#and I hate this sm
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shuutingstar · 9 months ago
It’s FINALLY done. I’ve finished the sit-com/reality tv show/whatever. It’s only one chapter/a oneshot because it honestly took so long just to write and I procrastinated a bit, but there’s like 4 drafts of just different scenarios for this AU and I’m tired. Not sure if I’ll post this on ao3 or not, but whatever.
context (I guess??) to my suffering.
@doodlebugdpj I hope you like it and I’m terribly sorry if it wasn’t what you were expecting! I understand if it’s garbage because it honestly is.
[camera pans on Will Solace’s face. He’s sitting on a love seat in a bland room and fidgeting with his hands]
Will: [blinks uncomfortably] uh, I’m not sure what I’m meant to—
[a piece of paper gets thrown at Will and he catches it effortlessly, he looks at the contents and sighs]
Will: [reading from the paper indifferently] welcome to the start of a spin-off series where we look into the lives of the demigods residing at Camp Half-Blood. There will be laughs, there will be hardship, but most of all there will be a rememberable and lovable cast of characters— do I have to read this?
Apollo [off-screen]: of course! How else am I meant to start off my career as the best movie director? You know, I’m still disappointed that I couldn’t be in the show, but maybe Hephaestus is just waiting to star me in something really popular! I know he would never brush off my experience and expertise!
Will: [sighs] fine, fine. —rememberable and lovable cast of characters who all face the mundane problems of Camp Half-Blood. Grab some popcorn and sit back because you are about to be sent to an entire different world.
[Apollo claps off-screen while Will puts his head in his hands]
Apollo: well done! Although I do think you need to be more expressive, but I suppose it’s usable. Now if I had done it I would’ve used more emotions to convey just how excited I was to show off my new show, but that might just be a me thing.
Will: [puts his hands on his lap] can I go yet? Nico said he wanted to play some video games today and I need enough brain power to mentally prepare myself for my inevitable defeat.
Apollo: [hums] I guess. All right, you may leave.
[Will stands up quickly and leaves the studio room/basement of the Big House without another word]
[The camera cuts to a shot of Alice Mizayawa and Julia Feingold, who are standing opposite each other]
Alice: so you know how Mr. D loves his coke?
Julia: [nods] yeah.
Alice: [giggles] so what if I told you I swapped it for diet?
Julia: [blinks] you… Alice!? Are you stupid?!
Alice: [scoffs] no? I am completely aware of the consequences! It’s called wanting to have fun, Juls.
Julia: [raises an eyebrow] are you sure you aren’t trying to impress Kayla?
Alice: [slaps a hand on Julia’s mouth] what?! No! Why would I?
[camera cuts to Julia Feingold sitting on the love seat]
Julia: [looks deadpan at camera] Alice has a crush on Kayla and before you say that it was rude of me to reveal that, I’ll have you know that everyone at camp knows except for Kayla.
[camera cuts back to the previous scene]
Julia: [sighs and gets rid of Alice’s hand] okay, okay. How are you supposed to know if Mr. D finds out?
Alice: [smirks] don’t worry, I’ll know.
[a beat of silence before a frustrated scream echoes through the camp, few campers look for its source]
Alice: there it is!
Julia: [face palms] you are so dead.
[camera cuts to Alice sitting on the loveseat, looking worse for wear yet smiling brightly]
Alice: I got put on dish washing duty for a month, but it was worth it! [she sits crisscrossed on the seat] Kayla said my prank was hilarious! Can you believe that? [her smile widens] I think I might explode.
[Dionysus sits at the love seat, looking beyond tired]
Mr. D: fuck you, Zeus.*
*Hephaestus TV would like to clarify that this is a figure of speech and Dionysus does not actually want to fuck Zeus.
[camera cuts to Cecil Markowitz, Lou Ellen and Will Solace sitting in a circle and playing a card game]
Lou: [places a card on the deck in the middle of the circle] UNO.
Will: [huffs] I swear if this is your third win—
Lou: oh please, you’re just mad you’re bad at a card game.
Cecil: [chuckles] even I’ve won at least once.
Will: [rolls his eyes] it’s a game of luck, Cecil. You don’t need much to win a game like this.
[in the background a cabin lights on fire and Percy Jackson can be seen controlling water from the lake to extinguish it]
Lou: [smirks] are you not lucky, Will?
Will: [deadpans] Tyche hates my guts.
Cecil: did you accidentally forget to heal Chiara or something?
Will: what? No! I take my job as head healer very seriously.
[the fire slowly dissipates, however the cabin is charred and badly damaged. Annabeth Chase walks over to Percy, the two discussing something too far to pick up on]
Lou: [shrugs] it’s your turn, dipshit.
Will: [looks at his cards, then places one on the deck ans grins] maybe Tyche doesn’t hate my guts.
Cecil: [groans] just great. [takes four cards from the opposite deck reluctantly]
Lou: what’s the colour?
Will: hmm, how ‘bout blue?
Lou: ugh! You son of a bicth!
[Will and Cecil laugh at Lou’s unfortunate situation all the while in the background the cabin has gone up in flames again, Percy and Annabeth staring for a single moment before trying to extinguish it again]
Will: [puts a card down] UNO!
Cecil: whaaaat?!
Lou: fuck you, sunshine boy.
Will: [grins smugly] I guess Tyche has finally blessed me. Suck it, losers!
Cecil: [frowns] you’re so cruel, William.
[the three friends laugh as the sun sets behind them. The cabin is no longer on fire and now Leo Valdez and Harley have joined Annabeth and Percy. They discuss something before Harley looks down dejectedly]
[the camera cuts to the bland room once more, Will Solace sitting in the love seat once again]
Will: for the record, I won that UNO game.
[a paper gets thrown at him and Will looks at its contents indifferently]
Will: [reading form the paper] that concludes the pilot episode for Apollo’s new TV show. He would like to thank himself for coming up with the idea and Hephaestus TV for sponsoring the production. Tune back in next Wednesday to catch the very first episode of the series. [looks at camera] how much longer is this gonna last, dad?
Apollo [off-screen]: dunno, I’ll have to check the views first. I’ll get back to you.
[the screen fades to black as Will stands up and leaves]
don’t ask my what kayla x alice is doing in here, I wanted a funny scene and kayla was the first person I thought of.
I hate this so much, but honestly I kind of just want to be done with this (for now). This most definitely branches out from my initial post because it’s hard to incorporate fight scenes when my vocabulary only consists of ‘explosions’ and ‘screams’ in that field. Also, I guess it would make sense if sometimes camp wasn’t in mortal danger and other times it was? So yeah. That’s what this is.
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bandzboy · 1 year ago
i think it's quite inaccurate to say kpop is a genre when in reality kpop is an industry and groups do different genres of music it's especially annoying when you are looking for the genre from a kpop group and it appears "kpop" and it's truly so vague like my brother christ that tells me nothing 😭
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kalicocal · 4 months ago
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bethsvrse · 1 year ago
pov: I find a good smut fic but it includes a daddy kink
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lotus-pear · 11 months ago
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can't stand them
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lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom · 2 months ago
Summary- Dae-ho wakes up from a nightmare, with you being the only one by his side to calm him down.
Warnings- Mentions of PTSD, Nightmare, ECT.
A/N- Thank you, @tomgregtruther101 @errruvande @momoko-world @thethreeeyed-raven for encouraging me to write this!
Word Count- 1,223
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A low mumble awoke you from your slumber. Typically you were a heavy sleeper, but when it came to Dae-ho it was different. You could have slept through a firework show. Though, the second your beloved got up to use the bathroom- you're up with him.
It bothered the sweet man at first, he hated waking you up. After some reassurance that you didn't mind, he warmed up to the idea. This night, however, was not like many.
It was not uncommon for Dae-Ho to wake up frazzled. He would get something warm to drink from the kitchen, and lay back down. (Praying he didn't wake you). On the much more common occurrence, you would awake with him. In turn, you'd be the one making him something warm to drink, possibly something sweet to snack on. Then the two of you would cuddle until he was fast asleep.
It was honestly comforting for you as well, being able to be his anchor was flattering. He trusted you like no other.
Dae-ho was not Frazzled though, and he didn't wake up to get a beverage.
He was thrashing, hard. His legs slightly kicking, arms jumping up every few seconds. With an impossibly scrunched face, he mumbled again.
"Dae?" You whispered out. The only response you received was a hit to the side, a stray flaring hand had got you.
The mumbling quickly turned louder, now sounding like a cry or groan. It worried you beyond recognition.
"Dae-ho." You pressed a gentle hand to his shoulder. His body jerked away from it. Very uncharacteristic.
A disfigured 'no' left his lips, a struggled sob escaped. He had managed to kick the comforter off of himself, and the bed.
You were now sat on your knees, looming over him. "Dae-ho!" You firmly grabbed both of his shoulders, shaking him.
A loud gasp erupted from both of you as his eyes shot open, you had no time to make a comment. His legs pushed and kicked, separating himself from you. At that singular moment, in his fear struck mind, he didn't seem to recognize you.
He had already found himself against the headboard of the bed, his hands pressing tight against his ears. You had barely blinked in all his movement.
With gaping eyes, a pounding chest, and heavy breathing he looked at you. Almost as if you were the one who hurt him.
"It just me, Dae-ho, its just me..." You spoke as soft and low as you could. You didn't approach any closer, but put your hands up to appear less intimidating.
His eyes just darted across the room in response, body curling further. His lip quivered, face and body drenched in sweat.
"You're okay, you're safe. Dae, you're safe. It's just me... It was just a nightmare, everything is okay..."
He swallowed thick, slowly nodding his head. His gaze now stuck on yours. His scared and nerve wrecked appearance crushed you. It was opposite of the man he appears to show to everyone, only you knew of his nightmares.
"I'm going to come closer, I promise I'm here, I'm real, you're at home. Safe in bed..." You shuffled over on your knees, hands starting at his forearm.
He slightly flinched at your touch, but made no attempt to move away. Your hand caressed across his arm, going to his own hand. You tenderly unravel his tight grip on his head, tangling your fingers in his.
A large sigh left him, his head falling back in frustration. He was now back to reality, though still beat and weary. Water glossed over his eyes. He bit his lip hard, trying to fight away any tears. He thought it would make him seem less of a man to cry in front of you. You couldn't disagree more.
"I'm so sor-" His voice cracked as he tried to speak, a couple tears has managed to escape. You didn't let him finish, his face was pressed deeply into your chest within seconds. He truly didn't know what he was apologizing for, for waking you? For having a nightmare? For his frequent PTSD attacks?
You had quickly taken his frame into your arms. He would have admitted that your knees pressing into his thighs was uncomfortable, but he didn't care right now. You were with him, holding him, and loving him. That's all he cared about.
"Don't you dare apologize, you've done nothing wrong." You cradled his head tight, pressing kisses to the top of his crown.
You managed to twist the two of you around, your back now against the headboard with him in your lap. He was quiet for awhile, you simply rocked him back and forth for a little bit.
His arms found themselves wrapped around your waist. He held onto you for dear life... Almost as if you'd fade away if he let go. You heard his breathing shake every few breaths, but he was calming down.
Continuing to rock, you reached your hands up to his hair. It was half up, half down. The hair tie pulled out of his hair easily enough. You were able to considerably comb through his hair with your fingers. A simple action you knew he loved.
While one hand worked at his soft black hair, another rubbed circles on his back. "Feeling better?"
He sniffled, leaning up to look at you. He couldn't meet your eyes, almost embarrassed. His meek, "Thank you." was accompanied by a nod.
You brushed through his hair, even with him sat up. "Want to talk about it?" You never wanted to pressure him into anything he wasn't comfortable with.
"Just the typical... but you were there, you were who I was shooting... It was like you were the enemy... I just- I can't describe it.. It made no sense-." His voice shook again, so you interrupted him.
"Exactly, baby. It was a nightmare that will never happen... Because I know you would never hurt me, that you would do anything to protect me?" Your tone implied a question.
He nodded furiously, now making direct eye contact. There wasn't a phrase he agreed more with. He looked at you like a loyal puppy.
"See? It was your sweet little mind playing mean tricks on you..." You rested a flat palm to his cheek. Taking in how handsome he looked in the moonlight.
He puffed, now more light hearted, and fell back onto your chest.
"I promise I will keep you safe from all the nightmares and mind games." He was frustrated at your words.
"But that's supposed to be my job..." He said, face conveniently still upon your breast.
You smiled warmly, "Yes, it is. And you fulfill it perfectly. I couldn't be happier. But, you must let me take care of you as well..."
He didn't respond, his internal monologue had a million points to argue back. But he didn't. He embasked in the moment, squeezing you tight again.
You took the silent request, resuming your back rubbing and head scratching.
From experience, you knew he would not fall asleep any time soon. That you'd probably fall asleep before him, no matter how hard you tried to stay up. All you could do for now was whisper how much you love him, play with his hair, and hum silly melodies.
And he was content with that.
A/N- Okay, so erm. I feel like it was rushed (it was), but I also feel that way about all my works. So... Please let me know how I can improve. Also this is my first time writing something like this, so I hope it wasn't terrible. XOXOXOX LOVE YALL
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tyquu · 5 months ago
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Friend mentioned a while back that Lothali people might be descended from Loth cats cause of Ezra’s Sharp teeth and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. Hera clocks this when she has to de-flea him the first week he’s aboard the ghost and Zeb’s fellow cat brain is going nuts
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willthespy · 1 month ago
a birthday gift from a certain god…
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hi the real ones know i absolutely HATED the 2024 version so heres a redraw of this post! (please for my own sanity give this more notes than that one at some point PLEASE)
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isopodcowboy · 8 months ago
Elias is the type of person to respond "I see" to everyone all the time during season one and before just for the shits and giggles.
"Elias the printer ran out of ink."
"Ah, I see. I'll have that sorted."
"There's a bunch of fucked up worms outside"
"Hm I see, how odd."
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probablytame · 9 months ago
don't play around with feral dogboys. don't chain one up to the bedpost and tease it from afar, making it sit on a vibrator while you touch yourself. good lord do not make the most pretty little whimpers and noises as you do it. sooner or later that thing is going to burst out from its chains and tackle you to the ground as it sinks its teeth into your neck. snarling as it tears open your legs and rams its knot into your hole. and god forbid it's strap knot, because the only thing that's gonna stop it is exhaustion. that thing only sees you as a toy, and it's going to fuck you until you break
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jeanivere · 3 months ago
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john marston redraw of some doodle i made a year ago
old art below cut
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i made him greasier lol
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fury161 · 2 months ago
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someones on sm33 maintenance duty
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en-stbc · 5 months ago
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how ive been feeling the past couple of days. i have no shame
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wiidvw · 8 months ago
hes literally my craziest 'hear me out' fr-
holy shit...
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0nlyhere4phil · 5 months ago
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i had to glitterfy the part of the video that made me leave the room. i literally paused the video and walked outside. i just can't. this- their- jesus christ
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lotus-pear · 3 months ago
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ace detective more like ace DEFECTIVE
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