#and I want them to live together happily but its genuinely not possible
terrificblanket · 2 years
the ending of me before you consistently devastates me
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xo-cod · 1 year
will u expand on this pls?? esp w simon i love it it's SO CUTE🥰
thank you so much babe :") <33 i just did simon but i can def do the others if you'd like 🤍
continuation from here
cw: abusive past + fluff
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"look daddy! that's like you and mum!" her soft laugh of happiness fills his ears and for a minute he just watches her, the shock plastered on his face and then he takes a glance at the tv again. the toys he was placing away in its rightful place was forgotten as he straightened his back, watching the disney characters. they seemed so happy, so in love.
he stood still for a minute, wondering if she was being genuine as he looks back to the little girl who was giggling at him. he didn't have a healthy childhood at home and even as he entered his adult life, nothing but blood, guns and wars surrounded him.
it took him by surprised that lieutenant ghost, the man who knew little to nothing about love and happiness and peace now had a wife and a baby who was growing up in the homes he always wished he could live in as a child.
the only romantic love he could see around him was the abuse his father put his mother through, watching the light dim from her eyes everyday was a sight simon didn't think he could ever forget.
there were some scars that were seared so deep, even after time had run its course the pain was still fresh as ever. he didn't think he would ever heal from the shackles that wrapped themselves so deeply around him, burdens that he had to carry day in and day out in his life all the time. even though being with you had significantly lessened them, there were still moments that made him question everything he ever knew.
so being a father was scary but so exciting. the nerves were bundled up deep inside him, utterly worried that he wouldn't be able to love the child like they deserved. he remembered the night he paced your hospital floor while you were sleeping, full of the medications they were giving. all he could do was helplessly look at you, his heart pounding at the bundle of joy soon to be arriving. could he love them? or did the trauma from his father run incredibly deep that he'd cower away and hide? they were irrational fears, he knew that much. but it didn't help either way, he wanted to be the possible father ever. but how could he do that when he was do broken from his own?
and then his baby was born and he almost gave out, trembling when he held her tiny tiny body in one arm as the hand of the other ever so gently caressed her head. he looked at you with shock, his big brown eyes tearing as he chuckles softly. that was a sight you'd never forget. a sight he could never either
"me an' mama huh?" he spoke softly, his gaze going from the tv to back to his daughter who nods eagerly at him. she's so happy, its enough to make him emotional. because of him, she was safe and loved. because of him, a man who thought he was too damaged beyond repair, had a child who completely adored him and was living happily
she would never know a life full of abuse and suffering, he would make sure of that
he would kill for her, die for her and everything in between yet even so the small niggling voice of doubt filled his head every damn day wondering if he was cut out to be a father. would he change tomorrow, become the abusive intoxicated asshole like the man raised him was? he grew up in a world full of pain and torture and guns, happy things were far and few between.
"you little munchkin, c'mere" he teased softly, holding her in his massive arms as they both cuddle close together. she shrieks in delight when he blows soft raspberries on her cheeks and kissing her forehead. and he only looks at his baby with a look of pure unconditional love, his smile widening at every happy sound she made. even if he never got the love he deserved as a child, the love he received from you and the baby you both created was enough for him.
it was times like this, moments that he cherished so close to his heart <33
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llamagoddessofficial · 10 months
how would the normal boyo's react to mc's death?
no murder, nothing crazy, just old age taking away the love of their lives.
and for bonus points lets say they had been happily married for decades as to add on the memories and the sudden shock of losing someone that had become such a key factor in your life.
I think I've mentioned this before, but it doesn't hurt to bring it up again. Aggre Mc is going to live a lot longer than she expected. Even with absolutely no intervention, thanks to her connection with the guys, her Soul has three major sources of magic nearby that instinctively constantly share their power with hers. It will probably expand her lifetime by a century, minimum. Her big issue isn't going to be dying; it's going to be dealing with the implications of living so much longer than she thought she would.
There's also the topic of a Soul bond. If she Soul bonds with any of the three of them, and doesn't have kids, she's pretty much going to live as a monster does (forever, unless interrupted). In Aggre, they definitely discuss the subject of her possible death eventually- and my personal canon post-Aggre is that after settling into a rhythm and spending a few decades together, when Mc decides she wants to Soul bond, the boys elect Sans to be the one she bonds with. She'd then live with them like that.
But... in a hypothetical scenario, where Mc resists everything and dies... I think this is how it would go. Obviously, angst and death under the cut.
Sans: Honestly, Sans takes her approaching death the best. Which should really worry you about how the other two would react. Does he fall apart? Absolutely, the last time he felt this kind of agony was when he lost his mother. But Sans has always been good at disguising his emotions, hiding tremendous pain under an easygoing exterior. He keeps up with the dishes, organises her end of life care, keeps contact with his friends. Papyrus would be the only one to see even a fraction of the true extent of Sans' grief. Sans is about to lose the love of his life, and has completely frozen over to avoid crumbling.
Red: He definitely takes it better than you'd expect, considering he'd have a mended relationship with his brother. But it still hits. It's cruel that the universe sent him someone who taught him how to let himself feel, then took that person away and delivered the worst pain he's ever felt.
Mc would be proud of him, though. Despite the pain, he avoids falling back into the worst of his old addictions, because he knows its not what she would want and it won't actually make the pain go away. It will just numb him to everything; including those who are trying to help. He picks up smoking again in the days leading up to her death, but he avoids the bottle.
Skull: It's hard, for him. It's really hard.
All of them knew it would be particularly difficult for Skull. They had a long time to discuss it- a long time to talk the subject over. Mc prepared stuff for him, for after she's gone... people to talk to, things of hers to hold when it hurts, exercises for him to hopefully learn to deal with it. For a while, everyone was convinced Skull was ready. Even Skull.
... But he just... he just can't do it. He can't do it. He can't let her go. It doesn't matter how many hours she spent holding his hands, how hard they all believed he'd be fine without her- it doesn't matter how much he healed by her side and how well adjusted he seems now. The moment he realises she's really genuinely dying, the journey ahead of him looks so impossibly dark, so frightening. He holds her as she's dying and he feels so small. He cries like a baby and begs her not to leave him behind.
The moment she dies, he catches her Soul. He holds it in his hands, hushing it like a scared bird and tucking it away into his chest, where he can keep her alive. Honestly, they'd have to cut him open if they wanted to let her pass on.
... But I think at that point, Red and Sans aren't exactly fighting to make him let go. In fact... something unspoken passes between the three of them. Skull just did what all of them wanted to do.
Skull gives her to Sans, who keeps her hidden away, within his own Soul. Her Soul knows his best, and will feel most comfortable there long-term.
They'll figure out something. They have all the time in the world.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 6 months
My Steddie T4T headcannon for the gender Euphoria.
Eddie moved to Hawkins right before his freshmen year to live with Wayne.
He is AFAB but when he moves he sees this as his chance to present how he wants, including binding and packing and dressing in masculine clothes. Wayne doesn't understand but he doesn't need to. He loves Eddie and whatever makes him happy. He even signed Eddie up for school under Edward Munson, not his dead name.
He passes for years and no one knows he is Trans except Gareth, Jeff, and Doug.
When he is attacked and almost dies during Springbreak, its Steve that carries him out of the Upside-Down.
Through the blood, no one else notices, but Steve accidentally sees through the torn up clothing that Eddie is not cisgendered.
Steve doesn't say anything because it's not important and not his (her) place to out Eddie. Steve just is focused 9n saving Eddie.
There is alot of damage to his torso including to his breast tissue. Eddie takes this as a silver lining basically opting to get it removed instead of reconstructing.
During the next few months Steve and Eddie get closer as they heal together. Steve never let's on that they know Eddie's secret bc Steve believes it's Eddie's choice to come out.
Meanwhile as this is all going down, Steve is have their own crisis.
For years, Steve has felt weird...off. Steve has always gravitated towards girls but not just because Steve is attracted to them...but because part of Steve was jealous.
Steve wants the soft curves, wants to be seen as pretty and delicate, loves feminine things...Steve wants to be a girl.
But Steve didn't think that was possible, so they leaned into their more traditionally masculine interests, it's not like Steve didn't like cars and sports.
But every once in a while, Steve let themselves wear pretty light lip gloss and soft perfume, always too subtle to notice.
But then Steve found out Eddie's secret and something clicked for in their head.
Steve knew Eddie was AFAB but that didn't change the fact that Eddie was a guy.
So maybe Steve wasn't a guy...maybe it didn't matter that the world decided they were a guy because of the parts they were born with.
Steve didn't have to want to be a girl because She was a girl.
And that thought brought comfort to her but still terrified her to come out. Everyone thought she was a guy, she didn't pass like Eddie.
So she took baby steps, told Robin first. Of course Robin was cool with it and when It was just the two of them in the Harrington mansion, she was able to wear some more feminine things she wanted to wear and felt gorgeous and happy.
As she and Eddie get closer, it becomes obvious they are more than friends. Eddie is the second person she tells. She figures he deserves to know if they are going out.
Of course Eddie doesn't care and finally tells her that he's Trans. Stevie reveals that she knew but didn't want to force him to come out.
It makes Eddie love Stevie more.
As years pass, Stevie eventually starts presenting more feminine in public and its hard but Eddie is by her side. Their friends now all know about both of them.
Steve loves pretty dresses and even early on when she didn't pass, none of her friends let her feel ashamed.
As time goes on they both start hormones.
In the 90s, Eddie surprises her by saving up secretly to pay for her to have top surgery as well.
They love each other so much.
And they both live happily ever after.
Edit: I removed a part bc even though I didnt intend to, there was an accidentally transphobic implication, and like being trans, I don't want to cause any harm to others in my community. Steve and Eddie are a straight couple in this h, there was no need to put quotes around straight.
@gayboysteve I genuinely appreciate your comment.
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 11 months
Relationship W/ Hyunjin
ᰔThis one is kinda a long one since im a sucker for the romance genre so i apologize in advance if most of this is too much! 😅
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After Aiko got accepted into the survival program, Chan introduced her to the members and most of them hit off. Most of the members felt a little off having a girl, especially one as young as Aiko, apart of their group. These members included Hyunjin. The first thing he said to her face when she walked in the room was, "Who's this girl?" obviously Ai was put off and that was when their rivalry started.
HYUNJIN: Hyun initially caught feelings after spending some more time with and around Aiko and realized how endearing and genuine she is. He wanted someone who would sympathize with him, someone who would share his burdens and pains with him, and Aiko had checked off those boxes without fail. He at first thought his feelings were just going to last a day or two but no, his feelings soon grew into a strong love for Aiko, he just wasn't sure when was the right time to admit it.
AIKO: For Ai, it was love at first sight. She thought he was gorgeous but as soon as he opened his mouth she wasn't impressed. But with her too, after spending more time with Hyunjin she found herself getting more and more fond of him. Although she was under the impression that he didn't like her, which caused her to push her feelings for him down and away so she wouldn't loose focus on her current projects.
It was like something straight out of a Kdrama. It was a stormy day in April when it happened. The two had gotten into a small argument after Hyun asked/demanded they talk about their feelings and Aiko being raised in an emotionally unavailable household, she's not as receptive/willing to openly talk about how or what she's feeling. After Hyun kept insisting they talk about their feelings Aiko got overwhelmed and stormed out into the rain with Hyun following her. Long story short they confessed their love for each other and had their first kiss in the rain and lived happily ever after.
A week after they started dating they had a long discussion on how to proceed with their form relationship. Both had agreed to at least tell Chan since he was their leader and unsurprisingly Channie was happy for them and helped them formate a plan since at the time in 2020, they were still under a dating ban (JYP has a 4 or 3 year dating ban I believe). The other members were also informed and all were accepting and since then, Hyun and Ai have been inseparable. Soon though, STAYs had noticed how close they've gotten, which was out of the normal because of their for mentioned rivalry and how much they seemed to dislike each other, which created the ship 'AiHyun'.
Despite their fairytale like relationship, it's not without its problems, but luckily they have the ability to talk it out sometimes. The small arguments they have are usually started when someone genuinely messes up or when the other's health and safety is being put at risk. Aiko never likes going to bed angry at each other, so she works hard to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Outside of small arguments, both of them being idols brings in a whole another world of problems. One of those being Hyun's unfortunate hiatus. This was the longest they'd been apart from each other practically since they debuted together. (I'll go more into this in a future post).
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ᰔ honestly i may make a part two of some sorts since there's more layers to their relationship but this is already as long as it is so, lemme know if this is really in need of a part two and if so what to include in it!
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I have watched Episode 8 possibly more than any other episode and it's so vital what Jack's saying and what he thinks he's doing, which is completely centered around pointing out Stede's from outside their world and pointing out Ed he's wallowing in unsustainable excess.
Jack: Just for the two of you, huh? Hornigold'd shit himself.
Jack: That's a real pirate! Not like one of these store-bought types.
We're soon provided the information Jack genuinely believes he's been acting with Ed's full support and consent since back at the dramatics on deck.
Jack fully believes he shook Ed out of whatever weird, seemingly uncharacteristic funk Ed has gotten into.
Jack: Best thing that could've happened to you, if you ask me. Like when I heard that you'd shacked up with him, I said... Ed: Where'd you hear that? You didn't just happen upon us, did you, Jack? Jack: Took you long enough. The old Blackbeard woulda seen me comin' a mile away.
Jack: I figured you were on to me when I lured you to Blind Man's Cove, seeing as its distinguishing feature is that... Ed: It's impossible to make an escape.
Ed, otoh, had a good reason to want to show Jack, who he cared about, they could both be a part of Stede’s love in — he wanted to believe that there was room for Jack in muppet land, and a different future for both of them than they’d ever imagined.
That was so far from Jack’s reality he never conceived it was happening and believed they were co-conspirators in a completely different series of events from the one Ed was living.
Chauncey makes a similar point to Jack's in the next episode:
Chauncey: I'm afraid the offer doesn't extend to you, Bonnet. After all, the King was only referring to real pirates. He's from my world, not yours.
That Stede isn't part of the fabric of that world is pivotal to the thrust of the thing, because it's not just about Ed and Stede. The crew, who Oluwande assured in the first episode would come to kill Stede next if he didn't say he killed Nigel on purpose, and who'd all just reassured Jack would probably still mutiny on Stede in the future, decide at this moment that Stede, admittedly a work in progress, is worth standing up for.
And shortly after, Ed chooses to give up everything he's worked so hard his whole life for, a career and huge prestige and "more riches than you can shake a fucking stick at," to go into an unknown, barefaced future with Stede.
Despite Jack not believing Ed would throw away what he built from nothing, what they were stabbed and ground down to nothing and treated like dogs for a chance to aspire to, despite that Episode 8 exists to let Ed see the risk he's taking.
Throughout, Izzy builds up reminders of the bonds he forged with crewmen who believe in the him he chose to show them that he has to choose to separate from:
Ed: No, Izzy, we're not doing this. Izzy: No, you're not doin' this, so I must.
Izzy: Remember though, you said when you made me first mate, "Above all else is loyalty to your Captain." You're my captain, and I was never gonna stand by and let you destroy yourself for that... twat.
Izzy fully believes throughout he is doing what Ed (who at the start of this had repeatedly, disturbingly expressed suicidal ideation in Episode 4 leaving us with two long shots of Izzy standing stunned and shaken after he walks out) pledged him to do. To hold the outfit together and keep Ed's reputation secure.
There's nothing nefarious about the sad henchman sitting in prolonged denial.
Izzy: The plan is very much alive. He promised me.
But Fang and Ivan have now seen through the thing, too, and so they remind Ed of the sacrifices they've made to be a part of this outfit the three together. And still Izzy is careful not to speak in front of them when he offers to help secure their normal,
Izzy: I'll happily end it.
We can assume here, and when Ed couldn't do it and Izzy steps in, that what Izzy knows after all these years is Ed doesn't kill people face to face. How many other people has he dispatched to shore up the occasional slack for the continued honor of sailing with the most brilliant sailor he's ever met?
It is my strong opinion that diminishing these character’s belief in the Ed they’ve known for years and the loyalty they display diminishes the enormity of the choices we see Ed make and risks he taking putting his life and heart in Stede’s hands.
These are men he chose to forge bonds with through his own actions, and the resistance to change they put up comes out of having traveled well worn paths with the Ed who made himself king of the ocean who is suddenly exhibiting erratic and, to them, totally unprecedented behavior.
Ed returns to an Izzy whose faith is at last broken, and swiftly and expertly resecures his place of power. Even devastated himself that his start at a different life a part of him privately yearned for left him so completely bereft.
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ara270904 · 10 months
Being fan of Darling AND Daring can be difficult because they're like my babies okay? They're siblings, siblings fight that's okay.
But Daring is not a bad person, please I'm sure he isn't a bad person. And maybe it's the problem I have with some fanfics and maybe that's why I haven't read a fanfic that looks great but one tag says "Daring is not a good person" or something like that and I lost my desire. He isn't bad :(, as an older sister, I myself think that he does love his siblings a lot.
Fighting with your siblings or things like that doesn't always mean you don't love them, I would give my life for my little brother but I still don't want him to grab my charger for his tablet.
And I think in the context of Ever After High a lot of things are the fault of King Charming and Queen Charming's upbringing they gave to their children. Because they raised Daring to believe he was the best and that he could only be the best, while Dexter had to be second best and Darling a helpless princess and that's it.
So it isn't my boy fault, It's like people who defend Apple because she's not bad, it's just that Snow White raised her that way.
So I think the same about the Charming siblings, because who's to say that maybe Daring wanted to have other tastes that his dad wouldn't approve of, and maybe he just did what his dad said because what else was he supposed to do?
King Charming literally molded his children into what he wanted them to be, in a mold. At some point, Darling and maybe Dexter didn't like being in that mold because it wasn't them because maybe they did have other tastes and maybe their parents didn't pay as much attention to them and they could have their own tastes. But maybe the only thing Daring has is that mold, Daring feels that he is that mold because it is everything his father has told him.
And , but as I said before, if Apple can be a lesbian and break out of that mold that she thought defined her, why can't Daring do the same? I think I've said it before but it would be really cool if they had left it as if Daring didn't a destiny meaning that he could have his breakdown and everything and be free from that mold that his father forced him to be.
And I'm saying a lot about that character that I also said I hated but that I realized that all my hatred was unjustified.
But as I said, many of the things that made Apple be and will change and break its mold and blah could also have been had by Daring because it is assumed that both were from the same story and that possibly they were friends but maybe just friends because they spent time together for a long time to prepare to be married and have their happily ever after. Which it seemed like they both wanted because it was the only thing he had apart from bad parents and although in Daring's case he has the twins, his siblings.
And maybe the three siblings were in need of love, but Darling and Dexter were looking for something more genuine and that's why they had few friends and maybe Daring lived on people's approval and that's why he liked to be surrounded by people and that they love him even if it's not real.
And maybe instead of Epic Winter, it would have been cool to see Apple and Darling accept their new destiny, Daring having eight hundred breakdowns because he was only popular for being a Charming, and for supposedly being Apple's prince charming but since he is not, he was no longer as popular or almost not popular at all and that together with what his father would say when he found out would ruin him.
It would also have been nice to see Darling chatting with Daring after she "stole" his destiny that Daring may not have really wanted but was all he had. Dexter could be there to comfort both of his siblings.
And I feel like I haven't done a post this long in a long time but that fanfic I read that didn't feel like Daring to me upset me a little, IT ISN'T HIS FAULT OKAY???? :(((( It's King Charming's fault, I hate him.
And who says no, maybe Daring secretly taught Dexter and Darling how to fight with swords much better and self-defense and those things that they taught him that they didn't teach Darling.
Could this be considered character analysis? Possibly yes.
So yeah, that's for today. Thanks for hearing me or in this case reading what I wrote. The only characters I hate is Snow White (ever after high obviously the Snow White from the Disney movie is my absolute favorite), King Charming and Headmaster Grimm obviously. Yeah
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Another thing I'm seeing a bit in the fandom atm: Blaming Aziraphale for his decision at the end of episode six, while pitying Crowley for being the only one truly in love. I think that is not a well-rounded conclusion.
The ending of season 2 is foreshadowed in the first episode. Right off the bat, we have Aziraphale helping people, performing miracles when he can. When he meets Crowley in the coffee shop, he makes a little under the breath comment about how he likes to tell Crowley about his achievements since he "no longer reports to heaven." What we can understand from this is: being an angel was important to Aziraphale. Not in the same way as it is to the other angels - he's Aziraphale, he likes his comforts and his pleasures, and he doesn't want to throw it all away for some divine purpose now anymore than he did in the first season.
But he wasn't ready, at the end of the not-apocalypse, to cast off heaven completely. He didn't really have many other options other than to go along with Crowley, and of course, he genuinely likes him and wanted to go along with him. He's living happily that way, but still entertaining hopes that the faith he feels he's losing, or already lost, can be restored. That he can find a middle ground between being an angel and being Aziraphale. He's a little different, IMO, from book Aziraphale in that way... I guess I wouldn't expect book Aziraphale to care so much about heaven. But the TV show is meant to be a little different, so that's easy to accept.
Now Crowley in episode one. He doesn't want anything to do with hell or heaven, because he sees both as trying to take away what he cares about from the very start. What's the point? he asks. Aziraphale is probably wondering the same thing, but for the time being he's still operating under the assumption that there is one - an ineffable one. Crowley's lost faith since a long time ago and in its place he's found self-reliance. He's created his own morality which suit his world view. He doesn't want a middle ground, he doesn't want ground at all.
But however misguided Aziraphale's good deeds can be, it doesn't mean Crowley is always acting out of wisdom. Episode one tellingly has Crowley shouting about how he's carved out a place for himself and isn't willing to lose it, to which Aziraphale replies, "I thought we carved it out for ourselves." In that moment, Crowley might have thought he was thinking about what's best for both of them, but really he was thinking about what's best for Crowley.
The argument in episode one is the first clear indicator that Crowley and Aziraphale aren't in fact on the same page. Throughout the season, Aziraphale acts as if Crowley helping him whenever he meddles in things is proof that Crowley is really on the side of the angels - the side Aziraphale still considers himself on, if in more of a vigilante role than an official one. And Crowley acts as if he's indulging Aziraphale's hobby, but ultimately expects that their joint future, separate and uninterested in heaven or hell, is just as much Aziraphale's dream as it is his own. But Aziraphale's hobby is, in fact, his dream - and Crowley's on his own side, not on the angels', and has never wanted to be. On that note, Aziraphale isn't bad for thinking he could go to heaven, reform it, and use it for good. He might not be able to accomplish it, that's true! But he's not bad for thinking it's possible. And Crowley's not bad either for considering it a lost cause. They're both working with their own experiences and also their own beliefs and personalities.
Aziraphale and Crowley fall apart in episode six because, all season, they've been imputing to each other desires and motivations that they want the other to have. Instead of listening to what each other is saying, they hear only what they want to hear. Because they do love each other and they do want to be together. But a relationship without communication is bound to fail. Nina and Maggie try to teach them that, but the timing is just too late. For now, anyway. Neither Crowley nor Aziraphale are bad for wanting different things. Their mistake is thinking they can will the other into doing things their way.
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
this post is 100% a joke and none of it is to be taken seriously but WHAT if i let my imagination run wild and make up a buncha bogus clown predictions cos i need to get them out and i need sandray to be happy!?
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i know it's silly to think about a possible happy ending for any of the three(or more) pairs in messy gays the show (idk who coined this but i love it and am copying it, thankyou) especially this early into it's run while we haven't even seen the half of it BUT i still want to put forward my two cents now so i can come back later and check this post out and laugh at how wrong i was. im going to go as wild as i possibly can (within the limits of the show) so i definitely will be going wrong. i can't wait to see just how wrong lmao.
lemme just put on my clown makeup real quick.
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alright now that's done, without further ado.....
nick & boston
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...are gonna blow the group up and mess everything up for everybody, they'll be fighting in front of everyone but they'll be in cahoots at some point, playing everybody off each other and then somehow riding off into the sunset with a buncha cash to a land where nobody knows them, boston is still sleeping around (i dont totally buy his words from the ep 5 preview) but so is nick now, finally having discovered the joys of non monogamy, the last shot is gonna be them setting foot in this imaginary land and its gonna be epic
sandray my beloveds....
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....are gonna fall in and out of love one after the other, never at the same time ending in a huge fallout and they decide to part ways forever until fate (ray keeps showing up at places sand gets invited to sing at) intervenes and brings them back and gets them to fall in love at the same time once again and this time despite all the nickboston fuckery and every other mess the group gets to, they get together and decide to stay together, their last scene is ray taking sand to his mother's grave after having been proposed to on a beach or a boat (what up eclipse reference) and its gonna be so sickly sweet we wonder how we got here from where we started!
top & mew
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i know im not writing a fic but its kinda similar so TRIGGER WARNING : mcd
ah topmew, ngl i have no fcking clue what these two are gonna be upto. i genuinely have no read on their future as a couple. it just doesn't seem plausible in the least. i wanna be dramatic and say top dies in a tragic fire accident that mirrors his childhood incident and mew gets his hotel business (this is real and i didnt dream this up right? i have a tendency to do that lmao) and he rescues a kitten and calls it mew and they live happily ever after or the kitten scratches him to death, eitherways i cant see them happier together than they were here in this silent disco scene, which could be surface level for all we've seen so thats them
cheum & april
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these two are gonna show up together towards the middle of all the drama yell at all of them for being such dudes, dole out choice advice, leave until mess gets sorted and will bring everyone together for one last time during their wedding before they move away to another country, far away from the messy gays and their mess and then they'll write a story based on the messy gays and then sell the rights to a famous director duo and then they sit back and watch the money rolling in, happy, in love, and unbothered💅✨
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bisluthq · 4 months
i never understood this mentality of wishing someones relationship to end just to prove a point. she seems happy and thats all that matters. do all of you go up to your friends in happy relationships and start telling them that its gonna end because last time their relationship only lasted xy years and they were happy at the start of it? no! because its strange behavior! relationships arent rock solid, we all know that but you truly cannot compare her relationship with joe and travis. she was 25, turning 26 when her and joe got together, the entire world hated her, she was jumping from relationship to relationship trying to figure out what she actually wants while balancing her career which she genuinely thought was ending. they were playing cat and mouse at the very beginning, she thought he was just playing her and that kind of anxiety stayed in her head throughout the course of the entire relationship…whether it was her being paranoid about him cheating or leaving her because of the media, it was always there. he was her saving grace, her safe place, her best friend. she thought she wouldnt survive the end of the relationship (extremely toxic mindset!). with travis, its very different. shes 34, has been in long enough relationships to know what she wants, what her deal breakers and boundaries are. he was very clear about his intentions from the beginning and he chased her. hes been in the media for a while and has a better understanding of her situation than joe (imo) ever did. this is in no way a perfect relationship cause that simply doesnt exist…youre always gonna have problems and conflicts in relationships but thats just how life works, if you live with someone, build a life together, youre gonna disagree on some things. being able to communicate and compromise is key. from what weve seen, travis is very emotionally intelligent and has no issue expressing how he feels, joe gave me a more guarded vibe (we obviously dont know them so take this with a grain of salt). anyway, the point is: be happy for her, stop trying to predict her future - i truly hope yall are not this anxious in your own relationships because holy shit! i couldnt image being in a happy, healthy place in my life and constantly worrying about the possibility of it all crumbling down. if youre counting down the days till the breakup, you probably shouldnt be in that relationship. oh and also, you can admit to being in a shitty relationship without projecting your feelings about it onto taylor because…thats what this is looking like to me
see, this is also kinda my point. Just let them be happy together. They seem happy together. Good for them. Life doesn’t come with guarantees and a happily ever after. Joe and her were good until they weren’t (and yes it takes a long while to decide you’re unhappy enough to leave something that serious when the reasons are you’re unhappy not that the person Did™️ something). Travis and her are good rn and maybe one day they won’t be but why would we hope/wait for that? Just let her vibe.
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adenthemage · 5 months
For the recent fic ask game! T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? - Trauma <333 (I came to see you get salty /lh)
AGHSGSHS hi Trauma!! Thank you for the opportunity to gamerrage on main 👍
What interests me most in storytelling is character relationships and dynamics, so naturally my most vehement opinions revolve around that. Particularly when it comes to shipping tropes, because my heart is cold and dead 👍 but I swear they inevitably get flanderized and misunderstood into being the same old bland amatornormative shit. Stuff like hanahaki or soulmates. Ideas that, to start, are really interesting! But are more often than not used to push this "love at first sight" "meant to be" "romance above all" thing. And when you fall into that, then the nasty implications start to crop up.
Like, for example, if it's assumed the romantic leads are obviously going to stay together, then when genuinely concerning conflicts or power dynamics crop up, they're used for drama instead of actually exploring what the characters would do or giving them agency. And thus something like a Soulmates setting is only used as justification to keep them together, because the universe says they're made for each other, so of course they're gonna have to live happily ever after no matter how unhealthy or compatible they really are!
The hanahaki one is especially bothersome to me because the base concept IS really interesting! The flowers are a manifestation of holding yourself back, and how it harms you to hold your true feelings in and never move on, letting them fester. But instead, I often see it written as if the disease is spawned from the fact of falling in love, instead. This creates a situation where the love interest is expected to either reciprocate, or let the protagonist die,, which is,,, not greatttt. Like even if you wrote it being conscious of these implications, I struggle to find a worthwhile theme or idea that it could possibly convey.
And it's doubly a shame because these concepts could be SO INTERESTING outside the scope of being used purely as a vehicle to get some mediocre romance underway. A world with soulmate marks would surely have customs and inventions surrounding that very normal aspect of life for them. What would the religious impact be, if there's apparently some higher power connecting people from birth? Or with hanahaki, you could use the broader concept of "withholding your feelings/your true self causes the disease" to tackle other kinds of personal drama and subject matter beyond flat romance.
I also particularly dislike the fandom tendency to try fit all found family dynamics into rigid traditional family structure. Is it not far more interesting to explore a new kind of relationship that doesn't fit neatly into a single-word pre-existing box?
All these complaints often come down to the assumption that these relationships are above all other forms, and therefore it's assumed the characters will fall into them. This is ESPECIALLY true of romance, though. If one goes in assuming the romantic pair should get together, then one skips the vital work that has to go in to justifying why this relationship should exist and why its components want to be a part of it.
I feel that there's so many ways to explore romance other than just "these two like each other, they get together, there are some issues, it works out" that is underrepresented. Instead of making it toxic on accident, do it on phrpose! Explore that! Have two characters who want to be together, but don't work and have to make the hard decision to break it off. Stuff like that! Cuz it's not even that I mind stress-testing the relationships with some drama, it's just frustrating when it feels like the characters are always pigeon-holed into staying together.
Anyway is that enough complaining for one post? I surely could think up more, but I will show mercy and spare you this once. Thank you again for the enablement, love youuuu 💜💜💜
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freezethebeez · 2 years
c!tubbo aromanticism study or whatever (ft. c!beeduo)
originally titled "vent but not depressing lmao" the setting is kinda blurry— both NLM and modern au (something like Ours Poetica, i reckon) fit, pick which one you like better tbh
info: fluff, romantic orientation exploration, not a lot of content, just the cute stuff :)
thingy below the break ^_^
Laying in the grass at the crest of a hill, looking up at the stars and the moon with someone wasn't considered to be a romantic gesture, right?
Tubbo hoped not.
Because all his life his father had told him that someday he's going to find a boy who he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and that they're going to fall in love and live happily ever after. And Tubbo's definitely found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and maybe someone he'a even fallen in love with...
Just not the way his father expected.
Because even when Tubbo turned onto his side, looking up at Ranboo as if he was the person who hung the stars above them, and even when Ranboo turned to face him as well, adjusting himself so he could lay closer to Tubbo, Tubbo was sure this wasn't the kind of love his father was talking about.
Even when Tubbo found himself closing the distance between him and Ranboo, when Ranboo's arms wrapped around him, taking him in until Tubbo was submerged in his warmth, he had a feeling that this wasn't the kind of love his father was talking about.
Even when Tubbo's heart raced and his cheeks bloomed with a pinkish colour as the thought of kissing the boy crossed his mind, he thought that this couldn't be the kind of love his father was talking about.
And when Tubbo sat up slightly, looking the boy in front of him directly in the eyes, a fond smile on his face– when Tubbo leaned forward just that slightest bit and planted his lips on Ranboo's cheek– on his forehead– he had a suspicion that this might be the kind of love his father was talking about.
But what even was that kind of love meant to feel like? Because it held all the same properties– spending quality time together, holding hands, kissing– but it just didn't feel the same. It didn't feel like the kind of romance Tubbo's father spoke about. It didn't feel like burning in his abdomen, or red hot, powerful emotion. Instead, it felt like something pure. Something raw and gentle, something that demanded to be taken care of, cradled in loving arms or else it would break. Spending quality time together was less flirting and more just being around one another, conversating like regular people do. Holding hands felt less like a display of ownership and more like one of companionship. And kissing was less aggressive and intense and suffocating, and more gentle, soft, and delicate.
It was everything his father's version of romance wasn't.
"Do you want to head back to my place?" Tubbo asked, voice whisper quiet, breath running across Ranboo's jaw.
Relationships had always been scary to Tubbo; too much commitment for something that would never last, nor occur for him.
"Would he be upset?" Ranboo asked in return, just as soft, and Tubbo's cheeks warmed.
He'd never imagined being in one– a genuine one– nor wanted too.
"Possibly," Tubbo replied.
So he stayed away from it– as far away from it as he could.
"Maybe it's not a great idea, then," Ranboo reasoned.
And he pretended that love wasn't something that existed– besides, it's not like his father had any good examples to show for its existence.
"I know," Tubbo sighed, "but it's warmer at home and I don't want to leave you just yet."
Love was stupid.
"I mean..." Ranboo tailed off, considering Tubbo's proposal in his head, "okay. Fine."
It was all stupid.
Tubbo quietly closed the door to his bedroom, Ranboo now tucked safely inside, their fingers still intertwined from their walk. They found warmth beneath the covers; warmth next to each other; warmth hand in hand, hearts beating in sync.
And yet when it came to Ranboo, it didn't seem too bad at all– because Ranboo was just as gentle, just as soft, just as delicate.
"Goodnight," Ranboo murmured before placing a small kiss on Tubbo's forehead.
Love gained a new definition that day– one that Tubbo was happy with; romance in an aromantic way.
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aipilosse · 2 years
I always meant to do a self-indulgent navel-gazing post after finishing What Brings Us Together, but never got around to it. Honestly, two days before I posted the epilogue, I got some bad news that completely turned my life upside down. It tinged the whole story with bad vibes and I still haven’t been able to go back and read it in its finished state. But things are looking up now! This is not a post of sadness and complaints, more just self-indulgent musing and complaints. 
When I first joined the fandom (or really returned and de-lurked, I was scrolling through live journals and reading fic back in the 00s), my impression was that the level of activity in the Silm fandom was very low. I had a tumblr but it was largely abandoned after the Great Porn Purge of 2017 (right? 2017?). I’d found a few newer fics on AO3 as I binge read a decade of fic, but I didn’t ever just look at the latest fics. I found most new fic through bookmarks and most of the bookmarks I saw were fics written in 2015-2016 so I just kind of assumed the fandom was mostly dead. 
But I had an idea for a story! And I did a quick search and didn’t see anything like it, so I started writing. And it was easy: the words came, the plot flowed, I figured out characters, and I posted it. Who says writing is hard? (Me; I say writing is hard. But also it’s not. idk it’s complicated man) I also started up my tumblr again and started following a few Silm blogs. My goal in writing at the time was just to write my own version of my favorite Silm post-canon fics (a genre that had exploded in my time away from fandom), heavily inspired by thearrogantemu, bunn (not @ing them because I do not want anyone to feel compelled to read and remark on this ramble, but I still do genuinely recommend their works if you somehow haven’t encountered them yet) and The Starless Road.
I got the inspiration for Fair They Wrought Us, my Feanorian week series, and What Brings Us Together as I was finishing Evil Ex-Boyfriend’s Club and began writing them as I participated in other event weeks and exchanges. I honestly can’t believe how much I wrote that first year and I think I credit it to a lack of self-consciousness and the drive to get that first mega-burst of inspiration out and into the world.
I don’t know when that really started shifting. Instead of seeing the most popular ideas and thinking ‘how can I put my spin on this,’ I began thinking ‘what am I not seeing and can I write it?’ It was partly because my perspective had changed: the fandom was far from dead, and the works that were inspiring me were different. Now it wasn’t just me yelling into the void, I was yelling with other people in DMs. 
So, by the end of What Brings Us Together I was 1) very stressed about life events (plus the job was always a shit show and was getting worse) and 2) writing from a very different impulse than when I first had the idea. 
Anyway, all that has led to what felt like a very aimless past year in fandom. I thought for sure once I finished WBUT (still *hate* the acronym) I would write other stories in that ‘verse, but all the ideas I had had earlier felt flat and I felt constrained by my earlier choices. I no longer wanted a world where *everyone* was back. Before, I was entranced by the idea that maybe everyone could live happily ever after all, forgiveness was there for everyone, the bittersweetness of the Legendarium could tilt more towards the sweet than the bitter. Now? Not so much. I don’t know – some things are gone forever. There’s more I could say about how the vibe of forgiveness and love has soured, but that’s neither here nor there. And I brought Feanor back in my ‘verse! There’s no way even a mellowed out Feanor isn’t causing chaos, but I’m not particularly interested in writing it. I have something started and a few more ideas, but if I ever write anything longer it might be an AU of my own ‘verse (though not an AU in the classic sense, just another possible 4th age and onward treatment, also WBUT is not an AU thank you very much.)
Anyway, despite the aimless feeling, I hope I put myself in a position to have a better upcoming year both in fandom and otherwise. I left fandom discords that were no longer sparking joy (though I’m on that blessed app more than ever). I spend less time on tumblr, I created a twitter and make great use of mute and blocklisting. I blocked all stats on AO3 and live in blissful ignorance of how my work is received (though sometimes I still click in and get the warm fuzzies from seeing people I know in the kudos list.) Well, kind of. The outcome of that is that comments or the lack thereof stand out more. Oh well! I wish I didn’t care at all but if I was truly just writing for myself, I wouldn’t post it on the internet lol. And I haven’t even touched on The Show! I can’t believe that was just a few months ago. No further comment. 
Next year who knows what will happen? Fandom-wise I’d love to read more, write more, participate in event weeks, maybe start my OWN event week (maybe?!?) but I don’t want to get ahead of myself when I’m still pretty unenthused about… well a lot of things in life and fandom. Anyway, if you made it this far, wow, thanks for reading. I hope you all have a great new year! May it bring at least one new thing to love and feed your imagination!
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echoesofadream · 2 years
Day 2 of bts enlistment. Im rating bangtan ships
1 namgi. they have definitely fist fought many times. until Namjoon said quit ur job and join my emo band. yoongi said ok but turns out its an idol group. this rlly strengthened their bond and made it possible for them to after ten plus years finally make eye contact for the first time. Amazing
2 taekook. Universally hated, despised by locals making fun of shippers and non-taekooker army alike. But no couple encompasses duality this well, im sorry to say but baby girls and alphas live in them both, its fantastic. Super awkward crushing jungkook when he was younger=gold. Taehyung just wants to baby the maknae AND be manhandled by him. Have consistenly had a handshake all these years which theyve switched up, extreme bro behavior yet everyone knows the real reason taehyung is interested in working out with him. An enigma - do they secretly hate each other and are super awkward around each other or do they make sweet love all night long. Or are they simply bro best friends who game and play sports together? No one knows (But taehyung def wants jk to top hi-*gets blown up*)
3 taejoon. They love each other
4 vhope. They are just really gay, by themselves and together. They are gay best friends and sometimes they f
5 vmin. One time taehyung said jimin-ssiiiiii on vlive with a voice never heard before or since. Most voted to live happily ever after. Disney couple. Iconic fights. Jimin asking genuinely ”idk why it makes me jealous when tae is with his other friends can anyone tell me why it makes me feel this way?” Definition of ”Is that allowed?” vine. No one else than tae can make otherwise flirty libra jimin this flustered. Kms
6 jinkook. Have you ever looked at someone and wondered whats going on inside their head? I dont want to know but i know they will miss each other during enlistment. Wait why did i make myself emotional how embarrassing
7 namkook. Gay little jungkook crushing AGAIN, fated romance for real. ”What was you second chance?” ”You joining the band” WHAT. Jungkook saying ”i fell for you” and he wasnt even joking.
stopping here, sorry for discriminating but other people can talk about other ships im sure
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just6f · 1 year
DOG TOY FIGURE -- 19% OFF! HURRY TO GET YOURS! It's going fast, so get it now while you can. At this store, we've cut prices on our popular Dog Toy Figure for a 19% discount. Browse our fast-selling selection today and save $17.54. Limited-time offer, while inventory lasts! PRODUCT INFORMATION Material: Resin Size: 19.7*19.7*16cm So, don't hesitate to ADD TO CART this product and enjoy its great consumer properties! If you have more questions, then feel free to contact our support service because we'll happily answer any of them! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Does this product meet all the manufacturing standards? Worry not, because all our products (and the Dog Toy Figure as well) must meet the required standards before we offer them to our customers. Do I see the real colors in the pictures? All the colors of the Dog Toy Figure on the photos are true to life. Please note, however, that the screen calibration of your device may distort them a little. Can I afford your French Bulldog? Having completed our own market research, we can assure you it will be challenging to find something of identical quality for a lower price than $76.14. Does the price include taxes? The terms of taxation that are going to be applied to your purchase depend on your country’s legislation. However, you will be able to see the final purchase cost on the checkout page. Is it possible to leave a review? I’d like to share my experience. We will be happy to see your product reviews shared on social media or any other feedback resources, so you're good to go! Can I post a photo of my purchase on social media? Dear client, we absolutely don’t mind you posting your photos with our products. Moreover, we’ll highly appreciate it. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Will all the packages come together if I order several units of the same product? You have no reason to worry because all the packages will arrive at the same time. Can you send my order to the address that is different from my place of living? The buyer and the addressee don't have to match, so we can deliver your package to any place you’ll indicate. Thank you. I accidentally ordered the wrong Color and Ships From. How can I change the order details? Or should I cancel it? There's no reason to worry, because you can change your order or cancel it by contacting our support team. I want to buy the Dog Toy Figure! How? Choose the French Bulldog variation(s) you want, specify the number of items you need, and ADD TO CART the desired product(s). After that, follow the instructions on the checkout page to provide the delivery details and pay for the purchase. Upon receiving your payment and the order details, we’ll start working on your package as soon as possible. What is your main difference from your competitors? Our team aims to provide customer support of the highest quality and make you genuinely happy with the purchase! Ok, I really like the Dog Toy Figure, but can you prove your shop is real? Feel free to check the feedback of our previous clients at any moment. Thus, you’ll see that there is no reason to worry about our reliability and security. https://just6f.com/dog-toy-figure-plastic-terrestrial-animal-baby-toys-statues/?feed_id=4826&_unique_id=64575d295bc96
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whispersofrot · 2 years
HCs of Kylar falling for their older sibling?
First Kylar ask, hopefully it isn't too ooc! Hope it turned out alright, if you wanted anything nsfw just send another req in :)
Posting under the cut since its inc*st. Roughly 6-700 words.
Kylar was always a little odd, preferring to live life as your shadow than doing too much on their own. You never seemed to mind, it actually made your job as their older sibling easier. Your parents were never around, always busy with work, leaving you in charge of your little sibling. Kylar never gave you too much trouble, but they were always clingy. Spending most of your childhood glued to your side, tugging at your sleeves when they needed your attention, always lurking in your peripherals when you insisted on space. 
You weren’t kids anymore, but Kylar always remained at your side. They looked up to you, the golden child, always so strong and smart and perfect. They idolize you, they love you. 
-Kylar doesn’t come to terms with their feelings for you for a long time, I mean you’re their sibling, and while they’ve never cared too much for social taboos and the morality of things like this, they know the chances of you feeling the same are unlikely. 
-i see them at least attempting to isolate for a while, trying to get over their silly little crush so they can spend time with you again. Kylar doesn’t want to fuck up in front of you, doesn’t want to let anything slip. The whole school already thinks they’re a freak, they didn’t want you thinking that too. 
-It’s okay though! Really, I mean, you’re their older sibling. You’ve always been there for Kylar, you’ve been best friends since you were little, it’ll be okay! It’ll all be okay :)
-Little thought spirals like that start to twist over time, I don’t think Kylar would ever really believe you feel the same without genuine provocation on your part, but I do think they’d convince themself that it’s possible. That you could be happy together, that you could love them.
-This is when Kylar starts spending more time with you again. It’s also when you notice a change in their behavior. They seem clingier than usual, kinda like when the two of you were kids. It’s nothing too strange though, you knew Kylar didn’t have many friends so you didn’t really mind keeping them company. 
-They start small, testing your boundaries, seeing how much they can get away with. They always try to play it safe enough that you don’t notice. Hugs lasting longer than usual, sitting closer to you while you play games or watch TV. Maybe they get a bit nosier about your personal life, though they seem quite bitter if you start talking about any friends you have.
-Behind the scenes they pull their classic Kylar shenanigans. Following you around town, digging through your room when you aren’t around, dedicating sketchbooks and shrines to you. They have some advantages here that they didn’t have with pc, I mean they’ve known you most of your life, and you live together. They won’t get caught so easily.
-You’re best bet for little sibling Kylar to get sloppy, or to snap altogether, is for something big to happen. Maybe you’re planning to go to university soon, or you bring home a significant other to meet your family. Basically you need Kylar to either think you’re leaving them, or think they’ve lost their chance to make you love them “naturally”.
-When they snap, there’s no real confession. They don’t tell you how they’ve been obsessed with their precious older sibling for years or how they’ve been dreaming of your happily ever after. You ruined that by trying to abandon them, so whatever happens next is your fault really. So when Kylar snaps, they decide to let you know what’s going to happen next. You’re going to turn down that university, or break things off with that scum you’ve decided to settle for, and you’re going to let Kylar love you. You might not love them right now, but they can live with that. You will love them, they’ll even show you how.
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