#and also how much cringe i followed when i was 14
ossyria · 2 years
*pants* *wheezes* *collapses on the fucking floor* i did it... i cleaned out my following for the first time ever since i joined in 2014 *dies*
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blackbatcass · 3 months
If it’s okay could you recommend comics for the flash fam? I really want to start reading them but I have no idea where to start 😅
YES I ABSOLUTELY CAN ANON!! reading flashfam comics can change your life for the better fr, unlike batman comics which usually change your life for the worse. Flash comics are honestly very simple to get into? for the most part you can just pick which era you want to start with, hop on that mainline ongoing and read from there.
this got kind of ridiculously long (i ramble about flash sorry)
i am not by any means a well-read silver age fan so I'll just skip right over those LMAO. if you want to read barry's run i assume you can just read flash v1 up until crisis. if you're interested in reading wally as kid flash he's featured in backups throughout a lot of v1 iirc!
unsurprisingly, my number one rec for the flashfam would be the flash volume 2 (1987). it's got pretty much everything you need. it introduced the speed force, basically created what we think of as the flashfamily, reintroduced & created beloved characters, and built up wally into the loser we know and love today<3 at its core it's the story of wally's journey from the very start of his career as the flash, learning how to fill barry's shoes and be a grown-up. it starts when he's this insane cringe 20 year old loser and ends with him as a full adult who's married with two kids LOL. it does soooo much work for wally as a character it's unreal.
but to keep it real flash v2 is......very long. like Incredibly long. it is 200+ issues and ran for over 20 years. so i can break it down into some smaller pieces & try to provide a roadmap so it's maybe a little less intimidating
the bad news is that the first guy to start out on the run fucking HATED wally for some reason lmfao and it shows. it's painful to read. the good news is he only stayed for the first 14 issues lol so honestly you can just skip those and start at #15 where william messner-loebs took over. now......the messner-loebs era is also not perfect and can be a bit of a slog. I love it in the fond 'wow wtf was all that' kind of way but it is definitely not a masterpiece. there are a lot of unmemorable, bland (occasionally batshit & ridiculous) arcs and he introduces a whole army of mostly forgettable side characters. credit where credit is due there is a lot of good stuff in there, he set up some stuff that is foundational to flash lore (like LINDA!! and hartley!) but it's not for everyone. if you want you can jump in at #31, where wally moves to keystone, or if you read some of it and it's not for you it's honestly fine to just skip to #62 where waid's run begins. #62-65 are a flashback retelling of wally's origin story (basically flash year one) and it's sooo good. essential wally reading.
the waid run is definitely the best section of the comic. it's classic it's iconic it builds the flashfamily it creates the speedforce it introduces bart allen. it's phenomenal. if you are interested in characters like bart, the garricks, johnny & jesse quick, and max mercury they are all integrated into the flashfam over this run. if nothing else i would recommend reading this part. oh and SPEAKING of bart allen, he gets introduced in issue #92! he hangs out in flash for a bit, zero hour happens, and pretty soon after his impulse series starts in 1995.
this is my #2 flashfam rec! if you have been in these tumblr circles at all then you've heard us rave about impulse 1995. it's simply Thee comic of all time. everyone on earth needs to read it im not kidding. it follows bart's life living with max mercury and his daughter helen, trying to adjust to normal life in the past. it's just. it's the best. it's 89 issues long, but honestly it goes by SUPER fast. i would recommend doing what i did and reading impulse and flash in parallel, just to get that organic experience & context. they cross over several times until impulse eventually ends.
ok back to flash v2. once geoff johns takes over..... i mean i won't say it ruins the comic and there is definitely stuff worth reading but i love waid infinitely better. it's really up to you. waid also comes back now and then to write a few chunks.
the flash series doesn't end until 2008. the next big thing after would be flash: rebirth, which. i am not a fan of for obvious reasons (get back in that coffin barry) but it's essential to understanding the plot so i have to include it lol.
i honest to god have no idea wtf was going on during flashpoint & new52. I will not pretend to understand that era. however if you are interested in the modern flashfam & the introduction of characters like ace west and avery ho, there are a couple good places to start! if you want to read williamson's run, you can start at the rebirth flash run (flash v5 #1). wally is eventually reintroduced (thank god) during this run.
if you want to start at the jeremy adams run (which features lots of members of the flashfamily) you can start at flash #768, which runs all the way to #800.
I would personally recommend the current flash ongoing written by si spurrier! it is kind of a lot and I'm in the minority in my love for it but it's interesting, thoughtful, has a role for pretty much every character, and has a lot of really cool cosmic horror elements. i will concede that it is VERY complicated and technical but you can tell spurrier has things to say and honestly it's so rare that a comic makes me think these days that i'm eating it up.
there were also two recent flashfam miniseries that just finished, speed force and jay garrick: the flash! i enjoyed both. they're short and fun.
aaaand that's my list! it is by no means comprehensive and it is very possible i got some things wrong so I apologize in advance. if you have any more questions I will be happy to try and answer them. I hope this was at least a little bit helpful and not even more confusing lol!
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the-sprog · 1 year
Listen I love DCxDP crossovers as much as the next person, but every time I see people write John Constantine offer as a solution summoning something I cringe internally a little bit. John is all up for self-sacrificing and doing things you shouldn't but he does not fuck with other creatures he knows shit-all about.
On the other end, do you know who does fuck with creatures they know shit all about?? And keep summoning things and making deals with things they shouldn't be summoning or making deals with? And also doing this most of the times with the express intentions of dealing with the dead?
The Winchester Brothers.
Where are my season 15 fix-it fics where Dean does not give up, he does not say "oh well Castiel died after confessing his love for me I guess that's it" or where Sam does not say "well my brother died during a run of the mill vampire Hunt -not even because of the vampires but because of a rusty nail. Let me just abandon him forever after everything we've gone through and finally actually listen to him and get myself a family with my blurry wife and random son"
And instead they do again summon something that is completely separate from everything else they've dealt with before and they actually managed to contact Danny who somehow is the king of the Ghost Zone or whatever fucking shit you want. Maybe you can make the empty nocturne! That would be really fucking cool :O so Danny somehow gets convinced to bring back Castiel or Dean or both.
Ok now I'm actually thinking about it.
You can even make it adult Danny by simply following the Supernatural timeline. Danny gets his powers in 2004, when he's 14, the Winchesters start looking for their dad in 2005, and they're... 20 something. Castiel joins the brigade in 2009 (I thought he showed up in season 5 lmao it's been a while since I've watched it), Chuck starts writing the books- fuck I don't know. 2012? Was it season 7? **Looks it up** fuck nope he starts writing when they start, that's my mistake. I meant when does he show up. And that's together with Castiel. Wow. Give me Danny who is an in universe Supernatural fan. He's the prime target audience! Starts reading after he gets his powers because we'll they're ghost hunters but the ghosts are actually evil. So it's fine. And they're fictional anyway so no big deal.
But then Chuck stops writing (end of season 5) and Danny is extremely disappointed.
He doesn't learn the truth until 2018 (season 13) when Jack wakes up The Shadow and consequently shakes the Infinite Realms. Nocturne has to be somehow connected. Maybe they're not The Shadow themself, but a subordinate? Like Frostbite is the leader while the yetis are his citizens. And The Empty is the realm they live in.
Now Danny is slightly terrified because it means all the things that go bump in the night are real. Which is a scary as fuck thought. And also wonders why they've never had hunters in Amity, or why he and the other ghosts are different from the ones in the books.
But he can't really do anything. To help.
Hunters definitely have checked out the town. There's no way they'd fly under the radar. But either there are already hunters INSIDE Amity And they've staked their claim on the town, no outside hunters allowed. Or there's something wrong w the entire place that makes it so that people don't really realize anything is wrong with it. I til they're inside it. But when outside nothing :/ all normal.
I feel like it wouldn't be Dean who summons him though. As much as I love him, they are aware that pretty much only God could pull out Cas and Jack wasn't going to do it any time soon.
But Dean dying like that? No Sam is not going to let his story end like that. But they've pretty much exhausted all options. What's he gonna do? Make another deal w a demon that's going to ultimately make more of a mess? Who's gonna make a deal w a Winchester anyway?
I don't know how Sam would find a way to contact Danny. The Fentons were the first to make contact with the Zone, so the bunker's unlikely to have any resources. Bobby's gone, so that's a bust. He'd have to find something new. Something no other hunter has interacted with, ever.
Because let's be real. The Winchesters already did that plenty.
Maybe he stumbles upon Amity by accident and sees it as an opportunity, idk.
Sam's kinda more willing to give monsters the benefit of the doubt. They know angels are not all bad, they had werewolf friends, and so on and so forth.
So sure he might start off listening to the Fentons at first, but if he were to interact with Danny (as Phantom ofc) one on one he'd probably see that they're wrong.
Danny would freak out of course. On one hand, fuck man. He's a fan. That's so cool.
On the other, he knows nothing will stop the Winchesters. He's deader than dead if Sam was there to hunt him.
But alas, he'd do anything to help him get his brother (and Cas, as a treat) back. Who's gonna stop him? God? Jack? Idk man I feel like he'd let them have this one lmao. Or still Danny could definitely argue that he's the king of all afterlives, so what he does to his subjects is none of his business (since God (or at least Chuck couldn't) can't interfere w The Empty, only the afterlives he controls. So heaven and hell. Not even purgatory iirc)
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greenplumbboblover · 9 months
Tumblr media
Happy almost new year!
Yesterday I posted that whole "Top 10 Tumblr posts" but while that was fun to see, I figured I'd go through things I felt was a great accomplishment of this year for me. And some new years resolutions ;)
Accomplishments of 2023:
I made a website!
I know it's tiny and that it's not really great (yet) for getting tons of views, but I do want to thank everyone (I actually typed out all the names but tumblr was being stupid and I couldn't post the post then :/) for either giving it a try or using it. Without you, it would've just been a floating idea with no purpose. :) Thank you so much for believing in it!
I created a new sims story!
Gone a bit back to my original Simblr roots and made a story! Chapter 1 had been in my screenshots folder for over 2 years now, but I was just self-conscious about sharing it. I'm glad I actually got to terms that the only way to know if people will like it, is by sharing it. :)
Came back to Tumblr fully again.
Over those 2 years I hadn't really been on Tumblr much. I'd post my mod posts and that was it. Truth be told, I didn't really have much motivation to do TS3 stuff anymore at that time. But I think in the end I forgot how fun it can be :) I know I suck at interacting with people, though my anxiety often gets the best of me, and I'm genuinely sorry about that! I'm hoping to change that next year with some help.
New Year's resolutions:
I know most people probably didn't get through the whole thing because I type a lot, but if you do, hey there :)
Making Simblr.cc feel more personalized
I feel like currently it feels very download-oriented, which I'd like to keep! But that vibe also seems to be around with the more picture - oriented things. So I just want to make part of that feel more Tumblr-ish where it's just your personalized space. :)
Starting to sell stickers (and such)!
I know, kind of clique thing that everyone seems to be doing now and then, but I have seriously been loving to draw a lot. Though, my creative outlet only seems motivated when I do something for someone/something. So I was hoping to not just sell stickers for SImblr.cc as a donation thing, but also to make some of my own. :)
Finishing LISISV
I never intended to make LISISV like those shows that have been around for 20 years and going on. :p I know most of you do, which I love! But I'm not sure if I will be able to, lol.
I was hoping to rewrite the entirety of "Elly" which I did YEARS ago as a wee 14 year old (till I think, like 16?) but that's all basically teenage cringe IMO :p The concept and the characters however I always adored. So who knows!
Figuring out what to do with Interests & Hobbies
I keep promising that I'll finish it "after this mod" and I honestly do open it up, work on it for a little bit but then I start working on a feature and it... just doesn't work with the mod? However, the more I do that, the more 'bland' the mod becomes. So I don't know what do with it anymore 😅 Anyone who knows please help!
Unless you are all okay with remnants of it, which I'm doing currently :)
Making this space mod I have been wanting to do for a while
Not many people know this about me but i'm a huge sci-fi nerd :p And I wondered how hard it would be to make this “colonizing the a planet” space mod in TS3. Though I know that most people probably wouldn't care about that, since TS3 is more about generational things and... not so much about those things. So, who knows.
I guess I just need to sit down with myself and get my shit together, honestly.
Attempting to actually talk to others.
I don't know how people do it... I honestly want to keep tap of everyone I follow but I get so exhausted, if not, my anxiety starts kicking in because "what if I say the wrong things?" It's not just a tumblr thing though, i've been like that since forever, and maybe should just reach out for help for it. I just don't know.
I just feel as of late that people put great effort into commenting on my things and I'm barely there for them. Yet, just know that I am there, that I do think of you, i'm just deleting my sentences over and over again and just giving up. I'm genuinely sorry about that.
Hopefully your year will be nice and may your wishes come true :
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nefariousfool · 4 months
brat review under the cut bc no one on here gaf
It agonizes me to do so, but I'm gonna structure this in comparison to Taylor Swift's new album, not because we must "pit two bad bitches against each other" (taylor is not a bad bitch) or that everything must be about that wretched blonde woman but because their careers actually mirror each other quite well in some aspects that show both charli's weak spots on this album that follow what seems to be the trend for millenial pop artists, but also her strengths. also I never got to bitch about TDPS as much as I wanted to
Speaking of strengths, I'll start with those. Compliment sandwich to make the rest go down easy. She makes what is undeniably a fun album. Much easier to digest and more cohesive than CRASH, ultimately a wonderful example of her command over visual advertising matching auditory experience. I can easily imagine the best way to experience Sypathy is a Knife, Everything is Romantic or 365 is best heard loud as all hell in a club you don't remember arriving at and won't return to again for a few months for what it does to your body. As promised its a return to her public "prime" but cooler, sexier, a little wiser.
So I is maybe the only Sophie tribute that doesn't feel theatrical or subtle or in very poor taste. Rather than sheer worship over a woman who now is unable to live in the minds of many as a complete human being, charli admits she took her for granted. She doesn't mythologize her death but rather opens up that the wound of losing a friend you wish you spent more time with is still there. it might scar over, but the pain remains.
Now to where the comparison begins. Both artist imo had their best year the year of lockdown. The forced introspection made their work calmer, better. Taylor's was definitely in some aspect her trying to find herself after her absolute flop of a comeback album while also attempting to legtimize herself as an artist to the more critical pop crowd. Playing with narratives that don't involve her personal life was, while a bare minimum mark of a decent artist, something people weren't sure she was capable of anymore. It was a calculated move that birthed two albums that live as her best in her discography. Charli was, as far as I can tell, less calculated and far more authentic but netted the same results. The Cool Girl version of Taylor, she too achieved success in the late 00s as a teen, but rather than doing all American sweetheart gigs about how precious and lovestruck she is, she was 14 performing her songs at illegal raves. Her rising career was based off a very cool, distant persona. For this reason, she previously was not nearly as personal in her songs but took the lockdown time to open up about her feelings as well as her relationship with her long term partner at the time. They were songs that spoke personally to her audience, allowing them intimacy at a time when everyone was very vulnerable. Cringe exposing my emotions but party4u still brings tears to my eyes. It seems, in the latest albums of these two, they have "come home" to what is comfortable for them. You do see slivers of incredibly personal moments slip through, especially in Rewind and I Think About it All the Time (and of course So I) but overall rather than fond nostalgia for her roots this album gives the vibe of someone desperately trying to keep on a mask that used to protect her but doesn't anymore. Taylor, too, has slipped into her old habits of overexposing her personal life in uninteresting, spoken word lyrics that I hear in Brat as well. The lyricism feels lazy, attempting to act nonchalant and casual while abandoning a rhyming scheme completely for many of the songs. Some fans delight in this, but I know both of these women can do better.
Maybe this is all best exemplified in a song that wears the identity of the album the best, Mean girls. This mindset is ever present in the album, but this track is embarrassingly on the nose. Slapdash and pandering, it shows Charli has acquired a specific audience other than poppers addicts and people who wish they could have worked at an American apparel in 2010, and that audience is the fleabag type. A loser. You're showing your love to the losers and the haters. Maybe it's because im in this album and I don't like it, but it shows how much she too has attached herself to the persona of the late 20s shit head woman who is fun at parties if you're also drunk, but in the daylight is liked by no one who really gets to know her. the self victimizing "just being honest" woman with the soul of a wet rat, an intensely online woman, sex and the city's Carrie for Zelennials. miserable. This was where it was going to end up, wasn't it? This is the modern Cool Girl, after all. This is what she wants us to believe she is. She's so Julia. This is so Charli, I guess. It evokes pity in me.
I don't have much a compliment to end this with actually. Overall I do really enjoy it on a sound level, I'm likely to listen to it on repeat for a while yadda yadda. Whatever I was really critical of Crash upon release which I softened my opinion of as time passed but idk, millenial women cannot stop being messy and weird about it and it's embarrassing.
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swamp-spirit · 10 months
Gritty Danny Phantom Netflix Reboot
It's inevitable. Here's my pitch.
So obviously the title is ‘Phantom’. It’s reboot inevitably that it’s gonna be the edgy, one word version of the original title.
For tone, leaning a bit into the dark/horror elements and getting a bit worldbuilding heavy, but also trying to keep a fun action feel that’s not too scared to be silly. Obviously, with me writing, being ‘half-ghost’ is a lot about being a community outsider and a lot about going through something traumatic and feeling like the you from before is gone.
Danny Fenton
In the main show, he’s a bit of an ‘everyman’, so I want to get a little more specific with him,
He’s supposed to be a huge nerd, but he doesn’t act that nerdy. He’s pretty confident and straight laced.
I like the idea of Danny as a character who, especially growing up with Jazz and his parents fighting, wants to keep everyone happy, even when it isn’t practical. He focuses on trying to get people to get along and not taking sides, even when it’s a bad idea. He often ends up trying to make peace between Tucker and Sam and pulling the ‘both sides have points’, even when one of them is clearly wrong. He goes along with his parent’s ghost hunting while not believing in it, and tries to convince Jazz to ‘be reasonable’.
In Phantom form, his actual opinions start to surface. He’s frustrated that people can’t just be nice, and frustrated at feeling like he’s always cleaning up other people’s messes. He’s free to be opinionated, aggressive, and take action for what he believes. On the flipside, Phantom is prone to making irrational, emotional decisions and following poor priorities.
Besides being caught between two emotional extremes, he’s physically and metaphysically ‘caught between’ living and dead. His ghost form feels unstable and insubstantial, but, in his human form, Danny is hyperconscious of his own death. His heartbeat and pulse feel wrong‘.
Sam Manson
So I think the trick with Sam is every CW/Netflix teen show’s attempts to write very political characters, especially women, is… very bad. Very surface and ham-fisted. First, instead of updating Mall-Goth to E-Girl, go for a crunchy goth/punk/grunge look, especially for a rebelling rich kid. Shoes held together with duct-tape, big jackets she wrote on in sharpie, but keep the stompy boots.
Avoid the whole ‘haha she’s going too far’ and vegetarian jokes, and give her some specific local politics to be involved in (that can help inform later plots). 
As an ‘outsider’ teen activist, she probably doesn’t have many people her own age who don’t see her as weird and pushy, so maybe has an older group of acquaintances. Teen goth with phone contacts full of old activist ladies maybe? 
She has a very strong moral compass, but is insecure about her own wealth and privilege and compensated by being a bit blind on certain issues. She can also be unempathetic to people’s personal circumstances.
Tucker Foley
The teen Cassanova bit gets a bit cringy, so first I want to change this from ‘hanging outside the girl’s locker room’ cringe to ‘oh no, this 14 year old just read a wiki-how article on how to be confident’ cringe. He’s sincere and good hearted, but much more of a teen boy trying to be cool and it just highlighting his insecurity. As the show goes on, he becomes more confident as a Teen Hero and stops trying to impress assholes.
He’s a tech nerd from a middle class family, so is an expert at working with the supplies he can get. He is also prone to going to ‘hang out with Danny’ and then ditching Danny and Sam to obsess over Maddie Fenton’s latest tech. All attempts to be cool are lost in the face of Neat Electronics.
Jazz Fenton
Pretty much the same situation as canon. Her parents are immature, so she’s decided she’s Danny’s parent, but she’s also a teenager herself and not as mature as she’s decided she is. She barges in to fix problems when it’s not helpful/wanted, but she is also the only reason Danny lived to age fourteen.
Maddie and Jack Fenton
Mostly the same as canon. They do everything 100%, and don’t always notice the world around them. Jack is pure enthusiasm, and tries hard to connect with his kids while utterly failing to notice that they have their own interests and lives. Maddie is a little more perceptive, but easily distracted by her passions.
The family has a decent fortune on a previous Fenton Thermos prototype getting sold as the next Hydroflask. It’s a super trendy, high-class thermos, and Jack and Maddie are endlessly frustrated that their money comes from their world-saving ghost capture device being used as an actual soup thermos. It also means there’s a handy yet unreliable ghost thermos around whenever the story needs it.
Vlad Masters
A lot of Vlad’s goals stay the same, but a slightly more serious tone means he needs to be a bit… less stupid. He’s just as manipulative and self-centered, but he’s a bit better at putting on a polite face to get what he wants.
His ghost form gives him powers, but, like Phantom, it’s much more emotionally volatile. Vlad will often carefully set the stage, only for Plasmius to ruin it all for a chance to get one over on Jack or impress Maddie. If Vlad is trying to convince Danny to work with him, Plasmius will lose his temper. If Vlad is trying to attack, Plasmius will fall to base emotional manipulation.
Valerie Grey
Like Jazz, I pretty much like what she’s already got going on. Get pissed, join the villain, become a reluctant ally as a super and a protective GF in normal life.
Some Major Shifts:
-Tucker and Sam are not initially aware of Danny’s death and find out mid-way through Season 1
-When the story begins, Vlad and Jack are already ‘reconciling’, and Vlad is present around the Fenton house
-The sci-fi elements of the world belong purely to the human realm. The ghost realm is dreamlike and magical, while things like portals and shields are human ways of interfering with the metaphorical and metaphysical.
-Speaking of which, Danny is less ‘gene-spliced half creature’ and more ‘dead ghost possessing his own living body’
-Danny takes longer to become a known presence, managing to keep hidden for most of the first season, then going from ‘legend’ to ‘oddity’ to ‘yeah, the ghost hero, we all know him’
Ghost Powers:Keeping some Phandom lore here. Since it’s not a kid’s show, most ghosts can be actually dead people with regrets. Also keeping ghost cores and Obsessions because it gives an excuse for weird, campy undead on wild missions. (cores - a ghost’s center organ, and also sorta their soul, Obsession - the tendency of ghosts to become wholly focused on their passions or regrets to the point or irrationality)
For Danny specifically, I’m switching from Magical Transformation to Astral Projection. Part of this is for tone shift reasons, but it also adds a few narrative levers. There’s a ticker timer for Phantom to return to his body as Danny could perma die and leave Phantom stuck as a ghost. It also leaves Danny’s body open to possession while his ghost is away. (On the helpful end, it means his body can rest while Phantom does the teen superhero thing)
Phantom is naturally invisible and intangible, but becoming tangible forces him to become visible and neither is easy.
In human form, Danny retains access to extra strength and healing and, eventually, his ice powers, but lacks most of his more ghostly abilities.
Other Worldbuilding Things
The Ghost Zone serves two functions. First, it makes a cushioned pocket between life and death so the realms don’t damage each other. Second, it gives a place for those not ready to move on to dispel regrets. It’s intentionally separate from the human realm because watching the living world tends not to dispel regrets. Concepts from the human world tend to ‘echo’ there, and there’s a second society that some ghosts choose not to leave, sustaining a second life in the Ghost Zone. Most of the non-dead entities (like Clockwork) that live there exist to protect the Zone and keep it stable and functional.
Besides moving on, the way to escape the Ghost Zone is ripping through the border. It takes incredible will, so is usually only doable with a very meaningful ‘unfinished business’. It also does extreme damage to the spirit, leaving them weakened and confused. Entities in the ghost zone also work hard to prevent this as weakening the borders could lead to the collapse of the entire Zone.
The Fenton Portal created a weakened spot between the Zone and the living world and Danny ripping through it turned the weak spot into a permanent gap. Ghosts can cross full without damage and at full power, even if their goals in the human realm are mundane. It’s the gap in the fence all the local teens know, and it can’t be patched.
This will get me eaten alive, but I like switching the jumpsuit for pajamas so the ghost form has kinda loose, simple clothes.
Overall, the show brings big budgeting issues. I like the idea of using underwater footage to get ghost movement and get that floaty look. The ghost zone in general, use everyday sets, but with a strong purple light and a teal kick light. Using sets from other things and taking advantage of the nature of sets to wander between locations in ways that don’t make sense is a plus, but shoots could be at night pretty much anywhere.
I also suggest using different locations for the same location, for example, shooting a scene at a ghost zone diner at various diners, even mid scene.
Romance Thoughts:
It’s the CW reboot. There’s got to be romance, but I’d prefer to keep it on the back-burner. 
Personally, I think Danny/Val has that good ‘conflicting identities’ thing, and it’s a romance arc that isn’t obvious from page 1, which I like. Before that, I think Danny should have at least one tragic romance with a ghost.
Lesbian Sam feels stereotypically predictable, but I also enjoy the idea of shipteasing Danny/Sam before it’s revealed that Sam having a ‘crush’ on Danny has been a long series of misunderstandings as she attempts to hide her huge crush on Jazz. 
Tucker gets an internet girlfriend who nobody believes is real for a solid season. They met getting into petty forum wars over an MMO they both play. Once he has a girlfriend, he switches from Casanova to just constantly bringing up his Girlfriend, Who is Real and Hot and Plays Video Games.
Episode 1: Origin Story
Episode opens with Danny clearly stretched too thin. Sam has managed to force Tucker hiking and wants Danny there too, Tucker wants him there for emotional support, and Jazz thinks Danny should stay home and work on homework. Danny has promised his parents he’ll join them on a ghost hunt. Sam, Tucker, and Jazz all point out that Danny doesn’t even believe in ghosts and he always lets himself get dragged into this stuff, while Danny insists this hunt is extra important to their parents.
It’s revealed that the reason for this importance is the Fenton parents reconnecting and reconciling with their college friend Vlad. Vlad is polite, but keeps subtly avoiding saying anything nice about Jack while paying attention to Maddie. (“It’s wonderful to see you again” vs “It’s been a while”) He brings gifts for the kids and asks about their lives.
Jazz is immediately taken with Vlad. He talks about her school life and seems polite and educated, an example of an adult who can handle himself. Danny is a bit more hesitant, pointing out that he doesn’t seem that happy to see Jack.
The Fentons excitedly show Vlad the new portal. Vlad makes an excuse to get everyone out of the room. Afterwards, he excitedly asks Jack to demonstrate the portal. (A later episode confirms he intentionally sabotaged the portal for revenge, but him getting people out of the room should be as plausible as possible so viewers can feel proud for putting it together). Before they can show Vlad, Jack rushes them out on a ghost hunt. He says the portal takes time to warm up
It’s a long, boring car ride. During the ghost hunt, there does seem to be an actual ghost. Danny keeps seeing glimpses of the haunting and is getting genuinely scared. The adult Fentons, meanwhile, are excitedly chasing various non-paranormal occurrences, certain it’s ghostly activity.
They come home late and Maddie insists the portal be left until morning so they can eat and get some rest. Danny decides to get online with friends instead. He realizes the computer won’t work because the portal’s on and tells his friends he’s going to go shut it down while he plays, then sneak down to boot it back up.
We see the ghost from earlier watching and static building on the portal. He reaches out to touch it and the scene becomes surreal. We hear Danny’s heart racing. Danny collapses and, at the same time, is pulled across the portal.
In the final shot, we hear dead silence, no heart beating, and Danny lying lifelessly on the floor. The camera pulls out and his ghost form floats on the other side of the portal, away from the body. He looks confused and frightened and, as the show ends, he’s pounding on the door.
Episode 2: The World Without You
Danny pounds on the wall between him and his body, panicking, and is pulled away by a female ghost (later revealed to be Ember). He’s angry with her, but she points to the guards coming to see what the disruption was about. She tells him he’d never make it through anyway, because he’s not angry enough.
She tells him that she’d never cross over herself, preferring to avoid the madness that comes with breaking through to the human realm, but his case is different. His body is still alive, and, if he returns, he could live again. She asks him what he’d regret if he died now, and Danny talks about his dreams to go to space. It’s not enough, so she attempts to get him angry, but it’s not working. He’s just sad and scared. Finally, she seems to have an idea.
They enter a ghost town and she walks him to an old-style theatre. There is only one movie showing, “The World Without You”. The ghost tells Danny everyone comes here at least once, even though it’s not anything good, but it might help him. She hands Danny his ticket and goes to wait outside. Danny sits down to watch the screen.
We cut to Sam and Tucker. Sam’s trying to text Danny to see what’s taking him so long and Tucker says he’s probably asleep. After an hour, Sam starts to panic, but Tucker points out he had a long day and keeps insisting fell asleep.
Jazz comes down in the morning and finds Danny dead beside the portal. She goes into fix-it mode, refusing to admit he’s dead. Maddie tries to force Jazz away and let the EMTs do their work, Jack looks confused and frightened, and Vlad looks shocked and a bit ill.
The scenes get faster and we see Danny’s community fall apart. Sam blames Tucker for saying it was fine, Tucker points out his death was instant and is sick of taking the blame. Sam runs away and Tucker loses energy for his passions. Jazz is furious with her parents, saying their obsession killed her little brother. Jack becomes obsessed with trying to contact his dead son, leaving Maddie alone to deal with the reality of death.
We cut back to the theatre. Danny sits in an audience of ghosts. All, including Danniy, are crying glowing green ectoplasm. He rushes out and towards the portal. He thanks his guide, and she smiles and tell him to ‘remember he owes her’
The same guards arrive, forcing Danny to fight his way past them. He makes it to the border between realms. Ripping back to reality seems even more violent than the fight, an act of rage against the unfairness of death. He goes to his body and attempts to line himself up with it, muttering hopefully.
There’s a pause and then we hear a strange, sludgy noise that isn’t quite a heartbeat. It speeds up, sounding more like a heart and more like static, building to a frantic roll, then stops again. There’s a single beat, then another, until there’s a strangely slow and shallow, but constant, heartbeat.
Danny’s eyes open with a gasp and glowing green fades to blue.
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beastlybardou · 24 days
5 12 and 20 for the therian ask game!!!
5.) at what age did you accept that you were nonhuman/therian/otherkin/alterhuman? feel free to talk more about the experience of accepting your experience identifying as other than human!
I wanna guess I was about 14? It was my freshman year of high school I think. I'm really horrible with time frames.
I first heard of the alterhuman community around 8th grade, in a video that was, I think, making fun of gender identities? (RIP) Just something that unfortunately popped up on YouTube when I was first really starting to explore gender. Anyways, they briefly mentioned otherkin, and people in the comments were really ragging on it. Of course, they were doing a horrible job of explaining what it was, so I agreed that it sounded stupid at first. But I agreed in kind of an "Oh, well, I mean, I'm kind of a werewolf, but I'm not like *that* about it" way. I then proceeded to think about it for months.
When I started my freshman year, it was at this very small and alternative school, and we actually had a therian kid there who I had a huge crush on. Unfortunately, they were quite a bit older than me and completely uninterested. I also hadn't come around on therianthropy being dumb yet, but thinking that they were cool helped me start softening up on the idea.
I didn't spend long at that school, though, and ended up transferring back to my hometown's school, which was a bit bigger and intensely preppy. I still had videos come up about otherkin every once and a while, usually cringe comp kind of stuff, but also occasionally posts from actual otherkin/therians on Instagram. I started getting a much more favorable attitude towards the whole thing, and by the end of the year, I had my experience mentioned in the last post that made me join the community for real.
12.) how do you think we can foster community in the nonhuman/therian/otherkin/alterhuman community?
Focus on talking about your own experiences and the nature of your nonhuman identity, rather than focusing on "content creation". Your identity shouldn't be something to consume or buy or be made to draw in likes, it should be for you.
We should also try to get better about interacting with each other. If you see someone posting about an experience that speaks to you, reblog with your own additions. Send asks. Try to talk to people. It's awkward at first, but I think if the community as a whole opened back up to interaction, it would stop feeling like you might be intruding. When I first joined the community, I remember I would get questions and DMs and comments on my posts all the time - even when I had far fewer followers than I do these days. It seems like there's just been kind of a weird culture shift against that.
15.) what is your favourite type of gear (if any)?
I have some tails that I really love. I think functional gear is my favorite, though. claw rings that are actually sharp, fangs you can actually bite with, coats colored and textured like your fur that are actually hardy and weather appropriate, hiking boots with wolf pawprints on the soles, etc.
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pia-writes-things · 6 months
20 questions for writers
Thanks for the tag @capybaraonabicycle, this was really fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Doctor Who, but I write for a lot of fandoms :
Doctor Who (8) Engrenages (2) One Day at a Time (2) Kaamelott (2) ER (2) Stranger Things (2) The Wheel of Time (1) The Marvelous Mrs Maisel (1) Grace and Frankie (1) (this one is a crossover tho) Spellslinger (1) Big Little Lies (1) Les combattantes (1) Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (1) (also a crossover) HPI (1) (the counterpart to the G&F crossover)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My extended fam : a multi-companion DW story that focuses on the companions staying on Earth and how they all deal with alien invasions and other wibbly-wobbly stuffs when the Doctor isn't around.
Ways to Heal : my current work in progress ! It's set after season 13 and deals with the aftermath of it, and more generally with all the various traumas all the companions have suffered while and after travelling with the Doctor.
Who am I if I don't have what it takes : a Stranger Things one-shot dealing with El's trauma and especially her trauma after season 4 and what happened to Max.
Night conversation : a One Day at a Time one-shot dealing with Elena's reaction to her father not accepting her sexuality.
Day two : You. Me. Handcuffs : a very short one-shot I wrote for a DW fanfic challenge. It's about Donna and the Doctor, and River.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always !! Sometimes it's quite short, or late, or in private but I always try to answer, because I love to have conversations about what I write and what it means to people <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I honestly don't know tbh, because I'm very much a hurt/comfort kind of girl, and I always try to end on, at least, a hopeful note.
That being said, it's definitely Misunderstood! it's probably the only full-angst fic I've ever written but I was in my feels after WOT 207 and I wrote it through my tears (literally) 😭I think my no beta tag sums up pretty well my feelings 😬
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think it's probably Remonter la pente. I'm still quite proud of this story, it's 6 chapters of healing and talking and processing traumas and I ended it on quite a high note, so yeah, I really like it!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, never! I sometimes have people who comment what part of the story or characterisation they don't really agree on but it's always nice and more conversational than anything ☺
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, and I cringe at the mere thought of it ^^
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do and I love it ! That's actually how I started to write fanfictions, and my first ever posted fanfiction was a DW and CAOS fanfiction.
I don't know what counts as a "crazy" crossover but the most unexpected must be Waiting on a miracle! It took a lot of liberties and interpretations on my part to imagine a situation where Morgane from HPI and Grace from Grace & Frankie could meet but I like what I came up with and it was really fun to write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so either!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I've wanted to, and sometimes I started planning it with friends but it never went further than that because *gestures at life in general*
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Well, I think it's the Doctor and River! They're certainly the ones I've written the most for ^^ Then they're followed by the Ponds, Guenièvre and Arthur from Kaamelott and Joyce and Hopper from Stranger Things. But tbh, I don't write that many "shippy" fanfics? I write a loooot of found family stuffs so ships aren't what I focus on the most, or at least, I focus on them more as a part of (found) family dynamics, you know?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well, I don't have that many unfinished posted wips, I tend to not post my unfinished works, or not to post until I'm sure I'm committed to finish it. I guess I'd like to add chapters and one-shots to The path of funny stories because we greatly lack fanfictions for the Spellslinger series but it's quite hard for me to write fanfictions for books, so I don't know if I'll ever get around to it ^^
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogues and chracterisation? That's what I get complimented the most for in the comments at least! I also know I write stories with a big cast quite well, or so I've been told ^^ Which tracks, because dialogues, characterisation and interactions between people is what I like writing the most, and what I pay the most attention to!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions!! It's directly correlated to my love of writing dialogues but I know I'm not very good and I struggle a lot with establishing scenes, descrbing the surroundings and what the characters are doing besides just talking. I try to pay attention to it and to work on my description and tone skills but I doesn't come as easy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's hard!! I've only ever done it for my One Day at a Time fanfics but, besides my lack of confidence in Spanish at the time, I find it really hard to make it feel natural and to make the scene flow when switching between languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Chilling adventures of Sabrina !
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
That's haaaaard! How am I supposed to choose between my babies like that?
I have a soft spot for My Extended Fam because it was my longest fanfic for a while, and I absolutely adored writing it. I grew a lot as a writer while writing it and it's still one of my most beloved fanfic, which makes me really happy and proud.
Remonter la pente is also one of my favourite, because I think it's one of the first fanfic for which I really felt like a part of a fandom community and like I truly shared the stories with people, especially thanks to @moon-arts02- who wonderfully illustrated every chapter 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I'll tag some of my writer mutuals but absolutely 0 pressures, this was just a lot of fun to do, and I loved the retrospective it made me do through my writing :
@bourbon-ontherocks, @hemerae-ramblings, @everybodyknows-everybodydies, @bwayfan25, @thehappyegg, @saecookie, @imdefyingmavity, @cecret-with-a-c
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tag game
tagged by @jgyapologism
1. why did you choose your url?
it was something different but i made a fan account on twt and then decided to also be found here? or maybe it was specifically when twitter started going to shit and we thought it would shut down the first times that i made this account an extension of that one? (it wasnt much before). and now i dont even use twt so lol
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
no because i dont understand how they work
3. how long have you been on tumblr?.
9 years? i think i joined in 2015?
4. do you have a queue tag?
no cause i queue randomly and often. (i like getting to surprise myself with posts i like at a random later date)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to follow accounts that talked about my interests!! also i felt too cringe for the other sites and this webbed site has a loser reputation
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
uhhhhh it was my twt one last or maybe two pride months ago and i stuck with it. (it used to be bokuto in season 4 looking at hinata with his eyebrows iykyk)
7. why did you choose your header?
the power of volleyball yuri!!! i chose it to celebrate vnl but now that vnl is over ig i can change it... but i love melissa vargas so much i want her there
8. what is your post with the most notes?
"they should invent joints that dont hurt" <- banger i know and it has like 16,000 notes last i saw
9. how many mutuals do you have?
uhhhh idk how to even tell that
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
96 which is a lot but not all of them are active anymore :(
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
see my most popular
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
like 2-3 times, more if im bed bound.. is this chronically online of me? probably
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not on this website i dont think...
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
i immidiately scroll past any "you need to __" make me want to not look at it
16. do you like tag games?
yes! but sometimes they make me nervous for no reason!
17. do you like ask games?
yes but i feel bad sending the asks cause what if i do the thinks ive been asked to wrong
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
in terms of certain tags/fandoms maybe but overall tumblr famous then no
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no <3
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official-osha · 7 months
alright, so im gonna continue to be less active on here for a while - probably. we'll see. explanation of things below the cut. its long and rambly im typing this up at midnight in between discussing saw with someone sorry
im at a crossroads with this blog. i feel an expectation to live up to the OSHA thing, and i want to, but also... i want to continue offy's story, and roleplay.
theoretically, both could coexist, but i know the larger part of you all dont care about offy very much, and i feel deeply embarrassed when i do roleplay because of this. i appreciate the following i've amassed, but it's... a lot. and i'm tired and busy.
i haven't felt motivated to roleplay like i used to here for pretty much almost two years. the OSHAverse is pretty inactive these days. and i don't know how i want to close out offy's character arc.
diving into the roleplay thing more - i started this blog when i was a mentally ill 14 year old going into public school for the first time since the first grade. a lot of offy's earlier interactions and behavior reflects this, because i projected onto them and used them as a way to vent. i'm deeply unhappy with how i used to write them. if i could, i'd reboot them, but with the OSHAverse being the way it is... that's not easy. i'd have a hell of a lot of people to have discussions with, some of whom i haven't seen roleplaying in a year or more. and because the organizational system on my blog is a fucking nightmare, that adds another layer to the mess.
so im faced with a few decisions: keep going even though i really am unsure, move offy and their roleplaying onto another blog, or just do a mass retcon on this blog.
as to why i havent made another blog for roleplay in the first place - tldr i like attention. longer version is this has always been a roleplay blog so if you remove that its like. alright. what am i doing with myself now. i have all my followers here and shit, and i also value audience participation in offys story [even if i uh ... dont make it easy for you guys to participate]. but at the same time, i know you people arent here for roleplay. also im unfortunately deeply aware that a large part of the site considers the OSHAverse cringe
ill probably make a poll sometime in the future to see what the people want, if anyone has input they want to offer now itd be appreciated. no matter what though, the blog will stay up if i dont get any copyright infringement notices or anything. if anyone has a link to one of those mass taggers that would allow me to tag a post that comes from a specific date or earlier itd be appreciated so i can tag older posts.
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coralhoneyrose · 4 months
Alrighty, ask meme! I'll have 4, 7, 14, and 38, if you please!
Ahhh, thank you so much for the ask! :D
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Not a *whole* lot, honestly! The only idea I am truly ‘nurturing’ (as in actively helping it to grow) is Half Orange. If you broaden that to also include stuff I have taken the time to make some sort of slapdash outline for, then there are four others. One I don’t think I’ve talked about on here before is a humorous, family fluff one-shot from the POV of Morgan when he is in his late teens and struggling to come to terms with how cringe and mushy and embarrassing his parents are about their love for each other once Robin returns post-sacrifice LOL
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
A memory strikes him suddenly, illuminated as if by a stray sunbeam, of huddling midst the shelves with his sisters, Emmeryn reading him and Lissa some old Ylissean fairytale while a storm pounded down overhead and lightning flashes made a glowing tapestry of the colored glass.
He doubts that they were in this particular row of books back then, but the view is the same. Today, tiny dust particles swim in the late spring sunshine, but he can still hear how the thunder made the window shiver; Emmeryn’s bell-clear voice, serene and unafraid. Sometimes he wonders if grieving a person in the same space you lived with them isn’t more of a cruelty than a comfort…but he can’t imagine choosing to give it up either.
There’s this literary technique I have noticed some of my favorite writers use on occasion where a character’s wandering / idle thoughts while looking at something in the environment wind up being a means for insight into their characterization or mental state. I think it can be tricky to execute in a way that doesn’t feel disruptive, but I was reasonably happy with my attempt here. I also think grieving is a really complicated emotion, and it’s one I struggle a lot with capturing all the facets of while writing, but this was a rare instance where I felt like the words got across the feeling I wanted them to.
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
If we are excluding the infamous old tumblr posts that convinced all of us you are never supposed to use the word ‘said’ and that you should invent as many epithets as possible to refer to characters, I would probably say “don’t use adverbs”. Obviously it’s very possible to overdo it, and I will admit my writing has a tendency towards clutter and that adverbs probably contribute. But some people really act like adverbs are the devil, and the idea that an entire part of speech has next to no place in writing is kind of absurd to me. I have also read books where clever and intentional use of adverbs was extremely effective in contributing to humor or tone setting and if those authors had followed that advice, I would have enjoyed their books a lot less.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Oh man, very hard to choose just one when this is true of like…virtually every review I have ever been lucky enough to receive. One specific one that comes to mind, though, was a comment on the accidental engagement fic where the commenter compared Chrom to one of those tropical birds doing a mating dance, and Robin just Not Getting It despite his best efforts. It was such a hilarious and strikingly accurate description of their dynamic in that fic and I got such a kick out of it. I subsequently mentioned the comment to Bustle, and she wound up linking this video, and for the rest of the day, I would just periodically start smiling really big or burst out laughing every time I thought about Chrom and Robin as these two birds. The narration absolutely kills me too.
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hot-take-tournament · 10 months
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Submission 51
Balloon Boy is a good character and does not deserve hate.
I would like to be very vulnerable despite my anonymity and put forward a letter of sorts I wrote to the FNAF community when I was around 13-14 years old and even less medicated than I am now. I never posted this letter anywhere and it has sat in an old kids' PDF book creator app on my iPad for almost ten years. It's cringe. It's dumb. I was frustrated with a community I was hardly a part of. But even today I still don't think Balloon Boy is as terrible as the fandom made (and still makes) him out to be. Maybe I'm just more resistant to repetitive sounds, I dunno. He was a major comfort character for me, for whatever reason, so I must confess my continued bias. The following is that weird manifesto I wrote in a "fit of annoyance."
And I quote,
"A message to all Balloon Boy haters: We're the ones that know true sympathy. Of course, there ARE the ones who are truly evil, but then there are the ones that did not realize their wrong until it was too late. You, my fellow FNAF lovers, still have much to learn... Sure, you can say that you are not fond of a certain object, place or person, a noun, but that does not mean that you must tell the world in great detail. Saying it once or twice, okay, now the ones you've told know you don't like who, what or where. But if you keep bringing it up, that can lead to loneliness. Abandonment even. We all have our differences. This is true, and I respect all of that. But just because there's a divide doesn't necessarily make us different. We all have opinions. But just because it's your opinion doesn't make it a universal fact. Respect the other peoples opinions. 'WHAT???!! How can you like that??!!!' Try not to ask questions like that with so much intensity. A simple 'Why?' can suffice. Don't go into detail. Once you learn the reasons of the opinion, then maybe you can understand our sympathy.
It's not just because he's 'cute' or whatever. Think of if he had feelings. Sure, you can say 'But he's just a fictional character! Stop sympathizing!' but that would rule out your opinion too. By saying we cannot sympathize because he is not a real person, you basically have to cancel out any emotion directed toward him except neutrality BECAUSE YOU JUST SAID HE IS FICTIONAL. If he is truly fictional, then we cannot have any type of feelings whatsoever towards him, whether love or hate. Everyone has their faults. Just because someone is annoying does not mean they are evil and the devil. Being annoying isn't really evil. Think if he was the actual one to kill you. Sure, they could be intentionally annoying just to irritate someone, and do it a lot, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are evil. I respect everyone's opinion, and I am not aiming to convert everyone to respecting BB, but at least give him some credit. He does his job, doesn't he? If you hate him, alright, that's fine, but it's not very courteous or friendly to make a big deal of it and shun us BB lovers. Your opinions are opinions, not facts. I will admit, BB can be annoying, but at least feel sympathy a little and respect everyone's different opinion. Also, just because I view stuff where BB is considered 'part of the illuminati' or 'the enragement child' doesn't mean I'm a BB hater myself. I take those remarks as JOKES. Even if I'm wrong, I make it seem to myself that those people aren't hating Balloon Boy, they just found aspects of him to fit into certain jokes that would be considered humorous.
Thank you."
Obviously I was incredibly dramatic. I was waxing poetic to hundreds of thousands of people who would never read my words. I don't think it would have changed anything in the fandom and I probably would have been kys'd off the internet, so it's probably good I didn't post it anywhere. I didn't even have any proper social media past Google+ at the time anyway. Do I still agree with my younger self? For the most part, yeah! Their wording left something to be desired, obviously. I don't think "We're the ones that know true sympathy," is all that impactful even if it sounds fancy. It's just fandom drama, younger me. I wasn't wrong, though! The hate towards Balloon Boy due to his game mechanic and annoying laugh was incredibly blown out of proportion. In FNAF fandom culture at the time he was almost only ever characterized as The Worst Child Ever(tm) and bullied to all hell even though his characterization was next to none...just like every other animatronic, really. Maybe that's just a general fandom problem, but I digress. He could have still been the annoying kid without becoming the antichrist or whatever.
Balloon Boy is a cute little kid who happens to be a troublemaker, basically. That's all he is. Maybe calm down and lessen up on animating Freddy smashing this poor kid's head into the wall in SFM, I dunno.
Sorry it took so long for me to post this. I know it takes guts to be vulnerable on the internet, even anonymously <3
Propaganda is always encouraged!
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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dadfuckerfest · 1 year
Look what we found in Dad’s journal!
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Anyway, the Man writes like Yoda, but here is what we figured out:
1. What the fuck is a “Dadfucker Fest”?
It’s a weekend dedicated to the “fucking” part of Dadfucking.
2. How can someone contribute to this most wonderful and noble cause?
Give us porn! Remember, Dad wasn’t exactly a monk, and Dean gave him everything he’s ever had. All you have to do is write (or draw or edit) some dadsex and mention @dadfuckerfest and/or tag #dadfuckerfest (mentions are preferred, for consistency and notifications). We’ll reblog it to this page to share with your fellow dadfuckers and to save for posterity!
3. Wait, is it just John/Dean? What about [other canon/original character]?
Characters and ships other than John/Dean are most welcome! However, your work still has to be about J/D to some degree. This means threesomes, gangbangs, third-party POVs, role-play, J/D by-proxy, unrequited fantasies are a-okay. You can find some examples here. If you’re still unsure if something is allowed, feel free to ask for clarification. (Though to be honest, we’re not very picky over here.)
4.When is this dadsex going down?
When is it not going down?! Feel free to start working on your daddycestuous fic/art and sharing it as soon as you like. However, works will be reblogged to this blog on Friday, July 28th through Sunday, July 30th.
5. What’s with the day-by-day break-down?
Think of the day-by-day break-down as our reblog calendar, to help us categorize your works. Or if you like, think of them as very optional, not-at-all-serious “themes.” They are as follows: * Friday July 28th: (Pre-)Canon — i.e. the m/m J/D of our main timeline. * Saturday July 29th: Alternate Universe/Curses/Other Weird Shit— incl. genderswaps, John survives AUs, no-supernatural AUs, fuck-or-die, possession, Huntercorp, time-travel, monsterfucking, omega!verse, prequel AU, whatever your sicko heart desires! * Sunday July 30th: Kink — what it says on the tin: give us some kinky shit. As you can tell, the line between canon and AU is very blurry, and J/D can be kinky in any world. So don’t worry too much about sticking to themes – chances are, your work will fit in at least one of these days.
6. What about prompts?
Flip over to pg. 10 for instruction, and pg.11 for the list.
7. I don’t like any of the prompts and I want to freeball and/or rawdog it.
We see what you did there! Submissions need not be in response to a prompt. This is your chance to finish (or start!) some wips, to distill a story idea to its sexy essence without worrying about plot or worldbuilding, to turn a DFF ask into a little scene, etc. etc. Once again, as long as it’s J/D and porny we will take it!
More lore under the cut!
8. What is the desired porn-to-plot ratio?
As long as there is (a little, a hint of) fucking, we’ll take it! If you feel like you need plot to make your story work better/more enjoyable for *you*, please inject as much as you’d like.
9. How long should a fic submission be?
As long as tickles your pickle! You probably won’t get a lot of fucking done under 500 words, but feel free to prove us wrong.
10. I want you to reblog my stuff but this event name is very cringe and I don’t want to mention it.
A. Fuck you! B. You can notify us in other ways of your desire to share your filthy disgusting porn (e.g. dms, mention us in a reply, carrier pigeon, etc.)
11. John/Dean is so very sexy, but I’m shy and I don’t want to post on main. (This is NOT Jensen Ackles, by the way.)
They are the sexiest! You can post your work anonymously on ao3 and send us a link. You can also create a new tumblr account using a new email address and use that to share your wonderful daddycestuous creations. (If need be, we can also discuss email submissions).
12. Can my fic/art be used for another event?
Sure! As long as it hasn’t been published before.
13. Is non-con allowed?
Yes, but please give some heads-up in the tags or in the beginning of the fic.
14. Is under-age allowed?
See above.
15. I really want to participate but the timing doesn’t work for me.
No worries! a) Remember, you have two weeks from today to post whatever your heart desires. b) The point of this event is that it’s low stakes and there isn’t a lot of prep work required, which means theoretically we can have more than one round! If enough people want to participate again, we can definitely have a repeat later this summer/in the fall, etc. (Also, we always take late submissions!)
16. Who is the fucker behind the curtain?
Hi, it’s @egipci! Please feel free to send me any questions here or on my main blog!
17. We haven’t talked before/we don’t follow each other/I don’t like you. Can I still participate?
(Un)lucky for you, I love J/D about 1000x more than you don’t like me. As long as I can reblog your work to this blog, I will!
18. Your graphics suck! Our eyes are bleeding! Are you making this shit on a toaster?
Actually, I’m making it on an DIY busted-up Walkman-cum-toaster. If you got some better nerd instruments and you want to put them to good use, hit me up!
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grassbreads · 1 month
Writer Interview Game
I was tagged for this by @torterrachampion . Thank you!!
Since this is my fandom-specific account, I'm going to keep these answers mostly limited to fanfiction.
When did you start writing?
I have been writing my entire life. I was one of those kids that was convinced I was going to write a novel at age 10 (although I never got further than a couple of chapters). For fanfiction specifically, the first fic I ever wrote was a halloween story project for middle school that I turned into D.Gray-man fanfiction. I started writing and publishing fic for real the following summer, when I was 14. (Much like the novels in elementary school, I never actually finished one of the longfics I started in high school).
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Big time lmao. A *lot* of the original fiction I read is horror, and although I've played around with the idea of writing a horror fic, I'm yet to find a good concept for one. I'm also a huge lover of long multi-chapter fics and elaborate AUs, but I publish mostly oneshots.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I honestly cannot remember ever having my work compared to specific other writers?
But as I said, I love elaborate longfic AUs yet really struggle to write them myself (long projects are my enemy), so I would sell my soul to be able to emulate the works of travelingneuritis or oxfordroulette, both of whom I really admire. I've written whole long posts before about how much oxfordroulette's Homestuck fics impressed and impacted me when I first read them like 6 years ago.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
My writing space is anywhere in my apartment :). Sometimes I write at my desk, but more often I'm curled up or crosslegged on my couch or futon. Gotta be cozy and comfy.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Since fic is a pretty casual hobby for me these days, I mostly just kinda write when inspiration strikes (hence why I publish roughly one fic per year). That said, rereading canon scenes featuring the characters I'm writing always helps me get their voice into my head.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I don't know if I write enough to have big recurring themes? I like writing about characters that aren't doing well mentally, but that's both broad and not always applicable.
I suppose it does always make me laugh when I see "Christmas" listed among my most-used tags on Ao3. I'm not even a christian, but I've written two fics set during christmas bc gift exchanges make for good fluff, and with my output, two times puts it in my top 10.
What is your reason for writing?
Sometimes a story worms its way into my brain so deeply that canon just isn't enough. I need to live in that world to a degree beyond what I can get from canon content alone. And when there isn't enough existing fic by others to scratch that itch, or when there isn't enough of the right *type* of existing fic, I simply have to sit down and make my own.
Also, writing fanfiction is fun :).
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I'd like to think I'm good at characterization, at least most of the time. And I think I'm good at making sure things flow.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I really like a majority of the things I've written, or at least the stuff I've written as an adult. My really old writing makes me cringe a little sometimes, but I look back on it fondly, and I still reread newer stuff like An Act of Trust and Idle God, Idol Gossip for my own amusement.
The brief answer is that overall, I'm quite proud.
If either of you are interested in joining, I'll tag @cinammonelles and @azapofinspiration :)
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elizabeth-karenina · 2 months
They Got Me Yet Again
I got tagged by long-time mutual, @midnightinjapan! Thank you so much, my dear.
This one's gonna be a doozy, so strap yourselves in! *cracks knuckles*
1. why did you choose your url?
My first name is Elizabeth, and I was reading the novel Anna Karenina when I first started this tumblr.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.week.
LMAO, MY GUYS! I honestly don't know how other people keep up sideblogs. Having to manage one is already enough! I've never really felt the need to have another one.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
....I'm like, 98% certain that I first came here in May 2013. So, I wasn't here at the very beginning where all the True Madness of Tumblr was taking place, but I came in near the tail-end of it all, LOL.
4. do you have a queue tag?
I don't queue at all! Again, I've never felt the need to do so. I'mma show up when I show up; I'm gonna reblog whenever I want and whatever makes me happy; and then I'mma leave, LOL.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was talked into it by my core group of friends who I've been close with since high school and college. And the irony of it all? I'm the one who still uses Tumblr regularly! The rest of them either deleted their Tumblrs or just simply abandoned them and have left them alone for years, LOL.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's a painting by the Russian artist Vasily Surikov called The Siberian Woman. I love his style of painting, and I've always been surprised how me and the woman in the painting look alike! Another one that I use frequently is Portrait of a Lady by Franz Xaver Winterhalter, for the same reason--she looks quite a bit like me!
I've tried having other icons on and off, but I always come back to the Siberian woman and Portrait of a Lady. What can I say? They fit me.
7. why did you choose your header?
It's an image I nicked from Twitter. It must've been from a historical textiles or blue motifs post that someone made, and I immediately was drawn to it. Blue is my favorite color, especially darker blues. The gold flowers made it even prettier, so I've kept it.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I honestly have no idea! I don't often make my own posts, as it were. Any commentary I make is usually within the confines of my tags (which is also very frequent and often!), which are many! I've got a lot of things to say, and I'm gonna say 'em somwhere, LOL!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I truly do not know, if you can believe it. Probably around 20; I don't make it a point to make so-called "famous" blogs follow me, but if we've talked more than 4 or 5 times, I'll probably follow you back.
Many of my mutuals are ladies I've known for years, so that probably is a factor as well.
10. how many followers do you have?
Eight hundred seventy-something people? But are they all active Tumblrs? Or are a good portion of them bots, LOL? Sometimes I'm able to catch them and block them, but other times I miss them.
11. how many people do you follow?
146 people.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
I'm sure I have in the past, especially in my early days.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Quite a bit, LOL, especially during the summer time when I'm on school vacation. Cringe as it is to admit, it's been a huge part of my life for years.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Yes, particularly in my early days when I was exclusively a history blog. But it was over something silly, like a Historical AU me and a friend had created, not about anything factual.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
Not reblogging anything I don't want to. Guilt tripping isn't cool. -> Keeping Norrie's answer, because same.
16. do you like tag games?
I do! I love talking about myself and sharing my interests with people. I could answer questions for hours tbh!
17. do you like ask games?
It can depend on what the theme of the questions are. But like I said above, yes, usually I enjoy answering ask games.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I honestly couldn't say! Maybe Virginia, I suppose.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I crush on all my mutuals🥰 -> Also keeping this answer from Norrie, because ABSOLUTELY FREAKING SAME! If we're mutuals, just know I sincerely love you. So grateful for the friendships I've made with all of you!
20. tags
@becauseismellgood, @shvkespearc, @1980s-jean-ralphio, and honestly anyone else who wants to do this!
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
If Cutter and his little girlfriend are going to space, does that mean they're gonna get their hands chopped off too? (Also it looks like Duck Boy might be going for a redemption arc! Go Duck Boy Go!)
(or my reaction to Episode 47 and mini Episode 14 of Wolf359)
Welcome back dear readers! I managed to get another episode in as I pack for my vacation. Please enjoy!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 47: Into the Depths
I love Hera's narration, and I love the thought experiment. It reminds me of split brain patients. (For those who don't know what a split brain patient is, or haven't taken a psych class, if we were to surgically cut your corpus collosum (the part of the brain the connects your hemispheres), your consciousness would split and there would basically be two of you sharing one body (but same memories, personality, intelligence, etc.). This is only done if there are life-threatening seizures in the area and removing it is the only way to stop them, but it's an interesting thought experiment because if there are suddenly two of you, what happened to the one?)
And... now Doug is freaking out. I guess the slaps aren't working.
"You will understand Hera." Shut it Whiskey Boy! This also makes me wonder how many "Hera's" we've seen.
Kepler: "I have no idea what's going on Doug, but I just can't stop being ominous. I swear I don't know what's happening, this is just how I talk at all times."
Conan and Clippy? 😂 The names Lovelace gives them.
Yes. Kepler was rude Lovelace. He had so much Whisky and did he share it? No. No he didn't. Selfish.
Ah it seems even you weren't in the loop Jacobi. Perhaps you might fancy a mutiny now?
She doesn't know she's a clone? That's cruel. Think of Jacobi! He died thinking he was the real Duck boy! That's an awful way to go. No one should die believing they're someone so cringe.
Warm up act? Kepler, shut up. And what other clones have shown up over the years? Cutter? Pryce?
Good question. What about Jacobi? Was HE going to die too?
Kepler: "Start listening to me. The only person who knows what's happening." You're just blackmailing them Kepler, you're not good for much other than threatening people and swirling around your Whisky.
Weapon designed to appeal to humanity? But...how do you know she's a weapon? And how do you know she can't fight it even if she is? Maybe Lovelace is stronger than the evil aliens! If they even are evil.
Jacobi: "What could motivate me?"
Me: *Holds up a duck*
Ah blue part of the star. 💙💫 That does seem to be important. Scary, but important.
"Jacobi, any thoughts?" When does he have any?
His hands are shaking? Oh yeah, your friend died, you killed someone, and your boss who lies to people (GASP) LIED TO YOU TOO! Oh if only SOMEBODY could have seen this coming. Really, anybody with ears and a brain.
Oh right. The other Jacobi. This entire time he hasn't been sure? AND HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT FEAR FEELS LIKE? It's a NEW FEELING FOR HIM???
I guess everyone has their limit. Duck Boy needs a therapist. A team of therapists. The best therapists, and even then, I'm not sure it will be enough.
"You don't know what working at Goddard is really like" "You have a cool dental plan. Hooray." "It's not about that."
So...they do have a good dental plan? 🪥🦷
"Going new places. Meeting interesting people....LITTLE KIDS?"
Kepler. You didn't. NO. Oh my gosh they have Anne and Minkowski's husband at gunpoint don't they? And they don't even know.
Punch his lights out Doug. Good job.
Though to be fair that IS what working at Goddard seems to be about. Threatening the innocent for a 0.0000000000001% chance that you MIGHT get something out of this in the end.
Poor Lovelace. Hera knows what you're going through though. Exactly, see she does!
"Nobody do anything stupid" it's too late for that Kepler, you're here.
Good speech Lovelace! And nice punch!
"Can we get a break" Nope. Sadly no.
Huh. Hands are glowing. That's...interesting. Maybe she has some cool magic space powers? Is it too much to hope for?
Oh. It's the Dear Listeners. Well. Hello. 👋
Hush up Kepler. 😂 I love how they still talk like Doug.
That's right Kepler. Violence doesn't give you authority!
But...if he doesn't have any hands...
Then...how will he enjoy the feel of the Whisky in his hands?
Doug is hiding 😂 Why is Doug me?
What process are they talking about? “The door won't stay open, we are waiting.” Waiting for what? For what?
Well, at least the aliens don't like Kepler. That's a positive in my book. 👍
Glad Kepler and Jacobi are in custody. But...how exactly are they gonna put the handcuffs on Kepler if he no longer has hands...
Yeah, Minkowski, I'm with Lovelace. You SHOULD be in command. I know you think you're doing what is right, but Lovelace is an alien so...
Who is this? What is this? Who is Cline? Who is Jordan? What is this? Dr. what now? This is a lot of characters.
Full read out? Minkowski better send them a message warning them about Cutter. USS Hermes? OH NO THEY'RE NOT CALLING MINKOWSKI THEY'RE CALLING CUTTER. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!
Who is this? Who is the robot? Expunge the records? Ah yes, the black achieves. Oh Rachel.
"Say hi for me?" Hi to who? HERA oh no ew Pryce isn't it.
Please tell me Pryce and Cutter aren't coming to space. Unless it's to get blown up. In that case, they are welcome.
Mini Episode 14: One of Them
Oh they are listening to Jacobi and Kepler.
Looks like Jacobi might fancy a mutiny now.
Doug is me, I want snacks too 😂
"are you worried I can't get around Eiffel?" "Hey!" again, why is Doug me. 😂
Wow, Jacobi really DID care about Maxwell. Well then. Maybe the two of you shouldn't have been working for the bad guys then.
"What kind of officer have you been?" DANG DUCK BOY. GET THAT REDEMPTION ARC. GO DUCK BOY GO! 🦆
"I feel used. I feel experimented on. You treated me like one of them!"
Oh Duck Boy. Sweet silly little Duck Boy. Don't you get it? You've always been one of them. You, Hilbert, Maxwell, Kepler, even Rachel. You've always been one of them.
"You're addicted to gambling with people's lives and you lost!" EXACTLY!
"Neither one of us killed Maxwell." LIES! YOU COULD HAVE STOOD DOWN!
Jacobi is starting to realize that's not necessarily true. Good for him.
"I had my orders." So did Maxwell. So did Hilbert. So did Jacobi.
Thanks for reading dear readers. Sorry I didn’t have time to react to more, but I hope you enjoyed this!
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