#and I'm making labels for all of them so the inconsistency is killing me
skvaders · 3 months
The way TMA does case numbers is so annoying to me because the majority of them follow the yyyddmm format right? Tim and Jon even have a conversation about it in Boatswains Call.
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BUT! Not all case numbers follow this rule. Episodes 10, 16, 39-48, 56, 79, 80, 90, 98, and 134 have their case numbers formatted as yyymmdd in their descriptions.
Now, you might just wave this off as the out of universe episode descriptions being incorrect and thus these are not the true numbers. However, some of these yyymmdd case numbers are mentioned in the episodes. Take Body Builder and Light's Out for instance:
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So canonically, statements in the archives are numbered using both yyyddmm and yyymmdd. Isn't that maddening???
Another things about case numbers, statements with unrecorded dates seem to follow the pattern of ###-U. MAG085 (Upon the Stair) is #376-U and MAG113 (Breathing Room) is #571-U. Likely the numbers are the order that the undated statements were received, so Upon the Stair would be the 376th undated statement received, with the U standing for undated.
Something else that I noticed that was fun was that MAG105 (Total War) has a completely unique case number: #D-1682-143. Because it's from the The Pu Songling Research Centre it doesn't follow the same case numbering system that The Magnus Institute does. Fun!
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What are your problems with GW and how they handle Warhammer 40k?
Okay, so....this is...gonna have to be a long series of posts. Because it's a LONG thing. Before we begin, several things to keep in mind!
I primarily engage with Warhammer 40k through reading Black Library content. I don't play the video games (my computer is too old to play most video games and my reflexes are, to quote the neurologist who examined me "...not good..." so any game that involves aiming and shooting is a no-go for me) and I don't play the tabletop, mostly because I still haven't painted any of my army. I buy the miniatures, but I don't...play. Er. Yeah. I mostly read the books, so everything I say is gonna be about the books.
PLEASE DON'T LET ANYTHING I SAY TURN YOU OFF OF READING WARHAMMER NOVELS/NOVELLAS/SHORT STORIES, ETC. Some of them are really good! And even if they aren't, they're entertaining! Please keep reading them, good stuff. BUT. You asked me about my opinions about GW and how they handle 40k.
Some of this is my opinion, and some of this is opinion I've picked up from other fans. I'm not the most well-read 40k fan, so some of this is stuff I've learned from other fans. I'll be sure to properly label it all so you know how much of this is my opinion, and how much of this is stuff I've picked up from others. I am not an authority by any measure, I've written a few fics and people seem to generally like them.
I will also preface this by saying I am a fanfic writer. I don't write official novels or short stories for 40k.
I will happily rant about them in a longer series of posts, and I'll be sure to tag you! But here's a brief thesis of the problems I've seen:
Everything Is Canon: Making canon a little muddled in my opinion. On the one hand, this is fun, because it means you get to pick and choose what you consider to be canon. Don't like this character interaction? Non-canon. Like this other one that's vaguely alluded to but never shown? Totally canon. But it does mean that characters are written wildly differently depending on the author, which leads to major inconsistencies in characters. This makes it somewhat difficult to do in-depth character writing for any audience who hasn't read the same carefully-curated library of content that you have (my apologies to any fans of Guy Haley or Graham McNeill who come looking for their versions of Mortarion and find The Buried Dagger's version instead) and makes the timeline an utter mess. It also means that you have to spend an inordinate amount of time to justify the actions another author came up with to fit your vision of the character. As a Mortarion writer, this one hits especially hard.
Too Grim, Too Dark: Hard to care about characters and setting if it's all a contest between writers to see who can come up with the darkest thing ever (my vote goes to the murderer turned into a lobotomized clown doll. What the fu--). Some writers can pull this off without losing audience engagement, some of them cannot.
Too Much Emphasis on Humans: At some point, GW let authors write a bunch of stories about humans as the main characters and total badasses and the end result has been the Imperium comes across as the good guys, in spite of the opening blurb of every book establishing that humans are not supposed to be the good guys.
Too Much Bolter Porn: I space out whenever there's a bunch of fighting scenes. Boring! I know it's a war story, but...yeah, I want more character interaction. Then again, I'm a fanfic writer, so that's exactly what you'd expect of me, hey?
Random characters who are introduced halfway through the book just so that they can be killed off because idk, war is hell: There's an old piece of writing advice that circulates on Tumblr saying that you shouldn't depict a war by concentrating on the huge amounts of destruction, but on the little things, on the single, unique lives lost in the conflict. Doing this a little is okay. Doing this more than once per book loses all effect. Not all GW writers do this, but some of them do, and the end result is that it's not even slightly emotionally effective when the random civilian you introduced, gave a brief backstory to, provided with a personality, and started describing going about their day suddenly explodes in a squall of gore. And a lot of them do this more than once per book. They'll spend pages and pages describing this no-name guy, what his noble family is like, what his relationship with his parents is, what his hopes and dreams are, what his habits and addictions are, who he slept with last night, his relationship with the crew, his attachment to the ship, all this, just so that he gets run over by a space marine who never knew he existed. This isn't "show don't tell," this is padding.
Okay, I think that covers most of my complaints. I will happily bitch about some of these in more detail in other posts. AND. I will also provide a list of my favorite stuff I've read from Black Library!
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jetixlag · 1 year
Welcome to my disasterpiece of a blog
Hi Tumblr, i am a refugee from Twitter who had no choice to escape cuz of the amount of trolling Daddy Elon has caused, so yeah unless Twitter gets back in two feet this is gonna be my new home
About Myself
I am a guy from Argentina, very gay and may or may not be having Gender Dysphoria so probably trans in a couple years lol, I am 100% SFW so no weird stuff, i do swear like a sailor tho lmao
I make art or something
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My style is very inconsistent across the board and some of the examples are from last year, but don't worry they are all mine. For most of my drawings i used Medibang paint but now i switched to Ibis Paint cuz Medibang now sucks pure ASS
Music that i like and shit
I like to have an open palate, so i don't exactly have a type of music i like, however lately i'm listening to a lot to Dance, Electronic and Nu-metal music. here's one from an artist called Renard (aka LapFoxTrax/Halley Labs/Heckscaper) i recently found out about them and i have been obsessed (also they made a ton of songs i recognize from years ago so yeah lmao)
(psstt, if you want to listen to more of their music, check out this link)
I love old games, specially early to mid 2000s games. Like i said, i like to have an open palate so i have many amounts of time poured into other games, mostly games that have addicting mechanics, tons of customization or cute animals lmao. But when i'm not playing any of those i'm scouring thru Abandonware websites to download old games for free. Right now i'm playing a lot of Super Animal Royale and i have recently reached level 100, after countless hours of playing on console and PC. Here's a pic of my current character
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You are required to view her and appreciate and love and care about her
U2 (as like the website, not the band)
To be honest, YouTube basically swapped Television and streaming services for me, since both of them are getting worse over time, although this is true for YouTube, at least i get to watch nostalgic videos i watched when i was younger. I like Vinesauce a lot, i watch both Vinny and Joel and listen to Red Vox a lot, when i'm not watching Vinesauce i'm probably watching some video essay about something i don't care about to kill time, Richard Overtime, Vsauce (Vsauce, Vinesauce, is that a coincidence?), RebelTaxi, etc
Before the release of "What Could Go Wrong", Red Vox released There She Goes, Back To School and Hazy as singles, but in the YouTube release, these songs had a little gasm MP3 file snucked into the songs, they are all normal except for that little sound, these videos used to be unlisted but nowadays are unavailable cuz YouTube made all unlisted videos private, but thanks to the people from Voxcord, links of all three songs i had saved and the Wayback Machine, we were able to recover all three songs (i'm only posting one for Tumblr, can DM me for more although i will probably upload these rarities to YouTube or Archive.org)
Some drafts of Why Can't This Be Easy by also Red Vox, i barely have knowledge of these but as i heard, these were shown on stream, and there were three different demos, i could only find two however there's a SoundCloud that has a version that is different from these two, i have no idea if this demo is real since it's unofficial but just in case i'll leave the link here
This is a cool website i found while browsing the Interwebz, it's a gif of the cat from Sapari doing a little dance to a link of random electronic music, and it even changes it's little dance moves when you click on it too!, truly odd but top tier websiting
I have nothing to add ERRR BOOKS
I have many books and mangas in my collection and a lot of 'em are pending, however my collection makes no sense cuz i have 1984 next to Beastars volume 2. or Chainsaw Man next to a Warrior Cats book, but i like it that way, represents very well the way i don't make any sense. Every year i take a trip to a book fair that is kinda far away but it's gigantic, kilometers and kilometers of pure book stands filled with interesting (you guessed it) books
I have a cool meowth plushie
I like pistachio ice cream :3
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I have literally nothing else to add, might end it right here
So yeah, that's it for my introduction, hope you guys enjoy the stuff i make and that i can make new friends or at least meet cool people on the way on this website
Au Revoir!
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my-mt-heart · 3 years
I saw your list for the ask to your top 10 favorites. We are practically sisters. I won't touch on all of them because I know I suffer from "lengthy post-ism". I just want to say I definitely feel Shane was the best human antogonist with a compelling descent into madness. At times I thought he would be okay, but nope. So to me he was the most human antogonist. Most others who got around 2 seasons of an arc like he did just felt comic-y to me.
Merle, yes! He was such a strong character. If he lived and learned through his redemption arc, he would be nothing short of awesome. I think part of what made Shane and Merle great antagonists was because you could feel their conflict and fighting against their better angels. Other villians usually just felt like villians. I didn't feel their heart at all.
Girl, I am with you all day on Ezekiel and Beth too. Ezekiel has so much heart, like a king and he's got great social skills (except for when it comes to Daryl haha) but he's got an inner strength that goes deeper than the facade he was putting on when he had The Kingdom. And Beth, gosh. She was another great example of younger siblings really stepping up when the older sibling is absent (think Daryl with Merle, Mika with Lizzie (though Lizzie was present) Beth with Maggie, Kelly with Connie). There are dualities of strength that TWD has repeatedly chosen to have seen in the younger sibling that hits just right for me.
Yes, Kelly is amazing. And the fact that we know she looks up to Carol just melts me. Because who shouldn't look up to Carol? She's the best role model. Lydia is a whole topic in itself. But she is truly a favorite of mine as well.
Definitely not trying to stir the pot here. I am really just curious. I notice Rick is not on your list. And I was wondering if you were comfortable sharing your reasons? I am just interested in seeing if they align with my own. Because I will always love Rick but he ceased from being a favorite character of mine after he killed Shane. Not because I didn't agree with his choice. Shane had to go. But Rick literally turned into Shane. It reminds me of how the Roman Empire didn't "conquer" the Grecian empire? They just absorbed it. That's where they get the term Greco-Roman Empire from? I feel like that's what happened with Rick. That he just "absorbed" Shane. And from there he makes a myraid of judgments that are inconsistent and costly to the group. But that is just my opinion on him. I know he is fighting for the greater good. But still. Just curious on what you thought?
Well, great minds think alike as they say. Reading all your brilliant blurbs on the characters, I'm realizing I should have included those on my list as well, so here's me remedying that. I'll skip Carol and Daryl for now because that's probably a whole post on it's own. The first five I'm copying and pasting from a similar ask post about which other characters I liked on the show and why:
Michonne - Carol understandably gets labeled "the most transformed," but Michonne's growth as a character is pretty phenomenal too. She's always been a badass warrior, but I love that over time she allowed herself to show a more nurturing side and a great sense of humor. I think her relationships with Rick and Carl were integral to that.
Glenn - In early seasons, he was the adorable dork of the group, but his resilience made him the biggest asset. I think he might also be one of the only long-term characters whose morality never wavered no matter what they had to deal with.
Lydia - There is a strong possibility my investment in her character has everything to do with her having so much in common with both Daryl and Carol.  Despite a long history of abuse, she's stronger than ever with a heart of gold.
Kelly - I'm not saying I'm glad Connie went missing, but her absence has really given Kelly some much needed time to shine and shine she does. I love her rationality and youthful resilience. For being so young, she's one of the most mature characters on the show. I also love how loyal she is and how determined she is to make sure the people she cares about are safe (i.e. Luke, Connie).
Jerry - He may not be the most developed, but he always makes me laugh. I mean, how do you not love this guy? His relationship with Ezekiel is everything and I really hope they get to reunite. I also really loved his interactions with Carol in Diverged, and how perceptive he was of her relationship with Daryl. What he said about "a friend thinking you're perfect when everyone else thinks you're broken" was spot on and now I need to hear the words come out of Daryl's mouth. Ugh.
Ezekiel - He comes into the series a little too comic-y for me, though I think the CGI tiger has a lot to do with that. At the risk of sounding like a sadist, I want to say watching him slowly lose everything he holds dear helps me feel more drawn to his character. Underneath the facade, there's clearly a human being with noble intentions and a strong desire to view the world optimistically, which is beautifully challenged by the LOADS of shit the world throws back at him. Seriously, the man lost his people, his home, his son, his wife, his horse, and on top of all that finds out he has cancer. I mean, jfc, can he catch a break already?? This is why I love his relationship with Jerry so much. So. much. He's the one consistency in his life, the only person who has and will always be there for him emotionally. I don't think you can really say that about Carol. And look. We can't blame Zeke for falling for her. She's Carol. She's amazing. Why aren't more characters tripping over themselves trying to be with her? We can hold it against him for acting insecure about Daryl, but also why? It serves a purpose. It establishes the two of them as foils and even better, it validates the possibility of a romance between Carol and Daryl.
Beth - To me, she embodies the coming of age narrative that we missed out on with Sophia and are currently being deprived of with Judith. We get to see her change from naive and innocent to capable and determined in real time, and because of that, we get to see Daryl navigate mentorship for the first time. So yes, I enjoy their scenes together. Again, not sorry.
Shane - What makes him my favorite villain is the fact that he doesn't have the word villain tattooed across his forehead like literally every other showy and borderline cartoonish bad guy on the whole damn series. He's a human being with human feelings mixed with a defective moral compass. He's trouble, but still relatable. He's strong, but grounded. I really hope there are more villains like him on the Caryl show.
Merle - Characters do not have to be good, likeable people in order to be good characters. Merle is proof of that. In real life, I wouldn't want someone like Merle anywhere near me. He's racist, sexist, and as Daryl put it so eloquently, a simple-minded piece of shit. But I like that he has such a distinct voice and I also appreciate that unlike a stereotypical big oaf, he is rounded. He has a soft spot for his brother, and though it might be buried deep, DEEP down, he has a sense of right and wrong. Which of course Daryl helps bring out of him.
As for why I didn't include Rick on my list, I'm not sure I have a clear reason. I like him. I root for him. He's just not my favorite. Could it be because the white male protagonist who comes from an honest background and wants to build a future for his male heir just feels a little stale to me compared to some of the other really complex character narratives? Maybe. I don't know. Personally, the choices he makes don't really bother me because I can see why they're necessary for his personal growth and the plot. I will agree that he does stoop to Shane-level if not below it, and it could totally be argued that it takes away some of Rick's justification for killing Shane in the first place. But while Shane is written off as a lone wolf who has no one to pull him back, Rick thankfully has Michonne and a lot of others to keep him balanced because they want him to succeed. I know not everyone ships Richonne, but I think they make a great team.
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sauvreng · 4 years
This isn't actually an ask, but I would feel uncomfortable sending a message since we didn't have a prior interaction. I just want to say, I was new to the fandom and just read your fanfic, I love it really. I reread it from time to time. Favoring kurokura ship is scary sometimes, some fans hated the ship so much they would attack the shippers. So I'm delighted to find fans like you who openly supports it despite the odds.
hello, thank you for writing. i'm sorry if this answer is late. tumblr notifs are... inconsistent.
the haters can really be rough to deal with. i've had dav and myself called a few nasty things, but i generally don't let it get to me. i like what i like and i don't really care about the opinions of some random nobodies i've never and will never meet or interact with in my life.
i do however, have a few things to say about the purity movement and what it does to creators so hang on for a while as i rant.
people sometimes confuse "interesting and fun to consume" with "this is what i think is healthy and wholesome". you don't eat fast food hoping for a healthy meal; you don't read fics hoping for well-balanced, woke, aware and healthy characters and relationships. the two are completely unrelated. some may have all of this, but it's not really the norm. that said, don't try the salad at mcdonald's, it is absolutely horrid.
i write what i find interesting and fun to write. and let's be real, all h×h characters are very much in the grey zone. that's what i love about it. we have a culture of black and white, good vs evil, light vs dark. thanks a lot, christianity. but life is never like this. people who attack kurokura shippers seem to conveniently forget that kurapica is also a murderer, that killua has probably personally killed more people than kuroro has (unless you count people murdered by the spiders as a whole, then it's probably reversed).
if you think of it, this black and white thinking is way more destructive to the psyche of everyday people, than shipping a pair that would probably have an unhealthy relationship if they were real people. this black and white thinking makes people believe they are Right™ and therefore everyone who don't agree with them are Wrong™. and how can you have a real conversation, how can you grow and learn and empathize with people different from you if this is how you view life?
no one is good. no one is evil. we all do things that sometimes have positive results, sometimes negative, but most of the time, the results are positive *and* negative.
even this purity movement started with very good intentions and had good results. they pushed creators to be more inclusive, more aware of social disparity and so on.
but still.
kurapica is not "good". kuroro is not "evil". they both are more than that, and that is a testament to togashi's writing genius. all his characters are complex and multi-faceted. it is what makes them vibrant and feel real and helps us connect with them. i would *never* advocate that a real life survivor of mass murder would start dating the person who orchestrated the whole thing (though even that is debatable, if you read chapter 0). it would be absolutely unhealthy and twisted.
but. as characters, it is hella fun imagining how this would happen and what each of them could bring to the other, how they could heal together, how hatred can turn into trust... i'll stop here before gushing about this for three pages.
i mean, i've already gone on a long rant nobody asked for, lol. bc i'm tired of this, not just for k/k but...
i've seen fic authors literally bullied into deleting their fics bc one of their characters dared say something out of line that immediately labeled them "abusive". i stopped reading certain fandom fics bc the entire fandom was like this, expecting teenagers who have lived through extreme trauma to always say the right thing, always be kind and patient and supportive to their partner... and they bullied many authors who dared let them lash out once in a while.
or there's amelie wen zhao who had been so looking forward to publish her first book and was bullied so heavily she cancelled the whole thing. bc she dared portray a social issue from a chinese point of view, wanting to describe what was happening in her country, but people took it to mean something completely different, stolen from the african american point of view. she was literally bullied into abandoning her dreams. that's just so upsetting.
so it's not just k/k. i'm tired of this. can we just agree that stories are stories, they have fun, complex characters that makes one want to understand their psyche and put them in uncomfortable situations to see how they might react, that the stories are a safe and healthy way to explore things you probably don't want in real life?
stories have an impact and i understand that. but at the end of the day, they are *stories*.
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boglog · 5 years
Utopia (2013) notes
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Despite the infantilised female assassin w a father complex trope being the Bane of my Existence (re: Hanna 2011) and the fact that she Literally has Ramona Flowers hair, Jessica is God and we stan
I don't understand this bizarre little peck she gives Becky's head in the last ep and I don't need to. Queen of emotionally stunted social skills.
We also stan reverse-eugenicist Ygritte and her manic pixie faux suicide at a black tie gala
We do not however stan Wilson whose motivations and subsequent double agency didn't make sense to me as much as Milna and Philip's philosophy
Which is sort of a tragedy considering he's one of two major characters of colour but considering we still have Ian we don't necessarily fall into the "The Brown Guy Was Evil All Along" horror trope
And upon finding out that not only is Philip Roma but also that Milna has "been in a genocide" meaning that she is probably for sure Jewish, I'm sure the show is framing Utopia as revenge for WWII, esp given that the adjustments to Janus is literally going to wipe out everyone who isn't Romani.
So wi this context, Wilson's sudden support of Janus is also revenge on white supremacy, colonialism, and genocide, and later his entire character is deliberately turned into a caricature with the fedora and the eye patch and the tattoo
Not to mention Wilson's name is itself a joke and perhaps a reference to Cast Away's greatest inanimate imaginary friend: the Wilson volleyball
Grace Lee of What's So Great About That made a Utopia analysis where she states that the show's colourful composition and stock characters are meant as an uncanny valley contrast to its realism and violence
And wrt to how it portrays violence I think it's well-done in that rather than feeling gratuitous its lack of theatre makes everything uncomfortably real and sometimes the quirky neons add to this tension
But with Wilson's character his goofy attributes feel like forced inconsistencies, as an antagonist he cannot carry the show's final stretch w as much authority and intimidation as Milna nor does he have the depth equivalent to her inner conflict about being in love w Phillip
There's nothing poignant or scary or ironic about him he's just so flat my belief has gone past unsuspension and lies dead on the ground
I know him cutting mr rabbit into his own chest was supposed to be visually symbolic but I actually thinks it takes away from his authority, his vanity making him more vulnerable than Milna whose identity as mr rabbit was ultimately hidden for three decades bc guess who didn't tattoo "rabbit" onto her chest????
I'm going to admit I didn't pay very good attention to some of finer plot details bc here's the next point, the overall thesis of my Wilson meta:
The show is overly complicated while being a very bad comedy: tone what is it
I think when it's playing it straight as a conspiracy thriller it's great (see also the infodump flashback episode 0201)
But whenever it's trying to play off its quirky ensemble cast of Girl Next Door, Nerd, Freaky Prepper and Violent Ten Year Old (occasionally ft The Whitest Family on Earth) there's something so flat and genuinely boring about all of them
And the characters forcing a sarcastic familiarity between each other with monickers like "shithead", "twat" etc? When they've known each other for 5 minutes? That's a CinemaSin ™ :/
Dialogue wise we could've toned down some name dropping and on-the-nose-ing
It's a v ambitious outlandish magical realism comedy v dark film noir balancing act that doesn't always land esp wrt its final antagonist which imo is the show's biggest flaw
The soundtrack as well is great but a little overused
Another problem I have is Becky's accidental addiction to opium, I'm sure I missed something obvious like maybe her "dealer" was connected to the network ? but when I saw it the twist felt tangential to the show at best. We know Becky is naive but to the point of being manipulated into a drug addiction? Wasn't she supposed to be intelligent? It would be smart if it weaved itself into the plot a bit better
Overall I think it's thematically tied to how we're easily manipulated esp via Big Pharma so I guess...? I guess that works? Kinda¿
The oddball family tableau near the end with Jessica, Milna, Phillip and Arby is thrilling and complicated by the internal conflict of wanting to kill each other out of their contrasting ethical beliefs and wanting to love each other out of a vague sense of loyalty / longing bc they're all lonely af
V surprised that I did not feel cheated at the reveals that Phillip was in fact alive and in a psychiatric ward (cliché) it was perhaps awkward that he was found in someone's basement, and meanwhile Arby's secret family felt totally normal AND Milna's hesitation to kill Jessica out of her love for Phillip ALSO WORKS
The intensity of the relationships btwn the family who've barely spent a second around each other for years is thrilling and to be honest way more interesting than anything else the show offers so it's a shame they didn't try to focus on that more but that's just me being predictably drawn in by dysfunctional families
So on the bright side the show is visually stunning, uses inherently interesting premises and parses out the information in a clever pace, Milna's entire arc must be my favourite bc everything about it was incredible, the chemistry between Milna and Philip was perfect (although an answer to why they never officially got together and ended up w different people other than plot convenience is still up in the air)
Ian faking a Somali accent when he's caught committing data theft is iconic and equivalent to when Chelsea Manning labelled the CD filled w war crime scandals as "Lady Gaga"
Jessica: [hardened by a lifetime of torture, slides her chained hands across the table and asks for the Bible because she's bored] / me: 😳
That one hacker guy who swears at his mother is the face of the far right movement
The blonde guy who was about to leave his family to die as he went into hiding in the Bahamas looks like Stan from The Americans so he kinda deserves that
And finally I would like to remind everyone that the notion of blaming global warming, plummeting economy and ressource scarcity on overpopulation is a bourgeoisie lie
It's their fault
We literally have enough food and water and shelter for everyone if only the 1% would put down their million dollar martinis
Once I eventually rewatch it and manage not to be overwhelmed by worldbuidiling I might have a better opinion
Thank you for listening to my TEDtalk
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m34gs · 3 years
For the writing ask: 3, 10, 18, and 20.
Thank you so much for the ask, friend! (from this post here)
Oh wow, you asked some intense questions! This is gonna be a long post!
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
This is literally just a tiny piece of a scene/dialogue that floats around in my brain but I haven't used it yet and I don't know if I ever will, so here you go. It's not for any particular characters, so I will just label it character A, Character B, and so forth...:
Character A and B are talking and discussing something important.
*door slams open and in storms character C followed by a screeching character D*
Character D: "Limit!! It's called a Speed LIMIT!!!! NOT 'SPEED SUGGESTION'!!!!
Character C, calmly as they do some sort of task: "But did you die?"
And that's all I've got for it. I just really want someone to yell that at someone else; I don't care if no one else laughs, I think it would be funny... :)
Ok, I've shared my funny genius...but the rest of this is really long so it is going under a cut here, lol. :D
10. How would you describe your writing process?
In a word? Long.
In detail? If I have an idea, I summarize the entirety of my vision in one sentence in a word doc. (old habit; I went to a writing workshop as a teen and the person leading it stated if we couldn't summarize the overall story in one sentence it was likely too complicated and we should simplify to make it easier for ourselves). Then, I hammer out a brief paragraph summarizing the main points that take the story from beginning to end. After that, I do character assignment; this means that in an original work I pull apart all the characters, delve into personality and roles and flesh them out a bit and list them so that I have all my notes on them. In a fanfic, it means I take the characters from the fandom I'm writing in, list their roles, and highlight/explain briefly any changes in characterizing or what has occurred in their past to keep their personality the same in this AU. Once I've done all that, I break the big paragraph with all the events into chapters; trying to keep 1-2 major events per chapter, and give a slightly more detailed summary of the events within the chapter. I do this for every chapter until I hit the natural-feeling end of the story. Then, I start writing. Sometimes things do change or alter over the course of me writing, but I just adjust and carry on. The main reason I put so much effort into outlining and characters isn't so that I have a set-in-stone plot, but so I have a bit of a guideline and don't lose sight of the story entirely when I'm writing. It also helps prevent plot holes and inconsistencies for me.
You can imagine how long this takes...my first ever posted fanfic is United, a BNHA Hogwarts AU. It is still running (because I needed breaks) and it is going to be 39 chapters long. It took me AGES to get through the plotting and planning alone.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
Hmmm there's a few...
In my fic, Lost, a Haikyuu! Mer-person fic, I have a part where Bokuto sees Shouyou and considers killing Kuroo (who he doesn't know yet as they live in different pods) and adopting Shouyou as part of his own pod. (He thinks Shouyou is a baby because he is so small, and he assumes Kuroo must be his parent.) It doesn't happen, of course, since they end up talking to each other and Bokuto finds out Shouyou is 1. not a baby mer, and 2. lost from his pod and trying to find a way back. After learning this, he helps them. However...the idea of Bokuto and Akaashi 'surprise adopting' Shouyou kinda lives rent free in my brain (usually the fandom version; where they just steal him from the Karasuno volleyball team to come and play volleyball with them instead) and I couldn't get rid of it...so I wrote We Are Your Family, a whump fic where Bokuto and Akaashi actually go a bit off the deep end and kidnap Shouyou to "adopt" him.
In one of my other Haikyuu!! fics, Rest Among the Flowers, I did toy with the idea of Tobio not only knowing Shouyou was a murderous cannibal, but being a bit of a supportive "murder-husband"; Hannibal and Will Graham Style (you know what I mean, friend)...but in the end I decided the horror of it all was much more terrifying if Tobio knew the truth and was sickened by it but also felt he had no way out...So I scrapped the original idea and went with Tobio being disgusted and terrified instead. :D
In United, the Hogwarts BNHA au, I had in my notes that Tenya would initially stray toward revenge against Stain and then have sense knocked into him, much like in the original source material. However, when it got to writing that part (and this is part of the reason I am taking so long with recent chapters) I had to overhaul (hehe, overhaul) my work a bit because I had a bit too much fun with his downward spiral (this is why I need my notes)...and now we're heading into Villain Tenya Territory...and friends, I don't think we'll be leaving there for the duration of the rest of the story... :D IN fact...if you despise Villain Tenya, I would encourage you to stop reading United. But if you wanna see him fall into villainy and despair, please, by all means, keep reading.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Well, if you've read any of the Bar AU, then you'll know that the ENTIRETY of it is crossovers, references, hidden Easter Eggs for those that follow it, and hints about future scenes/works to come...lol. If I were to delve into it all...well that would be too long, I'm afraid...Just know that: Mrs. Yamada Transcends All Time and Space; The Moving Company is Very Confused and Concerned (coming soon!); Watari is Safe From Death; Konro Did Not Buy the Christmas Presents But He Will Say He Did Because Benimaru Is Tsundere; Ichigo is Tired; Dadzawa Won't Let Anyone Get Away With Hurting His Kids and Also Has The Best Polycule Ever; Byakuya and His Son Senku Are Oblivious; Cauliflower Is the Devil; Brawler Has a Flowchart; Dazai and Gojo Cannot Meet Ever; and Rin You Are The Literal Son of Satan So Stop Being Shocked That Ghosts and Shinigami Exist.
Some of my other works and wip that I am really excited for though actually are for the Danganronpa fandom! I wrote Overbearing Love, a Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya OT3 fic; and in there I was thoroughly excited to include my personal thoughts on Hiro. I feel his character was completely underused and robbed of good development in the games. Also, it always sort of irritated me that people thought a 30% accuracy rate for fortune telling is not good...So if anyone wants to see me go off about the Butterfly Effect, and do my best to give more depth to Hiro's character, please feel free to check it out!!
I am also looking forward to, hopefully, in the near future, doing much more with the characters in a non-human au. Hehe, very pumped about that and I am working on my notes for it! And there will be more character development for Hiro to come, since he is fantastic and I love him and really really think he has some amazing potential!!!!!!!
Thanks for the ask, friend! and I hope you enjoyed my answers!! Hope you are having a lovely day :)
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I'm not sure if you're awake right now but I wanna ask, can you describe some things your ocd causes(I don't know if that's a good word to use but it's all I can think of) you to do? I'm wanting to write a story involving a character with ocd, while I'm doing research I remembered (I might be wrong though so feel free to correct me) that I think you said somewhere before you had it and since you kind of inspire me to go after things I thought I ask. If it's too personal feel free to delete!
Also, ocd story anon, I read that trauma can be a cause of ocd, do you believe that your ocd could've come from your trauma?
This is a very very long response going into a few of my (and some alters) OCD traits and some reasoning behind them and the range of responses I have to various triggers. It actually helps me analyze my traits better when ppl ask stuff like this so I may have gone overboard as stuff kinda clicked in my brain but hopefully somewhere in here you will get your answer.
So, I’m going to start with the last question first. MY OCD was not caused by my trauma, however my traumas have completely shaped my compulsions and obsessions to a point where my OCD traits are almost inseparable from my PTSD. See, I’m autistic, and OCD is part of this co-morbidity package a lot of autistic people end up with, to a point where the co-morbid disorders are often not even diagnosed after the autism is because its that common. (They’ll diagnose separately if you need treatment for one of them. like the reason i have ADHD and OCD listed as dx’s is because the doctors count them separately on me bc i need medication for them, but they’re extremely common to the point of being expected with most ASD dxs)
Yes, I have OCD and have always had, but my trauma caused so much anxiety that the disorder reshaped itself around specific triggers. There are many layers to my OCD, it’s actually a strange sort of nonspecific looking presentation because of how many alters also have OCD, so it becomes difficult to tell who has which O and C thus there being a lot of inconsistency in whether or not a trigger affects me.
It’s also worth nothing that some doctor’s feel that I fit under the specific label of “scrupulosity” or rOCD (Religious OCD) because of how much of my stuff revolves around religion. I don’t always agree that it’s this because while my O and C are based on religious themes, I don’t believe in the concepts behind the things. I believe most of the religious stuff is just from religious trauma.
On one layer, I have a number obsession. There are certain numbers that are tolerable, a few that are “cursed,” and one that is “blessed” and one that is “perfect.” I will do anything to change things to match my blessed and perfect numbers. I will even fudge the truth a little (not a lie, often an exaggeration, by about one or two digits) to make something fit those numbers. To randomly come across a cursed number or even just a slightly intolerable one, makes me very anxious and can shape how i spend my day and how much time i spend with my better numbers. The way my trauma shaped this compulsion was that my numbers tie to religious stuff, since my traumatic environment was often religious, or trauma would be inflicted with religious reasons.
There is an alter that has a compulsion to say a prayer. When we have intrusive thoughts (which you super need to research if you’re writing OCD bc it is a KEY PART of the disorder but ill go into it later here), someone starts reciting the prayer. Sometimes I will as well just because it’s easier to go along with it. Not completing the prayer is not an option. I mean that with absolutely every intent. Not completing the prayer is NOT AN OPTION. It does elieviate some background anxiety, so whoever is dealing with that is being helped by the compulsion, but it is extremely frustrating and upsetting, especially since i am as non-religious as i can possibly manage to be. The prayer is also said whenever something is uneasy or something triggers specific flashbacks.
One of the most obviously noticeable and upsetting for all involved O and C is being “dirty.” There’s a VERY wide range of triggers here, from actually dirty/germy/unclean things, to unpleasant/intolerable sensory triggers, all the way to conceptual dirtiness like sin, virginity, and lying. This can affect me subtly sometimes, like how i compulsively tell the truth and over share so that i feel clean or how i cannot go to sleep after a fight if it has not been resolved. (”never go to bed angry” they said, well shit now i literally cant cool.) This can also hit me violently and to a point where I am a danger to myself. I worked at a movie theater for a summer some time ago and touched something that was a bad sensory feeling while cleaning a dirty theater. I then proceeded to scrub my hands in near-boiling water for almost fifteen minutes in the break room, broke down sobbing, and when I got home i sat under very very hot water in the shower until my skin was raw and red for days. It doesn’t often get to that point, but when it does, I’ve been held down for my own safety since I’ll literally rip my skin and bite myself to punish myself for being dirty. It is frequently bad enough that I will let myself do something “dirty” as a form of self harm since it seriously makes me miserable and sick. This stuff comes both from religious trauma and from just....crappy normal autism feelings and manifests as my most disabling OCD trait.
There are other things like closing drawers and straightening and arranging things that are done to feel that I am being “good” because of reprimands I received in the past that made me feel like I am “bad.” I am sometimes able to not act on these compulsions, though it takes conscious effort to choose not to. Whether or not this stems from trauma doesn’t really matter to me. I know that most of the fronting alters have these “little OCDs” be it through me or for their own reasons. Tia for instance has to keep things in the kitchen a certain way and Phoebe has to complete certain physical activities a certain way or else she gets upset or feels she did a very bad job/failed.Since I’m really just. going at this question lmao lets talk a little about intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts are upsetting/disturbing/unacceptable thoughts you do not take pleasure in. For me, a few of them make me feel dirty, which triggers my compulsions very badly. Some relate to trauma, others don’t make sense. There are very common ones such as urges to kill or mutilate self or others, urges to do disastrous things (like causing a huge car accident), urges to do disgusting sexual acts (to self or others, often to unacceptable people like children, elders, and the undesired sex), urges to become a serial killer/rapist/shooter/etc, and other such painfully upsetting things such as those. These are often what fuel the obsessions in OCD and the compulsions are to make these thoughts stop or hurt less. Personally, I get a lot of sexual ones because of how poorly the topic was handled in my childhood. I get ones about elaborately slaughtering a specific abuser, about doing things that will kill me, about mutilating myself and mutilating pets (those are the ones that fuck me up the most i think), and about doing very destructive things that would harm a lot of people. I also get some about terrorism happening where I am, but that one is FOR SURE a trauma thing so maybe it could just be my PTSD. 
Intrusive thoughts occur with a LOT of different disorders!!!!! It’s just OCD when you have compulsions to cope with them. Even then, it has to be a certain way for it to qualify.
I hope I was able to give you somewhere to start in terms of information. OCD is a very big disorder and is a major reason why I’m unable to function in a workplace environment. I didn’t go into the specifics of every compulsion, but if you have questions, I don’t mind talking about this stuff. It helps me process it to explain it to others and I end up healing a little through oversharing I think.
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