#and I know objectively... those aren't the person I care for's words
sehtoast · 1 year
sometimes I want to post stuff I've written while in the feels but I also worry about clogging the blog with irrelevant stuff
I guess I'll rant in the tags but sometimes I try to do therapeutic writing and it helps but s i g h
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beggars-opera · 11 months
You hate classic lit because:
Your were forced to read it in high school, and no one likes to be forced to do anything in school
Your teacher failed to explain that important things aren't always objectively enjoyable
Your class was focused on picking the book apart at the expense of appreciating the story or, more importantly, the context of the book and why you should care
You think that the book has to be relevant and nonthreatening to you to be worth reading
I had an English teacher in high school tell me word for word that Charles Dickens was the filet mignon of literature, and that my class clearly only liked hot dogs. I had another teacher ask me what I thought the meaning of a poem was and then told me that my interpretation was objectively wrong.
But I've also seen other teachers explaining what made a book a classic, why people at the time loved it, what new ideas or writing styles it pioneered, or what historical events it inspired. And I've read, throughout my life, plenty of classics without the constraints of an educational setting, and thoroughly enjoyed them. Hell, I've taken Les Miserables to the beach.
There have also been books that I have read and not enjoyed! Sometimes they had themes that I hated, but as a historian I can put those themes in context and still learn from the work as a whole. Sometimes I just didn't like the story, but I can accept that my ideal plotline doesn't always mesh with that of an average person in 1788. I also know when books feel disjointed because they were originally serialized, or paid by the word, or written in a dialect and culture not my own. And now I'm an adult, and I can choose to finish them or put them down.
The point is I encourage you to revisit books you once had to read and hated, or books you never had to read but have avoided because they fall in the same category. As an adult you get to make your own choices and form your own opinions, and that freedom allows you to dive as deeply or shallowly into literature as you want. You may never like War and Peace, but you might also find that you enjoy more than you thought you would.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I have really mixed feelings about the small proportion of F/F fiction (original or fanfic), because yeah sure, people have their desires, they should write what they want, I get it. It all works out when I hear it from person to person. But somehow the logic only ever applies in one direction? "There are more male protagonists because men only care about male characters! Women also mostly care about male characters, because that's the majority of characters they get!" And then somehow we also yet kvetch when men write female characters (because it's incorrectly or something, nevermind if women are writing male characters correctly). Why don't we expect gay men to feel compelled only by femslash for the same reasons (but gender swapped) as the lesbian slashers/fujoshi? All of those very rational justifications are applied selectively, "for me for not for thee," and it all only leads to "idk I just don't wanna write femslash", for Reasons. Do we get to call them microaggressions yet?
No, you don't get to call other people's fantasy life a microaggression.
That is indeed "for me but not for thee" in the sense that you get to want what you want but other people aren't supposed to follow their id.
Do you also police gay men who spend too much time on drag and obsessing over female divas? That's an actual real world behavior that's somewhat equivalent. It frequently goes unchallenged, at least by progressives, because men are allowed to do whatever they want with chick stuff, while women are "stealing" if they dare to stray into dude stuff.
(God, I've seen so much more policing of drag kings being ~problematic~ for acting out stereotypical gender than policing of drag queens for the same. It's nuts!)
Fujoshi are often queer, but it's absurd to think we're mostly lesbians. We tend to be bi or asexual women with gender stuff going on, though there is a mix of everybody, including lesbians. There are also a lot of AFAB non-women who get lumped in with us. On the rare occasions I find a man willing to admit to being a similar demographic, he usually does like gender play in his hobbies and entertainment. It's just that men face even more pressure than women do to fit into tidy categories. Bi women get told we're whores. Bi men are told they don't exist.
Yes, I know plenty of lesbians who write more m/m than f/f, but in the big picture of all of AO3 or all of fanfic or all of media, they aren't the demographic driving these numbers. They're vastly outnumbered by the bi women, the asexual women, and the straight and gnc women.
The men we should be looking at as an equivalent aren't cis gay men but bicurious soy boys and the like.
Do most of us fujoshi object to equivalent men doing an equivalent thing? I've seen it sometimes, and I agree it's hypocritical. I'd like us to afford men the same ability to play and take on identities in their art. I remember enjoying Ranma fandom back in the day and reading quite a lot of f/f that was probably by men. It had some of that same sense of distance and fantasy that I so enjoy in m/m aimed at fujoshi. (I do consume some by-cis-gay, for-cis-gay content, both m/m and f/f, but it's often too literal and too bound up in specific named identities for my taste.)
On average, the people I see complaining most about men producing f/f material are the same people who think that because I have a clit, I should center my life around women exclusively. In other words, people spouting radfem ideology, perhaps on purpose or perhaps without realizing.
I do agree that some of the ways of expressing a lack of desire to write femslash can get pretty douchey. I want us to move away from some of the less accurate ones like "There are no compelling female characters" because of this.
But the reason for all these jerkass explanations is that women and people perceived as women who like m/m are constantly asked to explain ourselves. These aren't usually microaggressions: they're openly hostile. People get defensive and try to answer with important-sounding reasons about identity and pain because society at large won't accept "I like this" as the true explanation.
Pleasure is never enough of a reason for a woman to do something.
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You know what I hate real real bad?
How people mischaracterize Colin (they do the same to Pen but I am going to make that a separate post for her) when we have proof that directly goes against their claims.
"Colin did not see Pen as worthy"
"Colin did not have love for/care for Pen/or pay attention to her until season 3"
"Colin does not truly love her it's only lust"
I understand having your own opinion but there are times when the opinion is OBJECTIVELY WRONG. I also don't like how folks have chosen to do this to likely the kindest male lead we'll have who expressed his love for his partner CONSTANTLY and CONSISTENTLY.
Those aren't the only things I've heard or seen but they are among the biggest misconceptions. Outside of not realizing the extent of his feelings for Pen until a catalyst (the first kiss, while we also see in the first two episodes moments that are also leading up to the realization), it is and has never been that he sees Pen as unworthy he sees HIMSELF as unworthy. WE see this even after he knows that she returns his feelings which he did not even know until the carriage. After the carriage and even while he is working through the LW reveal, he still does not feel worthy of her which is a big part of Pen reminding him in words and actions that being him makes him more than worthy. We see how worthy he sees her when he tells her to never forget that SHE is Penelope Featherington. We also see it when he is absolutely puzzled during the first kiss scene at the fact that Pen sees herself in such a self-deprecating way. He can not even imagine a life for her that is not reflecting the very best.
Next, Colin is arguably the main person we see show a genuine interest in Pen as well as truly treasuring her in his life. From dancing with her in a protective fashion after Cressida through a drink at her, having conversation together where they are the only people who get what they are saying and what it means, getting involved with Jack's plot in order to protect Pen and by extension the Featheringtons because that is Pen's family, writing to her and seeing her correspondence as his most treasured, laughing with each other on multiple occasions, seeking her out for either conversation or a dance no matter what whenever they come across each other at a social gathering. I could go on and that's just in the first two seasons. Not showing romantic interest does not mean that he did not deeply love and care for her. Colin and Pen mutually made each other feel seen and understood in a way in no one else did...is that not an expression of love? If Colin had not already treated Pen in the way he had she likely would not have fallen so deeply in love with him. Colin being so loving, caring, kind, understanding, interested in Pen and what she had going on, and much more also plays a role in why she is able to forgive him for his thoughtless comment last season. He reflects the character we have known him to be towards the end of S3 E1 when we see a genuine apology where he takes accountability tells Pen how much she means to him and seeks out how he can make up for his mistake.
Lastly, the Colin does not love her and only lusts for her is just not even kind of true. We are talking about the same man who has expressed his love (whether via 'i love yous', in his words, actions, looks, closeness, etc.) for his partner so so so often and in such a way we likely will never see with another pairing. This the man who would prefer sleep than to be awake because in his dreams they were in love and together. The same man where his whole world was topsy turvy following his realization of those same feelings. The same man whose dream about Pen that STARTED with Pen returning his feelings of love for her then led to a hot makeout. The same man who put it all on the floor and said societal rules be damned (as he always did with her) because even if it was unrequited he was going to let Pen know just how much he loved her and wanted to be with her...to show her that one person in her life would be willing to fight her no matter the opponent or cost because she would always be worth it. The same man who stood up to her mother to show that she would no longer be allowed to treat the love of his life in such an ugly way. The same man who expresses his love for Pen without ceasing and even when we did not hear the expressions as much (while working through the LW reveal and his own insecurities). The same man who turned his fianceé around so that she could only day see and believe everything he loved about her for herself. The same man who put so much intention into their first time so that it reflected something they were doing together. The same man who was so in love enamored and joyful to be with the love of his life that it felt like his first time. The same man who even when never considered not marrying Pen even at his most heartbroken and angriest DUE to how much he loved her and knowing and believing that she felt the same. The same man who when he sees her come down the aisle he forgets everything else and only thinks about how lucky he is to marry his favorite person, his best friend, and the love of his life. The same man who has given us arguably the most touching love confession that will be so hard to beat because he expresses not only how much loves and admires Pen; he expresses what he was struggling with (how he overcame it and reframed it) and how he realized that his ultimate joy and privilege in this one life he gets to live is to be able to love and be loved by her. The love is on display in countless ways. While we also know that they match each other's freak real bad and have palpable passion and desire for each other...the love is and has always been the center even before they knew the love was requited.
I don't know which Colin Bridgerton alot of folks saw but it was not the one we have seen from season 1, 2, or 3. Do you have to love Colin/Pen/Polin/or their story with your whole heart like me? Of course not. I can't allow the blatant and incorrect character assassination though. Turn your brains on, I beg.
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princescribbler · 1 year
5 Common Misconceptions of ABDLs!
To be clear, these are common misconceptions ABDLs have, not common misconceptions ABOUT us ABDLs!
1. "My kink is so rare!"
Really? Because candidly, abdl, ageplay, and diaper fetishism intersect in a fascinating way. There are diaper fetishists who despise any form of ageplay or regression, there are ageplayers who get off on the Ageplay, or the diapers, or the humiliation, teasing, or any other aspect of the kink. And candidly, you can tell ABDL really isn't that uncommon when the communities that show up are this large and varied. Heck, there's entire communities on reddit with tens of thousands of abdls, and that's just one site (and not the most kink friendly space to begin with.) Add in the fact that many people are very embarrassed or worried about this kink and you've got an even better explanation for why it can FEEL very rare or isolating... but it often comes down to just being hard to find, at first!
2. "Nobody vanilla will accept me! They must all think I'm a freak" (or similar negative expectation setting)
Except.. they do, all the time, every day. I've personally avoided most vanilla relationships, but I know MARRIED abdl couples who started with one partner totally vanilla, and some of the biggest and most successful content creators in this space are well known for having partners not into ABDL.
Simply put, if you assume it'll go wrong and you'll be judged, your body language, words, and tone can be much more nervous and defensive and make your partner feel ill at ease. Try to not go in with negative assumptions!
3. "I have to find a caregiver to feel little!"
Uh... no you don't. Your kink might involve a partner, your desires might include one or more people around to care for you or dominate you or join you in diapered submission... but none of that means you can't enjoy still, and have a GREAT time. You can try to foster your own regressive or littlespace mindset, happily. And you don't need ANYONE else to enable that. If you're expecting that just having sometime else around will fix things, you're sadly incorrect! You need, at some level, to be comfortable enough to not just rely on EXTERNAL enforcement of your abdl side!
4. "I should get rid of [x] because I feel embarrassed/bad/upset!" (Or any similar variant of the binge/ purge mentality)
Binge and purge cycles happen, and can be very emotionally destructive. Try to instead put the object in storage instead of throwing it out, because often your emotional negative response will only get worse when you later regret it or judge your own reaction.
Try to give yourself the space to struggle, but don't just throw things away or destroy them if they're kink items... instead, realize you might feel differently later and give yourself the grace to be allowed to change your mind without any further fear or judgment!
5. "Everybody can tell if I'm padded/ little/ going out discretely!"
No they can't. I could stop there but truly let's consider this: you realize that incontinence is common... shockingly common. You've passed people in adult diapers, pull ups, discrete pads, you've likely even been in a room with another heavily diapered adult and NEVER realized. Because unless you're being obvious, have leaks, or make a point to wear very form fitting clothing, nobody will notice or likely even look! You're much less exposed than your brain makes you think!!
My point is this: be nice to yourself, and work hard to challenge those negative self talk moments that come up for so many abdls. Your interests and desires aren't as rare as you think, more people are ok with it than you realize, nobody can usually tell even if you are padded (and would be more likely to assume it medical than kinky even if they noticed), and struggling with this is normal too!
BE NICER TO YOURSELF: THAT'S THIS PAPI'S ORDERS! You don't deserve to feel bad about something that helps you feel good!
And as always; stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky!
- Scribbler
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a-d-nox · 8 months
aphrodite (1388) persona chart observations (part 1)
welcome to my mini valentine's series on the goddess of love and beauty - this month 4 observations will be released regarding the aphrodite persona chart! all observations are in reference solely to aphrodite persona charts. these observations are completely hypothetical. they are based on my (the those closest to me's) experiences with each aspect/ placement! please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy (these are not the only asteroids in affect for you). take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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♀ sun-vertex people will find they are adored by a great many people in life
♀ virgo (6°, 18°) moon, 6h moon, and/or moon negatively aspecting mercury or mars often have issues with their sexual organs - ex: endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, etc
♀ water and earth moons are likely to have large breasts; they also tend to be the most "womanly shaped" and thus "breedable"
♀ moon-venus aspects are often very fashionable people
♀ moon-uranus people are ultra feminists - for example: they are the ones who don't tend to accentuate their femininity in terms of fashion, who don't care about about body appearance for others, and/or tend to advocate that all women are beautiful BUT are more than their looks
♀ moon positively aspecting uranus tend to receive a lot of praise from those around them about their looks despite feeling they are unattractive - while the negative aspects tend to adopt a lot of routines to glow up or maintain beauty yet recieve little to no praise
♀ moon-hephaistos (2212) people may be outcasted by other feminines OR constantly rejected by them
♀ moon negatively aspecting hestia (46) people could feel like they aren't womanly enough because they aren't home-maker type of people, and/or they might feel shame do to a lack of "virtue" at some point in time
♀ you'll definitely want romantic advice from those who are an air mercury, air venus, and/or a venus ruled mercury; these people are extremely eloquent when it comes to love and emotions
♀ having a water mercury can indicate very deep emotional intelligence
♀ water mercuries have a love language of physical touch and/or quality time, air mercuries have a quality time and/or words of affirmation love language, fire mercuries have acts of service and/or physical touch, and earth mercuries have gifts and/or physical touch... am i right? click here to take the test - tell me your aphrodite mercury and you top result!
♀ mercury or venus ruled 3h people tend to be extremely poetic
♀ mercury-venus people really like the attention they get from drama and gossip
♀ mercury-jupiter positive aspects are often giving to and receiving compliments from others - while negative aspects tend to receive very few and tend to keep their thoughts on other people's looks to themselves
♀ mercury-jupiter positive aspects may have an easier time of sharing their feelings and those feelings being while received - while negative aspects may find that they have a hard time saying how they feel or feel as though when they speak about their emotions that their sharing was in vain and thus not received by the other party at all
♀ mercury-uranus people are manipulative on small scale (white lies, intimate inner-relation lies (most serial killers have tight orbs between these planets in this persona chart), influencing (kim k has a conjunction), etc)
♀ if you want someone who knows how to dirty talk, find a mercury-pluto person; they are very much a eloquent poet in the daylight and devious dirty talker in the night. these people also tend to read a lot of smut or they could write it!
♀ mercury and/or saturn aspects to artemis (105) are the best at adapting to shifts in romantic life or to a partner's lifestyle
♀ mercury-eos (221) people are very poetic when asked about their experience with love
♀ a lot of fire venus people have femme fatale fashion aesthetic and beauty standard - while air venus people tend to dress like soft, girly aesthetic
♀ people with venus ruled by venus or mars OR aspecting mars tend to be seen as very desirable in the societal sense
♀ venus-mars aspect people have a lot of masculine suitors they get adoration from and/or that they dote on
♀ venus-uranus people, like moon-uranus, people are very likely to be feminists - venus-uranus people tend to advocate for LGBTQIA communities extremely inclusive to the trans-community (venus is the genitalia)
♀ venus negatively aspecting neptune people always have a crazy story to tell about their love life and ex lovers
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delzinrowe · 2 months
I wanna marry yaga and be panda's step parent
I know where you came from, nonnie <3
AN: I already thought about this when I saw your ask to Jordie, so I was really hoping you'd come to me <33 Word count: ~516 Warnings: listen, just some really bad small thing about Masamichi Yaga
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Masamichi Yaga might not seem like it at first but he has one of the biggest hearts in the entire Jujutsu society. He didn't just create Panda for fun, he took care of him, educated him and was by all means his father.
So when the point comes where he proposes to you, those that are close to him aren't surprised at all. He has a hidden knack for romance, at least he thinks so, but what he does never misses with you because let's face it: you're head over heels for him either way.
From the moment you met him he had this fatherly aura, not in a creepy way, but moreso in a way that shows he deeply cares and always has a solution for problems when they arise. He was quick to help you with whatever was on your mind. Slowly but surely acquaintances became friends, soon after he became the person you confided in first and most.
The line between friendship and more blurred when you two would spend more time together, but neither of you really made a move, it simply all fell into place.
As time goes on Panda also grows very fond of and attached to you. He calls you by your first name and treats you like a child would treat a parent. He also plays a crucial role in the proposal.
When you can't find Masamichi in his principal quarters for an entire day you become worried. Usually if he had to take on a mission of his own he would tell you and you'd tell him to be extra careful, but it rarely happened. Which only makes you worried more.
After some time of scouting the entire school grounds you're still unable to find him and your worry turns into panic. That is until Panda approaches you and calms you down. He tells you that he knows where Masamichi is and that he even asked for you.
As the big chunk of worry finally falls off your shoulders you ask Panda to bring you to him, which of course he would have done either way.
You're expecting Masamichi to be hunched over some new creation he's working on but instead Panda leads you to a secluded clearing where a dinner is set up, with candles and all the romantic things you gush over in the movies.
Panda's more excited about it all than you, because the most prominent emotion you feel is confusion. He doesn't wanna spoil Masamichi's surprise but he still asks you in a very emotional tone "please don't hurt him", which leaves you even more bamboozled.
When the object of your affection finally comes into view and turns around he's not wearing his usual glasses, instead he's looking at you with pure fondness and love in his eyes as he gets down on one knee, pulls out a ring and gets ready to ask you.
You being you of course agree in a heartbeat, while Panda stands on the side sprouting a happy dance because he's overjoyed for the two of you.
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jespardon · 2 months
Jes i will share my puppy sniper thoughts if u share yours (no pressure i just CANNOT shut up)
OKAY GUYS *cracks knuckles*
Let's talk about puppy sniper.
So let's start with our good old usual "stock" red sniper, ie the one i'm always drawing if i don't explicitly state otherwise.
So the puppy thing is both a kink and also kind of a "belief" i would say ? Not a lifestyle because it's not like Sniper is trotting around collared and referring to spy as a master or owner, but it's a position that comforts him, beyond getting him aroused. Being in the privacy of the van or a lost spot in the desert and observing the world through the eyes of a dog feels much easier than acting human, normal, somewhat acceptable to society. It helps his thoughts float better and it gives him hindsight on things.
I think he would have a fixation on leather objects and craft (hence my initial headcanon that he does cobbling) because the texture is a familiar one linked to positive emotions / experiences (both hunting/bushcrafting and the petplay). Of course he'd have a collar, and if he did i think it'd either be : 1.made by himself 2.offered by spy and thus, very high quality leather 3.bought by sniper from a reputable craftman, an authentic market or something along those lines. In any of those cases, a very unique (and thus irreplaceable) old, thoroughly worn collar. The leather fixation + puppy kink + cobbling hobby is an excellent combo for him to obsess over spy's shoes and lead to all sorts of fun shoe play 😊.
Okay now, how does it all work with (red) spy ?
I think of red spy as a prideful egotistical person (among many, many other things), so there's a thorough satisfaction in having an intimidating mercenary a whole head taller than him leashed and at his feet. I also imagine spy being much more at ease with his seductivity and queerness, his job and skills being a huge help in indulging your sexuality in the 1960's without being found out or prosecuted. Sniper, on his end, has grown up mostly in isolation until being thrusted in a violent hypermasculine environment. His already shaky social skills aren't helping him handle feeling attraction towards men. There's lotsa layers here but basically, he starts feeling attracted by the assertive, authoritative yet calm spy. Something about someone that can lead others, resolve situations through talking. Sniper is both envious of the ability and fascinated by it and spy picks up on it very quickly so of course he takes great joy in toying with it and trying to push sniper's fascination further, until of course it backfires by becoming mutual.
The relationship is super imbalanced for a long, long while; sniper is just in stupid gawking admiration at spy, while spy is only entertained by sniper's actions and seeking sexual gratification from it. Neither of them have any knowledge of "pet play" or "puppy kink" per se, but it's natural for sniper to place himself in that position where he views spy as an owner that has the obvious right to dictate him what to do, since he knows better, right ? It does take a while for Spy to figure out that oh, this is actually dog themed like, for real, which he again finds a lot of fun in pointing out to sniper to embarass him. But he does indulge in it and, begrudgingly, finds it pretty hot to have this desperate guy humping on him and whining, far from the theatrical sensual sex he's used to performing (in both senses of the word).
Sniper on his end is thrilled to have his "weird" behaviours found to be acceptable and even appealling to someone and feels (almost unwarranted) gratitude towards spy. There's a real eagerness to please and be found useful ! Praise words are his immediate weakness and, on the opposite, disappointment from spy terrifies him. He's real careful about touching and respecting boundaries, follows commands almost infaillibly to the point of embarassing himself in public if asked to (with some hard limits).
im normal about the psychology of puppy sniper
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403tarot · 9 months
Hiii can you please do riize sungchan or antons ideal type? Thank u sm if you can🌷
# . . . sungchan's ideal type 🍀
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sungchan is drawn to more positive and welcoming energies, which gives me strong vibes of earth signs, especially the virgo sign — women of this sign tend to be a bit more methodical, something sungchan seems to appreciate, thinking that this way of acting and thinking aligns with his own. i see him as a straightforward guy who prefers clarity without mind games, and a partner sharing these principles is what he values most.
he likes romantic women who don't mind following a relationship model where he would be the main provider and driver of the relationship, but this doesn't mean he seeks a submissive woman—quite the opposite. one of the things that attracts him is the ability to handle problems and keep up with his pace. with significant goals and ambitious objectives, he's incompatible with someone with a narrow mindset and shallow goals.
sungchan seems to be looking for someone fascinating with many facets, as if searching for a world within a person. while he considers beauty, it's meaningless if the person has emotionless eyes — he wants someone who knows how to live, aspire, and add value to his life.
he avoids shy women, preferring those who can express themselves easily, form bonds, and aren't afraid to express their feelings or fulfill his need for direct words of love (affirmation). he likes feeling cared for and welcomed, seeking someone to hug, kiss, and bring the feeling of home even if they're thousands of kilometers away.
sungchan has a preference for more homely women who enjoy cooking, have an interest in arts of any kind, and are not oblivious to what's happening around them (disliking alienated or superficial people).
appearance traits that might catch his attention:
smaller structure than his
light-colored hair, shoulder-length
cute nd big cheeks
button nose
little or no makeup
clothes in light tones, cottage girls
korean aesthetic of "purity"
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koivoid · 6 months
Elliot Cuevas Theory
Mostly an analysis of the Yoidore-Shirazu MV. I know I'm pretty late, but oh well.
Section 1: Who is Elliot Cuevas?
Elliot "Ellie" Cuevas is Charles' dead older brother who was mentioned in Charles' motive secret. His name was first mentioned in the Chapter 2 Part 1 QnA. The description of the Yoidore-Shirazu MV confirms that the character depicted is Elliot.
Although Elliot is dead, Charles did not know that he even had an older brother. This raises several questions; for example: Why didn't the Cuevas parents ever tell Charles about his dead brother?
Section 2: The Cuevas Parents + Charles
Charles’ parents clearly aren’t the best. They never taught Charles how to do laundry or cook.
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Note his wording: "my parents didn't find it necessary." This implies that they had the time on their hands to teach Charles, but they simply didn't want to. Although this could be interpreted as overprotectiveness, I think it’s them being overbearing. 
Charles' personality is a pretty big clue to how his parents acted. Charles clearly has a low self esteem:
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He very directly states, "Not stupid in the way I know you think I am." Charles is 100% sure that Whit thinks he's stupid.
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Additionally, Charles says that he's "an object of mockery," which suggests that he's used to being looked down upon.
I think that this low self esteem comes from how his parents treated him; they forced Charles to devote all of his free time into studying and never allowed him to learn how to take care of himself. They probably never allowed Charles to choose his own path in life; instead, they imposed their own expectations onto him, shaping him to be an ideal, successful child.
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Think of, like, stereotypical straight-A parents, who would punish Charles for getting a B+ on a test. This of course would lead to Charles feeling inferior and believing that he has to be perfect.
And this actually reflects how Charles acts in the prologue/chapter 1 daily life. He mocks Xander and Teruko for their talents, saying that they're undeserving of the "Ultimate" title because their talents aren't actual talents. He only respects those who have worked hard for their titles, because he himself had to work hard to be acknowledged by those around him (his parents).
So how does this relate to Elliot?
Section 3: About Elliot
I think Elliot was treated in the same way, being forced into a future his parents wanted, but he was unable to meet their expectations, and he was outcast from the family.
Elliot doesn’t have a good relationship with the rest of the family. For one, Charles didn’t even know about Elliot until it was revealed in his secret. His parents refused to tell him about his dead brother. Although this could be another case of the Cuevas parents being protective of Charles; for example, Elliot could have died protecting Charles and his parents didn’t want Charles to feel guilty. 
But the Cuevas parents didn’t lie to Charles about how his brother died. They lied to him about even having a brother in the first place.
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Charles' parents have been lying to him for his entire life about Elliot.
A family that cared for Elliot wouldn’t lie about his existence. 
Therefore, I think that Elliot was cast out from his family—whether that be legally disowned or him simply running away from home—and was seen as a disappointment by his parents, who then refused to bring him up ever again.
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"All of this bickering" could refer to the relationship between Elliot and his parents. It's probably not Charles, as Charles was a child at the time, and seems to have a positive memory of Elliot as Charles unconsciously styles his hair to look like his older brother.
Elliot was most likely pushed to become a chemist or something similar by his parents, but he was unable to handle the stress and responsibility. He dropped out/stopped studying, ruining the future his parents wanted for him. His parents kicked him out, and turned to Charles instead, pushing him even harder to the point of not teaching him basic life skills, to try and turn him into what Elliot failed to be.
Elliot is left with no home to turn to, and no future to look forward to.
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But surprisingly, Elliot likes the freedom he's been given. He turns to smoking and drinking alcohol as a way to cope.
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Saying that getting drunk isn't "half bad" and claiming that he's "living"; Elliot seems to be enjoying a life where he isn't being constantly pressured by his parents, even though he's (most likely) developed an addiction to alcohol and smoking. Which is why he
But obviously, things don't go to well... after all, from the main story, we know that Elliot is already dead.
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Nice use of dramatic irony. Elliot continues to live a life of smoking and drinking, unaware that he's going to die.
Section 4: Elliot's Death
This section is basically all theorizing, as there's no super concrete evidence on how Elliot died. However, there is a pretty popular theory that I agree with:
Elliot died protecting Charles from a dog attack.
There's actually quite a bit of evidence for this one.
Firstly, Charles' fear of blood is heavily speculated to be from childhood trauma. Seeing Elliot die horribly as a child could be a possible cause.
Secondly, Charles hates dogs and has a dog bite scar on his arm, but thinks that it's a birthmark. This could be another case of his parents lying to him about how he got that scar, because it involves Elliot.
Additionally, Elliot and Charles seem to have a good relationship despite Elliot leaving the family. Aside from Charles' hairstyle, in the FTEs, Charles wants to make pancakes, which are Elliot's favorite food.
In the MV, this scene in particular also stands out to me:
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I think "your" refers to Charles. Elliot is looking down, and he almost seems regretful. He probably regrets leaving Charles behind. Therefore, it makes sense that Elliot would protect Charles, despite the bad relationship with his parents.
Anyways, yeah, that's probably it for my analysis. I could write a better conclusion, but this isn't an essay or anything like that...
If I got anything wrong, feel free to correct me, or feel free to add onto this post! :)
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jadeacereigen · 1 year
Signs Serizawa knows Reigen has no powers
The Reigen spinoff implies that Reigen hasn't told Serizawa who he really is yet. I think plenty of people have taken this to mean that Serizawa is still unaware, but I disagree. I'm fairly certain that Serizawa already knows the truth and has accepted it, not caring to call Reigen out for his lies because they don't matter that much to him.
Read ahead for a long list because I have no life...
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1) Mob's memories
We don't really know what exactly Serizawa saw from Mob's memories (we catch a few glimpses in the anime, but we don't know how many memories he saw nor how clearly he actually did). However, it could be enough for Serizawa to know what Mob knew at the time—maybe not that Reigen is powerless entirely, but at least that he is lying about what he is truly capable of.
2) Serizawa probably overheard the conversation between Toichiro and Reigen
I mean, he jumps in to save Reigen at the perfect time, so I feel like he was watching the conversation leading up to that point from the sidelines. Toichiro called Reigen out for being a powerless fraud, and Reigen did not confirm but he also did not deny it.
3) Serizawa only defied Toichiro when he was going to attack Reigen
The fact that Serizawa finally decides to defy Toichiro at that key moment... I feel like he was only able to muster up that courage because he knew it was a matter of life or death for Reigen. He knew that Reigen wouldn't be able to defend himself like Mob or Shou could, so he finally decided to act then despite knowing it would betray the man he admired most.
4) Serizawa never questions why Reigen is unable to do certain things
Granted, a lot of this is just how Serizawa is as a person, as he's not the confrontational type at all and tends to just go with the flow. However, even Mob questioned Reigen sometimes, like pointing out that he should've been able to see weak spirits or asking why he didn't do anything to help. Serizawa never does, he never really expects Reigen to do anything regarding spiritual matters. Serizawa never questions why Reigen does nothing in the yokai fight, for example.
People might point to times where Serizawa leaves Reigen to do something on his own (i.e. the train ova where Serizawa leaves Reigen in the parallel dimension or the scene in Season 3 where Serizawa initially says nothing while Reigen holds a cursed object). However, I don't think it necessarily means Serizawa thinks Reigen has powers, I think it just means Serizawa trusts Reigen's experience in the field. Serizawa may be a powerful esper, but he has little experience using his powers in an actual job.
In the train OVA, Serizawa was just following advice from a business handbook that said to never question one's boss. I think it's notable that the moment Reigen tells Serizawa he can make decisions for himself, the first thing Serizawa says is "Please, let me help you somehow." It feels like that was something Serizawa wanted to do this whole time, but Reigen kept telling him to leave him to his investigation and he felt like he had to listen.
A similar mindset is why Serizawa just lets Reigen hold a really cursed object and doesn't say anything about it until Reigen asks him. Serizawa was just too used to blindly leaving things to his superior rather than following what he thought was right.
5) Serizawa tries to stop Reigen from entering the storm
When Reigen and Serizawa try to brave the storm caused by Shigeo, Serizawa says that they cannot continue as his powers are being drained. Reigen tells him that he will go forward on his own, claiming he'll be fine, but Serizawa says "there's no way you'll be fine!"
Those aren't the words of someone who believes Reigen has any powers, in my opinion. Those are the words of someone who knows Reigen is utterly powerless and sincerely believes that him braving the storm will be a death sentence. If someone as powerful as Serizawa can't brave the storm, how could Reigen possibly survive?
6) Serizawa never refers to Reigen as a psychic
PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG. However, I genuinely do not recall any scene where Serizawa refers to Reigen as a psychic or even mentions Reigen having powers. Even Mob, despite questioning Reigen's honesty, referred to him as a strong psychic from time to time. Serizawa never does that, as far as I can tell.
Anyway, that's all the evidence I can think of. Thanks for reading if you made it this far 😭
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coffe-book-club · 10 months
‧˚₊⋅ ୨ anima ୧ ⋅₊˚‧
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info: husband tom kaulitz x wife fem! reader
disclaimers: historical setting ‘60 in the south of italy; sicily, age gap 30 - 34 agnst and smut, unromanticized mafia, mention of sex, blood, drugs and guns, sexism.
remember in this one-shot i'm absolutely not saying that tom kaulitz is a bad person, this is a figment of my imagination.
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‘a dead look. that's what they say, right? lifeless, glassy, ​​empty. the dead gaze was now a constant companion, always following her, never further than a blink of an eye. it hid in the back of her brain and accompanied her in dreams. His dead look, the exact moment he went from alive to no longer alive. y/n saw it in the quickest glances and darkest shadows, sometimes even in the mirror, on her own face...’
as soon as i enter our bedroom, i notice my husband sitting at his desk. near our double bed, with a cigarette between his lips and only in boxers. his head is slightly bowed and his long wavy hair covering his face.
we have never sailed in gold, on the contrary. we live in a small remote village in the south of Italy, in the early sixties. crime is very high and having a husband who is part of it is equally scary. our house is too small for seven people, too old and ruined. but that's all we can afford.
i approach his chair, looking at my husband with a tired look. caressing my swollen belly, covered by an old blue dress.
we already have five children and now i'm in the fifth month, waiting for the sixth child. and despite everything, he always wants more children. because he doesn't care, because at the end of the day i'm the one who will have to take care of them. i have always been a very sweet and fragile woman, unlike my husband i cannot scold or hit our children...
“tom please... go talk to our children, they haven't listened to me. dinner is ready and eleonora didn't want to prepare the table, i've told her so many times, but she doesn't listen to me” his face, as well as his muscular body. he's covered with many old scars. caused by guns, batons and sharp weapons. his masculine smell is enticing. he has a dangerous aura. he glances at me briefly, but then looks back down at the gun in his hand and continues cleaning it.
“have no time for children. they don't listen to you, because they know you're too weak to do anything. they fear me, but they don't respect you. if you don't want to punish them, i will and i won't be gentle. make sure they're in line”
i observe how my husband carefully cleans his gun, a beretta 87. the old white cloth with some black and other slightly greyish stains, is in his large right hand, while the gun is in his left hand. even though tom isn't touching me right now, i feel the slight roughness of his hands and his firm grip on those two objects.
my heartbeat accelerates slowly, knowing full well that he will beat the children and especially eleonora. for not listening to me. a feeling of regret, slowly spreads in my heart. regretting that i had not remained silent and said nothing to my husband. “please tom, don't hit them”
“then do your job. i've told you a hundred times. they need to behave properly. i give them enough food, even though we don't make a lot of money. i keep this family together, while you do nothing all day, and now you aren't even capable of raising them properly. i've had enough”
his words are sharp blades to my poor heart, the feeling of not doing enough for my family returns and i once again feel like a completely useless mother and wife. tom and i don't even notice that little camilla, only four years old. she's watching us at the doorway, in the small space of the door lock, listening to our words. “i'm sorry... but i can't be strict with them”
���then leave it to me” camilla watches through the crack in the door, her face a picture of sadness and fear. she hugs her favorite teddy bear for comfort and tries to hold back her tears.
“it's really hard for me to handle five kids, tom. our sixth child will also be born in a few months and you still want to get me pregnant” my eyes show all my worry and fear. we don't live in gold and having little money it's really difficult to feed seven mouths. “that's your job. you are a woman, so you shouldn't be so weak. all you have to do is lie down a few times a month and keep the house clean. if my mother could manage with nine children, you also can” he shakes his head, his voice getting more and more annoyed. “and if i want another child, we will have another child” his tone of voice is cold, there's not the slightest hint of kindness or understanding in his words.
tom doesn't understand at this moment that i'm just scared of not being able to give a future. i look away from his face, breaking our eye-contact. and then lower my gaze further and observe my maternal womb. i gently caress my belly, as if i wanted to comfort our little son, not yet born. “i'm just scared, tom”
“how can you be scared about something completely normal. having children is the most natural thing in the world. and if i want another child, you will give birth to it, as many times as i want” he lights another cigarette and takes a deep drag. “is that understood? if i ask for another child, you have to fulfill my demand”
“tom, my only fear is for their future. i'm afraid that they won't have a comfortable future” i look up again, looking into my husband's eyes. his beautiful hazel eyes, which i had fallen in love with when we were only sixteen. my tone of voice is sweet, sweet like a freshly baked apple pie, with brown sugar and cinnamon on top. “the future of your children isn't my problem. i don't care what happens when they're old enough to take care of themselves. they have a roof over their heads and warm food on the table. what more do they need?” he looks back at me and shakes his head in disbelief. “do you know how many children in this country sleep on the street? how many don't have anything to eat? and you're whining, because you don't know if your children will be comfortable when they grow up. ridiculous...”
the strong smell of burnt tobacco, persists in our bedroom. the tanned skin of his powerful and muscular body shines softly in the light of the scorching mid-july sun. a soft sigh escapes my lips, as i look at my husband's handsome face and his words echo in my mind, like a broken cassette. “and this doesn't scare you? aren't you afraid that something similar could happen to our children too? then it is also useless for you to want many children, if you don't even care about their future”
his eyes sparkle for a moment and with the cigarette in his mouth, he gets up and takes a step towards me. “you don't get it, do you?” his rough hands grab mine upper arms and pull me close. his face is just a few inches away from mine and his voice is a whisper, laced with passion. “what i want is very important to me. we will have more children. not because of any concerns about the future, but because i want more children. and i will get what i want and i'm not afraid at all. you keep forgetting that i'll protect my family. i have no time for childish fears, i'm not scared of anything. my children grow up with my teaching, they already know how to behave. so there's nothing to worry about”
he takes another drag on the cigarette and keeps staring at me, as if wondering what's wrong with me. the silence between us remains for a few seconds, then he breaks it with a question. “are you really afraid that your children will become like me?”
his eyes sparkle for a moment and with the cigarette in his mouth he places his gun now polished and cleaned of oil and small blood stains that had remained encrusted on the barrel of the silver gun, he gets up and takes a step towards me. his rough hands grab mine upper arms and pull me close. he bends slightly to be at my height and be able to look me in the eyes.
“our children are yours too, this means that part of your dna is in their bodies. they will most likely follow in your footsteps and that scares me, they will do very bad things and they will have to constantly hide from the authorities”
i winces in slight pain when he grabs my arms. he's so strong, so aggressive. the mere touch of his hands makes her tremble like a leaf in a storm. and he's so tall that my head barely reaches his shoulders. a shiver runs down my spine, the feeling of being so exposed and defenseless before him. “why are you so worried that the children will end up like me? you should be proud. and besides, as i said, i'll protect them from the authorities. i will do anything to protect my family”
i observe his face with fear, while his grip on my arms becomes more and more iron and his nails dig slightly into my pale skin covered with a light layer of sweat, forming small reddish crescents. “about what exactly? drug dealing or arms trafficking or human organ trafficking or to kill innocent people? would you want this for our children?” little camilla continues to observe in silence, from the small lock of the old wooden door. holding her teddy bear close to her chest, not understanding what is happening, between her mother and father.
“whatever. if that's what's necessary to gain money and keep the family together, i wouldn't rule out anything. my work is dirty, but it helps to feed the children and keep them safe. and as long as people keep buying my goods, nothing will change.” he lets go of my arms and takes a step back, but despite this, he still looks at me with a serious look that causes me to tremble. his words are full of coldness and indifference. and his facial expression is like that of someone who has no fear of anything...
during the night the sultry heat does not fade, but continues to persist. our bedroom windows are open, as are our children's windows. the light of the moonlight penetrates our room. gently illuminating our completely naked bodies, after spending a night of pure passion.
my husband tom, is lying on his back. a light layer of sweat illuminates his skin and his muscular body. making it juicier and even more desirable than before. his big penis, is still completely hard and erect. it's gently resting on his lower abdomen, while his big balls are still full. the fat pink mushroom tip glistens slightly, leaking a bit of pre-cum. his long hair is slightly wet with sweat and one arm is resting under his head, flexing his bicep. i too, like him, am completely naked. the body of a pregnant woman, with abundant breasts full of milk. “thank you, my beloved tom”
he stares at me, lying next to him. my long hair covering lightly my face and my body still dripping with sweat and other bodily fluids of our last night of passion. one of his hands caresses my shoulder and his voice is full of passion. “you did well. really well. maybe you shouldn't complain so much all the time” he smiles and his other hand moves the hair out of my face. “if you keep being a good wife, i'm sure we will have many more nights like this in the months to come”
my head rests on his muscular chest. the moonlight softly illuminates our bodies, reflecting our shadows on the wall behind me. dancing sweetly. it's good scent of leather, burnt tobacco and white musk invades my nostrils, clouding my mind. I gently and slowly caress his lightly tanned skin with my fingertips, the small tattoo on his left pectoral at heart level catches my gaze. my name written in cursive, etched into his skin. brings back many sweet memories.
my heartbeat slowly accelerates as i take in his small tattoo and the multiple scars adorning his body. scars caused by a difficult life and a violent and loveless childhood and adolescence. “do you remember when we were in our early twenties? we had been married a few months ago and i remember that one night you came home with your shoulder completely bloody. i remember that they put three bullets in your left shoulder, and i took all three off you with my bare hands. i still remember your screams of pain and all my cries, i was terrified of losing you. when i disinfected your wound and sewed it up myself, because you didn't want to go to the hospital. and i remember changing your bandages every day” i speak to him softly, stroking the small divot on his left shoulder. “two opposites linked for eternity, our souls belong to each other as well as our hearts”
a smile appears on his lips. “i remember. you're so strong, my love. and we really are a good match” he caresses my hair and my face, his movements slow and gentle. “we're like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that can't be separated from each other...”
his sweet caresses, mixed with his words of love which are not always present in our marriage. they are like warm honey to my heart. i slowly close my eyes, abandoning myself to his fingers that tangle in my long wavy blonde hair, now loose. that fall onto the green sheets of our mattress.
“you have to understand, my love” his hands move to my hips, caressing my body and moving my hair away from my face. “you are the mother of my children, you take care of the house. so i can build a future for us. you are everything to me. the most important thing in my life...” his eyes are warm and kind, looking right at me. the light from the night shines gently on his broad chest and my swollen belly.
06.30 of the morning.
i slowly go down the creaking wooden stairs, which lead to the small kitchen along with the living room. the house is particularly quiet, everyone is still sleeping.
from the old wooden door, with opaque glass. i notice the light on and the slight noise of the box television turned on to the news. as soon as i open the door i notice michele, sitting on the dining table slightly bent over with a bowl of hot milk and stale bread. his brown hair is slightly disheveled and his eyes are tired. michele is the oldest of his brothers, he is ten years old and is a carbon copy of tom. both aesthetically and temperamentally. i slowly approach him, with my left hand resting on my maternal womb, covered by the old green dress, caressing it gently.
“good morning michele, why are you already awake?” i ask him softly, bringing my right hand closer to his head, to stroke his messy hair. leaning slightly to give him a sweet kiss on his hair.
he looks up as if he's surprised and then smiles. “hello, mama. i woke up because i was hungry, so i turned on the television and made myself some breakfast... are the little ones still asleep? they usually sleep a lot” he takes a bite from the bread and sips his milk. his brown hair is still disheveled and a few crumbs are stuck on his small white pajamas. “what are you going to do now, mama?”
a sweet smile forms on my lips at his words, i gently caress her soft hair, combing it lightly with my fingers. “very good, michele. yes, everyone is still sleeping” i whisper to him, so as not to wake the children and my husband, who are all still sleeping.
“i have to prepare breakfast. there's apricot jam tart in the oven, why didn't you get it?” i ask him, moving away from michele to approach the kitchen, and open the pot cupboard where the moka is located, to prepare coffee for tom.
the old wooden glass door is opened again. the strong smell of burnt tobacco invades the entire small living room and kitchen. i turn slightly, noticing my husband's tired look. his wavy brown hair gently caresses his broad, muscular shoulders. he is only wearing a pair of white underwear, his big morning erection, despite being covered, is still visible. the hand-rolled cigarette is only half-smoked, hanging from his soft lips. “buongiorno amore”
“buongiorno, amore mio” tom's voice is low and rough, his tired eyes still fixed on me. he takes a drag from his cigarette and smiles at me, his lips full of desire. “i'm really hungry, what have you prepared for me? there's only bread and jam this morning...” his body is a masterpiece of male power and raw sexiness. the white briefs covering his morning erection give his body a touch of male dominance and strength.
his voice is even lower and hoarse in the morning. the eyes cold and fixed on my body, despite my abundant breasts full of milk, after having given birth to five children and waiting for the sixth, with the swollen belly of a visibly pregnant mother. tom is still strongly attracted to me, i can feel it in his gaze, which burns softly and slowly on my body. “uhm... if you want there is some fruit left in the fridge, in the oven there is the apricot jam tart that i prepared yesterday afternoon and the coffee will be ready in a few minutes” he smiles, the desire in his eyes slowly turning into anger and annoyance.
“i don't want to eat cold tart and a piece of fruit, after how much i had to work yesterday i deserve something better” he gets up from the chair, his hands on his hips and takes a step towards me. “or are you too lazy to make me a proper breakfast? and you should know it's not just for me. the kids need breakfast, too” his body and his voice are full of testosterone and anger. his firm, cold voice sends a shiver of worry down my spine. the little one inside me kicks immediately at the sound of his voice. as if he realized something was wrong.
i briefly shift my gaze to michele, his face lowered as he continues to soak the stale bread in hot milk, without daring to look up. but he observes the whole situation from the corner of his eye and i can sense all the hatred that michele feels for his father. and it breaks my heart. i immediately turn my gaze back to my husband, letting a small sigh of sadness leave my lips.
“if you want i can prepare you some hard-boiled eggs, some cured meats and cheeses. but children don't eat much in the morning...”
“so, you have time to bake stupid tarts, but you don't have enough time to make a proper, nutritious breakfast for your family?” he takes a step closer and looks into my eyes, his anger still present in his voice. “as if i'd believe you that the children don't eat much in the morning. you don't even want to make the effort, do you? you don't really care for our sons and daughters” his voice is loud, full of anger and annoyance, but his body still looks masculine and attractive.
little michele's face slowly becomes redder and redder. his hands clenched into two fists, the way his father is talking to his mother. causing him enormous discomfort. i immediately look down at his words, bringing both my hands to my womb, caressing it gently. the little one inside me, not yet born, begins to kick insistently, as if he wanted to protect me from his father. “uhm but... it's the truth tom, i know very well what children prefer to eat for breakfast, and it's something very light. would you like some eggs, with some cured meats and tomatoes, with coffee?”
he sighs deeply and shakes his head. the anger in him slowly turns into a mixture of disappointment and sadness. his voice becomes softer, almost as if he felt guilty for shouting at me in front of the children. “yes, alright fine” he turns around and sits back down next to michele. he takes a long drag of his cigarette and doesn't say anything for a long time. the anger doesn't disappear, but is hidden under a deep sadness. he looks at his son out of the corner of his eye.
in the afternoon the sun is even more scorching, the shutters are closed completely to prevent the heat from entering the house, as is the entrance door which is semi-closed. the sun ruins the vegetables in the garden, it makes the centrioles small and hard, the tomatoes dry without a minimum of juice. michele, eleonora, leonardo and edoardo are out playing with the neighbors. little camilla is currently taking her afternoon nap, in her bedroom shared with eleonora. while i'm standing, in the middle of the small living room, ironing clothes. tom went to town with some associates, to transact some 'business'.
in the afternoon, the house looks peaceful and almost deserted. tom's car is missing from the driveway and our children, except for the little one sleeping in her room, are outside playing with the neighbors. i can feel the warm air through the thin curtains and the sunlight creates delicate patterns of light and shade on the wooden floor. i carefully iron a pile of tom's shirts, before starting with the children's socks and underwear. the television and radio are turned off, focusing on the sound of the irons and the warm breeze coming through the windows. the house is particularly quiet, the only noise present is that of the steam from the hot iron. i spent the last two hours cleaning the house and ironing in complete peace of mind.
the little one inside me is also particularly calm at this moment, as if he too has fallen asleep. he kicks gently from time to time, to make me feel his presence.
as the afternoon wears on, i feel the tiredness slowly creeping into my body. i'm sweating from the summer heat and the exertion from cleaning the house and ironing. my back starts to hurt and my muscles are tired from standing and bending all the time. then the sound of the front door opening breaks the peace of mind and the sound of tom's heavy steps reverberate throughout the house. he has the same tired voice as this morning and his face reflects a mixture of annoyance and anger. the old solid wood entrance door opens slowly. i look up from camilla's little blue t-shirt, noticing my husband entering the house and closing the door behind him, without saying anything. his eyebrows are furrowed and an annoyed frown is present on his handsome masculine face. his well-defined body is hidden by his clothes, but you can feel the roughness and hardness of his body.
“hi love... be quiet please, camilla is taking her nap. everything went fine?”
“do you want me to be quiet in my own damn house?” tom's voice doesn't hide the annoyance and anger in him. he takes off his jacket and t-shirt and throws them next to his bag on the back of a chair. he's only wearing his boxers and black socks, displaying his masculine and hard physique. his skin is tanned and dark in tone, his hair is still messy and filled with sweat.
a loud sigh leaves his lips as he strides towards the bathroom. i lower my gaze again to continue with what i was doing a few moments ago. tom hasn't closed the bathroom door and i can hear him urinating and coughing, due to the many cigarettes he smokes.
a few moments later, the sound of his loud footsteps echo again. tom is back in the living room and heads straight for the fridge. he takes a beer out and opens it without a word. ge takes a few sips and looks into the distance. he speaks slowly after some time and his voice looks a lot softer and even a bit regretful. “sorry, i had a bad day, honey. i know i shouldn't be taking it all out on you” i don't take my eyes off my white t-shirt with yellow stripes, while the steam from the iron slowly flares up in the small living room, a sweet smile forms on my lips at his words.
“don't worry love, what happened?” tom's eyes remain on the white t-shirt i been ironing, as if he wants to make sure i'm not looking at his face. “there's been a problem with a shipment. a large batch of my goods was stolen yesterday during delivery” he looks at you for a moment and takes a sip of his beer. “this month's earning will be very small” afrown appears on his face and his voice is full of worry. my husband's words cloud my thoughts, right now the only thing i think about are our five children and soon to be six. i think about the future of each of them and my heartbeat slowly accelerates. i stop what i was doing and look up to look at my husband. his light blue shirt is slightly unbuttoned and i can glimpse his toned pecs and some short hair.
“my god... as if we already had so much money. and this is exactly why i'm telling you that i wouldn't want to have any more children, tom. we don't have money, i'm telling you this for their own good” tom's mood immediately changes and he looks at me in a more serious manner. as if a huge stone was placed in his stomach.
“listen here little woman. you're pregnant and it's time for you to stop moaning and complaining. i decide how many children we're going to have, not you” he takes a step toward you and speaks with more force in his voice. “i'm trying to do my best to provide for my whole family, and yet you complain as if everything isn't enough for you” i follow my husband with my gaze, raising my head when he comes closer to me so i can look better at his handsome masculine face. his jaw is clenched and i can tell just from the way he looks at me that he is very angry with me right now.
“i have never complained. in fact i have always tried to adapt to your needs, always obeying you. the problem is that you are too selfish, and you are not interested in the well-being of our children” my voice is firm, i don't take my eyes off my husband. observing her dark hazel orbs, which i fell madly in love with and still am in love with.
“i'm scared for their future, tom” his eyes remain on mine, as if he wants to intimidate me. “of course i'm interested in the well-being of my children. i work every day to give them the best life possible. i just feel like you're never satisfied with anything i do” his voice is loud and full of indignation, as he takes a step closer to me. “do you think it's easy to provide for a family with five children? and soon there'll be six...” he gestures to my swollen belly, with disdain. “and if you didn't want to have children, you had to keep your legs closed”
a small sigh escapes my lips. i shift my gaze slightly, looking at the open window near the refrigerator, the sky is still blue and there isn't even a cloud. a few birds fly towards the horizon and in the background you can hear chickens croaking. “i'm not so naïve as to not know that supporting seven people is difficult, and I'm not saying that. but if you had promised me, after i had graduated with top marks, we could have moved to milan and led a better life, with two salaries. but you didn't want to because you kept telling me that career women are whores”
he clenches his jaw, his voice becoming even louder and more aggressive toward me with every word i speak. “you need to accept your role as a mother and wife! i work hard every day to provide for this family, and yet you're out there with your feminist bullcrap, thinking that you can lead a better life somewhere else with your career” he takes another step closer to me. “if you keep criticizing me like that, i'll throw you, and the little whore inside you, out of my house”
my eyebrows furrow slightly at his sharp words, as if they were a thousand sharp blades piercing my heart countless times. i cross both my arms over my chest, forgetting for a moment that the iron is still on. “besides the fact that you're extremely rude, it's not just you who works. i also work hard to take care of you and our children, to keep the house clean and make food for our family, but above all to educate our children and help them with their homework, comfort them and support them, i have to take care of them when they are sick... the only problem is your machismo, i only expressed my opinion but it's you who continues to criticize me for everything i do”
his face becomes even more filled with anger as he looks at me. “oh... you're trying to tell me what you do is similar to what I'm doing for this family, is that it?” he laughs in a sarcastic way and approaches me even more. “aww... poor you, you have to take care of my children and cook some food. you also want to call that 'work'? that's just a normal duty of a woman. a normal woman shouldn't have to work outside of the house like a hooker”
for a moment i shift my gaze slightly to make sure that rom and i haven't woken up little camilla from her afternoon nap, and then look him in the eyes again. at his words i shake my head in negative, not agreeing with him.
my heartbeat slowly accelerates, as does my breathing which slowly becomes heavier. “i don't agree with you at all, just as a man works outside of his home, a woman should too. the only thing i bitterly regret is that i gave up everything for love. i gave up my career as a teacher, i gave up so many things for you, because you didn't want”
tom is more close to me now and can smell the pheromones of my body and my heated skin. he laughs again, in a more mocking and arrogant way, looking at me. “oh, you don't agree with me? then i guess i should kick you out of the house, you feminist whore. it's my house and it's my rules. if i say you're a stay at home wife, then you're a stay at home wife. if i say you're just supposed to have children for me, then that's what you're going to do...”
our faces are a few centimeters apart, my husband's tall and powerful body is slightly bent forward, the protruding vein on the left side of his neck is clearly visible. the tension in the air is palpable, my arms are still folded and the small frown doesn't leave my face. “this is also my home and just as you have your opinions, i have mine and i have the same right as you to express them”
he smiles at me and moves a tiny little bit closer, so that his body is pressed against mine. he's only wearing his boxers, and i can feel the warmth coming from his hard muscles and the heat and sweat in his body. “so you think i'm going to be like all those weak men who are dominated by their women?” he laughs at me in a rough and arrogant way and puts his hand on my waist, while looking into my eyes. i can feel the strength and masculine power coming in waves coming from his body and his breath. the little one i carry in my womb kicks slightly, as if he can feel all the tension between me and his father. his large right hand lightly squeezes my left hip, even through the light fabric of my dress i can feel the roughness of his hand. his breathing is heavy and slightly stresses my face, while my heartbeat accelerates more and more. “i'm not saying this, i don't want to dominate anyone... but we have the same rights and the same priorities”
“oh really?” his voice becomes low and i realize he's smiling at me again. the strength of his grip on my left hip becomes even more intense, as his fingertips dig into my skin a little. i can't help but feel the masculine and dominating presence of his body, and at the same time feel the passion and lust in his voice. “you have to accept what your place is. you're my wife and as a wife, your duty is to take care of my family. so don't you dare talk back to me again...”
the sun is slowly setting, the sky has turned a pale orange and pale pink. the birds fly high in the sky and the cicadas have just started their monotonous song. all seven of us are sitting at the table, having dinner in complete tranquility. the television is on and the journalist's voice fills the small kitchen together with the small living room. the metal forks tap lightly on the ceramic plates, while we dine in religious silence.
the family dinner is quiet and calm. everyone is eating their food in complete silence, only occasionally accompanied by the sound of forks and knives on plates. the television is on and the journalist's voice is the only thing being heard in the kitchen and small living room. tom's daughter camilla, who is the younger of the two girls, is sitting on her little feet on the chair. she takes some bites from her plate and looks at her father with a slight smile on her face. her blonde hair is curled up and her light brown eyes are filled with youth and innocence. little camilla moves her toes slightly, then taps them gently on the wooden chair and happily chews her morsels of meat with tomato and white onion. his gaze is on his father, while tom is focused on the news on television.
michele, eleonora, leonardo and edoardo eat their dinner in religious silence. occasionally looking up to watch television. “what did you four do with the neighbors, today?” i ask sweetly to michele, eleonora, leonardo and edoardo.
leonardo looks at me with a little smile and answers. “we played outside. we chased each other and made up some small games” tom is still eating his food in silence and looks at the television. once again, the only sound heard is the eating of food. his expression is neutral and his eyes continue to look at the television. he's still thinking about the theft of the goods this morning.
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hii 🥨 how are you? i'm so so happy that december has started, i can't wait for december 8th to put up the christmas tree and i should also start making gifts for christmas 🙃 even though i will be swamped with work and driving school, i will still try to post once a week. i'm so sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors, but english is not my native language. xoxo flo.
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dano-or-not · 2 months
you said you were running out of things to say about mob psycho, so i wanted to ask your opinion on the parallels between toichiro and mob (but not the ones everyone talks about, like how mob could've turn like toichiro if his life was different and stuff like that), specifically the parallel of how their two battles ended.
in s2, their battle ended with mob saying that leaving toichiro to suffer alone would be too sad, not matter how much he dislikes him, so he decided he is going to help him. and he does that by absorbing a lot of toichiros energy before it explodes, which ultimately saves his life.
now, in s3, ???% was about to deal a final blow to shou and toichiro, only to stop because of how hard mob was trying to contain himself, so toichiro announces he is going to stop ???% by absorbing his energy, the exactly same thing he did for him, the only thing only the two of them could do. shou objects, and before toichiro could go through, he realizes that in the end, what he's doing now is no different from what he always did, run away from his family, so he ultimately decides to run away with shou, leaving mob there desperately trying to stop himself.
i barely see anyone talking about those two scenes, but they've been on my mind forever for so many reasons.
how both of them made their decisions and they aren't right or wrong, they're choices, choices made by them because they are the ones in charge of their own lifes, it was mob's choice to stay there and help him, just like toichiro deciding to run away was his
there's also the fact toichiro says to mob that he's not as strong as him before leaving, which on a surface level seems to be about his strength, but i see that dialogue as him saying hes not strong enough to be willing to sacrifice himself despite all that he might lose, and that makes me crazy!
there's a lot more, like how desperate mob must have felt, we see in s2 mob in his room pondering if someone would stop him if he went out of control. and at that moment, with toichiro walking away, it must have felt like it was over, he had already told teru before to hit him with all he had, to stop mob, but he couldnt, and with suzuki leaving, i imagine how he felt
im soso sorry for the long ask, i don't even know if anything i said made any sense, i have a lot of difficulty putting my thoughts into words, and that gets 10 times worse because of my terrible english lol, i just saw your post about not having any new ideas and it gave me courage to try and send something, im usually very embarrassed bc i always feel like im saying sum wrong LOL, but your blog is my favourite on tumblr and your works are absolutely amazing so im glad to be sending you something, much love
Hello fifth anon!!
And thank you for helping me with post ideas, it's nice and appreciated!
You're so right about the mix of similarities between Toichiro and Mob's face offs in season 2 and season 3! I totally agree; neither of the decisions they made were perfect. Was it good that Mob was going to sacrifice himself? No. Was it good that Toichiro ran away from Mob at ???%? No. But was it good that Mob refused to abandon his morals and continued to show unyielding compassion? Yes. Was it good that Toichiro finally made a choice for his family rather than himself? Yes. Just like you said, their choices were just choices, and luckily happened to be ones that worked out.
As for Mob's point of view in season 3, yeah that must have been rough. At that point Toichiro seemed to be the only person who could stop Mob, and he walked away (for good reason). Even though Mob wanted him to run, it still had to have felt like defeat.
Toichiro did the exact opposite of what Mob did in season 2 when placed in an identical situation, and I think that did an excellent job of wrapping up Toichiro's character arc. He's finally taking care of what's most important to him and acknowledging that he isn't the best by saying how Mob is stronger in terms of both power, empathy, and preparedness to self-sacrifice for others.
There were two choices for Toichiro to make and they were equally bad. As the viewer of course we want Mob to be saved as fast as possible, but can you really blame Toichiro? Sometimes you help people who won't be able to repay you, but that doesn't mean they didn't deserve it.
But Mob Psycho 100 is also a story meant to convey a message, so certain things have to happen in a certain way. In season 2 Toichiro had to learn the importance of being there for people no matter what, and in season 3 Mob had to learn to be there for himself. They taught each other those lessons.
So all in all, I agree with your points and think you were really spot on! I'm glad you had the courage, the longer the ask the more interesting things I get to delve into! And don't worry about ever being wrong, I don't think you can ever really be wrong about story interpretation; if an idea resonates with you then it's right, that's all there is to it :)
And your favorite blog!? That's so cool, thank you so much!!!! :) I definitely had a mini-freak out of joy hearing that lol. I'm glad you enjoy my posts and fics! I'm very honored.
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wyvchard · 7 days
What Part of "No" Do You Not Understand?
Inspired by this thread.
Agent Phoenix is quite annoyed at the fact a certain actor can't take "no" for an answer.
Agent Phoenix took a deep breath as they leaned back onto the chair, prayer slipping from their lips like a lifeline.
"Dear Heavenly Father, grant Your child aid in this trying time. My flesh is weak and I need strength to overcome this."
"Oh, Agent. That's quite an adorable prayer. But you're not going to get away with that easily." He took a few steps closer, a smug grin on his face as he anticipates their resolve falling any time soon.
"You and I both know I can and I will get away that easily." They narrowed their eyes at him as they gently rubbed their wrists as soon as they cut the ropes. "Please step away before I give into the temptation."
"And why should I do that, agent? Hmmm?" He watched in amusement as they took down the jammer and lasers. He stepped closer, causing them to back away until they reached the wall.
"Please shut up before I do something stupid. Don't. Do. This. No! I mean it!" Their tone was laced with a plea, only for his ego to grow bigger.
"You won't be doing something stupid. Just let what you feel out." He felt satisfied seeing them squirm. Yet, instead of feeling them melt under the touch of his hand, he felt a sharp sting on his cheek.
"What part of 'No!' do you not understand, Mr. Juniper?"
"I didn't even touch your cheek yet. Or any part of you."
"That still doesn't count."
"Normally, people would melt at these kinds of situations. You didn't... feel anything?"
"Other than my gut instinct to punch you? Nothing." He felt incredulous, seeing someone stare at him with complete disgust. "I get that you're quite a sight and all and you do have a knack for directing heart racing scenes but what else? You're too overrated in my opinion. But then again, standing alone on stage with that much people is a skill. So points for you there, I guess. Some people do that every day on Sunday so it's not really special."
"Why are you immune to my charms? I'm an incubus. How on earth?" He was staring at them like he just heard the trumpets and they were one of its players.
"I don't know? Who knows? Maybe I got baptized as a baby or something. Does it look like I know? Ah. I'll stop here before I give you an hour long lecture about this. I have a lot of words about it."
John felt himself paralyzed under their intense stare, yet it was different from the usual ones. Far from carnal, it was the gaze of someone examining an object of interest.
"I'm sorry for slapping you hard." The remorse in their voice was enough to give him pause. "You should get that treated."
"You... aren't... looking at me like-"
"Why would I?" The disgust returned with full force. "You're a person too. And I really should apologize to that sweet old lady who told me that Hollywood is dangerous. If they let an incubus like you run around, how many more of you are out there?"
"Can I take you out on a date?"
"Absolutely not."
"Why wouldn't you? You're the first to view me as more than a sex object. Literally."
"You need better people to be around. Seriously. You do."
"And where would I find these kinds of people anyway?"
"Probably people who are too busy surviving to care about those things. I don't know. I'm too focused on stopping Zoraxis to actually give you an answer."
A sharp click interrupted the conversation coupled by a clearing of the throat.
"Agent, I see you're doing alright." Reginald gave them a gentle smile, yet clearly worried at the marks on their wrist.
"Wait. If I say I'm switching sides, will the agency consider it?"
I had fun with this. XD Please excuse any out of character moments.
@definitelyunhingedagentphoenix, @sml8180, I hope you enjoy this. I took the idea and practically sprinted with it. XD
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remcycl333 · 11 months
“whenever you are not imagining well or feeling well, you are simply not imagining what you want. give yourself EXACTLY what you want. don’t care about what the world would think of it.”
I have a question about this because its something I’ve thought of since i saw the original. What if what you want is bad? Like p*dophili or murder (just examples of things that are like. Objectively bad)
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here's a quote from at you command by neville goddard that kinda explains that!!
as i talk about in this post, we don't really desire physical things. our inner man is the one who desires, and our inner man only desires feelings. so when you desire something "bad" such as killing someone, you aren't really desiring killing someone. maybe, as neville says, you just want that person gone and the only way your limited outer-man can think to achieve that is by killing them. or maybe you want payback or revenge, and that's why you think you want to kill someone. but there's ways that you can satiate your inner man and give yourself the feeling you desire that isn't doing as something as awful as killing someone (or some other crime). you can give yoruself the feeling of freedom or control or justice or superiority over that person in your mind, or even forgiveness. your inner self is always desiring a feeling, and the limited outer-man is conditioning that desire and thinking they can only achieve that feeling by doing something awful.
as for pedophilia, i dont pretend to know a pedophile's innermost desires or the way their mind works. maybe they want control? power? love? to be wanted? i have no idea. but at the end of the day, their inner self is desiring a feeling, and their limited outer-man has wrongfully decided that the only means in the 3d to achieve what they want is to ... prey on children? idk how to word that. either way, the true desire is not to be a pedophile. that's just the only way their limited minds can think of to get the feeling they want. i hope this makes sense 😭
pedophilia and murder and other things akin to that are wrong and objectively bad. and no one truly desires those things. they simply desire a feeling and have wrongfully decided the only way to achieve the feeling they want is to do awful things. i hope u guys dont read this as me justifying or defending them at all bc im not 😭 im just trying to explain that no one's inner man truly desires stuff like that and you are not entitled to bad things such as that. it's obviously a sensitive topic but i hope i've provided some clarity!
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The Bet
Fem Reader x Shigaraki x Dabi x Mr. Compress x Spinner x Twice
Warnings: group sex, degrading, anal (receiving), oral (giving), impact play, unprotected sex, all holes filled, double penetration 
You've never been one to think before you speak, or to back down from a challenge that comes from this. When you make a bet at the bar with your boss, you think there is no way you could lose. 
The bet was that you could empty your drink faster than him. Winner could use the loser however they want, no arguments. You should have known by the look on Shigaraki's face, that you didn't stand a chance. But you were foolish. You thought you could win, so when Kurogiri sets the glasses in front of you both, you lift yours and start chugging. Your heart dropped hearing the splash and slam of the empty cup on the counter. 
It was over. All because of his stupid loophole. His glass was empty first, though its contents lay on the floor, while your glass was half consumed. 
"Ok. You won. How do you want me?" You ask, trying to hide the fear mixing in your words. Three of his fingers drum against the counter as he thinks. 
"I want you to be the personal toy of the league for the night. Any one of us is free to use you as often as we want for the night." He says coldly, a crooked smile painted on his face. 
"That's it? I thought it was going to be something hard, or really messed up. I can do that easy." You mask your nerves behind false confidence. The league is full of sexually frustrated villians. It's hard to know who will abuse the chance at free reign of as much pussy or sexual contact as they want. 
You aren't sure how it happened so fast. One second your sitting at the bar, and the next, you're tucked in the grungy fuck room in the back. The room felt small enough without the men surrounding you, but somehow all six of you are able to fit. 
"I don't care who goes first. Just save the pussy for me. I'm the only one fucking that tonight." Shigaraki's voice breaks the silence, lifting the spell holding everyone in their places. 
"Can I have her ass first? I want to be the one to feel her open up." Twice pops in, tugging his mask off to free his sweaty blonde hair. "I want to make her cry first." His voice flips to being cold. 
"You can have her ass, but you can't make her cry right away. You have to build up to that. Really work her to tears." Mr. Compress speaks up, being the first to acknowledge you are sitting in between them all by lifting your chin to lock eyes with you. With the intimate eye contact and the softness in his voice, your head spins with mixed feeling from his words. 
More time passes as the men around you murmur and argue with each other. 
"By the time you all figure out who gets what hole and when, the night will be over and the bet will be up." You tut in mild annoyance, feeling like an object being discussed, and not their slut about to be fucked. 
"Don't worry about the time. Once we are through with you, you'll be nothing more than our personal pussy for good." Dabi rolls his eyes, hanging back towards the door as the rest of the men stand around the bed looking down at you. 
A frown tugs at your lips, while you figured his words held some truth to them, it still hurts hearing Dabi say it out loud. 
"I think I'd believe that more coming from someone who's dick didn't look like beef jerky held on by a couple of staples." You retort, trying to get a reaction. 
The room falls silent for a few seconds before a gravely chuckle rumbles from Dabi's throat. 
"Jin, if you want to be the one to make her cry, you'd better get started now, because I plan to ruin her. Make her choke on those words while she chokes on my cock." Dabi's voice has a hint of amusement that makes your pussy throb. 
You don't have much time to process his words, let alone think of a response before someone is grabbing your waist, lifting you from your kneeling position. The eager hands hoist your ass in the air, your upper body falling forward. Fingers brush against smooth, cold skin and you're greeted with a friendly smile. 
"I won't make you cry on purpose." Spinner coos softly, taking one of your hands and guiding it down his torso to the oddly shaped tent forming in his pants. You can't help but gasp feeling two distinct shapes. "I'll get you started with something easy." 
You clumsily work the zipper of Spinner's pants as Jin aggressively tears yours, fed up with the skin tight material you were wearing. 
“Something easy? You know it is rude to lie. There is nothing easy about what you are offering.” Mr. Compress tuts, loosening his tie as his messy brown curls stick to his forehead. 
“She can use her hands…” Spinner shrugs, growing mildly annoyed with your struggle to get his pants off, and offers you his assistance. He tugs them down just enough to show the strange shaped tent in his boxers.
“Damn right she can use her hands. I get to use that smart mouth first.” Dabi growls, nudging Spinner out of the way to take his place in front of you. He lifts his shirt slightly to expose his half burned torso, a scar trailing around from his back before dipping down and disappearing below his waist band. 
“I better not cut my mouth on any staples, you patch-work… Fuck!” Your insult is cut off by Jin nudging the head of his cock in your unprepped ass. The precum smeared across his tip is the only thing lubing him as he inches slowly into you. The burning stretch consumes your mind, and you nearly forget about the male in front of you. Nearly.
“The fuck were you gonna say?” Dabi grips the hair on the back of your head, yanking hard to make you look up at him. You harden your gaze, trying not to let the growing pleasure from Jin’s low thrusts show through to the way you were looking at Dabi. “You know what? Don’t fucking answer. It’ll be better for you. Use your mouth for something useful and lube Spin’s cocks before he rubs them raw.” 
The fist still grabbing your hair pulls you towards the two smaller dicks poking out of Spinner’s boxers, one being pumped slowly in the scaly hand. You don’t have time to act before you are being shoved to fit both in your mouth at the same time. The stretch makes your jaw ache immediately. 
“Stop pulling her away from me, jackass.” Jin snaps, pulling you backwards by your hip to meet a particularly sharp thrust. A loud moan is torn from your throat, vibrating down the shafts of Spinner’s cocks. 
Drool starts to drip down between the two dicks in your mouth, pooling at the base. 
“How… cute. She is leaking from two of her whore holes.” Shigaraki taunts, his eyes flicking between your face, and the slick that is starting to run from your empty pussy. 
“Still worried about staples?” Dabi asks, pulling you back off of Spinner. Your lips are puffy and swollen from trying to wrap around them both. 
“You are spending a lot of time not fucking my mouth. Can’t get it up?” You taunt, swallowing back a moan as Jin picks up the pace, chasing his ever nearing high. 
“Don’t be selfish. Help them out. You have two working hands, and two men fucking their fists.” He ignores your comment, pulling one of your arms off the bed from where it had been supporting you. Spinner excitedly presses one of his cocks against your hand.
“How will I support myself?” You ask, glancing to see the long, slender cock in one of Mr. Compress’s hands.
“Leave that to me.” Shigaraki grins, growing impatient as your pussy leaks for him to fill it. 
His thin body works its way under you, the artist gloves on his hands are the only thing keeping you from turning to dust. 
Dabi finally releases your hair, both of his hands hooking under your arms to lift you, shoving you back against Jin’s chest. The new position has his cock twitching, pumping his cum deep in your ass. 
“How impolite. You didn’t even ask her.” Mr. Compress smirks, watching the spasms of pleasure wash over Jin.
“If you are such a gentleman, why don’t you fill her ass next. Then you can ask for permission to cum in her.” He mutters, easing himself out, hissing slightly at the sensation of your tightening ass trying to pull him back in. 
Now slipped snugly between your legs, Shigaraki grips your waist, not waiting any longer to bury himself deep inside you. His slender fingers dig harshly into the meat of your body, his cock painfully slamming against your cervix. 
Your body crumbles against his chest, unable to hold yourself up. Despite keeping your eyes firmly shut, you can almost see the twisted grin on his face.
“Dammit, dusty. You said you were going to help. Bitch can’t even hold her head up.” Dabi grumbles, ignoring the discomfort he feels from the strain in his pants. 
“She is like putty. Just move her where you want.” Shigaraki mutters, feeling the bed move as Mr. Compress replaces where Jin was once kneeling.
As much as you would like to argue with him, Shigaraki had a point. You were at their mercy to manipulate, and they knew it. 
Cold hands ease your ass back against a new dick, this time it is able to push past the tight ring with less pain from Jin opening you up. Pressure grows in your stomach as both men settle against you, their pelvic bones pressing against you.
Shigaraki moves his hands to your chest, his groping hands also aiding in holding your torso up. Taking advantage of your new position, Spinner takes one of your hands, pressing it to the shaft of one of his cocks. Acting on instinct, you wrap your fingers around him, moving slowly.
“Oh! Me too!” Jin grabs your free hand, making you grip his slowly hardening dick. 
You can hear shuffling in front of you, and your eyes open. Swallowing hard, you see a large, unscathed dick. The scar on Dabi’s torso veers off to the left, avoiding his groin and only appearing on his thigh. 
“Got anything to say to me? You’ve gone silent. Don’t tell me you’ve been fucked stupid already.” His deep voice torments. 
“Just shut up.” You mutter, more focused on the two men inside you timing their thrusts with each other so both are buried inside you at the same time. 
His hand tangles in your hair again and he taps the tip of himself against your mouth. 
“I’m going to enjoy this. If I were you, I’d relax. It will make this easier.” He smirks and pushes himself down your throat without any other warning. His hands grip the back of your head, holding you firmly against him.
You squirm and try to pull away, struggling to breathe with him down your throat. 
“Alright Dabi, let her go.” Compress tries to be the voice of wisdom, but he has to admit that the way you clench around him from this is addicting. 
“No way. She likes it. I can tell.” He smirks, staring down at you as your squirming stops.
The sensation of being totally filled is mind numbingly perfect. Every inch of your body feels like it has been claimed by the five of them. It starts to become overwhelming as Shigaraki starts to grind against your clit.
“I think she is just about to pass out.” Jin says, eyes focused on your hand slowly pumping him.
“She isn’t going to pass out.” Dabi says simply, one hand moving to your throat to feel himself through the skin.
“What makes you so sure?” Spinner looks over at him, nerves building that you will drop before he gets to cum. 
“Because her eyes are focused on mine. She loves this. I wish you could see the way she is begging me for more with just her eyes. No smartass little comments.” Dabi responds, finally pulling himself back to let you suck in a breath of air. 
Finally sure that you aren’t going to drop, the other two men buried within you pick up their paces, thrusts becoming sloppy as they near their own highs. 
Spinner wraps his hand around yours, guiding you to move faster as he chases his release. 
You let all the men take control of your body, the ability to act independently has completely left your body at this point. 
“I-Oh..” Is the closest thing to a warning that you get before Mr. Compress pulls out and covers your ass in his cum. 
Feeling the warmth of his cum, you grip the two cocks in your hands tighter, coaxing them to their highs together.
The hands on your chest pinch your nipples harshly, forcing your attention down to him.
“I’m going to cum inside you. And you are going to like it. In fact, you're going to love it so much, you are going to beg me for it every night after this.” His twisted grin spreads across as rope after rope of his cum floods deep inside you, filling you ever more than you thought possible.
One final thrust of Shigaraki’s hips against your clit and you are falling over the edge, moaning around Dabi, who has taken to forcing you to take his cock repeatedly. 
You bat tear coated lashes at him, wanting to make him cum like the others.
“Want me to cum on that pretty face of yours?” He coos down at you. Your eyes light up at the idea, and at the first nice thing he has said about you. His deep moans signal that he is close, but instead of pulling out to cover your face, he holds himself against your tongue. “Swallow every fucking drop.” He growls, and you more than willingly comply.
As the energy in the room shifts away from sex, no one makes a move to get dressed and leave. 
You aren’t sure who was the first to climb into the bed, but before long, the small frame creaks under the weight of all six of your tired bodies.
“I guess you had a point Dabi… Though none of you made me cry.” You mutter tiredly, already planning the next time in your head.
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