#and I'm too invested so I might actually end up doing something with it
pomefioredove · 5 months
now I'm actually invested in this idea. maybe I'll write a full length fic someday idk... for now I have short hcs
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | bad ending
summary: crowley decides to "give away" yuu to the highest "donation" for financial reasons type of post: headcanons characters: all nrc students additional info: can be read as platonic or romantic, except malleus is pretty romantic, second person pov, yuu is gender neutral, maybe a little ooc I wrote this as soon as I got up
crowley has had his fair share of "what the fuck" moments from you but this was really taking the cake
he acts so... casual about it?
swaggers into ramshackle one morning and says times are tough and your personal expenses are straining the budget so he's decided to "put you in someone else's care"
"The screening process will be vigorous to make sure you end up in good hands!" like you're a cat or something "Your expenses will be covered and you'll have somewhere to go during break!"
okay great. pretty obvious you have no say in this, so you don't even argue. what's the worst that could happen?
Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel find you the next day to say they're pooling their money to buy you
"To what?"
Epel shrugs. "Oh, well Crowley said we need to offer a donation to prove we're capable of supporting you..."
(you think that if not for the laws of this land you would have slaughtered that old fart)
Jack goes on a really long tirade about how shady and underhanded this is, making sure to reaffirm that he believes you should be free to make your own choices
"So you'll let me go once you get me?"
Ace thinks once they buy you you'll have no choice but to do all of his homework for him
Deuce says that's not really how it works- and even if he tried, Riddle would kill him
(they've already gone over this twice before finding you)
Epel happily volunteers to take you home with him over breaks, probably the only positive in this mess
even if he thinks the whole thing is kind of funny
incapable of keeping his mouth shut, Ace accidentally spills the plan to Riddle, who is understandably aghast
you can't just give away a person under your care like a toy!
of all the irresponsible things...
of course, he'll have to put up his offer, too
purely for your sake! with a nicer room and a brand new copy of the dorm rules, maybe you'll stop getting yourself into trouble
he's got some family money (doctors, naturally) and considers this a worthwhile purchase, for his sanity and yours
of course, Trey and Cater overhear and may or may not be pooling their own cash for a chance, too
going behind Riddle's back on this is a risky venture, but hey, someone's gotta be on your side, here, right?
I mean, between a bunch of sixteen year old boys, the housewarden, and them, who would you choose?
actually don't answer that
...not that it's much of a secret, anyway. Cater's already got their gofundme equivalent link in bio
Leona initially plans to have you become a live-in lackey like Ruggie
but then he really starts thinking- and, hey, the possibilities are endless, right?
for one, you'd make a really good pillow
he might have to kick Grim out for your full attention, but you could learn to live with that
and malleus would hate it
...that's reason enough for him
plus, he's got money to burn, so why not?
either way, he sets his bid at a reasonable (maybe too confident) price and sits back to watch the chaos unfold as everyone scrambles for a piece of the pie
news travels fast around school, after all
then Ruggie finds out that you could dethrone him as Leona's #2 and is understandably a little annoyed
that's his cushy post-grad job gig, thank you! he's worked hard for that!
besides, why should Leona get to hoard you? the guy can barely take care of himself!
so, Ruggie ends up outsourcing to a few dozen classmates for the necessary funds at a steep I-owe-you price
he's gonna be eating nothing but dandelions for a while...
now, Azul is annoyed
once the news goes school-wide, it's all anyone can talk about
talk about good marketing...
why didn't he think of such a brilliant scam? he could have negotiated with Crowley to have a café brand deal tie-in!
of course, he's already set his bid, with Jade and Floyd offering to pitch in as necessary
it's a risky investment, sure, but a worthwhile one
Azul tells everyone that with the prefect's "obvious" popularity, having them at the café a few nights a week would drive sales through the roof
though that's really just what he says to shirk suspicion
a likely excuse coming from him, though, really, it would just be nice having you around
and if not for his own affections, Floyd's incessant begging and Jade's subtly manipulative comments about "how nice" it would be having a new face around would be enough for him to cave eventually
"Kalim, no," is the first thing that Jamil says
"I strongly advise against this. It's another one of Crowley's silly scams and you could end up a target bec- are you even listening?"
hint: he is not
the second Kalim found out that he could get to take in his favorite magicless student like one of his treasures, he was all over it
(AKA infinite sleepovers)
and for what? a little optional donation to prove he's got the funds? he's got cash to spare!
he's already got your new room in Scarabia set up before he even puts his bid in
right next to his of course :)
and despite what Jamil insists, he himself might be working behind the curtain just a little to ensure he's the one who ends up with you
after all, why should Kalim get everything? this might be a valuable learning opportunity for him
You don't always get what you want
as much as Epel tries to keep the rest of his dorm from finding out, it's inevitable
he's actually a little surprised that the news didn't get to Vil sooner
with Rook around campus, surely he must have said something...
when Vil does find out, though, he just sighs
oh, of course. what next, will everyone meet each other in the arena and fight to the death over the prefect?
of all the silly, immature things...
oh? what's that? he's bidding anyway? of course he is, silly potato. he can't have some unwashed miscreant making you sleep on polyester bedding
(really, he's the only person on campus worthy of your time)
Rook has also been mysteriously absent from the dorm lately, though his initials on a poem and a strangely large sum of money end up in the donation pile
but really, that could be anyone... Rook would never dare betray Vil again, right?
Ortho finds out directly from the other first years and sends Idia the details immediately
with a little note of encouragement, of course: "could be excellent for improving your social skills!"
Idia understandably freaks out
"WTF!!!! nooo way! this is a person, not a chatbot we're talking about here! I can barely keep virtual pets alive!!!!"
(...but this is still different)
the conversation ends there, but semi-anonymous bid from someone named "gloomurai" gets cashapp'd directly to crowley
everyone in the room immediately turns to Malleus
"For the record, I think it's wrong to be bargaining over a human being," Silver says first. "But if anyone could handle it with grace, it's you."
Lilia laughs. "Oh, you're just saying that because you like the prefect so much!"
"Father, you're the one who likes the prefect so much,"
"Oh, right! carry on then. After all, I'm sure we could share,"
Sebek is the only one relatively against the idea, though Lilia luckily manages to get him to lower his voice after his third speech about how you aren't good enough for his liege
Malleus is rather quiet through the whole evening, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with any of the points made
he disappears for a short while, and when he comes back he seems a little more confident
though, of course, he goes to you first
seeing him at Ramshackle in the middle of the night is a familiar and welcoming sight after all of the chaos of your week
and he's in a great mood!
"Child of man! I've come with news," he says. "I have heard of your predicament and have come up with a solution!"
you immediately sulk. "Oh, no. You know I think this whole thing is terrible, right?"
"Yes, Silver mentioned you might not like the idea of being bought and sold like a trinket. But worry not, I do not plan on paying for you in money,"
you pause, at a loss for words, and then tentatively continue. "You're not...?"
"Of course not. What a primitive idea, I was baffled to hear it myself. My proposal will be more traditional: a modest sum of treasure, and a generous amount of livestock and the finest crop Briar Valley can offer,"
certainly he's not this naive, you think
"You really think Crowley is going to accept that over money? I'm pretty sure Kalim just bid away an entire country's worth,"
he laughs. "You speak as if this is some kind of business deal! I'm quite confident that my dowry will be best,"
huh. that was a strange way of putting it
but then again, you still didn't really understand how things work here, so you go along with it
and you allow yourself to relax. he seems confident in his offer, and he doesn't even see you as some kind of prize to win!
"Oh, well, alright. Thanks! I'm glad you're on it,"
he smiles. "Rest assured, child of man, you're in good hands. My dowry will far outshine the others, and the wedding will be even better,"
"I was honestly getting a little nervous for a momen- wait- wedding!?"
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ariaste · 3 months
Apparently there was some lil drama in Good Omens fandom again about people being deeply nervous and scared of the end of Season 3, and I wrote this in the replies of one of the asks that Neil Gaiman answered, but I feel like it is deserving of being crossposted into its own post (in a slightly expanded form) so folks actually see it.
cmere, good omens fandom, we're having an intervention. a Come To Jesus talk, if you will.
First of all, I'm literally begging the fandom to:
learn what personal boundaries are, especially around parasocial relationships with strangers. (Suggestion: When sending asks to authors you like, use "polite work email" etiquette, not "joking with a friend" etiquette. The latter comes off REAL weird sometimes, and sometimes outright mean/rude/bullying).
take a couple deep fucking breaths
embrace the philosophy of The Author's Intent Only HAS To Matter To The Author, It Does Not Have To Matter To YOU. If you do not like the author's intent, you can say "hmmmm no thanks" and write some fanfic. That's what it's for.
Friends, Romans, countrymen..... Stop trying to make Neil Gaiman responsible for your happiness. For one thing, that is an absolutely unfair and cruel burden to put on a stranger who doesn't know you. Neil is only responsible for Neil's happiness. You're responsible for your own happiness. In fact, do not rely on ANY external source to guarantee your happiness, not even very nice people like Neil, not even your significant other, not even your family members. Yes, those people might be able to help you with your happiness, but they cannot guarantee it. Expecting a third party to guarantee your happiness is how corporations exploit you, and it is the source of all media trauma. Take agency over your own joy! Don't give away your power! Plan to DIY your personal ideal ending!
Neil is not telepathic, Neil cannot know all your hopes and dreams and wishes, nor SHOULD he be expected to know them, nor does he have space to know them. He is busy with things like his own and Terry's hopes and dreams and wishes. Their hopes/dreams/wishes are just as valid and important as yours, aren't they? Yes, they are. So calm down. caaaaaaaallllllm dowwwwwn.
Yes, I love the show very much too, but at the end of the day it is just a story. And the great thing about stories is that you are empowered to retell them in a different way. It is not real, so if you end up unsatisfied by S3, then blithely impose your own reality and build your own joy. It's not like it's the End Of The World or anything (lil fandom joke there for you)
And look, if you read this and you're feeling Mad and Upset or Frustrated about it, that is a symptom that you are maybe feeling a little stung in your Media Trauma parts. I am sorry that other stories have let you down in the past, and I really sympathize that you are feeling scared about the fate of this story that really matters to you. You've invested a lot of love into it! I really understand the fear! You don't want to be hurt again, and that's super understandable and normal.
But bestie, literally the only way for you to find a story that's exactly perfect for you and that won't hurt you at all is for you to write it yourself. I know that sucks to hear, but it is the truth. If you keep pinning a hope of perfection on other people's stories, you will keep getting traumatized by the media you consume. Love other people's stories for what they ARE, not for the stories that you WANTED them to be -- the same way that we love people, you know? You have to let a person be their own person; you can't force them to be someone else. That's fucked up, so if you notice that you keep trying to do that, maybe go to therapy so you can be that Someone-Else person for yourself (or, if you can't afford therapy, read some self-help books from the library or find some good channels on Youtube who make content that might help with that (I really like JulienHimself)).
If you need a story to be something big and important for you, if you are seeking catharsis and healing from a story that matters to you and you're really scared that you won't get it, then open a Word document and start typing. You can do it. You're a human being, and you evolved to tell stories. Literally it's a species specialization. You got this. It's gonna be okay, because you're going to seize the means of production and MAKE it okay. Yes? Yes.
Good Omens S3 will be what it will be. It will be what Neil wants it to be and what Terry would have wanted it to be. Period. That IS actually the highest achievement and the most noble and admirable accomplishment that we can hope for. And hey, maybe what they want overlaps with what you want, and that will be wonderful! But that will be merely a happy coincidence. The only person who can TRULY center your wants is YOU. So stop trying to trap Neil into doing it, please, because he's busy and it's not his job, AND because your wants do matter and you deserve to have someone who can give your wants their 100% full attention (aka you. that's you. only you can do that. Not even your best friends in the world can do it. Not even your mom can do it, at least not if you're old enough to know how to read.)
It's gonna be okay. Really. Really, it is. No, stop typing the snarky melodramatic reply. This is not the time for jokes; I'm being serious. It's going to be okay. Neil Gaiman can only break your heart exactly as much as you allow him to do so. That's how art works. You have to consent in order to be affected by it, and you can withdraw your consent at any time. You're going to be okay. I promise. As long as you choose to claim your own agency and your own empowerment as an individual, then all will be well and all manner of things will be well.
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sxorpiomooon · 27 days
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Pile 1-
the first vibe that I got immediately was someone who's an entrepreneur perhaps or someone who works in a very big corporation or organisation I immediately thought of aries asc in the d10 chart for some reason. They might constantly be surrounded by people trying to trick them I heard "stocks" for some reason too. Your fs might have to be really aware of their surroundings at all time due to them constantly being in a situation where people want to take advantage of them or betray them I'm also getting something related to coding. Your fs also probably lives far away from their homeland or home place. They might have left home at an early age due to their career and I see the distance just increasing from there. This person's career requires them to be a planner and make decisions very quickly. For some reason I think fate or external forces also play alot of importance in their career? It's almost as if alot of things are out of what they can do. This feels like a job where external factors have the more say. I also see things might get chaotic out of nowhere so they have to be ready for that always. I had a vision of a very big screen and all the phones ringing out of nowhere at once.
Pile 2-
Your fs definitely lost money lmao. I see them losing money on bad investments frequently or perhaps at the very beginning. I think this person has quite the lore? I see them making a wrong decision or investment in the beginning and losing things but the right person will be ready to offer them the help that they need at the right time. I also think this person might have lost alot of good opportunities when they were young because they were too naive? This person might have trusted the wrong people. But I do see them getting a guardian almost as if someone will come in their life and help them out of nowhere. This person is in a career that requires them to have a balance of their head and heart. I got HR for some reason? I also see them having to be very negotiable in their work environment, very diplomatic. They might have to be very tolerant and patient of others. I got sagittarius for some reason. Your fs probably came from a struggling background and made it big. I see a little kid having big dreams and being ridiculed for it only to make all of them true in the end. Your fs might still be in the progress of making big when you meet them rags to riches kind of story. I also see your fs being in a cycle of constant learning. They also live far away from their homeland
Pile 3-
I think this person has some failed ideas or initiatives. Things might have not worked out for them how they expected it to. I see them having to change their ways or approach for things to finally succeed for them. It will be a very big wound for them I see. I heard Chiron too haha. The scenario that I'm getting the most is this person starting a business with a friend or a partner and getting betrayed by them. After this, they probably started a brand new venture, something they have never done before and actually managing to make it big. They might have alot of people working under them I see them providing employment to alot of money that need it and hyping them up. This person is very excited in their workplace always being the biggest supporter of others. They are definitely a leader since they know and understand the big picture. I see this person having a really great aura. Someone who has alot of faith and courage. I also see them either continuing their legacy in some way or leaving one. Probably both I also saw shoes for some reason? Perhaps a business related to that? But I do see them being very respectful to their roots
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
kinktober day four: voyeurism kink
>>> guys can you tell i have a choso fantasy or do i need to write another five thousand word fic to prove it i'm sobbing and actually in love with him fr. it took me days to write this bc i was just too feral.
>>> starring: choso kamo x curvy!fem!reader >>> cw: roommate choso, hung like a horse choso, virgin choso, voyeurism clearly, petnames, masturbation, cowgirl, implied multiple rounds, choso whimpers you're so welcome, choso smokes a blunt grow up >>> wc: 4.8k >>> event masterlist
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this whole roommate ordeal seemed easy enough. you had a spare room in your condo, yuji had a spare brother that needed a place to stay after graduation. it worked out perfectly, as you weren’t too keen on having a rando move in. though the half-curse was little more than that, really. you had only come in contact with choso briefly, seeing him move through the halls of jujutsu tech in search of the very brother that recommended him to you. he was intimidating, tall and broad with a look of disinterest across his face every time you ran into him. yuji had told you that he wasn’t necessarily unfriendly, just unsure, so you were weary to approach him once he moved into the spare room. you didn’t want to overdo it, you would hate to make him uncomfortable with all these changes he was getting accustomed to. so for the first three months or so, you two would only exchange pleasantries and nod respectfully, two strangers sharing an address and lingering curious stares. then, one morning you offered to make him breakfast, and you two settled into a comfortable friendship after that. 
Nowadays, nearly a year later, the living area was actually used and shared. you watched recommended shows together, introduced each other to your favorite movies, and oftentimes just sat in each other’s presence on the couch; on your phones, playing nintendo switch games, or passing choso’s best attempt at a blunt between you while shit talking your neighbors with your legs in his lap. you even encouraged him to invest in a real gaming setup, where he plays a host of different games for hours while you sit contently in the bean bag chair stationed nearby in his room, reading or crafting or just watching from time to time. the more comfortable he became, the more fun he was to be around. he was no longer shy to ask you to sit with him while he plays or to inquire about your latest book and his smiles and conversations flowed more freely. 
he enjoys your presence. it’s easy to be around you. he wonders why. even with all the progress he had made with you, he was still terribly awkward around new people and his social battery was limited. he never got tired of hanging out with you though, in fact, he craves it always. yuji says that it’s because you’re pretty, which choso can’t disagree with, though his brother’s statement irritates him for no good reason. 
he finds himself wondering if his brother knows you the way he does, silly things about you like which animal crossing character you would reincarnate as or the fact you hate grape flavored anything—it all tastes like cough syrup!--he can hear you say. no, he gets to see the real you, the one you reserve just for him. so yuji can think you’re pretty all he wants, but he’s the one who gets to see your breathtaking smiles in reaction to something he said.
“bro?! still there–or are you too busy being jealous?” yuji snickers, relishing in the match he made. he knew choso would wake up with a babe like you walking around. 
“you’re a child. and a dick.” he huffs, aggravated by his spacey sibling’s acute sense of his feelings. “goodbye.” he taps to end their weekly gaming marathon facetime two hours short out of annoyance, confronted with the silence of his bedroom and his questioning thoughts about you. jealous? as much as he hated to admit it, maybe he was. he couldn't even picture the thought of you being with someone else, try as he might. did that mean he wanted to be that person? your person? he’s so confused, but he knows even if he’s embarrassed he can talk to you about it. you could help him work through his feelings and come to a solution. even if the feelings were about you, he knows you would always be honest with him. he sighs, deciding to make his way to your room down the hall. 
you two didn’t spend a lot of time apart now that the bond had been created, and you were more than alright with that routine, because on fridays, choso holed up in his room for five straight hours to facetime yuji and play video games giving you some much needed time to yourself. you always started with a long and intricate shower, doing all your different exfoliants and masks. then you’d touch up your nails and give yourself a total spa treatment, finishing up by putting on your cutest little panties and releasing some of the pent up sexual frustration for your roommate that you keep under lock and key for the same reasons you were hesitant to cross into friendship territory all those months ago: you don’t want to scare him away. 
so you settle for your own small hands cupping your chest and pinching at your nipples, trying to picture him. It’s choso’s large and veiny hands that run down your sides and spread your legs instead of your own toying with your underwear. you can smell the versace eros cologne he wears wafting through your nose, almost able to hear his gravelly voice in your ear praising you for doing so good. it’s almost embarrassing how easy it is to conjure the image of him sinking between your thighs, lust pooling in his violet eyes. you’re soaked already, feeling the fabric of your panties sticking to your cunt just at your active imagination. you peel them off, hissing as cold air blows across your middle, but your fingers quickly find the heat of your hole, gathering that natural lube to flick your clit with. your eyes are closed—whining helplessly already at the sensation you bring yourself with him in mind. it’s nowhere near the real deal, but the bliss is good enough to lull pants of his name from your mouth, body light as air.
choso doesn’t think anything of your closed door. you told him you keep it closed to let him have his space, not wanting him to feel like you’re watching or eavesdropping on him while he’s on the phone. especially as he got close enough to reach for your door handle, hearing you call his name. you sounded…strained? in all honesty he was worried. so he doesn’t hesitate to push the door open a bit, peeking to check. his heart drops into his stomach at the sight of you naked on your bed. you’re stunning. he’s seen pictures of other women—and yuji showed him a few websites—but your body was second to none. his hand flew to cover his immediate hard on, shocked you hadn’t noticed him yet. fuck, you are gorgeous, one hand squeezing at your breast, the other playing around in that squelching noise he hears between your legs. he fights the urge to moan aloud or announce his presence, and he’s ashamed of himself. he feels like he’s betraying your trust, but his dick keeps growing in his pants at the chants of his name spilling out of your lips. he watches as your legs jerk and your head falls back against your pillow, making him think you were almost done. he had to get out before you saw him or felt his unique energy so close to you. he’s panting as he shuts the door quietly, turning the knob just so it wouldn’t alert you. 
his dick hurts as he makes it just one room down—the bathroom. perfect. he turns the shower on immediately, stripping his clothes off like they were on fire. he had set out to talk to you, to be completely honest about the thoughts he had been having, but seeing you like that did things to him words could not. he’s been horny before, of course, and dealt with that the way single human men do. but this—the desire coursing through his veins—this was different. so different. everything was clear now, he needed you. he stands with his back under the water, whimpering as his dick throbs to the mental image of your glistening pussy and blissed out face. he can’t help but close his fist around the his wide shaft, stuttering out a sigh in relief. he strokes himself to the same rhythm you moved your fingers, imagining how that pace would feel with your wet and warm cunt hugging him in instead of the rough surface of his hand. his other hand keeps him braced on the shower wall, steadying him through the searing heat the promises of your touch seem to be; to think that you were calling for him, thinking of him in the way he thinks of you now felt like a dream. he had to be hearing things, that’s the only excuse the man can summon. water beads down his biceps and chest, and it just makes his dirty deed all that much more so, fucking into his fist until his load is running down the side of the tub, the pearly beads getting swept away in the water and carried down the drain. he tosses his head back in the shower stream, his long black strands sticking to his face and neck as he tries to rinse away his shame. 
that night, choso doesn’t come out of his room to watch a movie with you before bed. you pout, but try not to linger on it too long. maybe yuji took a lot out of him today, or they didn’t have a successful time on and he was moody. either way, you weren’t going to bother him. you hang out on the couch like usual with the hopes that he would emerge soon, but as your bedtime nears and everything remains still, you slink off to your room with a sour mood to end an otherwise normal day.
as the days pass, choso’s behavior gets weirder and weirder. it’s almost as if he’s completely reverted inside his shell he made when he moved in, only emerging to get food when he had hoped you weren’t around. the times in which he did inevitably run into you were dealt in nervous laughter and denials that anything was wrong with him. it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he was lying, hiding something from you even. you were slightly hurt that he didn’t trust you enough to talk to you, instead of going backwards and shutting you out. you wanted to wait it out, but as the days turned into a full week, you feared losing him altogether. 
you stewed over the situation the entire time you were at work. you couldn’t even get anything accomplished because you were too preoccupied wondering what you had done to wound your connection. spending your days alone was maddening. a little over a year ago, you would have relished in the peace and quiet, but now it was unwelcome. you only wanted quiet if it was filled with the subtle sounds of pages turning or the buttons of a controller smashing or shared breathing during the climax of a show. this was haunting, and you knew you had to do something. you left work early, faking a stomach ache in order to get home and corner choso into relenting. no more miss nice roommate. you were tired of letting him be all weird and distant. so you walked in unceremoniously, not necessarily out to scare him. you shake your sandals off by the door and walk towards his room, noting that his door was actually open for once. 
that was only because you weren’t supposed to be home for three and a half more hours, giving choso plenty of time to relive his dirty fantasies of you with the least amount of guilt possible, though he could barely look you in the eye these days. if you weren’t home, he could at least not worry about you catching him in his perverted acts, only dealing with the shame that flows in after he’s came for the millionth time to the image of your legs quivering and mouth parting in pleasure. he didn’t hear you sneak in–didn’t hear you shuffle down the hall to poke your head around the doorframe. he was dead to the outside world, his hips stuttering into his hand, thumb swiping the pre-cum that beaded there around his slit, stroking himself with whimpers of your name tumbling out, his eyes scrunched tight in concentration. 
your jaw was on the floor, never in a million years imagining that he even knew how to touch himself like that, not to mention the prayers of your name on his tongue, mirroring the ones you make for him on fridays. he was massive, it had you covering your mouth in shock. even with his huge hand, it seemed like pumping himself was a tall task. you couldn’t imagine trying to do it yourself, you’re not even sure two hands would do the trick— you must have gasped aloud or something, because suddenly his head snaps toward where you stand in the doorway. 
“y/n–you’re–” his dark eyes are wide, his lips parted in realization that you had really caught him jerking off and mewling your name like a helpless perv. as the guilt starts to creep in, the haze of need and desire clouds his mind. he never lets go of himself, all too aware of your lip between your teeth and your hardened nipples poking through your top—no, you shouldn’t be seeing this, you shouldn’t even be home yet! not to mention how ashamed you should be of your own roommate rutting into his hand.
“...i’m home.” you whisper back, a slight smirk creeping onto your face. despite the red blush spreading across his cheeks, he keeps fucking up into his hand. it’s salacious, and you can feel your body responding to the sight, unsurprisingly. you’ve been picturing him naked for months, and not even your lewd imagination gave him justice. every plane on his body was sculpted and defined, thick veins running down his arms and thighs and cock. he left his hair down, some of the strands tucked behind his ear, some of them hung over his brows and cheekbones. he gulped when he noticed your stare, your eyes locked on the thick cock in his hand, curved with an angry and needy tip. 
“y/n, i’m so so sorr–” he scrambles to sit up, the heavy reality finally sinking in. he was awful, sick in the head, you were going to have him pack his shit immediately, and he’d have to tell all his friends why you had gotten rid of him. 
“need some help?” you spit out, unable to tolerate the pounding in your chest and pussy. his eyes grow impossibly wider, blood rushing in his ears. did he understand you right? he couldn’t possibly. 
“wh-what?” he sputtered, sitting up slightly to try and hide himself from view a bit, as if you hadn’t seen every bit of him already. 
“i asked if you wanted my help. you were saying my name, weren’t you?” you tease gently, stepping further into his room, your hands innocently folded behind your back. now that you know your desire is shared, you felt confident enough to push your relationship further yet again. he nods hesitantly, watching you stalk over to the bed like a lioness about to pounce.
“i–yes, it’s not what you think. i know it looks–” 
“like you were jacking off and thinking about me? is that not…what you were doing?” you hum, pausing by the foot of his bed. you look so cute, he has to believe you know what you’re doing, folding your arms under your voluptuous chest just to taunt him a bit more. you have him backed into a corner, and he either had to admit the truth or come up with a very clever lie. and he is not a gifted liar. 
“i–yeah…” he looks away, feeling the shame weighing down on him now that you had confronted him with the undeniable truth. 
you chuckle warmly. “i do the same thing, ‘cept I’m thinking of you.” you shrug, the smirk growing on your face as realization seeps into his. he didn’t misunderstand you that day or even earlier in this conversation. you want him too. he swallows thickly again, remembering the day that started all of this. 
“i–i know, i saw you, last week.” he chokes out as you take your top off, revealing yourself to him. He’d noticed your lack of bra earlier, but didn’t expect to be blessed with the sight of your body again, especially as you bend at the hips to wiggle out of your pants. Your laughter surprises him again, like he had intentionally made a joke. but it was only because he had solved the mystery that led you to his room in the first place, and that would potentially resolve any secrets you had been keeping from one another. 
“so that’s why you’ve been avoiding me?” you scrunch your nose at him adorably as you crawl onto the bed, his eyes glued to the body that had him locked in his bedroom day and night. “oh choso, i wish you would have interrupted me…i surely woulda let you help me.” you purr, so close to him that he could reach out and touch you now, and he definitely thinks about just grabbing your hips and pulling you down on him, finally feeling that glistening pussy for himself—to hell with his imagination, but your voice interrupts his thoughts again. 
“so, do you want me to help you, baby?” you glance from the hard length in his hands to his deep purple eyes, swirling with something you recognize very well to be deep desire. 
“please–” he whimpered and let his hand fall away from his pelvis, looking to you like a pathetic boy getting his teenage dreams fulfilled. Your grin grows wide, and you lean closer to brush your hand across his toned abdomen. he lets out a pleased little grunt and his cock jumps at the simple touch
“you’ve never been with anyone, have you?” you asked, faces so close he can see every freckle and dimple and scar on your skin. he shakes his head. you peck the tip of his nose. he’s already shivering, the feeling of your body leaning over his was exhilarating. your kiss was so simple and sweet, but it stopped all the thoughts in his brain. he was just malleable now, ready to let you make him feel good, finally shifting from imagination to reality. “need you to talk to me, so i can know where you’re at, cho.” 
“no, no..never.” he shakes his head again, eying you with excitement and nerves all at once. he wants to touch you, and you’ve already stripped naked and kissed him, so surely there was no going back now, so he reaches up and places his hands on your hips—so light like he was afraid to hurt you. 
you grin at both his answer and his courageous touch, nodding your encouragement, “that’s fine, i’ll help you…just do what feels natural–you can go as hard as you want., and tell me if you want to stop.” your eyes blink at him sweet he realizes he would trust you with his life if you asked. 
“okay.” he lets your words wash over him, nodding as he grips your hips a little tighter. he’s more than embraced his fate, his mouth watering a bit at the idea that you were in his bed and offering to make all his fantasies come true. you were expecting him to keep that deer in a headlights look, but when you rake your fingernails across his chest, you watch his eyes darken a bit more. “kiss me?” 
choso looks so cute, you couldn’t deny him if you wanted to. his eyebrow raised with innocence, but his eyes shrouded in arousal. you giggle softly and lean up, sliding your hands over his pecs and shoulders and into those dark locks calling your name. you tug, and he gasps softly. you take that opportunity to cover his parted lips with your own, his head falling back to accommodate you as you fully crawl into his lap. he melts, you feel and taste so impossibly good he’s concerned he may bust over the kiss. your tongue moves so expertly against his, twirling around and sucking on the muscle in a way he didn’t know people employed. then you’re sitting on his abs, and he can feel so much at once. his eyes blow wide in the kiss, and he has to pull away to gasp again and see what you’re doing to him. 
you’re simply sitting, your pretty shining pussy rubbing against his core and his dick teasing the crack of your ass. that must be what’s driving him insane, the warmth and softness providing some but not enough friction. you wiggle your ass a bit to tease him, and he whimpers. the sound is so sweet and low you know you can’t handle playing with the shy little virgin much longer.
“i–is th–that sup’posed to f-feel that go–ngh, good?” he stammers, the hold on your hips bordering bruising. he doesn’t even realize, and you certainly don’t mind, so you only smile and nod down at him, reaching for his chin with your fingers. he makes you look so small without even trying, the broad expanse of his body, wide jaw and thick legs—not to mention the monstrous cock rocking against your behind, your own need soaking his happy trail to the skin beneath. you move his gaze from your sensual movements back to your sultry gaze. yuji was wrong. pretty was such a mild way to describe the woman on his lap. you were more a kin to a goddess, something not fully human like him. 
“i was hoping to give you the full treatment, but i don’t think you’ll mind if i skip to the main event?” you bite your lip, your other hand scraping at his scalp a little bit. no, of course he didn’t mind. sometimes you were so silly. he nods fervently, remembering that he needed to find his voice, to not seem like such a coward when he wanted this so badly. 
“no—please,” he whimpers again, feeling the drip of your liquid on him. it dawns on him then that you’re just as needy, and you still wanted him even though you’d have to teach him what to do. you didn’t seem worried, maybe it was easier than he thought. but all he knows is that his balls are starting to hurt and he had never felt more buzzed in his entire life, sensitive to every move you make. “i need you so bad, oh sh–” 
you scoot back, lifting yourself up a little to align him with your entrance. his whimpers and begs were so fucking amazing, you wish you had it in you to milk it. you make the mental note to keep him begging when you show him what it feels like to have his dick sucked or whimpering when he eats your cunt for the first time. he’s so heavy in your hand, and you can’t even close your fist around him. it makes you shudder, knowing that you’re going to make him fit inside you no matter the stretch. his tip was so red and irritated, oozing pre. you swiped it over his head, humming in amusement as he jerks and whines at the feeling. 
“you’re massive, d’you know that?” you pout, sinking down a few inches. he moans at first, feeling like his cock was fit into a perfect sleeve. it’s unreal, the heat he feels in his gut as you rock further down on him, whining at how huge he was. he watches the pained faces you make halfway down, the concern clear on his face. he didn’t know he was that big—he hadn’t really been comparing, but if it was hurting you, he wondered what he could do. he remembers watching you play with that sensitive spot at the apex of your thighs, using your own slick to glide around. he thinks he could replicate that, so he sticks his fingers in his mouth, spitting a bit to make sure they were just as wet as you were. you take more of him, almost to his base all while panting and bracing yourself on his chest with your eyes screwed shut. he reaches toward you, swiping his fingers around the place he watched you toy with. you gasp out and sit all the way down, the noises you make as he touches you make his eyes widen again. 
“god—i’m so full, baby.” you nod, your hips moving forward automatically, searching for more of that searing feeling he brings to your clit. he surprises you, moving his digits in slow circles as you get accustomed to his size. he chokes slightly when you squeeze him, his eyes zeroed in on your face. 
“are you alright?” he asks softly, feeling your nails dig into his chest as your hips move faster now, any other words he had wanted to say sucked from his brain like he had no thoughts at all, nothing other than that vice-grip of a pussy you have locked around him, bouncing softly and leaving little half-moons in his skin. 
“mhm, just had to stretch a bit t’fit you, are you alright?” you grin as you ask, knowing he would struggle to respond—in the best way possible. he nods eagerly, eyes flickering from where you swallow him up to your soft face of bliss. 
“are you kidding? i’m—” you rock on him a bit faster, the feeling of wet and choking walls rubbing every possible spot had him sputtering, unable to speak. he’s only able to watch you run a hand through your mane, keeping it out of your face and away from your bouncing tits. he’s in heaven. being with a woman, no, being with you, was as all the eternal bliss he cared to know. 
his hips start to move, the hold he has on your hips trailing up to the curves of your waist to better hold you down. he didn’t realize how much more intense he would make this feel for the both of you, grunts and whines spilling from his lips as you begin to cry out and yell. it’s heavenly, the way you let him drive into you, leaning forward with one hand on the headboard and the other tugging his head towards your chest. he contains his pathetic pants by sucking your nipple in his mouth, laving his tongue over it, mind so drunk and hazy he can only be driven by his primal instincts, flat footed on the bed to plow into you from below. 
it’s so perfect. you scream his name way better than he ever imagined, and he doesn’t mind to bear the scratch marks of your passion. you keep squeezing around him, and it drives him crazy. 
“i–i love when you do that—clenching down on me like that, fuck.” He grunts, slowly getting his knees under him while you sloppily keep the pace. he uses the leverage to ease you to your back, though you don’t have the luxury of pillows or a headboard, only the mattress beneath you as choso realizes this positioning lets him piston his hips without you having to do any work at all. you’re wailing, nodding to keep him from worrying about you as you continuously claw at his back and shoulders. 
“choso baby—” you whine in such a way, he knows he’s going to bust in seconds. “you’re gonna make me cum, please–doin’ so good, ngh—ack!” you cry, legs tightening around his waist as he feels a significant increase of your fluids. feeling and watching you cum by his doing was the nail in the coffin—the way your face screwed up in pure pleasure brought him his own, his pelvis stilling against the mounds of your backside, cock twitching against your womb before your vision is blurry, and all you feel is warmth seeping out of you. his load leaked out around him inside you, his cock still pulsating with no signs of dying down. 
he smiles at you a little shyly, his cheeks rosy and eyes hazy with the aftershocks of such a gripping orgasm. he watches your chest heave as you calm down, your eyes fluttering open and a smile spreading across your face as you look up at him. 
“what do i do now? to take care of you?” he asks, absentmindedly stroking the creases where your thighs meet your hips. you giggle and shake your head, knowing it would take multiple rounds for his erection to die down. 
“i show you the full treatment now, baby.” you grin, wiggling your eyebrows. 
choso found himself immersed in exploring himself and your body, discovering several new kinks to enjoy with his sweet little roommate turned lover.
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eoieopda · 2 months
FINE I'M HERE TO REQUEST PART 3!!! In which Chan better really GET that promotion!!!!!!! Contract signed, payroll amended!!!!!
You can make it angsty if you like, AS LONG AS you promise there will be a happy ending (in this part or........ Another 👀)
the one with chan and the promotion (iii)
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you needed a ride home after getting your wisdom teeth removed. chan just so happened to be free. now, being free is the last thing he wants.
part i. part ii.
pairing: bang chan x reader au: fuck buddies to lovers, hurt/comfort type: drabble (angst, fluff) rating: 18+ | minors do not have my consent to interact with me and/or my content. wc: 3.1k cw: mad!chan makes a brief appearance but otherwise remains the best boy; gn!reader (no gendered language used); reader may or may not show some degree of emotional availability (gasp!); due to the nature of their relationship, sex is referenced but not actually depicted; very briefly/incompletely edited, oops. a/n: i love you completely and am so fucking sorry it took four (4) months for me to finish this 😵‍💫 i have an epilogue i can offer in penance, if you want it! everyone else, please read the first two parts before reading this!
Chan may be an idiot, but at least he’s self-aware.
He knew it was a bad idea to get his hopes up; to expect that things would change quickly between you, if at all. Even though he saw the letdown coming from a kilometer away, he didn’t do a thing to brace himself for it. It’s his fault, he knows, for exaggerating his place in your life — but that doesn’t make the disappointment bruise any less when the week after your wisdom teeth removal flies by in radio silence.
The lack of conversation isn’t for lack of trying. As he scrolls through your half-vacant text thread now, Chan feels all his efforts staring back at him. All those attempted check-ins marked delivered but not well-received. Swings and misses.
Prior to sending each one of them, he spent minutes upon minutes agonizing over the tone — and the use of emojis — and the possible implications of the proposed emojis — and the fear that he’d just come off clingy, not invested. Reading the finished versions back now, he can recall with perfect accuracy the drafts he typed out and immediately, feverishly deleted. Considering the way they litter his brain, there may as well be a trail of crumpled-up notes in all that metadata.
Does it make Chan cringe to look back and watch himself flatline? Absolutely.
Does that stop him from salting his own wounds? Nope. It never has and likely never will.
Maybe, he figures, he’ll spot where he went wrong and find a way to un-dig this ditch he’s seemingly made.
[Sent 2024/7/23, 15:22] Just got home. Have you fallen back asleep already? Lol 
Naver says your swelling might be kind of bad tomorrow. Do you need ice packs? I have the gel kind that you can mold. Might be more comfortable than a bag of ice cubes 🤔 Lmk!
[Sent 2024/7/25, 08:03] Hi, Hamtori 🐹 How are your cheeks?
I made too much gamjaguk again. I can drop some off if
[Sent 2024/7/26, 17:49] Graduate to solid foods yet?
I hope the antibiotics aren’t making your stomach upset
DON’T LAUGH but I made you a super chill Spotify playlist with healing vibes to
Idk if you remember, but I promised to take you out for pork belly next week. If you’re up for it, are you free on
I miss y
[Sent 2024/7/29, 00:16] Hey
Or maybe, he thinks, he’ll just beat his head against his bedroom wall instead; and eventually, he’ll forget what it felt like to be yours for the day, rather than a night.
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Four more days pass without a word from you. Under normal circumstances, one of you would’ve invited the other over at least twice in the eleven days since your dental appointment. No matter how infrequently the two of you chatted outside of your recurrent trysts, neither one of you has ever gone this long without summoning the other.
Something is wrong.
At this point, Chan sees two explanations for the way you’ve fallen completely off the grid: you’ve either succumbed to some tragic, post-op. complication and died, or he’s irreparably fucked something up with you without knowing how or when he misstepped. Neither one of those is an outcome he’s willing to accept. 
The voice in his head nags him so forcefully and consistently that his body eventually gives in. Undeterred by his better judgment, Chan lets it guide him up, out, and onward until he winds up on the sidewalk outside his building.
On the walk to your apartment, he mulls over the foreseeable consequences of the actions he’s already set in motion. It’s certifiably insane to pop in you like this, and once again, he only sees two options: you’ll slam the door in his face, or he’ll confirm once and for all that you’ve left this mortal coil. Bad on all counts, really, but anything is better than nothing.
His timing, as it turns out, couldn’t be better. Right as he lands at the front door, when he needs to think of a way to get in without buzzing you, a neighbor he’s seen once or twice before opens it to leave. Politely, they hold it open for him, likely mistaking him for someone with any right to be there — someone whose primary to you actually makes sense. Chan thanks them with a nod of his head and a sheepish smile before slipping through the opening.
As the elevator ascends, his fingers move of their own accord, anxiously tapping out a rhythm on the stainless steel wall he leans against. Every worst-case scenario flashes through his mind. There’s a flash of something else there, too, though. Something even more nerve-wracking than all his catastrophizing; something that makes his stomach flip.
“Oi, none of that,” he mutters to himself.
It doesn’t work. When Chan approaches the doors in the second before they open, he makes eye contact with his reflection and sees that easy, ill-advised smile creeping up on him.
As he exits that giant metal box, he shakes his head with an anxious laugh. If he’s this embarrassed by himself when he’s alone, the chances of him living through the way you’re about to look at him are…
But that doesn’t stop him from powering his way down the hall towards your door. Coincidentally, neither does the fact that he doesn’t have a plan for what he’ll do when he reaches it.
Figuring knocking is as good a start as any, that’s precisely what Chan does, shifting his weight from one foot to the other to appear more nonchalant. 
Then, he waits.
And then, he waits some more.
After thirty seconds pass without a response, Chan knocks again, carefully balancing the weight of his fist against it so the sound of it isn’t too assertive — or too eager — or too desperate — or —
“Left about an hour ago,” a voice says from a few meters away.
Chan turns towards the sound. Several units down, an old woman’s head pokes out of an open doorway. He can’t tell if she’s intentionally frowning at him or if it’s the weight of her jowls pulling the corners of her mouth down. Either way, it feels bad.
Running an anxious hand over the back of his increasingly warm neck, he coughs, “Oh?”
The ajumma clicks her tongue disapprovingly. “You young people never put those cell phones down and yet you still wind up like this.” She works herself up further; her nostrils flare as she rambles, “In my day, it was rude to show up unannounced. We called ahead, and when we called ahead, people were there to answer the door.”
Chan isn’t above arguing with some personified wrinkle, but he likes to think you would be. Even though you’re not here to witness it, it feels important to be the person you might like him to be. 
So, he bites his tongue. 
He nods yet again with a polite smile.
He turns on his heels.
And when he shuffles back towards the elevator, there’s a hell of a lot less of a spring in his step.
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Two days go by after Chan’s little fieldtrip. Just like the previous several, they slip away quietly. This time, however, he doesn’t check-in — doesn’t type out his thoughts just to immediately erase them; doesn’t stare at his phone and wait to prove it to himself that it won’t chime.
Lesson learned, really.
It was a bad idea to bet the house on maybes. He knew it on the front end and still chose optimism; now, it serves him right. Played stupid games and won stupid prizes, as you like to say. If only he could stop thinking about what you like to say and instead focus on the fact that you haven’t said anything at all.
Chan grits his teeth and tries hard to focus on the game lighting up his monitor. Whatever Yongbok talked him into playing doesn’t make him feel any better about fumbling you — in fact, it’s proving to be yet another thing he’s terrible at — but it’s sufficiently distracting to have his friends swearing each other up and down in their Discord voice channel.
Actually, he stands corrected. This is also terrible, albeit a different flavor of garbage than his hopeless mooning over you.
Maybe radio silence is better.
As soon as that thought crosses his mind, his phone buzzes against the surface of his desk — three long taps bookended by three short ones. 
Before Chan reaches for it, he lets the poetry of it all sink in. SOS, his phone declares whenever you text him. Originally, although he’ll never fucking tell you so, he chose that text tone because hearing from you salvaged his day, every time. Now, it reminds him that he’s in over his head with no life preserver in sight.
Not bad, he thinks. He should write that bit down in the notebook of lyrics he ruminates over but never puts to music, let alone shares.
The lack of action on his part prompts his phone to vibrate again for emphasis. 
Beaming white light bores into his retinas when he finally opens his inbox, and Chan refuses to think about the million times you’ve told him to switch to dark mode or the infinitely-brighter shit he’s been roasting under since he started this game several hours back. All he thinks about instead is the first grey text in an ocean of blue:
[2024/8/04, 23:37] you up?
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You tilt your head to the side, smiling coyly when you crack open the door and find Chan standing on your doorstep with his hood up and hands in his pockets. Outside the windows behind you, the downpour he just trudged through continues to dampen his mood.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you lilt, like nothing has changed at all.
That’s the problem, isn’t it?  
Chan lifts his chin slightly as some half-assed nod to let you know that his ears work, if nothing else. Either missing his stony expression or ignoring it, you simply open the door wider, beckoning him to follow you with a gentle wave of your free hand.
He wants so badly to smile back at you as easily as you smile at him — really, he does, but fuck, he can’t make his face do anything but harden.
Once he toes off his shoes, he expects you to lead him straight to your room — or your couch — or any of the other various services the pair of you have misappropriated along the way. You don’t, though. With your lips pensively pursed, you shuffle a bit closer; and as soon as you can reach him properly, you raise both of your hands. One flattens against his now rain-soaked sweatshirt; the other goes for his zipper, tugging gently until there’s nothing left to hold him together.
Carefully, Chan eyes you; watches while you slip the fabric off his shoulders, as if it isn’t twice as heavy as it was when he put it on. Like it’s easy, you turn away, open the nearby closet, and toss that wet mess into the top-half of your standing washer-dryer.
“I think…” Your tiny, upward curve returns while your sentence peters out. Softly, you reach up and brush a damp curl off his forehead. “An umbrella would be a worthwhile investment.”
He should join in on the bit. He should banter right back. He should smile, too — for fuck’s sake — because you’re finally right here. You’re talking to him within touching distance, radiating warmth he wants to live in, and he should touch you the way you want to be touched — the way you summoned him here to touch you.
He should do a lot of things, none of which include snapping at you, and yet —
“Why the hell am I here?”
It catches you both off-guard. You, because Chan has never once spoken to you any other way but kindly. Him, because you don’t actually look all that surprised by the sentiment, even if the presentation isn’t what you expected.
Somehow, that’s the thing that stings the most; not the way your face falls at his gruffness but the inkling you must have had before you asked him over that things between you aren’t sitting right at all.
Chan doesn’t get a response, so he asks another way: “Did you notice all of those unanswered texts when you sent yours, or did you ignore them all over again?”
It dawns on you — and him too, if he’s being honest — that you’ve still got your hands resting delicately on his chest. You reel your arms back in and cross them, not defiantly but diminutively. You shrink right in front of him; and regret hits him like a fist to the side of his skull.
“I didn’t know what to do with them.” Your head lowers while you do your best to look anywhere else.
That’s —
“Bullshit. I’m sorry, but it’s really not hard to keep up a conversation, especially when someone is just asking how you’re feeling.” Instantly he feels terrible for snapping. Softening his tone slightly, he sighs, “I know you know how.”
You look up at him without tilting your head much at all. Peering over that brick wall of yours, he figures. “That’s the thing, though. I don’t know.”
The face he pulls must convey what he’s thinking: Are you fucking kidding me? But you’re quick to prevent him from jumping to any further-out conclusions, amending, “I don’t know how I feel.”
Chan opens his mouth to respond, then thinks better of it. It’s rare for you to open up to the extent you might be about to; and it’s a miracle that you might be willing to now, given the fact that he’s come at you blindly at 160 kilometers per hour.
“I don’t like needing people.” 
Your attention is drawn to your fidgeting fingers and the drawstring of the sweatpants they occupy themselves with. The overwhelming urge he feels to grab them, to hold them still, goes ignored and makes his own hands tense. He focuses hard on your face instead; the crease between your eyebrows while you plot out your next steps.
“I didn’t want to need you, but then I did need you — and you just… you came, no questions asked.” You laugh, either despite your visible discomfort or because of it. “Held my hand and all that, didn’t just drop me on the curb and say, hit me up when you’re down again.”
Chan feels as if he’s been punched, although it’s not offense he takes from your statement. Judging by that flicker of hurt in your eyes, the expectation you had wasn’t for him, personally. It was history. 
You shift where you stand from one foot to another, like that weight on your shoulders is changing. He doesn’t know if it’s getting heavier or lighter until you finally lift your chin to look at him squarely. 
“It scared the shit out of me, honestly — how easy you are to need — so, I did what I always do: I bailed.” Sighing, you finally seem to register how much anxiety you’re holding in your hands. You drop it, then drop them to your sides. “But I think I’ve figured it out.”
You smile slightly, and suddenly, he feels lighter. “I’ve been conflating them, but they’re completely different things, aren’t they?”
Chan arches an eyebrow. Truly, he’s at a loss. He can’t predict which direction you’re about to turn in. Seeming to sense this, you answer his unasked question, “Wanting to need you and wanting you.”
While this makes his brain pause, his body moves. Cautiously, he steps forward and watches you counter him until your back is flush against the wall behind you. 
“Can I have a definition, then, please?” He pleads, voice low, while his hands gently claim your hips. “Because I thought it was want behind the booty call that brought me here, and I don’t want to find myself on a completely different page again.”
You link your arms around his neck and eye him carefully. “It was,” you acknowledge with a small nod. “Different kind, though — a shallow one.”
Chan finds his mouth curving up at the corner, all on its own. His gaze drops from yours to your lips, then back again. It’d be so easy to kiss you now, but he can’t unless he gets some sort of confirmation. “We’re in the deep end now, then?”
“Moving that way, at least. I spook easily, though…” You’d probably love nothing more than to look away when you admit that bit out loud, but to your credit, you don’t. Instead, you run your fingernails softly through the hair at his nape. “I’m not entitled to any more of your patience, but would you be willing to take it one day at a time?”
Chan wishes that he’d at least pretended to consider this. He doubts you’ve ever had a vision of him as someone nonchalant — in fact, he’s the poster boy for chalance in whichever reality that word exists — but it would’ve been infinitely cooler of him not to respond immediately and wholeheartedly with a rushed sigh, “Fuckin’ right, I am,” before leaning in to kiss you absolutely stupid.
Whatever gratification he can’t find by licking into the mouth you open eagerly for him, he finds in the way you keen when he presses his body more fully against yours. The payoff is even better when he stops short, divorcing your respective lips entirely.
“I’m not gonna fuck you,” he announces, breathless. His grin widens; meanwhile, your eyebrows shoot up your forehead. “No! Not, like, never — I don’t have that kind of resolve — but not tonight.”
The sudden switch makes you dizzy. Thankfully, it makes you laugh, too. 
“Don’t tell me you just want to enjoy my company,” you warn. You attempt to say it earnestly, but a smile cracks you wide open. “I’m still too prone to bolt when I hear cute shit like that.”
Chan shakes his head. “No, I’m telling you to plant yourself on that couch —” He pulls his right hand off your left hip and gestures blindly over his shoulder. “I’m also telling you that I am getting takeout.”
You narrow your eyes in feigned suspicion. “I wonder what you could possibly be ordering.”
“Belated pork belly is better than no pork belly.” He narrows his eyes to mirror hours, then kisses you quickly, murmuring, “One for the road,” against your lips.
Then, he dashes off towards your front door. As he goes, he just barely catches you nagging him through your laughter:
“If you’re not going to wait for your sweatshirt, can you at least take an umbrella?”
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while likes are appreciated, comments/tags/reblogs with your thoughts are really what make my brain go brrrtt.
skz taglist. multi taglist. navigation.
due to tumblr being ass with tags lately, i’m going to be tagging people in the comments for the time being!
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hellspawnmotel · 2 months
i LOVE ur analyses (ur noelle + ralsei ones completely changed the way i view those characters) and if u ever started a yt channel for video essays i would BE THERE. ur art has a comforting quality that can be twisted into something disturbing/raw that i rlly like and admire. i wanna know more of ur thoughts on chara. i think they killed themselves bc of their dread of humanity + they thought what they were feeling (anger/vengence) was inherent to being a human and not a monster. thoughts?
thank you, that's very kind of you!! I don't think what I have to say would be very well suited for video essays though haha, it's just my personal readings of the text and I really don't want people to look at it and assume that I'm completely right, or even that I think I'm completely right. there are tropes and themes that I get particularly caught up in and I have my very obvious biases, plus when it comes to deltarune the story isn't even done yet..... I would hate for somebody to get totally invested in my interpretation and then get mad or disappointed if something that happens further in negates it. (that and my video making/editing skills begin and end with cutting together amvs)
as for chara..... (warning this is about to get heavy, maybe don't read if you're dealing with suicidal thoughts of your own)
.....always a complex question, especially when it comes to their death. I never really want to say anything definitive about them, because well, we don't actually know, do we? but this in particular...... with suicidal thoughts and ideation, you're always looking for a way to justify it. I don't think there was one specific reason chara went down that path, because there never really is. it starts with one thought, and then all the reasons you could possibly come up with start to clump together and form an unbearable weight. I think it's significant that chara came up with "the plan" after (accidentally or not) poisoning asgore. maybe it started with the guilt of hurting somebody they loved, which grew into the guilt of 'I'm such a burden to these wonderful people, they would be better off without me' which grew into the guilt of being human at all. but they still wanted to be useful to their family, leave them with a gift.... if their death can both free monsterkind AND destroy humanity, then really it would be worse of them to NOT die. that idea would stick in their brain and become a comfort to them- it's okay, because before too long, everyone I love with be safe and happy and I'll be dead, and I won't have to feel so awful every day. this is the only way to make up for all the time they wasted on caring for me. but then, of course, everything goes so extremely wrong..... I can't imagine the anguish chara would've felt in death, for not only failing but dooming asriel alongside them. they weren't thinking about the pain it would inflict on their family even if the plan had worked, or ever stop to consider that one day they might be able to feel better, and now they'll never get a chance to see it.
I think that also nicely leads in the main routes in undertale's storyline. in one, chara is a passenger on frisk and the player's journey, and they watch frisk inconvenience everyone they meet over and over but ultimately make their lives better just by being a friend and believing in love, which mirrors chara's own life and what they failed to see in it. in the other, chara is guided into dealing with their pain in a different way, by destroying it. the world is cruel, and unfair, and it hurts the good people while the bad flourish- better to do away with it entirely. if there's no life, then there's no suffering. if chara is all that exists, they become the nexus of pain. if they have to become a demon anyway, they can learn to love it. it's all humans are good for anyway. maybe this is easier than trying to fight it ever was.
but like, it's not, obviously. being a good person is hard sometimes, and it's even harder to be good to yourself. in the end though, if you give into hate and destruction, you'll be left with nothing but emptiness. whether through harming others or harming yourself..... either way you've closed yourself off from the world and your ability to experience the beauty of life, in all its faults.
okay I think I should stop there before I get too preachy or existential LMAO I hope that answered your question though! talking about chara is a dang rabbit hole. like, you're a creepypasta-ass character from a video game, why you making me think this deep. maybe if you werent so tragic and interesting I'd get less distracted, jerk.
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kevin-the-bruyne · 2 months
i don't really follow gmm couples closely but i thought firstkhao was one of gmm's biggest, what do you mean they're not that popular in thailand 😭😭
asdfghjkjhgf okay??? soo all this started because I was at my LAST straw when I saw a fan complaining that gmm prejudiced against first and he needs more work on twt (he already works *SO* much) and after having to see a series of gmm crits that were basically [insert false causalities/ metaphysically impossible demands] I lost my mind a little. [but actually its because im already pretty cuckoo bananas but I digress]
Then @fromthedepthsandbeyond brought to my attention this estimate (are you the op?) of events and brand sponsorships from last year where it shows that FirstKhao as a CP are in fact extremely popular but not at all popular as solo artists. And unfortunately I think this is just reality - they work really well together but I was actually both their 'solo' fans before they paired up. More khaotung than First and they are unfortunately just a little too kooky for mainstream popularity. I genuinely think Joong is trying to help Khaotung with roping him into TikTok dances and constantly promoting him on his own channel and IG broadcast because boy do First and Khaotung do nothing mainstream on IG. its only happy birthdays, promo work, promo cp, promo each other and khaotung's blurry artsy fuckboi photos. What can I say, that's what I like, that's what the people who like them like. I hope they don't change (but I know they're trying to). I would say, that actually they are quite popular given how far they veer from traditional masculinity...like they're pretty queer? Gun's numbers are exactly the same as them. Like I don't think GMM can do anything about that. I genuinely don't think GMM can do anything about the next bit either (at least in regards to FK they are very much fucking up other things)
What I was a little surprised by perhaps was this report by another fan who went to their building this summer (2024) and FK just had a mural on the second floor basement. I know that at some point they had some type of pillar on the ground level. Now, the events numbers are outdated and I follow them on socmed fairly close - they might not be getting sponsorships but they're not jobless. even at the times they're quiet or disappear when they resurface it turns out that they were series prepping or in workshops.
I don't know what to say, they're very queer coded, they take challenging jobs and are involved in projects and with creators that are invested in making some unique art which is rare at gmmtv something that everyone here loves to incessantly yell about (for good reason at times).
I don't know how to say this so that it doesn't sound totally insane but to be more popular they have to act straighter???? They actually have to look like they want to fuck a woman, like at least that they think about it instead of just each other. Like they tried so hard to make First's character straight in blacklist -A VALIANT attempt one would say and he still ended up having more chemistry with Drake and the 4 seconds he spent with khaotung on screen 😭 JoongDunk and PondPhuwin are just not like that??? I follow Joong and Pond on IG too and they are in fact able to breathe without their respective pair present. They are so so so so in love when together, bring each other up quite a bit when they're solo but they're not living inside the other's pocket if that makes sense? Sorry I ranted so long??? and for what?? but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want Firstkhao to be popular but I also don't want them to change at the cost of mainstream popularity (though I understand why they're trying) - they are so worryingly codependent and wonderfully weird 🤧🤧🤧🤧
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 22<-
Part 23
Tumblr media
Pairing: Chan x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst, COMFORT
Warnings: 18+, Smut, under 18 DNI!, pet names, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, Overstimulation, Jealousy, ANGST, explicit smut, confessions, fluff
Word Count: 8.1k
Note: Mh. This Part was pure therapy for me… I really hope I could make up for the last Parts and the emotional trauma I put you through. It’s unbelievable how many people are invested in my work. Thank you so much! Every comment, reblog etc motivates me to keep going.
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
You laid in your bed with your cell phone firmly in your hand, but you avoided looking at the screen as if something might jump out of it and attack you.
Your gaze had been fixed on the ceiling for some time, and you tried to think of something other than Chan and the argument. The aching in your head was by now unbearable and you wanted to stop so bad, that you thought about getting something out of the minibar. You would violate your strict no-alcohol rule on tour. But what else had any meaning at all?
After you returned from the beach, Felix had gone straight back to his room to call his family and talk about the concert they would attend tomorrow and Han had disappeared into the hotel gym with Changbin.
When you returned to your hotel room to check your notifications, you noticed the message from Chan.
It was from last night, when you were already fast asleep.
"I'm with my family. I'll see you at the show. Get some rest and watch the boys for me. ~Chan
You instantly felt shabby. He had let you know despite your argument and you had just read over it and then blamed him because you were just caught up with your anger at him.
Just his name on your screen caused such an extreme feeling of emptiness inside you that you felt sick and you missed him with your entire soul, even though you had seen him just a few hours ago. The argument and that you couldn't just go to him, talk to him only made it worse.
As soon as you saw he was online, you almost threw your phone across the room. When he called just a second after, your body was paralyzed.
You didn't manage to answer, afraid of what he might say to you.
As soon as his name disappeared from your phone again and a missed call was displayed, you kicked the blanket off yourself like a petulant child and cried out of anger.
Anger at yourself. Anger against the world.
You hadn't picked up the phone since, and the carousel of worry ran incessantly in your head.
You were absolutely dreading the show tomorrow and the only thing you wanted right now was to look Chan in the eye, feel his heartbeat and breathe in his scent.
Looking out the window, you realized that dusk would soon be setting in and the hotel room suddenly felt awfully cramped. When your head was about to burst, you dared to look at your cell phone again, but there was no message from Chan. At least not for you.
On Bubble, on the other hand, he had written a message just a few seconds after the call.
"Today Channies Room from a special place. Anyone who needs distraction too is welcome. 6pm?"
Distraction? Did that have something to do with you or were you now completely delusional?
Glancing at the clock, you scooted over to your laptop and flipped it open. The stream had been running for a few minutes and you just wanted to watch it.
After a few clicks, his face actually appeared and your heart leapt when you saw his curly hair and tired smile. He was talking to Stay and just explained that he was in his old bedroom at home now that you were finally in Australia.
He looked stunning in just a hoodie, with those mesmerizing eyes and bare face. It was unfair how someone this kind and humble could be that beautiful.
Mutely you listened to his voice and caught yourself smiling as he sheepishly responded to cute comments or joked around with fans. You loved to listen to his little stories, telling everyone about the many medals behind him, he won at swimming competitions, about his family and how his mom cried when he surprised her today.
Still, there remained a dull underlying mood that he couldn't hide. Quickly, there were also a lot of questions all over the comments asking if everything was okay with him.
He cleared his throat and propped his head on his hands before reading aloud:
"Is everything okay?"
He thought for a few seconds about the best thing to say, but his familiar surroundings and distance from JYP made him let his walls down a bit.
"To be honest, it could be better. Actually, I shouldn't be telling this at all.... I had a fight with someone I care about a lot and because I'm too stubborn to realise it in time, I really screwed up.... I did something stupid and made it worse by being emotional and even more stupid."
Immediately there was wild speculation about who he might be talking about. The names of the boys were written in the comments, but especially your name appeared more and more often.
"No, no. Not with the menbers."
That was the answer to the question. It was obvious that he meant you, because no one else was on tour with him that was so important to him. The fans knew that, and by now everyone who read the Kpop News headlines knew that.
You sat up on the bed and stared spellbound at the screen.
Chan tilted his head a little, laughed sheepishly as he always did when he wanted to disguise his true feelings, and ran his hand through his hair.
"It's just that I really regret it, but I think it might already be too late to make up for everything.... And that would be terrible."
He made a small pause and you could hear your heart dropping to the floor.
„She's so special and I would love to tell her how important she is to me. How much I love everything about her and that she deserves so much more... I did her really wrong."
He was silent for a moment obviously drifting off and then quickly shook his head as he saw the comments escalate.
His words were already conjuring up tears again, even though you thought you had none left.
A desperate whiney: „Channie", escaped your trembling lips.
Suddenly, your field of vision became blurry and you sniffled emphatically as you frantically wanted to touch him, but your fingers only met the hard surface of your screen.
"I don't know... I just don't want to lose her. She's not only smart, beautiful and talented in everything she does. She's my best friend and I can't lose that. I don't know how I would move on. I just couldn't..."
That was enough to make you jump up from the bed and search your phone for old documents. You ran the back of your hand over your face while crying like a little kid and finally you found what you were looking for.
You grabbed your denim jacket, your bag, and closed your laptop before storming out of the hotel room and stopping a cab in front of the hotel.
At your tear-stained face, the driver frowned, but took the address without asking.
With the inside camera of your cell phone you tried to get your face back under control, but even when you got out of the car half an hour later, your eyes were still red.
Wearing only shorts and a much too large rumpled shirt from Changbin, you rang the front doorbell and with a glance at the doorbell sign, you automatically smiled.
An older woman with familiar brown eyes opened and peered suspiciously through the crack first.
"Good evening. I'm really sorry for the intrusion, Mrs Bang. My name is..." but that's as far as you got, as she pulled open the door and her face lit up. You bowed apologetically several times, but she was already stepping out to you. The resemblance to Chan was now unmistakable and his radiance was reflected in her smile.
"I know who you are! Y/N! Chan has talked a lot about you. I recognize you from the picture he showed. You're just more beautiful in real life," she talked away and you smiled overwhelmed.
Chan had shown his family pictures of you and even talked about you?
"Come in quick! It's nice to finally meet you," she said and shooed you into the house.
Immediately you were enveloped by pleasant smells from the kitchen and you curiously looked around the hallway of the house.
Directly you discovered Chan's shoes and his backpack on the floor.
"Thank you very much. The pleasure is all mine."
After you kicked off your shoes, she led you into the living room where Mr. Bang was sitting on an armchair and looked up as soon as you entered. The little white-brown dog that Chan kept showing you pictures of immediately scurried around your feet and sniffed at you curiously.
"This is Y/L/N Y/N!", Mrs Bang introduced you and Mr Bang raised his eyebrows. Your mere name was enough and they knew who you were. That was strange but kind of nice. You couldn't help but kneel down to the cute puppy and pet him until she wagged her tail excitedly. "Hey Berry. Nice to finally meet you," you said, giggling when she licked your cheek.
"Chris didn't say anything about his manager coming to visit," Chan‘s Dad said, and you stood up and bowed respectfully, your cheeks flushed. Chan's father exuded the same competence that he did, only he didn't radiate that warmth that everybody immediately sensed when they were around Chan. But it was obvious that he had been just as handsome as a young man.
"That's right. He doesn't know I'm here, but I really need to talk to him. This couldn't wait. I'm really sorry if I'm interrupting, Mr Bang," you apologized, but his wife waved you off and stroked your back reassuringly.
„Oh nonsense! You're just in time. We'll be eating soon. I hope you're hungry."
Then you were not mistaken and the delicious smell came from the kitchen where Mrs. Bang was cooking.
"Thank you, that's very kind," you said, feeling a gaze on you.
Turning around, you saw a young woman with dark hair, big eyes and the unmistakable features of Chan. She was leaning against the doorjamb with her arms crossed, looking at you with a mysterious smile.
"Hannah say hello, this is Chris's manager," Mrs Bang said when she saw the young woman as well. She pushed herself off the door frame and came toward you.
"I know who she is. You really are as pretty as in the videos..." she murmured, holding out her hand to you. She was your age and you wanted to meet her since Chan told you a lot about her. Actually you seemed to be very alike and it was almost like you already knew each other.
With cheeks flushed with excitement, you took her hand and smiled.
"I'm Hannah. The idiot's sister."
You nodded, and the same warmth that Chan radiated was palpable in her. But she was confident and firm, even though she was a little younger than you.
"Can I go see him? I really need to talk to him," you asked, and she leaned against the doorframe again. Her intense gaze seemed to scan you until she said:
"He's in his room. Talking to his fans."
You could hardly stand it any longer. All the tension made you tremble, and you went up the stairs to where Hannah had pointed.
Outside the door you heard his voice already muffled and without thinking further you rushed into the room and as you saw Chan in front of his computer, eyes wide and a confused look on his face a sob ripped from your throat. He jumped up and ran a few steps towards you, but you had already thrown yourself at him and wrapped your arms around him. Confused, he froze and after a few seconds he returned your embrace firmly. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, your body shaken with relieved sobs as you tried to be as close to him as possible.
Completely surprised, he sucked in your scent, enjoying feeling your body against his at last, holding your slim waist and wrapping his big arms around you, even if he didn't understand how you could suddenly appear at his family's house.
"Y/N what? How...?" he stammered, overwhelmed, but you only pressed yourself tighter against his chest until you were standing on tiptoe.
"I'm so sorry... so sorry," you whispered and his strong arms held you so tightly that all your fear and sadness vanished into thin air. You were with him and that was enough.
When his arms slid down your back and you loosened a little to look him in the eyes, he gulped loudly. Your eyes were bloodshot from all the crying, your lips swollen and your heart racing so he could feel it against his chest.
You were beautiful and he cupped your face with both hands, wanting to kiss every tear of yours away and never let you go again.
But then he remembered the stream again. Panicked, he looked at the screen. The chat was going crazy and the comments were popping up so fast that you couldn't read anything.
You could only be seen from the chest down and you were barely in the picture, yet it was clear who was lying there in his arms, who he was holding so tightly and he gently detached himself from you to lean in front of the camera and said:
"Okay I have to end the stream now unfortunately. I'll see you next time. Stays and Baby Stays! Big hug!"
He did his typical goodbye and as soon as he turned off the computer, he turned back to you, still unable to comprehend that you were now actually standing in his old room where he spent half his childhood.
"What are you doing here?" he asked in a soft voice, coming up to you.
"I was watching the stream. Heard what you said about me. Chan I'm so sorry."
When your voice shook and he saw how tense your fingers were closed around the hem of your shirt, he quickly pulled you close, put his hands on your hips and leaned his forehead against yours.
"No... I acted like an asshole. I'm sorry, baby. It was my fault from the beginning. I should have told you about the kiss, then I would have told you straight up that it didn't mean anything because I only want to kiss you! I want you and nothing else! I am selfish and stupid. I want you to be jealous like I am when I see you with someone other than my members. I want you to want me as much as I want you..."
The words he should have said to you in the hotel, or even earlier, finally burst forth and your breath rattled as you clasped your hands in his neck.
He looked into your eyes, stroked your cheek and the contours of your face that he had missed so much, and now as you smiled with relief his heart fluttered like a wild bird in his chest.
"I do. Chan I can't go on without you. The last few hours have been hell. Why did you do that? Why did you just leave?"
The guilty conscience he had felt all along returned violently and he pulled you onto his lap as he sat down on the edge of his bed, caressing your thighs and enjoying the way your body nestled perfectly against his.
"I thought it would be best to stay away. You didn't seem like you wanted me around."
"Now I'm here..."
He laughed incredulously and ran his hands through his hair. He looked outrageously handsome in the hoodie and sweatpants, which made you bite your lips as he leaned back a bit to get a closer look at you.
"This is incredible. You're here... You're actually here! How do you even know where my family lives?"
You smiled and played with the rings on his fingers. Holding his hand tightly in yours, you intertwined his hand with yours.
"You told me a few times to send flowers to your mother."
Chan nodded slowly and smiled so brightly that you exhaled heavily.
"True... Sometimes I forget that you're my manager."
You let go of his hand, leaning forward and nuzzling his neck before lightly touching his with your lips.
"Me too..."
You both grinned, each other's breath colliding against your lips, and that's when you finally kissed him. It was like a thousand butterflies were buzzing around in your stomach and the reason for your tears was barely tangible anymore.
He pulled you back with him until he was on his back, stroking his hands under the gray shirt and caressing your skin all over, with his fingertips, while biting your bottom lip. Sighing, you nestled your body against him until your chest was pressed tightly against his, opened your lips a little and already your tongues were meeting, playing with each other, and you were lost in a whirlpool of feelings.
His warmth, the tangy smell of his perfume mixed with his own smell let everything bubble up in you.
You absorbed everything in you. His body beneath you, his strong arms wrapped tightly around you, every movement and every breath.
Pure happiness flooded you and Chan's presence enclosed you in your own world. No one could take this moment from you and as you continued to deepen the kiss, touching each other, caressing, the heat inevitably rose.
The touches became fiercer, more demanding and you felt how much he had missed you.
You didn't know how long you just laid there, kissing and touching. Your bodies intertwined as Chan let out a deep grumble and firmly grabbed your ass with both hands.
Softly you gasped out as he pressed your hips against his in such a way that you could clearly feel his hard length against your cunt through the fabric of his sweatpants.
"I missed you so fucking much," he whispered, his eyes like jet black tar, glued to you and never going to let you go.
His hair was curly, messy, his skin soft and shiny.
You loved it when he dreamily studied your features, as if nothing else mattered.
"I'm here, and I'm not leaving," you assured him, playing with the collar of his hoodie. He was wearing way too many clothes.
You longed for the warmth of his skin on yours.
"Good... You are mine. You belong to me and my members. I want you to know that I only have eyes for you. Not for that stylist or anyone else."
You smiled softly, waving it off:
"It's all good, Chan. I believe you."
You didn't want him to worry anymore. The arrangement was dangerous enough as it was. He couldn't and shouldn't commit himself or even tell a potential admirer that he was taken.
But Chan's expression turned serious. All the things you had said in the argument played over and over in his head for the last few hours like a horror movie.
Suddenly he grabbed you by the waist, turned you until you were under him and looked you so deeply in the eyes that you swallowed loudly.
"You're not just a fuck toy to me. You are so much more! You are the sun... fuck it, the whole universe to me."
He sounded desperate, like he couldn't even begin to put into words what he was feeling. His fingers moved gently across your shoulders, up your neck until they reached your cheeks. You closed your eyes and leaned into his hand, losing yourself in the moment. At a loss for words, the intensity in his eyes threatening to crush you, you smiled and murmured:
"Sounds like song lyrics."
Chan snorted in amusement and kissed your temple:
"You're right. I should write that down."
At that, you shook your head slightly, wrapping your legs around his hips and pulling him to you.
"Not now..."
He immediately returned the kiss stormily. You grew hungrier, all the tension transferred into pure energy and lust that carried you away on a cloud.
You slid your hands under his hoodie and he helped you take it off. Finally you could touch his abs, roaming your fingertips over them until he gasped and he too slid his hands inside your shorts, tight to your ass until they slid up and he could grab a handful, with the other hand he pushed the shirt up until he grabbed your chest and you groped each other greedily, floating higher and higher into desire and as you rolled your hips against his you felt how aroused he was.
"Fuck I'm so hard.... Thought about you so much," he panted against your ear, kissing your neck and kneading your chest until a loud gasp escaped you. Your body and his were so close that they melted into each other.
"Thought about your soft skin..." he whispered and sucked on your neck, pressing his dick right against your cunt.
"Your sweet scent... Fuck and your pussy. I need to fuck you so bad," he panted, grinded his hips against yours until you clenched your hands against his back.
"Channie..." you gasped, your head filled only with desire.
"Sorry to bother you, but dinner's ready if you're hungry."
Startled, you both froze and looked to the door, where Hannah stood with her arms crossed and a big grin on her face.
Chan was trying to cover you up as best he could, but you couldn't come up with a meaningful lie as to why he was lying on top of you half-naked, his hands everywhere he weren't supposed to touch his manager.
"Hannah out! Now!" he yelled at her, but she just giggled and examined you.
"It's okay. Relax. You are lucky it's just me. You guys better come. Otherwise mom will come upstairs."
With those words, she disappeared and you pressed both heels of your hands to your eyes, your head flushed.
Chan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry about that," he muttered, and when your eyes finally met, you couldn't help but laugh heartily.
Chuckling, he buried his face against your neck and wrapped his arms tightly around you.
"Come on, we better not keep my parents waiting," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your stomach, then he looked up at you, eyes shining, and you felt weightless as you nodded.
As soon as you entered the kitchen, your stomach growled at the smell of the feast Mrs. Bang had prepared.
"There you are. Sit down and help yourselves before it gets cold!" she said, and you tried your best to ignore Hannah's intense gaze. You sat down, you across from Chan, next to Mr Bang and Hannah.
Once you were all seated, you tilted your head:
"Thank you for the food and the spontaneous hospitality."
Mr Bang started to eat and waved off:
"Don't mention it. We know how much you do for our Chris."
Chan smirked:
"I don't think so"
Directly your cheeks reddened treacherously as Chan was already grinning into his Miso soup.
"That's true. Chan always tells us about you. How hard you work and take care of the boys."
Your heart beat faster and Chan just stared at you with a big grin.
"That's my job and the boys are like my family now," you told them and the Bangs listened intently.
Then Hannah tilted her head:
"But you and Chris get along particularly well?"
You almost choked on the kimchi you had shoved in your mouth and Chan gave Hannah a warning look. But his parents also looked interested.
"Um... I get along with everyone really well. We live together, after all."
"How can you stand it? With eight young men?" sighed Mrs. Bang, shaking her head anxiously. You smirked a little then.
"It's exhausting sometimes, but they all always look out for me. And we work so much that it's actually rather nice when we see each other in the dorm."
Chan looked relieved and his shoulders slumped. His eyes kept wandering over your face, your body, and he wanted so much to tell his family how much he adored you. That you weren't just a valued friend and manager, but the person who gave him everything he needed.
"I hope so," Mr. Bang gave Chan a sharp look.
"Where are you sleeping tonight?" asked then Hannah curiously, and Chan kicked her shin under the table, making her hiss.
"She can sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch in my room."
Chan's parents seemed pleased with that, only Hannah raised her eyebrows in disbelief.
"Really? I thought you guys..."
But she fell silent as Chan stared at her warningly. Your cheeks were glowing by now, and you tried to distract yourself with the omelet, which tasted impossibly good.
The silence grew more oppressive, as did the frowns of the siblings' parents, so you unceremoniously cleared your throat, drawing attention to yourself.
"We'll have to leave bright and early tomorrow. Rehearsals for the performance start at 9."
Quickly, the questioning looks turned to vehement nods.
"Oh yes!"
Mrs. Bang's face beamed.
"We're already so excited to be able to see Chris live tomorrow."
Chan smiled and you could see nervousness flash in his eyes for the first time in a long time.
"So how does it work tomorrow?" asked Mr. Bang with interest, to which you replied:
"You will be picked up by a shuttle and then taken backstage with Felix's family before the show. For the show, I've picked out the best seats for all the family members."
Excitedly, Mrs Bang laughed and Hannah smiled too. Mr Bang nodded and you looked at Chan who was looking at you with affection.
The meal took its course, there was chatter and Chan's family treated you warmly, making you feel right at home.
But you didn't miss Chan nervously wiggling his foot, clearing his throat several times when his mother didn't stop asking you questions about JYPE or about Chan and the boys.
He was impatient, couldn't bear to just look at you now after pining for you for the past few days.
He wanted to kiss your lips, touch your skin until you gasped and finally escape the scrutiny of his family.
Finally, as Mrs. Bang was about to start a new question, just as the conversation about choosing the right outfits was finishing, he slapped both palms on the table and stood up:
"That was very tasty, Mom. Thank you. But we really should get to sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow."
You looked down into your lap to hide the telltale grin.
After helping clean up, you said your goodbyes for the night, but before you were really out of the room, Chan grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder.
Gasping, you clawed at his back as he pressed his hands tightly against your lower legs.
"Channie! What are you doing?" you giggled as he carried you up the stairs.
"I can't stand it another second. I need you, now, under me, naked."
He opened the door and pushed it shut with his foot, then tossed you onto his bed, literally ripping the shirt off his body.
You smiled excitedly and eyed his toned stomach.
"I have some things to make up for. I acted like an idiot and I need to show you that I'm sorry."
You slowly fell onto your back as he climbed over you and the grinned meanly.
"You got that right."
He snorted and bit your neck, making you giggle.
You greedily ran your hands up his abs, over his shoulders, and his biceps hovering next to your head.
He just looked at you, his face just a hand's width away from yours, his eyes shining like a whole galaxy and his curls tempting you to touch them. You dreamily stroked your index finger down his cheeks, over his lips and to his chin. You had missed this so much and now you knew that you could never live without him again. Your heart wanted him and in the last few days you would rather die than fight with him.
"You mean the whole fucking world to me, you know that?"
His voice was raspy, honest, and your cheeks turned red.
"Stop it, Channie... You're making me blush."
You tried to hide your face in your hands, but he unceremoniously pushed them aside.
"No. I want you to know that. I never want you to doubt that I want you again! I trust you with parts of myself I'm afraid to show anyone else. And I know I'm not the only one of us there."
Your heart pounded so loudly you had to swallow. His body weight rested comfortably on yours and you returned his eye contact.
"I'm afraid of losing you. I was so afraid of hurting you so much that I lost you.... I don't deserve you after everything I've done..."
He shook his head, desperation in his eyes, and you put a hand on his chest, right over his heart, so he was looking at you.
"I'm yours. Not going anywhere."
After so long of not having togetherness, the stress and work always kept you from it, even though you lived under the same roof. That's exactly why right now, this moment was so special.
He nodded slowly, seeming to calm down. You pulled him closer until he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, buried his face against your neck, and took a deep breath. This embrace, his chest against yours, his body on top of yours was as intimate as anything you'd ever felt in your life. You stroked his soft curls, heard his soft grumble and kissed his cheek, hoping not to burst into tears with emotion.
Suddenly, Chan's cell phone rang on the nightstand. But he did not move. Didn't dare to take his arms from you. You were more important right now.
However, who would call in the middle of the night if it wasn't important?
"Chan? This must be important," you mumbled, but he just grumbled and pulled you even closer.
Sighing, you stretched and got hold of the cell phone. You recognized Changbin's name on the screen and handed it to Chan after you answered the call.
He straightened up a bit, groaned, and then put the phone to his ear.
Changbin's voice sounded excited, worried.
"Y/N has disappeared. Do you know where she is? Hyunjin said she's not in her room and she's not in Felix's bed either. We searched the whole hotel, but she just left without saying anything."
Immediately you slapped your hand over your mouth. You hadn't thought of that at all when you had left in a hurry. The boys were probably worried all along.
"She's here. With me."
"Oh... Good."
Changbin sounded puzzled, yet equally relieved.
"She's with Chan," he clarified to the listeners in the background.
"All right. I'm relieved then. I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow."
Chan hung up and you exhaled with a guilty conscience.
"Shit I just took off without telling them..."
Chan brushed the strands of hair from your face and kissed your lips briefly.
"It's all good. Now they know."
You smiled at the warmth in his smile and pulled him down to kiss you. Quickly the kiss grew more heated and he finally pulled your shirt over your head to look at your breasts.
"No bra huh?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, cupping one of your breasts with his large hand.
"I was in a hurry," you laughed, wrapping your legs around his hips to pull him closer. The heat between your legs was by now unbearable and there you felt that he was also struggling with his arousal the whole time. His presence and touch felt just as you remembered it, warm and hard, yet strangely soft and comforting at the same time.
He began kissing your neck, letting his lips brush lovingly over your skin, hissing as you rolled your hips against his.
"Fuck I was so hard the whole evening..."
You shuddered as he sank his teeth into the sensitive spot behind your ear.
"You just have to promise me you'll never touch Mina again, or look at her," you muttered and that's when he lifted his head and frowned with a smirk.
"Babe she's our stylist..."
Yes it was childish, but you were jealous as hell and couldn't help it. On the side you pulled down his pants, which he watched with wide eyes.
"I know... It just drives me crazy. She's into you and she's around you all the time and I can't even fire her because she's really good at her job and nice as hell."
He slipped out of his pants and grabbed your chin so you had to look at him.
"You're damn cute when you're jealous, did you know that?"
His deep voice and doting look made you melt as he lifted one corner of his mouth cheeky.
"I'm not jealous!" you quickly shot back, even though you both knew that was a lie.
"It's just... Fuck you're mine."
Chan's eyes grew big and took on an intense sparkle. The air was forced out of your lungs as his lips crashed hard against yours and he touched your body passionately, pulling you closer and licking into your mouth as if he wanted to devour you. His hand now hovered above your wet core as he worked his way to cup your heat through the thin material of your panties.
"Take your pants off, right now!" he growled against your lips and you instantly got goosebumps all over your body. Quickly, with his help, you slipped out of your shorts and he hurriedly rolled your panties off your legs until you were naked beneath him.
"God. So fucking gorgeous." His left thumb filed on autopilot and landed on your clit. He ran his thumb up and down through your soaked folds. You murmured his name shamelessly as he put his thumb flat on your clit before starting to rub gentle circles on it.
"Sorry baby girl, I can't wait a second longer, if you talk to me like that..." he whispered and slipped out of his boxers. You almost forgot how massive and powerful his hard length was in contrast to your body. You bit your lower lip as he stroked his fingers through your wet folds and wetted his dick with your juices.
He propped himself up next to your head and lined himself up with your entrance. Then he looked deep into your eyes.
"Normally I'd take better care of you, but you're driving me crazy right now.... I won't be able to hold on for long."
You smiled, because you felt the same way. You needed him to light you up. He had to infuse you with life energy again, otherwise you would surely perish.
"Now's your chance to apologize appropriately," you breathed, grinning teasingly. He snorted.
"Oh I will. What do you want baby girl? Tell me? What have you been craving all this time?" he said, his voice barely a raspy whisper. He knew the answer to your question, he could read it on your face, smell it in the air, feel it in the vein in your neck that throbbed rapidly beneath his fingers. But still, he needed to be sure he was right, hear from your lips the plea for his caresses. He needed to know that you were as desperate as he was.
"You! I want you. All of you and only for me. I want your touch, your cock pounding deep inside me.... Please."
Your stifled gasps he intercepted with a kiss as he pressed his tip into you, sliding inch by inch inside you. He stretched you, seeming to tear your walls apart as he sunk deeper and deeper. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your arms around his neck, pulled yourself against him until there was not a breath of space between you, no place where you're not touching. You nipped at his earlobe just to watch the shiver race down his back,
But he distracted you from the burning pain with loving kisses, his tongue played with yours and you clawed your fingernails into his back as he sank all the way into you.
"Oh god... fuck... Channie... so big," you groaned out as he was balls deep inside you, making you catch your breath. You wrapped your legs tighter around his body and he pressed a reassuring kiss to your forehead.
"Taking me so well... You're so good for me baby girl. Now let me make you feel good."
With that he began to move his hips. However, slowly and not violently as usual. He kept eye contact, enjoying your soft whimper as he thrusted into you again, deep and savoring every second where your warm pussy sucked him in.
He thrusted slowly but deeply and the world began to drift into the background. You felt only his warm skin, smelled only his cinnamon scent and the passion that made you press your hips against him.
"Is this okay?" he asked softly, kissing your soft lips, aware of your body trembling beneath him.
Quickly you nodded, pulling him closer with your legs, pressing your heels against his butt in the process.
"Don't stop! I need you. Please."
Your pleading twisted his mind, your body made him gasp and he moved his hips again. The tip of his cock slowly started to glide into your tight walls again and this allowed him to lay his head on your shoulder and tuck his face into your warm and familiar neck.
Now he felt your soft boobs press into his skin and groaned at the warm feeling it brought him. Chan took your words as a permission to start rocking his hips with yours and it made you let out a gasp of pleasure. This time the sex with Chan was very different than before. He was not fast, heated full of passion and fire. He showed you the loving, caring side that sex had to offer. His movement velvety, deep and engaging. He enjoyed your whole existence, every detail, while he broke you apart completely. You moved in unison, he hit every sensitive spot until you moaned his name out loud, all the while he thrusted into you slowly, you two making your session thats been going on for who knows how long is getting more and more heated. His lips did an incredible job in leaving wet kisses all over your throat and collarbone. He straightened up a bit, his hands sliding down your body from your boobs to your waist, groping and feeling up your skin just so he could appreciate everything about you physically. Your arms around his neck, occasionally threading through his pretty dark curls as he liked looking at you while he fucked you senseless, with deep thrusts that completely silenced your head.
He looked deep into your eyes, rolled his hips and loved the way your thighs were squeezing around his hips. He started thinking about all the things he loved about you. Likewise he absolutely loved the look on your face as he slowly sunk his cock so deep inside of you that you rolled your eyes and treasured the tears that fell from your eyes as he pounded into you. He loved to feel your skin and see how small you looked in his arms.
"Channie I'm close..." you gasped, your fingers tightening on his back and barely fitting a sheet of paper between your bodies. Sweat stood on both of your foreheads, your bodies heated and as if perfectly fused into each other.
"God you're perfect... Come for me baby girl!" he moaned, snapping his hips harder and pulsing deep inside you.
Your fingernails dug deeper into his skin as he kissed you passionately again, you moaning into his mouth and he gripped your breast tightly with his hand. The kiss was soft and slow too, neither rushed nor hungry, and you loved it.
You had time for yourselves for the first time in ages and it was beautiful. Your fight had only brought you closer together and it was a carefree, happy moment in this stressful time.
So maybe that's why you were trying to draw this out as long as possible. To hold off on coming and live in the moment for a while longer. The bed is rocking slightly from the slow but sensual thrusting Chan was doing. Your nails began to claw at the skin of his bare back, making him hiss. He fucked you slow but hard, insistent, determined like he was trying to leave the imprint of himself inside of you long after he was gone.
Suddenly, a euphoric feeling washed over you and your orgasm crashed down on your body. Your body shook and spasmed under him and you had to bite down on his shoulder to conceal your moans. You thought for a moment about his parents, who were just a few doors away. As soon as your walls crushed him the blissful look on your face pushed him over the edge. He came harder than he ever had before, his muscles cramping and he had only bright white desire flooding his veins. He throbbed deep inside you, painted your walls white and looking you straight in the eyes as he gasped:
"Fuck I love you so much..."
You froze at his words, your heart nearly leaping out of your chest. His hips slowed down and rather than thrusting, they gradually just pressed into your hips, rutting back and forth slightly, creating added pressure to your bundle of nerves and extending both of your releases.
When you both came down from your high, breathing heavily, he was still deep inside you, hard and pulsating.
It took a few seconds for Chan to realize what he had just said as well. Cautiously, almost fearfully, he raised his eyes, looking for any reaction in your face, but you just stared at him with your mouth open.
"Channie... Did you just say..."
Your soul was on fire and he squeezed his eyes shut, sighing, finally finding the words again:
"Yes... Yes I think I did. And I mean it too. Don't worry, you don't have to answer that! I just want you to know how I feel."
Your hands trembled as you put them to Chan's cheeks, looking at him and falling in love with him all over again. Because there was no other way to express your feelings for him.
"But what if I tell you that I think I've really fallen in love with you? Hopelessly and head over heels."
His face beamed and he took a rattling breath.
You nodded.
"Yes. And the weird thing is, I feel that way about all of you. The extreme feelings, the affection, the desire.... I can't explain it any other way than love."
This seemed to please him even more. He chuckled, his lips collided with yours and he kissed you slowly and intensely. Like the tide that surrounded you, gripping your body and dragging you out into the sea of passion.
Nor did the heat in your veins, the moisture between your legs and the tension in your body diminish. In fact, you never feared getting enough of Chan, which is why you rolled your hips against his again until he moaned loudly as your walls nuzzled him.
"Do you want to keep going?" you asked, blushing at the wet sound that came as he pushed his cum and your juices deeper into you.
He growled dangerously, grabbing your hips and it elicited a naughty moan from you as he violently snapped his hips into yours.
"With a body like that it's a miracle you haven't brought me to the brink of insanity yet. Every time I see you my cock gets hard, its impossible not to think about fucking you day and night", he murmured and stroked your lower lip with his thumb. Then he kissed your neck, sucking on your soft skin until you saw stars and red marks remained. He became more and more addicted to leaving his marks on you. You didn't care if you had to spend the next week finding creative ways to hide the evidence of your sensual encounter, you just needed to feel him. You wanted him to mark you, to declare ownership over your body. Meanwhile you knew you belonged to him, always would and that this would not change. That was exactly what he had now made clear. No matter how many women flirted with him, you had the certainty that he would always come to you and would always choose you. He managed to communicate that to you without any words at all, and as he shook your insides with each thrust, you were just flooded with pure happiness.
One of the many things you loved about Chan was his duality. Last time he fucked you dumb, it was animalistic to say the least. But right now he was softer than he has ever been. He gently handled you as if you were a fragile porcelain doll.
You clung to his back as he seemed to reach deeper with each thrust. His smell, his skin against yours and the soft gasps with your whimpers was so intoxicating that you could do this forever.
But again the knot formed in your lower abdomen, so you pressed your body tightly against his and tried to push it back. But Chan fucked you too well and he was yours. He loved you and that was better than anything that could happen to you.
He felt your body tense and he looked back into your face, his fingers stroking your bare skin like a map he wanted to explore and uncover its secrets.
"It's alright, baby girl. We've got all night," he murmured, watching you crumble beneath him once again. The stifled gasp, your open mouth and the flush of arousal in your eyes made him realize how much he needed this.
And so you kissed, touched, fucked slowly until hours later the black outside the window was already turning an intense pink and gray. You just couldn't stop. It was like being caught in a frenzy that protected you from reality. In your world, all was well.
Two naked bodies, intertwined, floating between highs and warm love, unable to stop holding each other.
After you could no longer count how many times you had come under him, your aching pussy stuffed with his cum, your head as if emptied, you fell asleep after all. He on top of you, his dick still sunk into you and his face nuzzled against your neck. Tightly embraced and comfortably you dozed off exhausted, until the alarm clock tore you from sleep.
As soon as you arrived at rehearsals together, the boys' conversations fell silent and everyone looked at you curiously.
Chan yawned and you also rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"So you guys made up?" asked Hyunjin curiously as Chan placed a hand on your lower back to curtly say goodbye before climbing on stage with the other guys.
You sat down on the edge with a bottle of water and propped your head on your hand.
"So from the looks of their faces, they've made up all night," Changbin smirked and patted Chan on the shoulder, who just shook his head and suppressed a grin.
"All night?" escaped Han quietly, as by now several people from staff had joined them for rehearsals.
"We had a lot of catching up to do," Chan muttered with a mischievous look to you, to which you bit your lip and stared at the floor. The memories of last night were varied and intense. It was only in the morning that you had noticed that you had spent hours and hours sleeping with each other, and you had even fallen asleep during it, because you couldn't stop for a second. Even now you felt his body intertwined with yours, his length deep inside you and his whole presence as close as never before. It was as if his hands had never left your skin, as if his caresses were permanently carved into your body. One of the technical team announced over a microphone the first song to be rehearsed and the guys lined up. But did not stop cackling with each other.
"Really all night? You guys didn't sleep at all?" hissed Jeongin in disbelief and Chan‘s sly smile was enough to read the answer on his face.
"And I thought I had stamina..." muttered Jisung just before the music kicked in and the kids started rehearsing.
->Part 24
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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saezurusteve · 8 months
Please help me understand, what do you think happened to Yashiro?How did he go from a domineering/dominant being to a being who allows himself to be dominated? Did Hirata destroy Yashiro or were barriers torn down by Doumeki? I think he's fragile, without sarcasm, he's not egocentric, he seems like another character. I'm rereading it again and I'm in chapter 23 where he literally rides Doumeki and says barbaric things. Now he can't even run away properly
At the end of chapter 23, you get to see Yashiro spectacularly meltdown in the shower at Doumeki's apartment.
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Study that face because you will see it again.
From the very moment we meet Yashiro in chapter 1 (of Saezuru) he tells us that despite the guy we met in Don't Stay Gold, he's actually harbored feelings of love.
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But Yashiro has felt for a very long time that he is far too twisted to have something like that for himself, so he hands Kuga to Kageyama as a test to see, just to see, what it would be like to see Kageyama in love and to imagine himself in that part.
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Because Yashiro is so afraid of rejection that he can't get up the courage to confess, leaving any feelings Kageyama might have had to turn into pity.
So it's not like any of these "want to be wanted" feelings are new to Yashiro, but he never got the chance to experiment for himself to see how HE falls in love, what does it look like for him?
Enter Doumeki:
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Doumeki is kind of a sub for Kageyama from high school, until he starts to say things to Yashiro like "I always thought you were beautiful" and outward signs of concern "aren't you cold" (naked on the floor of the bathroom giving me a blowjob) or "I thought I was going to lose you" (when you got shot and saw me crying.) Doumeki is able to look beyond the defensive Yashiro and express his feelings.
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In the beginning of Chapter 2, Yashiro begins to get jealous of anyone who has Doumeki's attention. But he tries to curb his own behavior and cut Doumeki off, until he meets Doumeki's sister, Aoi. Yashiro becomes invested in Doumeki's life and happiness.
This is a regular thing for Yashiro. He is a really good guy to the people he cares about. He can be a total punk ass to people he wants to piss off.
I won't go into the repeated faces of jealousy... they look a lot like the one above when he turns as Doumeki starts to wake up. You can have fun looking those up (I'll give you a hint... he gives the same look to Kageyama's gf, to Aoi, and to Mama-san... haha let's not forget Kuga.)
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When things get heated and Yashiro should put a stop to things, he gives Doumeki a pass. (He gave me a blowjob at the hospital... probably nothing...) Because these blatant shows of concern for Yashiro's well-being are a major turn-on for Yashiro.
So by the time we get to Doumeki's apartment, Yashiro is not only primed for love, but ready to accept the curse:
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Yashiro realizes that he is out of his league. Doumeki is a heavy tank of love and Yashiro has no idea what to do next. He tells himself that no one can love him, and that Doumeki doesn't really mean it. But the curse has been cast.
Let's skip ahead 4 years, and they meet again. Yashiro is plagued with horrible dreams of being alone, and his body is rejecting everyone but the one he's dreaming about. When they see each other again it all comes back.
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Now Yashiro has to deal with the fact that his body is responding to only to Doumeki, and we see him meltdown again.
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And he confesses that he never had it together to start with. His feelings are a mess where Doumeki is concerned.
That brings us almost up to speed... however, you mentioned that you thought Yashiro has become fragile...
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I think the proper word for Yashiro is vulnerable. And recognize that face? That's the meltdown face... however, Yashiro is hurt and he's showing his vulnerable side to Doumeki. He's beyond jealousy now, he is stamping his feet and throwing the tantrum he's bottled up for years.
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Instead of running away, Yashiro is actually confronting Doumeki about his feelings. Doumeki may have not seen it a few chapters ago, but he certainly sees it now. It's all been a revelation that Yashiro needs to know that he's still cared for. He still needs to see Doumeki as that guy who gives a crap about whether or not Yashiro is comfortable.
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All we need now is for Yashiro to see that Doumeki needs the reassurance that Yashiro will still accept him even if he leaves his side for a little while. And so that WE can have this kind of stuff every chapter.
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phntmeii · 1 year
If you write for e42 miles could you write some hcs for him
♡ Dating Earth-42 Miles Morales Headcanons:
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❝ I'm Miles Morales. But you... you can call me the Prowler. ❝
[SFW + Fem Terms Used]
A/N: That accent went crazy for the movie ngl. I’m so hyped for more of him ahhsidjs. Sorry for this one being a tad shorter just because we didn't get to see enough of this ver. of Miles </3 Also, requests are open ofc :) ty anon!!
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🕸️ This version of Miles is much more serious about his work and how busy he can be. He didn’t think he had time to look for someone.
🕸️ Then, there was you. Miles couldn’t take his eyes off of you, just watching as you passed by. He’s having an internal conflict because he doesn’t want to invest himself in someone just to lose them but he can’t stop thinking about you.
🕸️ So he ends up defaulting to just watching you from afar for a while to try and learn what's special about you. And with each day, that feeling grows until he just one day does it and talks to you.
🕸️ He's confident but quiet. A lot of his sentences are short and to the point. He looks down at you as you talk, keeping his eyes on yours. He's giving his full attention to you.
🕸️ He also does the thing of having his hands in his pockets and leaning down to hear you better. He knows exactly what's he's doing.
🕸️"Shit... desculpa, ma... didn't hear you. Say it again for me?"
🕸️ I think this version of Miles would be the least obvious with his feelings at first. Half the time you can't tell if he's actually into you or not because he seems disinterested most of the time but when he's in his room, he's sat listening to love songs and picturing different scenarios with you.
🕸️ His mother taught him right so when he does ask you out, it's not a casual text of "will you be my girlfriend" or something basic like that. He's taking you out at night to somewhere with a nice view where he has your favorite flowers, then he asks.
🕸️ He isn't too big into PDA. Not because he doesn't love giving you his attention but because Miles is a very chill and settled guy in public.
🕸️ Most of his "PDA" are small things like hand holding and whispering romantic things into your ear.
🕸️ Yes, many of his pet names and flirty comments will be in Spanish just because he knows you like it. He usually defaults to "mami" or "mamas" when talking to you.
🕸️ Once he's more comfortable, he likes to be a tease because he knows it sets you off especially if you're busy. He'll just open up your window and sneak in while you're doing your work just to feel you.
🕸️ He'll have a dumb grin as you smack him away, putting his hands up in surrender. "Ay, lo siento, mami... Didn't know my girl was so focused."
🕸️ There are some times where he just sweeps you away from your work any way because he wants to spend time with you. He'll never admit to being clingy despite doing that.
🕸️ Definitely the type to do shit just to try and piss you off cause he thinks he’s funny. He’ll rest his arm on top of your head, make jokes when he sees you’re annoyed and act like he’s the one wearing the pants in the relationship to friends when in reality, he’s all too obsessed with you and treats you like royalty.
🕸️ In public, acting like the man, meanwhile in private, he’s all “yes ma’am omw o7”. LMAO
🕸️ Miles can instantly tell when you're in a bad mood. A slight change in the way you text and he's already thinking about how to fix it.
🕸️ "good morning mamas 💜" "morning" "tf is 'morning'?? nah, start over." "what?" "my girl not starting the day like this. im coming over."
🕸️ Miles' main Love Languages are: Quality Time and Words of Affirmation.
🕸️ Miles needs to be around you which is why he'll sneak off to see you. It doesn't matter if you're busy with something, he'll just watch you and keep you company as you do it. (Although, he might try and distract you.)
🕸️ He’ll let you do his skincare or do his hair (if you know how) but he’ll likely complain the whole time even if there’s no reason to.
🕸️ Like he’ll complain about not being able to touch his face when he has a face mask on or that you’re being too rough when doing his hair even though he loves when you do this for him (He’s being dramatic.)
🕸️ “Ay- Shit! You havta fuckin’ pull that hard?” “You want your braids to look good or not?” “I want to have hair by the end of this.” *proceed to smack the side of his head with a brush*
🕸️ He’s definitely a flirty guy. He’ll text you suggestive messages when he knows you’re in public or at a family event just to mess with you. He’ll also send super romantic paragraphs to you over text when he knows you’re asleep.
🕸️ There is no insecurities allowed about yourself when you’re with Miles. The moment he hears self doubt, he’s showering you with praise because his girl is perfect in his eyes. There is no one else but her.
🕸️ "baby. i feel ugly today" "ugly?? tf are u on?" "i just feel idk like gross" "mami don't start allat. u know ur too fucking gorgeous to think like that." He then sends several 1-3 min voice messages freaking out to you about how lucky he is so you know that it is impossible for you to be "ugly" in his eyes.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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reyreadersblog · 2 months
I read so many reviews of TGG...
And i have a few opinions to say:
(Keep in mind, that they are MY opinions and don't hate pls🙏🏻)
Not proof read.
1. Gigi was the best player, idc. I hate Brady for what he did and the way Gigi handled the situation was rlly good, i love her even more in this book. The cliffhanger had me screaming😭😭
2. Apperantley, everyone loved Odette..and mabye i'm just being a hater but i didn't find anything interesting about her character😭. For me she was just "there", sure she helped a lot, but what was the point?? The only reason i kind of liked her character was because she gave us so many Lyrason moments. I kind of felt bad for her towards the end tho. She gave Grayson and Lyra hints, she solved some of the mysteries...but her character was lacking something. I did like her tho and i wanted her to be in the for a while.
3.grayson was best version of himself,i KNOW he was thinking with his dick the whole book but it was actually hilarious, and the character growth he had??? Amazing, truly. He was finally healed. Also the rizz he had...?
4.i liked Lyra's chapters the most, prolly because her father's whole case had me so invested.
5. I loved all the Savannah x Rohan moments we got. The tension AHHHH.
But there were some moments where i felt like i was reading TIG and TFG all over again, simply cus they're dynamic reminded me so much of Averyjameson back in the days. I'm not saying they're exacly the same, it just felt a bit..forced and similar, which i didn't like, i'm being very honest.
6. First half of the book i LOVED savannah but near the end she pissed me off so bad broo😭😭🙏🏻. I know it's all Eve's doing, but Sav isn't blameless too for trusting her. The whole "i'm going to get my revange on Hawthornes for killing my father" UGHHH. GIRL if there is anyone who has right to get revange for her father and messing up her mental health is Lyra. You don't get to say anything cuz..💀
7. Slater might get his redemption arc but idc i'm never going to like him.
8. Lyrason. That it. That's my opinion.
9. Puzzles were overdone. I understand that it's "the grandest game" so obvi there is going to be tons of puzzles and secrets but THERE WERE TOO MUCH.
10. I want Lyra to win and at the same time i want Rohan to win lmaoo😭😭.
11. Avery slayed that 2 minutes of "screentime" she had. Queen.
12. Savy and British had me cringing so bad i'm sorry😭😭
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matan4il · 5 months
911 ep 705 first watch reactions
Of course 911 would "punish" the "You are the boss of you!" guy with an alien hand that attacks him, and does what it wants. Pooor Buck and Eddie paying the price for that...
Okay, love the storyline with Hen and Karen possibly eventually adopting an older girl. Too many shows just find easy, unrealistic ways to give their same sex couples kids, and I am really glad that 911 shows the reality of it, and that it is a more complex struggle for many, that it's an act of continuously choosing to be parents. That's actually an amazing, difficult thing, and it should be faithfully depicted and respected, for all of its heartache, and the little moments of triumph.
Buck and Tommy on a date, and Eddie comes along with Marisol? Love how Buck's bisexual awakening and coming out continues to involve Eddie so much. Tell me they're end game, even if they're not gonna get together right now, without telling me they're...
I did not need to learn Marisol is moving in with Eddie like this, with any build up, or even any sort of insight into the relationship, and nope, that does not bode well for them. IDK how 911 managed to do it, but they have somehow managed to give Eddie a love interest the show is even less invested in than Ana.
And the funniest bit, is that Marisol and Eddie's big development is only there to further Buck's journey anyway.
"You can never have too much closet space" LMAO the way 911 both made me laugh, and feel sorry for poor, baby bi Buck. XD
Hmmm. Were parts of this scene cut out? We don't get to see Eddie on his own date with Marisol, but constantly looking over at Tommy and Buck? Boo. I'm glad we at least got the BTS photos, then. But seriously, why!? That was gonna be so delicious.
Oh, Tommy's breaking up with Buck. I mean, good for him, and he ain't wrong after Buck's "after this, we're gonna go out looking for chicks" reaction, but man do I feel sorry for Buck. Him and Tommy might not be my end game (Buddie forever will be), but I do think this relationship could be good for our baby bi. Tommy being in the same profession, knowing what it's like to have this gap between who you are and the image of guys in your line of work, plus he's got more experience than Buck, is sure of himself, can help our boy figure himself out, and also Buck obviously does like his vibe. He deserves to be with someone he actually likes, not just the first woman willing to be with him that the plot pushed in his way.
Oh, baby Buck. :( You didn't even tell Maddie about Tommy. You really aren't ready it. But also (and as a Buddie shipper, more importantly), Tommy broke things off with Buck, but what is eating him up, is that he lied to Eddie. XD Yeah, this gonna end with wedding bells, sooner or later. On screen, off screen after the show ends with canon Buddie, or only in my head if 911 never dares make Buddie canon, I don't care. That kind of emotional devotion is not something that my hopelessly romantic heart can ignore.
OMG, this is how Buck comes out to Maddie? XD Via random pronoun mention, and as a by product of trying to figure out how to tell Eddie the truth? This is hilarious. lol It really makes it clear that, after all, the issue for Buck really isn't people knowing he is also dating guys (or checking their asses), even when it's the other closest person in the world for him, it's Eddie. Specifically. Buck's ready, even if he doesn't have the exact clear words yet, he's just not ready to tell Eddie. Can't imagine why. XDDD
What was that awkward post-sex scene with Eddie and Marisol? And the issues with her moving in are popping up a second after she has. But yeah, we have no idea who this woman is as a person, she's been a cardboard cut out so far, and then one of the first things we do learn about her, is that she would call her stuff better than Eddie's? Once again, this is not the stuff great romance is made of. Or... even just the stuff any kind of romance is made of.
Wait, Marisol was a nun, and Eddie didn't even know!? This whole ep is telegraphing in the news of how weird and awkward and underdeveloped this r/s is, not just for us as viewers who know nothing about Marisol, but apparently for Eddie as well.
And of course his Catholic guilt is gonna kick in now. I'd care, except 911 has given me absolutely no reason to. Seriously, I care more about Buck and Tommy after just 2 eps, than Eddie and Marisol, even though this is technically her 2nd season on the show.
Of course Buck went to find Eddie, and spotted him at the gym. Forever 201 vibes, with Eddie being the focus of Buck's attention. ^u^
I couldn't care less about Eddie's Catholic guilt crisis, and how it's actually a projection of what his real issues are with Marisol, but it's nice to see that as always, Buck's the one who can tell when something's off, and offer Eddie exactly what he needs (even when that's to talk to someone else, but Buck figures out immediately who the right person to address is), and then they just very naturally switch, because Eddie can also tell when something's off with Buck, and he wants to tell him something. Soulmates. THAT is the stuff that great romance IS made of.
:/ The imagery of Catholic nuns has not been around for over 2,000 years, please stop being ignorant about your own religion, and the very different way it looked in its early days.
Bobby is forgiven, he does give good advice, and his "her ex, the Lord" bit, which prompted that reaction from Eddie, is hilarious. XD
So... when Eddie is having issues with Marisol, he already knows he has to figure out how he feels about her, but instead of doing so, he goes to his safe place... Buck's loft.
Man, Eddie being into Tommy's choice of avoidning relationships with women, and hanging out with boys, after in the past, Eddie had dealt with his Shannon issues by running away from her, and re-enlisting in the army, where he gets to hang out with boys, when we all (Buck included) know why Tommy's "hanging out with boys"... I do like that if they want to (and hopefully they do), this further lays the groundwork for Eddie's own queer realization.
Buck and Eddie helping each other with their respective romantic problems, without realizing they are each other's respective romantic solution is gonna make me chew on my own fists. Again. But I'm not even a little bit surprised that Eddie was totally fine and accepting of Buck being bi, or that the first thing he thought of is how this reflects on them. Because their friendship IS way deeper and closer than normal for platonic friends, and Eddie's little reassurance is also an admission of that.
Man, for a second I was worried they also cut out Eddie in the loft, once more putting his thumb on Buck's pulse point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 303. I would have sued for emotional damages. But yeah, it says so much that the peak of emotional meaningfulness for Buck when coming out is in relation to Eddie, and that the scene itself peaks with Eddie, instead of finishing rushing out to take care of his own romantic business, hurries back to Buck first, to hug him, place his hand on Buck and give him orders. "Sure, you're gonna be dating this guy, but I'm still your real husband."
Well, at least Eddie amitted to himself and Marisol that he doesn't actually know her. But... I have never seen two people being both being so happy about not moving in together, and I'm supposed to think this r/s has a chance? Okay. Suuuure.
The scene with Buck going to Tommy to set things straight ready for something was lovely, it was nice seeing him excited, and get to choose, and hear he's wanted. But since the note Tommy and Buck's storyline in this ep should have ended on, is Buck showing Tommy he's ready enough to let others know he's dating a guy by inviting Tommy to come with Buck to Madney's wedding, then why is the very next scene playing the romantic switch again, making us think Buck's car just arrived at the wedding with him and Tommy, only for Buck and Eddie to walk in together? I see what you did there, 911.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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icypopz · 2 years
with a physically flexible s/o ♡
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↬ from anon ; 👋 hello. i saw that you write for blue lock (thank u) and i was wondering if i could please request headcanons of meguru, hyoma and rin with a s/o who's physically flexible. it's ok if you don't write this, i hope you have a great day.
↬ notes ; bachira meguru, chigiri hyoma & itoshi rin x gn!reader
↬from ice ; had fun writing this bc ive always wanted to be flexible LOL living out my dreams in fiction
↬ warning(s) ; joking threats, spoilers for chigiri's backstory
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
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[ bachira meguru ! ]
bachira would be very impressed the first time he sees you showcase your flexibility. actually, scratch that. bachira is impressed every single time you do even the simplest tricks because he can't seem to wrap his head around how a human can be so... stretchy?
he's your #1 fan! every time you're stretching even before you start contorting, bachira will be cheering for you like "go y/n! yeahhhh! you're awesome!" he lowkey likes seeing how you get embarrassed because of his enthusiasm. (he thinks it's adorable.)
definitely wants you to teach him how to do the most extreme stunt ever, but you convince him to start off with something more beginner-friendly like splits. bachira is super focused while you're teaching him, and after a few days of stretching, he finally gets it! he's so proud of himself and he just does it All The Time for no reason until raichi threatens to break his legs.
he also may or may not make some jokes about you putting your flexibility to good use with him but will never go too far. he just likes teasing you and seeing your reaction. tells everyone else in blue lock that his s/o is the most flexible and coolest person on the planet, they've all heard so much about you by now that they swear they already know you.
more content utc !
[ chigiri hyoma ! ]
chigiri, as we all know, is a prince who always manages to keep his cool. so even if you suddenly start performing crazy feats the most this man will react is probably just his eyes widening. don't worry, he's really impressed, he just doesn't show it on his features.
however, he makes up for it by asking you a million questions about your flexibility! nothing invasive, of course, just queries like "when did you start attempting stunts?" "why do you like it?" "how do you even do that?" it shows how invested and interested he is in your flexibility because it's something that makes you happy.
chigiri is also quite concerned about you though. he knows that contorting yourself into all these positions isn't going to be easy on your muscles and tendons, so he reminds you to warm up and cool down every time you start stunting. he just doesn't want you to experience the same pain he did of having his dream almost ripped from him when he tore his ACL. so he might come off as slightly overprotective, but he has good intentions at heart!
he likes stretching with you for sure. it's just a cute way for the two of you to spend more time together before he's rushing to football practice and you're heading to practice your stunts. you'll both look out for each other and wish each other luck during these little sessions, and it always has to end with you planting a soft kiss onto chigiri's cheek for luck. (he says it's for luck, but actually he just likes you kissing him.)
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[ itoshi rin ! ]
rin acts like he couldn't care less about everyone else but you're the exception: you're his entire world and one of the few times itoshi rin has been stunned was when you showed him how flexible you were for the first time. no joke his jaw was on the floor.
he thinks it's an awesome skill, and will kinda gush about it to you at first. he gets shy if you tease him about how many compliments he's showering you with and then gets grumpy. the conversation after that is something along the lines of: "aww, rin, you're so cute!" "no. shut up. i'm never being nice again." "nooo, i was just messing with you!" "too much praise will inflate your ego." "aren't you the biggest egoist here?! hypocrite!!!"
to be honest, he's more impressed by the amount of work you've put in to become this limber. he knows how hard it can be to maintain a specific physique in terms of muscle and flexibility, so he genuinely admires your hard work and effort. rin also likes inviting you to the gym so he can work out/train while you stretch and do your own thing.
rin actually doesn't think about the fact that you're flexible that much. he just thinks it's an added bonus to how amazing you are as a whole already, though he'd never admit that to you for the life of him. (he loves you but he Cannot handle your playfulness.)
✧ thank you for reading ! if you have a request, feel free to send it in 🌠
© icypopz 2022. do not repost or modify in any way.
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bittersweet-folder · 4 months
tell me your favourite writers on this app and what you love about their writing!
Aww thank you for this question🌷♡♡. Here's the list <3
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@hoshifighting :
I love her writing. When when I say it I really mean it. Her writing really portrays her creativity and style. They can be slow paced but they'll keep you hooked till the end (if you are patience). I love her slow burn fics as well. They are just so well written, like so very well written. And what really amuses me was her being so active from the start. Trust me I really want that being consistent about my writing but I just can't. And it's actually really tough to be consistent. And her smuts- hmmmmmmmmmmm imma be straight forward- they make me blush real bad also wet sometimes 🫶. 🌷
@pan-de-seungcheol :
Soo I've read many of her smuts before actually following her in this new blog i created after deleting my previous one. I may not read the angst fics (there's a reason behind it. Everyone have there own reasons) but I love love the smuts written by her. Pan your polyamory representation something I really loved because usually I see a negative representation of that. Your smuts make me wet, to state it quite straight forwardly. Your writing really does things to me (now why does this sounds like confession letter 😭). They are really well crafted. 🌷
@tomodachiii :
I discovered her fics recently and I'm in love. I love domestic scenarios especially when it has a really Asian household setting (because I live in one+ I'm the oldest daughter 🚶🏻‍♀️). And see if anything I feel seen but I really love the comforting feeling it gives me while reading them. Sure it leaves me with a bittersweet moment where I really do sit and think "wow it would be great if I actually experienced that kinda affection" but honestly that's how good writing is supposed to make you feel. I really admire her writing style. 🌷
@diorkyeom :
I love her writing style, her ideas, her fics, the plot everything literally. Her Seoksoo fics made me giggle, blush, bury my face and scream to the pillow and what not. I just lovee her way of portraying soft fluffy affectionate moments. I'll cry. I've even read her fics staying up late at night because Im fucking invested 😭. They are just so nice and sweet and soft. And the literature references she uses at times as well it makes me feel seen and happy. (Ps - I'm an English major who's first ever written fanfic was a Minwon fan fiction. It is not finished yet)🌷
Some more mentions for fluff writers (who may also post nsfw fics in their blogs too):
@seokminded : her writing style is simple yet very effective. Her fluff scenarios are so fucking cute I might cry😭🌷.
@wifeyoozi : your consistency in posting I swear🛐 . Im a big fan of your imaginess😩🌷. (Especially the nsfw ones they are like very very, idk I've lost words, they feel very real)
@onlyhaos : Liddy I'm soft for your writing. Your fluffs are so cuteeeeeee. AHHHHHJHHHHHHHHHHH okayyy take love😩🌷
@nonuify : I literally followed you few minutes ago and I have reblogged one of your nsfw imagine before. I really love them. Take love 🌷😩.
MAKE SURE TO CHECK THEM ALLL OUT Or I'll haunt you in your nightmares 😀.
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matryosika · 2 years
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Day 7: Aphrodisiacs with Jisung
Wordcount — 5,144 words
Includes — Use of aphrodisiacs (their effects might be exaggerated for the fics' purpose, haha). Best friend!Jisung, perv!Jisung, conversation about sexual topics and mentions of sexual fantasies, dirty talk, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, fantasies of free use in the end.
Author's Note — Yeah I don't know what happened with the wordcount. Let's pretend I'm actually not a sucker for Han, but really... This was a special occasion haha. Please remember that english is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any grammar/spelling mistakes!
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They weren't supposed to work. 
Or at least that much you thought, underestimating the cheap candies once you bought them at a local sex-shop, with no hopes whatsoever that you were spending your money on quality products. 
“I can assure you this is a waste of time,” you had told Jisung when you perceived him reluctant to follow your silly plan. “But we have nothing else to do, so we might just give it a try”. 
“Can't believe you spent money on this,” he sighed, shaking his head while he saw you going through all the flavors you had bought. “I am telling you, they are a scam”. 
“Well I got them already,” you huffed, almost giving up on convincing your best friend to try them out with you. “And I bought so many, so I might as well share them with you”. 
“I'll pass,” he rejected you, returning his undivided attention to the screen in front of you. “You don't even know what they are made of, we might as well catch some stomach virus or something”. 
“Is that it?” you asked him with a taunting grimace. “Or are you scared about the idea of them actually working?” 
“Come on,” he scoffed, avoiding the intense gaze staring at him. “You know they are bullshit”. 
“So have one,” you insisted, bringing the citrus flavored candy to him. “If they are bullshit, they won't work”.
He looked at you and then at the candy, intriguingly resting on top of your palm. In reality, he did think those products were a scam —they were nothing but a placebo effect. But in the back of his mind, he knew the possibility of them working was there.
And really, what would he do if the aphrodisiacs actually affected him? Even worse, what would he do if the aphrodisiacs affected him while being with you?
Jisung would never say such things out loud, mostly because he is ashamed of what goes on in his head, but he was truly afraid that the aphrodisiacs unleashed that part of him that he had tried hard to repress.
“What’s in it for me?” 
Typical Jisung.
“I’ll do your laundry,” you proposed, but he didn’t seem too invested. “For the rest of the year”. 
It was a good deal, he couldn't lie.
“All my laundry?” he asked, cocking eyebrows. “Socks, underwear and everything?”
“All,” you nodded. “Up until December 31st”. 
Jisung hesitated, but he finally reached out to grab the cherry flavored sweet. 
“How long does it take to kick in?” he asked you, fingers ripping the package open.
“25 minutes?” you replied, turning the candy wrap to see if the back of it had any helpful information. “I’m not too sure, I think that’s what the lady at the sexshop told me”.
He nodded and ate the sweet in one bite, chewing it slowly. “It doesn’t taste as bad as I thought,” he murmured, “I mean, it’s not the best, but it’s savory”. 
“Yeah, this isn’t bad either,” you said. “I’m pretty sure the citrus one is going to taste way better though”.
Jisung scoffed. “How many flavors did you buy?”
“All the flavors there were”. 
After 30 minutes and no signs of any kind of effects from the aphrodisiacs, fully convinced that they were not going to work, you and Jisung managed to empty the plastic bag full of colorful candy. 
At first, you were both hyper-alert to see if you could spot any weird feelings or sensations —a slight chill and a faint tingling sensation on your legs were pretty much all you felt throughout the waiting time, but it wasn’t anything out of this world and, at moments, you and Jisung even believed it was part of the placebo effect.
“I’m so pissed,” you exclaimed, chewing on the last peach flavored candy. “I knew they weren’t going to work, but it would’ve been fun if they did”. 
For Jisung, it would’ve been everything but fun.
“It’s almost like you have never been aroused, ever,” he mumbled with sarcasm. Why were you so invested in aphrodisiacs, Jisung wonders? It’s not like you haven’t experienced real arousal before. 
“Yeah but aphrodisiacs don’t work just for that,” you explained. “Apparently they make you more sensitive, and everything feels ten times more intense. I don’t know, I saw a video a while ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since”.
Jisung wanted to ask what kind of video you were talking about, but he stopped himself —for his own sake, it was best to not know. Otherwise, if you were to tell him that you actively watch porn in your room, he would have ended up jerking off to that very thought that night. 
“Well,” your best friend murmured. “At least they were good”.
“At least,” you sighed.
And that sigh was followed by a comfortable silence that dawned upon the both of you, the only sounds flooding the living room coming from the movie Jisung chose for the night. A comfortable silence that was interrupted by your sudden need to tell your best friend all about that clip you watched. 
“The girl in the video came like… 3 times in less than 10 minutes,” you spat, recalling the aphrodisiacs video you found on twitter not too long ago. “It was in another language so I couldn’t understand a thing, but it seemed fun”. 
When you said that, Jisung felt a pang on his cock. It was too quick, too faint and almost imperceptible, but he blamed it on your words —there was no way on earth it was anything else but your voice saying such a thing.
“I felt pure envy,” you murmured, laughing. “She was lost in her own world, squirting and coming over and over again until her legs were shaking. I've never experienced that, so I thought about trying aphrodisiacs”.
“What would you do if they had worked?” Jisung asked you, not daring to make eye contact with you.
“Shit,” you sighed, amused by the thought. “I don’t know. Probably lock myself up in my room and just- I don’t have someone in mind who I would call in times like these, if that’s what you are asking”. 
“That’s not what I asked,” Jisung shook his head, swallowing thickly when he felt as if you had discovered his intentions. “I was just curious”.
“What would you do if the aphrodisiacs had worked?”
Jisung didn’t really want to know. 
Without aphrodisiacs, he was the horniest, neediest and desperate person he had ever met. He was the type to get hard at anything, especially by you.
And that was something that truly haunted him —you could be doing the most trivial, innocent things and his cock would find a way to get hard inside his pants.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I didn’t think about it, I wasn't even hopeful that they would work”.
“Well, think about it,” you told him, tilting your head. “How do you think you would act if you were stupidly aroused?”. 
Jisung didn’t need to think about it because he knew the answer. 
With or without aphrodisiacs, he jerked off at least 2 times a day —when he woke up or took a shower, and right before going to bed. Not only did he do it to relieve some tension or stress, but because he was always turned on. And it didn’t matter how many times a day he made himself come, it was never enough.
“Uh…” What was it that you wanted to hear? He could tell you were pushing the topic of conversation, but you didn't seem like you wanted to get anywhere with it. “Jerk off?”
“How many times?”
“God, I-” the questions kept getting more and more ridiculous, but a part of him insisted on giving you a proper answer. He could have stopped the conversation at any given time, really, but he didn’t. “I don’t know”.
Question after question, Jisung started to feel his skin getting hotter. It was almost as if the living room was shrinking in size, leaving him trapped in a small space just with you.
“Well, if the aphrodisiacs had work, I would’ve spent the whole night with my hand inside my underwear,” you scoffed, tilting your head. “Would try and make myself come like the girl on that video”.
When he felt another pang on his cock, way more intense than the last one, he couldn’t ignore it. 
“You would?”
Tonight, your words were coming out with no filter. Jisung didn’t need to ask about the video for you to fill him in on what it was about, and he definitely didn’t expect for you to answer bluntly honest to any of his questions.
“Yes,” you sighed. “Fuck I- I even purchased a few toys not too long ago. I haven’t tried them all yet, but I’m planning to. Maybe tonight, or during the weekend when you are not around, I don’t know”. 
When you said that, Jisung remembered the package that arrived at your doorstep a few days ago. You weren’t home so he texted you to see if you had purchased anything online, and your reaction was rather strange.
“Leave it in my room,” you had told him over the phone, weirdly nervous for such a trivial thing. “Uh, it’s for… it’s a gift, my friend’s birthday is coming up”. 
Not only were you a terrible liar, but Jisung was an exceptional lie detector. 
“The package you received on monday?”
It didn’t make any sense how hard you tried to prevent him from snooping through your stuff only to end up admitting what the package was about a couple of days later.
“Yep,” you laughed, pushing a few strands of hair away from your face. 
“What kind of toys?”
The idea of you noticing how nosy he was being scared him, but you didn't seem to mind. And because you didn’t seem to mind, he didn’t seem to care —the more you answered, the more he questioned you.
“I bought a dildo, a wand, even some nipple clamps…” you couldn’t recall every single item you had bought online, but that was more than enough of an answer for him. “I tried the dildo already, but I haven’t taken my time with the others”. 
The image of you, laying on your back with your legs spread and your hand forcing a dildo inside your cunt was something that he couldn’t let go of that easily. 
“What color is it?” Jisung asked you, visibly eager to know such a random fact.
It might’ve been random for anyone, but not for him —if you were giving him the opportunity to lore into your deepest secrets, then he was going to get as many details as possible. 
He was much more a detail-oriented person rather than one who took into account the bigger picture.
“A clear one,” you replied. “Transparent. It looks cool”. 
He unconsciously stared at your thighs, fantasizing about the image you had engraved into his mind —your hand moving roughly against your pussy, burying the toy deep inside you while you desperately tried to hit that one spot that could assure you the pleasure that the girl in the video was feeling.
He felt bad for even thinking about you that way —you, who had been nothing but a sweet, caring best friend. More often than not, Jisung thought it was inappropriate to have such perverse thoughts about you, especially because you had never done anything for him to think them in the first place. 
He might’ve been staring at your thighs for too long, because he didn’t even feel your palm resting on his knee, softly stroking it while your eyes were fixed on such a scene.
“Didn’t think they would kick in, huh?”
When you asked him that, he immediately stared at his crotch, noticing what he had been fearing for all the years he had been living with you.
His first instinct must have been to try to hide his erection with a cushion, or perhaps lean over himself to prevent you from seeing his bulge. But, in the midst of things, Jisung did nothing.
“I didn’t think they would kick either,” you continue without taking his eyes off him.
You were shamelessly staring, and he was shamelessly showing himself off —it was a weird dynamic, but none of you bothered to change anything from it. “But I can feel it now”.
Your nipples were painfully erect underneath your t-shirt, and your cunt was soaking wet to the point that your folds were sticking to your underwear.
“What exactly do you feel?”
Jisung’s question was ambiguous, but it awakened endless responses in you.
“I feel desperate,” you replied, tilting your head at him. “I can’t stop looking at you and wondering how it would feel to have you inside me”.
You didn’t know if it was you or the aphrodisiacs talking, but those were thoughts you already had prior to that day. Maybe the candies gave you the courage to say so out loud, but your attraction towards Jisung was definitely not a product of the whole situation. 
“How do you think it would feel?”
Your hand was still on his knee and your eyes were fixed on his crotch, his words looping in your brain while you tried to explain yourself.
“Good,” you barely managed to say, feeling the skin on your palm burning because of the contact. “Feel like- you can fill me up real good. Even better than the dildo I bought”. 
“It doesn’t feel as good as the real thing?”
“Nu-huh,” you replied, shaking your head. “Bet you would feel a thousand times better”. 
“Me?” he asked you, luring you into saying something else so he could act on it. 
“Yeah,” you replied. “When was the last time you fucked?”
The question took him by surprise, but he still answered it.
“3 or 4 months?” He exhaled, licking his lips while feeling your touch going higher and higher on his thigh. “I- don’t know. I’ve been busy these days”.
“That’s a lot of time,” you purred, gripping his thigh softly. “Aren’t you stressed?”
You were practically putting yourself on a silver trail for him, and Jisung liked that as much as he hated it —on one side, his cock was twitching in excitement for the possiblity of being able to fuck you, the main character of his wet dreams; on the other, he hated how shy he was acting. Up until that point, Jisung was sure he was giving you the wrong impression.
“Where are we going with this?” he asked you, out of the blue. It had been minutes of teasing and beating about the bush —you were provoking him to do something, but it seemed as if that was the only initiative you were willing to take.
“The aphrodisiacs worked on us,” you spat, as if the elephant in the room wasn’t obvious. “And we are here, we both need- I think we need each other, and-”. 
“You want me to fuck you?” Jisung’s heavy breathing and your loud heartbeats resonated through the living room, even while the movie was still playing in the background. It was a risky move, but he knew you were not going to reject him.
You definitely wouldn’t. 
“Yes, but I don’t think we should,” you sighed, followed by a frustrated groan. “Fuck, I can’t- think straight”. 
He copied your actions and placed one of his hands against your thigh, the warmth of your skin burning his palm. 
“We don’t have to talk about this,” he proposed. “Hm? What do you think?”
“I can’t just not think about it,” you murmured, half-lidded gaze making eye contact with him. “I’m not scared about things getting awkward between us- I’m scared of not being able to stop”. 
“What do you mean?”
“Like,” you let out another frustrated groan and shifted your position on the couch to face him. “If we fuck tonight, I’m sure it is going to happen again. And again. And again.” 
“And so?”
“We live together” you exhaled, as if the answer wasn’t rather obvious. “It is going to get weird”.
“So you don’t want to, then?” his hand moved from your thigh to your hip, and you melted under his touch.
His hands were big, and somewhat rough, and the fact that he was touching you in places he had never touched before was only making it worse for you to think clearly. 
“No, I do want to-” you sighed, hypnotized by his intimidating gaze. “I need you, really need to be fucked”. 
“But you are my best friend!”
“And you are mine,” he exhaled, murmuring his words with a husky voice. “That doesn’t mean I don’t fantasize about you all the fucking time”. 
It was supposed to be a secret but, in the midst of things, Jisung didn’t seem to care about the information going out of his lips.
It was almost as if the aphrodisiacs were some kind of drug that forced you to speak the truth. 
“God,” you sighed, pushing your hair back nervously. “You aren’t making this any easier”. 
“Why not?” he asked you, dragging his hand from your hip to your waist. “This is kind of your fault”. 
The aphrodisiacs.
“What do you suggest, then?” you asked back with a pinch of sarcasm. “You suggest we fuck and then forget all about it?”
“Why not?”
There were a million reasons why that suggestion was anything but right; there were another million other things you two could do to try and ease the aphrodisiac’s effects, yet you knew you needed Jisung more than he needed you. The endless nights of masturbating to the thought of his voice, his hands and him were proof of it.
“Promise we will forget about it?” you queried, melting underneath his touch. “Pretend it never happened and never talk about it?”. 
Jisung’s eyes were fixed on your lips, his cock twitching at the idea of getting to feel them against his. 
“I can’t promise you that,” he whispered, voice turning deeper the more aroused he got. “I don’t think I could ever forget how it feels to be inside you”. 
You closed your eyes in defeat, blaming the aphrodisiacs for not allowing you to think logically.
But really, what else could you do if not give in? The mere touch of his hand was burning against your skin, you felt tingles all over your body and the way he whispered those dirty words got you wondering what he would sound like while fucking you.
“Don’t think I could ever forget how pretty you look while having my cock inside you,” he murmured, lips approaching yours.
Jisung knew it was only the beginning. The more he talked, the more your body reacted, and he couldn’t ignore how you squeezed your thighs together every time he said something dirty. 
“Best friends do this kind of stuff all the time, anyways,” he murmured against your lips, too close to feel his breath caressing your face, yet too far to be able to taste him for the first time, ever. “Okay?”
You didn’t answer, but you didn’t need to —your lips were already pressed together, parting them ever so slightly so that your tongue could meet his. You've kissed many lips before, yet none of them felt like Jisung's did —they were wet, and bold, and they tasted oh so good that you craved to kiss him more, even when you were already doing so.
It was just a kiss, yet your body reacted as if it was something else. Your hips were grinding unconsciously against his touch, your clit was aching to be played with and your nipples were poking through your shirt, begging for his attention.
“Fuck,” you whispered in between kisses, a few beads of sweat forming on your forehead and nape. “It feels so weird”.
More than feeling weird, Jisung felt pain. His cock was so hard it hurt, and he seemed too desperate to take off his clothes.
“Can’t fucking wait,” he groaned, trembling hands finding the hems of your shorts. “Please let me- Want to know how badly you want me”.
His fingers slipped inside the elastic of your bottoms, guiding them expertly to that one place he was dying to explore. He needed to feel your warmth, to be sure that your body reacted the same way he did.
“Don’t tease me,” you swallowed thickly, eyes fixed on the veins of his hand and arm. The cold rings on his fingers made you shiver, and the anticipation of getting to feel his touch somewhere he hadn’t touched before made your heart skip a beat. “Please”.
“The fact that I’m your best friend doesn’t matter anymore, hm?” he scoffed with cockiness, the tip of his middle and ring fingers pressing against your swollen clit on top of your dampened underwear. 
“Shit,” you sighed again, rolling your hips against his hand. 
You were much more sensitive than usual, and Jisung wondered if you had always been this way or was it just the aphrodisiacs’ effect.
“So wet,” he groaned, tracing your clothed slit. “Just like I’ve always imagined”.
Perhaps it wasn’t much of a secret that Jisund dreamt about fucking you for as long as he can remember —you clearly recalled a few times you caught him staring at you in an odd way. But the possibility of him being attracted to you wasn’t as arousing as him actually telling you all the filthy and perverse things he thought about you, even while you weren’t aware of it.
“What else have you imagined?” you asked him, desperate to get rid of your clothes. “Want to know all of it”.
Jisung licked his lips while he stared at you undressing for him, exposing yourself completely to him for the very first time.
And definitely not the last one.
He stared at your breasts for what felt like ages, before he caught a glimpse of your glistening, swollen cunt that was asking for him to use it. 
“You,” he murmured in awe, his cock leaking precum and staining his pants and underwear. “Sucking me off, letting me come inside your mouth”.
“What else?”
You’ve always been a sucker for dirty talking, but hearing him saying all those things was completely different from what you were used to. 
“Fucking you raw,” he continued, feeling his skin burning when your hands desperately reached for the hems of his shirt and helped him get it off. “Getting to come inside you a couple of times a day, watch my cum leaking out of your pussy while you thank me for it”.
When your hands sneaked inside his pants and touched his hard bulge without a warning, Jisung bucked his hips against you.
The aphrodisiacs did wonders on turning you both more sensitive, and you couldn’t figure out if you liked it or hated it. 
“Is that what you think when you masturbate?” you asked, stroking his clothed erection. From time to time, Jisung’s hips twitched because of your touch, and he couldn’t help but feel pathetic for being desperate. “Don't think I don't know what you do when you lock yourself in the bathroom for hours”.
“Would that satisfy you?” he panted, breath hitching every time you squeezed his cock a bit too rough. “To know that I jerk off thinking about fucking you at all times?”
“Mhm,” you sighed, feeling your cunt clenching around thin air while you stroke him off. “And I can’t wait for you to actually do it”.
“Are you always this desperate?” he hissed, lowering his pants to reveal his hard, veiny cock. He wrapped his hand around the tip of it and smeared the precum all along it, moaning for you while doing so. “Or are the aphrodisiacs talking?”
“Both,” you admitted, eyes fixed on the way he played with his dick. “I’m always aroused but this- just made it worse”. 
“And have you ever thought about me this way?” he asked again, guiding you to sit on his lap with your cunt aligned with the tip of his length. 
“Yes,” you bit your lip, rolling your hips against his while your own fluids lubricated his cock. “It’s not- It’s just not the aphrodisiacs, I do want you. I’ve always wanted to feel you”.
Jisung traced your slit with two of his fingers, getting them all wet and slippery while your body trembled on top of him, “Yeah?”.
Before you could reply, Jisung lifted his hips so that his cock could enter you deep; the stretch was so sudden that it made you gasp, and the way your walls clenched around him almost aggressively at the unexpected stimuli made him groan loudly.
“G-god!” you cried, breath getting caught up in your throat the more he bottomed out. 
“This is what I feel like,” he hissed with a shaky voice, too lost into watching you falling apart on top of him. “Don’t need to imagine it anymore”. 
You bent forward to kiss him while having his cock deep inside you, forcing him to stay like that for a while as you got used to his length. Your lips hungrily attacked his in a sloppy kiss, one who knew neither rhythm nor gentleness —it was like you both were too fucked out now to reciprocate each other’s kiss, but you didn’t care.The messier the kiss was, the more you clenched around him and, although his cock was already inside you, it still hurt.
“Can I fuck you now?” he whimpered in between kisses, his voice sounding unrecognizable to you —the husky, deep tone was long gone and was replaced by a whimpering, desperate one. “Want you to come around my cock”.
You nodded, still with your hands cupping his face and your lips devouring his. After that, Jisung lost no time in starting to move inside you at a slow pace at first, helping you get used to his cock while he deliciously explored your cunt. 
His hands grabbed your arse while he fucked your cunt with rough and deep thrusts, letting you feel all of himself inside you.
“Touch yourself for me,” Jisung asked, half-lidded eyes taking in all of the sight in front of him —his cock was going in and out of you with ease, your wetness providing the most delicious friction while your legs trembled in pleasure. “Want to see you playing with yourself while having my cock fucking you”.
He didn’t need to ask you twice before your digits were already rubbing your clit in circular motions, matching the same pace his thrusts had. 
“You feel so- hard inside me,” you moaned, struggling to maintain your position while your body threatened to plop down over his. “So fucking g-good”.
“You think your toys will ever feel as good as I do?” he groaned through gritted teeth, the pace of his thrusts becoming sloppier every second that passed by. “Don’t worry, I can take care of you”.
“Shit,” you whispered, closing your eyes when you felt the knot tightening inside your lower abdomen. “No, they don’t- feel as good, no”. 
“It’s okay,” Jisung murmured, forcing you to plop down on him while he continued fucking your pussy. “I can be your toy from now on”. 
The filthiness in his words were pushing you to the edge, one of your hands grabbing his shoulder for support while the other continued working on your clit, rubbing it sloppily and carelessly with the sole purpose of getting you to come. 
“Ji-” you cried, burying your face on the crook of his neck. “Yes- want to fuck your cock more”.
“Yes?” he queried, “Want my cock to be your toy? To be available for you to use whenever you feel like it?”
The thought he just engraved in your mind was the last push you needed to reach your orgasm —thinking about getting fucked by him every time you wanted, in all the different ways you craved, was more than enough to make you come around his cock. 
“Coming,” you cried, increasing the movement of your fingers while he did the same. “C-coming, Ji-”. 
He fucked you through your orgasm with rough thrusts, making your legs tremble and your eyes roll to the back of your head while you pathetically resented the effects of aphrodisiacs. It felt all more intense, more long-lasting. 
“God,” he groaned, hugging you tightly while you trembled on top of him and managing to keep his cock inside you, even while your body spasmed. “You’re going to make me come”.
“P-please,” you murmured quietly, trying hard to overcome the sensations your body was feeling. “Please come”.
He never stopped moving inside you, not even when he was hugging you and keeping you in place. He was just a few seconds away from his orgasm, but he wanted to keep on fucking you for as long as he was able to.
“You want me to be your toy then, huh?” he queried, licking his lips while he swallowed thickly. You nodded against his chest, moaning and crying in overstimulation every time his pubic bone hit your swollen clit. “Then, it’s only fair you get to be my toy too, let me fuck your tight cunt whenever I want”.
“Yes, yes, yes-” with shortness of breath, you agreed to everything Jisung was saying.
And that was not the aphrodisiacs’ fault, but your own.
“Yeah?” Jisung asked, too far gone to think the whole thing through. “I’m going to fuck you all the time, bend you over any surface and use your cunt as I please,” he hissed, feeling chills all over his body while his cock twitched inside you at the idea. “Gonna make you come as much as you ask me to, make a mess- out of you”.
When you cried and begged for him to do exactly that, Jisung couldn’t hold any longer. 
“Fuck I- Where do you-?”
“Inside,” you whimpered, straightening your body so you could see his face. “Want it there”. 
With sharp, deep thrusts, Jisung milked himself inside you until the last drop. He could even feel your walls squeezing him harshly, almost as if they were begging for more, and it made him feel dizzy.
It was truly something he had never experienced before.
You stared at him while he filled your pussy to the brim, hazy half-lidded eyes looking at you while he tried to stabilize himself. 
You both came hard, but it seemed as if the pleasure was elongated. You were both sensitive, and still aroused, and trying to figure out how to describe the experience you just had.
Trying to figure out what happened in the first place.
But it was safe to say that neither of you regretted it. At all.
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writing-for-life · 5 months
WHAT DO YOU MEAN DREAM'S HAIR USED TO BE WHITE!! oh my god. i just saw your post about killala and i have now perished. thanks for breaking my heart.
but also hi!! i'm relatively new to the fandom and it's a great place to be. i haven't finished reading all the comics yet but i'm curious to know:
what do you think are the main differences between TV!Dream and Comics!Dream? i've heard so many people claiming that he is incapable of changing, for instance, and though the show does convey his overall rigidity pretty well, i'm not getting the vibe that he's immutable.
also!! it's clear that he feels a lot. which is always funny to me when the corinthian is like yo, try this and maybe you'll feel something for a change but like. he does!!! or i get the impression that he does. he probably feels too much if anything?? all of it simmering just beneath the surface, barely contained. how would you personally analyze his relationship with his own emotions?
i hope all of this is coherent enough for you to answer lmao, i saw your post about enjoying being asked sandman questions two seconds after i woke up and barged into your inbox. hope you have a lovely day!
Thanks so much for the ask, and welcome if you’re new(ish) to the fandom! 🤗
I’m sorry I broke your heart—much more heartbreak to come I fear if you haven’t read the comics yet, so I’ll try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible.
I am one of those people who believes the differences between comics!Dream and show!Dream are actually not as big as they are made out to be where it matters, and you will definitely find people who disagree. At the end of the day, we all read it through our own lens and will never be fully objective about it.
The main difference I see is that they filed off the rough edges of the comics a bit to make a new audience sympathise more. It’s very hard to do that with a character who is basically in full arsehole mode for most of the first 40 issues or so, and even then only slowly begins to come out of it (although we can obviously see glimmers of what lies below the surface at the beginning of the comics, too, but it’s far more subtle than in the show). I’ve worked in musical theatre for a over decade of my life and understand a bit about bringing the written word to stage/screen, and some things simply don’t translate well from book to stage/screen, and you have to change it. So my personal opinion is we get a more sympathetic Morpheus and certain changes so the audience can do exactly that—sympathise off the bat. You will lose an audience pretty quickly if they don’t care about the protagonist and the universe he moves in, and you can’t be as nuanced about it as you can be in a written work. We’re talking about streaming services thinking about profits here, even if people don’t want to hear it.
Also: The more you sympathise with a character, the deeper the emotional investment and the more you feel, even if it hurts.
Having said this, I don’t think Morpheus is incapable of change, and I never got where that idea comes from. His biggest flaw is that he believes he cannot change (and even he has moments when he admits he might have). In the introduction to Endless Nights, Neil Gaiman says that he was once asked to describe The Sandman in twenty-five words or less, and famously, it was this (you might have heard it):
“The Lord of Dreams learns that one must change or die, and makes his decision.”
And I think some people might have wrongly taken that for an either/or thing. I don’t want to say too much at this point because I don’t know how much you know (if you’d like spoilers or already know how it ends, let me know, I’ll happily expand on it). Only so much:
He is capable of change, also in the comics. Very obviously so. But just like he denies he has his own story (which also isn’t true), he denies he can change. Or at least he thinks he perhaps cannot change enough (it’s actually hard to write about this without giving everything away, help! 🙈).
As for his feelings: He does feel, but again, it is something he pushes down and will deny himself. Until it bursts to the surface and breaks through, and when that happens, it’s usually with, well, let’s say varying results, and that’s putting it mildly. Personally, I’d say he has problems relating to his feelings, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel. Quite the opposite in my view. He holds the collective unconscious—all unprocessed feelings and whatever else floats around in that collective mess, and it’s exactly what he says to the Corinthian in that famous scene: he needs to keep a lid on it and keep that lid firmly closed so all of it doesn’t consume him. But that also means denying himself the feelings that are linked to his own personhood (if you want to call it that). There’s Dream of the Endless, and then there’s Morpheus. And while they’re one and the same and inseparable, Morpheus is also the “point of view”. The character, the person, if you will. And deep down, he craves that personhood so badly. Out of all the Endless, he is the only one who basically collects names because they mean having something beyond his function, which is also mirrored in what he tells Death in “The Sound of her Wings”: he wants something more. He is the only one whose realm is populated with sentient beings (yes, I know Despair has rats, but I think you get my drift). He is desperately lonely and struggles with it. He seeks connection yet denies it to himself. That’s not someone who doesn’t feel.
I don’t know if this answers your questions at all—I was doing the wild “spoiler-free” dance 🤣 But please let me know if you want me to go a bit deeper, I love talking about this stuff.
You can also have a look at my metas if you haven’t already. The headers pretty much explain what they’re about and what spoiler-level to expect, but none of them are truly spoiler-free I guess:
Again, thanks so much for encroaching on my inbox, and feel free to follow up if anything was left unanswered.
@dreamaturgy ask answered
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