#trekk answers
destinationtrekk · 1 day
Albert Wesker handling unwanted family text messages during your birthday maybe? Currently dealing with this, it’s pretty specific so no problem if it doesn’t strike any inspiration
hi anon!!! Happy birthday!!! I hope this is along the lines of what you were looking for <3 I totally understand the family drama that comes around on holidays and events so I hope this can cheer you up a little :)
I think Wesker is very good at handling your family despite his entire…him. He knows how to lay the charm on thick and when to speak and when to just smile and nod, and in general he has a very good understanding of how (some) people work.
I think growing up without family/with just Spencer as guidance, he has a pretty similar understanding of how you feel when you get unwarranted and unwanted messages from family. His solution, of course, is to kill them, and he’s really only half joking.
if you’re really upset about seeing these messages and not being able to enjoy your day, he will absolutely take your phone directly out of your hands and hide it somewhere. No amount of pleading or yelling or cursing will get that phone back until he is good and ready to hand it to you, so you might as well take it as a win and finally get some relaxation.
same thing goes if you’re really mad about it, he’ll take it away so you don’t do anything irrational out of anger or spite. He’s all for revenge and he understands anger (very well, I think), but he’s a very rational person and he doesn’t act on whims.
what he’s really doing with your phone is muting notifications and maybe even blocking the people you don’t want to hear from. he’s hoping you’ll relax and forget about the messages they sent and maybe think they’ll never contact you again (he’ll make sure they don’t. he will do absolutely anything to keep you happy)
after he’s given you some time to collect yourself he is treating you to the most extravagant night ever. If you want to go out, he’s taking you (sans phone) to the nicest place he can think of and basically doing anything you so much as mention wanting to do. I’m so serious when I say this man will splurge on you in a heartbeat.
if you prefer to stay in then he is going to wait on you hand and foot. I mean cooking for you, helping you to a hot shower or a warm bath, dressing you in the comfiest clothes he can find - literally spoiling you rotten.
not to mention whatever gifts you wanted for your birthday but didn’t want to ask for? he has them wrapped in a nice little box for later. you don’t know how he found about what you wanted, but he’s sneaky and conniving and he has his ways :)
so long story short he will never ever let anyone get under your skin or in your head (only he can do that, you’re his) so you’ll never have to worry about those pesky family messages ever again
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asecretvice · 1 year
Hey, I've been making personal physical copies of fanfic that I absolutely adore into bound books, and I recently finished a collection with your story "Spiders" in it in honor of Halloween. Likely more to come as I adore almost every one of your fics that I've read (even have your Terran Tales of Star Trekk in a new collection im working on binding), but I hope its ok with you that I credited you. Here's the original post if you'd like to check it out; https://www.tumblr.com/ican-fixitbooks/728418215079854080/my-latest-creation-for-some-of-my-favorite?source=share
And thanks! Your stories have meant a lot to me, and I hope you've either kept writing for yourself or found other ways to just be happy.
As long as the construction of the book was a completely homemade venture, I'm happy to be included! I'm very proud of Spiders, so it means a lot to me that you like it so much. And what a throwback to my Star Trek stuff! It's Like the Old Terran Fairy Tales holds a special place in my heart. It's always so wonderful to hear that one's older works are still being read and enjoyed!
And how kind that last sentiment is. Unfortunately I wish I had a better answer for you; instead all I'll say is your thoughtfulness is tenderly felt and deeply appreciated. <3
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
Whitney always disappeared. For one week every month, the dumbass would disappear off of the face of the earth, then come back like nothing ever happened. Which would have been fine if you'd lived in any other town.
But the number of empty rooms in the orphanage made you paranoid, which was why you were currently stomping through the woods with your pepper spray and combat boots laced tight. You'd followed him from the park after shaking down his friends. Did he not know about the hunter that lived here? Or the wolves? Or the wasp swarms or bears or the ghost that lived in the lake?
(You did not believe in ghosts, really, but you also bore a pair of cat ears and a tail, so it was better to be cautious.)
You crouched low, skirting around the buzzing hive nearby. The trail of cigarette smoke led deep into the trees, and you nearly stumbled over some roots when you spotted a scrap of cloth amongst the leaves. It reeked of cigarette smoke and Whitney.
"Shit." You sniffed the air. There were more scraps of fabric scattered around. It frayed at the sides, as if something had ripped it off of him. Did the wolves get him? Or was it the hunter? Did that even matter?
You rose, ready to trekk further when a chill ran up your spine. The fall breeze rippled through the branches, and between the cigarette smoke and autumn chill, you caught the faintest trace of wolf.
Just as you turned, a paw parted the bushes. Your tail lashed, one hand reaching for your pepper spray as another paw stepped through. Blue eyes shined against black fur, and you found yourself staring down the giant wolf with bated breath.
For a while, neither of you moved. It wasn't until you caught a glimpse of a scar over its eyebrow did you speak. It nearly matched the one you'd given Whitney when you tore out his brow piercing last month.
The wolf blinked. Its nose twitched as it lifted its head, sniffing in your direction before trotting right at you. You bit down the urge to hiss as it snuffed your hair, then your cheek.
"Whitney, is that you?" you asked. The wolf only sniffed harder, cold nose dragging against your neck. "Are you-GAH!"
It sneezed straight into your shirt. You swatted out of reflex and batted its muzzle away. The hurt look in its eyes nearly pierced your heart.
"Sorry, sorry. I just..." You picked at your shirt in disgust before eyeing the wolf. "That...is you, right?"
It blinked, then flattened its ears and shoved its head into your stomach. The force nearly knocked you off your feet.
"Okay, I get it!" you said when he shoved again. With skilled hands, you scratched at his neck, focusing on the space behind his ears. When you scratched a certain way, his leg began to kick. "Huh. Never knew you were ticklish."
Whitney growled, but the harder you scratched, the more he began to kick until he flopped onto his side. You wasted no time scratching at his stomach.
"D'aw! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" you gushed. Whitney whined and rolled, tail kicking up the leaves in a flurry, and while part of you wanted desperately to run, your human instinct overwhelmed you. "That's a good boy! Look at you, just a fluffy big baby boy!"
Whitney's delighted bark echoed through the forest. A second later, something responded.
You froze, ready to bolt, but Whitney barked again, then again, rolling onto his paws as the other wolf answered. You could handle the delinquent, but not a stray wolf. Not while you were this deep in the woods.
"Whitney, we gotta go," you whispered. When Whitney whined, you shoved his head towards the town. "You can play with your buddy later. Let's go!"
As it turned out, dragging a giant wolf out of the forest was impossible. He enjoyed sniffing everything, wasp hives included. At some point, he got distracted by a mud puddle, and you spent twenty minutes begging him not to hop on it. By the time you stumbled out of the forest, the first rays of sunrise were starting to peek over the horizon.
"Oh, thank god," you gasped as you tripped onto the sidewalk. "Sunlight. Daytime. Can't believe I'm actually happy to see the town." You savoured the warmth tickling your cheeks before turning. "Now, how the fuck do I sneak a wo-Whitney?"
Whitney was face down in the dirt, completely bare save for a pair of boxers. You grabbed his hair and peeled his face off the dirt, then sagged in relief when he started to snore.
Good. Sleeping. Just sleeping. Transforming must have taken a lot out of him.
"Huh." You brushed some of the dirt from his cheek. "How do you manage to look cute when you drool?"
And better yet, how the hell were you going to get him home? He was double your weight.
...wait, where the hell did he even live?
(i can't submit through my sideblog this is so home of phobic - 🚫)
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pinkamour1588 · 5 years
And then there were two (Part 3)
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Part of The Making of a Home series
Pairing: McKirk
Summary: When attempting for baby number two, things don’t go quite as planned for Leonard and Jim.
Word count: 2825
Rating: Teen
Over the next few weeks, the agreement was drawn up and signed. The spare bedroom was cleaned out and Jim and Leonard hesitantly started shopping. Evie was fascinated by Diana’s quickly growing bump. Jim and Leonard opted to let the sex of the baby be a surprise this time. From the very beginning of the third trimester, Jim was unbelievably nervous that this baby would be premature like Evie had been, no matter how many times he was reassured otherwise.
The day before Christmas Eve, Jim was supervising and helping Evie in a bath before bed when Leonard came in with a strange expression on his face.
“Evie, how would you like to spend Christmas Eve with Grandpa and Pops?” Leonard asked her with a smile.
“Why?” Evie answered.
“Because you’re gonna have a baby brother or sister soon and Papa and I have to go get them.”
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beauty-proof · 5 years
Takes place before Bare Skin.
She left the stale coolness of the bowling alley for the warm dampness of the spring evening.  The scent of the year’s first blooms hung heavy in the air as she started her trekk to the bus stop, her shoulders hunched.  The light wind whispered past her. And then it did so again.
And then it sighed.
She whipped around to see a brightly suited figure standing at the edge of the alley across the street.  It was him; for real this time. She’d mistaken others for him several times in the year since they’d last met, only to be disappointed when they turned around and weren't a grown man in clown makeup.
"About time you heard me," he said as she slipped into the alley and crossed her arms before squaring up to face him.
"Sorry.  Do I know you?"
The Joker chuckled, "Come on.  Don't be mad, doll. I've had to lay low for awhile, especially since my last run-in with Gotham's finest flying rodent -"
"It's been a whole year!" she protested.
Why was he arguing with this little brat?  "I was flung in the air -"  
"- and then Batman stopped the runaway bus using an empty tram car."  She rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, I heard it all. Girls at school were losing their panties over it.”
He'd had his finger raised and mouth open, ready to remind her not to ever dare interrupt him while he was speaking.  His mouth snapped shut in puzzlement.
"Teenage girls like the Batman?" he found himself asking aloud.  Images of the Bat on the cover of Teen Beat entered his mind, and he almost laughed.  Almost.
She shrugged, getting an inkling that this new information was grinding his gears. "Sure, I mean lots of girls think he's great.  A bad boy type, ya know?"
An odd heat crept up the back of his neck at her words, although he was loathe to acknowledge it.  "What do you think?" he asked.
She shrugged again.  "I think...he has a real strong jaw.  Hard to tell what he looks like. That's the whole point of a disguise right?"  The girl lifted her eyes from the ground to look at him pointedly.
Unsure of what to say to that statement, he reached out and patted her on the back.  "How about some pizza? My guy Joey's got a place around the corner."
She smiled shyly and nodded.  So easy to please.
They left the alley and began the short walk toward the pizzeria.
"By the way, are you alright?  Sounds like you got flung pretty far."
The Joker just sniffed in response, ignoring her question and trying not to think about his very-probably-broken toe.
Joey's was empty save for the two employees behind the counter, neither of which seemed alarmed or surprised by the appearance of one of the city's most wanted men.  While the Joker looked at the slices on display, she leaned idly against the counter.
"I wouldn't lean against that," he advised, still inspecting the pizzas.
She pulled back and looked down to find an oily stain on her light blue dress.  Right across her left boob. Panicked over not letting the stain set in, she grabbed some napkins and tried in vain to scrub away the grime.  She glanced up to see Joker glance over at her. Turning crimson, she spun around so her back was to him as she continued to scrub. The Joker chuckled and shook his head as the young waitress came to the counter.
"Sorry for the wait.  What can I get ya?"
"Just two slices," he said and slapped his palm on the counter as a way of finality.
She spun around, "Oh, I want a Coke, too!"
The Joker's eyebrows raised and he licked his lips and she knew she was in trouble. "Is that how we ask?"  
"S-sorry Mr. J."
He could have pushed her buttons further and play the "can you or may you" game, but he decided against it.  They seated themselves at one of the rickety booths, the furthest from the serving counter and sat in silence for a moment.  He could tell she was practically bursting with questions, and watching her struggle with which to ask first was quite entertaining.
"Are you gonna let me come with you?"  Of course she chose that to ask.
He dodged her question.  "I'm sure there's things you wouldn't wanna miss out on, right?"
The slices arrived then and she blew on hers while she thought for a moment.  "Well…I guess prom might be fun. I hope." Her eyes lit up then and she sat up, looking as if she'd just had the best idea ever.
"Mr. J, you should come with me to prom.  Make a real splash!"
He laughed out loud and her face fell.  She'd known it was a dumb idea, but a girl could dream, right?
"Sweetie," he reasoned with her, "I'm a wanted criminal.  I can't go to prom with you." The idea made him feel slightly sick, to be honest.  All those greasy teens rubbing against one another, falling over from spiked punch. No.
She huffed, conceding and picking at the cheese on her paper plate.  "Fine. I'll probably just get stuck going with Darren."
The Joker ripped half of his pizza crust off like a wild dog.  "Who's Darren?"
He barked like one too, she thought.
The Joker, of course, knew perfectly well who Darren was, because he'd had his men find out everything about the boy the first time the teen had walked her home from school.  
Unsure of what to make of the Joker's reaction, she answered carefully, "He's just a friend."
"A…boy friend?" He raised one eyebrow at her.
"Eck, no!" She shook her head. "I'm just not into him like that."
The Joker placed his arms on the table, folded, and leaned forward a bit, his voice unusually quiet.  "But he likes you?"
She didn't answer, not wanting to lie.
"Looks at you just a second too long?" he continued, and started looking her up and down as a hungry dog would a steak. "Like this?"
Her collarbone felt hot.  Her neck and ears felt hot.  She felt faint and it was everything she could do to not cover her face in her hands in order to escape the situation.
He chuckled again and leaned back, checking his watch.  "It's late. Let's get you home before your mom starts asking questions."
"She's not my mom," she corrected as she scrambled out of the booth, eager for a change of topic.
"Fine, let's get you home before Francine starts asking questions.”  He rolled his eyes, thinking of the easiest way to...monitor prom night.
Perhaps a visit to Darren might be in order.
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The 10 Finest Movers In Santa Monica, CA 2018
The ten Finest Movers In Santa Monica, CA 2018
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sobforsirius · 6 years
what kinds of tea do you like? how do you take your tea? when do you drink it? how does your cup look like? i’m just really interested in other people’s opinions on tea...
So for many many years of my life i only drank breakfast tea with milk (my family is a [british] family of tea drinkers) and I drank A LOT then in the last few years it started to feel really heavy??? so i stopped drinking milk with my tea and expanded, into earl grey (the Best), peppermint, camomile and honey, occaisonally green tea w jasmine and rosebud!!
i truly detest fruit teas, like berry teas etc are just horrible, and im not a fan of white tea. i ALWAYS drink loose leaf when I can, i truly am a loose leaf hoe but it’s infinitely better! i used to go for tea a lot, in cute tea rooms near uni but i havent for a while :(
I recently bought a glass tea pot and this little tea warmer that you put a tealight in, place your tea pot on top and it keeps your tea warm for hours, honestly changed my life whilst studying etc because going down to the kettle to make a new cup every time really is a trekk. I haven't got a specific cup per se, though i do believe that tea tastes different in different cups and were it more practical, i would drink out of china tea cups on the reg
I MUST SAY the one thing I miss about having normal tea is that it is undeniably the best for dipping biscuits in (bc we all know biscuits that are dunked are ten times more delicious) and for months of my life now my biscuits have been pitifully dry…
i hope this answered your tea inclined questions, please send more if not i love tea
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shutter-debug · 4 years
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Where this path should lead ? I guess begging of 2020 cause life before this was good.. Comment down any right, wrong or even funny answers for fun. . . place : Kopidana Shot on : @sonyalphain Scenary details : Previous post view on left side, valley on right side, golden rays on road and parts of mountains and sunrise in valley was the best. . Being newbie with camera, @pranav.a.joshi & @27shubh / chandoba_creation helped me here and on Trek to get better clicks. Go and check there work .. . #mountainrange #mountaintown #sandakphu #confused_story #sandakphutrek #trekk #trekkings #trekkinginindia #viewoftheday #natureview #indiashutterbugs #indiapictures #sikkimadventures #indiaphotography #landscapephotography (at Sandakphu Treak) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEwpTNJJYG6/?igshid=12q3fxqgrlsf4
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Vocab of the day: 10/11/17
Spanish - German - Swedish- Norwegian - English 
el faro - der Scheinwerfer -  en stålkastare - en lykaster - headlight
la fama - der Ruhm - en ära - en herlighet - fame
tirar - ziehen - dra - trekke - pull
contestar - antworten - svara - svare - answer
la tensión - die Spannung - en spänning - en spenning - tension
el pintor/la pintora - der Maler/die Malerin - en målare - en maleren- painter
técnico/a - technisch - teknisk - teknisk - technical
la adivinanza - das Rätsel - en gåta - en gåte - riddle
la computadora (LA)/el ordenador(Esp) - der Computer - en dator - en datamaskin - computer
aprovechar - ausnutzen - utnyttja - utnytte - exploit
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destinationtrekk · 5 days
Another nsfw thought...
Imagine him being so horny he goes creature™ mode
His pupils are completely dilated, Uroboros' tentacles are out, and he's drooling.
he literally crawls on walls like a fucking spider, chasing after you lol
wow!!! this is so nasty :) if it’s not your thing just keep scrolling!! 18+ mdni gn!reader - rough sex, restraints, dubcon? just in case, overstimulation, unprotected sex
when you come home and find wesker standing perfectly still in your bedroom, shirtless and panting like an animal, you can tell immediately something is up.
He’s on you the second he turns around, you only get a glimpse of his glowing eyes around his vanta black pupils. the lights are off so you can only see vague shadows of his broad shoulders and thick tentacles rising from his back as he crowds you against the wall. he’s pressed so tight against you that you can barely move, and his rock hard bulge is already grinding against you.
he lifts your legs to wrap around his hips like you weigh nothing and his teeth are biting bruises in your neck. you try to ask what what’s going on, is he okay, slow down and talk to me-
unless you safeword or tap out, he’s not stopping. he doesn’t have the brain capacity to explain to you the burning desire in his chest, like he’s drunk on you and how you’re squirming in vain to escape and inadvertently grinding on his cock harder. he just ignores your worried voice and carries you to the bed so he can work on stripping you both naked as quickly as possible
he loooooves to pin you down with the tentacles. They tighten every time you squirm and try to break free and he still has both his hands free to touch you. Honestly uroboros is so versatile - they can hold your hips tight so he can thrust up into you without worrying about pushing you up the bed, they can slide over your tongue to keep your mouth occupied, so so many options to keep you pliant and perfectly positioned for him :)
he’s so worked up he can barely talk, every touch of your bare skin on his is like electricity and he’s making so much noise - growling and grunting and moaning when he has his mouth full of you, drool spilling from his lips and down his chin and neck. when he finally comes back up to kiss you he smears his spit all over your face as well - he can’t bother to care how messy it gets when he just needs to pump you full a few times to clear his head. he doesn’t stop when you finish more than once and start whining about how it’s too much and it hurts, he just uses the tentacles to keep stroking/rubbing you to keep you squeezed tight and pulsing around his cock while he uses you like a toy
the next morning he’s really really embarrassed and sorry. he spends half the day apologizing by kissing your bruises and hugging you from behind and giving you worried puppy eyes, but you really enjoyed it - much more than you ever thought you would. you tell him just to warn you next time, but if he needs to let loose so combat his insane new biology, you’re always there to be his little fucktoy <3
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shiftyarchfey · 7 years
18 and 15 for Rhian and Duvain!
I… don’t know when this message arrived, because tumblr loves not notifying me that I got asks, so I’ll answer them according to the angst meme:
15: What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
For Rhian: He’s scared of spiders, of his loved ones dying, of failure and of responsibility. Terrified of the latter, he really is. It’s his biggest fear, failing to be a good leader, a good whatever it is he does. He cannot handle it very well too. It’s an issue he’s had problems with since his childhood. It came from the responsibilities he’s had to take on with a very early age and instead of reinforcing his ability to be responsible for anyone other than himself, it messed up his self-esteem.
He deals with most things he’s scared about in one way: running away. It’s a bad thing to do, but he’s learned that it works, most of the time. He actually tried to run away from Haven very early on. Varric had to trekk up the snowy mountain, fund him and convinced Rhian to at least try. 
For Duvain: Darkspawn, dying, having to go into the Deep Roads. Abandonment. The one issue he’s had the most is Darkspawn, obviously. But those arent’ what he’s most scared of, it’s his fear of dying and abandonment. Boy has some issues, but he cannot deal with abandonment and the fact that as a Grey Warden, he’ll die much earlier. It’s not just his own death too. Tamlen’s cut him deep and he does not want any of his friends to die either. It’s an issue he’s always fighting. His one solution is not trying to care about anyone. 
It’s not always successful. He cares, does so very deeply too. It’s not just Zevran and Tamlen, it’s his whole crew, even those he does not particularily like. For Duvain, dying and abandonment is almost the same thing. How dare they die and leave him alone? This fear manifested itself very early. He was and is very clingy, in relationships and just in general. He’s not social by any means, but he feels better in the company of his close friends and/or lover. Duvain’s mother left, most likely to join his father in death and that hurt him very badly when he was told of it. He thought at first that they just did not want him and gave him away, but them being dead together made it worse. 
18: Would society call your character a good guy or bad guy? What would they say they are?
For Rhian: Depends on who you ask. He’s generally trying to be a good guy. He would blame himself for a lot of things, but in the end justify it that he’s trying to help, so in his opinion he’s on the better side of things.
For Duvain: Eh. Also depends. But with him, more people would say he’s not that good. It’s hard for him to feel empathy for people he does not know, so… Though his decisions are always based on what would be best for the people, he tries to act that there’s no unneccessairy pain. He would scoff at the question and change the topic, but he thinks of his actions as good for the majority, so…
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stuckinblrjail · 8 years
I was tagged by @umabbas 
I hope you’re ready for too much information.
Name: Anca                                                                                      
Starsign: Taurus
Height: 161cm
Time Right Now: 12:01 PM
Last thing you googled: 
Last book you read: The last one I finished is ‘Dance Dance Dance’ by Haruki Murakami and I am currently reading ‘Poor Folk’ by Dostoyevsky
Favorite music artists: Kareline, Faun, Emiliano Ercoli, Lucia, Iyeoka, Loreena McKennitt, Heather Dale, Iris, BrunuhVille, Nightwish, Leonard Cohen, Ion Zur, Black Lab etc. 
Last TV show watched: Voltorn
What are you wearing right now: PJS
When did you create this blog: October 2014
What kind of stuff do you post: Random stuff. Mostly art. 
Do you have instagram: Yes
Do you have snapchat: Nope
Do u get asks regularly: No
How did you choose your url: It has been my go to name online. It started as a joke between my best friend and I. 
Gender: F
Favorite color: I use yellow the most in my art so I guess that’s my favorite color.
Average hours of sleep: Depends on the time of the year
Favorite characters: Prince Aikka (Oban Star Racers), Mr. Spock, Zevran (Dragon Age), Garrus (Mass Effect), Nerdanel and Maedhors(Silmarillion), Frodo, Princess Leia..
How many blankets do you sleep with: One
Dream job: Author illustrator
Another one
1. How tall are you? ↑ 2. What colour and style is your hair? Brown in some kind of bun or ponytail.  3. What colour are your eyes? Brown 4. Do you wear glasses? Yep 5. Do you wear braces? Nope 6. What is your fashion sense? I have none, if I could wear pajamas all the time I would be very happy. 7. Do you have any siblings? One sister 8. What kinda student were/are you? The kind that stresses about everything and always feels like they’re winging it.  9. What is/was your favourite subject? History, arts, organic chemistry, geometry, languages.  10. Favourite TV shows? Oban Star Racers, Star Trekk 11. Favourite books? ‘The Silmarillion’, ‘Norwegian wood’, ‘Agony and Extasy’, ‘Gertrud’, ‘The Adolescent’, ‘The little prince’; ‘How to be Idle’.... 12. Favourite pastime? Drawing, gaming, reading, playing with my cat 13. Any regrets? Insert Sten quote here 14. What is your dream job? ↑ 15. Do you want to get married? No 16. Do you want kids? How many? Nope 17. How many countries have you visited? Three 18. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? It’s not for sharing.
Music time
DIRECTIONS: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your MP3 player, itunes, spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people everybody, no skipping ( aka the drag yourself with your own music, savvy? )
Ocean Gypsy-Blackmore’s Night  
Funeral of Hearts-HIM
Otherside-Red Hot Chilly Peppers
The Islander-Nightwish 
The heart asks pleasure first-Nightwish 
Diet Mountain Dew-Lana Del Rey
Time Forgets-Yiruma
Suflet Gol-Madalina Manole
Your Ghost-Black Lab 
RULES: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Disney or Dreamworks: Dreamworks edges out Disney with How to train your dragon and Kung Fu Panda. 
Coffee or tea: Tea
Books or movies: Books.
Windows or Mac: Windows
DC or Marvel: Marvel judging only by the movies
Xbox or PlayStation: The only console I ever owned was from Nintendo...
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Both. Dragon age edges out Mass effect by a little bit because I love fantasy more than scifi and I’m shit at shooters
Night owl or early riser: Night owl 
Cards or chess: Cards. I don’t remember how to play chess
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Manga or comics: Manga
Soup or pasta? Soup
Single player or MMO/Co-op? Single player 
Mine-Star Wars or Star Trekk
Feel free to pick which one you want to do, do them all like me or ignore everything.
@interstellar-elf @cobaltash @toddnyallison @revantherevenant @fleshwerks @froekenfrost @rowans-rose @transylvanianshipper
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pleasantn0 · 5 years
Gonna title this thread Diaria. Its like the spanish translation of “daily” but without the accent mark (not diarrhea,,, don’t even go there). Basically it will be dedicated to accounts of my day so I can keep track of everything as it goes by. Life is too short to not rewind it every once in a while. 
Today began too late for comfort; I wanted to wake up to work out at 7am, but my body had other ideas. Opened up my eyes at 10:30am and meandered out of my bed into the dining hall. I definitely still had sleep in my eyes, but I finessed the oatmeal before it was stolen away. Pampered it with cinnamon and yellow raisins and honey, and ate it slowly, sipping my coffee between bites. I went to HUM and ECON and peed once in each class (not in my pants you silly reader), because hydration is KEY. Afterwards got lunch with Maddie which was so fun and wholesome; somehow the goat curry in Cathey straight up SMACKED so it was a well-worth trekk. I attempted to read in Harper afterwards, but the moment I made myself a couch nest in the warm Harry Potter room, I realized I Confessions :( sad. Headed back to North and read in the sun on the third floor, but for some reason was feeling so unmotivated; eventually Caitlin came and saved me. [She is going though a lot right now and I am immensely worried about her-- she is such a special soul and I am so thankful I know her. I think I will say that until I die, but I hope that when I die we are still very close friends. Hehe]. I held her for a while while she napped and then had to bid her farewell to meet Allie at her apartment. She drove me downtown to pick up this huge Chick-fil-A order for a fundraiser I organized almost completely on my own. Took about an hour. Thankfully I had some people at the Reg to meet me and we took all of the food upstairs and the hand-offs went pretty smoothly; almost everyone picked up their sandwiches! I almost cried because I was so happy at the end of everything! Kam met me there and we did our Spanish quiz, and found most of the answers online. Man is so patient and hardworking I have so much respect for him for grinding on it in the spanish version. After that, I was with Caitlin and Joe and Kuliki, but was super sleepy, so came back to North and cuddled with Zoe and hung out with her and MK. So glad that we got everything sorted out and are good now! I’m so thankful to have all of these wonderful people in my life. I left that room and now I have been happily plugging away on my laptop finally doing this blogging thing I have always wanted to do! I hope that this is an exciting journey into the beginnings of my blogging experience. I don’t care if I get many followers-- I really just want to create something for my future-self to look back and reflect on. Anyways, good night! 
beep bop yaw yeet
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pinkamour1588 · 5 years
Teachers & Tantrums
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Part of The Making of a Home series
Pairing: McKirk
Summary: Evelyn gets to tag along to one of Jim's lectures, but toddlers and sitting still isn't a realistic combination.
Word count: 1321
Rating: Teen
A/N: If you're reading The Making of a Home series chronologically: This fic takes place between chapter 2 and chapter 3 of "And then there were two..."
Jim was supposed to just be home grading papers and caring for Evie that day, rather than frantically packing up a bag while on the phone with his co-instructor, Robert Fletcher.
“Well, take care of yourself, and send over the lesson plan,” Jim sighed. Of all the diseases that could be cured or vaccinated against, apparently the common cold was not one.
“Of course. Sending it now,” Robert answered.
“Thank you.” Jim looked down at his PADD to see the lesson plan.
After another “get well soon”, Jim hung up and reviewed the lesson plan as he called Chris then Phil to ask if they could watch Evie, only to discover they were both busy.
“Papa,” Evie said as she walked out of the master bedroom where she’d slept half the night between Leonard and Jim after a nightmare.
Jim turned around and smiled at her. “Hey, sweetheart. You want some breakfast?”
She nodded, following him to the kitchen. He warmed up a pancake and cut up some fruit for her. Once she was settled eating her breakfast at the table, he went back to getting his things together.
“Evie, you know what you get to do today? You get to come to work with Papa,” he said cheerfully.
“Really?” She bounced a little in her seat.
“Really. You have to be good while I’m working. Think you can do that?”
She nodded.
Continue reading here
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All fics: @auduna-druitt @thefanficfaerie @thinkwritexpress-official  @captainsbabysitter-blog @the-space-goddess-16@outside-the-government  @feelmyroarrrr @anotherotterlover @the-geeky-engineer @goingknowherewastaken@vulcanicminds @iwillwakeherinthemorning @bookcaseninja @yallneedtrek @haveyouseenmymind @destination-trekk@my-life-as-a-fangirl @mishacolyte @reading-in-moonlight @musicmandy1991 @my-crazy-life-as-a-fangirl@stitchinaride @bow-ties-and-daydreams @str8-jack-it @bellemmie
McKirk: @nasanatmfers @skull-in-a-jar @shewhorunswithfandoms @c-c-tinsworth  @medicatemedrmccoy @ravencourt@empresswrites @toosouthernforspace  @bonuskaart  @cheesybadgers @frostedej @empresswrit @0dannyphantom0@joannaleemccoy @littlecrazyfangirl-98 @flaminglupine
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destinationtrekk · 20 days
big ole nsfw 👀 but… ((u don't have to answer if u don't want to))
What would Wesker’s reaction be to his partner squirting for the first time?
okay okay okay, you got me. huge nsfw below the cut - afab-reader, fingering, squirting (obvs), overstimulation, praise, oral (fem receiving)
18+ MDNI
the first time he does it is absolutely an accident. he's had a long day (week, month, year - being evil is hard!) and wants to toy with you until even he can't think anymore.
you have definitely not told him squirting was something he could make you do (if you even knew you could) so it takes him completely by surprise. your slick is dripping down his wrists, the sheets are soaked, so is his chest, and he just... freezes
you're mortified, you can't even speak. your eyes are locked on him waiting for... something. he doesn't speak, or make a sound - he isn't even looking at you. his eyes are locked on where you're squeezed tight around his fingers, dripping wet, and this is when he stops thinking and something clicks into place
he's immediately all over you, squeezing your waist and leaving wet hand prints all over you - he's obsessed with the way the light is bouncing off both of your wet skin. he's kissing you near violently, biting your lip and groaning and asking how he did that and how he needs it to happen again, right now
he's telling you how hot it was, how you're so good for him, warm and leaking all over his hands and his, you and your pussy belong to him, he's going to wring you dry until you can't keep your eyes open and you're begging him to stop, sweetheart
of course it does not take more than a few minutes of him fingering you again for him to very accurately figure you out. he's observant, and very familiar with human anatomy, so he drills that spot inside you until it hurts, and you're crying out and squirming under his hands. he urges you on, sucking your clit and murmuring how sweet you taste. between his hot mouth on your clit and biting your thighs and licking around his own fingers, his mouth is filthy - this is one of the times he just can't shut up about he adores you and your body
in no time at all he has you soaked again, this time it's all over his face too, dripping down his neck and over his collarbones, and all you see when you look down are his glowing red eyes and a disastrous smile
this is going to be a long night
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destinationtrekk · 19 days
Well I've been going a bit... Unhinged lately; and the umbrella reader prompt gave me a few... Ideas
Umbrella reader who fell first for wesker? In the whole yandere-ish way? Like "I have an entire scrapbook dedicated to him" way???
oh man this is a good one. cut added bc it ended up much longer than i expected
you’ve been working at umbrella for a while, you’re no longer just a rookie assistant. You’re in charge of your own lab and techs, and they actually like you, which makes manipulating them a lot easier
everyone knows who Dr. Wesker is. And i mean everyone. There isn’t a soul in the building, in the entire company, who doesn’t either shiver or scowl at his name. He’s umbrella’s golden child, after all, especially since Birkin went and got himself killed.
he is not known for being friendly, but he was never cruel to you, at least. Nowadays he’s out making deals and monsters so his time in the actual labs are rare, so every moment you see him is like a miracle from god.
you notice everything about him in these days. The cut of his trousers, how much gel is in his hair, which pair of sunglasses he’s wearing (no one except you even realizes he has different pairs - seven of them, to be exact). You even count his breaths when you’re both in the same lab and one of the assistants is pissing him off (he actually breathes slower when he’s angry, like it takes every ounce of focus to keep his composure)
this is when you think things might be getting out of hand. You’ve gotten yourself into quite a situation. You’re thinking about him constantly - in traffic on the way to work (he drives an unmarked, pristine black sports car), when you’re hunched over your desk working (he actually wears headphones when he’s using a microscope, you noticed he doesn’t like the sound of the slides clicking), when you’re cooking dinner (he never eats during his shifts, and he scowls at anyone who isn’t using a napkin in the break room) - even when you’re showering, all you can do is remember the smooth scent of his air when he walks past you.
you’re certain you know everything about him now. Even his cologne. A few weeks ago he leaned over your shoulder to correct one of your equations, his voice quiet and void of any emotion, and before he stepped away you got a solid breath of his expensive cologne - subtle, woodsy, deep, intoxicating. You went home and spent half the night looking up the undertones of every single obscure cologne you could find, because no way was it cheap or popular, until you found what you think was the right one
(you order it and a week later, you’re elated to find you were correct. Now your entire bed smells like him)
you make your move on a Tuesday. The entire lab had been whispering about annual reviews, Wesker would be conducting them himself since the other supervisors were busy. A few weeks earlier you had seen his coffee cup in the trash and memorized his order (ew, but you had big plans) and you had left a perfect cup of coffee on his desk before he arrived, conveniently walking past him in the halls just a few minutes later and flashing your most charming smile. He actually smiled back
later that day he leaned over your shoulder again, mouth brushing your ear and hand next to yours on your desk, and his voice was pure sin.
“My office, Doctor, three o’clock. I think we have a few things to discuss.”
needless to say, the two of you are inseparable after that
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