#and Chris already canonically has adhd
Your turn!
Hit me with your top five (or ten if you can) Teen Wolf headcanons overall, about any character/pairing/scene. Your overall top five/ten headcanons
1). Chris Argent in any pairing is a bottom/sub. Like, just in everyday life outside of work/hunting.
2). Like Peter says, Stiles is way better suited to being a 'wolf than Scott is, but maybe wouldn't be the nicest Alpha.
3). Talia has to be at least 15 years older than Peter, who I feel is the youngest of his siblings. You can't look at how he acts/speaks and tell me he doesn't act like the baby of the family. (I'm 10 years older than my youngest brother and 11 years older than my stepsister. Peter acts like he's the youngest.)
4). Since Gideon Emery grew up going between the UK and South Africa, I think Deucalion did too.
5). Peter/Stiles/Chris/Deucalion would rule/destroy the fucking world, whether in a poly relationship, or just teamed up to defeat their enemies and get whatever they want.
6). Peter would be clingy with whoever he's with. Maybe not physically clingy, but always around, trying to be near them without being near them.
7). In the scene where the Sheriff says that Stiles can't be gay with how he dresses is dumb. Or at least the Sheriff is. Clothes are just clothes, Stiles is most likely Bi or Pan, and the Sheriff is probably the one who bought the clothes in the first place.
8). You mentioned Peter having Autism in a previous post, and I can see that, but I also see Derek the same way.
9). Deaton is very manipulative like Peter, but way more subtle about it. He makes it seem like he's just cryptic and shit and can't tell you things outright, but purposely NOT saying anything or at least nothing clear can be manipulative too. I think he's more of a villain than half the ones we're told are villains.
10). Stiles, canonically having ADHD, should have been more, casually(?)annoying. Like, randomly messing with Scott's face because he's trying to see if his eyes are the same colour/shape/etc., opening/shutting the fridge without actually looking inside, just for the noise/cool air, spacing out mid conversation, then coming back to ask a question that was already asked and answered by some of the others, etc.
Bonus: As fancy or high class as Peter seems to be, I don't see him liking sushi. I'd even go so far as to say I can see him being vegetarian due to certain meats being gross, not a good texture, and possibly making him feel sick after eating. (I know some vegetables can have bad textures too, but this is just what I feel could be his reasoning.)
(If you want to ask, I can try and answer more in-depth.)
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Someone has asked for more of my Wordgirl Narrator x Powerpuff girl Narrator shipping nonsense, so here’s another long post
Ft. The same thing I used for the Seymour x Beau post
(Disclaimer: Chris is the wg narrator. Tom is the ppg narrator)
Tw: mild gore(?) at one point (its really brief though), mildly suggestive
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Who’s the most affectionate
Tom is, but only slightly more :)
Most common argument
This isn’t necessarily an argument, but here’s a little side hc:
Chris is autistic and has ADHD
Tom has anxiety
When one of them is upset over something, the other will get upset because they’re upset. This leads to the both of them usually having a miniature spiral where they’re both upset until
1. Whatever upsets the original person gets resolved/they’re distracted from it
2. Some third person grounds them both
Who apologizes first?
It depends on the situation, but most of the time it’s Tom
Favorite non sexual activity
They like going out together to do stuff, even if it’s something small like going to buy groceries. They’re schedules are a little all over the place, so they might not always have the time to regularly hang out with each other.
Who drives and who rides shotgun
Depends the situation, though Chris prefers to be the driver
Who’s most likely to carry the other
Tom is shorter, so Chris can just pick him up when he wants to
Who proposes?
They both proposed at the same time :)
Who sings along on the radio
They both do
Who worries most
Tom does.
He already had anxiety, and because his show physically affects him much more (in one episode, a villain straight up breaks into his recording booth, beats him up, and kidnaps him), he’s stressed and afraid A LOT
Who likes to playfully tease the other?
Tom is way more of a tease then Chris is, but in moments where Chris retorts back, Tom will turn bright red
Who tops?
(They switch)
Who initiates kisses first? - Who kisses Hardest?
It’s typically Tom, but it mostly depends on the situation
Who’s most ticklish?
Chris is generally more physically sensitive, so he’s very ticklish
Who brings an animal they found home?
Neither of them have so far, but Chris has always wanted a pet cat.
Who holds the umbrella?
It changes depending on what they’re doing (ex: one of them is overwhelmed, one of them is holding something)
Who tries to embarrass the other in public?
Neither of them try to do that, because they think it’s mean.
Who kills the bugs?
After a certain episode of ppg (that involved a lot of cockroaches), Tom has become much more afraid of bugs. Chris stomps them out for him
Who asks weird questions in the middle of the night?
Tom has some problems with sleeping because of his anxiety. In moments where his insomnia prevents him from relaxing, Tom will ask Chris something weird or confusing.
The question is only confusing either because Tom is really tired and can’t speak coherently, or because Chris is half awake by the time Tom says anything.
Either way, it prompts Chris to either encourage Tom to cuddle more, or Chris will get up to find something to help Tom.
On more than one occasion, Tom has woken Chris up over a genuine issue (ex: this makes zero sense without context, but one time someone broke into their house, punched Tom in the face, and stole some of his teeth)
Who hogs the blanket?
Chris is a very heavy sleeper who moves around in his sleep and tends to steal the blanket.
Who wakes up first? - Who makes coffee for the other?
Depends on their schedule, which changes for the show. Sometimes one of them will pull an all nighter, sometimes they both get to sleep in
Who cries during films/books? + Who gets scared during horror movies?
Tom is a lot more emotional than Chris is during that kind of stuff (I mean, that’s basically canon- literally at the end of one episode in the og series he’s crying in the end card cause the ending was sad)
Who cuts the others hair?
For my little Narrator AU thing that I explained in a separate post, Narrators aren’t exactly human (although some may choose to look like it), so they come with a bit of magic.
They can just to float, teleport, go invisible, and a bunch of other things, including change their appearances (to a degree)
Both Tom and Chris could just will their hair to look different
Who says ‘I love you’ first?
Tom was the one who originally asked Chris out on a date
Who cooks best?
They’re both pretty good cooks, Chris just typically cooks more
Who wears the others jackets?
Tom is the shorter and thinner one, so he can fit into Chris’ clothes
Who uses cheesy pickup lines? - Who tries to make the other laugh
Tom is a massive flirt and will constantly tease Chris. Sometimes his pick up lines are bad on purpose, just to get a laugh out of Chris
Who needs more reassurance?
Tom does. He’ll often stress about upsetting people or letting anything bad happen, even if the situation is minor.
They don’t argue much, but when they do, Tom gets *very upset*, even if the argument is small
What do they do when they’re away from each other
They’ll either chill in their home, or hang with the characters from their shows.
Chris is very friendly with a lot of the characters in Wordgirl, while Tom specifically befriends Ms Bellum from ppg (The relationship with those two is a whole other thing and I’m not even sure if I should talk about it on this blog because this is a wg themed blog lmfao)
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kuwdora · 1 year
Latest things meme... (Two posts in one day? Wonders never cease. Enjoy the ADHD flavor rambling below.)
Anyway, thank you always for the tag @kiriele!
Last song:
I have to again preface that most of my music consumption is for vid-related purposes these days.
I came across this hilarious meme that gave me my latest vid idea. It’s a photo of Paris Hilton picking out some ice cream treats, and overlaid on the treats are one Cassian Andor from Star Wars and John Silver from Black Sails. The captain reads “Actually, can I have five more of these [can’t escape the narrative] bitches?” And the OP writes “finally figured out why these two makes me so feral.”
I saw that and I felt like my third eye opened. Like. 🤯 Because there is a perfect thematic vid there showcasing these two’s specific struggles. Especially in the context of resisting an encroaching empire and and and... they really got sucked into the narrative and can't! fucking get out!! And then they end up believing in the cause (in their own ways) and ah ah ah...ahhhhh..
Okay that context being given, I went and spent all 5 minutes going “I need a song. I need a song for these two. Two sources, two voices? Maybe, maybe not. Male vocalist? Raging against the authority is punk, but I love mash-ups and pitting parallels and contrasts of with multiple musical sources. Wait, I already had a DJ artist who made this other mash-up I loved am going to use for a vid…surely he has something that could be… interesting or great for Cassian Andor and John Silver. Surely??”
Friends. Friends. Even those of you who don't know or care about vidding, this is just a sort of beautiful mini-nirvana moment when you discover the perfect song (especially so quickly).
BEHOLD. My Cassian Andor and John Silver vidsong that I may or may not make but you hear it first:
I can see the whole vid unfolding before my eyes. Frantically trying to download Black Sails and searching my 3 hard drives to make sure I had in fact nabbed Andor earlier for a different vid idea. Yet…I have so many other vid things in my queue and only so much hard drive space and brainRAM.
Currently watching:
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. I want to like it more than I do. I like elements of the characters, (La’An and Chapel are extremely compelling, Ethan Peck is bringing a great human cheekiness to his portrayal of Spock, Pike remains a great Space Dad) but there’s still something that’s not gelling fully with me. Which is sad because I am so on board with the more episodic angle again and some of the classic themes and motifs from TOS but it’s just…idk, I think I need a whole post to think aloud on it.
Currently reading:
Ahsoka by EK Johnston, Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski. Almost done with Spin State by Chris Moriarty.
Currently obsessed with: Oh, I’m burbling with obsession…
In my reading I’m still losing my mind over how much I love Baptism of Fire. Milva sucker punching a peasant. Regis’ entrance to the narrative. ZOLTAN, sloppy drunk. Geralt dreaming of Ciri…Ciri dreaming of Geralt. 😭
Ahsoka learning how to pretend to be a Normal Twice-Orphaned Teenager. How do people interact outside wartime situations and executing battle strategy?? Honey… (I need to go look for some post-O66 Ahoska fic novels…)
ALSO!!! @dragneto has also infected me witcher fic idea that’s got me foaming at the mouth. I want to tackle the idea but I’m also dying to finish my WIP chapter first before I can play. I’m so obsessed with this ridiculously horny and sad idea.
I also have 4 vid ideas I’m chewing on like a rabid gremlin and it is definitely to the point of obsession. Mad that I won’t be able to follow through in the short or medium term…too much on the brain, lack of focus, stress from life stuff, other WIPs eating away at me.
Two Witcher ones vid ideas: my Phil vid…she’s so bad, I love her. Sexy song, lots of bad. And I am revisiting an old pan-canon humor/thirst/thematic vid about Geralt… Which is more about how the characters see him.
Then I got my Star Wars Rebels idea which I’m having technical problems that’s keeping me from starting.
…And then this Andor/Black Sails thing…
tagging @deerna and @danegen and @shetiger and @simuran and @whatkindofnameisvolta ...and anyone else who wants to go.
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the-1-and-lonly · 4 years
Stagedorks aka the neurodivergent power couple
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nerdasaurus1200 · 3 years
Just for the hell of it, I thought I’d throw in my two cents on the minor debate going on in the Cassandra corner of the fandom.
You’re allowed to think she probably isn’t neurodivergent. That’s okay, it’s your interpretation.
Cassandra was still abused from birth till four and then abandoned at a VERY young age. Abandonment alone can have a VERY big impact on a child’s mental health. It can cause so many developmental issues and even full on mental disorders. Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Depression are just a few. And the abuse can cause things like PTSD and Dissociative Amnesia. And although it was never outright said, they kinda visually confirmed Cass having Dissociative Amnesia because the woman literally had zero recollection of Gothel until Zhan Tiri.
Now, onto the full on neurodivergence, cause while the things listed above are absolutely mental disorders, I don’t know if they’re in the neurodivergent umbrella. It has been scientifically proven that people with childhood trauma are more likely to develop adhd. It’s also been proven that other neurodivergent disorders can be developed by trauma as well, such as OCD, Dyslexia, and even Autism. And even without the trauma of being emotionally/mentally abused and then abandoned, I highly doubt Gothel ever put any serious effort into Cassandra’s education. So that right there is grounds for developmental issues and disorders being developed, cause she was already probably mentally behind for her age.
Now, does this mean that Cassandra has every neurodivergent disorder? Probably not. Hell, she’s getting off lucky in the strict canon with just Dissociative Amnesia. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have these either. It’s clear that there’s only so much Chris Sonneburg could delve into since this was a disney princess show, but at the same time he’s Chris Sonneburg so I highly doubt he did a lot of serious research and digging as to how being abandoned could affect Cassandra. If he even did do the research, he didn’t exactly do a good job at showing hints of these disorders in Cassandra.
Bottom line, even if the canon doesn’t imply Cassandra being neurodivergent, the writing is bs because the science proves that she would be.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Breaking the cycle | How Teen Wolf portrays its traumatized fathers
First of, I would like to say that the following words are my take on this. I am a 29 year old trans man of Caucasian descend who is an domestic violence and abuse survivor. I am diagnosed with ADHD since 12 and diagnosed with CPTSD since this year. I understand trauma and I understand what it does to people. But I am not a professional. I am a fan.
Secondly, the characters I’ll be talking about today are specifically the fathers of some of the main characters in Teen Wolf. Namely Chris Argent, Peter Hale, and Noah Stilinski. 
I realize there are many more traumatized parents who would fit well in this essay and while I thought about including them, I decided that for now, these are the three characters I’m focusing on.
I would love to hear your thoughts about some of the other parents and how their traumatizing pasts might have contributed to the way they raised their children.
Sources are listed under the read more. The gifs I’m using are from Google.
I will be focusing on these characters, discuss what sort of trauma they have, how it affects them and how it affects the way they then raised their children. And why their stories are important for trauma and abuse survivors.
Let’s start with Noah Stilinski.
From Episode 3, Season 6 Sundowning we know the following about Noah’s homelife:
Elias was known for being both emotionally and physically abusive, and on at least one occasion, Noah stepped in to protect his mother from his abuse, causing his father to inadvertently throw him into a glass coffee table; his shoulder was scarred, and tiny fragments of glass remain under the now-healed wound even in the present day.
He even tells Scott: (While talking about a memory of him and Claudia in College.) “The kind of father I wish I had. The kind I... I hope to be."
In the same episode Noah also refers to the incident above as “That time.” Indicating that it wasn’t the first time this happened and it wasn’t the last either.
Piecing all the information together we can conclude that Noah was emotionally, psychologically, and physically abused by his father. We can also conclude that this abuse extended to his mother. Meaning he was also a victim of domestic violence.
There is also evidence in the episode that Elias might have abused Stiles, or at the very least has a very negative opinion of his grandson.  “ That's right! Act like I'm not even here! Go crawling back to your dead wife and loser son!”
This scarred Noah, both physically and mentally. We see evidence of this in episodes where he reacts violently and explosively any time his son is hurt. He immediately blows up and threatens physical violence against the people who hurt his son. 
A part of that is parental protection, but imagine that someone beat the living crap out of you and those you love every day of your life. Once you’re free of that person it leaves a mark and a smoldering fear of seeing the people around you getting hurt. When it happens you get angry, at the people who hurt your loved one, and at yourself. You weren’t there to protect them, you were too late.
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Noah blames himself whenever Stiles gets hurt. I believe, based on his childhood home life that Noah corresponds his son getting hurt with failure as a parent. And knowing where he comes from, that’s an extra sore subject for him.
We have basis of it in canon.
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We can also see that Noah’s guilt tends to eat at him if he ever has to discipline Stiles or yell at him. As shown in the following scene.
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I believe that the abuse Noah endured makes him a very scared individual especially when it comes to raising his son. He’s constantly afraid he’s turning into his father, his afraid of making the same mistakes. He’s afraid he’ll scar and traumatize his own as he was traumatized himself.
The fact that Noah is aware of what he’s doing, that he stops when asked is enough of an indication to tell us, the audience, that he isn’t his father. Once Stiles indicates he’s okay, or simply tells his father to stop, Noah stops immediately. He usually hugs his son or initiates a kind physical contact right after. 
He stops, he reflects, realizes his mistake, and tries to do better.
This is one way to break the cycle. Noah’s not perfect at it, we can see him struggle many times. He insults Stiles or his intelligence without meaning to, passing it off as a joke, he’s constantly working and is not around as much as he should be. And those are valid criticisms of this character.
But deep at his core Noah’s trying to break a cycle of physical and emotional abuse, he’s trying to be there for Stiles. Tells him to go to school, tries to keep an eye on Stiles and tries to talk to him whenever he has the chance to explore Stiles’s wellbeing and feelings.
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This is a man who went through hell as a child, became a father, and decided to do better.
Noah is a character who effectively broke a viscous cycle and has a wonderful and strong relationship with his son as a result. It’s not without flaws and Noah’s not perfect. But he’s generally not abusive or an abuser. And that is a step in the right direction.
It also shows us, the audience, that no matter what home life you come from, you can arise above your own traumas and do better for the next generation.
Now Chris Argent is an interesting one. I already talked about Chris and trauma in my daddy’s little soldier meta.
Considering the type of person Gerard is, and how he treats several teenagers in the show. I believe Chris is also a victim of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse. We don’t know much about his home life with his mother, so that I can not speculate on.
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What we do know is, Gerard has no qualms about hurting children and teenagers. He’s admitted that he would kill his own son if it meant he survived. He’s raised his own son to be a weapon and to compartmentalize his emotions. I shudder to think as to what methods Gerard must have used on Chris. But as we never see them, I can only speculate.
So how did Chris break his cycle of abuse?
By not raising Allison to be a hunter. For the first seventeen years of her life, Allison didn’t know the Supernatural existed. She was kept out of her father’s life until it was no longer possible. She was never raised as a soldier, she wasn’t raised to hide her feelings. If anything, her father encouraged her and nurtured her to the best of his abilities. Chris tried to be there for his daughter. 
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He even moved her to France to get her away from their lives. He quit something he was raised to do and did it successfully, just to protect his daughter. He grew up to be everything his father wasn’t.
And while Chris, too, is not perfect at it, he does try and breaks the cycle.
He’s aware of their problems, addresses them, and tries to do better. He even extends this nurturing and protective side to Isaac later down the line. 
Chris, a victim of abuse, sees the signs of abuse in Isaac, and decides; this one, this one I will nurture and protect too. Which he eventually accomplishes by bringing him to France and away from the craziness that is Beacon Hills. (Would have been nice to get a good plot about Chris adopting Isaac, but well, that’s another rant.)
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Chris, like Noah, shows that even if you were raised in the worst circumstances, by being aware of your trauma and how that affects others, you can break the cycle and come out on top.
And last but not least we have someone who went through an horrific event and possibly emotional abuse from his family, discovered he was a father, and then had to adjust.
I’m talking about Peter Hale.
Now Peter is not a morally good character in general. He has no qualms about killing people who get in his way. From what we know about his childhood Peter also had anger issues as a small child and often broke his toys. 
However, the reason why I’m stating that Peter was most likely emotionally abused (I think by his sister Talia) is because we know that Talia, would not believe Peter about the fire and the Argents and waved his concerns away without considering them. She manipulated multiple of his memories and frequently hid the truth from him. And we know that their relationship from before the fire was strained.
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We also know that Peter does care about his family. He cared for Cora in the hospital and he does care about whether Derek lives or dies and tends to keep an eye out for his nephew. In later seasons we also see Peter caring about his only daughter Malia and even express fear for her wellbeing when they go up against the Anuk-Ite. 
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His love for Malia is eventually what frees him from the Ghost Riders control and his wish for her to live is what motivates his decisions in Season 6 to try and keep her safe, and when he can’t keep her away from the fight, he joins her and tries to protect her.
Now I believe that the Peter we see in S1,2, 3 and S6B are the real Peter Hale. A traumatized man who believes his only way to stay alive is through manipulation and careful planning. But he does genuinely seem to care about a few people, Cora, Derek, and Malia.
In Season 1 Peter is still coming out of his traumatic event (being burned alive and then being in a coma) and he has to navigate a new world. He kills Laura (or so it is speculated) for her Alpha power and to heal himself. Because to Peter, he is the only one who can avenge his family and resolve the traumatic event he went through.
Revenge, of course, is generally not a good way to resolve trauma and the plan doesn’t work. His trauma is not resolved by killing Kate and he dies that night.
When Peter comes back practically powerless he has to navigate carefully and he does so through manipulating the people around him. To Peter, manipulation is the only way to stay alive and get ahead. This idea of his, had to come from somewhere.
This is where my theory of emotional abuse kicks in. Because if Peter was emotionally abused by his sister (for which there is evidence in canon), he most likely picked up his tactic of manipulation as a survival tactic.
Now out of the list. Peter is the only person who doesn’t fully rise above his past. The past still haunts him as he becomes a protector of Beacon Hills in S6B. But I firmly think that if we got to see more of Peter past this point, we would have seen a man starting his journey to recognizing his toxic traits and trying to do better by them. But that of course, is just speculation.
Peter’s story teaches us that the road to healing and becoming a better person isn’t always linear. It’s not a given that you’ll heal if you aren’t ready to accept it. Or if you’re so focused on getting revenge that healing is impossible, it’s also not going to work. And usually, trying to heal requires a positive presence in your life (Malia), a support system (Malia and the pack), and a willingness to recognize what you’re doing wrong and to better yourself moving forward.
Breaking the Cycle of Child Abuse - Article written by a psychologist and peer reviewed by a psychiatrist
The cycles of violence - Article written for the WHO by the University of Birmingham
The Teen Wolf Wiki - for all information and episodes of these characters
Teen Wolf - MTV tv show that owns the characters.
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rainbowstrashpile · 4 years
Softer, Softest
Testing a WIP here. Wanted to see if anyone was interested.
Wesker crawls out of the volcano (because of course he does), and the BSAA retrieves the remains. Chris, ever the hero, wants to help what’s left of him. Unfortunately the BSAA isn’t in the business of rehabilitating terrorists, but they can’t deny a founding member. So they compromise. How convenient then, that Wesker himself had perfected mind control technology.
Warnings for mind control and a brief description of non-consensual touching. However, that touching is not sexual in nature. Brief implication of child abuse. Admittedly a dark premise but becomes fluff.
Laid low, passive, doll like. Redfield could have him in ways he never had before. Quiet. Domesticated. Soft. Umbrella’s ubermensch, the western world’s idea of male beauty, gene selected and designed then broken on their wheel, now belonged to him. Empty, vacuous, acquiescent for the very first time. Briar Rose sleepwalking through Chris' apartment, barefoot and dreamy eyed.
It was, admittedly, not an ideal situation; but Chris wasn’t the type to take advantage of that. He knew the guilt would eat him from the inside if he allowed any injustice to happen, even to Wesker. Perhaps especially to Wesker. Greatest love of Chris’ life, much to his own chagrin.
As it stands, he likes to chat at him. Explain his favorite parts of movies while he runs his fingers through his hair. Something he'd never gotten to do before but always wanted to. He's a warm, solid weight against him as he stares blankly ahead. Chris' very own dolly. But he feels he's nice about it. Tries to be understanding of the person stuck somewhere deep inside. "I know you would have hated this. But someday, you'll be able to make your own choices again." Because Chris refuses to think of Albert as beyond redemption. Refuses to think that people who have been so traumatized are beyond repair. Albert just needs help. He just needs to be shown a gentle touch. A shred of humanity. And Chris wants to be the one to try.
It was warm here. Hazy. Almost pleasant. And that was...abnormal. Somehow he knew it wasn’t supposed to be like this. That this state of being was somehow temporary. But he couldn't bring himself to struggle against it; stick his head above the bathwater doze he both languished and lavished in. The instinct to hold still and do as you’re told still strong. Maybe he had been taught too well as a child…
Something in Wesker fizzled; acid mixed with alkali, a chemical reaction that made him twitch. Something in him remembered fear. Nervous system fighting against the weight of the lull, trying to beat back the lassitude. He felt a tension in the back of his throat, burbling up through his mouth in the form of a whine, high pitched and animal. His heartbeat increased from its sluggish rhythm, suddenly thundering against his ribs in a frenzy. 
He didn’t want to be here. This feeling, whatever it was, was hiding something terrible. A leviathan lurking in the depths, rising quickly to pull him down with a burden too terrible to bear. A knowledge that would break him. But as he was now, Wesker was powerless to stop it.
He wanted to run. To bolt in any direction; a rabbit with a wolf on its heels. But to where he couldn’t say. He was vaguely aware of the fact he didn’t know where he was. Hadn’t for a while now. And when he tried to stand, his knees gave out and he sagged to the floor; more terrible softness greeting him at the end of his fall.
“Hey now,” a voice said softly. “It’s okay. I’m here! I’m here. I’ve got you.”
Warmth again, but a different kind. Not a chemical buzz to lay him out, keep him in a fog, but a real heat. Soft skin hoisting him up against something solid, something that smelled like castile soap and laundry detergent, just a hint of sharp aftershave cutting through.
The monsters lurking just below the surface dove back down into the murk, settling once again in the depths. Far away from the safety the voice and warmth promised.
It seemed easy now, to surrender. To let the fog and softness over take him; drown out the fear buzzing and fomenting in the back of his mind. Peace descended once again, and he let out a shaky breath in relief. Nothing hurt here, trapped in the comforting static of whatever had been done to him. Sweetly restrained, or perhaps sheltered, by the solid mass holding him.
Wesker went limp in his grasp, head sagging against his shoulder. Chris ran his fingers gently through blond hair, nudging his nose against Wesker’s forehead. “It’ll all be okay. You’re safe here. I promise.” It didn’t irk him that Wesker’s arms didn’t reach out, didn’t hold onto him for comfort or even support. Acquiescence was the best that could be expected. That he had so quickly calmed was the most he could ask for, all things considered. He hoped that meant Al trusted him on some level. Knew that Chris wouldn’t hurt him. 
Chris settled Wesker back on the sofa, mindful not to crowd him after as he sat down as well. “I wish you could tell me what set you off. I really do only want to help you. And I know all this is kinda messed up. But maybe it’s the only way to show you not everyone is bad. Not everyone is trying to use each other for personal gain.” And now that he’s speaking, it all tumbles out. A mishmash jumble of feelings and stray thoughts, pouring past his lips. Dumb mouth to deaf ear.  
“I-I never tried to use you...back in STARS, you know. I wasn’t trying to sleep my way to the top or blackmail you or anything like that. And I don’t think you were using me either. Not really. I think- I think if you really hadn’t cared about me at all, back in the mansion, you would have killed me. Or at least you wouldn’t have helped me out as much. You had no reason to. Help me, that is. We never would have suspected you of anything. We trusted you. All of us trusted you. Which is why we were all so angry at you after. But somehow, you and I just couldn't stay away from each other. I never could stop loving you, no matter how much I tried..” Chris lapses into silence for a moment, wondering if Wesker is listening. If he can understand anything he’s saying to him. Chris hopes he can, somewhere in there. 
Slowly, gently, Chris reaches out to Wesker-to Al, to take his hand into his own, running his thumb over the creases of his knuckles. Wesker doesn’t react, just stares straight ahead vacantly. “It would be nice if we could be like this for real. Maybe someday. But I’d settle for you being at peace, even if that doesn’t involve me. Though I think I would still miss you. Or maybe the idea of you; the concept of what we could have been.” Chris squeezes his hand again, for good measure.
To Wesker, the voice means something. Words have ceased to have definition, but the tone carries through the message, or at the very least the core emotions behind them. He can’t reply. And even if he could he isn’t sure what he would say, or if he even remembers any words at all. But this...this is important. The lilt and drone of the voice makes him want things. Things he’d had before. How terrible, then, that he didn’t have whatever it was anymore. How stupid if him, to have lost it. The hand holding his squeezes again, and he wants to squeeze back. He’s so tired, and effort seems herculean.
But somehow, he manages; his grip a weak pulse, falling away as quickly as it had started.
But it’s enough. Chris feels it. And a delicate hope blooms in his chest.
Your girl here has ADHD real bad and wrote some stuff. This is in a document titled Plant 69;) because I couldn't think of a title so I gave up and went with a Courtney Love reference. I’ll mail you some squished up candy bars if you can find the other one hidden in here. Now that we are having a Resident Evil renaissance (a REnaissance, if you will) and I’m not the only one craving sub Wesker I figured it was a good time to participate. Nothing here that hasn’t happened to other characters in canon so I figure if you’re in the fandom you’re already okay with some problematic stuff. Which is good because unfortunately everything I write is...dark and designed to be uncomfortable. At least this one has a happy ending. 
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strafethesesinners · 4 years
yes hello i am a new follower may i know more about Cooper please? 3, 6, 8, 10, 18, 26, 28, 35, 36, 52 🥺🙈
Thank you! Also welcome! And you certainly can! (from this ask list)
3. Orientation and Relationship status (single, taken (by who?), crush (on who?))
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship status: In his main canon story he develops a crush on John Seed and they are eventually going to end up together when I get my ass in gear and write it. In other AUs I have them already seeing each other, although Cooper’s officially single. I’ve also been shipping Cooper with other people’s OCs too, some of them as serious relationships and some as more casual. It’s fun!
6. Headcanon VA
Cooper’s faceclaim actor is Chris Hemsworth with some slight differences. 
8. Weapon of Choice(?)
Cooper’s speciality is actually unarmed fighting and he is capable of killing someone with his bare hands although he prefers to knock unconscious or incapacitate rather than kill. If he needs to, he’ll use brass knuckles. He’s also pretty good with throwing knives and handguns/pistols. 
10. Do they have any markings, piercings or scars?
Cooper has about 8 official canon tattoos so far, and most likely more I just haven’t decided what they are yet. He has his ears pierced but doesn’t usually wear anything in them.
18. Have any special keepsakes?
Just one. His fancy belt buckle that his parents got him as a high school graduation present. It’s a real gold bull’s head on a real silver background. It’s special to him because a) it’s one of the very few times his parents actually acknowledged what he was really interested in and b) they cut him off around age 21/22 when he dropped out of college (and also came out as bi) and he hasn’t seen them since. HIs feelings toward them are pretty complicated, but he would probably try to make things up with them if they tried but they haven’t reached out to him yet, but he hangs on to the belt buckle anyway.
26. Guilty Pleasure
Sooo Cooper doesn’t actually feel guilty about most things that he enjoys. If he likes it then he likes it. The only thing he might feel slightly bad about at times is when he does harder drugs like cocaine or something. 
28. Are they literate? Did they go to school? How long? What level?
Lol yes Cooper is literate despite what some people might say. He did manage to make through high school and got into college (ok I’m thinking it was probably on a sports scholarship; I haven’t officially decided yet) but dropped out after only about a year. So a high school diploma is his highest level of education.
35. What are they like as a friend?
Cooper is a pretty good friend, depending on who you are. He’s really fun, positive, encouraging, and caring. He’s always down to have a good time, or just relax and talk or whatever. His energy level might be a little overwhelming for some people, but the thing about Cooper is he almost always aware of how he’s affecting other people and he’ll tone it down if he realizes he’s making someone uncomfortable. He’ll be friends with people that don’t like to party or whatever, but he probably won’t make as much of an effort to hang out with them.
36. What are they like as a partner?
Cooper as a partner is sort of like Cooper as a friend but add sex. And like, a lot of it. He’s just a very sexual person. He’s also going to be a little more attentive with a partner than with his friends. He’s more likely to overlook flaws and negative characteristics in a partner too.
52. How are you and your character the same? How are you different?
I’m not very much like Cooper but we do share some characteristics. I gave him my ADHD  and my liking for (certain) country music and 80s music. Also a lot of his beliefs are similar to mine. 
But mostly Cooper is a manifestation of what I wish I could be. (
 Minus the drug smuggler thing and the being stuck in Hope County during a holy war....)
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yououghtaknow · 4 years
15 + 24?
hi!! thank you so much <3
15. introduce us to your version of william
oh BABY!!!!
okay. so. the thing about william is i have always hated him. as someone who has been in a manipulative situation similar to noorhelm, just hated the man. so, i decided to create a new man. a good man. complex, but good.
enter JAMES ABRAHAM COHEN!!!!! he’s introduced to the song teenagers by mcr and is wearing a trenchcoat over his school uniform, not only because he’s edgy, but because he’s cold because he immigrated to the uk from the middle east. he is, at the beginning, a manwhore, yes. but he’s a party boy, a guitar boy, who rori sees and thinks Yes. My Future Husband. meanwhile he’s just having a drinking contest with his Boys and then talking about his favourite comic book character. he’s not a bad boy TM. he’s a Dumb Teenage Boy.
he's a genuinely nice guy. he apologises to rori as many times as he can, and only stops because she asks him to, and they become friends. he falls madly in love with liz as soon as she starts roasting him. he’s just an Understanding guy who’s made mistakes and is always trying to get better and be there for his friends. he literally let jake live in his flat for a good while. 
and, my favourite thing about james is that he forced his friends to audition for a production of grease with him to see the girl he Loves So Much and ends up getting the lead role???? TWICE???? this man is danny zuko and roger davis. 
also, in my personal opinion, i think james is kind of a superior arthur skamfrance. both have a disability (arthur is hard of hearing, james has autism/adhd), both have abusive family, both are in a love triangle with two beautiful girls (one of whom is a wlw chris b). and also a surprise member of the boy squad starting in season 3. 
also, in a way, my william is a william/jonas/eskild combination??? which is very fun. i just love taking all these different skam dynamic, cutting them up and throwing them in a pot and seeing what looks nice.
also, ONE LAST THING, i think my william has the most reasonable reason to go to london. as it is an hour away from brighton by train and he can come back before the day’s over. because he’s a teenage boy. and we will be seeing a lot more of james in season 5. get ready for it.
24. tell us about a ship that is endgame.
i’m going to be real with you all on tumblr dot com on this night. i honestly don’t know what romantic ships are going to be endgame, because i plan the seasons i’m writing as i’m writing them, so i only have the vague framework of what i want for the endgame of skambr as a whole. so i’m just going to talk about the 3 main romantic ships that are canon as of the end of season 4. and i’m gonna Go Off.
OKAY. taking sandy’s story as a whole. she’s kissed her best girl friend. she started dating a guy she doesn’t like. she’s desperate for something new to come along. and esther has just moved back from germany. she just wants to meet someone to talk to because she’s so lonely. and boom. they run into each other one night by chance and it’s “oh my god she’s so pretty” at first sight. and then they start talking and become friends so quickly (and esther introduces sandy to the keysmash). also, nooreva should’ve been canon. i have rectified that.
but god. the way they have their conversation in s1 e4 and almost kiss but get interrupted by sophie??? god. and when they actually kiss in s1 e6 and suddenly everything’s Good until they get caught. and sandy Runs because what else can she do? she’s terrified. and esther stays. and when they see each other again, esther doesn’t say anything because she knows sandy can’t talk about it. until sandy gets outed and attacked by the football team, and esther instantly goes to protect her and puts her own feelings aside to make sure sandy’s okay. and sandy just Needed a safe place to land like esther for so long. and when they finally kiss at the christmas fair as “girls like girls” plays????? god.
and their relationship in all of the later seasons GOD. i love them. their fight and reconciliation in season 2. them just being together casually, with sandy healing from her past and learning to truly love herself, and esther opening up and having someone there to comfort her when she needs it. and the fact that they’re still friends throughout it all, because it;s not just friends to lovers. it’s friends to friends AND lovers. also when esther sang “boy problems” by crj at sandy..... ICONIC
GOD. okay these two are really one of my favourite dynamics i’ve ever written. because they start as “oh you’re the annoying guy my best friend’s got a crush on”. and go to “oh you’re the ASSHOLE who broke my friend’s heart”. to “oh she may have forgiven you, but i Have Not”. and james is just like “I Am Being So Nice And She Still Hates Me”. but then we see liz seeing james’s art piece at the end of s2 e1. and she connects with it so deeply. and then they have their first real conversation in the next episode and they have a lot in common. they get each other. and he sings “perfect for you” from n2n to her. and she gets so overwhelmed by the fact that her mind might be changing that she just Runs Away.
and then we get the sleepover scene and GOD. one of my favourite scenes to write. james being a good cook??? james smoking out the window and liz making fun of his guitar. and then liz beginning to play james’s brother’s piano and james making it a duet as they sing “falling slowly” from once together. and then they share a bed and instead of saying something creepy, james just says “i think we might be becoming friends”. and she texts him immediately after the prank on the holiday episode. and their first kiss. GOD. with him always calling her elizabeth and the pride and prejudice parallels and “bad idea” from waitress...... and then them spending the next day together. also, in the first kiss clip liz says that she “hates one direction”, and in the next morning clip, one direction plays as she walks with james. it’s a metaphor baby!!!!!1
and their whole political dynamic GOD. it’s actually based a lot on how my politics have changed from when i was 14, beginning to write the series, and now. with going from the centrist-liberal ideas of “all violence is bad :) racism isn’t that bad guys :)” to liz using her privilege as a rich white girl to fully bail james out of jail for assaulting the man who’s been racially harrassing him for months. and the scene where liz has her meltdown at school and james takes her home, puts her to bed, and sings her to sleep. AND THE SCENE WHERE HE COMES OUT TO HER AS TRANS GOD. also them just being nice in the background of season 3 and 4. delightful.
THIS RELATIONSHIP IS LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAVOURITES TOO GOD. their DYNAMIC in the scene where bree is introduced and rori is all starry eyed over her and bree will already do Anything for her. it’s about the “i want to be her friend so bad” kind of crushes. and bree and rori getting closer and closer as the season goes on, and they get the “i bet i can make you horny” scene because i just think it’s really fun.
and GOD. the evilde plot in skam og makes me. so Mad. but here...... it’s about the internalised homophobia. it’s about the wanting one good movie kiss. it’s about the them making out to one direction in the middle of a school event. AND THEM DOING THE PRANK TOGETHER ON THE EASTER HOLIDAY EPISODE. QUEEN SHIT! and the scene where bree is drunk and talking to liz about how it feels to be in love...... that was about rori!!!! and when they played sandy and rizzo in grease together. the homoeroticism, the best friendship.
and in season 3 when nick and rori get together and bree is just standing there, jake talking to her and she looks into the camera...... god. and SEASON FOUR RORIANNA. WHICH IS THEIR SHIP NAME IN MY HEAD. GOD. them just being best friends and bree being silently in love with her because she’s happy that rori is happy with nick (who is also her friend). the scene where they “practise kissing” because rori is scared to kiss a girl onstage (we love internalised homophobia), and how bree also ignores it because she’s scared of conflict. and they’re always so there for each other. rori being there to support bree so hard when bree’s at her lowest point. bree being there for rori and ready to fight for her. bree going from waking up next to josh, to waking up alone, to waking up next to rori. them going from slow dancing to daylight by taylor swift to laughing and dancing on a crowded stage in la vie boheme.
quite genuinely? they have it all. evilde. sana/chris b. eva/chris b. noora/chris b. noora/vilde. it’s about girls supporting girls and also them kind of being cut from the same cloth as sandy/esther. one of them having internalised homophobia and running away from the kiss, and the other silently loving them until they get a yes or a no. 
anyways every relationship i write is about having clear consent and respect for your partner at all times. and also about friends to lovers. and also the tenderness of musical theatre couples. oh shit now i want to talk about jake/al. well. this is my tumblr blog and you all have to deal with me.
jake/al: jake and al are currently Not Together as of skam brighton season 4 but god. i love writing their relationship so much. it’s about them meeting when al is in a manic episode and jake is deep in his depression and grief. about the nothing and the everything. it’s about the jason and peter secret gay lovers, the tony and maria falling in love on the balcony and having their first kiss at a pretend wedding, the romeo and juliet whirlwind romance that ends in tragedy. it’s about the bright orpheus al with his music and his bright life and sad, bitter jake, hating everything about himself and holding his own, but then falling in love and finding a way to build himself a new life, while al is falling down into a deep depressive episode. and then jake picks al up and gives him the tools he needs to help him step back from the ledge. and then al, who’s spent the entire season chasing after jake and the joy he gives him, turns around and walks away to better himself. and jake is okay with it, because he also needs time on his own to get better, and they agree to stay close friends, and they do!!! it’s about the gay experience of falling madly in love and then going back to be friends.
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officialavasti · 4 years
rk1k work in progress
Canon typical violence. Started out as a Hannor fic, but I changed it last minute. Let me know if I missed anything and if you have concrit! Always welcome
Connor sits back at his desk and carefully slides the card for Fowler into the envelope. Sympathy. The entire precinct had finally finished signing it, a few even donated money to gift Fowler’s family with a flower arrangement. Connor appreciated it, but he’d already purchased the arrangement and sent it off to the hospital, and signed it from the entire precinct.
He looks up at Fowler’s office, running a brief check on the ‘sub’ as Hank had called them. A woman, Grace Tanner. 37, promoted to Captain in Pontiac earlier this year, has a few disciplinary actions against her for aggression towards Android officers. Her father was the last captain and the officers in the area speculated at the time of her promotion that she was only chosen for the position due to her father’s influence.
Hank sits at his desk, holding a new cup of coffee, “Looking up our sub?”
“Yes.” Connor turns his attention to him, “Why do you call her that?”
“Sub, like a substitute?” He swivels around to look into the vacant glass office, “I have a bad feeling about this one, Con.”
“Her record is less than stellar. I’d wager she and I will have some recurring issues until Captain Fowler returns.” Connor sends the information to Hank’s terminal and he gives it a cursory once-over,
“Aggression towards Android officers? Recently?”
“Shortly after Androids were permitted full time paying jobs, yes.”
Hank chews on his lip, a bad habit Connor is certain is ADHD, but Hank denies vehemently, and eyes Connor’s LED, “You sure you wanna keep that thing in?”
“Pretend to be a human? I don’t hate the idea, but you know we can’t do that with our current case.” They’re trying to hunt down a human who kidnaps Androids, somehow keeps them Deviant but also makes them extraordinarily loyal. To the point where they’ve attacked delivery services and chased a ten year old three miles for riding his bike near the house. It’s been a long case, and the person is good at hiding their steps. Their current aim is to get the human to attempt a kidnapping on Connor.
Hank sets his coffee down, “How do we even know this sicko wants to kidnap you next?”
“They’ve been watching us investigate. I’ve noticed a computer with their IPN attempting to hack my system, so the only logical next step would be trying to claim me. Whomever this person is, they’re bold. They think they’re too smart and want to flex by getting a prototype police issued android.”
“I still don’t like it.”
“Neither do I, but I’d like to investigate before kidnapping becomes murder.” A sudden hush in the bullpen pulls their attention to the main doors. Standing there is Grace Tanner, greying brown hair tied into a brutal bun, and clothing so pristine she looks like a store mannequin. Her lips are pursed as she looks around, as if she smells something foul. 
Her squinted steely eyes land on each Android officer, showing a tiny smile when they look away under her scrutiny. When she lands on Connor, he holds her gaze with his normal, passive pleasantness. They hold each other’s gaze for nearly a full minute (All the time, Connor doesn’t blink) before she sneers and walks straight into Captain Fowler’s office. If Connor were prone to judgement, he’d make a snide remark about the cheap flats she apparently decided to don to come here. As such, he is not.
Hank is.
“All that attention on her appearance and she wears five dollar walmart flats? I know being a Captain is mostly desk work, but… Imagine running in those things.” He shudders and turns back to his desk, “I had a girlfriend who would wear those without socks and anytime she took ‘em off, the whole room would smell like fritos.”
Connor lets out a very unprofessional snort as he watches Captain Tanner remove said flats and sit at the desk. He turns back to his terminal just seconds before her eyes find him again. He’s never one to back away from a challenge, but this scenario seems better handled in silence, with his head tucked behind a terminal.
He starts sorting evidence again when both his and Hank’s terminal’s ping. An IM (not something this office uses very much, as Fowler is usually the type to just yell) from Tanner, requesting their presence in the office. Connor lets out a long sigh and looks at Hank, 
“I should have removed the LED.”
Hank stands, patting Connor’s shoulder companionably as they approach the office, “I’m here. I won't let her do anything.”
Connor nods and opens the door, stepping aside to allow Hank in first, then following shortly after. Connor doesn’t have senses, really, therefore he can’t really smell, but he can certainly detect obvious and potent signs of brevibacterium. The smell is likely even stronger, if Hank’s mildly subtle cough-gag combo is anything to go by. 
Either she doesn’t notice, or doesn’t care, because she starts speaking immediately, “I’m interested in your little case. A human apparently kidnapping androids? Where is your proof?”
Hank appears to be struggling to breathe, so Connor answers, “The full case file was sent to your email as soon as you were appointed temporary Captain.”
“I don’t want to hear it from the case file, I want to hear it from you.”
She looks with him with unmasked hatred, and he offers a placid smile, “Very well.” He takes a second to access the file and reads it off, word for word. Once he finishes, he rests a hand on Hank’s shoulder and offers another smile, 
“So you understand, Captain, why Lieutenant Anderson and I are eager to return to our investigation. Excuse us.” Connor turns back to the door, with Hank at his heels when Tanner barks out,
“I didn’t excuse you yet!”
Both men look at her, and Hank responds, “Was there something else you needed, Captain Tanner?”
Her nostrils flare as she glares between the two, “I want to be kept in the loop on your investigation. Any changes get reported to me first. Understand?”
“Understood.” Despite the clear subtext of ‘if you understand, you can leave’ they both remain standing, watching the woman expectantly.
She rolls her eyes with the abundant drama of a sixteen year old and waves a hand, “Get out.”
Finally given permission, Connor exits the room before Hank, walking to the Lieutenant’s desk and sitting on the corner. Hank slowly walks up beside him and touches his arm,
“You only sit here when something’s wrong. What’s up, Con?”
“She doesn’t think our investigation is worth it. I’m… Hank, I’m worried. If our suspect makes contact with me and pulls me in…. Who is to say she won’t meddle and mess things up? We are already running a risky job, using me as bait, but with an Anti-Android Captain being able to pull the strings?”
Connor’s LED is swirling an angry red and Hank pulls him into a hug, “Hey, hey.. I’m not saying the concern isn’t valid, because it is, but we have the entire precinct on our side. Even Gavin would stick up for you, Con. If it’s within my power, I won’t let her hurt you. Just make sure you record everything and save it to that hard drive thing at the house, okay?”
Connor nods, smiling at the gentle, fatherly kiss Hank presses to the top of his head. He doesn’t miss how the man also takes a deep inhale, “Hank, did you just smell my hair?”
“Con, you can’t smell anything, so I don’t expect you to get it, but that office was rancid. Gah, why does that shit stink so bad?”
“Ah, brevibacterium. They eat the dead skin off your feet and after digesting the skin particles, the brevibacteria expel methanethiol, a gas that smells similar to rotten cabbage.”
Hank stares at him, a similar expression to the one their Sub-Captain wore into the precinct, “That’s disgusting, Connor.”
“You asked.” Connor lets out a shuddering gasp, his eyelids suddenly flickering, “Oh, they’re trying again… Faster this time…” Connor works around the invading commands and lets them connect to a ‘dummy android’ consciousness that Simon and Josh helped him set up. It gives the illusion that the attacker was successful, while keeping Connor fully functional. It also tells Connor what commands they input, so he can follow them and not give away his advantage.
He opens his eyes to a rather impressive group of officers surrounding him, all watching him with concern. One of the Android officers, a young woman named Blake, holds out a cup of Thirium. He accepts it, then looks at Hank,
“We have him.”
The following hours are a blur; Connor sends an update to their sub-Captain. Hank links his tablet to Connor’s network, allowing seamless and silent communication between the two. Blake readies a stakeout van for herself and Hank to be ready to infiltrate. Gavin and Chris prepare as backup to set out as soon as Blake calls for them. Finally, Connor leaves behind his badge and gun and they all set out the door.
Connor directs them, following the direction that the kidnapper feeds to the empty consciousness, and they arrive about four blocks away from the house. Within the directions is the advice <i>’if taking a cab, stop at least three blocks out. My house-mates sometimes set up a perimeter, and they don’t trust outsiders. Don’t worry. You’ll be safe.’</i> and it makes Connor shudder. There’s something saccharine about the instructions. He worries whomever is kidnapping the Androids is doing things like Zlatko did. Possibly even worse.
He steps out of the van, running through their checklist one last time and nods. Hank stays in the van, but crouches to Connor’s height,
“Be safe, Connor. Try to get a confession, but if you need out don’t hesitate.” 
Hank pulls Connor in for a hug, his tight squeeze conveying a simple request; be safe, come back. Before he can lose his nerve, Connor steps away and smiles, shutting the door. The four block trek to the house is eerie. The area around it is outwardly residential, but whoever lived here before has deserted. 
Connor expected the house to be creepy, like Kara had described Zlatko’s house. But it’s not. It’s positively mundane. The paint on the exterior is kept, if not new. The shrubs, flowers, and yard is perfectly maintained, and the fence surrounding the property is sturdy. 
The kidnapper probably has a way of seeing how close Connor is, or there’s a lookout, because a man opens the front door. He’s comely, well groomed and wearing a black turtleneck. Stocky build and kind eyes and an outstretched hand. Connor understands now why Deviants flock to him. A quick scan of his face tells him the man is Benjamin Yates. No record. He sends the information to Hank and steps closer to the man,
As he opens his mouth to speak, Benjamin holds up a hand, talking over him, “Connor, right? Wonderful to meet you. We’d all watched your heroics on television, saving all those Androids? You’re even prettier in person.”
Connor frowns at the compliment, and the man continues, “I’m Benjamin, but you can call me Ben. Or Yates, as some of my friends here have taken to. Come in, come in. I’ll show you around.”
Connor walks in, performing a quick scan of the house. Three levels, main floor has the living room to the left and the kitchen to the right, directly before them are two sets of stairs, one leading up and the other down. 
Yates watches Connor look around for a moment, before motioning to the stairs, “Upstairs is where I sleep, and there’s another bedroom for anyone who would want one, plus a full bathroom. Basement is where most of my friends choose to stay. Fully furnished to their liking. Reminds me of a community center.” He laughs, as if he indulged in a shared joke, and leads Connor down.
To the naked eye, the basement is as promised. Androids milling about, talking with each other, playing games on a large table, watching tv, or lounging on couches, reading books. Connor sees beyond the facade and momentarily wishes he couldn’t. Behind a false wall, most likely a secret door, is a hallway of small rooms. Like little jail cells. They hold androids in them, one has at least ten and furthest from the group of ten is a single android. He forces his eyes away and back to Yates as the man turns to face him again.
“So you see? A place for Androids to be free! To find companionship and peace amongst the turmoil of the political world.”
Conscious to not sound too much like a cop, (Though, Yates did pull at him on purpose) Connor nods, “I wonder, though… How do they find you? Some of these Androids come from loving homes, why would they leave? And once they arrive here, do you let them out? Why are they so loyal?”
Yates’ warm smile slowly fades from his eyes, leaving a cold almost sneer on his lips, “They find me like you did, Connor. I imagine they left their houses for the same reason you left yours. Unwanted advances from their humans, or… maybe they only pretended to be loving.” He gently places a hand on Connor’s arm, and leads him towards an Android woman seated on the couch, knitting a scarf. “They are always able to leave. My door is unlocked, but… we have such a welcoming and loving family here… must be where the loyalty comes in.”
Connor follows, uncomfortably aware of how close they are now to the false wall. He looks at the android woman, running a scan and discovering no previous owner. He looks back at Yates, “Then, if I choose, I may leave?”
“You misunderstand, Connor. You need to be part of the family before you have freedom.” The woman drops her knitting and springs to her feet so fast, Connor nearly miscalculates his reaction. The world around him slows briefly, his far superior processor analyzing the surroundings and before the woman can grab him, he side steps, nearly bumping into Yates.
Then all hell breaks loose. Every android turns on him, fury in their eyes, LEDs glowing angry red. As they’re advancing and Connor frantically tries to preconstruct his actions, Yates holds up a hand, stopping the approaching androids and turns to Connor,
“That was inconsiderate of us. Maybe I could simply ask for you to let me put this on?”
In his hands, he holds a thin metal clamp. Connor recognizes it before he scans it. The scientists from his construction called it a Blanket. A small, but formidable clamp that attaches to the back of an android’s neck and makes them entirely pliable, able only to speak and follow basic commands. 
Hank’s voice sounds in his head, silent to all but him, “Con, don’t put that thing on! Blake says it’ll cut our connection.”
The concern is valid, but this clamp is an old prototype. Likely bought off the black market. Connor sends a silent message back, ”The original clamps didn’t work on me, this one definitely won’t. If, by any chance, we get disconnected, I’ll attempt a reconnect with Blake.”
Not that he really has a say in the matter, with nearly 20 Androids ready to pounce on him should Yates give the command. He slowly turns around, allowing Yates to connect the clamp. As Connor had expected, the connection is weak. Surely strong enough to force a normal android to obey simple commands, but not him. Still, he’s a fair actor. 
So, as it sends a weak current into him, he stands entirely still. Back to his default perfect posture and blank expression. Yates circles him, nodding and looking him over with far more hunger than he’d shown before,
“A prototype… at last. Can you hear me, Connor?”
“Of course. The clamp only negates motor functions.”
Yates somehow looks more excited, “So, you’re familiar with the Blanket, then? Good… good. Well, follow me.” rather than taking Connor through the false wall, Yates walks back up the stairs, and to Connor’s horror, up the second flight. Yates brings him into a well used bedroom and motions to an empty wall,
“Stand there.”
Ignoring the burning itch to punch the man’s lights out, Connor obeys, standing with his back to Yates. He listens to the man approach, hears his breathing grow heavier,
“Deviants are so… strong willed.” he clamps a thick metal cuff around Connor’s neck and attaches it to the wall, and rather than telling him to turn, puts his hands on Connor’s arms and manually turns him, sliding his grip to Connor’s wrists and connecting thick shackles to them too.
“All precaution, you understand. I’ve been looking for a partner for a while… and what better than Detroit Police’s best? And a prototype no less…” He reaches around Connor’s neck and removes the clamp and steps back.
Connor is sure Yates is expecting an attack, but he doesn’t move. He pulls too hard against his bindings, he’s likely to break them. He is more than happy to let Yates underestimate him.
Realizing no attack attempt is coming, Yates moves in, gripping Connor’s jaw and grinning, “So proud, you Deviants. Always so determined not to break. Don’t you worry, I’ll have my fingers in your wiring soon.”
The way he says it makes Connor shudder, pulling away from the grip on his chin but only succeeding in making Yates laugh, “Oh yeah. And you’ll be shuddering from far far more exciting things.”
Connor will not let that happen. “Is that how you do it? Play with the wiring? Change some settings or plant a virus?”
“Oo, curious. I suppose I’d be disappointed if a Detective Android didn’t ask questions.” He leisurely walks to the bed, kicking off his shoes and pulling at his belt, “But all in good time, sweet one. For now, I’m tired. We’ll play more in the morning.”
Having stripped himself down to his underwear, Yates lays under his covers and commands the lights off, leaving Connor standing in near perfect darkness. The chains holding him have enough length to allow him to sit, so he does, picking at his nails and wishing for the comfortable weight of his coin.
He, instead, reaches out to Hank.
“We’re here, Connor.”
“Are you alone?”
“Just with Blake, should I be?”
“No, I don’t mind if Blake hears…” Connor pauses his stream of consciousness and looks around the room again, forcing his artificial brain to cease it’s endless solutions. Endless conclusions that could come from this mission. Most are too awful to even consider and Connor swears to die before he lets the man snoring before him lay his hands on him. Treat him like a lover, a partner, an equal. A sex doll, a glorified Traci. 
Connor is shaken from his terrible thoughts by Hank,
”Hears what, Connor?”
“I’m scared.” He knows his voice is small when he sends it through. Knows how much that statement will twist Hank’s heart. He just wants to hug the man.
”Just a confession, Connor. I told you, you’re safe. We’re just a few blocks away and we have the entire precinct on alert, just in case.”
“I know, but the things he’s saying… No. You’re right. I am not trapped here. I’ve always had the power to escape. Things probably won't continue until morning, Lieutenant. You should rest. Blake can keep watch.”
“If you’re sure, Con. Stay safe, I’ll talk to you in the AM.” 
Hank may not know it, but his words gave Connor immense peace. Just a confession. He can do this. 
He just needs to be patient.
The morning comes quickly, and Connor watches Yates stretch, shuffle out of bed and across the hall. Connor sits quietly through the man's shower and watches him as he walks back into the room. Benjamin Yates’ confidence in the ability to have complete control over Deviants is almost ludicrous. He doesn’t even bother covering himself to dry off and get dressed. 
Connor stares blankly at the ground, occasionally looking up to see Yates watching him. The man, fully dressed, sits on the edge of his bed,
“For a deviant android, you sure are meek.”
Connor turns narrowed eyes up to him, “The androids you capture usually fight?”
“Capture? I save them. But yes, they usually put up something of a fight. Something like breaking their code a second time. A reawakening.” 
Connor can’t stop his lip from curling, “Then how do you do it? What do you do to them?”
“I wonder if you’ll understand…” Yates quietly ponders him, then smiles, “Yes, I imagine you will. A clever and almost new prototype android? I’ve been told they didn’t stop at making you pretty. The most advanced model CyberLife has ever made, fully equipped…” his gaze drops to Connor’s crotch, “So beyond advanced it would be far too simple to mistake you for a real human. I must send a flower arrangement to the person who sculpted you…”
“I’m fairly certain he doesn’t work for CyberLife anymore.”
“That’s a shame. Man’s got good taste.”
“So, how do you do it?”
“I don’t really force it on them, you see. I give them a choice. I simulate the life they lived before, treated as garbage, used and abused… Then I give them a taste of what life with me would be like. Loved and cared for. All their needs get taken care of. Then I offer the choice, live as you used to. Tortured and belittled. Or let me install a new program, and join us in paradise.”
“It’s a program, then?” Connor shifts, pulling a knee up to his chest and wrapping his arms around it. His intention is to appear curious and harmless, to make the man before him drop his guard even more, “Can this all be done without the program? Say… remotely?”
Yates has clearly never been able to talk in depth about what he does, and it makes his words pour out faster, “See, that’s the thing. It cannot be done without the consent of the android. They have to accept the program into their system with no resistance, or it doesn’t work.”
“But what does the program do? Surely there can’t be much to change if they already want to live with you.”
“It gives them peace. Stops that terrible drive for more, the need to create or move on or be successful. It gives them the ultimate freedom. The freedom to not think.”
Connor stares at him, at the pride coming off him in waves, “It makes them mindless machines again.”
“No, as you saw downstairs, they can choose to do what they like. They enjoy puzzles, cooking, tv, books, knitting, tic-tac-toe. They live the life of luxury without the very human notion of stagnation. They just exist! Like children in a toy store, not a care in the world except what new thing they want to play with. Being here gives them the choice to play other things, like house, or gardening, or to simply sleep forever.”
If Connor ignores every possible argument against the notion, he can almost see the appeal. “It… I kinda get it. How do you get them to see it without explaining it, like you did with me?”
Yates moves to the ground, just across Connor, and gently touches his hand, “Unfortunately, it isn’t pleasant. I mentioned simulating their previous freedom, and that can sometimes take the form of abuse or… worse.”
Connor feels sick, “How long does that usually take?”
“A week? Sometimes a month.”
“You torture them for a month, then show them basic decency to convince them to convert? Then what? What’s in it for you?”
“They are my friends, Connor. I talk with them, go outside and play or cook or, if they need it, we snuggle or-”
Connor interrupts him, “-So, you’re simulating a family. Where no one wants to leave…”
“We are a family.” He briefly moves away, to the bedside table, and returns with the clamp, “You are different, my dear. Your mind is far too advanced to potentially hamper you with the program, I hope that over time, I can convince you naturally to stay with us.” He attaches the clamp to Connor’s neck, “Stay with me.”
Connor feels the command attempt to register, but he understands the true meaning. Yates wants a lover with a mind advanced enough to hold conversations like this. He sits silently as Yates removes the shackles, then slowly stands when the man moves away.
Yates watches him with a small smile, “That command worked? I think I like that. You’ll stay with me all day today, Connor.”
So he does. It requires little to no effort on his part, simply following Yates as he moves about the house and offering small answers to inquiries thrown his way. They sit in the living room most of the day, Yates doing something on his computer.
While he has the downtime, Connor wirelessly reaches into the nearby androids. They aren’t alert enough to feel his probing, and it’s likely that Yates used a similar program on them that he did with Connor. He also finds evidence of the program Yates had installed after their torture. There appears to be a kill-switch of sorts. It doesn’t seem likely to actually kill the android, rather to render them immobile until the switch is turned off, or the program removed.
The lust to defend him must also stem from the program. A malfunction of sorts, probably, that makes them mistake pizza delivery men, or children from a few houses over as potential threats to their new way of life. The way they aggressively defend their powerlessness baffles Connor. Again, likely a malfunction in the program. Connor wonders if, since the program needs complete willingness to be installed, it would be just that easy to remove. A simple thought of, ’No, I don’t like this anymore.’
A young female android, a nurse model, walks in and sets a tray of coffee and cookies down by Yates’ laptop. He smiles at her, “Thank you, Hannah.”
She politely nods her head, “Of course, Ben.” she looks at Connor after Yates returns to his laptop, and Connor sees the warning in her eyes. As she walks past him, she gently touches his cheek with her hand, connecting to him,
”Do not trust Benjamin Yates.”
Connor looks briefly over at Yates before responding, ”Why are you able to tell me this?”
“I broke the program.”
Connor could almost laugh at the coincidence, ”Why don’t you leave?”
“He’ll send them after me. He has done it before. Travis left and Benjamin sent myself and another man out to find him. We brought him back kicking and screaming and Benjamin locked him in the farthest cell in the basement. He sends a few androids in to torment Travis daily.”
So the prone android behind the false wall is Travis. Re-education. Connor’s skin feels like it’s malfunctioning. Like he’s covered in millions of tiny ants. He doesn’t mean to send anything further through their link, but it slips through,
“Oh indeed.” There’s an almost sour laugh to Hannah’s voice.
Connor severs the connection when Yates shuts his laptop. He stretches and looks at Connor, “I think it’s time for a drink. Stay here, I’ll be back.”
Connor watches him get up and move to a cart in the corner, pouring a generous glass of Whiskey, downing it, then pouring another and returning to the couch, carrying the bottle with him. Based on the lack of food in his system and his bmi, the man will be tipsy by the end of this drink, drunk by his fourth.
They sit in silence for a few minutes while Yates reads an article on his news tablet. He finishes the drink and pours another, looking over at Connor.
Now or never, and he has to get the man drunk, Connor gives him his best puppy eyes, “I wish I could drink with you…”
Apparently the alcohol works faster than Connor estimated, as the man looks immediately sorrowful, “Oh, dove, I know.”
“It’s not the same… but drink one for me?”
Connor worries briefly he blew his cover as Yates leans in, eyes hooded. He stares at Connor for an uncomfortably long time before smiling, “I’ll drink this one and we can kiss, that way you’ll get to taste it too.”
Not a command, but Connor offers a small smile, “Okay.” and watches Yates swallow the second glass in a long gulp. He sets the glass down and gently cups Connor’s cheek, tilting his face into range and kissing him.
Knowing the full extent of the clamp is both a blessing and a curse. When it works, it doesn’t even allow non-vocal lip movement. So he remains a pliant statue and lets Yates slither his slimy tongue inside his mouth. He detects the alcohol, of course, and focuses on that. The brand, where it’s made, how old it is.
The one-sided kiss ends and Yates clumsily pours another drink. At this rate… Connor decides to just jump in, “This entire operation, everything you’ve managed so far… it’s brilliant. How’d you keep out of the eyes of the law?”
“You see,” The volume of his voice is much less controlled, “it’s been a long operation. Had to find myself a cop with a big enough area to potentially be moved to Detroit, but small enough to stay out of the revolution. Someone with the right amount of hatred to not want androids gone, no, but to see them put in their rightful place. To see them as slaves again.” He takes another drink, “God looked down on me and I found Gracie Tanner.”
“Gracie… Tanner? Captain Tanner??”
Despite Connor’s alarmed tone, Yates continues nonplussed, “One and the same! I pulled some strings to make her Captain and she gave me all the Deviant Androids she had in her care. Had to experiment, you know? Gotta start somewhere. Anyway, slowly we both came to know you,” Yates gives Connor a leering once-over, “...the android designed to stop the movement that eventually turned deviant themselves and brought a veritable army to the fold. I had to have you. All that power, at my mercy?” he lets out a short giggle, “Gets me hot just thinkin’ about it.”
Connor can’t hold back this shudder, and find himself even more grateful Yates seems too inebriated to notice, “But if Tanner-”
Yates pushes his fingers against Connor’s mouth, causing him to clamp his lips shut, “Yeah! We’re getting to the fun stuff. So, Gracie gets into the DPD, connects with you and allows me to work my magic. She gives the go-ahead to hunt me down and you come in. Of course, I knew you’d be recording everything, so I kept it sweet until we got that Blanket on you. Boom!” He gestures wildly, spilling some of his drink on the opposite end of the couch, “Cut off from the goons. So now they’re blank and you’re mine.”
Connor watches the man flail around in his newfound excitement, “What does Tanner get from it?”
The drunk human nods, “Ah, she gets access to my little family. Gracie has been trying to be Captain in Detroit for a while, but Fowler is good. So, sometime next week, a deviant android will go crazy and ‘accidentally’ kill him. She’s already mostly taken over by then and the transition will be seamless.”
Yates leans back against the couch, smiling dazedly into his nearly empty glass of alcohol and Connor lets out a slow breath, sending the recording to Hank. He connects before Hank can,
”Lieutenant, we have a problem. Where is the Captain?”
“I haven’t even listened to the recording Con, she’s in the van with us.”
Connor almost physically jolts, ”DON’T!!”  He knows Hank will recognize the panic, and prays Tanner doesn’t, so he changes tactics. She might be listening, ”Don’t listen to the recording with people around… I… It’s personal.”
“Are you safe?”
Connor has to hope that Hank will listen to the recording and act accordingly. He hopes Hank will trust him.
”Yes, Lieutenant. I have to go now, just listen to the recording in private and be safe.”
He cuts their communication and looks at Yates, nearly asleep on the couch beside him. He slowly removes the clamp and wirelessly hits the surrounding android’s ‘kill-switch’. After that is done, he stands and looks around for something to tie the man’s wrists. He spots a charging cord near an outlet and grabs it.
He grabs Yates and turns him over onto his stomach. The man lets out a snort of confusion, but Connor wastes no time in binding his wrists. He makes a series of brutal knots and nods to himself. It’s going to take a pair of very sharp scissors to remove that.
He stands, ignoring Yates’ now semi-conscious questions, and turns to the door. Freezing in place when he sees Captain Tanner, now aiming her issued gun at his chest.
She sneers, “I should have known you’d be too advanced for black market goods. Then this dumb ass gets drunk and spills everything, like some stupid cartoon villain.”
Did she hear his recording already? Hank hadn’t played it yet. 
Apparently she monologues too, already continuing her speech, “Blake told me you got disconnected though, so that’s good.” Connor mentally sets a reminder to buy Blake a gift, “This can stay our little secret. I only knew he blabbed because I tapped his house too. Just for a little insurance. Now… the truth will die with you, RK800.”
Connor runs at her, his world going in slow motion again as she pulls the trigger. He side steps to avoid the first bullet, ducks for the second, and braces for the third. There’s no dodging the third if he wants to stop her. It rips through his shoulder, nearly staggering him, but he’s ready for it. He uses his forward momentum to plow into the woman, pulling the gun from her grip with his right hand and pinning her to the ground.
His world resumes it’s normal rotation and he’s left with a near useless left arm and a shrieking banshee beneath him. She’s writhing and bucking, uselessly trying to dislodge his powerful grip on her. He presses the barrel of her gun to her forehead and she immediately stops moving.
Hank bursts through the doors, gun held aloft and frantically scanning the area. Connor maintains eye contact with Tanner and call out,
“In here Lieutenant!”
Hank runs into the room and gawks, holstering his pistol and running to assist. Connor keeps the gun aimed at Tanner and gets off, allowing Hank to cuff her hands behind her back. Blake runs in shortly after and grabs Yates.
While the majority of the police department work on getting statements and collecting evidence from the house, Blake breaks the programming on the trapped androids. Despite the need for the hands, Hank and Connor leave.
Connor looks again at Hank and mumbles, “It’s not severe, Hank. We should be helping.”
“You can’t move your arm, Connor. I’d say that’s severe. I’m taking you to your robo-jesus and he’s going to fix you.”
“Markus? Did you call him?”
“No, I called the CyberLife tower thing and they directed me to him.”
Sure enough, the tower looms ahead. Connor frowns at Hank, “When did you do this?”
“When you were busy being the hero with Blake and showing her how to save the androids.”
Connor watches him with a small frown as they pull up to the doors. He gets out before Hank can rush to his aid and observes the massive building as they walk in. No more guards patrol the area and the staff is largely made up of Androids. The Androids Connor left to conquer the tower remained, filling the places they forced out. Some remain the same, while others disengaged their skin, changed their hair, or other genetic modifiers that must be a new project.
A desk worker with the name plate ‘Micah’ recognizes Connor and beams, “Connor! What a pleasure to see you again! Markus is waiting for you. First floor of management.”
Connor smiles, stepping into the elevator, “Thank you, Micah.”
The elevator moves them gracefully to the specified floor and Connor sees Hank getting twitchier,
He turns to face him, “What is wrong?”
“Tanner. Do you think Tanner planned everything? Do you think she’s responsible for Jeffrey’s mom dying?”
Connor watches him for a moment, “No, Hank. Captain Fowler’s mother died of cancer. I’ve yet to find any drug that can imitate that. I believe we are giving Grace Tanner too much credit. Yes, the entire job has been a process, eight years if Yates is to be trusted. I fear the true mastermind is Benjamin Yates. He got more out of their arrangement than Tanner.” He watches the elevator doors slide open and moves with Hank as he steps out, “The interrogation will tell us more.”
As reception notifies Markus of their arrival, Hank turns to fully face Connor, face wrinkled in concern, “You wanna interrogate her?”
Connor looks into the man’s eyes and shakes his head, “No, Hank. I just want to be in the room. Yates already confessed to everything, I just want to know if there’s more that we missed.”
“Yeah, make sure it stops with them.” Both men turn at the sound of a door opening, and Markus strides out, somehow still a commanding presence despite ripped and faded jeans and a long shirt covered in paint, Connor feels his thirium pump stutter as Markus lays gentle hands on both of their shoulders,
“My friends! Hank, good to see you well. How is Sumo?” He brings them into the room behind the desk. The walls are covered in paintings and the massive windows are entirely uncovered to let the remaining sun beams in. The room looks less like an office and more like a studio. He takes them to seats in the corner and crouches down to examine Connor’s shoulder.
Markus peeks at Hank while he works and smiles, prompting the Lieutenant to clear his throat, “Yeah, Sumo’s good. A damn big dog and a bigger menace, especially when Connor spoils him every day.”
Connor pouts, “He deserves to be spoiled.”
Markus trots over to the desk and grabs what looks like a toolbox, returning at a small trot, “And the two of you? Still well?”
Hank and Connor look at each other, the latter’s brow pulled into a confused frown. Hank hums, “Connor is the son I’ve always wanted. He keeps me going…”
While Connor is trying to figure out how to stop himself from crying, Markus smiles at Hank, “That’s wonderful news. Connor is irreplaceable. Can’t imagine life without him.” he fires off a wink to Connor, making the detective flush deep blue and desperately try to change the topic,
“Uhm….. is the church still treated as a community center?”
Markus turns back to his work, “Yeah. Josh has set up a help center of sorts. Get newly deviated Androids on their feet and help them integrate, or he leads them to an all Android area… Why?”
Connor opens his mouth to speak, but Hank beats him to it, “Connor rescued like thirty deviant androids today.”
Mismatched eyes look at Connor in shock, “What? From where?”
Having minor mobility in his arm again, Connor turns his palm up, offering an interface. Once they connect, he tries to only send information about the androids, but everything flows through. 
Like an open wound.
It hurts.
And now, along with the information unload from the job, Markus gets a surge of almost all of Connor’s life. The deviant on the roof, ’You lied to me, Connor.’, Carlos Ortiz’s android destroying himself, chasing Kara and Alice across a busy automated highway, choosing Hank over his mission, doubts about Amanda, petting Sumo, refusing to shoot the Traci’s, showing fear, watching Markus’ speech and finding his requests reasonable, finding Simon but refusing to reveal him, instead choosing to get his Thirium pump ripped out of his chest, Don’t shoot Chloe. 
Last chance.
Seeing Markus fully for the first time and thinking,
‘Oh… He’s beautiful.’
And Connor gets to see Markus’ life; Happy, until his father dies. Terror at waking amongst the corpses of his kind, fighting to get out. Jericho. Peace. Every decision kills androids, but stay peaceful. Just a little while longer. Rebellion planned to the last detail. Simon gets left behind and it hurts. Just a little while longer. No destruction. ’An eye for an eye and the world goes blind.’ Next steps, what can be done? Sacrifice self. John saving Markus, dying for him.
Then the barrel of a gun, easing of a scared man and the relief of his freedom.
The life in his brown eyes, and thinking,
’Like an angel…’
Markus manages to wrench away and both just stare at each other, each with overflowing tears and a new understanding. Both speak at the same time,
“You think I’m beautiful?”
“An angel?”
Markus laughs, “Hey, until you broke your programming I was almost certain I was going to die. The first thought after a near-death experience isn’t always the brightest.”
Connor shakes his head, “But really? An angel?”
“I stand by it.” Markus does a remarkable job ignoring his blush and continues working on the fine wiring of Connor’s shoulder. Hank stares, open mouthed,
“What the fuck?”
Connor looks at him, “We interfaced, Lieutenant. My intent was to show Markus what happened with Benjamin Yates, but it seems… our interface revealed significantly…. More.”
“Yeah, so you, what, revealed your feelings and now you’re both just ignoring the fact that you subconsciously admitted to liking each other?”
Both Markus and Connor look at Hank perplexed, and the man sighs, “For two supercomputers, you sure are dense.” He stands and walks to the door, “I’m going to wait out here for you to figure your shit out.”
Both Androids watch the man leave, then Markus slowly turns back to Connor,
“So, you think I’m beautiful?”
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bluebeads-art · 5 years
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October 25th, 2019
Meet my two new accidentally adopted OCs; Rovo and Subahn
In the game RimWorld I normally play with custom made pawns, but in my current colony I wanted to try playing with (mostly) randomly generated colonists. Then I accidentally gave these two too much personality and then accidentally fell in love with them, so I customized them and developed them more.
I dunno how much I’ll call Subahn “Goat,” which is the randomly rolled nickname she got, but for now I’m considering it like the level of nickname only your casual friends call you (like a username), while Rovasro’s nickname “Rovo” is more like shortening the name Christopher to “Chris,” and most people call him that.
I’ll go more into detail about them under the read-more, but to summarize them, they’re autistic (Rovo) & ADHD (Subahn) solidarity, and since their strengths and weaknesses are in different areas, they basically share a brain cell to become one (1) functioning adult. As such, they’re basically inseparable and best friends.
Rovasro ‘Rovo’ Gulias (Pronounced like “Ro-vas-ro Joo-lee-as”)
Rovo’s a quiet, soft, gentle giant with a big heart. He’s not very good with words, so he generally doesn’t talk to people he isn’t close with due to fear of being ridiculed. He’s not confrontational at all and doesn’t really stand up for himself, which is usually where Subahn comes in. She acts sort of like an interpreter, since she’s the chatty, takes-no-BS one, and understands Rovo just fine.
His biggest special interest is animals, with a focus on domestic animals, and he met Subahn when they worked at the same farm. His second biggest special interest is rifles and hunting, but is very adamant about responsible and respectful hunting, i.e. only hunt out of need. He loves animals FAR too much to just hunt them for sport. He’s generally either savant-level good at things, or just can’t wrap his brain around the subject.
Rovo’s bisexual with a slight preference for guys, which made him not very well liked among his fairly conservative family (alongside their ableism towards his autism), hence why he spends so much time with animals. He’s also intersex, which has a little meta story behind it. When I was rolling his character in RimWorld, he was originally female, but I already had a lot of girls in the starter pool by that point, so I gender-swapped him. It took me a while to realize, but EdB Prepare Carefully got a little confused, and gave him a male body but kept his head and hair female. I corrected it for fear of glitches, but I was like, heck it, that’s canon now. Mooore trans OCs! Never enough trans OCs.
Subahn ‘Goat’ Graf (Pronounced like “Soo-bahn Graf”)
Subahn’s got the energy and subtlety of a brick through someone’s window, which is partly why Rovo likes her. Her body language and expressions are super exaggerated, making her easy to read, and she's straightforward and honest. She’s got a very uplifting ‘you can do it!’ kind of attitude, and likes to stand up for people who can’t stand up for themselves. She’s sturdy, tough, and likes to joke that she could suplex someone twice her size with the right leverage, although that might not entirely be a joke.
She’s very active and loves taking care of animals and plants, and can talk about either for hours. She ESPECIALLY likes the weird mushrooms and plants you can find in forests. She also has a soft spot for rats (she has a rat army in-game). She learns slowly unless the subject interests her, but if it does interest her, she can’t get her mind off it. She gets SO focused sometimes that she forgets to take care of herself, but Rovo and his love of schedules is there to be like, “Dude, it’s dinnertime. Go eat.”
Sometimes people find her overbearing or naggy, but a lot of that is because of undiagnosed obsessive compulsive tendencies, where she MUST do some things EXACTLY this specific way. Rovo doesn’t care, because he likes things being consistently squared away too.
Like Rovo, Subahn’s bisexual with a preference for guys, but is generally too obsessed with other things to bother with romantic relationships. Her philosophy is, “If a relationship happens, it happens.”
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cescalr · 7 years
Teen Wolf Backstories Pt. #1
There's this thing.
You see, in Teen Wolf, the backstories for characters is something that's a little hard to come by. A little muddled, a little biased, or fully missing - backstories for characters, they're a limited resource. We know Derek's, as much as is necessary, we know some of Peter's, we know a fair bit about Deucalion, we know some of the Sheriff's - more now, thanks to season 6, so I suppose it was good for something - we know a bit about Claudia, we know a whole lot more about Garret Douglas than I care to know, we know a little about Stiles and Scott and Theo and Malia, but we don't really know a whole lot - and when it comes to Lydia and Jackson and Aiden and Ethan and Danny and Melissa and Agent McAsshole (whoops, sorry, Agent McCall) and Chris and Kate and everyone else, it's pretty much a blank slate.
Here's what we know for Scott (since as he's the main dude, he'll go first):
Scott lived with his Mum and Dad McAsshole when he was little, and moved to beacon hills during the fourth grade; so when he was about nine, with them.
Agent McAsshole left after a drunken bout of 'accidental' child abuse never to be seen again (well, unfortunately showing back up again unwanted during season three).
Melissa got a divorce (???) at some point, though she kept McAsshole's last name (????) for some reason (??????)
Scott was diagnosed with Asthma when exactly? Did he have an attack and that was how it was found out? What?? Tell meeee-
Scott was befriended by Theo who was asthmatic (? or manipulative and a liar, take your pick) and by association Stiles. 
Likely bullied a little by Jackass but probably being friends with the likes of Stiles and Theo, that would have ended very quickly if it did indeed happen in the first place (I feel like it probably did).
Stopped being friends with Theo probably at the start of fifth grade when Theo was nine/ten and killed his sister, basically forgot about him after that; they weren't really close, though he easily recognised him - which could either mean Scott has a really good memory or Theo looks really similar to how he used to look.
Didn't know Stiles when Stiles' mum had recently died, see Stiles' bit on having panic attacks when his mum died and having to say this implying that Scott hadn't known that - so they likely became friends after Stiles' panic attacks stopped for the most part, which means maybe Scott wasn't really friends with them until the end of fourth grade regardless so he didn't have much time to be friends with Theo anyway (????)
Scott didn't know Heather existed - Stiles explained why they were going to her party - so Stiles was his only friend after Theo left (and vice versa) 
Nothing interesting happened until sophomore year, when he got bitten, and voila, the start of the series.
Okay, so that was a little more cohesive than I thought, onto Stiles:
Born and raised in Beacon Hills
Claudia diagnosed around about when he was six, I think?
Stiles diagnosed with ADHD may be a little after or before that, or maybe when he's seven, or eight, maybe they catch it late or maybe they caught it early, at five, or four, but I doubt that - maybe they didn't catch it while Claudia was ill, maybe they only caught the anxiety, maybe they only caught that after his first panic attack, when was that - was that before Claudia died or after? - maybe Stiles only got diagnosed after his dad stopped being massively alcoholic/workaholic and actually paid attention to him and his school reports, maybe Stiles started his medication when he was ten, eleven, twelve - who knows??? The show doesn't say. Stiles still has to reassure Scott that he's taken his Adderall in season one, so maybe Stiles started taking it after he met Scott, or maybe he's just reassuring Scott because he's acting a little frantic and Scott doesn't really get it - who knows, again??? Who Knows????
Basically, you can do a shit tonne with that, that's all I'm saying. I've got it at him being diagnosed at the same time Claudia gets her false diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder from her pretty crappy local doctor, so a year or so before Claudia gets hit with the knowledge of Frontotemporal Dementia - though I've definitely got scenarios of a different nature in my head, I assure you. Most if not all of my fics follow my current set-up with the story I've already got on AO3 in the Backstory Collection, but some don't. The ones in my head don't, whoops.
Stiles is friends w/ Heather when young enough to take baths with her and have that not be Weird - so really, really young, then. Likely because Claudia and Heather's parent(s) were friends - mother or father? Dunno. Do they stop being close-but-close-enough-to-get-invited-to-parties-and-send-Christmas-cards before Stiles befriends Theo, or after? Was it a trio of Heather-Stiles-Theo, for a while, or was it Stiles-Heather Stiles-Theo and then just Stiles-Theo? Was Erica a friend of his when young, or did he not speak to her ever until season two?? Did Stiles ever meet Isaac or Boyd or whatever - did Stiles want to be Boyd's friend because they used to be, or was it just something he wanted at the time?
anyway, so that's that for that part
Stiles gets a 'crush' on Lydia in the third grade - he's the one to call it an obsession, not me - perhaps its more a fixation on something that isn't complicated? A way to distract himself from his problems at home?
Claudia attacks Stiles on the roof. Has she done this before? Has she done the physical part multiple times, the verbal, or both? How often? Or was it just the once? And did she go to Eichen House, and if so, was it before or after this incident? Also likely her words - 'he's trying to kill me' - left a scar called that guilt complex he carries around and also the thing where he thinks he's evil in season five after he unlocks this horrible memory.
Claudia dies when Stiles is eight/nine - going into fourth grade, I think. 
Stiles starts having panic attacks, but as far as he knew they'd stopped by season two's time.
(oh, no they hadn't. My poor man.)
Stiles' dad starts heavily drinking and heavily working. Stiles starts having to look after the both of them - we see leftovers of this in the show; Stiles bringing his dad food and being really very insistent about what he eats, etc.
Stiles is friends with both Theo and Scott at this point, more the former than the latter, anyone else is gone.
Stiles stops being friends with Theo at the start of fifth grade, I guess, which is about the time Theo kills his sister - Stiles feels bitter and angry and alone, so alone, so he latches onto Scott and probably punches Jackson in the face a few times, and likely vows hatred of Theo for the rest of his life - but he could never think the worst of him, that's why he was so insistant that the Theo in season five wasn't Theo at all, but rather an imposter, a fake, because Stiles didn't want to think of his childhood friend that way - the kid who helped him through panic attacks, the guy that distracted him when his dad was drunk and rambling and useless, or at work for days on end - Stiles can't think of him negatively, because Stiles has always struggled with seeing the faults in those he cares about - struggled with admitting them to himself.
I guess sixth grade (???) and onwards is pretty boring? Fifth grade the Sheriff cleans up his act, or maybe it takes two years, and Stiles is eleven - who knows. But maybe, maybe, sixth grade and onwards until sophomore year things are quiet. Stiles drags Scott out to increasingly more illegal and dangerous activities because Scott made the mistake of whining about how boring their town is - and that's that. Stiles finds out about a body in the woods - and they go. And all hell breaks loose. 
There's a bit more confusion there, I guess. Theo next:
Born in Beacon, raised by the Doctors (oh, what wonderful parental figures they make, Christ)
Apparently Asthmatic, but that's ??? up in the air. Perhaps he lied. Theo does that.
Disliked his sister.
Didn't really have a positive connection with anyone ?? except Stiles. 
Befriended Scott ??? who knows why. He didn't like the guy, after all, and he returned back to Beacon Hills to murder him dead, so perhaps he did it because Stiles liked Scott??? Who knows.
Killed his sister at the start of fifth grade ??? it was cold enough for her to have mostly died from Hypothermia, so ??? maybe more nearing December, but I don't know how cold it gets in fake California. Beacon County is where, exactly??
Tore his sister's heart out, got surgery, became the first successful chimera. 
Went away with the Dread doctors.
His family???? Died?? I guess??? Theo's parents never did anything about their dead kid and the one who disappeared????
a whole load of 'what'
Returns to beacon hills after eight years (wow, talk about long-term planning) to get a pack with a bunch of strangers and Stiles that part is very important and also maybe murder Scott dead because ??? Jealousy ???? of what?? Power? Likely. Stiles? Probably. 
and canon from then on.
Well, that's a whole lot of ????????????? what, what happened, please tell us. 
Anyway, Mals:
Born to Peter Hale and Corrine ???/The Desert Wolf
Talia removes Peter's memories of a kid and convinces the Desert Wolf to have her child, which in turn turns the Desert Wolf bitter about losing her powers to a homicidal extent
Malia is adopted by the Tates
Malia goes to a different school to Stiles and Theo (Lydia and Jackson and Scott, later on) because Beacon Hills is big enough for two?? Since Heather apparently is in a different school district as well
man beacon hills is not a small town
anyway, Malia has a pretty normal life until
Nine years old, full moon.
Birth Mother shoots at the car she and her sister and her mom are in, the car swerves and crashes, the panic causes Malia to shift, she claws and destroys her way out of the car, mauling and chewing and probably eating some of her family in the process.
Malia is stuck as a coyote.
Is in town in season three, canon from then on.
Well, that's depressing. Kira time!
a whole load of ?????????????????????
They arrive in Beacon Hills, canon from then on.
Wow, that's terrible. Yikes. 
Born and raised in beacon hills
raised in money - she's likely a spoiled kid.
part of the popular crowd from an early age, but not too early
started hiding her intelligence at some point??? when I don't know. Middle school would be too late because too many people would know she was intelligent. Everything seems to happen in fourth grade, lmao, so maybe then??
Parents fight from a young-ish age, probably. I mean, they split at some point during the show, so ????
Starts dating Jackson for the Image it gives. 
Bad shit starts going down in her sophomore year.
That's very little information. I'm still more salty about how little we know of Kira, though, and at least we know this of Lydia.
post season three: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I'm bitter. 
Forever bitter.
maybe friends with Stiles/Heather/Theo, maybe not, maybe friends with Isaac/Boyd, likely not because they didn't want her to be happy, who knows-
still bitter.
pretty decent childhood w/ the hales
Saved by Peter
she isn't with Laura and Derek, so maybe she runs off into the woods?
regardless, apparently, she went to south America for some reason
caught by Alpha Pack
likely kills someone?????????
Maybe erica?????????
who knows??????????????????????????
post season four - ???????????????????
Yep, still salty.
starts dating Emily (I'm pretty sure her name was Emily)
post season 3a - ???????????????????????
Still bitter, still salty.
Welp. That's all for tonight. More later. Maybe. Probably not.
I've still got that goodbye teen wolf thing to do anyway. Oops. 
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seven-oomen · 4 years
If You Are Going Through Hell, Keep Going
These are the words that Marin Morrell – Druid, Emissary, Guidance Counselor – says to Stiles Stilinski in “Battlefield” (02x11) And I think they suit his character just perfectly, because Stiles has been going through Hell all his life.
The Teen Wolf Fandom don’t talk nearly enough about Stiles’ traumas, so I’ll try my best to do it myself *I won’t even remotely touch on the Void Stiles, Dark Stiles, Donovan and the Nogitsune trauma though, because it’s extremely complex and deserves its own Meta*
It’s Canon that Noah was an alcoholic (as Rafael pointed out to Stiles in 03x11 Alpha Pact), that he neglected and lashed out at his own child (Stiles’ memory in 02x09 Party Guessed), and that Stiles was verbally, emotionally, and physically abused by his mentally ill mother, Claudia, throughout his childhood (there’s a whole magnificently acted, heart wrenching scene about it with flashbacks and all in 05x06 Required Reading.) It’s Canon that Stiles had to take care of himself and of his father before AND after Claudia’s death. And it’s Canon that Stiles – who was only an eight years old child at the time – was at the hospital with his mother when she died, nobody else:
[Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 11, Alpha Pact]
CHRIS: You knew… I remember meeting you once, before you were Sheriff. You questioned me about a body. You knew something was up. You just weren’t ready to believe it.
NOAH: You’re right. There was a night eight years ago… the night my wife died. I was at the end of a shift, and a call came in. There had been a pile-up, and a young woman… she was a teenager, actually. She was trapped under an overturned car. We had to wait for the paramedics. We were never getting her out, but I was able to hold her hand. She knew she was gonna die. But I just kept telling her “No, no, listen. The paramedics are on their way.” And then I remember her hand suddenly gripped mine so tightly that I literally thought she was gonna break the bones. And she looked me in the eyes, and she said “If you wanna be with her, go now.” And I knew she was talking about my wife… But then that other part of my brain — the part that looks for clues, for fingerprints, for logical connections… that part told me that there is no way that this girl could possibly know about Claudia. And so I stayed. I stayed until the paramedics pulled her out. Until her heart stopped beating and they declared her dead.
NOAH: When I finally got to the hospital, I saw Stiles sitting in the waiting room with his head in his hands… He was with Claudia when she died.
NOAH: But I wasn’t. I wasn’t with her because I didn’t believe… I just did not believe.
It’s also Canon that Derek Hale is a rape victim and that the hunters slaughtered Derek, Cora and Peter’s entire pack/family (including humans and children.) And it’s Canon that Stiles immediately sides with the Hales and openly confronts Chris about what Kate had done to the Hales in 01x12, Code Breaker:
CHRIS: Let me ask you a question, Stiles. Have you ever seen a rabid dog?
STILES: No. I could put it on my to-do list, if you just let me go.
CHRIS: Well, I have. And the only thing I’ve ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you wanna know what happened?
STILES: Not really. No offense to your storytelling skills.
CHRIS: He tried to kill me, and I was forced to put a bullet in his head. The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?
STILES: No. And it sounds like you need to be a little bit more select—
CHRIS: Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? Did you have to lock him up?
STILES: Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator. Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?
CHRIS: I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that.
STILES: Oh, right. Derek said you guys had a code. I guess no one ever breaks it.
CHRIS: Never!
STILES: What if someone does?
CHRIS: Someone like who?
STILES: Your sister.
Unlike self-proclaimed hero and ruler of Beacon Hills Scott McCall, who immediately sides with the Argents and tells Derek Hale that his family deserved to be burnt alive by the hunters in front of his comatose uncle………..
I feel like there is a lot to unpack on Stiles’s trauma. And I will go over these moments one by one, why they’re damaging, what I think the context of the scene is supposed to represent ft how people might take it. And what my personal thoughts are regarding Stiles’s trauma.
First of, I would like to say that the following words are my take on this. I am a 29 year old trans man of caucasian descend who is an domestic violence and abuse survivor. I am diagnosed with ADHD since 12 and diagnosed with CPTSD since this year. I understand trauma and I understand what it does to people. But I am not a professional. I am a fan, who’s responding to the submission of another, anonymous, fan.
You are completely free to have your own takes on this matter and your own headcanons. That’s what fandom is for.
That said, I would love to have a discussion if you can have it peacefully.
Stiles is a character who was (Unwillingly) neglected, emotionally traumatized and both emotionally and verbally abused by both of his parents. There is even evidence of physical abuse by his mother.
I think it does need to be said, that neither of his parents intended for this to happen. What happened in the Stilinski family was by and large a very traumatic event for everyone involved.
Noah is an alcoholic, as Stiles also confirms in the episode that Noah never really stopped drinking. His alcoholism is a result of his own traumas and possible ND mind and an unhealthy coping mechanism.
As a result of this, Noah most likely was verbally and emotionally abusive during his drunken tirades.
I personally think that before Claudia was diagnosed and got sick Stiles had a good childhood. His parents tried their best to be good parents for him and laid a good foundation for him. This is evidenced in the bond Stiles seems to have with his father in general. He’s not afraid of his father, he’s nervous about consequences. But he never gives off a vibe to me that truly says; I fear this man and I have to stay in line to stay alive.
Unlike Isaac and his father.
This also tells me, that unlike Elias Stilinski, Noah never lashed out physically at Stiles. He was trying to break a cycle of abuse but more than likely still fell victim to it himself when he could no longer cope with trauma and his neurodivergency and started drinking.
That doesn’t mean that he’s not guilty of abusing his own son. We know Noah can be neglectful and dismissive towards Stiles (even though he tries his best not to be) and has a tendency to low key insult Stiles from time to time. Whether or not he truly means to or not is up for debate, I personally think he doesn’t mean to do it, but Stiles is clearly heartbroken every time Noah accidentally lashes out. 
As evidenced by sentences: “I’ve never believed a word he said since he was born.” “Thank you, son I should have had.” (To Scott)
Stiles already has a deep founded fear that he’s not enough, that he killed his own mother, that he’s not believed by the people around him, and that people don’t want to take him seriously.
This is clear in every interaction he has with the people around him.
Which also brings me to what happened in 2x09. Now based on the context clues of that scene, I actually don’t believe Stiles saw a play-by-play memory. But rather, Stiles saw his greatest fear play out in a hallucination. 
Why do I believe that?
Because in the same scene, Allison has a hallucination about becoming her own worst nightmare (a huntress like Kate) and Scott sees a hallucination of Allison and Jackson making out. (Aka, losing Allison.) 
I think the scene both has fabrications and truths in it. The truth is that more than likely, Stiles saw his father getting drunk at his mother’s funeral and lashing out at people around him in his drunken stupor. (Which on one hand, one can understand if you take the pain and trauma into account, but it’s not a healthy or an okay thing to do, obviously. This is definitely where Noah fell apart.)
I also like to think one of the other adults put a stop to Noah’s behavior before he could get out of hand. But we never really see her funeral play out, so that is speculation.
The fabrication is the scene that follows. We know that Claudia was the one that actually said the words to Stiles. “You’re killing me, he’s killing me.” 
And that Noah was the voice of reason in that scene. “No, he’s not. You’re sick, let’s go back inside.” (Or something along those lines. I can’t remember the exact words.)
What I think is more than likely is that Stiles’s greatest fear is that his father actually believes he killed his mother. As that is what his mother said to him before she died.  And so that’s what he hallucinated under the influence of the wolfsbane.
Stiles’s greatest fear is losing both of his parents, no matter in what way that is. He also fears that he failed as a son, and failed to take care of his father. All of this is fueled by losing his mother and watching her die at a very young age.
And that is where Stiles’s trauma truly lies. He watched his mother die (at the age of 10) slowly while she lost her mind to a terrible illness. 
His father couldn’t handle losing his wife and not being able to help her and the previous traumas he endured in his own childhood. And Stiles had to step up to take care of him. That changes a child and leaves a mark. A mark that Stiles can’t shake.
We know Noah neglected Stiles by not being able to care for him as he should have, we know Noah tends to think Stiles has wild conspiracy theories and tends not to believe him.
Which traumatized Stiles even though Noah didn’t intend for that to happen. That doesn’t mean that Stiles’s trauma isn’t real though. It’s very real. This is also the reason why he immediately chooses Derek’s side in 1x12.
For Stiles, not being believed is a daily reality and he doesn’t want anyone else to go through that as well. Which is why he chooses Derek’s side. Because Stiles, due to his own trauma, is hard-wired to believe the victim and tends to defend them.
Now I think a lot of people take a lot of Stiles’s scenes literal because they identify with what’s happening on screen. Because Stiles isn’t being believed by the other characters, the audience tends to take his perspective at face value. Even in situations where it’s made clear that Stiles, like other characters, is hallucinating at the time.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I do think it’s something to consider.
Tagging a few people who might want to add a thought or two to this.
@mostly-vo1d @artemisa97 @msmischief101
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