#and be a lil shit to Raph
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hitwiththefandomz · 10 months ago
I love imagining your BENT turtles after finding out Donnie's ages.
On one hand, Leo would be whining to Donnie about Raph and Mikey being mean to him, since Donnie is technically the oldest.
On the other hand, Raph treats Donnie like the baby and like he's still tiny, because in his mind he is, and yells at anyone that so much as looks at him wrong.
And Mikey just watches it all in mild amusement.
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Their dynamic is definitely a fun one! Totally agree that after talking about ages they would all change how they interact with each other a bit
Also the B.E.N.T turtles are not mine - they’re owned by @butterfilledpockets and I just doodle them because I love the AU ε-(´∀`; )
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rainy-matcha · 1 year ago
reblog if you would've bought the ROTTMNT figurines and toys to save the show
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years ago
the 2007 boys being silly in their prequel comics
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vs leo having A Time in his issue.. slicing throats. saving children from slavery. being drenched in the blood from his enemies... 
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shreddeddescent · 5 months ago
WOMP chapter 2: w the actual family this time lets goooooo
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smuggonifico-lmao · 1 year ago
ughhhh discord why wont you lemme send this smh
anyway yippe edit wow
Song is Flying x Oblivion | Mashup feat. Cody Fry & Halfy & Winks
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meatriarchived2 · 4 months ago
like my boy is pretty dont tell me otherwise,
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toitlselfindulgenz · 2 years ago
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Im not dead im just chipping away at drawings i did a quick render of and now i want to finish properly lol
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miscellaneous--bones · 2 years ago
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i get so caught up in my own world building i tend to forget to drill the fact that these are created in the tmnt universe lol. her and don deffinetly start wearing eyeliner together.
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tammyu-2 · 2 months ago
hii can i request tmnt 2012 donnie meeting reader for the first time while the ninjas were at on a mission because she caught them while walking home and him js like falls in love on sight and his brothers tease him ☺️☺️☺️☺️
There is no usage of y/n, swearing, female pronouns, awkward,Donnie being in love, and yeah, that's it.
A lil info on me, Leo and Donnie, are my favs
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It had been a long ass day for you, to be honest. After all the long hours that occupied you, you were ready to pass out the second you walked into your apartment.
It just so happened that the turtles were fighting the kraang at the same time. In the same area. What a coincidence... even more of a coincidence that you walled right into the battlefield, too tired to even look up as you walked right through it.
The kraang are literal villians ofc they are gonna shoot you. So while you were too occupied looking like the burgains from the movie trolls 1 a kraang saw you and had to get rid of all witnesses. Luckily for you, a certain purple turtle scooped you up and dropped you on top of a building.
Naturally, you are confused. Not only by the fact that you just so quickly got onto the top of a building but the fact that a tall humanoid turtle had saved you. But tbh you read weird shit so it's not that much of a surprise. You looked up at your savior, and your gazes locked.
Now Donnie boy over here has a completely different mindset. Bc Holy shit your so pretty??? He is BLUSHING trust. Bc your hair is swaying from the wind while the moon light makes your eye shimmer. It was like you had made this man putty just by looking at him. Wait, is he staring??
He quickly goes to clear his throat, noting that he had indeed been staring too freakishly long. He doesn't wanna look too weird than he already is.
"Are you alright?"
"What are you-"
"I mean not to be rude, you know - I'm just wondering cause you know I've never seen anything like you - but not in a bad way. It's just that- you know you're like a walking talking fighting turtle, and that's freakishly weird - not freakishly weird! it's just - I'm gonna stop talking now.."
You have just insulted a man's (or should I say turtles) existence just by saying two sentences to this ...guy? Congrats.
You felt guilty till you heard him chuckle a bit at your word vomit. You didn't even know you were closing your eyes for anything after that till you opened them to see the turtle smiling dorkishly at you.
"It's fine I get that alot. I'm-"
He paused. Since he should be a secret, should he really tell you his name? May swell tell you the secret turtle base as well, seeing as though you're a cute stranger.
"-just glad your safe."
"Thanks to you. You saved my life."
The sincerity in your voice made his smile grow. You're not running away or screaming or looking away in disgust. It's like you saw him. Like really saw him. That or he is just delulu
"I- you know it's really no b-big deal.."
"It is to me."
[If raph could swear he would do it all the time trust me]
Turns out during that awkward exchange, the turtles were yelling at Donnie to help them. Woops. He straightened and sent a scowl to raph. He turned to you, giving you a sheepish grin.
"I uh gotta go.."
"It's cool go do your ninja stuff."
Today might be the day he starts a diary. He waves you goodbye and jumps down into battle.
Huh. Finding a humanoid turtle was not on your to-do list, but you're expecting it. He seemed nice enough... After that, thought another popped up that made you groan. You're trapped on a flipping building.
Once the kraang escaped and the turtles all unloaded into the living room of the liar all tired. Now was time for questioning.
"What the hell was that, Don? You left us to go ask for a chick's number. Meanwhile, we were getting our asses handed to us. And by we, I mean Mikey.
He said, earning an offended 'hey!' from said turtle.
"Yeah you were up there for a while..."
"I was just checking on a civilian that got caught in the crossfire of our fight."
He said back matter a factly. Earning (non-existent) eye brow raises from his brother.
"Dude, you totally like her!"
"Wha- I mean- no- what??"
He spluttered, trying to defend himself, but nothing can convince his brothers otherwise.
"Awe, how cute Don likes someone that isn't April."
"I think so but seriously, not in the middle of a mission."
Please let the earth swallow him up right now.
So as the days went by you two met up a second time and decided to casually meet up a third. You became a trusted friend to him and the turtles. That only made the teasing worse. Such as making kissy faces at Donnie while your back was turned. Making teasing remarks here and there about how long Donnie is taking to pursue you.
Even Splinter lightly jokes about how he approves of you already. And let's be honest. He has a whole wall covered in solutions on how to set up the perfect plan to help him get with you. He always covers it when you come around.
The difference between you and April is that you actually are starting to like him to. You love when he explains stuff you can't understand and how he treats you like a literal princess but knows you can handle yourself. He makes cute gadgets here and there to help you with your every day life and all of this is making him grow on you and you honestly secretly blush too at the teasings of his brothers. But only they can catch that. Donnie is clueless.
Chat what we thinking? I actually really like this. It's so cute I adore this. I love this ask that you so much!!!!!
But yeah, enjoy
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pasteilian · 2 years ago
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This is a comic that I’m not gonna finish but you can have what I did get to context: Usagi is being a lil shit and Donnie shows him why Leo is off limits when it comes to his shit behavior
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Master post of all my human turtles so far—yes I draw human Raph and Leo the most I love them
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theyhavetakenovermylife · 7 months ago
I’m cackling at the idea of the bayverse boys going through the “baby’s first swear” moment 
Since the kiddos live in the sewer and all the turtles don’t seem like the type to swear around their kids (maybe Raph if especially angry) they would prolly end up learning it from Vern or Casey. 
Like just imagine any of the guys chilling with their kids, and then their little toddler son/daughter knocks over their juice cup and they just go “Shit�� in their lil innocent kid voice with a grumpy pout, meanwhile their dads have snapped a wide eyed stare to them cuz WHERE did you hear that word?!- 
Obvs Leo would probably be the one who hates swearing the most and would be pretty angry in the moment but how would they all handle the aftermath? Like would they implement something sorta like a swear jar system? Would they just give their kids a warning? Interrogate their family to find out who taught their kid to swear?? The chaos that would follow sounds hilarious!
Your Kids’ First Swear Word (Fluff/Crack)
Children Series
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I am Danish, and in Denmark, cursing is an important part of our culture. No beeping out curse words here! We say the shit fucking proud and fucking loud!🗣🇩🇰 Sure, we tell children that it’s bad, but we don’t care too much. Remember, the Danish versions of TMNT 1987 and 2003 had the turtles cursing. I learned a specific word for retard, because Shredder kept using it on Bebop and Rocksteady😂 But the turtles are American, and that is different, so here you go. Hope you’ll enjoy💚
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Warnings: Cursing lol.
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Romeo is 10, Marcello is 7, Gerardo is 4.
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The children always loved when uncle Vern, uncle Casey and aunt April came to visit in the lair. Other than their mother and aunts, these were the only human connections the kids had.
Funnily enough, the children took a strong liking to Vern, always hanging around him whenever he came to visit, which was way less than Casey and April. But why did the kids like Vern so much? Maybe it was his strong reaction of confusion and slight annoyance when one of them came running, wanting some sort of attention from him. Especially Marcello, who found that if he tugged enough at Vern, the human would start muttering all sorts of strange words under his breath, almost like he was spitting them in the boy's direction.
The other kids took notice of this as well, especially Gerardo who started taking on his older brother’s habit of bugging Vern whenever he was around, just to hear the strange words that he would mumble. Words that Gerardo found absolutely hilarious, and would save in his memory for a lifetime. Because then he learned what those words meant… or sorta.
Vern, Casey and April was once again visiting the lair, coming to eat dinner with the large underground family. In these cases they all ate together in the living area, at a bunch of tables, all lined out in one liner continuation. It was here, in the middle of conversations and laughter, that Gerardo suddenly perked up out of nowhere, in a way that only made sense for a child his age.
“Uncle Vern taught me a word!”, he said proudly to you and Leo, as he suddenly remembered one of the words Vern had said last time he visited, kicking his feet under the table in excitement.
“And what is that word?”, you asked smiling, eyeing Marcello as he poured up a glass of water for Romeo, no indication in the slightest for what was about to come out of your sons mouth.
“Shitling!”, Gerardo yelled out proudly.
Silence fell over all the adults at the table, all while the children kept talking and yapping. You and Leo made wide eyed eye contact, before slowly turning your attention to Vern, who sat frozen with his fork halfway into his mouth.
Needless to say, but from that day, Vern really had to restrain his vocabulary whenever he was around the kids.
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Joan is 11, Minerva is 7, Ragnar is 4.
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With your husband’s foul mouth, one would not be blamed for believing that Raph had been living his whole life on a ship out in the big open ocean, instead of in the sewers below New York City. It had long gotten Raph into trouble with his own father, often being the reason he would find himself in the hashish. Yet he never seemed to learn from his punishments.
Even as you and Raph got together, his foul mouth would be going. Never because of you, no no, never you. You could never do anything wrong in Raph’s eyes. No, Raph would curse at pretty much anything else. His brothers annoyed him - curse. He was angry and needed to get his frustrations out with a good work out - curse. He accidentally burned himself when cooking - curse. He watched a game and either something good or something bad happened - curse. Raph was in a good mood, and he wanted to let you know just how happy he was - sweet words with curses for emphasis. In order words, cursing was just a part of Raphael’s natural vocabulary.
But when you and Raph started having children, your husband was forced to keep his colorful words for himself, only letting his curses fly when none of them was around, usually when they were in bed. But somehow, even when he kept a careful eye on who was around, your children managed to catch a few of those words.
It was just like any other day in the lair. Your children was playing in the living area, Minerva and Ragnar’s laughter ringing out loud from the couch while Joan watched them from the armchair, making sure that her little brother and little sister wouldn’t accidentally knock each other out in their little play fight. You and Raph sat just a small distance away, seeing your kids jump around, ready to intervene should something happen, when all of a sudden-.
“Asshole!”, Mini yelled out loud, causing her and Ragnar to laugh even louder.
You and Raph sat up straight, eyes wide in shock, not fully able to believe what you had just heard, when Ragnar piped up.
“Fuck face!”, he yelled, making Mini fall over on the couch, holding her stomach in laughter, almost falling off and onto the floor below. Ragnar, continuing the game he and his sister had going, stood up on the couch, his little form looking so adorable as he tried to square up. “Shit maggot!”
For a solid five minutes you and Raph sat in absolute shock, still processing what the two youngest of your angels had just blurted out. That was when Joan turned calmly towards the two of you, shrugging her shoulders.
“If you think this is bad, you should hear them when you’re not around”, she said, before turning her attention back on her siblings’ play fight.
After this you and Raph started keeping a sharp eye on your children’s vocabulary, and started cracking down harder on Raph’s own use of words.
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Galileo is 12, Dorothy and Marie are 7.
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For a long time, you and Donnie had had problems with Marie’s tendency to suddenly blurt out things. You could be sitting at the dining table with family and friends over, when Marie would all of a sudden turn towards Vern and ask; “why do you look like that?”
Vern would in turn look at Marie a little confused and ask; “look like what?”
“Like that”, Marie said, pointing at his face. “Ugly”.
Casey almost choked on his drink, and even Splinter fought not to smile. And it would have been slightly adorable, if it wasn’t for the fact that she did this quite often.
Marie didn’t say these things to be hurtful, no, she said these things because she was honest and curious. She never thought that the things that she said could be considered mean. She just wanted to know, and just like she had been taught; if you wanted to know something you would have to ask. That was something Donnie had taught her and her siblings, but never had he thought that it would lead to Marie being so blunt. So blunt that sometimes even her siblings were shocked.
But one this was being blunt, asking out of the blue questions that would take people aback, but never had Marie cursed. But that changed fast one day.
You, Donnie and your children were sitting in the kitchen, eating your breakfast together, talking about whatever things families would talk about in the mornings. Dorothy was telling Donnie about her big plans for the day, aka, dress up, while Galileo told you about a new video game he wanted to play soon, when suddenly Marie perked up with a question that had been playing on her mind.
“Dad?”, she asked, leaving the spoon in her cereal.
“Yes, sweetheart. What is it?”, Donnie asked, happy to see that Marie was at least asking permission to ask a question, instead of just blurting it out in the open.
“There’s a word I don’t understand. Do you know it?”
“What word is it?”
“It’s actually more than one word”, Marie said.
“Is that so?”, Donnie asked. “What are they?”
“Shut the fuck up, shit face”, Marie said, looking up to the side, as if she was trying to remember the exact words as she spoke.
You and Donnie were shocked, staring at her with wide eyes. Dorothy was confused, looking back and forth between her parents and her sister. But not Gali. Instead he gasped, looking offended.
“I told you to get out when I was playing that video game!”, he gasped. “You snuck back in?!”
“You didn’t lock the door”, Marie shrugged, continuing to eat her cereal while you and Donnie was still trying to process what just happened.
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Sunny is 4, Luis is around 1.
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Your dear, sweet little bundle of sunshine, Sunny, was at that period of her life, where she would push boundaries, and say all the words she heard around her, just to get a reaction out of her family members, sometimes even yelling instead of actually speaking. She had also recently had her first real temper tantrum, which, thankfully was rare for Sunny, but sadly not the last to come in the next few years.
Sunny had recently taken to asking you or Mikey for food, only to bring it to the couch, and eat and play with it, causing her to spill everywhere, which you and Mikey obviously wasn’t too happy about, causing you and your husband to put in all efforts to get rid of her habit. That even meant that Mikey could no longer bring snacks to the couch, as that would totally undermine all that the two of you had been working for.
But that didn’t stop Sunny from trying, often ending in failure, which resulted in her first temper tantrum, screaming over the fact that she wasn’t allowed to bring her dino nuggets to the couch, but would have to eat them at a table. That didn’t fly by Sunny, what so ever, causing her to scream and cry for two whole hours, making Luis just as fussy by the sound. Oh, it was exhausting.
But that still didn’t stop Sunny from trying. No, in fact it made her attempts more elaborate, sometimes even taking you and Mikey by surprise.
It soon became a matter of principle for Sunny. It was no longer about her getting to eat on the couch, but simply the act of bringing food to the couch without you and Mikey noticing it. Chips from the cupboard, a pizza slice, a handful of popcorn and one time even a frozen chicken. But soon, Sunny came up with what she considered a genius idea - a cup of juice. If she could bring that to the couch, she would have won the battle. And so, Sunny asked you for a cup of juice while sitting at the dining table, drinking half of the cup, before slowly sliding off her chair, making her way toward the living area with her small cup of juice in her hands.
Here Mikey was sitting in the armchair, bottle feeding Luis. That was perfect for Sunny. With her father’s attention grabbed by her baby brother, there was nothing that could stop her. And so, she quickly and silently made her way towards the couch, her half filled juice cup in her hands.
Once at the couch, she placed the cup on the soft couch cushion, letting it whopple when she then began to climb up on the same cushion, when the cup suddenly tumbled over, spilling juice all over the couch. The exact thing her parents didn’t want to happen. And that was when a word graced Sunny’s lips. A word she had never used before, yet she had heard it being spoken around the lair in situations like this.
That was when she caught the attention of Mikey, who stood from the armchair, still with Luis in his arms, seeing the mess Sunny had made, her small curse still ringing in his ear.
After that day, Sunny was no longer allowed to bring food into the living area, with each curse word he said from that day forward, resulting in a week without dino nuggets.
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idiot-mushroom · 8 months ago
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my lil girl 🫶🫶
i’m drawing a ttnm raph refrence bc i was like ‘fuck it i want ppl to draw her’ and then i started coloring her and realized, she’s like an actual child to me. like she’s my spiritual daughter. she’s my baby.
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dancingdonatello · 3 months ago
coming up on finishing cherry (as it is anyways hehe), and WOW. maybe I do like villain aus actually. leo's characterization is so stellar, and I love the bits of the other boys we see. good shit!!! raph's crush on the reader has my heart hurting for him a lil bit 😭 if you don't mind the request, might I ask for a rise raph crushing on a reciprocating, but equally oblivious reader? the way you write him fawning over the reader is so adorable!! take your time if you decide to!! <3 -@boybeholding
thanks so much 🥺🥺 i’m glad you liked my characterization !!! i tried to keep him as true to himself as he could be
rise raph x reader
“So.” Raph shifted beside you on the couch. His weight made the cushions dip and you slipped into his side. You scooted away. Then fell back into his side. You looked up at him with an awkward smile which he returned.
“So…” You looked towards the projection on the screen. “What are we watching?”
“Um.” He focused on the projection but you saw how he glanced at you multiple times. “You can pick, Raph doesn’t mind.”
“You’re sure?”
“Well. To be honest, we only have Splinter’s shows downloaded. Donnie hasn’t shown any of us how to project other shows…”
You stared at him. “What? You’ve lived here your whole life and don’t know how to use a projector?”
His scales flushed and he shrugged, nervously fumbling around with his hands. “Dad usually hogs the living room, so…”
“Hm.” You looked back to the wall. “Wanna just come over to mine then?”
“Yours?” His voice went a few octaves higher than usual and you sent him a surprised glance. “I mean,” he cleared his throat, “yours?”
“Yeah. Nobody’s home so.” He went rigid. “Are you okay?” You reached out and put a hand on his arm.
“I’m okay.” He stood up, grabbing you effortlessly. “Let’s go.”
“Uh—” He carried you towards the lair exit and you swore you saw three pairs of white eyes staring at you from the shadows. “Okay.” This was alright. Who didn’t like being manhandled by a muscle-y mutant who could probably do many, many things to you. Anyways.
He cleared his throat again, looking nervous. Tucked against his chest, you peered at him curiously.
“You look… nice today.” He risked a peek down at you before his gaze snapped back up to where he was going. “As always.”
You melted at the compliment, fingers brushing against his plastron. You smiled when he shivered. “Thanks.”
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tizeline · 1 year ago
Bro that angst potential ur separated au is keeping me up at night. You've said since Mikey would be a powerhouse due to training at such an early age, would it be safe to assume that Leo & raph are too? They've been mastering their ninpo 4 years? And if yes then dam they must be tanks. Must be a force to be reckoned with the bros and drax being all chaotic. Did they start to train so early bcuz drax only saw them as soldiers n stuff? Drax sure must've softened over the years huh guess he couldn't handle the cute lil menaces lol. Is Donnie aware of his own ninpo yet? I'm imagining him going up against the others with all his cool tech and then they whip out this anime magic ass superpower out of nowhere. Like meeting others like u after years of thinking u were the only one must be at least baffling right, now it turns out magic is real too. And he's gonna have it too(Not to mention the bro bomb waiting to drop on his head). Would his insecurities rise after witnessing all that?
Sorry I just absolutely LOVE ur au friend, i have a ton of questions but ill hold it 4 ltr. I'm really excited to see where you take it :)) -🌾
Oh man, Anon, glad to see you so excited haha!
Just a heads up, I'm still figuring out the story of the AU, so I don't know all the specifics yet, but here are some of my thoughts. And also, this became a bit of a ramble, that's what you get when you send long asks lol /lh
The way I'm thinking how Draxum is gonna be like in this AU is that he didn't view himself as the turtles' father initially, not really because he only viewed them as mere tools for him to use, he always saw them as people with induviduality. But rather, he hadn't really connected the dots that creating children + raising said children = parenthood, which led to Draxum like a year after mutating the turtles having the sudden realization one day of "OH SHIT AM I A DAD!?" and having a mini crisis because of that.
Anyway, while I don't think Draxum is the perfect dad in this AU by any means, he does genuinely care about his kids. (If Mikey managed to win Draxum over in canon after having spent a whole season fighting each other, there's no way he'd care about Mikey any less in a scenario where they've been on the same side since day one like they have in this AU.) He started training the turles from an early age and they are expected to help him with his Definitely Not Evil World Domination Plan, but they are still allowed free time and hobbies and such. And aside from some "ugh I don't wanna train right now I wanna play vidya gaemes" occasionally, the turtles never really opposed the idea of them becoming Draxums super soldiers. Kids are really easily influenced and if your parent keeps telling you that you are the heroes who are gonna save the world from evil, chances are you're gonna latch on to that narrative without question. But after meeting Donnie and April, who knows, it might be what finally starts making the other turtles question if their cause really is as just as they think :) That being said, I still have to figure out how Draxum would react exactly to his sons starting to oppose his world view.
Then their abilities! I also have to do more reasearch into exactly how the magic system works in RoTMNT cuz uhhh it's a bit unclear sometimes. Anyway, ninpo is specifically the magic used by the Hamato clan, and considering Raph, Leo and Mikey weren't raised as Hamato I don't think they would have access to that specific type of magic (though I still think they'd be be able to possibly unlock it later down the line) They would still have access to yokai magic, and of course the mystic weapons that they stole in the show would just have been given to them in AU by Draxum. And oh yeah, the brothers are powerful. To be fair, Donnie was able to keep up with Draxum pretty well in the pilot episode, so he wouldn't be COMPLETELY outmatched by his brothers. His tech is powerful enough that he'd be able to put up a decent fight even if he lacks mystic powers himself but..... three against one? Yeah, Donnie isn't winning any time soon. The biggest advantage he'd have would honestly be that his brothers wouldn't really WANT to fight him cuz they'd be all like "Long Lost Brother™??? 😭😭😭 Please come home Long Lost Brother™ we love you!!! 😭😭😭"
And I think Splinter would have kept both of their origins secret initially like he did in the show, so Donnie would't have any ninpo either, but I also think Donnie would still learn about the whole Lou Jitsu and Genetically Modified Super Soldier thing earlier than in canon. And god, yeah, learning about all of that would definietly be A Lot, which is why I still need time to figure out Donnie's exact reaction sorry Anon you're gonna have to be patient XD
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
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Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? Donnie typically switches from contacts and headphones to glasses and earrings when he’s at home! source material lol. if you’re not following @pinetreevillain already, then you should (maybe even check out their patreon) love everything they make. had to give donnie lil earrings in his honor,,, i had a really good time drawing donnie go swing swing swing so then i draw a bunch of the hamatos stimming (very stimmy household) and babbled abt it under the cut
raph: loves to fucking chomp, dude. had a biting problem as a child (gee i wonder why), gets chewy necklaces for every christmas/birthday/holiday. will put almost anything he finds in his mouth. second most tactile hamato-- he's not as inclined to seek out physical contact as mikey is, but enjoys it very much when hes got it!
donnie: second biggest chomper, has a chewy jewelry collection. loves to flap, fidget, and, yes, to swing his earrings. plays with his hair a lot as well. also does a lot of verbal stims-- the most inclined of the bunch to chirp or make other noises. whenever he chirps, trills, or cheeps at leo, leo will always reply in kind. they used to do this WAY more often when they were little, but still occasionally do it now. the even more popular stim of choice is speaking to each other in vine quotes.
leo: mostly verbal stims. enjoys making noises at donnie, esp when they were little, stim of choice is (repeatedly) repeating quotes from tv shows, movies, vines, etc. will just start saying shit out of no where and gets excited when someone else jumps in. he'll do it at anyone in the family, but donnie is the most active participant. if you start a quote leo will finish it. (donnie absently mumbling to himself in his room: michael with a b..... | leo, screaming from down the hall: THER R E S A BE E E EE ?)
mikey: fidget fidget fidget fidget. arguably the stimmiest boy. cannot fuCKING stay still. bounces his leg, rocks in his chair, taps his fingers, paces, jumps, swings his legs back and forth, plays with the beads in his hair, clicks pens, etc etc. he also dances as a stim and paints as a stim when he's feeling restless. by far the most tactile hamato-- loves textures and touch, huge fans of hugs and snuggles and deep pressure. he often seeks raph out for these things. when he was little would use his family as jungle gyms. now that he's older and bigger, however, he only uses raph as a jungle gym :)
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Bayverse Tipsy HCs
I went to a fun lil bar with some friends tonight and as I was looking around, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of drinkers the guys would be...so here we are. Everyone is 25+ (drink responsibly)
mentions alcohol, obviously
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-Raph is a lightweight. Like a few drinks, and he's laughing and goofing around with Mikey like he's 16 again, messing with his brothers and telling stories; like a weight comes off his shoulders and he can relax, a lopsided smile plastered on his face.
-Leo only drinks sake (for the aesthetic). Mikey makes fun if him relentlessly (he calls Leo a weeb, in sibling name-calling fun). Leo claims he likes the taste, but Mike has compared the spirit to sweaty socks on multiple occasions. Leo will roll his eyes as he sips from his cup, Mikey and Raph giving him endless shit- but no one misses the wince as he swallows.
-Mike is the party dude- always has been, always will be. When he's feelin' it, he's all smiles and laughter until everyone else goes to bed for the night; sometimes staying up even later to play videogames by himself, or to text a friend, so the fun doesn't end too soon. He's the party instigator, turning movie nights into drinking games, or card games into waterfall. The guy loves to have a good time- and to turn his brain off so he doesn't have to think for a while.
-Don is a wild card. He likes whiskey, scotch, or bourbon- but doesn't drink to get drunk, he just genuinely enjoys the taste (Mikey and Raph know better than to make fun of Donnie, cause of threats that will be followed through on). When he wants to party, though, he rolls a joint in the back of his lab and lights up a fat one; and the man is alllll giggles when he's stoned- just a happy high going on while he watches his brothers with amusement on his face, and a bag of pork rinds in his hand.
-Mikey knows that Donnie smokes, and the brothers occasionally sneak off together to a tunnel far away enough from the lair that mother hen (Leo) won't smell anything (Leo knows, he's not an idiot). Leo doesn't really care, he's mostly just annoyed that they feel like they need to hide it from him. Raph smoked with them a few times, but it just made him paranoid- so he just sticks to what works.
-Raph gets goofy when he's tipsy; sometimes singing along to the music Mikey puts on the stereo, sometimes dancing to it in the middle on the living room- but always having a good time. He would 100% put the lampshade on his head and dance around to Elvis if he felt like it (90s movies). Loveable drunk guy energy.
-Leo is the sad girl drunk- getting emotional for seemingly no reason, abruptly leaving the room, then coming back an hour later and demanding an apology when every one else has forgotten what in the hell he's talking about. He feels things so much deeper when his guards are down; much quicker to anger, quicker to cry. He also wants to talk about deep things when he's tipsy, much to Mikey's irritation.
-Mikey has jackass energy when he's trashed. Like, let's ride this shopping cart off this ramp and see how far it goes into the street. Or what will happen if we shoot fireworks off in the tunnels? Or let's go down to the Hudson and see if we can spar underwater. Raph is his ride or die when it comes to his drunken schemes, but Leo always manages to shut down their plans somehow (he's not afraid to tattletale).
-Mikey can drink all of them under the table though, even Splinter.
-The guys' favorite game to play is beer pong- Raph is the undisputed champion of singles, but Mikey and Leo have won doubles every tournament for two years in a row. Donnie and Raph together can't focus long enough for the competition; Raph getting distracted by the music, and Donnie laughing too hard at him to aim the ball.
-Once Donnie set a glass of six raw eggs in front of a hungover Mikey, sliding it to him and mumbling about a hangover cure as Raph recorded them on his phone from the hallway to the kitchen. Splinter walked in as Mikey spit the mixture everywhere, and they were cleaning up egg yolk from the walls for a week.
-When Leo does let go of the control and anxiety, he has so much fun goofing around with his brothers like they used to as kids. It warms his heart to see them all gathered around a table, playing games and spending time together, as adults. He loves them so much. No Mike, I'm just a little tired, that's why- yeah, don't worry about it.
tags : @thelaundrybitch @sophiacloud28 @zombiesnips-blog @4evrdreamin5 @gornackeaterofworlds @the-cauldron-witch @pheradream-15 @iridescentflamingo @scholastic-dragon
this was so fun lol :) as always, hit me up if you wanna join the tag train 18+
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