#and about their love making a place that was terrible into something livable
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thedaslut · 4 months ago
Have a short solavellan ficlet, set immediately after VG (Obviously spoiler heavy)
Solas does his best to keep it together but
 these past few minutes have been some of the most exhausting of his life, and that's including the fight with Elgar'nan's archdemon just before then. He barely registers the bleak greyness, the monochrome light as he finds his knees buckling and vision swimming.
But he does feel the warmth as his vhenan grabs him to steady him, hears her voice as she calls his name - though the sound of it is muffled and distorted he knows it from her lips.
She speaks to him as he's lead to a fallen pillar. He thinks she tells him to look at her, but he's not sure. He does anyway. He sees two of her, and the thought that he's twice as happy flits through his mind and makes him smile.
"You look a mess, vhenan," she says, both of her smiling back. "Rest. I am here. I will be here when you wake up."
He could obey and lean back, he knows. Already his beloved is searching through her field-kit with a deft hand that looks like something Ghilan'nain would approve of in his swimming vision, but he doesn't close his eyes or look away. He doesn't want to. He never wants to stop seeing her.
Still, his vision dims as she works, cleans, heals. Pulsing darkness at the edges, or perhaps simply blinking. He closes his eyes when she whispers something reassuring and reaches up to the gash over his eye with a needle and thread and he doesn't open them again. He says something, he thinks it is her name, and it feels like a promise.
He's warm when he wakes up.
The prison has never been warm.
Opening his eyes is not as easy as he thought. One eye is swollen, and both hurt like a bad headache with reinforcements. He doesn't feel heavy - his armor removed - and he is resting his head on a red piece of cloth. Vhenan's sash, he realizes when he turns his face towards it and catches her scent. Still the same, after all this time. Her coat covers him best it can, and it warms more than just his frame.
Something in front of him flutters as he breathes. It takes a good while for him to focus his gaze on it.
The grey rock of the prison is as familiar to him as it gets, cold and merciless like the past. But from a crack within the stone a bright, green sapling has unfolded two leaves that dance with his breath.
He lifts his head, and sees light. Warm light, sunlight. He feels wind, light and gentle. At the edge of his hearing he can hear flowing water.
And not too far away from him, but far enough for him to know that she's been exploring, is his heart. Standing within a sunbeam that turns the grey stone around her golden.
Her hand extended, a tiny whisp dancing in her palm. A guest, who slipped through cracking walls? Or something formed here where he meant for no life to thrive?
A breath of relief, a sob of a pain ended, the pain in his eyes washed away as tears form. She was right. It wouldn't be terrible if they are together.
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butchbo · 2 months ago
Bo's Take on Being Butch: What To Do Now
As a physically abled, white butch my duty is to protect my community. Not just the people closest to me but every single marginalized person. Both because I am strong and tough and it makes me feel good to be reliable and helpful to everyone, and also because my privilege puts me in a position to push back safer. I pass in my day to day life and I'm perceived as at most a queer white man, and in that I hold the power to push against oppressive forces because I am at a far less risk of, to be terribly frank, DYING! And it is fulfilling to me to hold this role because I truly get a will to live out of wanting to do better for every person, out of knowing that I am doing at least something to make this place more accepting and livable for those around me. And I think it's also important to remember that supporting your community as a butch isn't only about being a tough protector type but also about providing! Feeding people, housing those in need, protecting disabled people and masking! I feel like I'm just shouting into the void with this but it's in my heart so I must let it out! Be loving Be caring Come together but also Be proactive, have safety plans, be armed, work out, build endurance, stockpile. the fall of empires does not happen suddenly the fascism cookie crumbles and there's crumbs fucking everywhere. Do not let the media deceive you, you can recognize fascism and when you do, do not let them tell you you are mistaken. I am Transexual I am Butch and I am not scared I am prepared and you should be too
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nakanotamu · 6 months ago
Something about Metaphor: ReFantazio that scratches an itch in my brain
Something I care about a lot in games is a sense of place. What I mean by that is, exploration is a huge part of what I enjoy in games, and and I love it when a place in a game feels "real". When it feels like a space that people could actually live in or that might exist, regardless of how fantastical or surreal it might be, rather than just feeling like a videogame level.
Mass Effect is a fantastic example of a game that was terrible at this. In the original trilogy, almost all of the combat areas feel like just that - areas that were set up for combat to happen there. If you try to look around, to explore, none of their spaces feel lived in, even livable. The lore & writing of the series, the entries you get to read on scanning every planet, makes it feel so full and rich, and the level design betrays that.
Conversely what I played of FF7R had a fantastic sense of place. Every area feels bigger than it really is, like there's a whole world beyond what you actually play through. Climbing around on the sunlamps on the underside of Midgar's upper level is just a dungeon level, but it also feels like you are climbing around on scaffolding high in the sky above the town you just came from. It feels real.
Part of why Metaphor is clicking so strongly for me is the way not just the level design adds to the world's sense of place but the way they've tied the scheduling and travel into it as well.
It's something Persona's struggled with in varying amounts ever since I started playing. The daily life segment felt right from the start and has only improved, but the dungeons lagged significantly behind. In 3 Tartarus is a glaring failure in this regard imo, salvaged a little bit by the fact that it's supposed to feel unreal. But that doesn't stop it from feeling like a huge slog to get through, at the end of the day too obviously just "the dungeon", even if the aesthetics are cool. The Full Moon missions have significantly better identities than Tartarus, but you play in them for a matter of minutes. 4 tied the dungeons into the narrative better by connecting them to actual characters and giving them specific aesthetics, which helped a little, but ultimately procgen will probably always struggle to provide this feeling. 5 I think did the best with it by finally getting rid of procgen and giving the palaces stronger identities as well as actual defined layouts. I think P5 palaces are actually a fantastic example of how a place doesn't have to feel real to feel believable. They're impossible dreamscapes with surreal and impossible geometry but thanks to stronger identities and the details of actually traversing them they still feel like spaces you actually need to navigate through rather than just videogame levels.
And I think that's what it comes down to. A space in a game, to feel believable, shouldn't be just mechanics. You need some empty space and breathing room and variety. And I think what Metaphor does so well in that regard is the way it added travel to the world & to the scheduling. Now it's not just dungeons and towns that feel real but even the act of going from place to place. Wow, look at how far apart these two places are! It's not just a matter of selecting one on the map menu, you need to spend two days just travelling from one to the other! And then there's this other stuff you can only do while travelling because you're totally spending actual time to get there! And there are camps and roads in between, small single room backgrounds in actuality but they help make the illusion of traversing an actual area so much stronger. I just think connecting the scheduling gameplay to travel to the dungeons and towns just helps the believability of the world so much, it feels really satisfying just to plan out your trip and go from place to place.
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goodnightmemes · 2 years ago
trigger warning for violence, foul language, and horror. feel free to change pronouns / terms / tense as needed!
❛ Only the evil book can undo what the evil book has done. ❜
❛ Please. I just want to go home. ❜
❛ [name]'s dead. You know that. You killed her. ❜
❛ No, why are you saying these things? ❜
❛ I'll rip your soul out, you pathetic fuck! ❜
❛ I will kill you like I killed your whore! ❜
❛ You were supposed to be here two hours ago. ❜
❛ I'll be damned. You actually came. ❜
❛ I know I look like road kill. ❜
❛ You're a charming liar, as always. ❜
❛ We always loved this place, didn't we? ❜
❛ I thought you didn't believe in that kind of stuff. ❜
❛ Promise me you'll stay with me until the end. ❜
❛ Looks like someone broke in. ❜
❛ Some teenagers probably just broke in here to drink beer and bump uglies. ❜
❛ Let's make this place livable. ❜
❛ I don't think you need sad memories in your head right now. ❜
❛ I wanted to be there. Okay? I did. ❜
❛ This time the only way is the hard way. ❜
❛ Look, we all need to be together on this. Otherwise it won't work. ❜
❛ I came here to make things better with my sister, not worse. ❜
❛ I can't stand that fucking smell anymore. ❜
❛ Withdrawal's kicking in hard. ❜
❛ Oh, is that blood? ❜
❛ Careful. These steps are old and rotten. ❜
❛ What the fuck happened here? ❜
❛ No, no, no. Voodoo is more about dolls and personal artifacts. This is something different. ❜
❛ You shouldn't have touched anything from that basement. ❜
❛ I'm going insane here. I feel like I'm losing my mind. ❜
❛ We can't lose you again. ❜
❛ Oh, my God. I'm such an idiot. To think for once in my life, I could count on you. ❜
❛ She's talking about a woman in the woods. How the forest attacked her. ❜
❛ Well, don't you think we should take her to a hospital? ❜
❛ I feel like we're in over our heads here. ❜
❛ If we leave now, all of this mess will have been for nothing. ❜
❛ Please. You have to get me out of here. ❜
❛ There was something in the woods. And I think it's in here with us now. ❜
❛ Look, you know it's all in your head. Just try to get it together. ❜
❛ Please, would you just get rid of that thing? ❜
❛ Open the fucking door! ❜
❛ Well, nobody could have known she would do something so twisted! ❜
❛ No, you should have known! We've all been following your lead since we got here. ❜
❛ We should have left when [name] wanted to. ❜
❛ Everything's gonna be fine. ❜
❛ I don't know if you've noticed this, but nothing has been fine. And everything's been getting worse every second. ❜
❛ Put the gun down, please. Put the fucking gun down! ❜
❛ One by one, we will take you! ❜
❛ You are all going to die tonight. ❜
❛ This is impossible. I just gave her enough sedative to put a horse to sleep. ❜
❛ I gotta get the shrapnel out of my arm. ❜
❛ I don't think a tranquilizer's gonna do shit. 'Cause I don't think we're dealing with a freaking panic attack here! ❜
❛ I'm scared that what's happening to [name] has something to do with the fucking witchcraft in the basement! ❜
❛ Oh, my God! Why the fuck did you do that? ❜
❛ I did something terrible. ❜
❛ That thing I killed was not [name]. ❜
❛ I read a passage from that book. It was... It was some sort of prayer. I released something. I released something evil. ❜
❛ Why did you lock me down here? ❜
❛ You got violent and we didn't know what else to do. ❜
❛ Look, something really terrible has happened and we have to get out of here now. Okay? ❜
❛ He's not gonna let you leave! And he's not gonna stop till he has you. Until he has all of you! ❜
❛ I can smell your filthy soul. ❜
❛ [name]'s not here, you fucking idiot! ❜
❛ I don't know why, but I thought this would end it. ❜
❛ There's some translations, but...just scattered notes. They all refer to some... evil entity. A taker of souls. A demon. ❜
❛ This thing is attached to [name]'s soul like a leech. It's becoming her. ❜
❛ If we want to stop this, if we want to help [name]...I think we're gonna have to kill her. ❜
❛ We're not gonna fucking kill anybody! Are you listening to yourself? ❜
❛ It doesn't matter where we go. If we don't do something right now, we're all gonna be dead by then! ❜
❛ We're gonna get you ❜
❛ I had to do it. And I feel much better now. ❜
❛ These inscriptions are confusing, sometimes contradictory, but they're consistent about one thing. In order to stop this, the possessed must be cleansed. Purified. ❜
❛ Am I sure? Of course not. This is not a science book! ❜
❛ If she dies, then this thing is gonna die with her. ❜
❛ You're just a fucking coward. You know exactly what we have to do, but you're too scared to go through with it. ❜
❛ I'm gonna burn this fucking place down. And I'm gonna end this nightmare. ❜
❛ Why don't you just run away? Go hide beneath some rock somewhere. You know you're great at that. ❜
❛ Why are you hurting me? ❜
❛ Don't die on me, please! ❜
❛ Dying wouldn't be so bad right now. I just don't want to become the devil's bitch. ❜
❛ I'm gonna do what I gotta do. Okay? ❜
❛ Why do you hate me? I know you do. ❜
❛ You're gonna burn in hell for trying to kill me, you motherfucker! ❜
❛ I'm so sorry. I should have been there. I should've been there for you. ❜
❛ I've had enough of this shit. ❜
❛ I will feast on your soul. ❜
❛ Feast on this, motherfucker! ❜
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fen-luciel · 7 months ago
The Devil
Warnings:slow burn/implicit smut/ a bit of gore at the end
Summary:A love story born amidst the war, with a fallen angel.
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One thing I had learned about Anakin Skywalker is that he was always ready to help those in need. Sometimes, I saw it more as a curse, sacrificing himself for others, with a reassuring smile on his face, ready to leap into action.
Many mistook that care for arrogance, but I had always seen beyond it.
The jokes, the gestures, the ways, all a mask to make you feel better even in the worst moments.
He was radiant.
I met him in person purely by chance. I was assigned to the same mission at the last second. I was supposed to leave with other clones to a war zone, but some human traffickers had appeared out of nowhere, taking advantage of the precarious conditions of the planets that survived the separatists' attacks.
The Jedi were being sent everywhere every second, so it was just a coincidence that I was free at that moment.
The first time I saw him, I recognized him immediately, like a bright star in the cold universe, his smile warmed me more than anything.
His former master introduced us. We didn't have much time for pleasantries given the sudden crisis we were about to resolve. We said goodbye to our friends, and with a small platoon, we set off for the last planet that had been marked as a contact point.
He didn't know me, of course. I wasn't particularly famous for great feats in the war or interactive in the more political sphere. I struggled to see myself as a Jedi—I was more of a soldier... more replaceable.
But Anakin didn't make me feel that way.
Soon that evening, lost in deep space while everyone else slept, we started playing cards. He was terrible, winning one game out of ten. By the sixth game, he started losing on purpose, trying to annoy me with stupid questions that he repeated over and over, but I found it hilarious, he was... light.
For a moment, he made me feel like a young girl and not a soldier in war.
Anyway, I couldn't say if something between us started right there, he made it seem natural, as if we had been friends forever, and I adored every second of it.
The problem was that the mission turned out to be much worse than expected—a network of kidnappings and sales of human and alien beings had been created right under our noses without the Order realizing it. What was supposed to be an intervention lasting a couple of weeks turned into a well-organized outpost for more than five months.
The atmosphere was mostly tense during the day. We set traps in wooded areas, devised capture plans, intercepted calls, but above all, we tried to save as many civilians as possible—women, the elderly, children—we never stopped.
At the end of the evening, we were so exhausted that we barely exchanged a few words. Anakin and I had our cots in the same house, the base was hidden among the ruins of a city bombed by the separatists long ago. We had tried to make the place livable as much as possible, but we couldn't afford to attract attention, so we just dusted it off.
The place was stale and suffocating. One of the two windows had been boarded up with wooden planks, the power had gone out along with everything else, and we kept a small dim lantern in the darkest corner to avoid attracting unwanted glances from outside.
I didn't realize that night after night, Anakin moved his sleeping bag slightly closer to mine.
When I noticed, we were barely an arm's length apart. I never said anything, it made me feel less alone.
I slept better at night.
One thing I noticed was the lost look in the void that sometimes froze him on those few evenings when we played at least one game of cards.
He was silent, tense, it usually happened after we saved people. Normally, this should have made us happy, and at least the rest of the team was, but he suddenly got lost in his thoughts, closed in on himself, and didn't talk to me anymore.
"Are you okay?"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It went well, right?"
Still silence.
I let it go, finished the game, and lay down, turning my back on him, too proud to admit that I felt rejected.
Rejected by what, I couldn't tell.
It was precisely on one of those alcohol-fueled evenings that the turning point happened. We had returned exhausted from a mission that had allowed us to save at least a hundred lives. We celebrated with some wine stolen from an abandoned house, but Anakin did not show up, and I was too irritated by his isolation to go knock on our door.
We drank late into the night. I returned to the little house with my mind slightly foggy. Anakin had turned off the light and was already asleep. I took off my clothes with some difficulty before slipping under the duvet, ready to fall asleep, but a warm arm silently snaked around my waist, "I'm sorry." he whispered in a hoarse voice.
I realized he had been crying.
I bit my lip, afraid to dare too much, the alcohol was confusing my senses, his touch so light yet intimate, to which I was not accustomed... so I just told him I wasn't angry, that I forgave him.
I slept divinely, but the next morning we said nothing about what had happened.
A few days later, he pretended to casually end up close to my body before wrapping an arm around my waist before sleeping. So we started lying in each other's arms, seeking a bit of warmth and comfort. I kept telling myself it was normal in our situation, the war was wearing us down, and we needed contact... I needed his contact.
As the months went by, I noticed that something was off about the perfect figure of the Chosen One.
His sudden mood swings, the strange talks... the hatred.
The hatred I saw in his eyes when we captured the gang members.
The visceral rage.
I had met killers with a less menacing air.
Of course, no one was perfect, and being a Jedi meant fighting the dark side every day, but from a figure like his, something different was expected, more like a flawless and fearless hero, yet he seemed the most fragile of all.
I thought that maybe power like his had a great burden on the other side of the balance and stopped doubting his faith.
It was around the third month that the turning point happened.
I had been injured on my side, the burn made me wince with every movement. Bandaged and treated, I was forced to stay in bed to rest for a few days.
Anakin was deathly silent as he caressed my bandaged side, his body lying behind mine, head resting on his hand and free fingers gently brushing against me. I could feel him thinking with his eyes closed.
"I'm okay," I murmured softly so as not to break the silence.
He exhaled slowly, moving closer, pressing his chest against my back. "If I had been there, it wouldn't have happened."
I shivered, feeling the breath behind my ear, his hoarse voice cradling me, making me feel warm... safe.
"We're both knights. I can take care of myself." I was almost on the verge of falling asleep, but I held on to reply. I didn't like knowing he was lost in thought on his own; his face darkened when it happened.
He leaned down to kiss my bare shoulder, I held back from commenting, it seemed that every step we took together was a slow descent on a path with no return. I should have told him not to do it, to stop, but... that warmth in my chest made me feel alive.
"I know. I'm not saying you need me, I know you can take care of yourself." he sighed heavily before placing another kiss on the skin slightly higher than the previous one. "It's just that when you protect others, it seems like you don't care about yourself. I want to be there for you."
That warm, dense feeling growing in my stomach.
I turned slightly to look at him, we were so close that our noses almost touched.
"I have given my life to the Jedi cause. The good of others comes before mine." I reached out to gently stroke his cheek, he leaned into the touch. The faint orange light illuminated the side of his face, looking at me with such intensity that my heart trembled.
"Then I'll take care of you."
Our lips almost touched, I didn't even notice that his hand had slightly moved my shirt up, the tips of his fingers burning on my bare skin.
I wish I could say something romantic like "I don't know if I got closer first or he did, maybe we came together" or similar, but it would have been a shameful lie.
I was the one to throw myself on his lips.
I realized while we were locked in a slow kiss that he had me wrapped around his finger from the moment I met him months earlier.
All the admiration, the respect, was nothing compared to what I felt looking at him, not as a Jedi or a hero, but as a man.
The blond curls, the chiseled physique, the sharp features, the defined jawline, the deep eyes, his skin, his scent, it was everything.
He got under your skin, and you wanted more.
I wanted more.
He took his hand off my side to stroke my cheek, our faces pressed together as we shared the same air. I had no prior experience with kisses, yet he made it seem natural. I just had to follow the trail of his lips on mine, the light bites, the tongue in my mouth.
"I need you." he whispered on my skin before kissing my neck, leaving wet marks. I trembled weakly from the wounds and his touch, holding back sighs and moans as he opened my robe, his body covering mine, the moonlight illuminating his sculpted muscles.
I had no regrets the next morning.
I knew what had happened was dangerous, forbidden, but when he got dressed next to me in the early morning light, I couldn't help but admire his golden skin, still wanting.
He gave me a kiss on the forehead, told me to rest, and left, giving me one of those breathtaking smiles.
No, I didn't regret anything.
When they allowed me to go back into action, everything seemed to have returned to normal.
Except in the evening, when those masks of indifference we wore fell away, and we found ourselves in each other's arms: the kisses, the touches, the breaths we shared.
But above all, the looks.
Sometimes tears welled up in my eyes when he held me to his chest, that feeling that tightened my throat, it was so beautiful it hurt, and he devoured me with the intensity of a thousand suns. I burned under that gaze; he held me tight, leaving bruises on my skin, and for a moment, I... I saw him.
I saw him, without his masks, without the lies he used to protect himself, and something deep in my conscience screamed a warning at me.
Flashes of that hatred I'd seen in him crossed my mind, the anger, a visceral contempt, sometimes arrogant. That deep look was more revealing than a thousand words, and instinct told me to look, to see how far that abyss went, but I was terrified, not for him, but for me.
If I found a beast hidden in the darkness, what would I do?
No, I didn't want to think about it. Every time I lost myself in the tangle of our bodies, I would look away, maybe close my eyes or hide my face in his neck, anything to avoid looking... to avoid looking at him.
I realized my mistake when it was too late to turn back.
We were nearing the end of the conflict, the majority of the population had been brought to safety, many criminals captured or fallen in battle. It was a great result, except that all this pressure made the few remaining who were resisting us increasingly nervous and daring, as if they didn't care if they would die in the shootout, the important thing was to do as much damage as possible, as if on a whim.
The last month, in particular, was a real trench war. Only a handful of slavers remained to be stopped, but they had barricaded themselves inside the abandoned Senate building with the last hostages, of course, the easiest ones to drag along, the children.
The place had been fortified for some time, and even though we had a map, we couldn't know where they were keeping the hostages or, worse, if they had already killed them, keeping up the façade just to buy time.
We hypothesized every kind of plan, but none gave us the certainty of getting the hostages back. It would have been easy to bomb the area at this point, they were so dangerous that the Republic wouldn't have mourned their loss. We had also thought of isolating them until they came out from exhaustion and hunger, but again, if there really were those children, they would have been the first to suffer.
After two days of discarded plans, I tried everything.
"Let's go back to the first hypothesis. I'll make my way through the breach in the ceiling, look for the hostages, and send you a signal when I have them safe." We were all gathered around the building's holographic map. Next to me, Anakin huffed, "Don't even think about it. I'll go instead."
I sighed, smiling weakly "No offense, General Skywalker, but you're not particularly good at crawling along corridors." The remark drew a laugh from all the clones around us, who agreed with me, but Anakin wasn't laughing at all.
"I don't want you going in there alone, it's too much, even for a Jedi. They're waiting for us, they'll have set traps—" He started, waving his hand over the table, but I interrupted him. "They definitely have. But it's our best option. It's decided."
I didn't wait for a reply, knowing he could argue with me all day if necessary. I kept myself busy organizing the troops for that evening. Anakin moved tensely through the camp, ready to spring into action at the slightest sign. I knew he wasn't happy with that choice at all, but I wouldn't back down.
We left late in the evening; by then, I knew the map by heart. The building had three floors and a basement; all the side windows were barred, so it was impossible to tell where the children were. I would descend from the skylight above the chamber of deputies and from there explore each floor from top to bottom until I found the hostages... or their remains in the worst-case scenario.
The first part of the plan was fairly simple, but as soon as I stepped inside, I noticed something strange. Patrolling the corridors were droids built from makeshift materials, fragile-looking, yes, but armed.
I had to turn off the radio for fear of receiving a call at the wrong moment. I needed to check every room and descend a level until I was sure no one was there, and deactivating the droids would work against me since they would realize someone had entered.
On the ground floor, I saw the men who were left, all sitting around an old board game, looking either drunk or on the verge of falling asleep. I managed to send a brief message before heading to the basement.
Some walls had partially collapsed, and the narrow corridors made it difficult to move stealthily, but I stayed alert, ready to spring into action. I reached the end where I knew the vault that held the most important documents and money was located. It was a room large enough to hold more than one person, and at this point, it was my only chance.
The dim light in the room wasn’t much, but I finally saw it, the heavy metal door sealing the vault.
I knocked on the surface, hoping to get a response, and to my joy, I heard frightened gasps. I called out, hoping they could hear me; on the other hand, I could only make out vague murmurs, but when they started banging on the wall from the other side, I had no doubt it was them.
I ignited the lightsaber to begin cutting a hole in the surface, quickly warning them to move away, hoping they understood what I was saying, and very slowly, I began to cut through the metal.
It all happened in a moment. I felt it in my gut before I even heard the sound, I spun around, deflecting a shot aimed at me.
In front of me, one of those men, accompanied by three droids, pointed their weapons at me. I was at a disadvantage, given the tight space in which I had to defend myself. I parried more shots before inevitably losing the rhythm. I didn’t see where I was hit, but I felt it on my skin—the burning sensation spreading like an oil stain, the throbbing pain, and finally, my heavy fall to the ground.
When I turned to face him, something was thrown at me, a disturbing click around my neck made me flinch.
"Finally," the man approached me menacingly. I got up quickly to defend myself, but suddenly, an electric shock coursed through my body, knocking me back to the ground. I screamed in surprise as I tried in vain to tear off the collar.
"Don’t try it, Jedi, not even you can get rid of these."
I lay on the ground, breathless, my hands trembling uncontrollably, and a dull ache in my bones.
"You have no chance..." I panted in pain, moving my arm near the pocket where I kept the communicator, slowly activating it.
However, the movement caught his attention, and I was forcefully shoved to the ground, the device falling a few meters away from me as the man reactivated the shock.
I thrashed on the ground in jerky movements, keeping my mouth shut for fear of biting my tongue as I tried to crawl towards the communicator, a ringing in my ears.
"Bitch!" The shock stopped, but I had no time to recover before a kick hit me in the stomach, knocking out the little breath I had left. He bent over my body, gripping my hands around my neck. I wanted to push him away, but my fingers were still trembling uncontrollably. "I don’t need to keep you awake to use you as a bargaining chip. I’ll make you regret what you put us through!"
I kicked uselessly, my head feeling heavy, and my vision darkening, my lungs struggling for air. I tried to claw at his wrists, but I was losing strength.
It was when I was on the verge of passing out that something suddenly pushed him away from me.
I coughed forcefully, gasping for air. I turned onto my hands and knees, trembling and still unable to stand. I didn't understand what was happening, but I was glad to feel my fingertips again.
I coughed a few more times when I noticed something was off—or rather, something strange was happening next to me, judging by the sound I heard.
Like... something wet, an eerie crunching sound that I couldn't quite place.
I turned, finally more clear-headed, and almost had a heart attack.
Anakin was there—I figured he had used the Force to push the man away from me—but what I saw in front of me was worse than anything I had ever experienced.
I saw him with his back to me, crouched over the man's body... which wasn't moving anymore.
I crawled toward them, reaching out a hand to his shoulder, trying to shake him. "Anakin, leave him, we need to open the door—" and then I saw them more clearly.
He had pushed his thumbs into the man's eyes, which disappeared up to the knuckles in the sockets as he gripped the sides of his face. There was blood everywhere—it was dripping from the eye sockets, the mouth, even the back of his head, which was being slammed into the floor that slowly stained a bright red. I swear I saw his skull unnaturally crushed.
The air left my lungs, a wave of nausea rising in my throat that I held back at the last second.
"Please, let him go, A-Anakin, p-please—" I stammered as I clung to his arm, trying in vain to pull him away. I gripped the front of his tunic, but he seemed immovable.
"Anakin, I'm fine, let him go, please, y-you've killed him—" I cried, tears falling before I even realized.
He finally released his grip, letting the man's head fall into the pool of blood with a wet thud. He turned to look at me, and I instinctively tried to back away, frightened, falling onto my backside because my knees were still weak. I couldn’t look away, but now I saw it as clear as day—that monster he hid inside, that flame I had glimpsed when he was angry, or when we made love, and those languid eyes would light up with a sinister, almost possessive glow.
Now I saw it in its rawest form and could no longer pretend I hadn't. The metallic scent of blood filled my nostrils, making my eyes sting.
"Anakin—" I whispered, raising a hand, not sure whether to reach for him or keep my distance.
"My love." He came toward me as if everything was normal, his face worried, relieved to see me mostly unharmed. He brushed the collar with a hand, a spark of anger flashing as fast as a blink. "The others are coming, we’ll get this thing off you," he murmured, then gently took my face in his hands, the blood staining my skin and dripping in tiny crimson drops down my neck. I was shaking like a leaf but didn’t know what to say.
I knew what he was.
I knew it, but I had underestimated it, in fact, I had lied to myself, ignoring all the warnings. Yet I wondered how it was possible that no one had noticed before.
Or maybe they had all been blinded by the same light?
By that warm smile.
Never getting too close and risking harm.
But I had been drawn to the light like a moth, and now, indeed, I was burning alive.
And it was too late to run away.
I was complicit in that fire, which I had fed every night with every kiss, touch, or whisper.
How could I turn my back on him now?
It was also my fault.
He leaned over me, the hand I had raised now resting on his chest, the heartbeat too steady for someone who had just crushed a human skull with his bare hands.
"Don’t be afraid. I’ll protect you." A whisper on my lips, I wanted to say it was impossible, that he couldn’t save me from himself, that it was him I feared so much, but it was too late.
He kissed me, his lips tasting of death and blood, the light that blinded me now an shadow that devoured me.
It was too late.
I loved him.
I realized it when I closed my eyes to meet him. I would have kept his secret, I would have protected him until my last breath.
Till death do us part.
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notsocheezy · 3 months ago
Brain Curd #279
Brain Curds are lightly edited daily writing - usually flash fiction and sometimes terrible on purpose.
It was late February by the time the house was ready to be shown to guests, and Dan and Alice had been so absorbed in getting settled in that they barely realized they’d gone weeks without speaking to anyone else. Not neighbors, not family, and especially not the friends who were invited, cordially, to attend this night’s festivities.
The living room was adorned with whatever Alice could scrounge together from unpacked boxes: Christmas lights, streamers, shamrocks, even a jack-o-lantern or two. It made for a festive atmosphere, but a deeply confused one, as though all of 2020 had to be compressed into this one night.
Francine, Alice’s friend, was the first to arrive.
“Congratulations!” She held out a bottle of champagne.
Alice put the bottle on the foyer table and hugged her. “It’s so good to see you!”
“I’m only half an hour away, you know. You could’ve visited.”
“With the amount of time I’ve spent making this place livable? That’s like two weeks.”
Francine entered the house and looked around. “You’ve really been cooped up, huh?”
Alice noticed a clump of cat fur on her sweater, picked up from Francine. She brushed it off and pushed it outside with the air moved by shutting the door. “Dan, could you put this champagne in the fridge while Francine and I catch up?”
“Sure,” he said, carrying a tray of raw meat. “Why not? It’s not like I’m doing something else.”
“So,” Francine opened her eyes so wide that she very well might have been able to see behind herself. “What’s it like owning your own house?”
“Well,” Alice chuckled, “It’s a lot of work but I think it’s worth it just to have the peace of mind.”
“Peace of mind?”
“Everything is clean, everything is orderly, and if I go looking for something, I’ll find it.” She snapped. “Like that.”
“Doesn’t your husband live here too?”
“Well, okay, I guess if I go looking for his ball-peen hammer or whatever I might not find it. But anything of mine, he doesn’t touch.”
“What would you do if he did?”
Alice crossed her arms. “Don’t jinx it!”
“Fine, fine.” Francine laughed. “You’ve got to let me tell you about all this drama back in the city.”
“You remember Sadie’s ex boyfriend?”
“Which one? The zookeeper or the guy from Finland?”
“The second one. He bought her flowers and she took him back! Can you believe that?”
“No self respect.”
“Not at all! This girl is down bad for his netherlands.”
“Is that the same place?”
“Oh, who cares. The point is he’s a total psycho. You knew about how he was, like, trying to get her to grow out her pit hair, right?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Apparently he sniffed under her arms every day to make sure she wasn’t wearing deodorant!”
“Ewww!” Alice covered her mouth. “What is wrong with him?”
“Same thing that’s wrong with her, I figure. That’s how people end up together. They’re the right kind of wrong for each other.” Francine patted Alice on the back. “Good for you finding your Mr. Wrong, Alice.”
Please comment, reblog, like, and follow if you enjoyed - I'd love to know what you think! See you again tomorrow.
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three--rings · 2 years ago
Buffalo, New York, has houses around the 100k mark. They are not fantastic but they are livable. The weather is not bad, you get real winters but they move out on time then you get nice classic springs and falls. Mild summers in the 80s or so, rare 90 days. The state overall is blue, though this area's a bit more red. The state level laws keep things nice. I moved here for the nationally known autism support services (which are in new york city, but its available by train). You could zillow some places, and I'll tell you if the posts reflect reality. Tell you how good the area is. Though because it is a red area, the posts you'll have from some people call areas bad cause non white people live there.
Thank you for the input, I was actually being genuine in asking.
I lived in NY for a couple years actually, though close to the city, not upstate.
The thing keeping us from considering a lot of places is the weather, which Buffalo firmly falls into. Because both my husband and I are disabled in ways that make dealing with snow, shoveling snow, basically out of the question.
Honestly I'm not wild about actual winters, seasonal depression is a main reason I left NY and came back to Texas, but cold per se isn't a problem so much as grey, lifelessness for months on end and having to dig your car out to go anywhere.
Two of our closest couple friends have moved out of Texas, one to Illinois and one to Iowa and I'd love to be closer to them but...weather...
This is all theoretical because we don't have the financial situation to move right now. We own our home and land but it's not worth a lot. But, well, we've started talking about it in a long term way.
But it's honestly fucked how few places there are that are both affordable and not run by evil religious extremists. Like we basically keep running through red states like..."well, it's not AS BAD as Texas, right?" Or, "it's moving towards being a swing state, right?"
And I hate it so much because I honestly love my state (like, the actual LAND, yanno) and it's home and the GOP only wins by a handful of points and most people are disenfranchised so I know actually they are a minority. And we are way more racially diverse than almost anywhere else, that's something people who leave Texas always comment on. But unfortunately the fucking fascists are determined to take everyone down to hell with them.
And yeah this is just stressing me out a lot right now and taking a toll to the point I'm having trouble even looking at the internet.
IDK IDK please do tell me about the places with the not terrible winters where you can buy a small house or condo for a reasonable price where the GOP isn't coming for your rights.
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hospitalterrorizer · 26 days ago
saturday - sunday
saw movies today, at the theater no less...
we ended up not going to eraserhead, too early, which is fine we already saw it in the theater. but we did see lost highway and inland empire again, i love inland empire, i have more to say about it than lost highway. more thoughts might come to be for it in the coming days, but i love love love inland empire. i cried a couple times, sometimes it's funny but it's basically harrowing the whole way through. i've seen it before, and all this viewing did is really confirm those feelings. this would be the third time i think.
one thing i thought, was about the way it's about the whole fact of seeing oneself, surveilling oneself, 'have you seen me before', looking at yourself in the mirror, acting. when the director talks about the people in the script finding something in it, really what i think is discovered is this sense that this is what the world might make out of you, might leave you destitute and see you as what should be exploited, for anyone who is feminine in particular, one thing that struck me though is that devin / justin theroux's character is more alike nikki than i thought, he also seems to lose himself, multiple times, not know who he is, lost in a parallel situation, before dissolving and reappearing almost shell-like, giving himself over to the thing he has to act out, while what nikki must be is be seen, what she makes of herself, the interiority of that experience, she's left to it. in cruelty there is a structure to back it up, in a way, to exploit enables a kind of code to act by (though to be clear i don't find his character terrible particularly, or the real figure who must be looked at negatively. he feels lost, and even used, terrified and perhaps there is a point here, in some off-side way, about the invention of the devilishly handsome flaneur who takes one's wife, an object of frustration to justify paranoia and violence). i keep thinking about all the shots in hallways, the infinity of halls, the way everything looks cheap and impossible to believe in, from the digital camera. there are ornate, beautiful things, and they seem impossible to penetrate, facts almost, the way things are in videogames, a porcelain looking fireplace, lamps, all taking on some weightless feeling, or impossible to touch. the uncanniness here, in homes, comes from homes hardly feeling like such. they are shot like mazes, lots of weird halls and nothing is ever quite connected in the way you'd think. when it's more regular, the pink house, i think, it is still uncanny because of how it splits itself off, that living room, and then that dim hallway, immediately turning into another place. that reminded me of my grandma's house, on my dad's side. her living room where we sat, and then the rest, this hall leading elsewhere, immediately dim and scary, a different shade to everything else, a contrast leading to some disused zone. when i went down there to pee, it was rather scary, as a child. the film is so much about the particular feeling you have when your house is split into zones that are livable and then places that are scarier or uncanny because you're not allowed or it is decidedly someone else's. he shoots so many weird corners where there are 90 degree angles and weird rectangles jutting from the arched doorways, down and back up to the roof, i don't know... i love the look of the film so much. after a certain point in the film, it's some of his best camera work period, some of the best images put to film/video for me generally, just an incredible thing.
continuing on the topic of self surveillance, the whole thing about being sexualized in the film, i think there is one scene that is too much probably, where the woman lifts her shirt. it's not particularly frustrating so much as a strange thing about lynch (it came up more for me in lost highway (and this film in some way feels like seeing someone mature past where he was then)). anyhow, all those women nikki sees, and the polish women, the eternal recurrence of this fact of womanhood, exploitation and abuse (the scenes of abuse made me cry, they were very painful (at times, as well, my mom i don't think was ever domestically abused in relationships i saw her in, but laura dern/nikki reminded me of my mother, how she'd talk about men, how she'd talk about how men talked to her 'i did nothing but love you', etc.)), it felt at times to be constructed like an essay, where it's more of a thought moving, transference between people, across time, an articulation of a massive wound and something nikki seemingly dies 5 times for just to give some people some relief, other women. i cried a lot, i suppose, choked up too, in the way that hurt and is still sore. when her messed up face was projected onto the phantom, and then she saw herself, bleeding from the mouth, rotting, the abjection of vomiting blood, all the abjection across the film, cob-webbed memories and pasts which do not cohere, or cohere to something society would like to vaporize from sight. recognizing herself, not in what she acts out, but that acting it out makes it in some sense, not that this is the truth about movies or something, just that she sees on some wide scale, her falling out of favor as a star, a descent, in trouble for what, some terrible collapse, in trouble because trouble will be set upon you for being, in particular cases.
another thing the film captures is maybe something that is difficult to articulate. in the scene, where she is dying in the film, after being stabbed with a screwdriver, beside the homeless women and the homeless terry crews (by the way this role i think proves he can do anything and idk if he's ever been allowed to go somewhere like this before or since but it makes me feel bad, he made such a perfect face, of pain and sorrow and trying to be strong enough to not let it in), the homeless woman talks to nikki, says you're dying lady, and the other woman is rambling about pomona, as nikki dies, bleeding out, she vomits blood, she keeps rambling a bit, she ends up only talking about terrible things, her friend who is going to die, because she has torn a hole through her vaginal wall to her intestines, she has a pet monkey that screams and shits everywhere, it's horrifying, the woman beside nikki comforts her, says here is light, it's going to be okay, it burns bright forever. she articulate something about how beautiful things feel, and their general tiny-ness, when everything around you feels like a nightmare, when your impulse is to try and talk over everything bad but everything that comes out of your mouth is more nightmare-matter, too. it's an intensely painful and sad thing. sometimes the world is like that, i think my friends would say i'm stupidly pessimistic for saying that or something. i don't know, i used to be so depressed and hopeless feeling. i felt watching this, i worry about the future my gf and i have, if we will make it. she says we will, i believe her, i am just always scared i guess, we could end up there, is all, anyone could end up homeless, there were multiple times the film reminded me of people i'd met, homeless people, the scene with freddie, asking for money, where he says, it seemed just yesterday i could take care of myself, a couple scenes later, he repeats it, it made me think of this guy who would always tell me when i gave him money, i'll repay you one day. it made me feel so bad, i just felt like, please keep it, all i want is for you to be happier. he also says 'i've got this landlord problem'... but i suppose we don't, or it's a problem in that it exists but mostly landlords have only failed us in abstract ways they've never come after us, like selling an apartment to a school to demolish so we need to come to some new awful place... whatever. i just think the world can be really terrible and nightmarish and i don't know, sometimes people i know say things like, life is basically good, i am happy to be alive, i basically am too but it would be a lie to say i always felt like that or i always will. i don't know. sometimes the world only seems like very bad things and the bad things feel like very big giant shapes behind curtains, big shadows that only articulate themselves as you speak them, second to second, bigger and bigger, until you're wrapped up in a lot of night. the film articulated that, to me, then. it made me cry of course, i also found myself frustrated at the crowd. they all laughed then a bit, i basically understand, it's outrageous and uncomfortable. it's just deeply emotional to me.
before seeing inland empire, we were walking back from getting food, towards the theater, there was a local show... some hardcore band, i said some silly but also psychotically bitchy thing in a drive-by way about the band playing, passing by, i don't know why, i said something about leaving these sorts of riffs in 2006, i feel bad, the band was fine, the riffs i heard weren't all bad even, and i don't leave my riffs in 2006... i'm stupid and mean and a hypocrite and probably play into being a faggy bitch too much sometimes, i just keep feeling bad about being basically mean for no reason, and for being like, mean to a band that did seem to go beyond (dull (i don't dislike all metalcore)) metalcore... i think because i was annoyed by another bunch of people elsewhere downtown. i wish i weren't the way i am sometimes. i don't think anyone heard or cared, or maybe they laughed. i just don't know why i am sooo stupid and mean and etc etc. i feel like a fundamentally bad person maybe. i don't know. that's not a real thing that exists. still. i talk about this like i constantly feel bad about it... being kind of bitchy mostly is just playful, this was an attempt i guess, but i am also always so snooty about local music, i always have been, it frustrates me but ultimately i think i just don't think it would ever come off right around strangers (i also said a word that's okay for me to say (derivative of faggy (i promise... i am like a girl but also not but also a girl but also not but also a girl but also not but also a girl but also not (but i am not a man definitely never will be and never was i don't ever want to be (it's crazy how i can make myself crazy by the thought of having to articulate what i am it makes me physically freeze up and feel an electric nervousness))) &...) but it's like so stupid and what is even wrong with me, i am like a loser, i'm dumb and i should probably have my head closed in a door for playing at being evil (was that what i was doing, i don't think so i guess, not playing at being evil. just stupid and thoughtless blah blah blah) in such a stupid way (i realize now how all the dancing around this probably makes it look like i said like the most hateful thing ever when i just called them 'faggot riffs' which is like stupid but looking back at all this i'm like wow i'm making myself look like i was wishing death on people or something (but i seriously feel so guilty like in my stomach it feels equal to that (this is something my gf would call me stupid for and tease me for, which somehow makes the ocd-y stuff less bad for me (and maybe it's all easier to understand my looseness with the word when it feels basically important for me to be called a silly fag(girl-ish(but not too -ish) way) to make me less insane and less neurotically in my head)))), but i guess thinking on it i'm not like this constantly. when i worry about being mean usually i'm worrying about my thoughts proving i'm evil, stuff that never even is more than an intrusive impulsive thought... i'm just so scared i'm secretly the worst person to live and that i need to die because i'm just negative and evil.
another thing i thought, and said to my gf, that at the end of the film, when nikki appears in the polish woman's room, and helps free her back into the house-world, and they kiss and nikki fades, that kiss made me think, between the blonde and brunette, about when my gf got to finally see me and i was freed from my covid house. it felt like i was saved, there is a lot of saving in inland empire. or maybe a lot is saved by it. idk. it's a really really special film to me. it kind of hurts in such a particular way, and it's shot in this way that feels so important still. it seems really to capture everything of the world we're in, still. digital video as an exhuming of the corpse that is all our surroundings. it hurts it hurts it hurts, it makes me sad to be separated from it now, suddenly. the fear i felt, knowing the face would come. i can't explain why it is so upsetting or scary, it still makes me afraid, my heart i could feel it, pounding. it even captured the notion of the screamer without any cheapness, it is from our cursed immediate, it makes me think this is a language i have to learn, i need to shoot and exhume the world, too, make something else with it. i try to with writing and things. i will continue to do so... it's so much, it's everything.
tomorrow i'll wake up and probably be okay, i'm just overdramatic. my guilt is stupid. here are some screenshots from the film posted by some account that posts inland empire screenshots daily. thank you silly account for giving me easy access to visuals for my blogpost:
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(i feel like this right now... ratty and dirty and scared (but i have washed my face and am inside and fine...(drama...queen (or drama 'thing' (or just both (or neither (it shouldn't be this easy to make myself cuckoo)))))).
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the 2 before this final one really get across how special a lot of the fades are in this film, i love his use of crossfades in this movie. really special i think.
here is what i looked like today, also:
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maybe since i'm evil i shouldn't be allowed to put pictures of myself up. that is a view into my #twisted mind, i really had that thought just now because i was mean about a local band and no one probably heard me. it's just so stupid to be snide that way. i guess i will try to be better from now on. idk why i feel so compelled to put this all here. i guess if i can whip myself in some way it makes me feel a little better, or, admitting wrongdoing makes me be more humble. i always try to be more humble. this is a kind of catholic thinking i guess. i am always going to be sick from that probably. at least it makes me aware of when i see it on the outside though, and i can guard myself from those ways of thinking when they're way outside.
i had some other thoughts today, some stuff about ai that came to me, but i think i can sum it up rather quickly, just thoughts about luddites and textile mills, the way textiles / clothes / their place culturally and the general decrease over years in people being able to tend to their clothes, you know, as well as the general disappearance of the artisanal way of thinking/producing, even though that was generally reserved for upper classes still, and these were already factory configurations of labor in some sense, pre-machinery, there was a more involved element and it was, maybe a weird way to put this. closer to daily lives lived, with the mechanization of the workforce, there was a kind of activity separated from laborers/lower classes, effectively making a certain sort of knowledge and activity a luxury almost, because the winning of efficiency and speed means slowness and 'artfulness', knowing how to work with particular materials, becomes a luxury. in fashion it also means things made in these ways become spectacularized luxuries. i imagine the way ai can speed along and smooth over the assumptions we have of things, signage, designs, etc, means certain kinds of labor that we see as merely creative, (merely feels right, to be in a position like that is always a luxury to others, it seems), might over many years (if being pessimistic and assuming it will continue to exist as it does), might lead to a similar splitting off from a set of ways of life. this all came to me being irritated by people saying humans are just flesh computers and should let ai show them that they really are just computers or whatever, the connection there is tenuous and i can't really retrace the trail of thought that took me from there to there, i guess just thinking on the frustrating assumptions of such a cybernetic perspective. they think it makes us inhuman to be computers but there's something more comforting about being a computer than being a confused sensory organ cluster. computers are easier to invent souls for, erotic spasms are an uncomfortable lance through the notion that ai flipping out and repeating itself and 'feeling' like people when they flip out (projection obviously), is evidence of us being like it, in their general fixity and muteness, a failure to sort through sense, the surfacing of many associations from nowhere almost, and arranged suddenly into something that feels truthful, disappearing again, hot flashes of images of all sorts, moments in time, and then to abandon it, come back years later, this is the difference and probably the crisis here, that prevents any semblance of one 'humanity', we are free to discontinuity, disavowal, the computer too easily has a soul and logic that humanity often saw in itself from the enlightenment onward, it being capable of 'messiness' and this being meaningful always bothers me, because it means these breakdowns in communication or whatever are capabilities, and thus, should be measured as 'useful', and why should we ever submit to these measures, it's so frustrating. and what do my words matter anyhow i am dumband evil. i am so crazy, i am looking forward to feeling embarrassed tomorrow. i guess this is what happens when i see a movie like that. so maybe it's good. and the embarrassment might be good too. or idk if i will be embarrassed, when i spill my guts honestly i usually feel okay. and i can just remind myself, not many people look at this... hopefully the people who do don't think i'm like the worst person ever.
it's sort of crazy how dysfunctional i can be. i should be better than this, probably, or is this the kind of thing that happens your whole life and you just get better at dealing with it. it's not totally new but maybe this is the first time in my life i've really felt like i've had any support abt the terror about being a bad person, and that means the thought of even putting it out there exists, so i can talk about it, that also means acknowledging it, which means eventually it gets to be, for periods, less overwhelming. but that also means it's scary because it's said aloud. but i also used to have dreams about having breasts and wearing the kinds of clothes i wear now, and never really said any of that out loud until recently-ish too. which feels bad to think about. but i don't know. i feel somewhat good about it also because i avoided like, maybe i avoided being super super vulnerable, at least about being able to be told stuff like, you are evil, get naked for me, or whatever. i got naked for some people or semi naked or whatever for other reasons, so i guess ultimately no one gets away from the internet thing unscathed. that's besides the point though, having a person i am very close to and can see me and tell me what she thinks is going on, it's a thing that can be less focused on whatever particulars, quickly discarding the dumb thoughts. this one just sticks tonight, because inland empire makes me so mournful i guess, and it made me wish i were a better person. if i count everything, which is impossible but if i pretend in a kind of far away sort of sense, about how i've lived my life, i'm not a bad person. but there is this catholic thing i have, i want to flagellate myself so i can run red all the bad stuff, and wake up with it out of my system. i guess everyone accrues some kind of fucked up mystical way of thinking. everyone tries to make it out to be something that is sort of smart or something, or i see it that way online. i think with guilt, people try to make it a moral genius. i think i'm basically lucky, maybe feeling corrupt and evil means i can't go that way, i'm beyond compensating. on top of this, i know guilt and shame are generally terrible teachers, systems of cruelty outlined by socialities which have ultimately produced this terrible present, and these terrible centuries which people have crawled through, bleeding and terrified, so many exploited and discarded, this means i am stuck with some terrible organ that speaks. essentially, some kind of emotional teratoma. isn't it so silly, that all i did was say in a drive-by way in silly bitchy voice that i wish a metalcore band were trying a little more basically? it's just so rude. i don't want to be rude. i want to be perfect and nice, psychotically, i wish i were so nice that i were nearly transparent, anything that comes near me wouldn't notice me, but i make everything like 10% better.
blah blah blah, do you know when i type that, maybe 40-50% of the time, i do the little hand gesture, the thing you'd do with your hand in a sock to make a made up fox or rabbit seem like it's talking? i also sit on the floor with my knees to my chest really close like i'm scared of something and hug them closer other times. sometimes, i sit and space out, i tend to look to my left, and at the floor.
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timelostobserver · 1 year ago
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It was what worked, and continued to work. He couldn't even begin to try and explain how the scales weighed ones heart, or how he knew exactly who to send to Heaven and which to condemn to the absolute prison that rested on the very grounds they were talking upon. The rest were filtered into Hell.
From the unimpressive, to the serial killers. Heaven only seemed to want the absolute 'best'. All it took was one, measly blemish for them to abandon anything they didn't see as perfection. Perfection Hades would pay to see ripped apart for the lie it really was.
But that wasn't his job, no. The 'Angel of Death', the feared 'Grim Reaper', the 'Lord of the Underworld' simply was a desk job with a lofty name. A desk job no one else in creation had the skills to do. A job Hell now held firmly in it's grasp, and Heaven didn't give two shits about.
After all, why care when the one made for the job was doing it anyway?
Well, he continued to do it because he legitimately cared for the human souls under his guardianship. That one, small, tiny crack in that ice that leaked any warmth from the angel he used to be. Delegated to the departed.
He only wanted what was best for them, and for them to enjoy their second 'chance' at 'life'. And he didn't like either path in their current states.
"Because it works, Lilith. Pay in mind I don't 'like' sending souls to live in Heaven. I know that it's nothing more than a fucked up, shiny prison run by two-faced liars. But Hell ain't much better." Neither option was. He'd LOVE to be able to keep the souls here. Under his stewardship. But that wasn't possible. There were far too many humans dying each and every day.
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"They won't do anything because they can't do anything. The only ones who know about me know they can't replace me." He spoke at her rather pointedly, a brow raised.
"They march in here and try to take my station, they know it will be a blood bath. I may have fallen, but I am STILL an Archangel. I am STILL the Angel of Death." A force so terrible within creation that even angels feared it, and his Father tried to control through him.
A lot of good that did them all.
"Pah.. Adam. I'd love nothing more than to drag that fucker down into Tartarus, screaming at this point. Chained up in pure nothingness, with only his wails as company for all eternity. Hell's too good for him." There was that Wrath, that rage that boiled under the fallen's skin. The very flame that gave this place even a small ember of warmth.
"Same goes for that bitch Sera." He muttered the last bit before eying Lilith with a skeptical look. The hell did she mean?
But then.. he fell silent, eyes back down to his desk. No, no she had a point. If anything, the biggest 'fuck you' to Heaven would be making Hell a far more tolerable place. Livable, even. Well, more so than it was now.
Yes, there were children down here. Not just sinners. Human children condemned to Hell. Forced into doing something 'wrong' to survive. But the Hellborn as well, those who had no choice but to be born in this place. The Imps, Succubi and Incubi, the Hellhounds, and the myriad of others within the lower rings.
"That sounds like something you should be discussing with the Sins and your Husband, not me. I don't run anything in Hell, outside of what I do here." And no one, outside of the literal royal Family and noble families, knew he was even here. Sinners especially had no memory of this place, even if every single one had been through here at one point in their afterlife.
But he couldn't exactly do anything to help Hell's situation. Which made him suspicious of why Lilith came to him of all people...
"Maybe even those 'Overlords' that are around; they have pull and sway, at least in the Pride ring."
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residentialrabbit · 2 years ago
how do most of the repurpose gang feel about starting a family in the future? not like the near future but like. the prospect in ANY future ya know? especially interested in ramón as someone who already has a child and noel since like that just feels like a real. possible vulnerability point for him! it’s cool if this is a topic that makes u uncomfy or whatever but i was just thinking what the gang might want for the future and how that could be different from like. what mc wants potentially. silly silly thoughts
Hmm! Interesting question!
Spoilers below for eveyones routes!
Ramon- Sees the MC as Ariel's other father/mother/parent already once they're married. Ramon wants to give Ariel the best and hopes/knows you want the same. He would also like to raise more children with you but know the whole "demon promotion" process might turn off people that one day want to reincarnate. In that case there's always adoption/finding a surrogate demon to host or impregnate Ramon.... Ohh, by the way Angel/Demon (cis and/or trans) can get pregnant too! (See Irene's route for the explanation) Though I think Ramon is the type to encourage promotion so you two can be together forever.
Kalei- Kalei would absolutely love the idea of raising a child with the MC! His only worry is that every 5 years he, and potentially you, will need to go back to Haven Home for a year to help wayward souls get into Utopia. He would love your child but his passion to help trial-goers is also important to him so something will have to be figured out. Maybe having your child stay with his parents? He swears they're good people, they raised him after all! Similar to Ramon he would encourage angel promotion and even put a good word for you! but adoption/surrogacy is also an option.
Noel- I think Noel would love to raise a family with you... but a lot the things that plague him even after his story still haunt him. He would probably go far as to think he would be a terrible father and that you deserve to raise a family with someone that isn't disgraced like him. Plus there's the issue of needing to be promoted (preferably to angel but demon is possible as well) into order to conceive a child. And if that happened Limbo, even post-good end, isn't ideal for a child he thinks. So in the end he would reject the idea and would just want to enjoy Limbo with you for eternity or till you want to take the trials. I made myself sad lol.
Given humans can't have children in the after life... it's kind of hard to give their thoughts on raising a family the only option is to adopt or find surrogate parents? So I'll answer it with only those two options in mind for them.
DJ Roadkill- DJ wouldn't mind raising a kid but given they live in Limbo it's not the safest place yet. Plus finding angel or even demon surrogates is pretty close to impossible. So that dream will have to be at the backburner till Limbo is recognized as a livable third realm that allows demon and angel residents that can or abandon the idea completely.
Mitts- I think would be too busy with her work bringing Utopia to the modern era and beyond to want to raise a child. She's sorta just happy with having you and her many inventions that while she affectionately calls them your children are still just inventions meant to serve her/others.
Rosita- Rosita prefers being the fun aunt vs being the mom. She doesn't hate kids! She just can barely take care of herself and would rather invest her time in you.
Irene- She's a hard pass on kids. She loves Ariel but one is enough for her and similar to Rosita and Mitts is happy with just you.
... wow I just realized none of the female characters listed here want kids LMAO. Good for them. I neglect Cherubim and Faye from this on purpose as I can't discuss this without going into part 2 spoilers.
Though if you want to do family/nextgen AUs with characters that don't want kids fine! this is just how, at present, would handle the topic in canon. And even then I could change my mind on who and who wants/doesn't want kids (hi me from the past if I'm reading this and changed my mind on any of these).
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lubdubsworld · 4 years ago
The Devil’s Own.
Jungkook x OC
Mafia Au!
Warnings : Non-Con ! Manipulation, Degradation, Shitty hero with no redeeming Qualities you have been warned. ( i mean he does get better but not much.) 
Summary : Just Mob Boss Jungkook doing mob boss things. 
Chapter 1
“ Sign it. ”
I glared at him, feeling sick at the tone. The entitlement.
“No.” I said sharply and I could feel his anger swelling, morphing into something dangerous and deadly but I couldn’t care anymore. I was tired. Exhausted. This cat and mouse game had gone on , long enough. It wasn’t an even playing field, in any sense of the qword.
If today was the day I died, so be it. I would accept it. I would even welcome it.
I was done.
He had everything : an empire at his beck and call , enough money to pave the streets of Seoul in gold and an army of loyal associates behind him. His face was plastered on Billboards across the country , the President posted pictures of him on his fucking SNS and delegates from other countries had to wait weeks , just to get an appointment with the youngest billionaire South Korea had ever seen.
And yet none of those white collared dignitaries saw this side of him. The dirty, violent ruthless man who had more blood on his hands than anyone else in the country. My father’s. My brothers’.
Jeon Jungkook was both the most revered business man in the country and the undisputed king of Seoul’s criminal underbelly.
“You defiance only makes me want to break you in other ways Elena.” He said warningly and I felt my throat go dry. I stared at him, wondering how someone could look so expensively gorgeous and yet, like a hardened criminal.
The expensive silk shirt, the fitted slacks and the handmade shoes ought to clash with the dark ink that covered his entire arm and neck, the piercing on his eyebrow and the glint of metal on his tongue but it didn’t.
It just all came together to make him the most attractive man in existence.
I took a deep breath. Perhaps begging was the way to go?
“ You have my father’s company. You have my brother’s Hospital and you have the family mansion. It’s all yours. This bakery belongs to my mother. It’s all I have left of her. My sister in law is pregnant , due any day. She needs a place to stay and I don’t
 I don’t have money to rent anywhere else.” I said desperately, thinking of the paltry wage I earned waiting tables. I could barely afford food for myself let alone for Jisoo and the baby on the way.
The bakery was abandoned but it had a roof. The furniture was crumbling but I could fix that. If I didn’t have to worry about rent, I could save up enough to make it livable. At least till I got a better job.
“I’ve offered you solutions for all of that.” He reminded me softly, eyes trained unblinkingly on me and I stared at him.
“I’m not going to be your whore.” I felt my voice shake.
He grimaced.
“You aren’t qualified to be my whore. And I don’t need one either. Whores are not my thing. I have a beautiful fiancĂ©e, don’t you remember? ” He grinned. I felt my heart ache because that fiancĂ©e was once my best friend. The only person I had trusted with my entire life. Lisa had betrayed my trust, had spied on my father’s operations and brought him down and I had the horrible, horrible inkling that she had also had something to do with my father and brother’s untimely death in a car crash.
But I couldn’t think about that. Every time I thought about her my heart broke and head spun, and I had to be at my maximum mental capacity if I was going to deal with her heartless fiancĂ©e.
“ If you ask me, you’re not fit for anything more than a back alley blowjob for a couple bucks. But Hoseok thinks you have potential. Join his agency, there are a lot of very wealthy men who have a bone to pick with your father. He made a shit ton of enemies. Most of them would love to fuck the defiance out of you. ”
His words felt like worms crawling all over my skin and I could feel the nausea churn inside me.
“I’m not signing the bakery over. You can call the creditors. I still have another year and half to pay the one remaining loan and they won’t come for me till then.” I felt my head begin to throb and Jungkook sighed.
“Suit yourself.” He stood up and I stayed still, watching his tall frame tower over me with ease. He gave me a small bitter smile. It was fraught with hatred and I stared back at him, knowing the emotion was probably mirrored in my gaze.
“Beautiful Elena. As pretty as the day you left me at the altar.” He smirked and I flushed.
“Your vengeance is petty and pointless and unfair
just like you.” I said angrily, frustration building u at his words. The way he talked about our broken engagement like it even mattered. It hadn’t even been real. We had hardly spoken and my father had called the wedding off at the last moment. But apparently, that had been the last straw for the Jeons. They had come after my father’s entire existence with a single minded intent to destroy him and they had succeeded. The man was dead . His two sons were dead.
But apparently it wasn’t enough.
Jungkook stared at me, slipping his hands into his pockets.
“Maybe. But it’s also deadly and potent. And it won’t rest until I see you reduced to nothing but a whore on the streets, spreading your legs for every man who can afford you.” He laughed. “ Saying no is a luxury , one that you’ll soon be unable to afford.”
I refused to be cowed, refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his words scared me. Because they did.
They scared me so damn much.
“This bed is so lumpy
 I’m so sorry, unnie..” I said apologetically but Jisoo shook her head quickly, palms cupping my face as I held her elbows, gently lowering her to the bed. I stared at her feet, feeling my heart race at how swollen they looked. That can’t be normal, a voice whispered and
I didn’t know if that was normal and I had no money to take her to a clinic. The social center we usually went to only allowed three visits per month and we had used it all up. I wanted to throw caution to the wind and spend the thirty thousand won it would take but that would mean no groceries for a week and surely bread and eggs wouldn’t stretch that long, even if I could sneak meals in the restaurant for myself.
“I’ve been feeling a little dizzy
I’ll just sleep.” She said tiredly. She was thirty six weeks along, not due for another four weeks but her blood pressure was erratic. Her lab numbers were oscillating and there had been talks of an emergency c section. Even with insurance it was way more than I could afford but I had my own jewelry, a few expensive trinkets from my teenage years. I’d been obsessed with diamonds and my father had indulged me and I had a pair of earrings left. I’d already sold the rest but this would take care of the medical bills for the birth itself.
“My shift starts in ten minutes. I have to go. Give me a call if you need anything
” I said softly and I saw the familiar blank and listless look come into her eyes. I knew she was depressed, dealing with grief and pregnancy and loss but there was nothing I could do for her. Nothing. I had applied for a bunch of other jobs but they never wrote back. It wasn’t easy, being rejected over and over again but it wasn’t like there was much else I could do. And the truth was I was resigned to this, accepted that at some point I would have to take more loans and be stuck in an endless cycle of debt for the rest of my life.
And I had made peace with that.
There was no future for me. And I was okay with just surviving.
If only Jungkook would let me.
Apparently, watching me wipe down greasy tables and mop up floors and toilets trying to earn just enough to get a few square meals didn’t soothe his anger. It only fueled it. Jungkook couldn’t fathom that it had been six whole months of me on the streets of Seoul and I wasn’t completely destitute yet. I’d kept myself and my sister in law alive, safe and it pissed him off.
He wanted to see me broken and on my knees, begging him for help. The idea of me somehow surviving despite him taking everything away from me, it just didn’t sit well with him.
I couldn’t afford to have him as an enemy so all I could really hope was that one day he would wake up and give up. One day he would just wake up and decide that I wasn’t worth it.
When I walked into my shift and noticed a familiar pair of high heeled Louboutins , completely out of place in my seedy place of employment, I knew I was in trouble. Lisa sat against one of the booths and her gaze was fixated on the door which meant she was waiting for someone. And when her eyes narrowed at the sight of me, I just knew I was the someone.
She wants to get me fired.
It wasn’t rocket science and I felt the urge to turn right back around and leave.  But I tamped down on it. I could get through this. I would get through this. Lisa and Jungkook got off on invoking reactions and I wouldn’t give them that.
Except it wasn’t that easy.
It was a nightmare, watching her demand and reject and walk all over me but the sleeplessness from the past few days made spacing out easier and I just stared away at the wall as she yelled and complained and made a scene.
“You’ve stopped fighting? Finally giving up? Good
” She hissed when the manager apologized to her and told me to meet him after my shift and I felt myself tremble in indignation.
“I won’t fight you or Jungkook, you and I both know I can’t afford to.” I said quietly and she went still, something flashing in her eyes for a second. It was gone before I could fully process it but it had been there. Guilt.
Lisa wasn’t a terrible human. She had been a dear friend. We had grown up together and she had even hugged and teased me when I’d been betrothed to Jungkook, all those years ago. I had been twenty back then, naïve and spoiled. While Jungkook had taken my father’s entire legacy apart, piece by piece, Lisa had been nothing more than a pawn. I remembered all the times I had let her home, how she would disappear for lengths of time.
Planting bugs all over the house. All over his office. Jungkook had been smart. Someone like Lisa, so fascinated by thr wealth she had grown up around would naturally jump at the idea of more. It wasn’t greed. It was human nature. And with her help he had destroyed everything my father had built over decades.
I shuddered. My father hadn’t been a good man. He had been greedy, yes. But he hadn’t deserved to die. And Jungkook would have to pay for that sin, someday.
“There’s a job waiting for you in Hoseok’s club.” She smiled cruelly , “ you don’t need this one.”
“The fact that you want to take it away from me, tells me that maybe there’s nothing left in you save.” I said blankly and she turned her nose up at me.
“I have Jungkook. I don’t need to be saved.”
I shook my head. She was so naïve. Men like Jungkook cared for nothing but themselves. But I wondered if women like her didn’t care for anything but the money that came with being his. Money was precious, I thought bitterly. I’d never realized how privileged I had been until I’d had it all ripped away.
“He’s the one you need saving from. And one day you’ll realize that.” I shrugged, not in the mood to offer her anymore life advice.  If she was alright with being a trophy wife in exchange for a few pretty shoes that was her prerogative.
Before she could reply,  my phone rang.
“Hello?” I asked nervously and I felt my heart drop to my knees when I heard who it was.
I turned on my heel rushing inside and my manager gave me a look of surprise.
“ My sister..she’s
 she’s sick. I need to go.” I said desperately and his eyes narrowed. It was the worst timing. He was already annoyed because of Lisa and I stared in disbelief as he quickly shook his head.
“No. I’m sorry Elena
I just can’t let you leave like that
” He said sharply.
It was so unfair.
“I haven’t taken a single day off in five months
” I said desperately..” Please, she’s pregnant..She needs me, she-“
“If you leave, you won’t have a job to come back to. I can’t do this.. First you make trouble with a customer and now you just want to walk out in the middle of your shift without any notice
“Fine. Fire me.” I snapped, because I’d just had enough of it. I was exhausted, and tomorrow I’d go knocking on some other tore and I’d get a job. I lived in Seoul 
How hard could it be? For now, I had to get to Jisoo. I had to get the hospital and things would be okay.
It wasn’t okay.
 You want to keep her in? So soon?”
“Her blood pressure is through the roof. There are signs of severe pre eclampsia and we want to get her started on a magnesium drip. Steroids to help the baby’s lungs incase we need to deliver
“Deliver..?” I couldn’t breathe.
“Yes, I’m sorry
. If her blood pressure doesn’t come down we’re going to have to deliver.”
I nodded, glancing at the bed where Jisoo was sleeping, her face swollen and I knew that she was sick. Really sick. She looked pallid and ill.
“Is she going to be okay?” I asked hoarsely.
“We’re going to do what we can
 But I’m going to be honest, we’re looking at a c section, a lot of meds and also some time in the NICU for the baby
. Can you afford it? Your sister’s insurance only covers 80% .”
I blinked, completely thrown. White noise rushed through my ears,  a dull throb settling right at the base of my skull and beginning to spread all the way to my arms and back. It was panic mixed wth anxiety mixed with despair and I couldn’t quite cope. The earrings wouldn’t cover all that.
 Oh..yeah.” I said dully, “ Of course I can
 Let me just
. Can I have a moment? There’s somethings I need to do.”
I carefully slipped the cash into the envelope, swallowing as I sat on the pavement. I’d got another call from the hospital, they had administered the steroids but Jisoo’s condition seemed to be worsening. They wanted to try inducing labour soon but they wanted me to pay for the room and for the medicines, and apparently, the earrings weren’t as valuable as I thought they were.
I fought nausea wrapping arms around myself as I stared at the cars whizzing by, the putrid city air clogging my lungs as I tried to come to terms with what was happening. Jisoo needed help. She was the only one left and she carried my brother’s son. I felt my throat clog when I thought of Daehwan. He had been a good guy. I had loved him. It wasn’t fair, what Jungkook had done to my family, I thought miserably .
And the only reason I wasn’t driven by vengeance or anger was because I was nothing like Jungkook. I hated him. I didn’t want him to live in my head, didn’t want to waste any part of myself on him , not even my anger. But it was hard when he wouldn’t let me breathe, always at my heels like a wolf : jaws snapping and blood thirsty eyes trained on me at all times. I couldn’t fathom his obsession sometimes. Surely, his hatred was uncalled for now? He’d taken everything from me anyway.  
There was a dull roaring in my ears, one that said that this was not really a surprise. I’d thought about it way too often, had considered it countless times. Had even spent one absolutely horrifying evening scouring the streets of Seoul’s red light district just to see how sex workers behaved.
I’d also realized that in the face of desperation, dignity didn’t hold much value.
You are going to pay your debts on your back and on your knees.
The first time Jungkook had thrown it at my face, eyes glinting with glee, my stomach had rebelled so hard. I’d been absolutely infuriated, had thrown a vase at him. And it had been awful,  watching him catch it out of the air with ease, his mocking laughter making my bones rattle as he shook his head, “ That’s how this ends, Elena. Mark my words.”
And it was pitiful ,  that he went through life so consumed with hatred and vindictive cruelty that he couldn’t leave me alone . He was pathetic. That’s how I saw him. A pathetic child who refused to stop tormenting the helpless ant on the floor although it was no match for his cruelty.
At some point Jungkook was going to win. And his idea of winning was seeing me stripped bare of the one thing that kept me alive : my freedom.
It had just happened sooner than I’d thought.
Because I knew what it would mean, to go to Hoseok. He would own me. Hoseok’s whores were all slaves, tangled in his web so badly that there was no hope of escape. He wasn’t cruel but he was smart. No one left the his ‘ agency’ once they went in. I would be lost, forever. And I couldn’t stomach it.
I stared at my knees, fists clenched on the fabric of my skirt. I grabbed my phone, scrolling through the contacts. I considered it carefully. I had to do this on my terms. Had to make sure I retained some sort of control here.
And I knew just how to do it.
Hoseok picked up on the third ring.
“I need help.” I croaked out.
The deep chuckle made my skin crawl.
“Elena Gong. What a wonderful, wonderful surprise. What can I do you for?” He drawled.
“Well sweetheart, I’m all out of charity so you’re going to have to make it worth my while.”
I took a deep breath.
“I’m a virgin.” I whispered.
The line went completely silent.
“What?” The amusement in his voice died.
“You heard me and I’ll let you cash in on it. I’ll let you auction it off
” I tamped down on the burning protest in my lung, the screaming inside my head that said it was horrifying, that I was considering this. “ But only if you keep my terms.”
“What makes you think you have a say in that.” He said sharply and I laughed.
“I belong to your world, Hoseok. Did you forget that we were friends, once.” I whispered and he didn’t reply.
Laughter, kindness, a big brother I could always count on, hobi oppa, nine year old me with my fingers curled around his wrist as we ran all around the gardens , a smile so wide that he could spread sunshine on the gloomiest days. Different from Jungkook and Namjoon and Yoongi and the others. Willing to include a ‘ girl’ in his playtime. Lisa and I the only girls, not even fazed watching as the rest of them wielded toy guns and mock interrogation scenes, pretending to kill and maim and torture because that was the world we were born into.
“We’re not friends, Elena. Let’s get that straight. The only part of you that holds any value to me is th part between your legs. So tell me, what do you want.”
“When was the last time you auctioned off someone’s virginity? You know how much money you can make off something like that. Not just from the sale itself but from the entire night. Your club
 Your gaming hell
. All of it.”
“You expect me to believe you’re a virgin. At twenty seven.” He scoffed.
“Put the word out, everywhere. If you find one man who says he’s slept with me , I’ll back off.”
“That would require me to tarnish your  family name. And you’re alright with that?”
I smiled biotterly.
“Isn’t that what you and your precious Jungkookie want? To see the last living Gong, be labeled as a whore and a slut.”
He didn’t reply.
“I’ll give you that. You can do it
 You know that will only interest more people. As Jungkook so eloquently put it, most of them would love to fuck the defiance out of me.”
“What’s the catch. What do you want. ”
“2 billion won.”  I said firmly “It will be one night. One night only and I want enough money to pay off every one of my father’s debts, to get me an apartment for my sister in law and to support her and her baby for a year at least.”
“Done.” He said without missing a beat and I went still. What must it be like, to throw around money like that without a care in the world. And it sickened me that Jungkook was probably ten times as rich as Hoseok , the money my father owed him and his associates not even pocket change in comparison to his gargantuan wealth and yet, he stayed on my heels, snapping his jaws like a dog with a bone.
“And Jungkook doesn’t get to watch.” I said softly, knowing exactly what Jungkook would get off on.
That made Hoseok laugh.
“You know him too well. I keep forgetting he was madly in love with you once.”
I resisted the urge to vomit. Jungkook didn’t know love. He knew ownership. He didn’t love me, he thought he owned me. That I was his to play with
. For the rest of his life. And when my father had denied him that, just like a toddler in a toy store being denied a shiny toy to break and trample on, he had thrown a temper tantrum.
Except his tantrums always ended in death and destruction.
“That’s the deal. He doesn’t turn up there to gloat.”
“He’s heading out to Switzerland for a week , two days from now.” Hoseok said evenly.
“Good then. My sister in law
she “ I swallowed. “ She’s in a hospital in Yongsan. I’ll send you the address.”  
“I’ll take care of it. But I want you here tonight. I’m not going to drop a couple billion won on your head without making sure I’m getting my money’s worth. And I can’t have you changing your mind and bolting either. My reputation is on the line here. If I put out the word that I’m serving something so fucking delicious and then back out, they’re not going to want to buy Hobi’s wares anymore. You understand what I’m saying darling?” Hoseok drawled and I knew exactly what he was saying. If I agreed to this, it was blanket consent for him to whatever he wanted.
“I won’t back out. I can’t. But this is one night. One night with whichever bastard you choose and that’s it. I want out.  I don’t want you or Jungkook hounding me again. Ever.” My voice shook as I dug my fingers into my knees.  
“My men will be there in ten minutes. Sit tight, princess.”
I stared at Hoseok as he carefully poured me a finger of whiskey, neat. He gave me a smirk and I shrugged.
“you remember.” I said casually, throat itching because it had been way too long since I’d had quality alcohol. I missed the burn,  the warmth , the numbness that followed.
“Of course I do. You could drink all of us under the table with little effort. It was spectacular.” He laughed and I leaned back against the couch, letting my head fall back.
“I was half certain that you would have a doctor around to make sure I’m a virgin.” I stared at him and he shrugged. “ Pointless. You’re twenty seven, you’ve probably had stuff up there anyway
 Not like your hymen’s still going to be intact.”
I thought it was rather horrifying, that I didn’t feel nearly as mortified as I should. This was how Hoseok talked, matter of fact and open and that was why he was so popular. Anytime an important person came into the country, Hobi was the one who offered entertainment for the night. Hobi’s girls were always the prettiest, most well behaved and perfect. They were educated, knew what they were talking about and he didn’t force them into the life. They loved it, enjoyed it and it showed.
Not to say he was a saint.
Far from it.
Hoseok knew how to dine with kings in castles  but also how to wrestle with  swine in the gutter. The seedy brothels in Seoul’s back alleys were his as well, and he ruled his kingdom with an iron hand. The prostitutes there feared him, one look or word enough to silence any rebellion, any thought of escape.
He was called Hope. And yet somehow that was exactly what he denied the women under him. There was no hope here. There was only lust and power and money. You came to Hobi
. You never left .
I took the glass he offered, taking a small sip, savoring the taste.
“But you believe me. I wonder why.” I watched him closely and he scoffed.
“Between your father and Jungkook, no one ever really had the pluck to come anywhere near you  did they?”
I sighed, leaning back to stare at him.
“Do you think dying hurts?” I asked softly.
It was frightening, how his entire body went stiff, eyes wide and jaw dropping.
“Elena, what the fuck-“
“Its just a question. You’ve killed people. You’ve watched them die
 how do you think they feel?” I asked , curious.
“None of them wanted to die. If that’s what you’re asking.” The look in his eyes made me nervous.
I stared at him and the question was obvious. None of them wanted to die, but do you?
I didn’t.
“I’m not thinking of killing myself , oppa.  Stop looking so horrified.” I laughed. He shook his head.
“ Don’t joke about that. It’s not fucking funny.”
I sobered up, remembering with a jolt. Ah, of course.
“I’m sorry. I forgot.” I said quietly.
Hoseok’s little sister had killed herself when I was seventeen. She was a year older than me and her father had lost her in a wager to a seventy year old man, known for torturing his bedmates. She had heard the news, taken a deep breath and taken a deep dive off the seventeeth floor of the condo where she lived with her mother.
I’d been engaged to Jungkook by then. And I had almost wanted it. Jungkook wasn’t old at least
 twenty one to my seventeen.
“Just so you know, he’s going to find out. And he’s not going to like it.”
I shrugged. Three years is a long time to be preyed upon and now my mind was resigned to a life of being hunted. Hoseok was right. Jungkook would find out and he wouldn’t like it.
“I don’t care what he does anymore. All I care is that Jisoo and the baby are left out of whatever plans he has
. If you promise me you’ll keep them safe , I’ll cooperate.”
It was a baby boy.
I stared, fingers itching to hold the baby but it was impossible, the little one whisked away to the NICU right after with respiratory distress and Jisoo had gone into a seizure, eyes rolling back into her eyes.
She as alright now, resting in a VIP room with the best care money could buy. Hoseok had asked me if I was happy with the arrangements, and if I would name the boy after him.
I stared at the room, large and breezy and filled with flowers and gifts, toys and baby stuff and I knew right then that I had sealed my fate. I was going to have to go through with this. I could imagine how much Jisoo would protest when she came to her senses. The only relief was that it would take her a few days to be good enough to fight or protest. But then this would all be over and done with.
Jungkook would leave this afternoon. His flight was at three.
I would reach the club at five. The patrons would arrive at seven.
One night, I reminded myself , staring at the gentle rise and fall of Jisoo’s chest as she slept, my fingers playing with the soft skin on her wrist. The IV line went through her veins and I watched the gentle drip of it.
One night.
I didn’t know how auctions happened and while I’d been prepared for the worst kind of humiliation,  Hoseok assured me that he wasn’t going to make me stand naked on some podium or something.
“Generally, I would do something like that simply for the flair of it but consider this a favor 
.a respite because you were, as you said, once a friend.” He gave me an even smile and I could only nod in mute relief.
I was grateful. Beyond grateful.
And what was more, he hadn’t told anyone, who I was.
That stunned me. Because wasn’t that the selling point? The murderous, greedy mob rat Gong Hyo Suk’s only daughter forced to spread her legs for one lucky stranger? If Hoseok had cashed in on that he would have made a fortune. But he hadn’t. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Would , whoever it was be upset if he recognized me?
I was led to a bedroom, large and tastefully decorated with silky satin sheets and dark curtains and dim lighting that lit up parts of the room and left other parts plunged in darkness. Hoseok had told me to wear whatever I wanted and I realized with a pang that he really didn’t see this as some sort of transaction. He was trying to make it as easy as possible without making any decisions for me. Offering me choices and options and some illusion of being in control.
I didn’t have anything fancy so it was just a dress shirt that I borrowed from Hoseok. I’d left the underwear off, eager to merely get the whole thing over with. I felt a sudden overwhelming urge to laugh out loud.
If Jungkook were here he really would have lost his damn mind, simply because of how little this whole thing affected me. And that was it, really. He was always desperate for a reaction.
Earlier when this whole thing had started, I’d obliged him with that. I would scream, rant and yell
.launch myself at him like a wildcat, scratching at him , fists flying  and it was obscene, how much he seemed to enjoy that. He would press me up against walls and tables , fingers choking the breath out of my lung, just so he could see me struggle and push back.
He fed off from every negative reaction I offered him and it had taken me a long long time that the way to beat him was to become passive, unresponsive. I would go limp in his arms, stare at him blankly as he tried to manhandle me and that
that had pissed him off. Because that meant I wasn’t playing his game anymore.
If the prey wasn’t playing, the game wasn’t fun anymore. It was drab.
And I knew that Jungkook kept raising the stakes, kept tightening the noose around my neck
.just to bring that girl out again. The one that had wanted to put up a fight . The one that wanted to mouth off even with the muzzle of a gun pressed against her head. The one who would spit in his face in front of all his associates, even if it earned her a vicious strike of his hand across her face.
I shuddered. They weren’t memories I liked reliving.
Well, if that was who he wanted, I’d make sure he would never see her again.
The door opening made me jump and Hoseok came in , with a wide grin on his face.
. Your guest for the night.” He said softly and I peered over his shoulders, my heart and mind grinding to a halt when I caught sight of what had to be the most breathtakingly beautiful man on the face of the planet.
I felt my heart begin to pound, fear taking over because this wasn’t okay. Not really. I was okay with old, creepy and disgusting , not able to get it up for more than ten minutes.
I wasn’t okay with someone who looked like they stepped right out of the latest issue of GQ.
Hoseok left quickly, closing the door behind him and the man stepped into the light, the brightness lighting up his perfect features even more. I felt my throat go dry, and fought the urge to get up and run. Growing up as the daughter of a mobster , I’d learned how to trust my instincts over appearances.
And right now, every single one of those instincts screamed at me that this man was absolutely dangerous.
“Well, you are beautiful. I’ll give you that. “ He said casually.
“Thank you.” I said stiltedly, watching as he tugged on his tie, pulling it off his neck deftly . Instead of tossing it aside , he wrapped it a bunch of times around his wrist over and over as he smiled at me.
“Don’t thank me yet. The only reason I like beautiful things is because of how easily they break.” He smiled.  “ I haven’t been with a virgin in a while
. I miss the screams.”
And there it was the full blown panic that came with stark terror. I crawled back on the bed, staring as he moved closer and there was no mistaking the look on his face, the harsh grip of his hand on my ankle telling me that I was going to regret every one of the choices that led me here.
“Hoseok wasn’t at the airport.” Jungkook observed casually, glancing at Yoongi as the latter finished cleaning his gun carefully, eyes fixed on his weapon with utmost concentration.
“He’s holding some sort of auction tonight. Some chick 
” Yoongi said casually and Jungkook hummed. It was not the kind of thing he was interested in. Anonymous bids were often boring : actresses or female idols past their prime, desperate to make some money to survive. He had no interest in those but he was a little peeved that Hoseok hadn’t told him anything about it.
Hoseok was one of Jungkook’s most trusted friends. He was almost as powerfully rich as Jungkook and the only reason Jungkook reigned supreme was because Hoseok had no interest in challenging him for the throne. Hoseok was dangerous and cunning and loyal and Jungkook was grateful to have him on his side and he had hoped to see him before leaving. Just to ask him to keep an eye on Elena.
He grimaced, hating himself.
God, he couldn’t go two hours without thinking of her. It fucked with his head, the amount of space she took up inside him. Jungkook , for all his wealth and power, was driven solely by his need to prove himself. He wanted to be powerful and terrifying yes, but more than that , he wanted people to know.
He wanted people to look him in the eye and acknowledge him for what he was : the most dangerous man in the country. He liked seeing that fear, that worship, that admiration. He got off on it. He wanted it , craved it and for some reason he craved it more from her , than anyone else.
And instead of giving him what he wanted, instead of begging on her knees for mercy, instead of licking his shoes and begging for him to let her live
.she ignored him. She looked at him with defiance and pride, her chin straight and her back unbending, her gaze locked right on him like she was his fucking equal
And Jungkook, he’d taken a lot of insults. Taken more than his fair share of hits in life 
But when she looked at him like that , like he was something stuck to the bottom of her shoe
Fuck it drove him wild with fury.
It made him want to teach her a fucking lesson, to remind her that he owned her because he owned everything. To break her down, snuff out the flames of defiance that burned so bright in those ember eyes
 Take her into his bed and brand her with his body. Till she was on the floor, on her knees covered in his spit and cum begging for mercy
Because no one looked at Jeon Jungkook like that and lived to tell the tale..
“Seokjin’s here. Landed in Korea a couple of hours ago. ” Yoongi said casually and Jungkook smiled a bit at that. He loved his older brother, technically a step brother and growing up he had only saw him when he visited his mother in China. That meant a couple of months a year and now as adults,  a bit more often because Seokjin loved Jungkook and liked to visit him often.
Seokjin was a celebrity trainer, working with actors and athletes and he did a good amount of modeling as well. He was rich,  handsome and well liked and the only thing that gave away the Jeon blood in him was the fact that he was a sexual sadist.
The face of an angel with a devilish streak, he had a penchant for sadism and inflicting pain on his partners and while Jungkook didn’t particularly enjoy indulging him, he knew there were women who were into that and usually had them arranged for when Seokjin dropped by in Korea. His hyung’s visit seldom lasted more than a few weeks at a time and it was a pity that he would miss out one whole week of it .
But the issue in Switzerland was a little pressing and Jungkook had to be there in person to sort it out.
He leaned back against the seat, staring out of the window, sighing.
“An unsullied dove 
.What the fuck is this shit..” Yoongi muttered and Jungkook turned, curious.
“Hoseok’s been hyping up some new girl for the auction and Seokjin hyung’s bidding on her.”
Jungkook laughed at that.
..” Yoongi’s voice is completely stunned, his eyes confused as he looks up at Jungkook.”  Its Elena.”
Jungkook’s thought process came to a grinding halt.
There’s a sound between his ears, a dull rushing sound like the wind in a storm and he can’t quite comprehend what he just heard. Even Namjoon who had been buried in his laptop , looked up then, tugging an airpod out of his ear.
did you say Elena?” His eyes were wide , lips parted in shock. Yoongi and Namjoon exchanged glances, no doubt bracing themselves for the explosion that was to follow.
Jungkook took a deep breath.
“Turn the fucking plane around.”
That jolted Namjoon out of his stunned stupor..
“Turn-? Jungkook what
. We’re on a fourteen hour flight-“ Namjoon began but the look on Jungkook’s face made him stop.
Namjoon swore.
“Fucking hell
 alright just calm the fuck down, Jesus
just put a fucking bullet in that girl’s head and spare us all the headache fuck
” He growled, unbuckling his seat belt and rushing to the cockpit and Yoongi groaned.
“ Let me guess you want me to get in touch with someone in Seoul and ask Hoseok to hold off on letting Seokjin near her
Jungkook glared at him.
“If you already know that why the fuck are you still here
” He growled and Yoongi gave him a look.
“Just tell her you’re in love with her and let us live, Jeon Jungkook.”
In love
.. what the fuck
He glared at Yoongi’s back, his asinine words making him madder. God he wanted to crush someone’s skull into dust with his bare hands.
And right now, in his head , that skull belonged to Jung fucking Hoseok.
 “What just happened?” I asked, frantic staring at the door as Hoseok’s men casually led a fuming Seokjin away while the man himself stared at me, looking pale as parchment.
“ Jungkook found out.” He said shortly and I felt my heart drop although I was half relieved because there had been something insane in Kim Seokjin’s gaze when he’d reached for me , a cruel glint of hunger that told me he would have hurt me really badly if Hoseok hadn’t barged into the room , frantic and worried.
He had given Seokjin a wide smile and then, “ I’m so sorry. We were waiting on her blood results and turns out she has a
. well, certain occupational disease that is very infectious.”
Seokjin’s mouth had dropped open even wider than mine.
“I thought she was a fucking virgin.” He had snapped, and I flinched at how cold and furious he had sounded.
But apparently there was a reason this whole thing had happened.
“What do you mean Jungkook knows? What does that mean?” I asked frantically, fear taking over.
“ He’s heading back here
 He wants to see you.”
I felt my entire body go ice cold as I shook my head

fucking no bring Seokjin back here , he can fuck me that was the fucking deal, Hobi, please don’t../
“Elena , I’m so fucking sorry.. Seokjin
he’s fucked in the head
. He likes hurting his whores, likes making them bleed and he would have fucking destroyed you
I gaped at him horrified.
“What?!” I hissed shaking my head in disbelief.
“He’s Jungkook’ stepbrother. I’ve arranged whores for him before, I knew he was a little crazy but I’d never seen him before and I didn’t know he was the Kim Seokjin
fuck he outbid everyone and fucker looks like a fucking angel, how the fuck was I supposed to know he’s unhinged? Thankfully, I messaged Yoongi and 
. Fuck
 I know I paid for your sister’s surgery but you’re going to have to pay me back
I felt my body convulse in rebellion.
“I can’t.. You know I fucking can’t
“I can’t make an enemy out of Jungkook
. I can’t.” Hoseok shook his head. “ You can get out of here now if you want but I’d advise you to stay. If you run it’s only going to make Jungkook angrier.”
“WHAT DID I FUCKING DO TO HIM?!!!” I screamed, feeling my composure crumble into smithereens. “WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE WANT FROM ME?!!”
Hoseok flinched, stepping back and holding his hands up.
“Whether I want to or not, I answer to Jungkook.  I shouldn’t have done this in the first place , I’m sorry Elena.” He shook his head and stepped back like the coward that he was and I wanted to hurt him. To shake him and ask him to fucking remember who I was. That I had nothing to do with my father’s sins . That I had been a fucking marionette in his hands, had wanted nothing more than to be left alone.
I stared at him in disbelief.
“So much for being a friend
” I whispered.
His jaw tightened. But he didn’t look guilty. None of them ever did. It was like guilt didn’t exist in their world. They did what they wanted to whoever they wanted , whenever they wanted and they got away with it because that bastard’s word was law. What Jeon Jungkook wanted, he got.
“I’ll get your clothes sent in.”
I watched him leave, the door slamming shut behind him and sagged against the bed, staring at myself. What had just happened?
Was I born to endless misery and misfortune?
Couldn’t I catch a fucking break?
I’d agreed to sell myself hadn’t I? Would have even let Seokjin hurt me if that was what he wanted. Because it was one night. It was one night of this
whatever the hell this was and then freedom. That was the deal.
The door opened again and I stared as a young girl brought me a pile of my clothes neatly folded.
“Do you work here?” I said sharply.
She blinked before bowing her head.
“Yes, mistress.”
I scoffed.
“Don’t call me mistress , I’m here to get fucked, just like you. Tell me does Jungkook ever use the women here.” I demanded.
She looked trapped, glancing at the door, clearly wanting to run .
“Tell me.” I snapped and she flinched.
“I..uh..yes. Sometimes.” She said softly.
“Can you tell whoever fucks him next to kick him in the fucking balls?”
The girl bowed deeply and all but ran out and I sighed, feeling myself shaking. Jungkook was on the way here and I wanted to yell and scream and rave at him but I knew that was exactly what he wanted. I wanted to deny him the satisfaction 
wanted to act all cool and composed in front of him but it was impossible

Because I hadn’t realized just how tired I was of this whole thing, till right this moment, when the end had been in sight. I was supposed to get my two billion won pay off all the debt , give Jisoo the rest of the money and disappear. I was so tired, so tired of this life I’d gotten trapped into, slaving over for hours on end just to afford a couple of meals a day. No friends, no boyfriends, no hope of a future 
The door banged open and I jumped, crawling back when I recognized the man who had just entered.
“Jungkook wants to see you.” He ground out and I swallowed.
“I need to get dressed. Please just wait outside.” I said shakily.
And then the door opened further and a tall looming shadow stepped in familiar and vomit inducing.
Jungkook looked livid, piercing glinting through the dimply lit room and I stared at him. He was dressed in a tight black t shirt, he sleeves stretched thin over his biceps and the tattoos stark against his skin.
“Leave us.” He said softly and Yoongi moved away to the door leaving me alone with the devil himself. I cursed myself for not putting at least my panties on, I was naked underneath this shirt and although it was big it left nothing to the imagination.
Jungkook’s eyes raked over my form before resting on my face.
“You think you’re smart enough to outsmart me, Elena?” He whispered softly.
I swallowed.
“Send you brother back in. He can fuck me and I’ll pay you back.”
Jungkook hummed, stepping closer and grabbing my clothes from the bed, he grabbed the plain white bra and the pastel pink underwear and then to my complete and utter mortification he brought the clothing up to his face, breathing in .
“Fucking pervert!!!” I screamed, feeling the action like a physical touch and wanting to claw his eyes out and the smirk on his face told me that this was exactly what he wanted but I was too fucking gone to care.
“If you want me to be a whore, fine. I’ll be a whore. But on my terms
” I spat out and he shook his head, laughing.
“I don’t just want you to be a whore, Elena. I want everyone to know that you are one
” He dropped my clothes and moved closer, holding a hand out. “ Come here.”
I stared at the inked fingers, adorned with sterling silver rings and bracelets with the motifs of his gang. I shook my head.
“No. I’m not playing this game with you.” I turned my face away.
His hand shot out gripping my upper arm with enough strength to bruise and I screamed, agony shooting up my arm and shoulders as he dragged me off the bed and onto the floor. I landed hard, hips and elbows bruising from impact and I stared at him in disbelief.
“I’ve been to gentle with you. You’ve forgotten your fucking place.” He bent over and grabbed me by my hair, yanking me to my feet so hard that it felt like my scalp had been ripped away from my skull.
Okay Jungkook..just
!!” I said softly, flinching because my pain tolerance was almost zero and Jungkook’s grip was so hard that my eyes were beginning to water now. He let me go, grabbing my panties off the floor and tossing them at me.
“I’m going to count to five. Put those on and get out.”
He walked out of the door and I stumbled a little fumbling with the fabric before quickly, slipping my legs in and yanking it up to my waist. I made to put on something else but his voice came, loud and impatient.
“Get the fuck out here.”
I walked out of the door and he was standing there next to Hoseok. I couldn’t meet either of their gazes , hating how they had so much power over my life. I stared at the floor. It was tempting to yell at them and scream but that never led anywhere.
“ I’ve asked them to stop the payment on the Hospital bill. Seeing as Elena hasn’t kept her end of the bargain.”
I felt my breath hitch at that, willing down the tears as I glared at him.
“What do you want?” I snapped. “ Tell me who you want me to fuck
. I’ll do it. Let’s get this over with so you can go back to whatever sewer you fucking climbed out of. 
Hoseok’s breath caught like he couldn’t believe what I’d just said and the look in his eye was a warning but I was sick of this. Sick of them all.
Jungkook turned to Hoseok with a laugh.
“You see hyung? See why I can’t let her go? If I let her scot free, everyone’s going to think I’m a pushover
.that any worthless bitch can talk to me any way she wants and get away with it
.” He shook his head, staring at me with a glint in his eye. “ I’m not going to choose. They are. You think you can charm your way into Hoseok’s heart and get special treatment? You think you’re ready to be a whore, Elena? Let me show you how a real whore gets treated in Hoseok’s club.”
He gripped my wrist, yanking me behind him as he stalked off down the narrow corridor that opened up into the club. I let myself get dragged out into the club dismally aware of the fact that I was wearing nothing but Hoseok’s shirt. I could feel eyes on me but I kept mine on the back of Jungkook’s head as he dragged me all the way to the front. I knew what he was going to do and at this point I was just numb.
There was no point reasoning with the devil.
I glared at him as he pointed at the stage. “ Get up there.” He whispered harshly.
I stared back at him, not moving. I saw Jungkook’s jaw clench.
“Either you go up there by yourself, with your clothes on. Or I carry you up there, after stripping you naked. What’s it going to be? ”
I glared at him, pursing my lips before climbing up using the small stair in the side. I moved to the center, right in front of the stage lights, so the rest of the room would disappear. I had no wish to see any of the bastards in the room.
“I think all of you recognize this little beauty here, don’t you?” Jungkook’s voice was cheerful, friendly even and I bit my lips, fists clenched. “ Well, if you don’t let me tell you . This is Gong Hyo Suk’s daughter. Remember that bastard? He put a hit out on my father. Killed him and my mom on the night I was supposed to be marrying his fucking daughter. A daughter who later called off the wedding, because I was too poor now, to give her the life she deserved. ”
I felt the familiar ice cold guilt in my vein. I was seventeen, I wanted to scream. I was seventeen and all I did was say what my father asked me to say, do what my father asked me to do.
“ That was nine fucking years ago
 and you know what I told myself
. I told myself, that a greedy little bitch like this, doesn’t deserve shit.” He laughed. “ If money’s what she values the most, then the only thing she deserves is to be treated like the whore she is.”
“Why don’t you guys tell me, how much money you’d be willing to spend, to fuck her? Come on, Hobi’s been treating you guys so well lets help him make some money tonight
 be generous. ”
I could barely hear what they were calling out but when Jungkook climbed onto the stage next to me, I jumped. Moving back instinctively, I winced when brought a forearm around my throat nearly choking me as he dragged up against his body.
“90 million won
.That’s a lot.” He grinned. “ Jihan hyung
.. that was you right? You’re gonna pay 90 million won for her?”
I felt my heart race, it was a lot. More than enough for the Hospital Bills, would even leave extra to get a decent apartment somewhere... I grabbed his wrist as it pressed into my throat, trying to pull his hand off me but he just wrapped his free hand around my waist, wrapping his entire body around mine and chuckling into my hair.
Jungkook pressed his head against mine and I froze, hating the close contact.
but since I’m feeling a bit left out here
Why don’t I pitch in
 500 Won.” Jungkook said loud and clear.
I froze. An eerie silence fell over the club, laughter stilling and the clink of glasses slowing down.
I struggled to get away from his but his hold tightened.
“Anyone else?” He called out. “ Come on
 Not even thousand? Surely you think this one here’s worth a thousand won? Aren’t you going to outbid me?”
No one responded of course they didn’t. Jungkook’s anger was palpable and no one was going to get on his wrong side 
 is that it then? Bid’s going to close for 500 won then
. Hear that baby?” He whispered against my ears and I swallowed. “ 90, million won to five hundred won in a few seconds
 What does that tell you?”
“It tells me you’re a fucking psychopath in love with your own voice
 Get off me.” I hissed.
“No. What it tells you is that only I get to decide how much that body of yours is worth, not you. . You don’t get to go sell your fucking body behind my back for two billion won and then pay off all your debts and ride off into the sunset, that is not how this works
I went limp in his arms fighting tears because he never played fair. Never.
“Hear that Hoseok-ah
 I win her for the night for 500 won
fair and square
. Is that alright?” He called out into the darkness and I felt the first inkling of dread begin to seep in.
“No.. No
 get off me.” I hissed and he laughed, dragging me off the stage with ease. I screamed, kicking out in disbelief.
Jungkook grinned at me, before grabbing both my arms and yanking them behind me, and I whimpered, unable to move as he easily pulled me along to the door that opened into the hallway. Behind us I heard Hoseok’s voice.
“Jungkook, don’t be impulsive. Think about whatever you’re going to do.”
I flinched at that, panic building.
“He’s not going to do anything. I’ll fucking kill him if he touches me , I-“
“Shut the fuck up, you little bitch.” He shook me hard till my teeth rattled and I sobbed out.
” Hoseok warned but he merely snarled.
“I know what I’m doing hyung, just
. Don’t disturb us. And make sure everyone here knows that she’s open for business.” It was loud enough to carry through the club and I felt humiliation burn my throat, acrid like acid.
I froze in disbelief.
” Hoseok’s voice held a tone of reproach.
“ And tell them that her body is amazing. Tell them she spent the night with me , the best fuck I’ve ever had , mouth made for cock.”
I stared straight ahead as he pulled me all the way to the room we had left earlier and I tripped when he shoved me inside, landing on my hands and knees . I quickly rolled back around to land on my ass, crawling back as he slammed the door shut and locked it from the inside.
He stared down at me, mouth grim.
“You do owe me a wedding night. I was so ready to fuck your tight cunt, nine years ago
 I think I’ve waited long enough yeah.”
I stared at him in disbelief. I knew exactly what he wanted me to do, to yell and scream and protest and fight so he could get off and forcing me
. Fucking psychopath.
I took a deep breath and nodded.
“If you pay for my sister in laws bills, and give me an apartment sure. “ I shrugged. “You’re not any different from any of the bastards here. I don’t give a damn which one of you idiots wants to rut into me like the absolute animal that you are
. I don’t care
” I said softly.
“you don’t? Really? You want me to tell you what your brother said when one of my men put a gun into his mouth
. He begged for his life
said he had a kid on the way
.” Jungkook laughed, shaking his head. “I told him it was better than what his father did
. My sister was six months pregnant when his lieutenant gunned her down on the streets.”
I shuddered, wrapping my arms around myself.
“Why are you telling me this
” I snapped.
“Because she didn’t deserve it did she, Elena? She didn’t fucking deserve to die like that , like a dog on the street when she had nothing to do with any of this
. She didn’t deserve it.” He growled, bending down and gripping my chin hard.
“Maybe she did deserve it.” I spat out. “ If I deserve to be here, maybe your sister deserved to die too. “
He snarled, hand flying to my hair and dragging me up off the floor in one sharp yank. I whimpered as he pushed me on the bed, before climbing on top of me. I felt like every bone in my body was about to snap in two, the weight of him unbearable on me.
“I won the bid tonight
. I won it fair and square
 You signed the waiver didn’t you
that you agreed to the auction
I won and I’m going to fucking collect.” He growled, and I kicked out, trying to buck him off of my body.
“Get off me.” I hissed. “ I’m not letting you fuck me for 500 won.”
“How about for your Jisoo then?” He whispered and I went still.
He chuckled, reaching down and I felt my pulse pound as he pulled his phone out, dialing quickly and turning on the speakers.
Yoongi’s voice made me go ice cold. Everyone knew what Yoongi did for Jungkook.
“Daehwan’s wife is in a hospital room in Yongsan. Hobi’s got the details. I think she’s served her purpose.”
“No!! JUNGKOOK NO!!” I  screamed , thrashing so hard my head began to spin but he grunted pressing down into me harder.
“Are you serious? I’m not home yet
 I can take care of it tonight.” Yoongi said, voice casual and I sobbed, shaking my head in sheer terror.
 I’ll behave.. I promise.. please just don’t
Jungkook hummed.
“Well, that was easy
 why don’t you stay on the phone yeah
. Going to get that wedding night I’m owed and if my baby doesn’t co operate you know what to do, yeah?”  
I bit my lips, glaring into the sheets as he gripped my waist, pulling me up.
“Ass up like the bitch that you are, baby.” He whispered and I felt my entire body shudder in disgust. It was worse because I hadn’t done this before. Didn’t know what to expect. But I couldn’t let him know that. If Jungkook knew that I was a virgin, I could just imagine how much fun he’d have with that info.
Hands gripped my wrists, pinning them to the bed and I turned my face away when I felt the press of his lips on my cheeks. He gripped both my wrists with one hand, keeping them pinned over my head and I flinched when I felt his fingers pulling the fabric of my panties aside, just enough for the blunt head of his cock to press against my slit.
“Yoongi, you there?” Jungkook said softly and Yoongi grunted over the phone. I felt my face flame in embarrassment.
“You’re a sick bastard but I’m used to it. What’s up?” he said casually.
“Remember how we used to wonder just how tight Elena’s cunt was
 back when we were in school.”
Fucking monster, I thought in disbelief. I hate him I hate him I hate him
“Good times
” Yoongi chuckled lightly .
Jungkook pushed into me in one hard thrust and pain shot straight up my spine, my insides burning like he’d fucked me with a knife and not his body. I couldn’t stop the cry of agony that got torn of me, my eyes tearing up and tears spilling over onto my cheeks.
“Damn Jungkook, she okay?” Yoongi’s chuckle made me want to claw his face off, and just the urge to kill was growing inside me.
“Well, I can confirm that it is, in fact just as tight as we thought
” He grunted, thrusting into me at a pace that was inhumane, every push and drag of him rubbing my insides raw and I bit down on the sheets under me, afraid that I would do something absolutely humiliating, like beg him to stop.
“Good, you should let me take that tight ass for a ride someday then. With her permission of course
. I’m a gentleman after all. Big on consent.” He laughed and I swallowed the urge to tell him that I would puncture his balls with a switchblade if he came anywhere near me.  
“Oh, she’s going to do whatever I ask her to
.aren’t you baby
” He grunted, “ Turn around so I can see you.”
He pulled out of me, his weight lifting off my body as he moved away. I couldn’t move, limbs numb and insides throbbing in pain . His palm landed on my thigh, hard and the sharp sting of it made me jump.
“I said turn around, I want to see your face when I fuck you.” Jungkook growled. I stayed limp, breathing hard and he grunted impatient, fingers sinking into my hair , yanking me to my knees and the movement made my legs scream in protest.
“How’s she so quiet? You fucked the voice out of her, kook-ah?” Yoongi asked amused and Jungkook pulled me by the hair, dragging me to the center and pushing me down till my head landed on the pillow.
“Hyung you should see her right now, all fucked out 
. Like she’s never had a dick in her before.” He shook his head, “ Fucking slut. Take that off and hold yourself open for me.”
I stared at him, uncomprehending and he grabbed both my hands, placing them on my knees.
“Grab your knees and pull your legs back
 So I can fuck that tight cunt the way I want to.” He said slowly, like I was a dog he was trying to train and I stared at him , defiantly.
“ Go to hell.” I whispered.
Yoongi’s laughter came from somewhere to the right.
“Your dirty talk needs work, Kook ah
 Tell her she’s a precious little kitten and she makes you feel really good
. Bitches love that shit
Jungkook hovered over me, grabbing the back of my thighs and spreading them wide enough to make me whimper in pain.
“Is that so babygirl? You want me to tell you that? That you make daddy’s cock feel good?” He cooed, nudging the tip against me again and I had never hated anyone so much in my life. I stared up at his face, and he smiled at me, a cheeky little grin that made his bunny teeth stand out and for a second he looked so deceptively angelic and the glimmer of his piercing caught my eye.
I couldn’t help but swallow, gaze trained on the glint of metal on his tongue.
“You like that?” He grinned suddenly, sticking his tongue out for me to see, I felt my eyes widen at how sinfully good he looked .” Hyung she likes my tongue piercing.”
“Show her how it feels on her clit.” Yoongi laughed and I could barely fully process what I heard before Jungkook was crawling down my body, arms, curling on my thighs and yanking me onto his tongue .
I felt the press of his tongue on my slit, licking right into me and the jolt of pleasure was so unexpected, the pleasure so unwanted and yet so overwhelming and I couldn’t stop the way my body thrashed against the streets, lips parted as I practically mewled out in pleasure.
“Definitely a kitten
” Yoongi called out and I shuddered as Jungkook slipped two fingers into me , the ice cold press of his ring inside me making me jump. I wanted to pull away, grab his hair and yank him off but I couldn’t because it was
“Next time I’ll put the dick piercing in too, yeah? Fuck you with a bit of metal on my cock so you can feel that up there
. ” He laughed into my thighs and I screamed when he bit into the flesh there , hard.
“I’m getting bored
 Either turn on facetime so I can at least jerk off to this , or I’m hanging up
” Yoongi called out .
“Hyung she clenches down on me every time she hears your voice
 Just stay on for a few more minutes yeah, she tastes so fucking good, I’m gonna cum soon
.” Jungkook added another finger, slipping in deep before spreading them apart inside me. I whimpered when he pushed his tongue in between the wet digits, licking into my walls and I could feel the ball of his piercing drag against my walls, ice cold and hard.
Was it fucked up that I did clench down on him again, my body apparently a slave to my base desires even as my mind screamed that he was the absolute worst bastard on the face of the planet.
“Elena, you owe me a blowjob at least for this
” Yoongi called out and I glared at the phone.
“I’ll bite your fucking dick off if you come anywhere near me.” I snapped.
“Fuck, I could get off just to that mouthy fuckhole of hers
..” Yoongi grunted.
Jungkook pulled away, climbing back up over me and lightly slapping my breasts.
“Now, how about you open that mouth and let me fuck it?”
Yoongi snorted from behind us and Jungkook glared at the phone before glaring at me again.
“You want to know how hard I can bite?” I said sharply, the pleasure ebbing away into nothing and resentment taking it place, the momentarily physicality of the situation fading and the reminder of who he was and who I was entering my sex addled brain.
“No.. You’re right
. But you know what, I’m not feeling it anymore. I was right.. you really aren’t qualified to be my whore. Your body
it’s frigid like a fucking popsicle
such a fucking turn off. ” He reached over and hung up on the phone.
”he whispered, leaning in closer and I yelped, when his fingers closed over my throat..” Shut your mouth and take what I give you like a grateful bitch.”
I swallowed when he pushed into me again, his pace steady as he fucked into me, eyes closed and I realized that he was almost fully dressed having just unbuttoned himself enough to get his cock out.
When he stiffened, spilling into me his eyes blew open and he locked eyes with me, wide eyed and for one horrible second he looked young and vulnerable and hurt.
I blinked as he pulled out, the sticky warm mess of his cum dripping down my inner thighs and onto the sheets.
“Well, that was much worse than I thought it would be.”  He said and I stayed on the bed as he grabbed his phone and buttoned himself back up.
He smirked at me and then reached into his pocket.
I quickly pulled myself together, ignoring the aches and pains and getting to my knees before reaching for my dress on the bed. it was kind of pointless because I still had Hoseok’s shirt on and I wasn’t going to take that off in front of Jungkook.
“Well, I’m a man of my word , Elena so
here you go..just as we discussed.” He tossed a coin on the bed and I stared at the engraved 500 on the shiny surface, feeling my rage swell inside me.
“If you still want to work out a payment plan for your sister’s bills 
. Why don’t you come to my office tomorrow?” He tossed his card on the bed before  moving away to the door.
Fucking bastard.
Author’s note : My whole life is filled with regrets . 
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fiovske · 3 years ago
would u mind elaborating on the ideology of the game? i’d love to hear ur thoughts. are h referring to the themes of like th ejemplo arizona if playing god and do the ends justify the means type of stuff from the first game carrying through to the second, or other stuff?
yes of course!
what i meant is, i think at the core of this game, it's about climate change and the devastating harm that billionaires with their big companies and capitalism & unchecked ego can cause to the planet; and suffer absolutely no consequences for their actions while they hide and live out the rest of their lives while the normal people of earth die in the promise of the lie that they are responsible for climate change for not picking a paper straw, yknow? we see this in the lie that is Operation Enduring Victory in zero dawn.
This theme carries over in Forbidden West too, that the people of the Old World as they call it, the powerful people from the 21st century, find out a way to escape earth and fake the death of the ship Odyssey where rich ppl buy their ticket to escape the Faro Plague while life on earth perishes for the actions of the rich and careless who never gave a shit about the earth as a planet and only about their own gain. they even faked the Odyssey having a explosion so that nobody ever comes looking for them, or tries to place a claim on their share of whatever they'll find in the Sirius system.
We also learn that these people have perfected pharmaceuticals to the degree that aging is a thing of the past, the people who return to earth and are the main antagonists of hfw are the far zeniths, not the descendants but the very same people who had a hand in destroying the earth a thousand years ago and now that earth has managed to scramble a bit of life together and recover... they've come again to stake their claim. we learn something terrible happened in Sirius system and that's why they have come back but we also learn it's so they can steal GAIA the terraforming AI that is attempting to make the earth livable again for their own personal gain and cleanse the planet of all living habitat so they can start again fresh slate. only them. no matter all the tribes and animals that have managed to survive and persevere, but they intend to doom the entire planet to this. again. and run off with their only hope.
the theme of this game has been very ecologically aware, i have found? and also very anti-capitalistic. in forbidden west what we learnt about ted faro before only worsens and we realize that man, who deleted Apollo, all of human knowledge because he wanted to hide how he had caused the faro plague then killed all the zero dawn ppl still in the bunker of gaia prime. he is never forgiven by the narrative and his atrocities never shown as any less than what they were.
tldr: i agree with the ideology of the game which is capitalism is the root of all evil and when the time comes, rich ppl who actually caused the harm to the planet and played a hand in it's destruction like musk and co, will always attempt to escape to space but just like the zeniths did w sirius, they will ruin whatever new playground they find and repeat the same mistakes and continue to leave dead planets in their wake bc the problem isnt the planets. it's their greed that even the promise of immortality couldnt satisfy which caused them to create what i assume is the nemesis for the third installation of the zero dawn franchise. the heart of the game lies in realizing that aloy cant do everything on her own, that she cant heal the planet all by herself. and she has to let herself lean on the people who love her. and realize that this is a group effort, it has to be the community coming together not to escape to space when their home is threatened... but to preserve the home they have, the earth they love. that's the heart of the game and in that, i believe the heart is in the right place.
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the-witty-pen-name · 4 years ago
18+ ONLY 
Ezra (Prospect) x F!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k 
Warnings: fluff, mutual pining, cursing, smut, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), masturbation, dirty dreams, implies age gap (reader is in 20s+/of age, just younger than Ezra)
No use of (y/n) in this one!
A/N: I know this was not one of the things I should be working on, and I procrastinated on my coursework yet again to write fan fic. I’m so in love with Ezra and I have wanted to write something for this character for a while. It’s my first time writing for him and I was so intimidated to write something about him because his manner of speaking is so unique that I’m worried I won’t do him justice! Hopefully you all enjoy! 
Next thing I post will be the final part of Rest! It is currently in progress! 
I will be updating my taglist form soon to include Ezra and other Pedro characters I write for so check out for that if you want to be tagged in future fics! 
This is unedited and if I miss something to tag as a warning please let me know!
Tags and Requests and OPEN
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“Ezra, for once can you please shut the fuck up. You’re driving me crazy,” you sigh, pulling off your helmet as you both return to your shared pod. It was a fairly long trek from the mining site back to your makeshift home and Ezra, being himself, talked the whole time- not once missing a beat.
“Not once have I ever had the pleasure of conversing with one as eloquently a sweet talker as yourself,” Ezra winks, making you roll your eyes. You weren’t actually mad at him, you could never, but one of the side effects of Ezra was limited moments of peace and quiet. In many ways, you and Ezra were very similar, and it made you really compatible partners.
But unlike Ezra, you really enjoyed quiet. Ezra, on the other hand, has had more than his fill of quiet for his lifetime and he basked in the ability to vocalize his every passing thought to you. It wasn’t often you felt the need to tell him to stop, but today had been particularly challenging and you couldn’t think of anything else besides the quiet of night and a good rest.
Ezra and you worked well because you were so much alike, but your differences also paired you two nicely. Ezra was without a doubt the biggest and most long-winded talker you had ever met and you were the best listener, opting to be the silent one in the conversation more times than not. You weren’t necessarily shy, just someone of a quieter nature. You mostly kept to yourself, by choice really, while Ezra struggled with solitude, it was one of the strengths of yours that you were able to endure it better than he could.
When you first met Ezra, he had called you wallflower, cause frankly you were one. Settled in the far corner of the pod with your notebook in hand, sketching instead of talking with the rest of the crew, Ezra made the effort to saunter over to you and made it his personal mission since day one to break you out of your shell. Made sure during mealtimes, he sat next to you, talked to you, asked you questions. Frankly, you owe the friendship you have with him now to his openness and talkative nature.
“Flower, I hope my parley on the trek back didn’t offend,” he says as he sheds off his suit.
“Not at all,” you say with a small smile, “Sometimes my meter runs out on my ability to listen. Tires me out.”
“I suppose I can understand,” Ezra replies, “I honestly seem to have the opposite problem, all my years in the Green, I never had the pleasure of someone to listen to besides my lonesome. Now that I have you, I find myself utterly unable to suppress my desire of spoken prose and I’m afraid I do tend to take advantage of your gentle nature.”
You nod, understanding him very well. It was coming up on seven months since you and Ezra had been on your own. The other three members of your crew had parted ways with you both, seeking out a better treasure.
Ezra, knowing what this planet and greed does, insisted on just doing his job and leaving, and you strongly agreed. It had been so long since the three of them went off for the buried riches, and you don’t even know if they will be returning to your pod at your scheduled time of departure in a few months’ time. Ezra told you stories about how he’s witnessed this job change people, and how he’s seen planets swallow up one’s humanity with no forgiveness. He was doubtful that any of them would return, and you were now starting to realize that his prediction since the beginning was correct.
Once your suit was off and put away, you smoothed out your hair as best you could by touch without a mirror, and headed over to the storage cubby where you both had your rations and grabbed you both a bar. You tossed one over to Ezra and he caught it effortlessly. Peeling back the wrapper of yours, you took a bite and collapsed on your cot.
“I never thought I’d miss those meals they served in the mess hall up in the station,” you comment, “I’d take a portion of those watery mashed potatoes and mystery meatloaf in a heartbeat if it meant I never had to touch one of these bars again.”
Your words made Ezra chuckle, his laugh deep and husky. You loved it. Your chest always swelled with pride just a tad when you had the ability to make him laugh or smile. More often, it was always him getting those reactions from you with his words and you liked the feeling when you were able to return the favor.
You closed your eyes, not falling asleep, just letting them rest while you chewed the rubbery ration. Ezra, tore through his always rather quickly, and he noticed that you still tried to savor yours despite your complaints. Like the taste, even though lacking and the texture terrible, was still like a reward for completing another hard day’s work. He admired that about you. You hadn’t been working this job as many years as him, as he was a few (plus a few more) years your senior. The things about this job he’s long since ignored or has gotten used to, still affected you. You still tried to taste your food, instead of scoffing it down like him and other seasoned prospectors.
“I can feel you staring, Ezra,” you say, breaking him out of his thoughts. He felt flushed knowing that he had been caught. It wasn’t intentional, more and more it was hard to keep his mind clear of thoughts of you.
“Sorry, flower,” he mutters, and you smirk, rendering him speechless for the first time all day.
It was undeniable that Ezra’s feelings for you were bubbling up closer and closer to the surface each passing day he spent in your company. You grounded him in ways he hadn’t realized he had needed. He needed someone to reign in his ramblings and tether him back when he lets his mind wander too deep. He needed you. There was this dependency that tied him to you now more than he ever experienced with another partner. It was friendship, sure. But he’s been friendly with partners past, and not once has he felt about them what he feels towards you.
He was a hopeless romantic, his thoughts of love and relationships were as poetic as the words he spoke. Yearning, completely head over heels, his mind constantly cluttered with scenarios of the ways he would court and win your affection if there was no inkling that lingered in his mind that was there to remind him it was a bad idea. You were much more practical than he ever hoped to be, much more wired for logic than he was. However, Ezra was blissfully unaware of how he had begun to rub off on you.
You found yourself daydreaming, caught up in your own little fantasies and escapes from reality, far more often than you had ever in your lifetime. Ezra, always the star at the center of it all. Living a life where you could stay with him somewhere more permanent, different career that didn’t require you both to float from planet to planet, chasing after prizes that weren’t actually yours- you just acted as a vessel, a taxi service for someone else’s riches.
You imagine scenarios where you would have met Ezra at a different time, or a different place. However, you often scolded yourself for allowing your stupid crush to occupy so much of your time. You were here for a job. And then you will leave and move on to your next one like always. It would be too painful to face rejection anyways, you reason. You can imagine the look on his face, thinking about the nicest way possible to reject you. That’s what you want to avoid, the pity. The niceties that will be forced after his inevitable rejection. The first friendship you’ve had the pleasure of having in years are gone just like that.
The pod was more spacious than the pod you would’ve been issued had it just been you and Ezra since the beginning. Two people sharing a pod designed for six felt much more like a livable space. More leg room, more spaces for privacy, it felt a little more like a studio apartment special wise than a glorified tent. You had even pushed a couple of the standard issue cots together and secured them tightly. You had the luxury of an extra pillow, and two of the thin mattress pads- it was like you had a full-size bed, with a beam running down the middle you did your best to cover by overlapping the mattress pads in the center. It was the most comfortable sleeping arrangement you’ve ever had on these expeditions.
Ezra and you strung a line across where both of your makeshift beds were positioned in the pod, and you hung a tarp across the line to make yourselves a privacy curtain. It was like you had your own room and he had his own as well. Ezra’s side was a little cleaner than yours, yours was a little cluttered with little mementos you find and want to bring back with you. Rocks, or small geodes
 occasionally you’d bring back small plants that you double checked were nontoxic and you had them set up in makeshift planters- one of the crewmates that left abandoned an extra helmet that was damaged, and now you have an obscure green and purple plant sprouting up proudly from it.
Ezra’s side was much more standard. He had a pile of his old books, all of them weathered, looking like they’d been through hell and back. He had field books, and notebooks that held his years of accumulated knowledge of how he’s survived the Green. He ended up copying your bedding arrangement, and he agreed it was the most comfortable bed he’s had in years. He said it felt like a luxury a prospector like himself didn’t deserve. He also had a small collection of rocks that lined the ledge behind his bed. Little gifts from you, all of them.
“This one reminded me of you,” you’d say, passing him a unique rock while you struggled to keep the handful of the others you collected balanced in your hands. The grin on your face when you’d collect the little things was one of his favorite sights. When the partition that separated the beds was opened, it was a comical sight. Like a bedroom of a married couple on old television shows, where they had different beds and each side was decorated to that person’s tastes. Most of the time though, the partition was closed.
It made changing easier, the bathrooms and showers in pods no matter the occupancy size always had small, cramped bathrooms. However, it created a false sense of privacy because it did absolutely nothing in terms of suppressing noises. Ezra sometimes babbled nonsense in his sleep. The man literally unable to stop talking even when he was rendered unconscious. Most of the times it was completely incomprehensible, not even sounding like real words. Sometimes you’d hear a sentence maybe, but without knowing his dreams it was still alien to you. It was comforting to you hearing him on the other side of the partition, and knowing he was right on the other side made it easier for you to sleep.
Tonight, was no different, curled up in your bed, you were drifting off to sleep while Ezra had long fallen asleep before you. The weight of today’s expedition felt like it melted right off of your body as soon as your head hit the pillow. You were close to falling asleep, just savoring the moments of comfort before letting your mind drift when you heard Ezra say your name on the other side of the makeshift wall.
“What is it, Ezra?” you whisper, grumbling that he interrupted you right before falling asleep. He doesn’t respond, and instead you hear a low snore on the other side. He must’ve fallen back asleep, you figure, closing your eyes. They shoot open a few minutes later when he repeats your name again, but this time it’s a deep moan. His voice was husky and it sent a vibration right up the back of your spine. Your eyes widened at the realization that on the other side of the curtain, Ezra was dreaming about you. You shivered when he let out another involuntary, low groan. If you hadn’t been listening you probably wouldn’t have even heard it.
What do you do? You mind is racing with trying to figure out how to handle this situation. Do you wake him up? You also try your hardest to ignore how every small noise on the other side of the curtain is just going right to your core, making your thighs squeeze together while you keep your own arousal at bay. It was wrong of you to listen in, but you really don’t have much of a choice. You force yourself to take a few unsteady breaths to calm yourself, but it does nothing to ease you in your shocked state. Kevva, the noises he was making were like music. You often wondered what he would sound like. His voice on its own is already so perfect. But in this context? You wanted to hear nothing else.
You don’t even know how long you lay on your bed paralyzed before the temptation becomes too much and you are sliding one hand down the length of your torso and into your sleep shorts. You delicately slide your hand under your dampened underwear and your fingers instinctively find your clit. You bite your lip, trying your best to suppress the whimpers that escape your lips as you think about the man behind the partition. Your months of pining for him you finally let yourself submit to.
It had been a while. There was no privacy on the pod at any moment. When someone was using the shower, from the other room everyone could always hear the rustling around, if they were humming. It was better to just not try at all. The risk of getting caught was always too high. This was the first time you acknowledged and succumbed to your desires this entire mission. It had been so difficult to avoid, but now, you are taking advantage of the opportunity presenting itself to you. You weren’t even thinking twice, just closing your eyes and imaging the fingers inside you belonged to Ezra. You were so caught up in your own pleasure, you hadn’t noticed that Ezra’s side of the room had fallen silent.
Ezra sat up on his bed, His eyes fixated completely on the tarp that was the only thing separating him from you. He felt shameful, waking up from another dream about you. He woke up hard, and he felt immensely guilty. Then he heard your soft moans you were trying so hard to hold back. Now he sat on his bed, completely captivated by the noises on the other side, while he pleaded with himself to either make a move or just try to ignore it and get a few more hours of sleep. He snapped when he heard his name fall off your lips in a small whisper.
“I can feel you staring, Ezra,” he hears you say on the other side of the curtain. He smiles, probably ear to ear like a goddamn dopey teenager. He stands up and pulls the curtain back, and his breath catches in his throat at the sight of you laid out. You had stopped, knowing your statement would cause him to pull the curtain back, but the evidence of what you were doing still lingered- your hair sprawled out messy on the pillow, your sleepshirt haphazardly pushed up exposing the smooth skin and curves to him, the slick on your fingertips and the small wet spot on the front of your shorts. You looked up at him with doe eyes and he thought he might collapse on the floor at the sight of you.
“Flower,” he whispers breathlessly in the dark. The only light coming in was from the moonlight outside from the small window on your side you had opened. He thought you looked ethereal, a sight to behold that he was not worthy of gazing upon. He’s speechless. You can’t quite make out his facial expression in the dark and you mistake his breathless tone for discomfort.
“I’m so sorry,” you say, sitting up slightly. “I just... I heard you dreaming about me; we don’t have to bring this up again. Its just loneliness getting to me
He tentatively kneels down in front of your bed and you move to hide your face in the pillow so you don’t have to face him. He gently cups your face in his hand, and guides you back to face him. He actually says your name, and you might die hearing it on his lips.
“If what you say is true, and this is nothing more than a lapse in judgement, fueled by the loneliness of the Green, I swear to you I shall never as I live hold this moment against you, and you and I shall commence in the morning living like it never happened. But, if there is any chance these feelings that I have harbored for you are reciprocated, please grant me this opportunity to show you how much I am completely transfixed by you.”
You are now the one rendered speechless as you try to process the new information and the proposal Ezra has offered you. You are having difficultly allowing yourself to believe any of this or anything he says is true. Part of you was wondering if this was part of a dream and you hadn’t yet realized you were asleep. You had to reach out and touch his face, feeling his stubble under your touch, any sort of evidence to know he was physically right there.
“You’re real,” you mumble to yourself, and he chuckles. He takes the hand which you had rested on his face and he presses a kiss to your wrist.
“The number of times I have thought the same thing about you,” he mutters, moving your hand to press a gentle kiss to the back of it. “Flower, please
“This is more than a just a whim,” you admit, exhaling shakily, “Ezra
 I love you.”
“Oh, how I’ve longed to hear those gracious words on your lips, flower,” he smiles, his gaze not breaking from your face.
You lean forward, capturing his lips in a kiss, unable to take being separated from him anymore. You move your lips against his and you can feel his smile as he moves to position himself on top of you, not even needing to break the kiss. Your limbs tangle with his, and you run your hands through his tousled curls, wanting to just let your hands touch every part of him that he would let you. He rests on hand on the back of your neck, while he uses the other to keep himself from putting all of his weight on you.
“You’re bewitching,” he says softly, as he pulls away from your lips to leave a trail of kisses and bites down your neck and collar bone. “Your beauty is unmatched by anything these tired eyes have ever witnessed,” he praises, as his hands move to slide nimbly under the fabric of your shirt.
He plans to take his time, to completely worship every part of your body and vocalize in every way how beautiful you are and how much he cares for you. His moments are slow, and sensual, making you feel like complete putty in his hands. He wants to savor absolutely every part of this shared moment. For so long has he dreamed about this, and so far, everything about you- your noises, your soft skin, all so much better than he ever envisioned. His calloused hands savor every inch of you they graze, committing how every part of you feels to his memory.
His moustache and stubble leave goosebumps behind on every part of your skin he kisses. He leaves a trail of marks behind that with time will definitely darken into small bruises, evidence he can gaze upon tomorrow to remind him this all was not just a dream. In his head, he pleads with his maker that if this is a dream may he please never wake up and suspend him in this sleep state forever. A small price to pay to have you entangled in his arms.
“I love you,” he repeats over and over as he kisses down your body, pressing kisses to every inch he can see and touch, just like he’s wanted to for so long in these strenuous months. His movements are gently, and you moan softly at the sensation of his knuckles grazing your skin as he pulls your shorts and underwear down your legs, leaving you know completely bare in front of him.
“I want to spend the rest of my days between these thighs,” he mumbles, pressing kisses to your inner thighs and his hands grab them and pull them apart gently. Like a man starved, his tongue works skillfully, giving you so much attention. Your hands tangle in his hair, and he sucks on your clit, making you cry out in pleasure. He loves the reactions he can elicit from you and he loves the taste of you. You’re as touched starved as he is and he wants nothing more than to stay between your legs for hours as you moan praises, and shudder under his touch. You back arches and you can’t help but squirm at the sensations, but he holds your legs gently, keeping you in place. The first time he brings you to orgasm is by his tongue, and you can taste yourself on his lips when he finally comes up for air.
You can’t even think of anything to say to reciprocate his words, your mind is hazy and you’re overcome with the feeling. He doesn’t seem to mind, and the look on his face almost proves how proud he is to be the one who’s the cause of your current state. He’s just so wrapped up in how your body is responding to his every move, he doesn’t care you’re completely speechless. The feeling of it all was just too much to try to attempt vocalizing coherent thoughts.
When he finally pushes himself inside you, it completely takes your breath away. He makes sure to go slow, taking his time and letting you adjust. He also needs to steady himself, because the feeling of you wrapped around him is incredible. It’s perfect, and he wants to take his time, but your so tight and feel so good, and it’s been so long since he’s experienced such an intimacy.
“You’re perfect,” you moan softly at the feeling of how he stretches you.
The compliments that fall from your lips, go right to his head, inflating his ego. His kisses become more frantic, and passionate. His hands shamelessly wander the length of your body, groping at the flesh, wanting to just worship every part of you, to just touch every part of you. His rhythm is slow at first, not wanting to cause you any discomfort, but you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him in closer and his mind is frenzied at the sensation. His movements become much more sporadic, chasing his relief as you cry out how close you are as your face rests in the crook of his neck, leaving kisses and bites on his neck, leaving your own marks on him like you were returning the favor.
“Cum inside me, Ezra,” you whisper, nibbling his ear and he groans hearing something only in his dreams manifest in the flesh. “It’s safe.”
He bites his lip and you tug gently on the ends of his hair, a moaning mess under him. The way your face contorts when you orgasm for the second time and the sensation of your release is the final sensation that triggers his own. He collapses on top of you, resting his face in the crook of your neck, whispering again how perfect you are before pulling out and rolling over to lay beside you.
You both are breathing heavily, glistening with sweat and feeling euphoric after coming down from the high. Your chests rise and fall as you both work to catch your breath before either of you speak. It’s a comfortable silence, both of you trying to recover. He looks over to you, and you match his gaze. You roll over onto your stomach and rest your head on his chest, taking a few moments before cleaning up. You rest your arm across his torso and he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
Here, in the depths of this dangerous planet, you felt safe in his arms. The excruciatingly long days of physical labor, chasing after promises of riches feel fruitless now more than ever, because the best thing you ever found in the Green had been right next to you the entire time.
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sinfulslanders · 4 years ago
Fem!S/O with Onlyfans
Request: @bootybetterbebruised “Hello can I please request Jesse Cromeans, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers reacting to their fem s/o having an only fans? I’m really excited to read your writing!”
Warning(s): Maybe a little explicit. Actually.. maybe more than a little bit.
Note: I had fun with this one. I hope you enjoy!
— Jesse Cromeans
He would absolutely love it or absolutely hate it depending on what exactly she post. If she posts pictures of herself naked, he will immediately forbid her from having an onlyfans. Before he deletes it, if he’s able to, he’ll find out everyone who is paying for her pictures and videos real identities and kill them, male or female.
He will not have anyone other than him looking at her goods on full display. If she tries to argue with him, he will become scary. He can’t talk but she’ll know what he’s trying to say once he’s done throwing things around. If she still has attitude problems then he’ll bring her to the warehouse and show her what the consequences were for having a onlyfans by killing the person in front of her. Got to get the message across.
On the other hand, if it’s just teasing photos or videos without actually showing anything, he wouldn’t have a problem with it. In fact, he’ll encourage her to do it more. He likes thinking of all those people wishing they could see what was under those panties or what those titties looked like, it gets him horny. So horny that even he’ll subscribe to it just to see what everyone else is seeing.
If his s/o ever asked him (more like his dick) to be in a video, he’ll agree. She want to record her face while fucking so she could post it on her onlyfans, fucking sign him up. And he’ll definitely be the first to watch it. He’ll be invested so much that he will unknowingly become like a manager.
— Michael Myers
This man does not care at all. As long as no creeps try to find his s/o or anything, she can do whatever the hell she want with her body. Just make sure that doesn’t distract them from cooking him meals and messaging his shoulders. 
Michael will walk in on her and just stand there until she’s done then walk up to her, depending on how long they’ve been together will determine her reaction. If they’ve been together long enough, she’ll get up and cook him some dino chicken nuggets (yes he eats them). Once he gets his food, she won’t have to worry about him appearing in the background of her pictures.
If creeps start coming to their house or start stalking his s/o, he will look at her with much annoyance. ‘Keep the horn dogs away from my resting place’ type of look. He will definitely kill the creeps then make her clean the blood off his knife, boots, and clothes. If he’s in an asshole mood, she’ll have to wash the blood off his body herself.
He probably won’t join in on her videos at first. He doesn’t understand why she would need him, she literally has toys and other shit to use. But once she suggests finding someone to be in the video, he’ll let her record whatever she wants. His mask is staying on and he will not hold onto the camera, homegirl is on her own with this one.
— Freddy Krueger
Freaky bastard. He likes that shit. Hell. He would most likely start his own after he finds out about his s/o’s. He won’t know how the hell to work it so that’s when his s/o has to come in and show him how it works. He’ll probably get mad because no one is subscribing to him, but he doesn’t advertise and post shit quality stuff.
She will have to teach his man how to post good videos and pictures and will make him a twitter account (which he becomes semi-famous on) and suddenly many people are flooding his onlyfans. Many people think he’s cosplaying as Freddy so he has a lot of fangirls and fanboys. He doesn’t understand but he loves the attention. And money. 
He also subscribes to her onlyfans just to see what she posts. He might get a bit jealous if she makes more money than him but then he’ll think about all those people subscribing to her, trying to see her through a phone screen, when he has her right beside him. He could touch her, taste her, and even fuck her while everyone wishes they could do that. That will boost his ego a lot.
If she asks him to be in a video he’ll joke about how much he’s getting out of it. He’s not being serious but if she offers him a sum of money, that’ll persuade him to do more videos with her. But forreal, he won’t have a problem with it. He might ask her if she’ll like to do more videos in the future.
— Jason Voorhees
He would not like it at all. It’s promiscuous and blasphemous. He would make her delete it before his mother found out, he would be absolutely scared of what his mother would think of her. He would probably take her phone away and hide it somewhere for a few days before giving it back. He honestly wouldn’t look at her the same.
If she can convince him that they need the money then maybe he’ll let her do it. But he is still very much against the idea of her showing the world something precious like her bare body. He does become paranoid that he’s not being a good partner to her so he becomes insecure about himself and starts to distance himself from her.
She will have to comfort him a lot and get him to understand that she’s only doing it for the money. The cabin is great and all but it’s far from being completely livable. Once he understands that, he’ll be a bit more okay with her doing onlyfans. If he ever walks in on her taking pictures, he’ll completely leave and go do something else. He will try not to think bad things about her and try to remember why she’s doing it.
He will never ever join in. She should know Jason enough to know he isn’t that type of man. He will probably be upset with her if she ever asks that and will try to ignore his mother when she says terrible things about her. He loves her. He may not like what exactly she’s doing but at the end of the day, he is the one that gets to actually be with her.
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pascalscenarios · 4 years ago
HOW TO LOVE (Marcus Pike x Reader)
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Marcus Pike x Reader  
Summary: After a year being broken up with your ex, you move into a studio appartment just outside of Washington D.C. for a fresh start. You best friend gets your a job at the prestigious art museum he runs, and you have an encounter with someone you recognize.
Warning: None
Words: 3471
Author's Note: Surprise!!! AHH first chapter for How To Love! I’m excited for this one! I hope you guys in enjoy it! Let me know if you want to be on the tag list for this or the on main! Also if you asked and I didn’t put you in, I’m sorry, please remind me!
- K 
Chapter 1
“Alright, this was the last one in the truck,” Your father says as he sets the container on the ground next to the others. Your father had helped you pack up and move your belongings from your hometown in Virginia to an apartment complex that was just outside of Washington D.C.  
“Thanks, Dad.” You were grateful for his help.
“Do you want me to stay and help you unpack?” He was looking at the large boxes and containers piled on top of each other in the middle of your small studio apartment.
“No, that’s okay. I got it.” You smile slightly.
“You gonna be alright?” He says stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
You sigh, “I think so
” you turn your head to look around your small apartment. “I’m a little nervous, but I needed to do this...you know, move away from town and start fresh.”
“I know you do. If you ever need anything, your mother and I are a call away and a 45-minute drive.” He reassures you.
“Thank you, Dad. I love you.” You walk towards him, hugging him.
Your father wraps his arms around you, planting a kiss on your head. “I love you too. Call me if you need anything, yeah” He says, pulling away from you. You nod at him.
You both walk over to your front door. He opens it, stepping outside.
“Bye, Dad! Drive safe!” You call out as he walks down the steps and onto the walkway. You stand by the second-floor railing, looking down as he walks to his truck. He turns his body, looking up at you, giving you a wave. You watch him get into his truck, he honks, signaling a goodbye as he drives out of the parking lot.
You go back into your apartment shutting the door. You lean back against it, taking everything in. It was your first time truly living alone. You had spent years living with your ex in your hometown. He treated you terribly. You were constantly on-again, off-again with him. He had cheated on you a few times. You tried your hardest to make things work with him.
One day he decided that he was done with you, breaking things off and kicking you out of your shared apartment. You being a grown adult had to move back in with your parents. You spent a year in a tough place mentally, you decided you needed to get out of town and move somewhere else, have a fresh start, a clean slate. You needed more than what your hometown gave you.
Your best friend Elliot lived in D.C. working as a museum director at a prestigious art museum. He had offered you a job at the museum and even helped set you up with an apartment. You were nervous being on your own, but you knew you needed this time to grow as an individual.
You pushed yourself off the door, walking further into the open space. You stand there staring at all the boxes and containers. Your apartment was small. Only livable for two people, but it was perfect, and it was yours.
“Alright, let’s get to it.”
You had spent several hours getting things unpacked and organizing. You had managed to build your bed frame and set up your bed near the long and large windows. You placed your clothes into the narrow closet, set up your toiletries in the bathroom, and put kitchen appliances away. You needed to stock up your cabinets and fridge with food, so you decided to head to the grocery store.
You headed to the store in your pj’s. After your dad left, you had changed into something comfortable. You wore a worn-out Star Wars t-shirt, sweatpants, and your pink bunny slippers. You didn’t care if you rolled up to the grocery store like this. No one knew you and you knew one.
As you enter the grocery store and grab a shopping cart, your phone rings. You set your bag in the child seat, pulling out your phone. You looked at the caller ID, it was Elliot. You pick up the call, placing your phone against your ear, your other hand grabbing a hold of the cart’s handle.
“Hello?” you said, as you maneuver your cart around and in through the aisle.
“Hey! How’s it going? Do you make it to your apartment okay?” Elliot greets you.
“Hi, El
” you smile, “Yeah I did. My dad helped me out. We piled all my crap in the back of his truck. He drove it down, while I drove my car with the rest of my crap in it. I’m grocery shopping right now. The apartment is great by the way! Thank you for everything. Helping me get this apartment and setting me up with a job. I appreciate it. I can’t thank you enough” you say, picking up several Cup Noodles, tossing them into the cart.
“Of course! Don’t worry about it. That piece of shit put you through so much, you deserve to start fresh and to thrive! Maybe in D.C., you’ll find yourself a new guy
You scrunch up your face at what he said “Ehhh I don’t know about that
'' You traveled down the aisle picking up different snacks, foods, and drinks off the shelf.
He tries to encourage you, “You’ve been single for a while now. You should try to put yourself out there, meet some people.”
“I don’t know
 I just don’t think I’m ready yet. He messed me up pretty bad, Elliot. I’m scared to get back into dating, you know?” you say sadly.
“And you have every right to feel that way, but not everyone is going to be like him. You’ll find the right person for you. It doesn’t hurt to try, but wherever you’re ready, I say go for it. Who knows, maybe you’ll run into someone in the grocery store.”
“Haha very funny, '' you say sarcastically, but you could help but laugh.
“Alright, I gotta run. I just wanted to check up on you. I’ll let you get back into shopping, but just a reminder, you to start work Monday, bright and early at 7:00 AM sharp.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then, love you.”
“I love you too! Bye!”
“Bye” you pull the phone away from your face, hanging up, and placing it back in your bag. You continued to shop. The majority of your cart was filled with your comfort junk foods, a few fruits and vegetables, and canned foods.
You knew the change of living in a new area and apartment was going to be different and a bit of getting used to. You wanted to have your favorite things to bring you some sense of joy and ease...and alcohol. Yes, you need to get a bottle.
You were turning the corner into an aisle with the alcohol when your cart collided with another person's cart that was leaving the aisle.
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry!” You gasp at the man in surprise. He was a little bit taller than you. He wore a plain t-shirt, jeans, and shoes. Short brown hair, brown eyes, and he rocked a mustache and beard. You couldn’t lie, the man was handsome.
“It’s alright! I should be apologizing too, I bumped into you as well!” he chuckled. His eyes took notice of your outfit of choice.
Suddenly you felt shy and self-conscious about our outfit. You began to feel insecure that he was somewhat checking you out. I mean you wore PJs to the store, of course, you knew some people would stare and secretly judge you.
His gaze landed at your feet. He cocked his head to the side and smiled “Nice bunny slippers.”
“T-thanks..” you stuttered.
He must have noticed you were growing uncomfortable because he tried to lighten the mood. “I really should get myself a pair, they look comfy
I could see myself rocking some bunny kicks,” he joked.
You nod your head “Well make sure to wear them at home and not at the grocery store... along with your pj’s.. make sure you wear those at home as well because then you’ll end up going to the grocery store looking like a fool...” you mentally cringed. You didn’t mean to say your thoughts out loud. You were making this interaction more awkward than it needs to be. You just wanted to get your bottle of wine and leave.
You grab a hold of your cart, moving it into the space beside him to get into the aisle.
“I don’t think you look like a fool, it's a look. Matter of fact, I would kill to be in some Pj’s and bunny slippers all day. I live in work suits for my job. I hate it.”
“I say start a petition for pajama day at your work.”
He laughs. “I might just do that
 I’m Mar-”
“Well, hopefully, that goes well for you. Good luck.” You gave him a small and quickly made your way down the aisle. Your heart was beating against your chest. You had to get out there. You picked up a bottle of red wine off the shelf and put it in the cart. You looked back to see the man, but he was gone.

You spent the rest of your weekend setting up and organizing the rest of your apartment. You had a few things left to do like setting up your tv, but other than that your apartment was done.
It was 5:00 AM, Monday morning, you woke up super early to get ready for work. You didn't want to be late. You took a shower, did your hair, and got dressed. You looked out yourself in the bathroom mirror after you finished getting ready. You were dressed professionally. You felt a little silly, but you were going to be working at a fancy art museum. You spent the past year living in pj’s, shirt and shorts. It’s been a while since you had to dress up.  
Leaving your bathroom, you walk over to your kitchen grabbing your reusable tumbler cup filled with ice coffee. You head over the door, slipping on your flats, grabbing your keeps and bag off the hook, and heading out to your car.
By the time you made it into the city, it was almost 7. The traffic wasn’t too bad. You managed to find street parking, putting in a bunch of coins into the meter.
Walking up to the building you were in awe. It was a wide building with tall and long glass windows in the front. You walk up to the stairs, opening the glass door. The lobby was a large space There was an information desk a few feet off to the side of the entrance, along with stairs leading upstairs. Benches and few art sculptures on display throughout the room. Bathrooms and elevators are located on the middle far back wall. Exhibits were down the halls on the left and right side of the bathroom and elevators, and upstairs.
Workers and custodians traveled around the room, preparing to open the museum in about an hour.
You hear Elliot call after you. You look up noticing Elliot coming down the stairs.
“El!” You smiled walking towards him.
“Ah! I can’t believe you’re here!” He embraced you into a hug. “I’m so happy you’re here in D.C. with me. We"ll get to hang out all the time now."
You laugh. “I'm excited! Thanks again for getting me a job. I feel kinda bad though. Like technically I skipped the whole interview phase and got the job. Isn’t that kind of abuse to your position?”
“Seriously it’s fine and I’m the Museum Director, I call the shots around here.”
” You say under your breath.
Elliot rolled his eyes, “Come on, you know what you mean. I’m responsible for the operation of the whole place and I know you better than anyone, I trust you.”
You still couldn’t believe Elliot was in charge of this whole museum.
“Come on, I'll give you a tour of Clemonte!”
Elliot gave you a tour of the Museum’s exhibits and even behind the scene things that the public doesn’t get to see. The museum had such beautiful pieces of artwork. This place was amazing. You loved it. There was so much more you wanted to see, but you only had enough time to see part of it. Maybe during your free time, you’d look around to discover the rest.
“So, what do you think?”
“Wow, this place is stunning” you stay as you both make it back to the lobby.
“So, how are you feeling?”
“I’m alright. I’m a bit nervous I’m not going to lie.” You pull away.
“Nothing to be nervous about, you’ll be fine.” He reassures you.
“So do I have to call you Mr. Regan, boss man?” you giggled.
“Pff, no one calls me that. I feel so old when people call me that. Everyone just calls me Elliot.”
“So” he claps his hands together. “You’re going to be working at the Visitors Information desk.” He says pointing to the large and round information desk near the stairs.
“El, I just got here I don’t know anything!” Your eyes widen.
“You’ll be fine, and besides you’ll be working with Ms. Laurie, she’s been here for years. She’ll teach you everything you’ll need to know. And don’t worry, we have a list and maps where everything is you can refer to.’’
“Come on” his head points in the direction of the desk.
“Hi, Ms. Laurie!” He smiles brightly at the woman. She looked about to be in her late 60’s.
“Good Morning, Elliot!” she beams.
He introduces you to Laurie. “This is my friend, the one I was telling you about. She’s going to be working with you.”
“Ah yes! Hello dear! It’s lovely to meet you! I’m so glad you’re working with me!” She holds out your hand to take.
You take her hand. “It’s nice to meet you too! I’m excited.”
“Alright well, She’s yours now, Ms. Laurie, let her have it. This is for you,” Elliot hands you your ID badge.
“Where the hell did you get this photo?” You say scrunching your face at this old and outdated photo of you.
“I pulled it off your mom facebook- Also, The FBI are coming it today-”
“My mom’s Facebook- Wait, the FBI? Why what happened?” You furrow your eyebrows.
“The FBI has a specific bureau that deals with international art theft, the Art crime team or they call himself the Art Squad. Sometimes they come in here to do research, sting operations, stuff like that, so don’t worry if you see a bunch of them waltz in here. They come around a lot.”
“Alright, I gotta go, I have a ton of meetings today, but have a good day, love you, if you need anything let me know!” He shouted quickly as he speeds walked off.
“We’re going to be opening in about half an hour, I better get started with teaching you the basics” Laurie announced. “Come dear, you can put your things over here.” She pushes open the short desk door that came up to about your hips, letting your step into the desk area.
Laurie gave you a rundown on the layout of the museum and most frequently asked areas such as where the most popular art exhibits, bathrooms, and the gift shop.
“You got everything?” Laurie asked you.
“I think so. Just a lot of stuff to memorize.” “I know hun, but once you get the hang of it, it’s going to be a breeze! You’ll know it like the back of your hand!” She chuckles. “You’ll get it in no time, if you need any help, I’m here, or you can use the maps and lists we have sprawled all around here.” She motions to the piles of paper around the desk.
“Thank you so much, Ms. Laurie.” You smiled.

Once the museum is open, you have a bunch of people come to the visitor's information center asking you questions. Some you were able to answer, others you had to ask Laurie or use the resources you had.
It was noon. Nothing happened, a few people came to stop by, many of the families with young children were leaving, probably headed to see multiple other museums. You noticed a group of men and women walk in. They were all wearing suits. You assumed that it was the FBI agents. They all stood in the middle of the lobby, one man stood in front of the group, giving them instructions.
The group disbanded, pairs of agents headed towards different areas and wings of the museum. You went back to filling out an information form. An Elementary school had called wanting to have a field trip. You filled out the information on the form for the school, and It had to be sent up to Elliot later to get approval.
“Do you happen to know where I can get some bunny slippers?”
“Excuse m-” You quickly lift your head from the form. Standing in front of you was the guy from the grocery store, learning to gain the counter.
He smiles at you. “I see you aren’t wearing pj’s today and no bunny slippers, damn” he joked.
You chuckled slightly. “W-well I’m working. I have to dress professionally. Guess your petition for pj’s fell through, huh?”
“Yeah, no one was down for it, but I still want some bunny slippers. Where’d you get yours?”
“Alright, I’ll make a mental note...I saw you when I came in. I didn’t know you worked here. How come I’ve never seen you before?” He asked.
“I-I’m new, I just started today actually
” you fiddled with the pencil in your hand. You were growing nervous.
“Well, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other then
You swallowed hard. What was he getting at? “Oh, are we now-” You looked down at his ID badge that was clipped to his outer suit pocket that had the FBI in bold letters.
“Special Agent Pike” you read his name badge.
“Marcus” he held out his hand
You don’t take it. You were nervous. You had no idea what the Marcus guy wanted with you, and you weren’t looking for anything right now. Marcus Pike may seem all cute and harmless, but the next thing you know, he’ll be breaking your heart into two. He was probably trying to play nice to get in your pants.
After everything that happened with your boyfriend, you guarded yourself, bordering your heart with thick walls. You weren’t gonna let just anyone in. You had to protect your heart from things that hurt you in the past. You didn’t want to go through that pain again so it was better to keep walls up. You didn’t want to let anyone new into your life.
He moves his hand to scratch behind his head.
“So you gonna tell me your name?”
“Why should I tell you my name?”
“I don’t know, because that’s what you do when you meet someone you new and you know what to call them by?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“Well, you’re an FBI agent. If you wanna know, use your investigation skills and figure it out.” With that picked up paper, turning around in your hair, and walking over to the fax machine.
Marcus stood there confused. You were being nice, but then switched on a dime? Was it sometimes he said? He didn’t know what happened, but if you weren’t going to tell him, he just had to figure it out.
Out the corner of your eye, you see him walk off to the elevators. You sign in relief.
“I see you were talking to Marcus Pike.” Laurie chimed in coming out from your guy's office. “He’s a really nice guy.”
“Is he really or is that just a front to get into people's pants?” You asked, continuing to stare at him.
Laurie gasped in surprise, “Marcus Pike? No! He's such a sweetheart and very well mannered, ask anyone here, they'll tell you that.”
You sigh, now you felt kinda bad, you switched and judged him too quickly. You had trust issues that you needed to work on. You sign rubbing your face. You might have screwed up.
“I know he may be a little cocky and comes off a bit strong, but he’s a great guy once you get to know him.”
He gets in the elevator turning around. You two lock eyes, but you quickly look away back down to the fax machine.
You look back up noticing the elevator doors have closed.
“We’ll see about you, Agent Pike
Main Tag: @icanbeyourjedi @sara-alonso 
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writing-frenzy · 4 years ago
Seer!Airplane + Harem AU
Brain: Let’s give SQH a Harem :D
Me: SQH doesn’t know what to do with himself, he wouldn’t know what the fick to do with a harem :|
Brain: :D of course, the man doesn’t realize he even has one.
Me:... wut
Brain: And here is the totally new AU drabbled and noted out for how it happens~
So, my brain gave me this, so I hope to infect others with it as well.
Ever since Airplane (Shang Huan), was young, he’s always had strange dreams and an interesting ability with words and languages. Not to mention just how he always seemed to know certain things, simple really, like how he knew to bring an umbrella one sunny day that wouldn’t remain that way, to even what paths to take to avoid the bullies in his life. He’s grown this way, never noticed it was strange or unusual, and with parents more focused on tearing each other apart and ignoring any memories of when they were together, Airplane figures it’s just like the rest of his anxieties and worries, though at least the knowing can get him out of being beaten up or a perfect sale at the supermarket.
(The nightmares aren’t worth it; nameless amounts of people, that if he looks too hard at, he can know their entire backstories and futures no longer possible, cut short for blood and sport and greed.)
It is only one day, with desperation and hunger biting in his being, dreams stolen and ruined by others (And how was it, did he know this was still the best outcome? What could be worse- no, don’t ask that, it could always lead to ruin that question-) that Airplane, with only his little talent for script writing and his nightmares to aid him, starts to write, hoping for just enough money to get dinner eventually.
It... proves surprisingly popular. Just write what he dreams, maybe embellish here and there, take out that part, work around here, and just ignore that certain event and hey, this story is surprisingly coming together well. Are there a few plot holes? Sure, but considering the literal mass grave of answers for those holes, Airplane is content to leave them like that (pleasedon’tmakehimwritethatseeingitwasalreadyhorrifyinghedoesnotwanttoreliveit).  
Things are going good; all his hospital bills that his father’s insurance doesn’t cover have been paid, his rent money has already been turned in, and hey, he even has some extra cup noodles. How can life get any better? (thedreamscouldstop-)
And then the world turns strange; weird creatures have started to be discovered, strange flora has been unearthed, and natural disasters seem to not be so natural as once thought.
Not to mention just how people have changed as well; or if they were ever regular people at all. Some seem to turn feral, no mind to think with as they act like zombies all of a sudden, supernatural feats of strength suddenly coming about...
Strangers suddenly flying about on swords, letting loose great shows of light...
Airplane ignores it; it’s all he can do. (Thereisnothingtobedonebutwait.) He codes for his story, makes some noodles to enjoy as he reads some comments, and naturally dies. (right on time)
Airplane is admittedly taken off guard when he actually wakes up, back in his crappy little apartment, terrible bruising all up his arms (therearesomanypathssolittletime), when he looks around and sees the change in the world.
And he knows; his stories are no longer mere words and nightmares anymore, but now combined with his waking world, now and forever.
- Read under for more notes and such on this world~
So, basically, Airplane/Shang Huan has been dreaming of the world where his stories takes place, the PIDW world, and using it to make money because he is a desperate little gremlin. (Now, with his powers, he can see multiple paths, and all, but he doesn’t see everything, especially if he himself changes fate, making the paths shrink and become a little more hazy.) 
So one day, his world and PIDW world merge, causing countless calamities and disasters, even as the world heals and blossoms under it all. See, what happens is that when Bing-ge’s Harem finally turned on him and all (I don’t know if this is canon or fanon but it fits), Bing-ge in turn used the Wrath of the Heavens, which is not something even the craziest of Heavenly Demons would do if that says anything, which wreck a whole bunch of shit and mashed a few planes of existence together.
A lot of people died because of this... and yet, a lot of peeps were brought back because of this as well. Airplane did in fact die because of being electrocuted, but because of that, the energy left from the WOH merged with it, ending up kickstarting and powering him up instead of killing him outright.
And it is a very good thing SQH got that power up; he is going to have so many nightmares about it, but being able to manipulate, control, and use electricity and lightening are what ensure him survival for a good month before his city is made livable again. (He would do worse to survive, has done worse, what is a little electrical trauma in the name of his life?)
And look, even his intuition and foresight seemed to have greatly improved! Yay? (Nay so many n i g h t m a r e s)
He’ll be fine, he can walk it off. But as it is, Airplane starts to be rather... lucky with some of his finds.
Ironically, it starts with a man dressed in pale blues, eye tired and ever so dead, blood covering his fancy fantasy robes, a familiar crest/symbol (To Airplane) stitched over where the heart would be. A Traitor abused and used up, nothing left but rock bottom and yet still willing to dig if it meant living. (Oh, how that rings familar~)
Airplane has seen the past of Shang Family’ Honorable Third Son Shang Shaoqing and the future of the backstabing An Ding Peak Lord Shang Qinghua. Airplane knows that this is a desperate man who has done all he could to survive, with the mind like so many steel traps and mazes to dig around in...
Airplane saves them, avoiding a slow death the man would have had, earning him gratitude and suspicion all at once. The Writer doesn’t care, he just knows that having this guy on his side is just a logical choice; the man not only has more insider knowledge then anyone else in the world, but even knows how to use it.
On Shang Qinghua’s side.
With all the karmatic debt I have, I can not avoid this Life Debt... but once I pay my debt, I am gonna blow this popsicle stand.
Huh, this guy is actually kinda useful, maybe I should stick around
*Airplane tenderly taking care of his injuries, nervous smile on his face even as it is so soft* “You didn’t have to take that attack but... thank you for having my back” SdndejnejdbbhjD no, you have no right looking so cute, fuck why is this happening?! 
.... This man is a fucking Seer... Actual, full blown, Doomsayer Seer, Not the Succubus Soothsayers who can just see little things, no, actual, can literally effect the fabric of Fate and Destiny Seer.... Fuck his life, he probably owes this guy even more now...
*Shang Qinghua snarks in response, only to get equally snarked in reply* .... I won’t say I’m in love...
Fuck, if anything happens to his disaster of a Seer he will go on a massacre and then probably become a demonic cultivator to revive him...
 So yeah, over the course of maybe a few months, Shang Qinghua has regretsTM and Airplane gets an actually loyal bodyguard... Meanwhile~
Airplane: -Sigh- As nice as it is to have Shang Qinghua around, it won’t last forever; once the man pays back his debt, he just leave (like everyone else).
And then time for drama! The two get separated by unsteady space rips, Airplane having enough time to yell out a safe place for them to meet again before they end up on opposite sides to each other. So now, not only does Airplane have to work on surviving, but on the (hopeful) reunion between the two.
Cue Airplane’s next ‘Lucky Find’
Airplane hears the sound of sword and spell before he ever actually sees anything. Looking over the top of his nice ledge, safe enough from from any ‘friendly fire’, the young man feels his eyes widen when he sees who is fighting.
A beautiful, tall man in cream and tan colored robes, the ashen brunet directing their sword around them, using their other hand to throw out talismans when too crowded. And oh, how the mob surrounds this tired, too kind man, so weary for lost, all his grief stricken love no where to go in the lost of his family. (Oh, how jealous one can be, that someone got that love, no matter how fleeting it was in the end)
Airplane taking in Mu Qingfang, a healer forced to be a killer, a man with so much heartbreak in his soul, even as he determinedly live on, that shattered heart still wanting to help as much as it could. The Seer takes on how the other will die here, nothing left at all of such a heart, and in the end, Airplane helps, letting loose lightning upon the mob as he does.
Just makes sense, to have a Healer with you if you can.
On Mu Qingfang’s side:
This man is terrifying, how does he have tribulation lightning at his command??? but he did save me there, it’s only right I accompany him until I can pay it off (not like I have other things to do)
I am very, very grateful you saved me, but can you for all that is health PLEASE REST?!
Oh to the gods, how is a disaster like you alive? No, don’t eat that!
*Airplane, a tired smile on his face as he shows off some potent healing herbs he found* “I managed to find them, a little tricky but I was wondering if you can make use of them, maybe? I remember you saying you were running low and all.” .... damn his heart for being weak to sincere care and actually thoughtful gifts.
*after a terrifying nightmare, Airplane nearly bleeding from his screams, eyes so haunted and terrified even as he clings onto Mu Qingfang* “Please, I-I I just don’t want to be alone right now... please.” bjhbdjd shit, how can he say no, letting the other cling to them as they finally fall asleep. (Do not think about how cute the other is, cuddled up against him)
...A Seer... a fully realized, Fate altering, Destiny denying Seer... Gods, that explains so damn much... Maybe he can make him a Dreamless Night tea? would at least help with headaches if nothing else.
And so, over the time they have together, Airplane has unknowingly received the care and affection of one powerful as heck healer, who can and will be willing to cut a bitch if it means they have to.
But on Airplane: *le sigh* ah, once they feel like I’m well enough, they’re probably go back to trying to find their Martial Brothers and Sisters.... I’ll at least help them as much as I can...
Now, they don’t get separated: which is good, considering this next er... ‘Lucky’ Find.
They feel the temperature drop before they ever actually see the cause. Warily, the two men look to each other, but with no other way around it, move forward through the incredibly icy landscape.
It does not take them long to find the cause of it.
It is a Demon, Skin pale with a ghostly blue tint to their skin, beautiful snow white antlers branching out from their hand, ice collecting on the ends to make them even more deadly beautiful then before. And yet, for all that deadly beauty, are those ice like eyes, backdropped in the night sky look ever so tired, so betrayed (like always)
Mo Bolin, formerly Mobei-Jun is not one who has nothing left, but his willpower is draining, trapped as he is between the cursed artifact before him, no hope to escape it unless someone is willing to help.
Airplane sees this demon, this man who he greatly admired and aspired to be like, able to stand on their own and keep standing no matter what, no matter what the world came at them with, no matter the misery that had twisted a previously loving and warm child into the hardened, determined Warrior before him.
Letting his Lightning destroy the Artifact, the world weary youth takes the demon’s face in his hands, letting those icy night eyes look into his lightning bright ones, Mu Qingfang quiet but his sword at the ready behind him.
It will not be needed, as his Seer powers go to work.
“You find so much betrayal, just seemingly never able to escape it.
You soul has had so much darkness and hurt just let sit.
You Fate is said to be a cruel one for a cruel being,
Hurt, fear, blood, Ice, and broken bonds and dreams are all I am seeing,
I do Not agree.
So, From this wicked Fate I will set you free.” and as those eyes stare into each other, Mo Bolin can’t stop how he gasps, hand going to his heart, feeling lighter then he has in years.
Meanwhile, Airplane faints, having healed a better Fate for the former Mobei-Jun draining him good.
On Mobei-Jun’s Part
 sdhkhbfwkkjdejdehjdehj Why? Just Why? What’s the reason the Seer did that?
Well, considering what he did, Mobei/Mo Bolin will have to find a way to pay the other back.
...Why is this Seer so Cute? He wants to pet it. (note: hitting will make the Healer stab him)
*Airplane, tired out from a long day having to fight through a bit battle, smiling in thanks, help Mu Qingfang with patching everyone up* “You know, I really admire you; your strength and determination to always do your best, no matter how many people try to tear you down... I wish I could be like that.” wait what, no, you’re perfect like you are, you little gremlin seer. (Mu Qingfang agrees.)
*Airplane, suffering from a Fever, which means he has to cuddle with a certain Ice Demon to cool down* “Ah, sorry for troubling you like this, my ideal man, but you are so cool... *snuggles* .... Damnit.
Like, Mobei-Jun/Mo Bolin knows Airplane can kick some ass already, but by the ancestors does he love seeing this little disaster of a man just wreck everyone around him.
So yeah, add one very smitten Demon Lord to the roster~ :D Oh, the loyalty was hard earned, and there is no way Mobei-Jun will be willing to part, even as he has to share with a Healer and whoever this Shang-Er they will be seeing soon.
For Airplane: ah, so cool to see my Ideal Man, but of course there is no way he’ll stay by my side forever, what with all the things he probably needs to do.
 and this is all I got for the Harem on my side: now for the dynamics with each other:
Mobei-Jun and Mu Qingfang:  the demon respects the healer greatly, and since they are both quiet peeps they don’t have much conflict. as for the Healer, after his sect got destroyed, he’s had to do a lot of things to make sure him and his surviving disciples lived, so he’s not too against demons, and Mobei-Jun is very useful in fighting, so for now they cool.
Both when they see Shang Qinghua; ... D:<
On Mobei-Jun’s side: his little traitorous spy just had to be back and be that Shang-Er close to Airplane. He does not like this, wants to smack the other around, but that would upset Airplane So he just glares. Shang Qinghua is not happy with this arrangement either, fully prepared to curse the other out and everything, but not going to stir the pot up more then he has to.
On Mu Qingfang: .... his backstabing martial brother is alive, but the thing is that Mu Qingfang and his disciples wouldn’t have lived if it wasn’t for the other; Shang Qinghua had saved them, transporting them away from the bloodshed that was about to happen. On Shang Qinghua’s part, the Healer was the only Peak Lord to give him any damn respect and care, so he of course gave him an out along with his own peak disciples; he pays back debts. 
(This is ironically the reason he got killed by Mobei-Jun, because he saved those disciples)
So, there is much drama for a while, the three having big shouting matches and discourse, but these guys will turn into Enemies to Frenemies to Salt Lords and then to the Airplane Protection squad... because when these three get together and agree on something, well, you just combined the only competent people from PIDW together~ 
And they all love Airplane :D
Thank you all for reading the insanity of this, I enjoyed writing it out~
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