Agnew - First Vacation
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Summary: A camping vacation with Spencer is exactly what you need, even if it's unexpected.
Word Count: 522
When Spencer mentioned that he was planning a vacation for the two of you to go on, the last thing you expected was camping.
Sure, you’d gone a couple of times growing up, but always staying in cabins with running water. And Spencer? The typical gamer who spent most of his life inside? You never thought he’d willingly go on a camping trip, much less plan one. 
But he seems so sure this is what he wants that you find yourself fully on board. You spend a lot of time planning together, borrowing supplies from friends and going on a couple trips to the local camping store to get everything else you need. 
The planning process alone proves to be a fun experience with Spencer, and by the time you’re loading the car, you’re extremely excited for this new adventure. 
You leave your apartment early in the morning, heading to Spencer’s to pick him up. He loads the last of the supplies and the two of you set off, road trip playlist that you made together giving the perfect soundtrack. It takes some time to get out of the city, and once you do your excitement amps up another notch. 
It’s a couple hours drive, and you fill the time sharing stories. You’ve never had so much free time together, and it’s nice to just talk. There’s no stress, no deadlines, just the open road with the promise of three work free days. 
Spencer gives you directions to the campsite he’d chosen, and you’re immediately impressed. It’s a perfect spot with a beautiful view. 
You set everything up together, working seamlessly with plenty of jokes being thrown around. Neither of you take life too seriously, and that’s the beauty of your relationship. Everything you do together is fun.  
After a couple hours exploring the nearby woods you decide it’s time for dinner. The first three attempts at starting a fire don’t go so well, but Spencer finally gets it going. The typical camp meal of hotdogs and smores hits the spot, and by the time it’s cleaned up the sun has set. 
It gets cool at night, and with the fire dying out you start to shiver. Without a word, Spencer takes off his hoodie, handing it to you. 
You thank him and put it on, noticing a look in his eyes. 
“What?” You ask, wondering why he’s looking at you like that. 
“Nothing. Just love seeing you in my clothes,” he answers. The two of you share a heated look before crashing your lips together in a passionate kiss. The setting is so serene, the only light coming from the fire and the stars, the only sound coming from the crickets chirping nearby.
After a few minutes of getting lost in one another’s touch, you pull back for air. 
“Thank you for planning this,” you say. “It’s been nice to totally unplug.”
“I agree. Which is something I never thought I’d say,” Spencer replied with a laugh. “I never thought I’d be happy to be completely away from the internet, but out here with you, there’s no place I’d rather be.”
AN: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed these ficlets. I have so many Smosh oneshots planned for the fall so I hope you'll bear with me on a brief hiatus so I can finish these longer stories. I have lots good ideas, and have received a plethora of Spencer and Ian requests that are fantastic so I've been having a blast working on them. I'll post an update soon with the schedule of what will go up on which days!
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forthebeidous · 4 months
Filthy fast food
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‼️Warnings‼️: food play, noncon, voyeurism, semi public, f!reader x choso
If you want more, like and tell me what you want to see next. I’ll write for everything besides pisskink, age play, and I won’t write about minors (unless they’re aged up). I’ll do any character from any fandom!
My coworker and I waited patiently inside the food truck as boredom overtook. We refrain from socializing, just staring at our phones. I have no idea why I’m staring at mine. I have no internet or text. It’s just an excuse to avoid conversation. “You’ve been staring at the weather app for 20 minutes” The familiar voice interrupts my thoughts. “I was just waiting for my friend to text back.” I reply like he’s stupid. “Liar” he mumbles and it pisses me off, I huff, cursing him in my mind. Without notice I feel his warm breath graze my neck. He stares at me with a smirk, a smirk that makes me want to shove his face in the sizzling fry oil. “What’s the matter sweetheart? You’re red” he states, snarky. “It’s hot in here.” I attempt a nonchalant expression but as his smirk grows its obvious I failed. He stands an inch from me and my breath heavies, Choso chuckles. I go to push him away but before my palms can make contact with his abdomen he grabs them and spins me around. He has a firm grip on my wrists behind my back, like a juvenile. Before I can react I’m shoved against the serving area where customers order. My head peaking between the curtains. “Let go of me.” I try to say sternly but it projects as a breathy whine. He pushes me harder against it. I suck in a cry due to the stings in my lower rib cage. Choso strips my panties from beneath my skirt. When I make an attempt to look back I’m met with a tug to my hair. Guiding my face forward. But not before I witnessed him pocket my underwear. “Fucking perv.” I mumble. I hear spit before I feel a something probe my entrance. It then penetrates my fleshy walls as I gasp. “C-Cho what m’fuck.” I cry out. “Hush. Maybe this will teach you the importance of honesty.” He says as if he’s innocent. He thrust the item in me as tears paint my flushed cheeks. Shit. A customer approaches. “C-~ choso stop” I whisper yell before the customer is in earshot. The woman then stares at the menu, not making eye contact yet. Choso continues his abuse on my lower lips, as he speeds up. “Evening” The lady greets as her gaze meets mine. “I’d like to keep it simple with a new york style hot dog and some fries.” She orders. “yes m’am that…” I pause. “That will be 8 dollars and 7 cents. m’cash or card?” I finally finish. She looks at me funny but pulls out her phone and uses Apple Pay. “one moment.” I close the decorative curtains and look back at Choso. “stop that! I need to make her order” I whisper and he pulls out. He hands me a hot dog wiener. It takes me a moment to process where he pulled it from. I look at him shocked. “You are disgusting.” I say to him glaring. “you love it.” He flirts. I scrunch my nose. He places the hotdog wiener into a bun and puts some fries in a bag with it. “We can’t give this to her.” I respond in horror. But before I can stop him he snatched the bag and hands it to the lady outside. “Have a nice day.” He says to her with a smile. MONSTER.
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legolasghosty · 9 months
kiss out of spite for willex plz and thank you (if this isn't too late I'm so behind lol)
You are absolutely not too late!!! I'm just very behind, lol! Hope you enjoy!
"Hey Hotdog," Willie says as he slides onto the bench beside his boyfriend, his board under his arm.
"Hi," Alex responds, that familiar smile crossing his face as he leans in to peck them gently on the mouth in greeting. "How was the ride over?"
"Great, all the dogs are out!" Willie answers. One of the things that makes this cafe one of his and Alex's date spots is that it's not too far to walk (or skate) to from either of their apartments. And the warm, spring weather makes it an easy place to meet up.
Alex laughs. "Oh I know, Reggie hasn't stopped texting the guys and I pictures all day."
Willie claps a hand to his chest in mock offense. "And he hasn't sent any to me?! I thought we were friends."
"Nope, you've been spared the spam of puppy pictures, he definitely likes you more than me," Alex argues lightly.
"What, you don't appreciate him sharing the cuteness of his day with you?" Willie teases.
The barista calls out Alex's name before the drummer can reply. Alex holds up a finger, as if to say Hold that thought, then rises and heads for the counter. Willie glances towards the menu board. Right, cafe, he should probably get something. They wonder if that new chocolate thing comes in decaf.
"Okay, I got one of the berry lemonades and one of this dutch chocolate mocha," Alex says, placing a tall glass and a large mug on the table. "Which do you want?"
Willie feels their face warming as they realize that Alex ordered drinks for both of them. "Um, I'm good with either," he says, trying to translate the way his heart skips a beat into a smile Alex can read. "Thank you."
Alex groans playfully. "Look, we both know I can't make decisions, so pick a drink, Covington." He sits down on the bench beside Willie and nudges both drinks in their direction.
Willie hesitates, glancing back and forth between the cups. "This is decaf, right?" he asks after a second, tapping the rim of the mug.
"Yep, can't have you going hyper or me throwing up," Alex confirms.
"I'll try that one then," Willie decides, wrapping both hands around the hot ceramic and lifting it.
"Perfect," Alex declares, taking a sip of the lemonade. "You'll have to tell me if it's good though, looked interesting."
"Will do." Willie takes a sip of the beverage, recoiling slightly when it burns their tongue. "Thank you," they repeat.
"Of course," Alex says, though the pink in his cheeks betrays his casual tone. "Gotta keep my partner well hydr-" He cuts himself off, probably realizing that drinking coffee is the opposite of hydrating. "Happy to," he finishes after a second.
Willie lets it go, since Alex already seems embarrassed. "So about all those dog pictures Reggie sent you," they hint instead, raising an eyebrow.
Alex chuckles, seeming glad for the change of topic. "What, you want to see them that bad?" he questions, incredulous. "There's a lot of them."
"Gimme!" Willie declares, reaching for the pocket of Alex's pink hoodie, where his phone usually resides.
"Okay okay okay," Alex giggles, holding up one hand in surrender while grabbing the device with the other.
He unlocks it and leans closer so Willie can see the screen. Feeling brave, Willie wraps an arm around his waist to guide him even closer. Alex's ears are turning pink, but he carefully slips his own arm around Willie's shoulders.
"So..." Alex hums, scrolling back through the Sunset Curve group chat on his phone, past dozens of pictures and messages. "Yeah all of this is from today," he continues, still scrolling. "But here's the first one I think."
Willie coos at the blurry picture of a couple of golden labs wrestling near a playground. Next is a spaniel on a walk with their human. Then a dog walker being nearly dragged across the sidewalk by four dogs of various sizes. Willie laughs at that one.
Alex scrolls down to the next one, but someone loudly clearing their throat pulls both of their attention away from the screen. On the other side of their table stands a tall, white man in jeans and a flannel shirt. He also has a very deep frown on his face.
"Hey, what's up?" Willie asks cautiously. He feels Alex's arm tense around his shoulders.
"What's 'up'," the guy snaps, putting air quotes around the second word, "is that you two are being all rowdy over here and bothering my family."
The guy has a slight southern accent, but the look on his face is anything but hospitable. Willie glances across the cafe to see a woman and three kids, probably all under the age of 10, a few tables away. The kids are making more noise than he and Alex were though.
"Sorry," Alex says quickly. "We weren't trying to, we'll be quieter."
The guy doesn't seem satisfied by that, which doesn't surprise Willie. They're pretty sure they know what this is actually about.
"You'd better get real quiet," the man says, taking a step closer. "I don't need you people exposing my kids to all your unnatural tenancies."
Willie feels Alex shrinking into their side and resists the urge to punch this guy in the face. Sure, they're both well aware that jerk homophobes are everywhere. But right now? Really? Alex is barely back from having to spend a weekend with his homophobic parents for a family reunion. Can't this jerk just mind his own business?
"With all due respect," Willie responds, his tone icy, "I think your kids aren't going to be eternally traumatized by me and my boyfriend being on a date while they're drinking hot chocolate in the same cafe. Please leave us alone."
"You people got some nerve," the man growls, one fist clenching.
Willie slides the hand that isn't on Alex's waist into his pocket, reaching for his pepper spray.
"Sure, we have guts," Alex cuts in, startling both the man and Willie. "But not because we're doing anything wrong. We're brave for still being out here when people like you are here too. People who want us dead just because we're queer."
Willie feels a rush of pride for his boyfriend in his chest. They know just how much Alex has had to fight against the homophobia drilled into him from an early age. They know all about how much pain it causes him when his parents continue to pretend that he isn't gay. They know how terrifying these situations are for the both of them. And Alex is standing up for them anyways.
"Yeah, and we're not going anywhere," Willie adds, feeling Alex's trembling. "It's not like being gay is anything new. It's just a part of humanity, whether you like it or not. So you might as well give up and leave us alone, because your big man act is just pathetic." He channels every bit of his dad into that last sentence. "Now either leave us be or we'll call the cops."
The guy splutters for a minute, then storms off. Alex just stares after him for a long moment, then turns to Willie with a nervous smile.
"You okay?" the drummer asks, brushing a strand of hair away from their face.
"Yeah, you?" Willie responds, catching Alex's hand with their own.
Alex nods. "I think so. I just wasn't really expecting that I guess."
"Me either," Willie says, taking in a deep breath.
He glances back over at the man's table to see him snapping at his kids to finish their drinks so they can leave. They can't help the smirk that pulls at their lips. The two of them did that. They stood up to that jerk and drove him off. Together.
"You did great," he tells Alex, squeezing his hand.
"Right back at you," Alex chuckles, his smile growing a bit. The drummer steals a look over at the other table as well. "Geez, sucks to be that guy's kids," he comments.
"Yeah," Willie agrees sadly. "Maybe he'll get better?"
Alex just shakes his head. Willie wonders if he reminded the drummer of his dad at all. But now isn't for thinking about jerks, they tell themself. Today is for having fun and being back together.
"Hey, you wanna tick that dude off a bit more?" Willie asks, raising an eyebrow and grinning.
Alex huffs a laugh. "Depends, what did you have in mind?"
Instead of verbally answering, Willie moves his arm from Alex's waist to cup the back of his neck. They move in closer, pausing a few inches away from his face to wait for an answer. Alex smirks and closes the distance between them in a warm, solid kiss.
Willie lets go of Alex's hand to cup his jaw as the drummer's fingers slide into their hair. It's firm and steady and it's not long before they're both smiling too much to keep kissing. The glare the homophobe shoots them as he herds his family out the door just makes them laugh.
"I missed you," Alex breathes into the space between them. "I know I wasn't actually gone for that long, but..."
"I get it," Willie responds softly. "I missed you too."
They separate fully after another minute. Willie's coffee is getting cold, but they don't really mind. "So my place after this?" he suggests. "We can get takeout for dinner and watch some cheesy gay romcom or something?"
"Sounds perfect," Alex agrees.
The End
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otp-holic · 2 years
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Center for Brooklyn History. Two men at Coney Island. Not dated. circa 1932
Matilda's e-mail finds Steve home alone, and he takes a deep breath before clicking it open. 
I think I found another one, the subject reads.
Getting a message from the Center of Brooklyn History always stops his heart for a second wondering what to expect after the image or document loads. 
They've become good friends with Matilda, one of the researchers who keeps squinting through the archives to find the scattered pieces of their past. Of the people they were.
When the picture loads, Steve realizes she's right, she found another one. An important one.
Steve is looking at a picture of the exact moment he decided to accept Bucky's offer to move in with him after his ma died.
It was a Friday, barely five days after they buried her, and Bucky collected his paycheck and forced him to go to Coney Island with him to eat a hotdog and get some air.
He remembers the smiling photographer walking around the lines trying to get people to take a picture, and Bucky agreeing to even though they both knew they'd never be able to afford actually picking it up a few days later.
Bucky's hand on his shoulder told Steve it was an excuse to keep him closer to him. To touch him how he wanted where it was forbidden, and his own gut reaction was to hug him as tight as he could.
It was just an instant, and they stepped away from each other the second the photographer moved to the next people in line (a boy and a girl their age who were laughing and holding hands), but it was enough.
Enough for Steve to want to smile for the first time in days, and enough for him to know that being alone was stupid and pointless. That they were better together. Bucky was his family, and he didn't want to spend more time fighting it out of mere stubbornness.
"I'll move in, Buck," he told him right away, looking into his eyes and seeing that beautiful, wide, smile directed at him. "But we're not sleeping on those pillows on the floor."
"We can share the bed like adults, and leave the extra pillows for fighting like when we were children,"  he answered, hugging him briefly, and patting his back.
The closest to a public kiss they could have back then.
Steve hits the reply button with a smile on his lips, and a little mist on his eyes, but the sound of the key on the door distracts him for a second, and Bucky’s answer appears in his inbox (“That’s us, indeed, Matilda, thank you again. You can title this one “A stubborn punk finally coming into his senses.”) at the same time he comes into the apartment.
“I’m home, you punk,” he says from afar. “Have you seen Mat’s mail, right? I think I was looking at the ground to avoid spending the night in jail for kissing the hell out of those lips. I swear I can still feel your arms around my waist.”
Steve leaves the phone on the counter and goes find him. The fact that he can kiss Bucky in the open now doesn’t mean he can’t do it at their home, too.
A stubborn punk comes to his senses also over AO3
For @stuckybingo O4 Pillowfight TR4061. It was fun to revisit this universe even f only just briefly.
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t-h-e-seance-tua · 6 months
I'm sorry (JATP One shot)
So here we go, turns out this has been sitting in my google drive for a while. I found it last night and finished it off. It might seem a little rushed, but time passes differently when you are in danger.
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What actually happened after Luke, Alex, and Reggie ate those street dogs?
It was the tingling in his hands he noted first, it had started not long after he grabbed the hot dog.
He wished he hadn’t ignored it.
If he hadn’t, he wouldn’t be in this situation right now.
He was kneeling beside Alex, who was screaming in pain. He was the first affected. He said his throat felt funny only one bite into the hot dog, now his throat was being burnt.
“Can someone call 911!” Luke tried to call out, but was starting to feel his own throat starting to burn. He watched as the man who had sold him the hotdogs pulled out his cell phone.
“Alex, hang on. They will be here soon!” Luke tried to comfort him. Alex didn’t reply, he couldn’t reply. He was curled up on his side, clutching his stomach. Suddenly, he began violently vomiting with no signs of stopping. He continued vomiting until splashes of red turned into a river of red.
“The hot dogs must have h-had battery acid on them,” Reggie said behind Luke. Luke turned to look at him and noticed he had started sweating. Luke could tell that Reggie wasn't okay, that the front he was seeing was fake. A pit started forming in Luke’s stomach as he realised this was serious. Luke tried to form words but suddenly was overtaken by a stabbing pain in his stomach. It came on so suddenly and painfully that he let out a scream.
“Luke!” Reggie yelled, worried for his friend. Luke tried to take deep breaths, to tame the pain but it didn't work. Instead, he put on a fake smile to make sure he didn't worry Reggie.
This can't be happening
“I'm all good, go, grab my drink. Quickly rinse your mouth out.” Luke told him, hoping it would rid Reggie's mouth of the battery acid.
Reggie nodded his head. He went to stand up but instead crumbled onto his knees before falling forward.
“Reggie!” Luke called out before making his way over, clutching his side. Reggie never responded. He felt down to Reggie’s chest and noted that it was rising and falling very slowly.
How was this happening? What was going on?
Luke tried shaking Reggie awake but he wouldn’t stir. He desperately tried pushing himself up from the ground to try and get back to Alex who had also fallen silent. His arms shook before his body collapsed onto the cold, damp street.
His mind began to run through everything. Everything he regretted. This was meant to be the biggest night of the career, of their lives. Instead, the young boy was lying face down in the dirty street, praying the pain would stop.
Why did he have to be so stubborn with his mom? He knew she only wanted what was best for him. After all, he was her only child.
Oh my god, mom.
Luke had suddenly had the realisation that he could quite possibly die on this street, and his mom would never know. His mom; the one that brought him into this world. The one that coaxed him from across the living room to take his first steps. The one that held tightly onto his hand as he walked into school on his first day. The one that bought him his first guitar. The one that had been there when Shirley, Luke’s first love, had broken his heart. The one who wanted the best life for Luke. The one that was worried that playing in a band wouldn’t support him enough on his own. His mother.
An anguished sob escaped his chest that hurt even more than the battery acid in his throat. He was so caught up in his thoughts he hadn’t even noticed the figure walking towards him.
“Hey kid. You’re okay,” The figure tried to comfort him. The figure mimed taking in deep breaths, which Luke mimicked and stopped his sobbing. “What’s your name kid?”
“Luke,” He whispered, trying his best to curl up in a ball hoping to relieve the pain in his stomach.
“Luke, don’t you worry. We are going to get you sorted.” The figure said to him. He could feel something placed over his face.
"My mom, I need my mom." He cried again.
“Don’t worry, we will contact her when we get to the hospital,”
“No, she doesn’t know where I am.” He tried to say under the mask. He kept his eyes closed, hoping that when he opened them he would wake up at home. He could feel his body being moved onto something softer, and he gathered that he must have been loaded into the back of an ambulance.
The figure continued checking him over, and asking him questions that seemed silly for the situation.
What's your name? How old are you? What's the date today? What time is it roughly?
Luke laid there in the stretcher, shivering even though he was covered in blankets as the person continued to ask him questions. When there was a lull in the questions, he quickly jumped in.
“The other guys, where are they?” Luke finally got to ask the figure a question.
“They are being looked after by my buddies, don't you worry.”
The figure continued to poke and prod Luke. Just when Luke thought the pain was going away, another wave rippled through. He felt as if it was ripping his throat apart. Was it ripping his throat apart?
He screamed out in pain and tried to desperately roll onto his side, hoping he could curl up and lessen the pain.
“I'm sorry kid, you've got to stay on your back."
“Please make it s-stop, please I'm b-begging you!” He screamed.
“I've already given you morphine, I can't give you anymore.”
“P-Please, I want my mom,” he cried, trying to move out of the figure's grasp.
“Don't you worry kid, she'll be here soon. We are just pulling up to the hospital now.” The figure told him. He could hear the unclicking of seat belts, and parts of a static voice in the background.
“Attention all units that attended Sunset Boulevard. This is an update that one of the patients-”
“Alright kid, let's go,” the figure announced, loud enough to drown out the radio. Luke opened his eyes to see now 2 figures working around him, getting him ready to offload.
“I'm gonna be sick,” Luke whispered, but one of the figures heard him and quickly gave him a bag just in time to catch his stomach's contents. The figures seemed to work quickly now at getting the stretcher out of the truck, and rushing towards a set of doors, all while Luke continued the throw up. He dropped back down onto the bed, closing his eyes. He was too tired to open them as he was wheeled into the emergency room.
“3 young males, found in an alleyway after accidentally ingesting battery acid. This is Luke, he has been alert and oriented the whole time,” The paramedic began to say as Luke felt himself being wheeled in before they dropped their tone, in a way so they hoped that Luke couldn’t hear
“I’ve just received word from the other crews who should be here soon. One of the males has been unconscious and convulsing since they arrived on scene, the other male has died on route here."
If the pain in stomach wasn’t enough, Luke could now feel his heart shattering.
“W-What do you mean they died? They couldn’t have. Who was it?” He yelled. All they did was turn and stare at him. Luke pushed himself up, trying to escape the gurney, only to be pushed back down by much stronger hands.
“Please, son. You can’t get up,” An older male said. “I’m Dr Macburn, I’m going to do all I can to save you and your friend.”
He knew that these words were meant to bring him comfort, but instead he burst into tears as the reality of potential death set in.
“I need my mom, please,” He whispered through tears.
“We are trying to get a hold of your Mom, Luke. Don’t worry, she will be here,” The older Dr said, holding onto the young boy’s hand.
Suddenly and without warning, Luke began to vomit. He screwed his eyes up and quickly turned to his side, trying to rid the bile but finding it hard to breath. He felt a tube go into his mouth and suck what was remaining. When he opened his eyes, he looked down and saw the stain that should have been green from bile was actually red.
He laid back down and sighed.
“Ring theatres, he is going to have a scope and then a laparotomy, to find out what is happening. We will most likely have to perform a tracheotomy too.” Dr Macburn called out to someone else, Luke was too tired to even open his eyes to see. “I want you to keep a watch on how much blood he vomits. He is obviously bleeding in his gastrointestinal track.”
“Sir, the other kid. I think we are about to lose him too.”
Luke could hear screaming as his mind swam through his thoughts.
What was going on?
Who was the other one on the way?
He didn’t want to think that thought.
Who was the one that had already died?
“You’re okay, you’re safe. Your mom will be here soon,” A voice tried to soothe him, he couldn’t tell where it was coming from, his eyes scrunched closed as if it was going to help stop the pain. The voice grabbed his arms and tried to rub them in a soothing manner. “Please, stop screaming. You’re okay. We are going to take care of you.”
Screaming? Was he screaming? That was when he realised the screams he had heard before were in fact his own.
He opened his eyes to see that a young nurse had been the owner of the voice trying to comfort him. He could see it in her eyes, she was worried for him. Did she think he was going to die?
“Please help me. Please don't let me die. Please,” Luke cried, grabbing the nurse's hand, not wanting her to leave him. “P-Please, I want my mom. She doesn't know where I a-am.”
“We've called your mom, she's on her way. She'll be here soon,” the nurse told him, brushing the hair out of his face.
He closed his eyes, imagining that the hand running through his hair was his mother's. Through his sobs, he let out a little whisper: “I'm so sorry, mom.”
Luke could feel his throat closing, he thought it was because he was about to cry but it wasn’t. No matter how hard he tried, he could not take deep enough of a breath. He opened his scared eyes and tried to look for the comforting voice from before, hoping they would help. As soon as he made eye contact with the nurse who was still trying to comfort him, she knew something was wrong.
“Sir, he’s stopped breathing!”
“We are going to have to perform the tracheotomy now! Grab the equipment!”
He closed his eyes again, trying to forget the pain and drown out the yelling that was happening around him. It was if he could feel how close death was, and he actually was wishing it would happen soon. He questioned every decision he had made in his life that led to this moment; dying alone knowing that at least one of his friends was already dead, and the other on the brink of death too.
It was at this moment, he noted the cold feeling spreading across him, as if it was the grim reaper himself wrapping the poor young boy in his arms.
“Mom, I’m sorry,” was all Luke could whisper as the darkness overtook him.
I apologise for any emotional distress this one shot has caused 😂
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tainoidiot · 2 years
Just a random idea that I thought would be cute, if you don’t mind writing for it. So y’know how in Btas Jonathan and Harley are shown to have a sort of friendship? Well, I could imagine Harley learning about Jonathan’s relationship with the reader and pestering him about it to no end. Can’t really blame her considering Jonathan is, well, not the easiest to close to.
I like to imagine she find out about the relationship by pure accident too, since Jon doesn’t seem like the type to openly discuss his personal business like that. You can add on to this if you want, this is just the basics since this just popped into my head lol
Also heyyyy I'm back in class I hate college
Secret Secrets Are No Fun
BTAS!Johnathan Crane x Reade. Plus Harley!
It was pretty late in the day, yet nothing had happened. Gotham was quiet, not a rogue to be heard. Hell, even the batman decided today he'd take the day off to do.. whatever that guy does. Bruce Wayne seems to be having fun though, maybe he should take a page from his book.
This wouldn't sit with Harley. With Ivy taking the entire day to manage her garden, and the Joker basically kicking her out for the day, what was a woman to do? She'd get kicked out any restaurant, and museums are so boring when you're not particularly in the mood. So a walk will do just fine, "You two want some walkies? Let's see if we can snag some hotdogs for ya!" Harley giggled, Bud and Lou excitedly rushing toward the door and crying in anticipation to begin. They're more like dogs now than Hyenas, she swears..
The funniest thing is, though they don't mean it, some rogues stay in touch. That's definitely the case with her and Johnathan, or as the citizens of Gotham know him as that fucking creep with the potato sack costume the Scarecrow. So why not stop by for a visit? Company is always nice! And Bud and Lou are the sweetest babies, who could say no? Once the trio finally stopped at the corner of his residence, Harley noticed the front door open. Before she went to walk, she saw someone unfamiliar walk out. Probably just a henchman or something, nothing to freak about.
"I'll be right back, okay? I'll pick up dinner for tonight, and if you haven't put down your work before I get back I'm gonna force relaxation on you!" The figure giggled, grabbing Johnathans hands to hold softly in theirs. "I promise, just after I write this one reaction down. I'll have it all put away once you're back." And then, Harley covers her mouth so they don't hear the gasp. THEYRE KISSING? WHAT THE FUCK, IS THIS ALLOWED?
After the stranger walks off, not really even noticing the bright blonde and two giant "dogs", she hops out the bushes and giggled "Johnathan Crane! I didn't realize PDA was on the menu for tonight?" She teased. Johnathan looked at Harley and groaned "Hello, Harley.. it's nothing to concern you." He grumbled, pretty embarrassed that she saw everything. "Oh really?" Harley giggled, waltzing right into the dilapidated room. "What did I say about the Hyenas?!" Johnathans gasped as Bud and Lou pushed past him. "Nothing to concern you." Harley laughed, sitting down on a ripped up couch. "Now, tell me everything! They're such a looker too! So kind and really looks at you the way that softens a cold icy heart." Harley fawns, Johnathan blushing "You think so..?" He quickly closes the door and continues writing in his already cramped journal.
"So.." Harley sprawled herself out "Who was that? I didn't realize you were seeing someone, do they know about your work?" She pestered, Johnathan groaning in annoyance "just a significant.. other" He replied, trying to be as vague as possible. Harley screamed, jumping up and going over to the red head to grab his shoulders "Oh my god! You are dating! For such a long time I thought you had a stick up your ass." She laughed, Johnathan now burning red with embarrassment. "They're awfully attractive, how'd you pull them even? No offense, you're just kinda-" "Don't continue that sentence." He growled. Harley shrugged, grabbing an empty box "Come on, let's clean up. I don't want to be the reason why your Significant Other gets on your ass."
With everything cleaned up and ready for Johnathan's date night (minus the vials Bud may or may not have eaten), the duo plopped onto the couch in exhaustion. "Alright.. Lab is clean. Now would you-" just as Johnathan got up, he heard a few knocks at the door. As the door opens, Harley sees the stranger in all their glory, whistling like a cartoon wolf. "You are quite a looker. Ciao, Johnny!" And just like that, she's off.
".. Was that"
"You know her?"
"I do."
"Huh.. I learn new things about you every day."
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bobbiworks · 10 months
Beyond the Bell's Chimes | Part 33
RIIZE Fanfiction: Wonbin, Seunghan, Eunseok, Sohee, Shotaro, Sungchan, Anton, Original Characters Genre: Teen romance, high school romance, fluff, angst, friendship
The students' go-to spot was a street food stand offering a variety of dishes. Some craved spicy rice cakes, while others opted for bowls of fried rice. The area was bustling with not only students but also other tourists, creating a lively, crowded atmosphere that only added to the fun.
"Looks like Jiwoo!" Seunghan teased, pointing to a soft turtle plushie. Jiwoo looked at him, perplexed. "Since when did I become a turtle?" she raised a brow, but Seunghan handed her the toy. "Am I slow?"
"Sort of?" Seunghan replied, earning a gentle jab to his chest. "Kidding. I just want you to smile a bit more," he said, concerned that she might not be enjoying herself without Wonbin.
"I'm fine, Seunghan. Thank you," Jiwoo reassured him, spotting an empty food stall. "Let's go there," she suggested, walking towards it. Simultaneously, on the other side, Wonbin was heading to the same stall.
"Oh… Hi," Jiwoo smiled, waving at him. "I guess you're thinking the sam—"
"Wonbinie! Let's grab some pizza!" Minseul shouted across the path. Wonbin turned toward her voice, but Jiwoo, knowing his preferences for hotdogs and kimbap, held his hand. "Sorry, I have to go," he said, placing a hand on hers.
Jiwoo tightened her hold, looking at him straight in the eyes. "You… You should eat a lot, okay?" she asked, struggling to push past the lump in her throat. Slowly letting go of his hand, Wonbin took a step back.
As he was about to leave, Seunghan blocked his way. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked quietly, not wanting Jiwoo to overhear.
"Like I said, I am going to give you time to be with her," Wonbin replied.
"This is not what I wanted," Seunghan said, growing agitated. "You're being ridiculous right now. Seriously? Of all the things you can do, avoiding her is not it."
"Then what is it that you want? I already stepped aside, even though I am getting upset…jealous," Wonbin tried to avoid the last word, but Seunghan heard it.
"It's not like I am trying to take her away from you," Seunghan replied with pain in his voice. "This trip is special, so we wanted to make memories together… all of us. Just so you know. I asked you to give me a chance with Jiwoo, but it doesn't mean you have to push her away. That's clearly and plainly stupid of you," he said, bumping Wonbin's shoulder as he walked ahead.
Jiwoo was at another stand buying hotcakes, trying to ignore the fact that Wonbin seemed to be avoiding her. She bought hotdogs and a roll of kimbap to go and ran towards Wonbin, giving him the bag of food.
"Just in case you won't like the pizza," Jiwoo smiled as she handed him the bag. "Sorry if I am being nagging," she said, running back to Seunghan before Wonbin could say a word. He watched Seunghan and Jiwoo walk away from him and later observed his friends hanging out without him.
"So, how's the situation going?" Minseul asked as they headed back to the bus.
"Don't talk to me," Wonbin shot back, mad at himself for falling into Minseul's tactics.
"Jiwoo…" Eunseok called out when he saw Jiwoo walking back to her bus with Suyoung. He jogged towards her, pulled her hand to him, and placed a couple of hotpacks in her hand. "Just in case you get cold," he said.
Suyoung, Sohee, and even other classmates who witnessed the gesture cooed in excitement, teasing Jiwoo, who was surprised to receive such a gesture from him. "Thanks, oppa," she smiled shyly. Eunseok simply nodded, ruffled her hair, and was then dragged away by Sungchan back to their bus.
Jiwoo held the hotpacks and put them in her pockets before heading back to her seat. Seunghan carried all their food for the next two hours in a paper bag. He caught eyes with Wonbin, who had exchanged seats with another classmate to avoid Minseul. Though Wonbin was just a few seats away, Seunghan didn't bother to talk to him.
Finally, they arrived at the center. It was a long but worthwhile journey. Students were assigned to their rooms before getting off the bus, following the tradition of girls with girls and boys with boys.
Jiwoo would share a room with Suyoung, Minseul, and two other girls. The room was spacious enough with flat beds on the floor. As usual, Jiwoo and Suyoung would be next to each other, while the others found their spots.
"What are you going to do for after settling up?" Suyoung asked.
"I'll have dinner and probably get some rest," Jiwoo said as she arranged her bed. "I have to return this to Seunghan in case he needs it. I have mine here anyway," she added.
"Are you alright?" Suyoung asked, concerned about how Jiwoo felt after Wonbin had been avoiding her.
"Yes, I am fine," Jiwoo assured. "I am just tired from riding the bus," she said nervously.
"Alright. I might not be with you after dinner because I made plans with Sohee to see the rooftop view," Suyoung explained. "He has been talking about it since last week," she chuckled.
"He must be so excited to take you there," Jiwoo said. "I am jealous," she added, reaching for her friend's hand. "But have fun with your boyf—"
Suyoung immediately slapped her hand onto Jiwoo's face, almost feeling like a slap. Jiwoo gasped, looking at her in shock. "You didn't—" Jiwoo started, and Suyoung screamed as she ran all over the room, even stepping out into the hallway.
"I'm sorry, Jiwoo!" Suyoung laughed, finding it hilarious as she ran amidst the crowd of students idling in the hallway. Jiwoo chased her, ready to playfully retaliate.
Jiwoo navigated the bustling school hallway, determined to catch up with Suyoung, when an unexpected hurdle named Wonbin abruptly blocked her path. The noisy crowd of students seemed to blur into the background as Jiwoo planned to casually walk past him after a simple greeting. However, her strategy hit a roadblock when Wonbin reached out and firmly grasped her hand.
Before Wonbin could articulate his thoughts, a surprise intervened in the form of a pair of arms encircling him from behind. The intruder turned out to be Minseul, who, with a casual intimacy, hugged Wonbin as Jiwoo helplessly watched.
The scene struck Jiwoo like a bolt of lightning, causing an instant pang in her chest. Whatever purpose had driven her to approach Wonbin in the first place faded from her mind as she withdrew from his hold, taking a step back in disbelief.
Minseul, undeterred, suggested, "Wonbin, let's go to the rooftop tonight!" She pressed her cheek against Wonbin, who was visibly stunned by her unexpected boldness. After regaining his composure, he managed to free himself from Minseul's embrace, leaving both girls to process the awkward tableau.
A nearby student couldn't help but vocalize the unfolding drama, exclaiming, "Oh my god… Is this a drama?"
As Wonbin attempted to explain himself, Jiwoo's tear-filled eyes betrayed her emotional turmoil. She stood there, silent and vulnerable, prompting concerned whispers from onlookers.
Attempting to bridge the widening gap, Wonbin stammered, "J-Jiwoo… I can explain." He moved to reach for her, but a sudden slap intercepted his attempt.
Eunseok materialized between them, shielding Jiwoo from Wonbin's proximity. Irritation emanated from him, barely contained as he shot a glare at Wonbin. "Do you still want to talk?" Eunseok's smile carried a subtle menace, challenging Wonbin to justify his actions.
Wonbin, struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events, barely managed a response before Eunseok redirected his inquiry towards Jiwoo. "Shim Jiwoo… Do you still want to talk to him?" Eunseok's tone held a mix of concern and accusation, leaving Jiwoo caught in the storm of emotions that had unfolded before her.
"I-I'm okay," Jiwoo managed to say, summoning strength despite the pieces of her heart scattered within. Eunseok turned towards her, offering his handkerchief and gently turning her away from the disconcerting scene with Wonbin.
"I'll walk you to your room," Eunseok said, maintaining a respectful distance. He accompanied Jiwoo, watching her wipe away tears as if they were mere beads of sweat. "Should I call Miyoung? Suyoung?"
"No, it's okay," Jiwoo replied, offering him a grateful smile. "Thank you."
"I'm just here," Eunseok reassured her.
"Thank you for taking me out from there, but I think I should be by myself for now," Jiwoo said, holding his handkerchief. "I'll return this tomorrow." With that, she entered her room, leaving Eunseok alone in the hallway.
Alone in her room, Jiwoo rushed to her bed, burying herself under the blanket to release the flood of tears she had been holding back.
Meanwhile, Wonbin headed back to his room, only to be intercepted by Seunghan rushing towards him. Without warning, Seunghan's fist met Wonbin's face, sending him sprawling to the floor. The students around them intervened, restraining Seunghan from delivering another blow.
"I warned you," Seunghan growled, his anger palpable. He had heard about the situation from their friends. "You just can't wait and chose to hurt her, huh? I told you… get to your senses, asshole."
As Seunghan walked away, the onlookers could sense the gravity of the situation. It was the first time they had witnessed Seunghan, typically composed, unleashing such fury.
Spotting Minseul smirking in the crowd, Seunghan approached her. "Interesting," she commented, undeterred by the commotion.
Seunghan scoffed, revealing his knowledge of Minseul's less-than-honorable reputation. "Too bad, you are not her, who likes to fool around with men. Yeah, I heard about you, Minseul. I heard all about you."
Minseul, unimpressed, retorted, "She's not going to choose you anyway."
"Are you sure people here will choose you?" Seunghan shot back. "What did Jiwoo ever do to you? I may have feelings for Jiwoo, but it is not up for you to decide." Determined, Seunghan pushed Minseul against the wall.
"I'm not done yet," he declared, unable to contain his anger any longer. "I'm warning you. Stay away from them."
Minseul, unfazed, laughed sarcastically. "Or else what? Gonna beat a girl?"
"No, but I will," Suyoung announced, appearing behind Seunghan. She intervened, pushing him away and confronting Minseul. "I've been eyeing you since this tour began. You should have stayed invisible from everyone's view. Are you that desperate to get attention?"
Frustrated, Minseul pushed Suyoung away, but Suyoung quickly retaliated, grabbing Minseul's hair. "Let me go, you—"
"Finally," Suyoung interrupted, pushing her away. "You're just like those girls I met. I am going to repeat what Seunghan said: stay away from Wonbin and Jiwoo, and keep your hands to yourself." With that, Suyoung dragged Seunghan away from the growing crowd, leaving Minseul seething with anger and embarrassment.
Sohee anxiously waited in the room shared by Seunghan, Wonbin, Sungchan, and Eunseok. While it wasn't allowed, Eunseok, thanks to his parents being the main sponsors of the tour, had managed to secure a room with his friends. As Sohee lay on his bed, the atmosphere tensed when Suyoung walked in, dragging a visibly angry Seunghan with her.
"Why is that jerk here?" Seunghan yelled, his frustration evident. Sohee quickly stepped between them, attempting to ease the tension.
"Calm down, man," Sohee urged, guiding Seunghan to sit on the floor. He then gestured for Wonbin to join them, positioning him next to Sungchan, who was clueless about the unfolding drama.
Wonbin, his lip bruised from Seunghan's punch, felt a heavy weight in the room. Despite the urge to defend himself, he maintained composure, avoiding eye contact with Seunghan.
"Okay, calm down. We don't want Mr. Park to be involved in this fight," Sohee intervened, the only one capable of controlling the two boys. Eunseok, on the other hand, seemed disinterested, still preoccupied with helping Jiwoo.
"Tell that to the jerk," Seunghan spat, earning an approving thumbs-up from Eunseok.
"What did you do?" Sungchan questioned Wonbin, but the latter hesitated to speak, unsure of his place in the unfolding drama.
"He was out publicly having an intimate contact with another girl," Seunghan accused, not giving Wonbin a chance to defend himself.
"I was not! She hugged me!" Wonbin retorted angrily, feeling the weight of the accusations.
"Okay. Let's hear him out. Okay?" Sohee urged, attempting to bring some order before turning to Wonbin. "What really happened?"
"I was just heading back here, and Jiwoo was running. She was chasing Suyoung, but she stopped when I unconsciously stood in her way. I wanted to talk to her, but Minseul came in and just hugged me from behind," Wonbin explained, hoping his friends would understand.
"You think we can believe that?" Seunghan scoffed, his anger unabated.
"Seunghan!" Sohee yelled, trying to mediate. "Come on, man."
"No, ever since we went for a stopover, he was avoiding Jiwoo. How can I just stay calm?" Seunghan expressed his frustration.
"You said you wanted to be with her!" Wonbin yelled back.
"I DID NOT SAY THAT YOU IGNORE HER AND HURT HER, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Seunghan exploded, and Eunseok had to intervene to prevent another physical altercation.
"You know what's frustrating? She smiles more when you're with her. She is happier when she is next to you. But your sick ass is too full of shit to even notice the difference," Seunghan continued, pouring out his pent-up frustration.
Eunseok, surprisingly, found Seunghan's outburst amusing and struggled to contain his laughter. The others looked at him, bewildered.
"W-What's with him?" Sohee asked Sungchan, seeking an explanation.
"I-Isn't it always full… of shit… o-our ass," Eunseok stammered, his face red from trying to hold back laughter.
"Hyung, we are serious," Seunghan frowned, feeling that Eunseok wasn't taking the situation seriously. However, Eunseok simply waved his hand dismissively, patting Seunghan's shoulder in a comforting manner.
"Don't you like Jiwoo too?"Seunghan asked.
Eunseok admitted without hesitation. "I do, but I am not going to waste my energy fighting you guys. Besides, no one can beat the fact that she liked me first… but fell in love with Wonbin."
"That's what I have been trying to say to that jerk right there!" Seunghan complained, sounding more like a whine.
Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door, and Suyoung returned from checking on Jiwoo. "Not a chance," she said in defeat. "She doesn't want to go out unless we have an activity from Mr. Park."
"I am going to talk to her," Seunghan declared, attempting to stand, but Sohee firmly stopped him.
"No. Just let her be for a while," Sohee advised, sensing that Jiwoo needed time alone.
"Miyoung-unni is going to try talking to her too, but it would be hard. She was too hurt," Suyoung added, shooting an angry glance at Wonbin. "And guess what, we're in the same room as your 'girlfriend.'"
"She is not my girlfriend!" Wonbin shot back defensively. "She's…"
"She is what? Wonbin? Just someone you like aside from Jiwoo?" Suyoung's tone was accusatory, her frustration with Wonbin palpable.
Wonbin found himself caught in a dilemma. Revealing the truth about Minseul's plan and his agreement with it would likely spell the end, but keeping it hidden would gnaw at his conscience.
"Dude, then what is it?" Sohee pressed for an explanation.
"She told me she'd help me make Jiwoo realize her feelings for me, and she assured that she will never get hurt," Wonbin confessed, the words heavy with the acknowledgment of his wrongdoing. "I'm sorry."
"Jeez. You are so immature," Sungchan commented, realizing the absurdity of Wonbin's reasoning. "Isn't this the same as the one with Yuri?" He turned to Eunseok, who discreetly signaled him not to mention Yuri.
"You are the worst," Seunghan shook his head in disbelief, disappointment evident in his eyes. The gravity of Wonbin's actions was sinking in, leaving his friends to grapple with the consequences of his misguided choices.
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The Argument - A YDKJ x Vs. Void Crossover Fanfiction
Notes: I’ve been thinking about how A.C. Void and Cookie would be friends… And so, I decided to write a fanfiction of them arguing about something stupid. I need a break from drawing but I still need to update this silly little account, so here we are!
This is simply a funny fanfiction I wrote out of boredom, so don’t take it too seriously please!! Thank you and hopefully you enjoy this fic :]
Tags: You Don’t Know Jack, Vs. Void, AC Void, Cookie Masterson, Crossover Fic, Cookie and Void are friends (i guess), Cookie uses Any/All pronouns, This fic is not meant to be taken seriously, Arguing, The ‘Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?’ Debate, Author Has Some Regrets, Cursing
It was a normal day in Chicago.
It was a slow day at You Don’t Know Jack Studios, so everybody was pretty much relaxing and enjoying themselves. The host of You Don’t Know Jack, Cookie, was simply scrolling through his phone in his office, while his friend Void (If you could even call him that…) was sitting next to him, thinking deeply about something.
It was… Surprisingly peaceful. The two weren’t really talking to each other at the moment, just doing their own thing. In fact, the only audible sound was the air conditioner going off in Cookie’s office.
Well, that was until Void finally decided to break the silence.
“Y’know what, Cookie? I think I can finally say this without questioning it,” Void said in a confident tone.
Cookie didn’t stop scrolling through her phone, but she did look at Void when he spoke.
“Hmm? What are you talking about?” Cookie questioned.
“I’m just gonna hurry up and say it—I think that a hotdog should qualify as a sandwich.”
Cookie’s head immediately shot up at this comment, making them face Void directly.
“W-What??” Cookie sputtered.
He couldn’t process what Void just said. It was illogical! It was insane! It was unbelievably stupid! Cookie began to feel that his head started hurting trying to even remotely understand why Void said that.
“I said what I said. A hotdog should qualify as a sandwich.” Void continued.
“No, you see— A hotdog is a fucking hotdog. Not a sandwich, Void.” Cookie rebutted in a condescending tone.
“Okay, but by definition, isn’t a sandwich a food that has two slices of bread and ingredients in between?”
“Well, yeah but—”
“See that? You just agreed with me. A hot dog is a sandwich, is it not?”
“No, before you interrupted me, I was going to say that sandwiches have multiple components in them. A hotdog has only the fucking hotdog—”
“Don’t hotdogs have toppings on them sometimes?” Void questioned Cookie.
Cookie had to pause for a second before replying.
“W-Where are you going with this—“
“Hotdogs have toppings on them. Ketchup, mustard, relish, cheese, chili… So on, so forth. And guess what? Sandwiches have toppings, too,” Void smugly stated to Cookie.
Cookie was practically flabbergasted.
Did someone just actually prove Cookie wrong? It was totally absurd. Cookie was always right. Well, at least that's what she thinks.
It wasn’t normal for Cookie to be proved wrong… It was so confusing that it almost physically hurt her. Well, that was until she thought of something…
“B-But, aren’t sandwiches supposed to be vertical??” Cookie desperately countered.
Void just gave Cookie a doubting look as a response. But after doing that, Void then started to think about it for a second.
“Okay… But, with that logic, subs aren’t sandwiches either, aren’t they?” Void smugly stated to Cookie. “I bet you would hate having to admit that, wouldn’t you?”
Cookie just sighed heavily at Void’s smugness.
“Y’know what— Fine. I’ll admit it— Not all sandwiches are vertical. I guess… But, I will say this— Have you ever even seen a sandwich store sell hot dogs before, Void?” Cookie confidently stated.
“Now that I think about it, no, I haven’t—”
“So hot dogs aren’t sandwiches!” Cookie insisted.
Void just scoffed at Cookie’s desperate attempts at proving him wrong.
“No Cookie, sandwich stores don’t refuse to sell hot dogs because hot dogs aren’t sandwiches— Sandwich stores refuse to sell hot dogs because they’re just a bunch of cowards.”
Cookie just looked at Void with a look of pure annoyance. They then pinched their eyebrows together out of frustration.
“Goddamnit, Void… Okay, how about this— A sandwich has two pieces of bread. A hotdog has a bun. One. Singular. Bun.” Cookie exhaustedly countered. “And by the way— I don’t wanna hear you say ‘With that logic, a burger isn’t a sandwich’ because a burger has two pieces of bread.”
Void’s eyes widened out of surprise. He then turned around away from Cookie to try and hide his very visible anger. His ego had just been terribly damaged and needed time to recover.
“Stupid freaking gameshow host… Thinking that he’s better than me…” Void angrily muttered under his breath.
Cookie was actually surprised to see Void like this. Usually, Void would just brush things off when someone hurt his feelings, but seeing Void getting frustrated over a petty argument was… interesting to say the least.
“What’s the matter, Void? Can’t handle being wrong, can you?” Cookie snarked.
“Shut up.” Void suddenly fumed. “A hot dog is still a sandwich, by the way.”
Cookie just chuckled at Void’s ridiculous comment. “Yeah yeah, sure it is…”
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thelunarbar · 2 years
I Wanna Know What It’s Like(On The Inside Of Love)
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In which: they somehow happen to all be back in Miramar at the same time. And they’re not about to let the opportunity pass them by.
Word count: 2603
“I know it’s been less than a year, but it feels like it’s been so much longer than that.” Phoenix states, leaning back, hands in the sand. Murmurs of agreement mingle in the air. Beer bottles and soda cans are scattered around their little party, as well as the remains of the fixings for hotdogs and s’mores. The sun is starting to set, melting into the ocean and washing the sky in a brilliant blush. The fire is cracking and popping happily.
“Every time I have shore leave I kinda don’t wanna go back.” Payback says, slouching down more in his folding lawn chair. “But at the same time I need to be back in the air.”
“It’s an addiction.” Maverick replies. He watches the fire intently, a can of ginger ale held loosely in his hand. It had taken a lot of convincing to get him to join them. He’d protested, making comments about how they wouldn’t want an old man bringing them down, and how he had to get up early. All bullshit. And when he’d been called on it, he really couldn’t come up with anymore arguments. So there he sits, in front of Rooster’s folding lawn chair, pant legs rolled up, bare feet buried in the sand. “Once you get a taste you can’t go back.”
“It’s a never ending internal battle.” Halo pipes up. “When you’re up there,” she gazes up at the sky. Stars are starting to become visible and the moon is almost full. “You’re always thinking about the things you’re missing down below. But when you’re down here all you can think about is getting back in a plane.” She sighs contentedly, still gazing upward. From his chair behind her, Omaha rests a hand on top of her head. She turns to look at him and smiles.
“Being free.” Omaha adds.
“Y’all are getting a bit too sentimental for my tastes.” Hangman stands and dusts the sand off his pants.
“So you’re leaving?” Rooster asks, “very mature response.”
“Actually,” Hangman drawls, leaning down so he’s nose to nose with Rooster and practically on top of Mav. “I’m going to grab something from my car.” And then he walks off.
“Hand me another beer?” Harvard asks, tipping his chair to side in an effort to reach the cooler sitting between Rooster and Bob’s chairs.
“Why didn’t we bring any water?” Bob asks as he hands Harvard another bottle. Harvard reaches a little too far and topples over onto Fanboy, kicking Yale in the process.
“Y’know I don’t think you really need another one.” Yale snarks while rubbing the spot Harvard had kicked. Harvard rights his chair and drops back into before sticking his tongue out at Yale.
“Alright.” Hangman drops back onto the sand beside Mav and in front of Coyote, a guitar held in his hands. A few cheers and whistles greet him. He plucks the strings, adjusts the tuning pegs and plucks again. He repeats this process several times before he’s satisfied. “What am I playing first?” He glances at Rooster, who shoots him a grin. “I already told you no.” Rooster just keeps grinning, undeterred by Hangman’s response. “Fine. But you owe me.” Rooster laughs and pushes his aviators up. Hangman plucks a couple strings and looks at Rooster. “One, two, three.” And he begins to play. Mav can’t help the snort when he realizes why Hangman said no to begin with. Rooster begins to sing.
“On a warm summers evening. On a train bound for nowhere.”
Rooster certainly has the voice for it though. Rich and resonant. Hangman grins despite himself. The songs ends and everyone cheers.
“Bradshaw, we should do Long Time Gone.” Phoenix says, sitting up straighter.
“I don’t think I know that one.” Hangman tells her while plucking idly at the strings.
“I do.” Rooster holds his hand out expectantly. Hangman squints at him for moment before handing the guitar over, nearly whacking Mav in the head. Rooster adjust the guitar in his lap and starts to play. He and Phoenix start to sing, voices overlapping perfectly. When the first verse ends Rooster let’s Phoenix go on alone for the next one. Joining her again when the chorus hits.
“I’ll be a long time gone.”
It’s a nice song, even if somewhat sad. Mav smiles as he listens, catches Phoenix grinning as she reaches up and lets Bob take her hand.
“Yes, when I leave. I’ll be a long time gone.”
They finish and cheers rise up around them. Bob kisses the back of Phoenix’s hand and Mav almost certain she blushes.
“Hey!” Amelia bounces over and drops down beside Maverick. “That sounded amazing, guys.”
“Thanks, kiddo.” Rooster ruffles her hair and she scowls up at him. He just grins and pushes his aviators up.
“Wearing sunglasses at night isn’t cool.” Amelia informs him. “You just look stupid.” Rooster sticks his tongue out and pushes against Amelia’s head in a playful manner, but does remove his aviators.
“Ooh. Yes!” Hangman chuckles, “fuck Rooster! I love it.” He puts his fist out and Amelia bumps hers against it. Hangman takes the guitar back and plucks a tune. He struggles through the first few lines of the song before it starts to come naturally.
“Wherever we are is where I wanna be, and honey for once in our life let’s take our chances and roll the dice.”
Rooster sincerely hopes no one can tell he’s blushing. Hangman shoots him a smile and winks. Rooster smiles, downing the last of his beer. There’s a warm feeling in his chest and he can’t determine if it’s from the alcohol or Hangman practically serenading him.
Halo joins Hangman towards the end. While their voices don’t meld the way Phoenix and Rooster’s did they still sound nice. More applause when the song ends.
Bob offers Amelia a can of root beer, which she accepts and pops open, taking a drink. Then she looks over at Hangman.
“Play a song for me?” She asks in her sweetest voice.
“Depends on what you request?”
“Can you play something by Taylor Swift?” Her request is met by a couple of groans. Hangman smiles in a way reserved only for little sisters who make requests you don’t like, but that you’ll follow through anyway. Even though Amelia isn’t his sister she may as well have been. Hangman hums to himself and plucks at the strings trying to figure out the song. Amelia gasps, excitement evident in on her face.
“I love this song.” She starts to sing. She’s got a beautiful voice and Mav can’t help but smile as he watches her sway gently while she sings, eyes closed and smiling the whole time. God, he loves that kid like she’s his own.
By the time the chorus comes around both Halo and Fanboy are singing with her.
“On a Wednesday in cafe I watched it begin again.”
Towards the middle of the song Payback and Harvard pull their phones out and turn the flashlights so they can wave them in the air while Amelia, Halo and Fanboy keep singing.
The song ends and everyone cheers. Amelia goes pink in the face and smiles shyly. Mav pulls her into a one armed hug and presses a kiss to her temple.
“That was beautiful, kiddo.” She grins at him.
“Thanks.” She says softly. Mav doesn’t let her go, she doesn’t try to get away.
After that the guitar gets passed around to anyone who can and wants to play. There’s interesting assortment of songs played due to the diverse musical likes of their group.
Yale plays a couple songs Mav doesn’t recognize. He’s a surprisingly smooth tenor that’s very pleasant listen to. After that Payback requests a Willie Nelson song followed by Harvard requesting Patience by Guns ‘n’ Roses. Rooster plays a couple Tom Petty songs before playing Country Roads by John Denver at the request of Omaha. Everyone sings that one and Landslide when Fritz plays it a bit shakily. Coyote plays a somewhat sad song about loving someone much you’ll follow them even to death. Hangman takes it back and plays some older classics that Mava actually knows and he finds himself humming along.
“Hey!” Amelia says when Jake finishes I’ll Follow The Sun. “Mav hasn’t picked a song yet.” Mav groans internally as all eyes turn to him.
“She’s right. Make a request Mav.” Hangman says. “I’m sure someone here can play something for you.” Mav wants to protest, but Amelia gives him her best puppy dog eyes and Rooster nudges him with his toe and Mav can’t say no to his kids.
“D’you know Wild Horses by the Stones?” He asks. Hangman grins.
“You got it, Pops.” He begins to pluck at the strings. Mav takes a deep breath and hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels before he starts to sing. He’s never been the best singer, but if he knows the song well he’ll give it his all. All eyes are on him and he doesn’t know where to look. He settles his gaze on the fire, gaining more confidence in his voice when he reaches the chorus. He squeezes Amelia a little tighter and hopes she understands. Hopes Rooster knows.
The song ends and cheers erupt around him. If he wasn’t blushing before he definitely is now. Rooster gives his shoulder a squeeze and when Mav looks up he says, “that was great.” And Mav can tell by the look in his eyes that he knows. Knows everything Mav can never find the words to say.
The guitar gets passed around again. They all sing a laughter filled version of Sweet Caroline followed by a couple Elton John songs and more John Denver. They’re all at least suitably tipsy, with a select few having stayed sober enough to drive others home, and the fire is starting to die out, but no one wants to leave yet. Eventually the guitar ends up back in Rooster’s lap and he begins to play a country song Mav doesn’t recognize. When the chorus hits Phoenix joins him and Mav is in awe again at how beautiful the two sound together.
“You don’t wanna fall in love.”
Mav looks up to watch Rooster and doesn’t miss the longing look he’s giving Hangman. Hopefully one of them will stop being stupid and they’ll deal with whatever’s going on between them. And if they don’t do it soon Mav may have to bang their heads together and tell them to get their shit together. He doesn’t want it to come to that.
The last notes of the song get tugged away by the breeze and Mav becomes aware of how cool it’s gotten. Everyone cheers again, but in a somewhat more subdued manner now that they’re starting to get tired. They sit in comfortable silence, but with their eyes turned skyward. The stars are beautiful and the moon is full.
“It’s time like this I wish didn’t live in the city.” Phoenix says. “I forget how beautiful the stars are.”
“Makes me miss home.” Hangman admits. “Used to lay out on the trampoline with my sisters.” There’s longing laced through his words. “Slept out there a lot.” He’s smiling, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Rooster reaches over and squeezes his shoulder. Hangman rests his hand on top of Roosters, but doesn’t take his eyes off the stars.
“The moon is so pretty when it’s full.” Amelia says after a beat of silence.
“I always wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid.” Fritz tells them.
“There’s still time.” Halo tells him. He smiles and nods.
“Stargazing always reminds me of going with Goose when he’d go back to Texas.” Mav says, voice cracking when he says Goose’s name. “The guest room at their house had a window that opened onto the roof and I’d climb out and lay there to look at the stars. Goose-Goose joined me a lot. Talk a lot about the future, being neighbors, sitting by a campfire in the evenings and watching the stars come out. Sitting somewhere more comfortable than the roof.” Mav chuckles a little at the memory and starts to get teary so focuses on the dying embers in front of him. Amelia squeezes him tight and he rests his head against hers. He wishes Goose was there. Could live that future they always talked about. Could see the incredible young man Bradley has become. Could get to know Penny and be Amelia’s weird Uncle Goose. He swallows the lump in his throat and blinks back his tears.
Over thirty five years later and he stills misses Goose. He thinks he always will. It hurts a little less as the years go by, but the pain of losing a brother stays with you forever.
They start picking up trash and leftovers. Chairs get folded up, sand is kicked over the remains of the fire and they all trek back to the parking lot. Mav’s watch tells him it’s almost midnight. Amelia is leaning heavily against them as they walk, but he doesn’t mind.
At the cars goodbyes are shared and confirmations of dinner at Mav and Penny’s the following night are given. Hugs are exchanged. Mostly given to Mav, who’s not expecting it and gets a bit emotional. Both Phoenix and Halo press a kiss to his cheek. He doesn’t cry, thank you very much, but maybe a gets little misty eyed. He watches his kids pair off and head toward different vehicles, laughing and talking and wonders how he lived so long without this. This wonderful familial kind of love. Rooster hugs him last and longest.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He tells Mav, searching his face for something, but Mav doesn’t know what. Mav smiles and nods. Rooster pulls him back into a hug. It took several hard conversations to get to this point, but Mav is so glad to have Rooster back in his life.
“Tomorrow, kid.” Rooster huffs a laugh against Mav’s neck and let’s him go, turning to pull Amelia into a hug.
“G’night, kiddo.” He mumbles and presses a kiss to the top of her head. Mav was admittedly very surprised by how quickly Rooster and Amelia grew attached to each other, but he’s glad they’re getting along. Whenever he asks what they got up to the day he took Penny up in his Mustang he only receives laughter in response so he’s given up asking. But something happened to have them form a bond like they now share.
Once he’s sure they’ll all be ok he and Amelia head back over to the Hard Deck. Penny is just finishing up her closing chores when they stumble in, laughing. Penny smiles. She loves watching the two of them. Amelia had been very dubious when she and Mav had first gotten back together, but Mav had been sincere when he said he wasn’t leaving again and Amelia let him in. And Mav clearly loves Amelia like she’s his own and while that still scares Penny a little she loves him and she’s so happy to him back in her life she’s willing to work past her lingering fears.
Amelia joins Penny behind the bar, offering to help finish up. Mav watches them and realizes not for the first time just how lucky he is. He realizes too that he’s been wondering for years what it really means to have a family and kids. And if this is what it’s like on the inside of love, well, it’s not a bad place to be.
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