#astrology north node
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httpstes · 3 months ago
* ˚ ✦astro observations VII* ˚ ✦
Links to other astrovations: Astrology observations l, Astrology Observations ll, Astrology observations lll, Astrology observations IV, Astro Observations V Astrology observations VI
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✩ Aquarius and pisces moon's can get annoyed with others for no reason, they might even beat themselves up over it. I’ve noticed with these individuals (unless strong 4H placements are involved or cancer) that they tend to not like people who are constantly in their vicinity 24/7, especially friends or lovers, these people rlly enjoy their personal space and alone time so they recharge their social battery as well as their tolerance for others.
✩ Aqua and Pisces moons may also feel that they can’t be their real selves around others, this authentic version of them may only truly be revealed to family members or a very close friend or lover. This could also add to the need to be alone as they could feel no one will ever understand them, their mind, mannerisms and behaviour. It’s like they want someone to pick apart their brain and understand who they are at their core but at the same time they’re afraid of letting others into their internal world.
✩ North Node in the 7th house seems like a difficult placement for the NN to be in. NN in the 1st house would symbolise finding your direction in life independently, therefore being encouraged to rely on oneself. North Node in the 7th house is quite the opposite, in the worst cases, I've seen it manifest in individuals who feel like they're incomplete without a romantic life partner and never properly heal, jumping from one person to the next in order to not be alone. Positively, this placement can indicate being encouraged to work with other people and to develop deep connections to others as with SN in the 1st, you may be more inclined to do things your way. NN in the 7th pushes you in the direction of compromise and balance within relationships.
✩ Chiron and Neptune in the 3rd house can indicate troubles with speaking (speech impediment, afraid of speaking in front of a group of people etc).
✩ Chiron and Neptune in the 3rd can also show early childhood bullying or being purposefully left out/made fun of by other kids your age. I've seen quite a few people with this placement deal with this, and years later they develop social anxiety and in worst cases agoraphobia :(
✩ Going back to the first point of Chiron/Neptune- they may have felt stupid or "slower" than other kids their age when it came to school further adding to the sense of unease and anxiety when it comes to school or dealing with their peers.
✩P.S I love you Chiron/Neptune in 3H individuals ❤️, yall are so strong and you are smarter than you realise 🙏
✩Venus/Sun/Moon/Mars in the 5th house start getting into/doing more creative hobbies. Idc if it's music, writing, poems, acting, knitting, painting, dancing, fashion hell even sculpting and becoming a DJ, JUST DO ITTT. Trust you are blessed with a mind that inclines to the creative side, use this please esp if the moon is in the 5th house it will heal your inner child. Mars here could show you feeling energised from creative pursuits and hobbies, a creative career could be well-suited. Even if you don't pursue a creative career, or (from what some of these people have told me 😭) don't consider yourself creative, do anything where you can add your own twist and opinion to it. Even if you don't think so or see it yourself, others will definitely be able to see the emotion/innovation/vision in whatever you create.
✩Having a lot of placements in the lower hemisphere of the chart especially the 4th house can indicate having an introverted personality.
✩ Furthermore, this can also indicate an individual who has a lot of layers, and it takes a while to get them out of their shell. This or they choose who they want to see the real them, no matter the years you've known them or the closeness.
✩Martian ruled 12H (Scorpio/Aries) or Mars in the 12H can indicate having wild ass dreams. Might involve a lot of fighting, and chasing, honestly it's giving war-zone. Your dreams could be very, very vivid too.
✩ Martian-ruled 12H or Mars in the 12H can also indicate repressing your anger a lot. This could stem from childhood trauma and with Taurus/Sag in the first (Whole signs), you could've felt bad expressing your anger, being taught it's not a good thing to show outward. With Taurus in the 1st this could show developing a put-together and calm demeanor since a young age and not wanting to break that peace wall you have built up. With Sag in the 1st this could show wanting to or being taught to come across as happy all the time or only being positive. Sometimes I've even noticed these individuals would rather come across as wild, carefree and happy than ever admit or show their more...plotting side 😈 (scorpio12H)..ig you could say LMAO.
✩Saturn in the 6H could show an individual needing a routine to keep them mentally in check and sane. Without one, they may feel like their whole life is crumbling right in front of them.
✩9H/3H placements can get on with anyoneee I swear. Even if they don't think so or if they are more introverted in nature, others just feel they give off this carefree, relaxed vibe making it easier for conversation and getting to know them. (Unless there's like Pluto on the Ascendant lol or sumn, this placement by itself tho does give off carefree knowledgeable energy).
✩Venus conj Saturn can show your boundaries constantly being tested and the universe sending you the same people in a different font, testing your ability to blindly love others until you get it straight lolll.
✩Saturn conj Venus can also show; dating/attracting older people, those who fuck with you romantically get screwed over eventually #karma, and or being serious about love like only wanting/pursuing relationships that are long-term.
✩Saturn conj Venus can also indicate meeting your "true love" later on in life, and by later I mean whatever point in time it is societally deemed 'oh that's very late to get married' blah blah.
✩These individuals could also just have good standards for what they want from their partner/future spouse (love that for you guys)
✩Back to NN in the 1st, stop serving other people and be of service to yourself!! It's okay to be selfish sometimes.
✩Uranus in the 1H, Aqua asc, yall weird 🤓. You already know that but I just felt the need to reiterate it, love all your little quirks and hyperfixations tho ❤️
✩Mars in the 11H be up to some crazy stuff in the bedroom (notice the Aquarian themes here)
✩Saturn overlaying the 4th house in synastry, 4th house person may feel like the Saturn individual is their 4lifer and can see them staying in their life long-term.
✩Not an observation just a personal opinion, I love people's charts where their planets sprinkle EVERYWHERE in the chart, it's so cool IMO and these people tend to be very balanced and have knowledge on all areas of life. I also don't know why but these charts are rare for me to find. Individuals who have planets in nine different houses is crazy I wanna see your chart.
PS- The astrovations are so back 🙏
ღAll my notes are personal observations and thoughts. I am not a professional astrologer and like to have a sense of whimsy in my life by looking at peoples charts, thankyou.
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uyuforu · 1 year ago
I saw your post about the Vertex Persona Chart and it was really detailed. I'd like to ask how you think one should start with reading their North Node persona chart?
North Node PC is supposed to tell you about your North Node and so your purpose, your life mission in depth! It's also a way for you to see how you can be your best self ^^So, in order for you to understand, and as I did with the Vertex PC, I'll study my North Node PC so you can apply it the same way with yours :)
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North Node Persona Chart Analysis
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This is Uyu's North Node PC, I added asteroids for more examples.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ My sun is in Leo 2H 12°, making my soul mission to be making money through my passion, through my career. My NN in NC exactly conjunct my Part of Fortune, and it's in Leo 10H 12°. This placement originally means I am meant to be successful and famous in my career field, and the degree (Pisces) with spirituality, astrology, esotericism, etc. The Sun in NN PC has the same degree and sign, but it's in 2H. So it's the same meaning but making money with it. Finding a stable life because of my passion, and shining in it.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ My Moon is Libra 5H 19° (libra), which makes me have better opportunities to become my best self when I make sure to stay harmonious with my emotions. Making my fun, humor, charismatic self are the best for me. I'll attract good things, luck if I show those side of me. Also being nice, open-minded, non judgmental will do me best. I should not be afraid to be under the light or being the fun person, it will also do me good to be fun and laugh. Smiling is also a good thing.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ My rising is in Cancer 7°, and the rising in a north node is how can I become my best person, being in that sign and degree means that I need to step more into my feminine side, be more feminine or appear more feminine. I need also to be more charismatic, step into that part of me more, and also nurturing. It means also that appearing feminine, cute will help me more. My soft side, soft girly make up will make me attract more luck for example than a dark feminine.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ My Mercury is in Cancer 1H 28° (Cancer), so for the best communication in order to reach my destiny, I should not hesitate to speak as I usually do (it conjuncts my natal mercury) but because it's in 1H, I should find myself appear more feminine in my voice. I always sound young when I speak, and this is actually a good thing apparently because it will bring me a lot. No I will not speak like a child, or with a baby high pitched voice >:(
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Venus in NN PC is about how will I find love, best way to find love. My Venus is in 3H Leo 27° (Gemini). I'll find love on social medias and dating app (and it always happened this way), I'm very lucky when it comes to relationship (Leo brings success, luck and fame). It also makes me date people who speak a different language than me. My FS and I met on social medias and then met in a foreign country.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ My Mars is in Leo 2H 2° (Taurus), and Mars here represents where I find motivation. I'll find motivation in being the best at what I do, at shining, and being myself (conjunct natal sun). In the 2H and 2°, it means finding motivation when it comes to my stability, what makes me feel at home. For example, I could really find motivation into making more money if it comes to buy more stuff and furniture for my home. Or buying make up, food, a home, etc. Anything related to stability, home and life's greatest pleasures. And yes, food is a reward for me lol.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ My Jupiter is in Gemini 12H 6° (Virgo), making me very lucky naturally as it expresses good karma in the 12H. In gemini, im lucky and get the right informations, it can mean lucky in my communication lucky learning stuff quickly, being good at languages, being good with social medias, being lucky at spirituality, being lucky with my work skills, routine, health, etc. I'm lucky if I talk about stuff that is bothering me. And it is true that I find myself lucky when I speak about my problems instead of just overthinking it in a corner... lol.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Saturn here represents the obstacles I have to overcome in order to reach my destiny. Here it is in Taurus 11H 29° (Leo), fame over social medias could make me feel unstable, it could be that I have hard time finding a balance if I ever get fame and success over social media,or even among people. I'll feel very unstable, stressed, and maybe feel like a life where no one knows me is easier but it's not part of my destiny. I'll have to face that.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Uranus in NN PC represents the originality, and where I have to show it in order to reach my goals. In my NN it is in Aquarius 9H 19° (Libra). So I could present myself, do my make up, or my appearance could be different from the beauty standard that you usually see online, and because Im different, I could be making new trends about it online. It could go worldwide. I guess this could mean that lol... I could def look unique to people, and it's my strength.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Pluto is what will change in my life when I reach my destiny. It is in Sagittarius 6H 10° (Capricorn), so I could totally live abroad after I reached my destiny, or often travel around the world. I could also become more spiritual, or more optimistic. I could also become more lucky. Because it is in 6H, I could live a more happy routine, a more spontaneous routine, I could exercise more often too and be happy about it. That is also like me working abroad, having more opportunities abroad.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Part of Fortune is also luck, and because it's in Taurus 11H 1° (Aries), I could find luck online because of my appearance, face, fashion style. People could think I look pretty (taurus is harmonious beauty).
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Juno is in Aquarius 9H 21° (Sagittarius), saying my FS is destined to be a foreigner, someone I can meet on a trip, and Sagittarius or Aquarius could be prominent in his NC. We could also meet online, and social medias could also play a part in our relationship. Because it conjuncts my Uranus, our relationship is something that would also make me stand out.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Groom is in Scorpio 5H 2° (Taurus), making my FS Scorpio, Leo and Taurus prominent in his NC. I'm destined to marry someone who can look very cold, or shy, or is shy or cold. This person could be popular among girls, or just popular, could be famous, or I could see them as a player, someone who wants have fun in relationships. I could find them intense, and there could be a lot of attraction between us. Groom conjunct Vertex, making our meeting a major point in my life, my life will never be the same after we meet. Because it also conjuncts Fama asteroid, there are big chances he will find fame one day, and it could also mean our relationship could be part of our fame. It also conjuncts asteroid Glo, and we could have a lot of fame and attention because of our relationship.
-> By the way, in my Composite chart between me and my FS, we are Leo rising, Aquarius DSC, our Juno is in Scorpio in 4H, we have our Sun and stellium in Taurus, and our Venus and Mars are in Sagittarius 5H, lol and all of these placements are here in NN PC with Juno and Groom asteroids!
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Briede is in Taurus 11H 0°, making me appear as a stable wife, this could be my reputation online or even among the masses. People can see me as someone who is stable, harmonious, presentable. It conjuncts POF, so people could also see me as a lucky person in my marriage.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Boda is in Cancer 1H 18° (Virgo), my marriage could look very good, looking very family like, and the marriage could look a way I always wanted like. It could be in my country, and the feminine energy is def here! Very clean and well organized! Minimalist style could be a thing. Because it conjuncts two fame asteroid and Mercury, people will talk a a lot about my marriage, it could become popular.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ IC represents how we want to be seen my loved one. Because my IC is in Virgo 13° (Aries), I want to be seen as more serious as I appear to be, I want people also to respect me, and I want them to see me more mature. I also want some to fear me? lol
₊˚⊹ ᰔ DSC represents the connections that will help me reach my soul missions. My DSC is in Capricorn 7° (Libra), so Capricorn and Libra placements could help me a lot. Bosses, co-workers, lovers could help me a lot.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ MC is how the world is destined to see me. My MC is in Pisces 13°, so major of people who don't know me are supposed to see me as someone who is sensitive, artistic, emotional, romantic, also a spiritual person. Because of the degree, it makes me appear as someone who you shouldn't fuck with. Someone straightforward, just like right now. Lol.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ MC Ruler is Neptune, and Jupiter traditionally. The ruler of the MC tells us what I really want for my career. Because of Jupiter is in 12H, I could def want t path more spiritual, more esotericism for my career, and because it's in gemini, I could want to work with social medias, or online. Because of Neptune (Aquarius 8H 4° (cancer)), I could want to have my own business, work online, and work from home).
₊˚⊹ ᰔ My ASC Ruler is my Moon in Libra 5H 19°, and the ASC Ruler is about more insight about becoming my best self. So here it's being again feminine, looking good, being charismatic, nice, friendly, harmonious. Also making my fun personality stand out more.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Alma is an asteroid that represents destined lover, soulmate, Twin Falme. Here it is in Aries 11H 27° (Gemini). I did meet my TF online, and we talked there. And he has Aries Moon, and we had love at first sight for each other when we met.
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Some good links for help:
╰┈➤ ✦ ; ✦
Hope it helped!
- uyu
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cazshmere · 4 months ago
12th House Sign in the Natal Chart and How you can Heal and Find Closure from Past Wounds 🩵
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DISCLAIMER : healing is a journey, not a destination, and everyone moves at their own pace. these tips are here to give you a nudge, not to create pressure or perfection. if you’re reading this and some things resonate, that’s wonderful :) take what feels right and leave the rest. and remember, there’s no one right way to heal or find closure. it’s okay to stumble, feel lost, or take a break. trust that every small step forward, even the tiniest ones, are part of the process. be kind to yourself along the way; you’re doing the best you can 🩵
🧩 aries in the 12th house
1. you’re bold in action, but sometimes hesitant in introspection. reflect on fears you might avoid and tackle them directly, like you would any challenge.
2. pent-up frustrations weigh on your subconscious. try activities like boxing, painting, or writing letters you’ll never send.
3. give yourself time alone without needing constant action. Silence and stillness help you get in touch with buried emotions.
4. reflect on times you acted quickly and accept that growth often means making mistakes.
5. indulge in something silly, like playing a game or watching cartoons. It helps you reconnect with yourself. watching your comfort movie with your favourite snacks will surely help
HEALING TIP : try journaling with a twist : write letters to yourself from different ages, like your 5-year-old self or your future self, to see your emotions from new perspectives. this could be super cathartic for you and help you move through the hard feelings holding you back also try meditation that is targeted towards inner peace
🧩 taurus in the 12th house
1. learn to release your hold on past pain. Healing for you often means loosening your grip on comfort zones, even in memories.
2. reflect on areas where you’ve felt unappreciated, finding self-worth from within rather than external validation.
3. you resist change, so make small, gradual adjustments to your daily life that invite healing over time.
4. practice acceptance of things you cannot control or predict; even small, symbolic acts like letting go of a token can help.
5. revisit an old hobby that once brought you joy, like gardening, knitting, or cooking. it’ll remind you of your inner peace.
HEALING TIP : try a sensory grounding exercise: touch something soft, listen to calming music, and smell something grounding like lavender to soothe your mind and body. also something that can temporarily help is watching a super scary movie or just eating spicy food, it can help you distract yourself from your thoughts, at least momentarily
🧩 gemini in the 12th house
1. your mind runs fast, but your 12th house challenges you to slow down and acknowledge buried insecurities.
2. release old narratives, whether it’s past gossip, harsh words, or regrets, let go of thoughts that weigh you down. Practice rephrasing past stories with kindness.
3. try creative outlets that let you express emotions without words, like art or dance, to connect with deeper feelings.
4. when you socialize, make time for connections that feel supportive and honest, without intellectual posturing.
5. quieting your inner monologue helps you access the quiet truths below the surface. Breathing exercises can help here.
HEALING TIP : try recording voice memos on your phone when you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes saying things out loud can help you make sense of them faster than writing.
🧩 cancer in the 12th house
1. you tend to tuck away your deepest fears. Make time to reflect on past emotions without judgment or the need to ‘fix’ them.
2. address any unconscious attachment to people or situations that no longer serve you, knowing it’s okay to need change.
3. offer compassion to yourself, revisit times when you felt misunderstood or unsupported, and give your younger self the love they needed.
4. learn to let go without feeling abandoned. Spend time nurturing your sense of self apart from your relationships.
5. forgive old wounds, allow yourself to release grudges or hurts, understanding that they don’t define your future connections.
HEALING TIP : write a letter to someone from your past you’ve never fully moved on from, then release it (you don’t have to send it).
🧩 leo in the 12th house
1. step back from needing validation, explore who you are outside of praise or recognition. spend time with yourself, just being rather than performing.
2. acknowledge areas where you might have felt rejected or unappreciated. practice self-love that doesn’t rely on others’ feedback.
3. try activities where you’re a beginner. learning something new can help you find power in vulnerability.
4. let go of ego-driven fears, focus on what makes you feel genuinely fulfilled, not just admired. reframe your goals around personal joy rather than approval.
5. reclaim your authenticity by exploring what brings you joy outside of an audience, like a private creative hobby that brings you peace.
HEALING TIP : try visualising your inner child, close your eyes and picture yourself as a child full of hope and joy, and send love to that younger version of you.
🧩 virgo in the 12th house
1. acknowledge that some things don’t need fixing. practice letting go without feeling the need to control every detail.
2. practice self-compassion, allow room for mistakes and honor your efforts without focusing solely on flaws. embrace your progress, not perfection.
3. stop overanalyzing (ik it’s hard but your overthinking is what causes majority of your problems, the more you overthink the more power you’re giving to those unwanted thoughts) give your mind permission to take a break. activities like meditative gardening or painting can help soothe the inner critic.
4. connect with your intuition, trust your instincts rather than rationalizing everything. allow yourself to simply “know” without overthinking it.
5. embrace the chaos haha, let things be messy or spontaneous without judgment. Flexibility helps you grow beyond rigid expectations.
HEALING TIP : try writing a list of what you’re grateful for, it's a simple but powerful tool to shift your focus from worries to abundance.
🧩 libra in the 12th house
1. find comfort in solitude, learn to enjoy your own company, separate from others’ opinions or companionship. practice inner peace.
2. let go of past people-pleasing, allow yourself to address buried feelings of resentment that may stem from overextending for others.
3. balance your inner harmony, focus on inner alignment rather than external harmony. Journaling or meditating on your needs helps you center.
4. heal relationship wounds, reflect on past connections that left an impact. release blame, knowing each taught you something valuable.
5. set boundaries with yourself, give yourself permission to say “no” without guilt. embrace your inner balance, free from others’ demands.
HEALING TIP : you can try a heart-centered meditation to connect with self-love and release neediness for outside validation or try a balance-focused yoga routine, it can be both grounding and soothing, helping you connect with your inner equilibrium.
🧩 scorpio in the 12th house
1. embrace your emotional vulnerability, lean into your feelings without fearing loss or control. Sharing emotions helps relieve hidden weight.
2. release grudges (ik this is something hard for you but letting go is better than holding on to the things that cause you problems - forgive but don’t forget perhaps), practice forgiveness as a way of releasing old hurts that drain you.
3. face your darkest worries with courage, knowing they don’t define you. Write them down and let them go.
4. reclaim personal power, you’re literally THAT bitch don’t forget that queen, focus on how you can empower yourself from within, instead of seeking control externally.
5. trust others with your feelings when it feels right; vulnerability can be deeply healing.
HEALING TIP : you can try shadow journaling by exploring both light and dark thoughts to understand yourself more deeply or if you want something fun instead try listening to a mystery podcast or an immersive story app where you can dive into thrilling narratives. this helps you tap into your emotional depth while being entertained, offering healing through mystery and intrigue.
🧩 sagittarius in the 12th house
1. look inward for meaning, sometimes answers lie within, not in new experiences. find fulfillment in self-reflection rather than escapism.
2. explore spiritual grounding, sagittarius craves meaning, so find practices that connect you to a sense of purpose, like guided meditation.
3. release judgment and let go of self-criticism about past “mistakes.” accept that growth is a journey, not a fixed outcome.
4. embrace introspection by giving your adventurous mind permission to slow down and find contentment in stillness.
5. cultivate patience please (so so important) you may be prone to quick fixes; practice patience with yourself and your journey to healing.
HEALING TIP : start a personal travel vlog (even if it's just to document your local adventures) or use digital journaling apps to record your thoughts, dreams, and philosophical insights. It’ll allow you to process your emotions while in a fun way <3
🧩 capricorn in the 12th house
1. release pressure to always be “on”, let go of needing to achieve every moment. It’s okay to just “be” sometimes, without a goal in sight.
2. forgive your past mistakes, address any old guilt you’re holding onto. you’re allowed to grow beyond your old decisions and learn without punishment.
3. embrace vulnerability (very important) being open about your feelings doesn’t weaken you; it strengthens your ability to understand and trust yourself.
4. trust life’s timing, not everything has to be perfectly planned. lean into moments of uncertainty and find peace in simply experiencing.
5. reflect on your worth beyond productivity, spend time exploring who you are outside of what you “do” or “produce.”
HEALING TIP : try weekly self-check-ins to connect with your needs and desires, away from the hustle of daily demands.
🧩 aquarius in the 12th house
1. embrace your quirks and shadows, you have a unique mind, so allow yourself to be different even in your struggles. reflect on hidden fears and accept them.
2. let go of needing to understand everything, release the need to overanalyze or intellectualize every emotion; trust that some things are just felt, not solved.
3. balance independence with connection, don’t isolate yourself too much. healing also comes through genuine human connections.
4. explore spontaneous introspection, give yourself the freedom to meditate or journal in unconventional ways, like painting or singing.
5. lean into self-compassion, you may be hard on yourself for being “too different” or processing wounds and hurts “differently” but learn to embrace that unique perspective as your strength.
HEALING TIP : try creative expression exercises that bring your thoughts to life, like freeform art, dance, editing, posting stuff online (blogs, reels etch) or sound journaling helps too.
🧩 pisces in the 12th house
1. set healthy boundaries with emotions, your empathy can pull you into others’ feelings. spend time differentiating between your own emotions and theirs.
2. give yourself closure without finality, understand that sometimes closure isn’t perfect or neat, and let go of needing every question answered.
3. create a soothing retreat, build a healing environment, like a cozy corner or blanket fort lmao, where you can escape and connect with your inner peace.
4. release victim mentality, move beyond past hardships by reclaiming your personal power and seeing yourself as a survivor, not a sufferer.
5. TRUST. YOUR. INTUITION. you’re naturally in touch with the unseen. lean into that gift by tuning into your feelings without judgment.
HEALING TIP : create a healing playlist filled with calming music, or even soothing ASMR sounds, to help you unwind and feel safe in your own space.
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esotericalchemist · 6 months ago
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𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 - 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐟 ⭒❃.✮:▹
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
The South Node in astrology symbolizes the traits, habits, and behaviors we've brought with us from past lives or early experiences. It's our comfort zone, the familiar ground we often retreat to because it feels safe and natural. However, while the South Node reveals our inherent strengths and tendencies, it also shows us what we need to release in order to grow. Holding on to the patterns tied to the South Node can keep us stuck, preventing us from evolving into our full potential. True growth comes from recognizing these tendencies, understanding how they impact our lives, and consciously deciding to let go of what no longer serves us. By doing this, we open ourselves up to the lessons of the North Node, embracing new paths that lead to deeper fulfillment and personal development.
✫ 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
Your soul's growth in this lifetime requires you to release the intense drive for independence, impulsivity, and self-centeredness that has characterized your past experiences. Holding onto these tendencies can keep you stuck in patterns that no longer serve your highest good. Instead, your journey towards your Libra North Node is about learning to embrace balance, diplomacy, and the importance of relationships. It’s time to recognize that true fulfillment doesn’t come from going it alone but from connecting with others, finding harmony, and understanding the value of collaboration over solitary pursuits. As you move toward this more relational and balanced way of being, you'll find a deeper sense of purpose and peace.
Aries South Node in the 1st House: Release the constant urge to assert your independence; instead, prioritize partnership and shared decision-making.
Aries South Node in the 2nd House: Shift your focus from accumulating material wealth and self-sufficiency; learn to value and share resources with others.
Aries South Node in the 3rd House: Move away from impulsive or domineering communication; work on fostering balanced and thoughtful interactions.
Aries South Node in the 4th House: Let go of the need to control your home environment; instead, focus on creating harmony and collaboration within your family.
Aries South Node in the 5th House: Stop seeking personal recognition in your creative pursuits; appreciate the value of shared creative experiences and collaborations.
Aries South Node in the 6th House: Move beyond working in isolation and focusing solely on personal tasks; embrace cooperation and teamwork in your daily life.
Aries South Node in the 7th House: Release the tendency to dominate relationships; concentrate on building partnerships based on mutual respect and balance.
Aries South Node in the 8th House: Let go of the need to control shared resources or power dynamics; instead, build trust and share power in your intimate relationships.
Aries South Node in the 9th House: Shift from a narrow focus on your own beliefs and philosophies; open yourself to other perspectives for a more balanced worldview.
Aries South Node in the 10th House: Stop striving for success through self-reliance alone; cultivate supportive relationships that can help you achieve your professional goals.
Aries South Node in the 11th House: Release the desire to lead or control group dynamics; focus on fostering equal and cooperative relationships within your community.
Aries South Node in the 12th House: Move away from facing challenges in isolation; learn to build supportive partnerships and rely on others for mutual growth.
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✫ 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
For your personal growth, it's essential to release your strong attachment to material security, comfort, and resistance to change. These familiar patterns may feel safe, but they can also hold you back from reaching your full potential. Moving towards your Scorpio North Node invites you to embrace transformation, engage in deep emotional connections, and have the courage to explore the unknown. This journey is about discovering that true security comes not from clinging to what’s familiar but from evolving and allowing yourself to be transformed by life’s challenges and mysteries.
Taurus South Node in the 1st House: Let go of the need for a comfortable, predictable self-image; instead, embrace the transformative journey of evolving your identity.
Taurus South Node in the 2nd House: Release your attachment to material possessions and financial security; focus on cultivating deeper emotional and spiritual values.
Taurus South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond surface-level communication and routine thinking; engage in conversations that lead to deeper understanding and personal growth.
Taurus South Node in the 4th House: Let go of the need for a stable, unchanging home life; embrace emotional transformation within your family and personal relationships.
Taurus South Node in the 5th House: Release the focus on creative endeavors solely for self-gratification; explore artistic expressions that bring deeper emotional fulfillment and shared experiences.
Taurus South Node in the 6th House: Move away from rigid routines and an overemphasis on physical health; embrace holistic practices that address emotional and spiritual well-being.
Taurus South Node in the 7th House: Let go of the need for stable, predictable relationships; learn to value intimacy and the transformative power of deep connections.
Taurus South Node in the 8th House: Release the fear of losing control over shared resources and emotional ties; focus on building trust and embracing transformative partnerships.
Taurus South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond the comfort of familiar beliefs and philosophies; seek transformative experiences that challenge and expand your worldview.
Taurus South Node in the 10th House: Let go of the desire for material success and a stable career; embrace opportunities that lead to profound personal growth and transformation.
Taurus South Node in the 11th House: Release the comfort of familiar social networks; engage with groups and causes that push you toward deeper, transformative connections.
Taurus South Node in the 12th House: Move away from seeking comfort in solitude or avoiding deep emotional challenges; confront your fears and embrace spiritual transformation.
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✫ 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
To foster your personal growth, it’s important to move beyond your attachment to superficial knowledge, scattered thinking, and the constant need for new mental stimuli. While these traits may have served you in the past, they can now limit your potential. Embracing your Sagittarius North Node requires you to seek deeper wisdom, cultivate broad perspectives, and focus on meaningful goals and experiences. This journey is about shifting from a surface-level engagement with life to one that is richer, more purposeful, and grounded in lasting understanding.
Gemini South Node in the 1st House: Let go of the habit of constantly adapting your identity to fit in; instead, embrace a more stable, authentic sense of self that reflects deeper wisdom.
Gemini South Node in the 2nd House: Release the focus on accumulating trivial knowledge or material possessions; shift towards cultivating values that have broader, long-term significance.
Gemini South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond the need for surface-level communication and mental stimulation; engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations that explore philosophical ideas.
Gemini South Node in the 4th House: Let go of focusing on mundane family matters or small talk; instead, nurture deeper emotional bonds and create a home environment that encourages growth and understanding.
Gemini South Node in the 5th House: Release the habit of engaging in creative activities purely for fun; explore artistic expressions that convey deeper truths and reflect broader perspectives.
Gemini South Node in the 6th House: Move away from routines filled with distractions and trivial tasks; focus on work that aligns with your higher ideals and contributes to meaningful growth.
Gemini South Node in the 7th House: Let go of relationships that are based solely on intellectual stimulation; seek partnerships that challenge you to grow and explore deeper, more meaningful aspects of life.
Gemini South Node in the 8th House: Release the tendency to avoid deep emotional issues or focus on surface-level matters; engage in transformative experiences that lead to profound emotional and spiritual growth.
Gemini South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond a narrow focus on everyday concerns and trivial knowledge; seek out higher education, travel, and experiences that broaden your worldview and understanding.
Gemini South Node in the 10th House: Let go of the need to be recognized primarily for your communication skills; focus on building a career that reflects your deeper purpose and philosophical beliefs.
Gemini South Node in the 11th House: Release the habit of forming friendships based on shared trivial interests; instead, seek connections with those who share your higher ideals and aspirations.
Gemini South Node in the 12th House: Move away from intellectualizing your spiritual experiences; embrace a more intuitive, expansive approach to spirituality and personal growth.
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✫ 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
To truly grow and evolve, it's essential to release your attachment to emotional security, dependency, and the tendency to remain within your comfort zone. These patterns, while familiar and safe, can prevent you from achieving your full potential. Moving toward your Capricorn North Node requires embracing responsibility, leadership, and a focus on long-term success and recognition. This journey is about stepping into your power, taking control of your destiny, and striving for achievements that bring lasting fulfillment and respect.
Cancer South Node in the 1st House: Let go of defining yourself through your emotional needs and family ties; instead, cultivate a strong, independent identity rooted in personal responsibility and professional achievements.
Cancer South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of seeking comfort through material possessions or financial security; focus on building lasting stability through disciplined effort and strategic investments.
Cancer South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond emotionally driven communication and a focus on the familiar; embrace clear, purposeful communication that supports your long-term goals.
Cancer South Node in the 4th House: Let go of over-identifying with your home or family life; instead, pursue success in the public sphere and build a career that brings you recognition and respect.
Cancer South Node in the 5th House: Release the need for emotional validation through creative pursuits or romantic relationships; channel your energy into disciplined work that contributes to your long-term ambitions.
Cancer South Node in the 6th House: Move away from nurturing others in your daily work; focus on efficiency, discipline, and professional growth in how you approach your responsibilities.
Cancer South Node in the 7th House: Let go of emotional dependency in relationships; seek partnerships that are grounded in mutual respect, shared goals, and long-term success.
Cancer South Node in the 8th House: Release the tendency to rely on others for emotional or financial support; focus on building your own resources and stepping into a position of power and authority.
Cancer South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond emotional attachment to familiar beliefs or cultural traditions; embrace the challenge of expanding your horizons through education, travel, and new experiences.
Cancer South Node in the 10th House: Let go of seeking emotional validation through your career; focus on achieving success through strategic planning, hard work, and dedication to your professional goals.
Cancer South Node in the 11th House: Release the desire for emotional security within social groups or causes; instead, focus on forming connections that support your professional aspirations and long-term ambitions.
Cancer South Node in the 12th House: Move away from emotional retreat and escapism; embrace the discipline required to face your challenges and pursue your ambitions with determination.
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✫ 𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
For your personal growth, it's crucial to release your attachment to seeking personal validation, being the center of attention, and focusing exclusively on your own ambitions. These tendencies, while they may have brought you recognition in the past, can now hold you back from a deeper sense of fulfillment. Moving toward your Aquarius North Node encourages you to embrace collective efforts, innovation, and working towards goals that serve the greater good rather than just your own desires. This path is about shifting your focus from self-centered achievements to contributions that uplift and benefit the community as a whole.
Leo South Node in the 1st House: Let go of the urge to always be in the spotlight; instead, develop a sense of self that is more collaborative and aligned with the needs of the community.
Leo South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of measuring your self-worth by material wealth and personal possessions; focus on how you can contribute to shared resources and community prosperity.
Leo South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond the need for recognition in your communication; focus on fostering collaborative dialogues that inspire innovation and collective advancement.
Leo South Node in the 4th House: Let go of dominating your family life for personal acknowledgment; instead, create a home environment where equality and collective well-being are prioritized.
Leo South Node in the 5th House: Release the need for personal glory in creative projects; channel your creative energies into endeavors that uplift and involve the community.
Leo South Node in the 6th House: Move away from seeking individual recognition in your daily work; focus on how your contributions can improve the lives of others and advance common goals.
Leo South Node in the 7th House: Let go of the tendency to dominate in partnerships; cultivate relationships based on equality, shared responsibilities, and mutual respect.
Leo South Node in the 8th House: Release the desire to control shared resources for personal gain; instead, focus on fair management and distribution of resources for the good of all involved.
Leo South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond asserting your beliefs for personal validation; embrace a more open and collaborative approach to sharing knowledge and exploring new perspectives.
Leo South Node in the 10th House: Let go of striving for personal fame and status; focus on building a career that makes a positive impact on society and contributes to the greater good.
Leo South Node in the 11th House: Release the habit of seeking leadership roles in groups for personal recognition; instead, engage in collective efforts that prioritize the welfare of the community.
Leo South Node in the 12th House: Move away from self-centered isolation; embrace spiritual practices and activities that serve the collective and benefit the broader community.
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✫ 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
For your personal growth, it’s important to let go of your attachment to perfectionism, over-analysis, and the need to control every detail. These habits, while they may have provided a sense of security, can now hold you back from experiencing a deeper, more fulfilling life. Moving toward your Pisces North Node invites you to embrace intuition, compassion, and a trust in the natural flow of life without overthinking. This path encourages you to find peace in the unknown and to connect with others and the world around you in a more fluid and empathetic way.
Virgo South Node in the 1st House: Let go of the need to perfect your self-image; instead, present yourself with a more intuitive and compassionate approach that reflects your inner wisdom.
Virgo South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of meticulously controlling your finances and possessions; trust in the universe’s abundance and adopt a more relaxed approach to material security.
Virgo South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond overanalyzing every conversation or piece of information; focus on developing a more intuitive and spiritually connected way of thinking and communicating.
Virgo South Node in the 4th House: Let go of the desire to keep your home life perfectly organized; instead, create a warm, emotionally nurturing environment that fosters spiritual growth.
Virgo South Node in the 5th House: Release the need for perfect creative expression; allow your creativity to flow freely, embracing the beauty in its imperfections.
Virgo South Node in the 6th House: Move away from obsessing over daily routines and health habits; focus on a holistic approach to well-being that includes your spiritual and emotional health.
Virgo South Node in the 7th House: Let go of critiquing and trying to perfect your relationships; focus on nurturing connections that are rooted in empathy, understanding, and emotional depth.
Virgo South Node in the 8th House: Release the need to control shared resources or emotional dynamics; trust in the transformative power of deep emotional and spiritual connections.
Virgo South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond a narrow, analytical approach to learning and belief systems; embrace a broader, more spiritual perspective that trusts in the mysteries of life.
Virgo South Node in the 10th House: Let go of striving for a flawless career or public image; instead, focus on contributing to the collective good and allowing your professional life to unfold naturally.
Virgo South Node in the 11th House: Release the habit of micromanaging or critiquing social groups; embrace a compassionate, inclusive approach to community involvement and collective progress.
Virgo South Node in the 12th House: Move away from self-criticism and isolation; instead, surrender to spiritual growth and embrace the flow of life with compassion for yourself and others.
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✫ 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
To grow, you need to release your tendency to rely on others for validation, avoid conflict, and overcompromise in the name of harmony. While these behaviors may have provided comfort, they can also prevent you from fully embracing your individuality. Moving toward your Aries North Node involves embracing independence, assertiveness, and the courage to pursue your desires without needing constant approval.
Libra South Node in the 1st House: Let go of defining yourself through others' opinions or relationships; focus on building a strong, independent identity based on your own values and desires.
Libra South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of valuing yourself based on how others perceive you or your ability to maintain peace; instead, cultivate self-worth through personal achievements and assertive action.
Libra South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond avoiding conflict in communication; embrace direct, honest conversations where you confidently express your own ideas and opinions.
Libra South Node in the 4th House: Let go of the need to keep peace at home at the expense of your own needs; focus on establishing a household where your voice and desires are equally respected.
Libra South Node in the 5th House: Release the tendency to seek approval in your creative and romantic endeavors; instead, pursue your passions boldly and without concern for others' judgments.
Libra South Node in the 6th House: Move away from trying to please everyone in your work or daily routines; instead, take initiative and pursue what you believe is right, even if it means standing alone.
Libra South Node in the 7th House: Let go of losing yourself in relationships or making excessive compromises; focus on maintaining your independence and asserting your needs within partnerships.
Libra South Node in the 8th House: Release the habit of relying on others for emotional or financial support; instead, develop your own resources and power, embracing self-sufficiency.
Libra South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond the need to follow others' beliefs or philosophies; embrace your own truth and the courage to explore and stand by your personal convictions.
Libra South Node in the 10th House: Let go of seeking validation through career achievements or public approval; focus on pursuing a career path that aligns with your personal goals and ambitions.
Libra South Node in the 11th House: Release the tendency to conform to group norms or seek approval from social circles; instead, lead with your vision and assert your individuality in social settings.
Libra South Node in the 12th House: Move away from hiding your true self to avoid conflict; embrace your individuality and the courage to express your true identity, even in spiritual or introspective matters.
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✫ 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
To foster personal growth, it's essential to release your need for control, emotional intensity, and the tendency to dwell on the darker, more complex aspects of life. While these traits may have provided depth and insight, they can also lead to unnecessary complications and emotional turbulence. Moving toward your Taurus North Node invites you to embrace simplicity, stability, and a more grounded, peaceful approach to living. This path encourages you to find contentment in the present moment, cultivate inner calm, and appreciate the beauty in life’s simple pleasures.
Scorpio South Node in the 1st House: Let go of projecting a controlling or intense image; instead, focus on cultivating a calm, stable identity that radiates peace and simplicity.
Scorpio South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of obsessing over financial security and material wealth; instead, find contentment in simplicity and adopt a more relaxed approach to resources.
Scorpio South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond the need for intense or secretive communication; embrace clear, honest conversations that build trust and openness.
Scorpio South Node in the 4th House: Let go of emotional entanglements and power struggles within your family; focus on building a nurturing, stable home environment that promotes peace.
Scorpio South Node in the 5th House: Release the need for drama or control in creative and romantic pursuits; enjoy the simple pleasures of creativity and love without the need for intensity.
Scorpio South Node in the 6th House: Move away from obsessing over health and routines; adopt a balanced, grounded approach to daily life that supports overall well-being.
Scorpio South Node in the 7th House: Let go of power struggles and emotional control in relationships; focus on cultivating stable, respectful partnerships that bring mutual peace.
Scorpio South Node in the 8th House: Release the habit of trying to control shared resources and emotional dynamics; trust in the natural flow of life and embrace a peaceful approach to intimacy.
Scorpio South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond an obsessive pursuit of deep truths and hidden knowledge; instead, adopt a practical, grounded approach to learning and spirituality.
Scorpio South Node in the 10th House: Let go of the need to manipulate your career path or public image; focus on building a solid, dependable reputation through consistent effort and integrity.
Scorpio South Node in the 11th House: Release the tendency to engage in power dynamics within social groups; instead, nurture genuine, straightforward friendships and community ties.
Scorpio South Node in the 12th House: Move away from lingering in past traumas or engaging in hidden fears; embrace spiritual practices that bring peace, grounding, and simplicity.
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✫ 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
To truly grow and evolve, it's essential to release your tendency to chase grand ideals, avoid details, and resist commitment in favor of constant exploration. While these traits have given you a broad perspective, they can also prevent you from engaging fully with the present and with the practical aspects of life. Moving toward your Gemini North Node encourages you to embrace curiosity, flexibility, and a willingness to engage with everyday learning and communication. This path is about finding meaning in the ordinary, being open to new ideas, and connecting with the world around you in a more immediate and tangible way.
Sagittarius South Node in the 1st House: Let go of defining yourself through expansive ideas or philosophical beliefs; focus on developing a more adaptable, curious approach to life and self-expression.
Sagittarius South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of pursuing grand, idealistic financial goals; instead, cultivate practical financial habits and appreciate the small joys in everyday life.
Sagittarius South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond the tendency to overlook details or dismiss local matters; embrace learning and communication that is grounded in practical, everyday experiences.
Sagittarius South Node in the 4th House: Let go of the desire to escape or idealize your home and family life; focus on creating genuine connections and engaging in open, honest communication with loved ones.
Sagittarius South Node in the 5th House: Release the need for grand, adventurous expressions of creativity or romance; instead, find joy in the small, everyday moments and embrace a more lighthearted, flexible approach to creativity.
Sagittarius South Node in the 6th House: Move away from a restless approach to your daily routines and health; develop consistent habits and a balanced approach to managing your everyday responsibilities.
Sagittarius South Node in the 7th House: Let go of the tendency to idealize or seek freedom in relationships at the expense of deeper connection; focus on building relationships that are based on mutual understanding, communication, and shared experiences.
Sagittarius South Node in the 8th House: Release the habit of avoiding emotional depth or intense situations by focusing on grander ideas; instead, embrace the details of intimate relationships and the shared management of resources.
Sagittarius South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond the need to pursue distant, lofty goals or ideals at the expense of practical learning; instead, engage in everyday education and open yourself to new perspectives through local experiences.
Sagittarius South Node in the 10th House: Let go of the desire to achieve success through big, sometimes unrealistic, career aspirations; instead, focus on building a career that values communication, adaptability, and practical skills.
Sagittarius South Node in the 11th House: Release the tendency to focus on broad, utopian visions in your social groups; instead, cultivate friendships and community ties that are based on shared everyday experiences and interests.
Sagittarius South Node in the 12th House: Move away from escaping into grand philosophical or spiritual ideals; instead, ground your spiritual practices in everyday life and embrace the details of your inner journey.
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✫ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
To foster personal growth, it's essential to release your overemphasis on ambition, control, and the pursuit of external success. These traits, while they may have brought you worldly achievements, can also distance you from the deeper emotional connections and fulfillment that truly enrich life. Moving toward your Cancer North Node invites you to embrace emotional connections, nurture relationships, and prioritize the well-being of yourself and your loved ones over material accomplishments. This path encourages you to find balance by valuing the heart as much as the mind and by cultivating a life that is both emotionally and spiritually fulfilling.
Capricorn South Node in the 1st House: Let go of the need to project a strong, controlled image; focus instead on cultivating a more emotionally open and nurturing identity that reflects your true self.
Capricorn South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of measuring your self-worth by material wealth and achievements; instead, find security in emotional connections and the simple joys of life.
Capricorn South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond rigid, goal-oriented communication; embrace conversations that are emotionally engaging, compassionate, and focused on mutual understanding.
Capricorn South Node in the 4th House: Let go of the need to structure and control your home environment; focus on creating a warm, nurturing space that fosters emotional well-being and family connections.
Capricorn South Node in the 5th House: Release the tendency to approach creativity or romance with seriousness and control; instead, enjoy spontaneous, heartfelt expressions of love and creativity.
Capricorn South Node in the 6th House: Move away from a workaholic mindset and an overemphasis on discipline in your daily routines; instead, prioritize self-care, emotional health, and a balanced lifestyle.
Capricorn South Node in the 7th House: Let go of the need to dominate or control your relationships; focus on building partnerships that are emotionally supportive, caring, and rooted in mutual respect.
Capricorn South Node in the 8th House: Release the habit of controlling shared resources or maintaining emotional distance in intimate connections; embrace vulnerability and trust in your relationships.
Capricorn South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond a disciplined, rigid approach to spirituality and learning; instead, explore your beliefs through emotional experiences and nurturing wisdom.
Capricorn South Node in the 10th House: Let go of the need to define yourself by your career or public achievements; focus on finding fulfillment through family life, emotional connections, and nurturing your personal well-being.
Capricorn South Node in the 11th House: Release the focus on achieving status or control within social groups; instead, cultivate friendships and community ties that offer emotional support and shared understanding.
Capricorn South Node in the 12th House: Move away from a solitary, disciplined approach to spirituality; embrace practices that promote emotional healing, inner peace, and a connection to the divine.
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✫ 𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
To truly grow and evolve, it's important to release your tendencies toward emotional detachment, rebelliousness, and prioritizing group ideals over personal connections. While these traits may have served you in maintaining objectivity and individuality, they can also prevent you from experiencing the warmth, creativity, and deep connections that bring true fulfillment. Moving toward your Leo North Node encourages you to embrace personal expression, creativity, and the importance of close, heartfelt relationships. This journey is about finding joy in being uniquely yourself and in building meaningful connections with those around you.
Aquarius South Node in the 1st House: Let go of projecting a distant, intellectual persona; instead, develop a warm, confident presence that values personal expression and connection.
Aquarius South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of prioritizing abstract ideas over personal fulfillment; instead, cultivate self-worth through creative endeavors and tangible accomplishments.
Aquarius South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond a detached, overly rational communication style; embrace expressive, heartfelt conversations that deepen personal relationships.
Aquarius South Node in the 4th House: Let go of maintaining emotional distance in your home life; focus on creating a warm, loving environment where personal connections are nurtured.
Aquarius South Node in the 5th House: Release the focus on group activities or intellectual pursuits; instead, explore your individuality through creative self-expression and personal joy.
Aquarius South Node in the 6th House: Move away from an impersonal approach to work and daily routines; instead, infuse your tasks with creativity and personal involvement.
Aquarius South Node in the 7th House: Let go of prioritizing intellectual compatibility over emotional connection in relationships; focus on building passionate, personally fulfilling partnerships.
Aquarius South Node in the 8th House: Release the habit of intellectualizing emotional and intimate matters; instead, embrace emotional depth and vulnerability in your closest relationships.
Aquarius South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond abstract ideals and philosophies; instead, embrace personal experiences and the joy of creative self-expression in your exploration of life’s meaning.
Aquarius South Node in the 10th House: Let go of seeking recognition through group efforts or intellectual achievements; focus on building a career that highlights your individual talents and creative contributions.
Aquarius South Node in the 11th House: Release the tendency to blend into group identities; instead, step into the spotlight and embrace your individuality and leadership.
Aquarius South Node in the 12th House: Move away from a detached, abstract approach to spirituality; instead, connect with your inner self through creative, heartfelt practices that bring joy and personal fulfillment.
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✫ 𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ✫
For personal growth, it's essential to let go of tendencies toward escapism, idealism, and avoiding practical realities. While these traits may have helped you connect with your imagination and spirituality, they can also keep you from achieving tangible success and stability in the material world. Moving toward your Virgo North Node invites you to embrace discipline, attention to detail, and a focus on practical solutions and tangible results. This path encourages you to balance your dreams with reality, creating a life that is both spiritually fulfilling and grounded in the here and now.
Pisces South Node in the 1st House: Let go of projecting an ethereal or dreamy image; instead, focus on developing a practical, organized approach to how you present yourself to the world.
Pisces South Node in the 2nd House: Release the habit of being overly idealistic or careless with your resources; instead, focus on building financial stability through disciplined management and practical planning.
Pisces South Node in the 3rd House: Move beyond vague or escapist communication; embrace clear, precise conversations that foster understanding and effective exchange of ideas.
Pisces South Node in the 4th House: Let go of the tendency to idealize or escape from family responsibilities; focus on creating a stable, orderly home environment that supports the well-being of all family members.
Pisces South Node in the 5th House: Release the need to lose yourself in creative fantasies or romantic illusions; approach your creative and romantic endeavors with practical planning and clear goals.
Pisces South Node in the 6th House: Move away from disorganized or inconsistent daily routines; instead, develop disciplined, efficient habits that support your health and productivity.
Pisces South Node in the 7th House: Let go of the tendency to idealize or avoid reality in relationships; focus on building partnerships that are grounded in mutual responsibility and clear communication.
Pisces South Node in the 8th House: Release the habit of avoiding deep emotional work or escaping into fantasy in matters of intimacy and shared resources; instead, embrace a practical, problem-solving approach to these areas.
Pisces South Node in the 9th House: Move beyond the desire to escape into abstract philosophies or spiritual fantasies; instead, focus on practical, real-world applications of your beliefs and seek knowledge that has tangible benefits.
Pisces South Node in the 10th House: Let go of the tendency to idealize or avoid taking concrete steps in your career; focus on setting realistic goals and working steadily towards achieving them.
Pisces South Node in the 11th House: Release the habit of losing yourself in utopian visions for social change; instead, focus on practical, actionable steps you can take to make a real difference in your community.
Pisces South Node in the 12th House: Move away from excessive escapism or isolation; instead, develop a grounded spiritual practice that includes daily routines and tangible acts of service.
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astrology-by-sita · 6 months ago
North Node is material desire. South Node is divine inspiration.
1h NN, 7h SN : inspired by intuitive connections with others. Desires an identity/sense of self.
2h NN, 8h SN : inspired by alchemy, transformation , inner darkness, death . Desires wealth and self sufficiency.
3h NN, 9h SN: desires short distance travel , friends , intellectual stimulation. Inspired by religion , gurus , temples, divination.
4h NN, 10h SN : inspired by authority figures and leaders. Desires security, some kind of family and emotional connections
5h NN, 11h SN : desires play, fun, skills, creativity, parties. Inspired by groups, friends , collective ideals and wishes.
6h NN, 12h SN : desires a stable routine , work, being of service. Inspired by the spirit world , escapism and solitude.
7h NN, 1h SN : Inspired by the identity and the sense of self. Desires relationships , one on one friendships , partnership.
8h NN , 2h SN : desires transformation, shadow work , alchemy , changes. Inspired by a sense of security, financial independence and self sufficiency.
9h NN, 3h SN: inspired by schools , siblings , the neighborhood, the intellect. Desires travel , higher education, spiritual teachers , adventures.
10 NN, 4h SN : inspired by ancestors, home , homeland/patriotism, family. Desires a legacy , power , authority, and reputation .
11h NN, 5h SN: Desires popularity, friendships , collective groups of common interest. Inspired by works of art , children,festivals,creativity, spontaneity
12h NN, 6h SN: inspired by humbleness, small acts of service, practical routines. Desires solitude, escapism , imagination
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sweetlady555 · 7 months ago
Venus 1H Synastry is nooo joke aside from the strong very obvious chemistry and attraction, if you or them identify as straight yall could literally turn gay for each other 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🤣
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Moon 1H Synastry is NAWTTT for the avoidants 😔!!! House person could really depend on moon person for validation and theres so much hidden things in this relationship like secrets and resentment </3 this could depend on the entire chart though!!! the good cute side though is that you both could lowkey have feelings for each but never telling each other because you both just know…
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Mars 1H Synastry is lowkey so attractive like aside from the strong physical attraction, mars will literally do anything to please or meet house persons needs or desires 😭 i told this guy who had his mars in my 1h that i really liked his paintings and if he could make one for me and that boy had his gloves and canvas out the next hour😭🤣
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Mars 8H Synastry not gonna lie i know some of yall be loving mars in the 8h synastry but this synastry placement irked me ouwwttttt overtime😭 as house person in this situation mars person was FEINING for me he was a real freakazoid like the freakiest of them all he was basically FERAL and i was chill with it for a few months but it seemed like thats all he wanted to do and its like can we just talk tonight❤️? Mars will not understand this because theyll percieve almost anything house person does as provocative and sexually enticing but this could go for both of you guys so idk🥴
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Pluto 7H Synastry is cute at first because pluto will be so infatuated and interested in house person, youll notice pluto person will be the first to look at your stories without even following you sometimes and its like aw they must rly like me imma let them be :) but behind the scenes theyre checking your social media almost 24/7 looking at all your interactions online and probably will lowkey start stalking all of ur friends too 😭 the pluto person will do this without house person knowing (if theyre sneaky enough) feeling the need to anticipate the house persons actions or feelings … “i just wanna talk and conversate cause I usually just stalk and yk masturbate and I finally got the courage to ask you on a date so if you say yes, let the future fall into place, cunt” (she by tyler the creator resembling pluto 7h synastry👀👁️)
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North Node 2H Synastry is lowkey cute in a way bc this is a “i gotta get rich” after looking at house person once😭! north node will literally see house person as this rare beautiful diamond that they wont wanna lose and they will let house person know about this too! but this is just the good side of this placement bc this could also lead to self worth issues feeling like u guys arent worth each other leading to insecurities showing out in this relationship🤬
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Uranus 10H Synastry is lowkey a shocker to house person from my experience when it came to a certain career path, in my case fashion, uranus really changed my perception on it 😭 showing me the true reality of the fashion world and its like uhhh idk if i wanna do this anymore☺️! but at the same time uranus person could really be inspiring to house person because of how unconventional and unique they are! i also noticed uranus person could really influence house person to be unconventional and unique aswell! house person could go thru a lot of sudden changes with uranus person when it comes to their career and how they end up being percieved in person or online if this relationship ends up being public.
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Sun 2H Synastry is nice to have with someone because sun person will motivate house person to improve in any area of their life they will be on you too (for good obviously)😖😩 Sun person will wanna see house person thrive financially and just in general giving house person opportunities for this. There is potential jealousy on both sides mostly house person because of achievements, wealth and values literally can be anything 😣
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astrologged · 2 months ago
Astro Notes [1]
A prominent Chiron placement (especially in conjunction with the Sun or Moon) indicates a person who is especially gifted in healing fields, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.
A North Node in Leo can point to the need to move away from self-sacrifice or shyness (South Node in Aquarius or the 11th house) toward embracing self-expression, creativity, and leadership.
Saturn in the 5th house shows as a person who is very serious about creativity, love, or children. Despite being traditionally linked to structure, they find joy or fulfillment through disciplined creative pursuits or romantic relationships.
People with Mercury retrograde in their natal chart process information inwardly and express themselves more thoughtfully or introspectively. To others, they'll appear vague in their way of speaking. They'll experience communication challenges less frequently than others during actual Mercury retrogrades. This placement is similar to having Chiron in Gemini or the third house.
People who have Uranus in the 7th house will attract sudden or unexpected partners(ships) and/or need personal freedom and independence in their relationships. They usually thrive in relationships that allow them to express their individuality, even within the context of a relationship.
People with their Moon in the 6th house have difficulty expressing their emotions outwardly, and their emotional needs might remain hidden, even to themselves... They often feel a profound need for solitude or time spent in private, reflecting. This placement also enhances psychic intuition or empathy, like Moon in the 1st house.
Venus in Aries makes someone highly enthusiastic about romance but also prone to impulsivity or impatience. The challenge is to balance excitement with patience in relationships.
People with Pluto Conjunct the Sun have a magnetic presence, as Pluto amplifies the Sun’s energy, but they'll also experience a lifelong journey of self-discovery, having to let go of their former selves as they evolve.
Having Neptune Square Mercury can make you prone to misunderstanding facts or seeing things through rose-colored glasses, but it can also indicate a strong imagination or psychic ability. People with this aspect benefit from grounding exercises to improve clarity.
The Vertex points to crucial events, meeting important people, or relationships that seem destined or have a deep sense of purpose. Some associate the Vertex with "soulmate" experiences or life-altering encounters.
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scorpiohive · 7 months ago
sagittarius placements (esp. mars), mars or rahu or sun in 9H, sun or rahu in 12H, pisces placements
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astrocafecoffee · 4 months ago
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•~ 🍁 For entertainment purposes only, enjoy my lovelies 🍁 ~•
🏞️ I have seen Pisces and cancer placements are very sensitive to strong artificial scents, like they feel so dizzy. Some virgos too.
🏞️ Pisces placement peoples often put others needs before their own and may struggle with setting boundaries , which leads to people pleasing tendencies. Libra, cancer and Taurus placements also comes under this.
🏞️ In my 2023-2024 solar return 7th house ruler in 11th house. I met most of my friends in social media this year. My sun is also in 11th house.
🏞️ part of fortune is in my 12th house in my 2023-24 solar return. I learnt many things about esoteric things. And I started this blog also.
🏞️ Gemini moons might struggle with emotional focus , as their attention can shift quickly from one thing to another.
🏞️ check born asteroid in your solar return , it can tell you in which area you will embark on a new journey.
🏞️ I have seen people with sun in 9th house often have migraine issue.
🏞️ Sagittarius suns/ sun in 9th house peoples may appear open and forthcoming but they are surprisingly secretive and protective of their personal lives.
🏞️ scorpio placement peoples often attract peoples from their past lives or those with whom they share strong karmic bonds.
🏞️ Juno in Aquarius people often struggle with emotional detachment and aloofness in relationships which can be confusing or hurtful to partners.
🏞️ Juno in Aries people approaches relationship challenges with a " let's take action" attitude seeking practical solutions.
🏞️ I have seen that some people may worry that Neptune with Aquarius individuals ( degree/ sign) are too disconnected from reality or lack practicality. But also people may appreciate this individuals empathy and willingness to help others , even if they don't always agree with their methods .
🏞️ cancer rising/ cancer in 5th house / moon in 5th house in solar return chart can be a significant indicator of having a baby/ being pregnant that year.
🏞️ 1st house lord in leo / In 11th house / in 10th house can be a good Indicator of fame in your natal chart.
🏞️ Uranus in 17°/29 ° can also be a indicator of long term fame.
🏞️11th house ruler in 4th house in natal chart individuals often possess some kind of healing qualities. People comes to them for healing or people often find their home in this individuals.
🏞️ 11th house ruler in 8th house individuals in natal often have very powerful friends or colleagues. I mean their friends may posses some kind of authority and power in the society.
🏞️ 5th house ruler in the houses of your child persona chart can tell how you show love to your baby or how you will you support your child -
1st house - you will love your children through physical touch , affection and personal attention.
2nd house- you will show love through practical support, stability and providing for their needs.
3rd house - through verbally communicating with them , teaching them moral values , mental stimulation and playing with them.
4th house - you will love your children from the core of your heart. Nurturing them , and emotional support is the biggest theme here.
5th house- playing with them , enjoying any kind of playful activities with them, arranging parties and helping them with their creative activities.
6th house- you will help your children to develop healthy habits, concerning about them. Helping them to be a better person in their life, teaching them social and moral values.
7th house- through socialising, teaching them networking and how to maintain a healthy relationships.
8th house- you show love through intensity , passion , and possibly even a bit of drama ( maybe sometime giving them tough love ).
9th house- teaching them various topics, expanding their knowledge , you will also make them Focus on their education more.
10th house - like 9th house you will also help them to achieve their goals and ambitions. Always motivating them .
11th house - you will show your love through unconventionality, encouraging their individuality and giving them independence.
12th house - you will encourage them to embrace their artistic side. Also teaching them spiritual matters.
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🏞️ Taurus placements are very loyal and commited but they may take time to open up infront of their partners. So their partners have to be patient with them.
🏞️ people often misunderstood mercury with Capricorn/ Aquarius/ scorpio individuals. People think they are so rude, atleast in first glance. But when people engage with them more , they realise this individuals are actually sweet pookies.
🏞️ Juno conjunct sun in natal chart individuals may be drawn to partners who are confident, powerful and authoritative .
🏞️ Juno conjunct moon individuals may have a strong emotional memory,and past relationship experiences often shape their current relationships.
🏞️ Venus in Capricorn/10°/22° individuals are very selective whomever they date, they won't lower their standards.( You go girl).
🏞️ Here are some rich spouse indicators.
🏞️ Beautiful/ Handsome spouse indicators-
1. Jupiter or Neptune conjunct or trine Venus.
2. Harmonious aspect between Venus and 7th house ruler in natal chart.
3. Pisces rising/ Libra rising in juno pc / groom pc / Jupiter pc.
4. Venus/ Jupiter/ Neptune in 7th house of natal / juno pc / groom pc / Jupiter pc.
5. Harmonious aspect between ascendant and venus in groom pc / juno pc/ Jupiter pc.
🏞️ if you are female then check Jupiter sign in your natal chart , as this sign can present in your spouse's chart ( personal planets). If you are male then check Venus sign.
🏞️ if you have Uranus in 1st house of your solar return chart, then you will change your aesthetics this year. The degree will tell you how you will look. For example- if Uranus is in 12°/24° in 1st house in your solar return chart then you will look more pretty, dreamy and angelic this year. Similiar kind of thing with POF in 1st house too.
🏞️ MC in Capricorn/ scorpio in solar return chart - you will work hard this year to achieve your goals.
🏞️ having asc/ dsc/ ic / mc in Sagittarius degrees or northnode in 9th house or in Sagittarius in Boda Persona chart may indicate marrying someone foreigner or having destination wedding or marrying in your future spouse's country.
🏞️ midheaven in leo in northnode persona chart is a biggest fame Indicator to me.
🏞️ ascendant in leo / in leo degrees in northnode persona chart is also a good fame indicator.
🏞️ Boda in 3rd house/ in Gemini in your Boda Persona chart/ vertex persona chart/ northnode persona chart can indicate people talk about your marriage alot.
🏞️ 7th house stellium/ fama in 7th house / fama conjunct Jupiter/ groom or briede conjunct POF in FAMA persona chart can indicate marrying someone famous.
🏞️ ASC / MC in leo or in leo degrees can indicate you are meant to be famous. ( 5° can indicate short term fame but 17° and 29° indicate long-term fame).
🏞️ Indicator of someone who is prone to being obsessed over or having a strong fan base or In general people being obsessed over you placements -
1. Venus/ mars / Jupiter in leo or Libra.
2. Sun in leo.
3. Venus conjunct or trine Neptune.
4. Venus in 1st / 5th house.
5. Mars in 1st/ 5th house.
6. Neptune in 1st house / Pisces rising.
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Hope you enjoyed ✨
- PIKO ❤️
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astroismypassion · 2 months ago
Aspects in Synastry observations 💍💍💍
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Credit @astroismypassion
💍 Moon conjunct Jupiter: Jupiter person will uplift the Moon person, give a lot of emotional support and encouragement. In return, the Moon person feels emotionally safe and inspired to have more faith, be more optimistic. There is a natural tendency to see the best in each other, easily forgive one another. There is potential for overindulgence. Both partner might turn to escapism. With this you can avoid dealing with deeper emotional issues. Both might not be completely in sync on marrying each other. You might also gloss over problems in the connection.
💍 Groom conjunct North Node: There is a pressure to commit with this aspect. You may enter a partnership quickly, under pressure or you may move really quickly. One might be ready, one not, but if either person isn’t ready, this could lead to tension. Groom person might be more prone to not be ready. Groom person (especially if not fully accomplished or aligned with own growth) here at times might not fully support North Node person’s path, which can lead to frustration. There can be a sense of “meant to be” in the connection. Both might recognise each other as lifelong partner. Groom person feels naturally drawn to NN person. And NN person find motivation and direction through Groom person in return. Groom person feels a duty to help NN person grow. While NN person feels a sense of familiarity and security. This conjunction often points to a karmic connection from past lives or a significant purpose in the present.
💍 North Node conjunct Ascendant: This connection may feel overwhelming at times. NN person feels that they need to grow up (even if they don’t feel ready yet). Ascendant person may feel pressured to fulfil a role in NN person’s destiny. Ascendant person acts here as a guide, mentor towards NN person’s life purpose. The connection is often immediate and intense. NN person feels like they are stepping into their destiny, life purpose through the connection.
💍 Mercury opposite Venus: This opposition create a sense of intrigue and fascination. One person might feel like the other prioritises conversation over emotional intimacy and vice versa. Venus person feels under appreciated. Mercury person feels overwhelmed by emotional or romantic expectations of Venus person. But there can be a lot of lively discussions and creative ideas.
💍 Mars conjunct Moon: Moon person teaches about emotional depth, sensitivity. While Mars person helps the Moon person build confidence and assertiveness. Mars person can unintentionally hurt Moon person’s feelings by being too direct. The Moon person may be overly sensitive or passive, which frustrates the Mars person. This aspect can lead to arguments or intense emotional outbursts. But actually BOTH need to work in their own emotional regulation to prevent escalating conflicts. A baby making aspect.
💍 North Node conjunct Moon: The Moon person’s emotional support and care can make NN person feel deeply understood and valued. Though, negatively, the Moon person can become overly attached or dependent on NN person. To the Moon person it feels naturally to support NN person’s aspirations, purpose. This connection can be deeply comforting to the Moon person.
💍 Venus conjunct Vertex: This connection might feel overwhelming or “too good to be true”, especially for the Vertex person. This aspect points to a profound connection, yet it does not always guarantee longevity. Sometimes the focus is on growth, healing rather than longevity. Unresolved issues related to love, self-worth, values will surface for both to resolve. Both could feel they were meant to meet. Venus person’s love, charm, beauty may trigger an emotional or romantic awakening for the Vertex person. Both will discover new dimensions of love, values and partnership. Vertex person finds Venus person attractive.
💍 Chiron conjunct Ascendant: This connection challenges both to grow. Ascendant person becomes more aware of their identity, self-worth. While Chiron person gains a sense of purpose when they offer healing and support. Ascendant person feels exposed, uncomfortable as their own old wounds are brought to the surface. The Chiron person feels a sense of responsibility for the Ascendant person’s healing, which can emotionally drain the Chiron person. There can be an imbalance of roles if the connection becomes too focused on healing, it might feel one-sided. The Chiron person, negatively, can also trigger pain, unresolved trauma for the Ascendant person.
💍 Chiron trine Venus: This aspect brings the best in both individuals. Both approach love with greater compassion, emotional depth. But both need to be mindful of each other’s sensitivities.
💍 Venus conjunct Juno: The Juno person may expect a level of devotion that Venus may not be prepared to give. The connection could also feel so ideal, that both overlook potential incompatibilities, challenges. Both need more realistic expectations. This aspect is a strong indicator for marriage or committed partnership. But it can also feel that it has soulmate or karmic quality. Juno person sees Venus person as their ideal partner that they can build a life with. While the Venus person feels validated and loved for who they are.
💍 Moon conjunct Vesta: Both can feel dedicated to a shared goal, household or emotional healing. Boundaries here are blurred, one person can become overly dependent on the other for emotional support.
💍 Moon opposite Moon: Both have troubles meeting each other’s emotional needs, if they are too focused on their own perspective. Disagreements or emotional distance can occur. Positively, this can be a very balanced dynamic! One person provides what the other lacks emotionally. For example: one person brings emotional closeness, warmth, the other perspective and emotional resilience. This aspects encourages more emotional maturity for both. On the positive side, this can also bring excitement, depth to the connection, both learn to appreciate each other’s emotional world. With this one, I would, suggest taking time to understand and validate each other’s emotional needs, even if they differ from your own. Also, talk about emotional reactions and needs to avoid assumptions or misunderstandings.
💍 Venus opposite Venus: Both can have different ideas about what makes a connection, relationship fulfilling. They can disagree about priorities or lifestyle choices. They can be at odds romantically. One person’s way of expressing love might feel mismatched or inadequate to the other. This leads to unmet needs. There can be a push and pull dynamic. One person can bring spontaneity, excitement, while the other person offers stability, depth.
💍 Jupiter conjunct Sun: There is good fortune, sense of abundance in the connection, either material or emotional abundance. It feels emotionally or spiritually uplifting! Both inspire each other to pursue dreams, ideals and goals. Jupiter person can end up feeling taken advantage of their generosity or taken for granted, if the Sun person doesn’t reciprocate the effort. Sun person can feel supported, validated by Jupiter to the point that Sun person’s ego becomes inflated. There can be imbalance in the connection. This connection can feel lucky or blessed.
💍 Uranus opposite Venus: Uranus person brings exciting, unconventional energy that draws the Venus person in. This aspect often appears in connections where there is a significant age, cultural difference, long-distance, non-traditional arrangement. Both redefine what love and relationships mean to them. Uranus person can unexpectedly or erratically pull away at times, while Venus person feels uncertain and ungrounded. The connection feels unpredictable, inconsistent, with periods of intense closeness followed by sudden detachment. This instability can frustrate Venus person especially. Venus person therefore feels neglected, undervalued, when Uranus person prioritises their independence over the connection. Uranus person feels overwhelmed or stifled. This can create an on and off relationship or just frequent cycles of separation and reconciliation. Positively, Uranus person introduces new ideas, perspective, experiences that broaden Venus person’s understanding of love and relationships. This connection can challenge societal norms. Here, open communication about expectations, boundaries is important. Both people need to avoid clinging too tightly to their own needs. Also, focus on the aspects of the connection that make it special and unconventional rather than forcing it into a traditional mold. It’s very important to accept the unpredictable nature of the connection and use it as an opportunity for personal growth, aspirations and exploration.
💍 Uranus opposite Mercury: The sudden, unpredictable nature of Uranus may leave Mercury person feeling confused or mentally unsettled at times. But Uranus person feels that Mercury person is too slow to adapt or too focused on conventional ways of thinking. This aspect create a feeling that the other person is not listening or understanding their perspective. Erratic or unpredictable communication with sudden shifts in topic, unexpected bursts of insight. Mercury person feels like they struggle with keeping up or feel angry by the sudden changes in thoughts or direction of communication, plans. Uranus person is too chaotic and impractical, Mercury person is too rigid and conventional. Mercury person sees Uranus person as someone who has a lot of mental chaos in their head. Plans might not happen. Both can have differing opinions, perspective or contrasting mentality.
💍 South Node conjunct Venus: This aspect immediately leads to a sense of comfort, but there could also be a risk of repeating past relationship dynamics. Venus person may feel an immediate, deep attraction to the SN person, as if they have known each other before. A feeling of “coming home” emotionally. The connection can feel magical, but SN person may bring up old emotional patterns for the Venus person. Also, Venus person could experience a relationship dynamic or relationship habits that they have experiences before. Both can sense like they have unfinished business together or a long history together, even if they haven’t been in each other’s lives for long in this lifetime. This aspect shows a strong bond, that could also feel emotionally repetitive. SN person doesn’t offer the emotional depth, growth Venus person needs in the long run. Venus person brings out SN person’s softer, nurturing side.
💍 North Node opposite Venus: NN person sees Venus person as someone who is too focused on emotional comfort, material security. While Venus person sees NN person as too focused on their long-term goals, personal goals neglecting relationship needs. Venus person resists growth that NN person encourages as it feels like too much change or as disruption.
💍 South Node conjunct Moon: Both might have shared a close emotional or familial bond in past-life connection. Maybe before, they were siblings, lovers or parent-child. South Node person feels comforted by Moon person’s nurturing. The purpose of the connection is to resolve unfinished emotional business or to learn a lesson about nurturing, emotional boundaries or dependency. SN person feels dependent on Moon person’s emotional care. While Moon person feels tied to SN person, which feels difficult to break free from. SN person feels nurtured in a way they have longed for. Connection may feel like it is “stuck” in emotional intensity without any real progression.
💍 Moon conjunct Ascendant: This aspects creates an instant sense of closeness. Both can become overly sensitive to each other’s moods and behaviour. A small misunderstanding can lead to emotional hurt even. It’s hard to maintain boundaries. Moon person allows the Ascendant person space to express themselves freely. While Ascendant person acknowledges Moon person’s emotional depth with feeling burdened.
💍 Lilith conjunct Ascendant: This aspect can bring hidden, repressed desires for the Lilith person. Ascendant person can at as a mirror. The Ascendant person becomes aware of new parts of themselves connected with unexplored sensuality, independence or rebellion. There is a sense of taboo or breaking societal norms. The connection can feel unconventional, intense, dangerous. It challenges both to embrace parts they usually avoid. Issues around control, independence, freedom can occur. But, positively, it feels like a journey into deeper self-awareness, empowerment. Both confront fears, desires and hidden aspects of themselves. There can be physical attraction, electric chemistry, mystery and intensity. The Ascendant person feels liberated by Lilith person’s unapologetic authenticity. Ascendant person is inspired to embrace their true self. Lilith person feels their darker, complex emotions are accepted and understood. Lilith person can be seen as too intense, possessive, provocative for the Ascendant person. Lilith person feels judged, rejected for their raw emotions, desires.
💍 Venus trine Mars: Both find each other highly attractive on a romantic and physical level. The connection feels natural, because there is a balance between love and passion. Both enjoy showing affection through romantic gestures, shared hobbies or art. Both feel their romantic and sexual needs are understood and valued. The intensity is not lost over time. There can be too much focus on physical, romantic side of connection, neglecting deeper emotional, intellectual compatibility. Both can take the chemistry for granted or avoid certain deeper issues.
💍 Mars trine Mars: This screams teamwork and cooperation. Both take action in the same way. But what can happen is neither person feels challenged enough to step outside their comfort zone or to grow. Both respect each other’s independence.
💍 Venus opposite Mars: Both feel energized by each other. Venus person seeks emotional closeness, romance, beauty, while Mars person seeks a physical connection and excitement.
💍 Vertex conjunct Moon: This can trigger deep emotional growth. Both can become more in touch with their feelings, emotional needs. Both can feel like they can’t function without the other, so emotional dependency is a risk.
💍 Juno conjunct Saturn: This connection has a potential to grow deeper over time as both take it seriously. A stable connection, both are focused on building a solid foundation for the future from the beginning. There can be either emotional restraint or to be overly cautious or serious in expressing feelings. One or both can feel emotionally burdened by the connection. Or that they need to suppress their feelings in the name of duty, responsibilities. But there are life lessons connected to commitment, responsibility and boundaries. Both could feel they need to maintain control or hold back from being fully vulnerable. Another key factor here, both need to earn trust and respect from each other before moving to the next level. A sense of having to “work” for the connection rather than enjoying it freely.
💍 Uranus conjunct Ceres: The way both care for each other changes frequently and this leads to confusion, frustration. Uranus person is too detached, Ceres person is too demanding or traditional. Ceres person can feel criticised or misunderstood. Ceres person sees Uranus person as too distant and emotionally unavailable.
💍 North Node opposite Pluto: This connection has a sense of destiny. However, the connect initially seems difficult, but it can empower both people. Pluto person helps NN person to break through emotional blockages. While North Node person helps Pluto person to focus on the bigger picture. Pluto person tries to dominate, control NN person’s path.
💍 North Node conjunct Venus: NN person can become too dependent on the relationship for emotional fulfilment. NN person might have a harder time developing a sense of self outside this connection. There is a tendency to idealise each other or the relationship. Venus person can try to “fix” or overly protect NN person.
💍 Mars conjunct Venus: Venus person can become overly passive or too reliant on Mars person for validation. This can lead to jealousy or possessiveness and dramatic emotional reactions, if the other person is not showing enough attention or affection. Venus person can feel overshadowed by Mars person. But Mars person can feel frustrated if Venus person is too withdrawn. Here extremes can be found though. Passion can easily turn into frustration and impatience, if one of both feels like their needs aren’t fully met.
💍 Mars trine Pluto: Intense sexual and emotional connection. It is a transformative connection. Both will evolve and let go of outdated behaviour and beliefs. Both recognise that the other person has personal power. Both become the best version of themselves. Both can neglect individual balance or self-care. This aspect can lead to burnout or emotional exhaustion.
💍 Pluto square Sun: This connection can easily become a battleground for personal power. This aspect bring transformation, but it comes through intense conflict first. Both need to confront deepest insecurities, fears and ego. But both become stronger and more self-aware and the change is deep and long-lasting. There can be emotional volatility or dramatic shifts in the connection. If either person feels threatened by the other’s independence or self-expression, there is often a desire to manipulate or control the person. Subtle power games, emotional manipulation or attempts to dominate the relationship occur. The attraction here is both sexual and intellectual. This aspect creates a competitive or controlling dynamic, because both try to assert their will. Sun person feels oppressed, challenged or criticised by the Pluto person, while Pluto person sees the Sun person as too self-centered or too resistant to change.
Credit @astroismypassion
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starsandsuch · 4 months ago
Rahu through the houses: where do you experience obsession + infatuation?
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The house that holds Rahu shows where you have obsessive tendencies in life.
Rahu is the smoky illusion that you’re always trying to grasp but can never obtain.
He is the obsessive pursuit towards a thing.
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Rahu in 1H: obsession with self, identity, physical appearance. Insatiable need for recognition and fame. Obsessed with the idea of oneself.
Rahu in 2H: obsession with money and material items. With collecting things. Obsessed with class & status. Insatiable desire for financial gains. Infatuation with food. Obsessive tendencies with food consumption. Obsessed with skincare/makeup. Controlling tendencies.
Rahu in 3H: obsessed with social media. Infatuation with different media forms: writing, painting, magazines. Obsessed with gossip. Obsession towards gaining information. Obsessed with social connections.
Rahu in 4H: obsession with the past. With memories, ideas, and experiences that you once lived. Obsessed with the idea of family. Infatuation with being a mother figure.
Rahu in 5H: obsessed with creative projects. Obsessed with fame. Obsession towards dating. Being infatuated with other people romantically.
Rahu in 6H: obsessed with routine and habits. Being a clean freak. Obsessed with health and healing. Obsessive with work , competitive. Hyper fixation tendencies.
Rahu in 7H: obsessed with partnership. Intense infatuation towards spouse. Insatiable desire for the “perfect relationship”. Obsessive towards social connections.
Rahu in 8H: obsession with the occult. Obsessively researching taboo information. Insatiable sexual desires. Obsession with marriage. With gaining money through spouse. Obsessed with power. Insatiable desire to constantly transform. Obsessed with having control.
Rahu in 9H: obsessed with foreign cultures. Obsessed with religion and spirituality. Insatiable need to gain knowledge. Obsessed with books and literature. Obsession with elevating social status.
Rahu in 10H: obsessed with having high status. Infatuated with the idea of fame. Insatiable desire to be known. Obsessed with career, legacy, public image. Obsessed with the future.
Rahu in 11H: obsessed with desires. Insatiable need to achieve goals and have gains. Obsession with popularity and becoming popular. Obsessed with social networks and the role you have in social dynamics.
Rahu in 12H: obsessed with illusions. Obsession with things that aren’t real. Obsessed with healing and self improvement. Obsession with the spiritual world and things not of this realm. Insatiable desire to “escape”.
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Related post: Ketu through the houses: where do you experience detachment + separation?
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astrolovecosmos · 4 months ago
How to Get in Touch with Your North Node
Aries NN: Play more games or join more competitions. Make a list of YOUR wants and needs. Go see a movie alone or do more errands alone to exercise independence. Allow yourself to experience anger and passion. Work on healthy anger management tools and skills. Embrace change and the new. Take action more. Don't be afraid to be a little more impulsive. Make a vision board. Focus on your interests from when you were much younger.
Taurus NN: Do some spring cleaning - and even more so, throwing away. Sit or lay on the ground more. How can you enjoy or incorporate nature into your life more? Forgive yourself from times you were tricked, betrayed, or made an ignorant decision. Practice routine. Take time to disconnect from social media. Address your insecurities in a direct or even tangible way. Remember to see the beauty and strengths in yourself. Lean into resourcefulness.
Gemini NN: Try journaling. Read - read - read. Appreciate or accept your inner child, your flaws, your insecurities. If you can't be honest with a friend, partner, or family member reconsider your boundaries with them. Speak your mind more often. Be open to changing your opinions. Take technology breaks. Yet a meditation or self-care app may be useful. Explore different methods of self-expression. Speak as much as you listen and vice versa. Try something new often.
Cancer NN: Take your mental health seriously. Self-care is worth it. Cook a new recipe or learn how to cook. Practice self-awareness/introspection more often. Consider therapy or self-help books and media. Appreciating and finding strength in your soft side will be a needed challenge. Taking care of something even if it is a plant or pet can be fulfilling. Listen to your intuition. Practicing gratitude and giving can be helpful. Go where you feel safe!
Leo NN: Always schedule time for enjoyment, pleasure, hobbies, indulgence. Hike. Spoil yourself but be sure to spoil others too. Go out to more parties and events. Channel your passion and anger into productivity. Stretch and practice yoga. Do breathing exercises. Get up early more often. Make art - create something. Be open minded to romance and/or affection. Take pride in yourself and life.
Virgo NN: Practice more realism and/or humility. Take part in puzzles, riddles, and anything that uses logic or critical thinking. Tap into your society's common sense and norms that can be most helpful to you. Volunteer or take part in charities. Be part of a team somehow. Reexamine your relationship with work. Surprise someone you care about with a gift, favor, trip, etc. Recognize your talents and skills. Learn a new skill or work on improving a craft. Practice healthy eating and exercise habits!
Libra NN: Be more mindful and selective of who you befriend and date. Practicing self-love is a must. Return favors often. Spend more quality time with that person you haven't seen lately. Be open to frequent date nights, couples counseling, couple events, and double dates if you have a partner. Balance alone time with social time. Get in touch with your romantic and artistic side. Practice objectivity when you can. Don't compare yourself to others. Embrace independence but don't forget to also embrace giving and receiving in relationships.
Scorpio NN: INTROSPECTION NEEDED. Distance yourself from media or people that cause anger, frustration, or heavy sadness or doubt. Self-control is important to practice. Don't lie to yourself! Journal, maybe try a dream journal. Don't underestimate your intuition. Go out in nature. Try something new based on your hunches. Examine yours and others intentions closely. Celebrate the small wins. Get out of your head and get out of your own way. Focus on your goals. Practice and enforce self-respect.
Sagittarius NN: Don't be afraid to explore beliefs and ideals that are very different from yours. Practice independence. Take a few more risks. Give yourself a pep talk. Try power poses. Stick to your morals and your gut. Be honest. Look at the big picture more often. Knowledge is power should be your motto. Learn something new. Speak confidently. Practice authenticity. Try to be present. Make a plan to accomplish small goals and eventually move onto larger goals.
Capricorn NN: Speak up more in meetings! Try going for that promotion or position. Understand the power and importance of money and materialism. Practice self-control and self-discipline. Be more patient. Study or look into history, economics, investments, politics, or business. Work on your boundaries actively. Practice decisiveness when you can. Put yourself first responsibly. Question authority often. Make moves that are more thoughtful or strategic. Pay attention to who supports you and who doesn't. Avoid rushing. Work on trusting yourself.
Aquarius NN: Understand and accept other's intentions. Let go of unhealthy attachments. Practice independence often. Explore themes of rebellion and empowerment. Practice cooperation. Don't resist change. Materialism is not your friend. Try to find what inspires you and be around it often. Cultivating healthy friendships is important. Explore unconventional ideas. Face the unknown when you can. Look at the big picture. Laugh when you can. Practice more tolerance.
Pisces NN: Tapping into your beliefs and exploring spirituality or religion is a major theme. Embrace sensitivity, empathy, and kindness. Give when you can. Don't just relate to others - see yourself in them. Find beauty in yours and others' flaws. Take the scenic route. Practice self-reflection. Practice flexibility and leave behind energy-draining goals or pursuits that don't offer personal fulfillment. Idealism and positive thinking can be helpful at times. Honestly... get lost in yourself or even another sometimes, just remember to come back up to the surface.
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oliviamillss · 2 months ago
astro observations pt 9
*solar return edition*
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sun conjunct jupiter seem to absolutely thrive that year, they seem to well and truly find themselves, and who they are when maybe they were restricted before.
quite obvious, but i always found looking back if i have 50%+ aspects being harsh in my solar return chart, the year is very tough. i've also seen this w my friends chart aswell.
in turn, if it is mainly harmonious aspects the year is all round very good!
venus conjunct jupiter also seem to have such a great sense of style this year, and that being a focus. i have also seen them form and maintain some amazing friendships.
4h stellium manifests in different ways, but one way is attachment issues. maybe you really struggle being separate from your family this year, or maybe you feel guilt and that you constantly need to be with them.
sagittarius rising is a big travel indicator.
moon in 8th could show you are healing from something emotionally traumatic.
moon in 4th see family as a priority that year.
NN conjunct mc/ mars conjunct mc/ mars conjunct NN tend to be very ambitious this year, and put a lot of effort into succeeding. this could be within a career, or anything that works in hand with that professional status eg university.
jupiter in the houses whilst showing abundance, could also represent a fear of lacking such, eg jupiter in 11h may fear not making friends (even though they end up making loads).
aqua on dc can represent a large switch up romantically, like multiple talking stages, or maybe it feels a bit 'all over the place'. it could mean breakups. it may also indicate online being a huge factor romantically as well.
leo risings tend to grow in confidence a lottt that year.
charts where most (if not all) planets are in houses 1-6 tend to be more focused on yourself, your mental health, your priorities etc. you may feel lonely, but your priority is you. you may hide yourself, not necessarily physically (but can be), your personality, your hobbies etc.
in turn, charts where most (if not all) planets are in houses 7-12 tend to be focused on others. this could be friends or partners, or maybe even others perception of you. you may also compare yourself a lot. you also show so much of yourself.
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cazshmere · 3 months ago
Astrology Observations Pt. 9 🐳
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DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!!
🐳 mercury-mc aspects and people perceiving you as a naturally funny and smart person, SUPER WITTY too. Also could be someone who is known to gossip around🤭😋!!
🐳 venus-uranus aspects in the natal makes the native attracted to people who are “different” from them, say they like people from different cultures from themselves, or different styles or there’s something different about the ppl they like! possibly because of the level of intrigue they bring🤨
🐳 merc-pluto aspects and lowkey (or highkey lmfao) having a superiority complex and thinking you’re better than others especially if you have fire signs in the chart too😭😂, don’t blame y’all tbh, y’all are THAT bitch fr💅🏼
🐳 I read somewhere that the placement of a tattoo is believed to activate the energy of that specific area. For instance, getting a tattoo on your arms, hands, or fingers is said to enhance communication. One example I can think of is Jungkook from BTS, his entire arm is covered in tattoos, which aligns with his role as a singer and could symbolize enhanced communication skills 🎤
🐳 wherever chiron is placed can show what you can do to heal on a deeper level, for instance chiron in the 8th and 12th house, please go deep into spirituality - practice meditation, mindfulness, tarot and another esoteric practices, you will genuinely feel healed.
🐳 whenever venus is in retrograde and you have the urge to reach out to an ex or you feel like starting a new relationship, DO.NOT. Venus retrograde is calling you to find what you need to work on internally and to NOT seek external validation. what you seek in someone else is what you need to work on yourself. Instead of seeking validation from a partner, seek that validation from yourself!!💗
🐳 pluto in the houses shows how and where we self destruct, for instance pluto in the 3rd house OVERTHINKING everything and ruining experiences for you, Pluto in the 5th house getting involved in unnecessary drama, pluto in the 10th house caring too much about how YOU are perceived and willing to step on others to get ahead in life
🐳 uranus in the 1st/3rd/5th/11th and 12th house gives immense creativity when it comes video editing or editing in general! most editors with fan accs probably have these placements 📱
🐳 you tend to get more involved in spirituality, like looking up tarot readings or going through astrology observations, when you have 8th or 12th house synastry with someone lmao. These overlays will have you looking up tarot readings or scrolling intently through Tumblr to learn more and more about this placement or overlay 😭😭😭 feral behaviour frrr
🐳 no cause I wanna talk about how 8th house synastry and missed opportunities are such a BIG thing. It's like when things are finally looking up for you both, something always seems to go wrong and stops you from getting together 💀
🐳 based on personal experience, the worst type of men I've encountered had four common placements, especially in their big 3 and these are taurus, gemini, virgo and scorpio. Me being a sag dom with a virgo dsc and a scorpio venus doesn’t help cause I keep attracting these placements when it comes to men💀💀💀. But fr tho I'm TRAUMATIZED by them😭😭. When I see any of these in a man’s big 3, I'M SPRINTING FAAAAR AWAY💀🚩we outta here
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banner & pic credits to the rightful owners <3
© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
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esotericalchemist · 6 months ago
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𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 - 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭? 。⋆.*:
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
The North Node symbolizes the path your soul is destined to pursue in this lifetime. It's a cosmic guidepost pointing toward the qualities, experiences, and lessons that will foster your growth, often urging you to leave behind the familiar and venture into uncharted territory. By understanding your North Node, you can unlock profound insights into your life’s purpose and the journey you’re meant to embark on.
◈ 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Aries, your life’s purpose is to embrace independence, assertiveness, and self-leadership. You are here to develop the courage to take bold actions, trust your instincts, and prioritize your own desires. Moving away from a tendency to seek approval or overly rely on others, your growth lies in confidently stepping into your own power and charting your unique path.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Frequently seeking approval or validation before making decisions;
Hesitating to pursue your own ambitions due to fear of disrupting harmony;
Feeling frustrated of unfulfilled because you are not fully expressing your true self.
Tips to get into alignment:
Take small, independent actions that reinforce your sense of self-reliance;
Engage in solo activities that build your confidence and assertiveness;
Practice making decisions that prioritize your own goals and desires without external input.
Activities to get more into alignment: Starting a personal fitness routine, taking on leadership roles, making independent decisions, practicing assertiveness, engaging in competitive sports, pursuing solo travel, beginning a new hobby, public speaking, setting personal goals, exploring martial arts.
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◈𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Taurus, your life’s purpose is to cultivate stability, patience, and self-reliance. You are here to build a secure and peaceful foundation, both materially and emotionally, moving away from a past that may have been characterized by intensity and turmoil. Your growth lies in appreciating the simple pleasures of life, embracing self-worth, and creating a steady, grounded approach to your goals.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Constantly seeking out drama or feeling restless without intensity;
Struggling with insecurity or dissatisfaction, focusing on what you lack;
Difficulty finding contentment in the present, always searching for more.
Tips to get into alignment:
Practice gratitude for the stability and peace in your life;
Engage in activities that ground you, such as gardening, cooking, or spending time in nature;
Focus on building long-term security, both financially and emotionally, and recognize your inherent value.
Activities to get more into alignment: Creating a budget, gardening, developing a daily routine, practicing mindfulness, cooking at home, investing in long-term savings, spending time in nature, enjoying sensory experiences, building a personal sanctuary, practicing gratitude.
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◈ 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Gemini, your life’s purpose is to embrace communication, curiosity, and adaptability. You are here to learn how to gather and share information, connect with others, and remain open to new ideas and perspectives. Moving away from a tendency to focus solely on big-picture or abstract concepts, your growth lies in being present, engaging in everyday exchanges of ideas, and staying flexible in your thinking and actions.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling disconnected or isolated from your immediate environment;
Overemphasizing distant goals or philosophical ideas while neglecting practical details;
Struggling to adapt to change or resisting new perspectives.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in conversations that challenge your perspective and encourage active listening;
Make an effort to connect with your local community and learn something new each day;
Embrace flexibility by being open to changing your mind based on new information or experiences.
Activities to get more into alignment: Engaging in daily conversations, learning new languages, attending workshops or seminars, reading diverse books, writing or journaling, exploring local neighborhoods, joining discussion groups, practicing active listening, staying curious about different perspectives, teaching or sharing knowledge.
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◈ 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Cancer, your life’s purpose is to embrace nurturing, emotional connection, and the importance of home and family. You are here to develop a sense of security through deep emotional bonds and to learn how to care for yourself and others with empathy and compassion. Moving away from a focus on ambition, control, or rigid independence, your growth lies in cultivating vulnerability, emotional depth, and the ability to create a supportive and nurturing environment.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling emotionally distant or disconnected from loved ones;
Over-prioritizing work or external success at the expense of personal relationships;
Struggling to express or connect with your emotions, leading to a sense of isolation.
Tips to get into alignment:
Spend quality time with family and close friends to foster emotional bonds;
Practice self-care routines that nurture your emotional well-being;
Allow yourself to be vulnerable and express your feelings openly, focusing on building a warm, supportive environment.
Activities to get more into alignment: Spending time with family, creating a cozy home environment, practicing self-care, cooking for loved ones, engaging in emotional conversations, nurturing others, exploring your ancestry, volunteering in community services, expressing emotions through art, meditating on compassion.
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◈ 𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Leo, your life’s purpose is to embrace self-expression, creativity, and the courage to shine as an individual. You are here to step into the spotlight, take pride in your unique talents, and lead with confidence. Moving away from a focus on blending in or prioritizing the needs of the group, your growth lies in cultivating self-confidence, joy, and the ability to inspire others through your personal expression and authentic leadership.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling reluctant to take center stage or express your true self;
Over-identifying with group goals or neglecting your personal desires and creativity;
A lack of enthusiasm or passion in your daily life, feeling disconnected from your sense of purpose.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in creative activities that showcase your talents and passions;
Practice self-affirmation, build your confidence, and celebrate your achievements;
Take on leadership roles or initiatives that resonate with your personal values and inspire others.
Activities to get more into alignment: Taking up a creative hobby, participating in theater or performance, practicing self-affirmation, taking leadership roles, organizing events, pursuing personal passions, engaging in public speaking, showcasing your talents, celebrating personal achievements, exploring art or music.
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◈ 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Virgo, your life’s purpose is to embrace practicality, organization, and service to others. You are here to develop skills that bring order to chaos, focus on the details, and contribute meaningfully to the world through your work. Moving away from tendencies toward idealism, escapism, or disorganization, your growth lies in cultivating a grounded, methodical approach to life, where you can make tangible improvements and offer practical help to those around you.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling overwhelmed by disorganization or a lack of structure in your life;
Escaping into fantasies or avoiding responsibilities instead of dealing with practical matters;
Struggling to focus on tasks or to turn ideas into reality.
Tips to get into alignment:
Create daily routines that bring structure and order to your life;
Break down larger goals into actionable steps and focus on completing them;
Engage in acts of service or work that requires precision and benefits others in a practical way.
Activities to get more into alignment: Organizing your workspace, developing a daily routine, practicing time management, engaging in volunteer work, focusing on health and wellness, creating to-do lists, learning a new skill, engaging in detailed projects, decluttering your home, practicing mindfulness in daily tasks.
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◈ 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Libra, your life’s purpose is to embrace balance, harmony, and the importance of relationships. You are here to learn how to cooperate with others, prioritize partnership over self-interest, and create fairness in your interactions. Moving away from a tendency to be overly self-reliant or assertive, your growth lies in cultivating diplomacy, understanding different perspectives, and fostering connections that bring mutual benefit and harmony.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Frequently feeling isolated or disconnected from others;
Acting too independently or assertively, neglecting the needs and input of others;
Experiencing conflicts due to a lack of compromise or consideration in relationships.
Tips to get into alignment:
Practice active listening and strive to understand others' viewpoints;
Focus on building relationships that are based on mutual respect, equality, and cooperation;
Engage in activities that promote harmony and collaboration, such as team projects, partnerships, or community events.
Activities to get more into alignment: Joining a group or team activity, practicing active listening, engaging in diplomatic conversations, exploring art and beauty, building relationships, practicing compromise, participating in social events, mediating conflicts, exploring fashion or design, collaborating on projects.
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◈ 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Scorpio, your life’s purpose is to embrace transformation, deep emotional connections, and the power of letting go. You are here to learn how to navigate life’s complexities, face your fears, and develop resilience through profound personal change. Moving away from a focus on material security, superficial comforts, or the status quo, your growth lies in embracing the unknown, delving into the depths of your emotions, and seeking deeper, more meaningful experiences.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling stuck in comfort zones or resisting change;
Avoiding deep emotional connections or fearing vulnerability and intensity;
Focusing excessively on material security, external success, or surface-level appearances.
Tips to get into alignment:
Allow yourself to explore your deeper emotions and confront your fears;
Engage in practices that encourage transformation, such as therapy, journaling, meditation, or shadow work;
Embrace changes and challenges as opportunities for growth, and be willing to let go of what no longer serves you in pursuit of deeper truth and personal evolution.
Activities to get more into alignment: Engaging in deep emotional conversations, practicing meditation or journaling, exploring transformative experiences, studying psychology or spirituality, facing fears through shadow work, letting go of old patterns, engaging in intimate relationships, researching the occult or mysteries, embracing change, volunteering in crisis situations.
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◈ 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Sagittarius, your life’s purpose is to embrace adventure, seek truth, and expand your horizons. You are here to develop a deeper understanding of the world through exploration, both physically and intellectually. Moving away from a focus on narrow details, rigid routines, and superficial knowledge, your growth lies in pursuing broader perspectives, embracing spontaneity, and following your intuition to discover deeper truths and wisdom.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling confined by routines or overly focused on detail;
Avoiding risks or sticking to familiar and comfortable paths;
Struggling to see the bigger picture, feeling disconnected from a sense of purpose.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in activities that expand your worldview, such as travel, learning new philosophies, or exploring different cultures;
Allow yourself to take risks and explore new opportunities without overthinking the details;
Focus on the bigger picture and develop a philosophy or worldview that helps you connect with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.
Activities to get more into alignment: Traveling to new places, learning about different cultures, exploring philosophy or religion, engaging in outdoor adventures, studying a foreign language, practicing meditation or yoga, participating in spiritual retreats, sharing knowledge through teaching, reading about diverse topics, exploring new hobbies or interests.
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◈ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Capricorn, your life’s purpose is to embrace discipline, responsibility, and long-term goals. You are here to develop a strong sense of structure, achieve material success, and take on leadership roles. Moving away from emotional dependence, short-term comforts, or passive roles, your growth lies in cultivating self-discipline, setting clear goals, and working steadily toward your ambitions. This journey involves stepping into positions of authority, taking responsibility for your actions, and building a solid foundation for your future.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Avoiding responsibilities or feeling stuck in comfort zones;
Lacking direction, motivation, or struggling to set and achieve long-term goals;
Over-relying on others for emotional support or guidance, struggling with independence.
Tips to get into alignment:
Set clear, long-term goals and create a structured plan to work toward them;
Focus on developing discipline and taking proactive steps to overcome challenges;
Embrace opportunities to lead, build your independence, and take charge of your life’s direction.
Activities to get more into alignment: Setting long-term goals, creating a career plan, taking on leadership roles, practicing discipline in daily routines, investing in professional development, organizing finances, mentoring others, building a business or project, focusing on personal responsibility, engaging in strategic planning.
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◈ 𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Aquarius, your life’s purpose is to embrace innovation, individuality, and a focus on the collective good. You are here to develop a broader perspective, engage in humanitarian efforts, and bring about progressive change. Moving away from a focus on personal ambition, traditional roles, or maintaining the status quo, your growth lies in cultivating a sense of community, embracing unconventional ideas, and contributing to causes larger than yourself. This journey involves connecting with like-minded individuals, advocating for equality, and using your unique talents to benefit society as a whole.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling stuck in outdated or conventional ways of thinking;
Over-focusing on personal goals or traditional structures without considering the impact on others;
Resisting change, avoiding new ideas, or feeling disconnected from community efforts.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in activities that promote social justice, community improvement, or innovation;
Surround yourself with diverse perspectives and be open to new, unconventional ideas;
Focus on how your actions and ideas can contribute to the greater good, beyond just personal success.
Activities to get more into alignment: Joining social or humanitarian groups, engaging in community service, exploring new technologies, participating in group projects, studying social issues, embracing unconventional ideas, networking with diverse people, advocating for equality, attending social events, exploring progressive causes.
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◈ 𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐝𝐞 ◈
With the North Node in Pisces, your life’s purpose is to embrace spirituality, compassion, and creativity. You are here to develop a deeper connection with your intuition, cultivate empathy, and allow yourself to flow with life’s experiences. Moving away from a focus on practicality, control, or rigid routines, your growth lies in surrendering to the unknown, trusting your inner guidance, and exploring the realms of imagination and spiritual understanding. This journey involves embracing the mystical aspects of life, nurturing your creative spirit, and developing a deep sense of connection with others and the divine.
Signs you're out of alignment:
Feeling overly rigid or stuck in routines, with little room for creativity or intuition;
Overemphasizing logic and practicality, while neglecting emotional or spiritual needs;
Struggling with anxiety, stress, or frustration due to a need for control or certainty.
Tips to get into alignment:
Engage in creative activities such as art, music, or writing that allow you to express your inner world;
Practice meditation, mindfulness, or other spiritual practices that help you connect with your intuition and the divine;
Allow yourself to let go of strict plans and embrace the flow of life, trusting that things will unfold as they should.
Activities to get more into alignment: Practicing meditation or yoga, engaging in creative arts like painting or music, exploring spirituality, volunteering in compassionate services, spending time near water, practicing forgiveness, letting go of rigid routines, writing poetry or journaling, studying mysticism or dreams, engaging in intuitive practices like tarot or astrology.
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trolagygirl2022 · 4 months ago
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅Signs of marrying a foreigner/living abroad in astrology 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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Marrying a foreigner:
ꔫ jupiter/sagittarius 7th/12th house
ꔫ 7th house ruler in the 9th or 12th house
ꔫ asteroid juno in Sagittarius, aespecting Jupiter or in the 9th or 12th house.
ꔫ aquarius 7th house (not all but it can mean marrying someone who is different than you).
ꔫ venus 9th/12th house
ꔫ uranus 7th house
Moving abroad:
ꔫ The 9th house is like if you're moving to a different country but the 12th house is like going to another continent.
ꔫ Uranus in the 12th and 9th house can mean unexpectedly moving places.
ꔫ Jupiter in the 9th and 12th house can mean moving for school/career.
ꔫ North Node 9th/12th house can mean being meant to travel to different places.
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