fancrohw · 1 day
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Please take a moment to appreciate that the first sci fi heroes Fry thinks of are all women.
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fancrohw · 13 days
Why do you have an issue with board driven shows?
Up until very recently, storyboard artists were not unionized and were often paid less than writers. So a board driven show doubles the workload on animators for absolutely no reason.
If you have a board driven show, your storyboarders had better be making $160,000 a year.
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fancrohw · 14 days
Wait now that I think about it I've NEVER ONCE heard someone name the creator(s) of Teen Titans Go when complaining about it! They just blame its existence on Cartoon Network!
People blame companies for things they don't like and praise people for things they do.
Rebecca Sugar got subjected to this in spades.
If an episode was bad, it was either Cartoon Network's fault, or one of her employees going rogue.
If an episode was good, it was "REBECCA SUGAR DELIVERED" even if she didn't work on it.
I pointed this out years ago during the whole "Concrete" scandal, when people rushed to throw Lamar Abrams under the bus for an act of negligence on the part of the showrunner, and actively lying about what the issue was in order to do it.
This has been a throughline for fandom discourse for decades now. They worship creators like gods and put them on massive pedestals and the studio is such an easy target for deflection when that pedestal cracks.
People rushed to blame Dreamworks when Voltron turned out to be a homophobic shitshow, only for Dreamworks to come out and say they don't give their partners any direction. People were convinced Korrasami had seeds planted from Season 3 and stifled by Nickelodeon and the creators admitted it was done as a last minute idea.
That's always been a problem in fandom discourse. People just make shit up and hope you won't call them on it because you don't want to look like you're defending a corporation.
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fancrohw · 20 days
Is it just me or does it feel like it’s become acceptable online to gatekeep children out of children’s animation?
Always been that way. Bronies used to bitch and moan about Hasbro making toys for children... for their children's cartoon.
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fancrohw · 26 days
I do want to point out that just because a character is the protagonist, doesn't mean they can't be the villain, in fact, you're thinking of the word 'antagonist' rather than villain. Just look at the Overlord series for that, very goofy games, but you do play as the lord of evil. Protagonist, is simply the central character, while Antagonist is whoever happens to be the primary character who's against that central character. And just because a villain has a point, doesn't mean that they're correct. They can have a reason for what they're doing, but, it's still evil, sure their goal may be the resurrection of their long dead people, but they still have to commit actual, world-spanning genocide thirteen times to do it, but they don't see you as alive because you're only 1/14th of the true people. Or rather, just because Mr. Freeze is trying to cure Nora's condition, he still kills many innocent bystanders in order to accomplish that goal, he believes the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many by such a margin, that it doesn't matter how many are hurt in his pursuit of those needs.
I do want to point out that just because a character is the protagonist, doesn't mean they can't be the villain
You know what I mean. You know in the vast majority of cases that "villain" and "antagonist" are used interchangeably. You're just being a pedant.
And just because a villain has a point, doesn't mean that they're correct.
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They can have a reason for what they're doing, but, it's still evil
That is not what having a point means. As was stated in that list, a "motivation" is not the same thing as "having a point." There is not a single villain in the history of storytelling that doesn't have a reason for what they're doing, whether that reason be noble or petty.
A lot of this discussion dies because y'all don't know what these phrases mean. You cite a villain as "having a point" when they never made a point to begin with.
I always thought "the death of media literacy" was overblown, but seriously what the fuck?
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fancrohw · 28 days
Something I’ll never quite be able to understand is this insistence that you’re someone who cant derive a single ounce of joy or even just entertainment out of the things you review because.. Thats clearly why you review them right? They either entertained you (even if they were dogshit) or you found some kind of joy in them and wanted to speak about it.
It feels malicious- I mean. It *IS* malicious but even from people who aren’t dedicated haters this view that you can only derive hate or spite out of stuff is so absurd and bizarre to me.
Something positive ive gotten from your reviews is this like… I guess its seeing the brighter side of things? Yeah maybe this game I played was dogshit or this movie i watched wasnt great but being able to actually explain why I thought it and give some thought on the subject has been something fun and something I didn’t use to do until I started watching your channel and saw that even with things you dislike you take some kind of outcome from it.
IDK. This is a ramble thats going nowhere but I just wanted to put it to text that I think the idea you can’t take positives out of anything and can only be negative is stupid as hell
It's a self protective bullshit cycle. The angry little manchildren of Twitter can't handle the idea of someone not liking something, so they just go "well you hate everything" to protect their stupid little heads.
These are people watching Shonen as adults, they're not exactly the kind of people who passed Language Arts in the first place.
It's always been this way with people who are critical of anything.
That second video has a section at around 18:50 that really gets to the heart of the matter.
"What struck me when I tweeted about not liking the "right" kind of games were responses from people who said they'd experienced this not just in video games but in other media discussions as well. It's not uncommon, and it's not just me. It's what fans do. Fandom in general loves insulating itself in comfort, it loves an echo chamber, and to one degree it's understandable. A fandom is formed out of a shared love of something. That love is a mutual belief, a unifying factor, a shared truth.
Of course material reality doesn't quite work the way their reality does. Human beings are not a hive mind even at their most united and many fanbases can have a real problem processing that conflict. It's why we've seen way too many fan communities harass minorities, violently resist even the slightest changes to their favourite media, and utterly lose their shit over criticism that comes from anybody they perceive to not be their own.
It's all deeply weird. I've done this job for nigh on 15 years and it's never not been strange to see just how fans will break their own brains to substitute reality with their own version of the comfortable truth." - Stephanie Sterling
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fancrohw · 1 month
Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.
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fancrohw · 1 month
another history making marvel post I never see anyone talk about is “so is nobody helping blade kill all those vampires”
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fancrohw · 1 month
I’m not a classicist, but I suspect one of the reasons so many of the Greek gods are portrayed so unflatteringly was less because they were seen as villains than because they represented their domains.  Of course Zeus sometimes misuses his power, that’s what a king does.  Of course Artemis’s wrath is wild and painful, that’s what nature can be.  Of course Hades snatched away a young girl from her mother’s arms, that’s what death does.  This is one of the reasons callout posts for some gods comparing them negatively to ‘nicer’ gods are kind of missing the point.
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fancrohw · 1 month
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get to know me | [1/5] male characters → obito uchiha (naruto)
Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash! If I’m going to be called trash either way, I’d rather break the rules! And if that somehow makes me anything less than a real shinobi, then I’ll crush all of the so called “real” shinobi!
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fancrohw · 1 month
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“And doctor, again, with the greatest possible respect, zip your howling screamer.”
captain amelia appreciation
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fancrohw · 1 month
My favourite little x men thing is when someone is like "Give up, Magneto! You stand no chance against this plastic weapon/gun/suit I have built!"
And Magneto is like "I see. Whatever will I do."
and throws the surrounding infrastructure at them.
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fancrohw · 1 month
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this is so funny. its like a feral animal lightly feeding out of the palm of your hand. yeah thats it... theres love out there. theres actual queer rep, you dont have to settle for bait and jokes. eat the grains
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fancrohw · 1 month
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fancrohw · 1 month
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ah yes, me spending my time correctly
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fancrohw · 1 month
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the way fandoms are desperate to make all aroace characters romance and sex positive but then dont do anything remotely similar to any other identity is astounding. hmm i wonder why
PLEASE dont derail this about shipping characters of other identities please let this one post be about an aroace struggle
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fancrohw · 1 month
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I was forced to do this.
(Original post here)
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