#and addressing it in a way that shows support and helps improve upon the issue without detracting from tradition
hegrowth · 10 months
happy thanksgiving to all my lovely followers, mutuals, & friends. ♡ I'm thankful for you being here, for supporting me, & continuing to tolerate me as a member of the tumblr rpc when I offer absolutely nothing in terms of ic activity. XD anyway, thank you all, I appreciate you and think you're neat.
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please stay safe, stay warm, stay hydrated, and remember you are loved, whether you have a family to spend today with, are far from home, have no one, have to work, are missing someone who is gone, are dreading being around family, are no longer on good terms with your relatives, or simply don't celebrate this holiday.
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cheritzteam · 2 years
[The Ssum] The Ssum : Forbidden Lab Update (29/3 KST, v1.1.13)
Hello, dear lab participant.
You can now download the new version of <The Ssum : Forbidden Lab>.
Google Play Store (Android) - link Apple App Store (iOS) - link
This update includes bug fixes, so you will receive 10 Aurora Batteries as Study Support upon accessing the game.
Make sure you access the Lab by the 1st of April 2023 (KST) to get your compensation! *You must collect your reward within 3 days.
The following are the details of the update we have received from the Lab.
[Feature Improvements]
> Carry out your studies with peace of mind, even when your special ssum-one is away!
Ever find yourself in the middle of a chat with your special ssum-one and they leave for an extended period of time? Now, when they return after being gone for more than 10 minutes, a dedicated notification will help you stay on top of new messages.
> Make sure you get that Special Call!
Have you unlocked a Special Call with your Aurora Batteries in chat? We've improved the UI so you can tell at a glance if the unlocked call is an incoming call or outgoing call - check out the color of the handset icon!
> Because details matter with your record with your special ssum-one!
Calls logged in the Milky Way Calendar can also be distinguished as incoming calls and outgoing calls by the icon’s color.
> From the Infinite Universe to the Main Screen!
Have you ever been in the middle of a study and suddenly wanted to meet up with Ssumone? We've added a home button that will take you straight to the main screen, so you can meet up with your Ssumone even if you're wandering the depths of the Infinite Universe.
> Commenting just got a little easier! 
You can now use the copy/paste feature in the Infinite Universe not only in the post, but also when writing comments. Enjoy a more convenient study experience!
> Let's immediately catch the culprit who interferes with writing!
Have you ever been frustrated by being warned that your content contains inappropriate words when nothing seems to be wrong? To address this issue, we've added the ability to index your posts for banned words.
> Rejoice, Legendary Comedians!
We've finally released a Trivial Feature just for our Legendary Comedians! If you haven't yet achieved Legendary Comedian status, why not hone your humorous skills further in the Mountains of Wandering Humor?
[Bug Fixes]
> I can’t log into The Ssum with my account…
An error that caused the app to crash when using social login was resolved.
> My chat completion level for Harry decreases by itself…
A bug that caused the completion levels for Harry’s current final bedtime chat to drop to 80% was fixed.
> I can’t replay our past chats in the Milky Way Calendar…
An error that blocked access to past chats after completing the current final Day’s chat of your special ssum-one was resolved.
(Fixed) Your special ssum-one’s name shows in Korean on the loading screen after switching language settings from Korean to English.
Minor bugs were fixed.
We appreciate your reports and your activities as a part of the Lab.
Thank you.
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digisurvive · 2 years
Children’s problems
Or why Shuuji makes Survive what it is.
cw: child abuse, self-harm, abuse
Spoilers for the Truthful route
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[Image ID: Screenshot of one of Ryo’s dialogue line that reads “What? Like anyone’s listening to what you have to say. Heheh, yeah, nobody’s listening.”]
One of the standout qualities to the writing of Digimon Adventure (1999) was the honest and nuanced yet still optimistic portrayal of the problems children face and the ways they dealt with them. From Koushiro’s alienation from his family due finding out about his adoption to Yamato and Takeru’s awkward bond, abandonment issues and stunted growth stemming from their broken family, and everything in-between, Adventure’s writing managed to shine an empathetic light to the stress responses originating from these difficulties while still showing the possibility of growth and healing.
As a game purposefully advertised as a more mature version of Adventure, Digimon Survive takes upon itself to tackle the depiction of children’s problems with a philosophical core that delivers a well-rounded thesis to this thematic thread.
To say Survive portrays the stress responses the kids carry from home to intense extremes in their life-and-death adventure is probably an understatement. Shuuji is a specially good example of deplorable and difficult-to-deal-with behavior — constantly belittling his own partner as well as relentlessly nagging and snapping at the other kids. Shuuji mirrors the way his own father treated him growing up; his treatment of Lopmon serving to showcase the way the verbal abuse he endured has taken root in his own inner monologue and self-perception and sprouted a really visceral self-hatred that spills out and corrodes his relationships with others. Through re-enacting his abuse on Lopmon, whom he recognizes as the same as him, he’s essentially self-harming and fueling his inferiority complex and suicidal ideation. 
The way the game makes the player witness his behavior as it unravels and slowly spirals until it reaches its most vicious expression in part 5 makes for a striking and effective portrayal of his household problems. The fact the only way to kickstart any positive character growth from him hinges on saving Ryo, shines a light on Survive’s ideals of communal care: after being forced to face what happens when the people who are deemed as lost cases are abandoned to their demise, the importance of making sure everyone is care for is evident.
Furthermore, the manner in which Ryo saves Shuuji heavily involves calling him out for his deplorable behavior, going as far as punching him in reliatation for bashing Lopmon. By addressing the harm Shuuji is causing his partner and the others, Ryo stops him just before he does something he can’t take back. It doesn’t stop there, as Ryo forces him to get out of his head and acknowledge the others are there, going to lenghts to support him when he’s at his lowest.
This enables Shuuji to begin to mend his relationship with Lopmon — and himself, by extension. To be able to get back up after hitting rock bottom and not to give up in the uphill battle towards self-improvement: to know there’s people around him who both will help him weather his inner turmoil and shoulder his responsabilities; but will also confront him without antagonizing him and won’t allow him to hurt himself or others any further.
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[Image ID: Conversation log between Shuuji and Lopmon during their perfect evolution cutscene.
Lopmon: Don’t throw the towel, Shuuji! Didn’t you want your own approval?!
Shuuji: It’s no good... No one’s going to approve me the way I am now...
Lopmon: That’s not true! You’ve at least got me believing in you! No matter how down in the dumps you get, I believe you’ll get back up, so...
Shuuji: Lopmon...]
Shuuji’s growth is further nurtured by his relationship with The Professor, which brings in a literal game-changer reveal that changes the end-stretch of the game. The Professor as the kids’ only adult figure available to guide them is by design, given The Professor himself had to grow up to be the kind of adult who could understand and help the scared, dismissed child he himself once was. He exists in opposition to the largely absent, neglectful or downright harmful adult figures that failed to support the kids back home.
In this way, Survive goes a step further from simply portraying the maladptive stress responses the kids display to posit that for the group’s growth and continual efforts for healing to be possible at all, it’s absolutely essential to foster a caring community for them. One that is capable of both calling them out for their negative behaviors but also supports and encourages them to improve. This goes hand-in-hand with the game’s response to the duties of leadership, survival and making an impact in the world — for any of that to be achievable, both internal and external burdens must be shared responsability within the group. 
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Happy Near Year Mod! Thank you for making this blog, it's gotten me thru some rough patches, I hope you have an amazing wonderful fantastic 2023 for you and all your friends who help make Student out of Time the fun story it is n.n
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//Thanks, everyone ^^
//Yeah, it’s crazy how the year’s already almost over. It honestly doesn’t really feel like it, but here we are.
//2022 was....a mixed bag. It had numerous moments where it seemed like things were once again getting worse, only to do a massive turnaround. World War III is not on the horizon, no matter what you might hear from alarmist sources or clickbaity videos. Nevertheless, we still have a lot of issues that need to be addressed, some old and some new.
//On the other hand, a lot of good’s happened both for the world at large and for me personally. I think I’ve put out some of the best arcs this blog has seen this year, and now that I’m working more closely with more creators, I’m hoping to continue that trend.
//Not only that, but this year was where I actually got a lot done. I managed to improve as an artist and writer in ways I didn’t think I ever would, and I’ve really made some steps forward not only in writing this blog but also in my other projects.
//I also wanted to take a look at the arcs that’ve come and gone, and ask myself if my opinions on them have changed. So have they?
//Ehh...not really, but upon reflection, my early stuff really isn’t as bad as I used to think it was:
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//You can see the areas in which I felt I needed the most improvement ^^;
//But at the same time, as we inch closer to 1,000 followers, this year really got me thinking about how so many of you actually really seemed to enjoy my early stuff and still enjoy what’s going on now.
//For a long time, especially in 2021 and earlier this year, I was considering possibly running a poll on whether or not I should reboot this blog. I was convinced that everyone had the same issues regarding my earlier stuff as I did, and there things that they couldn’t get passed that hampered their ability to enjoy the story.
//But now that we’ve moved further and further into better works, such as arcs I’ve written with Mod Poi and Mod Honey, and the assistance I’ve gotten from TA, Mod Carol, Creepercraftguy and others, it’s honestly made me move away from that mindset. Not to mention the number of asks I’ve actually gotten in regards to that issue have been minimal. 
//I actually saw a great video the other day from Zoe Bee called The truth about being a content creator (or, "quit apologizing and be an artist"), where she talks very earnestly about the struggles of being a content creator. I related to it on a lot of levels, but the part that really stood out to me was the ending where she showed comments from people who genuinely enjoyed and appreciated what she does. And it reminded me of all the kind and supportive followers I have here.
//Depression makes it hard to feel like you’ve earned any genuine kindness, and when people give it to you in that state, it doesn’t feel real or you don’t feel like you can accept it. But you can, and you should. When people appreciate what you do, that means you have made a real, tangible impact on someone’s life in a positive way.
//I’ve made it no secret that I struggle with that negative mindset, but I’m trying every day to get a little better at it. Sometimes I need breaks, and sometimes I don’t feel like I’m doing enough, but I’m working on steadily improving my outlook on myself and life as a whole.
//I’ve always said, if people enjoy works you don’t care for or don’t like, that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them. On the contrary, it can mean that someone got something out of it that maybe you didn’t; that maybe they saw it in a unique way and it appealed to them.
//In the case of works you yourself make that you don’t like, but other people enjoy, maybe it goes to show that your perception of yourself doesn’t have to be so negative. You’re the one who’ll think the most about the flaws of your work, but the people who appreciate it will like it for its strengths.
//To everyone who’s ever followed me and enjoys the work I do, you guys are the reason I feel like I can keep going. It makes me happy to know you like this giant nerd’s ridiculous ideas ^^
//And I don’t want to hype things up too much, but with what we have planned for the coming year, it’s only gonna get better
//Happy new year, everyone!
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survivingrayhussain · 10 hours
Surviving Ray Hussain Reveals 5 Strategies for Exceeding Client Expectations in B2B Sales
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In the competitive world of B2B sales, simply meeting client expectations is not enough. 
Surviving Ray Hussain and thriving in this landscape requires businesses to go above and beyond. 
By doing so, they can foster long-term relationships, gain client loyalty, and set themselves apart from competitors. Here are five strategies to exceed client expectations in B2B sales:
1. Understand the Client’s Business Goals
To exceed expectations, it’s essential to understand your client’s business needs and goals thoroughly. 
This requires more than just knowing what products or services they need; it means grasping the larger picture of how your offerings can help them achieve success. 
By asking the right questions and engaging in active listening during meetings, sales teams can gather valuable insights into the client’s challenges, objectives, and priorities.
Once you understand these goals, you can offer solutions that align with their long-term vision, presenting opportunities they might have yet to consider. 
This proactive approach shows clients that you are invested in their success, not just your own.
2. Provide Tailored Solutions
Generic, one-size-fits-all solutions can often fall short of addressing the specific needs of B2B clients. 
Exceeding expectations means offering customized solutions that are fine-tuned to a client’s unique situation. 
Tailoring your offerings can involve adapting product features, creating custom packages, or even offering flexible terms that work for your business model.
Clients will appreciate the effort you put into developing solutions that precisely fit their needs. 
It also demonstrates your willingness to innovate and be flexible—two qualities that build trust and loyalty over time.
3. Offer Proactive Communication and Transparency
Clear and consistent communication is key to building a successful relationship with B2B clients. 
Proactive communication means not waiting for the client to ask for updates or information. 
Instead, anticipate their questions and provide updates on timelines, potential issues, and performance metrics.
Transparency is equally important. If challenges arise or delays are expected, addressing them openly and early builds trust and reassures clients that you are in control of the situation. 
When clients feel well-informed, they are more likely to view the partnership as a reliable one.
4. Focus on Value-Added Services
Delivering value beyond the core product or service is a powerful way to exceed client expectations. 
Offering complementary services such as training, personalized consultations, or after-sales support can make a lasting impression. 
These additional services can help clients fully realize the benefits of your offering, reduce downtime, or improve operational efficiency.
By positioning yourself as more than just a vendor and becoming a partner in the client’s success, you can elevate the relationship and demonstrate your commitment to their ongoing prosperity.
5. Consistently Deliver Results and Measure Success
While building strong relationships and communicating well are crucial, none of that matters if you cannot deliver on promises. 
Ensure your solutions consistently meet or exceed agreed-upon benchmarks, whether they’re in terms of product quality, service delivery, or ROI. 
Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success and sharing those metrics with your clients ensures they see the tangible results of your efforts.
Additionally, regularly gathering client feedback and using it to improve your offerings can show clients that you are always striving to provide better value and service.
Exceeding client expectations in B2B sales requires a combination of deep understanding, tailored solutions, proactive communication, added value, and measurable results. 
When executed properly, these strategies not only secure immediate sales but also foster long-term relationships that lead to repeat business and client advocacy. 
By consistently going the extra mile, you can establish your business as a trusted partner in your client's success.
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billconrad · 4 days
Emotional Editing
    I noticed a recurring pattern while editing my books and articles. It is far easier to edit logical, factual, or funny sentences. They blast through grammar checks and rarely require changes. Why? These basic concepts do not require lofty explanations. X leads to Y, which causes Z. Simple, straightforward, basic, and easy to explain.
    The pattern I noticed is that a sentence with passion, sadness, anger, or joy complicates everything. X happened, and Bob feels… Gahh. What does Bob feel? Bob is upset. No, let’s make him angry. Is “upset” different from “angry?” Well, sort of. X happened, and Bob felt angry. Wow, that reads awful. Bob cannot suddenly feel angry. Something must have set him off. We cannot randomly inject a basic feeling because readers require depth.
    “Bob was so angry that his blood boiled.” Much better. Now, Bob requires a complete backstory with supporting dialog to reveal how his anger affects others. “Sally, I feel terrible. X makes my heart ache like a thousand needles are crushing it.” That is powerful but incomplete.
    Does a human heart feel pain like being crushed by a thousand needles? The pain is not supposed to be sharp; it is supposed to be powerful. Wow, this basic emotional description became complex.
    Last night, I edited two paragraphs for style and flow about the main character giving his horse to a low-income family. Functionally, it was fine, and on the surface, I addressed how the main character felt about the gift and how the family reacted. Nothing special was going on. I spent twenty minutes re-tweaking those paragraphs and was still not satisfied. So, I marked the font in red to remind me that this section needed work and moved on to the next paragraph.
    What was the big issue? I spent the prior five pages building the bond between the horse and the main character. How can I compress that departure into two paragraphs? Yet, when I tried adding a third, it was blubbery nonsense. At the same time, I needed to make sure I used sound logic, grammar, and flow. Finding that balance between emotional content and good sentence structure always fights me to the death. To further complicate matters, every sentence had a mouthful of “I,” “feel,” “he/she,” and “me.” The result reads like a stuttering child who discovered a thesaurus. Those two paragraphs drove me bonkers.  
    On the other side of the coin, there must be distance, reflection, and regret. How did the main character feel three paragraphs later? Well, why not skip that emotional junk? That’s easy. Readers hate dispassionate stories.
    The core of every good story rests on an emotional foundation. It is crucial to build the bridge into a reader’s mind. I enjoy writing about emotions because digging deep into a character’s mind is fun to pull out their most sacred thoughts.
    What can I do? I have discovered a fantastic book called “The Emotion Thesaurus” by Angela Ackerman.
    It is a fantastic resource to help authors show emotions, and I have gained a new understanding during the writing process. Yet… Even that fantastic book does not help much during the editing process. The only way to get better is to spend hours and hope some of it sinks in. Bummer.
    In reading other works, I see that I am not alone. Many books overcompensate or miss the mark. Regular characters are emotional messes, and horrific characters are confusingly nice. I did not appreciate an excellent emotional scene until I sat down and edited/re-edited a few thousand paragraphs. Yes, I had to go over them more than once.
    Fortunately, I see this area as something that I can improve upon. This struggle makes my heartache like a…
    You’re the best -Bill
    September 22, 2024
    Hey book lovers, I published four. Please check them out:
    Interviewing Immortality. A dramatic first-person psychological thriller that weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and self-confrontation.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival. A drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties. A slow-burn political thriller that reflects the realities of modern intelligence, law enforcement, department cooperation, and international politics.
    Saving Immortality. Continuing in the first-person psychological thriller genre, James Kimble searches for his former captor to answer his life’s questions.
    These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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coggno1 · 5 days
The Importance of Online Harassment Prevention Training in the Workplace
In today’s diverse and digital-first work environment, creating a safe and respectful workplace has become more important than ever. One of the most effective ways companies can foster such environments is by providing online harassment prevention training for employees. This type of training not only addresses key issues like sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination but also promotes a culture of respect, inclusion, and accountability.
What Is Online Harassment Prevention Training?
Online harassment prevention training is a structured course offered digitally that aims to educate employees about inappropriate workplace behaviors and how to prevent them. Topics typically include defining various forms of harassment, understanding company policies, reporting mechanisms, and knowing employee rights under the law. These training sessions are interactive, engaging, and accessible, allowing employees to complete them at their own pace, regardless of location.
By making these courses available online, organizations can ensure that every employee, whether they work remotely or on-site, receives the same high-quality training.
Why Is It Crucial for Every Workplace?
Promotes a Safe and Respectful EnvironmentOnline harassment prevention training helps employees understand what constitutes unacceptable behavior in the workplace. This training also teaches employees how to recognize and address issues before they escalate into more serious problems. When staff is educated about appropriate workplace behavior, it creates a safer, more respectful environment where everyone feels comfortable and valued.
Reduces Legal RisksWorkplace harassment can lead to serious legal consequences for both employees and employers. Companies that fail to address harassment issues may face costly lawsuits, fines, and reputational damage. By providing online harassment prevention training, businesses not only comply with legal requirements but also demonstrate their commitment to creating a harassment-free workplace. This training can help reduce the likelihood of harassment incidents, minimizing the legal and financial risks to the company.
Boosts Employee Morale and ProductivityEmployees who feel safe and supported in their workplace are more likely to be engaged and productive. Harassment, discrimination, and bullying create toxic environments that negatively impact morale and job satisfaction. Through harassment prevention training, employees learn how to contribute to a positive work culture, free from fear or intimidation. This, in turn, leads to higher productivity, lower absenteeism, and improved job satisfaction.
Ensures Compliance with RegulationsMany jurisdictions have mandatory laws requiring employers to provide harassment prevention training. For example, in the U.S., certain states like California and New York have strict guidelines that require businesses to offer sexual harassment training to all employees. By implementing online harassment prevention training, companies can ensure they are meeting legal requirements, staying compliant with regulations, and protecting themselves from potential penalties.
Key Features of an Effective Training Program
An effective online harassment prevention training program should include:
Clear definitions and examples of various forms of harassment.
Interactive modules that engage employees in real-world scenarios.
Detailed explanations of company policies and procedures.
Information on reporting mechanisms and employee rights.
A certification upon completion to ensure accountability.
Implementing online harassment prevention training is essential for every organization. It not only helps protect employees from harmful behaviors but also minimizes legal risks, improves workplace culture, and boosts overall productivity. Investing in a comprehensive, accessible online training program shows a company’s commitment to the well-being of its employees and the success of its business. In today’s digital age, ensuring that all team members understand their role in maintaining a respectful, harassment-free workplace is critical to long-term success.
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profinishusa · 1 year
Professional Paint Correction Services For Cars
Vehicles are a valued belonging for some individuals, and keeping them in perfect condition is a first concern. One of the fundamental parts of vehicle upkeep is the paintwork. A vehicle's paintwork improves its appearance and safeguards its body from rust and other ecological harm. Be that as it may, after some time, a vehicle's paint can become dull, scratched, or blurred because of openness to the components or minor mishaps.
This is where paint amendment administrations become an integral factor. Paint rectification is the method involved with eliminating scratches, whirl marks, and different blemishes from a vehicle's paint task to reestablish its unique sparkle and clearness. Before, vehicle proprietors needed to take their cars to an actual shop for paint revision administrations. With the progress of innovation, getting paint revision administrations on the web is conceivable.
Cars Paint Correction Services Online have become progressively famous for our accommodation and moderation, and vehicle proprietors never again need to sit around idly and cash, heading to an actual shop and trusting that their car will be overhauled. We can land their vehicle's paint position remedied from the solace of their own home.
To begin with online paint remedy administrations, vehicle proprietors can visit the site of a trustworthy specialist co-op. These sites ordinarily offer a scope of administrations, from fundamental paint rectification to further developed administrations like clay covering. Vehicle proprietors can choose the assistance that best addresses their issues and spending plan.
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When a vehicle proprietor has chosen the ideal help, they can transfer photos of their vehicle's paint occupation to the specialist co-op's site. The specialist co-op will utilize these photos to evaluate the state of the vehicle's paintwork and give a statement to the help. When the vehicle proprietor acknowledges the information, they can arrange support.
Upon the arrival of the help, a prepared professional will show up at the vehicle proprietor's area with all the essential gear and materials. The professional will then, at that point, continue to address the vehicle's paintwork, eliminating scratches, swirl marks, and different blemishes. The interaction ordinarily requires a couple of hours, after which the vehicle proprietor will have a vehicle with a reestablished paintwork.
Overall, Cars Paint Correction Services Orlando offers a helpful and reasonable way for vehicle proprietors to keep their vehicles putting their best selves forward. With only a couple of snaps, vehicle proprietors can plan a paint remedy administration and have a prepared expert show up in their area to reestablish their vehicle's paintwork. So, if you're hoping to reestablish your vehicle's paintwork, consider checking on the web paint adjustment administrations.
For more info:-
Car Washing Services Orlando
Car Waxing Services Orlando
Professional Car Cleaning Orlando
Professional Car Detailing Orlando
Wheel Ceramic Coating Services Orlando
Car Ceramic Coating Orlando
Source URL:- https://sites.google.com/view/profinishusa/home
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kicksaddictny · 2 years
Nike and the Tucker Center Are Partnering to Keep Girls in Sport
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According to NIKE
Nike has developed a new digital coaching resource, “Coaching HER,” in partnership with the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport at the University of Minnesota, a preeminent research center leading a global effort to create lasting change for girls and women in sport.
We know that when young girls stay involved with play and sport, the benefits are immeasurable. Nike is committed to teaching the next generation of coaches how to encourage young girls to stay in sports, keep playing and have fun, particularly knowing that young girls tend to drop out of sports at twice the rate of boys by the age of 14. 
Coaching HER is comprised of seven online modules that address the importance of sport for girls and the actions coaches can take to set girls up for success in sport. The tool tackles a central issue in youth sports that negatively impacts girls’ experiences: when coaches show unconscious biases and stereotypes toward gender. In the module “Tackling Gender Stereotypes,” for example, coaches learn to recognize the effect of stereotypes on girls’ participation and enjoyment. Along the way, coaches learn practical tips for how to use inclusive and gender-neutral language.
When a girl’s confidence is shaken because she internalizes gender biases and stereotypes, she is more likely to drop out of sports, based on a 2018 report published by the Tucker Center. The highest drop-off rate occurs during a critical age range when girls go through puberty, around 11 to 17 years old — which is exactly the age window when girls feel pressured to conform to an identity shaped by their peers and by adults, including coaches. How a girl feels about her coach is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not she keeps playing organized sports, according to the same 2018 report. 
In March 2021, the Tucker Center, alongside its global colleagues, conducted 21 workshops with girls and coaches across six different countries: France, Japan, India, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States. The girls and coaches were approached separately during the information-gathering stage to ensure that the feedback was honest and reflective of their lived experiences. Coaches were asked how they think about, perceive, evaluate and coach girls. Conversely, girls from diverse backgrounds were asked about their perceptions and experiences with their coaches. 
Coaching HER’s entire programming was co-created from the direct insights of these participants. Both the survey results and interviews were analyzed by a team of researchers from the Tucker Center, and modules were designed to challenge the assumptions of what it means to coach girls — seen through the eyes of girls themselves. 
Through Coaching HER’s seven modules, coaches can improve their understanding of gender bias and stereotypes and adjust their coaching to help girls stay engaged in sport. 
Coaching HER is Nike’s most current, comprehensive and evidence-based resource on coaching girls. The tool expands upon Nike’s existing collection of Made to Play resources to help keep girls active as part of the company’s aim to achieve 50 percent girl participation in the sport-based community programs it supports by 2025. 
What to know
To help keep 11- to 17-year-old girls playing, Nike has developed a new free digital coaching resource, “Coaching HER,” in partnership with the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport at the University of Minnesota, a preeminent research center leading a global effort to create lasting change for girls and women in sport.
The online tool is evidence-based through studies via the Tucker Center and rigorously tested with coaches and female athletes. The tool tackles a central issue in youth sports that negatively impacts girls’ experiences: when coaches show unconscious biases and stereotypes toward gender. 
Globally, girls face complex cultural, social and economic barriers to play and sport. As a result, they enter later, drop out of sports at twice the rate of boys, become less physically active as they age, and face numerous barriers boys do not. This can lead to fewer overall opportunities to play and benefit from sport.
The tool expands upon Nike’s existing collection of Made to Play resources to help keep girls active as part of the company’s aim to achieve 50 percent girl participation in the sport-based community programs it supports by 2025.
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Lenders want to anticipate the likelihood of a borrower to repay a loan within the stipulated period. Therefore they use decision-making tools that assist in risk assessment. It is important to have a good credit, it is the governing factor in qualifying for a loan, amongst other factors. One’s credit score is generated upon request by the lender. Loan terms vary according to your credit score. Financial goals achieved have major impact on the borrower’s credit score. But just what is a good credit score? Well, before answering this question, it’s important to first understand what constitutes a credit score
It is the elements contained in your credit report that affect your score. Such elements include:
Your total debt.
Loan payment history.
The rate of credit utilization.
Credit report inquiries submitted.
Civil judgements, bankruptcy and other public records.
The number of credit accounts newly opened.
The number and type of credit accounts one has, and how long they have been in existence.
However, there is information that credit scores do not  regard such as:
Age of the borrower.
Origin, race, marital status, gender or religion.
Place of residence of the borrower.
Employment status and history and salary (although lenders may want to use such information for approval purposes).
Consumer disclosure inquiry made by the borrower or promotional inquiry made by lenders.
Sometimes when reviewing your credit scores, you may discover that they are not as satisfactory as you would want them to be. Your credit report contains all activities related to your credit flow, showing your responsibility in regards to your credit management. There are ways you can take charge of your financial future if you are equipped with information like:
Improving your credit history with use of credit cards that are secured.
Making choices that improve the credit score.
The role of credit repair services to your credit.
Restoring and restoring one’s good credit after suffering major setbacks like divorce or death.
Monitoring your credit movements and learning on ways to help control them.
There are ways in which one can establish credit. Such ways include;
One must have a source of income that is adequate and if they are underage, they must have a consigner.
Open an account with the bank with a credit limit.
Open a secured credit card.
When applying for loans, there is no need for minimum credit score, but you can be disqualified when you have a low credit score. You will have to wait for your credit to improve for you to get the best rates. However, some companies servicing mortgages issue guidelines to borrowers with low credit scores to help them acquire their desired loans. There are facts about credit scores that are common. Credit reports do not contain credit scores, the scores are calculated upon request only. They change with time based on one’s credit movements. In the case of joint accounts, credit reports are contained in the credit history. However, when one gets married, the accounts of the spouses remain independent.
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Address - Atlanta, GA
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Website - C4 Credit Solutions
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rolliphp · 2 years
Forward mail for gmail
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Unfortunately, figuring out how to forward them can be an issue, especially if you are unfamiliar with the layout of a certain mail provider’s settings. There are many instances where forwarding emails makes sense. Try it FREE How To Forward An Email In Your Mail Provider
You can simply use email forwarding to share the information with a family member or send it to your personal address so you can add it to your calendar after work.Īs you can imagine, there are lots of instances where manual or automatic email forwarding would be beneficial for you.Įffectively manage your Inbox with the Clean Email app. For example, let's say you receive your work schedule for the upcoming month via your work mail. Typically, people use this function to share information with other people or to share the information with themselves via a secondary inbox. In other words, email forwarding lets you share information and start new conversations about the included information.
When you forward email, the new recipient can see the entire chain of messages, plus any included attachments.įurthermore, you can include new information or attachments along with the previous chain when you forward a message. However, there are also times when a reply doesn’t make the most sense - and that’s when you forward email.Įmail forwarding is a term used for the process of re-sending an electronic message you received to another address not included in the original message. Most of the time, this happens through the “reply” function. Your hamburger menu helped immensely! It never occurred to me to try using a checkbox.What Is Email Forwarding And Why Do I Need It?Įlectronic communication involves a lot of back and forth between individuals. The closest I'd gotten it to work was using a series of :hover, :active, :focus and adjacent sibling selectors, but a) you could only have one panel open at a time, b) you couldn't have a panel opened as a default, and c) it proved a UX issue when you opened the email in a browser. We have super, super long emails (newsletters) that on mobile have almost endless vertical scroll, and I wanted to come up with a way to reduce that.
And I won't be able to test on Android 4.4 (Kitkat) to see if it works there either. Here's my codepen with collapsible panels if you wanna take a look/use for any projects: Ĭaveats: I don't have the Outlook app on android nor iPhone to test on it (it's not a platform we support so was told not to worry about it), so I can't guarantee it works on it. My problem came up with using general sibling selectors (~). Thanks, I'll give it a go later today to see how iOS handles it. So if anyone is interested in going hamburger in your emails, or would like to improve upon the technique, check out the email here: Hiding the checkbox from non-media querying clients was not so easy and forced me to refactor the markup numerous times.įast forward through a week of hair pulling, desk banging and numerous litmus tests. Initial testing showed solid support by the email clients I was actually targeting – those supporting CSS3 media queries. Using a checkbox and styling off of its :checked pseudo selector seemed like a good idea and so I went with it. The initial challenge was figuring out how to bring user interaction into the email world. The Hamburger request, however, was something that I had never done before. Items 1-6 were expected and implementation ran smoothly as I worked off of a boilerplate from a previous project.
Styled ALT text for disabled images view.
Design that is in line with their website.
This past week was a whirlwind of refactoring! I was working on (and finished) a mobile responsive email template for a credit union.
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0 notes
blackpeachy · 4 years
We're asking everyone to read this post and help in any way you can! Please.
Hello everyone. I need you all to pay a little attention to the largest problem I ever had to face in my life. And I need your help to resolve it.
As many of you know, Russia is a very homophobic country. Literally silencing all and any attempts to bring solutions to the problems of all aspects of LGBT+ community.
My name is Nathan, Nate and im a trans!guy living in Russia. Through out all of my life i alsways knew i didnt belong in my own body, but i didnt find out what that was untill i was 11. Im 25 now and i need your help. Help getting the certificate to finally change all documents and start transitioning.Living in Russia ment  misgendering and humiliation.  Eternal brainwashing and moralizing about the fact that this is only a phase and everything will be okay, that  I had problems with my head and it needed to be treated. This not only worsened my morale, but completely killed all the strength in me to continue living.This was the begining of a life long depression. Until sometime last month.
Having started some deep research on the topic of transition and gender reassignment in Russia( specifically in my city), my gilrfriends and I stumbled upon a clinic in Rostov(my city)called "Phoenix". We thought we struck a goldmine! A clinic that helps people and helps them find a way out. However, this was not the case, because starting to dig a little deeper, we saw people's feedback that 'Phoenix' only ridicules and humiliates people, rips money off them and prescribes "schizophrenia" for no good reason. Pay from 60 - 150k rubles just to be prescribed with schizophrenia and humiliated in the face of a huge council of 15 people ... It sounds disgusting, I know.  Here’s an example of something another trans!person said after visiting Phoenix:
(its a lengthy review, of which i will post a screenshot, but there a summaryin English)
“The doctor showed disrespect to my choice and began to convince me that we are predators and should eat meat. It's like convincing the believer that there is no God. This is disrespect for a person on the part of a doctor. At the end of the inpatient treatment, the doctor obsessively asked me to write a review about him, naturally, a good one. I am a representative of the LGBT + community. And I'll tell you right away - this is not a place for people like us. Dyachenko convinced me of the wrongness of my identity. Anton Vasilyevich initially refused to address me in those pronouns that correspond to my identity, referring to the fact that he “has no legal right” to do this.
I was prescribed a huge number of drugs with side effects that worsened my quality of life and made my head cotton. Several months ago I canceled the medication myself, and over time my condition improved, and the side effects, which the doctor called new symptoms of the disease, disappeared.
If you are a gay or transgender person with a severe form of depression, which does not correspond to their ideas and stereotypes about LGBT people, then you will most likely be diagnosed with schizophrenia and will convince you that all this is either due to illness or because of that you have read false information on the internet.”
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We immediately turned our backs on this clinic and resorted to looking for all-Russian and local groups and communities who provide help to trans!people in need. When I came across a couple of very interesting articles and reviews about the clinic in Samara called ‘Neurology’. (All people shouted to immediately throw out all thoughts about Phoenix, because the clinic is transphobic and does not help at all. We called Phoenix for a consultation there: We were almost cussed at by the sound of the tone they answered our questions.)
The group administrator himself contacted the clinic(in Samara) and now he does not regret it at all.  After reading the articles and talking with local admins, we decided that if we had somewhere to turn to and get the desired result in short period of time, we need to pack up and go to Samara, because people will definitely not drag you to offices and consultations with a huge number of people ... Everything is strictly between the two doctors you talk to and yourself.
However, in order to get to Samara as soon as possible, I ask for your help! The entire procedure for obtaining a certificate of gender reassignment (form N 087 / y) will take from two to three days, depending on how quickly the doctors will come to a general agreement and issue a verdict. The cost of consultations is  20,900 rubles (284,95 dollars, with consulatations) according to data from October, when one of the subscribers of the trans!movement group visited the clinic. This is a very reasonable and good price to pay for changing your life and finally stop being locked in your own body and mind.
Here’s some convos we had with Russian trans community groups:
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At the moment, we really need help with raising funds for the implementation of this procession:
The commission itself will cost 210$ (according to data from October),
Consultation with a Sexologist -40-45$ per meeting,
Consultation with a Psychiatrist - 48$ per meeting,
Hotel or motel to rent for the time to stay (taking into account if there is no way to find someone elses place to stay at) - ~ 140$, for at least three days.
Moving - by train, for two people, it turns out - 70$ per one person, in both directions. - 140$ (There are two of us going, me and my girlfriend for moral suport)
With such success, we are looking at the total amount of - 43k rubles or nearing 584-600$( plus some minor additions)
MY PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.me/commiewantssomemoney
We ask for help to raise funds for the trip, because it takes a long time to save up on our own. My family cannot help because of moral ethics, but they did not turn away from me,supporting me in every way they can mentally. We, of course, will contribute some of our own money to this cause, trying to save up working a  minimum wage job.
I am asking you for help in taking this long-awaited step towards a better life. Reblog, donation, ANY help is very appreciated! Help a suffering trans!male in Russia to make his life less miserable.
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biggirllifestyle · 3 years
Over the Rails: Cold Floors and Sparks
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Summary: After Peter posts, a video of him and his friends at the roller rink on the Avengers group chat Bucky can’t seem to get his mind off Peter’s friend who stole the show, and after getting goaded into going skating with the other avengers (Natasha’s conniving planning) where Peter’s friend works at Bucky can’t help but feel that there’s something more to look forward to.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Sized Reader
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Swearing, Physical harm (from Roller Skating), Future Confrontational Violence, Creepers making woman uncomfortable, .
A/N: It’s long. Sorry. Enjoy.
Friday seemed to be getting closer and closer and Bucky couldn’t help the growing anxiety that he felt as the day grew closer. He didn’t have any issues with hanging out with the Avengers or even being around other people, he had worked through those issues with Xavier on one of his sessions so he knew he could get through it.
Bucky knew that choosing to call his therapist at three in the morning on a weekday would be an excessive thing to do but he thought that maybe dealing with it upfront would be so much better, as he huddled by the couch the rooms only illumination from the muted tv. Bucky heard the line ringing for a few minutes and growing anxiety grew as it kept ringing, as he was about to end the call the line picked and a disgruntled voice answered,
“Do you have any idea what time it is?”
Bucky stopped short the voice on the other line was not his therapist, pulling the phone away looking to see if he had accidentally dialed the wrong number, bucky pulled the phone back an apology at the tip of his tongue before he heard another gruff voice but this time with the hint of a British accent underneath,
“Eric, What’s going on? Who is that?”
Bucky heard a grumble from the man who answered before there was a shift of sheets and finally Xavier was on the line, there was an extra shift and an audible click before everything quieted again.
“James is everything alright?”
“Doctor I apologize for calling you so early in the morning but I-,” Bucky stopped short. He didn't know how to say what was wrong, he felt like his fear was inconsequential that did not deem a call at three in the morning. “I apologize for calling so early in the morning but I don’t know what’s wrong and I need your help.”
He heard Xavier humm, “James, we have talked about this, you do not have to apologize for seeking help. This is an improvement for you since never before did you seek help so I feel like this is a step forward, now tell me what can I do for you?”
“Doc, I know that our session is set for Saturday but something changed this week and I feel like if I don’t address it now it might become an issue for when it finally comes up.” Bucky didn’t know if he was making any sense; he couldn’t even say that he understood his words very clearly, so he was hoping that Xavier was able to understand him enough.
“Does this have anything to do with the video you had talked about from our last session, the one you were caught watching by Natasha?” Bucky made a small noise of confirmation, Xavier hummed as he seemed to write down what was being told to him, Bucky could hear the scratch of paper through the phone.
“Did something happen, James, I know from our last session you mentioned how you were looking forward to your outing with the others, so what is it about it now that's making you so anxious?” Bucky couldn't help the noise of shock that he let out, Xavier had a way of always knowing what Bucky was feeling and thinking and almost as if he was reading his mind, if it wasn’t for the fact that he survived the fall and Steve become ten times taller then he would say that Xavier was a mutant person with powers, well he still believes that no matter how much Xavier denies it.
“There is just so much that may go wrong that makes me nervous,” Bucky paused running a hand through his long hair, “ I just don’t want to disappoint, Nat had told me that this girl, Bibi, was a History major and according to Peter she did a paper the impact of Steve and I’s missions and how the war would have gone differently if we hadn’t been involved and that all that dedication she put into it-”
Bucky paused taking a small breath before continuing, “I just don’t want her to meet me and decide that I am a disappointment, that the person she spent such a long time researching, the person who I used to be, would make her disappointed because I am not him anymore.”
“James, you are and you will always be James Buchanan Barnes no matter the alias that was set for you or not, what HYDRA stole from you, your freedom, does not define who you were before or after the Winter Soldier, don’t let them take your future just because you are worried that people will still see you like the Winter Soldier, you have to understand that not everything revolves around that persona, okay? You are capable of going beyond if you just allow yourself to do it.”
Bucky was silent letting Xavier's words sink in, he was feeling much better now that he was hearing a word of reason at this time, Steve had been sent out on a quick mission overnight and he wouldn’t be back until later in the afternoon, he heard Xavier clear his throat before snapping him out of his mind.
“Now I am very curious about this girl you were mentioning, it seems that this person is the reason why you are feeling like this, and I can assume since you did show me the video that she is the one who fell at the end was it not?”
“Yeah, that’s her.”
“Well James, it’s currently too early in the morning you need your rest and it seems that this is something we will have to talk about when we are in the right state of mind, so let’s leave this conversation for our session on Saturday?”
“That sounds like a good idea Doc.”
“Great then it’s set,” Bucky heard a snap that could only be Xavier's notebook, “ And James I would like to apologize in regards to my husband Eric’s behavior earlier he just got back from a job and the jet lag wasn’t the best for him.”
“It’s alright Doc don’t worry I understand I mean I would have reacted the same way if someone would have called me at that time as well.”
“Well then goodnight James, or should I say morning instead”
“Night Doc, thanks again,” Bucky said before he hanged up, on the tv, there was a show going, one of Steve’s favorite that Sam and he would usually watch together constantly when off-mission, a sitcom of sorts of a man and women living in the suburbs as they try to hide their identity from their neighbors, Bucky shut it off enveloping the room in darkness.
Bucky knew that whatever happened on Friday, he would do whatever it took to prove that he was and could be James Buchanan Barnes again.
“When you told me you were going to buy me some Ice-Cream, I didn’t realize it came with the price of you dragging me to go shopping with you.” You said as you watched MJ browse around the bottoms section, it was hot outside the hottest it has been in New York since the first time you had arrived here, but not as hot as how Texas got in the summer that’s for sure.
After what had happened with Trevor, Ned and Peter had taken upon themselves to become your own personal escorts walking you to class and anywhere they could, at first you thought it was sweet being very grateful for friends who would gladly give you support but now all you could think about was a way to get rid of them for even just a second so you could breathe.
Finally the time cam when Peter was summoned by Mr. Stark for an experiment and Betty had taken one for the team and forced Ned to take her on a date keeping him away from you as long as she could, so here you were with MJ following her around as she looked for an outfit for the school banquet coming up. Searching through the plus size racks a shimmering material caught your eye and you couldn't help the trill that went through your body thinking that you had found something that you like , taking it off the rack you pulled it up to look at the size letting out a huff you put the shirt back into the rack your mood soured overtly being fooled that something so nice cold be offered to someone your size, starting to walk away you turned back tacking the shirt off and depositing it on another much similar sizes at its own not wanting someone to feel the disappointment just like you.
MJ had her arms covered in clothes and you couldn’t help the small ball of jealousy that went through you before squashing it down, giving up on finding anything for yourself in this store. “Hey MJ,” you called to her as she headed towards the dressing rooms, she turned towards you the clothes seeming to weigh her down, so you ignored that looking only at her face, “I’m gonna head over to the thrift shop two doors down, head over there when you’re done choosing something.”
MJ gave a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to the dressing rooms, stepping out of the air conditioned store you put on your sunglasses blocking out the sun as much as you could before beginning your trek down the sidewalk, sidestepping busy pedestrian you couldn't help thinking about the upcoming event would some very special guest. The Avengers were not a group that you would have thought to meet, yet here you were just mere hours before you finally had the chance to interact with the most powerful and out-of-ordinary individuals out there.
Dodging a skateboarder as he zoomed past you finally arrived at your destination ushering into the air-conditioned building, you could practically hear your mother telling you that what you were doing rushing in and out of the heat was not good for your health. The other reason for accepting MJ’s offer to go shopping, besides the free ice cream, was because you were still looking for an outfit to wear you knew you would be working but at the same time interacting with them was a big part of it so you wanted to look your best, and maybe it also had to do with a certain sargeant who had set everything in motion, even though of course he saw you fall on your face.
You blushed at the memory going towards the plus size isle seeing a variety of clothing awaiting you and you couldn't help the calm feeling that went over you when you realised there was no reason for you to feel in any way of disappointment for what you found. As you continue browsing from the corner of your eye you saw two extremely fit and thin women come onto your section beginning to browse where you had left off. The clenching of your stomach was unintentional almost as if you were sucking it in trying to make it less noticeable you shifted around adjust your shirt away from your body trying to stretch it out as much as you could wishing it wasn't sticking so close to your body, you heard one of the girls laugh at something the other had said and your thoughts began to go crazy.
“They’re laughing at you, they can see you for what you are a fat and l-”
“Excuse me, Miss?” you snapped out of your thoughts a tremor going through you as you turned towards one of the girls who was close to you, she had a bright smile on her face as she looked at you.
“Oh my!” she exclaimed, “It is you, it’s so nice to meet you I’m a huge fan of your videos, Are you out here looking for something? Do you happen to have your skates with you?” Shaking your head you realise what she was saying, your videos those videos of you skating around New York and campus, you looked down at your beat up sneakers dreading the fact tht you didn't have your skates feeling naked without them you looked at the girl shaking your head at her, “Sorry left them at home.”
You hoped she would go away feeling uncomfortable as she stood next to you, your anxiety rising as you realised that she was tiny and well compared to her you were just too much. Her friend said something too low for you to hear but the girl laughed looking at you from the corner of her eye and your throat began to feel as if it was closing up feeling squeamish you began to shift back trying to get away without being rude, just as you were about to step away you heard another voice and you froze completely.
You knew that voice it had been mocking at you for the past weeks, his words at a constant repeat as you avoided your reflection in the mirror. Trevor rounded the corner coming to stand behind the two girls before he noticed you standing there, he looked shocked before he shook himself out of it turning to the girl had been speaking to you, “Meg, baby lets go I still have to pick up my order on the way home and I don’t want to be late.”
He looked back at you dragging his gaze down your body, staring straight at your exposed legs and you couldn't help but shift at how uncomfortable that look in his eyes felt. You grabbed your bag placing it in front of you trying to. hide yourself from his look hoping that anything could come and save you in that moment, looking over their shoulders you found MJ stalking towards you murder in her eyes and it was all focused on Trevor, he turned trying to see what had caught your eyes when he saw MJ he paled before he practically draged his girlfriend and her friend away trying to get out before MJ could get to him.
You couldn’t help the breath you let out sinking on the floor letting your heated skin cool with the cold floor, trying to calm yourself as you sucked in deep and controlled breaths looking up at MJ who kept her distance knowing that you would ask for her help if you needed it. Finally after what felt like a lifetime you rose up MJ looked like she wanted to pull you in but she stopped herself knowing that you hated being touched after you had an episode, “Come on she said let’s go and buy that ice cream.”
MJ walked towards the exit calm as she could be you shuffled behind her trying to hide yourself away after what had happened, you gave yourself a sardonic smile, who knew that the day you shoo away your bodyguards would be the day you met your nightmare. As you both walked through the streets you couldn’t help your thoughts from going wild, how could this have happened on such a day, you thought about calling your therapist but thought against it last time you had talked to Xavier he mentioned Eric coming into town so you didn’t want to bother them at the moment.
When you finally arrived MJ opened the door letting you go in first, she was typing so fast her focus solely on her phone that she almost ran into a customer as we maneuvered around trying to find an empty seat, you pulled her aside dragging her along as you shimmied her into a booth you turned to your side and squeezed yourself in the table moving trying to accommodate to your size, the blush that rose to your face showed your embarrassment but looking around you noticed nobody had payed attention to you, so you calmed down at that.
MJ finally put her phone down with a satisfied look in her eyes and you couldn’t help but feel bad for the poor bastard who her anger was directed to, the first person you thought of was Trevor and you couldn’t help the small giggle you let out. MJ realized the cause of your giggles and gave you a huge grin before her phone began to blow up as she ignored it.
“So I bought you something,” she said as she pulled up a bag from the floor holding it out, you grabbed it gingerly as you opened it up and saw the shirt you had picked up earlier at the store, you closed the bag afraid of taking it out, “I saw you look at it earlier and I asked one of the workers to see if they had one in your size and they did it was their very last one actually and I just knew I had to get it for you.”
You looked at MJ not believing her words as you opened the bag again taking out the shirt and looking at its size, you couldn’t help the tears that came to your eyes at the sheer luck you had in having friends like MJ and the others who went above and beyond for you.
“MJ this is amazing thank you so much for this. I love it.” You gave her a watery smile beyond happy at it, she beamed up at you happy that she was able to give you something to smile for.
“Yeah I think it will look lovely on you, and hey,” She said as she got up, “Maybe you’ll even be able to catch the attention of a certain Sergeant at the party.”
Bucky stood outside the rink with the others as they waited for Peter to show up, earlier that day Steve and Bucky had gone out to eat a diner close to their apartment when Natasha had shown up raging about how excited she was about tonight’s event. She talked about how Tony and her had made a bet to see who of all the avengers was most likely to fall first and who would be the first one to give up.
Now here they were late in the evening waiting for Peter to join them so they would be able to get inside. Peter’s other friends were by the door, but Bucky couldn’t see Bibi anywhere and he didn’t know if to be nervous or not. After a few minutes Peter finally arrived swinging down from a building close by he landed close to his friends bumping fist with one and kissing the other on the cheek before finally turning towards them.
“Right, okay are you guys ready Bibi is in there waiting in on us so if you wanna follow me,” He turned back to the door making a series of knocks that sounded like a passcode when in fact they were just random noises being produced, the door opened and a head popped out a look of annoyance clear on her face and Bucky couldn’t help but think of it as adorable, Natasha had sneaked close to him as Peter and Bibi exchanged banter at door elbowed him in the stomach making a big gesture towards bibi a huge grin plastered onto her face, Bucky gave her an annoyed look as he moved away from her to Steve’s side.
Peter and Bibi must have finished their little fight since she finally pushed the door open and spread out her arms in a grand gesture, “Welcome Avengers to our humble, ummm” She paused glaring back at a grinning Peter, the girl next to him elbowed him but the smile never left his face, “Right, Welcome to our humble rink where I will take you for the ride of your lives.”
Peter smirked at the end of the speech before sauntering in as the other Avengers snickered at your words as they followed you inside the building, Bucky took a deep breath trying to calm his rising heartbeat before following. The building was lit up when they walked in most of the group had spread out from either talking to Peter’s friends or getting some skates from Bibi who was manning the counter, Natasha headed his way again before grabbing his arm to drag him to the counter, “Take charge, Sarge” she said before depositing him in front of her.
Outside he hadn’t gotten an actual look at her outfit but he couldn’t help but to admire her now, a nice sparkly top complemented her he could see now that she was wearing some sparkly skates a mid length skirt flared out around her legs and Bucky fought hard to look away. When he finally looked at her she was giving him a shy smile that made Bucky’s heart give a stutter.
“What’ll be Sarge?”
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writtingfiction · 3 years
Sylvan x blythe pleaseeeeeeeeee anything u want
Oh lord, if you leave it broad like this I will try too hard to think of what I could do, and when I do find out something to with it, it ends up being long...
pairing: Sylvain x Byleth
words: 2.6 k
Sylvain knows what he said to Byleth years ago doesn’t paint him in a very good picture, even though he said he was kidding, he knew that she didn’t think he was. Maybe that’s why he didn’t see her as often as he did after that. He wasn’t surprised with the lack of her presence despite her being his professor. Sylvain envied Byleth for her lack of crest until she got to the monastery, almost wishing he had the same life. However, the grip on his heart when he learned that she went missing during the battle against Edelgard’s forces, made him want to weep.
The shock and relief Sylvain felt when seeing Byleth again, his chest heated, finger gripping his lance harder and his mask ever steady on his face. He couldn’t show just how much her presence means to him, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t be happy to see her. It’s when he gets the chance to see her up close that he realizes just how much he has changed since then.
The teal hair practically shines as the sun rises. She is as graceful as she was 5 years ago. She’s able to dodge the thieves attack smoothly. It’s almost as if she never vanished so long ago. When Byleth makes eye contact with him, he can only smile. However, when she approaches him during the heat of battle to check on him, he struggles to pull out words.
“Professor!” He grins as wide as he can. “Still looking as pretty as ever.” He gives her a quick wink. Sylvain doesn’t acknowledge the slight disappointment in her eyes when she turns back to fighting the thieves.
—— —
Sylvain hummed as he sharpened his blade. It’s been at least a month or two now since they’ve taken back the monastery without Edelgard knowing. Nonetheless, the further they went on their mission to take her down it wouldn’t be long before they found out. The various shouts he heard throughout the monastery told him that they were going out again. Letting out a tired sigh before he got up and joined his friends.
“Sylvain, there you are. I was just about to look for you.” Ashe said.
“Ashe, my knight in shining armour.” Sylvain said light hearted. Ashe can only grin wider.
“Y’know, have you kept up with your dancing skills?” Ashe said out of curiosity. “Professor did have you win the White Heron cup.” Sylvain could feel a groan in the back of his throat. Did he want to admit he did keep up with his dancing skills in private? When he knew no one would bother him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, my friend.” Sylvain said. Ashe let out a laugh.
“I’m just saying, I have a feeling the professor might put you on dancing duty.” Ashe spoke and Sylvain felt the embarrassment climb up his chest.
“By the Gods, I hope she doesn’t.” Sylvain said.
“Hope who doesn’t what?” Byleth spoke. Both of the young men jumped.
“Professor!!” Ashe said. Smiling ear to ear. “Just discussing the battle plans for the upcoming battle.” Byleth nodded.
“I’m glad you were. In fact, Sylvain, I wanted to ask you if you still remember the dances from the White Heron cup? It has been 5 five years after all.” Byleth said. Sylvain wanted to eat his own armour.
“Of course I do, professor. How could I forget dancing with someone as beautiful as you?” Sylvain said, pulling out his charming lines.
“Do you want me to make you wear the outfit again? I’m sure there’s an extra outfit around here somewhere…”
“NO! I mean, no. That won’t be necessary.” Sylvain said. The former blue lion students could see the mischievous smirk on Byleth’s face fade ever so slightly.
“A pity, but I hope the armour is easy to move in.” Byleth said, waving the two boys along to follow her. “You’ll be doing a lot of supporting.” Sylvain let out a nervous laugh. He wasn’t this nervous for an upcoming battle for years and he didn’t like what it meant.
— — —
The sounds of panic shouting and rushed footsteps of a scout climbing the stairs to the counsel room should have been their first sign of how bad the news was going to be. The door burst open and Dimitri almost has half a mind to throw his lance at the scout who’s already winded.
“Your highness…! Byleth…! The empire… the empire is here with forces!!” The scout breathes out barely. The entire room is quiet, it takes a moment for the news to settle in before everyone looks to Byleth. Their trusted professor and now tactician to lead them through this. Sylvain sees the gears turning in her head, she wasn’t expecting this, at least not so soon.
“Ready the forces, take what civilians you can and escort them to the back of the monastery. Edelgard is not among them?” Byleth speaks. The scout nods.
“The emperor is nowhere to be seen. It’s only a small force however, General Randolph is leading the forces. We have about four hours.” Sylvain sees Caspar tense, he doesn’t know why but there must be a connection.
“Then we win this one. Ready who you can to fight, the rest can protect the civilians. Make sure anyone who can’t fight stays away from the scene of the battle. Ready what you can of the ballistae and the magic, we will need them.” Byleth casts out orders for the scout who’s only able to nod and run out the door. Byleth then turns to her former students. “I want the rest of you to prepare, I will call a meeting at the edge of the gates in two hours to propose a strategy. You’re dismissed.” Sylvain is almost too happy to leap out of his seat as Ingrid calls out Caspar for his tenseness from earlier. Sylvain wasn’t the only person to notice then.
“Wait—Caspar, do you know this General?” Ingrid said, raising from her seat. There was anger ready to be released behind her voice. Caspar on the other hand only gave a sheepish smile.
“General Randolph is my uncle through marriage, that’s all. It will be odd to fight against him is all.” Caspar said. There’s a heavy tension through the room. Annette speaks up.
“He is your uncle?!” It’s more out of surprise than anything.
“Can we trust a former black eagle?” Felix snarls. Dimitri stands and speaks.
“I will not have a traitor amongst my inner—“
Byleth’s hand hits the table. Everyone is quick to look over her and fall silent. Byleth stares at them all, nothing to give away what she felt. It was almost as if everyone has first met her again.
“I will not have animosity and infighting among you. If you have a problem, I will address the issue but I will not allow you to fight one another, is that clear.” Byleth said coldly and clearly. There were silent nods from everyone. “So, does anyone here think that Caspar has told the empire about us being here?”
No one spoke.
“Does anyone think that Bernadetta said anything to the empire?”
Nothing reached Byleth’s ears.
“Then you are dismissed. I shall see everyone in two hours by the front gates to reconvene.”
Sylvain walked out of the room, heart in his hand. He doesn’t think he had been so scared before by someone. He spares glances towards his friends and he can see the lingering fear among them. Dimitri almost seemed less scary even for a moment. Caspar and Bernadetta must have been horrified when Ingrid had called out Caspar like that, never mind the quick judgemental comments coming from Felix and Dimitri. He thinks he can hear Bernadetta cry as he heads down the staircase.
— — — —
Sylvain inhaled sharply as he muttered the words to a spell under his breath. Fire licked at his palm and he could feel the heat wash over him. It reminds him of the first he had cast the spell, dark and cold in the well he was thrown down into by his brother. The fire in his palm grows brighter and bigger. His eyes lift from the flame to the dummy in front of him. He is ready to cast the flame upon the poor dummy but loses his focus when Byleth interrupts him.
“Sylvain,” Byleth calls to him. The flame disappears as he looks at his former professor. “Time is up. Are you prepared enough to fight?”
“Yes, always,” Sylvain says with conviction. He could almost see the smile on her lips.
“Walk with me, we can flag anyone down as we make our way towards the gates,” Byleth said. Sylvain nods and walks with her.
The two of them converse with ease talking about his skills in magic and how he has improved within the last five years. Something seems to make his heart race the more they talk. He thinks it’s the battle that’s coming soon, but there’s a feeling that maybe, just maybe it isn’t that.
“Everyone here?” Byleth asks towards the group, and with a quick look around, everyone was in fact there. A small frown is on Sylvain’s face as he takes the mental note that Dedue is not there. “Good. Now, let me start with our defences and how things will unfold…”
— — — — —
Even with knowing the plan was to cast fire down upon the shrubbery, he couldn’t help but run towards her. Byleth was struggling against a heavily armoured enemy. He saw how she had cast magic against the enemy but had missed. Perhaps it was due to the exhaustion and trying to keep the plan together. Or, maybe because she wasn’t able to keep up with her former students turned friends as they rushed forward.
Byleth sidestepped the shining silver axe that came down towards her. Sylvain grimaced the way it had barely missed her. His arm raised and curled his fist into his chest as he chanted the words for the spell of fire. His palm warmed up before the heat crawled up his fingers, wrist, and arm. A red sigil appearing in front of his body glowing a bright red, a small but bright flame licks at his hand just as the sigil disappears. Just when the heat becomes unbearable he extends his hand towards the enemy, the small flame grows bigger and bigger heat reaching his face with how large the fire became. With one word the fire is sent towards the enemy, singing the grass as it flies through the air before hitting the heavy armour melting it against the enemy’s skin.
Sylvain could see the relieved sigh escape her chest. She turns to face him and he hears her say ‘thank you' but it’s short-lived as he sees a sniper release an arrow from the distance. He’s moving before he can say anything. His voice is stuck in his throat as he reaches her, pushing her away from where she stood as an arrow hits his shoulder. There’s just enough force from the arrow to knock him off his feet and send him to the ground. Sylvain’s hand goes to his shoulder grasping the arrow tightly.
“Sylvain!!” Byleth cries out.
His head swivels towards her, eyes just barely catching the second arrow coming towards him. A groan comes the back of his throat as he rolls onto his side not hindered by an arrow. The second arrow just misses him, hitting the dirt where his head was. His chest is beating against his rib cage. His eyes are wide as he realizes how he barely dodged death. Firm hands grab at him, lifting him up to his feet. Sylvain is moving swiftly in what he assumes Byleth’s arms and his head is spinning.
Sylvain locks eyes with Byleth and her lips are moving but he can’t hear anything. He could probably guess at what she’s saying as she’s tugging on him. Follow her? He’s taking steps forward and it seems to calm her a bit as she drags them towards the middle of the battle. He can feel the faint pulse of aching in his shoulder but it doesn’t hurt. The adrenaline must be coursing through his veins to hide the real pain.
Sylvain stays close to her throughout the rest of the fight, and before he knows it, the fight is over and he’s rushed off somewhere to be taken care of.
— —— —
He’s stuck with doing nothing for a solid two days straight before he’s cleared for the battlefield after his third day of rest. Sylvain lets out a pained sigh as rolls his shoulder, eyes barely lifting to the doorway when hearing footsteps approaching his room.
“Oh, Professor! Thanks for stopping by.” Sylvain says with a large smile.
“You–How’s the injury?” Byleth said.
“It’s healing well, I’m being cleared for service tomorrow. Besides,” Sylvain pauses, a smirk on his lips and a wink is sent her way. “I’ve got this scar to show off as a medal for keeping you safe.” Sylvain can see her brows furrow as she frowns.
“Didn’t you want to kill me?” Byleth says in such a way it makes his stomach twist. He looks down to the ground.
“I certainly meant it when I said it…” Sylvain plays with his fingers, an old habit he did when he was nervous or felt vulnerable. “But, when the thought came to mind that you could have died, I reacted without thinking. That doesn’t mean that I never stopped being jealous of you, though. You got to live your entire life without the knowledge of your crest, meanwhile, I went through so much trouble all because I knew and everyone around me knew. My brother giving me the most trouble.”
“I remember five years ago with the incident about the lance of ruin,” Byleth said. Sylvain lets out a dry laugh, hands curling into fists.
“Yeah, he was not happy to learn that I had a crest. He got cast aside, almost treated like an outsider. One winter, we were out and you know what he did? He pushed down into a well.” Sylvain explained and he could see the way Byleth grimaced. “Even as a kid, I understood why he felt to act as he did. Even all the girls that throw themselves at me as the years went by. They don’t care about me, all they want is the crest and nobility status that comes with it.”
“You’re wrong…” Byleth said. Sylvain shook his head.
“Yeah, yeah, I get you. Even though it might be a bit late to admit but, their empty praise is best served somewhere else. Besides, it was unreasonable to resent you. I’m really sorry professor and thank you for everything. Seriously, thank you.” Sylvain looks to Byleth and he sees something. A sparkle in her eyes betrays something but with all the time he spent around people and knowing their true intentions he still couldn’t tell anything about her.
“You’re welcome, take care of yourself properly now. We’ve got some dancing lessons to catch up on.” Byleth says it to lighten the mood and he can only laugh. Heart beating a little faster in his chest as she giggles with him.
“You got it, professor.” Sylvain gives her a smile, a real genuine smile. Byleth smiles in return, before waving goodbye but not before saying;
“You should smile like that more often, you look relaxed.” To say his heart was beating against his chest because of her this time wouldn’t be a lie.
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mediaevalmusereads · 3 years
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Bringing Down the Duke. By Evie Dunmore. New York: Berkley, 2019.
Rating: 3/5 stars
Genre: historical romance
Part of a Series? Yes, A League of Extraordinary Women #1
Summary:  England, 1879. Annabelle Archer, the brilliant but destitute daughter of a country vicar, has earned herself a place among the first cohort of female students at the renowned University of Oxford. In return for her scholarship, she must support the rising women's suffrage movement. Her charge: recruit men of influence to champion their cause. Her target: Sebastian Devereux, the cold and calculating Duke of Montgomery who steers Britain's politics at the Queen's command. Her challenge: not to give in to the powerful attraction she can't deny for the man who opposes everything she stands for. Sebastian is appalled to find a suffragist squad has infiltrated his ducal home, but the real threat is his impossible feelings for green-eyed beauty Annabelle. He is looking for a wife of equal standing to secure the legacy he has worked so hard to rebuild, not an outspoken commoner who could never be his duchess. But he wouldn't be the greatest strategist of the Kingdom if he couldn't claim this alluring bluestocking without the promise of a ring...or could he? Locked in a battle with rising passion and a will matching her own, Annabelle will learn just what it takes to topple a duke...
***Full review under the cut.***
Content Warnings: graphic sexual content, sexism/misogyny, attempted sexual assault
Overview: I learned about this book while searching around for romances in the vein of The Suffragette Scandal. Overall, I found Bringing Down the Duke fairly fun; it features a badass heroine, a hero who doesn’t give off violent alpha male vibes, and a plot that addresses real issues like class and gender equality. I only give this book 3 stars, however, because I think the plot could have been organized better, and I think the romance gets a little frustrating after about the halfway point. Still, if you’re just starting to read romance and aren’t sure about what level of physical intimacy you’re willing to tolerate, this book might be a good starter.
Writing: Dunmore’s prose is fairly laid-back and easy to understand, so if you’re looking for a light read, this book might fit the bill for you.
I do think, however, that Dunmore could have crafted her narrative and used her prose to reinforce the theme of independence vs safety. While this theme comes up a number of times, I always felt it was an afterthought because so many things were happening in the book, and I would have liked to see Dunmore pull back and really make the whole narrative (and use language, metaphor, etc) about this conflict.
Plot: The non-romance plot of this book follows Annabelle - a bluestocking who is given a full scholarship to Oxford on the condition that she support the suffragette movement. She is allowed to go on the condition that she send her cousin 2 pounds per month to pay for a housekeeper (which he will be lacking if Annabelle goes away), and as she tries to balance school, work, and activism, she is tasked with “infiltrating” the Duke of Montgomery’s home in hopes of winning him to the suffragette cause. Of course, shenanigans ensue from there.
What I really enjoyed about this plot was the ambition. I liked reading about the class and gender barriers that Annabelle had to navigate, and I liked that her political ambitions were at odds with the Duke’s personal ones. However, such a wide range of conflicts meant that not all plot threads were explored to the degree I would have liked. It seemed like characters were pulled in a lot of different directions, and that these non-romance plots took a backseat when it was least appropriate. The Duke’s New Year’s Eve party, for example, is supposed to be this big political move for the Duke to show his commitment to the Queen and the Tories, but we never see him put things in place or pull some social strings to line everything up, and we never see the party used as a crisis point in the political plot. Instead, it passes in the space of only a few pages and is mainly used as an opportunity for Annabelle and the Duke to become intimate. I would have instead liked to see it be this moment where the plot as a whole takes a turn: maybe everything is going well until the Duke realizes his feelings for Annabelle as well as the actions of his younger brother throw the whole party (and his political ambitions) into jeopardy. In short, I felt like events could have been moved around to make them more narratively impactful, rather than everything happening at a somewhat leisurely and meandering pace.
On a related note, I didn’t feel like the plot as a whole had many elements of suspense, nor did they really build on each other. As a result, the plot seemed to lack shape; there wasn’t really a rising action, and I was never sure what characters were going to do next (which was frustrating, rather than exciting). I think this could have been improved if we had seen Annabelle take a more active role in trying to manipulate the Duke. As the book stands, Annabelle seems to simply inhabit the Duke’s house and “wins” him over by being defiant. I think I would have liked to see her try more purposeful techniques, like going through his things to try to get information on him, having more political or philosophical conversations, etc. Something to drive the suffragette narrative forward and perhaps set up a moment when Annabelle has to reveal that she’s been trying to spy on him or something.
Characters: Annabelle, our heroine, is a fun character to follow. She’s smart, hardworking, and generous with regards to her friends. I liked that she wasn’t presented as this superwoman who could do everything, but was doing her best to balance all the demands made on her. While I think all of Annabelle’s actions were believable and she was a fairly complex character, I also think Dunmore was trying to do too much with her. Not only is Annabelle trying to balance her studies and her activism while struggling with poverty, but she also has a secret from her past which must be dealt with. Personally, I found it all a little much. I think Annabelle’s past and her financial obligations to her cousin could have been cut, placing more emphasis on the pressures of staying in school or becoming destitute. The conflict for her, then, would be something like the risks that come with being an independent woman, and how her entanglement with the Duke raises new risks.
Sebastian, our hero, in interesting in that he is stoic and single-minded without being a huge jerk. He’s completely obsessed with winning back his family’s estate, and he lets that obsession compromise his political and moral beliefs (though not to the point where he’s openly hostile towards women or anything like that - more like he’s willing to support the Tory party because he has been promised the return of his estate if they win the election). I liked that much of his personal growth had to do with deciding what it was he valued more: his family’s reputation or his personal happiness and being on the right side of history.
Supporting characters were fun and enriched the narrative. Annabelle’s suffragette friends were a lovely support system, and I adored the moments when they rallied to help Annabelle in moments of trouble. Sebastian’s brother, Peregrine, was a nice foil to the Duke and I liked that he was irresponsible and impulsive without being a total rake. Jenkins, Annabelle’s professor, was also an interesting character to have in the mix, especially when he became more involved in creating points of tension towards the end, and I liked that he was bookish and eccentric without being cold and self-important.
Romance: Annabelle and Sebastian’s romance is... ok. There were things about it I liked, and things I found frustrating. I really liked their banter and that they were intellectual matches for each other. I also liked that the barrier to them being together was rooted in class and the conflict between personal desire and family obligation. I also appreciated that the romance seemed to build naturally; while physical attraction was present, it wasn’t like Sebastian saw her and popped a boner and that’s what set everything off. Their relationship developed slower and I found it much more believable than some other romances.
What I didn’t like, however, was that after about the book’s halfway point, the relationship seemed to plateau and it became a matter of Annabelle and Sebastian splitting up, chancing upon each other in public, feelings erupt, then they do something intimate and split up again. I would have much rather have had something like a clean break at the 3/4 mark in the book: the two realize they can’t be together in the way they want, so Annabelle leaves and focuses on her activism/studies. During that time, things happen that challenge Sebastian’s commitment to his family legacy, but he doesn’t go seek Annabelle out. Maybe Annabelle instead gets an offer that would make her more financially stable (or more secure in her place at Oxford), so then she can go back to Sebastian, etc etc (I’m thinking about how the class barrier is handled in Jane Eyre here, if you can’t tell). It would have gotten rid of the annoying miscommunication incident towards the end, and instead would have forced some more meaningful development and not a “will they or won’t they” string of events.
TL;DR: Bringing Down the Duke is a bit of a narrative mess, but nevertheless fun and entertaining. With likeable characters, a believable romance, and meaningful themes, I would recommend this book for those just starting out in romance or to those who want romances written with contemporary readers (and sensibilities) in mind.
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fatestrings · 4 years
Yeah I think what the family needed was not only touya going to a therapist, but endeavor too because the guy’s obsession with #1 was the root cause of their destruction. I think there was a genuine, mutual connection between touya and the dad in the earlier years which probably factored into why touya was so messed up over it. Not to mention the miscommunication of it all. I also feel like too many fans exclude endeavor from young!touya’s healing when he’s a major part of it, like it or not. Idk that’s just my 2 cents. Sorry for rambling :s
Also I don’t think either parent thought he was p-slur, they just didn’t know how to talk or handle him in typical traditional asian family fashion. I do see touya thinking this about himself though.
You know what I think they *all* needed family therapy because rei showed signs of being afraid of touya ever since he tried to kill shouto plus with her own diminishing mental health she wouldn’t have been able to properly help him with these feelings inside her. They were all messed up except for fuyumi and natsuo :’s sorry last one I just had a lot of thoughts with my own family as well
no need to apologize, i appreciate that you've chosen to share your perspective with me!! it's an unexpected gift :-)
endvr cld definitely use some rehabilitation. ideally, his behavior wldve been addressed much earlier on and spared us some of the heartache to come. obv setting his whole eugenics plot into motion after only like a year or two in second place was a major issue that spoke to how flawed his psyche was; but for him to so naturally fall into that, to aquire a wife to breed and to mistreat so many people with such ease, implies that he's already been in that mentality and been allowed to get away with things for so long that it was already second nature. that sort of deep, long-term mentality takes a Lot to unlearn and unpack, even if you're fully dedicated to it. he reminds me a bit of what bakugou used to be like, at the very beginning of the manga. if bakugou had continued to have his middle-school worldview validated, to have never made or friends with or had irl role models that were such good people, to have been congratulated for every misstep, i think he could've grown into an envdr- type character.
i think the best and the safest option for the family would've been to separate him from the others as early as possible. for him to get help and try to improve, and to create a support system for him that doesn't involve anyone he's forced into a subservient role. due to the fucked-up and firmly-established power dynamics in that house, i don't think there's any potential for him having a healthy relationship with rei or his kids unless he removes himself fully from the situation and doesn't pressure them to make any contact with him. he'd have to allow his family, for once, to interact with him out of their own free will. i also think that if he's going to make an honest attempt at improving, he needs to reflect upon + restructure his entire concept of heroics. aside from his ranking obsession/ inferiority complex, he fights to decimating the "bad guy" first and foremost, rather than focusing on helping the civilians or on de-escalation, and he causes a lot of unnecessary death and destruction as a side effect of this cruel and single-minded thinking. i don't think he'll be able to treat people better if he continues fighting humans so cruelly and indiscriminately (think of his vigilante vendetta), esp not when he's publically congratulated for these "wins". (i have a bit of a bone to pick with the toxic hero-civvie-villain culture at large but that's neither here nor there...)
i agree that all of them could benefit from therapy. fuyumi and natsuo are the quietest in the family about it but they have also definitely been traumatized by growing up in that place, in a major way. natsuo's actually out of the house and has been able to heal the most out of the lot in canon, but by virtue of his siblings still being entrenched in the thick of it, he's stuck in a situation where he can either be closer with his siblings and be unable to move on from envdr, or to heal on his own and continue distancing himself even from fuyunee. and then she's got her entire life dedicated to servitude- it's apparent that she's never really allowed herself any indulgences, and she probably wouldn't know what to do with her life if she was no longer able to serve the family or her students. she took upon herself rlly early on the role of the mother and of the mediator and has obviously internalized this as her duty. i wouldn't be surprised if she felt personally responsible for like "failing her familial duties" every single time a dinner is derailed, or she doesn't manage to keep endvr's rage under control. they all need to learn how to be people, instead of tools to be wielded.
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