#and *sometimes* (HARD sometimes) i have phantom horns
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bimbopawz · 2 years ago
hi, i'm not sure at this point if i wanna focus on what my form is like 100% in headspace or if i just Vibe with whatever the last version of it was-
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riacte · 3 months ago
I know you made a post a while back on how to write Rendog, do you by any chance have tips for False or any posts on how to write her? The docs I have found on False are very limited XP
Thanks for the ask!
I personally find False tricky to characterise because her reactions can be finnicky and unpredictable, but that's why I like her.
False loves animals. Her bases are full of them and she gives them silly names like Noddy (she's bad with names)
False has mentioned her favourite animals are foxes and she didn't really understand the bird association until chat pointed out it was because she built an eagle for like two times
False knows she has an intimidating reputation but she doesn't fully vibe with it because she thinks she's rusty and out of practice.
False is community oriented and quietly connects different areas done by hermits (what she did at the end of S6, especially prominent with the districts, also what she's doing with the rivers this season). She keeps the group together and keeps infrastructure running (she contributed to the HC7 Nether hub) without making a big deal out of it
Based off the above, False has a flexible style and can work with a variety of aesthetics/styles while keeping them coherent with the overall landscape, clean, and on a realistic scale (realistic for Minecraft builds anyway). She has a keen eye and can easily pick up the finer details of someone's build/vision.
False's kindness really shines through her actions. She may be snarky and sarcastic a lot of the time, so you may not hear her say she cares for someone or openly show verbal affection but you know she does because she does favours for them/spends time with them/remembers specific details about them. Which ironically ties to the following:
False has bad memory and Does Not Remember a lot of "significant" things (she forgot her MCC10 Orange team once)
Some phrases to pepper in [insert British accent]: "Oh my goodness" "Blimey" "What the heck man?" "Flippin'" and her catchphrase of sorts for this season in the form of a horn— "Oh my God HI"
False sometimes introduces her male collaborators with a mister prefix to the audience presumably for fun and whimsy, I don't know if she does this for the female collaborators
False is VERY skittish and scared while being competent at facing whatever she's scared of. She's constantly confused. Think Xisuma and Mumbo's type of British confusion. She's paranoid.
False is mischievous and quick witted. She can come up with pranks on the fly and execute them swiftly. (For example, the invisible hat/briefcase prank on Gem) She loves punching/shooting/killing people and throwing them into one block holes.
Honestly, False is just random at times. Why does she have two phantoms in boats on her base? Dunno. Why does she sleep in that awfully cramped staircase bed? Dunno but it doesn't seem like she's changing it. Why is it called Big Business? It just is. It's for fun and whimsy (until she gets scared and starts crying and running away).
False has a tendency to randomly sneak up on someone and randomly escape. She's hard to catch. She's an enigma.
False tends to stay quiet during big group events and is also the type to get talked over
It takes time for her to warm up to new people so she'll be pretty quiet around them, however she will speak up for business/practical purposes (eg. her comms when she plays competitively).
I think this already gets talked a lot but False has great spatial awareness + reflexes and does a lot of the wrangling when it comes to team games
I don't think this can make it into a fanfic but she LOVES using emojis 😄🤨😒 I think for her HC7, most of her episode titles have an emoji
This is more of a personal interpretation but False seems like she would be scared/wary/paranoid of things most people don't care about but then when something actually freaky shows up she's like "yeah sure whatever".
False disrupts the flow when she's expected to go with it and goes with the flow when she's expected to disrupt it.
Surface level: quiet, skittish, alarmed, confused, nervous, wary, awkward, snarky, sarcastic
Under the surface level: cautious, considerate, kind, patient, loyal, humble
I really want to emphasize that she teases/kills/roasts her friends because that's how she shows affection. The more I watch her, the more it hits me how kind and patient she is but I guess that doesn't fit into the slay girlboss trope. And if she does show affection, it's in a subtle way, like quietly correcting someone's self deprecating joke or giving "gifts" to them in the form of pranks.
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talon-dragonbeast · 4 months ago
*comes out of questioning hell covered in blood with a thousand yard stare* so uh. i think i am a unicorn.
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^ specifically this thing (a medieval type unicorn)
i still dont know whether its a kintype or a copinglink, but ive realized i dont really need to figure it out now. its here, it makes me happy, and thats all that matters. tbh im still kinda upset that i have another 'type, but after thinking about it for a bit it makes sense. three has always been my lucky number, after all.
so! lets get into specifics. i havent drawn my form just yet (mainly because i cant draw unguligrades without heavy referencing to save my life lmao), but after a lot of thinking ive found that i can take two primary shapes: full unicorn, and satyr/faun. both are part of the same kintype: i dont know if its because im a shapeshifter creature, or because its my unicorn brain trying to adapt itself to a human shape.
[oh, and by the way, this 'type is completely psychological, the same as all my 'types. nothing new here]
i dont know much about my appearance. im a medieval unicorn, of course, with a deers body, long lions tail and goats cloven hooves. my legs are long and thin, and my head is shaped like a horse. i think i have a mane, but im not sure. i have a horn on my forehead, though its curved and not straight like in most depictions of unicorns. my eyes are clear (dont know the color yet), i have a beard in my unicorn form (not sure about the faun form though) and my ears are bigger than a horse's (i think they look a bit like deer ears). one particular detail i know for some reason is that i have a black spot on my upper lip. i might have more black details on my body (the tips of my ears maybe?), i dont know.
theres a lot i don't know about this kintype, and that frustrates me a bit ngl. i dont know anything about my diet, my habits, my habitat or my abilities. i dont know if i have powers, or why i can change my form. i have almost no instincts to speak of, and havent had any mental shifts yet. all i get are envisage shifts (sometimes even phantoms), little flashes of what i look like and feelings i cant put into words yet.
i know things will start to make sense in due time, but its hard to be patient. ill figure it out eventually, i know. i just have to wait.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 2 years ago
I was wondering if you would possibly do a regressed ghoul with mama Aurora, please? Maybe some reassuring snuggles after a difficult ritual?
The show was cut short. It was no one’s fault, the storm had just gotten too dangerous for them to carry on. They were all devastated, obviously, but it was the best decision to keep everyone safe. 
They all kind of awkwardly stood backstage, not fully knowing what to do. The usual post show adrenaline wasn’t there, with them not being on stage for long enough. 
Aurora watched as Mountain stormed off the stage, the scowl on his face was evident even Through the mask. He didn’t say a word to anyone, just grabbed Swiss by the hand and dragged him into his dressing room, slamming the door behind him. 
Dew had laughed at him, saying something about ‘it should have been me’ and ‘pray for Swiss’ ass because he’s gunna need it.’ Rain had slapped his hand over Dew’s mouth before he could say anything else. 
Aurora wasn’t really paying attention, she was too busy looking for the one ghoul missing. Phantom. He was her summoning brother, her twin flame, she felt the connection of his presence more then the others. Which meant she felt his absence more. 
“Hey, has anyone seen Phantom? She asked, looking nervously around the ghouls. 
They all shook their heads at her, looking around between them like they’d only just realised he wasn’t there. 
“I haven’t seen him since he scampered off stage.” Rain replied to her, his hand still covering Dew’s mouth. “He ran off so fast.” 
“Check in my dressing room for him.” Cumulus smiles sweetly at her as she speaks. “He likes to hide in there sometimes.” 
Aurora takes off in the direction of Cumulus’ dressing room before anyone can say anything else.
Just like Cumulus had said, Phantom was on her dressing room, sat cross legged on the floor, picking fluff off the carpet. His helmet was still on but he’s pulled his balaclava down to his chin. He looked up hearing the door open. 
Aurora looked behind her to make sure Cumulus hadn’t followed her. 
“Mama? You want Cumulus? I can go get her she’s just down the hall.” 
Phantom pouts at her, shaking his head, making grabby hands towards her.  “Mama.” 
Aurora shuts the door carefully behind her.  “Me? I’m mama today?” 
Phantom nods, still making grabby hands towards her. She picks him up off the floor easily, she might be small but she’s strong. He wraps his legs around her hips, trying to bury his face into her neck but is stopped by his mask. He lets out a whine, pulling away from her neck with a sad pout on his face. 
Aurora laughs lightly at him, swaying them slightly where she stands.  “Why didn’t you take your mask off when you got off stage, bug?” 
Phantom points to the buckle under his chin.  “Tricky.” 
“Ah, I see. Couldn’t manage it on your own?” She undoes the buckle easily with one hand, pulling his helmet off, throwing it onto the sofa that’s pushed to the side of the room. 
Phantom shakes his head, fluffing his hair up and unglamouring his horns. He buries his head into her neck with a small sigh. 
Aurora sits down on the small sofa, moving Phantom so he’s sat more on her lap, keeping his head buried in her neck. He lets out a contented sigh, nuzzling deeper into her, rubbing his cheek against her shoulder. 
“What’s made you go so little, bug?” She runs her fingers through his hair, rubbing at his horns. “You don’t normally drop this fast.”  Phantom whimpers into her neck, fidgeting a little.  “Changed.” 
Aurora hums in realisation. “Ah, the schedule changed.” 
Phantom nods, rubbing his cheek against her shoulder harder. “I know, it’s hard when things change, huh?” 
Phantom wiggles down a little so his head is resting on her chest. “Don’t like it, mama.”  “Oh I know.” Aurora coos at him. “But you’re being so brave, are you? You didn’t even cry about it.” 
Phantom gives a little chuff. “Wanted to be brave for you, mama.” 
Aurora feels her heart melting out of her chest. “My brave boy, aren’t you?” She presses a kiss to the top of his head. “Hey, there’s one good thing about the show being over early.”
Phantom looks up at her with wide eyes, his pupils blown.“What?”  Aurora squeezes him close to her, pressing another kiss to the top of his head. “It means we can cuddle more.” 
Phantom let’s put a chuff that turns into a purr, snuggling deeper into Aurora's chest, rubbing his cheek against her. 
“Oh, I knew you’d like that.”  Phantom thrills, his ears flicking. “Want all the cuddles please, mama.” 
Aurora rubs a hand down his back, rubbing small circles at the bottom of his back. “You can have all the cuddles you want, baby.”  The two stay cuddled up on the sofa for a long time. So long that they both end up falling asleep, tangled up together on the lumpy backstage sofa. That’s how Cumulus finds them later and she can’t help pulling her phone out to take a picture of the cute sight. 
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ghostshipernr1 · 6 months ago
In my opinion, ghouls are a kind of hybrids of different animals, they retain their features, such as wings, tail, horns, as well as some behaviors: purring, chirping.
it looks like this:
Swiss - Tasmanian devil
He definitely inherited his wild and chaotic nature from this animal. He has strong fangs and sharp claws. It's hard to deal with during the day, but at night? Good luck. At night, hes hunting instincts are active thanks to its extraordinary sense of smell and well-adapted eyesight.
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Cirrus - raven
At first glance, it's easy to guess what animal she's related to by looking at the large pair of black wings on her back. If you don't even guess? Just wear something shiny, like a silver ring or necklace, and you'll be able to see her looking at you all day long. It's very likely that at some point she won't be able to take it anymore and when you look the other way she will try to steal it from you. (Most often with positive results) (Seriously, how does she even do that?)
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Mountain - St. Bernard
Personally, I believe that every earth ghoul is in some way related to a specific breed of dog. Just like his dog side, he is reflected in features such as loyalty, friendliness and great patience. Everyone wonders how he always seems so calm and collected even when Swiss, Phantom and Dew are bothering him and guess what? Even he doesn't know that.
Although everyone knows one thing, if you ever hurt someone in his pack, there is no place to hide. And when he finds you? Well, no one knows because no one has lived to tell about it yet.
Yup he's a really good boy
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Rain - otter
A fluffy ball in the middle of the lake, that's how you can describe our water ghoul. But don't let appearances fool you, sometimes it can be a real nuisance, like when he accidentally lost his favorite stone and didn't want to leave the lake area until he got it back (after an hour and a half search involving at least 20 people, it turned out that the stone was still was in his pocket) (oopsie:3).
Once Dew played him a documentary about Giant River Otters and he had to sleep with him for a week because he had nightmares (not nice Dew)
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Phantom - bat
As anyone would expect, our little gothic boy is most closely associated with bats. For this reason, it is impossible to miss a large pair of (as he calls it) "vampire" wings on his back.
Every year, the ministry holds a Halloween competition for the best costume. Every year since his call, his elaborate costumes have won at least the podium.
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Aurora - opossum
I know, I know, what does Aurora opossum sound like? Would such a sweet little ghoulette be an ugly half-rat from the trash? Now go to Cumulus or Mountain and say the exact same words and see what happens.
Immediately after visiting earth, Aurora had problems with self-esteem, which was not helped by her bald rat tail and gray, nondescript fur. The rest of the ghoulettes noticed this immediately and decided to change it. For a good week, none of them left Cirrus's room until Sunshine called an urgent meeting in the living room where, together with the rest, they presented the new face of Aurora. The previously bald tail is now covered in colorful ribbons, just like her beautifull hair, small claws covered with red nail polish, all the makeup well matched to her complexion and finally a beautiful dress that Mountain couldn't take his eyes off. The first moment Aurora noticed the proud and happy faces of her companions, she immediately ran to the mirror and immediately cried, but this time they were not tears of sadness, but tears of happiness.
Since then, everyone has made her realize how beautiful she is at every step (and she believes it every time).
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Dewdrop - rabbit
Really a rabbit? Damn rabbit? From the beginning of its life, Dewdrop has been asking himself this question. After all, how could this big scary ghoul be related to something so... Cute? No wonder, after all, it's hard to take someone seriously with big fluffy ears that just beg to be pet. But don't make Swiss' mistake and don't underestimate him, after all, he is still a fiery ghoul and that element of heat still makes itself felt. (Poor Swiss, after calling Dew a snowflake, he has been knocked out for 10 minutes because he got hit in his balls so hard). Despite his fluffy white fur and cute little tail, Dew knows how to defend himself well - after all, it's not for nothing that nature gave him damn strong legs and even stronger teeth. However, this does not change the fact that, just like Aurora, he still has many problems with self-esteem (If they could, they would gladly switch animals). What Dew doesn't like the most in the world are the sweet looks people gave him when he tries to walk down the hall as if nothing happened and, even worse, when they try to touch him. (But don't worry, Aether knows how to deal with them).
It took him a long time to get used to his own appearance, and even now, when he notices many advantages in himself (for example, teasing Aether in his favorite shorts that perfectly fit his god gift ass), he still has a lot of doubts. But don't worry, on such days there will always be a ghouls ready to prove him that he is perfect the way he is.
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Aether - grizzly bear
Try to guess who in the ministry gives the best hugs?
Any ideas?
Then I will answer you of course its Aether!!!
The mix of his thick brown fur and soft belly gives us the perfect material for afternoon naps. Aether is the type of person who, when he sees someone having a bad day, immediately brews a good cup of tea, turns on a comfortable movie and engages the person in a long cuddle session. Despite his comfortable nature and generally good view of the world, as soon as someone tries to harm his herd, in less than a second this sweet cuddly Teddy bear can turn into a bloodthirsty beast and nothing can stop him. Sometimes when he sees members of his family arguing and it escalates to possible harm to each other, he has to react. He personally hates himself for this because his greatest fear is that in the eyes of ghouls he loves, he will become a monster.
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Cumulus - snow owl
For the first month that Rain and the ghoulett met, he could only describe her as absolutely terrifying. Don't get him wrong Cumulus is like a sister to him but... the way despite her huge snow-white wings, she is able to sneak up on him and scare him is absolutely terrifying.
Once, when he went to the kitchen at 2 a.m. to get a glass of water, he noticed her standing by the fridge. He called her and she turned her head 180 degrees and asked what was going on. He ran out of the kitchen in terror and couldn't sleep that night. The next day he discover flowers on his desk and a card with an apology (where did she get the flowers at 2 a.m.?). Fortunately, after a year of living together, Rain know that there is nothing to be afraid of and Lulu is one of the nicest people he knows.
In appearance, apart from the previously described wings, Cumulus has pearly snow skin, white fluff surrounding its neck and ankles, and large white curly hair resembling a cloud. Despite her elegant appearance, Cumulus isn't afraid to get down and dirty and is more than willing to do some spontaneous mud wrestling with Mountain or roll around in the gurney with Swiss. (Poor Cirrus who then has to take care of her tangled feathers)
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Sunshine - pony
She loves racing. And when I say she loves it, I don't mean racing once im a while. NO. Every day, she, Dew and Swiss (aka the fastest ghouls in the Ministry) have to compete with each other every time. No matters of its of who takes the bathroom faster, who takes someone else's seat, who gives Copia the documents from his desk faster. She just loves it.
She, Dew and Swiss are a real danger.
Besides, she's a really good girl, really...
While the rest of the ghouls have paws or claws, she is the only one with hooves, poor Cirrus has a really hard time cleaning them from dirt, grass and mud.
When we talk about the sunshine, one fact cannot be omitted... She has a beautiful blonde ponytail and every day she devotes at least an hour to its care so that she can wave it proudly.
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I hope you liked it, if you want a story about one of the ghouls, don't be afraid to ask :3
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failedpotato · 7 months ago
A list of Zelda songs I’m hyperfixating on, and why
The Great Sea (Phantom Hourglass verison)
- The part where it goes Ab - G minor - C minor SLAPS so hard, Istg sometimes I listen to this song only for those 5 seconds
-Idk I just love that part, it makes it different from the WW version - more nostalgic, in a way? It feels like… traveling. Being on an adventure far from home, and having fun yet missing the way things used to be
Dragon Roost Island (Wind Waker)
- A rhythmical masterpiece
- This song stands out for being both energetic, catchy, nostalgic, wistful, a little sad, and happy all at once
- Obsessed with part where it goes G minor - F - Bb . Maybe it’s because it finally breaks free from the G minor - F that we’ve been hearing up until this point
- I don’t have the musical vocabulary to explain why I love this one lmao. Rhythm is energetic and bouncy, flute/melody is soft and based on long, soaring notes. They complement each other so well
Hytopia (Tri Force Heroes)
- Embarrassingly enough I heard this one for the first time just last week
- I particularly love the beginning, and I love the instrumentation! The accordion fits so well to the vibe of a cozy, medieval village/town (I’ve never played tri force heroes, idk anything about what hytopia is like 🤡)
- It stands out as a very original/easily recognizable village theme but maintains some important elements from the Kakariko village theme! The guitar plays a figure that’s similar to Kakariko
Eagle’s Tower (Link’s Awakening)
- I’m pretty sure my favorite dungeon theme from this game is the Face Shrine, but this one has been stuck in my head way more recently
- It’s so eerie! While Face Shrine is as well, Face Shrine is more sad and dramatic while this one is just plain creepy
- Maybe I’m biased because I enjoyed playing this dungeon very much (I’m p sure I jumped back and forth between floors waaay more than necessary though 🫠)
- It’s like Link is just going through the motions at this point
Lanayru Mining Facility (Skyward Sword)
- Mmm yummy musical texture
- I can’t tell you what instruments are playing but I can tell you that they’re really satisfying to listen to
- I don’t care for the horn that comes in a few seconds in, I just love the mallets (???) and melodic percussion
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hislittlestar · 2 months ago
If it is okay for you, for the Demonkin Question List No. 6 & 8 :) Have a beautiful day :)
That’s more than okay! Thank you, I hope you have a beautiful day too @subterraneanwatcher :)
6. Do you experience phantom limbs?: As previously mentioned on this blog, I have (on the astral) horns, wings, fangs, pointed ears, wings, a tail, sharp nails, and hooves. I DO experience phantom limbs! I’ve definitely been experiencing them more now that I’m aware that I have these parts, and know what they look like.
I experience my horns as invisible weights on the sides of my head, a tiny bit of weight on my bottom lip where my fangs are, and discomfort and lowkey pain on the tips of my ears when I lay on them. I sort of always have back pain due to my scoliosis, so it’s hard to distinguish any wing-like or even tail-like feeling back there. Though if I try and focus, I can feel them. My wings meet on my spine where it’s curved. I get pain in my flat feet from standing or walking a lot (I want my hooves back please).
My wings, tail, and horns phase through objects, so I’ve never experienced discomfort because of them getting in the way. I’ve been feeling my fangs and ear tips for years, way before I knew about any of this stuff.
8. Did you have a different name? Do you remember your name?: I do have a different name. My current name is just a human name my human parents gave me when I was born in this incarnation. Though I like that it shares the same first three letters as Lord Lucifer’s enn, “Ren”.
As for my real name, that is honestly a current point of frustration for me. I can’t seem to figure it out and Lucifer won’t tell me. Or maybe he has told me and I’ve doubted it?? It’s and confusing and frustrating and at this point I just wanna know what it isssss. It’s that same feeling when a word is on the tip of your tongue except it’s been lasting months. 😭 If anyone with good clairaudience wants to give their insight, it would be appreciated. Hopefully I’ll find it out sometime soon.
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therianterritory · 1 year ago
Hello 👋
Recently I've been looking into the whole therian/fictkin (I can't spell)/alterhuman ECT communities because at first it was just for fun and to see what the internet has been doing lately but it's started to feel less like a polite exploratory thing and more a thing I've been considering in myself.
I don't really know why it's all of a sudden become a thing I'm personally interested in but it has and I'm very confused.
I don't think I'm a therian because I got basically none of the "criteria" ( I know it's not like a list you check off but I'm nothing like any of the therians Ive seen online) and it's mildly distressing when I think too hard about it.
Ive been asking around but no one has been responding and I'm hoping maybe you can help as you've stated that you are an educator.
I have a list of things I felt like may fit along the lines of the aforementioned identities (sorry if that's the wrong word to use. I'm really nervous and trying to be as respectful as possible)
- When I was a kid I used to wish I could build a den/nest and used to get really sad when I had to take down my pillow "nests"
- I had a fascination with things that could fly and always wished that I had wings. Not necessarily that I was a type of bird but more like a hybrid human with wings.
- sometimes now I wish I had wings and it's almost like I can feel them stretch when I flex my back
- I had a fun idea to create horns once and I couldn't sleep thinking about how much I couldn't wait to make them. And when I made them it just felt so right to have them on. They felt natural.
- Sometimes I'll just run around my backyard whilst no one is home and it gives me an amazing sense of being free.
- Ive always been fascinated with the forest and ever since I was a little kid I used to imagine living in the forest all on my own and making a treehouse to live in away from society.
I honestly don't know if any of that means anything and I'm really really sorry for such a long message but I just really need some answers or guidance right now. Literally anything could be helpful if you have the time to read this.
Hope you have a good day
Hi! I am of course never able to tell people whether they are alterhuman of any kind or not. This is simply something that you can only tell for yourself. All I can do is give advice on how to look into your identity more accurately. So I will just review the things you've mentioned and give advice if I see fit. You can do with this what you want. My advice is also not the answer to everything.
While it's good to take your childhood into account, it's also very important to realize that as kids, we have a way bigger imagination. Unless you really feel like your urges and behaviors from the past weren't completely human, wanting to do things as a kid usually does not say much. I often recommend for people to mostly look at what they experience now, unless the past holds any significance despite childhood imagination (I'm therewith not stating however, that what you experienced is imagination and not alterhumanity. That's something I cannot know). I'm just saying that in my opinion, what you experienced as a kid isn't always one-hundred percent reliable. But do surely take it into consideration alongside your current experiences!
Feeling phantom wings is definitely a potential alterhuman experience. What's mostly important is to think for yourself whether you focus on the phantom wings on purpose when you believe you feel them, or if they are simply there naturally. While even natural shifts may sometimes occur when you consciously focus on it, any sign of consciously inducing a shift might mean that the experience was not an involuntary experience (and therianthropy is of course mostly determined by that). So the question is rather if you ever experienced such phantom sensations or other types of shifts, behaviors, instincts, and/or urges without thinking about it at all. Or if something somewhat unrelated triggered you into such a state.
Having an affection for nature and deliberating actions are debatable things. Because humans are instinctively also drawn to nature, and running around would probably be a freeing experience to anyone. It's always important to nuance your experiences with human instincts to at least some extend (while sometimes, of course, it may overlap) The question is rather how it made you feel on the inside. Do you feel like you aren't your human self when you do these things? Or do you feel like your human self mixes with something else? Etc.
In the end, it's really about how you define yourself and the nonhuman experiences you have naturally. And be mindful of the other alterhuman terms as well. You say you might be a humanoid creature in some way, so do not be afraid to look into Otherkin and the like as well! Therianthropy is really about that natural animalistic experience. If you do not have that, that doesn't mean you cannot identify as alterhuman/nonhuman!
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bittybat28 · 1 year ago
(SOME NSFW stuff 18+)
(Warnings: some sex stuff, mentions of blood)
(I am surprised that people seemed to like my last one so here’s another because I have so many floating around in my brain!)
SWISS: Swiss is like that older brother who likes to trick others into believing things he’s made up. Like one time when Phantom was newly summoned he asked why they used to call Copia, Cardinal and Swiss told him Copia was actually a bird and would fly away during winter. It ended with Copia being very confused and consoling a devastated ghoul. Swiss got in trouble later on but he still thought it was hilarious! His favorite movie is Footloose and he knows all the moves! He can become overwhelmingly hyper to the point it’s hard to control himself and if he’s like this during sex, well you won’t be walking the next day, that’s for sure! He’s very affectionate and playful but there are times when he just wants to be completely alone. Swiss is always dancing. It doesn’t matter where he is or what he’s doing, those hips are moving!
SODO: Sodo is often times grumpy but like Swiss, he can get overly hyper in a pretty rough way! He especially gets like this during heat and he gets feral! He likes to perch on the couch like a gremlin especially when he’s interested in a movie they’re watching, especially if it’s one of his favorites like nightmare on elm street! He’s been afraid of thunderstorms ever since his transition from water to fire but his ego keeps him from telling the others so he spends nights like that in his closet curled up. His stuffed animal collection is very important to him and they all have to be positioned just right on his shelf. He’s been caught eating cigarette’s before by Copia and the two just stared at each other until Copia just backed away. He loves the smell and taste of blood so he’s got a definite blood kink in bed and will often times be rough enough to cause some bruising and bleeding!
Rain: Rain is pretty reserved compared to the others but that doesn’t mean he can’t be wild. If you let him outside while it’s raining, he runs and jumps like he hasn’t seen the outside world in years. He listens to ocean sounds at night and sometimes sleeps in the bathtub when he can’t get comfortable in bed. Aqua Marine is his comfort movie, I don’t make the rules! He loves doing puzzles and it makes him even happier when the others join him. He goes feral if his horns are kissed and if you play with his tail, he’s taking you right then and there! He suffers from migraines, especially after a long practice and he will submerge himself in the bath for hours. He may be a quieter ghoul but when he makes jokes, he has the other ghouls (even Sodo!) rolling with laughter!
Mountain: Mountain is like that one person who doesn’t say much but when they do, its the wisest shit you’ve ever heard. He gets achy because of how tall he is, always scrunched or bending down so if you want to show this ghoul some love, massages are the key! Forget-me nots are his favorite flowers, loving how tiny they are in his hands. He loves the Dark Crystal movie and will watch it over and over again. If you ask him what he wants to watch he’ll say it’s whatever you want but he’s too polite to say he wants the Dark Crystal. Choose it for him, he will be so happy! An angry Mountain is a very scary Mountain. Everyone quickly learned not to mess with him when he was having a bad day and Sodo ended up hurdling across the room like a discarded toy after scorching one of his plants during a spat with Mountain over dirt getting all over Sodo’s side of the couch. He is a cuddle bug and one way to rile him up is to straddle his lap and if he’s shirtless, trail kisses from his tummy, upward. He loves the feeling of your lips on his body!
PHANTOM: goth boy! Phantom loves old vampire movies, often stealing them from Copia. It seems like the majority of us agree that he loves bats and he has a big collection of books about them. His favorite is the black mastiff bat because they’re funny looking! He also loves being in the cemetery, a place he was often found hiding in after being newly summoned. He struggled and still sometimes struggles with his appearance due to his scars but words of affirmation and kissing his scars perks this guy right up! He loves being read to, especially when it’s Edgar Allen Poe stories. Phantom is very touchy. He wants to kiss and touch you all over every chance he gets. Tug on his shirt collar or pull him close by his belt loops and this ghoul is yours all night!
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raayllum · 2 years ago
set like 10ish years post-s5 idk man
Once Claudia has taken her prosthetic off for the day, she’s loath to put it on for anything, which is how she finds herself dithering over getting up from her comfy armchair to get up and go to bed. Ezran’s study is more than partially also hers, now, with plenty of her herbalist tomes stacked next to the sealed up scrolls on his desk, but the king had taken his leave maybe twenty minutes ago, and she knows she should retire soon.
In a bit, though. For now she just wants to close her eyes and appreciate the luxury of a comfy chair and warm castle, after so long, of a young man of twenty-two with a warm smile that she doesn’t deserve having directed at her, but it is, and—
The door opens and she starts, not recognizing the silhouette for a moment besides horns, but then—
“Oh,” says Rayla, hovering in the doorway. She steps in without apology, though, which is fair, after everything. “I didn’t realize you were still in here.”
“I was just about to go,” Claudia admits. And while Rayla can go into any room in the castle, she rarely comes here outside of more private council meetings. “Are you looking for something?”
“Callum left a scroll here earlier.” 
Claudia gestures to the desk behind her like be my guest, and ignores her dread of the colder months incoming. The castle had always been drafty in her youth, but that had hardly been a problem. Now, though, with the phantom pains... Claudia has been without her leg for eight years now, but it still hits sometimes, how much worse the winter makes the aching of her stump.
She kneads it without thinking, scowling equally on instinct when she catches Rayla looking. “What?” she says, and then softens. Her temper has always been a nasty thing, and adjusting to castle life—to being a fully realized person again and not a wounded animal backed into a corner, afraid to show any sign of weakness—has been difficult, but... 
“I’m sorry,” Rayla finally says, brow creased, the secured scroll in one hand. “About your leg.” She holds her other arm to her chest, the bad wrist Claudia had first noticed as something to use against her, and now something the mage tries to forget. “I almost lost my... I didn’t realize when I cut the tentacle what it would do.”
“Would you have made a different choice if you’d known?” Claudia asks almost flatly, and they share a strange smile.
It’s what explains the absence of anger in her chest, maybe, Claudia reflects; the knowledge that Rayla had always done whatever actually needed to be done, and not just what was convenient to believe even as said belief became continually more fractured and frayed. 
Claudia tucks a strand of dyed black hair behind her ear, exhaling as the other woman takes a seat in the armchair across from her, the hearth in the fireplace casting shifting light over both their faces.
“You don’t have to apologize for it,” Claudia says, a lump of pain and gratefulness in her throat. She hates that she doesn’t know just how far, just how much damage, she could’ve caused otherwise. Everything in her softens though, even the sharp sting of regret and shame, as she fidgets with her fingers. “Losing a leg is definitely worth keeping Ezran in my life.” Then she catches herself, her brain catching up with her heart, and adds, “And I, um, I’m glad of course I didn’t hurt you and Callum further, I—”
Rayla is already looking at her when Claudia looks up, a little panicked, but Rayla’s face isn’t disapproving or even surprised. She looks pensive and hard to read instead, brow slightly creased—did Claudia give away too much, or nothing at all?—before her lips twitch. She reaches over and pats Claudia on the hand. 
“Of course,” Rayla says, rising. “Well, I’ll leave you to it—and you’ll go to bed soon? You know Ez wouldn’t want to come back in the morning to find you here.” 
Claudia manages a tiny smile. “Yeah. You’re probably right.” She reaches down and straps on her prosthetic, groaning a bit, and Rayla holds the door open as they go out into the hall and go their separate ways.
Still, Claudia supposes she’s glad their paths led them here.
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gh-woah-st · 2 years ago
Kitty Dew Tidbits
Some important little things @sphylor, @divine-misfortune, and I have said that probably won't make its way into a post on its own.
This got long so there's a second post with puppy Mountain here
So Sphy did end up talking about the hats thing but I had already compiled this list so instead have some pictures of kitty Dew's hats
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Also mentioned in that post is the shark onesie, which kitty Dew LOVES. It was originally Rain's so it's a bit big on him, but that makes it even more perfect because it smells like Rain and the sleeves are long enough to flap around
This one is a direct copy and paste because no summary will capture it correctly
Rain does that thing where he'll stick his tongue out a little when he's focused and Dew always mirrors it "oh its time for bleps now? ok!!" Rain: :p Dew: :p
Dew is captivated by videos of birds at bird feeders and sits as close to the TV as possible to bap at the birds
(one time they had to replace the TV because he tried to pounce on a bird and broke it)
(The first time he saw a bird outside the window he nearly got a concussion by pouncing at it head on)
Rain and Dew also sometimes watch ocean documentaries in bed on Rain's laptop, and Rain has to keep his arms around Dew to keep him from trying to attack the fish. Maybe also to hold a cuddly kitty, but mostly to keep him from pouncing... definitely
Speaking of sleepy kitty Dew, he has a very specific bedtime and if he and Rain aren't cuddled up in bed by that time he will meow incessantly at Rain, even herding him to their room if he's tired enough or Rain takes too long
He also never sleeps normally. There's a shared photo album with all the ghouls specifically for pictures of Dew in the oddest, most uncomfortable looking positions ever. Conversations in which Rain says "idk, I've gotten used to it" or Dew says "ooohh. So that's why my back hurts so much" are very common
He likes to sit in freshly made laundry, just napping the day away. It's warm and smells like his pack, so why wouldn't he nap there?
Every once in a while, really just often enough for it to not lose its novelty, if someone accidentally runs into kitty Dew, someone else will recite the Miette post for Dew
That's normally only when Dew didn't even notice he was bonked into. When he does, he puts on the biggest show of being hurt for attention, kisses, and cuddles. He does that every time he falls over, plays too hard, or anything else that could "hurt" him. If they had to pay infirmary bills Dew would be the cause for all of them from that alone.
Every time he goes outside, kitty Dew finds a rock to add to his collection. These rocks range from a piece of sidewalk that chipped off to something actually beautiful, and they are equally important
He also likes to steal buttons off people's clothes without them noticing. He stashes them under his bed, then after a while (when he remembers about the stash) Dew will put them in a box specifically for his buttons
The abbey only has door knobs, which kitty Dew can't figure out how to use, so Rain installed a handle for their bedroom door
"How to interact with Kitty Dew," a guide for new kids (Phantom)
1. Actually get close to him and let him cuddle up to you 2. He likes being scratched behind his horns 3. If you can't tell what he wants just sit or lay down and let him curl up to you, entertain himself, or direct you to what he wants 4. If he stretches to expose his belly this is NOT an invitation to pet him there. It is actually a dastardly trap (Proof: Swiss has scars) 5. DO NOT upset him you might actually die 6. Stop tensing up whenever he goes near you he's literally a cat what is he actually going to do 7. He really likes trying to catch your tail if you swish it across the floor 8. You gotta let him catch your tail eventually though otherwise he'll get stressed and WILL bite you. Also make sure to give him lots of praise when he catches it 9. Do not give him caffeine. He will get zoomies² and you will move up on Rain's hit list (Proof: Swiss has scars from that too)
He tried to fight the tinsel on the Christmas tree once. He was found with the smuggest face and tinsel everywhere on him
If he's feeling extra silly he likes to roly poly around (links to twitter)
Dew constantly bonks Rain's mouth to ask for kisses then just looks up at him expectantly. After he gets his kiss he holds little mousey out so it can get a kiss too
Sometimes when Rain goes to kiss Dew he will lightly bite Rain's nose instead, giggling like crazy when he pulls back
Rain reads to kitty Dew a lot. Mostly kids chapter books so that Dew can follow along
Rain often wakes up to kitty Dew staring at him, inches away from his face
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Though if Dew gets tired of waiting for Rain to wake up, he'll start playing with Rain's plushes and slowly start batting them closer and closer to Rain's face to "accidentally" wake him up
Sometimes when Dew plays with his toys he makes quiet chirping sounds to himself, like he's talking to them or making them talk
Mountain going puppy triggers Dew's kitty brain and vice versa. This causes a lot of problems when one of them has work to do
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that-grinning-thing · 10 months ago
Do you tend to experience shifts ? If so, then what are they like ?
- @bendyy-blog
honestly i think they're different depending on the shift i'm in!! since i come from multiple timelines an' have different forms in each one, they're all different in their own way but i'll tell ya the most common ones i experience! i'll usually get phantom limb shifts like my tail, horns, claws + gloves, bowtie, etc (i can also easily imagine those limbs being there when that type a' shift happens!!)
then i'll get mental shifts an' usually if it's an ink bendy shift i just have this weird desire ta' be more animalistic such as feelin' a prey drive and wanting ta' hunt somethin' down, do quadrobics (it's also fun exercise), feel as though i should be more powerful, feel more emotional about certain things an' people i once knew, sometimes feel like doin' the mouth jittery thing like how i actually do in game, etc (i do have other kintypes than this which also makes sense,, but also even though i get these animalistic urges i'd NEVER actually try ta' harm anyone!! i'm very much aware of my own actions) though i also can't remember if i've had any actual toon bendy shifts or not but i do remember gaining an actual vivid memory of bein' in that form once (though i never saw my full body but still) so that's pretty neat
both kinshifts also make me wanna talk with either a new york/brooklyn or new jersey accent despite me not actually growing up with that accent completely though i have kinda learned it ta' be able to do comic dubs an' stuff (that's also why i have the typing quirk!! though most a' the time i just type normally but it's fun usin' this y'know?)
i also hope this makes sense since sometimes it's kinda hard ta' explain what goes on in my head /lh
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closetkitsune · 3 months ago
Trying to figure out what I am...
I first discovered therianthropy from, of all places, a random tweet on twitter informing people that therianthropy wasn't cultural appropriation. I did some research and...it just kind of fit? It wasn't a massive mind-blowing moment or anything, but a more subdued "...huh, I guess that explains various things", and a short bout of research later, I finally accepted the label for myself more formally.
Now my issue is figuring out my theriotype... That part so far is tricky.
In the past I was unsure; only that I was some kind of mammal with a long tail, like a cat or something. I later thought I was a fox, or a cat, but shied away from picking either because I do love both of those and I'm wary of "You only picked that theriotype because it's your favorite, it's not actually you!" kind of stuff. I later considered a grey fox, and then bobcat. Aaaand that leads to now.
Thus far I'm pretty comfortable with the Kitsune type. I mean, I do like kitsune; they're one of my favorite mythical creatures! But I also know I have a past life as a kitsune, and I often wonder if my adoration for foxes was a hint. (Fun fact, I kept changing my favorite animal growing up, I don't know why lmao. First it was cats, then I got really into horses for a bit, then dogs for a brief time, then rats/bats/snakes, and now I feel like I've finally settled on foxes being my favorite. What a wild ride.)
I had a past life as a Canadian Lynx as well, and that made a little more sense than a bobcat. I don't feel this theriotype quite so strongly, though, if that makes sense? I'm told that it's normal to feel certain theriotypes more strongly than others, though, so maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Recently I started considering that I might be dragonkin, too, instead of just dragon-hearted. A while back I fantasized *hard* about being a dragon, and I was obsessed with them. I still come back to them a lot, too, and I had a dream once that I was transforming into one and I felt so excited.
I know that I feel fangs, and some kind of phantom tail...sometimes phantom ears? Or horns? Pretty sure it's ears. Recently I felt phantom wings as well. I think? Phantom limbs for me are super super faint. Like, I can feel where they're attached to me, but I can barely feel the rest, if at all.
I've always had such a fascination with transformation sequences, too? And sometimes I'd fantasize about transforming, myself. That's probably not the best metric for figuring myself out, but I feel like it *could* help, somehow? Maybe?
Maybe I'm thinking about all of this too hard, lol. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, but so far it's been a challenge because I'm torn between what feels right and trying to do it "correctly" thanks to past trauma making that a bad habit :'D
If anyone ends up reading this, I'd be grateful for advice regarding this, or tips on things to try.
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polskasroka · 1 year ago
Ghostober Day 23
Welcome to Day 23 of Ghostober created by @kroas-adtam!
Pairing: Rain/Phantom
Main tag(s): Face Fucking, Degradation
Additional tag(s)/cw: none
Word Count: 1190 words
Read also on ao3!
Rain had his hands braced against a wall, on either side of Phantom’s head. The latter was sporting a smirk on his face and a spark in his purple eyes. Said spark was a clear indication of him wanting more out of this specific situation and the water ghoul didn’t hesitate to ask about just that.
“What is it that you need?” He purred, glancing down at the smaller demon’s lips.
“Treat me like Aether treats you,” Phantom replied quickly, determined like never before.
Rain’s dark blue eyes widened at the sudden pang of arousal that ran through his body.
“Don’t be surprised. I know what you two do. It’s hard not to hear it.” Phantom grinned innocently. “It’s sometimes hard not to see it.”
There was something so intense in Rain’s piercing look that made Phantom shudder. His tail flicked to the sides as his breathing sped up because of all this anticipation.
“I know you like it, Rainy. And I know that you’d like to–”
“On your knees. Now.”
The smirk never left Phantom’s lips when he fell down to kneel in front of Rain. He was trapped between the taller ghoul and the wall behind, which had him squirm, feeling the warmth and tightness slowly gather in the pit of his stomach.
He let his mouth hang agape as his eyes followed Rain’s fingers that were working on the belt and zip of his pants in a hurry. In the meantime, Phantom sighed, rubbing his cheek and forehead against Rain’s thigh, occasionally licking the fabric of his jeans. Rain saw it all and it took his whole willpower to control the dizziness the view was causing. He began to realise why Aether liked to have him in such a position so much.
“Eager slut, aren’t you?” Rain huffed as he finally freed his half-hard cock from his pants and underwear.
“Your eager slut, Rainy,” Phantom purred and gave Rain’s shaft a long lick from the base to the tip.
It sent a chill down the water ghoul’s spine and knocked a gasp out of his lungs. While he was still leaning against the wall, he watched Phantom grab his thighs for a better angle and more leverage. The look the smaller imp cast at him was filthy but Rain had no time to dwell on that, since yet another warm and wet stripe was left along the underside of his stiffening dick.
“Come on,” Rain growled, impatience written all over him, “do it like a real whore. Don’t disappoint me.”
“Yes, Sir,” Phantom slurred, brushing his lips against the tip.
The grip he had on Rain’s thighs only tightened as the water ghoul pushed his cock in-between Phantom’s lips, whether he was ready for it or not. Rain’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as soon as he felt warmth embracing his girth and Phantom knitted his eyebrows, focusing on the task at hand and on trying to control and adjust his breathing to this new predicament.
It wasn’t the first time he’d been told to suck Rain off but his harshness surely worked its wonders on him. Phantom moaned around the shaft in his mouth, since the pressure in his underbelly was making itself more and more noticeable, his own cocks demanding attention.
Phantom inhaled sharply through his nose when he felt Rain’s hands wrap around his horns. The soft rub against them tingled and he squeezed his eyes shut, revelling in the caress and the fullness in his mouth. The nice sensation on his horns made him hollow his cheeks, eliciting a hiss of pleasure from Rain. The sound caused Phantom to smile, as much as he could, given the fact that his lips were quite busy at the moment.
Soon enough, though, his throat was equally as busy. With no warning, Rain pushed his hips forward, making Phantom’s gag reflex activate as he slid his shaft into the smaller ghoul’s throat. Phantom coughed around him and wanted to draw back but the hands holding his horns weren’t going to let go.
“Stay still. Breathe,” Rain ordered, keeping Phantom’s nose pressed against his lower stomach.
Phantom whined and trembled, trying to control his need to throw up, feeling his eyes water.
“Whores like you don’t complain.”
The dangerous growl forced Phantom to finally get himself together, for he didn’t want to anger Rain even more. He still felt as if he’d been choking and drool trickled out of the corner of his stuffed mouth and trickled down his chin. The tears soon joined, flowing out of his eyes in tiny drops, which Rain noticed. Knowing better than that, the water ghoul pulled out an inch or two, bringing relief into Phantom’s mind and body.
He took a deep breath through his nose and then looked up at Rain. Instead of discomfort, determination started to shine in his purple irises and that confidence encouraged Rain to use Phantom’s horns again, only to make him take Rain’s dick deep into his mouth and throat once more.
Rain repeated the action. And he repeated it again, and again, and again, picking up the pace, so that he soon had Phantom choke on his cock. This time, though, he ignored the little whines and whimpers that may have been sounds of protest. He didn’t care and kept sliding Phantom’s mouth onto his hard length, without giving the smaller ghoul any breaks.
“You will take it, you slut. That’s what you were made for. You’re nothing more but a hole for me to fuck.”
It was those words that made Phantom lose it. They made something in his mind switch and in an instant, his jaw went slack and he let Rain use him as he pleased. With the hold still on his horns, he moved Phantom’s head, impaling him on the water ghoul’s shaft one time after another. Each hit against the back of Phantom’s throat had the quintessence demon flinch and gasp for air, much to the satisfaction of both of them.
The sounds and the sight Rain was being a witness to, were more than he’d ever dreamt of. Phantom was all his at that moment, having his mouth and throat abused by the other imp. It was all nearly too much for Rain himself and in no time, he was just as far gone as Phantom was; the difference was that it was him who was fucking Phantom’s face as if there’d been no tomorrow.
Ignoring his need to breathe completely, Phantom let Rain spill down his throat while his nose was pressed against the taller ghoul’s underbelly again. Phantom’s own erections didn’t matter. Rain’s hot pleasure spurting inside the quintessence ghoul mattered. Rain’s raw groan calling out Phantom’s name mattered.
The next time Phantom was aware of his surroundings was when Rain was massaging his sore jaw, cradling the smaller imp in his arms while they both were sat on the floor.
“Am I your good whore, Rainy?” Phantom mumbled, leaning into the water demon’s touch with his eyes closed.
“You’re my good, good voidling, Phantom,” Rain replied in the softest voice.
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cardi-c · 2 years ago
Favorite headcanon for every ghoul! Go!
Oh boy!! I’m not a writer by any means and i’m not that creative i just daydream about the ghouls for my own comfort hhh but I tried to think of some things (I'm a bit embarrassed about it so under the cut dkjsasa)
Aether: so in my imagination, the ghouls have a more demonic form when they take off their masks/helmets. Aeth is a bit insecure about his form because he’s very big and has been told he looks scary. So he often makes himself smaller to appear less intimidating and talks with a softer voice. He just wants the siblings of sin to know that he's no threat :(
Dew: I imagine dew to have a poetic side. He writes poems in his diary that he hides under his bed. He’s somehow very embarrassed about them. Aether once found it while cleaning up and he had to swear to not tell the others about it. Edit, adding this because i just talked about it: even though the writing is embarrassing for him it's sometimes much easier than talking! He has trouble voicing his emotions, i imagine he would actually like to be able to simply project his thoughts into people hhhh like he once tried with intense staring to telepathically tell his fellow ghouls he loves them
Rain: I visualize Rain’s demonic form somehow how very amphibian. I wrote this down somewhere I can see his eyes blinking sideways like here x. I also think he gets overwhelmed easily and likes to submerge himself underwater when everything gets too much.
Mountain: I think a common thought to imagine mountain as a stoic person? I agree but id like to think he has a very deadpan sense of humor? He loves fucking with people and when they can't tell whether he's serious or not. He also moves almost silently, sometimes he just likes to sneak up on unsuspecting siblings just to stare at them ominously.
Swiss: Swiss is well flirty but he just genuinely loves complimenting people. He WILL notice the tiniest things and he WILL tell you did a great job! On the other hand if you compliment him on something other than his appearance (He knows he's hot!) like his musical skills he will blush and be bashful.
Phantom: When Phantom was summoned he almost imprinted on dew kjsadj he followed him around like a lost puppy (Dew acted like he hated it but was secretly pleased). At first, Phantom tried to copy Dew’s moves, he felt very awkward about it and was very hard on himself after every show. But then he realized that the fans loved him being himself and now he's super comfortable on stage, in fact he's the ghoul that’s most excited for the rituals, he's practically vibrating before every show. (I had a very vivid daydream about this)
Cumulus: I think Cumulus just absolutely adores humans. She gets suuuper excited about human traditions and habits. Sometimes she leaves packaged snacks lying in front of the door of siblings. You know like cats bring us mice they caught because they think were dummies who can't hunt for themselves djkasjdas. Other than that I think you can't get a hug that doesn’t last at least 30 seconds from her damn I want a cumulus hug
Cirrus: Cirrus has a lot of craftbased hobbies. I imagine her to have her own little room for everything she creates. She likes making little metal trinkets and gifts them to the other ghouls to decorate their horns and tails with. She has made special friendship bracelets for the ghoulettes!
Sunshine: In my head sunny is like a huuuge nerd and she gets very invested in human popculture. Sometimes she speaks in movie quotes. She also loves boardgames and forces the other ghouls to join in. As soon as they play shes ruthless tho djsajdas Her and Dew have butted heads over monopoly and didn’t talk for a day afterwards
Aurora: I think we have agreed that aurora is a princess. I think she loves twirling and dancing around in huge flowy dresses and because of that, I think she likes dressing up? Like maybe historically accurate costumes or something like cosplay (I think sunny would recommend her characters and would fall in love with her even more)
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octahedral-chaos · 1 year ago
Not too sure on this, but I'm currently questioning if I may be Alterhuman of some kind?
Like I know I'm already technically Voidpunk but... I occasionally have what could potentially be phantom limbs? Like sometimes, I have this weird feeling on my back that suggests "wings," or on my head that could either be "ears" or "horns." Like it's a bit hard to describe.
Also I always loved bodies of water, especially natural ones! I really like the ocean and rivers, like it feels weirdly free? Also animals, I always had an obsession with animals! Like I used to growl and learn about almost every animal species under the sun! I still try to do both of those.
But the thing is... if I am Alterhuman... what am I? Everything seems too vague to get any specific details, and I think I know I'm human, or am I just telling myself "I am human," but somehow does not realise that I am actually not one?
Feel free to offer any advice, because I am trying to figure myself out and it's somewhat hard.
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