#and also just the more people who get involved the more people will be encouraged to get involved
cynthiav06 · 1 day
With Percy, we know that he hates going to school and his goals don’t really line up with Annabeth’s, but Annabeth is kind of forcing him to do it with her because he can’t say no to her. Say Rick didn’t make Annabeth Percy’s entire personality, what do you think he would’ve done in the mortal world rather than go to university?
I was checking my drafts cause I am trying to catch up on all the asks in my inbox ( as I said in one of my earlier posts I was in middle of a medical situation so I have at least a month of backlog) and found this draft.
The funny thing is I had already written most of the post in the draft version, and this ask wasn't even being displayed in my inbox, so I was very confused as to when it was from.
But it's such a good prompt and a sort of controversial question in the fandom, so I wanted to post it asap.
Percy doesn't like studies, but he knows the importance of it, so I am sure he will finish his initial college, probably either in the science or arts section. We know at one point he got better grades than Annabeth at one point so he certainly isn't quitting studies and doing way better than what people expect. He also wouldn't like just staying at home and doing nothing (I am looking at certain Percabeth stans here), so he definitely would be doing one job or another.
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I don't think he would study marine biology like most believe. After a conversation I had with someone who had taken the course, I am convinced Percy wouldn't like it. It's heavily based on chemistry, and we know how much Percy is affected by sea creatures being mistreated or caged, so having to study marine biology wouldn't really be something he would choose.
An interesting twist would be if he chose to be a writer like his mother.
We all know that Percy writes or at least dictates and narrates the first five books, which are written and narrated entirely from his perspective. Moreover, there are books on Percy just narrating his own sarcastic takes on Greek gods and Greek heroes. What if he did actually catalogue his own adventures in those books as a sort of manual for other demigods on how to deal with certain monsters and gods and such.
Through Percy's thoughts, even as 12 years old, we can certainly say he has advanced vocabulary despite being dyslexic and given how much he admires Sally, why wouldn't he be interested in following her footsteps. Sure, he has trouble reading, but that's not to say he wouldn't love expressing his thoughts through humorous retelling of his own adventures which he can pass as fiction to normal readers but actual experiences in demigod world. Who doesn't want to know the exploits of Percy Jackson?
Plus, it's a good money hack. And don't for a second tell me he wouldn't. Sally petrified Gabe, and then they sold his statute to a museum as a sculpture and earned money off of that. So Sally would definitely encourage it, and Percy would even follow through on it just for shits and giggles and the added benefit of helping demigods and earning money.
[I literally want this to happen just for the Godly reactions. I am all for god slander, especially Zeus slander. Poseidon would be half laughing at the book and half worried cause of the sheer catastrophes his son seems to fall into almost on a daily basis.
Apollo would be having a grand time, and Hermes will be half depressed and half impressed throughout. Overall, it would be hilarious all around, and it might finally make the gods feel a bit more accountable . It's literally the Reading Percy Jackson Series trope, and that's always fun.]
One other option is that Percy will get into environmental preservation, specifically the protection of Rivers and Seas from pollution by actively involving himself and others in its cleanliness and purification. He would also run Beach cleanliness programs.
I think he and Grover would become environmental activists and would definitely get into preserving forest areas and other places where nature spirits dwell frequently. I can see them doing it a lot, long-term wise, too.
I think he would kind of like marine explorations, but that might cause his powers to be somewhat exposed, so he might not do that, but it's a possibility.
That's all I can think of. I would like to hear everyone else's opinions on this.
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greencarnation · 11 months
Emailing and calling doesn't have to stop at your politicians. If you can, email your school or your work and your union if you have one, but don't stop there. Any local organisation with a publicly available email address - environmental rights groups because this is an environmental crisis too, churches because look what's happening to Gaza's Christians, childrens charities, hospitals and health centres, journalists and newspapers, anything you can think of. Some will ignore you, some won't, some will already be organising shit in which case it's a good way to get involved
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causticsunshine · 8 months
#thinking about finishing my 1d fics again and while with one super old wip i figured out how to write it sans heavy ot5 friendship dynamic#the two sequel fics for ‘swear i’ve known you since forever’ in ATSCO series…. oooh i fear i am Fucked#it’s not that i have beef with ot5 fic really it just feels weird for me personally to be writing it so#heavy handedly this many years on? and controversial take mayhaps but there are still plenty super involved ot5 fans out there putting out#mmm weird vibes? delusional even? not all of them ofc#but enough that i’ve seen especially on twitter and iii don’t want the association just bc i kept the dynamic in a fic i wrote lmao#(also i have some thoughts and opinions on things and people i did not have in the past too so! that doesn’t help)#i think for ATSCO i’m just gonna have to commit because i am Not rethinking a whole new plot for that series 4 years down the line#especially after i rewrote the whole plot like 5 times as well as the first fic in the series several more times as well…..#i’m not doing it again!! i’m not!! so if i DO finish either one of these fics specifically. please know if ot5 element stays in#moreso in ATSCO than the other one which has remained a secret 4 years on#know what i stand for and who i am… i know this matters to few but me but i’m putting it out there nonetheless#it’s still gonna be a hot minute before any fics get finished bc where my interests are rn and my focusing on art but! i stand by my word#and my fics are still intended to be completed!#(also sidenote i am. no longer replying to any update inquiries on here or ao3! i’ve already said why in the past that they#stress me out rather than encourage me so i’m gonna leave it at that! i honestly might even start to delete them from my inbox / comments#just because they get to me that bad like i literally avoid ao3 because of it so. yeah! pls don’t send me update inquiries <3)#alex talks
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anyroads · 2 years
OK you know what, if we're gonna talk about Bake Off then fuck it, let's do this.
It used to be this wholesome, lovely show! We used to watch it for the bakers! And the learning! And the light banter and occasional bit of coy innuendo! What happened?
Channel 4 happened. When they bought the show they made a number of changes, most of them Not Good™️. Not just in the sense of them resulting in a lot of 😬 and 🫠 moments, but in the sense of how they changed the show's purpose, atmosphere, and brand.
Look, I know most people are just like, "whatever, it's just a baking show," and yeah, sure. But it's one of the UK's most successful TV exports, and where it once shifted the tone of reality competition to being wholesome and supportive of contestants, it's since moved towards creating tension at the contestants' cost. So aside from the fact that most people watching it signed up to watch a nice show, it has also shifted the goalposts of what that even means. And that, lovelies and gentlefolk, is some bullshit.
I decided to break my rant analysis into four main parts: theme weeks, the hosts, the judges, and the bakers. Let's get to it!
Theme Weeks:
If you watch Bake Off, you know the show's always had a specific theme for each week. The staples that come up in most seasons are:
Less common but consistent are things like caramel and chocolate week.
Then there are the fun episodes! When GBBO was on the BBC, this started out with things tea week, tarts, pies, tray bakes, basically little tangents still focused on emphasizing specific baking skills. In Series 6 (still on the BBC) they had their first nation-focused theme week with French week -- fairly innocuous given that a lot of patisserie is French, France and England share much more culture than either cares to admit [Norman Flag dot gif], and it was a nice change from watching Paul make the bakers do recipes that involved boiling things while talking about how wonderful boiled doughs are (are they, Paul? Are they?).
The show kept mixing it up with innocuous themes like advanced dough and alternative ingredients weeks, European cakes, Victorian week, batter week, and botanical week. And while it was frustrating to watch Paul Hollywood mispronounce things like the Hungarian Dobos Torta and lecture bakers on babka when he clearly knew nothing about it (or about Jewish baking in general, go off Past Me), the show's general attitude was that the judges had their own opinions, which were separate from the immutable facts around the chemistry of baking (more on this later) and shouldn't affect how bakers are judged.
After the show moved to Channel 4, the number of themed weeks increased and more of them focused on specific countries. In 6 seasons on the BBC, there were only two country-focused theme weeks, and in 5 seasons on Channel 4 there have been five. And while they've also had themes like vegan baking, roaring 20s, the 1980s, spice week, etc. the show has really started to go hard on exoticizing other cultures in outright disrespectful and racist ways. There's been Italian and Danish week, German, Japanese (it wasn't, it was East Asian week), and now Mexican week (which doesn't touch on interspersed Jewish bakes that didn't get a theme week, like versions of bagels and babka set as technical challenges that were borderline hate crimes and mansplained by a guy who has no idea how to make either and once wrote in a cookbook that challah was traditionally eaten during Passover). Each time the hosts played up the theme with racist bits and jokes that can be used as evidence in court if your case is "why should shows with scripted content have a professional writing staff."
Which touches on other issues the show has now...
The Hosts:
When GBBO was on the BBC, the show was hosted by ✨Mel Giedroyc✨ and ✨Sue Perkins✨. They encouraged the bakers! They'd hold stuff for them sometimes! They were interested in them! If a baker had a breakdown, they would start singing copyrighted material to render the footage unusable! When the show moved to Channel 4, they left, though I'm not unconvinced that Channel 4 offered them impossible to accept contracts to force them out so they could rebrand the show. They replaced them with Sandy Toksvig and Noel Fielding. Sandy was a lovely host in the vein of Mel and Sue, and she and Noel had a relatively sweet rapport, but she left a few seasons ago and was replaced by Matt Lucas.
Noel Fielding is mostly known for his quirky brand of comedy, a sort of British Zooey Deschanel who's goth from the neck up, an upperclass British gay divorcee from the neck down, and basically an early 60s Beatle re: trousers. Matt Lucas has almost definitely never watched a single episode of GBBO and his most redeeming quality is his thinly veiled contempt for Paul Hollywood.
The two treat the baking tent as their personal playground. Far from the supportive attitude of Mel and Sue, they tend to get in the bakers' way during the most stressful moments, especially when they try to do hilarious "comedy" bits (I can't not put that in quotes) like Noel's talking wooden spoon thing, or Matt talking over Noel to do time calls. During theme weeks like Japanese and Mexican week, they do culture-specific bits that are both racist ("just Juan joke" and "is Mexico a real place?") and unsurprising, given that both Matt and Noel did blackface on their respective sketch shows and absolutely could and should have known better because it was already the current fucking century.
All this to say, there's now a separation between the bakers and the hosts, as if they're on different shows. The hosts are doing their own thing and the bakers are doing GBBO. The show has gotten meaner to the bakers, and the hosts aren't there to support them anymore, they're just there to be comic relief. Because when you refocus your show on stressing the bakers the fuck out, you need a forced laugh I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The Judges:
First of all, a sincere congratulations to Paul Hollywood who managed to squeeze I jUsT cAmE bAcK fRoM mExIcO aNd YeT sTiLL pRoNoUnCe PiCo De GaLLo As 'PiKa De KaLLa' and I aM aN eXpErT oN s'MoReS wHiCh aRe MaDe WiTh DiGeStiVe BiScUiTs AcCoRdiNg tO mE, aN eXpErT oN s'MoReS, just two in a giant pile of astoundingly wrong hot takes, into a short enough time span that they all aired within Liz Truss's term as Prime Minister. A true man of accomplishments.
In the interest of fairness, I need to preface this with a disclaimer that, due to the fact that I've been watching Bake Off for most of its run, I'm biased. Specifically, I can't stand Paul Hollywood's smarmy, classist, egomaniac ass because he's proven time and again he's more interested in looking smart than actually knowing what he's talking about. Since the show moved to Channel 4, they've changed the occasional handshake Paul would give bakers to the HoLlYwOoD hAnDsHaKe™️. It's gone from being an emphasis of someone's skill to a goal, a reward, and one that emphasizes the judges' place above the bakers.
The judges used to function as teachers, imparting their skills and insights to the bakers. When the show was on the BBC, the voiceover leading to a judging would focus on the bakers' work being finished, saying how it will now be evaluated based on their skill and how well they met the brief. The voiceovers now, on Channel 4, focus on the judging (literally saying something along the lines of, "the bakers will now be judged by Prue and Paul"). There is a clear distinction Channel 4's producers have made, to mark that the show is now about whether or not the judges approve, not whether the brief was understood and executed well. On the BBC, it was irrelevant whether the judges liked a particular flavor, as long as the bake was well-made. Now, the bakers are expected to know the judges tastes and cater to them, which is frankly bullshit. A judge doesn't have to like a flavor to know whether or not it was executed well, ie. is it carrying a bake and was it meant to etc.
The judges have been turned into a brand. Cynically, Channel 4 knows that by building them up and focusing the show more on them, they can exploit their image more for profit. In the process, they've become much more biased and their own biases have come out as well. Most recently in the flaming dumpster fire that was Mexican Week, Paul Hollywood tried to intimidate a baker by telling them he had just gotten back from Mexico (which must have been a fruitful learning trip if he couldn't even learn how to pronounce pico de gallo correctly). Where do I even start with this? Here's an amateur baker from England (the show specifically casts middle and lower middle class bakers for the most part??) who likely can't afford trips to Mexico, who lives in a country with incredibly limited access to Mexican cuisine, who is expected not only to understand the cooking and baking traditions of a completely different culture but to do so well enough to play with it and do something creative with it. On top of which, one of the judges is now using his privilege of traveling halfway around the world as some kind of leverage, as if this were a bar that any amateur British baker could clear.
Prue, meanwhile, has openly asserted her biases against cultural flavors and textures, prioritizing her own personal preferences over them, as if they were in any way relevant to the skills and knowledge necessary to execute the tasks she sets to the bakers. She has also been consistently elitist, criticizing bakers for choices they made that were clearly informed by their experiences within income brackets that are too low and foreign for Prue to comprehend. She once had a go at a baker on a Christmas special because his Christmas dinner themed bake didn't have a turkey, even though it was clear from the stories he shared of his own Christmases that his family likely couldn't afford one. "It's not really Christmas dinner without a turkey," Prue said into the camera angrily while sitting on a chair made of live orphans and telling the ghost of Christmas Future to come back when he had another museum gift shop necklace for her to round out her collection.
The show is no longer about which baker has the best skills. It's become about which mortal can appease the gods of Mount Olympus, ie. the judges.
The Bakers:
Remember when the show was about them? Channel 4 doesn't! Because this is a reality competition show, the bakers are chosen both based on their skills, as well as cast-ability. They're cast as characters, distinct from each other, from different areas, age groups, ethnicities. All of them are amateurs. All of them are middle or lower middle class. They've ranged from college students to supermarket cashiers to prison wardens to scientists.
Something I noticed when the show moved to Channel 4 is that the baker who goes home in the first week is always wildly behind the rest in skills. I have no proof of this other than my eyeballs and deductive reasoning skills, but I think that Channel 4 deliberately casts a ringer each season who they think will be an easy send-off in the first week, just to get the audience's feet wet.
Anyway, like I said, this show used to be about the bakers - about them building skills and learning, and having walked into the tent with a self-taught foundation and understanding of the processes and chemical reactions involved in baking. When the show was on the BBC, the end of each round had some (often brief) moments of tension - will they finish in time? Will they get their bakes on the plate before time is up? Did they forget to add sugar to their batter and only remember at the last minute? In the end, they usually managed to finish and we'd all breathe a sigh of relief and think, yeah! You go, Bakers Who I'm Rooting For!
Now, on Channel 4, the end of round drama has been stretched to be so much longer that they've composed extra music for it. The bakers often seem out of their depth, whether because the instructions for the technical challenge are too vague (bake a lemon meringue pie??? As if anyone in the UK under the age of 60 has had one in the last decade???), or because they were expected to bake something that required a more than a basic foundation they weren't told of. Often it seems like they just aren't given enough time, a tactic used by reality competition shows to manipulate contestants into giving the cameras more dramatic content. On top of all this, the hosts get in their way, instead of helping them plate their bakes. As has been pointed out before, when everyone fails the challenge, the real failure lies with whoever set it.
In conclusion:
The show no longer exists to teach the bakers - and the audience - skills or knowledge. It now manipulates contestants for dramatic effect and prioritizes showing conflict over wholesome content. Channel 4 sees the bakers as social media content they can churn out season after season, and don't care about them because in a few months there'll be a new batch to exploit. Meanwhile, the judges are also out of their depth, co-opting recipes from other cultures and butchering them horrendously, while the camera gives them nothing but status as they hold bakers to the expectation that they learn how to make things very much the wrong way. If you saw any of the tweets about Mexican or Japanese week, or read my post on how Paul Hollywood isn't allowed to go near babka ever again, you'll understand.
So what would fix all this? Scrap the current judges and the hosts altogether. Bring back Mel and Sue, and replace the judges with expert bakers who have a love of their craft and want to share it with others. The draw of GBBO used to be its warmth and comfort - if Channel 4 isn't going to start its own version of Master Chef For Bakers, then it needs to stop trying to find a balance of how it can insert that vibe into GBBO. It can't. That's not a thing. Stop trying.
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 10 months
First off, not to kiss ass, but I really love your writing! I follow three people, one of which is my best friend, and you’re one of them. I always come back to your account for content! Anyways, I just wanted to voice my appreciation real quick. lmao
Aside from all that yapping, if you’re alright with it, I’d love to read some Alastor x reader headcanons, specifically about Alastor’s shadows, and how they act (and if they’re a little naughty sometimes with the reader 😏💀) before Alastor and reader start dating. Maybe they try to encourage him to ask her out? Idk, I just have random ideas floating around in my head. I completely understand if you’re uncomfortable with the idea or just too busy with others, but I just wanted to request since I saw your post about it!
Anyways, ily! ❤️
A/N: i appreciate you so much omg 🫶, thank you sm im so glad you like my writing it honestly means so much. I feel like Alastor’s shadows are so under appreciated but they’re also probably the biggest Alastor haters out here, like they probably piss him off a lot of the time when he isn’t doing business. As for the reader, they definitely steal Alastor’s girl 😏. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this!!
Warnings: shadow magic, AFAB reader, use of she/her pronouns, mentions of death, Alastor being Alastor, his shadows love you <3
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
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Alastor’s shadows are almost always out to get him
Maybe it’s revenge, who knows, but Alastor hates it
When he first met you his shadows were over the moon about it
They always know what he’s feeling, even before he’s ready to admit them
So after you two first met they started to approach you more
You didn’t notice them at first, going on about your tasks in the hotel
Until you were cleaning a mirror and saw them behind you dancing
You just laughed and shooed them away lightheartedly, but it didn’t work
They tended to bounce between following Alastor and following you around
You had been taking a bath when one of them showed up, peering above the side of the tub
“Go away you, I need some sort of privacy” You said laughing, a bit of water spilling over the tub and within seconds the shadow was gone
Now we all know his shadows tell him any and everything
But they’re just as involved in the gossip as Angel
They’ll go to him and tell him things about you, who you were with, what you were doing, even down to the scent of your perfume
“Hello dear!”
“ Hello Alastor. Anything I can help with?” You asked. He grinned, his smile stretching ear to ear
“ Well I was just curious if you happen to know where the princess could be?”
He asks, his eyes flicking to the wall behind you for a minute.
The shadows dancing in with your own, making cringy gestures to Alastor, teasing him.
“ Oh actually I think she left to an interview with Vaggie earlier today. But that was the last I’d seen her.” You reply, but you don’t notice them behind you. His smile strains, pulling you close and walking down the hall.
“ Well my dear since we are under unsupervised vision why don’t we go out for lunch! My treat of course.”
He’s casual, as if he didn’t just steal you away from his shadows who still wanted to mingle in your presence more.
Whenever he talks to you they’ll just get really excited and cheer a lot behind you, pointing to you and making little kissy faces
he hates it
When you two start dating they only get worse in their antics
They constantly follow you around, acting as if they’re your shadows
Sometimes they take things from you to mess with you but it’s all in friendly spirit
You were doing your hair once and got distracted because one hand insisted on dancing with you
Alastor can never really have you to himself thanks to them, which he absolutely hates
“ Do you mind?”
He’ll ask, the static in his voice only louder as he clutches you to his side. The shadows stand and cross their arms, giving him the sass right back
“ They’re just having fun.” You say, and he lets it slide only because it doesn’t entirely bother you
Now they have joined in whenever Alastor and you try to get alone time
This is also the only time they aren’t against Alastor but more against you
If you ever thought of backing up into a wall to get away from Alastor think again because he’s right behind you sweetheart ;)
If you ever do flirt with them they’ll get really excited and run to Alastor about it, excitedly whispering what you’ve done
If you ever need Alastor and he isn’t near, you’ll usually have his shadows bring him to you
The perks of being with Alastor is he can never really run as long as his shadows are wrapped around your finger ;)
It was late and the hotel was quiet. Sitting in a warm bath Y/n ran the soap over her arms and down her torso, unwinding from the busy day. Until she saw shadowy eyes staring at her from above the rim of the bathtub.
“ Oh hello.” She said smiling, pausing in her actions. The shadow did nothing, sitting still and watching her shyly. “Do you happen to know where Alastor is?” She asked, leaning over a bit so the water flowed off her body easily, her torso now visible.
The shadows eyes went wide, nodding furiously. “Hmm, how about you,” she said, now eye level with the shadow, getting closer. “ bring him to me.”
The shadow had never disappeared quicker, and in its place was a confused Alastor, now kneeling in front of the tub, noticeably lost.
“Oh, Hello my dear! Something the matter?”
He asked, before she grinned, her hand reaching forward to pull him to her by the tie.
“ You’ll find out.”
“Dear they are actively trying to take you from me.” Alastor says, his smile strained and eyes twitching.
“Don’t be so mean, they just need some love too that’s all. Isn’t that right?” You coo, the shadows huddling around you more in a group hug. You giggle as some tickle your sides.
“This is criminal.”
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
For the first time in 100 years, Atlantic salmon are once again spawning in the upper waters of the River Derwent. 
The return of spawning salmon to the rivers of Derbyshire is a real conservation success story. After centuries of intensive river management by the county’s burgeoning factories, the fish were driven extinct in many of its waterways.
Since then, the health of some of the rivers have improved to an extent that salmon can once again spawn. But the routes for the fish to return are still blocked by the remnants of the industrial boom, with numerous dams and weirs still blocking the migratory route of salmon attempting to swim upstream.  
Dr Tim Jacklin is a Conservation Officer for the Wild Trout Trust who has worked on river restoration projects that encourage and helps the migration of fish such as the Atlantic salmon. He was involved with the removal of a weir at Snake Lane, Derbyshire, which allowed the salmon to recolonise the headwaters of the River Derwent.
The catalyst for this work was seeing salmon making it all the way up the River Derwent, but then being stopped from exploring the upper reaches where the river becomes the Ecclesbourne.
“We’d started to see large salmon turning up in the Derwent in winter,” explains Tim. “They became sort of local celebrities really. People were going out with their head torches at night and looking into the river, because it’s not a particularly large watercourse and these fish were quite literally as long as your arm, without it being an angler’s tale.”
“So they attracted quite a lot of attention. But it also highlighted the fact that Snake Lane Weir, which was a concrete structure that had been built in the 1970s to replace an old mill, was a complete barrier to fish getting upstream.”
This prompted the work to remove the Snake Lane Weir and replace it with a boulder rapid that the fish would, once again, navigate over and continue on their journey.
“It’s very rewarding,” says Tim. “We opened up a good ten kilometres of spawning habitat upstream, so that translates into hundreds more juvenile salmon that make their way downstream and hopefully to come back and spawn.”
Putting the river bends back in
A little further upstream on the Ecclesbourne River, the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust is working to continue the work started at Snake Lane. At the edge of a farmer’s field a deep, straight channel rushes along under the trees. This was created by diverting the river to increase its flow to power a mill using a weir. This has formed yet another barrier for the migrating salmon.
But not even 20 metres away the ghost of the river’s original route perseveres. Nothing more than a shallow, muddy ditch with a few scraggly trees overgrowing it, the bends and curves of the river’s natural path can still be seen forming the boundary of a field. 
The wildlife charity is now trying to undo the centuries of harm that bypassing the river’s natural route has done, with the hope that the salmon will travel even further up into the headwaters and spawn once more in the gravel of the restored river. 
“A lot of our rivers across the whole country have been straightened,” explains Jenny Kril from the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust. “Unfortunately, what that does is remove any sort of natural habitat that we would expect to see in a healthy river.”
“What we’re doing is re-wiggling or re-meandering the Ecclesbourne, which is essentially just putting the bends back into it. What that does is change the speed and flow of the water. It creates nice beaches and different habitats for a whole host of different species and just making the river more natural.”
It is hoped that this work will create a greater variety of habitats, which in turn will encourage a greater variety of plants and invertebrates, and so boosting the overall biodiversity seen in this section of the river. But the cherry on the cake would be if the salmon start nesting.
“Over the next few years, we’re going to see this whole area just continue to develop naturally,” says Jenny. “We’ll get some sediment being deposited on some of the beaches creating more habitats, and we’re going to do tree planting to further increase the biodiversity of the area.”
“We’re just going to hopefully watch it become the brand-new river and as it should be again.”
There is a long way to go to safeguard the future of the UK’s rivers, but the work on the Ecclesbourne is showing that with the resources and right interventions change can happen and improvements made.  
“I think we’ve got some huge challenges ahead of us, but you know, they’re not making rivers anymore,” says Tim. “So we’ve got to look after the ones that we’ve got.”
-via UK Natural History Museum, April 8, 2024
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astrosamara · 2 months
Astrology Synastry Observations
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🌟Sun conjunct Moon: This is such a popular one, but it's so good. I love seeing this synastry in all types of connections, friendship, romantic, etc. It's so easy to click with this person right away and it's just nice to be in each other's company. I've noticed that in romantic relationships, these are the couples who start off as friends first and build an even stronger bond once they get together romantically.
🌟Personal placements in 5th house: This synastry is great for a relationship that is fun and flirty. You'll probably enjoy being creative together and pursuing the same hobbies. This is also great for sexual compatibility. The 5th house individual may feel like being around this person brings out their more youthful and carefree side. You just really enjoy having fun together.
🌟Venus conjunct Mars: I mentioned this synastry in a previous observation, but I've found it to be so prominent for attraction. The Venus person can feel so drawn to the passion and energy of the Mars person. This is another aspect that is super strong for sexual compatibility. Mars person embodies what Venus person desires.
🌟Sun in 11th house: One of my favorite aspects for long-term friendship compatibility. The sun person will also be someone that really encourages the dreams and goals of the 11th house person. This synastry alone might not guarantee deep connection (unless other positive aspects are at play), but I've found that it's a very positive synastry placement for friendly and non-judgmental connections.
🌟Sun in 6th house: Idk if this is just my own personal experience, but I've found that people who have their sun in my 6th house tend to really annoy me and get on my nerves frequently lol. There's just something about their energy that always rubs me the wrong way, but it's never based in anything deep or serious usually.
🌟Mercury opposite/square Moon: I've found this to be a very challenging aspect to overcome in connections. The moon person can often feel hurt and misunderstood when expressing their feelings to the mercury person. The mercury person can come across as cold and dismissive, perhaps even without intentionally meaning to do so.
🌟Same moon signs: This dynamic is really interesting to me because depending on the emotional maturity of the moon signs, it can be an incredibly healthy or unhealthy connection. These people can deeply understand each others sensitivities, but this energy can manifest as being manipulative and toxic if there are unhealthy dynamics involved. In healthy connections, this energy is beautiful and supportive and a great synastry for long-term connections.
🌟Jupiter conjunct Mars: This connection is all about passion and excitement. You both really motivate each other to achieve goals and embrace open-mindedness. The Mars person can really feel inspired when watching the Jupiter person embrace their passions. You just radiate enthusiasm around each other. This is a dynamic where you can both really grow together as people.
🌟Venus conjunct/trine Moon: I absolutely love seeing this in romantic connections. This represents feeling truly loved and seen by each other. There's just an ease and comfort in this dynamic. The energy here is warm, loving, and nurturing. The Venus person in particular may do everything they can to make sure the moon's person's needs are met. The Moon person feels safe and at home with the Venus person.
🌟Saturn square/opposite Mars: This is always a tough one to see in a synastry chart. A lot of arguments, tension, and frustration here. There can be a build up of resentment due to lack of harmony and seeing eye to eye on life. There can be multiple outbursts that seemingly come from nowhere. A lot of potential for this to be an unhealthy and toxic relationship to be in. Patience is challenging here too.
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edwinspaynes · 17 days
I don't want to get too deeply into this in a post that I would encourage people to reblog, but one main reason that Dead Boy Detectives hits so hard for me is the lack of justice.
When I was in high school, some genuinely horrific things happened to me and several other girls. Obviously, it wasn't the same since we, you know, survived. But the Bad(tm) involved a teacher who was then investigated a few years later. We all went back and worked with both the cops and the school district to try and get justice for ourselves and the other victims.
The district did nothing. They had the teacher to resign in the interests of preventing a scandal. Like St Hilarions. What happened to us didn't matter, and the school covered it up just as they covered up Charles's death.
The first time I watched DBDA, Edwin's little speech at the end of episode 1 resonated with me in an incredibly deep way. Here was a person - two people - who did not get any semblance of justice for a grave wrong. I could easily feel Edwin's deep hurt because I experience the same hurt every time I remember what happened to me. It never stops being a raw open wound that sits in your chest, and the cover-up can sometimes hurt more than even the actual event.
For the first time, in DBDA, I was seeing people who were wronged like me. More than that, though, I was seeing people seek out justice for others because they did not get it for themselves. I was seeing an alternate version of my own story play out onscreen, and both Edwin and Charles made me feel much less alone.
They still do. Those boys will always hold a really special place in my heart for a lot of reasons, but this is a major one.
And, like me and at least three of the other girls involved in the Incident at my school, Edwin is canonically queer. And his queerness is handled so well, shown positively but also just as a small part of this rich, nuanced, complex character. He feels so authentic, like someone I could have met and loved in the real world. No part of him feels like a caricature, which is a rare thing in queer media.
Seeing Netflix cancel this show and end the boys' stories in such an unjust way feels like a reopening of those old wounds. These stories matter. They have to matter.
They do matter. Charles and Edwin showed me that, because they are wonderful and special and their story is resonant and wonderful. And to watch Netflix treat this story as though it's insignificant hurts So. Fucking. Badly.
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thedeafzoologist · 9 months
How hearing aids work
This is intended as a writing guide, but anyone is welcome to read it to learn more about the different aids used by deaf people.
Please remember that these are based off my experience as somebody who was born deaf in the uk. Other deaf people will have vastly different experiences, and I would encourage you to look up other guides like this
Hearing aids are not always available, particularly if you live in a country without free healthcare. They can be very expensive, both to buy and to take care of
If your character is a deaf child or young teenager, they will need new hearing aid moulds every so often as their ears grow. This only involves going to the hospital for a few hours, and isn't really a big deal. You can get different colours of mould, sometimes sparkly ones, or with tiny embedded designs
Hearing aids cannot get wet, so we take them off to shower, swim, etc. We also take them off to sleep
Hearing aids do not fix hearing loss, and many deaf people still need to lipread and use sign language while wearing them. Please don't try to compare them to glasses!
Some people choose not to wear hearing aids at all, which is a perfectly reasonable and valid decision. Sometimes it is too overwhelming to be exposed to so much noise, sometimes people just prefer to sign or use other non-verbal communication
Not all people with hearing aids know or use sign language
If your character is wearing hearing aids for the first time, they will probably become a lot clumsier while they get used to it
That's all I can think of for now! To any hearing writers reading this, I'm glad you're making an effort to write diverse characters thoughtfully and respectfully!
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guxciestone · 9 months
(pick a card reading)
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hi guys ♡ i hope you enjoy the reading because i worked hard on this one. for the physical appearance of your spouse, i used an app called facemix and used the celebrity look-a-likes to create their potential face.
if you have any suggestions for a tarot or astrology post, i would be more than willing to consider it. just drop it in the asks or in the notes. god bless you all, and thank you :)
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⋆ pile one ⋆
Immediately, for some of you, the person that you are with right now will be the person you’ll be engaged to. Another group of you, the person that you’ll marry is possibly a past partner. You’ll meet your partner at a time in your life where you are hoping to take back your power or gain clarity over a situation; this could involve finances or career goals. Around the time you both meet, one or both of you could be in higher learning ,such as college, or you will be young adults just trying to figure life out. You will probably be focused on getting back on your feet financially because I see instability with money (perhaps you are striving to pay college debt) or you losing a job or source of income around the time. Furthermore, you may be unsure about what career path you should take, and you’ll feel chaotic, confused, and directionless. It’ll feel like you aren’t in control of yourself and that you cannot pay attention to anything or anyone else but yourself at the moment. An older or mature male figure might help you with this, maybe a fatherly figure or mentor. They will encourage you and provide you the resources and materials to get back to your regular self again. You may appear a bit selfish, haughty, and reserved around this time, but it is only for the sake of getting yourself together. Ironically, this will be the time your future spouse will appear.
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One or both of you will experience love at first sight when you meet, or there will already be love from the beginning. This shows me that for a group of you, this is a past partner coming back into your life. You could meet your future spouse at the library or a friendly meet-up; for another group of you, you could meet on a dating app. Because I see that there is an initial attraction between both of you on the first impression–you could immediately go on a date after swiping right on each other. The people with the ex, you may intentionally meet up with this person for some reason, maybe you are interested in them again, and you would still feel somewhat an attraction towards them, but there is a repulsion too–as if you do not want to try again with them. Also, do not be discouraged about this person and starting a connection them–if it is an ex-partner, be open to giving this person another chance and see how this time goes, if you are willing–because I see that some of you still aren’t happy with them, but this connection with them is significant. They might feel the exact way on their end too, so I feel like there would be a bit of a quiet period after seeing each other after a while, and then you’ll both start seeing each other again. For the ones with new people, you’ll likely go on a first date with them when you first physically meet them. I see that you’ll think they are a bit cold, distant, or uninterested on the first impression, but I don’t think they intend to come off this way. I feel like you’ll have so many butterflies for this person. You may have been excited to go on this date with them, and you almost felt disappointed that they came off this way, but I don’t think this is who they really are. About the older or mature male figure I mentioned before, for a small portion of you, this could be them.
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You are extremely attracted to this person, but there is a degree of holding back for some reason. If it is an ex, it could be due to the fear of running back into past issues in the connection and the baggage that came with it. If it is a new person, it could be that you feel you aren’t ready for a new person to come into your life. Once again, your future spouse gives you “butterflies”, they make you feel so excited and thrilled. I believe you are inspired by them or respect them in some way. They could be everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. You could be in a better space to go on this date with them, but I believe you’ll feel you still aren’t ready to partake in a new relationship, let alone a connection with an established and ideal person like them. You could suggest to this person if they can wait for you, but also suggest that they do not have to. The more you get to know them on the meetup or over time, you’ll start to notice that they are incredibly understanding, caring, intelligent, and nurturing–especially if this is the person who helped you in the past. They appear to be a delicate and patient individual too; they are not going to rush you or come off too strong. Furthermore, you may notice that they have slow movements and mannerisms, and they physically take their time in doing things. They might be a bit quiet or precise in their words at first, but you know that they are eloquent.
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Your future spouse is a responsible, frugal, and level-headed person. They may be financially stable, or they are particularly excellent in managing money. Perhaps they are involved in a career involved in finance; also heard a career in “communications”, which explains how eloquent they are in their speech and presentation. They are not usually the type to give their money or possessions away unless it is necessary; for example: if they are giving back to the community, for loved ones, or genuinely helping others. They could be persistent, logical, and hardworking. However, it seems like they are never fulfilled in what they do. They could be a perfectionist or feel as though no matter how successful they are, it is never enough. Honestly, they seem very career and money-oriented. Although they are helpful and knowledgeable for others, there could be times where they can be a bit compulsive or controlling–feeling the need to handle everything on their own. Your future spouse may have obsessive compulsive disorder. This person may not appear like this, but they are a hopeless romantic. They love idealizing and imagining what it is like to be in love; however, they struggle with pursuing those imaginations and actually being in love. They might find it hard to go out, enjoy themselves, and have fun. They could be more introverted and not have as many close friends. They could appear insensitive or emotionless on surface level; but they have a whirlwind of love and emotions to offer. They seem like someone who needs to learn how to love, accept love, and experience love.
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You will marry your future spouse a short while after you get involved with them; I mean the type of relationship where you are together for only a year, and suddenly someone pops the question. It is ironic because I see a bunch of waiting before getting into an actual connection with this person, but as soon as you are serious, it all happens in one minute. 7 years is significant here–this could be the age gap, the time of marriage or being in a relationship with this person, or the years of separation. This marriage will honestly feel like a “honeymoon” phase in a nutshell. I feel like one or both of you did not have hope for this relationship, especially for the ones with the ex. You believed that this wouldn’t work out, but you will genuinely surprise each other with how everything turned out. This connection will feel magical for the both of you, like both of your dreams for love came true. If this is your ex, you’ll notice that both of you function way better together than before. There will be healthy communication in this relationship, no holding back on each other’s feelings and words. In the past, there could have been abuse, violence, or miscommunication that caused the relationship to wreak havoc. Furthermore, for the ones with new partners, there is a need to try to resist self-sabotage and bring up insignificant problems. It’ll only ruin an opportunity and a good relationship for the both of you.
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Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston, and Angela Bassett.
Channing Tatum, Prayag, and Idris Elba.
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⋆ pile two ⋆
You are going to meet your future spouse at a time in your life where it feels like you have bad luck in love, or love is not coming to you as quickly. You might meet them around a time when you are going to an event–it could be a prom, wedding, party, or some sort of gathering. There could be a specific moment in which you asked someone out to this event, or perhaps you expressed your true intention and feelings to them, and you were rejected. You might have been involved with this person for a while; you have given them all of you with the hope that maybe this will turn into something serious and special. They made you bitter and quite regretful of even giving them that type of effort and attention in the first place. It left you shattered, pessimistic, and quite hopeless about finding the right person for you. Around this time, you’ll feel impatient with the universe in finding the right one for you; you’ll feel close to giving up and accepting that love isn’t for you. It is important for you to continue looking at the bright side around this time because it’ll feel like the universe is working against you when it comes to romance. You have to understand that love comes when you least expect it, so make sure to focus on yourself and your aspirations and it’ll soon appear in your life because this special person is worth waiting for. It’ll take a while before you meet them or turn into anything serious with them, but it is definitely worth it. You might particularly be more social around the time you meet your future spouse as well. You are creating more friendships, putting yourself out there, and being more willing to go out to certain occasions.
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You could meet your future spouse in an outside setting, specifically at night or in the afternoon. It is an event or occasion, such as party or celebration of some sort. It is rather an informal occasion among friends and associates. You are going to have fun and enjoy yourself at this event, even to the point where you are drinking or indulging in yourself. You aren’t going to have a care in the world about anyone or anything; you are just living in the moment. Throughout the night, you will meet your future spouse from pure coincidence and enjoyment. It could be that you are a bit under the influence so you are more open and out of it, and I see them as well. It is like over time at the event, you both eventually get so close to each other it is almost out of nowhere. They might even try to get flirty with you, but you are playing hard to get or you are full blown rejecting them just because. However, you both are getting to know each other and enjoying the time you have together and soon you both exchange contacts. Furthermore, you both may start off as playful friends before anything else. It’ll feel like bliss spending time with each other; you may meet up with them for fun activities and friendly dates.
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You will view them as youthful, playful, and humorous. They definitely know how to make you laugh and enjoy yourself. They could be the life of the party, and you might think they are surprisingly very kind and generous. You’ll definitely find them physically attractive, but you might try to hide it. There is an emphasis on how hilarious they are. You will notice how entertaining they are, and you might even think they are a bit ignorant, but you are excited around them. It seems like your spouse is extremely welcoming too, you will realize that you can let your guard down very easily with them, especially if you became friends with them quickly at a random party. You will also think they are respectful (if they are a male, a gentlemen) You’ll admire how they can easily bring people together; you might see them being the ray of light at the party and bringing everyone in an uppity mood. However, you could tell that they are impulsive and chaotic at times. Sometimes it seems like they do not know how to sit down or bring the intensity of their personality down a notch. Perhaps there was a fight at the event in which they were involved.
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You might have already met this person by the way, in some way, shape, or form. Your future spouse is a spontaneous, thrilling, and exhilarating individual. They seem like they are always searching for the next big thing to experience. However, they also have a soft side. They have a delicate and understanding nature to themselves. Their mother figure or feminine figure is prominent in their life; perhaps they grew up with a single mother, or they were just closer to her growing up. Your spouse is accepting and compassionate towards anyone. They are respectful and have manners when it is expected of them, and they value treating others accordingly. They are creative and artistic too. They could be interested in digital art, computer design, or game developing–anything along the lines of art and technology. They could love gaming as a hobby, or that could be a career they are hoping to pursue. Their career may not be the most financially reliable; so it could be an unconventional career such as the ones above–for some of you, they could be pursuing music. Furthermore, your future spouse values honesty. They dislike liars and false promises; as they are themselves, they expect honesty and truth from you. They are also someone who keeps on their promises no matter what. Therefore, they are definitely emotionally reliable. For some of you, they could have grown up as an orphan or come from an unstable family background. It could seem like this person is unwilling to settle in one place, or settle on one aspiration. They could desire to take on multiple things at once. Your future spouse may have green eyes or red hair.
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In this marriage with your future spouse, it is possible that the both of you do not plan to have children, or at least, start a conventional family. Perhaps you might consider buying pets or adopting children instead. There is a special dynamic with you and your spouse. It seems like you are a rational, mature, and intelligent individual in the marriage–you might handle the logical issues and problems in the relationship. On the other hand, your future spouse is rather emotional, intuitive, and sensitive and handles the emotional issues and problems in the relationship. Although you both are complete opposites, you compliment each other very well. When your spouse needs order and practicality, you’re there; when you need vulnerability and a safe haven, they’re there. The chemistry is powerful yet complimentary. You both seem to be a well-off team, especially if you both do decide to have kids or pets, you will both know how to handle both sides of the responsibility. However, there are times when your personalities do clash, especially when it comes to finances and career choices. Again, your future spouse could be hoping to pursue a rather creative or unconventional career and it could cause a blockage in the marriage at some point due to financial mix-ups. It could seem like that this would entirely get in the way of the marriage, but the key is balance and satisfying both sides of the relationship. You may want convenience and financial stability, and your spouse wants passion and art in their life; the settlement is to satisfy both of your desires. Additionally, you both are super nurturing of each other in your own way–always picking each other in your own harsh times. Genuinely, I see that for most of you will adopt or give back to children in the foster care system in some way; this could be a huge desire for your spouse.
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Jesse Eisenberg, Michael Ealy, and Morris Chestnut
Adriana Lima, Lori Harvey, and Amerie
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⋆ pile three ⋆
You will meet your future spouse around a time where you are breaking out of your comfort shell and hoping to try new things in life. Most of you could be homebodies, or you prefer to stay in your usual hometown or routine. You could be an introvert; and around this time, you are going to feel this urge to explore, learn new things, go to different places, and share special moments with others. It could be possible that some of you are hoping to reconcile with family members around this time; perhaps you might consider going to a family reunion or event. You will pursue family stability and order. Perhaps you will try to make amends with a parent or sibling–hoping to develop a connection with them again and get closer. Some of you might consider traveling out of your usual state and going to thrilling and spontaneous events. It gives me the energy that you are just tired of staying in one place and just letting life pass you by, so you will be striving to find excitement and the opportunity to learn and enjoy yourself around the time you meet your future spouse.
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You could meet your future spouse through a family-related event, or at an occasion where most of your family members and loved ones are. You might already know your future spouse in a spiritual sense; you both could have been in a past-life relationship with each other, so as soon as you meet, there will be instant allure towards each other. However, I do not think it’ll immediately be romantic, there might be instant chemistry though. It could be that most of you are more sheltered or you prefer to stick to yourself for the most part. You might not be that comfortable opening up to people on the first impression, so it could look like you shut people out. Your future spouse could be a family friend–they might be associated with one of your family members, and you could be introduced to them or you meet them at that particular family event. This could take place outside of the home where there are bushes and nature. When you meet them, you will be attracted to them in a sense of wanting to get to know them more, but I do not immediately see any romantic attraction; you both will just be willing to talk to each other and figure each other out. You will both have immediate chemistry–I just see you both sitting close to each other sharing personal stories and sharing laughs with each other. You might be a bit distant with this person, but you seem to be more willing to let your guard down to at least try to make a friend, but there isn’t anything romantic yet. You could feel indecisive about continuing to talk to this person at first too.
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You will view your future spouse as a confident, assertive, and friendly individual. You’ll notice that they might open up to you quickly; they might immediately talk about vulnerable or personal things with you, and you might just go along with it. You might start to feel comfortable enough yourself to open up to them along the way. They might smile a lot, and it could make you safe or warm inside, like you know they are a genuine and kind person to be around. They could be one or two years younger than you, or they happen to have a youthful personality. However, they might mention their career endeavors or what they do for a living and you’ll notice that they are well-educated. they seem to have their life together, or they know what they want out of life. You’ll realize that they hold knowledge, and they are very calming and meditative. They seem like someone who takes life seriously, but not too seriously. You might look up to them for this because you might be the complete opposite; they may even give a talk about it and give you an epiphany about how you managed your life thus far. You’ll develop a quick connection with this person as a friend, even if it is not romantic just yet. You will feel like you’ve known this person already because there is a past-life connection drawing you both back into each other.
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Your future spouse is very intelligent and holds a bunch of knowledge (perhaps academically and from life experiences) They could have glasses or blue eyes. They’ve undergone many transformations and changes in their life so far, and they are able to reflect and learn from past mistakes and issues and become a better person. Your spouse will hold many lessons, and they will be willing to teach you as well. They are always open to helping others by spreading what they learned. This person seems very therapeutic in a way. They might have a career in psychology, health, or learning. Furthermore, they are often taking care of and helping others too, especially when it comes to mental issues and personal problems; they could also be a doctor or nurse. Sometimes, it could feel like this person carries many burdens for people, perhaps in the past it caused a bunch of stress for them and even led them to a dark and stressful path. Ever since, they’ve learned to find balance and order in their life. This makes your future spouse also an emotionally intelligent, calming, and relaxed person. They’ve learned to not take anything as serious for the sake of their wellbeing too. They are generous, giving, and selfless; they may have been taken advantage of for their kindness in the past. They have a good balance of kindness and self-esteem. They are also self-assured and hardworking. They are determined and ambitious when it comes to their goals and are often self-focused. Additionally, your future spouse is huge on fairness and others receiving what they deserve . They are willing to stand up for others and perhaps do not appreciate bullies or hateful people; they could strive to stand up for you. You might be relatively more soft-spoken than your future spouse.
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You will have a quiet, comforting, and rejuvenating marriage with your future spouse. You both could be particularly private or perhaps to keep your affairs under the radar; you both could be more of introverts. You and your spouse will love to spend time together indoors, such as watching movies, drawing (perhaps you or your spouse likes art), singing, listening to music, and many other things. Both of you, especially your spouse, will cherish this marriage accordingly because they value and care for each other so much. You might have one child with them, particularly a girl or a boy with feminine energy. it ‘ll be difficult for others to get in touch with both of you because you both might decide to travel and go places together without anyone knowing. You prefer alone time with no distractions with each other. Your future spouse will give the strength and courage you never thought you had–for some of you, you might be twin flames because there is a sense of completeness when you are with them. They could have a lighter hair color. Furthermore, you both are respectful to each other; if you or them prefer to take this connection or marriage slow then the wish is granted. For some of you, you might wish to take things slow in regards to having children, physical intimacy, or getting married with your partner–and they’ll be understanding towards you about it.
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Andrew Garfield, Timothee Chalamet, and Morris Chestnut
Drew Barrymore, SZA, Beyonce, Naya Rivera, and Brittany Murphy
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⋆ pile four ⋆
You will meet your future spouse during a time of unrest. It may seem like an overwhelming or stressful time for you, almost like you cannot take a break. It’ll be hard for you to gain mental clarity on important things. Additionally, some of you may be dealing with a toxic connection around the time you meet your spouse–perhaps it is a toxic relationship, friendship, family member, or environment. You could be taken advantage of, and you are fully aware of it. It will honestly drain you, and it’ll make you feel stuck and pressured. It is in the matters of you learning how to stand up for yourself and know your worth around this time because you seem like a generous and giving person, almost to a fault. There could be a theme of nostalgia, childhood, or memories around the time as well. You could reconnect with friends or partners from the past too; it’ll give you the ability to look back in time and reflect and bask in the good old memories. However, for some of you, this particular person coming back–or the toxic connection or person that is associated with you around the time–may not have the best intentions. They could be using you for finances or materials. Furthermore, you will be financially abundant around this time too, so make sure to hold onto your materials responsibly and with pride.
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Your future spouse could be someone you know already. Perhaps they are a childhood friend who has come back into your life, or they are a friend of a friend–they are within your social circle. This could be a situation in which you were friends with this person for a while, and you would’ve never thought you would like it that way. This is especially considering that your spouse may not be your usual type. There is this slow burn happening between the both of you. It seems you will both slowly get closer to each other over time, and suddenly, one of you will eventually begin to have a crush on the other. In particular, you will have a special crush on this person. It will hit you right in the face, and you will be shocked that you like this person. This could be a third party situation for some of you; there is a third person in the picture perhaps. It is possible that someone could be in a toxic relationship or a regular relationship while crushing on the other person. Whether it is you or them, you will be called to make a decision to either leave this person and be with your spouse, or stay with your person and not have a future with your spouse. Someone is not a good person to keep around; someone is trying to financially control you–-I just cannot tell if it is your future spouse or your partner around the time, but it is weird and confusing. It could be a family member? I am not sure. It is someone.
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You will view your future spouse as someone who is proud of themselves. On the first impression, you could immediately take notice of how abundant or financially well-off they appear. Perhaps they are wearing jewelry, designer brands, or flamboyant accessories. They might easily catch your attention in the room. You might think this person seems arrogant, full of themselves, or spoiled. This explains why you might not think this person is your usual type, or you won’t be as initially attracted to them. However, you’ll admire how confident and successful they seem. They seem like they are a notable person and worked hard for their abundance. Nevertheless, you will not like how bossy or bratty they may appear. This person may offer you something when they first meet you, or they will try to impress you with their materials. You could reject them or show that you are not interested at all. Honestly, you will not like them at first because they brush you off the wrong way entirely.
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Your future spouse is a flamboyant, larger-than-life type of person. They are excessive in their fashion or expenses, and they could be a huge drama queen. This could be hilarious in some cases, but it may get irritating for you. I wish I could say that this is a good future spouse, but I am not getting that energy–sorry. First, they are super dramatic–almost to an annoying degree. They may nag a lot, and brag about unnecessary things. They are good at making themselves appear like they are everything in one, but they could be genuinely good at hiding things and making themselves seem like someone they are not. Not to mention, this person is cunning and fairly methodical and intelligent. They are a deliberate planner; however, they might not use it for good. They might be comfortable stealing from others–maybe even from you. Your spouse is someone who wishes for the grand things in life–the luxuries, the popularity, and all of that. They seem very materialistic. They could be the type of person who tries to cover up their insecurities and fears through money, status, or power. The worst part about it is that they may be aware of it considering how smart they are; they just seem like they may struggle with working on it, like it is a huge problem for them. Because they are self-aware for sure. This is giving narcissist vibes. This person could have lots of willpower. They might do anything to get what they want, even if it means stepping over someone they “care” about. They could be dangerous, so please be careful. This person will give you red flags at first. They might splurge you with money and make it seem like they are everything you want in a partner, but then slowly they’ll reveal themselves. They might start trying to control your financial decisions, become possessive and wonder where you have been all night, things like that. There is a strong relationship with this person and money. This person is giving huge fraud vibes. They are weird; like they seem nice, but then they are terrible? I am not sure about them.
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This marriage will seem like a connection that shows off an image to the public and is completely different behind closed doors. Your spouse is someone who likes to keep up with appearances and appear the best they possibly can, even with people they associate with. They may encourage you to do this too. This person is confusing because one minute they seem like they are a good partner, but then another minute they are a bad partner. They could be encouraging of you to build your career and finances; they might help with your image and opportunities. Again, this person is methodical and cunning, so they know how to help themselves and others climb the ladder. Your future spouse could be using you as a source of money or career success. This is weird. I hope this isn’t true for you guys, but this person is basically using you to get what they want in life. They try to appear like they are helping you for the better and get you to a good place, but in reality they are self-fulfilling. Those were the vibes I was getting earlier! They seem like the type to use their help against you and say things like “I made you!” or “You wouldn’t be here without me”, just narcissistic energy altogether. It’ll be incredibly hard to identify this person and whether they are good for you or not because they try to appear so almighty and like a savior, but it is honestly just an image. This person could be a twinflame; I believe they are here to teach you how to become more selfish, have more respect for yourself and your possessions–have more pride in your successes and set boundaries. Because while you are a selfless, giving, and generous person, your spouse can be the complete opposite: self-fulfilling, arrogant, and uncompromising.
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Chadwick Boseman, Ashton Kutcher, and Marlon Waynes
Miley Cyrus, Madeline Patsch, and Ciara
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⋆ pile 5 ⋆
You will meet the person you are going to marry around a time in which you are working in the hopes to improve your lifestyle and health; furthermore, you’ll be striving to achieve ultimate peace in your circumstances. It could be that around the time you meet your spouse, someone might have children because kids are definitely affecting the picture. It could be that you might be a single parent or they are. If you are the single parent, you will be investing your time and energy into providing a decent life for your children. Additionally, you could also be extremely focused on achieving your career aspirations around the time too–or this could be what you are focused on if you are not a single parent around the time. Additionally, it seems like you just will not have any time to dive into the realms of love–you might even neglect yourself of romantic experiences due to responsibilities or feeling as though you do not deserve it at the moment. For a few of you, it could be that you might not be getting the respect or recognition in your workplace around the time; it seems like you are not receiving the awards from all of the labor you have undergone. It is important for you to know your worth in the workplace around this time and learn to leave when you are not appreciated for your abilities. Some of you could be drawn to pile three too. It could be that this person could be a workplace crush or someone you took interest in; you may struggle with confessing your feelings to them due to fear and insecurity. However, you should definitely go for it and give it a try. Even if it does not land anywhere, have fun and “explore your options”.
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You will take notice that your future spouse will appear around the time in which you give yourself the benefit of a doubt and take a break from all of the responsibilities and obligations you have landed upon yourself. If you happen to get stressed with your kids around the time, you may try to take vacation from being a parent for a while. Perhaps you may take a break from working yourself to death and go out to different and cool places. Honestly, it just seems like you are not in the right headspace–you struggle to collect yourself, you may be stressed, and things just seem like they are all over the place, so you or others may have figured you need time to recuperate and get back to a relaxed state. You will allow yourself to take time to take all of these burdens off of your shoulders. You will begin to feel like yourself again after this too. You will indulge in self-care, invest in your hobbies, and take time to enjoy the fruits of life. You may be someone who struggles with depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem so it may have been difficult for you to stay in the present and smell the flowers; this will be the perfect time for you, and also the time the person you will marry will appear. You may purposefully put yourself back out on the dating market–perhaps you may meet them on a dating app, social media, bars–any place in which you are purposefully trying to find a lover. You may get dressed up, groom myself, and put on your best accessories. Your confidence will be much better too. It is almost like you are taking control of your life again and are now able to control your outlook on things and let go. When you meet your spouse, they will come off very strong and dominant–not in a bad way, but more so of a powerful way.You’ll be taken by surprise. This could even be a blind date set up by a friend.
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You will view your future spouse as someone who has “unwavering confidence”. This person will seem to be set on who they want and what they want. They know their standards, values, and desires, and you will find this particularly attractive about them. In fact, you might look up to them for their self-esteem. You will notice that they are firm on their beliefs and where they stand. They seem to handle chaotic situations very well, and they are mature. You may find this intimidating and you could feel like you could never amount to them, but that is nothing to be insecure about. It is possible that the first date or experience with them could be very out-of-place–perhaps the restaurant was crowded and your table reservation was canceled or something. You may be in a panic and struggle to get everything back in place, but your spouse knows how to handle situations like this–and they are even the type to calm you down and help you stabilize yourself. Your spouse could be this way because they may have to deal with chaotic energy on a daily basis–perhaps they are the ones who have children or their career demands being able to stay calm under pressure. It just seems like they have it all together. This person could be older than you. Not to mention, they are emotionally vulnerable and caring; they could be great with younger children and could be fond of them. They may have a daughter specifically. They are non judgemental, open-minded, and understanding of your struggles, insecurities, and fears. You may open up to them on the first impression too, and that's why you may view them this way. You will feel comfortable with them, but I see you may struggle to think that this is really who they are.
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Your spouse values family, personal comfort, and security. It is possible that your spouse did not have a stable home environment growing up. Perhaps there was a single parent or they came from a low-income household. There is this theme of feeling as though they were not able to feel the full experience of having a soul group or people who they can consider home. They could be more of a homebody or they prefer to stay inside for the most part if it is with people they feel comfortable with. Furthermore, they are emotionally mature, and I am particularly hearing that they are faithful ( it is possible you guys could have trust issues due to witnessing infidelity in the past) They could be closer to their motherly figure and hold her dearly to their heart; they almost cherish their mom. Perhaps they were a single child, and the mother was the only one there in their childhood. It could also be a grandmother or an auntie if not. Furthermore, the person you will marry is patient and they approach connections with partners thinking about the long-term and their future. If your spouse is a male, they prefer to be the provider and give to their loved ones and be the head of the household, they are traditional. They will likely sacrifice anything for their family and loved ones, at any given chance. It is important not to take your person’s loyalty for granted because they are a diamond in the rough. If your spouse is a female, they may be fond of having children and could wish to provide for their loved ones with gifts, food, or meaningful items. Your spouse is fairly financially stable, and they prioritize their monetary assets too. They could adore gift-giving, but they spend wisely. However, your partner could also suffer from anxiety of some sorts too. They could have a fear of losing their security or stability, whether that be in terms of money or their sense of community. They’ve had to deal with losing people and loved ones in the past, and they refuse for it to happen again. But they are aware of this issue and they are trying to move on from the past and look forward to the future with the notion that things can be different. However, they know that the trauma will forever be there. They are really understanding themselves and willing to be understanding of the people they are interested in. They can be spiritual too.
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This marriage with your spouse will thrive off of your vulnerabilities and insecurities. It will not be in a toxic or negative way, but more so you both will run off of each other’s motivation to rise above both of your fears and traumas. It seems like you both have this common ground fear of not feeling secure in your life or yourselves. Your spouse could struggle with the insecurity of not having community or personal security while you may struggle with not being enough or being incompetent. There is a mutual understanding of your deeper character in the marriage; you will both be very healing for each other and spiritually compliment each other very well. Together, you and your future spouse will realize how truly powerful you both are and how much you both can do with each other. You may have two or three more children with them if one of you are already parents. This is specific, but the marriage seems to be at its highest when undergoing pregnancy for some reason, like the connection is stronger and the chemistry is more powerful. It is almost that is the time you both come together the most to make things happen, especially for another human being.
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Miguel, Drake, Chris Brown, and Eminem
Amber Rose, Kelly Rowland, and Jhene Aiko
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⋆ pile 6 ⋆
You are going to meet the person you will marry during a time in which you are struggling with your ego and sense of belonging. You will feel this need to take control over your life, circumstances, and actions; however, it seems that you will have an issue with doing so. For most of you, you could deal with low self-esteem or heavy confidence issues. It could be that you exact so much out of yourself to the point in which you could be susceptible to burnout, stress, or exhaustion. You’ll also have your guard up around this time. It just seems like you are battling demons (or let’s say, your inner shadow or conflicting sides) around the era in which you meet your future spouse. Perhaps you are highly focused on your career life, or prioritizing the future and your success to an unhealthy degree. Furthermore, there seems to be a conflict in your ambitions, passions, and professional decisions. You could be considering switching jobs or colleges around the time; it could be one of the hardest decisions for you around this time because this might have been a venture you have been dedicated yourself to for the longest. However, leaving a certain environment or letting go of a certain path will bring you rejuvenation and a new beginning. Additionally, I believe a bunch of you struggle with control issues. You expect everything and anything to go your way, and nothing can stray the perfect roadmap in your head. It is important to accept that life is unpredictable and to learn to let things be.
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You could meet your future spouse through social media or through traveling shorter distances from your hometown (to a different city or state). It is possible that most of you could have a fear surrounding leaving what is familiar to you. Perhaps you refuse to see yourself living far from your home place or traveling to a different country. You might have wanted to try to get yourself out of your comfort zone by striving to travel somewhere a bit different than usual. The settings coming through are markets, parties, waterparks, dances, or community events. There could be a particular scenario in which your spouse (or you) could offer to pay for the other person's drink or food due to the fact that the other person didn’t have the money for it–something like that. Furthermore, you could meet this person through a business trip of some sort. You might travel somewhere for work purposes, and they could meet you through that for business too. You will not seem as open to starting a relationship nor making any friends when you meet your spouse. You are, in fact, might be trying to avoid anything like that from happening. You could be very serious for the most part about things.
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On the first impression, you will view your future spouse as an authoritative, professional, and eloquent person. They could appear well put together, especially in their clothing and appearance. They may be wearing a suit or very cordial wear. You might find them decently physically attractive; they could be a different race or ethnicity from you. You will believe they look very unique and exotic. Furthermore, you will get the energy that they work well with people. They are quite charming and know how to communicate and negotiate with others. They also are humanitarian and selfless. You may have witnessed them doing a charitable action on the first impression. They could have brown hair, or brownish-reddish hair. They may have a special piece of jewelry on–specifically a gold bracelet, earrings, or watch? They might put their hands in their pockets a lot, and they have a warm and generous smile. They are the average height for their gender. They also have “sincere eyes”.
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Your spouse has excellent morals and a sense of jurisdiction. They have good control over themselves, their decisions, their character, and actions. They may be religious or come from a religious family; they could even wear religious-based clothing. They value being a good and kind person, which shows why they appear so charitable and humble. Your spouse may have money; however, I am specifically feeling that they may not be as financially well-off as you specifically. This could be important to you, or them. Your person is fully aware that they are in control of their destiny and how it goes, so they abide by the common law and go about life with fairness and a pure heart. They may have good karma in this life too because things seem to always work out for them. When things don’t, they always count their blessings and express their gratitude. They could actually be very devoted in their sense of spirituality. Your spouse is a people’s person; they like to go through things with the presence of their friends, loved ones, and people in general. At the same time, they are responsible for themselves and they know it. This person is humble because they are aware that they are a work in progress, and they should never get too comfortable in where they are in life.
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This marriage has incredible amounts of potential. Your spouse could be a very important individual to your soul’s development and vice versa. First and foremost, this is a strong marriage that thrives off of improving, bettering yourselves as a person, and leveling up in the spiritual realm. There are huge themes of mutual understanding, communication, and balance in the relationship. Not to mention, this marriage will undergo many trials and tribulations; however, it has the willpower and undoubtable love between you two to make it work. The first issue that may come up in this connection is that there could be an “unrequited love” situation, or a situation in which one of the partners are constantly expecting so much from the other and it causing a strain in the connection. First off, I believe that this marriage is an opposites attracts scenario. You may be more serious, persistent in your career goals and ambitions, tend to push away the pleasures of life, and fear exploring beyond your comfort zone; your spouse could be more relaxed, consistent in goals but does not let them define who they are, indulges in the pleasures of life (especially when it comes to people and loved ones), and values change and transformation because they know they are a work in progress and there is so much more to come. You may find that you constantly critique your spouse over the smallest and subtle things. It could often make your spouse feel underappreciated and unloved in the connection and may cause a temporary separation. You may be more on the colder side already when it comes to expressing love and affection too, so that might not help. This calls for you to make the effort of showing that you love your spouse, and you will feel energy reciprocate back to you. It is important to not have so many expectations of people because you are projecting the expectations you have for yourself. Other than that, this marriage is full of devotion and spiritual guidance. The water or the ocean could be important for you or your spouse too.
Christina Millian, Victoria Monet, and Nina Dobrev
Jack Harlow, Mac Miller, and Rob Kardashian
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thepettymachine · 2 months
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Wandering Souls Challenge for TS3
Heeey so I made another challenge. Might be the last one I ever make who knows. But I got inspired by the Postcard Legacy for TS4 and made something similar but not similar to it. It took a minute to make but I hope you enjoy
Wandering Souls Challenge is a 10 generation legacy challenge where you go through multiple jobs and careers with story elements involved. This is a challenge if you don't wanna do just one career all of your sims life and don't mind moving around + mild drama but not soul shattering.
Tag: "wandering souls challenge" or "@" me
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I didn't really make any but don't feel obligated to do everything as an objective. Somethings you probably aren't going to get to everything and that's okay. If you do everything congratulations, if you don't move on.
I have no designated way to play this (ex: what town do you recommend in playing with this), I'm giving the player what they want to do within the confines of this challenge. It's your sandbox not mine.
You do have some optional goals for extra fun if you choose to do so.
Have fun
Carry On Wayward Son
When you were young, you didn’t take anything as serious as your music. Your obsession with the chords became as necessary as breathing and you’ll do anything but sell your soul to the industry. But as you grew older and had a family, you wish for more structure with your music in hopes for it to reach the people that desperately need to hear it. So you find an indie record company and work with them because your artistic freedom is still the forefront of why you’re doing all of this. Plus feeding your family and paying the bills. 
Start by making money through collecting tips while working part time jobs
Half way through your YA years, you try a Singing career or being part of a band but it doesn’t work out
As an adult, you enter into the Music career for more structure and to reach a larger fanbase
Pick a branch between classical or rock
Your lover/(s) must be all creative types like you (artist, sculptor, architect, musician, street artist, etc)
You encourage your children to also pursue the arts
Master all 4 instruments (guitar, bass, piano, and drums)
Get at least 3 tattoos somewhere on your body
2. Jeffrey Jeffrey Simzos
If the Grinch and Scrooge had a love child, it would be you. You couldn’t really get behind your parent’s idealistic dreams about music and art, it felt unstable and unrealistic to you. You want wealth and power at your fingertips and anyone at your beck and call. Whether its through a wealthy spouse, your boss, the corporate ladder, or getting into politics, you will reach the top. For there is no redemption arc and no grace to be given for Greed has already devoured the remnants of your dead beating heart.
Have bake sales as a child and dislike any attempts at the arts
Join the Business career
Be enemies with all of your coworkers
Go from a small house/apartment to a big mansion/house
Be the owner of multiple businesses around town + an additional home
Marry a rich sim you definitely married for money
Have at least one child with the butler or maid you hired
You become more power hungry so you join Politics after reaching level 8 of Business career
Steal campaign funds 
Your kids must be the top of their class, no exceptions (straight A’s, no skipping school, be apart of a club) or they are sent to boarding school
You are not close with any of your children
Optional: woohoo your boss
3. Yes Chef
Because excellence was required of you as a child, you tend to have a strong work ethic and unrealistic expectations for yourself and others while despising what you had to endure in your upbringing. The one good thing out of it was discovering your love of cooking. Cooking was a way for you to escape your worries and as an adult you desire to be a chef, going against everything your parents raised you with. You started from the bottom and found your way all the way at the top as head chef. But something is missing and so you explore other cultures and find new excitement in  nectar making. You figure when you retire, you wanna spend the rest of your days being a nectar maker on a giant farm in the countryside.
Start at the diner for the first half of your career, then move over to the bistro for the second half
Bartend for bars at night for extra income
Read every recipe and learn all the fancy drinks
Master Cooking & Mixology
Marry your childhood friend or high school friend you haven’t seen in years
Cook your spouse and children their favorites meals at least once
At the top of your career, you get bored and visit travel other cultures for their cuisine (go to France, Egypt, and China to learn their food recipes)
Get inspired by nectar making 
When becoming an Elder, move to the countryside, retire as a chef, and become a self employed nectar farmer. 
4. Country Roads, Take Me Home
You’ve always found interest in nature as a kid and instead of wanting to be in the comfy suburbs or stargazing the city’s skylines.You even had a knack for bringing stray animals into your home but they always seemed to run away when you left for school (according to your parents). That’s why instead of working a typical 9-5, you fulfill your childhood dream of being on a farm and working with your bare hands. Building a life you always dreamed of yet will work hard to maintain. There’s no sleeping in for this dreamer.
As a child you were part of the scouts
Live on a farm or ranch
Work as a self employed gardener
Master the Fishing, Gardening, and/or Riding skill
Adopt 2 strays (horse, dog or cat)
Marry your helper on the farm or Marry a townie that loves the outdoors/animal lover trait
Wake up in the early hours of the day
Have a big family cause free child labor
Raise a horse from baby to elder 
Optional: Own a cow plant 
Optional: Win the highest horse competition (racing or jumping)
5. He was #1
You’ve always had an interest in the outdoors but sports was your passion and you’re very good at it. So good, you were being scouted by agents who hoped to take you to the pros and have your name chanted by the thousands. Your dream did come true but another did not. You’re a closeted hopeless romantic who always wished to find their soulmate and have a family, but being a professional athlete with a recognizable face has made it difficult for you to find true authentic love. What will it take for you to find love and will you have to choose between your two greatest loves or can they both coexist together for your sake.
Enjoy your outdoor activities (playing ball, going to the pool, camping, etc) once a week
Find love through online dating 
Go on 3 dates with a person before committing 
Host a big wedding party and bachelor/bachelorette party and if possible, ask your partners parents for their blessing
Master the Athletic skill
Become a stay at home parent when you reach level 6  of the sports career
After a sports injury that takes you out of the field. You find yourself recovering and unemployed and decide to take care of your children while deciding your next move. 
You realize you want to be a sports agent so you go back to college as an adult and get your physical education degree 
Reach level 10 of Jock social group. 
Join the Sports Agent career
Gain the Eternally Faithful Moodlet
6. You Blinded Me with Science:
Curiosity killed the cat or in your case it just made you curiouser. You couldn’t keep your hands still and always have to be tinkering with something. So much so that you lost your beloved job at the science lab because you kept goofing around with some scrap from the town’s junkyard during company hours. No worries, you just decided to go all in with being a self made inventor and creating gizmos and gadgets the world has never seen before. Except one day, you find a mysterious device you’ve never seen before and upon activating it, you end up in the future. There are alot more prettier machines than the ones you’ve been messing around with and you sorta take one home with you. Oh well what’s the worst that can happen. 
Start out in the Science career but get fired after reaching lvl 3 in inventing and join the Inventor self employed career 
You spend your weekends messing around in the town's junkyard and blowing stuff up for your experiments. The neighbors even catch you dumpster diving around town 
Marry someone just as eccentric and quirky as you (ex: eccentric, neurotic, insane, socially awkward, slob, etc)
Master the handiness and inventing skills
Create all inventions, including a simbot
Make some of your children through the Time Machine (past: child - YA/ future: elder, you can age down if you wish) 
All your children’s traits have to be randomized
Optional: Go into the future and obtain all the gadgets to bring them back home to the present 
Optional: You even bring back home a plumbot and learn how to take care of one
Optional: Leave the Inventor career and present and work in the Astronomy career in the future.
7. Who You Gonna Call?
This generation can be played in two different ways. The choice is up to you. (Also double heirs can be accepted for this gen)
Super Skeptic Route:
The question you’ve always asked yourself was “Are Ghosts Real?” You believed in the supernatural, the horror stories, and the abduction of Bella Goth and was hoping to find evidence in the graveyards. But alas you could never find your ghosts and your dreams were crushed. Now as an adult, you’ve become a skeptic and believe it all to be a charade and try to speak sense into the “sheep” around you to see the light. Until one day you do encounter a ghost and for the last time, you investigate into the question, “Are Ghosts Real?”.
Work in a graveyard in your teen years
Have the Supernatural Skeptic trait. 
You dabble in Alchemy but it never takes effect on you. 
Join the Con Artist branch of the Fortune Teller career
Encounter 3 ghosts to convince you that ghosts are real
Leave the Fortune Teller career to become a Ghost Hunter
You convince Ghosts to move on/ Set them free rather than have them experiment on by the science lab (avoid opportunities that say otherwise) 
Do all investigations (spirit invasion, paranormal investigation, poltergeist haunting, ghostly presence, angry ghost invasion)
Ultra Fan Route:
As a child, you always found yourself interested in what couldn’t be reasoned or argued against, the supernatural. You obsessed over horror stories, wandered into graveyards, deep subreddits of conspiracies behind Bella Goth’s abduction and studied too many ways to become one. You started to give up hope of ever becoming one. Until one day you befriend a fellow occult member of society and it changed your life forever.
Work in a graveyard in your teen years
Have the Supernatural Fan trait
Master the Alchemy skill
Start a side hustle of being an author writing primarily in the horror genre
Publish 15 horror books
Join the Mystic branch of the Fortune Teller career
Befriend a supernatural of your choice to be turned into
Get 1st place at Trivia night at the Vault of Antiquity
8. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Being a doctor was something you always thought you wanted to be. It came with status, notoriety, respect, money, student loans, and it was something more stable than what your parents were able to give you. You worked hard and got into the Medical career where you met your spouse and lived in a beautiful home with your two kids and pet. It’s like everything worked out in the end. But your desire to see the world burn just keeps rearing its ugly head and you can no longer contain the person you thought you repressed for so long. It desires the status and respect you’ve obtained but also infamy, underlings, and power.
Have the Evil trait
As a teen, be a straight A student, work a part time job, and be best friends with your parents, enemies with your siblings (if applicable)
Choose to go to college on full scholarship or enter the Medical career immediately. 
Marry a fellow coworker whose as ambitious or hardworking as you
Live in a nice home with a white picket fence, 2 kids and a pet of your choice
Befriend some townies who work in the Criminal career
Donate to criminal organizations at least once a week
Leave your job in the Medical career in your adult years
Join the Criminal career
Choose the Evil branch of the Criminal career and reach the top
Optional: Divorce your spouse, find a new home, bring the kids (or don’t) and marry your criminal coworker.
9. Baywatch
You used to work in law enforcement until the red tape got to you and so you went to become a private investigator. Solving crimes and digging through trash got exhausting and difficult as you try to serve others yet the system kept letting you down. After having a midlife crisis, You’ve come to realize that helping people can be simple, enjoyable, and have a great ocean view. Being a lifeguard wasn’t in the career plan but saving lives from the depths of the oceans and looking good in red too. Not a bad career change.  
Join the law enforcement career
Become friends with/date your cop partner 
When reaching level 5 of the career, you leave your job to go into the Investigative career to get away from the red tape 
Continue being an investigator until your Adult years
Have a midlife crisis and complete all the wishes or go get therapy at the hospital
At the end of your crisis, you join the Lifeguard career
Find an island or befriend a mermaid  
Master the scuba diving skill and logic skills
10. Master of None
Oh the journey you have been on. From caring about the music to fighting robbers in people’s homes, you’ve been through it all. As you worked hard for what you wanted, You have reached this crossroad and wonder what it all means and what it meant before. Maybe discovering yourself is what the journey is all about or maybe it's the experiences that shape you that gives you your form. Regardless, you’ve been feeling torn about what to do now and with no destination, maybe you start to express who you truly are. Who knows. There is no rush in the process or a destination in sight, only the curiosity that keeps your soul wandering on the journey.  
Join at least 5 different careers you haven’t played in this challenge (Education, Magician, Firefighter, Stylist, etc)
Have 3 best friends you maintain until Elder
Start dabbling in painting or sculpting in your free time outside of work. 
Meet the love of your life 
Be apart of your community - take opportunities that involve helping your neighbors/fellow townies
Pamper yourself -  go to a place in town for some you time once a week
Learn a new skill once a week (you don’t have to master it) 
If applicable, befriend your grandchildren 
Optional: turn your hobby into your job 
Thank you for playing. Feedback is welcomed
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cyb3rtarot · 8 months
How You Love + Healthy Love Advice: Pick a Pile
Disclaimer + Important Note: “relationship” and love refers to ALL KINDS OF RELATIONSHIPS when not specified. Romantic, platonic, familial, etc. Readings are not replacements for professional advice. Don’t force a reading to fit!
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pile 1 ✿ pile 2 pile 3 ✿ pile 4
Pile 1 [moon, man, fish, mountain, sickle, clouds, bear, mouse, dog]:
Hi pile one! You could really like gifts or other forms of physical appreciation; this makes you feel important to others. This could be you giving gifts or getting them, but some of you aspire to dynamics where people freely share and give to each other to the point where one person may be seen as a provider or benefactor (your family could have been generous in giving to you or others?/upbringing could influence why this is important). Or, your presence brings abundance to those you commit to. You encourage people to follow their dreams, you make it seem like anything is possible. This is a way loyalty is demonstrated for you. Help, benefits, gifts, encouragement, etc shows the words someone says are real. You feel relationships should improve the lives of those involved; there should be indications as to how you’ve helped each other grow and move forward (at least physical experiences together at minimum). However, you may have found it hard to determine people’s true character & intentions with this mindset, or people feel this way about you. Some of you are the ones who like to take on that role of sharing wealth, making dreams come true (or you really wish you could). That makes you wonder if people are really loyal to you or just like what you do for them (or you have this fear of the future). Because when giving, you also give yourself.
You want to cut to the chase or get to the gist of it in relationships. If you like someone, you want to dive right in. So, you might be very generous (or expect generosity) with acquaintances who you want to know better, like buying them meals. You might not have known someone long before it feels like it’s been a lifetime. You're able to give pep talks and make people feel strong/inspired without knowing them for long.
Security is extremely important for you. There’s a deep seated/constant stress about trueness, faithfulness, loyalty. This pile is very quick to enter and exit lives, or cut people off. Or, for other reasons you find it difficult to maintain relationships over long periods of time (moving a lot?). It’s a wall put up for fear of loyalty, especially if your fears were proven true in the past by someone important. This could also be how your love feels—very fast, like becoming best friends with someone in two weeks, or entering a relationship three days after meeting. A few of you were the ones who were disloyal to someone important and then lost them, so now that regret backdrops your other relationships.
People may find you confusing and mysterious. On one hand, you desire to improve the lives of those around you and remain steadfast, but on the other hand your presence is ephemeral & transient. You have struggled with remaining loyal to the wrong people for too long (especially family or an abusive partner). You remedy feeling small by showing strength through others.
For some of you, the fear comes from a specific prominent male figure in your history. This person didn’t have a lasting presence,  or you associated their presence with anxiety & unsureness. Your desire to be true to others may be influenced by this yet your willingness to run is also influenced by it.
You help others overcome; you show them how to be strong when things don’t go right. People may find it hard to place what’s so magnetic about you, but it’s the underlying strength, a subconscious commitment to keep going if not a conscious one. 
Some of you go through periods of being far more focused on money or accomplishments rather than relationships; it’s hard to do the perpetual trust fall with others. But, you’re hopeful of good connections in the future. You’ve done a lot of work to begin healing. Even if you’re not sure how to navigate intimacy and still have anxieties, your pure and strong intentions can guide you. 
Your love is like a dream. You seem to spend forever in it, but when you wake up the memory is already faded. You respect yourself and others by recognizing when the dream is over.
Advice for Healthy Loving [Shine Bright Like A Candle, Clock Time rx, ]: 
SLOW DOWNNN DAMN! It’s like you're trying to run every red light in love to get to the destination super fast, but the destination is just like, an empty parking lot or something 😭 That’s how the message wanted to come out lol. You tend to race into things as if there’s a timer on you, like you need to get to the end right now! You need to know who this person is now, you need to understand everything about them now. In your mind if a relationship is meant to last then the pacing doesn’t matter, and if a relationship can’t keep up with your pacing then you might use it as proof that it wasn’t meant to be. But, you aren’t the only participant in this race! It’s like your speeding down the road cursing because you’re gonna be late but everyone else is standing on the side like this “😀?” You might get very jittery and antsy when people take a while to reveal what role they’re going to play in your life. Slow down, you can survive the slower stages of relationships (both getting to know someone and also working through issues) and be glad for it. You can get through it even if it makes you anxious. Some good things take time. The relationships meant to be in your life only grow more beautiful and complex when you let them marinate, and it also gives you a chance to be truly understood, seen, and appreciated. Somebody purposefully dragging their feet is a whole other issue than someone not having an instant, deep connection with you!
A select message for those that know you have been very self-centered in love: this stems from anxieties + fear about self worth & commitment that you need to work on to have more fulfilling relationships.
Extra Details: a brother especially younger (10 year old kid w/ freckles who smiles like the MAD mascot). Unclear relationship with a younger sibling—you feel familial responsibility and want to help them, but both don’t understand the other easily, particularly because of the age gap. Enduring, “boy crazy” (could be someone close to you), “sprinkle sprinkle,” relationships that started out of benefit or convenience, no BS, avoidant attachment style, upper middle class or rich loved ones, South Asia, Taurus N Node/ Moon/ Venus/ ASC/ 4th/10th house (Taurus 10th house could especially be someone else close to you), revenge cheating or revenge in general, not seeking new relationships right now because of one that’s ended, networking event, “forbidden” relationship or love interest, work relationship, violin/viola/cello, I hear “trust fall” again so that could be significant. Absent, anxious, or angry father, hanging out in someone’s house because it’s huge/nice (the friend group treats it like a mansion but it’s really just a big suburban house; McMansion?), living alone (may frequently visit & stay with family anyway), drummers, a friend group from high school, basketball, immigrant family, feeling anxious or lonely but just putting up with it, “people come and go but things…things are forever.” Touch starved?
Pile 2 [cross, fox, bouquet, anchor, sun, mouse, book, key, coffin]:
Hello pile two! Your love is a warm beacon—a safe shore from ravages of the world. You know how the world hurts people, so you know how to provide real solace. You have wisdom. To others, it might seem like you always have a clever or unbelievable way to overcome things even when the odds seem impossible. You find small but sure ways to survive. Your love shines through the world and reflects off others just by you being yourself. It’s not that you’re some pillar of infinite strength. Most of you actually have a tendency of feeling down and maybe a lot of relationships that ended? So you might be like “huh” at what I’m saying lol. But you’ve been through so many things and actually learned the lessons or grew in your emotional intelligence from them, and now you naturally exude warmth towards those you love since you know how hard life is. 
You excel at reading others and understanding the situation at hand, so you find it easy to know things people like or what they’re going through. People are confused on how you just know or are able to do the correct thing regarding them lol. You strive to be a key that opens doors for others? You strive to make things better in a way others don’t fully grasp. This pile is the type to handle a situation for someone else before they ever knew what was really wrong (if you are spiritual this could include doing spiritual work for others, like protection, cleansing). You could be really adept at helping others through their own grief and anxieties; you help close chapters in other people’s lives (even if you struggle to do the same in your own. You could stick things out when the love or time for partnership has already ended, especially if you think the person will come around if they just understand you more).
For lack of better words, you guys have “baggage?” Just in a life has happened to you kind of way. A lot of you have gone through a major death or similar loss in life and this heavily changed the way you view & give love. You know this lifetime is finite and opportunities come and go, so you want to make the most of it. But, that very fact makes it hard for you to move forward, analysis paralysis out of fear of wasteful actions. You might bear a lot of strong grief that makes emotional vulnerability harder. You could feel like others don’t understand (or don’t want to understand) this part of you, they just see the effects of the “baggage” but don’t comprehend it in itself. Some of you have been treated like you’re hard to love or understand because of this, and you internalized it, so you just move through life with this assumption. A subconscious wall. But, this emotional history is the key to really seeing you as a person, it’s just that not all people are willing or capable. You shouldn’t despair over those people. It’s a blessing to not be bound with people who aren’t willing to bear witness to your reality, who can only be fair-weather loved ones. You & your love aren’t defined by how people treated you.
Some of you also have a secret or something that’s hard to open up about. You might have to be strategic with this info and who you share it with which adds another layer to why it’s hard to be seen by others. Others might have treated you like you were dishonest or crafty because of this, and you internalized that as well. Some people have info or history not everyone should know. As you trust and love yourself more, you alone can decide the appropriate time to share it. With the Sun and key under the fox, I feel like you want to be very open but others have seen what they want to see, not what you actually did? When I connected to you guys I got lover energy but people might not readily understand this about you due to things they’ve heard, seen, or think they know.
You may have gone through a phase where you tried to be more self-serving (or this is how people perceived you) but I don’t really get that vibe from you guys so I think it was/will be a temporary defense mechanism. Alternatively, you need to make sure your needs and desires are also being met instead of trying to be a saint.
A few of you could have strong beliefs or boundaries (religious, moral, etc). This either guides your love & relationships, or you need compatibility with those beliefs for a relationship to be long-lasting.
Advice for Healthy Loving [Keeping Up rx, Falling]:
How this pile shows their love can be very taxing. You are constantly doing all these things, big and so small no one else notices, to maintain the relationship and cover “deficits” you feel anxious about. Or, something related to emotional intimacy is a lot of hard work where you might’ve washed your hands of purposefully pursuing connections. This could be a way to keep control, by constantly trying to find anything that might go wrong or that can be improved/patched. The truth is nothing you do can make things 100% certain. You can balance the whole world on your head, think + do nothing else but the relationship, and the other person will still have their own agency. They’ll still find ways to surprise you. Don’t fight a war with free will (or your desires) or take on everything for your loved ones. They must also manage, grow, and learn from things. A relationship shouldn’t be 400% on your part only. Be smart, protect yourself, but loving others is vulnerable. It’s trusting them and building confidence in ourselves to manage if the relationship does end.
Not everyone you meet will be like the people you once knew.
Extra Details: easily distracted/you distract yourself to not think about things or fill your time while waiting for what you want? (ex, working extra but not because you care about the money or job, you just need something to pass the time), distracting others or redirecting the conversation so they don’t learn about you, pineapples? Sea animals, magazines or zines, creative, in love/infatuated or loves love. Fashion industry. Those that have gotten tarot or psychic readings before (or in other PACs), I wonder if anyone ever told you your energy is hard to read because I don’t think I’ve ever struggled to read a pile as much for no reason 😭 it was like a wall of confusing energy lol, stressing about people “seeing” or knowing you. Feeling like a burden. Some of you are mediums or channelers—if this resonates you receive knowledge through this which guides your relationships, but others don’t understand, so to them it seems like you’re using strange means to get info. You might use this to help others without them understanding as I mentioned. Either way, this pile is very intuitive or innately knowledgeable but it might’ve felt burdensome. Like knowing when things aren’t right, but you can’t explain it, so no one believes you, or you wish you didn’t pick up on things. Some of you have a son you worry a lot about, or this could be the deceased loved one you think about? If you call your emotional history “baggage,” you might feel better or more confident by calling it luggage instead lol This pile is close to me, even as I was struggling to read the energy I knew I could get it because it’s like me! Even if you think no one understands, there are people that do ❣️
Pile 3 [woman, mountain, heart, stork, coffin, ring, stars, house, whip]: 
Hi pile three! This pile has a lot of childhood trauma or similar experiences that made it harder for you to experience healthy love. This could also be things that happened in the home or domestic sphere, things that happened with someone (especially a feminine figure) that had power over you, things that happened in that area of life where outsiders tend not to see. For some of you this is a long term [ex] partner or spouse? Regardless, those experiences created a huge blockage to expressing love, especially with yourself. It could be a tangible blockage, for example, you might still live somewhere you feel constrained? Right now, you’re entering a new era. There’s a transformation happening to the way you love. You’re in the beginning-middle of this where you feel you’re losing motivation or energy to heal. But, you want better things for yourself (you might have a deep wish or “fantasy” for more fulfilling love?), so you know you have to keep going. “Too late to turn back now” vibes. I’m happy for you guys! This pile should know you’re not going to be perfect just because you decide to heal. But, so much more life opens up. You guys have so much love, such a big heart waiting for YOU to find again. It’s not going anywhere, because it’s a part of you.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but your heart is not impure or tarnished because of what you’ve been through or the kind of person you became. Somebody has some kind of nagging feeling, like your love being less than, or the purity of the love you have has been lost? Purity is not something that can be taken away by others!
When you love, it is final and resolute. You make a strong, long-lasting choice to love. That person has a home in your heart. This can make it hard to leave unhealthy situations behind, you might even want to stay in relationships to prove you can keep loving someone unlike others? Or to prove others wrong? But it also makes your love valuable. “Honest,” I hear. You are not a fair-weathered friend; you will be there in every peak and valley with those you love. For better or for worse. Remember to also give this love to yourself! Because of this commitment you have, your love is very transformative in others’ lives. This aspect especially may help you heal—the commitment through thick and thin, and the grace with accountability you already hold for others.
You guys tend to be very harsh on yourselves. Or, you show love harsher than intended, especially if you’re frustrated that the person could do better. This directly stems from that traumatic or toxic environment mentioned, like defense mechanisms that are now automatic to you. A healthier manifestation of this is you can be sharp-tongued in a witty way, and your loved ones can count on you for more than empty flattery.
Because of your past or the kind of person you are, your heart is very guarded (and most of you prefer it that way). You hold on to your love and rarely give the real deal out. You might appear loving but it's hard to experience it on a deeper level. Other people might feel like they need to pass “tests” with you. They see you care, but they know there’s much more they’re not privy to. If your heart is a home, then people are free to mingle and stroll in the garden, but very few are ever invited inside the doors. You have to be special to get inside. That’s why you’re truly side by side with those who enter.
Advice for Healthy Loving [Power (Moon in Scorpio, 8th house), Such a Curious Dream rx]:
I heard “taking back your power.” This “curious dream” card is about being grounded and coming back to reality, but it’s in reverse. You guys may be getting discouraged; you feel pessimistic but confuse it with being realistic. Or, some of you feel “knocked down” a few pegs, like something was said that crushed the optimism you had. I don’t feel like this pile really gives away their power to others. But, there might be people or environments that hold a lot of space in your heart (not necessarily love)? You don’t rely on others to feel good but you might need to practice grounding methods or something similar because I feel like people are able to control your mood swings. This also applies to you sweeping yourself away in your own pessimism. 
Also, it might not be a person you give your power to but society, or a societal structure. There’s something larger than just one or a few people that has a hold over you, expectations or something about the physical society you live in?? Or an institution. And you need to recognize what this is so you can bring balance to it. I specifically feel like the answer is not to fight a struggle against it but to restore balance or go your own way. Which can include actually moving. Not brute forcing the system but still being subversive using tactical means—and ensuring safety. Another specific message, this dynamic might be mirrored in one of your interpersonal relationships.
In the middle of your transformation you can feel like “wtf am I doing here.” Healing is depicted as a beautiful path to serenity, and it is beautiful but often not in that way. It’s messy, harsh, a whirlwind. You hear these good things coming to people after healing so you set out on the path all enthused, and next thing you know you’re in the middle of a hurricane and don’t feel much better than when you started. That is also healing. It can be serene or it can be a hurricane. But in the messiness is where your transformation is. Idk if any of you live in hurricane zones but after it passes there’s branches and dirt strewn everywhere but a calm feeling too. If you guys have been feeling in the dumps, you might need to hold onto that feeling or image of the peaceful scene of destruction after the storm. Just because your path is messier or harder doesn’t mean there won’t also be serenity and “rewards” I heard. 
Extra Details: you might feel awkward or self-conscious, like you can socialize but you wouldn’t consider it in your top skills lol. Eloise Bridgerton. Likes reading. Dark/adult cartoons, horror, sci-fi, psychological genres. Seeing more dark birds than usual. Public transport, the power might’ve gone out while you were on a train/metro/subway? Courage the cowardly dog. A dark/melancholic time. Power struggles. An overbearing authority, maybe not overbearing in a typical way but their energy is overbearing. Like a guardian whose judgment has a hold on you, or someone/a group whose decisions affect your trajectory. More people in this pile who have guardians who are not their parents. You might give people a serious/stoic/dark vibe but I think it’s the way you carry yourself (like having RBF or wearing a lot of dark/“edgy” clothes). Most of y’alls inner personalities are not so serious or “stuck up” (people might see you that way?). Feeling tired all the time (not sleepiness but exhausted with life). Eye bags, dark circles, or lines. Seeing love as a choice you make every day rather than a feeling. Undertale.
Pile 4 [tower, ring, heart, child, woman, tree, moon, garden, paths]: 
Hi pile four! When you love, it’s for forever and ever. It’s eternal, ride or die. You pour your love into people with the intention of them always being in your life, to grow old together. You might imagine you and your loved ones as old people together lol. There are a lot in this pile that highly value marriage and family/legacy building, though perhaps not in a traditional way. You might only want a perfect relationship or perfect dynamic and can’t be bothered with the rest (including friends and family), or you might romanticize relationships in a similar way. This pile is very choosy with who you love and you don’t need a lot of people in your life, you may even feel like just one person is enough. Though, I feel like if you wanted a large group of friends you could obtain it. Alternatively, you may have a lot of friends but very high standards for partners, so you haven’t had many if any. I mean this in the present time, as I feel it could’ve been the opposite situation in the past. Some of you might’ve been lonely children, but this only made you more resolute in what you seek. A lot of you guys have big plans for the future so that’s part of why you’re selective about giving your love, because you are considering long term goals.
Because you seek the most long-lasting love, you like having a lot of options lol. You don’t want to be constrained, rushed, or to lose your freedoms and time to the wrong situations. Idk why I want to say situations more than people; you might fear the consequences of being with the wrong people? Or people in your life have ended up in bad situations because of who they committed to and you don’t want to repeat that mistake. When you tie yourself to others you want it to be because you’ve seen many options, you’ve had experiences, and you’ve weighed pros and cons. Not because of a haphazard decision. You want to have freedom within love and commitment; you don’t want to feel regret or amiss. When someone doesn’t seek to change or constrain you, that makes you confident that they’re a safe place. Consequently, there are more people in this pile in their “have fun/live life” phase before getting into big commitments, and this can also extend to material things (career, house, car).
Outings and keeping plans are important for this pile. That doesn’t necessarily mean you go out a lot, but that when you do it’s significant for you. So, quality time and acts of service could be the main ways you show and receive love. Some of you also like to go out because this is how you will observe or bump into new people? Some of you are looking for something in particular. This could also represent part of why you need so much freedom in relationships; knowing you can go where you want and do things without being stopped by other obligations is important.
Of all the piles, this is the one who understands most deeply about the need to love oneself—and put oneself first when necessary. This is not to call you guys self-centered because I feel someone will interpret it that way 😭 There’s an extremely strong energy of commitment you give and you also are able to give this to yourself, whereas other people in their own journey may struggle with giving nothing to themselves.
This pile doesn’t seem romantic but I think most of you are totally hopeless romantics at heart. Even if it’s with close friends or family you could wish to be very mushy or affectionate with them.
It feels very important to be with people who make space for your inner child. Seeing that someone can bring out that part of you and make you still feel welcome shows that you can “put all your eggs into one basket,” that you can trust that person for the long haul. Those who want children in this pile find it (or will find it) very important to be with someone who they view as a compatible future parent.
Your love is a breeze billowing the sails of a ship at sea! You show other people what long-lasting, freeing love is like as opposed to love that holds one too tightly.
Advice for Healthy Loving [Painting the Roses Red sideways, Lead the Way sideways, You Can’t Go Back to Yesterday]:
There’s a few different things I’m getting. Some of you do things or live a certain lifestyle because that’s part of your image, but doesn’t really represent you. You might always act a certain way because that’s how you really were before, but now this lifestyle or personality isn’t as comfortable. For example, if you were always the single friend ready for a good time, maybe you continue to be this way even when there’s curiosity about getting into a serious relationship. Or people expect a certain behavior out of you, and you don’t want to disappoint them, or you feel like people are looking up to you/at you. Your advice is you can’t eternally embody past versions of yourself. You need to operate out of who you are in the present moment, not out of your judgment of what that may be, what you were, out of others’ idea of you, nor out of an image.
There’s also advice to focus on what’s happening in front of you instead of past incidents. Some of you restrict your behavior in a certain way based on past embarrassment or regrets. Like, you may avoid some relationships because of shame surrounding someone you lost in the past? Whatever your individual case, the cards being sideways are not suggesting anything is inherently wrong with your current actions nor that these are purposeful decisions you make. But, love grows when you live in the present instead of only operating out of mindsets from the past.
I also think some of you put on a certain attitude or air about your lifestyle or something you do? For example, acting like you casually date because you don’t care for commitment but maybe it’s also because you’re wounded over something. Or acting very happy-go-lucky at parties to cover up feeling sad. Many of you are in a position that influences others, so being a little more open or vulnerable with your loved ones can be a positive force amongst all of you. Especially if you influence a friend group, sibling, or social media following, as I feel like the actions you take can have domino effects or encourage people to take steps in their own lives. You can inspire people to be their true selves. I just keep getting this feeling that there’s some regret or shame about the past or in your motivations, but that you hide this feeling under something else. It’s a way to vent at or blame your past self, but forgiving and accepting your past self will allow more love and healing.
Extra Details: wanting children, so specific but if you’ve ever watched something with a time loop I feel you guys would be the ones going back over & over to save someone, or to accompany someone. Committed to work, social life, or cultivating your image. Traveling or going out a lot. Obsessiveness. Some in this pile have more of a struggle between wanting their freedom and wanting to settle, there’s this dualistic energy. For example you might’ve been very overtaken or obsessed with others before so you cope by being less attached, but might flip flop between the two? I also think there are more polyamorous people in this pile but I am getting people who might flip flop between monogamy and polyamory at different stages of life. Heavy or significant Aquarius, Sagittarius, or Taurus placements (you might have one singular Taurus placement but find it very major, Taurus 2nd house?). Multiple 11th house placements. You might talk slowly, beat around the bush, or use a lot of filler words to “soften” your delivery (for example, instead of saying your opinion outright you might open with “I don’t know, but I feel like maybe…”). I think you guys need some fiber in your diet or something 😭. You might like silly or “childish” humor (like yo mama or poop jokes). Anxiety when you think about the past so you immediately distract yourself. Content creator, influencer, “local celebrity?” I also heard “fashion icon” lol, might have or be curating designer pieces. That might also be why you like to go out, for the fashion scene or to show off your outfit. Blocked throat and/or heart energy. Wanting to be married + have a family since you were a child, or knowing what kind of relationships you wanted since childhood.
I sense some of you feel judged or chastised reading this but I’m not judging you lol
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devildomwriter · 13 days
They React to an MC Who Relaxes to Scary Videos: Headcanons
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• Believes you’ve certainly become well adjusted to the Devildom but watches you carefully to make sure you haven’t become too careless about the danger around you.
• Likes it when you come to show him something and will verify anything for you if he can.
• How are you falling asleep/relaxing to this he’s literally screaming? He cannot understand your taste in videos and does not share it.
• “The doll moved! It moved! That’s not fake, MC! MC! Aaaaaa—“
• The ones with little kids and animals getting scared scare him the most because they “know what’s up.”
• He’s only really scared when it involves a weird-looking doll but he’s definitely holding his breath and trying not to look away for most of them.
• He wonders how you can practically fall asleep to ominous noise and the narrator explaining what creepy things are happening
• He thinks it’s cute and he can’t explain why. Something about you smiling down at the screen and showing him videos that fill most people with dread makes him smile and simultaneously proud of his fearless human.
• Definitely calls in some favors so you’ll have more authentic videos to watch soon.
• He really doesn’t want to watch but will so he can snuggle up to you. Some freak him out but a few make him laugh, he is a little demented after all, he’s just good at hiding it.
• Will ask you to show him more so he has more excuses to cuddle you and if he’s lucky you’ll be relaxed/distracted enough that he can paint your nails or do your makeup without any fuss.
• Doesn’t really get why you find it calming and relaxing but watches with you. Not a fan of jump scares because he’ll spill the food he brought with him.
• He makes a habit of true horror snack nights with you so you should be prepared to find long playlists of scary things.
• He thinks it’s kind of funny but is also worried he may have desensitized you because it doesn’t get much scarier than a demon killing you while laughing maniacally
• Whenever you’re relaxed he is too, so he likes finding ones to show you so you can nap together.
• Thinks it’s funny that you can relax to these videos. He enjoys watching them with you and takes notes of places he may need to exorcise/investigate
• It’s not hard for him to go out and obtain footage for you of even scarier things. This means he can spend more time with you while also getting work done so it works out perfectly.
• Gets a kick out of the humans getting scared by it and thinks it’s cool how unphased you are
• Decided pulling a few pranks on humans herself would be pretty fun and that way you’d have some more videos to show her.
• Thinks it’s kinda of cute if not also mildly concerning that you can fall asleep to people screaming in terror and dolls looking at you ever so creepily
• Not as concerned about you being in the Devildom anymore and looks forward to you showing him more “scary” videos.
• Is making a mental note of places in the human world he needs to visit to send the demons away
• Is just as invested in watching with you but doesn’t relax because now he feels like he’s at work
• He’s scared, he will not watch with you and doesn’t understand how you can relax to this, especially since you now have irrefutable proof that demons and spirits are real.
• “Why’s it the doll!? It’s always the doll!? Aaaaah—“
• Isn’t necessarily scared as he is curious as to which demons or spirits are behind the videos. Might research it to get interviews on what it’s like messing with humans.
• Will point out details you missed and find more authentic videos to show you.
• He thinks it’s cute but is worried you’ve become too desensitized, you are still a human after all.
• Is able to use his powers to verify what really did happen and secretly encourages a few spirits to cause some mischief on camera so you’ll have more fun videos to watch
• He finds it amusing and reassuring at the same time. He believes this means you’ve adapted just fine to the Devildom and he doesn’t need to worry about you being too scared in the future
• He likes to watch them with you and as the future demon king is able to verify what is and isn’t real
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many-but-one · 3 months
Satanic Panic, The False Memory Foundation’s Shaky Origins, and Why You Should Believe RAMCOA Survivors
(TW: mentions of RAMCOA, False Memory Foundation, child torture & death, cults, trafficking)
Pretty disappointed to see a fairly popular and well known blog on tumblr is encouraging the idea that RAMCOA doesn’t exist. Just came across this post and was pretty bummed to see the comments too.
For those that agree with them (most of my followers won’t but who knows who will stumble across this), please know that RAMCOA has been going on for much longer than the Satanic Panic. The Satanic Panic was fabricated in an effort to discredit RAMCOA survivors. It was supported by the False Memory Foundation, which was created by a man (and his wife) trying to prove his daughter’s repressed memories of trauma involving him did not really happen. [Explained further in the third article further down in this post]
For the record, false memory/planting false memories has been disproven, it’s not possible to fully plant false memories in patients. Some memories can be altered to an extent because memories can be disjointed and influence from others can cause memories to shift slightly, which is why it’s not encouraged for trauma patients to share exact detailed memories with each other. For example, if two trauma patients were abused by their father and had a similar situation happen and patient A spoke about their experience in detail, if both fathers wore glasses and patient A describes their father to have black rimmed glasses, patient B’s memory might shift to believe that their father also had black rimmed glasses, even though his glasses were gold rimmed. However, it’s not possible to fully plant memories that do not exist in a patient’s memory. The “base memory” so to speak has to be there in order for any alterations to occur, and those alterations that are possible are often rather minuscule, such as glasses or whether or not their abuser had facial hair or not, or the color of the person’s eyes. Not an entire scene of RA. [Again, explained well by the third article below.]
Repressed memory has been proven to exist. (Though it’s more accurately called dissociated memories by clinicians) It can even exist in people who have traumas that happen in adulthood. Pieces of a traumatic event may go missing in a patient’s working memory, and they may not retrieve it until they are ready to process the memory and all the emotions and information that comes with it. However, it still exists stored in the brain, just in a different area than working memory. It’s why triggers to the traumatic event (that the patient may not even realize are triggers until they occur) can cause flashbacks and memory resurfacing during said flashbacks.
Some sources explaining the False Memory Foundation and the harm they’ve caused: [a good overview of a woman who was major in the development of the idea of repressed memory being a myth, by a researcher of child psychiatry], [while this is a psychology today article, I think this explains well how misused the idea of FMS - false memory syndrome - is.] [A comprehensive article explaining the roots of the FMF and how the studies used to “prove” false memory are terrible and easily debunked, with several assertions from professionals in the field.] I want to add that while the FMF has dissolved and rightfully so, the British False Memory Society is still alive and well, as well as the Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction, and both groups still cite False Memory Syndrome as being real and claim that RAMCOA survivors have false memories of their abuse.
However, before Satanic Panic happened, people were starting to actually believe in the existence of RAMCOA and the concept of DID was brought into the mainstream. A survivor on tiktok has a very good video on this situation. And that scared people, especially the abusers themselves who didn’t want to get caught. That’s when the False Memory Foundation stepped in on the heels of Satanic Panic and literally rewrote the textbooks therapists learned from, and basically taught everyone that repressed memory doesn’t exist. Any therapists that spoke about their patients’ experiences with RAMCOA were sued. Therapists stopped wanting to treat RAMCOA patients for fear of being sued and/or losing their license or being told they planted these memories in their patients’ heads and possibly losing their licenses. It led to generations of old therapists not treating RAMCOA patients and generations of new therapists learning it doesn’t exist.
But it does exist. To outright deny that child torture cannot exist is absurd. 1-2% of reported child abuse falls under the definition of child torture. [source, TW: photos of children with serious injuries from torture included on page 7 of this document] For the record, my abuse was never and has never been reported, and most survivors—RAMCOA and non-RAMCOA, whose trauma falls under the definition of torture—never reported or plan to report.
Even if you find the mind control aspect to be far-fetched, ritual abuse most certainly does exist. I’ve seen videos on the surface web on fucking tiktok of all places of child torture and ritual abuse. Organized abuse such as sex trafficking and labor trafficking does exist. Two out of those three things in the acronym are well documented to exist. And for the record, ritual abuse and cult abuse even in adults can cause extreme mind and identity alteration, upwards to the point of nearly being mind control. Look up OSDD-2 in the DSM-V. Look up just about any cult survivors testimonies and hear how they talk about how they nearly became a different person within their cult, how the cult uses torture and mind altering drugs to get their initiates to commit terrible acts of violence to each other. Now imagine if that same stuff were happening to a child whose mind is significantly easier to mold and change. Even if the child RAMCOA survivor does not develop DID, it can cause extreme conditioned responses in which the child (or now grown adult or teen) will still do the responses even now because as a child they were threatened with torture or death if they didn’t do it.
Mind control is essentially an extreme form of conditioning, and with the plethoras of research on DID and how it functions, it’s not even a difficult concept to grasp that a cult member might learn how to split new alters in a child via torture and then manipulate those alters to do what they want individually. Anyone who knows fuck all about DID knows that alters can be triggered out via positive and negative triggers. All mind control programming is, is creating a specific trigger for a specific alter and then when that child is exposed to that trigger, that alter comes out and does the task it was taught to do—usually via torture, manipulation, and threats of harm to the child or those the child loves. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp, and with how long TBMC (torture based mind control) programmers have had to perfect their work, it’s no surprise that they’ve learned how to make alters do extremely complex tasks or hold onto specific functions, always at the ready for their specific trigger.
RAMCOA research doesn’t exist in mainstream spaces because it’s nearly impossible to be taken seriously because of people who claim it doesn’t exist when it’s not even a complex topic to understand. They just don’t want to accept that it exists. The concept is terrifying, harrowing, and at some times almost absurd—and that combination makes it easier for people to put their blinders up and decide it doesn’t exist. [Edited to add: On top of this, what little research is done on it is steeped in conspiracy theories that often have roots in antisemitism. While I’ve asserted that Miller’s deprogramming books are good reads for RAMCOA survivors, she does often sound conspiratorial, and quotes Svali, a known antisemite. While I don’t think RAMCOA is exclusively related to the Illuminati stuff she often talks about, Miller’s work cannot be completely discounted because of her beliefs of where the abuse originated. Where it originates matters much less than the fact that it happens. However, not from dark, underground, secret societies—but from normal places like churches, children’s own homes (yes, RAMCOA can be done by a single parent to a single child, it just may look different than say, a trafficking ring), trafficking rings, militaristic groups, political cults, etc. I wanted to put the above put there because I know someone is going to come at me and try to say the researchers who talk about it were conspiracy theorists. Yeah, they were. Maybe they were the only ones willing to talk openly about it because of the fact they’re conspiracy theorists? I don’t know. However, I think it should also be noted that just because the researchers sucked doesn’t mean the information taken from them isn’t useful when you weed out the conspiracy stuff. For example, a LOT of modern understanding of medicine was taken from Nazi and Japanese experiments during WWII. Arguably some of the worst doctors on earth. Do we discount everything we learned because they were horrible, evil, people? No. While those who studied RAMCOA went about it in shit ways, that doesn’t discount the information learned completely. Likewise, much of modern psych understanding came from roots that included incredibly unethical experiments that would never be allowed today. Do we throw out all of that info too? No, we don’t. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t hold these people accountable, I’m saying we cannot throw out all discussion of RAMCOA because the doctors who talked about it were shitty people.]
I wish I could decide it doesn’t exist. I have permanent scarring that proves what happened did happen. I have doctor’s visits that prove I am disabled because of the traumas I went through. I have a DID specialist who didn’t even know programming to our extent even existed before our parts started telling her what they went through and she heard it from our own mouth. She had to learn how to deprogram us on the fly because she’d never done so before. So fuck off with your “oh, RAMCOA patients only have RAMCOA because they’ve been influenced by their therapist to believe they do” bullshit.
I relive my traumas in flashbacks and nightmares daily. There have been periods in my healing process where I couldn’t leave the house without someone with me for months. I couldn’t hold a job for nearly a year. I didn’t know any of this happened to me until I was in my 20s. I thought my memory was just bad and the only parts of my childhood I remembered were little blips of good things, usually involving my parent that was not involved with the cult or memories with friends at school or when I was hanging out with my sports teammates. Living with this stuff is hell. You think I want to live with this stuff? If I could permanently erase it all from my memory forever I would. But I can’t. I don’t have that luxury.
It happened. And I’m not the only child it happened to, both in the area of my country I live in and in areas all over my country and the world. This is not an isolated phenomenon. It is more common than anyone tends to realize (though still rarer than most DID cases, thank fuck). I was lucky to survive. I survived because they wanted me to. I saw a lot of children, teens, and adults who were not as “lucky” as I was. If you won’t respect survivors and their stories, at least respect the ones who didn’t survive. They didn’t deserve their final moments to be so full of pain. All of the children in these groups deserved to be loved and cared for and treated with softness and compassion. So do adult survivors like me and many others.
If I could end on one thing, it would be to urge the doubters to have some fucking compassion and empathy for people who have been through things they cannot even begin to understand. My past feels like a nightmare I will never be able to escape. I cannot erase it. I can only try to heal from it. So heal I will do, and in the process I will continue to speak the truth of my experience as safely as I can.
You want proof it’s real? Survivors are your proof.
WE are the proof.
[Edit: changed some wording for clarification + added a section after rereading a couple hours later]
[Edit 2: I realized I said my abuse has never been reported, I meant my RAMCOA related abuse. Want to make that clear. I reported sexual abuse done by my church to CPS and nothing came of it. CPS actually wrongfully claimed that since they had no reports existing of that church harming kids they wouldn’t pursue it since it happened so long ago, when a cursory google search of said location shows they’ve been reported multiple times and all reports were dropped. Why, I’m not sure.]
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 11 months
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Request from @bisexuawolfsalt: May you please write a Bucky x virgin!reader who’s never been able to get herself off?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female virgin!reader
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: masturbation, fingering
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Everything about you was different. You'd always felt it. You never fit in with the people you'd grown up with. Friends had never felt close. You were sheltered, your parents had a habit of being overprotective, helicoptering over you until they were in a fatal accident just before your eighteenth birthday. That's when things changed for you, not just what you'd lost, but your body too. You were different, but not in the way you'd thought all your life. You were powered. You kept to yourself throughout college, barely keeping anyone around you as more than an acquaintance. Relationships were a foreign concept to you, be it one of friendship or romance. You'd experienced neither.
That was your story, until you found yourself in New York City in the middle of a Chitari invasion. When you back up an Avenger with your powers, you get noticed. Tony Stark found you and brought you in. It took some convincing, you weren't ready, you were afraid. You'd hidden yourself with a job in the New York Public library. But eventually you agreed to move into the Stark Tower.
That's where you first met Bucky. You had gotten to know Steve, Natasha, and Tony pretty well. Steve had come to knock on your door one day and brought Bucky with him. He had returned from Wakanda, free from his Winter Soldier programming. He didn't look as frightening as people had described him. There was a kindness behind his brilliant blue eyes, an intelligence and a sadness that drew you in. He was a solitary soul and so were you. 
You felt comfortable in his presence. He said very little, in fact he barely made eye contact initially. Steve had encouraged him to make a friend and Bucky had chosen you, you didn't pester him about his well being, didn't cajole him about attending therapy, in fact you didn't bother him at all. You were the perfect friend. These were the reasons you believed Bucky had chosen you.
In reality Bucky couldn't get enough of being around you. He was drawn to you and you to him. Finally he had confessed his feelings to you and you had kissed him. Only Steve knew about your relationship with Bucky, you kept things private. You spent all your down time with Bucky but the two of you hadn't slept together, yet. Bucky had insisted that you wait until you were ready, after you'd told him that you hadn't been in any relationships in the past.
Today hadn't been any different from any other, not really. You'd spent time training in the gym with Steve, you'd done some reading, having decided to pursue a medical degree with your interest in science. You had a lot to learn, but you decided to take a break and grab yourself a bit of food. You walked into the kitchen where a group of SHIELD agents were also eating and talking. You blushed profusely when you heard their topic of discussion… masturbation!
“I love my Lioness. I swear if men’s penises were made with a vibration setting, I'd actually consider being with one,” one of them mused.
“Oh sweet girl, I’ve been married for five years, and let me tell you, sometimes only you have the means to get the job done. I mean I love my human dildo, but the rubber one gets the job done much better. It's got a suction up, so just slam it against the wall and go to town on it," her older colleague chimed in.
"Ah, you kids and your new fangled inventions and toys. I'm pretty old school, my fingers have been doing the job just fine for me all these years. Batteries not included," she smirked.
Their words made you blush, you had no idea what a Lioness even was, you cowered in the corner trying not to eavesdrop. The last thing you wanted was to be involved in this conversa-
"Hey!" You heard Piper, one of the agents calling your name. "What's your preference?"
You mostly kept to yourself, the other agents had no idea of your childhood or your lack of experience and you'd kept to yourself to avoid questions exactly like this.
“I - ummm…” you started stuttering nervously, eyes darting around for an excuse to avoid answering the question. You hoped no one would notice you biting your lip and wringing your hands with anxiety. “You know…”
“Come on girl, are you saying that hunk of yours is that good?”
“What?” You were shocked by Piper’s comment. 
“Barnes, is he as good in bed as he looks like he would be?”
“You don’t need to pretend, we’ve seen the two of you holding hands and smacking lips.”
You blushed, you had no idea that other people were aware of your relationship. But they couldn’t know that you hadn’t sealed the deal, could they?
“You have to give us some details,” they laughed good naturedly. “Is he that good that you don’t need to … you know, take care of yourself every now and then?”
There was no malicious intent in their questions, they were just making jovial conversation and including you, but you just wanted the floor to open up and swallow you whole. You wanted to tell them that Bucky was good, but you knew that they weren’t asking if he was a good person, they wanted to know if he was good at sex. You weren’t so out of touch with the world that you didn’t know what they were insinuating.
“He’s an amazing person-”
You were cut off by their beepers sounding off at the same time. Saved by the bell.
“See you around.” They smiled and winked at you as they left to see to their duties.
A silent sigh of relief escaped your lips as you gathered your meal and sat down in the vacated dining area. Your heart was no longer pounding on the inside of your chest, but your brain was in overdrive as you ruminated over the conversation between the agents. Without realizing it, you were thinking about what masturbation would actually be like. 
You weren’t completely innocent or devoid of sexual urges, you had admired both handsome men and beautiful women, some of whom had even had you aroused. But you hadn’t dared act on those urges, mostly because you had no idea how and you were too ashamed to ask anyone you did know. You felt embarrassed that you had reached the age that you were without having had any real sexual encounters. You had been hesitant to explore your own anatomy, even in the privacy of your own home and now you’d reached the point in your life where you were too afraid to try it alone.
Your lunch remained half uneaten as you pondered your dilemma. Your interest had definitely been piqued and you started thinking about Bucky. He had been patient with you and your reluctance to engage in more intimate behavior. He had been incredibly understanding when you’d admitted to him that you were a virgin and hadn’t pushed you into any kind of non consensual conduct.
Everything you’d seen on television or read about, the act of sexual intercourse, the pleasure that came from an orgasm, you wanted to know how it felt. You felt a stirring between your legs at the very thought. But where would you get the information to do things right? You had so many questions. You thought about looking online but the computers in the Tower were all networked, and JARVIS had the ability to look into any search history. The thought of someone finding out terrified you. No, you would have to try something else.
This brought your thoughts around to Bucky. After careful consideration, you determined that Bucky was probably the best person to discuss your areas of learning. You knew that he was a little more experienced than you were and if you were to share a future with him, you would eventually engage in more intimate activity. So he would be the perfect person to ask. You picked up your phone and typed out a message.
You: Can I ask you something? It’s a bit embarrassing.
Bucky’s phone pinged as he sat listening to a discussion between Sam and Steve. He enjoyed watching them battle wits, as long as he wasn’t asked to take part. And when he did, he always sided with Steve, regardless of what his actual opinion was. He took his eyes off the pair to see your face light up his screen. Your face never failed to make the corner of Bucky’s mouth quirk up, as hard as he tried to hide it. 
Bucky had never met anyone quite like you. Despite the trauma and loneliness you had suffered, it hadn’t made you cold or hard, in fact he thought you were the single most kind-hearted and loving person he’d ever met. Your intelligence surpassed that of many and he was almost shocked that you had chosen to bestow your affection on him. You were his angel, sent from heaven to show him what real love was. He texted you back immediately.
Bucky: Anything. 
Bucky’s whole attention was on you now, your question had piqued his interest far more than the conversation between Sam and Steve ever had.
You: How do you masturbate?
Bucky’s eyes were ready to pop out of his skull as he read your question.
“Buck?” Steve called his friend again, trying to get his attention.
“Yeah?” Bucky cleared his throat, tearing his attention away from his phone.
“Can you settle this for us?”
“Yeah, I agree with Sam,” he answered.
Sam and Steve watched him get up and walk away with their jaws on the floor. But Bucky had no time for nor interest in their reaction. He was focused on your question.
Bucky: What makes you ask this question?
You: There were some agents in the kitchen and they were talking about masturbation…
Bucky: And you are curious?
You: Well yeah. So are you going to answer the question?
Bucky thought for a moment before responding.
Bucky: There isn’t just one way to masturbate. 
You: Care to elaborate?
Bucky: Most people use their fingers. Now they have all these toys.
He thought for a moment, before sending a follow up text.
Bucky: Back in the day, we would make do with what was around. You just need to use it right.
As much as Bucky longed to offer you a hands on demonstration of the concept, he knew that he should give you the space to learn and experience things at your own pace, particularly with regards to your sexual relationship.
Bucky: You need to figure out what YOU like.
You bit your lip as you read Bucky’s answers, your fingers hovering above the screen as you tried to work up the courage to continue your conversation.
You: I don’t know what to do.
Bucky: You just have to try things out and see how you feel.
You typed out your response, you felt a tingling between your legs and an unfamiliar dampness. It took you several minutes for you to press send.
You: Will you show me?
Bucky’s mouth went dry as he read your reply. He felt himself stir at that thought of your question. He read your words over and over, contemplating his next move.
Bucky: Are you sure?
Bucky didn’t want to pressure you, or make you do anything you didn’t feel comfortable with, but the thought of being closer to you, more intimate with you made his body react and he could feel blood pumping south.
You: Ordinarily I’d probably use a Google search but I’m not particularly where I should be looking. Also most things are probably not targeted at women past their teenage years. Also I didn’t particularly want to leave a trail of cookies in my search history.
Bucky wasn't quite sure he understood all of your message. I was rather old fashioned, and even though he had some understanding of the modern world, he didn't feel entirely comfortable. He decided to help you the best way he knew how.
Bucky: Meet me when you're done with work?
You: Sure. Where do you want to meet?
Bucky: Your room. 6pm. Wear something comfortable.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you read his message and answered.
You: See you soon.
Anticipation and anxiety had you back in your quarters much earlier than the time Bucky had advised. You decided to be prepared for his arrival, so you took a shower and performed all your necessary grooming rituals. You weren’t entirely out of the loop with regards to sex, but clinical application was very different from actual intimacy. The thought of Bucky’s touch excited you. Your relationship with him mostly involved emotional intimacy, he was nervous too, worried about hurting you physically. He had been happy to let you take the lead for the physical aspect of your relationship.
The thought of his touch elicited a tantalizing reaction from your body, the warmth, the wetness between your legs was exhilarating. There was an urge to touch yourself. It wasn’t that you hadn’t thought about this before, even tried exploring your own body, but you’d never quite achieved the intended goal. Today felt different. You could feel yourself pulsing in a way that you’d not felt before. And if Bucky wasn’t able to help you understand your own body, you were certain that no one would.
You put on a slightly oversized t-shirt, it was loose enough for you to move with ease, but fitted enough that your figure wasn’t hidden. You grabbed a pair of booty shorts, choosing to slip it over your hips without any underwear. The feeling of them against your uncovered core made you feel wicked. Your heart was still pounding and you needed something to relax, so you grabbed a bottle of Pinot Noir and poured yourself a generous glass.
A knock at the door made you jump, and the contents of the glass sloshed around dangerously. You took a small sip before putting it down on the counter of the small kitchenette in your room and went to answer the door. 
“Hi.” You barely breathed the word as you found Bucky at your door.
He looked ethereal, he had clearly taken the time to go back to his room and prepare for your rendezvous after spending the day training new recruits. He slipped past you with a gentle greeting. He had washed his long hair which was loose and still slightly damp. He had donned a maroon Henley which you had told him was your favorite and as he brushed against you, you caught the scent of his cologne which did nothing but increase your arousal.
“How was your day, Doll?” Bucky asked, giving you a gentle peck on the cheek.
“Seriously, you want to ask about my day?” you said nervously, wringing your hands together.
Suddenly you felt out of your depth. How could this beautiful specimen of a man possibly be here for intimate relations with you? You turned around and took a mouthful of wine, coughing slightly as you swallowed.
“Hey, easy there, Doll. Being drunk isn’t helpful. You know,” he paused for a moment, “we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his chest. You could feel his heart beating as your head rested against him. It was calming and you looked up at him.
“I want to.”
“If you change your mind at any time, you will tell me, right?”
You nodded, appreciative of his understanding.
“Sit down for a minute. I’m just going to set up a few things.”
“What kind of things?
Bucky held up a few candles. “I thought they’d make you feel more comfortable, relaxed.”
You watched Bucky place candles around your room and then dim the lighting. His movements were elegant, so smooth. You marveled at his grace and agility, his touch was delicate and you wondered how his hands would feel on your body. When he was done he came over to sit beside you as you clutched your wine glass.
“Oh Bucky, I’m sorry, here, let me get yo-”
You stopped as he put his hands on your shoulders. “Listen, before we start, no matter what happens today, I’m just here to help you… you know, please yourself. That doesn’t mean that we need to go any further. You don’t owe me sex. Got that?”
You nodded, feeling more relaxed, like he’d taken the weight of expectation off your shoulders. “Yeah, okay,” you whispered.
“Anytime you want to sto-”
His words were cut off by your lips on his. “Sorry,” you pulled away slowly. “You were kinda freaking me out.”
Bucky chuckled at your shyness.
“So what now?” you asked, uncertain of how to proceed.
“Do you feel…” He wasn’t sure how to ask you if you felt turned on.
You shrugged. “Every time I think about this, I feel nervous, but also kinda tingly.” Subconsciously, you squeezed your legs together seeking the pleasure that came from the friction.
Your reflexive moments didn’t go unnoticed by Bucky. “You feel good?”
You nodded. “Will you kiss me?”
Bucky smiled, cupping your face with his hands, pulling your lips towards his, caressing them with his tongue before gently slipping it into your mouth. His right arm dropped down, coming to rest around your waist. Both of you lost yourselves in the kiss for a few minutes before Bucky pulled away. “Want to keep making out?”
“Well, it is nice, but I’m ready. What do I do?”
“Do you want to take your clothes off?”
A soft blush crossed your features, Bucky could see it in the glow of candlelight. You started taking off your t-shirt, raising your arms to pull it over your head. Bucky’s eyes lingered over your breasts, trying not to stare as you struggled with the neck. He eventually tore his gaze away to help you complete the task. Bucky tossed the shirt aside on a nearby armchair and turned back to you. You could help but try to cover yourself with your arms.
“You look beautiful, Doll.” Bucky murmured. “What can I do to make you feel more comfortable?”
“I mean, I feel kinda exposed. Maybe if we were on even footing it would be less awkward?”
Bucky laughed, “so you want me to take my top off?”
“I wouldn’t say no.”
Bucky used one hand to swiftly shed his Henley, letting you ogle his chiseled chest for a moment.
"Why don't make yourself comfortable on the pillows.” He nodded his head up to the top of the bed.
You followed his instruction, crawling over to the top. You’d spent many an evening with Bucky buried under the covers watching movies late into the night. Several times you’d woken up the following morning wrapped in his arms, but today was different. You sat back against the stack of pillows making yourself comfortable.
“Aren’t you coming?” You asked, realizing that he was still sitting at the end of the bed.
His eyebrows shot up into his hairline. “Well, if you want me to…” he answered, voice suddenly a little shaky.
“Were you planning on sitting there with all your clothes on, watching me get myself off. I mean that’s kinda off putting.”
He walked around the edge of the bed and climbed on to sit beside you.
“If you take off your pants, I’ll lose my shorts.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Doll.” He smirked before shimmying off his jeans.
As hard as you tried, you couldn’t help the flush on your face as you stared at the outline of his bulge. Bucky smirked.
“Like what you see, Doll?”
There was something in his tone that made your insides feel tight, like there was something inside you trying to escape and you kept squeezing to stop it. Your body responded to his words in a way you’d never felt before.
“Your turn,” he said quietly, not a command, more of a request.
You lifted your ass off the bed and pushed your shorts down, over your thighs, sliding them over your knees and let them fall over your calves. Bucky helped you to unhook them from your feet before tossing them to the foot of the bed, just in case you wanted them again. He took a moment to let his eyes rove over your naked form, oh how he longed to touch you, but today was not for him to indulge his fantasies. Today was for you.
“Will you sit with me?” you asked.
“Can’t get a lot closer than this, Doll.” He was sitting right beside you, his thigh touching yours.
“Can we sit like we did the other day? When we went to the beach?” You remembered how it had felt to sit between Bucky’s legs, his strong arms wrapped around you protectively. You felt safe from the world. It’s not that you needed Bucky to keep you safe physically, you were perfectly capable of looking after yourself, no, he made you feel accepted. It was a feeling you wanted to hold on to forever.
Bucky let you climb between his legs, taking a deep breath as your ass brushed against him, “Okay?” he asked, his hands holding the top of your arms gently.
You nodded. “What now?”
“Well… we just need to figure out what you like, what feels good for you.” He paused, trying to figure out how best to advise you. It wasn’t like there was an official manual to be followed. “May I?” He put his fingers around your wrist, asking for permission to guide your movements.
His palm radiated warmth and you felt goosebumps erupting across your arms. “That feel good?”
“Why don’t we start up here?” He guided your hand up to your neck. “Start with soft touches.”
Following Bucky’s instruction, you traced the muscles along your neck and across your clavicle. A soft sigh leaves your lips as you reach the center of your chest. Bucky’s eyes flicked to your face as you closed your eyes and leaned back into him, his chest moves up and down slowly. His sturdiness and strength only served to amplify your arousal. He saw you bite your lower lip as your fingers grazed the skin on your breast. Naturally you cupped it, massaging the tissue slowly. 
“Try pinching your nipple,” he whispered in your ear.
You do as you’re told and find yourself whimpering quietly. The feeling between your legs amplified ten fold, clenching needily.
“And the other side too, Doll.” Bucky muttered, his fingers sliding up and down your upper arm, the same arm you were using to touch your own body. “Feel good?”
“So good,” you sighed.
You leaned back again, the delectable sensations had you arching your back and now that you had moved past your breast, you noticed that the level of pleasure had changed a little, dimmed slightly. Bucky watched with rapt attention, mentally noting what you responded to for future reference. He resisted the urge to bury his face in your neck, press his lips against your sweet smelling skin. Your fingers skated quickly over your abdomen and made their way between your legs.
“Take your time, Doll. From what I've learned, getting a woman all worked up makes things more… intense.
"Before you touch down there, try rubbing here," he moved your hands to your thighs. "Just on the inside, Doll, just like that. You can use your fingers, or your whole hand. Try and see what you like."
You sighed, trying out the different techniques on the flesh of your thighs. Bucky’s skin itched with desire, there was nothing he wanted more than to put his own hands on your thighs, but he had promised you and he would keep his word.
“I like it more with my finger tips,” you leaned back into him, looking up into his eyes with a smile.
As you did, you noticed something pressing into your lower back. You pushed against it, curious about its shape. A shuddering breath and strangled moan escaped your boyfriend’s lips.
You looked back up at Bucky with surprise and you saw the blush on his face. It is a little embarrassing that it took you so long to realize what was touching you.
“Is that…”
“Yeah…you can just ignore… him. He shows up sometimes without invitation,” Bucky mumbled.
“Do you want me to-” you started asking if he wanted you to touch him, but Bucky cut you off.
“No, today we’re here for you. Focus on your own body.” Bucky shifted his hips back to avoid further friction but that didn’t quite stop his body reacting to you.
Bucky’s fingers skated across your skin with the lightest of touches, his breathing heavier than it was before as he watched your hands stroke over your inner thighs, edging closer and closer to your leaking core.
“Buck-” you whined quietly.
“I want…”
“Go ahead, start with one hand, maybe?” he suggested. “Feel over the outside.”
You hummed, arching back against him, and earning a groan from Bucky.
“If you feel comfortable, you can put your fingers between the folds and try rubbing your-.”
“Wow, there’s a lot… it’s really wet.” You comment as your slick coats your exploring fingers.
“That’s good,” Bucky said encouragingly. “Have you found your-”
You gasped and grabbed Bucky’s muscular thigh as your fingers brushed over your sensitive bud for the first time. Your pussy clenched needily at the sensation. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he chuckled darkly.
You continue moaning as your fingers rub circles over your pulsing clit. “Oh Bucky…”
He groaned at the way his name left your lips, filled with such longing. He panted softly as his fingers dug into your flesh, he had moved them from your arms down to your waist and it was taking a lot of self control for him to not let them roam over the rest of your body.
“It feels, I … I -” You couldn’t find the words to express what you needed. The new deletable sensations were something you’d never experienced and it was almost overwhelming.
“Use your words, Doll. Tell me what you need.”
“Inside, I want something inside.” The throbbing at your core was getting stronger.
“Good girl, that means you’re doing it right.”
“How do I do it?”
“Move your legs apart a bit more.”
You obliged and Bucky moved his legs under yours so you could hook your ankles around them for support and open up for yourself.
“Yes,” you said with more confidence, it felt good, you wanted this.
“Try putting one finger in first. Go slowly.” He put his hand on yours, directing your finger along your slit before helping you push into your entrance.
Your thighs tightened as your finger entered this new territory.
“Try to relax, Doll. Take your time.”
Your finger slipped inside, you took deep breaths in an attempt to slow your pounding heart. Bucky couldn't help himself, he put his hands on your thighs, almost a subconscious movement as he focused on your activities. Watching as you dragged your finger in and out of your dripping pussy.
"That's right, just like that." Bucky crooned in your ear. 
His lips felt soft on your neck. You didn't notice how he palmed himself at the same speed that your finger was disappearing inside you.
"If you want, you can put more fingers inside you."
“Umm hmmm.” You didn’t need his guidance to know what you wanted. “Keep talking though.” His voice in your ear was serving to be more an aphrodisiac than you’d expected. You changed the speed of your trusts, suddenly aware of a new feeling that you couldn’t quite identify.
“You like how that feels, Doll? Try hooking your fingers up slightly.” 
He knew you’d found the right spot because of the way you bit your lip and squeezed your eyes closed, pushing back into his chest.
“You’re allowed to make noise, Doll. Actually, I encourage it.”
Your hips began to rock of their own accord and you could hear Bucky panting behind you.
“Oh God,” you whined. “Bucky…”
“I’m right here, Doll. You’re doing so good,” he moaned. “Use this hand, here.” Bucky placed your other hand over your clit, letting you take over rubbing the hard bud.
“Bucky,” you whimpered desperately, brows knitted together. You had no idea what you wanted from him. “Bucky-yy.”
“It’s okay, Doll. You’ve got this.”
You did, because without warning you felt yourself hurtling over the edge of a precipice you didn’t know you’d been standing on. Your walls pulses around your fingers as your body undulated to the feeling of ecstasy spreading out from your core through to your fingertips. Your powers crackled in a glow that surrounded your body.
As your breath finally settled down, you relaxed back into Bucky’s arms, a ridiculous smile spread across your face. Bucky’s arms surrounded you, holding you making you feel safe and supported.
“So? How did it feel?” Bucky asked, a tad impatiently.
You laughed bashfully in response, words not quite able to describe how giddy you felt in that moment, until Bucky was laughing along with you. You caught his lips as he turned his head to look at you, expressing your thanks with an affectionate kiss. As you leaned back, you were reminded of Bucky’s situation. 
“That was amazing, Bucky. But what about you?” you asked.
“What about me?”
“Don’t you have to- I want to feel you… inside me.” Your voice dropped in volume at the end of your sentence.
Bucky shook his head. “Next time, today was for you. Besides, I kinda came when you were…” His voice trailed off looking a little embarrassed.
“Oh, sorry.” 
“No, it’s not your fault, well actually-”
“Hey!” you pouted.
“In a good way. You look beautiful."
"Thanks for not judging me."
"Thank you for accepting me. For trusting me."
"Of course, Bucky. What happens now?"
"After we get dressed, we can order some food and watch a movie?"
"And maybe plan for when we can do this again?" You asked shyly.
"Sure thing, Doll."
You were glad that you'd had the courage to ask Bucky for his help, and hopefully some day soon, you'd be able to feel even closer to him that you'd done today. 
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fandoms-x-reader · 2 months
Love is More than Lust
Requested By: @number-1-obey-me-brother-simp
Headcannons + Oneshot
Summary: The brothers' reactions to MC being afraid to confess their love to Asmo because they have a low sex drive + the confession to Asmo at the end. Headcannons for the brothers / Oneshot for Asmo Asmo's part is at the end to make sense with the story! Word Count: 2,927
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Lucifer is the one who almost always knows what his brothers are thinking, and that includes Asmo. 
He’s been there since the beginning - when Asmo was an angel - and through his transformation into a demon. He’s been there for all of the highs and the lows.
One thing that never changed about Asmo was his want for love.
Asmo surrounded himself with people he called his “fans”. He had tons of followers on social media that he always kept happy and coming back for more. 
And he did all of that to satiate his need to feel loved.
But Lucifer knew that wasn’t the kind of love Asmo needed. Asmo may have been the Avatar of Lust, but he was so much more than that. So much more than what he let people see. 
Lucifer could see how you felt about him, and he had hope for his brother. Hope that he would finally be able to find the love that he had so desperately wanted.
But, there was one problem, you had sworn off admitting your feelings to Asmo because of your low sex drive.
You knew what Asmo’s sin was all about and you were afraid that because of your low sex drive, Asmo wouldn’t want you or that you wouldn't be enough.
Lucifer liked helping his brothers, but he didn’t want them to know he was involved. So, he’ll try to encourage you to admit your feelings and he’ll try to help you see past having a low sex drive.
But, he won’t be directly involved when you finally do admit your feelings to Asmo.
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Even though Mammon makes a big deal about being your first man and all that, at the end of the day, he just wants the best for you.
So, when he sees that you’re upset about something, he immediately asks you what’s wrong. And he won’t stop until you finally tell him.
Mammon does his best to be sympathetic towards you. He could see your love for his brother and how much not being able to tell him is killing you.
He’ll instantly become your number-one hype man. He went into a long rant telling you everything about you that’s so great and how a relationship is more than just sex.
He’ll also assure you that Asmo is so much more than that as well. Lust may be his sin, but that’s not the only thing Asmo is good for.
He would never admit it, but Mammon is a great big brother when he wants to be. And he genuinely wants to see his little brother happy. 
So, he’ll offer to help you come up with ideas on how you could tell Asmo your love. They're all pretty terrible, and some of them are really just schemes for Mammon to make money off of it, but nonetheless, you appreciated his help.
He’ll also definitely tease you about it in public. He won’t say anything too obvious in front of Asmo himself, but he enjoys watching you get flustered after he makes a side comment or two.
He claimed it was compensation for him “helping you out with this problem.”
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Levi is not big on helping others with their love life. He tends to shy away from that kind of thing in public and claims that being in love is something a “normie” would do.
But, when he notices how distraught his Henry is feeling, he has to do something.
He couldn’t be considered your true friend if he left you in your time of need. 
He doesn’t know how to bring it up though. He can tell that you’re upset and that you need someone to talk to and that it involved Asmo. But he wasn’t sure what the right question to ask was.
So he simply told you he was there if you needed to talk. And you gratefully took him up on his offer, needing someone to talk to.
You explained everything to Levi, and although part of him wanted to close his ears, the other part of him wanted to be there for you. 
That was it? You were scared to tell Asmo how you felt because you didn’t want him to reject you for your low sex drive?
Levi lists off a bunch of couples from the mangas the two of you have read together and points out the fact that none of them had to be together in that way to realize how much they loved each other. And they were iconic couples!
He then demands the two of you have an anime marathon, starting immediately. He wants to inspire you to admit your love to Asmo. Both of you deserve to be happy!
And while you’re watching these anime, he’ll make notes for you on what to say and what not to say for it to be a perfect confession.
He wants to be there to help you. That’s what a true friend would do!
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As usual, Satan figures out what’s going on all on his own. 
He noticed something was up with you when you zoned out in class one day and used his “detective skills” to study you. Your body language, your expressions, your emotions.
He noted when you looked happy and when you looked sad and that all led him to the conclusion of unrequited love.
Except, the person of interest was his brother Asmo and it definitely was not unrequited love when it came to the two of you. Couldn’t you see that?
Satan will watch the situation unfold for a bit until it gets painful to watch. Then, one day, when you’re studying in the library, he just asks you why you haven’t confessed your love to Asmo yet.
You’re a blushing mess. Were your feelings for the fifth-born really that obvious?
When you tell Satan the reason you haven’t confessed your feelings for Asmo, he’s a bit surprised at first.
It made sense that you would think that way. After all, Asmo was the Avatar of Lust. But, Satan had known his brother for centuries. 
He had seen the way Asmo looked at you longingly and he had seen that same look reflected in your eyes.
Your feelings for each other were strong and a low sex drive wasn’t going to change that.
Like Levi, Satan has read many romance stories and he is more than happy to share all of the tricks he has learned from them to help you confess your feelings for Asmo.
He is now treating this like his own personal study. He had his observations, his analysis, and his theory. He had his subjects, and he had formed an idea for a catalyst event.
Now, all he had to do was watch and hope it played out in everyone’s favor.
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Oblivious wasn’t the right word to describe Beel. A better word was distracted. Either distracted by his hunger or by eating.
But who could blame him? It was food! Everyone should be able to enjoy it when they’re eating!
That’s exactly what he was thinking when he looked up at you and saw that you weren’t eating your food. You were just poking it with your fork, looking between it and Asmo who was standing across the room.
Beel could see the sad expression on your face and he hated it. Who could look so sad when they were eating?
“Are you not going to eat that?” Beel asked, his big eyes looking at you with concern.
You finally snapped out of your thoughts at his question and made eye contact with him. “Oh, no, here you can have it,” you replied, pushing your food over to him and opting to look back at Asmo.
You hadn’t eaten anything all day and you just willingly gave your food away like you were throwing away trash!
“What’s wrong?” Beel asked. You let out a small sigh, debating on speaking up. But Beel had the best puppy-dog eyes and you could see he was worried about you.
You confessed your secret to Beel and he munched on the food while he thoughtfully listened to you. For once, he wasn’t completely distracted by eating and he was giving you his attention.
When you were done speaking you let out a gasp of surprise as Beel engulfed you in his arms. He hugged you to him closely so that you knew he was genuine when he told you how amazing you were and that you and Asmo would be great together.
He never wanted you to feel like you weren’t enough because you had done so much for him and his family. 
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Belphie loved you but he was starting to get annoyed with you.
He was lying with his head in your lap, just trying to get his afternoon nap in; but, every time he was about to fall asleep, you let out a loud sigh that woke him right back up.
The first time you did it, he didn’t think much of it. But after the third or fourth time, Belphie was ready to lose it.
You had stayed silent for a longer period of time now and Belphie had stayed awake a bit longer to make sure that you weren’t going to do it again.
He thought he was safe and let himself drift off once again but right as he was on the verge of dreaming, another loud sigh snapped him back to reality.
Belphie quickly sat up, surprising you with his movement. “What is it?” Belphie asked you, peering at you with curious and tired eyes.
“Oh, it’s nothing, sorry. I’ll try and be quiet,” you replied, mistaking his question as him being annoyed by you.
And while he wanted to sleep, if something was genuinely bothering you this much, then he wanted to know. 
Belphie didn’t back down, encouraging you to talk to him. When you finally told him what was bothering you, Belphie was shocked and then let out a small laugh.
You were embarrassed that he was laughing and he apologized. It’s just if that was what was bothering you, then you had nothing to be worried about.
All of the brothers could see how much Asmo loved you without the two of you even being intimate with each other. So it didn’t matter if you only did it sometimes, Asmo would love it, and you either way.
After telling you this, Belphie then plopped back down on your lap and told you to stop worrying so he could go to sleep. 
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Asmo didn’t understand your and his relationship. He could feel the attraction between the two of you when you were alone together. But, no matter how many times he’s tried to tell you that he loved you, you always played it off as a joke or shied away from him.
For once, Asmo dared to question his looks and charm. Was he not good enough for you? No, he couldn’t let himself go down that spiral.
He focused on a different approach. Maybe he had done something that made you question your feelings for him.
Or maybe you thought he would be good in bed but a bad boyfriend. That’s what everyone else thought about him so it wouldn’t surprise him if you shared those same feelings. 
But he had hope that maybe you didn’t. Maybe you could see past his sin and see how much he wanted love. And how much he had fallen in love with you.
Asmo did his best to keep his composure around you. He always wore a smile and stayed strong in his facade. The same facade he wore around others.
He didn’t want you to see the way he wanted to kiss you and hold you. He just wanted you to see the calm and cool side of him. The side everyone else loved. 
But you didn’t love Asmo just for that side of him. You loved him for his vulnerable side. The side that only you got to see.
After much convincing from the brothers, you finally decided to tell Asmo your feelings for him. What’s the worst that could happen? 
Asmo loved everyone for the most part. It was just to what extent. And you had confidence that even if Asmo didn’t love you to the extent that you loved him, your confession wouldn’t ruin your friendship with Asmo.
Satan and Levi were heavily involved in the place and time of the confession. While Mammon and the twins were your emotional support, claiming they would be there the whole time. Even Lucifer was quietly supporting you from a distance.
It was simple. Asmo would be coming home from the Fall and you would meet him in the living room of the House of the Lamentation where you would confess your love for him.
The brothers were standing in the other room where they could hear and see everything without being overbearing. 
You took in a nervous breath as the door opened and Asmo came walking in. He got a smile as soon as he saw you and you couldn’t help but smile back. 
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” Asmo asked, approaching you and throwing his arms around you. He pulled you into a hug and you gladly accepted his embrace.
You opened your mouth to say something in response when you felt something wet hit your shoulder. You furrowed your eyebrows as Asmo suddenly started making quiet noises.
“Asmo, are you crying?” you asked him. He only responded by crying louder. You looked at the brothers in the other room with a look of panic in your eyes. They were all looking back at you with the same expression. This was not part of the plan.
“Asmo, what’s wrong?” you asked him, gently rubbing his back. No response. You once again looked to your helpers and you were only met with an array of shrugged shoulders. Helpful.
You let out a small sigh before helping Asmo up this room. You sat him down on the bed before pulling away from him to look into his eyes. You were desperate to know what was wrong and Asmo knew it, he just wasn’t sure how to say what was on his mind.
He opened his mouth to speak multiple times, but each time he closed it again, reconsidering the words he was about to say. 
“Do you think I would be bad in a relationship?” Asmo finally asked, casting his gaze away from you as he waited for your answer. He wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to hear it. 
You gently wiped away a couple of Asmo’s tears before replying, “No, Asmo, of course not. You have so much love to give.” 
“Then, why don’t you love me?” Asmo asked, finally locking eyes with you. You were taken aback by his words. This wasn’t how you were supposed to confess your love to him. But - he looked so dejected as his eyes begged you for an answer to his question.
“It’s not that, Asmo. I do love you. I just don’t think we would work in a relationship,” you admitted. Asmo took a deep breath to reply, but you stopped him, wanting to finish your thought.
“I wouldn’t be enough for you. You’re the Avatar of Lust, and I would never ask you to change. But, I wouldn’t be able to keep up with your needs,” you added and it seemed like Asmo understood what you were trying to tell him.
Asmo’s mind raced with thoughts and you let him take the time he needed to process. This whole time Asmo thought you didn’t love him because he wasn’t good enough for you. But, in reality, you thought you weren’t good enough for him. 
And that broke his heart more than you rejecting him. Because he thought you were perfect the way you were. And he never wanted you to feel like you were anything less.
The truth was that Asmo already knew that you had a low sex drive. When it comes to his sin, he can see it in everyone. In some people, it burns bright, others not so much. But, Asmo never loved you any less because of it. 
If anything, it would help your relationship because Asmo wouldn’t feel like you’re using him just for sex. You want to be with him because of who he is. And it goes both ways. He loved you for you not because of how frequently he wanted to sleep with you.
He can’t promise he’ll be able to hide when he’s turned on - which is often. But, he would never force you into doing anything. And, if you only have sex every so often, he’ll make sure those nights are special. 
Asmo finally pulled you into his arms, holding your body close to his. The way he’s been dying to hold you for so long now. “I love you,” he told you softly, multiple times, as he placed gentle kisses on your face. 
He pulled away after a moment and cupped your face, lifting your head slightly to make eye contact. “Don’t ever think you’re not enough,” he told you sincerely.
The brothers may or may not have been on the other side of the door silently celebrating as if they were the ones that caused the confession to happen.
In reality, it was the amount of alcohol Asmo had at the club that pushed him to finally say something.
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