#and Bobby knows that Tommy knew by the way he’s giggling
zappedbyzabka · 2 years
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cassatelle · 1 month
Uncle Tommy Begins
day 3 of @bucktommypositivityweek 1790 words rating: teen and up tags: fluff, domestic, mention of child abuse, mention of accident
Tommy wasn’t really great with kids. Growing up with an alcoholic dad who yelled and hit him left him a bit scared that he might do the same without meaning to. He had told Evan about this one day, a week after Evan had opened up about Daniel, after days of debating whether to share his own story or not. Because realistically, Evan loved kids. It was just a matter of when he would become a father, whereas for Tommy, it was more of an if. He loved Evan so much that he was afraid this might be a dealbreaker. But Evan hugged him instead, whispered reassurances in his ear, comforted him after his sobbing.
When Evan learned about Tommy babysitting Chris, he was eager to introduce Tommy to Jee-Yun. But upon hearing Tommy’s story, Evan decided to hold off—at least until their relationship had progressed a bit more, or when the situation was more stable, when Bobby’s barbecue party was back on the calendar.
So when Chimney called and said Anne was in the hospital, and asked him if he could drive Jee-Yun to his house, Evan’s first reaction was to glance at Tommy, concern thick in his eyes. He wasn’t just worried about Anne; he was worried about Tommy too. They’d planned this movie date for days, it was not easy finding a space between their hectic schedule. And now it was about to get canceled just as it started. Evan knew Tommy would be cool with it, but it still didn’t feel fair.
“So that was Chimney.” He started, carefully. “He–uh... Anne fell…”
Tommy quickly turned to him. “Oh no, is she okay?”
“Chim’s on the way to the hospital, and...” Evan paused, hesitated, “he asked if he could drive Jee-Yun home and I said yes. I’m really sorry.”
Tommy’s eyes widened, and for a moment, he just stared at Evan as if the words hadn’t fully sunk in. His brow furrowing as he processed it. Evan watched him as he offered a small, apologetic smile.
“Evan, we don’t have any toys here. What should we do?” Tommy began, his voice a little panicked. He paused, thinking out loud. “I have some kids movie here,” he mumbled, then wandered towards the tv cabinet and opened the drawer.
Evan opened his mouth, but no words came out. He wanted to clarify that he meant his own home, not here at Tommy's, but Tommy's reaction warmed his heart. Tommy wasn’t just okay with his niece coming over even though he wasn't comfortable with kids as Evan does; he also considered this place their home. Evan would love to call this his home too, one day.
“S-so... you’re really okay with this?” Evan asked, needing to be sure.
“Of course, Ev,” Tommy replied, still rummaging through the stacks of DVDs. “Oh, and tell Howie to take West Street, it’s less crowded.”
Evan's smile widened. “I’ll let him know.” He quickly texted his brother-in-law to bring Jee to Tommy’s place instead.
Chimney came in a rush, greeted them briefly, handed sleepy Jee to Evan’s arm with hurried apologies and brief thank you as he left. 
That left little Jee confused. He glanced at his father’s car, then turned to Evan and finally to the man beside him. Noticing her unease, Evan gently tapped her arm. “Jee, this is Tommy. Remember when I told you about him?”
Jee-Yun nodded slowly. “Uncle Buck’s boyfriend?”
Evan smiled. “Correct! God, you’re so smart.” Evan gave her a kiss on the cheek.
She giggled a little before looking back at Tommy, and Evan was worried again.
But Tommy smiled at her, ever so gently, then offered his hand for Jee to shake. “Hi, Jee. I’m Tommy. It’s really nice to finally meet you. Uncle Buck’s told me so much about you.”
Jee-Yun slipped her tiny hand into Tommy’s, giggling. She could only hold half of Tommy’s big palm. “Hi, Tommy. Do you really drive helicopters?”
Tommy chuckled. “Yep, I drive helicopter at work.”
“Wow, that’s so cool!” She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. “Uncle Buck also said you have a strawberry farm. Is that true?”
Tommy laughed again, Evan felt his heart melt at how cute these two were. “Not exactly a farm, but I do grow some strawberries here. They’re not ripe yet, but, do you want to see them?”
“Alright, but first, let’s clean up this drool before we check out the strawberries.” Evan said playfully, gently wiping at dried drool on her cheek.
“I’m not drooling, Uncle Buck,” she pouted, crossing her arms.
“Sure, sure,” Evan teased, smiling as they walked inside.
When Tommy confided that he was afraid to be around kids, Evan couldn’t quite see why. Tommy seemed perfectly at ease with Jee-Yun. He took her on a little tour of his backyard, showing off not just the strawberries but also the tomatoes, leafy greens, and all the flowers in his raised bed. He also told Jee about the rabbits family that made a visit a few days ago, lifted her up (even though it was clear that Tommy hesitated at first) to see the tube feeder he’d nailed to the tree for the birds and the little nest they made right above it (Jee squealed when tommy pointed at the little eggs there), and let Jee shake the dry food container that called bunch of his neighborhood cats over.
As she began to look tired, Evan suggested heading inside, but Jee-Yun wasn’t having it. Then Tommy chimed in, “How about we watch a movie? I’ve got some good ones. Have you seen ‘Baby’s Day Out,’ Jee? It’s so good.” Just like that, she magically obeyed.
When Jee-Yun seemed completely absorbed in the movie, Evan leaned in close to Tommy’s ear, whispered, “Hey, is it okay if I make dinner?”
Tommy, equally engrossed in the scene, jumped a little before responding. “Oh, yeah, sure.”
“You’ll be okay?”
He glanced down at Jee-Yun, who was nestled between them, slightly leaning toward his side. A soft smile touched his lips. “Of course.”
Evan smiled back. “Okay then, won’t be long.” He promised, placing a gentle kiss on Tommy’s cheek before carefully standing up so as not to break Jee-Yun’s focus.
Once he put the ingredients on the kitchen counter, his smiles grew way bigger as he watched the scene unfold on the couch—Jee-Yun was now fully leaning into Tommy, almost in his lap, both laughing at the action on the screen. 
Evan made sure to snap a few pictures of it.
Evan tasted his sauce again; it was good, perfect even. He switched off the stove, carefully took the bagel pizza out of the oven to set it on the countertop. But then, the scene before him stopped him in his tracks. Tommy and Jee were still on the couch, but instead of watching TV, the TV was watching them asleep. 
Tommy was sprawled out, his arms dangling by his sides, while Jee was fully stretched out, her head resting comfortably on Tommy’s thigh. Evan could already picture the little drool spots that would likely end up on Tommy’s jeans or the couch, he might as well start preparing an apology for it.
Leaving his food behind, he tiptoed out of the kitchen. Seeing them up close like this, he didn’t have the heart to wake them. They looked so exhausted. So instead, he quietly grabbed a light throw blanket from the bedroom, draped it over Jee, and softly kissed both of their temples.
Evan smiled to himself. And, of course, he couldn’t resist taking a few pictures of it too.
When Maddie arrived thirty minutes later, Evan met her at the front porch, whispering for her not to make a noice and to head straight to the living room. As soon as she saw them, she smiled warmly at Evan, who beamed back, proud of the scene he’d directed.
“You picked a good one this time, I admit.” Maddie said with a grin.
Evan’s smile grew even wider, his eyes twinkling. “I know, right?”
Maddie left after Chimney told her that Anne had been discharged, after some hard persuading to convince Jee that it was getting late, and they needed to check on her grandmother, and they could play again some time. Evan almost caved when he saw Jee's teary eyes, ready to let her stay the night, but Maddie firmly shook her head. “No, you two have a morning shift tomorrow. Go get some rest.”
They slumped back on the couch after saying their goodbyes to Maddie and Jee.
“Now it feels so empty,” Tommy sighed.
Evan chuckled. “Exactly. Every time her parents pick her up from my place, it suddenly feels so quiet.” He glanced at Tommy, nudged him lightly. “But hey, you did great today.”
Tommy turned to him, looking unsure. “Really? Did I make a good impression?”
“Baby, you’re kidding. Jee loves you!”
“God, yes!” Evan laughed, cradling Tommy’s face in his hands before pressing a tender kiss to his lips. Then another. And one more for good measure. “You’re going to be a great father.”
Tommy’s smile faltered. “I’m not so sure about that.”
Evan’s eyes softened, his voice gentle but unwavering. “I am. You’re so good with Jee. That says a lot.”
Tommy’s expression lightened a bit, his heart warmed. “Well, I’m glad then. She’s your niece, your family. I want to be good for your family.”
Evan’s heart swelled. God, he loved this man. Their relationship might be only one month old but Evan was so sure to build a family with him. “And you're doing so good. I might even give you a reward for that right now.” He smirked and leaned in for a deeper kiss.
“Mmh, babe, the dishes—”
“The dishes can wait.”
Their date might still have been canceled, but this time, for a much better reason. Evan made a mental note to plan an even better date to make up for it.
The next day, Evan was greeted with a stream of messages from Maddie when he opened his phone after a call. He wondered if something had happened to Anne again, but when he glanced back at Chimney, he seemed okay. He clicked the notification bubble, only to be bombarded with misspelled texts.
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He spent a whole minute to beamed at how Jee-Yun called Tommy as Uncle Tommy there. He took a screenshot of it, then sent it to Tommy. 
Look at what you did, she even used four pleese, he typed.
A few minutes later, his phone pinged with a reply from Tommy: Be ready to be Jee’s second favorite uncle, babe. With a winking face emoji next to it.
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abbyholmes · 6 months
I needed a couple of hours to sort through my thoughts about 7x04 - because I was busy screaming, crying, kicking my feet giggling - but now I just gotta say, before I dive into any details: I AM SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY.
As a bisexual myself who realized she‘s always been bi at the ripe age of 30 and after already being very married to the very male love of her life (which wasn’t at all changed by the realization), seeing bi characters having their ‚oh‘ moment later in life than in their teens is SO VALIDATING.
I love how yes, there have always been hints and it makes sense for the character but they actually gave Buck the space to find out this new thing about himself. They showed an adult man figuring this important part of his identity out when he was ready for it. Without it being induced by trauma or relationship troubles. That is so so so meaningful and so so so beautiful at the same time. I legit CRIED LIKE A BABY watching Buck‘s face go ‚oh I see‘ after the kiss. He just landed in his body as the penny of truth dropped and he seemed so content it made me squeek. I love seeing our golden retriever carving his place out in the world and discovering how to fully embrace all of himself.
And I love he gets to do it with Tommy.
Yes, I am a buddie shipper and that hasn‘t changed. However, whichever way the show moves now, bi Buck means the world to me. And the way they are telling the story with Tommy in a gentle, realistic way, I hope we get more of that. Hell I even really like their vibe together. Tommy seems like he‘ll be okay holding the hand of a baby queer and help him dip his toe into the water. Wherever that leads, it was a genius decision to introduce him to Buck‘s story.
Now for the details:
This episode wasn‘t only beautiful, it was also hilarious. THE TOP GUN REFERENCE HAD ME HOLLERING. At that point I knew some queerness was gonna happen because you don’t make the queerest reference in movie history without reason. Also absolutely loved the sewer conversation (hooray for Ravi by the way, I missed that little dude) and the emotions Buck goes through during the conversation.
Buck‘s jealousy is as stupid as it is adorable and I have to say I did find Eddie the slightest bit unfair. He knows Buck has abandonment issues and still doesn‘t register that he might need some reassurance. Yes okay, I get he wanted a little payback for the Nathalia ‚she sees me‘ bs, but come on, Eds, cut the poor man some slack.
The acting in the episode? Chef‘s kiss. Oliver was amazing, but I don‘t see Lou getting enough credit. He already planted his visible interest in Buck in 7x03 nicely in that one tiny interaction at the end and he really delivered on the flirty banter in this episode. Oliver, meanwhile, has done such a great job at showing the gradual change in Buck and the nervousness and the curiosity and hopefulness it tugged on all of my heartstrings. Deserving of an Emmy-nom. Great Job, loved every second.
Maddy and Chim very also amazing in the ep, especially Chim clocking immediately why Buck really brought him to basketball. It‘s gonna be interesting to see their reaction to Buck‘s truth - if he‘s ready to share it yet.
The only thing that bugged me was that Athena‘s storyline felt very rushed. I liked the theme and I think it hinted at important conversations, but it resolved the conflict too fast and too easy - making said issues seem smaller than they are. I struggle to believe that they would let a POC kid off the hook that easily. I wish this was realistic, but I doubt it is.
Bachelor call was great, loved gossipy Josh (by god, I want more Josh, I love that goofball) and Chim going full fanboy.
Can‘t wait for next week and hope we get more Hen and Bobby there! I missed them this ep.
I am so excited to see where Buck‘s story arch will go next. I‘ll explode with happiness if it slowly drifts towards buddie, but I won’t be mad if it doesn‘t happen or if it does happen and the show takes its time to get there. A slow buildup for this would be chef‘s kiss and I have a lot of trust in ABC and the writers that this is how they will do it, if Buddie happens.
All in all: Favorite episode of all the series for me, worthy 100th episode, will watch a billion times, made me all warm and fuzzy and giggly.
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spikershoyo · 10 months
Picture day! | No parings! Joel, Tommy, and kid Sarah | Fluff
Warnings and notes: cursing
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Today Joel had gotten up extra early for one soul reason: today was picture day at Sarah's school. He knew his young daughter never said anything about the generic hairstyles he would put her in. Ponytails, low buns, hair loose, and if he had the extra time, top buns.
But he knew that she was tired of them. So he promised his 7 year old daughter (and himself) that he was going to wake up early and do her hair any way she wanted. That made her smile over her bowl of Mac and cheese.
He had called Tommy before putting Sarah to sleep, asking if he could buy those pink and purple butterfly hair clips that Sarah's always talking about. His younger brother agrees, wanting to see his niece happy.
So, on that day Joel goes to Sarah's room and finds her still asleep. It was 6 in the morning, for heavens sake, too early for his little girl. He steps over to the low bed and kneels down, resting an arm on the bed as his other hand goes and rubs Sarah's back.
"Mornin', babygirl. Time to wake up." Joel's voice rings in Sarah's ears, making her groan. "Come on, baby. I gotta do your hair for picture day." At that Sarah slowly rises from her slumber.
She sits up and rubs her eyes, her hair a mess and her movements groggy. "Uncle Tommy is out in the store gettin' you the pins I promised. You go pick out your clothes for today while I shower." Sarah opens her eyes slowly, looking at her father.
She nods and yawns. "Ok, daddy." She sighs as her feet swing over the bed. Joel smiles and kisses her forehead before walking out of the room and stepping into the bathroom. "And don't fall asleep again!" He shouts out before closing the bathroom door.
After his shower he gets dressed and knocks on Sarah's door. "You dressed, babygirl?" "Yup!" He goes in and smiles. Sarah wears a lilac t-shirt with jean overalls on top. Her white sneakers lined up against her closet door.
Joel picks his daughter up and takes her sneakers. Sarah giggles as she holds on to her dad and puts her head on his shoulder. "What do you want for breakfast, baby?" "Waffles!" Joel sighs and sets her down on one of the kitchen tables and looks through the cabinets. "How about pancakes?" "Ok!" She smiles, just happy that she's getting something sweet for breakfast.
"Go brush your teeth while I cook, hun." Sarah nods and slips off the chair before running up the stairs and going to the bathroom. While Joel makes the batter for the pancakes her decides to call Tommy. He dials his brothers number and waits. "Yeah?" "Where the hell are you?"
"Theres traffic, Joel! I can't move if I'm stuck." "I know that, but I don't want you or us to be late. And I promised her these pins." "Shit...I-I know. I won't be long." Joel sighs and then shakes her head. He hangs up and gets to making the pancakes.
By the time Joel is done cooking and serves the pancakes, Tommy still isn't there and it's already 7: 14. Joel is stressed, to say the least. He just decides on brushing Sarah's hair and getting the bobby pins and hair ties out.
"What do you want me to do for your hair, baby?" "Space buns!" Joel purses his lips when he hears those words come out of Sarah's mouth. He's a bit clueless. "What are space buns, honey?" "It's two buns in your hair. I asked Angelica about them and it's like where bunny ears are but instead of bunny ears it's buns." Sarah rambles as she drowns her pancakes in syrup.
Joel nods, knowing what she means now. He takes one of the brushes and drags it gently over Sarah's scalp, dividing her hair in two sections (One of the mothers had shown him how to do it and he will forever be grateful of that woman) and focusing on one section first.
Joel is done with the first bun and doing the second one and he's pretty proud of himself. Sarah is on her second big pancake and is enjoying every bit of it. There will be an occasional 'ow' from her when Joel pulls too hard on her strands but he apologizes quickly.
Now Joel is done with both buns and Tommy still isn't here. He's panicking silently as he watches Sarah eat, not feeling any hunger himself, his coffee being the only thing keeping him sane.
"Daddy, where are myf pifns?" Sarah asks with her mouth half full and a bit of syrup on her cheek. He steps closer and wipes the syrup off of her face. "Don't talk with your mouth full, baby-" "I'm here!"
Tommy barges into his brothers house with a slightly crazy and energetic smile, pins in hand. He comes into the kitchen like a tornado, still fresh faced and with lots of hope in his heart. That's Tommy.
He smirks at his brother and bends down to kiss Sarah's forehead. "Mornin', sunshine." Tommy's Texas twang slips through as he greets his niece. "Uncle Tommy!" She beams at seeing her uncle and wiggles a bit in her seat.
Joel pats his brother's back as a silent 'thank you' to which Tommy respond with a nod. Joel shows Sarah the pink and purple butterfly pins and she giggles, knowing already what her father's stare means. "Thank you, Uncle Tommy." "Aw, don't mention it, sunshine." Tommy acts bashful as he puts his hands in his pockets.
Joel chuckles at his brother's antics and pops off a few pins from the carton and puts them in Sarah's hair. After he's done she smiles up at both of them. The two men can feel their hearts melt at the sight of Sarah, all cute and adorable.
"Alright, go get your school bag. We'll be in Uncle Tommy's truck." Joel says as he takes his own bag and keys. Sarah runs up the stairs once again and then zooms out the door, not too far behind Joel and Tommy.
After they pile into Tommy's brick-red truck the engine starts. "Ok, everyone ready?" Tommy asks as he checks Sarah through the rearview mirror. "Yep, we've got-" "WAIT!" Sarah shouts which makes both men panic and turn around.
"You gotta have this." She pouts as she snaps off two pins, one pink and one purple. She puts the pink one into Joel's hair and the purple one onto Tommy's. "Now we are!" She giggles. The brothers look at each other for a second.
"I think purple looks better on me." Joel deadpans. "Oh, shut up, you're just jealous that I'm wearing Sarah's color." Tommy teases before they rush off for picture day.
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No one like you
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Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, Cursing, Fluff
Summary: It’s meant to be a perfect evening. The first time you and Tom sleep together. But, as you should know by know, not everything goes according to plan.
A/N: This is my first time writing smut...so...yea. This is inspired by @youlightmeupfinn​ ‘s PINK series (it’s amazing).
18+ Minors DNI
You cursed as you ended the call after hearing the bad news. You felt tears well up in your eyes. You had been dreaming about this day for a while now but that probably wasn’t going to happen anymore.
Your babysitter had cancelled, claiming she had a family emergency to attend and all your friends were out at a party, as it was a Friday night. You and Tom had planned a romantic dinner at his house for your 6 month anniversary. You were going to sleep together for the first time in your relationship and you wanted it to be perfect.
Of course, you loved your little baby girl, and you knew Tom loved her too, but you were hoping to be able to have an evening without responsibilities and a crying 9 month old.
Sighing, you found Tom’s contact in your phone and called him. He picked up after exactly two rings.
“Hello, darling.” You heard his cheery voice from the other end and tears threatened to fall again as you didn’t want to take that away from him.
“Um, hey Tommy.”
“Are you okay, love.” He immediately sensed that something was wrong, you were much quieter than usual.
“Not really. I have to cancel tonight, I’m so sorry. Sam can’t babysit Nat and everyone else is somewhere, getting drunk.”
He chuckled at that last bit.
“So bring her here, baby, you know how much I love her.”
“Are you sure, love?”
“100%. I’ll see you soon, darling.”
You placed the phone on your bed and picked up your little angel.
“Looks like you’re coming with me, huh.”
Natalia cooed and made grabby hands towards you, resulting in her being kissed a million and one times on her soft belly as she erupted in a fit of high pitched squeals and laughter.
You laughed along with her before setting her down in her crib, making your way to your wardrobe, Nat’s eyes following you in wonder.
You ended up picking a dark emerald green turtleneck tucked in a black short, tight skirt, placing a gold necklace around your neck, on top of the jumper and threw on a black hoodie for extra warmth. The dark green jumper matched the lingerie you were wearing underneath - it was perfect.
You let out your hair, the curls falling past your shoulders before putting on some mascara and eyeliner. You painted your lips with dark red lipstick before taking a step back and gazed at yourself in the mirror.
You can’t lie, you looked amazing.
You approached Tom’s house while Natalia was fidgeting in the backseat in her carrier. You had packed some essentials for her which was placed next to her in the back.
Parking the car, you got Nat out of her seat and placed her on your hip. You put the bag with the baby stuff in the carrier and made your way to the front door. You rang the doorbell and didn’t have to wait long before Tom showed up.
“My girls!”
Natalia’s face automatically lit up and she giggled, leaning towards Tom. He reached out his arms and brought her to his chest before stepping back to let you in.
Once the door was shut, Tom pulled you close to him and placed a sweet kiss on your lips before whispering huskily in your ear.
“You look ravishing, darling. Absolutely sinful.”
A shiver ran down your spine as butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach.
“Thank you, baby, I can say the same to you too.” You whispered back, giving him a not-so-subtle once-over.
Tom was adorned with dark jeans and a white button up that fit perfectly. A few buttons were undone at the top, giving you a sneak peek at his broad chest.
You kissed him once more before making your way to the kitchen. Bobby was sat next to one of the seats and you bent down to pat his chocolate brown fur, when you felt a light smack on your ass.
You stood up and looked at Tom, giving him a fake offended look as he just gazed at you with a mischievous smirk.
He was still holding Natalia, gently swaying side-to-side. The domestic sight in front of you made your heart swell with pure love and adoration. Your baby girl sleepily giggled in Tom’s arms as she looked up at him. Tom must have felt your stare as he moved towards you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against him.
“How about we put this little one to sleep and have some dinner, hm? How does pasta sound?”
“Yeah. It’s getting late for her, and pasta sounds wonderful, honey.”
You smiled at Tom as he took your hand and led you into the guest room. A small crib was in the middle. Tom has bought it around 3 months into your relationship, when you started staying over. He gently placed Natalia down and covered her in a baby pink blanket, making sure she was comfortable. Her eyelids were already closing so you and Tom waited around for only a few moments before you heard light snores before retreating back and into the kitchen.
Once dinner was over and done with, things started to get heated. You were laying with Tom on his bed, watching whatever was on, though neither of you were paying attention. You had discarded your hoodie to the side as it was getting kind of hot.
Or was that just you?
Toms hand was placed on your thigh, mindlessly drawing patterns, yet consciously inching upwards. Your face grew warm and you were pretty sure you were going red. But, still, you kept your gaze fixed on the TV.
Tom looked towards you. He knew what he was doing. He felt his jeans getting tighter around a specific area as he saw you all flushed, glassy eyes determinedly staring at the screen. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he inched higher, still. He watched as your breath hitched, your eyes flicking towards him.
In a split second, the TV screen went black and he pulled you into his lap. His mouth attacked yours hungrily, emitting a quiet moan out of you. You straddled Tom’s lap as he continued kissing you passionately. His tongue pushed pat your lips as he kissed you deeper than before.
Suddenly, he grabbed your waist and flipped you over so he was now on top of you. His hands wandered, exploring your body before he broke the kiss.
Tom placed his forehead on yours as you both tried to catch your breath. His large hands played with the zipper on your jeans as he looked directly in your eyes.
“Is this okay?” His voice was barely a whisper, not wanting to break the moment.
You nodded slightly as he pulled your zipper down. He discarded of the jeans and moved up to your jumper. Your hands automatically reached upwards, letting him take off the jumper with ease. He left the necklace on, liking how it accentuated your beauty.
Tom let his eyes and hands wander. He let out a deep groan when he saw your lingerie. Dark green, threaded with black and accented with gold.
“God, darling, you’re making it really hard for me to be a gentleman.” He moved his hands down your torso, stopping at your hips.
“Well, maybe I don’t want you to be a gentleman.” You whispered in the shell of his ear before kissing down his jaw and neck.
He let out a low growl before shuffling to the foot of the bed. He took both your legs in each of his hands, kissing them lightly, travelling to your inner thigh. You were pretty sure your were soaking through the panties as Tom got closer to your covered pussy. His kisses became more sloppy as he graduated higher up, before finally placing a kiss where you needed it the most.
Careful not to tear the fabric, Tom quickly got rid of them. The cool air against your wet pussy made you shiver. Tom brought his mouth towards it, before looking up to you for affirmation. You had barely let out your choked ‘Please’ before he was devouring you. Feeling his warm tongue against your slit, your arched your back off the mattress letting out a lewd moan.
“Oh, fuck, Tom. Yes!”
You cried out as pleasure took over. You hadn’t been with anyone for about a year and a half, making this all feel like the first time again.
“God, darling, taste so good.”
Tom moaned into your pussy and you felt the vibrations add to all the pleasure.
He slowly worked his fingers into your hole and you cried out again at the small stretch.
“Oh my god! Tom! Fuck!”
Tom worked his fingers in your pussy, curling them slightly. His tongue swirled against your clit as his fingers pushed even deeper in, brushing your g-spot.
Your moans were barely a whisper now, your brain too fucked out to make any coherent words. A coil formed in the pit of your belly and tightened as Tom drove his fingers in and out faster.
His fingers continuously brushed at your g-spot, driving you closer and closer to the edge. You tried arching your back again but Tom’s hands kept your down. He grabbed your ass as he brought you impossibly closer to him. He could feel your walls clenching around him, indicating that you were close.
“Tom, fuck, I’m gonna - shit,”
“Cum for me, love.”
That was all the warning you got before the coil snapped. White-hot pleasure rapidly spread around your body, your toes involuntarily curling at the feeling. Sparks flew up your spine as Tom worked you through your high. Your jaw went slack, yet no sound came out.
Tom resurfaced, kissing up your torso, neck and jaw before he met your lips. You could taste yourself on his lips as his tongued pushed past. Reluctantly breaking off, he looked into your eyes.
“You did so well for me, darling.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks from the praise as you looked at him through heavy lidded eyes. His hands went to unclasp your bra as your nipples immediately perked up from the cold.
Tom quickly discarded his clothes, leaving his boxers on, before leaning down and kissing your collarbone. He fondled a breast in his large hands as he kissed your lips again, swallowing your moans. He pulled apart, bringing his lips to your nipple, rolling it around with his tongue whiles he kneaded the other with his spare hands.
The pleasure was getting to much as you moaned his name over and over. Need and want made you reach down and pull the band of his boxers and he took that as the sign to get rid of them once and for all.
So there he stood, in all his glory. His thick cock stood erect against his stomach. You stared hungrily at him as he chuckled.
“Take a picture, darling, it’ll last longer.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks as you covered your face with your hands. Still laughing, Tom, once again, leaned down, gently prying your hands off of your face. He smothered your flushed face with kisses before pressing one to your lips. Within no time, it became passionate and needy and you felt Tom lining up to your hole.
Gently, he pushed his blunt tip in, inching forwards before he was fully sheathed. His mouth was still attached to yours, devouring all of your lewd moans.
Finally coming up for breath, you spoke up.
“Move, please... oh fuck!”
Tom started moving at a steady space. Your walls fluttered around his length as he drove impossibly deeper in.
“Fuck! Shit, Tom, feels so good!”
“So perfect, darling. So perfect for me.”
Tom groaned, his baritone voice becoming raspy as he lost control. His moans mixed with yours as he fucked you harder, faster into the mattress, his cock hitting all the right places. His swollen lips attacked your jaw, neck and breast marking them with kisses.
Your eyes screwed shut as you felt yourself tipping closer to the edge again. You involuntarily clenched around Tom, arching your back as he reached down to rub your clit.
The stimulation pushed off the edge as you came with a loud moan. Tom’s thrusts grew uneven as he brought you down from your high, now chasing his own.
It didn’t take long before Tom stilled, deep inside of you. Thick ropes of his cum spurted in your sensitive hole, making you feel fuller than before - if that was possible.
Tom collapsed on your chest, burying his head in the crook of your neck. You wiped his sweaty hair off of his forehead as you kissed the top of his head. You stayed like that for a few minutes before Tom pulled out, emitting a whine from you. He laughed quietly as he got up and went to the bathroom, returning with a wet cloth.
He cleaned you up before settling back down next to you, pulling you to his chest. You kissed his shoulder lightly as he kissed your forehead, before leaning down and whispering in your ear, his hot breath fanning your neck.
“So perfect, darling, there’s no one like you. Now get some rest, beautiful.”
You smiled as you cuddled closer, sleep overtaking you, Tom following close behind.
lmk what you think!
Also, sorry for the hiatus! :)
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celestialinent · 4 years
someday it will fit just right
on ao3
In 2 years, Steve would spend his first night truly hungry. In 5 years, he would stand in a cold little cemetery and bury his mother. In 8 years, he would deliver food to the silent Barnes family as they sat shiva. In 11 years, he would go into a tiny metal box and come out a freak. In 14 years, he would die.
But on April 17th, 1931, Steve Rogers woke up to Sarah Rogers singing in her clear voice, thrilled to celebrate her only son’s 13th birthday.
He and Fiona stumbled out from behind the thick curtain that cut the little nook at the far side of the flat where he slept. There were boxty and eggs on the table, and Ma wasn’t even tired, because she had three days off all in a row. He was still young enough not to question the luck. He wasn’t aware that Sarah had begged and traded with the other nurses to get the days, promising to work shifts no one wanted, knowing it would hurt their purse at the end of the month and doing it anyway to make her boy happy.
“Stiofán,” she greeted him, and Steve smiled. She only called him by his Irish name when she was in the best moods, and as he got older and the trouble he got up to got more bloody, that name was used less and less.
Fiona always slept as a cougar, because her furry bulk was the best thing to keep him warm in their drafty flat, but she usually changed before they even got out of bed. Big cats might be good for keeping little boys with dicky lungs, but they weren’t so good for navigating the tight space of the Rogers’s home. She didn’t change this morning, however.
Steve sent her a frown, even as he sidestepped her to get to the table.
Aodhan, perched on a rickety wooden chair to Sarah’s left, watched the pair with his intelligent brown eyes.
“How’s my wee man?” Sarah asked when Steve had sat. Fiona came to rest next to him, her big head almost as high as his. “Any big plans for today?”
Steve blushed. “Bucky and I were gonna go to the park,” he answered. But they’d planned that ages ago, before Ma had gotten the days off. And they were really only going because Bucky had heard from Teddy Russo that Theresa and Dot Bianchi would be there with their older sister Valentina. Bucky was absolutely dizzy for just about every girl in the Bianchi family.
To be honest, Bucky was dizzy for all the girls. He was 14 this year, and apparently, his Uncle Isaac had told Bucky that that was the age that “everything started to make sense” with girls. Whatever in the Sam-Hell that meant.
“We don’t have to, though,” Steve said. And he meant it. Spending a few hours watching Bucky watching dames didn’t sound like any fun, and it was his birthday, so if he told Bucky he wanted to do something else he wouldn’t be sore at him. “Bucky could just bring the girls over and we could play games or something.”
Even if Steve didn’t think spending his 13th birthday with Bucky’s little sisters was the best way to celebrate he wouldn’t want to exclude them. Bucky hated dragging Becca and Judy and Rachel along when they went places, but Steve thought the girls were just swell. He’d never had a sister or a brother, and never would most likely, so the novelty was nice.
Steve’s Ma just smiled. “No, no. You and Bucky should go. Bein’ thirteen is important, a leanbh . Before we know it you’ll be old and won’t get to spend all your time with Bucky Barnes.”
Steve wrinkled his nose. “Bucky and me’ll always spend time together, Ma,” he promised. “We’re friends forever.”
What was meant to be a reassurance, however, seemed to kill his Ma’s grin. She sent him a soft, sad look before tucking into breakfast. “I hope so, Stiofán. But don’t think you won’t get old.”
“I’m only thirteen, Ma!” Steve protested. Fiona leaned her head against his side sympathetically, and the weight of her sent him listing to the side for a moment.
“Fi, stoppit!” he giggled. “Why’re you so big?”
Fiona, looking contrite, seemed to shiver in her skin like she always did when she was trying to change shape. But instead of bursting into the air as a pigeon, or scurrying up his arm as a squirrel, she remained solidly feline and solidly big. Steve frowned, tipping his head forward to peer at her.
Aodhan and Ma both laughed. Steve turned a sharp, worried look to his mother.
“What?” he asked. Turning back, he said, “Fi, what’s goin’ on?”
“Oh, a leanbh ,” Ma breathed. “What did I say?”
Fiona giggled. “I can’t! Stevie!”
It took Steve a bit too long to understand the situation, but when he did he turned an incredulous stare on Fiona. “You settled so big ,” he laughed.
“Bit inconvenient,” Aodhan muttered behind his shaggy russet mustache, but he was grinning his doggy grin, as overjoyed as Sarah was.
“The size of a daemon doesn’t depend on the size of the person,” Ma reminded him. Steve knew that. He knew that Mr. Tonks, hulking as he was, had a little rabbit daemon, and everyone in the world knew that Marlene Dietrich’s daemon was a honking big bear, something the newspapers always thought was real funny.
“Boys at school are gonna have a field day,” Steve told her anyway. Nobody but Bucky seemed to understand why Steve walked around with a mountain lion for a daemon most of the time. Now that she’d settled, he could just imagine how they’d tease.
“The boys at school are silly little idiots,” Aodhan grumbled.
That sent Fiona and Steve into a fit of giggles that carried them through breakfast.
He’d been right about the boys at school.
When words got around that Steve’s daemon had settled, Tommy Wies came over to him at lunch as asked him if he thought it was funny that his daemon was four times the size of him.
Miriam, lounging at Bucky’s feet as a german shepherd, snarled at him, and Tommy laughed it off but he didn’t say another word to Steve all day. Unfortunately, Bucky couldn’t be around forever, and after last period, when Steve was gathering his papers from arithmetic, Bobby and Tony Gottardo ambled over.
The three of them exchanged some words, and it all ended with Bucky finding Steve getting his lights knocked out of him in front of the school. Fiona was snapping and yowling at the Gottardo’s daemons, and Bucky had to wade in and break the fight up with a solid-looking kick to Tony’s keister.
“God, some of these eye-talians really are dumb,” Bucky huffed after the boys had beat feet down the sidewalk. “How many times I gotta lay them out flat before they leave well enough alone?”
Steve sent Bucky a dark look. “You didn’t lay anyone out, Buck. Tony and Bobby are just babies.”
Bucky scoffed. “Maybe not that time, but last time, I made Bobby bleed so bad I just about called a doctor so’s I didn’t have to go on the lam.”
Fiona snorted. “You did no such thing,” she told him imperiously.
Miriam perked up. “If you asked Bobby, he just about got murdered in that fight.”
The four of them ambled their way back home, About halfway to Bucky’s flat, where they were stashing their school stuff and cleaning up before heading over to the park-Steve couldn’t very well go home now, not with a bloody nose-Miriam turned to Steve and Fiona and eyed them.
“What’s it like?” she asked.
It was crystal what she was asking. Miriam, even though Bucky was a year older, still hadn’t settled.
Fiona shrugged her big furry shoulders. “Boring, but nice. Feels right, like a pair of shoes that I’ve had few ages, so they fit real good. But I think I’ll miss flying.”
“Shoulda settled as a big bird,” Bucky laughed. “A bald eagle, or something. Or a hawk, to go with that big nose.”
Steve shoved at Bucky playfully. “Well, then Miriam should settle as a pig, to go with your nose.”
Bucky, vainer than Steve by a mile, reeled back, patting at his nose like he was checking that it was still as perfect as ever. He scowled when that sent Steve laughing.
“Fi shoulda been an elephant, to match your ears!”
“Miriam could settle as a beaver so you could have matching buck teeth,” Steve shot back, still laughing.
Bucky huffed, but Steve knew he wasn’t that sore.
They spent the rest of the walk joking and fooling around, and when they barrelled into the Barnes flat, Bucky had Steve under his arm, mussing up his hair with his knuckles.
Mrs. Barnes started fussing as soon as she saw Steve’s face, but luckily she didn’t threaten to tell his Ma, trusting that Steve wouldn’t hide it from her. She did make him sit at the dining room table, though, and allow her to clean him up a little. She didn’t have his Ma’s practice at nursing, but she’d raised Bucky, and the frequency with which her son was being pulled into scraps meant she was no slouch. Amos chittered the entire time, scolding them all for fighting just like he always did. The boys and their daemons ignored him, as they always did.
“The only thing I have to give you for your birthday is some advice, Steven,” Mrs. Barnes said lightly. “Stay out of trouble!”
Steve offered her a beatific smile, the smile he offered to teachers and shopkeepers and Mrs. Barnes whenever he was trying to pretend he wasn’t an absolute scoundrel. It drove Bucky up the walls; he called it his saintly smirk. “I try, Mrs. Barnes. Trouble just always seems to find me!”
Mrs. Barnes and Amos hmmphed in unison, and Bucky snorted.
“Bucky, I expect you back home in time for supper. It might be Steven’s birthday, but you still have school tomorrow.”
“Yes, Ma,” Bucky and Steve chorused. She scowled and shooed them out of the house.
Steve shook his head. “She didn’t even notice Fiona’s settled,” he scoffed. “Guess Steve Rogers walking around with a puma for a daemon is just common sense to her.”
“Sure it is, pal,” Bucky drawled easily. “You may be short, but you’re just about the loudest guy I know. You’re bigger inside than out, is all. You ain’t no mouse.”
“What do you think you’ll settle as?” Fiona asked Miriam, who’d taken Fiona’s new size as an opportunity to be lazy, and shifted into a strange little lizard, riding on her back. She had the air of a haughty little queen that way, and Steve couldn’t help but smile at the smug little lizard smile she was sporting.
Miriam was quiet for a moment as she and Bucky shared a thoughtful look.
“A dog, probably,” Bucky answered first. “Most folks have dog daemons.”
Fiona shook her head. “You’re not most.”
Steve blushed a little at that. Bucky wasn’t most folks. Bucky was brave and handsome and kind and strong. Bucky talked a big game about how Steve was bigger on the inside, but honestly, Steve thought Bucky’s beautiful outside matched his insides. It was no wonder that all the girls at school had started taking real long looks at Steve’s best friend. There was something about the air around Bucky when he got real excited about a new song. When he laughed it was like his whole face opened up and you could see the damn sun shining out his eyes.
Miriam would settle as something even grander than a mountain lion. She’d be a real noble bird, maybe, because of Bucky’s sharp eyes, or a peacock cause of how nice his face was. Or maybe a wolf, like James Connolly had had.
“A horse, maybe,” Miriam said.
It was funny, because Steve couldn’t see that at all. Miriam had never been a horse in her life. Hell, none of them had ever seen a horse in their lives. But Steve was picturing Bucky astride a huge destrier, dressed like a knight, and it made him laugh so hard he almost gave himself an asthma attack. “You are a real horse’s ass,” he gasped.
“Maybe I’ll be something real strange,” Bucky said, and he was still smiling, but it looked pained. “Something odd, that’ll scare off anyone tryin’ to give us a hard time.”
Miriam shivered, shifting rapidly. She was a spider first, fearsome and black, before she draped over Fiona’s back as a big brown snake. It was followed by a strange hairless cat, a blind and eerie bat. Finally, Miriam clambered to Fiona’s rump, a brown little thing with huge, luminous golden eyes. Her small triangle ears sat at the sides of her head like horns, and a long tail that curled over her chest.
Steve blinked. “What are you?” he asked. Miriam only stared up at him.
“So one in a book of daemons once. Like a monkey, sorta. Strange, right?” Bucky murmured.
“She’s beautiful, Buck,” Steve assured him. “Very beautiful.”
Bucky shrugged and picked up his pace like he was eager to see the Bianchi sisters. Like the discussion was unimportant.
Steve felt distinctly that he’d missed something in the exchange, and Bucky was disappointed in him.
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dxrkvibez · 4 years
hi! could you do a college!au for the 80's cobras? thank you :)
Yeah totally! Thanks for the submission! (:
▬Top of the World▬
Summary: The group of Cobras might’ve been at the top of their game in high school, but what happens when they all get to college?
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol
“Man, it’s been a while!” Tommy shouted as he joined the rest of the former Cobra Kai group. After their senior year, none of them were allowed to compete anymore, being over 18 and all. And since Kreese had nothing to do with them anymore, he moved onto new students, and they moved on with their lives.
“Whatever, I saw you like a week ago.” Jimmy retorted, grabbing Tommy’s hand, then slapping him on the back. A common way of greeting amongst the group.
The cobras were all in their sophomore year, but trying to get used to this school was one of the hardest things they had ever done. In high school, they were basically the cool kids, the leaders of the school. They went to all the coolest parties, they all had the ‘hottest babes’, and they all had as many friends as they wanted.
Here, everything was different. The popular boys were the ones in football or baseball, not in karate, and they had a much harder time fitting in. None of them would admit it, because of their egos, but they all really needed eachother.
“Have you seen Johnny yet?” Tommy asked as him and Jimmy caught up with Bobby and Dutch. With all of their schedules being so different, it wasn’t unusual not to see eachother all the time, but Johnny was usually the first one there.
The four cobras walked together and Dutch snorted. “No, but he sure was drinking a lot at that party last night” He said as he took his chewed piece of gum out of his mouth and threw it at the rest of their heads, laughing as he did.
They walked into the building and ran into Johnny, not long after. To say he looked bad would be an understatement. He had his black headband tied around his head, mainly to hold his hair back, which looked like it hadn’t been combed in a very long time. His headphones were resting around his neck, his red cobra Kai jacket was resting on his shoulders, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks.
“Hey man what’s wrong?” Bobby asked as Johnny joined the group and they walked to the main hall. “I saw Ali, at that party last night.” Johnny mumbled and threw his backpack on the floor before leaning against the wall.
A few kids turned and looked at them with weird looks on their voices, something they were used to at this point.
“She was with another guy. Not Larusso, no. Some guy from that stupid, prestigious school. UCLA or something like that.” Johnny said. The bell rang, signaling the kids who had a class, should go.
None of them cared though, they were so far behind in work anyway. Another thing that was way different is that the professors won’t totally down their throats about getting good grades. If the students wanted to graduate then it was their problem, not the professors.
“Ouch that sucks. But hey, I thought you moved one from her.” Tommy said as he moved closer to the wall, letting people get around them.
“Nah that doesn’t suck. She dumped you. She didn’t need you. You don’t need her. But you know what you do need? A party. With a lot of girls.” Dutch said
“That’s actually not a bad idea.” Jimmy said and Bobby laughed. “Yeah! That’s what we should do, c’mon Johnny!” He said and they all started pushing him to try and get him to give him.
“Fine! I’ll go.” He mumbled under his breath. “Yeah!” The rest of the cobras cheered in unison.
It wasn’t long before the four of them (while five, but Johnny was being dramatic the whole time and was no help at all) planned one of the best parties they ever had. They were determined, to finally be considered cool. They wanted what they used to have.
Jimmy ran out to grab the beers, while Bobby and Tommy stayed and set up the music. The room was filled with flashing lights, blasting music, and food. Plus, it helped that Johnny had one of the best rooms on all of campus, thanks to his stepfathers money.
Slowly, guests started showing up. It started out with the ‘nerdier’ kids. The ones that actually cared about school, homework, and had probably never been to a party in their whole lives. The ones who the cobras knew would never get them what they wanted. But eventually, the jocks, the bad boys, and the girls all started showing up.
There were drinks passed, dancing going on, the sounds of kissing, and only one fight broke out, between the cobras and another group, but it was quickly finished when the other group realized there was nothing they could do to win.
All five of them, now had a girl in one of their arms and a drink in the other. They were all drunk, and by now most other people had left. “Y’know you guys are so much cooler then we thought.” One of the girls giggled while tracing her finger along Johnny’s chest.
“Yeah totally. You can come hang out with us anytime you want.” One of the boys, the one wearing a football jersey, said.
That’s when the cobras knew. Knew they got what they wanted. Knew they weren’t gonna be seen as losers, whose glory days were only in high school. And they knew that things would change from here on out.
This is what they wanted. To be at the top again.
Okay, I don’t know how good this was, I haven’t written in a long time 😅
But it was super fun to write! Thanks for the request!
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 017
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: New chapter! Sorry, it's late! Took a while to edit this one. Evie's birthday bash comes with a flood of feelings and heavy smut! Billy struggles with his heart when emotions get too real. xoxo
Ask box & Tag list are both open!! Come and chat with me after! :)
Chapter 17: Heart-Shaped Shadow Box
   Monday was strange. News spread like wildfire. Carol Perkins and Evie Fenny had a civil interaction. See it and be amazed. All’s well in the animal kingdom again.
   Order restored. Clouds opening. Roll on snare drum followed by velvet curtains.
   Even the snow was thawing to wet slush.
   It all happened at Tommy’s dented locker near the English hallway’s corner. Evie stopped. Hit her mark flawlessly. Found the light. Flashed a pleasant smile which earned Carol’s lip twitching in response.
   And the crowd went wild.
   “Tommy and I are sitting with you. At lunch. Might want to warn Steve and Heather to put the claws away. We’ll come bearing gifts even. Well...promises of gifts we'll deliver on later. Not school-friendly.” Carol fished for a pack of mints in Tommy’s pocket. This was clearly not up for debate.
   “Consider it an early promise for your birthday.” Tommy had added with a beam of teeth.
   “Sure. Cool. See you guys.” Evie held a book to her chest and continued to her locker. Switching items around before she went back to meet Billy at his. Spotted the faded leather of his jacket and ducked a little to sneak upon him.
   A feline on the prowl ready to overtake the dominant male lion.
   "Did you know you're the only girl around here who doesn't cover herself in that Love's Baby Soft crap? The grown woman perfume gives you away, chica." Billy spoke without turning. Evie's made an annoyed sound and dropped her shoulders, inches behind him. "Not a complaint. I like the thrill of it."
   Blue eyes peered to see her there and Evie got the urge to stick her tongue out as a child would. Didn't want to tempt Billy though. Or did she?
   "Yeah, yeah." Air blew a curl from her face. One shoulder nestled into the locker next to him. “Feels weird today.”
   “You’re not getting into a fight for once.” He remarked, smacking metal shut to lean back against it while the student body bustled along. Eyes slipped down and Evie pouted, straightening.
   "My eyes are up here, Hargrove." Two fingers rose to gesture at them.
   Little extra work put into her eyeshadow and lipstick today. Little extra time picking out outfits that weren't for Fredrick. Can't go wrong with a loud print that looked like it was out of a creepy hotel's carpet. Or a short skirt with her tights. Evie felt especially positive about her body today.
   She didn't eat anything bad this morning. See. She was getting better. She was stopping because she was in control and could stop this sickness at any time she wanted.
   "Sure. I'll get there." Gorgeous lashes batted to knock the wind out of her, but Evie puffed. Billy's gaze lifted, flicking with amusement because she was too easy to rile up. Too easy to get blushing. "Must feel weird," he'd repeated, "no battle."
   “That could be. Farewell badass reputation. I knew you all of two days.” She sighed for dramatic effect and he actually smiled, head shaking before an arm swept around Evie’s shoulders. Pulled her taut and flush into his fire.
   For once, she didn’t look at anyone else.
   Leaned into Billy and walked along as if she was meant to be there.
   As if they didn’t look funny together.
   That was a beautiful thing this morning. Something that made her feel full and in control.
   “Weirded me out when Mona let me in to collect Max and you three were snoring on the pull-out.”
   “Sweet that you carried Max home.” Evie teased. “What a good big brother you are.”
   “Yeah, just when I warm up, she edges off me.”
   “How’s that?” Evie peered up at his face.
   “Don’t know, she hasn’t been her annoying self. Growing up or whatever. Might be all her friends.” Billy only shrugged. “Snappier at me. Quieter. Guess I deserve it. She stays out of dad's way, but he has an opinion on everything she does.”
   “She’s a teenage girl. We all have our moments. I'm sure it's not easy for either of you.” They turned down another hallway. Billy stiffened so she allowed him to change the subject.
   “I did have good luck on my Saturday quest.” He sounded genuinely triumphant. Lips turned into her curls to mutter. "Small victories."
   Around them, lockers shuffled and smacked about. Chattering students moved to let them pass. Evie Fenny on the arm of his royal highness, Billy Hargrove. King. What a lucky girl she was.
   If they held her echoing heart to their ears, they'd probably hear rich ocean waves. Evie wondered if Billy had reached deep within in, if he'd find twinkling sea glass and opalescent shells
   “Yeah, you were gone the entire day, where’d you go?” Evie had laughed and he stunned her with the flippant reply. 
   “Got your birthday present.”
   Evie came to a halt at the corner. Spinning to see him. Billy batted his lashes again, smirking.
   “What? It is the 27th, right? Wednesday?” He winced like perhaps he’d been wrong.
   “How and where did you get that info? And you remembered it?”
   “I have my ways, Evie.” He bit his lip. Scanned her. “Surprised I got you something?”
   A blush damned her to hell.
   “No, I just… A little.” Evie looked away at the trophy case. Saw them reflected and straightened up. Shuffling back. One hand rubbed at her collar. Illusions faded like dying lights. Too easily.
   "Well, believe it, I'm full of surprises."
   “My mom is doing something small at the salon that she thinks I don’t know about and then I’m going to Heather's. Party on a school night. Her parents are out this week so free reign in the mansion.”
   “I might have heard something about that.” Billy shrugged, peering away so she could take him in.
   Freckles stunning and sparkling crystals for eyes. Endless ocean waves under a balmy sun. Evie wondered for a moment if perhaps he was oblivious to how candidly beautiful he was some days. 
   She inched toward him. Forgot their reflection. Forgot the students with eyes that burned. Saw Billy glanced back and froze. Caught. 
   “You ever think…?” Billy gave this squint to study her there. Thought he saw flecks of gold within her eyes. Sparking at him. Drawing a charge. New stars giving birth he might be able to count if he looked deeper.
   “Yes...?” Evie hushed, just barely edged up on her toes. Billy never finished it. "I do."
   "Do? Do what?" He flushed there. Sounding vaguely drunk. Inch back toward her.
   Two magnets pining from a distance. Drawing ever nearer.
   "Think. Long and hard." It came out a saccharine whisper. “I think too much in fact.”
   He gave this dumb, little chuckle. Unable to grasp his thoughts. Unable to share them.
   “I think about things I can’t control and I get so mad.” Evie scoffed. Thought her eyes watered due to the intensity. “I can’t stop even though there’s very little I can control. It's like time and space. I can't... But, I know that, Billy, and I can't seem to stop.”
   Abrupt, she pushed up to her toes. Captured his lips. Just hard enough to make her point explicit. Hard enough to send him all aflutter. Bursting to pieces from every vein. A might wave crashed into them both. Swept them away. She stayed close enough to finish the thought. Made him drink it down.
   "And I think you're made of that same stardust." Evie swooped around him. Left Billy dizzy as the bell rang. She didn’t look back at him. Only smiled to herself and let curls bounce as she slipped off.
   Billy spun on his heel to see her. Left drunk in a billow of honey amber. A smile overtaking his expression. A warm tint in his freckles.
   He could have blamed her eyes with their hold. Could have blamed her hair and the way the light illuminated it just so. Hell, he could have blamed that damn perfume. The concoction of oils and lotions you'd find listed in an old witch's spell. Although, she was from New Orleans, so perhaps voodoo. He tried to rationalize it. Make it purely sexual. Make it rough and tumble.
   Either way, too much became clear. Evangeline Fenny was beautiful and she was going to ruin him. And Billy was going to let her do it. Any number of heartbeats it would take, he was going to succumb. This sin he'd be begging for again and again. This lovely sin that filled his soul until it burst.
   A red hot ribbon would noose his heart and twist out to Evie's own. They could sink and float and be just fine. The thought of being tethered to something tangible didn't have to feel like a cage and muzzle. It could be freeing too. Sprinkled in their signature stardust that gave it an ethereal filter. An iridescent shimmer.
   Even if it terrified him to the core.
** ** **
   Evie didn’t need to prep Steve and Heather for Carol and Tommy’s impending infiltration of their lunch table. More news in the animal kingdom.
   Princess Heather and Duchess Carol caught whispering at Heather’s locker between second and third.
   Truly fascinating. Pan in close for a better look.
   Evie passed them and could only blink. Almost running into Robin on her way to Yearbook.
   Heather and Carol standing close to each other as if they hadn’t been in a nasty fight the week before. Giggling and hushing tones. Carol traded a bobby pin from her hair for an elastic Heather had tucked into a coin purse shaped like a pair of cherries.
   That was a serious transaction in girl world.
   Carol tugged playfully at Heather's tee, hand poised to her lips to whisper before the other girl was nodding. Evie had a thousand questions but decided not to bother. Red hair swept to flick as Carol turned to go. Following Evie because they were in Yearbook together with Nancy and Jonathan. 
   Usually, they sat across the room in opposite corners. Today, they shared a table.
   “Heard the bio classes moved the dissections this year up to March.” Carol made a face and sorted through science club photos. Seated across from Evie to work on some new pages. 
   “I always skip school those days and do some make-up work later. I’ll take the grade hit.” Evie grimaced.
   “I just partner with Tommy, make him do it, and he’ll get us a solid C plus.” A shrug. Their teacher flicked on some hippy music they liked to pass the time. Lazy class. “Do a bunch of shots after.”
   “Yeah, I can’t even handle being in the room.” Evie stacked some finished sections aside. “How are things between you and Tommy?” 
   Carol peered up briefly between making little notes. Blew a pink bubble and popped it.
   “He’s still my number one slice. I don’t know, I thought he’d get weird about the whole thing. Kinda shocked me.” She mused, shifting pictures about. “I did say he’s gonna marry me one day. Pretty sure. I mean we’re plenty stupid and we fight. But, we’re allowed.”
   “Good, that’s...good.” Evie felt eyes blaring holes. Stared at the page she was reworking.
   “Feels like you got another question in there, Fen.”
   “I don’t know.” Shoulders hitched higher. Evie tucked some curls back and smacked her mauve lips.
   They sat in silence under dim fluorescent lights for a few minutes. Carol paused to apply a fresh layer of gloss in her tiny compact. Flashed the mirror at Evie’s eyes to bug her.
   “Hey.” One hand swatted aimlessly when she was blinded. Carol snickered, slapping the mirror shut.
   “You’re really into him aren’t you?” A head tilt. “Billy.”
   “Things...shifted after the dance. He asked me out. Then, I asked him out. We sorta went out together. Nothing official. I don't know what's a date and what isn't with him. I don’t. As I said, I don’t think he does girlfriends. I don’t think I'd make a very good girlfriend either.”
   “Not with that attitude." A scoff. "Have you asked?”
   “You’re overcomplicating it because you have major, major trust issues, Evie.” Carol deduced easily. Too easily. Evie sat back. Opened her mouth to protest and shut it. “Billy might have issues too. But, if a guy screws up and spends two months following you around trying to make it right. Not really sleeping around. Obviously it’s crossed his mind. Just quit dragging and ask him. You might like the answer.”
   “I don’t know, sometimes I think it’s supposed to be like a fairy tale. Without all the...ugh.” Evie cringed at herself. Nails tapping the rhythm of a new song she was working on at home.
   “Make the fairy tale happen. Be like Cinder-fucking-ella. Cinder-Evie.” Carol leaned in to roll her eyes. “Evie Fenny wants romance in Hawkins. Some of us can’t even get cable, you know.”
   Evie snorted. Peered up so both of them laughed. Tension fluttered.
   “Just slam him into a wall and ask. Billy will respond to that." A wink before she got sultry. "Lick his balls or something. He’ll probably get the hint. Boys aren't complicated.”
   “Oh, god.” Evie was still giggling silently. Tried to keep it down under the music playing as students went to go develop some photos. Nancy and Jonathan saw the two and couldn’t help whispering. Odd sight. “I kinda have already.”
   “No, shit?” Carol bit her lip. "Evangeline, you absolute harlot."
   “I mean,” Evie blushed, “we’ve done stuff. Just not gone all the way.”
   “Look at you. Ugh, I know he’s good in the sack. I just do. Tommy and I even talked about it cause we’re like that. We hinted inviting him in once at a party and he was too busy mooning over you at that time.” Carol fiddled with a purple gel pen. Played coy. Tongue in cheek. “Tommy’s not bad, we get a lot of practice in though.”
   “Billy...he puts cologne or something...down there. Makes the taste weird.”
   “Uh.” Carol groaned. “You know, I bet Tommy picked up that trick from him cause he started doing it after Billy rolled in. I fucking knew that Cali boy would be a bad influence.” A sly look followed. “Evie Fenny is getting it. And she could be actually getting it if she weren’t a damn coward.”
   "I am." Evie covered her face.
   "Just..." Carol shrugged and tugged one of Evie's hands down by the wrist. Voice low. "Just think about how good it'll be when he's undressing you. Kissing your neck. And those hands. The thing he might whisper in your ear... Look at you blush."
   She released Evie with a light laugh, continuing.
   "Don't make it rocket science. Ask him. Get the orgasm you deserve, Evie. That's my motto."
   “Not terrible... We get heated and during times I’m actually about to tear his clothes off, we keep getting interrupted. It’s like some evil force is against us. I don't know, I still get weird when he touches my body and I'm trying to stop.”   
   Carol only flashed her teeth.
   “Maybe your luck will improve. Burn some more incense.” 
   Evie only hummed in response. They mulled over pages again. Traded images to find the perfect shots.
   “Gonna ask you something, you don’t have to answer because it’s stupid.” Carol’s voice dimmed. Eyes unable to raise for the first time as she tapped her nail. “Do you, like, miss him at all? You know who.”
   Evie blinked at her.
   “That’s not stupid... Ah, sometimes. I don’t think it’s exactly him I miss. Maybe just the good times we did have. Talking. Feeling important and indispensable to someone. The times he held me or gave me things or included me in his life as if I could actually fit. Maybe it was wrong and fake, but he saw something in me and he wanted that to love him back. I’ll bet it did if anything.”
   “Oh.” Was all Carol said, nodding. “Did he put those bruises on you last week? Tommy saw you.”
   “Yeah,” Evie cleared her throat, “and Billy found out. He’d picked up some stuff beforehand. I tried to end it and Fredrick didn’t want to and then he got scared. Tried to scare me which got violent. But, Billy, ah...beat the shit out of him.”
   “I think Tommy would have done the same...if he had a chance. He talked about it. Jumped right into macho man talk when I...when I told him. Looked like he might cry when I told him how long it really went on. He believed me and my own mother didn't.” Carol exhaled a sharper breath.
   "She didn't want to hold the blame," Evie piped up. As if she knew the horrible truth of motherhood and life and what colors should never go together. How some women weren't meant to be mothers and some women weren't meant to be daughters either. "Some mothers...they can't handle the fact that maybe they brought the monsters home. They were blind. Not all of them manifest under our beds, they get put there by people we trust."
   "Miss Mona have bad boy luck?"
   Evie peered aside.
   "You could say that." She paused and had this brief moment of repetition and ferocity. Repeat something. Believe it. Harder each time. "My father though, he loves me. More than anything. He'd be here right now if he could. He would. I made him so happy." This almost manic smile tugged her lips desperately. Carol saw a flash that resonated, but Evie snuffed it. "I bet Tommy is doing what he can to support you, even if he's a little lost about it."
   “These boys. Acting like they can chase all our demons away or something. Scared when we try to do the same for them.”
   “Right. Our demons aren’t remotely tackled, they’re mildly concussed.” Evie agreed. Softer eyes lifting again to meet Carol’s across the way. “I guess trying is what matters most though.”
   They both seemed to accept that gentle sentiment.
** ** ** 
   Mona Fenny was terrible with surprises. Always giddy and singing along to music to drown that out. Bopping against the wheel as she drove Evie into the salon. Parked around back, smiling bright.
   “You go on first, baby. I gotta get some bags out of the truck.”
   “Oh, boy.” Evie pushed out. Mona plucked her from school early that Wednesday. Made her gussy up a little extra. Red sweater dress with a black belt. Gold glitter over her smoked eyes. Red lip to match. Pretty patterned lace tights and boots. Green bomber pulled close, she trudged inside. Through the backroom and out into darkness. 
   Lights flicked to blind her. Spots dancing.
   “Surprise!” A chorus of sing songs. Music picked up. Dolly Parton of course.
   Evie plastered a smile and gawked as if she hadn’t expected it. All the salon ladies. Heather. Susan and Max. Claudia offering a cake decorated with pink and periwinkle buttercream flowers. Candles dancing.
   Evie closed her eyes and made a wish she held close to her heart before blowing them all out in one go. This one would come true.
   “Thank you, ladies.” Evie peered around at the salon decorated in gold streamers.
   “Lets get some cake passed around now. I’m sure these girls have some excitement planned.” Mona clapped her hands and ladies dispersed. “We’ll do gifts and our dinner this weekend. You’re eighteen and you don’t want to spend the night at your mother’s salon.”
   She kissed Evie’s cheek and licked her thumb to wipe the pink print aside.
   “Thank you, mom,” Evie felt something heavy in her gut, “I love you.” Mona was trying so hard to make this nice for her. One day. Then she'd disappear back into her slinky dresses. Into her work. Into those adult parties. Into another man's arms. Away from Evie and whatever glimmer in her daughter's soul was so frightening.
   “I love you. Go sit. We’ll bring the cake over.”
   Evie crossed to Heather.
   “You pack a bag? We’ll take you to school tomorrow.” She bounced in a seat when Evie nodded. “Sure you don’t want to do anything else tonight? We could see a movie.”
   “Nah, a bonfire. Roasting marshmallows. Chinese take out and wine. I just wanna hang out with my friends. Plus, it’s a school night.”
   “Ah, let loose a little. For your birthday.” Heather shrugged as slices of cake were sorted around. Max sat alone in the corner, picking at her piece when Susan left to go to Mona and chat.
   "One sec, Heath," Evie went to Max and sat down. Slow as if she'd scare the younger girl off. “Hey.”
   “Hi. Uh, thanks for having us. My mom keeps telling Mona you guys have made us feel welcome here and all.” She pulled the sleeves of her grey hoodie lower. “She gave Mona some gifts for you to unwrap later. I hope you like them.”
   “Yeah? I'm sure I will. We like you. Can’t wait to open those also.” Evie scanned her. “I had fun, you know, at the sleepover. We should have more.”
   “You don’t think I’m a dumb little girl?” Max peered up. Finally took a bite. Odd to see a growing teenage girl so disinterested in a heavily frosted cake.
   “No, you’re smarter than most of the kids at school.” Evie wondered briefly who could have put that thought in her head and made it stick. Didn’t take long to figure out who. Mad Max was being slowly worn down.
   And she was so small here. So fragile and thin. Evie couldn't help picturing a shadow looming over Max's red hair. The tiny amount of force it'd take to knock her off her feet. Neil in a drunken stupor gunning slowly for the other fresh target in his house.
   “You can come over any time. I have a lot of movies and Blue likes the attention. She's a needy little thing.”
   Max pressed her lips. Gave this small half-smile.
   “Thank you. I'd like to hang out more. I'm only friends with one girl around here and she's being homeschooled until next year."
   “Can I hug you, just as a thank you for being one of the coolest girls I know?”
   Surprise etched.
   “Okay.” Max practically threw herself into Evie’s arms the moment they set the cake aside. Thin fingers bunched up the fabric of Evie’s dress so she cupped the back of Max’s head and held her.
   “It’d be cool to have you as a sister. We could team up on Billy. My skateboard and your roller skates. I saw a pair hung up in your room.”
   “I mean, we could still do that now.” Evie laughed. Tipped Max’s chin up. “You’re gonna be okay.”
   It seemed to resonate. Heather joined them as they ate their fill of cake. Evie unwrapped a couple small gifts. Jewelry and craft supplies. Fabrics she’d wanted and makeup. 
   Heather whisked her away to Loch Nora after some farewells. They practically bounced into the big house. Ordered a ton of food before they got the fancy fire pit out back started so it’d be ready later.
   The doorbell rang.
   “Steve!” Evie perked after answering. Let him squeeze her in a hug. Practically plucked her from the floor which earned a surprised giggle.
   “Got you something, it’s small.” He smiled sheepishly and offered a little box. “You’re a tough girl to buy jewelry for even if you wear a bunch. You know that, Eves?”
   “No, I’ll wear just about anything.” Playing coy, Evie gave an endearing sway.
   “You hardly take the music note necklace off and I’ll never find earrings better than the ones you make.” He swept a hand through gorgeously styled locks. Cracked a pleased grin. "I notice things."
   “Ah. Fair.” Evie poked his chest. Heather waved when she came in from the back. “My dad got me this necklace from one of his trips. Sometimes, I’ll change it or wear something with it.” She touched the gold chain.
   “I found this at a fancy vintage joint,” Steve explained as she opened it. An ornate brooch. Stunning sun and moon. Soft expressions attached with two looping chains. Decorated in shimmering opals.
   Evie stared at it. Had this panicked thought about the one Fredrick gave her. The glittering ladybug.
   The one she swallowed that had not come out yet.
   “Do you like it?” Steve broke into her thoughts. Evie blinked and shook her head to smile.
   “It’s beautiful, thank you. I’ll pin it on my coat now.” Evie kissed his cheek and bounded off. Left Steve there to blush a sweet, dewy pink.
   More doorbells. Clicking incessantly until Steve groaned and opened it. Billy followed by Tommy and Carol coming up the path from another car.
   “Password?” Steve played his bratty self.
   Billy cocked his head and charged in to put Steve in a headlock. Messed his hair up while he got slapped at as Tommy cackled on the way in.
   “Jesus, Holloway, I forgot about your digs here. Bigger than Harrington's place. No offense.” He waltzed by with Carol on his arm. Left Steve and Billy to wrestle.
   “Hey, boys! Not on her birthday.” Heather got between them. "I agreed to this very strange joining of two groups out of love and friendship. We're all cutting the shit now."
   “He started it.” Steve shoved off and reached to ruffle Billy’s curls. Got a hard swat for it. "We're still burying the hatchet." Beating up creepy teachers brings boys together, he figured.
   Evie liked all of them, that was good enough for Heather.
   "Dick." Billy jabbed back.
   Tommy peered back at Steve. Old times. New surroundings. New mindset. The other boy shrugged at him, lighthearted.
   Evie poked her head around the corner. Blinked in surprise.
   “Hey, all… No wonder Heath ordered the entire menu.”
   “We come in peace, Fen.” Carol removed her coat and Tommy presented a couple of bags.
   “Also, we brought the wine and weed. As promised at that first lunch.”
   “I just said to get wine...but, I won’t complain. We can only smoke it outside. The smell will linger and my dad won’t like it.” Heather winked, coming to take the items. “Thank you, guys. We have food coming. Movies. S’mores for the fire pit.”
   “Look who's trying to behave on her eighteenth.” Carol winked. She shared this look with Heather that Evie didn’t notice. Billy stared at her. Watched nervous hands smooth out her dress. “Hargrove, didn’t you bring the lucky lady a gift? Be a gentleman and present it.”
   “Left it in the car.” He cocked his head, signaling for Evie to fall in stride next to him. Without her coat, she clasped her hands behind her back and followed him back outside. Down the stone steps.
   "Still weird?" Tommy came to Steve, hands in his back pockets.
   "Honestly, yeah." He nodded as Carol went after Heather out back. Both of them plotting.
   "Does suck about the princess. We know you liked her and all."
   "Ah, she's happier with Byers. Things happen. Guess it's part of growing up."
   "How about we drink a bunch tonight and start some shit over?" Tommy clapped Steve's arm, earning a cracked smile.
   "I'd like that."
   Outside, Billy and Evie crossed to his Camaro.
   “Glad you guys came. Might be boring, I said nothing too exciting.” She puffed cold air. Billy opened his trunk and fished for something wrapped in newspaper.
   “We...didn’t have fancy wrap so I used the Sunday cartoons. Only part of the paper I can get my dad to let go.” He winced, handing it to her.
   “No, I love the funnies.” Teeth etched at her lip. Evie met his eyes to open it.
   “It’s a little fragile.” He warned. Evie peeled the paper away and blinked a couple times.
   A thin shadow box with a tarnished black frame. Inside pinned was a luna moth. Dainty specimen all glowy in moonlight.
   “Whoa. How-?”
   “I found it in this old antique shop up in the city. Hidden way in the back. They had a bunch of them, different bugs. I don’t know, it made me think of you.” He explained. Too delicate like he might shatter. Evie ran her fingers along the frame. An object of wonder and curiosity. “Kinda strange and pretty...and you’re damn strange and pretty.”
   She gave this breathless snort. Snapped out of it. Looked up at Billy’s eyes with this vulnerable sort of expression crossing.
   “I really love it. Thank you.” Evie took his chin and kissed him. Felt that same sensation whirl that made them both dizzy.
   Billy pushed his forehead into hers. Brushed their noses and dropped aside. Let his head rest on her shoulder. She smelt the blond hair and felt it tickle her neck. One breath hitched.
   “Let’s get back. I’ll put this in my bag so I can hang it up at home.” 
   Evie held it close as they walked along. Not looking at each other or touching. They wouldn’t be able to handle it. She figured this gift is what her heart had always looked like. A deep, dark shadow box with a pretty moth fluttering inside behind glass. Waiting to be seen and admired. Waiting to flit out and feel the wind and sun.
   Going inside, she wondered if Billy had known that. If he placed their stars just so because he knew how they fit together.
   Tension sprang through laughter over take-out boxes. Trading and gorging on food while a horror flick played before them. The Funhouse. Seated on the floor around the coffee table against the sofas and chairs. Odd gathering of souls.
   Tommy was a squirmer. Kept hiding in Carol's shoulder. Steve felt himself looking around. He had his friends back and more. This could be nice again. He hadn't been social since everything fell apart with Nancy. Befriending Heather and Evie was a good start.
   Billy’s leg bumped Evie’s and she gave this blush like someone caught them being obscene. Settled into him for the last half of the movie when they were full and the night rose outside. Billy felt a spark as Evie hid in his chest at a jump scare. Chuckled to himself to play it off.
   Evie Fenny watched horror movies for a living, she just needed a reason to play dumb and get close to him. But, she wasn't gonna admit that. Being tucked under his bicep was too good.
   “Psst, hey.” Evie said in his ear. Billy slid his eyes to see the TV light play on her expression.
   On the expensive screen, a rat-like vampire snarled. Mutated and warped with saliva on his fangs.
   “That’s you.” She hitched a squeal when he pinched her side. Pulled in closer by his arm.
   Carol and Heather were still shooting each other looks. Mugs of cheap red wine got passed around. Bloomed cherries in everyone’s cheeks and mouths. 
   They gathered around the fire outside. Roasted marshmallows and lit up joints. Heather’s family had a fancy pit built into the ground and a stone seating circling it. With most of the snow gone, they all bundled up. Carol draped into Tommy as they shared a smoke.
   “Steve, eat this one. I made it special.” Evie flashed a crooked, devious smile. "For you."
   “I don’t trust you.” He laughed, opening his mouth before she stuffed it in. Marshmallow fluff covered his lips until they cackled. Steve pushed a fresh one back at her that melted chocolate over her mouth. Evie giggled and caught Billy staring as she licked her lips. Wanting to lap it up himself. 
   "Did I get it all?" Evie faced him, breaking the moment. Billy reached up with his thumb and swept it under her bottom lip. Saw her tongue shift like it might jet out before he pulled away and licked the pad.
   "Now, you did," he winked.
   At that point, Tommy and Steve caught on to Heather and Carol's little knowing looks. Took some eye-fucking to get there but they made it.
   Heather was pleasantly blazed. Leaning back with her feet up on the stone. Sighing. Evie puffed and passed a smoke back to her. Started to blow out before Billy angled her face at him. Inhaled some of the pot to enjoy it.
   "Tommy, who supplies your shit?" He hummed.
   "Hill Valley, they supply all the locals. Stoner who gave it to me swore it made you fucking time travel, I think he was right."
   "Go back in time and stop this asshole from beating my keg record." Steve snatched the joint next, gesturing to Billy. Only got a rough laugh in response.
   “So, we’re all fucked. But, I have rooms. Lots and lots of guest rooms.” Heather mused. “I’m so rich and popular, guys.”
   “We had no idea.” Carol faked a gasp. “Prissy drunk.”
   “This is so weird.” Evie rubbed her cheek, lulled into Steve so he put the smoke between her lips with two fingers. Let her inhale it before she puffed out. “All of us, I mean. It’s weird. Life sucks and we’re just like...friends now.”
   “It’s like we wasted all that time on stupid shit when we could have been doing this.” Carol decided with red eyes. Everyone nodded in response.
   Evie fell the other way and put her head on Billy’s shoulder. Slowing, they stared at the flickering fire. Smoke rising to purge whatever was here before.
   "We still gonna share a lunch table after this? Acknowledge each other?" It was Steve who spoke up.
   "Nowhere else to go." Billy reached out to take the joint from him and finish it. That was agreed upon too. Wasn't the worst sentiment at this hour.
   They came down from the wine and pot. Simmered. Put the fire out and trailed back into the house. Watched half of another movie before they started to split off.
   Steve passed out on the biggest couch so Evie covered him in a blanket. Stopped Billy and Tommy from drawing on his poor, sweet face. Gave him a kiss on the temple for good measure.
   “Think it’s time. Midnight. Happy Birthday, Evie.” Heather mashed her into a tight hug. They all left Steve to snore and wandered upstairs. Changed and washed up.
   Billy disappeared down the hall to one of the bathrooms. Evie emerged a bit later from Heather's room rubbing her nose.
   “Tommy and Carol can use this room." Heather was in the hallway gesturing. "Steve’s on the couch. Hey, Eve, you want to use the third floor? Sheets are fresh. The birthday girl should get the best and biggest guest room. Right, Carol?”
   "I couldn't agree more, Heather. We left you something special on the bed. It was too big to wrap."
   Snickering followed.
   “Sure...sure…” Evie ruffled her hair out, not listening. "Night."
   “Enjoy your present,” Carol gave this little sing-song. Arms crossing as she watched Evie climb the steps. Waited until she was gone to plant a slick high-five on Heather. “Idiots.”
   “Totally.” Heather went off to bed.
   Evie pushed the door open and jumped a mile at the same time Billy spun, dropping his shirt.
   “Oh, sorry, they said…” It dawned that Evie had just been tricked. “They told you to sleep here?”
   “Yeah, Heather said...oh.” He clicked his tongue and smiled, head shaking because he had to look away. It was all too good.
   Evie pressed the door shut and planted herself against it. Locked it idly. The snap sparked Billy to attention.
   “I’ll be having a little chat with them about this. It's...um...” She scanned him in his jeans. Saw muscles twitching under flesh. Wet her lips.
   “Yeah, I’ll be getting down on my knees to fucking thank her.” He marched over. Kissed Evie hard against the doorway then brought her flush into his frame. Hands trailing down the curve of her back.
   She hitched a gasp and got one arm around his neck. Felt about to turn the lights down. Moonlight spilled in. Full and bright. 
   Billy’s hands were under her shirt. Bunching it up. Palming her bottom. Tracing the lace edge of her underwear to playfully snap it. They stumbled around toward the bed. Evie on her toes pulled him down for more kisses. Felt like no amount would be enough.
   “Not a motel, but I think we can make this work.” Billy got pushed into the plush covers. Sat up to let Evie climb into his lap. They looked at each other. Stilling.
   "Is this okay?" She mumbled and he only nodded.
   Breathing deep until hearts pounded in perfect sync. Evie cupped his face. Opened her lips against his until Billy gave this visceral moan.
   Fingers slipped under the tee again. Squeezed her breasts. Hurried the fabric up so he could taste her skin. Evie shuddered and tipped her head back. Grinding into him. Pulling his hair because he was ruining her already.
   Because Billy Hargrove was about to be her beginning and end.
   Because she was fine with that.
   “Evie...” Billy groaned. Fingers pushing into her flesh. He sucked little flower petals into her chest. Tongued her nipples to hard, rosy buds. Evie felt one hand wander down into her panties. Cried out at the two digits that slipped against her experimentally. "Yeah?"
   “Y-Yes. Like that. You feel so good, Billy.” She attacked his neck. Kissing and nipping until his legs shook. She would ruin him just as well and he'd already tried to make peace with it.
   Billy brought his fingers up to suckle them. Shifted to wet her nipple and lick the arousal off. Two strong hands, turned them to throw her into the mattress. God, his muscles. Evie felt him crawl up her body. Hovering to just look at her with spun gold spilling around his neck and crown. 
   Felt more intimate than anything they’d done. Just looking. Taking a body and soul in.
   Billy started pulling her shirt off. Going for her panties to toss the flimsy fabric aside. No resistance followed. She wanted him to look. Wanted to be seen. Maybe it shouldn't have felt so incredible.
   Eyes watched her surrender there bathed in the moon. Evie rubbed her thighs together. Covered her breasts with her arms. Billy’s chest heaved. Mouth sweeping down to kiss her until the resolve melted. He pinned her wrists playfully and kissed down her neck, stopping to inhale that perfume.
   "You're pretty." Lips nudged her insecurities up and away. "So pretty."
   Billy brushed dark curls from her shoulders and cheeks. Began to peck soft kisses everywhere he could. Mapping her face out. Every so often she found his lips to steal one back. A soft breath grazed her ear.
   “Lemme see you, too.” Evie got a hand free and cupped him boldly. Billy jolted into her palm. Moaned. Beautiful beyond words. He let her push his pants down and stroke him. Gazes melted together and he stopped her only to toss his jeans aside, up on his knees to breathe even.
   Evie pushed up only to marvel at him. Reluctant hands lifted. Smoothing down the hard contour of his chest. The line of those hips. She wanted to map him out as well.
   "You're beautiful." She brushed her mouth against his hip. A true Eros.
   Billy combed his fingers into Evie's hair, tilting her face up so he could curve over for a lengthy kiss. Moaning when she praised him. Wordless with her simple touch. Explored all the exposed honey skin. Counting little freckles. Billy nuzzled his nose into Evie’s, pressed their heads together, and breathed her in. All of her. 
   “Gonna eat you out.” He nipped down her chest, pushing her back into the bed. Evie tensed on instinct but nodded. Wanting it. Saw those lashes flutter before he buried his mouth into her mound. 
   She cried out into her palm. Spine arching so his taut arms wound under soft thighs. Held her hips to adjust. Spread her open for his tongue. Devoured her shamelessly. Pornographically.
   Billy liked to make noise. Like to force it out of her too. He flicked his tongue inside. Lapped up toward her bundle to tease and cradle it. Slight stubble made red swatches on her tender skin.
   What did she like? What made her pray for mercy?
   It left Evie to twist around. Hands grasped for the sheets. She gave him her voice willingly. Gave him every beat and sigh and pulse. Billy made this obscene suckle against her. Crawled up with slick lips so Evie pulled him into her frame. Kissed those pink lips. Licked into his mouth. Tugged at gold locks and ran her hands along his back.
   Billy was nudging between her legs before Evie shifted so they were on their sides. Shocked him with a murmur.
   “I want to be on top first.”
   “What?” He actually laughed lightly. Pecked her mouth. “No, no, sweetheart. I’m on top.”
   “I called it first and I'm the birthday girl.” Evie pouted. Pushing him on his back playfully. Billy came up on his elbows. Brow furrowed.
   “You’re serious. But…” He sounded breathless when her hand smoothed down to stroke him. Persuading. “But, I’m the man. It’s our first time. The man’s supposed to be on top the first time.”
   “Says who? You’re so cute when you say dumb things, Billy.” Evie taunted, kissing his cheek. “There’s no rule. Maybe I wanna be the man...if you really wanna put it that way. You’ll get a turn. Maybe. You might convince me.”
   He smiled when she winked at him. Evie kept up her persuasion. Swung her leg over his hips. Kissed up his neck because she knew it would make him into putty. Billy could only shudder.
   Evie let her weight rest against his frame. Snuffed out every voice that told her she couldn't be desired and sexy. Billy moaned at the feel of her too. All of her. Grasped fleshy hips and ran his hands up sloping curves. Evie pressed into his chest, curls spilled over her shoulders.
   “I might really die if I don't feel you soon.” Billy just marveled up at her. Cupped her breasts until Evie sighed into his touch. A blush spread over her cheeks. She captured his mouth in response.
   Eyes met and she gave this little nod so he followed it. Muscles tensing. 
   “I want to feel you, too.” Evie licked her lips so they adjusted a bit together. She came up and gave him a few slow pumps. "Do you really wanna feel me, Billy?" His shaft pressed flush into her folds. Hips rocked slow. Torturing.
   Looking clouded, he nodded and tried to find some words.
   "Fucking, please. Evie." He tilted his head back. Chest heaving. “You, uh, took your pill?”
   “Like clockwork.” Evie shuddered. "I want this. You."
   Billy looked down and gave her thigh an encouraging squeeze, biting his lip as she positioned him. Starting to sink down. They both cursed aloud. Went tight after a shared quake. Evie mounted him. Let him fill her all the way up with her hands flat against his chest. 
   “That’s it. Fucking perfect.” He was muttering while she whimpered quietly. Massaging her hips so she’d relax. “You don’t have to move yet. Feel so fucking good. Look at me, Evie.” 
   She did. Darkening eyes peeking through a curtain of curls he moved aside.
   “I got you, Angel. I got you.” Billy lifted for a kiss. Bucked slightly inside her so she gave this experimental rock into him. Mouths brushed together and he whispered. “Fuck me.” 
   He begged that. Begged for her. Only her. Evie pressed him back down. Tilted her head aside at the feel of him pulsing. Started to move with some fervor. 
   Fingers squeezed her hips. Left marks guiding her into his thrusts. Both of them sinking fast. 
   “Mm, Billy.” Evie arched there against the moon and stars. Let them fill the room with her voice. She hitched a cry when he gave her ass a playful swat. Urged her to go faster. Billy wiggled and came up a bit. Pulled Evie all the way down and drank her moan into his lips.
   He held her there, biceps flexing when his hands went around her back so he sat up fully. Teeth nipped at her chest and he undulated up inside her. Took some control back.
   "H-Hey..." Evie was slipping fast. Mouth parting while she clung to his shoulders. "I'm the man."
   "It's your birthday," Billy mumbled into her throat. "Little worship is what a pretty girl deserves on her birthday. Don't you think so?"
   Fingers pushed between her spread legs. Worked her until a cry muffled into the crook of his neck. Evie curved into him. Clung. Rode him harder.
   “So good.” Billy managed again. “Pretty, pretty, pretty.” He pulled her hair. Exposed that creamy throat to his mouth once more. Tormented her until Evie’s resolve melted so he could flip them over. Another cry echoed. Hips pushing with force deep into her. She gripped his shoulders, legs curling around his hips. 
   “Billy, please…” Evie mewled under him. “More.” She tucked some blond hair aside sweetly. Both of them slicked and wanting. Connected utterly. 
   Billy was so ample with her body, chasing her fears away with his hot touch and lovely kisses. He hovered over Evie. Pulled out and looked down to where their bodies met. Loved the sight of himself disappearing inside. One hand brought her thigh higher for a better look.
   "Flexible girl. I'll keep that in mind."
   Evie fluttered around him. Reached down and touched their mixed arousal. Played with herself while he watched and started to find his pace. She licked her digits of their slick. Let him have a taste after. Billy laced their fingers and came down to watch her eyes.
   Panting. He really began to pound into her until the bed was rocking with them. A filthy sound of skin slapping together with each thrust joined their gasps. He didn't care if this whole damn neighborhood could hear them.
   “Love the way you squeeze me.” Billy’s thumb was back against her. Tormenting perfect little circles that had her whining. Evie had this out of body moment like she was watching herself writhe on the bed. Billy Hargrove fucking her stupid. Praising her. Touching her. Uttering nasty things about how she was all his now and he could spend forever making her feel so good. “Gonna come inside this sweet, little pussy after I make you quake. You wanna come for me, Evie? That’s my fucking girl.” 
   “Oh, fuck...fuck, I can’t stand you.” She tightened around him. Eyes rolling back. Relishing his touch so he sped up. “I’m right fucking there, Billy, don’t stop. Stay with me. Stay…” She cupped his face. Found those drunken lips.
   “Don’t have to stand, I,” he shuddered, “I got a perfectly good face you’ll be sitting on later.”
   Cheeky little shit.
   Evie actually laughed. Thrilled. Pulled him all the way against her body, arms under his and around his taut back. Billy stopped all the dirty talk to whimper.
   She felt so good. He didn't know it could feel this good.
   “I’m yours, Billy,” Evie decided at last with a flutter of glowing moths escaping the heart-shaped shadow box carved into her chest. Happy. She so wanted to be his. Mouth against the shell of his ear. “All yours.” Her thighs shuddered and he felt her entire body lock. A graceful arch went through it. “I’m c-coming.” Evie managed so he stroked harder. Made her gush around his cock with the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. Kept thrusting to draw it out as she squeezed him too tight. Chanting cries of curses mingling with his name. All sin.
   All his.
   Billy couldn’t even warn her. He held out as long as he could and began to fuck release inside her. Both of them wrapping tighter around each other. Still trying to rock through it like they were lying on a warm beach being caressed by sweet ocean waves. Evie sagged, out of breath as he collapsed against her body. Still rutting like an animal to finish himself. 
   Gasping, Billy came up to pull out. Watched his own release sink out of her. So fucking hot, he couldn't help pushing it back in. Evie tensed. Overstimulated when he pressed dainty kisses to her tummy and chest. 
   Blue eyes came up to meet her brown ones and something broke. Shattered. Flooded out. They both locked in to feel it. Billy looked at her and the sensation consumed him utterly. Betrayed him. He stared and couldn’t look away. Frozen. Ruined. Evie blinked up at him. Spread open and hair splayed. Reached up to caress his jaw with her brow furrowing.
   “Billy, you’re shaking.” She swallowed to catch her breath. Eyes searching him. She tipped his head forward to kiss his warm temple. Lingered with sweet promises. Both of them on fire and slicked in glowy dew. “I got you.”
   He still trembled so hard. Unable to stop. Let Evie bring his head to her collar so she could pepper more kisses into his hair and comfort him. 
   Billy stared out at nothing. Floated in this sort of subspace while Evie brought him back down to touch the Earth. Gentle as she could. They held each other there. Evie still kissing him. Petting him delicately and humming in his ear. Idly, he let his fingers whirl into her curls.
   “Are you alright? Billy?” She tried again. Massaging his shoulders while he listened to her beating heart. Something wet splashed against her neck as he shuddered. Sniffling once.
   “I just…” He came up. Let awareness flit back. Got near silent. I think I’m happy. "I'm fine." The feeling spread a cold under his bones. "You?"
   Billy cupped her head for a lazy kiss. She smiled up at him.
   “I'm okay. Better than okay.” She soothed again. “I got you.” Naked, they wound around each other. Got under the covers and laid twisted together.
   “Evie.” Billy choked on air. Chest sinking. He had to let one truth out. Just one, he owed her that much. And it ached. “Gotta tell you something.”
   “Yeah?” She sunk into his chest. Held. Evie braced like it might hurt her too.
   “You know you're... You're the best thing about this place.” Billy squeezed his eyes shut. Let her hold him tighter in response. Let Evie give up some of her warmth to him because he needed it and she just liked to see him happy and safe.
   “I didn’t know it could feel like that.” She began, fingers making shapes into his chest. Evie opened her heart. Let him admire it. "Billy, I want to be more with you. Like...Like a girlfriend. This sounds silly. You don't have to say anything. I just...I don't want to run from you because you make me happy. I think I might make you happy too. We're... You were right about a lot. The stars and all. Despite everything, I think we were supposed to find each other and it feels good. I want to be yours-"
   Billy tilted Evie's chin up. Hushed the truths with his lips. Nuzzled her so she'd relax back into him. He couldn't reply. The syllables wrapped around his throat and choked him. And Evie trusted him. So, she didn't ask for them. That made it ache more.
   Placing her head upon his chest when they shifted again. Billy went very still. Stared at the ceiling and wiped his eyes as she dozed. Fingers combed into her hair to coax her off to an easier slumber.
   Billy just laid there. Felt numb. Felt too much. Couldn’t look down at Evie nestled into his body. 
   He stayed there two hours. So still. So lost. So found. 
   These sensations that tried to drown him. They were creeping like dark gossamer veils over his eyes. Unable to be near Evie, he eased out from under her. Rubbed his eyes. Felt like she seared his skin down to bone and marrow.
   He knew it was wrong. Knew it might hurt her. Would hurt her.
   She let him into her heart and he was running. Eros fleeing Psyche the moment she held that candle to his being and saw him for what he was. One speck of wax dripping hot upon his flesh. Blinded by that light, he probably didn't see her crying there after him. Selfish boy.
   Billy thought he would be sick. Tremored there. He just couldn't stop it. Couldn't explain it either.
   And he just couldn’t be near her anymore. Fuck.
   But, he promised. He promised her. He wanted to keep it and instead scrambled to dress. Empty eyes still staring at nothing. Billy finally peered back. Scanned Evie comfortable on the bed. He could have gotten back in. Woken her and told her that he wanted to be all hers too.
   “I’m sorry.” He whimpered.
   It hurt. It hurt too much. Billy actually had to rub his chest. Tried to numb. Tried. All this time they spent together and now he just couldn’t be near her. She broke him. Billy felt himself climbing too high. Up toward the stars. Falling to pieces.
   Aimless steps brought him outside. Into the freezing cold. Away from Evie’s touch and amber perfume. Away from this girl who gave him exactly what he wanted and it was just too much. He couldn’t hold it. Didn’t want to see it shatter before him.
   So, Billy got into his Camaro and drove off. Far away as he could to the edge of Lover’s Lake. Up a hill so he could see the quiet city before him. Evie would wake up. Feel the change that he promised he wouldn’t give her. 
   “Fuck!” Billy crumbled aloud. One fist pushed into his teeth. Quivering until the tears fell hot. Huge and wet down his flushed cheeks. Unable to stop the flow, Billy dropped his head. Began to sob louder than he ever had in his life.
   Because this would break her in turn. Validate everything horrid she thought about Billy Hargrove. Because he should have stayed in that bed mapping more kisses down her spine. Instead, he convinced himself that they weren't made of the same stardust. They couldn't be.
   Evie's heart-shaped shadow box was hung too far from reach amid untold galaxies and when Billy rose to admire it, his wings melted like Icarus before him because that's what he deserved. That was always what he knew he deserved.
   All he could think about was his mother in that tub. Neil's boot squelching his back and the meaty wack of a belt. It wasn't possible for him to be something that could be tangible and loved. Evie had been right. Stars were placed in a certain order and that couldn't change. He'd been stupid. Hopeful.
   He was the coward. This got too real and he couldn't just let himself have it.
   And what made it heavier was the pure thought of Evie waking alone to confirm her biggest fear.
   "I'm sorry." Billy kept chanting these words that were so often too difficult for him. They wouldn't stop this time. "I'm sorry..."
A/N: Local boy crushed under the weight of his own emotions. Eeeep, I finally let them do the deed. Someone make them a 'congrats on your sex' cake. Please if you enjoyed leave words below or chat with me in my ask!! Thank you all so much!!
TAGGED:: @80sbxtch @nottherightseason @orxhidshavana   @alagalaska​ @alongcamedolly @kellyk-chan @10blurredsmoke10 @charmed-asylum @unmistakablyunknown @lukespatterson
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Ice Cold Tommy ShelbyxOC
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When Alice met him, his eyes were as blue as the clear summer sky. His smile brightened her life and she was the reason he breathed. They wed when they were eighteen. Out among the vardos, bright-eyed and innocent. Breathless from dancing all night together with the fires roaring. Eager to discover how life would be now that their souls were intertwined.
When they were twenty-one, Mary-Anne came along. Red-faced and screaming like a true Shelby. Everything was meant to be perfect from that moment on. Husband and wife. Father, mother, and daughter. Tommy was a wild soul but he was a loving man and would never do anything that would bring harm to his wife or daughter.
When war struck, Alice desperately tried to hold onto the family she had formed. Tried to block out the chaos the world had devolved into. But Tommy was ripped from her arms before she could even try to make him stay. She was left five-months pregnant with a three-year-old who sobbed for daddy to come home every night.
But there was no way of going back to the way they once were. The hardest part of Alice’s life was seeing the change in her husband when he returned from France. A change that would stick, would become a permanent part of the man she loved.
“Daddy!” Mary-Ann screeched when she saw Tommy in the thick crowd of soldiers and their loved ones.
Tommy’s face lit up. He picked up his daughter. “Look at you.” He kissed her cheek. “You’ve grown twice as big since I saw you last.”
Alice already felt the tears sting her eyes. She’d been crying off and on the entire day. It took all the patience in the world to wait for him. She’d been waiting so long. “Tommy.” She cried softly.
“Hello, love.” He murmured softly. His eyes fell to the young boy in her arms and his heart stuttered. He peered up at his father with the same piercing blue eyes.
“This is Robert.” His wife said shakily. How did you introduce a father to his son who was already three years old? “Bobby, this is your dad.”
The boy smiled shyly but clung to his mother. He buried his face in the crook of Alice’s neck.
“Hello, Bobby.” Tommy smiled warmly. “I know you don’t know me.” His throat tightened. It was unbearable to watch his son grow through the occasional photograph he received in the sparse letters that actually made it to him in the trenches. But it lifted his spirits and gave him a reason to keep fighting. There were three very good reasons to make it back to Birmingham. Two little children who needed their father and a woman who needed her husband.
“Bobby’s three,” Mary-Anne explained and promptly held up four fingers.
Tommy chuckled and gently lowered her pinky finger. “That’s three.”
The little girl stared at her hands for a moment, mentally counting, her lips mouthing the numbers she was just starting to learn. “Oh right!” She smiled and held three fingers right in her father’s face.
“That’s right.” He kissed her hand and reached to pull his wife close. The four of them stood there on the train platform, Tommy’s arms wrapping around them and keeping them safe.
Mary-Anne chattered on the entire way back to Six Watery Lane, telling her father about all he’d missed. He listened intently, nodding and making noises of agreement. He held his wife’s hand tightly, reassuring her he was there and not a dream. Robert continued peeking out behind the curtain of Alice’s hair to look at Tommy. When their eyes met, he’d giggled shyly and buried his face again.
The flat was still the same. The cramped, but cozy space they’d made into a home. Finn excitedly greeted his older brother and Tommy was amazed to see how big he’d gotten. He could hardly even pick him up and throw him over his shoulder like he used to. From there, he was passed from family member to family member. Arthur and John returned home and announced a celebration at the Garrison, the pub that Arthur swore he would own one day.
Tommy decided to stay behind for a bit though to spend more time with his family. Overexcited, Mary-Anne quickly crashed and fell asleep in the room she shared with Robert. The little boy also went down for a nap, giving Tommy time alone with Alice.
“Oh God, I thought you’d never come home.” Alice gasped and ran into his arms once they were in their room with the door closed.
“Never stopped thinking ‘bout you,” Tommy promised and held her tightly.
She knotted her fingers into his hair that had grown a bit longer than how it usually was. But it appeared that he’d attempted to clean up before he returned home. He was freshly shaved and someone had recently given him a haircut. “I never did either. You have no idea how happy I am now that you’re back.” She laughed tearfully and nuzzled his cheek.
“Ali, it’s alright.” He soothed and felt her hands trembling. His thumb swept the tears away from her cheeks.
“I know, I know, I know.” She felt like her entire bloodstream was electrified. Shockwaves passing every nerve each second she was with him. “I’m just afraid it’s a dream.”
“Well, better make sure it isn’t, aye?” He smiled cheekily and pressed a kiss right below her earlobe. “Want to get out of this fucking uniform.”
He didn’t need to drop another hint. Alice immediately started to unbutton his shirt and he reached up to undo her hair and let it loose.
“I love you.” Tommy murmured and backed up to the bed, bringing him with her.
“Love you too,” Alice replied breathlessly and brought him into a deep kiss.
After reuniting on an intimate level, Alice began to get dressed again, knowing the kids would wake up soon and Tommy would head off to the Garrison. But her husband idled. He tugged on his boxers but lay back in bed to smoke a cigarette.
Alice picked up Tommy’s uniform off the ground and began to fold it up. “Want me to store this away?” She asked, carefully smoothing over the slightly weathered material.
“No.” He shook his head. “You can toss it.”
She looked at him and for the first time, noticed his eyes had gone cold. They were far from the summer sky that she once knew. The warmth disappeared the moment she mentioned the uniform. It made her pause for a moment. She wanted to ask what was wrong but of course, it was obvious. Many men had been coming back severely damaged. Some had lost limbs and some had been so deeply emotionally scarred.
Alice had hoped, maybe naively, that when Tommy returned everything would be perfectly fine. But the things he’d seen, she would never understand or be able to help him though.
“Okay…” She placed the pants and shirt on the dresser, setting the coat on top. “What about your medals?” Her fingers grazed over the cold metal and ribbons pinned to the front of the coat.
“No.” He repeated and stared ahead. There was no way he was going to keep any physical memory of that damned war around his house. It was bad enough he couldn’t scrub away the mental memories.
“Are you sure, I mean don’t you think it would be nice to show Mary and Bobby when they’re older? Show them how brave…”
“Alice, I said no.” His eyes flicked to her. The severe blue had gone so cold. Detaching himself from the horrific things he’d seen.
His wife bit her lip and nodded. “Alright.” She whispered quietly.
The room went silent but was soon interrupted by a small knock on the door. Alice opened it and smiled when she saw Robert holding his stuffed bear. “Up from your nap already?”
Tommy released some of the tension in his shoulders and stubbed out his cigarette in the ash tray on the side table. “C’mere Bobby.” He said gently. “Come say hi.” He held out his arms.
The young boy smiled but looked up at Alice for reassurance. “Go on.” She murmured. “Go see daddy.”
He wandered over to the bed and let Tommy scoop him up. “What’ve you got there, aye?” Tommy murmured and wiggled the arm of the bear.
Robert giggled and reached over to touch his cheek. “Daddy.” He recognized the man from the photographs that his mum showed him. Now he was there in the flesh.
While Alice lingered around the door, she heard more footsteps running down the hall. Rejuvenated after her nap, Mary-Anne came dashing into the room and catapulted herself onto the bed. “Hi, daddy!” She scrambled onto his lap, jostling for space.
“Easy, easy.” Tommy chuckled and wrapped his arms around them both. “There you go.” He kissed her forehead and then Robert’s.
Alice smiled and watched him talk softly to his children. His son warming up to the man he had been waiting his entire life to meet. The chill in Tommy’s eyes had seemed to melt. But it would return. More often than Alice would’ve liked. But she was reassured that the warmth she grew to love was still there, even if hidden behind a thick wall of ice. The war had changed everything. And whether she liked it or not, things would continue to change. Tommy Shelby was about to make a name for himself.
Peaky Blinders Masterlist 
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Riley Teller and her son move back to Charming. When Riley returns however, she is faced with the fact that she had to take on her responsibilities as a mom better than before when they are apart of The Sons. Allies are made and maybe a little something more with a certain Scotsman.
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I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you that have read and supported my story this far. I’m struggling a lot with my health at the moment. But please don’t worry, this story will be kept updated as much as I can write for it. Enjoy this chapter! 
Chapter Twenty One
The tension was thick when we all pulled up into the clubhouse to meet with the others. Jax sent me a look and I nodded my head in return. There was something up with the others. I knew exactly what it was when Bobby sent me an apologetic look.
Clay reeved up his bike before pulling out of the lot and we all followed. I was riding next to Filip as Sack wasn’t with us. I looked over to him and he shook his head at me. We both knew that today was going to be a very long one.
We all parked outside of Zobelle’s shop and I cut the engine to my bike. Clay got up from his bike and entered the shop after a small encounter with Jax – earning an eye roll at how sarcastic Clay was being today.
I hang my helmet on my bike and lean back to get comfortable. Chibs’ hand pats my knee and I look at his face. Giving me a reassuring smile before saying:
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s goin’ to be fine.”
I don’t reply verbally. I just smile and nod my head before we go back to being silent and waiting for Clay to return. Bobby was the next one to get my attention as he stood in front of my bike, leaning on the bars.
“Clay is gonna pull you pair up in the next meeting.” He informs me and catches the attention of Chibs too. “He found out through Opie.” We all look over to the frowning bastard that leant against his bike. As though he felt our eyes on him, he turned to look me dead in the eye. I shake my head at him before huffing and turning back to Bobby.
“I know you told Jax.” I mutter. Bobby again gives me an apologetic look, but I put my hand over his on my bike. “Thank you.” He raises an eyebrow in amusement at my sudden thanks and I smile. Nothing else is said as Clay walks out of the shop. He throws everyone a box of cigars, expect for Jax and I.
“Chibs,” Clay looks over to us both. “You’re with me and Opie. Rest of you head back to the clubhouse.”
At his words, I look back over to Chibs and he shares my look of worry but also frustration. Without another word to another, everyone rode off. I pulled off from the others as they headed back to the clubhouse. Cutting the engine and swinging my leg over the frame, I took in the sight of the graveyard.
I walked to the familiar headstone and smiled in greeting to it.
“Hey brother.” I sigh as I sit on the grass next to the headstone. Resting my head against its side and placing my right hand on the ground above where my brother would be lay to rest.
“Been a while since I’ve sat here and spoke to you like this.” I continue as I look up to the sky. It was a nice day; the clouds weren’t heavy or darkened. It seemed like Thomas was listening to me.
“I have a son now. Called Tommy. I know, ironic right?” I huff a gentle laugh to myself. “I named him after you. When I saw his little blue eyes and I felt like you were with me there. He is great, you’d love him. Jax adores the bones of him. If I’m honest, I think he just enjoys that he was made an uncle first.” I smiled at the thought of how Jax is with Tommy. He loved him like his own. He always let him say hello to Abel, let him hold his cousin. Letting him gain that connection to his family even more, after I stupidly didn’t come home for seven years.
“I’m prospecting too. Though, with becoming public with Filip I may not last very long.” I look at the inscribing on the stone and sigh. “Hopefully the club can get behind us, though I have a feeling two or three of them might not.” I look back towards my bike when I hear the familiar rumble of a motorcycle. Seeing Bobby pulling up besides my bike and cutting off his engine.
I turn back to my brother’s headstone and stand up. Putting my hand to rest on top of the marble before pressing a kiss to it.
“See you soon, brother.” I whisper and make my way to Bobby.
“Thought I’d find you here.” He greets me and offers a cigarette over. I take it and he lights it for me. Inhaling the smoke, holding it in for a second then exhaling it gave me the small nicotine rush I needed for the day.
“Am I in trouble or something?” I huff as I lean against the body of my bike.
“Just wanted to see if you were okay.” Bobby replies, exhaling smoke from his own cigarette. I shake my head and look down at my boots. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Wouldn’t know where to start.” I sigh in defeat. I take another drag and exhale the smoke. “I mean… I finally have something going for me. I have a great son; I’ve got a partner who adores both me and my son. I’ve got the club.”
“But?” Bobby pushes.
“I don’t know.” I shrug and run a hand through my short locks. “I feel like shit from the past ain’t done with me yet.” And that was the truth. I was getting unsettled by the fact that those loan sharks hadn’t come knocking for their money. Ever since they followed me from Tommy’s school, I haven’t been able to keep from looking over my shoulder.
“Shit has a habit of biting us in the ass.” Bobby chuckles and throws his burnt cigarette bud to the ground. My own following suit. “But you’ll be okay. You’re stubborn. You’re strong. You got us.” I nod my head at Bobby’s words and grab my helmet to put on.
“We better get back to the clubhouse before Clay has us both hung from our ankles.” I joke and Bobby chuckles as I reeve my bike to life.
I had been helping out Piney in the office of the garage when Jax rode back in. I stood up from the desk and walked outside to meet him as he got off his bike.
“What’s going on, Jax?” I ask him. He shakes his head and puts his helmet onto the handlebars on his bike.
“Otto got attacked by Zobelle’s men.” He replies, his lips setting into a tight line once he finished. My eyes widened at the news.
“How the hell is the club going to react?” I press as we both head inside the clubhouse.
“Clay’s going to want an instant retaliation.” He responds.
“But that’s too risky.” I interrupt as I start to put the pieces together. “You’re gonna need the votes.”
“I know. Shame I can’t have your vote in this.” Jax frowns down at me. I shake my head and smile.
“You’ll get the numbers over Clay.” I assure him. My head turns when the sound of a Harley rumbles through the lot. Seeing Filip pulling up into the lot made some of the worries on my shoulders fade – but they still lingered when I remembered the club meeting that would be tonight.
“Convince your old man to be on our side.” Jax pats me on the shoulder before he walks over to where Bobby had been sitting.
I walk across the lot, watching as Filip pulled his bike up alongside my own. He didn’t look up at me at first as he cut off the engine, but once I was only a couple steps away he smiled up at me.
“You alright?” I ask him, coming to a stop just in front of his bike. He removes his helmet and tosses it to me. I catch it and put it on his handlebar as he gets off the back of the bike.
“Was fine. Then Opie opened his mouth.” He scowled as he came to wrap his arms around my midsection. Pulling me into his embrace and his lips pressing to my own. My hands came up to rest on his shoulders as I returned his affection. When he pulls away I raise an eyebrow at him.
“Can’t I kiss my woman?” He grins and I roll my eyes at him before pecking his lips again.
“Did you hear about Otto?” I ask him and he responds with a nod.
“Clay got a call after we finished talking to Oswald.” He replies and we pull away to start walking back to the garage. Piney had returned back into the garage itself to speak with one of the guys, so it was just the pair of us in the office.
“Zobelle isn’t messing around. But if we lash out in response, god knows what will happen.” I tell him. Filip collapses onto the chair behind the desk and reaches for my hand, pulling me so  that I sat on the desk in front of him.
“Jax doesn’t want to retaliate?” He asks as his thumbs rub against my jeans along my thigh.
“I don’t think we should. But I don’t get a vote in this.” I reply and he looks up at me. My hand subconsciously reaches out and cups his cheeks. My thumbs tracing the scars that lined each of his cheeks. Filip inhales deeply as he closes his eyes at my touch.
I really wanted to retaliate against Zobelle – especially after he hurt my mom. I’ve wanted to put a bullet through the man’s skull the moment I had saw her cry. But I needed to support Jax in this situation. I had to follow my brother so that the club could go back to the ideal that our father had for it and somehow get out of the gun business.
“I’ll back Jackie boy.” Filip tells me and reaches up to take my hands from his face. Holding them in my lap after he had kissed the backs of them.
“Mommy!” Tommy cheers as the elevator opens, he runs towards me as I step out with Jax. I catch him in my arms and hold onto him as he giggles. “Grandma hit aunty Tara.”
“She what?” Jax demands as he looks at Tommy. Jax takes off to find Tara as I look at Tommy in surprise.
“Where’s Grandma now?” I ask him when I don’t see mom anywhere in the waiting area.
“She said I had to stay with aunty Tara. Then she left.” Tommy explains and frowns. “Am I in trouble with uncle Jax?”
“No baby.” I reassure him and brush his hair off his face. “He is just worried, that’s all.” I put him down on his own feet and take his hand. I look at Tommy’s hair and realise that he could really use with a haircut.
“How about we go get a haircut today?” I ask him and he nods his head with a smile. He quickly runs back over to his bag and picks it up along with his teddy, Toby.
The ride to the barbers was fun with Tommy cheering the entire time. He really loved riding the motorcycle. When I pulled up, I noticed Clay, Tig and Opie were here too. Looking inside and seeing the trio, I decided to distract Tommy from the barbers.
“Do you want ice cream, bud?” I ask him as I point to the ice cream truck just down the road. When he nods his head, we get off the bike – but the trio were walking out of the barbers.
“Hi uncle Tig!” Tommy waves, but he is ignored by the man as he was looking across the street. Turning my head, I was quick to clock onto Zobelle’s thugs standing there. I pulled Tommy closer to me and looked back at the three men. Opie had saw them and had began walking towards them.
“Tommy stay here.” I demand as I put Tommy back on the bike. I quickly catch up to Opie and put my hands on his chest.
“Opie, stop!” I shout as he tries to push past me. Each time he stepped away I was quick to get back in front of him. “Ope! You can’t just be starting fights!” I yell again, only for him to ignore me. I look to the left to see Jax riding up behind me. He hops off his bike and makes Opie come to a standstill. I move away from Opie just as Zobelle’s right hand man pushes Jax’s bike over.
“Son of a bitch!” Jax shouts and then swings for the guy. I step back when the brawl begins and head back over to Tommy. He was watching the chaos and I could see he was getting upset. I hug him into me and turn my head to Clay.
“Happy now?!” I shout at him and he glares daggers into my skull. I don’t look away until Hale pulls up with some other deputies to start arresting the ones in the fight.
“Mommy, why did uncle Jax hit the man?” Tommy asks me as he looks up to me with tear brimmed eyes. I look where Jax was being put into a cruiser and shake my head.
“I’m not sure baby.”
“What do you mean they have footage of me?” I demand. After the street brawl, I had returned back to the clubhouse with Tommy and mom. Mom had been the other side of the mess and when she saw us, she was quick to come over. Jax and Clay were released not long ago with the others and now I was standing in the clubhouse at the bar. Whilst my brother told me about Hale having a disc with my face as evidence on the explosion at one of Darby’s meth labs.
“They gave Hale the disc, but Hale seems to see things our way.” Jax tells me and I run a hand through my hair.
“Fuck.” I sigh and look over at Tommy and Filip playing on the pool table. “Where is it?” I ask Jax.
“I’ve got it. Gave it to Juice to wipe.” He reassures me. I nod my head. The settling worry of what could have happened if Hale had been on Zobelle’s side. I could have risked my entire life and the thought of losing Tommy made my heart bleed. I won’t lose my son.
“Look, Clay isn’t going to bring up you and Chibs in the meeting.” Jax tells me and I frown up at him. “I think he is more focused on the retaliation at the moment. But just talk to the guys and make sure that they’re on your side with this. It’s bound to come up sooner or later.”
“Yeah, I will.” I sigh and look back at Tommy.
“Let’s go!” Clay calls as he walks through the clubhouse to the chapel. Jax taps my shoulder and head into the chapel. Filip high fives Tommy before he enters the chapel too. Because it was a committee vote, I had to stay out the chapel for now. I walk over to join Tommy at the pool table as he rolled the white ball across the table.
“Want to play mommy?” Tommy asks as I stand next to him and nod my head in response.
We spend another five minutes playing pool, aka me trying to practise my shots for when I play with the others and Tommy rolling the ball and cheating as a child does. The worry of the disc was still plaguing my mind – now being added to it was the possibility of having to retaliate against Zobelle. Which could be bloody.
“Mommy?” I look down to my left to see Tommy looking up at me, his head tilted to the left.
“Sorry baby.” I apologise as I realise I let my thoughts get the best of me. I look down at him again and my chest pulls as I worry about the thought of him being taken from me. Could I keep doing this? In supporting Jax, I risked my whole world. But coming back into this world, I didn’t have an escape. I need the help of the club and Jax needs my help. I need to be careful with whatever the decision is.
“Tommy.” I say as I kneel down to match the height of my son. His attention turns to me as I put my hands on his shoulders. “You know that mommy loves you and I would never let anything happen to you.”
“Yeah. Mommy is a superhero. Like Wonder Woman!” Tommy replies. Beaming with his usual joyous smile, he looked at me. A smile made its way onto my lips after his words.
“I don’t think I can compare to her sweetheart.” I ruffle his hair up before standing back onto the heels of my feet. I turn as the chapel doors open and everyone starts to file out. Jax and Filip come over to me and Tommy – Tommy jumping into Filip’s arms.
“What was the verdict?” I ask Jax as the anticipation of whether I’d be preparing to be apart of something bloody was building up an anxiety I haven’t felt for years.
“We wait on retaliation.” Jax smiles and I sigh in relief. A smile creeping its way onto my face as we all walk outside the clubhouse. Tommy’s giggles fill my ears as Filip lifts him up over his  shoulder and running across the way with him.
“Careful boys!” I shout after them, earning a wink from Filip as he brings Tommy back to the floor.
“He really loves that kid.” Jax smiles as we watch Filip crouch down to Tommy. I give Jax a quick hug before walking to where my bike had been parked.
“Mom, can I help fix a car with Chibs?” Tommy asks as Filip instructs one of the guys to back up the truck being brought in. I nod my head and he runs back over to Filip. Tommy starts to copy Filip’s hand that was signalling for the pick-up to back the van up. Filip laughing at the copycat actions and ruffles my son’s hair. I shake my head and go to lean against my bike.
Noticing a piece of paper stuck to the back end of my bike, I frown. Moving over to it, I pull it off from where it had been taped to metal frame. Lookin over the envelope, I don’t recognise the writing on the front that said my full name in black ink. I tear my thumb through fold to get to the letter inside. Unfolding the paper, my hands begin to shake. A picture of George’s body at the side of the road was what greeted me. His bullet wound to the head looked fresh and the words scribbled at the bottom saying ‘you’re next’ cutting the air I was trying to gasp for.
“Riley!” The deep wave of heat blows the image from my hands as my body is flung backwards into my bike. Knocking the bike onto its side and causing the other bikes to clatter to the ground.
I gasp in pain as my hand grips my side, the still fresh bruises slamming against the concrete from the fall. My ears were ringing with a high pitched screech, as I tried to understand what had happened. How had I ended up on the ground? Remembering the feeling of being pushed, I look towards to the direction that the force came from. My eyes widening in horror when I see the van in a fiery inferno. My ears still ringing as I frantically push myself up, feeling hands on me as I try to balance myself.
Where’s Tommy?
My mouth widened with my cries as I saw my son on the concrete. His eyes closed as he clung to the body of Filip, as he had his arm hanging loosely around him. They were both unconscious. There’s blood. My legs wobble as I fight against the arms around me. I hear screaming. Not sure whether it was my own or someone else. I run over to where my son lay.
Jax was already trying to wake up Filip as I came crashing down to Tommy. My hands shaking as I reached out to my baby’s face. There was still a flush in his cheeks and his chest was uneven with breath.
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dlwritings · 4 years
Firecracker Soul | Dean Winchester
Chapter 2 - Breakfast and Dinner
pairing - mob!Dean x teacher!ofc
word count - 3,790
warnings - language, gun violence
additional notes at the end
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When Saturday came along, Alice was ready for the weekend. She loved her kiddos, but she definitely needed time to herself. At the end of each week, she was exhausted. She tried to have work-free Saturdays, but with new lesson plans to create and parent-teacher conferences and IEP meetings to prepare for, that wasn't always possible. This week though, she felt she could enjoy herself.
Every Saturday since she moved back to Kansas, she had been getting breakfast with her best friend Christine at their favorite cafe. Christine was her best friend growing up, and they kept in touch even when Alice went to New York. Her favorite part of moving back to Kansas was being so close to Christine again.
Her apartment was a quick walk to the cafe, and considering it was September in Kansas, the weather was perfect for it. She slid on her outfit -an army green skirt and black, short-sleeve shirt- and her converse and made sure she had her purse and phone before heading out the door. As soon as she stepped into the hallway, she ran into her neighbor, Brent.
Since she had moved into the apartment, Brent had been the perfect neighbor. He helped her move some of the obnoxiously heavy stuff into her room when she got tired and would often bring her leftover pizza when he ordered some and didn't finish. She wouldn't say they were friends, but they were definitely neighborly acquaintances. She was just glad there was someone in the building she could go to if she wanted to vent about her landlord. "Hey!" she said, giving him a smile as she locked her front door. "What're you up to this morning?"
"Just going for a run," he said, taking his earbuds out of his ears as they both walked down the stairs of their building. "You?"
"Getting breakfast with my friend," she said. "It's kind of routine."
"Nice," Brent said. "Can I walk you to your car?"
"I'm actually gonna walk," she said.
"I can walk with you," he offered. "It can be a warm up to my jog."
She laughed. "Don't worry about it. I don't want to slow you down. I'll see you later though!" Brent smiled and nodded, then left the building and jogged on ahead.
She couldn't have asked for a better day: mid-70s with the sun shining. She put her headphones in her ears and made the short walk to the cafe. As suspected, Christine was already at their usual booth when she got there. She waved at Alice, and she smiled and waved back as she made her way over. "Love your skirt," Christine said.
"Thanks," she said back. "The weather's pretty perfect out today, right?"
"I was thinking the same thing," Christine said. "Did you walk here?"
"Mhm," she hummed back. Their usual waitress, AJ came over and got their orders. They always ordered the same things when they were there, so it didn't take long.
"Anything crazy happen at work this week?" Alice asked, sipping her iced latte. Christine was an ER nurse at the local hospital. She always avoided telling Alice the sad work stories, but she sometimes came to breakfast with a crazy miracle, which Alice always loved.
"Nah," Christine said before putting some eggs in her mouth. After swallowing, she said, "Some kid broke his arm, a guy stepped on a nail. Nothing out of the ordinary. What about you?"
"Oh yeah," Alice said with a laugh. "You know crazy stuff's always happening at an elementary school. Only one girl tried to cut her hair, and my ED student only came at me with a stapler once. Crazy world."
"When's the semester up?" she asked.
"A couple more months," Alice answered.
"Before Christmas?"
"Yeah, the 20th. Right before break."
"Any big plans on how to wrap up the year?"
"There's a holiday recital," she said. "Just a time for the kids to showcase their work. I think there's a concert."
Christine laughed. "Wow, you sound so enthusiastic!"
Alice laughed as well. "Honestly I'm just trying to get through a week. I'm not even thinking about the end of the semester." Christine drank some water while Alice dove into her hashbrowns. They were quiet for a moment.
"How's your application going?" she asked. Alice licked her lips and looked down at her food, then shrugged.
"It's going."
Christine scoffed. "What does that mean?"
Alice shrugged again. "It means what it means. It's going."
"Girl, you've been working on that for, like, four months," she said. "Weren't you working on it back in New York?"
"Yeah," she said. "It's fine. It takes a while."
"What part? Filling in the blanks? The essay? Or opening it up on your computer?"
Alice didn't say anything and tried to play it off that she was drinking more of her coffee. "What is with you?" Christine asked. Though her words were a little harsh, Alice knew she was coming from an area of concern.
"Nothing's with me," she said back, her own voice lowered. "Just don't want to waste my time applying for grad school when I have the kids' stuff to work on."
"Doing something for yourself isn't a waste of time," Christine said. "This is furthering your career."
And of course, deep down, Alice knew that, but when she had spent months in New York with an asshole ex telling her otherwise, it was hard to brush it away. Christine didn't say anything, and Alice knew she was waiting for her to speak. Finally, she just sighed. "Sometimes I feel like he can still see me," she said, not daring to meet her friend's eyes. "And I know it's dumb, but you don't know what it was like." When Alice finally looked up at Christine, she was met with a look of sympathy.
"I'm sorry," Christine whispered, reaching her hand forward to squeeze Alice's. "I don't mean to sound harsh."
"You're not," Alice said quickly. "I get it."
"I could be more understanding," Christine said. "Less in-your-face."
Alice couldn't help but giggle. "Christine, you've been an in-your-face person since kindergarten." Christine rolled her eyes and went back to her breakfast. Before diving into her own food again, Alice said, "I'm trying to let him go. And I'm trying be strong on my own, but I don't know how to do that." Christine wiped her mouth on her napkin.
"Here's the thing," she said, tossing her napkin on the table. "You don't have to do that." Alice opened her mouth, but Christine kept talking. "There's a difference between letting a guy like Greg-" Alice closed her eyes at his name. "-control your life and allowing yourself to be lifted up by others. No one said your strength always has to come from you and you alone."
"You always seem to manage fine on your own," Alice argued.
Christine scoffed. "We're all broken, Alice. I've never met a single, wholly self-sufficient person. We all depend on each other for support and compassion. It's just how humans are. You think I'm strong on my own? Girl, if we didn't have these breakfasts every Saturday, I wouldn't make it through a single week."
Alice smiled, reached out to squeeze Christine's hand, then resumed eating her breakfast. The two chatted casually for the rest of the meal, filling each other in on their lives and gossiping about people from their high school and others in the town. With a lull in the conversation, Alice changed the subject. "You know that girl Lexi I talk about sometimes?"
"You mean your favorite?" Christine teased.
"Shut up," she said with a laugh.
"You only have a story to tell me about her every week," she said.
"She's sweet!" Alice said defensively. "She never has any tantrums and she's a great listener. A kid like that's one in a million."
"Blah blah blah," Christine said, waving her hand dismissively. "What about her?"
Alice smiled. "Her parents are lawyers, right?" she said. "So she's got a lot of people who come to pick her up when her parents are too busy." She told the rest of the story, explaining how she had to wait at school with Lexi and how she then met Dean.
"He must be hot," Christine said.
"Why do you say that?" she asked.
"Girl, I know that look in your eyes," Christine said. "You get all doey."
"I do not," she said, folding her arms across her chest.
"Do so!" Christine laughed. "You've been that way since kindergarten when you had that crush on Tommy."
"Oh my god," Alice said with a roll of her eyes. "You suck."
"Honey, I just call it like I see it."
Alice sighed. "Okay. He wasn't bad to look at."
When they finished breakfast, they parted ways, and Alice made the walk back to her apartment. Just as she was walking up the stairs, she heard someone call her name. When she turned, she saw it was Brent. "Hey," she said, waiting for him and holding the door open. "Long run."
"Nah," he said. "I ran for a bit then got a smoothie."
She laughed. "That seems a little counter productive."
"What are you talking about?" Brent asked. "Smoothies are super healthy."
"Mhm," she hummed with a playful eye roll. "I'm sure they are."
Brent just laughed as they got in front of their respective front doors. "What're you doing tonight?" Brent asked as she put the key in her door.
"Mm, I don't have any plans," she said. "Why? What's up?"
"You want to come watch a movie?" he asked. "I just got HBO."
"Sure," she said with a smile. "What time?"
"7:00?" he offered. She agreed, so she went into her apartment to relax for the day before her evening with Brent.
Across town, Dean was in a meeting. He was seated at one head of the table with Crowley at the other. Crowley. The man he once hated and was now forced to work with. On Dean's half of the table was Castiel, his underboss, and Bobby, Rufus, Ellen and Jody- his capos. On Crowley's half, he had the same: his underboss, Rowena, and his four capos whose names Dean never bothered to learn. It was always odd to him that Rowena -who was actually Crowley's mom- worked under Crowley. How did Crowley manage to rise above his mother?
In reality, it didn't matter, so Dean never bothered to ask.
In any other situation, Dean would sooner die than work with Crowley, but times were changing. There was a greater purpose to address than their day-to-day crimes.
"Right," Dean said, clearing his throat to get everyone's attention, "let's get this started."
"Yes, yes," Crowley said, waving his hand, "I suppose chit chat time is over." Dean rolled his eyes.
"I need updates," he said. "Who's been tracking Lucifer this week?"
"That'll be my people," Rufus said, leaning forward with a slight raise of his hand. "And we've got bupkis." Dean rubbed his face with his hand. "Last we saw, he was in New York."
"Doing what?" Dean asked.
Rufus shrugged. "Talking to some of his associates I suppose."
Dean sighed. "You do realize your entire job this week was to figure shit like this out, right?"
"What do you suppose we do, boss?" Rufus said, light sarcasm in his tone. "It's not like we've got a guy on the inside, and Lucifer ain't exactly chatty Kathy." Dean raised his eyebrows at Rufus, and Rufus just held his hands up in defense and leaned back in his chair.
"Well," Crowley said, "while your people have been sitting on their thumbs, my people have been doing some of the dirty work."
"And?" Dean said.
"We tracked one of Lucifer's deliveries," one of Crowley's men said. "It wound up outside of Missouri."
"What was it?" Dean pressed.
"Weapons I've never seen before," the guy continued. "I'm talking military grade guns. Grenade launchers. The works."
"Who was the buyer?"
The guy shrugged. "Didn't recognize him."
Dean leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face with his hand again. "As interesting as that all is," he said sarcastically, "we're still about as close to ganking this guy as we were last week. We need his location and where he'll be next. That's the only way I see this working."
"All due respect," Ellen said, "but how do you expect us to get that? It's not like signs pop up when this guy's in town." Dean clenched his jaw, then looked at Bobby.
"I need you to see if Charlie can hack into Lucifer's systems," he said. "The more information we can get from his inside, the better."
"As if his men are dumb enough to put their information on a computer," Rowena said, rolling her eyes.
"It's not always about what they put on their computers," Dean said sarcastically. "It's about tracking aliases, security cameras, anything that might give us eyes on him or his people."
"We have a list of his most utilized aliases," Crowley piped up.
"Great," Dean said. "Charlie can do some programming and get notified whenever one of them is used. That should help us zero in on him."
"Then why weren't we doing that a week ago?" one of Crowley's men asked. Without hesitation, Dean reached into the waistband of his pants and pointed the gun at the man. He held his hands up defensively and looked at Crowley.
"Are you questioning my orders?" Dean asked. The guy clenched his jaw, and it was clear he was holding back a roll of his eyes.
"I don't follow your orders, sir," he said sarcastically. Dean looked at Crowley, and Crowley sighed and grabbed his own gun from his pants. He pointed it at the guy and, with no hesitation, shot him in the shoulder. The man let out a groan of pain and fell to the floor.
"Ah, you better get that patched up," Crowley said. He looked back at his men who were all slightly on edge. "I like working with Squirrel here about as much as the rest of you."
Dean hated that fucking nickname.
"But we have a common enemy," Crowley said. The speech was one everyone had heard a million times, but sometimes it seemed like it wasn't sinking in. "The Winchesters listen to me, the MacLeod's listen to him. It's not all rainbows and butterflies, but we make it work. We can only make it work if we're all on the same page." He stood up and leaned over the man he had shot, pointing his gun at him. "Are we all on the same page?"
"Yes sir," the man said, nodding his head rapidly. Crowley put the safety back on his gun and tucked it back in his pants.
"Good," he said. "Mr. Winchester, I trust you'll inform us if Charlie finds anything?" Dean nodded. "Good," he said. "This week, Ramiel-" He pointed at one of his men. "-you and your people are in charge of tracking Luci. You find him, you put up the bat signal. The rest of you, go about your business. Follow any leads you might have, and keep us all informed."
Dean had some time to kill before family dinner at Sam's, but he didn't have much to do. He went to the bunker to do some shooting at the gun range and boxing in the gym, knowing he was always able to kill a decent amount of time that way. Whenever he was bored or stressed, he had a tendency to head to the bunker and shoot and work out. There were showers there too, so he was able to shower and change before heading to Sam's house for dinner.
Ever since Lexi was born, Jess decided she wanted family dinners, family being Sam, Lexi, Dean, Cas, and Hannah. Every Saturday evening was set aside for these dinners, and they always switched between Sam's house, Cas' house, and Dean's penthouse. This particular week, it was at Sam's house, which always meant that Jess would be cooking something awesome and Dean would have at least two helpings of it all.
Dean got to Sam's last, just like every other week. It wasn't that he was late. Dean took punctuality very seriously, despite what the events of Thursday might've shown. It was just Cas and Hannah were always so fucking early. He grabbed the wine he brought and jogged up to the front door, opening it without knocking. "Hello!" he called. In two seconds flat, a pair of tiny feet were heard running up to him. Dean put the wine down and crouched down just in time to catch Lexi in his arms. "Hey, kid!"
"Hi Uncle Dean!" she said, kissing his cheek with her arms wrapped around his neck. Dean lifted her up and picked up the wine bottle in his free hand, then walked with her to the kitchen.
"Food smells great," he said as soon as he saw Jess. He hugged the men and placed kisses to the women's cheeks, then set Lexi back on her feet. He handed the wine to Sam who got his corkscrew out of the drawer.
"Lasagna," Jess said, answering Dean's unspoken question. "Garlic bread's in the oven. Hannah brought dessert."
"Pie?" Dean asked.
"Brownies," Hannah said with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Dean." He just chuckled and helped Sam and Cas set the table.
Dinner was nice as it always was. They had a strict "no business" rule on these days. No matter how essential a job seemed, Jess always felt it could wait until the table was cleared. So, they chatted like normal families did. Hannah discussed how things were going at city hall (she was a city councilwoman), and Jess and Sam talked about their plans for their law firm opening. They were finally in the position to open up their own private practice, so they wouldn't have to work for a large firm anymore. Jess was having a blast planning the grand opening event, and Hannah was helping her. Sam pitched in when he could, but he figured it would be best to leave as much as he could to Jess.
"So Dean," Jess asked, gathering some pasta on her fork, "have you figured out who you're going to take to the opening yet?"
Dean scoffed. "It's much more fun to go stag."
"Oh please," she said with a roll of her eyes. "I can't believe you think we still fall for that." Dean raised his eyebrows.
"Fall for what?" he asked.
"The whole I-love-being-single game," Hannah said before Jess could even open her mouth.
"I do love being single," Dean said. "That one person forever thing isn't for me. Never has been. Never will be."
"What about Lisa?" Jess asked. Dean's jaw clenched as he looked down at his plate. He didn't answer her, instead shoveling some pasta into his mouth.
"Who's Lisa?" Lexi suddenly asked. Sometimes she was so quiet at meals, the adults forgot she was there. And that girl caught onto everything.
"Lisa was a special friend of Uncle Dean's a few years ago," Sam said. "Way before you were born."
"But she's gone now," Dean said, "and Uncle Dean doesn't like to talk about her." He looked at Jess. "That was a long time ago, and it didn't work out. So clearly, the game isn't for me."
"Or maybe you just didn't have the right girl," Jess offered.
Everyone was surprised she kept pushing the topic. Dean really did not like to talk about Lisa, and everyone knew that. What Jess knew was that Dean would never lose his cool around Lexi. Why not use that to her advantage?
"What about Ms. Alice?" Lexi said before inhaling another forkful of pasta. "Is she the right girl?"
"What?" Hannah asked with a smile. "Does Uncle Dean like your teacher?"
"He thinks she's very pretty," Lexi confirmed with a nod. "And I said she's very nice and he should take her on a date."
"A date?" Hannah repeated as Jess laughed beside her. "Well wouldn't that be nice, Uncle Dean?" Dean narrowed his eyes at Hannah with a sarcastic grin. He turned to look at Lexi and winked.
"I think I'll just take Lexi to the opening," he said. "She'd be the perfect date."
Brent already had pizza ordered by the time Alice got to his apartment. She was dressed in leggings and a t-shirt, her make-up already scrubbed off for the day. She didn't care what Brent thought of her. She wasn't trying to impress him. He was a nice guy and everything, but not really her type. Then again, she didn't really have a type. Regardless, she just knew he wasn't a guy she'd want to date.
And that was the other thing. She didn't want hookups. She'd never partaken in a hookup, and she wasn't ready to start at 22. What she was ready for was a real, actual relationship that was better than the one she left in New York. Honestly, the bar was so low.
Even though she had zero interest in watching it, Alice agreed to watch Fight Club. To her, it was all just about white male rage, and she didn't need to see anymore of that than what already existed in her life.
But, she didn't want to be difficult, so she agreed.
She focused on eating her pizza rather than the blood and anger on the TV. Brent noticed her discomfort and laughed. "Not your kind of movie?" he asked.
"No, no," she said. "This is great. It's fine."
"You could've told me you didn't like this kind of stuff," he said. He grinned. "I can put my arm around you if it'll ease your mind."
No. That definitely would not ease her mind.
"Seriously, we're all good," she said. "It can't be much longer, right?"
There was still an hour left.
But she powered through to avoid making an awkward situation even more awkward.
It worked for the most part. She paid attention to the pizza and the few scenes in the movie that weren't gross, violent, sexist, or flat out uncomfortable. When the movie ended, she was ready to head home and take a shower to wash off the nasty. "Thanks for letting me hang," she said as she started to walk to Brent's front door. "I'll see you around."
"You're always welcome," Brent said with a smile. He looked like he was going to say something else, but she brushed it off when he closed his mouth again. With one last wave in his direction, she left his apartment, entered hers, and closed the door behind her for the night.
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rainbowchip2003 · 4 years
“and you’re ugly, just like your mom”
for @misslivvie !
word count: 1646
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november 2nd, 2019
*third person*
it was a typical morning in casablanca plaza. all of the staff had gathered in, and were going through their opening routines. in wild side inkorporated, it was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. vince is always the last to show up, so it was just the tattoo artists for now. luna was making today’s playlist, while billy scribbled a design on some scrap paper. lennon, a nonbinary newbie, sanitized their station.
“what day is it?” billy asked lennon. 
“saturday.” they confirmed as they checked the clock. billy’s eyes drifted to the side in realization, while luna ran a hand through her multicolored mane.
“oh, shit.” she whispered.
“we never told you this, but vince brings his daughter to work on the first saturday of each month!” lennon chuckled at the mental picture of the two hiding from a little kid.
“i’m sure it’s nothing to worry about?” the rookie giggled once more.
“imagine veruca salt but, like, maybe 5% less stable.” just then, vince came in with his daughter, liesl, ready for a new day at the tattoo parlor. liesl had her mom’s auburn waves, and her dad’s smile. she stared at her tablet, ears covered by a pair of lol surprise headphones. liesl even had a small, glittery purse shaped like a unicorn!
“morning!” vince waved before taking off his leather jacket, and helping liesl with her pink coat.
“good morning, vince!” the artists chimed in nearly perfect unison. the ginger never looked up from whatever was on her screen.
“...and liesl.” luna muttered. lennon took the opportunity to introduce themselves; they bent down to her level, and put on their friendliest voice.
“nice to meet you, leisl!” they said with a warm grin.
“...hi.” liesl greeted. unlike most children her age, she seemed unfazed by their punk appearance.
“i don’t think we’ve met; my name is lennon!” lennon put out their hand to shake, which she accepted.
“lemon?” the little girl asked.
“no, lennon, with an “n”.” they laughed it off, it was a common mistake.
“daddy, how much longer until the shops open?” liesl already started her whining kick.
“riiight about…” vince looked at the giant clock on the wall, only seconds away from opening time. “now!” at last, it finally struck 10:30, and casablanca plaza was officially open!! “here’s $20, go crazy.” vince handed her three $5 bills, and five singles. 
liesl let out a cheer as she ran out the door. whether her father was being sarcastic was a mystery; but alas, she took his word as gospel. in vince’s eyes, $20 was nothing; but to any six year old, it was winning the lottery! ironically, there was a patch on vince’s jacket that read “greatest father in the galaxy” under liesl’s birthdate.
she blended in with the first flood of shoppers just fine. liesl only gets to visit casablanca once a month, so she has to make the most of every trip. how does she do so, you ask? nothing much, she just makes people’s day a living hell. no one questions vince on why he lets his young daughter run around unsupervised. 
liesl’s first stop was thunderbolt coffeehouse, where she has her own signature drink. the beverage in question is 6oz of water mixed with the tiniest splash of white chocolate syrup. because it’s basically nothing, liesl only had to pay a dollar. having just opened, tommy was the only person in the store.
“good morning, liesl! the usual?” he adjusted his burgundy visor with a lightning bolt sewed on it.
“you know it!” she left a dollar on the counter to pay. tommy prepared liesl’s first of many mall treats. behind the display case, liesl noticed some brown and orange squares sitting atop a doily. “what are those?”
“pumpkin cheesecake bars.”
“i want one!” she demanded as she tapped the sneeze guard.
“you’re only allowed your special drink.” tommy said softly, yet firmly: “ ‘cause you nearly bought the place out, remember?” he referred to her first visit, where she blew all her money on thunderbolt fare, and didn’t finish most of it.
“can’t you make one exception for your favorite customer?” even liesl’s best puppy eyes weren’t charming enough for him!
“i’m afraid not.” luckily, tommy has more patience for her than anyone else in the mall.
“you’re so inconsiderate!” leisl scoffed as she folded her arms.
“it’s just what your dad told me-” tommy sighed.
“and you’re ugly, just like your mom.”
“sorry to hear that, have a free cheesecake bar.” he forked over the seasonal goodie, knowing mr. simmons would freak if he caught him. but hey, if it’ll get the twerp to zip it! she swallowed one bite of the pumpkin bar, and shoved it into her purse.
on her way to poisonous novelties, she saw that dee, her youth group leader, was here! she went over to his little cart, where he handed out pamphlets promoting the church.
“hi, mr. snider!” she doesn’t often see him anywhere other than the chapel.
“hi, liesl!” although she was the problem child of dee’s youth group, he still treated her with the same amount of respect as anyone else. “excited for service? as a belated halloween treat, we’re watching wishbone in the legend of sleepy hollow!”
“never heard of it.” liesl shrugged.
“i used to watch wishbone as a kid; i think you’ll like it.”
“are you giving out zebra cakes, or oatmeal pies after?” part of the only reason she even bothered going to service was because of the snacks dee would hand out.
“ooh, i can’t wait!” “i’ll see you tomorrow!” dee waved to her, and went back to work. if only dee knew how she treated everyone else....
she went up the escalator, and ran into the candy store so fast, she didn’t notice bobby sitting behind the counter! her main priority was getting as many sweets as she could while staying within her budget.
“did you have a fun halloween?” he attempted to make some friendly small talk.
“yeah, i went as butterbean!” she boasted as she got a paper bag, “my costume had shoes, and wings, and even a wig!”
“that’s so cool!” bobby started to approach the young girl. “i, uh, was barney, the purple dinosaur!” he lied. the poisonous novelties gang actually went as steel panther, with him as lexxi. leisl was barely listening, as she wasted no time shoving random stuff to the bag. “don’t you still have halloween candy?”
“traded most of it.” suddenly, liesl reached into the container of marshmallow bananas, and started picking out the fluffiest ones with her bare hands! 
“can you not-”
“nobody eats these anyway!”
“you didn’t use the tongs, so you have to pay for that entire thing!” he wished he could be as intimidating and strong as bret, but didn’t have the confidence.
“how much?” at this point, liesl found it was best to accept her fate.
“can i keep them?” she asked as she handed bobby some wadded up dollars. his lips widened into an almost taunting smile, and just shook his head no.
liesl made her way to the foodcourt; she had just enough money for a basket of cheese fries. she topped the greasy goodness with ketchup, regular and lite mayo, and barbeque sauce. she walked to kiss kosmetics, on the other side of the mall, as she ate. liesl stood outside the door to find vinnie texting, while paul helped a customer match their foundation.
“you need to finish that before you go inside!” vinnie exclaimed, setting down his phone. the basket wobbled in her hand as she carried it with only four fingers. 
“i’ll be careful, i promise!” as predicted, liesl tripped over nothing and fell face first. she dropped the unholy sauce with a side of fries onto the once pristine white tiles. liesl rolled onto her back on the floor, and whined like she was half her age.
“if you think you’re getting out of here scottfree, you are sorely mistaken!” although paul didn’t have kids, he went full dad mode!
“i do what i want!!” liesl stamped her feet in exasperation. she made such a scene that someone started to leave!
“i’m calling your dad!” paul had both parents on speed dial, just in case. saturday used to be his favorite day of the week, but thanks to her, it’s thursday!
“get to cleaning.” vinnie rested some napkins and a spray bottle of tile cleaner on her stomach.
liesl dragged herself up and hastily began to pick up her mess.
“yeah, vince? this is paul; you’ll never believe what your daughter did today!” the tantruming redhead slammed the bottle on the floor. “we keep telling her not to come in with food, and she did anyway! she dropped whatever she was eating, and now she’s refusing to clean up.”
“i’m getting grounded for falling?” liesl threw her head back.
“you don’t think i know about what happened at the candy store?”
“what’d she do?” vince asked on the other line.
“i got a text from bobby saying that she took out all the marshmallow bananas with her hands. your wife needs to pick her up before she causes any more chaos.” 
“put her on.” paul came out, and brought the phone to her ear. “liesl, what did i tell you about manners?!” 
“there weren’t any signs…”
“you don’t need signs, you need common sense!” paul rolled his eyes.
“you march to the parlor, get your jacket, and you’re getting in mom’s car without a fight, do you hear me?!” 
“yes, daddy…” she sniffled. “bye, guys.” leisl hung her head as she left the store pathetically sobbing.
“good riddance!” paul sighed in relief, more than proud of himself for successfully setting the little brat straight.
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knock me the fuck out (i dare ya, babe), part one
Ten years, eight months, three weeks, and nine days ago, Billy had escaped this Lovecraftian nightmare town and never looked back. He’d come into Hawkins believing that it was his own personal hell and left it certain that it was actual, literal Hell.
(this got long so i decided to divide it into three parts) If you prefer the Ao3 format, click here
Billy’s first thought as he rolls back into Hawkins for the first time in ten years is: I cannot believe Max stayed in this deathtrap. 
He didn’t. Ten years, eight months, three weeks, and nine days ago, Billy had escaped this Lovecraftian nightmare town and never looked back. As soon as he was well enough to leave the hospital, he spent most of his savings on a shitty Ford Bronco (he did NOT miss that car), packed up his records, and hit the fuckin’ road. He’d come into Hawkins believing that it was his own personal hell and left it certain that it was actual, literal Hell.
Billy wonders, a bit guiltily, if Max’s life woulda turned out like this if he hadn’t left her in this Midwestern madhouse all by herself. Only twenty-four and she was already getting a divorce. 
He’s never like Justin van Haut but at first, Billy attributed that to the fact that the dude was dating Max - he had a right to hate any dude trying to fuck his sister, he figured. Facts was just facts. But then they got married and it didn’t get better. If anything, Billy might’ve hated him more. 
Justin reminded Billy way too fucking much of himself, of the strutting arrogant little dirtbag that he used to be - only, van Haut had the money and the influence to get away with his bad deeds. He was the kind of guy who wanted something only until he got it, and then he didn’t want it anymore. 
Billy wasn’t that person anymore. He couldn’t be. It took too much energy that he didn’t have - like the Shadow Monster had sucked all the rage out of him. And without it, there was so little left of Billy Hargrove.
Old Billy would’ve gotten drunk and drove to South Bend. Old Billy would’ve beat the shit outta the bitch-ass pussy who’d spent six and half years cheating on his sister. Old Billy would’ve spent the night in the county lock-up. 
New Billy didn’t do that, because New Billy promised Max he’d be there by dinner time. New Billy knew that Max would just have to bail his sorry ass out of prison with money she didn’t really have. 
But either way, Billy knew even if he had the chance to, he’d never change the way it worked out, because in the end-
-in the end, he got his girl.
As soon as he opens the door, she launches herself at him. “Who is this?” he demands seriously, stabilizing her on his lap, letting her grip the stirring wheel in two tiny hands. “Who are you? Where’s my Lulu?”
She giggles at his theatrics, tugging at his leather jacket, wisps of red hair escaping her little braid. “I’m Lulu, Uncle Billy!”
He gasps, feigning shock. “You can’t be my Lulu! You’re such a big girl!”
“I’m going to Kindie-gar-den now!” she says proudly, with a cocky little toss of her head that reminded Billy of her mother so much that he couldn’t hold in a grin.
“Yeah? Do you like school, Lulu?” They get out so that Billy can grab some of his things from the trunk.
“Uh-huh. My teacher is really nice!”
“Yeah? What’s your teacher’s name?” he asks absently, resting Lulu on his hip as he pulls his bag from the trunk.
“He’s Mister H!” she says, and his brows bounce up. Male kindergarten teacher? That was pretty unusual. Maybe Hawkins was finally getting outta the Stone Age. He doubts it, but hope springs eternal.
From inside the house, Max yells “Lauren!”
“Mommy, Uncle Billy is here!” she shouts, and squirms back down to the ground, running for the front porch. “Mommy says you can have my room!”
Billy thinks with no small horror of the pink room with Mickey and Minnie Mouse’s faces staring out from the wallpaper. Jesus Christ. Lulu beams at him, utterly delighted at the prospect of her uncle moving in, and he barely has to lie when he says “Fantastic, princess.”
Max gives him a wry smile as she appears in the doorway, practically reading his mind as she wipes her wet hands on a dishtowel. “Welcome home, big brother.”
Old Billy would’ve told her that this town might be home, but it wasn’t his. Home was a place he lost when his mother left him with Neil. New Billy knows Max isn’t talking about Hawkins. “You’re gonna get so sick of me,” he promises, dropping the paper bag he’d taken from the trunk. “Here.”
“What the hell is this?” she asks, laughing. “You better not’ve brought me a bag of p- oh my god, Billy.”
He chuckles at her open-mouth as Max stares down into the stacks of cash inside the crumbled paper bag. Rubbing the short hair at the back of his neck, he awkwardly answers, “Rent.”
“This is way too much!” she protests, trying to hand it back, like she didn’t miss a mortgage payment last month.
Billy dances out of the way, picking Lulu up and twirling her around. Grinning like a madman at her delighted shrieks, he throws her across one shoulder. “Wanna help me set up the stereo, Lulu?”
“Billy, get back here!”
“Can’t hear you, Max! All that loud metal music, y’know!”
“I’m home!” he calls, pushing the door shut with his hip. The apartment is completely silent and then Steve hears a familiar ‘thump’ and grins.
With her bushy tail held high, a black cat races down the hall, wailing “Waah!”
“Hello, Angie,” he coos, crouching to scratch her under the chin. “How are the birds today, huh?”
“Waah,” she repeats loudly, pleading at him with her huge yellow eyes.
“Missed me?” he asks, stroking the fluffy black fur along her back. “Let’s have some dinner.”
He must’ve told Dustin a thousand, maybe two thousand, times that he did not want a cat, but the very morning that Dustin left for MIT, he dropped the fluffy soot-black kitten on Steve’s doorstep and raced away anyway. “His name is ‘the Witch-King of Angmar’, good luck, Steve!”
Ha. The joke was on him, though. His ‘Witch-King’ was actually a queen and Steve called her Angie and she was a fucking delight – he suspected that Dustin was just overly dramatic. Steve supposed that the cat was a nice compromise, considering that Dustin had tried not to leave for college at all.
That had probably been the worst six months of Steve’s life.
He’d never fought with one of the kids before, let alone Dustin, but they spent nearly all of his senior year fighting – because Dustin managed to get a scholarship, a two-year free ride to Princeton, and he didn’t want to leave Hawkins. Or more specifically, he didn’t want to leave Steve.
Lucas was bound for Howard in DC, Will and Mike were reuniting at MIT, and Dustin got into fucking Princeton, but he didn’t want to go.
(“What the fuck are you talking about, you don’t wanna go? I don’t give two dicks what you want, shithead. I’m an adult, Dustin, and I can take care of myself! You’re not going to throw your whole life into the toilet because you think I’m LONELY!”)
So, yeah. Steve and Dustin spent Dustin’s senior year of high school fighting, and now Steve has a cat and Dustin is in graduate school, because college was where he fucking belonged, just like Steve had told him.
Filling Angie’s bowl, Steve idly dances around the kitchen to no music, pulling open the fridge and peering inside. “What should we have for dinner, Angie? What do ya think Aunt Robin wants to eat?”
Angie doesn’t bother turning her head away from her cat kibble, but her tail swishes at the sound of his voice. Humming ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’, Steve throws together a stir-fry.
Cooking has become one of those parts of being an adult that Steve finds unexpectedly pleasurable. Cutting up the ingredients, mixing spices and seasonings, tending to the food – Steve enjoys that.
He hears jingling in the hallway as Robin comes through the door, purse swinging from her arm. He can also hear her swearing under her breath and she kicks her shoes off onto the mat beside the door. “Angie, Angie baby,” she coos as the cat runs to greet her. “Please feed me, Steve-o. I’m gonna fucking kill Bobby Monroe.”
“Parent-teacher conference didn’t go well?” he asks lightly, fluffing the rice with a fork before he pulled his stir-fry off the fire.
“NO,” she says shortly, before calling “How was the dentist? Is this a bad time to say that I picked up a banana cream pie at Baker’s Square?”
In a rather bloodthirsty tone, Steve replies “Cavity or no cavity, we are eating dessert, Rob.”
“Okay, okay, you don’t have to get out a torch and a pitchfork.”
“What happened with Bobby Monroe?”
Oof, speaking of bloodthirsty. Robin’s teeth grind together and Steve pokes her pointedly in the side as he takes their plates down from the cabinet. “His kid is on the verge of going to juvie and this guy just…Does Not get it, Steve.”
Steve’s glasses were on the verge of slipping down the bridge of his nose as he cracked open the tops on two beers. “That’s ‘cause Monroe is golfing buddies with Mayor Walsh and my old pal Tommy Hall, Rob.”
Her nose wrinkles. “Ugh,” she mutters, then brightens a bit. “I got to read another one of Holly’s essays.”
Smiling at his plate, Steve says “Yeah?”
He was a little sad he got into teaching too late to have Holly or any of the other kids as a student, but Robin got the joy of having both Erica Sinclair and Holly Wheeler pass through her classroom. “Her analysis of the creation of the Constitution was…I wanna send it to Harvard, Steve. She’s only fifteen, but she can already understand how to translate nuance in the document. Half of my graduating class couldn’t write something that impressive on early US history.”
“That’s fantastic,” he says, grinning.
“How was Munchkin Land?” she asks, through a mouthful of vegetables and rice.
Laughing slightly, Steve says “The Lollipop Guild always keeps me on my toes. Thank god for naptime!”
They eat banana cream pie on the couch in front of ‘Frasier’, Robin’s toes shoved under his thigh as Steve tries not to fall asleep on the damn sofa. She laughs at him, throwing one of the cushions at his face.
“It’s seven-thirty, you old man,” she teases, coaxing Angie onto her lap.
“Leave me alone,” he whines, melting into his secondhand couch. “I’m an educator of young minds!”
Rob stuck her tongue out at time. “It’s called ‘narcolepsy’, Steven.”
“Please leave me to die in peace.”
She does leave, an hour later, and Steve locks the door behind her like a Responsible Adult.
He is surrounded by almost total silence again. He’s a helluva lot more comfortable with it here in his apartment than he was in his parent’s house. Maybe it was because there wasn’t quite so much space to echo the silence back to him. Maybe it was because there was no steaming blue pool waiting in the backyard. Maybe it was the lack of judgmental silence, which persisted whether his parents were home or away. 
He turns off the television and the lights in the living room, babbling baby-talk at Angie as he brushes his teeth and gets into bed, putting his glasses on the nightstand and sliding between the cool sheets.
Angie curls up behind his knees and Steve closes his eyes and listens to the empty space all around him.
Briefly, he spares a thought of apology for the Dustin of years past, because he’d been right. Steve was lonely. But at least now that he was a real grown-up, he was comfortable with it.
“You don’t have to do that,” Max mutters, head resting against the back of the sofa. Lauren was put to bed an hour ago and the only sound down in the house in the constant quiet tick of the grandfather clock in the hall.
“Hm?” Billy asks sleepily, sipping his beer. It was a thirty hour drive between San Diego and Hawkins and Billy had only slept once, and not recently. Honestly, that was probably the best state to experience the Horror of the Mouse that awaited him in Lulu’s old room.
Max gestures restlessly to the stacks of hundred dollar bills hastily stuffed into the paper bag. “Don’t pretend that isn’t your entire savings, Billy.”
“Don’t have to anything but die, Max,” he murmurs, his free hand subconsciously drifting to the tight silvery mass of scarring beneath his shirt, even as his eyes remain closed. With a damp shaky sigh, she leans against his side and Billy shifts that hand to drape around her shoulders. “Don’t fuckin’ argue with me, you know I ain’t gonna let you win.”
His t-shirt gets a little wet. “I’m really glad you’re here,” she admits, sniffling. “I missed you.”
His throat clicks as he swallows. “Missed you, Mad Max.”
Though Billy’s exhausted and goes to bed early, he spends an hour in Lulu’s full-sized bed, flat on his back and staring at the ceiling.
Despite his best-laid plans, here he is. Back in Hawkins, Indiana.
Funny that he still kinda feels like a mess, even though he’s a better mess than he used to be.
When his alarm goes off, Billy has the taste of antifreeze in his mouth and though it’s nearly March and Max keeps the heat low, he’s sweating.
Getting Lulu ready for school is a breeze. Firstly, because she’s smart and independent and she knows the routine she’s supposed to be following by now. Second, because once you fight an interdimensional alien monster and temporarily die, not much phases you anymore.
“This one, Uncle Billy!” Lulu says eagerly, pulling him along through the halls, towing her uncle with single-minded determination. "You can meet Sam and Freddy!"
Samantha Cross and Fred Ferris were Lulu's little friends. "Alright, slow down, you're gonna run someone over," he says, amused. She reminds him so much of Max, it's insane. "This one, Lulu?"
"Yeah!" A dark-haired man wearing a navy cardigan over a collared shirt is helping a pair of identical twins with their coats, crouching near a row of cubbies with sixteen name tags on them – from here, Billy can see Lulu’s near the end: Lauren V. "Hi, Mister H!"
Mister H-who-wears-the-dorky-cardigan turns his head and the bottom of Billy’s stomach drops out.
Steve Harrington gives Lulu a dorky little smile, all cute and happy, squinting from behind the lens of his big nerd glasses, and warmly says “Hello, Lauren.”
As a teenage boy, rolling fresh into Hawkins, Billy had fallen into a wild spiral of lust for Steve Harrington the moment he saw him standing next to Nancy Wheeler at a Halloween party. Closeted and angry and unable to escape his father’s rage and his father’s expectations, all Billy wanted was some of Steve’s attention – he hadn’t dared to let himself seriously consider getting more than that. Steve, being a straight teenage boy with a girlfriend, with popularity and money, had froze him out at every turn, and it drove Old Billy fucking crazy. No matter what he did, he never got a reaction more interested than bland annoyance. 
As hot as his passions for him burned, Billy couldn’t make the Hawkins ice princess melt even a little.
But at a certain point, when you grow up, you can look on certain things you got attached to or certain things you enjoyed as a teenager and find your attachment sort of silly, maybe even comical. New Billy had sort of looked forward to reaching that conclusion here.
This isn’t like that at all.
Actually, Billy thinks it might even be worse than before. Billy feels a dull flush beginning to form over his face and swallows the urge to say something stupid to get Steve’s attention – that was the ghost of Old Billy talking.
God, he looks so good.
All grown up, the knitwear clinging to the tantalizing hint of strong biceps, Steve’s eyes are huge and dark behind the lenses of the geek glasses, bangs hanging down into his eyes. Beneath the cardigan, his collared shirt shows an enticing view of his clavicles and the moles high on his neck. Billy used to jerk off to a fantasy of sucking on them and seeing what kind of noise he would get.
He looks soft and sleepy, like Billy could just curl himself around him and press his mouth to that bare skin and Steve would just-
“This is my Uncle Billy!”
Billy is abruptly pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Lulu’s voice and realizes that he’s well on his way to pitching a tent in his pants in front of Steve Harrington and his five year old niece. What the fuck is his life, seriously?
“Harrington,” the man next to Lauren drawls, and suddenly, Steve’s attention is focused and sharp.
This is my Uncle Billy.
He’s…wow, he’s really…grown up.
The sneering boy with a headful of dirty blond curls and a baby-fine mustache has aged into a grown man with a full beard – the old mullet has almost reversed, with the hair at the back and sides nearly shaved off and the hair at the top slicked back away from his face.
Oh my god.
So. So so so so so.
The thing about Billy- “Hargrove,” he greets, hoping that he sounds friendly and surprised and not breathless. “Max didn’t tell me you were coming back to town.”
Billy Hargrove was the very first boy Steve was ever attracted to, and after he left town, the realization that 1) he had a big gay crush on him and 2) he wasn’t ever going to see him again, were sorta the things that began his big bisexual breakdown – what Robin affectionately calls Steve’s ‘all dicks tour of ‘86’, even though she still doesn’t know what started it.
And now Billy’s standing here, in Steve’s classroom, the muscles he used to flash now hidden beneath leather and denim and flannel but possessing every inch of them as much as he had ten years ago. He looks like he could toss Steve over his shoulder and carry him off somewhere, like a caveman.
But hotter, Steve thinks, helplessly staring at the long sweep of his lashes. His lips, the same deep, full red of ripened berries. The dusting of freckles over Billy’s cheeks from hours standing in the sun.
For a moment, Steve feels a stab of uncertain fear – has Max ever told Billy anything about what happened in ’86?
No. His relationship with Max may have gotten slightly distant, especially after she officially married Justin, but he was pretty confident that she wouldn’t have told him such embarrassing and personal information about Steve, not when she that knew Billy had hated him.
At least she seems to be right, though – Billy had calmed down a lot.
Billy shrugs, in that effortless, careless way of his. Steve experiences a visceral urge to have that short beard rub his mouth raw and it makes his stomach twist with desire, uncomfortable in its intensity. “Got tired of San Diego – thought I’d see my best girl. Right, Lulu?”
Lulu. God, that’s cute.
Lauren grins up at Billy, proud as a peacock, and Billy smiles back at her for a moment, so nakedly adoring that Steve’s stomach gives another twist, his insides melting into goo. “Billy lives with me and Mommy now, ‘cause he missed me so much,” she declares, lifting her chin. “I’m his best girl.”
“That’s right,” he vows, cuffing her lightly over the head.
“That’s…really nice of you, Hargrove,” Steve says lightly. He knows that Max is getting a divorce – the entire town knows. Honestly if he didn’t think Max would kick him in the nuts, he’d have a nail bat with Justin’s name on it. 
Lucas, chewing on his jealousy like a wad of bubblegum, had told them that Justin had basically spent their entire relationship cheating on her. He’d gotten the most willful girl in school to be his girlfriend and got bored with her almost immediately afterward. 
He has a feeling that was the real reason for Billy’s sudden appearance in town after ten years of absence.
Billy shrugs again and peers at Steve through those long lashes. “Max didn’t tell me you were Lulu’s teacher.” He grins, tongue held between rows of sharp white teeth. Steve’s heart kicks up in his chest. “Kindergarteners, Harrington?”
He smiles awkwardly, dodging the question. “Lauren is one of my best readers,” he says instead. No matter which child it is, Steve can always find a reason to brag about one of his kids. “And her penmanship is terrific.”
Lauren gasps, bouncing with excitement, one of Billy’s rough hands clutched in both of hers. “I read a chapter book with Mommy and she only had to help me with two words, Mister H!”
“That’s awesome!” he says, unable to keep himself from beaming down at her. “Did Mrs. Diaz help you get a library card?”
“Maybe your uncle can help you, then,” he says brightly, neatly side-stepping anymore conversation with the boy – the man, god, Steve didn’t think he’d ever seen anyone more of a man – who can apparently still make his heart race, even ten years since he’d last saw him.
In the doorway, he spots Marcy Roberts holding her little brother’s hand. “Morning Marcy. And good morning, Martin.”
“Morning, Mr. Harrington!”
“Alright, Lulu, it’s almost time for your class to start,” Billy says, tucking her too-long bangs behind her ears. “Mom will be back to pick you up, okay?”
For the first time, some of Lulu’s uncertainty shows through. “You’re still gonna be here, right? You aren’t going home?”
Billy pauses. Fuck, this kid’s dad has done a number on her.
Justin was hardly ever around anyway, but he’d just packed up and left in the middle of the night – Billy doesn’t even know the last time he bothered to talk to her on the phone. Lulu’s gotten upset when she and Max had to say goodbye to Billy in the past, but she’s never acted this insecure with him. “I’m home now, Lulu,” he says, crouching down to press a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be there to say goodnight, okay?”
“Okay,” she agrees in a tiny voice that steals his whole fuckin’ heart away.
“Who’s my girl?” he asks in a whisper, tugging gently on the end of her ponytail.
Her face brightens. “I am.”
“The best, Lulu.” He winks and she giggles. “Be good, okay?”
He stands to his full height and Harrington’s eyes accidentally meet his. There’s still a small smile lingering around the soft shape of his mouth and as soon as he looks into those big brown eyes, Steve looks away. Billy bites the inside of his cheek, resists his automatic urge to say something spiteful, something that will get those eyes back on him.
He would like to be able say that it’s because New Billy knows better. But it’s really because he already knows from experience that it won’t do anything but make Steve that much colder. He wants fire, and all that’s there for him is ice.
He leans against the wall right outside the classroom door and…just listens.
Listens to Steve speaking, his sweet patient drawl used for the children in his classroom. “Alright let’s take attendance and then I want to hear all about what you did this weekend, class. Evan Adams?” He stays there, listening with eyes closed, until he hears, “Lauren van Haut?”
Billy shakes himself, pushing away from the wall. No sense mooning over a straight boy who thinks he’s lower than dirt.
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winterisakiller · 5 years
Get Better - Chapter Ten
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Title: Get Better
Chapter: 10/18
Character: Tom Hiddleston/Cath Richardson (OFC)
Genre: Romance
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Love. Companionship. Family. These are all of the things Tom Hiddleston desperately wanted. But his life and his choices left that a distant and unlikely prospect. So he did his best to move on and live his life as is. When an opportunity to return to the theater arises, he jumps at the chance and along the way finds that maybe, just maybe, those distant and unlikely prospects are closer than he could have imagined. Sequel to Brave Face.
Authors Notes/Warnings: So as I was writing Brave Face I knew that Tom’s story wasn’t over, even if that particular part of it was. And while I knew, more or less, what the overall ending to the story would be, its taken me a while to figure out the time in between. Thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff for letting me continually throw ideas off and at you. I still can’t fathom why you put up with it, but I am eternally grateful you do. This story will update on Thursdays.
Tag list: @tinchentitri @noplacelikehome77 @theheartofpenelope @blacksuitofdoom @nonsensicalobsessions @messy-insomniac-bookgirl @wolfsmom1 @just-the-hiddles @theoneanna @hiddlescastle @echantedbytwh @alexakeyloveloki
Previous Chapter
 Allie clung to her uncle’s hand, babbling excitedly, as they made their way through the park and back towards the house. Laughing, Tom did his best to follow the girl’s rambling but found it to be of little effect; not that he really needed to do anything save smile and nod along. But still, he tried. Bobby tugged at his lead as they passed the busy park gate, forcing Tom to keep a tighter grip lest the furry beast make another escape attempt.
 “Not on your life, dog,” he rebuked sharply. Bobby let out a soft yip of protest but quickly fell into line.
 “Bobby bad!” Allie shouted, giggling and pointing at the spaniel who let out a small whimper.
 Tom chuckled and shook his head. Out of the mouths of babes.
 More than a few people had stopped at watched the party as they passed. Allie noticed and waved happily at them. A few waved back and whispered amongst themselves when Tom turned and caught their gaze. It was strange still, the attention. Even after years of it, Tom still found himself a little taken aback.
 It didn’t bother him over much, as long as people were respectful (and usually they were). But the impact it had on those around him…Allie was young enough to think that her Uncle Tommy just had lots of friends. And had responded accordingly, with smiles and waves of her own. His eldest niece, Cora though…She had been there when things had been at their most chaotic (and there were sadly multiple pictures to prove it) and he’d known Sarah hadn’t been thrilled about any of what had happened. It was one thing to drag himself through the mess, she’d told him disapproval etched clearly across her features, and quite another to involve others who had little to no say in the matter. And she’d been right. He hadn’t been thinking in those few chaotic months. He’d just thrown himself in headfirst and hadn’t bothered to consider the consequences until far, far too late.
 Tom clung tighter to the young girl’s hand and quickened his pace. He kept his attention on the path ahead of them. If Allie had noticed the change in her uncle’s behavior, she made no comment on it, simply skipping along beside him, hand still tightly clasped in his. It took another five minutes before they were safely through the gate and Tom was unlocking the front door. He pushed it open and ushered both spaniel and niece inside. Bobby barked and hopped around excitedly (much to Allie’s delight) as Tom freed him from the leash and harness and took off like a shot down the hallway. Allie squealed (a frightening amount of noise from someone so small, Tom noted with a wince) and took off after the spaniel shouting “Bobby! Bobby!” at the top of her voice, her coat laying in a pile on the floor behind her.
 Tom shook his head and shrugged out of his jacket, hanging it, Allie’s small coat (which he’d grabbed and shaken out), and the harness on the hall tree. He padded towards the living room, finding Bobby curled up on his bed and Allie lying beside him, head on his stomach. He quickly pulled out his mobile and snapped a photo, texting it without comment to Emma. The answering series of heart-eyed emoticons he received in reply made Tom chuckle aloud.
 Allie sat up, looking at her uncle quizzically. “What funny?”
 “Your mum. She thinks the picture I sent her of you and Bobby is adorable and has told me so quite enthusiastically.”
 “Picture?” Allie’s eyes lit up. “Show me! Show me! Show me!” She leapt up off the floor and charged at Tom, arms outstretched and reaching towards the mobile in his hand. Tom laughed and knelt on the ground besides her turning the mobile so she could see the message between himself and mother, and scrolled quickly up to the picture he’d sent. Allie giggled in delight. “Allie pretty!”
 Tom nodded, kissing her on the top of her head. “Yes, my darling Allie is very pretty indeed. And smart and funny. And my favorite youngest niece ever.”
 She beamed at him and wrapped him in a tight, enthusiastic hug. “Bestest Uncle Tommy ever!” She boldly declared and Tom’s answering smile made her giggle all the more.
 With a grin of his own, Tom scooped Allie up into his arm, delighting in her squeals, and dropped her bodily onto the couch. Ignoring her cries of protest, Tom initiated a tickle attack and both were soon laughing and shouting at the top of their lungs. Bobby, thoroughly bewildered by his owner’s departure from sanity seemed to decide that if you can’t beat them, join them and threw himself bodily into the fray; barking and licking both Tom and Allie with unbridled excitement.
 The scene lasted until Tom, out of breath and clearly knowing when he was beat, called for a cease fire. Allie pouted but was quickly won back over with the promise of watching her favorite program on TV. With Allie firmly enraptured on the couch, Tom climbed to his feet and wrangled the bright-eyed spaniel back onto his bed. He ducked into the kitchen grabbing himself a bottle of water and Allie a glass of juice which she greedily drank down.
 At three o’clock on the dot the familiar buzz of his front gate echoed from the main hall. Tom pushed himself up from the couch and padded towards the control panel. Emma’s smiling face greeted him from the gate’s camera feed. “Ah, you’ve finally returned I see.” Tom joked, hitting the button that opened the gate.
 Emma shook her head and laughed. “Yes, Sir Whine-A-Lot, I’ve come to claim my daughter from your unsavory clutches. Be up in a moment.”
 The doorbell sounded shortly thereafter and Emma stood beaming up at her older brother. “So I see you’re still in one piece.”
 “I am capable of minding children, Em. I didn’t even break her this time.” He wriggled his eyebrows and laughed heartily at his sister’s answering glare.
 “Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!” Allie sprinted around the corner and threw herself at her mother’s feet, clinging tightly to her. “Missed you!”
 Emma laughed, bending down to give her daughter a quick once over and kiss her on the head. “She seems to be in full working order. Thank you for not maiming my baby this time brother dear.”
 Tom groaned good-naturedly. “How many times do I have to tell you that was freak accident? And she was fine…”
 “You however,” Emma chimed in, chuckling, “Were an absolute mess. God, I wish I had recorded it. I would have made a mint selling it online.”
 Tom narrowed his eyes. “And Luke would have murdered you…Right after I was done with you.”
 Emma scoffed. “Neither of you scare me, Tom. You forget I’ve known you all my life.”
 Tom narrowed his eyes a fraction more, his lips trembling with suppressed laughter, all but giving the game away. “Don’t you need to be off home?”
 “Aww is big bad Tommy upset that his little sister knows how much of a softy he really is?”
 “I am perfectly comfortable with my ‘softness’ as you seem determined to call it.” Tom retorted, crossing his arms in front of his chest which only made Emma laugh harder.
 Allie pulled back from her mother’s legs and looked up at both adults. “Can we stay?”
 “No, honey,” Emma started, sighing as the light started to dim in her daughter’s eyes. “Gran is coming to our house to stay with you tonight while mummy and daddy go out for a little bit. We need to get you home and ready.”
 Allie frowned slightly and looked up at Tom, her eyes pleading with him to give in.
 He smiled down at her. “I know you want to stay, darling girl. But you do have to go home with mummy. You mustn’t keep your Gran waiting. I know she’s quite excited to spend time with you. And besides all that, Uncle Tommy needs to get ready for work now.”
 The young girl’s eyes immediately lit up. “You see Princess?”
 Tom let out a soft laugh at the confusion in his sister’s eyes. “Maybe. Now come here and give me a hug.” Allie stood obediently and wrapped her arms around Tom, who had knelt before her. He kissed her cheek and stood. “Now be good for your Gran. She’s been through enough just raising your mum.”
 Emma scoffed and hit Tom on the shoulder causing him to let out an involuntary yelp that quickly morphed into helpless laughter as he rubbed his arm. She narrowed her eyes at him and, with hands on her hips, snapped. “Thomas William!”
 He only laughed harder, tears welling in his eyes. “Sorry, Em,” he coughed out between bouts of laughter. “But that only holds power when mum does it.”
 Emma merely groaned and bent to pick up her offspring. “You are ridiculous, Tom. Completely and utterly ridiculous…And mum always liked me best.”
 Tom clapped a hand to his heart, a frown quickly spreading across his face. “Fair lady, you wound me.”
 “Save the theatrics for the stage, Shakespeare.” She adjusted her hold on Allie who was watching the interplay between mother and uncle with rapt attention. Outside the loud honk of a horn echoed. “Alright, that is our ride sweetheart. Say bye bye to Uncle Tommy.”
 Reluctantly Allie did so and with the echo of another honk behind them, mother and daughter headed out into the late afternoon sun. Tom shook his head, waving as they climbed into the waiting taxi and shut the door.  
 He turned to find Bobby sitting in the doorway of the living room watching him with a cocked head. “Yes your friend had to go. You’ll see her again soon enough you ridiculous mutt.” He reached down and scratched the spaniel between the ears. He glanced at his watch, sighed, and took the steps up towards his room two at a time. He still needed to shower and change and make sure Bobby was settled before heading out. The theatre, as they always say, waits for no man.
 Tom smiled as he joined hands with Zawe, Charlie, and Eddie as they looked out over the crowd and took their final bow. His smile brightened as the cheering and applause grew in volume. He let himself bask in the response from the audience. There was honestly nothing quite like the sheer rush he got from performing in front of a crowd, seeing their responses, feeling their energy. And while he enjoyed television and film work, there was nothing quite like the response one got from the stage. It was exhilarating and Tom knew he would not tire of it any time soon.
 The night’s show, overall, had gone rather well; though Charlie had taken great pleasure in trying to make Tom crack during the restaurant scene. He nearly succeeded when a piece of melon flew off of Tom’s fork and into the front row. It had taken everything Tom had to hold his composure as Charlie’s eyes bugged nearly out of his head as the melon soared through the air. He covered with a large sip of his ‘wine’ and thankfully they made it through the scene with minimal damage. They’d both recovered well and the rest of the show had gone off, thankfully, without a hitch. He sighed, thinking how easily it all could have gone to pot; such was the way of theatre.
 He’d caught Cath’s eye as he made his way off stage and towards the stairs leading to the dressing rooms. She smiled brightly at him before turning her attention back to Lorna. The two women appeared to be caught in a rather fraught conversation and Tom caught Lorna’s gaze flicking at him several times. It was strange and he couldn’t help feeling there was something happening that he was not privy to.
 Shaking it off, Tom continued his climb and once in the dressing room headed quickly towards the curtain which housed his street clothes. Methodically, he began to process of shedding Robert and climbing back into his own skin. It was such a necessary part of his overall process, physically removing the parts of each character he embodied and taking back himself. He wouldn’t have been able to explain it had he tried and he had, several times, to family and friends who were not ‘in the business’ as it were.
 From his hidden space behind the curtain, he could hear voices echoing up the stairs. Cath and Lorna followed shortly thereafter by Charlie and Zawe. Pulling his jumper over his head, Tom pulled the curtain back and headed towards Cath’s station to remove his stage make-up. Cath was waiting, something in her eyes he couldn’t quite read. They cleared and brightened as he approached which helped to ease the knot which had formed in his gut. He didn’t let himself think on the hows and whys of it, simply allowed her to lead him into the chair and begin to wipe his face clean. Her touch was light, gentle, and he found himself leaning into her hand as it rested on the side of his face.
 “Another good night,” Cath started as she brushed a strand of hair from her face before tossing the used wipe in the trash and reaching for another. “No major mishaps from what I could see…Save the melon you generously donated to someone in the audience.”
 Tom felt his face flush. “Well it was bound to happen sooner rather than later.”
 Cath snorted, “Yes. Especially with the way you flail about.”
 “I’m surprised he hasn’t taken my eye out yet,” Charlie’s voice chimed in from across the room. “Man is an absolute menace. I’m surprised the theatre’s got enough insurance to cover him.”
 “Very funny.”
 He turned his head and saw Charlie grinning widely at him. “Well I certainly think so.”
 “Of course you do, Cox.”
 Cath’s hand tightened on his chin, forcing him to turn back around to face her. “As much as I love watching you two old hens bicker, if you’d like me to get the rest of this lot off your face in a timely manner then I need to see said face.” Tom had the decency to look contrite as he settled further into the chair and let her finish her task. “Now was that so difficult?”
 Tom rolled his eyes, smiling at her. “You have no idea.”
 “Children,” Cath retorted, pushing at his back. “The lot of you.” Laughter echoed through the room. “Alright, you are good to go. Now scram. Go meet your viewing public.” Good natured grumbles carried the three actors out of the room and down the stairs towards the stage door and the waiting line of theatre-goers.
 “Tom, you were wonderful!” Emma gushed, pulling her older brother into a tight hug as he walked into the backstage greeting room. He’d shed his coat upon re-entering the building (stage door had been its usual bustling self though the weather had taken a much colder turn since the late afternoon) and was grateful for his own forethought. The room itself was quite warm and he had no doubt he would have sweated half to death had he left it on. “You blew me away. Honestly.”
 A broad smile spread across Tom’s face as he returned his sister’s embrace. “Thank you.” He pulled back and smiled at Jack who stood a few paces back, bottle of water in hand. “I’m glad you both could come.”
 “Like we’d miss this,” Emma chuckled, nodding back at her husband. “It’s been far too long since we’ve had a grown up night out.”  
 Jack nodded in agreement. “Too true.”
 “So,” Emma started turning her attention back towards Tom, amusement clear in her eyes. “Allie would not stop talking about the ‘pretty princess in the park’ all the way home this afternoon. Who’s the pretty princess, Thomas?”
 A groan slipped past his lips and he shook his head. “The head make-up artist from the show, Cath. We ran into her after Bobby, being the wonderful and obedient creature he is, took off on us at the park. Luckily, she found and brought him back. You know Allie and her princesses. She got it in her head that Cath was a princess and Cath was thankfully wonderful about it.”
 “Oh was she?” He did not like the look in his sister’s eyes at all and shot a quick glance at his brother-in-law for support. Jack merely shrugged and left Tom to the mercy of his sister. “Is she still here? I’d love to meet the woman who’s completely captivated my daughter.”
 Tom rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. Everything in him was screaming that granting his sister’s request would only end in disaster. But before he could think of a polite way to turn her down, he caught the sound of Cath’s warm voice echoing from across the room. His eyes automatically sought her out, smiling at the way she laughed with Zawe and Lorna, her face alight as she listened to whatever story Zawe appeared to be telling.
 “Oh ho, would that be the famous Cath over there then?”
 He turned back to find his sister grinning knowingly at him with a spark in her eye that he simply did not trust. “Emma…”
 “Don’t ‘Emma’ me Thomas,” she started. “I just want to meet the woman Allie won’t stop raving about. That’s not too great a request.”
 This was not an argument he could win and Tom bloody well knew it. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try. “Em, she’s clearly busy…”
 “It will take all of five minutes,” Emma countered before hurrying off across the room. Tom cursed under his breath and chased after her. His little sister on a mission could be a terribly frightening thing.
 But it was too late, Emma had come to a stop in front of Zawe and Cath hand outstretched and smiling brightly.
 Cath shook her head, laughter spilling from her as Zawe launched into the story of the odd encounter she’d had wandering around the city earlier that day; her hands gesticulating wildly as she described the way the woman had stormed out of the shop leaving a stream of confused and angry patrons in her wake. Had it been anyone else, Cath wouldn’t have believed it. Only Zawe would manage to stumble into such an absurd situation.
 Out of the corner of her eye she watched Tom chatting with a shorter, strawberry blonde woman; his sister she guessed as he’d mentioned her coming to the show tonight. She found herself watching them interact despite her best efforts to keep her attention on Zawe.
 “Earth to Cath. Are you even listening to me?”
 Cath blinked, her eyes snapping back to the actress’ amused face. “I’m sorry, what?”
 Both Zawe and Lorna shared an amused look before breaking into a fresh wave of laughter.
 “Could you be any more obvious?” Lorna snorted. “I mean seriously.”
 “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Cath felt the color rising in her cheeks and knew there was no way she could hide it. “I’m just tired.”
 “Tired?” Zawe smirked. “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”
“It’s nothing but me being ridiculous. Can we drop it, please?”
 Lorna quirked an eyebrow. “It’s not ridiculous if it’s a mutual thing. And boy has been watching you…”
 Zawe laughed and clapped her hands. “Oh yes he has.”
 “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” Cath sighed. Both women shook their heads. “Of course not.”
 “Just because you are in denial doesn’t mean that it’s not true?” Lorna started.
 “It’s not like that, and you both know it. We are friends. He’s a great guy but it doesn’t go beyond that. It couldn’t not without being a huge mess.”
 “And why ever not?” Zawe asked incredulously.
 Beside her Lorna sighed. “I’ve tried that route. Little Miss Stubborn over here won’t budge.”
 “I’m not stubborn,” Cath retorted. “I’m just being realistic.”
 “Realistic about what?” Zawe countered. “If you were being realistic you would be able to accept that Tom…”
 A movement in the periphery of her vision caught Cath’s attention. She turned in time to find Tom’s sister moving with purpose across the room towards her, an exasperated Tom close on her heels. Cath blinked in confusion.
 “Hello, I’m Emma,” the woman started, extending her hand towards Cath. “This one here is my dork of an older brother.”
 “Cath.” She took the proffered hand and shook it firmly. “Pleasure to meet you.”
 Behind his sister Tom mouthed, “I am so sorry.”
 Cath couldn’t help the smile that spread slowly across her face. She knew all too well about overeager siblings and found herself wondering just what Emma had up her sleeve.
 “…wouldn’t stop talking about you. Clearly you’ve made quite the impression.” Emma shook her head, laughing. “Allie’s quite taken with you.”
 Everything clicked into place. With the way Allie must have talked it was no wonder the woman had seemed so eager to get to meet her. “You’re Allie’s mum! Oh bless, she is an absolute sweetheart! I quite enjoyed getting to know her. I do apologize if I got her all riled up. She was just so enthusiastic I couldn’t help playing along.”
 “It’s no problem. She’s usually a complete chatterbox after spending any sort of time with this oaf.” She reached back and thumped Tom in the chest. “It’s like they feed off one another. Can’t get a word in edgewise.”
 Tom grumbled and rubbed his chest. “I’m fairly confident she got the motor mouth from you. I just have had years of practice managing it.”
 Emma rolled her eyes and smiled at the women standing before her. “You lot must be saints putting up with him.”
 Zawe snorted a laugh. “He certainly makes the job interesting. Cath here’s the real saint. She’s the one that has to take that face and make it into something people actually want to look at.”
 “Hey,” Tom cried. “I am right here, you know. I can hear you.”
 “And we’re all thrilled you’ve not lost your hearing in your advanced age.” There was gleam in Emma’s eyes as she teased her brother, one Cath recognized all too well. She found herself heartened by the fact he was close with his family. True, he had spoken of them to her and to most of the cast and crew often enough, but seeing the bond he shared with his younger sister in person was something altogether different. It was another piece of the puzzle of him Cath was working to figure out. Another part of him that seemed to be exactly as it appeared.
 Tom let out a resigned sigh and shook his head. “To think I was thrilled to pieces about becoming a big brother. Oh to be so young and naïve…”
 Emma merely grinned, grabbing one of Tom’s hands and squeezing. “You love me and you know it, big brother. Besides what would life be like without me here to keep you on the level?”
 “Infinitely quieter.”
 “But so much less fun.”
 “So says you.”
 Emma stuck her tongue out at her brother and Tom dropped his head back, laughing heartily. Cath smiled, basking in the utter delight and amusement radiating from Tom. It was wonderful, watching him interact with someone he cared for. Seeing bits of him that he did not always keep on display; the long suffering and cheeky older brother.
 “But on a serious note,” Tom started once he’d calmed enough to speak coherently, “we should probably get going before it gets too late.”
 Cath ignored the jolt of disappointment at the idea of Tom leaving. Why should it matter? It wasn’t as if she wouldn’t see him the next day and the day after that. They had only just started the show’s run, there was still plenty of time to see and speak with him. She was being ridiculous and needed to get over this…whatever it was…and quickly. Cath smiled first at Tom and then at Emma. “Well then, I won’t take up any more of your evening.” She turned her attention towards Emma. “It was lovely meeting you, Emma. Tell Allie I say hello. See you tomorrow, Tom.”
 Turning and pointedly ignoring Zawe and Lorna’s quiet protest, Cath headed towards the greeting room door, intent on heading upstairs to grab her bag and coat. The dressing room had already been set to rights and most of the stage crew had left for the night; it was about time she headed home.
 “Wait,” Emma called.
 Cath paused, turning back to find the woman walking towards her smiling with her hand held out.
 “If you are heading out, why don’t you come with us?” Cath watched eyes Tom’s eyes widened then quickly narrowed at his sister’s words. The annoyance and frustration rolled off him in waves. Emma ignored the terse way her brother called her name, continuing on with her invitation. “We’re heading out for drinks and I’d love to pick your brain a bit more.” She paused, flicking her eyes towards Zawe and Lorna, before smiling. “All three of you. So what do you say?”
Next Chapter
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Half Blood, Whole Heart: Part 29
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Pairings: Jax x Reader, sister Winchester!reader- SOA/SPN Crossover
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Dean being a demon dick
Word Count: 2,504
A/N: So I decided to repost my novel- the story that someone stole from my old blog and put up on Wattpad. PLEASE don’t be an asshole and steal my stories. It CRUSHED me when it happened and almost ran me off Tumblr.
Half Blood, Whole Heart Masterlist    Aesthetic by @ravenangel33​
~~~~~ LATE APRIL 2011 ~~~~~~~ 
“Lyla, this mirror is heavy!” You growled to your pregnant best friend as you carried the mirror into the bedroom of her new house. 
“Just put it down then!” She giggled. “I told you Ope could get it.” You leaned the mirror against the wall and ‘phew’ed with a small shake of your head as your son ran in with a single pillow for the bedroom.
“Yea, I know you did but I did it anyways.” You said as you caught your son by the middle and slung him over your shoulder. “You being a good little helper for Aunt Lyla?” You asked your giggling almost three year old as you headed back outside; dodging Jax and Opie as they carried more boxes in. He hummed in agreement as you put him down next to Ope’s truck to get more stuff to carry in.
The weekend you spent away looking for Dean gave your best friends plenty of alone time which thankfully led to a bun in the oven for the Winston’s. They were even more lucky to find a house that was for sale that backed your property. With a little bit of yard work, and cutting down a few trees, it was possible to make a direct path from back door to back door. Their house a was simple one story, three bed, two bath in wonderful condition and you had to admit, you were a little jealous of the quaintness. 
You handed your son another pillow to carry in and jumped up into the truck bed to grab some more bags. Just as you picked up a particularly heavy suitcase that you could only assume was full of bricks, you heard your phone ringing in your diaper bag on the porch.
“Shit, can someone grab that?!” You said as you heaved the bag to the end of the truck. Thomas, who loved talking on the phone, dropped the pillow he was holding and went running. You walked back up the bed of the truck and grabbed a different suitcase that was thankfully much lighter as Thomas came back with your phone.
“Mama, Unca Sam!” You son called out directly into the phone. You sighed as you leaned over the side to take the phone.
“Thank you baby. Can you take that pillow you just got all dirty in to Aunt Lyla and tell daddy to come get this bag, please?” You asked him. He nodded as he grabbed the pillow and ran as fast as his little legs would carry him.
“Daddy! Mommy says grab da bag!” He called out as he ran through the front door.
“Thanks son because I totally couldn’t yell out to him myself.” You said as you put the phone to your ear. “Sorry, Sammy. What’s up?”
“He gets cuter every time I talk to him.” Sam said with a laugh. You could hear the sound of the Impala’s engine in the background and your brow furrowed slightly.
“Yea, he does. Where are you?” Sam stayed quiet for a moment and you took a deep breath, expecting the worse.
“I found De. I’m going to get him.”
“Where is he?” You asked as you ran off the end of the truck and jumped to the ground.
“He’s in North Dakota. I’m almost there but I can’t come get you on the way back if you’re gunna have the kids.” You looked up at Jax and Ope in a panic as they came out of the house.
“Umm… fuck!” You moved the phone away from your mouth as your hands started to shake with nervous energy. “We found De. He’s in North Dakota. Sam’s almost there.”
“Shit.” Jax said as he stopped next to you and ran his hands through his sweat drenched hair. “This is gunna take us the rest of today, so I can’t go with you.”
“I know. If I take Thomas with me, can you keep an eye on John?”
“Can you take John, too?” You shrugged.
“Yea but I’m gunna be neck deep in demon cure… Thomas is easy to distract…”
“Yea… fuck.” 
“We’ll watch help him…” Lyla said softly from the door way. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” You shook your head and looked at the car seat that was sitting on the front porch where everyone could see John sleeping peacefully as they worked.
“No. I can’t ask that of you, Ly. You’re gunna be busy helping the guys put everything in the right place. I’ll take them both and just figure it out.” With a sigh, you pulled the phone back to your mouth. “Sammy, me and the boys will meet you at the bunker. I gotta head home and pack so I’ll let you know when I’m on my way.”
“Wait, you’re bringing both kids?” Sam asked as you headed up the porch to gather your son and the diaper bag.
“Yep. Bobby is out of town and Jax is gunna be helping Ope and Lyla move into their new house so it’s mommy day.” Your brother sighed.
“Alright. I’m pulling in to the bar he’s at so I’ll text you when I am heading back.”
“Yea, alright. See you soon.” You hung up the phone and called into the house for Thomas as you dropped your phone in your bag.
“You sure about this?” Jax asked as he came up the porch and took the car seat from you.
“Jax, it’s Dean. We both knew I was gunna go when they found him. So, I have to take the boys… I’ll just barricade them in our room until we finish.”
“Yea, well I don’t like it.” He said as he bent down and picked up his oldest with one arm and put him on his hip.
“Trust me, neither do I but I can’t leave them here with Lyla when she is trying to get her house settled while she’s pregnant. Tommy is a handful for us on a good day.”
“HEY!” Your son shouted as you opened the back door to your car that thankfully had already been emptied of kitchen items you and Lyla had bought earlier that day. “I’m a good boy!” You laughed as Jax set him down on the floor board with a laugh.
“Yea, you are son. Are you gunna be a good boy for mommy and Uncle Sam?” Your son nodded as you took the car seat from Jax and walked around to the other side of the car. “Are you gunna listen to every single thing mommy tells you to do no matter what?”
“Yeesss!” You son said with an air of annoyance as Jax buckled him in.
“Be nice, smart aleck.” You said as you reached across the car seat and bopped your son on the nose. 
“Wonder where he gets that from?” Jax said as he looked up at you. You bopped him in the same way and he smiled and gently bit your finger, pulling away with a small kiss.
“Daddy.” You said as you blew him a kiss before you checked that the car seat was buckled in correctly. Jax chuckled and mmhmm’ed as he kissed his son good-bye and closed the door. With a heavy sigh, you stepped back so Jax could give John a kiss good bye. 
“Please be careful.” He said as he pulled you in for a hug. “I already have a knot in my stomach…”
“I know.” You said as you held your husband close. “Trust me, so do I.” He sighed as he rubbed his hands on your back.
“Come home to me.” He said softly as he kissed the top of your head. “And take care of my boys.” You nodded and looked up at him with a smile.
“I promise you I will. When you’re finished here, take the tarp off the bike and join us at the bunker.”
“Yea… sounds like a plan.” You gave him a kiss, holding him close to your heart. He pulled back slightly and rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you.” He said softly as he ran his hands up your spine and held your shoulders.
“Not as much as I love you.” You whispered back. With a quick kiss on your nose, he pulled away completely and dipped into the car to kiss his sleeping son’s forehead. 
“Be good for mommy, son.” He said to Thomas, who had grabbed one of his books from the car seat organizer you had on the back of the passenger seat for him. You son nodded, distracted by the pictures in front of him and Jax chuckled. “Don’t forget to jump on the bed and eat cookies for dinner.” At the mention of his favorite treat, your son looked up slightly confused.
“Can I has a cookie pwease?” You rolled your eyes and sighed as you lightly pushed your husband’s shoulder.
“Yea, baby. I’ll get you one when we get home to pack. We’re going to see Uncle Sam.” He nodded slowly.
“Do you tink Uncle Sam needs a cookie too?” He asked. You smiled at your thoughtful child and your heart absolutely melted.
“Yea baby boy. We can bring Uncle Sam a cookie too.” Your son nodded and went back to his book and you smirked at your husband. “He get’s that from me.”
“Yea, right.” Jax laughed as you stepped away from the door to close it and he handed you the car keys.
“I’ll text you when I get there.” With a quick nod and a chaste kiss, he opened the driver side door for you.
“I know Dean is your brother and all but make sure you put the boys first.” You nodded as you got into the car with a smile.
“You know I would put my life on the line for our babies. Don’t you worry about that.”
“Alright. I gotta get back to this. Furniture truck should be here any minute.”
“Be safe, have fun. I’ll see you tonight?” He nodded as he gave you one final kiss. With a pat on the door, he waved good bye to you and the boys as you pulled out of the driveway and headed home to quickly pack before saving your brother.
“Stay in this room no matter what you hear, baby. Uncle Dean is really, really sick and you gotta keep John safe for me, OK?” You said loudly over Dean’s shouted profanities that echoed through the bunker from the garage. Your son nodded with tears in his eyes as you hit play on the movie and turned the volume up loud.
“Is Unca Sam sick?” He asked as he pulled John toward him on the bed.
“No baby. Uncle Sam is gunna help mommy make Uncle Dean better. But you have to stay here for me, OK?” He nodded as you stepped back out of the room. You pulled the door closed behind you and ran to the garage to help Sam get Dean inside.
“Oh look, if it isn’t the little family wrecking whore.” Dean said as you stepped into the garage. You forced yourself to ignore the demon as Sam grabbed Dean and pulled him out of the back seat of the car.
“Grab his legs.” Sam said as he pulled Dean to the edge of the seat. You brother trashed in his bindings and let out an inhuman roar as you grabbed the chains around his ankles and pulled them into your hip. On the count of three, you and Sam lifted Dean out of the car as he roared and swore his way out of hell.
“You will never make this work! I don’t want this!” Dean shouted as you carried him through the bunker to the dungeon. 
“We need to gag him.” You said to Sam as you past the room your sons were in.
“I will. Did you get the blood ready?” Sam asked as you used your foot to open the dungeon door while Dean kicked your side repeatedly. 
“Yea, you’re set up for half and I have the other half waiting in the cooler.” You paused so Sam could walk around to get Dean in the chair. Once he was in the chair, you and your brother quickly chained him down to the chair; forcing yourselves to ignore the cruel words that poured out of your brother’s mouth. As Dean strained against the chains, you and Sam stepped back with a sigh.
“Alright, let’s get this started.” 
“Really? Sam, I know you think you’re gonna try and fix me, but… did it ever occur to you that maybe I don’t want to be fixed? Just let me go live my life. I won’t bother you; won’t bother (Y/N). What do you care?”
“What do I care? Really?” Sam asked as he splashed holy water on the floor. He began his latin chant to start the cure.
“You think I’m just gonna sit here like Crowley? Getting all weepy while you shoot me up? Well, screw that. I don’t want this!”
“Yeah, we pretty much figured that out, De” You said as your older brother glared at you with pure hatred.
“You two don’t even know if this is gonna work, do you? You know, I got a hell of a lot more running through me than just demon juice.” You watched Sam fight to stay neutral as he grabbed the first syringe off the table.
“Mark of Cain, got it.” He walked over and waved the blood filled syringe in front of his brother’s face. “Buckle up.”
“Sammy, c’mon… You know I hate shots.” He said as his eyes focused on the needle as Sam uncapped it.
“We hate demons.” You said as you threw holy water in your older brothers face. He screamed as his face began to sizzle and Sam took his distraction to plunge the needle into his arm. Tears filled your eyes as you watched your brother eyes turn jet black and you took a step back. You wanted desperately to get away from the situation but you forced yourself to stay strong as Sam pumped the blood into Dean.
“Look, we got a whole bunch more of these to go. You could make it a lot easier on yourself.” He said as he tossed the finished syringe on the table and gently took ahold of your arm. You let him turn you and guide you out the door as Dean grunted and groaned behind you. As Sam closed the door, you let your tears fall.
“Are we sure this is gunna work?” You asked as Sam pulled you in for a hug. He sighed as you buried your face in his chest.
“I don’t know but I’m staying positive.” You nodded as you pulled back and wiped away your tears. 
“I have to go check on my babies. Come get me for round two.” Sam nodded as you turned away from him and headed down the hallway.
Part 30
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Get Better - Chapter Ten
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Title: Get Better
Chapter: 10/18
Character: Tom Hiddleston/Cath Richardson (OFC)
Genre: Romance
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Love. Companionship. Family. These are all of the things Tom Hiddleston desperately wanted. But his life and his choices left that a distant and unlikely prospect. So he did his best to move on and live his life as is. When an opportunity to return to the theater arises, he jumps at the chance and along the way finds that maybe, just maybe, those distant and unlikely prospects are closer than he could have imagined. Sequel to Brave Face.
Authors Notes/Warnings: So as I was writing Brave Face I knew that Tom’s story wasn’t over, even if that particular part of it was. And while I knew, more or less, what the overall ending to the story would be, its taken me a while to figure out the time in between. Thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff for letting me continually throw ideas off and at you. I still can’t fathom why you put up with it, but I am eternally grateful you do.
Allie clung to her uncle’s hand, babbling excitedly, as they made their way through the park and back towards the house. Laughing, Tom did his best to follow the girl’s rambling but found it to be of little effect; not that he really needed to do anything save smile and nod along. But still, he tried. Bobby tugged at his lead as they passed the busy park gate, forcing Tom to keep a tighter grip lest the furry beast make another escape attempt.
“Not on your life, dog,” he rebuked sharply. Bobby let out a soft yip of protest but quickly fell into line.
“Bobby bad!” Allie shouted, giggling and pointing at the spaniel who let out a small whimper.
Tom chuckled and shook his head. Out of the mouths of babes.
More than a few people had stopped at watched the party as they passed. Allie noticed and waved happily at them. A few waved back and whispered amongst themselves when Tom turned and caught their gaze. It was strange still, the attention. Even after years of it, Tom still found himself a little taken aback.
It didn’t bother him over much, as long as people were respectful (and usually they were). But the impact it had on those around him…Allie was young enough to think that her Uncle Tommy just had lots of friends. And had responded accordingly, with smiles and waves of her own. His eldest niece, Cora though…She had been there when things had been at their most chaotic (and there were sadly multiple pictures to prove it) and he’d known Sarah hadn’t been thrilled about any of what had happened. It was one thing to drag himself through the mess, she’d told him disapproval etched clearly across her features, and quite another to involve others who had little to no say in the matter. And she’d been right. He hadn’t been thinking in those few chaotic months. He’d just thrown himself in headfirst and hadn’t bothered to consider the consequences until far, far too late.
Tom clung tighter to the young girl’s hand and quickened his pace. He kept his attention on the path ahead of them. If Allie had noticed the change in her uncle’s behavior, she made no comment on it, simply skipping along beside him, hand still tightly clasped in his. It took another five minutes before they were safely through the gate and Tom was unlocking the front door. He pushed it open and ushered both spaniel and niece inside. Bobby barked and hopped around excitedly (much to Allie’s delight) as Tom freed him from the leash and harness and took off like a shot down the hallway. Allie squealed (a frightening amount of noise from someone so small, Tom noted with a wince) and took off after the spaniel shouting “Bobby! Bobby!” at the top of her voice, her coat laying in a pile on the floor behind her.
Tom shook his head and shrugged out of his jacket, hanging it, Allie’s small coat (which he’d grabbed and shaken out), and the harness on the hall tree. He padded towards the living room, finding Bobby curled up on his bed and Allie lying beside him, head on his stomach. He quickly pulled out his mobile and snapped a photo, texting it without comment to Emma. The answering series of heart-eyed emoticons he received in reply made Tom chuckle aloud.
Allie sat up, looking at her uncle quizzically. “What funny?”
“Your mum. She thinks the picture I sent her of you and Bobby is adorable and has told me so quite enthusiastically.”
“Picture?” Allie’s eyes lit up. “Show me! Show me! Show me!” She leapt up off the floor and charged at Tom, arms outstretched and reaching towards the mobile in his hand. Tom laughed and knelt on the ground besides her turning the mobile so she could see the message between himself and mother, and scrolled quickly up to the picture he’d sent. Allie giggled in delight. “Allie pretty!”
Tom nodded, kissing her on the top of her head. “Yes, my darling Allie is very pretty indeed. And smart and funny. And my favorite youngest niece ever.”
She beamed at him and wrapped him in a tight, enthusiastic hug. “Bestest Uncle Tommy ever!” She boldly declared and Tom’s answering smile made her giggle all the more.
With a grin of his own, Tom scooped Allie up into his arm, delighting in her squeals, and dropped her bodily onto the couch. Ignoring her cries of protest, Tom initiated a tickle attack and both were soon laughing and shouting at the top of their lungs. Bobby, thoroughly bewildered by his owner’s departure from sanity seemed to decide that if you can’t beat them, join them and threw himself bodily into the fray; barking and licking both Tom and Allie with unbridled excitement.
The scene lasted until Tom, out of breath and clearly knowing when he was beat, called for a cease fire. Allie pouted but was quickly won back over with the promise of watching her favorite program on TV. With Allie firmly enraptured on the couch, Tom climbed to his feet and wrangled the bright-eyed spaniel back onto his bed. He ducked into the kitchen grabbing himself a bottle of water and Allie a glass of juice which she greedily drank down.
At three o’clock on the dot the familiar buzz of his front gate echoed from the main hall. Tom pushed himself up from the couch and padded towards the control panel. Emma’s smiling face greeted him from the gate’s camera feed. “Ah, you’ve finally returned I see.” Tom joked, hitting the button that opened the gate.
Emma shook her head and laughed. “Yes, Sir Whine-A-Lot, I’ve come to claim my daughter from your unsavory clutches. Be up in a moment.”
The doorbell sounded shortly thereafter and Emma stood beaming up at her older brother. “So I see you’re still in one piece.”
“I am capable of minding children, Em. I didn’t even break her this time.” He wriggled his eyebrows and laughed heartily at his sister’s answering glare.
“Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!” Allie sprinted around the corner and threw herself at her mother’s feet, clinging tightly to her. “Missed you!”
Emma laughed, bending down to give her daughter a quick once over and kiss her on the head. “She seems to be in full working order. Thank you for not maiming my baby this time brother dear.”
Tom groaned good-naturedly. “How many times do I have to tell you that was freak accident? And she was fine…”
“You however,” Emma chimed in, chuckling, “Were an absolute mess. God, I wish I had recorded it. I would have made a mint selling it online.”
Tom narrowed his eyes. “And Luke would have murdered you…Right after I was done with you.”
Emma scoffed. “Neither of you scare me, Tom. You forget I’ve known you all my life.”
Tom narrowed his eyes a fraction more, his lips trembling with suppressed laughter, all but giving the game away. “Don’t you need to be off home?”
“Aww is big bad Tommy upset that his little sister knows how much of a softy he really is?”
“I am perfectly comfortable with my ‘softness’ as you seem determined to call it.” Tom retorted, crossing his arms in front of his chest which only made Emma laugh harder.
Allie pulled back from her mother’s legs and looked up at both adults. “Can we stay?”
“No, honey,” Emma started, sighing as the light started to dim in her daughter’s eyes. “Gran is coming to our house to stay with you tonight while mummy and daddy go out for a little bit. We need to get you home and ready.”
Allie frowned slightly and looked up at Tom, her eyes pleading with him to give in.
He smiled down at her. “I know you want to stay, darling girl. But you do have to go home with mummy. You mustn’t keep your Gran waiting. I know she’s quite excited to spend time with you. And besides all that, Uncle Tommy needs to get ready for work now.”
The young girl’s eyes immediately lit up. “You see Princess?”
Tom let out a soft laugh at the confusion in his sister’s eyes. “Maybe. Now come here and give me a hug.” Allie stood obediently and wrapped her arms around Tom, who had knelt before her. He kissed her cheek and stood. “Now be good for your Gran. She’s been through enough just raising your mum.”
Emma scoffed and hit Tom on the shoulder causing him to let out an involuntary yelp that quickly morphed into helpless laughter as he rubbed his arm. She narrowed her eyes at him and, with hands on her hips, snapped. “Thomas William!”
He only laughed harder, tears welling in his eyes. “Sorry, Em,” he coughed out between bouts of laughter. “But that only holds power when mum does it.”
Emma merely groaned and bent to pick up her offspring. “You are ridiculous, Tom. Completely and utterly ridiculous…And mum always liked me best.”
Tom clapped a hand to his heart, a frown quickly spreading across his face. “Fair lady, you wound me.”
“Save the theatrics for the stage, Shakespeare.” She adjusted her hold on Allie who was watching the interplay between mother and uncle with rapt attention. Outside the loud honk of a horn echoed. “Alright, that is our ride sweetheart. Say bye bye to Uncle Tommy.”
Reluctantly Allie did so and with the echo of another honk behind them, mother and daughter headed out into the late afternoon sun. Tom shook his head, waving as they climbed into the waiting taxi and shut the door.  
He turned to find Bobby sitting in the doorway of the living room watching him with a cocked head. “Yes your friend had to go. You’ll see her again soon enough you ridiculous mutt.” He reached down and scratched the spaniel between the ears. He glanced at his watch, sighed, and took the steps up towards his room two at a time. He still needed to shower and change and make sure Bobby was settled before heading out. The theatre, as they always say, waits for no man.
Tom smiled as he joined hands with Zawe, Charlie, and Eddie as they looked out over the crowd and took their final bow. His smile brightened as the cheering and applause grew in volume. He let himself bask in the response from the audience. There was honestly nothing quite like the sheer rush he got from performing in front of a crowd, seeing their responses, feeling their energy. And while he enjoyed television and film work, there was nothing quite like the response one got from the stage. It was exhilarating and Tom knew he would not tire of it any time soon.
The night’s show, overall, had gone rather well; though Charlie had taken great pleasure in trying to make Tom crack during the restaurant scene. He nearly succeeded when a piece of melon flew off of Tom’s fork and into the front row. It had taken everything Tom had to hold his composure as Charlie’s eyes bugged nearly out of his head as the melon soared through the air. He covered with a large sip of his ‘wine’ and thankfully they made it through the scene with minimal damage. They’d both recovered well and the rest of the show had gone off, thankfully, without a hitch. He sighed, thinking how easily it all could have gone to pot; such was the way of theatre.
He’d caught Cath’s eye as he made his way off stage and towards the stairs leading to the dressing rooms. She smiled brightly at him before turning her attention back to Lorna. The two women appeared to be caught in a rather fraught conversation and Tom caught Lorna’s gaze flicking at him several times. It was strange and he couldn’t help feeling there was something happening that he was not privy to.
Shaking it off, Tom continued his climb and once in the dressing room headed quickly towards the curtain which housed his street clothes. Methodically, he began to process of shedding Robert and climbing back into his own skin. It was such a necessary part of his overall process, physically removing the parts of each character he embodied and taking back himself. He wouldn’t have been able to explain it had he tried and he had, several times, to family and friends who were not ‘in the business’ as it were.
From his hidden space behind the curtain, he could hear voices echoing up the stairs. Cath and Lorna followed shortly thereafter by Charlie and Zawe. Pulling his jumper over his head, Tom pulled the curtain back and headed towards Cath’s station to remove his stage make-up. Cath was waiting, something in her eyes he couldn’t quite read. They cleared and brightened as he approached which helped to ease the knot which had formed in his gut. He didn’t let himself think on the hows and whys of it, simply allowed her to lead him into the chair and begin to wipe his face clean. Her touch was light, gentle, and he found himself leaning into her hand as it rested on the side of his face.
“Another good night,” Cath started as she brushed a strand of hair from her face before tossing the used wipe in the trash and reaching for another. “No major mishaps from what I could see…Save the melon you generously donated to someone in the audience.”
Tom felt his face flush. “Well it was bound to happen sooner rather than later.”
Cath snorted, “Yes. Especially with the way you flail about.”
“I’m surprised he hasn’t taken my eye out yet,” Charlie’s voice chimed in from across the room. “Man is an absolute menace. I’m surprised the theatre’s got enough insurance to cover him.”
“Very funny.”
He turned his head and saw Charlie grinning widely at him. “Well I certainly think so.”
“Of course you do, Cox.”
Cath’s hand tightened on his chin, forcing him to turn back around to face her. “As much as I love watching you two old hens bicker, if you’d like me to get the rest of this lot off your face in a timely manner then I need to see said face.” Tom had the decency to look contrite as he settled further into the chair and let her finish her task. “Now was that so difficult?”
Tom rolled his eyes, smiling at her. “You have no idea.”
“Children,” Cath retorted, pushing at his back. “The lot of you.” Laughter echoed through the room. “Alright, you are good to go. Now scram. Go meet your viewing public.” Good natured grumbles carried the three actors out of the room and down the stairs towards the stage door and the waiting line of theatre-goers.
“Tom, you were wonderful!” Emma gushed, pulling her older brother into a tight hug as he walked into the backstage greeting room. He’d shed his coat upon re-entering the building (stage door had been its usual bustling self though the weather had taken a much colder turn since the late afternoon) and was grateful for his own forethought. The room itself was quite warm and he had no doubt he would have sweated half to death had he left it on. “You blew me away. Honestly.”
A broad smile spread across Tom’s face as he returned his sister’s embrace. “Thank you.” He pulled back and smiled at Jack who stood a few paces back, bottle of water in hand. “I’m glad you both could come.”
“Like we’d miss this,” Emma chuckled, nodding back at her husband. “It’s been far too long since we’ve had a grown up night out.”  
Jack nodded in agreement. “Too true.”
“So,” Emma started turning her attention back towards Tom, amusement clear in her eyes. “Allie would not stop talking about the ‘pretty princess in the park’ all the way home this afternoon. Who’s the pretty princess, Thomas?”
A groan slipped past his lips and he shook his head. “The head make-up artist from the show, Cath. We ran into her after Bobby, being the wonderful and obedient creature he is, took off on us at the park. Luckily, she found and brought him back. You know Allie and her princesses. She got it in her head that Cath was a princess and Cath was thankfully wonderful about it.”
“Oh was she?” He did not like the look in his sister’s eyes at all and shot a quick glance at his brother-in-law for support. Jack merely shrugged and left Tom to the mercy of his sister. “Is she still here? I’d love to meet the woman who’s completely captivated my daughter.”
Tom rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. Everything in him was screaming that granting his sister’s request would only end in disaster. But before he could think of a polite way to turn her down, he caught the sound of Cath’s warm voice echoing from across the room. His eyes automatically sought her out, smiling at the way she laughed with Zawe and Lorna, her face alight as she listened to whatever story Zawe appeared to be telling.
“Oh ho, would that be the famous Cath over there then?”
He turned back to find his sister grinning knowingly at him with a spark in her eye that he simply did not trust. “Emma…”
“Don’t ‘Emma’ me Thomas,” she started. “I just want to meet the woman Allie won’t stop raving about. That’s not too great a request.”
This was not an argument he could win and Tom bloody well knew it. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try. “Em, she’s clearly busy…”
“It will take all of five minutes,” Emma countered before hurrying off across the room. Tom cursed under his breath and chased after her. His little sister on a mission could be a terribly frightening thing.
But it was too late, Emma had come to a stop in front of Zawe and Cath hand outstretched and smiling brightly.
Cath shook her head, laughter spilling from her as Zawe launched into the story of the odd encounter she’d had wandering around the city earlier that day; her hands gesticulating wildly as she described the way the woman had stormed out of the shop leaving a stream of confused and angry patrons in her wake. Had it been anyone else, Cath wouldn’t have believed it. Only Zawe would manage to stumble into such an absurd situation.
Out of the corner of her eye she watched Tom chatting with a shorter, strawberry blonde woman; his sister she guessed as he’d mentioned her coming to the show tonight. She found herself watching them interact despite her best efforts to keep her attention on Zawe.
“Earth to Cath. Are you even listening to me?”
Cath blinked, her eyes snapping back to the actress’ amused face. “I’m sorry, what?”
Both Zawe and Lorna shared an amused look before breaking into a fresh wave of laughter.
“Could you be any more obvious?” Lorna snorted. “I mean seriously.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Cath felt the color rising in her cheeks and knew there was no way she could hide it. “I’m just tired.”
“Tired?” Zawe smirked. “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”
“It’s nothing but me being ridiculous. Can we drop it, please?”
Lorna quirked an eyebrow. “It’s not ridiculous if it’s a mutual thing. And boy has been watching you…”
Zawe laughed and clapped her hands. “Oh yes he has.”
“You’re not going to let this go, are you?” Cath sighed. Both women shook their heads. “Of course not.”
“Just because you are in denial doesn’t mean that it’s not true?” Lorna started.
“It’s not like that, and you both know it. We are friends. He’s a great guy but it doesn’t go beyond that. It couldn’t not without being a huge mess.”
“And why ever not?” Zawe asked incredulously.
Beside her Lorna sighed. “I’ve tried that route. Little Miss Stubborn over here won’t budge.”
“I’m not stubborn,” Cath retorted. “I’m just being realistic.”
“Realistic about what?” Zawe countered. “If you were being realistic you would be able to accept that Tom…”
A movement in the periphery of her vision caught Cath’s attention. She turned in time to find Tom’s sister moving with purpose across the room towards her, an exasperated Tom close on her heels. Cath blinked in confusion.
“Hello, I’m Emma,” the woman started, extending her hand towards Cath. “This one here is my dork of an older brother.”
“Cath.” She took the proffered hand and shook it firmly. “Pleasure to meet you.”
Behind his sister Tom mouthed, “I am so sorry.”
Cath couldn’t help the smile that spread slowly across her face. She knew all too well about overeager siblings and found herself wondering just what Emma had up her sleeve.
“…wouldn’t stop talking about you. Clearly you’ve made quite the impression.” Emma shook her head, laughing. “Allie’s quite taken with you.”
Everything clicked into place. With the way Allie must have talked it was no wonder the woman had seemed so eager to get to meet her. “You’re Allie’s mum! Oh bless, she is an absolute sweetheart! I quite enjoyed getting to know her. I do apologize if I got her all riled up. She was just so enthusiastic I couldn’t help playing along.”
“It’s no problem. She’s usually a complete chatterbox after spending any sort of time with this oaf.” She reached back and thumped Tom in the chest. “It’s like they feed off one another. Can’t get a word in edgewise.”
Tom grumbled and rubbed his chest. “I’m fairly confident she got the motor mouth from you. I just have had years of practice managing it.”
Emma rolled her eyes and smiled at the women standing before her. “You lot must be saints putting up with him.”
Zawe snorted a laugh. “He certainly makes the job interesting. Cath here’s the real saint. She’s the one that has to take that face and make it into something people actually want to look at.”
“Hey,” Tom cried. “I am right here, you know. I can hear you.”
“And we’re all thrilled you’ve not lost your hearing in your advanced age.” There was gleam in Emma’s eyes as she teased her brother, one Cath recognized all too well. She found herself heartened by the fact he was close with his family. True, he had spoken of them to her and to most of the cast and crew often enough, but seeing the bond he shared with his younger sister in person was something altogether different. It was another piece of the puzzle of him Cath was working to figure out. Another part of him that seemed to be exactly as it appeared.
Tom let out a resigned sigh and shook his head. “To think I was thrilled to pieces about becoming a big brother. Oh to be so young and naïve…”
Emma merely grinned, grabbing one of Tom’s hands and squeezing. “You love me and you know it, big brother. Besides what would life be like without me here to keep you on the level?”
“Infinitely quieter.”
“But so much less fun.”
“So says you.”
Emma stuck her tongue out at her brother and Tom dropped his head back, laughing heartily. Cath smiled, basking in the utter delight and amusement radiating from Tom. It was wonderful, watching him interact with someone he cared for. Seeing bits of him that he did not always keep on display; the long suffering and cheeky older brother.
“But on a serious note,” Tom started once he’d calmed enough to speak coherently, “we should probably get going before it gets too late.”
Cath ignored the jolt of disappointment at the idea of Tom leaving. Why should it matter? It wasn’t as if she wouldn’t see him the next day and the day after that. They had only just started the show’s run, there was still plenty of time to see and speak with him. She was being ridiculous and needed to get over this…whatever it was…and quickly. Cath smiled first at Tom and then at Emma. “Well then, I won’t take up any more of your evening.” She turned her attention towards Emma. “It was lovely meeting you, Emma. Tell Allie I say hello. See you tomorrow, Tom.”
Turning and pointedly ignoring Zawe and Lorna’s quiet protest, Cath headed towards the greeting room door, intent on heading upstairs to grab her bag and coat. The dressing room had already been set to rights and most of the stage crew had left for the night; it was about time she headed home.
“Wait,” Emma called.
Cath paused, turning back to find the woman walking towards her smiling with her hand held out.
“If you are heading out, why don’t you come with us?” Cath watched eyes Tom’s eyes widened then quickly narrowed at his sister’s words. The annoyance and frustration rolled off him in waves. Emma ignored the terse way her brother called her name, continuing on with her invitation. “We’re heading out for drinks and I’d love to pick your brain a bit more.” She paused, flicking her eyes towards Zawe and Lorna, before smiling. “All three of you. So what do you say?”
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