#and I think if i got stuck in a time loop I'd use it to figure out the most effective way to evangelize to different people
eddis-not-eeddis · 8 months
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Idia Shroud - Tsumsitter Vignette
"A Moment with Idiatsum I"
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[Main Street]
―Idia and Vil, immediately after encountering their look-alike tsums…
Vil: Honestly, what a handful they are… Idia, we must capture those tsums.
Idia: Eeh…!? Wh-why do I have to go with you…?
Vil: Are you content with having those peanuts outfox us? Quickly, now!
Idia: Urrgh, why is this happening to me…? I shouldn't've gone outside…
[Idia and Vil start searching]
Idia: Not like we even know where the tsums ran off too…
Vil: Oh! I found a tsum! Idia, help me capture it.
Idia: Eep…! As you wish…!
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Vil: Good thing we were able to capture it fairly quickly. Be good, now, peanut.
Idia: Can't believe we found it posing under a lamp light… Fuheehee, Vil-shi, your tsum's real silly~
Vil: And do you think you have any time to be prattling away, still? Hurry and find your tsum already.
Vil: I'll be heading off to the Headmage's office now.
Idia: HUH!? Why…?
Vil: Well, why not? There's no reason for me to stay here longer than I need to.
Idia: B-But…! I came in as reinforcements to capture your tsum!
Vil: All you did was follow many paces behind me. So, goodbye.
Idia: W-Wait, wait, wait a moment! We just took our eyes off the tsums for a sec and they vanished, right!?
Idia: That means their speed stats are way too OP! There's no way I can catch them with my own weak skill set…
Vil: I understand what you're trying to say, but… It would just be a waste of my time to go searching for it without any plan.
Idia: I-I think I can guess where Tsum-shi would be… And I have a strat forming.
Vil: What are you thinking?
Idia: J-Just hear me out.
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[Interior Hallway]
Vil: If this tsum takes after the introverted Idia, of course it would run indoors… Makes perfect sense.
Vil: Now it comes down to whether your ace strategy will succeed…
Idia: And, here we go. Pretty good for something I just slapped together with what I had on hand.
Vil: All you did was lean a basket on a vertical stick and laid a tablet underneath it. What's "pretty good" about it?
Vil: And the tablet is just playing some weird music on loop. What an eerie noise.
Idia: Huh? You seriously doesn't get how good this BGM is? This is why I just can't with normies…
Vil: You're planning to lure the tsum here with this music, yes? We should go hide ourselves in the shadows now.
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[Idia's tsum follows the sound to the tablet]
Idia: Ah…
Vil: I can't believe it actually appeared…
Idia: Perf, it's checking out the tablet. Now all I have to do is pull the string attached to the string, and…
Idia: It's under the basket!
[the tsum starts running frantically]
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Idia: Wait, it's trying to run away even with the basket over it! Vil-shi, help!
Vil: Fine. You owe me for this, Idia.
[the tsum continues running]
[the tsum slows and finally stops]
Vil: …Oh, it stopped running. Perhaps it's accepted defeat.
Idia: I-I bet… It's just out of energy. It's kind of unsettling to see that it lacks stamina like me, too...
Vil: Well, at least your plan worked. Now then, we should hurry on to the Headmage's office.
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: Whew~ …Finally got to escape. I can't deal being stuck in the Headmage's office with that many people.
Idia: But still…
Idia: Tsum-shi, you've just been trying to avoid looking at anything, huh. …I mean, I definitely get it, tho.
Idia: I'm just as uncomfortable as you, you know… Didn't think the day would come that I'd let anyone else other than Ortho in here.
Idia: I guess if you're really like me, then you won't try to go outside anytime soon, so… Just gotta chill for now.
Idia: Think I'll just jump back into grinding in my online game to get outta this funk. 'Specially since we're in the middle of a EXP UP event.
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Idia: Ugh, I fell asleep in the middle of my game again… Oh, it's 4:00 already. Gotta snag my login bonuses.
Idia: Hmm, where's my tablet? …Huh? I swear I threw it on my bed when I got back to my room…
Idia: More importantly, what's with this cardboard box? It's just sitting in the middle of my room, getting in my way…
Idia: EEK!? The box moved on its own!?
Idia: Oh… I think I see what's happening… But I think I'll take a peek inside just in case.
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[Idiatsum is under the box playing with the tablet]
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Idia: Yuup, that was a given. So, Tsum-shi, what 're you doing with my tablet…?
Idia: …You're just re-rolling tutorial banners in some game??
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"A Moment with Idiatsum II"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: I showed it Premo merch, and the computer I built myself… Even showed it a ton of my other prized stuff…
Idia: But after all that, it got mad over MMORPG class roles. I'm so over this Tsum-shi.
Idia: Ugggh~ I was dumb, thinkin' I could take care of it myself. I'm not gonna do anything for it anymore.
Ortho: But you have to, the Headmage gave it to you to look after.
Idia: It'll be fine on its own. Or what, you wanna look after it?
Ortho: Hmmm, I don't really mind, but… I have to get going to my Film Research Club after this.
Idia: Eh!? You're heading out!?
Ortho: It'll be alright! I'm sure you and the tsum'll patch things up! See you later!
Idia: Be safe…
[Ortho leaves]
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Ortho left… And now I'm stuck all alone with Tsum-shi, even though we're not getting along… THIS SUCKS!!!
Idia: Ughhh, I don't want to deal with it anymore, but I gotta at least get my tablet back from it…
Idia: U-Um… Think you could give my tablet back anytime soon?
Idia: Eeep!? N-Nevermind…
Idia: Wait, why am I backing off, anyway? That's my tablet, isn’t it?
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: At this rate, I'll lose my consecutive login streak… I have to get that tablet back somehow!
Idia: What can I do to grab its attention…? I've already shown every Premo thing I have, and my custom build computer…
Idia: What else would catch my eye…? Ah! I got it.
Idia: …Cool. Let's get it done.
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[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Hey, Tsum-shi~ can I bug you for a sec?
[Idiatsum gives Idia a grumpy stare]
Idia: It's still cranky, huh. Hey, come on, I'm the one that wants to be upset here… No, wait, I mean…
Idia: I made something pretty cool for you, Tsum-shi.
Idia: Think of it as a peace offering… This is for you.
[Idiatsum perks up]
Idia: Ohoo~ Do you like it? You see, this is…
[room door opens]
Ortho: I'm back! Were you two able to patch things up?
Idia: Perfect timing, Ortho~! We're just about to come to a compromise.
Ortho: What do you mean, compromise?
Idia: I built a super amazing multi-functional sofa to pull the Tsum-shi in… Or more aptly named, "Tsum-Melting Sofa"!
Ortho: You're going to… melt the tsum?
[the tsum happily hops]
Idia: Ooh. Looks like it gets just how awesome this sofa is.
Idia: Come on, Tsum-shi, sit, sit!
Idia: Time to show the features off ASAP. First... We have this!
[sofa shines brightly]
Ortho: Woah, the sofa lit up like a rainbow!
Idia: That's a must for gamers, you know. As for why it's gotta light up like that, no comment.
[the massage function is activated]
Idia: Then there's the massage function. Nerds like us tend to get tension all up in our shoulders and backs and such.
Idia: Next is this: Inside the sofa is a 7.1 surround sound system with an amp and woofer embedded with it.
[tsum hops to music]
Ortho: Nice, looks like the tsum is pretty into it!
Idia: Use this alongside the massager function and it'll sooth both your mind and body.
Idia: There's a bunch of other functions, too, like a monitor extension, unfolding footrest, easy reclining…
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
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"A Moment with Idiatsum III"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
Idia: Let's turn it… ON!
Idia: Fhee hee hee hee! Looking at Tsum-shi's reaction, it's super effective!
Ortho: The tsum is really excited. Nii-san, what kind of function is that supposed to be?
Idia: Listen and be amazed, this sofa is integrated with MR… a Mixed Reality display!!
Ortho: Huh!? MR is that function that combines the real world with anchored virtual elements, right?
Ortho: The tsum doesn't even have a headset… You're amazing!!
Idia: I mean~ At first I thought about making it come with a headset, but I just kinda found my groove while making it.
Idia: This kind of tech is basically still in beta, but yeah, I rocked it… Oh man, that's a W for me. Heehee!
[the tsum hops happily]
Ortho: The tsum is overjoyed, too. I wonder what it's seeing.
Idia: The default setting is a live performance vide of Premo, so I bet Tsum-shi feels like its right there in the action.
Ortho: Makes sense. Hehe, it looks so happy.
Idia: Yeaaah, glad it's happy with it. Let me grab my tablet before anything else happens…
Idia: Perf, I finally got it back. Now I can keep my consecutive login streak going.
Ortho: Was that your goal here all along?
Idia: Obviously?
Ortho: Yeah, I definitely couldn't believe my eyes when it looked like you had made a real cool sofa to reconcile with the tsum, but…
Ortho: Now that I know it was for the sake of your games, it makes so much more sense!
Idia: See, you get me, Ortho~
Idia: Sides, that sofa is basically just a prototype. I adjusted a blueprint that I had made for myself down to Tsum-shi's size…
Idia: Then I just made it with whatever I had on hand, so there's a ton of functions still missing.
Idia: I'll make sure to collect as much data as possible before it heads back home.
[tsum hops off the sofa]
Ortho: Oh hey, the tsum jumped off the sofa.
Idia: HUH!?
Ortho: It's all smiles. Maybe it's trying to thank you?
Idia: Ah, is that it…?
Idia: Fuheehee! I knew you'd get how cool all those functions were, Tsum-shi.
Ortho: It's great that you and the tsum are getting along again!
Idia: …I guess so. We might've bumped heads, but we're both nerds in the end.
Idia: Guess it's not totally a bad thing that we'll part on good terms, especially since I got to meet someone just like me…
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
hiiii, I'm new here. saw that your reqs r closed but I'd like to share one scenario idea. the choice is yours whether to write it or not.
Daniel (or Carlos) is your bff. You see each other rarely because of his career. It's summer break, he's back home and you've just had your heartbroken by an asshole. You convince you friend group that you need to go out & celebrate Daniel's (or Carlos') comeback in the hope of getting laid. As the night goes on the driver is more n more frustrated with the guys you choose. He get a lil too much to drink n becomes possessive of you, starts touching you intimately and doesn't care about people surrounding. The night ends in a bedroom where he fucks you slow and sensually like he thinks you deserve and none of those jackasses in the club could
hope you've a nice vacation
Peace out ✌🏾
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This is for Carlos since Daniel hasn't gotten rid of that moustache yet
Red Flags || CS55
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, oral, friends to lovers WC: 2.4k
It hurt a little that the first notification you received that Carlos was back home came from a gossip page you followed. Maybe it shouldn’t come as such a surprise when a distance had grown after you started dating Marco, you weren’t sure if Carlos even knew what had happened since the last time you spoke to him. Your families were close, but even your parents were reluctant to speak to anyone about the breach of privacy your ex had caused, the photos he had tried to leak. It had cost a huge sum to keep them from being published and you had been trying to get over the betrayal since.
Recent coping methods included the company of your friends and the string of nightclubs that lined the beachfront.
“I picked up a stray,” Liana called out as she walked into your house without knocking. You could always count on your friend to be up for a party and she had accepted the invite before anyone else. You stuck your head out of the living room where you had been pouring yourself a stiff drink and found her arm curled around the back of Carlos. “A handsome one too.”
You couldn’t believe it had been nearly six months since you last saw him and it looked like he had somehow matured even more. His beard had filled out to cover his entire jaw and his hair was lush and dark. 
Excitement filled you and you rushed towards him as he opened his arms with a smile. “Carlito!” 
“Bomboncita,” he replied with a laugh, his strong arms tightening around you as he picked you up and twirled in a circle. “Missed you too.”
“Come out with us, let’s celebrate your win!” You didn’t wait for an answer as you rushed back to get your clutch with your ID and cash.
“She just wants to get laid,” Liana whispered to Carlos. “You can help me keep her away from any red flags.”
There was one thing you could always count on and that was Liana to be the mother of the group. More mature than the rest of your friends put together, she always made sure you got home safe. Everyone else lived in the city but the mansion your parents had given you was out on the coast, thankfully she was more than happy to sober drive for you. Unfortunately, the only cars on the driveway were two seater sports cars.
That was how you ended up starting your night sitting on Carlos’ lap.
“This reminds me of old times, bombón,” he murmured as you looped an arm around his neck and held on tight. 
“I don’t know how you passed basic maths,” you shot back with a laugh before looking at Liana. “He would always invite more people than we have seats for during the summer break.”
Liana shook her head with a smirk. “Maybe he just liked having you on his lap.”
“What guy wouldn’t,” you joked, well accustomed to the years of teasing over your close friendship with Carlos. But for all the times you sat in this very position, he had never seen you as more than a friend. 
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“Should we stop her?” Carlos asked, a quiet growl in his words as he watched you dance with another man. Your hips were too enticing, too sexy, and he had to look away to down his drink and quench the sudden thirst he had. 
Liana didn’t seem fazed by your ability to hook a man in with a seductive smile and dance with them until Carlos interrupted or they said something that made you push them away. 
“No way, she deserves to have some fun after what happened with Marco.”
He placed the empty glass on the bartop and turned his attention to Liana, a frown etched into his forehead. “What happened with Marco?” 
“Oh, she should probably be the one to tell you. I thought you knew.”
A woman in a very low cut dress slipped between Liana and Carlos, interrupting their conversation as she placed a hand on his arm. “You’re that driver, right? Want to dance?”
Carlos shook his head with a polite ‘no thanks’ and brushed her hand off his, rubbing the spot on his sleeve to erase the feel of her touch. “What did he do, Lee?”
The tone left no arguing and Liana chewed her lip nervously before giving in and leaning closer so no one overheard. 
Rage burned through Carlos in a way he had never felt before. He had felt anger, sure, frustration too, but this was white hot and liquid molten in his veins, deep in his core. He was lucky that Marco wasn’t in the same city or he would surely be finding himself on the wrong side of the law at that moment.
Carlos didn’t even realise he had crossed the room until his fist bunched into the shirt of the man holding you close and he pushed the stranger away, ignoring the protests he made. 
“Carlito!” you giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Dance with me.”
Some of the fire eased as your fingers twirled the strands of hair at his nape and his hands came to rest naturally on your hips as he pulled you closer. “We have a lot of catching up to do, bomboncita.”
You looked up as the odd tone cut through your buzz and immediately knew what he knew. His own eyes were a little unfocused and you could smell the whiskey on his breath, not helping him to control his emotions. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
The air hissed between your teeth as you sucked in a breath and dipped your chin down so you didn’t have to look him in the eyes. “You would have said I told you so.”
His hand slipped away from your body and you missed the heat of it instantly but then it was cradling your throat, his thumb pushing your chin back up and forcing you to connect with his dark irises. “I told you he wasn’t good for you, he wouldn’t treat you how you deserve.”
“Carlito...” It was a familiar argument every time you had a boyfriend. He would always find reasons to dislike them.
“Listen, please, bombón,” he said as he took a step closer so every inch of his body was flush against yours. His lips brushed your cheek as he turned your head away and whispered the secret he had kept all these years. “Let me show you how you should be treated.”
Surprise filled you and you licked your dry lips at the thought of what he was implying. “Here?” you asked breathlessly and his laugh warmed your cheek.
“No, bombón,” he all but purred as he teased the column of your neck with his nose and his hands danced over the curve of your ass. “What I want to do to you…no, not here.”
His eyes narrowed at someone behind you and you turned to see it was someone you had been dancing with earlier. You couldn’t remember his name, or maybe he hadn’t even told you it, either way you had no interest in taking the drink he offered.
“Red flag, mate,” Carlos growled as he pulled you under his arm and put himself between you and the stranger. “Walk away.”
The man wisely walked away and you laughed as you stepped back into Carlos’ arms. He had held you a thousand times over your long friendship but the way he held you now, possessive and jealous, it changed everything. There was no going back to how it used to be. 
“I kind of like this new you,” you teased as you danced with him, turning in his arms and rocking your hips in time to the beat. “So commanding, Carlito, why don’t you try it on me?”
His lips cocked up in a smirk that you saw as you peeked over your shoulder and dragged his hands down your body. “Because you’ve never listen to anything I say.”
Turning to face him, you looped your arms around his neck and brushed your lips softly over his before you could change your mind. “Maybe you just never said what I wanted to hear.”
Carlos swallowed as he saw your pupils dilate with lust and the thin material of your dress did little to hide the fact you wore no bra beneath it, your peaked nipples begging him to take them in his mouth. “We need to leave,” he groaned as he squeezed your ass and bit his lip, “before I get us both into a lot of trouble.”
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You barely remembered to thank Liana for dropping you off at home. You barely remembered the drive when every ounce of your brain capacity was spent trying to behave yourself while you sat on Carlos’ lap. You tried to keep still on the corners but you felt his hard length beneath you with each turn and squirm.
It seemed to take forever for Liana to finally pull into your driveway and your foot tapped the tile floor impatiently while she drove off and you slapped the button on the wall to close the gates. You didn’t wait to see them close as Carlos’ lips were on yours and his feet led the way blindly through your home. 
Your bed was a mess. You hadn’t planned on bringing a stranger back to your place, but Carlos was no stranger, in fact, he knew you better than anyone ever could or would. He smiled knowingly as he laid you down on the sheets, kneeling between your legs as they parted for him.
His shirt had been abandoned somewhere on the stairs, your dress along the hallway, his trousers at the foot of your bed. You had seen him in this state of undress before, when you would sneak out as teenagers and go for midnight swims in the bay, but the moonlight had left the memory faded. In the light of your room, his skin glowed and shadows highlighted the dips of his defined muscles that lined his body. It was like seeing him in colour for the very first time.
“Are you okay, bombón?” he asked as his fingers danced down your legs lightly, tickling your skin and leaving goosebumps behind until he reached your heels. His thick fingers shouldn’t have been able to remove the delicate clasps so gracefully but he eased each shoe off before massaging the aching soles of your feet. “You look like you are thinking too hard.”
“I am thinking you are going way too slow,” you teased. His thumb hit the right spot in your arch and a moan parted your lips while he chuckled at your reaction.
“I told you, princesa, I’m going to show you how you deserve to be treated.” Tantilisingly slowly, he massaged his way up your legs, devoting his time to your relaxation until you were putty in his hands. Your legs were trembling in anticipation when his thumbs finally reached the laced edge of your panties and he let out an unsteady breath at the damp patch darkening the material. You lifted your hips for him as he hooked his fingers into the waistband and dragged them down your legs. “I want to taste you, princesa.”
“Please, Carlos,” you begged as he licked his full lips enticingly.
You recognised the look in his eyes, the one that told you to be patient and the groan that had been building morphed into a gasp when he grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his thigh. The pressure was teasing and you rocked your hips wanting more as he blanketed you with his body and sealed his lips around your breast. 
“Fuck,” you moaned as his tongue flicked over your nipple, sending bolts of lightning to your core as you tightened your legs around his thigh and combed your fingers into his hair. “Oh god, do that again.”
He was more than happy to follow your command and you felt like your body would ignite beneath him. He sensed the change in your body as your breathing laboured and a sweat broke out across your skin. “Not yet,” he warned as he kissed his way up your neck and captured your lips in a blistering kiss. “I want to taste you when you come, princesa.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as you shamelessly rode his thigh, the pressure building. “Then you better hurry up.”
A whimper escaped with the disappearance of his leg but when you opened your eyes you were struck by his dark ones, watching you watch him make his way down your body. You sucked in a sharp breath as you felt him blow a cold breeze over your skin and you shivered as he warmed it again with his tongue. 
“I’m starting to think you get off on teasing me,” you whispered with a strained voice. 
“I simply get off on you,” he replied just as quietly.
The questions you had were erased with the leisurely stroke of his tongue, tasting you for the first time. He hummed at the reward he had earned with his teasing and his fingers gripped your thighs tighter as he held you spread open for him to devour. 
The room filled with the sweet sounds that clawed from your throat as your head swum and your legs quivered. The salacious song grew louder when Carlos curled one finger into your cunt, then two. He pumped his digits as his tongue circled your clit and together they threw you over the edge and you came with undulating waves that rocked your body against his lips.
“Carlito…” you panted as he lapped at your dripping folds, indulging in the decadence he had been craving for years.
“I love you,” he admitted as he rose above you.
You reached for his face, your thumb tracing the shape of his swollen lips that were still shiny with your arousal. “I love you too.”
“No more red flags,” he said as he lined himself with your entrance. “You’re mine, princesa.”
“I’m yours,” you echoed as you pulled his face to yours and sealed the promise with a kiss.
“You always have been.”
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rbbrbikerthorp · 1 year
The Fitting Room Is This Way
I got the inspiration for this story from a GIF, which must have been a looped clip taken from a video called "Abducted". I used a generative AI platform to create a couple of the images - not bad for a first effort?
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“Why don't you just try something on? I think it look like a second skin on you and will suit you very much. Here, the fitting room is this way…”
"Errrrrrm," was about all I could muster as a reply. I tore my eyes away from the rails of black and multicoloured rubber that had absorbed my attention for more minutes than I care to say. I turned my head to see what I can only describe as an attractive young male with orange and green hair, multiple piercings and more tattoos than I'd ever seen on a body. I'm not usually stuck for words, but this time I was.
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It was the first time I'd ever crossed the threshold of any adult store, let alone a fetish store. I was actually on a business trip to the city for a couple of days to meet with a bunch of different customers. I'd arranged to meet one of them for dinner this evening, but something had come up and they had to cancel. With time on my hands, my curiosity got the better of me. I walked the short distance from the hotel into what people might describe as a 'seedy' part of the city and walked through one of two doorways that would change my life - forever.
"Look, you've been gawking at these garments for at least ten minutes, so something must have piqued your interest," the shop assistant said grinning in a somewhat sinister way.
The truth is he was absolutely right. I had a real fetish for rubber, but it wasn't something I could share. If I didn't use an incognito browser, a casual glance at my web history would show me landing on websites with videos and pictures of men in rubber and stories of men being turned into rubbermen, from beasts to slaves.
The assistant looked me up and down, "yes I can see why you are captivated by the rubber suits - so much more exciting than a business suit to wear, and it will hug and show off your best bits," he giggled to himself as he grabbed two or three suits off the rails.
"Right one of these will be perfect for you. It will feel like a second skin. So much so, that I don't think you'll ever want to take it off."
There was that ominous grin again.
"Follow me. It's this way to the fitting room"
He walked deeper into the basement and towards a set of dark doors. Was there a fitting room really this way? I'd never been in a fetish store before but I'd read a few stories about what was inside. He pushed on the door, it opened slowly. Very little light emanated from inside. “Come on”, he said jovially. I followed like a puppy dog follows its mother.
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Inside the room I could just about make out the shapes of muscular men in shiny dark clothing. Several hands grabbed me, restraining me before I knew what was happening. At first I struggled against my captors but one came up to me and held a mask over my nose and mouth; I heard a hissing sound. I felt a kind of euphoria cone over me. My struggles evaporated and I allowed myself to be led deeper into the room. Now that I was next to these men I could tell they were wearing similar outfits to the ones I’d seen on the rails back in the shop, and their heads were enclosed in some kind of hood/gas mask combination.
I looked at the assistant standing there holding the rubber suits whilst I was stripped of my clothing. Now naked, they started rubbing what I can only describe as an oily cream all over me. One of the dark rubber-suited men walked over to the assistant, who handed him one one of the rubber suits. He walked back towards me and took the suit off the hanger. Two other lifted my left foot off the floor and he started sliding it in, then they put my foot back on the floor and he repeated the process with the right foot.
Then it was a simple process; to gently and very erotically guide the rubber suit all the way up my body. As they did they smoothed out any bumps, making sure the rubber clung to every millimetre of my body. Just before the suit covered my groin, I looked down to see one of the men fitting a device over my cock and felt another slide something into my arse. At first he struggled, so he squeezed something onto it and started pushing at my sphincter. At first it met a resistant from a hole that had only known 'one-way' traffic. suddenly I felt a ‘pop’ and my arse felt 'nice and full' (where did that come from).
The men carried on smoothing the rubber suit as they pulled it up my torso until it reached my chest. Then, one at a time my arms were fed into the suit. The shop assistant walked up to me and fitted what I can only describe as mitts over my hands. I stood there, a spectator in my own body, watching as the flesh was covered with black latex. Then the suit was zipped up to my neck. I felt a mild construction and heard a snap. The assistant walked around in front of me and held up a broken zip. His grin now a haunting smile.
Before I could react I felt something rubbery being brought to my face, I could see lenses and a place for my nose to fit in. I started breathing more rapidly as a sense of unease started to build. Despite my fears I allowed the men to fit the mask over my face, the mask seemed to be part of a hood because the next thing I sense was a zip being pulled from the top of my head down to meet the top of the suit at my neckline. My head now felt as  constricted as my body.
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Through the lenses I could see my captors. Then I heard voices in my ears.  Mini speakers in the hood activated, “welcome brother, welcome to the nest. From here we grow, we spread, we convert and we conquer.”
There was just white noise now. The lenses darkened and my vision blacked out. Then instantly there were spirals, shapes and words imprinted on the lenses. Voices in my head said, “Rubberdrone”, “obey”, “comply”, “convert”. Over and over the words bombarded my head until...nothing. My own thoughts stopped. The lenses cleared to let this newly created rubberdrone see the room again, the voices in my ears stopped. 
In front of me were half a dozen rubber drones lined up. To the side I could recognise the shop assistant. I instinctively knew to join at the back of the line. The assistant opened the door and we started moving forward.
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
future!steddie; long haul trucker Eddie; firefighter Steve ~1k words
It makes sense to Eddie, an obvious out when his world's gone to shit and he has to get away, that his escape route from Indiana is the same job his uncle left to settle down there and raise a kid with nowhere else to go.
Driving long haul means there's no one looking that close at a face that made it to the national news during his week on the run. It means living on the move, never stopping long enough to get stuck anywhere.
It means freedom.
It means loneliness.
He calls Wayne twice a week, coins in pay phones at rest stops while he's waiting for his hair to dry post-public shower, and that's enough for him.
Wayne has always been enough for him, and it would be hurtful to suggest otherwise; it would be disrespectful to the life Wayne helped him build, keeps helping him build with all that faith that had him never doubting an innocence questioned by everyone else in that God-forsaken town.
Twice a week. It's the only phone number he knows by heart.
Twice a week for weeks and then months and then years, driving cross-country and back again, it's freedom. He keeps telling himself it's freedom, that it's good, that he doesn't need anything more than that.
But driving long haul means there's a lot of time for thinking.
It means a lot of time for collecting thoughts up together and creating new meaning entirely.
It means that by the time he's twenty-one and twenty-five and thirty that he has tape after tape after tape where he's collected those thoughts aloud in the rumbling loud silence of an overnight drive.
Thoughts like who would I be if I'd stuck around? and thoughts like will they understand that this time running saved my life? and thoughts like I miss them, am I allowed to miss them, am I allowed to love them without ever really knowing them?
It means that when he stops for all but the first time in ten years, coming home to Wayne to find that Forest Hills is home to a couple more familiar faces than he expected, there's space for his words. His endless, looping thoughts.
Steve's got his own trailer these days, brings in Wayne's mail for him on the mornings he comes home from the night shift at the fire station and stays for coffee.
Steve's there across the way when Eddie drives up in a new-used flatbed truck he'd bought with his final paycheck on the day he hung up his hat and decided he'd been gone long enough.
Steve's there in stories Wayne only begins telling now that Eddie is home, endless retellings of a brand-new man who became a friend during a time when the name Munson was still a dangerous thing to carry.
Steve's there when Eddie starts transcribing all his dictated notes into something resembling narrative and character and prose and Eddie doesn't know the guy who jumped headfirst into another dimension, hasn't spoken to him since that week that forced Eddie to flee in the first place, but maybe he doesn't need to have those years under his belt.
Maybe it doesn't matter if Eddie knows a nineteen-year-old Steve Harrington, because he knows the twenty-nine-year-old one starting a matter of hours after he comes crawling back home, knows this grown and steady one who looked after Wayne when Eddie had to leave.
This Steve isn't stuck despite still living in the town that tried to kill him. He doesn't seem lost or without purpose.
He lives a simple life, working at the Hawkins FD and feeding stray dogs with the bowls he leaves out beside his porch. Robin comes and goes, seemingly dating her way through the Midwest's entire sapphic population and sleeping on Steve's couch in between live-in girlfriends.
There are old friends on the phone at near constant intervals in Steve's home, and there's that phone being pressed to Eddie's ear without giving him the chance to be terrified about what Erica or Dustin or Max might say to the guy who hasn't allowed anyone but Wayne access to him for a decade, what he might say back after so many years without proper human socialization.
Eddie has been moving for so long, stayed moving through the bulk of his acceptance of everything that happened to him, but there's a different sort of quiet here than what he found on the road, stillness, amongst the casual chaos.
There's similarities to life on his rig, sure, a certain routine to the comings and goings, only Eddie isn't hiding anymore and he's not thumbing through the same staticky stations anymore and he's not lonely anymore.
He doesn't know how to sit still yet, not really, but he stays up all night handwriting poetry on paper he once spoke onto tape on the porch of his uncle's trailer and sometimes when Steve gets home after dark, he'll sit with him.
He'll eat his dinner still in uniform and listen to the scratch of Eddie's pen and Eddie doesn't know him, Steve Harrington, but he's getting to know his neighbor Steve.
Ten years down the line and he's becoming solid right there in front of Eddie's eyes, becoming real, becoming something that can't possibly fit onto the tapes filled with nonsense and insights alike.
"You're never what I think you're going to be," Eddie admits to him one morning over coffee before Wayne or Robin have risen, before the phone has begun to ring, before the world wakes up and brings Eddie's life along with it, ready or not.
Steve smiles at him, amused and curious and cocky in the way he responds, "you're exactly who Wayne said you are."
It's an admission all its own, that Steve has thought about Eddie, spoken about him, in the time they've spent apart, even if it was only because he'd dared to keep Wayne Munson's company.
It's still an admission though, that in his absence, in his loneliness out on the road, Eddie wasn't forgotten by the watercolor skies over Hawkins, Indiana.
"Yeah?" Eddie breathes in those very skies, "and what did Wayne say I'd be?"
Ten years down the line and suddenly it makes sense to Eddie.
It makes sense in the morning dew on the lawn; it makes sense in the too-strong Harrington-brewed coffee; it makes sense in the wheels of his truck on a road that does end, eventually, and it makes sense in the collected thoughts and feelings, fears and dreams that he had to go away to decipher.
The freedom was in leaving, sure, but this? The coming home to Wayne and this porch and the man who lives across the way?
"Stick around, Munson," Steve Harrington dares on a morning like any other, "and maybe I'll just tell you."
Well. As it turns out, this might be the thing that saves him.
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auncyen · 1 month
SO WHEN I STARTED Sif having a bad King fight and then freezing (which lead to Isa and Mira being sad), I'd. kind of wondered where that left Loop, and that's like the one part I wanted to get to, even if I don't plan on writing past that.
Loop is...not doing that great. I'm still figuring out how exactly this conversation would go (Odile wasn't planned at first LOL) but yeah there's a lot of "UM":
You got better. You got to leave the infirmary, though they still wanted you to stay in the House itself for a bit, just in case something happened, rather than being all the way out in the clocktower. You didn't mind, because you felt you needed to be here.
Sif wasn't getting better. They were still frozen on the highest floor of the House. You started helping M'dame with the research she was doing in the library, including the secret library after Euphrasie entrusted her with the knowledge. She raised an eyebrow when you started skimming through tomes and summarizing the chapters aloud to judge if you should give it a closer look, put it back on the shelf, or put it in the 'maybe' pile--only tangentially relevant to healing Craft or Time Craft, but sometimes writers do go on illuminating tangents. "I, uh, used to be a huge nerd," you muttered, because it didn't feel like the time to hide your smarts when Siffrin needed a cure.
Odile looked surprised for a few seconds. "Interesting. I'd wondered."
"You're the only man I've ever heard sound smarter with three drinks in him. I'm curious, but it's fine if you don't want to talk about it. We've business right now, anyway."
You did indeed have business. Unfortunately, it was a bust; none of the books you found had an insight into healing a powerful Time Craft curse that M'dame or Mira hadn't already considered. Mira looked increasingly tired and miserable by the day, and at the end of the week Bonbon came in the House to visit Sif and came down yelling because someone had left flowers at his frozen form and that wasn't right, it wasn't right, because Frin was going to unfreeze and be greeted by dead flowers and that would suck, and if someone had left them flowers the way you would at a grave that was even worse because Frin wasn't dead. Bonbon was very clearly more worked up at the idea of Sif being considered 'dead' than Sif waking up to see dead flowers, but you promised them that yeah! You'd tell everyone to wait to give Sif flowers until they were able to appreciate them again. Because of course Sif was going to be able to appreciate flowers again.
You didn't want to think about the other possibility any more than Bonnie did.
The four of you were all stuck in a painful limbo. The Housemaidens and townspeople didn't seem to know if they should treat you as heroes to be celebrated or glass vases ready to shatter, and as much as you tried to smile you felt increasingly brittle. It was kind of a relief when a new issue popped up: there was a stranger at the Favor Tree.
So, strangers usually weren't a problem. Most strangers are nice! Accepting the change that strangers may bring is a key part of the Change faith!
…Most strangers, even if they had different ways of dress and custom, still looked…well. People weren't sure if the stranger was even human? According to the scattered descriptions, they had a human-shaped body, but the skin was like the night sky stuck over the House when it was frozen, and on top of the body was not a head, but a spiky orb radiating light. Some people were scared the stranger might not be a person at all, but some new kind of Sadness left over from Vaugarde's ordeal, or even the King's creation, since…well, yeah. He'd pinned the night sky over the House while he was controlling it. And he'd had stars on his armor. And the night-sky stranger was lurking at the tree, hiding, which unnerved people once they noticed the new and unusual presence. One of the kids had gotten bold enough (he'd been dared) to approach the tree anyway, trying to call out the stranger to talk, and had gotten frightened by an inhuman voice snapping at him to go away. So. Even if this was a human stranger who'd done extreme Body Craft beyond what anyone in Dormont knew to be possible, they were a rude human stranger who'd decided to take over a town's Favor Tree.
…That was the best case scenario. At worst, they were something created by the King.
You decided that as an ex-Defender you were probably the most qualified to have a talk with the stranger and try to figure out who (or what) they were, why they'd taken over the Favor Tree, if there was an alternate arrangement you could work out… or to take them on if they proved hostile.
M'dame decided you were under no circumstances to do this alone, regardless of how well you'd been feeling lately, so she was accompanying you to the Tree. Which you had no complaints with! M'dame was good backup. You got to the base of the tree, standing under its crown. You didn't see anything yet, but the small handful of townspeople who'd seen the stranger had said they'd always ducked behind the tree or had already been hiding behind it, allowing only glimpses of them. They must have already hidden. "Hello, stranger?" you called. "I'm Isabeau, a Defender from Jouvente. Well…ex-Defender, but, um! My colleague and I would like to talk with you?"
"So now we're colleagues?" Odile murmured to you, smirking even as she scrutinized the tree ahead of you.
"Well!" You lower your voice, flustered. "That's how I was used to approaching people on the job."
"I'm teasing, Isabeau."
You know, you know. It still flustered you.
…Although the lack of response was quickly growing more concerning. "Stranger?" you called. "Are you there? Can you talk?"
Still nothing, except for the faint sound of grass being stepped on, like someone was shifting their weight. Odile huffed. "You go right around the tree, I'll go left--"
"Go away!"
You jumped at the voice. The kid's description really hadn't done it justice, mostly because it was inhuman, crackling in a way you'd never expect from a human throat. But after the brief shock, you moved to stop Odile from going around the tree. "M'dame, wait."
"I think they're scared." The way the kid had described it, the voice had been threatening, but the kid had probably already been scared himself. Underneath the strange crackling, the intonation, the way the pitch had wavered… it sounded like the stranger was panicking. You didn't want to make that worse; you might force a confrontation where none was needed. "Listen," you said, raising your voice again. "You don't have to come out right now if you don't want to, but we still need to talk. Okay?"
"First things first, are you all right?"
"That's your first concern?" The crackling voice was tight, almost sarcastic.
"Um, yeah?" It was now. "Look, people have been getting worried about you hiding out here, but… it's not like you've been trying to scare anyone, right? You've been keeping to yourself."
"I didn't mean to scare that kid. I haven't scared anyone else, unless people are scared of beautiful stars!"
So the stranger…didn't consider themself a person, but a star? Like in the sky?
"People are, in fact, a bit wary of strange stars after the King," Odile pointed out, which! 100% true!! But not something to point out right now!
The stranger immediately got upset, the crackling in their voice sharpening. "So, what, the King has a monopoly on stars now? Isn't he dead? It's not like you beat him with the power of friendship. Oh, King, I'm sure there's a reason you're doing this! We don't have to fight!" The stranger scoffed. "I know that didn't happen."
"The King is dead," Odile confirmed. "You didn't know?"
"You think I can just walk into town and ask questions looking like this?"
You and Odile looked at each other. Some of the tightness left Odile's posture. "They're acting scared," she said, and you knew from that word choice she hadn't ruled out yet the possibility that it was only an act. But she was willing to give the benefit of the doubt for now. "Isabeau, you're better at this, you talk to them."
…Well. Hm. They didn't seem all right, but they also hadn't answered straight when you asked about that. Maybe they weren't ready to talk about themself yet. "If you've got any other questions, we can try answering?" you offered. "I'm Isabeau, he/him, and M'dame Odile uses she/her."
"…They/them for me."
Odile arched an eyebrow. "But no name?"
"No, my turn for questions!" the strange voice said, but then it fell silent for a moment. Were they still scared, or struggling to think of any? You folded your arms and waited, not wanting to rush them. "You're…two of the Saviors. Is, um, the Housemaiden--Housemaiden Mirabelle okay?"
The question made Odile frown. "Why do you ask?"
"It's a little strange that you came out here to talk to me without her, if you thought I might have anything to do with the King. Not that I do!" the voice said quickly. "Good riddance."
"Three-on-one would be pretty intimidating," you point out. That's exactly the reasoning you would have told Mira if she'd asked to come along, too… but the truth is, she didn't know you were out here. Even though her long quest was done, the stress hadn't disappeared, and Siffrin's condition wasn't helping anyone. You hadn't wanted to toss more on her plate. "We were hoping for a nice talk! Anyway, she's fine." Burnt out, but time would surely help.
Time, and Siffrin getting better.
"And the kid traveling with you? They're fine too?"
They knew about Bonnie? "They're fine too. We kept them away from the fighting."
"I know, but--" The voice stopped abruptly.
"You know?" That…was kind of odd, especially with how quickly they'd shut up, like they hadn't meant to let it slip. You'd reassured more than a couple people that Bonnie didn't actually fight with you, was only tagging along with your group because even if they weren't old enough to fight they were old enough to decide where they wanted to be and they'd made it very clear they'd chase after the group if they were left behind. So the star could have learned that secondhand, but that seemed unlikely if they were afraid to approach people with their appearance. Along with the slip, it made you wonder… "Did you, um. Did we meet you before the Body Craft? …Is that Body Craft?" You cringed a little. "Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but--"
"It's okay. I, uh, I've been told how I look right now."
You immediately felt a pit open up in your stomach. They hadn't seen for themself how they looked? There was no way this could be Body Craft, then, at least not the way you knew it. No one in their right mind would Body Craft themselves without being able to track the process. But 'right now' implied there had been a Change. Odile had caught that too, her expression torn between wariness and alarm.
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fazfacts · 1 year
quotes from "groundhog day" and "happy death day;" feel free to change as needed!
❝ Didn't we do this yesterday? ❞
❝ Don't mess with me. What day is this? ❞
❝ Sorry. I'm having a bad day. ❞
❝ I'm feeling a little strange. ❞
❝ Have you ever had déjà vu? ❞
❝ I've got to talk to you. I think I'm losing my mind. ❞
❝ Can I be serious with you for a minute? ❞
❝ I'm being serious. ❞
❝ I'm having a problem -- no, I may be having a problem. ❞
❝ I'm trying to say that if I was having a problem, just hypothetically, I'd like to know that you're someone I could count on in a crisis. ❞
❝ Just trust me. ❞
❝ I've done it before. ❞
❝ I'm talking about today. I lived it before. ❞
❝ I know it's nuts, but I keep reliving the same day over and over. ❞
❝ This is the third time. ❞
❝ I'm not making it up. I'm asking for your help. ❞
❝ I'd like you to spend the next 24 hours with me. Don't leave my side for a second. ❞
❝ You're saying this thing is not really happening to me? ❞
❝ Are you saying I'm crazy? ❞
❝ What would you do if there was no tomorrow? ❞
❝ I don't worry about anything anymore. ❞
❝ I have a life wish. I'm just trying to enjoy it. ❞
❝ I know you won't believe me, but we could do anything we want today and it wouldn't matter one bit. ❞
❝ I've already been here for 211 days. ❞
❝ There's got to be more to it than this. ❞
❝ If you only had one day to live, what would you do with it? ❞
❝ I've been planning this day for weeks. ❞
❝ But there is no tomorrow for me! ❞
❝ I can't stand this place anymore! ❞
❝ Just remember, we had a wonderful day together once. ❞
❝ I'm a God. ❞
❝ It's the only explanation. I'm a supernatural human being. ❞
❝ I always wake up the next day without a scratch, without even a headache. I'm telling you, I'm immortal. ❞
❝ I want you to believe in me. ❞
❝ I told you the truth. ❞
❝ In five seconds, there's going to be a grease fire in the kitchen. ❞
❝ Please believe me. You've got to believe me. ❞
❝ It's not that bad. You get used to it. ❞
❝ The worst part is waking up every day. Tomorrow, you won't remember any of this. ❞
❝ It doesn't matter. Really, it doesn't. ❞
❝ It's not true. It's not. It can't be true. ❞
❝ You're here! My god! I can't believe you're here! ❞
❝ It's happened! Don't you get it? It's tomorrow! ❞
❝ Did I just dream it? ❞
❝ What day is it? ❞
❝ I'm totally having déjà vu right now. ❞
❝ I'm having a weird day. ❞
❝ This can't be happening...this can't be real! ❞
❝ This is a nightmare. ❞
❝ I feel like I'm losing my mind. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm so confused. ❞
❝ This isn't going to make any sense, but I've already lived through this day. Twice. ❞
❝ I know! It's not possible, but it's happening! I swear to God! ❞
❝ Nobody told me! Don't you see? I know what's going to happen before it happens! ❞
❝ I'm reliving the same day over and over. ❞
❝ Oh my God...make it stop. Please, make it stop. ❞
❝ Nobody believes me. ❞
❝ I'm sorry. I'm just...going through a lot right now. ❞
❝ I'll explain everything tomorrow...assuming there is one. ❞
❝ No...this can't be happening. This can't be happening! ❞
❝ I don't get what you mean. ❞
❝ I know you're losing it. ❞
❝ What is this? ❞
❝ Are you drunk? ❞
❝ What are you trying to say? ❞
❝ Yesterday? What are you talking about? ❞
❝ You're having déjà vu? ❞
❝ Uh-huh. I'm waiting for the punchline. ❞
❝ I'm racking my brain, but I can't even begin to imagine why you'd make up something like this. ❞
❝ Okay, I'll bite. What do you want me to do? ❞
❝ Have you considered psychiatric help? ❞
❝ I'd say that maybe you're, I don't know, a little delusional. ❞
❝ What makes you so special? ❞
❝ You really do have a death wish, don't you? ❞
❝ That's quite a long time, isn't it? ❞
❝ Is this real, or are you just going to make me look like a fool? ❞
❝ It's sort of like the way I feel about UFOs. I'd have to see it to believe it. ❞
❝ There's something so familiar about this. Do you ever have déjà vu? ❞
❝ Do you really expect me to trust you? ❞
❝ Are you alright? You look terrible. ❞
❝ What are you doing? What are you thinking? ❞
❝ For a minute there, I thought you might be crazy. ❞
❝ Why are you telling me this? ❞
❝ It's not possible. ❞
❝ This is nuts. ❞
❝ Okay, enough. Let's just sit down and think for a second. ❞
❝ How are you doing this? ❞
❝ How did this start? ❞
❝ It sounds so...lonely. ❞
❝ Is this what you do with eternity? ❞
❝ Have we done this before? ❞
❝ Maybe it's not a curse. It all just depends on how you look at it. ❞
❝ Hold it right there. I want to know what's going on and I want to know right now. ❞
❝ This is too much. I must be dreaming. ❞
❝ There's something going on with you. ❞
❝ You must've had some dream. ❞
❝ Wow. Have you been here before? ❞
❝ You were acting really weird this morning. ❞
❝ Just calm down and start from the beginning. ❞
❝ Okay, I get it. Who put you up to this? ❞
❝ You're starting to freak me out. ❞
❝ What's wrong? Are you sick? ❞
❝ Maybe I can help. ❞
❝ You literally think you're reliving the same day? ❞
❝ Come on. You're just messing with me, right? ❞
❝ I'm just trying to work this whole thing out. ❞
❝ I guess it's kinda like that movie, "Groundhog Day," only you're not Bill Murray. ❞
❝ If I were you, I would stop trying to figure out how it's happening and start figuring out why. ❞
❝ There has to be a reason you're stuck in this day. ❞
❝ You probably just had a bad dream. It happens to me whenever I drink too much. ❞
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
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Colorized Hyde paced around the makeshift lab, wondering how Adam Frankenstein had assembled such a busy workshop without the aid of an assistant.  “Does Dr Watson know you have all this?” he asked, peering at an assortment of organs in flasks.
Adam shook his head, “He does not and I'd be grateful if you didn't reveal my secrets. I like Dr Watson and I know he won’t approve of my work,” he strode over to a large vat filled with liquid in the middle of the room, "If we bring Miss Morris back he may forgive me, if not I'll simply defy him. I accept no masters and though I owe him much he will not command me in this," he pulled a lever and sparks of electricity crackled down the wires connecting to the vat, charging the liquid. He waited a full minute, counting the seconds before he shut off the power.
Hyde nodded, he saw no reason to do Watson any favors or derail Frankenstein's projects so he found himself agreeable "Mum's the word, old chap, I don't see any reason why he should be in the loop,” He tapped the vat with his cane. "What's in here,"
"A compound of chemicals Victor used to submerge me in while he ran the current through my body. This, "Adam made a sweeping gesture over the vat, "Is the elixir that rejuvenates the dead cells and primes them for the electricity to do its work. it took me forever to figure out how to make it but thanks to Dr Watson granting me access to all of his medical tomes my methods may surpass even that of my maker’s," his even white teeth flashed sharply against the harshness of his black lips in a gruesome, self-satisfied grin. He imagined Victor would have been horrified to see his creation carrying on his work, but Adam had not time for guilt or self-reflection now, a life hung in the balance, waiting to be plucked back from the grave and restored.
He was almost giddy with anticipation. He had not disclosed to Hyde that the consciousness that awakened might not be that of their companion. He himself had no memories of a time before his birth and there was just as much likelihood that she too would return as a blank slate. That was not ideal, he admitted, but he could not think such a thing to be a total loss. To have another like himself would be adequate consolation for the loss of Ms Morris. Whatever was brought back, Adam swore to himself that he would not turn his back on his creation. He would do better by his progeny than his own father. Of that he was certain.
"You've resurrected people before?" Hyde's voice intruded as the small man wandered across the lab peering at the glimmering, viscous, liquids that funneled into the vat with interest.
"Not people, but I've brought back several frogs, two cats and a dog," said Adam, "It works and I think perhaps better for my access to the advancement in medicine since my makers time,” He turned to Hyde, "Now, before we begin, did you get the heart?"
Hyde drew a jar from his coat, a perfectly preserved human heart sealed within. Adam nodded in satisfaction, "Excellent, I'm not going to ask where you got it, frankly I do not care so long as it is in good condition and fresh."
"Oh it's fresh alright, and in excellent condition, I tested the donor's constitution myself before the harvest," Hyde chortled as he handed the jar over.
"Mmm, let's not tell Miss Morris that when we bring her back. I don't know how she'd take to finding out you killed someone to get a new heart for her," Adam pursed his lips, he was not legitimately displeased as fresher parts guaranteed a higher chance of success. He looked down at Hyde curiosity scrawled across his features, "Why are you so keen on helping me with this? I know you don't like Watson but this can't all be spite."
"It isn't," Hyde confirmed, "I am genuinely curious to see if this works. I am a scientist at heart after all. More to the point, I liked Miss Morris, she was the only one in our group who doesn't have a stick up her arse and she was good at cards. Besides if I’m stuck with no one but you, Watson and that sanctimonious little shit Harker then I’m going to make damn sure that you’re all as miserable with my company as I am yours. “
"You are, perhaps, the most hateful creature I have ever met...and I am myself, a vile devil," Adam remarked passively as he laid Selma's body on the table and handed Edward the scalpel, "This is your job. I could possibly do it but, I believe, you are an actual doctor and you have the learning and the experience that I lack. I trust you can transplant the heart?"
Edward frowned, "I can, though the task requires a certain level of detachment and patience. That was always Jekyll’s domain…I’ll do my best.”
Adam readied the apparatus that would bring Selma Morris back to life while Edward prepped himself for surgery. As he was washing his hands a small trickle of fear ran down his spine. Could he really do this? It was one thing to patch a small wound but a major surgery, even on a cadaver, required attentiveness and delicacy, those traits did not come easily to him without Henry’s temperance. His head swam, what if he made a mistake? What if he botched it up and they really lost her forever? He felt suddenly nauseous as he picked up the scalpel and prepared to make the first incision.  As the blade hovered over the corpse’s chest he froze, paralyzed by an overwhelming uncertainty. His anxiety built to a point that he found himself fighting the urge to slash into the body and start hacking away. Smash the lab, destroy it all and rip everything apart then burn it to the ground as long as he didn’t have to face the risk of failure.
Did he really want that? He didn’t know…that was the rub of it. Indecision held him pinned and he could feel his control begin to slip.
"Give me the scalpel, Edward," a calm voice in the back of his mind said firmly just as he was about to plunge the instrument into the dead woman’s chest, "you're too shaken up. Let me take over,"
"I'm not letting you out Henry, you tried to kill us and I haven't forgiven you! I know as soon as you're free you'll try to lock me away again!"
"No Edward, I won't. I'll transplant the heart and then I'll let you have control again. I give you my word."
"You mean that now but I know once you're out you'll be tempted! You’ll feel all of those things again that I keep at bay! Shame and sorrow will eat us if I let us be you again! We’ll want to die and we can't resist temptation no matter which of us we are!"
"Isn't Miss Morris worth the risk? I liked her too Edward. If she can be brought back then shouldn’t we try? Listen to me Edward, we don’t want to fail. We want to give this its best chance, let me have the scalpel."
Hyde resisted only briefly before he shuddered, closed his eyes and retreated. Jekyll took a moment to get his bearings, nod at Adam, who was staring at him in confusion, and then swiftly, cleanly, he made the first incision. .....
My players accidentally got an NPC killed and begged me to bring her back. This scene was the result.
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st4rbe0m · 2 months
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SUMMARY ▸ 20 years ago, a gruesome murder shook the town hard. A type of murder that should've never happened, much less in their quaint town. A lovely family killed in cold blood with an unforgiving axe wielding maniac - a mother, a father and a little girl.
It's been 20 years down the road, hasn't it? Then why are these 10 teenagers stuck in a loop of the same day, being haunted by a little girl who died 20 years ago?
PAIRING ▸ Park Jongseong (Jay) x fem!reader
STARRING ▸ Enhypen members, aespa members (Giselle and NingNing). Any pairings made between Enhypen and aespa members is with clear fictional intent
WC ▸ 2.7K
TAG LIST ▸ open!! send an ask to be added
A/N ▸ I'm so proud of this cliffhanger hehehe had my hands rubbing devious grin on my face and everything as I typed it out. Also thank you for the support on this fic! Pls PLS don't be silent readers and do leave comments and reblogs! I'd love to hear thoughts and remarks from you guys <33
▊ yes -> CHAPTER 6
▊ no -> CHAPTER 4
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The salt air is sticky and tangy on everyone’s tongue, mouths wide open in shrieking laughter and joyous squeals. A much needed break, it was today, the repeat of the day before and the day after, that the group had decided to head down to the beach. 
“I can feel my lungs close around me. I can’t breathe guys. I can see the light.” Heesung was sprawled across the stone bench of the school park, while Sunghoon chewed on a mango popsicle and eyed his friend wearily, annoyed by his complaints. “Heesung, you’d probably stop dying if you complained less”, said Sunoo, equally fed up with Heesung - not because the boy was in any serious danger. No, he just missed his girlfriend. Giselle, it seemed, reveled in the time she had with Y/N and NingNing, which made her boyfriend’s spirits shrivel as he was left to hangout with the other boys of their group. “You don’t get it, you guys. It’s withdrawal symptoms. Oh Jungwonie, I can barely even see you, my vision is going out.” Jungwon called out from where he was - completely opposite and in no way near Heesung’s line of sight, as he exclaimed, “I’m nowhere even near you dipshit, of course you can’t see me!”
Jay was sort of done with Heesung’s whining, and if he had to hear about how much Giselle would save Heesung from his fate, his head would explode. So he did the only thing he could think of, the only solution - he dialed Y/N. He had just remembered to ask her for her phone number just yesterday, when they walked to class together. Hands intertwined, sharing warmth, it certainly made his classmates raise hell when they saw the school loner with the school’s golden goose. But it didn’t matter, because they didn’t remember anything today anyways. 
The memory of yesterday still had his heart leaping in gleeful somersaults inside him, as he remembered just how beautiful Y/N looked under the waning glow of the sunlight, hair caressing the sides of her face softly, skin that he was sure would feel like heaven under his touch. Maybe if he got bold enough, one day he’d get there. One day, where the sun rose for a second time to greet a different day. 
“Jay, you’re thinking something again”. Y/N pointed out as she noticed the furrow in his brow. “Nothing, nothing”. The pair kept walking down, hands now swinging in mild amusement of their circumstances. Now they were recounting their hilarious fails from all their deathly escapades every night - “I honestly don’t know how she found us in the pool! And seriously, I don’t know what got into NingNing that made her think hiding in the pool - a body of water where we can drown easily is a wonderful idea!” Y/N animatedly recounted to Jay, hands flying about as she chatted along in enthusiasm, Jay hanging on to her every word with wonder, as he gazed upon the girl who seemed more talkative than ever now that she’d broken out of her shell. “Wait, you can’t swim?”, asked Jay, who was now more than amused as he got to know of this little tidbit. “Hey, that’s not what you should be focusing on right now.”, she laughed and swatted his arm. “No, no. I just think it’s cute that you haven’t learnt even after the water park.” “Well back then I had you, didn’t I?”. Y/N looked at him with a twinkling mirth, which made his breath hitch in his throat. And having no idea where the surge of confidence came from, he just looked right back into her eyes, and said, “Aw, so you still need me to save you? Just stay close to me, like I said”, flexing a bicep up, he added, “I can fight.”
In any other case, this would’ve had Y/N cringing. But this was Jay. Tall, smart, muscular and chivalrous Jay. So obviously, it just had Y/N standing in a flustered mess as gaping eyes stared into him. Breaking out of the embarrassing stupor, she just continued along, tugging at the boy who was now sporting a confidence in his gait, “Alright, alright we get it, basketball captain.” Offhandedly, she also said, “At least we know Sunghoon can’t save me since he’ll be busy saving Ning”, in reference to the newfound knowledge she had about her friend’s feelings, when she gasped in realization about what she’d spilled. Looking at Jay in shock, she hastily waved her hands around, trying to undo the damage. “Forget I said that! Who even is Sunghoon? I don’t know anyone with that name!”, laughing unsurely. Jay just slowly grabbed the palm of her hand that she’d let go from his, pulling her closer by just an inch to him, as he said smugly, “Don’t worry, I know. Who do you think has been wingman for both of them?”. That’s when Y/N remembered why NingNing and Jay would hangout so often. Softening up from her slip up, her hand relaxed into his as they kept going again. “Yeah, Ning told me and Giselle while we were talking about our crushes.” “Our crushes?”, asked Jay, which had Y/N slightly stiffening up again. Damn Park Jay, she thought, he has me spilling everything out in the open just like that. “Ning has a crush on Hoon, we know this. Giselle and Heesung have been together since eternity. So ‘our’ here would also mean the crush you have on someone, right?”. Damn that Park Jay, was all Y/N could think as she laughed nervously and said, “Well not necessarily right? I don’t think so.” Jay halted Y/N again, still holding her hand. The smile he gave her was dazzling this time, and it seemed that Y/N was collecting all of his charming grins like a bouquet in her mind. “That’s a slight relief.” “Why?” Y/N was confused. Not meeting her eyes, he just said, “Wouldn’t want the prettiest girl in school falling for anyone else now, would we?”
That was yesterday. And today, as Jay had dialed up Y/N and explained Heesung’s lamentations, a half-annoyed, half-charmed Giselle had just asked the boys to meet the girls where they were planning to go - the beach. To have a day off, and as a celebration. Because the group had achieved something they were building up to for a while - they’d collected almost all of the body parts. In fact, only one crucial part was missing. The head. The head of the missing, dead girl was all they had to find, to brave past the girl covered in blood bent on haunting them. 
“Last one in the water loses!”, called out an excited Jungwon, breezing past the girls in his striped tank top and pineapple beach shorts. “Someone’s excited”, commented Riki, who was lugging along a picnic basket he’d arranged impromptu. The youngest of their group, albeit quiet, was one of the most thoughtful juniors Y/N had met. Thanking him for his gesture, he just laughed and gave her a cheeky salute as he joined Jake, wrestling the older yet shorter boy into the water. The excited screams of the group were a much-needed contrast from the blood-curdling ones they heard during their deathly games. The girls had quickly changed from their coverups into their beachwear, and Y/N was involved in a serious game of beach volleyball with NingNing on her team, against Sunghoon and Jay. Giselle was lounging on the beach towel as Heesung, who finally got the girlfriend time he was deprived of, sat next to her, lathering sunscreen onto himself. “How is this split even fair? You guys are literally trained athletes”, complained the ever-competitive NingNing, who also did have a fair point. “Fine then, let’s switch. Sunghoon, join NingNing. I’ll join Y/N”. The double intention of these actions didn’t fly past anyone, as all four of them seemed to be hyper aware of themselves now. Sunghoon, who simply greeted Ning with a nod and cleared his throat as he set his eyes on the ball that Jay was serving, stood opposite Y/N, who was also watching Jay, for completely different reasons. The way the heat beating down on them made him sweat, the sheen covering his tan skin deliciously. The way he posed with accuracy with the ball, slender yet toned arms accentuating his biceps. Jay served the ball with precision, and it was immediately received by NingNing as she expertly passed it over to where Y/N was, blushing as Sunghoon praised her as she did. Y/N also caught the ball with a dip, hitting right over the net by a bare minimum, which had Sunghoon pile diving into the sand to catch.
The game went on until Sunghoon and NingNing won, the pair high fiving each other, giggling to each other with burning ears, praising the way they both handled themselves. A teasing Jay made his way to where Y/N was, dusting the sand off her shorts. “You know what, let me buy you an ice cream. Let’s celebrate how we held our own against the Ice Prince and his Class President Princess over there.” Glancing over to where NingNing and Sunghoon were still talking amongst themselves, now much more calm and with eyes fixed on each other, Y/N simply nodded as she followed Jay along to the corner store right by the beach. After paying the vendor, the two of them sat on the staircase that led to the beach, simply enjoying the weather, the view and the company. A silence that blanketed them in comfort, not awkwardness. “Y/N.” Jay broke the silence suddenly, but not startlingly. “Hmm”, Y/N hummed in response, curious as to what the boy wanted to ask. “Have an ice cream with me tomorrow as well?”, he asked. “Sure, why not”, Y/N said, not thinking too much into it. Her and Jay were hanging out quite frequently anyways, and this was not all that of a strange request from him. “No, I mean the real tomorrow. A tomorrow that isn’t a Tuesday again. A tomorrow where the sun rises over a new time”. His eyes were determined as he looked at where she sat. There was no guarantee in this. This wasn’t one of Jay’s basketball games where the outcome of the match could be predicted. But the way Y/N’s hand was on top of his palm, her body leaned slightly into him, and from the way she smiled at him all the time - he had a feeling the odds were in his favor. “What do you say?”
The hope that was in the air was buzzing. It was thrown into the wind along with caution, and it was about whether Y/N would catch onto it. 
“Yes, Jay. I’ll have ice cream with you tomorrow.”
A promise. 
A promise between two hearts, young and beating with life and purpose. A promise that neither of the two hearts were sure they’d be able to keep. 
“Guys, come here!”. The urgence in the outcry of Giselle’s voice made the two run as fast as they could, kicking up sand to where the rest of the group had already assembled. Sunoo was on the sand, clutching the bag which contained all the evidence Jungwon had collected regarding the body search. “I was looking for my sunglasses in this bag, when I saw it.” There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary in what Sunoo was clutching, the newspaper article and the books. That’s when Y/N looked to see the color draining from Jay’s face, and the rest of her friends looking right at her in indescribable fear. And when she looked down again at the newspaper, she saw the difference. 
‘10 year old Y/N Y/L/N brutally murdered along with her parents at Sakcho WaterPark by unknown intruder ; body of the deceased is yet to be found.’
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weisshaupts · 2 months
— wip whenever.
saw @imogenkol posting for wip whenever and I got struck with the urge so, have this. working on self-indulgent fan adjacent stuff, and right now I'm writing some new characters, hence why it's in first-person. typically I write in third-person, but I like using first-person to get into characters heads and get a feel for their voice.
With a groan, I fell back against the door. All at once, whatever remained of the adrenaline that had carried me out of the main house and all the way back to my modest home was fading, and fast. I felt light-headed and jittery, exhaustion kicking in as my magic began to react to my emotions. Every nerve in my body was alight, buzzing uncomfortably just under my skin, and I fought the urge to scratch at it. No amount of digging into my flesh would help. I'd learned that long ago. Instead, I breathed. In and out, slow and steady. Held it in for as long as I could, and then longer still, until my lungs burned and my chest ached. Then, I let it out, and repeated the process. Over and over, until I no longer felt like I was drowning. It helped being here, at least. The entire Greene property was my home, for all intents and purposes, but this was mine. My magic was embedded here, in every nook and cranny. In the walls and along the floorboards, stuck between mismatched couch pillows and between every dish stacked in my cabinets. Even the plants littered about the place were infused with my energy, from the tips of their leaves down to the deepest roots. It wasn't much, but it was all I truly had to call my own. And best of all? There were absolutely no traces of wolves here. The cabin was dark. Off to my left, I could hear the familiar tick tock tick tock of my clock, the little black cat's tail swaying in time with the hands. Outside, I could hear the howling of the winter wind, singing her song of longing. Tree branches creaked and cracked under the weight of freshly fallen snow, and each one whispered to me, calling me as they always did. But right now, I couldn't make out the words. Not over the din in my own head, an endless loop of memories that I couldn't seem to stop, no matter how hard I tried. Jeremy saying, They're pressuring him to take a mate, his relatives in Caswell. Isaac saying, Her name is Haley, I think? She's from somewhere down near Idaho. Tessa saying, If she keeps doing that fake little laugh I'm gonna throw my drink right in her face. Elliot saying, She's just here on business, nothing more. I promise. And me just standing here, saying nothing, because what was there to say? I should have said something, anything, but I didn't. All I did was keep my mouth shut and my head down. All I did was run, run, run.
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shadowphoenixrider · 1 month
Locker Room Debriefing
(After Shadow finishes a Danger Room training session, she finds Gambit is waiting for her. And when Gambit gets an idea into his head, what starts as a simple discussion turns into something more...intimate. Enjoy some more smut!)
"Dat was some performance, chère!" Gambit greeted me as I entered the locker room, grinning widely and spreading his hands. "You gettin' better all de time!"
"Thank you." I smiled back at him, moving over to my own locker, aware of his gaze following me like a hawk. "You were right about getting a weapon to use; I'm really liking this sword." I unbuckled the scabbard of the short bastard sword from my brown leather belt around my waist, placing it inside. "I still can't discount the bow, though." The unstrung fibreglass bowstave leant on the other side of cabinet, a row of metal training arrows arranged alongside. "I've always liked archery, and it feels better if I stay outta the fray, you know?"
"Sure, can see that." Gambit nodded. "Jus' a coupla problems though: one, 'side from stabbin' people wit ya arrows, ya not got many options if someone gets close. Not like ya can hit dem with it without it breakin'." He shifted his position, pointing at my hands. "Two, de archer gloves you'll need remove ya ability to use ya powers. Least 'til you learn to heal us through fabric."
"And that doesn't seem like something I'm gonna be able to do for a while yet." I muttered, frowning down at my current black gloves. Beast had designed them specifically to grant protection whilst allowing me to lay my hands on those I needed to help - they covered my wrist and most of the back of my hand, with a loop to attach around my middle finger, but left the rest of my hand, especially my palm, exposed.
"'Sides." His voice made me glance back up. "Ya can't deny de thrill of jus' wailin' on somethin', non?" His midnight eyes twinkled knowingly. "You were goin' at dem drones like ya were when we be sparrin' in de forest, an' havin' a good time of it too!"
I chuckled, unbuckling my belt and dropping it into the locker.
"Okay, that's fair. It was very fun to just let loose and go to town." My gaze drifted to him, smile playing on my lips. "You still think of that night?"
"O' course." Gambit's warm smile made heat rise up into my face like steam, as he pushed off the wall and stepped towards me. "Gambit'd never forget."
"Neither can I." I admitted, giggling weakly. "Especially my terrible attempt at a first kiss..."
His deep chuckle was as genial as his smile.
"Found it very sweet, actually." He replied, my blush darkening.
"I'm glad."
It was a sweet moment...up until a devious glint entered Gambit's dark eyes, and they began to rove hungrily over me.
"Oh no, I know that look." I folded my arms. "What are you up to?"
"Gambit jus' thinkin'," he said casually, stepping closer with an intent that was anything but.
"Uh huh." I quirked an eyebrow up at him. "And what, dare I ask, is the Raging Cajun thinking?"
His red black eyes flicked away to the closed door for a moment, before returning to me.
"No-one's scheduled to be in de Danger Room for another hour or so, chère," he said, taking yet another step forwards. I stepped back and to the side, away from the lockers he was trying to trap me against. "And here ya be, in dat suit of yours." His grin stretched from ear to ear. "Gambit always wondered what ya look like under it."
I rolled my eyes, continuing to back up from his approach. Ever since I agreed with Professor Xavier that I would be training for missions proper, I had graduated from the spare black and yellow body-suits to something more personalised.
Although I'd stuck with the body-suit, mine had a broad blood red stripe running down the torso and inner thighs instead of the yellow, with the small black 'X' logo remaining against the red, just above my left breast. The look was partnered with shin high black leather combat boots and the custom designed gloves, along with a thick brown leather belt and two thigh pouches to make up for a lack of pockets. I'd left the thigh ones in the locker for this straight combat training session.
And ever since I'd first started wearing a suit for the training simulations, Gambit had seemingly never known peace.
"You've seen me naked, Cajun." I retorted. "It's not going to be any different!"
"Gambit gonna be de the judge of dat, mon amie..." He purred, just as my back hit a wall, and he caged me in with his tall frame. I sighed, giving him a Look as he smirked triumphantly down at me.
"You've been fantasising about this for a while, haven't you?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Gambit barked out a laugh.
"Guilty as charged, chère." His grin became playful. "Can ya blame Gambit, though?" He ran his hands down my sides. "You fill it out in all de right ways..."
"That explains why Rogue keeps turning heads." Was my comment, making him chuckle.
"Dat be one of de reasons, yeah. But we not talkin' 'bout her." Gambit's hands curled around the top of my hips, moving close enough that his heat and masculine scent washed over me from the inside of his coat. "Gambit only have eyes for one beautiful woman." He murmured, lowering his head to gently brush our foreheads together.
His black and red eyes (the same colours as my suit, I suddenly noted with amusement) gazed lovingly at me, despite the desire simmering behind them, and they searched mine for permission to enact whatever crazy plan was cooking in his head.
I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing our lips together in what started out as a chaste, gentle kiss. That rapidly changed as soon as Gambit's hands moved from my hips to my backside, cupping and squeezing, his tongue in my mouth as soon as I moaned. I melted against him as we reacquainted ourselves with one another, the hard lines of his cuirass be damned.
Not that Gambit lingered for long - soon he pulled back, leaving sloppy kisses to the corner of my mouth, then jaw, slowly working his way down. I rolled my head back, exposing my neck to the Cajun's eager mouth, kissing, nipping and occasionally dragging his tongue over my fluttering pulse.
That was until he reached the boundary of my suit, where he paused, fiddling with my collar for a moment.
"Ah, dere it is." He muttered, and when I looked down, I caught sight of a particularly wicked grin on his face.
"Gambit?" I asked, not quite sure if I was ready for whatever the answer would be.
"S'all good, chère." He replied, sliding a hand around to my back. "Jus' keep ya eyes on me, okay?"
He flashed me another grin, before leaning in close to my collar, his tongue darting out to find and unearth the zip from its hiding place. It was only when Gambit clamped his teeth around it and our eyes met did I realize what he was about to do. He grinned widely, and winked.
Then he began to pull it down.
Gambit took his time, his eyes locked to mine, slowly but surely revealing the expanses of my pale, freckled skin to the cooler locker room air. The Cajun slid down my body with an almost serene grace, hands gliding down my sides even as the spandex parted. The zipper stopped mercifully just above my pubic bone - Gambit was already crouching before me, God help me if his face had gone any lower.
Although, from the utterly lascivious way he was gazing up at me, his hands curling around my ass and thighs, I was already in for a lot of trouble.
"Magnifique..." Gambit purred, nuzzling into the black shorts I wore specifically under the suit.
"Enjoying yourself down there?"
"Always, chère." Came his reply, his gaze homing in my underwear to the point I could almost see the gears turning behind his eyes, absently pulling his gloves off and dropping them to the floor. "Though maybe we could see 'bout gettin' you outta these too..."
"Ah, how about we don't do that." My hand came down on his head, gripping a tuft of his brunette hair warningly. "At least not here. Maybe in the showers a little later."
"Gonna hold ya to dat, mon amie." He grinned cheekily up at me.
"Of course you are, Cajun." I giggled, ruffling his hair affectionately.
"Now, let's see here..." He murmured, attention shifting back to his scheme.
Gambit began pressing feather-light kisses up my body as he worked up to my breasts, now bare calloused hands slipping under my suit to caress me. When he reached my sports bra, he carefully took the bottom between his teeth and tugged it up and over, exposing my breasts to his eager mouth and hands.
"Really taking the 'taking my clothes off with your teeth' to heart, I see." I teased, helping pull the bra up a little further to make sure it would stay in place.
"You say dat like it not gettin' ya hot under de collar too, chère." Gambit rumbled, tucking his head in the valley between them, pausing to enjoy my heart beating fast under his ear.
He pressed a kiss there, before wasting no more time, shifting his attentions to my breasts in earnest. I groaned, rolling my head back against the metal wall, letting my eyes flutter closed. With his mouth on one and a hand on the other, I let bliss wash over me, the world outside this room fluttering away.
Gambit crooned sweet nothings against my skin between his ministrations, swirling his tongue around my nipple before switching sides. I moaned softly, enjoying this soft yet sensual moment, heat pooling between my legs.
"Ohh, chérie..." He purred, very gently nipping at the soft skin, his other hand beginning to wander along my ribs and under my suit.
"Gambit..." I said softly, almost absent-mindedly. "Where's that hand going?"
"Patience, chère." He hummed. "You'll find out soon enough."
That hand slid down my back whilst he continued to play with my breasts, sneaking beneath my shorts to cup my ass. He squeezed it appreciatively, and revelled in my contented grunt. Much to my surprise, Gambit didn't linger there - his hand moved on, around my hip and-
Ah. I see.
I felt Gambit's devilish grin just as his fingers slid down and under me, a gasp escaping me as they brushed over that sensitive bundle of nerves there.
"Well well well," he crooned wickedly, "looks like you been enjoying dis every bit as much as Gambit." He leered up at me from between my breasts, lazily circling my clit with his fingertip, dipping occasionally towards my entrance.
I opened my mouth to retort, to justify myself...but nothing came out, only the rising hot realization that yes, I was just as much into this as he clearly was. His knowing grin only widened.
"Twat." I said instead.
"Hmm?" Gambit hummed. "Didn't quite hear dat, chère. Gonna have to speak up."
I narrowed my eyes, and opened my mouth to clearly enunciate what I thought of his shenanigans, but no sooner had the first syllable started to shape itself in my mouth, his finger connected firmly with my clit. I'm not quite sure what noise I exactly made, but it was definitely a moan of some description, quickly submerged by more as he rolled that bud under his fingertip. Pure bolts of pleasure shot through me, and curled tightly deep in my pelvis, lifting my hips.
"Ah, Gambit...!" I groaned, twisting my fingers more into his hair, tugging some free out of his headpiece. His laugh was pure, delicious evil as he rose up to standing, lips brushing against my ear.
"Dat's more like it, chérie." He purred, his deep voice like hot liquid gold that oozed down my spine. "Sing for Gambit..."
A part of me wanted to bite back, parry and riposte. But it was so hard to do that when Gambit started kissing my neck, still palming my petite breasts with one hand whilst the other continued teasing moans and other pleasured cries from me, coaxing my hips to rock with the motions.
"Really puttin' on a show for Gambit now, aren'tcha?" He murmured, fingers dancing close to my entrance, suggesting. Teasing. "Gambit can't wait to get ya in de showers, chère." He ground his own hips against me - despite his armour, I could feel his hard length straining for freedom. I shuddered with delight.
"Why not...now?" I managed breathlessly, through my pleasure-fogged mind.
"And leave mon ombre adrift?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Non. Gambit gonna give her what she deserves first."
And with that, his fingers sunk into me - a groan of relief and euphoria rolled off my tongue, my back arching. As careful as always, Gambit paused to let me adapt, gently scissoring his fingers to stretch my walls.
Only when I tenderly rubbed his head did he begin his ministrations in earnest, stroking and pumping in and out of me, his other hand still playing with my breasts. I arched my back again, moaning luxuriously into his ear, making Gambit shiver with delight.
"Ohh, chérie...!" He breathed, grinding his hips against my own. I rolled mine to meet his, pressing against his arousal, and his groan was music to my ears.
Gambit rewarded me with a quick bite of my neck, revelling in my gasp and running his tongue over the now tender area.
That familiar hot coil was winding tight at the base of my spine again, the sheer onslaught of sensations and pleasure making my head spin. Only Gambit pressed against me kept me tethered to reality, to what he was doing to me. Where anyone could just walk in and see us...Or at least, the fact something was happening behind Gambit's large frame and trench-coat.
Tension began to build within me, starting from my pelvis and spreading through me, down my legs and up my chest.
"Remy," I gasped in his ear, "I'm nearly there! Please!"
"Bien sûr, chérie." He murmured in my ear. "Gambit's got you. Jus' relax. Let it take you." His voice became a whisper, a seductive temptation. "Come for Gambit, mon ombre."
The coil constricted, almost too much to bear. And then his thumb pressed hard into my clit, snapping the coil completely. Gambit kissed me quickly to catch my loud cry of ecstasy as pure pleasure roared through my body, lighting me up like a beacon as my powers flared, multiplying every sensation thrumming through me. A hard squeeze of my breast kept me from accidentally passing into Gambit's body, and his motions slowed, helping me ride through the aftershocks.
My knees started trembling with the effort of holding me up, and Gambit wrapped an arm around my waist, taking my weight against him whilst he whispered sweet praises in my ear.
"So gorgeous, ma chère. Always so beautiful when you come. Gambit so lucky to have you."
My eyes flickered open, offering him a dopey smile. His smile back was so fond and adoring I swore my heart did a somersault in my chest.
"So...everything you dreamed of?" I asked when words returned to me, stroking his hair. Gambit chuckled.
"Perfection, chère." He grinned as he slowly withdrew his fingers from me, holding them up to the light. "Looks like ya made a bit of a mess, mon amie..." He purred lowly. "Gonna have to clean you up."
I slapped a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back.
"You can do that in the showers." I said sternly, trying to straighten my back to my full height.
"Oui, madame!" Gambit replied cheerily, sweeping an arm under my legs to pick me up nigh effortlessly. "Let's continue dis dere."
I leant into his body and under his coat to hide my state of undress as he set off, uttering a long-suffering but affectionate sigh.
"What I am going to do with you, Cajun?"
He laughed, a beautiful throaty sound.
"Keep me close, chère?"
I smiled, tucking my head under his chin.
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blessedshortcake · 2 months
I feel like this has the potential to either be really stupid or very spot on and i need to write it down or I explode.
A theory on the AAHW and their purpose that is a little more than just "Hank kill people so we have to kill them". Long post so more under the cut. Spoilers obviosly.
For disclaimer I am referencing only the games, the series and the wikis so if there was anything else said on streams or something that is canon and I missed it then my bad. Also this is mostly speculation. Also it is 1am I am tired and non native English speaker so if I mispell stuff no I did not. Nuh us.
Also if this is already common knowledge then. Oops. I am a little slow. Lol. Tell me I'd like to know that I am late to the party.
There will be segments I will title since this is long so people can skip parts if they wanna.
Okay starting up we already know that the Employers have a connection to the makers of Nevada as they are not only 5 dimensional beings that like guide people and do other stuff, are compared to angels by Krinkels but also help The Machine apparently.
For people unfamiliar with Madcom Project Nexus arena game lore, The Machine and The Maker are the two creators of Nevada. They are referred to as "brothers" but like is that relevant rn? No. The Maker and Doc team up and get the arena player in a loop to keep defeating the Stweard of The Machine and be the "direct connection to all reality" Doc needs which is important for many reasons.
The player is a gen 01 Nevadaian (how tf do i spell that) they are "quicker to ascend to godhood". There are other confirmed examples of gen1 like Phobos and i cant remember the rest but yeah gen1 is needed for this.
I genuinely belive that the player is needed for whatever revival Doc can do to keep making Hank come back. And I have proof! When we see in 9.5 the text overlay, we see the description "Machine Witness" when talking about Hank which sure could be Hank as he is the person monitored at that moment but how could they Really be it? It is probably Auditor as the thing then commands Hank to be retained immediately and Auditor is most definitely a machine witness as they directly work with it.
But then we see it is 2b helping them get out of the other place. He is sending tips and messages so it wouldn't be far fetched to say he uses the same exact system. Auditor doesn't need a witness to revive people and track them in the other place since they can already do a bunch of stuff and also they Are the witness. Also, why else would Doc need a connection to "all reality" if not to revive people? Possibly to reality restoration but eh. I am banking on the former.
(Speculation about the player, side ramble)
In my opinion, the way the players situation worked was Maker contacting Doc and giving him a hint about what all he needs to do. Maker cannot directly change stuff, they are hiding from the Machine. Since the player is confirmed to be the first grunt from Mashmallow Madness, i think they are ALSO the grunt encased in the marshmallow, a relic that is in a mission where you MUST protect it or you lose. I think its also in the museum in story mode but i could be wrong. They are listed as two different entities on the wiki but like they are also stuck in a time loop and can pick a preset of skills each run so I dont think its that ridicolous to assume this.
So Doc got the hint about a gen1 grunt existing somewhere and got their DNA and did some science bs to link it to a body, hence the no past thing and their ability to gain whatever skills and personality and abilities they want (aka the imprints)
Since we know AAHWs main goal is to, well, kill Hank, do we really get more of an explanation on why? Yeah ok they kill people. So does everyone else let us move past that for a moment.
The AAHW is ran by Auditor and he seems Very adamant about getting that one guy killed for seemingly no particular reason. I mean, Employers are higher beings so one guy just going around killing people should not be so concerning unless they are committing like mass murder to the point the population is running out which does not seem to be the case.
I think Hank is potentially the key to restoring normality to Nevada whatever the hell that actually consists of. Killing the Macine? Killing the Employers? Pushing a button? Shrug man.
The Higher Powers favor them canonically and the Higher Powers are not the Machine or Maker but something equal if not slightly lower than them (perhaps some meta of the audience i dont remember if we got a confirmation or not), Doc keeps bringing him back and Doc has a connection to Maker, who is trying to fix all of this mess without being absorbed by the Machine so to speak. Auditor being threatened by him makes a lot more sense when you think about it.
It also makes sense because it is their Literal Job as an Employer to keep things going as they are. "As they are" being helping the Machine destroy everything with madness so normality restoration would mean they failed.
I feel like Auditor is the one Employer who really doesnt want that happen since no other ones show up (save for Stygian in arena mode but that is a special case and even then its for like 5 frames lol) and it is said that they think Auditor's involvment with all this is kinda dumb... Like if Auditors one job is genuinely to keep madness in Nevada and let everyone die then RIP you got the most caught in this family drama between the creators sorry.
Oh my dearest 1337 agents you keep me up at night.
Someone tell me how on EARTH are dissenters a thing if AAHW agents specifically are supposed to not only lack indaviduality (their s3lf) but also be unable to adapt and learn from their enviroment?
The only known AAHW members who we know the bg of are Jebus and Tricky so it makes sense why those two are like that but if Doc is supposedly past AAHW does that mean he is also a clone or does that mean he was hired by Auditor and ended up quitting like Jeb did? Because if it is the latter, calling him a dissenter is a Little petty Auditor but like fair enough.
I know a widely known hc is that Deimos is also a clone since he is heavily implied to be a dissenter by his wanted poster (or canon tbh) so does that make HIM a clone?
(My thoughts on AAHW units, Doc and Deimos, a side ramble)
I think whatever Doc has going on he is not a clone but has some other history. Possibly old Nexus connections like Jeb and Tricky but most likely not an old agent... But Deimos is. Maybe also Sanford idk his lore is a lot more loose in my eyes. We need more Sanford content.
I think agents have no s3lf (which is yea canon) but they can sorta develop preferences and learn things to an extent on their own. They can have food preferences, they know birthdays, they get bored and play games. They are still people after all. I think Auditor just keeps such a tight handle on them all (read: kills them for playing cards) that they are forced to act more like mindless units at all times. The SQ is already out to get their ass, getting killed by your own boss would suck a lot more probably. This is also further reinforced by the posters literally everywhere, and I personally think the ones in the other place are like that Because of how aimless and fucking boring their job is there. Edit: also since Stygian has seemingly no intention in helping them at all and Auditor likely never comes around hence the "we are abandoned" text. They observe and learn. They ARE abandoned.
But that also leads us to the next segment - observation. Just because they arent smart enough to be tactical in combat, they can clearly learn and evolve. Agents become soldats or engineers after all depending on the skills taught to them. I think dissenters become a thing when an agent has too much time to actually observe. Which is part of the reason why Auditor runs such a tight ship. Too much personality makes them realise this is fucked up, too little lets them die too fast. I think the more they progress the less humanity they actually have tho. Soldats and engineers are above them, they take commands without question (see the time a soldat fired at their own teammates when told to by whom they assumed to be their boss).
Soldats and Engineers are also confirmation that agents CAN learn if actually given the time and direction to do so like i said. I feel like clones if left without direction kinda suck but if given one they have the potential to absolutely destroy in the field. These units can use their enviroment for survival, they dodge and soldats have better combat abilities. Engineers are apparently very smart in mechanical stuff hence also their name but i cant remember if we ever see that in practicality.
(Tho I do feel like engineers only have the better survival ability because engineers constantly dying like agents would be too hard to replace over and over since they are taught the stuff they know. It would be resources lost.)
Doc being such a pain in the ass (hacking their systems, reviving people, seemingly being the leader of the SQ or at least a high ranking member considering the "man in the chair" descriptor he has, The Whole Maker Connection) would make more sense like that too. Deimos being a clone who either advanced from an agent or stayed one would make sense imo. He is a good fighter and his red blood pretty much excludes the other option but alas.
Imo it would also make their dynamic with Doc more interesting as he would still need some guidance. He probably had some training to get to the point he is but needing directions will stay a constant, and what is Doc if not the commander of SQ? Sanford also fits into that whole descriptor too imo with how he acted in the other place but again I am way less confident in talking about him than anyone else.
Also side note:
Before anyone says it, on the wiki Doc and Deimos never have a confirmation to what gen they are. As far as I remember not even Hank has one so the possibilities are pretty up in the air as of now. (But again Hank as Gen 1 would make a lot of sense considering... gestures. But who knows. This post is not about that.)
Auditor wants Hank dead so bad because not only do the Higher Powers favor them, but because they have a direct connection to Maker who is against the Machine's effect of madness and is likely the key to actually restoring normality to Nevada, and Auditors literal job is to keep Nevada in madness as it is.
Thanks for reading if you got this far. PLEASE let me know your thoughts I spent like an hour writing this and I don't know if I sound insane or if this makes any sense. Either way I am. Autistic as hell about this. So yeah
If i forgot something let me know. I will probably edit it if I remember something too lol
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allmoshnobrain · 7 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 31 of 35 | masterpost
word count: 3165 | ao3 link | fic's playlist
What was the point of resisting, anyway? I wanted nothing more than to embrace the tension that had been building up inside of me for months. Ever since he’d kissed me at Leanne's party, his lips had been nothing short of sweet. If Dave was like the moon, dark, deep, and captivating, James was like the sun; warm, calm, and comforting. I needed that sweetness. I needed that warmth.
✦ on this chapter: NSFW!!!, dave mustaine x female!oc, james hetfield x female! oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, angst, mxf sex, unprotected sex
✧ bring back to you a piece of my broken heart, i'm ready to surrender ✧
The next day was a total whirlwind for the boys, just like the one before. Getting ready for the night's gig kicked off early; they had to settle into the hotel, run through the setlist, do the soundcheck, help setting up the stage and handling all the tech stuff. Luckily, I got the easiest part; while the guys tackled all the heavy lifting, Leanne, Pat, and I decided to wander around the city, soaking in the sights of Milan. I'd been to Italy a few times with my parents, but exploring the tourist spots without them was a whole new experience, fun in its own way.
And, you know, I was kinda relieved not to be hanging with James during the day. Thinking back to the heartfelt words and secret kisses we'd shared the day before threw me for a loop of emotions I wasn't totally ready to ride. I had no regrets, but I felt a certain guilt creep in - guilt for letting myself fall for him while my heart was still on the mend from my last breakup, guilt for giving in to my attraction while he was still tangled up with someone else. So, my plan? I thought I'd let him figure things out with Pat first, and then we'd see how the chips fell. Things had to get simpler one way or another, right?
As the sun dipped low, the three of us bounced back to the hotel to switch up and hit the concert scene. When we rolled in, spotting the guys was like searching for a needle in a haystack - backstage was a total madhouse, gearing up for the show kick-off. The gig itself was killer, as per usual. Post-show, we all huddled up in the dressing room, laughs and drinks flowing like it was nothing. I kicked back, grinning a bit, soaking in the scene. Seeing my friends so pumped was a blast, and being on this tour, witnessing the band's growth, was seriously mind-blowing.
I shifted my eyes away when a hand grabbed mine, and there I was, face to face with James, his hair all wet from just stepping out of the shower, wearing a mischievous grin on his lips.
“C'mon,” He gently tugged at me, and I blinked, a bit confused, but went along with it.
“James,” I chuckled, trying to figure out what was going on, as he started pulling me through the backstage maze. “Where are we headed?”
“Just roll with it for a bit, okay?” he said, his voice giving away the smile on his face as he quickened his pace. I chuckled softly, not sure how to react, but I stuck with him, his firm grip holding onto my hand. We strolled a bit more until we hit a pair of doors, which I knew would lead us outside.
“Okay, what’s your plan?” I giggled, slowing down as we stepped outside, the cool night air making my skin tingle. He stopped, turning to face me with a grin, resting his hands on my shoulders and giving them a gentle caress.
“I don't know,” he chuckled, his cheeks flushed, eyes sparkling as he looked at me. “I just wanted to be with you. Just you.”
I gazed at him, feeling my face heat up as my heart raced. He slowly caressed my arms, his hands sliding down until they found mine, his fingers weaving through mine as he drew closer. I sighed, my eyes fixed on his lips, savoring the smile that kept showing up on them.
Oh man, I really wanted to kiss him.
I sighed, looking up and locking eyes with his blue gaze, sparkling playfully like he could read my mind. My whole body warmed, a thousand butterflies in my belly when I realized he wanted some alone time, just us, away from all the noise and prying eyes.
"I know a spot," I whispered.
We strolled for a few minutes until we hit a bustling commercial street, packed with street food stalls, small bars, cafes, and clubs that pumped out various types of music. I'd wandered through there earlier with Leanne and Pat, picturing how lively it would get at night. I was spot on; even though it was a bit late, the street was buzzing with tourists and locals soaking in the scene.
“Didn't know you knew your way around the city,” James mentioned as we casually wandered down the street, blending in with the crowd, the tempting smells from food joints and stalls making my stomach growl a bit.
“I don't,” I chuckled. “I've only been to Milan with my parents once. I took a stroll with the girls around the city today, too. Figured you might have wanted to check out a bit of it.”
“You didn’t get lost, not even once. I didn't think you had it in you,” he mentioned, and I burst out laughing.
“I guess I picked up navigating on my own after living solo in LA,” I said, a wistful smile tugging at my lips. My stomach rumbled softly again, diverting my attention from my thoughts for a moment. “Hey, wanna grab something to eat?”
We hit up a few stalls, snagging more food than I thought I could handle, but, unlike me, James had a killer appetite. I grinned watching how pumped he was to dive into all those new foods; we sampled arancini, panzerotti, and capped it off with gelato, all while chatting softly about anything and everything. James's presence made it easy to shove aside, even if just for a minute, the waves of sadness that had been my company for the past weeks. It felt good being with him; in those moments, it almost seemed like nothing in our friendship had changed.
After we were done eating, we figured a leisurely walk along the street would be the move, soaking up the glow of the streetlights dancing on the canals as boats filled with tourists coasted by. Eventually, we hit up one of the boarding points and spotted a short line forming for one of the last boat rides of the night.
“Hey, wanna hop on one of these?” James asked, clutching my hand, eyes gleaming with excitement. I chuckled.
“Sure, why not? Let's give it a shot.”
We hopped in line and snagged a spot on one of the boats, big enough for around 20 people. Despite its size, maybe due to the time, only a handful of folks hopped on for the tour. We snagged seats at the back, soaking in the city views cruising by at an easy pace. I let out a sigh, feeling my cheeks warm when I noticed the heat of James's hand in mine, our fingers intertwined. I glanced up, my heart doing a marathon as I locked eyes with his gaze full of pure adoration; if this was the way we looked at each other, it's no wonder everyone noticed how much he was into me, how much I was into him.
We strolled back to the hotel after our quick tour, talking and sharing soft laughs. James slung his arm around my waist, pulling me close, but I was cool with it. I was happy — happy and at peace. So happy that I pretty much forgot about Pat's existence until we rolled into the hotel lobby and bumped right into her. Her eyebrows shot up in shock and confusion when she saw us coming in together.
She must’ve been up waiting for us — waiting for him . We didn't get a chance to compose ourselves, to hide the way our eyes lit up when we looked at each other, the smiles full of pure adoration plastered on our faces, our fingers tangled in a way meant only for lovers. We could only freeze, too perplexed, too intoxicated by each other's presence to do anything. I could see her eyes flitting from me to James, slowly catching on to the implications of what she was witnessing, before she hightailed it out the hotel door without saying a word.
“Shit... Pat, wait!” James let go of my hand, taking two strides toward her, but she didn't halt. He glanced back at me, concern written all over his face, and said, “I'll just make sure she doesn't get hurt. I'll be back soon. I promise.”
“Okay, just go!” I blurted out, my stomach churning, not out of jealousy or envy, but pure regret. I shouldn't have tagged along with James, shouldn't have tangled myself up in his relationship. I should've held back, but in those few hours, I was so damn happy for the first time in months that I completely forgot about anything else. A wave of guilt crashed over me, discomfort creeping up in my throat and stomach. Good Lord, what a shitty person I was. No wonder Dave had fucking left me.
I headed up to my room, hopping into the shower for a hot bath to ease, at least a bit, the whirlwind of regret swirling around me. Once I was done, I swapped clothes and flopped onto the bed, craving some solace in the cozy blankets. Nestling in a bed after a night on a rocking bus made me realize how damn tired I was; I dozed off soon after, slipping into a dreamless, deep sleep that at least offered a brief escape from my thoughts.
I jolted awake with the sound of insistent knocks on the door. I practically hurled myself from the bed to the floor with a grunt, my eyes still weighed down by sleep. As I staggered up, I checked the clock on the bedside table – 3:15 in the morning. It took me three tries to slot the key into the lock, but I eventually cracked the door open, a yawn stubbornly trying to break free.
“Hi,” James greeted me. He looked more wiped out than I did, dark circles under his eyes shouting that he probably hadn't caught a wink of sleep. “Hey, what's wrong with you?” he asked as I propped myself against the doorframe, appearing on the verge of collapsing.
“I’m sleepy,” I grumbled. “You woke me up.”
“Shit, sorry. Can I come in?”
I nodded, stepping back to let him into the room and closing the door shortly after. I went to the bathroom, turning on the tap to wash my face and brush my teeth, which helped shake off some of my sleepiness. When I returned to the room, I popped open the minifridge and snagged some water before joining James, who had settled on the edge of my bed.
“Are you okay? You look tired,” I murmured, my voice still raspy from sleep.
He nodded, seeming a bit out of it, running a hand across his face with a sigh.
“I broke up with Pat,” he mumbled, furrowing his brow and glancing up at me. “Just got back from the airport; she wanted to go back home. Lars is gonna murder me when he figures I blew part of our fee on her ticket,” he tried to make it sound like a joke, but I could tell he wasn't very thrilled about it either.
“Are you sad?” I asked, and he shook his head with a bitter grin, eyes dodging mine.
“If I admit I'm relieved, will you think I'm a scumbag?” he asked. I stared at him for a moment, my face warming when his hand sought mine, holding it gently.
“Then we're both scumbags,” I replied in a hushed tone, and he swiftly raised his gaze to meet mine, confusion tinting his blue eyes. I furrowed my brow, feeling a discomforting burn in my eyes as tears started to well up. “It’s just… I just screw everything up, don't I? First, my relationship, and now yours…”
“Don't say that,” he whispered, bringing one of his hands to my cheek, caressing the soft skin slowly before pulling me closer, his lips meeting mine in a kiss. I sighed, a mix of anguish and desire swirling within me as he pressed his body against mine. “Please, don't say that.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting out a small gasp of surprise when he held me tightly, laying me on the bed, his body over mine. I sighed, my heart racing as he kissed me, his fingers entwined with mine while he pressed my hand into the mattress.
“James…” I murmured, letting out a small moan. “James, I can't... I can't do this. If we go through with it, there's no turning back…”
“You think there's still turning back for me?” he whispered, hoarse, his lips moving to my neck, leaving small bites that made my body shiver. “I want you too much. I can't go back to what it was before,” I sighed as his kisses slowly traveled up my neck until he nibbled my earlobe lightly, whispering in my ear, “And I don't want to.”
I sighed as I felt his lips travel from my ear to my cheek, and then to my mouth. What was the point of resisting, anyway? I wanted nothing more than to embrace the tension that had been building up inside of me for months. Ever since he’d kissed me at Leanne's party, his lips had been nothing short of sweet. If Dave was like the moon, dark, deep, and captivating, James was like the sun; warm, calm, and comforting.
I needed that sweetness.
I needed that warmth.
I buried my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as I kissed him back. He groaned, satisfied as I welcomed him, and let his tongue explore my mouth, his hands wandering under my shirt. I could barely think, just feel the weight of his body on top of mine. God, I wanted him so much. How long had that desire been growing inside me? I had wanted that, deep down, for longer than I would ever have allowed myself to think.
He broke the kiss, sitting back with his knees around my waist and taking off his shirt. I shivered, anticipation coursing through my veins, my whole body burning as we looked deeply into each other's eyes, both the same shade of blue. His blond hair fell over his shoulders as he placed his hands on the mattress, one on each side of my head. I traced my fingers over his chest slowly as he lay back on top of me, his lips crashing against mine as if he couldn't stand to be away from my kiss. He pulled down my pants, his hardness pressed against my thigh, a low moan escaping my lips.
No turning back, I thought. But I don't want there to be.
I unbuttoned his pants, quickly pulling them down. He helped me, pulling away from our kiss again as he removed them, and then his underwear; I blushed, a small sigh escaping my lips when I saw him naked for the first time, his slender body rising again over mine. He ran his thumb over my lip, slowly, and then moved his hand to my T-shirt. I lifted my torso so he could take it off. He caressed my collarbone as he looked into my eyes, my lips slightly parted as I felt my face heat up.
There was something strangely vulnerable about being naked in front of him; about letting him see me whole, about seeing and feeling his body for the first time. He looked at me, hesitant, as if asking for permission. I placed my hand on his shoulder, then brought it to his neck and pulled him closer. He kissed me again as he slid into me, slowly. I moaned into his mouth, feeling my whole body heat up.
He held onto my hair as he deepened the kiss, his tongue moving against mine as he moved inside me, at first in an agonizingly slow pace, but then faster and faster until he reached a steady rhythm. His kiss, so firm, became erratic as low, hoarse moans escaped from his lips. I breathed quickly as I felt pleasure fill my entire body, embracing him tightly, his large frame pressed against mine.
I wanted to melt under his touch, to become a part of him forever. I loved him so much right then that I could have died right there — and I would have died happily.
I moaned his name as I arched my back, pleasure and devotion filling my entire body. He pulled away from our kiss, panting as he gripped my waist hard enough to bruise my skin, pulling me closer so he could reach deeper inside me. It hurt a bit, but it was also so good that I couldn't even care. I felt the tension build in my womb, moaning loudly as he started moving even faster.
“James... I'm so, so close…” I half-moaned, half-sobbed, my legs trembling as I held onto his arms tightly, “James, oh shit, please, harder… ”
James closed his eyes, low moans escaping his lips as he lifted my legs, wrapping them around his hips, pushing into me forcefully. He buried his face in my neck as I dug my nails into his back, my whole body shaking as he moaned my name in my ear.
I couldn't hold back any longer; the knot in my belly unraveled in deep contractions that pulled him further inside me, devouring him completely. He shuddered, moaning loudly as he climaxed inside me, filling me up until there was nothing left, only our exhausted bodies, wrapped around each other as the waves of pleasure overcame us.
I let out a low sigh as he pulled out, lying on his back beside me, running a hand through his hair. I turned, lying on my side, watching his face as he looked back at me, his eyes out of focus as he tried to steady his breath.
“Can I crash here tonight?” he asked, breathlessly. The question caught me off guard, and I burst into a surprised laugh. I nodded, and he stretched with a grunt. “Oh, thank goodness. I'm so beat. C’mere.”
I chuckled softly as he pulled me closer, giving my cheek a light peck before pulling the covers over us. I sighed, realizing that I, too, was tired. I knew that soon I'd have to let myself process everything that had happened that night. That after feeling James's touch, after surrendering myself fully to him, the mourning for my relationship with Dave was about to get even more complicated.
Maybe I should've waited. Maybe I shouldn't have even hopped on this tour. But none of that mattered now, did it? I could figure out these feelings in the morning. Right now, all that mattered was the boy beside me, softly snoring as he held me close, the memory of his touch still vivid — and my heart, feeling more alive after being with him than it had in months.
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✧ if you'd like to be tagged on the next parts, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! ❤ ✧
tag list: @killazilla777 @whatsupvic @70srogah @genswine9
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faislittlewhiteraven · 5 months
Undertale/ISaT crossover thoughts 2
Been thinking more about this despite trying to vent out all my thoughts in this previous post and now I have something of a plot I figured I'd share (in case anyone else would like a stab at it/some ideas for their own Undertale/ISaT crossover fanworks).
Story opens with a time looping Chara in the void hitting their breaking point. The wish for freedom from generations of monsters + their own alternating wishes to free their family and hurt the humans who hurt them equals a loop that begins with their incredibly painful death to buttercup induced internal blistering, and ends whenever Asriel (post absorbing Chara's soul) is killed or they 'fail to punish' Chara's human family and well. Chara doesn't know the rules so the two have them have been looping so long that now when they reach the village of humans by Mt Ebott, instead of the friendliness they were shown in early loops (before getting murdered by the official authorities who 'already have orders on how to treat monsters') the villagers now attack them on sight in terror (sobbing monster thing? Sadness!), and they keep dying over and over and over-
Basically full 'Start Again a prologue' vibes, and so Chara in full please just make it stop mode wishes to the Universe...
For everything that hurt them and monsters to be forgotten like a bad dream! (cue The Island, Sif and Chara's homeland, as well as certain nasty individuals like Chara's human 'family' being erased from memory)
For someone kinder, stronger, and untainted by hate to 'be the angel' to free the monsters in their place.
To feed the golden flower seeds stuck in Azzy's fur with their corpse.
To atone in any way for all the pain they've caused.
(To one day be able to sit and stargaze on top of Mt Ebott together with those they love, just like they promised Asriel they'd be able to do)
Cue time skip to after the end of Undertale and Flowey's 'please don't reset and ruin their happy ending' speech, to show Chara's ghost flopping on top of their flowerbed grave wondering how long they'll be able to last before they give in and ruin Frisk's happy ending once more (with heavy implication that Chara is once more stuck in a time loop with no idea how to get out).
Then a cut to Toriel and Frisk making their way down Mt Ebott and spying a shooting star, Toriel remembering her religion (goodness, how could she have forgotten the Universe?) and praying/wishing to the Universe to 'have one of its stars watch over her fallen children, and give them the happiness she could not'. Cue Chara being shocked out of their non existent skin by a person with the head of a star crashing down right through them onto their grave out of seemingly nowhere.
(Aka, Plot line 1: Chara is trapped in time loop hell and Loop has been sent to help them and possibly Flowey? out of it. ... That's literally all I've got for them right now because I have NO idea how to actually have them interact XD)
Next section of story cuts over to the northern coast line of Vauguard: Sif and family (including Nille) are on their way back to Bambooche after their most recent travels when basically the world explodes into colours, Sif suddenly remembers a LOT more than they used to and they can all now see the large landmass to the north.
Much eye boggling, confusion, wonder and tears are had before everyone kind of parties and passes out but next day, things are being taken much more seriously:
Why is Sif's forgotten homeland, the Isle of Chara, suddenly back? Why are colours? How is this going to effect all of Vauguard (the fashion industry alone..)? And... What happened to the people of the island? Are they ok or..? And how will the rest of the world react to them being the epicenter of so much very unexpected change?
Cue brief discussion on whether or not to go (mostly just double checking with Sif if he's actually up for it despite the many potential horrors they could find there that are sure to be extra traumatising to them in particular), the group checking in with the House in Bambooche to have word sent to the rest of Vauguard (and hopefully the world at large) that the Saviors of Vauguard are on the case, and well. They could catch a boat or they could try walking along that MASSIVE steel and concrete bridge with its weird black road stretching out over the ocean (which was apparently there the entire time and ok, now everyone is getting really freaked out because it seems there was a fair bit more forgotten than 'just' the Island and the Stars. What else did everyone have stolen from their heads?).
(Aka, Plot line 2: The Saviors of Vauguard heading for The Island, hoping for the best and preparing for the worst, and also the plot line I've done by far the most work on, to the point that it probably needs it's own post)
And last section, Frisk leads their monster friends down Mt Ebott back to 'the village of the humans' they came from and the monsters are stunned by the sight of... Well, wailing and sobbing adults who barely give the monsters a second glance, curious and 'just as silent as Frisk' children who smile and wave, and an old man Frisk introduces as 'Elder' who despite being very wobbly and also in tears, does his best to greet the monsters, thanks them for returning Frisk and very politely asks if Asgore is their king and here to kill them all as the stars foretold.
Cue a bit of awkward 'Um. Yes and no?' with a request to open talks with the 'leaders of humankind' only for the old man to laugh and cry as he explains that he's the closest thing this settlement's had to a leader for years now by virtue of being one of the few adults here with enough presence of mind to actually function through The Forgetting (he thanks his younger years of being an avid traveller) and that since the monsters breaking the Barrier seems to have made The Forgetting stop and they seem to have some form of government then honestly, they're the ones in charge now since stars know there's probably not much left of the Island's government still remaining all this time, and it's doubtful the people of other countries even remember they exist.
Cue everyone other than Frisk who knew all this being very surprised (Frisk's follow up 'explainations' don't really help a lot since The Forgetting is all they've ever known, and Toriel is so messed up when she realises Frisk and a good number of other kids literally can't talk or read without 'Communication Craft' due to the memory wipe effects they suffered under while growing up) and well. Monster kind move out of Mt Ebott at a breakneck pace while Toriel, Asgore, Alphys and everyone frantically try to get everyone settled, help all the very damaged Islanders into as much stability as they can (some recover better than others but there's a lot of grief over lost family, missing people, etc going around and monsters end up stopping more than a few suicides), and get things organised enough they know everyone will be fine before they can move onto working out WTF happened here. Also in the process of all this they end up working out that some things (like who was in charge before The Forgetting) are still being 'auto deleted' from memory (though the effect is fading as time goes on) and also the Island's capital is a space warped nightmare filled with Sadnesses right now and probably everyone should avoid it.
Lots and lots of world building regarding what Monsters vs Sadnesses are, my headcanons for the Universe religion (going with the Monsters also traditionally being Universe worshippers and much talk is had on the differences between 'the old ways' Toriel and Asgore remember vs the traditions and beliefs of the Islanders), and... yeah.
(That's Plot line 3: Frisk leads the monsters to the one semi stable human adult they know of and the monsters realise that not only are they free to live on the Surface now but the local humans both see them as saviors and desperately need their help after going through something that arguably makes the Underground look wonderful in comparison.)
Eventually I'm going to have to tie all three of these ideas together and I think I've got some ideas for Plot lines 2 and 3 such as:
Sif's family and/or Undyne bumping into each other catching all the trains to search for survivors across the Island
Mirabelle and to a lesser extent the whole party finding themselves the official Vauguardian ambassadors to the newly formed human/monster Island/Isle of Chara alliance who are very much in need of aid and more info about the rest of the world.
Papyrus and Frisk also being ambassadors, making all the friendships.
Sif realising 'the Elder' is their grandfather on their mother's side and trying to wrap their head around having any family around at all (and also trying not to think to hard about all the family still missing).
Isabeau and Odile uncovering just how much stuff countries outside the Island forgot (airports, train stations, cars, all that juicey science stuff).
The Saviors of Vauguard and various Undertale folks investigating the capital together (learning some of the less pleasant aspects of the Island's politics and culture while there including stuff about Sif's dad's side of the family and why the name Chara matter so much). But well. So far have NO CLUE how to get Chara, Loop and Flowey involved with the rest of the cast since well, they're reluctant to leave and no one else knows they're there. So. Yeah. That's what I have planned out mostly. Will list a bunch of stuff I've thought of regarding Sif's group going through the Island and their hometown (totally gonna bring up the 'Euphrasie Islander and possibly Sif's mom' theory in story but not actually confirm or deny it since well, Euphrasie is out of focus and most likely going through a major 'my memories have returned, how could I have forgotten-' breakdown her beloved Claude is going to have to help her through <3) but that's for another post and er. Yeah. Please feel free to share any feedback, ideas or thoughts you might have on this, and to take a stab writing/scribbling up some of this yourself as well as I think it cold be a lot of fun and I'd LOVE the help XD
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 11 months
hi :) binge read your de fic that you have posted on ao3 last night and really enjoyed all of it! excited to see any updates. was wondering if you have any rec for other fic youve read and enjoyed-- i am not god's bravest soldier and do not enjoy trudging through tags and was wondering if you had read anything yourself that you really enjoyed lolol
Hey, thanks so much!!! Sorry it's taken a couple days to answer this, I'm poor as shit and have two jobs now wah... capitilism...
I'm working on the next 46' chapter, It's about 70% complete and I generally let it sit for an evening once it's done then re-read it the next day to catch the vast majority of mistakes (I edit everything myself) so I'd say expect that in the coming days.
I have some thoughts! I... Have never been asked for fic recs before so I'm gonna list a bunch in no particular order that I enjoyed, and reasons why. I will note that I tend to enjoy meaty plot-based works over fluff, so that's what I'll be recommending. Anyway!
Paddling Out (THE REPEATER CORPSE CONUNDRUM) - @transhitman - So this is the first DE fic I read and it set the bar pretty fucking high. YOU'VE GOT: a very cool and insular setting (don't get me wrong I like fics where they travel around Revachol too, but there's something to be said for building a set and living in it for a while) YOU'VE GOT: extremely harrowing tension and pale-fuckery YOU'VE GOT: some genuinely beautiful, heartfelt moments (I don't want to spoil anything but "people don't need your permission to care about you" kinda undid me) YOU'VE ALSO GOT: Amazing art?! Always a bonus, I wish I could draw people lol
Have You Heard The News That You're Dead? - Wizardlover - Time Loop shenanigans hell yeah! Basic premise: Kim is *unable* to save Harry's life after he's shot at the tribunal, each time he dies he Reawakens in Martinaise on the first day and desperately has to try and find a way to either prevent the Tribunal entirely, or survive it. I think the major draw to this one is how well it's characterised and how well that lends to the major source of tension: trying to convince THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SKEPTIC that you *a man he 'has only just met'* is actually stuck in a time loop. Juicy shit.
The Case Of The Man Who Two-Thirds Wasn't There - @glisteningceruleaneyes - We got another case fic here, gang. This is one of those "they travel around Revachol" numbers I previously mentioned. A lot to love about this fic; the minor OCs are all loveable (or at least well-written, looking at you Mr. Bigot-All-Rounder), the elements of writing in the game's style (particularly use of Harry's 'to do' list that you find in the ledger, you don't see that as often!) are all fantastic. Also without spoiling too much I'm a sucker for hurt/ comfort :) I like when bad things happen to our specialist guy :) ALSO! alternating chapters, Kim vs Harry's perspectives contrast REALLY well! Just a super enjoyable read. - On that note I also wanna include a special mention: there's a podfic for this one and since I mentioned my two jobs, I've been listening to audiobooks at work (I'm a cleaner. It's very boring) and that was a fun change of pace!
The Emergent Causeway - hal_incandenza - Now you KNOW this one is good because it's the only *unfinished* fic I'm recommending. Again, We've got art! We've got a brand new (non-Revachol!) setting that still feels excellently Elysium! We got that excellent balance of humour and misery from the get go! EXCELLENT murder mystery so far, I am intrigued AND also there's a fucking puppy. Hell yeah. This one's from Kim's perspective and does a really good job of it, nothing like a man being begrudgingly sent on holiday and being somewhat relieved to have a corpse to deal with.
A Spilled Kaleidoscope - @spilledkaleidoscope - I'm actually recommending a series here. Real definition of "came for the art, stayed for the writing" I mostly have a soft spot because I got to watch a few "haha, what if-?" musing text posts become a series of written chapters and INCREDIBLE DRAWINGS HOLY SHIT. Like, you really just draw hands for fun, huh? This person made a pact with some sort of devil beasts to draw hands very good, at the bare minimum we can read their fiction.
Nothing To Lose But Our Chains - Lepak - I almost forgot this one and I honestly can't believe it because this is one of these ones that you need a cigarette afterwards. Good fucking god. This is probably the best fic I've ever read in terms of not shying away from the heavy themes that make Disco Elysium such a beautiful, moving game. It tackles a racism in many forms, particularly how people like Kim (in working for the RCM) and immigration laws do their part in upholding racist systems, despite the way it hurts him too. Of course, it's also excellently written with tense scenes and some real funny moments. A real good'un here.
The Catacomb Killer - SupposedToBeWriting - Give Harry more memory loss. Make him convinced he killed a kid. Make *Kim* convinced he killed a kid... Then the plot thickens. I won't lie I can't remember fuck all about this one because I was mostly drunk when I read it, but if it was good enough that I kept reading instead of smoking a spliff or something then it must have been excellent... I will re-read it when I have the time, lmao.
MURDER ON THE AIRWAVES - @randomisedmongoose - I'm just a really big fan of murder mysteries and gore. You show me somebody with brain matter pouring from their earholes and I'm like "yum yum, more of that please." I am a sucker for curious methods of murder and this one's good for that. Lots of trekking back and forth like in the game again. More ACAB - always good.
I did not mean to include this many...........................
Oh well. Here's my list, there are plenty of others I've enjoyed but these are just the ones that came to mind! Thanks again for reading my fic! Always makes me happy when people let me know they enjoy my writing :3
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kittytheartist · 2 years
Tsukasa could still be in Hanako's boundary
I was think this over and I believe the Tsukasa we see around is actually a physical replica made by the red house, I'm not sure if this has been a theory before but it's driving me up the walls
so firstly I'd like to talk about a theory I have for a human Yorishiro. like Sumire she has to endure the same day over and over again, and I believe this to be because that is the day she meant the most to Hakubo.
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so I'd believe that Tsukasa was also stuck in a loop of some kind or, stuck in a replication of their childhood house. my only proof of this is (1) we have not seen Hanako's boundary and instead he always says the bathroom his is sort of boundary, but every boundary has its own innermost reach. we have not seen Hanako's, and instead the entrance to hell of mirrors is through his own mirror, but I think it could be a replication of the red house. my only sort of proof is this
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he's seen to be in this broken down piece of the red house, it's not just in this scene but we've gotten multiple arts of him here, he is partially the red house demon, but what if this is Hanako's boundary? Tsukasa is powerful on his own and I would not put it past him to tear down a section of the boundary for just himself, and especially sense this looks like the playroom and the playroom is where Tsukasa disappeared.
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and with all the supernatural bugs around it could be completely plausible that it's because Hanako never visits his boundary. now why I think Tsukasa is a physical replica is because of his lack of solid body in the early chapters
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he has the black smoke all around him, similar to how the red house only appears as a black emptiness, even as only a demon in Tsukasa's chest, speaking of my guess as to why he can still grant wishes I think it's because he's still partially the red house demon? it's been theorized that the demon builds its own strength and power over time, which is why he would have mistaked the last time he saw Hanako or Hanako went to his boundary twenty to ten years or so
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and Sakura is also said to have helped him, and the paper crane is highlighted and we all know his kokujoudai take form in a crane, especially the one that teleports, similar to Hanako's hakujoudai one teleports people items ect, which could be how he contacted Sakura, the crane is also used to help keep track of people(well that's one of the uses we've seen most) so he could also be keeping tabs on her
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and one of the other reasons I believe he's a replica and not the real yorishiro is because he's said it's harder to move around because, presumably, his body not being entirely together and he seemed very happy to have gotten out. not to mention Hanako being surprised to see Tsukasa, and if my theory is correct on the day he meant the most being the day the boundary revolves around this could also explain what he said here
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and we all know Tsukasa has a huge master plan slowly piecing together through all the arcs we have played out in his drawings
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and I think Tsukasa may be doing all of this, to get his original physical self, who is plotting inside the boundary out of there. I think this because of his actions recently, now it's a very good guess that it's for Sakura's wish, but I believe why he's trying to get Hanako and Nene to destroy all the Yorishiros so he can escape. Sakura has even said she's very confident that Nene will end up destroying the Yorishiros regardless, and this could be because of her pure faith in Tsukasa's master plan
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and in regards of her wish, Tsukasa states that after they're destroyed she will be able to go outside, which is in fact her wish.
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but this could be because once he's out of there he's more powerful, the red house is a very powerful demon, no Minamoto or any exorcist has been able to get rid of it. one of the things that really got me stuck was when Tsukasa was telling her how many Yorishiros have already been destroyed and he said Mitsuba/no.3 could, do whatever? well, let's hope we get some answers soon
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