#and a version of themselves they can't quite reach
banana-together · 2 months
just thinking about house. just thinking about house and wilson's offices and how their decor choices reflect how they display themselves.
just thinking about how house keeps all sorts of random crap lying around his office: his guitar, his lacrosse balls, random antique-looking pieces, little trinkets. stuff to play with. he's always fidgeting or trying to master new skills like the juggling and playing lacrosse with his cane on the wall. he does it loud and obviously like with the guitar and his music on the radio. he wants his items to be seen as personal, as the things that make him up. he displays them so loudly so everyone knows that through being the best at what he does, he's earned the right to be himself as loudly as he wants. to do whatever he wants. it means he makes the right choice by sacrificing relationships, human connection, niceties, because now no one stops him from being 'free'. it's a performance to convince himself that it's all worth it.
just thinking about how wilson keeps a pretty neat office, but the 'personal' items he keeps around as decor are mostly gifts from patients. he struggles to put things around that represent himself, so he represents his relationships with his patients instead. he shows off how caring and connected he is, but doesn't show much about himself at all. he displays them to prove to himself that as long as he has all these relationships, he doesn't need a 'self'. it's a performance to convince himself it's all worth it.
tl:dr- house displays his 'self' to prove he doesn't need relationships, and wilson displays his relationships to prove he doesn't need a 'self'.
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oc-cinematic-universe · 2 months
BANGs my head against the wall
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tottentz · 3 months
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DROWNED AND DREAMT ── aventurine ◟1.3k w.c ◟sfw, hurt + comfort.
the first time you hug aventurine is months after his disappearance. 
you are there when he wakes up, crouched in front of him. it's 3 AM, and you're still disheveled—hair tousled, clothes askew—but he finds you beautiful. you are bright, brighter than the cosmic spark that ignited existence, a single bang setting in motion the events leading to your first meeting.
he should have slipped away before you stirred, fled like always. his bag is in here somewhere. you are the last thing tying you to this version of his life. but he is also tired, and weak, so now he is here with you looking at him.
there's a furrow between you eyebrows. he could reach out and poke it. he knows you would have left him, he stay still
"aventurine," you say, kind of rough, kind of... something. disbelieving, maybe. you don't speak. not for a long, stretching moment, so he musters up the strength to clear his throat.
"hello, friend," he says, and it comes out like a terrible croak. it hurts, the way the words rip through his throat. your face does this complicated thing, and then you lean into his space and hugs him. you hug him so hard it actually hurts.
he tries to come up with an explanation other than this, because he is not the kind of person you would hug, but there's nothing else it could be. he doesn't need to restrain you or hide you from something. there's nothing to protect him from. which means this can only be that. a hug.
your warmth envelops him, one arm around his shoulders, the other cradling his head. he presses his mouth to your shoulder, eyes closed, inhaling the scent of olive oil soap and jasmine. it hurts, a sensation long forgotten.
"missed you" you whisper, and there it is. his raw, sore throat tightens. his eyes doesn't quite well up with tears, but there's wetness, there's something. he wonders if he is supposed to hug you back.
"if i didn't know any better, i'd almost think you cared about me, friend," he wheezes. it hurts. your hair tickles his cheek. you smell like olive oil soap and jasmine, and his ribs feel cracked and broken under your touch.
you are gentle, inexplicably so. he breathes again, unsure how to respond when you pull back, still frowning. "are you alright?" you ask, and this isn't— he can't— he doesn't get it.
he looks at you. weariness and tension and adrenaline pouring themselves together to form one temper to be in, and his mood instantly soured in empathy when he felt the telltale hues of sadness rearing your gaze.
"i'm okay," he tells you, and you open your mouth, frowning, so he raises his hands in surrender. "as okay as someone who just escaped "death" can be, i swear—"
you don't say anything, you don't question it. what is he meant to do with that? someone else's trust—care? delusion? is that dangerous? it feels like care, in your concern, in the tight, hurting embrace, lingering on his skin. what does that say about him?
"okay," you say after a moment. you squeez his hand. vile impressions of himself brought swells of water to flood the cursed well of his glassy optics, something bubbling to the surface that you have to be very delicate with. you sit next to him on the edge of the bed. close enough that if you reached out you could touch your fingers to the center of his chest, feel the warmth of the skin there. he wants to. he won't. "should i ask what you plan to do from now on?."
nothing, he thinks. running away, maybe, away from here. away from you.
"you're so sure I won't just leave again." is not a question, it is a statement, a possibility.
your wrist shook in resistance, and aventurine began to fear his resolve would expel you. unspoken words sat impatiently on your tongue, but you kept the syllables suppressed with a heavy sigh breathed through your nose.
 "no," you say. "but will you consider—"
you stop. he feels like everything suddenly stops. he is doused in cold, cold water and burning at the same time as his stomach suddenly twisted in knots.
"me?," you whisper, the width of your squared shoulders caved and folded your figure into a timid recoil "will you consider me?."
he wants to hear your heartbeat, discern truth. he'd reach into your chest if he could. you're not a liar, not like him
he is not used to wanting. that's a lie too; he used to wanting, to needing with every bit of himself. what he isn't used to is being allowed to want. being encouraged to want. being wanted to want.
you could reach out and touch him. you're almost certain he would let you. the odds are in your favor. it's hardly even a gamble.
he tips, slowly, until his head lands on your shoulder. you don't stop him. you wouldn't. he warms up to you in steps, stages, like he has throughout the time you've known him. his heart sits like a small bird in his throat. he hesitates for a long moment before he wraps his arm around you. something settles with a certain kind of fragility. you are not soft with him. he is not soft with you. but you are trying, and the least hee can do is try too.
he closes his eyes. you smell like olive oil soap and jasmine. it's a clean smell. a safe one. you are warm. sturdy and stable in a way he hasn't been all his life. you squeez him to you with a gentleness he didn't realize you were capable of. that he didn't realize he was capable of receiving. he wonders, for a long moment, if he can really have this.
"don't lie to me, friend." you tell him.
you take a breath. there is a moment between that and when you lift your hand from his upper arm to rest it on his head. you comb your fingers through his hair like you are just as unsure about this as he is. it's been a long time since anyone touched him like this. your fingers trace the shell of his ear, and something in jim trembles. he has ached for this. he didn't realize until now.
"i would not lie about this," you say. he wonders if he can count it as a promise. he wants to. he wants you to mean it when you says kind things to him. he wants you to mean it when you treat him gently. he wants to deserve it, but he doesn't. and yet, you allow him to be greedy.
"okay," he tells you. your fingers run through his hair. he can't afford to make promises like you can, but he can do this. he can offer you this much. "i'll consider."
he is tired. he is weak. the world thinks he is dead. it can wait a little longer. he can stay here a little longer. and if it hurts him? well, he'll take whatever comes.
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. ࣪✦ ៸៸ tottentz ▐ © 2024 、 ? 𓄹 ܵ ۪
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vectorisheree · 6 months
"You ever wonder what it would be like to wake up outside your own body?"
Holy shit!? Holy fucking shit????? Very surprised that they're actually acknowledging the fact that Eclipse was apart of Moon- practically was Moon (or is Moon, he was at least a fragment of old Moon, are we counting fragments as equal to the person, or ai, themselves?), since he definitely sees himself as Moon, referring to Moon’s body as his 'own'. Eclipse was discarded part of Moon, an unfavourable aspect of Moon that, instead of accepting it as a part of himself, Moon tore and ripped Eclipse, his killcode, from his code and abandoned within Sun, quite literally dumping his main problem on him (in him?)
And like, old Moon had some serious issues and anxiety over losing his bodily autonomy, being trapped in Sun again (to the point that another dimentional version of him literally ends up killing Sun for his, perceived, freedom) , and I'd like to assume that this trait is shared with Eclipse, who was once promised his own freedom through Moon's, only to have it stripped away, only to find himself still stuck, fragmented and alone. Abandoned, disposed of. Betrayed at the very least.
How could Eclipse ever forgive the man who discarded him and left him to rot? Personally, with the way things are going now, I don't believe he could, not on his own, not without some serious intervention (through Earth or new Moon, or whoever really) or guidance. Old Moon is dead, replaced by a convincing replica, nothing that new Moon says or could say about old Moon's actions would really get to Eclipse, both because of his current general distrust of Moon, but also because new Moon is a completely different person to old Moon, he can't apologise and atone for the actions of another, not in anyway significant, its just not the same. Eclipse holds a grudge against a dead man and he'll never reach a satisfying end for himself. What can he do? (Even in a dimention where Eclipse does get the star, his previous main goal, he never seemed too happy) I think that Eclipse will have to accept what has happened to him and that he can't do anything about it before he is able to move on and grow around his past.
I was already working on an Eclipse rant from like last week as well, what a coincidence, so I'll keep this short (will post at some point this week or month or year) (My wording was pretty bad in the last part but I do think that an Eclipse redemption could be possible, just that it would take a lot of work from multiple parties)
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chuckeroo777 · 1 month
Laios got Eaten AU Chapters 53-85
Chapters 1-52 <- Be sure to read part 1. Falin being alive does cause some ripple effects which will continue in this part.
Welcome back! Today we continue where the anime cut off. We'll be going all the way to right before the final confrontation. (Mainly because I haven't figured out how to resolve that yet. I might do two versions, a good end, and a bad end.)
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Let's get going! Massive spoiler warning for canon, if it wasn't obvious.
Chapter 53-54:
Same as canon.
Chapter 55:
Everything is mostly the same except Laios shows up instead of Falin. When escaping, Laios is much less gentle with Thistle.
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Falin gets turned into a gnome by the giant changling. She is quite smitten by ogre Marcille, though she tries to hide it.
While Seshi and Chilchuck prepare the burgers, Falin assists with the ointment. With her healing expertise, it turns out even better, and she prevents Senshi from using it to cook.
Chapter 56:
Chilchuck has been noticeably grumpier than usual. Not only has Marcille been bugging him about his wife, but the tension between Marcille and Falin is really getting on his nerves. As before, he claims to have cheated to shut her up.
They spot the bicorn and Falin looks it up in the guide. They come up with the plan to be sinful.
When doing envy, Marcille can't help but be annoyed how Chilchuck has been giving her and Falin such judgemental looks, but then he goes and flirts with Senshi.
Without Laios, greed is a little tricky. Falin yoinks Ambrosia, and plays keep-away for a bit. She's giggling so much, she nearly forgets about the bicorn.
Then Lust gets brought up. Chilchuck and Izutsumi stare at Falin and Marcille, but before they can defend themselves, Senshi points out that it isn't lust when it's between two people who respect each other. Marcille then tentatively suggests that maybe Chilchuck's infidelity counts.
After Chilchuck gets attacked, Falin and Senshi rush into action. Falin can't body check it, but a mace to the face has the same effect. They manage to restrain it, then Senshi beheads it.
Falin is very impressed by Marcille's romantic acumen. Chilchuck is mostly left wondering why the romance expert is having such trouble admitting her feelings.
Chapter 57:
The dullahan is a type of ghost, so Falin has no trouble warding it off.
Much to Marcille's chagrin, Senshi decides to start with the head, since those parts don't preserve as well as the muscle.
Chapter 58-59:
When Senshi is discovered, it's Chilchuck who fills the party in about succubi. Unlike Laios, Falin doesn't rush off to grab milk, but she does start sweating profusely.
Thanks to there being three of them conscious in the room, they last a bit longer against the succubi, but when a succubus appears targeting Falin, things quickly break down.
Falin's succubus... is Marcille. But not merely Marcille. Due to a rather lonely childhood, Falin has a few fetishes she had been repressing. The succubus reflecting them for all to see. If she hadn't had her life force drained, she would probably have fainted from the shame and embarrassment.
Izutsumi saves the day, and everyone slowly recovers.
Marcille and Falin are mortified, and can barely even look at each other. Chilchuck finally reaches his breaking point and demands that the two of them talk about their feelings instead of continuing to bottle them up.
They end up having a heartwarming conversation where they confess their feelings. Marcille confesses that she always felt caring and protective of Falin, but the strangely fluctuating age gap made her way too uncomfortable to admit she was developing romantic feelings. But now that they are both adults, she wants to give this a try. Falin confesses that she always admired Marcille and wanted to get closer, but Marcille kept (unintentionally) rejecting her advances, so she just assumed she wasn't into her, which is why she stopped trying. Falin is so glad she was wrong. The two share a loving hug.
Chilchuck is happy for them to finally have these feelings out in the open, and they don't seem to be the sort that used to cause issues in his old groups. However, as the resident dad, he puts his foot down and insists that until this adventure is over, no sleeping together.
Speaking of sleeping together, that reminds Marcille of the dream she had while unconscious.
Chapter 60:
Marcille's dream with the Lion is similar to Laios', but with a few key differences.
Instead of appealing to Laios' care for the monsters and environment, the lion talks about how it IS the power of the dungeon. The power that the ancients discovered and misused. The very power that Marcille has desperately been looking for.
This is all very tempting for her, but she's still uncertain about becoming queen of the golden country, so the lion creates the hypothetical dream.
Marcille 'wakes' to find herself in bed with Falin. After changing out of their pajamas, they explore with the lion. Marcille's kingdom is a place where all the races are treated equally, with magic prolonging their lives to match hers.
She has also incorporated her ideas about a 'safe dungeon', expanding on the golden country's monster domestication to allow the harvesting of all sorts of useful things. Laios is in charge of this program.
Overall, it's all very nice and reasonable. As the audience, we know the lion will actually convince her to try and envelop the world, but for now the scope is realistic.
Marcille doesn't remember most of the dream, but relates that the lion is watching them through Falin's pearlipede. She talks a little about the 'safe dungeon' stuff, but keeps the whole age equalization thing close to her chest. And of course, beware the canaries.
Chapter 61:
Mostly the same, though Kabru's reaction to having to eat monsters is a little less severe. He hates it, but Falin and her group seemed sane enough. He isn't worried about going insane like Laios, he's just severely repulsed by it.
Kabru's nightmare is about the Laigon, stalking and hunting him down before eating him whole. Somehow, despite the massive changes, Kabru still manages to be disgusted yet intrigued about Laios.
Chapter 62:
The first half is identical, with Mithrun's story.
But when they start talking about Falin, that's when they get a bit confused. Despite Kabu's skill, he couldn't get a good read on Falin's desires. She is friendly and kind and thinks monsters are neat, but he's really unsure what would happen if she became lord of the dungeon. The only strong desire Kabru could identify was her unyielding determination to save her brother.
Mithrun begins to suspect that Falin isn't the one the demon is targeting, but unfortunately, Kabru doesn't know enough about the rest of the party to deduce who it could be.
Once the bell goes off, Kabru isn't worried about Falin, but with the demon involved, and so many unknown variables, he decides to go after them.
Chapter 63:
Falin's pearlipede leads them to Thistle's house, and they cautiously make their way in after shooting the bird.
The phoenix proves difficult, but Falin's flame wards buy them enough time to realize it's keeping its distance from the table with the bodies. They manage to weaponize Yaad and defeat and eat the bird.
Chapter 64-65:
Marcille wrenches open the book and they meet the lion. They begin thinking of a way to take down the Laigon.
Falin points out that if the Laigon is hanging out with Thistle, then it hasn't been sleeping or hunting, so her brother is probably really hungry. Senshi points out that flight is very energetically demanding too, and his mouth is real small.
They quickly get to work. The rest of this chapter and chapter 65 are skipped, since they still have plenty of bicorn meat. Notably, due to the Laigon being able to fly, they will arrive quicker, but the gang doesn't need to hunt, so it works out.
Chapter 66:
Between his panicking and self-harm, Thistle takes a bit longer to figure out what to do, since the Laigon doesn't comfort him like the Faligon did.
Chapter 67:
As they watch Thistle and the Laigon arrive, Falin is having second thoughts. Seeing him again is making her think about the plan to eat the dragon parts later. After all, isn't this exactly what Laios always wanted? But can he even survive on the surface like that? What if they save and restore him... and he's furious with her for ruining his dream.
The Laigon takes the bait and excitedly (and messily) devours the bicorn curry and rice. He then curls up and goes to sleep.
Unlike Laios, Falin doesn't consider that the chimera might have more than one brain. Tears in her eyes, she carefully approaches, and swings her mace-staff with all her might.
Falin breaks down crying. Marcille sees the results, and heals Laios' fractured head without reviving him. Now he's just sleeping. After a group hug to comfort her, Falin redoubles her determination, and they go to confront Thistle.
Chapter 68:
Identical, other than some slight name-drop changes.
Chapter 69:
Marcille has long term plans for being dungeon lord, but for now they plan to just use it to help Laios.
Falin isn't surprised to hear that Marcille is a half-elf. She suspected for a while. However, Thistle's callous taunting quickly pisses her off, and when he mentions the sterility, he nearly falls over as a stone spike erupts through the table and nearly impales him.
Infuriated, Thistle warps the room and unleashes the dragons.
The rest of the chapter plays out the same, with everyone getting separated. Falin escapes to the shelf, but everyone else gets got.
Chapter 70:
As the dragons begin fighting each other, Falin hides behind some bowls and starts chanting something while keeping an eye on Thistle.
Once he is distracted shouting orders at the dragons, she takes careful aim with her staff, and unleashes her spell, teleporting right behind Thistle, and disarming him. She may not be as burly as Laios, but Falin is a tough girl, and is easily able to overpower the elf twink.
Chapter 71:
She ties him up to her back and starts retrieving everyone's bodies.
Thistle cries fraud, and Falin explains that teleportation is actually a fairly recent invention. No wonder Thistle was terrified of Mithrun. This is the sort of magic not even the ancients were aware of.
Falin is still furious at Thistle, but decides to make a deal with him. He may choose. Either she kills him, and the party does as they please, or he may dispel the dragons and restore the room, and remain as their prisoner. If he does this, he has her word that they will do nothing to harm the people of the golden country.
Chapter 72:
Thistle, terrified what they may do to his people (An empty implied threat, but Thistle doesn't know that), reluctantly agrees. She lets him have his book just long enough to dispel his magic (Under threat that she'll teleport a rock into his head if he doesn't return it right away. Another empty threat), then she ties him up again, using proper rope, so he can't even move.
Falin revives the rest of the party. Marcille is very distraught that she died, and hugs Falin tightly. They are all very impressed that Falin managed to pull it off.
The lion is miffed that it can't feed on Thistle's desires while its current marks are watching. To make matters worse, Marcille is in no hurry to unseal the book, slamming it shut so she can rest after being revived.
Marcille and Falin talk about half-elves while Isutsumi and Chilchuck go grab drinks. Thistle continues to seethe.
Senshi prepares the tiny green dragon. He doesn't have the plant nectar, but it still turns out great. They feed some to the tied up Thistle. He reluctantly admits it's pretty good.
The gang take shifts over the night to watch the prisoner. As a curse of immortality person, Thistle doesn't need to sleep.
Chapter 73-74:
Marcille wakes up with a massive hangover. For a moment, she conflates a dream she had with last night, and panics that her first 'time' with Falin wasn't in her right mind.
Kabru arrives with the canaries. No one knows about Marcille's black magic, and Falin is pretty reasonable, so Kabru is optimistic about this meeting between them and the canaries.
Izutsumi and Marcille hide upstairs, Senshi prepares tea stuff, and Thistle sits in the corner, still seething.
Negotiations... go shockingly well! The canaries are impressed they were able to capture Thistle alive, and after a little questioning, it's clear Falin hasn't fallen under the dungeon's spell. They are a little grossed out by the bavarois, but most adventurers are a little weird.
When Falin mentions the lion, Kabru asks for permission to explain the danger. After all, the reason demon discussion is banned is to hide the existence of wish granting, and they already know about that part.
With Chilchuck and Kabru's help, Falin ends up coming to a very satisfactory deal with the elves. They will hand over Thistle and the books, on the condition that the canaries' forces provide all the assistance they can in preserving, transporting, and eating Laios. Falin is even able to cite the phoenix as evidence that this plan is viable.
Falin and Pattadol shake on it, and everyone is excited that the danger has passed.
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Unfortunately, this premature happy ending is disrupted by something everyone forgot about.
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Falin's pearlipede is privy to this entire conversation. And so is the lion. It manages to pop out of the unsealed half, and warns Marcille about the canaries, fueling her fear, and when Mithrun breaks into her room as the negotiations are being finalized, Marcille panics and unseals the lion.
Chapter 75:
Chaos erupts in the house as no one is quite sure what is going on. The canaries rush upstairs to help Mithrun, but they fail to stop Marcille before she declares her lordship.
The canaries are attacked by giant spiders while Marcille absconds. She vanishes before Falin or the others can see her. Falin's party heads upstairs to find Marcille, but only find dead spiders and wrapped up elves.
Chapter 76:
They help Lycion and Kabru carry everyone outside, including Thistle. Lycion fills Falin in on what happened upstairs and she is mortified. They leave Thistle with them, and head out into the remixed dungeon to try and find Marcille and talk her down.
Chapter 77-78:
Everyone receives word that Falin has taken down the lord of the dungeon.
When the chaos starts to unfold, Flamela receives an update from Lycion. Negotiations had been going well with Falin, but a member of her party went rogue, and is now the lord.
With Falin's party confirmed to be working to stop Marcille, the canaries do not attack them, instead focusing on finding Marcille.
Worried that the elves will kill Marcille, Namari, Toshiro, and the Orcs head out to try and find Marcille or Falin first.
Chapter 79-80:
Marcille has approximately 25% less longing in her eyes as she stares at Laios frozen in ice.
Not being in quite the same rush as canon, they don't accidentally fall in the water, instead running down the stairs.
They find the mushrooms and retrieve their stuff. The familiars are disconcerting, but at least they are ostensibly on their side.
They attempt to head in the direction the mushrooms were heading, but don't get far before hitting a dead end. As they try to figure out what to do, a massive flying snake pounces and gobbles them up.
The party panics as the long thin chamber begins to slowly fill with fluid. With the mouth clamped shut, they decide to run as far back as they can. Falin is pretty sure intestines don't have acid, right?
After a harrowing few minutes, they are pooped out in Marcille's front yard.
After reuniting and bathing, Falin tells Marcille about their deal with the canaries, and implores Marcille to reconsider.
Marcille refuses and reveals her dream. Falin doesn't laugh at her, but is concerned. She remembers how miserable the people of the golden country were. Surely the dungeon's power can only extend lives through that same curse.
Notably, due to not eating Thistle, the lion is still in its quadrupedal form. The lion does its best to convince Falin and the others, but after what Kabru told them about the demon, it rings pretty hollow.
Falin refuses to help the demon, not wanting Marcille to become another Thistle.
Marcille is upset, and decides she can make her dream come true by herself. She has the gang confined to the kitchen. She'll do it herself, and they'll see how lovely her dream is later.
Chapter 81:
Falin has no idea what kind of monster Donato is.
Operation Hometown Cuisine proceeds as normal, though Falin doesn't have the realization about Marcille's fears, since she didn't pry into her nightmare.
After failing her persuasion roll on Marcille, Falin gets fed up and grabs Donato's hand, then teleports the doppelganger out of the tree.
Chapter 82:
Chapter 83:
Mostly the same. Kabru isn't a prisoner. While the canaries prepare to fight the monster army, they have Kabru escort Thistle to the entrance. Thistle is mostly just resigned at this point. He spots the golden country as part of the new patchwork dungeon, and notices it is off in the corner away from the action. At least Marcille isn't putting them in danger.
Kabru meets up with Toshiro, Namari, and the orcs.
Chapter 84:
Ofc Falin also comes up with the mushroom disguises. Toshiro isn't sure how to feel seeing Falin dressed as a big dumb shroom.
Falin frantically explains how she's pretty sure the lion had been grooming Marcille to be the lord the whole time. That's why she's so out of control.
Lycion explains that when things get this bad, the only solution is to kill the dungeon lord. Thistle calls bullshit. He lost the position without being killed. Lycion clarifies that as long as the demon supports them, there is no other solution.
So Falin proposes they deal with the demon itself.
Lycion shoots that down too. As everyone heads out to fight the monsters, Falin is left despondent.
At Marcille's behest, the lion possesses the pearlipede, engulfing her arm, and speaks to Falin. It tries to convince her to join Marcille. After all, don't they love each other? Chilchuck retorts that if you really love someone, both sides have to be willing to compromise.
The lion tries another tactic. It asks about their favorite foods. Falin's favorite food is ice cream, particularly a swirl of orange sherbet and vanilla ice cream. (If she had been given the chance, she would have discovered exorcism sorbet to be her favorite.)
Unlike Laios, who realizes the lion's weakness in this fight, Falin is just left feeling even more hopeless. But ultimately, she decides to head for Marcille, not knowing what else to do.
Chapter 85:
Falin is quite delighted to see Laios, and is sure it means Marcille isn't too far gone.
Things proceed mostly the same, except Falin again poofs the doppelgangers away. As the party keeps climbing towards Marcille, Falin throws out the armor piercing questions. If Marcille is so callous to create fake versions of her parents, why not just create fake versions of her friends that agree with her dream.
Because a fake isn't the real thing. And what Falin wants is Marcille. The real Marcille.
Marcille starts to break down, admitting that the whole reason she's doing this is because she can't stand the thought of losing Falin and the rest of her friends.
Falin gently embraces Marcille, and explains. If Marcille spends all her time worrying about when their time together will end, then they won't get to enjoy the time they do have together. As they look deep into each other's eyes, Marcille's eyes swimming with tears, she leans forward and-
Senshi ruins the moment by explaining that they already know how to live longer healthier lives. A BALANCED DIET! A HEALTHY CIRCADIAN RHYTHM! AND MODERATE EXERCISE.
The moment is ruined, but it's okay. Marcille clings to Falin as she can't help but laugh as she sobs. Falin smiles and gently rubs Marcille's back. Everything finally feels like it's going to be okay.
Chapter 86-Finale
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
hello there! thank you so much for all the work you're doing, it's amazing:)
i was wondering (since i tried to search ao3 myself and found nothing), if you know about any pretty woman AUs? thank you so much and have a great day!
I do! Not a complete one unfortunately:
Pretty Boy by SerenityStargazer [E], WIP
Aziraphale Fell, real estate tycoon, finds himself in need of a companion during a business week in London. He meets Crowley in Soho and finds he enjoys the younger sex worker's company. They spend the week together and both are surprised to find themselves falling in love.
"Hey, handsome," Crowley purred, "want a date?"
"Right now," the blond man replied in a very proper, educated accent, "what I need are directions to the Ritz. Got myself turned around, I'm afraid."
"Five pounds for directions, luv," Crowley said calmly.
"Five pounds? That's ridiculous!" the man sputtered indignantly.
"Ten pounds. The price just went up."
"You can't charge me for directions!"
Crowley grinned. "I can do whatever I want, angel. I'm not lost." He stood up and turned his back, letting his arse lean against the window frame.
"Oh, very well," the man said, pulling out his wallet. Crowley opened the door and climbed in.
"For a twenty, I'll take you there personally," he offered.
Aziraphale handed the twenty over silently then tried to find first gear.
Other fics with similar premise:
The (Half) Boyfriend Experience by ZehWulf [M]
The image on the monitor remained static for another minute or so, but then the door to the connected room opened, and the pale, curly-headed figure of Crowley's client—a man who went by Fell at the club—stepped through. As always, he stopped just after closing the door behind him to collect himself, gaze trained on where Crowley's lower half was splayed wide on lewd display. There was a whole ritual of straightening cuffs and waist coat and shifting his weight that he would go through before approaching.
Crowley felt their lingering scowl soften as they watched with vague fondness as he worked himself through the motions. At first, they'd wondered if the whole process was some sort of pre-sex psych-up, or a fussy-looking-middle-aged man version of reflexive peacocking. But, Fell had been requesting them for long enough by now that they'd been able to observe the way things evolved over time: the gestures loosening up, the amount of time spent shortening.
The poor bastard was just anxious.
Crowley works part time as a sex worker at a club, and one of their favorite, most baffling clients comes in looking like he's had just as bad a day as they have.
Dreaming of You by TawnyOwl95 [E]
AJ Crowley likes helping people discover and heal the neglected parts of themselves. Even if that's only for their scheduled session. He likes being a sex worker, although he's started to dream of some genuine intimacy.
Aziraphale Fell knows he isn't deserving of romance. As much as he might like the idea, a lifetime of neglect has left him insecure and afraid to reach for what he wants. He still dreams that one day he might be brave enough to take a chance.
Hired Heart (illustrated by many artists) by GayDemonicDisaster (scrapheapchallenge) [E]
As a result of his sheltered upbringing, Aziraphale made it to 50 without exploring his sexuality or coming out. After 50, all that changed - he's gay, he's out, and wants to find love. He also wants to have sex. He's a tad nervous about that. His friend Agnes suggests he consult a professional and get some no-strings practice and advice, and build some confidence. And her friend Tracy runs an agency…
Crowley has quite the breadth of sexual experience: he’s a high class escort. He’s been in his line of work for a long time, though in this industry, that’s not exactly an advantage. He likes his work, but the more he’s reminded that he’s not as young as he once was, the more he contemplates his exit strategy. When his bookings manager and friend Tracy gives him a new, nervous client, Crowley finds him unexpectedly captivating. In fact, Crowley can’t seem to get him out of his head.
A Smitten Crowley is also a very silly Crowley, so prepare for giggles and fluff along with your love story and smut...
Seirbheis by Kalimyre [E]
Human AU - Crowley is a sex worker, hired by the wealthy and eccentric Ezra Fell for a long weekend. He goes in expecting it to be just another job. But Ezra is not like other clients, and Crowley is soon in over his head.
In which our beloved ineffable husbands have clear, honest communication, a whirlwind romance, and tremendous amounts of soft, tender, kinky sex.
~Mod N
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
Robin and Dustin fight for the passenger door as Eddie pops in the back, scoffing and slamming the door.
"Hey, hey!" Steve yells, leaning over the console to open the door himself.
"Steve! Make him stop!" Robin demands, voice shrill as she squishes her grocery bag up against the door so she can't free up her hands to playfully slap-fight Dustin.
"Jesus Christ," Eddie curses.
Steve hears the unmistakable sound of a can opening in the back and he rolls his eyes. Eddie promised he wouldn't buy beer or whatever soda it is he's obsessing over this week.
Robin knocks Dustin's signature hat off and he screeches.
"Stop!" Steve begs, attempting to move over further but his seatbelt yanks him back. "Robin gets shotgun!"
The duo outside pauses. Robin pokes her tongue out and follows up with a childish gaffaw. The pair stand in silence, glaring at each other until Dustin snatches away the grocery bag.
Robin scrambles into the car, clips in her seatbelt and manually locks her door in one fluid motion.
"You do realise you waste time every single day with this?" Eddie says as Dustin hops in the back and slaps his baseball cap back on.
"Robin has been shotgun all week!" Dustin shoots back.
Can no one excerise any volume control in this car!
Steve shoots Robin a disapproving look as he fires up the engine. There's a crinkling of the grocery bag and Steve looks in the rear vision mirror but he can't quite see what Dustin and Eddie are clambering for.
"Starting next week, I'm making a schedule that everyone will follow. No exceptions."
"What if it's an emergency?" Robin asks, tenting her fingers like it's the most obvious follow up question.
"I reeeeefuse to sit in the back with Mike, Lucas and Henderson all stinking up the car after school," Eddie so helpfully adds.
"Hey!" Dustin whines, moving the bag away from Eddie.
There's more rustling and crinkling, followed by loud chewing.
"Yeah," Robin agrees, reaching in the back. "I agree on that one."
"I'll figure it out!" Steve snaps, waving his hand as of to wave away the endless mitigating factors these idiots will surely conjure up of he doesn't stop them.
He looks over to his best friend, tinkling the foil back on a god damn Easter egg before shoving it into her mouth. She gags.
"Ew! This chocolate is awful, Eddie!"
"No it isn't."
Steve does a double take.
"Wait, did I send you three into the grocery store with a clear and organised list, only for you to buy Easter eggs!"
"I also bought beer," Eddie clarifies, belching.
"I mean, pretty much," Dustin shrugs, opening a packet of crisps.
"A weekend of nothing but junk food then?" Steve asks.
Although he doesn't know why he's bothering. This is what he gets for trying to assign errands.
He looks at Robin, so annoyed that he feels like his eyes are going to pop out of his skull.
"Did you get something for me to make for dinner, at the every least, Robs?"
"I don't do vegetables," Eddie chimes, again not helping.
This is what he gets for expecting his boyfriend to just automatically back him up in the face of Robin and Dustin being the most annoying versions of themselves.
He turns a corner into the main road of Loch Nora and hears the distinct sound of liquid dripping on the floor.
"Oops," Eddie mumbles.
Okay yeah, he's just as annoying as the other two.
"Can't we get pizza?" Dustin asks, jostling Robin's seat enough that she lazily slaps at the brim of his hat, threatening to knock it off again.
"I promised Claudia I wouldn't just feed you junk all weekend."
"But pizza has vegetables!" he argues.
"Technically Henderson is correct, there, Steve-o," Robin adds.
And for the first time this afternoon, the pair agree on something... They both nod.
"I could go for pizza," Eddie wonders aloud. "Pepperoni. No vegetables in sight!"
He leans forward and chomps the last word directly into Steve's ear, retreating with a giggle.
"Trust me," Steve begins, making sure to catch Eddie's eye in the rearview mirror and of course, he's grinning like an idiot. "You get your serving of vegetables."
A silence promptly falls over the Beemer.
Robin stifles a laugh, Eddie blushes scarlet and Dustin leans into the front cabin, eyebrows raised sky-high.
Dear god, that isn't what he meant.
"I sneak vegetables into Eddie's food!" he insists, shrugging.
"What!" Eddie screams so loud Steve almost swerves off the road mere seconds from his driveway.
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rainswept · 1 year
you ask for Fontaine brain rot/reqs, I deliver.
So idk if you've done the recent archon quest and lyney/lynette story quest so if you haven;t be careful caus i will be spoling !
That part where Lyney is freaking out over Freminet and Lynette had me SCREAMING especially since ive done their story quest AND ALSO FRIENDSHIP 10 LYNEY SO I HAVE THE LORE AND IT HURTS SM but I won't spoil all that for u-
so anyways, i started thinking, imagine Lyney has a lover who's been with the siblings for years (and also works for Arlecchino) and is considered another sibling by Lynette and Freminet. They were also diving with Freminet when they encountered water from the primordial sea
now imagine clorinde can only take one person with her at a time when she pulls them back, and she saves Freminet first, later going back for Lyney's s/o
Eventually Freminet wakes up like he does in the quest, but the reader just.. doesn't. Hours pass and the siblings are freaking tf out because they don't want to lose anyone.
(now I can't decide if I crave angst or if I want to comfort my babies so ill give my headcanons for both shiguegoe)
angst: Lyney's lover keeps deteriorating, parts of them gradually turning blue and quite literally withering away (caus you know the water and the dissapearances- yeah-) and the siblings can do nothing but watch
Lynette shuts down more frequently and for longer periods, not even saying anything to Lyney
Freminet blames himself for not noticing sooner, for not getting them out sooner
And then there's Lyney.. he blames himself for not only putting his siblings in danger, but losing his lover...
He sits by their bed watching as they wither away, holding their hand. He knows Father will be upset by his lack of comitment to the mission but he can't bring himself to care
The day they pass, no one says a word. They continue with their mission, report to Father, go on with their Fontainian lives until they're alone and they cry. they cry and scream and curse whatever archons or god's are listening.
After days of not waking up, they finally open their eyes.
Lyney is fretting over them asking if they know where they are, who he is, what happened etc
now to throw in a tidbit of angst, what if they awoke with some disability? like they cant see anymore, they can't hear properly, cant walk properly etc
Lyney and Freminet would devasted because they blame themselves. Lynette would be quick to remind her brothers at least everyone is alive.
It'd be bad because with a disability, they can't work for Father anymore, or at least not the way they used to
AHHEOGUHEOG im stuck in a neverending brain rot my guy
Anyways. I was actually going to request for you to write your own take on this but you don't have to if you dont want- even just hearing your take would be nice lmao
also if its ok i reallly wanna be mutuals! I just found you blog and im obssesed!! I really wanna be friends<3
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NO BECAUSE I SCREECHED SO LOUD MULTIPLE TIMES READING THIS !! THANK U SO MUCH YES OFC I WANNA BE MUTUALS/FRIENDS!! genuinely absolutely made my day to have u ask that oh my god??
also don’t worry about spoiling anything for me, i’ve read every little bit of lyney/lynette/freminet lore out there 😭 and i’ve done all of the new fontaine archon quests already (i need help. it’s okay though!)
as for angst — u know me so well already this is my forte. cracks knuckles here i go
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freminet feels as if something is off.
already beginning to panic, he turns to you in a hurry. the water swishes in his ears. when you meet his gaze, wide-eyed, the gut ‘feeling’ turns into a full-blown punch to it. oh, now he realizes; he can’t breathe. his heart’s racing, chest tightening and throat feeling as if it’s closing up.
you reach out, and exchanging unspoken words, you two turn around and make to retrace your patterns with haste. hand in hand, you race against frittered time; but even your best efforts are not enough, and the both of you are forced to acknowledge it when freminet’s vision begins to turn spotty.
he got in the water first; he’s gone before you are. his body floats limp beside you as you drag him along through the water, even as the surroundings grow hazy for you, too. a cold tingle runs up your spine as you consider the possibility; is this the end?
(when you had left for the pipes, the most you had exchanged with lyney was a quick kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. that wouldn’t do.)
but even as you try desperately to cling to life .. the “sea” is a cruel thing, and it does not care for your mortal frivolities. (a proper goodbye? .. foolish.) with cold, disorienting water enveloping your senses from all sides, your only grounding thing being freminet’s (rapidly cooling) fingers against yours — it didn’t take long before you succumbed to the “sea”, too.
(your last thought as the world went dark was “i’m sorry.”)
(even in your barely conscious state, you feel another wave of panic surge through you when freminet’s fingers slip away from yours — but you don’t have enough energy to hold on.)
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reader lives:
the incessant thrum of the water rushing through pipes rattled in your ears. your whole body was sore, weak and tired; and all of your limbs felt like lead attached to you via shoddy workmanship. your head hurt like hell, and what’s worse is that the moment you opened your eyes, you were immediately met with the sight of the three people you cherished most.
first, there was freminet, who was sitting on the bed opposite to yours. his posture fixes from a slouch into proper the moment he spots you, perhaps in.. excitement? shock? you weren’t sure. his eyes lit up, though.
second, there was lynette. she was .. a bit more on edge than usual. that was .. to be expected, of course, but really. you were out for.. what, an hour or two? come on, all four of you put yourselves in danger all the time. what was different about this?
(what was different was the fact that you were not out for an hour or two. no, make that days. they were sure to remind you of this.)
then, there was lyney. for him, the world seemed to stop.
lyney, who was pacing the room in sheer desperation. he walked and walked, boots timed and in tune with the clocks and dripping water from the pipes. in his nervousness, he had unwittingly created a quite fitting melody.
(the only sounds once he ceases walking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
lyney, who had rushed to your bedside the moment he had noticed you were up. he looked exhausted, but the second you were awake the mask was .. attempted .. to be put back on. however .. it didn’t take someone as observant as you, or even one who knew him so well, to notice that it was placed crooked.
(how absurd he looked, trying to put on a front everyone in the room knew was one.)
why, even, you would have bet that it could’ve been surmised by a child. once again, emphasis on ‘you would have’, for there was no time for thinking about that when he rushed to your bedside and enveloped you into an embrace. you didn’t miss the way his fingers grasped at the back of your shirt in downright desperation.
(in clear, bold letters, it reads; “if nothing else, please let this be real.”)
he slots himself beside you and, wordlessly, holds you close. he doesn’t need words — neither of you do. this is enough.
lynette and freminet looked on, neither of them opening their mouths when lyney buries his face into the crook of your neck and stays there for just a bit too long. he doesn’t cry. instead, he whispers shakily against your skin; “i thought i’d lost you.”
(the only sounds once he ceases speaking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.
(no one speaks up just yet.)
(the only sounds in the room are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
(you’re starting to think those were the only sounds ever there.)
when he finally pulls away, you notice he’s fixed his mask. lyney now smiles, and the shake in his voice is gone; but you know it’s not all better, not when he refuses to leave the infirmary even after sigewinne and the traveler inquire. you know it’s not all better, not when the four of you are alone again. lyney sits beside you on the bed, refusing to so much as stand up (he doesn’t want to let go of your hand. you don’t comment on it, but his fingers are still shaky as he holds onto yours like they’re a lifeline.)
you don’t exchange as much as a single word after that. you just bask in each other’s presence, apologies and pleas and “i love you” shared during every lingering glance between everyone in the room.
the four of you don’t need words. this is enough.
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reader dies:
seven mistakes went unnoticed. seven signs went unfollowed. seven things (and five people) went wrong that day.
one: freminet.
it was entirely freminet’s fault, he thinks, it was. if only he had gotten you out of there in time. no — he shouldn’t have even brought you. he sits on the infirmary bed opposite to yours, knees pulled up to his chest, and he clutches pers with a death grip. he dips his head in such a way that his face is hidden with his hair; he doesn’t want to let lyney and lynette see him in this state. they have enough to deal with.
two: the primordial sea.
but they were bound to notice eventually, right?
“it was entirely the primordial sea’s fault,” lynette would remind, hand on freminet’s shoulder. “it wasn’t yours.”
the primordial sea. the cold and vicious waters were such a contrast to those he held so dear; what was typically calming and merciful turned to something suffocating and terrifying. but that didn’t change the fact that it was an inanimate thing.
he drops pers at the contact; it clatters to the floor; he looks down, wide-eyed and apologetic; he reaches down to pick it up. lynette does not put her hand on his shoulder again.
three: wriothesley.
“it was entirely wriothesley’s fault,” lyney wants to scream. he’s frantic, pacing the infirmary and voice cracking every time he speaks. lynette and freminet have seldom seen him so panicked. he needs to do something, he needs— he can’t. he can’t leave. once he gets his hands on wriothesley, he swears he’ll—
four: clorinde.
it was entirely clorinde’s fault. it was entirely her choice to pick only one of you to save. no one can bring themselves to be upset at her, for she did try to save both of you. but the realization slowly dawns upon the three children of the house of the hearth still with a steady heartbeat; it was either going to be you or freminet.
they realize this at different times. every time they do, they exchange a silent, quick glance.
freminet would’ve gladly given up his life. lyney and lynette, however .. they would not have been able to choose.
five: the gods.
it was entirely the gods’ fault. curse the gods, lyney thinks. he’s still pacing the room, and while he never put much stock in the divine, he was practically yelling at them now. he knew it wasn’t logical. but he needed something. what was the point of a god if not to help their people? what was the point of a god if just to watch people suffer like it’s an opera?
was she here now? was she watching? was this a “twist” for her? did she delight in this?
six: lyney.
it was entirely lyney’s fault. he shouldn’t have let you or freminet go. he shouldn’t have. he shouldn’t have let wriothesley play him like he was a deck of cards in his hands. this was all his fault. all his fault. he knew of the prophecy, dedicated his whole life to it — and yet hadn’t managed to save you from its clutches?
seven: you.
in truth — it was no one’s fault. but lyney is still pacing the room, breathing getting heavier and more rapid every time he steals a glance at you. lynette’s eyes still trace his every move, conveniently ignoring the sight of you as best she could; and freminet still has his face buried in his knees as to not look at your decaying body.
none of them can deal with the fact that it was simply an accident. no one meant for this to happen — there was no one to blame.
they needed someone to blame.
so each and every one of them blamed themselves. as lyney’s fingers grasped your cold ones, he squeezed them softly even as they began to turn blue beneath his grasp. he couldn’t bare to let you go.
and after three long days, the sun rose to find your bed empty where you had laid. you were nowhere to be found. for a moment, lyney’s heart practically leapt out of his chest, wondering .. did you get up?
but as he rushes to the bedside, his face falls. he should’ve known not to get his hopes up.
the blankets were damp where you had laid, soaked with water just as the stage in the opera epiclese had been.
lyney didn’t cry, nor did lynette or freminet.
they didn’t exchange so much as a word the day you died.
instead, they put their aching hearts and empty souls into the mission at hand. they worked twice as hard to distract themselves, and they provided excellent results for “father” — but they had barely worked together to do so.
they exchanged cold words and they held each other at night, when the pain became too much — because as much as they tried to pretend like nothing happened, that was a lie, just as the rest of their existence — but there was no mistaking it. they were now divided.
there was always you. and now there wasn’t.
lynette was the one who informed “father” of your .. whereabouts. lyney couldn’t bring himself to.
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duchess-kyuupid · 11 months
Not quite an X Reader request, but a fun little prompt: In the place of Yuu is a TWST version of Little Ghost from Hollow Knight. Everyone thinks the kid's some random five year old fae that got swiped up by accident and is mostly babysat by the staff, but that doesn't stop some students from trying to bully the baby.
However, the baby in question is very good at hiding knives on their person and is secretly a master swordsman, and one day stabs a bully in the leg for shoving them, right in front of the bully's dorm leader.
Question: How do the dorm leaders react in this situation?
Okay uhh... I haven't written anything for a long time I know, but this I feel like I absolutely HAVE to do. Hopefully Silksong comes soon...right?
« Little Ghost gets into a Little Fight™ in Twisted Wonderland »
[TWST x Hollow Knight, Platonic affection, Ghost is slightly taller than Grim, not an x reader, the bullies are from each respective dorm (like Riddle's bullies are from Heartslabyul, etc.)]
So this whole conundrum started when Little Ghost found their favorite dorm leader in the halls in between classes. In their little scurry to reach them, they had to bypass a couple other students who were also in the hallway. One such student, with their small group of friends, intended to punt them and disguise it as a mere "shove."
"Better watch where you're going, shorty- us tall people can't see you from all the way up here when- OW! God damn it, what the hell?"
Little Ghost hides away their sharpened nail within the cover of their cloak, as if it was never there to begin with. They look up to the bully, pure malice filling the void of its blank, unblinking eyes. The bully's friends decide it was probably best to take the bully to the nurse and apologize on their behalf because, just look at his leg, it's bleeding! And, oh god, how big is that hole in his foot? What even is this weird shadow stuff? Best to just apologize and get out of there while they still could...
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Riddle witnesses the whole thing from the very moment that the Little Ghost saw him to begin with. Yet, the bullies left so quick that he didn't get a chance to collar them for their blatant disregard for the lives of innocent creatures. And almost immediately after the bullies left, the knight headed straight towards Riddle.
He was angry at first, at how the bullies so flagrantly disobeyed Rule #75: Never kick any creature with your left foot on Thursdays. But rather, he ended up feeling more concerned over the safety of the knight than anything else.
He took a moment to make sure the knight was feeling okay before going off into great detail about how it's against school policy to carry and conceal any weapon that isn't a wand on campus. Granted, he momentarily stops himself mid-sentence during his rant about this, since technically Little Ghost isn't even a student at NRC, so perhaps those rules don't apply to them? Hmm... An interesting counterargument indeed...
Ghost merely stares blankly back with little reaction to the scolding from Riddle. He sighs and decides to say nothing else about the knight's hidden weapons because, ultimately, Riddle is just happy that he won't have to worry so much about the little guy getting hurt with the knowledge that they can protect themselves if they need to.
"Well," Riddle supposes, "I guess I can let it go just this once. But just make sure that you don't go around stirring up even more trouble. Just let me know if anyone else decides to bother you, and I shall make sure to deal with them properly. Still, I need to go make sure those other ruffians don't make the same mistake twice about breaking the Queen's rules."
Riddle leans down a bit and pats the top of the knight's head with endearment in his eyes before walking away towards the nurse's office, an obvious glare of anger in his stride as he walked.
And the Little Ghost, left all alone in the hallway, looks down to their little hand, holding onto their precious charm: Fury of the Fallen.
Ah, another time then... they think.
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Leona catches the whole thing and laughs about it as he watches the bullies scurry away in fear. He'd be dead before he admits it out loud, but Leona was actually just about to step in for the Little Ghost. True, he was pretending that he didn't see them as they were trying to approach him in the hallway, but he's always trying to look out for Little Ghost, whether on purpose or not.
Anyway, his laugh was more like a snide snicker, filled with mocking amusement. It was almost ironic how those beastmen could be so frightened by such a small little mouse, and hearing them squeal like babies was almost like music to his ears.
Leona smiles wider when Ghost finally approaches him after the incident, and he dips down to give them a little pat on the head.
"Nice job there, runt. That's what they get for messing with the wrong pack."
However, Leona's caught by surprise when the Ghost takes his hand from their head and places something in it. It felt cold- metallic maybe?- in his hand, and he takes a look at the gift Ghost had given to him. A... brooch? Ehh... The thought is nice but he's not exactly a jewelry kinda guy, you know?
Oh wait, and there's a note on it too.
'Mark of Pride. To my favorite pack leader.'
The next day, almost all of the Savanaclaw residents took notice of the new brooch their leader started wearing around.
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Well, those bullies did have it coming to them, to be fair. Azul is in equal parts surprised and not surprised at those turn of events. On one hand, he's not surprised that Ghost had a little something up their sleeves on how to protect themselves, but on the other hand, he just didn't expect it to be...that.
Like, you'd think that you wouldn't be able to do a lot of damage with just a comically sized nail, but apparently, it was enough to scare even Octavinelle students away. And what was with that shadow magic? He's never seen anyone use anything remotely similar- not even cosmic magic came close to what the Ghost wielded in tandem with their nail just now.
My, he's just reminded of how the land has so many things to learn and many more to gain from. Azul approaches Ghost after the bullies leave with a smile on his face. Whether the smile is from his eagerness for a new deal, his relief that Ghost is safe, or even a combination of the two- not even Azul knows.
"That was spectacular, Little Ghost! You really showed them what's what!"
And Ghost just looks back up at him with his eyes, devoid of any sort of emotion. Most people have become quite frightened of Ghost by now, and it feels like Azul is the only person who ever looks them directly in the eyes. After all, after spending basically your entire life at the bottom of the ocean, peering into the darkness is nothing new for someone like Azul.
For this reason, while Azul was talking his mouth off at the prospect of learning about Ghost's void magic, Ghost reaches into their cloak and pulls out a charm, picked out specifically for Azul.
Ghost stands on their toes and stretches out their arms to offer their one and only charm of Unbreakable Greed to Azul, and he receives it gracefully with a polite thank you and a semi-surprised expression.
"It's remarkably shiny. Beautiful even. Thank you, Ghost." Ghost quickly finds a pen and paper to write on for a quick note to Azul before he starts getting any ideas.
'Don't sell this one. It's supposed to bring you more money.'
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He was too carried away in talking off Jamil's ears, so much so that he never even noticed the kerfuffle until the bullies started making a fuss.
"NO! GHOST, STOP IT. That's mean!" He scolds ghost as if they were a cat, and he didn't even realize that it was out of self defense. He picks up ghost and cuddles him close to his chest and tries to apologize to the bully for the inconvenience.
Meanwhile, the bully just screams out about how the ghost is a devil in disguise- a monster. Kalim doesn't believe them as the ghost just looks back up to him with (seemingly) innocent doe eyes.
"Well if you were being mean like that to them then its no wonder why they hurt you!" And by that point, the bullies had already started to run off, frightened of getting on the wrong side of an Al-Asim as well as...whatever Ghost is- monster or devil.
"You didn't get hurt did you, little guy?" Kalim asks worriedly, and Ghost merely shakes his head no. With a sigh of relief, Kalim smiles and continues walking through the hallway with Ghost still in tow within his arms.
This was probably the most perfect time for Ghost to offer their gift to him, so from their pocket they take out their Hiveblood charm.
And Jamil has to stop Kalim from crying on the spot when the Ghost attaches the charm onto his cardigan. Ghost doesn't even need to explain what it does- Kalim will probably wear it every day anyway.
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Vil sees what happens and also laughs for a second as he watched the bullies run away from the scene. Though, he was a bit disappointed, in a way. Those bullies were the ones who started it, and yet they didn't even have the courage to finish it? Not only that, but they didn't even look the least bit graceful in their bullying tactics. How shameful. He ought to scold them for bringing such disgusting habits into the Pomefiore lifestyle.
But, Vil decided, they were very much beyond his recognition right now. As Housewarden, he can probably set them up with a punishment befitting their actions later, but right now, Vil notices the Little Ghost approaching him with a sort of glee in their steps.
"Hello there, Little Ghost. You weren't hurt, I hope?" And Ghost shakes their head no before reaching into their pocket to pull something out from under their cloak.
Immediately, the hallway fills up with a strong stench in the air that seemingly came from nowhere. But, Vil knew better. After all, he can practically see the fumes radiating off of whatever the Ghost had in their hand. What confused him though, was why it only started smelling when the Ghost took it out from their cloak if they had it this whole time...
The Ghost reaches out their hand to offer their Defender's Crest to Vil, but he looks at it in disgust and pinches his nose so he wouldn't have to smell it. (Alas, this tactic did not help whatsoever, as now he was forced to almost taste the smell as the fumes visibly wafted into his face.) Still, he tried his best to decline the offer as politely as he could... In classic Vil fashion, of course.
"If you plan on giving me that, then forget about it and keep it for yourself. It's disguising and revolting. I'd probably catch 10 different diseases if I so much as touch that thing." Reminder, this was Vil trying to politely refuse the gift.
He almost felt bad about what he said once he sees the way that the Ghost lowers their arms and looks down sadly. Keyword: almost. While their eyes held nothing but emptiness, you could almost feel the small amount of sadness coming from them as they took a moment to think. To be honest, Vil was mere seconds away from reaching for his handkerchief to begrudgingly accept this...lovely gift before the Ghost puts it back into their cloak and pulls out something else instead. It was their charm of Deep Focus, and the beautiful purple gemstones on it shimmered gloriously under the lights in the hallway.
"That's much better," Vil smiles in acceptance and graciously takes the new gift, "And rather beautiful too. Thank you, Ghost."
Ghost was at least happy that Vil liked this one since it was pretty. To be honest though, they were still pretty hurt that Vil would call it disguisting... Ghost can't smell anything, so how were they supposed to know that Vil wouldn't like it?
At least, now it means that they can keep their memento from one of their best friends from their own world.
'I won't ever forget you, Dung Defender. Not even if I lose your Crest.'
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Please don't blame him for not stepping in. He doesn't do too well with fights- or just drawing any sort of attention to himself. But! At least when the squabble was over, Idia stood in place and waited for the knight to come to him like they initially wanted. Usually, once Idia sees someone- anyone, really, with the exception of his brother- approaching him, he'll take any sort of excuse to get out of there to avoid confrontation.
Lucky for him, the Little Ghost can't speak. Or perhaps, they choose not to. Either way, it makes it a lot easier for Idia to hang out with the Ghost when he knows he's not going to be expected to answer any random questioning or have to actively participate in conversation.
It's gotten to the point where Idia and Ghost can communicate with each other without making any sort of sounds at all. It's kinda creepy to the other students at the college though... I mean, how can you tell what Little Ghost is thinking when they've never spoken, when their mask is immovable, and when their eyes hold nothing but empty void in them?
Ortho would just tell those people off for him though, because it's in those eyes of theirs that they can understand each other so clearly. Can't you see how much expression Ghost has? Just look at those eyes! [Its complete and utter darkness.] But...to be honest... Ortho doesn't understand it either. Idia supposes he might need to improve Ortho's emotional reading modules...
Going back on topic, Ghost approaches Idia in the hallway and their creepy nonverbal conversation began.
'Are you hurt?' 'No.' 'Good. I can dox them later if you want. Wanna play some games with me later?' 'Yes. I have something for you.' 'Let's see it then.'
Ghost pulls out from their cloak their most precious charm they own: Wayward Compass. Idia's gamer instincts can tell how much latent immense power that is stored in this innocuous brooch, and he accepts it gladly.
Later that day, Idia asks Ortho to scan the object to see what kind of power lays behind this brooch.
"It just shows you where you are on any map."
"Like a GPS?" Ortho nods.
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He's quite pleased actually. He, as well as most of Diasomnia (being the fae that they are), knows the ghost isn't quite a fae, but isn't quite human either, so even he's at a loss for what kind of being the ghost really is. And this mystery makes it all the more easy for Ghost to become the target of bullying, and thus all the more easy for Malleus to become super protective over little ghost. Ultimately, Malleus is glad to see that they were not hurt in the fight.
After all, from the moment when they first met and he looked into it's eyes, he could sense that same sort of empty loneliness within as he does within himself. The Ghost isn't scared of him either, so naturally it seemed that they've become good friends, even if neither party are prone to speaking very much- if at all.
As the Ghost approaches Malleus in the hallway after the fight, he pets the top of their head and wonders to himself- what sort of material is this mask thing made of? Bone? Or is it a type of exoskeleton? Is it made from ceramic or glass? Or perhaps a strange type of wood? Maybe it's made from a material that's only exclusive to the world that Ghost is from.
Lost in his own thoughts, Malleus continued to pat Ghost's head endearingly, and he didn't notice that Ghost was holding something out for him until Ghost takes his hand off of their head and instead wrap his fingers around the stem of a precious white flower. It looked delicate, like it could break apart and fly away at any moment.
And yet, it was such a beautiful flower.
"Is this... for me?" he asks, to which Ghost responds with a nod.
To be honest, the knight would have been completely infuriated if those bullies had managed to break the delicate flower from their home world. They would not have gotten away with the measly scrapes that they did. There was only one of these flowers, and I mean, sure- it was supposed to be for someone else, but the knight got transported here before they could even bring it to Elderbug. Truly though, it was a miracle that the flower had managed to last this long without being broken.
Meanwhile, Malleus gets lost in his thoughts again for a second after realizing that this was the first gift he'd ever gotten from someone he considered as a friend. A kindred soul. He must take great care to protect both the flower and this little creature that is neither fae, human, nor monster- but a friend.
He takes extremely good care of the flower. It might even become one of his favorite items, next to his precious Tamagotchi game, and he places it in an enchanted vase to protect it for as long as he can.
POV: you're an aspid who broke the delicate flower
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pillowspace · 1 year
The timeloop got my brain spinning. And it's funny to me, cause maybe I'm older or it's just my anti social tendencies. But I've proven time and time again that sometimes I need breaks from people I love. Especially romantic partners. So I find the concept funny of a loop where yn just avoids Sun/Moon to the best of their ability. Cause they just need a break. Even if the loop doesn't reset, you can be friends with them after. Just give yourself a loop of the bare minimum of doing your job. You'll make minor conversation if they engage and you're used to their dialogue tree by now. You take this loop just to read a book or something. (Ironically this makes Sun and Moon fascinated by you all the more.) The next loop, you're better determined to tackle it on. But for this one, you're just "boring employee" this version and having your "alone time" break.
Y/N, after having the most atrocious run ever: I'm done. I'm done. For now, anyway. I can't do this, this run is for me time only now. I'm not quitting my job because I'll be Very Sad if I don't see Sun and Moon at all for the next few months, but I'm drained. Maybe I'll start bonding with the wet floor sign bots
They'd probably be a lot better the next loop yeah, because an actual break will have given them the willpower to not just push through mental exhaustion. Plus, I'd imagine the loops have also been quite draining in that Y/N is pushing themselves to keep looking for information in the pizzaplex even when they just really want to go home and lie down. Y/N would eventually reach a limit, and would need a break
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shmowder · 4 months
Your blog is making me want to replay Patho 2 again... I did play once on the intended difficulty, and then I replayed it afterwards on the easiest settings, doing everything and saving everyone and I'm ngl, that was some of the most fun I've ever had even though it wasn't quite in the spirit of the game haha
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The so-called spirit of the game is this senior citizen wirh an overgrown 2000s anime boy haircut who shakes his cane at you sassily when you choose to only swallow a handful of razors as opposed to the razor muckbang the game offers.
I finished the game on the hardest difficulty
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This was my first time playing the game ever. I straight up went to the intended difficulty, saved everyone, did everything, and never starved for a single day. I had 20+ Shmowders by the end. I was fully stocked on meat, I was fully stocked on homemade antibiotics and maxed the hospital shift each day.
All of that with only 3 Deaths
What I'm saying is. Look, we both finished the game on complete opposite extremes, yet we're both here. In a pathologic x reader blog on tumblr. We both had fun and shared a good understanding of the plot and characters. That's what matters. Everything else is just people patting themselves on the shoulder. You're the only one who will be impressed with the fact you beat the game flawlessly, and you're the only one who will be bothered by the fact you picked an easier difficulty
Because it's really not that different. To me, I have the kind of autism that makes games like pathologic smoother than water for me, I thrived on the ruthlessness of dark soul and did a no death run in darkest dungeon. But also. I absolutely suck at casual games, I can't play Stardew Valley unless I'm fully cheating, I can't for the life of me beat a single platforming game because I have a slow reaction speed.
Play Pathologic however you want! Ice-pick Joe isn't gonna pop from under your bed at 3am to beat you up with hammers. This is coming from the most tryhard difficulty elitism person there is in games.
Buttttt. I do recommend giving Pathologic classic HD a try. I promise anyone who beat Pathologic 2 on ANY difficultly will cuck tf out of the first game. There is no thirst! The vendors have unlimited money, and you can sell all of your trash to them! THE ECONOMY IS THRIVING I BOUGHT FOOD ON THE DAYS THE PRICES WERE SKYROCKETING BC I COULD AFFORD IT. I would've never financially recovered from buying food in P2 on any day that's not the first one. In P1, I rarely slept because I was deepthroating lemons and snorting coffee beans day and night since I could easily afford the health/hunger penalty.
Meanwhile, in P2, I'd save coffee beans to sell to get enough money to save up for army clothes.
The combat is so forgiving, the houses with good loot aren't the infected ones like in P2 but the burned ones! The AI in that game is so stupid you can trick plague clouds into disappearing if you stand still! You can glitch and jump over fences to take shortcuts through the town! YOU CAN SCAM THAT CUNT ANDREY STAMATIN FOR ENDLESS SHOTGUNS.
Lastly don't forget that 90% of the Pathologic fandom haven't even played any of the games at all. 70% probably never watched a single playthrough either and just video essays instead.
In the steam version of Pathologic 2, Only 10% of players who bought the game have ever reached the end.
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10% !!! That's us there! Me and You! It doesn't matter how what matters is that we both did it while 90% of people gave up.
And the situation in the classic game is even more dire tbh-
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Only 6% ever opened the game and made it through the first day. Only 3% ever made it to the last day.
So, really good on you for finishing the game! Good on me for finishing the game! WE DID IT! YAY! Someone really should give Bella Hadid a call.
Also, please do yourself a favour and ignore whatever the video essayist says about the difficulty of the games. They're good storytellers for building an interesting narrative to watch, but they're not good at videogames assessment. Each of their reasons is very personalised by their own experience and doesn't necessarily mean other people will struggle with the same issues. Don't listen to anyone who tells you picking an easy difficulty ruins the game either, Pathologic doesn't relay on its brutal gameplay to shine, it can more stand on its own as a narrative story walking game. If anything, it would probably shine better on easier difficulties when you have time to dig for context clues and plot without starvation breathing down your neck. I missed some flavour text quests because I was too stressed about balancing different objectives to do them or pay attention when something important was said.
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nanomooselet · 7 months
Little but Fierce VI
She winds up… there's the pitch…
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Poor Nick. It never stops being funny. I'd feel sorrier that this happened to him but he's such a bastard in his introductory episode. It's like karma in advance.
Heheh. Kar-ma.
Meryl and Wolfwood behave very much like siblings to each other, while Vash and Roberto treat them like their awful terrible kids. Roberto does actually try reach out to Vash as a mentor once or twice, but of course Vash is fuck-off old and doesn't need that kind of assistance, so he's gently deflected. Roberto is old and wise enough to keep his distance. Nick, for his part, enjoys pissing Roberto off, and Roberto is for his part duly pissed off.
Still, Vash is the reason they're all even there in the first place and Meryl shows him concern. And Vash, in his way, fusses over Nick the way Roberto feels responsible for Meryl. A lot of what Vash does, he's doing pretty much solely for Wolfwood's benefit. I mean, look at this pathetic wet kitten of a man - you can't tell me he doesn't need it.
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I've already talked at some length about why exactly Vash is like he is about Wolfwood, but what's he like about Meryl?
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Pretty much exactly as fond. He's just quieter about it. To my read, he's confident she and Roberto can look after themselves and each other. That's really endearing to him, but not something he has to do anything about. And Meryl's not suffering the same kind of identity crisis as the Punisher/Wolfwood/Nico. Meryl knows exactly who she is, she's just trying to get everyone else to acknowledge it, and Vash does so from the first - she's never anything but "Meryl" to him, not "newbie" or "little lady". She never has to demand that of him.
Nor is she in directly a victim of his godawful brother, which thankfully means she isn't his responsibility to help - or at least, no more so than any given human. Also, it's Vash. What's that? Someone is invested in his well-being? Golly, that sounds suspiciously like he's being cared for (which of course he doesn't deserve), or (more reasonably) like someone vulnerable to being caught up in Knives's manipulations. Or just someone vulnerable to Knives period. Stampede out!
I though you guys were buddies./I thought you three had something special. 
No way./Yeah, not really.
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Too bad for him, he's met his match in Meryl Stryfe.
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In direct contrast to every other character around Vash, she's only one there not because she has to be, or because she needs or wants something from him, but because she decided to be. She's one of the only characters with agency, after all.
Real people aren't monsters like that./He's a man, not a monster.
But I won't give up, no matter how unreasonable the assignment!/I won't abandon an assignment just because it's silly.
We can't just leave him hanging here./No way. We can't just leave him here.
And she's also decided he needs help. So come hell or high water, this man is getting helped.
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It's her knack for finding the truth without quite knowing the reasoning behind it. In physical terms Vash really, really doesn't need help, and it's the mistake Knives always makes; that because Vash ostensibly doesn't have powers like him, he's in need of a defender. (And because this is Knives, that means it's up to him personally, and he's entitled to Vash and his exclusive love/loyalty/devotion in return. Any protests Vash makes are clearly just human corruption.) But what Vash actually needs is something his brother has never, in any version of the story, demonstrated the capacity to give him. Even sensitive little boy Knives back in Maximum relied on others for reassurance up until the moment he decided he couldn't.
Vash is more inclined to be someone others rely on, to the point of being maladaptive. It's being unable to help that gets to him, especially when he's held responsible.
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What he needs is emotional support. Or, well... faith.
Wolfwood gives that to him eventually, but it takes some serious work, and it comes with its own attendant difficulties, like the fact that Nick's not in a position to extend Vash help himself no matter how much he might want to. Nick is, like Rosa and like Vash, a pragmatist. Do what you have to do.
Meryl has never needed that kind of direct demonstration. To her, Vash is a person, and people always need help, and she's not going to be prevented giving it. End of discussion. And despite being mistaken on some particulars, on this point she's more right than even she knows.
The contrast with Wolfwood is incidentally why Meryl hitting Woofwoof with the truck isn't just fucking funny, it's the perfect way for him to be introduced. He can't catch the same bus as Vash by happenstance because this time Vash is his actual target. He can't have Angelina II because personal transport is autonomy he's not permitted to have.
Instead, Meryl's own autonomy and narrative significance had her run the plot right into him, completely ruining whatever plans were laid for his entrance. Notice Roberto tries to steer Meryl away from the collision course they're on, to no avail, and Vash winds up flipped over. Fantastic.
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Wolfwood is getting dragged around; Meryl is the one doing the dragging. When she discovers Vash's secrets, she works to accept them and integrate them into her worldview - which means that the moment she learns he's a Plant, she doesn't reject him or become fearful of him. She instantly accepts that must mean the Plants are also people. That gives her a fuller understanding of the conflict, and especially Vash's view of it, than most. It's not a matter of "Whose side are you on?" It's "How do we move forward together?"
Wolfwood's knowledge has all been filtered through the Eye of Michael, so he's more aware of the details, but can't disentangle his true beliefs from the ideology driving them.
Meryl has a better understanding of the abstract. And that, in turn, entitles her to learn what the available methods are, and judge them...
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...But it also entitles her to something more precious: Vash's unquestioning trust.
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It's certainly much less dramatic than the demonstrations between Vash and Nick, but I have to say: any amount of exposure to Knives and his histrionics would leave me, at least, pretty relieved to have it.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VII
Part IX
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reve-writes · 1 year
—all aboard; kaz brekker.
ʚ kaz brekker x reader | grishaverse | 0,5k words.
ʚ kaz sees you off when you are leaving for shu han. will your feelings remain unuttered to the very last second?
ʚ post soc & ck; spoilers for crooked kingdom (major character death!); pining with no resolution (yet?); soft!kaz.
ʚ a/n — i wish i wrote more. consider this a writing warmup.
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Kaz Brekker doesn't need a reason.
He never does, although you suspect he has always had his own justifications. His trick is to never let anyone know, to conceal his cards in places no one dares to look.
You stand on the docks. The sea ravenous and sprawling in front of you; Kaz pensive and his usual brooding self on your right. The air is salty, mixed with the stench of debauchery permanently wafting from the Barrell. Your belongings that you've accumulated in Ketterdam have dwindled to nothing more than a trunk and a bag, slung across your body from your shoulder.
"I'll say," you start, cracking the silence that has settled over the two of you for too long. "I thought this city would bind me here for the rest of my life."
You chuckle, not that you find your freedom particularly funny. The endless possibilities. Places to go, people to meet, countles versions of yourself you can be. Something more than a barrel rat. You can't help but chuckle at how absurd it all feels. How nearly incomprehensible it is that you're boarding a ship soon, headed off to Shu Han.
"I hoped it would," Kaz says, never mincing his words as usual. Casually cruel to a fault. "Everyone else is quite hopeless with bookkeeping. You are the expert."
You nudge his shoulder with yours slightly, rolling your eyes. You let the implications of everyone go—that everyone includes a certain Fjerdan, for whom you've held a funeral for just weeks prior.
"We each have our strengths," you answer, grip unconsciously tightening on the railing. You feel the cold rusty metal burn against your palms. You try to keep your tone light. The two of you carry enough grief to drown this entire island if you start going down that path. Not exactly what you have in mind for a send off.
You brave a look at Kaz Breaker, finding him in his usual dark overcoat and dark shirt and dark trousers. For a moment, it'll be so easy, you naively think. The words are caught on your throat, punching themselves down before it even reaches your mouth. His dark eyes flit over to you and you immediately swallow.
Love is a foreign concept. To you, whose only family left you for dead when you were barely a teenager. To him, who will forever remember the slick, slimy cold skin of Jordie brushing against his. Your bravery has died as swiftly as it rose. Words of affection staining your tongue but never leaving your lips.
"Have you remembered everything? Shu Han is quite the trip." He nods towards your trunk. "You haven't packed too lightly?"
You raise an eyebrow at him. "Since when have you become so fussy?"
"Since forever, although I prefer the word 'thorough.'"
"What are you, my mother?"
He exhaled sharply, his lips curving into an uncharacteristic amused smile. "Neither you nor I are qualified in talking about parental figures."
You blink at him, mouth agape. "Kaz!"
He shrugs, leaning on his cane. Dark eyes start to drift behind you where a ship has already started boarding. A line of passengers form, many amongst them are talking in Shu, while others Kerch. Kaz points his chin towards the ship, "I believe that is you."
You take your ticket out of your pocket, clutching it in your hand. "I'll be going."
Neither of you move, rooted to your respective spots, staring at each other. Something unsaid hangs in the empty space between you. The tip of your tongue grazes your teeth. Once again, it will be so easy. Just, say it and leave. Bolt as fast as you can to the ship. You will be oceans apart anyway.
The distance may dampen whatever rejection he will hurl your way.
"Best be off," he says. "You might miss your departure."
He clears his throat, looking away. Once again, the ease you've deluded yourself into feeling disappears. There's something tight-wrung in you, fed up of being such an illicit thing.
"I am going," you mumble, lazily hauling your trunk. "Take care, Kaz."
Your stomach drops as you turn around, stepping uncertainly towards the large passenger ship. You turn around swiftly — too quick even — when Kaz calls your name. Like a blossoming flower, you perk up, looking over your shoulder.
His hand is awkwardly hovering, like he's going to shake your hand—or grab it—but it drops right back to his side. It's uncharacteristic; makes him look more like a boy and less of a ringleader.
"Be back in two moons," he says. "For a visit, if you would like."
You let out a puzzled noise. "Why?"
"Would you... be opposed to it?"
"No!" You flush at your exclamation.
You gather yourself before saying, "I'll be here in one, how does that sound?"
"I will see you then," he says. "Remember to write."
You feel a little lighter now, less like you're abandoning your closest friend with whom you've shared priceless adventures with. You will see him again. Soon. You will bear stories of faraway lands to him. They may pale in comparison to your escapades and heists, but after what you've been through, mundanity may be what he needs.
"As if you would let me forget."
[ ]
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mxtantrights · 9 months
famous dc! au (bruce's version)
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PART ONE - untitled_script.docx / raw_sketch.jpeg
When you felt the warm sun on your eyes you didn't quite know where you were yet. Last night was intense and for almost all of it you were sober. At beginning of the party you weren't.
Last night was more of a launch for you. Your name had been whispered in these circles for months now. A couple of articles written up about you and your art. It was time to fully immerse yourself into this world.
Of course you showed up as an emerging artist with no art. What's an artist's struggle without art? Exactly. If you came with someone to hang on one of the walls you think you would have fainted from all the attention. Being there and people knowing your name was enough to tilt your world.
That's how you ended up spilling some of your drink on an unsuspecting victim. You sobered yourself up after that. Trying to get through your nerves with liquid courage wasn't going to help. You had to find other tactics.
As the night went on though you kind of forgot about your nerves. With the help of one person in particular. Now that you think about it you can't believe you're about to say his name in connection with yours. But it's the truth.
Bruce Wayne helped you last night.
And then a couple of hours after that. And a little more into the wee hours of the morning. But it was more than that-something is missing. You reach over to the other side of the bed and find it empty.
You open your eyes and the sun fully blinds you. So you turn around in bed. You're naked. That seems about right. Your eyes take focus on the other figure in bed with you. He's got his back turned to you, so all you can see are the scratches that go from his shoulders to his lower back.
A bit startled you sit up on your forearm.
The movement must be felt because all at once he's turning around and your brain doesn't have to work overtime to recognize Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne in bed with you. Bruce Wayne with nail marks down his back.
You sit there for a while. Just watching him. Your chest heaving up and down. You try to steady your breathing but you can't quite seem to catch it in the first place.
"It's impolite to stare." he says.
Your eyes widen, "You're awake?"
He opens his eyes. Bright blue staring right back at you. A shadow of a smile lines his lips. It was a stupid question but he doesn't make you feel as such for asking.
"Good morning." he says.
You pull the covers over your chest a bit more.
"Good morning." you say and clear your throat.
"Had a nice night?" he asks.
You can't help to laugh a bit, "I don't know. Jury's still out."
Bruce hummed, then he wrapped his arms around your middle, bringing you closer to his body. You instinctually wrapped your legs around his.
"Law really isn't my strong suit." he says.
"It's more of mine." a voice by the door says.
You and Bruce both look over quickly. That's right. Harvey! Now that you think about it Harvey was the one that walked you into this room last night. Somewhere after Bruce was telling joked and before the tenth person came up to introduce themselves to you, Harvey made an appearance.
With all the slyness of a fox he whisked you away from the donors eager to commission something from you. He took you far away from the crowd for about an hour. Then Bruce had joined the two of you.
You're looking at him and he's smiling right at you too. He has a tray of food in his hands. A glorious spread of breakfast foods.
"I thought you'd be off, chasing a script somewhere." Bruce says.
There's an edge to his voice now. One that wasn't there a few moments ago. You start to think it's like jealousy or something. Was Bruce jealous of Harvey?
Then your mind rattles with the fact of last night. Harvey may have dragged you off someplace, but at no point did either one of you invite Bruce. He knew just where to be and when too.
You look at Bruce and then back at Harvey. You do this a few times until the words seem to fall off your lips.
"You were looking for a third?" you ask.
Harvey lets out a guffaw from by the door. Bruce's arms which are still around you seem to go slack a bit. You don't know how that makes you fell at this very moment.
"Not in the sense that you're thinking." Harvey answers.
He walks over and sets the tray down. The orange juice and the waters shake as they settle on the side table. Harvey then climbs over you and Bruce both. His arms caging you in, but you didn't feel cage. You felt probably the most free you've felt in a while.
"we've been talking a while now about how we're missing something-someone." Bruce says.
You can feel his hand come up to brush against your cheek. You may look fine on the outside but on the inside you aren't sure any of this is real. Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent are in bed with you. Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent don't want this to be a one time thing with you.
"and you think that's me?" you whisper
"Bruce knew the moment he laid eyes on you." Harvey explained.
You don't miss how vague that is. He could have laid eyes on you at the party. Or at some earlier time, where you weren't noticing. And you don't miss how he only answered for Bruce.
You look Harvey in the eye now, "and you?"
"I knew before him." he offers.
Vague. Vague. Vague. The logical part of you is begging for more answers and more words. But the other side, the side that spent hours tangled between the sheets and these men is telling you that you don't need anything else at this moment.
You smile at him, then at Bruce. Harvey leans down and places a peck on your nose. Bruce's arms tighten around you once more.
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amiya-shirou · 29 days
Spoilers about the ending of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (the manga)
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The most striking thing about Nausicaä as a story and the way it fully embraces its ecological message is its complete understanding of mankind as part of the cycle of life rather than insisting on separating it in "pure nature" and "impure humanity". The forests and the insects of the modern world that for so long have been seen by Nausicaä as better and more noble than her kind are revealed to be born of science, yet never once she stops seeing them as sacred: what is science if not a result of a natural forces? what's most important is not how they were born but how they act. both the Ohmu and the lab-grown fungus developed beyond the matter of their birth. "Purity" is a useless concept, and so is categorizing things as pure and impure. The vast forests we're introduced to at the start of the manga are quite literally called "Sea of Corruption", full of toxins that are harmful to "normal" lifeforms, yet they're revealed to be what's slowly healing the planet. The Earth is, quite literally, reborn on top of the carcasses of the Ohmu, eaten by the fungi who are then eaten in turn by the plants. "Life" is not an immaculate, pure phenomenon. Similarly it's impossible to stay pure when going through life, something that's said to Nausicaä herself at some point, about how despite all her heroism and goodness she can't pretend to remain as clean as a child - to conclude her journey, her hands also end up stained with blood. To the point that trying to set themselves apart from that impurity is what's most associated with inhumanity, since it's equivalent to separating mankind from nature, which is exactly what ended the Old World - to the point that the pure, natural world dreamed of by Nausicaä is something that would deadly to the current humanity, accustomed to the toxins.
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Though I must admit I don't have either the knowledge or interest in delving too deep into its ecological message and whatever discussion I'm sure people have about whether transcending humanity/nature is truly a sin (and, again, Miyazaki himself supported the idea of the creation growing beyond the scope of their creation; and Nausicaä firmly believes in humanity's potential to become able to live in the "deadly" pure natural world once they overcome the suffering it entails; plus the whole anti-war sentiment of letting go of your fear and anger to survive, which is a form of accepting your impurity but still choosing to rise above it), but really what's most interesting to me is the way this line of reasoning relates to the more personal level of human growth and the themes of war and revenge.
And this is something that I feel is best shown through the character of Kushana.
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She was introduced as a terrible villain who commits atrocities only for the rest of the manga to humanize her in a way that resembles a twisted version of Nausicaä (they consistently reach some manner of mutual understanding; they're both warrior princesses who gather similar amounts of respect and loyalty from their men and care about them in a similar way; Nausicaä was also described at the start as being consumed by rage), corrupted by growing up in the sick environment of the Torumekian court rather than in the much more accepting and free Valley of the Wind. And I love the tragedy of how she's so used to live this way, guided by anger and revenge, that even if she's perfectly conscious of her situation and has fully realized the pointlessness of revenge and what she needs to do to be more like the protagonist she initially refuses to be freed from it. Many times during the course of the manga it's advanced the idea that since humanity is fundamentally corrupt then there's no hope for them to truly change, and they should all just die and give way to a purer world.
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Yet this remains a manga about the hope of humanity persevering, being able to learn and grow while overcoming their "impurity", and as someone who was born amidst corruption yet was able to reach the same state of mind as Nausicaä it's no wonder how multiple characters believe in Kushana as a pillar of the world to come and someone they want to guide the people. Even her vile brothers are shown to have become the way they have due to the evil and corruption of the royal courts; in the Garden, separated from it all, they're also allowed to show the better parts of themselves, in what's described as the "first happy day of their lives". Even her father was capable of doing good in his last moments. And similarly even the kind Nausicaä stains her hands, accepts sacrifice, has to learn how to understand and communicate with the Warrior God, a "child" she felt guilty about not feeling love for.
"Good" and "evil" are intrinsically mingled in humans, and thus whether to do good or evil is a conscious choice every person has to make, however altered by personal circumstances it may be. Much of the manga revolves around the foolishness of war but it's never presented as "they simply didn't know better". it's not a coincidence that Kushana's core scene follows talks about how the Court of Monks is ignoring the ecological consequences of their biological warfare: the war is being waged by people who know exactly what they're doing, who know the damage and sacrifice and suffering they're causing but still make the conscious choice that it's worth risking it all as long as long as they can win, and in this sense Kushana was the same: "there's not much difference between being at the mercy of desire and being a prisoner of hatred". Kushana, her father, her siblings, the Emperor and his brother: all of them understood exactly what they were doing. They simply accepted it, surrendering to the "inherent violence" of the human race rather than making the conscious choice of opposing it; and with this perspective it's no wonder everyone is so struck by Nausicaä, who is in turn capable of doing exactly what they judge impossible, who refuses to give up to the idea of a fundamentally doomed humanity and wants to give everyone a chance to live and do something better.
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starrywangxian · 3 months
my clematis: mizisua ver vs. ivantill ver
i've noticed a lot of people comparing ivan and sua so i thought i'd take a look at the difference of their versions of my clematis to see who sings which part - over the cut!!
i also ramble about the parallels/similarities/differences between the four characters after.
(i'll be looking at the english translation because i can't speak korean T^T)
(if i get anything wrong, please let me know!!)
till / sua: oh my clematis
till / sua: hope bloomed from the abyss
ivan / mizi: oh my clematis
ivan / mizi: always be by my side
till / sua: you bloomed from
till / sua: the huge black wall
ivan / mizi: the galactic starlight
ivan / mizi: in your eyes spreads out
ivan / mizi: in the endless darkness
ivan / mizi: i find you with your scent
till / mizi: even if i sleep in infinity
till / sua: don't leave my universe
ivan & till / mizi & sua: oh my clematis
ivan & till / mizi & sua: hope bloomed from the abyss
ivan & till / mizi & sua: oh my clematis
ivan & till / mizi & sua: always be by my side
ivan / mizi: do you believe in god?
till: no! stop talking
ivan / mizi: once upon a time, mankind believed in god and had religion
till: sigh...
ivan / mizi: they believe that things that cannot be solved by human strength
ivan/ mizi: are the will of god
ivan / mizi: believed that the entire universe revolved around the earth
ivan / mizi: thought that the place that connected with the sky, which they could not dare to reach
ivan / mizi: was the place where the gods lived
till: that's just ridiculous.
ivan / mizi: from the moment humanity left the universe, we all forgot god
ivan / mizi: but if belief in god is human
ivan / mizi: if all i can do as a human is to believe
till: why are you staring at me?
ivan / mizi: my god
till: hey, hey! wait!
ivan / mizi: my universe
till: ah, go away!! ahhhhh
till / mizi: oh my clematis
till / mizi: hope withered in the abyss
ivan / mizi: oh my clematis
ivan / mizi: please stay by my side
ivan: my clematis / mizi: oh my clematis
alrightyyy so i decided to do this because i feel like it's the best way to see how mizisua and ivantill compare. these particular characters covered these songs for a reason, right?
just to mention, i find it very interesting how till thinks the speech is ridiculous. does he say that because it's ivan that's saying it? or does he genuinely think it's ridiculous. because these words were originally mizi's. would he still think it's ridiulous if mizi was the one saying them? hmmmmm
but anyways to conclude. most of mizi's lyrics are covered by ivan and most of sua's lyrics are covered by till showing that, at least for this song, mizi and ivan are more similar than sua and till are, and if you think about it, it makes sense.
mizi saw sua as her god ("my god, my universe") and i think from how ivan only allowed himself to touch or show his feelings for till when he wasn't looking/unconscious has that same feeling, that ivan saw till as a god who was unattainable, untouchable in all circumstances except for when till was unaware. much like when you pray to god, you don't necessarily get a response back, you pray and hope that god hears it.
i know that most people compare sua and ivan because they have similar appearances and they both sacrifice themselves for their loves but i don't think that's quite the case.
for one, mizi and sua sang together and mizi only won by one point. their round was on equal footing as they both sang, complying with the rules of the game. they both accepted their fates, i feel like both were prepared to die for the other but mizi was unaware that sua was planning to sacrifice herself to make sure that mizi won. whereas, ivan and till sang separately and till won by 19 points. ivan could not bare the thought of till dying and manipulated the score which till was completely unaware of, even thinking that ivan was going to kill him right until the moment where he opened his eyes (which is AHHHHH). ivan and sua are opposites here and mizi and till were both unaware what the other was planning.
and i can see why people compare mizi and till together (i mean i judt did it ksdjksjd). mizi and till both win due to the others' sacrifice but if you think about it, these songs are about being left behind, right? we haven't seen how till feels about ivan's sacrifice yet but we know that ivan feels unseen by till. like he's been left behind. and he quite literally was left behind by till when they tried to escape on that night with the meteor shower. mizi was left behind by sua because she died but ivan was left behind by till because he cared about someone else more.
and, i mean, mizi is the one who covers black sorrow, not sua. and black sorrow is a song about not being able to reach someone (ï can't reach you"), about standing next to someone who shines (ÿou who shine, i stand next to you" <- this also adds to the idea that ivan/mizi see the other as a god), about waiting for someone (ivan waiting for till to notice him and mizi waiting for sua to return to her). so are sua and ivan really that similar?
and i mean mizi dyes the ends of her hair blue, which is ivan's colour, not green (till's colour)...
anyway i'm rambling at this point but hopefully you can make sense of what i'm trying to get at lmao
(feel free to add your own thoughts!!)
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