#and I was like I can't understand a word in this post
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I don't really care about the font. As long as it is easily readable for me while I am working. I started some stories in Google docs, but moved them to Microsoft Word and am considering going back for convenience sake and I haven't touched them since I moved them partly because of the default fonts. (I am aware I could change them, but I am too lazy to do so) Maybe I do care after all...
I 100% could write it by hand, and have considered it. The only reason I don't is because editing is more difficult on paper.
I haven't been writing long enough to develop a specific ritual. So maybe my lack of ritual is the real curse?
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. That and Hippopotomonstrosesqippedaliaphobia. Yes, these are spelled mostly from memory. I checked the spelling for the phobia, I did not do so for the osis.
I don't know if it's a superstition really, but your characters are alive and will 100% change the story on you and there's nothing you can do about it if you want your story to come out good and cohesive.
I have two. That I will never get it the way I like it, (I know this is an unsolvable dilemma, but it's still a fear) and that no one will like it or even see it when I publish it.
Watching my story come together. As well as coming up with a solid idea for the next part of the story.
Dialogue, because I suck at it.
I do believe in ghosts. Probably not the ghosts you're thinking of though. As a Christian I do believe spirits do things we can't see, but not quite like the stereotypical ghosts in fiction. Although they are very similar.
Depends on your definition of haunted. Haunted as in I was horrified by it? I can't think of one right now, but I am almost positive it has happened. Haunted as in hung over my head because I haven't finished it yet? Yes, my own writing has done that. As have many stories that I need to finish reading.
I am not sure what that old advice is, and I don't know that I want to. Yes, I grieve the darlings lost. I have not yet killed a darling, but I am a sucker for pain and suffering. It just has to be handled correctly. So, if I ever kill a darling, believe me, it will be felt throughout the story and your life. A darling graveyard is a wonderful idea. Thank you for the suggestion. >:)
The Lorem Ipsum is a cruel and unusual punishment. As for the wishes, gaining the ability to actually finish my work, having the dialogue come out correctly, and having the writing be less awkward. I think those would be my wishes. The ability to finish my work could possibly be replaced with the ability to come up with ideas easier, like no writer's block or something. But they are essentially the same thing.
I don't know what subject I would have difficult writing about. Again, I haven't been writing very long or a lot, so I don't have much experience with it yet. Same with easy.
My lack of physical social life does not allow for me to easily lend books to people. But I can guarantee you I would know EXACTLY who had what book, but I probably wouldn't get them back because social anxiety.
Don't do it to my books and I will tolerate your book abuse. I would love to read in the bath, but I am scared of damaging the book.
The weirdest thing I've ever used as a bookmark would probably be a post it note, or gift card maybe, if I actually used a gift card for that. I am very boring with my bookmarks...
I cannot, to save my life, think of any details to tell you that won't make it into the text. I am sorry. I world build as I write and I'm still near the beginning of the story. My dnd campain tho? That would need a whole post of it's own. 👀
"Knowing how the Sangheili felt about their swords and other people using them, she hoped that given the circumstances they would understand her desperation. She picked two of them up while thanking the Sangheili, both for joining their cause and for the sacrifice they made. Then she left the battlefield, but not before paying respects to all the fallen soldiers, human and Sangheili alike. Some simple words of gratitude spoken over the battlefield was all she had time for." This is a passage from a Halo fanfiction I am writing. The story came about because I wanted to emphasize the Sangheili's focus on Honor and Respect and how their views of humans changed during their allyship with us. The MC's name is Emira (subject to change) and respect is also a core value in her morals. She has not gotten to respectfully return the swords to the Sangheili yet, but that will happen soon. If I can figure out how she is rescued or escapes from danger. The battlefield spoken about in that passage has already been left by the conflict and is inactive when she finds it. The Sangheili she thanks are fallen soldiers, and she took the swords from beside their dead bodies. The passage did not change much during its creation.
I started writing because I love making stories up in my head, but I wanted to share them. The bumps are I always picture them as movies in my head, so turning them into words and having it come out as a well-written story is difficult. I am currently writing fanfiction and short stories, but I would like to turn one of my stories into a novel. I just haven't figured out how and I don't know if I will try to get them officially published or not.
The one true love. Life gets lonely, and they can give me emotional support while I struggle with my writing skills.
I wish I could start. 💀 I have 3 WIPs, all my first stories that I actually started writing. (I consider my dnd campaign a WIP because I am considering turning it into its own fic and it is a joy to work on) I haven't published anything and am getting very annoyed by my lack of progress on all of them.
Another reason why I haven't touched my stories for awhile is because I liked Google Docs' organization abilities better than Word's. With Docs they have tabs inside the document so you can actually have your stories separated with in the same document. Whereas with Word, at least to my knowledge, the only thing separates them is the headings. I should go back to Docs...
My couch? And an ungodly amount of clutter? I watch tv in the evenings and sometimes I decide to write while I do so. I get my computer out and have it on my lap, while I sit on the couch and watch tv, ignoring the clutter caused by my undiagnosed ADHD and complete lack of motivation to do anything related to chores...
People put prep work into their stories? Like, they get prepared to write the story? I just sit down and write whatever I can come up with if it fits my current story. Sometimes I have to tweak things so it all fits together.
I haven't come up with any irrelevant details yet. Everything must be part of the story somehow.
Given that most of my characters are based on me, yes I very much regret going into their heads and I haven't come up with a way to get back out yet. Please send help. I think I took a wrong turn back at Imagination Avenue?
I can't think of a specific character that was stressful. The most stressful situation to write though, has been the wedding reception for my (healthy) romance story. I have no idea what to do with it.
My MC for the romance story has probably been the most delightful. Either her, or Nialith Madgarb, (pronounced nye-uh-lith Mad-garb) from my DND campaign.
My brain is a cesspool for the craziest ideas. I pull inspiration from everywhere. Sometimes I wish the inspiration well WOULD run dry so I could have a moment of peace and quiet, but nay, I am doomed to an eternity of infinite ideas that I simply must run with. I am exhausted.
I have not yet written my dreams, nor dreamed my writings.
"Thank you for reading my stories. It means a lot to have people who enjoy my writing. Or are open to civil discussion about why they don't like it. I truly appreciate y'all"
Do deepfakes count? There is a series called "Master Chief teaches" and it's a bunch of videos of an ai recreation of Master Chief's voice and a script where "Master Chief" teaches you how to do stuff. In the video titled "Master Chief teaches you what to do when things go sideways" he says "adopting a solution-oriented mind helps you stay focused on what is most important during any crisis and that is taking action. Without action there is no movement, and without movement problems remain what they are" "Without movement problems remain what they are" is something I return to regularly when I start feeling overwhelmed by school, chores, etc. I could sit there and avoid the problem until it's so bad I can't anymore, or I could take action and make a move to fix the problem when I encounter it instead of sitting there overwhelmed and frozen. I recommend giving the video a watch, even if you don't play or like Halo.
I like to draw and paint (with watercolor, acrylic, and/or ink), and I have dabbled in cross-stitch, embroidery, and diamond art. I plan to draw some of the characters from my stories. I really want to paint Nialith Madgarb in my inks, but I am still working on mentally designing her character.
"Let's eat grandma"... Use the Oxford comma, people. It saves lives.
I cannot remember a single writing rule to comment on right now. If it works for your story and style, go for it. If it doesn't, yeet it into the abyss. Idk
I know an entire alphabet's worth of star wars character's and then some. This has nothing to do with my ability to write. Also, Halo 5: Guardians and Star Wars: The Force Awakens came out the same year, one in October, the other in December. Again, not related to my writing.
They wouldn't even consider me lol. And if they did, they'd think I was insane. And had severe ADHD. And they wouldn't be wrong...
My writing process is too slow and barely existing. Nothing about it is super weird except for the fact that I bounce all over the story and fill in the missing parts once I come up with a way to do so. As for the cats, they like to think they don't care about us, but they 100% do. And they would die of embarrassment if they knew we know they care.
Nothing. If I feel like giving up, I take a break until I inevitably come up with an irresistible idea on how to continue the story. Rinse and repeat.
I don't know if you mean a poem someone else wrote, or one I wrote, so I shall do both. Robert Frost's Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening: Whose woods these are I think I know His house in the village though He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year He gives is harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake The woods are lovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep. My poem: Where’s my Neverland?: Where’s my Neverland? I’ve got so much in my hand Meetings and school I know you do too We want an adventure But life forces expenditure Paying the bills By wasting our skills Wish I could read until 2 a.m. But, alas, an adult I am And my days are made up Of working towards a paystub I wish we were kids Lying down in our beds Looking out at the sky Where the stars are not shy People today are depressed and dismayed All the time worrying about being betrayed Worried about being laid off from work And still somehow not giving a "fork" Where is our Neverland? Where is our wish? Of fun-filled times and Mom’s favorite dish? Where’s our adventure filled with imagination and beauty? Of digging in sand to find pirate booty? The answer is simple, and yet oh so sad Those days are gone by, the best days we’ve had Those memories are all that we have Of those days made whole by a laugh But, worry not, for there’s always tomorrow So, please don’t obsess over yesterday’s sorrow Look straight ahead While lying in bed Dreaming of heaven Those days will be back soon I reckon Where sorrows will be traded for unending joy And kids in sandboxes again shout “AHOY” And we can always smell the finest of food And all work turns to play and we know that it’s good
I hope this answers all your questions and confirms that writers are in fact weird. :) And I hope the poetry was satisfactory.
Weird Questions for Writers (because writers are weird)
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
30. Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
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Hi! I just saw your first post about our beloved Kremnos prince, Mydei, and I absolutely love it! ❤️ You captured his character so beautifully, especially his views on love and romance. I adore how meticulous and accurate you were in portraying him—I completely see him that way too! Our prince carries the heavy burden of his family's royal lineage and the countless people who rely on him in the name of Kremnos. This perfectly explains his inexperience with love and romance—he simply has no time or hasn't been able to find someone to share such a connection with. I absolutely love how you portrayed his behavior when he finally discovers someone he can truly open his soul to! It’s so beautifully done! ❤️ I wonder—have you ever thought about Mydei letting his lover take the lead in bed? Whether it’s because of his inexperience or his eagerness to explore, the idea is so captivating. I love imagining Mydei finally letting go, allowing himself to be passionately ravished as he releases all the pent-up stress and burdens he’s carried for so long. It feels so fitting for his character—a vulnerable yet liberating moment where he can truly surrender and experience love in its rawest form. ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩‧₊
OH MY !! I wasn't expecting such a lovely response at all, I'm so flustered, thank you so so much !!! I'm glad we share an opinion and I'm so glad you like how I portrayed him !!! I was hoping people would see The Vision™ so I'm beyond happy to know that not only has it reached, but others see it too ~! I'm very overwhelmed with the positive responses, and I'm more than happy to be sharing a space with so many fellow Mydei fans!! I finished the quest today and haven't been okay about him since, I hope he doesn't get sidelined too much as the story progresses and more characters get introduced because I sincerely love him so, so much <3
Again, thank you for your kind words!! They mean so much to me!!
And as for that lovely idea... muehehe let's get to it then ! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ I hope I can do it justice !
— NSFW! MDNI! No spoilers!
Love. In it's rawest form.
He knew he could let you take control. All your midnight rendezvous so far had him taking the lead. It just simply felt natural to be the one to drop you on your back — hand behind your head to soften your impact against the already soft mattress — and pleasure you until you can't take any more. Until all you can do is scream his name endlessly. Until you forget there were Titans out there to worship instead of him. That was his role towards you, it felt only natural. He didn't mind it one bit, he was more than happy with it. Steadied above you by the strength of his arms, staring at the gorgeous sight of you unraveling underneath him, your expressions, the eye contact, your nails on his back. It was divine.
Sometimes, you two would spice it up a bit by making slight changes. Trying a few new positions. You were both still so new to this, taking it really slow to remain comfortable. Yet so eager to explore more of each other, of love, and sex, intimacy. Although he understands there's no shame in having discussions about these things beforehand, it still felt easier for him to learn through action. If something bothered either of you, neither would hesitate to express it, and everything halts. He's not an animal. He understands boundaries, limits, preferences, comfort.. he doesn't shy away from expressing his own, and wants you to always be equally as comfortable. Love is not meant to be uncomfortable.
For example, one thing Mydei found he doesn't like is when you're on all fours and he's taking you from behind.
The position felt... Uncomfortable to him in a strange way. He found it felt a bit degrading to you, and it prevented him from seeing your face and expressions. Which upset him when he came to realize that not staring at your beautiful face while he's making love to you takes away so much of the intimacy that brings him comfort during these activities. He loves watching your reactions. He even likes talking to you through it. Lacking that made him feel vulnerable in a way. So after you were done, he told you how he felt, and that was the last time the position was used. Simple as that.
You had both been thinking about bringing it up, but wondering how to approach it.
He might not look like it, but when it came to this newfound love, he was so no less eager to discover everything that came with it. He wanted to know everything about you and show you everything about him. He wanted to know how to kiss you in the right ways, how to hold you with a grip that's balanced between protective and loving, how to be there for you in a way that doesn't suffocate you, where on your body to put his lips so that he drives you insane, what pace of thrusts makes you see stars in the glory of Kephale's morning...
And through it, he discovers himself. He's learning along with you. He doesn't know much about these parts of who he is, he's endlessly grateful you've given him this opportunity to learn and get to know himself more. And his recent thought is that it might be nice if sometime, you were to get on top of him and ravish him the way he usually does to you.
But, that can't be right? He can't ask you to do that, can he? Is he allowed to want this? Shouldn't it be his job to pleasure you and take care of you? It might be shameful if he wanted to just sit back and let you do all the work...
You, on the other hand, were thinking about it endlessly. Wanting to watch him relax, watch him unwind. Wanting to be the one giving him pleasure for once, he deserves it. He takes so much care of you, always putting you above himself, in every aspect. Even outside of your relationship, he's always putting others first. Prioritizing Phainon's safety over his own, even the two outsiders above himself. Putting the city of Okhema and it's citizens safety first, putting the wants of his people above his own... He's never given enough credit for how much of himself he sacrifices everyday for others, because they view him as too distant, too rough, too cold... His actions speak louder than his words, and his actions are constantly putting himself in harm's way if it meant someone else would be safe.
So, for once, he deserves to turn his mind off. Turn off his senses and his desire to please. To just enjoy being taken care of, being loved, being thanked for everything.
So when midnight came around (or the hour people got used to being midnight, not like the endless sunlight indicated much for them) and you two found yourself tangled up in the usual dance that happens so often, you decided it's now or never. As Mydei began to slowly guide you towards the mattress, lips never once leaving yours, you turned your position around an dropped him down instead. The sudden movement broke the kiss and left him with an expression of shock on his face, staring at you questioning what just happened. You smile at him and gently push him up a bit more, letting him get entirely comfortable on the bed. He follows your lead slowly, unsure where this is going, but curious to see what you're up to. Your expression remained calm, a smile that looks almost like a smirk, mischief and adoration in your eyes as you stared into his fiery gold ones. "let me take care of you" you broke the silence by saying. His mouth opened slightly, as if to answer, before it closed again after not finding the right words. His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he doesn't break eye contact, "take care of me?" He asks, tone full of uncertainty. You nod, "you're always taking the lead. In battle, in bed.. why don't you just let me thank you this time, hm?" Your voice came out soft and gentle as you began to straddle him, hands pushing him down slightly so he can be fully relaxed into the comfortable bed and he follows your every silent order as you get yourself comfortable on top of him. His lap, your throne.
This is what he's been thinking of. He should be happy. But he finds himself feeling a bit guilty, like he doesn't deserve it, like this isn't fair to you, and that prevents him from relaxing entirely. The worry on his expression was clear to you, you understood each other through the tiniest of microexpressions, and you could tell what he was thinking. "You're worth everything" is all what you say in response to soothe your worries, deciding to follow in his example and let your actions speak louder than your words.
You pressed your lips in kiss gently, moving against his in a soft rhythm that felt too innocent considering the moment blooming between the two of you. His hand came up to grip the back of your head carefully, letting you do what you want and following along as best he can. Your hand on the other end got to working off the armor on his body, shedding away the last piece of protection that separates his bare body from you, thinking to yourself how grateful you are that he trusts you to this extent, to allow himself to be this vulnerable and unprotected in your presence. His hands shift as they help you take off his clothing, the sound of metal hitting the ground resonating as more and more pieces are thrown off to the floor carelessly until he was naked. Although it was all about him tonight, you still pulled away to strip yourself as well, not wanting him to feel an imbalance in the dynamic between the two of you. As soon as you were naked, he leaned in to kiss you again but you dodged his lips with a playfully chuckle, he lets out a sulking scoff in response.
You begin to kiss his jaw, running your tongue over the spot you knew he liked, before you slowly went down to his neck. Your arms wrapped around his waist to drag your chest flush against his, wanting to feel him as close as you can as your lips continued to explore his neck, as perfectly sculpted as everything else about him is.
Marks left shamelessly decorating his neck, paying no mind to how easily they can be seen through the little clothing he wears. Your hands and mouth worked in tandem to assure his pleasure, one hand busying itself rubbing his length up and down slowly, another playing with his chest, as your mouth kept leaving kisses and bites and hickeys all over his neck and collarbones, tongue tracing over the red marks adorning his torso. His breathing heavy, his chest heaving up and down quickly, his hands gripping your hips hard enough to bruise them, shameless moans and grunts and groans coming from above you. Sneaking a peek over to look at him, his eyebrows are pressed together tightly in pleasure as his eyes are closed shut, head leaning back, sweat dripping down his forehead.. a divine sight. One that motivated you to work even harder to pleasure him. Your mouth left his neck and went down to take a nipple in your mouth, earning you a harsh jolt of his entire body that made you yelp. "Sorry.." he apologizes sheepishly, face red as his hands try to distract you by roaming all over your body. You suppress a chuckle and plant a quick smooch on his lips to tease him, and he lets out a quiet groan as he rolls his eyes at you. You get back to what you were doing, sucking his nipple the way he does to yours, hand playing with the other way, all while your other hand never left his length, giving him just enough friction to stay excited, never enough to cum.
Eventually you let go of his chest and pull back for a minute to admire your work so far, admire how he already looks spent despite you barely being halfway through your mission. He'll complain and scold you for all the marks left across his torso tomorrow morning, but you'll deal with that problem later, currently you feel proud of yourself. Your gaze moves over to the vein on his bicep and your nail drags against it softly, idly, as you consider your next move. He stares at you wordlessly, anticipating what's next. He might not be admitting it through words, but he is entirely enjoying this. He doesn't understand why he'd hear some men complain about feeling their pride sting if they ever let their partners take the lead, if anything, Mydei has never felt more like a king than he does in this moment, all the attention on him as he's practically being worshipped. He feels so powerful, but most importantly, so loved.
You make eye contact with him again, a gentle expression as the friction between your gazes could practically be seen as sparks of electricity. "I love you" he says, breaking the silence but igniting that flickering flame that needed a fuse. You smile, not responding, but instead immediately pushing yourself down to the ground to kneel in front of him, preferring to answer him with more service. He props himself up on his elbows to keep watching you intently, as you wrap your arm around his length again, and bring your lips to it. He's used to gripping your hair when you go down on him, guiding you to the pace he prefers, but this time when he grips he makes no other moves, trusting to let you take the lead entirely how you want to. You won't deny him his pleasure after all, it's you.
At times he has the most random thoughts. Like if the walls are actually thinner than he thinks. Like if anyone on the other end can hear the mighty crown prince moaning out his partner's name. Like if Aglaea's golden threads can even pick stuff like this up, oh no ....
But a jolt of pleasure brings his thoughts back to reality as he redirects his attention back to you.
He isn't ashamed of what he has with you. He's afraid of where it might take him. Of how much he's willing to do for you. He knows every minute spent with you indulging in romance and desires is playing with fire while he's made of gasoline. And he'll burn down to ashes in his most graceless moments when he's bare under your gaze that burns gold into his skin, liquifying his flames into a puddle of adoration for you.
While maintaining eye contact with you, a silent exchange of vulnerability, it spoke an endless capacity. An unspoken sentence of 'Y𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘦' ringing loudly in your ears. '𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴'.
You brought out the best out of each other, but simultaneously the ugliest human parts as well. Brought out the honesty he's hid from others and himself, brought out the desires he's kept ignored without caring about the hole they were digging in his soul. Gnawing away at his very being and turning him hollow. Brought out the love he was afraid to ever confront. But he's here now, confronting it and ruling over it's court. And tonight is the summit of Mydei's seemingly pathetic life. The two of you are wrapped up in a galaxy of your sins; summed down to nothing but a constellation of the most raw human desires. Who were the titans to demand worship when they knew nothing of what true religion was. This was a ritual. An exchange of souls. It meant more to Mydei than anything else has. This was raw, this was love. He could live in a reel of this night replaying endlessly forever.
The rest of this cursed world could matter later, to hell with every prophecy that demands his presence, nothing felt more worth experiencing in this moment than your mouth on him and your heat surrounding him and your praises spilling against him and your touch killing him and bringing him to life a thousand times over in this bed.
This was love in it's rawest form, and they can call Phainon the chosen one all they want, but Mydei feels like he's received the greatest blessings this universe has to offer him when he made eye contact with you the first time, and if the black tide was to eventually swallow even the last standing holy city, then to hell with all of it if you'd still be by his side.
#honkai star rail#hsr#honkai star rail x reader#hsr x reader#honkai star rail mydei#hsr mydei#mydei smut#mydei x reader#mydei x reader smut
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👉 👈 ok but Kryptonian!Lord Clark needing a liaison for Earth so that a good partnership can be made with them and the last few residents from Krypton (earth knows that tho they may be lowered in numbers, Krypton could with minimal effort take over Earth)
In comes Bruce who does not have political ties, nor positions as an Earth spokesperson; but is still one of the richest men and thus well known "celebrities" of Earth, everyone knows of him, so thru some mal-intended BS from his company executives, they nominate him to be Earth's liaison with Krypton.
And Bruce takes it on the chin, and knows that while he may not be experienced in the political field - yet - but he knows how to charm and work a room, knows how to sway people to get them to agree to a deal even if they end up losing on a benefit. He adapts to Kryptonian language as much as he can, he attends meetings and learns customs. He gains secret access to things because they think he's not intuned to their mannerisms. They too think he's a vapid celebrity, just a pretty face.
Then he begins to shadow Clark, who knows this man is more than he seems. He too learns Bruce's mannerisms, he learns to distinguish his smiles from fake and genuine. (It's only genuine when he FaceTimes his kids on Earth, and his father? Butler? as well).
They begin to meet outside of meetings and presentations, Bruce translating Clark's presentations in English for Earth as well as other languages , and soon a friendship blooms.
But as Clark gets more and more political power, when his Uncle Jor-El is killed, he begins to trust those around him a little less and depends on Bruce more. His uncle's campaign don't like that. So they arrange for Clark to seek out a partner for marriage, to distract him from "the thing from earth", and they both learn that /that/ friendship feeling ran a little deeper, now that they know for sure they can't be more.
They still meet up, they still are friends, then Steppenwolf wants in on the Earth discussions, says he's here on behalf of Darkseid, to be friends. He's offering deals that Kryptonians, Earth, and others are interested in.
But Bruce advises against it. He knows this won't end well. Clark knows Bruce wouldn't advise against it if he didn't have a reason (and he doesn't trust Steppenwolf either), but now there was an assassination attempt on him, and they failed, but somehow it is linked to Earth and this rock they have in a supply.
So now they go threaten Clark's "fiancée" but they're escorted to safety but thats what they planned and go after Bruce instead. Bruce is bewildered because why him? He has no power over Clark and Krypton, so he's a mute point. Meanwhile Clark is going a bit berserk because... No. Not Bruce. Anyone but /him/.
Bruce is rescued but he almost didn't make it, and Clark lays the cape/shawl of the house of El on his recovery pod and those around him understand that Steppenwolf messed up bad. That this was a step too far, and Clark is red eyed, mad, impassive like his late uncle, and it's found out some of his own party made a deal with Steppenwolf (Bruce was investigating and Clark found his notes).
So Clark breaks off the deal with Steppenwolf and becomes a Liaison himself for Earth and Krypton but not as it was before but as one entity and when Bruce recovers, Clark asks him to be his partner now in marriage, not just work.
Just, Bruce wearing his colors and Kryptonian uniform /clothing , keeping him healthy and helping him recover while also symbolizing a union unlike before. (His company executives are eating their words, when he returns to earth, still in the uniform, a lot powerful than before).
(Sorry ran on a tangent from you Kryptonian uniform, clothing post of the El cape/shawl protecting Bruce but failing when kryptonite is brandished and used to pierce Bruce's body. It won't poison him like a Kryptonian body would fall to but a projectile with force will still harm a human body, you know?)
I feel like I just read a whole Superbat big bang and I’m in love. I love the way Kryptonian houses/symbols/clothing play into all of this. I love Kal losing it over Bruce. Ahhh!!!
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hi, love!!
for your 6k follower event, could you do Izuku Midoriya for the NSFW alphabet, please?
im so happy youre back! i missed you! :’(
Warnings: post-timeskip Deku
MY HERO ACADEMIA MASTERLIST - PART II ⊹ Doumadono's 6k followers event
A - Aftercare Izuku is tender but thorough when it comes to aftercare. He’ll hover over you, brushing damp hair from your face, pressing soft kisses to your forehead, and murmuring how amazing you were. He insists on cleaning you up himself, bringing you water, and holding you close. He’s not satisfied until you feel completely cherished and safe within his arms.
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B - Body Part For Izuku, it’s hard to pick a favorite part of you — he adores you for who you are, not just your physical traits. That said, if pressed, he’d shyly admit he has a soft spot for your tits. He loves how soft they feel, whether he’s fondling them in his calloused hands or resting his head against your chest. Izuku doesn’t think of himself as particularly attractive, but if he had to choose, he’d pick his hands. They’re strong, capable, and he takes quiet pride in what they can do to you.
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C - Cum Izuku prefers finishing inside — it’s intimate, emotional, and satisfies his craving to be close to you in every possible way. His semen is a bit salty and not too bland, but it's a taste you can't get enough of.
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D - Dirty Secret Despite his shy exterior, Izuku harbors vivid fantasies about power dynamics. The idea of being tied up or restrained by you — having to surrender entirely — thrills him in ways he doesn’t fully understand. He hasn’t worked up the courage to ask outright, but he hopes you’ll notice the way his breath catches when you take charge.
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E - Experience Izuku isn’t particularly experienced, but his determination to please you makes up for it tenfold. He’s an attentive lover, watching your every reaction and committing your preferences to memory.
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F - Favorite Position Izuku loves having you ride him. The sight of you above him, head thrown back in pleasure, is something he’ll never get enough of. He’s equally fond of missionary, where he can rest his forehead against yours as he murmurs how good your pussy feels around him.
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G - Goofy His adorable awkwardness doesn’t vanish in the bedroom. If he tries to dirty talk, he’s endearingly hesitant, especially when it comes to calling you names. He stumbles over his words, his cheeks flushing as he tries to find the right balance between desire and respect. “Y-you look so… Hot… I mean, you’re so fu… Freaking hot! I want to make you… Cum so hard… I mean, I already am, b-but—” He groans softly. “You’re such a good girl… or, um, do you like that? Or is it weird if I call you that? I can stop if it’s—” His words are cut off as you kiss his lips. His awkward attempts are unintentionally sweet, leaving you grinning even as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling, “Sorry, I’ll get better at this, I promise.”
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H - Hair Izuku keeps himself neatly groomed, though he doesn’t obsess over it. His pubic hair is trimmed, soft to the touch, and well-maintained.
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I - Intimacy Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word carries his unfiltered adoration. He’s not just making love to you — he’s worshiping you, ensuring you feel how much he treasures you in every move he makes.
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J - Jack Off Izuku rarely finds himself needing to masturbate. His focus is usually elsewhere, and he’s not someone who gets easily consumed by lust. When he does feel the urge, his first thought is always you — wanting to share that intimacy with you rather than handling it alone. If you’re not around, he’ll reluctantly take care of himself, but rest assured he will be thinking of you and only you while he does it.
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K - Kink He thrives on praise. Hearing you tell him how good he’s making you feel or how much you need him sends his confidence skyrocketing and pushes him to give you even more. He also loves when you edge him, his body trembling as he teeters on the brink of ecstasy, eyes glassy with tears of pleasure.
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L - Location Izuku prefers the privacy of the bedroom, where he can focus entirely on you.
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M - Motivation Nothing gets Izuku going like the sight of you wearing his clothes. There’s something primal about seeing you draped in his oversized hoodie or his shirt slipping off your shoulder. Pair that with a playful smirk or a teasing comment, and he’s ready to have you wherever you stand.
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N - No Izuku is firm about safety and consent. Anything that could hurt you or push you too far is off the table.
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O - Oral Izuku loves giving, always prioritizing your pleasure over his own. With his determination, it’s no surprise that he can have you writhing on his tongue in no time at all. Receiving, he’s shy at first, his face burning as you go down on him, but his deep, breathy groans make it clear just how much he loves the attention.
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P - Pace Izuku’s pace is naturally steady and controlled. When the heat between you reaches its peak, he surprises you with an increased pace, his hips snapping into yours with a force that leaves you breathless.
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Q - Quickie Quickies aren’t Izuku’s preference. He finds them too rushed, lacking the depth and connection he craves during sex. For him, every moment with you is something to be savored, and he’d rather take his time exploring your body and making you feel completely adored than succumb to fleeting urgency.
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R - Risk Izuku is cautious, but there’s a certain thrill in stepping slightly outside his comfort zone. As long as it’s safe and consensual, he’s willing to experiment, especially if it’s something you suggest.
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S - Stamina Izuku’s stamina is impressive, honed through years of grueling training. He can go multiple rounds, always ensuring your pleasure comes first.
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T - Toys Midoriya’s shy about introducing toys at first, his cheeks glowing red the moment you bring it up. But as he grows more confident, he becomes curious, especially if it means making you feel even better. Watching you squirm under the effects of a vibrator pressed to your already swollen clit while he finger fucks your pussy quickly becomes one of his favorite things.
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U - Unfair Izuku isn’t fond of teasing — it’s just not his style. He prefers being straightforward, focusing on giving you exactly what you want rather than drawing things out.
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V - Volume Izuku starts out quiet, but as things heat up, he becomes super vocal — groaning your name, whispering praises, and letting out breathless, desperate moans and sighs.
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W - Wild Card The day Izuku met you during one of his patrols, he couldn’t shake the memory of you — and that night, it manifested in a vivid, wet dream. Waking up flustered and guilty, he convinced himself he’d somehow disrespected you. Embarrassed and overthinking, he began avoiding you entirely, leaving you to wonder if you’d done something wrong or if he simply didn’t like you.
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X - X-Ray Izuku is proportionate to his strong, lean build, with just enough girth to make every thrust hit perfectly. His cock is uncut, and slightly upward curved.
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Y - Yearning Izuku’s sex drive isn’t particularly high, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less passionate. For him, intimacy is more about quality than quantity.
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Z - Zzz Afterward, Izuku loves holding you close, his body wrapped protectively around yours. He falls asleep with a soft smile on his face, his dreams filled with the quiet comfort of knowing you’re his.
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#doumadono’s 6k celebration ♡#deku smut#izuku midoriya x reader#izuku midoryia#izuku midoriya smut#deku x reader#midoriya smut#midoriya x reader#bnha smut#mha smut#anime smut#deku x you#deku#izuku x reader#midoriya izuku#smut alphabet
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you think often of how nurses should speak and relate to patients, and i highly appreciate knowing you put this kind of thought in and share it with other nurses. but as someone who often occupies the patient position, i'm curious if you have any thoughts on ways for patients to interact with nurses, when we are in decent enough control of our faculties to make choices about that. i would like this knowledge from both an altruistic perspective in recognizing nursing is difficult and not wanting to voluntarily make it difficulter, and a wholly self interested position of knowing nurses who like interacting with me give better care. what helps as a professional and as a person?
I'm surprised how much I had to think about this question. What do I want patients to do? I don't know. A lot of it is basic human decency, some of it is specific to my nursing workflow, but overall I find it complicated saying what patients "should" do. I cut out about 500 words of navel gazing from this post explaining why. Here are answers I've come up, in no order and not of equal importance.
--a lot of it is basic "polite interaction with another person in a professional setting." If you're asking this question, you probably care about treating people well in general. If you wouldn't say it to a barista, would you say it to your nursing tech?
--don't do joke answers to basic orientation questions like "what's your name" and "where are you right now", because it's annoying to have to clarify if you're actually confused or if you're fucking with me. I know they're annoying. Just answer correctly so we can move on.
--have some flexibility and patience. Hospitals have a lot of moving parts, and each person interacting with you has other patients that also need care. My hospital and state has mandated nursing ratios. The maximum amount of patients I've had in one assignment is five. Other hospitals have far less protection, and nurses may have six, eight, twelve other patients. Our respiratory therapists each cover multiple units. One CNA might cover the entire floor. I know if melatonin is the difference between you sleeping or not sleeping, it is very frustrating for someone to bring it late. I just ask you keep in mind that there's dozens of reasons that might happen besides someone ignoring you.
--help us help you. If you can lift your arm up for me to put a blood pressure cuff on, why are you holding your arm completely limp so it's like putting pants on a toddler than doesn't want to get dressed? If you can help roll yourself in bed, help us roll you. If your IV is beeping, hit the call light so someone can come turn it off. If you don't have urgency issues and you can tell you're going to need to go to the bathroom soon, call before it's an emergency. If your IV hurts when I give you medication at 8 pm, tell me then, not when I'm trying to give you your midnight antibiotic and all the evening staff have already gone home.
--if you don't understand how something works in the hospital (what happens when you hit the call light, how often are people going to take your vital signs, why can't I get up and walk around the room), just ask. It's really easy for people who work in a hospital every day to forget other people aren't familiar with it.
--don't treat doctors noticeably better than you treat everyone else.
--pet peeve number one: if I give you pills in a med cup, you can just use the med cup to get the pills to your mouth. You don't need to pour the pills into the palm of your hand and then pop them into your mouth. You're gonna drop the pills, and I'm gonna end up on the floor looking for a tiny tablet of dilaudid.
--bundle requests, especially low-importance ones. If you ask for crackers and you know crackers make you thirsty, just request your drink at the same time. Don't make me walk to your room, the nutrition room, and your room again ten minutes later.
--I don't expect people in the hospital to be pleasant all the time, and I don't take snappiness personally, but I always really appreciate the patients who apologize or even just acknowledge their behavior.
--I love patients who acknowledge my work. I don't need effusive praise or a thousand thank yous. It means a lot for someone to just be like "hey, thanks for your help tonight."
--have patience with repeating yourself. If you've got something important and complicated to convey, practice a quick understandable blurb that takes no brain power from you. There may be something that you've told the staff a dozen times, and it may be documented in your chart, but in the hospital you see many people who have never worked with you before and for whatever reason didn't read that info in your chart. For example, I'm a float pool nurse which means I almost never see the same patients twice. I can get sent to a different unit and a different patient load at literally any time. I can't familiarize myself with complicated documentation or read every nursing note. Especially not for patients I know I will only have for four hours. I know repeating yourself is annoying, I know it sucks to have to explain your bathroom routine or your preferred pain med or when you like to get pills or whatever every shift. And it's great when people make that information very easy to find! But if you just accept the reality you'll be repeating yourself a lot anyway, it makes doing so less frustrating.
--pet peeve number two: don't exaggerate to make a point. This is such a human thing to do, and god knows I catch myself doing it all the time, but you can raise objections in a way that's factually true. I've got a lot of concrete data that people are very often wrong when they say they're been "waiting for hours" after hitting a call light. The computer has a time stamp of the last time I was in your room. I know it was 45 minutes ago. There's a timer by the call light. I know you called twenty minutes ago. And I know it feels much longer when you are waiting for basic cares or pain control or anything pressing. Things can be unacceptable without needing to be exaggerated. When the exaggeration is the base of your complaint, it undercuts your credibility. Honestly I find it really irritating when I spend a disproportionate amount of my shift with one patient only for that patient to tell another staff member that I've been neglecting them. Just say I did a bad job, don't pretend I wasn't there at all.
--don't ask me to pull my mask down so you can see my face. like cmon dude.
--I'm not saying you have to send all your visitors out of the room when I'm there, I'm just saying have some sympathy for how nerve-wracking it can be to do your job while being intensely watched by five other deeply invested people with limited context for your actions.
--this is a nebulous and difficult one. You might have a lot of emotion that you don't know what to do with. What you shouldn't do with it is channel it into every interaction you have with a healthcare worker. If you feel guilty about how you haven't visited your mother in a while and now she's in the hospital, you gotta find ways to deal that don't involve getting extremely passive aggressive at your mother's night nurse.
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Editing Part 4: Worldbuilding Pass
Next up, worldbuilding! We're tackling this before structure, because you don't want to get too far into the weeds, realize a critical component of your story is wrong, and then throw your computer out the window in frustration.
Anyway, when it comes to worldbuilding, there's a lot of moving parts. There is no right or wrong way to worldbuild, but my preferred approach is to worldbuild as the story goes along. Any method works, and you can check out the worldbuilding tag for more. In editing your worldbuilding, you want to think about:
Trimming Front-loading/Info Dumps
When writing fantasy/sci-fi, getting down how the world works can take over the story. In first drafting, this is fine! But when you're trying to clean that draft up, it's better to weave this information in as you go.
Need to explain how the giant mechas guarding the city operate? Maybe your main character is trying to steal some precious alloy from one, giving you opportunity to explain how they work and how society feels about them. Have a magic system that relies on singing tunes? Show that off by having students practicing, or dueling rivals taking it too far.
You probably know by now that the thing you should avoid the most is "as you know" dialogue dumps - characters explaining concepts to each other that they both clearly understand. Another, weaker version of this is the "magic class" trap, where things are explained to the main character and the reader. A classroom environment is fine, but pair worldbuilding with action - demonstrations get out of hand, spells go wrong, etc. Make it fun!
Your World Needs Clear Rules (Sorry)
Listen, this is the part I hate. I have a WIP with the word "Rules" in the title and I'm still figuring out what those rules are. Argh. But the sooner you know the rules, the easier editing will be. The more clear those rules are to the reader, the more impactful breaking them will be.
If the rules of the world (you can't use warp speed too close to a planet's gravitational pull, the same type of magic cancels each other out) and the consequences of breaking them are clear, the pay-off will be satisfying for both you and the reader.
Use Your Environment to Your Full Advantage
You've no doubt heard 'make setting a character' and that's evergreen advice. Some of the best books out there are those where it feels like you could step through the page and into a real place, be it your childhood middle school or Narnia. Getting that feeling, however, is more than just describing a place really well.
Mood - How does the location make you feel? Does a dark, cramped room leave the characters with a feeling of dread? How would that feeling change if it was an overstuffed library with comfortable chairs?
Weather - Beyond the 'dark and stormy night' descriptions, weather impacts our daily lives and is often overlooked. A rain-drenched funeral scenes seems like it's the way to go, but how differently would that scene feel if it was a sunny day with birds singing?
City Versus Countryside - These books are a great reference for description, but also take a step back to compare how different situations would feel both in the setting and to your character. Quiet can mean very different things depending on where you are. A morning fog in the countryside might feel comforting to someone used to it, but to someone new to that environment, it might feel creepy. Think about both your environment and how your character reacts to it based on their backstory.
The Empty Room Problem
This is always a big challenge when moving from the first draft bare bones basics to fleshing things out. How much description is too much? (As a note, it's always okay to overcorrect - you'll have a chance to fix it later!) This post from @novlr has a lot of great questions - but you're still going to narrow it down to the most important details.
Escape the Movie Setting - You cannot describe the room like it's a movie set. Trying to do so is going to be overwhelming, and important details will be lost in the attempt. If you were to describe your room or your favorite coffee shop and could only highlight four or five details, what would you focus on? What gives the reader the essence of the place rather than a list of things that exist there?
Establish the Essentials - Is this your first character's first time in this room? Is it going to be key to several plot-important scenes? Some big, sweeping details when entering - how big it is, what's in it, where the windows are, how it feels, etc - are good to start with. Your character can briefly admire a full bookshelf in the first scene, and then study it in more detail in the second. If you have one scene in this place and spend too much time describing it, you're going to make your reader think it's more important than it is.
Engage the Senses - Does an old room smell musty? Does the coldness of the woods have a sharp taste? Does touching a shelf bring up a lot of dust? How does the lighting in the room make the main character feel?
Getting down the description of a room or setting is not something you'll nail in one shot, but if you approach each scene asking yourself "does this feel like a real place or a white room?" you can narrow down what's missing.
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Better than the series
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Rating: 18+
Warnings: light discussion, you being a bit shitty, jealousy, oral sex, Noah using that damn mustache
Author comments: hi bestiessss, how are you? if you follow me, you may have seen a post i made about mustache!noah a few days ago and honestly, i didn't think that post would get so many notes (which makes me think that mustache!noah is something everyone is interested in). anyway, i'm going to hell for thinking about noah like that and i'm taking all of you with me, kisses!
"It was great, guys! Thank you so much! See you next week!" You said, pretending not to be so enthusiastic.
You finished your work and lowered the screen of your laptop with excitement. Friday afternoons were always full of expectations. The daily stress of adult life kept you away from your boyfriend much more than you would have liked, so the closer Friday night, the sacred moment for both of you, got, the more butterflies danced in your stomach. Of course, you weren't a little girl anymore, and you weren't in the "getting to know him" stage, but damn, when you realized who you were dating, it was hard not to feel like jelly.
You took a quick but strategically effective shower, dressed comfortably, perfumed your hair with Noah's favorite scent, and quickly ordered a car to be there as soon as possible.
With a backpack on your back and a smile on your face, you arrived ready for your special evening with Noah. It didn't matter what you were going to do, what mattered was that you were together. The door opened and he greeted you with a warm hug and a kiss before you snuggled down on the couch. How good it was to be with him, you felt as if the week hadn't passed you by, as if being in the warmth of his arms dissolved all the pain and worry in your life. You just wanted time to freeze so you could stay there forever, just you and him.
"I counted the minutes until today. Our Fridays are sacred, but some weeks are so exhausting that they make it even more special," you smiled and patted Noah's cheek. "What do you want to do today?"
He kissed your forehead, the mustache he had invented to keep on lately tickling you slightly and making you giggle.
"I love our Fridays too. But there's one thing… the guys are organizing a gaming session tonight," Noah replied.
You pulled away from his embrace a little, just for you to see him more clearly, blinking your eyes a few times in a row. "But today?" you asked, confused. "Noah, it's our night."
Noah scratched the back of his head, knowing his explanation wouldn't go over well, but he tried to explain himself anyway.
"It's Jay's birthday. He's alone at the exchange and we want to give a little joy to his day. I promise it won't take long."
You understand that Jay is alone and he misses his friends, especially Noah since they've known each other for so long, but you can't hide your frustration and immediately cross your arms in disappointment.
"You're always talking to them, we hardly have time for each other."
"But we're together every week, we see each other all the time, and Jay? Look at his side, the guy's all alone there. I bet you don't want to feel alone."
You stand up, getting off Noah's lap and reply, still frustrated, "Alone? That's how you're leaving me, alone. You should pay attention to me. It's Friday, Noah, our day!"
He stands up, and although you love that look on his face, his already closed face gets on your nerves. You hated it when Noah did that.
"Fuck, am I not here? I don't leave you alone, have I ever left you alone? I understand that today is our day, I really do, but you could put yourself in other people's shoes a little," Noah sighs, trying not to be a jerk and get into an argument with you. He thinks of better words to say to you before he continues. "He needs it today, he's been feeling very lonely lately."
You exchange glances: from his side, the silent plea for you not to be as angry as you already seem to be; from yours, the growing tension and frustration. You sigh, not wanting to start a fight, but feeling deeply annoyed.
"Fine," you just give in, seriously. "But I'm not happy about it."
Noah kisses your lips and only replies, "I promise it'll be quick. You can stay in the room with me while I play, I don't want you to feel left out."
You enter the room together, but the atmosphere is still charged. Noah begins to set up the computer for the game while you sit on the bed, trying to hide your disappointment.
"Gotta call Emma so we can watch something on call. At least that way I won't be totally left out and I'll have someone to talk to."
"Sure, good idea. Just don't be too mean to the character on the show," he replies absent-mindedly, but trying to be nice.
"Don't worry, he'll have all our attention," you reply, giving him a cynical smile.
Noah nods, a little relieved, as you pick up the phone to call your friend. He sits down in his gaming chair, turning on the neon light in the room, and off the regular bedroom light to make the room comfortable for both of you. He adjusts the headset to start while you lie on the bed fiddling with your cell phone, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
"Okay, guys, I'm here. Let's get started before Jay shows up."
You call your friend, and she somehow comes over to keep you company. You sit down on the bed with your laptop next to you and start watching the show. Noah, next to you, remains focused on the game, occasionally casting a furtive glance at you. A scene begins, highlighting the show's main character. He's handsome, wearing a shirt that, despite its formal appearance, is brightly colored and has some of its buttons undone, tight jeans, and aviator glasses that hide his deep brown eyes. But what really catches the eye is his distinctive mustache.
"Look at that man, that mustache is quite a sight," Emma jokes, her voice electronically present in the room. "This guy definitely knows how to use it to his advantage."
Noah, between the music playing and the laughter of his friends, hears you both burst out laughing, the sound echoing around the room, and he makes a point of very discreetly removing one side of the headset from his ear, curious to know why you're laughing.
"The mustache is like… a sign of confidence. I bet he must be amazing in bed."
"Totally! Do you think he's good in bed just because he has a mustache?"
"Absolutely! He must know exactly how to use it. Just think, a guy with a mustache like that must have tricks we can't even dream of."
Noah finds himself increasingly interested in the conversation and can't help but mute the sound of his headphones, trying his best to pay attention, one eyebrow raised in excitement to know how far your conversation is going, and just pretend to play.
"It must be the kind that takes your breath away in seconds," you say, unaware that Noah is listening. "The kind that knows what they're doing, the kind that's… experienced."
"A lot more than most. If a guy with a mustache like that paid attention to me, I wouldn't care about anything else, I'd just need him and a glass of water to live."
You laugh at Emma's comment, but then you look at Noah out of the corner of your eye and become serious again. "Yes, but some people prefer to play."
Noah continues with his temporarily forgotten game, pretending not to be hearing, but his expression with his back to you shows that he heard every word you said. "To play, huh?" He just moves his lips, speaking silently.
The conversation between you continues, full of laughter and bold comments about the character on the show. Noah keeps the microphone muted for long moments, discreetly observing the interaction.
The show ends and Emma says goodbye to you. Your phone vibrates with a message from your friend:
"It was fun, but I'm going to leave you to sort things out. Good luck!"
You reply with a few words: "Thanks. See you, Emma."
You get into bed, feeling a little better for the laughs with her, but still annoyed that Noah's game is taking longer than he promised.
"Good night, Noah," you say, turning your back on him, then mutter something inaudible, still slightly annoyed, but mostly frustrated. He should have at least warned you that the evening was going to be like this and that you'd be ready to do something else.
Noah doesn't answer, otherwise you might think he was listening the whole time. He sighs, knowing it will take an extra effort to get your attention again.
The night stretches on and Noah finally shuts down his computer and takes off his headset. He looks at you lying on your back, and even though you're asleep, he knows that you're clearly distant. Without forgetting how you've been thinking about the man in the series, he laughs softly, touches his own mustache, and something in him is ignited.
He slowly moves closer, snuggling up to you under the covers, already pushing your hair aside to make room to kiss your neck, deliberately brushing his facial hair. You slowly stir from the tickle you feel and finally wake up when you feel Noah's big hand playing with the nipple of your breast under your clothes.
"Noah…" you sigh, still sleepy. "What are you doing?"
He keeps tracing long kisses down your neck, making you shiver, and in a low, teasing voice he says in your ear, "You think I'm not paying attention, don't you? Those comments about the guy on the show… Do you think he could make you feel that way?"
Your sleep begins to dissipate as he kisses you, making you sigh, feeling your resistance melt away.
"Did you hear that? I was just kidding…" You turn your face to find his almond eyes staring at you with desire, your ass beginning to feel his bulge growing behind you.
He pulls the blanket off you and turns you over on the bed, kneeling in front of you and pulling off your shorts and panties together. He pushes your legs apart and you moan softly, already completely surrendered to the moment.
"Kidding?" His laugh makes you throb. "I'm going to show you that I'm much better than any guy you see on TV."
And he dives between your legs, ready to taste you, but mostly to tease you. He kisses one side of your groin, then the other, making a point of brushing his facial hair against you, noticing how wet and thirsty it makes you.
"Noah… Please…" you moan, trying to move your hips closer to Noah's mouth. He smiles smugly and runs his tongue along your folds, which are throbbing with excitement.
He turns his attention to your clit, sucking and sucking, making everything hotter and wetter. The hairs on his mustache, which you had just imagined tickling you while watching the show, only made you feel more pleasure. Noah tastes you like a hungry man and brings you closer and closer to coming apart.
"Look at you, you tremble every time I run my mustache over that needy pussy… I don't think I'll be shaving anytime soon. Do you want me to shave, babe?" he asks, laughing and rubbing his nose against you.
"N-no Noah, I don't want you to…" and you moan as you feel two of his long fingers penetrating you, unable to finish the sentence. "Noah, please…"
He is relentless in the way he moves his fingers inside you, knowing every point of you, knowing exactly what to do to turn you on. Without much effort, he feels you clenching against his fingers, your thighs shaking in spasms, and he hears your voice break into a loud moan calling out to him as you cum hard in his mouth.
He pulls away from you and kneels in front of your still-spread legs to appreciate your throbbing folds and your flushed, orgasmic face. "You're such a silly girl sometimes." He smiles and runs his fingers, which were inside you moments before, through his own mustache and ends up sucking on his own fingers. "This is for you to learn to appreciate what you have."
And then he just gets up and leaves the room, laughing at the incredulous way you look at him, trying his best to maintain the idiotic character he's just created, even though he knows he'll be buried inside of you in a few minutes, making you cum a few more times to live up to your special Friday.
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What is Legend’s and post-totk Wild’s relationship like? Does it change or is it the same?
Honestly, I keep trying to write an answer but all I have are inexplicable vibes.
It would change. Legend's the same as he was but Wild's grown up. Wild would be either 22 or 23 by the time TotK is over (in game we're told it's been 5 years since BotW) meanwhile Legend is still, at best, 17, but likely 16.
That's a 6-7 year age gap where before they were either the same age or very close.
Legend's still got his experience, but now Wild has the context of years, of knowing what normal looks like. Post BotW Wild has no concept of normal or peace, but post TotK Wild would have spent 5 years just existing and doing People Things. He knows what normal kids are like now. He's a teacher. He's a leader. He's an adult, even if he's still a young one. But he's got that frame of reference that Legend never has had of what life looks like after the adventure, but now also with the understanding that legend does have of the fact that heroes' can be ripped away any time, life uprooted to save the world again at any moment.
Wild has life experience that Legend can't fathom. Wild knows what growing up is like. Wild knows what peace looks like now.
Legend doesn't even know what the word "retirement" means, much less "stop" or "peace". He's used to having only enough time to heal between adventures before heading out again, if that!
I think Wild would come back, thinking he could slip back in, just to realize he can't see his brothers the same anymore. I won't dig in too deep, since you just asked about him and Legend, but for the vet I think he'd just get shocked at how young his brother really is, by how screwed up Legend's outlook on life is, and I think he'd be floundering because the guy he used to look to as a veteran, an expert and a role model, is actually just a teenager with too much responsibility on his shoulders.
I don't think he'd know what to do with that, because that's still his brother, but Legend's no longer his BIG brother, or at least not his peer. Legend's younger than him now, and much as he tries to see the vet the same way he used to, he'd just keep realizing how screwed up everything about Legend really is.
Meanwhile Legend, Mister Abandonment-Issues, would be over here struggling with the feeling of being left behind and out of the know and suddenly feeling small around a hero who used to make him feel so big. Wild's an adult now, but he's not supposed to be. Wild's matured now (but still Wild) and he's not sure what to do with that. Wild is wiser now, knows things, isn't charging in without thought anymore, and Legend has to adjust his whole perception all while wondering if this is even the same guy. All while trying his hardest not to let on that he feels that way because you bet your BUTT this kid has gotten enough grief over the years for not being the same kid people used to know that he has no wish to make anyone else feel that.
Like, adventures change you, a LOT. Legend's had a lot of adventures, ergo; he's changed a ton over the years and it definitely throws off everyone who knows him every single time. it's not his first rodeo, but it is the first time he's not been the one riding the bull that is change.
I think they'd both struggle a lot with this. I think there'd be a lot of frustration and fear on Legend's side and a lot of shock and confusion on Wild's. I think both would grieve, and I know Legend wouldn't be the one to know how to fix it.
Legend fixes problems, but the thing that sets him apart from the rest of the heroes is that he's never had time between adventures to actually process and learn healthy coping mechanisms or ways to express himself. Kid knows how to fix other people's shit, but never his own.
Wild would have to be the one to cross the divide between them, and as the older brother now, I think that would just make it all the weirder for both of them.
Anyways, congrats, I had enough brainrot about this that I wrote a dang fic and then sobbed for a good ten minutes in a public coffee shop T-T
Thanks for the ask!
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Leavin' The Community
Hey y'all. I've never been a frequent poster in the critical community. I joined it to call out bad takes and keep up with how Viv's shows have been goin'. However, there's recently been a lot of infighting.
Whatever the hell the Antivivziepopparade situation may be with some person named Cherri, or whatever the hell is now goin' on with Chai, I didn't join the community for that drama. Course, I've got my own opinions of it---I think Antivivziepopparade's a crazy reactionary and that Chai's got a holier-than-thou attitude sometimes. I don't care if he's into bestiality, that ain't my business. They're just both meh.
But besides my opinions, I didn't join the community for infighting between critics---critics who are dumb or smart, ill or well-meaning, lacking in media literacy or well constructive in criticism, completely unrelated to the Helluverse or fully devoted to it. I joined to see criticism of the shows and criticize bad criticism---mostly from antis or extreme critics.
I guess it's the nature of Tumblr and social media, but I failed to account for how much of it is centered around negativity and how easily you can create echo chambers. Criticizin' criticism or the shows ain't worth anything if you can just block it and stay comfortable in your own space.
In real life, you can't just block everyone you slightly dislike or who shares a different perspective, and that's a good thing. You get exposed to new viewpoints that way and develop critical thinking skills. You develop yourself as a person and learn to not just parrot the opinions of others. Social media destroys that with how fast information is consumed and with our ability to block anyone, all under a guise of anonymity. And, because angry things best make us emotional enough to do share, reblog, and like things, we become easily addicted to pointless sensational drama.
We also become addicted to hating things. Hating something we don't understand is easier than trying to understand it. Furthermore, completely approving of something you love is easier than recognizing it's not perfect and has major flaws. In both cases, it's because people don't want to admit they're wrong.
To see this blind hate and blind love in the critical community, with no reasonable way to call others out for it, is disappointing.
Stella is a bad mom. Stolas is not a completely evil person. Blitzo can be a dick. Angels and demons not having skin colors accurate to humans ain't bad---they're supernatural beings. Vivziepop is not a pedophile or satan incarnate. All criticisms I'd voice if I could. But I've realized my life would be much better if I just left the community. This lack of good criticism isn't good for my mental health, and I've got other things in my life I wanna do. Checking in on this community isn't productive for me. It wastes my time and only makes me angry.
So, it's the smart decision to just leave. I never interacted with it much, but if you're readin' this, take my words as a lesson to not get caught up in the sensationalism of our online world. Is it really worth your time to hate somethin' that'll be gone after you die? Is it really worth your time to have high and mighty values about a show for edgy teenagers? To create a whole account for that hatred?
My answers used to be a slight yes, but I've realized it doesn't help me as a person. If your answers are also a yes, have some introspection for your health. Is it really healthy in the long run to do this?
It isn't. It's healthier to leave.
This is less a goodbye post and more of a critical vent. Nonetheless, I wish all well-meaning critics and fans goodbye.
#vivziepop critical#vivziepop criticism#helluva boss critical#helluva boss criticism#hazbin hotel critical#hazbin hotel criticism
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i don't ask this question with any ill intent, i'm genuinely curious: what is so wrong about being interested in having a different “physical" experience? it may be illusory, but it's still an experience that we are seemingly having. are you saying that it's not possible to "change" it or are you just trying to make people understand that that's not what ND is about/it's a secondary thing that comes with knowing who you are.
thank you in advance
read with a neutral tone:
we get a lot of asks like this but literally who said that
for as long as i can remember We said "If it has no form, it can appear as anything". It's always inbetween the lines people miss to read, though, that sentence is actually very direct and clear. Are you glued to a single dream every night?
everytime someone doesn't outright say "yes you can change the physical!☺️" word for word (like a few popular limiting accounts in the past) within No concept, to avoid false fixiations and ideas, it's completely misunderstood.
A lot of people use "even though it's illusory, it's still a seeming experience" like you did but it's not that they actually understand what they just claimed, they use it because that's what they've been reading, not because they understand it fundamentally. If "this" and "that" are seeming experiences, illusory and are bound to the same foundation what does that actually mean?
A lot of people are used to having affirmative answers and step by step guides or whatever and as soon as that's not given, it's like readers can't think outside of that box they've been in and see what's directly infront of them. Without understanding what this is, many already have the false idea that this is the method of all methods, a technique like whatever the ones they've been using in the past. It isn't. It's simply a pointer. Crutches are there to assist you in walking. They don't walk for you.
and in general, everything is discovered through direct experience which is never reading endless posts and listening to endless videos
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A short critique on the (Tumblr) Hellenic Polytheism community
Disclaimer: This is just my opinion / criticism and isn't meant to offend anyone, but rather bring awareness to help build a stronger and more respected community. I am not necessarily a hellenic polytheist , i occasionally worship / honor greek gods. Please be civil in the comments and have common sense. Love yall!!!
Criticism on assumptions and entitlement
I don't like it when people just assume you are a hellenic polytheist on here when you just... Use the #pagan . And this isn't just the case with me. Idk if it's just the prevalence of helpols on Tumblr compared to slavic , roman, celtic.. norse.. other pagan religions.
But that isn't a call to make everything about you.
In the nicest way possible.
I remember making a post about something that is witchcraft related. Then just now i saw a post of a very well known and loved paganism blog quote my post word for word and applying why it's incorrect when it's related to hellenic polytheism.
I haven't used the #helpol in my post. The post was related to deity work in modern day witchcraft. And yet that person decided to , without confrontation in my reblogs and comments, decided to make a post quoting my post most likely because they were afraid of my reaction or starting a drama.
Which is just.?? Weird to me??
If you have something to say to me, we can easily talk about it and i would have explained to you that my post wasn't necessarily about hellenic polytheism... YET like this IT WOULD BE AWKWARD.
I am tired of people assuming that hellenic polytheism is the "main" pagan religion while others are ""exotic birds" ☹️ who can hardly be found.
We are here.
Proper tagging and roman polytheism
I can't be the only one who is annoyed by improper tagging of #helpol content with #roman polytheist content. Fine ,i am guilty of improper tagging as well, WHEN I WAS NEW TO THE APP of course. But why , just why would you tag a post about Zeus with rompol hashtag.
I am sure you wouldn't like it if i tagged content of goddess Vesna as #persephone
It's annoying trying to look for roman polytheism content and seeing the names of greek gods with "roman names" in brackets.
Roman religion IS NOT a copy of greek religion. Pleaseeeee don't make the same mistakes as me and TAG PROPERLY.
Drama and judging others
Fineeee. My last post WAS targeted TOWARDS 5+ posts i have seen today, judging others, and thinking they know everything about someone's practice by just looking at their posts.
What's similar to all those five plus number of posts i have seen JUST TODAY? They were all helpol...
I am not trying to generalize. Of course, gods forbid. There are many amazing hellenic polytheists on Tumblr who understand that not everything you see on internet is how it seems.
Why do you think that it is ABSOLUTELY OKAY to insult others and causing drama just because their practice is different than yours?
And I don't mean "disrespectful different" i mean "unconventional different".
This is prevalent in other pagan communities too, but I could not help but notice the greek gods' names being mentioned the most. It's just sad.
It's just January, January 20th as i am posting this and i have already seen so much drama posts. Do better.
Ignoring ethnic greek voices
This one is self explanatory
Erasing the cultural part in the name of eclecticism
This. This annoys me so much. It's sad. You can't just cut out a part of a cultural religious tradition because you don't like it. And don't twist my words. I REALLY mean " don't like it" or "don't resonate with it"
For more info on what i mean, check out my post on the guest metaphor and open practices.
Myth literalism and demonizing deities
Sorry but yall are guilty of this and it's sadddd 😭
"Zeus is an awful deity because of his myths"
Here are some other myths that make other deities look bad , so you shouldn't worship them: Hera, Artemis, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Athena...
CONSTANT walking on eggshells and twisting others' words.
I feel like i am constantly walking on thin ice when interacting with the helpol community. It seems like people would rather find a needle in a pile of hay bales than listening to what people have to say.
And i know people will do so with this post.
It's almost like they will try and look for your smallest mistakes and errors to call you out and make a point.
How do we fix this?
A community can never be 100% toxicity free. There will always be bad apples out there. But what we should do is strive to make the community a better and more welcoming place for people. One person can do a lot more than you think they can. YOU can achieve a lot more for the community than you think you can.
If you even read this far. Thank you.
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ive always wondered if milsiril's overprotectiveness of kabru was less because of infantilisation (although she def like all elves has that problem) and more so out of guilt. she was a captain of the canaries during the Utaya incident I believe and she witnessed what happened and she couldn't stop it. and she left the canaries because of it and took in the kid who was the Only survivor, raised him in extreme comfort so he'd never see the horrors again and didn't want him anywhere near the dungeons! like i think learning self defense for defenses sake would have made her hesitant but she would have obliged but because it was specifically for the dungeons she was so against it. also like he must have had a rough few years dealing with that trauma as well which doubled her protectiveness
I believe it's a mixture of both, I don't think you can really take away the guilt (actually unsure if that's the best word to describe it) nor the race relations from how Milsiril sees Kabru.
I am the Milsiril apologist ™ but the fact she see's Kabru as a child even now is a big part of their relationship, she's a mother that can't grow up (both for being an elf and for her own issues) and that has to cope with her children outgrowing her fast
Putting a read more cause as usual when it's about Milsiril I talk too much
We can see in every way Milsiril acts that she sees Kabru at most as a toddler during his time with her, she's hand feeding him, has him in a room full of toys and talks about him like he's a cute baby.
I think people are too mean about this side of Milsiril tbh. I think it makes her interesting and it's clear (to me at least) that she does her best to provide for her children even if she doesn't truly understands them. Even in that first interaction with Kabru where she's trying to hand feed him they were *already* training with swords beforehand.
Milsiril also talks to Kabru in a way that kinda seems to expect him to understand more than what a small child would like we can see in the AB extra
So her infantilization doesn't extend to underestimating him at least, rather I think that's how she shows affection (which is still bad 😭)
Anyway, about her trauma with the dungeon and guilt (or maybe shame? Fear?), I do think that was one of the motivations for her to take Kabru in as I said in this post (beware I am a Milsiril apologist and I am VERY biased in seeing her in a more positive light, doesn't mean it's true) but I think that side of her manifests in her sudden switches from crybaby mom to ruthless master
Milsiril is very emotionally unstable from what we can see, she's really trying to convince Kabru not to go into dungeons and when tears don't work she switches into training him so hard he'll give up on his own. I've seen people call this her "true colors" or say she was using "crocodile tears" but in my opnion both the tears and the threat are genuine, I don't think it's a planned switch but rather the fact she's unstable to begin with, both the crybaby mom and the scary swords master are her true self.
Anyway! I think both guilt and infantilization are intertwined in her love towards Kabru, I've said this before but she's a flawed caretaker in a world where she does not have the resources to become a better one. She's traumatized she's depressed and she's an elf, but she's the only one (that we know) willing to at least *try* to treat the people she cares for the correct way. If it wasn't for Milsiril Kabru would have been raised by elves like Rin was (and we know that went very bad, they traumatized her), and Mithrun might not have received the proper rehab he needed to go back into the canaries (He might have managed but we see Milsiril put in the effort to help him cope besides being the one to tell him about Utaya)
That is all to say: Milsiril is still flawed!! It's part of what I love about her, and it's the reason so many people dislike her too. I'm saying this cause sometimes when I go on my Milsiril rants I get asks putting down Kabru to raise her up and that's like, very uncomfortable lmao. Even if she did her best he still was the one that to deal with all of her shortfallings while being raised and he's still the one responsible for getting to where he is, she just made is easier than it could have been.
Disclaimer as is usual for my Milsiril posts: I'm a Milsiril fan, my interpretations of her are very charitable because I often see people being way too uncharitable about her. Please read the original material and make up your own interpretation, this posts only contain what I think it's relevant for my point not an objective view of the whole. I've also already made several posts about her and I don't want to keep repeating myself so if you think I glossed over something important that's probably why.
Edit: thinking more about it, maybe rather than feeling guilty herself she might blame "elves" as a whole for the failure in Utaya, it does say she left it "in disgust". It's not that clear how she feels about it.
I still think it's shared trauma though, I don't think it's possible for Milsiril to not have been affected by what happened there and I think it's part of why she doesn't want Kabru to go to dungeons again. But her way to cope is to turn away from it (and blaming "elves" might be part of how she copes) while Kabru's is to face it so it doesn't happen again
#Milsiril#dunmeshi thoughts#dungeon meshi spoilers#putting an extra disclaimer this time cause sometimes I feel like people are reading dungeon meshi thru my blog
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The Blossoming Love
This is a rant post coz the promotions for The Blossoming Love SUCKS SO BAD. Starting with that title which is so generic and basic with both most overused words in cdrama titles 'Blossom' and 'Love'. The direct translation for Chinese title is "Thousands of peach blossoms bloom forever" which in my opinion is still not very good but it's longer and most importantly DISTINCT.
And then the posters. I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact same type of posters for other dramas. Nothing about these posters are appealing to me. I even thought the first one was a poster from another drama of his coz look.
The latest released poster and the photo shoot they did are so much better. I think it has something to do with the colors but I'm not an expert so I can't say for sure.
If they just want to show the vibe of the earlier parts, a poster like this
or if they can't add in a kiss in the poster coz you never know with Chinese censors something like this would work too instead of those.
AND THEN THE TRAILER. I've seen people watch it and saying it's just another "Journey of the Flower" type drama (understandably) but it makes me wanna scream IT'S NOT DON'T COMPARE MY XXC TO THAT WIMP. But the trailer sucks so bad if I just saw this first I wouldn't be interested too. Like who made this atrocity, I just wanna have a talk.
Another problem is people watching just the first few episodes and judging the whole drama based on them. It's just sad. TBF, If I haven't already seen the posts from @dangermousie and @fake-married-my-dead-fiance (Thank you guys so much) I too would have thought it's another generic Xianxia with so call "Righteous" ML (who is actually just a hypocrite and a coward who judge other based on their identities instead of their actions or don't dare go against traditions/others and never even question "the righteous way" when he clearly knows it's anything but that.) And this type of MLs disgust me the most even more than someone like Li Cheng Yin. (OP gods who aren't allowed to feel are another type although they're not bad just frustrating which Shen Li made it work last year.) That's why the "Good Guy" MLs have always repelled me in Xianxia but this drama makes it work. This is the first time I find the Righteousness of the ML extremely attractive.
Tell me how to not fall for this.
This drama don't have big names with large fandoms backing them while airing at the same time as THREE other dramas with traffic stars in them. Youku don't do anything to promote it properly either.
I want to see more posts about this drama, people discussing it, posting about specific scenes or drama watching threads but it's really difficult to find since so few are watching this. I won't blame it if you truly don't enjoy it since everyone don't have the same taste but please at least give it a chance. You can even watch it by ffing. If you still aren't sure and don't mind the spoilers check out @dangermousie and @fake-married-my-dead-fiance posts about this.
P.S- This is the exact scene that convinced me that I'm 100% going to love this drama and it's in ep 1 btw.
Disclaimer: I'm not a good writer and this post is not very organized coz it was a sudden impulse. I just wanted to write out my frustrations after seeing a video about it.
Update: This trailer also sucks.
#at least that's what i observed on chinese platforms like douyin and bilibili#the blossoming love#cdrama#my new obsession#i have an exam tmr and here i am posting about this#i didn't even love Blossom this much#also wanna point out the fact that this drama only has enough budget for 3 osts and slayed all 3
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In the hours that followed, Dominick told Marcus the whole story of his engagement. He told him how he picked the ring, the romantic breakfast he'd prepared, his awkward proposal, and how he thought he was going to faint before Ambrose finally said 'yes'. (The details about his and Ambrose's activities the night before and their lack of attire afterwards were conveniently glossed over.)
Marcus listened carefully, nodding along and occasionally grinning at the more awkward details. He couldn't remember ever seeing Dominick this excited about something; his happiness was contagious. It made Marcus forget, if only for an afternoon, the worries waiting for him back home.
But it seemed Dominick had worries of his own. He was just finishing the story of how he got his engagement ring in the mail when he seemingly remembered something sad. His face fell, and his shoulders slumped.
"Oh Marcus, what if I'm not… enough for him? What if he changes his mind and leaves me like…" My father, he wanted to say, but his voice faltered before he could finish the thought. He looked away, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. But not before he caught sight of Marcus' dismayed, uncertain expression. A wave of guilt crashed over him - why did he always have to go and ruin everything?
"I'm sure your dad would have some words of wisdom for me if he were in better shape," Dom muttered in a failed attempt to alleviate the mood. He tried to smile, but his mouth contorted into a painful grimace instead.
Marcus didn't respond at first, instead placing a comforting hand on Dominick's shoulder. They sat like that for a while before Marcus broke the silence, his voice low, deliberate. "You know", he began slowly, "if my dad were in a condition to give out advice right now, I'm sure he'd tell you something like this..."
Marcus: "There's still time to build the life you want, and still hope. The past has happened, sure, but you can overcome the pain; it doesn't have to hold you back forever. There's no deadline for when it has to be achieved, either - you will heal in your own time. And love? Real love doesn't leave. It grows with you even when you feel you're at your lowest. Just remember: you are enough, and anyone who can't see this doesn't deserve you."
He hadn’t planned to say any of it; in truth, he didn’t know where the words had even come from. They’d just poured out, as though someone older and wiser were speaking through him. But whatever the source of this sudden eloquence, Marcus was glad for it: he could clearly see the impact it had on Dominick.
His expression was now softer, his back straightened as though he'd dropped an invisible burden off his shoulders. He blinked at Marcus with glassy eyes, then slowly leaned in and wrapped him into a tight hug. Though momentarily caught off-guard, Marcus reciprocated instinctively. He could feel Dom shivering lightly against his chest.
"You've no idea how much this means to me", Dominick whispered in a small, barely audible voice. "Thank you."
Surprise surprise, this was a story post! I've had it with Dumblr constantly shredding the links to my private posts, so new format it is.
And if you've gotten this far, I'd like to extend a heartfelt thanks to @equinoxts2, whose awesome, all-encompassing understanding of Dominick's character was what brought this scene about in the first place. You know those enlightening words Marcus says to Dominick? They're all Quin's (with a few minor modifications!) - I just wrote the scene around them. So yeah, the part about someone 'older and wiser' suddenly speaking through Marcus, that was totally based on a true story! 😉
Quin, if you are reading this - thank you for being awesome, and for letting me rattle my silly ideas off of you like nuggets of coal, only to return them as polished diamonds. I hope this heartfelt little scene did Jace's wise words justice! 🤍
#sims 2#ts2#sims#gameplay#bacc#wyverns bay#wb gameplay#irving#irving week 4#dominick irving#marcus blackbird#mine
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hello elle gayferrari,,,
if you don't mind could you provide some context? you had said on that post about charles reading that book about that guy that you were glad bc it was about something that deglamourised the mafia in Italy?
and again today gq I think or another publication published an article about hamilton and the mafia or the mafia vibe or idk something and a lot of the Italian people I follow on twt were like, unenthused,,
i mean the mafia has been made popular (popular is probably the wrong word but? romanticised?) by film and pop culture and such but ive noticed Italians vehemently disliking that (understandably bc of like, well organised crime and the associated fucked up everything)
could you maybe explain a bit more about actual italian attitude and sentiment towards it ?
[link to the post about Charles's favourite book]
The thing is. As you say, I think many people don't realise that the mafia is a real thing. It's a societal plague — I think a decent comparison could be the opioid crisis. It's real, it's not sexy, and it harms people's lives. There are many people for which this is just an aesthetic or a movie plot rather than a lived reality, and they might think it's cool. To me, personally — and I think I speak for most Italians here — there's a difference between thinking mafia vibes are cool in a vacuum and making a whole lot of unfunny comments jokes about mafioso Lewis because he's driving for an Italian team now. The former is whatever, the latter is ??????? ????? Uneeded. Stale.
Mind you — it's not the end of the world. It's a cultural faux pass but you can't actually oppress western Europeans by making Don Lewis jokes. If it's funny to you, whatever. But I think it's a topic that skirts on the edge of tasteless in the same way, idk, true crime fandom can skirt on tasteless — where you're taking something that actively makes victims to this day and many people feel strongly about, and reducing it to #vibes, and I think some people could stand to engage with it a little more thoughtfully. Especially if it's coming from GQ (?) and not some rando posting their mafia AU on ao3 dot org
#anyway whatever do your thing i am one woman on the internet fully capable of monitoring my online experience#EYE just think it's unfunny and will mute accordingly#in the same way calling idk fabio quartanaro a yakuza boss just bc he rides for a japanese team would be tiring#elle asks#Usual disclaimer that I'm just One Tumblrina and do not speak for All#but I actually think my opinion on this is pretty much universally widespread among the Italian side of tumblr.
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Outside of the obvious issues within the Campaign, One point i haven't seen talked about was how 4sD wasn't really a good way to find out why characters did certain thing or thought a certain way, the what the fuck is up with that section was the closest because the players and Dani would talk and ask eachother, though i believe that they also do that outside of the game, or talked about it on cooldown, but the questions selected for the tower of the deep dive often leaned into a fanfic-y narratives (mostly Tower, but sure i guess we need to know what their favourite ice cream flavors would be, for fun i guess)
I think cooldown is the closest to what i would have rather liked from 4sD but that's behind a paywall.
Do you think the format affected the way the audience engaged with the characters? or would it be like with Molly in C2 where Tal said that he was absolutely not a good guy but the critters insisted he was just misunderstood and actually a saint (hyperbole)
Hi anon,
4SD definitely impacted how people engaged with the characters, but if it hadn't existed the sort of person who cherrypicks out of context lines from 4SD would have just made things up whole cloth to support whatever they wanted a la Campaign 2. I also don't think 4SD is like, a problem. I agree there were flaws in the format, but also...I didn't ever watch Talks for Vox Machina (I did for Campaign 2 but as I binge-watched C1 I didn't have time and I didn't bother) and I understood the story just fine. I think that if you need a talkback shows to understand a character's motivations, either that is a flaw of the text for not showing them, or you are a stupid person. A great example is Bowlgate: Talks addressed explicitly why this conflict happened, but if you had, perhaps, watched the show, you would already know that Caleb had issues with abuses of power and massive problems with trust that often manifested as control issues, and Beau had control issues from the opposite direction that were no less explained by her past, and they understandably clashed, and while I personally agreed with Beau's assessment here neither of them expressed themselves very well, and it was a great moment of conflict in a game where conflict is interesting, and I also at no point was like "oh my god Liam and Marisha hate each other" because I understand the concept of acting. I actually, as someone avoiding the fandom at the time but watching Talks each week, was stunned to hear this had even been a controversy when I tuned in.
I think there are two much bigger factors in how the fandom engages:
social media and especially algorithmic short-form social media creating echo chambers. Like, obviously I am biased but I think the reason why so many of the most rancid and incorrect opinions from this campaign are from Twitter and so many of the most rancid and incorrect people are as well is that on Twitter, saying buzzwords tends to get eyes on your post, and it's all very short so you don't have to explain yourself, and it's based on instant gratification and if you say something stupid in the past it's easier for people to move on because it's hard to find, whereas like, on Tumblr, people have longer memories and if someone doesn't explain themselves they can't point to a character limit. I think without like, Twitter, bowlgate would have been much smaller a phenomenon. I think a major flaw of 4SD is that they've addressed things brought up on Twitter that aren't even a controversy but are actually just incredibly fucking stupid (Relvin not saying the exact words "I love you" is the one I'm remembering off the top of my head but this has been a problem for a WHILE).
The biggest one: I have mentioned blorbo-centric morality and you alluded to how people thought Molly was a saint and I just think for whatever reason Campaign 3 attracted a MASSIVE number of people like that. 4SD doesn't even enter here; if it exists they'll use it but if not they'll again make shit up or cherry pick or misinterpret. The core of all C3 discourse, at this point, is that some people will defend literally anything Bells Hells do no matter what. This is why you are seeing people who insisted the gods were, as someone said, tall kings who needed to be dethroned (killed) and were colonizers and murderers suddenly pivot praising a plan that lets them live and oh how compassionate Bells Hells are. You got people who defended indecision on this topic earlier; who said there were no good options but were too squeamish to actually explore that if their are no good options their darling little angels will get their hands dirty no matter what. The No Agency crowd. It's utterly spineless and amoral; they will abandon whatever argument they had to pivot to the aimless whims of Bells Hells. So 4SD gives them more material in their endless pivoting but they'd do this anyway.
So the format was like, fun as a hangout show but not great as a talkback at times, but it really wasn't a major factor because idiots are gonna be stupid no matter what. With that said while there were things about 4SD I liked I kind of wish they could go back to a more Talks-esque format, obviously with like, a better host. I also think that it might be better to permit fan-submitted questions in real time and air the episodes a few months later, particularly since as mentioned the crew often asked questions from a while ago. I also think doing this as a big thing monthly might be easier on the schedule but meant that we heard a LOT from cast members who were frequently available even if if their characters weren't doing much that was interesting. I would ideally like to go to like, every other week, shorter and more casual, with fan-submissions through a web form collected during the week following an episode so that like. we wouldn't get Talkback Show For 119 for maybe a month but it would actually be about that.
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