#and also one where I was told to kms which like yeah I don’t want to be alive but still p rude of you to tell me to kms no?
whimsyprinx · 1 year
sorry for being like on the defense so much lately btw, I’m bad at tones and especially lately I’ve been getting backhanded and snide asks especially about like my mental health
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wokelander · 1 month
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. dad-daughter incest, dad/daddy kink, groping, emotional incest i hope, dub-con
note. comm for @slovakbabe sorry this took so fucking long omg. I hope this is worth the wait 😭 writers block is hell so if anything is clunky.. omg. I changed the storyline like 7 times and landed on this so I hope it’s good!!! edited but ignore any mistakes or I’ll kms.. not fond of this so um 😓
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Tonight is a big night.
Tonight you’re going to break a month-long dry spell.
Tonight you’re going to have a three-way, a four-way, a five-way and get fucked every which way.
Tonight you will not let dad’s stupid face weigh you down. Every time you look at him you feel guilty. Like you’re obligated to take on the task of towel-drying dishes while he washes them just like mom did, like you’re supposed to make his eggs how he likes them, like you’re supposed to massage his back and feet after work, suck his dick—
You book a table at a rooftop bar. You’re looking for guys with wallets fatter than their dicks, you’re looking to drain someone’s balls and their life savings, you are looking for someone a little older.
Older, like, old-as-your-dad older. You don’t have any problems with your dad, no issues or qualms, he takes care of you so well, and that’s exactly why you need someone in his age range.
You joined a hiking club in hopes of finding one, you were reading obituaries to find widowers, you started getting friendly with ugly men, you know how desperate they are—But it had to come to an end, you can’t price yourself that low.
Dad has always told you what you’re worth, and you’re deserving of someone who treats you right. No more splitting the bill, you don’t want to carry any shopping bags, and no fucking way are you paying for your own drinks tonight.
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“Where are you going, young lady?” Leon hasn’t seen you all day, you grace him with your (always welcomed) presence at 9PM on the dot.
“Uh, out?” You place a hand on your hip, giving him a pointed look.
Huh. Okay. He has to go about this carefully; you’re like a powder keg. Maybe you told him about this but he wasn’t listening. Leon is only ever half-listening.
“What is that?” He lowers his reading glasses. “A headband?”
“It’s a miniskirt, dad?” You supply, raising your brow - you’re challenging him, that means, but Leon isn’t up for it.
“Yeah, no, I can see that.” He can see quite a few things a dad shouldn’t really ever be able to see on his daughter. “You got any, uh, regular skirts?”
“What counts as a regular skirt?” You take a step forward, the skirt shifts upwards, your everything is flashing everyone everywhere.
Okay, okay.
He can stand up for himself—Giving in the only option, he decides a mere second later.
“Listen, pumpkin, I’m not up for all that smart talk today.” Leon holds his hands up in surrender. You’re like your mom, deliberate and ballsy and everything that he isn’t. You could argue with your echo, Leon not so much. He lets you win when you’re right and when you’re wrong.
“Then stop, like, policing me, dad, I’m not a baby.” You’re his baby though, and that’s what really matters. It’s hard for Leon to see you like this. Since when did dolls turn into dildos? Barbie pink turned into what? Like, pussy pink? God, he doesn’t know—You’re just so big now and you’re getting away from him, out of reach.
One half of Leon wants to say ‘since when did you start shadowing a hooker’ and ‘I sent you to college, not the strip club’ but instead, he very patiently says, “I’m not trying to police you, baby, okay?”
All because he knows you haven’t been doing so hot lately—Also that’s just not a nice thing to say to a girl, and if Leon does say so himself he’s a pretty nice guy, he aims to be one at least. “You win, alright, sweetheart? It’s none of my business what you do, you go out and have a good time.”
“Thanks, daddy.” You beam and reward him with a kiss on the cheek. It’s the sort of kiss that reminds him to stay in his lane if he wants anymore.
You’re spoiled, but he’s made his bed so he’ll die in it.
He sees you out, trying his best to keep his eyes off your ass which as a father should be a very easy task, but it’s all in his fucking face.
“When are you coming home?” Leon asks, sounding more like an insecure housewife than he is a dad.
“Later, dad, don’t forget your meds,” you tell him simply, stepping over the threshold and into the dark, click-clacking in your gogo boots after blowing him a kiss.
“Later, sweetheart…” He says into the breeze.
It’s not fair. Whatever’s wrong with him is not fair. It might be that your mother, his wife, is faint in his head, nothing more than a poorly projected film.
And you’re right there.
So much older, tougher, prettier—You have an ass now, and god it’s a good ass. That’s not a bad thing to say about your daughter. Leon is appreciating what he gave you. You have a nice ass - it’s factual. Not wrong. Not sick. Not twisted or fucked up. Or any other thing, it’s just something he noticed. A change he picked up on as any good dad would, and Leon is a very good dad.
He attended every ballet rehearsal, he spent his days packing your lunch and learning how to style hair and he stepped away from the fucking President to be your father. He is a good dad, a great dad goddamnit.
Ass or no ass, Leon would love you no matter what—See, he’s a good fucking dad. He is.
God, if he really was a good dad he wouldn’t be spending his time with his back pressed to the front door, head bowed as he thinks about your ass.
You're more than your ass, you are, Leon’s proud of you—You’re the only thing he’s got to be proud of, he never went to college, but you do. And Leon’s never gotten through a novel, but you have. Truly, despite it all, you’re a good kid and you don’t deserve any of it - Leon’s moping ever since your mother passed.
He’s supposed to hold it together, but he's so tender he falls right off the bone, and you’re tough.
Didn’t cry when it happened, didn’t cry at her wake, you didn’t even cry when the two of you came home to silence. No dinner on the table, no sitcom playing on the TV, no black pumps kicked off by the door. You cried when you went to bed that night, and Leon heard it through the walls, and he is such a fucking pussy. He didn’t get up to hold you, he just sat there and listened and thought ‘I wish I could help.’
He brushes his teeth while mulling this all over - the possibility that he might be attracted to you. His wife. Those cheetah print panties on the floor, an inch away from the laundry basket.
(It wouldn’t be the first pair he's taken. Ever since your mother died her underwear drawer has become yours unbeknownst to you.)
Leon goes to bed early and he thinks about you—Not your ass this time, well, maybe just a little, that only takes up a fraction of his thoughts—More than a fraction ‘cause it’s a lot bigger than a fraction, and he wouldn’t insult you by insinuating your ass is only worth a fraction of his time, it’s worth a lot more than that—
He thinks about how you used to have gaps in your smile, and the dollhouse that’s gathering dust in the cellar, and your less-than-impressed face when he says anything ever. God, Leon could step on the wrong floorboard and you’d blow up at him, and he likes that part of you.
You’re so much like your mother and thank god you are, if you got anymore of Leon, he thinks he’d be a little less fond of you. When he looks in the mirror he only seems to like whatever he passed onto you. Whether it be your nose or your smile or something as little as a mole - Leon finds himself liking it more.
By the time you get home, Leon is sound asleep, your ass finds its home in your dreams among other things. The distant hum of an engine has him stirring, muscles relaxed but mind always alert, as if on a hair-trigger. Leon’s breath slows until it’s near silence, listening out for the slightest noise, anticipating a threat that hasn’t yet materialised.
The thump of your heels kicked off near the stairs for him to trip over, your heavy footsteps, your nails skittering over the wooden bannister as you try to get a hold on this inanimate and completely still object. He thinks you stumble halfway up the stairs, but you make it there safely, your bed creaks and Leon closes his eyes.
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“Afternoon,” Leon greets when you press into him from behind, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his shoulder softly. It’s intimate, but he can’t really call it that.
“Please, it’s barely twelve, dad.” You kiss his shoulder again, it means nothing, but his heart feels light. “Did you take your meds?”
“Stop calling them that.” He shakes you off gently, gentle being the only manner he can handle you in. “Makes me sound insane.”
“Okay, well,” you start with patience that is far too mechanical to be human, “they’re important, and I don’t really want to pay for any hospital bills, daddy, we’ve had enough of those.”
Jesus. Daddy. Don’t call him that. That’s not fair.
When he’s not facing you, Leon’s resolve takes a little longer to crumble, it sort of cracks and wobbles and threatens its own stability, then he makes eye contact and it all comes crashing down.
He stays with his back to you, but you float around the dining table and pull out a chair. Bare-faced and older. Pretty, he finds you pretty. You’re not so cute anymore, not a harmless little girl or a sweaty-palmed teenager, you’re pretty the same way his wife was.
“I’ll take them, give me a minute.” He gives you a once over. “You look, uh, good.”
“Like, for—You got home later, you don’t look tired.” Your complexion doesn’t look so bad either, no bloating, no puffy under eyes.
“Oh, yeah, I didn’t drink that much.” You smile down at the table absentmindedly, like you’re thinking about something, about someone—Leon doesn’t want to know.
He wants to die.
He gets up to take his medication. Anything to get him away from this conversation that wasn’t really happening, it wasn’t going anywhere, but he’s smart enough to pick up on implications—He did not like those implications, he doesn’t like where his thoughts are taking him.
“Hey, dad, by the way, are you free today?” You call from the kitchen over the whizzing of the blender.
“Yeah.” It’s not loud enough to be heard over the blender, he does that on purpose because he’s feeling especially petty.
“Yes! I said yes, turn that thing off when I’m talking!”
“God, okay, sorry, I was just asking.” You’re pouting when he returns - medicated and very pissed off, but the pout softens him right up. He’d like to kiss it away, but Leon settles for patting your head.
“Why, you need to go somewhere?” Leon cups your face, it feels different from all the other times. This isn’t being fond—It’s something worse, something so sinister it makes his balls shrivel.
“Mhm, I wanna go shopping.” You nod, batting your lashes at him, it’s something he would’ve taken as cute before, but now that’s—That’s hot.
He drops his hands before they drift downwards, grab at something he's not supposed to grab. Leon is not normal, nothing about this is right, but he is who he is.
“Get ready then,” Leon says, clearing his throat and looking anywhere but your face, “I’ll be waiting here, okay?”
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Dad is looking a little pale these days. He hasn’t looked so worn out since mom died - that shirt does good things to his biceps though. You hope he catches some eligible widow’s eye, it’s what he deserves.
You feel a little guilty for forcing him to drive you around, to carry your shopping bags, but that’s what dads are for, and it’s not like he’s ever minded. Dad literally lives and breathes to spoil you.
“You can go get food or something, daddy, but can you give me your card?” You grasp at his arm, and there’s a faraway look in his eyes.
You wait for him to say yes like usual, but he doesn’t.
He shrugs and says, “I’ll come with you, sweetheart.”
Fuck. You should’ve just taken his card and got an Uber. “I need to buy, like, girl stuff dad.”
“Okay, sweetheart, I bought you your training bras, didn’t I?” Dad’s not backing down for once, and it’s the one time you desperately need him to back down.
“Yeah… Doesn't mean you need to come with me.” You don’t want him knowing what panties you buy, or what cup size you are - none of that concerns him.
“What, you just used me for a ride?” Leon’s good at making that face, the dejected face, the face the dogs at the shelter make when they know they’re going to be put down and you walk right past them to a cuter, fluffier pup.
“Pretty much.” You shrug, and he pinches your cheek softly. That’s as stern as he gets with you.
“It’s only a big deal if you make it one sweetheart,” he says, and then Leon does something he never does—Not in public at least. He takes your hand in his like he does when the two of you cross a street - it’s an instinct for him and embarrassing for you.
“Dad?” You say quietly, but he looks on ahead like this is normal between the two of you. Once upon a time it was, but not now. Not when you’re grown, you have a job, you don’t need your daddy to hold your hand. It does feel nice though, his hand is slightly bigger and it’s soft considering all those years of hard work. You give it a squeeze and the corners of his lips twitch.
What is up with him?
“Forty dollars for a pack of seven, what a joke.” Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth after that long, silent and slightly tortuous walk. “We could always go somewhere else, sweetheart.”
(Victoria’s Secret happens to be on the top floor and farthest from the entrance dad decided to park in. Did he want to hold your hand for longer?)
A girl lingers on that same pack of seven, her eyes are on your dad and she flushes a nice shade of pink when he looks her way as most girls are prone to doing. You wonder if you could find a bra in that colour.
While Leon frets over prices, you find a nice selection of bras and panties and head off into the dressing rooms. You’ve always hated the lighting in the fitting rooms, it makes everything seem so much darker, and you can never pick up on the undertones. Like, you’re looking for baby pink not rose gold or mauve.
“Your girlfriend went through here, sir.” You pay no mind to the voice of an employee.
Shoes scuff against the ground outside, the squeak of leather as someone takes a seat outside the fitting rooms. “Thanks,” says a man who sounds exactly like your father. It is your dad. That’s your fucking dad, and he just let someone call you his girlfriend without even correcting them.
What is going on? The handholding and now this?
Maybe he didn’t hear her, Leon never listens to you, so why would he listen to some random girl? You still feel weird. Like you’re coated in a layer of something sticky.
You hold your breath when you hear footsteps, and then the curtain is pulled open. Why do fitting rooms have curtains? What is so wrong with having a sturdy wooden door?
“Dad!” You gasp and cover your chest when he steps inside, backing you into the mirror when he closes the curtain behind you.
“What? Dad—Get out, what are you doing? Do you want me to scream? I will scream, dad, I’m not joking.” The air is too thick to breathe in and your anger is spreading like a wildfire.
“I picked you some out,” Dad says so casually, like his eyes are not zeroed in on your tits. He holds up a selection of frilly bras and scanty panties and what is—Is this fucking real?
You’ve got to be having an awful, awful nightmare. Then he has the gall to touch you, and it’s really like dousing a hornets nest in gasoline—Oh, that’s real. This is real. He just touched you and you felt it.
“Sweetheart, don’t be angry.” Leon cups your face, his brows are pinched together in worry, the lines in his forehead are getting worse. Dad’s getting older by the second.
“They’re not… They're not even my size.” You’re paralysed by the absurdity of it all, you’re so upset you went numb, anger cauterised by that stupid fucking face of his. God, you’re whipped for dad the same way he is for you. He could give you a look and you’d just melt. You want to take care of him, you want to be there for him now that mom isn’t. Shit. What the fuck?
“Yeah, well, if you let me have a little feel, I bet I could guess.” Leon smiles his perfect white smile like there is nothing strange afoot—Like this is an everyday activity. A father-daughter pastime the two of you partake in often.
“Dad, what..?” Time itself seems to forget how to move as you stand there staring at him - with your tits out by the way.
“I… Sweetheart, don’t be mad at me.” Dad presses his forehead to yours, and his eyes are so gentle you find yourself trembling. How could you ever be mad at someone for giving you the world?
“I’m… Dad, I’m confused, I don’t understand where—You’re scaring me daddy.” And you know you sound like a little girl ‘cause his face changes and he takes you into his arms like you’re still the tiny pink bundle the midwife dropped on his chest so many years ago.
“Oh, baby,” Leon sighs into your neck, “I’m sorry, okay?”
“Yeah…” You tremble in his grasp, this is the smallest you’ve ever felt in your life. “…Dad?”
“Yeah, pumpkin?” His hands smooth up and down your back, it doesn’t feel like it usually does.
“It was you wasn’t it?” Bras don’t go missing that fucking easy—Socks, sure, but underwear? Jesus Christ, you thought there was a pervert in your walls—There's a pervert in your house, and it’s you father.
“What… What was?” Leon’s face says one thing, but his eyes carry a muted suggestion. The verdict is? Guilty as fucking—Guilty as a a dude who’s committed vehicular manslaughter.
“My stuff, I thought—I seriously thought I was going crazy, or the washing machine was eating everything, but it was you, wasn’t it?” You ask him quietly, voice void of the anger you initially held. God, you feel bad for him.
“…Yeah, pumpkin.” Is all Dad says. “I’m sorry… I think we need to have—To have a family meeting.”
“Dad that’s… It’s just the two of us? That’s just a conversation.” You can’t help but laugh, Jesus, what is going on right now?
“Yeah—I just, fuck, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You can’t be mad at him, no matter how you behave, the tantrums you throw—You can’t be mad at him. You know dad could leave you behind in your annoyance, but he stays behind to placate you, and he always does that. Fuck. Holy fuck. Are you seriously forgiving a fucking panty thieving pervert ‘cause he’s your sad old dad?
“Yeah?” Dad asks, breathless and he’s looking at you so reverently—Can you look at someone like that? If you can, that’s how dad’s looking at you. Like you’re something to behold. Something pretty and worth it and he’s made you feel like this since you were little.
“Yeah.” You give a curt nod, and when he pulls back, Leon’s hands come to squeeze your hips, gliding up your sides to toy with the lace hem of a bra you’ve been wearing a beat too long—It’s all sweaty, you’ll have to buy it. Slowly, but surely, he takes your tits into his hands. “Happy?”
You can’t help but be amused by his pleased hum, and fuck—His dick is pressing into you, you didn’t need to know that your dad is hung like a fucking witch.
“You should buy this one, fits well.” Dad nods appreciatively, like he’s a bra expert and not a pervert.
“Oh, yeah?” You huff out a laugh, you can never help yourself around him. You’re just as weak as he is when it comes down to it.
You stop by the bathrooms after a trip to the food court where you treat dad to Shake Shack courtesy of his card, he waits for you outside, standing taller and brighter and happier. Was that all it took? God. This is weird. You wonder if by the time the two of you get home, Leon’s going to pretend this never happened and the two of you will have to live in knowing silence.
“Did you see him? The guy in Victoria’s Secret? The one near me?” You hear two girls conversing while you’re in the stall, staring down at the wet patch on your panties. “He was, like, fucking cute.”
“Didn’t he have a girlfriend?”
“So? She could’ve been his daughter, he was, like, old, but hot old.”
“They were way too close for that to be his daughter.”
You step out of the stall wondering if you’re going to be his girlfriend or his daughter, you weigh up the options as you wash your hands, you’re still thinking about it as you hold the door open for the two girls.
Your hands are still wet, but Leon doesn’t seem to mind as he takes them in his. Their eyes are on you, and this little, jealous nagging part of you says go for it. Do it. So you stand on your tip-toes and kiss him. It’s barely a kiss by your standards, more of a peck than anything, but dad is fucking lovestruck. “I’m ready to go now, dad.”
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yakultii · 3 months
Well, just a normal question. I don't want to bother haha
What would be the most awkward moment you've had when traveling (in your country or abroad?
hahaha this is such a good question !! … god knows there’s probably been so many but at the same time I’m such an awkward person in general to the point that I feel no shame about almost anything and it would be awkward for the other person to feel awkward bc it’s too far gone/I tend to make other ppl feel comfortable being their weird awkward selves around me or so I’ve been told !! I’ve communicated w so many diff ppl even when there has been a total language barrier and I’ve found that laughter overcomes just about any barrier even ones u wouldn’t expect :,) …now if we are gonna speak about moments that I cringe at a little looking back it would probably be when I coulda had me a Swiss gf by now but my brain was hella lagging and I was talking ab my ex fml I SAW the shift in her facial expressions and it was over LOLOL actually it wasn’t over cos she planned for us to meet up again like 9 months later in my city cos she was about to go home earlier than expected and I was too mentally ill to get outta bed and said I was sick and I think she thought I didn’t like her again but anyway turns out she was going home early to be admitted in the mental hospital for the next yr so maybe we had too much in common anyways miss her love her she’s so pretty hope she’s doin better …OR maybe my first time in Bali I got completely scammed and stalked except I knew it was happening before it happened but I almost always travel on my own so I was like ehhh oh well rite of passage and let them take my money lmao idiot :,) also not an awkward moment but a kinda funny moment was in jakarta this random old guy was like can I have ur shoes for my daughter and I was like yeah sure (cos I was going home the next day and I had just bought a cheap kmart pair before leaving aus) and so I literally took em off my feet and gave them to him in the middle of nowhere LMAO. OMG actually I just remembered a kinda awkward situation one time at airlie beach I was also on my own.. I had no card on me cos it was on my phone on Apple Pay, my phone had died like permanently because I got sand and water in it on an island and even the charger wouldn’t bring it back to life and it was night and I had to check in to a hotel within like the next 30 mins before they shut their office (it was like a hotel connected to the owners house) which I needed my phone for google maps cos I had no idea where it was and needed to pay them also and also had my plane ticket to go home the next day digitally on my phone, also hadn’t eaten all day and couldn’t buy food it was a disaster and I was running up literal hills to find this hotel and asking random people on the street and almost in tears and out of breathe and I finally got there like 2 mins before closing time and I had to like convince the owners to let me stay there overnight and let me pay in the morning bc my phone was broken and they were kinda cranky about it and by some miracle my phone turned on at like 2% and wouldn’t charge anymore the next morning but I was up and awake super early like 5am bc I was so hungry so I thought I’d go get breakfast and then come back before I checked out and then on my way to breakfast I ran into the owner of the hotel and it looked like I was scamming them omg
omg this also made me think of on that same trip to Airlie beach I was literally walking for a few km back to my accomm one night cos it was on the outskirts of town and it was in the dark already and my phone had died (this was before it fully broke it was just flat or maybe I just had no reception I don’t remember) I suck at directions and can never retrace my steps and I was just vibing and I thought I had to walk through these rich ass houses and ppl were driving out for a night out so the gate had just opened so I walked right in… uhhh turns out it was like a lil gated community type vibe which was a dead end.. so I turn around and the gate is fully automated locked up behind me like the highest fence like 3X my height with all those spikes on top of it..like noone was around to ask to open it and it was pitch black and I was on my own I was like fuck I’m not getting out of here but luckily I’m literally a ninja and somehow managed to climb up over the fence with all the security cameras looking at me I was like omg I’m gonna be on the news it looked so suss hahahahagot stabbed a lil bit but mostly it was overruled by relief and I jogged the rest of the way home literally through the bush land bro it was a scary time AHAHA …but not as scary as when I was stuck 5kms out in open sand dunes in a thunder lightening storm or on the edge of a muddy cliff in a rainforest inside a mini bus as we had to use human balance to get one person out at a time before the bus slipped down lmao ..ok none of these were awkward but I had to think cos I don’t remember nothing ever im sure some much crazier shit has occurred idek what I’ve done in this life actually I’m starting to remember many things I have so many travel stories none rlly awkward tho that’s just not a concept for me :,)
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
And this is for the billboard live dated 4.4.2023
[jeongguk present]
And jeongguk 7.30.2021
Bro I started watching this video thinking it was bullshit i swear I called them delulu bc there wasn’t any voice and then at 3.42 seconds jimin
and I went to the actual live and at 47.05 seconds it’s actually his voice
that’s jimin saying “aigoo” “아이고”
there’s absolutely no way that’s not him but like Wtf
And there was a flash + the sound of the door beeping
I think you don’t believe in these but it is Jimins voice in both but I wanted to know why you don’t because I was a bit puzzled when you said you don’t think km being in each others vlives is true. I don’t think there is another explanation for it ngl. I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m being rude I feel like I sound a bit rude sometimes
Listen, idk if you are the same anon. Because if you are, it would be THIRD time you've sent a message basically insisting I tell you that JK was in JMs live or vice versa. So i hope you aren't the same anon, because then yeah it would be rude. Not for the tone of your message, but because I am not trying to convince you or insist you see things my way. In both previous messages, I've told you that I don't think so but that I was happy to agree to disagree and that was fine. It's no skin off my back whether jk (or jm) was there or not. I just don't happen to think they were in the specific lives you keep mentioning.
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Which you then continually bring up that i said KM being in each other's lives isn't true. Which I never said, I said, I don't think the other was there. I have talked about vlives they've done in the past where I think one or the other was hanging out behind the camera while the other talked to ARMY. As for these lives you keep bringing up, you can find my opinions on them and all the other lives I've been asked about here:
And my opinions have not changed. I am sorry if my reply also came off as rude. It really wasn't my intention, but I am a *little* frustrated that you won't seem to just accept we can have different opinions here. It doesn't change anything in the grand scheme of jikooks relationship together nor how we (you, me, and everyone else) support it in our own ways. So can we just.... agree to disagree here? Please? And again, my opinions over all their lives over the years are in the link above, which is part of my masterlist.
Thank you💜💜
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princessd4isyjr · 3 years
°besties 4 life they say°
corpse husband x black fem reader
this °° mines thought
Y\N stands for your name
F\F stands for favorite food
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Y/N plays (you can change the way she looks, its YOU after all)
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corpse husband (the smexy nigga with the deep voice)
you are a youtuber with over 3.34M subs on youtube and 1.25M on twitch, your personality is amazing and you act like a crackhead every time your live or in general and for somebody with a pretty face you do talk a lot of shit (once berleezy told you)
you were one of the most popular black female gamers who live in new jersey and is friends with coryxkenshion (i miss him) imdontai, yourrage, berleezy, ricothegiant, dashiegames and ishowspeed
you were mostly know for playing fighting games, action games, raging games and horror games just like your friends but today you  didn’t know what video to upload today so she got to twt and tweeted
“GUYZZZ i hope you all are having a good time today, i might not play today but it depen- !YOU KNOW WAT tweet your suggestions on wat i should play today ANYTHING”
when you finish eating you f\f and watched a marathon of boondocks (if you don’t know wat that show....know you do) so you scrolled through the tweet you tweeted 2 hours ago and saw games you already played until you saw your friend pokimane tweeted under your tweet saying.
“hey @Y/NPLAYS why don’t you play among us with us, we are gonna play tonight at 8:05PM i will dm you our discord if you want *smile emoji*”
when you finished reading that tweet you thought of it and decided to dm poki for the link she quickly responded and sent you the link.
(IT’S 8:00)
what you are wearing
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your hoodie
you got prepared and pressed your camera and said “hey guys welcome back to my channel (random name for subs) and today i wasn’t gonna upload today bc the last horror game we played made me want to kms *worry giggles and says yike and laughs again* so i got to twitter and tweeted “send me any game and i will play it” so one of my besties pokimane tweeted saying if i wanted to play among us at 8:05PM so i accepted it and here we are *puts headphones* sorry for the long intro lets get into playing this BIH”
you pressed start and you heard voices and voices of people you don’t know until you opened your mouth and said “um halooo” “who is this??” “ OH its y/n” “WAIT REALLY” then you laughed and said “ yeah um not tryina to waste and bodies time but who’s playing this bc the only person i know is poki, rae and myth the rest idk yall”
so poki says all the people that are here “so you already know me, myth and rae but there’s also dream( fck that nigga), sykkuno, toast, pewdiepie, tommyinit and corpse” then you made a ‘who that’ face bc you never heard of anybody called corpse but you saw some tweets on twt talkin bout a corpse but you thought they was talkin bout prince philip, so you asked while they were already playing “who is copse i never heard of him” “hay corpse say hi to y/n” said tommy
then there was an awkward silence and then out of no where you heard a very deep voice say “HI THERE” then everybody laughed including you and you thought °DAMN this nigga gotta deep voice° and you responded by saying “h-hi-HI” everybody laughed again bc the way you said it and at the same time you heard corpse’s laugh and it was kind a cute
you were the imposter and you were good at pretending your not, everybody died except you, corpse and rae.
corpse starts talking and investigating but at the some point you guys grouped up like sherlock and watson “BOTH” of you though it was rae so you kept screaming at her saying she is the imposter until when it got dark rae was already died and corpse gasped and made his avatar to do a dramatic turn which made you laugh and then you said “i’m so sorry corpse but i hade too” you said in an dramatic ass voice and then ran after him and killed him.
everybody then gasp, ranting and yeahs, you then smile and said “thank you all for having me here and sorry corpse that i betrayed you but that was the point” corpse was silent then said “FUCK YOU” then you laughed it off and ended the game and said:
“okay guys that’s it for today hope yall enjoyed me playing this and comment down below if i should play again where i play everybodies ass again, so subscribe and like this video and get notified every time this bitch makes a video peace out niggas”
then you stopped your camera and got onto your bed where you start editing your video and then you received a notification on your phone, you though it was one of your fans or maybe a mention on twitter, instagram or reddit but you checked bc you sometimes interact with your fans but you saw a familiar pfp and clicked on the dm and saw that corpse sent you a message.
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dottielovegood · 3 years
ASMR - Chapter 5
Elriel fanfiction
About this fic:
Azriel can’t sleep Elain has an ASMR channel Match made in heaven (or you know, on youtube..)
You can find chapter 1 here, chapter 2 here, chapter 3 here and chapter 4 here
Read this fic on AO3
Elain Beautiful!
Elain’s message made Azriel blush. He even blushed the next day whenever he thought about it.
He had never been called “beautiful” before. Handsome? Yes. Sexy and hot? A few times
But beautiful? Never
He couldn’t stop thinking about the message. Nor could he stop thinking about the fact that she lived in Velaris. Had they ever passed each other on the street? Had he stood behind her in the line at the grocery store?
Had they breathed the same air without knowing it?
Azriel couldn’t help but think back to Rhys and Feyre’s wedding. She had been there, hadn’t she? That same day when he was sitting with Rhys in a suite before the ceremony, she had delivered flowers downstairs. If he had just left the room before the ceremony, he might have met her that day. He was certain that they hadn’t met, even though Nesta was certain that they must have at least seen each other. He knew in his heart that he could never have forgotten her face if he had seen it. He couldn’t stop thinking about her now, and he had only seen her on his screen.
Azriel imagined that she must be even more beautiful in real life.
And now, he could actually find out if that was the case.
He told himself that he didn’t change his usual morning route because he wanted to see her. He told himself that he was tired of running in the park and that a run along the river Sidra would be a nice change of pace. He told himself that he didn’t even think about the fact that Elain’s flower shop was located on River Street, looking out over the Sidra.
He told himself all these things, but deep down, he knew that he was lying. It felt stupid and idiotic to lie to yourself, but it made him feel a bit better. It made him feel a little less like a creep as he ran along the river.
It was a nice day out. You could tell that summer was turning into fall because of the crisp morning air and the changing colors of the leaves. Velaris was probably the most beautiful during fall, at least according to Azriel. He had always loved fall and always hated summer. He didn’t like the heat. His friend, Cassian, hated summer too because of his allergies. That’s why he and Nesta had opted for a fall wedding.
The city was quiet this early in the morning. Azriel enjoyed the quiet; he always had. He never worked out with music and he couldn’t understand why people wanted to blast stressful tunes in their ears while working out. For Azriel, running was a form of meditation. He was completely alone with his thought and he often felt as if he had his best ideas during his morning runs. Music would have bothered him.
He had mapped out a route along the Sidra that was approximately 5 kilometers long (he always ran 5 km in the morning). It just so happened that Elain’s store could be seen from this route. What a coincidence, he thought, as it came into view.
In between the lies he had told himself, he had also told himself that she would probably not be there this early. He just wanted to see the place where she worked, but she would most likely not even be there. It was less creepy if she wasn’t there, which is why he hadn’t walked by in the middle of the day. He didn’t want her to think that he was a stalker. He remembered what Nesta had said about her taste in men, and he was pretty sure that she would never look at him again if she thought that he was stalking her.
As he was nearing her shop, he felt his palms sweat and his heart race. Totally normal reactions to a workout, he told himself. And all of a sudden, he found himself across the street from her little shop. It was situated between a small café and a bookshop. The sign above the door was light pink, and swirly green letters read “WALLFLOWER”. That was an interesting name for a flower shop, Azriel thought. Then, he noticed that the lights were on and the door was slightly ajar. Azriel held his breath as he slowed his pace and looked through the window. At first, there was no sign of anyone in there. Then, a door in the back opened, and there she was. She had her hair down today, and she was wearing a dark blue dress over a white t-shirt. Her face was covered by the big bunch of flowers she was carrying. Azriel knew nothing about flowers, but he knew he hated these white and pink things for covering her face. Azriel pulled up his hood, hoping that she wouldn’t see him as he lingered on the other side of the street, hoping for just one look.
She bent over and put the flowers down just by the door. Her hair fell in front of her face and…
That’s when Azriel’s phone rang.
And for once in his life, the sound was on. He had no idea when he had un-muted it, but he could see Elain shift. Shit, she had heard his phone. The door was slightly open and there was no traffic right now which obviously meant that anyone within a 100-meter radius could hear it. And it did not help that someone, probably Cassian, had changed his ringtone to fucking Barbie Girl by Aqua.
Azriel quickly turned away from the shop and started running again. He didn’t even see where he was going as he fumbled in his pocket for his phone. “Fuck,” he let out as the female voice in his pocket sang about how fantastic it was to be plastic.
“What?” he answered, ready to rip apart the person that had called him.
“What has your knickers in a twist?” Rhys asked in a fake British accent.
“I’m running.”
“Yeah, I know. You always run at this time of the day. Creature of habit and all that.” Rhys sounded chipper. Who the fuck was this happy in the morning?
“What do you want? Didn’t you say that the meeting started at nine today?”
“Yes, Azriel. The meeting starts at nine, but I need you and Cassian to come in earlier. Like now. Where are you?”
“I’m by the Sidra, so it’ll probably take me ten minutes to reach the office if I run,” Azriel answered. “Is this urgent, or can I go home and change?”
“Why are you by the Sidra? You always run in the park?”
“Trying to get out of my comfort zone,” Azriel mumbled, hoping that Rhys would just let it go.
“Well, good for you. And yes, it’s urgent. You can shower here and I know that you keep extra clothes in your desk drawer. See you in ten minutes!”
Azriel groaned. He did not want an emergency meeting right now. He wanted to go home and drown in his shower from the sheer mortification he was feeling.
“Oh, Azriel!” Rhys almost shouted before Azriel could hang up. “Bring coffee.”
Azriel snorted. “I didn’t think you were allowed coffee.”
Azriel could hear the smile in his brother’s voice as he said, “just bring the fucking coffee, Az.”
20 minutes later, Azriel walked into the office with three cups of coffee and a few croissants.
“What’s the emergency?” Azriel asked as soon as he walked through the doors to Rhys’ office.
Cassian was already there, and Rhys had the biggest grin on his face. It made Azriel uncomfortable. Why was he grinning at half-past seven in the morning?
Azriel handed one cup each to Rhys and Cassian while taking one for himself. He didn’t take a seat. He just waited for Rhys to tell him why the hell he was here.
Cass took a sip from his cup and made a disgusted face.
“What the fuck is this?” he asked.
“De-caf, vanilla latte with extra foam.”
“Why? You know that I drink my coffee black.”
“Barbie girl,” was all Azriel said, and from the way Cassian’s face lit up, he could tell that it was, indeed, Cassian who had changed his ringtone.
“Oh, yeah,” Cassian grinned. “great song!”
Azriel rolled his eyes.
Rhys leaned against his desk and took a swig from his own cup. Azriel had not made a funny order for him, but he kind of wish he had. The stupid smile seemed to be permanently etched onto his face. Rhys let out a sound that sounded eerily like a moan.
“God, this tastes like heaven,” he sighed. Azriel liked his coffee as much as any other person, and he guessed that it would taste even better if you had gone without any caffeine for months, but this was still weird.
“Better than your wife?” Cass joked and wiggled his eyebrows.
Rhys shot him a death glare. “Don’t you dare speak about the mother of my future child like that!”
Azriel felt his jaw drop. Did he just say what Azriel thought he said?
He didn’t have time to ask before Rhys lit up again. “Feyre’s pregnant!” he basically shouted.
For a beat, Azriel and Cassian stared at him dumbfounded. Then, Cassian jumped from his chair, embracing Rhys.
“Damn! Finally! Congratulations, man,” he said and patted him hard on the back.
Azriel wasn’t much of a hugger, but even he embraced his brother. “Congrats!”
“How did you find out?” Cassian asked.
“Well, it was all very romantic. I made her breakfast this morning, and she looked at me as if I had put rat-poison in her porridge. Then she threw up. Actually, the first sign was definitely that her boobs got bigger, but she told me to shut up every time I mentioned it.”
“Didn’t need to know that,” Azriel muttered.
Rhys ignored him. “So she took a test, and there were definitely two little pink lines there.”
His entire face was a big smile now, and Azriel couldn’t help but smile too. He was so happy for Rhys and Feyre. They were going to be great parents.
“So, I wanted to tell you that you’re going to be uncles,” he announced.
Azriel and Cassian looked at each other. If Azriel wasn’t mistaken, he could see Cassian tear up.
“I’ll be the fun uncle,” Cass exclaimed as if anyone would ever question that.
Azriel took a seat next to Cassian as they continued talking for a while. Az couldn’t help but notice that Rhys seemed almost equally happy about the fact that he was now allowed to eat meat and drink coffee again.
“So, Rhys, just to be clear. You only called us in here this early to tell us that you were going to be a father? That couldn’t wait?”
“Obviously, it couldn’t wait,” Rhys answered matter of factly. “But no, that wasn’t the only reason. There’s a problem with the online subscriptions that I need you to look at.”
“What’s the problem?”
“I have no idea. That’s why I hired you.”
Azriel spent the entire morning sorting out the problem. When he was finally done, it was time for lunch. Since he hadn’t been able to go home and bring the lunch he had prepared, he had to venture out for food. He decided to go to one of his favorite places in town; a small Vietnamese place within walking distance to the office. He ordered Phở and decided to eat his lunch there since he was a bit tired of staring into his computer screen. He took a seat in the corner next to the windows looking out over the street and started a podcast on his phone as he dug into his noodle soup. It was delicious, as always, and he didn’t really pay attention to anything but the food and the podcast. This is why he didn’t notice that someone had sat down at his table until a female voice started speaking to him. He had just shoved some noodles into his mouth as he looked up to see who was talking to him, and his heart almost stopped.
It was her. Flower Girl ASMR. Elain.
Azriel had noodles hanging out of his mouth and his brain couldn’t decide if he should just push all of it into his mouth, or take a bite and let the rest fall into his bowl, so he just sat there; looking and feeling like a fool.
“Azriel,” Elain greeted him when his eyes met hers. His brain couldn’t comprehend that she was here, at one of his favorite restaurants, while he was listening to a true-crime podcast. Azriel quickly swallowed what was in his mouth and removed his headphones. He could feel himself blush.
“Elain,” he breathed, feeling warm and sweaty all of a sudden. “What are you doing here?”
She laughed. She had a lovely laugh. “Nice to see you too. Is it good?”
“The food,” she gestured to the bowl, “is it good?”
“Yes, very.” Azriel didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t expected to see her here. He had actually not expected to ever hear from her again if she had seen him outside of her store this morning.
Elain looked around. “This place is really cute. I’ve never been here before, but my employees recommended it.”
That explained why she was there.
“Yeah, it’s the best Vietnamese food in town.”
“I’ll take your word for it. You seemed to really enjoy it.” She smiled at him, and he was suddenly very aware of the fact that she had seen him eat. He had no idea what he looked like when he ate, but he felt very self-conscious all of a sudden.
“So, you live in Velaris?” Azriel asked after a short stretch of silence.
She nodded. “Mhm. I moved here a few years ago and opened my shop. Speaking of, did I see you this morning?” She was eyeing him suspiciously.
Azriel felt himself go completely still. Fuck. She had seen him. His life was over. Mentally, he started to prepare to move away from Velaris. Maybe he should just move to Australia? Or maybe Siberia? Anywhere far, far away.
He felt himself shake his head in answer, hoping that she believed him.
She raised an eyebrow “Really?”
She looked down at her lap and he could hear her tap on her phone, and then Azriel’s phone, which was conveniently sitting on the table, was ringing.
Fucking Barbie Girl.
He had forgotten to put it on silent again. He was going to murder Cassian.
The screen lit up with her name, and he knew he was busted.
He expected her to tell him to never contact her again. He expected her to kick him under the table and call him a creep. And god, did he deserve it. But, to his surprise, she laughed.
“Interesting music choice. I wouldn’t have pegged as a 90’s euro-pop lover.”
“I’m not,” he muttered under his breath. “This is my friend’s idea of humor. I am going to kill him as soon as I get back to the office.”
“Please don’t. You’re too pretty to go to jail,” Elain joked, and Azriel felt himself blush - again.
He took a deep breath and decided to try to explain the situation. “About this morning... I was just doing my morning workout. I promise I was not stalking you.”
“I didn’t think you were stalking me. I mean, did you even know I lived in Velaris?”
Azriel was just about to answer when Elain’s name was called. She got up and picked up her food from the girl behind the register. She walked back to his table and held up the brown paper bag, “Well, I have to go. My employees need fuel.”
“It was really nice meeting you in real life, Elain. Sorry if I was weird,” Azriel apologized.
“Don’t apologize. I get it. I hate when people interrupt me when I eat. But when I saw you, I just felt like I had to say hi.”
Azriel smiled at her. “It was a welcome interruption. Enjoy your lunch!”
With a quick goodbye, she turned around and started to walk to the door. Azriel cursed himself. Why was he such a weirdo? Couldn’t he have been cool and mysterious? Why did he have to be some kind of awkward noodle-eating monster?
He was just about to drown himself in the remaining food in front of him when he saw Elain turn around and head for his table again.
“Would you like to do this again?” she asked, the question coming out quickly.
Azriel stared at her. “Do what?”
“See each other in real life.”
“Yes,” Azriel blurted out. “I would really like that.”
She gave him the sweetest smile and he felt like he was looking at the sun.
“Great! Are you free this Friday?”
Azriel didn’t tell her that he would make sure to be free any night she wanted to spend time with him.
Instead, he just said, “Yes, I’m free.”
“Good. I’ll text you.”
And with that, Elain exited the restaurant. Azriel was staring at his bowl of cold noodles, not feeling very hungry anymore. She had asked him out.
Elain, the prettiest girl alive, had asked him out.
If he had been a comic book character, he was certain that there would be small, pink hearts flying around his head.
She texted him later that night.
Elain It was lovely running into you today :) But damn that ringtone of yours! I’ve been singing Barbie Girl all day, haha!
Azriel Thank you for interrupting my lunch! Don’t tell anyone this, but I haven’t been able to get that stupid song out of my head either. But don’t worry, I was able to get my hands on my friend’s phone this afternoon and return the favor.
Elain Oooh! Which song did you pick?
Azriel Jizz in my pants by the Lonely Island.
Elain You’re evil! I love it!
Azriel So, for Friday. Would you be up for drinks?
Azriel wanted to suggest dinner, but drinks felt safer. If she thought that he was dull or weird, it would be easier for her to leave.
Elain Yes! That would be great. There is this new place that I’ve been dying to go to. It’s called Rita’s.
Azriel Rita’s it is! Shall we say at 8?
Elain It's a date! I’m really looking forward to it :)
Azriel Me too!
Azriel felt giddy. He felt like a teenager that had just been asked out by his crush. Or at least, he thought that this was the same feeling. He hadn’t really been asked out in High School. Elain had probably been popular, but he had been the emo-guy in the corner, listening to music nobody had ever heard.
However, the more he thought about Friday, the more nervous he became. What if he couldn’t find something interesting to talk about? What if she found him boring?
And worst of all; what the hell should he wear?
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Repercussions (6)
Pairing: dark!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader, future dark!WandaNat x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha tries to get you accustomed to your new life, and Wanda has a confession for her best friend.
Warnings: dark themes, slightly sexual content
A/N: currently wishing that Wanda and Nat teaming up to obsess over their girlfriend together had been my plan all along because I’m in love with the concept already! this part’s pretty tame compared to previous ones because it’s more of a filler chapter, but I might post 7 tomorrow to make up for it...anyway, tell me your thoughts!!
Previous part
Commotion in the connected bathroom brought you to consciousness the following morning, and you sat up to stretch as your fiery-haired captor walked into the room. Her eyes trailed over your frame shamelessly, a soft smile on her lips as she walked over to drop clothes in the laundry basket on the opposite side of the room.
“Good morning, my love. Feeling rested?”
“Yeah, I guess,” you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes, jumping back when you opened them to the sight of Natasha sitting next to you. “Fuck, you’re quiet.”
“Lots of practice, baby.” She leaned forward to peck your lips, stealing a few more quick kisses before pulling away with a grin. “I’ll make some breakfast while you get ready.”
“Ready for what? I’m not exactly allowed to leave.”
“There’s nothing out there for you!” she snapped, taking a deep breath and bringing her smile back to the surface. “I wanted to give you a proper tour of our home today, one that you could remember anyway.”
You got up and grabbed some things for the shower, deciding that it was far too early to fight with someone who had the upper hand anyway. Of course you took your time anyway, moving so slowly with showering, moisturizing and dressing that Natasha returned to the room to look for you.
“Food’s getting cold,” she huffed, arms folded across her chest as she stood in the doorway.
“Thought you couldn’t cook anyway.”
“I’ve been learning from Wanda.” 
As soon as you stood up from putting on socks, she grabbed your wrist roughly and pulled you behind her on her way back to the kitchen. She then pulled out your chair and pushed you into it, taking a seat across from you and digging into her meal. The pancakes and eggs on your plate seemed surprisingly edible, and the two of you ate in silence until your plates were cleared. After washing the dishes, Natasha took hold of your hand, lacing her fingers between yours as she pulled you to your feet once more.
“I don’t want you to get bored, so you have access to every room except the bedroom at the end of the hall. I locked it so you wouldn’t be tempted to wander in there,” she told you with a wink as she led you away from the kitchen.
She showed you the spacious backyard, pointing out the different swings attached to the huge trees and the jacuzzi that was covered but ready for use. She also implied that you’d be in trouble if you were to step foot in the garage again, especially to try and escape. She trusted you enough to leave the keys on display, and wouldn’t hesitate to put you in your place if you made any moves.
She showed you a few more bedrooms (one that held whatever clothing she’d moved from the tower), and another bathroom before leading you to the main level again. There you found a third bathroom, one more bedroom, a dining room with a much bigger table and a living room with a huge television. 
There was another television in the basement, even bigger than the one in the living room, and a room marked “Security” that was also off limits to you. Around another corner is where you found a gaming area. You sat on the pool table and looked around at the arcade machines and video games that were in various areas of the room. You were so lost in admiring everything that you didn’t realize Natasha was speaking to you until her hands were on your thighs, spreading them apart enough for her to step between them.
“You didn’t hear a word I said, did you?” Her tone was playful, and you felt yourself physically relaxing as her fingers ran back and forth between your hips and knees.
“No, sorry. I’ve never seen so many games in one house.”
“Well, they’re all yours now, printsessa. Really, you can have anything you want...” Her voice seemed to deepen as one of her hands landed on your lower back, her forehead leaning against yours to give you a perfect view of her eyes as they darkened with lust. “All you have to do is ask.”
Her free hand joined the other as she kissed you, pulling you closer to the edge of the pool table as she worked her tongue into your mouth. Your legs wrapped around her waist as you got lost in the feeling, breathing a little heavier as her lips separated from yours to ghost over your neck, nibbling here and there until she found a spot that made your back arch in her hold. After teasing you until you were grinding impatiently against her, she pushed you back onto the table and started unbuttoning your jeans just as someone cleared their throat.
Natasha pulled back slightly and the two of you turned your head to see Wanda in the doorway, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. You quickly sat up as Wanda walked into the room.
“I’m uh, so sorry to burst in like this, Tash. Clint is here and I also need to talk to you when he’s gone.”
“Alright, I’ll be back.” 
She sighed in frustration as she forced herself to leave you while she ran upstairs, and you found yourself looking at the seemingly nervous witch while she avoided your eyes. You weren’t sure if it was the fact that she held control over your mind for a week (or possibly more), but you felt surprisingly at ease in her presence, which only made you more curious about her.
“You’re not using your powers on me right now, are you?” Your question broke the silence and caused her to finally make eye contact with you, her gaze significantly less red than the first time but still nice.
“No, of course not. Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. I just feel weirdly peaceful around you, and I thought maybe you were doing something.”
She shook her head as her polite smile turned into a grin, and she seemed to just muster up the courage to say more to you when Natasha came downstairs again.
“Okay, Clint’s gone,” she told Wanda as she approached you again, leaving a gentle kiss on your lips and cheek. “Go play a game while we talk in the other room, baby.”
Natasha watched you jump down from the pool table obediently and head over to the nearest arcade machine, an adoring smile on her lips the entire time. She then turned to Wanda and nodded at the couch in front of the television, following her over there and sitting next to her.
“What’s going on? You seem shaky.”
“I think I should stop helping you,” Wanda told her, shrinking back a bit when Natasha frowned.
“What, you got cold feet or something?”
“No, I just have a problem and I don’t want it to get worse.” She sighed heavily, mentally reminding herself to stay calm. “I think I’m falling in love with Y/N just as quickly as you are. She’s been in my head since the night I went with you to her apartment and I thought maybe it was just physical attraction but… Honestly, I’d kill anyone if it meant being able to have her the way that you do, and I don’t think it’s fair of me to stick around when I feel this way.”
Natasha was silent for a few moments with a neutral expression, and Wanda didn’t dare listen to her thoughts in fear of hearing something she’d hate. Finally her best friend turned to her with a playful smirk.
“Well, as long as my printsessa agrees, I don’t see why we can’t share her.”
Wanda felt her muscles releasing every bit of anxiety-induced tension they held, and a timid smile appeared on her own features. 
“Are you sure, though? If this isn’t something you want, I have no problem just--”
“It’s fine,” she chuckled as she grabbed Wanda’s hand to stop her from rambling. “It’s new for me, but I’m willing to try it out. Maybe our baby will listen better to both of us.”
“Our baby...I love the sound of that.”
“I do too.” She squeezed her hand with a suddenly mischievous grin as she came to a realization. “Since you’ll be joining us, I have something to show you.”
Tags: @littlegasps @imnotasuperhero @emilyprentisswife @fayhar @bebe404 @seventeen0 @nat-km-mh @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @sxphiaswitch @becka107 @trikruismybitch @cherrieloco @muted-stoneheart @its-a-long-way-to-ba-sing-se @mjaudrey @buckmesidewaysandcallmesteve @darkangelxoxo @witchxaf @sakurat123 
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esperanta-dragon · 3 years
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I feel like there is a need to write down why so many people hate Sylvanas so much, me included. Maybe you can’t stand her too OR you love her and you don’t understand why the hell people can hate such an amazing character. Here is why. And I will try to write this down logically as possible. No “hur dur I hate her because she is a bitch!”. No, I will put down all things so you can understand. And one sad disclaimer... it’s not the character’s fault.
Sylvanas showed up in Warcraft III as a Ranger General of Quel’thalas. She was protecting her country for quite some time when Arthas attacked Eversong Woods in order to get to Sunwell and resurrect Kel’Thuzad as a lich. Sylvanas paid with her life and her soul to protect her people and her country. She was made banshee and was forced to do things against her will and serve the Scourge she hated. But she was still plotting her revenge, didn’t give up until the moment came and she took the chance. She reclaimed her body back and almost killed Arthas, and took over Lordaeron City. Then she took over the undead slowly freeing from the Lich King’s grasp and gave them a place where to stay, becoming their Queen. And since then, she was planning to kill the Lich King for good.
That’s why we loved her (I never did, I will explain that later why). She really kicked his ass. She slapped the Scourge in the face. She never gave up and was doing everything to achieve her goals, her revenge. There are not so many such strong female characters, so resolute. She was not good but also not evil, she was shady, she was not the boring good guy. So why the hell people hate her? She is perfect! Let’s go to what happened during and after WotLK... Because here it starts.
As I said, many people adore Sylvanas since Warcraft III. But they don’t understand the character is not the same. She was never good, she was an anti-hero, that’s the fact (the Ebon Blade are also anti-heroes and they are not bad, they just do necessary things to keep the Scourge in check). She was doing everything to take revenge on Arthas. And everything means that she had no problems walking over corpses of her allies. Causalities because of my fault? Pfft! No matter as long as the piece of trash sitting on the Frozen Throne will get what he deserves!
This was pretty much visible after Wrathgate when Varimathras and Putress tried to take over Undercity and Alliance and the Horde saw what she is doing inside the city. Still fine, it was in character, she was doing EVERYTHING to take revenge on Arthas. Everything. That’s why she existed, why she kept going. Even back then, I didn’t hate her. She was still a very well-written character. This is what a character in her position would do. 
But once everything was done, the Lich King was taken care of, she realized there is no point in her existence. She saw the Lich King was not destroyed. They only replaced him. So she threw herself from the Icecrown Citadel and fell on saronite spikes, the only thing that could definitely kill her.
And she ended up in a dark place. And the pain she felt was not like anything she felt before. It was the most horrible, the most inconsolable place. But val’kyras came down to her and sacrificed for her to get her back. Now we know what happened as we progress in the Shadowlands but... let’s say this was the beginning of the end for a good character Sylvanas once was. This was a start of cliché, inconsistency, and a great example that good characters should be allowed to go and leave so they can be remembered as a good characters.
Look, I came to WoW really late. I was playing on WotLK free servers as I could not afford to pay for official servers. But I knew the story in WotLK and I was still pretty ok with Sylvanas. I don’t remember hating her this much. She was well written.
It was Cataclysm Firelands patch when I finally could come to official servers. And Sylvanas was already doing pretty shady and disgusting stuff. I played Forsaken starting quest line so I know. Raising undead like the Lich King did? No problem for her. She even said she is like Arthas but she is working for the Horde (she never cared for them anyway, it was just more beneficial for her). What happened in Gilneas was not alright. Who gases the whole zone and making it inhabitable? Alright, let’s say Horde was expanding and Gilneas was next to Lordaeron. Alright. But back then, I finally dove deep into lore and I’ve noticed many people are really devoted to Sylvanas. It seemed almost like a cult. And every time I asked people, why they love this psyhopathic banshee, they were like: “She is my Queen! I love her, I would die for her! She is cool, she is taking care of us, she has a good heart!”
Something was amiss here... I couldn’t understand this. I couldn’t see what they saw. I saw a shady, ruthless and careless psychopath who is using her loyal subjects to save herself from something. And many people believed it even in BfA. Me and my friend had to show them excerpts from short stories where she say that “once they were arrows in her quiver, now they are bulwark against the darkness”. They couldn’t believe they loved Queen would not love them back!
But hey, still, I wanted to understand why people love her. I would understand if it would be still Warcraft III or WotLK, that’s fine. But Cata? Legion? BfA? Shadowlands? 
So I started reading all books, short stories where she was. Articles about her. I tried to catch the glimpse of why people loved her: the majority told me she is still good and has a good heart and she is an amazing person. But I didn’t see it. Maybe I am stupid and I don’t understand, I am missing something... So I kept studying, trying to see anything good in her, I was failing. I saw a character falling more down into a pit full of anger and hate. Her loyalists said she was an amazing creature, loving, caring.
And the more I was told by people that she is caring and she has a good heart, the more I was getting disgusted and angry because the more I was reading about her and the more her loyalists told me, the more I saw what Sylvanas is: inconsistent character.
In one book she was written like this. In another book, she was written like that. In one quest it was like this, then it was like that. In one expansion she behaved this way, in the next expansion, it was that way. She was doing more and more twisted things and her loyalists kept telling me she has a good heart. My frustration was growing to the point I could not stand her. It felt like I’ve met the person I knew was torturing her friends but when I met them, they told me with bruises on their faces and definitely mentally abused that she is amazing and it’s not her fault, she is just misunderstood and I should love her too.
When she killed Liam Greymane, loyalists were like: “I have no clue why Genn hates her so much! That stupid dog should die!” Yeah right, somebody kills your son and destroys your home, you have no reason to be angry, it’s ok.
She burns down Teldrassil and they said: “Why Tyrande wants to kill her? I hope Sylvanas kills her first!” Sure, somebody burns down a city with thousands of innocent people, it’s fine, let them go, no hard feelings. And sometimes these people are able to justify her actions with: “But this is fantasy! There is different morale than in real world!” Please, guys, never ever write a story. Never touch it. You will end up like Steve Danuser making characters to behave like idiots and without emotions. Stay away. Please. Do world the favor.
I was trying really hard. Trying to figure out what kind of character she is. Find a pattern. Because you can write a chaotic character and still find a pattern and it can be still a consistent character. But Sylvanas? I felt more and more that not even Blizzard knows what to do with her, how to write her... she felt more and more inconsistent and out of place with every expansion. And you know what? That happens to characters which are kept in the story longer than they should. If character losts a meaning of their existence, there are only two options: you either let them go or you have to find them a new meaning. And in case of Sylvanas, the second option led to a narrative disaster.
We were told by Blizzard: “Don’t worry! Everything falls in place! It makes sense what she does!” But after the Sanctum of Domination finale? It was a big fat lie...
Before I come to the cinematic, let me tell you what made me hate her beyond every possible measure: her fandom.
In Legion, she was doing shady stuff. But in BfA? She became a Hitler. She burned down Teldrassil because... IDK she snapped and wanted to show one elven archer that you can kill hope? And what kind of catapults she had has reach 20 km? What kind of catapults can burn down incredibly big tree SOAKED in water with thick bark. Was that azerite or... no, I am not gonna get angry. And I won’t even start with the b*shit Blizzard pulled: “Look, just because Sylvanas is right in front of Teldrassil doesn’t mean it was her who burned it down!” They had to lie to us to look that they can create a better story than what it actually is.
She destroyed Undercity so Forsaken lost their home. Is this how you take care of your subjects if you are loving and caring? I think not.
And with her actions, millions of souls from the whole cosmos are going right into the Maw for eternal suffering. And why? Because she was scared. Because instead of thinking about herself and trying to change, she rather schemed with the god of death... who was responsible for her misery. And even teamed with Kel’Thuzad, who was reason of her fate in the first place! And yet, after all this, after mass genocide, destroying souls, millions, maybe billions of souls are suffering because of her... and you can still tell me there is still good in her and she deserves redemption arch... And with love say: “She got us into this, she will get us out of this <3 ^_^” So somebody is making everybody suffer and some people are like “Ooooh it’s fine, I support her! I bet she will realize what she is doing and she will save us!” Would you say the same about Hitler? That he was misunderstood, he was trying to fix something that’s why he murdered millions of people? I am just asking what kind of people her loyalists are in real life.
I have a question... would you still love her if she was a man? Or decomposing undead? Or if she wouldn’t be sexy elf at all? If she would be ugly? I think we all know the answer (disclaimer, beautiful people are not always kind and nice, what a surprise). I bet she would be already killed or hated by majority of the community at least two expansions back. Why Garrosh had to stand trial for war crimes and Sylvanas doesn’t? To be honest, I never liked Garrosh, I hated him, but I never hated him as much I hate Sylvanas. He was at least consistent to his very last moment. But I am fed up by the fact that everybody keeps excusing what she does just because she is a sexy elf. This is not character I can respect. How can you say about such character that she is cool when you know she is commiting genocide? Let’s replace her with ugly elf and let’s see how many of you will still love her.
If you love her because she is a crazy homicidal maniac and you want her to do evil stuff, go ahead, nothing wrong with you, it’s fine. You love her because you think that she has a good heart and she is sending millions of souls into hell because she wants to help us? Take your pills and think twice before going on date with a manipulative person who will use you, beat you but will tell you they love you so much while cheating on you. Thanks.
If you are lying to yourself that she is good and has a good heart because you are afraid you wouldn’t like her anymore as a bad guy, then you love illusion you made around her, not the character itself. And you should seriously think if you really love the character if you need to change it that much in your mind to keep loving her.
“If they are gonna give her redemption arch, I am gonna puke.” Many people told me, they would not. They are not gonna do it. She is beyond redemption, she is antagonist, period. Guess what, they did. The cheapest way possible.
Blizzard kept telling us everything will make sense in the end, why she did all these things. But it did not. And it only confirmed my greatest fear: Sylvanas is an inconsistent character since Cataclysm.
Sylvanas was afraid to go to the Maw. So she got an amazing idea. Let’s free the god of death, the malevolent creature trapped there because for sure he is suffering just like me, and injustice was done to him. He is the reason of my suffering because he made Helm of Domination and Frostmourne, that’s why I was killed and I am like this? I am sure he is a good guy, in the end, let’s remake reality so there is no life and death! That guy must be pretty ok. Oh wait his job is to torture souls? No, I don’t believe he is bad.
So when Jailer gets all he wanted, ofc he say that he will remake all reality and everybody will serve. And Sylvanas realizes: “Oh my, he is just like the Lich King! I didn’t want this! I will never serve!” Even she served him for the past few expansions. And suddenly she sees he is a bad guy. Suddenly.
And then, Jailer gives her half of her soul back... So... this is the explanation? She was doing all this because she was not whole? Is this an excuse for genocide? Now we will all feel sorry for her? Tell her it’s ok, you were not yourself?
I am saying this all the years and I will say it again: the Ebon Blade are order full of those with a fate like Sylvanas. The whole order. Multiple characters suffered under the Lich King like her, lost themselves, were made to kill their friends, their families. And they, too, took revenge on him. But instead of going crazy and trying to hurt everybody because they were hurt, they tried to help and protect people. Maybe they are missing part of their souls too. But are they running around, burning innocents, committing genocide? No. So please, the is no excuse, she was aware of what she was doing. I am not buying this and for sure this won’t make me feel sorry for her. It was her choice. You can be depressed and hurt into the very core and still decide not to be homicidal maniac.
Another annoying thing is, Blizzard kept telling us she is a master strategist and she is highly inteligent. Would a highly inteligent person try to help somebody responsible for her suffering? Being ok with them? There was not shown how come she is ok with the Jailer! Look I thought she is smart but after the cinematic, she does not look like that.
What was her plan anyway? Did she believe such creature won’t betray her, he won’t dump her? I was hoping he will dump her and kill her. That would be the only ending fitting for the character. I didn’t want another Kerrigan, I didn’t want redemption arch for her... I was hoping I will finally like her as a villain. Now I can’t... there is no way I will like her ever again because Blizzard probably can’t do just evil characters. There always must be something behind, some explanation why they are like this. “I was good this whole time!” And I am tired of this... Suddenly I like Garrosh because he was an asshole but he was consistent. He had a good ending. He “died” like a boss.
And I mean it. If they would let her go after WotLK, it would be a good ending for her. Tragic end for the tragic character. She fulfilled her purpose and she would be remembered as a good consistent character. But she is making a lot of money, many people love her (not anymore, even people who liked her hate her now and her fanbase is getting smaller) so Blizzard decided they have to milk her as much as possible.
I think everything good should come to an end. “You would either die as a hero or live long enough to become a villain.” In this case “You would either die as a good character or live long enough to become inconsistent and annoying character.” And it happened.
Remember how people were angry how Thrall is getting a lot of attention in Cata? Haha, good old times. How about Sylvanas in 3 expansion cinematics (and some side cinematics like Reckoning, etc) and 2 expansions fully focusing on her (and some other expansions where she is a lot too). How about the 15th figure in a row. And 4th Blizzcon art. And I can keep going.
Metzen had favorite characters... but they were never overused as much as Sylvanas. Vol’jin was warchief for 1 expansion where he did nothing and then he died so she could take lead in story. So many characters are forgotten, pushed down so she can be on the spotlight. And I am sick of it. This is not single player, this is MMORPG. The world feels ridiculously small thanks to this, we have more characters than Sylvanas + 5 characters they keep using and recycling all the time.
And keep using Sylvanas and putting her into the spotlight all the time did not help. You can start hating character you liked before just because you have enough of them and you want to see other characters. This world has a big potential. So many characters are unused because of Sylvanas. Because the lead narrative designer loves her so much that he had to make her the main character of WoW and doesn’t care there is a whole world to take care of. And he does the worst job possible. Because he tried to make her complicated and complex and in the end he was just trying to make it look like that but it didn’t work out. It was just inconsistent. It didn’t fall in place.
Her plot armor is so laughable and it’s the most annoying thing about Sylvanas. How characters around her are so stupid and dumb so they can let her do such stuff (hello Horde in BfA). The whole universe and Blizzard especially is protecting Sylvanas of any harm. How can you like such character when it behaves like Mary Sue? I didn’t want to see cinematic how she comes and beat up really powerful guy without any issues. You know how interesting would be if Four Horsemen managed to arrive earlier and they wouldn’t know if to fight the Lich King or Sylvanas? No, Blizzard wanted to show lady Sylvanas Plotarmor.
And the worst thing is, I feel like Shadowlands are my last expansion in WoW. This is where the story ends for me. And I know that many characters won’t get resolution, many story arcs will never close because they’ve put too much effort to work on Sylvanas and ignore other characters. So many characters could have met. Lore in Shadowlands could have been expanded about The Scourge, death knights, rune magic, etc... it did not. 
So no, Sylvanas is not one of the best characters created. If this is the best WoW can muster then there is nothing to be proud of. We would have good or better characters if Blizzard tried to work with more characters and give them space and a chance to develop. But we will never have them because Sylvanas took the spotlight.
Sylvanas for me is the character who will be put on guidelines on how to not use a character. This character will be perfect for DO NOT character development guidelines. And the whole story of WoW at least in BfA and Shadowlands is a great example of how to destroy the world with an amazing setting and characters. 
I hope I’ve made this clear why many people hate her. Because it’s much more complex problem. This character was misused, written horribly, overused, was given a poor and cheap story arch, made look stupid and it no longer makes sense. And on top of that, many characters will never get a resolution, many storylines won’t be finished because all story was focused on her and not on the world. World which was supposed to be “everybody’s story” was made story about Sylvanas. Just because she sells.
Good job Danuser, I hope you are happy.
Tl;Dr: Sylvanas is inconsistent since Cataclysm because Blizzard tried to make her complex character artificially and failed horribly. She should have died after WotLK and never made Warchief. They should have let her go so we can remember her as a good consistent character
P.S.: I am not native speaker, sorry for grammar errors.
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cxsmicmyeon · 4 years
kim minseok x fem! reader
IN WHICH minseok wants to spend his 31st birthday at home with his wife and cat but you have other plans that may or may not involve a surprise birthday party. (based on the second prompt from this post by @creativepromptsforwriting​)
genre: married/domestic & non-idol au! fluff, humor word count: 3.0k warnings: swearing, light sexual references/jokes, implied sexual content (it gets a tad spicy at times but nothing explicit), chaos, minseok’s butt being The Bomb Dot Com™ (sorry not sorry)
author’s note: happy birthday to my ray of sunshine, kim minseok! i love you so so much darling, i hope your day is filled with so much happiness and celebration. hope this lil piece can help y’all celebrate min’s 31st with me <3 it’s not the 26th yet where i live lmao but it is in korea so yeah! once again have a happy happy birthday minseok, i love you endlessly and forever. <33 MOODBOARD MADE BY ME. I DON’T OWN THE IMAGES, I ONLY OWN MY EDITING. feedback and notes are greatly appreciated <3
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One day.
One day until Minseok’s birthday, and you were scrambling from bakery to bakery to try and get the perfect cake for him. There were flaws in every place you’ve been: too expensive, the designs were not creative enough, blah blah blah. You wanted his day to be as perfect as possible, and what would be the point of that if the cake was nothing but?
Everything else was all ready. You invited all of yours and his closest friends to your house the night of Minseok’s birthday for a surprise party. You planned on keeping Minseok out of the house for the entire day as your friends decorated the house. 
He didn’t want a party. He made that abundantly clear to you as soon as March began. He incessantly told you that all he wanted was a day off from teaching so he could spend the whole day with you and your cat. All he wanted was a nice and relaxing day with his wife. You understood, obviously. But you also wanted to go all out and throw a surprise birthday bash for your husband celebrating his thirty-first year on Earth. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae’s incessant whining and begging for an excuse to have a party only aided in your need to have a party.
You ended up settling with a simple Carvel ice cream cake from the frozen section of the grocery store. You made a mental note to ask Yixing to write out “Happy Birthday Minseok” the next day as you left the store.
You came home to your husband holding a feather toy over your cat, Tan’s head. She pawed at the red feather, always at the cusp of grabbing it before Minseok moved the line away from her. He cooed at the animal, making soft kissing sounds as he continued to play with her.
Realizing that he may see the cake, you tucked the grocery bag under your shirt in an attempt to hide it from him, shivering at the cold contact the frozen treat made with your skin. The rustling of the plastic bag caused Minseok to look up at you. He gave you a gummy smile as you walked past him and Tan.
“Well hello to you too, honey. What’s under your shirt?” Minseok asked playfully, wiggling his eyebrows as he made eye contact with your chest. You realized that hiding the bag did not do much to hide the cake, as the shape of the large box combined with the plastic grocery bag greatly protruded from the fabric of your shirt. 
“Nothing, it’s for tomorrow. Don’t wanna ruin the surprise, hm?” you mused, blowing him an air kiss before retreating to your office. He "caught” your kiss with a smile before going back to playing with Tan.
You entered your office and placed the plastic bag onto your desk. You ran to lock the door before opening the bag and taking the cake out, sighing in relief that the cake did not get ruined. You bent down to your mini-fridge and opened the small door of the freezer compartment and placed the cake inside, glad that it could fit inside. After locking the fridge, you exited your office and made your way downstairs to spend time with your loving husband.
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You awoke the next day curled up in Minseok’s arms. You cuddled closer to him before jolting upwards in realization. Today was finally the day! You bent down and began showering your sleeping husband with excited kisses, trailing a hand down his bicep. He let out a sleepy groan as he stirred, wrapping his strong arms around your figure.
“Aah, what’s gotten into you baby?” he asked, his voice hoarse from just waking up. 
“Happy birthday, Min!” you beamed, pecking him on the lips. He grinned tiredly as he kissed you on the lips.
“Mmmh, thank you honey.” You grinned as you kissed him again. This kiss lasted longer than the previous ones and slowly yet surely grew more heated. You moved yourself so you were straddling him, not breaking the kiss. He hummed against your lips as you slid your hand underneath his shirt, fingertips grazing his toned stomach. He groaned as his hands made their way down to your ass, squeezing harshly. You bit back a moan as you slowly slid his shirt up his chest, breaking the kiss to ogle at his abs.
“Babe... don’t we need to get ready?” Minseok groaned as you pulled the shirt over his head. You latched your lips onto his neck and softly bit down, eliciting a raspy moan from your husband.
“Shh, let me give you your first gift.” you purred, moving your hands toward the waistband of his boxers.
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The mall was packed to the brim with people from all different walks of life. Gossiping teenagers, sleep-deprived parents following their energetic kids around, old couples window shopping, you name it. You walked through the giant Macy’s and into the main hub of the mall hand in hand with Minseok. 
Since you started dating, it has been a tradition for you to buy each other’s gifts the day of your respected birthdays. You’d usually scour Amazon or websites of your favorite brands all day and end up splurging half your monthly paychecks on each other. But on occasion, today included, you’d take your shopping day to the local mall as a means to get out of your apartment and actually go out for once. 
After an... eventful... morning, you rushed to get dressed and usher your husband out of the house, since the boys were coming over at 11, and it was 10:55 by the time you got into the car and sped away toward the mall.
You pointed out a newly opened jewelry store and pulled Minseok inside with you. You looked at him lovingly as he browsed the display of a multitude of different rings. He’d softly mutter to himself as he picked up ring after ring: trying to see what would look best next to his wedding band, what the right price was, if the store even provided the correct size. You loved how organized he was.
Your silent admiring was interrupted by the familiar chime of your phone, indicating you got a text message. You let out a sigh as soon as you saw who the message was from.
operation minseok’s 31st🥳
jun-bug: (y/n) we have a problem (y/n): oh god what happened yee-xing: baekhyun dropped the cake (y/n): he did what bacon: cant u read (y/n) i dropped the fucking cake 11 minutes late: no need to be rude xoxo (y/n): yeah baek u don’t want me to leave my stunning husband inside the jewelry store, come home and mutilate you for dropping his cake and get arrested on his special day (: kyung-soup: oddly specific but i’m here for it jong-waeeee: off topic but the sign says “minseop” instead of “minseok” (y/n): jun, yixing and kyungsoo you better get this settled or else i’m gonna kill all of you nini bear: yes ma’am ofc ma’am we will do this correct chain-yeol: yeah i don’t wanna die today
“Everything okay?”
You quickly locked your phone and threw it inside your purse before making eye contact with Minseok. You nodded a bit too quickly, panic washing over you like a giant wave from the ocean.
“Yeah, everything’s dandy.” you sputtered. Oh, why did this have to happen right now? You silently prayed that everything was going to go well. It had to.
“You sure?”
“Positive. Did you choose something?” Minseok nodded as he handed you a box with a simple black titanium ring. You nodded in approval as he led you to the register.
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Your next stop was at Express. You were dying to pick out some new work clothes for him to try on. You assured him (and yourself) that he needed these new pants and this was totally not an excuse for you to check him out.
“Okay, I’ve got three pairs of pants that I think would look absolutely amazing on you and I want you to go try ‘em on.” you said, handing Minseok three hangers. Each hanger had a pair of slacks in different colors hanging from them. He took them from you, shooting you a smirk before walking inside the fitting room stall.
Your eyes widened as Minseok opened the door of the stall. The pants fit absolutely perfectly. The way the fabric hugged his perfect thighs, the color complimenting his white undershirt (which you imagined to be one of his famous white button-downs), it left you practically swooning.
“What do you think?” 
You let out a hum in approval before motioning for him to turn around. “Lemme see the goods, hun.” He rolled his eyes before turning around. Your eyes landed on his butt, making you swoon for real. You covered your mouth to hide your obvious enjoyment of the sight before you. And it didn’t help when he gave his butt a mini shake. Still, you couldn’t help but squeal softly.
“You sure today’s not your birthday?” Minseok teased. You tutted as you stood from your spot and walked up to him, giving his butt a light pinch before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“With you, every day’s my birthday.” you answered, giving him a peck on the lips.
“Ugh, I think you ate too much of that egg and cheese for breakfast today.”
“You know you love me.”
“That I do, darling.” Minseok mused before closing the distance between you two. You tangled your hands in his silky black hair as you savored the heavenly taste of his lips. You felt his hands grab your ass as you deepened the kiss, tugging at his hair in response.
As you kissed, you heard your phone chime the same chime that indicated a text from the boys. You decided to ignore it and continue making out with your husband until the phone went off four more times. You scoffed as you broke the kiss, fishing inside of your purse to grab it.
“Is everything okay, hun?” Minseok asked.
“Yeah, fine. Just crap from, uh, ‘work,’” you lied, unlocking the phone. “Go try on the other pants.” Minseok nodded before walking back to the stall. Once the door was closed and locked, you looked down at your messages, worry washing over you once again. What the hell happened now?
operation minseok’s 31st🥳
yee-xing: oh christ yee-xing: (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) jun-bug: you gotta help us yee-xing: please kyung-soup: i am going to kill park chanyeol like my life depends on it (y/n): what the everloving shit happened this time chain-yeol: um i sneezed all over the cake kyung-soup: the custom one u got on wednesday btw (y/n): you. sneezed. on. the. CAKE????? chain-yeol: IM SORRY chain-yeol: I WAS TRYING TO STOP BAEKHYUN FROM KNOCKING IT OVER AND I SAVED IT BUT THEN I SNEEZED nini bear: ur so gross chain-yeol: you too (y/n): i spent 100 dollars on that cake and you fucking sneeze on it?? (y/n): jfc i’m here busy admiring my husband’s sweet sweet ass and u guys are telling me the cake’s ruined? i will murder u all i swear jong-waeeee: ew i don’t wanna hear about minseok’s ass (y/n): shut the fuck up sign ruiner jong-waeeee: I GOT A NEW ONE THOUGH jong-waeeee: YOU’RE SO MEAN bacon: WAIT bacon: (Y/N) WE’LL PAY FOR ANOTHER ONE  (y/n): baekhyun you sweet summer child (y/n): I HAD TO PRE-ORDER THAT CAKE 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE YOU WALNUT bacon: oh bacon: my bad 11 minutes late: W8 W8 I GOT U 11 minutes late: WE CAN STILL EAT IT 11 minutes late: I’LL SPRAY SOME LYSOL ON IT jun-bug: SEHUN DON’T YOU DARE (y/n): sehun honey that just contaminates it even more (y/n): but thank you for trying 11 minutes late: xoxo i try my best yee-xing: how ‘bout we just buy more carvel cakes to match the one you got yesterday up to 100 dollars so it maxes out (y/n): yeah alright fine (y/n): thanks xing ur a life saver (y/n): but don’t throw away the ruined cake i wanna show min what he could have missed out on if CHANYEOL DIDN’T FUCKING SNEEZE ON IT (y/n): WHO SNEEZES ON A CAKE nini bear: only chanyeol (y/n): yep, only chanyeol chain-yeol: y’all are mean. kyung-soup: what u get for sneezing on the cake
You locked your phone, letting out an exasperated sigh. You swore if anything else happened today, you were going to march all the way back home and kill those men. You massaged your temples with your fingers as a means to alleviate your stress. All you wanted was for everything to be perfect for the party; Minseok deserved nothing less than that. 
The door of the stall opened, revealing Minseok wearing nothing but the new pair of navy slacks and a devilishly handsome smirk. His smile faded when he saw you with your hands over your face, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down from your stress. He quickly pulled his undershirt on and rushed over to you, wrapping his arms around you comfortingly. With a sigh, you buried your face in his chest, your stress starting to wash away as he began stroking your hair.
You stayed like that for about ten minutes. You eventually calmed down, silently reassuring yourself that everything was going to be fine. You were glad that Minseok did not try to ask you anything since you were afraid you were going to let slip what was waiting for him when you arrive home later in the day. 
You let out a small sniffle as you pressed a small kiss on your husband’s exposed shoulder. “I’m so sorry I brought down your mood, Min. The p- ‘w-work,’ is just annoying right now. It’s your birthday, it’s supposed to be a good day.” you mumbled, looking down at your hands.
“Shh, don’t you worry your little head about it,” Minseok assured, kissing your forehead. He tilted your head up and pressed his lips against yours. “All I want is for my baby to be happy today.” You gave him a weak smile and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling so lucky to have him in your life.
“C’mon, let’s go to the food court. All this stress made me hungry.” you joked, standing from your spot. 
“Good idea,” Minseok gave you another kiss before walking back into the changing stall to change back into his regular clothes. “Oh, by the way, buy the pants.” You pumped a fist into the air as you took the hanging articles of clothing into your hands.
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You were lucky (and frankly surprised) that nothing else had managed to go wrong today. You were suspicious that you hadn’t gotten any panic-stricken texts from Yixing or Junmyeon, but you couldn’t complain about that. Just to be sure though, you quickly texted Kyungsoo to give you a final update on the state of your house. You sighed in relief when he responded with pictures of your living room, kitchen and backyard decorated just how you envisioned it to be. You sent Kyungsoo a text back thanking him and everyone else profusely for their help.
The clock struck 5, indicating that it was time for you and Minseok to go home. The two of you exited the mall, arms filled with different shopping bags from all the stores you went to during the day. After putting your bags into the backseat of your car, you opened the passenger side of the car and slid in.
“Hm, I was thinking of ordering from that ramen place we tried last week. It was really good, don’t you remember?” Minseok suggested, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.
“How ‘bout we wait ‘till we get home to... eat.” you responded, a shit-eating grin almost making its way onto your face.
Minseok hummed softly. “I just wanna spend the rest of the night with you and Tan at home, I hope no one’s planning a surprise party for me,” You tensed slightly at his words, looking out the window to avoid his gaze.
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that, hun.” You lied. He shrugged, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
When Minseok pulled into your driveway, you shot a quick text to the boys, telling them that you were home. You exited the car quickly, grabbing most of the shopping bags and taking Minseok by the arm, dragging him to the front door.
“Whoa, what’s gotten into you?” he chuckled as you struggled to get your keys out of your purse. Once you got them out and put the house key into the lock, you turned to Minseok and pressed your lips onto his.
“Happy birthday, Min. I love you so much. And I’m so sorry.” you unlocked the front door and pushed it open. You saw Minseok’s eyes widen at the sight of your home. It was filled to the brim with decorations and all of your closest friends holding gifts, balloons and tons of different ice cream cakes. 
“SURPRISE!” everyone exclaimed. Minseok’s jaw dropped as he fully took in everything that was happening. He looked over to you with a sly smile, to which you responded with a small shrug.
“I had to, come on.” You giggled, kissing him on the cheek. 
“It’s okay, hun. Let’s just enjoy ourselves.” Minseok cupped your face into his hands and pressed his lips onto yours.
“Gross, get a room!” you heard Baekhyun scream. You pulled away from Minseok to flip the younger off.
“Oh! I need to show you the cake I initially got for you but was unfortunately ruined because Chanyeol sneezed on it. Jun, is it in the fridge?” you pulled Minseok in the direction of the kitchen as Junmyeon confirmed the location of the cake.
“He... huh?”
“It was an accident!” Chanyeol whined. You laughed softly to yourself at his childish reaction.
Tonight was gonna be fun.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
Hi may I request some headcanons for Kuroo from haikyuu and Akashi, Aomine, and Murasakibara from kuroko no basket when their girlfriend is a really talented at the opposite sport (example Kuroo is basketball and the other volleyball) and are scouted from big schools/colleges and maybe they see a game of hers for the first time and are shocked/proud of how talented they are. Can it also be lots of fluff please.
hi! hope u like it. i gave different positions to each reader in the knb ones, you’ll notice.
ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ, ᴀᴏᴍɪɴᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴋᴀsʜɪ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴ ᴀᴛʜʟᴇᴛɪᴄ s/ᴏ.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; -.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; fluff.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 ���𝐨𝐭𝐞; my bias showed with aomine im sowy hsjhs, also, i cut mukkun out bc this was so long.
kuroo tetsurō
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-> kuroo knows you're a decent basketball player because you're team captain.
-> he has never see you play, somehow he keeps missing your games.
-> he's either playing himself or out of town or buried in homework.
-> and is getting on his nerves because everyone keep talking about how good you are and how many points you made on your last game.
-> yeah he has seen you playing one-one-one with your friends, but that doesn't compare to a real game.
-> you're kinda bumped because it's important to you he sees you doing what you love.
-> so when a game against a power house is scheduled, where college scouts are invited, you beg him to go.
-> he makes the impossible and is able to attend at last minute.
-> you got so happy when you saw him on the bleachers, shouting your name in excitement.
-> your team was used to you being good, but that day?? your best performance in your life.
-> you made point after point after point, supporting your teammates.
-> your defense didn't leave any paths open, and your offense was unstoppable.
-> the game ended with a really big gap, mostly made by you.
-> kuroo was SO PROUD.
-> he shouted at every point you made, and his throat got itchy.
-> he knew you wete good but that good???
-> he was thankful you didn't play vb or he'd be scared.
-> when you told him not one, not two, but three scouts had reached out to you??
-> his eyes actually shone in pride. he loves you and won't ever stop praising your abilities.
aomine daiki
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-> kind of guy who thinks the sport he plays is the only interesting one.
-> what’s the fun on depending of others as much you do on volleyball?
-> you can’t do more than touching the ball, and not even twice in a row, like, please explain him why.
-> expect a lot of arguing in which sport is better and eventually giving up because this man will not lose.
-> you go to all your practices, unlike him, despite he uses all his weapons to keep you with him in the rooftop.
-> since you started dating, in winter holidays, you haven’t had any important enough games, resulting in him never seeing you playing outside of practice. 
-> he would NEVER say this, but he thought it was cool how fast you could react to receive a ball going 100 km/h or hit a spike so hard with your arm only.
-> you tried to explain him that it was actually a movement from your whole body but he didn’t listen lol.
-> you understand he’s lazy, like, sometimes he would miss his own games.
-> but you were compiting on the final of a really important tournament, and you were so sure you would win, you wanted your beloved boyfriend to be there too.
-> he agreed to go, although you still had momoi invited too to make sure he would be there in time.
-> women’s uniforms are quite different from men’s, the bottom being a tight sport short that ends before your thigh.
-> he hadn’t see you in your uniform before so he literally choked.
-> sometimes he had attended to watch your practices, despite they were intense, it didn’t compare to a real match.
-> both you and your team were completely focused, every receive you made got to the setter perfectly, your spikes were before the three meters line, it was perfect.
-> even your serves, which was a hard thing for you, were good.
-> a college scout was there, but nobody told your team, and just by chance, aomine ended up sitting besides him.
-> “YOU SAW THAT? SHE’S SO FRICKING GOOD GOD, LOOK!” so the scout was forced to watch you through the whole game.
-> was fairly impressed with your performance, and in a few days, he would reach out to your coach to tell them he wanted to offer you a scholarship and complementary training until you graduate highschool.
-> say “thank u, aomine”
-> after then, daiki will brag about you too everyone every day because you’re that bitch and he loves you.
akashi seijuro
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-> akashi cares for status, so he had to know if you lived up to your reputation.
-> i literally don't know why hasn't he attended to any of your games before.
-> like i see him going to one of your games before he even knew you and there, he knew it was you.
-> anyways, you had this friendly game against another school, it wouldn't have been that important usually, but college scouts were invited and you needed a scholarship to get to college.
-> when you told akashi, he decided he'd go to support you.
-> and it was nice that he cared so you just thanked him.
-> everyone knew you were dating, definition of power couple.
-> someone literally saved a seat for him at first row so he could see you.
-> the game started, and you were so focused than didn’t even see akashi in the bleacers.
-> he didn't know a thing about vb, but he noticed how you connected every play, touch the ball in every rally.
-> it was highkey cool, like you were the most important player in the court.
-> yeah, you needed someone else to receive the ball and then spike it, but you were the only one who could set the ball so perfectly.
-> akashi was so involved in the game, even celebrating some of the points.
-> it was when you did a setter dump, that went unnotice until the ball touch the ground, he lost it.
-> you could do that?? it was the best play in the whole match if you ask him.
-> of course, he acted like it was nothing, but damn.
-> it didn’t take long for akashi to realize he was actually sitting in front of the scout you talked about.
-> but he wouldn’t need to convince him, which made akashi the proudest man on the planet.
-> he supports you, and recgonizes you as an equal, even being in different sports.
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fleetingpieces · 4 years
Finding you
This was supposed to be a short drabble with some angst and lots of fluff, but ended up being a long one shot with lots of angst. Oops.
Trigger warning: violence, slurs and abuse. Please look after yourself :) Fuck.
Remus froze by the door, the keys still dangling in his hand. The sight in front of him was one that never promised anything good; the smell of smoke and beer was strong, making the air in the room feel heavy and loaded. He could already feel the cold sweat at the back of his neck. He considered opening the door again and just leaving the house, but then one of the men sitting in the living room glanced up, and his eyes landed right on Remus, smirking, making Remus’ muscles lock in disgust.
Remus knew the two men all too well. He knew their names, but never thought of them if he could avoid it; they brought too many bad memories. The dark-haired one -who was still looking at Remus- was the worst; the one with dirty blond curls was just a stupid pawn. Both of them were sprawled on the couch, talking loudly as if they were in their own house, their dirty boots propped on the coffee table that Remus had cleaned that very morning.
Their visits were becoming more and more frequent, and Remus didn’t miss how they always coincided with Lyall’s worst episodes. He was pretty sure they actually encouraged them for their own amusement.
His sorry excuse of a father followed his friend’s gaze then, finally noticing Remus still standing by the front door. Remus gulped as Lyall’s bleary eyes became darker.
“Where the fuck were you?”
“At work.” He tried to come out strong, but the sound of the keys clinking in his trembling hand betrayed his attempt.
Lyall stood up and took a couple of wobbly steps closer to Remus, bracing a hand on the shelf on the wall to support himself. Behind him, the man with raven black hair looked Remus up and down slowly, licking his lips. Remus felt dirty being watched like that.
“I told you I was having people over. I ordered you to come back to make dinner for us,” said Lyall, glaring at him. Remus felt his blood boil.
“Well someone has to bring money to pay the bills, since you are too busy being a lazy ass drunkard.”
He regretted the words as soon as they left his lips, it was not smart of him to talk like that right now. But he was just overwhelmed by the unfairness of it all.
“Don’t talk to me like that, you fucking brat!” Lyall yelled, swinging his arm violently over the shelf he’d been holding, and throwing everything on top of it to the floor.
Remus watched horrified as the silver frame that had his mother’s picture fell through the air, arching as if in slow motion. It landed viciously on the hardwood floor. When he heard the loud crack it made, Remus felt his heart shattering as well.
The sound sprang him into motion for the first time since stepping into this godforsaken house. He rushed over, kneeling on the floor next to the small shards scattered all over the floor. One of them dug itself into his knee, but Remus barely even noticed it. He was looking at the frame, the glass had cracked into a million pieces, forming sharp spiderwebs that spreaded over Hope’s smiling face.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Remus yelled, holding it close to his chest with both arms, protecting it like his life depended on it. Maybe it did.
He was using all of his strength to fight the tears; he would not cry in front of these men. Standing up slowly, he glared at Lyall. Remus could have sworn that he saw regret in his eyes for a moment, but it was gone the minute Remus spoke again.
“You disgust me,” he spat.
Lyall’s eyes glinted, and if Remus hadn’t been holding his mother’s picture he would have raised his arms to protect his head. As it was though, Lyall’s fist connected with his jaw, making his head snap to the side painfully. He’d punched him with the full strength of a drunken adult, which made Remus see stars dancing in his vision and stumble back, while the two guys behind them cackled loudly.
A few tears escaped Remus’ eyes then, both from the pain in his face and the even greater one in his chest. He could still remember a time when the man in front of him was actually his father. A time when they would laugh together, and Lyall would teach him to play ball. But that had all been when Hope was still in their lives. Lyall had not been the same after the accident, and in consequence, Remus had lost both of his parents the day Hope’d died.
Cold fear crept up Remus’ spine as he stared at the rage seeping out of Lyall’s eyes. He knew where this was going, how everything would turn out if he didn’t do something; and he was pretty sure that he didn’t have any more antiseptics or gauzes hidden in his room, he’d used them all the last time.
He took a careful step back.
“Where do you think you are going?”
Remus didn’t stay to give an answer, he turned around and bolted to his room. Lyall was too drunk to catch him, but Remus could hear the clumsy steps and the string of curses following behind him. As soon as he had one foot inside his bedroom, he slammed the door shut, throwing the lock on.
He took a couple of steps back, not daring to take his eyes off the door, but he still flinched when Lyall started pounding on it.
“Open the fucking door!”
His back bumped into the opposite wall, and he leaned his weight against it. He was shaking way too much to stand on his own.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
What should he do? There was no way he could open that door, but Lyall was pummeling it so hard that the hinges were groaning. Remus glanced around frantically, and his eyes landed on his dresser. Pushing himself off the wall, he rushed over and shoved it in front of the door, panting with the effort.
There was a pause in the rapping, leaving behind a silence that felt heavy on Remus' shoulders. His breathing was coming in short and painful bursts; the air around him didn’t seem enough to fill his lungs. He needed to calm down, but he also needed to get the fuck out of there, he didn’t believe for a second that Lyall had simply decided to let it go.
Remus took out his phone and called the only person that was on his mind at that moment. Luckily, the line rang only two times.
“Re? Hey, what’s up?”
Remus took a shaky breath in, willing his voice to be steady, but he could only manage a hoarse whisper.
“Can you come pick me up?”
“Right now? I can’t, my bike broke down yesterday, remember? I didn’t have time to get it fixed yet.”
Remus did remember. James, Sirius and Remus had gone to an old dirt road that Sirius loved to go to because it meant he could use his bike at top speed and pretend he was in a Motocross race. But Sirius had also tried to teach James how to ride it, which had clearly been a terrible mistake. James had somehow managed to crash into a tree going 20 km an hour; and even though he hadn’t been injured, the handlebar had broken. Sirius had almost cried when he saw the state of his motorbike, and Remus had been teasing both him and James since.
“James’ parents took the car too, but I could take a bus to your house,” Sirius suggested, saying it as a question, but Remus shook his head even if Sirius couldn’t see him. He knew it would be too late then.
“No, no. It’s ok. Don’t worry, everything’s fine.”
His voice broke at the end, and Remus had to clamp a hand over his mouth to reign in a sob.
“What’s wrong?” Sirius asked immediately. The worry in his voice was evident, but Remus’ throat had closed up, he couldn’t reply. “Re? Remus, what’s going on?”
The pounding on the door started again, making Remus jump while he scrambled to hang up. He didn’t want Sirius listening to this.
“REMUS! I swear I will knock this fucking door down!”
Remus didn’t doubt that he meant it. He had to get out.
Grabbing a bag from his wardrobe, Remus hastily filled it with essentials, starting with the picture frame he was still holding against his chest. He wrapped it up in a t-shirt to protect the rest of his stuff from the broken glass, there was not time to get rid of it now.
All the while, the curses and fists against the door didn’t stop; Remus could tell that the other two men had joined in to try and get into his room. Right then, he was so fucking thankful for that old, heavy dresser.
The wood sounded like it was cracking when Remus had finally gathered everything he needed and threw the window open. Trying not to think about the distance to the ground, he swung both legs over the windowsill and jumped as quietly as he could.
Remus rolled on the floor a few times, a sharp pain shooting through his knee. He’d completely forgotten about the shard of glass that had undoubtedly buried itself deeper just now, but that was the least of his worries at the moment. He had to go before they noticed he was gone. He didn’t think they would go after him, but he couldn’t take any chances.
Greeting his teeth, Remus ran down the street until he turned the corner; then he slowed down a bit until he was walking at a fast pace, mentally preparing himself for the 45 minute walk to James’ house. The fresh night air felt like a blessing against his face as he tried to calm his nerves, but Remus knew he wouldn’t feel completely safe until he was at his friend’s house.
He was about halfway there when his phone rang.
“Rem, what the hell is going on? Sirius has been walking around the house like a maniac, babbling nonsense about you acting weird, and needing our help…”
“It’s fine James, don’t worry. I’m actually on my w-” Remus tried to explain, but James kept talking at full speed.
“...and then Mum and Dad came back and Sirius just stole the car keys and ran out, yelling for me to call you and tell you that-”
“Wait, what?” Remus yelled, stopping abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Yeah, he just said he was going to get you. He looked pretty worried when he left, but he didn’t explain anything.”
“No. No no no no no.”
Remus panicked. If Sirius went to his house, where Lyall and his friends were surely mad that Remus had ran away… He shuddered to think what they would do. And Sirius absolutely lacked common sense and self preservation, he was too reckless.
“Remus? Remus please, talk to me.”
“I need to call him. He can’t go there, I need to-”
“I tried, but the prat left his phone. He just ran off as soon as my parents came in.”
Remus felt as if his world was starting to collapse. He couldn’t stand the idea of Sirius getting hurt because of him. He couldn’t stand the idea of Sirius getting hurt, period. He looked around frantically, as if he would find something that could help him in the deserted street.
“How long ago did he leave?” he asked James. He could hear the desperation in his own voice, and the confusion in James’.
“Just a few minutes, but-”
Remus hung up. He turned around and sprinted as fast as he could, back to the hell house. He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, but he couldn’t stop to explain everything to James. The only thing on his mind was Sirius.
Images of everything that Remus had been going through at home came rushing in, but with Sirius’ face instead of his, bloody and broken. The mere mental image caused him so much pain and rage, it was unbearable.
Sirius was the most important person in his life, the thought of losing him scared the shit out of Remus. He was like the sunshine in Remus’ longest night. He’d picked up Remus’ pieces when his Mum’s death had torn him apart, and stayed by his side when Lyall started spiralling down. He always knew where to find Remus and how to bring him into the light.
Remus had never told any of his friends what was going on at home, he couldn’t stand the idea of them looking at him with pity, knowing he was a coward that couldn’t stand up for himself. Especially not Sirius. Sirius who was all courage, smiles and warm feelings.
Feelings, Remus groaned internally.
He’d been trying to get rid of his feelings for Sirius for months now, but they only seemed to be getting stronger. Remus had been terrified when he’d realized he was in love with his best friend, he’d had no idea what to do. He still didn’t. Telling his friends that he was gay would have been a good start, but after Hope had passed Remus had lost the nerve to do it. He couldn’t tell Sirius, he couldn’t risk losing him.
His lungs were burning by the time he reached his house, but the sight of the Potter’s car parked hastily with the front wheel on top of the curb gave him a boost of energy.
The front door was open, the yelling reaching Remus’ ears and sending another pang of fear through him.
“Where’s Remus?!”
As Remus stepped in, what he saw inside froze him in place for a moment, just like a mere hour earlier. But the sight in front of him right now was scarier in a very different way.
The man with the dirty blond hair was sprawled on the floor, unconscious. The other man was just standing there, cracking his knuckles and laughing perversely at the two men standing in the middle of the room. Lyall seemed to be out of it, a beer bottle clutched in his hand and his eyes full of hate.
And Sirius.
Sirius was shorter than Lyall, but he was standing just a few inches from him nonetheless, yelling in his face. His hair was in a messy bun, strands falling in his face, and Remus gasped when he saw the split lip, blood trickling down Sirius’ chin. Even in this shitty situation and with everything going on around him, Remus thought that he was beautiful.
Then he cursed himself, focusing again.
The three men went quiet as they turned around, the tension in the room shifting on its edge to land on Remus, almost crushing him. He could feel their gazes and everything they carried, the hate, the anger, the lasciviousness. Remus blocked all of those, focusing solely on Sirius, making sure he was ok.
Remus was not ready for Sirius’ reaction when the boy took a good look at him though. Remus could only imagine what he looked like: sweaty, with blood on his jeans and maybe a swollen face. He watched as Sirius’ scowl got deeper and he spun around, shoving Lyall hard.
“What the fuck did you do to him?!”
Lyall staggered back but managed to stay up.
“It has nothing to do with you!”
Remus, who was already used to it, saw it coming before Sirius did. As Lyall threw his arm back, Remus’ feet moved on their own, and before he realized it he was standing between the two of them, looking right at Lyall’s surprised eyes as his fist connected with the side of Remus’ head.
The force of the impact threw him back, making him fall into Sirius’ arms. The warmth of the other boy’s hands against his sides seeped through his clothes, warming him up to the very core, and Remus glanced up. There was so much concern in Sirius’ eyes that it disarmed him; he was lost in the stormy grey, forgetting about everything else for a second. Remus desperately wanted to place a hand on Sirius’ cheek to reassure him, or maybe kiss his lip better…
“I know what you are!” Lyall’s screaming brought Remus back to the cold, hard reality. “You try to hide it, but everyone knows you’re a damned faggot! It’s your own fault if you got hit, protecting your nancy boyfriend like that!”
Remus paled, his thoughts turning cold as he felt Sirius’ whole body tense up behind him.
No. Please, no. Not now.
“He’s not my boyfriend, leave him out of this,” Remus said, trying to sound calm, but his voice was shaking. What was Sirius thinking? Remus didn’t have the courage to turn around and see, so he stepped out of his grasp instead.
The dark-haired man started laughing loudly then. Remus had almost forgotten he was even there, but his head snapped to him when he felt an icy hand close around his wrist, tugging him forward harshly.
“So it’s true? I’ve been wondering for a while, you know; thought I could teach you a thing or two,” Rick said, lust filling his voice. No, no, don’t think about his name. It doesn’t matter, he’s inconsequential, Remus tried telling himself.
The man pulled him closer, pressing his body against Remus’ back, inhaling the scent from his hair. One of the hands was still holding his wrist with bruising strength, but when the other slipped under his t-shirt, Remus felt paralyzed.
“What are you doing?” Lyall asked. He looked slightly less drunk now, but was stunned in place, his eyes wide. Remus looked up at him pleadingly.
“Nothing, we are just having some fun, right boy?” the man said in a mocking tone.
Lyall didn’t move and Remus wanted to scream at him to do something. Hell, he was screaming at his own body to do something, but the connection between his brain and his extremities was numb, like the rest of him.
“Let go of him,” a quiet voice said. Remus fixed his eyes on the source of it, and was met with pure, concentrated rage. He’d never seen such fury in Sirius’ eyes, and even the dark-haired man took a step back.
“You’ll stay out of it if you know what’s good for you, kid. Unless you want to take his place?”
The words hung in the air as they made their way into Remus’ brain, and once they sunk in, everything in Remus’ vision turned red. He was not going to let that asshole touch so much as a hair on Sirius's head. He brought his elbow up, digging it deep into the man’s stomach, who doubled over. Sirius rushed forward then and pushed the man with his shoulder, making him stumble backwards and crash into the small table.
Not wasting any time, Sirius grabbed Remus by the hand and tugged him gently but hurriedly to the door, making a quick exit before the man could recover. He only stopped for a second next to the still stunned form of Lyall, looking at him with revulsion.
“Hope would be ashamed of you,” he spat with a venomous glare. As Sirius dragged him outside, Remus looked back and was pretty sure he could see Lyall’s face crumble before he covered it with his hands.
Sirius didn’t stop until they were next to the car. He opened the passenger door for Remus and carefully helped him climb in, even buckling the seatbelt for him. Remus let his friend handle him; he felt like his mind was miles away, the events of the night had not settled in yet, but they were approaching him like an oncoming train.
They rode in silence. Sirius was gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white, and he kept stealing glances at Remus, but none of them said a word.
James, who'd been pacing by the front door, rushed down the steps when he saw them approaching through the long driveway to the estate. They weren't even completely out of the car before James threw his arms around Remus' neck.
"Oh god, oh thank fucking god. Are you guys ok?" 
He examined Remus' appearance, scowling at what he saw. When Sirius joined them near the entrance, Remus tried his best not to look him in the eye, which made James glance between the two of them, confused.
"My mum is going crazy. She's going to bombard you with questions as soon as you step in," he said, trying to get a grasp on the situation himself.
Remus shook his head quickly.
"Please, I don't want to talk about it. Not right now," he whispered.
James was about to argue, but a look from Sirius shut him up, so he nodded instead.
"Ok. Ok, I'll go talk to them," he said, and without any warning, he lunged forward again, hugging Remus tightly. "I'm so glad you're ok. You scared the living daylights out of me." 
It took Remus two seconds to figure out how to move his body again so he could hug James back just as tight. What had he done to deserve friends like this?
James squeezed him one last time before turning around and going into the house, leaving Remus and Sirius alone. Silence fell, broken only by the chirping of the crickets in the big garden that surrounded the house from all sides, and the faint sound of the sea a few miles away. 
When Sirius extended a hand towards him, Remus couldn't help but flinch back. He felt bad instantly as he finally looked up at Sirius, surprised by his own reaction, and saw how Sirius stopped his hand mid-air with a pained expression on his face.
Remus wanted to explain, but what could he say? That even though his brain felt muddled, he couldn’t stop thinking about every time Lyall and his friends had beaten him up?
He didn’t need to say anything though, ‘cause Sirius’ face softened like he understood exactly what Remus was thinking. Not taking his eyes away from Remus’, Sirius extended his hand again, deliberately slow, and held it between them as an offering. He was giving Remus a choice. He didn’t move a muscle until Remus tentatively laced their fingers together, and then Sirius smiled softly, tugging at his hand gently to lead him inside.
Sirius led him up to the first floor, ignoring the hushed voices coming from the kitchen, which Remus was grateful for. He didn’t have the strength to face Mrs and Mr Potter right now.
He didn’t realize Sirius was not taking him to the guest room until he dragged Remus into his own bedroom, closing the door behind them.
As Sirius finally let go of his hand to drop Remus’ bag on the bed, and Remus realized that he was actually there, that he was safe, the numbness in his body receded and the weight of everything crashed into him, as if the train had finally run him over. The events of the night, the months of abuse, the fact that Sirius of all people had seen it, that Sirius knew. Oh God, Sirius knew the truth, he knew everything! 
It was impossible for Remus to keep himself together any longer.
He slumped on the floor with his back against the bed, hugging his legs. When it became obvious that he would not be able to reign in the tears, he buried his face in his knees, as the sobs quietly shook him. He was sure Sirius would hate him now, and there was no way that Remus could recover from that.
Just a little longer, he thought, for only a few minutes more he wanted to pretend like none of this had happened and that he could have his friends for a bit more. That he could survive this. He hugged himself tighter, trying to keep his pieces together.
Remus tensed up, but didn’t move. Not yet, please, not yet. I’m not ready.
Warm hands rested lightly on his wrists, kindly prying his arms apart to undo his curled up position.
“Re, look at me,” Sirius whispered.
Reluctantly, Remus slowly raised his head. 
“How long has this been going on?” he asked in a quiet but steely voice. Remus wasn’t sure anymore if the anger was directed at him or not, he had never seen Sirius like this. He turned his head to the side, letting his gaze fall on the floor.
“A while,” he replied quietly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Sirius almost yelled, and the pain in his voice startled Remus into looking at him again.
“I..I didn’t want you to pity me. I didn’t want you to see that side of me,” he said with furrowed eyebrows.
“Remus I’m your best friend! I would have helped you!”
“And what could you have done, Sirius? I have nowhere to go!” Remus replied in the same heated tone. Anxiety gripped him again as he understood that he eventually would have to go back there, to that nightmare. Standing up, he started pacing up and down the room, the movement keeping him sane and functioning. “He’s gonna kill me when I go back,” Remus muttered more to himself than anything else.
“You are not going back there,” Sirius said in a hard voice, standing up as well. Remus stopped his pacing to huff a humorless laugh, staring at his feet.
“It’s not like I have a choice, Sirius. At some point, I’m gonna have to-”
“No. I don’t give a flying fuck about what you think you have to do. You are not going back to that house. And if you think Effie or any of us will let you anywhere near that man, then you are sorely mistaken. You’ll be staying here with us.”
Remus knew Mrs Potter cared for him and treated him just like she did Sirius, but there was no way he could impose on her like that. He didn’t feel like arguing about that now though, so he just stayed quiet. Both of them stood there, breathing heavily, Sirius with clenched fists and not taking his eyes off of him, while Remus wrung his hands nervously, still gazing at his feet.
It was a few long minutes before Sirius broke the silence again.
“Is it true?”
Remus knew instantly what Sirius was talking about, but he thought if he pretended not to hear, perhaps Sirius would drop it. He bit his lip, completely missing the way Sirius looked down at his mouth before going back up.
“What that prick said...is it true?” Sirius pressed.
When he didn’t answer again, the sound of steps filled the room before long fingers slipped under Remus’ chin with a care that he had never received before, lifting his head up until gold eyes were locked with silver ones.
Sirius searched his eyes, looking into his very soul, waiting for Remus to say something. Remus knew there was no point avoiding it, Sirius knew him far too well, and it was nearly impossible for Remus to deny him anything when he was staring at him with such an expectant look. He was so stupid when it came to Sirius.
“Yes,” Remus finally replied in a tiny whisper. Sirius’ fingers tensed the slightest bit, which threw Remus into a fit of nervous verbiage. Swallowing over the lump in his throat, he kept talking fast, “I understand if you feel uncomfortable or d-disgusted with me. Take your time, I...I just-”
“Remus, just shut up,” the tenderness in Sirius’ voice contrasted so much with his harsh words, that it left Remus feeling confused. With the rough fingertips still burning under his chin, Remus tilted his head to the side, trying to understand, but he couldn’t figure out the emotion swimming behind the molten silver of Sirius’ eyes.
Sirius hesitated, but then his hand slowly brushed Remus’ face, going up his jaw, until it was cupping his cheek.
“For a smart guy, you can be pretty clueless, you know?” Sirius said with a half smile.
“I...I’m not sure I follow,” Remus said with slightly wide eyes.
Sirius laughed quietly, shaking his head with fondness. He bent down to press their foreheads together, and Remus felt his breath hitch in his throat.
“How could I ever feel disgusted by you? Are you really that blind?”
Remus pulled away an inch with raised eyebrows. He was a bit dense regarding people’s feelings towards him, he knew that much as he always assumed the worst, but the way Sirius was acting...
“You...Are you saying that..?” Remus left the question unfinished; he wasn’t sure about anything anymore. Sirius was giving him a small, shy smile. Sirius Black, shy. Remus thought for sure that he must have been imagining things.
Brushing one of Remus’ curls behind his ear, Sirius struggled for a bit to find the words.
“Re, for the longest time I’ve been holding back. I...I wanted to tell you how I felt, but you were going through so much with your Mum, I just felt like I would be taking advantage when you weren’t doing so great. I didn’t want to add any more pressure into your life, I wanted to wait for the perfect time.”
He laughed bitterly.
“I know I’m not doing much better right now, but I just...I can’t let you sit there thinking that I would hate you for this Re, I...I fucking love you.”
Remus was speechless. All this time, he’d thought he was just a fool for falling for Sirius, for allowing himself to be so close to him when it hurt knowing he could never have him. Remus glanced down when he felt cool fingers lacing themselves with his, and then up to the boy in front of him.
There was so much love pouring out of Sirius that Remus thought he must have definitely been blind not to notice before.
Sirius stared into his eyes, silently asking a question. Remus nodded minutely, and not even a second later he felt soft lips brushing against his, slow and deep.
Remus' hands tangled into soft black locks, shivering at the idea that he was finally allowed to do it after spending so long wishing for it. Sirius’ own set to explore Remus’ body with a hunger that spoke volumes of Sirius’ restraint, caressing Remus back before settling on his hips.
When they broke apart, their breathing agitated, Remus hid his face in the crook of Sirius’ neck, dizzy with the feelings rushing through his body.
“Thank you for coming for me,” he mumbled against Sirius’ skin, eliciting a shiver from the other boy.
Sirius smiled softly, dropping kisses to Remus’ hair and temple. He slid his hands to the small of his back, bringing Remus closer to his chest.
“I will always find you, Moons.”
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dsudis · 4 years
what's the going rate on Extra Thoughts™ in the Linens-verse setting? if you have more floating around the top of your head I'll happily eat them all up, but I understand that you may have more current (and unrelated) thoughts/interests. either way, thank you for my Eskel/Geralt life
oh man, am I allowed to barter Extra Thoughts for things? Usually it’s more of an effort toward, like, not unleashing them constantly all over everyone. I have a migraine but also don’t want to go to bed yet so I’ve got my green safety glasses on and I can look at my computer, LET’S SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I START WRITING DOWN A FEW LITTLE THOUGHTS
- The story I actually have on my list of things to write Next, someday, when my ability to write more than a thousand words a week returns from the war, is a fairly direct follow-up to The Trial of Lambert: it’s what happens when the rest of the wintering witchers find out that Geralt may still be up for getting fucked. (For a minute I was like, oh no, this will lead to a loss of status and they will all respect him less, and then I realized that no, that is not what they think, they will all just be like PLAY TIME WITH LITTLE WOLF REDUX??? YES PLEASE??? KAER MORHEN’S REIGNING CHAMPION MOST ENTHUSIASTIC BOTTOM IS BACK IN ACTION???) So, uh, yeah, that one is summarized on the list as “KM winter gangbang feat. Jens/Slava” which means that Jens and Slava are just sort of hanging out on the edge of the gangbang, enjoying the show--it’s a very pleasant party, everyone is having a good time even if Geralt is having the very best time--and once in a while Jens reaches over as-if-absently to pet Slava’s hair or shoulder or neck and Slava holds very, very still and pretends not to notice.
- Jens and Slava, incidentally, are not at Kaer Morhen during the massacre, although the other witchers also never heard from them again afterward. They just sort of... went away somewhere. Somewhere quiet. They have an orchard. You can do a lot with fruit trees when your natural lifespan is three hundred years and your other main project is spending several decades working on being able to snuggle. They are patient men.
- Their neighbors are fully aware of what they are and will vigorously deny it to anyone who asks. Those are THEIR nice neighbor fellas who grow peaches and incidentally Handle Other Problems that may arise in the vicinity, and they handle them very well (and grow very nice peaches) so the villagers aren’t having ANYBODY interfere with them. 
- Where was I.
- Oh yeah, uh, fairly mild video game spoilers (which are also possibly Netflix spoilers?) incoming!! read at your own risk!
- RIGHT so hey guess who had the actual undisputed #1 saddest and sweetest Trial of the Linens ever in the history of the Wolf School. LEO. (haha what you’ve never heard of Leo?? He’s a very important character in the first Witcher game for about half an hour or however long it takes you to get to the part where he dies in front of you, it’s very sad.) But like--Geralt’s gone, either trying to keep Ciri safe or dead, and Vesemir, feeling the empty nest with Ciri gone, somehow acquires this teenager who wants to train to be a witcher despite the fact that they can’t really MAKE witchers anymore, so he brings him to Kaer Morhen and starts training him, and Lambert and Eskel come home as much as they can manage to help out, and, well. There’s one old-fashioned Trial they can give him, and maybe it’s more important than ever, to get to know and love their new little brother, and to teach him to be one of them. It’s the first time Lambert ever takes a trainee to bed. And then he dies! So that works out great. Lambert is in no way traumatized by that. More than he already was. 
- Intergenerational witcher trauma: sometimes it flows both ways!!
- Of course before Leo there was ANOTHER little baby kinda-sorta trainee, and that was CIRI. And one day they’re talking to her about the Trials and kinda telling her how awful they all were and then all of a sudden Geralt and Lambert and Eskel all, simultaneously, remember The Other Trial and their brains short out thinking of it in the context of Ciri. She is very confused but accepts their explanation, once they boot back up, that they just have some really bad memories and don’t want to talk about it anymore today.
- The thing is, the actually logical person to give Ciri a Trial of the Linens, if she were to have one, would be Triss. Lambert works this out and it’s solidly 80% of why he’s an asshole to Triss for literally decades afterward, like holding a grudge against someone for something they did in a dream you had one time and never even told them about.
- One of the mercies of his amnesia is that Geralt forgets having had this set of realizations, except then his memory comes back and he HAS THEM ALL OVER AGAIN, which is probably worse.
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
HAIKYUU DEBATE NIGHT!!! (Inspired by Going Seventeen Debate Night)
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*taps mic* Mic test? Mic test?
Akaashi: 1, 2, 3, 3, 2 , 1, 1, 2 ,3
Ahhh. They’re working. Good evening, Akaashi!
Akaashi: Yes, they are. Good evening to you, too, Leia. And to anyone who is watching this, good evening, morning, afternoon.
Ah, yes. Hello, viewers! This is Leia!
Akaashi: And Akaashi.
So, how are you, Akaashi? Are you feeling fine? Have you eaten your dinner? Do you feel uncomfortable? I have a better seat it’s called ‘my lap’-
Akaashi: I am fine. Yes. Yes. No. And I’d rather sit here, thank you. Why don’t we introduce our debaters for the night?
But you could really use my lap-
Akaashi: The debaters, Leia-chan.
Ah, right! Anyways! On the right we have:
Akaashi: And on the left we have:
Alright! We have fully introduced our wonderful debaters for tonight! But before anything else, we would like to know their name as a group.
Akaashi: Right team, have you decided on a group name?
Oikawa: Ah, yes! The moment we knew we were in the same group…
Suga: We knew what to name ourselves c:
Atsumu: We will be called ‘Pretty setters plus a Wing Spiker’
Pretty Setters plus a Wing Spiker: 👁️👄👁️
Tanaka: In my humble opinion, I think tHAT GROUP NAME IS TRASH.
Kenma: *sigh*
WOOOW! I LOVE THE DYNAMICS OF THIS GROUP ALREADY! Oozing with unity and familiarity. Don’t you think, Akaashi?
Akaashi: …Yes. Now, to the left team. Have you decided on a group name?
Tsukishima: Why me?
Kuroo: Come on now, don’t be shy. Tell them our group name!
Tsukishima: ….
Hinata: Come on now, Tsukishima! Say it! Say it!
Tsukishima: …. 3rd Gym Debaters.
Akaashi: 🙂
Ah…but quick question, though. Why?
Bokuto: OH! Because Kuroo, Tsukishima and I used to hang out at the 3rd gym a lot!
Ushijima: I played at Season 3.
Osamu: Hinata and I both have three syllables in our names. ✨
Tanaka: *suddenly feels fine with their group name*
Tanaka: *slight*
Akaashi: …..  🙂🙂🙂
Wow. Logical and makes sense. Before anything else, Akaashi, would you please say what happens at Haikyuu Debate Night once again?
Akaashi: Right. Here in Haikyuu Debate Night we are going to talk about issues that we experience in our daily lives. We will have in-depth and logical debates about them.
And with that, Haikyuu Debate Night starts now!
Pretty Setters plus a Wing Spiker: *claps in a way a decent audience would clap*
Bokuto and Hinata: WOOOOOOH!
Kuroo and Osamu: *claps like a child*
Tsukishima and Ushijima: *too embarassed and too stoic to clap*
Just to make sure, I will state the rules:
This is a team-based debate
Each team take turns to restate their logical arguments.
Each team can counter other team’s logic and they can counter-counter-argue.
The debate will end when both teams have no logic.
Easy as 1, 2, 3!
Akaashi: Now, I’ll reveal the first topic: Supervision vs. Superhearing
Supervision gives you the ability to have superb vision to the extent that you can see through human’s pores - which I find disgusting, by the way. Whilst Superhearing gives you superb audio processing to the extent of hearing a person’s whisper who is 1 km away from you.
Akaashi: With the Pretty Setters with a Spiker in favor of Supervision and with the 3rd Gym Debaters in favor of Superhearing.
The debate starts with the 3rd Gym Debaters’ arguement.
Hinata: First of all, when you have superhearing, this helps in volleyball! With this, even when the setter hasn’t called for you, you immediately know they’re calling for you!
Kageyama: But superhearing only grants you to hear anything that is 1 km away from you, not somebody else’s thoughts, dumbass.
Hinata: 😡
Hinata: You’re right.
Hinata: But still! If I can hear someone who is 1 km away from me, shouldn’t I be able to hear someone else’s thoughts who is a couple of meters near me?!
Tsukishima: Oh my God. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Kageyama: What?
Atsumu: Yer honor, the moment this tangerine spoke, this debate has lost its logic!
Akaashi: You know-
Kuroo: Your honor, let me redeem what my co-debater has said!
Kuroo: *stands abruptly*
Kenma: Here he goes...
Kuroo: What he’s trying to say is, imagine yourself in the court. And everyone is so intense to the point they mutter their thoughts out loud. Now, imagine your setter wanting to do a synchronized attack to surprise the opponents. The setter wouldn’t need hand signals or whatever.
Bokuto: Yeah! All the setter needs to do is *whispers* synchronized attack! And the team would immediately know!
Tanaka: Oh, he’s got a point-
Kenma: But that can also happen if you have supervision. Your vision would be enough to immediately sense the slightest difference of how your setter would be tossing.
Kuroo: Ah-
Bokuto: Oh, shit. He’s right.
Osamu: But wouldn’t supervision be overwhelming? I mean, everything around you is a hundred times clearer than how you usually see them. What if you get overwhelmed with how ugly Tsumu is at court-
Atsumu: You piece of-
Osamu: Then supervision wouldn’t be as effective as superhearing, don’t ya think?
Kuroo: Right! I was about to blurt that out. 👀 *he didn’t really think of that*
Kenma: I see where Atsumu’s brain cells went.
Atsumu: Excuse me? 😲😲😲
Okaaaay we’re kind of drifting away from the debate, aren’t we? 3rd Gym Debators, any more arguments?
Kuroo: None, your honor.
Akaashi: I’ve been trying to correct this but we’re only moderators, Kuroo-san.
Right. Now, Pretty Setters plus a Wing Spiker, it is time to present your arguments.
Sugawara: Kenma has emphasized this out but supervision can come very handy such as how the team can use it to their advantage at court. However, supervision can also be very effective for other things.
Sugawara: For example, what if you’re trying to read the person beside you at the bus’ text? With supervision, reading it wouldn’t be as hard-
Osamu: Wait, are you saying you’re using your supervision for the wrong cause-
Osamu, please respect the speaker of Pretty Setters and a Spiker. Rebutting is banned for now.
Osamu: w h a t 👁️👄👁️
Tanaka: I still don’t like the group name-
Sugawara: With my supervision, I can immediately know if the person I am beside with is having a fight with their loved one! Or they’re cooking ramen for dinner. How convenient, right?
Oikawa: Right!
Atsumu: True.
Kenma: ….
Tanaka: It sounds wrong but it is definitely, right!
Tsukishima: How is invasion of privacy right-
Sugawara: I rest my case!
Tsukishima: hOW IS-
Akaashi: Okay, 3rd Gym Debaters, you may now counter-argue Pretty Setters’ argument.
Tanaka: It’s Pretty Setter with a-
Bokuto: Your honor!
Bokuto: *reading on his paper without pauses* Allow me to show to you why supervision is a necessity, and is sensible and more practical than supervision! Superhearing can make me hear things louder and clearer!
Everyone: And?
Bokuto: That would mean I can hear the cheers of the crowd for me and even those who are 1 ki-meter away from me!
Akaashi: It’s 1 kilo-
Bokuto: That would mean I can hear Hinata’s cheers for me even if I am in Tokyo! 😊
Tsukishima: *facepalm* I’m sure Miyagi and Tokyo is not just 1 kilometer apart-
Kuroo: Shhh! You’re ruining our argument!
Bokuto: 😊😊😊
Ah…Is that all, Bokuto-san?
Bokuto: Yes. 😊😊😊
Ah…thank you. *clears throat* Okay, Pretty Setters?
Tanaka: I TOLD YOU, IT’S-
Oikawa: Your honor, I would just like to counter-argue Bokuto’s statement. How is hearing people’s cheers a necessity, Bokuto-san?
Bokuto: Well, it’s-
Oikawa: See? It does nothing. Can hearing other people’s cheers help you as you play? No. It can only rile you up. But do you know what it really needs to be good at playing?
Oikawa: *stands dramatically and goes towards the center*
Hinata: Good jump?
Kageyama: Good set.
Oikawa: Almost there, King.
Atsumu: Good hair?
Tanaka: Kiyoko-san.
Ushijima: Talent-
Oikawa: I don’t want to hear that from you.
Suga: Good teammates?
Oikawa: Almost there, Mr. Refreshing-chan.
Osamu: …I was gonna say skills but-
Oikawa: B O O M ! Exactly! Good skills! What’s the cheering going to do if you suck at playing and you can only receive by using your chest?
Tsukishima: OOMF-
Kenma: Pfft.
Osamu: That was uncalled for!
Oikawa: 💅
Bokuto: A-Akaashi…
Akaashi: I’m a moderator, I’m sorry.
Hinata: *loud gasp* 👁️👄👁️
Kuroo: That’s gotta sting.
Oikawa: Back to my point! What do you need for you to have good skills? *snaps* G o o d   e y e s i g h t .  💅
Tanaka: *Gasps like he just invented the cure to this pandemic* Right!
Atsumu: Oh, shit. That’s true. *Matrix moment*
Oikawa: *flicks hair* I think I have proven my point on point. And with that, I rest my case. *goes back to his chair*  💅
Okay! Thank you for that Oikawa, love. Now, for the 3rd Gym Debaters.
Ushijima: *stands* Your hono-
Ushijima: I haven’t said anything yet.
Oikawa: Your presence alone is attacking me!
Tsukishima: Now, that’s ad hominem.
Oikawa: nOw tHat’S aD hOmInEM
Suga: Tsukki >=[
Akaashi: Anyway, Ushijima-san, please continue.
Ushijima: Right. Your honor, I would like to add to my co-debaters points. First of all, the other party is only focusing their arguments to how effective supervision would be if you are on court. Well, I would like to emphasize how effective superhearing can be even off court.
Kageyama: *is all ears because he respects Ushijima*
Sugawara: I’m sorry. Mr. Volleyball-is-life is gonna talk about using superhearing without the mention of volleyball?
Ushijima: First, superhearing is very useful when it comes to helping other people. Even if I am busy trimming the grass or harvesting the crops, I can hear someone’s cries no matter how faint they could be.
Oikawa: Are you a farmer-
Ushijima: I can also use it as a pre-caution. With my superhearing, I can hear when a truck is about to hit me or an arrow is flying towards me. It can also help me when I accidentally lost Tendo at the grocery store. But most importantly… *flipping page*
Pretty Setters Squad and a Wing Spiker: …
Ushijima: It can help me locate other players’ breathing when playing hide and seek.
Pretty Setters Squad plus a Wing Spiker:
Kenma: Anti-climatic.
Tsukishima: *deep sigh*
Ah…thank you, Ushijima-san. That was…sensible. Pretty Setters?
Kageyama: *stands up stiffly* Y-Yes!
Suga and Tanaka: *claps*
Oikawa: *rolls eyes*
Atsumu: *whistle* Go, goody-two shoes!
Hinata: *sits properly*
Tsukishima: Another idiot-
Kageyama: I-I am here to defend my house’s stand! *flips page* I am here to point or to present some major flaws if you choose superhearing! F-First! It is considered as an invasion of privacy! What if you hear someone confessing under your 1 kilometer radius? And you hear them getting rejected? You are then violating that person’s privacy!
Hinata: But-
Kageyama: I’m not yet done, idiot!
Oikawa: He’s not yet done, shrimp!
Note: they screamed that together.
Hinata: 🥺🥺🥺
Kageyama: T-Two…superhearing can be very overwhelming. What if you are in the middle of the city? Surrounded by the crowd, specifically. how can you focus or how can you stop yourself from hearing them?
Kageyama: Also, you cannot block superhearing BUT you can block supervision by closing your eyes!
Hinata: But we can block it by listening to music!
Oikawa: What? Are you saying you’re gonna listen to music for the rest of your life just because of your superhearing?  💅
Tsukishima: *yawn* What about supervision then? You’re gonna close your eyes for the rest of your lives?
Oikawa: That’s…
Pretty Setters with a Spiker: 👁️👄👁️
Tanaka: But at least closing your eyes is not as dumb-looking as plugging earphones for the rest of your life!
Tsukishima: *triggered*
Atsumu: OOMF
Akaashi: Okay, hush, everyone. 3rd gym debaters?
Osamu: Your honor, allow me to end this debate once and for all.
Kenma: That would mean you ran out of logic-
Osamu: One! Superhearing is very convenient. I can hear a single whisper as long as it is 1 kilometer near me. You whisper you ran out of paper while you’re at the grocery story? Don’t worry, I’m on my way to give you some!
Sugawara: What-
Atsumu: They can just buy at-
Osamu: You’re a teacher and you forgot to tell the class about their homework? Worry not! I heard you and let me tell my classmates on yer behalf.
Osamu: You think Atsumu is ugly? I will look for you from the crowd and I’d tell you “Lmao ikr.”
Atsumu: What the fu-
Kuroo: *stands up from sitting* What good will your superhearing give you if…
Pretty Setters and a Spiker: ….?
3rd Gym Debaters: ….?
Akaashi and I: ….?
Kuroo: If you can’t hear how my heart beats for you?
Sugawara and Oikawa: *groans*
Kenma: *disgusted look*
Atsumu: 👁️👄👁️
Kageyama: *blushing idk why tho*
Tanaka: …. *Wonders if Kiyoko-san would hate him if he couldn’t hear her heartbeat*
Hinata: *mindblowned like a 10 yr old who saw porn for the 1st time*
Tsukishima: *pukes in virtual*
Osamu: *confused boner*
Ushijima: *didn’t understand why everyone is so surprised when what Kuroo said is true*
Kuroo: *places finger on temple* Let that fact sink in.
Bokuto: *still mindblown*
Pretty Setters plus a Spiker?
Atsumu: Yer honor, supervision is WAY MORE convenient. It can help me with it, I can easily locate the ball! I can easily find the other pair of my shoe, ye know? I can clearly see how Osamu is way more stupid than me-
Ah, Tsumu, we don’t tolerate lies in this debate.
Suga: That’s right, Tsumu. Don’t lie.
Atsumu: 👁️👄👁️
Osamu: PFFT
Akaashi: *is confused whether to laugh or to feel pity*
Atsumu: That’s mean.
Atsumu: WITH SUPERVISION, I wouldn’t lost my mother at the grocery store! Also, I can immediately find my teammates who are playing a prank on me. I also have the advantage in hide and seek! 
Ushijima: I can hear the other players’ breathing-
Atsumu: Plis don’t expose how weird of a person ye are, dood.
Kenma: *grin*
Tanaka: *raises hand*
Yes, Tanaka-san?
Tanaka: To counter Kuroo’s claim though...what good would it bring if I can hear your heart beat if I can’t see your worth?
Pretty Setters plus a Spiker:
Atsumu: Holy shit. That’s some cool angst. *places left hand on waist and right hand on chin*
Oikawa: *looks away as he surprisingly felt that*
Kenma: What...
Kageyama: *is blushing again idk why*
Suga: I--I am---I *chokes*
Kuroo: *silent because that shit hurted*
Hinata:  *mindblowned like a 10 yr old who saw porn for the 1st time* (2)
Ushijima: *knew about this fact not too long ago so this does not surprise him*
Osamu:  *confused sad boner*
Tsukishima: *is done*
That got me thinking, too...
Akaashi: *silent because he is analyzing*
Tanaka: *suddenly feeling proud* nOw, LeT tHaT fAcT sInK iN...
OKAY! Kenma and Tsukki, any thoughts? You have been silent the whole duration of this debate.
Kenma: *disgusted face* I’d rather not. 
Tsukishima: I refuse to partake in this idiotic debate.
Akaashi: *totally understands the setters’ decision*
Well...ummm...okay...So I guess both teams have lost their logic?
Akaashi: Right. 
Akaashi: Please leave your thoughts and your votes on the comments down below.
Once again, this is Leia.
Akaashi: And Akaashi.
Both: Your moderators and this is: DEBATE NIGHT!
also everyone: *still feeling angsty with Tanaka’s statement*
also Tsukki and Kenma: Finally, it’s done!
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dyanlzbb · 3 years
Bucky and the Toy Phone (3/3)
Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x OFC
Word Count:  2438
Warnings:  maybe jealousy. 
Tony had to throw a big party to celebrate the birth of his daughter. Well, he didn’t have to but he wanted to, and so he did.  Of course Pepper and Chiara told him not to do it. The new mother needed peace, serenity, and alone time with the baby. But Tony was Tony. At least he invited just their close friends.
And even inviting only the close friends, they were a lot of people in that party. All of the Avengers were there plus the Asgardians of the Galaxy who had taken a time off to congratulate Tony on his paternity. Loki included.
Bucky was talking animatedly to Steve and Sam, stealing glances to where Chiara was talking to Loki. To say that he wasn’t attractive would be lying. And Bucky had to endure Chiara talking to him. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like it that she was smiling. He didn’t like that she was patiently explaining things to him. He didn’t like that Loki was smiling back. His jaw was clenching almost painfully. But it was his fault of never making a move on Chiara, even when they have gone out together sometimes since that call from Ethan.
He wasn’t the only one not liking the scene. Ethan was watching his mother talking to another man, one he didn’t know, and one he didn’t want. So he took the toy phone and stomped angrily in front of Bucky. Sam and Steve found the matching expression of their faces amusing.
-          Call mommy. – He gave him the toy phone like the first time they met.
-          She is busy pal, I can’t call her now – as much as he wanted to interrupt the conversation between Chiara and Loki, he was not sure it was the wise thing to do.
-          Yes you call. I won like it.- The little boy was huffing. Somehow, he was jealous of Bucky, because his mother was paying attention to Bucky, but he liked Bucky as well. They had more time together and their relationship grew. Apart from Steve who was his hero, Bucky became that hero Ethan could count on.
Seeing the stern look on both, Steve chimed in half laughing half serious addressing Ethan, - Oh you mean, Loki. Yeah pal, I don’t like him either.
Obviously, Sam couldn’t let this chance either, and turned to Bucky, maybe then he could finally recognize his feelings and get the girl and the kid. –You gotta go man, claim your girl. Even Ethan wants that. In no time you will be his “daddy”.
But Bucky did nothing. His mind was working 200 km/h trying to decide what to do. Everyone was near and he didn’t want to attract their attention, but his blood was boiling seeing the smile on her lips addressed to Loki.
And Ethan… oh Ethan! He took matters into his tiny hands. Well, he didn’t know he was doing it, but he was certain that he didn’t like Loki next to his mommy. So he ran to her and jumped into her arms.  
Chiara took her child on her arms not looking away from Loki and continuing their conversation. Ethan needed to turn her attention to him and started to try and close her mouth and placing his little hands all over her face.
-Is this your child? It seems that he is impatient for your attention- Loki mentioned amused at the antics of the child who avoided his gaze. Although he was enjoying the conversation with the woman, he was now interested in the actions of the tiny human.
-Yes, he is – Chiara confirmed, then changed her tone to a sweeter one and addressed the boy – Ethan, say hi to Loki.-
The child moved his head from side to side not wanting to greet the man standing next to him. Then he pronounced the words that left Chiara speechless – Mommy… call daddy…-
She was beyond surprised. Ethan had never called anyone daddy, not that she know about. He had never met the other person biologically responsible of his birth, she was 100 percent sure. And she hadn’t had dates since she was busy with her job and Ethan himself.
As she was not moving, Ethan took out his toy phone and pressed all the buttons. Just like he had done before, he talked to the speaker and pronounced slow and openly “call Bucky”. And Chiara understood.
She turned slowly to see where Bucky was standing next to his friends and her heart started to beat rapidly. Ethan though about Bucky as his dad, even when Steve was his hero and he had every Iron Man merchandise Tony could provide, Bucky was his dad.
Loki also understood. He could recognize the jealousy on the child and of course, wanted to play a little with it. – I am afraid your… daddy… is occupied at the moment Ethan. Do you think I can be of assistance instead of… Bucky? – and Loki extended his arms, offering them to Ethan, knowing that his actions may infuriate the infant.
-          No, I want daddy, plis mommy. – He said burying his face further into his mother’s neck.
On the distance, Steve could hear the conversation taking place between Ethan and the others, and he was grinning widely. Ethan was forcing the stings, but judging from the astounded expression on Bucky, it worked.
Chiara excused herself with Loki, who had a mischievous grin while seeing the woman walk to where the supersoldiers were standing. On his way, Ethan turned away from her mother’s nec and showed his tongue to Loki, which only made him laugh out loud. Having such reaction out of the child turned the boring reunion better for him.
Bucky was speechless. He wanted to assure Chiara that he had not sent Ethan to interrupt her conversation with Loki, although he was happy that it had ended. And he was truly afraid. Ethan called him “daddy” and he was unsure he deserved such title. It was true that they had shared good times: sport games evenings, outings at the park on those rare occasions when Chiara had to work late; their weekly ice-cream reunion with Cap and Falcon; but being a dad, it was an enormous responsibility that he wasn’t sure he was able to perform. What he was truly dreading was that Chiara thinks that he is not the right man for the job, because he would like to be with Chiara and being Ethan’s dad, and perhaps having one or two more children. But he wasn’t ready to admit it even to himself.
-          Umph, Bucky… Ethan just… - Chiara tried to explain the situation knowing that he knew.
-          Yeah, I heard – Bucky interrupted.
-          I didn’t tell… - once again, Chiara tried to justify the behavior of Ethan.
-          I know…
It was an awkward conversation to have with everyone around and as much as they were having fun with the predicament the two adults were thrown into.
I think you have to sort out this family thing – Steve was as amused as any other with that dumb smile on his face. He could see the blushing on Chiara and Bucky’s face and took Ethan on his arms to allow the adults to talk.  Then hitting Sam on a friendly manner, he invited him to the other side of the room, not too far away that they couldn’t hear the conversation, but not too close to make them feel awkward.
-          Oh man, this kid has them around his little finger dancing to his tune. – Sam laughed knowing that there is no way they could end apart.  
Ethan lost interest in whatever his mom and dad were talking about, - Uncle Sam… we eat Ice-Cream? – And Sam laughed even louder yielding to the little boy’s will.
Pepper decided to check upon the party that Tony organized. She was beyond exhausted with Morgan being so little, but she just went to sleep and that gave her a small window to come and at least, say hi to some friends.  She reached out for Tony – What did I miss?
-          Well, we received some good gifts for Morgan, some for you… none for me, but I will recover from it, and oh, apparently Ethan appointed Bucky as his dad, which everyone had already discussed except for Chiara and Bucky. After playing the jealous card with Loki, over there, Ethan managed to get Bucky and Chiara to confess and now they are making arrangements to officially date.
As expected, Pepper was not surprised at all at the news, she just turned to see a calm soirée, calmer than she imagined. She noticed how Bucky and Chiara were talking oblivious to the party in one side, then Steve and Sam entertaining Ethan and some other people around.  - So everything is under control then? Ok, I am going back to sleep with Morgan. – Pepper kissed Tony’s cheek, grabbed a sandwich and went to the stairs leaving him alone.
Yep, everything is going well. – Tony closed the night taking another drink.
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joyrose-fandomer · 3 years
Music club AU Chap4 (Sanders sides Human AU)
TL;DR: Remember when the twins mom hoped that Virgil was emotionaly strong ? He’s not. But at least he have an ally now !
POV : Virgil
Relationship: Creativitwins, Prinxiety, Logicality parent to Virgil, Dukceit
TW: Little panic attaque, thaughts of getting hurt or bullied, avoiding somone (You know, the Virgil set, but really it’s ok)
Virgil wished a meteor fell from the sky and flattened him like a pancake.
This was the only thought he had when he saw the twins arguing about god-know-what at the school's entrance the next day.
He immediately stopped and looked for any possible way of reaching his classroom without getting through them.
So he followed the gate all around the school until he reached the back entrance which was, of course, closed. The anxious high school boy checked around to be sure he was alone before taking a few steps back. 
He then ran to the gate and with momentum, he managed to climb and jump to the other side.
Virgil felt himself jump out of his skin. A boy looking a year older than him was starring at him in amazement. He was wearing a bright yellow scarf, had heterochromia brown/yellow, and was wearing a f-ing fedora. HOW did Virgil not notice him? Where was he hiding?
"Did you forget your passe?"
The boy visibly forced a smirk through shock.
He didn't forget his passe but Virgil didn't feel like explaining the situation and nodded.
Something unreadable when through the eyes of fedora boy whose smirk widen.
"You know there's a camera here?"
Virgil, when pale and slowly turned around to look at where the boy was pointing, no doubt, this was a camera.
Oh no, he was in big trouble. He was going to be called by the director. He was going to have detention. They will call his dads and they will be so disappointed in him and-
"Hey, calm down, I was just joking. The camera doesn't work."
Virgil's breathing was very fast and the other teen was looking at him worryingly.
He looked at the older boy with eyes that that meant 'tell me it's true, and you're not messing with me again. I beg of you.'
Apparently, he got the message because he apologized and insisted he was telling the truth. He then sank to Virgil's level and took a long breath to silently prompt Virgil into doing the same thing.
Once the anxious teens breathing evened fedora boy stood back up.
"Want me to accompany you to class? My class is still in an hour but I'm guessing your's is starting soon?"
Virgil nodded and they walked together to his classroom.
He was still on edge but whenever his breathing started to pick up a hand fell on his shoulder to ground him. It reminded him of the way his father calm him when he felt bad and it was comforting.
Until a familiar voice yelled from behind.
There was a flash of green in the corner of his vision and in the next second fedora-boy got tackle-hug by a very excited Remus in a green dress, both of them almost falling to the ground.
A gasp came up from behind Virgil.
"Emo Knightmare!"
Roman shouted, bouncing around like he just saw Santa Claus. Remus immediately picked up on it dragged Virgil into the hug.
"We waited 2 hours for you to get past the gate emo boy how did you even get in? No, both of you! I didn't see you either J!" Remus complained to the older boy.
Instead of answering, Jay smiled and kissed Remus's forehead, living the chaotic twin to mumble happily against his chest.
He then looked at Virgil, understanding clear in his eyes, and winked at him.
"Aren't you three late to class?"
"Do we have to?"
Remus complained and reluctantly let go of J getting a chuckle and a kiss on the top of his head in exchange.
"Yes, you have to. Now get to class both of you. I will accompany your friend to his own class"
Remus grumbles and dragged his brother to their classroom, who was complaining that he couldn't talk to Virgil and digging his heels in the ground ineffectively.
Once there were gone a hand fell back on his shoulder.
"They're a handful at first but they will grow on you eventually, you'll see."
With one last squeeze on his shoulder, Jay walked toward Virgil's classroom, forcing Virgil to run to catch up.
Once they were there J knocked at the door, the teacher was already there and looked at the second year confusingly.
"One of your students got lost so I brought him."
He lied casually, pointing at the worried teen behind him. When the teacher allowed Virgil to come in J whispered to him.
"Meet me behind the school at the first break"
And then he was gone.
The classes when too fast for Virgil and he has no idea what half of what the teachers said were. His brain was rolling a 100 km/h and he still had no idea what Jay wanted from him, or Roman and Remus for that matter and he was freaking out.
What if they were actually bullies and he was going to get bit up. A voice in the back of his head sounding suspicious like his father told him that it didn't make any sense and he needed to calm down.
But he couldn't, they were all so random and nothing during the last three days made any sense to him. Why were they even talking to him in the first place!
The bell ran his imminent doom. He couldn't escape it, who knows what they could do.
When he reached the other side of the school Jay was waiting for him. He waved at Virgil with a smile and asked him to follow him. They snicked past a half-closed door held close by a single rusty chain. Into an abandoned room that was probably the old PE reserve. It was arranged to be more comfortable, with old blankets added to the gymnastic mattresses and few candles here and there to have some light.
"Sit wherever you want." The older boy prompted so Virgil sat obediently on the closest mattress.
"I'm used to going to this room when I'm overwhelmed. I'm the only one who knows or at least remembers it's here so no one ever bothers me. Don't tell Roman and Remus about it, I like them but they can be a little much sometimes."
He sunk on the opposite side of the mattress.
"I guess you know about it too now"
Virgil was confused about why he was telling him that. Was it a threat or something?
"You're wondering why I brought you right?" Virgil nodded 
"To talk to you about the twins. 
They tend to do everything too big. They are constantly moving and loud. like, two big toddlers. They are doing a new challenge every day, they basically never stop. 
It's a wonder where they find all this energy."
He laughed lightly at the taught, fiddling with his gloves. He had gloves?
"I'm telling you that because you don't seem like the type to deal well with those. And it's pretty obvious that they had taken a liking to you, they probably already made a challenge out of who befriends you first. 
So you're basically stuck now."
Vigil swallows down the lump growing in his throat.
  "Yeah." Jay acknowledged Virgil's worry and continued. "Getting the attention of only one twin is manageable but with both, you're definitely gonna need a hand."
He smiled at the anxious boy next to him in a comforting gesture but wasn't very effective.
He sighed and sat closer the put his hand on Virgil's shoulder for the third time today.
"It's not so bad once you get used to their hyperactivity. They're the most loyal and sweet guys I got to see in a long time. The first weeks are just going to be, long."
Virgil was still confused about where he was trying to go. Was he trying to comfort him? Because it wasn't working.
"So I'll give you some advice. First of all, stop with the silent treatment. It only gets them more curious. Trust me, I tried."
Virgil sends him a panicked look. He couldn't just start talking with random people just like that, especially not people like the twins. Speaking sucks, what if he stuttered? What if he said something wrong?
He got a squeeze on the shoulder silently asking him to get back on earth.
  "Want to try talking with me first?"
Jay asked.
Virgil thought about it for a moment before nodding.
"Good, let's start simple. What's your name?"
The anxious teen took a deep breath.
"... V-"
His voice lost itself in his throat at the last second.
"It's ok, try again."
Jay prompted
Fedora boy smiled proudly.
"That's a good name. I'm Janus"
The bell rang. Janus stood up, helping Virgil up in the process.
"In what class, are you?"
"I'm in 209, want to go together?"
Virgil nodded. Janus frownd.
"Out loud please."
The older student smiled and walked out of the room.
"Know that this room is now also yours. If you're ever overwhelmed just come here. But it stays between us ok?"
"And, Virgil? Just so you know. The twins are definitely going to abduct you for lunch. So brace yourself"
Fedora boy smirked wickedly, making his yellow eye shining in amusement.
Oh, no.
Hey, sorry for the wait I sayed it would come soon and it had been 2? 3? month. Sorry. I hope having some snake boy will compensate. (^-^’)
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kat-katsuki · 4 years
Failed Attempts | Iwaizumi x Reader Oneshot
Tumblr media
Word Count: 3162
He carried a vibe around him. And it's intimidating. He's really quiet and focused in class, but he's not the best student. He's quite popular with the boys, but for some reason girls just never really notice him, especially not when he's always around that guy. Iwaizumi Hajime is someone I'd classify as an undiscovered gem. Girls don't seem to see his charm, and they never seem to notice the bright light he's capable of giving off.
As always I sit at the back of class, glancing constantly at the raven haired boy as he scribbled things down into his notebook during math. I've noticed him since the first day I met him, back in our first year of high school. I sat right behind him, but I never talked to him.
He's always busy, I noticed. He's either reading something, talking to someone, or going somewhere. I see him so often, even outside of class. I'd see him on my way to club, he'd be heading to his own club. I'd see him on my way home; he only lives a few blocks away from me. Even though I see him so often, I never actually sat down and talked with him...
Oikawa-san is pretty friendly, he'd greet me whenever we walk by each other in the hall. And whenever I am greeted by Oikawa-san, Iwaizumi would also nod at me. Even though that's a typical 'oh I noticed you' response, every time it happens I somehow get super happy. I don't know what makes him so interesting to me. To be honest I just enjoy watching him completely destroy other boys in arm wrestling, or produce a god-like record in running 1 km, or even be asked to join all the sports team. Around my second year of high school I realized I want to talk to him. It was the first day of our second semester and god granted me this golden chance. First day of the semester we get new seats, and I happened to sit right next to him, to his left. "Good morning Iwaizumi-kun," I greeted, and thank god my voice didn't crack.
"Oh, hi," Iwaizumi replied. Say something, start a conversation, I told myself.
"Long time no see," I made out.
"Mmhm, long time no see," he replied. Good job, great way to start a conversation, I slapped myself in my head. It didn't take me long to realize that Iwaizumi, despite being the vice captain of the volleyball team and always surrounded by boys, is actually quite the introvert. He enjoys his silence, and he likes lone time, which I heard from Oikawa. I'm not really familiar with either of them, but if I had to say who I'm closer to, it'd definitely be Oikawa. He walked with me from class to my club a few times, just to tell me how sad he is that the coach doesn't let him play due to his injuries.
Of course, my attempts to talk to Iwaizumi didn't stop there. After class, I wanted to invite him to eat lunch with me. But the moment I opened my mouth, "Iwa-chan, let's go eat lunch together!" Oikawa called out from the other side of the room. And then all the other volleyball team members would miraculously show up. I nodded my head, Okay, guess that's that. In the end, I ate lunch with my other friends.
From time to time I'd see him in the halls or on the street, but he always seem like he's in a hurry to go somewhere, so I couldn't really bring myself to interrupt his journey. There was once I saw him down the hall on my way to the cafeteria, and since it was lunch time and he was alone I figured I'd invite him to lunch. "Hey, Iwaizumi-kun!" I greeted. "Where are you headed?"
"Oh I'm going to the teacher's office," he said.
"Oh, is that so, well have fun, I guess," I waved and left. Yeah.....so much for inviting him to lunch.....
A few weeks later, after my club activities, I'm in the art club by the way, I saw Iwaizumi walk out of his club room with Oikawa, ready to go home. I was so ready at that time. I gathered up my courage. Today is the day. Today I'm going to ask them if we could walk home together. Then I could talk to Iwaizumi. "Hey! You guys heading home too?" I called out.
"Oh hey!" Oikawa noticed me and waved back, big smile on his face. Bless him for his friendliness. I know people call him a playboy, or whatever, but to me he is a god given blessing, my key to approaching Iwaizumi.
"Oikawa, I'm gonna go to Kitagawa right now, I'll see you tomorrow," Iwaizumi said. I stood there speechless. If I remembered correctly, Kitagawa Daiichi is the middle school the two came from, but what business does Iwaizumi have with his middle school? Especially at eight in the evening!
"Okay, I'll see you then!" Oikawa waved at his best friend.
"Bye!" I said to Iwaizumi. He shot me a faint smile. Although it was just one out of courtesy, it killed me inside out. God why is he so handsome? And that smile of his...just unfair! And I watched him leave...again....
"So, wanna go home together? We're in the same direction right?" Oikawa offered.
"Oh yeah, sure!" I replied instantly, hiding my disappointment. To be fair, Oikawa is fun, definitely someone I enjoy being around. He knows how to start a conversation, and is really open and funny. He's slightly arrogant, but that only adds to his charm. I totally understand why girls like him, not just for his face. Either way though, I only see him as a pretty cool friend.
This leaves me wondering, why is it so hard to talk to Iwaizumi?! Every time I see him, he's there and then he's gone, off to do something. It's not that I don't try to talk to him, it's just I don't want to be obvious and I don't want to be rude. When he's talking to someone else, I can't just go in and invite myself into the conversation just to talk to Iwaizumi.... No.... I can't.
Originally I was interested in him as a person, and a possible love interest, since you know...I'm interested. However at this point he just became a challenge I wanted to overcome. I'm actually the type to try to overcome anything I find an obstacle, and at this point I just want to sit down and talk to him, in a real conversation about things like what he likes and what he does on his free time, things like that. I won't be satisfied with things like 'oh isn't the weather nice' NO! I'm. Going. To. Talk. To. Iwaizumi. Period!
Of course, what I decide and what I do doesn't quite line up on the same page....
"Hey~..... Akane-chan!" I walk past Iwaizumi who was in a conversation with Matsukawa, from class 1, and greet my friend from middle school. Akane-chan and I haven't talked much since high school started so she was surprised to hear me call out to her out of the blue, but we ended up chatting up on our lives and catching up. In the end we even ate lunch together and decided to hang out more often. Wow...I even tightened my relationship with an old friend.... And I still haven't talked to Iwaizumi....
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. Now, we were in our third and final year. I'm at the stage where if we see each other we'll say hi and bye. That's an improvement....right? At least now he says hi to me without me initiating it.... But then he turns and leaves soon after that, and goes where he needs to go.
"Why are you so obsessed with Iwaizumi? In my point of view I think Oikawa is much better looking," Akane asked during lunch. We were sitting in the courtyard, eating our bentos. Yes, I actually became much closer to her due to my failed attempt of talking to Iwaizumi, she knows this now.
"I don't know, I just can't seem to stop. Ever since day 1 I've been trying to talk to him and fate just doesn't want me to apparently!" I said. "Plus, I don't see Oikawa that way. He's cool and all but not my type. I like someone more... Interesting."
"Like Iwaizumi."
"Well......yeah?" I nodded in an unsure way. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't quite describe the boy as interesting. Sure he's got some quirks, but they're quite typical for a boy, and plus since he's always with the oh so great Oikawa Toru, he just seems kinda plain if you think about it. However, despite all that, he always leaves me wondering what's on his mind. I'm always thinking about where he's going next, where the place that takes him away from me is. I'm always questioning how he's going to respond to my next attempt to talk to him. Iwaizumi Hajime is the boy that keeps me on the tip of my toes. "Yeah," I decided. "Yeah, like Iwaizumi."
"Honestly, I don't even know what to say," Akane chuckled. "Good luck I guess?"
"To be honest I don't even have any hope for a chance with him. I just want to fucking talk to him! Is that so hard?!" I groaned.
I even started going to his games. Seijou is quite the volleyball powerhouse so plenty of our students go to watch the volleyball game. I made it my own duty to go watch his games whenever I can. I gotta say, he really looks best when he's in that volleyball jersey. I love seeing him in that number 4. The way he jumps into the air and smashes down the ball with those muscular arms, whoa. The more I watch him the more obsessed I get. Next time I see him I'm definitely going to say something about his performance in the game.
"Hey Iwaizumi-kun, I saw your game. You were great!" I would say to him.
"Thanks! Hey I didn't know you like volleyball?" he'd say back to me.
"Well, yeah I'm actually quite the volleyball fan, but I don't know much about it."
"Wow, you should watch our practice some time."
"I'd love to. Maybe we could walk home together after your practice and you can tell me some more about volleyball?"
Yes, that's how it's going to work.
The next day I walk into class, he hasn't arrived yet. I sat my stuff down and started replaying my conversation in my head. And finally, the door slides open and a familiar raven haired boy walks in. His had dark circles under his eyes and he seemed to drag himself into the classroom. I hesitated, but I still went up to him and said, "Iwaizumi-kun, I saw your game yesterday. Great job!"
"Oh, thanks," he said and then went to his seat. O...kay...... Not how I imagined it would go. It seemed kind of inappropriate at the time to continue the conversation, so I just decided to go back to my seat. That was embarrassing....
I just can't seem to find the right time and way to talk to him.
Then came what seemed like the chance of my life. Akane and I were sitting in a cafe on the weekend, staring at the menu, and that's when we heard a pleasant voice, "Hey you guys are here too!" Oikawa and Iwaizumi walked over to us from the cafe front door. Of course it was Oikawa greeting us.
"Hey! What a coincidence!" Akane said, excitement in her voice. I could guess the reason behind her excitement. She was probably happy for me, and this god given chance. Knowing that I'd probably screw it up, she was determined to grab this chance for me. "Sit with us! Here for lunch?" Bless her.
"Yeah! Come on Iwa-chan," Oikawa and Iwaizumi sat down at our table. Akane invited Oikawa to sit on her side, leaving Iwaizumi to sit with me. Oh my god..... This is my chance! But what do I do?! I haven't planned anything beforehand...
"Hey, Iwaizumi-kun. Fancy seeing you here!" I mustered out.
"Yeah, didn't think I'd see you here," he replied nonchalantly. Okay, how am I going to respond to that?
"Um, yeah, I actually quite like this place. I come here occasionally," I said.
"Let's order something to eat," Oikawa said. I was thankful for the fact that Oikawa was here. Even though he always seems to take Iwaizumi away when I want to talk to him, he always seems to get me out of an awkward situation with Iwaizumi.
"Actually, I'm not hungry, I'm gonna go now," Iwaizumi stood up.
"Eh? But Iwa-chan, you were the one who was complaining about how hungry you were!" Oikawa said. My eyes widened and I turned to Iwaizumi, who was now towering over our table, cheeks slightly flushed.
"Shut up! Well I'm not hungry anymore, I'll leave now," Iwaizumi said. Huh? But why? Is it because I'm here? Does he not wanna be with me? Is that why he leaves every time I talk to him? Before I could ask him, he started walking out the cafe. I opened my mouth to call his name, but instead I just looked at Akane. According to her later on when I asked, I looked like it was the end of the world at that time.
"Go after him!" she shouted at me, as if it was the obvious thing to do like brush your teeth in the morning. Instantly, I dashed off. I ran out the cafe and sprinted towards Iwaizumi. The familiar silhouette looked unnaturally painful to me. I'm so used to seeing him turn his back on me, but this time, I didn't want to stare at him from behind anymore.
"Iwaizumi-kun!" I shouted as I finally grabbed him by the edge of his sleeve. The boy's dark brown eyes widened at me and my actions. "Are you leaving because of me?! Do you dislike me?!" Now his face went blank in disbelief. Suddenly, he was the one who became flustered.
"No! No! Of course not! You're great! How could I dislike you!? I just thought you'd like it if I left you with Oikawa," Iwaizumi said, violently shaking his hand, signally no.
"What? Why would you think that?!" I demanded, slightly appalled by the idea.
"Well, don't you like him?"
"No! What makes you think that?"
"I mean, all girls do. And he seems to like you quite a bit. You guys talk to each other a lot. He even mentions you during practice sometimes. I figure you guys are-"
"Hold it! Hold it! I don't like Oikawa any more than a friend! In fact the person I like is you, not him!" I just blurted things out like an idiot. I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth when I realized that I just confessed to him, out of the blue. That was the thing I swore I wouldn't do. I'm supposed to get to know him, have him get to know me and get him to like me and then confess when I'm sure of his feelings for me. Ugh. Now I just ruined it. Goodbye my chance of ever being together with Iwaizumi. He thinks of me as a creep now.
However, Iwaizumi's reaction was out of my expectations, as always. Instead of showing disgust and horror, his face was flushed red with embarrassment and surprise. He placed a hand in front of his face, as if to hide the blush on his cheeks, but unfortunately the shade has already reached his ears and neck. "O-Oh..." he mustered out after a while. Oh? I just confessed to you and you say 'oh?' I thought. "Um...I'm sorry..." Great, now he's gonna reject me. "I didn't know. I guess I'm kind of clueless when it comes to this..." Ugh...please just reject me already don't keep me hanging. "Um...is it okay if we get to know each other a little bit better first?"
"Huh?" I asked, confused.
"I think I should get to know you better...before I give you a reply," Iwaizumi said, face still red as a tomato. I think that's so cute. "Is that okay?"
"Y-...Yes! Yes of course!" I nodded violently. "I'd love that!"
"O...Okay," he seemed to be getting more and more embarrassed at the moment.
"Iwaizumi-kun, could it be...this is your first confession?" I asked. Jackpot. His ears were literally emitting steam now. A smile made its way to my lips. I was already enjoying this side of him. I want to get to know him more, to see more sides of him. "Then, maybe we can start with lunch together?"
"A-Alright...." he nodded.
For the record we didn't go back to the cafe with Akane and Oikawa. We completely forgot about them and decided to go somewhere else, somewhere more....private. With that, we began to talk regularly, exchange texts, and I'd come to watch his practice and games with him noticing.
As if we were always that close, Iwaizumi and I started calling each other by first name basis. And we'd eat lunch together, go home together (with Oikawa) and even hang out on weekends. To be honest I was kind of satisfied with the way we are. Even if in the end he told me he didn't see me as a lover, I'd still be okay with it. Of course, if he said yes and became my boyfriend, I'd be happier than a mouse with cheese.
And so the day came. It was the December 23rd, Friday. I walked out of club that day after school, and there he stood, in front of my club room, as if waiting for me. "Hajime," I called out. He looked up, brown orbs meeting mine. His look told me that he was serious. At that point my heart dropped a little. I knew today was the day. It was the day that would decide whether we'd stay as friends, or god would answer my prayers. I gulped.
"I'm here to give my answer to you," he said to me.
"I'm ready," I told him.
He walked up to me, each step he took made my heart feel heavier and heavier. My breathing literally stopped when he was finally in front of me. He towered over me like a wolf over a rabbit. It was to be expected from a volleyball player such as himself. At that moment, however, he looked the most intimidating out of all the moments I've seen him. A breath, and he parted his lips. I closed my eyes, squeezing them shut, bracing myself for what is to come.
"I love you, __________."
A/N: If you like my story, feel free to checkout my wattpad account!
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